HomeMy WebLinkAbout1399 SAPPHIRE DR; ; CB060938; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 06-12-2006 Retaining Wall Permit Permit No: CB060938 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1399 SAPPHIRE DR CBAD RETAIN Status: Parcel No: 2122501500 $59,562.00 Lot#: 15 Applied: Valuation: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Reference #: Project Title: EMERAL PT EST. -3309SF3 WALLS OPEN SPACE -PER CITY SPECS Applicant: RWR HOMES 818 780-3334 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $653.68 Total Payments To Date: Inspector: /11. ~ Date: e, Plan Approved: Issued: Plan Check#: Inspect Area: Owner: SADDLEVIEW L LC 16461 SHERMAN WAY #350 VAN NUYS CA 91406 $653.68 Balance Due: Clearance: ISSUED 04/05/2006 JMA 06/12/2006 06/12/2006 PC 06-15 $392.56 $0.00 $255.16 $0.00 $5.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $653.68 $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a}, and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES JT APPLY to any I s x i n f whi h I n iv n N Tl imil r hi r whi h h f . h I h rwi City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/18/2007 Permit# CB060938 Title EMERAL PT EST. -3309SF3 WALLS Description OPEN SPACE -PER CITY SPECS Type: RETAIN Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: OWNER Owner: Remarks: Total Time: 1399 SAPPHIRE DR Lot: 15 SADDLEVIEW L L C Inspector Assignment: MC --- Phone: 6199484962 Inspector: ----- Requested By: NA Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Retaining Walls Act Comments j!> ~ ~Ji;:t> ,So(c..,,; Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PC 06-15 lnsQection Histo[Y Date Description Act lnsp Comments 08121/2006 24 Roughrfopout WC MC 08/2112006 65 Retaining Walls AP MC WALL DRAINS 08101/2006 65 Retaining Walls co MC SEE NOTICE FOR SILT FENCE & BMPs 07/19/2006 66 Grout AP MC 0711712006 65 Retaining Walls AP MC OK TO GROUT 0711312006 65 Retaining Walls PA MC 1 ST BOND BEAM 0710512006 61 Footing AP MC OPEN SPACE BELOW LOT 5 & 6 8-9 & 11-14 ~r,~~,t ~ ,--,.-. GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING e GROUNDWATER e ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Project Location: J ~ ' i · f' c✓ . Summary of Observations:---------------------- .J.. } .Q / l; 1 ·,, 1 1 C .,,. -', I lv, 'I J 11vP 01/ I I' /I '(' . //IA <,vP ("_ / "I I ,It; f'j ,,,,1 / cJ{ ,,.. /i,r i // 0 (/ I 'I..(., (' .j "5 ~ J t-----~---------------------------12 1----~.;..--------,...;:;...:.:,__.......,,,. _________ ~~....;:;.....;:;:.. ____ ---I :::! --+-~~-=-------:r------:-r~""""----'--" Received by: ____;:_;_/--'-. ~..J-;.._;_-.l-------------! , :::! By: 7420 Trade St. San Diego, CA 92121 • (858) 549-7222 • FAX: (858) 549-1604 •E-mail: geotech@ixpres .com ill \J\ ' GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING GROUNDWATER • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FIELD REPORT ON OBSERVATION OF FOUNDATIONS TIME: / d. . I()' d CLIE NT: /?µA ~I ii f"5 I Zn C. JOB NO. 'f 7 -~/"?7 e•o1EcTNAME .Em 11 m lb/ /~ t, ,t:;' t'=sY,;{'',., ~- e•o1Ecr ADDRESS ~°'/'/:1,,'(p ~ • C. C, r/~ c/ · ..,<'he footing excavations listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values 0" :ecommended in the foundation report are applicable. □ □ The cast-in-place drilled friction piles listed below penetrated material for which the allowable supporting capacities recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The piles were excavated to diameters at least as large as specified and the excavations extended at least to the depths indicated on the Foundation Plans. The excavations for the cast-in-place belled piers listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The excavations were at least as large as specified on the Foundation Plans. The driven piles listed below were observed to be driven to the specified lengths and/or '1 D driv ing resistances to obtain the supporting capacities recommended in the fou ndation ~ report. 'i Based upo n observations, it is our opinion thah t~e fi;)U~tion recom l]l~ report of the foundation investigation, Job No.lf.t:: 7'-/D , dat cJ ~"7...:.....,_·~~~-=--i+----1 \ l _ nm) applicable t9-the conditions observed. Foundation Pl ans by '!.. ~ ~ dated ;z/3-ft/6 J were used as a reference for our observations. ~ ¼ (!,J ie/411/1/Jt l ✓" /15 : I, ts -.z ~ 15 ,s-rr 6 l.c-1c, & ~ LJIS I 5 ~wff n C o -i ~ louX'r?p, ..-; (c,11-,a -r L-/1 /2 ',(\ 7 I/ 'II NOTE: ) J o 5 15 rl-/ Cd.IC b 1. The observations reported above do not constitute an approva l of foundatio n location, footing size or depth, reinforcement, or foundation design. ~ .J 2. Loose, soft, or disturbed so ils mu st be removed prior to placement of reinforcement o r 3. concrete. The opinions and recommendations presented in this report were based upon our observa- tions and are presented in accordance w ith generally accepted professional engineering practice. We make no other warranty, either express or ·mplied. 7420 Trade St. San Diego, Ca . 92121 • (858) 549-7222 • FAX: (858) 549-1604