HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 322-5L; MS 851; CHESTNUT PARTNERS; 01-04APN. zor;, · l:;O · 07 f::;Xl0TINS ZONIN@-F2 · l · 76o:? F'P,c:,PO:;;f.::D ZON!K9 -12. • ; · 7,;;·::0 fC F E,t.. s s -. 0~ fC / -41 1 ¥,,-0 0'.".<. r-. NUr1bf;i2 OF LOT'S -4 NUMbE:f2-OF Dl,JElLIN@ IJN17?3 -4 CAF2-L0E:AO 1./lUf-H:::; I rf..'.... ~ c;,e-Tf-icf Cri'i' of c:Al2l.6~D ~N!;F D~F2 ICT N Ut,,1 l7E:f2-CF P.Af-¥11-J@ <SP~ - 8 Pf-.a'D ( Z '8PKfi? f'f.F-Ut,JrT) 12. q~ PR?vlD!W ( ~ PE;i:2 UNIT) f:'.XC.AVATIOt-i -CUT I2.iX) CLJ. 'Q. F11,...1-1e,cvcu.1r iHPoPT &W CU.YD A~AAS,8-[lA.JL.--( 112,l>-fflC --4-? AD1. L ~.!i.L D~..C"-! PTlON s-rl e:6T I - ~H~E:T z ~~8E1 ? ~t-lE= er ~ _ A ~C'N GF TF'/'CT 2-44 Cf THUM t.Ai'<DS 1 IN 17-lE: o::\JNTT d. 0AN Dtf:0:? I qr°,ATT elf' O\W~NIA 1 ~H<3 To MAP TI~FcOf H'.J. 1@81 1 fll.-E:D I~ TH!:: OF'FICS Cf' -rl-le COUNTf fZeCO!Z D{;;F!-Of 0.AN DI E;EO a::>Ur--rr(. ~M E,C...12 ~ . 0! 101, QNNe.D- CHf:i:8!fN L..tf FN'-TNE:'. 120, 4111 PAP-¥-Df2-IVE: CAf2L0t>AD! CA.. 0lC:Vb bl<'?-720-0~CO A:2.CH rra:::-r- 511e ADDFl::'v f4W Qj~LJT AVf:: C_;A.JZ~ I °'. ~ G:¥~ BIZIE:o~f ~ A~- 1?T7I -6 AVE:t--liCI'--EcNc-1!-..i,A<;;- CAF'-L.6~1 G .. ~ a,10-~-a,tp,Z,LJ JAMES R. IVERSEN & ASSOC. 1413 MACKINNON AVE, CARCIFF, CALIFORNIA 92007 ( a, S ) 9 4 2 _, 74 2 LAN09C:AD• A"C .. ,-r.c:T ,.,. Tlil.,8/ ??"V~I<. IRl=<-.lcSP.TION p~,.o..N p i,..-,&"" r--J:T I N <S p L--P"-N OE:f ;>-1 l,..,S , S pec..1 FI C,O.. j I O 1' t I H[IWIY 0£0.AA[ THAT I AM TH! UC£f\lSED DESIGNER OF WORJC FOR nus PROJECT, THAT I HAVE Ela:ROSED Rf.SPOI\IS!lll.E CHARGE OVER THt DESIGN OF IBE PROJECT AS 0EFlf\l[D 11\1 SEcnor,r 6703 OF IBE BUSINESS AND PROITSSTOI\IS CODE. AND THAT lllt DtslCl'f IS CONSTSITNT WITH CUR..R.ENT ST A. 'roAADS. VICIN !Ti" HAP I UM>DlSTAHD THAT THE CKECJC or PROJ[CT DRAWINGS AND SPEOFICATIOI\IS RY IBE CITY OF OJIISBAD IS COf\lnNED 10 REVIEW ONLY AND 00£5 f\lOT RELIEVE ME. AS THE UCTl'fSED DESIGNER OF WORK. OF MY R.£SJ'ONSll!IUTIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. TifESE PlANS KAVE BEEN PR!PAAED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONfORMANCE WTrn 1llt APf'RovtD IANDSCAPE CONCEPT PIAN, WATER CONSERVATION PIAN. nRE PRO I tcnON PIAN. AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R£t,t.TI:0 TO IANDSCAJ'tN;:;. l!Y ~1, ,,(~.4, -it-A-fl-/ty~ DATE f'IJC,,Ll,;.T :Zf..., 1qq/ -.,. ...... LDT * I l 3 4 ~iC.fo-F. HeT l>C./0.F .'B/ 7t110 .Jb/7840 ,ltJ/7b40 -18/7840 .¾>/12.&PO .2.LP/11?67 -30 /12/)ftO ,2/p/ 113~7 • • j "+ NS -~ f;i N • - _"J ~ -~ ·~ r '"a • • 1/h,v, /!. JN---~--· I I ~ -II -,-z... D [7 H~'l6 V 1F •• 10{;. p,' •• • • --q-. 4 V ~ '\ ~ -+ ----JI_ I'--.. -;.i ~ l l LOT3 "' ~ ,<-,-; LOf4 «-. l?.01 l ~ l - . a' ..... -- I ~ ~'\ I I ':OA' '.tt ij L \: - \ , \) • 2, -x,I • ' 1 ~4 , .. . , ]-LOT2 1 > I /0. .,, -~ JL • • .... ?' • • ~ I - "t\ t> 2 ,c;I .. H 6:11" ~· Vi::. \ / l I 1.1.o' B.4' - 14 ✓ ~ l ..________ ~ , -\) ---~ \✓ \ 78,+' ✓ _,, ,,. . C) I> ~ LOT 1 > l I I .41 ? 1~ • • ,, '-'.' I .d -t> > \ - ~ '-.t" I\ / --\ 16:c.B" I \ _\PPROVED FOR PL.r\NTI;(G .'\ND IRRIGATION ONL '{, INCLUDING PRECISE LOC,\TION OF PLANTING Al<.El\S. • • -.. -1 "' N • • ""1. ~ r -f ~ 7;' 1 • • . TITLE ___ ---..... , - - :._. ,----, e :_ REVJE'.✓ED BY, IlJSPECT[R 1------'--_c___----------'----t·--·-_ -+--~--· [ScScC:T \ CITY OF CARLSBAD ; ".-':'-'3 1. t-----,---~---------~··---I PLAN~lII IG Di:?~RT; :~i !T ! 4 J JIJL.--1::::--;,Hl:::::8T (f'E'.:-Z. "IL w) ~ k-OT D f::: VE: l---0 PM E NT I ;o tr-le tJ , ~ • ~55,t>-l'.J I c;::,,-. · DA TE 1:snn;,.L REVISION DESCPIPTION I P-RIGl""T]oN ~~t:ut..--AJION INfPf<-MATION P,Vf 0 f ?,q-Jt--1~11 °N / ~t-1 WT ~ .34" rl?-~Me<-Wf<... qf'11v rlPT"'rdZ fr<.E5> w~: 7f psi 021 ,;.e;,""I::? H~ 1:'.?lsf~t"T ,AVf'->li,,,b.e,l.---~ H~ f p(J i:o,,pt--') & M~ 751/o c::?f--M f"K I Iv' LI H f ~ N ~ , 75 x t;a 7 '12, 5 GfM tv1PX.. N~ v~i.--a:.,111 : "3 Pf/ ~~ur-Jt:, M,Ar<._ ~l,L,, f.:Z.t=;%LJ~ l.,-0;.5, 10.¼0f' N1<>H.,, ~e:s5~ lor'o "F' 74 i,,s1 "" 7,,1 MPX. r51 w.5S r-Jo-re ~ 1,-1 FW 12.11-1&,o 13 t;: ~ ~ AT NO r-J p ~ rbu '4'. ( t--l 1 & H ,) n'f"'e~I ~.e.10;,,f/ONS'"(~ : P-t.rfOMf"'Tli-l'"i,..L>-f' ~l,,~ ~ ~ v;,,vves,. ,;,o ~011::? StAJN 5T ~111'1& T'(rE: ~ )3A:::-'.<'..fl.-,?H: ~WC-ek;::l ~5/.JF<:e "'T"(re 111 SIZ-t? TTl"8-q:::-~~; ?l--Ps5;200f\l('.... ,::::;t.,t,,;S31,Sf""'""-1/:2,\;12-e.- ~ cp Ml"'lt-H..J t--16 ~ ~c:'., t-1 40 f-1 (.. 11 I "1 ,Pl N vi Ne- "? f"'2-1 t.J 1<:::. L.-~ ~ r-1.& ~SU kZ.E:, r-2-.PNoE: '.-ZO-.; Sp; I PRE:5 s u f<..E. t...o > s e,,Pi,-c:; s Ft?ie. v f""l-VP-:-4-A pire.SG:-,:ot-l fl-Ot'l6PN ... j:'.1 r8-SI Z 8--~11'-( LRt-1&-m ~I ~on ~ t..-o;, .. I ~,D 1/_:2.'' 1, 7 27' I, 03 2 /0 3,i:I," 4;7 101 ,Cc4 3 14.z I I I ?h I '2":, I I. ti3 WTt""v ~I L--0$! I '2,7 s-(<:-W~ ffZ~-;;,5LJl<L.E; /:2E::4'UI i<ZEM8-fT<; ~ aJ V.Pl.-Vt::; 4-A ~F-,lt--,l!:::::.L.--er2-p; I ~&;'!JI f2..g;:::> 3opsl RE:~t::::>~5LJ~B~ ~ ISett-'l 1-3 p.S:I E:l.Ecf aJ G, t:oNT.eot.-\//'-WE:, I II .s I 2, e, 4,S f1ni-JGs ~ 1 wss Z,O 1.-,6.~,/ rrre \.-,0>.> r:;1 f~l'-'1 ex-e's z,7 H~ H?TE'R J/4 1 <2.-ISGpH '3,u NFINUr-le 111 s12-,E;:. I 80 ' ~-rrl 4-.4 ~ L--c;:v l"Tl o N ~1 1A?S s I ? ,<,~3 2. I 'T O"f ,6-L.---pl2.e55UrZe 1:2equ11:2a::.i &-L\-,S JOSI 5-('.S WM A<£5 5U r-Z.8 l-05-5 ~ 1> f"C"2--V r>WB =3-c:: r1 r B s ~ Ii or-I ft,:?N &pr-II P' ~ ~ ,;,, Z.B \} '71,0.::., 1--r-( (,,~ I +. °1 1/:z.'' 3. e:> 2:!l' 2 Cj !>/411 k,2-S I e, I 3 /2,S I ii 3,LP 1-s· lDf/'l--~Sita'-'1 i,:,_s I k?> S -:;pl<Zl r--J µ e~ ps I ;:Z.EC(aJ I~ lac> ~E?i<Q P 1:2.::;55u ~ e,,e,.:::,1::--pi,0 ~ '2-, I~ l:::'~--r~v u~L.---VP,....VI::::-111 Slz.B, P1Ttt-4G ~ I t--0.ss v ?-°l~I,, I"' p' e i.--05 S f24'tv1 C::,f' v C '5 r-,1 ;,-7"P_,e_ M ~ "3/ f 1 -!-I G G-f'r---1 r----'I f" I t--H,--1 He'.. I 'I SI ::?.,-0 8i:::) 1 ~t--l::n1--l ?Of3' 1 13 f-S I ,4-.G :;z.. . .q- i, "i u 3. LJ' 2,7 fl< I C..11 o N l,o .S .S . ~? ,&3 , 3 B 1,4& ~ "., pze.~u~ ept,,cu~1 oN! roie ~ w o L.-ofS" ~ H ~µ_., N rTI-1 IN 5pM~ vtt-'11r{ OF PBo-Je.. p~S:Ul:2..6 w.ssf:".S. ·n-h:::. 7l--lo ~k-UI---Pil oN ~ po~ T rle-v-J oi,z.; T r+ 1 ~w c.., u r-J k:?117 o N s . 0 ['I a e [9 B T "P-o t=:B-zs~r& ~$.SU'2.~ .cc,µp pi.ocib SLJBBW-"R "f,:, .z,s c' f?FO 57.%-l01 '-~ l.,oN@bl,, ~~'-( ~ ,Zo • A-to' ii ::J70S-I 0 1-i-l II . . > "j.0 , 4 101 roP-o 57os~+ -<;5T <;,ti:.-::;e. s-p-.1p~yi-l~ u 1.crs 4',-14-' TDP-o 570F-I z 1-~ l.-ol-J b/"i...--i,..,f"I-Jr-lj,,l?~,L.lf" t-lb. Bo • ~ 12-1 I l;::>JOP-12 1-H ~ -. ?,p ,.1 l:Z.1 '1 B70P-12'~F ~ 30 2, I l:Z.1 i-oP.v IS7o5 --I 2 1 ' rl ~i-J &~ ~t:zi.JP.:i'5f~I-¼? 30 I, I I z 1 TDf<.O 304 --cji?'-IO -o I ~ f-C'Tt'IZ-Sf'N>-Y ; .? .57 I t.?1 '' w&1-1t,:,',1ti-ol ,, 3s; 1,14 1&1 'f'bF-o 2s;o 5B:1 e,s 1• ~Ez:--W.lc. l<BHt.?1E-uN17LoL--V/=",,,"JE:; hi/fl.ON ~ 1,.,, ,Pt?J.A,.,... ~ I~ Erl-V Yl'"I--VE:Y ~ sys~ >Ht.rf ot:==f' /""N'° F:?-~rtFl--. ~Ne1rt0 f'.P'---ar-100 111 ~Ea?f"'!<e;;su~e.. S,a-?~i-J ~ I I/ J, 7"?'~ TdlZO VISl<"'N 14tlZ-<;ft6'1Jt>N H,...1,,v M~T fl'UTC"--1,... .. fll-wNif2.::,~,, 14 _ s1Hr7>'ot-l 0 """ c:l.,f-½ 200 pv& NCN ~(.Ale ~ 1,.p-te (LJSE:~.5-:!:5~V2-'1),..._......-..,,,..-.-~:-'":-1 · SIMJ0,c'N e,.,"' 4t,-H4'o f\1.:.-111 ~su12eM~r-h,1t-J8-se:re 1e,ff ~a,~ ➔ • II:>-____ --SI M~ """--%H 'fO Wt; ~ 2.x t:>1/>-~ ~ t'v1'1~ 1811 ~ ( H lifZE'-;.t..ft;V~ ~ ~) r2f,,tr--J-Bi'21:::> ~ ,4-4-~~ ,;.1~ l,Lle, ~le,}:'...~ (~II!>~ t-b-1 .. K ~) ~/>1lct-l r-/o/~~ 1/>-1 l1i' V'/"'~~IZ-1:? ~9'-(Si,;;,M ((ti, o l2'f 1"1,, GI p M; ~le. 9(>~ r--1.oro-~ f"l,-v l--!N8:.5t vrJ.,v~s ptJio s~1i-J~1-~ ~~s st-b1--1N ~1,; ~ 1 f' & FZP-M Nl""Jl v ,.,. t-J io ~ To e.e ~ -a: ,·"'T1:?i::::, ri rTH , N f'?~ PP v!i~ H~'E:-.. ta'>~fe,1-~ ·-....... -.,. -·· ,.... . - ftP-t-lf?' ~ H~S ro 5eu5~ HITHIN 10 1 Clf ~ p ~e:S""f1"-1/-N Use-, ------- lC-1• ~ro~ Ti' '~Tpw I f-1ut-l~1 ~INC,~ V;-w'~S: lo.is ~ lit.Is E':< ~ ~N~ ~ ~ A.I,-H~,_f H~ i...oh! ~~~Hl'"-(o~~- 1"1/i tJ l,,iN E::-<$ H?I-JN I S, l::J I ~N f>l1 t, ;:,-r-4.0 I.S JO ~ IA7c-n~to ~ri::,~ ~N~q=-1-b.Jse.. 0 J r (;O t ~~~==-l~ d~ :__ \ ,' I JAMES R. IVERSEN & ASSOC. 141!5 MACKINNON AVB. CAROi FF, CALIFORNIA B2007 [ B19 J 942-1742 LAND•.,,..,• .-. .. e .. ,..-.CT •••• LDT-1t ~ ,c,j0.F. Wf l>C./0.F. I -~/ 7810 ,!t>/7840 z . lt>/7b40 -18/7840 3 . P/12.o/,,O .2¼/11)67 4 · 30/12.bW . ~/ il3'::i7 ... I I)- i--------t-~ Ki "' r-~""' I'➔: i-----<-. ~ lll~~~e, -~~ I 11411 ~ ~ P,6-~ /f '), A I" A 'Al 3, I AVE., / I'' 7p., I" S.4- /,' 1•4'' ✓ ,.i..,·ij,,J ,1·...._ -, )""IJ'('.'.,.{,--.,,., ✓ -=, . ' / i l-/(--<jz.. DAlt'. 1:ant-.l 1'4" 1" • I • I):,.. Ei I' a 1" ... ,\PPRO v~ED FOR PLl1.NTI0IG ~\ND IRRIGl\.TION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING A.RE1\S. RE\/ISION DESCR!PTION '3. ii 1/)-, ~,,,__ m ~ I' 2.0 11 ?,4-"I, !5 / // A ~ p I ' T L I r ......, :....J !~, - : REVIE'.JE D 3Y, nJSPECTDR --, ~ --:..,, '::... 7~$ -;:,t-1la.J 13 s -L'..,E:Wf '71-tid.Ll BS r:'§'.: Sf-! id.I.JS s c..,, G,c.-, />1:2-~ '20L.! t"-l ~""-" ai-:e. --. "'e, -_,1 1 I 0.--e, OT r rJ I & f"-L--N I"-H 1::-COMM ,.?N ~M~ ,f,1u:;. r " I/ • C...U f.i-tt l?"f'S IS p;-/f>-<;1"'-~I o I l::?~6 --~12.0"fHOO'O l\ot-~ -v/fvf... -,, ...... M ~ ,b,.l_,.ei ~ ~ N ~ Ll~ E:'IO,/ 1,.i,,. C,AJE::pUT~ ,("°) I~ -.:-BJ c.,p,-vypT u> N 1.:::-Ho i..-I I N 1.::::.1-ii:,,) ~ ""11 vL-O N ~ p I~ C fJ ... . . ,_-; 1t-<.U~ 1,::.,6-vi.P-~ I i ~~ pi:;.;-R. .:t4''eox ~ . " ' ' . . . . D ' ~ M ,e--c.oN e, 1::;.S 1"iJ N ~IN-{~ ~SM,b ~ @®· ·l' 1no;;po~ T, Vf'1r.?..1 ~T~ _-_ Vie-I" 10~"fE:!::.'.' 1.::.?e; 114--lG~ 0 E.Sc.,t,-,vl.-v't-J I ,t,-· ~ j i .. ptt•J lo:::. ~~i.-o r-J If'-Ber6Y 0 ~ew:,IL..l~ Ov~b~ oi.;;.e,i:--1J v~ I Gf> v ~ ~ IOL.-Gpl 5 114iol£'.:...p,. ilWIP ~ ~ME::1 ,~l,, 0-E.uief op.s. -~r-l..ATU.S ~v~ l::?r>-ISI [€p~ 0 N pN I:::' I N,..... i::::i:::t-t e. $ Tl c::,.. ~ ~~ D( Bp.H,Bc:o ~~1...- OStP· P,:::,,.Af'~U ~ I~ f'.-"'N I I,-I v"( i::F 71·-H:~-N I ~ I &/"-V ® f-lt;;H!S.i.:wC,p,.L--i,..-IS IO .,....'1' l,,i L--Y f G>,--1,., 0 IOI IS,~$ e, I c.ol,..,olt;?. ~16Hf l,,IL>-( 1~1...- . -·- 0 p.--vH 1,;!,,AG o ~~ I$ ~ pl--Ul'-'!e,.t:>-G,O I ~1.,, - rnnim T~r~II-c.~.,;1.s ~ Hc,-ie-(<;.L.lc 1.::: 1 ... ~ I Gtot,., . . . !?eL.--0,~~ l ,t::-i.;.8 />-I w Hl"!"e-~ 1,.,1 ~ ~ e~r-tr 1z11 o,v, ~11;m~M1111111111~:1 • • T I H~ t-1, I HA-lHI I r+~r-1:5 N-( &liU\.3~~ li.'10.u, ~ 1,-x-/T f"N.P' N ot4Ti:;v I 1,:;>g t-1 S I$ . --Y' P"ri1 ,o,N .,.... [&PL,, r:-1 :-:--...... ~:,:--~ .. ,.. V •· ... ··:··:~.-:.. ... ,."';-' .. M ~t.J $ ot:::i M~vP-~rJ Sob ... ., .. ----· ~ ~tvL1.S ~~.S C.-~lr-l& f9b IGr1, ,._ 0 LJ 0/"f M./1 L..,t..e,=, 5ri--J_ic;>l80ol:2-!3.:? S::,f-1.,., I. fvrN11iJ& /" IC q.e $ )::=1'1£ jj-11 ':, ~.J ~r ~ ~M~ ... y M,,,L,., -z.-otJE;.. j ws:t-l T(Pt?:-r,?1--AHTINGrS Hl-n,1 T11'G tJSE: er: ~Ot..l"HT 127~ f'-"'Pr-lT H~,.-.l--, . . .... , , ... , .. 2 e.~ i..,or V',111,,,v ~E:: l"r,2...1v,.e-.TF-~ Mro-lT,....1['-lE:::io ey ~ ~Neie., 3, IT 15 f?;17M~ 71-tP"f Hp.~ ~lleeM~S ft"~ z.or-l8-I L.1.J.s1--l F7'"M'fl N,G-S "'1Iw e.e Pf;,Air 111 ~ waa::... .q= H~ ..,::,'Q. 5Z.!1 1fi.C-H'G.S p-r-1t-1urt-t>( Tc 5W)PO.z-f f~ L--1~-12-~TIM~ C.O,.-->T,ol..,-l<'Y-"1NFPL--v IS IO•TI 1i-k.-H-e.s ~t:?,,e_ ~, ?H Aff t'l"-1 ~flt. I ~&A17 PN S'-(S'TT"-N HJL,t.,, r1Pve. To ~ LJWWl"'I BNT Pi3 OWT ~ 5 T t1 4c I r-l.t-+-Jes t-1" 1e..e. r""~ ,•;-1t..i L.J r>U->'(, _ ,+ ~v vl"N""'G'~!:2-LO ~-p,,;; 1r--l?-wk:-i NG--7W~S 10 g.~ rJ~ Hm-t r""' 'P~Pl-.l-er-lf UN1::?~1oe.c;ui-J1.,::;> f'UTOH ~I c.-~ ?or-l--p,ec,I.-Ua:::J I j::2.j,::2..J .s,.o.,71or--l s--ys;.r~ Ll;IN& we ~TIN ~ H~ ~L,,1t::,...T10N ~·•? .. q•-.J~r+~. s . T t"f w Fl .. t¥-fO~ ~ p,,i .. Hz. k:1'1 s t s , er E5 r-c-. oi,a. 4-1 , ,; °1 '9 qi . l t, % or -> r-t1::,, f>f!, e,12,61. ~Ft{f11'7 .::::1-l p. l't!P. ID H ~. i:( U I I z,. l::'IJv' t,l I e,. 4b ~-~ '2,, )('(t-, UH. i;;s - ~-V.t=;t. u, ~-flU>-70 ~E;;t...OL4 ~G ~Q?. ,'5 E.i.lt., roc, '2,0 NPt-l,m-1 ~? ~---I"• Fl 3,4 t-ff'r-1, 13 ~re, e,1'-, 8 f\.V. C,p, l"'. '2--3 %·Wi 3'2- ~L..pl,B {" -, h I. "'·"" (:Z:_O, v ( F...,... ll f;::t? rfet, ' ' , . n"'..,. -1 :Z.110•V-. , ... - ~ , M°" 4:? I,; • ~ , flt-, 11!.1::'f, '2- ~5-0 14 ~. NOIZll-1 _ ~vr"'l,..,6 ~ t 11 ""-zo ~ o 1 -z.o ' ·; ---/ -,; ,,.T"" I . I I i ', I ' ,. I II ! ! . I l . ( ------··--·-··· ' • ....,... I .,.. ~ . _:__ __ _ JAMES R. IVERSEN & ASSOC. 1416 MACKINNCN AVE. l 5-!31.-lH.,b IN & ~,:;:. B 1 ~y ~ I"'( ~ \::::> HPl,,C,I;::> S~lc:;.. UV~ I ti ~ op ~tTFE--~NS u,C,,~ Cr° 511B, ~ ~fa,-J1,::;i.5e,,,...,,,.,,,,r-Jb. 7Hl5 INl'.'.'..U-JbG.; S\-4'f:~...P,S. CARCIFF, CALIFORNIA 92007 C 819 J 9 4 2-174 2 LANDaCADa "''""'HITaCT ,.,. t-bw " w. pc~ ..s w p~ s ~ ~N i;;. To 1 ;:,-' 0ve.e. c l<Z-0 p u CF" ;:,-s~ H 1 :x NJ""t:)e u,c op ~\ ... 11,;:..l.-.::;.~N1HA'11NS ~ eo;~NG ~~s, c:1.--c?~ ;t>Na H I L,,t;;, ft,-t'N E,Q.. N I )< I fl' ,S" .At' f' ~ 13 I 1f+e C.ITf Cf'" C l"",Lv,$ 13 p-0 I I <S ~u1i:2-l:,t::,. lf-f<"i.,.,;=,i-trnJc;,, ~ Si-4"'8-CX:CW1'-S BB11---16~N 8· IS /"NO 4-15 Ju---re, H?TTTNG-I~ ~u~ IN 1,,1~JofTrte-c.ove~~1oe.op !>4-ioee. C '11 Cf V ~ f$ P'O V;PN b5t-P-pt': N PH J f'-V ';> T Pt,\ ~ p,,-yLL'.) ¥ I LDT:#' I l 3 4 ~K-P,-f. HE'T lie. /0.F. ' .B/ 784? ,!B/784D -ID/7b40 . 18/,840 .?;O/ll&PD .Z&/11?137 -30/IZbW .2£,/ 11367 ~e, l 1"-(rl ~ 1,,- . ,.. -.IA ___ -······ __ _w"'_i __ ~ L_ ____ '· -&...I ,:;:, I"' ...:::,., f-,'.f--=.-..t r,r, 170 h 3 -"-::-_"'---_BP,~.r:,,~,. z_1.1_t?t?_!!'~'d£~~~r:.-p,o,t;, 1""1,0 ( -z) ....,,..,...------d' . ~. ::-1'-!fao t1E:i;;:;:-4"'4 I .0.!IZ.-. rJ ~-;_ -a,M, 2 f,'F l V"I, "I p,-t::, 1(,,1,2 \-I~ a<.:,G,,"-1,-L,·1, -~="==--=~f"'!,,I...,==,_=_ =·-:::=::!!!;...,~ .;,.~---..l..,~~~ ---f+-ct,----~01_ro~ifH UT sr~e, ~-N Or:;:lp ~ .:.e,;;.. - r ]EC., ' "' ,. y Z-Zt..-92 OATE .Mr£:; ~r-1 ~-_.,._ ___ .,..1:· ·. ;· . . ~--I "' ~ f. f, 11,;z., C, f'A:> \C..I, "I APPROVED FOR PLA:NTl\G .\ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOC/i,.TION OF PLANTING AREAS. ( TTT"'t-~ r-J1:9i2.:-:·or,-e,: . "AS TITLE _____ _ REVIE\.iED BY, --------;I----.;... _______ -----+------'------...l.....--.....!..-___J [i] c rrxAN?!~ G~?1~:l::~,B An m f'L.-P-NJ\NG Fl,..-f-t--1 4 l--0 t:7 WE:L---OPH IS-NT 1400 £HGS1HW . Ale t:)>;4-?e,f>'.01 Cl>--• J:.r~~O'v'ED . c=J t-----+--+-------------1-------l----l.--L__J 2-2---6_: __ f_ .• ,.~ ,--+I ---+-·---------------+-------1--__J_ _ ___J_ _ _J ;;SS',STAf1 PL Ji•iHIG DIRE TC'<· _ - DA Tc I rNr n,,~ I c:::::;,iEER CF ':;c;,~ RE\IISiOi~ DESCRIPTION ,--o ,_,E-----'-----1,_:n-----'1 AL'-----1-.::c.o A--'-=TE----'-'I-'----:-,1 n_sL=---• \lg ~;:0 3; ~ ~,Jf'.~''_ 1 I OTH[R APP~ov;,L CiTY ;.._=~~ov;..L R\.'',_._ID BY: :..J l PRO.;ECT i·:'.l. M-5-8:;,I PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS A. SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done incl""'" U.. furnl""'inV of all fabar. Ntert;,ls, equip- ment and transportation, botl'I fore-.ble and unfant-t. .. , In perfor,nlng all the work requl~ to complete said work indicated "" ihe-dra,.lngs and ,sp~-dncation~. 8. WORKMANSHIP The work of con,tructing ;,nd insta,IHng l;,nd!!iCaplng shall i,. <:<)nducled In an efficient and s.ati sfactory ,na-nner. C. PERMITS ANO NOTICES Contractor shall be responsible for oblainlr,g any and all necessary building permits and notices unless otherwl,w, s1a1ed. D. LICENSES AND INSURANCE Contractor shall carry a t>N:essary C•llf.,..nl■ St .. te Cootr...:tor's Licen5". Contractor shall carry all necessary c;o,ni:i-nsatlon and li.bihty Insurance lo cover hl:!1 work""'n and work so .,,. to protect Ow....,. f,..,.,. any ,rults. liens, and daR111ges. E. STORAGE OF MATERIALS All ·-tarlals shall be stnred In a location agreed upon •s per Ow.,.,.•• Instruc- tions and shall be stored In a .,.....,.. • •• not to abmuct .,,y publk: rights of way. Contractor shall be respon!llble for p,-otM:tlon of atl his equipment and materials. F. SITE INSPECTION Co,,tnoetor shall vi•il the site and ,..._II f■111HlarlM hl•Mlf with sll existing condlllons prior to nnal submlsslort of bid. . Contritetor shall •lso datermln• the 111Mns of transferring -terlals lo the Job "-and any other factors which ,nay pertain to said job. Site Conditions Exercise extreme car• In excavating and working ,,.,.., existing utlllt'-• at Job· sltil. Contractor to coordinate with Owner .. n utlllty locatlons prior to any work. Contrite tor shall be re5ponslbfe f.,.. ariy da""'~ lo utilities due lo his operations and/or neglect. C. WATERING Owner shall be responslble for supplylng all rMCasMry watar through the existing distribution sy~te•. Contractor mu1lt supply all necessary equip- ment to dldrlbutil •ater. H. CHANCES AHO EXTRAS Any changes and/Of' extras front Mlglnat Contnct shaR 1,a_,.. prior written approval by the l.and,K.1pe Architect and/or Ow,_-. I. SAFETY MEASURES Contractor shall provlda all safety measurff such as sign•, guards, lights, barricades, and othar protective '"""sures es ""'Y be n,qulred. J. INTERPRETATION OF PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS Should there be an error or dl,crepancy In or betWMn !he plan•, sp,ci""- tions and planting 11st, Contractw shall notify ,,.. Landt<::ape Architect. Contract.... Is responsible for -rlfylng all plant counts prior la bid accapt- .ince, and shall notify L.and~pe Ardlltac:1 of said srrorl•I and dlKrepan- cles. K, SITE PREPARATION 1. Exl1tlng toll shah be dftf'ed of all nxtc • .t.brls, and .....,.1ous materials. J. Stodtplle ,aft for Nl'ttl -..,ds shalt bw placed In .,.,._,_t location and graded to flnlsh shape. le) Ory Co,n....,..,lal "Wll•r In• ( dJ Pr-•-plant Fertlll aer Ah r=. ClOYW ." ......... I.., ... -.cl co,,tref _._.. c:anslatlng al EC rat.Id as ,,_ _,,ufac:tur.r•s ,..,.clflattons. Backnfl fr,r all ,hrubs and trfM!s shall con•l•t of: (a} 1/3-nltrolhed organic redwood mil conditioner (bl l/l-natlve mil le) Pre-plant fertilizer M. PLANTING 1. All plant material shall be true to name and •ubject to lnsf"'Ctlon and approval by Own.,,.. 2. Sub•tllullon of any plant material subject to approval by Ow.,.r and/or Landscape Architect. 3. Contractor ,hall be responslble for all plant material from delivery to !he site to the written acceptance of contratcled work. II. Container-grown plants shall be planted In plant pits two ( 2) times width of plant contal,,.,r and ofl41 and one-half (11} tlr,,es deplh of plant con la Iner. The plant crown to be "et slightly hlghar to COftl- pensate for compaction. 5. Prune plants as dlr..cted by Landscape Architect. 6., All planis tc be watl!red lmm.,dlately after lnstallatk>n. 7. All plant• 10 rteeeh,e Agriform 11-gram t.iblel (20-10-5) at a rate of: (a) One per one-gallon. two per nve-gallon, three per fifteen-gallon. three per foot of box tr.,.. width. ' (b} All rooted ground cover plants to receive I .I«!~ ~gram I 20-- 10-5) tablet per plant. 8. Plant hormone shall be Installed on all boxied plant material as per manufacturer's specifications, 9. All trees up to -,z..q>I ~~ size shall be staked. Set •takes on .,,ndward ,ide of tree. All tree• shall be guyed, staked or anchored imm .. diately after plan!lng. 10. All shrubs and trees shall rtee@lve watering ba•ln and mulch as per details. 11. All plantlng area• shall receive post planting fertlllrer sixty (60) days after planting operations, and shall be applied at ill rate per 11111nufac;- turer's 5f"'Clfkatlons. 12. Plant q~ntltles on the plant list are for Contrac;tor's convenience only and not guaranteed 10 be accurate. 13. Plant S)(mbols take precede~ over quantities ~lfled. 14, . · ~ t--,Jor--l-TU 1::tF t'>l:ZE;pS ~ ~VJE:-~ v~OF ~I'-M~ N. PLANT MATERIAL GUARANTEE ANO REPt.ACEMENT ?,;l'Si,l,,O~Ota. 3!~ ~ e-,x.,c-1 I~ All ,hrubs, tree• and ground cover Installed shall be guaranteed by Contrac- tor to maintain healthy, vigorous growth and appearance for • minimum period of ninety 190} days after written accept.irw::a of project and/or final KC!!ptance by Owner. All plants found to be de"d or In unhealthy sute shall be re- placed Immediately. O. MAINTENANCE 1. Maintenance period shall begin on the flrst day after •II planting In t'- pro)ec::t I• completa, checked. accepted, and written approval fro,11 La,,... scape Architect and/or Owner Is given to begin the ""'lntenance period, and $NII contlnUI! for no less tlian sixty (60) days (c;:ontln.-.s day,). (a} Maintenance shall consist of w•tarlng, wffdlng, caring for plants, edging. mowing and clean-up. Cb) The prof-ci shall be kept In a ""'• presentabi. appear.-at alt times. 11, n:-·-' l-L- ! . .ill¼l►►IIIIY If. All lawn .,...,. sh•ff recai1-the folfowl"9 -,daents whldt shall be thoroughly mixed Into top&• al mfl. f't--l~t:::::N~ ~ plS'le. ~Oli-S ~ ' mi ill1 ,_ ~=-.,.,., =· lriilll _ SHRUB PLANTING ~,._ /'Yl--pt-1 ~k::-t--1 ~ 5 ff'vie:'.f"I 1..-(..,-1 ~L-1-z-r'll ON St?We£:;.-r~ ~l,s t,2-E;loO!Zf" ~ rrf F'Oyf?l,o 50 I L.-> ~I (a) Nltrollzed Organic Redwood Solt Conditioner lb) CyJm.19 le) Pre-pi.nt FertlllMr [d) Ory Co,n.....-clel "'Wiltw In" Stolon Application at Ral9 cl Sod Lawn to ba Jt'":S11t:k? ~y St-trw ~r:;:. tl:'P~ &':( C 1I:1 All law,. areas shall be pre--molstened tu a depth al r 1.--dlately <>rior to any planting. Alf ,.,.If sodded, .. edll,d, and •lolo,ahed a.--s ..... t,., po-otactad r,.,_ trarnt 1: TREE STAKING DETAIL I"\--!--p---r-Nl1M6 ;"'t-J1<::? I ~lbr•·-T)oN Wf'"l.-v t-oNfc?~ Tow~ <::::10 er-~e,~ 1.---n-J t?SC,,,t>-pB M l"'N LJ rt--r"t-\t? G-~l- 'S~ pi C..t> .. TJ oNs; ~ p..-,M-h10& hlb l'i<-RI b?-TI ON IN s.-r ,PL,v?"fl ON IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS A. SCOPE OF WORK ~u,ee.~ Work Included In these specifications shall Incl~ furnishing of all mater- ials, equlpiner,t, appll•na,•, labor and permits for the Installation and con- struction of an Irrigation system as shown on th<! plan•. I Wt.{:?; 5 ,------1~-,i;;,v~ GEARED SHRUB ROTOR--~ 8. INSTALLATION l. All lines, valves, and ,.prlnkler heads ,hown on plans are diagrammatic and are to be located In planter are"s wherl! po .. ible. 2. All work.,...nship and malerlals shall conform to local building and plumb- Ing codes. 3. Tranches for piping shall be nraight with bottom and unlfor,n In grade. (a) Malnltne shall have minimum earth cover of 18". [b) Lateral• shall have mlnlmu111 earth cover of lz'1, •• Backfill of all tren<:hes shall be free of r-,cks and foro,lgn materials. B~kflll to be unlformly plac1"d. tamped and nnlsh-graded to flnal grades. 5. All PVC pipe to be lns~lled as per manuf1tcturer's Instructions. '· All lawn PoP-up heads to be Installed nush with flnlshl!d gnu:te. 7. All shrub. heads to i:,., Installed 6" a~ grade and set a minimum of q• -way 6tino ad)acent p11vlng _ •nd /or 5truc It.ires. I. All Impact '-ds to be reinforced with J/8" dla....,ter relnfon:lng st .. el and !leCUred wlUI galwanbed wl.-.. No. 3 r&-bar shall be a 111lnlmum of 1r In length. •· All electrk remotil control valves shall be grouped and lnst•lled In I meter valve bo•••• Valve boxes to be Installed with top or box level with fJnlsh gr•da. t"IP?<.1 r,-iVH C,:::: ;2. Vpt..-vt,,-5 ~ B.:,,)(,_ ~ ~"f'l.,, i-J ~el/1.::.e:-' 10-)l.a:>JGa::;> f~l/1,t!!;, v' to be lnstallt'd a, per manufacturer's speci- fications ~ t:, flS1'2. ~ef Pl L-, C. TESTING I. Aft lrrlgatton lines to be flushed prior to pla,<:ement of sprinkler he.ads. 2. Contractor shall be resp:onslbut for le.tk·proof syste111 •nd sh•ll repair ""Y vi~~ leeks. i'-1,._IN i--lNE:-T?' e,e p~u i£E. ~jl::'t::> ~ I 2-? ~I ft:7i'Z-3 rv\..lle.s, r--11N • ~ ~11,,1...ff--lG ( oB~ e,,,'Cl'l'(lr-Jo/l!!CfCI<.) o. SPRAY ADJUSTMENTS f>,-~E;"TeST'TOiile: Mf"\:?6TC'INS'.t)l.(G'I"~~ Contractor shall adjust all sprinkler Mads as lo minlmhe over,pray onto wwlks, paving. and building •tructures. E. GUARANTEES All illilterlals and lnstilllatlon of work •hall be guar.inteed to be free of prob,..,.. and shall be operable f.,.-a period of one I 1) y""r from the dat• of acc~tance. f-!?v rfl oNf'"-L-.-1 F<-RI GFJ:I oN Nort?.s I. f"(..-1..--~11c::-pl i"'e. st+,,"\.{,, 13~PR. Tt-1-8-fC'--i,, o.,-,1 ING-M ~ N0 : M/'HW p;-,:;,-ru ~~ t-J~ I:?, 1 N-Ot--il r-J pt,-f""I p e '$1 ie-, s;.t..r/Glci ... n.,e- '71<2-&L--,P<;<;.I Tjfl::: .:::f' t'--f,A~l,-.t..-, f'~/2,U.z.e_ i,ep-7T~r!::> ir-/ r 5 I , j'l SF s ~ Cf" pt"fl<.OV P. l- 1 )=>NI,::::> It'~ er ~~ ioN :;2. RZ.e.s:5tJi.e£. .,;Vfl"'I>-( t--11-le.,; I 1/~Ji rNC>SM~ TC 6~ ~ 40 t"'v'c:.-. z,11 1,,-1r-J.es P+-11:::? v~ To BE::. ci,,~ 31c; .5o~ Hte:L-t;.) pvc,, NOH pl2-£"?5~ l---lN~S jO Be:-Cl-MS "Z:::OfVG- f't-lio ¾+!-40 f""V'6 ft>K. 1/;z} :SIU;::-, 8. f'1-V pjITt-l&~ TO 13e. ~ 40 pvc::-A-lb iN-J t:'L--~ N~ opm l Npeov-E"V PV& ATTIN& UM/r"OUt--ki. ~ ~!+'Sil& frfT)Nb~ r/? 13(:;. ll'+-J\St:..,1Tc::N M,)W.Ot:':V- ,f, pl).,, H?H VC,l;f/=!bE: Nlt2.JNG TO ~orr:, ~V~TO 13e. t)i~ -BUiel,6(..-?b-1&--L.JP ~ Sl261:::) ~~N& , o N r't-1 u ~ ~ ~ 5'? ec-i A Cr>-f I ot-1 s. M I r-J 512..:e 14 ~ be-, ?°, vt-lt·-leo-noN~ Tc e,~ e~ ~@1-s~ p~ lYfS ~ F"lc:'::N N l .. -•rlt::-£ON N ec.-1 o\Q.--:;'.. ~t-h::, L-11 ~5 c;.rf f't_...L.., e,e, H tttW I N lct...o!<:-, ~ L. W I ~5 To ee. &1.-f><c;:... ri::zeivi0c:::: r-,111'1 cf' 1~" 1:::~1ct-1 t.,a:tJ r"f ~ V ,PL--Vf;.,, I N'?f f>t..-L, Z.o~L--V11 12-8 S r'!'-lk:7 I ~ &P1] or-.j f:?1pta.1ttwMt-'lot--l ~[\k...H 1 MIi\{ ?0-/~ op It>'~ Hi~rl-& ~ e,~ T ,4:?ES\:? TO&~~ '°T 1 ~~ Of I 2-pee.,-, 7, H~ 1 t-J~1~ea ON io~1 r-ls, ws8 tz.e:o BF;--;;s -9~ e l~ ~I::? fl pE:::. ?l'N fi'-'"4---11}-le, 1o p-e::ioe.~ --SP~ r1 ~I ON S ~ v-1 v-1-P-4v O . f"'l..-1..., f liTT N& ~ T 61 P,, E;. ~ 131=2P-SS r"k o , JAMES R. IVERSEN & ASSOC. _ 1415 MACKINNON AVE. CARCIFF1 CALIFORNIA 92007 C: 819] 942-1742 '-A"'D9<:A"S .... CMITIICT 1 ■111 .\t::~LA~'-:Jt;-------1 ~ e,i..., C l'Jf",,,.,.,) \-f------~-+-----1 ~"-e-1'-U<.11.r'J",,,._ ("""f ,,.,., s t,q, P:..I -C:::l-------__c+f---1 ~ ~v,..._v~ 1'--jjr------.--11-+--~ ~ "'--~ _.,...,"-I FINI~ _,.._ ~ M,0-L,e ,,....,,~PT"'""' REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW DEVICE So:;µ 90 1/2" X l/4" 1HD R£0UCER RIJ'SHIMG (USE WIIM 1/2" T><O RISER ONI.Y) i-\-80 1/2" OR 3/4" PVC '"SER ~(/ (U:NGlH .. S REOIJIREO) PVC t;:E STREAM ROTOR SPRAY HEAD . n GUICK COUPLER VALVE _ .... _..,....----· F 1--1i-=+-1-1i::,,o-ce...- ,,..,.-~ F"'" up ++--___,pst::) .,,,,------+ r-"'° ...,,,,,. ie,pJ Le 4-0 J,fP .z-_.,-------, r-c-~, ,....;,.-.J:::,! ''1 ~~"''1 ..---------, M 4' o flv i ,; l.-f>5 .s zo,2 ~ v l.-l-,f...Jeee,111-...L..l---=--=--:u" ·1 I-Jl>fe.: ~ ,EW':~£.~~ w) fl"".;;:;, I "'I :=-c ="-' SHRUB HEAD DETAIL POP~UP HEAD DETAIL pt Ji..lNO ON 130)( I I ~ vli~ t:.?t-JN§?QON c,;:,HH6N WI~ «N~ -Z 11:2JtlG,11:'.? ~Cct-0..J 'AS ,' I : -;-I ----;-,.'" i-< I · ' i ; . .:._; _, -'--; APPR0\1ED FOR PL"c\:NTII\G AND IRRI(.;ATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLii.NTING .AREAS_ TITLC:: ______ _ REV'E'.✓ED 3Y, REVISIOr~ CC:SCRIPT:cr1 OAiE 11.~r1T1,.;L □ff~R t,P/:~QVc"•l DA :E I ::,11n..:..L -.. ·1 ,,.,_ -~--I C •• , ,, • -I c:-,;. D ov -·-- ' • ' I .., R. D ,y, ___ . I. .. -