HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 324-5L; PE 2.91.34; C & L INTERNATIONAL; 01-08t L • ., , > • • ; ' oiN€BKC'NOJEs==,..,--.,, ........... ,,,, __ ... -... ,..,,,,,,, ___ .. _...,...,.,,....,...,,,....,,, __ ....... _-·--•= ... ~--..., ______________________________________ _....,,,._ .... ____________________________________ ~-------------------~~----------~~-.., 1 RECLAIMED WATER NOTES 1. All WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER OISTAICrs ·CARLSBAD RECLAMATION AUL ES & REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS-DATED JUNE, 1991. . ' 2, ALL PUBLIC FACILITIES SUCH AS COMFORT STATIONS. DRINKING FOUNTAINS, ETC. SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SPRAY BY RECLAIMED WATER. 3. NO PONDING, AUN-OFF OR OVER.SPRAY IS PERMITTED. 4. HOSE BIBS ARE STR!Cll.Y PROHIBITED. 5. ON-SITE CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND POTA8t.E WATER LINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 6. NO SUBSTITIJTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISffilCT. 7. 'I( 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. !l' 19. 20. 21. 'Ii' 22, olf-23 ALL ON-SITE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER OISTRICrs RULES ANO REGULATIONS. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL RUN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.I.!. THE FOLLOWING MORNING (SPOT IRRIGATION COULD BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIME) WITH OUAUFIED SUPERVISION PERSONNEL ON SITE. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OFAT LE.AST 18 INCHES OF COVER OVER ALL WIRING ANO PIPING. PRIVATE LOTS SHALL B!: PROTECTED FROM CONTACT FROM RECLAll.!ED WATER, WHETHER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPt.lCATION. THROUGH IRRIGATION QA OTHER APPROVED USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST HEADS TO PREVENT OVER·SPRAYING ON ALL SIDEWALKS, STREET. ANO PRIVATE LOTS. OUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL HAVE A SPECIAL COUPLE KEY PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRIcrs RULES AND REGULATIONS. METERS SHALL BE SIZED BY THE CITY Of' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL IRRIGATION PIPE SHALL BE STENCILED, COLOR-CODED (PURPLE) ANO LAID WITH WARNING TAPE PEA THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICrs RULES AND REGULATIONS. ALL POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH. WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE ANO RECLAIMED WATER LINE CROSS, THE RECLAIMED LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET FROM EACH SIDE, FROM THE CENTER LINE OF POTABLE LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEET. - A 10 _FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER MAINS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT All TIMES. THE POTABLE LINE MUST BE INST Au.ED ABOVE THE RECLAIMED LINE. A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAJNEO AT All. TIMES. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST AND COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED BY THE CARSLBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ENGINEER ANO/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH SERVICES PHIOR TO ANY USE Of RECLAIMED WATER. OUICK COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: . A. QUICK-COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE 1 INCH NOMINAL SIZE NELSON 17645, WITH BRASS CONSTRUOTION ANO A NORMAL WORKING PRESSURE OF 150 P.$.1. OR RAINBIRD #44 NP. B. IN ORDER TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED USE, THE VALVE SHALL BE OPERATED ONLY WITH A SPECIAL COUPLER KEY WITH AN ACME THREAD FOR OPENING AND CLOSING THE VAL VE. C. THE COVER SHAL'.. BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE OUICK- COUPLING VAL VE. IT $HAU BE PURPLE RUBBER OR VINYL . 0. LOCKING COVERS hB.l; REQUIRED. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION WILL BE DONE BY EITHER CARLSBAD 1.!UNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OR SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON· INSPECTING PARTY. DEVELOPER SHALL SHOW THE LOCATION OF R.C. SIG NS 11 00 NOT DRINK 11 ON THESE PL ANS. AN ON-SITE: USER/SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN WRITING THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL 13E FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITHIN THE PROPERTY. WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOWICROSS,CONNECTION PROTECTION. AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE OESIGNA TION. WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTI.IENT OF HEAL TH SERVICES ANO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT MIMI LEE (FILL IN) (NAME) OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT MIMI LEE @ (FILL IN) (NAME) @ (619)431-0326 (TEL NO.) (619)431-0326 (TEL NO.) -24. A SIGNAGE PLAN INDICATING USE OF RECLAIMED WATER SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH SERVICE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION. 25. SHOW ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS ON IMPROVEMENT PLAN. FUTURE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) C & L INTERNATIONAL LOT 29, CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER .SIGNAGE NOTES SHEET INDEX TITLE PAGE IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION LEGEND/ NOTES IRRIGATION DETAILS PLANTING PLAN PLANTING DETAILS/ LEGEND IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS L-1 L·2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 L-7 L-8 THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE T J BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE uOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE T;~EY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON &-112" X 11 • SIZED SIGN. -· ---------. -----------· -----------. -----------· ---------------------- COLOR: PURPLE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERING. l GI 11QF1 INFS FOR RFCL.AJMFD WATFR 1 /SF 1. IRRIGATE BE'TWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. ANO 8:00 A,M. ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE 1.!ANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE. :!. IRRIGATE IN A MANNER THAT WILL l.!INIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING. AND PONDING. THE APPLICATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED n-iE INFILTRATION RA TE OF THE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COl.!PATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RATE PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (I.E., EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION,TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE l.!AXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). 3. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS. ANO STREETS ANO SIDEWALKS. 4. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC. SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. 5. EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL. ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS. OF THE PRESENCE OF RECLAIMED WATER AND THE FACT THAT IT IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING PURPOSES. GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF El.!PLOYEES IN THE LANDSCAPE INDUSTRY,_ IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS INFORMATION BE DISSEMINATED ON AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUCATING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. 8. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO. AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH Dl.',ffilCT STANDARDS. 7. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE -TAGGED WITH IOENTIFICA TIOO TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3• X ◄•, PURPLE IN COLO'! WITH THE WORDS ·wARNING AECJ AIMED WATER • 00 NOT DRINK• IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE. AND "AVISO • AGUA.I.MP\ IRA· NO TOMAS- ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL . B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PL/\STIC TIE•WRAP OB 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR· WITH PLASTIC TIE•WRAP 0B 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 8. All SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IOENTIFIEO AS RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. II. EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SliALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARING THE WORDS •RECLAIMED WATER 115ED FOR IRRIGATION" IN ENGLISH ANO SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTERS 1· HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKGROUND. THE SIGN SHAll BE PL.ACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSON NEL UTILl2ING THE EQUIPMENT, DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: • ---------------I . -----ERfORO ROAO --..... ~.-........... -......... ,·.,g. .. ;-@-·····•• ......... ~.. w _ RUT~•·-•-•·••·•·•·•;•-••--·•-· ..... ; •• J._ .... ;_. ..... .,...; .•• ~ -. .. ............. , .......... -.............. --===-----·· . ....------· --! i . : : . : : . : . : . : . . r ---L-, \I ,..,· ) RECLAIMED WATER IDENTIFICATION SIGN P.O.C. GATEVALVE · 1 I i . : I c ) l ....... '--ll,",.ll-4...--PRESSURE MAIN . . : RECLAIMED WATER IDENTIFICATION SIGN --+---: +-1-3ao-~ JJ, : ... . g 0 g II. ...J iii . . : . . l . ' : . . : . ~i . : . : . : . . ! ! . : . . : . : . : . . : . . : . : i i : : . . : . . : ~ .......... n ...................... ~ :. i?i. -"l()r ..... ~lll•••ff~• I I th, I I } r " i L RECLAIMED WATER l~ENTIFICATION SIGN LEGEND: ----lfC.------ V111111111J1171 -~ - EXISTING POTABLE WATER SYSTEM EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM PROPOSED RECLAIMED IRHIGATION SYSTEM AREA OF RECLA/MED WATER USE LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINT/S METER & GACKFLOW PREVENTION -. ----------•--------i------------------------------------~L--- 1NsPecT10N PROCEDURES -- l. CI~t CONST~OCTION INSPECTION SHA.LL INCLUOEo )L LOCATION OF PIPi tlN~S. B. T:U:1'-l'CH DEPTH. C. REQUIRED $!;:~A.RATION (HORUOtrrAI.i.l AND VERTIC>.LL'l) • D. PIPE IDENTIFICATroN. E. POINTS-OF-CONNECTION (Poc•s). ' ' F. UlCATlON )\...~O ID!:NTIFICATlON OY SPRINKLER KEADS. --G. WAR.N'INC SIGNS AT 'l't-!E: SITE AND ON 'I'i-i:£: 11i.UCKS HAULINC ' R~CLA~M~O WATER (IF RECi;..AlM&:D WATER IS USED FOR ' CONSTRUCTION). • (D NORTH SCALE 1"= 40'·0" • I .. • .. 1 .. .. I ' 26. Reclaimed water will be available from: __________ _ * NOTE: I hersby declare that I am the licensed designer of work for this project, that I have ' . . ·-"AS BUil T" exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in section 6703 M APPROVAL LE"T"l'tR R~GA.RDING TH~ INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT ITEMS llll,IS, & ,~ $HAI-I--BE REQl)IREO Jl)$T PRIOR TO THE ACTl,JAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER. ITEM #22. THE SIGNAGE PLAN SHALL BE A PART OF THIS I.P. BUT THE SIGNS AND TAGS WILL BE INSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER. TYPICAL SIGNS PURPLE LOGO ... .. OUND WW:NJNO RECLAJI.IED WATER · [)()NOTDRINK ·r r WHITE BACKGR 38" / 1' PURPLE LETTERS ·r_ N.T.S. of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistant with current standards. - I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by" the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego Department of Health Services is confined to review only and does not relieve me, as the licensed designer of work, of my -.. responsibilities for project design. These plans have been prepared in substantial conformance with the approved landscape concep1 plan, water conservation plan, fire protection plan, and all condiu~!roval r~ to /andscaping. by 4 '&'iA~ date 1/11/'M. SHJI..LL a"f: OBTAINED FROM TH£ CITY AND THE: DJST~XCT, A.NO :S'E FORWARDED TO T'Ht COUNTY HULffl OtPJ\.llTM:t:NT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPiCTION APPROVAL. 2. OISTAICT FINAL INS?ECTIO~ ~HALL INCLUDE: A. COV~RAGE TEST~ AFTO COMPL.ETION or tai s~~INKLER SYSTEM, TO OtT~RM!NE THE AOEQUACY OF COVF.RAbE ON THt APPR~VE~ USE AREA AND PROTiCTlON OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR RECEIVING n~CLAIMED WAT~. B. WA.Fi.NING S!G~S AN~ U..BELS. c. QUICK COUPLIN~ VA.'t.VES. D. A~~ ASPEc;TS OF THE IRRIG~TION CONOITlON$ lNCLTJDI~G WINOElLOWN .SPiltA.'!, RUNOFF, ANO PONDING. •-REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL R..E.SIO!HTIAL F\R£AS. F. R?QUIRED PROTECTION OF WELL, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, E"I'C. G. CRO$$-COITT-1£CTION. /1//~ ~'( ,v~er- TIITE ~DSC,.. ?/N)f/1-=-'1 DAT ~ lJ ..l ....... tu1+/E,t'..f ·' q;> j REVIEWED BY: J <II.. t IL t -J ~ c.~" INSPECTOR DATE ti\ .. ~ 6!T~ ~ • fil --- 1--1 /0 iO 1--1 0 > --3 1--1 0 z > C/1 I td C 1--1 r4 ~ C/1 i J • I ., . WARNING RECLAIMED W DO NOT DRINK . k{ ATER Preparer .,. '.,. [_TIJI II SHaTSi' Address tl'lt [)vPcwr [),<._. 11[16. l1VIIIE <!,4 '/1715 J. ANN1.!~L INSPECTION SH.ALL INCLUDE~ 1~ ),,.I fi!!.fb l&T ~!7 ~~ CITY OF CARLSBAD -A. COMPLETE INSPEc-rlON WHICH SHOO'LO COYER PART A AND FART B OP' I' c> l-V ,_,.. ~ DEPAR1\4£NT Ph.one (1/ct,J 9'35 l4Z4 I.V'S()· AG..JA IMPURA NO TOMAFI 18" X 16" SIZE .016 ALUMINUM, .09-0 ABS P\.ASTIC 0A STICK-ON VINY1. SIGNS. RECLAIMED W AV!SO · AGUA IMPURA NOTOMAR ATER . ui N ->-: z --(SIZE) 12" X36' ,. PURPLE LETTERS .000 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SlGNS ALSO .. 016 ALUI.IINUI.I 2" PURPLE LETTERS -...... . ; ' . registration # 1.1.14 Exp. date 5/50/1,z ~·-·· CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL V-.'ATER DISTRICT -~ 6Y:~Jiilf..._«-¼ , 'l/•/M) .•·. ' •·••· 4-Zl·'lZ 808 COATES,~ RICT ENcSlaR CATE R.C.E. 19928 •"· Sf?~C:lili~l TH ~~~~M~~ •. . . , .. ' ·;, . ' .. .. .. '" .•. Tltt DISTRICT FINU INS~ECTIOM. Vicini-Ly Map Revi~ion~ must f?e apprqved br, Public Heal_thE_niineer, City Engineer PRIVATE (ON SITE) RECLAIMED WATER l. D1strr,t £nnineer·Pnor to 1mplementC1t1on in i eld _ SYSTEM FOR: DISTRICT AF PROVED CHANGES N '. OE~, RIPTION \PPROVEO DATE DEVELOPERS NAME: C&L INTERNATIONAL PE 2 _.1...-!1 4 C & ~ INTERNATIONAL I \ DELETE RET. WALL/ PARKING & ADD LNDSCPE l,l.·/-tl. /...5 11116192 ADDRESS· 7323 BOLERO ST. --CARL.SBAD. CA. 92008 AP~D ·7 ~ y I~\ ADO WALK -~Z7-9> /t.·/·12, £2, 11/16/92 A . ~ J TE:...EPHONE ('°lq) ?Z.1.-0573 AS~T tNT /PLANNING DIP. CTOR DATE DATE PLAM PREPARED: _ 'l/11/'!Z BY: 4f.J'Hufi, Gt.JV O'M-,1 BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO • I CHKO BY: , 324-SL ··~ CB 91•1477 .--=-,----------------------------------------·-. ""F1"-"-T~~-~-O,.t,,,TE T '2 APPROVED BY: DATE RYl'oO BY: -SHEET_l_QF 8 SHEETS C.MWD. NO. 91-C.375 . POINT OF CONNECTION 'A'~I V2" INTERIM DOMESTIC WATER METER (TO BE FUTURE RECLAIMED SYSTEM) HGL (BASE OF TANK) EXISTING STATIC WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM DESIGN PRESSURE , PRESSURE REGULATOR SETTIING 550' 116 PSI 45 PSI 45 PSI RUTHERFORD ROAD r ·•·•···•·•····•· ...... ~ ...................... ®--.... f'Cl\ ................................................... \ J I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ZONE1 ,_ . a:: • . . • => . . • • 0 . . . • . 0 . • . . . . a:: • . . • => ~= , ; 0 . . • LL. . . • . • . -J . ·<( OJ . . . . . • . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . • . . • • • . . • . . • • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • : . . . . • . . . . • ! EXISTING LAWN HEADS IN PARKWAY SHALL BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDliD TO ASSURE PROPER COVERAGE AND SPACING FOLLOWING THE INSTALLATION OF DRIVEWAY AND BUILDING LANDSCAPING. ; I ICY•••••••••••• ,, ............................. \ . ........................... . .... ..: ............................................. .. @ ................................................................ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I ' ift" ,· ,. ' 1/{" ,. 1//4!' IX] " I' w· r • 2' ~ /1/,f> rl r 25' r 114'1,lt' r, c,Ji' ,' ' )', •••••••• Iv> ,' @ IC.::'"■" • ■• .................. , •-:;( Vi•' . ' '. ' 1/(1' , ' ' '!/Ai'' ' {' r ' /1/t11 (" ' ~/4" ' --' . ', ¾" ·' ' fv ' I _pl I' , ' I" _::.,_• -V-v-- NOTE: RECLAIMED WATER NOT YET AVAILABLE TO PROJECT . & 11116/92 .&,_ 11116192 ~ 1t/U/4c AOG ADG ADG INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK ,' , . / ' '' ,:;,:. . ·:: ,:,.,,/ '-'t,,.,,/ .j"\ :, ': <~t~ -~ APPR0\7ED FOR PLANTING ' i\ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE · LOCATION OF PLANTING _A_REAS. DELETE RET. WALL/PARKING & ADD LN0SCPE ADD WALK AS-BUILT PREP & FIELD. CM-',liJGES PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION 'SYSTE.M 'A·9' (25 GP.M'.S) HEADREO. ELEVATION (+/-) WATER METER BACKFLOW PREVENTER MAIN LINE VALVE 'LATERAL UNE TOTAL LOSS STATIC PRESSURE RESIDUAL PRESSURE PRESSURE REG. VALVE SETTING RESIDUAL PRESSURE AFTER PRESSURE REGULATION -0 10 20 '20.0 PSI. 0.0 PSI 1.3 PSI 8.0 PSI 5.3 PSI 2.0 PSI 1.7 PSI 38.3PSI REQ. 116.0 PSI 77.7 PSI 45.0 PSI 6.7 PSI 40 SCALE 1 "=20'-0" u~ 211n lrvloo lbfephooo A,r;hJtec:tur,J [jupont lJrlve Cs.Hfcm/a ~~i"i5 714 966•1424 lmfJa/Jon ~It? 270 ~'""~ LJc. tf-2214 II AS BUILT" ~10 1<['6/'< TI~ Af.c/10'2!'.c;r DATE REVIEI.IED BY1 INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT C & L INTERNATIONAL PE 2.91.34 REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE: INlllAL DATE: INl11AL OTH!:R APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---PROJECT ND. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: ---CB 91-1477 324•5L RVYD BY, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------® CMWD NO. 91-C.375 I SPECIFIC IRRIGATION NOTES ALL PIPING AND CONTROL WIRES UNDER PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SEPARATE SLEEVES. PIPE SLEEVE SIZE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE TO BE SLEEVED OR AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES SHALL BE OF SUFFICENT SIZE FOR THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF WIRES UNDER PAVING. ALL LATERAL LINE PIPING UNDER PAVING SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO PAVING. PIPE SIZES SHALL CONFORM TO THOSE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF SMALLER PIPE SIZES SHALL BE PERMITTED, BUT SUBSTITUTIONS OF LARGER SIZES MAY BE APPROVED. ALL DAMAGED ANO REJECTED PIPE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AT THE SAID TIME OF REJECTION. FINAL LOCATION OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 120 V.A.C. ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE AT CONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE FINAL CONNECTION FROM THE aECTRICAL SOURCE TO THE CONTROLLER ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH AND ADJUST ALL SPRINKLER HEADS AND VALVES FOR OPTIMUM COVERAGE WITH MINIMUM OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, STREETS, WALLS, ETC. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PIPING, VALVES, ETC., SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS IS FOR CESIGJ CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL VALVES IN SHRUB AREAS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ALL ITEMS DAMAGED BY HIS WORK. HE SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS FOR THE LOCATION AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES AND LATERALS THROUGH WALLS, UNDER ROADWAYS AND PAVING, ETC. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCT/OI\IS, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DIFFERENCES IN THE AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HA VE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THE ENG/NEERING. SUCH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. ALL SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT NOT OTHERWISE DETAILED OR SPECIFIED SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILED INFORMATION. ALL IRRIGATION SHALL CONFORM TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, RECLAIMED WATER SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE SYSTEMS. IF CONFLICTS OCCUR WITH SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEET L-7, CMWD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL PREVAIL. ADV (ANTI-DRAIN VALVES) UNITS AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS ARE FOR TYPICAL INSTALLATION ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REQUIRED ON ALL HEADS. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH THE ON-SITE GRADES. IF THERE IS AN ELEVATION DIFFERENCE OF 24" OR MORE BETWEEN THE HIGHEST HEAD AND THE LOWEST HEAD ON A SYSTEM, THE ADV'S SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE DETAIL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AT THE SITE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT WITH ANY WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CARRY ALL WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION, PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE AS REQUIRED BY THE OWNER. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND COORDINATE ALL INSPECTIONS. EXTREME CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED IN EXCAVATING AND WORKING NEAR EXISTING UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND CONDITION OF ALL UTIUTI ES AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO ANY UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES PROTECT HIS WORK FROM DAMAGE AND THEFT AND REPLACE ALL DAMAGED OR STOLEN PARTS AT HIS EXPENSE UNTIL THE WORK IS ACCEPTED IN WRITING BY THE OWNER. THIS SYSTEM DESIGN IS BASED ON THE REGULATED OPERATING PRESSURE AND THE MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION DRAWINGS AT EACH POINT OF CONNECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND KEEP UP -TO-DATE A COMPLETE "AS- BUILT" RECORD SET OF PRINTS WHICH SHALL BE CORRECTED DAILY AND SHOW EVERY CHANGE FROM THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. BEFORE THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TRANSFER ALL INFORMATION FROM THE "AS-BUILT" SET TO A REPRODUCIBLE MYLAR PROCURED FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL WORK SHALL BE NEAT AND LEGIBLE CONFORMING TO CMWD STANDARDS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE PREMISES CLEAN ANO FREE OF EXCESS EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND RUBBISH INCIDENTAL TO HIS WORK. ALL PRESSURE LINES SHALL BE TESTED UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE OF 150 PSI FORFOLRHOURS AND SHALL BE PROVEN WATER TIGHT. ALL IRRIGATION WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR ftS TO MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE C>ATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. CONTRACTORS SHALL SUPPLY {4) QUICK-COUPLER KEYS AND HOSE ELLS, (4) CONTROLLER KEYS AND (2) SETS OF SPECIAL TOOLS (IF REQUIRED) TO THE OWNER. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND LOCAL CODES. SPECIAL RECLAIMED WATER NOTES FOR CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT A, The installation of the irrigation water system conforming to the regulations for the construction of irrigation water systems within the "CMWD" (Carlsbad Mtmicipal Water District) and the accompanying plans and specifications. B, All private constant pressure reclaimed and potable water mainline piping installed on this project shall be identified in accordance with the "CMWD's" Regulations and the Irrigation Specifications (warning tapes also required). C, Constant pressure reclaimed water piping shall be "alertline" · violet colored PVC as manufactured by Brownline, Inc. or approved equal, D, Marking on the violet colored PVC pipe shall included the following: Alertline. Caution Reclaimed Water, Nominal Pipe Size PVC- 1120 Pressure Rating in Pounds per Square Inch at 73 Degrees, ASTM Designations such as 1785, 2241, 2672, 3139. Printing shall be placed continuously on two sides of the pipe, E. Warning tapes shall be used on all constant pressure main line piping carrying potable water and reclaimed water. F, Warning tapes shall be a minimum 3 inches wide and shall run continuously for the entire length of all constant pressure mainline piping, The tape shall be attached to the top of the pipe with plastic tape banded around the warning tape and the pipe every 5 feet on center. A second tape shall be installed continually over entire length of pipe 12 inches above the water line, · G. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District shall be notified seven days prior to the start of construction at (619) 438-3367, H. As-built drawings of the sprinkler system must be submitted and approved by the District Engineer prior to final acceptance of this project. Failure to provide the drawings may result in the forfeiture of the contractors• s standard retention fees, I. All pressure main line piping from the reclaimed water system shall be installed to maintain 10 feet minimum horizontal separation from all potable water piping, Where reclaimed and potable water pressure main line piping cross, the reclaimed water piping shall be installed below the potable water piping in a Class 200 "Alertline'' purple colored PVC sleeve which extends a minimum of .10 feet on either side of the potable water piping and provide a minimum vertical clearance of 12 inches_ conventional (white) PVC pipe may be used for sleeving material if it is taped with 3 inch wide red warning tape which reads "CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER", J, All reclaimed water sprinkler control valves shall be tagged with identification tags. 1. 2, Tags shall be weatherproof plastic, 3" x 4", purple in color with the words, "WARNING RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" imprinted on one side, and "AVISO IMPURA -No TOMAR" on the other side. Imprinting shall be permanent and black in color. Use tags as manufactured by T. Christy Enterprises, 1207 West struck Avenue, Suite "E", Orange, CA, 92667 (714) 771-4~42, One tag shall be attached to each valve as follows: 1, Attach to valve stem directly or with plastic tie- wrap ru;: 2. Attach to solenoid wire directly or with plastic tie-wrap m;: J. Attach to valve cover with existing valve cover bolt. K, Adjust spray heads to eliminate overspray onto areas not under the control to the customer. For example, pool decks, private patios, streets and sidewalks. L. Refer to the irrigation specifications for a detailed description of all irrigation system site observation requirements. Failure to call for the required site observations may result in forfeiture of the contractor's standard retention fees. M, Failure to comply with any or all of the above guidelines puts your system in violation of the District's Rules and Regulations and will result in termination of service until the appropriate corrective steps have been taken, APPROVC:D Ei·!G:NE:::Rl~!G ?!....~.Nc;-;::-,:x1:~ DATE INITIAL D.~TE IRRIGATION LEGEND SYMBOL MANFCTR, MODEL NO, PESCBIPIION P$1 GPM RAP PEI a, RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-1 0Q TURF POP·UP 20 .33 8' A a RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-1 OH I 20 .65 8' A 9 RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-80-FLT SHRUB POP-UP 20 .33 8' A " RAINBIRD 1806-SAM·SH-FL T 20 .65 8' A I RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-120 20 .50 1 o· A 9 y RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-12H 20 1.05 1 0' A " 9 RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-150 20 • 75 1 0' A " II' RA/NB/RD 1806-SAM-1 ST 20 1 .20 12' A " RAINBIRD 1806-SAM-15H 20 1.50 12' A " " • RAINBIRD 1806-$AM-15TQ 20 2.25 12' A Iii RAINBIRD 1806-15-SST SIDE STRIP POP-UP 20 1.00 4x28 A 17 RAINBIRD 1806-$AM-8Q-FLT SHRUB ON RISER 20 .33 8' B V RAINBIRD PA-BS-BO-FLT 20 .65 8' B ,& RAINBIRD PA-8S-BH-FL T 20 .50 1 O' B v RAINBIRD PA-8S-12Q 20 1.05 1 o· B Q RAINBIRD PA-BS-·12H 20 .75 1 O' B ◊ RAINBIRD PA-8S-1 SQ 20 1.50 1 2' B $ RAINBIRD PA-BS-1 SH 20 3.00 12' B PA-BS-1 SF IQ] SUPERIOR STERLING 12-(12) STATION PEDESTAL MOUNT CONTROLLER, SEE DETAIL C @ FEB'.X) 1 1/2"·825Y REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE. D $ RAINBIRD "PES-B" SERIES ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE. SIZE NOTED E @ WILKENS 11/2"-600 SERIES PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE. SET TO 45 PSI F .... KITZ #600 AKTH LINE SIZE BALL VALVE G (J RAINBIRD #44NP QUICK COUPLING VALVE W/ MATCHING HOSE ELL H 121 EXISTING 11/2" INTERIM DOMESTIC WATER METER BY OTHERS BROWNUNE LATERAL LINE: 1/2" SCH 40 PVC 'ALERTLINE' AND FOR 3/4" & LARGER, CLASS 200 PVC 'ALERTLINE' PIPE. SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN. 12" MIN. COVER --BROWNUNE MAINLINE: SCH.40 PVC 'ALERTLINE' PIPE FOR 11/2" & SMALLER, CLASS 315 'ALERTLINE' PIPE FOR 2" & LARGER. SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN .. 18" MIN. COVER (24" COVER AT PAVING) -···-BROWNUNE 2" MIN. SCH. 40 PVC WIRE SLEEVE. INST ALL 24" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. EXTEND 12" PAST EDGE OF PAVING. (ALERTLINE) ~-BROWNLINE 4" SCH. 40 MAINLINE SLEEVE. 18"MIN. COVER. EXTEND 12" PAST PAVING, --- (ALERTLINE) NOTE: All 1800 series heads shall be installed with ( 1800 NPC) reclaimed water identification covers. APPROVED FOR PLi\_NTING 11 AS BUIL T 11 ~ti.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE· TITLE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING -REVIE'w'ED BY, AREAS. ----.. ...,., •···· INSPECTOR DATE CTTI CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHBETS I 3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT C & L INTERNATIONAL IRRIGATION LEGEND/ NOTES /7 AP~i2 • ~ _;? f J '/1 -, .. -~ -.. J!il Y-'J.1-9'2-- ' AtSI!'TANTJPLANNING DT~ECTDR DATE DATE INl11AL DATE INITIAL DWN BY: 1 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: 324-5L REVISION DESCRIPTION CB 91-1477 ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV\JD BY, -------------------------------------------------"@ CMWD NO_ 91-C.375 R 3" IN Pl.ANT BEDS LEGEND • J------, l:11:!If:_1. WHEN LOCATED ADJACENT TO TEI-US COURT, CXXJRDINATE 18" SQ. FRAMED HAND HOLE fl FENCE WITN FENCING CONTRACTOR, FOR WJ!iTENANcEUSE. 2. IN PAVED AREAS USE 'CHRISTY-GS TRAFFIC VALVE BOX & GSO LID MOUNT FLUSli wrrn ADJACENT PAVING. 0 FINISH GRADE 0 BRASS NIPPLE -fr I.ONG © CARSON PLASTIC ROUND VALVE © :1(4"WASHEDCRUSHEDAGGREc,,t,.TE BOX VB-1 RC OR APPROVED EQUAL BASE © STRUCTU1EORHAAIJSCN>m © BRASS 90°ELL © CIIJJCK COUPI.Ul VAl.'-1: Q? BRASS 90°STFIEET ELL• © BRASS NIPPLE (U) PRESSU E SUPPLY LINE FITTING © COJCAETESTABJUZER 1/2 GU. FT. €3) PRESSU ESUPPLYUNE H~--~-----® QUICK COUPLING VALVE i -------0 l ; z :ii 2 "' ~ :i ::. :,,, r----+----t 3 ~ r--+-----1 • 0 TRENCHING • LEGEND 0 FINISH GRADE © LATERAlUNE © MAINLINE 0CCNmoLWIRE © CLEAN BACJ<flLI. J,0JE: I. ALL PLASTIC PIPING TO l!E SNAKED IN TRENCHES. 2. BUNDLE & TAPE WIRING AT 10' INtERVALS. a. TIE A LOOSE 20" LOOP IN WIRING iT CHANGE OF DIRECTION GREATER THAN 30 . UNITE ALI. LOOPS AFTER ALL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. •· SEE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR l!ACKFILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 12 1---'-" ---0 ~ t3 LEGEND 0 FINISHGRADE PlASTlC VAi.VE BOX © Wl1h locklng covar mark·RcV" imd sequenoe number on cover. © CCM'RJLVAI.VE (v COM\AONWIRE © wsNAP~ TITE" elecldcal connuctor&. © PVC MALE ADAPTOR (2,roquliod) @ PVC Sch 80 NIPPLE © PVCELI. ® PVC Sch 80 NIPPLE ® ONECWIC FOOT :iWCRUSHED ROCK @ PVC MAIN LINE @) PIIClEE @ COM\AON & C0NmoL WIRES. (9 24" MIN. EXPANSION LOOP ® AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVE tEGEND -0 0 FINISH GRADE © VALVE BOXW.\.OCKNl CXMFJ 0 PVC MAil LINE © PVC Sch 80 UNION © PRESSURE REDUCtK; VALVE ASSEWLY © rnE ClEIC FOOT 314" CRUSHED ROCK s 1--c---' {j) PVCSchSO • _ FEMALE ADAPTER @ PVC PVC Sch BO MALE ADAPTER ® PRESSURE REGULATOR ' J~ I I I I ,1 I I I I I I. -~ NOTE: r------------FINISHED GRADE, 7\i:1F Al1EAS ~---------FINISHED GRADE, SHRUB AREAS . ' • .. • ·. ,.. ,. ,. ,. .., ,.. w ,. >< ,. .. ,. ... " ,. ---CARSONPLASTICROUNDVALVEBOXVB•1 RC OR APPROVED EQUAL .,. ~ ... .., w .... .. .. ., ,. 0~ .. ·!:~ ~ 10/~). ,lo .. t3! "' ,) .... ,,:, 4-~ .;J ~ .. J... ~y -'•(:i~_j,~.! t ;-·· .. . ' SHUT .OFF VAL VE FOR 2• 1/7' IN SIZE OR $MAUER '"~~--m;ESSURE SUPPLY LINE (SEE SPECS.) PEA GRAVEL (MIN. 2 CU. FT.) PVC MALE AD.OPTOR @) BALL VALVE • 1.,,_._ ____ 0 • • 0 • · Ill" min. ,-----{ ' =~r-1· min. 12" llllft. tKl!E; all wiring to be installed as per local code. LEGENO 0 CONTROll£AI.HT © © COCRETE eASE (compacl subgradR) FINISH GRADE 0 3" SWEEP ELL (lor UF dintct burial wires to remo11:1 c:oni,01 vatves) © 120 V.A.C. CONDUIT INSTALL RAINMATE BY HYDROVISOR BYWATER CONSERVATION SYSTEMS © CONTROLLER FIEDt,!Cto PR£SSUAll IJACJ09.0W PREVENT£!1 ----~ IIALL VAi.Vi! BF!~SS ELBOW ~-SAU. VALVW. !RASS NIP1'LI! {T/PICALI •R.ASsnaow ,__ __ BRA$$ NIPPLE """!ICII. .. MALE ADAPTOR > • --CONCREll lHRIJS B1..0CKS ~ 2 CU.FT. J '-'-'-,. ~--8RASS ELBOW L__ PRESSURE; SUPFL'f UNE INTAKE STANDARDS FOR ~• AND UNDER BACKFLOW INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. THERE SHALL BE NO FITTINGS OR CONNECTIONS TO OTHER FACILITIES BETWEEN THE METER AND THE BACKFLOW A$$EMBL Y. 2. THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") AND NOT TO EXCEED A MAXIMUM OF TWO FEET (21 FROM THE METER EXCEPT WHERE THIS WOULD REQUIRE THE BAGKFLOW ASSEMBLY TO BE INSTALLED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. IN WHICH CASE, THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE INSTALLED A MAXIMUM OF TWO FEET (21 INSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE. THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MAY NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, BE INSTALLED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3. TYPE K HARO OR TYPE L HARD COPPER OR BRASS WITH SOLDIER JOINTS OR THREADED FITTINGS MUST BE USED BETWEEN THE METER AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. 4. PRECEDING THE NUMBER ONE SHUT OFF VALVE. CONNECTION MUST BE MADE WITH A COPPER OR BRASS RISER TO A COPPER OR BRASS 90" ELBOW. SHUT OFF VALVE MAY BE PRECEDED BY A COPPER OR BRASS NIPPLE AND / OR A BRASS UNION. RISER MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH THAT THE BOTTOM OF THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS TWELVE INCHES (12") TO Tl-11RTY-SIX INCHES (36") ABOVE GRADE IN AN AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOODING. 5. FOLLOWING THE NUMBER TWO SHUT OFF VALVE, THE CONNECTION MUST BE MADE WTIH A COPPER OR BRASS 90 DEGREE ELBOW TO A COPPER OR BRASS RISER TO A COPPER OR BRASS 90 DEGREE ELBOW. SHUT OFF VALVE MAY BE FOLLOWED BY A COPPER OR BRASS NIPLE AND I OR A BRASS UNION. RISER MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH THAT THE BOTTOM OF THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS TWELVE INCHES (12") TO THIRTY-SIX INCHES (36") ABOVE GRADE IN AN AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOODING . 6 . 7. IF BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS TO BE INSTALLED ON A SLOPE WITH A HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL RATIO OF 4:1 OR GREATER, A TWO FOOT (2') HIGH RETAINING WALL MUST BE BUILT SURROUNDING THE ASSEMBLY ON THREE SIDES WITH THE OPENING ON THE DOWN SIDE OF THE SLOPE. THERE MUST BE A MINIMUM TWO FOOT (2') HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE RETAINING WALL AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. ASSEMBLY MUST BE LOCATED IN AN AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOODING. ONLY REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES WHICH HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE STATE OF ~ 01-------+I @TURF/ SHRUB POP-UP LEGEND 0 @ © FINISH GRADE POP UP SPRAY HEAD WITH SIDE INLET P. V.C. Sch. 80 RISEll 0 P.V.C.ELL © P.V.C. STREET ELI. © P.V.C. Sch. 80 NIPPLE © P.V.C. TEE or ELL IN LATERAL ~____:_.:..:..../ 3 5 ® SHRUB SPRAY ON RISER .. NOTE: Install heads 12" abo11& grade in thi:i interlol of planting beds_ Install heads 6" above grade naxt 10 bldgs. LEGEND 0 EXISTKl Bl.llG. OR HEAD!'A © SHRWSPRAYHEAO © PVC Sch. 80 RISER 0 FINISH GRADE © ADV IN RISER © P.V.C.STREETEIJ. 0 PVC Sch. 80 NIPPLE © P.V.C. TEEo, ELI. IN LATERAL .La , iilj Ai:C:: "' ---""""""""" -,,,_ PL~4.NTI?\G "AS BUILT" CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND CARLSBAD "!\PP ROVED FOR MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILL BE USED ON WATER SERVICES WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER ~~ND IRRIGATION ONLY, -DISTRICT. INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE DATE LOC~LI.TION OF PLANTING • REVIEVED BY, APPROVE:D .. "LI.REAS. --BACKFLOW PREVENTER . D :::t,JG;° NE:'.:2'.>!G ?:..._~ :,~:::-=::-c;,~~q c)>.TE INSPECTOR DATE CTT] CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH~TS I 4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT C & L I NT ERNA Tl ONA L .JRRIGATION DETAILS APPR~ ,.~~1 /. ./, 1 • . • ) . •/--,, 't-'J1-?J.- ASSI:IT ANT Pl/ANNING DIRECT..tiR DATE DWN BY: . PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATI: INITIAi. DATE INl11AL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION CB 91-1477 324-SL e:NGINl':ER OF W".lh , OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVVD BY• ' CMWD NO. 91-C,375 ® -~----,-_ I -------------- RUTHERFORD ROAD. I SHOVEL CUT LAWN EDGE EXISTING PARKWAY ORAL TREES TO REMAIN EXISTING PARKWA TURF TO REMAIN EXISTING CORAL TRE AND REMOVED PER UNION PACIFIC REAL ,_ ct => 0 0 er .::, 0 LL. _, <(' m TURF ZONE1 1 3-PITWHE 15 GAL TOBE BOXED HE DIRECTION OF 7-PITWHE 15 GAL ( \ ( \ r \ \ ~ '-~ ) ·, ,, J _./ I \ \ 1 .16> PIT WHE 5 GAL ...§0 -HEM 5 GAL VIN MAJ ZONE2 8-PITWHE 15 GAL 1 -TIP TIP 48" BOX , -- 4-POOHEN 15 GAL ZONE1 94-ABE PRO 5GAL 34-RHACLA 5 GAL . .,_,~ . ' 12-LIQ STY (2) 1 SG./ (10) 24" BOX 3-HARVIO 15 GAL 10-CUP ANA 24" BOX ZONE3 71-CEAGRI 5 GAL 90-ABEGRA 5 GAL EXISTING PARKWAY TURF TO REMAIN 9-ABEGRA 15 GAL 5-PIN CAN 24" BOX / I ' • EXISTING PARl<!NAY CARROTWOOD TREES TO REMAIN I . l,~5-MEL QUI l 15 GAL ' ,, ( APPROVED D"-TE INln"-L ENGINEER OF WORK 0 ,o 20 40 SCALE 1 "=20'-0" Ulnd~ 219Z ltvtno Talepholle Architecture Dupont Drive Cal/trJmla 92'hS 714 i55•1424 Jmgatlon Sulm 21t;; Pftl'll1frtg Uc. 112214 ' APPROVtD FOR PLANTING 11 AS 0.A.TE REVISION DESCRIPTION .4.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE · LOCATION OF PLANTING _A.REAS. REVIEIJED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DATE C & L INTERNATIONAL ASSIS DA TE INlllAL DA TE INlllAL DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPR0\1,1,.L RVIJD BY• PLANTING PLAN CB 91-1477 DRAWING NO. 324-5L CMWD NO. 91-C.a75 NOTE: ------0 ~ 6"" ~•ORAS SPECIFIED Tl!; PLANT AS Nf::Q;SSARY W/NURSERY TAPE LEGEND (i) #6 X 1" Pl.ASTIC EXPANSION Sl-ilEL□ ® #6 X1 314' GALV, MACH. BOLT. © ~<.leWlREGALV.PAINTT□MATCl-i © WALL ,.,.' .. © VINE PLANTING c~----- BOX SIZE GAOOE 20" #14 24M-30M #12 48" & OVER #10 INSTAU. GUVS Hm□ TAUT TO PAEVENT DEFORMATICN OF LIMBS G)1-4-.-----.}I BERM 2 XWIDTH OF ROOTl!M.l. LEGEND 0 2" X 4" X 30' REDWOOD © 2" X 4' X 18" REDWOOD STAKES (2) '------------0 lo\ NEW, 1/2" cjl GREEN COLORED RUIIBER flOSE OVER V WIREATPOINTOFC□NTACT 0 (ll) OOUBLE STRAND GAVL WIRE GUYS SPACED EQUAIL Y AROLIN□ TREE COVER WITH 5' LONG, 1/2" cjl GREEN COLORED RUBBER HOSE © BACKFILL MIX G"\ COMPACTED lilACKFILL MIX V NOTE: use AS NEEDED Cl'J $LOPES & NON TRAFFIC AREAS 0 PLANT TABLETS © APPROVED GALV. U--BOLT CABLE CLAMP (TYP.) © 2" X 4" X 30• REOWCXlD DEADMAN CUT CHANNEL FOR ~RE PEAPMNJ PEIAIL @ TREE GUYING D----------- ..----{ 2 ~---1 3 2 X DIAMETER LEGEND 0 1 OR 5 GALLON SHRUB ® 1' lA YER OF MULCH G) WAlERBASIN © AMEl'lOEO SOIL FOR PLANTING © (SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS) Pl.A.NT PrT EXCAVATION © SOIL MANTLE 0 PLANT TABLETS PEA SPECIACATIONS. ® SHRUB PLANTING Ai----- LEGEND 0 TREE (SEE PLANTING PlAN) !=r=td==l=I ... , -----0 ® "Vil" TREE TIE (1) PER SPECIFICATIONS (2) TIES SPACED 12' APART FOR CITY STREET TREES © (2) 2 1/2" DIA, t..OOGE POLE PINE TaEE STAKE. INSTALL NO CLOSER lHAN 2" FROM ROOTaALL. 0 l"lAYEROFMULCH ® WATER BASIN a\ AM!;;NDEO SOIL FOR l;c,/ PLANTING (SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATION) 0 Pl.ANTPIT EXCAVATIJN © SOILMANTL.E G) PLANT TABLETS PEA SPECIFICATIONS. ' 2 X DIAMETER Wlla: STAKE TREE PERPENDICUIJ\R TO PREVAILING WIND. 0 4 5 ---0 --0 -0 ----0 @ TREESTAKING Bi-------- SPECIFIC PLANTING NOTES 1. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID AND PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST THEY SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 2. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETE REMOVAL OF WEEDS AND GRASSES DURING THE 90 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOO. 3. GROUNDCOVER SHALL EXTEND UNDER .ALL PLANTING WHERE INDICATED. 4. ALL GROUNOCOVER AREAS LESS THAN 3:1 SLQPE SHALL RECEIVE A 3"LAYER OF SHREDDED BARK (GORILLA HAIR) TOP DRESSING AFTER PLANTING, AVAILABLE @ ARTESIA SAWDUST PRODUCTS INC. (213) 538-3850 OR EQUAL. SAMPLE OF PRODUCT SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR JOB SUPERINTENDENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 5. PLANT COUNTS ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE ONLY. 6. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANT COUNTS PER PLANS. BACKFILL MIX: THE AMENDED SURFACE SOIL CAN BE USED FOR BACKFILL AROUND TREE AND SHRUBS AND IF ADDITIONAL QUANTITIES ARE REQUIRED, THE FOLLOWING FORMULA SHALL BE USED: 7 PARTS BY VOLUME ON-SITE SOIL 3 PARTS BY VOLUME ARTESIA SAWDUST PRODUCTS,SUPERIOR MIX 17 LBS. GAO POWER PLUS WI 4% SULFER PER CU. YD. OF MIX 2 LBS FERROUS SULFATE PER CU. YD. OF MIX' • BE SURE TO WASH OFF ALL HARDSCAPE IMMEDIATELY SINCE FERROUS SULFATE HAS POTENTIAL TO STAIN (CONCRETE, STUCCO, ETC.) SOIL PREPARATION SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: INITIALLY CROSS RIPTO A DEPTH OF 10-12" WITH 15 LBS. SOIL SULFUR PER 1,000 S.F. AND THOROUGHLY LEACH FOR 7·10 DAYS. THEN APPLY 200 LBS. OF GAO-POWER PLUS AND 2 CU. YDS. OF ARTESIA SAWDUST PRODUCTS, SUPERIOR MIX PER 1,000 S.F. AND ROTOTILL TO A DEPTH OF 4-6". AFTER SOIL PREPARATION BUT PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRIGATE WITH OVERHEAD IRRIGATION SO THAT A MINIMUM OF 2-4" OF WATER PASSES THROUGH SOIL PROFILE, BEYOND THE IN/TIAL ROOTZONE. DRAINAGE IS CRITICAL. 8. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE HANDLED AND STORED SO THAT THEY ARE ADEQUATELY PROTECTED FROM DRYING OUT, FROM SUN OR WINDBURN, OR FROM N-N OTHER IN..IJRY. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL GALLON CONTAINER PLANT MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS AND ALL BOX MATERIAL FOR ONE YEAR. 10. DURING THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, FERTILIZE AFTER 45 DAYS WITH GRO POWER PLUS AT A RATE OF 25 LBS./1 ,000 S.F. (ALL PLANTING AREAS). 11. INSTALL ALL, SHRUBS ACCORDING TO DETAIL 'A", TREES ACCORDING TO DETAIL 'B', VINE PLANTING ACCORDING TO DETAIL 'C' AND, (CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT UNIT PRICE FOR GUYING, DETAIL 'D' AND SHALL BE USED ONLY ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS FOR SPECIMEN MATERIAL DURING ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD). 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SUPERINTENDENT WITH COPIES OF NURSERY INVOICES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PLANT QUANTl1Y AND 1YPE VERIFICATION AT TIME OF DELIVERY. NO PLANT MATERIALS WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION. 13. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SHEET L-7 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS APPLICABLE. NOTE THE ABOVE SOIL BACKFILL MIX AND SOIL AREA IS FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY. FOLLOWING ROUGH GRADING OF SITE, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOIL TEST EVALUATION TO CITY FOR APPROVAL PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS, fPPRO\f~D PLANT LEGEND TREES SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME LIO STY LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA 'PALO ALTO' CUP ANA CUPANIOPSIS ANACARDIODES TIP TIP TIPUANA TIPU PIN HAL PINUS HALEPENSIS SHRUBS ABE GRA ABELIA GRANDIFLORA 'EDWARD GOUCHER' ABE PRO ABELIA GRANDIFLORA 'PROSTAATA' CEANOTHUS GRISE US 'HORIZONT ALIS' COMMON NAME AMERICAN SWEETGUM QARFOTWX)[) TIPUTREE ALEPPO PINE GLOSSY ABELIA PROSTRATE ABELIA CARMEL CREEPER CEAGRI HARVIO HEMHYB LIG JAP HARDENBERGIA VIOLACEA 'HAPPY WANDERER' LILAC VINE HEMEROCALLIS HYBRIDUS 'YELLOW LIGUSTRUM JAPONICA 'TEXANUM' POD I-EN PODOCARPUS HENKELII PIT WHE PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA WHEELER!' AHA CLA RHAPIOLEPIS INDICA 'CLARA' XYLGrn XYLOSMA CONGESTUM 'COMPACTA' GROUNDCOVER GAZANIA 'MITSUWA YELLOW' VINCAMAJOR YELLOW DAY LILY JAPANESE PRIVET LONG LEAFED YELLOW WCXX> WHEELER'S DWARF WHITE INDIAN HAWTHORNE DWARF SHINY XYLOSMA YELLOW TRAILING GAZANIA PERIWINKLE SIZE 15 G / 24' SEE PLAN 24' BOX (STD) 48" BOX (MUL Tl) 24' BOX 5 GI 15 G SEE PLAN 5GAL. 5GAL 15 GAL ESPALIER 1 GAL. 5GAL 15 GAL. 5 G / 15 GAL. SEE PLAN 5 GAL. 5GAL FLA TIED @ 12' O.C. FLATTED@ 12" O.C. GAZ MIT VIN MAJ TUFI' MARATHON II TALL FESCUE SOD BY SOUTHLAND SOD FARM NOTE: MEL QUI PIN CAN ALL SLOPE AREAS 6;1 STEEPNESS OR GREATER SHALL RECEIVE JUTE MESH EROSION PROTECTION r,s APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. MELALEUCA QUINQUENERVIA PINUS CANARIENSIS CAJEPUT TREE CANARY ISLAND PINE _A.PPRO\7ED FOR PLANTING ~-6,.ND 'IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ~ -'. ., TITLE REVIE\IED 15 GAL 24" BOX "AS BY• BUILT" DATE iE:,!Gi~JE:'.R!NG p~_L.NC:-: ::c;,.::::~ . D.~.TE INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH8TS I 6 PLANNING DEPARTMENT C & L INTERNATIONAL PtANTl~G (?ET AILS / LEGEND APPRO~ £.1 • .I .1/. /),) _; , ...! f-~T/-~ ASSISif-ANT Pl l":TOR ~NNING DIR•• DATE OWN BY: , PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CB 91-1147 324-SL REVISION DESCRIPTION ENGINEER Or WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY ,._PPROVAL RVVD BY• CMWD NO. 91-C.375 SECTION 02441 IRRIGATION PART I •GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. ScOPe of won: Pto\ride au labor, -matt!riab, ~. and services necessmy to furnish and in.stall irri.gatim systems as shown on the Im.wings And described h=m, 1.1)2 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND REQUIREl,IENTS A. PcrmiUi and fees: Tht CmllaCt(Jr shall obtain and pay frn any and all permits md all inspections u m;imd. B. '.Manufacturer's dnctions: Manufactuft:r'i: direietions and ~led tb-awitlgs shall be folJo'Wffl in llll cases where the: rnanuf~ of ankles used in this contract fiiroi.sh ~ons covering points not shown in the drawings Mid :,pa::ifications. C. Ordinances and regulations: All local,. municipal and suit law!.., tulc:i; and regu:llr:ions g(!Veming (ft relanng to My pOl:tion of this wort are bm,by incm,,orate(l into 811d made 11. part of the.o.e specific.111:ions, and their provision!: shill! br: ('.MI'ied om by the Conlractor. Anythmg COft~ed in tbt$t sp«;ifict~i $h~l not be coostrued to confll(:t with any of the above IUles and n!gulations or requirements of the same. However, .when the.w: specificlli:ions and df8.wing:s c.8..11 f(JI' or-dC$¢rlbe materials, W(lfkm:anship, or oonstn.lOtion of i. better quality. higher standard, or lm'gcr sW: than is ~ired by the above rules 1111d tegulations, W pn:,vl$ions of these specif'JCarions and <imvn,p mall to>t p,<=lu._.. D. E,.plan.atiOn of dr'awin~: 1. Due to tbe scale of drawings it is not possibk: to indicate Ill.I offsm, finings, sleeves., etc. whicti ma:, be rcquin:d. Tfic Contractor shall ciefully invesrig.ate the suucwral and finished conditions affecting an of hi$ w(ltk. Md plan his wort ACC()ldingly, furnishing wch f'ini.ngs, etc, as may be J"equired to meet such oonditions. Om wings 11re generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work. tn be ~led in si;ieh a m!bil'Jer M: to avoid (:onflicts between ini.gm:ion system,. planting and ardtitecttml.l featiff.s. 2. The ,...(ln;I, "Arc:hitt-et~ M used tlmin shall ~fer to the Owner's authorizec;t ~111:ive. 3. All work ealled. for on the d:i'awil'lgs by notes or details shall be .fwnished and installed wtiether m not specifically mentioned in the ~i:ficatiom;_ 4. Toe Co1Hracror sllall nor. willfully lftsi:1ll rhi!: irrig~ion $yS:terrl as sl:iown on the dttwings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grlde differen~~ or discrepancies in area dimensions cx1S1 that might noi havt b«.n co11sid~ in engineering, Such obw\lttions or d~ sllould be brought to the attention of the Owner's authori7Nl ~resentat:ive_ In the event rhi$ Il!OlifiCIWti(K't J.s: not performed. thi!: ittigaiit>n Com::rQt;:tO'° sh.au ol\$$Ume full ~ponsibility for any revisioone~. 1 .03 SUBMITT ALS A. Mllleli.als lisr:: l, The Conmctor shall futliish the articles, equipment, ~riah; or pnx:esst$ spec:ifwd by mane in the dntwings and spe,cific21iQftS. No substitution wi.H be alloWt:d without prior vnl:rrt:n a.pproval by die An:hitect. 2. A complete ll'laicrial 11,5' Wall be submitted prior 10 perfonning any wort. The material list srutll include tht: mAnufAC'tl.tttt, model number and description of all nwerial!J IK\d ~ui~t to be used. 3. Equi~ment or mlltm11b insta.Ued or furnished wifflwt prior approval by th~ Alch11tt;t may be rej,ected and the Contr.:tor required ro remove such materials BI his own 11!!1.:pen!t. -4. The approval of any item. alternate or substitute indicaft:s only dw the pmduct or prodUcts apparenlt~1~t the ttquitt:llit!nts of the drawings and speci~s on the basis. of the in !Won ar SllffllJlr:!I submirted_ ,. The manutactlftl"s Wan"3nlie$ !:hall i'l(lt relieve ~ Con1111etcr of his liability under the gu.aranttt:. Such wammties shall only mpplement dte guarantee. B. R.«:otd and as-built dmwings as iequired by Owner 1. The Contnlcior shall proYide and k«P up-to-dal'e a comple1e as-built record set of blueline oulid prirtts which shall be cCJll'Cded daily and :ii;how ~ thangt from th,: vrigirial d:fawings and specifications and i:he ex~t $$,Wilt 1ooations, Stl.ES _and kinds of ~uipmenL Pril1l!l fl)t" rhi$ purpoie may be obatined fi'om the Arch1ie<.1 Ii: cost. lbts ~ of ~wW!p :ihWI be kept on the lite and shall be liscd only as a record~- 2. Thetii: tlnlwil'lgs. ihaU al:,o serve a., wort: progress mocts and she:11 ~ 1he bais fen-me:amrement and paymmt for work. eomple1ed. Ttie,e dmwings shall be available at all time$ fQt il'l:sp«:tioo .nPd :ihall be kept in a. locm:ion designattd by i:he ArthilCCt.. Should die :record set, blue line or 8$--bnilt pro~ sllcds not be available for ~view or up-to-date ~ the 1irni: of my inspection (Rfer to section 3.10-InspectiOi'1 Sched,1,1.lc), jt will be assumed DO worlc has been completed 1111d rhe 0:,n1nl(:t,;:a-will be ~ the cost of thw: :riv; vi$• m the curreTU billing rate of the Arcltitect. No oihct irdpc(:tioo dial& take place prior to payment of that ............ 3, The Contraetor shall make IICllt and k:~ble no1:ationt. On the as-built~ sheec daily II! l:h1!: won: ~. showm~ the work as actually installed.. For example, :should a pie~ of equipment hr inst.BJled in • loc:ati011 duu does not match the plan, the Concraaor n·n,1$1 indicate; thm the equipment has been Rlocated in a gt3phic: TIWmer so as m match the original 1:ymbol.$ i)$ ind:icated in the irrigatio11 legend. The relOCllted eqnipme-rit mid dimen~ons will then be Vllllsferred to the original as-bl.lilt plan -. ~ prop;r time. 4. Before ttic dare of the final i11spection the Contractor sh11.ll rrAnsfer all infcmnaiion ~ the as-built prints 10 a sepia mylar or $imil• mylar Jrlatmal proc:u~ from the Architect. All ..-od:. sh.a.II be in wat~f India ink and applied to the mylar by a t«hni(lal pen made expressly for nst: on mylar mami.al. S1.l('lt pen shall be similar to thoi:e manuf,aeh,lred, by J(iq,idograph, Kueffel & Esser or Faber Castell. The dim1msions shall be made so as m be ea£;ily tt.adable eVC!r, on the final controller chan (i;ee seetinn Cl. The original mylar as~built plan shall be $111;,mined to die-Architect for approval ptior io the mating of the Controller c:hart. '.'!. TM: ConrracJor shall dimension from two (2) pennanem eo,int$ o( ttfcmice, building comen, sidewalk or road Ulrt:mcaiotu Etc. lhe location of the following items: a. C0rulection to exi.mng wnter lines. b. Connection to exilltin.J elel:rri(o;al J'O"f. c. Gate vll\ltt.. "-"°"'"'• orsp,;nldor......,.. tinca c-.. ..... uxr along muting). e.. Sprlnk)er control vahes. f. flouting of control wiring. g. Quick coupling valves. h. Other tt:larod equipment as dire::ted by 1he An:hi&ect. 6. On or before rht: ~ l)f the fuw inspection die Contractor mall dellver die ~ .-id COmpl.cted sepias to d.c Archi!ect.. Delivery of the sepias will not ~1-ie:ve-the Contn1cto\-of the responsibility of fl,1.rnishiQg ftlQUiNd information that may be ornimd from iht: prints. C. Controller Charis: l. As~h.lilt dr.l.winp shall be approved by the A.n:hitect befoff: C(ll[ltn:,11,::r d,.am: e prepa,ed. 2. Provide one controller chArt &)r ~ eontrOU.ct-supplied. :t 1be chm di.all $how d1e ma eomroUed by the automalie contr01let Md :ihal1 be the maximum SIU: Milch the controlltt door will allow. 4. The chart is to be • reduced d:rawbig of lhe-actulll as-built $)'!em. l-lowever, in Ehe CY(:r'lt the amtrollCT seq~ is: not legible wh1e11 the drawing is m:J.uccd, it shall be enlarged to a si~ [hat wiU ~ain legible when fflluced. !S. The chart !II.all be a bladdine OT blue line ozalid print ~ -difftTTI1t colOI'" shall be~ to Uldicaie the area of coverage for eai:;h :Jtat:i.on. 6. When compk:to::I and approved, the chart 5hall ~ hermr.tically siealed betwetn two piece$ of ptasdc, qctJ piece being a minimum or 10 J!Ub. 1. ~ _ ¢h"11:; shall be completed and approved prior to final inspection of the ungatlon system. D. Operation and maimenance manuals: 1. ~~ and deliver to the Archirt:ct within tm ~ days 1?1'1:or to completion of conmuci:ion:, twCI hard cover binders with thff:e rings cootaming the following infmmation: a. Index. $Ilea staring Contractor's address and itleplionc number, list of equipment with name and addreM of local manufacturer's iepresenurtive. b. C:IIWog ,rid pans sheet O{I every malel'ia.l and cq~jpment installed under this contract. c. Ouarantee stmement d. Corl"IJ)ltll!: operating: and maintenima-in:mucti0tt 011 an majorequil'l'lfflt. 2. In addition to the above mentii:ined main1tqarice manuals, provide the Owner's mainttnance penonncl with instructions for m111jor equipment and show evid,:;nce in. writing 10 the Arcbilect ai: th,e conclusion of the project thlili lh.:l:s sem~ has ·been rendered. E... Equi.pment to be fmni$hed; 1. Supply as a pan of this cootnld tbc fQllw~g toob: IL T'N(t (2) sets of ~ial tool:s rtquired for removing, disassembling and adjuming each type of sprlitk\<:t .and Yalve supplie.d Ol'I tbi5 project. b. l'wo (2) five f0()1. v,alv,; keys for operation of gm v.lllves. c, Two (2) keys for eitcll automatic o:mnoller. d. One ~l) qLiic:k coupler tey and mu:hJPg hose swivel for tv«Y five (5) or fractjcm thereof of each type of quid: coupling vidve installe::l. 2. The above mentioned equipment shall be rumed. over to the Owner at the conclusion of the pn:>ject. Before final inspection can occur, evidence that the Owner has received martti.al ~ be :4iown to tbe Afdtitt.et. 1.0ol PIIOOUCT DELIVERY, STOIIAGE AND HANDLING A l·blf'1dling of ~C pipe and flrdngs; The ContnlCtor is cautioned to ~)tCJCiX CIR in handling, loading , unloading and §1:oring of PVC pipe t'tnd fittings. All PVC pipe !:h.a.11 be ~~ in a vehlcl~ whieh (dlows the length of the pipe 10 lie flat so as not to subJect 1t to undue bend.mg or concer11ratM extemal l\).il!J at any l;l!"int. An'J section (If pi.pe thm: hm been dented or damaged will be discmrl.ed and, if installed, sh.all be ~laced with ~..., pipi.rlg. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS A. If the i:trig-.km contrxtor wishes to substitu~ any elluipment or m.nerlaJs for the equiprnem or ma1maJ.1= l.i$red cm the ini~on drawing$ and :$Jlei;ifications. he may do so by pfl')viding the foJlowing 1nform111ion to ihe OwnM'& aurhori~d ~t®ve for approval: L Provide a statement indic.Ating the ~asons ior making the .mibsd.tution. Use a seperare sheet of p~ fur i:adl item to be substituted. 2. Provide descriptive catalog lii:emtil'e, perl~ance charts 1111d. flow chans for each item to be susbtimred. 3. Providr: the amount of cost savings if the substituted item is itpproYed. B. The (!~S $1thorizcd_~tative shall have the sole rc~ibi.Hty i.n accepting OJ KJecnng any &11bst1ru1ed item as 11r1 approved eq\la.l ICI the cquil)ment and materials listed Or'! die-inigation dra.winp and spec:ificanons. 1.0$ GUAIIANTEE A. The guaranfee for the sprinkler irripti.Ot'I Syttcm shaJJ be made in acOOJ:danc.e with the att11ehed form. 'l'hc: general cooditions: and supplementary conclitions or the specifipa~l'lr'l~ shall be filed with tht Owner or his rcpresentat.ive prior to acceptance of die 1mganon &yi::lem. B. A copy of the gu~tce form shall be re-typed ooto the: Contrnctor's letterhead 8i'1d conutin the following infol'D'llllion: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IIIRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee lhat tlie sprinkler inigation system we h11.ve fumitihed and irisialkd is free from defects in materi.1111.$ Md wl)Tk;rTiWJship, and the work has been complll!!ted in A!X~Ct with the drawings and specificlll:i1,>n.!,, ordinary we~ and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect c~eeptod. Wt agru to repllir or replace nny defects in material 01" wod:;n1anship which may develop during the 1)1:.riod of one ytl:!l:r from date of acceptance and also 10 repah-OT i-eplai;e any damage resulting fi'om the repairing 01,-,;p!i\Cing of such defects a.i: no additional cost to the Own~. We shall mm suc:b repair!: or repl.aeetnent$ within a n,:asonable time, as determined by the Owner, .after receipt of written rmrice_ In the evr;nr l)f om fai.lure to make S\Klh ~pairs or replacements withlll a rea.,01;1able time after receipt of written notice from thll!! Owner, we authnrize the Owner to proceed to have :ia1d. ~pairs or 2Placements made at our i!!Xpen:!it '1-.d. we will pay the costs and ch~~ therefore upon demar1d. PROJECT: _____________ _ LOCATION:., ___________ _ SICNEO: ____________ _ AOOIUlSS: . ___________ _ PHONE: ____________ _ OATil OF ACCllPTANCR: _______ _ PART 2 • PRODUCTS 2.01 1,1ATER1ALS A General: Use only new muerials of tmm:ds c.'!d type$ noted on drewings, spcciAc:d heo:ein or approved ~nab_ B. PVC ~ ~line pipe !ind fittings: 1. ~ mai.nU.ne piping for si2.es 2" and larger shall be P-YC Class 31.5. 2., Pipe $hall be made from NSF approved Type I, Grade I, PVC compound conforming to ASTM ,resin ~cific~ion D l 7S4. All pipe mu$1 meet re.qulremer1r11 M set forth m Federal Specific111k,n PS-'22-70. with 1111 appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.) (Solvi!:lit-wi:,li,t Pipi:). 3. ~SI.Ire mainline pi~lng for air.es 1-1/2" and smaller shall ~ PVr. Schedu)(i 40 wiUt solvll!!nt welded J(lin1$.. 4. Pipe shall be made frQm NSF approved Type I, Grade I Pvt compound confotming to AStM resin speci.flcation 1785. .All pipe must meel n:,quin:,ment:!I as set fonh in Federal Specification PS-21-70. !S. PVC solvitnr-weld Ji;uings shall be schedule 40, 1-20, ll-l NSF approYed (:(mforniing to ASTM test proced11tt D2466. 6. Soll2l~nt cemfflr III'ld J)rlmer for PVC solvent-weld pi.pe and fi¢ings shalt be of type and installalion methods prescribed by d'lt manufacturer. 7. AH PVC pipe. must bear the following markings: a. Manufacturer's: name b. Nominal pipe sl:i,:: e. sehcdule or class d. Pressure rating in P.S.I. e. NSF (National Sanitation FOWKladon) approval f. Datt (If i:.xttusi.oo 8. All fining$ $'1$.11 beu the manufactlll'tt'!I n111IM or trademark, matt:rl.A.I drsi,nmion. size, applicable I.P.S. scbedule And NS)< seal of approYal. C. PVC non-~~ J.ateral line piping: 1, Non-pr,;s:!II.IR buried lal:eral line piping sl'!all be PVC Clllss 200 with solvent-weld joints. 2. Pipe shall be mllde from NSF approved, Type I. Gtede n PVC compound eonf~ing to ASt~ resin spe(;ifi~~il)1!. bl784. AU_pi.pe mu$1 meet ffi:Jutrements set rorth 11;1 Fedentl Spec1ficmon PS-22-70 w1th an appropriate $llUldan:I di111eRSioo nuio. 3. E.xcept as noted in paragraph$ 1 p;i(I 2 of section 2.01 B. all requirements fmr non-pressun-: l~afl~-pipe and fittings s:hall be th~ ~ as for solvent~weJd ~\Ir¢ mainline pipe and fittings as 3t.t fl'lrth in section 2.otB of these s:peciti.Cll[ions. D. Bnm pipe and fittings:: I. Where utdieatcd on the dni.wings, use red bnu S¢re:Wed pipe conforming to ~ Speci1ica1ion #WW-P-351. E. G.alvwi:i.7.lro pipe fittings: 1. Where indicaud on the <b"awings, use galvanim:t sietl pipt ASA Schedule 40 mild $tt:1!:I ~ pipe. 2. Fittings shall be medium galvmtizod,, ~crewed, beaded, malleable iron. Galvaniud couplings: may be rtJCrch!VJt coupling. 3. All galvanized pipe and titibigs installed below grade shaU be painted with iWD (2) eo1111.s of K0ppes #50 bitmn&«ic_ F. Ball valve,, 1. Oak valves 3" and smaller shall be lZSlb. $WP bronze gate vol\rt widJ :K-TCW-in bonner:. non-riS;ing !item and solid wed~ disc_ 2, 0~ valves 3" BIid smaller $hall have diffaded ends and !:hall be ~ipp,:d with a bronze tiandwhecl. 3. Gat<: v.lUves 3" !Kld smaller sh.all be similar to those manufactured by Nffl.CO or approved cqWll. 4_ All ~ valves shall be inmllJed per inm.ll!ldoo detail. G. Quick coupling valves: Quick toupli.ng yaJycs shall ba\'e a bras$ iwo-pitce body designed for W(lrking pressYR of 150 P.S.I. operable with quiclc coupler. Key $i1'.e ,1111d. typ,; shall be as mown on plan:$. H. Backfl(tw prevmtion units: 1. Back:flow prevention units sh~! be o( s:i:ao illld type indicated cm the i,niption drawings:. ln!:tall bat;:k6ow prevcnl:ion units in accMdana: with irrigation con'm'L!eti011 details. z_ Wye maincn. 81 backflow preventi(ll'l units shll.11 have a bronu:d :setewtd body with 60 mesh m~I 5ro!ie1I and shall bl!! similar 10 Bailey #lOOB or approYed equal. L Cheek valves; 1. Swing check valves 2" .and smallei-shall be 200 pound W.O.G. bronze tonstn!Ction with replaceable composition, neoprene or rubber disc and sllall mcel or exceed Fedelal Specification WW-V-51D. CIPSS A, Type IV. •• Anli-Glllin valve, alIDII ho of h<avy duty virgin rYC conmuction with F.1.f. 1hreacJ. inlet and ourlet. Internal parts shill be stainless steel and nc:Opime. Anti- cnin valve shall be fiek1 adjU$tltble agaiost draw out from 5 to 40 feet of bt.tld. Anti-drain valve $hall be similar: to the Valcon "ADV" Of approved equal. J. Control wirinJ: I. (".onnecrlons between the autorrwic eontt'(lllet$ and the electric control valves shi\11 be made with direct burial OOpper wire AWG-U_F_ 600 volt-Pilot wires s:11.all be a d.iff~t color wire for each a1.nommie eo.-itrollcr. Common wires iii all be white WWI a diffea:m color stripe for each automatic COi'ltrOII~. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifi(;ati(KJS aud wire chart. In no case shall wh size be less than #14. 2. Wiring shall occupy the &azne mnch and shall be installed aJcmg the smne route u pressu:re $Upply or lamai lines: wherever posslble. 3. Wh~ more than one (1) wire is placed in a trench, the ..-iring sh:all be taped together lli in~rv.ai. of ren (10) f«I. 4. An expansi(tl) cud shall be provided within three (3) feet of e.eh wire connection. E~pansion curl sh.all be of II sufficient ~n~h at each splice connection at each elc:Cb'K:al control, so thM in c.ast nr repair, the vlll.ve boMei; rnQy be l:Jl-ought to the surface without disconnecting the concrol w:iru. Control wires shall be I.mid l~ly in mnch without ~9:ii In" stretching of control wire oonduet0r$, .5. All splices diall be made with Sc.oroh-lolr: #3576 CoMcctor se.Ii.ng Packs,. Rain Biro Snap-Tiri!: wi:tt: ¢(lrll'ltCtOr or approved t:qwtl. U:ote one splice per connttI(IT .....,gpoci<. 6. F~ld splices between the automaiic CCt11troller and electrlcal control valve will not be &11.owed withom priO( approvlll. of the Atehite«. K. Automatic cmtml)(:q: l. Au1:~ C(lntro,Jlen: shall be of !die jll'ld, type shown on the plans. 2. fh).al location of 11utomlltic contn'llt~ shllll be a.ppn,ved by the Owner's authorized represenw:ive, :3. Unless other ..,i,e. lloted on the plllM, the 120 volt electriclll power to the m:nomatic controller location to be furnished by others. The ffual. electrical hook-up llhall be the tt:$p00:Sibility of die iirigatiQll Conn,lC'l:or-. L. Hlectrlcal CQntrol Valve$: 1. All electric control. valves sh.all be 11!1 shnwn on plM$. 2.. All electric control valves shall ~ve a manual fl.ow adjusr:men1. 3. Provide and ins:r:all one eontt0l bo;,i; for each cketricaJ. c:mtrol valw:. M. Control valve bmi::es: I. Use IO" x 10-1/4" round bo;,i: for all gate valve,, Carson lndu:nries #910-12B w/ purple bolt-down cover 0r approv~ equal. Extension slceYe shall be PVC -6" minim.nm ll~- 2. Use 9 -1/2" x. 16" x 1 l" rectangular box tor all el~nteal conttOI v.alve;, Ciinon Indu.SUWI 1419-12B w/ putplc bok-do,wn cover ot approved equal N. S~t HeMt: 1. AU sprinklle-r heads !!hall be of the Slime size, ~ 1111d shall deliver the same rate ot precipitation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressllJ."C, and d~ as sbown on die plans and/or speeifii:.d "il'l these spccial. pnmsions. Z. Spray heads shllll have a screw adjli$trnerit. 3. Riser units shall be fabricared in ac.cmdarioe with the demm s:hown on (he plans. 4. Riser nipples f(l]' .a.II sprinkler heads: man be the same si2e N ll'le ~ opening in lhe sptinlr.ler body. S. All sprinkler head!1 ofahe $llrDe type shall be of W! same manufacMer. PART 3 • EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Site COnd.itions: 1, A.ll :tewcd dimensions arc approximate. The Contnctor shall check and verify all s:izc dimensions and ttcetYe Aichitect's: 11Pproval prior to proceeding with wOTk Ul'ldcr this scctlon. 2. EJi:ercise exireme care in excavating-and working n~ar exi$iing ut.i.lities. Conrractor shall be iesponsible tor damJlges to utU:ides which are callSll!!d by his Operations or negicct. Oietk: t)tiliting utilities drawings for txisting utility locaciqni;. , 3. COordinate installation of sprintlet irrigation materials inlcudlng pipe, so there shall be NO i.J\terference with utilil.ie!= or othet eCtliStrUction or difficulty in planting trees, ~bs, ~d ~Ove:B. 4. The Cono-.ctor stiall carefully chll!!ck all grades 10 satisfy himself that he may safely procttd before sw,:iog work on the sprinkler irrigation sysiem. 3.02 PIIEPARATION A. Physical layout: I. Prior to in,1:allation. the Contnactor llhall s:tBkt out al) prt~ supply lines,. routing and locadon of sprinkler helld;, , 2. All layout shall be ~ved by AR:hitect ptjor tqiiostallai:loo. B. Water Sut'ply: ; , I. Sprinlt:~r irriJ:atiOl1 s)'Stem shall be connected, fo water supply points of oon.nectlon as md1cated on the drawii'lgs. 2. Connea:ions shall be made aa: ~rOitimilte IOCBtions as shown on rhe dr11:w¼gs. Contractor ill tt$pc,Ii$ibl,: fw ITWJor changes CIWlfld by IICtUal. siie ¢(1(\di~OTI,. C. Eloe<neal Supply: 1. Electrical cOIIMCtions for lllltomati.c controller shall be made to.electrical points of CQMeetion M indicated on the drawings. 2. Connections shall be made ar appro)(hn~tt locations as shown on drawlnp, Cot1ffll(:IOf' is resp®:Siblt for mirior 1:hangc!I cawrcd by acrual site conditidrl:s. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Ttenching: 1. Dig ~nehef stnugtn and support pipe continuou,1y Of! boltom of tR,nch. Lily pipe to an even grade. funching ncav111:ion shall follow layout indicaftd, on drawings and a.-. ooted. ' · · , 2. Provide for a minimum of eighteen. (18) inches cover tor all pre$!i:W"e supply lines. 3. Provide f'or a minimum cover of twelvll!! (1'.2.) inches for all Pft!SSUre supply linll!!:s, 4. Provide for a minim.umcoverQfeighteoti (18) inches for all control wltiftg.. B. Backfilling: l. The trenehc:, 111tiall not ~ backfilled until all required tt:Sts are: performed. TRnchcs shall be c~fully backfilled wllh the ex.c.avllted material:; approved for ~kfi.Ui11g, consisting of earth. loam, i11111.dy clay, sand or other approved materials, free from. 1/2"&. Larg,n 111arth or stones:. Backfill shall be mechanicall~ compacted lllndscaped areM to .a dry density equal to adjacent 1,1'1disturbed oil in planting &:ell$. B~kfill will conform to adjacent grades without dips. sunken ~as. or other surface irregu.larilies. l. A fine granular f/' O.ackfill to be initially placed Oft all lines. No foreign in~tei-\iu-ger lhlln one-half (1/l"') inl;;h in t.i.u: wi.11 be pennittl!d in the initial backfill, '3. Hooding of ~hts will be permitted only with approval of'lhe ~hitect. 4. If settlemeni occurs: and subsequent adjumnetatll i.n pjpe, valves, sl'rinkler he~. lawn or planting, or other cOMtru(riOn ~ necessary, the Conll"8Ctor $hall HJ.ate Ill.I ffl:J.Uired adju:sm'lel'II$ wi.thout coot to the OWner. C. Trenching and ~ld'ill wider paving: l. Trtrnetie, loclted under arell.-!! where paving, ,sphaltie concrete OT concrete will be installed sha11 be badtfilled with s:m (a layer six (6) inchc& bcl(IW 1he pipe and three (3) inches above the pipe) and compactt:d in layt:1"$11) 9S% compaction using inarn;:ial or mechanical tam.ping de"iee:s. Tn:rr't(:l,:es for piping shell hr compacted to equA.! the compaci'.!On of the e;,i:isting, adjacent, und,i!;D.lrbe-d soil and shall be Je~ in 4 fimi. unyielding condition. All ll'tneht$ s.hall be left flnsh widi the adjoining grade. lbe s:prutklcr irrigation Contractor shall !:Ci the plaoe. cap and prcsauc teSt all piping Wider paving prior m rh~ pa.ving worli:. 2. Ge~.lly, piping under e:ds:ting walks is: dQne by ji:iek;ing, boring or hydraulic: driving, but, where any Clifting Or ITTaking of sidewalks: and/or concrete is ntt;ei,sary, it stiall be done and replaced by the Contr~tor as a. part of the coottact cost. PermissiQn to cut or !ma); sidewalks: and/I.JI' concreie sl'iall be obiail'!ed from the Architect. No hydraulic driving will be permitted un~t concrete paving. D. Assemblies: I. Routing of sprinkler irrigation lines as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. ll'lsrnll lines (and Yarious imemblies) in such I manner aa 10 conform with die details per plans:. 2. lns:ta.11 NO multiple assemblies in p1-ie lii'les;. Provi• e~h assembly with its own out:let. 3. Jnstall all assemblies spttified herei;n m accordance with respective detail In the ab:51!:ncc of detail drawings or specifications pertaining to :!-pecifit i1iems rcq1,1.i~ to complete work, perform snch wcrt ii'! .ac<:O(dani;e with best; standard pniciice with pnor a.pprov.al of the Architect, 4. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dU$1 and moi.sture. befoie \n.stallation. Installation md solvenr weldblg methods. shall be as m:ommcnded by the pipe artd fitting manufacturer. 5. On PVC ro 1nitta.l (.l)nm:ctions the Cootractor shall work the meml connec:rlnns fii'$1:. Teflon tape or approved equlll. shall be u:scd on all thit:aded PVC to PVC and on Ill! threaded PVC ro metal joint'3. Light wnmcb pressure is all that is required. Where thn:aded PVC connections Me requittd, I.Ille thn:.ade:d PVC ad~ into which the pipe may be welded. B. Line clearance: All lines $hltll have a minimum c1clll'aDce of six (6) inches from eal';;h Olh¢1 and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines sh~ not be installe-d direc(J.y over one another. F. Automatic c0l'ltl'Ollcr: (not m:iu~d) G. High YOltagc wifing: for automatic controllers: 1. 120 volt power connection to the automaric oontr0Uer shall be provided by lhe inigation Contractor. 2. All electrical work. shall conform to local code,;;, ordinances and union authorities having jun!K:liction. K Remote control ya}ve!:: Inst.all wtierci :ihown on druwings and details. When grouped togtthef, allow at lea.fl tWll!!lYe (12") inehe$ between valves. lnstall each ~ote control vah'e in a seperate valve box. Bach valve number mall be stmcilcd. on valve box top with exterior paint. I, fl•i'mll l'f IYR•m; I. After all new sprintler pipe lines and risers are in/lace and (ontlteU!d, all 1'1(:¢C:IS.ary diversion work has been completed, an prior to instllllation or s:pnnkler heads, the CO(ltrol valves shall be opened and full head of water us.ed to ffU$h out the system. 2. Sprinkler heads shall be Wtalled only after flushing of tllll!! system h:M been ac&::omplish,;d to the complete satisfaction of lhe An;hilea, J. Install th_~ :;prinkler heads &s. designated Qn the dr11wings. Sprinkler heads: to be installed m this work :sh.all be cquivi!lr;IJt Ul all respects to those itemized. l. Spacing of head$ shall not e~~ed the maximum indicarttl on the clnwings. ln no t'iase shall tbe spacing exceed the mµim\Jm recommended by the manufacturer. 3.D4 TEl,IPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the rtght to make tern~ repM as necessary to keep the qmnkler :$}'$[ent equ:ipment in operating condition. The exercise of this righ.1 b)' the OWJJu shAII not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities undet the tcrmS of the guarantee as herein :spe:eitiod.. 3.05 EXISTING TREES Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees the Contnil:tr,r shall \J!.ie !di p(:1$5i.blc (:are to avoid injury to troes and tree mots. Excav$1:inn in aml.'!i where two (2) inch and larger rwtS oecw shall be done by hapd, All roo~ two (2) inches li'ld larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be Nl1ne-1ed under and shall be heavily wra~ with bu.rlilp t() pte'ffi1t :i,¢1'VTing or excessive drying. Where a di1ch:ing m&Cfiinc is run dose to mes having n;:,Qts ~b-tbaJJ two (2) inches in diameter, the waJl of the crench adjaccnt to the au ihall be band. Dimmed, makinJ complll!!te, eleat1 e\lt,. Roots one (1) inch and larger in diamttt:r shall be painted with two ooatS of Tffle Seal or equal Trenches ..-;lj31:en,r to trees should bl!! closed within twenty foor (24) h(li.lt$: wti~ thi:!. is not possible. the side of the treneh ad.jac~t to the me shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas. 7. When the ~rintler irrlptlon $)'Jl'.ell'J ls completed perform a coverage test in 1he ~u c,f the Art::hitect to determine if the water coverage for plAnting ~It$ -1$ complete and adequat.e. Furnish All mareri~s .Qnd. peJ'fotm all work required to COrte¢t any inadequacies of coverage • without bringing this to the attention Qf the Architect M due to deviation from pl11111:s or where the system has. been willn,llly i.nstall~ as indioatcd on the drawings when it is obYiously iruldequace. This test shaJl be lK:Complished before any gn:mnc,l cc;,ver is: plained. 8. Upon com.pletction or each phll!Je of work, the entire S}"item :!!hall be tested and adjusted to meet ilitc nquirementz. 3.07 MAINTENANCE A Toe entire !i:pt'inkler irrigation. syStem $hjl),l be under full uomatii:: opcmlioo for a period Of !;ev¢1'1 (7) days priot 10 NI)' planting. B. 1be Architt:et ~ the rl3fn: u, waivE m shortm die operation period. 3.08 CLEAN-UP Clean.Mup s:hsll be rna,e 1$ each pottion: of wott pro-s. Refuse and excess dirt sh.all be removed from the site, .iLll walks and paving !lh.llll be broomed m wll$hed down, 1111d any damage susmined. on the wm (If i)'Chers $hill be rep~ to original conditions. 3.D9 Fl~AL OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE A. The Contmctor :!Ill.all operate each sytem in its entirety for the Atci!:itea at time of final observation. Any ile111$ d.etmed llOl acceptable by de Architect shall be reworked to tho comp\£te satisfaction of the Architect. B, The C(lr'ltraCt(lr shall show evidence to the Architect that the Ownr:r has recei-ved all accessories, chans, record drawiJ,gs And tqujpmcnt as requiml. before final inspectii)I'l can ClcCut. ' 3.10 OBSEIIVATION SCHEDULE A. COl'lt:tw::tot shall be re:JpODSiblc tor notifying the Arehiiect tn advance for h following observation meetings, a,;widing to the time indicated: I. Pre-job conference -1 days., Z. Pn:.:1$wi:: $Upply line installation and testing~ 48 hours. 3. Automatic controller instHllll.tion -48 h(IUQ._ 4. Control wire instal1-ion -48 hCIW'$. 5. l.Meral line & sprinkler installaiion -48 hours. t'i. Cov~ test -48 hours. 7. fjnal inspm;ion -7 days. B. When observmions have been eondu~ by other d'IM d'le Atc:hit:cet, show evidence m 'Wn1ll)g nf when and by whom th~ observations were mlilde. C. No si.tc observations will commence without 11S--built drawing$_ In rhe even, tbe Contractor calls for ll !rite visit without 8:.$-bi.iilt drawh-1~. without completing previoui;I~ no1ed Com:¢lior!iS or wilho1.1t preparing the system for said visit, he shlilll be responsible for reimbursing the Archirect 111r. his CJ.Jmm bilHn,g rates. per hour ponal (plus tta11s~tl.tion COffl;) foi-il)l;loovenience. No further site visits will be Wleduled untl.l tins charge has been paid and received. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Adjl.15tmc11t of the s)'51:em: I. The Contractor shall flush and !Id.just all sprinkler heads for oplimum pcrfonnaru::e and ro prtvent 0Ya5pray onto walks, roAdwa~ and OOildings aj m11Ch N possible. 2. Jf it is dctcffllincd that adjustments 1ft the inigaaioo equi~nt will provide proper and more -'eq\la cnvmige, the ConlJ'llCtor shall make .f\ieh l\dju:ltme:nts prior ta planting. Adjnst:ments m.a.y -1.so b,dude changes in nozzle si7.es and 11egree11 or .re M ttqi.ri~. 3. Lowering raised sprinkler heads by the Comncror sh.all be ;i.li¢¢0mplished within ten (10) day& atter notification by the Owner. 4. All ~kier heads shall be set perpendicul111 ti) finished ~ wiless otherw• designated ot1 the pl&1$. B. Tesling of irri_gation !~: l. The cont1'8Ct()I' s.haJI requt$t the presence of the .AJ'Chittet in wri1fflg ilt least 48. lloun: in advanc:e of testtng, 2. Test all pres!IUre linll!!s under hydtostatie ~re of 150 po11nds: per ,qt.I.art ir,ch Jnd prove watertight. Note: ie:iting of pressure mainltnes stiall oceut prim' u, inge:allation of electric control valve,:. 3. All piping under paved areas shell be ti!:,ti!:d under hydroswit preSSlll'C of 150 pounds per i,quare inch ~ proved wate-night prior to paving. 4. S\1$1,\1.in p.-e:;sure in lines for not less than four h(l\lr$. If leaks develop. replace joint!l and repeat test until entin:-!;)'mlQ i.s proven watertight.. 5. All hydrostatic le$~ $hill.I be made only ill tbe i:irescnce of the At¢hitect or another duly authorized reperesent.ative of lhe Owner. No pipe shall be bacicfilled until it tias beett in$p«:kd, tested and &PJ:l?Oved in writing 6. Furnish ~:;wy force pump and all other equipment, ' ,,., --.....,,. ----,,,......,. """' ... _A.PPROVED FOR PLi1,.NTING II AS BUILT" ~A.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE DATE LOC~ll.cTION OF PLANTI.NG ' lAPPROVED " REVIE\JED BY, ~4..REAS. --- !Ei•!GiNE~R;~:G ::it t._~•,...,.;...::■rv:■:i D.!.TE INSPECTOR DATE . ' .,.,, _...,_. __ . . C_eyJ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH~ETS I 7 PLANNING DEPARTMENT C& L INTERNATIONAL '81G~TION SPECIFICATIONS APPR /. ,f t~ J. 7!/2---' / /~ • 'IA. .. p ASSISTANT Pi ANNING DIF '"tT □R DATE DWN BY: ' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL DAlE INlll,._L CHKD BY: CB 91-1147 REVISION DESCRIPTION 324-5L ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL. CITY APPROVAL RV\JD BY• CMWD NO. 91-C.375 SECTION 02490 TREES, PLANTS AND GROUND COVER PART 1 • GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A WQd: included: I. Finish gn<fi"I ot p,..,<illg ....,_ 2. Conmueti(ii'I. ~- 3. Ptov"idil'lg and ~g ~ and ,oil rnins. 4. Planting, lllcluding ground cover, ut,cs, :d'o'u.bs,xcdcd and sodded laW11:s and hydro-sc,d;ng. 5. Sralcing, gu,-;ng mid e,pa!u,ring. B. Reined work; dtsaibed elsewhere: l.""'11\wo,k, 2.U~-- 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A B, c. Standan'.b: L Pmvidt: plants and planting material meeting or e11ceeding ~eifi:cations Qt Federal, Staie and County Laws ~uimg inspccticn for plant disease and il'lket control. 2. Provide. quality and size conforming with current edition of "Horcicullt,lrt]. Slandards" fr,r numb<:r one nur.,cry stock as adopted by 1he Amcrican MSOciation of Nur.iuymen. 3. Provide plants which 8ft: true to name. T3' one of each bundle of~ with the: name and $i~ of plants in accordance wtth ~ :s.andaids of pl'llCh.cc of the Amtricmi Associllbon of Nurserymen. 4. In all cases, botanical nl!llmes shall take pn'!cedr:nce overcon1r11ori: names. Wortman!:h.ip: ~ work in ~ordanc:c with thr: best JR.andl\Jds of )mllCrice for land5Cape work and un~r the contu'l11al supervision of a competeni foreman capable of in~g t1)e drawings and specifical:!ons. Qnantities and types.: Plant m111erillh sh8;f1 be furnished in the quanti{,ies: ~or Spacing as shown or noted for e$(;h !OCM1~. an~ ~an be of the spe?C:\ kind:s, sizes, c:tc., as symboled and/or degcnbed m the List of Plant Materials, all • indicaled on the drawings, D. Vt:rific-At:ion of dtrrltQsii.nis 1111d quantities: All $Caled (;lim,;nsions in approximm:. Beto~ proceeding with any work, enfally che(:k and verify all dimension$ and quantities and :imaitdiatEly infmm the Architt:ct of my (;li.SC1"p31\Cy between the drawings and/or specifical:i.ons, and acrtW e~d:icions, No wortc shall bed~ in $'!)' area whcic there is My such d~ until approval fi')r same l'la!i been given by ~ Afcliitect. E. Test labomlory: 1. A soils analysis of imprnt soil, aistom lightweight sr:dl anti redwood nwdust is required prior to bactfilL 2. lbe t$idg ~bctratOr,y :!mW.I be one approved by t11.e·CiLy ofhCatl~'b(l.(l and ihc L.anc1$Capc Architect and tests shall be paid fot by t e contractor. J. No substitutions. will be permitted without the approval of the A.lthitea. Roj,<tod ........, shall ,,. -vod rrom the ~ .. by the c""""""""· 1-03 SUBMITTALS A, Gefflfll) piftl PL¥k eii 1NL ofSet:tic:: e1:ue. C. D. Product data.: l, Mlllmals Dot of-propoood to bo provided undcrlhls Soa;oo. 2. Complete data ~ing compliance with the specified requiianents.. Thhl shalf not in any way be construed m. pemrlning wbstirutions. Certifie~(ln; Provide a. certifiemc with eac:h delivery of bulk. m~. st~g the :lloulu:, quantity. nnd ~ of m.etial and filling ma the mareriA1 ~fo,;ms \ltith the specified _ ........ , 1, For bulk delivered organic fefflH•. 11-lso sllow on 1he eertific~ fif voiume, net weight and percenrases ofui~ and )JfflJSt'horus Jmd potllSS!um. 2. For other fcnilizers imd :'D.t conditions in containers, show on lhe cmi:ficme the tol'W. quantities by weigllt and voh.ime for each maicrial. Samples: In additjon tQ c:idter Samples which may be requ~ by d'!t_ Architect,;, submit Sample$ of each of the specified fertilirers, muleh ftlJd soil conditrons .• 1.114 PRODUCT HANDLING J\t. B. Cl'lffllllJ 11o iih reqvi1e::renu of Stttiu.. 81688. Immediately remove from the job she all plants which are: not tl'lll!I oo nmne. and. all mBteri.Jls which do ncx comply wtth d'liC' tp,e,eifitd rtiquftment1. 1.115 GUARANTl:E AND REPU.CEMENT A B. C. D. Submit & wrlncn guarantee in approved form in compliance with the :rt:la~ req1.1h-emems of GenenJ Condir:ioru: ~Ulg lhe wort of the se<;ti~ ag.\Wst any defective nwe,iab; and workmmwlip in complianct with ~ foUowmg _t~ 9-~i.ng to ff'place any defective m.Menals ~or worll::mansh1p • no add1trona.l cost (0 the ow-net. Tree1: .and palms shall be gwnnlee(I for a period of one year end ~bs. ~ and ground cover for a period of si:it mondi:s after final approval and ~. Any plan1 rrwttial which dies or which 1$ noi; healthy ~r vigorous when i1 has m:civcd normal care and maintc:lllllCl'I $hall~ replaced. W1thin Qr 1n die end of'the guanauee period. Any trccs or od'!Cr plant materials that die-back And lose dMI fonn and size as originally ipe,C'ified Kh.aD be rep~ even though they have tall::en root and ut growing after the dic-baick. lbe Contractor when i,«ifi.td by the Owner, shall remo:ve and reph,ce all guaran:tttd plan/riUU'riab which for .iyreason fail to meet th£ m:p.iireme~ o~the guMM1"". Replacement of material and pbnQ: ,ti.all be lllade ro same spectftcati.Oi1$ as. niquired fo~ ~~naJ plainiflt "°d all ~lacement.'!I shall be f;U:anlltced as specified for origanal nwerial.&. PART 2 • PRODUCTS 2.111 FERTILIZER A.Oencni!: I. Label (ffl;Jim wi1b the ffllllU-S guara,uud m.t,.,... 2. lf :!lto:m! • the site, prott;ct fen:ilutr from the elemrnts: 111: all timf:s. 3, Begin delivery upon _,,.,i of S""'l'"'"- B. Mareri• li$ttd below me required in lhi$ ~ Verify quantity and location by study of Ille plarut and -vl'lrloos Oocumenb. I. ComrnerciaJ fenili~: Provide an approved SQll1d.ai;d brand conforming wnh: pertirttnt State fertili7.er laws1 uniform in t:oml)OSition, dry and free flowing. Provide the foDowiog ~ by weight: 16-6-8. a Nitrogen: 16% b. l'llospl1<••,c 6% c... W utr J&Oluble potaDlum: ll'IJ 2. Pear. ni0$S Viall be sphagnum~ tnOa. Canadian or EuropeJn variely', ffle fromallolli. 3. Cornmm:w ...,m,.,...,..1,,. 16-6-8,""' 17-13-5,complotefcrlili=,. 4. Soil !lUlpllur J~ll be tint quality a,mmeJeial grade. 5. Fem,w; BOO sutpfiase shall be ftm q1Jality commercial grade. 6. Agriculmr.ll gypsum $hall ~ fim quality commerei.a.I ~- 7. AmfflOflium S1Jlph-Mc shall be first: qualily eommaciw. grade. I. Calei1,1m earbon■e lime shall be first quality commercial grade. 9, Dolomite lime sh.all be fi.I'SI quality commercial grade. I 0. Potassium ni~e shall be fini: gualit-y ~ grade. IL Smglo _o,ph .. shall bo flm q,,ality COYIIIIIOici.t grade. 12. ""'liic ,hall bo flrS! qualhy ..,,,,._;,1 grade. l 3. ROClt honnone shall bt S1ipq Thrive or Hormcx or approved equal. 14. Gro-Power or,anie hue fertiliz:er and soil oomlitioneT", Oro..Power plantinJ ublm 7 pain ( 12.-.3-S:) and Oro-Power Plus as manufactured by Southern Col\fomia CJ,pnic --c.,,.,,..,, 1nc. 2-02 TOPsaL A. Rm,.., ond finish gnding will .. pn,Ylded uoder die Bant,wo,t Section of lheoc sp,,llii ........ B. Whe~ top n • requum, pwvide smidy 1oama, fertile, friable, mttara1 toK:1· fr« from clay, Sl.lbsoil, rocks, sticks and other forcign ~-Do noc ~ ~as in whidi are growing: nnxious weeds !ftK"h as Mom.mg Gli)t'y, Oll:alis, Bermuda. Grus or Nm OnMs. SOiJ lihall be: me of delr:i'erit.1uJ :f!Qd/(:1[ hmmful factor&. 2.G:I SQL AMENDMENT A. S.. Specific """"- 2.04 HYDRO.SEEDING A.. All m-ca:s indicllffl:l on lhe plans dlaU be hydrt;J...s:eeded wbieli will mnldl fenilbe and seed. WMer all h~ ~ daily ror fout Wttb prior to h)'dni._seicc:1m, and mnovt all M:ll!lds wtl:id:! ~ prior to~ ~ing. B, Mlllmals: I. Mulch: a. N mural wood cellulose fiber shall bt -processed in such a numner that it will contain no growth or ~inati~ inhibinng team:, ~ ~~ be sucb El m1111ncr that ofter addition and ag:iw:lon in slurry tanks w,th fertilizer, SMd, water md other spproved additives., the fibers in ttle material will bee~ \II'liftmnly su:ipendcd to form a homogenC(IU$ slurry: ~d thM when hydrauhc!f,ily spmycd on tht: groot'ld, the rnMerial ~ill form a bt~~-like F.Jwx:l cQver 1mpre$(1ated unifonnly with see,d· ~ wh1¢]). ~ apphcat1on, will allow the absorption of moiStw'I: and will all~w rainfall to pen:ohlte to !:he under1,Ying ~1_ Cenify diat laboratory and field testing of.their product bas~ accomphshed ~ th,m: 1t fflUt!I all of the f-off;going nqmrements based on 1emng_ We1ghi spe,cd5cat.t<ms of mis m.Blerial from $Uppliers, .and. f« all a:pplkations, shall refer only to air .drf weight of tht fiber material. Air dry weight is based on the nonnal we-igln standards of the Technical A$$0C~on of 1h~ l'ulp and 'f>ap,er Indumy for wood cellulast: llnd i:!i ¢Qnsidefed equivalent to ten percent moisture, Each pack~ of tht cellulose fibei-shall be rmtrked by the rium.ufactl.lrer ro show the air dry weighl contenL b, Use Silva. Fiber or Con-web. F« application ra1cli :iCC specific notes.. 2. Fertilizer: See specffie nore,,. 3, Soil stabilizer: See specffle notes. 4. SMd mix: As ,elcru(I by Ardlned. 2,0$ ~ULCH A. See specific neleS. 2.08 TREE STAKES AND GUYS A, °"1eral: I. Hose for coveting wires: and for mkin~ ~$: '.Pfol/id~ new or med blacll: l'Mforcod rubber gll!dco h""° ot ,..,, 1/2' dimnetcr. 2. Ouy wire: G,ltlvani~ twisted triple strw:id guying wirt,10 ga. ot a BpJJl'OVffl. 3. Anchor ((lea:fm.Afl.) fur holding guys; 4" x. 4" x 60" long. 4, Flap tor au:rs: 1/2." diameter, white neoprene tubing, '3'-0". 5, ~ stakes: Of ~ssure-trcatt:d lodgepole pine, 10'.0" long by 3" di.amcter. Drive at~ 2'--0 inw native eanh below plant pit and nl')I: less dlan 3'-0'' below Hni.$hed. ~ UT7 LANDSCAPE HARD MATERIALS A. Soil separator an(l (h-ai.nap mating: I. Ml,-,6 140N 11Vailablo liom Whlleeap lndustrits (714 541-528 l J. (Or approved "!ual). 2. Wam,n'o Tcrrolloo,d #1114 Geotntilc Fabric (l-800-828--8882) B. Em!im oonuol: Jute netting imta1Jed on all slope$ 2: l or steep~. c. $taking --" 1. Wooden stakes $hJII be JOQ.gh C:Of'lstrll(;tion heart redwood or waterproof lodgepole pine, m lem r x 2" redwood, 2" diameter lod~ole, actual dimension and nQI: le$$ th.a. l 0" long, free from loose knots, splits ot bends, poiru~ M ~ end. AU stakes to be one of die above m~als. Lodgepole pine tree stakes are to be full length dip-trewted with copper nap~thanm in accon:l.aucc with Fedeml Spr.cif'ication TI-W-.572, Type t Composmon B. 2. Host for-covering #JO galnnillrl wm llt rrunk ~o be new, ~e~ type, green. in color, 2•ply re.inforced rubber or plastic hose at least l/2 m diameti!:r. Wne shall be mounted to ~ pipe stu:e with a 1/2'' eyt:boh. 3. When ti do\lbk-mlDlg method is med, the stakes shall bt l".iraced by horizontal members (see details) or 1" x 3" ~ diromsion construction grade pin&!:, he<: fi'om loose la!.Oi.$, split$ (If bends, D. Pre-ernergmt weed conP'OJ: Sudlan "lSW or RDIISUII' Devrinol 80W, Pl.ANTING MATERIALS A. Plant materials Khall be in 9.uantidc:s and spacing indicated or noted for t:ach location and :sh:111 be of SpecICS, types, etc., symboled ~d dc!JCribed. in ~e ''plllllt list". Protect planl:3 in imnsit and afttt delivery to the pmJeCI. site. Phm!S m broken oonutineTS will nix be llilXCpmj aoo pl!mU with broken brlnches Qt i~Jured tl'l.:lnks will be ~je,cted. Shrubs and trees arc specified by eOI'IUlin,... size 1111d shall be first c:lus materials in locAI nllf$¢ri(:s All piwit materials shall be healthy, vigOTQl,l.$, with 1 e(IO(t root ~,;QJ ffl:KI s11all be tree from pests or di.<:e8$t. AU pl1111t material $hall have been ~ 1111d relea8cd by the COUnty Agricultural Insoector ~or to delivery on the ,i?b. All gtt,und c::over plants s~all 1)! ~ed m flats or (;°'!m:me~. Substitutions will not be pelll'Uttcd e:itcept that. if an 1.rem 1s proven unobtainable, a proposal _:,viii be coosider:ed for use of~ ~!.I ~quinl,ent sh:e or v~y and COSl. A.U suootitutions. are subject ti,, the Ateh11':.ct s wntten ~viii. O!Jantt!!es ~hall be fumished &'!I ncodtd to complete work shown on dmw1118$-Tree~ m '24 _ and larger box d2rs and p-1m'!i stlall be inspected and approved by the Ar<:h)tcct ~nor to ihetr plw::ement for planting:, maierlal!I thiu do not meet these spcc1ficat1ons will be rejected. B. Sod: Provide well e$~lished di~-frce. weed-free 8005 in a healthy vigorou:s CCJfldi1iOft • a time: of placement. c. Nomti\Olatw"e cmforms to customaey 11sage: FQf clarification, the term "multi~ trunk~ defmes a. plant h11.ving a rni.11.imum of three minks and a maxilffl)m of five trunks of near or ,;qwl dillfflCter. OTHER MATERIALS A. M.ueri.als not specifically described but ~ui~d for a complete 1111d proper installanon shaJl be M S(.Jeaed by the Contractor subject m lhc approval of the °""""· PART 3. EXECUT10N 3.01 SURFACE CONOTIONS AND PROTECTION OF PROPtiRTY A. Prior to excavation for planting c:,r pl.BCing of 5?kes, locate all electric cable!J, conduits and all utiliiy lines :!JO that pfOJ,ICr ~autwns may be taken not IO ~• such lmpro<1carmnts. In the event of • conflict bet:we,::n l~s and plane locations, prorripdy notify the Architect. who !:h.a.11 ~~ for relocation of one or ~ ?ther, Failu~ to follow this pt0¢tdmc plnces upon the Contrai::tor the respons1bihty to ,epatr damage! • his own expeme, whith teSUlt from work hiemmder. 3.02 WEED CONTROi. A. All landscape: lirea."I shall receive an applklltl.on. of ~vrino/80W or _Swftan ,75W following rruinufacmrer's in$tl'UC1ions for 11\tl!!, ffll!t:hod and sequence with pl"'1.tlng. B. Application is to be made be licttv.ed pet'XO(lJle'L C. Apply I/l" to l" of o"Yerhead sptmklet i.trigai:;.cm. within two to three houn after applying: this combination. Thi$ will incmporate ~ herbiddl"!!I into the .soil sm:faoe tQ contrQI dJC! IIISCepdble weeds, D. Equipment: l. Add the ~ommended mte of DevrlnoAIOW or Stu1'1.ati 75W to the spr1I)' tank during tbe filling ~adon. Ap-ply in enough water to usure, ~ate . oovcra3e, lOOto 1~ ga1Iom1 per acre. 2.. Use My properly calibrair:d low pnsuure boom-type ht:rbldde spray~ ~ith so mesh or coarser lettcl'I.$ in~. nozzles ll"ld sucti()fl µnits, Spray equipmem shall be equipped to provide vigorons by-pass agitatiOll during Bpplication_ 3. Spray equipment shall be calibrated bef(m use and checl:ed fr(:qt«1tly ~ applicatKlll to ~ a uniform spray panem. B. Caution: l. Hannful if :rw~lcnrcd or absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with ~' eyes and clothing. In C8$t' of contact, flush with water. Do rt(l1 contaminate feed or foodsmffs. 2. Do not COI'lt~iruue any body of w.ucr by direct •,plication, cle,ning of equipment oc disposal or Wllffl:S, • 3.03 GRADING A. Whett: any portion of the irrigation sysi:em is irmalled af'te:r gra.dina: lll1d the fertilizing ha!! been performr:d, Tf;filf and ni-fmitize the u~ portion of the bacll:fill in accordana: with~ provisions of this Secilon. . B. Cross-rip .llll la.nc:bc"PC' naa ro a minimum deplh of ll" With 15 pounds of soil suit'« pet 1,000 ;(fUIIR feet, C. Fine: pding: Upon completion of rougb and finish grading,, perform reqund fine grading of plaru:ing tltt.U: I, Do not work the soil when moisrure content is so ~at th.at elcessive compaction will (ICCUI", nor when soil is so dry [hai: elod.$ will tnali: readily. 2. Apply wmer, jf poc.essary. to provide ide.al C(l1,1cnt for tilling and for p1-iting. 3, Grade so as to anticipBII!: the fmi$hcd gn:de: a.. Remove or tt:-diWib\lte exCCSB, soil before the applieat:On of fertilizer .and mulch. b. When: soil is to be replaced by plants and mulch, nuw: aUowance to pn!Yent deficiency in the dep[h of mulch wnen final gn(l:ina; is completed. 4. Before IIOO_ during prelifT?inary fulc: gtMing, dig oat and remove .aJJ. weeds and jp'IISXS, Dispose of off-!111:¢. D. Grades and elevation,: When fine ,trading is c:omple~ (ineludilig weeding and fertilizin~). and file. soil has dried suffic:iemly to be readily worked, gnldt: rhe lawq Md planting ~iu: to the r:Jevations shown on the Oni.wings: 1. Where grades arc not otherwi,e indiemd, provide uniform level.$ Of tk,pes between points where elcv,Uion:,i ani given. 2, MIike minor adjumttents of grade where. so directt:d by the Arthitect. 3. Pro"Yide fini$hed a;radc3 which are even, unif(lfffl $nd: without Abrupt change or ---4. Sl0pe soil areM away from .structures. to aUow na.rur.al run-off of waMI, remodeling $1.ll'1'$Ct11: :u ffl!Uired to do so. Grade low sp0u and pocll:ctll when S<lil is it optimum moisture conrei,r for working. 5. Provide finlll finishod pdts in planting :m!as 1-112· below pavl.r!1 and cwbs or u shown on the Orllwmgs. 3.04 SOIL CONDmONING FOR PLANTING NOT DYER CONCRET! STRUCTURAL SUIIB A. Oeoeral: l. In preparing the :iioil. mix in an are11 ai:IJ~t to the pl.Mting wort., Z. Vsc a !l'Uitable melmltDlg CQlltlliner Md accunuely proportion the materials. 3. Dispose of unused mattrials off the site. 4. Pro!:~ ~ miii: from water until h l:iu been pl.Q(:tid in backfill atvwM:I the plants and in the planrlna; llff:a. 8. Planciflg areas: Cultivate to a lisfl• friable ccm:sismJCy. Usina I\ rototiller or $imila:r m&:;hine to till in a minimum of two direeti<ms the followil'lg mnterial:s per J .000 sq1iare feel in. to tbc top 6" of $Oil IEd warer-in immedimely: t, See speci.fw notes for~ C. Planting pit$:' As backfill in pits for Yi.nes and shru:bdi provide a. miA: cmsming of the foll(lwing ingrediel'lt:!I per cubic yard: 1. Ste specific RoteS for nm. 0. Mnk:bing: See specific note$. 3.0$ SOIL CONDmONING FOR· PLANTING OVER CONCRETE STRUCTURAL SUIIB . A. Soil mh;; Lightweight sail nu $b:l\ll be by vohimc: Sondy loam40<J, Pb: """'30% f'ine. nuniery sand ~ P6mk:ct0% And the following......, ........ per cubic yard of liahtwelght IIOil mix: 1 pound pot&!l$i.111n nitrmc 2 pound, sing!< :IUperphoophatc 4 pounds doJomite lime 4 pound$ cak:ium cmx:inne lime IO pounds agria>lam,J gyp,um B, Fcrtili=: C.,.,mem.t fen!I"" (a, spodllod in 2.0! above) at th• -of 10 pounds pet 1,000 square feet sholl bo lhoroughly ,wd inro lh< top4" prior IO pl!ctmcnt of plant material. c. .,.., p~ bacl<!lll oholl bo """"""'1mg iop Iayff of soil ,,,.>1aining fen!llm, 1.06 MOUND CONSTRUCTION A. Provide the tnounds shaped as shown on 1he DTitWWg-s, sloping suifaces to c:•101!. b8$ji)$, i1Dd making minor modifications: of configuration as directed by the Archi~t. All soil for mowllling shall n:ccive soil ameru:tme.nt mb: as speei.6td in Aniolc 3,03A. 3.07 INSTALLATION OF SPECIAL ITEMS A. Subsurface dnin matdn,:: All ae.as of planting oa:mring: over' mspend,ed Sh'UCtlld1 slab$ shall havt filter material pW:ed av~ 3'" layer of pea gravel. Install 1.$ n!!eommended by manufacturer, Beiges of material shall cover up minimum 6" where adjacent to vertical mrl'BCC:11. Over lap all CIR or lldjoinin_g edges minimum 12''. Repair any dam~ to the material after soil placement by tt.moving soil carefuUy from M area greater than the damaged spot. Cut the ',_hnn•Jr-:d m::a fO clean cut maiJhl lines and place patch to overlap cut edges by 12 , Avmd double layering, 3.o8 PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS AND CIROUND COVER A. General: l, Plant l'IUtSel'y stock immediately Upo(I delivery to the site and approval by the Architec1, except that. if this is. nlX feuible, ~I-in tbe bare-root and balled rl'it¢ciial with damp soil to ptotecc from ;un and wind. 2. Regularly wate.r nursery inoc:.lri: in c::onta.incn and place them in a coot mea protected from sun and drying wind. 3. Do nol plam until inigation sy8te.m installation ii completed, and until final grades ~ esrabli!lhed and appi'O'ltd. 4. Plant location!I i:hown (H'I the Orawlllgs ~ tentttlvt aod subject to minor modifiemiOfl. in the fickl as dilmed by the Architect. Mate mch mor:lffleadons of location at no additionaJ eost to the Owner. :5. Set plants so th■ when settled they will bear tile same l'tlation to the~ grude in the C:(li'ltmnef. 6. All Ian~ lnlll!I shall be c:ross-rippt.d Or tilled to a depth of 12". 7, The Land,clq)C An:hitcet !lhall approvt all planl:mj[ areu prior to th(: ina:aUaion of any materials. Placement of plant mmerillls di.8.11 be flPPi"OVed before holes are dug. ~ plarit locations mKI secure .approval frorn Landscape ArchiteCC btfotl!': excavatins pit, making ~ tlldjustmenu u directed. 8. ~~men tree$ s~I be located prior to UUJltallmon of inigadon syaem u by uridsoape AIChitccl 9. Pla¢e each plant in the center of the pit, ind bldfill with the prepared &Oil: L l)o not U!le muddy :,ojl fl)j' bacldillin,i. b. Do not fill *vt the crown. c. CUt off bn)k:0JJ and fnt.ycd roat. d. N0tc: Special Camellia. ..,_.... OM Olltdenia backfill IIIDOUIII por coble y..-d: I part pem: mou I part .,.,i 3 pounds Tun Supn,me 16-6-8 I poond ~ Fe 330 Iron Chelate e-Tpnp me baclcfiU vigorously ro eliminme atr pocbal. 11. 1'1$1tlng .... 36" bo• size mid larger ond palm,, 1. The plmliing pits for 36" box and larger cootainer and J)Nffls shoold be excavatM twice the diameter and two feet deeper th.Im tht rootball with roughed-in side$. In addition a. 12" diameter hole :!hoold be. augercd to a mirrirnwn depth of 20' or umi1 .sand layer is hit (whidlever is grtMer) below the bottom of l'.he planting pit. A clean coarse grav~l shQUlc:I be us«!. for bact:ruI in the a(!~ hole and to the depth of the rootball for palms only. ln$1.~U filter fabric (sec c.over above) c:om:inuW$ in the bottom of the plal'ltina pit. The backfill mh. fot u,ie around rht: rooroaU sl:l.all be clean wuhcd "8d. 2. Ati.gered ho'les, etc. u specified abov~ shall be insuUed under all Pl\lms. C. Planting $htub$, v~ and ground cover: t. Pl$'1t sh.rubs and vines in pits at least 12" greater in diunem man their ball of e:a1th. and .Ii leRSt 6• below the bottom ottbe ball :2. Loosen the oompaccod. soil at bonom of pits, ,nd fill with die specifie<I ml,s., to the bottom of tlJe bwl. 3. Stt iht pllVlt and bac:11:ftll to tile required ,gndc with the specified mix, thoroughly tamping and wlitmng. 4. llemove Y~t-$ &om .itakel, 1D1tie md f.-U w adj-=n surfaces M d:irecud by the Architect. 5. ~are dr:pre:$:std water bum as wide as pi.nt balls at cat:h plant. Waiet thoroughly, backfilling void$ with dk! piepaffll mix. 6. Plant ground cover i,n pits at least 4" x •· x 4M. Moislen the. areas prior to planting, !lnd do not plant in dry SQil. &t pli'Vlti in center of pit:s so that crown of pl.ant will be Ir:vc:J,with fini!l:hed g:rldc IUtn settling of toil, then bactfm Jnd. water. D. Watering: ba:rin: Construct a maund of soil around each tree ~ plant to form a wJQC!ing basin, placed .at lbc edge !Ind following the $h~ of the root bnll: t. Make basin berms for t:tt:tS, shrubs and Y1MI$ ft(H"1 5 gallon llf!d larger containers at le8.$t 4" high. Unless otherwise dirtctcd, make otht:r ITIO\ll1d!: Ill' 1eu: 2" high. 2. On $lopes, construct half-mOUllds on the. lower side if full mounds arc: l\ot pmctical. 3. Aft-, w,iering, mill settlement within the buins to the required grade. lllUIJ the spe,cified mix. 4, Watering ba,uis llhall be plant«I wilh Jll')URd co..,;,, nonna! potlOm. 3.09 PLANTING LAWNS A, Genoral: l. Prepare the areas as pn:viously qecified, thiln Jab: and roll to a smooth firm. surl'iace with uniform gt9de. 2. Secure. the Architect'~ approval of prr:pllmi ma prior m planlin,:, Use sod unlc$S ~ UI !ipeeifically req~ B. Sod inst&llar.ion: L Install sod within 24 hOffll ~ its delivery to the job .i.re. 2. Set ,od ti,ght. without JJ?S mween pieces. and roll w:itb a 200 pound, water- ballast roller :immed.huely after the fiffl wR.tttmr:, 3. Keep sodded atell.$ ihorougbJy watered and eontifluWily moist as rt.qllittd to assure ~n\ltd growth and to maintain healthy condition. 4. ~ :Kidded arem by errecr.lllr: ttmporary fences, b&rricDS, signs and other proce,:tion as needed. !. Where sodded arelQ do l'IOI show a prompt viable f!:!lpmx of grasll, ~-,od .ail originlllly sp¢ci.f"JOd At ten day intel"'fal$ until BIi acceptable :!IIMld of gru, i,i .....-ed. C. Seed innall.11:i.Qn: 1. J>roet,-d persect,on and "Hydro-setda!g:". 2. Keep seeded ne.u thorou,li;hly watered ~d conrin11ovsly moi:!it u Mquifed co &SSurt tmninatior, and to maintain healthy Sttd grawrh. 3. Protm """°" "'"" by '11ffling temponry ....,.,_,, banica<loo, slg,,s and other ~on EIS needed. 4. Where seeded attas do not show a prompt eatc:h of grus. re-seeding: u origmally specified witil an acceptable Qnd of pasg is assured. D. Hydn)-«ii::d.Ulg :installmar!: 1. Watering: a. Wat.tt all hydro-s«de(t EU daily for four wteb prior to bydrr,>,«:edill.g and removt: all wen:1$ which germinatt: pric;,r 10 actual seeding. b. Prior to hydn:t-.lleeding, inipte a.II the ~ indicmed as hyd1 :1-tml:)¢b on the plantil'l4 ptari in order to provide I rnoist seed bed for 1!·,-:-hydro-Sttd applicm:100. c. Hydro~sceded areas :d'i.all ieceive several consteud.ve wzenny,~ the day of the hydro-:;eedmg co d:JOl"OUghly ~ the Wil. d. After the ft:rsi: inigm:ion, apply WMcr as often and in $uffkicmt amount u conditions may require, t(I btp the soil wet. al:xwt:, R.l'Oulid and _below the ~ot spterru; of~ p1anu:. b, g,eneral this will ~ll!r'I k:~ing soil conrinUi)l;l$1y mOtst .until all ~irn:1dOl'I ha:3 tall::cn place~ mffkimt watcrin3 thereafter. 2. kydral:llie eq\lipment for the appli¢ati011 of s.luny shall have a built-in agitation $)':l(t:m fo1 nn operating capadty sufficient ro agitate, sw:pend lllld homogeneou&ly mix above slurry. Dimibution lines shall be large ¢r'I01Jgh to prevent $10ppagc and to provide e\'t:I'! distribution of the sltli't)' (tvei-the ~d. In order to facilitate proper coverage, the pump ~ft bf:; Capa,ble of exe~g cp to 1:50 psi Ill th¢ I'll)~. The sluny tar'I.I: $hall have a minimum c11.pac1ty of 1,500 gallons and shall be mounted Qn a uaveling unit which will place the sl.uny tank and gpny noule$ within sufficient ptQXimity of the areas to be seeded s.o as to provide, uoifonn distribution without waste. 3. With the engirle l\t half-throttle. add water to the tank. When thr: WPJ level has: reilChed the heighl of the agiucor shaft, good rec:i:tc1.1laii,()l'J shall be established and at this time $dd d"ie seed. Add fenili2:'.Ct to the mixture a.fter the $1:'ed, followed D)' wocxl pulp mulch. Add till!' wood pulp mulch t(t tlie mixtme after the seed and when the tank is at least one-thiid filled with water. Open the engine throttle to full ~ wheri the tw1k is half-filled widl water. Add all the wood pulp muleh by the time the. tank 1$ ~wo~thirds to thrce-founhs full. Q,m.mcgcc spra.yin,g immed.iR.tely when the. tank is full 4. Do not allow seed to rtn'lain in the mi:rin1 rmi: for a period giemer than 30 minu~. 5. Apply the slurry in 11 ~ing motion. l'ake ~ to diflri.blm!: the slmry evenly over all $1irl'aces being ~Btcd. . B. Turf block: St::td as dftCled by Ardt,itect. 3.10 WATl:RING A. lmmediately after planting, apply Water touch tn!e, vine and shrub in a modemte hose meam in the plaJlting buins until the nmcria1 about the roots ix completely saturat~ from the bottom to tht: top; l. Provide thorough watering of ground cover by means of the irrigatioo system wichm one hoor aft« ground oover planting. 2. Apply water in such quantities, and a.[ such interv-1$, as are xequiltd to bep the ground moist«. all tiin(:$ wtll below the root 5)'mlll of grass and other pJariting. 3. Provide hose watering for plants which cannot be cfficic:i'ltly wattted with the j;rr.lpdonsymm. 3.11 TREE STAKING A, Trccs small,,-thm, :!4" bo>< ti.,, See De!aill B. Trees; 24'" box sire .S ~ Sec Demib C. Trees in plJn'lef'S OVCI' eoncrcte ~ :slab ,l1d bti iU)'Cll and scc:uttid to dead.111e11 or planter wa.lll!I as dircettd. 3,12 VINIE ESPALIERING A. Vines: Unless othcJwix ~ by the Archkea, futcn vi.Des and uain lhem against fences. or walls in nonnal f!IIQ position. (V~ lhall be mnc)Ved from DID9el')' Mlii,). B. To,,: 11,rnov• <mting-OM ""l'P"" -to-pmvldo<I i,1 backinJwall. 3.13 INSPECTlONS A Wli<n llnisl, gradlna ii C-1-1. B. wt... fine gradin& ;, oompleted. C, Prior to digging planting pi1s fm-,,.,,. OM palms. D. \VheI'I plait mmerial ha$~ dclivett.d to the me. B. When plant material bu beer! spoaed ror plmtin1 but bef<W: planting: pits are c:tcavatcd. f. After placement of gravel drain• course and syndlede membrane, but prior to placement of custom ligh~t soil. 0. The CantnM;tor shall be re<(di:red. to have a. CQmPlete inspec:tion .nd approval of an 1Md"1!1pC ccmstrnction items at the end of the landscape, conSIJUCti(ln period, to establish the time for begbming of ~ m.aintenance period, Notify Landscape Architect at le8$1 seven days in advance of inspection. H. I, At the completion of the ll'Wnttnance periot;l. M inSpcction ~8.ll be it.quired by the COnttac::ror to obtain fin:a.l approval. Notify the I...and:11(';8.pe Arehitect III lea:st ,even days in ad'\"anct of inspection. 1n the event the Contrlletot calhl. for an inspection without completing previou$ly noted corrections, or wilhom repairing the work for inspection, he shall be respon~ble for rcimbuning ihe Archi~ at the rate of two and one•h!llf times-i:he nonnal office hourly nitt per hoot ponl\l to portal (plus ~$p0Itlttion COS(S) for die inconvenience, No fmther in~ions wilf bt scheduled lBltil th::.-: cb:qes have .... pold, 3,14 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain planting, starting with the planting oper11tions and continuing (OI' 90 """'d" dsys die,, pl,nting aid appmvod by the Arehitccl B. Wort inclu<lod: 1. Incli,u:te watcring, weeding, cultivating. caring for the plants, Mging, mowing. xpraying, pruning and other &Cl'.h,~ ~\!ired to keep the -pl.-nt materials in a healtl:iy growing condlti<m and to keep the pl811ted areas neat and ~ive during the maintenance pe.riod, 2. Provide equiJ?men1 mid means for proper a:ppJ~ation of waier to those planted areas nm. cq1,11ppcd with an irri_gMiw $)'Siem. 3. Prl)teot plMtcd areas again$!: damage. including tJ:l>sion and "trespJI.S$ing, by providing and 1Mu\t1un:ing proper safeguards:, 4. Where lawn att:a$ have: required. ~-$0dd\ng, maintain ruch rt-S(t(Sded iftllS for at lem 30 ealendar days unlesJ (ltfierw~ &P1'fO'Yed b)' lht Architect. ,:. M(lw the grass with a reel-type mower, e.quippcd with rollers, before the artas ncced 3~ in ht:ight but not less than r_ Collect the grasg Clif!pin~ during mowing openui.0115 Md remove from the-site, 6. After e.ach cuning, trim die Mge (If the grass to a neat an(l uni,fi;mn line. 7. After the initial mowing, mow~ a minimum of on.cc each xvcn days, with a final mowing four days pri(n' to the end of lhe rn.a:inte:nance period. M8;ke a fertilizer applicMion rh-1« days afu:r the f'mal mowing using mmttial ~fled in Articlie2.10Bl ffl:thie rate or,~ per 1,000 squm: feeL C. At the end of the maintenance period, all plant muer:iaJ ~all be in a healthy g;rowi.rt=tion, e:rc:qi ~ Kplaccme.nts tt.q1,1i:n:d because of vandalism or other causes thc: CMtml oflhe Conn,aor are noc part of dle (~. D. Rop,ir,,: 1. E:t~atc gophers and moleti. and tcpa:ir dalna8c-z. Where depressioni :II-rt eaased by vehicles, bicycles m-other tr3fflc. fill witb topsoil and add the required mulch_ H, FatillZinJ.: Fertili2e $htub:; and ground cover with two applicAtiorrs of OrQ-Powt:r Plus femli~ .id the rate of 25 pounds per 1,000 gqu~ fett, ooce every 45 days ru:n:ing 45 121\ys. after insw.l11.1ion of area. distributed u.nifunnly. Wtd.er. th0t0ughly iTrlmediately a.fir:r appliem:ion. P. lb tension of maintmatt(le! period: Q,ntir.i~ the maintenance period at no additional cost to th(: Ownic!r until previ.Ol.l!ll)' noted deficiencies have been ~- END OF SECTION ......... ~Crl I --.,., --.... ,,,. -........... ... ~ APPROVED FOR, PLANTING II AS BUILT" A.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE· TITLE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING ! REVIE\.IED BY• IAPPRO~O --.i-\.REAS. -... . -· , .. INSPECTOR DATE ;,••.i1;•Nr:--.:;,.,_,,... ='! ~ t,,,, ..... ·.::-, ... K::-=i DATE ;_1,..i:1 L~·uhlJ, _,..._1,,._., ...,, -·· I SHBETS I ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD 8 PLANNING DEPARTMENT C & L INTERNATIONAL /,!LANTING SPECIFICATIONS APP7i7/4# 1 r j ,9 , , , I f-~ 1..,,,,.., A$-,1,. ,_]NT_LF:'LANNING 1lIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION RV\.ID BY• ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CMWD NO. 91-C.375