HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 401-6L; RP 00-17; KFC/TACO BELL CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE; 01-05I 15 1-gal 26 5-gal 2 I Hardenberala v. 'Happy Wanderer' 5-gal I ~ 17 I L.avondulo o. 'Munatead' 1-gol I (Single Story Wood Frame Garage) 15 12 5-gal I l"lcua our,lla I I Rhaohialenia i, 'Enchbntrllaa1 I 2 I Bauhinia variellata • • , 1 I Cu,.,ania,.,ala anacardlaldea ' >- i 71 1-gal Drawing Index ____ _ 1 Planting Pion E 2 Irrigation Plans 3 Details N 4-5 Specifications w ~ 0 5 10 15 s GRAPHIC SCALE I ' ~ e:, 1' WIDE NEENAH TRENCH DRAIN NO. 49999 W/'IYPE "L" GRATE MADISON STREET W/FLOGARD FOSSIi. FILTER i I I (Single Story Wood Frame Garage) a ~'-"" CJ< - Copvriqh:«, !2001, HIJ..ifl lo~p,;s f\rdi~d:i; m d<!isigns. drou.ing~ o,-,j pbns s.,t F,,,.tt, on this st,;,;.,t ""' th:!; orl(jml wori< pro~ci of, cwoed o,.,i ood or11 !tie i:<oPl'roi d HW'I Lorw:ls«1oe Arch1t<1<ts. ll,;e r,F this unrl< product is limt.,ci to ospacf"'d pr<:;,.::tof the purchaser of\O rc. for the COMtrctlLCn of ono 5peafi:: s,te. Anv o.=, re1JS0 ordis<:bsu,.,,of sod pl-:,,-,;_ ,-,--,,dfirntions, w,producto,-is, OOs",n ond/or orro1190=11ts other than bl,i HJ.IA ts. stoo:li, prohibted b,i low wtCOwt th0 wntt<'n pemissbnd HLLA Lor,;¼pe Adlilo>ds Planting Legend QUANT. SIZE BOTANICAL. NAME COMMON NAME COMMENTS TREES: 4 16-gal !!>auhlnla voriecioto PURPLE ORCHID TREE 4 4811-box Cuponlopela anacardlold•• CARROT WOOD , Cupanlopala onaoardloidea CARROT WOOD GREEN CARPET NATAL PLUM Plant • 24110.c, 1-901 Carleeo m. 'Green Carpet' --------+-----------1 !!>LUE CARPET JUNIPER Plant • 24110.c, 1-901 Junlperue h. 1Wlltonll1 ··--------j--------------i .. ,• SOD 6'cof J~!l~!1!1~~ Note&--------------------- -------,.....9PENir,iGS~.iit,1f"'fYfl'lant material• ahall be furniahad ta campl•t• th• work oa ahown by o aymbola on the Planting Plan. Plant lagand quantltiaa ara for th Controctora A b convenience only. Should It appear that the work to be done la not aufflclently ...... L, detailed or explained on theaa Plana, the Contractor ahall contact th• Landacape Architect for further clarlflcotlon oa may ba neceaaory, 2 ' Contractor aholl lnatoll root barrlara par datoll on ahaat L.~ on oil traaa within 10 feat of paved oreoa, I.a., aidewolka, curba, parking, etc. 4. 5. 6. Contractor aholl ramova oil vlnaa and aapollara from their nursery trallla and atoka Secure oil vlnea to wolla, fancea, trallia', columna, and arbors with approved foatene a, allowing for two (21 yeara growth. Submit aomple lo the L.andacapa Architect for approval prior ta planting inatoilotlon. Inatoil ~" deep loyar of orgonio bark mulch in oil non-turf planting araaa. Submit eample to City Inapector for approval prior to delivery to job alte. Sea Sheet L.~ , Ground Cover Detail, for "Plant Quantity Diagram" Sea Sheet L.~ and L.4 for L.ondacop• Detolla and Speclflcatlone. ~ © 7. Sea $olla report on Sheet 5 -Landacapa Specifications. 10(i+/-l.F Of 4' GE01EXTII.E WRAPPED, PERFORAT-!.D DRAIN PIPE INSTALLED 6'' BELOW SWALE VICINITY MAP I ® N.T.S. I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT. THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF THE PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEE PLAN, Fl RE PROTECT a..,,!Munatead' PARED PLAN, AND SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. _; • APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT'' TITLE _______ _ DATE REVIE\M:D BY: INSPECTOR DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 PLANTING PLAN FOR: '-H~w=-=-=~A:-'\-----~-=--t=-~"~"_: __ ,t-=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=---=--1=--=--1=-~t~1=--~1 KFCffACOBELL ------------t-+---f---+------11 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. landscape Architecture Site Planning l 070 (Mmrd Avenue Suite 125 Concorrl, Co. 94520 r~ 92S.:iM.7988 Fox92S.363.7290 HU.IA P,o_lect Number: 01.033 'I l---+---+-------------t---+---t---t----1I APP~~--_£ /j(/4,L.,I) f-zJ-CJz_.. ~N~~C~T"'"""'K _____ ,-=:=;D"'A~TEi====-11 f----t---+----------------t-:-=-+=,,,-+--:-:-::::-J---,--=c-il OWN BY: / / PROJECT NO. ,_o_A_r•~-•-•1_r1AL_+-o_A_:ra~-'"_1r1A_L--< CRVWDHKD BBIY/ __ --== RP 00-17 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL BY: DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF \MJRK REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWING NO. 401.6L I' (Tree Well w/5"rree) (Tree Well w/B"J>alm) a: 0 w C, ~ > 0 (Tree Well w/12"1>alm) ci!i ~ a: <( (.) (Tree Well w/5"rree) ~ I I E N s w 'I ' • • . ._. I I MADISON 0 5 10 15 GRAPHIC SCALE (Single Story Wood Frame Garage) r-_, _____________ _ I I I I ' (Single Story Wood Frame Garage) (4'wide Cone Ribbon Gutter) .. Irrigation Legend , Symbol Catologu• No. Monuf. D•ecrlpt,1on GPM PSI 1806-SAM-12Q1H Rainbird Shrub Pop-up .65/1.30 30 • V ~ • M-10Q1H1F Rainbird Shrub Pop-up .30/.79/1.58 30 D•toll No. 6 aht L.3 6 eht. L.3 66 l80o-SAM-8Q1H Rainbird Shrub pop-up .26/.52 30 6 aht. L.3 'V V 1806-SAM-5Q1H , Rainblrd Shrup Pop-up .10/.20 30 6 eht. L.3 [DO 1806-SAM-15EST,SST Rainbird Strip Spray .61/1.21 30 1--~--+-------~---+------ii---------i---~~-~----------r-------t--10 6 aht. L.3 • 1300A-F , Ralnblrd eubbler 1,0 7 eht. L.3 .... ' I @] 5CST-B Rainbird Stream eubbler .5 30 100-PEe Roinbird Remote Control Valve 44-LRC , Rainblrd Quick Couoler Valve 825Y-1 1/411 Febco Reduced Preeeure eackflow ESP-8LX• Rainbird Woll Mount Controller Rain Check Rainbird Rain Check Cloea 200 PVC Lateral Line Pipe 11t 1211 Min. Depth Schedule 40 PVC Main Line Pipe • 1811 Min. Depth 6 aht. L.3 2 eht. L.3 3 eht. L.3 1 eht. L.3 e:,_ Controller Station \!&' Valve Size ~-Maximum Flow IGPMJ Through Volv• Irrigation Note 1. 2. 4, 5. 6. The irr'igotion deaign for thla project la diagrammatic. All piping, volvea, etc., ehown within paved areaa or outalde of the deeignated londecape area la for clorlflcatlon only and ehall be installed within planting areae where poeeible. Avoid any conflict• between the irrigation eyetem, planting and architectural feature&. lnetoll pop-up heode within 101 of oil Pedeatrion u•••· Do no/ willfully lnetall the irrigation eyetem oe ehown on the drawing• when It ie obvioue in the field tho! conatruction, grade difference& or difference& in the oreo dimeneione axial that might not have been conaidered in the engineering. Such obstruction or difference• ehould be brought to the attention of the Owner'• authorized repreeentotive. In the event !hie notification le not performed, the Landaeope Contractor ehall aeaum• full reeponaibility for any revlalone neceaeary. It ie th• reeponelblllty of the Londecape Contractor to be fomlllor with oil grade differencea, location of walla, retaining walla, etc. Coordinate all work with th• General Contractor and other aubcontroctora for the lnetallotion of pipe aleevea through wolle, under roodwaya, paving, etructuree, etc. Contro'ctor to coordinate 120 VAC to controller to be provided by Electrlcal Contractor. Verify location of controller In the field. Contrdctor to coordinate the lnetallotlon of electrloal conduit from the controller to the ~ nearest planting ar•a to be provided by the Electrlcal Contractor. " 105+1-LF 0£ 4" GEOTEXTiLE0NRAP-Sheet& L.3 and L.4 for Irrigation Detail• and Specification&. PERFORAT-fiD DRAIN PIPE INSTALLED , 6' BEL.OW SWALE 8. All work ehall be completed in accordanc• with the lateat editlona of the Uniform 0 u euildinl3 Code, Notional Electrical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code and oil local oodee and ordinoncea which apply. The Contractor ahall check all plane aupplled for th• project, verify Job alt• conditione, and immediately notify the Londacop• Architect of any dlacreponclea found. Should It appear that the work to be done, or any matter relative thereto, le not eufflclently detailed or explained on theae plane, the contractor eholl contact the londacope architect for further clorlflcotlon oa may be neceeaory "AS BUil T' TITLE _______ _ REVIEWED BY: APPROVED ~~1/J/ 1---t---t--~--------------+---t----t---t---, ASf ISTANT .-LAN G DIRECT 1------t---+-----------------+---+--+---t---1 DIIVN BY: --1 PROJECT NO. 1--"-A_TE__,_1H1_TIA_L-+-_D_A_TE__,_1N_ITI_AL..., CRVWDHKD ~Yy=-. --RP 00-17 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF'v\ORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE Y-2./. ./' DATE I DRAWING NO. 401.&L 1 2 -~'--'---i-.o, - r--Febeo 825Y Reduced Preeeure eaekflow lnetall per CMWD etandard dwg. W-20 :!>011 Max 1211 Min (Refer fo Local Codee) 11-111 Im 111, ,_ ·.,.,..,. --·I . • I l!:>roee Fllllnge 1------1!:>roee Nipple 14'r-t-'--)➔ To 9yetem Irrigation Mainline '----Seh, 40 Mole Adopter '-----Elroea f"iltlng Reduced Pressure Bockflow n.t.s. ..--30·Inoh Linear Length of Wire, Coiled ,---Waler Proof Connection (1 of 2) ,---ID Tag Valve l!:>ox with Cover Flnlah Grode/Top of Mciloh Remote Control Valve: See I rrigotion Legend I-IH-----PVC SCH 40 en 0 c::50~ Q51r'~l::±:;,---PVC SCH 80 Nipple LJI k::::'.::::::,,J---l:!>riok (1 of 4) °::::::7'--t1'i:==~~~'.:::::t:~~--SCH 80 Nipple (2·1nch Length, = Hidden) and SCH 40 Ell '--PVC Mainline Pipe PVC SCH 40 Tee or en PVC SCH 40 Mole Adopter PVC Lateral Pipe 3,0•Inch Mlnlmcim Depth of 3/4-Ineh Woahed Grovel Remote Control Valve n.t.s. ,----Valve l!:>ox With Cover: 6·!noh Size ,-----Qcilok·eocipllng Volve: See Irrlgotlon Legend ,---f"inlah Grode/Top of Mciloh r-1~----:!>·Inch Minimum Depth of 3/4-lnch Woehed Grovel PVC SCH 80 Nipple (Length as Required) ~~~r-----1!:>rlok 11 of 2) ,----PVC SCH 80 Nipple (Length as R eq ciired) ~T(:::::::2:Jf'4;~==~;::====PVC SCH 40 Street en I :::, PVC SCH 40 Tee or en '------PVC Molnnne Pipe -----PVC SCH 40 Ell -----PVC SCH 40 Street en 211 x 211 Redwood Stoke w/ Sloinleaa Steel Gear Clompw or Equivalent Support Syatem Quick Coupler Valve n.t,s. I I i' I I 4 5 6 7 --+-HYl:!>RID CONTROLLeR: 0 RAIN l!:,IRD esp SERIES OUTDOOR WALL MOUNT 1.5·INCH PVC SCH 80 CONDUIT AND f"ITTINGS Jt---1--1,---JUNCTION l!:>0)( 1-INCH PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT TO POWl:R &UPPL Y --W!Res TO ReMoTe CONTROL VALVES Woll Mount Controller n.t.s. r--edge of Paving ,--P"lnlah Gr-ode/Top of Mulch ~-Lawn Pop·cip Spray Sprinkler: See Irrigotion Legend PVC SCH 80 Nipple (Length as Required) '--Street en, Size oa Req. '----PVC Lateral Line, Size ae Req, Lown pop-up n.t.s. l'"iniah Grode/Top of Mulch Pop-up Sproy Sprinkler (See Irrigation Legend for Monuf.) r--1'-----Street en, Size aa Req. '--Street en, Size oa Req. ~---PVC Loler-ol Line, Size aa Req. Shrub Pop-up n.t.s. T .5" MIN ~----~cibbler, See Irrigation legend r---r-lnlah Grode/ Top or Mulch UV 1'adlont f'liesiatant 1/2 Inch PVC SCH ao Nipple (L.ength oa -1-R~~,!,9=~~--f'lieqcilredl ~-----1 • SCH 40 ) Marlex Street Ell'a '---PVC SCH -40 Te• or Eli '-----PVC Lateral Pipe Bubbler n.t,s, I . I . I Ii 8 9 Plant Quantity Diagram SPACING 'A' SPACING 'I!:,' NO. OF PLANTS/S.F. 6" O.C, 5.2011 4.60 911 O,C, 6,9511 2.60 911 o.c. 7.7911 1.75 1011 O.C. 8.8611 1.66 12 II O,C 10.4011 1.75 --·-·· 1511 O.C, 15,0011 0.74 1811 O.C, 15,6011 0.51 2411 o.c. 20.8011 0.29 3011 o.c. 26,0011 0.18 ·--·--·--·· 3611 O.C. 30.0011 0.12 -----· o:c. 4811 40,0011 ~-----"'""-' -., -· ---0.07 7211 o.c. 62.5511 0.04 See gr-ound cover legend for maximum trlongulor- epocln!;J 'A'. Thia chart la to be uaed lo determine number-of ground oovar plonte r-equir-ed in g given greo, Rooted outtlni:ia from liner-a, flare or 1 gal contalner-e 811 tilled aoii with cmmendment 3 11 fir bark 3/411·1/211dic D ---Rip aubgr-ade 1211 ii 'y.,.L _____ •_equal dlatano• triangular epooing 1A1 • Nole: Ground Cover mual be placed the aame dlatonce from Iha edge of our-b or pavement oa lhe deaignoted o.o. apocing. Diagram for uee when F>lonte are •F>aoed equldiatant from each other-09 In 011 ground cover plantings and moaaed ahr-ub plontinga. Ground Cover Planting n.t.e. Lt:iCNOz Pt:TACHt:P IIPt:WAI II -.h='!'="""' @ INSTALL 11' Dl!l!P -7 -,---1 ---r -1--ROOT &ARfUeR: AT eoGe ~ 1 m·'"'AL~ l!DGI! OI" 01" ~,n &IOl!WALK IIIOl!W.a.L-1<' --'-:.,----I-'"--'-·· .L __ , __ -® INSTALi. 24' ~ -TRI!!! TRUNK Dl!l!P ROOT ~ IIARRll!R AT IIACK ====----=yr: == OF' CURie> l"AOI! 01" CURll...::7·-•'<;_eACK 01" CURii MONOLITHIC CUJ!D ANP llPCWALIC INSTALi. 1411 ftOOT 9ARRil!R IN \ ---,----1---r --9NTINUOUS Ll!NGTH WITHIN I TRI!!! Wl!I.I. -~ljWAI.K"iSt;::: ~~~~ -------------~,'GI! "" ~ NAil:8· --------------· - 1, 18• ROOT IIARRll!R AN0 24' ROOT &ARRll!R &HALI. 111! HIGH 01!NSITY AND HIGH IMPACT PLASTIC AS AVAIL.AOL.I! l"ROM 'Dl!l!P ftDOT', ~4& LORTON •ve., SUITe 10:)1 &UftLINGTON, CA 84010 AT 1 .. 800-4.&8·7&&&1 0~ l"ROM "ROOT SOLUTIONS", IN01 ~279 KITCHl!N DRIV!!, CARSON CITY, N~VADA 897011 AT 1-702.~788-9&77, 2. TOP 01" ROOT !IAftRll!R SHALi. ee seT 1/2•1NCH•A!IOVI! l"INIBH!!D GRAD!! 01" SOIL, !IUT UNDl!R NO CIRCUMBTANCl!S SHALL THI! TOP OP' ROOT IIARRll!R l!XTl!ND AIIOVI: ADJACl:!NT CUR&, 110!:WAI.K OR OTHeR HARD &URl"ACING, AND 8HAI.I. 111! INSTALLl!D IN ACCORDANCI! WITH MANUl"ACTUR!!R1S INSTRUCTION&. Root Barrier n.t.e. DATE: AUGUST 13, 2002 11 ' ' 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 r:P 0 8 0 oo O cf) 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 311 toyer-or-,....., mulch I••• apeee,J Note: 0 0 0 0 0 311 dlo, lodgepole pine tree stoke • eat per-pendioulor to pr-evoiiing winde. Top of etoke minimum 611 below tree canopy. -Gr-o Stroit rr-ee tie 4/ tree, Nall to atcke w/ goiv. nalla Water-b0ein die. 3 tlmea die. of rootboll Planting !)It ehall be 2x diameter- and 1-f/2 tlmee aa deep. of rootboll Uae 21 gram Agr-ifor-m tabs oa follows: One (11 per-1·gal container- Three (31 F'er 5-gal contoiner- Five 151 per-15-goi container- or per Manufacturer-a wrillen Speclficationa, 10 Tree Planting n.t.e. Nole: ..___ "oolball >----1!:>ockriil mix Planting pit aholl be 2x diameter- and 1·f/2 tlmea oa deep. of rootboll Use 21 gr-am ogriform tobleta, Shrub plontlnga muet be placed the eome dletonce fr-om the edge of curb or pavement oa the ahr-ub apoolng Indicated on the Drawings. Shrub Planting n.t.s. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE "AS BUil T11 DATE ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: (c,p,.,r,qri(b2001, 'iWI'! '.o"dsa:iOC i'tth1X1<:ts All dM,gr\S. droWV\g?, and r,l,ir,s s"'t forth on rr, .. •-lw,N ,,,.,. th~ <>N9rol work proc:h.><( o' owmid by and Of$ the prop,!MV ofJ-tJ.fl l.<;,"<t<:<lp, Prchlt-,cl~. llw of this worn produ:t IS l:t'rad to<: 'i!W(thr,d '""'F>''"F tM f'.k.'r<:h05f>racd 15 fo· the ,;onstruc:t,on ofuo,;, >P<'tfa ,re 9n~• v,,a, reuse ordosda$uro of !;01:;I plans, mod1hcabons. ~,.:,rcd..!clom. ,J..-,S<Jn ord/m orronc,..,-,,o,,,t~ <;tf,o,, lhcm bv rtJJl'I rs scr>ctlv pot.bled bv \;;M.L w,thcu: !he w'ncmn ,:,armrss,;,n <>fHUFI Lonct;cop!) Rr::h11.;ocls ' I HWA L0ndscope Architecture Site Plonnlng IO 10 Concord flveriue S11it<-"-·2s (onwrd, Cc. 94500 Pho7e Q2S.363.7288 f-ox 925.363. 72',;D Ht.LR l'n:>Je<.:t Nurber: 01.033 I, APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE ......... -SFF\" FIi 01 9f IYM fl OAT< INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I I. ' I ' I II · ! I AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT I SHSTS I DETAIL SHEET FOR: KFCITACO BELL CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. APPROVED ~:,. /4".ft 9-~~ ASS_ISTA., • PLA.::;~IRFC 0 DATE D'IIIN BY: --1 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO, DATE. IHITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKDBY: __ RP 00-17 OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPAOVAL 401.6L RVWDBY: • J • J •. ...:.~. ·~-.. • + • -• - SECTION 2441 -LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK SPECIF"IED Providing all labor, moterfals, equipment. tools, tronaportatton, and eervlces neceseory to Install a complete and operatlonol outomotfc Irrigation system as required by the Drawfngs and Spectftcatlons; lncludlng, but not necessarily llmlted to the followlng: A. Excavation, book filllng, compaction, and finish grading of trenches as required. B. Electrlcol eupply to the Irrigation controller. C. Automatically controlled Irrigation system. 0. Test all systems and make operative. E. "As-bu lit" drawings. 1.02 INSPECTION OF" CONDITIONS 1.03 1.04 1.011 1.015 1.07 1.0!! 1.09 1.10 1.11 A. Examine related work and ■urfactu1 before ■tortlng work of thle: sectlon. Report to the Landscape Architect, In wrltlng, conditions which wlll prevent the proper provlslon of this work. Beglnnlng the work of this section w1thout report1nt; u"ault~~I• ~"ndlU.,n1 I" ll'!e Lond1oe~• Ar.,l'!li•ai c.,n,tltu!!!■ oceeptanee of conditions by the Landscape Contractor. Any required removal. repair or replacement of this work caused by unsultobte condlttons to be done at no addltlonal cost to the Owner. B. Review the 11tte condttlons and verify thot the lrr1gotlon system wlll provide adequate coverage as Intended. Notify the Londecope Architect In the event of ony discrepancies so that they may be reviewed and design changes mode Os might be necessory. CODES, RULES AND SAF"ETY ORDERS A. All work and materials to be In full accordance with th• latest rules and regulatfons of safety orders of the Dlvtslon of Industrial Safety, the Uniform Plumbing Code published by the Western Plumbing Offlclale Aseoclatlon and other oppllcoble laws or regulations. Nothing In these drawings and specifications le to be construed to permit work not conforming to these codes. Should the construction documents or Instructions be at variance with the afore- mentioned rulee and regulatlons, notify the Landscape Architect and obtain Instructions before proceeding with the work affected. B. Furnfah and maintain oil warning signs, shoring, borrloodes, red lonterng, etc. as required by the Safety Orders of the DlvlsJon of lndustrlal Safety and local ordinances. STANDARDS A. Cornmerotal Stondarda (C) -oa In eooperotlon wfth Commodity Standards Division of the Oftrce of Technfcol Services, BuslnesB and Defense Services Administration and with the National Bureau of Standards available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402. PERMITS AND FEES A. Obtain all permits and pay required fees to any governmentot agenoy hovfng Jurisdiction over the Work. Arrange Inspections required by local agencies and ordlnonces during the course of construction cts requlred. APPROVAL A. Wherever the term• •approve", •approval'" or approved'" or• used In the epectflcotlons they meon approved of the Landseape Architect In wrlttng. WORK SCHEDULE A. Submit o proposed work ■ohedule at leo■t 30-doya prior to start of work under this section. After approval no modiftcatlon shall be made to this schedule wlthout written authorization. F'RE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Schedule a pre-construction conferenc• with the City Inspector at least 15-doys before beginning work under this section. The purpose of this conference ls to review questfons the Landscape Contractor may have regarding the Work. administrative proceduree: durlng construction and thtt project work schedule. 8. The Landscape Contractor shall toke necessary precoutlon1 to protect site condrttone. Should damage be Incurred the Landscape Controctor shall repair damage to fta original condition or furnish and Install equal replacement at his expense. SUBSTITUTIONS A. Brands of Irrigation equipment hove been aetected by the Landscape Architect to meet certain requirements, one of the primary being that all materiel brands used on this Work shall be ovolloble from three (3) or more distributors with branch outlets In the county of the Project and within 45 minutes normal driving time. B. Specific referenc"'s to manufacturers' namea and products spectfled In thle 8ectlon are ueed ae etondards, but this Implies no right to subetltute other moterlal or methods without written approval of the Landscape Architect. C. lnstallatlon of any approved eubstltutlone le the Landscape Contractor's reaponslbll1ty. Any change■ required for lnstaltatton of any approved substitution must be mode to the sotlsfact1on of the City Inspector and without additional cost to the Owner. lnablllty to supply the equipment specified shall not be sufflclent reason for substltutron. o. Verbal approval of 11ubstltuted equipment ond/or dlmenelonol drowtngs does not wave these requirements, unteea confirmed by the Londscope Architect In writing. PROTECTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The Londocope Contractor shall oquolnt himself with all site eondltfons. Should utllltles or other work not shown on the plane be found during excovotlone, the Londscope Contractor shall promptly notify the Landscape Archltect or Owner for further Instructions as to further action. F"aflure to do s.o will make the Landscape Contractor liable for any and al'I damage thereto arising from his operation• subsequent to discovery of such utllltlee not shown on the drawing!!!. COORDINATION A. Coordinate and cooperate with other contractors to enablo the work to proceed as rapidly and efflcfently as ?Osalble. . ' I I ' 1.12 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Protect work and moterlols under this seetfon from damage durlng construction and storage. Protect polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and fittings from direct sunllght. Beds on which pipe ls stored must be full length of pipe. Oo not use ony pipe or fitting that has been damaged or dented. 1.1:5 SAMPLES A. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyze somplel!I of materlale for conformity to spectflcatlona at ony time. The Londscop6 Contractor shall furnish samples upon request by the Londecape Architect. Rejected materials sholl be immediately removed from the slte and replaced cit the Landscape Contractor's e)(pense. The cost of testing of mater!ols folllng below standords shall be paid by the Landscape Contractor. 1.14 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A. Prepare on • AS-Built" drawing which ■hall show deviation a from the bid documents mode during construction affecttng the mofnllne pipe, controller locotlons, remote control valves. all sprlnkler heads, and lateral trnes. 8. The drawings shall be reproducible. reverse mytor line drawings and shalt be drafted by o quotlfled draftsperson by hand or by comp1.Ji•r. C. The drawings shall lndlcot• and •how approved eubstltutfon ■ of ■lze, moterlal <:and manufacturer•• name and catalogue name and catalogue number. 0. The r-eproductble drowlnga shall be deHvered to the Landecope Architect before final acceptance of the Work. 1.15 OPERATIONS MANUAL A. upon completion of the 1rrfgot1on ■yatem. ond Cl ■ eondltfon of lts acceptance, delJv,er to the Landscape Architect two (2) copies of a manual compiled In accordance with the Speclflcotlons, lncludlng o copy of the Irrigation watering schedule and reductfons of the As-Bullt Drowlngs as referenced ln Section 1.14. 1.1 IS GUARANTEE A. The landscape Contractor shell 111.Jbmlt to the Owner, a written guarantee coverlng the entire lrrfgotlon ayatem against defects ln moterlals and lnatollotlon for o period of one (1) year from the dote of acceptance of this Work by the Landscape Architect and the Owner. Written Guarantee cards for the Irrigation controller, and other equipment requiring registration, shall be Included and attached with the Landscape Contractor'e guarantee. PART 2 PRODUCT$ 2.01 PLASTIC PIPE A. General: All material ■ throughout the aystem ahall be new and In perfect condition. After award of the Contract and prior to beginning work. the Landscape Contractor shall submit for approval six (5) copies of the complete 11st of materials which he proposes to lnstoll. Quontltfe!I of materlol9 and equipment need not be Included. No devlottone: from the specifications ehall be allowed without prior written approval. B. All plastic pipe eholl be new. free from defects, continuously and permanently marked with the following lnformatlon: Manufacturer'• nome. pipe size, IPS size. type of material, and code number. C. Pressure molnllnes shall be PVC 1120-1220, NSF polyvln)4 chloride, pressure rated minimum Schedule 40, meeting ASTM D-2241, ■olvent weld. D. Non-preesure llnee •hall be PVC 1120-1220, NSF polyvln~ chloride, prestiure rated minimum Class 200, meeting ASTM D-2241, solvent weld. 2.02 PLASTIC FITTINGS AND NIPPLES A. All lateral line fittings shall be typ• 1-11, NSF" polyvln~ chloride, minimum Schedule 40, eolvent weld, ASTM D-2466-76A &: 17B4-75. B. All riser oeoembly fitting• for valves and sprinkler heads shall be type 1-11, NSF polyvln~ chloride, minimum IPS Schedule BO. ASiM 17B5, die threaded ot both ends. 2.0:5 PVC SOLVENT, PRIMER AND LUBRICANT A. Use only plastic pipe solvent approved by NSF and UPC ASTM D-2564-66T, and as recommended for use by the manufacturer of the plastic pipe. e. Uae only plostle pipe primer 0pprovt1d by NSF ond UPC, and as recommended for use by manufacturer of the plastic pipe. C. All cone shall hove labels Intact and stamped with the date of the manufacturer. No cons doted one year aid will be permitted. 2.04 GALVANIZED PIPE, F"ITTINGS AND JOINT COMPOUND A. Pipe nipples shall be domeotlc hot-dip galvanized steel pipe, NSF Schedule 40, threaded both ends, and reamed burrs and l!lcale removed, complying with the requirements of ASTM A-120 or ASTM A-53-67. B. Flttlngl!I shall b"' domestic galvonlzed Iron. NSF' Schedule -40, threaded, with burrs and l!ICole removed. C. Joint compound for all threaded connection• ■hall b• Rector Seal or approved equal. 2.05 AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLER A. The lrrlgotlon controller shall be wall mount, 120V with 24V output to eolenold valves, micro-processor-based. eoltd state, copeoble of providing (8) tndlvlduol control circuits for volve111. lrrlgotlon controller shall be manufactured by Hardie Irrigation or approved ,eiquol. 2.oe BACKF"LOW PREVENTION A. Backflow prevention device shall be a reduced pressure backflow preventer, IPS 1-1/4H as Indicated on the Drawings. Model 825Y. oa manufactured by Febco Manufocturlng Company. OI"' approved equal. B. Bookflow prevention device aholl be ccipeable of befno te1t•d, Inspected end repaired without removing the unit from the line. 2.07 QUICK COUPLER VALVE A. Quick coupler valves l!lhall be of bro1111 construction, two piece body and locking vln)'t cover. sized ae Indicated on the Drawlnge. oe manufactured by Ralnblrd Manufacturing Compony1 or approved equal. i I B. Quick coupler valve control keye shall match type, size, and manufacturer of valve. Provide with swivel hose ell SH-2 os manufactured by Rolnblrd Manufacturing Company, or opp roved equal. c. Contractor sholl supply four (4) valve key/swivel ell oesemblles to the Owner upon completion of the work ot Final fnspectron. 2.0!! REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Remote control valves shall be constructed of corrosion resistant moterfols and stalnlsess steel hordwore. 24V electric, removeoble, tamper-resistant, flow control handle, sized os requlred, as manufactured by Hardie, or approved equal. B. Valve IPS ehall be ae Indicated for each location. 2.09 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE AND CONNECTORS A. Low voltog• wire shall be ULUF", direct burial, PVC eased wire (Ur #12 coded white for common and UF" #14 coded red for control). e. Control wire connectors ehall be Snop-tlte ST-03 with PVC sealant. UL approved for water reslstont PVC copper wlres. 0. Eleetrlc conduit ce may be l"equll"ed eholl rn••t the requirements of State ,and local electrlcol codes, UL approved. 2.10 VALVE BOXES A. Valve bo)(es for remote control valve oasemblles and quick coupler v<llves sholl be plastic pits with bolt-down lld, as manufactured by Car-son, or approved equal. 2.11 SPRINKLER HEADS A. All sprinkler heads shall be model, dlometer, patterns, GPM and manufacturer os indicated on the Drawings, or approved equal. PART 3 INSTAI I ATJQN 3.01 EXCAVATION AND BACKF"ILL A. Th• landacape Contractor eholl perform all n•c•••ary exeovotlon for the lnstalloUon of all work lncluded In the contract. B. After the work has been Installed. Inspected and approved by the City Inspector following a 4 hr preoeure teot at 125 PSI, oll excovotlone eholl be bockfllled. Only ffnely pulverized granular soil shall be used rn bockf11l1ng. Trenches shall be filled to opproxlmotely 3/4 capacity and then water- settled until alt voids are filled. When atoblllty hos returned to the partially filled trench, the balance shall be backfllled ond ogoln water-settled. Again when stable, complete ffll with topsoll to 2" above flnleh grade. C. Settling of backfilled trenchee, which may occur during one (1) yeor period after acceptance of the Irrigation oystem, sholl be repaired lncludlng restoration of any or oll damaged plantlng, paving, or other lmprovements: by the Landscape Contractor ot no addltlonol cost to the Owner. D. Mechanical trench digger• used on the olte shall be of an approved type with straight sides. Trenches shall be ample In size to accommodate the plpe(s) to be lold and deep enough to provide the mlnJmum cover from flnlsh grade as shown on the lrrlgotlon Drawings. E. Pipe lnetollotlone shall comply with Section• 111000 and 15050 and the latest edltlon• of the International As3oclatlon of Plumbing and Mechanical Offlclal11 (IAPMO). F'. Perform all exoovotlon8 oa required for the lnatallotlon of the work Included under this section. Restore all surface■, existing underground lnstollotfons. etc .•. damaged or cut os a result of the excavations to their orlgln<.11 conditions and fn a manner approved by the Owner. Trenches shall be mode wide enough to allow o minimum of 6-fnches between parallel pipe tine•. J.02 PIPING A. Piping layout shall be ln oocordonce with the Drawings. B. Carefully Inspect all pip• and fittings b•fore lnatallatron. remave an dirt, scale and burrs, and ream as necessary. C. Wher6 not Indicated on th• Drowlnge and O•talla, minimum aoll coverage shall be 4" for drlpperllne, 12" for non- pressure lateral lines and 18" for pressure moln lines and low voltage electrlcol wlre!I. D. Use th• apeclfled prlm•r and solvent, making all Joints In accordance with the monufocturer's recommended methods. Allow at least 15 minutes set-up time for solvent weld Joints before preseurtzlng pipe with water. E. Plastlo to steel Joints: Work all steel joints first. Use joint compound on all threads, tighten with pipe wrench. 3.03 BACKF't.OW DEVICE A. Bookflow prevention device shall be lnstolled a• Indicated on Sheet L-3 of the Drawings. 3.04 QUICK COUPLER VALVES A. Qulek coupler valves shall be Installed 01 Indicated on Sheet L-3 of the Drawings. J.05 REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Remot• control volves shall be Installed as Indicated on Sheet L-.'5 of the Drawlng11. 3.05 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND LOW VOLTAGE WIRING A. Coordinate 120V power connection for lnstollatlon of controller at the locatlon Indicated on the Drawings. B. Sprinkler controller chorts, consisting of reduced photostatic reproductions of Aa-bullt Irrigation Plona, and the Irrigation Watering Sohedule 11hall be laminated 1n plastic and posted ne)(t to or mounted inside the controller cover. C. Low voltage wiring •hctll hove a minimum 110H cover of 18". or be Installed In appropriate conduit, with all the splloes mode In bo)(es, using the manufacturer's published dlrectlons. 3.07 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler h•ode shell be t)1)•• a■ fndfeoted on the Drawing•. 8. lnatall eprlnkler head• In ocoordance with Detoll ■ on Sheet L-3 of the Drawings. C. After lnstollatton, thoroughly clean and adjutlllt all nozzles and heads for mounting height and clearances. I 1 ··· ! i I 3.0!! INSPECTIONS AND TESTS A. Coll the Londscope Architect for lnep.ectlons at least 4B- hours prior to anticipated ln•pectlon. B. Inspection of completed lnatollatlon wffl be mode by the Landecape Architect prior to backfilling of trenches and will be made during hydrostatic testlng. C. Moke hydrostatic teeto when weld.,d PVC joints hove cured ot least 2.4-hours and with risers capped. Apply eontinuou ■ static water pressure of 100 psi as follows: 1. All piping on the pressure side of control valves shall be tested for 4-hours. 2. All piping on the non-pressure alde of the control valve• ■hall be tested for 2-hours. 0. Leoks resulting from tests shall be repaired and tests r-epeoted until syetem passes tests. E. Equipment teat: The Landscape Contractor shall operate each valve by the controller, prior to planting to ensure correct functioning of the system. Sprinkler heads and drlpper systems shall be checked to determine that they function acc:0rdin9 to thelr manufacturer'• data and 9lv• full coverage according to tntent of the Orowlng■. A:eploce any sprinkler■ and drlpperllnes no-t functioning aa specified with sfmltor heads and drlpperllnes that do function properly. 3.09 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Work under this sc!!totlon wlll b• accepted by the Landscape Architect upon satisfactory complet!on of all work. Upon final oee•ptance, the Owner wlll assume responslblllty for molntenonee of the Work. Sold assumption does not relieve the Landscape Contractor of obllgatlons under warranty. B. Submlttole to be provided at final Inspection: • Operotfons Manuals • Reproducible As-Butlt Drawtng:t • frrlgotlon Watering Schedules • Wrenches and keys specified • Contractor's written guoronte:• • Manufacturer's warranty reglstro1tfon eords :3.10 CLEAN-UP A. Keep all area• of work clean, neot and orderly at all times, Keep paved areas clean during Installation. Cleon up all debris from the entlre work orea prior to ffnol oeeeptonce to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect ond the Owner. Remove all debris resulting from the wor-k of this sectlon. END OF" SECTION SECTION 02480 -LANDSCAPE PLANTINQ 1.01 WORK SPECIFIED A. Furnish all nec•eaory labor and materials for eolf preparation, installation of lawns, ground covers, shrubs and trees In accordance with landscape drawings and as specified h~reln. Work Includes. but ls not necess<:1rfly llm1ted to, the foll owing: 1. Sit• preparation Including the removal of weeds and rubble. 2. F"lnlsh grading. 3. Soll preparation. 4. Installation of plant moterlofs. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Irrigation System 8. londscope Maintenance 1.03 INSPECTIONS Section 02441 Section 02499 A. The Londocopa Contractor shall glv• 4S-hour•' notice <lnd •et appointments for oll Inspection ■ by the Londecope Architect and City Inspector. B. Inspections by the Lcmdscape Architect ahall be scheduled for the followlng operations: 1. Approvol of all plant moterlole. 2. Prellmlnary pre-maintenance tn1pe¢tlon. 3. F"lnal lnspectlon. C. The prellmlnary, pre-maintenance ln•pectlon •hall be called for ot the end of all plontlng operat1on• for the purpo•• of determining campllonce with plane and specifications. workmanship and clean-up. The Landscape Contractor shall secure written verification of rnsp~ctlon data and any corrections required to work. If all work la ooceptoble, the malntenance period shall begin. If unocceptoble, the Landscape Contr-octor ■hall corr•ct the deflcleneles and requett another Inspection. DATE: AUGUST 13, 2002 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE D. F"lnal lnopectlon shall be made ot the end of the required maintenance perlod for full approval of the landscape work. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All landscape work shall be performed by personnel experienced In the work required and work shall be performed under the direction of a sklHed foreman. 8. Provide plant materlole correctly labeled. true to name and variety os eetabllshed by the "lnternatronol Code of Botanical Nomenclature• (doted 1972, Utrlch, Netherk:inds. for the lnternatlonol A!lsoclotlon of Plant Taxonomy) and os amended. C. Provide trees. shrubo, and other plants complying with the recommendations and requlrements of ANSI 260.1 for type and species required. Provide single stem tree except where special forms are shown or lleted. D. Provide tree slzel!I listed or shown and with branching configuration recommended by ANSI 260.1 for type and species required. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS A. No 1ubetltutlon1 of plant moterlol ■ will be permitted without the written approval of the Landscape Architect. 1.06 SCHEDULE OF" WORK A. Upon award of the contract o satisfactory work schedule shall be eubmltted to the Owner and/or Landscape Architect for carryfng out the work. No modifications shall be made to thle schedule whlch hove not been approved by the Owner. 1.07 ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS A. All local, munfclpal and state laws and rules and regulatlons governing or relatlng to any portlon of thlei work are hereby Incorporated Into and made o port of theso speclflcotlons and their provfstons shall b~ carried out by the Londscap,e Contractor. Anything contained In the speclflcotlon!I shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations or requrrements of some. However. when the apecftrcotions and/or drawings eotl for or describe materials, workmanshlp. or construction of a better quotftyj higher standard or larger siz.e, specifications ond/or drawing• shall toke precedence over the requirements of sold rules ond regulations. 1. O!! DELIVERY, STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Plant moterlol shall be detlvered to the arte In covered carrlera to prevent plants from being windblown. Plant• stored on site shall be kept molst and maintained In o healthy condrtlon, e. Oellver ferttllzer In woterproof bag ■ showlng weight, ehemlcol cnalys1s and nome of manufacturer. C. Plante shall be protected upon arrival at the site by being watered thoroughly ond properly maintained until planted by covering wfth wet soil, peat moss. sultable: straw mulch moterlol or other approved method. 0. Plant• aholl not remain unprotected for o period 9)(ceedlng 24 hours. E. Planting areas and plants sholl be protected ogolnat tre11possln9 and damage of ony kind. If any pfants become damaged or lnjur-ed they shall be treated or reploced at no additional cost to the Owner. No work shall be done within or over plantlng areas or adjacent to plont11 without proper aofeguords and protectlon. F. Plan1: motertols ore subleet. to ln•peetlon and approval, or rejeotlon, on the alte at any time by the Landscape Architect for alze, variety, condlt1on. latent defects. or Injuries. Rejected plant materials shall be lmmedlotely removed from the site ond replaced. 1.09 WARRANTY A. The Landscape Cohtracfor shall pro·vlde o 1-yeiar warranty - on all plant moterlols from dote of plant materfal acceptC1nce. B. Plant material found dead, or not in a healthy growing condition. shall be replaced. Replacement plant moterlo11 shall be of same size and ape-clee with a new worranty commencing on the dote of replocement. 1.10 AS-BUil T DRAWINGS A. Prepare "As-Bunt'" drowfng■ which sholl show deviations from the bld document11 mode during construction effecting the plantlng Installation. B. The drawings ehall be reproduclble, reverse mylar-tine drcwfnge and eholl be drafted by o quollfled draftsperson. C. The drawings •hall Indicate and show approved substitutions, botonlcol and common name, size and quantity of materlot. 0. The reproducible: drowlngs shall be deltvered to the Landscape Architect before ffnat acceptance of the Work. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUil T" TITLE ________ _ REVIEWED BY: DATE INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I f-----+---+----------------+---1----+----l-----l~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 f----+---+-------------------+---+---+---+-----1 r I I HWA LandS<ope An:hitedure Site Planning l 072 Cor'lccrd "1vMue Suite l ~.) Cor1mrd. Co. 911-Sffi Phone 925,363.7288 Fux 92':>.363. 72'-rJ HWA~LNm•Wr, 0l.033 II i i I LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS FOR: KFCffACO BELL CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. APPROVED ~./ "/.// .A _ _, 'iv'/~~ o:----L~~-~~,~~=ITT >-----+----+----------------+---+----+---+---------< ""As"'s'"1s""T"'"AN"'T""'P""'~",;Af G DIRECJ~ DATE t---t----,>------------------,t----l---t----+-----1 DWN BY: __ 1--D-AT_E_,_,_._IT_IAL_+-_D_A_TE_..__,._IT_IA_L-i I CHKD BY: -- RVWD BY: OATIS INITIAL ENGINEE:.ROF\r\ORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ' . ·,·-·•-1· .I .. ' Ii ,: PROJECT NO. RP 00-17 DRAWING NO. 401.&L (SECTION 02460 -LANDSCAPING, CONTINUED) PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANT MATERIALS A. Trees, ehrubs. vtnes and ground cover l!lholf be of ·the size and species Indicated on the planting drawings. All plant materials shall be nursery grown container stock of top quality. All plants shall be healthy, well foliated and well rooted, free of pests, ln9ect or disease and properly hardened off. All plants shall be lobeled os to !lpeelea and nursery ln which they were grown or purchased. 8. No trees shall be accepted that wlll not stond on their own trunks after the nureery stoke has been removed. C. No pruning •hall be done except os dlreeted by the Landscape Architect. D. Quantities shall be furnished to complete the Work. Plont legend quantltlee ore for the Landscape Controctor'e convenience only. E:. All plante shall be nuraery grown In oeeordanee with oood horticultural practices and shall be grown under clfmotic oondltlom, slmHor to those in the locallty of the project for at 1~<'18\ on• .11t1ae, F. Plants ohall be t:,plcol of their 1peclee or variety and ehall have normal hoblts of growth. They shall be free of disease, scale, Insect pests, eggs, or larvae and defects such ae knots, sun-scale, injurlee. abrasions or dlsflgure:menta, and shall hove healthy. well-developed root systems. G. Trees eholl hove straight trunk!!! unle8e otherwise spectffed with the leader intact, undamaged, and uncut. H. All plants shall conform to the measurements specffted In the plant List except that plants larger than specified may be used. Use of such plants sho11 not tncrease the- contract price. I. Container stock ehall have grown 1n the containers In which del1vered for at leost 3-months, but not over 2-years, and shall In no cose be accepted if root bound. J. Plante shofl not be pruned prlor to delivery e)(eept upon the apeclol approval of the Londaoape Architect. K. Ground cover plants and onnuol!I, unless otherwise Indicated on the Drawings, shotl be well rooted ond estoblfshed In flota, and shall have been hardened off for a minimum period of thirty (30) doys before shipping to the Work •lte. L. Gross sod: Sod shall be of type os Indicated on ·the Drawing. NI. Certlfloate• of ln•pectlon of all plant materlal■ ■hall be furnished as required by Federal, State or other outhorltlee: having Jurisdiction. 2.02 FERTILIZER A. Cr-onulor fertfllzer eholl be (t'3-20-20). aa manufactured by Sferra Chemfcal Company, or approved equal. B. Planting tablets ehall be Agrlform elow relea,e planting tablets, 20-10-.5, 21-gram tablet size, os manufactured by Sierra Chemical Company. or approved equal. C. Turf granular fertlll:z:er aholl b• (16-6-8) as manufactured by Sierra Chemfcal Company, or opproved equal. 0. Fertilizers, unleem otherwlee specified. shall be delivered In standard sfze, unopened containers showing weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. They shalt b~ stored In o weatherproof etoroge place and In such a manner thot the fertlllzer wlll be kept dry and Its effectiveness not lmpolred. 2.03 SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Compost shall be nltrlfled redwood or cedar eompost or per the so!fs report on the Drawings. Submit sample and ona!ysls to the Landscape Architect for approval prior to dellvery to the Work site. 2.04 HERBICIDES A. All non-turf, excluding seeded or bulb planting, areao shall rec:elvs pre-emergent herblc1de treatment with a chemical that Is approved for use within the State of Callfornlo ond the County in which the work Is performed. The selected herblclde(s) shall be labeled for use with the projects plant material. The opplleotor must adhere to all the label lnstructrons ond warnings. Furthermore, the opplrcotor must be licensed to spray, or trained and supervised by 0 licensed lndlvlduol In the sofe and proper oppllcotion procedures. The Landscape Contractor assumes all legal responsibilrtres associated with the chemical's selection and oppllcotlon and must Insure that the proper State certtflcotton and liabllfty Insurance coverage for chemical usage Is In place. B. Submit a 11st of selected chemleols to the City Inspector and Landscape Architect for approval and notify of the dote and time of anticipated appllcotton. 2.05 WOOD CHIP MULCH A. -hie wood chip mulch •hall be 1/2"-3/4" F'lr bark as monufocturf!d by Sequoia Fore•t Products, or approved ei:tuol. 8. All areas: of exposed moll shall be covered with o minimum of 3-lnches of bark as per Oetall on the Drawings. C. Submit sample• to the Landscape Architect and City Inspector prior to delivery to the site. ' 2.06 PLA~T STAKING MATERIALS ' A. !l:toke• shall be 2" minimum diameter by 1 o· long, new lodgepole pine tree atol<••• pointed at one end and chom fered at the other. B. Stakes !lholl be pressure treated by Wolmonfz1ng with CCA (Chromated Copper Arsenate) Wood Preservative. C. Tree tie■ shall be 1turdy rubber Ure type, without wire, length as required, as manufactured by Gro Strait Produc:t:11. or approved equal. 0. Tree tle■ shall be attached to stake with 9olvonl2:ed nails. 2.07 LAWN EDGING A. Edging for lawn areas ehall be redwood heoderboord to be Installed per the Detoll on the Orcwlnga. I, 2.08 PLANTING MIX A. planting backflll mix for plantlng of all trees and shrub• shall conslet of the following. per cubic yard: 75% clean on-·stte topsoil 25% compost 2.5,11 6-20-20/yd of mix e. Planting backfill shall be thoroughly mixed ond etockplled on site for planting operations. 2.09 OTHER MATERIALS A. All other materlols. not speelflcally deeerlbied. but required for a complete and proper planting lnetollotlon. shall be selected by the Londscape Contractor subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect. PART 3 iNSTAI L ATION 3.01 GENERAL A. Prior to eommenctn,g the work In this Section, carefully exomJne the work of other trodes and verify that such worl< Is sufflclently complete so that the plantlng moy be Installed In complete accordance with the Drowfngs and Specifications. In the ,event of a discrepancy, notify the Landscape Archlteot and procw•d ow directed, B. Installer muet examine the eubgrade, verify the elevations, observe the condltlon s under wh lch the work ta to be performed end notify the Landscape Architect of unsotlsfactory conditrons. C. When conditions detrimental to plont growth ore encountered, such as rubble fill, odven1e drainage conditions, or obstructrons, notlfy the Londscape Architect before planting. O. Prior to plontlng all rough grading ■hall hove been completed to within 6-lnche11 of finished grade. E. Water wlll be aupplted by the Owner. 3.02 SITE PREPARATION A. Finish curb. finish grades adjacent to curbs ■hall be 2• below top of In all shrubbery. ground cover and lawn areas, the grades shall be 1 1/2" below adjacent povrng. B, Finish grade ■ur1aoee shall have 1 ,c minimum ale~•• to drain. 3.03 SOIL PREPARATION A. Verify that finish grading hos been completed satlsfactorlly prior to beginning soll preparation. B. All areaa to be planted shall be cleared of debrla and weeds. All planting areas shall be cultivated to a minimum 12• depth ln order to moke soil lcoae and frlabte. Rock■ 1 1 /2" or larger shall be removed from the site. After Initial cultlvatlon, opply the following materials evenly over plantfng oreos: 1. Organic 0011 amendment -4 cu yd/1,000 of 2. Fertilizer (16-16-16) -6 lbo/1,DOO sf 3. Copper sulfate -0.2 lbs (In 2 gol. water)/1,000 sf 4. Magnesium -1 lb (In 2 gol. water)/1,00D sf (See Solla Report attached to Sheet 5) ,c. Thoroughly Incorporate these motie:rlals Into the top 6" of soil. 3.04 TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING A. Planting eholl not commence untlt completion of all construction work, grading, soil preparation end sprtnkler lneta!letlon. All container stock shall be spotted on site by the Landscape Contractor In accordance with th ■ Drawings prior to planting. Set out only quantity that oon be reosonobly planted In one day. Plant plts shalt not be excavated untll the approval of plant locotlons by th-e Lcndscope ArchfttJot. e. Planting layout shall be In accordance with the Drowlnga. C. Prepare plant plts In accordance with the Drawings. Backflfl partially wlth the prepared backfill mix and odd plantlng tablets ot a rate of: 5 tablet. per 15-gal plant 3 tablets per 5-gal plant 1 tablet per 1-gal plant D. Install plastic deep watering pipe• In occordonce with the Tree Planting Detail for those trees fndlcoted on the Drawings. E. lnmtatl o .J" layer of wood chip mulch In the watering baalne of all trees and shrubs not fn the grass oreaa as Indicated by the planting Details on the Orowtngs. F". All trees shell be securely stoked with double stakes, driven vertlcalty 2' Into firm ground. Trees shall be fastened In two or more places with rubber tree ties, nol1ed with galvanized nol!is In o figure •a• fashlon, wlth room allowed for two years growth. Stoking shall be done Immediately ofter plontfng and trees shall stand plumb after stoking. G. Treee shall not be planted within 10 feet of water or eewer lines. 3.05 GROUND COVER PLANTING A. Prepare soil In accordance with the Spee1fleotlons. B. Ftcke and ftne grade aoll to conform with grading requirements. C. Water area lightly to malsten the soil prior to plontlng as necessary to thoroughly soak the soil, but not sufficiently to cause erosion. Water flats ond 1-gallon containers of ground cover one (1) hour before plantlng. 0. Ground cover shall be planted from rooted ffota or 1-gollon contolnera ln conformance with the spacing as ealled for on th• Drowfngs In evenly spaced rows Incorporating staggered or triangular mpaclng. E. Immediately treat all ground cover orecia wfth the pre- emergent herblclde as recommended by the Pest Control Advisor and opproved by the Landscape Architect. Apply In accordance with the Advisor's dlrectrons. 3.06 SODDED LAWN A. Prepare 110II In accordance with the Speclflcotlons. B. Roll sod bed with a 200-pound water ballast roller In two directions and bring deprem!!llons to flnfsh grode. C. Water areoa to receive l!IOd. Soll to be moist to a depth of e Inches. D. Spread fertrllzer provided by sod supplier evenly ove,r planting areas. E. Loy sod oo that the adjacent ■tripe butt tightly with no spaces between strips. Loy sod on mounds and slope• with strips parallel to contours. I I F. Tomp and roll ■od thoroughly to make contact with sod bed. G. Apply top dress fertilizer at the rate of El-pounds per 1.000 square feet. H. Water sod thoroughly lmmedlotely ofter fertlllzatlon. 3.07 CLEAN-UP A. During the course of plontlng operations. excess woste materials sholl be removed dolly. B. 'M"len planting rn an area that hos been completed, area shall be thoroughly cleaned up. C. Prior to prellmlnary acceptance, the entire landscape area shall be cleaned up to the satrsfactlon of the Londseape Architect and the Owner. D. Remove all debris resulting from the work of this section. END OF SECTION SECTION 02499 -LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART J GENERAL 1.01 WORK SPECIFIED A. The growing and mafntenonoe operations neceasory to establish the turf areas. ground cover and all other planted areas, to provide pest and dlseose control. ond to molntofn the Irrigation eystem and related eonstructlon elements. 1.02 REL.ATED WORK A. Irrigation Syetem - B. Landscaping - 1.03 DURATION Section 02441 Section 02460 A. The malritenonee period eholl b• for a period of 90 calendar days beginning with the approval of the prelimlnary pre- maintenance inspection. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. The Londseope Contractor may e-elect to use herblcldee or pesticides during plantlng or maintenance procedures. If thfs Is done. the selection and use of the mater!ols Is solely the riesponslblllty of the Landscape Contractor and shall be In occordance wJth rules of governing agencies. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Turf Fertlllzer: Granular eommerefol fertlllzer 16-6-8 plus trace elements. B. Shrub and Ground Cover Ferllllzer: Sunland Analytical Lob, Inc. recommends that 5 pounds of Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0) be applied per 1,000 square feet every month untll plants become estobllshed. After establlshed, apply 26-3-4 (or slmllar preparot!on) to provide desired growth rate and color. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Gl"NEftAL A. The entire alte shall be mafnto1ned In o proper and orderly fashion. Areas shall be protected from damage, lncludlng erosion ond trespass. Walks, paved areas, structures and equipment shall be marntalned ln good repair and kept free of debris. 3.02 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. Piping, equipment ond appurtenances shall be ad,-,oted, cleaned and malntorn In proper working order. Defects shall be corrected and damaged, faulty or missing materlols ond equipment shall be repaired or replaced at the Landscape Contractors expense. e. IMPORTANT: It le the Landscape Contractor's responslblllty to determine water opptlcatlon rates and controller cycllng. The Landscape Contractor wlll Instruct the Landscape Maintenance Contractor (lf Maintenance Contractor Is a Subcontractor) on the operotlon and programming of the control I er. C. Irrigation scheduling, shall be the responelblllty of the Landscape Contractor. Whenever possible, landscape Irrigation shall be 1cheduled between 2: 00 A.M. and 10: 00 A.M. to ovoid Irrigation during times of hlgh winds or high temperature. 3.03 LAWN A. Lawn areas shall b,e maintained at a constant moisture depth of 6". Hand watering shall be practiced, If neceesory, to maintain moisture depth. B. Lown shall be mowed as apeclfled herein. Clippings and debris shall be removed from the srte. Lawn shall be trimmed at the edges of curbs and paving. C. Lawn areas which die or fell to become e$tab1Tshed shall be re-seeded or sodded at maximum 10-day Intervals until a vigorous, lush stand of turf Is established. D. Lawn ore01 shall be kept free of weed•. Molntenanee ahall also Include treatment for fungus, dfseose, rodents and Insects. (<'p1r,9ht© l'(l')I, HIJJA .u1-.:;ko1$ f',tt.O!l(ts i,j d11s,gns O'tlWlllg!I ar-d pbri, ~,et rort" on th,; ~hllllt OPf> tM oni,nol 1mrk prorl10<:t of Olufl!ld b,J and O"' th!I ~•t,, ,JFH..I.Jf'I lo-1dswi:>i> f'r<h1tf)ct5 1./$!1 d th~ war~ proc1•ct ,s irrnl\:d loo spti<riffld i:roie:aof tho! plrd,Q~l';t t>r'Ci ,~ ~,rlh., «10•.trnct,o'l of,~,., 'lj."<,<fk >l!I 911~ UM', llll.JS!l ordstloot.o~ orw,:1 p1ot1~ rl'l<'ld,ftcotKlfl~. r-eproO.,<tKlflS. ~;gn ono'/or mrot'l'.)!lfrlMt~ oth"r lhM bo,J HIJJA ~ stnHu pnt.i:,t,,d Ly k:,u, without the wntt<ITT pemrl!>Sor of HWA lon~«ipe Alth1tects ' I I !I , I I , E. Roeks, clods, and debris which appear on the eurface shall be removed. Heaved, settled, or eroded areas shall be restored by excavating. filllng1 ftnfeh grading, rolling and re-soddlng os required. F. Lown shall be mowed for the first time after the establishment of o vigorous., uniform stond of turf whlch hos reached a height of 3". Lown ehoU be mowed o second time when It agoln reaches a 3" height except that the second cutting shall be performed no sooner than 10 do.Y9 ofter the f1rst. Mowing shalt toke place thereafter os requlred for a neat appearance. G. Fertllfze all turf areas with commercldl fertfllzer at o rote of 15 pounds per 1,000 square feet ofter the second cutting and thence forth at 60-day Intervals until the end of maintenance period. Water thoroughly after fertftizer applicatlon. 3.04 SHRUB, TREES AND GROUND COVER A. Areas shall be maintained In a moist condition for the duration of the maintenance perlod. B. Areas shall be kept weed free. C. Plant moterlol lndlcotln; weokneH or 'probablllty of d:»ln; •holl b• reploeed wtth elmflar mcitet"lol by the LaMd ■eoi:,e Contractor at his own expense. 0. Tree stokes or strapa which for any rtlason ore damaged or rendered Inadequate for support shall b• repolred or replaced by the Landscape Contractor ot his expense. E. Conetont dlllgence shall be molntolned for the advent of dlseose, Insects, and lnfeetations and proper preventative or control m eaeures token. F". Fert111ze eoch tree and shrub wfth corTimerelol ferttltzer at the end of 90-days as follows: 1. 15 gallon ■rze -1 pint 2. 5 gallon size -1 /2 pint 3. 1 gallon size -1 /4 pint G. Fertilize ground cover and •hrub oreo•' with commerc!al fertilizer every 30-doys os recommended. 3.0!1 PAVED AREAS AND CLEANUP A. All walks and paved areas ■holl be kttll>t eleor of debris. mud, sand or standing water by sweeping or hosing down as required to malntoln cleanllnees throughout. Remove all debris resuftlng from the work of thls section. 3.0e MAINTENANCE WALK-THROUGH A. Upon lnltfotlon of the londsoape molntlenance period, a schedule shall be establlshed for one maintenance walk- througl-l per montl'l with the Owner and/or the Owner's representative. Landscape Contractor shalt coordinate h1s work schedule with the Owner and/or Owner's representative. 3.07 FINAL REVIEW A. Landscape Contractor shall request a f:'rnol ob•ervatlon by the Landscape Architect ond the Owner three (.J) weeks In advance of the proposed dote. Failure to request this lnepectlon shall automatically poatpone the date of campletlon and continues the malntenon,c,e pei-lod untll final completion ls approved. The lnspec:tlon shall be for the purpose of establishing that all condftlons of these Speclflc,atlons hove been met and -for rel,eose of the londscaping and land8cape maintenance to the Owner. END OF SE:CTION Continuation ond Summary of Sunland Anolytlcal salts report SOIL MACROM1Tlt1!NT8 : Nl'r'ROG!N-PUOSPHOJUS-POTA3Sl!1H {N~P-¥1 GBNIIR.Al. ff-.p .. Jt R'ICQMMRNl'M.TIOM UH OJII gf thtiu HH pr•1111ar11tJn-n• for th.I .,Int httihur appHr.atlon. lt&ndud. Nl'l cu,t011•r r•rt.J111er Choi~• t/100D a4.ft. onaa OIi SOP nJPWt!ON 'UU h1 Pr9anle ■11tur, N,P,lt and. 1110.10 ftUlri.Ut.l 1a acJdl'lillffi ta an, 1111• ,,,.wa vr 1ulfur •• dir•ataa tbov•. $11,00.~h aoii eurf•~• and fellow •Md or aod praduoen diirec+.l,o.n Cc,,r •0,hlun1 1wd product appl.le11U0n. rura • IHIUIIS , lxetv■t• bul-f~t pl ■atint zh.rubts and trNs to at taut tW!e• tM THl1Y .. of U!.• c:¢llttirwr. PnJMn hacltfill fQr tr .. aitd sht·:tlo plan-tiftj holes by ■htin9 tar•• p1rt1 of uti\l't toll (or imported top •~11) ~ith on• p•rt ~1,anio 1mendmmt {i]ref,irably 1th.1~n 11nd irun fortified) 4nc( 1.!I poun-4• ot t-:zc-10 Jf!.I' ,ani of •ix. Par ■xtandtHl tutt:.lntfofl. plJ~• •low r•lHtc-tmt.lliiurr r11tih10, la ••c~ bole per -..nufactur.r'1 inttn,~ti-o-n1. If 6-20-20 wmft Mt dlr~t1y added to backfill ~I~, ®ring b•t:Ui 1! a,ppl,. unUor■ly 1./;3 011 nf 6--w~;;m ,-.r 9au..,n co~hiu1on, 2-~ en p•r 5 galh•n•, {, w p~u 24 4m;h boltefl. h:uary Utd! SUff•IUid. SltJV,HC• .af' Soll 1-,ttiv••nt, (f/'1000 .... , .. ,) =!::~~:l:~====~ .. -=;:;:~,:,a;:,;;MJ;fl•ll■ll:11:'>:t::l::!:~:c-===~"'=·~;;,,;;;;;; •• Ort••it Mend••nt "•P~K r•rtllti,r lilhm, Mutrilttltll ,t Td,/ll)OO Sq,Pt. lulk nr1J•l:\k ••~d!Mn·. (ni.trnfhul). C@1>■r !4a1n•1i1,1.11 ~alntltf'llhet Pertili1lti0a I•• above llhut G. 2 • Cop,c,,ar •ulfat.■ :Z. " MagD•uu hlhte Clpill#I f.llt.11J Apply I put,1tdg of hi!Joneh.1111 tn1Hat• l:U-0-0) p,~r 1001 sq .ft ..... .-1 IIODth ttDtll Pllti.t.s ll•cc•• ••t.t.b\uf111d.. At'tt1r o•t.,'!;hlU.~•d, apply ;~~-3•4-(<lr 11111hr p!'e{lu•t..iun) tu provide de!i~aJ "lltaw1.b talti 11nd c•>lor. DATI!: AUGUST 13, :ioo2 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE 8JP. PD I 8111.!QU II Sunland Analytieal J l:'!I' l'tlift-S WII,)', iuir• .t ll:1111\..l:K• C<1rdl)VJ, CA -l>S•i7(i 19!61 ~5i-fiS51 C11t• R•J~rt•d 08/16/2!)02 r.:"h' .1uhmitt,Pd Ofl/13/2D(l2 to: Id r~hlnOlv tlWA LandaCIIJMt Arclli tect.■ 1070 Co-new4 AV♦,, St .•. 1.~S Cuncurd, CA 9-Uiltl Prom: au. Ollplt.,nt. Ph.I, \ Jlll.1141 JtorHf'~ (IIIMral Manager \ tab ~n19er \ Tbe repgrl .. an1l1•11 wu roctue•t•4 tor tM fo1lowlnf, L60lltlon ; CARLSBAD, CA Siu lD : 01.031. Thaalt 100 for yullr hu.11 invu, ttturatttMI 'P,ue•at. {IP) >H II.(;, fot.DittolvN Jaltl lnhltatio• K«te (C\ Slc,pe,) % Or,anio Matter (!.I. C, ltltlhm Abaorpti()J:I htlo (W) •lt<'hu<:iabh lo•U\IJI Perumit (ISP) Oyp•ua Reff, (CeiSCi•V•2H2:U) •ut. ittt09•n ftt1•••4 .l!htnta ,n ... Pho•Phoc-111• 17.et ... l'cta■-illll U.B:! ... &11U11,,. 23, 8ft ••• CJJ!urllflli !4 BB ••• Carboo■tfl. tlo Teat .... , .. \',0.~6 ,.,. Caldu11 681. U .... ... ,111 .. -1~ l\1.!">2 ••• lorun 0.20 PP• tnppflr (l.lH, ... Iran u.ai ••• IIMfll ... 24.41 . .. 0. 6~ IULM/e:11 411& PPI! 0, 75 in/hr 2 6 4 ii Hq/1nOy • 1 .. , NDIH b41,1fr.c;: 2.3 #/1000 ~.fl. : ' . . :"* : .,. ••• *,..,. ........ j•*•*""'·*•*"'**** ... **••·- : llttA*fl "*1'1'1'l1'11',i; ,i«,i'll1' 1o;-k*'':l! ... 1tit : ········~•.-11-• . : ' : ill•':IM'll'••'l'..,..,,fl,u :•****• :'***** :111'1't'lll'il'W1",li :••---············ :~~'"'•"~ww•:tt•*••~•• ' Zinc lC. :lO ... :••tt•ilrll••*••*•*~*~~.,,.,,.*·•········ ' ' ' . ' , __ , ··--------·-··· ··--, .... , ,.,, 1.c-w-Ad~~uat.f!I lbrne1,i,,hr, IOI L ~t~~1'ION8 POI LANDSC'.JIPJI OUI.IIJIIIIG !IOtL pH (ki.itf •ad ~lkalintty) TM P1I: of tbi& aaapl• indtcat" tha ao11 •• •n 4 rant• fo, ftt)rlhl vrowth G! IOtt pianh. Nr, MdlftetUon h iequi.red, PlSSOL,ID J.A.Lft (tndlcat•d ti, 1.C. I rDa) ~h••• eend!tion• ar@ la tb.t ~uFiu.l rant• fa~ plMnt rroirt,. sou. 't'IITUll UI IA'1 or VA'l'IR INFil.1'HA1'!0J Thi! !~£ilt~1t10~ ttte ior all 1011 t.exturti decz••e•• with !lk".reasinr ftO\lnd •l~N-1\1. 0 to 4%, 5 to &\, t to 12\, 13 to U,it 1md i11hov111 l6\ tM Intlltutioo r1t• of thll ,....,1. •,ier..,u1 fl"0a L06 to O.ts, ll.6,t, O.f2. -0.2·1, r•111siv1.:tlvBly. lnflltratiClft 'iillt.• •l•o dJtc-rH.aH 1'.l.th p,..-rr;41nt of !frctun.d ¢tl"'llr and by coapactl.ar,, 1fll'fU: mlnA'JICI! Qt flOIL DVI TO CH!MfCAL CIIOAC1'1RH'ITIC3 Whan ••cl'iangable lJQdi'U,ltl Jncreas•s iD tile 11<111, waL~r ~onotrati•• deer••• .. l■Hd 01'1 6M and ,.,p V4bfl& thl11 u11ple hn. no P•n•tration i:,roblu dH t.o IOil S(ollilJJI. Na onsua re,quir•~- ORcltlIC MAT'rllt Ori•Dic 1111.tt•r pro•id•• e 110~ n1tro1•n rel~••• an~ elds water retent10l'I, Thi• uapl• haa • 11CdH-1tA O$tl,1ir. MatteT 0onto1.rt. To ■aiot•i~ twl•t~r• and provld• •~stained nltro.,.~ relaaae a l•~•l of tM ot9anic ~•tt•r l• rvocaaud4d, Uae 11.~otnd1ng ~ttlrlal thal 111. appr~,1matuJy ~~I OTgllll.ic "tt•r (l,e, 1111.ny 9rc~nd fir ~•tks). a..<! on th4t-analnl, of this 5011 »■1111 1~ &Pflly 4 7arda par 1000 1q.tt SprHd ~17 Hd bl•nd it1to Lba tosi 1.1a, inaih•• of f!ltlil. It .I• a ro.100.,ble pn~lir;• ti'.' a~ply a t.or, 11.rAllt!Dt of J Jnehft of Mpti!('! ll!Jkh•a t<J aid w■tH pel't.ell'lt1Qrt illncl r€tenl1011, IOrt IOlt0lf loroft C'lOIKftHUDne .,. ii\ 1 nn,ge •llewillf !\OIIM!rl pit.rt 9rUW11I. IIOlt MICll,,.UTMlSIITI MlcrOQutri•nta, Copptt, 1rm1, Ml1l91n1a• and !ir.c. in 1ell •r• rr•••llt 1n •~•ll IIIMM.Ulh. llow•vu, u,., pl.IV t h..,.HlrT rol• iii ,ph,ot. rurtab(l I iH, WJ.t.hoi.tl .PPJOJJl'I 11.t• ~•ti tl.nl-a "ill not thrive, Appl--, the fo.llcwtn1,1 p•l' 1000/ 111,ft, t)o nnt n,i>1 111c-ronutr!~t• dv.r1at 11Wpllc11Uon (u.111<11 t. •~•:r&~fl 11~1.ic ■Licm ft'.lr ••ch .ain•nt ibdlcat•:1), h,ea.u•-• copper, ■antan•H 1uul 1i.nc .ue in .,,ry lri.&.ll HOWlt,., 4hn~ve (11.ch) SI 3 1..1)Jc,1H of !litt.er end UH I aprettr to ohtlin ari *"'"n app11catjor1 .. ... 1 .. fl. 2 I -·---·•~ · "AS BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE ________ _ REVIEWED BY: DATE INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I f-----l----+-----------------+---+--+---+---LU PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 f---+---+------------------+---+---+---+---1 HWA LondS<ope Architecture Site Planning 1 070 Com:ord Avenue Suite '25 Concord, Cc 94520 Phone 925.363 7288 fox 925.363.7990 HIJ.Fl P~ct Nunber, 01.033 i, I LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS FOR: KFCffACO BELL CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. J A$$ISTA LA~ING DIREC ,.,-,R f---+---+------------------+---+---+---1---11DWN BY: / PROJECT NO. f--DAre_.._,_•1_T,_AL-1_0_,_re ........ _1N_1TIA_L-1,cRVWHKDDBBYY:· __ ,_ RP 00-17 DATE INITIAL -Zi,-a> DATE DRAWING NO. OTHER APPROVAL C!TY APPROVAL EOOINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 401.6L !! I I ' ' '