HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-04; Housing Commission; MinutesHOUSING COMMISSION Minutes MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: HOUSING COMMISSION (Special Meeting) MARCH 4, 2021 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: VIA ZOOM CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson John Nguyen-Cleary called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken as follows: Present: Absent: Shirley Cole Marissa Cortes-Torres Joy Evans Allen Manzano John Nguyen-Cleary None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Manzano and seconded by Commissioner Cortes-Torres the minutes of the following meeting was unanimously approved: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on Jan. 14, 2021. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments on non-agenda items. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2021-2029 Housing Element Update (GPA 2019-0003, PUB 2019-0009) -Request for a recommendation of approval of an amendment to the General Plan Housing Element. Scott Donnell, Senior Planner, and Eric Lardy, Principal Planner, presented the 2021 -2029 Housing Element Update to the Housing Commission. Mr. Lardy explained the contents of the Errata Memorandum dated March 4, 2021 that was distributed to the Housing Commission. The purpose of the Errata Memorandum was to provide the Feb. 22, 2021 Housing Element review letter received from the California Housing and Community Development Department, staffs analysis of MARCH 4, 2021 HOUSING COMMISSION Page2 HCD's comments, responses and proposed revisions to the Housing Element for the Housing Commission's consideration. Following the presentation, housing commissioners asked clarifying questions about what happens after adoption of the Housing Element regarding program implementation and land use changes necessary to meet future housing needs. Staff clarified that within three years following Housing Element adoption, the city will undertake a public and formal process to re-designate (or rezone) specific housing sites at densities required by state law. Community members will have opportunities to provide input during this process. The public hearing was opened and the following individuals provided comments to the Housing Commission which were read into the record : Kim Hampson David Waldman Jenene and Michael McGonigal Robert and Donna Billmeyer Maria Rodriguez Charles and Michele Lehr Michael T. Thornton Segovia-Krause Family John Kuznik Jackson Howard Krausz, NCA President Jaclyn Pampel Most of the public testimony related to concerns about the inclusion of Site 13 ("Zone 20 Cluster'') in the Housing Element sites inventory, citing various reasons why the site was not appropriate for increased density. After the staff presentation and public testimony, Chairperson Nguyen-Cleary closed the public hearing and the Housing Commission engaged in questions and answers and commissioner discussion: • Staff reiterated that adoption of the Housing Element does not change land uses, but identifies where potential land uses could occur to meet the city's housing needs. • Residents will have additional opportunities for input on re-designating specific sites for housing. • A draft of the full Housing Element was presented to the Housing Commission for comment at their Dec. 3, 2020 meeting. • A housing commissioner inquired about the city's Growth Management Program (GMP) and how it is affected by SB330. Staff responded that SB330 prohibits local measures and actions that impose a moratorium on housing development, and that the state (HCD) issued a letter to the city opining that enforcement of GMP housing caps is impermissible under state law. Staff MARCH 4, 2021 HOUSING COMMISSION Page3 stated that they anticipate the City Council will discuss the GMP as part of their annual goal-setting. • In response to a question, staff explained the permit streamlining provisions afforded developers under SB 35, and the conditions under which they may be invoked in Carlsbad. To date no developer has requested SB 35 streamlining in Carlsbad. • A question was raised as to why the land use rezoning program is scheduled to be completed in three years. Staff explained that three years is the deadline by state law, but that staff intends to initiate the program within the first year following Housing Element adoption. Staff further explained that sites would likely be re-designated as a package rather than incrementally, while acknowledging that individual developers may prefer to proceed with their development plans on their own timeline. • Chairpersons Nguyen-Cleary raised concerns about how the quantified objectives are presented in Table 10-44, finding that the data were confusing and potentially misleading. Ideas were discussed about how the information could be re-formatted to be clearer. Staff indicated the project team will discuss ways to clarify the data in the final document. • In response to a question about what happens to the Housing Element document once it's adopted, staff stated that it will be used as a reference tool by builders and planning staff, and also to guide implementation of the programs it contains. Staff will develop simple hand-outs to explain what the Housing Element is and how it is used. A commissioner commented that while the Housing Element is comprehensive in its scope, it does not preclude the possibility of considering additional ideas about housing policy or program implementation. Staff Recommendation: Approve. ACTION: On a motion by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Cole, the Housing Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopted Resolution No. 2021-003, recommending that the City Council approve an amendment to the General Plan Housing Element for the 2021-2029 housing cycle, with incorporation of the revisions presented in the Errata Memorandum dated March 4, 2021. AYES: COLE, CORTES-TORRES, EVANS, MANZANO AND NGUYEN- CLEARY. NAYS: NONE ABSENT: NONE MARCH 4, 2021 HOUSING COMMISSION Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: None. HOUSING COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: None. HOUSING SERVICES MANAGER COMMENTS: Housing Services Manager de Cordova stated that there will be no Housing Commission meeting on March 11 , and that the next regular Housing Commission meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2021. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Special Meeting of the Housing Commission was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. David de Cordova Housing Services Manager PATTI CRESCENTI, Minutes Clerk MINUTES ARE ALSO RECORDED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE WRITTEN MINUTES ARE APPROVED.