HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 418-7L; SDP 03-12; 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE; 01-07..-----------------___. _______________ ......_ _______________ ..i,_ __________________ _..... _____________________ J...-___ ...... _____________ .....,,_ .. GENERAL NOTES 1. 81..0f'I! PLANTING STANC>MDS .,._ requiring emalDn control ~ • llpltellled herein lhal be tNated with one or -of the folkmlnu pl&ltl,i\l standards: a. Standard #1 -COVER CROP/JIJTE MESH Coller crop INII be • seed mlK typlc:lllly made up d, qulek germinating and fast , Cl:Mtllng graasas, okMn, and/or~-Submit the speclllc seed mix for City approval prtor to eppllcadon. The COYer crop llhall be applied at a rate and manner •ul'llchl, ,t to provide 90% coverage within thllty (30) daya. Type of jute mnti al be as appmwtld by !h!I City and staked kl lhe slope as WIWIMM<led by tie IMftUfaciurer. Jute mesh 11'11111 be l'IIQlllrad wtl9n ~ 00CU'9 belwllen Auguet 1511',.and Apt1I 115ttl. Durtng the IeiIIulI idle .JI !he yMr, h COYer cmp ll!dor jute rNah may be usad. II. Standal'd '2-<IROlJNO COVER One hundied (100%) percent of Ille-lhell be pla t1ed .ttlth II ground cover known to haw exoullent 110H binding chel'IICterlallca (planted from a minimum slze of •• flatted materlal and spaced to provide fiJN! coverage within one year). r.. 911ii .dltrd #3 -LOW SHRUBS Low sprelldlng woody shrubl (plilfllllld a Mlnl!!Mn c/12 ¾" nner1) llhan cover a .-ilfflum of seventy (70%) pe,Cilllt of Ille alope face (at mature size). d. Standard #4 -I R!i::5 AND/OR LAIRO! !HRUBS Trees and/or large llhrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rated one (1) plant per two hui,dnld aqu-feet. 2. AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTING) a. Slopee -6:1 or ••e eper and: 1. 3 feel or 18N In -1loal height anlf -4,o&,,t to publk: walks o, at: &815 .1qUIN It minimum Standard #1 (cover crop and juled). 2. 4 feet to 8 feel In ...rtk:al height requir9 Slanderda #1, #2, and #3. 3. In excess of 8 feel In vertical height l'IIQlllre Standards #1, #2, #3, and #4. 3. SLOPE REVEGETA1'ION/EROSION CONTROL a. Construction Schedule 1. Prior to sllllrt or grading, the appllcant or appltcanf's agent shan obtain City approval of a oonstruellon schedule and/or exhibit outlining the tfmlng of the slope planting and ln1gatlon. 2. Spec:111 tuilldtii lltlo,1 ahllll be glNII to water and alectr1cal !18rvfces. 3. Irrigation and planting ahall talle ~ as grading p,og, 98D..a. 4. Tha schedula shan show llmh1g of construction of free standing, retaining and crib wafts Immediately after rough 9111dl11g at each locetlon Is aetlleved. 4. LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (INSTALLATION) The llcen11d designer or record for all \he projects requiring landlcape plans shaft 8\/bmll a letter to the City atatln; that the project hae been Installed In subetantlal conformance with the approved plans and 9')8Cfflcatlona. a. Prior to granting a Petmlt or Occupanc,y on pnvata developme, its or, b. Prior to approval of City of work done on public property that wlll be maintained by Cityfon::es and prtorto reqund maintenance pertod as described In Section 8.3-1. 5. LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (RELEASE OF BONDS) a. Prior kl release of bonds, the llcenaed designer of .. l'l!COl-'d on the project shaft submit a letter to !he City Engk1e11r certifying that he or she has Inspected the work and that the project complies with the following condltlona: 1. Has been maintained In substantial canlbrmllna!I. :l. Is growing In e healthy and thrMng 001.ct•ion. 3. All plantlnge NqUlred under welk>.i IV.a of this .nar.u.i have been 881abllllhed as ., eflectlve surfBO& lt'Ollou control. 4. There la no aw:ler'ice of e1tc1Nli.t1 Nl'IOfffrom the lnlgatto,1 aystem causing a eon ~problem. I. ASBUI..TS a. As-bullts for al p,ofleb,, (bondalf 8"d Mill-bonded, pubic and private) are required to be IUbmltted. SUbi, iltlal of as-built plans llhaft bi!i as required by the Englneert. ,g and Plan, ling Departmena. 1:1. Flnul as-built pllllllli llhal b. dlillll8JI' d111't) to lt,v Nllllr.etloli of the City, and Iha Clflglnllll mytars shal b11 IUbmlttad 1iD the City for their keeping. 7. M bullcllng pad and Met areaa ll'lllt .. 91'11ded end lllfflllln wicant or IJl'lffiMf0p8d for a pei lod of more than e months after ffl'le grading opet"llltlou 11 completed shall be Naded to reduce aroelon and vlsual Impacts. If grading Is phased, the six month time period shall start at the completion of eadh Individual grading phase. I. M unpa,,ed _ ....,. ba l9Wlg8tat8d aocordlng to ttlll approved 1&nlf11cape plan, 89 • IC:>Ol'I as poaslble after Qllldl, ,g. t. To Nll.i08 the vfNII ili!lj)8CW. of m81'1Uftdffl1d lllopaa Mll1 n:,adway cuts, all CIUI and ffll lilap8I ahi!ill bi!i l&udb1f1111aded, contoured, and heavNy acn,ened by landacapfng. All planted 9lopes shaN be watered with a oomplete lnigatlon aystem using low praclpltatton-rate sprlnkter heads to stablllze exposed 1lopes and curtail vlaual ltnpacts as80Cl&ted with J)098'ble erosion. 10. · A lell 1'9port "'811 be prepared by a City app,<Mld labol'ltory. Solle testing for; agrlcultural sultablllty 9111111 be accompltlhed at the conclusion of rough grading and submitted and approved by the City. Contact the Landscape Architect (760-722-1924) for a copy of the soils analysis i::r1or to beginning work. I LA DSCAPE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS FOR: 1265 CARLSBA; VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAt.>, CALIFORNIA ! i '' GENERAL NOTES I ' 1. All cons1Nc11on and lnlltallalloo of landlcalle lltlrr\1 llffl llibfad to raqulran ■11111 of 1ha Cit)< of C811sbad Landscape Manual. Tha contractor must notify the ctty (7fl0-815-6708) 48 hours (2 working days) prior to starting con$1:ructlon. 2. The Landscape Contractor is responsible for obtaining an permits necaasary for lnstanation prior to beginning wortc. This Includes all bufldlng permits prior to commencing wall construclton. 3. The Contractor Is responsible for knowing all llle1 cc;r.dltlbml and all undergl'Olll'ld utilities, pipes and structures, and shall take sols responlibilily for replacement costs Incurred dua to damage during construction. 4. The Landscape or Irrigation Contractor 18 to verffy eb<llllng PSI at the Job site prtor to Installing the landSCi!ipe lrr1gallon system. Dlaorepancles behl'!Jln lt1re design prealilJraB shown on the plan and existing static pra1auraa shall be reported to the project Landscape Architect (760-t'l92-1924). 5. The Contractor shall not wHlfully proceed with construction when It Is obV""- that discrepancies exist between this plan and aott.i8I site conditions, and•-• responsibility that any discrepancies are brought to the attention of the ~• representative. TJie Contractor shaN bear the oo8t or necessary revisions due to faH\1111 to gtve such notlftcatton, and no change In cu1baGt price wlll be allom1d for aclutll or claimed discrepancy between existing oondllions and those shown on plan. 6. 48 hours (2 working days), prior to begin~lng conatructlon, lhe Contractor's on-sllll supervisor shall meet with the owner's roprasentatlve for a pre-con!ltruetlon 1111B meeting. Oui1ng construction, lhe owner's rep. asl!intatlve shall bi!i BVlllatlle for site oonsuttlltlon. ln case of any questions, the Contractor shaH notify the owner's repra118ntatlve for clarlftcatlon. Any work not meeting the approval of the Owner or,, his representative shall be corrected at lhe Contractor's expense. 7. All property and lot lines shall be verified and marlti!id In an obvl0ll8 manner prior to construction. 8. All reduced pressure backllow preventors and prel&Ura vacuum breaker assemblies shall be tes:ad by a City approved certified tester after lnetallatton, relocation, or repairs. The Developer/Owner Is responsible for supplying a copy of the test results to the City Public Wolt(s Department 9. Approved landscape plans and spectncallons, and the City of Carlsbad LandllCllpe Manual shaU be at the job site location at all times. 10. Turfed areas shall have a maximum design slope of 4:1. Gmund cover areas shall have a maximum design slope of 2:1. 11. Al graffiti Bhan be removed within 24 hours of occun-e110B. 12. For details not referenced or shown on these plans, pleaee refer to manufacturet's specifications for installation. 13. All engineering Information on these plans are for reference only. I hereby declare that I am the ncensed dMlgner ot work for this projeet, that I have axan:lsed responslbla charge over the design of the project as defined In section 6703 or the business and professions coda, and that the design Is consistent with CUIT'8nt standards. I understand thet the check of project drawings 01111 speclftcal1bns by the City or Camlbad Is confined to review only and doss not relieve me, as the licensi!id designer work, of my responslblllties for project design. These plans have been prepared In substanllal confbrmanca MIii \tie approved hlndacl!ipe concept plan, water conservation plan, fire protection plan, and all conditions or approval related to landscapl By: ~, r,.. 1./" ~.I ! i ' I \ ' , • --I 0 --7 7 ix ' ' I I I I \ I ... _L .... I I I @ I "-., I I ~ I 1, I I I I I I \ ,,_: I ' I I ..& I ,J51 I L- __ ,___ ----'--· --l--.L.--,_ _ ~--• I I ) L----------~-~---~-------~---~-----J ' I I • .. -I /'' ' l r,_,,-/ // /// _I -----------------<:=i-----------------<:=i-------------<::==<-------------<5=,--·-------<=i-, f-o ---~-. ------------------------------,_ ·-------------·· --------------------· ----------· I I I VICINITY MAF , 90 &lte 126!; C!rlebad vr11a e Orrve ~ .... ,.,.f . . i ~ING PL.\NCHECK , R n u I I I • • • ' ' '1 SHEET I INDEX TITLE SHEET 1 IRRIGATION PLAN 2 IRRIGATION DETAILS 3 IRRIGATION DETAILS AND NOTES 4 PLANTING PLAN & PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES e SPECIFICATIONS 7 OWNER /; DEVELOPER Frank. VloD . , , 1241 cartabad VIiiage Di1ve. Suite A Carl8bad, Callftlnla 92008 (760) 434-1400 LANDSCAPE' ARCHITECT , ./" ': "" The Lightfoot, Plannlng Group , 702 Civic Center Drive OCeanalde, Cdfomla 92084 (760) 722-1924 CIVIL E~J't:31 N~ ER Buccola Englheerlng 3142 Vista Way, Sult4t 30I Ot111111lde, Canfomla 92504 (780) 721-2000 • APPRO.VED FOR PLANTING A~D.,,IRRIGATION ONLY, iNCLYDING PRECISE LOCATION OF :PLANTING AREAS. HAS BUIL TN ' ~-fL·ef::> L,.Af.K}~ ', ,4lt4 • DATE RE IE\.IED BY, 11.:.t~ C:f. t:t~t: <•· t'1-d>t., INSPECTOR DATE 1-----1-_._ _________ -4-_-1----1--+---1ISHE1ETI CITY OF CARLS AD ~. !==:=.=::=::::::::PLA:::::::HN:::::l:::::NO:::::::OE==:PA:::::R:::::T:::::ME::N::::T===-=L_Z_j==::: lllTLI SH££T FOR: ( \ ntE LIGHTFOOT PIANNING GROUP Pl.ANNING 5750 FLEET smEET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760)692-1924 FAX:(760) 692-1935 SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTIJRE DESIGNED BY: _..,,Lo,___ DATE:, 6/10/04 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE' OR/VE DMWN l!l'r': LD SCALE: AS INDICATEQ 1---+--+---------------1---+---1~-+--l .U..-1 PROJECT MGR: JT JOB HO: 907.01 .3 r---------t--+-+-----~----~-+-+-~--1 ~~i_.L.11.,u:..__ _____ f,-IG-otl DATE ASSISTANT PlANNING DIRECTOR OAT'E: R.L,A., 2981 Dlf.TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTIC,N DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL OWN BY: ..1,bi<.P -- CHKD BY: .cJT __ RVWD BY: JJ PROJECT NO, SDP D3-12 DRAWING NO, 418-7L r------------~-----------------,_;.._--....,_ __________ .....,._ _ _:., _______________________ ,~,, I /'-14GMTDl&TNC'!....,, 11'/f.tt:ll,IIJS /At'1fe1) /0 ·-. ~ r,r e,c.c er cut.a JVIT" off e'D6JE oF Cl'NCtefE ------ l'to)IICI: 1211.1 CHrtsbld Vll1-e Drlw •tllllon I A·9 ( , OPM) Date: 51111/1!4 21 LP 3/14' <tou 2001"111: llllllral'Nno LF t • ctus 2D0 PVC lalerol llne tF I 1/4" ciaos 200 PVC llloral 1no lF I 1/2" CIUI 200 PVC lateral !no LF 2" olau 200 PVC i.twlll llnt 180 U'l'PVCSCll.40mlllnllM ,. v111v, I" M-- 1 • lloekflow pr1J1,enMr 1" Water meter l'ltblel ,,.i to11 16'11 Illas fllr flllillgll -or 10111 dut lo 11111, MIOtt illllffltlcll t°"" l"Slllll8 DESIGN Pll!:SSIJRE STATIC PRESSIJftE R!SIOUAL PMSSUIII IIOL ~ 25, Melct clcva1.i1m • 110 THE LIGHTFOOT PlANNING GROUP ------ l'SIUIII ' Ul'M I OT'M 0 UPM 0 GPM 0 GPM ' ' GPM , .• 2 9 GPII I.I 9 (;Pfll I 9 GPM 13.S 9 ,OPIII I 21.?2 2.17J -3 1.29!1 u.u,1 if) 62 Iii.sot 5750 R.EET STlll:ET CARLSBAU,CA 92008 (760)692-1924 FAX:(760) 692-1935 PIANNING SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTIJRE . r. --- POC• M!tW IM:,ITl()I, M!tW ILIVA~ --- ------ 1111rtt1.ii1 ... ff llllt • r --- ••Cllll'LOIII l"IIIIM!N'l'II-I' .TAC N .. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. . ! oe'TAIL No/ SHEET No. B/ SH.9 W~.9 5/~.9 G/ SH.3 D/ SH.3 F/ SH.3 E/ SH.3 A/ SH.3 IJ! i~I if . ' l~~IGA TION EQUIF, 1ENT LEC':sENO YALYE&, CONTROL&,• Ml&c. EQUIF'MENT S'l"M MAl«JF'AC~ / MODl:L t ~IFTION li:il ~TBltMETER I' ~ LIIE !VER TO (;IVL l'LANI ... 1'111..KlH!! I'll' '1'11!1 )t. l1 ~ f IE&iek W MTTS liT7MI eRONZ!: NYE 51"AIIB. 4 l'Ult H HAMMCIN:)eot!!leltle teol.A110N .,_Tl! V,t,L.V!!-lllf! 11%1!. lleTAU IN'!' ROI.ti) V,t,L.VI:. l!lOX-BIWC) LIO '6V' 0 KINIJ ""°5. "111 ~le l!!,t,LL V>J..V!!. !IZE TO MANll'OU), lll&TALL IN'!' l'OIK> V>J..Ye BOX-...HP LIO 'fN' Q) Mll!li"IOLD :Jf)()O ~l:S (I'/ MASTER V,t,L.V!!-...U.Y GI.O!ll!D. IN!!TAU IN 1' ROI.ti) VALVE BOX-l!IAAND LID 'MV" ·. r'VG P'I..Ol'I -..1• IIIZE INITAU. Ill ~-PATA INDl.eTl'tl>J.. ll'l·:200!" ~ 4' MIH:> V>L.V!! ~ LID 'I'&' 0 AAINl!!IRD ~ 9/,4' GIJIGK. G<:IU'I.J!llt V,t,L.V!!. INITAU. Ill 4' l'lOl.tG:I VM.VE BOX-et'VINI) LIP 'O'IIC,' s AAl!effltD l'l!!!6 !IERle5 N!i lO"IZ: catfflllQI.• TM V,t,L.VE 1'11'11-1 V,t,L.V'f!. 5TA110N ~ ~ l'IC5 HY1'l'O!!A\/l!l'l COMl'Lm ~11C. ~ "'1!1' t IIIAIN ellC-16-G~ 1'!1, AAIHi5UAl'll) 5flt50lt. lleTALL IH 5TAIN.e& ~ SPRINKLER HEA05 ~ MAHJl"AGTIJ!'tl!llt / MOOl!l. • ...... 81'14•AT20t'II~-, ·~ ~[1~ A, et MIi .. lf1G\?I M1 • 91!9 0 E (ii) • 12' 9.0 ... ... !il'AA1' !fi.4 1\1 P, H. T, GI, VNl-f"c.5 NOZZI.e NJ "-Wto A, et V • , ~llellll) leoo-&AM-12 stl'llES LI!!A· • T F, H. T, GI, VAN-l'Ge NOzzt.e It, 1111!)11) IO' J I ILl I!!!! 1.2 -y "· et □ 8 liil • l'tAINeti'IP ,eoo-e_ et!fllll!5 ,,, 1.5 16!, .. .,, ID '!l'ftJ\Y SH.<4< NI F, H. T, GI, V~-FGS NOzzte 1'I> N!!l)b) i,;;ei V 'II .,,,. ¥ =~~~'£ff,,, ll!Se) •• ... ... -"' ' -y !111.4 '::... ,;,, • 4 0 9 a • NI F, H. T, GI, VAH-1'(;5 lt1ZZU!S 1'I> N!!l)b) ,. JI! O'I ► /J5 J2 '!l'ftJ\Y "'· tj/ !I RAIM!tltD I~ 56T SICE S'IQ' 4oc2' .0 '!l'ftJ\Y SH.-4 PGS NOZZLES If El "'I.I ~6/ 121 AAIN!!IRD~l5 l!ST BD 5111P '4,d,4 IC ftAY .4 PGS NO HJ IEECED A, 6/ (SI • -looo-tl"ll-!I ~ !I' ID !O ·--cw_-4 NI H, GI, <,!',T PG6 NOZZU:S /16 lrnJl:Li PIPING • &LEEYING !'l'l"M. DE!'IGRIPTIOH J. 1::/ SH.3 = -le MAIILIN! I' l'Y LOc;A110H l'ITH ~ AAG!fl'!!C,T i J, 1::/ SH.9 ,-vc; Cl.A!le 200 ~ LATl?ll>t. Lile 1"11'119 -'1'1' !11%1!1 ll:7Tl!tl J, 1::/ ~.3 l"V(; aeevtt,lt!, N:l"ER TO M&ATION NOT!! Ill& i ' lfltfltlGATION NOTE& I IIIIIIIGATION I& OIMIUl'!ATIC. HlTJU. ALL l"flll! MO l!QJlfll1!N1' 141"1.AfflG tl.lE~vER l"Oe&leLE. zy. ~ V>J..V!! 5TA'MN tit.. ,_ ...._ VM.V! 91%1!1 I ' I ' I I 'AS BULT' fsHEETII CITY OF CARLSBAD 1~ ~====~====t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t::::t:::jt::::t:::j L2_j. Pl.ANNING QEPARTMENT _ L_:_j llfHIGATTON l'IAHS f'Off: 1265 CARLSBAD V/Ll4C£ /JR/VE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAi. OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAi,, OWN BY; _.L._D -- CHKD BY: ~J~T -- RVWO BY: JT PROJECT NO. SDP 03-12 ORAWfNO NO. 418-7L Ii ' . r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------....;-.... , ... ,·\;:•:. . -- ,_ _________ VAi.Yi! f!!OX ,--------17' DIA. 6CM N> l"YC l"IPI! ..!J~~=!;sz~=~----..1'11~1Nf91-l ~ 1. MAINLN! 2-4' l!IELC\11 GIIW)I ,----\\--'------IIIOLATION YALYI! • PEFt LEGEND • LINE &IZE '----fllY'C MAINLlN! • l'El'Ellt TO 6PECIFICATION6 2.MAINLINE 12' 5ELOW GRADE 111,fdlllllll!~IP' GATE VAi.Yi!: 190LAT10N VAi.Yi!: OCCUl"5 WITH GNl!DEN H0ee BIB 3.\IH:~ GATE I501.ATION YALYl!8 OCCU1' WITH GA~EN HOSE e1e U8E PAD LOCKAel.E YALYI! aox OD:!"" I &TEE 2 &TEE 3 &TEE :'4: ( l"'U6!j.,lllf.rc T_f: ~p OI" citM!! ~XDKth. & c~:ercria-J:Ll!Te '------JH P~Y eotf.ll!CTOflt 'l'i---rttt----·JN6;...;;· ...... G ..... iONt-!,.;..;. __ ~ __ e,n __ ON ____ Ot:-=--IA __ !L ___________ _ \_}_} •· NT5 ll!LL , . W'l"E -4~1 ELL NO'l'I!&, Te G)Noltl'Mll!l!ID ICIL (TYP!CALJ @CONCi-teTE Tl-ll'IIIJ&T eL.OCI< (T'T'l"ICAL) @Pll"E <TTl"'ICAL) ~l!IAl't l!l!NT ~ FITTING (TTJ"ICAL) (D=ITTINCi (TYPICAL) 1. tul"l"'L 'I" LIie& I• INCMI!& IN OIM1f!Tl!l't »IP L,cl,l'l'C!sEl't &MALL l'tl!CE IYe CONC"1':Tl: TMll!lJ&T 91.0CK&. 2. eE:e: &1"1!:Clfl'lCATION& FOR AMOI.NT Cl(ll CONCRETE! TO !!IE! USED FOR Ti-1"'1.16T l!ILOCK (j\~Tt:AJS.:..::.=~f...::BLOGq=.::::...:::IL..----------,-,--- \.:::.) ... NT5 • C) • -IT /~Jli'f!J~· /i&:LIPACTED rwACTED IC ca1PACTED eotL / r FINl91-l GlltADE • A!> .. PINISH GRADE .. • .... tN ~~l~!t., MAIN l ~ l .... .., ., "'"'"',_,,. l l 6" MIN. LAT!:~ LINES -- • d) SAND CONTROL WIRES MAIN AND c:cwucTOF§ ~ctll.X LATl:RAl LM!I lH'ER vt!:I-IICLE PAVN'.io IN5TALL IN 61:f"AAATE PVC ecH. et!) &LEM& WITI-I 30' COYIER @ ~IN6 OEIAIL ••• N.T.S. ,•cut l'I.OW VALVE l!IOX FLOWMETEl't 11.1,6, Tl:l'rlG!-IT CONN!CTON 1--11-------2-4' x I' DIA. 11!1~ COfLS ::oi,,..-H-«--"-----12' DIA. PVC PIPE ,.... _____ MICK Slll"l'"C>ll?T ~=------CFtUeHED GRAVEL • ~ ~ fcY~~N= · ~--8CH. ~ ~DUCER eueH!t«:i • TY!". i--:~r--oq~)l£~-11~f,;J~~=-t~~ fOYC MAINLINE PEFt &PECIFICATION r fllY'C CONDUIT 3' 5ELCII VAL Y! eox LID i fci'~'...;.f:b0..=;:;.;..~.;..~::...; .. 1=E:..:.:i E:=R..;;.._ _________ .....-""'""""" __ _ \!:::.) $CALE, N.T.S. ,-----~ N-IMC:f4 I.N!!;lrltlt. Ll!-4&TH OI" ~llll!f!. lil!ATL 'T' G01'Ll!!D ,,-----Jl'IIII~ ~ ~TIOH ..,-----IOTM -----1'"'11ftH $-MOl!,"\"DI'" OI" H.11..dl-l -.,-,.,----...,.!C-...,..'--,,-L-,,,.,...,.~...- ... ..,... --vAL.VI!: 1'0J< ...iTM GaVER, 112--INC,H ~I.le _.---'l'ltl!!MOTI!! ~ VALVl! Ol't MA5ret't V-"'J.VI!: .-----,-Ye, 5G-H ,-, Nl!"l"'l.e _...._.;..· ,-Ye, 5G-H 4:11 l!!LL --r-vc, !IGH ,-, N11"'1"'1..t: (L&l&TH A& IIIEGIU1Rf!C,) ~...,.._.--ePtlCK (I 01" -+} . I.£_-""' ..---9GH &O Nll"l'U! (2-INGI-I LENiSTW, HIDC)E!l-0 ANO 9GH -40 a.L ::ar--""l.;::;:..,...::_:_:_:~-~~~~~------N¢:. MAINC.INI! 1"11"!! -..._ ....... ,-Ye, 9GI-I 40 ff!!! Ol't. l!!L.L ----.. ..... ,-ye, 9GI-I 40 MALI!! AOAl"Tel't. '-.i.-.l"VC, L.A.~L f"ll"e ',....;..-S/-4' C,~ tlt.OGK • 6' MINlt-Mv! c:,el"TH ® REMOfE CONTROL VALVE ,1,•· __________ ..;.__..;._ ____________ __,_ ...... ~-,-.-,-•• -1'-o" --.J..----FINl$14 ISAAC)e/l"Ofl' OF M.Jl.GH AAIN~----~LE~ AS51!!MeLY IN 5TAINI.E55 STEEL ENCLOSURE •· • , .. .. ,----114' ea.I tJe> CONDUIT w/ !!IU!l:f" ELL~ I2/Z> VAC ELECTRICAL 6E~ICE --?,ID' Lc::t-G 22' WIDE x W' DEEP CONCRETE FOOTING FINleMGRADE • 2' 6ELOW CONCRETE ,_.. 2' &cH N CONC>IJIT Ill SUEEP ELL ~ CONTROL W1RES @ AUTOMATIC c::cNTRQLLER ~~~Et~E& SCALE, N.T.5. PE!lt C!1IO &TD. DW:1i. -..U-2e ...--GA TE VAL VE W'f1! .,.,_ LO .,,,..-3' i,~ Nll"l"'I.E& ,,.,,...,_,,,. ~--flt!!~ ELL 1---MAe& Nll"'f"LI! ~ ff 1---B~ LNION ,, I--MA&6"151!!R ---1,.Jid, ...._i:.-t.-::. ________ -4.--1 FINl5!4!0 GAADE 1--~.J.:.......,~'":....,;.,----' . .:_:· '°!... _. _:...,_...:..... __ ;...t_~...:.....r--,4' CONC. el..Ae 1i i:P l"VC !LL • trP. '---U>l'i=Ei-t HALIE ADAPTER '----MAIN 5Ul"'f"L Y LINE -TYPE «• C::OFPEK ~ P.O.C. TO FU". A&eEMeL. Y 1---CCNC!ltETE TH!lt\J&T FOOTltt:w& 2 CU. FT. !!A. ' , ,..,,._ HAINLINE TO IFI.RIGATI~ 5Y5TEM ®. i--,15=:;.::ACK-=,.;::"-,.J::O:.L"'ri.' :...~=..;:· =-'. z...=i.1.l-=f:~R~--------- $CALE, N.T .S. iJ ' '!: t ' i,,_ ------Gll/lCK-COUF'L.IN6' V/>d.VE, . -----q• ROUND VALVE eox -HOT BRANDED 'GC,V' IRRIGATICN VALvt!: 1.0. TAG-- WATEmlGl-l'T Ca!NECTc:)11;!& ---. 24' x 1' DIA. WIRE COIL& -+-, --VALVE EIOX, FINIS!-1 GRADE ..---PVC SCH 00 NIPPLE (LENCS-TH AS REGIJIRED) ...---S/4" CRUSHED ROGK -6" MIW. DEF'TH .---PVC SCH 00 STREET al. ..---eR.ICK (I OF 1) '----fl'\i'G. SCH ~ 'TE:E 0"' ELL ,...._ ____ PVC MAIHLIN! Plf'E: ~-------PVC SCH t!>O ELL '----------2" )( 2" RED~ !TAK! JI\' STA1NLE55 STEEL 6E.4.R c.L.At IFS iii' '' r ®.r---GIJI_GK_~_._AJ __ • ___ I tt.----'V/AJ........;;;;..;;.\/e.;;;..,' --""""'-----~~"""'!""!'~ 1-11..2"•1'-0" ------VAL'YI! l!IOX ----IZ' DIA. 6CM ~ l"VC i-11"1! ---!!SALL VALVE· PER LEGeND LINE SIZE r FINl91-l GIRAD! , ~ICK e..ll'1 10FtT • FULL PERIMETER ·I ,.,.,_ ,,---Cfi!U6HED ROCK I CU FT. MIN. ,,.---&c:M. e0 iove LNtd-1 I.,';': '---PVC MAINLINE -Pi!:!"ER TO SPECIFICATIONS PVC 8CH. 00 MALE ADAl"'TEII! ~,-...e ......... AL __ L ..... V __ ~=-ve....::;a' '---------------~ ICAl•t.t.TA. ~;-* i\ ~"·'·11f .r , ' ,,,---MA&Tl:R CONTROL VALVE· PER LEGEND . .,....--PVC eel-I. N> UNION (TYl"J • LINE SIZE "AS BUILT' TRE , UGHTFOOT PLANNING GROUP PLANNING ... 5750 FLEET STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92001 . , (7601692-1924 FAX:(7601 6112-1935 SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I----+---+------------+---+--+--+-----, EI:1 CITrLAN~I! £p~1rt~BA ETI IHHICATION DETAILS FOR: 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE ORIV£ 1----+----+------------------4---+--+--l----l :=AS::S:::IST::AN:::T P=LAN~N:::IN:::G ::::01RE::SC;::TO:::R========:::::;;==:::OA=TE=~ DWN BY: -bD~-PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. l--DA..;.;TE;.....1,_IN..;.;ITIAL--I_D;;.;.;ATE __ ......_1N1T_IAL--I CHKD BY: _JT~-SDP 03-12 418-7L OTHER ~PPROVl<L CITY Al'PROV"1. RVWD BY: JT OAT[ INITIAL ; ENGINEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ~ --• CX> ~ '~ tP C, -· _,. -t-;. ~ ~ ~ .------------------......._ __________________________ __;_ ________ ...J._ ________ _L. ____________ ......_ __________ , I i I THE LIGHTFOOT PIANNING GP.DUP PLANMNG 5750 FLEET STREET CARLSBAD.CA 92008 (7601692-1924 FAX:(760) 692-1935 SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHlltCTIJRE IRRIGATION NOTES 1. This IIIIQlllliln d9sfVn Is dlaQrammattc. All piping, Vlllns, 11111 1111 lllher lrrlglltkm d81ltces s'-1 MIIIIII pawd llr8H 1111 for d111110n clarlllcation ontv and shaft be Installed in planting 819111 whenM!r possilllt. NI lrrlQltlon work shall be installed to avoid any conllk:ts betWeen the lniQatlon svstam. plalllinQ materlld and olll8r archltetllnl leatUt'al. z. Do not wlUy Install the sprintler system 18 lihown Dn the draWlllOS when It Is otMolls In the 111111 tlllt llblllructtons, lll!ldll differences or dllfenlnce1 In 111111 dlmlnslons exist that mev 1111t haw been consldelld In 1h11 englne11 l11g al the site. Such obstructions or dllltwa1,ce, dhoUld be brlJud'tt to the llltentlun ol a. OWOll'I olllthoriJlld n,presenta1ivll. In lfle event this notlllclltlon Is not petlotl ned, Iha lrrigallln, COltlllCIU llhall take luff ldlflDllalbiHty fur any mislons --,. 3. It is the re1pcllllibllty of the Irrigation Contractor 11, 15:allutze himaalf MIii 11111 llndscape ~llj.!&.&1~ pla111, lneluding II.,.. dilMnCdll, the lecetlon c,f Mia, rataining Mh, ,._. ■nd aimilar .....__ Ha 111111 coonllnlle Iii WOil with tha gllllllnll ct1111!11111i11 olld all other ~ for the .. 1111111 111111 the lnstaltatian c,f plpa 11111111111raugh walle, lllllllr,. • ■fl, palAntl, dtll!lllla, and all athlr hllda 41 11'&118. ' ,. Ille to the ......... -.wings, it' It not-· llt llldlctte al llffllllll, ....... sleMI, .. - Items which 11111¥ be 1911uiNJII. The conttactor 1114111 0111 IMly Investigate 1h11 litlllClll'III and flnlshlll conditions ""lllllltl II al 1118 wlll1i: and plan Ills WIik •iiidi.Jv firni8hina IIUdl Mllngs, and 1111•1111~ .a may be requiNld III lllljlt MIi conditions. TIie• n11, .. .ire dlagran•11111tc • lndleatlYe of the wt • be lnlllalled. 5. Each COIMINI .. N'IIM tlos own ll'idepc:;dalt p ···-- . 9. The Elactrillal' C.nlifi1111 Is to supply 120 \Ill 1.c. j2.I 11111111 HMCll till .. ••ate, loo... ... I lrrtglllton Celllllllilllllf It Ill make the final C04111CdlM I frlllll fie electrlcal locll ... , IO 1h11 Wilfllillll,. 7. Splicing of 24 vtll wlm wifl no1 ba permlftlld 1111 a,t111 'itlvo bo-. r.-• 2:4' coil i4 r 211 wlnt • 9lch splice end It 111111"t on center along wil9 11111. Tlljlil wire In bundlft It 111 IWt on.,._,_ "-a epllcing;. patllffllld illllide sleo-. I. TIie lrrigatlor. t,lltlllll design is ba1ild Oii 4111111•1-..,-.ting ,-Iii 30 pa. The "'9111111 CtNlllllttor thall wrify the static water p1 llldl'tl (!ISi! pitor to construction and Nljllill'I any cllle11WN ~••n the -Ill' p!IIISUnl Indicated on Iha dnlwinQI RI the _, ~ l'llldlng II !he trni-ttnn point d connecllon to the ownat's autharl28d reprnantlt1va and 1f1a Project t.andlcape Archllllct. 9. Aff lnigatlllft equipment is to be Installed In accordance with the standards &Id specifications of the ~ Of C&1sb1d Landscape MlliUil. 10. The lniQatlon Contractor shall notify ell the local jurtSdk:llona for inspection and IHllno ol th6 blltlllh,d backllow pt'fflfttlon device and pressure malnllnas. Test nmlns for 4 houri @ 125 PSI and Clblllin City lnapactors' appnMI at teat prior to backfilling trenohee. 11. lnltaff • epare control wire of a different color along the entn main line. Loop 38' -• wire Into each ■Ingle wive box and into one valw box In nch group ol valves. 12. lnlltaft valve boxes 12• from and perpendlctdar to walk, cum, walls, fences or other llndlcape t'allull. At multiple valve box grllUpa, each box •hell be an aciu■I distance from the walk, Cllllb, lawn, or pl■nling area. and Ill boxes shall be 6' apart. The short side of the valve box shal be parallel to wane, curb, wall, flll'ICII, etc. 13. All apniyhallllt l'tdTlj) 8111ltters 8f8 to Ile Installed a mlmllllm of 12' lrOmfllnces, walli, or SIIUCllllW. 14. All lniQatlon heeds within 10' of any path, wane, or plldestrlan areas Bhan be pop-up: 8" or 12" pop-up . . ' I heads In grOlll'ld cover IIIIIIS lllld 4• pop-up helOht lh bJlf 81811. 15. NA aprlnklef lleeds shell be set pe1pOndlcul11r to the ftnlsh g111de ol the -to be lnigated ldast ! othli'fllN dellglWIVd 1111 lhe ptllris. 18. Sp~nlders where low find drainage occura 111111 lie titted With • !<Ing Brot. Cv 8llt'les cheak vlllvt ., tqlllll In lltlu of schedule 80 coupling. 17. The lrrigllllon c-shall flus~ and adjust aft lprinldlr halds for optlll'lllffl ,-to1111111111e end 111 11111•• JVll'tflllY...,..,onto wallal, rolldweya alld/or buildlngt as IIIIICh 1111 pollllible. This ahel inllWo bllt nat lie lffllled to: a 11! cllnQ lhe beat dagnle of arc to flt the lldlllllg site condllioM, die Inclusion of ~ ellfflllllllll•llhu flllh+ "' flow rlldlletlon 1C1e1n1, lllronll11g 1111 flow cllnlrlll It dlCh valve bl ilbtllln 1111 lllfMifflum oper1111ng plllllllll, a11d OOfllflllll for ne1111111111. 1'8. TIie lrrtg■tlon C.nt1 lllJlu,• ahal illatlll al lrrigllllan ._ lllll controller wll.-In .MIii lhllt ,-... ljllUIIIIIII, Far clarity, II illll'llnt is net •lwwn on !hit-llelring Shll be., • di: Miiin. wlrillrl,llld IIIIINIIII unda-wllldt ·,-ilfto shal Ila Malled ill..,,... NC sch.llO .... w1111130' cover, Mail! RI wiring Ulldar pedestrillll ,-wiflg shaft be INb1l1d in llpllfllte PVC ldl.40 9'e8WI wMII tr_., laterll1 undtr pealllil:ll paving 11181 lie inllllllld In 1 ; a• PVC sch.40 11111111 with 12• -· . Sl-shall be 2X jllpt size dllllMtll: Ind eJlllllllf 12" 11sli.11111m past hlldlcllpe.. : 19. To Ula quklkONplllfll valveswllel'I l'llllltirYIIW It alaltld: wire the ITIMllrwiMltoan ..... COlllllllllli lllatNII 11111 1111nually st&lt Ille staliell b ltle l'lqllired time period. II 1111 IC8!ion Is ~ mllllllly blHtl 11111 _... valve to _,,lte 1111 qulek C'lltlplar. 20. -~ al lrl1Qatkln Ines below IPtfpendtcullil') to brow dltch!II. 21. I static lfflllllll'I la 80 PSI or gmaler, inslall prfflUnl regulator II l'OC, 2%. Contractor shllll P!OWICIII and lnltllll mylar/l'nmllc pipe dlltectlon 11iP11 OWi' 11 llitp!lorr 11111f11ll11& 11111 llhlml crosilngs ~111mled Within 11111 pubic nght-af way. 23. The landBOape comrnctor 1h11 provide lll8lllrilll .u1>1111M1, lilltalog out llhaell, llhop dl•wtnga ar nmples ol Ill mltlllial, equipment and 1111sanbllN utlld bl complete the~-Submit 1lne (31 ~ for lendlCllpl ~nihltact review prior to l111tahtlon. APPROVED FOR PLANTING u...-t-AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING DA Tl: INITIAL AREAS. 1: ENG!NttR Of WORK I _,,...-l"l~!!H •""'c,f/'f"OII' OI' MA...QI l"Ol"--0!" Sl"l'tAY 91"1'llN1<l...l!!l't, l'tAIN ellfltD I~ fCRll!S _,..-,,..,,G ~ &o NlfllliU! (U!N6TH AS ~ll'CeD) l"VG !GH 40 !!LL. ...--,-Ye, $CH 40 5~ II.I. l"'VC, tGH tbO Nll"l'"U!! 0..!!N6TH AS fllEGUI~) . l"VC, !GH 40 SIN± I !!LL. l"VC LA 'l1!1'ltAl. "11"'1! fllVG j&GH 40 1'1!!I!! Olil l!!U. ~ ~ tg'AAY, ff:AO 0.;1--;...;;...;;....;;.;....;;;~;...;.;.....:..=:......;;:;.----------"lr..~.~,-1~fr!"'!!■~l'-o"~ (}, NQT!I. POOTM:i t'>ll'1!Ne!ON AMO t'>l!!&k1N ft?R l'll!f'E~CE ~ 'l'. FINAL. DESIGN 8T ST!sUC~ ENG. __.--fl'I.AeTIC MOZZL.11 ..----1"1:.AeTIC ti ,.'l!!I AO.Al""la, .✓--!"LANT MA'1'1!.-IAL. • ---t"'ll'C ecM -4C> !LL ~--MAfll!LI!!X 6T!l!EET !!LL .----l"VC ecM e,, NIPl"LI (Ll!NGTI-1 A6 fll!!!QUlfll!!!O) ---l"VC &cH -4C> Tl!I!! Ol'lt l!LL ---t"'ll'C L ... TI!!~ 1'"11"'1! _,.-l'><-4'X16' &OLIP TOI" CN" LAID FE"'°. TO WAI.L couel! .--'4 !<EBA~ CONT. • W/1&' HIN. LN" 8'"1.ICI l!ICt4C> l!IE.AM I.NIT (T'l'P. elf' ,, --•.;, f<l!O,:I,~ '2' oc. • &OLIC> QIIIIOUT Cl!U. ~~~~2W,0Tlt-G ----i.-::-;:Dlml!~Si~;:::::;;;,,..F_IN_l&I-I GRADE 'ftls:;:::__ QONCl'ETE l'OOT1Nlli • t½ 6AO'K M1~ -'1.----..-.J4,....::.,....,.,.,...;t.__ '~"5 ~~A!lt CONT. , -24•~ "5 l'EeA!lt 32' oc. ©~~-· __ l_·, -i -~-·,. _i;:_:t _· .. _NALL_· ----------------~-.-, ... ~ ......... ,•-o-■- 'AS BUILT' ltmltJATTON DETAILS ANO NOTES F'Ofi: - 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE OHIV£ ASSISTANT PLANNING OIRECTOII REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE IHITIAL crrv APPROVAL OWN BY: _L_D __ CHKO BY: _JT~- RVWD BY: JT l'AOJECT NO. SDP 03-12 DRAWING NO. 418-7l OTMER APPROVAL N:IM:«> ~ -Ol!TAL 'M' 81-eT t --------- •• «:N!l!i -"""'~ ~ IIIPI! .,,.,.~--IIWJ. VARI!!& 6' TO 1'-J' OIi 1'11'11! &TATION &IDE~ TO CML l!NGiN:l!l'ffi l"I..AN& AND Dl!T AIL 'C' 6MEET4 £;, ------ t' a-ti ec:N!l!N lllilt.L 9 ClltAIL 'C' .-r 4 6TI 1!101. eoT AHle.a.t. HAM! I-IYM!ENO&f"'Ojll!JM PLAvtl"I 11.Ac!INOI..IA C!ill!ANOlf"LOl'tA 0 fll'l!ITACIA Cl-l1INEN!ll!I • fll'ITT06fll'ORJM l"MILL't'lltAOIDE& ------0 AGAl"ANTMU6 'Tlt«l!!'lle!!LL' @ AL YOGYNI! 1-U!Gl!LII . ~· ,'l ,.,1:· t COMMON NAM! IIZ! euJl!ETSI-IAOE eolJTI-l!!l"JII MA<:iiNOLIA 24'f!O)( CI-IINE&E fll'l&TACME 24' IIC))( UJILLOUJ PITTOS~ YEW PINI!: AP'flt!CAN 8U'1AC 24'!!!0)( 24' 11())( LILY OI' Tl-I! HtLI! lllll/2'11A Ol!TAIL C/081-1.6 C/0 91-1.6 C/0 61-1.6 ... IIM.6 ..... IIM.6 I . ~· L------------,_ _ ...... __ ----·-----, __________ J ----..-----------------------0 DAYLILY 11111 /2' 114 A/961-1.6 NOTES I 1"'--MM4T 1'11TA«:I 4W I 1. SLOP! PLANTING STANDAR08 : Stopa■ NqUlrtng aroalon 0011trol maa■-•• ■pacilllad 119raln llhatl ba INllllad with ona or ITIOl9 of ttwt followlng planttng lltandards: a. Sllndmd #1 • COVER CROP/JUTE M!SH C-crop ■hall be • Ned' mix typical~ mad■ up tit qultllt gttrmtnatlng Ind l'aat a3'eltng Ql'IISl!le!I, ctov8rs, 8lldlor wfldflowera. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to eppllcaUon. The cover crop shan be applied at a rale and manner sufficient to provtda 90% c,o,.raga within thirty (30) days. Type of jute mesh llilall ba as !lpprot'ed by the City and Staked to the lllope as IOOOIININild■d by the lll8l'IUfaotunlr. Jute IMlh ■haft ba NqUlred wt1el'I planlll!G OCClft behwwn ~ 11111h and Allfll ~ the ·1'411'11111ndw f#the year, the CICMl' lll'Op and/or Jute mnh may be u.t. I>, SIii it d 12 • OfltOUND COYER Olla hundred (100%) pa,WIII of !he ... llletl ba plillnted will • gn,ur,d oowr lklkn11llOWI_, 10 ,_ excellent 1011 lllndli ,g charaetertstrcs (planted from • minimum size of flatted r., I :1111 and BpllCed lo provide fufl <Xl'fantge within one yelill'). c. S.1 idatd t'J • LOW !!ltRJBS LIM spreading woody lhrubs {pll!lnted a l'lllnlftln.lm rJI 2 ¾• liners) !lhelf ctNer a minimum of seventy (70%) ~of the alopafaca (at mature 1lze). d. 91sndald ~ • TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS TIMI end/or large tlhruba snall ba (planted from • minimum of 1 gallon containers) at• llllnlmum ram of one (1) plant per two hundred square feet. 2. AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTING) 8. Slot, 11 8: 1 or llelpltl' and: 1. 3 feet or 1111 In Y8t'llctll hergt,t and a,e adjacent 10 PtJb11C Wlllkll er lltreets require at mlnlnlutn 9t8I idaid #1 (cover crop and jukld). 2. -4 feet to 8 feel In w,rtical height requlm Standards #1, #2, and #3. 3. In exoesa of 8 feet In vertical hergt,t require Standards #1, #2, #3, and #4. SPECIAL CONOmONS ·,__graded lllltter then 8:1 raqul111 Slandard #1 (cover aop) when they haw one od more of Iha foHowtng conditions: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for Improvements within six months <:A oompletron og rough grading. b. A potential erosto,, prdll&,11 811 d8t&trnlnad by !he City. c. ldentlfted by the City • highly vlslbla areas to the public or have apeclal condlllona that w■m1nt Immediate treatment. Areas to be hydroseeded shall llrst be dll!lkad « rototltled to provide a friable, loose seed bed. THE LIGHTFOOT PlANNING GROUP ,LANNING 5750 FLEET STREET CARLSBAD,CA 92008 (760)692-1924 FAX:(760) 692-1935 SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 1-1!:eE X ANOER5CINII 'VAlll!l!!GATA' I-IEel! E&cALLa-1I A PFU.0!!111 'COMl'"AKTA' LAYANDULA Dl!!NTATA IGll/fo,. AJB!M.6 11111,, ... A.1991-1.6 MIIIM.6 l:ldlll Ml, <A.Ml '1'111!1 I IC!tCT II l'lACI 0 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 0 f"'I-IOlllll'1UM tENAX 'MAOflltl MAIDEN NEW ZEALAND r-uill'I 1&11/fu ® PLLMeAGO AU~CULATA CAl"E l"'LUMeAGO &Gll/9'o.c. EB &m!LITZIA ~G.INAE 1!!111111:) OF l"'ARAOIM! lllll/9'o.e. ~ CO\l'ER& .t VINES CAMl"ANULA f"O&CI-IA,et(.Y ANA 9!1'11!91..aN l!ll!!LLl'LOU9t TlltAC~E!LO&l"E!l'IIMUM JA$MINOIDE!& &TAIi! JA!MIN! £ DICTICTU& ~INATOl'tlA BLOOD-IE:D -n=aJMF'ET VINE! p;!ED ecue d: All R.Affl6 /i1IEHJ TO llBlM: 3' llEPIW M'IIC l1l0l AJB &1-1.6 G 81-1;6 I! 81-1.6 D ISHESETI CITY OF CARLSBA 1----1'----+------------------1----+--+----1---1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1---1--+----------------11----+--+---+----I ITJ DA TIE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITull. ENGINEER' Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER ~PPROVAL CITY APPRO\IAL PI.AHTINC PLANS AND NOTtS roll: 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DH/VE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY: ~L~D __ CHl<O BV: _,J,_T -- RVWO 8'1': JT PIWJECT NO. SDP 03-12 DRAWING NO. -418-7L ___ ___; ______________ ~ __________ ...._ _________ .i--_________________________ ...._ _____________ ~---· '*' ----fOIIHH MACll!I ,---&TAK!! TO l!ll!! t• ,----9T~ TO 191! 1° ea..orl TOI" OI" ~ l!IOAl'C' 111:L.Ol't TOI" 0/f" HE:AD!!llt BOil«CJ --Hal! NOT!: Ill:' lllllillll-eeeHOT'!419 l&P dlALV HAIL9 Dl"'--16t" 6ALY NAIL.5-T"r'I"'. \\ ~~i---= ~ I'+---2)0 fllC:\.111 I 5Al'IHHl!!AOl!!l1II "'°"' snv.16H'I' ~ '--~:;._ __ l"I.Alffl,_ All.!!,,\ '-ff--t---~ NeA t-----'X2Xl6 Mk l'tOOO 9TA11CZ • !5'-0" O.C.. ALT. --IX2Xl6 MIN. ll'«:>OD9TAkl!e 9'-0° O.C.. ALT. $11'1!!5 IT!V,f•HI SCC"lQN SIDeS Gllf!.YJ:12 !CGIIQN 161' $/1,;LV. AAIL.S • TYi". l,c.4,(24 51"1...la!! l"l..AT!! _.., 2,c-4 "°'-ldlH 9~ Hl!!AO!!llt __ __, '---!f, ~ltl!L> J.11\.tee& .....__ 9 -,,.e HOOD r"lAN Ylfl'1 I.AMINA'!!! ~ MQ11!5, I. U9E GUttVl!O Dl!!TAIL Jl'IH!!!N AADIU!5 15 Ll!!55 THAN 80' • l!IOAl'tD Ll;NcS,TH 15 Ll:95 THAN 16' 2 • .-.U.l"IOOPTOel!! fllOUc9H SAl"N~ 9. P'1N1eH -....ol!! O'l' TUIV'· 1/2' l!IELOl't TOI" 01" HeADEFII. l".6. OI" PLANTINc& Al'U;A$ TO l!lle 1° eeJ.Ol"I TOI" OI" Hl!ACl!!:lt 4. TAf"'l!!llt. l"IN1914 ~ TO I" 111THIN !l'-0' OF HEADl:!R BOARO. ®H 1---,,:-::~E=i>.:....:rt,OD::;...::=--:.t=t:AOl:~~R--------~-.~ -9: l"•l'-01 Pl.ANTING NOTES 1. 1'11111 nlltlrid IINllu::s .lho11111 1ft .i11111M::lt!lc llld ffll'f 1111 ... ID ct1111ge In 1111 tllllll by the LIii Ill i1J & Alfflltaet t. fteterto Ille Cl¥ If Clfllball 1.m1-.., Mllnllll fir •1111111111qu1t11111nt1 thtt cm nut IPP8III' 1111 lllelll 1-- 3. Eac:11 group tr (lllnt fflllll11'Jb. dlllwMIMl 11 .. lllt lhlM be ctalltty IIIINllld 111111: •-•clll. 111r11ty ad UNIY IICllll'Ce. 4. The D of Ille plants wlll cal'r9IPOl'ld wlttt lflet 11111111111', ..... farapecilll and Wlriety of WllfiiMClally IIYllllable nursery stocil, or as specified In the drawings. The minimum 11C1.iip181111 alze uf an plllflll, ITNIIIIUl'IIII bel'unl pruning with the brllm:hes In nermat pollltklll, &hall conform with the meuurements, If any, spectlled on the drawtng11 In the list of pllll1bl to be furnished. l'lantl larger In size than specified may be used with 1h11 l!)proval uf the City Landscape llllfltlCIOI, but the use of hlrger plants wtll make no cha! ige In conlTlct prim. 5. All plants 11111. c1111t111nl,.g ta--~ hlffllin .,_flled, ftll be mnsldaed def9ctlv., and IIIICh plents, whether in pllce or not, lhaR be marked • n,jected and inlmlNhtely NIITIOYed from the site of the W'Ol1t end repleced with new plants et the Cor.ba:tur's e,q>111t9. The plants lhlll be of the species, variety, size and condition apeclfied on the dl-awlnp. Under no condition will there be Ill'( substitution of plllflll or liras lor 1floae liPNI OIi II-. plans, except wilh the expreallled written COl188l1t of the Project LllndeCIPI Architect and the City Landscape lnapec!l,r. I. The bucl<ffl mllc fw 1118 around the roodlall of c011181nai Ql'DWII IW 111d llhruba lhlll be a follows: 13) pn (by ...... , OMltl NI; 11 I pn lby wtumel nitrogen ltlblllNd viglllic l1llltndmlnt: 6 lbs Tri-C !Mnm-l'lus per cubic yard mix and 2 lbl. of 6-20-20 yard mix. For copy d the lails analysis contact the project Landscape Architect 1780-692-1924). Soil analylil dllttlll 7/111/1)4. 7. An lendlclpe ~ng 1hall l'lllllve (ll'l).l'aww 7 gram ptllntln!I tabtats II lolowr. 1 gal etwull... I tabs/plant 5 gal stwull... I tebr/plant 15galne ... 11lllbfA>ltnt 24° box tree. •• t7 bibs/plant 38' box tree. •• 20 bibs/plant I. All landscapl, ... ilir,u tu be installed ill IICconlanca wllh the City of Cl111b1d Landlcapa Manual. I. All street t1W1 a al treaa pllnllad wfthin UI' of wels and htlrdscape shall lie plantMI with a deep root UB24-2 root barrier. Double top edge must be 1/'l' above grade, and rills must face lnwlrd. Do not wrap root l>amM' around rootball. lnstatl an approved deep root berri.-against llllldl ldge of l\erdlelpe, whllre applicable. 'Trees sflan be 'provided wl!II a minimum of 1 O 111w f9et uf &flpt o.ad root barrier, 24' depth. Submit sample lo City lnspectOr for epp1ot'III prtor lo 11,slllllalion. 10. lnshlll attior ,.wa"" all ll'NI 1n 1ll'f ..._ 11. Durtno erollon tGiibol dllUOn from 1/15 thnllJllll 4/!!I, lll11i,pe m Mbe Cu.MIid with jute nettfng, lllltM blanketl, or any approved equal mft91111 II necutss Jo,· ac clrected by t11e Llllldlcape Architect 111d City Landape Inspector. . 12. Soil prep11 lltion; AH planter and tu.f 1118118 shall receive: 3 cubic yards Composted Organic Ammendment -Synagro or Eq. PM" IIXJO SF 50 lbs Tri-C Humate l'lus per 1000 SF 1 Iba magneaium lullate par 1000 SF DI 11111 to be plented. All amendmanhl lhall be incorporatad Into the native soil to a minimum deptll of 6' to 11". lltler lo the agricultural soils report, dllled 7/18/04. 13. A 111111ple of the bark mulch shaH be provided for approwl to Landiscepe Architect and City ln1pector prior to delivery. Bark lhaN be 1 1/2' minus or smaHer. Install 3' diick layer in II mm-turf plantlllg areu less steep ttian 3:1. 14. The lllndtcape contnn:tor shall pmvldll iilllM 1111 aubmlfllllll, lllllllbQ cut 1'111111, lhop dnlwlng1 or ..w::plss ol all material, equipment and auamb&es 11811d to complete the contract. Submit three copies for landscape architect review. STREET TIIHI MID OTHE11 TIIHI SHALL IE SPACED: ; 3 leet from trlMISfol me.'I, cable, and double check d~ 5 faet from meh es 5 feet from fin! hydl111'1 Ill stdll) 7 feet Imm centurlina uf 1N utilly ha twllhaut: -lllfflllltl'f■MIII', WIIW, and storm chins) 10 feet from dri-ys lunlus a line ol sight is determined by the trafflc sectioo to be otherwila) t 5 faet from stnlllt lights and other utility poles Lines of sight 1111 arterials, collector, and local SlnMml shal be reviewed and dttsmllned by the trlffic engineer ® (6) -Tm Te MIN. (:2) AT TOP OR STAKE, 01l-ll:RS rt!ERE NECESSARY TO 9UFP0RT TREE (2) -2' DIA. 1< 10' LON& m>,te, LOD6EF'OLE PINE 5TAl<ES. INSTALL TRUE AHO VERTICAL. DRIVE INTO IMDISTUReED SOIL ADJACENT TO ROOTBAL.L. CUT ALL 5TAl<ES &' BEI..Ol'i CANOP'!' trr'PICAL.). -.v UF'9L.OF'I!: .,..___ 12' MIN. ~ lll'OOTeALL -----ti 6AL VANIZEt) NAIL Tl1" . 11 .-U--l:t;:-'-SOIL 6E!ltM ON oortl51DE OF 11'.!:l!:. IL Tl'l"ICAL ON ALL 5L.OF'E PLANTIN6. SOIL~ ::;::,!,.~~---F'LANTIN6 TA5Lm, :,• DEF'TH '-,. ---NATIVE SOIL · ID-~q[ , ,,'-EXISTIHf 51..0Pe P'LAN yra, '-1 '-.. '-._ BACl<F'ILL -l"Eft 51'!(',~ATIOH& ,,-....___~L ....,_ eflltfAnet 1'1J!!E VINE PLANTIN6 INST.M.I. elltl!!Anet TUl!le9 ON ALL ~ AND ~ l"ellt THe l"OLI.Ol'tlN6 SGHl!:OUL.I!! It !II $Al.LON toe l!ll&AI.L.ON (I) -,. 24"1'0X (2J -9" ~• !!CX (2J .... ..e· eox (e) -, • 60'EIOJ< (4) -,4• • LA"'6E11l &•111 (,f,) -""' l"AI.MS ~Tl"Ollt 5HtllUe MAY el! oeMITreD BY LANC>SCAF'E ,t,Jl!GHITECT II" SOIL CONDITIONl!I i-!!""11T @ ® @ @ Q el"OX'I" ""l1J MAX• \/IN!! A1"T'AGHM!:HT OR. A~ E:GUAL.. Tie VINE: TO TRAIN TO l"iALL (TYP J --,. a,.,"1( MJL.G-H ,---a• E:ARTH BASIN PlNISH !&AAOI: ----NOS 191..0"l"Tl!O 6111>.1'!! • 1"11"'1: 51ZI!! ,-----DLIC,T TAF'E OVE:'111. HOU!!& l'IITHl'N &" OP' PINISH!!O ~e ,,,--..:~--lltlc!HD PCRIOMT!!1' ~NCO!t Ollt M. ____ _,_ __ 1"11"£!. $el! tcl-lEDULI!! AT LEPT .,.. f"OFI. SIZE! AND NUMBl!!lll l"'l!R !"LANT l"INll!oM $1111 iloOI! ,!,.---,~----'1'AAIN6Alll:C'' IIOGK +------~!"ILL 1"11X l""ellt !tl"l!lCIFIC.ATlote Ol"TIONAL &:INHl!!GTIOl'I n, . . Cll'AINAd,I! SYSTEM l"Ollt l"00II!. . ' i:,R,'\INI N6 !!IOIL SI!!: l"LAN IP' APPLICABIJ: ~~:::::::::t----!IRE!ATHC!III. 'l'IJee TO eA,CIID TO PULL DEF , H 01" PLANTIN<to HOU! @ i --EGUAL mlAN6ULAPll sieACINcS REQUIRED 6ETV'lEEN PLANTS (REFER TO PLANT LEGEND f=OR ON CENTER 5PACI~) @ @ @ @ @ l!Q@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " @ @ ®j ,,.---EDc;E OF PLANTINcS AREA -OISTANCE FROM E06E OF P~ANTER TO CENTER OF P ANT TO 6E 1/2 THE S ECIFIED SPACING ~. '-1---PLANT...;...;..__;__;;.SP.;....;.'AG~IN6_;;;__ ______ ___,,.,.......... __ _ \:::) ••• l"•l'-o■ ~15it_ 'rO l"I.ANT IN$TAi..LATte)H F'~-l"IA T?:R l'tOOTeALL. 13Y FILLI~ PLANT F'IT 1/::! l'lll.L OF CLCAN PdTI' ABLC l"IA Tl:R Al.LOI"! TO l"IATl!R TO Jl'ERCOLATI! OUT PRIOR TO l"'LANT lteTALLTlvc,.,_, ~~~------I, 5, OR 15 &AL.~ r-----"-OOT!!I .... LL • PLANT I' AEIOVE ,!;fl!ADE ----!ii' Hie+! i,e:~ ,-----!ii' !!!Alll.K MJU:.H PER SPEC&. FINISH,!;111.ADE: eACKl"ILL MIX (REFEl't TO V?~ii~---5FECIFICATION5) V F'LANT TA!:lLET5 C'll!El"l!!l,t TO "---.J.lrnJ.ll~""4',~,-.,....,fffl!~,'.Jjlm 5PECll"IC,ATION5) ....._ ___ !!<::,Al'!.IN PIT TO ELIMINATE: Al.lel't 51.IC.I( ....___ IJHDl5TUl'teED EXl!ITINd; fCliL (;:'\ !I-RS PI..NfflN6 .~~---..;.._----------------,IU;;· rtA,::-:.::"'":"s1~~-=--.~,:-:-'-0-:::-;. NOT!!, ,et/'T' AN1' l"rU... TO BE I, I 51..0PE AA TIC, MAXIMJM ,..... _ __,. ______ FOfltM s• J/Vlo.TERINdio !!'~IN >'1/ !!'AC,KFIL.L. 501L MIX .,.----1,5 OFII. 15 &ALLON CONTAINER TREE! OR 9HRUl5 --2" MJLC.H L,i,~fle: --ext5TtNet 2,1 !il..O!"e 6AADIENT g, • !i~=-~=:r=~~~~~~Jl~GUT~ P"t..ANT 50 "°°feALL \.-IS.:2" ASOVE COMPACTED l'"ILL I -FINISH e:;RADI!: (Afl-i Eft ~ f'-i----5ETTLIN(So OF BACKFILL) l"E!tll:TILIZ!::R TA5LI:!~ PER. SPE:C.IF'IC.ATIONS INSTALL. SO THEY TOUC.H ~OWALL l'"LANTIN~ ,..IT !!'ACKFILL MIX 2x ~OT BALL (REFER TO 5PEC.IFICATION!>) ® SHflaJe l'LANTIN6 oN !LOPE 6 i---=;.;..;.;...;;;~~~__,.;.....;..;;;;;."-'---------i:sn:rt:'!:a:-:::"1•■-::"'l'-o■-::-- FOliii!"l 3' WATeRfM 6ASIN WITI-I eACKFILL SOIL HIX 1---....-., ..,,---6R!!ATI-IE" Tl.leE(6) -ca+l!CT TO FERFOAATED PIPE LOOP· SEE DETAIL :.----I!, GAL.LOH OR !!OX CCNTAINE" M! 1'--IN&TAI..L eo •lftOOT eALL I& 117' TO 314' AeoYE FINl51-1 GRADE ( AFTER eACKFILL I-I.A5 5ETTLEDJ ,--....__ Pl.ANTER eACIC:PILL 1'11X • REFER TO 6PECIFICATIC"IN5 I ,......__ FERTfLI~ fl'I.ANT TAe& .fl'!lil!: !!"'Ee&. INSTALL SO TABLET Tru;i.15 fi!OOT 6ALL. '· . FE~TED FLE:k PIPE LOOP AT k l"LANTIG PIT SIC IIICOl'l!l,ALL, ~ 60TTOM PERIMETER OF FL.4NT PIT ,., 6~ GlR·eox 1F<EE 1!NSrAI..LAr10N @~.;;....;;...;....;;..;_,;,_ __________________ m:~rr:·'":!"·-,:-:-::-•• ,,-0• 'AS BUILT 1 f .. ' ... I ~s\tFbOT PLANNING GROUP PLANNING 5750 FLEET smEET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760)692-1924 FAX:1760) 692-1935 SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUAl: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ISHEBETI CITY OF CARLSBAD ~-1---1----1-----------------t-----;---t---r----i PLANNING DEPARTMENT L.2....J 1---1----tf---------------t-----;-----t---r----i Pl.ANTING O(TAJLS ANO NOT£S f'OR: 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR .,, 0A TE .. INITIAL "t ENGlffE!:R or WORK .i< REVISION DESCRIPTION OWN BY, _LD~~, DATE INfflAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY, JT --=---1 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVII. RVW0 BY, JT PROJECT NO, SDP 03-12 DRAWING NO. 418-7L • I, MGA 110N A. $COPE OF ¥«)1111( 1. '!his work llhall canllhll of th• ln•lalhHl!ln of o compt_.e aublmatlc ln1g,:,tfon IJ'Bllffl 01 ehown on the plons. Bid price llholl Include all labor, moterlol1, tools end equipment costs as well a■ any other expen1e1 neeesaory for the completion of !hie project. B. IRRIGA110N DESIGN 1. '!he plan la diagrammatic. lllefer to note1, cletah, iane l!lglllldl to vwlfy looallort1 of Irrigation equipment. 2. Contractor ohall carefully clleck and vwlfy oondftl0rt1 on-elte and be fomHlar with the location and detail ■ of on-site 00nnsctlon1 of water and power sources. 3. Dlscrepanclea between the pion element■ and/or ■it• condition■ must be b,.,ughl to the attention of the Owner'■ Repr-ntotlve during bidding and prior to proceeding with any work. Foffure to do 10 will reault In rt11pon11bNlty by the Contractor for any end all revlolon■ that result therefrom. C. MATERIALS 1. AH materials 1111011 conform to, h local ordlnonces fl>Wfflln9 1"10Gtlon 1qulpffl1nt. 2. All moteriols and equlpme11t llholl be new, ond shalt conform to the 1tondorda of apeclflcotlon by the monufacturar. 3. Under any circumstance■, no 1ub.tltullon of ....,1pment wlH be allow.ct wllhaut prior written appro'l<II of the Lond■cape Archttect ond City ln~t..-. Controctor shoH aubmlt data to support claim• of equal performance. Standard■ of performance of specified materiel■ and equipment ehaH be u■ed a■ a performance ■tandord; aubstitute material muat match specified moteriQII. 4. Equipment and matem,ls shall be Cl8 called out on the pldn l1191nd. D. LAYOUT 1. Prior to lnatollotlon, Contractor lllhlll m<lrl<-out, wl1h .., ... or equal, CIII p......,.. aupply llnea and lateral■, Indicate th• locatlono of Irrigation heode and 'l<llve 2. Lo)'DUI shall be aueh that no llrulrance or lnterfer8-""1111 planting .,-llardacape oonatructron occur■. 3. Owner's Repreoentatlll9 shall 0p11row layout end -lfy thl IOeotlon of contni,I ctoclcs prior to lnstallatfon. E. INSTALLATION 1. Irrigation head■ and rllero 111111111 lie ln1tllhd perpendfeular te llnhlh gl'Qdl9 ond/or manufactured slopes and checked for adequate coverage prior to permonont 2. Flush all line■ prior to lnatallatlon of oprlnklar heads. 3. Spacing of heads ohall not ekcffd the radius Indicated 11'1 the lrrlga!lcw, I~. 4. Thoroughly fluah all (lateral) lines prior to Installation of 1prlnkler heada and/or drip ernittera. Aflac lnotallatlon of drip ■mltter1, ftuoh laterals a second time before capping and presaurlrlng PVC line,. F. TESTING 1. PRESSURE TESTS o. All preHure main■ llhall b• capped and t•tltd ot a h)'df'1101h11llo prHIIUre of 150 p.s.l. for o period of two (2) ~ours and prove water-tight, prior to lnstolllng remote control valves. Any leaky fittings. joint, and pipe ■hall be repl<1eed end the llne b. Lateral line• lhall be oapp,od end luted ot the deelgn ,,_,.., at the lost head. for three (3) houra, and prove water-tight, prior to lnstallotlon of 111>rlnk1er heads. Any leaky valveo, joint■• fittings or pipe shall be replaced and the line retested. c. All pressure teet11 shoU bo performed In th• preaence of the Owner's Representative and City Landscape lnopector. d. Contractor ahall provide all equipment necenory to conduct i'lydrostatlc •· Contractor ahatl notify City 1 .. ...,tar 48 hour■ prior lo h)"dNatetlc t•t"'9. 2. Coverage Test a. When 1ystern le complet•, Contractor lhlllt P• fol 111 ,. -ogo test ta determine that coverage Is adequate and complete. b. Adjustment■ ahall be made by the Contractor to ~nHte for tile condftlono and variations In grodtl: (1) Head• shall be adµsted In height ond alignment after planting 11 completed GIid prior to hydroaeeding to en ■ure adequate coverage ond thot aproy stream clear■ adjocent plant material. G. CONlROLLER SYSl'EM 1. Controller shall be o tolld ■tote rnlcroprocomor baNII Wilt p,ovldlng fw ,,,.,,.uGI or completely automatic function. a. Each station ■hall be capable of pragn,n,mlng from 1-!II mlrlute■ ond shall operate a minimum of one 24 VAC remote volw per ■talion. b. Controller shall hove capacity for everyday, every other • ..-~ third day programming and shall Indicate the da)'I WGtorlng occur• ao wall aa Indicating if watering occurs on the current day. c. Controller shall hove 4 nparote stort times per do)I .., .. ., lnd"1duol 1tort time lholl be programmable at any time of day. 2. WIRING a. Wire alxlng for control vdw wlree ■hall confo.m ta the ICIIMwht chart: Zero to 500 ft. -14 GA • 501 to 1,000 ft. -12 OA • 1,001 to 1,500 ft. -1'11 1M In no oooe "'1011 any ..,Ive be more than 1,500 ft. 11-om controller. b. Wire color lholl be 01 foHaws: (1) Controller ■)llltem wiring lholl be per d•tal "" pll<N'I■. (2) PIiot wlroo shall be a dlffen,nt color wire for -contrall.-. (3) Common wires llhall be white with a different color stripe for wet, contrllllw. c. Wiring ohall be taped together at 10 foot lnter""'8. d. Provide expanllion curt• within 3 feet of each wire connectllln •"d at eadll change of direction by wrapping 6 tum, of wire around o 1-lnolt diameter pipe, 1111 .... withdrawing lhe pipe. e. All splices ahofl be made wllh Scotch-Loe 13576 eonn..,,.,,. Seat Paella and Pen-Tlte wire connector. U ■e one ■pllce per connector uot~g ,-oclc. H. ,-~ ACffl'TN+Ct 1. Controetor 1holl dtlmon1trote ta Olwner the operation di eadi •}'91:..,., and piece of tflUlpment. 2. Controctor -pn,_ oll monufactu,w'• data lor all' equlpl'AMI. ,11, Contractor ehOII praYkle an '01 bult' plan depicting the octuat locatlone of llnes, lleodll, ""31ws and conlrolffng S)ISllffll. [ach velve for each controller will be clearly lhown and Ito station number indicated. 4. Contractor shall pn,vlde oople■ of each controltw program, k•)'I I• the enclo■ura, end ony special toot• delivered os a atock accessory to any of the equipment. S. Maintenance period shall n,ot commence until the requirements of this subsection ~-been fulfilled to the aotlllfactlon and acceptance of the Owner. L 0.JARANTEE Contractor llholl 1111-~•• tt,,at the entire ""'911111:in ll)'9ten!I Is free fNlm ditfects and workmanship, for a period of one year; ordinary wear and tear, unuau<II <Illus,, or H9t.ct 1Xceptld. J. MAINTENANO~ 1. OPERATION e. Contractor thdl ld)ll,all: hi■ wotarln11 dedulit ...., ta the appAeatlGn rote each .,.., le capable of receiving, based an tCj>ogrophy, eol1 type, plant material, eeaaon ani weather fact0r1. Owner's Reprnsentotlw •hall be ....., a key to controtter and ~•tructlons on how to tum off system In case of emergency. •· Perlodlcolly {o minimum of once o month) Contractor shall mock oll l)'lt•m• for jtfoper operation ond co-•· All heocla ore to be adjusted •• nec-y for wnlmpeded coverage. Adjlst outlets of distribution tubing aa required fi>r growth af itl<Jnt material. Ob"""" the site regularly for puddlln9 and run-off. CIH!nge length and/w frequency of the Irrigation cycle to eliminate any problems. •• Check filter mntl condition w1thln five to Hven dO)'I of lnltkll open,ltlel, .• If deon, check again In :50 da)'I. Check condition of fllter untll o regular maintenance lntervot eon be .. tablllhed for eeeh alte-spaclllc eyeten,. d. 'Iha llnee ahall b<, flulhed parlodlcally and whene-repairs hove been done on the .,.tern, If water qwallty Is adequate, perform flu11hln9 at leo1t once a month for 30 lo 60 ■econda. e. Monitor and ll'l<llntaln optimum ct11erat"'11 ,,..._ throughout tho 1}'91:om. f. In lilorm, oil IIGIY111 bo•es et,all be checked w 11011 lnvoolon, cleaned out and new 9"1"1 replaced a■ noted In orlglnol apeclffcatlone. g. AM acreens In bockflow preventer stralnere lholl be Checked and deoned at leo1t w-(l) timea per l""" or •• often os nec1110ry. h. Contractor •• utNlff a repeat c)'Cle on controller to ellmlnate H0"9lve run-off. I. To lneure minimal obatructlan of Irrigation 11pray pattern ■, Contrc,ctar will be ratponolble for trlmmlno ond moldng neces■ory odjuatmenta to riser halgh! as plant material growth rates Indicate. j. All l)'ltems 1h<III b<, personally observed by the Contractor during operation •yd• at least once per month to verify effectlY811-of sprlnkler operation. k. Controctor llhCIII throttle down valves enough to prevent uaeleu fogging, allowing droplet, for effective watering. I. Hours of eohedulad operation will b1 prag;ornmed to mlhlmlH "'-occurronc1 ol plant material and reduce possible nuisance from sprlnlder operation to pedestrians or ""hlclea. To prevent leaf bum of many plant apscles, do not operate the Irrigation e)lll!em during worm do.)11ght hour■, generally between 9: 00 a.m. and 5: 00 p.m. 2. MAINTENANCE a. Any repairs made by the Contraotor will be In oocordonee with the orl9lnal <N1t11WI or os directed by Owner's Representative. , b. Repoin, to Irrigation system cau■ed by candltlan■ unl!ar which the Contractor -• ·not hove any d1rect control llhdll bo paid for by the Owner o• extra wort<. Suell repairs ore thoet cauMd by vondollsm, normal wnr and tear, ■torm damage (acts of Cod), or by other partlee. It lholl be the Contractor'■ re11ponalblit~ to report auch condlllana lmmedklt•y to Owner'• Representative. c. Contractor 1hCIII make mloor repairs under this amt,.,ct. Minor rapolr shall be defined oe on oceaetonal repair IUoh 01 a broken rl-. which con be repaired eo,n, without the n-of o opeclatist. d. Mall\inctlon■ ol ony nature which •• -• to be the foult of moterldla or workmonahlp 1tNI covered under orlglnol ln1tallotl0rt guarantee 11holl be report,od lrnmedlotely to the Owner'■ RepreHntatlve. •· Contractor ■hall furnish his own ho■es, MZllff, .,.a)'I, and CClll!roller keys Cl8 ""IUlrecl. ,. Any dOMQgll to tl')lttem ClOllled by Conlroctar'■ aperatlbna ihoN N ,..,aired wfthOIJt ina,91 to the Owner. Rep<lire aholl I>• mode within one watering perlo,I!. g. It wftl not be the re■ponslblllty of the Contractor to pay for heada ,..,Iring placement, but he wlll b<, responsible for the loltor Involved, Heads llhdll be of the exact t}IIHI os pre.tously lnstlllted. Substltutkln "" ba allowllll only with prior apprawl of City. k. AIIIDlffllNAL WA'TH LIM N01ES 1. , Womlrlo tope. All l"VC potable wotar "'lltt "'111tlllted within the -• ,n,ject llfflltt N the private reclGlmed water piping llhall be illlllal'led in Occordanc■ wfWI the uniform plumblnt cocM and oH otf'I• loc,ol govemln9 eMlte. rule■, and regulotlone. the plpe aholl be oonttnuoullfy 4111d p...,.,·anently mm-ked with the manufactur• nol'Mll or trademcrl<, nominal lbe, and ■chedule or cton lndlc<ftll'lg the pre•-• nrllng. In oddltlOl'I, al PVC potal:II• wotw piping ohaH b<, llllue or ohall be white with blue .tencll""9 eppeorln9 .., bath eldeo of the pipe with ..,., mart.Ing "POTAEII.E WAT£R" -. 5/ll" letters repeated every 12 Inches and bkle tape ldentlf)lng It <111 G ll"'l•oble wot• Nne ...,d atotlng "CAU110N: WATER +LINE BURIEO lilELOW". The ploatlc wamln9 tape lh<Jlt be prepared w1th ell-printing an o flMlrple field ha""'9 the worlla "CAUTION RECLAIMED WA TEI'! LIN£ IIELO'II'". Tha overall width lh<III bl 3 lnche1. WaMillg (ooutlon) top■ ah<lff be a• milllllltiloeluNd l>y ,.._., E!nterp,.._, Inc • ..-eq. Warning tapes aholl t>e lnotalted din,ctly on tcp of the pipe longltudlnally <1111d shall IN oenterecl. The womlng tape ■hall be Installed contlnuou■ty for the entire length of the pipe ond shall be fastened to each pilpe lengll'I by plo1tlc tope bonded around the pipe with foetenera ne more then five feet apart. Tap,ing aUoehed to the Netlona of pipe _.,, 1<1rt9 In the trenoll lholl hove flops aufflclent w contlnuou■ 0"""'"'119· All rl■ers llet"""" the molnllne on,11 control volve1 MCIII be lnsto"ed with warning tape. A seconll wornln9 tape running contlnuauslly obo"" piping to be lnetalled 12 Inch• allove ,,..mimed water IIM. 2. IEPARA TION llf'.MEH WATER, SEWEIIL 111:ct.MMll!D WAl!I! LINES ANO OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILlllES Horizontal and vertical separotlon of water. r■clalmed water and -mollls ahall «<!here to State of CoHfomla Deportment of Envlronmont<II Health "Crlt.,,.lo for the $epar<rtlon of Water Maino and Sanitary s_..·. o. Horizontal Seporotlon: Ten (10') fi>ot --aeporatl"" bet--• ••-• and rsci'almed wotw mains lhoN b1 mCllntolned. Any ■peclal situation requiring le11 lllj)llrotion wffi n,qulre District opprovcil. b. Vertical Separation: Twelve (12") lndha minimum IIP<Jrtttlon ' betwHl'I wot..-, •war, and reclaimed watw ■hall be molntolned at <Ill """""1f1ll•, <1N cra11lng lhould be ot 90 degree anglee horlzontolly. Normally, water, sewer, .and reclaimed water Sholl be located horizontally from the 1treet1 finish grade surface In tho order of the higher quality, i.e., water ■hall be above reclaimed, reclaimed abo .. Hnltory Nwer. I. Ulll!Nk:Nlt fll.M'INII A. 9C0l'E 0, WIMI( 1. Thi• "°"' lhOII Ollltllllt 1111 j)erfol'll'ldlle• or IOI! prtpOrcr!lllft. planttnt ond ~.;di otlldtm.J of u.-moterlola c,olled out on the plona and ln ■tollallan of material per tho details -.,lctecl on the pl<m■. 111kt price for Ihle work shall include all labor, materials, loci .,d equipment ca■t■ o■ well a ■ any other appurtenances necessary for tho completion ef thl1 project. I. Ill.AN 1. '!he pion 11 ~mmatlc. All plant material locatkln■ ahown are oppraxlmate. Pllllltt symbol• tako precedence aver quantltlea. C. MATERIALS 1. PLANTS •· All plant, 11111111 • healthy, ef normal grow~. well rooted 0ftCI free of dlwaees and peats. Quollty and 1121 shell conform· to the state of Callfomkl Grading Cade of ""-',...,.Y stock. numbw one gra<N. It. Plant materlal lhatl not be root-bclund. O..,er ,......_ the right to re,-ct any and all moterlol found to be defective. Defectllle rnoterlol ■hall be r,ernowd frOm site ...,d replaced wltll aceoptoble moterlol crt Contractor"• ""pen ■e. c. Contractor alloll be reoponetble for d-• to plant moterlol d\le to n.gllgen.,. or ln'lg,otlon system faHure during construction or during the maintenance period • 2, SEED o. All 11.-d It to bl delivered to the )Ii site unml•ed and In aeporate noted oontatnero. Each ._led container ohall l>ear tho eeed auppller■ tags Indicating tho container weight, Hid tJ1Pe, purity and germination. b. All oeed ehall be labeled accordll'lg to State and Federal Seed Lowa. c. A aomple of aach oeed twe alloll be drown and held for teatlno before 1eedlng c,p•••llono. If ""Y dlacreponcy bet__, -ciflcatlons and gerrnlnation material le dl8covered, Controctar lhall pay for -d teats by Ranoom Lobs (1105) 884-3427, and ltlotl replace Hided oraa with 1pecllled ml•. D. S01L PREPARA '!ION 1. Plontlng oreo1 of 4: 1' IIGIN er ••• llhCIII be ripped or ■errate,f to a depth of Ila (II) lnehea In a horlzontal direction prior to any plantl119 or Irrigation lnstollotlan. 2. BackflH mix and amendment■ lhCIII be ,,. opecifl!,d from 110II test,. All bockflll and amendment• ahalt u .. native d as a ml• base. For bid purpose■ uee: 7 port■ on-llte native eol 3 parts c.,.,..,-oroonlc IICll4I om ■ndm111t ~ S)'MVN or equal 17 Iba 12-12-12 NPK fertHlur par cubic yard 2 l•b• Iron oulph<1t1 p..-cubic yard Contractor eh all be reaponslble for abtalnln9 101 teats ar,d p, epdl ~ 19 backfll mix p.- aoN teat recommendations. Submit IIOII test results to City lnepector for approval prior to aon amending ond/or backflfflng. 3. General sell preparatl0rt for •-which ore 19ft thon a 2:1 ,ara<lllnt (amount per 1000 equore feet) 4 cubic yard■ S)III..,. -R81i>)'C Soll Oandlti-1-1011-371-3921 50 Ibo. Humote Plue -TrlC Ent..,,,._ 1-800-927-3311 2:! Iba. granular flrtftlHr 50 Iba. Ag G)l)aum 1 D Iba. Soll Sulfur 4. Top dreH oil lllop• area• l!:1 or ll•op•r with lhe followtn9 Nghtly rocked Into ■ol app.-oxtmotely 1·-2· depth -(amount per 1000 aquora feet) 6 cubic yards S)lllagro-Rec)'C Soff Conditioner 1-909-371-3129 10 Ibo. Soll Sulfuf 1 gallon Plant■ ~ SR (..,...,)'II' applied) ~ Plonta Cholee 1-e19-ffll1-fl71:t E:. PLANTING 1. Clenerat .. Set plant ~ a,ICI hatd l'lgklly In j)OllltlOIII ""'" BOIi hOI batn tamped firmly orolJ'nd ball or rook b. Uae only .,,eclfle4 bO!Ckflll mix !or backftll of plantar pit. c. l!ockflll pit with mix to h<llf 111 depth and water thorouglltl' Book flit r•matnder Clf pit with mix. Tap down flrmly to ellmlnote all otr pockets. Do not compact. d. Con■truct waterln,g basins equal to diameter of pit excovoted for planting plant material. Depr-lon of each l>oein aholl be capable of holding a depth of 3 lnchn of wot«. e. After waterl"I, GIIIY Httlern~t wltllln balll'l1 llhall be relltled to rwqulrld gr!lde with prepored 1011. 2. Contaln.,......Gnw Pion!• a. Con remCMII: Do not In )we root i.. II. C-1\illr remo1111 plant• without In ),ry Ill' damoge to root -· After removing plant, auperflclally cut edge-roots w1th knife on throe side■. I>. Bo• rerno""" ,__.,.,. bott-Clf p ant bok• limn plantlng. Remow llldn ef ...,. without dam• ta root boll after I ,oolllonlnt plont and portldlly bockftlllng. c. Dig planting i'IGllell to accommodate root boll ■ oa per detoff on plans. d. Hand bockflM and hond temp leovlni a ■tight depression oround 1>lonta. f'. STAKING Of' 1IIIE.O 1. Stoke dHlg,,oted lreft -.,... detoh wllth l"!llln'-ffl of one 1take on windward aide of tree. ill. IGENERAL 1, llltolnten-w .. pdlm fllolll'II••• orlto• will be for a min-of 120 do)'I -hll•lvo of oth.-metntenance requfrern ,nts for the project. '!he Contractor ahall al110 !Ollow direct molnt.,ance cs ■peclfled. Refer to Specification Section, J for additional lnforrnotl0rt and direction. 2. Mulch Appllcotlen a. All plont"'9 -•• with """ aotp Ion of GrMI 1lfth 11<,pe tn1dlents In e..c-of 211X ( 4: 1 and gt'l<lter) ahall recel11e a J la:,,.-of mulch. b. Mulch motarlol lhall be recycled t ee trimming• contolnlnt no !11'091, w11d ■eed, tn,111'1 or other cont1111nln...,t■. Screened • to 3/11" fines. Avoffoble through S)flaoro-Rec)'C 1-!!09-371-3929 Submit 10mple to City ln■pector for approval fl'rlor tc bulk d.tl-y to job ■tta, a. Addltlonfll m-.,,,.n,,atl.., may • l"Mp.ttl'ed -9 maln-ora/eatoblhlhmont to mollltam 3" l•J'Br depth iue to 11ettl'lng and campc,ctlon. M. OUAFIANM I ·' I. 11,i.lNTENANCE 1. The entire project ahCIII be cornptwtety OAd 1otlafactorlly maintained !Of' a period of 120 CCII.,,_,. do)III. The Contractor oh<III cdl for the 1tort of Htobllshmont/malntonace once the project 11 aubatanllally complete -(1 OOX hardacape, flat-ii and fumlshing• lnetalled -95% Planting & lrrlgalb, Installed). Estobllllhment and maintenance r•rlod lh<IIII commence upon the dote of completion o tho work, ae outhorl2ed In a written notice from the Landacope Architect after a 'start of establlehment period' Inspection hos been completed by the Owner's representative; and all punch liet Item• ha1111 been corrected by the Contract .... 2. Maintenance lholl c0rtllat, but not be limited to, the following: a. Care and maintenance of plant bdlllna for container etock. Removal of known no•lou1 wee,ile from project area. b. Replacement of dlseaUd or dead container ■tock. c. Clearing of drainage structure■ of debrl■ that might Impede the flow of water throu9h them. d. Weakly edging lie mowing and/o,-lnepectlan of <Ill turf areas. e. Removal of an tralh, dablra and plont llttw from site. f. Cleonlng, bn,lh or power w01hlnt of ftotwork 'and furnishings at least one time, or more· If directed by the Owner or Londacope Architect. g. Contractor ahall be reaponslble far protecting h work from vandalism Md accidental damage, dalT!Of" by frost or torrential roln1. Any damage aholl be promptly repaired at no oddltlonal cost to the o-. h. Contractor i• reeponelble for all repair• or replocornento coueed by acts of vandalllsm, lncfudlng removal of graffiti, and/or reflnlllhlno os required. I. Contractor oholl lnepect the site no leu than once per week during the maintenance period. 2. Final Acceptac, a. The Contractor llhall llhow evidence, to the Landeoope Architect that the Owner hoe received .,. required monuola, ocoeseorlee, molntenonce recommendations, etc. b•fore flnol Inspection con occur. b. Notification by the Contractor llholl be mad■ In wrlttln9 to the Landacape Architect ot leaot eeven (7) calender day■ prior to final lnopsctlon for • accsptance. The final ln■pection of the work shall ·be mode In the preaence of the Owner'■ repreaentatlve ond the City Landscape Inspector at tho time the work ra completed. All ehrubtl -.... llffllll be guc,ro teed by t1'Mt Contrutor ,.,, the follawtn,g "~A·. . s '.Bu· It?! .. ," 1""'1lfl• of time upGl'I completion of the specified maintenance period; :. 1. All treea and lhruba for duratlOl'I of malntsnonce period. 2. "11 one gf1110f1 ahrub1 -120 do)'I. J. All five gatlall trees and lhrub■ -1 0 da,.. 4. "11 15 gClllon lr"9 and lorger -181 doys. i..- TifE ~LIGHTFOOT PIANNING GROUP PLANNING \ ! ,., 5750 FLEET STREET CARLSBAD, CA 9200B (7601692-1924 FAX:{760} 8117-11135 SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE APPROVED FOR , PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. . ' ISHE7ETII CITY OF CARLSBAD I~ 1--~~--+----.-..--+--------t---+--+----1-----1 . PtANNING DEPARTMENT . L.2_j 1---+---1----..... ---+---------+--+--t---t----1 . •/ 1----1---1 ENGINEER OF liOf'II< ~ ,, . ~r ~EVISION D(SC~IPTION ,, :"'~ ..... ',·'' ·'"'1'1"'''\l"·~,!!;'.,:·'"'.........,. ,, " OAT£ INlllAI. OTH€A APPROVAL Cll'I APPROVAL s,(Clf"/CATfONS fOH; 1265 CARLSBAD Vlll4CE OHIVE JI ""\I .i\# ~\"Adl:!!l..'" • ..L...r:....-~ "'· ------~'2-&:Qz' ASSISTANT Pt.ANNING DtftECTOfilt DAT£ DWN BY: __ 1 CHKD B'i': RVWD BY: ~ JT 1 I ' ' ,, ·•ft"r>< PROJECT NO. DAl\wtNG NO. SOP 03-12 418-7L • <, I I 4:... ~ I ~ • ~ 'fl "l -· ::;: \ • '1.-.J