HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 271-5M; CT 85-19; MEADOWLANDS; 01-24SITE LOCATION VICINITY MAP N.T.S. CITY or OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY 7B FOR RECREATION LOTS 25, 35, 94 & 95 CARLSBAD T 85-19 NOT TO SCALE CITY or VISTA 0 0 °' 0 GENERAL NOTES / RECVO.ED WATER NOTES 1. All ~ shal be done In accadenc:e with the Ombad munldpal wale" c,l9I, Ids • carllbad recycled rules and regulallons for construcllon of recyded water main dated Qctmer t 993 2 Drinking fountains shall be pi otected ~"'" spray of recycles Wllll!r', best management pract!ces shal be used to mlnlml2e recycled water encroachment on public l'adlltles such as picnic tables BBQ's, playgrounds, sand, tot lots, ett. 3 Best management practices shaH be used to eliminate or CXllltrol to the best extent possible ponding, run-off, CNer spray and misting. 4 Hose bibs are strlctly prohibited. S On-site aoss-o:>nnedlon between recycles -•nes and polable wata" llnes Is strlctly prohibited. 6 No SlJ>stltutjon of pope matl!rlals wlH be 2nowed without proper appro,al of the aty of Carlsbad Munldpel water District. 7 All on sill! pops shal have wamlng tape per cartsbad Municipal Water Dlstr1ct Rules and Regulatlons. 8 The lmgatton system shall run between the hows or 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 am the fOllowlng morning ( spot IITlgatlon could be done at a different tlme with qualtned supervl!lan personnel on site.) 9 Provide a minimum of at least 18 Inches of C1M!I over all wlrlng and piping. 10 Non-designated use areas shall be pi ota:ted from contact horn recyded water, whether by windblown spray or by direct appllcatlon, through lmgatlon or olher approved U!le, Lade or .,. otec.tloo, Whether by design, construdlon practlce or system operation, Is strictly prohibited. 11 ln1gat:lon heads shall be relocaled or adjusted ID p, e.,.,t aver-spraying on sidewalks, streets and non-designated use areas. 12 Recycled water quick ooupllng valves shall be ofa type designed for the use on recycled water dlstrl:lUt:1on systems (spikes not Interchangeable with potable water quick coupler spikes) per Carlsbad Municipal water district Rules and Regulation. 13 ~ shall be sized by the city of Carlsbad m111lclpal water dlstJ1<:t. 14 All Irrigation pipes shall be stenciled with the vanlng, "non-potable and sll!nclllng orlented toward the top of the trench per the CSr1sbad Munldpal Water Dlstrtd: Rules and Regulation, 15 Al potable water and recyded water piping shall be Installed with the midllng oriented toward the IXJp of the trench. 16 When potable Wllll!r llne and recyded water line atlS!I, the recyded llne shall be installed with a pi otatlve sleeve. The sleeve shall extend 10 f'ellt from each side, horn the centl!r line potable line for a total of 20 feet 17 A 10 foot horlzontal separation between potable water and recycled water mains must be maintained at all tlmes. The potable lines must be Installed above the recycled lne. 18 A minimum of 12 Inches of vertical separatlon between utllllfes must be maintained at all tlrnes. 19 Developer/ contractor shall conduct a aoos C011oectfol1 teat and coverage test as dlrecti!d by the Cartsbad munldpal wab!r dlstr1ct: engineer or the San Diego C.ounty department of l'nwonmental Health Seivk:es pr1or to any use or recycled water. 20 Quick coupllng valwJs used In recycled water s,,lerns shal CXJi{a 111 to Ille tbllowlng. Recyded water: quick coupling valves used In lllC)'Cled water systems shall have aane type threads (spikes not lnllerchangeable with potable water quick coupler spke) and purple colored locking covers permanently attached to the valve. Quick coupling valves shaH be nelson no 7645, Hunter NO. HVlOOA·RL·NP or approved equal. 21 An annual aoss connection Inspection wlll.be done by either Carlsbad munldpal water district or San Diego County DepartmE11t of Environmental Health Sa-vices. Coples of Inspection reports will be forwarded to the norhpectlng party. 22 Developer shall show the loc8tlon or recycles 1lgns "DO NOT DRINK" on the plans. 23 An on-site / supervlSor shall be designated n \Wltlng, this lndlvklual shal be familiar with plumping systems with In property, with the basic concepts of backftow / ams connection protection, and the speclflc requirements of a recyded wata" system. Coples or the deslgnatl011, with <XN ttact phone numbers shall be provided to the San Diego C.ounty Department of Environmental Health Services and carlsbad Munk:lpal water District. In case of emergency contact Malrenanc2 supervisor Yasuda Landscape O (619) 276-5280 Or after hours conlad: Maintenance supervisor Yasuda Landsalpe O (619) 276--5280 2-4 Show aN public and J)r1Vale potable water rna1n1011 lmprowment plar19, Items 8, 19 ll 23 shall b required Just prior to the actual use of recycled wal!ir. Items 22 the slgnage shall be a part of this LP but the actual signs and tags wlff be Installed just prior to actual use rl rec,-dedwater. 25 On recycled water systems, aN appurtenances (sprinkler heeds, valw! heads, valve boxes, etc.) shaft be color coded purple per AWWA guidelines and section 404954 of the ~rnla Health and Safety axie. 26 There are drlnklng foontalns and a designated "outdoor eatlng area" on site. Refer to noted 'D' and 'E' 011 sheets L ·2 and L-3 for those locations. 27 Hours for lnigatlon wlh recycled water se from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. The hours for lmgatlon with disinfected tertiary water may be modified by the local authortty. IIT1gatlon CMtng public use periods with dlsti,fected recycled water shall be und..-the supervision of the designated user SIC)efVlsor. Imgatlon wlh water of lesser quality than disinfected rertlary recycled wab!r shall be between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. 28 Burlal of all wiring and piping shaH meet carlsbad Munldpal's Water Dlstr1ct's Rules and Regulations. 29 'It a constant pi1!SSl.-e rec,-ded water line must be Installed above a potable line or less than twelve Inched below a potable water llne, then the recydes water Dne shall be lnstatted within as approves protec:IM! sleeve as per the Carlsbad Munk:lpal wala' districts' Rules and Regulatlons SIGNAGE NOTES: The following guidelines for the tme of recycled walll!r are to be permanently posted Inside Ille door of each controller where th@'f an, easily visible, Place 011 8 1/ 2" x 11" -sign. Color purple background with black lettertng. A. Glldellne for recyded water use 1. Imgate between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and6:00 a.m. only. Water!ng outside the time frame must be done manually with qualllled supervisory personnel on-site no sysil!ln shaR at any time be lelt unattended dUrlng use outside the normal schedule. 2. In1gate In a manner that will mlnlml2e run-off, ponding, and poollng. The appllcatfon rate shall not exceed the lnflltratlon rate of the soll. Timers must be adjusll!d so as to be compatlble with the lowest soll lnflltratlon rate present This procedure may be fadllta1l!c:I by the effldent schedtJlng of the automatic CXllltrol docks, (I.E. employlng the l'El)eat functlon to break up the total ln1gatlon tlme Into cycles that will promote maximum soul absorptlon. 3. Adjust spray heads to eliminate CM!rspi'ay on ID areas not under the control of the customer, for example, pool decks, p,1vate patios and lots, and streets and sldewalks. 4, Monitor and maintain the system to mlnlml2e equlp,nent and material failure, broken sprlnlder heads, leaks, unrettable valves, etc. should be repaired as soon as th@'f bemme apparent. 5. Educate all maintenance personnel on a contlnuous basis of the p, esence of recycled water. Personnel must be lnfonned that recycled water Is meant for lmgatlon purposed only, and Is not approved for drinking purposes, hand washing, deaning of tools, etc. GIYen the high tumovl!I' rate of em~ In the landscape Industry, it Is Important this Information be disseminated on an almost daly basis, It Is you, the landscape contractor who Is responsible for education each and t/Nf!!ry ooe of you employees. 6. Obtain proper approval of all proposed changes and modlflcatlons to a,ry private on-stte fadlltles. SUch changes must b sul:mltted to, and approved by, The Dfsb1ct: Engineering Office and Designed In accordance with dls1J1ct standards. 7. All recycled water sp,1nkler control valvesshal be tagged with ldenttflcatfon lllg. a. Tags shall be weathe1 p,oof plastlc 3" x 1" purple In rolor with the words "warning recycled water· do not drlnk" lmp,inted 011 one side, and "avlsc>-agua lmp,n • no tomar" on the other side lmp,111!1119 shal be permanent and black In color, use tag as manufactured by T. 01rlsty EnlBpr1ses or approves equal. b. One rag shall be attached to each valve as l'olows. 1. Attach to valve stem directly or w1111 plastic tie ,.; ap .x 2. Attach to solenoid wire dlrectty or with plastlc tie-wrap cw 3. Attach to valve <XM!1' with existing valve <XM!I' bolt. 8. All sprinkle heads shall be Ide, rtltled as recycled water sp,1nlcler heeds. B. Each automatic controller and Its associated ,aqulpment shaR be ldentlfled with a sign bearlng the words "recycled wata" used for llTlgatlon" In Engllsh and Spanish, wllh black ~ l" high on a purple bad<ground. The sign shall be placed so that I can be readlly seen by an operations personnel utlllzlng the equipment. MEADOWLANDS INDEX DEClARATION IY' RESOPNSIBlE 0-fARGE: I heamy dedllte that I am Landscape Ardolb!ct:s rl ~ for this project. That I axl!l'dsed ll!!IIXII ISlble charges over the design of this project as defined In sectlon 6703 of the business and p,r• sslc11S code that the design Is consistent with current standards. I ur.del !!l'a Id that the check rl project drawings and spedllcatlons by the dty rl Cartsbad and the San Diego C.ounty Department of Environmental Heath Is confined to a review ooly ad does no n!lleve me, as of wortc, or my responslbllltfes for INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. aty cons1nJdlon lnspedlon shaft lndude: a. Location of pipe lines b. Trench depths c. Required separation ( horlzontally and vertlcally) d. Pipe ldentlflcatlon e. Polnls-<Jf.a)nnectlon (poc's) r. l..ocallon and ldentfflcatl011 rl sprinkle-heads g. Warning signs at the site and on the trucks haullng recycled WIiia' (If recycled wat,,r Is used for construction). All approval letter regarding tile lnspectlon of the project shaH be obtained from the city and the district, and be forwarded to the County Health Depai1Jnent prior to final approval. 2. D'61l1ct flnlll Inspection shall lndude: a. Coverage tests, a1b!r complellon of the sprinkler system, to detl!nnlne the ~ of coverage on the approved use area and prolectlon of areas rl0t approved for receMng recyded water b. Warning signs and labels. c. Quick ooupllng valves. d. All aspects of the IITlgatlon condltlons Including windblown spray, runoff and ponding. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Z3 21 TITLE SHEET REC. AREA HARDSCAPE PlAN (LOT 94,95) POOL HARDSCAPE PLAN PACIFIC USE MAP LEGEND~---OCEAN TOT LOT HARDSCAPE PLAN (LOT 25) BASKETBALL COURT HARDSCAPE PLAN (LOT 35) HARDSCAPE DETAILS HARDSCAPE DETAILS REC. AREA IRRIGATION PLAN TOT LOT IRRIGATION PLAN BASKETBALL COURT IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION DETAILS REC. AREA TREE & G.C. PLAN TOT LOT TREE & G.C. PLAN BASKETBALL COURT TREE & G.C. PLAN REC. AREA SHRUB PLANTING PLAN TOT LOT SHRUB PLANTING PLAN PLANTING DETAILS HARDSCAPE SPECTFICATIONS IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION R'II n PROPOSED R/W IRRIGATION MAINUNE ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS AREA OF RECYCLED WATER USE t---[ffi--------,-L-=-=OCATION OF POTABLE POC METER AND BACKFLOW -,, "DO NOT DRINK" lX.AiiON r...-=:-='!W'c==.. ___ ~P~UBUC WATER MAI ~ FIRCHYDRANTS @ DOMESTIC SERVIC TO POOL BUILDING £,;c,. ~ l~<,,,.o-"tlc:NS. • A&-;c(3.oo<--.S -1,,.-~ hz.q_,€,,~..., ,t,.s_ .. e,...,,,_:~ 1"':,"'-s.~1:! t>1 t ~ IJZ.12-/~oN _J ______ .. RAN_ .;._c=.H=-o=_-_SANT_L~~F,._E ___ .....;R_Q@__ ___ _ CITY OF ENCINITAS - e. Required protl!dlon of an residential areas. f. Required protection of all resldenllal areas. g. Required "1 utectlun of wells streams reserwlrs, etc. SHEETS 2, 3, 8, LOT35 h. Cross-connection. 12 & 15 LOT94 3. Annual Inspection shal Include: A complete Inspection which Id cove parts "A", "B", and ,g, of the dlsb1ct ftnal lnspectloo. t . ... LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 119 NORTH MAPLE STREE SUITE N ADDRESS 2136 8-7-01 LICENSE NO. DATE (909) 737-1124 PHOM: ,----BLACK LOGO ,----PURPLE BACKGROUND 3611 ~-1• BLACK LETTERS WARNING WATI:R DO NOT DRINK RECYCLED WATER 1 12 11 AVISO • AGUA INPURA N' T . s,) NOTOMAA 1 '-------+-------+--------' (SIZE) 12" X 36" . 060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON CINYL SIGNS ALSO. 032 ALUMINUM 1' BLACK LETTERS '---2' BLACK LETTERS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT HEAL TH WIWAM E. PLUMMER, DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 APPROVED BY ---.J DATE DATE LOT95 In Order to ConseNe Water ... RECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK NO TOME EL AGUA WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTION LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAA 18"X 18" SIZE. .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS. LOT25 SHEETS 4, 9, 13 & 16 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INDEX MAP UJ N.T.S. Baxter E. Miller Landsclpe Ardllled5 #2136 119 N Maple St Sulb! N Corona CA. 91 PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737-6551 "AS BUILT" 13A><~ ti.I iue,-2- PLANS PREPARED 9-14-99 INCLUDING PRECISE DATE T~~¼~D:N~d~R:-ON PA:f~/crr LOCATIO~R~Is.PLANTING ENGIN~~ DAT INSPECTOR DATE 18" Z-15-o J'1t. I A!:>-'ls ... .,.-r.. f'li,_c.c,..n-<tAVIOCL ~, CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I REVIEWED BY: ( N · T · S )1----+----+-----------------+---+--1-----1 L..!..J _ Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT . 21 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PIANS REO!EATION LOTS ASSISc OWN BY: CHKD BY: BAX RVWDBY: MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 R PROJECT NO. CTSS-19 DRAWING NO. 271-SM DATE PREPARED: _____ _ SHEET .LOF 2LSHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB N0. _ _..9~?...._3J..._? __ ® -• l/1 3 \ \ \ ' \ \ \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ ';...---.. \ •· DIG ALERT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 AT LEA&T 1WO DAT& eEFOl'<EYCllJDIG I-JA~D5CAPE NOTES 1. ALL CONCll!!!T!! CONeTllillJCTION 51-!ALL ee 2/Dt)(I) .-&I AT 25 PAY& CONCJl<ETE. 2. ALL PAVING $-!ALL ee 5LOl"'l:D TO Pfll!AIN AT A MIN. I" AWAY l'ltOl"1 5Tl'1.ICTUJl<E5. Tl-IE LANP5CAPE AJl<EA5 61-!ALL ee 5LOl"EP AT 2" AWAY F~ 5Tl'<IJCTU'-IE5. l'<EFEl'it TO CIVIL GflllADING l"LANS FOl'it ADDITIONAL INFO'-MATION. 3. Tl-IE CONTl'itACTOl'it 15 lle5PON51eLe FOflll ALL 1"'1:fll!MIT& AND INSl'"ECTION 5CI-IEDUJ..E5. 4. Tl-IE PLANS All!!! DIAc.fll!AMMATIC. Tl-I!! CON~TOflll 51-!ALI.. NOTll'Y Tl-I! LANDSCAPE Al'itel-llTECT OF CONFLICTS 15ETWEEN Tl-IE PLAN& AND Tl-IE SITE CONDITIONS. ~-~UGsl-lT ll'itON FENCE. ALL 5Ufll!FACE6 TO ee a.fll!OUNP ~OOTI-I. ALL WELDS TO eE CONTINUOUS. TJl<EAT ALL EXPO&!!D 5Ui'itFACE5 WI (2! COATS l'<IJST-l"MOF l"fll!IME!lt -FOLLOW W/ (2) COATS 1'1.i&T-l"ROOF PAINT -"1'1.JST-0-1..EUM" Oflll EQUAL, COL.Oflll TO !3E TEAL. TOF' OF SLOPE ---12"--- MOW CURB -REFER TO DETAIL A 51-lEET ~ 1~11 . mW SECTION A-A DRAIN SWALE BY CIVIL\ 131,. It !ltEFE!lt TO 61-i!ET 3 ~ DIM!!NTIONING AND I-IAl'<DSCAFE OF FOOL. AND SFA ---- NOTE MOW CUfllle& DILIN!!ATING TUflllF Ffll!OM &l-lfll!Ue A~A6 51-iALI.. eE LOCATED AT TOP OF SJ..Ol"E (TYi".) l'itl!FER TO SECTION A-A OF Ti-115 51-lEET \ \ ' ' \ ' ' \ _ __.,_ __ . .., ----.. ' ' " \ \ \ \ D .. © 2"-''·E>" \ \ \ --\ -- ~ 'C' ,, -~ _______ , 2&' X 2&' &IGMT ~ Dl&TAN~ NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OVE!lt 30" IN I-IEIC.I-IT WITI-IIN SIC.I-IT CI..EAAANCE Al'itl!A OOL RIC:1-lT OF WAY THIS SHEET LINP~fll!OUND &ERVICE ALE~ OF 60\JTl-l!!l'IN CALll"OliNIA 61!:Uleflll !!ASEM!!NT ....,.. __ - --.. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ '\ ' ' \ ' \ \ .................... ' ----\ --~ \ .......................... _ --- ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' POOL NOTES (i) Q) T..!E CONTRACTOR S..!ALL PF-!OVIDE A SACK FLUS..! SEWER ..!OOK-UP PER ..!EAL Tl-I CODE T..!E CONTRACTOR S..!ALL PROVIDE A YARD DRAIN INLET IN FLOOR OF POOL EQUIPTMENT ENCLOSURE. REFER TO WROUG..!T IRON DETAIL, Sl-lEET 7 AND 1-lAROSCAFE NOTES ON Tl-115 SI-IEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FOOL ENCLOSURE EXPANSION JOINT WIT..! ELASTOMERIC CAULKING COLOR TO MATCI-I CONCRETE PAVINC: SELF CLOSING AND LATC..!ING WROUGI-IT IRON GATES \ \ FOOL '-, \ ' ® 8) ® @ REFER TO MASONRY WALL DETAIL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POOL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE EQUIPMENT \ ' ' Ci) 4" TI-IICK CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR SLOPE AT 2% TO Tl-lE: Y ARO DRAIN. © © -------- ' ' ' ' T..!E POOL CONTRACTOR SI-IALL OBTAIN ALL APPROVALS AND PERMITS FOR ' '\ ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' ALL FOOL, SPA AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPTMENT INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION. Tl-IE CONTRACTOR SI-IALL PREPARE THE NECESSARY ENGINE:E:RING Sl-lOP DRAWINGS FOR SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL ' '\ ' ' ' ' ' ' '\ ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ,. ,./ ' ' ' , , / , ,. / ,. RECREATION BUILDING BY OTI-IER5 \.. ... REFER TO STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS ..---FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK 4 CURB/GUTTER AMENITIES LEGEND PAVING NOTES C!J 4" TI-IICK MINIMUM NATUl'IIAI.. uflll!!T COI..Ofl!ED 2ft)lt!ft) 1"'51 CONCl'eTE WITJ.I M!DIUM e~ FINl5>-!. 61'itOCM STROK!S TO "'1.JN F!f'!f'ENDICULA!I! TO EDC.E OF CONCl'eT!. CONCl'eTE JOINTS TO OCCU!lt !!QUALL Y SPACED AT !!>' • ft)" O.C. MAX. CONTl'IIACTOR TO FfleFAl'<E AN ON-51TE 5AMP"LE! OF CONCJl<ETE FO!lt AFFl'itOVAL 0 6X6 CONCl'!ETE MOW 5T!lt1F. NATUlltAL C.Jl<EY COl.01'1! WITI-I A SMOOTI-I T!ltOWEI.. REFEl'il TO DETAIL A 5µeeT 6 0 2ft)Oft) F51 CONCRETE FOOL DECK. INTEGAAI.. COLOR ADDITIVE • MESA eEIC.E WI MATCµfNc, ELASTOME!'itlC CAUI..KINc. FILI.. FOJ!t EXFAN510N JOINTS-MEDIUM 6ROOM FINISJ.I RIVE:RBLUFF 8' VINYL COATED PARK TABLE FROM DIVERSIFIED METAL FABRICATORS-MODEL ET831Z)0-VINYL COLOR-TEAL, FRAME COLOR-BLACK AVAILABLE FROM COAST RECREATION, INC (714) !:>!:>3-8<Zl6B CONTACT:GREGG ROGERS RIVERBLUFF 8' ADA PICNIC TABLE FROM DIVERSIFIED METAL FABRICATORS - MODEL ET8B<Zl0 -VINYL COLOR-TEAL. FRAME COLOR-BLACK AVAILABLE FROM COAST RECREATION, INC. (714) !:>!:>3·80~!:> CONTACT: GREGG ROGERS CALIFORNIA ROUND WASTE: CONTAINER -MODEL QR-CAL2B33W -COLOR, LATTE FINl51-1: LIGl-lT SANDBLAST -STEE:L TOP TO BE MODEL D AND COLOR IS TO BE RED INCLUDE STE:EL SECURITY CABLE COLOR SPEC TO BE SELECTED -WA5TE CONTAINER AVAILABLE FROM QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS, INC. (S<ZlS) 737-624<Zl PEDESTAL BAR-B-QUE -MODEL 30lZ> SINGLE ROTATING GRILL BY LA 5TEELCRAFT AVAILABLE FROM COAST RECREATION, INC. (714) !:>!:>3-8<Zlb!:> CONTACT: GREEG ROGERS REFER TO DETAIL C SHEET~ FOR INSTALLATION Baxter E. Miller 16' .32' 48' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. • I > IJlmpt All':htteds #21:le 119 North Maple Suite N Olrorll CA. 91720 ~ PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737-6551 "AS BUil T" ffllE -------- REVIEWED BY: DATE DATE KEY MAP 1-.,..DA""=--1-1N-,n=A~L+----------------I---I---I---I.--.I OWN BY:......_......__ PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. •• DATE INITIAL DATE INlflAL C D RAX REVISION DESCRIPTION HK flY, '"""",..___ CT 85-19 271-SM ENGINEER or WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: N.T.S. DATE PREPARED: ___ _ SHEET ..l.. OF .11.SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB N0. __ 9_,..2....,_31._.2 __ • --' (J 3 . \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ • 15'-1 ---:-I' TO EDGE OF PAVEMENT PLAN \ C / / / / / / / ,,,, 30 X 50 ,, POOL 6 7 POOL LIFT 7 1/8" ■ I' -0" NOTE: CONTRACTOR 51-lALL PROVIDE ALL SIGNAGE AND SAFETY EQUIFTMENT 1-<EQUIREP TO MEET ALL LOCAL, &TATE AND FEDERAL LAW& NOTE, FOOLAND &FA S!-IALL REQUIRE 5EFERA TE PERMIT& NOTE, CI-IAIR LIFT TO BE INTERC!-IANGEA6LE WIT!-! &PA AND FOOL POOL NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL NOTE5 REFER TO 51-!EET 2 D (J) FRE-CA&T CONCRETE 6ULL NOSE FOOL COPING TO EDGE PAVEMENT @ '2000 F51 CAST CONCRETE FOOL DECK, INTEGRAL COLOR ADDITIVE -ME5A BEIGE W/ MEDIUM BROOM FINIS!-! CT) MARBELIZED LUI-IITE PLASTER FOOL AND SPA BOTTOM FINIS!-! (j) CERAMIC POOL TILE REFER TO SPECIFICATION&, OWNER TO MAKE FINAL APPROVAL OF SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY CONTRACTOR. @ STAINLESS STEEL FOOL !-IANPRAIL (TO MEET APPLICABLE ADA ST AND ARDS AND REQUIF<EMENTSJ . STAINLESS STEEL. FOOL FLOOR DRAIN AND GRATE 7 FOOL LIGI-IT REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS 8 GUNITE FOOL SI-IELL, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS • " SECTION A-A • .• '· . • -' SECTION B-B COMPACTED SUBGRADE -REFER TO GEOTEC!-INICAL REPORT FOR COMPACTION REQUIREMENT . UNDER LUA TER BENC!-1 I . Tl-IE CONTRACTOR &!-!ALL PROVIDE A BACK FLUS!-! SEWER I-IOOK-UP PER !-!EAL Tl-I CODE -REFER TO S!-IEET 2 FOR LOCATION @. Tl-IE CONTRACTOR S!-IALL INSTALL AN ND& DECK DRAIN @ Tl-IE CONCRETE POOL DECK 5!-IALL SLOPE AT 2% MIN AWAY FROM POOL AND SPA EDGE. @. STEP UJIT!-1 CERAMIC TILE TRIM (0) EXPANSION JOINT WIT!-! ELASTOMERIC CAULKING COLOR TO MATC!-1 CONCRETE PAVING FER !-!EAL Tl-I CODE -REFER TO 5!-IEET 2 FOR LOCATION I CONCRETE 60ND BEAM CONTINUOUS SKIMMER (FINAL LOCATION TO 6E DETERMINED BY POOL CONTRACTOR) . TIMER AND EMERGENCY 5!-IUT-OFF SWITC!-1 LOCATION 4 • SPA J 1/2" • 1'-0" ,_ II 112" • l'-IZ'" ------------~------ KEY MAP N.T.s. 7 • .' (I) EXPANSION JOINT (I) CONCRETE PAVINC:i Ll I I 6x6 I l!2lxl0 E.W.W.F. 30X50 POOL l-lARDSCAPE NOTES I. ALL CONCl-£TE CONSTFa.lCTION Sl-4ALL BE 2/!M)el !"el AT 2~ DAYS CONCRETE. 2. ALL FAYING 51-lALL eE SLOPED TO DP'<AIN AT A MIN. 1% AWAY FROM STRUCTURES. Ti-4E LANDSCAFE Al'<EA5 5HALL eE SLOPED AT 2% AWAY Fl'<OM STRUCTURES. REFER TO CIVIL C.RADINC. PLAN5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFOl'l!l'1ATION. 3. Tl-IE CONTP'<ACTOR 15 RESPONSl!!ILE i=Ol't ALL F'El'l!l'11TS AND INSPECTION SCHEDLJLE5. ~-Tl-!E PLANS AIQE DIAGRAMMATIC, Tl-IE CONTRACTOR SI-IALL NOTIFY Tl-IE LANDSCAF'E Al<CI-IITECT OF CONFLICT!!, eETIIIEEN Tl-I! PLANS AND Tl-!E 51TE CONDITION!!,. • 30 X 50 POOL 4 II-#--10-1/2 11 -I-IANDI-IOLD TYPE CONCRETE BULLNOSE 3' COFINC:i -COLOR W!-IITE -i=ROM ARTLO TILE, INC. ('91Z''9) 787-0707 \ _.,.. ) <I • Ll 4- 3/8" MOF-:T AF-: SETTING 6ED ·--<J .cl CEF<AMIC FOOL TILE -TO BE APPROVED i_ BY OWNER ,r BOND BEAM 4 ,_,.......-4 REBAR (BENT)• 31&" 0.C. \K -MARBELIZED W!-IITE POOL FLA5TER --~ 2% TO DRAIN • ,d •• 7 ~ ~ Baxter E. Miller > Lii dso,pe ~ 12136 1651 Pomona Rold, Qlrona CA. 91720 ~ ~ PH: (909) 737-112-1 FAX: (909) 737-6551 co "AS BUil T'' ING DETAIL APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION N.T.5. ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE DATE ~ • '1~;,-_,°'111',: "\-1<¼--"l"t ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AREAS. ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE INSPECTOR DATE I SH3ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS 21 PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE PLANS f«ff;e.11c:>d 1..--"1"', 2':,, <!>">, "!4,"I"" MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 APPROVED ~ff/ J:2-~-19 ASSISTANT P[ANlf!NG DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: ~ 1 • PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: BAX. 211-5,-1 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION O'TliER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWDBY: c.-r b"=>-r'"I C.M. W.D. JOB NO. · i ,_ ,, .. ·. 'J • I\,) ...J - ----- POINT OF BEGl1'NINC:s ----------~ -----, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I if' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAMINO DE AMIGOS .. ., 4 •• ------------- 25 [] NOTE: MOLU CURB DELINEATING TURF FROM 6el~e PLANTING 61-!ALL BE LOCATED AT BOTTOM OF SLOPE (TYF'.J NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OVER 30" IN 1-!EIGl-!T LUITl-!IN 5IGl-!T CLEARANCE AREA LUROUGelT IRON FENCE NOT A FART OF PROJECT 6COF'E OF WORK REFER TO DRAWING NUMBER 211-!:>L -----SIDEWALK • CURB/GUTTER FER CIVIL 4 • . <l •• • • • . <1 .. ~ • • " •• <l !:,'-6' ., • • • ~---/ 4!:,' -12)" SPRING RIDER (1-!0RSEJ • • <l ' , . ' • • ., <J· ' ' ' • .. , 12 '-6" ' ' SPRING RIDER (TURTLE> I00014A 1,Z,' 100,Z,IE,A ,..._...-,, SPRING RIDER (BIFcDJ IOOIZll6A 7 ,/ , , I I l I I I I ' / \ I I I I I I • • • • • '<:1: ' ' 0 ' A.·. I LU •• _J 4 _J '<:1: • 0 • • / 4 . • / / 11" . / ::I:,' CARLSBAD #85'-1'3 AMENITIES LIST CARLSBAD, CA. 6' 5ENCH WITH l!IACK OJ· FROM LANDSCAPE 5Tl'll!UCTURE5 - COAST RECREATION, INC. (114) !:>!:>3-8065/GREGG ROGERS THIS FLAY AREA 4 EQUIPMENT 15 DESIGNED FOR AGESl'RS YEARS THE DESIGN OF THE EQUIPMENT ON THIS FLAN 15 CERTIFIED 4 VALIDATED TO EIE IN CONFOl's1'1ANCE UJITH THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING • MATERIALS /A5TMJ F1481 STANDARD& FOR FUEILIC SAFETY. IT 15 THE MANUFACTURERS OPINION THAT THIS FLAY5TRUCTURE CONFO~S TO ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENT& OF THE A.DA. /AMERICANS UJITH Dl6AEIILITIES ACT). THI& CONCEPTUAL FLAN UJAS BASED ON INF~ATION AVAILABLE TO U5. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DETAILED SITE INFOl's1'1ATION INCLUDING SITE DIMENSIONS, TOPOGRAPHY EXISTING UTILITIES, SOIL CONDITIONS, AND DRAINAGE SOLUTIONS SHOULD BE OBTAINED, EVALUATED, 4 UTILIZED IN THE FINAL DESIGN. CHOOSE A PROTECTIVE SURFACING MATERIAL THAT HA& A CRITICAL HEIGHT VALUE OF AT LEAST THE HEIGHT OF THE HIGHEST ACCE55IBLE FART/FALL HEIGHT OF THE ADJACENT EQUIPMENT. !REF. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMl55I0N /CF5C) GUIDELINES, SECTION 10, 5URFACINC.J PLAYBOOSTER DRAWING•, ( 11~7043 J 10/1/S1 DESIGNED 6'1": GLG MODEL 1000s.,,c;rSU'"1"ACE MOUNT> -AVAILABLE FROM COAST FtECFtEATION, INC. -2082 5.E. 61'\?15TOL, 5TE. 204 NEUJFORT ElEACl-l, CA. '!l2>1!>>1!><!) CONTACT, GREGG Rec.ER5 ~ARDSCAFE NOTES I. ALL CONCl't!!TE CONSTl"UCTION 51-!ALL ElE 2J:'0,Z, PSI AT 29 DAYS CONCRETE. 2. ALL PAVINcr. 51-!ALL ElE SLOPED TO Dl'i?AIN AT A MIN. I,. AWAY F~ STl'll!UCTUl'l!ES. Tl-lE LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE SLOPED AT 2,. AWAY FROM 5TRI.ICTURE5. REFER TO CIVIL GRADING, FLAN& FO!o? ADDITIONAL INF0"1"'1ATION. 5. Tl-lE CONTl'i?ACTOR 15 l'i?ESFONSIBLE FOR ALL PE"1"'1IT5 AND IN51"ECTION SCHEDULES . 4. Tl-lE F'LANS ARE DIAc.l'i?AMMATIC, THE CONTi-iACTOl'li &I-IALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE A~HITECT OF CONFLICT& BETWEEN THE PLANS AND THE SITE CONDITION!!,. FAYING NOTES [Q 4" T141CK MINIMUM NA TUl'i?AL Glll!l!Y COLORED 2,Z,,Z,,Z, l"&I CONCRETE WITH MEDIUM ElROOM FINl514. ElROOM STROKES TO RUN PERPENDICULAR TO EDGE OF CONCRETE. CONCRETE JOINTS TO OCCUI'! EQUALLY 51"'ACED AT !:o'-0" O.C. MAX. CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AN ON-SITE SAMPLE OF CONCRETE FOi'\? Af'PROVAL. -J'!EFER TO DETAIL El S14EET >I!, 0 6X6 CONCRETE MOW STRIP. NATURAL GREY COLOI'! WITl-4 A 5MOOTl-l mowl!L REFER TO DETAIL A 514EET 6 0 12" Tl41CK MINIMUM WOOD Cl-411"&. Cl-Ill"& TO !IE FOREST FIBEI'! l"LAY. IN&TALL WITH FILTER CLOTH FER MANUFACTURER'& RECOMMENDATION&. CONTACT, FOl'!ESTIIIOOD FIBER PRODUCT& (~) 277-32>02 GJl"LAYl!lOUND l"OURED IN !"LACE l'i?ESILIENT SURf'ACINc. MINIMI.N Of' 3" l"LAYl!IOUNO 51-!UCI( PAD. COLOl'I! SHALL !!IE RED. FOR DETAILS 01'< FUl'<Tl4El'i? INFO, REFER TO DETAIL c., Sl-lT 6. Ol'li CONT ACT, COAST l'i?ECREATION C.l'i?EGG ROOER& (714) :053-8065 DIG ALERT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 AT Ll!A&T TWO DAY& BEFO!o?E YOU DIG -------/ .,,,.., ------------------------,------------------------~------------7----------UNOl!l'lll:.ROUNC> 5El'l!Ylce ALEl'l!T Of' eol.JTl-ll!IIIN CALll'Ol'l!NIA CUSTOM PLA YBOOSTER 11~7043 FLA'T'STRUCTURE COMPONENTS F'05TS 4 I11404C E, 11I404E 1 111404F I 1114041-! PECK.5 I I2I~48A I 11I228A 4 11I::13IA l 111::148"' ENCLOSURES I I203I4A SLIDES 132" ALUM. POST 116" ALUM. POST 108" ALUM. POST ~2" ALUM. F'OST KICK PLATE FOR 8" RISE SQUARE TENPERDECK TRIANC:iULAR TENDERDECK TRANSFER MODULE LEFT 32" DECK UJIRE BARRIER LU/ UJelEEL I23331A DOUBLE POLY SLIDE 32" PECK A TTACl-!MENTS/CONNECTORS 11~84~A 111472A 1II353A 2" '5' HORIZONTAL LADDER LOOP ARCel 40" DECK TRACK RIDE MELROSE DRIVE MASONRY WALL NOT A PART OF PROJECT 5COF'E OF UJORK REFER TO PRAUJING NUMBER 21I-SL NOTE: / / / / PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED BY MANAFACTURERS CERTIFIED INST ALLER ---...L. THIS SHEET~- KEY MAP N.T.S. NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OVER We Make Exceptional Fun!! 601 1th STREET SOUTH -P.O. BOX 1~8 DELANO, MINNESOTA SS328 PH, l-81Z10-328-003S FAK H.12-~72-60~1 30" IN 1-!EIC:iHT WITHIN SIGelT CLEARANCE AREA Baxter E. Miller I > L..idsi.ape Archlleds '213e 119 NQl'lh Maple &lite N Corona~ 91no ~ PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737~1 IZ)' 21Zl' ?,IZ)' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, "AS BUILT" PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE INCLUDING PRECISE ffll.E -----DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWEDIY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH4EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH2EE1TS I t---t--+-----------------t---t---t---t----1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT t---t--+-----------------1---t---t---t---i DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL 011-iER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 ASSISTANT NING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ....._c...,.__ CHKD BY: RAX RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CTBS-19 I DRAWING NO. 271-SM DATE PREPARED: ___ _ SHEET ~OF ..ii.SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB N0._-""92...,:...,,1.,__2 __ -I u, .l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .,, \ \ .,..> .,,~ .,,.,, ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' ' I I I I I I I I _,, .,..,, I I I I , / .... / . j/ ,,,,,, .. ,/ .... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , SH.17 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , .. ' I I .,, .,,. .,, .,. LOT 35> I I / .,,., .,,, ACCESS C:sATE NOT A FART OF PROJECT SCOPE OF UJOF-:K REFER TO DRAWING NUM6ER 27I-5L CHRISTY eox W/ b" PVC MOW CURS DILINEATING TURF FROM SHRUB AREA -REFER TO DETAIL A SHEET b ---. WROUGHT IRON FENCE NOT A FART OF PROJECT SCOPE OF WOF-:K REFER TO DRAWING NUM6ER 271-5L .,, .,. .,, .,, ., .,. .,, .,, .,. .,. ... \ \ ' .,. ' .,..,, "' .,. .,. .,. .,, < .,. .,, .,..,, .,. .,, \ \ ' \ ' \ \ I I I I , I I I \ KEEF FREE FROM TREES..____.,. IN EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ~~"(_ , ~J>.;'f5-,.,, 1/, -c.J?/?J.,, .,. .,,. , , ,,. C, ~.,. / J>.V.,,.,, ..J' II. .,.,, \ "(_ ' .,. .,,. 0 "'-\ \,.,. .,, .,,. .._..,...,, ... .,,..,, A't'!l-rrl I I □ C.J. 4 4 0 2 (J) CONC. l'"AYINc. PEl't DETAIL 15 !>I-IEET b WI l'"LEXll'"AYE 51.lRFACINc!., COLOl't-DA~ C.REEN AFFLIED FER MANI.II'. RECOMMENDATIONS. AVAILABLE FROM CALIFOl'INIA PRODUCTS CORPORATION. (8'X>! 2!'>!'>-1141 ~ CONC FAYING SAME A5 NUMBE!'i? I EXCEPT COLOl't TO BE 5UD6URY 5AND )f'.ALL COURT LINE5 TO 6E 2" WIDE WI-IITE LINE!5 / C.J. I / / 4 DE l!!'r' 8" DEEi"' 4 4 /). C.J. b b TH~E l"'OINT LINE -EXl'"AN!>lo-1 JOINT SCALE 1/8" • I'-a," BASKETBALL COURT f.4ARDSCAFE LAYOUT ~/>-~,.,,," ~~~.,,, CHRISTY 1:30>< WI 6" F'VC 1'1.\-, .,,, vi' .,,. . .,., .... .,,., RIC:iHT OF WAY CHRISTY BOX WI i&" FVC MASONRY WALL NOT OF PROJECT SCOF REFER TO DRAWL FART OF WO NUM6 R 271-5L SEE DETAIL PLAN A OVE AMENITIES LI ST BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT -LA EQUIPMENT MODEL I2C44-IZ'l-b!Z'IZ' -FIXED HEIGHT, NON- ADJUSTABLE CURVED POST WITH 4-112" O.D. AND 4" EXTENSION WITH 1/4" STEEL PLATE BACKBOARD WITH WI-IITE POWDER COAT FINISH AND DOUBLE RING GOAL WITI-I CI-IAIN NET. AVAILABLE FROM COAST RECREATION (714) SS3-80b5 -CONTACT: GREGG ROGERS ---..JL THIS SHEET -----Ji-_ OF CA\. KEY MAP N.T.S. f.4ARDSCAFE NOTES DIG ALERT I. ALL CONC!'!!!TE! CON!>TptUCTION !>HALL eE 2/1)0~ !'"!>I AT 2e DAY5 CONCRETE. 2. ALL FAYING &HALL BE !>LOFED TO DAAIN AT A MIN. 1"" AWAT FlltOM 5Ti.l.lCTI.IRE5. THE LAND5CAFE Al'<EA5 5HALL BE 5LOFED AT 2"' AWAY l'ptOM 5~CTURE!>. REFER TO CIVIL C.AADINc. FLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 3. THE CONTRACTOR 15 l'<E5PON5I15LE FOl't ALL PEl'tMIT! AND IN!FECTION 5CHEDULEe. 4. THE PLAN5.Al'<E DIAGRAMMATIC, THE CONTRACTOl't !HALL NOTIFY THE LAND5CAPE ARCHITECT OF CONFLICT! BETWEEN THE !'"LAN! AND Ti-,E SITE CONDITIONS . DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 AT Ll!A&T TWO DAY& l!EFOl'<E TOU Dl(lo LINDE~ 5Epty(C! ALERT OF &OUTI-IE!IIN CALl!'Oll!NIA 16' 32' 48' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Baxter E. Miller I > laildup1Archltsts #213& 119 North Maple Sult! N 01r0n1 CA. 91720 PH: (909) 737·112◄ FAX: (909) 737~1 "AS BUILT" ffllf --------DATE REVIEWED SY: INSPECTOR DATE t----+--+----------+----+-----11---+----I I SHSEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 ;===-====P=LA=N=N=ING=::::DE=P=AR:::::TM::::::ENT:::::::===~LQ_j===: DA TE PREPARED: LANDSCAPE Pl.ANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 SHEET _Of_l SHEETS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 C.M.W.D. JOB N0. _ __..9..,,2..,3_,.,.J 2..___ -• u, 3 6' I 2· 6 11X611 NATUML. CONC~TI! CU"9 WI~ eMOOTM Tl'tC\IJEL. FINIS!,,! 1/2" eULLMO&I! EOG!! FINISMG.~DE "'-4 "1£BAR, CON.TrNUOU& NOT!!, ~ID!: ~O!II!!! JOINT&• MAX. lrt,'~4'" !F'AClt-r::s ti.ND AT ALL. ANGLE POINTS EXFANSICN ..J(?INT5 • 2"' O.C. A. CONCRETE MOW STRIP WROUGl-!T IRON FENCE REFER TO DETAIL A 51-!EET 1 MASONRY WALL REFER TO DETAIL J OF Tl-!15 51-!EET FOR CONSTRUCTION (2) 3/8" ANCl-!OR SOLT---- A66EMSL IES SET IN CORE DRILLED !-!OLES IN CENTER OF BLOCK E. WROUGHT IRON TO MASONRY WALL CONNECTION DOUeL!!: eAeK!!:TBALL 1"05T-REFER TO 51-!EET & FOR 5F'ECIFICATION5 CONCRETE FAVIN10,--- 4 20" DIAMETER CONCRETE FOOTING. CONCRETE TO BE 2850 F'S! COLLAR 4 4 DETAIL 15 PER MANUFACTURER'S 5FECIFICATION5 I. BASKETBALL POST FOOTING 48" .... I' 4" r 4" MIN. 4" THICK CONC!O!ETE FAYING, NATURAL 6RA Y COLOl'I!, FIN151-1 AS NOTED 1/2' eULLNOSE EDc:.E COMl"ACTl!D !UeGl'tADI! IOI< TO FOUi< • REFEI< TO GiEOTECHNICAL ~ COMPACTION FERCENTAG.E EXTENDED COLLAI< AT FERIMETEl'I EDGE DETAIL LA5TOM!!l'IIC CAULKING COLOR, l<EY II> XII> lrD/1,Z, !!.W.UJ1'. REINFORCEMENT -, -,,·-'--' ~ i-:--___:. ;..._....___J·r.µ._,;..._;_·_· ----1 EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" FOAM PILLEl'I 1/8" R ~ • •• ll>XII> lrDM> !!.W.W1'. REINFORCEMENT 4" ·• " -~-• 3/4" ... 4--" " . • CONTROL JOINT B. CONRETE PAVING DETAILS '-" 4" "' "'t Jlll8A,t • ~4" 0~ ,,,.,...., IIJ!IIIIA.CI, ... ~TIIII..IGTION Pl.AN l!)Oll'AN&ION JOIMT RI'. Cl!T.411.. - l•V2""'6Dfl.a F. CONCRETE TO PLAYGROUND F.G. N.T.5. ,.,--·--.._ 8 x 4 x lo& FRECAST 5MOOTI-! CONCRETE CAP ~-o&"Xo&"Xlo&" TAN 6PLITFACE C.M.U.'6 GROUT SOLID ALL CELLS --•4 SAR5 CONT . ., 32" O.C. (T"r'P) t4~-•4 1-!ORIZ. SAR CONT, TOP, MIDDLE • BOTTOM <TYP.) FINISI-! SURFACE J. BLOCK WALL DETAIL @ POOL EQUIP. ENCLOSURE LA 5TEELCAAFT PEDE&TAL BBQ REFER TO Sl-!EET 2 FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCATIONS 2-1/8" O.D. lflltON l"IF'I! 5Ul"F'OflltT-c------ CONCRETE PAVING A""=:A. Jl<EFER TO CONSTRUCTION PLAN 5ATUAATI! f COMPACT SUB-61'1ADI! TO '!lo2l% CONCRETI! FOOTINCr FEl'lt -----... MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS " . . . .. DETAIL 15 FEl'lt MANUFACTURl:111!'5 SPECIFICATIONS C. BAR-B-QUE POST FOOTING WOOD C~IPS • REFER TO PAVING NOTE 3, ~EET 4 24" 12" "1 ' KEY WAY 11IJO LAYEl't "l"l.AY!!!OJNO" l"CIUl'I-IN-l"LACI! l"l'!OTECTIYE SURFACE e·nlTEM. THICKNES!, 3" "'------4' --\c------., CONC1'ETE l"AVIN() eue-eA&I! W/ 6X6-lrD/IO EUll.P EXPANSION JOINT - eEE L-6, DETAIL e 3" TYPICAL EDGE DETAIL FOU~ED IN FLACE RESILIENT 5U~ACINC:s G. TYPICAL EDGE DETAIL 6 // PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE r 12" J D. RETAINING WALL DETAIL I l&"Xl8" F1'<ECA5T CONC-TI! COLUMN CAF MODEL CC·E-15 Fl"i!OM CALIF01'NIA FRECAST STONE INC. (bl'!I! 443-3663 -~ 111>")(16" 51"'LIT FACE COLUMN eLocic:: __ 6"10UT FILL ALL CELLS '4 "11!:BAl't VERTICAL AS 51-IOWN --- ,---PRECAST CONCl'<ETE WALL CAI" l'"ORT AR IN F'L ACE r---CRI.JSI-IED A66"1E6ATE Wl'l!Al"l"!':D IN FILTER FABRIC ,---INSTALL A&PI-IALTIC EMULSION UJATERF'l"i!OOFING TO BACK OF WALL 5x6xlb CONCl'ltETE MA60N~ UNIT! TO BE ,---5F'LIT FACE • EXF'05ED SIDES ONLY -6ROUT WLID ALL CELL& ~--•4 P'!EBAl'lt • 32" 0.C. (V!':flltT.) CENTERED IN WALL ,,---F'EP'!FOP'!ATED DRAIN F'IFE TO BE CONNECTED TO POOL DECK DRAIN SYSTEM ,----3/5" EXPANSION JOINT P'!EFER TO DETAIL ,---CONCRETE FOOL DECK • REFEP'! TO Sl-!T5. 2 l 3 F.5 "---•4 P'!EBAR CONTINUOUS '-----2o2lo2lo2l F51 CONCl'<ETE FOOTIN6 CONTINUOUS '4 1-!0Jli!IZ. l'tE1!!5Al'I! CONTINUOIJ& ------.._ 24" CONCRETE FOOL DECK ·J, . : . j: . 'l . · I ~.,,. COMPACT FILL Q"1-~~m'-'11-"m1'==!-. i .. ·., <· .. (· • ---- NATIVE C.P'!ADE =i I · · 4 I• • t"'""l'!'E : 12" . ! I . . ill--1=--EXF'ANSION JOINT "'el ., •• l!.:_ mi _..J~,-'r,'ir ili.!rr''-------~TTTr H. RETAINING WALL PILASTER DETAIL APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. r----CONCl'tETE FOOTINc; Baxter E. Miller I > LlndDl)i A~ #2136 119 N Maple !t. Suite N Cerone CA, 91 ~ PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737-M!I "AS BUil T" fflU! -------DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE t---+-+----------+-----+--+---1--1I SH6EETI CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 :==::=..:::===P::::LA::::N::N::::IN:::G::0::::EP::A::R.T::::M::E::::NT::::===::::..=L£!,_j==~ LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25.35.94,95 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTllER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 APPROVED ASSISTANT ING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ....._.'---'-- CHKD BY: RAX RVWOBY: PROJECT NO. CT 85·19 -~-79 DATE I DRAWING NO. . 271-SM DA TE PREPARED: SHEET .LOf 21.SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB N0. __ 9,..2.._,o1J3J._.2 __ I -' ln 3 ll) r LEGEND, I/ ..-v 6" TYP. MIN. ,..., ~" TYP. I/ - . I. 2" x 1-112" ~ECT. STEEL TU51NG TOI" t 50TTOM l'i?AIL5. 2. 2" ea. STEEL TUBING POSTS • 6'•e>' OC. MAX. 3. 5/8" ea. eTEEL SAl'<S YERT. • 4" o.c. MAX. 4. FINle!-l C.1'tADE !>. W'-COMPACTED SOIL 6. CONCRETE COLLAR LEGEND, A. ALL U!!LD!!D A&eEMl!L Y, C.lltlND lltCUaH !OOE& e. FAINT W/ ONE COAT ZINC OXIDE l"lltlMEl't f TWO COATS OF RU6TOLEUM OR EQUAL COLO!lt TEAL eueMIT COLO'-C'41P5 TO Oll.NER FOR APPROVAL A. WROUGHT IRON FENCE DETAIL@ POOL AREA "<t N ___ PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN CAP ~ - POINT Wl-lERE TOP OF RETAINING WALL SI-IALL FOLLOW Tl-IE FINISI-I GRADE BEGINNING OF WALL RADIUS J / ~ .... I Cl.) I I --lb"Xlb" SPLIT FACE PILASTER REFER TO DETAIL 1-1 5!-IEET 6 D. RETAINING WALL PROFILE I. ,( ,re" MIN. LEGEND, l \ . •11-..,0 ·4· Ill t I lllll!!!!!!Ulnl1• 1111 1-1 1!.ftllll rr • 111111 "'.LJ'. I I, (2) 1/ll" THICIC &T!!L &Tlltll(I! rot.ATE& &EE D!!TAIL, • I II U--ll--ll+----{_4 I .., _ I · · Ill• ! I l=+------15 11111 J 1. -------_ r I §!I ~ ~ U' 111111• 2. =LE FOR DEAD SOLT TO 6!! l/32" OYEl'<SIZED, !!UT NO MO'-!. 3. SELF-CLo&INc. KEYED LOCK/LATCH IN 5TEEL eox. <I. I-In" 5Q. STEEL TUBING FJOtAME SIDES. !>. CONCRETE COLLAR. 6, 5U6c.RADE COMPACTED TO --1. (3) SELF CLOSING ,-<INGE5, e. EXPANDED METAL FABRIC TO c~ C,AT!!. '!. S/!!I" ea. STEEL TUBING PICKETS • 4" O.C. MAX, 10. 2" x 1-112" STEEL TUBING TOP t BOTTOM F~ME/RAlL. II. CONT!ltACTOR 51-!ALL ATTAC'-1 EX,-ANDED METAL MESH TO W!IIO\JQHT IRON C.ATE AND FENCE WIT'41N T'4REE FEET OF C,ATE LOCK 5ET, B. WROUGHT IRON GATE DETAIL (D'\ WALL DETAIL ~ 1-HGl-l POINT OF WALL\ J . :i' _;c..----=----~- ~~ ~---I --~-==---=--= ~ ~--~ I j ----= I I I I I I =---~ ~=--~-~ ·:~-=""7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j, I I I I I I • RE ◄-I 4 EACH 'JAY --_r-N'C.. 1,/ C□NC TE f'OOTIL TOP AND B□TT□M -~ 1 .----r __ r ____ .__ --✓n . _ -_1 _ _ __ I 1- 1 I P□Cl.. ED LIFEGUARD POOL LIFT SLEEVE INSTALLATION EXISTING OR' NEV CONC~rrr POOL DECK1 ,l------+----3'-6· ------ •• :fi I I IIINIIINO 'Jilli: Plt[!Vfrl:D •~-1'-a• MJN. -t 2• IT ()\/NCR, "'TTI\CH Ttl Cll'IMON \ ' c.,R, DUND 1mD BOOM YOKE HINGE\ • "':,.,t!"~ SIJIVEL BAR #- -~--CHAIN ~ . -~'" /7 '\ ~ Yj ..,PUMP .(J 'I I I I POat. EDGE _,.,,,, I , • --+-. . . ~/1•---DACR□N SLING ..._,MAST +- I I I I I I I J . lf---t-l'-6• t-----, ----+---it-.... •··3.':-f/ ...•. .-_-i .. , . I .......... -_ ,-..... -------t"~-"'""-, ... ·,.. "! .• I ' . . > __ J.----r'I . . ./"-... :_ ..... ·..,-----...... ..,;,-,·--...:.i.c,.·-t""-•-... -_-.,,;,, ,_ _____ 3'-6~------,• EXISTtNG CONCRETE POOL DECK T!LE/\.IATERLIN 1•-4• . \.. GR□lJND LUG '-3" DIA. x a~ LONG SLEEVE ~am M.L E4RTH AROJND fOOTING SYALL B£ NATIVE UND!STRURBCD OIi S'"iALL BE CClMPACTED TO 9D% C□MPACTIIJ,I FLUSH C□VER-1 ... -- NYL □N SLEEVE -IJEAR PLATE ~-CEMENT-IN SLEEVE C. POOL LIFT DETAIL I I I I I I I I I FRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN CAP---.. _.,.--POINT WHERE TOP OF RETAINING WALL SHALL FOLLOW Tl-IE FINISH GRADE BEGINNING OF WALL RADIUS I I I lb"Xlb" SPLIT FACE PILASTER~ REFER TO DETAIL 1-1 5!-IEET 6 PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 l ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Baxter E. Miller IJlidalll A,~ #2138 119 N Maple St. 9.ill2 N O)lffll CA. 9172 PH: (90!I) 737•1124 FAX: (909) 737~1 "AS BUil T" ffl1.e -------- DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE l-----+--+-----------t--+--+--+---II SH7EETI CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 ~=='..::===Pl.A:=N=Nl:::N::::G::::DE:::P::::f>.:::RTM:=::E:::NT====~~==~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTiiER APPROVAL DATE PREPARED: DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PIANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35.94,95 MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 APPROVED 72JJ!-J0-5-fZ_ /ISS--,ST-ANT---~--f--6,<~~D~IRE:__CT_O_R ____ ,.L..k:.. D~TE OWN BY: ' I ._ CHKD BY: B/\X RVl'\ID BY: PROJECT NO. er as-19 I DRAWING NO. 271-SM SHEET ...!..OF 2LSHEETS C,M, W.D, JOB NO. 92 3]2 . . "' .,J -' "' 3 I VALVE CALL-OUT STATION NUMBER r GALLONS ~ER MINUTE V/IJ..VE S1ZE PROVIDE IN-LINE CI-IECK VALVE ® 10.0 111 A-2 l!Z>.!Z> 111 A-3 16.1 VALVE # A-1 FLOW -10.0 Lateral Line 1.2 PSI Fittings .12 PSI Mainline ( 1-1 /2" ) .7 PSI Valve ( 1· ) 2.0 PSI Bock/low Prevent or ( 1-1 /2") 11 PSI Water Meter .5 PSI Elevation Change +16' e.o PSI Total Loss 12.5 PSI Head Pressure Req. 40 PSI Minimum Req. Pressure 52.5. PSI Static Pressure 99.0 PSI Oesign Pressure (SAF'ET\' I Q,C) !!9.1 Residual Pressure 25J5 CONNECT Ti-1I5 VALVE TO DOMESTIC LINE IN RECREATION BWILDING PROVIDE CONTROLLER WIRE TO TI-IIS VALVE PSI PSI 14.6 8.4 22.3 A-11 1-1/2 11 A-1 \ ' I I -1/2 II 111 \ \ 3/4 \ I \ I \~ \ ' I ' \ --------- I \ \ \ I -:::l-' 1~1~ ~ 1 _,.,,,...- IS.I A-1 1-1/2 11 8 A-8 I II 3/4 A-4 14.3 -1/2 II A-S S2 111 ~ \"\ \. \ 3/~ \ @ @ ---.... ----- ' -- A-6 1.2 I II /'--_,,.3/4 12 ,... ;.,---1-1/2 ,... ,... ,... ,... ,... ,... ,... ,... ,... 2!' X 2!' 6IGMT ~tit Ol&TANCI! / ,... MOISTURE SENSOR CI-IART ,... ,... ,... ~ A-IIA-12A-13A-14 ~ A-ISA-21 ~ A-1A-2A·3A-SA-6 1/i:!3/ A-10A-1E>A-11A-18 A-20A-23A-24A-2S. A-2E> ' ,... ,... , A-S 182 NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OVER 1_1 1211 ~,Z," IN I-IEIGI-IT WITI-IIN 51GI-IT CLEA~NCE Ai'<EA CONT~CTOR SI-IALL U5E BEST WATER MANAGEMENT P~CTICE5 TO MINIMIZE l'<ECYCLED WATER ENCROACI-IMENT /5\JCI-I AS OVERSPRAY, MISTING, PONDING OR RUN-OFF) ON TO PUBLIC FACILITIES SUCI-I A5 FICNIC TABLES, BBGl'5, FLATGROUND5, SAND, TOT LOTS, ETC. S.3 A-18 111 12 .1 / \ 3/4 <@ 8.S 1 " 1-1/2" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 111 SYMBOL V '-7 XI ~ -e, 1-1/2 11 @ ~ ~-23 18.1 '(J,' 1-1/2 I ~ -.it @ MANUF. TYPE RAINBIRD SttRUB SPRAY RAINBIRD SttRUB SPRAY RAINEllRD SttRUEl SPRAY RAINBIRD SttRUB SPRAY RAINEllRD SttRUB SPRAY RAINEllRD SttRUEl SPRAY RAINEllRD SttRUB SPRAY RAINBIRD SttRUB SPRAY RAINEllRD SHRUB SPRAY RAINEllRD SttRUB SPRAY RAINBIRD SHRUB SPRAY ttUNTER SttRUB SPRAY MODEL GPM RAD. PSI 1800-8ttPC S-040-NP .4 5· 30 1800-80-FL T-NP .39 e· 30 1800-8tt-FL T -NP .79 8' 30 1800-lOQ-NP .39 10' 30 1800-lOtt-NP .79 10· 30 1800-lOf-NP 1.57 10' 30 1800-120-NP .G5 12· 30 1800-12tt-NP 1.3 12' 30 1800-150-NP .93 15· 30 1800-15tt-NP 1.85 15" 30 1800-15F -NP 3.7 15" 30 PGM-00-90-R-V-l.O 40 A-IS ~ 1.0 21· © ttUNTER 111 \ \ ,,< \ / A., /\ >-/ \/ \ / \ ,A V y \ / /\ / >( \/ \ / / \ > \ 'y :-.( \ / \ / A \( \ / \ / \ /\ . \ / >( \/ \ 'y/ \ > / \( / \ / \ ~~ \ _,,,'\ / A-1 1-1/2 I 2!Z>.8 ,... / / / / / \ A-21 12.S \ \ ,,,. \.• ,,,. ,,,. ,,,. ,,. 11 I ,,.,,,., ---1" NONFOTABLE WATER 5'r5TEM METER. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION IN Tl-IE FIELD STATIC WATER PRESSURE AT METER :--T'_...WIR EEVE IS ':l':l SP!. ~,... .... ,P,,ra.bltL D I G ALE RT / "'1&'Ttr-,... 3" FIFE SLEEVE . ,... ,... ,... A-15 S.S DIAL TOLL FREE 1-W!Z>-422-4133 111 AT LEA&T TWO DAT& el!~ TO\J DIG lNOEl'il::i~D 5E!ltVICE ALERT OF !OUTI-IEl'IIN CALIF01'<NIA SttRUB SPRAY PGM-00-180-R-V-2.0 2.0 27' 40 CJ ttUNTER SttRUB SPRAY PGS-90-ARV-noz.3 1.0 31' 40 Q ttUNTER SttRUB SPRAY PGS-180-ARV-noz.5 1.8 3G" 40 \JI RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-8tt-FL T ,79 8" 30 '@' RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-12Q-NP .G5 12' 30 -e, RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-12H-NP 1 .. 1 .,. 30 @ RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-12F-NP 2.G 12· 30 'ii! RAINBIRD SPRAY l80G-15H-NP 1.85 15" 30 0 RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-15F -NP 3.7 15' 30 ~ HUNTER ROTOR PGM-OG-180-R-Y-noz.2.C 1.4 27' 40 ~ HUNTER ROTOR ~GM-OG-3GO-R-Y-noz.2. 2.7 27' 40 ; HUNTER ROTOR I-20-ARV-2.0 LA 2.1 28' 50 i:i: ttUNTER ROTOR I-20-ARV-2.5 LA 2.8 33· 50 (I> ttUNTER ROTOR I-20-ARV-2.0 LA 3.5 35· 50 0 RAINBIRD BUBBLER 1401-FULL-TRICLE .25 N/A 30 CLA5S 200 PVC LATERAL SIZE AS SttOWN CLASS 200 PVC LATERAL PURPLE ALERT LINE SIZE AS SHOWN ---sett 40 PVC MAIN LINE PURPLE ALERT LINE SIZE AS SttOWN ------USE sett. 80 W/30. COVER UNDER VEHICLE PAVING FOR MAINS. WIRING ------AND LATERALS. • ct RP USE sett. 40 W/18. COVER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING FOR MAINS. WIRING AND LATERALS. USE sett. 40 W/12" COVER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING FOR LATERALS. RAINBIRD PESB SERIES RCV'S SIZE AS SHOWN ON FLAN INSTALL TAG STATING 'CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER' HARDIE 713 DPR RCV SIZE AS SttOWN ON PLAN DO NOT INSTALL RECLAIMED WATER TAG KING BROTttERS BALL VALVE MODEL #BTU-E TXT NELSON QUICK COUPLER 7G45 (RECLAIMED WATER) 2" WILKINS 500 SERIES PRESSURE REGULATOR -HIGH SPRING RANGE FEBCO REDUCE PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTOR 825 YA SIZE 1-1/2. WATER METER PROVIDED BY OTHER!:> -RECLAIMED TURBO METER PTS TOP ENTRY CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY MODEL CAG-RBl-24/RSE/IWM-24 FROM PACIFIC TECHNICAL SERVICES (800) 427-0779 REVESE RAIN GUARD RG-RCT-SEE DETAIL 10. SttEET L-11 IRROMETER WATERMARK MOISTURE SENSOR -REFER TO MOISTURE SENSOR CttART FOR VALVE TO SENSOR HOOK-UP NOTES: '--------------------, 1. SLEEVE PIPE AND WIRES UNDER ALL PAVING. l~IC::SATION INFO~ATION Ai, AC,<. &TATIC l"'lltE~, 99 I"& MAXH.t1 Ol!MANO, 21.3 L REFER TO IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 51-!EET L-IS FOR NON-POT A6LE I RRIGA TIO~N~C~O~N~s=r=R=uc~T ,=o~N,..._N..,..O_T,..,.E......,S,-, 2. USE POP-UP SPRAYS WIT~ IN l!Z>1 OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USES. Baxter E. Miller I> La1idsclJ)eArd'tft!ds#213& 119 Noi1l1 Maple Suite N Ol1'lnl ~-91no ~ PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737./lSSI A-1 21.3 1-1/2 I THIS SHEET 6TATIC l'"ll!l!!&euN: i!SA&!O ON TM1! 661t) %ON1!. l1'FOlll"IATION OISTAINEC Fl_,.1 elLL fDLLM1ER CIF-Tl-I! TME CITT CIF-CAlll!l.&eAO WATER Ol&TRICT ON 4-1,21-~. ..._ _ _JL_. KEY MAP N.T.s. 16' 32' 48' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION' OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" ffllE ------- REVIEWED EIY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE I SHBEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH2EE1TS I -.i-1.~====~===j============================;~=-==~~===!====~===~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE Pl.ANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 APPROVED ASSISTANT MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 DATE 1-~,..+...,,,.,.,...+--------------l------l-c-,.,,..-l--:--+---I OWN BY: ....w ...... _ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: BAX PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. 271•5M ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTl-lERAl'l'ROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 85 • 19 DATE PREPARED: ___ _ SHEET JL OF ..2.1..SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB NO, 92 312 N ~ -I (n 3 16.6 11.S B-3 1S.8 B-2 1 " 23.1 B-1 ----, J 13;4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3/4 ,d ••. [%, -- 0 -e e--e 3/4 e- CAMINO DE AMIGOS . 4 • • • • ,d ·•. •. 0 0 cp cp -- ) 3/4 @ 314 25 1" 1" 1-1/4 II • II 142 B-S 1 " 4 • • I • @ 3/4 --- • -~-3/4 .._,, 3/4~J II I" NONFOTASLE UJATER SYSTEM ---STATIC FRESSURE AT METER 12C, FSI METER CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT LOC.ATION IN Tl-IE .FIELD 6.2 ~I 1/2" •. • • • ' ,d . . ,d •· ,. • .. ' • • --- 1-1/2" , I B-6 111 7 / -----------L---------------------/ --------------------------------------·---/ MOISTURE SENSOR Cl-lART IA\ e-3,e-4,e-e,e-<:1 'f!!/ B-11,B-12 1~~16ATION INFOF-aMATION Al"Fl4U--. STATIC l"!IIE~, l2CI 1"'&1 MAXIMl.t1 C>l!MAN0, 2J.i &TATIC l9lltl!!&eu118! ~C> ON TM!! 66CI ZOM!!. ll'oFOIIIHATION Ol!STAINEO Pl'IOl"I 911.L Jl>I.UMMl!l't Of' TMI! Tl-IE CITY OP CAll!l...&eAC> WATEl't OISTl'tlCT ON -4•flr>•'!le. VALVE CALL-OUT STATION NUMBER r GALLONS PER MINUTE VALVE: SIZE MELROSE D IVE S.12) B-1 B-1 11.12) 111 1 II VALVE # B-1 FLOW -23.7 Lateral Line 5.0 PSI Fittings .5 PSI Mainline ( 1-1 /2" ) 1.8 PSI Volvo ( 1-1/2" ) 1 .5 PSI Bockflow Preventer 11 PSI Waler Meter 1.2 PSt Elevotion Change +1· .5 PSI Total Loss 10.50 PSI Head Pressure Req. 40 PSI Minimum Req. Pressure 50.5 PSI Static Pressure 120 PSI Design Pressure (SAFElY 1 O") 108 PSI Residual Pressure 46.5 PSI CONTRACTOR SI-IALL USE 6EST UJATE"1 MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TO MINIMIZE RECYCLED UJATER ENCROACI-IMENT /SUCI-I AS 0VE"1SF"1AT, MISTING, FONDINC,, OR RUN-OFFJ ON TO FU6LIC FACILITIES 5UCI-I AS F'ICNIC TA6LES, 66Q'S, F'LATC,,ROUNDS, SAND, TOT LOTS, ETC, B-11 1 " / 1.0 I " ....__....._ - THIS SHEET-- KEY MAP N.T.S. IRRIGATJ ON LEGEND ,--~ NO LANDSCAFE ELEMENTS OVER 30" IN HEIGi-ff UJITHIN SIGHT CLEARANCE AREA SYMBOL -17 MANUI'. TYPr: RAINBD;:D SHRUB SPRAY MOD[L c.PM RAD. PSI 1800-80-fl T-NP .:3'1 8' :30 4 3/4 t I I l IL/c~, I I I I \ I I I I I I B-1 1S.4 I I " I I • I I I I .• 1----,,.. __,.-2&' )( 2&' &IGMJ, ~l't Ol&T ANC!! 4 • ' 3/4 • • 2 ' () ~ _J <{ 0 :t lU _J ....J <{ '!/ RAINBIRD SHRU!! SPRAY 1800-611-fLT-NP .7'1 B' :30 ~ RAINBIRD SHRUB SPRAY 1800-100-NP .:3'l 10' :30 ~ RAINBIRD SHRUEI SPRAY 1800-lOH-NP .7'1 10' :30 ~ RAINBIRD SHRLJe SPRAY 1800-120-NP .G!5 12' :30 ~ RAINBIRD SHRUEI SPRAY 1800-12H-NP 1.:3 12' :30 ~ RAINBIRD SHRUEI SPRAY 1800-1,0-NP .'1:3 15' :30 \!' RAINBIRD SrtRUEI SPRAY 1800-15H-NP 1.85 15' :30 ~ HUNTER SHRUB SPRAY PCM-00-'IO-R-V-l,O 1.0 21' 40 © HUNTER SHRUB SPRAY PCM-00-180-R-V-2,0 2.0 27' 40 1J HUNTER SHRUB &PRAY PCS-'IO-ARV-noz.,1 O.G 27' 40 t HUNTER SHRUB SPRAY PC&-180-ARV-noz,2 0.8 21· 40 t RAINBIRD SPRAY 1600-lOH-LA-Nf' --10' :30 • RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-12Q-NP .G!5 12' :30 i' RAINBIRD SPRAY 1600-12H-NI" 1,:3 12' :30 @ RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-12f-NP 2.G 12' :30 (Y) HUNTER ROT01' PCM-00-180-R-V-2.0 1.4 27' 40 t MUNTER 1'0TOR I-20-ARV-2.0 LA 2.1 26' !50 t HUNTER ROT01' I-20-ARV-2.!5 LA 2.8 :3:3' !50 • HUNTER ROTOR PGP-'IO-A1'V-noz.7 :3.0 40' 40 ... HUNTER ROTOR PGP-180-ARV-noz.'I 4.'l 4:3' 40 0 RAINBIRD BUBl'lL[R 1401 -l'ULL-TRICKLr: .2!5 N/A :30 -CLASS 200 PVC LAT[RAL SIZE AS SHOWN CLASS 200 PVC LATERAL PUl'!PLE ALEl'!T LINE: SIZE: AS SHOWN • -• SCH 40 PVC MAIN LIN[ PUl'!PLE ALERT LINE SIZE AS SHOWN = = = = = USE SCH. 80 W/:30' COVEi'! UNDER VEHICLE PAVING FOR MAINS, WIRING AND LATERAL& • USE SCH. 40 W/18' COVER UNDfR PtDESTRIAN PAVING l"Ofi! MAIN&. WIRING AND LATERAL&. I u rs USE 5CH. 40 W/12" cove:" UNDER l'EDE:5TRIAN PAVING FOR LATERALS. RAINBIRD PE5B &E:RIE:& RCV'5 SIZE: AS SHOWN ON PLAN INSTALL TAC STATING 'CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER' I 11 / •1 . r. HARDIE 71.3 DPR RCV SIZE A& SHOWN ON PLAN DO NOT INSTALL RECLAIMED WATER TAG I // ,o / M KING BROTHER& BALL VALVE MODEL #l'lTU-E TXT @ NELSON QUICK COUPLE:R 7G4!5 (RECLAIMED WATE:R) () z· WILKINS !500 5E1':IE& PRESSURE REGULATOR -HIGH &PRINC. RANGE Tf"\.Cll:'t:"IC"ln•"'H -RV,-. :2 ' IRPI FEBCO REDUCE PRES&URE BACKFLOW PREVENTOR 82!5 YA SIZE 1-1/2' [Ml WATEI<! METE!'! PROVIDED 8'1' OTHERS -RECLAIMED TURBO METER T--+----2&' )( 2&' &IGI-IT ~ Ol&TANC!! m PT& TOI' ENTRY CONTROLLER A&5EMBL Y MODEL CAG-RBl-24/R&E/IWM-24 FROM PACIFIC TECHNICAL &ERVICE& (BOO) 427-077'l (R) REVESE RAIN GUARD RG-RCT $ IRROMETER WATERMARK MOISTURE SENSOR -REFER TO MOISTURE 5EN50R CHART FOR VALVE TO SENSOR H09K·UP I I I REFER TO C>RAWING NUMeER 211-!!iL FOR l~IC#ATION OF' T!-116 AREA 1. &LEr:VE PIPE AND WIRE!:> LtlDER ALL PAVING. NO LANDSCAFE ELEMENTS OVER ---:f---3<2)" IN HEIGHT UJITI-IIN SIGHT CLEARANCE AREA 8.4 NQIESJ t, l'EFEPil TO IJlitl'IIGATION !PECIFICATION& &I-IEET I~ FOR NON-fDOTAeLE lf.!lltlGATION CONST~TION NOTES 2. USE FOF"-UF' SF'RAYS WIT!-! IN 10' OF ALL F'EC>ESTRIAN USES. DIG ALERT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 B-S 112).1 Baxter E. Miller 1 " CZ,' 10' 20' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE AT L!A!T TWO OA'r& eE!'Ol'<E 'l'OU OIG APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I > laldupe Aid11t!ds 1213e 119 Nol1!I Maple $\Ila N Comne CA, 91720 .:::a PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737-e551 "AS BUil T" "1%Tl.E-------- REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE 1---+--+----------t-----t---t-----t---tl SHgEETI CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 :==:::.-=====P=LAN=N=IN:::G=D=EP=A=RTM=E::::NT==='....'.~==~ DAlE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,9'!,95 APPROVED ASSISTANT DWN BY: 5 I 2 DATE INITIAi DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: RAX OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: DA TE PREPARED:____ SHEET .LOF ..ll.SHEETS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 G DIRECTOR PROJECT NO. CT85-19 I DRAWING NO. . 271-SM C,M.W.D. JOB N0._~92_31~2 __ -' "' :z. -..... / .......... ,, V VALVE # C-11 FLOW -15.6 Lateral Line Fitting• Mainline ( 1-1 /2" ) Valve ( 1• ) Backflow Preventor Water 'Meter Elevatron Change -4' Totol Loss Head Pressure Req. Minimum Req. Pressure Slatrc Pressure Design Pressure (SAFETY 1 o:,g) Residual Pressure NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO INST ALL 120V ELECTRICAL SERVICE .80 PSI .1 PSI .85 PSI 2.0 PSI 11 PSI 0.5 PSI +2 PSI 2.2J PSI 40 PSI 42.23 PSI 128 PSI 115.2 PSI 61.97 PSI , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ POINT OF CONNECTION ~ 1 < 1" ) IRRIGATION METER VERIFY EXACT LOCATION IN Tl-IE FIELD. 23 C-2 111 25.18 ~ C-1 \ I " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4.S C-3 C-S IS.S C-4 11.1 111 OJ n ' \ \ \ \ ~ \ 314" ' ' \ ' I \ I I $ 314" C- 111 C-1 \ C-11 ' I IRRIGATION LEGEND 14.3 I ', I \ ' I I I I I I I I , I I , , I I I I ' ' ' 5YM60L MANUf. TYPE: MODEL GPM RAD. P5I y RAIN!llRD SPRAY 1800-8HPC5-040-NP .4 5· 30 V RAIN!llRD $PRAY 1800-8QPC5-0:30 .3 5· 30 y "' RAIN!llRD SPRAY 180G-8H-fL T-NP . 7q 8' 30 ♦ li:AINBIRD 5Pli:AY 180G-10Q-LA 10· 30 .3'l ' RAINBIRD 5PRAY 1800-12Q _,;;5 12· 30 ., RAINlllRD 5PRAY 180G-12H-NP 1.3 12· 30 ., RAINBIRD $PRAY l!l0G-12H 1.3 12· 30 (gl RAINBIRD $PRAY 180G-121' 2.,;; 12· 30 ,i, RAINBIRD SPRAY 180G-15Q .'l3 15' 30 'It RAIN!llRD SPRAY 180G-15H 1.85 15' 30 0 RAINBIRD $Pli:AY lSOG-151' 3.7 15' 30 ~ HUNTER ROTOR <>GM-00-'lO-R-V-noz..1.0 1.0 21' 40 l".'f,) HUNTl:R ROTOR "CM-OG-180-R-V-noz..2.0 1.4 27' 40 Ii) HUNTER ROTOR PGM-00-3GO-R-V-noz..2.0 2.7 27' 40 • HUNTER ROTOR PGP-'lO-ARV-noz..7 3.0 40' 40 • HUNTl:R ROTOR PCP-1110-ARV-noz.. 'l 4.'l 43· 40 ~ HUNTER ROTOR PGP-3G0-3RV-noz..'l 4.'l 43' 40 "MASONRY WALL NOT A FART s HUNTER ROTOR PC5-90-V-noz.1 o.,;; 27' 40 OF PROJECT 5COFE OF WORK )%' ............ ROTOR p,...__1,..,.,_ •• ~ 0.8 27' 40 . RE:FER TO DRAWING NUMBER 271-&L ® HUNTE:R ROTOR PC&-3GO-V-noz.4 1.4 33· 40 0 RAINlllRD BUBBI.EII: 1401-fULL-TRICKLE .25 NA 30 CLA55 200 PVC LATERAL 5IZL A5 SHOWN CLA55 200 PVC LATERAL PURPLE ALE:RT L.l'IE: $IZE A$ SHOWN QUfCK COUPLER DETAfL --• $CH 40 PVC MAIN LINE PURPLE ALERT LINE $IZE A& SHOWN : = = = = U$E 5CH. eo W/30" COVER UNDE'.lt VEHICLE: PAVING fOR MAIN$. WIRING ~ Ar AND LATE:RAL5. U$E 5CH. 40 W/le,· COVER UNDER PfDE5TRIAN PAVING fOI! MAIN$. WIRING AND LATERALS. 11r . ·•· --s-U$E $CH. 40 W/12" COVER U'IDE'.lt PEDESTRIAN PAVING fOR LATERAL&. ,• -'•....___. RAINBIRD PE5B $ERIE$ li:CV"& 51ZE A$ $HOWN ON PLAN a IN5TALL TAG STATING 'CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER' 4 -• LEGtND• • HA!i:DIE 713 DPR li:CV SIZE: AS SHOWN ON PLAN I S1'1tl.rl'Ult' mt HMM:CN't. DO NOT INSTALL RECLAIMED WATER TAC ,. HI' R□i.4D PL,'iSTIC Villl~ -Y/ UICI{-rs ABLE LID IPER SPEClflC ... TIDIIIS), M KING BROTHER$ BALL VAL VE MODEL #BTU-E TXT 8 3, flNISH GR"I)(, 1/C:• IN HJli:F l'IRE.O,:,, iJ.HD l' IN SHRUB IIREIIIS, •! "~ o, ~ . , Cl.JOCK COUPllNt; VAL VI: . @ .. -, • .goi. ,, $'tAlt.LtsS STrtL SCREIJ CLAMP MtN. (3) PL...CCS. NELSON QUICK COUPLER 7G45 (RECLAIMED WATEIU •• '(f)-• &lrl\SS N]PJ'I..E, 7, IRIISS i'IIPPI.E -&* I.ONG, () 2' WILKIN& 500 5ERIE5 PRE55URE REGULATOR -HIGH SPRING RANCE: ,, 3/4' l.'Ml-£D ~I-ED A~Tt 111$1:, ,, HAALEX STRE£1' ELL'S ....... .,,..,. .,.,.,., n An II Ip, 1') i=:tV • CV--. _.JIii(' --\\ - 9 tn 3/4' !IIA. SCM 40 (iilL.VAlllln'.D STl, Pll't: ' SHk[. IRPI 9) II, p,tESSURE S!Jf'PLY LINE rJTTINCi, fEBCO REDUCE PRE$5URE BACKFLOW PREVENTOR !l25 YA SIZE 1-1/2" 11!, R~ESSURE SUPPLY !.!NE, , Ill IL--"' [Ml ~." N□TtS1 WATEI<? METER PROVIDED BY OTHER& -RECLAIMED TURBO METER ,. PL~ o\OClll!:Gotli"l't fllfflJI: fC l""TALL.liTIDN 0 OF' VALVE 8□X, PT!:> TOP ENTRY CONTROLLER A55EM8L Y MODE:L CAG-RBl-24/R5E/IWM-24 ' VAL VE BOX SHU IC Sro«::tU:O \JI I\ m •r;i• ON Tl-IE LID \// L' HIG!i X !' LETlER$. THC PIIJNT SHALL BE GREEN, Oil IIASEI) ENMl!L, fROM PACIFIC TECHNICAL 51'.RVICE5 (BOO) 427-0779 ~ND ~ND F'IIINTE!l, . IN$1"LL V~llt " MlNII04 DP' 18' r'ROM "LL SIDEVIIU:S CR CURBS JN PLANTER All:EAS. (Rl &P-R1:VE5E RAIN GUARD RG-RCT ' QIJIC~ COUPLER VALVES SHALL 9£ or " TYP[ IIPPRCVE:D nJP: RECYCL[D w'ATER US[. ® IRROMETER WATERMARK MOl$TURE 5EN$0R -REFER TO MOISTURE 5EN5011: CHART FOR VALVE TO 5EN50R HOOK-UP 1. SLl:E:VI: PIPE AND WIRl:5 UNDER ALL PAVING. IRRIGATION INFORMATION AF'F'ROX. STATIC F'RE55URE, 121' F'!>I MAXIMUM DEMAND, 25b NOTE;~_;_ I. REFER TO IRRIGATION 5PECIFICATION5 SI-IEET 1'3 FOR NON-POTABLE IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES 2. USE POP-UP SPRAYS WITI-I IN 10' OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USE$. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE 6EST IIIATER MANA6EMENT PRACTICES TO MINIMIZE RECYCLED IIIATER ENCROACHMENT rSIJCH AS OVERSFRAY, MISTING, FONDING OR RUN-OFF) ON TO FU6LIC FACILITIES SUCH A5 PICNIC TAEILES, EIEIQ'5, PLAYGROUNDS, SAND, TOT LOTS, ETC. STATIC PRESSURE 6ASED ON THE E,E,0 ZONE. INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM 6ILL FLUMMER OF THE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT ON 4-I0-~!!I. DIG ALERT FtEFEllt re, OlltAWrNC:! NUMT!Ellt ._ __ 211-SL FOR IRRIG!ATION OF Tl-ll& DIAL TOLL F~EE 1-800-422-4133 AFtEA VALVE CALL-OUT STATION NUMBE:R r GALLONS PER MINUTE VALVE SIZE 16' 32' 48' AT L!A&T TU.O C>AT& !IEFORE TOU C>ki LNC>l!,-;,fl!O.,NC> !>!~IC!! AL!l'!T OI' &o.JTHEl'IN CALIFO!l!NIA Baxter E. Miller I > lalllbpe Aidbllidl #213e 119 North Maple Sune N 0:>rona tA. 91 no ~ PH: (909) m-1124 :.,a FAX: (909) m-6551 "AS BUILT" DATE THISSHEET----....J PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. fflLE -------- KEY MAP N.T.S. lNGINEER'.S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE REVIEWED lrY: INSPECTOR DATE t-----,f---+-----'-------+---+----l--+--11 SHlEEOT I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH2EE1TS I ~==-====:F'I.A:::::NN:::I:::NG::::;OE:::P:::A:::RTM::::::ENT:::::===::..'::::::=::::! LANDSCAPE F'I.ANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,9-4,95 MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 A--P--=P---Ro_v_ED-.{,µ.;,LJ~------1..LL-5-?'f 1--~1---+----------------t---1----1---l---l ASSISTANT DA TE OWN BY: f'ROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO ~~:-t BAX CTSS-19 _ 271-SM DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAL DATE PREPARED: ___ _ SHEET ..!!1. OF ..21.SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB N0. _ _,.,92.....,_3J'-"2 __ LEGEN!), L PIP-tP HtAD. 2. F"lNtsH GRAIJE. 3. SO. 98 PVC N1PPl.£--LDGt'M A$ NECDSMY, 4. SCH -40 PVC TXT 90 ll£riR£E ELL, S. ANTI-ORAlN VM.VE-M.L DOVN SLIFE HEADS tF' NOT AETRtFITTED IN !£ADS. .. frOI-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE AND rrTTMi. 7, ~O: '90 DEGREE STREET ELL I. HAAl.LX 90 DEGREE STREET ELL 9. SCH 9IJ PVC NIPPI.E' (6"1.CJNG>. 10. V~ AaJVE FINISH GR.-Dt 1 NOTES• ._ LDCATI: HtAD I!' ,_ VMJ<S, a.RBS~ HARDSCAPE, IICJY STRIP. 1£A~ BOARD MD EDGE IF U\IN, J. LI.J:IIT[ STREAM SPRAYS 6• F'Rl>I ALL $TRUCTI.RE$, MD SPRAY I-EADS 12" f"Rf>I ALL $:TRIJCTUR£$ lN SIRJB MEAS:, JUT 6• F'ROf ALL STRUCTURE.$ IN GRCJ!ArfDCOVER AREJ\S. C USE TEFLl]N TAPE Ot ALL MALE nRADS. 0. INSTM..L HOIDS: V/ JNTERNlil.. CHt0( V..._VES AND/IR PRESSl.RE ~TDC$ F"EATURES AS PER TI£ IRRffiATION P1..AN. I 6 11 POP-UP SF~"r f-lEAD DETAIL L HMIJSC,V(. 2. CLEAN 8ACta'1LL 1GX a)P,CTltM 3. SANO. 4, NOt-PRE$$1.ME LATEltM. LINE SLEEW SIZE Tw'ICE DlAMETDI: CF tat-PRES- SUR£ LA TtRAL LINE. S CCIITIU.. VIRE SLEEVC $fl[ PO PLAN lNSTM..L IIIDJIIICENT TO PRaSURE SlFPt.. 'Y LINE. '-l'AESS\JR£ SLPPLY LINE SLEEVE Silt NOTES, ._ OU. SUl:IID TD IE $01 80 ,vc. I, EXTEND OU. SLEEVE$ 2' BEYOID ED(IE OF' HMDSCAPE BOTH SIDES. THE ENDS IF THE: SLEEVES SHAU. llE IDENTWIEO BY A 10' Dl#IETER VAL VE BOX lN TI£ PLANTING MEAS. C, VM..VE BOX SHALL IE STENCILED V/ ,_ 1$• ClJt THE: LID \// 6"' HIGH BY I"' VUE LETTERS. THE PAINT stW..L BE GREEN Dn.. JASEO EJIW£L, AND HAND PAINTED. TYlC£ DIIIMETER DF" PRE~ SUPPLY 1, V~ TAP£. ... C. .. 12· TYP SLEEVING DETAIL . ' .. . \, . "J.,•-· .:.• ,11:::,.....~ -~· ... , ... ., ' ..•...•.. : . ~ ... ·. . .. . . . ....... . .. ·... ..,. . .. ... . ': ...... " ... .. . . • . . . . ·'1· ·. • '• I • • • .. . . . " . ' . ,• ,.. " ..• : .. . . . . . .. • .. r • • •• ,.,. . 1.---1..,, , .. ,,. .. 1~·· •• • • i:.. • : • • • 'f ♦ • • • • • • ' ,• . . . . .• .. :. WCS RAIN GUAAD --REFER TO SHEET #9 ---.STAINLESS TIES AlTAOi 112" DIA PIPE TO WALL W/ 3/4" WIRE HOT DIPPED GALCINIZED STRAP. AlTAOi STAAPE TO ,.,--,,,ASONRY UNIT WALL_ W/ 3/8• LAG IIOL T W/ EXPANSION SHIELDS (LEAD). GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE 112" DIA, AlTAOi l(r' DIA PlPE TO WALL W/ 3/4° WIRE HOT DIPPED GALONIZED STRAP. AlTAOi $TltAPE TO MASONRY UNIT WALL WI 3/8• LAG BOI.T W/ EXPANSION SHIELDS (LEAD) • ELECrRICAL WIRE TO CXlNmOLLER 10 wee ~IN GUARD 2 , NATIVE SOIL (UNDl5TU~DJ i,As, IN BEl'IM •• • ~TED l"ll"E, 2 l"E1't T!l!EI! )/&" CRU&Hl!D GfltAv1!L, ~ ~R TlltEE eLIBBLEJlit OR O~IP ( IN PIFEJ, 2 FER TR! 4" ' AUGER l40LE 31&" CRUSMED GPtAVEL FERTILIZER (FE!lt SOILS '"Rl!""l"O!Ot..,,...T! FINl~GRADE ROOT C"°"'-N ,..... Cl) ~ LEGEND• I, PLASTIC VN.. VE BllX I LOCKING COVER. REFER TO SPECIF'ICATIONS FCli TYPE. 2. TO SPRINl<LER -ANCi..E PIPE TO SPECIFIED DEPTH V / 45 ELLS. 3, $CH 40 PVC MN..E ADAPTOR. 4, VIRE SPLICES SHALL BE SCOTCH LDC PEN TITES OR APPROVED EQUAL V / EXPANSION LOOPS INSTALLED. s. roosH GRADE, 6. PIG TAIL EXPANSION LOOP <MIN. 24' LONG>. ELECTRIC MASTER VAL VE, 2'X4'X8' CONCRETE BLOCKS. 6' THICK OF 3/4' VASHED CRUSH!:D AGGREGATE. IO, CONTROL I COMMON VIRtS. 11. PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. 12, 1/l!' IH LAVN AREAS, t• IN Pt.ANT J BEDS, ~P'\-, NOTES• A, VALVE J0X SHALL BE STENCD.ED 'MV' \,// 6' HIGH BY I' LETTERS, THE PAINT SHALL BE GREEN, OIL BASED ENAMEL AND HAND PAINTED. B. PLACI: A!lllREGATE PRIOR TD INSTAL- LA TI□H OF BllX. CRUSHED ROCK SHALL COVER VALVE BOX PIPE OPENINGS TD PRE- VENT SOIL ENTRY. C, INSTALL MASTER VAL VE A HIN. OF 18' FROM STRUCTURES OR HARDSCAPING. D, INSTALL VALVE IH PLANT BEDS VHER-EVER POSSIBLE, NEXT TO SIDEVALKS. E. PLACE BOX AT RIGHT ANGLES TO STRUCTURES OR HARDSCAPING, F, ADJACENT VALVES SHALL BE NO CLOSER THAN 49' APART. G, CONNECT MASTER VAL VE TO DESIG- NATED at STATION □F CONTROLLER, LEGEND• I, 1/2' IN LA\JN AREAS, t• IN Pt.ANT BED$. ,. 2. ROUND PLASTIC VAL VE BOX V/ LOCKING 6. PLASTIC COVER "ARKED 'BALL VALVE" 7, <REFER Ta SPEC!f!CA TIOHS FDR TYPE). 9, 3, FINISH GRADE. 4, KING BR□S. IHD. BALL Vl>l. VE OR APPROVED EQUAL SLIP FIX --Cl) T X T -NIPPLE 2'X4'X8' CONCRETE BLOCKS, I' \,/ASHED CRUSHED AGGREGATE 6' THICK, SUPPLY LIHE, 1mm • ... 11 m,n 3' TYP D • : 0 • -"-"---""'l. -1111111 LEGENDo L 'INISH GltAIII!. 2. CLENf BACKF'n.J.. ,OX C[Nl'ACTIOI 3, NCIN-PRESS1$1£ LATEAAL,. LJIC, 4, PRESSURE ~y LINE, SHAKE PIP! INTRENCH. S. Pl<!JVlDE 2' CJ' CU:ON 9'ICl(<'JU.. '-CONT~ VmES. ._..DLE MID TN'£ AT 1,:• 0.C. MD t:NSTALL BELOW PRESSLR'.E SUPPLY L [NE, 7, IJMNING TAPE I 6' TY NOTES• .. PlllTAD. AND Lorr CllNTIIIX.. V!1I[ AT otl.l. 90 DEGREt CHANGES [N DIA:ECTil>l 2 3 ® DEEP WATERING SYSTEM 3 Ave-ELECTRIC CONTROL VAL VE DETAIL 4 MANUAL BALL VALVE DETAIL T~NCI-IING DETAIL r Comroller POUl9I' e•ltc:h/Gfl . recept.cle Tonlnal strip -1" '"'" ":""',. r,. ,~ min. ~ ~ 16 11 x 16 11 To Entr Pacinc Tecmical 5ervices (600)421-~ 16' r .. . / ~~ y' ✓ - / /4 r ~ ' - li;jli! 2' ac1 )611 t P nc Tmlcal Service& op errt.ry Co,,tr olle" Ae6emb~ (CA Serie&! NEMA 3R ralrproof s,cloeu-e (UL listed! Hast 8' valve ret.19 or p.,np start relay (optiOll!I! F<.!dl o remote acceo• I optional! PVC coridult for 121!1 v AC. metered power 9Lppl9 3/4' from PVC conduit ror eontr ol wire&, &IZ<I h reqil~ old& with co,,crete FIii v I" PVC condilt ror flow """' or cable AEF ~~lb·2SP pllcable/ (If ap Pw ed cooc:rete base Controller Assembl (CAb Series) 2' 1 16 11 X 16 11 CONT~OLLE~ AeeeMBL "r (CAb SE~IEeJ 8 METER BOX II/ METER--------~ SIDE:VALK.-----~ CURB-----, POTABLE: SERVICE LINE---------- RECYCLED YATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE: \,// SLEEVE---~? N□TE• VERTICN.. CLEARANCE OF' 12' NINIM\M IS MANDA TORY 1/HE:N -----ww----- !ID!! Vl!;!!j !!NCL05Ul!I!! l!i.CF'EN PO!TITION CI) Fl'tAM!! CONSTl'l!IJCTED Of' 3/llo STEEL ANGLE @ NO. '!l l!'Xl"AND!!D METAL @ Fl'OYISION5 l'OJlt F'.ADLOCK!NG, @ LIFTING HANDLES FRQNTYIEUI • THE DIMENSICM! CAN !IE CHANGED TO SUIT INDIVIDUAL NEEDS CONCRETE FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS AND DEl"TH l"El'i! J06 SPECS. BACKFLOW PREVENTER ENCLOSURE BACKFL □~ PREVENT □R ENCLOSURE {j:, ,.,;,: ,;:·:: .:'/f ;;:.::~~, ;,.:,,,.,.,,.,>,::',',.,.,,,,,,,,~:;:_c.:,,,· ,; ;: ,, :•:;,,·,: ;:·:;: ;; .,,.,,,, ;:;:;•,,'1'. (;::;;:; ,~:,,;•,., ).:';'.', ;: -:~::..: ,:, :/::,· I~ '"-J~ POTAll.t MAIILINE ---------. t <SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAVINGS> ll!' MIN. REQUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION RECYCLED IIATER IRRIGATION HAINLINE-----~ N□TE• ALL RECYCLED YATER IRRIGATION PIPll'«l AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIF'IED IN• 'STANDARD SPECIF'ICATIONS F'OR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS' 'CARLSBAD RECLANAT!ON RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF' RECYCLED './ATER MAINS• OCTOBER 1993 13, POT ABLE MAINLINE c~oeeING PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE 9 -- 1111111 • (\J ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING . PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. LEGEND• t. 1/2' ABOVE F'INISH GRADE, 2, HI-PDP SHRUB HEAD, 3. F'INISH GRA or. 4, NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE S. F'ITTING, :,, MARLEX 90 DEGREE: STREET E:LL, 6. SCH 40 PVC STREET ELL, 7, MARLEX 90 DEGREE STREET ELL 8, SCH 40 PVC NIPPLE-TYPICAL (2) PLACES, 9, ANTI-DRAIN VALVE -ALL DD'wN SLOPE HEADS IF' NOT RETROF'ITTED IN HEAD, NOTES• A, LOCATE HEAD 2' F'ROM VALK$, CURBS, HARDSCAPE, MOw' STRIP, HEADER BOARD ANO EDGE OF' LAVN. B, LOCATE: STREAM SPRAYS 6' FROM ALL STRUCTURES, AND SPRAY HEADS 12' fROM ALL STRUCTURES IN SHRUB AREAS, BUT 6' FROM ALL STRUCTURES IN CiROUNDCOVE:R AREAS. C, USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE: THREADS. D. INSTALL HEADS VI INTERNAL CHECK VALVES AND/OR PRESSURE COMPENSATIONS FEATURES AS PER THE IRRIGATION PLAN, Baxter E. Miller LJ1id9Clpe Ao.:hlb!ds #2l3e 119 N Maple !l Suite N O,ront C\ 91 PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737.SI "AS BUil T" ffllf -------DATI: REVIEWED BY: INSPECl'OR DATE CROSSING PATH OF' A POTABLE \,/ATER LINE. INSTALLATION IF RECYCLED \,/ATER IRRIGATION HAINLINE: 24' F'ROM F'ACE OF' SIDE:'JALK VILL PROVIDE: THE: NECESSARY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE: FROPI POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. t---+--+------------t---+--+---+-----II SH1EE1T I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT 21 ~=='..:====:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===~~ LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOlS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 APPROVED ASSISTANT ING DIRECTOR DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL PROJECT NO. 11. 2" ,t UNDE~ BACKFLOW INeTALLATION 12. POT ABLE eeRVICE LINE CROSSING FNGIN EER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: ...,.,...,.,_ CHKD BY: BAX RVWO BY: CTSS-19 I DRAWING NO. . 271-SM DATE PREPARED:_, ____ _ SHEET ..U.OF 21-SHEETS C.~.W.D. JOB N0. __ 9...,2.,.,..el).,.2 __ -' u, .3 - .. • • • ., " " .. . .. .. ., ... .. ., .. al "' "' "' "' • • • ,, " . ,, • • • GROUND COVER LEGEND 1-IEDERA 1-IEL IX '1-IAI-INI I' ' DWARF FESCUE LAI.IN APPLICATION RATE: IIZ> LBS / IIZ>!Z>O S.F. 1-IAI-INS IV'r FROM ROOTED CUTTING:$ SPACED AT ':l" O.C. NOTE: I. A MINIMUM OF 3" OF BARK MULCl-1 Sl-4ALL BE PLACED IN ALL NON-TURF PLANTING: AREAS WITl-4 SLOPES LESS Tl-4AN 3: I SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOE, SITE 2. LOCATE TREES A MIN OF 3' OUTSIDE RIGI-IT OF WAY. 3. ALL TREES IN TURF SHALL 1-IAVE DEEP WATERING DEVICES-SEE DETAIL 2 SHT 11 ' \ \ \ ' 2&' X 3' 61C»ff C.:: Ill 4.?i .:>16T ANC8 NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OVER 30" IN HEIGl-4T WITHIN SIGHT CLEARANCE AREA FlltOl"El'<TY LINE l<EEP'" ~E F'lltOM Tilt!!& IN EASEMENT ~ MAINTENANCE FUl'tP06E6 __ FLOW LINES ~1/,, 8 B.T.F . ...,. .. ... .... 14 B.T.F. 12 B.T ... THIS SHEET .. ------ 12 B.T.F . 12 B.T.F . 8 B.T.F. 8 B.T.F. r,.tlDSC,iA .-1..-¢l'. E, "1. ..,.,,. 'll'· , KEY MAP N.T.s. 32' 48' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE TREE LEGEND 0 PYRUS CALLERY ANA 24" -CALLERY PEAR PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA 'BLOODGOOD' 24" BO>< -LONDON PLANE TREE PINUS HALEPENSIS 15 GALLON -ALEPPO PINE METROSIDEROS EXCELSUS 15 GALLON -NEW ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE COCOS PLUM05A QUEEN PALM -SEE PLAN FOR SIZE LIQUIDAMBAR 5TYRACIFLUA 'PALO AL TO' 15 GALLON -SWEET GUM DIG ALERT DIAL TOLL F~EE 1-800-422 -41.3.3 AT LEA&T TWO OAY& l!!EF'Ollte YOU C, IC:. UNO!~ &ElltYICE ALEl'ltT OF &ouTI-IEl'lN CAL ll'O!IINIA APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Baxter E. Miller I > IJ11dscape Aldl.ld #2138 119NOlt!IMepleSulleN 0,ror,e(). Hno :::a PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: {909) 737-6551 "AS BUILT" fflLE --------DATE REVIEWED BV: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1----t--t---------------t---t---t---t---l ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ :=:=:..=============-====: LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 APPROVED MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 -5-7 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE 1-,-DA--TE--+-,N-,ITI_A_L -l---------------+-DA-TE-11-,N-ITI_A_L +-D-A-[E-+-,N-ITI-A-IL ;:;D~W~N;::13;;:;Y;:: ~~tt=_~======PR~O==J~EC~T==No=.=:::;-;1 :::D~R=.A w=1=N G==N~O. REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY· BAX CT BS. 19 271-SM ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL fNWD BV: DATE PREPARED: __ _ SHEET .ll.OF .il.SHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB N0._~9.,.2..,..J.u.J..,2 __ -' '" , -------- -----, I I I I I I CAMINO DE AMIGOS .. .. .. .. + + .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. + .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. + ... .. + .. .. + .. .. .. .. . .. .. ...a ¥ - ... .. .. .. ..~--'--, .. .. .. + .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. • • • • .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,d .. .. .. .. + •· • .. ,d ·• • NO LAND5CAFE ELEMENTS OVER 312>" IN I-IEIGI-IT WITI-IIN 5IGI-IT CLEARANCE AREA • .. .. • • .. ---.. Li ... • . ,d ... .. .. + .. .. + .. .. .. + .. .. .. .. • (I • ,4 .. ,d .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. + .. .. .. .. .. "/ / V • r -----~'='~7-~----_---------------------------"fl. ------f\J I --------~------+-----------/ .I .I NOTE: I. A MINIMUM OF 3" OF BARK MULCI-! 51-!ALL BE PLACED IN ALL NON-TURF PLANTING AREAS WITH SLOPES LESS T!-!AN 3d SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR AFPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE 2. LOCATE TREES A MIN OF 3' OUTSIDE RIG!-!T OF UJAY. 3. ALL TREES IN TURF 51-!ALL !-!AVE DEEP WATERING DEVICE5-5EE DETAIL 2 5HT 11 ROSE DRIVE l'EFER TO D~ING NUMBER 211-SL FOR LANDSCAPING. OF Tl-!IS AREA THIS SHEET / / .I .I .I MASONRY UJALL NOT A PART OF PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK REFER TO DRAUJING NUMBER 21I-SL ---...... KEY MAP N.T.S, .. "' TREE LEGEND WROUGI-IT IRON FENCE NOT A FART _,.,....,,.~ OF FROJECT 5COPE OF WORK REFER TO DRAWING NUMBER 21 FYRU5 CALLERY ANNA 24" -CALLERY FEAR PLATANU5 ACERIFOLIA '6LOODC.OOD' 3,a" 130>< -LONDON FLANE TREE .. ' + , I I , I I \ I I () w _J _J <:{ u .I w (J1 • •.v_.1 __ _ PINU5 I-IALEPEN5I5 IS GALLON -ALEPPO FINE METR05IDER05 E><CELSU5 IS GALLON -NEW ZEALAND CI-IRl5TMA5 TREE LIQUIDAMBAR 5TYRACIFLUA 'PALO AL TO' IS GALLON -SWEET GUM P.!rthenocleeue trtcueptdata 5 GALLON -6oeton Iv~ 31Zl' on O.C . / .I .I GROUND COVER LEGEND .. .. .. .. .. DUJARF FE5CUE LAWN APPLICATION RATE: 10 LBS / I0c:>12> S.F. ___,_ __ ~ER TO DRAUJINGI NUMeER 211-SL FOR IRRIGATION OF Tl-HS AREA / ~..___ 2S' X 2S' 5161-!T CORNER DISTANCE FtfGl-!T OF UJA Y HEDERA HELIX 'HAl-!Nll' I-IAI-IN5 IVY FROM ROOTED CUTTINGS SPACED AT~" O.C . DIG ALERT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-8(Z)(Z) -422 -4133 AT Le~T TWO DA'l'& eeFO~ 'l'OIJ DIG IJ-IDE~~ S!f'l!YICE ALE:RT OF SOUTI-1!118'1 CALIFOll!NIA NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OV!':R 30" IN HEIG!-!T UJITHIN SIGHT CLEARANCE AREA 2G!)' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVEO ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Baxter E. Miller > Llldsc:lpe~dlo'te:tll2136 119 Nol1h Millie 5111111 N Cerone CA. tine ~ PH: (909) 737-1124 · FAX: ~ 737-1 "AS BUILT" .fflLE --------DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1---t---'f------------t----+--t--+----t I SH1E3ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 ~==~==::::::P:::LAN=N=IN:::G:::O:::E:::PA:::R::T=ME:::NT:====:.:::LQ_j==::::; DATE PREPARED: ___ _ LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 SHEET ..ilOF ..ll.SHEETS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 ' \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .... ..,.> .,,/ \ ' I I I I I I I I ..,...f _.. I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ ' I I \ \ \ I , I / .. .. I ,., J/ /"' ... "' ... ... ... "' ... ... 'V ... ... ... ... "' "' ... "' "' "' ... ... ... "' ... ., . • • . ' ' • "' CD n \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ I I \ , ~--PROPERTY L !NE THIS SHEET ----L ~ ' \ \ \ \ ~ ,, \ \ I \ MASONRY UJALL NOT A FART I OF PROJECT SCOPE OF UJORK Fi<EFER TO DRAUJINu NUMBER 211-!:,L : I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ~ NOTE: I. A MINIMUM OF 3" OF BARK MULCl-4 Sl-4ALL BE PLACED IN ALL NON-TURF PLANTING AREAS WITl-4 SLOPES LESS THAN 3, I SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE 2. LOCATE TREES A MIN OF 3' OUTSIDE RIGl-4T OF WAY. 3. ALL TREES IN TURF Sl-4ALL 1-4AVE DEEP WATERING DEVICES-SEE DETAIL 2 Sl-4T 11 TREE LEGEND • F'LATANUS ACERIFOLIA 'BLOODGOOD' 24" BOX -LONDON PLANE TREE TRISTANIA CONFERTA IS GALLON -BRISBANE BOX Farthenocfee.u& trTcuepldata !:, GALLON -Boston Iv~ O.C. 5~RUBFLANTLEGEND 0 Plumbago aurTc::ulatc!I S Ga lion -Cape Plumbago ( 4-) Dletee vegeta 1 uallon -FortnTght LTl!:f ( 14-) '_J1--/-----------UJROUGl-4T IRON FENCE NOT A PART e fll!aphToleple lndTca 'Pink Lad!:f' S a.a I Ion -Ind la I-la wthorn ( 1 ) OF PROJECT SCOPE OF UJORK REFER TO DRAUJING NUMBER 211-!:,L CCESS uATE NOT A FART OF PROJECT SCOPE OF UJORK REFER TO DRAUJING NUMBER 211-!:>L ~FER TO DRAWING NUM6ER 211-SL FOR LANDSCAPING OF Tl-lie A~A GROUND COVER LEGEND . / / / / / DUJARF FESCUE LAUJN APPLICATION RATE: 10 LSS / 1000 S.F. DELOSPERMA 'ALSA' -UJl-41TE TRAILING ICE PLANT' GAZANIA RluENS "LEUCOLAENA" -YELLOUJ GAZANIA :,0/!:,0 MIX -FROM FLATS «> 12" O.C . DIG ALERT DIAL TOLL F~EE 1-8(2)(2)-422-4133 AT L.!A&'!' '!'WO DAY& 6EFORE YOU DIG Baxter E. Miller MASONRY WALL NOT A PART UND!!fl!GlltOUND &!!flltVIC!! AL.!"1' et,-eol.lTl-l!!l'N CAL.IFOl"NIA > laiidsalpe Aldh\:ds #213& 119 North Maple sune N ChroM C'A. 91720 PH: (909) 737-1124 OF PROJECT SCOPE OF UJORK REFER TO DRAWING NUMBER 211-SL ___ _._ KEY MAP N.1.S. (Z)' 16 I 32' 48' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS . FAX: (909) 737~1 "AS BUILT" ffll.E --------DATE REVIEWED EIY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ t---+--t-----------------1t-----t-----1t----r---1 L.!1J PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ~===-=========:'..==:===: DATE !NI TIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 APPROVED ASSISTANT OWN BY: ...... c....._ CHKD BY: BAX. RVWDBY: PROJECT NO. CT85-19 I DRAWING NO. _ 271-SM DATE PREPARED: ___ _ SHEET ..!i OF ..ll.SHlE l S C.M.W.D. JOB NO. __ 9~2~.3~1~2 __ r -' "' .3 PROPERTY LINE LOT 95 NOTE: A MINIMUM OF 3" OF BA~ MULC.-4 5..4ALL 6E PLACED IN ALL NON-TURF PLANTING! AREAS UJIT.-4 SLOPES LESS T..4AN 3d SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO 6ULK DELlvERY TO JOB SITE 2!>' X 2!>' &!GMT COll<e" C,l&T ANCe NO LAND&CAl"E ELEMENT& OVl!II! 3.0" IN .lEIG.lT WIT.llN olG.lT CLEAl"!ANCE AREA KEEi" Fl"!EE Fl"!OM Tl"!EE5 IN EA5EHENT FOi"! MAINTENANCE FUl"!F05E5 -<::::::::-=-/~~~:s~~" "-' ..... '-, '-' '\ '-, '- '\ '\ '\ '\ ' '\ ' ' '\ '\ '\ '\ '-$:i.~ '~ ' '\ '\ '\ '\ '\ ' '\ ' '\ ' ' '\ '-' ' '- \ ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' '-, ' ' '\ ' \ \ ' ' \ \ ' \ ' \ ' \ \ \ w~' ' ' \ \ ~:;\. \ ' '-' \ \... SJ-.iRUB LEGEND -e- 6 0 0 e A9apanthus Arrlcanus I Gallon -Lll!::j or the N!le ( 2S ) Abella 9randlrlora 'Edward Goucher' S Gallon -Gloss~ Abella ( 17 > Dletes ve9etc:1 S Gallon -Fortnl9ht Lil!::j ( 37 > Ecallonla trubra S Ga lion -Newport Dwa rt ( 42 ) Raphrolepls lndlca 'Pink Lad!::j' S Gallon -India !-law thorn ( 38 ) LOW GROWING 5J-.iRUB5 :&iilii '-'-10% OF SLOPE FACE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD ST AND ARD NO.3 ·, .. _,..., .. '> ~-< .. ".' t1~:~I, •• ,'><;,'\,\ ;· /.',s.; ,:;~. ' '• ,<Y -\<-. \ .. ·l,; .,. ")'!~•/ "',".>\'.--"' -i,;· ", ·. 'r;•·, ,_.,V,i., .,';, . -• ¾v .. :,., ~ ' ,j' .• :;., ,. "·•"'" ' ' '"'''•A'·;<.·••,;%' ) ---~·<' ,' ,·.:y· " ' Yi·, i,·' / • •0 \ ' ,'\· •'•"' ~-"'"!"'. . ' ""' -;>..·, "Mt "" '" . ,,){. ·~ !', "Ii -~··:.,,. ,. '¢-".\-~ /-,~~-{~·.-:· ·"·::,-)::-:-.. ~-:-1t?-~ \·.·.-· .::, v~•-1•· . ·,. ,:S:·. Y. ''• .. ~\Iii:' x« '_:~;}'. '~ . . "' ,,. '-"' •. ' '='-. ,i_,.~, ' ' " ' ' . ----....a...... - THIS SHEET KEY MAP N.T.S. '-'-'- • ' '-' '- '-' PROPERTY LINE 48' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE 0 Cistus h~brldus S Ga lion -White Rock.rose ( 4el ) Cotoneaster 91aucoph~l1us I Ga lion -( 44 ) Grevlllea noel11 5 Ga I Ion -Grev! Ilea ( 25 ) Lantcina montevldensls 1 Gallon -Tra111n9 Lantana ( 21 > Plumbo90 aurlculata 5 Gallon -Cape Plumbago < 23 ) DfG ALERT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-8elel-422-4133 AT Ll!AeT TWO OA"!'& eEFORE YOU DIG UNOl!~O 51!""-"CI! ALl!fltT OI' !a.lTl-41!~ CALl~IA Baxter E. Miller APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, > lot 1clupe ftJ d\'ta 12131 119 Nor1h Maple Sult! N (l)lllflt rA. 91721l PH: (009) 737-1124 FAX: (009) 737-6551 "AS BUil T" INCLUDING PRECISE fflLE -----DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWEDBY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I S1HESET j CITY OF CARLSBAD 1---1----4-------------+---+--+--t-----l PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1---l---+------------+--+--+--t---t ~ L..±!_J LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,9"',95 DATE PREPARED: ___ SHEET Jj_OF.11.SHEETS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 CJ.I. W.D. JOB NO. 92 312 - CAMINO DE AMIGOS <l • ---------- ____ ._, I I I I I I I I I I I •: I I I I I I 25 I I I I I ... I I I ~ I I I I I I I 1--I I I I I I I I c9 I I I I ' ' I ' --------~------------_ __.,_ ______________________________ ' ;;ll 1- NOTE: A MINIMUM OF 3" OF BARK MULCI-I SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL NON-TURF PLANTING AREAS WITI-I SLOPES LESS TI-IAN 3d SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE MELROSE DRIVE ~ER TO 01'!.AWING NUHeER 21I-SL FOR LANDSCAPING OF Tl-!I5 AREA ,, 2::, I '\ .. •• • ' <l • •• ' . • •• ' <l· • •• • ' ' --- / --------~--------------/ ,I ,I MASONRY WALL NOT A PART OF PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK REFER TO DRAWING NUMBER 21I-SL ------- THIS SHEET--- LARGE SHRUB LEGEND · NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OVER ...----30" IN I-IEIGI-IT WITI-IIN SIC.I-IT CLEARANCE AREA ' ' ·• • 2&' X 2&' 61GMT CO!IIIN!!llt C>l&T ANCI!! e 0 WROUGI-IT IRON FENCE NOT A PART OF PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK REFER TO DRAWING NUMBER 27I-SL Abella grandif"lora 'Edward Goucher' S Gallon -Gloss~ Abella < 1 ) Esca lion la trubra 5 Ga lion -Newport Dwarf' ( 14 ) Raph!olep!e lndica 'Fink Leid!::)' S Ga lion -India 1-lawthorn < 1 > Dletes vegeta 5 Gallon -Fortnight LIi~ < S> ) LOW SHRUB LEGEND ,I ~ _J <I 0 :t w _J _J 0 Cletus h!::Jbrldue 5 Gallon -White Rock.rose< 2S ) Cotoneaeter glaucoph~llus 1 Ga lion -< 16 > Leptospermum ecoparrum 'Snow White' I '/,.. ·• . •y_/ __ , <I u 0 S Gallon -New Zealand Tea Tree ( 10 > Plumbago aur!culata I I I I I ,I / ,I w (J1 S Gallon -Cape Plumbago ( 12 > NO LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS OVER 30" IN I-IEIGI-IT WITHIN SIGI-IT CLEARANCE AREA REFER TO DRAWING NUHeE:R 21I-SL FOR LANDSCAPINC!s OF TI-IIS AREA DfG: ALERT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 1 ---2S' X 2S' 5ICsl-lT COf:<NER DISTANCE: AT LEA&T TWO C>AYS eEFOFeE YOU DIG UNC>E~ e!lltYICE ALE"1" ~ eotlT~~ CALlflOIINIA r---RIGI-IT OF WAY Baxter E. Miller PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I> Landla!peArdllleclJ'2131!1 119 No!lh Maple~ N Oll'Ol'ol CA. 91720 ~ PH: (909) 737-1124 ~ FAX: (909) 737~1 "AS BUILT" fflLE -------DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I S1HE6ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH2EE1_TS I ~====t===t=========================t===1===1====t===: Pu\NNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 KEY MAP N.l.S. DATE PREPARED: ___ _ SHEET -1§.OF .l.1.SHEETS C.M. W.D. JOB NO. 92,312 1. .. X ru 7, DE;ADMAN DETAIL LEGEND• 1. NEW RUBBER HOSE OVER WIRE AT POINT OF CONTACT .. 2. BACKFllL MIX PER SPECIFlCA TIONS. 3. RD\\1:l DEADMAN PER DETAIL THIS BOX. 4. FlNISH GRADE. 5. PLANT PIT TO BE TWICE THE WIDTH OF lHE ROOTBALL & 12" BELOW THE ROOTBALL. 15. NATIVE SOIL 7. (J) DOUBLE STRAND CALV. WIRE GUYS SPACED E0UALL Y AROUND TREE. COVER W/ J/8" DIA. X J" WHITE PVC TUBING. 8. J" BERM TO FORM DEPRESSED WATERING BASIN. 9. 4" THICK SHREDED MULCH IN PLANTERS. 1 O. "GROW POWER" Pl.ANT TABS PER SPECS. 11. ROOT BALL. 12. DEADMAN DETAIL 13. GUY WIRE. 14. (2) RD'htl STAKES 2"X2"X18" 1s. 2·x•·x1e· 16. USE TRUNK GUARD IN TURF AREAS. NOTES• A. INSTALL GUYS HANO TAUT TO PREVENT DEFORMATION OF LIMBS. 8. PLACE "GROW POWER" TABS IN BOX PRIOR TO PLANTING FOR OBSER- VATION PURPOSES. C. ALTERNATE DEAOMAN ASSEMBLY: "DUCKBILL" TREE ANCHORING SYSTEM. 0. ROOTBARRIER BY "ROOTMASTER" MIN. 36" WIDE. 12cf 0-----<3 TREE GUYING DETAIL 4. SHRUB SLOPE . 4-. • • .. . . . . . •··· .. . . . . . .. • ~ .. ---'-<--1~-::J-l--t--• • .. • •· • 4·" . . ELEVATr □N PLAN VIE\,' ELEVATION a PLAN VIE\,' LEGEND• 1. ROOT BALL -DO NOT COMPACT ROOT BALL SOIL ALLOW ROOT BALL TO SETTLE TO FlNISH- ED GRADE. 2. FlNISHED GRADE. 3. 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH. 4. 3" BERM TIGHll Y COMPACTED IN PLACE TO FORM WATERING BASIN. 5. 1 1/2 : I MA><. 6. EXISTING SLOPE -2 : I MAX. 7. GROW POWER PLANT TABS PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 15. PREPARED SOIL MIX. Pl.ANT PIT TO BE I 1/2 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE ROOT BALL 9. SHRUB TRUNK. .... ........ ........ .. PLANTING LEGEND• 1. WALL 2. FINISH GRADE 3. EYEBQl.TS: SECURE \'INE TO WALL 111TH 5 :18 DIA. EYEBOL TS IN LEAD SHIEi.OS. 12 /;A. GALV. 'MRE: SECURE VINE TO l'IIRE WITH NURSERYMAN'S TAPE. EYEBOLTS FOR FUTURE USE 4. 6" X .8" CONCRETE VINE COLLARS IN TURF AREAS ONLY: INSIDE RADIUS OF COLLAR TO BE TWO TIMES THE DIAMETER OF ROOTBil.LL MIN. S. ANGEL BACK TO WALL. TRUNK OF VINE. AND REMOVE STAKE WHILE SECURING VINE TO WIRES. LEGEND• 1. WALL 2. FlNISH GRADE J. E~~iA. ~%i"5t_~~N ~t4H~s. 12 (;A. GAL V. WIRE: SECURE VINE TO 'MRE WITH NURSERYMAN'S TAPE. EYEBOL TS FOR FUTURE USE S. ANGEL BACK TO WALL. TRUNK OF 'IINE. ANO REMOVE STAKE WHILE SECURING VINE TO WIRES. VINE PLANTING DETAIL X "' 5, 2. TREE i-----12 DOUBLE STAKING LEGEND• 1. ROOT BALL -00 NOT COMPACT ROOT BALL SOIL ALLOW ROOT BALL TO SETTLE TO FlNISH- ED GRADE. 2. FINISHED GRADE. J. 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH. 4. 3" BERM TIGHTLY COMPACTED IN PLACE TO FORM WATERING BASIN. 5. NATIVE SOIL ti. GROW POWER PLANT TABS PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 7. PREPARED SOIL MIX. PLANT PIT TO BE 1 1 /2 TIMES THE MOTH OF THE ROOTBALL !I. SHRUB TRUNK. SHRUB PLANTING LEGEND• 1. "WON0£R TREE TIES" OR APPROVEO EQUAL TWO PER POLE. 2. LODGEPOLE PINE TREE STAKES TREATED W/ COPPER NAPTHANATE. TWO PER POLE. 10' LONG 3. BACKFlLL MIX PER SPECIFlCA TIONS. 4. 4 • BERM FOR TEMPORARY WA TE RING UNTIL SEEDING. S. 4• THICK SHREOEI) MULCH. 6. PLil.NT PIT: TWICE THE 'MOTH OF ROOTBALL 7. 12" NATIVE SOtL 8. TRUNK GUARD IN TURF AREAS (VENTILATED). 9. ROOT BALL 10. FlNISH GRADE NOTES• A. INSTALL STAKES 12" FROM TREE TRUNK. B. PLACE "GROW-POWER" PLANT TAB$ PER SPECIFlCA TIONS. WINO TREE TRUNK PLAN VIEW DETAIL 3, >< (\) >< TREE TF<IANGULAF< SPACED PLANTING DIAGF<AM A C 6, ~---+-B A EDGE OF PLANTER AREA PLANT A • 1/2 OF SPACING B • $PACING C • 1S% OF $PACING GROUNDCOVER PLANTING PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 FNGINEER"S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE I ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE LEGEND• 1. ROOT BALL -DO NOT COMPACT ROOT BALL SOIL ALLOW ROOT BALL TO SETTLE TO FINISH- ED GRADE. 2. FINISHED GRADE. J. 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH. 4. 3" BERM TIGHTLY COMPACTED IN PLACE TO FORM WATERING BASIN. ~-1 1 /2 : 1 MAX. 6. EXISTING SLOPE -2 : 1 MAX. 7. GROW POWER PLANT TABS PER SPECIF1CA TIONS. SLOPE 6. PREPARED SOIL MIX. PLANT PIT TO BE 1 1/2 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE ROOT BALL 9. TREE STAKES TWO PER TREE, MIN. 10' LENGTH. NOTES• A. REFER TO TREE DOUBLE STAKING DETAIL (THIS SHEET) FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES CONCERNING TREE STAKES AND INSTALLATION. ........ ........ ...... PLANTING CARLBAD STANDARD NOTE 24. SLOPE OVER 8' IN VERTICAL I-IEIGI-IT I-IAVE, A) STANDARD "1-COVER CROP/JUTE ME51-1 (I/Zl/Zl% COVERAGE) 6) 5TANDAl'i!D "2• C:!l'i!OUND COYER, MINIMUM FLATTED SIX (IIZ'/Zl% COVEl'i!AGE) C) STANDARD "3-LOUJ SPREADING 51-1c.a.16S FROM MINIMUM 2 3/4" LINER5 ( 10% COVE~E) DJ STANDARD •4. TREE5 AND LA~E 51-lRU65 FROM MINIMUM I G.ALLON ( 1/2/Zl/Zl 5GlUARE FEET J 2~. 5LOFE5 eeTUJEEN 4' AND e· IN VERTICAL 1-lclGl-lT I-IAV!! "I, "2, "3 AEIOV!!. 2&. 5LOPE5 3' OR LE5S IN VERTICAL 1-lEIGI-IT AND ADJACENT TO FU6LIC UJALK5 01'<: OR STREETS 1-lAVE STANDARD "I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Baxter E. Miller > LffllDlle Arch,"llm 12138 119 N Ma!)le St. Sulle N Olrcn CA. 917 ~ PH: (909) 737•112-1 FAX: (909) 737-el "AS BUILT" ffllE -------- DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE t-----+--t-----------t--+---+--+---t fs8@77 CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH2E.1ETS I L_!{j PLANNING DEPARTMENT :=='...=:============-==~ DAlE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL 011-IER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PLANS RECF\EATION LOTS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 DWN BY: ......,.....__ PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: BAX CT B5-t9 271-SM RVWD BY: DATE PREPARED:_, ____ _ SHEET ...1ZOF 2LSHEETS C.M. W.D. JOB NO. 92 312 -' (ft 3 GENERAL CONDITIONS DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS a_ The contractor shall keep at the project site o copy of the drawings and specifications. _In the event o discreponcy exists between figures and / or drawings, the discrepancy shall be Immediately submitted to the owner for clorificotion. Any adjustment mode by the contractor without obtaining such clorificotion from the Owner shall be at he Contractor's risk and expense and be subject to removal if said adjustment does not meet the approval of the Owner. b. The Contract documents, as defined herein, ore intended to be read together to descibe a complete and finished piece of work, including all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the proper execution of the project. SHOP DRAWINGS OR PROJECT DATA AND SAMPLES a. Shop drawings, product dato, samples and similar submittals are not contract documents. The purpose of their submittals is to demonstrate for those portions of the work for which submittal• ore required the way the Contractor proposes to conform to the information given and the design concept expressed in the drowings. b. The Contractor shan review, approve and submit such submittol's required by the contract documents with reasonable promptness and in such sequence or to cause no delay in the work. CONTROL Of MATERIALS a. Materials, ports and equipment to be furnished by the Contractor shall be new, unless otherwise noted on the drawings. The materials shall be manufactured, handled and used in a workmanlike manner. b-All materials shall be subject to rigid inspection and if, in tho opinion of the owner the some do not comply , with the contract documents. said materials shall be rejected and immediately removed from the premises at the expense of tho Contractor_ c_ Monufoctures warranties, guarantees, Instructions sheets and ports list, which ore furnished with certoin articles or materials incorporated in the work, shall be delievered to the Owner prior to acceptance of the work. SUBSTITUTION OR EQUIVALENTS o. for convenience in designation on the drawings or in the specifications, certain articles or materials to be incorporated in the work may be designated under a trade name or the name of a monufocturer and catalogue number. b. The burden of proof as to the quality and suitability of alternatives shall be upon the Contractor_ CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE When requested, Controctor shall furnish the Owner with a Certificate of Compliance stating tho! the material .substontiolly meets the specifications. DRAINAGE GENERAL a. Contractor shoH provide all labor, materials and equipment to furnish and install drainage systems as indicated on the drawings ond as specified hereon. b-Contractor shall maintain the project site throughout the progress of the work in a reasonable, dry, workable eondiUon. free of surface woter. c. Contractor shoH be responsible for all cutting and patching of new or existing walks, curbs and pavements required for proper installation of drainage systems. d. Trench bottom shall be graded and prepared to provide o firm and uniform bearing surface throughout entire length of pip•- HORIZONTAL SUBDRAINS a. Catch basins shall be Indicated ond installed as detailed on the drawings. b. Pipe shall be as indicated on the drawings and laid and jointed in occordonce with generally accepted practice ,and to line and grade as designated on the drawings_ c_ Interior of pipe shall be free of ail foreign molter prior to, during and after installation in the trench. d-Invert of curb drains shall be located o minimum of one inch ( 1 ") above the gutter flow line_ Drain pipe shall have a minimum clearance of two inches (2") from top of curb and terminate at one inch bock of curb lace. BACKRLL a. Backfill material shall be free of large clods, stones, and other objectionable materials, exceedinq three (3j in diameter_ CONCRETE GENERAL a. Contrator shall provide all labor, materials omd equipment to construct concrete items os indicated on the drawings and specified herein. b. Concrete shall consist of portlond cement, flne aggregate (sand), course aggregate and waler. proportioned ond mi,ed to ottoin a twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength of at least 2000 pounds per square inch with o slump not to exceed three inches-Concrete shall not contain reactive aggregate or calcium chloride. MATERIALS o. Cement shall be type II low alkali portland cement conforming to ASTM C-15D. Cement shall be of the some brand ond type used throughtout the project b. Sand shall consist of natural or manufactured granular material, free of doieterlous amounts of organic moleiol1. Sand shall be thoroughly and uniformly washed. c_ Coarse aggregate sholl be composed of grovel or blended mixture of crushed rack and grovel containing no more than fifty percent of crushed rock particles having all faces fractured and not less than twenty-five percent of graveL d. Water shall not contain deleterious substances or any amount of impurities that will cause o change in the time of setting_ REINFORCEMENT a. Reinforcement shall conform to "the dimensions and details shown on the drawings and shall be cleaned thoroughly of oll rust, mill scale, mortar, oil, dirt or any coating which would impair proper bonding with concrele- b-Reinforcing steel, where indicated on the drawings, shall be Grode 40 or grade 60 billet steel, conforming to ASTM -AS 15. c_ Wire mesh reinforcement, where indicated on the drawings, shall conform to ASTM A-185. PLACING CONCRETE a. Install embedded items accurately in their proper locations, secured against displacement, prior to placing concrete. b-Concrete shall be placed on native grade or certified compacted flll or subbose moterlol. free of on loOff ond extraneous material, sufficiently dampened to ensure that no moisture will be absorbed from the fresh concrete_ c_ Concrete shon be distributed uniformly and thoroughly vibrated in a manner that will encase the reinforcement, fill the forms and bring the surface true to grade and cross-section. d-Equipment used shall not have any aluminum components coming into direct contact with the concrete_ RNISHING a. Concrete surfaces shall be floated prior too steel troweling. Formed edges shall be rounded to a rodius of one- half ( 1 /2"). Edges ot expansion joints shall be rounded to o radius of one-eighth inch ( 1 /81- b. Finished concrete shall be as indicated on the drawings and specified herein_ c. Concrete shall not be covered with plastic sheeting. d. Equipment ueed shall not hove any aluminum components coming into direct contact with the concrete. JOINTS a. Expansion joints shall be as Indicated on the drawings ond ot comers, radius points ond ot regular intervals not to exceed 10' on center. Set premolded expansion joint strip below finished surface, temporarily secured to top of expansion strip or use a removeable plastic filler strip_ Expansion joints shall be sealed with o polysulfied water-proof caulking_ b-Scored control joints shall be tooled to a minimum depth of 3/ 4• and o radius of 1 ;a• at live foot intervals. c. Sow cut joints, where specified shall be at intervals not to exceed 1 O' on center, and shall be cut to a minimum depth of 1· and a width not to exceed 1/4". CURING a-Curing compound shall form an impervious membrane and shall be o blend of pure waxes and . alkali-resistant pigments in a solvent emulsion, manufactured by L-M. Scofield, or approved equaL b. Spraying of curing compound shall commence as soon as free water leaves the surface but no later than three (3) hours following placement of concrete. MASONRY GENERAL a. Controtor shan provide all labor, materials and equipment to construct masonry structures conforming to the dimensions ond details indicated on the drawings and specified herein. MATERIALS a. Hollow load bearing masonry unit shall be mode with sand-gravel aggregate and shall conform to ASTM C-90 for Grode N-1 units, free of crocks and defects. Net sizes of units shall be shown on the drawings_ b. Mortar used in masonry construction shall be one part portland cement to two and one-half ports aond, to which one-quarter to one-half ports hydrated lime or lime putty has been added. Color shall be indicated on the drawings or selected by Landscape Architect. c. Manufocturee warranties, guarantees, instructions sheets and ports list. which are furnished with certain articles or materials incorporated in the work, shall be delievered ta the Owner prior to acceptance of the work_ INSTALLATION o_ All woric shall be performed In compliance with oppllcoble local building ordinancee ond Uniform Building Code and Masonry Design Manual. b. Alt wons shall be !old true, level and plumb, unless otherwise noted on the drawings c. Concrete block which becomes wet shall be permitted lo dry before commencing work. d. Mortar lolnls for brick and concrete block shall be strolght, clean, uniform in thickness of not less than 3/8", tooled fo produce a slightly concave surface. and well bonded at edges. e. Mortar joints for stone shall be tooled to produce a slightly concave surface, and well-bonded to stone ot edges. f. Contractor shall provide expansion joints at corners and at thirty feet (30') on center or as required by local code- REINFORCEMENT a. Reinforcement shall be placed as indicated on the drawings and as required by local code. b_ Horizontal steel for concrete block walls shall be laid in a course of bond beam block filled with grout. c. For concrete block walls, o vertical dowel shall be provided in the foundation for each vertical bar. Vertical cores containing steel shall be filled solid with grout. LAYING PAYERS a_ Spread and screed selling bed to a uniform thickness, except for minor variations required to produce a true surface. level in plane or uniformly spread for drainage as shown on drawings. b-Setting bed shall be three-quarters inch (3/4") minimum and one and one-quarter (1 1/4") maximum- c. Apply a thin layer of cement paste (1/32• to 1/16") by brushing or troweling over setting bed or to bottom of brick. Set and level eoch brick. BACKFILLING a_ Backfill material, shoH be free from large clods, stones and other objectionable materials exceeding three inches in diameter. I ROUGH CARPENTRY GENERAL a. Controtor shall provide oil labor, materials and equipment to construct masonry structures conforming to the dimensions and details indicated on the drawings and specified herein. MATERIALS a. Lumber shall be straight; free from large, loose or unsound knots or knot clusters, scars, decoy, holes, Insect damage and other defects which would impair the strength or durability. Splits shall be no longer than the butt dimension. Na cracks will be permitted. Na nails, spikes or other metal shall be present. b_ Posts, where indicated on the drawings, shall be cut from sound, live, close-groined trees, machine peeled with all overgrown knots trimmed flush with the surface_ c. Hardware shall conform to Miscellaneous Metal Section. WORKMANSHIP o_ Framing shall be true and exact. All lumber shall be cut and framed to o close fit and shall hove even bearing over the entire contact surface. Shimmimg will not be permitted. b-Lumber shall be nailed or bolted together as indicated on the plans. Nails shall not be driven closer than 1 ;2• their length-Avoid hommer-morks, moons, and sow-cuts. c_ Lumber shall be stored neatly in piles on skids so they con be readily inspected, and shall be handled in o manner that will ovoid .injury or breakage. MISCELLANEOUS METAL GENERAL a. Contrator shall provide all lobar, moterfola and equipment to construct masonry structures conforming to the dimensions and details indicated on the drawings and specified herein . b-This section does not include reinforcing steel for concrete and masonry or items required in connection with irrigation or electrical work. WORKMANSHIP a. Workmanship ond finish shall be equal ta the best general practice in steel fabricating shops. b-Portions of work exposed to view shall be finished neatly. a. Welding, welder qualifications and inspections of weldinq operations shall conform to the American Welding Society ond these specifications- b. Field welds shall be cleaned and treated with cold-galvanized compound. BOLTS, NUTS AND FASTENERS a. Unless specified on these drawings, nails and spikes shall be galvanized flat common. b. Bolts shall be long enough to extend entirely through the nut but not more than 1/4• beyond. Unless otherwise noted, bolts, nuts and lag screws shall be galvanized square head. Carrloge bolts shall hove truss heads with square shoulder_ Washers shall be over-sized of "cut• type_ Holes shall be either punched full size, drilled full size or sub-punched and reamed. c. Anchor bolts, where opplicoble, shall be carefully installed to permit true positioning of the bearing oosemblies. '• PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE WROUGHT IRON a. form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces. b-Submit shop drawings, clearly indicating in detail oll methods of fabrication and assembly, dimensions, size weight and material, holes, lugs, inserts, finishes and other pertinent data. PAINTING AND STAINING GENERAL a. Controlor shall provide oil lobar, moteriols, equipment. and incidentals for sanding priming, pointing and staining of improvements as indicated on the drawings and specifed herein. b-Contractor shall be responsible for the location, alignment, layout, dimensions ond opplicotion of point ond •loins- MATERIALS a. Points and stains shall be of colon and tints as indicated on drawings, ond shall be applied in accordance with the manufactures recommendations and these specifications. Contractor shall submit color samples lo the Owner for approval before applying ony paint materials. b. Point shall be delievered to the project site in new, unopened, round, airtight containers, appropriately identified with the manufactures name, dote of manufacture, type of material ond lot or batch number. WORKMANSHIP AND PROTECTION a. Paint shall be applied on thoroughly dry surfaces and during periods of favorable weather. b. Surfaces being covered shall be free from moisture, dust, grease, or other deleterious substance which would prevent banding. c. Contractor shall protect all adjacent improvements against disfigurement as o result of pointing operations. PAINTING GALVANIZED SUFACES a_ Galvanized sufoees which ore to be pointed shall be prepared by hondscroping, brushing with stiff fiber or wire brushes or cleaning with alkaline solution followed by a fresh water rinse_ Alter washing, surfaces shall be roughened by abrasive blasting. Galvanizing shall not be removed during preparation operations. b. After preparation. apply one (1) coat of zinc dust-zinc oxide primer followed by a vinyl wash pre-treatment and two (2) finish enamel point coots. PAINTING WOOD SURFACES a_ Wood surfaces shall be prepared for pointing by removing any foriegn matter by wire brushing, scraping or •anding_ All surfaces shall be wiped or dry brushed to remove any dust or chalky residue resulting from poreporation operations. b-Points, stains or sealers shall be applied prior to assembling. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ~ fflLE REVIEWED BY: Baxter E. Miller lllndnpe Archlteds #2136 119 N Meple St. SUlte N Ol1'°"8 CA. 9172 PH: (909) W-1124 F~: (909) 737~1 "AS BUILT" DATE DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1------11----1----------------1----+--+----+---t L_!§_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT L±!.J ::::==:.:::::=========-===: DATE INITIAL ENGINEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE 'NITIAL OTHER APl'ROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35.94,95 MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 _AP-PR_ov_E_D -,y7.'P..::,-n~:O,c:.a.?«--J/ ___ _,_/....:..~-5-7 9 Ptl('NITTNG DIRECTOR DA 'IE ASSISTANT OWN BY: c; l C CHKD BY: SAX RVWD BY: PROJECT NO_ CT 85·19 I DRAWING NO. _ 271·5M DAlE PREPARED. ____ _ SHEET ..ll!OF .L.1.SHEEIS C.M.W.D. JOB N0. __ 9~2....,,1_..,]2.__ __ "-l ...:r IRRIGATION SYSTEM L GENERAL NOTE: CMWO's recycled water sp@cs. take precidenee over specs. below. A SCOPE OF WORK Provide all lobor, materials, equipment. and services necessary to furnish and install Irrigation System os shown on the drawings and described herein. 8. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits ond F~s The Contractor shall obt<:1in ond pay for ony ond all permits and all inspections as required. 2. Manufacturer's Directions Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shall be followed in all coses where the manuf□cturers of articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not showing the drawings and specifications. 3. Ordinances and Regulations All local, municipal and state lowt, and rules and regulations governing or relating to ony portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and mode a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Controctor. Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules ond regulations of the some. However, when these specifications and drawings c~II for or, descri~e materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size tlian 1s required by the above rules and regulotions, the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall toke precedence. 4. Explanation of Drawings Contractor is responsible for alt offsets, fittings, sleeves. etc., which may be required but ore not indicated. Contractor will carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of the work and pion the work occordingty, furnishing such fittings; etc., as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed In such a manner 011 to ovoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and architectural features. The contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system os shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that unknown obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in oreo dimensions exist that might not hove been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Owner's authorized representative. In the event this notification is not performed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. C. SUBMITTALS 1. Material List Furnish the articles, equipment, materlals, or processes specified by name in the drowin~ ond specifications. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the Architect. a. Complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Materiel list shall include the manufacturer, model number and description of all material and equipment to be used. b. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the Architect may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. c. Approval of any item, alternate or substitute indicates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the drowings and specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted, d. Approval of ony item, olterntJte or substitute indicates only thot the product or products apparently meet the requir@ments of the drawings and specifications on the basis of th@ information or samples submitted. 2. Record Drawings o. The landscape contractor shall request in writting from the landscape architect the documents riecessary to proceed with the preparation of the os-bui!ts, b. The contractor shall dimension from two permanent points of reference, building corners, sidewalk, or rood intersections; etc., the locations of the following items: 1) Connection to existing water lines. 2 Connection to existing electrical power. .3 Gate valves. 4 Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension mo_x. 100' along routing) 5 Sprinkler control valves. 6 Routing of control wiring. 7 Quick coupling valves. 8 Other related equipment as dlrecled by the Architect. c. On or before the dote of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed sepias to the Architect. Delivery of the sepios will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. 3. Controller Charts a. Record drawings shall be approved by the Architect before controller charts ore prepared. b. Provide one controller chart for e<ich controller supplied. c. The chart shall show the oreo controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will oHow. d. The chart is t.o be a reduced drawing of the actual as-built !ystem. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to o size that will be readable when reduced. e. The chart shall be a or blueline osolid print ond o different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each station. f. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 10 mils thick. g. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to final inspection of the irrigation system. 4. Operotion and Maintenance Monuols Prepare and deliver operation and maintenance manuals as specified in Division 1 and os follows: o. Catalog and ports sheets on every moteriol and equipment installed under this Contract. b. Guarantee statement. c. Complete operating ond maintenance instructions on o!I major equipment. d. In addition to the above-mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the Owner's maintenance personnel with instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the Architect <:1t the conclusion of the project that this service hos been rendered. 5. Equipment to Be Furnished Supply as a part of this Contract the following tools: a. Two seb of special tools required for removing, disassembling and 0djusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project. b. Two five-foot valve keys for operation of gate volvH. c. Two key~ for each automatic controller. d. Six quick couplt'!r keys ond matching hose swivels for each type of quick coupling valve lnstolled. The above-mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the Owner at the conclusion of the project. Before final inspection con occur, evidence that the Owner hos received material must be shown to the Architect. D. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Handling of PVC Pipe and Flttlngs: The Contractor ts cautioned to exercl:se care in handling, loodlng, uniooding, end storing of PC pipe ond fittings. AU PVC pipe shall be transported in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated external toad at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discorded and, if installed, shall ~e replaced with new piping. E. GUARANTEE The guarantee for the sprinkler irrigation shol1 be mode in aecordonce with the form shown below. A copy of the guarantee form shotl be included in the operations and maintenance manual. The guarantee form Sholl be re-typed onto the Contractor's letterhead and contain the following information: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we hove furnlshed and Installed Is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work hos been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary weer and tear and unusual abuse or neglect expected. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship which may develop during the period of one year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no odditionc:il cost to the Owner, We shall make such repairs or replacementg; within 0 reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, ofter receipt of written notice. In the event of our failure to make guch repairs or replacements within o reosonable time ofter receipt of written notice from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proc@ed to hove Mid repairs or replacements mode at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefor upon demand. PROJECT: LOCATION: SIGNED: Contractor ADDRESS: PHONE: -------DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: ____ _ II. PRODUCTS A. MATERIALS 1, Genero!: Use onty new materio!s of brands and types noted on drawings, specified herein, or approved equols. 2. PVC Pres9ure Moin Line Pipe and Fittings a. Pressure main lini, piping for all sizes shall be PVC Class 315 b. Pipe shall be mode from NSF approved Type 1, Grode 1 PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 1 785. All pipe shalt meet requirements os set forth in Federal Specification PS-21-70. (Solvent-weld pipe). c. PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-t NSF approved conforming to ASTM test procedure 02466. A. 8. C. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. d. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and IMtollatian methods prescribed by the manufacturer. e. All PVC pipe shall bear the following markings: 1! Manufacturer's name. 2 Nominal pipe size. 3 Schedule or class. 4 Pressure r<:1ting in PSI. 5 NSF (Notional Sanitation Foundation) approval. f. All fittings shall beor the monufocturer's name or trademorl< material designation, size, applicable 1.P.S. schedule and NSF seal of approval. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Piping o, Non~pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC class 200 wlth solvent weld Joints. b. Pipe shall be mode from NSF approved. Type 1, Grode II PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 01784. All pipe shall meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70, with on appropriate stondord dimension ratio. c. Except as noted in Section 11-A,o & b, alt requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings .shall be the some os for solvent-weld pressure main line pipe and fittings as set forth in Section tr- A-2 of these specifications, 9ra$s Pipe and F:ttings a. Where indicated on the drawings, use red brass screwed pipe conforming to Federo! Specification #WW-P-351. b. Fittings shall be red brass conforming to Federal Specification fWW-P-450. Galvanized Pipe Fittings a. Where indicated on the drawings, use galvanized steel pipe ASA Schedule 40 mild steel screwed pipe. b. Fittings shall be medium galvonized screwed beaded malleable iron. Golvanlzed couplings may be merchant coupling. c. All galvanized pipe fittings instolled below grade shall be pointed with two (2) coots of Koppeers • #50 Bitumostic." Gate Valves o. Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be 125 lb. SWP bronze gote valve with screw-in bonnet, non- rising stem and solid wedge disc. b. Gate votves 3• and smaller shall be threaded ends and shall be equipped with a bronze hand wheel. c. Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be similar ta those monufoctures by Nibco or approved equal. d. All gate volvl!!s shall be instotted per instollation detail. Quick Coupling Volvee Quick coupling valves shalt hove a bran two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 F' .5.1. operable with quick coupler.Key size and type shall be as shown on plans. Backffow Prevention Units o. Bockf!ow prevention unitt shall be or size and type indicated on the irrlgatiori drawings, Install bockflow prevention units in accordance with irrigation constructions details. b. Wye Strainers at bockflow prevention units shall hove o bronzed screwed body with 30 mesh monel screen and shall be similar to Bailey ~100B" or approved equal. Check Valves Anti-drain valves shall be of heavy -duty virgin PVC construction with F.1.P. thread inlet o!'ld outlet. Internal parts shotl be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti-ciroin valve shall be field adjustable against drawout from 5 to 40 feet of head.The anti-drain valve shall be simi!ar to the Valcon nADV or approved equal. Control Wiring a. Connections between the automatic controtters and the electric control votes shall be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F". 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be o different color wire form each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each automatic controller. Install in occordonce with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than #14. b. Wiring sho!I occupy the some trench and shall be installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines wherever possible. c. Where more then one ( 1) wire is placed in a trench, wiring shall be toped together at intervals of ten( 1 0) feet. d. An expansion curl shall be p!"ovided within three (3) feet of eoeh wire connection. Exponsion curl shall be of sufficient length or each splice connection at each electric control, so that in case of repair, the valve bonnet may be brought to the surface without disconnection of the control wires. Control wires shall be laid loosely in trench without stress or stretching of control wire conductors. e. All splices shall be mode with Scotch-Lok ~3576 Connector Sealing Pocks, Rainbird snap-tite wire connector, or approved equal. Use one splice per connector sealing pock. f. Field splices between the automatic controller and electrical control valves wilt not be ollowed with our prior approval of the Architect. Automatic Controllers a. Automatic controller, shall be of sin and type shown on the Plans. b Final location of automatic controllers shall be approved by the Owner's authorized representative. c. Unless otherwise noted on the plant, the 120 volt electrical power to tt,e automatic controller loeotion to be furnished by others. The final electrical hook-up shall be the responsibility of the irrigation contractor. d. Automatic Controllers shall be installed in a vandal-proof enclosure. Electric Control Valves a. All electric control valves shall be the some monutocturer as the automatic controllers. b. All electric control valves shatl hove o manual flow adjustment. c. Provide and install one control valve box for each electric control valve. Control Volve Boxes o. Use 9 by 24 inch round box for all gate volves, Brooks #9 or approved equal. b. Use 9-1/2 by 16-by 11-inch rectangular box for all electrical control valves, Carson Industries 1419-128 or approved equal. Sprinkler Heads o. AU sprinkler heads sho!! be of the some size, type, and dellver the same rote of precipitation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure, and discharge as shown on the plans and/or specified on these special provisions. b. Spray heads shall have a screw adjustment. c. Riser units shalt be fabricated in accordance with the details, d. Riser nipples for olf sprinkler heads shall be the some size as the riHr opening in the sprinkle . All sprinkler heads INSPECTION 1. Site Conditions o. Al! scaled dlmen:,1ons ore or,r,roximot•. The Contractor shall check ond verify at1 size dimensions and receive Architect's opprovol prior to proceeding with work under this Section. b. E)(ercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which ore caused by his operation or neglect. Check existing utilities drawings for existing utility locations. c. Coordinate installation of sprinkler irrigation rnoteriols, including pipe, so there shall be no interference with utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs, and ground covers. d. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the sprinkler irrigation system. PREPARATION 1. Physical layout a. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stoke out all pressure supply line9, routing and location of sprinkler heads. b. All layout shall be approved by Architect prior to installation. 2. Water Supply J. 1 . 2. a. Sprinkler irrigation system shall be connected to water supply poln-b of connection os indicated on the drawings, b. Connections shall be mode at approximate locations O!I !lhown on drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. Electrical Supply a. Electrical connections for automatic controller shall be made to electrical points of connection os indicoted on the drawings. b. Connections shall be mode at approximate locations as stiown on drawings, Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. INSTALLATION a. b. c. d. Trenching Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on sand bedding ot bottom of trench. Loy pipe to an even grade.Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and os noted. Provide for o minimum of eighteen (18") inches cover for all pressure supply lines. Providi, for a minimum cover of twelve (12") inches for all non-pressure lines. Provide for minimum cover of eighteen (18") inches for all control wiring. Backfilling o. The trenches shall not be backfilled until oil required tests are performed. Trenches shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated material approved by the Soils Engineer for back-filling consisting of i,orth, loom, sandy cloy, s.ond, or other approved materials, free from forge clods of earth or stones.Backfill shall be mechanically compocted in lands.coped oreos to c dry density equol to adjacent undisturbed soil In planting areas. Backfill will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, b. c. d. humps or other surface irregularities. A fine granular material backfill will be initially placed on alt lines. No foreign matter lorger thon one-half (1/2) inch in size wilt be permitted in the initial backfill. Flooding of trenches wilt be permitted only with the approval of the Soils Engineer. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjustments in pipe, valves, sprinkler heads, town or planting, or other construction are necessary, the Contractor shall make all requjred adjustments without cost to the Owner. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 3. Trenching and Backfill Under Paving o. Trenches located under areas whi,re paving, osphaltie concrete or concrete shall be backfilled with sand (a layer six inches below the pipe ond three inches above the pipe) and compacted in layers to 90%. Trenches for piping shall be inspected by the Soils Engineer prior to instolli~g the pipes. All trenches shall be left flush with the adjoining grade. The sprinkler irrigation Controctor shall set in place, cop and pressure test all piping vnder paving prior to the paving work. b. Generolly, piping under existing wolks is done by jacking,boring or hydraulic driving, but where any cutting or breaking of sidewalks and /or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by the Contractor os port of the Contract cost Permission to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shalt be obtained from the Architect. No hydraulic driving will be permitted under concrete paving. c. Provide for o minimum cover of twenty-four inches between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for cl! pressure and non-pressure piping installed under ospho!tic concrete paving. 4. Assemblies o Routing of sprinkler irrigation lines as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. Install tlnes and various ossemblies to conform with the details shown on drawings. b. Install no multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. c. Install all assemblies specified herein in accordance with respective detail. In absence of detoil drawings or specifications pertaining to specific items required to complete work.perform such work in accordance with best standard practice with prior approval of Architect d. PVC pipe ond fittings shalt be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and moisture before installation. Installation and solvent-welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe and fittings manufacturer. e. On PVC to metal connections, the Contractor shalt work the metal connections first. Teflon tape or approved equal shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC. and on oll threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure is oil that is required.Where threaded PVC connections are required use threaded PVC adopters into which the pipe may be welded. 5. Line Clearance All lines shall have a minimtJm clearance of sik inches from each other and from lines of other trodes. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. 6. Automatic Controller a. Install controller in o vandal proof enclosure. Refer to the details. b Install as per manufacturer's instructions. Remote control valves shall be connected to controller in numerical sequence as shown on the drawings. 7. High Voltoge Wiring for Automatic Controller a. 120-volt power connection to the automatic controller shall be provided by the Irrigation Controctor. b. All electrical work shall conform to local codes, ordinances.and union outhorities having jurisdiction. e. Remote Control Valve, Install where shown on drawings and details. When grouped together, ol!ow at !east twelve inches between valves. Install each remote control valve in o seporate valve box. 9. Flushing of System o, After al! new sprinkler pipe lines and risers ore 1n place ond connected, ell necessary diversion work -hos been completed.and prior to installation of sprinkler heads the control valves shall be opened and o full head of woti,r used to flush out the system. b. Sprinkler heods shall be installed only ofter flushing of the system hos been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the Architect. 10. Sprinkler Heads o. Install the sprinkler heads as designated on the drawings.Sprinkler heods to be installed in this work shall be equivalent in all respects to those itemized. b. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum indlcated on he drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the monvfocturer. TEMPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the sprlnkter system equipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Builder-Developer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the terms of the guarantee as herein specified. EXISTING TREES Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use all possible core to ovoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavotion in areas where two-inch and larger roots occur sholl be done by hand. All roots two incbes and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching machine is run dase to trees having roots smaller than two inches in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand-trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots one-inch and larger in diameter shall be pointed with two coats of Tree Seal or equal. Trerches adjocent to trees should be closed within twenty-four hours, and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burtop or canvas. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1. Adjustment of the System a. The Contractor shalt flush ond adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent over spray onto walks, roadways, ond buildings os much os possible. b. If it is determined that adjustments ln the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the. Contractor shall make such adjustments prior to plontinq. Adjustments may also include changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of ore as required. c. lowering raised sprinkler heads by the Contractor shall be occompli!'lhed within ten doys ofter no~ificotion by Owner. d. All sprinkler heod shall be set perpendicular to finished grades unles! otherwise designated on the olons. 2, Testing of Irrigation System a. The Contractor shot! request the presence of City Inspector must observe end approve mainline test prior to backfilling in writing 48 hours in odvonce of testing. b. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and prove watertight. NOTE: Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of electric control valves. c. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square Inch ond proved watertight prior to paving. d. Sustain pressure in lines for not less thon four hours for recycled water mainline testing, per CMWD. If leaks develop, reploee joints and repeat test until entire system is proven water-tight. e. All hydrostatic tests shall be mode only in the presence of the Architect or other duly authorized representative of the Owner. No pipe shall be backfilled until it has been inspected, tested and approved in writing and shall be re-tested after backfif! operations ore complete. f. furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment. g. When the sprinkler irrigation system is completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Architect to determine if the water coverage fo.-planting area:s is complete and adequate. furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from plans or where the system hos been willfully installed os indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate without bringing this to the attention of the Architect. This test shall be accomplished before any groundcover is planted. h. Upon completion of each phase of work, entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. MAINTENANCE 1. The entire sprinkler irrigation system shalt be under full automatic operation for a period of seven days prior to any planting. 2. The Architect reserves the right to waive or shorten the operation p@riod. CLEAN-UP Cleon-up shall be mode as each portion of work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks ond paving shall be broomed or woshed down, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. FINAL OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE 1. The contractor shall operate each system in lts entirety for tt,e Architect at time of finat observation. Any items deemed not acceptable by the Observer sholl be reworked to the complete satisfaction of the Architect. 2. The Contractor shall show evidence to the Architect that the Owner hos received oll accessories, ch[lrts, record drawings, and equi~ment os required before flnol obseJYOtion con occur. OBSERVATION SCHEDULE 1. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Architect in advance for the following ~bservotions according to the time indicated: o. Pre-Job Conference -7 days. b. Pressure supply line installation and testing -48 hours c. Automatic Controller installation -48 hours. d. Control wire installation -48 hours. e. lateral line and sprirtkler instollotion -48 hours:. f. Coverage test -48 hours. g. F'inol observation -7 days. 2. When inspections hove been conducted by other thon the Architect. show evidence of when and by whom these inspections were mode. .3. No final observation shall commence without as-built drawings. In the event the Contractor calls for on observation without as-built drawings, without completing previously noted corrections.or without preparing the system for observations, he shall be responsible for reimbursing the Architect at the hourly rote in effect at the time the observation portol to port-al (plus tronsportation cost} for the inconvenience. No further inspections will be scheduled until this charge has been paid. END OF SECTION PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE ATTACHMENT 1 ON SITE RECLAIMED WATER NOTES: 1. THE INSTALLAmN Of THE RECLAJUED WATER SYSTEM S>ALL CONfORII TO THE RULES ANO REGULATIONS FOR Tl-IE CO~TRUCTIO~ or RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS WflrlN THE ~STRICT AND 1"E STANDARD SPEClflCATIDNS. 2. rnE CflY INSPECTOR SS~l BE NOTIFl[D 1WO DAYS PR~R TO rnE START Of CONSTRUCTION AT (760) 815-6708 AND EACH WORKDAY THEREAFTER UNTIL COMPLETION Of PROJECT. l ALL ON-SITE CONTINUOUSLY PRESSURIZED RECLAIMED AND POTABLE WATER MAIN LINE PIPING INSTM.LED ON THE PROJECT SHALL 13E IDENTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OISTRICfS REGULITIONS AND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. A. All CONSTANT PRESSURE RECI.AIMtD W.ATER PIPELINES SHALL BE IDOOIF1EO ftS NON-POTABLE WATER PIPES BY USING A PURPLE COLOR PIPE AND DTHE APPURTENANCES. B. WARNING 7APES WILL BE USED ON ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE WJN LINE PIPING CARRY'NG POTABLE WATER. C. WARNING TAPES SH~L BE A M~IMUM or rnREE INCHES Wll)[ ANO SHALL RUN CONTlfllUOUSLY FCR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF ALL COWSTA~T PRESSURE: MAIN LINE PIPING. ALL TAPE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE TOP OF THE PIPE IOTH PLASTIC TAPE, BANDED AROUND THE WARNING TAPE AND PIP£ EVERY FM: FEET ON CENTER. INSTALL A INO. TAP[ 12' 4AOV[ TH[ WJSLINE. D. WARNING TAPE fOR THE CONSTANT PRESSURE POTABLE WATER PIPING SHfil BE Bl'JE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS 'CAUTION: BURIED WATERLINE BELOW' PRINTED IN MINIMUM ONE INCH HIGH LETTERS BLACK IN COLOR. IMPRINTING SHALL B£ CONTINUOS ANO PERMANENT. E. W<RNINC TAPE FOR THE CONSTPIH PRESSURE RECLAJMED WATER ~PING SHIU BE A PURPLE TAPE, PANTONE TM 512, IOTH BLACK LETIERS STATING 'CAUTION: REClAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK' IMPRINTED IN ldlNIMUM ONE INCH HIGH LETTERS. tMPRtNTING SI-IALL BE PERf.lANENT AND CONTINUOS. 4. All PRESSURE MNN LINE PIPING FROM THE RECLAl~D WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE INST~LED TO UAINT.iN 10 FOOT MINIMUM HDR1ZONTAL SEPA.RATION •ROM ALL POTABLE WATER PIPING. WHERE RECL-'JMED AND POTABLE WATER PRESSURE MAIN LINE Pl~NG CROSS, THE RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTM.LEO BELOW THE POTABLE WATER PIPING IN POL\"IINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CLASS 200 PIPE SLEEVE WHICH EXTENDS A MINIMUM Of 5 FEET ON EITI-IER SIDE Of THE POTABLE WATER PIPING. PROVIDE A t.llNII.IUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12 INCHES. 5. ALL AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS MUST BE SET TO OPERATE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10 P.M. ANO 6~.M. UNLESS OTHER'MSE DIRECTED 8'/ THE DISTRICT. 6. CONTACT THE DISTRICfS OFFlCE TWO DAYS PRIOR TO TH[ IRRIGATION SYSTEM COVERAGE TEST AT (760) 438-2722 ANO >RRANGE FOR A WALKTHROUGH Of THE S'ISTEM. 7. A SET Of ~IAR 'AS CONSTRUCTION' RECORD DRAWINGS SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE DIS1RICT PRIOR TO REIIASE OF BONDS. 1. All work !hall be done in occordonce with the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Rules Qnd Regulations 2. Drinking water fountains and designated outdoor eating areas shall be protected against contact with recycled water ,proy, mist, or runoff. 3. Best management practices sho!I be used to eliminate or control to the best e,ctent possible ponding, run-off, overspray and misting. 4, Hose bibs ore strictly prohibited. 5. Cross-corinections between recycled water lines and potable water lines ore strictly prohibited. 6. No substitutions of pipe materials will be allowed without prior approval of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 7. All mainline pipes shell have warning tape per Carlsbad Municipal Water Oistrictrt's Rules and Regulations. 8. Hours for irrigation with recycled water are from 10:00p,m. to 6:000.m. The hours for irrigation with disinfected tertiary recycled water may be modified by the local authority. Irrigation during public use periods with disinfected tertiary recycled water shall be under the supervision of the designed user supe~isor. Irrigation with water of o lesser quafity than disinfected tertiary recycled water shall be between the hours of 10:00 p.m. end 6:00a.m. 9. Burial of all wiring end piping shall meet Corlsbod Municipal Water District's Rules and Regulations. 10. Non-designed use areos shall be protected from contact with recycled water, whether by windblown spray or by direct oppHcation through irrigation or other use. Lock of protection, whether by design, construction practice or system operation, is strictly prohibited. 11. Irrigation heads shall be relocated or adjusted to minimize or eliminate over-spraying on sidewalks, streets and non-designated use areas. 12. Recycled water quick coupling votves shall be of o type designed for the use on recycled water distribution systems per Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Rules ad Regulations. 13. On recycled water systems, all appurtenances (sprinkler heads, vofves boxes, etc) shall be color-coded purple per AWWA guidelines and Section 116815 of the Confornlo Health and Safety Code. 14. All ir6gotion piped shall be stencHed with the warning, "NON-POTABLE OR RECYCLED WATER," color-coded (purple) and laid with warning tape ond stenciling oriented toward the top of the trench per the NAME OF WATER OISffilCT's Rules and Regulations 15. On new on-site systems (post-meter), potable water, constant pressure recycled water and sewer lines should be placed a minimum of tour feet apart or as directed by the project engineer and/or regulatory agency. Measurements shall be between faci"9 surfoces, not pipe centerlines. 16. Constant pressure recycled wat@r lines shoff cross ot ltast twelve inches below potable water lines ond maintain at least twetve inches crossing separation between other vtilities. 17. If a constant pressure recycled water line must be instolled above o potable water line or less than twe!ve inches below a potable woter line, then the recycled water line shalt be installed within on approved protective sleeve as per the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Rules and Regulations. 18. Developer/ contractor shall conduct o cross-connection test coverage test ae directed by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and/or the San o;eqo County Department of Environmentol Health prior to any u,e of recycled water. 19. The required cross-connection inspection shall be done by either the Cor!sbad Municipal Water District and/or the Son Diego CouPty Deportment of Environmertal Health. Coples of inspection reports Ylill be forwarded to the non-inspection party. 20. The design and locations proposed for recycled water " Do Not Drink." signs shall be called out on the plan:,. 21. When recycled water becomes ovailable, on on-site user supervisor shall be designated in writing. This individual sholl be familiar with plumbing systems within the property, with the basic conceot of backflow/ cross-connection protection, the recycled pur,eyor's rules: and regulations and the specific requirements of o recycled water system. Copies of the designation, with contact phone numbers shall be provided to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and/or the Son Diego Ca1.1nty Deportment of Environmental Health In case of emergency contact ____ _:!?"_~~----------------ot ----7BO·B03-2289 ----------- Name Phone Number Joe Lawn Or after hours contact-------------·-·-----------------------ot ?E0-803-2289 -------------------------Name Phone Number 22. All pub6c and private potable water mains including fire mains ond any water wells and watercourses within the recycled water project shall be shown on the plans. 23. Call out on the plans if thee ore or are not drinking fountains and/ or designated outdoor eating areas on this site. 24. Educate all maintenance personnel on a continuous basis of the presence of recycled water. Personnel must be informed that recycled water is: meant for irrigation purposes only, and s not approved for drinking purposes, hand washing, cleaning of tools, etc. Given t~e high turnover rate of employees in the landscape industry it is important this information be disseminated on an almost daily basis 25. A phys;col separation shall be provided between adjacent areas irrigated with recycled water and potable water. Separation shall be provided by distance, concrete mow strips or other approved methods. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ffll.E REVIEWED BY: Baxter E. Miller L..1 tdstape ArchltedJ #213& 119 N Maple St. SU!te N Corona CA. 9172 PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737-el "AS BUILT" DAT! DATE t---+----t------------lf---!--+---l---1 L!2j CITYPLA2[G £,&~l~TSBAD ~ ;====::.========:'..=:~ LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35.9'4.95 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL Clll-lER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL MEADOWLANDS /'\ TRACT 85-19 ~AP=PR=O~VE:'.,D..__~-1;;,,,..S~,L:!:.J JIJ,...J)=-:-------....Jlc...::...~ 5-9 9 IISSISTANT / ~ j NNING DIRECTOR DA TE: DWN □Y: ' 1 ' CHKD BY· BAX RVWOBY: PROJECT NO. CT 85-19 I DRAWING _ 271-SM NO. DATE PREPARED. _____ _ SHEET ..liOF .2LSHEETS C.M.W.D. JOB N0. __ 9_2_J~l-2 __ - LANDSCAPE PLANTING I. GENERAL 11. A. 5COFE OF WORK Furnloh all labar, malerlal, equipment and eervlcee neceeear\! ta pravlde all landecape planting, camplete In place, ae ehQwn and epeclfled. I. LlJorl<. Specified in thio 5ectlan a. Soll preparation b. Planting c. Seeding d. Staking e. Cleanup 2. Related LlJorl<. Specified In ather 5ectlan5, a. lrrlg,Hlon S\jotem. b. Earth work., including rough grading Landecape MaMtenance. 6. Qua llt\j Aosuranc"' I. $ourc"' Quallty Control, a. Th"' landocape contractor ohall oubmlt documenlatlon lo Archlt.,ct at l"'a•t rive (S) da\j• prlar ta otart or wark und"'r lhl• e,.,ctlon that all plant mat .. rlal ha• been ordered. Arrang"' procedure ror lnep.,cllan or plant material with Architect at tim"' ar eubmloelon. b. Flant• ohall be oubJect to inopectlon and approval or Architect at place or growth or upon d"'llvery ror conformity to opecirlcatlone. &uch appraval &hall nat impair th"' right ar lnop.,ction and r"'jectlon during progre&& or the wark.. Submit written r1!9G!ueot ror lnopectlon of plant mater Ill I at plac"' of grawlh lo Architect. IIJrTtten requeel ohall &tate the place of growth and quantlt!:f or planto to b"' lnopected. The Architect reserve• right to reruoe lnopectlon at thlo time ff, Tn hi• judgment, a ourrrclent quantity af plant& lo not avall.!!ble ror lnepection. C. 5U8MITT AL$ I. Certificate ar lnopsctlon ar plant material by Stats or Federal Autrorll\j. 2. Coplee of the deliver!:! tlcl<.elo lo the olt"' ao proor that the opsclflsd malerlal wa& dellvsrsd lo the oils. Dsllver!:I ticl<.eto to the contractor& !:lard are unacceptable. D. FRODUCT DELIVER'!", STORAGE AND J,.ANDLINGr I. Dellv...-!:I, . a. Deliver rert111zer to olte ln ortgtnal unopened container• bearing manufacturer'• guaranlesd chemical anal!:f&l&, nam .. , lrademarl<., and conrormancs to Slate Law. b. D"'livsr tree& wlth legible ldenttrtcallon labelo. (1) 5lale correct plant name and otze Indicated an pl.!inl liel. (2) Uoe durable waterproof label• with waler-reototant lnlc. which will remain legtble far Ill leaot l!>IZ' da!:f•· c. Frolecl malerllll during dellver!:I to prevent damag"' lo root ball or deotccatlon of leav"'•· d. The Contractor shall nollf!:j lhe Landocape Archilect rort\j-eight ( 48) rouro in advance of delivery of all plant material• and ohall oubmtt an llemlzed llot of the planh ln each delivery. :l. Storage, a. $lore plant malsrlal In ehade and pralect f'rom weather. b. Maintain and protect planl material not to be planted within rour hQuro. 3. J,.andllng, a. Do nol drap plant material. b. Do nol pick up container planl material by eteme ar trunk&. E. Joe CONDITIONS I. :l. Flantrng Perform actual planting onl!:f when weather and eoll condtllone are eurtable In accordance with locall!:f accepted practice. Scheduling lnetall treeo b<!lfor<!I hydraulic •••d•d ar .. aa are tnetalled. F. SAMFLES AND TESTS G. 2. Th<!! Landocape Archttecl reo•rvse lhe right to t111<.e 11nd analyze e11mpl•• or malerl11le ror c:o11rormlt!,j lo opeclflcatlone al an!:I time. Contractor ohall furnleh oampleo upon requeot by Land&cape Archllect. R"'jected mat•rtal• ehall bs tmmediately removed irom the elte at Contractor'• expenoe. Coat or te&tlng of material• nol meeting opeclflcallane &hall be paid b!,j Contractor. GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT$ I. Guarantee All plant m11terI11I lnetalled under lh<!I Contract ehall be 9uar11nleed agatnet an!,j and all poor, lnad•quate or lnferlar material• and/or worl<rn11nehlp ror a period of one year art...-dat• of acc.,plance b!:f Owner. An!,j plant found to be dead or hi paor condition du"' to raulty material• or worl<rnanohip, ao d<!ltermlned b!,j the Landecape Archllect, ehall be replaced b!,j th<!I Contractor at hlo expenoe. Replacement Any materralo found to be dead, mlootng or In poor condition during lhe eotabltehm<!lnt period ehall be replaced lmmedlatel!:J. The Landocape Archllecl &hall be the eole judge ao to the condlUon of materllll. Material to be replaced within the guarantee period ohall be replaced b!:J the Contractor within l!I da!:J• or wrltt<!ln notlflcallon b!:f the Owner. PRODUCTS A. GENERAL Th<!I follow1ng organic and ooll amendment& and rert111zer ar"' lo be uoed ror bid price!!! baete only. Speclrlc amendment• and fertilizer epecfflc.!ltlono will be made after grading operation& are complete and ooll oa!l'pleo ar<!I teoted b!,j Owner. All materlalo ehall be or otandard, approved and r1r&t-grade qualll!,j and &hall be In prime condition when Jnotdllecl and .!lccepted. Any commerclo!lll!:f proceooed or packaged materl.!11 ohall bs dellvered to the oite ln the original unopened contaln<!lr bearing the manufllcturer'o guaranteed anal!:f&l&. Contractor •hall •uppl!:j Landocape Architect with a oample or all oupplied malerlal• accompanied by anal!:jlical data f'ram lln aporoved laborator:J oource Illuotrat1ng compliance or bearing the manufacturer'& guaranteed an11l1:j&le. I. Organic Amendment per IIZ'IZ'IZ' SF . ., a min. of '3" tn depth. 4 cubic ':jdrds nitrogen olablllzed 011wduet derived from redwood, flr or approv<!ld compoel 2. Fartlcle 5tze, '3S%111Z'IZ'% paeelng E>.3S mm otandard oteve. 8,Z,%-100% paeelng 2,33 mm etllndllrd eleve. 3. Sallnlt!,j Eneure thal eaturalton extract conductlvll!:j ehall nol exceed 3.S mill. centimeter at 2S degree& centigrade ae delermlnecl b!:f &lllurallon extract method. 4. Iron Content, Minimum ,Z,,,Z,8% dilute acid eoluble Tron on dry welghl b110I0. S. Aoh Cl -6.IZ'% r dry werghti 6. $oil Amendment per IIZ'IZ'IZ' SJ=. • '3" min. depth. a. 2S Ibo. flnel!,j ground ca lclum limeetone b. IIZ' Ibo. potaoelum nitrate (!3-IZ'-44) 1. Ferttllzer Planting fertilizer, &hall conelot or lhe rollowtng percent• b!,j weight ae manufactured b!,j, 13% nitrogen, 0% phooph,::,rlc acid, 44% pota,;h 8. Top Dre&e Fertlllz<!lr, Shall conelet of the followtng percent b':j w<!llghl and ohllll b"' mixed by a commercial fertlllz...-ouppller, 11!>% nitrogen 6% phcoph,::,ric acid 8'l'. potaeh '3. Planting Tabl..,to, a. To be olow-relellee t,Jpe, containing the follaw1n9 percentage• ar nutrient• b!,j weight, 12% nitrogen 8% phoophorlc acid 8% potaoh b. To be 1 gram tablet& ae manufactured by Grow Power or approved equal, appll<!ld per manufacturers lne.truct fans. IIZ'. Top &oil Top ooll, ao required. ohall be obtained from on-olte planting exc:11vatIon&. 111. 12. 13. 14. 1!1. 16. Plant Material a. Plante ohall be tn accordanc"' with the California Stal"' Department of Agrtcullure'o regulallon ror nuroery tnopectlone, rule• and rating. All plant& ehall have a normal habit of grawth and &hall be oound, healthy, vigorouo and free of lnoect lnfeollltlon&, plant dlo<!laoee, ounocaldo, rreoh abrllolon• or the bark., "'xc..,Mlve abraolono. or other objectlon11ble dleflgurem..,nte. Tree trunk& ohall be eturd!:f and well 'hardened' off. All plo!lnt• ohllll have normall!:f well-dev.,loped branch O!,joteme and vlgorou& and flbrouo root •!:!•teme which are not root or pot-bound. In the event of dleagreement ae to condition or root O!:j&tem, the root condltlono or the plants furnl&h9d b!,j the Contractor In container& wlll b<!I determin<!ld b!,j removal of earth from the root• of not leM thlln two pl11nto or mar<!! than two percent of the total number of plant• or opecleo or variety. Where container-grown plant• a,., rrom eevsral &aurcee, the roote ar not leee than two plant• of each opeclee or varlet!:! from e11ch oource will be lnopected. In c:11e<!I the eampls planle inopected are found to be defective. the L11ndocape Architect reeerveo the rlghl la reject the entire lol or lot& of plants repreesnted by thdi dsfectlv<!I eamplee. The Landocape Architect le lhe oale judge ao ta acceptablllt!:f. An\j plant& rendered uneultable ror planting becauee of thlo lnopectlon will be coneldered ao samples and will be provided al lhe expenoe of the Contractor. b. The elze of the planlo wlll correepand wtlh that norm11ll!,j <!lxpected for ep<!lcle and variety of commerclall!:f available nuroer!,j otocl<. or 110 epecIrIed In the Special Condltlono or clrawrngo. The minimum accept11ble oize or all plant• me11eurecl before pruning with the br11ncheo In normal poollion, &hall conform with the meaourement&, 1r an!:/, opeclfied on th"' drawing• In the ll&t of plant• to be furnlohed. Plant• larg"" In elze than epeclflecl ma!,j be ueed with the approval of the Landecape Archltecl, but the uoe or larger plant• le approved, the ball or earth or epread of root& far each plant will be lncreaoed proportlonatel!,j c. All planlo not conrormtng ta the requirement• hersln epecltled, ehall be coneldered defective and ouch planl&, whether In place or not, ehall be marl<.ed ae rejected and lmm.,cllatel!:f removed from lhe elte or work and replac<!ld wllh new plant& at lhe Contractor'& exp..,noe. The planl& shall be of the specie&, varl<!lt!,j, etze and condition opeclfl"'d herein or ae shown on lhe drawing•. Under no condltlono will there b!,j an!:I oubelilutlon of pl11nto or elzeo lloted on the accompan!,jlng plan,;, exc..,pt wtlh lh"' expressed consent of the Lanclocape Architect. d. At no time shall tr"'"'° or plant mat«lal be pruned, lrlmmed or topped prior to dellv""y and an!,j alteration or th<!llr shape shall be conducted onl!:f wllh the approval and when In prsoence of the Landecape Architect and 110 "otecl on the Planting 5peclflcatlona. •· Flant matsrlal ohall be true to balanIcal and common name and varlet!:! ae epeclfled ln "A Checl<.ltot ar Ll!ood!:f Orn11menlal Flanto In California", M11nual :12, publlehed b!:f the Unlverelt!,j of California SchQol of Agriculture (1'363), Nur&9'!:j Grown and Collected Stock.: a. Grown under cllmaltc condition& elmllar lo lhooe In localit!:f of project. b. Container-grown stock tn vigorouo, healthy condition. no root-bound or with root O!,j&tem hardened off. c. &ubotllut<!I plant mal...-tal w111 not b<!t p""mltted unleoo opeclflcall!,j approved ln wrll!ng b!,j. lhe Archltecl. Lawn Sod Tall feocue t!:jp,t ood or 11pproved <!lqual. Tree 5ta1<.Ing Mater Ia I a. &tal<.eo ror Tree Support, (1) Lodge pole pln"' otake& rull-length lreal<!td with coppernaphthanatc. (2) Minimum Nominal otze, 2" In diameter x I:l' long and pointed at on<!I snd (adJuotsd length to flt lree). b. J,.ooe and Plaellc Tl<!le (1) c::sa lvanlzed wire wllh cinch tic!!. (2) LlJlre ohall be zinc-coated Iron, IIZ' gag<!! minimum, and oolld co,.,. ~ot earrtere Fre-formed high denell!:f plaollc enclooure ao manufactured b!,j Deep Rool Corp. or 11pprov"'d equal. Mlocellaneou& Material• a. Foot emergent weed ktller-"Round-up". b. Tree wound palnl approved. 3. Planting of Tree• and Shrub&. a. Excavation ror planting ehall Include the stripping and otacklng or 1111 acceptable lapeoll encountered within the areae to be excavated ror lr"'"cheo, tr"'e hQlee. planle pile aird planllng beds. b. Exe"'•• eoll 9"'""'rated from the planting holes and not us"'cl 110 back fill or In eetablishlng the final gradee c. Frotecl all areae from exceoolve compacllon when trucking plant• or oth<!lr material to the planting olte. d. Center plant In plt or trench. e. f. h. I. j. k.. I. m. n. Face plant& with full<!lot growth Into pr<!lvalllng wind. Set plant plumb and hold rIgIdl\j In pooltlon until soil hll& bsen tamped flrml\j around ball or root~. Container plant• ohall be back filled In accordance wtlh the result• .!Ind recommendation& of the eoll teetlng laborator!:I which ohall b"' oubmltted lo and approved b!,j the Cll':j, The approved recomrrenclatlone for amendment• and back fill ohall be Incorporated Into the landecape plan,; prior to the etart of conotructlon and ehall become part or the approved plane. All plant& which oettle deeper than opeclfled above shall be raroed to the corrsct level. After the plant hll& been placed, adcllllonal back rill ohall b<!I added to the role lo cover approxlmatel!:f one-hair af lhe height of lhe root ball. At thle etage. water ehdll be added to the top or the partl~ filled hole to thoroughl!,j eaturate the root ball and adjacent ooll. Can Removal, (I) Cul can1> on two &icl<!IO with an acceptable can cutter. (2) Do nol lnjur<!I root ball. (3) Do not cul cane wllh epade or ax. ( 4) Carefull!:j remov"' plant• without lnjur:J ar damag<!I to raot ball. (S) After removing plant, eup .. rftclally cut edge-roots wlth f<nlfe on three side&. Box Remov.!I, (1) Remove bottom of plant boxes befare planting. (2) Remove oldee of box without damage to root ball after pootllonlng plant and partially backfilling. Dtg planting holee lo .-1ccommodate root ball• per these Spec1r1cat1one. Hand place plant& which .!Ire tn cont.!llnere le•• than one 911 lion In elze. Hanel bacl<. rill and hand t.!lmp leaving a ellghl depr<!leelon araund b.!leee or plante. Aft<!lr the water hao completely clr.!llned, planting tabl-sto ohall be placed ao Indicated below, Liner -One Tablel I-gallon container-Three tablelo. S-gallon container-Six tablet&. 1!:>-gallon contaln<!lr-Flfleen tablete. :l4" Box conta Iner-Sixteen lab let&. 36" eox canlalner-Twenl:J tablelo. 42" eox contalner-Twent!:J Two lableto. 48" eax conta iner-Twent~ Four lablete. E>i:!)" Bax cantaln...--Thlrt!:j 5Tx Tablet• The rsmatnd.,r of the hole ohall then be backfilled. p. Flanttng lablete ehall be eel wtlh each plant on the lop of lhe root ball while!!! the plant& are etlll In lhelr containers eo lhe requtrecl number of tablets to be ueed ln each hole can be eaell!,j verified. q. Aftc!!lr back fllllng, an earthen baetn ehall b<!I conetrucl<!ld around each plant. Each basin ohall b<!I of r. •• a depth sufficient to hQld al leaH lwo Inches of waler. Bastno ohall b"' of a 01z"' eultdbl<!I for the 1nd1vtdu,!1 I plant. Inna cao"' ehall the basin for a flfteen-gallon planl be Iese than rour feet tn diameter. a flv<!l-gallon plant lee• than three feet In dl.!lmeler. and a on .. -gallon plant leeo than two feet In diameter. The b,!lolne ohall be conotructed of amended back fill materiale. Frunlng, Frunlng ehall be limited lo lhe minimum neceeear~ to remove Injured lwlge and branch•• and to compeneate for lo•• ar root• during transplanting, but never to exceed one-lhlrd or the branching structure!!!. Upon apprav.!1I ar the Landocape Architect, pruning ma':j be done before dellver\j or plant, but not before plant• have been inopecled and approved. Cuts over 3/4" In diameter ohall b<!I painted with tree wound paint. Staking, EXECUTION (I! Staking ar all lreee ehall canform to tr<!le etaktng delall. (2) Tree otal<.eo ehall be otralght grained lodge pole pine. Stal<.ee shall b"' free rrom lcnote, check&, A INSPECTION eplito ar dletlguremente. e. c. D. verlr:J thal rrnal gradso hav<t be9n eetabllehed prior to beginning planting op<!lratlone. lnep<!lct lreee, ehrubo, and material for Injury, ln&<!IC:l lnre&lallon and tree• and ehrube for improper pruning. Do not begin planting or lreee until deflclencle& are corrected or plant& replaced. FREl"'ARATION Slal<.e out localtono for plant• and oullln<!I or planting bed• on ground. Da nal begin excavation until plant location& ,ind planl bed• .!Ire acceplable to Architect. The 1rr1gat1on •!:!•t"'"' ohall have been 1not11lled and approved prior to eoll preparation. INSTALLATION I. 2. Exc.!lvatlon or Planting II, Shape, (1) Vertical eldee and flat bottom, (2) Planl pite lo be oqu.!lre for box malertal, circular for canned material. b. Size, All lr••• eha II have planllng plte dug twice lhe diameter and twice the depth or the root ball. e11ckf11l around lhe rootball wilh prepared backfill mix. Freparatlon or Planting Areae a. After approximate flnlohed grade• h.!ve been eelabllohed, 0011 ohall be candrtroned and ferttllzed t. l'ltoot Barriere, (1) All treee locatsd tn public right of wa!,j&, eao<!lmenl& ar lole ohall hav<t ll roat barrier lnetalled P"" th<!I .!1pprav<!ld detll II. E. CLEANUP F. Aft<!lr all planting operation• have been completed, remove all traeh, sxceee soil, empl!:f planl container& or rubbish from th"' prop..,rt!:j. All scare, rut• or ather mark& In the ground caused b':j thl• work shall be repaired and the ground lert tn a neat and orderl!:f condition throughout the site. Cleanup contractor ehall pic:1<.up a II traeh reeultrng rram lhle work no leee frequentl!,j than each Frlda':j before leavtng the elte, once a week, and/or th<!! laet worl<Jng da!:f each week.. All trash ehall b"' removed completel!:J from th<!I ells, The Contractor ehall leave the oite area broom-clean and ehall waoh down all paved ar .. as within the Contr,!lcl area, l<!lavtng the premloee In a clean condition. INSPECTIONS Norm,!IJ progreoo lnopectlone ehall be requ<!loled b!,j lh<!I Contractor from the Landecape Architect at leael 48 hours In advance of an anllclpated lnopectlon. lnopectlone are , .. quired ao follows, Completion af fine grading Complellon of eoll condltlontng Prior to appl1catIon of post em<!lrgent weed klllere. Pre or post- deltver!:I of a II plant m<'!terldl. Completion or maJor plant I11!,jout. Tr<!le ota1<.Ing <!lxample prior to ooddlng. ln the following manner. Nitrogen et.11bilIzed organic amendment and commercial rertlllzer ohall, at the following rat<!le, be unlforml:J epr .. ad and cultivated thoroughl!:f by meano of mechanical tiller lnlo lhe top '!l" of eoll, Appltcalton Ratee ohall be In accordance wlth the reoult& and recommendation• of lhe eoll leeltng Jaborator!:I which ohall be oubmltted to and approved b:J the Clt!,j. The approved recommendal!ono far amendme,itt and backr111 ohall be Incorporated Into the landscape plane prlor to the otart or conotructlon and ,;hall become part of the approved piano. 3. 4. b. All ooll area& ohllll be compacted and e<!lttled by application of heavy trrtgatton to II mlnlmum deplh or twelve r 12) lnchee. c. Al time of planting, the top two lncheo or all area• to be planted or eeedecl ehall be free or otoneo, olumpe, or olher cleleterloue matter I" In diameter or larger. and ohall be rree rrom all wire, plaoter, or elmllar object• that would be " hindrance to planting maintenance. Final uracl<!!e a. After the roregoing epec:Tfled deep watering. Only minor modification& to grad<!! ma!:! be made lo reeotablleh final grad<!!. Theee arello ohall not be worl<.ed until the moloture content hd• been reduc"'d to a point where working Tl will nol deotrO!,j ooll otructure. b. Flnloh grading ohall lneure proper drainage or the olle. c. All area• ohall be gradsd eo that lhe final gr.!lde& wlll be I" below adjacent paved areae, eldewalko, valves boxee, headero, clean-outo, dralno, manhQleet etc. In turf areao, 2" below In ground cover arec!&. d. Surface drainage ohall be!!! away from all building foundattone. •· Ellmlnale all eroolon ocare. Dlapooal of Exceee Soll Dlopo•"' of unacceptable or unuoed exceee ooil. PLANTING INSTALLATION I. 2. 6ener11l a. Actual planting ehall b<!I perrarm<!ld during thoe<!t pertode wh<!ln w<!lather and eoll condtttone ar<!I oultllble and In accordance with locally accepted practrce, ae approved b':j the Landocape Architect. b. Onl!,j ae man!:! plant& 110 can be planted .!Ind watered on that oame da!:J ohllll be dlotrlbut"'d In a planting area. c. Conlalnere shall bdll opened and plant• ohall be removed ln ouch a manner that the ball of earth eurroundlng the root• lo not broker .!nd the!:f ohall be planted and watered ae ho!r..,1n epecifled Immediately arter removal from the conlalnere. Container& ohall not be op .. ned prior to pl11c1ng the plant& ln lhe planting area. Ll!eed Control Arter eoll preparation and eetabllehm<!lnt or final gradso prior to any planting, the Cantraclar shall lrrtgale thcroughl\j for a p<!!rlod or time, two to thrc!!l<!I week&, or until the weed oe<!lds hav<!I gsrmlnatsd. II.hen ther"' Is eufflclent weed ""'"'d g<!lrm1nat1on, the Contractor ohall apply a poet-emergent contact w"'"'d killer according lo the direction& of the maruracturer. Th<!! Contractor ohall then wall an adcllllonal two(2) week& to allow the weed killer to dlooipate, then plant ao Indicated In the plane and op..,c:IrIcatIone. Contractor ohall r..,,ove an!:! reoldual foliag<!I and/or rooto. PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRrn ON PAGE 1 APPROVED ONLY ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE , APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 'l%fU! REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR Baxter E. Miller LJ1idlalpe ArChllldS #213e 119 N Maple St. Sufi! N lll1'll18 C'A. 9tn PH: (909) 737-1124 F~: (909) 737-6551 0 AS BUILT" DATE . C>ATE 1---+----1~--------+--+---+----Jf----ll S2HEOE1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 ~=====::::PlA=:N::::NI::N::G::0::EP:::::A::::RTM::::::::E::::NT::::::===~LQ_j:::::::::::~ DA TE INITIAL [NGINCER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APl'ROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 A=P=P~=OV=ED-c:-~J'/:,~'//'~/~r~J/)::--__ __,_/.J-5-zf ASSISTANT PlAl'lmNG'C>!RECTOR DA TE ' DWN BY: ' ,. ~ CHKD BY: ,,_Be,,AXc..___ RVW08Y: PROJECT NO. Cf 85-19 I DRAWING NO. . 271-5M DATE PREPARED: _____ _ SHEE l ..&!I.OF 21..SHEE IS C.M. W.D. JOl:l NO. _ _,,Yc.2-·.,_sJu2.__ __ I -' "' 3 LANDSCAFE MAINTENANCE I. C:.ENEl'<AL A. SCOPE OF UJ0'-1< I. Worl<. Spee1r1,oc1 In 1.hl& 84etlon, Furnle.h All lo:!bor, materlal, 19qulpmenl and •ervlcee r9Gtufred to malntatn t.hs landecai:,e In an .at.tractive condlt!Ofl ae &psclF'led herern ror a F-'erlod or~ dc.11!::J& aftsr r1nal accspt.ancs b~ Owner. 2. ~lated Work 5psc!rled In other Sectl0f16: a. Landeeape planting. b. Land•eape Irrigation. e. QUALITY ASSURANCE The Contractor'• reJ!"eeeritatlve e.ha11 be 19Xperfctr1csd In lande.capt"9 maff"ltdlf'lanee and &hall nave recelved an •due.at.Jon In ornamental hortlculturs. C. MAINTENANCE l"E~IOD D. E. The CCf'ltractor ahall c:ontlrn.1«:,uel~ matritatn all area• lnvc:,lved In t.hl• Corit.raet. durlti9 the ~ogre•• of' the work. anct during ths malntenanee period until r1nal aeeeptanee or tha work. b~ 1.he own.,.. lmprop.,. mdlntsr,ancs or poeerb\,s poor condition or a~ r,:,lantlng at ths termination or the echsduled matntsrianee F'.r-lod ma!:I cau•• poetpor,~~t or tM fin.a\ comple:ttori date or tndt COf'ltrac:.t.. Malnt.enanc• &hall be contlnUdd b~ tt"ldl Contractor untfl work. le accept.,ble. Malntenc:,nc:e t:,erlod erlc911 not &tiart. until t!ll elem191'1l6 of conet.ruc.t.lon, planlln9, and frr19atron ror the .-,t,fr,s proJsct are In accord.!nca with Flaf"I& artd st:,ec1r1c..,t10f"I&. The: Contractor &hall rec:iUd!1t an 1n1pectlon to be91r1 the malnt.eriance period artsr all F>lantlr19 a,,d rslated work. Ne been c::ompletdd In accardar1ce with th:9 Cotitraet doeumer'ltt. A prim• r..:,uirement le that all lawn areaa &hall ohow an sven, hsalth;j otand of graoe 1sedl1ogo or ood slthar or which ehall hava beer, mown twice. rr sud, erlterla re mst to ttie ••t1srac::t1on of' t.hs Landsellp• Archlteet, a rreld notrricatlor, wlll bs lseued to t.h9 Cc,ntractor ta ntablleh tt"ldl effectrv• be91nn1n9 dats or the ma1ntsn8riee period. ,An::j da~ when ths Contractor f'811& t.o adequate!~ marritaln plantrr19e, replace urieu!table plant• or do wl9ed control or ot.1-ier work. a& determi,,ed Mceeear!, by this Landscai:::,e Architect., w!II nat. be credited ae ons of' the malnt.er,anee period wor1t..1n9 da~e-Ths Contractor'e m<!llritendrics psrlod wlll be extsnded If' the provl&ICM& reciu1red wlthln t.h9 pt.an& and apsc1rJc:.atlone .,re not rilled. C:.UAl'<ANTEE AND ~PLACEMENT 1. Gsuarantss All plaot material lnetalled under I.he Contract ehall bs guara~t9dtd agalo•t ao~ aod all ~or, lnad~uate or 1nr.sr1or material& and/or workm<!lri&hlp ror a i:,srlad or one '.:;J•ar. An!, plant. round t.o be dei!ld or in poor eondlt.101"1 due to rault!:f material& or work.man&hlp, ae det.ermlf'dd by the Ulnd&~p• Architect, ehall bs replaeed b!:J the Contractor at hie •xi:,dtt'\••· 2, ~plaeement Af1~ material& round to be dead, m1&&1n9 or In ,=,oor eond!tfon dur1n9 tha mAlrit:enaf"ICIII period 91-i.!!ll b• repl<!lcdld lmmedf,atel~ at the rec.iueet of Arc:hltect. or Ownerti repreee-rtatrve. INeFECTION$ Normal progree• ln•l"•etlon ehall be r~ueot,td b~ ths Contractor l'rom tha Landeeape Arehltect at leaet 4& hours In 4!1dvanee or .an antlclpatd!ld lMpectlon. !Mpect.lone are ae f'ollow: 1. lmmedlatel~ ,:,r1or to the c::ommenc::eml!ll!'lt or the worlc. on thle esctlon. 2. Completion or r1rst ~-da~ mlllnlenaf'lcs psrlod. 3. Flri.a I <!lc::cerptance. ~-FINAL ACCEl"T ANCE OF Tl-IE ~JECT l"rlor to thol date or thol floal 1Mpeet1on, the Contraetor ehall aequlrs l'rom thol Landeeape Arehlteet approved m~tar ,=,r1nts and r1r1aH!::I rl!ICord f'rom the Job record est all change• made during c:onetruc:tlon, label eald ,:,,int• "A&-Bullt&", .,,,d dellvsr to the Lc!lnd&cape Architect.. F>r!or lo t.r"IIS dala of' f'lnal ln&F't9ct.Ton, the Corit.ract.or &hall dellver to the Larid&eape Archft.c!!!c:::t the "Land•cape and lrr19atlon Gullrante,s1', ae, re~ulred. 11. FlltODUCT6 A, MATE~IAL6 All materTAla ueed &h.!111 sit.her eonrorm to landscape epee1r1eatrone '"' other eec:tron• or 1h!III olherwle9 b• aeeepU!bls to thol OW,,er. Tha Owner &hall be given a monthl~ reeord or all hsrbleldes, looeetleldeo, aod dleeaee control ciit9ffllc:al& u&ed. Ill. EXECUTION A, MAINTENANCE Malotenanee •hall be a.:eord1ng to tha rollow1ng at.!lnciarde. All area• ahall be wa,tded arid eultlvat,td at lotsrvalo or sot mars than ten !lli!>J da\jS. IU.!lterlng, mowlog, rolling, edging, trimming, r,srtfllzatlon, ~i:::i-ra~tns .and f:'l!ML coritrol, as mB!:I be re~ulred, ~II be inc:luded with the debrl~/&!ltatlon removal pr09ram. Ths Contractor ohall be reoponolble for ma1ota1n1ng adequ.ote protection or thol ardla. Damaged area, ehall be repalr,td at tha •xl"en•e or tr,, Contraetor. Elstw .. en the !!!>th aod tM 212>th da~ or tr,, malntenanee ~erlod, the: Contractor &hall re&eed or re&od all e,pott or areae within Lr'IIS !Awn where normal turr growth 11 not ...,...ident. e. T~E CA1'! C. I. w.t .. 1og Maintain a large a,c:,ugh w.11ter b,u!n arOUfld plant• to that ....augh wate, ean be applled to eatablloh mol&t.ur• through ths maJor root zon•. tJJ-,en hand-wat.srrng, us• ., water wand to br•ak. th!I water rore•. Ue• mulchee lo reduce evaporllttan arid rrsqu'91'1C!, of' water1ri9, 2, l"runlog 4. ,. <!I. Tree• !"rune trsee to osl•ct and develop i::,erm.!lnent •earrold branehao that ars email..-In d!amst• than ths truek. or braneh t.o whlc:h t.h9:1 ar\9 alt.ad-led Bnd which Mve a vsrtrcal epacrn9 ar rrom 1&11 to 4e11 and radfdl ortentatlon eo •• riot. ta averla~ one .!nothsr:11: to ellmf.-iate dleeaeed or dam•g•d growtht Lo eliminate narrow v-ehaped brarich rork.& that Lacie. &tr9r19tht t.o reduce toppllrig and wlrid dam.age b~ thinning out crowriet to maintain growth wlthlf"r &po!!lce llmlti!llon&t to marntafri a n.at.ural .!iq=,e.ararice:I: to bal.arice crowti with root&. Undsr no elreumotaneea wfll otrlpplnc:i or low.,. br.!lnehola ("ra1t1nc:i up"} of ~oun<:1 treee be p.,.mltted. Lower branchee, c.!n be cut F'lu&h wm, the trunk. onl~ after the t.re19 le able to el.and etrect without eupport. Evergreen trseo ehall b• thinned out when neeeeaar~ lo prsv""'t wlod anct otorm damage. Tha pr!mo!!lr!:J pruning or dec:Jduoue treas &hall be done during the dormant •aa•0n. D~ma9ed tree& or tho~ that c:.onetltut.s rll!!lalt.h or s<!lret~ hazard& !-hall bd!: pruned at an!:I time or the ~ar ae required. SUik.ing Removs stc!lkse as ,oon •• the~ are no lon9.-needsd. St.alt.-. arid 9~ ar• to b• tn•peeted to prevent glrdllng or trunk.& brancliee and to prevsnt rubbing that cauoeo bark wound&. Weed Control · Kee,:, baolno anct area& between plant& l'ree or weede. Use recommended leg.oil~ approved holrblclds&. Avoid rrequeit 1011 cultlv.atron that deetro~e, &hallow root&. Uee mulchee to t'k!!l!p previSnt weed &8<!td germ1natton. lne,eet arid Dleeaea Control Ma1ota1n a reaaooabls eontrol with approv,td mat•rlalt, ~ertlllzatlon a. Fertilize all plaot1ng arsaa wllh the rollowlog ocliedule, (1) C:crow-Power-Flu& at a rats at 6 pounde ioer 1000 •~u.trs ,e8t. (2J Comm...,eema,t or malntenaoc:e perlod-b Iba. per l<ZWli!> oquare r""'t with ammonium oulrate. (3) At the 91'1d or ths riret 312>-da~ malntenanee period-b Ibo, per 112>12>€' aquare reet with ammonium eulrate (41 At ths end or ths malntenaoee l"erlod and at 312>-d•~ Interval• ohould malntenanes p..lod bs extended-to Iba. p,sr lie>Oli!> equare reet with rertlllzsr mix. b. Oiiee, .,.,Is In Spring, anct once, late In Spring, rert1lfze reeentlH eet1bllol-.d plant• with a eoluble nltrat• rertlllzer. c. Avoid appl~lng rertllfzer to thol root ball anct base or main otemt rati-a', opread sv..,,,I~ und.,. l"lant to drlp llf'ls. ~tft wlll var~ f'rom about. a cup or nit.rats rsrtlllzsr < depend frig on n1tro9en ,=,ereer'ltage) around a nswls lnotal!ed •mall plant to about one-hair (112} lb. or aetual nitrogen psr loeh or trunk. diameter meo!!laured rour f'eet from the ground ror mature treee. ~eplacement. or Tree& Fi:eF'ldc.■ dead, d~tn9 and mle&rr19 tr .. e with tree& or a &lze, coridllfon and v1'rlst.y acceptable to Owner at Coritractor'e, expd!nse. 1-IGATION S"l'STEM I. 2, 3, S~otem lnopeetlon Contract.or 6hall check. all •~•tsme ror proper operat104,, Lateral 1''196 &hall be rtuM'll9d oul af't81" rdllfflovfn9 the!! laet e.prTnk.ler head or two at. each Sf"ld or the lo!!lterail. All he<!lde. are to be adJueted ae neceesar!:I f'or un!mpsdsd coverage. Corit.ro I !ere S!!rt arid p-o~ram automatlc controllere tor etMeonctl water r~ulrement.a. GTvs Owner's r~ree,entatlve a key to c:ontrollere and tnstructlons ~n how to turn orr ey&tem rn caee or ,emergenc~. R"'pa1ro ~epo!l!r <!Ill d.!!mdgee to lrrt9iatlon &!,&tl!lffl at Contractor's expense. ~p.,lre, shall be made within one watering i:,erlod. ii LONG TE~ MAINTAINENCE A. MAINTENANCE Malnt..,ance ehall b• aeeord1ng to the tollow1ng euindarda. All area& ahall b• weeded, mowed and eultlval,td at lntsrval& of not more t.h!tn ts,, (10) da!,•· W:!lterfng, mowlrig, rolltri9. ed91n9. trtmm!ng, f'srt!llutron. spM~ln9 and t:=i••t coritrol erlc911 be dldmlnlet.ered b!, the owrier ae required. The Cootractor shall be responslble ror maintaining adec:,uat.e prot.sctlon or the i!lrea. Damaged c!lreae, e~11 be rep81red at the expenee of the Contract.or. I. Watsr -eee waterlog &clieduls 2. Fertrllze -"!="Pl~ In e.!lrly eprln9 to b••• or errub or t.r•~ arid water tn. accord1n9 ta manuractorer& 1.-i&tructlont 3. Frune -to ma lnta 10 hea lth;j growth, •• opeerrred prevlou• I~ 4. Wsed control -Control weede, preterably with preem.rgent herbrcrdiee, but. alee:, wlt.h &electlve e,~&temlc herb!cfddt&. '-'as weed& .,e, llttle ae F'O&elbl.s elric:e thTe mtl!:f re&ult. ln pl.!nt. dam.!ge. 1. Water -84e watering oehedule 2. F~tfllze -Earl!:f 1pr1n9 through late r.!11 i:::,er mBnuf'ac:torer&' Tri&tructlane- 3. LIJe19d cot'ltrol -Control weed&, J:'rerer.!bly with ~re.smergent herblcldee, but lll&o with ee1ect1ve tsietemlc herblcfd«!!le. 4. How • maw weelc..l~ unlee& othsrwlee contM1ndlcatsd b~ we.!!thsr or elow 9rowth C, l'l!El"'LACEMENT OF T~E6, 51-ifl!UEIS AND C:.~OUNDCOVE~ I. ""'F'laee d1oea•ed, d"'ad or damaged l"lanto with olmllar plaote or equal ol%e. 2. Dreeae,ed or dead plarit.e !ohould be brought to the awnere 1Htdlntlon lmmedlately. D, 1-IGATION Si-STEM -LONG TEll<M I. Irrigation l!lnd ml!lna9em,snl r9Fort 5hllll be preparsd and eertlfied b~ a llcenoed landeeape arehlteet tor ••ch laodoeape and Irrigation &~&tern pr1or to i&auance of r1nal certlrfc<!lte or use c!lnd occuF='anc~ in order to !dentif~ lori9-term uee tind m~lnter1at'lcofJ or tM •~et.em. ~eport shall lnc::lude the following: a. Wdter1ng e,chedule b. ~ardware c:omF'onerrt. ll&t. c. ~commendation of' regular malnt.dlt'lc:• echdldule• I. Week.I~ cr,,ck. or Irrigation 99ulpmenl 2. AdJuot eontro1 va Ive&, hsado and repair •~ brok.en head, 3. Morithl8 cover.age te&te to snsure plant. lire. 4._ Chsek. ror Irrigation malnllne, lateral aod head leak.I blmonthl::j, PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE RFQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE 11nin1 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Baxter E. Miller 1.a11c1apa Al'dllllds #2138 119 N Maple St. Sult! N Corona CA. 9172 PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737~1 "AS BUILT" ffllE -------DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE l----f--+------------1--+--+--+----I ~1 CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH2E1ETS I ~U!_j=::::::::~===:::PlA::::::N:::Nl:::N::G::D::EP:::A:::R.TM:::::::E:::N:::T===~====! DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DA TE PREPARED: DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94.95 MEADOWLANDS _ TRAqT: 8~5-19 APPROVE~ ,,,_,,.-,7. // ¼.,,,__,,/) /tJ~s-79 ASSISTANT ./PLANNL'iG DIR.ECTOR. ~ DA TE CWN BY: ..... l -..; / CHKD BY: BAX RVWDBY: PROJECT NO. er ss-19 DRAWING NO. 271-SM SHEET ..21.0F L..SHEETS C.M.W,D, JOB N0. _ __..9..,2-JuJ.._2 __ 9'l ....J --' "' 3 A-5 I I /2 11 ~ \(!Zij------------ NOTE, /,A~-~7Ll------:---IS>" DISTANCE 1-: BETWEEN ALL I VALVES GsROUF / A-I I l ' •'ll> A I .· ·•/· __ • # __ {;v ·--:II ,O NOT JNSt i ;_·, ( ' . , . . . ' ' . '.'i: ,,, \_ I LLEP \ I) ~/. '_ .. _·x··-... ·,. - ' ' ' ...._,,,,,,,,,,~----I [' if i -'.!<. NOTE, ~" "·" ::,-"'-. _,,, I~,..-·"/ IS>" DISTANCE 6ETWEEN ALL VALVES GsROUF5 ':I• NOTE, IS>" DISTANCE 6ETUJEEN ALL VALVES GROUPS 7 ,----• ",, ,· I /x---. ·;;'I ' ,-, !:,' NEW LOCATION __ · . . . FOR WATER METER ANPRF NOTE, A-1'3 I 1/2 11 A-17 IS>" DISTANCE BETWEEN VALVE:5 THIS SHEET NOTE, POTABLE WATER l,Z,' DISTANCE FROM RECLAIMED WATER t· j ' ' KEY MAP N.t.s. <':.,t::7 <>,,! +--- ·x·•:c, i, ' _-· . " ' ----. ------- "'""" ., ',, X' /x· .. --_t'-" '. ' ' -'' ' DIAL TOLL FREE l-81Z'IZ'-422-4133 AT LEA8T TWO DAY8 6EFOl'<E YOU DICE, UNDEl'!GsROUND 8ERVICE ALERT OF eoUTI-IEF<N CALIFOF<NIA lb' 32' 48' LANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED 0 ~•, \, .. II ., )!>◄ --~---, F l. 11 · 1 11 II-. _q : ,· r:;:"!t_:;,;: I I l -1, ' -----~--~--- I I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I' ; ! '' i ( ' F, I Baxter E. Miller I > Landscape Archlrects #2136 119 North Maple suite N Corona CA. 9tno PH: (909) m-1124 FAX: (909) 737-6551 TITLE F'ROJEcr MANAGER DATE REVIEWED BY: ~ ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE 3·1;..,0 BAD w tf,: 2 ~-1s~-~"'1~.1~M~L=!~~A&~-El~U~IL~rs~p~e=l'i?=C=ON=TRAC===TO=R=======+===+===+=~~±~~=1LI ~i~I =c==IT=Y==o=F=C=A======RLS=====--===4=; ~ ;:::: PLANNING DEPARTMENT t. bl ,>f t.f::::, INSPECTOR DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE O"rnER APPROVAL INITIAL CITY APPROVAL DATE PREPARED: LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 CHKD B · BAX RVWD BY: ElS MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 3./'J-O/ PROJECT NO. CT 85 -19 C.M. W.D. JOB NO. DATE DRAWING NO. 271-SM 92312 -----@- ! i:.; ,'.;;:' I, ..•• , . .,, ' I' / NOTE!, le" DISTANCE eETWEEN ALL VALVES C::.~UFe I I \, ···i C-3 I C-11 Ti .;~:' / .. I ;((:: . I r I '~t ,' . ·r -{ ' ,> ::.-• I ~ , \ .' ,1,;, 111 C-12 ,.......,_ ... 2 / : ,{:>,... .... ............ . .. /,~::. ····--·· ..... ,' ~·:!M_· .i~~,,;:;~~~llllll:J!illlllll!ll lllllllJ!lll!ll'llll[ffl·lllf-'.l!i!,J111l .• ~ ... -+ I I I I -------.... ---~--l · ~~,-/;.,_TIC PPtt:'.:~'.<2:!Jfi::E'. r::~,,:~,S~!!:) (::t,,\ s;:,~i:2 if:-1/~-z, 201\,IE: n,.~i:::c ~->.-" ,c.:•"I <)h' :;,r;:;r· ,,'.,, ·r,,E I::> F 1:;;.;.,~:r"~' E::. I LL r,::•: .. Jl'''TI"•·1F.: :::~ r~:-f' ""'HE I I, I l'""'"I .... l l ' r·" ! f ': 'J \.1 I [ -' ' ' !""i::; ::r,0·1:·r;'.:~~t::"1:~~;;~--;~:i:~·:i:li '\ii:::·-'i0-~·;rr .. ·:l;:;;:=r:r,;:;-·::;;>;N ;.::.-, ~-~,~:f'•1F: i~-:_ --~~~ii;,t,":~: y-;;::~f:-;~;----~ ('.:! r·•'I 1 !'J. !'·••'/ 1 z i:;: F<t::'.':. CY CL Iii! C· I.:,;,,:,, r:-:~ Ii<!!. e:1~.!(:,~C ~'.:i.('.l-,"'<11::'s.J" (:~.1UC.H ,6._/;< r~>'lli; r.:.;:s,,::;,~/'.\ "" '""1 :2:T It",.(~, PON::• IJ\,t:'i,, ' ~:>r:;_ Fii:L.lh! ··CFF .: ()'••~ ·r :::) 1~: ,;f(~L IC ::::'.$::,c IL "!"!;.;:·(; '.;;,,,JC-~I ,.;:,~;, r:· 1::::--,J-C-f",c'.1;:31 .. !:::!::, e,r:.-:-:;:;, e,, f',_ .. .1:Z."Yt:rF.:O..J~-lt:);&_. E,,,J.~1t·"·, ·~eye· L .. C1':S1 ET<: ' / ' ........ , ' 1-- I I ;' \ ····--"~'"" -\ \ \ / \ / ,/ I.~----···-··-······ . _, 2 E:, --·--···-· .. c"'.'e .. > ; Ii / flUS SHEET··· KEY MAP N.f.s. \ \ I • I II ...... ,, I I I I ,., _,,,, --' -'""""-[i'.),,NFff: [' i ,~_,_"t!c'l.l!:~ '.::'::1·:,r-:~!, ·1 ·1:;.ci _··1 --:15"t -~w : ~:,r:>•;•. ·;:~\C,-,\f:\1 .. ··r,c.tz.,:;,· ... --"" ···-~-- . ······--••"••·"-"· .. ······ ....... , "'"-"' r:\•·:::. !./\_T~:R,\l. r> 11~~,I I:" ,,'.,,! ['<'." .!i·-'I: \Jl?f A.b C,t1C,"1N i!iN1111 HIIIINI IHI ''::f ;:)(, ·t. -.~\C '}l/ i\i\D l,. i~ a.<A. </. ·I_ iii"> •NiJL'-, : .. --::'.·•1/'.:·,:, Ul··,Dfl? r~[G['./'":'F'.'is:'·1 f!.,'•/''1,1(, f"C,;? Mt1,J,_lc,. 'Y'/!Fr·JC (·t '"------?" wi1:.:.;1~:f::., :)~·:c; ·::~fr1r. ':, h?f•.~·:,su1~::c r:-:fr::.,Lil~-;.;;:r·c? r .. uGt·' ~;P•?1Hc. ).:u,1:.·,r ""fR'.·.. -.-.· ·-·---.,-~~--~1i::;_:_:JL ...... ::::~J...1LAJ.,JU,;::_ r.c:J __ : ?:~-· _ .~.ctur::.\~"-Li.2c:. ·--------R IJ' :::1 ~-,;-.,-, F:'"1· ·;1 r"F ; .. ,,,:~ '~,~,l-'i'"·' 1'·.,.·1; YI:<· :')•1\,' 1::-;;;f\/~_~Nl\-·,1·~ :??'.') {.\ ,_;,,!/'" is --. '·~·. ' ,,. --· ',... . \ .. ., ... -,.._ ',., ------.-.. , ~-·-···... ------' ---, .. ,. ..... ~-~-.. ·-·-·-""-.. ,-, .. ,_, ____ ~ ... ·--~~---------~---~-----------" ., ,. ... ' . - ··"1W~~r-1.-. J'Rorr "'"~!], .. , .. Wo, 1,: l•'T~I' "?C'-/l[•l'D ':, ., .• , .. ,,. · ICl'"ll,l'·lff'; "l"c'l·C c•r I.J? / / ,, ,;:b ::< 1''1. ·.L)li'sl(~ l\l,JM:':.fl,, F .·1(;.,iT,ON '.'.>" -,,Hl2, 0' 10' 20' 30' PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER"S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE DIG ALERT DIAL TOLL FREE l-800-422-4133 AT 1.EAeT TU!O DAYe !3EFOl<E YOU D le; LINDE~UND €>ERYICE ALERT OF eoUTHEF<N CA1.IFOl'i!NIA APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Baxter E. Miller I > Landscape Architects #2136 119 N01111 Maple Suite N Corona CA. 91720 PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 737-6551 IDLE PROJECT MANAGER DATE REVIEWED BY: L.f?ltJ:ek INSPECTOR DATE 12-9 -99 JML A&-el.llLTl"ER~OR ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1-----le---+----------------1---+--+----i---l ::LQ_j==J:::::_=:==:::PIA:::::::::N:::N:::IN:::G::DE:::P:::A:::RT:::M::E::NT===~~==4=~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DAlE PREPARED: LANDSCAPE PLANS RECREATION LOTS 25,35,94,95 DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL SHEET .LOF _nSHEElS II MEADOWLANDS TRACT 85-19 ---=3✓7--dJ/ CT85-19 C.M. W.D. JOB NO. DATE DRAWING NO. 271-SM 92 312 I ( I / [,(::-_:1)r.-()'l 12Z- \ 6-1 1 " 6-2, I II ' \ \ \ ', \ \ \ \ \ ·.\ \ \ \ \ ' \, \ \ \ ' "\;,, ,;~ " '•\ / \ \ ' \ \ \ ' \ ' ' \ \}•·· '-i\"-, \;;'.\, ·~' \ / \\ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \.,' \ \ ' ' \ I I I -12 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ / ------;:rL______ THIS SHEET-7--1--,,.,. // / / I KEY MAP /7 N.T.S. / / I , ,, I -11 1 " ,/ / ,/ / / ./ / ! , ,' '32:'. / ' ,· / ,' / / / ' / / ' ,' I I / / i I i / \ \ \ ' , ·---·i --(t I I I ,,/ ' / I /-- i I ,' I ' / l-CC:C.''JJJ, 1 n1: .J:H~~, 1m f~~--:t,~un "· tr.•' ;rn,Hll >·v,,;-rp:_ v<,c.1•t: <'J.o '.!,• 1. ·.:,:_,.-,. ,\~_;· n •l't'i . ..,r,ff;i,·1.:1,T:-ne:1.\ l'W'~I ·"li,1::·; Ii,'' iJ ",ye· ,•l'f;,:, S'-1' 1' ;s1 s-w•.-3 ,,,,r. <,::; ;'., ~~''i\ ;-:i.1H_:iti'1 ,,~~~,:-rtl l'I '~•!;' "Ill-! ·:t' '. ;-,c.r~: " t' ,.:JMl ·:i~I ::•WJ" -l(o:1;r,",-t1'<' fo•T. •,, ",'hi ; ' '£ .. rl 1,\ :J•4" l'.'• :,rH -IV li'\L'c>'flUiJ/, r~. f•'F'[ ·.1.,.1,·.[ n,<,~IP( :l'!l-''F-.r ,.'.t-r :1''[W;. • . -:;; __ I•~--','i"'t·I '/ I I'll, •',(I'''~'.' ·'· ··1,,<k ,x::-,r-n;4:r "'fTl' r<J l:FP,I ,,,nL~i I.Jr 'J "!, '11-: l:CIY J ,•,,1. 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Miller I > Landsc.ape Ardilteds #2136 119 North Maple Suite N Corona CA. 91720 PH: (909) 737-1124 FAX: (909) 73Hi551 0' lro' 32' 46' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. PLANS PREPARED: 9-14-99 ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DA TE • TITLE ERQJECT MANMfER DATE INSPECTOR DATE l--12_-e_-_fl!l+JH-J..-I--Ae--eu-rL_T_FE_R_c_a-i_r_R._K,_TOR----r--t---ir-3 -·"'_·tJ 1 --, ~4 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ~==IA:'...::N=DSCAP==E:::::PIA=NS:::::RE::C:::R:::EA::::Tl::O::::N:::L::::O:::T:::S:::25:::,::::35::::,94::=:,9:::5:::.:====; DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTiiER APPROVAL DATE PREPARED: MEADOWLANDS DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: -B~AX~- RVWD BY: SHEET lQ.Or .ll...SHEETS TRACT 85-19 PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CT 85 -19 271-SM C.M. W.D. JOB NO. 92 .312