HomeMy WebLinkAbout1364 SAPPHIRE DR; ; CB062078; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 10-27-2006 Residential Permit Permit No: CB062078 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1364 SAPPHIRE DR CBAD RESDNTL Sub Type: Lot#: SFD Status: 10 Applied: Valuation: 2122501000 $354,279.00 Construction Type: VN CT020007 Entered By: Occupancy Group: 10/27/2006 # Dwelling Units: Reference #: Structure Type: SFD Issued: Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3.5 Inspect Area: Project Title: EMERALD POINTE-PLAN 1-3233 SF, Orig PC#: 725 SF GAR,103 SF DECK,314 SF PATI0,63 SF PORCH Plan Check#: Applicant: SADDLEVIEW LL C 16461 SHERMAN WAY #350 VAN NUYS CA 91406 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $1,331.96 $0.00 $865.77 $0.00 $0.00 $35.43 $5,728.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,070.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,188.00 D5/8 $201.00 $0.00 Owner: SADDLEVIEW LL C 16461 SHERMAN WAY #350 VAN NUYS CA 91406 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing lnlieu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES ISSUED 10/28/2005 RMA Plan Approved: 10/27/2006 PC050110 $0.00 $160.00 $4,313.00 $1,578.27 $6,447.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $182.00 $60.00 $46.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,428.58 $0.00 $1,047.00 $0.00 $46,382.89 Total Fees: $46,382.89 Total Payments To Date: $46,382.89 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: flll\, ~ Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure lo timely follow that procedure wiU bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any f I x i f i h h I Tl r hi r hi f limi i n h I h rwi City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 07/25/2007 Permit# CB062078 Inspector Assignment: MC --- Title: EMERALD POINTE-PLAN 1-3233 SF, Description: 725 SF GAR,103 SF DECK,314 SF PATIO,63 SF PORCH Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: 1364 SAPPHIRE DR Suite: Lot: 10 Location: OWNER SADDLEVIEW L L C Owner: SADDLEVIEW L L C Remarks: please inspect 9am -2pm please Total Time: Phone: Inspector: tv\ l------ Requested By: JEFF Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural fl 29 Final Plumbing =t 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PC050110 lns12eclion History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 07/23/2007 89 Final Combo co MC SEE NOTICE -GAS RELEASE 07/18/2007 89 Final Combo CA MC PER CONTRACTOR 07/10/2007 39 Final Electrical AP MC EMR 06/04/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP MC INT LATH 05/10/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PA MC DRYWALL ONLY, OK TO TAPE 05/10/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall WC MC 05/10/2007 23 Gas/Test/Repairs AP MC 05/02/2007 16 Insulation AP MC 04/17/2007 14 Frame/Stee1/Bo1ting/We1ding AP MC 04/17/2007 24 Rough/Topout AP MC 04/17/2007 34 Rough Electric AP MC 04/17/2007 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP MC RE-CK DRYER VENT 03/21/2007 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP MC COMPLETE TITEN INSTALLATION City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 07/10/2007 Permit# CB062078 Inspector Assignment: MC --- Title: EMERALD POINTE-PLAN 1-3233 SF, Description: 725 SF GAR,103 SF DECK,314 SF PATIO,63 SF PORCH Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Phone: Job Address: 1364 SAPPHIRE DR Suite: Lot: 10 Location: Inspector: M, C--- OWNER SADDLEVIEW L L C Owner: SADDLEVIEW L L C Remarks: EMR Total Time: CD Description 39 Final Electrical Act Comments Requested By: JEFF Entered By: CHRISTINE --------····--------- Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PC050110 I ns11ection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 06/04/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP MC INT. LATH 05/10/2007 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PA MC DRYWALL ONLY, OK TO TAPE 05/10/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall we MC 05/10/2007 23 Gas/Test/Repairs AP MC 05/02/2007 16 Insulation AP MC 04/17/2007 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP MC 04/17/2007 24 Rough/Topout AP MC 04/17/2007 34 Rough Electric AP MC 04/17/2007 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP MC RE-CK DRYER VENT 03/21/2007 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP MC COMPLETE TITEN INSTALLATION 03/21/2007 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall WC MC 02/26/2007 15 Roof/Reroof AP PD 02/23/2007 15 Roof/Reroof NS cw ROLLED OVER FROM 2/23/2007 12/12/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service AP MC WATER, BUILDING SUPPLY ONLY 12/11/2006 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP MC 12/11/2006 12 Steel/Bond Beam AP MC 12/11/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service NR MC 12/04/2006 21 Underground/Under Floor AP MC WASTE ONLY 12/04/2006 22 Sewer/Water Service WC MC 03/09/2007 09:53 714-835-2819 ESIFME STRUC~ALENG PAGE 01/01 .. > E S II F M E, Inc. Structural Engineers Date : 03-09-2007 By :,-=B::..P __ _ 1800 E. 16th Street Santa Ana, CalifOmla 92701 Sheet_1_of_1_ • Company: RWR Client Job No.:, _______ _ Address: 2710 LOKER AVENUE WEST Project Name : "EMERALD POINTE" CARLSBAD, CA 92010. ES I/FM E Job No. : 5268 -J Contact: JEFF NORTON. Cell (619)948-4962 Project Eng.: ..:..:R::..:RW=----- Phone: (NIA) FAX: {760) 476-0224 PH.: (714)836-28001Fax 836-2819 WPhone Conve-DFlold -•g DMNl•g f!I Clianl's Din-House Meeting ■ M.EMO ESI/FME recommends the detail shown below to retrofit missing anchor bolts with Simpson Titen Bolts. • 8IEPQXY fPC -5/8" f 11loo HD --AS NI Al:~ 10 THE 'll!EII, A 5 8'DIA. AU.-THRW INIO CONC•m: W/UAP. SO [POJCY(5"~ ""y BE PIIOWlEI> ICIIOfS279 ~a61:/mlNSPECIION ,,,.. cxcfl.,ts~ c1tfl.,: A It TO AVD/1:) T"~'o.,,113'1 • tn.luP in Ae.:onianc• with LC.B.O. Report fESR-10.S& Mow■ble Loctd~ t:i Ratio (For SIIN!" Only). Q'ff ICIO fl056 -2500 PSI C-) • "° S,.Ckll "T!Gon R!9rf2d E51 5/8• DIA. AB. FOR t.tSSN3 ANCHOR BOLTS "'"R o 9 '1.001 Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 280-4321 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 83-740 Citrus Avenue, Suite G, Indio, CA 92201-3438 (760)775-5983 Concrete (6x12) Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 0612226 Project Title: Emerald Pointe Estates -PTCC Phase: 1 Project Location: 1364 Sapphire Dr Architect: Mark W Kiner Engineer: Martin Permit No: CB06-2078 Contractor: RWR Homes Plan File No: Location In Structure: Lot: 10 North Side of Slab 15 Feet From the North East Corner Material Supplier: Superior Mix Designation: 8367P Admixture(s): Fly Ash, Pozz Time In Mixer: 55 minutes Slump Inches: 5.00 Air Content: Unit Weight Plastic/Dry, pcf: I Air Temp: 64 degrees F Concrete Temp: 66 degrees F Truck Number: 390 Ticket Number: 62630 Samples Made By: JG Samples Tested By: CN JBA Laboratory Number 0617119 0617120 0617121 Mark On Samples Emerald Pointe Set 1 Date Made 12/12/2006 12/12/2006 12/12/2006 Date Received 12/13/2006 12/13/2006 12/13/2006 Date Tested 12/18/2006 1/9/2007 1/9/2007 Diameter, Inches 6.00 6.00 6.00 Area, Square Inches 28.27 28.27 28.27 Maximum Load, Pounds 94490 145140 142260 Compressive Strength, psi 3340 5130 5030 Age Tested 6 Days 28 Days 28 Days Required 28 Day Strength, psi 4000 4000 4000 Fracture Type 1 1 Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were perfonned by this agency in accordance with the applicable .~'TM 09 standards. Th!s Jgenc'/ makes no other warranties express er tmp!ied. Legend: Fracture Type -1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 Distribution: (1) City of Carlsbad -Building Inspection Department (1) RWR Homes, Inc. -Brendan Farrelly Reviewed By: ~ ---------------:r-- Gordon T.M. Woo,dard RCE ~60481 c._ ____ _, -I Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 280-4321 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 83-740 Citrus Avenue, Suite G, Indio, CA 92201-3438 (760)775-5983 Concrete (6x12) Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 0612226 Project Title: Emerald Pointe Estates -PTCC Phase: 1 Project Location: 1364 Sapphire Dr Architect: Mark W Kiner Engineer: Martin Permit No: CB06-2078 Contractor: RWR Homes Plan File No: Location In Structure: Lot: 10 Westside of Slab 25 Feet From South West Corner Material Supplier: Superior Mix Designation: 8367P Admixture(s): Fly Ash, Pozz Time In Mixer: Air Content: Air Temp: Truck Number: Samples Made By: Laboratory Number Mark On Samples Date Made Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested 57 minutes 64 degrees F 263 JG Required 28 Day Strength, psi Fracture Type 0617122 SET 2 12/12/2006 12/13/2006 12/19/2006 6.00 28.27 105210 3720 7 Days 4000 Slump Inches: Unit Weight Plastic/Dry, pcf: Concrete Temp: Ticket Number: Samples Tested By: 0617123 0617124 12/12/2006 12/12/2006 12/13/2006 12/13/2006 1/9/2007 1/9/2007 6.00 6.00 28.27 28.27 141960 152910 5020 5410 28 Days 28 Days 4000 4000 3 2 4.25 I 67 degrees F 62644 JBAJO Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were perfonned by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM C39 standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Legend: fracture Type -i; 2.; 3; 4; S; b Distribution: Reviewed By: (1) City of Carlsbad -Building Inspection Department (1) RWR Homes, Inc. -Brendan Farrelly Gordon T.M. WooiaflRcE # 60481 SOIL 6 TISTIIIIG, !NC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6321 7 6280 RIVERDALE STREET. SAN DIEGO. CA 92120 • Phone (619) 280-4321 Fax (619) 280-4717 83-740 CITRUS AVENUE, SUITE G, INDIO. CA 92201 • Phone (760) 775-5983 Fax (760) 775-8362 SCS&T FILE No.-UC-'/ u ·z (_p P.O. NO._· __________ _ C X PL NC FIX PAGE I OF I FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOR: D REINFORCED CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D WELDING D FIREPROOFING Q. C. CONCRETE D ROOFING / WATERPROOFING .11 P.T. CONCRETE / STRESS D EPOXY ANCHORS D H.S. BOLTING D PHASE#: DSA FILE NO.: , ~ 4 ,J~, :5 TIME ARRIVED: / :.. ? /; ·--t ___,_ ✓ ., I -SL ' . . ~I~/_~._;. ~ ,4 ~-./ / -,.,/7" '$ "· /4•' 4'7 :.-.,-:,_ .?:' _s,, , ,,, . ~ , ;, ~-;;;t,.?A.~• .... .c.:_...~· ,, I , , UBC I hereby certify that I hove inspected the above reported work. Unless noted otherwise, the work Inspected is to the best of my knowledge in compliance with the approved plans. specifications and op~ob~tions ot the governing building lows. Inspector Initials -~~,_ __ -_, _____ _ INSPEc'tOll$ SIG~ , " ,I _,. . ;- / DSAAPP. NO.: / PLAN FILE NO.: _ ./ 4 -~-.,:,,,.t TIME DEPART~D: , ~ _..., A r.r, _J-.4=--_,,_,,,,., r --'"'" ... , ~ , I' '_.. ✓ .# • /" /"< C' I .,/ --~>-./~· .-;.-I';/~ ... .--? ,_r_;✓ I .1. f P.E. REVIEW: REGISTTlATION NO. I '- OSA I hereby certify that I hove inspected the above reported work in accordance with the requirements of DSA approved documents. Sampling and testtng were conducted In accordance with the requirements of the DSA approved documents. The work inspected complies with the DSA approved documents. Yes: __ No: ___ Inspector lnrtiols: 'WPERINTENDJ'NTS SIGNATURE •sfgnoture authorizes the ot::x:Ne work DATE SCS&T 205 REV 2/0o PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING IRVINE LOS ANGELES RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO HUNSAKER &ASSOCIATES S A N D I E G 0, I N C. November 29, 2006 City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Re: Building Form Setback Certification Emerald Pointe Estates Carlsbad Tract 02-07 Drawing No. 406-3A Lots 3 through 6 and 10 through 13 Dear City Inspector: Please be advised the building foundation forms are in conformance with the precise grading plans as to horizontal and vertical location. The building setbacks were measured in relation to the property lines and were found to be in conformance with the approved precise grading plans for this property. DAVE HAMMAR LEX WILUMAN ALISA VIALPANDO DAN SMITH RAY MARTIN CHUCK CATER 10179 Huennekens St. San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 558•4500 PH (858) 558•1414 FX www.HunsakerSD.com lnfo@HunsakerSD.com Sincerely, o.0,P'.S~ ,.,. Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. TS :ts k:12339\2008\b-49.doc wo2339-0018 11/2W20089:33AM ... GEOTECHN\CAL EXPLORAT\ON, \NC . SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING GROUNDWATER • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FIELD REPORT ON OBSERVATION O F FOUNDATIONS DATE:------=---- TIME: JOB NO. CLIENT : _ _:._..:..----2.-~'--_::,:__~-------- PROJECT NAME: _.S:..::.~~-e..-'.... _ _:~___.::.. __ ::__ ___________ _ PROJECT ADDRESS: □1 I The footing excavations listed below were bot~omed on material for w hich the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. □ □ □ The cast-in-place drilled fricti on piles l isted below penetrated material for which the allowable supporting capacities recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The piles were excavated to diameters at least as large as specif ied and the excavations extended at least to the depths indicated on the Foundation Plans. The excavations for the cast-i n-place belled piers listed below were bottomed o n material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The excavations were at least as large as specified on the Foundation Plans. The driven piles listed below were observed to be driven to the specified lengths and/or driv ing res istances to obtain t he supporti ng capacities recommended in the foundati on report. Based upon observations, it is our op1n1on that t he foundation recommendations presented in the report of the foundation investigation, Job No. ______ , dated _________ (ar~/(are not) applicable to the conditions observed. Fo undation Plans b y >- dated __________ were used as a reference for our observations . ./ NOTE: 2. 1. The_ obs:rvations reported above do not constitute an approval of foundation location footing size or dep_th, reinforcement, or foundat ion design. ' Loose, soft, or disturbed soils must be removed p rior to p lacem t f · f concrete. en o rein orcement or 3. 1:he opinions and recommendations presented in t his report were b to d ased upon our obse rva- 1 ns_ an are presented in accordance w ith generally accepted f practice. We make no other warranty, either express or implied . pro essional engineering BY: SOIL A TE\Tlfll,G, tHC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6 3 21 5 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 • Phone (619) 280-4321 Fax (619) 280-4717 83-740 CITRUS AVENUE, SUITE G, INDIO, CA 92201 • Phone (760) 775-5983 Fax (760) 775-8362 scs&T FILE No .. c2w//' .. 7-Z u:> P.O. NO._· _________ _ I C I /--< I I PL I I I NC I I I FIX I I PAGE I OF L. FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOR: D REINFORCED CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D WELDING D FIREPROOFING D Q. C. CONCRETE 0 ROOFING / WATERPROOFING ,gj P.T. CONCRETE / STRESS D EPOXY ANCHORS D H.S. BOLTING D PROJECT TITLE: ~;,/c.... I PHASE#'; DSA FILE NO.: DSAAPP.NO.: ~/?1£k"A1·4 ,,:,,,, ,if ~-· '/' I PR/_T ADDRESS . ,/A'\~-sh-i-✓ PERMIT NQ.: PlAN FILE NO.: /4 , r:s-ld'~ /2,c~~,&</ /·/::: IQ y ;-~.=-&?~-, . ./ .,._' __ Y,.., AACHITEC/"'"/44-f , )_.-. ENGINEER: /'Z ,,A-. 1< il-".1 • ✓-""',c..'<--Ve:' I / ,,--' GENERAL CONT~W' ~ /-it.~?t'e SUB CO~CTO!l: A, .,._ > /._..,-;_r;·,., / ,-::../,Y,;.;,--~--/ ,:!' ,.. .. ~:--~ LOCATION OF WORK INSPECTED: --,.-,....... ✓ ~<-) _./ 1-:. )/,;?L,.?. h ,,.,. I / .J.£:Z ~~-~ , MATERIAL C~IC.lftPN¢ 7 5 /4,,.,,-1,v« ---,. ?-,1 ... ~~-~-1,,-...,.,-$ A-; //t-✓ k ,,,.,~4', .s/4,.....,_ /1,··,, -;,,,,. / .,,4· u·~ " '~~.,,-P~ &n .. ~ DATE f/-cG I DES<;BJl'TION OF WORK INSPECTED: TIME ARRIVE~: f'./ t -( TIME DEPARTED: ,!/1"-" JZ --,,;, J ... l·,,z; !Rr · _.2.u.:s., v < --i .,,, L ~~:.;.~ /;/ &' £ ,·• fi/ I -k,.t.,-";.>/17_·___, ;/' /',/;-r:/ J,,,,/') t;'l-r C' ..-I i..-t::, .L«; r.G = .5 .. ./'l~// /47c , • / . '5; -1 -· <'' ~ ~; /iclF-. ~t¼ -/4-I ~1'°!'.'.'.".1 .,... ~;:-, /t,., t:> .. ..,.., lb ~ /fr?' /t-:./,. /j ,4/? r ,' I / ~ -' ,. 1-";-r / .:>. A -/ ,.ff~--4~ £ . -.✓,:"'-//C. ~ d'__./ ~.Rfil-"&d ~ ' / /4'/j,,,.-P ,k ,.....-",c) >"-;,-"l 7/~ ?' r / A~ -,,_74~~-;l ,...-[ e:,=--;..-,. ~.,,,.,..,~ .,.._-,,-.> /~-...,,,, I~ •/." l/-t< /'1~,&:/r .,,::;;:z;C ;: -?/ ..L--'/,..-/-__., -?-.-,✓ . / /, ' 1///7 // -'""->.:.: ?,..e ( , + ;· _....,,.-;, ,. .... ·.:.-~'-c--' '- // 7 ,/ - /2~rr? 13?-r ,......., .•. -' ~,., -/-:u ('~ -7~· /{J _,,~/J,,'.lf'c ~./c.'4..-_, .:f' ,rt:~//, tr ~ i.' 0 ~-l/ I ,1{:"'.' f• ,/ I ~/ ,,,, . :' ;)r-.l,'p, 2'-17?- ,Lb/~' ·:j_ ,, ':::, '"A. / ..-:--, ,-.,,; .. ,., ~· .-,I/..;-.',:.~ i -, .,,....J ,c ,.p,...·;.. :~?l.~ ,--:;: / ' I--.. -~.11,,-,(' I ,I' ~,, ~., ;.-9c4 fe .,,,.,._.,-~ .•. -,.,.... I ., ,/ P.E. REVIEW: UBC I hereby certify that I hove Inspected the above reported work. Unless noted otherwise, .:sJ> .:tt s~ > the wor1< Inspected Is to the best of my knowledge In compliance with the approved plans, /_ .,.?' -~ ,. ---specifications and appl~le150Ctlons of the governing building laws. 1:-Y t";."C-, Inspector Initials ~_;;,, INSP~~~rr-I REGISTRATION NO. DSA I hereby certify that I hove inspected the above repcrted work In accordance wtth the ,,,,~ ,,, /" 12 II ,'?C;;:;-_, . requirements of DSA approved documents. Sampling and testing were conducted In , accordance with the requirements of the DSA approved documents. The work inspected •StJPERINTENDENTS SIGNATURE DATE complies wtlh the DSA approved documents. •signature' outt>orlzes tile obolle work Yes: No: Inspector Initials: SCS&l 205 REV 2/06 ~ Cltlof Cal1sbad B3 Fl~al Bulldlng lnsaectlon ( Dept: Building ~ngin=_er~~Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: CB062078 Project Name: EMERALD POINTE-PLAN 1-3233 SF, Date: 07/19/2007 Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD 725 SF GAR,103 SF DECK,314 SF PATIO,63 SF PORCH Address: 1364 SAPPHIRE DR Lot: 10 Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA lns_pected ,v Date 7/17!u? ~Disapproved: __ Inspected: Approved: By. (,/. Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ........................................................................................................................................................... Comments: _______________________________ _