HomeMy WebLinkAbout111 SEQUOIA AVE; ; 87-531; Permitu, z 0 .:: C cs: C _, <.) "' a ~[ ~ ... z 8 cs: "' a _, ::i ~ "' z ~ 0 z 0 .:: C u, z "' A. :I 0 <.) u, ic "' ..: er 0 :I ![ 0 I h«eby affirm that I am licensed under p,ovlalona of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and ProfHalona Code, and my license is In lull force and effect. I hereby amrm tha1 I am ~empt lrom the Conlrac· tor's License Law lor lhe toUowmg reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Protess1ons Code Any city or county wh1cii re 1 quires a permH to construct, alter. improve. demoflsh. Of repa1r .aoy s1ruc1ure. prlO( tons issuance also requires !heap-phcanl for such permtl 10 tile a s,gned s1atemen1 Iha! he 1s hcensed pursuant to lht provis10ns of the LonIracIor s l.Jcense Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Sectron 7000 of Div1s1on 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or thar 1s ex· empt lheretrom and lhe basis !Of the allegeo e,cemphon Any viotahon of SecttOn 7031.5 by an appf,unt !or a permit sub· Jecis lhe apphcant to a CIVIi penally or not mOl'e lhan hve hun· dred dollars ($500) I I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as lhe1r sole compeosatlOf'I will do lhe w0<k. and Ille struc- ture ,s nol inlende<t o, offered !or sa~ {Sec 704◄, Business and Professt0ns COde The Coo1rac10( s License law does not apply lo an owner of property who builds °' improves lhereoo and whO does such work him.self Of through has own employees. provided that such improvements are nol intend· ed Of offered tor sale II however, !he bwldIng or 1mprove- men11s sold within one year of comp!et,on. lhe owner-builder will have !he burden 01 provmg that he dtd not build Of un-PfOYy«lhe purpose or sale) ✓i. as owner ot !he propefly. am exclusively contracllng wllh lteensed contraclors 10 construct the pr~ect (Sec 7044, Business and Professk>ns Code: The Con1rac10,·s license Law dots not apply lo an owner ot property who builds or im- proves !hereon, and who contracts to, each protects w11h a contractor(s) hcense pursuant to the ContractOf's license Law) O As a homeowner I am improving my home, aoo lhe k>I~ Ing cond1t1ons exist 1 Tile work Is being penormed pnor lo sai. 2 I have lived 1n my home for twelve months r~;v~o :"P~:1'::1 t 1~i: -=~p11on dunng lhe last three years. O tamexemplun<lerSec. ______ B&PC tor th,s reason D I hereby affirm that I have a cert1l1ca1e of consent to sell-msure. or a cerhhcate of Workers Compensation In- surance. or a certified copy thereof lSec 3800. Labo, Code) POLICY NO. COMPANV □ Copy IS hied with the city 0 Certified COt:>y 1s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS. COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed If the permll Is for one hundred dollars (SH)O) oc less} 0 I cer11fy lhat in the P&l'formance of tne work tor which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person many manner so as 10 become sub1ect to the Wockers· Compen- salton Laws of Cahforn,a. NOTICE TO APPLICANT. It, after making lhls Certificate of Exemp11on, you shoukt become subject to the Workers· Compensation provisions of the Labor Code. you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. ~ereby affirm that there 1s a construct1on lend1n, agency for the performance of the wor1t lor which this per-I mil is Issued 1Sec. 3097, Civil Co~ j~ I Lender's Nam•~~~ ?f:: I Lender• Addres ,IJ-,1/ I I I I USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD JOB ADDRESS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 AV. ST. AO. NEAREST CROSS ST I II ~Gt'Jtut:J / ,;1-ut,t:4;/~;£) &--1/Z> l; I BLOCK trt4~7R I ASS~~~cJJ ? U) OWNER'S NAME -~ l71f OWNER'S PHONE k~ L-lZ> 1 7.::;. -7S;;;. u CONTRACTOR M,IUG~ CON1RACTOR'S A DDRESS OWNER'S M AILING AOORESS APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARAl , .. APPLICATION & PERMIT I°Z~J; 7PLICATIOJ BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER ., CONTRACTORS PHONE • •. < ':J I 1J~.-"Jf -:)-u Uv STATE LICENSE NO. BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE ~ u:: >, ~ 2)M43 ~/4 ?17.JL; A.lcJu/0/2/ 8G"tfU/ DESIGNER DE,':J'IPTION OF WORK /"'7-. . A,,ee"'47c:e.;r3 /14t;n..::..~ _L-(,)t,l/1Z7Ar/t'J/J, ,IU:://'fr/J//1, v\ = ;1'7NER'S PHONE t,B<j-1~ 0025 06/11 0101 02BldPl'lt 49-$0~ 0 a. t--/c{'/-;1r/AJ)J.i4 t(.;4-jlp/ "fa C1-1-v 5,pecs _ DESIGNER/4/~&T ~?6G cl II , I " F/P FLRELEV NO {C) {) STORIES vO NO __ STATE LICENSE NO OCC GP EDU QTY. QTY. GRADING PERMIT ISSUED TYPE CONST DCC LOA D I FIRE SPA l j PARK ING SPACE I RES UNITS I y D N 0 rEDEVELOPMENT REA vO NO YO NO Nor Valid Unl~s Machine Cerrilied PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 7 §:9.11 QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE \5~ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TO 100,000 BTU I I BUILDING PERMIT 001-810·00·00·8220 ${2__.--:" EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 001-810·00·00·8221 EACH WATER HEATER ANO •OR VENl BOILE R/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HP --PLAN CHECK 001-810-00·00-8821 L q- EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS EACH GAS SYSTEM; OR MORE j-_ -·---~-BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 001-810·00·00·8222 METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL 001·810-00-00-8223 EACH INSTAl . ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE ---------VENT FAN SINGLE OUCT I I MECHANICAL 001·810·00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER j U j MECH EXHAUST H00010UCTS I II MOBILEHOME 001-810-00·00-8225 ----t WATER SOFTNER I j I RE LOCATION OF EA FURNACE /HEATER I II SOLAR 001-810-00·00·8226 EACH ROOF DRAIN !INSIDE) DRYER VENT STRONG MOTION 880-519·92-33 TOTf.L MECHANICAL FIRE SPRINKLERS 001-810-00·00·8227 TOl AL PLUMBING I PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810·00·00·8740 ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ~oo V ;...--'JI QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP BRIDGE FEE 360-810-00·00·8740 PARK-IN-LIEU (AREA ) NEW CONST EA AMP SWl BKR CAR PORT TIF 134-810-00·00·8835 1 PH 3 PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 133·810·00-00-8835 EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT SKA GARAGE FMF 1 PH 3 PH LICENSE TAX 001 ·810·00·00-8162 REMODEL AL HR PER CIRCUIT MFF 880-519-92-57 TEMP POLE 200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI CREDIT DEPOSIT ·s-"D -- lOTAL ELELlRICAL l TOTAL TOTAL FEES PAYABLE l qr~ I HAVE CARf FULLY EXAMINED T,HE COMPLETED 'APPLICATION ANO PERMIT"' ANO DO HEREBY Exp,rat,on Every permll ,ssuea by1heBu,ld,ng Olhc,al unae, 1neprovo•10f'so11t119 CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by hm1ta11on and become null and vo,d II the bu,ld,ng o• work DECLARATIOl':IS. ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND j FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT I~ au1honzed by such perm,t os not commenced w•lh,n 180 days from the dale<>f such ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING cm~ :~~II. n°.'d'! t:~ ~1ld1n~ or wor~ au1honzed by such perm11 IS pended or STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE iNDEMNIFY AND t t me I er the rk ,s commenced for a " 1 t80 da KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND AP ICANrs 7URE OWNER EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY.ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ~ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT ____ BY PHONE rJ ~ * AN OSHA PUW :T IS REQUIAEO F0A EXCAVATIONS OVER 5 o· DEEP ANO OEMOUTION OR CONSTRUCTION OF STROCT\JRf.S OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT APPROVED BY DATE 1/tv~ l ~-16-a7 E i!: I u 0 (!) C ct5 -~ a. a. ~ I .x C ii: 0 (/) (/) (I) (/) (/) ~ I ~ 0 Qi >- (I) u C ct5 C u:: :::. C (I) Q) C, 0 0 Q) a. (/) C Q) 1: ~ TYPE ' DATE INSPECTOR I BUILDING I j FOUNDATION fl/4t -~M,., I REINFORCED STEEL ' -j ~~ ,/ I MASONRY I • ' I GUNITE OR GROUT I SUB FRAME D FLOOR D CEIPNG SHEATHING D ROOF D StJIEAR FRAME I EXTERIOR LATH I I INSULATION I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I ' PLUMBING I D SEWER AND BUCO D ~UCO UNDERGROUND D WASTE d WATER TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I GAS TEST I I D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER I I ELECTRICAL I D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND DJ UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY D BONDING D POOL I I I MECHANICAL I D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING ' HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I ' I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE H/1,VE BEEN APPROVED FINAL ' PLUMBING I . \. ELECTRICAL I ~ I MECHANICAL I -\~ • GAS I "I t\. .~-- BUILDING ., \..\ -I . SPECIAL CONDITIONS I "-~ ' I ,, " 87-53( FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTOR'S DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS " OOS2 0~\1.1 oror OSEJqio.f ~~-~- . . t , -•