HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 267-6L; CT 85-09; VISTA SANTA FE AREA B; L1-L34' CLIENT: ) LJ 9191 TOWNE CENTRE DR., SUITF L-101 SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 PROJECT: SITE PRODUCTION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS VICINITY MAP: (NOT TO SCALE) BIJ~ N/1 YISTA LA GOON 111.11~urros 1 l'lr.noN ,. l~C~K ENc;rNEEIZIN(; CC)lv1PANY ]4C.Cl f':.h,111,u (l<1k, w~~ ~lllk 21_1(1 ~ ,,rhh.td \ ~ ,._,2POc/ •r --------------------OL!VENHAIN __ MUNIQE'AL ,WAI.ER DISTRict RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM APPROVAL Approvedby:Son.E ENG!NERJNG CORPORATION ~ i lln !J'J!_s consulting Engineer ·J(/ ~ f-ZP-f.~ SP~w/~1-jA~'?f C.E.. I~ -CATE JOS NUMBER C]c__]c ]E_JJD _) FORSUM/SUM/v1ERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34197 PAClfiC COASY HWT~ SUITE 200 DANA PORIIY. CA. 92629 [714) 4Q-1444 LANDSCAPt ARCHITECTS. ASLA SITE MAP: (NOT TO SCALE) L _:10 ,22,30 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS • -~-L-7, 19,27 ·~-- L-8,20,28 L-32 NORTH , , r. SHEET INDEX: • I HEREBY DEC!.'.RE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR IBIS PROJECT, TilAT I HAY£ l:XERCISE'.D RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER TI-IE DESIGN Of TilE PRO{ECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF TilE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND TilAT TilE DESIGN IS CONSISTINT WITil CURR£N1. STANDARDS I U'NDERSlANLl THAI" THE Cl-'IEC.:K OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY Yf-1:f. Cl"l'Y OF CARI.SHAD, OLIVE:NHAIN M.W.D. i\ND THE COUNTY <W SAN DIEGO, l)F,PARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES IS CO~l-'INH\ TO ~nVll'w ON/_ y AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICPN~l-:1) l)ESlGNER 01-' \\iORK. Of MY -RESPONSIBILJ!IES FOR PROJECT Of:SJGN THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WlTH TIIE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PIAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND AJ.i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REU.ITD m l-1 l-2 l-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 L-7 L-8 L-9 L-10 L-11 L-12 L-13 L-14 L-15 L-16 L-17 L-18 L-19 L-20 L-21 L-22 L-23 L-24 L-25 L-26 L-27 L-28 L-29 L-30 L-31 L-32 L-33 L:34 LAND~~NG ; . _/ I ~v,----,n( 1c t~ oArr ~f:---Y:2-l/ lj>repar COVERSHEET TITLE SHEET IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION DETAILS mRIGATION NOTES IRRIGATION NOTES TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PL.AN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN SHRUB PLANTING PLAN TREE & SHRUB & GROUND COVER PLAN RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN PLANTING DETAILS PLANTING NOTES • General Notes The contractor must notify the City Plan Check Copsultant , .. (619.-438•1161•••.4221_) 72 hours (three working .days), ~[· startmg construction. The landscape or irrigation' conir~ctor is to verify existing P .S.L at job site prior to installing landscape irrigation system. Verification shall be made with the appropriate water district. All reduced pressure back.flow preventers shall be tested after installation, relocation, or repairs _by a City approved certified II·, ·, tester. Call 438·0218 for a list of City approved certified testers. Developer/owner is responsible for su_pplyiiig a copy of the test results to the City Department of Utilities and Maintenance, 405 Oak Street. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining building and plumbing pennits prior co commencing wall construction and irrigation installation, respectively. [rrigation systems for individual parcels shall have points of connection for the system between .the water meter and water service riser into buildir{g and ahead of any water regulating device installed for building. . , The licensed designer of record for all rhe ~rojects requiring landscape plans shall submit a -letter to the City srati g that the project has been installed in substantial confonnance with the pproved plans and specifications: "AS BU IL T" RCE EXP ____ DA TE REVIEWED BY: OF C~l\~ ---...----------------------.--------.--_:::::::::::::::::::::._ __ .i!.l:!_N_S~ _P::!E~C~T~O~R~====================~D~A~TE~--1 ill 3-18-94~ D_KLNEWPLANTINGSHEETSPEROWNER ···-------+---~ r,H[['r7:-·-c1TY OF CARLSBAD 11s~3££4T5l • + -L ~=---1 _j l. PLAN'Nl !JEPAR»-T _ t ------+----+--------- ---+----. . I --=-~:=:-_----=----------+--_-+---- . --------------+---+----····- - ATE D ENG IN(ER -.. INITIAL OF WORK . DATE INITIAL REv1SION DESCR,PTION OTHER APPROV,I.L DA TE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL C.M.!/-D. 92-303 \ \ \ GENE:RAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES 1, All WORK SHALL BE tlONE IN ACCOROANCE WITH THE City of Carlsbad 2 3. 4. RECLAMATION RULES & 11EGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS" DATE(? JUNE, 1991. ALL PU£JLIC FACILITIES SUCH AS COMFORT STATIONS, DRINKING FOUNTAINS, ETC , SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SPRAY BY RECLAIMED WATER, NO PONDING, RUN-OFF OR OVER-SPRAY IS PERMITTED. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 5. ON-SITE CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEENS RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 6. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS Will BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE' City of Carlsbad _ • 7 iK 8 ALL ON-SITE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAPE PER City of Carlsbad RULES AND REGULATIONS, THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL RUN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M, AND 6:00 A.M. THE FOLLOWING MORNING (SPOT IRRIGATION COULD BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIME) WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON SITE. 9. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 16 INCHES OF COVER OVER ALL WIRING AND PIPING. 10. 11 12. 13 14 1 5 16 1 7 18. * 19 20 21 25 Pf11VATE LOTS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTACT FROM RECLAIMED WATER, WHETHER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPLICATION, THROUGH IRRIGATION OR OTHER APPROVED USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION. IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST HEADS TO PREVENT OVER-SPRAYING ON ALL SIDEWALKS, STREET, AND PRIVATE LOTS. QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL HAVE A SPECIAL COUPLE KEY PER City of Carlsbad RULES AND REGULATIONS, METERS SHALL BE SIZED BY THE City ot Carlsbad /\LL IRRIGATION PIPE SHALL BE STENCILED. COLOR·CODED (PURPLE) AND LAID WITH WARNING TAPE PER THE City of Carlsbad ,_ RULES AND REGULATIONS. " ALL POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF HIE TRENCM WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE AND RECLAIMED WATER LINE CROSS, THE RECLAIMED LINE SHALi_ BE INSTALLED WITHIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET·FROM EACH SIDE, FROM THE CENTER LINE OF POTABLE LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 2D FEET A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE WATER AND f1ECLAIMED 'NIii en MAINS MUST RE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. THE POTABLE LINE MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE RECLAIMED LINE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST AND COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED BY THE City ot Carisbad ENGINEER AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PRIOR ro ANY USE OF RECLAIMED WATER QUICK COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING A. QUICK-COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE' 1 INCH NOMINAL SIZE NELSON •7645, WITH BRASS CONS !RUCTION AND A NORMAL WORKING PRESSURE OF 150 P.$.1. OR RAINBIRD #44NP. B IN ORDER TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED USE, THE VALVE SHALL BE OPERATED ONLY WITH A SPECIAL COUPLER KEY WITH AN ACME THREAD FOR OPENING AND CLOSING THE VALVE C. THE COVER SHALL BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE OUICK- COUPLING VALVE IT SHALL BE PURPLE RUBBER OR VINYL D. LOCKING COVERS ARE REQUIRED. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION WILL BE DONE BY EITHER City Of Carlsbad OR SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENf OF HEALTH SERVICES. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY DEVELOPER SHALL SHOW THE LOCATION OF R.C. SIGNS "DO NOT DRINK" ON THESE PLANS AN ON-SITE USEnlSUPERVISOR SHALL SE DESIGNATED IN WRITING THIS INDIVIDUAL SH/ILL BE F/\MILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITI-IIN THE PROPERTY, WITI I TIIE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW!Cnoss CONNECTION PROTECTION, AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE DESIGNATION, WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHAL.L BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HE/\LTl-I SERVICES AND City of ~rlsbaf- lN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT DALE GLEED @ ___ 619"453-7181 (FILL IN) (NAME) (TEL. NO.) on AFTER H0Uf1S CONTACT --~ DALE GLEED (FILL IN) (NAME) @ 619-453-7181 (TEL NO) ITEMS NOS. 8, 19 & 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ITEM NO. 22 THE SIGNAGE PLAN SHALL BE A PART OF THIS IRRIGATION PLAN BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS & TAGS WILL BE INSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAi. USE OF RECLAIMED WATER. SHOW ALL PUBLIC & PRIVATE POTA8I_E WATEfl MIIINS ON IMPROYEMEN r PL/INS · 1)111'1 I I (H;,) VII 1111 d/\CKCl10IJND I l'lilil'II IIIII-HS RECLAIMED WATER .I\VISO -AGUA IMPLJRA NO TOM AR \ --------------------+--~ ___,. 1' ,I/ f ) I. X .i\, 1!,,,, •\Ii:, 'l,\:,1:, ,'·!l::-illC"' ON \ifnl ">1,1.:,/, .,, ,\11\.!\ll/MINII\~ \ :)·· 1·,1.1f~~)! f l f-1 l!·f\.'-; 1" Fl/HPI f"· l f TlFF1S ., .. --····~--~- FUTURE RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM VISTA SANT A FE AREA 'B' TRACT #85-9 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 SIGNAGE NOTES THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE Tl IE DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-112" X 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR· PURPLE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERING_ GUIDELINES FOR RECLAIMED WATER I ISE 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. IRRIGATE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M. ONLY WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO ~YSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME 8E LEFT UNATTENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE. IRRIGATE Ir,i A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING AND PONDING THE APPLICATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL TIMERS MUST BE AOJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INrlLTRATION RATE PRESENT THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, I1.E., EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES lHAT WILL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND STREETS AND SIDEWALKS MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS. UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC. SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS Of THE PRESENCE Of RECLAIMED WATER. PERSONNEL L-4 q L-3 4 · rr 7 b L-10 b ~ .. \-w I ..J ~ ' ' L-5 SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER TITLE SHEET L-1A IRRIGATION LEGEND & NOTES L-11.12,13 IRRIGATION PLANS L-2,3.4,5.6,7,8,9,& 10 . IRRIGATION DETAILS L-11 ONCE RECLAIMED WATER BECOMES AVAILABLE, TEMPORARY CONNECTIONS BETWEEN POTABLE WATER MAINS AND RECLAIMED WATER MAINS MUST BE SEVERED. THERE WILL BE NO RECLAIMED WATER ENCROACHMENT INTO PRIVATE LOTS. LEGEND EXISTING POTABLE WATER SYSTEM PROPOSED RECLAIMED IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO REPLACE EXISTING POTABL!:: WATER SYSTEM PROPOSED AREA OF RECLAIMED WATER USE ~ POINT OF CONNECTION, BACKFLOW PREVENTION & WATER METER MUST BE INFORIVED THAT R.C. WATER IS MEANT FOR lii'RL FUf(>O&S ONLY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING FU<PQSES, HAl'D, TOOL, WI\SHING, ETC. GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EC\'!Pl.DYEES IN THE LANDSCAPING INDUSTRY, IT IS l:.1PORTANT T~IS INrOR- MATION BE DISSEMlNATF_J ON AN Alv10ST DAILY BASIS_ IT IS L-2 ffi IRRIGATION CONTROLLER LOCATION/ DESIGNATION ,;, 6 7. 8 YCU~ THE LA~DSCAP;_ CONTRACTOR WHO IS RESPONS!BLE FOR Ei)JLATING EACH ANu EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES SUCH CHANGES MUST 3E SUBMITTED TO. AND APPROVED BY. THE DISTRICT'S ENGINEER AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. A B TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3-X 4-PURPLE N COLOR WITH THE WORDS 'WARNING RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DR NK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AVISO -AGUA IMPURA-NO TOMAR-ON THE OTHER SIDE IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS 1. 2. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH Pll\S"IC TIE-WRAP QB. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR W1TH PLASTIC TE.WRAP QR 3. ATTACH TO 'fALVE CO\IER WITH EXISTING VALVE COYER BCLT ALL SPRINKLER I IEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. EACH AUTOMATIC CON1ROLLEA AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WI 111 A SIGN BEARING THE WORDS "RECLAIMED WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTE'lS 1" HIGH ON A PURPLE 13ACKGROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN SY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILZING TIIE EQUIPMFNT. -HEAL TH DEPA.i=tTMENT APPPQV':0 2Y: \NAllNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK AVISO -AGUA IMPURA NOTOMAR OH> ,'\l lJMINllM, 060 AGS PLASTIC on ~.,TICK-Qi\! 1/INYI SIGNS OA Tf; INSPECTION PROCEDURES , . CITY c-Or"5JBllCTION NSPEGDJN SH/JI INCi I IDf; 2, •- A. 8 C D E. F. G. LOCATION OF P1PE LINES. TRENCHDEl'TH. REQUffD SEPAFWlON (HORIZOHTAI.L Y AND VEROCALLYJ, PIPE IJENTIFCATKJN. POIHTS-Of-cotlNECTION (POC"S), LOCAllJN ANO IOENTIFICATION OF SPRINKl..£R HEADS. WARN9NG SIGNS ATn-E SITE ,H;J Ot,I TifE lHUCKS H4ULID REClAlt.EO WATER (F AE.Cl.AM::0 WATER IS USED FOR CONSTflUCTk:JNJ. AN APPAOvAI... LETTER REGARONG ll-E WSPECTDN OF TI-1E. PROJECT SHAI.L BE OBTANED FAOU 'THE. CITY ANO DISTR!Gl, iHO BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY ~TH DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTON APPROVAL. QISJBICI EN/J IHSf'fCTDN SHA.I I tfCJ I l)f: A. OOVE~ YEST, AFTER COMPLETION Of THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. TO DETERMINE THE ADEOUAcY Of COVERAGE ON Tl£ N'PAOI/ED USE AAeA AND PAOTECTK)N Of AAEAS NOT APPROVED~ RECEIVING AeCl.AlME.D WATER. B. WARNING; SIGNS ANO LABELS. C. QUICK COUPl.NG VALVES. o. All. ...srecrs C# THE ~IGATC'IN CONDITIONS INCLUONG WIN08LOI\IN SPRAY. RJN<fl', AND POND;iiG. E. REOUA::0 PAOTE.CTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL NJEAS. . F REQUIAED PROTECTION OF WELL. STREAMS. RESER~~TC. G. CFOSS-CONNECTION ANNUAL INSPECWN SHALl. lllCl..l.OE: A COMPLETE INSPECTION WlllCH $HOULD COVER PARTS A, B AND G CF n-tE DISTRICT FIN/.1. INSPECTION. " ·:-...:~ L-9 4/P~Cl?T '/'!OAO ~ ~ i w- ~t, _r~ Vicinit~ Map "ts -·-·------·· -- 1 □ii11D I FCJRSUM/5Ui\.1MERS & PART'JERS_ INC. LANDSCAf't ARO IIHCT', ASLA ---....... __ , ___ ,,, .. L-7 L-8 CARLSBAD KUNlCI?AL WATER DlSTRICT /4::o~ /tf/1,/'l:J BJB ffiATES DISTRICT El\loINEER R.C.E. 19928 DATE DECLARATION Of RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DEClAfE THAT I AM Tl-IE LICENSED ll€SIGNER OF~ FOR TlflS PROJECT, TttA T I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBlE CHAF«3E OVER TI-IE DESIGN OF TliE PROJ£CT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6700 OF THE l!USINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE. AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTEtlT WITH CUFf'lENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND S_PECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, OllVENHAIN M.WD AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF HEAL Tl-I SERVICES IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THES!i PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CXJNSERVATON PLAN. FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, ANO All CONDITONS Oli APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. BY: H JOHN SlU,t,t=RS DATE: :JP APRH 1992 Preparer· REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVEO BY THE PUBU<;; HEALTH ENGINEER, CITY ENGINFl,R & DISTlllCT'S ENGINL.Ul 1"111011 TO IM/"I.FMF:NT/\TION IN ·I1--1E FIFI D 0 GATE VALVE ;o; 'DO NOT DRINK' SIGNAGE PROJECT BOUNDARY LIMITS RECLAIMED WATER NOTE APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM, AS EVIDENCED BY THE SIONA TURES OF THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF 11-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD (CITY), THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD) AND 11:lE OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (OMWD) WITI-IIN THE BOUNDARIES OF 11:lE "VISTA SANTA FE" SUBDIVISION (CT 85-9) AND ADJACENT PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM, SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO BE AW AIYER, ACQUIESCENCE, CONSENT, ACCEPTANCE OF DECISION CONCERNING TI-IE AUTI-IORITY OR RJGl-ff OF THE CITY, CMWD OR OMWD TO SERVE RECLAIMED WATER WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF "VISTA SANTA FE", CITY CMWD AND OMWD HA VE APPROVED THESE PLANS SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES TO PROCEED WITH TI-IE RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAPS FOR VISTA SANTA FE AND CONSEQUENTLY THE CONSTRUCTIO F TI-IE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM. SBAD ·;. 0 ' BY d • ~ /l-l-f3 Assis t Planning Direc r bate AD J CI AL WA ~R DISTRICT OLJVS:J;-IHAJN MUNICIPALW A,TE)i'. DI/iTIIICT / ' f Date BREN COMPANY 9191 TOWNE CENTRE DR_, SUITE L-101 SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 ",6,S BU 11 T" EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR VISTA SANTA FE -AREA TITLE SHEET DATE DATE 'B' -----+---+------------~-------+----+---+---+---ii ,----+----+---------·-· --,--------------+----+----+-----t----il l✓-l~tj3 DATE INITIAL [NGINITR Of WORI< REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INlnAL OA TE INITIAL OTH£R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAi. ASSTSTANVf'LANNING DtRllCTOR ;::::=:::::::::::::=::::t:::::::::::::::::::::::::;";:::=:-!'=-:::::===~--~ . OWN BY: -~-: ~ -- CHKD BY: --CT 85-9 R VWO BY: i ____ _ DATE I C.l\jl.W,[)_ 92-:dl3 ,---.., / ;'4::, , .....J.' ,..:,..,,.. )( g~ w ->.is -'-c:c -> - (.)~ _c, ... - u, . c:( w ..I U) Q. ::, C 1/1 W z Ill a:: :> I\), ::, 0 ,._ ... II: ~ ~ Iii -.I a:: U) _\'., 0 -' i>i. IL ..J I,.: w C:C ) IC ils s:.§ lg& It\ @ ~ -a" • ~1/ \"QR) \,,I.I ....I _,I <d'.'., u a:: \J,z Oc,O 1-;z:::;: (.J -:::;: c:( i; 0 IC c:( i-i-.or-------c----z z 0 -ooz (.J (.J c:( ---.. ----H-, ' t . ' ,. ../ALIE. 46, LOC-Af ED i' .f>E:rfllJ/7 WA.L.f'.-- J:Z, E Of L-op b"'l .,__, 1--0, fPOf' LI Ll E:-- VIA • • I SAN ~ RICK ::,~~:.::~RING COMPANY ~.:. Sunc-200 Carhb:;r,d. c.-92009 "A" STREET --:.. ·t.J ~,.,:.. -, I Q4 --~----,--.,..---.,-r----I I I , , ? j ,-1 ' ) ' ! \ - CLEMENTE ' . r"!'.(, ·7 ),Jt'"f , .. ., r,,rl,' ..... , /". ',· ........ _~ ~ '"'.lN Ot. ,'7 ._7 (,_.-V ✓-,. , .. , • _._, - CONJROL,LER LE~END: CONTR-LLEfl LOCA ON TORO VISION II WALL M&\JNT CONTROLLER LOCATE INSIDE OARAGE.tpROVIDE 110 POWER) --llA 8 STATION ,t..~ 12 STATION . I 0 Q ~ z 0 et 0 u 0 z -~ ~ u ' i f I I I i I ' I 1 ' ' ' I 1 I l I ' -I I I ' I I I I ' , r,, VALVE 1'7l7 L.OCATeo 2' Jr fPoM ----1r-...._ 10E: Of owre, 10' 1---I Cf° LOfe' 8"""1t Pl)TABLE WATER W\IJ!f~ , --- i' MAlf-.lUUI:: 11 1 ffO ~,...!./,([--E:F-l,JAl...L.. --l--7e CP -I 0:., ,:; ff LOCATIONr,Af) (N. T.S;J GENERAL NOTES 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. CONrRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN ON SIDEWALK FOR CLARITY a-JLY. SEE DETAIL "TYPICAL POINT OF CONNECTION" FOR IRRIGATION MAINLINE CONNECTION TO INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE LOTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL RIGHT OF WAY ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%) TYPICAL ON ALL LOTS. ALL CONTROLLERS ON PUBLIC ANO PRIVATE LOTS S1--11\LL BE OUTFITTED WITH (1) ONE RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICE. PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT_ SEE SHEET L-11 FOR IRRIGATION OET AILS ANO LEGEND. I I I t I ul I I • I i . ' I I . . -I I ... _ APPROWD FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ' NORTH. SCALE: 1'; = 20'-O" I . . ,, 20 tlO 80 REVIEWED ;p~ . L. • INSPECTOR ------------------------------r-sH_[ __ -trilcITY OF CARLSBAD [l~HEETSI 1-------+----+-------------------+--t-----c--t-----i----------. L~-=-!J ".!:_AtfolNG DEPARlMENT _ 34 I----+-----+ --------------------------·----·---------------+----+---+---------t-- " VISTA SANTA-FE -AREA 'B' ~ . •I IRRIGATION PLAN __ ------+-----+--t-----,------. APPROIIEO • l-----+------+-------------t--+-----t------1-7 ASSIST ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR ,,, ........ DA lE----1----+--+----------------+---+--t----t----------t,~~;::::::=~;::::~~~~=,ra;~~~ 1----+-c--+--------·-·-·-----------+--=-=;-'--t-::-;;;;-::-11-;;-;-;;:---~~ OWN B: __ ~ROJECT NO. MAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OAT[ INl11AL CRHl(D BB~: --CT 85w9 267-GL ~ Of ~ REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHEI' ~Pl!DVAL aTY -OVAL CJLW.D. 92-303 t . • -----,----- I 12" PVC POTABLE WATER MAIN I l <t'. z 0 ....J L.1,/ u 0:: ,,t o:i MATCHLINE SEE SHEET L-5 1 •-------------~-----~~-----~~f -----@3~~1-----:-i ~ ~ ·._ P &. C ~ ~ ~ ls) ~ ,ii @ ? I ~ " ~ • SEE St-EET L-4 FOR ~ ~ ~ ~ c t!) 4a . )!i ,? CONTROLLER INFORMATION. & 1 ,t, \ ""@ ~ ~ ~ --. ) SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC POWER PEDESTAL ! I• , I \ 11 l7 p "\ L+. ;..._ -=---:::-~ -::;-~ -':"'.-~-':"'.-~ -:-:--7 --=-= -=--=--=:--:-:_ -::-~ -:;---:;_ --;::::,-:-:-:-;-::-::-:-:::-:-;::::;-1' e-~~ ·rtJ.,1{ "-CONTRACTOR SHALL SET ROUND PLASTI;.; VALVE BOX l ,,,__! ®p Ill<. r , -...---; CONTAINING vRµ·flZoL, i.l.1U re~ 1-f=. .,.. " v AND COMMON WIRE FOR FUTURE use: jt -e \ SAN DEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CALLE I I e-'\I -e -\.~. IS) POWER PEDESTAL • ~D I' VLll /JI.JD ~' 11' iJ or L.1/o JJAIJ<'.-AW/..,4 WATER METER DESIGNATE WATER METER SIZE MAXIMUM DEMAND STATIC PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT 'l/1_ GPM ~ PSI.:!:. 10 PSI EL .4-!',7 A CONTROLLER LOCATION •• ":i .. CALSENSE ··2000-/,Z, "WALL e.l. MOUNT CONTROLLER WITERMINAL ___ .._ ___ _ ,--•ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET. I IALISCO • t ---.., I I I - i I ----ATCHLINE SEE SHEET L-6 __ ,.....,......--. ' I ,, , I 'JQ I I I I I I ,, I "O "O ! '4 I I 141 D" "O "0 ✓AL(E "'!17, '°!:? =D 2' Uf Cf E:.>L.Df"E , 4 :Z E Of LOf5 o/"J aJ--., "o (PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) • INDICATES FEBCO 825 YA PRESSURE TYPE BACKFLOW DEVICE WITH WILKINS 500 SERIES PRESSURE REGULATOR IN LE MEUA 0 0 ~ z 0 LOCATION MAP (N.T.S.) "5c,, PF'cf ui.Je_ ,:lo '0 OR LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE. SIZE I• ~ INDICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. i;;1ze ,, ® INDICATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. SIZE 11 CONTRACTOR SHALL FIND ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOX CONTAINING &OMt--A,:,u l,-1.112-6 I~ "r(,,t, AND COMMON WIRE FOR FUTURE USE. -~ --' ' \ ' ' \ ....... - \ . ' 0: 0 u C z -~ <! u ··-· .-.-l • I ].." MAINL---J IJ!:";.. .N-itJ W1 2-' Uf 1c.:t::-Cf" 61.-0 GENERAL NOTES 1, 2. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN ON SIDEWALi( FOR CLARITY OIILY. SEE DETAIL "TYPICAL POINT OF CONNECTION" FOR IRRIGA TIOII MAINLINE CONNECTION TO INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE LOTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL RIGHT OF WAY ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%) TYPICAL ON All LOTS . I /1/e, D,,--~ , I I I "O ' ·, 4. ALL CONTROLLERS ON PUBUC MID PRIVATE LOTS SHALL BE ' OUTFITTED WITH (1) ONE RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICE. , '?Q ., 0 -------"ct ------- ., aLl1c.J"'. c:ot.lfi--rf ~w i' ~,I.Jo ~) , • PLACEMENTPERLANDSCAPEARCHITECT. · i ~ ~ 200' W Of 4".5 WALf<'.--o,.JCAU.E_ JALl5CO.. .\'·, 5, SEESHEETL·11 FORIRRIGATIONDETAILSANDLEGENO_i '·,1• " ~---1,,,i._-- A-8-~ -1~--------------------'.:"::t. ------~ ' \ -----~ ~ \ _________ ...... .,.., @'\JMOS°"'t • ', ,, _____________________ VALje 140 L<XATFD 2' /{TVE 'T 51':Jf"-, ~ ,.~ '\ -e -0, ·. , ---------'---------VI E" Of LOf ,___, 54 .... =';"'5 PRJf UUE:. ~" \ :.;o \ \ ® \ ·, ------·-·sEE s1-1EEl L-3 APPROVED FOR PLANTING t I' I/ti --~J.-----------MA TCHllNE AND IRRIGATION ONLY -6 ---•---INCLUDING PRECISE lij ,, "AS BUILT" --· ..... · f. ?bi 'rn, .. f&l ,~ I/ t'l?£21 EXP.· ___ U_ ' fttll,/ __ .. ,...-••-•---~-LOCATIONOFPLANTINGAREAS ~,,.~OF-c:Al!-~"' ~--'~~~~~~---------------------:=--==-~~=--=--~~+---=-=···=-_.=~=-=--=:-.=--=.-.-=.~=-===-,-,.-_-_-.-_-=-:-=--=-:-=--=-:~r--:---=--=-:~-;_---_Tr----~_,:~::j~[~~J~ll;~;;;;~;~:~2-.~F~;L~A~Rzl.S~~B~A~Dn:!~~~i;~4~.7 ::==~==t=··~,--_·--_._ .. _· _······_·· ---=---·~----·· ---------r---t -----t-:v1STA SA~T~ f'.s._~ AREA ·e··: REVIE~k ~.l~t □~□D FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 3419?' ~ COAST HW't., SllTE 20D DANA. J>QIUI. CA.. sa'.;2'3 (7MJ 443--1,4.,15 LANDSCAPE ARCHITKTS, ASLA CONTROLLER LEGEND: CONTROLLER LOCATION TORO VISION n WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER LOCATE INSIDE GARAGE. {PROVIDE 110 POWER) :1,A 9 STATION 11612 STATION 0 NORTH IRRIGATION PLAN ' SCALE: 1"= 20' -O" REV\SION DESCRIPTION 10 40 80 ; , 2, • r 3. 4 : I I 5, ,. ry \ SEE DETAIL "TYPICAL POINT OF CONNECTION" ron IRRIG/\ TION M/\INLINE CONNECTION TO INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE LOTS. CONTMCTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL RIG! IT OF WAY ARE GRADED PER CITY ST /\NDARD GS-1 (2%) TYPICAL ON ALL LOTS ALL CONTROLLERS ON PUBLIC /\ND PRIVATE LOTS SI 11\LL BE OUTFITTED WITH (1) ONE R/\INGU/\RD AUTOM/\ TIC SHUT OFF DEVICE. PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCI IITECT, SEE SHEET L-11 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS AND LEGEND. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS c:JOD □~□ FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34'197 PJI.CFK;:" COASf HWY .. SUTE 200 DANA POINT. CA. 926.!!il (TM) 443-~ i LANDSCAPE ARCHITK"TS, ASLA L __ -., .. 788' CALLE .J ~ 3 ~ ~ ' _.:----........ 0 Cl <C z 0 l:t: . 0 .. ,. u ' ' t ' ~ -- . ----1 I I '·--1' i I - r~ - /o\r---------------+ V CONTRACTOR SHALL SET ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOX ' ' ,, . \ ' ~ \ ---" j I ➔ ' ' . . C'\, ""· • I ' \ \_ J I I f CONTAINING ,::::,e?l .. ffl?-oL.-WI I!-£ ' ?fl" E' ANO COMMON WIRE FOR FUTURE USE. ' 1 • ·, -"' ✓N...v'E:D G.e, 1E, eie ~.r-,•-ta11iJD WALJC, ~a-.1i• t-'7' 5' Of Lq'b 20 .µ 11,< f"fOf u Jj E. . , "X __ , ,. - ~ ~-T -¥ , . .,/(-<~, . ;,J' :/ - CTT --Jc) • . . IL., ~ • ~M ® WATER METER DESIGNATE ~- WATER METER SIZE MAXIMUM DEMAND STATIC PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE - HYDRAULIC GRADIENT .. e." " 1 • #GPM 10 PSI!'.,. '1(/ PSI El A""' CONTROLLER LOCATION " f:,, "CALSENSE "2000-ti, "WALL MOUNT CONTRdLLER WrTERMINAL _________ _ ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET. (PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) INDICATES FEBCO e2e YA PRESSURE TYPE liACKfLOW DEVICE WITH WILKINS 500 SERIES PRESSURe REGULATOR IN \.11. MEU_A OR· LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANt ENCLOSURE. ' SIZE 2" --- IN~ICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. -SIZE ,f,,• - INrllCATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. SIZE rlz," L,.;..-------------------.1 SEE StEET L-3 FOR CQNTROLLER LOCATION. 1B) WATE ETER DESIGNATE WATER TER SIZE MAXIMUM AND " p,. • 1,. 12" PVC POTABLE WATER MAIN STATIC PRES E ,f.fjGPM f:t1 PSI 70 PSI DESIGN PRESSU o<; HYDRAULIC GRAOIEN EL ,,-----"""T'"""-+CONTROLLER LOCATION " CALSENSE "2000-.zA-"WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER W/Tl;Smlt.l,AL.---------- SEE SHEET L-3 FOR CONTROLLER LOCATION A AND E __.--12" PVC POTABLE/FUTURE RECLAIMED WATER MAIN- 1 I ENCLOSED IN YDRO HS SERIES CABINET. (PROVIDE 110 POWE OOK UP TO DESTAL) • 'fNlllCATES nae 8ff'Yl PffE'SSUfflt E BAl!lm:OW Di:91\.;I! ,WITH WILKINS 00 SERIES PRESSURE R ULATOR IN LE MEUR M _OR LA MAX NDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSUR . Sl?E 2" ~ INDI $HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. ® I CATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. PRESSlR: N'ORMATI0N PER RICK ENGtEERWG, IMR-JOtsN SEE SHEET L-3 RlR CONTROLLER J.OCATION. PeL.Cx:PfEO -,V cXJJ7120LL..J=::f-t, Afl::A _ '---~"['~ 70 ~1-Wf-.,. :;,, :'-+='----~~~ 1-·· MAJNL.INe:: ~fw 4' ~n.Jo t' 'Qf.',:;?,C, I IA--:--q ,C, ' UU'----r"qt:o 1 m 1 :50Ltfrt n L.-r-".J.---U.1---BA-~EL,:'.7 F. O C, . I I .. "0 : l/ ~-------------------------- L-AP- i _______ , LOCATION MAP (N.T.S.) -"~, w _,'' .. , "AS BUil T" £~,\ 'fr,. .. L;. (_ RCE 10V I EXP. ___ _ ' DATE '---'-[AL_le 111=: L.OCAfED 1' e,ert11Jl7 61DE:t,¼.K olJ PL Of l.Cf:, I& .... 1, REV1EWED BY: L -~--=---------- INSPECTOR DATE CONTROLLER LEGEND: CONTROLLER LOCATION TORO VISION I WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER LOCATE INIIDIE GARAGE. (PROVIDE 110 POWER) -1A 9 STATION aA12 STATION 0 NO TH SCALE: 1" = 20' -O" . eo 80 1----+------t------. --------------t---+----+--+-- ----+--+---------------- I------+---+-------------------1---+---+---+-·--1 1----+------t----------------1-----+--~--4--+----I r SH(_-_u1 I c1rY oF CARLSBAD I SHEETS LL-:~ _ Pl.A-DEPARTIENT ~ 34 VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' IRRIGATION PLAN DA TE INITI.ll ENGINEl:R Of lWORI< ----------+---=--+-~----t1---~-+-----"I D'wN BY: ___ !'>ROJECT NO. · 1 DAAYIING NO_. DA TE INITIAi. OA TE INITIAi. CHKD B RE Vl p T f-----'-=------'--------------=::.+--'--::..___JL__.c..::....a Y: --CT 85-9 267-8L SION DESCRI ION OlHER APPROVAi. CITY Al'Pl!o~ RVWO BY: . CM.WJil. 92-303 ' . . t I r 1• I I I ---~-----,; -' r, - \ I I I I I r--I .!ii I-I I.U I I.I.I I / :::C: I V'l.~ I.I.I I \!1'.1/ I.I.I I l.l'l I . ..,_, I ~ . ...JI J: I u, f,-1 "°l".I ~. q. C4 M1rvo @5 7 ~~ 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I . I I I ""' ..!, I I-I i.u I i.u I ::t I l.l'l I I.I.I i.u I V'l I i.u I ~. ...JI ' ::t I 0Rorv4oo \ ,) I,_: '-' GENERAL NOTES L 2. 3. 4. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN ON SIDEWALK FOR CLARITY CTIILY. SEE DETAIL "TYPICAL POINT OF CONNECTION" FOR IRRIGATION MAINLINE CONNECTION TO INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE LOTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL RIGHT OF WAY ARE GRADED PER CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%) TYPICAL ON ALL LOTS. ALL CONTROLLERS ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LOTS SHALL BE OUTFITTED WITH (1) ONE RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICE. PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SHEET L-11 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS AND LEGEND. I ~JM ~:~. ~• d : ./ ~o" I I • "!--...._'?! ; -------Q(i I -_y I . . i ---..........i_ <:f ' ·" • ' " ± ~lxtlf ---I ,. ~ / I -®,, I I I ' /l ~-~. I ' . . , , I < ----- ,~, RICK ~~~~~RING CCJMPANY ~~ Su11..-100 ( :arl!!.b:ad. l A 'il2(.w !619) -''1 ,!I.ZOO . ~ ' \ ' ' ' I / ! I ; ' ' I I I: 0 "'-/ ..,,_ /' >· ·•· ··,·= .. -..._ f :--0" ~ t-1,.-J .. A"" ·' I -' ® r· -•· ~-~"'-"' . ® '-.._, i ~-ft! ----------.. ?''"• ,. ' ' . ·'~ ' . < I • O? O? ~ a .e-. q-57 510' w O: Lof6 O'l , ,,_..., Cb rL-, 4' Be-tl!-.JD P.o.c -O: iJ SIDE ~Cl:::.-Aur Ace,fVO- ' , ·, .. ,---ll~F--,./,i.'t-v[;b "5t.., ~ ,fJ<\ ,""IA , t I IA. .... IJA Afe ro t;?B _·1 -. ~ r ~· ~1 1~--;-f': :4 i/® '~ ~~ 1 ~ ,, • 'lW IJ..J~U--W Pf A l.Aft::':f t::>Pfl':; . . r,,ri Q!' '-' • h • QfJ ' ~'· ,,, ' ' \"Q J : -;_ A ~ ' ~ \ • .Ii . \ ,, "! ':/ -hz;:a.c:z,ri',.,/":!/ ' ·, ,; I ii --, : ~-ft-t; -- ' 'i;q • I ' t "Cj LOCATION MAP (N. T.S.) .. i I fl ,_. j I ',' (;<J '(;L~Z~-~~ t,,~ .. ~~ 1 ~,'-.:2~~,'{ ·: 3 C'f' LOf5 I&.,. I") f'. L. 1 i, {ALYE 12e -cr.c.--Af'ev 2' Jr1cts-C>f 5 , 7q' _' W/e Off" ~ Lof I 5/,r- cofi_J~ . ~-ei! r ' ,, 0 • ~@ ~, ' "I!; • , I r I .---! , ii • I i I ! ~ ♦ n m ;r;, < 0 ' ' ' .t I oJJ "<l .. ilfll I /If/ II c,q I I Z1 ~Q ~ /-'ti"-~- LYE-J AWD c?UI :. f ; Lo::.A:: °I ' IX'l-tl IJ . . ) 211• I ~I 6f C.Pf-+--- LJ'5 "(J, . I • • f h-. , . " ---1!--i--.../1-J.le lt>e l4E: AUD ~,er-cdjJq'[.5p.. ' L-«A---r_eta, 2· ur Toe ~ -3::..,,· J o w,-v C/l C£> F L---.;Cl t I I '' r----..--._J_l"1_1ff':___II----.. I / I '41 J / IRRIGATION NOTES: Contractor shall verify static pressure at the site prior to beginning any work. If pressure Is Inadequate to operate the system as designed consult the Landscape Architect prior to starting any work • Remote Control Valve locations are schematic. Locate all valves at toes of slopes or In shrub areas so not to Interfere with open areas. Install all materials to c~ply with local codes and ordinances. The contractor shall be responsible for Installation of anti-drain valves on all draining heads. No low head drainage will be allowed. · Contractor shall adjust all heads to eliminate overspray onto fences, buildings, walks, and parking areas. Final location of automatic controllers and backflow preventer• shall be determined by Owner or Landscape Architect prior to installation. Owner shall provide 110 volt ...-vice to controller. Irrigation contractor shall make final hook-up to controller. Contractor shall furnish three (3) quick coupler keys .and hose swivels to the Owner. · The typical point-of-connection Is the 1" or 2" Water Meter Service. Contractor shall verify static pressure and exact location of water meter In the field prior to starting any work. All irri~~n tshr-u~ h,ads adjacent to sidewalk shall be Installed with Rai rli f806;Pop-Up Body or Hunter PGHP 12" Pop-Up Body ot as spe~lf!e~ In the Irrigation legend. Substitutions sh~II only ~ aRowed w1tli prior written consent of the Landscape · Architect. · · "·"-·"" ' See Irrigation Leg'erid, Sheet L-~ , for definition of symbols an~ description of materials. 06-'. au tD'-i:::::c-0fL.~~ V~E?; 'To~ e ,cc I~ ?P~1~ ~ i""'tbll-l.. o 20. 40, eo lff"IGA:Jioi.J ''XJ-e:LIJL]v" CONTROLLER LEGEND: CONTROLLER LOCATION TORO VISION If WALL MOUNT CONTROUER LOCATE INSIDE GARAGE-. {PROVIDE 110 . .POWER) " '~ 9 STATION i'J-A12 STATION "AS BUil T" 10-h...q§ DATE C..ll:lil!n !B!-MB I j a I I I ' I i I 1 I I i ,, t, i-i ~ I I , ~c., I i : LI : I 1 ~ f / U I ] \ "If: (JJ ~ --.. °"I \ I I I j I I ~ RICK~~~RING CXMPANY ~c~ Suik 2<IO (\1ni.b.d. ("A 9l00t 1619) -OHllOIJ. ' I I• lu (~ ® hi / / 14 II GENERAL NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINE OUT OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN ON SIDl!:WAU( FOR CLARITY Cl'JLY. FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34'9'7 At.CF1C ~T HWY .. SU'TE ZOO DANA POINT CA._ !11:.!f)'..!9 (?'14) 4-Q-1441 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASlA L , ' ' d 1 """ V') ~ I_.,..,,' \ .. • qJ1CJ<'.-COUfLE;f-~D /1 reHIJD-----, 61DE.WALI<'.-, 1 c.,,' kl or GA ~ 70 Lq- UL!E. ' ' , • / t- k • . r . { f '~ • , ' I I ~-2'1 uLJ~ AJJD W 4' v:cr:1HHJD f?'-C- ; ~q 1+--YALVE:.fJ 1:?A AWD 14A 1o et:. 1~11 t:D AT A LAf!:::F CATf=::.. ~-'1/ALVE l":'A AJ.Jo er>J1a,::, cot.ff_..Ef-1-0CAf!=D '9' f?l=tfJJ..lD f;O.C-., 12.3 1 Ai.JD JIB' iJ Cf" 1-C'fS 2 ~ ,3 P.': L . • IO . L -QUIG!"'-COUpt_eF L...O:::A CJ 9' rettlJD f'.'O.C , 17' iJ Of lOf5 -r.2 ,._.7'?? P-L JI - C.M. w .o. 92-303 I • I ' I " 6 ...... • • 6 . r ' ' -------POINT OF CONNECTION ........ ~-L "-___ _ .... _ I -----~-' . --~~ ---..... -..... I " ----... .., ""--.. I t. ,... '"--._... ~--.~.:--.~-.._ I . ~--..... --.. A [El WATER METER DESIGNATE WATER METER SIZE MAXIMUM DEMAND STATIC PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT : --:-................ !~ Tf IIL/Nf: 1 GENERAL NOTES --....__ _ --........ ~ SEE Sllf fT I --...... ·-L-7 I 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINE OUT OF -..... . ............. ,.. .... .. GPM PSl_±c.- PSI EL I CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SHOWN ON SIDEWALK FOR CLARITY I -----. " .. .., ...... ._ .... I Ct-.JLY, +-----------------+.,.,.+ -------......... : POINT OF CONNECTION I_£ ....... I 2. SEE DETAIL "TYPICAL POINT OF CONNECTION" FOR IRRIGATION !~ WATER METER DESIGNATE I MAINLINE CONNECTION TO INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE LOTS. WATEA METER SIZE I MAXIMUM DEMAND I 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL RIGHT OF WAY ARE GRADED PER STATIC PRESSURE I CITY STANDARD GS-1 (2%) TYPICAL ON ALL LOTS DESIGN PRESSURE PSI;!:. PSI I I I I I I I I c-,,:~,-I J r-::i I ,_, i... I 4. 5. i...1 . ' z•. ~~~\ ----- ALL CONTROLLERS ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LOTS SHALL BE OUTFITTED WITH (1) ONE RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF DEVICE. PLACEMENT PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SHEET L· 11 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS AND LEGEND. w, -0 ·---.. ~--.... w,, . - I • -'I -.. __,._ z t-•. o. -1--..._~ - I --4. ; --------::::i I . . . \ 9 ·~ ... ~J ... i -. ~ ~-. : <~o ·-!'14.. ~d - ~: 1 ------.::::__ n -... Iii .. • ,; ~ 0 i ---. ? I ~ ~h . . ., : ')~ I r ,.·::,-Q <, ' . :-,... • "'J """"°':~~~/;_:. ~~:': ..... ~:::".-· ~b .:"'..______ ~ .. (.,, o/J• I t:J(./~r.,'5;:\~ ~ it , -I ~/~d LOCATrON MAP (N. T.$.) ,oe, 0 · t"9 ,!') .'"·-~= t HYDRAULIC GRADJENT EL~ -CONTROLLER LOCATION " r;, "CALSENSE "a)OO-14 • WALL t,10UNT CONTROLLER WfTERMINAL STRIP ENCLOSED IN A "HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET OR APPROVED EQUAL. \CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK l:JP TO PEDESTAL) ' • INDICATES FEBCO 825 YI\ PRESSURE TYPE BACKFLOW DEVICE WITH WILKINS 500 SERIES PRESSURE REGULAJOR IN LE MEUA OR LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE-, SIZE °l-• • INDICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. SIZE fp " ® INDICATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. " d """' ' .~-... F()RSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS. INC. :)4:~1' fllll.Cl'IC CO.ltST HWY .. SUITE 200 DANA POINl CA. g,2529 (714) <143-1446 ~UIIC: }O(] LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASL.A ~ ,1.rhh.:,,d (' A, ~.200Q CONTROLLER LOCATION • H "CALSENSE 2000 -24 WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER WfTERMINAL STRIP ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS $ERIES CABINET OR APPROVED EQUAL. (CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) j CONCRETE MOW STRIP MAINTENANCE SEPARATION \ 1Z::PVCP I I I !'AS· BUILT" .... __ i:2'.01 ]k-.1--'.·~ RCE \f,£!\ EXP. __ _ ' i ,, DATE C.M.WD. 92-303 N -s ........ I s ;, I ' GENERAL NOTES 1. 2. 3 4. 5. CONTnllCTOn Sil/ILL INST Ill I Ill unntGf\ TION MIIINI INT:: OUT rx CITY RIGHT OF WAY. MAINLINE IS SIIOWN ON SIOEWAU( FOR CLARlfY CNLY. SEE DETAIL "TYrlCAL POINT or Cot lrlFC I ION" ron lf1ntGl\l ION MIIINLINE CONNECTION TO INOIVIDUI\L PnlVf\TE LOTS. CONTnllCTOn SI I/ILL VErnrY ALL.nrr;111 or W/\Y f\f1F Gn/\DEO rEn CITY STANDl\f1D GS 1 (2%) TYPICI\LON /ILL LOTS. /ILL CONTf10LLEns ON rueuc ANO rnIv111E 1.01S SI I/ILL FIE OUTFITTED WITH (1) ONE flAINGUN1D AU10MIITIC SIIUl OFF DEVICE. PLACEMENT PER l.ANDSCI\PE N1CI lllECT. SEE SI IEET L-11 ron InntGll l ION [)E 11\11.S ANO I.EGF'NO. \ i \ \ ' ' ' ' ·1 ' ' .\ ' ~ \ \ ' ' -: "' ' I I ' ' ! • , I Ji t/ *~~1.:z:t,,i_ili ' ·/ . ' ~ I J), ,, \'~-./ -,.:;;:, LOCATION MAP (N.T.S.) 0 ~ RICK ~~~:.:.:~Ill NG COM I1ANY 1.c_,,,., .. , ... .... ~ ... Suitt' 100 ( arl.,1-,aJ ( ~ 42009 I 20 40 • IIO \ \ \ I , \ \ I . \ . 1/ALV'e 4C-~ 12'?1 vJ Cf' LJ/ 5 e,r r:::iJ=;~ J "SO I W or D" E;/w 51 Dt::~ :, •• • , l. ... , ---- D"' ' I -"0 ,1/4 p ;tt,l ~ t>" '~ l'. • ~. ,...>.::\(iJ • -\ • u.. ..,.l ..,.l ~ u O" CfJ \ ,, .. \ ~ '------CONCRE~ MOW STRP MAIIITENANCE SEPARATION-) • ,, .. __ / -----vALves ":;C., u AJJc;, qu1c.K cour~ ~ 270' W Of 1-.jf.5 51D~L.Kl)h :z · w-+11.lD e/J-1 SIDEJ...lALr:-. \) · I t11 f:tJ Q'J liq . ') I I I. \ \! \ z. c;,C. I "i)'1 ~IF-VALY'ES L00\T1='0 201' o or-~\----\--~ ........ 9'1J SIDE-~LK \ \ o1 ,j,D.J...IE 4G LOO\TSD AlO(..k:q LDf ccrc.,, ,¾.]o Lvf "f"'> FL-I ' l?El-l IUD 51CE~LK . D0 ~') \ ... -....... \~ ¼ \ _.,,. e, -.,,. ~.,,. ... ... .... I h t'IJ, I ... r-----=--=-""-""-... _· ----,CONTROLLER LEGEND: I O" O" I "' l 'I-F--'J_" MAJI.JUl-!E::-AI.Jt:J Hft0 2 ' L..lf" fFOM -P:,f Cf' 61-0f'E:'-. ,j, NORTH SCALE: 1" = 20' -O" . · ;,A7 t,UIL: v'' --~VED FOR PLANTING CONTROLLER LOCATION TORO VISION 11 --AND IRRIGATION ONLY WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER LOCATE INSIDE ' • INCLUDING PRECISE GARAGE. (PROVIDE 110 POWER) LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ~b, 9 STATION 11--A 12 STATION 9-t,..94+ lQ!(J J.RE_VISI; SL~ ffilG~IIQNJ'!;R QV{N!;.R . __ _ _ • ____ _ + I '? _l'.'l.4' ... • I • • • •• -"' ,,,. '"~" "~ ,w,•, + .............. ··+--··-·"' ,,_ .... ··----···-··-·'---·-·i . "'""'~"'"'" ♦ ... __ ,,,.,., .... , .......... '"" -· '"""""' ''"" ·····----·--··----.. J. .... , .... ~ ,. . .,.., --J.__, ---·-· -------"f----' ----..... . I ---......... ______ , ...... , , .......... , .. ,., .. ,. + --• .. ' t • -------------+···· ..... , ... ,., ...... . ---------·"· .. ···········+-··-"" .. , ... ,+= .. ~•-······· I -·-+--· -··-·· _,, -----···"'""'""'"'" . .. _ ...................... ~~ t· ----------+----+ _, __ , .. ,... . .......... ---r·----·-···-- I REV1EWED BY: --L.t£jlacA, 7-7-9'~ . INSPECTOR DATE '. SH([T',... CITY OF C A.RLS BAD I [ SHEETS j L-9 , ~ PLA...«, DEPARTI.ENT 1 34 L_, ___ ........ , ... ,_J l.. ~----- r·-·· VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' , IRRIGATION PLAN ,___ -----,..--+ ~c--T~ --+---- ASSIS PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE ----·--···········--····· ---------,---,----,---... ----··--···-------1 ;:;=====~==~::::::====~~::::==~~ OWN BY --GPROJ£~T NO . DRAWING NO. OATI: ll'l\TlAl ENG!t<UR Of' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CTHER APPROVAJ.. 0,A. TE I INITIAL On' APPROVAJ.. CHKD BY: -~ CT 85-9 267-6L R~ BY CJI.WD. 92-303 ""' I 0 20 l'-1"-" P,;.l,.,r11,11 Oak~ Wa, ... U I H· 2i 1(1 ( di l .. ~;.i,J ( ,\ lJ,?(){)4 \ ' Ill f I I 80 \ \ \ ffi --<---------,/ FUTURE 1'" POTABLE WATER METER FOR REC. AREA IRRIGATION \ I j, .,_.,.,,., \ ~ .•• t---------------------..... GENEFJA.LJ::IQ1ES . 1. 3 5. CONTn/\CT on SI 1/\Ll. IWll /\1.1. /\I I 1nn1G/\ T l()IJ M/11111 II IF (1111 or Cl TY RIGHT or W/1 Y M/\ltJI IIIF IS SI I< )V/IJ OIJ SIDFW/11 K r·r ,n Cl /\nl I Y (_'X'JL y SFF. llE 1 /\IL' rvrrc/\L r,:,11H or cnr 11 JFc: 1 n1r n ,n rrnur;.~ 11r,11 M/\IIJUIJE COMNFC I l()lj l(\ IMl1IVIPI 1/11 rrnv/\ IE LO IS CUTHn/\CTOn SI 1/11 L VErlltY f.11_ m;111 or W/\Y /\nF Gnf.PFD rFn CITY ST/\ND/\RD GS I (2%) 1 YrlC/\L ON !\LL I. 01 S /\LI. COM lnOILERS or I rt '8l If'. N IC) rnrv/1 t F IO IS Sll/11 L PF ourr1n FD WIii i (I) OM' n/\lt,/GI Jlin[l /\LJT()M/1 IIC SIIIH orF DFVICF, rtACEMENl rFn 1/\NflSC/\rF /\DCIHTFCT. SEE Si IEET L 11 rem l[)[)l(~/1 I l(>N DF r /\ILS /\ND LFCFrJD. □Ld<iil1[) c .. n )RSU,VIISl)MMERS & PARTNERS. INC. 34191 Pi\CW"IC COAST HWY, SUITE~ DAN• POINT CA 9i62'9 (114) 443-1441) \ • WA.TEA METER DESIGNATE WATER METER SIZE MAXIMUM DEMAND ST A TIC PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT .. c, .. .. } .. ?JI GPM / ! ,}-PSl±- ff} PSI IP; EL Jf'fJ, CONTROLLER LOCATION .. C,-.. CALSENSE ··woo-IIP "WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER W/TERMINAL _______ _ I ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET, (PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) INDICATES fEBCD 825 YA PRESSURE TYPE BACKFLOW DEVICE WITH WILKINS 500 SERIES PRESSURE REGULATOR IN LE MEUR OR LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE. SIZE 2" s'1 INDICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. SIZE 'l}" SIZE t,i .. '\ SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC POWER PEDESTAL INDICATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. --2" MAIUl-llJI:':.-Ai-ID W1~ 2' tJr FR::f'j fct:: Of 5L.0f'E':. o" <v"' VALVE::;, If?, 2b,3b,4!? ADD c1J1cic--COLflef"_/ l LOCA-[1=:D I ' iJ q= Wf BB l'<;UD l:A F[__ . 94- 0◊ o" I D"' I I I APPROVED FOR PLANTING NO J{ T 1-1 I ;z,' c,,Q 1-4 <,,Q \ OMif \ I \ If,/ I ""0 o" 1/(f I I ® -0 ----------~ 1/ o" ~I / -~ ·-- /1/J, .~ ® / / cP/ /~ 1/l(J "o ,. o') '-G I Cf' "'O cf ,, '¼,(.,_ __ lf?iGATfOW Af?-£:7~~;,..,,. \ AND IRRIGATION ONLY SCALE·. 1"= 20'-O" RI V1(W! fl FU INCLUDING PRECISE . / ~ /.,.. I ~----f7~LOW , MA!?[ef 'i'AL-1/e , Ft-oW Mc..-1 '-:' LocA T1ON oF PLANTING ARE As 1-1 .i.{f,(£,,v.z__ z--.. 1_6-{f-- AWt::1 ~E. y;:{-'1/e LOcAf1:P I' WE::bf :::==-=-:::::-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-':::-'=-----------,-----r---J..:.·N..:.C:P..:.1..:.C '..:.· o_R ---==""""":;---:;--::-;::;:~;::1 J. " + + FFOf1 r'P'Of'· l-lWf':'., , H'i' CIT'{ OF CAR1.SBAD1:SH[ETS L -10 PLAIHNG DEPARTMENT _j l 34 • INSTALL PIPING & WIRES IN SLEEVES LOCATED 2'-0'" INSIDE PROPERTY LINE • VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' IRRIGATION PLAN CONTROLLER LEGEND: CONTROLLER LOCATION TORO VISION II WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER LOCATE INSIDE GARAGE. (PROVIDE 110 POWER) ~A 9 STATION 12,A 12 STATION t··················-··· DAT[ . :11i11TIAL """ ............... ,_,.,,,...i .... -~ (NG1NCTR Of WORk RE •;,';ION DESCRlf' TIOt-. ' • + + . -. + -+ - ' D,TE r· : 01);1:R + ·• • + ' . + • ' ' + + • lf,,/lil,6J... D• T[ INITI~ >.PPRO~"l, CHY '-"PROVAi • I N 6' ........ I 6" ' r ' c ' ' ' I ' ' I I I I • WATER METER DESIGNATE WATER METER SIZE MAXIMUM DEMAND STATIC PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT II f II '>;{/ GPM 12."1 v PSI~- 10 PSI EL A-l CONTROLLER LOCATION " f' "CALSENSE "2000-'24 "WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER WfTERMINAL ll"'IIF J Ill 111 ■••• I z ii I 111 ll,l!ldl ENCLOSED IN A HYDROSAFE HS SERIES CABINET. (PROVIDE 110 POWER HOOK UP TO PEDESTAL) INDICATES FEBCO 825 YA PRESSURE TYPE BACKFLOW DEVICE WITH WILKINS 500 SERIES -PRESSURE REGULATOR IN LE MEUR OR LA MAX VANDAL RESISTANT ENCLOSURE. SIZE 2" INDICATES HARDIE 102 NO MASTER VALVE. INDICATES CALSENSE FLOW METER. SIZE 2., " SIZE flt" tp 4'!\~ u 1>\~ -r I u (I I I.I Ip FRO :J 0 ~, C"i I ::C I -I I r ti ' /\ / p I ''-....;;'-----' I I I ' I I c}-' t,/f o" 200 VC i I I ' 1· I 12"" PVC POTABLE WATER MAIN ,, • Illc:K l~Nc;1NEEl{lN(; C(JMl 1/\NY LOCATION MAP (N.T.S) 0 I 1~ (p \ l ' I llf ' " I d r, CALLE 0 /JI u . 250 r, a" D - 36 NOTE: THESE PLANS ARE SUPERCEDED WITH CITY APPROVED PLANS PREPARED FOR CENTEX HOMES TIERRA SANTA FE, DRAWING NUMBER 334-SL, PROJECT NUMBER CT-90-4. Gt:NEHALNOIES C()NTn/\C'T(Hl(~llA( .. 1_liJ'.:l,AI I(\! I p;:111)'\ll()iJM/\ltr 1rirn1 I! r,r· ('1 I Y nw,i l I nr" VJ/\ '-I M!\lt n If H" !'; '"\ j· ,'.'.'i J { )r J ~·:11 ll'.'.'./\.1 V f ( )[l t : M : ; l , r:J-1L Y '} ~~rF[l[TA!l ·1vF'!CJ\l.F'(ll'J1r 1rr'/>f;TJf('ll1 1r/ r:\flFUl'1~:-'\Jli'.rJ Mi\lNI NFCUHfl[C(l()ri \l)lfl111Vl!\'.1AI f'l11Vi\lf 1.01'' cor 11 >1/1(: 1('11 '·'I IN . .L. vu1I1· I Al L ri,c;, IT I)[" WAY i\nf' nnN >F !lf"F I 1 CITYSTi\NDAnDGS I (c'-1 TYrlr'i\l ()NAIi IOIS 4 i\l.l. cor-11 nol.L.Ens Ct! rl !['I Ir NII\ l'Fl'\/A l E I.OJ S SI 11\11 rF Oll ( F ! lT ED WI I I I I I I ON" n111n1~/ l,\nf, i\111 OMA [IC SI 11.H ()rf i'I '//IT f'l/\C[~1f:NT rrn INn;c;cr.r·E 11n, I IIIFl!T_ ,; SEE SI ffE 1 !_ 11 I on 111111( ;11 I /(_'Ii L+ I ,\'LS NJ!) I. f:(Tf ID - NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 0 20 40 60 80 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS t . f- + + ·····-+ 0Alt: ,N1·nA.i.. ' QTH[R Af'P•OY'-' L-11 ' // I r l .. - 1 (['., I I .3? OCJD J~-'J[l - I FC)RSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34197 PN:FIC CO,t4T HW'r'., SUITE~~ POtii. CA. 92629 (7~) 44a,-~ LAr--D5CAPE ARU IITtCTS. A',LA Rf V1fW[D 8Y L.13-1'~ 7~7-fr;- --------------- DATE , C'IT)' 0 F C /\RLSBAD 7 -SH3f4.fTS_] PLAlflNG DEPARTMENT '' ... -. VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' IRRIGATION PLAN _ .... ,. ASSISTAIOL'IOT" J ... r'l INt ii Al. ·,j-H<, :.. p ... OTY A.PPFi'(\.'4..:.. RVWD 8 v ~~~--~ CT 85-9 DA -:1: -~, ... ___ ,_,,.,., MNG NO. 267-6L C.M.W.D. 92-303 ' I ! ~ 5 -.... ' 6 ~ r , ' ' . • ~ 2" BY-PASS WITH GATE VALVE (LINE SIZE· SEE DETAIL) 1;-~ r" 1~ ~& , N • ~ -~ '• \ "'-CHECK VALVE {LINE SIZF) \_ MASTER REMO IE CONTROL ~ .. ' VALVE (SEE DETAIL) L BACKFLOW PREVENlER (SFF DETAIL) Ur.ion (optional) MASTER VAL VE Approved Ba~kflow Assembly with ball valves Bondina Jumper L _/y_ _jf!.T(when-requireo) /;---=----=-----_-_-_-_--c-c:~~-~~:fn~~' -,. ,11 " ' ""----rCn ion (opt:onol) . . minimum ft ~L 1 2" 36" ' I ! 2' J i maximum Bonding Jumper (when required) I -• .. .. r.ot :-e:::;ulred on T or srno!!er NOTE: EXCEPT AS SHOWN, TIERE SHALL BE NO FITTINGS OR CONNECTIONS TO OTHER FACILITIES BETWEEN THE 11/ETER AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. RED. PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER Backflow preventers shall be tested by a cemfied rester and results musr be given to the owner and rhe Water District. Pipe berween the meter and backflow prevemer shall be "Schedule K Hard Copper." with solder joints. FINISH GRADE ,·11---POP-UP BODY OUlA TRIPLE SWfllG JOtH MODEL 005--9-04 W / 12 LAV LENGl'H ~----PVC LATERAL LINE POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY I'•"·• ••:,,I, ,m,,r ( lak~ W:.\ "-1111, 20(1 \ .,rld,,1sl l "CJ~(".N .. , -01 BRASS QUICK COUPLER VALVE . i't __ ...,.~,,......,=,...,.=*- BRASS NIPPLE -----1c- BRASS COUPLING ----...... PVC MAIN LINE BRASS NIPPLE BRASS ELL --------11--◄ 1 CU FT CONC __ ____,..,_. PVC MALE ADAPTER QUICK COUPLER VALVE AUTO-CONTROL VALVE--~ r (SIZE NOTEDI PVC SCH 40 MAINLINE---➔: I (SIZE NOTED) 1 I Al TERNATE POINT OF CONNECTION AT HOUSE HOSE BIBB, IF HOUSE IS --------.J. BUil T. ALL ABOVE GRADE PIPE TO BE BRA$$. LINE SIZE BALL VALVE OR GATE VALVE PER CITY REQUIREMENT~ WATER METER BY DEVELOPER ---- I I TYPICAL POINT OF CONNECTION FINISH GRADE---- ROTOR HI-POP------ PVC LATERAL LINE,--...,. PVC SCH40TEE DURA TRIPLE SWING JOr.lT MODEL 005-9-04 W /12" LAY LENGTH ------,,£ ROTOR HI-POP ,._TMOSPHEAIC VACUUM 8;REM(ER • STAINl.1:SS STEEl '.::'.J~+;ljj;;...STAAPF,.,STeNeRS PVC SCH 80 MALE ADAPTER lfdt:l. .Ql(Jl.!. VALW. WITH AUTCMATIC .Ac'TtJA'ttlfl 1/2'' GALV. PIPE STAKE 24" L.ON<lr--=---- PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER VALVE Eiox WITH LID (MARKED "IRRIGATION") INSTALL 2" ABOVE SHRUB BED GRADE -AT GRADE WN PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE PVC SCH 80 TEE ,,,,. ll l . ROWD 2X4 t,2-REO'DJ PVC SCH 80 MALE ADAPTER 1CU FT PEA GRAVEL PVC MAIN LINE REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE PRES$I..RE SOE SCH 80 N<lN-PRESSUlE SDE SCH 40 NOTE PAINT ENCLOSURE WITH 2 COATS ENAMEL COLOR PER LANDS ARCH 120 V CONDUIT _..,.... __ ,,_ __ _ PER CODE WALL MT CONTROLLER VANDAL RESISTAN .,_ __ ENCLOSURE ONIOFF SWITCH----,r--~---.J:i:;, e· ALL SIDES 1"4-----11--PVC CONDUIT SECURE TO BASE . o· 4" DEEP CONC. BASE DIMENSION TO SUIT WITH 4 EA RED HEAD FASTNERS. 24V WIRING 3" PVC STREET ELL CONTROLLER l"'l ENCLOSURE INSTALL IMPACT HEADS AT 90"ANGLE TO SLOPE ROTOR HEAD-----~ HEAvY DUTY OALV. STEEL PUNCH-LOK FASTENER ---- (2 REQUIRED) PVC SCH .80 NIPPLE ROTOR ...,,,....,.. HEAD VAi.VE AND MTra..ATlC A(:tUATOfl_ !/2'' GALV. PFE _,,.,-,-STAKE 24" LONG SCH80 SCH 80ELL I ...,_UME ...... ....__...,,..,,.., STAINLESS STEEL -smAP FASTENERS ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVE ANTl-51PHON VAL VE PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER VALVE BOX WITH LID (MARKED "IRRIGATION'") FIN GRADE PRESSURE REDUCING-+-+---. ALVE -~ .Q 0 ..... .. . " ~ . ;, . , .o'! -.,., ~~·.-d' --~·. •• q . .-i::J" •. -.o .,.,~ ROW□. 2X4 1 CU FT. PEA (2 REO'D) GRAVEL PVC MAIN LINE PRESSURE REDUCING MASTER VAL VE 120 VOLT CONDUIT FINISH FLOOR 0 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER 24 VOLT WIRl'JG 'ftl'tf_~ FIRMLY SECURE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT TO WALL PVC SWEEP ELL PVC SLEEVE WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER IRRIGATION LEGEND INSTALL 2' ABOVE SHRUB BED GRADE-AT GRADE PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER VALVE BOX WITH LID (MARKED "VALVE") IN LAWN RDW02 X4 (2 REO'D) BALL VALVE Jr--'--== ,,,:::.:_.--~o ;;p ,.... ;;;. 5.,~ •> ~•--•i• '"'~ PVC MAIN LINE PVC SCH 80 "' •-..........__ MALE ADAPTER ~U. FT. PEA GRAVEL BALL VALVE -----'PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER -GALVINIZED SWING JOINT PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTERl [ -SHORT GALVINIZED NIPPLE - ---- ----7-, -GALVINIZED UNION -GALVINIZED SWr.!G JOINT -CONC. V-DITCH -SLOPE --- -PVC CLASS 200 LATERAL ___________________ _ MIN 12" BURY NOTE: SWING JOINTS SHALL BE USED AT EACH GRADE CHANGE PIPE INSTALLATION ATV-DITCH SYM MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION PATTERN RAD GPM f'r-, PSI 11.I'°'' · !!: LATERAL LINE"-PVC CLASS 200, 3/4" AND LARGER 12" MIN BURY HUNTER 1-10 (NOZ NOTED) HUNTER PGHP (NOZ NTD) SHRUB ROTOR SHRUB ROTOR F,ADJ. F,ADJ_ 11 -4 '7 ,?JO 30 -f> -1-.1---.'J.IO 20 I PVC CLASS 315, 1/2" . 12" MIN BURY HUNTER I SERIES POP-UP ROTORS SHALL BE ADS MODEL WITH CHECK VALVE HUNTER I SERIES SHRUB ROTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED W/EXTERNAL CHECK VALVE ll..• Iii• RAINBIRD 1806sam 10 SER LAWN POP-UP F,H,T,0 RAINBIRD PA-8S RAINBIRD PA-8S RAINBIRD PA-8S 15 SER 15 VAN 8 SER SHRUB SPRAY SHRUB SPRAY SHRUB SPRAY F,H,Q ADJ F,H,T.0 -$,di RAINBIRD PA-BS 22 SER STREAM SPRAY F,H,Q ♦~ RAINBIRD PA-BS 16 SER STREAM SPRAY F,H,Q 12' 12' 12' 8' 18' 14' 1 3, 65,.43,.33/ q., 3,15,75 Zo! .38-2.25 :2 O[ 1 3, 65,.43, 33 1 2_6, 1 _3,.67 .11) 2.6, 1.3,.67 11'1 CONTRACTOR SHALL USE RAINBIRD PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS WITH ALL RAIN BIRD HEADS LISTED ABOVE TO MINIMIZE FOGGING AND ASS!ST IN THE REDUCTION OF IRRIGATION HEAD RADIUS. 20 20 20 20 20 20 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CHECK VALVES AS NEEDED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE -INDICATES POP-UP BODY (RAINBIRD 1_812sarn USE BOTTOM INLET) [0 WATER METER -SEE PLAN • BACKFLOW DEVICE/PRESSURE REGULATOR· SEE PLAN M0 MASTER FLOW CONTROL VALVE -SEE PLAN NSOR -SEE PLAN N CONTROLLER ·W /(1) RAINGUARD AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF_ DEVICE-SEE PLAN ERIES 700 AUTOMATIC VALVE -SIZE PER PLAN 713 APR 1" ELECTRIC ANTI SIPHON VAL VE t: .. ~ -/[)-MAINLINE'-PVC SCH 40 1 1/2" AND SMALLER 18" MIN BURY CLASS 315 2" AND 2-1/2" 18" MIN BURY CLASS 315 3" 24" MIN BURY ~~ PVC SCH 80 PIPE SLEEVE 4••• 36" MIN BURY _,,·-PVC SCH 80 WIRE SLEEVE 2" 36" MIN BURY ~-CONTROLLER STATION ~-GALLONS PER MINUTE '----VALVE SIZE ~VALVE SIZE ~GALLONS PER MINUTE '* REFER TO N_QTE I. OF SPECIAL PRIVATE RECLAIMED WATER NOTES IN CMWD SPECIFICATIONS WHEN RECLAIMED WATER PIPING CROSSES POTABLE WATER PIPING • ALL PIPING ON RECLAINED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL BE "ALERTLINE" PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER PIPING PER SCH AM> CLASSES ABOVE " F) :!! ,-D ' r µ, - .. ,'.;1,~: ' '• ) -f ) = / ~)'\ ® FLOWSE 8 IRRIGATIO • HARDIES $ RICHDEL $ RICHDEL ■ RICHDEL ~ NELSON H BRASS LI tt,a1f!:'1" AUTOMATIC VAL VE ,,---:- --7 ,-. )rvw,~ RCf \tJ81 EXP DA TECf 14' · APPROVED FORPLANTING ~ PR ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER AND IRRIGATION ONLY RfVlfWf~ BY 7643 1" QUICK COUPLING VALVE INCLUDING PRECISE NE SIZE GATE VALVE -NIBCO OR EQUAL LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS - - - ----------···· INSPECTOR DATE + + t -! -- --+ , -·•U' 'CIT'{ OF CARLSBAD 7~SH£fTS] . + + --. ... ➔----+ -··· --+· -. L-12 . . PLAM-ING DEPARTt.t:NT J L 34 ·+·· . L , '-----· - -__ ,, __ - . -~-+ +· . -·-·-·-·· -' -· ·-· ---+--. -------·----______ ,_,, _,, ____ ···---·---· ·---.. " ~ ' ,-----+----t T -VISTA SANTA FE AREA 'B' T I - ' -----------+--·-----+-·-+-----·t -t ·-·-.. ----' - - -·-· .. . --. --------+ I . . --1-- -+ -----I IRRIGATION DETAILS + ------------ ' --+ ~ I • - ---c .. + ,-< --. -·-· ·---·-,. ------... L j --.. ,, "' .,, ·-· . ,.,., . -----------·--·-·-· ---·-,,,,, __ -__ ,, __ --... , ·-··-· -----[:R~l/}C -- I I --- ---~. -I. . --. ------.. -----"-·~ -____ ,,_, __ "" -···· -"'"" --·-.. r--·· ---. r"·-----··---- +--------. -' .... ,.,. ·---, .. ,·-· ' .. . .. ,• ,--__ ,, ____ ,, ,., .. ,., ·-. -·-··----1-------· ISl ANT PLANNIN!)_D_l!'IECTOR DATE ~----+--------------------. -. ---··-···---··---· ~------r -~-- i r--- -] DRAWING NO. --·----·-----~---···DA TE ~,tlNl·TI·Af_ Dl'M BY: --····· - - I '.-'ROJECT NO. r--D,t., TE INITIAL DATE INlllAL CHKD BY: CT 85-9 , 267-6L -------- WORKI REVISION DESCRIPTION 011-iER Af'PROYAL err, Af'PROVAL RVWD BY: - I " L. ENGINEER OF 'C.M.W.Q. 9~-30~ t I POTABLE. IRRIGATION NOTES REFER TO CMWD SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECLAIMED WATER NOTES. I. GENEFIAL A. Permits and Fees The Sontractor shall obtain and pay for any and all, building permits as required. B. ManJfacturer·s Directions Man:,..1facturer's Directions and detailed drawings sha11 be followed in all cases where the manufacturer of articles used furnishes directions covering points not shown in the drawings and notes. C. Ordinances and ~egulations All local, municipal and state laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of irrigation work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these notes, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these notes shall not construed to conflict with any ot the above rules and regulations or requirements of the same. However, when these notes call for or describe m~terialsj workr.anst-ip, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size !han is required ~y the above rules and regulations, the provis:ons oi these notes shall take precedence. D_ Explanation of Drawings 1. Due to the scale of drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc .. which may be-required. The-Contraetot shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing all supplementary materials such as fittings.etc .. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawir.gs ~ue generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid c.~r,f!icts between irrigation systems.planting and arc"litectural features, 2. The Contractor shall not willtuny install the irrigation syste-rl"l os shown on the drawings when It 1s obvious :n the fie'd that unknown obstructions. grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist thttt might not have been considered in engineering. Such obstrucUon or differenc!? should f':le brought to the ;;:ttentic,n of the Owner or Landscape Architect as soon as possible. ln the event thls notification is not performed, the irrigation Cunttactor shall assume full responsibility for any revision !"i=""Cessary. II. ~UBMITTALS A_ Material List 1 The Contractor shall furnish the articles, eq1,.1ipme11t, materials or processes speci1ied by name in the drawings and notes. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by Owner; City and Landscape Architect. 2. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the Owner or Landscap ·; Architect may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove such ·naterials from the site at his own expense. 3. Manufacturer·s warranties shall not relieve the Contractor ot his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. 8_ Record and As-Built Drawings 1. The Contractor shall provide and keep up-to-date complete as-built drawings indicating locations, sizes. and kinds of equipment installed. Prints tor this purpose may be obtained from the Landscape Architect at cost. "fhis set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used on!y as a record set. As built drawings shall be prepared by 1he Contractor as work progresses. 2. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets, and the Contractor shall make neat and legible notations thereon daily as the wotk proceeds, showing the work as it is actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all times for review and shall be kept in a location designated by the Owner or Landscape Archite-ct 3. Before 1he date of the final observation, the Con1ractor shall 4. 5 transfer all information from the "as-built" prints to an ozalid sepia mylar, procured from the Lamiscape Architect. All work shall be neat, in ink and subject to approval of the Owner. The Contractor shall dimension from two petmanent points 01 re1erence, building corners, sidewalk or road intersections, etc., the location of the following items: a.Connection to existing water lines. b.Connection to existing electrical power. c.Gate valves. , d.Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension max_ ioo feet along routing). e.Sprinkler control valves. 1.Aouting of conttol wiring. g.Ouick coupling valves. h.Othet related equipment as di,ected by Owner. Before the date of the final approv.,,I, the Contractor shall deliver one :5et of sepia mylars of "as-built" plans to the Owner. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibili1y of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. 6. All ··as-built" information must be included on the City's approved photo mylars. All drawing must be performed and approved by FORSUM/SUMMERS & MURPHY, INC. C. Controller Charts D 1. "As-built'" drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor and drawings shall be approved by the Owner before the controller charts are prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each controller supplied. 3. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. 4. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual "as-buiI1·· system However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a si1e that will be readable when reduced. 5. The chart shall be a blackline or blueline ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area ot coverage for each station. 6. When completed and approved, lhe chart shall be hermeti ;ally sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum of 10 mil thick. 7. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to final field observation of the irrigation system. 8. These charts must include a legend of all symbols. Operation and Maintenan('e Manuals 1. Prepare and deliver to the Owner within ten calendar days ptior to completion of construction, two hard cover binders with three rings containing the following information: 2. a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, list of equipment with names and addresses of local manutacturer's representatives. b. Catalog and parts sheets of every type of material .and equipment installed. c. Guatantee statement. d, Complete operating and maintenance instrucUon on all ma jot equipment. In addition. to the above mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the appropriate maintenance personnel with intitructions for rTlajor equipment. E. Equipment to be Furnished 1 Supply the appropriate maintenance petsonnel with the 1011ow1ng tools: a. Two sets ot special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting eaeh type of sprinkler and valvl!' supplied. b. Two (5) foot -.a Ive keys for operation of gate valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. One quick coupler key and matching hose swivel tor every tive quick coupling valves Installed. 2. The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the Owner al tne conclusion of the project before final site observation can occur_ F. Handling of PVC Pipe and Fittings The Contractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storing of PVC plpe 1ittings. All PVC pipe shall lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending of concent;"::tt"",;t external load at any point_ Any section of pipe-that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, if ins1alled, shall Oe replaced with ne ,v pipin-g. r'ipe and fittings shall not be stored in direct sunligh1. G. Guaran.ee 1' 2. J. The g_uarantee for the sprinkler irrigation system shall be made in accordance with the att&.1.,hed form. A copy of the guarantee form shall be included in the operations and maintenance manuaL The guarantee form shall be retyped onto the Contractor's letterhead and contain the following information: We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materi;:ils and workm~n~hip, and the worl.c has t.ieen completed in accordance with the drawing and notes, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse or neglect are excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects 1n rnaterials or workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grad~. which may develop during the period of QM year_.!t.Qm .date of ac;cep~ and also to repair Or' teplace any damage resulting from the repaidng or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the Owrier. We shall make ~L..ch repairs or replacements within 72 hours of notification that repair work 1s necessary. Following receipt of written notiticaii,.,n ftom ihe Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to ha'Je said repairs or replacements made at our experise and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. Project: ________________ _ Location: _______________ _ Signed: ________________ _ contractor Address: ________________ _ Phone: _________________ _ Date of Acceptance: ___________ _ Ill. MATERIALS A. General: use only new materials of brand.$ and types noted on drawings, specified herein, or approved equals_ B. PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fillings 1' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Solvent welded type pressure main line piping for sizes 2" and larger shall be PVC Class 315. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type I, Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTM re9in specification D-1784. All pipe must meet requlr'ements as set forth In Federal Specification PS-22-70, with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.), solven1-weld pipe. Pressure main line piping 1or sizes 1~1f2" and smeller shall be PVC schedule 40 wi1h solvent-welded joints. Pipe shall be made trom NSF approved Type 1, Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 1785. All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS~22r70. (Solvent-weld pipe.) PVC solven1-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, ti-I NSF approved, conforming to meet ASTM test procedure D-2466 as manufactured by Dura lndustrie9. Solvent cement and primer tor PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods prescribect by the manufacturer. All PVC pipe must bear the following markings: a.Manufacturer's name. b.Nominal pipe size. c.Schedule or Class. d.Pressure rating in P.S.I. e.NSF (NStiona\ Sanitation Foundation) appro-.al. f.Oate of ex1rusion. g.U.P.C. Shield Logo (IAPMO Approval). 6. All fittings shall bear the ManufacturE""'s narne or trademark, material designation, size. applicabi~ I.P.S ..,;chedule .'.'l.nd NSF seal of approval. C. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Lin;, Piping 1. Non-pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC Class 200 with solvent-weld joints. All 112" pipe shall PVC Class 315. 2. Pipe shal1 be made torm NSF approved, Type I, Grade II PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 0-1784. All pipe must meet requirementg, set torth in Federal Specifications PS-22-70 with an appropriat_e standard dimension ratio. 3. Except as noted In paragraphs 1 and 2 and part B of this section, all requirements tor non~pressure lateral line pipe and mtings shall be the same as for solvent-weld pressure main line pipe and fittil"IQS as ~et forth in part B of this section. • ',.Brass Pipe Fittings , . Wht·re Indicated on the drawings, use red brass screwed pipe conforming to Federal Specification No. WW-P-351. 2. Fitting! shall be red brass conforming t0 Federal Specification No.WW-P-460. E. Copper Pipe t'itlings 1 • Copper pipe shall be Type 'K', hard tempered ASTM 888 and fittings sl>a,t be wrought solder joint type in accordance with ANSI B16.22. 2. Joints snail be soldered with silver solder, 45% silver, 15% copper, 16% zinc· 24' cadmium and solidus at 1,125° F and liquids at 1,145" F, conforming to ASTM B 206 and Federal Specification QQB 00655. f. Thrust Blocks 1 . Thrust blocks for ring-me pipe shall be of size and type required by the manufacturer's installation guide. 2. Form thrii~t blocks ir. such a manner to prevent any concrete from coming In contact with the pipe. Thrust blocks shall be between solid soil and the titting. G. Quick Coupling Valves H 2. Ouick coupling valves shall have a one or two piece body designed for workin:, pressure of 150 P.S.I. operable wi1h quick coupler key or swivel key. Quick coupling valves shall be per detail. Backflow Preven1ion Units ~. Backflow preventers and/or vacuum breakers shall be of size and type &9 Indicated on the drawings. All sprinJ.ler Irrigation systems that are using water from the potable water system shall require back flow prevention, All back flow preventi ,n units shall be installed in accordance with requiremen1s set forth by local codes and County Health Department requirements. 2. Wye Strainers at back1Iow prevention units sh;;!II have a bronzed screwed body for sizes 2" and smaller and 125 lb.casl iron flanged body for sizes 2 1/2" and larger. All wye strainers shall have a minimum 30-mesh movel screen and shall be similar to Bailey No. 190B or approved equal. r. Check Valves 1. Swing check valves 2" and smaller shall be 200 lb. W.O.G. bronze construction with replaceable composition, neoprene or rubber disc and shall meet or exceed Federal Specification WW-V-51d, Class A, Type IV. i. Anti•drain valves shall be 01 neavy duty virgin PVC construction with F.l.P. thread in!"'it and ou\let. lnternal parts shall be $tainless steel and neoprene. Anli-\,,~in valves shall be field adjustable against draw out from 5 to 40 feet i.;::t head. Anti-drain and excess flow valve shall be similar to the Valcon i'..DV or approved equal. J. Gate Valves 1. Gate valves 3" and smaller ~hall be 125 1b. SWP bronze gate valves with screw-in bonnet, non-rising stem and ,;olid wedge dii;c, and shall conform to Federal Specification WW-V-54, Type 1 C,ass A. 2. Gate Valves 3" and smaller shall have 1hreadea ends and shall be eQuipped with a bronze hand wheel. 3. Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be .similar to those manufactured by Nibco or approved equal K Control Wiring 1. The electrical sys1em shall be !n~•alled In accordance witt• tho Nalional Electrical Code most recently adopted by the City. Connections between the automatic controllers and the automatic control valves shall be made with direct burial copper wire. PIiot wires shall be a different color wire for each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each automatic controller. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's speci1ica,1on9 and wire chart. \n no case shall wire size be 1ess than No. 14. 2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines wherever possible. 3. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together at intervals of 10 feet. 4. An expansion curl should be provided within 3 feet of each wire connection and at each change in direction. Expansion curls shall be lormed by wrapping at least five turns ot wire around a 1° diameter pipe, lhen withdrawing the pipe. 5. Field splices between the automatic controller and electrical control valve9 will not be allowed without prior approval of Owner and/or City. 6. All splices shall be made wllh Scotch-Lok No.3576 C( _,neclr,r Sealing Packs, Pen-Tite wire connector or approved equal. Use one connector seating pack for each splice. L. Automatic Controller The automatic controller shall have the minimum number of stations as indicated on the drawings and shall be completely automatic in operation. It shall electronically start the sprinkler cycle and electronically time the individual stations. Controller and valve shall be as stated In the irrigation legend. M. Outdoor Automatic Controller Enclosure , , All automatic sprinkler controllers installed outside of a building shall be wall mounted within a vandal resistant automatic controller enclosure. 2. The outd ... or controller enclosure shall be as specified In the drawings. Enclosures shall be equipped with an on/off switch 1or 110-votl power supply to controller. 3. Paint controller enclosure completely inside and out with two coats of rust-resistant paint per Owners direction prior to installing controller. Color and type to be selected by Owner. 0. Control Valve Boxes 1. Use 9" X 24·· round box for all gate valves, Brooks (or approved equal). OCJD ceci□ FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 84$'1'GFK: COi.SY HWY., :'HTE ZOO D.INi F'Offl. Ci. 92628 (7111) 443,,1,46 LANDSCAPE ARCHiTKTS, ASLA / ... "AS ~UIL T" -[cin2rw,~ --- RCE IE;'.8 l EXP. __ ' -- REV1EWED BY INSPECTOR DATE ' . ·--· ~ ·-·---+· -· -I SHEET I CITY OF C ARlS BAD 11 SHEETS =-----· --+-. _-_ --t~ __ ·· ---_· . · ~-__ · ·-_· _····_·-_·-_--_· _--_-_·····_· -~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~::~~~::~~~~-=-~~~---..... ;_l =L·=· =1-=3::::'....'::L===PL===ANNING==DE=PA=R™=ENT====='-j..::: i' =3=4~ I'-----·----.. 1--------- ,_ ·-_, ........ -·-· ·---+---,_ ___ ..,_., --------------f----+-----<f----+----: . -·-·----------------+----~ --+----+-,-----1 - - . - . -·-·-------+------,f----+---+-----t ---+-----+-------------------------... ----+-------.__ ___ , ___ +---I VISTA SANTA FE -AREA IRRIGATION NOTES 'B' ~ -·-·--+---+-·-------------------f----+---+---+----t :Z:,::::::::::::======;#~~~==============, APPROVF;Q.?1/f: r)l -' -----·---------------+-----1----+----+----I ,-.. ---·-· ----·· . -----·-· --~ --·" ----· .... ~-·-·--------+----+----+---~---ii ___ _, ___ -+-··----------------------·--------t·------· D,t., T[ INITI ... L I OA TE INIT1Al ----+ .. -. ~- DAT'E INITI"-1. --~-----l '· NGINITR OF WORK\ RE VISION DESCRIPTION OTHER Af'PROVA!. Cll"Y ~PfWVAl ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR IDWN ,r ·-·-· BY "'"' -·-· . iL~~-i.~ . CT ... . ·--J ~ 85-9 MAY O 5 1994 DATE --·::::::::::::::~ ll ·•CAW!NG NO. I I 267-6L C.M.W.D. 92-303 • IV 2. Use 9-1/2" X 16" X 11" roctangul•r box with green bolt-down cover for all electrical control valves, Carson Industries 1416-12B or approved equal. P. Sprinkler Heads 1 -All sprinkler heads shall be of the same size, type and shall deliver the same rate of precipitation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure and discharge as shown on the plans. 2. Spray head$ shall have a screw adjustment. 2. Riser Units shall be fabricated in accordance with the detail showr: on the plans. 4_ Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the same size as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 5. All sprinkler heads ol the same type shall be ol the same manufacturer. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES A. Site Conditions 1. Exercise extreme care in excavatihg and working near e.:isting utilities. Contractor shall be responsible tor damages to utilities which are caused by his operations or neglect. Check existing utility drawings for existing utilities locations. 2. Coordinate installation ot the sprinkler irrigation materials. including pipe, so there shall be NO interference with the utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs and ground covers. 3. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the sprinkler irrigation system. B. Water Supply 1, Sprinkler irrigation system shall be connected to water supply points of connection as indicated on the drawings. 2. Conne,ctions shall be made at approximate locations as shown on drawing!J. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. C. Electrical Supply 1 . 2, Electrical connections tor automatic controller sheU be made to electrical point• of connection as indicated on the drawings. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shown on drawings. Contractor Is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. D. Trenching 1. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom ot trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Trenching excava1ion shall 1oUow layout indicated on drawings and as noted. 2. Provide a minimum of 24"' of cover for all pressure supply lines 3" and 4" in size. 3. Provide for a minimum ol 18" ol cover lor all pressures sc1pply lines 2·1 /2" and smaller. 4. Provide for a minimum cover of 12" for all non-pres9ure lines. 5. Provide lor a minimum cover ol 18" for all cable wiring In conduit, and 24" lor direct burial cables. E. Backlllllng 1. The trenches shall not be backfilled until all required tests are pertormed. Trenches snail be caretully backfilled with the excavated materials approved lor backllillng, consisting al earth, loam, sandy clay, sand or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stonea. Backfill shall be mechanically compacted in landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil In planllng areas. Backllll will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areps, humps or other surface lrregularl11es. 2. A line granular material backfill will be Initially placed on all lines. No foreign matter larger than 112" In size will be permitted In the lnltlal backfill. No rocks, clods or other debris Is permitted In the remainder of the backllll over 1,. in diameter. 3. Flooding ol trenches will be permitted only with approval of Owner andlor City. 4. If settling occurs and subsequent adjustme11:~ in pip•. valves, sprinkler heads, lawn or planting, or other conatn.:ctlon are necessary, the Contractor shaH make all req1,1ired a~Justments without cost to Owner, F. Trenching and Back till Under Paving 1. Trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltlc concrete, or concrete will be Installed shall be backfilled with sand (a layer 6" below the pipe and 3" above the Pipe) and compacted to equsl Iha compaction ot the existing adjacent undlslurbed ,011 •nd shall be left in a firm unyielding condition. All trenches 1holl be left flush wlln lhe adjoining grade. The Sprinkler lrrlgsllon Contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piping under paving prior to the paving work. 2. Generally, piping under eiisllng walks is don• by jacking, boring or hydraulic driving; where any cutting or breaking of ■ldewalks 1nd1or concrete Is neceH■ry, It ■hall be done and replaced by the Contractor •• part al the contract coat. Perml11lon to cut or break lld-alko sndlor concreto 1hall be obt ■lned lrom the Owner ■ndtor ca,. lie ••• NI driving will be permllt..t under concrete paving or .t..e. paving. (619) 411-tlll(r) 3. Crossing of roads with Irrigation pipe or wiring shall be avoided wher"ever possible. It a crossing must be made, schedule 80 PVC sleeves shall be installed at a minimum depth ol 36" below finish grade. Irrigation lines under other asphalt concrete or Portland concrete improvements (other than ® roads) shall be installed in schedule 40 PVC sleeves at a minimum depth of 18" below finish grade for pressure piping & 12" lor non-pressure piping. G. Assemblies 1. Routing of sprinkler irrigation lines as Indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. Install lines (and various assemblies) In such a manner as to conform with the details per plans. 2. Install NO multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide eech a9sembly with its own outlet. 3. Install all assemblies specified herein in accordance with specific details. In absence ot detail drawings or specifications, perform such work in accordance with accepted construction practices. 4. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned ot dirt, dust and moisture before installation. Installation and solvent welding methods shall be •• recommended by the pipe end filling manufacturer. 5. On PVC to me1al con11ections, 1he Contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape, or approved equal, shall be used on ail threaded PVC lo PVC and on ell threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure is en that is required. Where threaded PVC conl.lections are required, use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. H_ Une Clearance All lin..!s shall have a minimum clearance of 6"' 1rom each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. I. Automatic Controller Install as per manufacturers instruction. Remote conlrol valves shall be connected to controller in numerical 9equence as shown on the drawings. J. High Voltage Wiring lor Automatic Controller 1. 120-volt power connection to the automatic controller shall be provided by a qualllled Electrician. 2. All electrical work shall conform to local code•, ordinances and union authorities have jurisdiction. K. Remote Control Valves Install where shown on the drawings and details, When grouped together, allow at least 12"' between valves. Install each r~mote control valve in a separate valve box. L. Flushing ol System 1. After all new sprinkler pipe lines and rlsero are In place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to lnstallstlon or sprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opehed and a full head of water used to flush out the system. 2. Sprinkler heads shall be lnstslled only alter flushing ol the syotem has been accomplished to the complete satisfaction ol the Owner. M. Sprinkler Heads 1. lnslall the sprinkler heads as designated on the drawings. Sprinkler heads lo be installed shall be equivalent In all respects to those itemized on plans and In details. 2. Spacing ol heads shall nol exceed the maximum Indicated on the drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. 3. Spinkler heads shall be installed with flow check devices lo eliminate low head drainage. Reier to legend/notes lor type ol check device to be used. N. Eiistlng Trees Where II Is necessary to excavate adjacent to eilsting trees, the Contractor shall use all possible care lo avoid Injury to trees and tree roots. · Excavation in areas where 2" and hnger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots 2" and larger In diameter except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunnehid under and shall be heavily wrapped wllh burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching machine is run close to trees having roots smaller than 2" In diameter, the wall of the lrench adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots 1" and larger In diameter shall be painted with two coats ol Tree Seal or equal. Trenches adfacent to trees shall be closed within 24 hours; and where this Is not possible, the side 01 the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas. 0. Field Quality Control 1. Adjustment ol the system a. The Contractor shall flush and adfust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent possible overspray onto walks, roadways, and buildings as much as possible, b. II It is determined that adjustments In the Irrigation equipment will provide proper and more Rdequale coverage, the Contrsctor shall make such adjustment prior to plantlng, Adjustm&nls may also Include changes In nozzle sizes and degrees of arc as required. c. Lowering raised sprinkler heads by the Contractor shall be accomplished within 10 days after notification by Owner. d. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise dulgnat..i on the plans. 2. Testing of irrigation system a. The Contractor shall request the presence ot the Owner at least 4B hours (two working days) in advance of testing. b. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch and prove watertight. Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prlor to installation of electrical control valves. c. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure ot ~sn lbs per square inch and proved watertight prior to paving. d. Sustain pressure in lines for not less than 2 hours. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system is proven watertight. e. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the Owner. No pipe shall be backfilled until it has been inspected, tested and approved. t. Contractor shall furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment, g _ When the sprinkler Irrigation system is completed, perform • coverage test in 1he presence ot the Owner to determine if the water coverage for planting areas is complete and adequate. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviation9 1rom plan, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when It is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Owner. This test shall be accomplished before any ground cover is planted. h. Upon completion of each phase of work, the entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. P. Field Ob,ervation Schedule 1 . Contractor shall be respo"lsibl~ f0r riotltyil"'lg Owner & City Inspector in advance for the following field observations according to the time indicated: a, Pre-job conference - 2 days prior notice b. Pressure supply line installation and testing -2 days prior notice c. Coverage tests -2 day1 prior notice d _ Final field observation -2 days prior notice a. Malnlenance 1 . The entire sprinkler irrigation :ystem shall be under full operation for a period of 7 day9 prior to any planting. 2. The Owner reserves the rlgnt to waive or shorten the operation period. J_ Landscape irrigation system shall be tutly maintained by the Contractor for a period of 90 days prior to final acceptance by the Owner. This period may be extended If the maintenance provisions are not met. R. Clean-Up Clean-up shall be made as each portion ot work progresses. Retuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be ~roomed, any damage sustained to the work ot others shall be repaired to original condition. S. Final Field Observation Prior to Acceptance 1. The Contractor shall operate each system in its entirety lor the Owner at time ol final lield Inspection. Any Item• deemed not acceptable shall be reworked to the complete satisfaction ol the Owner. 2. The Contractor shall "'1ow evidence that lhe Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings and equipment as required before final tield observation can occur. 3. End ol maintenance shall occur only on the written acceptance ~y the Owner. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ; ---SIDEWALK --METER BOX WIMETER CURB--~ • t:rMINIMUM --I s.;,,r--4 10' MINIMUM TO POTABLE MAINUNE INS• -. . =---, RECLAIMED WATERJRR1Glff10N MAINUNE W/SLEEVE NOTE: VERTICLE CLEARANCE OF IZ'" MINIMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECI.A/JED WATER lf?RIGA7l'.:W lvfAJNI.JNE 2,• FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK Will. PROVIDE THE NECE[$SARY UT HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THEf>TREET. . " POTABLESER,VJGE 111NE DROSS/NG STREET SURFACE---, , .... POTABLE MAINLINE 3.SFEET (SE; IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS)7 C, i 12• MINIMUM REQUIRED VERT/CLE SEPARATION"'1' I.. RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINL/NE([_j-,t---SLEEVE NOTE: ALL RECLAIMi"DWATcR IRRIGATION PIPE AND SL£EVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: •STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES ANO REGULATIONS FOR CCNSTRUCTJON OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS-JUNf: 1991 POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING • OCJD Ogi:JO FORSUMLSUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. ~~ PM;:l'IC COAST HWY., sum,: 200 DANA POWT, CA. 92'329 (714) 443-14.116- LANDSCAf'E ARCHITECTS, ASl.A "AS Bll LT" {~1 'Y/)1,op· ___ _ RCE \,08 i EXP. REV1EWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE l---+-+---------+---+-t----t-~ ~ 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 SHEETS I L~. PLAN'INGDEPAITTMEIIT . 34 DATE INITIAL DATE D_.,TE REVISION DESCRIPTION D'IHEI! -OV>,L VISTA SANTA FE· AREA 'B' IRRIGATION NOTES. /. APPROIIE[)y"~ / J (} ///7 r- ASSISTANT PCANNlolG DIRECTOR OWN BY: ~~~ I 1 CHKD BY: 1 1 RVWO BY: CT 85·9 MAY G 5 1994 DATE I DRA'MNG NO. 267-GL C.M.W.D. 92 303 , \ ,_ ,, \ ~ ,. i MA ------- (/J w w IY f-- IY 0 I n_ ::a: <( 0 _, _J <( IY 0 lL (/) IY W-'. IY (2 IY 0 <( I co n_ f--::::; 0 <( Oo D:'. ::;: n_ ::, ~ :;;, oO _, ::;: _, <( <( z f--z (/) -zO -~ w t-0 z ,;.-,r" ,. ()? r--·· J_ - b ' o; lL 0 ::::; ::, ::;: z ::;: <( 0 w f--z ::i n_ \ ' w . m 0 . _, >- ::, <( 0 s: I LL (/) 0 (/) f--. W:r: w C!) IY -f--IY f--lL WQ w f-- D:'. ::J t;; 0 w t- 0 z LOCATION MAP N.T.S. J9_c,,_1 1':1l"r\,.or ( ),,k·. V,..·;,, Su11s-2()(\ c~r:5h .. J_ (A 9Hlfr·) "' "\_.,' \_) I "' W"""'fil't---t't~~- . "' -. ~r~=t----i..::· .. ~s;~; r - --.4...:.i,.- . . SITIO CATANA ) \ -4'----ttt-:t--"-; .... --11 -- .:,OZ'Z ;;;:,;,jr7\ ---·---.. .,.,.,,,, .,-~·:;· t (.., . ,/ ,/ (} /?/ (7 _! LP!?. ! ~ (__.1,,,.. - .., . . . J-·· aL ---~ ~-- \I ~'t' = ' ...... ---lll,.t-·~P-+-··~1~ FORSU/V1/SU,'v\/'v1ERS & PARTNERS, INC 34197 PACIFilC; COAST HWY., Sl,IITI.: 200 DANA POll'IT, CA. 92629 (114) 443-'1446 LANDSCAPE ARCHIT[CTS. ASLA '-~~ C\J SPECIFIGATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3-11(a) & (b), E.3-1.2.1(a). (b), & (c). APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 0 +, i [' Ii:, ' " J ~ -~ 1-L i-,r_::s,,,:.-+.-"1..~f--_;---.(~1 f ! •. :, <T· I ~ ~ :oi (~ C\J '-I--. ¼_ I.....: '-~ ' • \.~ <::') ~ L---.¼~/-4-: ....... ------.;_ I I • • . • (Y• ~ -' • 1·:i _+, I ,- ~i \ .:.···-~ I . l •. ' .J • ) _( i ;,_,~t·~·-·· ..• ; " e1e:,no,t, ~ 1e""·~· NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. t----~---• ~ ~ - ~ NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" ·------DAT£ lNITlAL DAT£ INITlAL 20 40 60 60 : NGINITR OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OnlER APPROVAL s -cs, -0 IJ7 v:, ~ ~ I"-• = -.. ~ -~ i"...:i -tr • ,-..l ~I -' D s I !f"'I I ··' I -L . Tv j \--c,,_-._ -. • ~-',, ,. _,,. __ __.....w-- ? ;:.", ' ___ ........ . / .. __J------...1 <,_\! 1_~•WSDtil'( '' AS Btl~T" ,._... -f,t,_ ~ Ci.; <Y "" -,u ...... (,, 't: ~ .p ,J' .,__, "' · (~ ~j_to ~p~~ ~ ?. -RCE '1f?0\ EXP. DA n¢/i1q '. . \ j .. ~ /4 REVIEWED BY: ,ff£ OF C'-l-1\~ INSPECTOR DATE I SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ! L-15 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 4 •. ----L._ I VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' I ' , TREE & GROUND COVER I / PLANTING PLAN APPROVE!Y// ·Y-/p";" Ml',\-Mi • ! ·~ ,. u 1994 ASSISW>./(T "i>LAN~IN<:l._D~RECT~------··· DATE OWN BY: --i r··-··-cta~~g -7-,~~;;_~:0 -o~n: INI Tli'J.. CHKD BY: CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY· I~ C.M.WD 92-303 r ' .. (/J w w cc: 1-- cc: 0 :r: (l_ ::':' <( (.) _J __J <(_ cc: 0 lJ... (/) cc: W--'- cc: ~ cc: 0 <( :r: []J (l_ 1--::':' 0 <( 0 (.) cc: ~ (l_ ::, l±J ::::; □ O .,,,J ~ __j <( <( z rz (/) -zO ~ w 1-- 0 z • -----; \ t 01w b ' c? lJ... 0 ~ ::, ::::; z ::':' <(_ 0 w 1--z ::i (l_ w CD 0 ' __j >- 6~ :r::u... (/J 0 (/J 1--W:r: w (9 n-: -1--cc: 1--lJ... WQ w 1--cc:'::, bl 0 " UJ 1--0 z· '--··· LOCATION MAP N.T.S. 1~~':I f':1Li1)l., I!.,).·. IN,-,. t-iu11, 2()(1 Cuhb:i.C.: ( 'b. 'l}()(l'i ' i , \ (61\li 4JI ~2(Xl -'···----r; i:f~:idD F()RSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, iNC. 34197 PACFlC COAST l'tWY, Sl,lrTE 200 DANA !"ONT, CA. 92629 (114) 443-1446 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA , ' ?'"; .....,,,/./ I ) + =196it \ \~ ... d7! ' , ~ Of -••<_,..-, SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PF.:R CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL PARAGRAPH E.3-1.1(a) & ib), E.3-1.2.7(a), (b), & (c). . f ,f6 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 0 20 40 60 80 ' ~ • I ' ' I I$! 1..'.i If- I I I I.I.I I.I.I J: IJl I.I.I I.I.I IJl I.I.I z -...J J: ~ ~ ~ ,. } ''-, f i ' EXP. RE\1EWED BY· 1ts success. INSPEC"'."OR DATE --+----+----+----------------------~~~~~-+--------,.:-~~~:==-=---=----_---II..,,! ~H~E~ [-~-r~Ex~IN~fiNG ~b~k~N~AD w --•-• •••-•••••~••n -.,--1,----+----+---+-------<I ~--------------------~ -~--+---------------------+-··· -----·- ------<----+-------------------+---...L,___, ______ _ VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN C.M.W.O. 92-303 I I U) w Lil 0:: f- 0:: 0 I o_ ::,c <{ u _, ~ <l'. a:: 0 lL U) er'. W--<{ er'. 0:: er'. 0 <{I 0) o_ f-::;;: 0 <J'. Ou 0:: ::;;: a. ::::, ti:: ::;: oo _J ::;;: _J <{ <J'. z f-z U) -z~ .. w f- 0 z 0 ' ic, LL 0 ::;;: ::::, ::;;: z ::;;: <J'. 0 w f--z j o_ w 0) 0 ' _J >- 6~ I LL U) 0 U) f--W:r: w l') a:: -f-er'. f-lL WO w f-er'. ::::, l,j 0 w f-0 z LOCATION MAP N.T.S. J·-:1·,01 h1l:,•ll,i : '•-~ V,',,, tiu1 I( .:!l~:1 (_.,,hb,i•_' ( A 'i.'O(t',/ .. :1dli,·_1f! I .. [_ --I_ FC)RSU,'./1/SUJ\/,MERS & PARTNERS, INC_ ~ PACIFIC COAST HW'f'~ SI.ATE 200 DANA PQINT, CA. 9~629 [7l4) 443--1446 -IANDS(Al'f ,\RU IITECTS, ASIA f' : .I. SPEC_IFJCATlONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE: REVEGElATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3-1.1(ai & (b), E.3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c) BARCElONA -- ,/-!'-..?' .... " --/ -, I • ' ,j APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS, 0 f' ~ \ t , .. : .. :-i· ·wry NORTH • SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 60 i ' 80 1.1,,1 ...J' ...J < u /0 17& --L-••=••"<<,-' -,~-a ... ~~, --, _/)· <~,..._ ' " ' \. 'V ~E {i . ~::,t...:;, ' ¼~1 '; ', . --------------------- REVIEWED BY: U IL T" ------------ INSPECTOR + DATE + _j__ -------------T J_ __ ----t---- ---------------------------------I-- t + ! t r ';fa Cl T 7 r CI Tr' 0 F .. CARLS BAD 11 SHEET:_] L-17 · ENGINEERING DEPART\ffN'"_ __J l_ 3_.:J __ + .... -' + ---~ ----__ _;_ -i--VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' -+ --~-+ . + TREE & GROUND COVER , -i----_ ------------------=~-----~----t--; i PLANTING PLAN - - + ---_ ----,----. j ASSISTANT PLANNIN~ D_IRECTOR DA TE I oWN BY: _ -PROJECT NO. ][ __ --•WING No.I '.,H[ INITIAL f--CD---'A-'TE'------'_1N_I_T1Al +-O_A_TE~-'~TI_A._ I CHKD BY -' CT 85-9 267-6L I ,c,,EER '0, wOR• REVISION DESCR'PTION Oll<ER APPROYAl cnY APPROVAl IB_VWD BY_____ ,,__ II 1 C.M.W.D. 92-303 (p L4t~ ..,1,--1,,,_..._ I I I I I- I'.'.? 1~ilo,~· I I_ I I I I i» I I I I I ------· I v.l --., ·---~;,,.1~~~-;;;r ~-=i::;~ + l'-iS'-l f';iJLJrn., ( )., l ,, ½';,, Sciil<.' 20\J (;,irhbaC CA<./:::'()()<) T--:: ' ) -""-f ,. -.. -= . r.:;:-,..._,-,.. . I'\. . ~ I .'~ I -' ' '~ . "' J, . J /i,. 'ffl .;.: . ' " ., ~· .•• I ~; \ . J \ ',J --------------~ 0 20 . ' ' I .... f I , ,( : ' ' 40 60 -------- '!· ·.,,.;:, ... ~ ' . I t- J\.ORTH LOCATION MAP N.T.S. SCALE: 1"=20'-0" NOTE: INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRli=RS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA) NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY. NOTE: Lar,dscape plans are ofteil prepared in advance of Hle site grading resulting in nQ spec!fic soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility fm its success. - APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAi.. PARAGRAPH E 3·1.1 (a) & (b), E.3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c). f1,lt11 .]1 1 : I I . f()RSLJM/SUN\lv\ERS & PART:---JERS, INC. 3419T' PA.CFIC COAS'I' HWY., SUfn: ~ DANA POINT, CA. M6~ !1'14) "3-14~ lAi-,[)':,(;\I'[ ARC! ilTfCTS. ASlA ------------- "AS B~IL T" __ -f~6'.v\ 'Th,,r'!l l1 RCE lf)f,1 EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE l----+---1--------------------+-·--·~ .... . ·-·· ------.. VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN DATE INITIAL •GINEER Of WORK 80 --+-----·--"··. - APPROVE 1/ Mi.Y ii J 199A ----,,4"--;,'--UI..L_ _______ _ ASSIST T PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE --------..-·--+-----lt-----11-----l I OWN BY: __ _ PRO.ECT r-lO. l ,;b AWING NO. I 267-6L REVISION DESCRIPTION I DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL , CHKD BY: --- 1 OTHER APPRD~·;; CITY APPROVAL i RVWO BY: I i.,__ CT 85-9 C.M.W.D. 92-303 I t • I~. I I; i 1 "'""" .<~ I I I I I I I I I· l';l)L_; 1';1:<i•)J,>r 11,,~, \'/,,- Suit,· 200 l';ir-!:o.b;,d ( A 9.)0<:Y~ ,...__ 1 I I NOTE: INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA). NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PL.ANTED A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY. 0 20 "-ORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 40 60 80 --------.-, , .. I . . ") ,_,.;_ i /'' i ..-- 7 ~ l..~ 0 i >----i -· ' I ·I. ;, ,. I ----../fl!_ ' i !"""'.__, .• ~ ,.....,,.---~ I . • I I :·f. l} """ -' -' u _-/ ":/ Landscape plans a.i"e often prepared in advance 01· tht! site -grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site ~pecific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor ch~ose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. ! -+---·--_/., - -·· ·-· ··+--·--~---+----· .. ,-,I-., -----r ---···--·-·-1~·~ -·-·- ' -~ ...... ·· ' • I LOCATION MAP N.T.S. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE flEVcGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL. PARAGRAPH E.3·1.1(a/ & (b). E.3-1.2.1(a). {b), & (c) l Ii } 1 111 .JI ·.',I ) l l !· I <)RSU/vl/SUl'v\MFR:i & f'AR! NERS, INC. :34197 PACF~ COAS.Y HWY~ SUIT!! 2()(1 DA,N,t., POINT, CA. 92629 (714) 443--1446 I .~~II// Al'I ,,Fl I iln Cl'., ASIA "AS BUILT" -·-~ rlliw)q,;_ L RcE I sel ExP. REv1EWED 8Y1 INSPECTOR OATE r t~~~l l cr~rGIN~rNG ~b~-~~ laj VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' -=-=· -1--· ___. ;::::==T==;R09E9Eq:.t=;1=A=~=~=l~=~=N~=L=~=z=v=E=R =~ -· -:.-=.-=------~===~----_-_-_-_-__ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:-__ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--+'=_-=_-=._--..,.,-_:__··-_···_-+-··===-+=:=::~: APPROvc...iv_ DATE DAT[ INITIAL REv1SION DESCRIPTION OTH£R APPROYAL OTY APPROVAL Dv.N BY CHKD BY ---· RVWO BY, PRO.ECT NO. ir ",,,,,NG N0.1 CT 85_-_9_~ll __ 267-6L C.M.W.D. 92-303 ' t I r . ' :01; -:::::::-. .. 1(,r ... --..:_·, 6L_ "'?,~ =---t.1 'll {J '/, . ' ' ,, I ' T II I ·.-,,.-.,.,_ ---.-.....,._~ '-w.;,.~;,.._..,_,.""'..,··'-"' ..... ,,,_, --✓-.... ~--- " i, • -: __ .. ~-.:, ..___ .. -.... \''::~., .._._,_ .. ,, ',.,' >- \>\~-,\, , ,, ' , .....__, ,,·_, -~ • • APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTORWILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASU.RES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E3-1.1(a) & (b), E3-1.2.1 (a), (b), & (c). ooD □§!JU FORSUM/SUMlV\ERS & PARTNERS, INC. :J41'i!7 PA,CFK: COAST HWV., SUTE 200 DANA PONT, CA. 92629 (714} 443-'14Mi LANDSCAPE. ARCHITECTS. ASLA ~--"----- l9'i9 f:'.-'lum.ar /h1.k~ W:,,·. Slii!~• 200 Ca..-lsbaJ, CA 92009 10191 431-8200 '; NOTE: INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA) NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY. ' ··-...::;;-·~ ..... -1:_· . ' ' "\ •.. , ... ,... \--· \-~ .... \ '·' -it, , ·,,:.k"~ ~\...I j ', .,., ~.,.. ; NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronornical informatiOn. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site ~pecific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant 1'14aterials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install .!llny plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. ' ~f ()':!..~-~__,..-1-ffl'',..,''/~·"..,.. ,· (\ . ·'\ \ < /0 ! 0 ... ,. ...:;., ,-.-~-.,-· ... -,,· . ..>·',. . \ 111~ NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'~0" 20 4D 60 -.. RCE REVIEWED BY: 80 INSPECTOR LOCATION MAP N.T.S. ' I EXP. ____ _ DATEijV/ , DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ---+-----1-----------------+--+-----ii------t----i ;:..l ~==o:::..':===E:::::N:::::Gl=N=E=ER=IN=G=D=E=P=A=R™=E=N=T==::::'.'.:uu==4=:::; DATE INillAL DATE INITI"1. "..NGIN[ER OF WORK REV1SION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROV"1. DATE INITI"1. CITY APPROV"1. VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN C.M.W.D. 92-303 I s I ! t -1-3! i. ' . (' . ' ' l 1 I i i !' -. ,-~-. '::7. -1_·_-J " ' ' ' , NOTE; STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANTCD A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECJSE . LOCATION OF PLANTING /-\REAS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASU_RES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3:1 1(a) & (b), E.3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c) ,-OECJ[]D s_ ~-~~~~~-·~E!~:t!~~TI:;_ ~~~;~,S LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA . -. '• . ' l\ICK ENGINEf]ZINC; C'JJMPANY 19~9 P_;,lornM 0<1l~ Wa, Sui1\· :WO Ca.-l~b,nl. CA 9.:0(X)',1 (619) 4)1 ~200 ' >' /0 , r / I ' \ \ < -••• C \ ..... ,t. \ 1.f·•, -~"'''"''' i. -- I ' -' i t ! If ; ' 11-bJ"I ,, ; __ (,' 'I--~ . . . ' I I --, ' -:;O ...\·.,._'<: ... ·, , '.i; ----~y~-;~' ;' , ----- - -,~;:_, / ,- ./~f>-1.s i~' ....... z~:, ... ,\·.· t .,-_ - { ' ,_ ._.....,:;;; ----·--, l 'F" \ ---------~--- DATE INl'TlAL ENGINEER Of woRK REVlSION DESCRIPTION NOTE: . Landscap\ plans are often prepared in advance_ of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomiCal information. Prior to the planting of any material contained In these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site t.pecific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility-of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Shou"ld contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. -- 0 ~IIOSOI~ "WM1,1 '-' ~- _____ \ __ _ ' -_,,.,.,.. ~ ;· _/' .<i...""Y LOCATION MAP N.T.S. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 60 --------"AS !UIL T" -{ c ) 'W\ ryh.,a ~ --, 80 RCE 10el EXP. DA TEW/irr: -.. • DATE INITIAL DA1£ INITIAL OTHER APPROV"1. CITY APPROVAL REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 4 VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN APPRO DWN BY: -~-PRO.ECTNO, I flRAWING NO, CHKD BY:--!' CT 85-9 267-61. RV'M:I BY: _____ __.,__ ___ _ =, C.M,W.D. 92-303 NOTE: INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR AL:L CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA). NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANT[□ A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY APPROVED FOR Pt.ANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. l~S':l f:'.alutn;n /.),1~, Wa, Suik :mo Carlsb;,.J, CA 9200<.) (619-J 431-8200 NOTE: Landscape plai:is are often prepared in advance of the site grading result!ng i~ no specific soils agronomic-al information. Prior to the planting of any material contained m these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site ?:-pecific agronomical soils repor:t ~°. the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatobollty of pl~nt materials with the site soil a_nd advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. ~--· '<''Si {"-..,_ , ... ,.,.) (, C ,-, .. ~ oL.c---::il! [E,)t_JV FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34't97 FlttCF!C COAST HWY .• -DT'E 200 DANA POINT. CA." m-29 (7141 ~4$-1441:i LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. ASLA rlYo~ SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTORWILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASU_RES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E 3-1 .1 (a) & (b), _E.3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c), ..,...~--· ,.,,...,.,,.,~- ~----..,..___,:.. .... _.. .- ~,-.,_ ' NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" ~-~----... . .. ~·--_ lz)O f! i _, ~ ~ "· ·-·-···- ..r-""----,...~*-··-9 .. __ __ ...,.,, \ -r2-ow. . ,~,10 0 20 40 60 60 . ----------.. ' -REVIEWED BY: l OF CALI INSPECTOR - I DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1------+---+-----------------+---+-----t-----t--------t L~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ ~===='--=========::::::'....'.:==; INJllAL DATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL F..NGINEER Of" W<JfUI REV1SION DESCRIPTION OlH£R APPROVAL CITY APPROI/Al VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' TREE & GROUND COVER PLANTING PLAN ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE D'MII BY: -~-, , CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PRO..ECT NO, CT 85-9 I DRAWING NO. _ 267-6L C.M.W.D. 92-303 rJ) w w 0:: f- 0:: 0 I a. 2 <( u _J . ...J <( 0:: 0 LJ.. rJ) 0:: W._;, -<( 0:: a:: r,: 0 <( I al 0.. f-:'ii 0 <( Ou r,: :'ii 0.. :::::) w 2 g; 0 _J :;; _J <( <( z rz rJ) -zO -~ w f-0 z 9 M LJ.. 0 2 ::, 2 z :'ii <( 0 w f-z s 0.. w co 0 . _J >-::, <( 0~ :c LJ.. rJ) 0 rJ) f-w :c W(:) 0:: -f-0:: f-l1. wo w f-r,:.::, t;o w t-0 z \ Su, 1c-20() Culsbad_ (A 9200'-J ··••· -·-··· ?~:: .".•: .... '·\\ .. • ·, ,• " 'l{~fl •, . :· . . \ (, }''~1/lt ' ' /61914.li-!IWO --~ •--~------N-""'"I"•------_,... ---! ' . i I . 1 i1~ &; • <>~\. I 'fff'-J :--<- -•,~..-• ---xr ~~ -.., ! I 111 I :- ' : JJII ~Oli ----i3/::1 M~ ;,\ \ . ~~t':"· i . ~ I t· <., ~t f~. ·· 0 ~ cts,, i-?s,~f',Yi: ··~ s;~o c~TANA ~Y"-"'l'--+ 1·, ~.--j(~ ·..:, - ' I \>e . "a. 1$< . ¾lid{' '\'J,' . • •.· tt ..s,A.-Q --, ~A-i~ , 12. ;...-:c.~;.... --1 ! ~! ~~, 1 1 · 1 "',iv a,-'. 6 ·c, <>-"¥'>'<'A ~ / I-, ,, -·, ,..), -,-s\, , ~ " .,.~~"::"'><,,. ' . . -~~ _:_ :_ n1' . . ~" , • ,, .... " -"'7"'> ·. v-' r,~ ... ':.;:;1 /"~~~ ~Lf~~~~,-.~~dr~~:~-~lf-.f~;;:.-··=·--;+-r==r==r==·~-::r;:t==:J~~~tJ;~;::r:;: . · 1 -~--,' .. ~t~~~i__4-1:.._.:__1_:_~=::~~t~=J=\~J,ff~1{~[;~~--~=-;::::::_~--, 1 ! Ir ; ~ ~ . • ! ~ i . -i-------.:\ /li~ 11 i - r J-'J/ -~ ~ 0(; " (I , ' , ' I' J· tr 1 ! I 8 \. ;;:'"'?Z ~ (/ C ( _0/7 ) "'9112d:i' ]fOc;?Z s·z!ZJ9 z·c;_z7 _.,J ~ C'I<?? L7,_77 r, • ,__ .,__ lb , o Rl?_:_i Pl?.~; '0/ ... '' •. i ,---..!"-...... ~~ Cl . ""'f.::\'1-.;;;_~ tl c Ii , . £1'.)d l , • -~! i ' l i 1 ; ~ .-.;:~ ' ::-__,, ¾d.6§ SAN·· ;---~'"------. -:-.· DE.JUD • SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3•1.1(a)& (b), E.3-1.2.1(a), (b). &(c) APPROVED f'OR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" · 0 20 40 60 '-S \ r---r---,-, 0 O"; K'i 1-._:¼..: I...: <:,!S NOTE: '#-, ... . . -~ ......... ,., ..... ~--• . ,>_:,,A ~ . ·" .... ~ ~ . ••,t4i.• • ! ...... Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomiCal fnformatiOn. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to Install any plant materi8.I prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. • i!J:f;t., . ~ , ~ ------~ ~ .. ,_ ~ . I :.J . ;:_, ... ~~~ti/ RCE REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR -·-+----,-SHEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ -------.--,---~--,----i / L-23 L __ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ DATE o~~-~IN;;-;,n;;-;A:;-L,-------------______ .J._____,. "'G:INE£R Of WCIRK OATE IN!TIAL. OATE INITIAL r===-~=======:::...::::==; VISTA SANTA FE -AREA SHRUB PLANTING PLAN 'B' BO REVISION DESCRIPTION OlliER APPROVAL CllY APPROV,\L C.M.W.D, 92~303 fi3 w ll'. I- C::: 0 :r: []_ :lE <( 0 '...J ...J <( ll'. 0 LJ.. ~ w..-:.... c:::~ c:::o ;:a :r: f--[]_ 0 :lE 0 <( ll'. 0 []_ :lE w ::, w :lE Cl 0 __J ;.:a, ...J <( <( z f--z (/) -z~ w f--0 z 10 0 ' "' 1:3 :lE ::::) ::.,; z ;.:a, <( Cl ~ z ::i . []_ w . co g ► :::) <(· 0 3: I lL (/) 0 (/) f--w :r: w (9 C:::-1-c::: I-LJ.. WO w I-C::: ::i too w l-o z \ I . ,.(;'. !.!-\"., ~-.:, __ '..'., ':\ t_;-. \ -.,,_,-~, ' -~ ' ' . ;.-··, ,_;.,, • ""'' c,n :A·, ., _.,,,,, I -~ -· 1~8~-l1 "" .... ~, '1---ilV,1!1 ,. I<-,. ---_,_ ·fk!,.""':,;'~~,'i:t ---~ 1 '\~ ,\ ' -,, •. ' --~ ~-·, ';i~ ' ' ... · ·. ' /: r-+-- ;i' -.~-,, ,,I~-' & . ·~~~ -~-,~ /i,i -.--' /' / . ,_. ' . ' . ' ' / '-( ,> ;·lo • o , • "" > ~: . \ : .. ,::;_t ~ ,~ ,o.~ ,- LOCATION MAP N.T.S. ! ' I CALLE~· f --- 1 .....-..:;; I I 6cc 1,a7r ----.b{ZZ ~~,, ·.~.-~ r ~ --i'" ~0-' c-'i ~ -. • RICK ENC;JNEr~IZIN(; OJMr~ANY De.JUD FORSUM/SUMME~S & PARTNERS, INC'. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SL9PES CONTRACTOR-WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH 19S9 ~aloma.r Oal..~ W;n Sui1~ 200 Cuhhad, CA 92009 (619) 'IJl-1:i-i!OO 34197 MCI-IC C(MS::r NIIIJT~ $IJITJ; iW DNfA PCWT, CA. -29 (7'lq 443.-M46: C LANDSCAPE. ARCHITECTS,.J\.SLA Es: 1 _ 1 {a) & {b), .E.3-1.2, 1(a), (b), & {c), , I .,. • ._.,, I I..__ ALISCO--- l~~JA, Z ,.___ ~ CJ I _APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION.ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ·o NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" OATE INITIAL OA TE INITIAL , GINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ONEIi APPROVAL 20 40 80 80 INITIAL CHY APPROVAL INSPECTOR DATE SHEET L-24 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'SHRUB PLANTING PLAN ASSISTANT PLANNING DRECTOR ,.----·-··-·---~-· -·----0\11/N BY: -~-PRO.ECT NO. ~~ ~~: --· L CT -~5-9 'B' DATE nR~V.,NG NO. 267-6L C.M.W.D, 92-303 r g .... ' 6 t (/) w w c:: f- er: 0 ~ ~ 0.. :::; <( u ...J --' <{ er: 0 LL (/) a: W.-'. a'. ~ a: 0 <( I Cll 0.. f-:::; 0 <( Ou a::::; 0.. ::, w :::; ~o --' :::; --' <{ <( z f-z (/) -z8 UJ f-a z 9 c') u.. 0 :::; ::, :::; z :::; <( 0 w f-z ~ 0.. w OJ 0 . ...J >-::, <( OS J: u.. (/) a (/) f- W :r: w(,:) cc -f-a: f-u.. WQ w f-er: ::, t;; 0 lJ..I f-a z· '· "· I I I ' LOCATION MAP N.T.S. 1·,~,1 f';.1l,;:n;1, : ,~f Vi:, ~1.,11, 2()(1 Ci!-!l~bJ.J { A ').'1)()·1 ·····-· ·········--- • FC}RSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 197 MOflC COA$T HWY~ WTI; t!OO DANA POINT. CA. 92&29 (714) 443--1448' l.ANDSCAl'f ARCHITECTS. ASlA -··· -··-···-----·· ,, __ ,,, ____ ·--·····-----"• •---------- SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION ANO STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL .. PARAGRAPH E.3-1.1(a) & (b). E.3-1.2.1(a). (b). & (c) ,_ • BARCELONA APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 0 NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 60 80 r ..... -·-· ·-· ..,...... -,.,. . --. ....,.. .. --- ·-·-·......--· --- .. ----+------· + f----=r---t -----+-----+- ·-·····-- -·---·· -·---·-·-· _______ _j_, _______ -+----···-i : -,••~·· -·-· ------ + ----. --l--------+ ···---+- ---........ __..,_ ___ , .. ,. -·----· -· ·t-- + ·-·--····-··· ;:,,._ T'[ i"'ITIAL .I.··- -------------+--_,,,____..,...,_ REViSION DESCRIP'ION DA TE INlllAf.. +---~----i DA TE INITIAJ.. OTHER APPROV,IJ. On' A.PPROVA.l RCE "!;,,S BUltT" _ . r '~ _Tu_ ryn, '" f' I I >-..,-,-- _ ( f3 A\ - EXP RE\IIEWED SY: INSPECTOR ::lA TE r~HfcT7] CITY OF CARLSBADl.SHEETS L-25 ! : ENGINEE_~ll'_<~_~PARTME~i:_ _ -~ l_ 3_~ VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' SHRUB DWN""""§Y'-·----- CHKD BY _____ _ RVWO BY: PLANTING PLAN MAY 0-s 1994 t ----------- PRO..ECT NO. CT 85-9 DA TE ir ""'MNG NO 1 267-6L I II C.M.WD. 92-303 W 16 ~ le l'.l'.•J P:.'om;,r '.l;,h.:-WJ.-. Suik 200 C.uhb;uJ,(,\ '.l~I.XJ'J I I I I 1:ri .. •" I·~~.'" I I f?; [\ 4J/• r,,., r--..t.::::;;:_-. • :-,.o;;;;,e-...:: ---::~u .•. :• . ····· ::-"i.;,;"";::.::~:;;;j.,:,:,:);f~t~t:;;,}(t~i:,:: ~-... (t,191 4.ll ~200 1 I ' I ·----...... __ _ -----... 36 GG. - ~. th·· • , ,> '··Qr,· . '1;. " ' ' o:::'/i ;, -----'. ------,, --------------~ ---~ ...... --.. _ 0 20 40 I () J> r-· r m.,. u 60 I I ''-' ~::- I , I i 80 -~ ~ 7 '· ., • ~ L • • ~ . • , < , 7 • 7 ., . L 7 • V • .. .. " ' ' ' !. I ; ! I ' ---·-+-- .,' fi ' ' I ____ ... ____________________ _ • .. ft' j MATCHLINE SEE SHEET L-25 ' I / I -, I (''·' Ii•" ' ' ,; ··~.~ ,,,,, I r,, ,~ ,o ,~ :o It: -~ / ~ ...J ":'~ i ·~ 08 ,,; I I I I ,:) -,.),, . ; ·1 -C?<t I ,. - - I I I , ~ "10RTH LOCATION MAP N.T.S . SCALE: 1"=20'-0" NOTE; INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA). NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY. NOTE; Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the .site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. lhe owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he wiil,assume sole responsibility for its success. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E,3•1.1(a) & (b), E.3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c). ---·---· ·-····-"·'·-·· ··-------·-------- r-~drf111 L,c_. [_ f(JRSUMiSUMIY1ERS & PARTNERS, INC 34-mt PACIFit CO'AsT HWY .. SI.ITE 200 DANA ~T1 CA. 92829 ~714) 443-1446 lANDSCAl'f ARCHiffClS. ASIA -·--········ ·------~-~--~ "AS BUILT" -----r~ Tb .. ofJL, RCE /68\ EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ------------1-----1------+----+---f I SHElT ,_________.___ __ t-~ =---~ 1 L-26, ,. ---. J CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' SHRUB P ANTING PLAN ASSISTAN +--~----------------+----+--t-----t----t ~=;::::::::;:====~--· ----- DH_E,__·_,N_iTI_A':_~ ··--------•---···----.-·-~-·----+--, __ g--A TE-.,_-.. _-.:,~1-=-N-I_TI-::_AL-::_~~-=-D-=-A-TE_ -_ --+-~ -I_N-::_ITI-::_AL-::_: 1 •g~~'...:K"'O'-B-";-'-y'-, :::::c..J, ~ --c; __ 85~9 1 r c ;;;_~t O. ,<:>NEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION on,ER APPROV""-CITY APPROVAL ~VWD BY: ,.__ C.M.W.D. 92-303 19SY P_aloma, ();;:..~ W;" Sui,~ 200 C~rlsbad. CA 92009 (619) 431-8200 NOTE: INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA). NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY. I 0 20 NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 40 60 80 'r"' t ,f 'i ~' i :~~ / ~ ;., r I .. ns are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agron ical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. T owner will obtain and fumi-sh a site ~pecific agronomical soils report to the Land pe Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materia.fs with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. C) ('" "' "'i -,.,.. .. -.. LOCATION MAP N.T_S. .,. ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E 3-1 1(a) & (b), E.3·1.2.1(a), (b), & (c). ----------~ ------ 0'~1r~D L_.,' _j F'ORSUM/SUM/v1ERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34197 PACl'1C COAStHWY. suT!' 200 DANA~.~~ (TM) M$-~ LANDSC'IPf ARCHITECTS, ASLA "AS ~ U IL T" ,.::: .'\ £2o/Y) 'hJ,,o~f.: J RCE I 8f'.I EXP. REVIEWl::D BY: INSPECTOR DATE • ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ +----1--~--------------~~-:.~~~~~"!_~~~~"1'=-~~~~"!_~~~-=--,-l l;..::: ~-=-2=_2J=7::::'....':===E=N=Gl=N=E=ER=IN=G=D=E=P==A=R™=E=N=T===--=l]£J===4==~ DATE INITIAL DAlE INITIAi. ll<l'TIAI. REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi_ CITY APPROVAi. VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' ASSISTA . . SHRUB PLANTING PLAN MAY U ;i 1994 DATE CM.W.D. 92-303 • I I (, I I ···-'.'. \\ ~- \ (" \ ______ \ ~-c; 11j I~ APPROVED FOR PlANTING AND IRRIGATION.ONLY INCLUDING PRl:CJSE LOCATION OF PLANTING ~REAS .• SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E 3,1. 1(a) & (b), E.3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c) tirJuD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34191 MCFIC COAST HWY~ Sl,l'TE 200 l)ANA POM', CA. 92629 [71'4) 443--1446 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, .ASLA ,,", / . .._,_ ., '',"--. .. '· ' i<-1' ~~---~ 6t.._ C" I_ 'T ~ eorr* , .. 'I,\ \ \ 11 ,-~~-- ...... -<,.,...,....,.,,.. ..... ""-.... i'( t=·~-~.:::,,5~:: .. : .. ..- ·• ,· 0 ·, ';' J N . .P\;;A -_- P·•' , .~-~-· x . :,.,,.: .. -:r ....,..,..-7 .-,•ro.,<.'\r.--'· IZICK ENc;INEr~l{IN(; (J:)Ml)ANY NOTE: INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA). 19~9 P,dom,., ();,k W,n Su1c~· 20(1 Carl.sb;;i(l CA 92009 (6191 4ll-!\200 NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY. -~· . I~ 07 /L' ,/,-.r ,' ,.. ./ 0 PLAN. NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomi~al informatiOn. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site ~pecific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant n\aterials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. / "/ i / ? , ~rr~ >·' ; ,·; J' 1---r--1--,----~--l -0 ,J;J r,,,v pi;., (:',::a '-----~ ,J '--,} 18~\- I le,'~. I (_ ") iG-./ ' ,. / l0 ----.Ji.--• { 'i-....:__....:._~:....;--=::...+.-, ~· ... .• ,/.,_ . \.,~ ' ~-.' ' c. .... ' NORTH SCALE: 1"""20'-0" 0 20 40 60 ' DATE INITIAL '_NG1NITR ~ WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION r-..f ,,,f .. ;: 80 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL OTY APPROVAL . ,..-~ --, .::. I t" . ,. . .. > .. L. "I,' (' ~' > "" 1,, :' ... ,'I .,. . '. .. ' ~ < 7 ., • "" :· > .... ,.ai•,, 1./ 7 ~ ~ •· .... · ~= .-:~: RCE -,------.· ·"' i .i,• '""""'"'·"-... ,, ' ' ' · • .__ •: -·r.;·· LOCATION MAP N.T.S. "AS BUILT" £-:) 'rb i:rn. .,yi I St' I EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR APPROVED ,----· --·---··· D l'M BY ___ . PROJECT NO. CHKD BY· CT 85 g RVWD BY. =..J l.--- 5 DATE C.M.W.D. 92-303 ti 10 ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES lb CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3•1.1(a) & (b), E.3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c), teJuD FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. :J4-197 MCFIC CO-t!ST HWY. Sl,lrTE 200 DANA fl'OfNT, CA, 921529 (n4) 443.-1441;1 LA1'DSCA!'f ARCHITECTS, ASLA l':IS':-1 t'alllrn,11 n,i~-_ v,.:,,•. SuitL' 200 (<1rl:.baJ_ CA 'i!DO'i - 0 05.J/L i _I . I . I . I . I ·I I -------."'-: -~ "' ;,:., ---____ _, REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical informat!On. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site b.pecific agronomical soils report to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then compare compatibility of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success . 0,./r ~ I I 0 LOCATION MAP N.T.S. NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" 20 40 60 RCE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 80 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT fsHills1 LM_J INITIAL DATE VISTA SANTA FE -AREA SHRUB PLANTIN(l PLAN ASSISTANT PfAN~NG DIRECTOR -. / ______ _ OWN BY 'B' DATE OTHER APPROVAL C, TY AP PROV Al CHKD BY:~~- RVWD BY: r>R A WING NO. 267-6L C.M.W.D. 92-303 NOTE: INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA) NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANT[D A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY. LOCATION MAP N.T.S. APPROVED FOR PlANTING AND IRRIGATION.ONLY . INCLUDING PRECJSE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ·. RICK ENGINEErZI NC_; COMPANY 19S9 P.alomai!' ();,~~ W,n Suilc 200 Carlsbad. CA 1;12009 (619) 43!-8200 NOTE: Landscape plans are often prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specific sails agronorniCal information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site ~pecific agronomical soils report to the Landsl'.?ape Architect. Landscape Architect Architect will then corn pare compatibility·of plant materials with the site soil and advise owner and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. CJOD □~[] FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. .34197 l'II.CFIC Ct»5T HWY~ SUITE 200 ~ PONT, CA.~ rtMJ 44$-144Cii LANDSCAPE ARCl-ilTECTS, ASLA > .,,. ., I . -., ; , :\ ~ :;c ">-""-.... . 0 ,\ i($,f j-'1, : :1,,,., .-~ 7-.:" ~ -0 :,7 i SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3:1.1(a) & (b), E3-12 1(a), (b), & (c). ,,f -=---~·-==· \ . ""'. , ' )I . ,, NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" > , ' -.,,..,.,, \.----JI.'".. ~i-~ . ' b-i.'..L.L..5::::.~-1-,,,,,.... ---··-··--~~~•-.. , __ _ \,.1 ...... f.17 ~/(: DATE INITIAL '.NGINEIR OF WORK ....t......... . .....___ ,v '' ,,1 ,,,, 00 ?~ -.. \ \ . .-. \. . . .. ) '\\,, . ..1' ~ \-... ,..,,, ,:;_~, ""'E--"---------.. ·" ' . ) . . ...\_ , 0 20 40 REVISION DESCRIPTION /00 ½/ ----· ··--, '" 80 80 DATE INITIAL OlHER APPROVAi. I I '½ I , ' DATE I fl .• ------------., -> - o,~1, "AS BUILT" h?o/nrmJ RCE 1W\ EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR I 11 - I.I. 0 .... -1 --' DATE ! , ~ ~ CITY OF CARIBBAD 0 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 4 VISTA SANTA FE AREA 'B' ASSISTA OWN BY: SHRUB LANTING PLAN \111/l,'I \J :i 19 PLANNING DfRECTOR DA TE CHKD BY: __ _ I PRO.E~=I [1RAWING NO. CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: L_CI_~~._2_6_1-_6L_ C.M.WD. 92-303 I I I , 10 \ \ IIJ'TJ?,r :!-/" I Alf ET--------------- ;--~ -EL.IC =--it;:;, (1 e c,...><,..L..:-) I I I I I I I I I 3- r- \Fl l"T'I l"l'I t .. 01_ <1 -1 C'I I ~ I __ I NOTE: I I :1 I I I INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA). IQ"i(~ r .. lonrn, o~k~ Wa\ ~nlli· n'li.1 --\ \ ELP (1 ':COG""-~!-----,-, v.c <:> ('() (:',) 2 i -1 ec. ~F _ ( Q ~ L.) ':? -E Uc. 01 D ( 1 le-c,,;;..J._., J ·-.··.·-,._ •• \:1>:~-:::::·---~-.--.r--~r~1 -... -. I \ I \ "' I \ 29 CALLE a10% o.w::.::. ___ j SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR .WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION -AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3-1.1(a) & (b), E3-1.2.1(a), (b), & (c). GENERAL NOTES 30 LandscaDe i;lans am otti,n prepared in advance of the site grading resulting in no specilic soils ..g1or10mJcal information. Pri~rto the l)la.ntillQ vf any. material contained in these i;lans. The owner wdl obtam and 'h.lrlll$h e site $l)Elcilic agroncmical 1;0iis report tti the LaPosraP') Arc:meC! .. L.aridsra_p<> Architect will then compare compatibility cf plam materials with srte 5;0d and advise DWner and contrac!Dr. Should contracmr choose 1D install any plant mmerial prtono ttlis, he will lilSSl.lme sole responsibiHty tor its sua2ss. NOTE: STREET TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 3' OUT OF RIGHT OF WAY . ' c::::. <\I 31 3.2! 0/4 BARCELONA 32 ..,\ + --,1-----~====~ -"~ ,) UPPER PORTION .. '4" ~ .. :,;; 0 Be HEET L-2 < 0. ~'1 i l\i ~ 1~ ~~ '\.. ~ BARCELON I 38 ~ N ;- E; L. p (I !:;, 4-'--L-L LOWER PORTION NOTE: -·:.--· "B-1" /J ""-. ' ' (z,o)-~, 8.VC 5+75 ~ ~ I.I.I u < -w -' -' ~ I - ~~ I I I I I ~, I CJc:::::iD De:J□ FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNFRS, INC. a4197 PACIFIC COAST HWY,, SUtTe: 200 OANA POOT. CA, 9ffi9 (714-f 4:43--1446 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA THESE PLANS ARE SUPERCEDED WITH CITY APPROVED PLANS PREPARED FOR CENTEX HOMES TIERRA SANTA FE DRAWING NUMBER 334-9L, PROJECT NUMBER CT-90-4. ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE NORTH SCALE: 1"=20'-0" D 20 40 60 80 REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DATE --······"· I". ~HfiTl l CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 SRIT:TS I .. ---•----+-------------------t-·-.. ----~--->-------! L-~1_ . . .. . PLANNNG DE_PARTl\elT [ . 34 ----~-=--,---=-~--=---=---=-==================~===;===;===;=-,---: VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' l------+----+-------------------t---1--,--.. ,--c--·---- 1-----+------4------------------------,i--7--·--1"··----·-·., c---··--· --------1----+---------------i'--i--,------r ' PLANTING PLAN o~-T[--+,NITlA-L---+----------------------t----;;-DA-;:TE;,:--t-;;:1NWIT1ri"Af...----r-no•Allcii,"""f,i1N<rlT1TIN.Ai:"1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR ··-·-·----,----•·-•-----~-.. ---•-•-••---••--------!-------1---➔-------j------, ,L~ "~ :.~ ::..~ '-'_ :.~ "~ --'~ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ --....::;·-~--------------.. OWN BY: __ , REVISION DESCRIPTION •-GINEER Of WORK -·------, O"TH(R Af'PROVN. ,_ CITY "PPROVN. CHKO BY: -- RVWD BY: CT 85-9 ---- . ' ·-'1 (~ lo\ i•. 1, '" . DATE 11 A'MNG NO. 267-6L IL C.M.11',(.D. 92-303 • • ' '. \ ' \ ' ' ., ' \ . ' ' \ ' ' I ' ' I PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS REFER TO PLANTING DETAILS SHEET L-24, AND PLANTING NOTES SHEET L-25 FOR PLANT MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS. .. , SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOPES CONTRACTOR WILL ADHERE TO SLOPE REVEGETATION AND STABILIZATION MEASURES AS DETAILED PER CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, PARAGRAPH E.3·1.1(a) & (b), E3•1,2.1(a), (b), & (c). -----1·--r----------· ------0 ----------i \, '\o --~tt1_.;---I t~Ct s~tl---PONDING AREA (per Gradin . plan) , ·J o\l v.t!~----1SHT. 9, 267-2A 1 !----0 , <___ , .------------. . . ~ / --------, NO IRRIGATION REQUIRED IN THIS AREA.----. I er I \ tJ LOCATION MAP (N.T.S.) FRESHWATER MARSH PLANTING (.15 AC) NORTH SCALE: 1" = 20'-O" I!<> Oc::JD RICK ENGINEERING 0JMPANY OE'.90 FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 1959 Palorn.'lr Oaks Way Suite 200 Carlshad. (A 'i12009 (619) 431-8200 341!;.7 PACl'"IC t;:OA,ST HWY, SUITii: 200 DANA POINT, CA. 92629 (714) 443-1446 LANDSC.APE ARCHITECTS. ASLA ~ Pot,:- J',>,f) ,~~ r or CMII"</. . ------. I ~ • • /; II I RIP-RAP (per Grading plan) SHT 8, 267-2A -, -, c?· IJJ -~-?-- ~ :._)'c\,."<;.. 00\f>\\S\ , -.../ if> \.."'"'" -, --.../ -, ~ , - ~/- . , . , . -, . . . ---CJ , -- ~ r~-~ FOR SITE PLANTING SEE PLANTING PLAN SHEET L-19 ' ,• .. / / ;- //I I _ BROW DITCH PONDING AREA (per Grading plan) I ,. ' - - ~ , - - , -/ ~;..J;;':"4'"¥ . ., .,,., ~, /--~ PAVE) ACCESS ROAD (per Grading ptan}-- PLA~AC SAL SPE SHRUBS; BACSPE ESCCAL HETARB ~ LOTSCO -oo RIB SPE RHU INT SAL API [1i] SAL MEL [ffl ... __ .rox DIV SCI CAL TYPSPE ~'· \,.., 'I, \,'q . ' QUANTITY: PLATANUS RACEMOSA CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE SALIX SPECIES ARROYO WILLOW BACCHARIS SPECIES MULEFAT ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA CALIFORNIA POPPY HETEROMELES ARBUTFOLIA TOYON LOTUS SCOPARIUS DEERWEED RIBES SPECIES CATALINA CURRANT RHUS INTEGRIFOLIA LEMONADE BERRY SALVIA APIANA WHITE SAGE SALVIA MELLIFERA 18 111 170 150 94 88 73 110 88 SIZE: 1.GAL SPACED 6' O.C. - ' · CUTTINGS/OR LINERS NATURALIZED CLUMPS RANDOMLY SCATTERED LINERS LINERS LINERS LINERS LINERS 1 GAL LINERS BLACK SAGE 88 LINER . IOXIC0DENOER0N DIVERSILOBLIIII . CIJTTNGS/OR LINERS POISON OAK . )60 NATURALIZED CLUMPS SCIRPUS CAUFORNICUS RANDOMLY SCATTERED CALIFORNIA BULLRUSH SO% CUTTINGS SPACED 6' 0.C. TYPHA SPECIES CATTAIL 5&/. ..CUTTINGlS SPACED 6' o.c. ...., ..... -... ............. ~ ............. -.......-...: LMT OF WORK UPLAND PLANTING (.25 AC) "AS BUILT" :f~"i '.)'.}) rm,or ✓l ·NOTE: Landscape plans are ollel'I prepared in advance of the sit.a grading resulting in no specific soils agronomical information. Prior to the planting of any material contained in these plans. The owner will obtain and furnish a site specific agronomical soils repon to the Landscape Architect. Landscape Architect will then compare compatibil~y of plant materials with site soil and advise owner.and contractor. Should contractor choose to install any plant material prior to this, he will assume sole responsibility for its success. DATI: IN!ll"L ENGINEER Of' WORK REVISION DESCRtPTION APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE ·· LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE i 00\ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR EXP. ___ _ DATE VISTA_$_ANTA_F.E..'.'.'._AR.EA'8' .. o"n: INlllAf. D"TE INITIAf. OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAf. RIPARIAN HABITAT PLANTING Pl..,AN ASSIST OWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO, CT 85-9 DATE DRAWING NO. 267-6L PREVAILING l WINO l (i> tCt4Y wit TREE! TIIE -~ ~ LODGF:l"OLE PLAN VIEW ... ---TREE TRUNK 5· ----(---6· MIN. BETWEEN TOP OF POLI': ANO ____ 6_ LOWEST BRANCH OF CROWN ---,------(2) 'TWIST BRACE' TREE TIES. NAIL WI /2) GALVANIZED NAILS@ EACH ENO. MFG BY VI T. PRODUCTS (619) 673-1760 .ff--------/2) 2" x B' LODGEPOLES ~l....)il:'7q~···· ----(1) 8"' 'ARBOR GUARD' FOR EACH TREE IN TURF MFG. BY DEEP ROOT CORP ROOT BALL 36" (714} 898-0563 ,----FINISH GRADE ----RCFCR TO TRCE PLANTING DETAIL FOR 24" PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS ----NATIVE SUBGRADE NOTE: USE FOR ALL 15 GALLON SIZE TREES .. DOUBLE STAKED TREE ROOT BALL --(3) 1/2" DIA PVC SLEEVES OVER WIRF --(1) 8" 'AR/JOR GUARD' FOR EACI! TREE IN TURF MFG. BY DEEP ROOT CORP (714) 898-0563 ,--FINISH GRADE (J) -OUCKrnLL EARTI / ANG! ,one; MFG BY VI T PRODUCTS (619) 673• 1760 '---F/£F£R TO TREE PLANTING DET',IL FOR PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS '--NATIVE SUBGRADE NOTE: USE FOR ALL 24 "BOX OR LARGER SIZE SPECIMEN TREES . AT DIRECTION OF OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 0 fill/ GUY STAKED SPECIMEN TREE ROOT BALL ~--TOP OF ROOT BALL TOBE /"ABOVE FINISH GRADE jm-Wle~--P/..ANT!NG TA£JLETS (SEE SCHEDULE FOR QUANTITY) --,....---ttt il..,..,l,.....,.~,_lL,_~~----DACKFILL MIX PEA SOILS REPORT l•_-• ::::.::::•;°: :• .=, 12" ,/,rt~~!ttJ±t-----COMPACT SOIL AT BOTTOM OF PIT TO PREVENT SHRUB FROM SETTLING AMEND PER SOILS REPORT 2 nvo TIMES ~---NA/IV£ SUBGRADE WIOTI/ CF ROO7 E3A L SHRUB PLANTING • ROOT BALL ~-----EXISTING SLOPE FACE TOP OF ROOT BALL TO BE 1 "ABOVE FINISH GRADE, IN LINE WITH SLOPE FACE 4• r/lGH BASIN, FIRMLY COMPACTED f!'+H'-.:--PLANTING TABLETS (SEE SCHEDULE FOR QUANTITY) 12·· . ~ .-.:_.:~·_.;_:::·.:::·=·:·: I I '---BACKFILL MIX PER SOILS REPORT '---co,1.~11CT SOIL AT BOTTOM OF PIT TO WIOT/1 OF ROOT BALL AMEND PER SOILS REPORT (2) nvo I/MES ~PREVENT SHRUB FROM SETTLING NATIVE SU£JGRADE TREE & SHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPE SOIL AMENDMENTS $QI!,. PREPAR8TIOU Contractor shall thouroughly incorporate the following amendments into the soil by means of a power rototiller to a uniform depth of 9" all planting areas: U~m Agricultural Gypsum Elemental Sulfur Zinc: Sulfate Iron Sulfate Nitrolized Redwood Shavings QJJ.,!.n!fu 1 oo lbs./1000 s.f. 2 lbs./1000 s.f. 1 lbs./1000 s.f. . 2 lbs.11000 s.f. 4 cu.yds./1000 s.f. UY9fQ§~gc,tf,l~irry M!! (NOT APPLICABLE) Contractor shall th0t1roughly incorporate the following amendments into the sl11rry mix: l_t~m. Conwed Mulching Fil1er Gro Power Plus CPA lh11ne•ctant Seed Mix per plan Qwm!illl 2000 lbs.lac. 500 lbs.lac. 1 so lbs.lac. Backfill Mix ---------------- NOTE: Contractor shall thouroughly incorporate the following ame11d111ents into the planting mix; 6 palls by volume on ,ite soil. 4 parts by volume nitrolized redwood shavings. 2 l!Js. Iron Sulfate p,:,r cu.yd. of mix. 1 lbs. 15-15·15 co111mercial fertilizer per cu. yd. of mix. Plant Tablets per plan FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY PENDING FINAL SOIL AMENDMENT SCHEDULE -y .. ~ RlcK ENGINEERING COMPANY " b!l!!llll!!!,..., 1.41 ~ • =::di t9'5-9 Palomar O.lt.11 W■y Si.the 200 C■rlsbiid, CA i,12009 PLANT TABLET SCHEDULE GROPQWER PLANTlfJG TABLCTS Fo:, CONTAINFR·GIJOWN PlANlS LINERS & FLATS 1 TABLET 1 GAi.LON CONTAINER 11ECEIVES • • • • • • • • • • 2 TABcETS 5 GALLON CONTAINER RECFIVES -··, • • • • • • 6 TABLETS 15 GALIONCONTAINERRFCl:IVES •••••••••·•12 TABIFTS 20· BOX Ri:CEIV[S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14 TABI f-1 S 24· BOX RECl:IVLS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • .. 14 TAEll F 1S :10' 80X f1f:Cl:IV[S • • • • • • • • • • • .. • ••• • • • • ·• • 16 TABI f-I S :Jfi" ROX 111:CEIV[S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · • • • • • 18 TARI f-IS 42"fl0X11ECEIVcS •• • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • ·20 TARLl:IS 48" 80X R[CEIVES" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • 22 f ABLE TS w· ROX R[C[l'v[S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32 TABLETS f"OR IAl10l:I< BOX SIZFS USI: 3 'A8LETS FOR EACH 1:2· rn- C,\I IP[R SIZF. MfASUR[D 14" ABOVI: FINISH GMA()I: PLANT LEGEND 0 TREE SPECIES SIZE QUANTITY SHRUB ,, t VINE DROSANTHEMUM FLORIBUNDUM PLANT MATERIALS LIST TREES: CIN CAM CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA CAMPHOR TREE JAC MIM JACARANDA MIMOSIFOLIA JACARANDA KOE PAN KOELREUTERIA PANICULATA GOLDEN RAIN TREE MEL LEU MELALEUCA LEUCADENDRA CAJEPUT TREE MEL NES MELALEUCA NESOPHYLLA PINK MELALEUCA PIN ELD PINUS ELDARICA MONDELL PINE PIN HAL PINUS HALEPENSIS ALEPPO PINE RHU LAN RHUSLANCEA AFRICAN SUMAC SHRUBS: ACA RED ~ ACACIA REDOLENS t..::u PROSTRATE ACACIA CIS PUR • •• .,. .... .. .,. ... : .. . HEMDWFm LEPSCO PIT VAR CISTUS F'URPUREUS ORCHID ROCKROSE COTONEASTER PARNEYI RED CLUSTERBERRY ESCALLONIA FRADESII PINK ESCALLONIA HEMEROCALLIS HYBRID ('DWARF') DWARF DAY LILY LEPTOSPERMUM SCOPARtUM NEW ZEALAND TEA TREE PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA 'VARIEGATA' VARIEGATED MOCK ORANGE ' ~ SUGAR BUSH SPACING 8'-0''. O.C. 5'-0" o.c . 10'.C)"" 0.C. 8'-0"" o.c. 18" o.c. s·-0 .. 0.C. 8' ..O" O.C. 10'-0" o.c. ROSEA ICE PLANT HAND PLANTED FROM FLATS @ 18" o.c. RHll OVA ~~.$1 RHUS OVATA TRAJAS TRACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES STAR JASMINE 2"-0" o.c. GROUND COVER DEEP ROOT CONTROL PLANTER FOR UP TO 15 GALT.REE OR 20" ROOT BALL P!:'OOUCT SPECIFICAilONS DEEP ROOT ~, STANDARD F'FIE•FORMEO PLANTER ~ 22-29· 1 BP -50UARE PROFILE MAieRIAL: STRUCTURAL FOAM POL.YETHYLENE PLASTIC. MATERIAi,. THICKNESS: .250 INJECTION MOLDED: ROOT DEFLECTING RIBS/ULTRAVIOLET STA6I1,.IZl:RS ADDE~ DIMl:NSIONS INSIDE: 22" SQ. TOP -29'' SO. BOTTOM -HEIGHT 18" I COM~ACl SQ·L TO~ uo-lOM Q• ..001 ~ALL : ' l NOTE: ·J"<'-/ I TM o· Ol>Ol~r "'""IHI"""''< ~t Mmo, ~, o""~ 1, .. WMII co,o, ._:''~u~~,o~e~/ ---------.. \ S<>Llt><.t:istH I CU~B 7 ,..,,....~~~~ 9 ' :. C: _-.:. ::·:~.,. I ~, .. , ..... ~ ... -· .J lKm ISACll:FILL 1>6~~ i'lc;)OT CO~TIIQI PLANTE~ ,.-Tc) l,.' G~,O,VlL QII ____ ,, ·--· $OIL BACll:FILL INSTALL DEEP ROOT BARRIERS FOR ALL CAMPHOR TREES (CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA), XYLCOM XYLOSMA CONGESTUM ·cOMPACTA" DWARF SHINY XYLOSMA GROUND COVER: LON JAP IC )I LONICERA JAPONICA HONEYSUCKLE (FLATS) · MYO PAR lf77nl MYPORUM PARVIFOLIUM (FLATS) B'-O" Q_c_ 1s·· o.c. 18"" O.C. l!:f!£j MYOPORUM ORO FL~ ~ DROSANTHEMUM FLORIBUNDUM (FLATS) L:..:::..!1 ROSEA ICE PLANT 1s·· o.c. VINES!ESPALIERS: BOU ISA APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS BOUGANVILLEA 'ISABEL GREENSMITH' BOUGANVILLEA "AS BUil T" (:.-·:::-i • °' (\(\ 1 (i'' ':'L -~H I · It '-J rn 1.J 1 RCE l0£.I EXP REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DAT&<?/;b DATE + -. .L. - " . "" -l - -+----· ---·-·-- _j__ ------l------"" -· . ---" -- I ~--·t-SHEU~~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I · · -~ --.. . L----::-33 j l _ENGINEE_RING DEPARTI.AENT _J 34 ........• :·:~-~-.=.:. -·= -=+----·· ·--+--_--:_--:::_-~----- ···· ··-··· -··· .. ····-·-·-+-·---+----+-----+-------ii I VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' ~----------=----=----~-----, --+-------_-_ -_-_--_ -------=-t-. - -=-~=~-+-----ii I PLANTING DETAILS ----· -□t0oD 1-----------,>----+-________ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_------~~~~=--~:,_ ___ -_-_:_~--~:~_+,___· ----11 ~:-:-:-:-:-;-~_,_,_..,,:_,_N_N~f2X~G~D-JR_E_C_T_0_1'1.~ .. -.-_-_ --_·v,_ii_~_A'J-~----_·:)_c ·1 LANDSCN'! AR(HIH(T\ ASL"- FC)RSl 1,V\/SU/v1MERS & PARTNERS. INC. ____ -+---· --·-·------------+----+·------.----+-------11 O'M--1 BY· .-frl ~ r 34197 f>ACFICCOASTHWY.,Sl.lfTE200DANA-POM",CA.92629 {714J443-144(i DATE INITIAL DA.TE INITIAL DATE IN1TIA.L CHKO BY: __ _ ,_NGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER lll'f>ROV-',L CITY IIPPROV-',L L'R'--"VWO'--"-''-----'B'-Y'.:.:-===c.JI.-CT 85-9 l ,·,. 4WJNG NO.I 267-6L ! C.M.W.D. 92-303 PLANTING NOTES General Site Planting The Owner shall have a Soll analysis made after completion of the rough grading. A copy of the soils analysis shall be provided to the city cl Carlsbad. The contractor shall incorporate all soil amendments and fertilizers prescribed therein. The soil preparation specified below shall be adjusted according to the analysis. (City shall approve testing agency and soil test results prior to purchase of arrmendments) 1. Weed Control for Lawn, Shrub & Ground Cover Areas (Exceot Slopes> 2. 3. a. Remove all existing weeds from surface. Remove all roots of Bermuda-Johnson Grass, etc. b. Install irrigation. c. Fertilize all shrub/ground cover areas. Apply 10 lbs. of 16-20-0 commercial fertilizer per 1,000 sq. It. d. Water all shrub/ground cover areas for three weeks to germinate weed seeds. Water application at low rate to avoid erosion. e. Apply contact weed killer 'Round-Up' to all planting areas. Herbicide applicator shall be licensed by the State of California. f. Plant shrub/ground cover as soon as 'Round-Up' has dissipated, according to manufacturer's; specifications. Soil Preparation & Finish Grading a. Rough grade • Site to be received by Landscape Contractor to within 1110 foot plus or minus by others based upon Landscape Architect's grading plan. b. finish grade -finish grading to consist of grading, raking and hand work necessary to achieve desired contour and flow line patterns resulting In evenly finished surfaces free of debris and litter. c. Spread over all lawn, shrub and ground cover areas, amendments and fertilizer prescribed In soils report. Thoroughly mix into soil to depth ot 6" and fine grade. Shape mounds as shown on plans. Contour Interval at 1·0... Contractor to import soil necessary to attain design grades and berms, Import soil to be free of weeds, debris, and have balanced ph. Smooth and even grading without depressions or high spots, to provide smooth and even surfaces for proper drainage. final grade will be 1" below walk/lop of curb. Remove from the site all stones over 2" In size. All planting areas, lNlth the exception of slopes eq.ual or greater than a grade ot :}:f, .shall be top dressed with a 3" layer of Sequoia Forest humus. Planting Plant trel,s, shrubs and ground cover as called for where Indicated on Planting plan and as detailed on Planting Plan and as detailed on Planting detail sheet. Substitutions of plants will not be accepted unless approved bv Landscape Architect, a. Ground Cover -Flats and/or Cuttings All plant materials specified as rooted cuttings or flat stock on Planting Plan shall remain in the flats until time of transplanting. The flat soil shall contain sufticient moisture so that soil does not fall apart when lifting plant from flat. Ground cover plants shall not be allowed to dry out before or while being planted. Roots shall not be exposed to the air except while actually being planted. WIited plants will not be accepted. At the time of planting, the soil around each plant shall be firmed sufficiently to force out air pockets. Plants to be planted in triangular spacing as specified o.c. (on center). All cuttings shall be minimum of 6" long. Install plants in 6"x6 .. planting pits. Water Immediately after each planting until one inch of water penetration Is obtained. All ground cover areas to receive a pre-emergent weed control treatment of 'Betasan·or 'Treflan', applied per manufacturer's recommendation and consultation with a pest control advisor. Care shall be exercised at all times to protect the plants alter planting. Any damage to plants by trampling or other operations of this contract shall be repaired Immediately. b. Shrubs & Trees Plant all container-grown plants In planting pits, two times wider and two times deeper than the container, as detailed on Planting detail sheet. Thoroughly mix 113 organic backfill (Nitrolized Redwood Shavings or equal) and the amendments specified in the soils analysis with the site soil, prior to backfilling of planting pits. Install Gro Power Planting tablets, per the manufacturer's instructions and as detailed on Planting Detail Sheet. Contractor shall construct 6. c. Sod shall be laid the same day It Is delivered. Sod shall not be left on pallets In the hot sun. Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage to sod not installed on day of delivery. d. Unroll sod carefully and place in staggered pattern of strips. Sod shall be laid and taped against adjacent strips to eliminate Joints and edges. e. Trim sod to conform to lawn shapes designated in the Planting plan. I. Aller sod Is laid, it shall be Irrigated thoroughly to provide moisture penetration to at least 6" into prepared soil. g. All sod in sodded areas shall be handled and laid in a high standard workmanship manner. All ends, joints, and cuts shall fit tightly so that there are no voids and the final appearance Is one of a continuous lawn. Sections of sod less than 18" long or 9" wide shall not be used. h. No sod area )"'ill be accepted until approved by the Landscape Architect. Stolinized Turi -See PleotJng Detail sheet tor Tvae of Stolon a. General Definitions: Stolon Installation shall consist of the following: Quality stolons, proper planting date, adequate soil preparation, Incorporation of suitable soil amendments If required, preplant fertilizers, proper stolon storage, planting of stolons approximately 75% into damp soil and thereafter adequately Irrigated. b. Materials and Comcositlon of Stolon:r The standard unit of measurement for stolons shall be a bushel. A bushel is defined as 1.24 cu. ft., loose packed and having a minimum weight of eight (8) pounds net. See planting detail sheet for type of stolon. Minimum planting rate shall be five (5) bushels per 1,000 sq. ft. Stolons shall be grown from high quality vegetative material upon soil treated with appropriate State and Federal regulatory agency approved pesticides for control ofdiseases, Insects and weeds. They shall be produced in fields periodically inspected by the California Department of Food and Agriculture Nursery section to insure high quality and freedom from diseases, insects, and weeds according to the standards in effect In the current publication ol 'State of California Regulations for Nursery Inspection·. c. Condi1ion of Stolons: Stolons shall be defined as fresh living sections of runners and stems having nodes (joints) which will produce growth (may be seasonably dormant and capable of renewing growth after planting) when properly planted and maintained. d. Planting Pate· The optimum planting period is generally between April 1 through September 30. Earlier and later planting can be made depending upon soil temperatures and availability of quality stolons. Plantings made other than during the optimum period of the year require a minimum of 20% additional bushels of stolons per 1,000 sq. ft. e. Soil Preparation·. Debris shall be removed, weeds may be removed or plowed under, the soil tilled four (4) to six (6) Inches in depth and such soil amendments as may be required for soil fertllity1 drainage and texture shall be worked Into the soil. All areas shall be rough graded plus or minus one (1) Inch, then thoroughly Irrigated to wet the soil profile to a depth of eight (8) to twelve (12) inches. Finish grade to level, the top three (3) Inches of soil must be In a loose, friable condition and free of rocks larger than four (4) inches. Ammonium phosphate (16-20-0J (or other recommended fertilizer) shall be broadcast on all soil surfaces at ten (I 0) pounds per 1 ,ODO sq. ft. Soil preparation and amendments for hea_vy use, such as athletic fields, may be more extensive than the foregoing. f. Stolon Planung; basins around all trees not In lawn areas; basins shall not exceed top . of root ball crown. ( SEE NOTE ON PLANTING PLANS REGARDING SOIL PREPARATION) Stolons shall be planted within 24 hours of delivery to·the Job site. The stolons shall be pressed Into the friable damp soil In such a manner as to bury approximately 75% of the stolons to a depth of 112' to 1-112"; stolons thus planted shall be rolled Immediately thereafter, to assure intimate contact between soil particles and the stolons. For planting large areas In excess of 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft., mechanical stolon planters as the Cal-Turf "Stolon roller, shall be employed. In small residential lots, stolons may be scattered on the prepared surface and top dressed with approximately 1/4 .. organic material, then rolled. II Is not necessary to top dress stolons which have been properly planted with suitable mechanical equipment. 4. 5. c. Top Dressing Top dress all ground cover and shrub areas with 3" thick layer of mulch approved by City inspector. ( Contractor to submit sample> d. Staking Stake all trees as detailed on Planting detail sheet. e. Pots & Planters Apply Thompson's Water Seal or equal to Inside of all .P.ots and redwood planters prior to planting. All pots shall be drilled for drainage and furnished with saucer Special Backfill Mixes a. Azaleas • Use pure Peat Moss b. Camellias & ferns -Use 50% Peat Moss, 25% Forest Humus and 25% Site Soil c. Pots and Planters -Use Kellogg's Indoor Planter Mix. Sod -See Planting Detail shast for Type of Sod a. Areas shall have a smooth and continual grade between existing or fixed controls, such as: walks, curbs, catch basins. Roll, scarify, rake and level as necessary to obtain true, even soil $urface. b. Apply fertilizers as specified on Planting detail sheet onto the soil. Suite 200 filrhbct cAn~ 7. g. Irrigation: At no time after planting shall stolons be subjected to drying out. Newly planted stolons shall be irrigated to a depth of 8" immediately after planting; at 100 degrees (FJ., fifteen (15) minutes is the maximum Interval between planting and irrigation at 75 degrees (F)., one (1) hour is the maximum Interval. New swlon plantings shall be kept saturated with water at all times for the first then (10) to twenty (20) days after planting, or until the new turf plants are sufficiently rooted and well established to withstand less frequent irrigation. Hvdroseed Turf Hydroseed all areas designated as 'Hydroseeded Turf'. See Planting Detail sheet for type and quantity of seed mix, fertilizer and additional amendments. A. APPLICATION 1. Eqy!pm@nl: Hydraulio equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed, and fiber pulp, shall be of the 'Super Hydro-Seeder· type, as approved by the Landscape Architect. This equipment shall have a built-In agitatior system and operating capacity sulllclent to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fiber mulch plus a combination of 7 lbs. fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons of water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which shall place the slurry lank and spray nozzle within sulllclent proximity to be seeded. 2. Preparation; The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of ,work and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached the heights of the agitator shaft, good circulation shall be established and at this time the seed shall be added. Fertilizer shall then be added, followed by fiber• mulch. The fiber mulch shall be added to the mixture after the seed and when the tank is at least third filled with water. All fiber mulch shall be added third filled by the time the tank is two-thirds to three-fourths full. Spraying shall commence immediately when tank is full. 3. Application: Apply hydro-mulch in the form of a slurry consisting of wood cellulose fiber, seed, chemical additives, commercial fertlllzer and water. When hydr~ulically sprayed on the soil surface, the hydromulching shall form a blotter-like ground cover Impregnated uniformity with seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rain fall and percolation to the underlying soil. Remove all fiber applied to drain cwter, streets, walls, and other construction. Leave site ~room-clean. GENERAL SLOPE PLANTING The Owner shall have a soil analysis made after completion of the rough grading. The Contractor shall incorporate all soil amendments and fertililzers prescribed herein. The soil preparation specified below shall be adjusted accordingly to the analysis. PLANTING PREPARATION 1 . Slope Texturing a. Cut Slopes; These surfaces shall be r.lghened in a horizontal direction following the contour of the slope. The roughened texture shall be made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. • b. Eill $!opes: These surfaces shall be compacted and finished and also roughened in a horizontal direction following the contour of the slope. The roughened texture shall be made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. 2. Weed Eradication Procedures a. Manually remove all existing vegetation and dispose of it off-site. b. Fertilize all planting areas with fertilizer based on Soil Labs • recommendations. (See Planting detail sheet). Add any and all 1>0II amendments as required, per the soil analysis. Begin watering process to activate fertilizer and additive chemicals. c. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of two (2) consecutive weeks. The Landscapi, Architect shall approve specific watering duration and frequency program deslnged to germinate all residual weed seeds. d. Discontinue watering process for two (2) days, then ~pply 'Round-Up' If perennial weeds appear on the slopes. If annual weeds appear, use straight contact herbicide as per the pest control advlsor·s recommendations. No waler shall be applied for a minimum of four (4) days following application of contact weed killer. e. Allow sufficient period of time to Insure that all weeds are dead. f. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of three (3) weeks. A shorter watering period may be permissible at the discretion of the Landscape Architect and/or the pest control advisor, Discontinue the watering process for one (1~ day prior to the second application of the herbicide spraying. Re-apply the spraying operation with a straight contact weed killer, as per the pest control advisor's recommendations. Allow a minimum of lour (4) days without Irrigation, for effective final weed kill. g _ Clear all desicated weeds from the slopes to the finished grade. .. h_ Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for three (3) consecutive days to saturate upper layer:;i of soil prior to the hydroseeding operation. I. Then allow planting area soil surface to dry out for one (1) day only, prior to the hydroseeding application. Care must be taken not to allow the soil surface to be super-saturated with water prior to the hydroseeding Installation. At the same time, the soil surface should not be bone dry. · There should be some residual moisture within the first 112 .. of soil surface. J. Begin the hydroseeding operation all areas, as specified. J. Plaolioc 4. 5. Plant trees and shrubs as called for where Indicated on Planting Plan and as detailed on Planting detail sheet. Subsututions of p!ants will not be ecceoted unless 8PPC0ved by Landscape Architect Install Gro-Power Planting tablets as called for In legend. Plant all container grown plants in planting pits two (2) times wider and two (2) times deeper than the container. Thoroughly mix the specified materials found in the soil analysis and those specified In the Planti.ng detail sheet, with the site soil, prior to backfilling of planting pits. Gro-Power Planting Tablets (See Planting Detail Sheet) Hydroseeding fi.Dei:ificaljpn3 for Sfope Areas (NOT APP~ICABLE) a. HYDROSEED MIX Hvdroseed mix and mulch shall be amended to suit specific site conditions. Verify hvdroseed mix with the Landscape Architect upon results of the soil analysis. The mix shall be applied to all slope areas directly after the Installation of all plant materials as final dressing. See Planting Detail sheet for type and quantity of seed mix, fertilizer, and addlllonal amendments. 6. APPLICATION 1. Equipment; Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed and fibre mulch, shall be of the 'Super Hydro-Seeder' type, as approved by the Landscape Architect. This equipment shall have a built-in agitator system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogenously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. ol fibre mulch plus a combination of 7 lbs. fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons of water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which shall place the slurry tank and spray nozzle within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. 4. 2. Preparation· The slurry preparation shall take plaoe at the site of work and shall begin by acfding water to the tank when the engine is at hall throttle. When the water level has reached the heights of the agitator shaft, good circulation shall be establishecl and at this time the seed shall be added. Fertilizer shall only be added to the mixture alter the seed and when the tank is al least one-third filled with water. All fibre mulch shall be added by the time the tank is two-thirds to three-forthes full. Spraying shall commence immediately when the lank Is full. 5. 3. App!jcallon; When hydraulicaly sprayed on the soil surface, the hydo- mulching shall form a blotter-like ground cover lmpregnaled uniformily with seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rainfall percolate to the underlying soil. Remove all fibre applied to drain gutter, streets, walls and other construction. Leave site broom-clean. GENERAL NOTES See Planting Detail Sheet For Further' Notes 6. 1 . CLEAN-UP a. After all installation operations have been completed, remove all rubbish, excess soil, empty plant containers and trash from the site daily. All soars, ruts or other marks in the area caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground left In a neat, orderly condition. Leave site in broom- clean condition at the end of each working day. Hose down all paved areas, Including walks and patios, upon completion of all work. 7. 2. MAINTENANCE a. The Contractor shall maintain during installation a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the work herein specified. Plant maintenance work shall consist of applying water, weeding , caring of plants, including ground covers, shrubs, vines and trees, edging and mowing lawns, fertilizing, control of pests and diseases, and maintaining s. walks free of debris and dirt. Upon completion of each area of installation, the Contractor, Landscape Archit~ct and Owner shall conduct and inspection of complete area, along with the Owner's maintenance representative. At this time, a list of corrections, If any, shall be made which are the responsibility of the Contractor. b. After all work has been completed, inspected and accepted, all areas will be maintained for a period of ninety (90) calendar days or as long as is necessary to establish thriving trees, shrubs, turf, and ground cover areas without bare spots. c. Keep all areas weed-free, adequately watered, and neatly cultivated tor the ninety (90) day period. Remove all debris from site and keep the entire site broom-clean. Mow turf areas weekly. Hydroseeded turf areas shall be Irrigated after the slurry mulch has been applied and allowed to set for one (1) day. The soil surface must be kept moist at all times during the germination period to avoid desication of seedlings. d. Re-seed all bare spots in turf areas at two (2) week intervals and maintain until an even stand of turf, without bare spots, is obtained. Re-seed all slope areas that fail to germinate evenly. Repair all eroded surfaces at no cost to the Owner. e. Damage to any planted area shall be repaired immediately. Depressions caused by vehicles or toot traffic shall be filled with topsoil, leveled and replanted. Exterminate gophers, moles and repair damage. f. The project shall be so cared for that a neat clean condition will be presented at all times to the satisfaction of the Owner and Landscape Architect. The landscape contractor shall be expected to make a minimum of one weekly visit for maintenance purposes. g. At the end of the maintenance period, all areas that have been planted shall be fertilized with commercial fertili%er, analysis 16-8-8, at 300 lbs. per acre, and watered thoroughly. h. The Contractor shall request a final ln'spection seven (7) days prior to the end of the maintenance period. This request shall be written and directed to the Owner and the Landscape Architect. Upon acceptance of the project, the Contractor shall be relieved of any further maintenance. 3. GUARANTEE All turf, hand-planted and hydro-seeded ground cover, and shrubs shall be guaranteed to live and grow to a period of ninety (90) days after installation a nd acceptance by the Landscape Architect. Trees shall be guaranteed for one year. Any materl&I that fails to grow through the specified maintenance and gurantee period shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. • APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS I INSPECTIONS a. All Inspections specified herein shall be made by the Landscape Architect or his representative. The Contractor shall request inspection at least two (2) working days in advance of the time that the inspection Is required. b. Inspections will be required for the following parts of the work: 1. Upon oompletion of grading and soil conditioning prior to planting. 2. When trees are spotted for planting, but before planting holes are excavated. 3. When planting and all other indicated or specified work, except the maintenance period, has been completed. City inspector shall inspect & establish the beginning ol the maintenance period. 4. Final Inspection with the Owner or his representative at the end of the maintenance period. VERIFICATION PE DIMENSIONS a. AU scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall oarefully check and verify all dlmenoions and quantities, and shall Immediately inform the Landscape Architect of any discrepancy between the drawings and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be done in any area where there Is such a discrepancy until approval for same has been given by the Landscape Architect. UTILITIES a. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the location of all underground utility lines prior to any construction, so that proper precautions may be taken not to damage such lines and plant locations, promptly notify the Landscape Architect who will arrange for relocations of one or the other. Failure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility for , at his own expense, making any and all repairs for damages resulting from his work. EXISTING TREES a. Contractor is to insure the preservation of any existing trees on the site. Damage or loss of these trees will result in replacement of equal size by the Landscape Contractor. MISCELLANEOUS CITY REQUIREMENTS a. A fast growing cover crop and jute matting are required on all slope areas per Landscape Manual page 34 section E3·1 .1. See Plans for Installation notes. b. On sheet graded pads cover crop (Standard No. 1 Landscape Manual :page 34 section E3-1.1) Is required If not scheduled for Improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading (Landscape Manual page 35 section E3-1.2, 2.1,a) Additionally, discing of the pad area Is required prior to planting _J;, d. ~!anting 'As-Built' drawings will be required If plant material are 1not located per approved plan, or If substitutions are made. Changes to original mylar drawings 'As-Bullis' can only be !performed by a licensed Landscape Architect. •. The area IHIUndM by tlla at;Mllne and the sidewalk must ~ kept clear ol obatructlona 30" or taller. CJoD □~□ FORSUM/SUMMERS & PARTNERS, INC. 34197 ~ COAST HWY~ SUITE 200 DANA POINT, CA. ~!;t (714) 441441j: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, ASLA "AS BUILT" -'r¢1 i 'Yr1,.. '="t el RC£ )8£,I EXP. REVlE'NED BY: INSPECTOR DATE -:SHf-l'"li CITY OF CARLSBAD 11-SHEETSI , L-34 1 L PLAlflNG DEPARTMENT L 34 . - - J . . --· -.. . ... .. . ···-·· --· - VISTA SANTA FE -AREA 'B' PLANTING NOTES ASSIS 1-----+--+-------------+----t---+----t-------t~=;:::==:==-~r D'M--1 BY- DATE CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: DAT£ INITIAL I . N GINEER OF woRK REVISION DESCRIPTION DAT!: INITIAL DAT!: INITIAL OTi.ER APf'ROVAL CITY APPROVAL CT 85-9 · J c.M.W~_92-303