HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 323-6L; PE 2.91.28; DEMITER RESIDENCE; 01-04''·;}. •. ·\:;-:,'./:/'(:-'.";. '-\::· I HEIU'l!Y DEQ.OJ\E THAT I AM IBE LICENSED DE.SIGN'EJI OF WOIU( FOR THIS P!IOJrCT, TIV.T I HAV! txt!ICIS[D RJ:SPONS!l!LE CHAAGE OVER IBE DESIGN Of THE l'Ro.Jt:CT A.S D[FlN[D IN SECTION 6703 or 11-i[ BUSINESS AND P!IOTTSSIONS COOE. AND TIV.T 'T'HE DE.SIGN IS CONSIS'TE.NT Wini CURR£NT STANOAADS V1'1'D£115T.v<O THAT THE CHECl< Of PRCl!tCT ORIIWTNGS AND SPEOFlCATTOl'fS BY THE CITY or CAIII..Sl!A.D IS CONFlNED TO 11.I:vl[W ONLY ANO cots NOT REUEVE ME. AS THE UCTl'fSED DESIGNE!I or WORX. or MY R.f:SPQl'fST!IIUTTES F'Dll PRCl/ECT DESIG"- THtsE PLO.NS HAIi[ llt[N PR.EPA.RED IN SUIISTANTIAL CONFORMANCE Wini THE Al'PROV!D L,VIDSCAl'E CONCEP'f Pl,'1.N, WATEJI CONSERVATION Pl,'I.N, FlRE PROTECTTOIII Pl,'I.N, AND All CQ"IDITT0"IS or APPROVAL l'lf.LATE.D TO L,VIDSCAl'ING. 7 Ua,,,,,,;fJ~ ISie, yndscape Architect License No. Date "''q MZ~ [74Z. Address C JI.JiU:>t PP I c.p.. · Phone D , ! _I ,~ :'/,.,) ,... I ;. ,; ·''i i (,, .. _r' '· ) I / ; ;, ·.,.' • JAMES R. IVERSEN & ASSOC. 1415 MACKINNON AVE. CARDIFF, CALIFORNIA 92007 C 619 J 9 4 2-~ 74 2 1.ANOBC:API? ARC:HITEC:T 1B1B ,-: I. f. . ,_. .. ,___) D ~ <r. \l.l "' P.LGA \) ';,: " ~ ~ J N Gj 'vi C IN IT:( Mf--f" o NN t:=-R/ Fe:"2..H 11TEE:.. ' ~ 19,e.Jj.::.p,-~l:=-N 111::="'- .p. o. c!,O)<. 3CP e!J7 ~HO $MJT/"'" f""e:, ~. GlZOC.,,"1 ff4 ;.-( tpl ~ l 78r;?-4-z 4 I s H'==ts 1 s t-1 ee T 2. ,s t-h:: e. T 3 s~ee. T 1- Tl71--E/~e;;R.. Skye I~~ G:-,,-.TI ot4 ~1.-ot,::'e f'l,--,..N11t-J 0 c,e:rt""I t..S/ !-'~I FflP"Tlt.:N> ,"--f"'FFOYED 9LLU., ~--hs~ & 8--18t-JE;E.RIN0 A..Pt,JC~EI<. gr•1Jr't ' ~rnl'h ' E-iqint~r~, •ni;, ' 8RIAN SMITH ENGINEERS, INC ' p!ann111g crvil engineering survey1n.9 6,9) 729~8981 FA:,., 1019) 729·-Q6SO ~ 2631:i Stat@" S!r!!"~t. C!7rl5bod. CA 92008 .',_>" ,_ ---, . ,' " !.-. --' .. i (:\NRAD ..;, J-j;),MMANN ~ r.,; F. J:"069 DATE BENCH MARK i : ::!~er:" riOn Cili5Et.EO 50t/l1RE OA/ CO#CRETE Cd£8 St?c,rR sioc or 8£?06~ 48!J//C /.,IP-4 M!?R.f' ' JC CI:~ r'I 0# i4 CAfm RO!?P 8.5' lvE5T 01'-ci <'.½'ft?l!VO ,?£/lL DA TE' INITIAL CdY..{lff 3£,V('/,/ uff/£(.f ,Vo_ OC -/CZ ::~cor,J rr0m: REVISION 17 77{7 t/ 5 C __{ $,§ ENGINEER OF WORKI "" Do tum -·--··-; - NO ,;c,..1.,.e- I, W ~T iP~ NLI Sj N 6l7 P( 1tl e:. arf Pi---f""N a-lE:i::-1::'.. ~$ UL--j ;=-r--Jr ( Crl'1) ~8-1 le,, I ~422 I 12-1-\CU~~ WO!ti'...ING v,A--($) / ~lo~ 1 o 5T f"'Je11 Nb c.?N s. wuc.-17 oN , % ~t'..¼,.t,,pe c?l't 11'aJr;2J0,A'flcN ~~ 1> W ~P( e¥-l s-rrr-l-& p. .s. 1, r<r Joe 51~ ~toR 10 1N'.';.Tr"l-l-1 r--J0 vf"t-1~ \i&:~~TloN -3'-(~, ~pie-r""-nON ~rtf'"l.A.,-B~M~ lr-Jntt 71-tS ~Of' ~ f>-"TE::: H ,,,_'Wl'2-t:i ST 1,,12..1 c::-T, pi....L, ~G-6:) ~.sui.ee e,~ ~s srJ-;:,,-1,..,ve,e,.. ~ ~ nJs. T ~--nor-I , ~Ml ON , ~ 1oe. ~ l"1 1GZ.:s; e 1 P ~rry ;:,to/'l'f.o~ ~Fl~T~~-c;=u.,, #t,-oZ.lb ~ P-L-iS.T c-r-.c-17'1 ~ -res~ ~~/Ov--!N~ IS ~f::iSfOON.;1 B L-e-~ 5uf10L,..')ir-l& ?" ur( CF ~T ILE-5i.JL--TS T0 1r+le-c rr-( l:?e~/=4'2-11""1 eNT Cf'. l,.l1J L--1 'Des }t.k? Ml"l~r"Nc...,~ P'"]"" A?SO/'Y Sf~ ~,PC,it'J'2. 15 t2h5pt'NSJe,L.-~ ~ "l:bj.AtliNG B<-!IL..1?1N& ;,t-lia !"1--VMS.INb ~I~ r~oK TO u:t-1MeNc...it-lG NP"l-v' ~~a-I tt-1,k;:I l\£..~LGl""'710N IN$'ff"l,,v#flON I ~77-YeL>-(, /"k--v-10\Q-¥' jO~E:b -St-\f'-l-,l--\3E:. ~e 1rJ f'"'CL,01:2..l:?,'°f-)c.e., v-,m--1 ir+E:: .:::.rr-y op t:::-~_.b,,.IQ vf>'l-.k:,~ r-1~.-1,.., poHc.,es ~ ~11<28NaJp, ,~e..--n,ot-l ~~ fotL 1t-l~"-l1t.oU/"'f..--r7pre..c.t::i--'S <Sr+Pf.-L.r ~ ~1NTc;. op U?t-lN8:C-71ot-l ~ 1f}e ~ ~0fH~ ~ NI"~ N~ .A-llO H~ see.v1c:::e Jt2-,l <;E::f-?.. INTO~ ~0.L-\N0 ~o P+-+~ op ~ IAI~ 12e&t..lt..l-17 ON ~~ I N->1 ,..,.~ ~ --n--Jt:::: i.ov-1 ~r-JcS. APPROVED FOR PL.AN11NG "AS BUil T" ANb I P-.R.IGATI o N ONL.Y INCLLJIJING PRECISE. DATE LOCATION OF PL-.ANTI NG REV1EWED BY: 4-?J-tl~ ARE.AS. ~ INSPECTOR DA TE I I SHIET I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS Pl..,.l>,,r,INI NS DEPARTMENT 4- T I "T 1...-e / C..O V'ES l'Z. ERIKA DEMITER LOT 735 OF LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 4 P,E,,.., '2)f;I. w f¥AP NO 7367 I APe~~f"o t !Jj!WJd_ 1l9-Y3 . P§~l~-i P'\..P-~NING' t:>IRE:,CfoR. DATE D'M'-l BY: PROJECT NO. ORAW1NG NO. DMc :NITIA.L O>TE INIT1Al.. CHKD BY· rloP 41-1~ DESCRIPTION 323-t l... 0 l><f;"R -'FOOOVAL CITi' APPROVAL RVWD BY: I ,. ! l I I . · .. , . ,,, .. ,,-- ".-· ,,··/'' ) ~-l · ... ,,.1 7 ,, I : / : -:_, ' ··, ' ' ' .. ' " ' t,!o, :3. !NfO~Hp-.Jf oN I a,,-1' Hf'-T~'e N ~ ?Tl"'Tlc.. Hf"-1S-!'Z rze-ss-LJfZ.E t, ,q o r;1 &~7~ ~ i:?1577'Z.JGT A-/,A,\ vl'-8' t,. ~ Hl"-T~:, 3 o spt-t e. N ,._nae. M~ t---1?-X I Mu M 7~ fWr-1 1,;; 7 f:::;, <I,, of -3 0 6f'H = .-z 2' s 0f'H Hf'--;<. I HUM HI---TE;:rZ VE2l---oul"f-( i S Ff p~ ~~b Hf¥.. 0\/~u.-r 12.~4,su~ ~5 I'? I o:Yo ~r P"/f"-11.,,r131..--t:::. r7 t:""7} w12:~,,.. I Oo/'o or 40 p;i =-'1, t' Np-)<., p::1 l,.,v'_S'S -'S'r ~ ~':?> 1..-l!Z,.8 vO>S e+,,-t,.i::::: tJ v?TI ot-.Jc; fOR V ;:,-vY 8-*, f1~<E-~110-l fL-C'v-J Gt P· N, fl f'e; ~1z~ ve=i,o::.-1-ry ~ I 4-,c.3&, I / 7---II aJ>..'X> ? 16 '3,e, 45 1 '2. &,64-34'' C,.,f-4 s -zco 3, I 4-S' 3 12,5 1 I I '5,S, 4a' ~.Zli-"ff&'N kJSS lr-19-(~ . -'.$~ L.-el:::Z. ~I e ~ ~Lll\OF:k? 3';:> J,:2.9::::,uc.-e:.> f"'~.Sui'2.E: e>~fi--ON e I z, s &l"'t-'1 1:5- H r-tJ U pL---C-o~ l--V /"'L--VE:-H / ;,.v 13 11 512-~ z:1 ~lTI1N~ p% I 1.--e'~> ,z.., z. I/ P'f ~F2-M.-it' I pe. ~1 c.., I ON L--0.$.S f ~-1 c:.,.,,. t---t::: s -3,4 v-J ~ Mere~ ;,,-4-ll (!. Ji?GfH '3,{p MPiNHNE:. ~ 4-o yvc.-1>411..;12-~ lc;.o Ff, (1.2;1w1) 1.qz ~J...-evAn or:J I rs1 l,--0$$ tb x .4~3 l2. I TOf/"'L-PF?.~'7;,Ul:2-B ~~-75,'12. psi . f2.E.":::>l k::'I..J rl-I° 1=2-.e. -.S 5 U i2 E:.. cto~I -1S.9Z -11:-OB ~51 ?'U--L--ii-l1::2s 1 vrt--ve5 rt-l~ ~,t-l~E:R HSPl::?S srlor1r-l Aze. 1::?1,-,,.~l'v!P'"fl.:::..- w e,e i,.a,,A;"TC.-k:::> H 1w1t-.J ~r-lT~ ~ HH~ p::?!>Sl E3 L--e. ~SI ~I c.-n "r-l 1--0S.,; I ,&Z ps.i . q4 f'Si , 64 psi 3,4 ~.SI . CON~TO~ TO INS'"fFL--l-1 r-1~1 t?~r-J e-H~i,.:'.... VM,-vl:::-5 ~ 1'2-15~ ~~PE-- ~ /"'1.--L--t-+~~s H Ha.ee 1.,-ort t-l~ ~~'°6'E; Hf"-( ~.z_ To ~Via-rf,; I-Of"S ~rcr-J, ?-w 1/z..'I ~1ze:.. pIp<>e 10 se c~s 31r; fVG. Nf"'1N[,.JtJe, T" 13~ 1~11 ~40 ~c..,. I fS f::.I & e:T Io N l-e--G E:.. r---J D v'\.--M B 8 83 ~ 0 ·---- ~ se;; ~ u ~c. E: Ul:2.!SR.. TDPD T~ TOP.O .:;r+,e::N f'1 oN ~131 CHPNP,ON ~HfS"or-J s1Hf50N f<f>INBIIZ-1::' S705-[01-H !.£',..]~~~ 2\06-IBo~ ID-01 ~~* H~ 3 I&, -3w0 -(o-o I 11 Holo~L--Zoo ;Ai'lbt...e;, ~l,, Vr"l---VE::. M \?Pt-vV.,...1,,v13 4" Y/='1-,-"-/E:; 6'£0upiNG FOIZ M~ 61-lur q=:f' Nek?ta..-4-c.,:,& ~-~~ ~V/"'l>/E::- ,:::.~ 200 p..il.-r-,Jot-! ~55Ul'2-e ~t.-1.--it-le::-C:1/211 1.sa,,..s_s 3TS pvc,,) ~ fO pvc::.-I !if'~ SLJie-1=::-N/"'i H Wt-le-a; \b'1 ~ ~~ ~P-&T-ICO 11 ~ ~_.;uice ~~ ~(..,~ @ Hrt-lu~ ~ y,....~ s.i'ZE=-- pff'l<OVl:;t:J ra-p~N& ,'>t--llO I ~~I @p,T) oN or--J l--"( 1t'"ff"'L---,::;,,o,.-.i_.., ,ce>e...N1t-J · f"e>le. ~~ 1 Na.LJ ~e pie.ec1se Cl 17 TJ... e;: ~ ~b l,a;M10Nar f'L--l"N71 r-is REVIEWED 1c.f<?~ a-blr-lt,;;'a:2Jf'b i"'\.--f'NCHIU~ k?Ml::: INSPECTDR "AS BUil T" BY: DATE DATE Br,on I SH~T I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~,Tlilh E:'1Qi""'~''• 1n,:_ Pt.--,...NN 1r-Je-DEPARTMENT BRIAN SMITH ENGINEERS, INC. plonn1rtg civil engtne~ririg "lurvey1r1g "'51---o/ ~ I P.t,,,:.l &c"31 ON pJ....,-r-J 619) '29-8981 ~t..X (,jl9) 729··06:50 7 iij;1d 5101@-Sir~~,. ca,r~cat1. CA 9;_:ooe ERIKA DEMITER ,1:· , , ' ----_,-,- '-,C,11 ~,<. . . ✓ ' .. i~ -·-., LOT 735 OF LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 4 , , . crNRAO ..:. YJ.MMANN RC E . .3:'l069 DATE /1 , MAlf NO. 7367 BENCH MARK / ]O'lG"fipllOr'! CHl5EtEO SQ///IRC ON' COAICROE Ci/£8 i APPRCJ'.\I~~ , 7 lj •~-, {) tj_y:_9.3 I SOU/"# 5/£/t: or BR/OCE 45dYc /,/Pll MllRI" ' 'r.;(PUf . / ,, 1T 1 • .ico •·cir'r ON' t.4 co.sm RC/lLJ 85" /4/cST or Et i'.½'M/#J P-S'SJST, ,, ' I PJ,..p-J--U-./ I r-JG !Ci Kc~ I O ~ DATE i ££/Ii Dl'IN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO.I CtVh"ff 5cA/C# ,EJ/ct.S ,VtJ OC-/OZ DAit INITIAl DATE !NlnAL DATE !NITlAL CHKD BY: fftJP· 11-1 t::, ~eccrJ from: REV!SION DESCRIPTION 323-t.L.. i ·"lev ·. 17770 Cerium: use ✓c 5. E;.NGlNITR OF WOOk 0111(R APPROVAL ClTY APPROVAL RVWO BY. . • i ?i » , ). :1-;·· • ·, • ?i •· ;»;,, ,) • r -------·--·-----·---------------------------------···-------------~---tl PLANtlNG SPECIFICATIONS A, SCOPE OF WORK The ,.ork to bO! donO! lnc::ludH t""' furnl!lhln9 f>f an fabor • ntterlals, ,equip- ment and tr.,nspol'tatlon, both forO!,,....•bl<! and unf.,,.._,.blll, In po,l'formlng all thO! wo,.k r,oqutr .. d to compl"tll 5'1ld work lndlc::atffl on th<!M drawings and sp...::inea t ion,.. B. WORKMAN SHIP Th,, work of constl'ucting and installlng land1<:aplng shall be ,:.onduet"d In an effieient "nd sa,tisf,,.:to.-y manner. C. PERMITS AND NOTICES Contractor shall be rl!!sp<>n,.lble for obt11lnll'J9 U>y and all n<tel!!s,ary building permits 3nd notices uni""" OIMrwls,, st,.ted. • O. LICENSES AND INSURANCE Contractor shall carry a ~e'lsary Callfornla Stat'" Contractor'• Lieense. Contractor shall carry all ,-,.ceiisary compensation and llab!Nty lnsur•nce to cov'!r his workmen and ...,,.k so as to prototet Ow'""'r '""" any suits. llens, and dllffl89"S. E. STORACE OF MATERIALS All ·-terfals shall be storl!!d In a loc:atlon agr~ upon as ~r Owner's Instruc- tions and 'lhall be stcired In a maffl"ef' ,n as ,.... to ob•b'uct any public rights of way. Contractor shall tM responslbl<! for prottoctlOl't of all his ~ulpment and materials. F. SITE INSPECTION Contractor shall "'"it th., 5lte and shall tal!llllarlui hll11,.lf •Ith all existing conditions prior to nnal ,ubmlsslon of bid. Contractor shall aim datermlne the means af transft!l'r!ng rn11terlals to the }<lb !llta and eny other factors whleh may pertain to 511ld Job. Site Condition" Exen:lse O!Xtn,,.,. care In excavating and working new existing utllltlel at Job -,ofte. Contractor to coordlnate with Ow,.... an utlllty locations prior to any w.,..k. Contractor sh"II be re,.ponslble for any dameges to utllltles du• to his opentlons and/or negl...:t. C. WATERINC o,;i,ner _ sh"ll be responsl!:lle for supplylng all n.cessary water through the existing dl,otrlbutlon sy,.te.,.. Cont.-actor must supply all nece,,..ry equip- ment to dlst.-lbute wat•r. H. CHANCES AND EXTRAS I. Any c;hang..s 1ndf,,,,. extr-as '""" orlglnail Contract shall .,..,,. prior written approval by the Land-sape Arehlt@Ct and/or 0w ...... SAFETY MEASURES Contractor shall pro"l<h all safety measurff such as :signs, guards, llghts, barrkad""· "'"d other protective masures as mey be :-~u,,..d. J. INTERPRETATION OF Pt.ANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS . . . ' Should there b4' an "rror or discrepancy In or be:_...n the plans. 'f'@'Clf'lca- tions and planting list, Contrtttor shalt notify tha landtcape Architect. Contractor ls ro,sponsl!:lle for verifying all plant counts prior ta bid accapt-•nc•. and shall noUfy land,sa~ Architect or ,..Id •rror( •> and dlsc,repan- c::les. K. SITE PREPARATION 1, Eidstlng woll shall be cluNtd f>f all rode. cW>rls, and noxious materl•ls. J. Stockpile soft ,,,.. urth -,nc!s dlaft 1M placed In per-nent location and graded to· nnlsh shape. Baeknll for all shrubs and trees shall eonsi,.t of: [aJ [b) • 1/3-nltrolhed organic redwood """ eondltioner 213-natlw ..,11 (cl Pre-pl,.nt fertllizer M. PLANTING 1. All plant material shall be true to name and subJ@Ct lo Inspection _and "PP""""' by Owner. 2, Substitution of any plant material subject to approval by Owner and/or land~pe Archltttt, 3. Contractor shall be responsible for all plant material from delivery to th" site to tho! wrltt"n aceeptanc;e of contracted work. "· Container-grown pl•nt!l shall be planted In plant pits t-[:Z) times 'width of plant container and one and one-half [ tl) times depth of plant container. Tho! plant crown to M set slightly higher to C0111- p,,n,ate for comp3ctlon. 5. Prune plants as dl....cted by landscap<!! Archltttt. • s.; All plant!l to be waten:d lmmedlato,ly aft"r Installation. 7. All plants to rttelve AgrlfMm 21-g,..,nt tabll!!t (20-10-5) at a rate of': (a) One per one-gall°", t-per nve-gallon, three per nfteen-gall°"• three per foot of bo>< tre,, width. I (b) All root...! ground cover plants to r..«lve I ~(l't1 5-gr■lft I 20- t0-5) tablet pl!!r plant. a. Plant hormone shall be Installed on all bo><ed plant materl■I as per m,mufaeturo,r''I speclficlltlons. 9. All tr""s up to · ,z..,,i>1 ~I:::' size shall be staked. Set stakes on •lndward side of tree. All trees shall be guyed, staked or anc:horo,d imm.,diately after planting. to. All shrubs and trM'I shall rK"'"'" watering basin and 111Ulch 11, ~r detail,.. tt. All pl.tntlng are,., shall receive post planting f"rtlllzl!!r sixty ISO) daoys after planting opl!!ratlons. and sh"II be applied at a rate per 11111nufac• tuner's speclfkatfon,s. 11. Plant quantities on the plant list-are for Contractor's conwn~nce only and not guarantffd to be accurate. 13. Plant Sl(mbols take precedence over quantities ~lned. r4, .. ·.~ t-lON-jl.Jl::1.F ~ ,;tl,-u... ~ve-~ v,"""(1ac'.Of"~IG, r-1~ N. PLANT MATERIAL CUARANTEE AND REPI..ACEMENT .. ~rl<;;,L,C~oi,2. ~ ~e.,x~ -_ All shrubs, trff• and ground cover Installed shall be guaranteed by COfttr■e- tor to 11111lntaln hl!!allhy, vigorous growth and a·ppearance for a mlnl111Um period of ninety (90) days after written ac,:eptanca of project andf,,,,. final acceptance by Owner. All plants round to be de:ad or In unhO!althy state shall be re- placed lmmed,ato,ly. 0. MAINTENANCE t. ~lntenai,ce period shall begin on tN nrst day after an planting In .the profact Is co,,,plete, checked, accepted, and written aPPf'11'191 r.-Land- scape Architect and/or Ow'""'r I• given to begin the maintenance perSod, and shall continue ror no less than sl><ty (60) days !continuous days). (a) Maintenance shall consist of watering, weeding, carfng for planu, "dglng, mowing and cleen-up. • (b) TN pro}ect shall be kept In ■ neat, pr•Mntabt. app ■ar,,_ a1 alt times. \ IRRIGAtlON SPECIFICAtlONS A. SCOPE OF W(i!UC Work Included II, the• specification• shall lncludt! rurni!lhlng of all _,er- lals, .-qulp.....,t, eppllanc,,s, labor and p,,rmlls fo.. th• lnst:ollatlon and con- 5lructlon of' •n Irrigation systO!m as ,shown on th,. plans. B. INSTALI.ATION 1. All 11""'•• valves, and sprinkler heads shown Oft plans are diagrammatic and are to b<t locat@d In pl,.nter ereas whero, po5Sibl"· 2. All -rk~nshlp and matert,.1, shall conform to local building "nd plumb- Ing codes. J. Trenche,s for piping shall be straight with bottom and uniform In grade. (al M■lnllne shall ha"" minimum earth covO!r of ti". (b) L:ater•ls $hall have minimum earth cover of Ii'', 'I. Backfill or all trenches shall be ,,.... of ruc:ks and for,.lgn materials, Backfill to be unlrormly placl!d, tamped •nd finf,-h-grad"d to final grades, S. All PVC pipe to be lns"'lled as per fflllnufactul'er•• Instructions, &. Ah rawn pop-up hl!!eds tit tM Installed flush with finished grade. 7. All shrub, Pieadi to be Installed ,., at,o,,e grade and !et a mlnlmllffl of Q" · wly from •dJacent paving . and /or structun,S. I. All ll11Jl 11ct heads IO be reinforced with Jfl" dl"m"ter rt!lnfortlng steel end MCUred with 9ll't'llnlzed wl,... No. 3 re-bar shall be a minimum of 1r In let-,glf .. •· All elactrk: remot. contn,I val"es shall be grouped and Installed In 1 meter wive box••• Valve boxes to be ln,tall"d with top of box level with finish grad■• MP'l<.IMVH oi::: :z V'.DIA/t?.5 ,...,.....,...... 1:2-v ~ 1-J ...evi c.e,. ' ~ ~ V ,_ I'-~f'\. I 10. ~Goa:, plt("l;{VIL& V to M lnstall..d as per manufacturer's specl- flc;atlon• .M-41:::> peia:. i:::>e-f'"PI i-. C. TESTINO I, AU Irrigation lines to be flushed prior to placement of !<prlnklel' heads', J. C0"1rKtor Shall be nesJ:1<)nslble for leak-proof system and shall repair ;,-'~131b~~~s;.t'1J?lf~P-~_ :rc;~~~f'~_ ~~~-~ -- o. ~PRAY AoJusTMENTS -t,!:if'1 c.-~o-H PN~ e.i::i:::.i.,:f11 .. 1.Ai-Jl1if~~ti. Contrtttor shall adJU!lt all sprinkler heads as to mlnlmln1 o-n,rspray onto walkt, paving, and building strudurll!!I, . ' @. CUARANTEES All •terlals and Jnstallatlon or work 'Shall be guararit"ed to be free of P,..obletff and shall be opl!!rabla for a period of one ( 1J yeer from the dat• f>f acceptance, " I, f'!--1..--~ii? p1~e. ~ 13~PI<:.. TtJe-~1.,c.:i,,.11rJG t-,.1,!:>l<?V:11'!0~ M/'1-Ju~,ut:2-~-: t-J~ e. 1 r-l.oH1r-JpL.,f"'1t::'e s1 ze, .Gt-J-fGl,;:::Ui..-e- ~~,;.1 iype .:::f' Ml"-~l,ltotvl r~ ... ,9.J~ ~,rr-lt!? ,rJ I" 51 , r-J SF s~ ~ ~ ,bot-1 ~ ~~ '1"'~~ /or-! " 2. -fl:2.E%5~ ,;:i,ff:?f.>-( !--it-le,; 11h11 f'NO sH~ T"" se. ~ 40 · f'Vc.,, :z.'1· L--IN-t:::.S l"'I-Jt:::> [..,~ TO Be.. Clr-9:, 31~ 70L-v'e-tf . H ~ P',/c.-, "1ot-l ~s-5\ftZ.e. 1.. ... n-lt;:;5 -r o e ~ ~ s -z::x, r,,-u .Pf',!~ ~ 4¢ jA/L-f"l"t. 1/;z} $1Zb, -. 6. 1'"1--Ypi]lt-l&s.ro se. ~4-o fVC.-All:::? 11-l.Ja.-jTc:N N~ op-Pt..\. l MF-'7~ PVv Ai11t-l& UMl"'Out-k>. ~ f?l,p;.tl& fiTll,-le,S-Til Be-IN-J~Tf~ M,::1[....lat;x.,, :t. Contractor !hall be N~slble rw U. -lnttan■-and protiaetSon or alt ~ plarits rroi. sun, drought, wind, theft, rain and heat •t an ti_. ber.,... C'S,:,.c-__ and during planting openotJons. ,._,_,,, 4- ~11 ~9 ~~;.."' ,t, i6tN k?v-l Vaf /=t&>c N1t2JN& -ro ~crre ~v~ TLJ .El,;;.J~:!irffrmi;:;,,s;:s;J1~:z:rt~ . 1:1,e. tJ1i12-a::,,1"-13ULe'.l,c-L,, A-IG-... LJp ~ SI~ p,,:::-C.<'~t-1& 3. Alt ground eo'll'@r """•" shaff recef.e lN rono..1ng auuodn•nt• _ which shell _a p b@ U'toroughly ml><..«f Into top 6" of' "°"• /t-'f~lcM!;"HfS I:;, ~ ??'I,-.$ ~ ,:=/;? {al Nltrollnd Organic Redwood /l,O11JC!-i-11e0 Soll Conditioner _,::;~...;cjc..,..:i.,S..::...~..u::~~...;r_9.:.,.~-la_<J,~C..;..I :...v_ ;<11 1 µIMUM. [b) Cyp,..,.. ~'Tf~G, ~ 9-¥-1.,l,.. i, 1.:1-ll P-,\Nl? !?;,e .t:>v'l7~ -::::: .c-1-rv ~~ ( c) Ory ComllMll'Clal "Wa•r I"" · I r ..::J_ ' I I _ (d) Alf tround COYW ar.as sh:atf , ._.,.,. wNd _,....,, treabmnl cansldlng <It EC Surffllft rated :as ~ .,.nufactu....-•• ,.,..clfkatlon9, It. All lawn areas shan r-ec:.1 ... ll'le foffowln§ __.d-11 which stian be · ~ thoroughly mlxO!d lntn lop ,. of ,olf, ~l?Hl:'.:t-·H?t-l"fi ·/'$ pl':le. ..:olL-S ~ I {I) Nltrollzlld Org,1nlc Redwood Soll Condit lonllf" (b) Cyp- j a r-1 f"H U ~ ~ ~ 5¥' ec.-t A c::.r--r1 oNS. M I r-J 51 z..:e 14 ~re,., !H.\m~~3.bk .. ?· ~N~ONS: re t',G-ern+~ ~C'l-'fS~ r'~ ~ a-12.. f1:;,:t--h-J 1 ... rit:::• a,r-1 N teo1c~o;. _ SHRUB PLANTING ~"" f'vL,, pt-1~~~5 ~~11.-v, ~t,.\'U"TlON Sn""L-1.,,e£:-r~ $:?lt..S !2-€¥'Dtq' ~ t"fr~l.o !;,OIi-•> ~, " t.,, &F-lUNI::? l,Ji 12..e-5 41-tf1...v ~e-H ttr-$-I N U,L..oj:z.. , ~ t.. WI 12,6.$ TO e£. ~-f'l:2.e\111:.?E:::: Mitt cf' 17-11 ~~,tt-t 1--a:'.1? f1" ~v;,,t.--ve-. 1N$f,.ot.-t., C::.e~~\.Nl~S ,PNk:;> 1~GP110N . t?i~l::S 1ttc.:,Ml'-'-'ION ~\\,k:..H, MIN veyi;;.-ioe. OF lt>1~ HJ~~&, -~ l:!>E T ~ T00 ~ p ... l"f I ~/"'1,-4 Of \ 7.. F€91', H~ I Nblc_,,:,.rl::t:l c:,r--1 ~~I rl6, t-.lSE: ~ B~S ~lrl eo ~ pe. aN f1,'J1'2.f--1rr,le 10 f~Frf .. -·: -SP~ P, ~ ON S 11 H H -P-4-v O . /"1,-v f liTTN<b ~ T,::, A??ROVEO . . ~~~ ----'-~V~ GEARED SHRUB ROTOR -~~ ~ ........ ( l'fl",.......) ~-----i:.:1------'---' ~l/lte, -~-- (""'f ""'',. BO ~I <:::J---------'t+---1~~..,...,v~ jl !>tt,~E!?,..;! M~~~f +-~-----.--4-1---1~ "'~~ :i,:;ff t30 1/2' X J/4" THO ft[D\Jctft l!U!HIIO (Ust Wll)f 1/2" THO f!tstR ON1. '!') ,:-Jl':4f!r-ll~ ~e. F1NISH CflADE--'lic£1(,ltbHt:f11 ~1{5J;lliL ~H" 80 I /2" OIi 3/4" PY!: ftlstR 'f'/C/ (lEHCTH '°'S REQ\JIREO) PVC 1EE ~4-0 PVC LATERAL LINE <7SZ.. ~ 3 I? foe. 1/.z. ~ .-?A'·~C,- t-11 -t'4 ~ ~PG~ -~ ~ '""",.PT.,...., REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLDW.DEVICE STREAM ROTOR SPRAY HEA'D ( fl--~ ~:ber.pv'k· ---1fl-ll#I-6-~= fil;;;;i-----fr,--t'G ~. !!'ol-,IJ\"'f'L-13- (L.~~ h ~~) . ~-......-----f~-.,to M,t,-!J-.l.(1~?,f..,,t='f-4) -=ei., _____ -----··--·----- H-"'W~ 1 i+'7!J',-1..t-(,,II ;,.:,-:,o-1~ HI c!,f-1 ~ .:!, fl:tlµ.1<--t.ec"-f H r.,;;6.\9 . ~ r1,-c.,1p 1.-~e1.-. ~"'f-l~UL.-T t..=,t---1.. ,:.,,.-,:;,'=-) . ANTI-SIPHON CONTROL VALVE 11 ,.,,;',\/ ,. . ·--..._, .. ·•. -n ~fZl.ll?" $fl"~ 1-na . ..-o H~~ (-2-~.) ~ B? f"" ~ ~ s C,,.i;2., f'tJ14H 61~=- -{:'"cv,,., ,,......_ "§/ ii SHRUB SPRAY ON SLOPE APPROVED FOR PL./\NTIKG A.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. '' AS REVJE\✓ED BY, B\Jil T" DA1E %'1Jt:J& ~y S!-tl"W ~e, ctP~ sy C IT:f P.> i::; ~11.-..V!.:::::~ 0 - :'.:•IGlNE:'.R!~!G ;:r ,t .. ;-.]r.~~,...1/::-:.i -... -.... ,_,. DA.Tl: IN$?[CTQR {d) 51!!1!!d Appllcatlon at Ratta of . Stolon Applleatlon at Rate of Sod Lawn to ti. All lawn areu shall ba pre-mol'ltenlld to a depth of r 11"-11ately ork:N- to any planting. Aff ,...,:,~sodded, suo:,.,d, and stolo,,IHCI area• 'lhall be-prot.r:ted r..,- tn,ffft . . ,, .. ''-'"·· ~-·'·· •'• "-·-····· SLOPE •TREE PLANTING /Z. I JAM!:9 R. IVEFISEN & ASSOC. _ • 1418 MACKINNON AVE. CAROi FF, CALIFORNIA 92CD7 C B19 J 9 4 2 -17 4 2 '-"NO!!c:••• ••c:'41TeOT •••• I ~===~1 ==t============:::=========±===±=---.jl---1---IGJ c ITX~N2!~ D~?1fi:k~,BAD ~1 FICP-710 _ S. !?~.Al r....$ s..·-' • . I . ' ' I . . r I , I ; ·1· · 1·· 11 Ii I_