HomeMy WebLinkAbout1318 SAVANNAH LN; ; CBR2018-1119; Permit(city of Carlsbad Print Date: 06/07/2018 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1318 Savannah Ln BLDG-Residential 2157103200 $0.00 Residential Permit Work Class: lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: P/M/E Description: BAILEY: ADD NEW AC UNIT FOR PRE-PLUMBED HOME PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $170.00 Owner: JOYCE E BAILEY 1318 Savannah Ln CARLSBAD, CA 92011 Total Payments To Date: $170.00 Status: Applied: Issued: Permit Finaled: Inspector: Final Inspection: Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Permit No: CBR2018-1119 Closed -Finaled 05/09/2018 05/09/2018 6/7/2018 11:43:06AM $170.00 $0.00 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov ·ITHE FoL~owtNG APPROVALS REau1REo PRIOR ro PERMIT 1ssuANCE !:.J PLANNING 0 ENGINEERING []BUILDING L~l FIRE []HEALTH [J HAZMA TIAPCD I ,~ Building Permit Application Plan Check N<>:_CB&;2.0IS: -1 //'1. ~ f.,, ,~ 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value ~ Ci f 'f o: Ph. 760-602-2719 Fax 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit CARLSBAD email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Date r:.., I y,· I/ K lswPPP . 1 ! JOB ADDRESS 1318 SAVANNAH LANE SUfTU/SPACEf/UNru IAF'N i . . . i :T/PR(,JtCT # I"" . ----------~.J::Sf f I' Of JNI~·-1 .. #ti::{~-~l=-M·~: __ f BATHROOMS J~NANT BUSINESS NAME ------.. I CONS TR l'l'Pf. I oc-c--G~,u-p:· i --. ..... --~ --~--------: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lnoludo Square Feet of Affocted Area(•) ADD 1 NEW AJC UNIT TO AN A/C PREPPED HOME ' NO ELECTRICAL EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE I GAR AG[ (Sf) PATIOS ;SF; I DECl<S (SF) I FIREPLACE IAIR CONDITIONING I FlRE SPRINKLERS I YESD No[] YES □No □ YES □No□ ,APPLICANT NAME TOM WOOD PROPERTY OWNER NA.ME JOYCE BAILEY Prtna,, Cont1ct -·-· !MDDRESS t--DORESS 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL. #103 1318 SAVANNAH LANE ;c:TY .•. Slt.TE -Zif-·--·-.. CITY STATE ZIP ' ESCONDIDO CA 92029 CARLSBAD CA 92011 !PHONE . ]~~~--. .. . .. .... PHONE !"·' .. ------ ! 760 839-8383 760 839-8380 858-254-3224 ~-·--. -· ... --------' 'P-M•.ll EMAlL INFO(@,OAKISLANDAC.COM jDESIGN PROFESSIDNAl CONTRAClOR BUS. NAME OAK ISl,_AND HEATING AND AIR ---· ·--·· ...... ;ADDRESS ADDRESS 1250 PACIFIC OAKS PL #103 ............... _. ___ ·,:;r,ilf nP ---" ----·--I Cl"fY CITY STATE ZIP r ESCONDIDO CA 92029 -----· -p'Ai-. ·~· I PHONE PHONE tAX. 760 839-8383 760 8 39-8380 .! ... ---~-···--·-·---!EMF.il .. ----··-··-·--"· EMAIL INFO(@.OAKISLANDAC.COM ' >------------------.. _____ .,_,. .... --.. -------·-I STAT( UC • -----STA7ELIC f lc"""'c-20 lcueus uc1212710 ' 745400 ., Sec 1 031 5 Business and Professions Code .r..n"/ City ;;,r County which reQuues a r,errrn, t,Jconstruct alcer improve dernolish or repa11 arr, struclure PHO! to its issuance also requ,rns the ;ippi1cant fOf such permit tof1le a s1gried staternen! U1at tie ,s licensed pursuant to the prov s1ons ot the Contractors Lrcense Law {Chapter 9 comrnenchng with Section /000 of 01v1sion 3 of tile 3us1ness anct Professions Code) or that he 15 e,empt ther_efiom and the ti.15,s ror t/1f; alleged e:,;emptton Anyvte!at1on of Section ,031 5 by any a:lphcanl lot a perm,t subjects the applicant toa :1v1i penalty of not more than five i"'undred dol!;m; {$'.100)1 Workers' Compensation Declaration I fwreby ,1tlim1 onderpenalty of perjury or•e al /he fol1owmg tleclarafions D I have and will mainlain a certificate of consent lo self.lnsure for WOl"kers compentallon ,1s prOVldoo by Sec~on 3700 ol the I abor Code. fO! the performance ol the WOtk for whtth !his perm11 1s issued [2J I have and will mainlain wor1ters· compensation as requred bY Sei::,cn 3700 o! the I atw Code 10! !M perlormar1c!c o! the v,(j/~. for w111ch lh1s oerrnt rs issued My WO-kefs corrpensat1on msurance ca-ner and po11,:y numnei are l~surance Co EVEREST NATIONAL INSURANCE Po,cy No 7600000635141 Exp:ialion Dale 01101/2019 i~:s 1e~!ron neM ~ot be competed 1! the per mil 15 1or one t\11..,Cfro !"dlars (S 100) c, less 0 Certificate of Exemption: ! cet11t-r tha! in ltle perJOfrnaw.:e cl !he WITT IOI' wt! ch tt11s pmml ,~ issued l Shall no! em;loy Jrr; peison in ilOY mannei so as !o becoo:e s1It:,ec1 to the Wo,1.ers Compensation Laws of Cai1!01mf! WARNING: Failure to secure workers· comptnsation coverage is unlawful. and shall subject an employer to criminal penaltin and civil fines up lo one hundred thOusand dollars (&100.000). in i addition 10 the cost of compensation, damage~ovided fo1 in Section 3706 ol tttet}ibor code, intern I and attorney's fees. Ji$ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ,M--,,,..,_ ~_,.X @AGENT DATE f hereby r1Mirm 111,11111m exempt fr,;rn Contractors license Law/of rtle following leilS0/1 □ □ □ 1 as owner cl tile PfCperty o, rry e~oyres 'Mlh w.19eo; as I her scie compensabon wdi co !he work and Ille struct11re s nel mt1.mdoo or offered for sae !Sel: 70-44 Busmess an<! Prc1essions Code The Contrac!a s :...cense ~awnces riot appy to an ,::mner 01 Pl<pe<!'f wto huMs or improves theieon and wtlo doos st1ch wc.-k hunsel! or ttrnugh hJs own emPoyees pro-,,,000 !hat s1Kl11mp-ovemerrs are net mtenaed OI' offetedlCJ' 1ae 1! however !he bul<ing c, 'ITVfO\lf:rn-Jn! ,~ ,;dd w!h1n one yel'J o1 corn(letOM IM owncr-biiider 'Mil have the bur:len of prov1r1g Iha! he dd f\Ot bu.id et 1fll)(ove 10f the pillJ)Ose c! sale} a5 o,,.,nm o! tMe property am e:,cjll~veiy ~orwac~ng t,1Jh ir,:ense<J conlractors to co11struct lhe fl"OJect {Sec 7044 Business and Pro!es-S1ons Code The Conlrnttors Licenw law dOOs not appy kl an O\V-ler of ptq)e(t"f l',tlO buid; c, improves thl'Jfeon and ,,i.mlmcls for such prCjects wt~ conlrac1or(s/ licensed pursuant to the C<mlrador s license laN) I am exempl uridcf Sechon Business and Professions Code foi this reJson 1 I pflfsonafty plan lo prO'v1de the maJor !.1!10" an(! materials for constn1c!1on of the proposed property 1mprovemen! Oves DJo 2 I (have I tiava nol) signed an apjj1cation 1or a buM1ng per rm! for !he p'cposec! wor\\ 3 I have wnlradOO w!h !he !dlcwmg pe,~on (tirrn) to prol'IC!e the prnposed conslruc~on (Ind.1de name addess I phone I crwtrM:lm5 license nnmbet) 4 I p;rn to piovioe porllons of !he WCI'~-Dul I tmve 1,red 1he fdlowir.g oerson lo cOOHinale supel'Vlse arid p!O\llde :he miljOI wort. (lfltlude name/ address I phone I contractots lrcense nurnbe<) 5 1 wtl P"OVlde some ol lhe oo~ bat! tl,l% rnnlra:tf>d (hued) !ne lcMl/,,riq perscns 10 prcv1ce 1ne woft. mlicaled 'mc.:uoe name I a()'.lress I phOnel ~{pe of work) ,6S PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE □AGENT DATE ·m,uMiltW 1~l~1~w,:a:iiJPJ101:,,mtmttV11-11,, Is the applicant r.x futU"e buidng cxcupant requred to sublll!! a bus mess plan acutffy haiardous ma!enas reg1s1rntmn form or risk managemenl and preYennon program unoor Se:bons 25505 /553J a 25534 d lhe Pre!iey-r anner Hazardous Subs lance Account Act? 7 Yes 7 No IS the a~1ca11! a luturebuidng oceupanl req1Jred toob!alfl npam1I !rom the air pd!u!ton contrd dslncto arr qu,~1!y management dstnc!? , Yes , No Is the taci1ty to be cof\Structed INlthln I om reet of !he ou!er bOIJndary of a school s1!e? I Yes 7 No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FlNAl CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm tha1 !here 1s a consln .. dt0n lending agency for the performance of the work this pe1m1t 1s issued (Sec 3097 (1) C1v1I Code) Lenders Name Lenders Ad:1ress l oortity that I haw read the application and ~that the ab(¥! informatnn is oorred and that Ute itltormation on the plans is oo::urate. I agree tooomfjy wttn all Crty oldilanc:es and state laws reiatllg to buildingo:instrudion. J haeby authcr12e recr~!aln,e ol the Crty ri Cait"bad bentnr t;Xlfl tt1e al:xl'd'l rnenh:x1€<l i-,l'{!Xlfty fer ~l011 fJU"fXl9:"lS I ALOO ACREE fO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KU:P HARMLESS TH( CITY CT CARLSBAD AGAINST All LIABILITIES Jt.JOC.MENiS COSTS ANO FXfl-:NSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AC3AINST SAID CITY INCGJSEC1UENCE OF THE rnANTINGCf THIS F£RMIT OSHA p.,, OSHA pem~ ,s requred fu m:.cavahons ova :rn ~ and OOITlol!l.on CJ o::m~rud()n ot stuclures OIIEt 3 ~tXcs fl heght EXPlf¼ TION Everypem,rt ISSU0d by the Bu1'11ng Offcial unoo-the prov1S10ns olths CoOO" 1all e:q::ire by hm1taton andbeccr\'.! nul and vod ~ !hebwking er v.<rk autruued by ruch perrrul IS nol cmmenced wthm 180dlyslrc.rn lhe dale ci~ch pem111 rr f ~ CYv.ttK JulhcrlZ~by &JCh pa-mR t . crabanchned al any 1roo alta-thev.ok 1so:mmencedkr a perlOOo/ 180d3ys(Sectw 105 4 4 U11rlcrm Bu1kiog c:o13) ,/IS APPLICANT"$ SIGNATURE ~ ..._ DATE Permit Type: Work Class: Status: Scheduled Date BLDG-Residential P/M/E Closed -Finaled Actual Start Date Inspection Type Application Date: 05/09/2018 Issue Date: 05/09/2018 Expiration Date: 12/04/2018 IVR Number: 11221 Inspection No. Inspection Status 06/07/2018 06/07/2018 BLDG-43 Air Cond./Furnace Set 060324-2018 Passed June 07, 2018 BLDG-Final Inspection Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency 060426-2018 Checklist Item BLOG-Building Deficiency BLOG-Mechanical Final COMMENTS Passed COMMENTS Owner: Subdivision: Address: Primary Inspector Michael Collins Michael Collins JOYCE BAILEY CARLSBAD TCT#90-34 AREA 27 1318 Savannah Ln Carlsbad, CA 92011-4855 Reinspection Passed Yes Passed Yes Yes Complete Complete Complete Page 1 of 1