HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-01; Beach Preservation Commission; AgendasCITY OF CARLSBAD MEETING OF THE BEACH PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA JUNE 1, 2021, 4:00 PM How to Watch Watch the livestream and replay past meetings on the city website, www.carlsbadca.gov How to Participate • Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding beach preservation commission meetings and other public meetings electronically or by teleconferencing. • All public meetings will comply with public noticing requirements in the Brown Act and will be made accessible electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the beach preservation commission. • Beach preservation commission meetings can be watched via livestream or replayed on the city website at www.carlsbadca.gov. • You can participate in the meeting by e-mailing your comments to parks and recreation department at parksandrec@carlsbadca.gov, subject line beach preservation commission, prior to commencement of the agenda item. Your comment will be transmitted to the beach preservation commission at the start of the agenda item. • If you desire to have your comment read into the record at the beach preservation commission meeting, please indicate so in the first line of your e-mail and limit your e-mail to 500 words or less. • Emails will be read for three minutes each, unless the presiding officer (usually the chair) changes that time. • These procedures shall remain in place during the period in which state or local health officials have imposed or recommended social distancing measures. IN THE EVENT A QUORUM OF THE BEACH PRESERVATION COMMISSION LOSES ELECTRICAL POWER OR SUFFERS AN INTERNET CONNECTION OUTAGE THAT IS NOT CORRECTED WITHIN 15 MINUTES, THE MEETING WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE ADJOURNED. ANY ITEMS NOTICED AS PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE BEACH PRESERVATION COMMISSION. ANY OTHER AGENDA ITEMS THE COMMISSION HAS NOT TAKEN ACTION ON WILL BE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA. "All persons requiring assistance or auxiliary aids in order to effectively participate may contact Beach Preservation Commission at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to arrange for reasonable accommodations." I. CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 PM II. ROLL CALL III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 6, 2021, Beach Preservation Commission Meeting V. PRESENTATIONS: None VI. CONSENT CALENDAR: None All items listed under consent calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed, unless an item is requested to be removed for discussion by a Commission member. PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act and California Executive Order No. N-29-20, a total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public participate in the meeting by submitting comments as provided on the front page of this agenda. The clerk will read comments as requested up to a total of 15 minutes. All other comments requested to be read by the clerk will trail until the end of the meeting. In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on these items. VII. DEPARTAMENTAL REPORTS 1. SR # 0601-1 BATIQUITOS LAGOON FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will provide an update on lagoon preservation activities. 2. SR # 0601-2 NORTH BEACH CLEAN UP EVENT The Commission will discuss with city staff the planning of a beach cleanup event on the city controlled north beach and determine when to proceed with the event. 3. SR # 0601-3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES Staff will provide a summary of activities on behalf of State of California Department of Parks & Recreation, San Diego Coast District, North Sector. The remainder of the categories is for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Commission action can occur on these items. I I I I COMMISSIONER/COMMITTEE REPORTS ANNOUNCEMENTS AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION MEETINGS ADJOURNMENT ATTACHMENTS Summary Reports A. Arts Commission Meeting – May 6, 2021 B. Park & Recreation Commission Meeting – May 17, 2021 C. Housing Commission Meeting – Cancelled D. Library Board of Trustees Meeting – April 28, 2021 E. Planning Commission Meeting – May 19, 2021 F. Senior Commission Meeting – May 6, 2021 G. Historic Preservation Commission Meeting – May 10, 2021 Memorandum May 6, 2021 To: Mayor Hall Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn Council Members Acosta, Bhat-Patel and Schumacher From: Richard Schultz, Cultural Arts Manager Re: Summary of May 6, 2021 Arts Commission Meeting 1. Minutes of the special Arts Commission meeting held on April 1, 2021. ACTION: Approved minutes as presented – 7/0/0/0. 2. Cultural Arts Manager Richard Schultz shared an update on the Arts & Culture Master Plan, as previously presented to the City Council on April 13, 2021. 3. Public Art Coordinator Tonya Rodzach reviewed recent and upcoming Public Art projects. She then introduced Christine Davis, Executive Director of the Carlsbad Village Association, who offered an overview of the recent temporary pop up art experience in the Village. RS: dh cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager Department Directors Board & Commission Liaisons Library and Cultural Arts Cultural Arts Office 1775 Dove Lane  Carlsbad, CA 92011  760-602-2090  ARTS COMMISSION Summary Memorandum March 16, 2021 To: Mayor Hall Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn Council Members Bhat-Patel, Schumacher and Acosta From: Charlene Buckalew, Administrative Secretary Via: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Re: SUMMARY OF MARCH 15, 2021 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING ROLL CALL Present: Chair Luna, Vice Chair Martinez, Commissioners Simons, Thorp and Steketee Absent: Commissioner Allemann was absent. Commissioner Sebahar joined the meeting at 5:35 pm. ANNOUNCEMENTS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES By proper motion, the minutes of the Jan. 25, 2021 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting were approved. Approved 5-0-0-2 PRESENTATIONS Parks Planner Michael Tully recognized Eagle Scout Thomas Gonzales for his installation of a stone bench along the Arroyo Vista Trail. CONSENT CALENDAR None PUBLIC COMMENT Robert Wilkinson’s email regarding the issue of street trees in the Village and Barrio neighborhoods was read for the Commissioners. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. SR # 0321-1 DEPARMENT REPORT Recreation Services Manager Mike Pacheco and Parks Services Manager Tim Selke reported on recently completed, ongoing and upcoming Parks & Recreation Department programs, events and park projects. Chair Luna had some questions on the Hub Park Trail and the Coastal Rail Trail connectivity. Mr. Selke explained the connectivity of the trails in that area was not part of the scope of the current project. Commissioner Simons requested some clarity on organized sports playing indoors. Mr. Mike Pacheco will get further clarification with the County of San Diego and follow up with the Commissioner. Commissioner Steketee inquired about the length of the service contracts for parks maintenance services. Mr. Selke stated that the contracts are for two years, with the option for another two–two year terms. Commissioner Steketee inquired about the etiquette for ebikes and sharing the road on trails with runners and walkers. Mr. Selke and Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster advised of the multi-modal intent basis of most citywide trails and the need for courtesy in granting the right of way. Commissioner Sebahar voiced his concerns regarding safety issues with the ebikes. Staff acknowledged the potential for additional education and outreach and will work with the Parks Planning Section and the Communications Department in order to get the information out to the public. Staff will include an update on a future department report. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Department Directors Boards & Commissions Liaisons Parks & Recreation Commissioners Library and Cultural Arts 1775 Dove Lane  Carlsbad, CA 92011  760-602-2011www.carlsbadlibrary.org Memorandum April 29, 2021 To: Mayor Hall Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn Council Members Acosta, Bhat-Patel and Schumacher From: Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director Re: Summary of April 28, 2021 Library Board of Trustees Meeting 1. Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting held on March 24, 2021. ACTION: Approved Minutes as presented – 4/0/1/0 (Parsons – Absent). 2. The board received the monthly library report for March 2021. 3. The board received an update and overview of the Library’s Circulation Services Division. 4. The board received and discussed an update on library services during COVID-19. SS: jd cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager Department Directors Board & Commission Liaisons LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Summary Community Development Department Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-4600  760-602-8560 fax Memorandum May 24, 2021 To: Mayor Hall and Council Members From: City Planner Re: Summary of Planning Commission Meeting of May 19, 2021 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By a 6/0/1 vote(Commission Luna abstained), the Planning Commission voted to continue the minutes of the April 7, 2021 Planning Commission meeting. 1. CDP 2020-0044 (DEV2020-0254) – GIBSON FAMILY RESIDENCE – By a 7/0 vote, the Planning Commission approved on consent a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the construction of a 3,266-square-foot, one-story single-family residence with a 807-square-foot attached garage on a 0.40-acre vacant lot located on the southwest corner of Park Drive and Hillside Drive within the Mello II Segment of the city’s Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. 2. CDP 2020-0018 (DEV2020-0111) – FORESTER RESIDENCE – By a 7/0 vote, the Planning Commission approved on consent a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the demolition of an existing residence and the construction of a new 4,085 square foot single-family residence within the Mello II Segment of the city’s Local Coastal Program located at 4464 Adams Street within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. 3. SDP 2018-0014/MS 2018-0011 (DEV2018-0156) – 635 PINE AVE CONDOS – By a 7/0 vote, the Planning Commission recommended approval of a Site Development Plan and Tentative Parcel Map to construct a four-unit residential air-space condominium project on a 0.19-acre site in the Pine- Tyler Mixed-use (PT) district of the Village and Barrio Master Plan on property generally located at 635 Pine Avenue In Local Facilities Management Zone 1. 4. SUP 2020-0001/HMP 2020-0001 (PUB2020-0003) – VISTA-CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REACH 1 – By a 7/0 vote, the Planning Commission approved the upgrade, realignment, and rehabilitation of the existing Vista-Carlsbad (VC) Interceptor Reach 1 access road to provide more reliable access to the VC1 pipeline and manholes for maintenance and during heavy rainfall events generally located south of SR 78, north of Buena Vista Creek, and between the eastern terminus of Haymar Drive (west of College Boulevard) and the western terminus of Haymar Drive (east of El Camino Real) in Local Facilities Management Zone 25. Don Neu, City Planner c: City Manager City Attorney Committee Liaisons Deputy City Managers City Council Department Heads C cityof Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-4650 t Memorandum April 6, 2021 To: Mayor Hall Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn Council Members Bhat-Patel, Schumacher and Acosta From: Megan Whitehead, Senior Office Specialist Via: Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager Re: SUMMARY OF APRIL 1, 2021 SENIOR COMMISSION MEETING ROLL CALL Present: Chair Rangus, Vice Chair Sachs, Commissioners Mehan and Wilson Absent: Commissioner Rodenhausen ANNOUNCEMENTS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES By proper motion, the minutes of the March 4, 2021 Senior Commission meeting were approved. Approved 3-0-1-1 PRESENTATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR None PUBLIC COMMENT None DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. SR # 0421-1 AGE-FRIENDLY CARLSBAD ACTION PLAN David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer and Joe Stewart, Management Analyst for the City of Carlsbad Office of Innovation and Economic Development reviewed the Age-Friendly Carlsbad Workshops and discussed next steps for community conversations. 2. SR # 0421-2 DEPARTMENT REPORT The Commission received a report on recently completed and upcoming Senior Center activities and programs, as well as other topics of interest by Recreation Area Manager Margaret Hamer. COMMITTEE/CITY COUNCIL REPORTS The commission received an oral report from Commissioner Mehan who represents the Senior Commission on the Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) committee. {'cityof Carlsbad cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Community Services Department Directors Boards & Commissions Liaisons Senior Commissioners Library and Cultural Arts 1775 Dove Lane  Carlsbad, CA 92011  760-602-2011www.carlsbadlibrary.org Memorandum May 11, 2021 To: Mayor Hall Mayor Pro Tem Blackburn Council Members Acosta, Bhat-Patel and Schumacher From: Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director Re: Summary of May 10, 2021 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting 1. Minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission special meeting held on April 15, 2021. ACTION: Approved Minutes as presented – 3/0/0/2 (Díaz – Abstain, Schreibman - Abstain). 2. Commission Liaison Smithson welcomed the two new commissioners, Commissioner Raúl Díaz and Commissioner Patty Schreibman. Commissioners and staff introduced themselves. 3. Commissioners discussed properties of concern and reviewed a list of historic properties within the City of Carlsbad. 4. Commission Liaison Smithson reviewed the 2020-21 Work Plan and the status of each item. Commission Liaison Smithson stated that the Commission Work Plan for FY 2021-22 will be discussed at the next Historic Preservation Commission meeting on July 12, and the Chair and Vice- Chair of the commission will be elected at that time. SS: bb cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager Department Directors Board & Commission Liaisons HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Summary