HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 82-04; PALOMAR OAKS II; REPORT OF AS-BUILT GEOLOGY FIELD OBESERVATIONS AND RELATIVE COMPACTION TESTS; 1988-10-13REKRl.'OF A5-RJILT ~ FIElD CESERVATICHi ANJ RELATIVE (lHl1Cl'ICN 'ffSl'S PR.lK6fD OMS II WES'l'QgSWAY CARISBAD,CALIFam!A PREPARED FOR: BIROCHER a:H;'mOCTICN (lHlANY 27611 La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, Cali fornia 92 677 PREPARED BY: Southern california Soil & Testing, Ioc. Post Office Box 20627 6280 Riverdale St reet San Diego, California 92120 I SOUTHERN CALIFORN IA S O IL ANO TEST I NG , INC. 6280 RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO . CALIF". 9 2120 TELE 280·4 32 1 P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF". 92 120 6 7 B C N T C: R P R I S E S T E S C O N O I O C , C A L I r. 9 2 O 2 ~ O:tober 13, 1988 Birtcher Construction Coopany 27611 La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, California 92677 SCS&T 8821057 Report No. 5 SUBJECT: Report of As-Built Geology, Field Observations and Relative REFEREtCE: Gentleman: Compaction Tests, Proposed Palomar Oaks I I, West Oaks Way, Carlsbad, California. "Report of Supplenental Geotechnical Investigation, Palanar Oaks II Business Park", Prepared by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. , dated April 26, 1988. In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to present a smmary of our field observations and the results of relative coopaction tests perforned at the subject site by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. These services were perforned bet~n August 10 and Septerriler 21. 1988. SITE IEOCRIPI'I~ The subject site is an irregular shaped parcel o f land lr:.v.::ated. adjacent t o and south of the Palonar Airport Road and ;.,,est o f Palomar Oaks Way in the S O LI T H E R N CALIF OR NIA SOIL A N D TEST ING . I N C . SCS&T 8821057 to r 13, 1988 Page 2 City of Carlsbad, Cali fornia. The site encorrpasses approxim=ltel y ten acres a nd is bounded by an undeve loped, nor t h-facing hil lside on the south, undeveloped land on the west, and Palonar Oaks Way and Cormerci al property on the east. Pr ior to grading v,10rk, t he site was conprised of an east-west trending valley with a well-inc i sed stream channel. The stream channel was on the order of ten t o twenty feet wide and varied from approx.im:itely four feet to twelve feet in depth. Top:,graphically, the valley sloped toward the stream channel while the stream bed sloped very gently toward the west. cut and fill slopes existed on the northerly and northeasterly portion of the site ranging up to approx.inately twenty-five feet in height. Vegetation on-site consisted of native shrubs and grasses and scattered large trees. PIUUaJ aEJ.KCl"ICB It is anticipated that ~he structures to be built on the site will be limited to one and tv,10-story, tilt-up concrete structures with on-grade slabs and shallow spread footings. 'lb assist in determining the locations and elevations of our field density tests and to define the general extent of the site grading for this phase of work, we were provided with a grading plan prepared by Henry Worley Associates dated August 19, 1985. srm PREPARM'Iat Prior to grading operations, vegetation and debris within the areas of grading were cleared and materials thus generated were exported from the jobsite. As an exception to this, a nUITt,er of large trees were saved and renain on site. nte approximate locations of the renaining trees are shown on the plates contained in the pocket of this report. No grading operations were perforned within the drip-line s of t hese trees . SCS&T 8821057 O::t ober 13, 1988 Page J Grading o perations began wi th t he removal o f e xisting alluvial soils generally to depths o f four f eet below t he proposed finished grade e levation. Where very loos e soils \-A:re e ncountered during the excavation, deeper rerrovals ...ere perfo.rned. The organic debris and loose soils within the stream channel were rerroved to the underlying saturated sands. Soils generated f ran the rerroval operations ...ere stockpiled for later use or placed as unifoonly corrpacted fill i n previously prepared areas. Prior to the construction of fill slopes, keyways were cut at the toes of the proposed fill Alopes. Surfaces to receive fill were then scarified to a depth of approx.i.rrately tv.elve inches, noisture conditioned and ccrrpacted to a mininum of 90 percent relative ccrrpaction. All cut areas and keyways were observed by a nattier of our geologic staff prior to the placenent of fill. Soils obtained fran on-site cuts and pre-existing stockpiles on contiguous property, ...ere placed in approxinately six to eight inch lifts, noisture conditioned to at least optinum noisture content and ccrrpacted to a mininum of 90 percent relative ccrrpaction by neans of heavy construction equiptent. In areas where fills were being placed against existing slopes, these slopes were benched into in a stair-step manner as the depth of fill increased. A buttress was constructed on the southern ooundary of lDts 1 and 2. '1'1is ruttress was constructed to retain a small area of landslide debris on the eastern p:>rtion of l..Dt 1 and the colluvial deposits on l..Dts land 2. A key was eJCCavated at the toe of the buttress. OVERSIZED cacRETE CHUNKS: Several oversized concrete chunks were incorporated into the fill in the southeast corner of lot 8 (open space lot). These chunks were placed un-nested in a matrix of unifoonly ccrrpacted sandy soils. 'Ihe approxinate elevation o f the concrete chunks is llS feet (MSL) and their approx.i.rrate location is shown on Plate No. 1. RDIAIHDC SIU.1<PIIE Excess soils generated during mass grading operations renain stockpiled on-site i n the area of l o s 2 , · , a nd J The approximate location of this stockpile is s hown on Pl.ate No. 1. SCS&'l' 882 1057 t o r 13 , 19 88 Page 4 GRADE CHANGES: Finished grade elevations for lots 1 , 2 , 3, and 4 were changed during IMss grading operations. Finished grade on lots 2, 3, and 4 was raised by one foot, whereas finished grade elevation on lot l was raised by three feet. FIEID <mERVA'l'ICH; .AN> TtSl':n«; Ct,servations and field density tests were performad by a representative of Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. during the mass grading operations. '!he density tests were taken according to A.S.T.M. Test 1556-74 and the results of those tests are shown on the attached plates. The accuracy of the in-situ density test locations and elevations is a function of the accuracy of the survey control provided by other than Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. representatives. Unless otherwise noted, their locations and elevations were detei:mined by pacing and hand level rrethods and should be considered accurate only to the degree ilrplied by the rrethod used. As used herein, the term "observation" .inplies only that we observed the progress of work we agreed to be involved with, and performad tests, on which, together, we based our opinion as to whether the work essentially corrplies with the job requirenents, local grading ordinances and the Uniform Building Code. LABRffl:RY'IES'l'S Maxi..num dry density determinations were performad on representative sanples of the soils used in the corrpacted fills according to A.S.T.M. Test 1557-78, Methods A and C. Method A specifies that a four (4 ) i nch diameter cylindrical nold of 1/30 cubic foot volurre be used and that the soil tested be placed in five (5) equal layers with each layer COJTl)acted by t....enty-five (25) blows of a 10-pound hamrer with an 18-inch dr op . M<=thocl C specifies that a six ( 6) inch diaJTEter cylindrical rrold of 1/13 cubic foot volurre be 5 SCS&T 8821057 O:t ober 13 , 1988 Page 5 used and that the soil tested be placed in five ( 5) equal layers with each layer corrpacted by fifty-six (56) blows of a 10-pound hamrer with an 18-inch drop. The results of t hese t ests, as presented on Plate Nurrber 10, ¼Bre used in conjunction with the f ield density tests to determine the degree of relative corrpaction of the corrpacted fill. ROUWm«.; NB Additional grading and backfill operations will be required at the site for the backfill of retaining walls and utility trenches, the box culvert, the preparation of the subgrade soils, and the placemant of the base naterial. It is recoomanded that in-place density tests and field observations be perfomed during each of these operations to verify that they are perfomed in accordance with job requi.rerrents. AS-BJILT QXIcx;y Based on the results of on-site observations, the following conclusions are presented. 1) The geologic conditions at the site appeared to be similar to those described in the referenced rep:,rt. The valley proper was urrlerlain by artificial fill, hard debris, and alluvial soils. The grading of the slope areas, located on the northern portion of the site, exposed fills associated with Palomar Airport Road and the sandstones of the Santiago Fonnation. The excavations of the slope areas on the southern portion of the site exposed landslide debris on the eastern end of the slope and sandstones of the Santiago Fonnation and colluvium on the rarai ning portions of the southern slope. It should be noted that the landslide debris did not extend as far west as anticipated in the referenced rep:,rt. However, it did extend to a deeper depth than v;as encountered during the field investigation for the referenced report. Therefore, the excavation for the buttress in the vicinity o f the landslide debris was SCS&T 8821057 t ober 13 , 1988 Page 6 exte nde d t o a de pth of approximate ly t hjrteen feet below t he finished pad grade. A landslide plan was not noted and the s lide debris appears to have spilled down slope from a slide that occurred atove t i"' s ite. 2) The grading recolTllEndations presented in the referenced rep::,rt have been substantially follai,.ect. The alluvial soils in the valley proper were rerroveci to a minim.ml depth of four feet below finish grade and replaced as coopacted fill. The exception to this is the stream channel where the organics and very loose soils were rerroveci to the deeper and denser saturated sands . As discussed below, a buttress was constructed on the southern side of lots 1 and 2. 3) The grading perforned at the site to date appears to have been done in confoi:nance with the referenced grading plan. The exception to this is the finish grades on lots 2, 3, and 4 were raised one foot and raised 3 feet on lot 1 . 4) It was recOlllT'ended .in the referenced rep::>rt that the soils underlying the buildings be renoved to a depth of eight feet and be replaced as corrpacted fill . However, since the building locations are not known a t the present these areas have been undercut only four feet below friable sand as recOlllT'ended for parking areas. Regrading for the specific building locations nay be required when the locations are determined. 5) All cut slopes and areas to be filled have been inspected and to t he best of our knowledge all adverse geologic conditions which nay lead to significant geologic hazards have been mitigated. The larger slopes exposing landslide debris and colluvium, on lots 1 and 2 have been buttressed. Cross-secti·n details for a portion of the buttress is presented on Plate Nuntlers 3 and 4. The landslide debris appeared to have spilled ov~r t he hi llside rom a slide which occurred above the site . All o f the s lide debris was not rerroved, 7 SCS&T 8821057 tober lJ, 1988 Page 7 i nstead the slide debris was treated as colluvium and was buttresse<i as such. It s hould be noted that t he l::::ottom of the buttress in the vicinity of t he slide debris extended to approxirretely 13 feet below adjacent finish grade. The keyway for the buttress ranged from approxirretely 15 feet to 25 feet in width. 6) The oversteepened, tenp:,rary cut s lo~.::, lcx::ated on the southern side of Lots 5, 6 and 7 were observed a.ct appear to be free of geologic conditions which nay lead to significant slope instability problem:;. These slopes range up to approximately eight feet in height and consist of firm, c layey colluvium overlying firm, sandy colluvium or dense bedrock. A retaining wall is to be constructed in this area. In addition, fractured bedrock naterials exposed in a tenporary, oversteepened cut slope adjacent to Palorrar Airport Road was shored. This fractured bedrock i s a shear zone asscx::iated with a fault trace which was noted in this area. Continued observation of the over steepened, terrp:,rary cut slopes is recomrended. 7) A fault trace noted in the terrp:,rary cut slope adjacent to Palorrar Airport Road is apparent! y one of the nany snall, unnaned bedrock faults lcx::ated in the gt:!"leral area of Carlsbad. The vertical off-set of the fault is approximately 14 inches and strikes in a N 20 degrees W direction. No evidence t hat recent Holcx::ene sedi.rrents have b:!en faulted were noted. This fault t race is not expected t o i.npact the suitability for the proposed development. The approximate location of the fault trace is shown on Plate Nunoer 1. 8) Thus, with the exception of the underci1t for t he future buildings, i n our opinion and to the best of our knowledge, adverse geologic conditions have been s ufficiently mitigated and t he site i s geologically suitable and safe for construction . SCS&T 8821057 o ber 13, 1988 Page 8 CXHliEICNS Based on field observat ion and the density t est results , it is the op1.ru.on of Southern California Soil a"ld Testing, Inc . t hat the grading was perfo.rned basically in ac cordanc e with the recOITlrendations contained i n the referenced Geotechnical Rep:,rt, and the recOlllrendat i o ns contained t herein do apply to the subject site. PCDDn"ICH; The foundation reconmendations provided in the refererx::ed rep:,rt renain applicable; however, since grading operations during this phase of w::>rk have provided a cc:,np3cted rrat o f approximately four feet in thickness in lieu of t he eight feet i n thickness for building areas which was discussed in the referenced report, regrading to establish this eight foot thick mat will be necessary. It is anticipated a reroval and recrnpaction of a minim.Im of eight feet will be required for future structures. w1111xr:u.fli This report cov e r s o n ly the s ervices performed between August 10 and Septerrber 21, 1988. /ls l imited l.Jy the scope of the services which ~ a greed to perfo rm, our o pinion presented herein are based on our observations and the relative c oopaction test results. Orr service was perfo.rned in accordance with the currently accepted standard of practice and i n such a nanner as to provide a reasonable neasure of the coopliance of the grading operations with the job requirenents. No warranty, express or inplied, is given or intended with respect to the services which ~ have perforned, and neither t he performance of t hose services nor the sul::mittal of this rep::,rt should be construed as relieving t he grading contractor of his resp:,nsibility to conform with the job requirenent s. If you should have any questions 21 e r r e··i'?Wing h · :::-r<~f0 hesitate t o contact this o ffice. lease do not 9 SCS&T 882 1057 Cx:tober 13 , 1988 Page 9 This opp::,rtunity t o be of professional service i s s incerely appreciated. Respectfully sul:mi.tted, SOUI'HERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESI'ING, INC. Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 QIC:DH:JRH:nr cc: (6) Sul:mi.tted (1) SCS&T, Escondido {) /John R. High, C.E.G. #1237 '-' " ·-~ ~ ~~ rm 1n7 •1 EfH!Fl!:D ~ GlrJEERl~•!G <If:~ EOLOCiSf \ �e.!... Lu..r5c.. VY\c......p(.. s e..c ·ha-,..._ v1�+e. >Jos. ,_ 4 I/ **Missing Plates 1 & 2** 160- 150- 140- 130- 120- 110- L CIIOSS-SECTION FOR BUTTIESS FLL ON LOT 1 A I P.&. I ---.._, ' ' -' aaay ......... 14 I --::.___-----. , ..._' J AL TOPWAMYJ,_.. PAD aAN ' '--' --. 111.1!!'1\. '---~ --- _... ...... '= . _fflllll_,.... ___ Tlt I 0 I 10 I 20 I 30 AIIT..aaALPILL I 40 I 50 ..... --' -• •-UCAWATIOII 60 70 80 -, .. , .... ....... ...,J 160- 150- 140- 130- 120- GEOLOGY OF BUTTAESSB) SLOPE FOR LOT 1 B 0 20 I I I I 40 I 60 I 80 I 100 I 120 I --------1 ,, -.... -:__,' r--------.._ ------------I ,1 '-~ ' I I , , I I , ' 160 I 180 I I ' ' ' ' -_..,,...,, ~ ..... ~, ~......-tU!' ~'--- -·--RY :n. CILAftY..... ' ' a TM GLAftY •n '' ', I AuatCILAftlA•IUN-.. 1 I ... -rm• ...,. ',', I I ...... ._ 1'1111 •• ' ' I '', a' I I I 200 I I ............ ~ I ..... .... I ,/✓\ ' '::.'... IOTTOII OP UCAWATIOII // -. / < < ,✓ \ I IA1LNlll ::-S-.. I ICM.a IIHIIOIITAL 1!ao' WMICA&.1~,· SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TISTIIIG, INC • ... Ill.Aft .. J OB NAME : Palomar Oaks I I J OB NO :8821057 PLATE NO: 5 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATI ON MOISTURE DRY DEN . SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent )(p .c.f .) TYPE (percent) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 8-10-88 Lot 7 105.0 PNG 11.1 103 .0 1 93.5 2 8-10-88 Lot 7 105.0 13 .0 1 01. 9 1 92.5 3 8-10-88 Lot 7 1 06.0 1 2.4 1 00.6 1 91.3 4 8-10-88 Lot 7 1 06.5 1 4.3 1 02.6 1 93.l 5 8-10-88 Lot 7 107.0 1 2.4 101. 7 1 92.3 6 8-11-88 Lot 6 107.0 11. 7 101. l 1 91.7 7 8-11-88 Lot 6 1 06.0 PNG 12 .4 111. 4 2 94.1 8 8-11-88 Lot 7 108.0 1 3.0 109.6 2 92.6 9 8-11-88 Lot 7 109.0 1 3.0 107.7 2 91.0 1 0 8-11-88 Lot 6 108.5 1 3.6 104.8 1 95.1 11 8-11-88 Lot 6 109.5 11. 7 108.8 2 91. 9 1 2 8-11-88 Lot 6 111. l 13.0 110.4 2 93.2 1 3 8-11-88 Lot 5 109.0 PNG 1 2.4 104.1 1 94.5 1 4 8-12-88 Lot 5 109.5 11.1 109.4 2 92.4 15 8-12-88 Lot 5 111. 0 6.4 103.2 2 87. 2) 16 8-12-88 Retest #15 111. 0 13 .0 109.7 2 92.7 1 7 8-12-88 Lot 5 112 .5 10.5 102.7 1 93.2 18 8-12-88 Lot 5 113.5 1 2.4 107.9 2 91.l 19 8-12-88 Lot 4 111. 0 PNG 14.3 111.4 2 94.1 20 8-12-88 Lot 4 113.0 1 3.6 108.9 2 92.0 21 8-17-88 Lot 4 110.0 PNG 1 2.4 109.3 2 92.3 22 8-17-88 Lot 4 113 .0 13.0 108.4 2 91.6 23 8-17-88 Lot 4 114.0 14.3 112.5 3 93.4 24 8-17-88 Lot 3 115 .0 PNG 1 3.6 109.4 3 90.8 25 8-17-88 Lot 4 113.5 11.1 111.5 2 94.2 26 8-17-88 Lot 4 115.0 14.9 110.4 3 91.6 27 8-17-88 Lot 3 116.5 13.6 112.1 3 93.0 28 8-17-88 Lot 3 118.5 12.4 104.2 2 00 .o; 29 8-17-88 Retest of #28 118.5 1 3.0 109.6 2 92.6 30 8-17-88 Lot 3 1 1 9.0 1 4.3 110.1 3 91.4 31 8-18-88 West Oaks Wa y 113.0 13.0 11 0.7 2 93.5 Adjacent to Lot l 32 8-18-88 West Oaks Way 1L5.0 14.3 109.6 3 91.0 Adjacent ot Lot l 33 8-18-88 West Oaks Way 117.5 13.6 114.8 3 95.3 Adjacent t o Lot 1 34 8-18-88 West Oaks Way 1 19 .0 13 .6 1 09.5 3 90.9 Adjacent to Lot 1 35 8-18-88 Lot 2 113.5 11. 7 109.1 2 36 8-18-88 Lot 2 1 15 .0 6.4 94.3 1 37 8-18-88 Lot 2 1 17.0 11 .l 112.1 3 38 8-18-88 Retest of #36 115 .0 13 .0 101.4 1 92 39 8-18-88 Lot 2 1 19 .5 12.4 113.3 3 94.0 40 8-18-88 Lot 2 1 21.5 14.9 109.7 2 92.7 41 8-19-88 Lot 4 1 06.0 14.3 111. 5 3 92.5 42 8-19-88 Lot 3 1 08.0 13 .6 109 .8 3 91.l 43 8-19-88 Lot 2 1 07 .0 1 4.9 110 .4 2 93.2 44 8-19-88 Spillway Fill 108 .0 13.0 112 .8 3 93.6 Adjacent to Lot l I ;J. JOB NAME: Palomar Oaks II JOB NO:8821057 PLATE NO: 6 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATI CN MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------45 8-19-88 Si:,illway Fill 110.0 14.9 111. 4 2 94.1 Adjacent to Lot 1 46 8-19-88 Spillway Fill 112.5 14.3 108.9 2 92.0 Adjacent to Lot 1 47 8-19-88 Spillway Fill 1 15.0 14.3 112.2 3 93.1 Adjacent to Lot l 48 8-19-88 Spillway Fill 117.5 16.3 109.8 3 91.1 Adjacent to Lot l 49 8-19-88 Spillway Fill 1 19.0 14.9 110.9 3 92.0 Adjacent to Lot l 50 8-19-88 Spillway Fill 118.0 13.6 109.4 3 90.8 51 8-22-88 Lot 3 112.5 14.9 109.9 3 91.2 52 8-22-88 Lot 4 111.0 13.6 112.7 3 93.5 53 8-22-88 Lot 4 112.5 14.3 111.l 3 92.2 54 8-22-88 Lot 4 114.0 15.6 107.4 2 90.7 55 8-22-88 Lot 2 115.0 8.7 101.8 2 86.0) 56 8-22-88 Lot 3 113.0 13.0 112.5 3 93.4 57 8-22-88 Retest of #55 115.0 14.3 108.4 2 91.6 58 8-22-88 Spillway Fill 121. 0 17.0 108.7 3 90.2 Adjacent ot Lot 1 59 8-22-88 Spillway Fill 122.5 14.3 114.6 3 95.1 Adjacent to Lot 1 60 8-22-88 West Oaks Way 123.5 14.9 110.8 3 92.0 Adjacent to Lot 1 61 8-22-88 Lot 2 118.0 15.6 112.5 3 93.4 62 8-22-88 Lot 3 115.5 14.3 108.7 2 91.8 63 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 121.5 16.3 109.1 3 90.5 Lot 4 64 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 123.0 13.6 113.3 3 94.0 Lot 4 65 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 124.5 14.3 111.1 3 92.2 Lot 4 66 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 123.5 14.9 108.5 2 91.6 Lot 3 67 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 125.5 17.0 112.6 3 93.4 Lot 4 68 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 124.0 14.3 108.5 3 90.0 Lot 4 69 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 127.0 13.0 111. 9 2 94.5 Lot 4 70 8-23-88 Slope Fill North of 125.0 14.9 110.2 3 91.5 Lot 4 71 8-23-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 1 23.0 PNG 15.6 107.2 2 90.5 72 8-23-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 1 26.0 12.4 110.7 2 93.5 73 8-23-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 2 118.5 14.3 107.7 2 91.0 74 8-23-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 125.5 14.3 112.9 3 93.7 75 8-23-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 127.0 14.9 106.9 2 90.3 76 8-24-88 Lot 1 127.5 1 3.6 112.0 3 92.9 77 8-24-88 Lot 1 124.0 14.9 110.9 3 91.9 78 8-24-88 Lot 2 119.5 14.3 112.5 3 93.4 13 JOB NAME: Palomar Oaks I I JOB N0:8821057 PLATE NO: 7 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent )(p.c.£.) TYPE (percent) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------79 8-24-88 Lot l 128.5 12.4 105.6 3 87.6J 80 8-24-88 Retest of #79 1 28.5 16.3 110.3 3 91.5 81 8-24-88 Lot 2 122.0 11.l 112.6 3 93 .4 82 8-24-88 Lot 2 119.5 13.6 109.3 2 92.3 83 8-24-88 West Oaks Way 123.5 16.3 108.9 3 90.9 Adjacent to Lot l 84 8-24-88 Lot 3 118.5 10.5 111. 4 2 94.1 85 8-24-88 Lot 3 121. 0 14.3 110.8 3 91. 9 86 8-24-88 Buttres£ Slope, Lot l 128.5 14.3 110.0 3 91.3 87 8-24-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 126.5 15.6 111. 5 3 92 .5 88 8-24-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 127.0 16.3 1 13.0 2 95.4 8 !? 8-24-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 128.0 13.6 111. l 3 92.2 90 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 129.5 15.6 112.7 3 93.5 91 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 130.0 1 4.9 109.5 3 90.9 92 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 129.0 15.6 112.4 3 93.3 93 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 131. 5 13.0 108.3 2 91.5 94 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 132.5 14.3 113.3 3 94.0 95 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 134.0 16.3 110.7 3 91.9 96 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 135.0 13.6 112.5 3 93.4 97 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 137.5 15.6 109.2 2 92.2 98 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 139.0 13.6 111.6 2 94.3 99 8-25-88 Bu":tress Slope, Lot l 141.0 14.3 111.5 2 92.5 100 8-25-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 143.0 14.9 108.l 2 91.3 101 8-26-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 144.0 13.6 111. 5 3 92.5 102 8-26-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 137.0 11.7 113.5 3 94.2 103 8-26-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 139.0 14.3 110.8 3 92.0 104 8-26-88 Lot l 125.5 14.3 109.0 3 90.5 105 8-26-88 West Oaks Way 123.0 14.9 lOd.3 5 92.6 Adjacent to Lot 1 106 8-26-88 Lot l 122.0 15.6 106.2 4 86.3) 107 8-26-88 Retest of #106 122.0 16.3 112.6 4 91.5 108 8-26-88 Lot 1 124.0 14.3 110.5 5 94.4 109 8-26-88 Lot l 126.0 13.6 109.7 3 91.0 110 8-26-88 Lot 1 125.0 14.3 113 .0 4 91.9 111 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 7 103.0 15.6 110.5 3 91.7 112 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 7 104.5 14.3 112.7 3 93.5 113 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 6 106.0 14.9 113.5 4 92.3 114 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 6 1 07.6 13.0 111.8 3 92.8 115 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 7 106.0 13.6 109.9 3 91.2 116 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 7 1 07.0 12.4 114.1 3 94.7 117 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 6 108.0 14.3 113.l 4 92.0 118 8-29-88 Lot 1 128.5 15.6 109.3 5 93.4 119 8-29-88 Lot l 131. 0 11.l 110.4 3 91.6 120 8-29-88 Lot 1 133.0 13.0 109.0 3 90.5 121 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 5 107.5 11.1 111.6 3 92.6 122 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 6 107.0 13.0 110 .2 3 91.5 123 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 5 108.5 13.6 113.6 3 94.3 124 8-29-88 Channel Fill, Lot 5 109.0 12.4 109 .6 3 91. 0 125 8-30-88 Lot 1 127.5 12.4 112 .l 3 93.0 1¢ J OB NAME : Palomar Oaks II TEST DATE NO. LOCATION JOB NO:8821 057 PLATE NO: 8 ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP -----------------------------------------------------------------------------(percent)(p .c.f.) TYPE (percent ) 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-30-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 8-31-88 9-1-88 9-1-88 9-1-88 9-1-88 9-1-88 9-1-88 9-1-88 9-1-88 9-2-88 Lot l Lot l Flood Channel Slope Adjacent to Lot l Flood Channel S lope Adjacent to Lot l Flood Channel Slope Adjacent to Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot l West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 Retest of #133 Lot 1 Lot l Lot 1 Lot l Lot l Slope, Lot 1 Slope, Lot l Slope, Lot l Lot l Lot l Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 Slope, North o f Lot 1 Slope, North of Lot 1 Slope, Nort h of Lot l Slope, North of Lot 1 Slope, North of Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 West Oaks Way Adjacent to Lot 1 1 29.0 1 31. 0 1 25.0 1 27.5 129.0 1 25.5 128.0 1 31. 5 1 23.0 125.0 131. 5 127.0 129.5 130.0 131. 5 125.0 127.0 126.0 125.0 127.0 128.5 129.5 131. 0 130.5 132.0 134.0 136.5 138.0 140.0 130.0 131.0 132.0 1 33.0 135.5 137.0 1 39.5 141.0 143.0 13.6 13.6 11.1 14.3 13.0 14.9 14.3 1 6.3 13.6 14.9 15.6 14.3 15.6 13.0 12.4 11.l 14.3 12.4 13.6 13.0 11.7 14.9 11.1 13.0 13.0 14.9 12.4 14.3 14.3 12.4 13.0 12.4 11.7 13.0 13.6 13.0 1 4.3 12.4 110.9 109.9 110.4 1 11. 5 111.4 111. 6 112.5 100.0 114.4 112.5 108.3 112.2 110.6 111.1 110.2 110.4 112.0 109.5 112.5 109.6 114.1 111.0 113.1 1 09.4 111. 5 110.8 110.4 112.9 111.2 113.3 110.3 111.7 109.2 110.3 110.8 109.7 112.5 110.1 3 3 5 4 3 4 3 5 4 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 92.0 91.2 94.4 90 .7 92.4 90.7 93.4 85.5) 93.0 93.4 92.6 93.1 91.8 92.2 91.5 91.6 92.9 90 .9 93.4 91.0 94.7 92.1 93.9 90.8 92.5 92.0 91.6 93.7 92.3 94.0 91.5 92.7 92.2 91.5 93.6 91.0 93.4 93.0 J OB NAME: Palomar Oaks I I J OB NO:8821057 PLATE NO : 9 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN . SOIL REL .COMP NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------164 9-2-88 West Oaks Way 119 .5 14.3 112 .3 4 91.3 Adjacent to Lot 1 165 9-2-88 West Oaks Way 1 21.5 1 5.6 110.1 5 94.1 Adjacent to Lot 1 166 9-2-88 West Oaks Way 120.5 13.6 110.2 3 91.5 Adjacent to Lot 1 167 9-2-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 135.0 13.6 112 .8 3 93.6 168 9-2-88 Buttress Slope, Lot l 138.0 13.0 108.9 2 92.0 169 9-2-88 Buttress Slope, Lot 1 141.5 14.3 109.7 3 91.0 170 9-2-88 Lot 1 1 31. 0 14.9 112.4 3 93.3 171 9 -6-88 Lot 1 132.0 12.4 111.5 3 92.5 172 9-6-88 Lot 1, Slope 135.5 14.3 110.6 3 91.8 173 9-6-88 Lot 7, Berm 109.5 16.3 109.5 3 90.9 174 9-6-88 Lot 6, Berm 111. 5 13.6 112.1 3 93.0 175 9-6-88 Lot 5, Berm 113.0 13.6 111.0 3 92.l 176 9-7-88 Lot 3, Stockpile 122.0 15.6 111.7 2 94.3 177 9-7-88 Lot 2, Stockpile 124.5 14.3 109.7 3 91.0 178 9-7-88 Lot 4 116.5 FG 14.3 111.5 3 92.5 179 9-7-88 Lot 3 120.~ FG 11.l 109.4 5 93.5 180 9-7-88 Lot 2 123.0 FG 14.9 112.2 3 93.1 181 9-8-88 Lot l 132.5 FG 16.3 112.6 3 93.4 182 9-8-88 Lot 7 109.5 FG 11. l 111.7 3 92.7 183 9-8-88 Lot 6 111.0 FG 14.9 109.l 3 90.5 184 9-8-88 Lot 5 113.0 FG 14.3 110.l 3 91.4 185 9-21-88 Lot 4 117.0 NFG 13.0 1 11.2 3 92.3 186 9-21-88 Lot 3 118.0 NFG 12.4 110.l 5 94.l 187 9-21-88 Lot 2 125.0 NFG 11. 7 112.5 3 93.4 188 9-21-88 Lot l 133 .5 11.l 110.2 3 91.5 189 9-21-88 Lot 1 124.5 13.0 112.1 3 93.0 190 9-21-88 Lot 1 126.0 NFG 12.4 112.6 3 93.4 .. SCS&T 8821057 September 30, 1 988 PLATE NO: 0 MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE DETERMINATIONS, ASTM 1557-78 ----------------------------------------------------------------- SOIL METHOD TYPE 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A DESCRIPTION Grayish Brown, Fine, Silty, Sand Light Brown, Fine to Medium, Silty, Sand Brown, Fine to Medium, Silty, Sand Dark Brown, Clayey, Sand Grayish Brown, Fine to Medium, Silty, Sand OPTIMUM MAXIMUM MOISTURE DENSITY (percent) (pcf) 12.7 110.2 11 .7 118.4 12.2 120.5 13.8 123.0 11.7 117.0