HomeMy WebLinkAbout1353 SHOREBIRD LN; ; CBR2017-0352; PermitPrint Date: 03/27/2017 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 13S3 Shorebird Ln BLDG-Residential 2157911900 $0.00 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit www.carlsbadca.gov Work Class: lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Alteration Description: ROSS: REPLACE 1 DOOR & 3 WON DOWS -NO CHANGE TO FRAMING/HEADERS Owner: Status: Applied: Issued: Finaled: Inspector: Co-Applicant: Permit No: CBR2017-0352 Closed-Finaled 02/22/2017 02/22/2017 TRUST ROSS REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST 08-19-86 ELITE GLASS & WINDOWS, INC. Po Box 9575 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 MANUAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE Total Fees: $130.00 Total Payments To Date: $130.00 2205 Faraday Ave, Ste G Carlsbad, CA 92008-7210 760-431-1499 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $130.00 $0.00 ( City of Carlsbad EXISTING USE PHQ,IE EM.AIL DESIC:N PRCFESSICN<ll POORESS a1Y R-OIIE EMAIL Bu ilding Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov PRCFCSEDUSE GAAAGE (SF) PATIOS(SF) OB:KS(Sf) PRCPER1Y 0/\NER NAME K>ORESS ZJP 01Y FAX PHCNE EM.All CO•ffRACTCR BUS. NAME K>DRESS SfAiE ZIP 01Y FAX ~b EMAIL O AR: D t-EAl.1H □ 1-'AZM\T/APCO Plan Oleck No. MR2D\ l ·· 0 Est. Value Plan Ck. Deposit Fl AIR COIIOITI~ING ARE SPRINKLERS YES[}J_NC(J YES0N00 YESONCCJ STATE ZIP FAX (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: kly Qty a County which requires a ~it to construct<~ter, impro11e, demolisll or r~ar any structure, prior to its issu;ince, also ~uiras the !!PP!icant for such permit to file a si(1l8d statement tliat he is licensed pursuant to the prO'Jisions of Ira, Contractor'J License Law (Olapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} o< !hat he is eicen-¢ therefro<n, and the basis for the alleged 8)(8mpfion. /vly violat10n of Section 7031.5 by any applicanffor a pem,it subjects the applicant to a civil penalty <:A not more than five hundred dollars {$500}). 11\brker\l' COOpensa11on Da:tsratlon: I herel¥ lilirrru.ncter pe,sty d pepymed1tefdio.wgdedsrmons: 0 I have Md will malntan a certificated consent to self ~nsu-e ftrworkas w , µ. rsa1ia, as pOlided by Sedicn 3700 d the Laber Code., krlht, µ,,far, aced lte 'MXk lcr'Mlch ttis pemit is issued 5;ii h9'8aid will maintain wa1<~ ~on., as~red bf Seclial 3700 d the Laber Code. ftrtt., pofa,,ao,d1tev.al(fawichttis pemit is issued Mtworkas cu,paralal dlSlr.!mllcmleraRl pdicy rurtier1.n1:1-eo ~Al2:TM Nicyl'-b. '1:'1. ~,(lu Sb"lq eqiralcrlo.e 3-,. \::f . ~secticnneedn:tbew-rpdedlthepemitislcra-etanredddlas($100)aless. 1 wi /I~ ~pU ~~ LJ Certificae d Elcen,:,lion: I aw1ify thal in the perfanu,ce d thelM:lli< fa-vbd'l this pemit is issued. I ,;ll8II no1 enpcy BnJ persa, in Bl>/ rnamer so as 1o bea:ml mt;ect 1o 1he Wr1<ers' Ca~ rsalicn lJM6 d Califorria W\RNN.3: Failure to secure wori<ers' COOl)eflsaion <Xl\/efliGe is unl&MUI. and shal &iljectm erf!lloyer to crirrinal penatles and dllil fines up to one hundred thousmd dollars (&100,0CO), in 0 d conl)ellSaion, ~ vided for In · the ut>or code, interest and allome(s fees. SIGIPITLf!E I herel¥ .tlitmlta I ame,srp fromCorbal:D's Ucense lmiftrthefalO.WlJ reasai: O I, asOMY!rd the fJ1lPllfy a-rry ~wthv.,igesas theirsde~ wll dothev.akmd thestn.mmis no1 irled!daahmdftrsale(Sec. 7044, EuliressMd Prcfessial!ICale': TheCairacta's Uoense IBNdoes no1 SAlY toan.......,.d flqJS\y...tlo b.ilds orirrptM!S thereon, sr"d v.oodoessuch v.a1< tirmelf attn:,.qi tisOM'len,ilojees. p:o,idedthal such ifll)rlMmrtsllll no1 nrerded ordfered fa s.le. If, tnw,,er, the b.adrg a~ is &id wttihone yrgd cmpetion. theOMU-rulderv.il haw the lutlen dptMrg that re <id ra llitd a irrpo.eforthepu-pased sale). □ □ I, 8$o,,,re-dthe fJ1lPIIIY, ameclusilllliy c::cnradirg'M1h lioemed ~ to aJlS1nd 1tepiqett (Sec. 7044, 0Jsiness ml Prtfessials Code: The Olntra::lor's Ucense 1..aNdoes no1 ~ 1Dan OM'lliJf d irqlflfty ...tll bJds a-ill)ftMIS 1herea\ ml cxnrads fa-such pcqedS ...th a:nra:;ta(s) fi0!3158d pll'SUrito 1teCorlraa:r's l..ioonse Lah?- I srneerp Ln:ler Sdon ___ ....cfmnessaid AaessialsCalefa-this reascn: 1. I perscraly pan to po.4dethe rrejalab::r aid ITiilllerias fa an;ln.diondthe~ fJ1lPll1Y ~ 0,es [),ti 2.1 (1',a,.e/h!Mlnol)sigledm~fa-a~ pemit for1heprqn;ect....a1<. 3. 1 rewwira:ted wth Iha~ persa, ~rrr01Dpl'.Mde the prqn;ect cxins1nmr, (irdl.Kle nsrreaatess/ itmat a::nrooo,s' licfflse rurtler): 4. I pan to pl'.Mde p::rtia1s <1 the v.a1<. tu I te,e mxl the rdloorg pe,?01 to ooatinl;!le, ~ end ptM(lethe rreja ~ (irdtm rure I ir:tt'<m I !1ma I ocnra:tas' lioeme l'Ultlet): 5. I v.il ~ scrred thev.all, tu I hawcxnnn,d (tired) thefdk>llirg penms to ~the"°'< irdcaled (rot.de nsrre/ adtess/ ftue/ type d-..al<): □AGENT Is the SRialrt aflJu'ebuldrgcxo..pn reQ.iredloSlbma tusiness Jja"l, llll8Yhalam.ls rre!Bialsregslralion famor risk ,,a ,agei1a t.i.'d ~ pqJtmtn:ler Sedicns 25005, 25633 a25534 d the Preslet-Tan:rHazatbJs&ilstamPanrtJld? !Tues ln>b Is 1he3R'.1iartafl.b.re bl.ildng cxo..pn riq..ired lool:tain a pemitmm1he arpdh.ful CXJird dstrid a ar9'cQily 11a,agei1at dslrict? t:Th'es ~ Is tie rdityt>be~v.lltin 1,000 feetdtheas txxn:ayd a sdlod sile? ITlYes G:NJ IF ANY <:J=lrE~ ARE YES. A ANAL CERTIACAlE a= o:nPAICf MAY r,or BE ISSLED LN.ESS TI-EAPflllCANT ~ 11,Efffi IS '-EETlllGTI-E K£0JIRENENTS a= TI-E a:ACE a= e.tER<:&CY9:Rv!CESMOll-EAIRPO..I.UllOlCONTRCl. asmCT. I ca1ifytta I ta.erml~icaiala-dsaettatreax,,eirtmaimisamoa-dtta tt-eirfuTTaia'l<.nttepa-sisanr.te t~toorrpywtttal Otyaciram;a-dS.ielaf61BairgtoruldrgCXTSJ'l.dicn I tmbjaJh::li2B~cilte0tyciOnta:ltl8"Utµntectx,,emm:re:lpq:etyt:rnpmnMW5 I /!t.SJ.taa:103'\\,£; INBINFY /lWKEEPWRIAE$ll-EmYCFCCR$!0 ,QGl!j"6f'AU..UP8Lm8:;..l.Cl'.lv9.rS,a:sTSPNJEXRNIBWiO-lMt\YINl#('MY~r'6T$<1IDOlYINCXN:Hl.8'(:ECFll-ECFJ>NTil'GCFTHSRRvrr ~ "1 c:&tl>.i:ant lsf'EQ..rali:reaMro"S085CJ ce:pa-ddntilinaCD"91\.db1cisru:lU'es083sbiesnmgt S<ARATICN Beyialliti$.a1 tylteB.iclrgOfai lm:rltet)0,8J'Scitis0rtl!h'1~ty lirri1aicna-dtmnen.l a-dm if lteb..ildrgcrWJkah:rizrotys.rhpmiis rctCXJ'TllMa:lwtt'in 100~mnlted:Ecls.dl pmiaiflteb.li:gaWJka.ltuilaltys.rhpmiis9.EfBmlcrlibnindamttirreau1tewk r,ru 111 a c.allrai:emcl 100~(Sa'.lm 100.44 LhbmB..idrgO:rl:l). m;-, Ll.EbPLICANrS SG.lo\TIR: • PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CBR2017-0352) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 02/22/2017 Owner: TRUST ROSS REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST 08-19-86 Work Class: Alteration Issue Date: 02/22/2017 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#90-31 AREA 28 UNIT#01 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 09/19/2017 Address: 1353 Shorebird Ln Carlsbad, CA 92011-4885 !VR Number: 2058 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Complete Date Start Date 03/21/2017 BLDG-18 Exterior 017813-2017 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Flnal 017814-2017 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLOG-Structural Final No BLOG-Electrical Final No 03/15(2017 03/15/2017 BLOG-Final 016622-2017 Partial Pass Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete Inspection Checklist ltcm COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLOG-Mechanical Final No BLOG-Structural Final No BLOG-Electrical Final No 03/22/2017 03/22/2017 BLDG-Final 017340-2017 Failed Paul Bumette Reinspection Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No March 27, 2017 Page 1 of 1