HomeMy WebLinkAbout152 REDWOOD AVE; ; CB982525; Permit.. 08/11 /98 10=51 F'dqe 1 of 1 BUILDING Job Address= 152 REDWOOD AU Permit Type: FL UM□ING Pcircel No= 204-252-06-00 Valuation: 0 P E R M I T Suite= Permit No: CB98 2525 Project No: A98033 2 6 Development No: 9991 08/12/98 0001 01 02 C-PRHT 34-00 Occupancy Group: Description= REPLACE : 152 AND Reference#= 2 WATER HEATERS FOR Const r uction Type= Status= Applied: N[ IJ ISSUED 08/11/98 08/11/98 BT 154 REDWOOD AU Appl /Ownr : A & J FOSTER PLUMBING 13706-B HWY 8 BUS. EL CAJON CA 92021 Fee::, Required Fees = Adjustrnent5: Total Fees: Fee de::,cription Enter "Y" for Plumb Each Water Heater a n *** I Apr·/I-.:,~0 •Je: Entered By: 619-390-1-1-477 ollected & Credits I .00 ,00 34.00 *** Total Pavrn Ba 1 nr Unit::, Ext fee Data / I 20.00 Y 14.00 ·,vAL 1,\1,5 g .;t 't f I lCLEARANCE _________ , CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 . . ~ }ii ~ l1 ~ PERMIT APPLICA 11-&N UG 1 · 1998 · . U FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • PLAN CHECK NO. 'J ~~S;).~ .CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT · -.~ 2075 Las Palm as Dr., Carlsbad · C"A-92009 - (619) 438-1161 EST. VAL.------~~-,,__~ Plan Ck. Deposit ~ l/7' Validated By _________ _ Date ______________ _ l~U'J\OJEC.t'.1;,iailUUtiQ!il · 15f/4Redwood Ave. AddttH (Include Bldg/Suitt II Legel 0uetlplJon Aueaao,'1 Perc:tl I Loi No, bitting UH r " Unit No. Phu, No. T 0111 I of unJu PropoHd UH Daac:riptlon of Work SQ, FT, lof llotlH , I of Bedtooma I of Bi thlooms (2) WA'IER HFA'IER REPLACEMENT ~~Co>rl~tt'P.~O.fn1f d{tttiwi(J~iiii>JlianU·tltillBi)m@»fllf1Wq;ep!f43W{§l8.IRJBWM&JW.ffl'A~fifAlr';.W~4 J 4-;:, 4 2 6 6 Griffing, Preston 152T4""'Ke~. . • • Name Addt111 . CIIY State/Zlp Telephone I Fu t ~~fjjMJ:µc~t~~u0:s;110~,for~t:i'.lW.~!inmiiili'.ll3llawmDfal:&G&lfliDlG~n.~°tl'JlW:~i:···.o-:S?:Ji-l · SHELLY JOHNSON/KRISTY FOS'IER 13706-B HWY 8 B~~~'Z'r"' ::s9 -'4. ·t7 Name Addteu · qay . ltatl/Zlp Telephone 1 ~BQlUl.~!l.WH~U~1llPVD'PlrliW¥h:1WtMWR?PWM1WWS-WUN\M,"WO:i?il-l~•·~X;;.:\-." . Griffing, Preston 152/4 Redwood Ave. CARLSBAD CA. ~zomr-75U-~:3'~~~7 ~S Name AddftH , City , I.tall/Zip T elephon, I lli~1m1AQ'0fii.cC1Mun.W{AJJFWMiillliWelPFIIVPWttPW1f½ Fil Miff ttlMtAliW~W · !Sec. 7031.6 Bualn,11 and Profe■al-Code: Nl'f Cll'f or Countv which requl,11 I permit to oonalluot, altar, Improve, dtmollah or repair any 1tructura, prior to It• laau1nc1, 1110 requi,11 \he appUcant lor 1uch permit lo fUe • algn■d ltlttmlnt that hi la lloenatd purauant to the p,ovlalon■ ol th, Con111ctor'1 uc,nH Law (Chapter 9, commending wl\h Section 7000 of Dlvlalon 3 ol the Bualnlu end ftrofllllonl CodlJ or that hi II Ulmpt therefrom, and th, but, ror the ,11,g,d uemptlon. Any vlol1tlon of Section 7031.6 bv 1nv eppUcant for I pa,mlt aubJtola the appllcant to I dvU Plfl■ll'I of not mote thin l)ve~drod sJoJIF." 1 • ~o.o.u. A °' ,I FOSTER PUTMBING 13706-B HWY 8 BUS. • EL CAJON CA . 920:Ll J~u-44 t / Name Add,111 C-36 Clay Stale/Zip :b2 0 O~!f4on,, St■ti Ucenn I 630120 . Uc:enaa ~la11 ________ ._City BualnNa Ucan11, _____ _ Designer N1m1 S1,1, UcenH I __ ....:;.N;,./..;A.::... ___ _ Add/Ht Clay State/Zip Telaphon, -~:,·;;f:~o.111CUS~0MPEH1A't10.~~IDUl!~MIBUiiPIMJ'lD'lff@BSJ?:Pr~\l,l!l~i1i/i·J~.;_:[~1Y/.;,._'·, .. ; Wotktta' Compenullon Oecleratlon: I hatebv ellllm undet penally ol pa,Jwv-of tha lolfowlng,dtcl■ra&lona1 0 I hive end wW melnteln • cattlflc1ta of conaent to 1tll-ln1ura fo, Workar1' ~lion u pr1vlded by Section 3700 of the Labor Cod,, for th• per form1nct of the wo,k for which 1h11 pNmll la l11u1d, · (3l: I hive and will maintain wcwk111' compenaatlon, 11 requilacl by leollon 3700 of'tha Labo, Code, for \ha performance of th• ~ork for which thl1 parmlt 1, ltautd. My worker'• com;:;i;;;t·rNS=ct pollcv num&itr 1111 N2 O O 7 ~ S 6-51 CONTINUOUS lnauranc, Company _ __;;,.;,,;;;________________ Polloy No, Expl(atlon Det, ______ _ ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT IE Cl?MPUTED lfl THE PERMIT II FOR OHi HUNDRED DOLi.ARi lt 1 00J OR WIJ 0 CERTIFICATE 01' EXEMPTION: I cerilly that In the plffOfmance of the WOfk for which 1h11 parmlt ii IMued, I lh■U not amploy any peraon In 1ny manner 10 11 lo become aubject to the Wotk111' Compen■llion L■wa ol C1lil0fnl1. · WARNING: falu,e to ncur••wo,ke11' compenHllon coverage la unlawful. end 1h11 aubJaot an amployw to odmln■I penalllu and clvM flnu ur, to on, hundrad thoua■nd dona,. I♦ 100,000J, In eddltlon to \he co1.1 of compenaallon. dalug11 u PfOvldtd for In lullon :no1 of tha ~ oode, lnter111 and attorney·, tu,. SIGNATURE DATl 7, ~:~:0WNER,BUII.DUI DE<;~TioijiiW.m1.'¥f . ilW..\.~t,JJ~?)'X:,;;;.~.I';.! .·'• I hereby affirm that I am uempt lrom lh• Cont111:tor'1 Uc:N\11 Law lot tha followlncl r1Uont 0 I, 11 owner of th, p1opertv or my employ,u with w1gn 11 \hell sole ~lion, will clo Iha WOfk and \he atruc'tute la not Intended or offered for 111, IS,c, 7044, Bu1in,11 end PtofHal-Codi: Th■ Contrec:tor'a Uc1n■1 Law doN no& epply to an own■r of property who bullde or lmp1ovH thereon, end who dots 1uch wo,k hlmHII or thtough hla own employ111, provided lhel luch lmprovlfflll\ta lrl not Intended o, ollwad for Hie. II, however, th, bulldl11g or lmprov,m,nt 11 1old within on, yu, of c:ompl,tlon, the owne1•bullda, will hive the butden or provinQ lhet hi did not build or Improve lot the putpoH of aal,l. 0 I, 11 owner of the p,operty, •m ·■xclu1lvely conttactlng with llo■nncl oon&raotor1 to oona&ruot'tha proJ■ot ISto, 7044, Bu1ln11e ind Profenlona Cod,: Th, Contt,c:to,'e Uc:,nH Law doH not appl'f lo an own" or p,operW who bullda or lmprov11 lhlteon, end oonllaoll for 1uch project, with cont11c1orl1J Hc,nud ix.-euant to th, Contttc:tot'I Uc:ena1 Law). · • . . 0 I ,m ,umpt under Section _____ Bualn,11 and Prol111lon1 Codi lot 1h11 rlllOIII 1. 2. 3. I pe,1on1lly plan to p,ovld, the m,jot labot ind m1t.ul,l1 to, con■llllOllon of tha pro,oeed property lmprov11mant. 0 YES ONO ' ' I (hive I hive not) algned an 1ppllc1tlon fo,·1 building patmlt fot \he pr9"0tH work.' I h1v1 con11tct1d with Iha following p111on llirml l!) provld1 lh• p,oponcl c:onaltucllon llndud1 n1m1 / 1dd,111 / phone number / contrac:1011 llc,nu number): 4. I plen to provide portion■ or the work, bul I have hired th■ foUowlng p111on lo coordlntt,, 1upa,vll1 end provide lh• m~Jor work !Include name I 1ddr11s / phon, numbtt I c:ont11c:1011 Nc:enae number!:. _________________________________________ _ 5. I wlN p,ovlde tom, of the wo1k, but I h,v, contttc:ted lhl11dl Iha following Plflonl \o provlda the wo,k Indicated Unc:tude name / addrt11 / phon, number / type of work):. ___________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SI0NATUIIE _____________ ..,... _______ _ ~co~:x..is.:.'l1c1:10MJ:QR.BP.N.1't,1i10~~ iifbi:iLtW • Ill the eppllc:ent Of future building occupant requlled to aubmll a IIUIMINI plen, NUllly ~cloul ffllllfllll raglallallon form or rlak m1n1g,ment end prov,ntlon prog,1m undtt Sectl-25605, 25633 or 26534 ol \he Prealey•T■tv1■r Hawcloul lubti-e Account Aot1 0 YU O NO t, the appllc:ant cw luture building oc:cupant required to obtain a p11mlt from lhl alt ,ollullon oonltol dlalllot or air quality m1n■g1m1nt dlatrlctl O YES O NO It the laclllty 10 be con■1Nc:t1d within 1,000 IHI of the ou111 boundl,y ol I aohool 11111 0 YU O N~ II' AHY 01' THE AHSWEU ARE YU, A FINAL CERTIFICATE 01' OCCUPANCY MAY NOT U IHUED UNWI THl Al'PUCANT HAI MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS 01' THl 0FFICI! 01' EMERGENCY IUIVICU ANO THI AUi POLLUTION CONTROL l»ITRICT. •{~~coNsJRuc1'1oN 1.EN01NG'AoENc~~~,lU"ait~ v1tim®v,~;.:1=•~:'"'· , , . I hereby efflrm that thtt• I• e c:on1truc:1lon lending eg,ney. for the pNformano, of tha work for whloh 1h11 permit le l11ued (Sec:. 309711) Clvll Cod,I. LENDER'S NAME____________ I.ENDUl'l 1.001\UI ;I_;.-·: .Am!CAln:;.WTIFICAT\OllJ,...J.j~tlPr,~,E,~~~~W I cartlly that I h1v1 r11d the appllcetlon and 1111, \hat tha 1bov1 lnlorm11ion II correot end that the lnlorm1tlon on the plena la ecc:u111,. I ,grH to comply with ,11 City ordin■nc:n Ind Stale t.we 1tlatlng to building conalluc:llon. I helaby au~l&o repr-tatlv11 of \hi City •f Carltb1d to •nter upon th, 1bov1 m1ntlon1d property fo, lnsp•ctlon purpou1, I ALSO AGREE TO SAVI, INDEMNlflY AND ltE.EP .HAAMWI THI CITY 01' CARLSIAO AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, C0STI AHD IXJ'ENSU WHICH MAY IN N4Y WAY ACCRUI AGAINIT IAl0 CITY IN C0NllQUENCI 01' THI GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: Ar, OSHA pa,mlt la 11quiled lor uc1v1Uona OVII 5•0· d1tp and demollllon or OONltUClion of l&rUCWIU OVII 3 ltOllll In height. EXP1RA TI0N: Every pa,mll laauad by the Building Ollldll undlf tha p,ovlalonl ol 11111 Codi ahlll upl,1 by llmltlllon and become null and void ii th, building or work 111\horind by auch permit la no& commanc:1d within 386 dtya from lhl dlt1 ol auoh permit o, If tha bulldlno o, work 1111horl1ed by 1uch permit 11 1usp1nd1d or abandoned at any llm-m.k II comm1nc1cl lot• pa,lod of 1'0 daya lkoUGn 101,4,4 Uniform Bulldlng Cocl1). 51 -/ / .-q f-" APPUCANT'ss10NAru ~=:::r:br6::u:1 oAu PERMIT# CB982523 DESCRIPTION: REPLACE 152 AND TYPE: PLUM CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 08/18/98 2 WATER HEATERS FOR 154 REDWOOD AV JOB ADDRESS: 152 REDWOOD AV STE: INSPECTOR AREA PLANCK# CB982523 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW LOT: APPLICANT: A & J FOSTER PLUMBING PHONE: 619-390-4477 OWNER: PHONE: _/2 CONTRACTOR: PHONE: ~ REMARKS: C/434-4266 AM PLEASE INSPECTO~~~~~.:::::::;::::::::::;:::::::~=c=~ SPECIAL INSTRUCT: HOMEOWNER WANTS TO MEET INSPECTR IN CASE ANYTHING IS WRONG. JUST IN CASE THEY DO NOT HOOK UP THE W.H. IS ON OUTSIDE OF B TOTAL TIME: CD 25 LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS PL _w_a_t_e_r_H_e_a_t_e_r_;_v_e_n_t_s ______ f--------------- -------------------------------------- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS