HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 321-2L; CT 90-14; AVIARA PLANNING AREA 16; L1-L46.,.__; CLIE-N.T: ] ..... '._ ' D. R. HORTON CUSTOM HOMES 10179 HUENNEKENS STREET, SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 (619) 452-3700 PROJECT: D SITE PRODUCTION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE • ·->,-, f t ® NORTH N.T.S. • PHASE MAP' NOT TO SCALE ._ ) PHASE 2· .. PLANS NORTH N.T.S, General Notes The contractdr must notify the City Plan Check Consultant . (619-438-11~1) 72 hours (three working days), prior to starting constttrction. The landscape or irrigation contractor is to verify existing P .S.I. at job site prior to installing landscape irrigation system. Verification shall be made with the appropriate water district. All reduced pressure backflow preventers shall be tested after installation, relocation, or repai.ls by a City approved certified tester. Call 438-0218 for a list of City approved certified testers. Developer/owner is responsible for supplying a copy of the test results to the City Department of Utilities and Maintenance, 405 Oak Street_ The Contractor is responsible for obtaining building and plumbing permits prior to commencing wall construction and irrigation installation, respectively_ Irrigation systems for individual parcels shall have points of connection for the system between the water meter and water service riser into building and ahead of any water regulating device installed for building. SHEET INDEX L-1 L-1A L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6. L-7 L-8 L-9 .• L-1 0 L-11 L-12 L-13 L-14, L-15 L-16 L-17 L-18 L-19 L-20 L-21 L-22 L-23 L-24 L-25 L-26 L-27 L-28 L-29• _ L-30 L-31 L-32 L-33 L-34 L-35 L-36 L-37 L-38 L-39 L-40 L-41 L-42 L-43 L-44 L-45 L-46 TITLE SHEET TITLE SHEET CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION PLAN TYPICAL BUILDING WALK & PATIO LAYOUT ENTRY CONSTRUCTION PLAN ENTRY UTILITY PLAN REC. CENTER GRADING PLAN REC. CENTER CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION NOTES LIGHTING PLAN LIGHTING PLAN LIGHTING PLAN LIGHTING PLAN REC. CENTER LIGHTING PLAN LIGHTING DETAILS LIGHTING DETAILS IRRIGATION DETAILS IRRIGATION NOTES / CALCULATIONS IRRIGATION NOTES IRRIGATION NOTES IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGAT1ON PLAN l HEf\.EBY DECl.ARf niAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WO~ FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXEfCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS OEFjNED IN SECTION 6703 OF 11-!E BUSINESS AND PROl'ESS!ONS CODE. AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT Wini CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE Q-IECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY TI-IE Cm' OF CARLSBAD !S CONF'INED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT REUEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF W(DRK, Of MY RESPONSIBIUTIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN ~ - THESE Pv.NS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE wrrn THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIR£ PROTECTION Pv.N, AND Ail CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REIATED TO LANDSCAPING. . ENTRY IRRIGATION PLAN REC. CENTER IRRIGATION PLAN SY: --;!-t+..__._ . ...::,V,c_,0,:::,.i_tfN.:....:....::_'fz-""--=U:'..!.~./:.:...!,'...C.::•·~..J.l .::t;;;:.i;;P?'=.. __ TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN Preparo,r TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN ENTRY PLANTING PLAN REC. CENTER PLANTING PLAN ~ PLANTING DETAILS PLANTING NOTES MAINTENANCE NOTES MAINTENANCE NOTES APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS REVISION DESCRIPTION . ' SflT. NO DATE INITIA CITY APPROYA RCE __ _ EXP REY1EWED 3Y iNS?ECTOR ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 1ij TIT SHEET DATE DATE J(,>B #500116 ~ GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICrs "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES & REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS" DATED JUNE, 1991. 2, 3 ALL PUOLIC FACILITIES SUCH AS COMFORT STATIONS, DRINKING FOUNTAINS, ETC , SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SPRAY BY RECLAIMED WATER. NO PONDING. RUN-OFF OR OVER-SPRAY IS PERMITTED. 4. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 5 7. 9 10 11 . 12 ON-SITE CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEENS RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES IS Sl RICTLY PROHIBITED NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL ON-SITE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATl;;R DISTRICTS RULES AND REGULATIONS THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL RUN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. AND 6 00 A.M. lHE FOLLOWING MORNING (SPOT lf1RIGATION COULD BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIME) WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON SITE Pf10VIDE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 18 INCHES OF COVER OVER ALL WIRING AND PIPING. PRIVATE LOTS SIIAl_l BE Pf10TECTED FROM CONTACT FROM RECLAIMED WATER WI IETI l[R 13Y WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR BY Dlf1ECT APPLICATION, THROUGH IRRIGATION OR OHIER APPROVED USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION f'flACTICE Oil SYSTEM OPEflATION. IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CONTRACTOll SI IALL ADJUST HEADS TO PREVENT OVER-SPRAYING ON ALL SIDEWALKS, STREET. AND PRIVATE LOTS. OUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL HAVE A SPECIAL COUPLE KEY PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATEfl DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 13. METERS SHALL BE SIZED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. 14. 15, 16. 17 18 20. 21. * 24. AI.L llllllGATION PIPF. $1 IALL BE STENCILED, COLOR-CODED (PURPLE) AND WITH WARNING TAPE PER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS ALL POTABLE WATEf1 AND f1ECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH, WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE AND f1ECLAIMED WATER LINE CROSS. THE RECLAIMED LINE Sf IALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET Ff10M EACH SIDE, FROM HIE CENTER LINE OF POTABLE LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEFT A IO roor I I0f11ZON I/IL S[P/\f1AIION [JETWEEN POTABLE WATER AND RFCI.AIMED W/11 rn M/\INS MUS r R[ M/\IN[AIN[O AT All TIMES. TH[ POTABLE LINE MUST [J[ INSl/\LLED /\[JOVE HIE RECLAIMED LINE. A MINIMUM OF 12 INCi IES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST AND COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTnlCT ENGINEER AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PRIOR TO ANY USE OF llECLAIMED WATEll QUICK COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING A QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE 1 INCH NOMINAL SIZE N[LSON #7645. WITH BRASS CONSTRUCTION AND A NORMAL WORKING PRESSURE OF 150 PS I. OR RAIN BIRD #44NP IN Of1DER TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED USE, THE VALVE SHALL OE OPERATED ONLY WITH A SPECIAL COUPLER KEY WITH AN ACME THREAD FOR OPENING AND CLOSING THE VALVE C THE COVER SHALL BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE QUICK COUPLING VALVE. IT SHALL BE PURPLE RUBBER OR VINYL. D. LOCKING COVERS Afl.E REQUIRED. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION WILL BE DONE BY EITHER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OR SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY. DEVELOPER SHALL SI IOW THE LOCATION OF RC. SIGNS "DO NOT DRINK"" ON THESE PLANS. /IN ON-SITE USER/SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN WRITING. THIS INDIVIDUI\L SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITHIN THE PROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF ~ACKFL owrcnoss CONNECTION PROTECTION, AND THE SPECIFIC REOUlllEMENTS OF A RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE DESIGNATION, WITH CONTACT Pl IONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES /IND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMF.llGENCY CONTACT JACK REIMER @ ~51-3131 _ (Fill IN) (NAME') (TEL NO) OR AFTER 1-IOURS CONTACT ,!/\CK _Rl;!!Vll;R @ _ 851-3131 (FILL IN) (NAME) (TEL. NO.) ITEMS NOS_ 8,19 & 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ITEM NO. 22 THE SIGNAGE PLAN SHALL BE A PART OF THIS IRRIGATION PLAN BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS & TAGS WILL BE INSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER, 36" PURPLE LOGO WHITE BACKGROUND 1" PURPLE LETTERS WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK (N.T.S.) RECLAIMED WATER (SIZE) 12" X 36" AVISO -AGUA IMPURA NOTOMAR . 060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL. SIGNS Al SO 016 ALUMINUM 2" PURPLE LETTERS 1" PURPLE LETTERS RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER ALDEA AVIARA 25. SHOW ALL PUllLIC & PRIVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS ON IMPROVEMENT Pl.ANS, SIGNAGE NOTES Tl IF FOi I.OWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY f'OSTFO INSIOF: TIil: DOOf1 OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE PLACE ON 8-112" X 11'' SIZED SIGN. COL OH. PUl1f>LE EJACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERING, II G\IIPELINES FOR FJECI AIMED WATER IJSF lllnlC'-.ATE OETWEEN TIIE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A,M, ONLY, WATET1ING OUTSIDE TIIIS llME Ff1AME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY Wini QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNFI_ ON-SITE NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME EJE LEFT UNArTENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE 2. IRRIGATE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING AND PONDING. THE IIPPLICAllON RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RATE PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITA I ED BY THE EFFICIFNT SCHl'DULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (IE, EMPLOYING THE llEPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES T IIAf WIU. PROMOTE MA~IMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). 3 ALJJUS T SPRAY HE/10S TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONfnOL OF HIE CUSTOMER FOR EXAMPLE POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, ANO SH'IEETS AND SIDEWALKS. 4 MONITOR /IND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE, BROKEN S1'11INKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC. SHOULD BF REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. 5 EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL, ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS, or THE PRFSFNCE OF RECLAIMED WATER ANO THE FACT THAT IT IS NOT APPROVED FOf1 DnlNKING PURPOSES, GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EMPLOYEES IN THE LANllSCAPf' INDUSTRY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS INrORMATION BE DISSFMINATf'O ON AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE LANDSC/\PE CONTRACTOR, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUCATING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. 6 Q[)TI\IN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON SITE FACILITIES, SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPllOVED EJY. Tl IE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN I\CCORD/\NCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. 7, ALL ll[CLAIM[D WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDF:NTIFICATION TAGS. A. lAGS SI IALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3" X 4" PURPLE IN COLOf1 WIiii TIIE WORDS 'WARNING RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPHIN I lcl) ON ON~ SIDE. AND •·Av1so -AGUA IMPURA-NO TOMAR" ON THE OTI IET1 SIDE. IMPf1INTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR, USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T, CHRISTY ENTERPRISE'S OR APPROVED EQUAL. B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-Wf1AP 0B 2 ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OB 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT 8. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL SE IDENTIFIED AS RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS, FACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL SE IDENTIFIED WITH /I SIGN BEARING H,E WORDS "RECLAIMED WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN FNGIJSH AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTERS 1-HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKGROUND. THE SIGN SI IALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PFRSONNEI UTILZING THE EQUIPMENT WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK AVISO -AGUA IMPURA NOTOMAR 18" X 18" SIZE 016 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS. - INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1 . CID'. C-ONSIBl ICTIQN tN5PfCJ)ON SHA! I INCi I IQE · A. B. C. D. E. F. G LOCATION OF PIPE LINES 'mENCH OEP"TH AE:OVIREO $~PAAATIOl',I (HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY). PIPE IDEN'flFICATION. POINTS-OF-OONNEGllON (POCS) LOCATKJN AND IDENTIFICATION OF SPR1NKLER HEADS. WARNING SIGNS AT THE SITE AND ON THE TRUCKS HAULING RECLAIMED WATER (IF RECLAIMED WATER IS USED FOR OONSTRUG'flON). AN APPROVAt.. 1.f;.TTER FtE.GAROtNG lHE INSPECTION Of 'll-lE PAo...ECT SHAI.I. Bl;;. OBTAINED FROM THE COY AND DIS'rAICI, ANO BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY HEALTI-1 Di;;PAFITMl=.NT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. 2. OISJBICT FINAi tNSPECTION S1-W L tJCl I !OF'. 3. A. 8. C. 0. E . F. G COVERAGE TEST, AFTER COMPLETION DF TliE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, TO DETERMINE TI-IE ADEQUACY OF COVERAGE ON THE APPROVED use AREA AND PAOTECTON OF AREAS NOT APPROVED ~OR ~E:CEIY!NG FteCI.AIMED WATER WARNING SIGNS AND LABELS. QUICK COUPLING VALVES. ALL .ASPECTS OF THE IARIGAHJN CC/NDITONS INCLUDING WINDBLO'NN SPRAY. RUNOFF. AND PONDING. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS, R.l:OUJRl::0 PAOlECTION OF WELL. STREAMS, RESERVIORS. ETC. CROSS-CONNECTION ANNUAl INSPECTON SHAU. INCLUDE: A COUPUCTE INSPECTION WHICH SHOULO cove A PART A MID PART B OF THE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION, TITLE SHEET L-1A IRRIGATION LEGEND & NOTES L-23, L-24, L-25, L-26 IRRIGATION PLANS L-27,28,29,30,31,32 IRRIGATION DETAILS L-23 P.A. 16 SCALE I LEGEND: VICINITY MAP CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Bob Coates, District Engineer R.C.E. 19928 B/tf_91, [)ate SAN DIEGO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT * EXISTING POTABLE WATER SYSTEM EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM PROPOSED RECLAIMED IRRIGATION SYSTEM AREA OF RECLAIMED WATER USE LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS -METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN LOCATIONS GATE VALVES DECLARATION Of RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I MA Tl-IE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR TrllS PROJECT. THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT TfiE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH SERVICES IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN, THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. -BY: H JOHN SUMMERS DATE: 30 APRIL l 992 Preparer REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC HEAL.TH ENGINEER, CITY ENGINEER. & DISTRICT ENGINEER Pf1I0R TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIEI [)_ . LEGEND 20 '® ---- UNIT NUMBER BLDG. NUMBER BOUNDARY AS-BUil TS PREPARED BY BLISSCAPE, AESCHLIMAN, INC., AND JIM KUHLKAN. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1---_-_----j-___ _J___-j·--_--_· -_,-_---_--___________ _,_ __ _,__----1 __ _,__------11 s~_E1~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT l-----l-----1--·----------------------,t----+---+-----+-~ c _____ _ J;t:--{DC ~l ~ D~o/'f...__1--t-_-_-_--+-l---_--4-+e----_-_-_-_~---_-_-,_-_~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-++-_-·-t- PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM FOR: ,- ,AL DEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 ----------------~~====-=----~ t-----t----+--o~D FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS. INC_ 141, 18 UJA)T HIGHWAY lJANA f'i()INT. (Al IF(JRNIA 'HM2'1 17141 4%-6111 DATE INITIAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA F.NGINE£R Qf' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL APPR C.M. W.D.90-506 JOB# 500116 ~ . 1.2'._~ CROSBY . .\1E,A..D BEN1'0~ ~ & ASSOC:IATES Basf:neen · Plannen · Surveyors Ol!GO EI Ca~tao R-6al. Buiti& 200 C•rl•ba.d. California 9aoos (819) 488 ~ UHO " I . I S PREPARED MMERS & P. SEE ENTRY CONSTRUCTION PLAN SHEET L-7 "'\ ... "-..._) 1/ 1/ , . I WJC]oD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34118 COA$T HICHWAY, DANA POINT, CALIFORNIA~ (714) 4916-,6111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITKTS, ASlA ' EMERGENCY OVERFLOW · * INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEEPHOLE. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION;.:_S::.:_·..::D~RA:_W_IN_G_#_3_22_·2_A_·_2 __ .,;._ _________________ -, ----KEY MAP NORTH N.T.!I. MASTER CONSTRUCTION LEGEND SYMBOL ••••••••••••• BUILDING A,B,C ,....-..__,,, DESCRIPTION SLUMPBLOCK WALL WROUGHT IRON FENCE ,,-;,,~ WROUGHT IRON GATE · _1 REFER TO SHEET L-{p FOR TYPICAL BUILDING WALK AND PATIO LAYOUTS. REDWOOD HEADERBOARD ?!VIL-~~I ~ ~I ::::: \ . :, i __ i / c. Contracto s all protect swale from obstruction from the redwood headerboard by allowingra1ree flow of water over the top of the headerboard. At all swales the heade~rd shall be eased or conform to the swale line so that not obstruction exists. all swq.Jes shall be checked by the City Landscape Architect to insure that no obstr11ction of the swale by the headerboard exists. 0 NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 "AS BUILT" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVlEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 'BO APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS fsHml ~~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAr-.llNG DEPARTMENT ~ ~ ASSI ALDEA @ AV1ARA. AVIARA P.A. 16 NSTR CTION PLAN · ll---=--:c=-t-:a-;:=-+----------------t--::--:-:;;:--r.:-::=-t--::--:-:;;:---t-::-:=:-:-t D'lttl BY: __ _ DA TE NTIAL DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL CHKO BY: __ PR0.ECT NO. DRAWING ·NO. -or -REVISION DESCRIPTION Ollil"R APPfWVAL CllY Al'l'ftOVAL RV\\O l'lY: C.T. 90:-14-321-2L , .. ·· JOB #500116 ,--.-,,-""'•.;..,;.•:,~,-!>'--• ,;::..,., .,','fu, •"~•~•f, ...... -•• 1/ . .JT .~-., t,•,•• ,.>.c::.-~,..,,,.,_.....c~~ (;"'-~ •~-••.-!""ll,.,~•-"'.+,a "--.'•S ,.,, ... ~••~'.•< •~••,.,· .J_ EMERGENCY OVERFLOW *INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEEPHOLE. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. DRAWING # 322-2A-2 \ ' • \I ~ > . , r • • ""' • ' '•'i a -~ ~ . . . -. . ). ~ . , , ___ ,"'--._ ' \ " -r-~~~"':: . ~\ I~··~•~ C:R()SBY '.\.1 EA.I) . B E :,tr ( ) '.'.' & ASSOCIATES •1GEP R~PROGA,11,i>l•m::$ \ ' ,... ' I I I ~ / I ' , ' . ., -----------------------------~~~~~ Enctneera · Planner• -8u.rv111yor• li8n,0 El Ca.mino Real. $ui1;1;! 200 Carl ■bad. California. 92008 (819) 438-1210 r 1 25 24 r \ \ \ \ . \ -f ,,.J(l(f ',, . .... oc:JD □§!!JD -' -' ' ' ! '). '•. t ~ :. j' I ''' ' • , t..., ',' ' • • I ,/,--,~-½'--.I .·.-·.• .. :. [ __ Swale Note Contractor shall protect swale from obstruction from the redwood headerboard by allowing a free flow of water over the top of the headerboard. At all swales the headerboard shall be eased or conform to the swale line so that not obstruction exists. all swales shall be checked by the City Landscape Architect lo insure that no oostruction of the swale by the headertioard exists. , .' '~}) -./-, ','J~ ,t/;1, · • .' -::,.."; ~-J ti/ _ _/ ../ . , MASTER CONSTRUCTION LEGEND SYMBOL ••••••••••••• ... DESCRIPTION SLUMPBLOCK WALL -@ WROUGHT IRON FENCE ~ WROUGHT IRON GATE -@ BUllOING A,B,C ,,,.-~ ---REFER TO SHEET L-C., FOR TYPICAL BUILDING WALK ANO PATIO LAYOUTS. REDWOOD HEADERBOARD 0 NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 .. , ~ -{ ' I I , ) \. IL. RCE fXP ---------·--·---------·----·· INSPECTOR ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 110 • ION PLAN, DATE 80 FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34118 COAST HIGt!WAY, ()ANA PQtNT, O,Llf()RNIA 92619 (714) 496-6111 -~~+---~-+----------------+---+-----½---+---t OWN BY: __ _ OA 1E !NlllAL OA 1E !NlllAL DA 1E INlllAI. CHKD BY: __ _ PRO..ECT NO. DRA \\1NG NO. LANOSCAF1c ARCHITKTS, ASLA GINEER Of WORII REVlSION DESCRIPTION OTHO! APPROVAL CllY M'Pfl.OVN.. RVWD BY: C.T. 90-t4 321-2L JOB #500116 \ \ CROSS)' MEAD 'BENTON & ASSCX::IATES I ' Wf2-0U&i-lf \ \ \ ub+-11 iJ-'-ON I \ \ f'E=rlc s @ 12-e:r wJMf'r~LOt-JL Wt,.U.. Bnefnee:n · Planner. · SurveyoQ 8 8 GO Jill Camino ft.••l. 8uit11 200 C&rl■bad. C&lifornl& 82008 (eu) ,a:ss-1iuo Si' (~ ::' I U '- ~ < 9 ~ 5, -~. \ i,J,b-u., \ I I -~- - I I \ I \ I i ' I I -1 j I II . / H ' ·-"~ · ,., 13. 0,,'~~o /./p·&_ )'O' {,93 I I -. .,..L§J' -. • I ~· "/..9 1P / ~ I .9j,J. I I I--.½ --------.... I IC' J:' /9<' 38 CJCJD . □§'JO ; FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34118 COAsT HICHWAV, DA.NA POINT, CAUFQRt...llA 92629 (iHJ 496--6111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITTCTS, ASLA I I 7 Swale Note Contractor shall protect swale from obstruction from the redwood headerboard by allowing a free flow of water over the top of the headerboard. At aH swales the headerboard shall be eased or conform to the swale line so that not obstruct/on exists. 1111 swales shall be checked by the City Landscape Architect to insure that no obstruction of the swale by the headerboard exists.- / ' / /·/ KEY MAP NORfll "l,T.S MASTER CONSTRUCTION LEGEND SYMBOL ••••••••••••• • BUILDING A,B,C .,,,--....._ DESCRIPTION SLUMPBLOCK WALL @ WROUGHT IRON FENCE ® WROUGHT IRON GATE @ REFER TO SHEET L-(pFOR TYPICAL BUILDING WALK AND PATIO LAYOUTS. REDWOOD HEADERBOARD EMERGENCY OVERFLOW -NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" * INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEEPHOLE. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. DRAWING# 322-2A-2 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIG_ATIQN_pNLY _ INCLUDING PRECISE· LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ---+---+ ,-~-+---+----·-. DATE INITlAL DATE !Nill e;NGINEER Of' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DlHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAi. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP.-~-- REVIE~D BY: INSPECTOR DATE [SHfF:Tl CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ L-4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ -=-==-1-'=============...'.::::;:=~ ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 -. NSTR CTION PLAN OWN BY: ----,f---PROJECT NO. ~~ ~~: --C.T. 90-14 DRAWING NO. S21-2L JOB #500116 T IGl!!R Rl!!P110GflAPHIC5 ____,..-,- :.:•---,.._ (;R()SBY \1EAD • 'BEN"f()N • & ASSOCIATES . ' '1GER REPROGAAPHICS 51 ·~ l..1...J I- V) J U) (.:i'." '-.") (~ ::s: l_;_ C::, 5'' ; : r· A , k .--i. I i I I i I >'' L. t ','V(. 'J~' /tl-~ 'j?, '31-/T. 17 118&0 El C•mi110 Real. Suite 200 Car-l■bad. California 920018 (619) 438-1210 I I I~-I I I I '...... . ' <" /·-/ ' \.,. ·, ...... ........ ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 1( INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEEPHOLE. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. DRAWING # 322-2A-2 ...... ...... ...... Clc:::JD □!!JD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. }411$ COAST HIGHWAY, ()ANA POINT, CALIFORNIA 92629 (714) ft.-6111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA ...... ....... Note Contractor shall protect swala from obstruction from the redwood haadarboard by allowing a free flow of water over the top of the headerboard. At all swales the lheaderboard shall be eased or conform to the swale line so that not obstruction exists. all swales shall be checked by the City Landscape Architect to Insure that I'll!> 'obstruction of the swale by the headerboard exists. PHASE l / ,/ / / ,,,/ KEY MAP -.J, tc'-f-..:r '----/.JJ1J~ 0 ~-./" ~-w. ' MASTER CONSTRUCTION LEGEND SYMBOL "············ BUILDING A,B,C ,,,.,---.....,__., DESCRIPTION SLUMPBLOCK WALL -@ WROUGHT IRON FENCE ~ WROUGHT IRON GATE-@ REFER TO SHEET L·('.f FOR TYPICAL BUILDING WALK AND PATIO LAYOUTS. REDWOOD HEADERBOARD APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS NORTH N.l .S, NORTH SCALE: 1" =20' -0" 0 20 40 eo ------·----···------ RCE. __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REIIIE'M:D BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~===~===:========================+===1===1====:===----f [_~~~;J '.;::i =C=IT=Y PL=£=!=1N=G=~=E~=~=JB=M;:::ENT=B=A=D=-'l===6==:I --+------+--+------+-----I~ t----+--t ASSIS1: ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A_ 16 STRU TION PLAN -""'DA:-;;lE;,--1>--:INJ=TIAl._:-:---i------------------t---+--+-----1---11 OWN BY: ---DATE INITIAi. DATE INlllAI. CHKD BY: ___ , RO.l:CT NO. DRAWING NO. CINttR OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAi. CITY -'PPROVAI. RVWD BY: CI 90-14 321-2L JOB #500116 r········••:1•············· : !~ 10 1 : r ,r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (:) ~~ :"-~-'-, " Ii,_ - MEVIUM Bi2c-vt1 flN- C ,F---,F-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BUILDING A, • • •• • • • • • • • • ....... ef J~4i ' . I • I • ' ' I :1 j i'lj ~ ' -I( • Cl I ___ .· ii ...... ' PLAN3 PLAN2 ----.... ' L __________ _ . ' ---. --+--~--- -, . -..., l ---=-··-' .. PlAhl !, PlAN !ii PLAN 3' -----PLAN 2 ' ' ·······~·;···101 ············~i···:·····~······· " "' •r Io f k "' • . , , ' ' __ ,. ,........,-+,---,-:,---, ,..,~-----,-, ,, • -• ~ • . -• J • • • ■I +\ •• L-, -~ "-':, I "' I I , I _......_ _____ ---..I--- PLAN 1 ~M~ ..BUJWING :·c r PLAN 1 tQ toQ \ . __ :·_...J.IJ...__,_ --.....:,.-,.,..... ~· ..... _ .... -...::~ ,~ ·····················: .. -4.. L · 7 t 4 I 71 .PLAN 2 ·I .. .... - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f.b pt>-• p,.o. ==='::c;::==¾==~~h=~===~f't-<~~~~~=~~=~·~ci===~~~-=·· ======~~~===~~'==~===·=· '~==:!:~=--\-=~ 2'==~~~==~~~=:=~~~=~~===:!:~---=--=.........:....~1=:=~=~~~-f:=!-~=== ......,_ _ ___,_ __ --.-I f)> • i ' / ' -TYPICAL WALKS ALONG PINTAIL COURT ft, l , NOTE· ' . ' -' ' .STEPS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL STEP HEIGHTS, QUANTITY, AND t.OCATION MAY VARY PER SITE CONDITIONS. REFER TO ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR STEPS AND ALL SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE. / ( I I , LAYOUT NOTES Contractor shall verify all dimensions in the field and adjust as necessary while maintaining the design concept. . Paving Confractor shall C!)ordinate wtth Drainage Contractor, Irrigation Contractor and Electrician to ensure all sleevings and crossings are provided prior to placing of - paving, concrete, etc. · Verify with Project Soils Engineer the need for reinforcing, base materials, ~turation, etc., fot walks, patios, footings, etc. · EJ ~ (Expansion Join!} -Expansion joirlts on decking to be 3/8" wide x full height impregnated felt. Cut felt down 1 /2' and fill with joint sealant. Color to match deck. Sand in joint while still wet with #60 silica sand. SJ= (Score Joint) -Score.joint to be 1/4" deep minimum trooeled score Hne as shown on plan. OOD Ce:JD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. l411H("O.".ST H{.HW,\'i l)Ar--.A POINT ( All"ORNI!\ 9ltll'! 171414%1-.111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASLA ---·- • ' ·• • ......... • r l ' I t • • ' • [IA 11 l~l"'lAl ·. ;1Nt f i:,, ')f W()R~ \ ' I . ' ' ""}, J .,.,.. .•. , / / ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY -- INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS r t ' .. • t ---·--+ t + 1- + + -DATE 1Nl11A.I. I W/ &' eot'1oofH ~11?' Mcrzef£ ?P-V'1N&- I : + t • + + • .. + +- t • ' • DAT'[ ' INliJAL . L-6 _.._ ...... , AP' 0 SCALE: -1" = 10'-0" 10 RCE Rf VIEWED BY i>JSPfCJOR "A ( ,) EXP 20 30 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT DA IT DA TT SHlfTS1 46 ..I · ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 :11v1!1UILDING W LK AND PATIO LAYOUTS fRt-f3 AS N I OR GAIT .... _, l ! '~~~s~-. N"u~ _jL_321-2L: ··r·~ R" CH,: H· C.T. 90-14 R ·/Wr (~ ~ 40 JOB #500116 ---------~---- ---------- ~ CORMORANT I I ------- • SEE SHEET 322-3 OF PROJECT CT 90-14 FOR ENGINEERING COORDINATION OF SPECIAL PAVING I' J!j .;r $ ..... , / / _,._,- / ,,, i t'i!!J.Jj. r"'-'i-:: _.'/1/;i~ , -.. / ~l!J ._____""!._ ./ ~t:/ " ~ ~1-r.~ j>.O~ ,_.... ---- ,,...,..-,-_:;.--· ----- KEY MAP Oc:::JD De:JD NOfl'TH r-..l.!'.. FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 141 lfl ( "()A..',T Hl(;tWAY lJANA POINT. (A.llf()RNIA •U(:,2G (714; 4%.-bl I 1 LANDSCAP!: ARCHITKTS, ASLA •••• ' :.?l.,i~HL, ~ tJID I ••• •••• ..... ..... ....... APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ARE'f,S- +------- 'CAl-1 t _t_ ___ _ -------·--··+-·---· '" ---------------··----·· -+ . ·--· ,. +---- -+-----I --------+-------+-----·-··------t--··- -----+----------------------+ . ----~--------+-- -----+-----,__- D• T'[ INITIAL ' NGaNE(R Of WOF!'K ----4-t -t ------·--. ------- --------------' --------+----------.-- +----+---I---~-----I ----------------~•~--------+-----+- DAT[ INITIAL RE'v1SION DESCRIPTION ··--+-·--··--- ' DAT[ INITIAL an APPROVAL NORTH SCALE: 1" = 10'-o" 0 10 20 30 "AS BUil T" ,... -----,. _____ RCE EXP. DATE • REV1EWED BY INSPECTOR DATE r '~:~T j ~ ·cJTY~A~G ~~l~JA~ L~~TS OWN BY ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHKD BY· __ _ C.T. 90,-14 iRl/'Ml BY ~ ---- 40 JOB #500116 CORMORANT --- I / / / / I I I ---- •• ... -··· ... •···· ~ • • : . . • • . . • . . : . • • •• : ... . ····• : ...... : ······· : .&••· . . .... r·······••.•········ ·---...........___ ------- ----------- .. ------------ NOTICE TO GATE OPERATOR CONTRACTOR TIE DESIGN OF TIIS SLIDING GATE OPERATING SYSTEM IS BASED I.PON THE USE OF STAN.EV COMMERCIAL AUTOMATION SYSTEM MODEL #550 SLl)ING 1GATE OPERATORS. CLEARANCES AND LOCATIONS OF EQUIPMENT ARE MINIMUM AND SHOULD FOLLOW STANLEYS SUGGES I ED INSTALLATION DIAGRAMS. STANLEY EOUIPMENT MAY BE 51,ESTITUTED FOR EOUAL AT TI-E DIRECTION OF BRAMALEA CALIFORNIA, INC. □§!J□D FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 1•118 ("OASl HIGHWA'f ()6.NA POINT, CAUFO~NIA 926-29 (714) 4%--t-1 t1 LANDSC.APE ARCHITECTS, ASLA • •• . .. •• ... ••• ••••••• •••• ---+··· __ L ---- I T -I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ·-·----·-· ·--------1 .. ---t· .. ---· ---------i---· ----+- -------------·----+ -----+-- -------+--- -·-,..j. - --+--t ----.. -·t-·-----.- +---. -----+ +-- ; j- -+ ... -------------,-----,-----.------+-----II ~D~A T[~+-1t-iTl_A __ L -+-------- ' NGINITR Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ---··-··- DAT[ INl11AL ,---------. OTHER .,,,PROV,\l 011 TE l. l~l~~-- CtTY .,,,,,ROV/u_ ~I?'],-,--~ p~l"l1" ti:]'/'>µ . I n • ;i,t; 4 w~ ~ ' -..... .....:,.__,-; ., <... _,a, ~11.!3', -~ ~-,,, ~ ' ----. .... " ......,.._ ' ~...., -- KEY MAP NORTH N0.IH N.1.5. SCALE: 1"-= 10'-o" 0 10 20 , 30 I "AS BUILT" RCE EXP DATE REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DATE 1 ';Hfl' 1 r CITY OF -CARL.SB_ AD_l I SHEETS I L~B ! : PL_Al\t,IING DEPARTME!'IT _ _ J L 46 ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 RY UTILITY PL!AN , =='7::.{!#.-~;~~~-_____!_'7~1-75 i ASSIST DA TE IDWN BY ICHKD BY _RVWD BY: C.T. 90-14 , ---- 40 JOB #500116 ------------------------------------------------111111111111-----------------------------------~'"' --. fYIO i i I fvl 'ls . (/'" . ~ -RA~-~:------ ··~:2.. 1V ~t+~r-1.., .... g, fQ~ --:~ ~~ ~ ~naJ ---_____ ., ·-oc:::::iD De:JD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. Hl: 6 l (J.4,S,T HICHWA'V DAN.A. P()INT ( ..._l It( )KNlA '-1&)(1 0-14) <1%-61 11 LANDSCAPE: ARCHITECTS, ASLA I . APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANITTRRlGATT0N ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS t ' -l • ' .. + ' I T + I Ptt"Sl GRADING NOTES Prior to starting work.Contractor shall verify all proposed hardscape and landscape grades in the field. Should adjustments be necessary, maintain proposed flow lines and drainage patterns. Maintain a minimum 1 % gradient on hardscape surfaces and 1.5% gradient in landscape areas. (1 % positive drainage in landscape areas bare minimum.) Grades shown in parenthesis () have been taken from Civil Engineer's plans. All construction shall conform to local codes and standards. GRADING-LEGEND et N.D.S. styrene plastic Spee -D -Basin /4 1 with green styrene plastic atrium grate, t,f PV'-) O 4"' dia. Stainless steel deck drain --A.B.S. schedule 40 drain Line, --... Flow Line Direction -T-. Channel drain with catch basin/ outlet . 'bBAIN SCHEDULE BlM INVERT 1. 27.40 2. 27.40 3. 27.40 4. 27.44 5. 27.42 6. 27.42 7. . 27.44 8. 1!7.42 9. 27.44 10. 27.44 11. 27.42 12. 27.42 13. 27.44 14. : 27 .:3 'IS. 27.3 .16. 27.3 17. 2725 ,r3-;,<V } ·,Jt J,1 ! ':::-,..,.i_]. '-'~· 26.40 26.28 26.16 26.04 25.92 25.82 25.74 25.64 26.42 26.32 26.24 26.10 25.64 26.3 26.3. 26.3 2625 ' ,_,._rp,. 1'0~ ____.... --,-~~ --__,,__ - ,./ ,/ ..,-c / KEY MAP r,,,<;)RTH ...,,,.5,, NORTH SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" BJ RC[ ___ EXP REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR I T" LI DATE DATE _1_ ··-t + r ",><'t T. r·crTY-OF CARLSBADl i SHE. ETS] L-9 , _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,. J l ~ 46 __ .. , --·· ·---·-----... -· . +· -------t- -------·------·······"--·--·-· • __ ...1.. -------____ ,,__ ... t ........ ----..... -------. -.. -·t- --------~ -----t----.. t + ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A; 16 -REC. --NTER,GRAOING PLAN --.., ,.-·' . . I I ---t-~-~-----~=~~-----· 0.A T[ INJTIAL .. -------t---... -·-----·--·-t-··--1- DA TE INIT1AL L NGINO-:R Of WORK REvlSION DESCRIPTION .... . -·- OTHER APPROV/\l JOB #500116 Lt' .. r:;raw~j ~ , ~..: ~ 1J1,;q /~9 ~.:. KEY MAP "°"tH N.t.S. \ I 5 .............. . __. ........ ~--~ ..... , r~ ••••1111111 • I 10 ='-.\ . I . -~ . ~ - "~,_,.,I'] . ··························••Llljyµll!l,WJ.•~ I· ii -q-r,, 11 t0 oCJD ]~~ FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. \<lll/-l((►A'-.lfH(,l'WA'r l)A"<,o,f'(►l",1 (·'\llf()R~,A'l.!f,.''I ,~1 ◄1 .. 'Jt,.f,II L1\Nl)',(_APf ARCHITECTS. ASLA ~ • I --APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS • . T ' -+ r -1-t . } -----+ ---□• TE · INITIAL • . -...I. - 1',o(.:IN((R Of WoR!< Rt VISION DESCRl~'TICJN ' LAYOUT NOTES Contractor shall verify all diniensions in the field and adjust as necessary while maintaining the ~sign concept. · . . \ Paving Contractor shall coordinate with Drainage Contractor, Irrigation Contractor and Electrician to ensure all sleevings and crossings are provided prior to placing of paving, concrete, etc. \ Verity with Project Soils Engineer the need for reinforcing, base matet'lals, presaturation, etc., for walks, patios, footings, etc. EJ = (Expansion Jofl)t) -Expansion joinfli on decking to be• Y:i.'' ·wide x full height impregnated felt. Cut felt down 112• and fill with joint sealant. Color to match deck. Sand in joint while still wet with #60 silica sand. SJ= (Score Joint) -Score joint to be 1/4" deep minimum troweled score line as shown on plan. Contractor shall conform to all local and county codes. Contractor shall not make field changes without authorization of landscape architect. , NORTH SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" t t + ' I- • ,;-;;:T(-·r INI TIAl f----·-·-J.. 1 OTHER APPROVAL • t • I -+ I INl'T'!A.J.. arr APPROVAL () L-10 10 20 30 PCT cXP JA TT ~A TT CITY OF CARL~BAD ' -SHEf ~s7 46 j PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---------------, ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P_A. 16 REC. c;eNTE CONSTRUCTION PLAN: 'bWN Br ·CHK[!BY LRVWD_ BY f.N-7-~_: DATE 1 . . .. ,_J C.T. 90-14 If M'<G Nol L~21-2L j -~ 40 JOB #500116 I . . • . . . • - . . . . . . . • ~ I I 1 k-------1 • • I . f!!-~11 , ' ' - i I'S::) \ i\ ~ ' . t-'¼ .:¥ w-. ~ /""'/2C'l 1e1.'( ' :;211~-ft.IL.+ ~Yt:1~ +----~f<-'( ~ 4'~0'' . . .. ' -' I I . ~ I ~ . ~ - ~ . " r I +---t T e:- - ; ~ ~ . . ' ' '~ ~ \ Icy--' ~ . ~ --. . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . ! • • . 11-11 . . . . . . . . . . . • . I . ' .. . . = . . . I() . . • . . . . . . . . ' . ¢ ~.11-lf::4..JL,PiZ-~ ~-fref ~ , @i------:~----'---U_----.-~,----,--,, 4-,= I ...:-~.:...-, _....:...~___;;__:;,_\fa_9]...:.--~----=--- ~---+-,~----_1--'----•,..o=-•1-----¥-r-----------~" & '"'F-4 ~I?., f'i'("e) ~-~~qz..i~ 1t IJ) . -. . ~~,t-~.,1-~----?¥ ~ ">G,---'--..lt' . . . ----~ ~r2-(~ NOTE: PHONE SYSTEM, DIRECTORY AND SITE MAP TO BE PROVIDED BY GATE OPERATOR CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED/COORDINATED WITH BRAMALEA CALIFORNIA. INC. .. ·-·····--·-····· _ .. e:,1-01 I I !, Ji I/ - . .... . . . .\ . . . . .. ~,r-4 -tfa-4~ r,a..o if ~v ~ ,;:1&t-l WPLL-I I . ' ?> / ,•· --, ' . r . . i1 ' . . ' . ,, -~' • : . I . -. . . _, ' I -~ . . . ' : . . I . 1,,: . . . . . . ; . . . I ~f-( ~ ~ ~l ·o OOD □~□ FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. \4118 \ ()A~T t-11Ct-1WAY. ()ANA P()INT. ("AllF()R"JIA 'l26l'l (714! 4%-fill I LAl\[)SCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA . ~pz--( ~ @ ~MIL#- . ' . . ' • . ' 7 7 '.r. .r = -~ \l -' \{) lJ) \1 ~ ,, ! ' -• £. ' ' I l--.J.'t!! CE? " .. 0 i) f) 0 • • ' •· , ----+ ~fZ-1 . - . - M~@ I L----+ .. . -.. . . 0 ' H~ 16f9'F t-1.,(b,.I I --Hrbt¼Hr if74-i ~ @- 6f-1p-~ &,I'-~~ ...,....___-~-~p 7"vl ~ .---~R. C.Ul~b h Ha:-aD T . r~ 41 t?I~ ~-""~ -Et(~ ~Ta-i- I .+---ML ,::,iuu..o E,,k-!L--« ~ +-);;1,;;;:.._,..j,..+----0Ll~I ~ r&1P.ie tr I I II 12- --~H"f+ µ~~ A~PROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS • -f ' • . , or CAI.II RCE EXP DAIT REV1EWED BY INSP[C:OR J,' TE JOB #500116 .. ~-~ ~? '.~=-------1i 1'x4';,: 1~1 -~ 61.-n: ~ - -I I" ~ £1 '1 'f11 )( J(:/ C,t--4l,. ~ ~~ 1'-- llTili~~ --0 · +-=-------~uuo WfrT ~ ov-!f-lr.d:2- ":J11>1 F-b e,e;yoi-10 @ ' -~-~----······ ..;----h1 . J, -: I 11 _:::c-J '-o" ~,::___ _____ e)'.,,.f:};><1(,1 Ct?w. ~ ~1Rrl~µ~ ~a-~~f!--}'-L--- NF===----cc(,__=-~-.)~--_,,-_ ~,; wWl-. it>-Vlf-19 @ , --t~1!'--=lll1"""'~~~1~1 1 !l'"'\ .. 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Y-"'" .;,q.Are wt.£r l"L."6-5-uP z-:J" A--~ P/.-f.t& ~c.,,--1.., _p~~&l't=Uf f6~ "'df~U:!1lfMAL, S~INff'.fZ. . / ~ A-;.,"" ~t"4_'~ -fO -;s-,-'7, 7 . u -_... $ 8 4':-..;-. ..--,.._,.. ) t, k i---_,__ / r.s < ~ -~ . 1f'.{& ""_/ · "€ P,ez~ j ff-------. ,---~~ 6J~~ .--f'lt-l I~ c:,ff,Ape ~~=r-. fff-~-ru;z..x, ~b□D • + + . + t FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. ·➔ ➔ i4111"\(()A'",) Hl(,H\N.'\'i [),\:,.,,/\1-'()IN" (,A,LIIO~NIA'll6l'-f 1714)4%-hl I '.)AT(" • INITIA. LA!'-:DSCAP[ ARCHITtCT\ ASIA L_____::···_:::::-···-·-=···=·-·_::··-=··-=-=--_:_· -~======J L ~ ,"';INHR ◊I= WORll' DA TT • ,hflnA.l DA 'f"f INIT'IA.L QT\-.jER APPRQ\/Af C: n .6..PPROvA, _ ----EMERGENCY OVERFLOW * INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEEPHOLE. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS. DRAWING # 322-2A-2 L-12 Ai•· )t.,> AS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCF __ FXP __ JA TE RFYlfWE) BY NSPE.C~OR r 1 Tr~ o F c , \Er.:-.: 1 L\ n -,HI f TS - PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A_ 16 CO TRUCTION DETAILS ---·==== 9-,9-1. 9 3 ;.,A IT J ·"wi,.", I' ---, c r. I , .. ~ .... ,-, N-'.l: ~~ ~: _ C.T. 90-14 ~~ 321~2L JOB #500116 NOTE: +----------j4rll~e,. I------CJ' HI j?E';;, ~tV'!i-+ ~µt:7 v-li+~ C'~)f2-b / p-r2p=taL iP pt.t,µ ,s\-ft, L.---b ,______ ______ Y11' J?l';ef' ~ -..JO!~T f ,. ?tq-lv ~ I~ w/ Meo ~~~~~rj +------~ P'IH-1<;;.ff ~, "71°1W ~ P,,L-1~ f4f--l,y Q::I .,,,a --:# .1? µ~e: t3,bfZ- ..,----~ 'b ~ ~ '.Vf1 O.t,, ~-~ "'3f~f ~~ 'f, ~~ LoG,Aiioi.,J ~~µ~ oip,.~ ~-40..,, .. ~fpeflo!-l ?l.l~~ _.__ __ e->f~loµ Jor f-tr ® PAVING THICKNESS, REINFORCING, AND BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: GEOTECHNICS INC. (619)536-1000 • ! .--,j_ ~~-----l----1-~-----'--+----~~I~ rf 1--14 F-¥::- ' ,, ~~---ll----ll--1-1-------+---%,'' ~ 0 W I? L. f"lJ::.E..--!. & 41/i, C-t.-, i--=:---! 1/i''5.v 1J~ L/f-0J'l:;Bi,,, 1oc5f".=) €::B1-a''cc;. ,---11-i:1 &?-rJe.-uLtf 01d.J.,, w11°M f'f,L,, ~ fH-+~f--) Cj~ [ipfflD FC)RSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. !4]1(\(()A\l tm.ltWAY [)ANAP()'Nl (/\,llfcillo....1,\-<_>1>_>'1 -1-1,J<~,.1,lll LANDSCAPE ARCI IITI i T',. /\\l./\ ',, ' Ill. l <: 'L "' p-- L-13 \ ' ' \ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS . " 1 ·1TY Ol (·_.\l\l>'ll.\Ji PLANNING DEPARTMENT · ALDEA@ AVIARA ' AVIARA P.A. 16 46 • 7Cc /;;w~~S7L~ ASSl"";,L NING DIRECTO . ' , . A · I ' . : -~, >-.1' i ,.,,.-~~1., NC'!.; ·• • ·· · C. T. 90-14 I: 321-1'11-< !:, "f/Wt '.'"":, _ ___J~ . 4'L . JOB #500116 "'" 1/ iZ-,I,-4-e,c,0G =Nft--•---~ 111 '---------="iffi'r,r-'~;,L-i.-+-, . • --tlJfr euz_,~ 12-,{ _·-· 6/4 11 ~H.:, et-cf::. . .·, . .. _"'4• :;,...._1-----ri, II COM'FA:::1W &fAVf.L.----~ '5\J~ • ~.:i----~~--'---~~IB1 D(...i!='( UNt::eF'-"j"UPf-~ Pot,.ll?EF-~,l>-~f-1i1~ 6>Uf2.-FA:.£, -0lol'2-rr: ~ L..H-1 ~<>pt.. ~ , . , I . -.·jJ ,..........,.-~.,.-/''----------I ,_______/// . I p j,Z.: . -+ F I I . %1"" 1· I I "-I--,........... __ ~=== ' I I. C ' ,.,,..,,,,=~\ • "() ·; ----. " . ' (· -. --------t------i--4-------t;=/ ., II II ~ (P ,. 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I l -~ ' t + -+--+ + t L-14 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS DCf --fXD --~lATT " C fT)-0 F C .\Rl.~IL\D PLAl',NING DEPARTMBIIT ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIA-RA P.A. 16 TRUCTION DETAILS DA TI 46 i ' ;::::=::=~-==-:;,,;;;:PL~N----,:NING Ds, -·=7-=_=;z1.=_ (-=;;= __ ~ t + 'E,w,, R' jl, ~"~'_; NOi DA TI 1NIT'1Al . T DA 'f[ t INl"TiA.1 DA it INIT'lAl ' -' Rl v1s10N :ir SCRIF-ION ' l,H,, H · CT 90 14 ' 321 2L 1 FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 14111\ ( < lA'>l ~ii( .t1WA'r l)ANA f"()INl ( /'ILIJ()RNIA 'll61'-¾ 1714) 4%-1)111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA "'(;IN([~ 0j:" WQR'I( OTHER A.PP!.'OVAL C1T'Y APPROVAL LRV\'v'C· H v • • -~~ -, ~-L__ __________ ~L..---~----------__._ ___ ___._ __________________ _, JOB #500116 I CONSTRUCTION NOTES GENERAL A. Contractual Relationship In the performance o1 this contract, Contractor shall hold Landscape Architect and Owner harmless from any and all liability, costs and charges arising out of, or in connection with contractors, employees, or its' agents negligence, omissions, or e.-rors. s. Errors or Conflicts If any errors or conflicts are discovered in the plans or notes, the.y shall be interpreted so as to accomplish the real purpose of those plans and notes. c. Additions. Deviation and Alterations No deviation f.)r' alterations from the plans and specifications will be permitted unless authorized by the Owner, or the Landscape Architect. Should deviation 1rom plans and notes become necessary due to conflicting si1e condi1ions, Owner and Landscape Architect shall approve in advance any such deviation. No additional work will be authorized without the express written authori::r.ation from the Owner. D. Interpretation -. The contractor shall comply with the obvious intent and meaning of these plans and specifications which shall be construed to include all labor, material, equipment and tools necessary to complete the work specified herein in a workmanlike manner in strict accordance with plans and notes. , Should any questions arise as to the intent and interpretation of these plans and notes, Contractor shall re1er to Owner and Landscape Architect whose decision thereon shall be final. I. 11. E. Observation and Beiection of Materials and Workman$hip All materials and workmanship furnished or performed by Contractor shall be subject to final observation and acceptance by Owner and Landscape Architect upon completion or all contract work whether previously paid f~r or not. At any and all times during the performance of this )::ontract, Contractor shall make available for observation, test and approval, materials and workmanship, Failure of such observers to make observation, tests or approvals s.hall not prejudice the right of Landscape Architect or Owner on final observation. Contractor shall promptly replace any and all material, equipment and workmanship which does not conform to the plans and notes. All materials used on this contract shall be new and the best marked quality unless specified otherwise. F. Samples When so required by the Owner or Landscape Architect, Contractor shall submit for approval samples of the various materials, and specify finish thereon. G. Local Codes All construction shall conform to all local building codes and ordinances. It is Contractors r'eSpC"rnsibility to verify all codes prior to commencing work. H. Utilities Contractor shall be responsible tor verifying the location ot all underground utilities, electric cables, condui1s, sprinkler lines and all utilities lines prior to any construction. 1. Removal of Debris and Clean&UD Contractor shall thoroughly clean and keep free of debris and waste material entire construction area 10 the satisfaction of the Owner. J. General The general conditions and any special conditions that Owner may reQuire shall apply with the same force and effect as though wriUen in full herein for all construction sections. Site Excavation And Bouah Grading 1. Provide all labor, materials, tool, equipment, transportation and necessary incidentals for the completion of all clearing, stripping, excavating, backfilling, grading and related work as shown on the drawings including but not limited to the following: A. Protection of all curbs, walks, walls, structures and other existing work which is to remain. B. Clearing and stripping site of brush, debris and other foreign materials as outlined in the drawings. C, Excavation tor all foundations and footing to the dimension and depth shown on the drawings. Bottoms of excavations shall be smooth and level. All loose material shall be removed therefrom. D. Subgrades shall be watered and compacted to a relative compaction ot 95%. E. Subgrades under all paving shall be true to grade and cross section, hard, uniform and smooth prior to placement of base material. F. Backfilling of all excavations and trenches a11er placement of foundations, walls, walks, utilities, etc., as outlined on the drawings. Compaction of backfill shall be in acceptance with Engineers specifications. G. Grading of all areas indicated in the drawings including bringing existing grades to within 1/10 foot pll,Js or minus, final design grades as indicated on the drawings. H. Stockpiling of excavation material or import top soil fill and sand shall be as outlined on the drawings or as approved by Landscape Architect. I. Clean up and removal of all debris and surplus material and remove from site. DRAINAGE A. Scope of Work -Provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation and necessary incidentals for the completion of all drainage systems as shown on the drawings including but not limited to the following: 1. Materials A. Acrylonitrile Butalene-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40 drain pipe, perforated or non-perforated in diameters shown on the drawings. IV. 2. B. Basins and drains -high impact plastic Styrene drain basins catch basins with grates, high impact plastic Styrene deck drains 'and/or p;ecast concret! drain box and catch basins and cast iron grate in diameters and s1.~es shown on the drawings. Stainless steel or brass deck drains in hardscape as shown on the drawings. C. Fittings -snap couplings, snap tees. ells, V and receiver couplings as necessary to connect all pipe, drains and fittings as shown on the drawings. Trenching and laving PiPe A. Trenches to pitch a minimum of 118"" per foot unless otherwise indicated on the drawing!!I. Contrac1or to verify all invert elevations and trench depth prior to excavation_ B. Bottom of trench shall be smooth and continuous to flow directio"'. A hollow shall be made to receive bell of pipe so that the joint will not bear upon the subgrade. Adjustments to line and grade shall be made by scraping away or filling in with backfill under the base of the pipe and not by wedging or blocking. C. Trench material shall be used for backfill, however, no rocks or lumps shall be used. Welded joints shall be given at least 15 minutes setup before handling/ Above the level of initial backfill the trench may be backfilled with trench material. ' D. Compaction -compaction by tamping shall not be done in layers exceeding eight inches in loose depth with each layer thoroughly compacted between. 3. Clean-Up and testing A. Prior 1o covering of trenches, drain line and basins shall be checked to insure proper flow and water tightness. B. The piping systems shall be flushed and cleaned prior to connecting to exis1ing drain line, catch basin or storm drain systems. C. Upon completion of work, re-move debris, tools, and surplus material from site. CONCRETE 1. Scope of work -Provide all labor, mat.erials, tools1 equipment transportation and necessary incidentals for the completion of all concrete flatwork as shown on the drawings including but not limited to the following: 1. Materials 2. 3. 4. 5 A. Cement " standard Portland Cement, per designation C-150 of the ASTM Type II, 111, or V, low alkali, single brand throughout. Refer to Soils Engineers Repor't for recommendations. B. Aggregate -ASTM Specifications C~33 314 maximum size. Decora1ive aggregates or pea rock as shown on drawings. Fine natural sand well graded conforming to ASTM C-144. C, Water -Water used shall be of potable quality. a. Steel -Rein1orclng steel tor decks and walks to be intermediate grade performed bars conforming to ASTM A-615 and/or Grade 40. Mesh ASTM A-496, size as shown on drawings. E. Expansion Joints -Asphalt impregnated fell. Polyfelt Ethatoam as indicated on the drawings F. Control Joints -"White Cap· PVC control joints. 'Crete Joint' control joint or hand tooled score joints 1/4" deep minimum as indicated on the drawings. G. Construction Joints -Butt type, butt type with dowels. Screed key joint as indicated on the drawings. H. Joint Sealant -Two part polysulfide sealant as manufactured by Thiokol, Class AS, self leveling or multi-part polyurethane construction sealant by LM_ Scofield in matching color. I. Curing Material • Hunts process MD7C. "Lithochrome· color wax for color conditioned concrete by L.M. Scofield in matching color of concrete as indicated on the drawings. J. Color Conditioned Concrete -'Chromix' admixtures for integral colored concrete by LM. Scofield Company. L. Dust-On Color -'Lithochrome' color hardener by L.M. Scofield Company. M. Surtace Retardant -'Lithotex' top surface retarder as manufactul'ed by L.M. Scofield Co_ or 'Sika' surface retarder, rugesol as manufactured by Sika Corporation. Subocade A. Grade all sub grades to a uniform depth and compaction. Moisten all subgrades prior to pouring of concrete. B. Cut all footings in undisturbed or compacted soil. C. Place sand or aggregate base as shown on the drawings and 89 specified by a soils engineer. Forms A. Use only fin.ished lumber. Set all forms true to grade and position. B. Moisten all forms prior to pouring of concrete or use approved form release egents. Expansion Joints A. Place expansion joints in concrete at intersection o1 concrete snQ fixed structures, i.e.1 garage, walls, base of steps, pool bone! beam as indicated on drawings. B. Place control joint in concre1e not to e;ic:ceed a horizontal spacing of 8 feet on center each way, as indicated on drawings. c. Place construction joints in concrete where casting of concrete is to be stopped and subsequent casting is to be started. convcete A. Class A concre1e shall contain not less than 5 sacks of cement per cubic yard and be proportioned to attain a maximum cylinder strength of 2,000 PSI in 26 days. Compressive strengths are to be determined in accordance with ASTM C-39. The slump shall not exceed 4". B. Concrete Mixing -All transit mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with the requirement of Standard Specifications for ready mixed concrete ASTM C-94. 6. 6. Concrete Einlshmg A. Broom Finish -Tamp fresh concrete with heavy metal grid. Screed with straight edge to remove all irregularities. Float to a smooth surtace, steel trowel and edge to an even hard surface. Score as indicated on the drawings. Use a new manila hemp bristle broom, brush markings on slabs in uniform fashion shown on the drawings. B. Rock salt finish -Tamp fresh concrete with heavy metal grid. Screed with straight edge to remove all irregularities. Float to a smooth surface, steel trowel and edge to an even hard surface. Score as indicated on the drawings. Hand broadcast rock salt in even distribution and tamp in. Wash off concrete with enough pressure to dissolve rock salt after concrete has set. C. Pea Rock Retarded finish -Tamp fresh concrete with heavy metal grid. Screed with straight edge to remove all irregularities. Float to a smooth surface, steel trowel and ed,ge to an even hard surface. Apply surface retarder to finished surface 'L.M. Scofield' prior to initial set per manufacturers recommendations using sprayer, providing even distribution. Reveal aggregate by using water jet and coarse fiber brushes to remove retarder paste 1rom surface, washing thoroughly until surface is clean and exposure is complete and uniform. D. Hand Seeded Retarded Finish -Tamp fresh concrete with heavy metal grid. Screed with straight edge to remove all irregularities. float to a smooth surface. Hand seed surface in uniform fashion over entire area keeping stone 1/2" minimum from edges and expansion joints. Tamp aggregate to a uniform depth below concrete surface. Prior to initial set, apply retardant. Per manufacturers recommendations using sprayer, providing even distribu1ion, reveal aggregate by using water jet and coarse fiber brushes to remove retardant paste from surface, washing thoroughly until surface is clean and exposure is complete. E. Stamped concrete -Tamp fresh concrete with heavy metal grid. Screed with straight edge to remove all irregularities. Float to a smooth surface. Apply color hardener 'Lithochrome· by L.M. Scofield by the dry shake method using a minimum of 60 pounds per 100 square feet. Apply in 2 or more shakes and Float after each shake. Trowel only after fin·a1 floating while concrete is stHI plastic, use imprinting tools to make patterh as shown in drawings. Apply color curing compound 'Lithochrome· color wax by L.M. Scofield Company using roller or sprayer if "Bomacron· type surtace is shown on drawings, a release agent must be applied prior to texturing the concrete. Color curing compound may be optional, as indicated on the drawings. Clean-up A. Upon completion of work, remove all forms, debris material and tools from site. VI BLOCK MASONRY Scoot of Work Provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation and necessary incidentals for the completlon of all block masonry as shown on the drawings including but not limited to the following. A. Materials B. C. D. E. 1. Slump block units meeting Grade A, ASTM C-90, cdncrete block units Grade A, ASTM C-90. 2. Cement • Standard Portland cement ASTM designation C-150 Type I or 11, low alkali. 3. Sand -Clean well graded ASTM designation C-144. 4. Water • Water used shall be of potable quality. 5. Steel • Reinforced steel tor wall to be Grade 40 deformed bars ASTM designation A-165. 6. Concrete -Class A. concrete minimum 2,000 PSI at 28 days. 7, Mor1ar -by volume, freshly prepared, uni1ormly mixed in ratio 1 part cement, 1/2 part lime putty , 4-114 parts sand, conforming to ASTM C-270. Ornit lime pu1ty if plastic cement is used. 8. Grout -by volume freshly prepared. uniformly mixed 1 part cement. 3 parts sand, 2 parts pea gravel. Laying of Masonry 1. Lay all masonry straight and true to line with vertical joints plumb over each other. Horizontal joints shall be leveL Headers and corner units to show finished faces where exposed. Joints and bond pattern to be- as shown on the drawings. Reinforcing 1. All bars in masonry shall be lapped a minimum of 40 bar diameters. Dowels for walls and columns to be same size as wall reinforcing. Refer to Structural Engineers speci1ica1ions for all steel sizes and locations. Cutting of Masonry 1. No cutting of masonry units shall be allowed unless shown on the drawings. Grouting of Masonry V. BRICK MASONRY 1. Grout all cells with vertical steel solid as shown on the drawings. A. Scope of work T Provide all labor, material, tools, equipment transportation and necessary incidentals for the completion of all brick masonry as shown on the drawings Including but not limited to 1he following: 1. Materials 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A. Brick conforming to ASTM A-62 grade MW as shown on drawings. B. Cement -Standard Portland cement ASTM designation C-150, Type II, Ill or V low alkali single brand throughout. Refer to Soils Engineer's report for recommendations C. Sand • Clean, well graded sand ASTM designation C-144 D. Water -Water used shall be of potable quality. E. Steel -reinforcing steel for walls to be Grade 40 deformed bars, ASTM designation A-615. Wire reinfo000 PSI at 28 days. F. Mortar -by volume, freshly prepared, uni1ormly mixed in ratio, 1 part cement, 112 part lime putty, 4 112 parts cement, 3 parts sand conforming to ASTM C-270. Omit lime putty is plastic cement is used. G. Grout ~ By volume, freshly prepared, uniformly mixed, 1 part cement, 3 parts sand or 1 part cemen1, 3 parts sand and 2 parts pea gravel. Laving of Brick Lay all masonry units straight and true to line with vertical joints, plumb over each other. Horizon-ta! joints shall be level. Headers and corner units shall show finished faces where exposed. Joints and bond pattern to be as shown on drawings. Reinforcing AU bars in masonry shall be lapped a minimum of 40 bar diameters. Dowels 1or walls and columns to be same size as wall reinforcing. Re1er to Structural Engineers specifications for all steel specifications. · Cutting of Brick Use masonry saw tor all cuts unless specified otherwise. Bricks cut shorter than 112 length shall not be used. Grouting A. Grout co-re walls solid as shown in the drawings. B_ Provide minimum of 2 112" grout space between double brick walls. Provide minimum of 3/4" be1ween steel reinforcing and brick. Waterproofing Waterproof all retaining wall below finished grade with asphaltic emulsion or equal in 2 coats_ Waterproof brick if so shown on the plans. Cleaning and Sealing A. Clean all brick work. Remove all mortar Stains. Remove alkali with solution o1 muratic acid and water. Apply clear sealer to exposed surfaces if shown on the drawings. B. Upon completion of work, remove all mortar droppings, debris, materials and tools 1rom site. 6. 7. a. 9. VII. 2. Grout all cells below grade solid. 3. Provide minimum 314" between steel reinforcing and blocks. Weeoholes 1. Open joint weep holes at 32" o.c. maximum on bottom course of retaining walls with 1 cubic toot gravel if shown on drawings or approved drainage system per Structural Engineers specifications. Exoansion Joints 1. Provide vertical expansion joints in wall per local code and Structural Engineers specifications. Waterproofing 1. Waterproof all retaining walls below grade with asphalt emulsion, 2 coats. Cleaning 1. Clean all masonry work, remove all mortar stains. 2. Upon completion of work, remove all mortar droppings, debris, materials and tools from site. CARPENTRY Scope ot work ·'.r~vide all labor:, materials, toots, equipment, transportation and necessary incIde~tals for com~letion of all carpentry as shown on the drawings 1nclud1ng but not limited to the following; A. Materials 1. Wood · rough sawn, resawn1 surtaced 4 sides as shown on the drawings, ~traight, sound, free from marks, pin head knots, spa pocke1s, slivers, checks. Construction grade or better as shown on the drawings. 2. Douglas Fir, Redwood, Western Red Cedar or as shown on the drawings. 3. 4. 5. 6. Posts, plates and other at grade connections to be Redwood Western Red Cedar or pressure treated Douglas Fir as show~ on the drawings. Hardware -column bases -'Simpson Strong Tie' or equal. Post caps and strap ties -'Simpson Strong Tie' or equal. Joist hangers and heavy angles -"Simpson Strong Tie" or equal. Screws, hinges, nails, bolts, washers. All hardware material to be galvanized. Stain and. paint -as selected and shown on _drawings_ Concrete -Class A minimum 2,000 PSI at 28 days. +··· ·- CJoD □!!JD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. Nl lfl O)AS I HIGHWAY. OANA P()INT, C:AUFC>RNI:\ 'J2~2'J (714:-49(,..t,1 l 1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASLA B. Rouch Caroentrv 1. 2. 3. 4. Set all posts, beams, rails and framing plumb and true to line as shown on the drawings. Connections -make all connections as shown on the drawings. Splice lumber at posts only. Utili::r.e all nail and/or bolt holes for all hardware. Ease all top edges of exposed Tumber for bench tops, low walls etc., where surface contact is provided. Po.st_ base -.. set post column base as shown on drawings, providing mInImum 1 clear all sides from finished post pace to top of paving_ 5. Countersink nails and bolts in all locations where surface contact is prl""lvided, i_e., bench top, etc. c. Painting and Stain 1 2. 3. 4. 5. '.ill all seams and cracks with Latex caulk and/or wood dough to insure an even surface. Sand smooth all exposed surfaces if specified as S4S. Prime all painted surfaces with one coat primer. Paint with minimum two finish coats for painted surfaces. Stain with minimum two finish coats for stain surfaces. D. Protection and Cleanup 2. Protect all existing work from paint overspray. Upon completion of work, remove al1 scrap wood, debris, materials and tools from site. VIII Metal Work Scope of Work ~r~vide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation and necessa inc1d_en_tals for completion of all metal work as shown on the drawings including bui not hm,ted to the following: A. B. C. D. E. Materials 1 . Steel tubing and/or hand drawings. in sizes sho~n on the drawings ASTM designation 500 forged, cold rolled wrought iron in si.zes as shown on the 2_ Hardware T hinges, latches, bolts, washers, duty_ screws, etc. to be heavy 3. ~oncrete ; Class A concrete minimum 2,000 PSI at 28 days and/or ?or-Rock as shown on the drawings. 4_ Paint ~ ~inc Chromate primer, 'Rustoleum' finish surface coats or equal 'Metalrz1ng' or gal~ani::r.ing or powder coating if shown on the drawings.- Fabricat;Q0 and Installation 1. Contractor shall make all measurements for fabrication in field prior to starting work. 2. Hori~ontal bars_to taper ~ith grade or step with grade as shown on the drawings. Vertical bars to be plumb. Welding 1. Welding to comply with the requirements of standard code for ARC and Gas welding. 2. Weld to only clean, rust free surtace. 3_ All welds to be continuous and free of cracks, craters and porosity. Tack welds not acceptable. 4. Grind smooth all exposed welds, match adjoining surfaces. 5. Plug all open ends and tops and weld. Painting 1 _ Prime all metal work with one coat Zinc Chromate primer. 2. Paint all metal work with 2 coats 'Rustoleum· in semi gloss or flat as shown on the drawings. Paint to be 4 mils minimum dry thickness each. J_ Prime and paint per above, all field welds. Protection and Cleanup 1. Protect all e~isting work from paint overspray. 2_ Obtain Fire permit where required for on site welding. 3. Upon completion of work, remove all scrap iron, debris, materials and tools from site. BUil T" RCE EXP REVIEWED BY· ·-----· ------------·------- INSPECTOR DATE -......... \ JOB #500116 CROSBY . MEAD 'BENTON ~ & ASSOCIJUES ! LA MES'I: kl.lEPAHIIT ae&o ■I Camino ...._l. 1111..tie 100 C&Pl•b4IMI.. C•Uforn.la ••oos <•teJ <1iaa~1•to COMe>tNAi'I0N 1'2.0/240Y -lfP, ~I'>! !VI E I ER eo MA I "-l PANE'L." LLF't "------------..._ • • I ~ r \ .c,·•..-~ \ ~ ... t I • ., ff.1'/fo ·1~·~ . I I 1 ..,-,~.~ ~ca--r·1 I I .,.,..,_, I C,l!,,..1.., ~ ~ ar'l-'fe-at -- H-E:A-~., i-JE::-i-.1',A.. '?>JIL.., PL..ihl-i Ta ~oi;;. Mou...rreo JJNG-11 o N ex,,:,.. F-OIL l!;:-Ac-TP,-10:::. Go>-ie< C(;:> ~, ::Z,OJ'jl::. (1} ~~II C::Oi-Ji::>i.Jl°T' (!,<.I i'i+-1 F'..J'-"-¥'11F'ti=) F-'2-0"1 ,--li.J~i1.Q-l ~ ,-o f,-,,i,qe. T ri;; ... , a.P.:>1i-lE-T ,t,.,i-Jo (1) 111 c0Noi..1T (f-.1,Trt PJ'-<-i,,Jti<ae:) f'IIE-0""'1 c.JJ,.J.C-i1ot--1 irb:,)'. TO PHA'::>i=, -2. 'Tt=1.., CAe, 1 rJ.t?:i'. L.a c.,,1,. re:o I t4 l"'UO _ F-<?~ 1 ""'K E.t-lT' ~0,-1 • ' ,-,-,-,-~ \ j ~J?/~J~_/'4 L.L.,;,, • I ~ -·---~ ~ ---~ I c•' PHASE ·-,--.1.,_<•,/ '1 ...._ 'Jl_; Jt ' , ~..... --,. ' / ::-,_,~ ...... .,.....,;_ ,J KEY MAP NORTll N.T,S, NORTH APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SCALE: 1"=20'-0" " AS BU I LT" RCE __ _ EXP REVIEWED BY, INSPECTOR i==o12-~t-Ji.JJ:,,,.TiotJ e,E';e <:,t11:a:e::1 L-• 17 SEE SHEET L-21,22 FOR SYMBOL LEGEND NOTE: DIRECT LIGHTS AWAY FROM TRAFFIC fSHrnl L!:~ CITY 0 CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT , ,....-...,.-~,------------------------....... 'l ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 ~ ~D FORSUMISUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC . 34118 COI\ST i:ftGHWAY, DA.NA PC'ltNT, CAl..fFORNl.,I. 92629 (71-CJ 49f,.6111 IGHTING PLAN T PL ASSI --=::=-1r-=~+----------------+------+-----'-,----I DWN BY: ~~- DIRECT PRO.£CT NOi DAl£ DATE WIDSCAPE ARCHlffCTS, ASlA DAW N1IAl ,.._DA_'l£_~H_11A1._,__DA_1[_~1N111_Al.--o CHKD BY: __ _ Dia t.w o, WCIII< REVISION DESCRIPTION D1HER APP!!OVAL an -OVAL RVWD BY: c:r. 90•14 J.21-2L JOB #500116 FOR EXIST IMPS Sff DWG NO 286 9B SI-IT 15 , f .. ,-'' . ,. \ \ \ ... I \ '\,,\ \\ \ \ ✓ A6 /..~ ol f ,i rfa ,. //; ~llfP f. f. 26 f. . 25 24 ------ 4rG / TYPE 'B' 6/?0W OITC/.1 PEP SO.I? 5 D D-15 MAINT/.1/N 6" MIN CLEARANCE 1 TO f5MT LINE ,, '\ J,, ~\ 0~ ·{' \,.\,. ' ' "' "' ~ fJ'I" "'' [__-,1,_\.!:::t,Me,,1 f..1,/>,.Tlo,J;i, ":' . •• ~ r. AIJ • ,fa· f.1,i f 23 .ScE t • I : f ,, fl, I\ I"' I C.,0.t.. l<c> l'-'11!:>a L- o ) 8.rJ2 23 _, 81'1.2I D4 ·, OA1E CJF..- ~ ~ ~ \l) FFZ/8.001 PA021750 RE\IISION DESCRIPTION ' ', / / ,/ / ,,--~ .,,-- "~1;1~-------. --~ ·- KEY MAP SEE SHEET L-21,22 FOR SYMBOL LEGEND z,oo•-.," PVC . @23% \ \ \ I I ..., DIRECT LIGHTS AWAY FROM TRAFFIC i8, I:' '!,' ' ,r ."\ DA1E N1IAL DA'IE N11AL D1HEII -VAL CllY N"PftOVAI. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" RCf __ _ F.XP Rf\/lEWED BY: INSPECTOR --..--:_ ' DATE DATE SHEETS 46 ORA lllfNG NO. 321-2L· . , i I \ CROSBY MEAD 'BEN'[ON & ASS()CIATF5; TIGER "EP~QGR,t,PHICS .Bnrtneer. · Plaauera · 8urveyot'• D8150 ~I C•m.ino Re•I. 8dte 1100 Cu·l•ba.d, C"Hfor:qi--. 9:1008 (819) 438-1210 \ \ I \ \ \ ' \ \ I \ \ ~ < 9 < I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I ' \ ' ' \ \ I I \ I I -; J I I I - I I I I I ~ I ...... ......... aoD DeJD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC . '3,4118 COAST HIGHWAVC DANA FOINT, CA.UFORNIA 92629 (714) 496-6111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITTCTS, ASLA ---. ' I : I KEY MAP NORTH 1'11.T S I SEE SHEET L-21,22 FOR SYMBOL LEGEND APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS DIRECT LIGHTS AWAY FROM TRAFFIC t---r----;------ t---r-----,-1--=--=-----------------·------;- -----------·----------.-----, D,. TE INITIAL I 01',T!: 1Nll1"'1. O<GINITR OF" WORK I REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL !Nill CITY "l'PROVAL NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DAIT REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE f SHfFT_] CITY OF C ARlS BAD l SHE.fTS] ~~~ !~---~· ==P=L::A:::NN:::::l:::NG:=:=DE::A=~=R=TM=:E=N=T====-.:::::-.=4=6== ASSJ DWN BY: PRO..E:CT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C,T. 90-14 321-2L- JOB #500116 - CROSBY MEAD ~ 'BENTON ~ & ASSOCIAn:S J TIQBI Q n Ill t.li\ 102' 5 I · I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I <.O ~I- t,/'l :::r <.I> \!) '° a.. 0-, :::;:, <.O ,__...., \!)N -><:a Lu2 51' I I I I ! I I I ' : / I I ! / I I FOR [XIST '$'TORM DRAIN IN ALGA RD. SEE DWG NO 286· 9D '3/./T 5 t DWG NO. 286-91:1, SJ.IT 17 11,eo •1 C.._illO S.&l. Bulio 900 Carl■bad, C•Hf(IPllli& ••ooa <•1•) 438 -1 •10 I ..,. ~ 0 ;,-'I -~ .... . /!Pa t,· ' ~ '?>~ • /3+92.94-I IQ ltl':1.'30 .._ 14+01.55 E.C. I ltJ9tf7 .C.ftJB 95 . f-.. -..•• ~ I {1!9_29 ~ --= s; .·· 0 .· .'f¼rc~ 1/ . ~ I O .· P,,,.,~ ,8 -~ -~,, i ~ ?'~ /4c..\ """<t {~. ~ •• . _i66--=.. ---+h"'J // '. ,q_ -~.., ,t'@. 1 .. ~ \ I •, \ , ., ' '• / ....... -· .. ·===~1 . --·""' ,,,., ••,. / \ / ,.,,.,, ... l!liOc;.:----- - I ,J I ,n,, I I ' ' I '• , I ' ~ • I I / /" I . ' / / J _ __..- ,// / ,, / /.,, .~ .· / / ///-~/ / . 0/ f'-J. . \ - , " " ' ~ ~-.,_.,,..._._,,,1~1-o.:....:.,',;;,;:-,.,)~ ... ,,i.••~4.,.,. ., ,---,.,.~J.:.-....... , ' (J l'f~·(p f.f. ~ I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS □~· FORSl,JM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 3'118 C~ ~Y, ~ l'OINT, Ci\UFOl!:NlA ,2629 (7141 8-6111 ~ AAOIITECTS, ASLA ' ,, ' -,..!.,,...:.&__.... . ..0:. PHASE :(J(! {{'~ .J/~,;J .. -.., c:::..;_,:J ~ .. _J' --,,,..., KEY.MAP SEE SHEET L-21,22 FOR SYMBOL LEGEND DIRECT LIGHTS AWAY FROM TRAFFIC ,,..ORTH ...:.,.s. ~fi.,oftSSt I ~ ' ' SIM Jt ECTRI ~"11!,/',...' GINEEII OF CJ. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" "AS 8U1Lt' RCE ___ EXP.___ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE isHEErJ CITY OF CARLSBAD fsRmsl ~====~===~=================================1====~====:===: L~~ !~ '.==::::Pl::::A:::::N::::N::::IN:::::G::::::D::E:::PA:::::R:::::TM::::=E=:NT:===~~~=6~ --+-----+-----+-----1------11 ' 1----+-----,,j.,, . ' ALOEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 LIGHTING PLAN I APPROVED ~====:===~~===========================~====~====~====~===~ ASSISTANT PLA~ DIRECTOR t-:0;;-;A:;;'lt;-t-".;;N..;;11:..Al-t-----------------l-D-A""TE---l-lNl-11-Al-+-D-flTE-+-l«-11Al--l D'il/N BY: ---PRO.ECT NO. 1-----~--+---~-_. CHKD BY:__ C:I 90_, .. 4 OlHER APPROVAL Cl'TY An'IJ.OVAL RVWO BY: • CIIOIEEROIF._ REVISION DESCRIPTION • DAlE .DRAWING NO. 321-2[ JOB #500116 --,. 1J ".:. 1i'PI ,:'..,I;{, 1H!? ,;,yt,ifOL .......... ................ r-'····························· ~ --"7~---"'..... -~~ ········ I =_,_, .. _,_, .. ,., .. "" .. "-'"!.!'" l!•-W,l.LLU.LLU• ~· ~'.!J"!.!."!.!'-'-'"!.!Jll!.!Jll!.!.l!Ulllll~•· Lf,lllllJW-1.IUJ~II-· .. 11 : f ,...,. ............... ,,,,,, l I I 11· 11 . I I -.......... • ~ • ~ . ~ ~-···· I I KEY MAP I N()tfH N 1_,;; SEE SHEET L-21,22 FOR SYMBOL LEGEND . ' ' NOi e,; t2~P 0~ L---17 -ft;P:--f-~ Gf:;NfW- ~TIDN . APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ooD DE'.90 FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. )4111-\ ~-OA)T 1---"l(;HWA'I. DAN.-\ P()!NT, ("Al.lf()Rt<IA 92ti2'l (71.-.) -1%-til · 1 LA'i DSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASLA ~--------------"'- DIRECT LIGHTS AWAY FROM TRAFFIC --!-----+--------------·------------------l---------<1---- --+--+- t--_________ _j_________._ . . t L -t I ----·-. ·----·----. --·-+--··-- ____ _j_ ___ --- ' ·--t .. -· -·-___ ,_,, _______ ,, _______ , _____ ""'" ., ··- DATT: INITIAL-+------------------------- ! ------. .l -------r-..GINEER OF WORK REVIS/Or, DESCKIPTION DA TE INITIAL OTHER APPRDVAl A. SIMMON . ~t CTRltAL t -i- f ~- t·· ----r--- DA TE 1N1nA.L C1TY APPROVN. NORTH SCALE: 1" = 1 O' -O" 0 10 20 30 " ~ C 8 c...J I l_ T" f'\ -:_1 i , . -__ ,, __ , __ -····"·-·-···--- RCE C:XP )A TE_ REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DATT L-20 ; C'ITY OF CARI,SBAD I -SHffTJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 J L --___ -- ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 CENT LIGHTING PLAN . 1 AP },"§_ _ __ T_ · A-NNING 01i1¢roR - OWN BY .. I I J ~~;_g_ :~ _______ C.T. 90-14 -----~L--~-~ 40 JOB #500116 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LIST ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS . /""",. . TYPE CATA!;,OG f J \ MAlfUF. !,AMPS VOLTS T'WA'J.'TS ll.li:SCRlP'l,'1011 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CODES AND ORDINANCES HAVING / ' HADCO VH737-50 (1)50W 120 60 H.I.D. METAL JURISDICTION. -· -GB4-IISE-MH HALIIE LIG1fl' ~-FIXTURE@ Pll50-86-G CLEAR FIX'l'URE @ POLE MOUNTED HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE METAL HALIDE 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS AND . . T'-;"P E @ (VENTURE) MOUl!l'l'ED ON LIGHTING FIXTURE. SEE FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND DETAILS . INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. 8'-6" POLE /. WITH GREEII • 36" HIGH METAL HALIDE BOLLARD, MOUNTED ON CONCRETE 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING SITE, AND/OR BUILDING ' VmIDEFINiai: BASE. SEE FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND DETAILS. CONDITIONS, THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL EXISTING -, I<--AND STIPPLED 1 SITE AND/OR BUILDING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BID. ) GLOBE. -4' -0 .. FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE, BRASS BAR --ENCASEMENT FOR MONUMENT SIGN LIGHTING. 4 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE CLOSELY WITH THE OWNER AND -HADCO s-5133 (1)50W 120 60 H. I. OTHER TRADES FOR ALL PHASES AND SCHEDULING OF WORK. CONTRACTOR ~ ,, 0 11 0.D, POLE MH grr (A) INDICATES A LIGHTING FIXTURE CALL-OUT SEE LIGHTING SHALL OBTAIN AUTHORIZATION IN WRITING BY THE OWNER AT LEAST ONE ' ' FROSTED FIXTURE FIXTURE SCHEDULE THIS DRAWING. WEEK PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION OF ANY WORK. ~ r{) (VENTURE) MOUNTED ON ® -' -'IDP CF '-0" }--INDICATES CONDUIT UP, PROVIDE 3/ 4" PVC TO 1/ 2" GRS 5 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC, REFER TO ~= 0 CONCRE:"E -----~ ' ~ /,---HAND HOLE •MIT CONCRETE TRANSITION WITH ADAPTER. ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR !?ASE SONO -OOLUMII WITH GUIDANCE ON DIMENSIONS, CEILING. HEIGHTS, DETAILS, LOCATION OF TUBE FINISH -EEN VERDE 3/ 4" PVC SCHEDULE 40 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT. NUMBER OF DUCTS, PIPES AND STRUCTURAL STEEL. INSTALL Tl!E ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS f'"'Ep: ,c.l..F\CH, ' ;-RaV1DE 6USHiNSS SLASH MARKS INDICATE NUMBER OF #10 WIRES. NUMBER WITHOUT INTERFERING WITII DUCTS. PIPES, STURTURAL STEEL OR OTHER V t,OTH ENOS. STIPP t--~ NEXT TO SLASH MARKS INDICATE WIRE SIZE OTHER THAN SYSTEMS. ~· ~ -GLOBE. 110. NO SLASH MARKS INDICATE 3/4" CONDUIT -2 #10 . I ~~-· -ANCHOR E,OL...,..S THW CU. 6 ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE NEW, U.L. LISTED AND APPROVED . • ,-.i{1· 1 lil FIN-&RAPE HADCO RDS -CK5 (l)SOW 120-60 42" HIGH X c.f:: SE MH 8" DIAMETER NEW 60 AMP -120/240 VOLT SINGLE PHASE PANEL BOARD 7 ALL ELECTRICAL DEVICES, EQUIPMENT, CONDUITS, CONNECTORS ETC, ...... _ ... \111\IHIIII· ·:t:1 '~ "''" " ~ LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING ENVELOPE SHALL BE WEATHERPROOFED. ~ . ! ; , I FROSTED ''LIGffll[IJSE'' WITH METERED MAIN. TYPICAL 5, PLACES. SEE SINGLE- """ '>X,/,<.,Vl/'o/<i, ''b• ~, ',(J ;, ('.'<:·""1/'\W/ © (VENTURE) BOLLARD LINE DIAGRAM AND PANEL SCHEDULES. ~--, , · I _. "'-11 , ~/-, -=... ' ' I I%~') I 't;,' ~~ LIGHT 8 CONDUCTORS: USE NO WIRE SMALLER Tl!AN #12 AWG, RATED AT 600V. I -~ti---;', c,,t FIXTURE INDICATES A CONDUIT "HOME-RUN" TO PANELBOARD. SEE A. TYPE THW -75 CRATING, FOR LIGHTING, POWER AND CONTROL, F 3 TIE BAR 1Q.1 -·-·~····· H.I.D. HETllL < -----PANEL SCHEDULES THIS DRAWING. 3/4" PVC SCHEDULE 40 SOLID WIRE FOR #BAWG AND SMALLER. USE STRANDED WIRE FOR #6 :__ ."-~, '=-. I -CO'-lDUIT HALIIEWITH MINIMUM. AWG AND LARGER. f,1 ,tJO(r-, • 0 0, C, -:-o TOP • ~EEN VERDB B. TYPE THWN ~ 75 CRATING, FOR LIGHTING, POWER AND CONTROL, l l L tl:4 REBAR.-FINISH. ~1-lP INDICATES A "WEATHERPROOF" JUNCTION BOX MOUNTED @ SOLID WIRE FOR #8 AWG AND SMALLER, STRANDED WIRE FOR #6 '5 I GRADE LEVEL WITH WET LOCATION LABEL. AWG AND LARGER. . , DIA. , 4 PLACES HADCO 1020-H (l)lOOW 120 100 INCANl'.ES(ffll' PAR38 TREE-UP INDICATES A HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE-50 WATT METAL 9 CONDUITS INSTALLED IN DUCT BANKS, IN SLABS, IN EARTH OR FILL SHALL BE @ FLOOD LI <ET ABCNE ' 0 HALIDE DIRECT BURIAL UP-LIGHT FOR PALM TREE LIGHTING PVC SCHEDULE 40. TRANSISTIONS FROM BELOW TO ABOVE GRADE S!IALL GRADE. CAST @ SITE ENTRANCE. BE GALVANIZED RIDGID STEEL. CONDUITS LOCATED ABOVE GRADE SHALL BE FIXTURE A DETAIL ALUMINUM GALVANIZED RIDGID STEEL OUTDOORS AND ELECTRICAL METAL TUBING WITH BRASS 9 INDICATES A FLUORESCENT STEP LIGHT RECESSED IN INDOORS. MINIMUM UNDERGROUND CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 3/4". FINISH AIID CONCRETE STEPS. 1◊" so. SWIVEL BAS!:. 10 INSTALL ALL EXPOSED CONDUITS IN THE BUILDING PARALLEL OR PER-~i'" 5/8" X 4' X 4' PLYWOOD TELEPHONE BACKBOARD WITH 1 PENDICULAR TO THE LINES OF THE BUILDING. CONDUIT SHALL BE BRONZE GH-2035 (1)35W 120 40 H. I.D. METAL ff f6 cu TO NEAREST BUILDING GROUND AND DEDICATED SUPPORTED ACCORDING TO CODE. -LITE MH-SE-C MH-HALIDE DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE. ® SINGLE DIRECT 11 ALL FEEDER RUNS IN NON-METALLIC CONDUITS SHALL HAVE GROUND ENDED. llURl AL WELL INDICATES A HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE-50 WATT METAL CONDUCTOR RUN WITH CURRENT CAPACITY CONDUCTOR SIZED IN ACCORDANCE ~ . --:"-~ (OSRAM) LIGHT FOR ~ HALIDE FIXTURE MOUNTED ON CONCRETE COLUMN. SEE WITH APPLICABLE CODES. THE CONTRACTOR Sl!ALL MAINTAIN UNIFORMITY '' Fl)<'.TL.RE •: TYF'E PALM TREE-FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND DETAILS. AND CONTINUITY OF THE GROUNDING SYSTEM. ' • UP LIGHTING 12 LIGHTING PANELBOARDS: COMPLETELY FACTORY BUILT AND TESTED. HADCO 1034-HK (l)F40 120 TOTALLY ENCLOSED,· DEAD FRONT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE PANEi.BOARDS 48 MONUMENT LIGHTING NOTES: FOR LIGIITING,AND CONTROLS. SINGLE POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER. FULL WW --., , .... ' r, Sl<a FWCE-MODULE SIZE. DO NOT INSTALL TWO-POLES IN A SINGLE MODULE. ' --·-I TIN FL.ACE liECl!Nl'LIG!l' L.l CITY OP SAR DIEGO LIGHT POLLU'l'ION LAN: SPACES COMPLETE WITH BUS AND HARDWARE READY FOR INSTALLATION OF 1··" .. . ,. ' ' . ' ONC. COLUl"'.'-J ® FIXTURE FUTURE BREAKERS. CIRCUIT BREAKERS OF BOLTIN, THERMAL MAGNETIC I 1· <. VEF<1==y N/AF<CH, EXTRUDED THI! EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES SHOWN 011 THESE PLAIIS COMPLY WITH ~E CITY OF TYPE 10,000 AIC SYMMETRICAL (MINIMUM) OR/AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 11 ALUM. SAN DIEGO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 101-1300 UNDER THE "INITIAL TOTAL LAMP HEREIN. CIRCUIT DIRECTOR FRAME WITH NEATLY TYPED DIRETORY CARD , ' HOUSING, SOURCE" LUMEKS OF 4050 OR LESS, EXEMPTION. WITHIN CLEAR PLASTIC COVERING ON INSIDE OF DOOR. CLEAR ', . ' I I ,. , . '?11 0, D. TUBE-W/ ll(]{Yl.ICLDIS Ll ALL SO WATT METAL HALIDE MEDIUM BASI! LAMPS SHALL Bl! PURCHASED FROM 13 ALL PENETRATIONS OF FIRE RATED SURFACES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH . ~ )NI' --·-l ·. -• ~a: BALLAST 1NS1PE, 6 DUAL VEN'l'URE LIGHTING COMPAIIY, LAMP CODE NUMBER MH50/C/U/Ml!D PRODUCT 113093. NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL OF FIRE RATING EQUAL TO MATERIAL PENE---SWIVEL BISE. 0 I) TRATED. • .. ,·, ' . •' ~-.. ~~ ..... -· ··-. -~ -.,,. ·~'-COLE F2129R-(2)PL-9 120 20 9" DIA. X 4 ' . ' ..... 14 CABLE TESTS: MAKE TESTS ON CABLES BETWEEN EACH CONDUCTOR AND ' J-W-B 1/16" D 11 FIN, GRADE FLUSH IN GROUND WITH OTHER CONDUCTORS IN A CABLE ON CONDUIT TIED TO WALL ~ GROUND. PERFORM OPERATIONAL TESTS ONLY ON ALL LIGHTING 120V , I I FLUORESC!NT CIRCUITS. TEST CABLES FOR 120/240 SERVICE WITH A SOOV MEGGER , , ' ' ' @ STEPLIGHT BETWEEN EACH PHASE AND GROUND, WITH TEST MAINTAINED UNTIL '-'"-' i1,. , ' . , r<::-::-J?-~f'.i~., , READINGS ARE STEADY FOR 3 MINUTES. '·•< ,, WI'!H BRONZE ' 00 , : i· 3' I I c,, :oec q ' FACE-PLATE. 15 GROUND TESTS: INSPECT ALL GROUND CONNECTIONS FOR CONTINUITY ' 1 . + ' c', • WEA'lmJIPROCl" ?' --~:-, .. , ' l AND TIGHT ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CONNECTIONS, TEST RESISTANCE ..()--,' ' ' ,, ' , '-., . -·u .. (·.CJ,, .: j AT VARIOUS POINTS USING BIDDLE GROUND UFER, OR OTHER STANDARD -", , · c5 · CONC,F , ING . (j, 0) · -'66'0 '. • -··3/41 CON METHODS. , . .-· ' 6 (J \ 0 s. c5 16 ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK BY THE OWNER. , 17 ALL CONDUIT AND WIRE SIZES INDICATED ON THESE PLANS WERE BASED ON THW COPPER AWG. 1r---;cor--;1ts-.E:, 5Er<,v ICE--J, ;11 C-~-ltG:> THIA!. 18 AFTER TRENCHING AND INSTALLATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUITS OR -T••• ••••••"'" •~• •• •• • -NSTALL FEED._ Ps · \ 1/4 II C · ~#'1 I DUCT BANKS, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SHALL BACKFILL, COMPACT AND FIXTURE B DETAIL BY 0TH E-P..'S, PATCH ALL SURFACES TO MATCH EXISTING. f'ROV:DE PULLBO)( e ,. • I , 19 ANY ELECTRICAL DEVIATIONS FROM THESE ELECTRICAL PLANS SHALL BE TAP SE-P-VICE ,,1 ... RECORDED ON AN ''AS-BUILT" ELECTRICAL SET OF PLANS, MARKED-UP BY CONDL..CTORS, _j_ THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IN THE FIELD, ONE SET OF THESE MARK-UPS SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THIS OFFICE UPON PROJECT COMPLETION, UTl,___ITY co:'r-1ou'SE PANEL'4 ,...M, 7 a} (--INSTALL '-IE:-:,..i NETFR SOCKET ME-Tt:R BY OTH~FZS · ,;; I ~ y<..,ITH F/-1~::-DUCl=ck, CLIPS ~""-:.)F<. CoOA SE"RVICE. rvli='TEF<. b1 t-----i LlTILIT'Y CO, 120/'2.40 · !Ol '?N. ~~~('.JI,!,..~ T ),' 0OAMP·'2fOL.E-MAIN C,6. IOOA· '20/'240V '' HOUSE >I,, --1F' ,, I -I I I APPROVED FOR PLANTING ff 'To FANE:...'• 10 6E" YE~IFlcD. AND IRRIGATION ONLY BY OT f-iE-R S • I I T ~NE-N LANDSCAPE L!6r-j:1N& INCLUDING PRECISE :Y~ T PA '-.IE'I-· ·'2. o/:,.4o V · 1 QI,':) N -LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS L _ _J G.->OA:-1P, F 11, ~ p[)(.TU~ © ,ioHss,oil( "AS BUil T" 11 ~--··-"•"'""""'" -,-NEIAJ -11·-1ECLOCKS · 1'20Y-lOA"f ~~ 'ft~ ii i T( I"' I::,. NO-:"E'' .:.:iuAN1 IT"'( ANO it OF POLES' AS ~ ~ " i t. A. SIMMONDS -, "' ' i INDICATED ON ""ANEL 5Cr-'EOUc...l';:$, '" ! INS-:""ALL. LANDSCAPE l..l GH7"1NG PANF.:-LS IJ-.., '5 PLAC= S,'' LLPI '· ~ ~ •' \' 'T I @ f'HAS C \, ,, LLP2" €"PHASE'2,'' _LP?,. i.i'-' FHASE ":i LLP4" ~ f'HASE 4, I a. ~ l1f"2i' V ,., RCE EXP. DATE I ANP (f" '' L-L fS "~PHASE '5. ' -~ i )ttfCTRICAL • I'· ' ~ V -OIGIN££RIN£ jJ REVIEWED BY: " r-A.~c;. t--1 Cl 12-SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM I : 'f'4' -t'':./ t;t,J· -I I OF CAll,u~. ii / ~t.-T'=' I I ~ . - '(V,..c,E, ., I<!' INSPECTOR DATE i . ~ ' ., .. ~" ' ' ·' ....... · •· ••· ~ ... "'I 1•11 ~: ' :t: ?'~:/AY//~,y ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ I $! ' ~ -' :::-c. 9"' t::>,J , T PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 6 ---~ , . .·1: • I ALDEA @ AVIARA ----_,. V . ·f----+. -,----{ .,. 4 ~e:e,.i,,.112 ~IARA P.A.16 ,____ ~ . ;::..., . -1l -1 · at i""l. I¼ e. : / HTING DETAILS '# ~ T1i;, e,.e,A.."" -1'2'' Y.l.'O,'--ia CJ CJD APPR,Q_~ ½~--✓ 7 tl I~ ',, .iJ '7,..?1..;i3 iOf"' DEJD / I FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. ASSIS'rlfNT ;-G DIRECToA -DATE • . . . DWN BY: ' 7 ,---------l nRA'MNG NO . ~4111'1 COA'iT HIGI-IWAY, LlAr-.A POINT, CALIFORNIA 92629 (7l4i 4%,6111 DAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL I' FIXTURE C DETAIL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: 1 l--_ C.T. 90-14 [NGINEER Of WORK OlHER APPROVAi. aTY APPROVAL RYWD BY: 321-2L - ' JOB #500116 .. l ... __ • , ·., \.. I.~ .. I . ' -, ., VOL TS J1~'2~0"?J.f~/.I.~~....... ()1tf p AN[L " L LP1 • : ❖ PHASE __ 1..,,__ __ ~,,,, // ,._ 1 • = !. WIRE 3 , ·. ~ LOCA noNPKA""' 1 ' , DESCRIPTION • -.fC>ST L.TI& e &:>LL-A~D LT & , ' SF'ACE: VOLT AMpS 0 A 0B -LT~ MIS '\EC 24-0 _....- ___ ...--- ,.,.._.-Vla <o'20 1-Sl;i I I E. ,, J. -s - 6 - · PANEL TOTAL MAIN B'!J";o-u,.,Rl,.,_o wOA-'2P , 8' ~TING --="""'---=-----FEEO:TOP ___ _ MOUNTING:SUR.FACF , ., DESCRIPTION 1700 VCX.T AMPS~,0 AM'S ----...,;;:-"'C-- 17~ HIGH LEG -¢,A. 120 VOlT AMPS -7 ,1 ' VOLTS 1'2o/,z,4,:, ' 'PHASE _-;,1~· __ _ WIRE _3~--- DESCRIPTION fll f'oS, LTi_:C,., , . • 60L--LARO Ll"&. Sf'ACIS , , SUBTOTAL ,-l-OAD 1/JA e.o::,· , L"CL 7-21 ~OO -· TOTAL 1000 VOL TS 1'.2o/'24o PHASE __ 1 __ _ WIRE 2 .. . - PANEL '' LLP S,.. LOCATION PHASE~ MAIN BREAKER/ &::lA-'2,:, BUS RATING _.....:(&,Q:c_:;.c,A,_._,_ ____ 1 FEED:TOP---- MOUNTING:SURFACE VOLT AMPS LTG MIS ~ECaAKlCIR 0A 0 B •. CIRl3R~ ~EC MIS LTS VOLT AMPS 0 A 0 B DESCRIPTION '? 1'2.0 2 _?,co 120 G'2.o 1".:> 7 11'2 -S -6 - Sc,o 5<'>0 PANEL TOTAL 1"176 VOLT I.MPS-_7_.4 ___ AMPS HIGH LEG -~ 1'2..Q PANEL VOLT AMPS= aa 0.-' AMPS MAIN BREAKER/ W,A .'2P BUS R <\ TING --"G-'O""A'---'--------- FEE0:TOPal-- . L---------~-----.-~~-,..-..:.·,---.--.----.--.-.----:-:-=-:-::;M~O~UN~T~l'<_N~G_:::S;_LU~R:f_f~A~C~E~~~---1 ,, DESCRIPTION VOLT AMPS LT!;MIS RECJ:!R~:)CIR CLR~K}>E MIS LTS VOLT ;..MPS - 1• Q.lA 0B .. I (!)A (2)B h.--------'----+--'.11 ,a.."--"--~+---'"----"---f-a.-+-+-l--:-l--:-/· .....-,-+-..---t-2----;,-l/4-,;--t-j -t--t-r-=~'-00--+-"---t--·S-"' A_""_;;:; ____ ---1 • .f0S1 LTG "'i~ o />.!'. r '"''- DESCRIPTION • -t,o L..LA R~ L-i"-, 1~0 '.I, ...l::.1---3+--ie----+-1-4-+~1,-1--+----+---.i~ .... _..,,-t..,.l:ic-=-o.c:.o-+----'l"----c:,.. ____ ----J 5FA CF= --s >--e --Sf"A C..E:-• I--'',-'.,....:,_;'----'~-~----'------''-------'----'---'---~~-.___~~-'---'--'----'---'---'---'-------'-...C....'---'--------J, SO() 600 SUBTOTAL ...........___ ,,,,, LOAD 1/JA °!f:,o I LCL x.2S 2_4i;, . . 4So jfio ¢a, G'bo 170 · PANEL TOTAL '.2,07 ':i VOLT AMPS-__ e, ___ <:p ___ Al,lf>S \ ' TOTAL 1'2.-:.:12,_ &"'.lo HIGH LEG -¢A_ 12,0 VOLT AMPS= 10.'2 I I VOLTS j'2.0/-'2.4,o PHASE __ 1ic-c-- W IRE ~ PANEL LOCATION PHASE';, MAIN BREAKER/ 60A · '2P BUS R /\TING __,GQ""""A_._ ___ _ FEED;TOP .. __ MOUNTING:SURfAC" Vot. T AMpS J VOLT ,'.MPS DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION LTS MIS RECBR~:)CIR CIRl3R~ ~ECMIS LTS (b A 0 B I 0A 0B I l 4'2.0 7. ¼ 1 ,, I 1:10? S~F<~ e . FbST t-TE:i. ..-:z , " • 60LLA.RD LTG, ieo ~ __L1--3 -1-1..---4~1-4-+-"''-l----+--+-+"'~---+''5:;_CO_+-,=--,----"l.-=-_____ -j SfACE---s ,-L.::.oJ_--1...--1.-J..._--1.--L------'-----S.;,,.f_)>,_C_E-_· ______ .,, ' 1-:..L.'.=--=---------'----'----'----'---'----"~-~~~- SUBTOTAi.: LOAD ¢.A ".f'.lO LCL x.7S '.2.:'70 -· .:4'.?,0 j&, ¢Ii, teW 5a;:?Sm PANEL TOTAL Q.000 VOLT AMPS-__ b_, '3 ___ ,t,i.!PS , TOTAL 11 ?0_ 110 e,so HIGH LEG -~/\ 1'2 0 VOLT AMPS= ~ VOLTS 1'2.0/'24o PHASE 1' ' WIRE __ 'S'---- DESCRIPTION Vot.l'AMPS 0A 0 B PANEi, LOCATION pf-jASE '2 1'LL..P'2.1' MAIN BREAKER/ !pC>A -'lP sus RATING G>oA FEEO:TOP MOUNT!NG:SURFACE LTS MIS REC•J;RIQCIR CIR 3RM ~E( MIS LTS VOLT AMPS 0 A 0B DESCRIPTION e fOS1 LTEi, S4o .:, ~ , -:z °I ":00 TR'i=E: LJP L-1G. 0 SPARE ?00 -s >-e 6 '5cc, e~p~oo..':'l.,~~A~.~~E~~-~--~~-G--..1.r-;;.;;,;;~.~5-;4,,_o~~~,......._++-+-=1~~-~,..;..,f-t-"r-+i~:::-+...--'r1T1,~~0::::-i---r✓----, · • e-01-LA.RD LT6, P.,,x> ? J ,,_ 4 ' 7 7.oo l ' ~ 1 ·l.. 400 4-"I ~ 1 600 Plkl::Ci0~1' • 161 7 ,, 11 -• . ~ .. -... ..,._' SUl)TOTAt: . , . j"lw 17 m '{._ LOAD ¢A ~? 40 . j44o 1001 ¢a -2701 · PANEL TOTAL 7'::>S1 VOLT I.MPS-_'3..c.1_,4-'-__ A.WPS , !'.'CL x.2S B3t;:, • TOTAL 4175 c;, ""115 3"31~ HICiH LEG -¢A t'.2,0 e PROV101= !~LE'-7 OAY i•ME:CLOCi< FOR EACH CIRClli7'. e PROVIDE '2F'OL-P--1DAY TIMECLDCK. ' O F'ROVI D!= 4 FOL.F.; ·7 OA Y Tl l"1 E:;;C._OCI<. VOlT AMPS= 34-1 AMPS BASE -k EE'.J= - J;'Le-jOO ,--. F-IXTUF-'.E-fF\ TYFE-\___J ~N =AT c-1 ~;:;_,p ROOF -2. GAr---.G SOX Ar--0 eAS::-, i<:=-:::Ne i;.. L.t':>-100. I ( CONDIJ I T---_,J • . t __ GONJUli ~-c,y.-uR= CAN FIXTURE F DETAIL FIXTURE E DETAIL 'wou~TING su'f;F',A Ge 12o/~4b VOLTS f PHASE VOLTA MPS REMI.RKS 08 w;,,o - ' PANEL ,,·_LP 1 "' '3 WIRE OUTLETS 8 ? i t ~ II 12 VOL TAMPS ~ 74-'2 ◊ I NOi CA TE-S"111v1 EC LO Ck ., Or--,[ -Q;:.F , o~oD FORSU,V\/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34110 ((.),>,,ST HIGHWAY, DANA f'OINT, CALIH...)l,:N:A ':lib.l':I 17:4, 4%-hl 11 LANDSCAPE ARCHITtCTS, ASLA APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ARE.AS .. .. ' ';'~-. _:. •. '.;_r:, II. ; • ' .. -·,' _··-·<At,•.;.-._ ~··"' ''~' .• •:,.-., •• , . . ,, , , . \ . ' D GA"?T .t,J..tJJ,11 I Ni.JM '=>HI~!? ---. t--------.>-// / I \ /./ I '-'2 t.».>-J::> e:a" 14-JO ~ ~2.-~ Ll;::>- 1 oo ' ~ eo,.J DU IT - · FIXTURE D DETAIL ,. "AS BUILT" RCE ___ EXP R£V1£WED BY INSPECTOR DATE DATE JOB #500116 / It 2-BY-PASS WITH GI\ TE VAi Vf' (l_ltlE Sl?F -SCF DFTAIL) r ·· 1 -~r _ ~-JL _j \ \ \_ CIIE'~.K v~: v; 1:;N; Sl!t:1 \_ MASlcR F1U.101t CONlllOI VAi VF (SFF DU AIL) '--BACKFLOW Pl1EVEN1rf11SFF DFT/\IL) un;on (optional) MASTER VAL VE t::[";'"- t,pproved Backflc,w Assembly wit>, boll valves Bondic,g Jumper (when required) /} Union (oplionol) r----.:,. 1 2" 36" m1n1murn maximum . ' 6ond1ng 'Jmper 2' I . J L maximum I (when required) __ .,, . -. ~,_,..,, ~ I ~" i Ii? ;,i 1 cubic foct F -· --1 Iii . Y--thrust. block ~,t ~'.:=_ ;:±::;;= ,.,,.._J~ (\yp1c □I) ~= ' 0 no':. rec:1..;ired--oh 2" or smaller RED. PRl:SSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER Backflow prevemers shall be tested bv a certified tester and results must be given to the owner and the Wa,er Distdct. Pipe between the merer and back.flow preventer shall be "Schedule K Hard Copper." i.illlJJ,W.J Wil.fJ! FINISH GRADE , POP-UP BODY ~URA TRIPLE SWl'IG J()f<f M01lfL 005 9 04 W. 1? LM LENGlH .-- SCH 40 TEE>EL·/ ------PVC LATcRAL l"'l' POP-UP SPRAY HEAD NOTES: 2. 3. 4. 5. EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE SHALL BE NO FITTINGS OR CONNECTIONS TO OTHER FACILITIES BETWEEN THE METER AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. THE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES AND NOTTO EXCEED A MAXIMUM OF TWO FEET FROM THE METER EXCEPT WHERE THIS WOULD REQUIRE THE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY TO BE INSTALLED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, IN WHICH CASE THE THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE INSTALLED A MAXIMUM OF TWO FEET INSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE THE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY MAY NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. BE INSTALLED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY , TYPE K HARD OR TYPE L HARD COPPER OR BRASS WITH SOLDER JOINTS OR THREADED FITTINGS MUST BE USED BETWEEN THE METER AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. PRECEDING THE NUMBER ONE SHUT OFF VALVE, CONNECTION MUST BE MAOE WITH A COPPER OR BRASS RISER TOP A COPPER OR BRASS NINETY DEGREE ELBOW SHUT OFF VALVE MAY BE PRECEDED BY A COPPER OR BRASS NIPPLE AND/OR A BRASS UNION. RISER MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH THAT THE BOTTOM OF THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS TWELVE INCHES TO THIRTY SIX INCHES ABOVE GRADE IN AN AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOODING, FOLLOWING THE NUMBER ONE SHUT OFF VALVE, CONNECTION MUST BE MADE WITH A COPPER OR BRASS RISER TOP A COPPER OR BRASS NINETY DEGREE ELBOW SHUT OFF VALVE MAY BE PRECEDED BY A COPPER OR BRASS NIPPLE AND/OR A BRASS UNION, RISER MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH THAT THE BOTTOM OF THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS TWELVE INCHES TO THIRTY SIX INCHES ABOVE GRAOE IN AN AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOOOING. • , -cl .. t---rr---.,.._-= NIPPLF ------ COUPLING ----.._ NIPPLE ELL fln/\SS QUICK COUPl [f1 VAL VF • "' PVC MAIN LINE PVC Mill E ADAPT ER I NOTE ALL FITTING TO BE BRASS 7 ALL NIPPLES AND Fi I I l~GS SHALL BE BRASS • ro - VAi VE BOX Wll H LID (MARKED "IRRIGATION"") PVC SCH ~ 80 ELL PVC SCH 80 TEE INSTALL 2· ABOVE SIIRUB BED Gf1ADE -AT GRADE /AWN CONTROL VALVE ROWD 2X4 !,<-ftEO-D) PVC SCH 80 MALE ADAPTER lCU FT PEA GRAVEL PVC MAIN LINE VALVF BOX WITH LID MARKED ··1RRIGATIOW PRESSUREREDUCING-~- VALVE F.1/C SCI 180 MALE IIDIIPTER .... ffi~,__,__.=__ PVC SCH 80 45"ELL ~ • ;:, •• ~"I!-~ i~:-&. ~\.::·~ ROWD. 2X4 u°t 1 CU FT PEA (2 REDD) GRAVEL ALL NIPPLES SCH 80 PVC z ::, INST ALL 2" ABOVE SHRUB BED GRADE-AT GRADE IN LAWN BALL VALVE VAL VE BOX WITH LIO (MARKED "VALVE") I -------== --'~~ PVCSCH80 MALE ADAPTER -. ~ ""' -"' ·• • •1• •l'J PVC MAIN LINE ". -'CU. FT. PEA GRAVEL QUICK COUPLER V Al VE REMOTE CONTROL V Al VE PRESSURE REDUCING MASTER VAL VE BALL VALVE ROTOO HJ.POP------ PVC LATERAL LINE,--... PVC SCH40 TEE DURA TRf'lE SWING JOINT MODEL 005-9-04 W 11r LAY LENGn-t --------.' I I ,,., PRESSl.llE SCIE SCH 80 NON-PRESSURE SIDE SCH 40 NOTE PAINT ENCLOSURE WITH 2 COATS ENAMEL COLOR PER LANOS ARCH 12OV CONDUIT PER COOE ON/OFF SWITCH· ---.~ 6" ALL SIOES _ ~--~J • 0 4" DEEP CONG SASE DIMENSION TO SUIT • WAIL MT CONTROLLER VANDAL RESISTAN a-----ENCLOSURE 1 ..... ---¼--PVC CONDUIT SECURE TO BASE WITH 4 EA. RED HEAD FASTNERS. o • 0 24 V WIRING \ 3· PVC STREET ELL INSTl\l..l IMPACT HEADS AT 110' ANGLE TO SLOPE HEAVY DUTY OALV. STEEL PUNCH-LOK FASTENER ___ _., (2 REQUIRED) ALL NIPPLES SCH 80 ! GALVANIZED SWING JOINT SHORT GALVANIZED NIPPLE -------------t- GALVANIZED UNION CONC. V-DITCH • 0 • ~ ~m1~1111 GALVANIZED SWING JOINT L SLOPE _________________ ....., +----PVC CLASS 200 LATERAL ______ f"vl_v_AOf'Pfl'.> ___ f'. __ __, MIN 12' 6UfiY NOTE: SWING JOINTS SHALL BE USED AT EACH GRADE CHANGE ROTOR HI-POP CONTROLLER I~ ENCLOSURE ROTOR HEAD PIPE INSTALLATION AT V-DITCH 6. 7 IRRIGATION LEGEND SYM MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION PATTERN RAD GPM PSI • TORO S700S-PC-(NOZ 6) ROTOR HALF 47' 5.5 40 ~f. TORO S700HP-PC-(NOZ 6) ROTOR HALF 47' 5.5 40 '0 TORO 300-10 SER 05 NZl STREAM ROTOR 90 · 16'-30' 1.36 35 ;Z-0 TORO 300-10 SER 05 NZ STREAM ROTOR 112 16'-30' 2.04 35 " () TORO 300-10 SER 05 NZ) STREAM ROTOR 180 16'-30' 2.72 35 4()1 TORO 300-10 SER 05 NZ) STREAM ROTOR 360 16'-30' 543 35 10 TORO 300-12 SER (05 NZ) STREAM ROTOR 90 16'-30' 1.36 35 "'O TORO 300· 12 SER 1°5 NZ) STREAM ROTOR 112 16"-30' 2.04 35 " 0 TORO 300-12 SER 05 NZl STREAM ROTOR 180 16'-30' 2.72 35 40 TORO 300-12 SER 05 NZ STREAM ROTOR 360 16'-30' 5.43 35 CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ON SITE ALL ARC DISCS MANUFACTURED FOR THIS HEAD AND SHALL FINE TUNE ALL ARCS IN THE FIELD TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. Ov'7 RAINBIRD 1806sam 15 SER LAWN POP-UP F,H,Q 12' 13, 1.5,.75 T RAINBIRD 1806sam 15 VAN LAWN POP0 UP ADJ. 12' .38 "2.25 lt•II· RAIN BIRD 1 B06sam 10 SER LAWN POP-UP F,H,T,Q 12' 1.3,.65,.43,.33 +V'V RAINBIRD PA-BS 15 SER SHRUB SPRAY F,H,Q 12' 13, 1.5,.75 .., RAINBIRD PA-8S 15 VAN SHRUB SPRAY ADJ. 12' .38-2.25 oots6 RAINBIRD PA-8S 10 SER SHRUB SPRAY F,H,T,Q B' 1.3,.65,.43,.33 I) RAINBIRD PA-8S 15 EST SHRUB SPRAY STRIP 4'X14' I .5 0 RAINBIRD PA-8S 15 CST SHRUB SPRAY STRIP 4'X28' 1.0 CONTRACTOR SHALL USE RAINBIRD PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS WITH ALL RAINBIRD HEADS LISTED ABOVE TO MINIMIZE FOGGING AND ASSIST IN THE REDUCTION OF IRRIGATION HEAD RADIUS. INDICATES POP-UP BODY (RAINBIRD 1806sam USE BOTTOM INLET) rt,0-vvf,1M W ll'iAf~ fvle'.,'J1;;f'-. -0~ Pl,.PN NYe ,;',TT'f'.iN~P.. //;'J~ Ofi!v'\C-B--0-EE:: ~ .• IF THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS TO BE INSTALLED ON A SLOPE WITH A HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL RATIO OF 4:1 OR GREATER, A TWO FOOT HIGH RETAINING WALL MUST BE BUILT SURROUNDING THE ASSEMBLY ON Tl--lREE SIDES WITH THE OPENING ON THE DOWN SIDE OF THE SLOPE. THERE MUST BE A TWO FOOT HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE RETAINING WALL AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE LOCATED IN AN AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOODING. ONLY THE REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPAL BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES WHICH HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEAL11--I SERVICES MAY BE USED ON WATER SERVICES WITHIN THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (8} MASTER FLOW CONTROL VALVE· SE·E PLAN (t} CALSENSE FM FLOW SENSOR -SEE PLAN FOR SIZE ® IRRIGATION WIRE PULLBOX A IRRIGATION CONTROLLER -SEE PLAN e HARDIE SERIES 700 AUTOMATIC VALVE -SIZE PER PLAN ~ RAINBIRD 44NP QUICK COUPLER M BRASS LINE SIZE GATE VALVE~ HAMMOND OR EQUAL ~I"-'( PVC CLASS 200 LATERAL LINE -MIN. 12" BURY 314" AND LARGER CLASS 315 2" ANO LARGER -MIN. 18" BURY(;,u..rt,P 1...-"<ref'f'l.-a.M "1117) ® t'~f--f'lMP-~E-!'\.AN • (.IVv L-Ai\",;f¼l/2 AL.tcfruNEcP(fe) CONTROL VALVE_ IDENTIFICATION TAGS ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS t TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3" X 4··, PURPlE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS "WARNNG RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON OtE SDE AND "AVISO -AGUA IMPURA -NO TOMAR"' ON Tl-£ OTHER SIDE IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR EQUAL 2. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACIED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS; 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 2. ATTACH TO .SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT - -®-A~l.'N0 MAINL-IN!<-Mli'-Jlr,,JlM \tl t,\Jf'-Y . -• 11/,i.; ,AJ---lt::, """.;;/"'),A~: P<:J::..~"]o; ?-1,/>ND ~; p..Jc.-G. PVC SCH fJo PIPE S[EEVE SIZES NOTED °'D' e,ip;,-{ ,I _,.,_ PVC SCH t(J WIRE SLEEVE SIZES NOTED "'?O" E::LJ p:y· @ -.,, CONTROLLER STATION _,, GALLONS PER MINUTE ..__/ VALVE SIZE ~ IN --1 NO\Mt,'!h f"oi""~ ~N!:: (MAIN ~) DHE INlnAl f.NGlNE.i:.R Of W()?~ - R ! ',/'".): () ~~ :)f_ ,;(Rlf' T (/rJ AS BUILT Al"PROVED FOR PLANTING ACE EXP. DATE AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE REVIEWED BY LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS INSPECTOR DATE ~ ~ (. !TY OF C ,\RL~IL\D 3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 .. ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 IRRIGATION DETAILS APPROVED .L / u .-/ f'.:n,• c.-, 'j A, / ,·· ~, / . _,. f 1-@-1-Y- ASSlilANT PtANNING Dll;!ECTOR .: A ~t rl'M\ BY I 'R( .J~ '., T N ', I ~1PAW11'.'.:; N( r.)A l"f' INI fl Al D,ir,. rf INl,.,Al :HK(, a, 321-2L OTHER APPROVA... Cl TY ._PPR(:,., A.i ~'./WD B" C.T.-90-14 C.M. W .D.90-506 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Hydraulic Calculation for Control Valve~ 4'.Z-gpm Controller A Loss Thru /lid waw Meter £._ gpm-'7 6 Loss Thru ___ Baddlow Device ~ gpm::c: /0. 0 Loss lhru Wye Strainer ~ gpm-~ Loss Thru £ Basket Strainer gpn,. Loss Thru Master Valve ~ gpm:c j, o Loss Thn.i ~~-Pressure Reducer gpm= Loss Thn.i V Gate/Ball Valve ~ gpm ... _,.,..,,?..-- Loss Thru t» Gate/Ba.II Valve _---;;tr_ gpm"' / · o Loss Thru ___ Gale/Ball Valve Loss Thru ___ Gate/Ball Valve Loss Thro ....,,...,,.....-Gate/Ball Valve Loss Toru tezo L.F. at 1L_ Mainline Loss Thru ___ L,F. o1 _ Mainline Loss Thru ___ L.F. of_ Mainline Loss Thru ___ L.F. of _ Mail)llne Loss Thru ___ LF. of Mijlnline Loss Thru ___ LF. of_ UV Mainline Loss Thru -~-LF of UV Mainline Loss Thru llk..11 Comroi'valve ' Loss Thru ___ Ortp Valve Subtotal MoinlintNatve Loasea ' Loss Thru IO Loss Tllru 't-0 Loss Thn.i 2o Loss Tllru ,;,c> LossThru M Lo~Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Tllru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss ThrtJ __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Toru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ loss Thru __ _ L.F. of z./1 Latecal at LF. otl Lateral at L. F. of ~ Lateral a1 L.F. of Lateral at LF. of Lateral at L.F of __ Lateral af LF. ol __ Lateral a1 LF. of __ Lateral a1 LF. of __ Lateral a1 LF. of __ Lateral el LF of __ Lataral a1 L.F or __ Lateral e1 LF. of __ Lateral a1 LF. of __ Lateral a1 LF. of __ Lateral a1 L.F. of __ Lateral al L F. of __ Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at Subtotal Latent! Line Losm:5 Loss-Thru '7 Subtotal SY5tem L055CS PreS?jl;r,ne Avi!iili!ble Subtotal system Lc"Js!Uts Pressure at Head ft. of Elevation 41,.- gpm .. __ gpm, __ gpm. __ gpm. __ gpm• __ gpm. __ gpm. __ g:pm-~~ gpm-7.4 gpm.. __ Jkt,/ gpm.. _:z;J! gpm---':'to gpn,...~ gpm-,~ gpm-.O'J gprn,. gpm-__ gpm• __ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm.. __ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm. __ gpm., __ loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss i loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss t<>ss loss loss toss loss loss k>ss loss loss toss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss TQt.-1 System Losses Residual Pressure Oeflciet Pressure Pump Speelfi~aUor,/See Plan Hydraulic Calculation for Control Valve _L, Cbt, gpm Controller 0 Loss Thru 11/z)I Water Meter ')tl gpm-",.O Loss Thru Z. 11 Bacidlt"lw Device '$V gpm,.., [1>-1> Loss Thru _.,._,__ Basket Strainer Loss Thru z) Wye Strainer Loss Thru -2,' Master Valve Loss Thru -~-Pressure Reducer Loss Thru 2 I Gate/Ball Valve Loss Thru '2 ' Gate/Ball Valve Loss Thru :Z:11 Gate/Ball Valve Loss Thn, ---Gale/Ball Valve Loss Thru =:=:'::;::= Gatelllall Valve Loss Thru ".z:72 LF of :z!.. Mainline Loss Thru ___ LF. of_ Mainline Loss Thru ___ LF. of_Mamline Less Thl'U ___ L.F. of_ Mainline Loss Thru ___ LF_ of_ Mainline Loss Thru ===== L.F. of_ UV Mainline Ll')ss Thru L.F. of :--:--:-1. UV Mainline Loss Thru tlli' Control Valve Loss Thru Drip Vatvo Suh1otal MainlineNalv@ Los,a:n Loss Thru i '7 Loss Thru CR& Loss Thru 1.0 Loss Thru 1o Loss Thru ,Zo Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Ll')SS Thn.t __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thn,i __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ LF. of 'Z. 1 Lateral at LF _ of' ~ 1 Latetal at L.F. of~ Lateral a1 LF. of~ Lateral a1 LF. of~ Lateral a1 LF. of_._ Lateral a1 L.F. cf __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral el L.F. of __ Lateral 81 L.F. of __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at L.F. cf __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at LF of __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral m LF. of __ Lateral at LF. ot __ Lateral a! LF. of __ Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at Subtotal ! atecal I lne ! o:,an Loss/-Thru _(~f? __ ff. of El~vation Subtotal System I 0$$CS Pressure Available Subtotal Syst~m LQ$S&S Pressure· at Head Total System Losses Residual Pressure Deticlet Pressure r gpm•~~ gpm• {o gpm. \. o gpm .. __ gpm-~1·-0_ gpm-1,0 gpm-1·0 gpm-__ gpm-gpm-~4~.e,- gpm .. __ gpm• __ gpm. __ gpm. __ gpm.,, __ gpm•~..- gpm. I -4 gpm•'--- gpm. -14 gpm,, I •9 ] gpm-~ gpm---~4 gpm-, . 0'2 gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm,, __ gpm,, __ gpm-__ gpm-. --gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm. __ gpm-__ gpm-, __ gpm-__ gpn,,. __ gpm-__ gpm-__ II k)5s loss loss loss loss loss toss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss lo"5 loss loss loss gain loss Hydraulic Calculation for Control Valve _:Z!._, r&0 gpm Controller ez Loss Thru 1~1 Water Meter ?? "J,.-.0 Loss Thru z.n Backflow Device ---gpm-_.c,.~ ' ---T"ru ~~---gpm.. )0 .o ~ 11 Basket Strainer gpm- Loss Thru 1; WyeStrainer ~ gpm.-".-2-,o- Lcss Thru ~~-Master Valve i!,,; gpm. / o Loss Thru Pressure Reducer Loss Thru ;2 II Gate/Bai Valve ~ gpm--- 1..oss Thru -z.t "-'~ gpm• I · 0 Gate/Ban Valve ~r.,-gpm. / o Loss Thru -~h~"-' Gate/Ball Valve ~ / c Loss Thru Gate/Ball Valve Loss Thru Gate/BaU Valve Loss Thru .z.lo L.F. of -Z.ll Mainline LMS Thru Loss Thru --- Loss Thru ---Loss Thru Loss Thru --~ Loss Th ru ---.-,:r.r- Loss Thru 11/i' loss lhru __ _ LF.of_Maintine LF of_ Mainline L.F. of_ Mamhne L.F. of_ Mainline L.F. of_ UV Mainline L.F_ ('".If ..._......j UV Mainline Comrol Valve i DripValv8 Subtotal MoinllneNalve I osses Loss Thru 10 Loss Thru 1''i Loss Thru ~ Loss Thru -----:ro-- Loss Thru ----,40-,,-- Loss Thru =I= Loss Thru o Loss Thru Loss Thru --,4-17,.,.-- Loss Thru LDss Thru --- ~ss Thru Loss Thru --- Loss Thru Loss Thru --- Loss Thru l..oss Thru --- Loss Thru u'lss Thru --- LC>SS Thru --- L.F. of 21h} Latocal al LF. of-----zr Lateral al L.F. of --:V,-Lateral at LF of &< Lateral at LF. of~ Lateral at L.F. of I' Lateral al L.F.of {(4 Latei-alill LF. ot----iir--Latera.t at L.F. of 1i'tJ,' Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at LF. ot __ Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral el LF. of __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at L F _ of Lateral a1 L.F. of:::::: Lateral at l...F. of __ Laleral at L.F. ot __ Lateral at StJbtotal Lat~ral Lim~ Losses ~Gain Th11,1 JP --- Subtotal svstem Losses Pre:i;sute Available Su.btotal System Losses PTessure'at Head Total System Losses Residual ?reasure Deficjet Presi;un, ft. of Elevatlon ~ gpm._.._ __ gpm• __ gpm•~~ gpm. 4-0 gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm. __ gpm. __ gpm .. __ gpm•-~ gpm-1.Z: gpm-__ gpm, .o1 gpm.~ gpm-~ gpmm_ '1;0 gpm-_ . '7/3 gpm--1~ gpm--. '70 gpm. .4:ll-- gpm--r,,z gpm--_~ gprn-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm. __ gpm-__ Qpm,,,,, __ gpn,,. __ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm• __ Hydraulic Calculation for Control Valve 'p1 0!? gpm Controller f;': Loss Thru 111€.11 Loss Thru ?) Loss Thru Loss Thru --,,¾,-,;,-- Loss Thru Z Loss Thru Loss Thru --:,;z-ir11- Loss Thru V Loss Thru z.·· Loss Thru 2 u Loss Thru toss Thru '510 Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru Loss Thru --- Loss Thru Loss Thn.r --- Loss Toru Loss Thru -,,I 1/"'"t,1r-i ~ ' Loss Thru --- Water Meter 8acl<flow Device Basket Strainer Wye Strainer Master Valve Pressure Reducer Gate/Ball Valve Gale/Bau Valve Gale/Ban Valv8 Gatelllall Valve Gate/Ball Valve L. F. of ~ Mainline L.F, of Mainline LF.of_Mainline LF. of_ Mainline L.F. of_ Mainline L.F. of_ UV Mainline LS. of UV Mainline Controi'Valve Drip Valve Subtotal MoinltowtY11¥e Lonnns ' Los,; Tllru 00 Loss Tllru 0 Less Thn.r I 0 Loss Thru Io LOS$ Thro ?J..c, Loss Thr1.1 i'0 Loss Thru 0 Loss Thru 1..0 Loss Toru io . Loss Tllru -w=- Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru Loss Thru --- Loss Thru ---Loss Thn.i Loss Thru ~-- Lass Thru __ _ Lass Thru Loss Thru --- l.oss T~ru --- L.F. of 'Z11 Lateral at L.F. of ('!I.,' Lateral at LF. of~ Lateral at L.F. of -4---Lateral at , LF. of L___ Lateral m LF. of ~ Lateral at LF _ of 1/4" Lateral at L.F. of E' Lateral at LF. of lalaral at LF. ot I Lateral et L.F. of __ Lateral el L.F. of __ Lateral a1 L.F. of __ Lateral at LF. ot __ , Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at LF of __ Lateral at LF. of --Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at L.F. of Lateral at Subtotal Late:ral Line ! msses Subtotal Svstem Losses Pressure Available Subtotal System Losst;t$ Pn,=,3ure at Head Total System Losses Residual Pressure Oeflciet Pressur-e fl. of Elevation 7"1./ <3/t> ~ ~ °'Je 00 :I ~ gpm• ?,, O gpm-IQ,D gpm- gpm-z.a gpm-/ . :) gpm-__ gpm-I o gpmm J •,o gpm.. / .o gpmF / 0 gpm- gpm-~ gpn,,. _-_-_ -_ gpm- gpm-_-_-_ -_ gpm- 1gpm. __ gpm• gpm.7=T gpm-__ gpm-.4-,, gpm--1~ gpm-. i,/ gpm-. 4:1 ,gpm-}1 gpm-____c_,11_ gpm-~ gpm-~ gpm-~ gpm-. 92 gpm- gpn,,. __ gpm--__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpn,,. __ gpm. __ gpm• __ gpm• __ II TI loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss toss loss loss toss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss lass loss gain loss loss loss toss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss ,loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss toss loss loss loss loss loss toss loss loss toss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss ,loss gain loss Hydraulic Calculation for Control Valve ..1Q:_, --6Q__ gpm controller v Less Thru llh'.11 Loss Thru zi Loss Thn..i LossThru+ Loss Thru 1, Loss Thru -~- Loss Thru 1 1 Loss Thru £1 Loss Thru :2} Lo~Thru __ _ Loss Thru -,-I=~- Loss Thru -~ Loss Thru --~ Loss Thru Loss Thn.i --- Loss Thn..i _~_ Loss ThnJ __ _ Loss Thru -,,,.,.,..,-Loss Thru Wt. 11 Loss Thru --- Water Meter Backflow Device Bu.ket Strainer Wye Strainer Master Valve Pressure Reducer Gate/BaU Valve GatetBaU Valve Gate/Ball Valve GalefBall Valve Gate/Sall Valve L.F. ot :z,L_ Mainline L.F. ol _ Mainlioe LF_ of_ Mainline L.F. cf_ Mainline L.F. of_ Mainline L. F. cf_ UV Mainline L.F. of ---.--i UV Mainline Control Valve Drip Vatvo Svbtotat Mainline'Yalve Loaaoa Loss Thru IO'? §gl Los.s Thru O Loss Thru ---S-'a--- Loss Thru ,}o Loss Thru 40 Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru ~-- Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ Loss Thru __ _ L.F. of ,z,U Lateral at LF. of z.; Lateral at L.F. of* Lateral at L.F. of I Lateral at LF. of Lateral at LF. of -Lateral at L_F. ot I Lateral a1 L.F .. 01 ...l!_ Lateral at LP. of ~ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at LF. of __ Lateral at L.F. ol __ Lateral at LF. ot __ lateral at LF. ol __ Lateral at L.F. of __ Lateral at LF. of __ lale<al at L.F. of __ Lale<af at LF. of __ Lateral at LF. of_~ Lateral at LF. of __ Lat~ral at Sub1otar Lateral Line bo:,aca . ..-,rGain Thn..t &o tt. of Elevation Subtotal System I 0$SC$ Pressur~ .AVailabl!!: su0total System Losses Pressure· at Head Total System Losses Re$idua1 Pre!Jsure De1iciet Pre.ss;ure ?<? gpm-'.2. ?,, '?Q gpm-10.0 gpm-----,,-,,, gpm. z.o gpm.. J ·O gpm• ---,..,.,- gpm• /.Ci gpm-/.o gpm-1.0 gpm.., __ gpm-~~ gpm. ') 12- gpm-gpm. __ gprn-__ gpm-__ gpm-__ gpm--,-.,-- gpm-11 gpm-~_ 11£.11!, gpm-1-01 gpm-_&_ gpm-~ gpm,, -~" gpm-~e, gpm-11' gpm,, -"?? gpm,, . r,t--- gpm-.r,;z gpm-,___ gpm-__ gpm,, __ gpm. __ gpm-__ gpm-_~ gpm-_, __ gpm-__ gpm-_~ gpm-__ gpm. __ 07 ttG:'? fu,-/1 loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss toss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss loss !oss gain loss IRRIGATION NOTES Contractor shall verify static pressure at the site prior to beginning any work_ If pressure Is Inadequate to operate the system as designed consult the Landscape Architect prior to starting any work. The Backflow Preventer and Controller locations, as shown, are schematic_ The contractor shall locate these items so they will be completely screened from view in the shrub bed or in an area that is not visible from any interior location. Final location of automatic controllers and backflow preventers shall be determined by the Owner or Landscape Architect prior to installation. Owner shall provide 110 volt service to controller. Irrigation contractor shall make final hook-up to controller. Remote Control Valve locations are schematic. Locate all valves in shrub bed areas so that the valves may be concealed with plant material. Install all materials to comply with local codes and ordinances_ The contractor shall be responsible for installation of anti-drain , valves on all draining heads. No low head drainage will be allowed. · Contractor shall adjust all heads to eliminate overspray onto fences, buildings, walks, and parking areas_ Contractor shall furnish three (3) quick coupler keys with hose swivels to the Owner. The typical point-of-connection is the Water Meter Service as shown on the plans. Contractor shall verify static pressure and exact location of water meter In field prior to begining any work. All irrigation heads In shrub areas adjacent to sidewalk shall be installed with Rainbird 1806sam Pop-Up Body or Toro 12" Pop-Up Body as type of irrigation head dictates_ Substitutions shall only be allowed with prior written consent of the Landscape Architect. .----SIDEWALK . . ~-METER BOX WIMETER STREET SURFACE--~ CURB------,, CALSENSE NOTES MOISTURE SENSORS: ONE (1) SENSOR FOR EVERY FOUR (4) IRRIGATION VALVES ARE REQUIRED. EG: A CALSENSE MODEL 2000-24 REQUIRES SIX (6) MOISTURE SENSORS. PLACEMENT OF MOISTURE SENSORS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CALIFORNIA SENSOR CORPORATION AND GENTILE/MURRAY ASSOCIATES CONTACT: CALSENSE 23842 ALICIA PARKWAY SUITE 118 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL, SUITE J CARLSBAD, CA. 92009 (619)-438-0525 -GENERAL NOTES: FLOW SENSORS CALSENSE MODEL FM FLOW METERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN-LINE ONE (1) PER WATER METER, AS PER NOTES, WITH 10 PIPE DIAMETERS OF PVC PIPE DOWNSTREAM OF FLOW SENSOR AND 10 PIPE DIAMETERS OF PVC UPSTREAM, PIPE SIZED PER FLOW SENSOR SIZE. EG: 3" MAINLINE, 2" SENSOR: 20" OF 2" PVC DOWNSTREAM AND UPSTREAM RESPECTIVELY. FLOW SENSORS SHALL BE INSTALLED TEN (10) PIPE DIAMETERS UPSTREAM OR DOWNSTREAM FROM ANY VALVE, FITTING, METER OR BACKFLOW DEVICE. WIRES FROM FLOW SENSOR TO CONTROLLER SHALL CONSIST OF ONE (1) BLACK AND ONE (1) RED STANDARD #14 IRRIGATION VALVE WIRES. FLOW SENSOR SHALL BE HOUSED IN VALVE BOXES AS PER IRRIGATION REMOTE CONTROL VALVES SPECIFIED ON PLANS AND MARKED "F.S.". INSTALLATION DETAILS AND ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CALSENSE SYSTEM ARE AVAILABLE AND SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM: CONTACT: CALSENSE 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL, SUITE J CARLSBAD, CA. 92009 (619)-438-0525 ---··-··· ·-------------"~·-Oc:::JD □~□ 12"MINIMUM 10' MINIMUM TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN STREE p ~ RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W!SLEEVE -~ NOTE: VERT/CLE CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROOSING PA1H OF A POTABLE WATER LINE INSTALLATION OF RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATDN MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROV/Of THE NECESSARY 10· HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS -· .. .•, ,. '.· ';_' '. •: . .. ';., .'-· : .... ·•·. .··•.• ,, ' .. POTABLE MAINUNE 3.5 FEET TO 4.5 FEET (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS)-.. ' . 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED VERT/CLE SEPARATION-~ RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE ~)1',' ----SLEEVE NOTE: , ALL RECLAIMEDWATER IRRIGATION PIPE AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: ''STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSffiUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS" JUNfc 1991 POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING "AS BU,L T" --· ------------- RCE ____ EXP. REVIEWED BY INSPECTDR DATE DATE I +- I-------'---+-· .. . .. --------r---.·-·' r~~] [ c_ITXAZJ!'tR~kJ~~A~ ~ ------t----- ' . .,. -·--+-- .... ···--········ ., --+···--· ·-·-···-I-- I------··-···-----··----·--·------·-···-..... __ -___ -_=:-_: ----~--------~------+-~=-=,:_-=._-=._:._-__ --i ALDEA @ AVl,ARA ----· -" -----+------;---------, : AVIARA P_A_ 16 .... -···----I-•"'""'"··- • ----------------"-- 1 --+----+---+-----1 i IRRIGAJJ(;)N NOTE~/CALCULATIONS ----· -·· ---------------------·--+----+---4---+ -------< --.. , ------.--,·-··>----------------+------l--+----+--------1 I APP~ fl/S _t._.;z f-_ 73 I DATE ~ ·~ -· . l• ~= .: ~-~===--· ~--_-_-_---_··_--_--_-... -::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::..-::.-::.:-=--=--=--=-----++----_-_-_-_ -t+---_-_-_-_-_-rt----_-_-_ --,-I l ASSISTANT ~LANN!ti~ DIRECT~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA I D~TE ! <NITI~L PT D~TE INl17AL D~TE INl17AL g:D s;Y: _L _____ . r· ···------------j'~GINEER Of WOR~ REVlSIOf',; DESCRI ION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 141 H:I U)A)T Hl(.HWM. D/\NA POINT, C:,\LlfORNI,\ ':l2b2q (7141 4%--&1 ll 1l '· ., NING NO. II 321-2L C.T. 90-14 ; I.-----~ L....-------------------~ C.M.W.D.90-506 JOB #500116 IRRIGATION NOTES I. GENEFiAL A. Permits and Fees The Sontractor shall obtain and pay for any and all, building permits as required. B. ManJtacturer's Directions Mari-.Jfacturer·s Directions and de,tailed drawings shan be followe-d in all cases where the manufacturer of articles used furnishes directions covering points not shown in the drawings and notes. C. Ordinances and Regulations All local, municipal and state laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of irrigation work are hereby incorporated into and made a part' of these notes, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor". Anything contained in these notes shall not construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations or requirements of the same. However, when these notes call for or describe materials, work~anstiip, or construdion of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size !han is required uy the above ru!es and regulations, the provis(ons C'!l' these notes shall take precedence. D. Explanation of Drawings 1. Due to the scale of drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, ~leeves, etc., which may be required. The Contractor' shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing all supplementary materials such i;iS fittings,etc,, as may be required to meet such conditions Orawir.gs .:ire gene,-ally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid ~onttict~ between irrigation systems.planting and arr.-iitectural features. 2. The Contractor shall ric,twiiffulfy install the irrigation sys1<.-~1 as shown on the drawings Wh.~":'I 11 Is obvious :n the fieId that unknown obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies In area dimensions exist th~t might not have been considered in engineering. Such obstruction or differenc~ s"1ould he. brought to the r:ttr;:f")ficJn of the Owner or Landscape Ar'chitect as soon as possible. In the event this notification ls not performed, the irrigation C,:,ntractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision n-'."cessary. 11. SUBMITTAL$ A. Material Llst 1, The Contractor shall furnish 1he articles, equipment, materials or processes specified by name ln the drawings and notes. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by Owner or Landscape Architect. 2. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the Owner or Landscap:t Architecr may be-rejected and the Contractor required to remove such rnaterials fr"om the site at his own expense. 3. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. B. Record and As~Built Drawings 1. The Contractor shall provide and L.,:ep up-to-date complete as-built dr'awings indicating locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment installed. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Landscape Ar'chitect at cost. Thls set of drawings s!la11 be kept on the site and shall be used only as a recor"d set. As built drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor. 2. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets. and the Contractor shall make neat and legible notations thereon daily as the work proceeds, showing the work as it is actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all times far review and shall be kept in a location designated by the Owner Or' Landscape Ar,:.-hjtect 3. Before the date o1 the final observation, the Contractor shall 4. 5. transfer all information from the "as-built" prints to an ozalid sepia mylar, procured from the Lant"l~cape Architect. All work shall be neat, in ink and subject to approval of the Owner. The Contractor shall dimension from two permanent points of reference, buildlng corners. sidewalk or road intersections, etc., the location of the following items: a.Connection to existing water lines. b.Connection to existing electrlcal power. c.Gate valves. Cl.Routing of sprinkler pressur'e lines (dimension max. 100 feet along routing). e.Sprinkler control 'w'alves. f.Routing of control wiring. g.Quick coupling valves. h.O1her related equipment as directed by Owner. On or hefore the date of the fin~I ;ipproval, the Contractor shall de!iver on6 <:~t of sepia mylars of ''as-built" plans to the Owner. Delivery ot the sepias will riot relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. 6. All ··as-built" informatioA must be included on the City's approved photo mylars. All drawing must be performed and approved by a licensed Landscape Architect. C. Controller Charts 1. ''As-built" drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor and drawings shall be approved by the Owner before the controller charts are prepared. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I 8. Provide one controller chart for each controller supplied. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual "as~built" system, However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a si1.e that will be readable when reduced. The chart shall be a blackline or blueline ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each station. When completed and approved, the ch3rt shall be hermeti'.::ally sealed between two pieces of plas1ic, each piece being a minimum at 10 mil thick. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to final field observation of the irrigation system. These charts must include a legend of all symbols. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals 1. Prepare and deliver to the Owner within ten calendar days prior to completion of construction, two hard cover binders with three rings containing the following information: a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, list of equipment with names and addresses of local manutacturer's representatives. b. Catalog and parts sheets of every type of material and equipment installed. c. Guarantee statement. d. Complete operating and main1enance instruction on all major equipment. 2 _ In addi1ion to the abovl!" mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the appropriate maintenance personnel with instructions for major equipment. E. Equipment to be Furnished 1. Supply lhe appropriate maint~nance personnel with the following tools; a. Two sets of special tools required for' removing, disassembling and adjusling each type ot sprinkler and valve supplied. b. Two (5) foot valve keys for operation of gate valves. c. Two keys tor each automatic controller. d One quick coupler key and matching hose swivel for every five quick coupling valves installed. 2. The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the Owner at tne conclusion of the project before final site observation can occur. F. Handling of PVC Pipe and Fittings The Contractor is cautioned to exercise car"e in handling, loading, unloading and storing of PVC pipe fittings. All PVC pipe shall lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending of concent.'~t.,.,IJ external load at any paint. Any section of pipe that has been dented ~ · damaged wili ~~e discarded and, if installed, shall i::>e replaced with ne 'V piping. :,.;iipe and "lttings shall not be stored in direct sunlight. G. Guaran,ee 1 2. 3 The guarantee for the sprinkler ir'rigatlon system shall be made in accordance with ~he att&.1...fled form_ A copy of the guarantee form shall be included in the operations and maintenance manual. The guarantee form shall be retyped onto the Contractor's letterhead and contain the following information: We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have 1urnished and installed is tree from detects in materi"IS and worl<m:::inc::'1ip, and the wor!.; h;:,is t-ieen completed in accordance with the drawing and notes, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse or neglect and excepted. We agree to repair or replace any delects in materials or workmanship. including settling of backfilled areas below gr-ade, which may develop during the period of Q.De y(':~.Lf.LQm .date ot accept..a!l_~ and also to repair or replace any damage resulting lrom the repaii-ing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the Owrier. We shall make .SLiCh repairs o:- replacements within 72 hours of notification that repair work is necessary. Following receipt of written notificall0n tram the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expe11se and we will pay \he costs and charges there1are upon demand. Project: _______ _ l. ocation : ________________ _ Signed: _______________ _ Contractor Address: ________________ _ Phone: _________________ _ Date of Acceptance: ___________ _ 111. MATERIAL$ A. General: Use only new materials of brands and types noted on drawings, speci1ied herein, or approved equals. B. PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fittings 1. Solvent welded type pressure main line piping for sires 2" and larger shall be PVC Class 315. 2. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type I, Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 0-1784. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70, with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.), solvent-weld pipe. 3. Pressure main line piping for si.r.es 1-1/2" and smaller shall be PVC schedule 40 with solvent·welded joint•. 4. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type 1, Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 1785. All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS~22-70. (Solvent-weld pipe.) 5. PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved, conforming to meet ASTM test procedure 0-2466 as manufactured by Dura Industries. 6. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods prescribed by the manutacturer. 7. All PVC pipe must bear the following mar~ings: a.Manufacturer's name. b.Nominal pipe size. c.Schedule or Ctass. d.Pressure rating in P.S.I. e.NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval. f.Date of extrusion. g.U.P.C. Shield Logo (IAPMO Approval). 8. All fittings shall bear the Manufacture-""'s name or trademark, material designation, size, applicab!f" I.P.S .:.chedule ~nd NSF seal of approv.al. C. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Lin~ Piping 1. Non-pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC Class 200 with solvent-weld joint•. All 1/2" pipe shall PVC Class 315. 2. Pipe shali be made form NSF approved, Type I, Grade II PVC compound conforming to ASTM r'esin specification D-1784, All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal Specifications PS-22-70 with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. 3. Except as noted in paragraphs t and 2 and part B of this section, all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same as for solvent"weld pressure main line pipe and fittlf'lgs as ~et forth in part B of this section. 1 . 2. ~J.Brass Pipe Fittings Wh~·re indicated on the drawings, use red brass screwed pipe contorming to Federal Specification No. WW-P-351. Fittings shall be red br'ass conforming t<" Federal Specification No.WW•P-460. E. Copper Pipe ~•flings 1. Copper pip' shall be Type 'K', hard tempered ASTM B88 and fittings s~a,I be wrought solder joint type in accordance with ANSI B16.22. 2. • ,.'oints snall be soldered with silver solder, 45% silver, 15% copper, 16% iinc· 24' cadmium and solidus at 1,125° F and liquids at 1,145' F, conforming to ASTM B 206 and Federal Specification QQB 00655. f. Thrust Blocks 1 . Thrust blocks tor ring-tile pipe shall be ot size and type required by the manufacturer's installation guide. 2. Form tht•!~t blocks ir. such a manner to prevent any concrete from coming in contact with the pipe. Thrust blocks shall be between solid soil and the fitting_ G. Quick Coupling Valves Quick coupling valves shall have a one or two piece body designed for working pressure of 150 PS.I. operable with quick coupler key or swivel key. 2. Quick coupling valves shall be per detail. H. Backflow Prevention Units 1. Back11ow preventers and/or vacuum breakers shall be at size and type as indicated on the drawings. All sprinUer irrigation systems that are using water 1rom the potable water .:1ystern shall require backflow prevention. All backflow preventi rn units shall be installed in ac~ordance with requirements set forth by local codes and Cl TY Of ~e,,,=-o requirements. : ---+--- -______ , ___ ,, ___ ,_ 2. Wye Strainers at backflow prevention units shall have a bronzed screwed body for sizes 2" and smaller and 125 lb.cast iron flanged body 1or sizes 2 1/2 .. and larger. All wye strainers sha.11 have a minimum 30~mesh movel screen and shall be similar to Bailey No. 1008 or approved equal. I. Check Valves 1. Swing check valves 2" and smaller shall be 200 lb. W.0.G. bronze construction with replaceable composition, neoprene or rubber disc and shall meet or exceed Federal Specification WW~V~51d, Class A, Type IV. 2_ Anti-drain valves shalt be of heavy duty virgin PVC construction with F.l.P. thread in!':'tt and outlet. Internal parts shall be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti-.. ,~in valves shall be field adjustable against draw out from 5 to 40 feet "' head. Anti-drain and excess flow valve shall be !jimilar to the Valcon ADV or approved equal. J. Gate Valves 1. Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be 125 'b. SWP bronie gite valves with screw~in bonnet, non~rising stem and 3olid wedge dii;c, and shall conform to Federal Specification WW-V~54, Type 1 c.ass A. 2. Gate Valves 3" and smaller shall have threadect ends and sh.all be equipped with a bron,e hand wheel. 3. Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be similar to those manufactured by Hammond (609 Series) or approved equal. K. Control Wiring 1. The electrical system shall be !m:ta!led in accordance witJ, the National Electrical Code most recently adopted by the City. Connections between the automatic controllers and the automai.ic control valves shall be made with direct burial copper wire. Pilot wires shall be a different color wire for each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a ditferent color stripe for each automatic controller. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire si•e be less than No. 14. 2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral linBS wherever possible. 3. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, the wir"ing shall be taped together at intervals of 10 feet. 4. An expansion curl should be provided within 3 feet or each wire connection and at each change in direction. Expansion. curls shall be formed by wrapping at leaot live turn• ot wire around a 1" diameter pipe, then withdrawing the pipe. 5. Field splices between the automatic controller and electrical control valves will not be allowed without prior approval of Owner and/or City. 6. Ail splices shall be made with Scotch-Lok No.3576 Cc:mector Sealing Packs, Pen-Tite wire connector or approved equal. Use one connector sealing pack for each splice. L. Automatic Controller The automatic controller shall have the minimum number of stations as indicated on the drawings and shall be completely automatic in operation. It shall electronically start the sprinkler cycle and electronically time the individual stations. Controller and valve shall be as stated in the irrigation legend. rvt Outdoor Automatic Controller Enclosure 1. All automatic sprin~ler controllers installed outside of a building shall be wall mounted within a vandal resistant automatic controller enclosure. 2. The outd,...or controller enclosure shall be as specified in the drawings. Enclosures shall be equipped with an on/off switch tor 110-volt power supply to controller. 3. Paint controller enclosure completely inside and out with two coats of rust-resistant paint per Owners direction prior to lnstalHng controller. Color and type to be selected by Owner. 0. Control Valve Boxes 1. Use 9" X 24'' round box 1or all gate valves, Brooks (or approved equal). ' "AS BUil_ T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE ___ EXP. ____ DATE REVIEM:D BY "" •-,~.,~-,r..l.'-~-' ••••••----, .,, ,NSPECTOR DA TE •.~.t~5 1 ~CITY OF CARLSBAD sHEErs I •.. -~--::~J PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 _j --_,,_,_, __ -----+----+-----+----+----I __ -_--______ _ __, ___ ,, __ ,,.,_, _______ +----+----+----,-----, : ... __ ,, ___ ,....,_, ---+----t-----,------, ! f-----,f---+----------------------_ --=t------+-·--+---t----+-----t ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 ~RIGATION NOTES .. ,,_,. ___ _ ---···~· .,... ---.-- -+----+--------------------------+----+---+-·------T---· -----~ □~?JD _,, ___ ,, ... _, _________ _ .. ·--.-·-l,-·-·~·---__ ,,, ____ --·--------------+----t----+---+-----1 FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC \41111 (< lA)T HICHWr\'t_ DANA P()INT, C:AIIF()Hr--.!A ')2f,2') 714) 4%-fil' I ~--·-f----+---------··-····----·. -----f----+-----j----+----t ~ · ~D-cA-cT£=-+-::-1N"'1T1:::Acclc-i-----------------------t---D-A_T£_-+-_IN_ITI_Al_t-_DA_T£_~-r-lNITIAL'··~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC,S, ASLA ":NGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 01HER APPROV~ CITY APPROVAL AP~. 7 ti~ A 7-;;;1_ Z3 ASSISTANT )"LANNING DIREC}OR DA TE , O'M-,,1 BY: ~-----~--I r- CHKO BY: -----· ~.VWD 8 Y I I.-- C.M. W .D.90-506 108 #500116 IV. 2. Use 9-112" X 16" X 11" rectangular box with green bolt-down cover tor all electrical control valves, Carson Industries 1416-128 or approved equal. P. Sprinkler Heads 1 . 4. All sprinkler heads shall be of the same si.re, type and shall deliVer the same rate of precipitation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure and discharge as shown on the plans. Spray heads shall have a screw adjustment. Riser Units shall be fabricated in accordance with the detail showr on the plans. Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the same si~e as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 5. All sprinkler heads of the same type shall be or the same manufacturer. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES A. Site Conditions 1. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations or neglect_ Check existing utility drawings for existing utilities locations. 2. Coordinate installation ot the sprinkler irrigation materials, including pipe, so there shall be NO interference with the utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs and ground covers. 3. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the sprinkler irrigation system. B_ Water Supply 1. Sprinkler irrigation system shall be connected to water supply points of connection as indicated on the drawings. 2. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shown on drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes ~aused by actual site conditions. C. Electrical Supply L 2. Electrical connections tor automatic controller shall be made to electrical points of connecticm a~ indicat!"'d on the drawings. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shown on drawings. Contractor is re5ponsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. D. Trenching 2. 3. 4. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and as noted. Provide a minimum of 24"' of cover tor all pressure supply lines 3" and 4" in size. Provide for a minimum of 18" of cover tor all pressures SJpply lines 2-1/2" and smaller. Provide for a minimum cover of 12" for all non-pressure lines. 5. Provide for a minimum cover of 18 .. for all cable wiring in conduit, and 24" for direct burial cables. E Backfilling , . The trenches shall not be bacl\filled until ail required tests are performed. Trenches shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated materials approved tor backfilling, consisting ot earth, loam, sandy clay, sand or other approved materials, free from large clods of e,ar1h J/1.,,11p.,,.JO L.Af,(,~fl,. or stones. Backfill shall be mechanically compacted in landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil in planting areas. Backfill will contorm to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or other surface irregularities. ~ G-f',A/-JULH-MA~ /V\INlMUM '71l c>v'Bf'-flf'e.- 2. A fine granular material backfill will be in1tia11y placed on all lines. No foreign matter larger than 1l2" in size will be permitted in the initial backfill. No rocks, clods or other debris is permitted in the remainder of the backfill over 1" in diameter. 3. Floodlng of trenches will be permitted only with approval of Owner and/or City. 4. If settling occurs and subsequent adjustme11!f! in pipe, valves, sprinkler tieads, lawn or planting, or other constrLction are necessary, the Contractor shall make all required aC.:justments without cost to Owner. F. Trenching and Backfill Under Paving 1. Trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltic con,::.-ete, or concrete will be installed shall be backfilled with sand (a layet 6" below the pipe and 3" above the Pipe) and compacted to equal the compaction of the existing adjacent undisturbed soil and shall be left in a firm unyielding cotidition. All trenches shall be left flush w(th the adjoining grade. The Sprinkler Irrigation Contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piping under paving prior to the paving work, IN Ct..-VPING AU,-01.-WYl:S 2. Generally, piping under existing walks is done by jacking, boring or hydraulic driving; whete any cutting or breaking of siClewalks and or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by 1he Contractor as part of 1he contract cost. Permission to cut or break sidewalks and ot c.oricrele shall be uLt~111ed lre;rn the Ow11et ~11d,,:.ir City No hydraulic dr1v1ng will be permitted under conuete paving or A C paving 3. Crossing of roads with irrigation pipe or wiring shall be avoided wherever possible. If a crossing must be made, schedule 80 PVC sleeves shall be installed at a minimum depth of 30" below finish grade. Irrigation lines under other asphalt concrete or Portland concrete improvements (other than ® roads) shaU be installed in schedule 40 PVC sleeves at a minimum depth ol is·· below finish grade. G. Assemblies 1. Routing of sprinkler irrigation lines as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. Install lines (and various assemblies) in such a manner as to conform with the details per plans. 2. Install NO multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. 3. 4. Install all assemblies specifi~d herein in accordance with specific details. In absence of detail dnawings or speci1ications, perform such work in accordance with accepted construction practices. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned ol dirt, dust and moisture before installation. Installation and solvent welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe and filling manufacturer. 5. On PVC to metal contlectians, the Contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape, or approved equal, shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC and on all threaded PVC to metal joints Light wrench pressure i9 all that is required. Where threaded PVC connections are required, use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded- H. Line Clearance \ All lin.?s shall have a minimum clearance of 6" from each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. I. Automatic Controller Install as per manufacturers instruction. Remote control valves shall be connected to controller in numerical sequence as shown on the drawings. J_ High Voltage Wiring tor Automatic Controller 1. 120-volt power connection to the automatic controller shall be provided by a qualified Electrician. 2. All electrical work shall conform to local codes, ordinances and union authorities have jurisdictlon. K. Remote Control Valves Install where shown on the drawings and details. When grouped together, allow at least 12" between valwes tr1stall c.-ach r~'.Tlote control valve in a separate valve box. L. Flushing of System 1. After all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to installation of sprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the system_ 2. Sprinkler heads shall be installed only after flushing of the system has been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the Owner_ M. Sprinkler Heads 1. Install the sprinkler heads as designated on the drawings. Sprinkler heads to be installed shall be equivalent in all respects to those itemized on plans and in details. 2. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum indicated on the drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. 3. Spinkler heads shall be installed with flow check devices to eliminate low head dreinage. Refer to legend/notes tor type of check device to be used. N. Existing Trees Where it is necessary to e,:cavate adjacent to existing trees. the Contractor shall use all po,sible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation in areas where 2" and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots 2" and larger in diameter except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring o.-e;ii;cessive drying. Where a ditching machine is run close to trees having roots smaller than 2·· in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots 1" and larger in diameter shall be painted with two coats of Tree Seal or equal. Trenches adjacent to trees shall be closed within 24 hours; and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas. 0. Field Quality Control 1. Adjustment of the system a. The Contractor shall flush and adjust aH sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent possible overspray onto walks. roadways, and buildings as much as possible. b. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more .?dequate coverage, the Contractor shall rnake such adjustment prior to planting. Adjustments may also 1ntlude changes in n(')zzle sizes and degrees of arc as required. c. L.owering raised sprinkler heads by the Contractor shall be accomplished within 10 days after notification by Owner_ d. All sprinkler heads shgll be set perpendicular to finished grades unless o1hervv1se designated on the plans. 2. Testing of irrigation system a. The Contractor shall request the presence of the Owner at least 48 hours (two working days) in advance of testing. b. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch and prove watertight. Tes1ing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of electrical control valves. c. All piping under pavect areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 lbs per square inch and proved watertight prior to paving. d. Sustain pressure in lines for not less than 2 hours. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system is proven watertight. e. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the Owner. No pipe shall be backfilled until it has been inspected. tested and approved. f. Contractor shall furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment, r"1D P~Ul'",E: 6-A.lees ~ ~\r"el?. g _ When the sprinkler irrigation system is completed, perfo·rm a coverage test in the presence of the Owner to determine if the water cove-rage for planting areas is complete and adequate. Furnish all materials and parfor,n all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to de\liationg from plan, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Owuer. This test shall be accomplished before any ground cover is planted. h. Upon completion of each phase of work, the entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. P. Field Observation Schedule 1. Contractor shall be respc;,'lsib14i" f.-,r notifyiritJ Owner in advlrice hr the following field observations according to the time indicated: a. Pre-job conference -2 days prior notice b. Pressure supply line installation and testing -2 days prior notice c. Coverage tests -2 day,; prior notice d. Final field observation -2 days prior notice Q. Maintenance 1. The entire sprinkler irrigation cystem shall be under tull operation tor a period of 7 days prioi to any planting. 2. The Owner reserves the rig.it to waive or shorten the operation period, 3. Landscape irrigation system shall be fully maintained by the Contractor tor a period of 90 days prior to 1inal acceptance by the Owner. This period may be extended if the maintenance provisions are not met. R. Clean-Up Clean-up shall be made as e~ch portion 01 work progresses. Re1use and excess dirt shall be removed frQ n t~e site, all wulks and paving shall be 1-iroomed, any damage sustained to the work of others shall be repaired to original condition. S. Final Field Observation Prior to Acceptance 1. The Contractor shall operate each system in ils entirety for the Owner at time of final field inspection. Any items deemed not acceptable shall be reworked to the comDlete satisfaction of the Owner. 2. The Contractor shall show evidence that the Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings and equipment as required before final field observation can occur. 3. End of maintenance shall occur only on the written acceptance by the Owner_ fJ~oD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. ()A TT: LANUSCAf'f ARC'HI I fCfS. AS! A t + ; . • + INITIAL CALSENSE INSTALLATION NOTES MOISTURE SENSORS~ GENERAL ONE (1) SENSOR FOR EVERY FOUR (4) VALVES ARE REQUIRED. EG: A CALSENSE MODEL 2100-24 REQUIRES SIX (6) MOISTURE SENSORS. PLACEMENT OF SENSORS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CALIFORNIA SENSOR CORPORATION AND GENTILE/MURRAY ASSOCIATES. CONTRACTOR SHALL AS BUil T LOCATION OF ALL SENSORS SENSORS SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED, AND EASILY LOCATED IN FIELD. CONTACT: CALSENSE 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL, SUITE J CARLSBAD, CA. 92009 (619) 438-0525 GENERAL NOTES FLOW SENSORS CALSENSE MODEL FM FLOW METERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN-LINE ONE (1) PER WATER METER, AS PER NOTES, WITH 10 PIPE DIAMETERS OF PVC PIPE DOWNSTREAM OF FLOW SENSOR AND 10 PIPE DIAMETERS OF PVC UPSTREAM, PIPE SIZED PER FLOW SENSOR SIZE. EG 3" MAINLINE. 2" SENSOR: 20" OF 2" PVC DOWNSTREAM AND UPSTREAM RESPECTIVELY FLOW SENSORS SHALL BE INSTALLED TEN (10) PIPE DIAMETERS UPSTREAM OR DOWNSTREAM FROM ANY VALVE. FITTING. METER OR BACKFLOW DEVICE. WIRES FROM FLOW SENSOR TO CONTROLLER SHALL CONSIST OF ONE (1) BLACK AND ONE (1) RED STANDARD #14 IRRIGATION VALVE WIRES. FLOW SENSOR SHALL BE HOUSED IN VALVE BOXES AS PER IRRIGATION REMOTE CONTROL VALVES SPECIFIED ON PLANS AND MARKED "F.S.". INSTALLATION DETAILS AND ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR CALSENSE SYSTEM ARE AVAILABLE AND SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM: CALSENSE 2075 CORTE DEL NOGAL, SUITE J CARLSBAD. CA. 92009 (619) 438-0525 I • APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS t l . -,- -----------------------_.__ r-- RCE _____ EXD. RE VIEWED BY· INSPECTOR 1i;H[l 'rl ! L-26 i ! I ' BUil T" -----·--·- DATE DATE C.M.W.D.90-506 JOB #500116 KEY MAP N~HI N.I.S ® @ .......... ," CONTRACTOR SHALL SET LINE SIZE GATE VALVE AND ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOX CONTAINING CONTROLLER \ STATIONS 16A THRU 20A WITH COMMON WIRE FOR ----------- +-------------+ ~ ?' -FUTURE USE. ------~//\,,.{:_ CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT IN PLACE ALL ROTOR SYSTEMS AT \\:117--~ ·'·i'd ".!, . THE TIME OF MODEL BUILD OUT AND ADD, PER THE SITE ACHEIVE THE FINAL HEAD CONFIGURATION. / I I I I ' EnPneen Planu-,rl!il · Surveyor~ 118!:-0 El C&minQ R~l. Suit,e 200 C&rhbad. Californ.l& 92008 (6.19) 438-1210 5,, ... ) ._· ~ ~.J,, ...... ••······-~.t. •• . _.,.-~·· ,. --,......, :t I ., 1 -;. I -er/ .:ii /V 1,A \ !Iii '1,! "" . 'J/IJ ,.,-. c;, ,··: ::·; 1 /( ' I '7 ~-) I .. IRRIGATION LAYOUT NOTE: DUE TO THE SCALE OF THESE DRAWINGS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE NEED FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE. THESE ADJUSTMENTS COULD INCLUDE NOZZLE CHANGES AND/OR ADDITION OR DELETION OF INDIVIDUAL HEADS TO COMPENSATE FOR CHANGES MADE ON THE SITE. ooD Oe:JD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. .14118 LOAST Hl(~HWAY. DANA POINT, CALIF()RNIA 92629 (714) 496--6111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA SEE SHEET L-31 FOR ENTRY AREA ,---1/ALVE:5 ':A ,G,.A Af2E LLZATf:D 1· ff'Or"1 W/c: c:1?f2/JEf-Cf'" c,,crif> ~ • ® co \ \~ CC) ® RECLAIMED WATER POINT OF CONNECTIQN WATER METER DESIGNATE II A " WATER METER SIZE " 1tt .• MAXIMUM DEMAND 41,, GPM STATIC PRESSURE <J4 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE 'JO PSI CITY STATIC PRESSURE "" PSI HYDRAULIC GRADIENT ?,1";, EL CONTROLLER LOCATION " A " CALSENSE "2000-?,,1,, "WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER WITERMINAL $TRIP ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET. (PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) INDICATES FEBCO 825 YA BACKFLOW /HONEYWELL BRAUKMANN F 76 STRAINER WITH 100 MICRON SCREEN IN LE MEUR OR LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE. SIZE z__ .. INDICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE, INDICATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. SIZE SIZE INDICATES RAINGUARD RAIN SHUT DOWN SENSOR INSTALL WITH CONTROLLER PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION SEE SHEET L-?,>0 FOR SYSTEM HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS INDICATES IRRIGATION PUMP MODEL NUMBER 41. t'f' 01"-4-'.Z.o-~tt\<.. AVAILABLE FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUMP SALES MR. DICK DeMOTT (714) 966-1095 NOTE: SEE SHEET L-24 FOR POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING DETAILS ,.,,.. ___ 2' MAJLJ UUf:. COlJUEC:l5 TO eX15TJUGi 2" MAJLI UUE , 2' 5:>LIJTt Of f'i2Cf'E"FTT f'1 u L.. 5 4"XX,, A, W!:'.ST l=1J [7 Cf' Wt ICEL ~ f A::CE:6 . NORTH M?,JL.l LILlE couplJJes N..C>IJ~ ~ Cf f¾Mf APPROVED FOR Pl.ANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 60 80 GENERAL NOTES: 1. 2. 3 4. ' CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL MAINI.INE OUT OF CITY RIGJ-iT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN IN STREET AND ON SIDEWALKS FG,R CLARITY ON!. Y AND SHALi. BE INSTALL IN PLANTINING BEDS)' CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT Al.I. CITY RIGHT OF WAYS ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%). Al.I. CONTROLLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICES. PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SHEETS L-,z.t,' AND t.,'f;'OFOR DETAII.S,LEGEND, NOTES AND HYDRAUI.IC CALCULATIONS. DA TE INITIAL D>'I TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DA TE INITIAL OTY APPROV Al ~ ~~ RCf Rf VIEWED BY: L. u/4c/4 INSPECTOR EXP. ___ _ .3. 21:-o/5 DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ALDEA @ AVIARA - AVIARA P.A. 16 IRRIGATION PLAN DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C.T. 90-14 321-2L I C.M.W.D.90-506 JOB #500116 RECLAIMED WATER POINT OF CONNECTION r,:i;;\ WATER METER DESIGNATE 1!1:!1 WATER METER SIZE MAXIMUM DEMAND STATIC PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE CITY STATIC PRESSURE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT .. f.7 .. .. rtt .. ~'? GPM o/1 PSI PSI PSI EL J!!.. CONTROLLER LOCATION " !7 " CALSENSE "2000· '1/,Y "WALL ~ MOUNT CONTROLLER WITERMINAL STRIP ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET. (PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) • INDICATES FEBCO 825 YA BACKFLOW /HONEYWELL BRAUKMANN F 76 STRAINER WITH 100 MICRON SCREEN IN LE MEUR OR LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE. SIZE ,J'_:; ® INDICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. © INDICATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. SIZE SIZE IVs-" ® INDICATES RAINGUARD RAIN SHUT DOWN SENSOR INSTALL WITH CONTROLLER PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION SEE SHEET L-1,,o FOR SYSTEM HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS M' INDICATES IRRIGATION PUMP MODEL NUMBER ';b M<iof-4-·2-o u:en<r>-IK -e..i AVAILABLE FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUMP SALES MR. DICK /c DeMOTT (714) 966·1095 , "- ''""' ( :RC>SBY _\1 E.-\1) _ BE :\.I'():\ & ,\SSOCIATES ' '-IN.'-ft::: JO~, I If'.,, 1ze,, l~I" ~ l.o:::A-itt, c.: S?t.J-rn er e-.1 i::t-c.J r-ze:, 12.' ffOM c:oup-oLL.£:f2 t:, I t FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. J4118 COAST HIGHWAY, DANA POINT, CALIFOR".lIA 92629 (?'1<1) <196-6111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN IN STREET AND ON SIDEWALKS FOR CLARITY ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALL IN PLANTING BEDS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL CITY RIGHT OF WAYS ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%). 20 40 -"'i , I I _ £y,o 'mtor¾ RU --~ c·xp Rt"/ifWCD [F --~-'-9/acK. ___ . INSPECTOR AVIARA P.A. 16 N PLAN a: w ~ ~ Q w ::i: -<( ..J u w a: 80 3 ·:;. 4-CJ',;_ ~-1.-+·---.. --- DATF ~A~S~~A;=N:::::T-:;tP=:A=:N=:N=;IN~G~D~IR~E~C~O~R=;:::===..:,--;::=~D~A TE~~ t-"-oniAmTErl"INITTITIUA,tL-----------------l--D-A-=-l---1,.-111-••--+---L-_J DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRA'MNG NO. t--'-"-'-----~---II--DA_TE_L.1_,.lll_AL-=---1 CHKD BY:~-tNGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION · · · C:T. 90 f""' DIHEi! APPROVAL OTY APPROVAL RVWD BY: • • -~ 321-2L 80 C.M.W.D.90-506 JOB #500116 ------------------------ MAIWUW!:: 2,,.. l,.11~ 4t'.) l7i.,-lt:. x,L)f rt 2 ' WE:of Cf Flf'B11DfAJ..jf RECLAIMED WATER POINT OF CQNNECTIQN lliil WATER METER DESIGNATE i'.tll WATER METER SIZE MAXIMUM DEMAND STATIC PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE CITY STATIC PRESSURE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT .. f. " "l'ii ·· 1fJ GPM 11J-I PSI 1c, PSI 11?-I PSI '77'7 EL v'ALYl:::'-'5 :23D, 240 Af'E LXA-y1':P I ' Ffz?M f-/6it+f COfu-ep-or !L7f 2'7 G,Af7;A(qE= . ii'z' MA//JUJJe b-.. i.JJft:'O Aft: ~TW__, i· ,Fon wesr rKE er a..lfP. . ' A CONTROLLER LOCATION " ff, "CALSENSE "2000· ~2-"WALL,. LU MOUNT CONTROLLER WITE:RMINAL STRIP ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET. ~ I ~rf 1--~ 4 • 51..-E:f::Ve'o 1-.k?f L.OCAfE'=t7· (PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) • INDICATEcS FEBCO 825 YA BACKFLOW /HONEYWELL BRAUKMANN F 76 STRAINER WITH 100 MICRON SCREEN IN LE MEUR OR LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE. SIZE IJ., .. ® INDICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. SIZE Z " SIZE l'lt " Ci:) INDICATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. ® INDICATES AAINGUAAD RAIN SHUT DOWN SENSOR INSTALL WITH CONTROLLER PEA MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION SEE SHEET L· '}() FOR SYSTEM HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Enarineers · Planner• · Surveyorlil e,6150 El Ca.minu Rtia.l. Suit1:1 200 1GER REPl";QGRAPHICS ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION KEY MAP GENERAL NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN IN STREET AND ON SIDEWALKS FOR CLARITY ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALL IN PLANTINING BEDS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL CITY RIGHT OF WAYS ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%). ALL CONTROLLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICES PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SHEETS L·,;0 ANDl/70FOR DETAILS.LEGEND, NOTES AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS. WA;i..L Df1/e. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 0 SIZE SIZE 1'/2..," NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 80 "AS BU IL T" ~G;:)m n,.,.~ RCE __ _ EXP. 80 C.M.W.D.90-506 JOB #500116 M.t>-1~ rou.Pt,,-l5 0--1 !XU(r-t er e,f<:?l.,-J pt")Vt. \ o" I ~ / / 5>' 21" M,Ail--l C:fo5SeB 2' e.A6T Oj WD Of ~ 1t1"f'OLJ0iti 4'' 5Lt:'B/e:5 f'HASE 2 ~~i;JI 1;:-1':~·t-._,,. .. _"' :.--Jl .. L 'L, !'·.J*_:~~1 --------"" ... ~:~--~--~J ," _..,.. : . ' ,J, · -;;,·~rr:., r·"'-" } ··-'J?; :-. -~c;j..,_l/) ---'·;,,"._,._, , ' ' ,...------ ~1-G_~_:a;i~::_ ~- KEY MAP NOR1H NB < -" ,~ ....--:>-,:---~~-v;:...w/E'::J 2C£::, zre, -:zee, :29E':, 3C'f:=-, 31e, ~'-::-AfE Lct:ATf:v AT fcX7f or 5wre, •1 -:;--;: '°~ '°,:r 4 · 6'.71,,lf''i or Jc:rt6 re1..Jce. 9 , > .,_:, 1 ,.I.; .. /i 2· MAJLJ 2,. w1Ff::S E:J-10 AT Trt1'::i ~,ow AL00. NOTE: SEE SHEET L-24 FOR POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING DETAILS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS GENERAL NOTES: 1 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT 0 F WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN IN STREET AND ON SIDEWALKS FOR ,;,\l v,!111Stl4/li CLARITY ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALL IN PLANTING BEDS. ,;,'I'-~ :I' ,_.~ sl.lMAf!-,9 %~ 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL CITY RIGHT OF WAYS ARE ~ ~ ~ GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2¾). 1.df'_ ... ~ :..< , ,. ,_ ,_ 3. ALL CONTROLLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH RAINGUARD ~-jtJ, ,-t"/j J • AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICES PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ' \§ /4 SEE SHEETS L-1--') AND v1t'FOR DETAILS,LEGEND, NOTES AND 4, to,CALI~ HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" " As b iJ i l; " ''''•~~.,. dtWl RCE EXP, DATE .a.. . .::, ~c RfV1EWED BY: __ ? ~,Je,)c_ 3·2-</·'l,S INSPECTOR DATE ! I I I I I I / ' ' & i I ~ 1-c~3~ -I CITY OF CARLSBAD ! I_, ---J PLANNING DEPARTMENT I S!,JT. 17 IRRIGATION LAYOUT NOTE: DUE TO THE SCALE OF THESE DRAWINGS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE AWARE ,OF THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE NEED FOR (:R()SBY Enclneers ·Planners· sur,,ey.,rs MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAY BE B'.\, 1!•.~\JJ ?(,)'-,,, •••o ~1 Camino Real. Suite 200 ~6.YliiTSMAEi\sT2o~rg~~iiu~:o: €z~LiO~~'i_.~~· ATNHD76~ " I~.', ;', Culebad, Caiilornl• 92008 ADDITION OR DELETION OF INDIVIDUAL HEADS TO OOD □§CJD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34118 COAST HIGHWAY, DANA POtNT, CALIFORNIA 92629 171414%-6111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA I r-··· J 0-'TE INITl"L ENGINEER Of WORK I ' ' ' - -· DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OlllER APPROVAL ! ' . I ' ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 ' /) IRRIGATION PLAN I - i APPR"''= i (j ? I '£ (I} -ik I ! ,-'//.~ _J / A· A ASSISTANT l,ILANNING DIRE€TOR DATE I DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CITY APPROVAL RV'Ml BY: CI 90-14 321-2L • & ASSOCl,\TFS r•••l <as-1210 COMPENSATE FOR CHANGES MADE ON THE SITE. :._ _____________________________________________________ 1111111111111 ____________________________________ __ C.M.W.D,90-506 JOB #500116 ./ ~ ---v,1---\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i '71!, COY!:':f"-A:,t:';-r.,y e-x1sfW<; ~-I ff1Gt.&-1J Ol---1 \ t f/ 9 I I .•· ,__..,,,__,..__.•· \JJ>..L'IE:5 ?'>A, 2<.A, 7T A Pf-t ••• •• L-0::::A 7W e,; e or _:' G.-5 '~.-:r).,,-1 r c::ouJMI-.J • 1/ 0/ • • • • 1/J / • • : .... : ····· : ····· \ ,: ···••" (11:'r:.. . .. -······· --r ···•· .•. : I ...... ~ ········ ••••••••• •• I '>-. II \ --ec·-----> I I --I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ NOTE: SEE SHEET L-24 FOR POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING DETAILS IRRIGATION LAYOUT NOTE: DUE TO THE SCALE OF THESE DRAWINGS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE NEED FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE. THESE ADJUSTMENTS COULD INCLUDE NOZZLE CHANGES AND/OR ADDITION OR DELETION OF INDIVIDUAL HEADS TO COMPENSATE FOR CHANGES MADE ON THE SITE. ( Ji 11) 11 JJ 1! I ' tC)RSU/\.1/SUMMERS & PARTNfRS. INC. l J· ". 1 ; I ' tA,l)'>(,\l'I ·\~( 11111( I',, -\',I,\ \ PPROVED FOR PLANT! £ AND IRRIGATION ONLY l~JCLLJDING PRECISE I.OCA ION OF PLANTING AREAS GENERAL NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN IN STREET AND ON SIDEWALKS FOR CLARITY ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALL IN PLANTINING BEDS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT All CITY RIGHT OF WAYS ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2¾). ALL CONTROLLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICES. PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SEE SHEETS L-1-11 AND lfX'FOR DETAILS,LEGEND, NOTES AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS. Of CALI L-31 ~\.';',~ ~ ..... ◊'.::'.--.-·· ..... ---· -· :.--- KEY MAP NORTH 0 N.T ~ NORTH SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" 10 20 30 . ,. ~tt>-~:P:-t~l 3~e,. (·r:·y (), C-\Hl,:"'ll.\ll PLANNIIIG DEPARTMENT 416 40 C.M.W.D.90-506 JOB #500116 AUTOMATIC ACTUATOR WHEN SPECIFIED----... ANTI SIPHON VALVE ' <o 6" FINISH GRADE 1111 I ,I 1w;;.;,.;..=~,_. 1-----PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE ~=f'!!'_,.J;::l=:1 V PVC SCH 40 ELL ~--PVC MAINLINE . PVC SCH 40 SLIP x THREAD FITTING ANTI SIPHON CONTROL VALVE I I I ,..---- I / J \ Station 24 C : Potable Water Irrigation Valve Station 24c shall be a potable water irrigation valve. The potable water supply shall be delivered from the potable water meter used in the pool cabana building. All connections between the Irrigation valve and the potable water system' shall be per all local codes and ordinances. No reclaimed water shall be used inside of the fenced pool area. \ ., 11111 , .. , .... , •• ,, •• ,,,, ,,~ .~•••11111111111111,111111111•1111111.,lf,: 1~ 7r ~ .... I ■ HI ■ I II 1111' UIILUIILUIILUIILUIILUIILUIILUULU■I•,,•,.,;;_••!.!,, _ ..... ~ I : .,,,.,,,,,, .. ,.~ : • • • • • • • • 1/, /it, :fl I , ------/,/ I --L f ------ NOTE: SEE SHEET L-24 FOR POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING DETAILS i IRRIGATION LAYOUT NOTE: □~1r1D FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS. INC. ! 'i / .. KEY MAP NOIITH N.I.~ I f I I , I I I 1.----MAtk! ~ED ill -s'±~4f0 I GENERAL NOTES: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN IN STREET AND ON SIDEWALKS FOR CLARITY ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALL IN PLANTINING BEDS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL CITY RIGHT OF WAYS ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%). ALL c·oNTROLLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICES. PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SHEETS L-VJ ANDL,~O FOR DETAILS.LEGEND, NOTES AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS. • • • t + [)A iE 1N: TU,L + oArr·· + 1N:TIAL • L-32 • NORTH SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" u 10 20 30 CIT)' OF CARLSBAD' SHUTS; PLANNING DEPARTMENT , , 4• 0 j 40 DUE TO THE SCALE OF THESE DRAWINGS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE NEED FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE'. THESE ADJUSTMENTS COULD INCLUDE NOZZLE CHANGES AND/OR ADDITION .OR DELETION OF INDIVIDUAL HEADS TO 1--tllR•<)A<..1 tll(,H\ii,i>,,' IIA"'<,,.f'lll"-.' r •\11'1,w-..1,\·1_.h-'" ,·.1.i,.i,11,1,111 1 LAN[)SCAPf AROIITfCT'-,. ASIA ___j c_ ___ ......... , ··-··-·"·'· ' !'.o(;IN(ER .. or" W()R~. Rt v1'",10~J :-lFSCf~IPTi(JN ~ ··-l OTHER ,l,JlPROVAl CAT{ INITIAL an APPROVAL J COMPENSATE FOR CHANGES MAOE ON THE SITE. C.M.W.D.90-506 JOB #500116 ;.13-:-11 ~~~I ;;~·1·":'·:_-'-:·-·J I ->S1Ji1_, __,. ... c' L-1_/·:_' ---·-···· ---., __ "-t:,§..... ~-·•1.'." ) --:'J-1,J_., /. "' r / .. --, -•. -, · . 3J. :s-~_, / ·--.':'.J' -~-v-: __ _j /"'.'.t_; _,. ~\..~~ ~(.\:~---·----·--~>-·=.-'."": .... ----- 4- KEY-MAP NOfl':TH NT.! I- I- II ' I ~~Y. e 12 o,c-. .· C Cj"':,;, ,..,,,,,.- coJ {1 P; ~~· ' / / /,. / / / . I : I • I ' ••• 0 OD •D o, .0,.0' .. (I,. 0 •• lluio D iti>O 1100-•ulil u •••• a•• o, •• 0 0 O • 0 J; PAD INSTALLATION . CONTRACTOR SHALL HYDROSEED ALL PADS IF THIS PROJECT IS INSTALLEf> BETWEEN THE MONTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM SPP. SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED ON ALL PADS AND APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. L JI. M!=Sli BLl)EPAINT Bns:1.aeera · Plannen · Surveyor• &ea.O Jill Camino INAJ. Buit.e 200 Carl•bad. California 92008 (819) o138-UHO SLOPE INSTALLATION . CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL JUTE NETTING AND HYDROSEED COVER CROP ON ALL SLOPES IF THIS PROJECT IS INSTAU.EO BETWEEN THE MONTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM SPP SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED ON ALL SLOPES ANCf AF'PLIEO AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. COVER CROP RE UIRED JAN-DEC C . GROUND COVER LEGEND I ® ® FRAGARIA CHR.OENSIS FROM FLATS@ 12" O.C. HEDERA HELIX 'NEEDLE POINT FROM FLATS@ 12" O.C. DELOSPERMA ALBA UNROOTED CUTTING @ 12" Q.C DROSANTHEMUM RORIBI.JNDUM UNROOTED CUTTINGS @ 12" O.C IRRIGATED RJEL MOD. HYDROSEED MIX ZOll,IE 1 NON-IRRIGATED RJR MOD. HYDROSEED MIX ZONE 2 PLANTING NOTES: At the conclusion of r~ugh grading, an agronomic soils report shall be prepared by the owner and furnished to the contractor, and all recommendations from such report shall be incorporated by the contractor into installation of all planting areas. Conceal all irrigation valves in shrub bed. All shrub material specified must meet standard industry specifications for the container size indicated. If Contractor cannot locate material of acceptable size at the time of installation, contact Landscape Architect for species substitution· down-sizing of plant material without prior approval of Landscape Architect will not be allowed. REFER TO 10 SCALE ENTRY PLAN Tree_selection, container sizes and final location of plant material are subject to revIsIon by the Landscape Architect in the field. All trees@ Entry and Rec. Center shall be tagged by the Landscape Architect. All plant materials shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect and /or Client prior to plantiog. FOR PLANTING THIS AREA SHEET L-41 CJRB • .-:· ··l .? r I • : . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • .. • • • • ' • • • I • • • • ' • • • • .i I I/( Ii !I NOTE: / ,.,, •. Tree locations shown on plan may require adjustment in the field. Whenever feasib!e, trees should be planted a minimum of 1 O' from all underground utilities, streetlights, hydrants, and out of drainage flow lines. Should this not be possible, contact the Landscape Architect for decision on placement. All trees located in turf areas shall be installed with arbor guards. All street trees shall be installed with deep root barriers. · Remove trellis from all vines and attach to fence or wall. Gr?u.nd cover type shown shall be planted in all shrub areas adjacent to that building. Ground cover shall be planted at 12" on center uniform triangular spacing and shall be continuous under all trees and shrub masses as shown on plan. Top dress all planter beds with a?," thick layer of 1 /4" particle size Organic Ground cover (O.G.C.) top dressing . Available from Sequoia Horticultural Products {209) 591-1177 Palm tree size shown indicates Brown Trunk Height (B.T.H.). All Palms to be boxed specimens delivered lo site with trunks peeled. Contractor shall have a Soil Agronomist prepare a detailed soil analysis and drainage analysis slating recommendations for Palm tree planting. Backfill mix shall be adjusted per recommendations to assure palm tree survival. Hydsroseeded Lawn shall be "Maratt,on lie "turf-type tall fescue. Available from Southland Sod Farms.(805}488-3585. See sheet L-4',fo~ Plf}.nting Legend and Plant Materials List. NOTE: ALL .~EES HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY RAINBOW CREST GROWERS AND FOR§JM/SUMMERS & MURPHY, INC. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT MR DEAN WENDT FOR TREE INFORMATION AT (619) 723-6989 . .....,.....,,_...lJrot;:, ~ 4 ~ C IH CAM (2,f 11 ~ ":::>-rt:>') to/~,bU., ~ 'O ~\c:. C)f'C{Jtzb I Fl2! ~ ~ r-1CP- . e.EO rl I',( -z.ot.4€.. I ' ) NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" "'f' ., J ;4w'f P"~ /2.Ctl.. _.,,. ._t~ \.NIDSct "AS :., I Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site ,I grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. RCE ----------- EXP. ., Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. / .1 The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsi lily for its success . • SHEET L-33 REVIEWED BY: INSPECTDR CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPIIRTMENT ALDEA @ AVIARA. AVIARA P.A. 16 DATE DATE • • • G. LANTING PLAN ~2/.f.3 FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARfNERS, INC. DATE 11'-""""7=--t-;::-:=:c--t-----------------+---+-------f---+~--1 OWN BY: ~--34118 COAS'T HIGHWAY. D-\NA POINT'. G\LIFOfi:NIA. 92629 (7141 4%-6l_!_1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITICTS, ASLA DATE INl11AI.. DATE 11<111AL DATE IN111AL. CHKD BY: __ _ ENGINEEII Of -REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAL RW.O BY: PROJECT NO. C.T. 90-14 DRAWING NO. 321-2L JOB #500116 \ \ \ \ \ \ ' -;;_<;!.:; .j_, lt;1~, / i.....-.f_r------~~ KEY MAP I I t, I / ~~ ~-"",ti> ' ........ 1-,~ ' ' :.,,":','' I 1......,. '., ·-,._ '_1_,'•'' c;;··._c~\ t<4-Clr,I ~ lit:6! · u ~ ;. '": R r_ -1: :-,_·· • \, •. , '"_-,: .... • ' . ~'' )i/v'(j ,'-u'C:: .. ·:.-:r· 1P. I- c:R()SBY :\-1 EAi) 'BEJ'\l'()"J & ASSOCIATES T 1GEfl ~fPl'l'QGJIAPHICS -------------------Enctnetn•• · Planner■ • Surveyor• G8~0 EI C&minQ R4it-.l, $ujt(> 200 C&rl ■bad, California 92008 (819) 438-1210 -" i rf-, Flo ,_• •r -Pf -t--1eL-I~ 26 25 - --.. (G i1 ... --,rz141C • • 0 'l, 24 -TYPE B' Bi?OW OITCi--1 PER50R50 075 r,~_r,MAINTtl/N 6" MIN CLEARANCE T LINE . ' . /4 SLOPE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL JUTE NETTING AND HYDROSEED COVERCROP ON ALL SLOPES IF TH IS PROJECT lS INSTALLED BETWEEN THE MONTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM SPP. SHALL BE HYOROSEEDED ON ALL SLOPES AND APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. COVER CROP REQUJRED JAN~DEC PAD INSJN,.LATION CONTRACTOR SHALI_ HYDROSEEO ALL PADS IF THIS PROJECT IS INSTALLED BETWEEN Tf-!E MONTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM SPP. $HALL BE HYDROSEEDED ON All PADS AND APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. -+++ 1/. <"' "1 / '\J I 11'5 \ I I \"" ~ : f ·-1 11 ,i ,\J I .1-.-C. L ' 0: f/J~ • C ..,, , Ill 0 -f" '} ~ I ~ r:--c:i "" :,_,;c..t:, ~ ? ' ® ', , FT Zf9 (),_ , P4D z,a :ic ® FF 21700 PAO 21650 b p ~ C • NOTE: GROUND COVER LEGEND ® ® FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS FROM RATS @ 12w O.C. HEDERA HELIX 'NEEDLE POINT FROM RATS @ 12~ O.C. DELOSPERMA ALBA UNROOTED CUmNG@ 1r o.c. DROSANTHEMUM R.ORJBUNDUM UNROOTED CUTTNCS@ 1? O.C. IRRIGATm A.JR MOD. HYDROSEED MIX ZONE 1 NON-IRRIGATED RJR MOD. HYDROSEED MIX ZONE 2 ALL TREES HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY RAINBOW CREST GROWERS AND FORSUM/SUMMERS & MURPHY, INC. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT MR. DEAN WENDT FOR TREE INFORMATION AT (619) 723-6989. d-TIZI ///1/ / // ~.-.::~--- / 0 IH£3 AJE:::L, • ',' , .J' ,---_ ,..~.,._ --_---;,,--,-t-4',t-,-_,-_,,-, -------,., ;; 1\_\_~--P-Ri;:NEQ,.fOR PLANTING , I _ A/-J[Rlilll3ATION ONLY / fN UDING PRECISE LOCA'{IO OF PLANTING AREAS ' NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 60 f XP Rf/1EWI::, 8• !NSF'F.:C TOR DATE 80 I ) 1------+---+---------------------+---+--+----r------l ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 TREE, & G.C. PLANTING PLAN / o~D t,Z.21-t, FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34118 COAST HIGHWAY, DANA POINT, CALIFORNIA. 9262~ (714) 4i:J6...611 I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL Oll10! !,PPROYAL OTY APPROVAL AS OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. c:r. so-14 DATE DRA'MNG N.O. 321-2L JOB #500116 I I ' j I NOTE: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -------------------r.--a .D-LBIB 1t' o,c, t-aH ~ < 9 ,O? <( SLOPE INSTALLATION--· CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL JUTE NETTING AND HYDROSEED \;QVER CROP ON ALL SLOPES IF TH~ PROJECT 18IINSTALLED BEIWEEN THE f.llbNTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM SPP SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED ON ALL SLOPES AND ApPLIED AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. PAD INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL HYDROSEED ALL PADS IF THIS PROJECT IS INSTALLED BETWEEN THE MONTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM SPP SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED ON ALL PADS AND APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. COVER CROP REQUIRED JAN-DEC ,• I I-GIN ut1 ALL TREES HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY RAINBOW CREST GROWERS AND FORSUM/SUMMERS & MURPHY, INC. CONTAACTOR SHALL CONTACT MR. DEAN WENDT FOR TREE INFORMATION AT (619) 723-6989. C'.R()SBY .\1Ei\l) BE.'\;T() 'l & ASSOC IA rES r,e,.1;:R RlaPROGl'1APtOCS Ea.Ki,neen -Planner-a -Sn.rv117or• MJl)O EI Camino Ro&J. Bui't.e 200 Carl■bad, Californi& 92008 {818) 438-1210 I I I I I - a/a _.,,"> t; ::i _,.--/f' 0-J,N ~ Q it; 't:P '); , I I/, -------- I f ' )'' "\- ,-..:,· _. ------,9_.::-·/ I I I I I /~ I I I I • I • l I I ® ' ', :--__:r'•-- CON-l-J M'~ S~\ • • • • • • • • • CJCJD □~□ FORSUMISUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. L -' ) ~ GROUND ~OVER LEGEND ® , ® ~~·; .. ~ ... -~-,;-'/,,-~ ,;~, FRAGARIA CHR.OENSIS FROM FLATS@ 12" O.C. HEDERA HELIX 'NEEDLE POINT FROM FLATS @ 12" O.C. DELOSPERMA ALBA I 7-:-~t?{;),-_::1_' ::~t UNROOTED CUTTING @ 12" O.C. 0"; o"O ••• "'a, ••• ••' v a• a •-• DROSANTHEMUM FLORIBUNDUM UNROOTED CUTTINGS @ 12" O.C • • IRRIGATED rua MOD. HYDRQSEED MIX ZONE 1 NON-IRRIGATED RJEL MOD. HYOROSEED MIX ZONE 2 • A"'"~ ~t';:1210' ~L- KEY MAP C,a,,,.L.. I f2.f2.l~ W Ft.JE=:i-vlc.p vJ ~ t::et,oe,~p,. ~ vLltT1N6'& (2_ 1:2.' o/'o NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. f'"1c>r.7. -ZD NORTH N.t.~ NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'~0" BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LQCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE REVlEWED BY: EXP DATE -----+ -------<---, -+-- ---~-·-----------,>---------.- , 341,!:J COAS'I 111CHWAY. 0AN.Q, f'QI,-..:1, CALIFORNIA 92629 (714) 49f..--6111 DAT£ INITIAL ,_ __________ ·---~~-. DA TE INITIAL DA TE !Nill DWN : PROJECT NO. DRAY/ING NO. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA ENGlNEER Of WORI< RE\/ISION JESCRIPTION -'------=---+.------=c........::.._c.c_:.J.:C'---1 OTHER APPROVAL OTY APPROVAL CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C,T. 90-14 321-2L· JOB #500116 (;l{()SBY ·~1f(\j?()'.\ • & .-\SSOC !.·\TES Tl~;~Fr Rl!PRO~APttlC5 t~ 1~1 ccJ {1;,(#-"-;::, I -c..1t-1 (115 ~':> I - 4- .._}~ i...JOVE F ( 1~,. (.J~1 :3_ GU .. ·;;; , .... 1~~w;;~ .. 51-/T. 17 Ea.e-tneera · Planners · Survttyors l!o8o.0 l!ll Cao:i.100 R$t1.l. Suite 200 c-rlabad, Cal lfornia 92008 (819) 438-ttHO .\ :.: '{j \ ·,, "'~ "\1 ~ / ' ' I _. ,., /l :•,;.:. t....·· ·-, / c,. . ' u -I "' ,--' ,, ., ", ,, ' -- ' / /'' / ' / .. / . . / . // -· . / V H--ft;;, ~E:e!a7 MI >< -,ZG't-1.e.. Z IP P IG~fEW fv~cO yJ "-NOTE: ALL TREES HAVE BEEN SELECTED BY RAINBOW CREST GROWERS AND FORSUM/SUMMERS & MURPHY, INC. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT MR. DEAN WENDT FOR TREE INFORMATION AT (619) 723-6989 PAD INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL HYDROSEED ALL PADS IF THIS PROJECT IS INSTALLED BETWEEN THE MONTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM $PP. SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED ON ALL PADS AND APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. SLOPE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL JUTE NETTING AND HYDROSEED COVER CROP ON ALL SLOPES IF THIS PROJECT IS INSTALLED BETWEEN THE MONTHS OF AUGUST 15th TO APRIL 15th. THE COVER CROP OF ALYSSUM SPP. SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED ON ALL SLOPES AND APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 3 LBS PER ACRE. COVER CROP REQUIRED JAN-DEC GROUND COVER LEGEND .-; -0 -.,. ••• • • •••• •• • •• q, .... FRAGARIA CH9.0ENSIS FROM R.ATS @ 12• O.C. HEDERA HELIX 'NEEDLE POINT FROM R.ATS @ 1T O.C. DELOSPERMA ALBA UNROOTED CUTTING @ 12• O.C. DROSANTHEMUM RORIBUNDUM UNROOTEO CUTTINGS@ 12" O.C . ooD □§!JD ........ ........ ........ IRRIGATED RJR MOD. HYDROSEED MIX ZONE 1 FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. NON-IRRIGATED RJEL MOD. HYDROSEED MIX ZONE 2 14118 (OAST HIGHWAY, (JANA POINT, CAllfORNIA ':12&2'::I (714,1 4%---h111 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA ~ : 1~ll -'Vo-"l!JJ,' r--'-'!_ ·, ·--~./. !_: Jj , "\.:,_, ·- ' ,-L&~ a(l':----•" •--..--!------- ........ .... /. KEY MAP PLANTING NOTES: Al the conclusion of rough grading, an agronomic soils report shall be prepared by the owner and furnished to the contractor, and all recommendations from such report shall be incorporated by the contractor into installation of all planting areas. C11Y ?,-t-\f,u., r--ec-I1?Je,. corrw Of ,Av\--~f'Cf'--fb, Conceal all irrigation valves in shrub bed. All shrub material specified must meet standard industry speci'fications for the container size indicated. If Contractor cannot locate material of acceptable size at the time of installation contact Landscape Architect for species substitution: down-sizing of plant mat~rial without prior approval of Landscape Architect will not be allowed. · Tree selection, container sizes and final location of plant material are subject to revision by the Landscape Architect in the field. All trees@ Entry and Rec. Center shall be tagged by the Landscape Architect. All plant materials shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect and /or Client prior to planting. Tree locations shown on plan may require adjustment in the field. Whenever feasible, trees should be planted a minimum of 1 O' from all underground utilities, streetlights, hydrants, and out of drainage flow lines. Should this not be possible, contact the Landscape Architect for decision on placement. All trees located in turf areas shall be installed with arbor guards. All street trees shall be installed with deep root barriers. Remove trellis from all vines and attach to fence or wall. Ground cover type shown shall be planted in all shrub areas_ adjacent to that building. Ground cover shall be planted at 12" on center uniform triangular spacing and shall be continuous under all trees and shrub masses as shown on plan. top dress a// planter beds with a~" thick layer of 1/4" particle size Organic Ground cover (O.G.C.) top dressing. Available from Sequoia Horticultural Products (209) 591-1177 Palm tree size shown indicates Brown Trunk Height (B.T.H.). All Palms to be boxed specimens delivered to ~ile wit~ trunks peeled. ~ontractor shall hav_e a Soil Agronomist prepare a detailed srnl analys1s_an~ drainage an'.1lys1s stating recommendations for Palm tree planting. Backfill mix shall be adJusted per recommendations to assure palm tree survival. Hydsroseeded Lawn shall be "Marathon 2 tm .. turf-type tall fescue. Available from Southland Sod Farms (805) 488-3585. See sheet L4-',for Planting Legend and Plant Materials List. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. -+-------t--·--. NORTH N.t.~ NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 0 20 40 80 RCE. ___ EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED 8Y: ------------- iNSPECTOR DATE DATE DA TE INITlAL DA TE INIT1AL DA TE INIT1AL DWN BY: ___ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL ClY APPRO\IAL ~~ ~~; --CI 90-14 321-2L 80 JOB #500116 CROSBl" .MEAD BE~TON & ASSOCIATES I ,11. MESA BLUEPAtNT c-'"""r--...r--, _,._ l:)~jJ~1 ~~1 1i,·1_.-;~----,)' i I j I ~ t /l~Ji;•~ , . .,. -----.L, -~--1 ( ~J .,,~. :::, ~, ;.S,;-:·-,, i !'"~~, ,,; ' ,.,, ., :' •,,/ -~--: -·'t[Jt:' /~--;..,.-, -: ·-.__,,, . .,~ 1J. . '•,.J _]$··.' ,' ' ~ 1 "~•· " ··•-.,.: ; AS( 5 ''5t I ' ~ _, ~--· ---_,.A .-> - KEY MAP SOUND ATTENUATION WALL PER CONDITION 1 PC RESOLUTION #3118 4 -F'lJJ C,O.f' c i-,ei-:. i 2-11:!10 ~f" {_py :> '• TCZ-6040 1.~~)J. Bnpq.ee:ra · Plannen · 8u.rveyor11 bSGO El Cam.:lno 8"Mi.l, suu~ 200 Carlaba.d. California 9eoos (GUt) 438-1210 ,, / /. <j \(, t r zGQ ---. ,/ . ,, 1. V • fPf" Je&;c,; 17-~c F~{M~'> I . • I NOTE: ( 1r,O. "f G - S-~ QA{PJ ') B-flt~l.M; .,· , I Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect Landscape Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. :~ ·. <, 0'1' G, ", ,,_) (\., " PLANTING NOTES: At the conclusion of rough grading, an agronomic soils report shall be prepared by the owner and furnished to !tie contractor, and all recommendations from such report shall be incorporated by the contractor into installation of all planting areas. Conceal all irrigation valves in shrub bed. All shrub material specified must meet standard industry specifications for the container size indicated. If Contractor cannot locate material of acceptable size at the time of installation, contact Landscape Architect for species substitution; down-sizing of plant material without prior approval of Landscape Architect will not be allowed. Tree selection, container sizes and final location of plant material are subject to revision by the Landscape Architect in the field. All trees@ Entry and Rec. Center shall be tagged by the Landscape Architect. All plant materials shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect and /or Client prior to planting. REFER TO 10 SCALE ENTRY PLAN Tree locations shown on plan may require adjustment in the field. Whenever feasible, trees should be planted a minimum of 1 O' from all underground utilities, streetlights, hydrants, and out of drainage flow lines. Should this not be possible, contact the Landscape Architect for decision on placement. FOR PLANTING THIS AREA SHEET L-41 fj "' ' ' ' . A .• p )f • J ! ,/'~ ; \ [PJrJD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC, '\4118 COAST HIGHWAY, DA.NA POINT, CAUFORNIA ')lfi19 {7141 4%-61 ! 1 DAT£ INITIAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASlA ENGIN£DI Of" - All trees located in turf areas shall be installed with arbor guards. All street trees shall be installed with deep root barriers. Remove trellis from all vines and attach to fence or wall. Ground cover type shown shall be planted in all shrub areas adjacent to that building. Ground cover shall be planted at 12" on center uniform triangular spacing and shall be continuous under all trees and shrub masses as shown on plan. Top dress all planter beds with a)/' thick layer of 1/4" particle size Organic Ground cover (O.G.C.) top dressing. Available from Sequoia Horticultural Products (209) 591-1177 Palm tree size shown indicates Brown Trunk Height (B.T.H.). All Palms to be boxed specimens delivered to site with trunks peeled. Contractor shall have a Soil Agronomist prepare a detailed soil analysis and drainage analysis stating recommendations for Palm tree planting. Backfill mix shall be adjusted per recommendations to assure palm tree survival. Hydsroseeded Lawn shall be "Marathon 2 tm .. turf-type tall fescue. Available from Southland Sod Farms (805) 488-3585. See sheet L"\!>for Planting Legend and Plant Materials List. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'~0" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS • 40 80 BUil T" ··-·-·-- RCE __ _ EXP RF VIEWED BY: INSPECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANMfilG DEPARTMENT ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 P N ING PLAN 80 DATE DATE ~ L~ OAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHEII APPROVAL CHY APPROVAL C.T. 90-14 321-2L JOB #500116 • V; \ \ \ ' t, \ \ \ _,?t. SOUND ATTENUATION WALL PER CONDITION 1 PC RESOLUTION #3118 <:R()SBY \1E:\I) BE~l'()N & ASSOC:IA :s 16 ~ ~f:)--~~&✓-:"> 12 -ftLl CDf' cYi~-0 ' . I h~ \ \ ' ' ; t , IL,.... .. .J ~ ', ~ . I Z-"""fl?,C>. ~ r--... s " 1 -~ Jo..r' {P? :') 1 •. ~~ II 1 Pt l 224 ' ' ,. t ' . ,,:; I \l~ " t -FAT J.o.F~I n AL--::, .:. , &-Ii I B, 1::-:::, {n ""'1.-, "::> 1-f"'IT \,Cf'. {p; ,> ······-············ !~ : ~~~[Jj~~:::~::::::-'~'-..J82_:_-'v'f~B~J6f"::r:fC."='~-9:l";,~- 10-I~ e,uR ('.1'1~') : ,,_'----__ _;.. __ ;___.___ . • I -V1e, ~('.I~'-+""-.,:-:, ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ( ii • ., • • 0z ---rl-?A -.Joo U"l~;-:, uj -I LE-~ U?q.o.L ":> 5 -A-sf' -::;,f'l;"._ d '--¥-''"l.-;; t -'v1 e, JAP C:: I FJ ¥,L > APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS I I -c.:,_"}_ ·, , • .,__,·J~_.JJt ','--!; ~ '·-~--: 1.s(: ,' __ , •1-,_, • ,..,.- KEY MAP NORTH NORTH N. T.S SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 40 60 '' RU __ _ f XP [) A Tf 80 JOB #500116 \ • (:R()SBY \1E,-\D 'HEI'\"T()'.'J & ASSOCIAI"ES \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I -3 --rec e,c..p CP?i. ;') 91ic,1-1 1-y'--(L, cot-1 {P1 ci''3" tR~Lo'l'i 1,.-, \ -----------------------------\ i' _, ') t 30- SOUND ATTENUATION WALL PER CONDITION 1 PC RESOLUTION #3118 Enctneel"B · Planned! • Surveyor• IU;l&O EL Camino Hll!lal. Suitll!I 200 CJ..tlab&d, Ca.uroi:'1.1L~ 92008 (819) 438-1210 L• i PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION r--- 1 rw2Q93 , 5 zOB 2 I TW 21_~ 0_ rs zo \ ' ,~,, y ' / . . , ... :_ / \I -\ I TGl':l70 ')( , - ----~ ':J 6 3 - -;t>-T .J . . . I -~ ~LI . 7) 10-Y] /'?~ (fi,.._~ t& -COf' ~ F= LI ;-:, 11 -1fv COf" (f7~ 11 -"'.DY e,.a.L,. {..f? -v t -~ _J,,::,,.f" 11"1~ . . .. ' . ' -,. 4-Vie>,~ I I -~ I I • Pl ' I I I I I I . I - I I • I •· • I, . .. , I \ ~°)') /°', ( rt:%Jg 2 601 j I c' !Oir . I 1-Pl-lo -rei--l (_pf~~ · t ,7;i":- t -Vie> J~i,..,,; ~, -I l,,~ ~LIK-l,,-~l-;, , ' . I ..... ''il.✓-· ........ ~. ' I '"'. ("'. ~ ',)½ 7 , ' • ,~ , vA. - J ' '.. ~ ·--. __, / rJ -yn., co~ (_v, -7> 7 -fl I VC>fZ i'.'.P7Gf"-l,") JO- NOTE: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronornical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success, ,._1,,(',I, ?,01.ll _ _ _ . . • ••.. , --- KEY MAP NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" "AS BUiL T" RCE __ _ EXP DA TT. REV1EW£D BY· INSPECTOR DATE ------------------·-·------------f---+-··-·. ,, .... i_ LS~f3C-9Tl CI_TY OF CARLSBADl SHE.FTS L _______ J --__ _PLANN~G DEPARTMENT _--=._J L-~~- -. -------------------------~- -----·---·---·---I---+---➔---·--. -----~ ~-.,. ALDEA @ AVIARA 80 ---------I AVIARA P.A.16 -======== _--~:~~--~~--_::==:==:.----=-~-,a____ L ~-~~ ~Q[:"~~Bt~pd"~o/"1~~~T~l~N~~G.__~_P~L2A~.N~u=-7=57 1Nl11,\L DATE ----+----+-----+------+-------t ~;==:°===:=;le=:':;~==:".":::::======::::;-;::===~ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITl . ....l....---=-----l------'---------"-----1 DIGlNITR Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CHY APPROVAL C:t 90-14 321-2L ~ .' ( I I ' ;------....... -------....1.-------'------------------'-'-'illl-----'--..... ---... --..... -...... ..._----------------------~~~~ JOB #500116 11G!;'.A REPfl;O<Jil';Al"HICS ·"' 10 -ri;c., ~ {PJ In -~LJ ~F {0 ! r- SOUND ATTENUATION WALL PER r-. CONDITION 1 PC RESOLUTION #3118----')l)II '-J:J cu cu c l{l ··1 ,n t.Jl [i"' Q . ::> '.J·, •D ..._ "" en "" ::-.:: (" l.....t.., -) ~~ ry ''.'°) C) s: G.. (, -'J , ··- i 1 , .~ I ' I! r f ,,. I I i I !1 II • ;)' - I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I I .ol,; PLANTING NOTES: ?' f'H,,Sf 1 s. n U--'>.. _,-,,....,J--, ·-.,:;,~13,~lb.) ;:;,1~-7·''-:'- ·:"_Jij___! i , ~~e~,. . ---, -·--... ,. . ... , ---. N ) ' I "' "? '-.I• "i!j~l•."rS,~~t, ("_~o_,'.Jl/JJ -~-,-~ ,1 ·~,.'.::_,"-"-<.._,...~ ~1.(',A :D~~ KEY MAP Al the conclusion of rough grading, an agronomic soils report shall be prepared by the owner and furnished to the contractor, and all recommendations from such report shall be incorporated by the contractor into installation of all planting areas. Aw f-Ef'Cf-T:;;, ~,t,u.,. e,e P'lJf'Nlef-if:P pn,e cir,-. Conceal all irrigation valves in shrub bed. All shrub material specified must meet standard industry specifications for Ifie container size indicated. If Contractor cannot locate material of acceptable size al the time of installation, contact Landscape Architect for species substitution; down-sizing of plant material without prior approval of Landscape Architect will not be allowed . Tree selection, container sizes and final location of plant material are subject to revision by the Landscape Architect in the field. All trees@ Entry and Rec. Center shall be tagged by the Landscape Architect. All plant materials shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect and /or Client prior to planting. Tree locations shown on plan may require adjustment in the field_ Whenever feasible, trees should be planted a minimum of 1 o· from all underground utilities, streetlights, hydrants, and out of drainage flow lines. Should this not be possible, contact the Landscape Architect tor decision on placement. All trees located in turf areas shall be installed with arbor guards. All street trees shall be installed with deep root barriers. Remove trellis from all vines and attach to fence or wall. Ground cover type shown shall be planted in all shrub areas adjacent lo that building. Ground cover shall be planted at 12" on center uniform triangular spacing and shall be continuous under all trees and shrub masses as shown on plan. Top dress a// planter beds with a &"thick layer of 1/4" particle size Organic Ground cover (0.G.C.) top dressing. Available from Sequoia Horticultural Products (209) 591-1177 Palm tree size shown indicates Brown Trunk Height (B.T.H.)_ All Palms lo be boxed specimens delivered to site with trunks peeled. Contractor shall have a Soil Agronomist prepare a detailed soil analysis and drainage analysis stating --~~ .... recommendations for Palm tree planting. Backfill mix shall be adjusted per ll V.HDSO!J>l recommendations to assure palm tree survival. rc,t;."-~.----1,pt;'s; Jr +ll SUMMt-, >;:i.1 Hydsroseeded Lawn shall be "Marathon 2 Im" turf-type tall fescue. Available from Southland Sod Farms (805) 488-3585. See sheet L'k,for Planting Legend and Plant Materials List. . q; .j> "',, ~ o/1&. / i ~ ,,,....-.---.,,,,~ . ,, . •· -JI• rrl J It \:R.,::--/4 ~t OF rJ,Llt~ 0 NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 80 --·- RC( __ _ EXP R[VIEWl:D BY: NSPECTOR DAT£ ~-----------, t1rrra:::E:C"ANI~K~SJ08~CE:s~cSJ!ZE1iE;:s;m~:QIT:s~~J'.D[J:Y~II:llro1=1 :. L:;_1-<4EE0T·-11 CITY oF CARLSBA·D I SHEETS "Ii, 1 __ Pl l\N l IN<..; ;:,i--i-• :1i-:s R. :--.1/1-i-<1-v1:-.11 iNs .. 1111 , l.'ll 1 ·1 ::,::,., L 46 ,.. J _ __ PLANNING DEPARTMENT . APPROVED FOR PLANTING 1-----------------------+-----i--+--~. ---, ,-___ ·--·-·---·-··--·-.. ' AND IRRIGATION ONLY 1------~--------------,-,--+---+---+---t ' ALDEA @ AVIARA NOTE: INCLUDING PRECISE · " ---. ·--··-----· ---···--·--+---t----t·---------! an scape p ans are o en prepare In a vance o e sI e _ 80 ' ,_ . SJ.IT. 17 L d I fl d . d f th 't LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ' ----.-·-------·--··----··--+--+---;------t----t ·1 -AVIARA P.A. 16 grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. r=============--.--::==:::-=-=-=-=====::::;1 ___ .j__ _ _:-~~----·····-----------·----+---+---1----+---1 _ .,--~ .UB PLANTING PLAN Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. r,A~P~P'.RQ-~~~~/7'"'7;;7'}/ ;..=====,,,.f=:;~~:='7 The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical D~~□D 1---------~:-_-_-_---I-+'------~··_-=:.==========---------=~--... ========~====:===--... +_·-=_-_-_-_-:_-_--_-_-_,,-1 .,.~7~·,2~~n~~-~7.?, ::-'.~lfJ/~~~--~--~·.;~-~LT--;2 ~ 9;: soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect CJ AS'®TANT .PLANNING rnREC,HJR DAT£ .. ·c:R()SH"--' Enr;tn ... ,.,.. Planners. Surveyor■ will then compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 1---1-------l----------·-------+-----,r-'.".C=c--+--::-:-::::-t-::-:=:c---l DWN BY: ,' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. - 1 and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to >•"• coA11 HIGHWAY. c"'NA P!)INI. cAu1<wNiA 92629 1714· '""'' 11 □Arr INmAL □Arr 1NITIA1. □Arr INITIAL CHKD BY: ___ C.,. 90 14 3 2 ,8!\ 11.f.N: 1 ~ 11 ?(.) N' 06 00 "'' c•m 1 • 0 R•• 1 · ~• 11 • 200 instal I any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole L:::::======LA=N=D=sc=_A=P=E =A=RC=H=IT=EC=T=S=, =AS=L=A======::'J IIEN~GlN~EE~R~or:_:woRK~L--~R~E::_Vl::Sl:O::_N:_::::l:E:S:C~R:I P_T::_I O:N:_ ___ ~□lli~ER'.,_AP~PR~□:vAL'.'.:..JL.'.:a~n~AP:'.:P:'.:Ro:v~AL~.:R::VWD::::::B:;Y;;;: ~~~~~:..::::::::::·:: •··:::;;:::;;:::-:;;:;;;:::::.:;;;;;;;;2~1=-~-=L=::. ~ • Cul.bad, California 92008 responsibility for its success. L ¥L&:·~A~s:s<~X~:J~A~Cf!Es~·----~c~••~•J~•~•~•~-•~•~•o~----------•••--•---------"----~:;;;;~;.;_.;:.;;;;;;;._ __________________ .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _______ _;;;;.. _____________________________________________ J~O~B:-:#~5~0:0~1~1:6 f!GE!il ~EPR(l(il'IAl>H1CS d --CORMORANT C., I -A:..,A .Af/2. l.'? c,..:.L-) I " IO"'J -1!2-P--J,t,.0 l. I l,PL.-'V I~ OCJ b ~ -- CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD TO HIS BID PROPOSAL THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS TO BE SPOTTED IN THE FIELD: ITEM , CUPANIA ANACARDIOIDES RAPHIOLEPIS 'CLARA' FATSIA JAPONICA QUANTITY 2 20 13 .s.JZf 48" BOX 5 GAL 15 GAL ••••• •••••••••• I ..... •••••••••••••• ••••• \ ------------ -" liJt F!?OX: J J..;fi) KEY MAP PLANTING NOTES: At the conclusion of rough grading, an agronomic soils report shall be prepared by the owner and furnished to the contractor, and all recommendations from such report shall be incorporated by the contractor into installation of all planting areas. ,:;oi Lb !"-E;.fbf<;f <Bl-+Au.. ;>vo,a e£;c SUl'M 11160 T"' n,i i;;_ c1T)'. Conceal all irrigation valves In shrub bed. All shrub material specified must meet standard industry specifications for the container size indicated. If Contractor cannot locate material of acceptable size al the time of installation, contact Landscape Architect for species substitution; down-sizing of plant material without prior approval of Landscape Architect will nQ1 be allowed. Tree selection, container sizes and final location of plant material are subject ta revision by the Landscape Architect in the field. All trees@ Ehtry and Rec. Center shall be tagged by the Landscape Architect. All plant materials shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect and /or Client prior to planting. Tree_ locations shown on plan may require adjustment in the field. Whenever -r=:-~--'.: feasible, trees should be planted a minimum of 1 O' from all underground utilities. streetlights, hydrants. and out of drainage flow lines. Should this not be possible, contact the Landscape Architect for decision on placement. 2.4 • """""r U--f>-L 10 C..P-L-) 8 -f .A j 0Pf7 L 10 L,i,P•l-) 2 & -A'.'.-,A .t> F 12-L-"? e,~ ~o. ~h ~ NOR:tH NT .S ' .. N . j E· P + ANTING SPECIE • + + I t -- All trees located in turf areas shall be installed with arbor guards. All street trees shall be installed with deep root barriers. Remove trellis from all vines and attach to fence or wall_ Ground cover type shown shall be planted in all shrub areas adjacent to that building. Ground cover shall be planted at 12" on center uniform triangular spacing and shall be continuous under all trees ancl shrub masses as shown on plan. Top dress all planter beds with a~ thick layer of 1/4" particle size Organic Ground cover (O.G.C.) top dressing. Available from Sequoia Horticultural Products (209) 591-1177 ~ ~"'-Palm tree size shown indicates Brown Trunk Height (B.T.H.). All Palms to be ~ boxed specimens delivered to site with trunks peeled. Contractor shall have a Soil Agronomist prepare a detailed soil analysis and drainage analysis stating recommendations for Palm tree planting. Backfill mix shall be adjusted per ~----------. recommendations to assure palm tree survival. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS Hydsroseeded Lawn shall be "Marathon 2 tm .. turf-type tall fescue. Available from Southland Sod Farms (805) 488-3585. See sheet L·Hfor Planting Legend and Plant Materials List. NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site gr'.1,ding resulting_ in no specific soils agronomical information. Pnor to the planting of any material contained in these plans. Th.e owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical S<?lls report lo the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect will then. compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil ~nd advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install a~y-plant material prior to this, he will assume sole respons1b1l1ty for its success. _ \ \ 0 NORTH SCALE: 10 RCf ___ f)(P NSPEClOR 1" = 10'-0" 20 [")I j:1 T" [_) \._. IL I 30 DATT 40 SI NS -'UL Y 30 1 ',H! t T L-41 , c·rrY o F'-c ARl,sB Ab , ·sHEETS] PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 -+ • t + . ' - ----------- I o CJD □§CJD ----+ . _ _j_ ___ ----------+---------.. ----··-········· ' FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. ~411~ COA~T tllCHW.O..Y. °"NA P()INT. ( AL!K)R'>JIA 92:62":I (714) 49t,..t,1 l l LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASLA I . -·-+----+-- DA TE + INI TIA,-+ ' 'GIN[[R .,( OF WORS REVlSION DESCRIPTION JOB #500116 \ • I -~e /20t1 L ¼" .f".?Oll'. ") I>-=~ /&-,\\Y"t( 1-----· ----1----1 -~ _-_:f APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS OCJD □§CJD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. f4118(()A~l Hl(,HWAY [)ANAPOINl (Al,l!()l<NIA4Jt,/<'i ,,714)4'H><>lll LANDSCAPE ARCHITtCTS, ASLA I ' ' PHAS~ . ,-~ -~ ~ -;--:/ _._-~•'5.;,; _I. r-,<-• '.< /" .i <-' f'HME'4/· J~I · . ·•· ··_,-'•/ 1 • '-i!(J'"t.' ,-..,-;-.:; '•·->?.1;;'2.J; '·-·,{ ,_/ ;:•~<- . '·--.:,..._J ;' "•!:'<._," ~__..-::~.) H_ A~E 5 . -/ .. /~II'/ .. , .• KEY MAP " NORTH "-.T.S NOTE: PLANtlNG NOTES: At the conclusion of rough grading, an agronomic soils report shall be prepared by the owner and furnished to the contractor, and all recommendations from such report shall be incorpc,rated by the contractor Into installation of all planting areas. -- Conceal all irrigation valves in shrub bed. All shrub material specified must meet standard industry specifications for the container size indicated. If Contractor cannot locate material of acceptable size at the time of installation, contact Landscape Architect for species substitution; down-sizing of plant material without prior approval of Landscape Architect will !1Ql be allowed. Tree selection, container sizes and final location of plant material are subject to revision by the Landscape Architect in the field All trees @ Entry and Rec. Center shall be tagged by the Landscape Architect. All plant materials shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect and /or Client prior to planting. Tree locations shown on plan may require adjustment in the field. Whenever feasible, trees should be planted a minimum of 1 O' from all underground utilities, streetlights, hydrants, and out of drainage flow lines. Should this not be possible, contact the Landscape Architect for decision on placement. All trees located in turf areas shall be installed with arbor guards. All street trees shall be installed with deep root barriers. Remove trellis from all vines and attach to fence or wall. Ground cover type shown shall be planted in all shrub areas adjacent to that building. Ground cover shall be planted at 12" on center uniform triangular spacing and shall be continuous under all trees and shrub masses as shown on plan. Top dress all planter beds with a~· thick layer of 114" particle size Organic Ground cover (O.G.C.) top dressing . Available from Sequoia Horticultural Products (209) 591-1177 Palm tree size shown Indicates Brown Trunk Height (B.TH-) All Palms to be boxed specimens delivered lo site with trunks peeled. Contractor shall have a Soil Agronomist prepare a detailed soil analysis and drainage analysis stating recommendations for Palm tree planting. Backfill mix shall be adjusted per recommendations to assure palm tree survival. Hydsroseeded Lawn shall be "Marathon 2 Im" turf-type tall fescue. Available from Southland Sod Farms (805) 488•3585. See sheet L-tnor Planting Legend and Plant Materials List. All 36'" box tree material and larger shall be planted prior to hardscape construction . Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. 0 NORTH SCALE: 10 [XP 'lfv'lfWEO 8Y INSP[C'.OR 1" = 10'-0" 20 f-3Uil T " I JO JATE DAC: NO PEClES & SIZE REVf IONS ~-L-42 tl'f"Y (5}"-(: AR LS BAD 7 !SHff9 PLANNING DEPARTMENT _; l _ 46 __ J I . • +-+· + l-•.• , -I- ' • •· t • • ---------------- --!----+------·-· .... -----+---+--+-· ,., •. ---------,----t----+----+----·· "" ,-.. ··--··-···--DATE rNlilAl . -···-.l ·- NGIN[[R Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DA f[ INITIAL CIT\' APPROV-'J. --·-···------ ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 ~ENT R LANTING PLAN I A L.:_ __ - I DWN -BY . ICHKD gv RI/WO BY C.T. 90-14 40 JOB #500116 MULCH (FOREST HUMUS)\ TOP DRESSING FINISH GRADE RETENSION BASIN AT w BACKSIDE OF PLANT :r: ~ f-PLANT (BASIN ALL TREES AND (I) -w -..= SHRUBS ON SLOPE) ::;c LL lllll BALL 0 i'C I 0 @ h: ~ SITE SOIL PLUS AMENDMENTS w "6[ 0 .. RM BASE -. PER SOIL ANALYSIS ..... 1~11 PLANTING TABLETS (SEE SCHEDULE) FIRM UP SOIL AT BOTTOM OF PIT TO PREVENT PLANT SETTLING (2) TWO TIMES THE WIDTH OF BALL TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPE DOUBLE STAKING TREE (FOR All 24" BOX AND LARGER) <if'~_rr. F~~·?.·r~ (2) 'TWIST·BRACE' fREE TIES. NAIL WITH (21 GALV. N.A'LS@ EACH END. AVAILABLE FllOM V.I.T. PRODUCTS (619) 480-6702 NOTE: FOR EACH TREE IN TURF AREA, INSTALL ONE "TREE BOOT" PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. .I\VAILA6LE FROM V I.T. PRODUCTS. (619) 480-6702 ~r--A v-.~~ ~~ ~·~ca, .·~ ~-~~~ t=li!~ .A' ----;=-t --=-' . -W"' '"""-~,.,. ?,, ~· g ~ ~; ~6 2" x 8' LODGEPOLE STAKE ;-..:s J ~ ONWINDWARDSIDEDFTREE ;C'J~ FIGURE "EIGHT' CINCH-TIE. P' e='l3? NAIL WITH ONE FURRING NAIL AT ,,,:;,-BACK OF STAKE TO HOLD IN PLACE. ~ ~ AV cY"v ~-AILABLE FROM V. I.T. PRODUCTS .,_... (:__-(619) 480-6702 FINISH GRADE---. TREE BALL --- FIRM BASE--- 'st N NOTE: FOR EACH TREE IN TURF AREA, INSTALL ONE "TREE BOOT" PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. AVAILABLE FROM V.I.T. PRODUCTS. (619) 480-6702 SINGLE STAKING TREE (FOR ALL 15 GAL) SOIL AMENDMENTS Follow~)g a,:e pre.-plil.nt recommendationS for the tbo,.-c property. To~ ~ooomme(ld1HivM la\~~\w1e that the &oil sampks submitted a:c rcprcsc:Cttatlvc of the area to be lrtatcd. 11 farther as.~ullle:l that t..'.c physical cha1actodsr..iu of the a.rea, s"'c::h ts d1ainasc and slope arc ~uitiibk for plac.cins. TIIBI? AND G'8Qll'N'OCQ'VF8 Apply ::he following 0 eaeh 1000 squ-1l.tt feet cf ~c:il ~-Op to 4 yards r,,itrollw.1 s!J.(I.Yln1:s 2. 4pour:id:. Esmis;ran mi,::ronutrici:ts 3. 75 pOLmds gyp$un'l 'Till in to a depth Ofi:i to 8 iocll.es al1<l krigare tboroughly after applic:i.tion, wiih 610 8 inches cf wa!c-r usiag intc.rmitte.a,t po~ing, Af~ lea.thin;, :apply the fo!lowins to r:;ach I D00 ftec of ~oil: l, 15 po1Jnds 15-15-15 or the equiv./1.ltnt Till in (o a dl!pch of e to S i~l\e5 .13,f\O inig~~ thoroughly af1ec application witli 2 co 4 inche~ of waier. RACKETT I FDR SHRUBS A@TRl(€S Add the following to each cubic yard ofb:i.clc.fi!l C◊!"lsis~ing of 6 1n11ts native soil aOC 4 p~m nitroli;tC<i sbaviflg.s: 1, l5 pounds Gto Puwcr Plu5 or the cquivak11ti: 2. 3 pounds gypstnn Mb: thoroughly bcfor¢ bi<::J::.fllli,~ holt-s, 6AJtlB A'DON EDB ACT Sm!Ul'QUC>l7 P<:ir¢~~ pl1, 1,Jnh ECo. mmhoa/cm Ci:ik:i<.;1'!7. meQII ~~Ym: m(lqll Mlu,i,rooq,i Chlorl::le. m<:iq'l Soron. ppm Sodium Abso!plion Ratio E'OIASSll!M C/::ll QBID:~ bX I HBC! Nltrat&-N, ppm 01 ,ew f:X!MCT PtmphoHJ&. ppm !!~ltQHIUM ,Milu.!.ll i3:tll-9£;;! ~otasslum, pprr. Ga.lcll.im. ppm M!l.ll~Um. i:;pl'l'l Sodium, ~prt, DPIA FXIB AGI Zinc, ppm MMIW\G~. P"ffi iron, ppm eoi:,:,o,, PFffl BA~E: S~IllBAilQH % Potaoolum, % Calcium,% Magr-.lum.% 8<J;;II\J/"1'1 o/., FREE UME = CDMMENTfl 33 SILTI.OAM ,.1 SL!GHTI. Y A.Cl(] '' HIGH ,.o LOW ,., ,ow 1'2 l--ll<'!IH "13.7 ACOi;.PT ABLE: iO HIGH 0.7 ACCEPT ABl.5: .. HIGH ' ,ow 8 LOW " LOW "1817 LOW ,,,. HIGH '" HIG.H 1.21 OPTIMUM 5.7 LOW 10,4 OPTIMUM '" OPTIMUM llEfil!Lill Eil !GGESIEO: BA~l;;:S 0.7 ' ' ,., ... " " 8 12 . 20 112 ' 5 NIL HYDROSEED AREAS HYDROSEED MIX Irrigated fuel modification: Hydroseed Mix Zone 1 Available from Pecoff Brothers (619) 744-3120 Non~lrrlgated fuel modification: Hydroseed Mix Zone 2 Available from Pecoff Brothers (619) 744·3120 HYDROSEED TURF Hydroseeded Lawn shall be .. Marathon 2'~" turf-type tall rescue. Available from Southland Sod Farms (805) 488-3585. Contractor shall refer to soils report for hydroseed slurry mix: and soll amendments. HYDROSEED MIX -ZONE ONE BOTANIC NAME ATRIPLEX LASERENA ATRIPLEX RHAGAGIOIDES ARTEMISIA MONOSPERMA ACACIA REDOLENS SCARIFIED BACCHARIS EMORYII LASTHENIA CHRYSOSTOMA APPLICATION RATE: HYDROSEED MIX· ZONE TWO BOTANIC NAME ATRIPLEX LASERENA ATRIPLEX GLAUCA ATRIPLEX NUMMULARIA ENCELIA OBLONGIFOLIA LASTHENIA CHRYSOSTOMA COMMON NAME SALTBUSH SALTBUSH SAGEBRUSH ACACIA COYOTE BUSH GOLD FIELDS 57 LBS/ACRE TREES· ARE ROM GIN CAM PC Fl Q ;1c o o MEL LEU PRU K.V. TRI CON SHRUBS: AGA AFR ASP SPA BOU L.J. aou R.1. BOU S.D.R. CAR TUT COP KIA ~SC FAA PLANT MATERIALS LIST t !1 AR!;;;CASTRUM AOMANZOFFIA"'IUM OUEE:N PALM CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA CAMPHOR TREE F18YG Fb8Rl8 I FbBFIIBIJ: P:18 t:191 IS rc:cnoc •nr• ,111u1 I ICREGill GliiPI' lllt!htlf LA:UREL I Id ME~ALEUCA LEUCADENDRA CAJEPUT TREE PF!:UNOS CERASIFE:F!:4 'kRAUTER VESUVIUS' PU~PlE LEAF PLUM TFIIStANIA CONFERTA BF!:IS8A.1'4E BOX AGAPANit·IUS AFRICANUS 'Pl=l ER PAN" LILY OF THE NILE ASPARAGUS SPR~NGERI SPRENGi;R'S ASPARAGUS BOUGAINVILLEcA •LA JOLLA· BOUGANVILLEA BOUGAINVILLEA 'RASPBERRY ICE' BOUGAINVILLEA BOUGAINVILLEA SPECTABUS 'SAN on:Go RED' BOUGAINVILLEA CARISSA GRANDIFLORA 'TUTTLE:I' TUTTLE NATAL PlUtJI COPROSMA KIRKII MIRROR PLANT ESCALLONIA FRADESII PINK EcSCALLONIA ~! ~~ ,: .. u !:: z u ;: 1---------------------------------------------------, PLANTAGO INSULARIS COMMON NAME SALTBUSH SALTBUSH SALTBUSH CALIFORNIA ENCELI GOLD FIELDS PLANTAGO FAT JAP FATSIA JAPONICA JAPANESE ARAUA FINISH GflAOf' FIRM UP SOIL AT BOTTOM OF PIT TO PREVENT PLANT SETTLING r---------FINISH GRADE (MIN 11',2." OVER TOP OF STAKE) -- ~------2·x2·x1a· RDWD. STAKE@ 36" o.c, (ALTERNATE: 2"x4"x18" RDWD. STAKE@48" 0.C.) ,-----3 -3/8"x4" RDWD. BENDER BOARDS • SPLICE JOINTS TO HAVE MIN·. OF 18" OVERLAP -NAIL THAU & CLINCH • NOTE: HEADER BOARD TO BE INSTAU.ED BETWEEN Swale Note ALLLAWN&sHRUBAREAS Contractor shall protect swale from obstruction from the redwood headerboard by allowing a free flow of water over the top of the headerboard. At all swales the headerboard shall be eased or conform to the swale line so that not obstruction exists. all swales shall be checked by the City Landscape Architect to insure th,at no obstruction of the swale by the headerboard exists. REDWOOD HEADER NOTTO SCALE TFiEE RAIL --MULCH (FOREST HUMUS) TOP DRESSING SITE SOIL PLUS AMENDMENTS PER SOIL ANALYSIS ------------PLANTING TABLETS (SEE SCHEDULE) ~~2) TI_'I__O TIMES THE 'I WIDTH OF THE BAU. NOTE: BASIN ALL TREES NOT 1r, LAWr, AREA BASIN WATER LINE SHALL NOT EXCEED TOP OF CROWN TREE PLANTING ~~~ tfJ ~~ --~ ~~Pfip~ ---~---~--BASIN ALL SHRUBS so THAT MULCH (FOREST HUMUS) TOP DRESSING rlNISH GRADE - ~/tfJU!fl -~--WATER LINE DOES NOT EXCFED --, --,__-TOP OF CROV✓N w I f- B Co ... f- 0 ~ FlllM UP SOIL AT BOTTOM---- OF PIT TO PREVENT PLANT SETTLING \ I PLANT rm G BALL I i '(2) T\NO TIMES THE. I * -~ V✓IDTH OF BALL -~-~-SITE SOIL PLUS AMENDMENTS PER SOIL ANALYSIS -~ ~~ ~....____ __ PLANTING TABLETS (SEE SCHEDULE) ~--c..._------------, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS r· ·1,-· T· I :1i;iyl H )RSU,V1/SU1V\ME-.RS & PART'-JERS. I NC. SHRUB PLANTING l,\NINAPI AR( Hllr( I,. ASL,\ APPLICATION RATE: 80 LBS/ACRE NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH COMPLETE BILL OF SALE FROM PECOFF BROS. NURSERY SHOWING PERCENT LIVE SEED AND AMOUNTS OF SEED BY VOLUME OF MIX. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED. PLANTING LEGEND + D IC .: 11 TREE SHRUBS ESPALIER/ VINE HYDROSEEDED LAWN GROUND COVER REFER TO TREE AND GROUND COVER PLANS FOR GROUND COVER LEGEND PLANT TABLET SCHEDULE GlO-POWEfi 11,.AI\ JING TAJL[TS FOR CCNTAII\FR-Oilll'/N J'lh.lli.S l'I.AJT!>O "'1An,:.l'-1,>-1,<';7 y,,. T~ 1 GALLO!\ CON I,W-JUi I11cCE'IVES, • • • • • •, •, 2 -ABI FTS 5 GAi I ON C0NlAl'"lR F1[C[IV[S • •• • • • • • • • r; TARI FTS 15 GALLON C0N-AIN[ ~ R[CEIVES •, • • , • • • •, , 12 TARI F TS 20·· lloX lil:CEl\/[S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • .... 14 TARI HS 2,r·scXlil·Ccl\/LS ••• • • • • • ............. -·14 TArll tTS 3o··GcXriL.CLIV[S••······· ............... 16 T/\nlFTS 3V 8CX R[C[IVFS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • 18 lMll f-rs 42·· BCX RE:CEIVFS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ?O I A8U:: IS 4T BCXRECEWf'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •22 lABLUS 6Cr ~ex R[C[IVFS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32 I Al:ll .. c IS ,OR l /\lGFA H0X Sl.!'.t:S. use 3 1 A8l.c 1 S rOI1 EACH 112·· 01' CAL.ll'l.11 SIZE. MEASURE) 14· AGCVE: ,INISH GR/\DE HIB R.S. ILE BUR LIG TEX LIA MUS NAN DOM PHO ATR PHO FAA PHO VAR PIT CAA PIT VAR PIT WHE; PLU CAP RAP SAL RAP CLA RAP J,E:;. T~C CAP TER JAP TRA JAS VIB JAP VIB s.a. XYL COM VINES r ESPALIERS· BIG CHE FIC AF;P HIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIS 'CROWN OF BOHEMIA' HIBISCUS ILEX CORNUfA ·auRFORDI' BURFORD HOLLY LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM 'TE.XANUM' WAXY LEAF PRIVET LIAIOPE MUSCARI alG BLUE LILY TURF NANDINA DOMESTICA HEAVENLY BAMBOO PHORMIUM TENAX 'ATROPURPUREUM' NEW 2EALANb ~LAX ~1-iOTINIA FRASERI FRASER'S PHOTINIA j;'l-iORMIUM TENAX 'VAAIEGATUM' VARIEGATED NEW ZEALAND FLAX j;'ITtOSPORUM CRASSIFOLIUM KARO PITTOSPORUM PITTOSPORUM TOblRA 'VARIEGAlA" VARIEGATED MOCk ORANGE PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA 'Wt-lEELER'S DWARF' OWA~f MOCK ORANG~ PLUMBAGO CAPENSIS CAP!; PLUMBAGO RAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'BA.LLERINA' INOIA HAWTHORNE RAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'ClA~A' INOIA HAWTHORNE RAPHIOLEP!S IND/CA 'JACk. EVANS' INOIA HAWTHORNE TECOMAAIA CAPENSIS CAP~ t-lONEYSUCl(LI;; TERNSTROEMIA JAPONICA GLOSSY TERNSTROEMIS TRACHELOSPE~MUM JASMINIOIDES STAR JASMINE VIBURNUM JAPONICUM JAPANESI!:; \llaURNUM VIBURNUM llNUS 'SPRING aOUQUET' DWARF LAURISTINUS XYLOSMA CONGESTUM ·coMPACTA· DWARF SHINY XYLOSMA B!GNONIA CHERERE BLOOD REO TRUMPET FICUS REPENS CREEPING _1=1Q 0 "' 0 -0 uJ Of [}.ll N01E: PLANTING SPECIES REVISIONS -JULY 30, 199~ L-43 : \NI'--. :~ ' '.JTHER APPROVA.i. CITY OF C:\RJ,;-;IL\D PLANNING DEPARTr.ENT ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 I: 46 ,. A '1 C.T. 90-14 I _J L... 321-2L --------------~ ~ ------~---------------------'------..I...-----~-'------------------------~ JOB #500116 PLANTING NOTES GtDICII Site PIIDDIDQ The Owner ahall have • aoll analysla made alter completlon ol the rough grading. A copy of the soils analysis shall be provided to the city of Carlsbad. The contractor shall Incorporate all soil amendments and fertilizers prescribed therein. The JOii preparation specified below shall be adjusted according to the analysis. OITT of C1'f<lht'!"O ts, ••u~~ ':b!L..~ ANAL-YGIS. 1. Weed Control fDr Lawn, Shrub & Ground Cover Areas <Except Slopes) 2. 3. 4. a. Remove all existing weeds from surface. Remove all roots of Bermuda-Johnson Grass, etc. b. Install Irrigation. c. Fertilize all shrub/ground cover areas. Apply 10 lbs. of 16-20-0 commerclal fertilizer per 1 ,ooo sq. It. d. Water all shrub/ground cover areas for three weeks to germinate weed seeds. Water application at low rate to avoid erosion. e. Apply contact weed killer 'Round-Up" to all planting areas. Herbicide applicator shall be licensed by the Stale of California. f. Plant shrub/ground cover •• aoon as 'Round-Up' has dls•lpated, according to manufacturer'• specifications. Soll Prtperatlon & Finish Grading •• b. c. Planting Rough grade -Site to be received by Landscape Contractor to within 1/10 loot plus or minus by others based upon OIVlv ~tJE:ef!-\:;, grading plan. Finish grade • Finish grading to consist of grading, raking and hand work necessary to achieve desired contour and flow line patterns resultlng In evenly finished surfaces free of debris and litter. Spread over all lawn, shrub and ground cover areas, amendments and lertlllzer prescribed In soils report. Thoroughly mix Into soil to depth of 6" and fine grade. Shape mounds as shown on plans. Contour Interval at 1 '0"'. Contractor to Import soil necessary to attain design grades and berms, Import soil to be free ol weeds, debris, and have balanced ph. Smooth and even grading without depressions or high spots, to provide smooth and even surfaces for proper drainage. Fina1I gr4do will be 1"' below walk/top of curb. Remove from the site all stones over 2"" In size. All planting areas shall be top dressed with a 3"' layer of Sequoia Forest humus. Plant trees, shrubs and groun,d cover as called tor where Indicated on Planting plan and as detailed on Planting Plan and as detailed on Plantlng detail sheet. Substltutlona of Plante will not be accented unless approved by Landscape Architect a. Ground Cover -Flats and/or Cuttings All plant materials specified as rooted cultJIIJl'8 or llei,-etock on Planting Plan shall remain In the flats unlll time of transplanting. The flat soil shall contain sufficient molslure so that soil does not fall apart when lllllng plant from flat. Ground cover plants shall not be allowed to dry out before or while being planted. Roots shall not be exposed to the air except white actually being planted. Wilted plants will nol be accepted. At the time of plantlng, the soil around each plant shall be firmed sulflclently lo lorce out air pockels. Plants to be planted In triangular spacing as specified o.c. (on cenler). All cuttings shall be minimum of 6"' long. Install plants In 6"'x6"' planting pits. Water Immediately afler each planting until one inch of water penetration Is obtained. All ground cover areas to receive a pre-emergent weed control treatment of 'Betasan'or 'Treflan', applied per manufacturer's recommendation and consultation with a pest control advisor. Care shell be exercised at all times to protect the plants alter planting. Any damage to plants by trampling or other operations of this contract shall be repaired Immediately. b. Shtubl & Ireea Plant all container-grown planl ■ In planting pits, two times wider and two times deeper than the container, as detailed on Planting detall sheet. Thoroughly mlix 1/3 organic backfill (Nltrollzed Redwood Shavings or equal) and the amendments specified In the soils analysis with the site soil, prior to backfilling of planting pits. Install Gro Power Planting tablets, per th8 manufacturer's Instructions and as detailed on Planting Detail Sheet. Contractor shall construct basins around all trees not In lawn areas; basins shall not exceed top ol root ball crown. c. Top Pre11Jng Top dre11 all ground cover and shrub areas with 3" thick layer of Sequoia Forest Humua or equal. d. Staking Stake all trees II de,talled 'on Planting detail sheet. •. Pot a & Planters Apply Thompson's Water Seal or equal to Inside of all pots and redwood planters prior to plantlng. All pots shall be drilled lor drainage and lurnlsh,ed with saucer Sp1c111 Backflll Mlxen a. Azaleas .. Use pure Peat Moss b. Camellia• & Ferns .. Use 50% Peat Moss, 25% Forest Humus and 215% Site Soll c. Pots and Planters -Use Kellogg's Indoor Planter Mix. Sod -See Planting Petell sheet for Type of Sod a. Areas shall have a smooth and continual grade between axlstlng or fixed controls, such as: walks, curbs, catch basins. Roll, scarify, rake and level as necessary to obtain true, even soil surface. b. Apply fertilizers as specllled on Planting detail sheet onto the soil. 7. I c. Sod shall be laid the same day It Is delivered. Sod shall not be left on pallets In the hot sun. Contractor shall bet responsible for any and all damage to sod not Installed on day of delivery. d. Unroll sod carefully and place In staggered patlern of otrlps. Sod shall be laid and taped against adjacent strips to ellminale joinls and edgeo. e. Trim sod to conform to lawn shapes designated In the Planting plan. I. Alter sod lo laid, It shall be Irrigated thoroughly to provide molslure penelratlon to at least 6"' Into prepared ooll. g. All sod In sodded areas shall be handled and laid In a high standard , workmanship manner. All ends, joints, and cuts shall Ill tightly so that there are no voids and the final appearance Is one of a continuous lawn. Sections of sod less than 18" long cir 9"' wide shall not be used. h. No sod area will be accepted until approved by the Landscape Archltecl. Stolinlzed Turf • Seo Plantlno Petal! aheet for Tvoe of Stolon a. General Peflnltlons.i.... Slolon lnstallalion shall consist ol the following: Quality stolons, proper planting date, adequate soil preparation, Incorporation of suitable soil amendments If required, preplant fertilizers, proper stolon storage, planting of stolons approximately 75% Into damp soil ,nd thereafler adequately Irrigated. b. Materlal!I and Compoglflon of Stolons: The standard unit of measurement for stolons ■hall be ■ bushel. A bushel Is defined as 1.24 cu. fl., loose packed and having a minimum weight of eight (8) pounds net. See planting detail sheet for type of stolon. Minimum planting rate shall be five (5) bushels per 1,000 sq. ft. Stolons shall be grown from high quality vegetative material upon soil treated with appropriale State and Federal regulatory agency approved pesticides for control ofdlseases, Insects and weeds. They shall be produced In fields periodically Inspected by the California Department of Food and Agriculture Nursery section to Insure high quality and freedom from diseases, Insects, and weeds according to the standard• In effect In the current publication of 'Slate of California Regulations for Nursery Inspection'. c. Condition of Stolons: Stolons shall be defined as fresh living sectlono of runners and stems having nodes (joints) which will produce growlh (may be seasonably dormant and capable ol renewing growth afler planting) when properly planted and maintained. d. Plantfog Pete; The optimum planting period Is generally between April 1 lhrough September 30. Earlier and later planting can be made depending upon soil temperatures and availability of quality stolons. Plantings made other than during the optimum period of the year require a minimum of 20% addlllonal bushels of stolon• per 1,000 sq. It. -1\. e. Soll PreparaUQJJ.; ·- Debris shall be removed, weeds may be removed or plowed under, the soil tilled four (4) to six (6) Inches In depth and such soil amendments as may be required for soil fertlllty1 drainage and texture shall be worked Into the soil. All areas shall be rough graded plus or minus one (1) Inch, then thoroughly Irrigated to wet the soil profile to a depth of eight (8) to twelve (12) Inches. Finish grade lo level, the top three (3) Inches of soil must be In a loose, friable condition and free of rocks larger than four (4) Inches. Ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) (or other recommended fertilizer) shall be broadcast on all soil surfaces at ten (10) pounds per 1,000 sq. ft. Soil preparation and amendments for heavy use, such as athletic fields, may be more extensive than the foregoing. 1. Stolon Planting: Stolons •hall be planted wllhln 24 hours of delivery l9 the job slle. The stolons shall be pressed Into the lrlable damp soil In such a manner as lo bury approximately 75% of the stolons to a deplh ol 112' to 1·1/2'"; stolons thus planted shall be rolled lmmedlalely thereafler, to assure Intimate contact between soll particles and the stolons. For planting large areas in excess of 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft., mechanical stolon planters as the Cal-Turi stolon roller, shall be employed. In small residential lots, stolons may be scaltered on the prepared surface and top dressed with approximately 114"' organic material, then rolled. II Is not necessary to top dress stolons which have been properly planted with suitable mechanical equipment. g. I rrloatfon; At no time after planting shall stolons be subjecled to drying out. Newly planted stolons shall be Irrigated to a deplh of 8"' Immediately after planting; at 100 degrees (F)., llfleen (15) minutes Is the maximum Interval between planting and lrrlgallon at 75 degrees (F)., one (1) hour Is lhe maximum Interval. New stolon plantlngs shall be kept saturated with water at all times for the first then (10) lo twenty (20) days afler planting, or until the new turf plants are sufficiently rooted and well established to withsland less frequent Irrigation. Hvdro11ed Turf Hydroseed all areaa dealgnaled as 'Hydroseeded Turi". See Planting Detail sheet for type and quantity of seed mix, fertlllzer and additional amendments. A. APPLICATION 1. Eaulpmenl· Hydraulic equipment used for the application ol the fertilizer, seed, and fiber pulp, shall be of the 'Super Hydro-Seeder' type, as approved by the Landscape Archlloct. This equipment shall have a built-in agllatlor system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fiber mulch plus a combination of 7 lbs. fertlllzer solids for each 100 gallons ol water. The slurry dlslrlbutlon lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which shall place the slurry tank and spray nozzle within sufficient proximity to be seeded. 2. PreparaUon: the slurry preparation shall take place at the site of work and shall begin by adding waler to the tank when the engine Is at hall throttle. When the water level has reached the height., of the agitator shalt, good circulation shall be established and at this time the seed shall be added. Fertillzer shall then be added. followed by fiber mulch. The fiber mulch shall be added to the mixture alter the seed and when the tank 19 at least third filled with water. All fiber mulch shall be added third filled by the lime the tank Is two-thirds to three-lourths full. Spraying shall commence Immediately when tank Is lu II. 3. Applfca)fon: Apply hydro-mulch In the form of a olurry consisting ol wood cellulose fiber, seed, chemical additives, commercial fertilizer and water. When hydraulically sprayed on the soil surface, the hydromulchlng shall form a blotter-like ground cover Impregnated unlformily with seed and lertlllzer and shall allow the absorption ol moisture and rain fall and percolation to the underlying soil. Remove all fiber applied to drain gutter, streets, walls, and other construction. Leave site broom-clean. GENERAL SLOPE PLANTING The Owner shall have a soil analysis made after completlon of the rough grading. The Contractor shall Incorporate all sell amendments and fertililzers prescribed herein. The soil preparation specified below shall be adjusted accordingly to the analysis. PLANTING PREPARATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SIOPO Texturing a. Cul Slopes; These surfaces shall be roughened In a horlzontal direction following the conlour of the slope. The roughened texture shall be made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. b. Elli SIOPOS: These surfaces shall be compacted and finished and also roughened In a horizontal direction following the contour of the slope. The roughened texture shall b8 made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. Weed Eradication Procedures a. Manually remove all existing vegetation and dispose of II off-site. b. Fertilize all planting areas with fertilizer based on Soll Labs recommendations. (See Planllng detail sheet). Add any and all soil amendments as required, per the soil analysis. Begin watering process to activate fertlllzer and additive chemicals. c. Water all planting areas thoroughly and contlnuously for a period ol two (2) consecutive weeks. The Landscape Architect shall approve specific watering duration and fl'equency program desinged to germinate all residual weed seeds. d. Discontinue watering process tor two (2) days, than apply 'Round-Up' If perennial weeds appear on the slopes. If annual weeds appear, use straight contact herbicide as per the pest control advisor's recommendations. No water shell be applied tor a minimum of four (4) days following application of conlact weed killer. •· Allow sufficient period of time to Insure that all weeds are dead. f. Water all planting areH thoroughly and contlnuously for a period ol lhree (3) weeks. A shorter watering period may be permissible at the discretion of the Landscape Architect and/or the pest control advisor. Discontinue the watering process for one (1) day prior to lhe second application of the herbicide spraying. Re-apply the spraying operation with a straight contact weed killer, as per the pest control advisor's recommendations. Allow a minimum of four (4} days without Irrigation, for effective final weed k 111. g. Clear all desicaled weeds from the slopes to the finished grade. h. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for three (3) consecutive days to saturate upper layers of soil prior to the hydroseeding operation. I. Then allow planling area soil surface to dry out for one (1) day only, prior to the hydroseeding application. Care must be taken not to allow the soil aurface to be super-saturated with water prior to the hydroseeding Installation. At the same time, the soil surface tthould not be bone dry. There should be some residual moisture within the first 1/2" of soil surface. j. Begin the hydroseodlng operation all areas, as specified. Planting Plant trees and shrubs as Called for where Indicated on Planting Plan and as detailed on Planting detail sheet. Substitutions of plants will not be accepted unless approved bY Landscape Archilect Install Gro-Power Planling tablets as called for In legend. Plant all container grown plants In planting pits two (2} times wider and two (2) times deeper than the container. Thoroughly mix the specllled materials found in the soil analysis and those specified in the Planting detail sheet, with the site soil, prior to backfilling of planting plls. Gro-Power Planting TBblets (See Planting Detail Sheet) Hvdroseedlng sneclficatlon1 For Slope Areas a. HYDROSEED MIX Hvdroseod mix end mulch shell be amended lo ault scecmc 11\e condillons, Verify hvdroseed mix with the Landscape Architect, upon results of the soil analysis. The mix shall be applied to all slope areas directly alter lhe Installation of all plant materials as final dressing. See Planting Detail sheet for type and quantity of seed mix, fertilizer, and addlllonal amendments. 6. APPLICATION 1. Equipment; Hydraulic equipment used lor the application of lhe lertlllzer, seed and fibre mulch, shall be of the 'Super Hydro-Seeder' type, as approved by the Landscape Architect. This equipment shall have a built-In agllator system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogenously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fibre mulch plus a combination of 7 lbs. fertlllzer solids for each 100 gallons of waler. The slurry distribution fines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraullc spray nozzles which shall place the slurry tank and spray nozzle within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. 2. PreparaUon; The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of work and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine Is at hall throltle. When Iha water level has reached the heights of the agitator shall, good circulation shall be established and at this lime the seed shall be added. Fertilizer shall only be added to the mixture after the seed and when the tank Is at least one-third lilied wllh water. All fibre mulch shall be added by the time the tank Is two-thirds to three-lorthes full. Spraying shall commence lmme.dlately when the tank Is lull. 3. Appllcal(on; When hydraullcaly aprayed on lhe soil surface. the hydo- mulching shall lorm a blotter-like ground cover Impregnated unlformily with seed and fertlllzer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rainfall percolate lo the underlying soil. Remove all fibre applied to drain gutter, streets, walls and other construction. Leave site broom-clean . 4. 5. INSPECTIONS a. All Inspections specified herein shall be made by the Landscape Architect or his representative. The Contractor shall request Inspection at least two (2) working days In advance of the time that the Inspection Is required. b. Inspections will be required tor the lollowlng parts of the work: 1 • 2. Upon completion of grading ~nd aoll conditioning prior to planting. When trees are spotted for J1anllng, but before planting holes are excavated. 3. When planting and all other Indicated or specified work, except the maintenance period, has been completed. Acceptance shall establish the_ beginning of the maintenance period. 4. Final Inspection with the Owner or his representative at the end of the maintenance period. VERIFICATION OF DIMENSIONS ! GENERAL NOTE$ a. All scaled dimensions are approxlhiate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully cheqk and verify all dimensions and quanlltles, and shall Immediately lnlorm the Landscape Architect of any discrepancy between the drawing• and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be done In any area where there Is such a discrepancy until approval for same has been given by the Landscape Architect. See Planting Detail Sheet For Further Notes 6. UTILITIES 1. 2. 3. CLEAN-UP a. Alter all lnstallatlon operations have been compleled, remove all rubbish, excess soil, empty plant containers and trash from the site dally. All scars, ruts or other marks In the area caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground left In a neal, orderly condition. Leave site In broom- clean condition at the end of each working day. Hose down all paved areas, Including walks and patios, upon completion of all work. MAINTENANCE a. The Contractor shall maintain during Installation a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the work herein specified. Plant maintenance work shall consist of applying water, weeding , caring of plants, including ground covers, shrubs, vines and trees, edging and mowing lawns, fertilizing, control of pests and diseases, and maintaining walks free of debris and dirt. Upon completion of each area of Installation, th& Contractor, Landscape Architect and Owner shall conduct and inspection of complete area, along with the Owner's maintenance representative. At this time, a list of corrections, If any, ahall be made which are the responsibility elf the Contractor. b. After all work has been completed, Inspected and accepted, all areas will be mainlalned for a period of ninety (90) calendar days or as long as Is necessary to establish thriving trees, shrubs, turf, and ground cover areas without bare spots. c. Keep all areas weed-free, adequately watered, and neatly cultivated tor the ninety (90) day period. Remove all debris from site and keep lhe entire site broom-clean. Mow turf areas weekly. Hydroseeded turf areas shall be irrigated alter the slurry mulch has been applied and allowed to set for one (1) day. The soil surface must be kept molsl at all times during the germination period to avoid deslcatlon of seedlings. d. Re-seed all bare spots In turf areas at two (2) week Intervals and maintain until an even stand of turf, without bare spots, is obtained. Re-seed all slope areas lhat fail to germinale evenly. Repair all eroded surfaces at no cost to the Owner. •· Damage to any planted area shall be repaired Immediately. Depressions caused by vehicles or loot traffic shall be filled with topsoil, leveled and replanted. Exterminate gophers, moles end repair damage. I. The project shall be so cared for that a neat clean condition will be presented at all times to the satisfaction of the Owner and Landscape Architect. The landscape contractor shall be expected to make a minimum of one weekly visit for maintenance purposes. g. At the end of the maintenance period, all areas that have been planted shall be fertilized with commercial fertilizer, analysis 16-8-8, at 300 lbs. per acre, and walered thoroughly. h. The Contractor shall request a final Inspection saved (7) days prior to the end of the maintenance period. This request shall be written and directed to the Owner and the Landscape Architect. Upon acceptance of the project, the Contractor shall be relieved of any further maintenance. GUARANTEE All turf, hand-planted and hydro-seeded ground cover, and shrubs shall be guaranteed to live and grow to a period ol ninety (90) days alter Installation a nd acceptance by the Landscape Architect. Trees shall be guaranteed for one year. Any material that falls to grow through the specified maintenance and gurantee period shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. 7. 8. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS a. The Contractor shall be responsll>le for verifying the location of all underground utility llnes prior to any construction, ao that proper precautions may be taken not to damage such lines and plant locations, promptly notify the Landscape Architect who will errange for relocatlo11'11 of one or the other. Failure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility for , 'at his own expense, making any and all repairs for damages resulting fro" his work. EXISTING TREES a. Contractor Is to Insure the prese.ifat1on of any existing trees on the ■ite. Damage or loss of these trees will result In replacement of equal size by the Landscape Contractor. MISCELLANEOUS CITY REOUIREMl!NTS a. A fast growing cover'crop and lute matting are required on all ~e areas per Landscape Manual page 34 sictlon E.3·1. b. On sheet graded pads cover crop' (Standard No. 1 Landscape Manual page 34 section E3-1.1) Is required If not scheduled for Improvements wllhln 6 months of completloo of rough grading (Landscape Manual page 35 section E3-1.2, 2.1,a) Additionally, discing of the pad area Is required prior to planting. RCt ). ----- " t s i-\ EXP Rf\11fWED BY •NSPL:TOR ------- DATE DATE t t t' -----+--r -,~,, • -CITY OF CARLSBAD 7 sHur57 t • ~ -=:_---r-~ ~ ---~:--+-L-44 PLANNING DEPARTMENT " 46 _J f-~ : -----~ -~~=---=--~_:_t--------+ --AL--D--E-A_@_~-~-IAR-A·---~, >-c _-----+-T ~ ----------:--:-. ---'. : jfVIARA P.A. 16 _ t _ _t _ _ __ -__________________ 7_ ----"-, ---· -__ : -~ j~1 ;::::::::::::~~=,A,z':N,,J~IN=/(}1==N=QT:-ccE=S===::====,! oo□l?oD ··---+·---+-----------------------+----+--+----+----·-1APPRO. e"_~L, Y.~/-~ ; D + · · 1· · -· · --· -----------------+---+---+-----~t-·~ _ LA~S1'5"TANT P NNING ;RE~~ -.... _i[Aii __J FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. +--·1·-. . . -. --=-: -_·-----=·-_·_--_-_ -+----__-·_--+-_--_____ _.__ -_-_I '[)WN BY .• . . NNG N0.1 J411fl cnA<;T HIC.HWIW. □A"~A POINT. CALIFORNIA 92629 (714) 196-6111 oA rr--t-1N1TIAL ---------DA rr 1NrnAL ,, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA 1 -_ _1 -a REVIS'ON DESCRIPTION c OTI-lE;;-APPROV-'l ·-·TY APPR 1· ~====================::::J ~GINfFR OF WOFU<; r-C1 Cl/A.I. L __ _ __ _ _ --.. __ JOB #500116 ., PLAt~TiNG NOTES General Site Planning The Owner shall have a soil analysis made after completion of the rough grading. A copy of the soils analysis shall be provided to the city of Carlsbad. The contractor shall incorporate all soil amendments and fertilizers prescribed therein. The_ fOil preparation specified below shall be adjusted .according to the analysis. CIT'( of ~e'l"O Stto,U..,~ ";v\L,S, A,Np.l,'('Gl:S- 1. Weed Control for Lawn Shrub & Ground Cover Areas {Except Slopes) 4 2. a. Remove all existing weeds from surface. Remove all roots of Bermuda-Johnson Grass, etc. b. Install irrigation. c. Fertili~e all shrub/ground cover areas. Apply 10 lbs. of 16-20-0 commercial fertilizer per 1,000 sq, ft. d. Water all shrub/ground cover areas for three weeks to germinate weed seeds. Water application at low rate to avoid erosion. e. Apply contact weed killer 'Round-Up' to all planting areas. Herbicide applicator shall be licensed by the State of California. f. Plant shrub/ground cover as soon as 'Round-Up' has dissipated, according to manufacturer's specifications. Soil Preoaration & Finish Grading a. Rough grade -Site to be received by Landscajle Contractor to within 1/10 foot plus or minus by others based upon C-J\./lv ~lrJE:e-f'-l,, grading plan. b. Finish grade• Finish grading to consist of grading, raking and hand work necessary to achieve desired contour and flow line patterns resulting in evenly finished surfaces free of debris and liUer. c. Spread over all lawn, shrub and ground cover areas, amendments and fertilizer prescribed in soils report. Thoroughly mix into soil to depth of 6" and fine grade. Shape mounds as shown on plans. Contour interval at 1'0". Contractor to import soil necessary to attain design grades and berms, import soil to be free 01 weeds, debris, and have balanced ph. Smooth and even grading without depressions or high spots1 to provide smooth and even surfaces for proper drainage. Final grade will be 1 .. below walk/top of curb. Remove from the site all stones over 2" in size. All planting areas shall be top dressed with a 3" layer of Sequoia Forest humus. 3. Planting 5. Plant trees, shrubs and ground cover as called for where indicated on Planting plan and as detailed on Planting Plan and as detailed on Planting detail sheet. Substitutions of plants wm not be accepted unless approved by Landscape Architect a. Ground Cover -Flats and/or Cuttings A.II plant materials specified as rooted cutti,rg,, o, llal--stock on Planting Plan shall remain in the flats until time of transplan1ing. The flat soil shall contain sufficient moisture so that soil does not fall apart when lifting plant from flat. Ground cover plants shall not be allowed 10 dry out before or while being planted. Roots shall not be exposed to the air except while actually being planted. Wilted plants will not be accepted. At the time of planting, the .soil around each plant shall be firmed sufficiently to force out air pockets. Plants to be planted in triangular spacing as specified o.c. (on center). A.II cuttings shall be minimum of 6" long. Install plants In 6"x6'' planting pits. Water immediately after each planting until one inch of water penetration is obtained. All ground cover areas to receive a pre-emergent weed control treatment of 'Betasan·or 'Treflan', applied per manufacturer's recommendation and consultation with a pest control advisor. Care shall be exercised at an times to protect the plants after planting. Any damage to plants by trampling or other operations of this contract shall be repaired immediately. b. Sh rubs & Trees Plant all container-grown plants in planting pits, two times wider and two times deeper than the container, as detailed on Planting detail sheet. Thoroughly mix 1/3 organic backfill (Nitrolized Redwood Shavings or equal) and the amendments .specified in the soils analysis with the .site soil, prior to backfilling of planting pits. Install Oro Power Planting tablets, per the manufacturer's Instructions and as detailed on Planting Detail Sheet. Contractor shall construct basins around all trees not in lawn areas; basins shall not exceed top of root ball crown. c. Top Dressing Top dress all ground cover and shrub areas with 3" thick layer of Sequoia Forest Humus or equal. d. Staking Sta~e all trees as detailed on Planting detail sheet. e. Pots & Planters Apply Thompson's Water Seal or equal to inside of all pots and redwood planters prior to planting. All pots shall be drilled for drainage and fUr"nished with saucer Special Backfill Mixes a. Azaleas -Use pure Peat Moss b. Camellias & Ferns -Use 50% Peat Moss, 25% Forest Humus and 25"/., Site Soil c. Pots and Planters • Use Kellogg's Indoor Planter Mix. Sod -See Planting Detail sheet for Type of Sod a. Areas shall have a .smooth and continual grade between existing or fixed controls, such as: walk!, curbs, catch basins. Roll, scarify, rake and level as necessary to obtain true, even soil surface. b. Apply fertilizers as specified on Planting detail sheet onto the soil. 6. 7_ c. Sod shall be laid the same day it is delivered. Sod shall not be left on pallets In the hot sun. Contractor shall be responsible tor any and all damage to sod not installed on day of delivery. d. Unroll sod carefully and place in staggered pattern of strips. Sod shall be laid and taped against adjacent strips to eliminate joints and edges. e. Trim sod to conform to lawn shapes designated in the Planting plan. f. A.lier sod is laid, it shall be Irrigated thoroughly to provide moisture penetration to at least 6" into prepared soil. g. A.II sod In sodded areas shall be handled and laid In a high s1andard workmanship manner. A.II ends, joints, and cuts shall fit tightly so that there are no voids and the final appearance is one ot a continuous lawn. Sections of sod less than 18" long Or 9" wide shall not be used. h. No sod area will be accepted until approved by the Landscape Architect. Sto11n1ze:d Turf -See Planting Detail sheet tor Jype of Stolon a. General Definitions:_ Stolon installation shall consist ot the following: Quality stolons, proper planting da1e, adequate soil preparation, incorporation of suitable soil amendments if required, preplant fertilizers, proper stolon storage, planting of stolons approximately 75% into damp soil fnd thereafter adequately irrigated. b. Materials and Composition of Stolons: The standard unit ot measurement for stolons shall be a bushel. A bushel is defined as 1.24 cu. II., loose packed and having a minimum weight or eight (B) pounds net. See planting detail sheet for type of stolon. Minimum planting rate shall be five (5) bushels per 1,000 sq_ II. Stolons shall be grown from high quality vegetative material upon soil treated with appropriate State and Federal regulatory agency approved pesticides for control ofdiseases, insects and weeds. They shall be produced in fields periodically inspected by the California Department of Food and Agricul1ure Nursery section to insure high quality and freedom from diseases, insec1s, and weed's according to the standards in effect in the current publication of 'State of California Regulations for Nursery Inspection'. c. Condition of Stolons· Stolons shall be defined as fresh living sections of runners and stems having nodes (joints) which will produce growth (may be seasonably dormant and capable of renewing growth after planting) wtien properly planted and maintained. d. Planting Date· The optimum planting period is generally between April 1 through September 30. Earlier and later planting can be made depending upon soil temperatures and availability of quality stolons. Plantings made other than during the optimum period of the year require a minimum of 20% additional bushels of stolons per 1,000 sq. fl. " e. Soil PreaaraUo.n.;_ Debris shall be removed, weeds may be removed or plowed under, !he soil tilled four (4) to six (6) inches in depth and such soil amendments as may be required for soil fertility, drainage and texture shall be worked into the soil. All areas shall be rough graded plus or minus one {1) inch, then thoroughly Irrigated to wet the soil profile to a depth of eight (B) to twelve (12) inches. Finish grade to level, the top three (3) inches of soil must be in a loose, friable condition and tree of rocks larger than four (4) inches. Ammonium phosphate (16·20-0) (or other recommended fertilizer) shall be broadcast on all soil surfaces at ten (10) pounds per 1,000 sq. fl. Soil preparation and amendments for heavy use, such as athletic fields, may be more extensive than the foregoing. t. Stolon Planting· Stolons .shall be planted within 24 hours of delivery 1o the job site. The stolons shall be pressed into the friable damp soil in such a manner as to bury approximately 75% of the stolons to a depth of 1/2' to 1-1/2"; stolons thus planted shall be rolled immediately 1hereafter, to assure intimate contact between soil particles and the stolons. For planting large areas in excesg of 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft., mechanical stolon planters as the Cal-Turf stolon roller, shall be employed. In small residential lots, s1olons may be scattered on the prepared surface and top dressed with approximately 1/4" organic material, then rolled. It is not necessary to top dress stolons which have been properly planted with suitable mechanical equipment. g. Irrigation: At no time after planting shall stolons be subjected to drying out. Newly planted stolons shall be irrigated to a depth of 8" immediately after planting; at 100 degrees (F)., fifteen (15) minutes is the maximum Interval between planting and irrigation at 75 degrees (F)., one (1) hour is the maximum interval. New stolon plantings shall be kept saturated with water at all times for the first then (10) to twenty (20) days after planting, or until the new turf plants are sufficiently rooted and well established to withstand less frequent irrigation. Hvdroseed Turf Hydroseed all areas designated as 'Hydroseeded Turf'. See Planting Detail sheet for type and quantity of seed mix, fertllizer and additional .amendments_ A. APPLICATION 1 -EAUiDment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed, and fiber pulp, shall be of the ·super Hydro-Seeder' type, as approved by the Landscape Architect. This equipment shall have a built-in agitatior system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously rnix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fiber mulch plus a combination of 7 lb9. fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons of water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped wi1h a set of hydraulic spray no2zles which shall place the slurry tank and spray nozzle within sufficient proximity to be seeded, 2. preparation: The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of work and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached the heights of the agitator shall, good circulation shall be established and at this time the seed shall be added. Fertilizer shall then be added, followed by fiber mulch. The fiber mulch shall be added to the mixture alter the seed and when 1he tank is at least third filled with water. All fiber mulch shall be added third filled by the time the tank is two-thirds to three-fourths full. Spraying shall commence immediately when tank is full 3. Appljcation: Apply hydro-mulch in the form of a slurry consisting of wood cellulose fiber, seed1 chemical additives, commercial fertilizer and water. When hydraulically sprayed on the soil surface, 1he hydromulching shall form a blotter-like ground cover impregnated uniformily with seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rain tall and percolation to the underlying soil. Remove all fiber applied to drain gutter, streets, walls, and other construction. Leave site broom-clean. GENERAL SLOPE PLANTING The Owner shall have a soil analysis made after completion 01 the rough grading. The Contractor shall incorporate all soil amendments and fertililzers prescribed herein. The soil preparation specified below shall be adjusted accordingly tQ the analysis. PLANTING PREPARATION 1 . 2. 3 4_ 5_ Slope Texturing a. Cut Slopes; lhese surfaces shall be roughened in a horizontal direction following the contour of the slope. The roughened texture shall be made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. b. Fill Slopes: These surfaces shall be compacted and finished and also roughened in a horizontal direction 1ollowing the contour of the slope. The roughened texture shall be made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. weed Eradication Procedures a. Manually remove all existing vegetation and dispose of it o1f-si1e. b. Fertilize all planting areas with fertilizer based on Soil Labs recommendations. (See Planting detail sheet). Add any and all soil amendments as required, per the soil analysis. Begin watering process to activate fertilizer and additive chemicals. c. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of two (2) consecutive weeks. The Landscape Architect shall approve specific watering duration and frequency program desinged' to germinate all residual weed seeds. d. Discontinue watering process for two (2) days, then apply 'Round-Up' if perennial weeds appear on the slopes. 11 annual weeds appear, use straight contact herbicide as per the pest control advisor"s recommendations. No water shall be applied for a minimum or tour (4) days following application or contact weed killer. e. Allow sufficient period of time to insure that all weeds are dead. I. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of three (3) weeks. A shorter watering period may be permissible at the discretion ot the Landscape Architect and/or the pest control advisor. Discontinue 1he watering pr"ocess for one (1} day prior 1o the second application of 1he her"bicide spraying. Re-apply 1he spraying operation with a straight contact weed killer, as per the pest control advisor's recommendations. Allow a minimum of four (4) days without irrigation, for effective final weed ki 11. g _ Clear all desica1ed weeds from the slopes to the finished grade. h. Wate( all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for three (3) consecutive days to saturate upper layers of soil prior to the hydroseeding oper"ation. i. Then allow pla~ting area soil surface to dry out for one (1) day only, prior to the hydro.seeding application. Care rnust be taken not to allow the soil surface to be super"-sa1urated with water prior to the hydroseeding lnstalla1ion. At the same time, the soil surface ~hould not be bone dry. There should be some residual moisture within the first 1/2" 01 soil surface. j. Begin the hydroseeding operation all areas, as specified. Pl8D1ina Plant trees and shrubs as caJled for where indicated on Planting Plah and as detailed on Plan1ing de1ail sheet. Substitutions pf plants will not be accepted unless approved by Landscape Architect. install Gro-Power Planting tablets as called for in legend_ Plant all container grown plants in planting pits two (2} times wider" and two (2) times deeper than the container. Thoroughly mix the specified materials found in the soil analysis and those specified in the Planting detail sheet, with the site soil, prior to backfilling of planting pits. Geo-Power Planting Tablets (See Planting Detail Sheet) Hvdroseeding Specifications For Slope Areas a. HYDROSEED MIX Hvdroseed mix and mulch shall be amended to sun specific aite conditions verify hvdroseed mix with the Landscape Architect. upon re.suits of the soil analysis. The mix shall be applied to all slope areas directly after the installation of all plant materials as final dressing. See Planting Detail sheet for type and quantity of seed mix, fertilii.er, and addltional amendments. ~oD 6. APPLICATION 1. Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertili,er, seed and fibre mulch, shall be of 1he 'Super Hydro-Seeder' type, as approved by the Landscape Architect. This equipment shall have a built-in agitator system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogenously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fibre mulch plus a combination of 7 lbs. fertilizer solids for" each 100 gallons of water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which shall place the slurry tank and spray nozzle within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. 2. Preparation· The slurry preparation shall take place at the site 01 work and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached the heights of the agitator shaft, good circulation shall be established and at this time the seed shall be added, Fertilizer shall only be added to the mixture after the seed and when the tan~ Is at least one-third tilled with wafer. A.II fibre mulch shall be added by 1he lime the tank is two-thirds to three-forthes full. Spraying shall commence imme.dlately when the tank is full. 3. APPiication: When hydraulicaly sprayed on the soil surface, the hydo- mulching shall form a blotter-like ground cover Impregnated uniformily with seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rainfall percolate to the underlying soil. Remove all fibre applied to drain gutter, streets, walls ahd other construction. Leave site broom-clean. 4. 5. GENERAL NOTES See Planting Detail Sheet For Further Notes 6. 1 . 2. 3. CLEAN-UP a. After all instaUation operations have been completed, remove all rubbish, excess soil, empty plant containers and trash from the site daily. All scars, ruts or other marks in the area caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground left in a neat, orderly condition. Leave site in broom- clean condition at the end of each working day. Hose down all paved areas, including walks and patlos, upon completion of all work. MAINTENANCE a. The Contractor shall maintain during installation a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the work herein specified. Plant maintenance work shall consist of applying water, weeding , caring of plants, including ground covers, shrubs, vines and trees, edging and mowing lawns, fertili:r.ing, control of pests and diseases, and maintaining walks free of debris and dirt. Upon completion of each area of installation, the Contractor, Landscape Architect and Owner shall conduct and inspection of complete area, along with the Owner's maintenance representative. At this time, a list of corrections, if any, shall be made which are the responsibility of the Contractor. b. After all work has been completed, inspected and accepted, all areas will be maintained for a period of ninety (90) calendar days or as long as is necessary to establish thriving trees, shrubs, turf, and ground cover areas without bare spots. c. Keep all areas weed-free, adequately watered, and neatly cultivated for the ninety (90) day period. Remove all debris from si1e and keep the entire site broom-clean. Mow turf areas weekly. Hydroseeded turf areas shall be irrigated alter the slurry mulch has been applied and allowed to set for one (1) day. The soil surface must be kept moist at all times during the germination period to avoid desication o1 seedlings. d. Re-seed all bare spots in turf areas at two (2) week intervals and maintain until an even stand of turf, without bare spots, is obtained. Re-seed all slope areas that fail to germinate evenly. Repair all eroded surfaces at no cost to the Owner. e. Damage to any planted area shall be repaired immediately. Depr"essions caused by vehicles or foot traffic shall be filled with topsoil, leveled and replanted. Exterminate gophers, moles and repair damage. 1. The project shall be so cared for that a neat clean condition will be presented at all times to the satisfaction of the Owner and Landsc.-ape Architect. The landscape contractor shall be expected to make a minimum of one weekly visit for maintenance purposes. g. At the end of the maintenance period, all areas that have been planted shall be fertilized with commercial fertilii.er, analysis 16~8-8, at 300 lbs- per acre, and watered thoroughly. h. The Contractor shall request a final inspection seved (7) days prior to the end of the maintenance period. This request shall be written and directed to 1he Owner and the Landscape Architect. Upon acceptance of the project, the Contractor shall be relieved of any further maintenance. GUARANTEE All turf, hand-planted and hydr"o-seeded ground cover, and shrubs shall be guaranteed to live and grow to a period of ninety (90) days after installation a nd acceptance by the Landscape Architect. lrees shall be guaranteed for one year". Any material that fails to grow through the specilied maintenance and gurantee period shall be r"eplaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner". 7. B. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS . . . ' . -. • . . . • • . -• • . . . -. . ' • . --I '""·---~ • . . • . -+ • . . l- FORSUMISUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC_ • • + \411111(1,\'--.] IIICIIW/1,Y [lAN/1.f~)IN (/,:lil)l~NIA').'h/'i 1~J.1i•'l'~>·hlll . . • t '."),., 11 Nln.to.l JA TT LANDSCAPf ARCHITECTS. ASLA ' -C" . I INSPECTIONS a. A.II inspections specified herein shall be made by the Landscape Architect or his representative. The Contractor shall request inspection at least two (2) working days in advance of the time that the inspection is required. b. Inspections will be required for the following parts of the work: 1. Upon completion of grading and soil conditioning prior to planting. 2. When trees are spotted for planting, but before planting holes are excavated. 3. When planting and all other indicated or specified work, except the maintenance period, has been completed. Acceptance shall establish the beginning of the maintenance period. 4. Final Inspection with the Owner or his representative at the end of the maintenance period. VERIFICATION OF DIMENSIONS a. All scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions and quantities, and shall immediately inform the Landscape Architect of any discrepancy between the drawings and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be done in any area where there Is such a discrepancy until approval for same has been given by the Landscape Architect, UTILITIES a. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the location of all underground utility lines prior to any construction, so that proper pr"ecautions may be taken not to damage such lines and plant locations, promptly notify the Landscape Architect who will arrange for relocatio11'8 of one or the other. Failure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility for , at his own expense, making any and all repairs for damages resulting from his work. EXISTING TREES a. Contractor is to insure the preservation of any existing trees on the site. Damage or loss of these trees will result in replacement of equal size by the Landscape Contractor. MISCELLANEOUS CITY REQUIREMENTS a. A fast growing cover· crop and jute matting are required on all Bllppe areas per Landscape Manual page 34 section E,3-1. b. On sheet graded pads cover crop (Standard No. 1 Landscape Manual page 34 section EJ-1.1) is required If not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completioo of rough grading (Landscape Manual page 35 section EJ-1.2, 2.1,a) Additionally, discing of the pad area is required prior to plantfng. " -" t:1._.,iL_1 k l ___ _ [XP DA TT Rf Vlf Wf -, HY ,NSPEC TOR DATT • • L-44 C!Tr· OF CARLSR1\D PLANNl'IG DEPARTMENT 46 • ---------, I I J • • ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 • + . . • t :::::::::::===::=~··:Pt==-¾G N()TES : ;::~~-~ '~ f"<l"j',f . • INl7A1 DA"r INITiA.L rwi.. R• '7"'"' Jl -"'"''· Nol ...,GINHR 0f WO,,k f<f ·.} '·)I ( Jh, . If . " p : : .:~·,, ~✓ OTHER Af'Dq(.)i,;,iJ, r-1,.. AF'PR(1vA1 v,,: ~ · C.T. 90-14 ' 321-2L . RJW[ ~• __JL _ . ---···"· -L-. JOB #500116 l.,·111d:;c;1p,' tl:1 i ,11 ,-11:l11, ( ,,1\ I t .1,· I,, 1 • :, I I ]lll,\,'ld,• :1[ il,,q, 1;1:1 I,,! i ·1 I•;, Ill,) i 'I I ''11-l I r ;111 '.i p, \ ·· I .'1 t i <111 .-111d i'• l, 1 I' I ' I' '' ,I ! I : '(' ; : pr •v idi' t])1, f""\ I ,,,.,1111•, r • ,\, ". ll1i:; '."<''.l•.'lr:(' 11· lw,:0111i11g ,_,,i'.lr•ly p11hli(:i1:1•!, Ai:!': d,1!1111d f,_.r w:dl':-llh't"1';1.,,,,,,, <;{) d,),'f; lh(' (,:(,));!, f.:,r V.'\t('r·. (.:11: f"<'!lt ly, !.h(' c.-u;t or w.'i\.,,r lo:· ir:·iJ!:1t_i1>11 ii, 1H1(' i.'f lh,:-. 1r.1:,11 (·,:·<[ ly i 1 1·11P, in :i L1.11d::(:1pe m,1i·:t,•11,·i11i.;(' ))11,l2,ct. E:=tti111;1tP~ 1;\1,1\"' r··1.-1I c 11r·r1'11t.l.y I.'.)?. ,,f 11dli)T1 1,;:1tcr \l~•~ i~ for land,:;,:--,1,,: 1rr1g,1·i,111; n f r I i .'> :11111)1) 11: <l'J<'t"'"'•'it.•'r"t'd l>_'>" lit·;1lt.11:,: tr·,,,,.-:;, it :!; i·:;l im.,t,•d •·Ji,1t tlir; ;1•1c!r:1p,1' l:1nd.<·,,•,11,1' i:s /0/ t" •'1():'.. h1.:yu11d wh.11. i.1; 11(i.-.i,.lrid t·,, ll\;)i11I ·1i11 ,;f1r11h,;; ;111d ]:1w11s. Cl i''lf" I Y, \,,J,"!l '!t IIJ:lll<l)',('[11('111 i r r I g,1 l i • sy~rf•n:, ii prop1'r"ly 111.·1~nt.:ii11:'d ,<·~ {1\1llirH:d in '.-i<-,.:t.101\ 111, 1 (k~i/~11•',1 t<) pr'ovidr.• :lw fll'xi!J1 l.i.Ly nc~r!(kd to prov id,, w:11_,,r ('f'f'l,:i1~;1t ly :,1 Lh,, l,t1\d_c;,_.-Jpr.~. lfr~lu·w :1r1~ guLJr~l ii:(•S ~,; )\,,\:• 11\;\n,'t/',(' 1111• 01w1·.1t·i1,r1 (1( l.hr~ ir ri),;,11. i'q17 f)'jf~r.(!Fl. The ,'l1nn11nt o:· w;it(•r \.Jhi.ci1 plrrnts ni~ed d(·'.fH~nd;; o,i tl1t'. \ri(•,,1 r:lfi~ of ,,v.ipntrr1w;p~r:it:ic•1\ (E.T.) which L'> t'·1,; ("1)111h1n.-,,j ,i11Hnn1L ot writ·,~, u:=;ed_ .. by t!ic pLrnl and 1?V:lpor:it,cd fr'(.)1"1 lh,, ground. fd1~.1l ly 1 tl1t.: r~1te ,it wliicl, W,'lt~r '..<, 0ppli.r:d slin11'.d ,~riual tlH~ r·;I.(! oi" 1':.T. It silo.lid b(' nnlc:(1 tlrnt th(~ f\.T. 1·,•l!f'• v,11·1\!s hct,,,.1~1~11 0.,--ich s,.~,bo11; ohviously, till" r.;lt•.~ 1.5 '.•i 1,,1i,~r ·n ~t1:rn1H~r ,in,\ low(ir ln wlr1ti~r. _Reclaimed Irrigation Water Quality Analvsis The landscape maintenance contractor is responsible for c\ialuating 'Reclaimed Irrigation Water Quality' and its compatibility with the specified plant materials and soil type. The contractor shall obtain a monthly water quality report from the 'Meadowlark Treatment Plant' located in San Marcos. California. Water supplied to the Aldea site is provided through the Carlsbad Mm1icipal Water District and from the Meadowlark Treatment Plant. The CMWD requires the Meadowlark Treatment Plant to supply water that meets the minimum public health standards. The monthly report mus! be reviewed by a qualified entity employed by the landscape maintenance contractor to determine: what amendments and fertilizers are necessary to maintain all trees, shrubs, and groundcovers in a proper growing c.ondition. cool-·sr:,1;,on g1·:1~;.-:; ,,:i1ic.:h S \ ;1 'j c.: T111·f-t.y1w tnl 1 f,,c;(w' !;1cs·11,, sh,ill b(! mowt~d .,t ., n>1;11l.:1r 1 ·t 1'1·v.-, i r.d nr)l m,:r,.: th;1n :H1<_:r' cvcr:y Sl.!V<:n ( 7) d.-1ye: d,1rin;: :11·t.iv1.: g~·owLng S(~ason ,1nd i1.S n(!Cd(,d LD 1nni.nt.11in .: ··,•·!( :1pp,,:1rnnc,~ d :r'ir1)'; ,,.j11l1}r rr10·1th;,. Conf:r";1c·t,:r _c_;l·,,11 l 11" .:1 r,it.,··y 111nu,·:r (,:il"111.'r hand-p;1~h(~d or ,c;,:,lf--prop<'.l!.-,d wi ti1 ,i :'.r ·:.,:;.s c:1l::ltcr c1ttfl(~h111f•11t) t.;iki.11g c,,i·,, 1r11t ,(; ::i,·:1lp L1w11i;; clippiiq~,:; _,;,:101.ilrl be rcnov(:d. ,'\11 1'1,lwing .">11:ill lw ,_·nmp 1P.~1'd pfi(J( ts; 12:(){J noon. C1.1r:-ti.111• hiiq;ll: ,;kill lw '.1-1./2'" . .-l(J 1" d:u-inv, tJir:., .spring, su1nm1cr :111d :.--ill 11\J11t'i1s, ,'1nd 1-1 /2" to 2" during wi.nt8t" mo11t.h:-;; lHI I fP..9\'.11c siwuld nc~v~r be 1111)1,.1~_:d al hr::ightr-i Ii~.,,;~ t.li:111 1-··l /2". Th<: t11rf sli1Juld ncv1:r bf: cnt mun• t.h:rn ~111J:-thi.rd (l /3) uf the top growtli or i\pprr.rni:n:it.(:\y thr(~c•-qu,1rtE?r".S (.J/!1") i.nch .at ,·rny one rnowi.ng. 2. .>edging; Edges SlHill bf: trimm(';(! ad_i~cent to walk,:;1 C\1rb.s, !i(iadcrs ,tnd !shrub CH'(•;\8. All t1:imming, c.>r edging nrot1nd tr"i~(.•s .:i,q(I shrubs, sh.:,.\.l be don~ ch0.mi\.A\ly or wilh hand hf•ld cl.ippcrs. ''Wr:0.d r .. --itcrs'1 ur simi.liJr equlp1r.1~11t :,;h:111 not IH! ~J/Hd arn111\d tr'C('.$ or shrubs. Tul'f edges ad_iacr;1t trJ ,;..,;-.ilk,:;, ,:_:u:r:-bs, mo,;., strips 1 shrub bC'd~ or '-it1ilr..li.n1_:;s :c:lin!l bf: trimmi~d t:'vc•ry oth,,,-w0ek during spr1nr,, s,.1111:n,ir ;ill<'l l:ill n(J11~hc.: .•<wl as lll!(,d,,d d11ri.r1g wLntcr mnnt!i."; r(.> 1nAirit~i-a 11\!nt appc:irar1ce. EJging sl1oul(I be dell\~ 1n(•r~ frequ(:ntly ()11ly at th0. <liri~ct.i1Jn of thf: L1·:d.S(·.-ip1• ,'11·(_-!ii ~i!Ct. J • -~:_ _L_ i._p_p i_i_i ti_\> 1 s 12_0 .,:; ,, l __ :. Cl i.pp i ::;; ,:;h,--i l l br: renovE'd fron turf areas ;,11d ,, it !J,, r vac11111n(:d, r;wi:pt or blown o(f walks ,rnd roadways. A' I clippingf! s\1r1ll \.'C' die:posi:d o[ off-si.te ;_n .,:in n1•[HOV(~,I mn11111!r ~r ~ city aiipruvc<l 1lt1mp sitr the same' rJ:iy 1n1,wi11g t,1kf:;; plncr~. 4. Acr,:n.ion: 1\ll lnw11 11rcn.c; sl1;11.l h(' .--i~rnt0.d once n ye,1r tn ti11; f;1ll. Ar'r",'lt.:ir)!l sh:1]] he• .-1cc(lt11j1lisli.-,(\ by r,::rnovir1g orn:-li;i\f :n(·li (1/2") di·>1nct1'r" hy th:t'i' inch (J") deq, cor<"s with 1m ,"181"'.ll'.>r :1E1chl11c at not non: lhan 6" sp~1c1ngs. Co1·1'<; sh;1ll be r1~'.nov1.•d ,:1:id (!111np1cd, 1.11 ,'\ cl.ly-;,ppr1Jv1ld 111:m1w1·, i11HIH'.di:itci.y nftcr ccn1pleti.on of .1r;r:ition. !n ,1 ldit >111, i-.h.-top;, of .-11 l mounds ~\:d l/w.,1! i?.l":d conpncU:d dry spnls i:li.-111 ,ig;l1•1 1,,-, ;l1'r.-1r.1·,d b,,tW('<":11 th1~ i.11Lt>rv.-1ls Sp<'(·1fi.-:d ;1hu~·1: as :1:cl,ssary. All d;11n~igi:!d ,tr"E?-•~ l.,rgr"'r th.,,· •'+" '< 11" sl\nll. bi~ .,,;od<l1,id on .,n .,s n<:l!dl!d bnsi.s, nl 110 ~Dst :n t:IH~ (Mner. 1. Lletlwtch; l. ]1 :l t C )1 b ll i \ d S ,1p i } a Wll S d(~t\i;\tched, by 11SE' of ,1. "vf~rticn.l e;1t lyp0." mowr•r, ;111d top·"dn~SSf:(I with n:dwoDd co1r.post or -::i.11 1::q11iv;llP11~. \/(~rtic.'Jl cutti.ng s':Hlll 1.H~ done ,h1ri.,;g wc1,rm sp.1.son for Li.st. r('C('"'-('ry, 0nd s!:;111 hr dnnr: no more thnn on:.:ri 1wr ycr.ir, only as dj.rc:cted by lh1.: ()\..;11cr. C. 6. i . 8. 9. To help rr1:vr.:nt co11L111tin.alion of twrJ: .:::irL:i'.l.s, ConlL--ictor !~h.111 llwrn,1g;l1ly w.-1,;li of( nl 1 0,11.1iprn1~nt 11sed prr:vin11.c_; I y HL rinntfwr sit(' prior tn liriuging f!(j1.1ip111ent ontc tilt"' Jr,i) :~ l ti~ ~ _!:;__q_ui.pment Condition: Contrn(':ti)t· slrnl I keep ,111 n1owers and E!dgers sh.'lrp cH :11] ti.mes, so as t.o c:ut the grass tips rachi::r. tlrnn '1t,:::i·" then r1[[. Torn ,'\r.:lss blad!?s create a brown 111;.-,7;.," appP.aranc~, a11(! will not be accr:pt~l>le. Lawns sh:il I h1: w:it.P.rl!d only at f,iJCh frequency .;lS wc:1tl1,;r r:tJ1Hii.tio11.,; 1·1:qui 1·P. t0 ri::pl~nish soil moi.sture below 1··qot ?,:)110 ,111d nifl'.nrA.i:1 prop!?i:' gto\.,;th. During growi.·:g ~e,1'~'-·!~ of M,1.rt:h lJ1~pt.r-111h1'1'~ at lf~,'.lst urH• inch (l") of water, :,1,1· w,:~d:.; ,.;:,all b0 appli.:-d. W.,u~r sh;1ll be <'t['plisid 111 inl(!rv.:1Ls lo rninirnizP. run"off, hut all w;1U?r .sh:tll !!1· appl.i.1.!d in ,1 .s_i_ngle l,JR.CP.r p(?riod (6 r0 2/.+ h()1_1r'S) !;() '.li;Jt r.110 :nH' i11cli i~; .:ippli("1l i11 on1~, or no more th,1.11 t•,il)• npplicntir:119 in on<' ,,,ff•i~k, \,,Jhi~rn~v,~r' possiblf': w,1~1-r ;,l1.--il l n,~•Jet hi' ilppl il'd :rn .-1 d;1il.y basis. Thi,-; prt)c_.-d11r"•' 1c; t.n f:n('.Ot1,....:ig.-:· ds~cp w."\te,·i11g; only during period~ uf s~v,~re hea'.: stn:s~ shcnild tl1ls prucedure be supplemcnt.!d by aclJiti.()11nl wnt~ring p~rinds. J\d_j11.'>I. ir·ri,grilinn tn nnn11111::-.1c ('\•J(':r"-spui.y ;-:).1\d ru11-;lff n11 ,,,_-;i!J..s ,ind :-;lrP('t~. W,1t01·ing appliLi'ltirn\S s:.;)i.::111 be d,)1Jf' duri1q.; t:h,, 1'.lr"\y mr>r111.11g¼ C(Jntractor s:.;h.,l I IH· r•i•,;po11sibl1! fur· :1.':;~1.11111~~ CV(.'11 ;..1r1t(!r appl 1.-:nrion~. In t·.l1,' <.'vcn~ of n11to!llnt.ic il'rig,'.lti,.>11 di~rupli.on 1 !11•' Co:~trn(1·n1 S1:,:dl hr111d w:it,~r L1wn 111\d grou11d covC'l" .11,'.1::; il.'l 11,·'.t:icss.-~r-; to ,i:-;.::ure h1•:iltl1y pl.,nt f',r"()wt:h, F'er·tilizalion: l .. ,wn.,:; sli:ill \)(? [(~1-tili:;,;1\d t:ltr·•:(• ti111c~1 per yi',1r" (p11,· ::1ppl.ic'.1t.ion r:,'lch in Spring, Fnll nnd Wi:1tc:r) wi~11 1r1 r, H Or" f•q1!·\l comrricrcinl f1'.r"t i l ir."r ,:ippl ii'd nt 6 ]he.;. 1,.,1 Sll\W[(C ff\(:t'. Fi::r"tili,.,:ti.011 sli,11 be wat~rt~d 1n imrn~di,-:it:ely [oll;_,,oi11r. :ippli1>:1tion. All fl'?"rti\i;rnti.on sh,111 be included •.-,,it\i tlH: J;:i11dsc~lpe mnint0.nilnci:: of eu.ch ,'lrea. The Conlrn, t,ir skill supply ,ind tr";\n!';rort. .:ill r1'rp1ir·ed ferti.li::>.er:; .-1t no cost t.o th.-~ OwtH•t·. l"l1.H.? t,J v,1ri.ations of soi\ r,11 I lopng,npl•y, t··:1v Ownt"'r rn,1.y fnnri tLmf-! to rime .:-1dj1.1•:t ;\l" d1.-i11g•.~ lh,-, f,:n.: l.i:-:-.:ilion sp0.cificntit111!'l co:1tnit1(~d lw1,·i11 n,, i1 r.-1.isult of Ci)::sult.:'!.ti.011 with the Conlr:1,-t:"H ,,r l"(!('.Ornmend:1.ti.011:'l of A soi 1~ and agrono111y !jilf~ and/o:· th(• pr-(c1;t"'ncf: of gi:-01,:lh fact.c,r:,; ~11cl1 as ~alts ~nrl pollut~11ts. l'"f~porl fc1r i11liihitinJ~ C • ll. Tli"° Cont,acL1r :<;;h<ll1 t!\1? growing S8.1SOn to dnm,"1?,B h.:is occurrl":d R.csr:cd!~d arens sh;ilJ or an t"'q11ivalenl. reseed ex:is1;.ing tur[grA.ss d1.1,·i11r, ii 11 ir1 hate or spars~ ;1.r,~,1..<; whPr" due to wr-athcr, ioi'ear ur \'{!hicli-s. be topdressed wi.th i;edwood c-.()1;1pos; Shrubs b Ground Cover C.:ire: l. 2 • .1. Pruning & 11~.i_gl_og of tihrubs; Shrub;, shall b(: m,iintalned 1.n .,. healthy, g1·,,:,nt1g c<,11<litio11, Shruhs sh:il l not be clipped intu '..1J\ led rJr box. fon11s, b1.1t, r.,ither sh;.]} hC' allc1wC'!d to dev(:lC"lp int(, inf:onnal h~dgcs. Use of heag~ shears is not purmi t ted; pruning should b<: by selective use of hand-h(:ld clippers. Shrubs sliould be allowi:?d to develop thcit:" n,flt1.1rnl s;J:npP. an(! s1~e witl1 m1111mt~ pruning. Dead branche!s nr1rl damaged shrubs should 1:Je: removed. At no time sliould more than one-thirJ (l/3) oE tlie foliage be removed lro~ a shrub. Cultivatirig & Edgi11g of Grou,id Cover: Ct1lti.vat(: and wet"'d ,1]] ground cover arf;.;is w:•,,kly, k~1q)ing t·\:(~111 fi;ee o[ bro~1d Le;i( weeds and bermuda grn.'ls, ,.s w(!\ 1, ns A.ll. clebi-is including leavesi branchesi paper, bottlP.s, C'tc. No w:.:dS' sh,~\ I re.<1.ch flowering or set:"d ~tnr:.:s. Al.I. gr·uund cover ~h.:111 be pruned, shav,,d ,,1· thinnf'd 11.e,,i-ly :1w,1.y [ron1 s'.1rubs, tre~~s, walks, c1nb,c;, ~tc. at le;1st: 011c1: pe!r month or R8 :~ccess:11:·y. "l,.li-1·d r.:1U:r.s" oi; similar cquipmt"'nt shall not he 11.c,cd t·,·, ,·dJ'.•' ground cov1~c<,. Gruu11d cover~ slrnll not bf: tri11iu,.-·d VC'l''t \.c.:1. L l.y un lc~ss ,'lppnivt"'d by C:twner ;-wd sh;\ t t lw t. hi n111-d "JtJt as 111~cdcd to avoid rn.-:i.tt,inr, ,111.l to achleve an ,1v1.•i-;1l I <:'ll('rl :<pp1,.-i,~111c1:"~/ k(:.-,p ground cover trimmed b:1(·k t :,1m all cont:·nll;:r units, vii.lv(i bOY.f!:c;, qui.ck c<1up\,-.r'"' 1,r· other· .:ippurt1inn11ces or fix:tur,cg. R'°~mO<Je gi:-01.11H! c,i,1,,, from all Ah0ve grour1J structures unless tl1~ c~,l~r" di·rect.~ lhc nllow,111cP. of P,rnund ('.{>Ver growth 0'1er w:111 t!)ps, curba:;1 r.f".(_:. for 1H•~thetic n~asons. Wntcr nppli('.nt.i.on.~ st1ould be in(requent nnd d(i(:p-pP.ne~rA.ti.ng, Wi"ltCr enough so moisture r0.nt";tl',Hf'S root zon,;: and only a.c; fr·1~q1H?11r:-J.y to rnainL-:ii.n hP.A.lthy gt·owth. 1\d_juc;l the i.ri:-i.g,iti.on to minir11.i.z.e 0•1ei·spray :rnd n:11-0(( 011Lu w:dk.c; .,nd slr.er~ts. Antering shill I IH' don,, d111·i11g o.:it"ly morning hours. D11ring, gi:-owing se,1s1>11, .:ipply ,1 111111mJ11n1:11 u[ e::s;-hnlf inch (l /2") JH~l wpi•k, ili~c(Jt1ti11uc i.rrigntio1l J11ri,ig prolcng~d rai.ny r~rio,l!s. 1, • s. 6. I • Fertilizer: Shrub and grounrl. cover beJs requi.re muc.h less ferti.li.zer th.:in lawn areas~ Fertilize all ground CO'J€r are.as two time~ per year, once i.n Spring (Mench) and once in f,-ill (September). A complete slow-release comnH'.rc..:ial f~rti l i7,er with an analysis of 16--6-8 shall bf: appl i02d at a ra.tf: of 6 pounds per 1,000 squo.re feet. When soils t0.:=it irHli_cate defi.ci'°'ncy, follo"' the recommendatic:ns of the soi.le; report. Once th~ shrubs have .~ltainf!il t!Hcir dP.firtecl si.ze (approximately 3 years), it may be 11c,ssib!e to dccre.,ise frequency of fer:t.i.Lization to once per ye.u during Spri.ng (March). Replantin&, __ & Replacement; .,i., Shrubs Rereove <lead sl1rubs ~nd replace wi.th same species a11tl V,"l!:'iety, of ~ size and conditi.on acceptable tu th~ Owrier. T!1e contractor sl1all, After C)w11r:r auth•:iri%-ation, r0.m0ve a11d replace 1rny planl m,'1tl"'i--i;::il dmnt:ig.:d Ol' lost due to contractor's negligl'"!nCP throl1gf1 imprnp~r ust:' af inRE'Ctici.des, hcrbicid•'f>, watc:rin1~, failure to conLccl rodP,n(;:.s and ins0.c:t.c;; and improper ,1se of equi.prncnt sh1ill be: repl.dceci at no cost to the Ownl!r. Pl~nl materi.,;11 which must hi' repL1ced due to vand!lli.i:,ri\1 will be replaced b 1 Cont,·;1ctur, rift€!( dwncr ,-ciut.hori.2:ationt al t\,.- (!XpC'n.~8 o( thr? OWll(':r", b. Gro1111d Cuver Coritrctclor sl1~LL re1>la11t (iurir1g the growi11g sf!a:=1011 to Crntind cover sh;1ll b,~ of ~x.isti.ng ground cnv1:.~I" fill iir <lny bnrr~ spot1-;, tlie sarnf: sµ~~ic!~ a11,l vnrir.ty, zlnd shall c11tt:ings. be with flatted, w~l.l-rooting A l" 111i.11imu111 l.:lyer cf org.:1ni.c mulch should b<:! r:1.1i11U1inf'!.-1 .;iround tll,~ b.:ise of Ill I ~hruhs ;pd throughout the b~(l.c; r,, nJta\.n mni.sturc, j")t"/~\l't~nl wer:d,:; fl:'um l.::ikinr,. hold, and , pro111Clt(! healthy-root grt)Wth. Wh0.re ground \.(l·,;1•1 pl.:lnt~ng:=i occur, nn mulct1 is n0.cessary. Mulct~ sl1011ld \),• n:rww.-•d once a y1~.7~-, dur i.ng Spring. Mulch shou I rl 111.' fq1re:id ('V(lf1ly a:·n11·;d root 7.()1~e ,'.lt l n m).lllmutn depth, krcpi11g 1nt1l()1 c\ couple: o[ inch,,s away from stern :,[ al\ shr11h~. Org,1.ni~· mulc,:l1 slir;uld be a nitr".-l\.l:,;e,l r11,lw;·!od/fir bnrk with avl':t·;~ge par.tir:l8 sizes of J/8" L•' 1/\". Inorg.<1.riic \llulchP.s S\.!Ch as gL'.l.Vel or roc-.k rlrf' nnt ;l,·,·ppt,1b if-. Tf<'('.S h.1.ve h1.:c11 ,<;cl(~ctr:d for thr"'ir n,1turnl form .,nd ch,1,actc:r; it i;, i111pnrt:rnt th,1.t the ti;:~es be ,~llo;,.;r,:' I to d1?velop thei.r n,\tural shape and form y.1ith a m1111inum ,~mount of prunirig. While it is desired thA.t pr11ni11)", t->0 htdd to a 1ninimum, pruning will be required for thi=: removal of de.ad wood, dan1,q,ged growth 7 and misshnpen branches. Und~r no circu111str1,1c~s will St.r'ippi.ng of lower brcrncltP,; ("raising up") of young trees be permitted. L,:)w11r branches shall be re.tained in a ''tipped back0 or pi.mlwd condition with as much foliage as possible to ?rornot,, caliper truck growth ( tapered trunk). Lower br,rn:.:ltric; c~n be cut flush with the trunk u11ly after the tr~e 1s ;,ibl.e to stand erect wi.thout slaking or oth~r suppon.. Ttt~C pruniT\g i.n the winter should be dom: only un(licr the chrection of the Landscape Architect. F. • I • 2. ] . Tl1c i11t~11L of 1ir·\111i.11g t:r",~i'::; .-ind f;h1·uh$ 1r; lu 1 i1(',·( ·111, growl:li o[ tl11: p\nnt ('_ff1'(.l·1vely :rnd l.(' c,Hri-1:t 1111y str11c:t11r·;\l W(~n.kn.-~s•:---'>, As dPi,cri.bC"d (';)r\.i(~l"t it 11; import,t1)t l<) und-':'!rst~IT\d th,1.t ,,ll pl.n1it m:1t.-ri.,1 !ie allow(!d t:u develop their nat11r11l form with (111ly 1·\i1.' mi11irnu111 amount of pruning ni~(~<.?::.sary to keep thf: p'...1nls li(~<llthy and vi.gorou;;. 011 ycung pl.:1.ntst strong br,--inch Str'uctun• rl11d 11,itural f1n:•r1 sh<')IJ\d be Cl1\°:0'.lf''1l4f·!d. On mntltl'C lTecs nnd shruhs 1 pn.rni11g sho11ld occ 111-rnily (.1) m,1i.ntnirt b:lir111cc-hl?twe('ll vc1;1~t.1ti,;,: gro\.,·th ·111d [\owGl'.ing. llow1~\,·s-)i:', prn11in1: will. be 11~ce8 s,"1r:y t.:l n.•1p1,v1, Je,;,d wood ,"Ind crossr:d br;\nchcc;, wlic~reby li?tt.i.1112, \ itlir i.nto th(~ intf:riot oE tt·ce.s to improve llr:,--i\.tlt .:rn,l <\ppearnnt:o? .• Trees Trees shol1ld be pruned to st-:":l!:'ct and develop pf!rmnn(~rit sc.a[[old branches ( the large hranclies which givf: sli:ipe to .'.'I. trt•d. Scaffold brancln'!s should be evenly si'·"~cd riloi)g the trunk (3t 1..-;!ast 8" apart, preferably 18" ur more), and should be di.str"ibuted r.sidially (E·vc:·,I}' distributed acound the tross-scct1on of t\1e tr1111k), without limbs dir~ctly over anP. ~nother, Sca[fnl<l branches which <3(e too close together wi 11 have [r:,.,,•r:i· lateral bra11ches and will result ii, long thin bra,1c:l1e,;; of l i.ttle. strength. Branche$ selected for rerr.ian,,nt scaffol.ds should have a wide a11gle of ettachm~nt (45 t,} 90 degrel;s) to ensure strength; narro,1-angle branc..·Jies (l0ss than 1♦5 d~rees) 81'.'e weak and likely to break with age. Scaffnld branches should be sm~ller tl1Ar) the tr,1ok from vhich thr:y grow. l!P.R.d back any branch wbich is too large to slow its growth to allow the supporting branch t.o catch ~1p. The r.rni.11 branchiog st~ucture of ,c1 tref: shQLtl:.l be evident by the third year. If the scsffolds are well plac.:d, the tree may need little or 1'10 pruning for several years. Sh't'ubs Shrubs st1ould only be pruned to enl1ance the natural form of each shrtib species, 1.e., arching, 11pr'ight 1 mounding, etc. _Gener.i:lly, shrubs should be pruned t1St.11g ,'1 cnmbi.nation cf thir111ing or h~ading back. Never shear shrubs inlo individu,1t form; 1·ather, let shn1h rn,'\S.S~.s of the sanrn ~r(•cies forrn inform/"il 'hedges' .. :-iffi-ct (Hl 11,)1,,• i I". ,-,pp~.1r~. ll11;r1• nti_' lwo b:1-;i1 Jll"llll I Ilg lll"t!in(I.~. 1';11.·li e1H:oura1~i.11g dillC'rr•11t.: ('([eels. ''T':ii11ni.ng" r0,nc"JVf"<; Cr1tir-~ brn11r:hP.s b.~tck to ;:i 111;1i11 t1·1:11k 0t· 1·,,ru)ve.s major br;:inch~!S b3.ck tn r.hf~ ground. 'lhilll1111g di.n:cls r\i1• pl:rnts f!nf:rgy to r1~111ni.ning lH,-inch,,,;, wh·(.-li gr()w f.1"trcr. Th,, rc:sulting pl,111t h;i;; A1) O!H)fl, 11nt11r.1.l }(i,,k, whicl1 is l:iq~~r th;\n an 1mtltirl11f!(.l ,.;lin1h. Tlii111wd tr"1~(:s nnd shruhs .-ire lc!ss s11h_jr.:::l to wind drim,1?1~ find rec,:ivt~ h<-',"l.lt.h[1tl S\lllliglit wit.hi.n tli(; plant. "llcc<ding back" removes only th(? ('n,cl of a br11nch~ forcinr, the dorr"'.l,-int buds neares~ the cut to grow.. llsarl i11g cause:~ J plant t0 p,oduc,: rnutLiplC' bl'.'<'tf!c!n~s wli,~n.~ pre·,1iou,sly there w:is on~y onr~. Tiu? effect 1s a pl:inr. which is di::nser, h;;i::; 'JH)(e bi:-n11r:hp.s 1 a11d 1::; !ll(JI"e c,11np:1,:t. than one that has been thi.nn~d, /\ he:i<lcd kick trN' \'it· shrub dcvr,)lops d,cn,,;~ f(1lingc a1·n11:id th<' (.,111opy wl1ich sh:id~::, uut low0.r l.ec~vl:!s. "Tip-pi.11ching 1 is 1\ form of he.11li.ng h.,ck ,,,.hi.ch r~m1)1,;i~~ only thr growi.rig poi,)t of a brand1 (th0. "tip''), c,'.l•J:~l 11 g the bude below the ti.p to break dorm0r1cy .:ind he-~in growtl1. As with heading hack, tip-pinchinq result~ i1, A I I. A. B. Weed Conlrol: R1':n(.>V.-d ilf ,:<111,-11:,:d::; :c':irill b~ ;1 1..:011ti.n11011.c; prugr.-im. Nrlxiou;, w00ds :·;h;1ll b,~ Conip\.f~tcl.y ki.lled .:rnd rl!rnovl!d including 1·Jli7.um('s, roots, st:o!.(J11s and bulhi:;. WlH'.rW·J,'1 ['U!j~i.bl(!, llnnJ t-.1(~<:':ding is 1)11co\1r;igcd wh0.r0. cnn:lit:ion:=t d1) llOl warr./lllt. f-lr:ttinr, 11p Spr',"1.yi11g t~<"]Llipm.-nt-. /Li11('f ,'!ppr·ov,1] ml11;t b(' oht,1i11,~d 1n·1oi:-to sprayinp, rrny 1,ci:bici.d<c;;. t\11 spr·;1yi1'g sh;lll be done: nt t:imr.c; 1,,rl1f'll t.lti"!r'P i.'> 11,_1 •,.ri11d. Spi·,1yi111; <.if ;1r1:.-1s where t:11,:rl': i::: <1 (·,_111~r211trnli.011 of penpl0. ~11:d\. b(: donr: pri.ot· tn 7:3lJ <1.111. oi:-after 6:00 p.;n. Thi~ ,1sc o[ any chf:mit~.-:i.l f,_ir w,_·1,d co,,r.r·(>l qH.\ll be donf: by t!. st.,lt(' licensed pP.:;t :'{)11tr"ol ICJH~rntor, following all f0_dr"'ral.1 st,He and locnl L1\.J.<i govc,rn1ng his !.i.c..~\f\'>e, Use extt·f~r;t1? C.:l11lion when 11,;111g St::!lective t.lf~/c'd ki.lltirs 11ot to (\~111Jg~ 0r11ame11t.Rl iil~11ts. Vor contrul ui broad lf!a[ wc;P.ds in Li·,,n1 arr~,,s 1 ,'.li'Jil.y -:I het·bir:idc ,<$ ;,i c;pr1t Lrc:it,11:et1t contrc;], fol!.owi.11g m,,naf~cturer 1 s i.ns L rue ti ons. Al I cr·abgt".:.iss s\1-111 he complctr:ly removed and h,1:·1, t1.1r! ar~as resee:ded; Cr'Jl)grass sll:il I 11ol be nllowerl l<, bc~o1n~ establisli1;d in any 1.-inrlscape n1·,,~;.1.lnl·.~ii.ned by Conlra(~t()r", In ,'1i:cas where cr:1)1g<.;lS.$ has inf~~st1,?d Li11! L:1w11, <1pply A Sf:•leclivt"' post-en:ergf!nt herbicid1: a~ f;(_1r_)1\ ~~ possihlo, Prcc1n<'rge11l herbicitles can be A.J1plied prior to cr..ihgti'f•,:,s germination. Apply c.rabgras!'> ki 11.,.:, only on cool day$ ,:lnd wht"'n l,qwr'lS are in :;i 11rnist condition. 2, Cro\1nd Cover Areas: I • All ground cov~rs sliall be inspected daily [or w~i=:d growt;h, Weeds sfiall nnt he allow~d to remain growing for longi=:r tl13n onf: week wi.tliout complete removal, including roots, rhizomes and stolo\'\s. At no time shal I weed~ bi:? allowed tu set flow8r or seed. Bermt~c< g~ass Or olhcr noxious W8(ids slrnl l not be al lowf.!d lo bi'C~)me cstablishf:d i.11 eny ground cov8r .flI't:'a. Ct.dti.vati'f',g of gro1.1nd cov.:r .-cir~as sh,1ll be ht"'ld to a minimuui i'lnd nrc:as sliould he cultivaterl only as 11ecessari' C0 re~ove ~eeds. i':xces~ivl" c,:,1lti.v.:::ition wi.ll r"s11lt in root damaged t-J f;T'Ound cnv..-,s and slin1bs. The Co11tr,1ct.or !;]1.111 regul.ady inspect .:dl lflndscapcd arP.ilS for prcse1\ce of disease, i11s.:cc or rod0.nt in[est:iti,:irr. The C\111tractor .~!l;'lll advi:=ic thC> Owner wit.hi.n fo11( (4) dayi:, if dis0.:isc, insect or rod1~nl inff:st-"Hion i11 fo1.1111l; he shall identify the di.sca.c;e, i11s1C<.~t (1r roJr"'nt ,1.11,l ~pP.ci fy cunlro! me:-1s1.1res lo be tn\.::.(~n 11:=ti::g li•g:il ly <'[1prov(~d m,1t;,:'l:'L1ls and methods aiHl, U]>Oll y.1ri t·tc11 ,,ppro'J;il. o( th0. (X-J110rj the Contt"fl(•tor ::;hnl l i.mpl.r.?111enl tl11? :ippn)',11:,\ c1_1qtrol mt"'ns11res, exr.'rcisi11g 0.xt1·e1;itl C,'1:ition i11 llH: applic.-1LiDn of .Jll sprny 1natt'."!ri.al, dusts or other 1:1.at('.ri,ds uti.l.i:,:ed. Thf.) usr• of nny chf'.rnir~.:ds for-insr?cL and disC?.;is~ control. :;hcill b1: J:>ne by a st,1tf' l.u.:ens,:d pest control opcrcitor who sl1.-1l l follow ,,\.1 e;u-i.dt:lirn?.s govern'.nr,. hi.~ licen.c;c. Extr1'1:l(' ,_.-11.1ti.011 ;,h:11 I hfl used w1\~n $prHyi11g ins<~cli.cidc!s .,nt! fungicides. Only spray when there i.s n.o wi.nd. Ovm1\; npprov.;il rri:ist t->0. nht:.1i.11ed prinr to spraying .,.,y i11~1?cti.ci.dcs fH f\111gi.ci.dcs. Alt che•nic:1\s s\1,:\ll be usl!d o·:1y in the mnnnf:r approved by St~t.f? and County ng,.,nc i 1~:=t. 2. St.a.king & Guyir"J.g: denser, more com~act plant. A.c; tl1e narnP_ [' t-' u1p 1e::i, "pinching" iE;: llterally done ...-i.th the finger ti.ps by pinching the gro,;..,ing point. St.<1.ke:=i .;ind g\1ys shall remain until trunk attains .1 ca.lip0.r of foor inches (4 1;). St.:"!kes and guys are tot-,,: inspected at lea.st three (3) ti.mes per year to pn•v,:,ut gir·dli.ng of trunk:,; or branch<'.',;, .:i'ld to prever'.t rubbir1g lliat causes bark wounds. Before any stakes are rernov~·l, rernov~ tl'.'ee ti.e.s and allow thl:'! tree to remain wi1;hc1t1t S\1pport: f1JL a pr.riod of time to nbserve structur:1 l stability of the tree. .,, Remove tree stakf!s only whl':n tree h.::ts been proven t.o be str\11:turally sta'::il12. Any res.taking sh;i,ll be done ,,_,ith ori.gi.n,;illy speci.[ied materials. Guying will, OV<'I" rim,, stretch or loos0.n. Atlj11st a~ neGdeii to retain a tR.,1t positiont 1rnt:i.l s1.1ch tim~ when guying 1s I"E~rnov1_~d. A:'.)" tree tlrnt 1s d111nngf:d du(' to imrt'opi::r staking or tyi111; sh;1\ l hr r:epL"lc,·d at the Cont:r;,ctor' s 8X'.p~1l$f~. Trt~I:! ties sl1all be i11';pectcd at Least tl1rt:"e (J) limes a yen.r to prevent bark wou0._i:!_~_,,_cause.d by abras(;·;:;·: "Shearing" is a';(other form of heading back, often used 011 shrubs, whi.ch removeB many grow\ ng points at once, i:-esulting in dense foliage at the surface of th<'! pl.int. ihi.s method ls undesirable for-a n\tmber of rectsons. 1\ she.:ired shrub hc<~ .fl 11 sculptured11 look which d.:stroy:c: tht"' natural form of the p\;rnt. f:spP.c:icilly on l8.rg~-leav~~d shrubs 1 shearing i.ndiscriminAtely cuts rand;"Jr"t\ portions of !.e.1ves l~;:;i.vir1g unattractive sca!'"S and oppor-tuni.ty of di.se;:;i.~e. B0.caose shearing is often pP,rformed by unt.i:-ained pei:-sorlnel, the result J.s often overprun(!d 1 "balled up" shrubs of no ch3racter. Shearing tends to remove flower buds, thus greatly reducing the qu~•iti.ties of blooms. When rn,tki.ng a cut, all cuts sho~1ld be to laleral branches and bl1ds, or flush with the trunk. Cuts O\Jf:t" AppT:"oved control mr~.,surcs shall be continued 11ntil t.hC' dl.,;;~ase, inse(~t or rodr~nt is controll0.d to th(: s.1tisf;icti.on of thP. (Mner. Th0. Co11trc1.ctor s.hnl I urdiz:e .::ill s.1fi,'gl1;)rds nt"'cc~s.,ry during dis<:"A.Se, l.nsect 01 I'l)J,::11t conttcl upf~ratlnn;-; to ensure safet.y o[ th(i pub] t,~ a1Hl tlt1.• employ~es of the Contr,--ictor. ' "AS BUil T" J_ Fertiliz;1c[u11: one-h,1lf inch (l /2") in diAmeter shnll be tre.-1ted with pruni,1g compol,.11)(1. Wlu~n he.lding b<'}ck, thf: cut shol1ld ht:' mad(! about l /4 11 s.bove the bud, with t.he cut at ,:t slight angle. 4. ---,.,,,.,, ________ ,_ Spec im.P.n per wi.l 1 w i11 used yr::n.r:, with br; spread b0. -w.ni::n::d Ht ,:;Ji.111 be deep forti ll2:(:d comm~rci:il fertilizer. P-venly I 11 by oc irrig,Hion. dr i.p Ii 11~, tree '1'1'.'ee per two (/) t 1n1•''- Th~ f,:,rtili:-·.,,r drip l irifi ,'1nd sp ikP.S m11y !),, 111,tn11fnctur~'r' ~ Re1:1ove dead trees vari.ety, of a SLZi' Ln rge t rec remova 1 company with proper ancl repL1ce wi.ll1 sa,:ie spcci~$ crnd ;:ind condi.tiun acceptable to (Jwrn:r. should be done by a qualified tr<'.'0 insurance nnd equipment. • r:7c:iD I_J!:!JD f()RSUM/SUlv1MERS & PARTNERS. INC. 1-lllii•:(1,\'." l(JIV'/,1\Y ()ANl\1:0.:)INI (Allf(ll?NIA'J)t,l'-J '/14)4%-hll LANDSlAPf ARCHITtCTS. ASLA ____________ .,_ ·>-. ------+----+-----+----+---------11 ~ ----+-----+-----------------------------t------+~-·~---·---~·-·~----~ >-----+----+---------------·---------·-+----•-,.-----➔-----+---- ----+----+--------------------------··----+--· ----------<·----+--------------------------------<>------+----.... ----1-----• DATE INITIAL DATE INITlAL OAT( I !NlllAL F.NGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL aTY APPROVAi. RCE ___ EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD.JISHEETSI PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 ~------. ., .. "' - ALDEA @ AVIARA AVIARA P.A. 16 11~ ~iTE__NAt-JCE NOTES B. lns~ct DiflcrtiH' A t'c!lt C1J1\trol -··· ----·--~------·-··--·· , .. ····--"·-·---"'"'"" .. 2. Rvdent Control; -·---- To p01.ci(Hl rodents, use n g,,,,11 tceated. wi.th -:111 anti-c.:Dc1gu1n11t· s·.1b.SL:inc(~ pl:,:~ed ,n b,1it stilti.011~. Hnit m~1~t be checked tlaily and mnt!e ~vailnhlc at all lime~. Six nr s~ven co11s0~utive [ecdings ilre u~t1nll.y 11~c~ss~ry. All 1le~d rod~n~s st1all be properly dispose,! of off-sitP, Trapplng may he Jone in any season by tlie use of nr1 a.ppro•1ed rodent trc1p, All d0.iJ,d rodents shall b~ properly disposed of off-site. Tl1ere are several types of toxic gasses nvailablc of which so1r1e require a special pcrmi.t [rom the Cou11ty /\.gricult11r:'e Commis.5i-::iner.. Fumir,;;it.i.on is most (;f[1~clivc in the spring r"'Jr" when soil moi.slure 1.s high, fumi.g,1ti:H1 1~ not e((ectivr. d1;rir1g periods of hibcrnatiori or /"!1"::sti.vati.nn, since thr. b\11'.Tows o.rc! ph1gged with soil. Rodent control (pui.so:~ing or fumigation) ;;i.5 noted ilbov.-, sh.ii I be danr. undf~r. lhc diH-:,·.t supervisic,i, ed.' ,1. statP. 1it:.i111sed pest ~:<>1'trol opr:1111:or who shall. (ollow gui.dr.l 11ws govcrnini l!is lic(:11Sf::Pi. !11. lrri.gntion System M,:ii_q_L_~_12_0__11_r..:y: A. R • Ccncral Cor1ditions: . ----___ ... _, __ , __ ,, -. Thr' Co,1lr/1clo':-sh,tll l11;.;pt':"t 1 1q1.,·r,' .,ml repl.1ce: i1·1·ir,:1t :1m p;\ct~ a m1.111mum Df onc.r. r!VP.ry ;:,~v(,~I\ (7) d,1ys lei nc1i.ntni1\ r.lH~ syst1:1n nt its 111,txirnlm1 potential. l)l,1'.1t m,1tt~:-l1il p;··1,-\ll lw m,:rnitorcd for ,9igns of srri~s.~ to ci;;t;ure tl~:it np;·-r-:,pr1:ltc f!1nnur1f"s o: wa!..er c'.l.re b~ing 5\iaLL do•! iv,;r·E'd by lh1~ iL·rip,aL i ,.Jn n,ljust hP::ids, v;\l.·v(!-'>, ,111d cor1lro!.l~ri; as rwc,~ss:1ry to rn:1i.11t.1i11 1wiist.111·!.' w\ii le rrlCV(·~nti11g r,tn n!-f ,irid pr1lp1;r f.'(>1.:cr.-q;c 1111d ca~il ~r,11:ion. rt1(• c:n:,r.r.-1<.'.tOr $houl.d fluppo1·t. tf11' di>P.i,·,, of th~ lln111,','-w·' c· r's 1\,0·,f;oci.,1tio t'o 111;:inl,:1\.11 i. r:-r i g a t i './ n l. M,1,teri..,l,;: 2 - J • Hr.•p:i:rt; to :hr~ i~;.sr~m .<;!i:111 !H~ mn-::~ wit·I, or·igi.·:nlly spr.:ci.[l.r~d in,'\1'.(':·i;1l~ 111 :1cc,lt·d;-111c-,' 1,;ltl1 ::l11. Lr-111,l~:,'11"' /\.rch1.t1~cl'f; ;,l,111.-;1 pt·t'.<;<:.ur·i·· witfi1.11 Lhr~ to l 11,•-; u r ,_, j 1· 1· i f;:1 t 1 i,l11 1-+ljl-= l('l''l. lln.-,-1k;1g1! or d;111l.t?;•' tu tit,, ir1·ig.1t·1u,) sy~lP\Tl cn11:,C'd I:\ t·h.-, Co11lrt1ctor 1 .<. 111'[.;lAr:t '-'r ac,~id(~nt. sh.11.l b(~ ri'p,-1i:·1-d n11d r1·pl.-iccd <It Co;1t.r,t<·l(Jr·'f-: ~!Xp('l1!~0. Mn\1;r :·,,p;li:·,1 <:.1H .-is fnilinr; 1'n11tr0Ll1irc:, v,1lv,:,0, wi.ring o:· Fli.'!i.'\'I"'<' 1r:;11;:l in(~.,; 1,,·;1i:·h n~(~ n,lr ;_:,-\11f-;c!d hy Cnntr;\clor n0r,l 11:,1'11,.·p ... Ji:ill be~ cnn:~irkrcd cx'.:1·,1 nnd ::;h.-111 he~ ,1ppt(1vf.'d by nwn(•r· pi·inr" tu 5larlinr,_,/'Wy work. Con:-.r·:1(_·tnr irt·igAtl.on wntr,1· Th(! Ing .<.:l11)1.1ld k 1; '·' f' a .,pplii.id inc I 11dc t l\c 11 c r 11.-1 l ,11·in1111 t (\ I C",'l('li we,'k. t imr~ c;1c\, 1rrip,""1t.io11 vnlv1' 1.s npe1-;1~ing i'V\''r·y ·..rr~r:k. Thr-\,.,;; !.;!\:11 I h.-~ ki'.pt. 11p l,: dt1lr·t (,-lf•;~rly ~drnwi1q~ t!;;_c d,1:.,~ o'" 1'11t .. r\', who C"llti'1·,:,d t\iP :11fon11·,t. i(.H\, nnd n 1',.1:nplct1~ l i::;t· :11)~ n' Wi'<''kly irrignti,;11 ()])!'T":l! 111g ti11\r.. The wnt,'r lni~ mwil \w m,,dr' c:1.:ai.L1blr. t,) th(~ 13n,<r":l of Jirc:(~to1'!:> :1--d t\1<"· L.'l.11dsc01"~ Cor:1mltr.r,i'1 .:it any ti1n('. [rrigation System Compo11e11ts: 1. B.1ckflow Prevent.ion llcvices: 2 • Contr,~ct·or: sh,111 periodic,1.l.ly clP.::in :rnd r:ltP.ck tli0 h,1ckflow p1·pvi:11t:Pr for' ly.·1k.s or dm11,1g1!. 1( ;i wy(? ~t,·,11114..~r 1.s iittr-1ched, l:ontractor shall clean thP. fi lt,~r scr~cn r.v1:ry thri~0 (3) 1:1onths+ Re,:iote Control Valves & Quick_,Couplel"' Valves: Contrnct:01· sli.,l\ p€ri.odic.:-i.lly check all V8lves for l,:nk:--:: flnd pro;i~r functi.un., includi11g the solr.noi.d. ff thf: v11lvr. is 11ial[1111,~tior1i.ng, Contractor shall r-r.r.11r 01· repL1.c~ it. Co1itr·cictoi:-sh.:dl keep valve boxr~s frr.P. t)f ~olids ~,,d debris_ J. J.ri:'i.g,:1,ci.011 Heads: Contractor ,s;h.-:i.l l in.spect sye.tf:'rn to ensure all ll"aid!'. ;1;.; working propr!i-ly sh.• 1 1 1.i(> ms'!rit! and ptov1.d111g propel" caveI".::ige. !h:p.,i,i~ !'u-ch i lr~c !:.. '~ Coutrar::tot· p I a11s sli., l 1 1n accocJancc witli tl1e Lra11clsc.:1p~ n:,d M;11111f.:ict1.1n~r's r.eco:nmcnd,'ltin11s. cle.:-111, straighten, flush ,;1:1ld r·r1i_::;,.-: c,_,11tr:icl1.lr c;l\:111 ch,,ck ,~.tf".1i .sr.-1r1n11 to c11cJ 1.:r(~ 1,r1,;,1'r op,:iratinn. C,_,nr.rol.!('~~ .shall. be progra1:11110.d rrs !lE"•l-,'~s:\ry b;)Sc.:(.I on sc,1,'1~1rH1l cnndit.lor1s and 1.:ari,1ti1111 of Wi''iltlif'•:· t",1 ,1:1Sllt"!~ l:;,t:imum ,,.-nlf!L ,_;,;r.. C<">rll,'(,.'lr.:tuc slHll h«·v,: n·J·1i 1.-~hle nnd "~I" n. sni l tuhc o( rrob(~ to ch,:ck S'll I 1111,lst1.1r:-1?, b,:2fon, n,:d "ft1:r Op!?r','lti.'.)r1 o[ syst~n, tu 1n,1k•· jud5~rncnt <;[ pn>gl'.'11:1 ::ill]u~t·T\t~nt. c-· C. "· l \i • Monitoring o[ Irrigation System; 2 • The r:1,1i.11t~r:Ance contractor sh.:dl inspect the irri.g.1tion systt~ms [or broken and clQggi!tl heads, rnalfonctioning ot" lr.nking valves, or any other condition which lismp~rs lhr. c0?:'rect op<':?rar.ior\ of the syste-m. Authot:"iz;ation mt1st I_,.~ obt!:l.ini?d from the Owner before p?:'oceeding with work not cuvered under nnrrn.cil mainten.:ince work and the m;tlfunctioni.ng sprinkler system sh,1.ll be irrigated :.1y a rn<lTJual irri.g~1ticrn m~thod until all authorized rep.:1irs h;i•;e be0.n con1pletc.d to tlie ownr.r's sati.sfacti.on. E;1ch S)'.9t:r::rn shn1 l h~ check~d daily and m.,i.ke all nc~CSS,:'l~·y adjustm~::nt lo head,; which throw onto roadways, wnlks 1 w;,n.dows, or ovt Df int:e11Jed 8rca. of coverage. The contr-:tclor sh.Jll clean -:1nd adjust sprinkler hf"::.J<ls as nP-P<lc1I for pror,er coverage. Each system sl1~ll be manual!y operated and observed on a regular basis. Rainy D_;:i)'._s; The co11tr.-1ctor shnll t1_1['11 off i.rri.gation ;Systems during pc•iods of rair1[8ll anil times wl1en s11spension of ir,ir,a.ti.on 1s df~$irablc tu co11sei:ve water whi.L" r;.:1n;.1in~ng within t,11i_deli1ws of good horticultt,1r,:1,lly ACceptablr. m~ir1tenn11ce practices. .1. ...!..£.~j_gation Sy~_tem Forerna1;1._ Ont! 1~1111 !,h.-1!.l hnvt~ 1:he resp<)risil,ility of uperatin_g <1nd knowitq~ tli(c irrig.rttion syst,~rn:~ and hi.s dutl.cs .slrnll bf': to nd_ju.st cn11ti-n'l_1~rs, observ~ lh0. e([ectivsnr.st; o[ tli+~ i.rri.gt!tio11 sy!;.trm.c;, a11d mnke m1.11,)r· ad_j11st:1111:11lc; ,ind tepairs to syst~1ns. {;c:n!'or·.-_1lly, ws\tr.;ci.·1g sh.:1!.1 hr)ut"$ of 12:00 ,'.l..m. ;li\d be d0n0 ~~t ni.ght.1 betw•r.r) t.lir! 6:00 ~.m.1 tlill~~.Ss othf':r1,.•i~r,) di.,ectt!d '.>y the (),.-.1111::r. The contractvr slta.1.l opr.~t::1t,, systf':1:1s and L!'r'i.g:.1tion lH~ci<ls a,; sea.'l:rnnl condi.ti•)i;;; n~q111 r1!. D11rl.i:g cxt.1'f•rnely hnt weathr.r, /JV(!l" ~xri~nd,cd h1)lidny pcr·i.Dds and duri.ng ot-fnl l:.>wing hrf~.1kdown nf r,ystBr1is, th!". contractor .s!ial l provide adequate pf:r:-'.onnel ar1:l materi.als A$ requi,eJ to Aclequatt!ly w~t~r All lnrld.scapr.d ,:1r1:!,'"lS. When hrf~clKdowns or mnlfunclions f•xist 1 llH: <-0ntc1ctor sh;)ll Wi1tGr m.111u,tlly by wh.:iti!V(!I' m,,,,np, 1i,··c,.'"'·"r1ry 1"(1 m,1i.nt.;}l.11 all plant TT1:1t·+~::-ial 111 a lwnltlty Dry sha L l 110l pr~r:mitt.cd l() d~v,,!_op. Conl.-ractor 5hall r1-~r:e1.ve f,<.1m the ()wne1: a tor,y of tlir! .:u:;-bui.lt pl.1111,, nnd :-';h,'lll ki~~p then av::i.ilablc for :r:cfcrr-:nce ,,it the job sit1: .-.H ,:Ill tim!'!:s. RPcor·d should be kept of .:.iny 1T1:dificali.c:, to the system and should be: submltted to lhr:! (">wner for inclusion 011 tl1e arigitrnl as-bc.1ilt plans hc!ld hy thr: Owner. C1.1n[ractor f'lh,-.11 contnct t:lie Owner if ,1d.-'li.tio11<1l copi(!S are :ieedcd. llARl'JSCAl.'L MAINTE:IANC[ R • Tl11' l;1111p surL<cf•:'> of nl l l,111dc-cnpP 11pli.ghts ( ;1dju.'-Jl.1i)lf' ,-11Hl h'.:ril'd) sh,1.ll ht~ :r:oulirir!ly ~i.ped cl~.111 of silt, du,.;t r11rl rt.•si.:lu~ w-h .. ch diminishes their i11tendr.d illu'.llinr1tir.H1. /i.11 otllr!t' replacr~Rrit o( \nmp$ or Aquipment rep~irs ur .,itljustm(!nt.s ure considered ex:tr'c! wo['k. The Contractor shnl l mnk~; al 1 ner..:e.ssary tlghl adj1.1stm\:nts to ens1H8 ll.ghts ill1m1iri.1te wi1c1t they W(>t"f? 1nlerided to illumin.1te. The post supp0rts Qf ,1.ll lights sh,"lll be ro11tinely checked for t·u:=.t rot ni:-othecr d1?fects; fi.rdings should bi:c reported to ths? llomeow11,?t.' Associat:i0r1 for act.i(ir1. Iron Fe11ce l'aintir1g: Thi' p.1u1li.:c~ surfaces o:' P.11 1ro11 work shall be reviewed O[l a twice y~~:nly bi'!sis a,Hl a r+~por:-t mndc., -:i:.-s to i.1.;:.s conditin,1. t,11_y rus:. sputs or chi.ps shall b<> thoroughly sanded, rep:r:i1ned, and p,~l11lcd with two co"t'? to rn.:i.t:::lt orlgin,1.l color. Complete r'l:'painting of ali su,:-Lc1.ces wi.ll tal(.~ plac-.e someti11ie a(t1::r one ycc1r and no L1t.-1· th.::111 £iv~! years O!" a.s dP.P.mcd necessn1·y by t.iH• l!t"Jr:li~(iw1H:c's Assocl..Jtion+ SurL::i.c('.;S shall be kept clr!,,1:1 <>( n·:y clLct n11,i irrigatior\ heads sr!_justcd to avoid ~~ter Spr □yi1ig 011lo irt)i1+ • ce::i□D FORSUM/SLJ/\,1MERS & PARTNERS, INC. Wlt:l(ilA\Yl-ilCCi\AiA'r'. l)ANAK)IN! /Allf(IRNIA'l2fil't 1714',4':!b-6111 LANDSCAPt ARCHITECTS, ASLA 1--·--·-""''···•~--~"--' -~ ------------------------+------t------t-----i---7 ~----+----+--------------------------t-------j-----t------r---7 ---~ ---•~·-~-~'--------------------------------+----+------11------t------J ~---+-~--+----------------t---i---,----r--- DATE INITlAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITlAl ::-NGINITR or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DlttEI! APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL "AS BUILT" EXP. DATE .. REVIEWED BY ---------------·--______ .,, __ INSPECTOR DATE [~:-~~] [_~~~-y PLsrG D~1~~~ r:1 APPR / ALDEA @ AVIARA A\HARA P.A. 16 ~-~~~ENANCE NOTES