HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 328-6L; PD 403; ARMY & NAVY ACADEMY; 01-08---------------------------------------------------,!! CLIENT: (619) 729-2385 PROJECT: CREAN / ATKINSON HALL LANDSCAPE PLANS ARCHITECTURAL VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY or OCEANSIDE M1Gt-4WA'I" )'e, • CllY OF ENCINITAS .. -.. ,. . £ . CITY OF VJSTA PROJECT MAP NOT TO SCALE ■ ■ SHEET INDEX 1 1.. a;\,f:R SHEET TITLE SHEET/ RECLAIMED WATER NOTES IRRIGATION NOTES AND CALCULATIONS IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION DETAILS PLANTING PLAN PLANTING DETAILS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS ;m Hourian Associates Landscape Architecture & Urban Design 31866 Camino Capistr.mo San Juan Capistrano, Calif. 92675 teL 714-661-5068 Lie 1288 o---~---- ENGINf f.R QC WORK General Notes The contractor must notify the City Plan Check Consultant (619_-438-1161) _72 hours (thr-ee workin_ g days), ,..,~~of,to starting construction. ( ~ ':710 N -J:F 4-'" ,,;-, J The landscape or irrigation contractor is to verify existing P .S.!. at job site prior to installing landscape ~gation SfSt~m. Verification shall be made with the appropnate water disrnct. All reduced pressure backflow preventers shall be tested after installation, relocation, or repaw by a City approved cenified tester. Call 438-0218 for a list of City approved certified testers. Developer/owner is responsible for supplying a copy of the test re~ults to the City Department of Utilities and Maintenance, 405 Oak Street. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining building and plumbing permits prior to commencing wall construction and irrigation installation, respectively. I HEil.EBY DECI.ARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, TiiAT I HAVE EXE.l\ClSED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE C"ii:,R:TiiE DESIGN Of 11iE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF TI-IE BlJSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSIS'ITNT \'.,'!TH CURRENT STANDARDS. 11.INDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWJNGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY TI-iE CITYOI' CM.LSBAD lS CONflNED TO REVlEW ONLY AND OOES NOT R.£1.lE\TE ME. AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK. OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJEG DESIGN. . TIIBE ~!ANS HAVE BE.EN Pll.EPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WTTH THE APPROVED lANDSCAPE CONCEPT PlAI\, WATER CONSERVATION PLA"I, FIRE PROTECTION PlAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LAN DSOJ'I NG. APJ)RQVED F,OR PLANTIN"G AND IRRIGA1'ION ONLY. INCLlJDING PRF~CISF~ Loe: A, TIO N OF' })LANT'ING AREA,S. -+-----l------1---+-----l DATF.: INITIAL DATE JN!TIAL <---~-----i-••••" •••••• ,ooo. W •• - n•rHf•.k ,::,PPRLJVAL CITY AflFRC\iAL i?Yf/Y:.!? 5 1-1c-q7;> ::, . "' LlJ "' {, \-p,.l'I DSc,i,o . c.fl,>, D1;1~e "'11',t ---~ OF CAL,< EUII __ T" --··· .. "" _,_,,, __ ----------··-··"-"-- TITL[ ......... ~ "-________________________ DATE '<[VlE\JED BY, j ' " -· GENERAL NOTES RECIAIMED WATER NOTES ,\LL wonK $11,\1_1, flf' DONE IN ACCOnD/\NCE WIH I 11 IF CAAI.Sflf\D Mur.iCll'lll W/11 Hl DISTRICT'S' C,\nLSl3,\D nECLAM/\TION nu1 FS & n[GULAJ IONS Fon CONS JI IUC !ION or nECL,\IMED WATEn MAINS" D/\TED JUNE, 1991 2 1\11. PUOI.IC f/\CILlllES SUCII AS COMronr STATIONS, DfWJKING FOUNl/\lNS ( IC S11/\Ll BE rnoTECTED Fl10M SPnAY flY nECLAIMEl) WAT En 3 NO PONDING, nuN orr on OVEf1-SPf1/\Y IS P[rlMl,l[l) 4 HOSE BIBS AnE STl1IClLY PflOIIIGITED 5 ON-SI I[ CllOSS CONNFCTIONS i3E !WEENS nECL./\IMFO WAllF1 LINES Mn l"OIAIJLL WATEn LINES IS ST111CTI.Y rno1 ll[Jlf[D 6 NO suusr If U f ION OF PIPE M/\TF n,/\I .. s WILL EJE ALI OWED WI THOU I PFllOfl APPll(JVAI. OF TH( cnv or CAnLS8/\D MUNICIPAL WAl f '1 DI$1 F1IC T 7 ALL ON Si I~ f'IPES SHALL fl/\VE WAHNING IAF'E PER Cllf11.S8AIJ MUNICICAL Wf\lfl1 D!S rf\lC r·s nul f:S ANO n[GULAT IONS 9 I 1 , 5 1 G 17 18 20 * 22 * 24. 1 HE lnnlGAT !ON SYS H" MS SH/\l.L r:IUN OETWf·TN f l!f ! K)UflS or 10 00 PM Af'Jl) fl Q,J A M 11 ff: ro, (.()WIN(; MC.1nNING {SPOT :nn1GA;JON COUl.l) r1r-UONF Al' A l)lf; l l~Ud ; IMf: WI !fl OUAl.lrl[() SUPLHVISOnY rr:nSONr'Jfl ON SI H. rnOVIDF. A MINIMUM or Al LlAST 18 INCHES or coven oven AL.i.. wInIw_"", ANL) f'lf'IN(> I 'HIVA IE I. 0 IS Si 1/111 [lf 1'110 TfC ff fl Ff10M CON J/\C T ,ll(JM nr_CLAIMI :, WAI f n WI IF'l I tr n OY WINl)Ol.OWN Sr'nAY on BY ;)Inf' CT /\,l'f'LICJ\T ION. 111r1ou1:;1, ii H \1C,J\] 'ON c1n 01 Hr: n /1.flrqov r:D us1· l ACK OF f'f~O l LC I ION. WI H. T Hf. fl UY [)[SIGJ\, CONS 11 lUC J ION l'HAC!ICl: OH SYSTCM OPt"n/\flON. ·S SlltiCll.Y Pf\OHIBllf-D CON l r1!\C I on Sll!\l 1. N )JLJS l HI fd)S IO PP.f' \i[ N r O'VU~ Sf>fi,AVING ON Al I SIOE:W/\LKS.STl1Ff·l,/\Nl)Jll!1\//l.ll lOiS OUIGK COUPI ING \i,'\i.VES Sf LI\L I l!AVF A Sl'1I C!Al COUr'LE KEY fltn CJ\fll ~_;.(3t,_[) MUNICIPAL WA f Fn ()JS m,c 1 S IIUU SAN fl 11FGUI /\ T ,ONS ME l EflS $11,\I.I RF $I71:D BY TII[ Ci I Y OF CAf11 SllA'.l MUNICIPAL WA I Ef1 [)IS m,c T Al I IIIIIIGMION f'll'F $II1\I I. 8( Sff.NCII [fl, COL.OF, CODffl (f'unPLL) ANll-',.!vC' w, r,-; W/\FlNING 1/\l'E PER Tiff' Cll"Y or c11nLSBAU MUNICll'/11. WA;r:n DISTHICIS IH!I rs /\Nil flEGUL/\ I IONS ALL PO lfll~Lt WA l f n ANO fl[CLJ\IMt D WATr n F"'H'ING SHALL [3[ INS lfli I r· I) WI 111 11 \F STF.NCILINGOnlfN[f-'[} l{)WAnD THE TOP OF THE Tl1fNCH WHFN /\ rorM1l r-Wl\li"'rl I tNI. AN[) n[CLAIMl'.DWAlrn l INf cnoss. lilt nrct A Ml[) IINf:SIIAll nr1NST/\l([.DWl"llllNllrnorrc1tvEs1.rr:vF. Tttt:Slf!VI i~l//\11 ['"XTf"N') 1 D I cH Fil CM EACII SIU[, I HOM I lie CEN 11: n I.INI: 01· l'OTAULE LINE_ 1'011 ,, IO I AL Of' 2:"l F H I A CO I 00 I llUH' /ON JAL. Sl l'/\rVll ION r1r 1 wr CN f'O I Ant.T WAI f· q !\NI) I H (.:! /\IMf l) W/\1111MAlr-J'.;MllSI fl! M/\INl/\lrJI !)/\! Al.L llMCS llli f'01AUU. l.lN[. MU'.31 nI INS IAI.J.li) /11.JOVC fl IL llLCL/\IMl [) LINF A MINIMUM or 12 INC! t[S Of Vlf~ 1 ICAL SEPAnAT ION 8E I W(LN U l ILi 1 lf:S ML.:s T l1f M/\INI/\INf-0 Ar Ill!. IIM[S l!f"VI.. I 01'1 II CON l llAC 1or1 SI IAI I. CONDUC f A Cl10SS CONN[ C flON JI' Si ,,NI) COVI' 111\GF Tl~ 5 f /IS [)In[ Cl [ IJ !JY 111 [ CA11I SO/II) M UNIC IrAL WA I fll un I lllC l rNc-;1r..;rTn I\Nn.,on l Hf" SAN nl[(30 COUNTY DErAn I Mr-NT or-f jf/11.11 ! S! I lVI~.::!· S f'11 ,or·, r O ANY US[ or FffCI fllMr--l) Wt.fr n QUICK COlJPl ING VAL \/F'.; USf:D IN n[CL,\IMUJ WA I f.n SYS ff MS SHN. L cur11 OllM JC 1111' FOLLOWING /\ OU!CK C:OUf)l lNC, V/\l V[S SI IAl.l rn. 1 INCf l NOMl'\l/\,l Sil! NI I ,:~UN #lfi-1'.) WI I1I llllASS CONS I 11UC 1 ION AND A NOF1MAL wonK,NG l'iH"SSUIH. 01 n 150 I'S I Oil R/\INBlllD #4<"JI' IN ormrr1 TO f'llf V[ N r LJNAU I I IOnllf ll USF, THI'. VA LVI. '.,, IAI I 111· OPi.fl/\lf'O ONl.Y Wllfl A SPECIAL court Ff'1 KEY Wllfl /\N /\CM[ lfH~FAl'l ,on :'.JrFNING /\NO CL.OS ING Tl IE VALVE C l I Ir· cov I' I l SI l/\Ll. f1f rr= n MJ\Nr NT I YA I I AC> l[[J 1 0 TI If Ol Jl(:.K court ING V/\l_"1n: ii SHAU. [3[. F)lJRPt r-nuRRf.ll OH v:NYI U lOCKINC covr-r1s AH[ fl[OUIHlcU /\N /1.NNUJ\l cr1oss co~~NLC 1 ION INSl'[C f ION Wll ( m. OONE BY t·.1 TI ff· (1 C/1111 SRl\ll MU'llCll'AI. WAI Ul DIS I IIICT on SI\N fllfGO COUN JY [)lf",\fl I "1"'1 I or IIFAl.111 SI nv,crs COl'II S 0' INSf'f'CTION nr:ronrs WILi. ElE FOl1W/\11IH I) 10 T!I~ NON·1NSP[CJINClPMHY [)[ Vf" l Or'[ n s~ l/\! L SJ iow l f 1r l. OCl\l ION OF n.c SIGNS "DO NOT Dl1!NK .. ()t-~ 11 ![ sr fll /\NS AN CJN St Tr usr d 1f;LJ!': llVISOn SI IAL l. GE DESIGNAT[D IN Wnll/NG 11 !l'.3 lt~l)IV[f)LJ/\l SI 1/\1 1. :.n:. f AMll 1/\n Viii Ii f'LUM □!l\'G SYST[ MS WI ll llN J\ l[ PGOPEn TY. WI 11 l 1 f 1f" BASIC CDNCf. r ! s or· [)AC Kr I OW1CflO.SS C:ONNt'C r tON F'HO 1 [CT ION, AND l Io· Si 'f Ci' (_", H I-ou: I l[Mf:r-J ! Sor f, I H. CI./\IMUJ W/1.1 En SYS l f" tJI CC)f.'ll.S Of" !HE D[Sl(;f'U\ I ICN, WI 11 ! CONlAC T f'I lONF NUMf"lf rlS SI 1/\l L i3I f'H{)VlfJI" [) 1 -:J 11 :[ SAN Cif:CO C()l JI Jr Y oi: r'Afl I Mf NI Of' ! If" M (I I s1· HVI(;[ s /\N() C/\.i"l( snA0 MUNICIPAi WAI [ ll I >I:,: 1111 I r,,c11sFcrrMrr11,1·rKYCONT,,c· e,t:7BE:'-Y V'E:t~ l·C.,IC/. 7'A · ·;::,i,,s- 1111.1INI (tlMil1 (fl" II'°: on Af 'r fl llC:)Ud::; CON IAC l lf"II LIN) U.: 'e?ri:--'I V~A i'' (NA~.f I /· (c19-tt-11· 1,'786 ( ! l L ,'\JO I ITEMS NOS. 8, 19 & 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ITEM NO. 22 THE SIGNAGI= PlAN SI IALL 8E A PART OF THIS IRRIGATION PLAN BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS & TAGS WILL [lE INS TAU.ED JUST PRIOR TO Tt-lE ACTUAL USE OF REClAIMED WATER. 36" PURf'LE LOGO WHITE BACKGROUND l" f)LJRPl.E LETTE HS WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK RECLAIMED WATER AVISO -AGUA IMPURA NO TOMAR ---r ~---------------------\~-----I------' -·"' (SIZE) 12" X 36-- 060 ABS f'l AS TIC 011 STICK ON VINYl s1nNS Al ~.>O OlG Al UMINLJM 2" PlJHl'l F: l.l'TTFRS l" f'lJRl'I F: I FTT f: llS RECLAIM_ED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) FUTUR .. I; SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER "':_·-...... .. , ~-__,... . ARMY AND CREAN / _$1GNAGE NOTES 111: f(.'llil'l✓lr.(:;(;11:11r11~H',IOlll H lhl"()f·nrc1AIMf!'lW1\·tH/\;H :01H f'ffH.~fl.NifJll.Y I., \(·; 1 I l Ir J':·;11 )I 11 · 1 )(;·()fl Or f ts<:1, cur, I f'10l.L en WI it: 11[ 'I IL Y i\f \! ! A'._;ll y VISlf\l L f'I f,C!. 1 ')I(' 1 ''IJfll':' -\i\(,KGl1{)l,JtJ")Wlll!['I\ACKLl::ITl 1!1tJC II G UllJLLII ,L~ Hlli_lli_l:Ll\lMLLWAf.Lll. USL IIHW·1Alf nl !W1 f ~J fill ilOtJnSOf" 10001~M /\hlJ600AM UNIY W/\lflllrJG ('•111:;1[)[ ·1w-; IIMI. fl(AMI MUS! n1 ()(_)Nf MANU/\llYWlltlOli/\llflFI} '.,I.WI f{V1::,u11y f'I. f\SON~Ji I 0:'J SI If f'Jr") '..)r~ 1 IM ~;tJ/\I I /\1 i\'H 1 1i-,1r n1 1 rr I lJN!\1 !! NDI I> H)HING U'.:~f· 0U1SII.)[ l'iil t-.JOHMAl '.)Clil l.!l.ll f ~) 1:irw.-iJ' If IN/\ Mi\JJr'-,1 il 11 J/d WILL Mlf'~\Ml/1 HIJN·OFr. roo1 !~.J(; ANI> l'DN )l!,J(, l f !f /\11 f'llCAIIOrJ1:,Alf ~;!lAI NDl\.XU.iU'flf It.HI(1nA:ICNl(/I.II ()f l·H SOil 1 IMI '1S MUS f Hl f\l)_j\JS If [) so AS l C 131 L0Mf'Allf1l f 'Ni Ill 11 If I' )Wl S 1 SOIL l'Jf I' l f1r, I IOi ~ W\ ! 1· I 111f· Si NI 11 HS f'H()C! 11;mr MAY rn· f)\CIU rATED rw 111( f f I IC If r. I f,( I ti I )\Jl IN(_':, l.t JI If" /\U !OMA; IC CON l 1101. U c.x:.><.~;. 11 ! , f Ml'I (JYB.Jf.:i 111! iffl'U\I I lHK:11nN 101m1 AK :JP 11!1 :ol/\l IIUl.lGM!ON I Mf INIOCYU.1 S 11 I,\ I \//II I Pl \(H,10 I:· \1/\.X IMUM SO,I /lfr_;o111) 1 ·(m) '.l A[1.111·;1 ::,r•r\1\Yllf /\(IS TOrtlMINAlr: ov1·r1/•;f'H/\Y{)f'-Jl(J/I.IH /\'~t~Ol ,JNDrn TllF (Or·Jll!U( ()I lfl! CU:SlOMLn rcn f.XAMr'1 f POOl Df.CKS. l'HlVAlF F'/\!10.S /\t<l>lOlS.N~l)'.=";l!'ltf ISAl\:USIDlWALK:) M'..lt·,11(.)iU\NOMAIN!AIN 111F SYf,rr·M IOMINIMl/1 I Ul)lf'MI rsr /\NliM/\11 [!;Ji, f Al .Jl\1· 1\1\UKI tJ Sl'l(INKU' ll I l[/ll)S, I; AKS, L.Nr1r·11/\l'!l I \ii'\l VIS f lC ~)I IDl .. '1. I) m· rH ! '/\Inf I) /IS soo~ AS 11 i[ Y lH COM(. lirPAfl[ Ni 'J f l\lH"/\11 Al I r,,/t\lrJl{ f'J,'\tH..,! f"'f flSONr.Jl I O~J /1, (:_()"Jl!Nl.l()l.l', ll/\SIS. c1· lflf f'I; 1 ';r fJC r rn PC 1 :1 111M I D w A: 1 H AN 1) 1, H. f M.:: 1 1 HA i 11 1'•i r r ) , 111 )! 11 iovi D I on 11HlfJf•ir"--J(11'lJllf'OSVS (~IVfN lllf"l!l(-;11 fl_lHNO'✓fflrl/\1! ()I I Mf'IOYfFSt~J 111! lAl'JP:;(:Ar'I IN[H ~-;1qv II ISIMPOfH/\Nf !ilAI JltlSINfOHMA11Ur~fff Pl<<:1 MIN/\! I I) ~)i J N~ /\I MOS 1 OJ\ll.Y [\/\SIS 11' IS YOU. 1 I H l Ar·J! )'.;~.:Ar'r (('"·,J" f1/\C 1 Of!. W· 10 IS I l! '.:"}f"O'JSlnt I r 01 l l lJtJCAI ING f J\Ct l /\NO [ 'JdlY ON[ Of YOUH f' M/'l OYf f S (; '._~ll !;\ tJ 'Hl(YI /\l'l'I\OVA( ()I All.. f'f10f'U!:>i [) Cl 1/V-JG( S Ar-.lJ MO/Jlf IC/\! IONS JO M J'/ ['fl \//I.!! ()'J '.:\I'! I 1\(.:1( I l 1rs sui:-;1 i Ci 11\r.JC,I S MU~~; 1 fll '._;\.Hil,111 1 LU 10, /'\ND M'PflC'JI () fW. 1111 [)I'.·; I HI(: I f. NCill'Jr·i f1!fJ(:; crr1c[ AN:) Dt·s1(;Hr() IN ACc.01mt.rJ<.:! w1r1 1 u::.,11uc1 SlflND/\HD~; ./\I ! !lf' I ,I AIM! I 1 1/VA! I 11 ~;!'HINKL.Lll COf"J f POL VAi vr:s S! II\[ l IH lr.GGf I) WI II! l!)f ~JIii i'.;/\il1 Jr~ 'I\(;.'; /\ lr,~·;'i:·,ll/\!I !H Wl/\1111 llPI\OOf l'l,'\SJ,C.J··x,1 !'UH!'!! l~~C0!011 \Nl]li ll1f· \',l()fll.l!•; WAll'\JIN(;!1f (;IAIM1''.lWAff1~ l)(Jt-J()l l)f11NK'" 1~i'iWJl! l1UNONf Sl(J! .. ANI) A,.:l~>l) AGUAIMl'UIV\tJU 101·.',A/i Vt~ :in C> II ,r 11 :1,11)1" l\1rlmJ I l(JG SI I/II I nr rF-nM,\NrNT ANl"J l'I ACK !N COL On lJSf' J/1,(~:-°;f\Sr-,j,'\NlJfAC!Uf'\F(JHY I CHP;iSl'{f'.N!HH'l·11srsc11 r,P!'ILJV! D 1 C..lUf1l ll '..)~JI li\(SSl1/\i I [1! ;\IJACIH () 10( AUIVAl.V[ t,/; !Oi lOW~; ' fdl1\Cl 1'.JV/\IVr Slf'MlJIHI C'.lYOf1WIIIIPlN)IIC:: lli Wlt/\PQ.lJ. .t', I l AC: l I ~J :1( )l l "JOIU WI I H I )IH l C 1 LY 011 1/1/ 1 l 1 I 'l /\SI IC 11! WI l/\P \.)il t,1 lAOt IUVI\LV[ COVUlWilllLXISllNG\/A,_Vl. CUVL:'1 BOl I f:i /\I I ~.·;I'IWJKI IP Ill Al.b SllAlL [K ID!.Nlll '1..l.lASHLCLAIMI DWAllH l,l)IWJKI: H 11: /\I'S I N I /\I .1 11 )rJ/\l IL C( ,·~ i Hot, r· :1 /\N[\ 11 ~-; N)~:)Cl/\1 l I) [""QLJIPM[N I ~;11111 l or l[)f r,il 1:ir I) \,'/1111 /\ Sl(JJ Ill /\Hlrsi(~ 1111 WOil! lf; "'Ii.I c:1 AIM/[) W/\l 1·1l usr () f'()f'l II dm;A! )ON IN ff,J(;I l'·,ltAt~l)~;f'/\Nl~---11 V\i\!11111 /\f:KI f:11r-ns 1··ttlGllON/\PlJfH'\f [\t\J'.KGf"1O1JN[~ 11,r- '.'.I(·,r~'-.";1 /\\HI rI1v fl)'.-,()1 f11'\1I1CAr--.inrPf"fd)llYSff"Nf3YAN)'()f"[.llfdlONS I'/ lh'.:WJI I lJlil/1~-!(l 11H !01.Jlf'Mi·Nr ~ r-----------------------. WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK INSPECTION PROCEDURES ;,1:;::x CONSlBUCXJQN Jt:4SPfCJK2N SHAI I INCi (/OF A LOCATION OF PIPE LINES H 1A(NCH DEPTii C Af:OU1Af() SEPARATION (HORIZONTALLY AND V[RTICAt I¥; D PIPE IDENTIFICATION E POINfS.Of CONNE:CTION (POC'5) i,.: LOCAllON ANO tOENTIFICAlK)N OF SPRINK! f R HI: AOS G WAflNING SIGNS Ar THE sru: ANO ON ml: 1HUCKS flAUI ING RECLAIMED WATER (IF RECl.AIMC.D ·wAfEA IS \,JS.I;' r:, 1-{)H CONSTRUCT ON) NAVY ACADEMY -· ,-_,.. .... . •. ,._ -· -· ,.,---,~ ...... ,..._,-. -<f?)-( ATKINSON HALL .',... TITLE SHEET ,z IRRIGATION LEGEND & NOTES 7 .. .. - IRRIGATION PLANS 4 ~ IRRIGATION DETAILS ' 5 GARFIELD AVE. ... -.. w•··•·•··•·•-• 0-··•·· .. ··•-·• " ~ OCEAN ST.' ,-··-···-··· ,· r.::::=====================================:::;-~ r----_ CITY Of 0Ct.u1.S!l;1c ~,.;.. .. •• ,., P_.,CIFI ,: t VICINITY MAP LEGEND: '1'f!/ /'IL ... ,.,,, ... EX STING POTABLE WATER SYSTEM EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM Pr\OPOSED RECLAIMED IRRIGATION SYSTEM AREA OF RECLAIMED WATER USE LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS -METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION DO \JOT DRINK' SIGN LOCATIONS GATE VALVES DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I l'M THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT. THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVEfl T1"E DESIGN OF THE PROJECT /1.S DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS ANO PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WfTH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND T1"/\ T TIIE CHECK OF PROJECT Dfl/\WINGS AND SPtCIFICATK)NS BY THE CrrY OF CAnLS8/\0 /\NO TIIE S/\N DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMSNT OF HEAL TH SERVICES IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY ANO DOES NOT RELIC.Ve ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER or V>IORK. OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBST/\NTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN. WATEn CONSERV/1 TION PLAN. flRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING BY:J:,,""/-",'J ......,--DATE: $vr.:...1rn Preparl:'r IILVISIONS MUS"! llE APPROVED DY ll>lc l'UII, :C Ht,AI Ill fN(;INI UI Ci 'YI N(il!Jl LIi, & DIS II1:C I l:N(;ifll I Fl l'IIICII TO IMl'l l f,IUIL\I l\~,11 :r,1 11 H Ill I I, LEGEND RCE ___ EXP {! REVIEWED BY Y:flNi!- OF. C/\.1.. 9./()-q".) INSPEC~OR - • DAT( DATE AN APPROVAL LETTER REGARDING THE'. INSPECTK)N OF THE Pf10JECT Sl,AlL BE OBTAINED FROM HIE CITY ANO DISffiiCT" AND AF FOHWAROl 0 10 THE: COUNTY tif..Al1H [)f:PAHlt,11:.Nl PRIOH lO FINAt tNSf>(C !ION A.l'PRQVAL C Dl.S.Vi'CT FINAi INSPfGlK}N SHA! L INCU!Q.E.: lLt) Cudli...;S. ['J:,~·r1c:t [··:1u111t;1..:r fl C I 1 ))28 D~1k c,llfl lJil.COCClurnv IH:AI rI1 IJ[l'Af1"1MUll . ·+ .• ... + ........... . • ·..--· • + • cg] ___ :1TXAN~1t: D~P~R~jE~TBAD ~ \~ AVISO · AGUA IMPURA NOTOMAR lJ" X :6 SIZE 016 ALUMINUM, 050 MlS f'LASTIC on STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS A COVEMGE TEST_ AFTER COMPl ETION OF TI-if. SPRINKI EA SYS 11;-M TO OE !1:.fU.AlNl:: IHI: A.l)t;OUALY Oi:: COVEAACf: ON lH~ Af>f'HUVL D USE AREA ANO PROTl:Cl'K)N Of AHE.A.S N0l Al'f>flOVU) fCA HECEIVING RE:ClAll.4~1~ WAT EH 6 WARNINC; SK:;NSANDLA~(LS C OUICrl. C"..OUPLING VALVES D Al. t ASP;:c 13 Of lHE. IH.AIGAl!ON CONOIT~NS INCLUDING W1N()BLOWN SPRAY. AUNC:fF, ANO PONDING f HtDLJll~l:D f'>f-10':'l:Cl!ON Of,. Al L RC!SIDl:N~·1AL AHEAS t-HE □UlfUC:D PROTf.CHON Of VI£! I S-lRt:AM~, Ht:.SUll!)()RS-E.lC G CIUSt:i CONNE:CTION -J ANN\JA(. tNSPf:CTON SHALl INCLUOI:. A f'.,QMPLETE INSPE.CTJQN WHICH $HOU! I) COVi:R PAA'f A AMO PART BOI, 1111 DIS lfllC1 f-lNAL INSPECHON 6'I Hourian Assoc-iates -- Landscape Architecture & Urban Desigo' 31866 Camino Cap;,trano San lWlil Capistrano, Calif, 92675 td: 714-&l-5068 Lie: 1288 -··-+- -----------------··-+·· . -· ~--- ... ..... .. ···---1-------------------..... ...,., ·~··,, ..,. .,_ ~ .~~ ARMY AND NAVY ACADEMY CREAN/ AT INSON HALL -· 4 -' ,.__ C .. IRRIGATION LEGEND SYMBOL • < <- 4--.. • $ f t- 0 i ~ 0 + K MANUFACTURER RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD MODEL NUMBER 1803-SAM 1803,SAM 1803-SAM R•50 R·50 R-50 1812·SAM 1812-SAM 1812·SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1812-SAM 1803-SAM 1803-SAM 1803-SAM 1800 1800 IIXJZZLE 15F 15H 15Q 6 3 1 .5 16F-SLA 16H-SLA 16Q•SLA 22F-SS 22H·SS 22O-SS 1 OF-LA 10H-LA 100-LA 1 OF-LA 10H-LA RADIUS GFM 1 5' 1 5' 15' 33-55' 33-55' 33.55• 1 6' 16' 16' 20' 20' 20' 1 O' 1 O' 1 O' 1 0' 1 O' 2.6 1.85 0.93 8.1 4.2 2 3.22 1. 61 0.81 3 22 1. 61 0.81 1.57 079 0.39 1.57 PSI 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 79 30 RAIN BIRD 1800 1 0Q-LA 1 0' -<-0.39 30 DESCRIPTION LAWN POP-UP LAWN POP-UP LAWN POP-UP LAWN POP-UP LAWN POP-UP LAWN POP-UP SHRUB POP-UP SHRUB POP-UP SHRUB POP·UP SHRUB POP-UP SHRUB POP·UP SHRUB POP-UP TURF POP-UP > TURF POP-UP TURF POP-UP SHRUB RISER SHRUB RISER SHRUB RISER . 1D~o 5/if_ 2.o ~ C.d ~ , -,z,--io ~-.. )'? __ ~ CJ" ----. RAIN BIRD 'G' SERIES ELECTRIC VALVE ~ ~-"'- • RAIN BIRD 44-Nf'NON-POTABLE QUICK COULPER VALVES (~ c.MWO 'J~) J N NIBCOLINESIZEGATEVALVE ,./ ~ ,,-. ·' i;'><1 WILKENSPRESSUREREGULATOR •--·\_ ' ·• .. _,_ _, ' '-' '.g RAIN BIRO ISC-16-8 WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER _PER Pl AN -~()IE,. ~))'.\ ~7~ P-?,L. 4Z"-t,'.1f;2DU,~ [BJ NEW WATERMETERBYCITY ~ ~~, ~ fUtL/r<lt: i;;;~Ci.,.A!~,I W~te£-LL~, -•---LATERAL LINE CLASS 200 PVC PIPE 12" DEEP ( A'...az.,jL.IN:.:;.. ) i/,z,11 L4-nat¼l-, fl~ ~~.-l., t,11!: .CL ':!,/ ,5 =: =-=---SCH 40 WIRE SLEEVE -::Z-11 (l/>,. w/ I 2;•I av~z , . -_/ =:-_--MAINLINE CL 315 FOR 2" OR GREATER OR SCH 40 1 1/2" OR LESS 18" DEEP ( p,L/i<l2.:f1-1i-Je,.) •· -·•·--"'"• _f. ·· ' CONTROLLER AND STATION NUMBER L...,~--~--"' _ .~- -VALVE SIZE ,"':,.-,/ I / , • ~ I . ___ '----..,.--~ I 'I . . PATTERN FULL HALF QUARTER FULL HALF QUARTER FULL HALF QUARTER FULL HALF QUARTER FULL HALF QUARTER FULL HALF QUARTER g,wo~ s-.--"'\, ., .. _~ .... --'• .... •· ----__..--\,,,--,~- ~~ ro ~1r-1l c/zt./1z... --. c;_-=-= -__:_ 5 __ -;, A;_;-• -• -. --, , --• , ·.-~-• ,, : -~ • _ f_c_ w I t,.11 r--1 I 8/ ~le:.. [)r-.lf.»R-f'AVlr\e Ot/-t~ iriPl~;;:a) ..... ,, .. ---\.__.__.,,_.,.-:.. _.,,,.A.,._ --/., ....• ,,,/' q',0 /qz.. ,----. V /,, .... ---~--.,_ f'-1::;.CUC-!t. f~ f.:?A:::,,~; ~ ejty Aprf2CJVAi..,,, \ :,.ec,o..tJ::c. Wlii-111<.I ?-I CF~ ( / '' .... , HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS l-lYDR1ULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CONTROL VAl.VB ,;2. , 2b.krM CONTROLLER A LOSS THRU _____ WATl:RMETER I 1/:;z." LOSS THRU___ llACKFLOW DEVICE --------y---7??': LOSS TIIRU:---llASK!IT STRAINER 1-0SSTHRU ___ WYESTRAL'IER =~-,Z.•'' LOSSTHRU ___ MASTERVALVE LOSS THRU ___ PRESSURE REGULATOR LOSS THRU. ___ GATE VALVE -~~ ,Z11 LOSS THRU:---GATE VALVE ==--.z,• LOSS THRU. ___ GATEVALVE LOSS THR.U ___ GATE VALVE I-OSS THRU--~~ GATEVA!..,'13 LOSS THRU ZJ!f LF OF ~ MAINLINE _&:l__:li_/5 LOSS THRU:-~~~-LP or ]!li~IAJNUNE ~Pl ----;;fp LOSS THRU ___ LF OF_MAINLINE LOSS THRU ____ LF OF_MAINLINE LOSS Tl1RU ___ CXJNTROL VALVE ==--pr~• LOSSTHRU ____ LATERALLINE _____ _ LOSS THRU ____ FITTINOS (20% MAINLINE) __ _ SPRINKl.ER OPERATING PRF ... <sSUR.f'. SUBTOTAL SYSTEM LOSS M1:;c PRESSURE A VAJLA.BLE SYSTEM LOSS PRUSSUREATIIEAD TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS RESIDUAL PRHSSURE DEFICIET PRbSSURE GPM_ "16,o GPM -ZIP,°l, GPM GPM ;;t,w.7) -GPM GPM GPM_ ~~ GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM ".Z CP. 0 GPM -U,,C/ GPM GPM GPM -:~,~ GPM GPM a.1.q1 5.00 tit:.. ~, LOSS /. 80 LOSS /3,C>O LOSS LOSS 1,/0 wss LOSS LOSS /.50 LOSS f,50 LOSS LOSS LOSS I ,CJ! wss LOSS --:z,08 LOSS wss ,;.qc, wss wss $,CO LOSS I. /Z '30,00 wss lo '7'77 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CONTROL VAL VE 7 ~~:: ~~:~====== ::~~;';~VICE = pz5:,= LOSS THR U___ BASKET STRA!Nf:.R LOSS THRU ___ WYE STRA!l\ER ----; 7--;1,n LOSS THR U___ MASTER VALVE ----LOSS ·nm. u PRESSUllE. R.EGULA.'fOR LOSS THRU GATE VALVE LOSS THRU ___ GATEYALVE LOSS THRU ___ GAlEVALVE LOSS TIIRU ___ GArEVALVE LOSSTHRU~~~ GAlEVALVE LOSS THRU 'i .,_ -LF OF_MAJNLINE ~-~-??'. LOSS THRU ___ LF OF_MAJNLINE LOSS THRU ___ Lf OF_MAlNLINE LOSS THR U ___ LF OF_MAINLINE ------.-+,;;--~ LOSSTf-!RU ___ CONfROLVALVE UY" LOSS THRU. ____ LATERAL LINE _________ _ LOSS THRU __ ~_ FITflNGS (20% MAINLINE) __ _ SPft.L.NK.l..£R OPERATlNC PflESSUIU:: SUB TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS Ml "'C.- PRF.SSURE AVAJLABLE SYSTPMLOSS PRESSURE AT HEAD TOTALSYSTEMWSS Rf.SIDUA.L PRESSURE DEAC!Ef PRESSURE , 4J GPM CONTROLLER A GPM_ 4-,_ m wss 4-.<fo GPM ,#£.CO LOSS JJ. 00 GPM __ ~ l.,{)SS GPM ;.tLoo LOSS /JO GPM___ LOSS GPM_~~ LOSS GPM 43,{)fl WSS /_'iC) GPM __ .,,,-a_,1)0 LOSS /, !fZ> GPM___ LOSS GPM___ WSS GPM___ WSS GPM___ WSS S,J;O GPM___ LOSS GPM___ LOSS GPM WSS ,.. -,0 GPM-4'2::"" lDSS ,,, 1 GPM____ LOSS 5,()0 GPM___ LOSS /./D ')o.00 LOSS HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CONTROL VALVE ' LOSS TIIRU ___ WATER MErER LOSS THRU ___ BACKl'LOWDEVICB LOSS TIIRU ___ BASKEfSTRAINER LOSS THRU___ WYE STRAINER LOSS THRU___ MASl'ER VALVE LOSS THRU ___ PRESSURE REGULJ...TOR LOSS 'l"HRU ____ GA'IEVALVE LOSS jHRlJ ___ GA'.H!VALVE LOSSTHRU ___ GATEVALVB LOSS THRU ___ GATEVALVE LOSS TIIRU ___ GATEVALVE LOSS THRU ___ LF OF ___MAINLINE LOSS THRU ___ LF OF __MAJNLINE LOSS TflRU ___ LF OF __MAINLINE LOSS iHRU ___ LF OF_MAJJ',,;LINE LOSS THRU ___ CONTROL VAi.VU LOSSTHRU-~ ___ LATERALL!NE LOSS THRU ____ FITTINGS (20% MAI,LINE) ___ _ SP.RL"'l'KL'E.R OPERATING PR.f.SSURE SUB TOTAL SYSTEM WSS PRESSURE AV AJLABLE SYSTEM LOSS PRE.SSURE AT HEAD TOl'AL SYSTEM LOSS RESIDUA~ PRESSURE DEFICl!IT PRESSURE ------- , GPM CONTROLLER GPM LOSS GPM LOSS GPM wss GPM LOSS GPM wss GPM l.OSS GPM wss GPM LOSS GPM LOSS GPM LOSS GPM LOSS GPM LOSS GPM l.OSS GPM wss GPM LOSS GPM LOSS GPM LOSS GPM LOSS wss IRRIGATION NOTES Contractor shall verify static pressure at the site prior to beginning any work. If pressure Is Inadequate to operate the system as designed consult the Landscape Architect prior to starting any work. The Backflow Preventer and Controller locations, as shown, are schematic. The contractor shall locate these items so they will be completely screened from view in the shrub bed or in an area that is not visible from any interior location. Final location of automatic controllers and backflow preventers shall be determined by the ___ . Owner or Landscape Architect prior to installation. Owner shall ,,-,.-, -- provide 110 volt service to controller:: ~_rrrrtif1,a artion_ contractor shall make final hook-up to controller. N~ fEi:.::... C-it/ ~f-C:-~l, 0(\/ ~IL Remote Control Valve_ locations are schematic. Locate all valves ---, in sh rub bed areas so that th_ e valve_s may be concealed with pla __ nt_-"1 _ , t, ~;, material. L.OCA-+ie. tN df)<:l.li8 ~ Wr/lSI~ fe:A::,ol~e.. ,) 8;U1rz_ ........ (._ . ,, -' Install all materials to comply with local codes and ordinances: The contractor shall be responsible for installation of anti-drain valves on all draining heads. No low head drainage will be allowed. Contractor shall adjust all heads to eliminate overspray onto fences, buildings, walks, and parking areas. Contractor shall furnish three (3) quick coupler keys with hose swivels to the Owner. The typical point-of-connection is the Water Meter Service as shown on the plans. Contractor shall verify static pressure and exact location of water meter in field prior to begining any work. All irrigation heads ~LL ~ ;Xlp-~,p 1~\Nltl+!N io1 op--P~~,,_N installed with Rainbird 1806sam Pop-Up Body or Toro 12" Pop-Up Body as type of irrigation head dictates. Substitutions shall only be allowed with prior written consent of the Landscape Architect. ~-SIDEWALK ~-METER BOX WIMETER STREET SURFACE--~ ·,----------~ SHiEE,f#5 1 CURB--~ .. I ·:· .. : . -.. , APPROX 8" ~,L'-----+1-'ril-w' ·1==1 ii7F"'==>f=-= ;;'A__, ---- I I POTABLE MAINLINE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS)\ .. . 3,5 FEET TO 4.5 FEET • .. 1 12" MINIMUM • _,,~ l?OTABtE SERVICE LINE ----"c_.,/ : _ _i 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED VERT/CLE SEPARATION-• ,. . • (C),.'lll\,....' ___ SLEEVE 10' MINIMUM TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN STREETP ~ RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W!SLEEVE-- NOTE: RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MA/NL/NET NOTE: ALL RECLAIM~DWATER IRRIGATION PIPE AND SLEfVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: VERT/CLE CLEARANCE OF rz-MINIMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE INSTAL.LAT/ON OF RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24-FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY ,o· HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINL.INE IN THE STREEr ··STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIG4TION SYSTEMS. "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCT/ON OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS' JUNE 1991 POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING , il Hourian Associates Landscape Architecture & Urban Design AI)l:-:iI~O VED F'O R PLA.N'l'lN c; 1\ND lRRICJA'l'lON ONLY, 3 I 866 Camino Capistrano San Ju"11 Capi,tr,no, Calif. 92675 td: 714-661-5068 Lie: I 288 I \JCLlJl)INC~ PREC>Isr,: LOCA.1'ION OF' f>LANTINC; AREAS. ------ ENCl'JfFRINC-; PLA'JCHf"CK[R )ATE -----+---·· ··-·· -.· ------····"· ~-·-.. -· -··--+----+--------------. --c-. ·-+------+-· ------~-·"'· ·-... ---------+------+---···--·-· ... -.. -···--··· ........... / ... 0ir·ff:~.T-··1 ' ..... --------+------+------+----+--··"'"'· ! ,-g; ' j : ..... "'"-·---------e----+-------t------+-. ··-'" '·---·-+------+-·--·····'-------·--..... -.. ---------+----+--+·"··-----·---·-····· ....... -.. ···-·--f-·---+----------·····-'"·-· -.. --. -------+------+-----+-----+------- ··:Tl.[---··--------·--··----·- ---------------------------- .. . ... . .. ... . . ..... ·-· .. .. .... . . . CITY OF CARLSBld) PRIVATE ON-SITE RECLATh1ED WATER SYSTEM FOR: ' i\RJ\1Y AND NA VY ACADEMY : -··----+---I --------: "···--------+----+---+----·---·· -· .. ·-·· .. ·-·--+----·"'···-· -----···· ----·--------+----+----+----+---- ------·---------------------+· -···-···'"······ ...... ·-~ .. -·-·· --.......... ' .,. '. -.. . ---········ -+----------------------. --- --•---. ¥•-•----+---•-•••• •"• •------•• .. •••••-•••••• ••, ,,.., .. . ... " . -···· ... DAT[ ... ·-· ........ +------+--------·-·-. ··-·······-...... _ ----+----· -·····-·-···-·-· ·-·· ·······••1-• ·--· -· _ 1-, >,)l~' 'i f l,1,, •• .) ..... t.., 1..J -•· i -_EN-;~;i;:OF-,_,-w_n-:_R-L_,K-+------",;-c-~'v-l_S_IO_N_._D[-:~c1,1F~iON-------+-□0--:-;_:_A+PP-,:-~T\-1;-'.,-,:_·~---~-;!-"A_-~~~=,:-c-'.'.-:_:_'i:----1 ~~~i~~;;~~~-" -~-:-_: i ~'_if ~~1) -H~~~ I I I ;c' w _. i:" 5 -- I \ 0 r I ,·• .. > -'.~ I . -' ', .. ' I 6: -J/f/1~ l LIN\ t C•f c·r;'°", '.),.;;;. ·· ;:,-i-...1.c: r 11'::c\l\ 1 L P \,v~ , • Vi:::1-1 f'( )r--c F 1t2.:-L) i I I . ' . \ l OCEAN STREET I --~}c~ r -7 1 r----·- 1-... ··~-j r--lO-! ~ : ~~ 5,;,i,.:;.:._ iv 71-ticc. Cf'.\~~AlJ ~rv1AtrCf'! PLI ~~ 2F-~ LAiT ct4 ~ fc:";\,I.'.'._ c-c~-1 ~iT---J..'Ctl a I CF ~~!Mic..(.:. \Nf\i!;;:k, HAl!'--\S ~P,~P ._LJ("-1~ I 9C! i ~ !'~~(>-\ ~[tCi C::.I CA"i10--' $ u N IO~ NO CI~ CUM .5,-/?rr.J~ I WI LL,. tHF-= ~x,~hNC:> 1(-2.J.21iflQ.t,10N 5 Y==-$M ~ 0NN~C~ to ~ N)3.),)Ly 1/)f:=v/tbNp-() ~/M/:£-.0 WA~ /r2p./~tit!N ~y 7rPM, °I· #.q2. ------............... - RCP GARFIELD ST. • I 0 0 0 0 © © 0 ® @ ® ® @ ,-2.ooT e,..4LL- &AG.Lr"/t..-t'.-(?J3c.e-00/t'.-S ~""rT) /'✓AT/J/e. 5'/L (uND/5fUfZ-l:!:>JSD) ,L'>iS/N ~~ G" ,I /7.e.Fr'V;""V+TEO ;lf"t'= / z ?.eF ~£ :5/8 ,, C-/"'--4-''5/7'.t£o 619+ v~ / 2-f'c:~ 7;.,.~~ B!lt::¢L.~ cJ,2-01'2'-/P {/N r"l/"c:P 2 f'e/t--, I ,;. 11 ~ A'Pc-e,-"' /2b/ e- :ni ✓, ?~Sff,ec, b,.z,4 VL=iL- ?,e ..Z-;/L/~ · (,Pc'=!"--"Jo//..-S ;,ee-?<"t2-0 F/N/5/'-f 6.A4PE- ~ C-;'4JWN' ( TREE PLANTING/DEEP WATERING DEVICE '-....! I ~. I '--------' ;s'' IL .~~~/ __ r ,, I --. '•J; ~ 1' L---. . ,-( . ~--~ ') /I ;-f--,-:,.,"r--\ ), 8/-£/, / 'f'(- " I I ' ' ' 1 ,.,/•-./ I I " ,. '-·•'I-- ', ".:7f::f;-.. 5tl ~ ~ p:~ f::'1""11-f'>LJ;; !,., 1<~ Cf,,.'.<, ~> I it> ~ :;', e:r,;:\/ C ~ L, < g:,;, ,.6,f-.'. CJ I/ p-1 r--1 u ~.1 e:. c:µ;?".7 I~ . ; -· 5 fAEDIAN PLANTING DETAILS . \ ( ___. (::t:·'/"i ... ~ ,. c c::eiN"11-'f'c-tvK e+t-iAl,L IN ".'.7tr""LL pbp -up b"/.z6/e;r:_!~ _ ~-.l~~~rni~~t-✓;:X~j~~ 1 ? 1~1-~,~ iii Hourian Associates Landscape Architecture & Urban Design Appendix D.1-1 ----·-···-----------------.. ------,- ' .;...___________ --------·----- 31866 Camino Capistr,:1_no .:\I, l)l\O VJ<l) f,'Q ft PT ".\NTINC; AN D I l\ F? I c; ,..\ T I O 0I O N L \', INCLL'Dl\;C PI-{f:CISF: -, ~ r----,, •. -----f I .___ I I I , ! L l__ ____ ---j 0 San Juan Capi.-;tranu, Calif. 92675 tel. 7l4-o6i-S068 Lie: 118h Af'f'r';·Jvi._[) --.. , __________ ,, ____ , _________ ·--- TIT Li.: __ LOCi\TlO\-OF' l)L.c\\'TI\:C: ,\Rt:.:i.~ If,SP,:CTOR . ~· ---·-------------··-·-··· .. , -··--. ·-·-·-· ... : '::;f"' 'fjl i Cl1"Y-o F .. e_:~fRISB1\D i '~ PL/:\NNI~JG DEF·t\RTMENT ··--···-----·-' ~--··· -. ·-······-,·,-·--,,., ..... --····-·--·--------------···. DATE )i ·-----=--=-=--=----==-=--=--::--=---::::::----::::::"""'::"""'=~~-....,--~--~ ... ~111111.--.~--:-~--~~~.-----~~---...... 1111. ·-~ __ .. _ ~1111111--1111111~~--III!.~-· !!!1! __ !!!1!_111! .... ~~~ll!lllll----11111111111---111111111liillllllllllll!!!!l!llllll!!!!l!l~~----llflll!ll--~11111111111111111111111~-1111111111111111111!!!!!1!111!!!!!1!11111111111111~-....---111111-_IIIIII_III!!!!! ___ _.. ____________ .,,, "'' "'1" l!eNO.OeU <'l E; I~ I De. ..,.o =•OI! Wm.I n-lO(Z.) eo,,,.= OP RU~T Re':>IST7,HT P>IJ '-'T l"'RIO" ,.., I N~T AL -. I LA.T\ON Of>" "11.U!. ""-.1.'!0t'Vl.TIC , ~~ f PP., c.ou:>R A.1--10 "T'<'l"e Of" -.ir !,MAU. e.e AP""'°"IID 1111-( ~ ~ AU.~i= REPllE.~-TA,--,.,e, . f:Ot.lRl!O ecw-ie. aAl,I!. " (ii'" MIN. TI-IICl,:Nll,S,!, A-S. Rl!QUIRm ..... "'"'O>-•~ IN ~TA.U.,A~ G,,t.l I Pit ' . , . ''lA HA.><" eNC.~UR~ W l-41N•~O OOOR. 1------, I I I I ,.__-t+_ ALIT'QM4TIC C0NTROU.I!~ I I I I I L ___ --__ I Q II II II 11 11 r ,--.- I I i l ■ f'IHlt,\.I --•0€. r 'e>I.DN TO Olt.,l,>M . IT-.-;;.-:.·-:-:---;,c.,,-"l.!o..LL i • ,ff' , • ' I ' ' ' . '--------/ -01Re.cr 11-I.IRl,1.L. UlWT IIOL. i,lllte TC OONTlilOL V.AUII!~ -+--~~ ~~Vwt~ -+---6ATh-VAWJ:,. -t--U~ION . '10"~ .....__ IJ''Xli'Xlv'C:CN&, --+- 11-W-lJei ~ ~01~ ~~ P~l L-fb~ FINlbH &FADE. FVL-t<lAL.l:: ----1'4'1 AtN'iVF- \ "",---1 al, FT;" FEA bfi',.VEL- pve,, qo• EU--__,,, ' _,___VAL~ I'=(# W/l.a'..-Jt- f-SE1F-il-: tlHflZO~ VAI.-V~ FlNlt>H bPAPE- ~ ,sZ&-_z,.4-• F-DWP ~ --\----I l-Li, FT, fE".A AAW +----to11MOH WIJZ-f.,. -ro MAIN L-INE:--Fi1Tl t-1'- W Orl-1!':~ VAL~ Ob ~Mf.c-CON~ ---\-----tbt-rnz<-;;i_ l,.jJf'eb w lOH-TF-o~ :ELECTRIC-VALVE .... -------------------------------------1-------------------------------------1------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------· .. ,, CONTROLLER -REDUCED PRESSURE B. P. GATE VALVE .o:.o ··rr, . ·v:.,..--.:., fl~bl-1 ~~ LA-I~ fl~ ~-~12Ue,e, I ,, I ' Q.Ji:;,,:. caJfl.,lrl& VAIie.. ----- x.µ fXJ r,t; ~I~ l}lr,:~p ----~ e:t,Q;:, __.,____ 0~ ~l-1.- --fYt,. l,.A,.1WN-l--lN~ ftiTIIJb .,___ __ !:lJ-! X, Pv'l. NIFPL.c- 11-l~~ eon-1 Sli:::>:, .,,__ _____ PYC... lAT, UNE. ATTlN& w:11,>1. SI!~ lltltle,ATION .Pl!ClFIC.O.TlOM. f'Ol'lt. l!l,t,,Cl<PII..I.. ANO "11'1PAC:TION <(l!.QU11tet-1= j_~1),:;.~C"°"~S::::-t----NON·P!le~ltE. LATERAL ,e·wN. LINE. P'J PIN& L ~,,, .,,---PR.~<tE """-lH LINE!. PIPINO L~:,._~~~~~~---c:ot,m,,,OI.,. IJlltl:!!> • TAF>e. ANC> -BUNl>I..E l!>,'l!F:{ 10 FIHiT, :_ •. '.'.-', ,' ,. •::: ':; .'.-<:' JNSTAL-l. AOJ.o.ce,MT TO P,:t~~URli. M"-1 N UN._ .PRO\lloe z• Gl.E.At'I SACKFIL.L 11----------------------------------...... -----------------------,.---------------------------------""t"----------4--------------------------------·--------------,1 SHRUB POP-UP HEAD SHRUB RISER! iTRENCHING·- STANDARDS FOR 2" AND UNDER BACKFLOW INSTALLATION JiJlTJ;J,_;_ I_ TilffiE SIWl B[ NO FTTTINGS OR CCNNECliOIG TO Olli<R FllllJ11E5 BEJWral ThE UITT:R IIIO frlE Blei<Fl.OW I.ISEMiJU. 2. rnE B.\CKFLOW ASSrnS,Y ~UST BE l!STAL.lf() A MINIMUM OF SIX INC\,ES (&") Al,D NOT TO EXCtm A IMXJ~UU OF lWO FEIT (Z') FROM TI,[ UEITR EXCEPT l11ERE THIS WOUlD REQUIRE lHE BICKfl(JW ASSEi.iB'-Y TO "' IHSTAIJE ~I mE PUBUC f.lGHT---OF-WAY. IN WHICH CAS,. mE Bm<f\.OM !.SScl<!ILY MUST 3[ ,NST/llilll A 1/MMUM OF r~o Fm (1') INSIDE rnE l'c<OPffil'/ UNE. ])j[ BN:KFlJJW ASSi'JISLY l<AY NOT, UNOr:R I/ff CIRCUUSTmCE. BE INSJAU.ED IN frlE PUBLIC FlGHT---OF-WAY. J. TYPE K HARD OR JWE L HARD COPPER OR BRASS Wffij SOlilffi JOIIIJS OR ])jRfAC[D ffiTINGS UUSJ BE USED EE.11\ml ])j[ MITT!< mo ])j[ 8'CKFUIW ASSO.BLY. 4. PRECGING TrlE HUMBER 01E SHUT Off VALVE. CONNEC110N MUST BE I.IADE Wlfrl A COFPE'< OR Bll,ASS PllR 10 A WPPER OR BAASS 90• 11.E{;W. SHIJT OFF VALVE 1,iAY BE PRECITED 1/f A COPPER OR BAAS$ IIIPPlf AND/_OR A BRASS UIW,i R:5ER MUST BE OF sumcrE:n lml:Tli lllAT ])j[ OO!TO!) OF frlE 8'CKFJ.CW ASSEllBLl ~ lWlll/E 1/ICHES (1T) TO ll,l.1T/-SIX IIIDaES (36') ,\,30I/E GRACE IN Al, AA£A NOT SUBJECT TO f\JXJOING. 5. FOU.O'MNG mE NUMEER TWO Sl,UT OFF VALVE. lEE CWNECTION MUST BE w.D( w,rn A CCPPER CR ·= 90' El...."'J« TC A COPPcR OR BRASS [SER 10 A CIJPPER OR 8"-'S ir E!EOW. SHUT Off V/,I_Yf_ l<AY BE FOU.OlfilJ 8Y A COPPER CR BRI-SS 11,pplf mo/OR A BRASS UN:CN RISER ~UST BE OF S\lmCrENT lING]H Tri.\! lHE 80TTOS OF ,)j[ BH:KFcL"K AS$'}jff_y t nmr '.IICHES (1t) TO M1Ti-S~ 1110-E (36") AflOYe WI)[ IH Al, AID. NO~ SUPJECT 1D FLOODniG. S, IF E/,';KE.CW ASSEMBLY S TO BE IIIST'illD ON .A Sl!JP( Wfli A HORIZONTAL TO 1/ERllW AATIO OF ,,I OR Gnl'ATUS. ,\ TWO FOCT (Z') HICH RETMll:.G WAI.I. MUST BE BUiLT SUFFOUNDIIIG rn, ASSBff\.Y ON T1'REE SIDES WTT1l frlE OPEJ.~G ON ])j[ DOWN ~DE OF Tl« Sl.(lf[. ])jfli[ ~UST BE A ~!HlMJ 1WO FOOT (2') HOP.~O>ITAL CIL\AA.,C[ em,m, rn, P.E!NN NG W/J.l #ID :H[ ll/l;KP ~w ASSrnBLY. ASSE!.BI_Y l,JST 8[ U:CATTD IN Al, /R[A NOT SU6,J[;"l 10 fl.OODiNG, 7, ONLY R£DUG@ P,qESStJRE: PRINC)?Lf MCkru'.lW pi;~wc.u ~auts W'H!Cl-1 HAY£ SC:E:N AFFRCM]) BY 1HE STATE OF Cl.:JF'O~J/!A DEPJRru9'IT or HNTH SER',1lCES AllO ClRLSFlAO M,IIICIP/J. l!AlB DISTRICT mu. BE USED 011 WAlrR SE'l\,C.S 1'/11!11N Tl,[ ,m~c, AA£\ DF :HE GCSL,'1.l"l) ~UllillPAL WAITR DISffilCT. CD 'L ' I I 2' . . rn1n1mum 36" rncx1mum !--·------~, r----------..----,g-r_o_u_n_d_____,,le,,_v_e_l~----=~-.,.,__ .. __ _;_! '-'m~□-x_1 r-"-'11"---u-m_-l-l------"'~------L------'"'-++--------..ili .. r· -, "' 1 cubic foot .--7 ~--,-...~---.__~='---1 ·, r J !~ ,/th r us\ b I o c; k ~ I, __ l __ .. __ ____..,""--'"-I, f------------~-·--~--~·-======:::;::::_:... ~;/\ ( typ i co I) (t --,-. ---- :~ f!:.[,";,!,;_'."•~5 f?;;:.:;,::~.,:..-:,,_:J not requirec on 2'' c-.r smaller :BACK FLOW Flt1f3# ~ ----------, fVGllO ~ ~ WffW'' P.~-•-~ ~FP 12l?8JJ.AT0<-~ ~)',._ 1e, ~ ~ ---V Y-:Zal, FT ft:r ef?A~ ____ _. ~YC£?!mhor1-U-<;;t::1I-~~ PRESSURE REGULATOR B Hourian Associates Landscape Architecture & Urban Design 31866 Camino Capistr.t.no San Juan Capistrano, Calif. 92675 tel: 714-1\61-5068 Lie: 1288 --·-···--··-" ----- !"NGINf.ERING PLAc!CIIECKER -... ·····--r· . ···+-----i--+----· --J . _1_------ i ·-·-------' ----J__ ---·+--·-,. ·-····--·--··· -·· I -f----····-· ·------. ' ' ---·---., ➔·•• ····--·--• : I fNGINEER OF WJRK; ;\PPl~OVr:D F'OR PLANTING 1\NI) 1.RRIGA,.TION ONLY. lI\Cl,lJI)ING PRI~C:ISF~ rrr,, LC)CJ\'1'[O:-J OF I")laAN'l'IN(; c;:[Vl[\.lcll BV i\..RE1\S. i ----______ _, --t .,. I I . --::::----••· i-=--- ·r------ ... .,.. -··-····· -+--- ' . j __ ----- ' ·-i-· --,. ... ·t·- . ' -. ;...T~ ,!-;:>1AL 0 A TE JNlTIAl . CIIY AP=,ROVAL !NSPEC I U! CITY OF C/1 . .RLSH;\D ( ( I ( . \ C.3-2 SOIL CO'IDITIO'l!NG Cl-2.l SOIL TEST C.3-2.2 Met rough grading, sol! s.ample.s shalt be taken from enough locations on ~he site to repre5ent an adequate cross section of conditions. C.3-2.3 Soil test shall be performed by a soil testing laboratory (pre-approved by the (;ty). The test shall indicate bc,t not be limited lo th,:: following: , a. organic matter content b. N, P, K c, pl! d. EC e. soil texture (silt, clay, sand) f. recom.rnendations for amendments, leaching1 and maintenance fertilizations. C.3-2.4 The results and recommendation, of the soil testing laboratory shall be submitted to and approved by the City. The approved recommendations for amendments and backfill shall be incorporated into the landsc,pe plans prior to the ,tart of construction and shall becOme part of the approved plans. _ Products specified by product name by the soil lab in the recomITlendations may be substituted with "o, equal" products approved by the City. w ------· ··----·---.... -· ,. --· .. , .. , -·. •-'--··-···· ....... ,.. . -- \ \ \ \ \ ,.-........ (T) (.:!_) . / ,_______ iJ.1 . ---+---------/ I ' ·-.i: ..... -. / ~ o -I --., ___ _ / . ·-_ __,..__ : I - /4 .. --:-, ·. .' I .· . . -------"-. _/ cef \ /, : I 46.80 ff , 46.20 pad G 5 "-... ·------ "' ...... , "' -··· '•' . ~ --'" · OCEAN STREET 46.80 ff 46.20 pad I _j____ /O , --~ ~--0 I ' 13-- , I 5' t~ /~ 0 ., 17 G I I I I _,_ 7 \ 1. 2_ 3. I GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NO1'ES ALL CONCRETE TO BE 4 • THICK. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SO11.S REPORT FOR SUB-BASE COMPACTION REQillREMENTS, 'REINFORCING IF REQUIRED, AND SLAB THICKNESS. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR All FINISH SURF ACE ELEV A TIONS AND FINISH GRADES. VERIFY DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION_ A B GARFIELD PLANTING LEGEND BOTANICAL NAME ARAUCARIA EXCELSA METROSIDEROS EXCELSUS c __ _APTEN.I~ CORDIFOLIA 1 - 2_ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7_ 8. g_ l0- 11. 12. CONSTRUCTION LEGEND . TOE OF SLOPE TOP OF SLOPE • TYPICAL AREA DRAIN -SEE CIVIL PLANS CONCRETE WALK-SEE CIVIL PLANS f"/~ ~"tPDL--. EXISTING SLOPE CONCRETE MOW STRIP RETAINING WALL -SEE CIVIL PLANS LIMIT OF PLANTING CONCRETE STEPS -SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR EXACT AMOUNT FUTURE BENCH BY ARMY /NAVY BALCONY POST MONUMENT 13_ BOLLARD 14 _ 1 5. MEDIUM BROOM FIN, CONG. NATURAL GRAY COLOR. TYP. EXPANSION JOINT -SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION---. COMMON NAME NORFOLK ISLAND PINE NEW ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE RED APPLE COMMENTS STAKE PER DETAIL STAKE PER DETAIL . PLANT PER DETAIL fLAT" (!?.. 1,;z..tl ct, D BOUGAINVILLEA 'BRILLANT VARIEGATED' BOUGAINVILLEA REMOVE BOTTOM OF CONTAINER AND PLANT TOGETHER AS ONE PLANT PER DETAIL E · COPROSMA PUMILA MIRROR PLANT F ca~o~ J<tr-a<I I ,NC}..J; '-------"--/ _,,_,, _ _..._ _________ ., ''¼__... G ESCALLONIA 'NEWPORT ESCALLONIA PLANT PER DETAIL H RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'CLARA' INDIAN HAWTHORN PLANT PER DETAIL SOW AT 10 LBS I 1000SF J PODOCARPUS HENKELII LONG-LEAFED YELLOW-WOOD STAKE PER DETAIL L----.1..-------i L_L_ (K Plt't0!.,~112JJM -tt,12>1~ 1V~il!f,U:..til", 1 \IA~E€.A~ MCd<. ~~---, ~_ .... , ... _ __.,·""··--••"--~---·-· .._,_ ___ ... --"-•·s,• ·········"·-... _ r" .. ~"'-----fPMt ~~ ' . ' trz.tJ'?z:--------~ 1>,t.DSc4 ----.........~ -------------------- -;. ' / I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I -. -- --· ----• '.,I.,/ -----------7 I ' I II I I -;:712.F- eplJANt1ty ii Hourian Associates Landscape Architecture & Urban Design 3 I 866 Camino Capistr,no San Juan Capistrano. Calif. 92675 tel: 714-661-5068 Ljc: 1288 AP-0 1,CVf_ll ENGINEC:RIW; f'LANCHfCK[R 0.1\-E 0 eel APPROVED F'O R PLANTING 2-\ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF' PLANTING AREAS. I----+--·-~ ___ j__ ----------------+------+---+-----'----I u ----····· ... -·· -· ... ········----- ___ ,,_,, _____ , __ , .. , ----, .. ·-·~•-•"" ,----- ]NSP[C IOR DATE DATE TREE STAKING 15·15 &al.) ,....- PLAN VIEW n----Cut off top section ofstah damaged by hammering. 1-----Us.e 2·· x 8' stakes. Use V.lT. l_~i;F\-f----Twi-st Br..ic~ TB 18. (Nail Bracket Style) Set cro'Wll of ttee ball ,.------1 ·· above finish grade. 2X Rootball Dia. Provide basin for all trees not in turf area Backfill Ml)( _ Puddle and s~ttle ba.ckfi!l prior to .setting tree. Roughen sides of hole and rootball TREE STAKING (15 Gal. to 24" Box) PLAN VIEW · -Cut off top section of stake damaged by ham.mering. 1-----Use 2" x 10' stakes. Use V.1.T. It-if----Twist Brace TB 24, (Nail Bracket Style) Set crown of tree ball ,,----1" above finish grnde. 1X ROOibail Ola_ Provide basin for all trees not in turf area Back.fill Mi:x Puddle and settle b;:.ckfill prior to setting u-ee. Roughen sides o:" hole and rootbdll ~ttl~L., ~ Fv+t. 7f.pl..~ -?~ :spa:::--e, X GROUNDC_O.VER PLANTING - SLOPE -PLANTING a TREE STAKING 124"-38'' Box) PLAN \"IEW '<:-----yr, ""' ~(I re----(\1l off to:1 !>PC\ion of st<'!-ke diJ.maged by hilmmering. 1-----Use 2·· x 10 ~takes, L1sc' V.I.T. l~W--tf----Twis1 Brace TB 36 (Bo't St;·k) St>I tro1.n1 of trtt1: L,,i)l ,,---r· above fini~h grad!:!, Pru\·ide basi1i for all tree'.:i not in turf arec1 t/,t,e,---:=!acUill Mix II Olli--.' -I II --~----,(' lX Roo1b;,.II Di;, ~-Puddle and s~tt)P backfill prior to se:ting tree_ Roughen sides of hole arid rootbal! TREE STAKING 1311"-42" Bax) PLAN VlEW ~ re----Cut off top section of stake damaged by hammering I----Use 3"' :x 10· stakes. Use V.1.T. i ."."'lrF--1-f'---Twi~l Brace TB 42 (Bolt Style) Set crown of uee ball ,,---1 ·· above finish grade. Provide b;,.sln for all trees not in turf art.a &t,i,i-----"'-B11ckfill .\1ix 2.X Roo1b.all Dia. iiil;----Puddle and settle bacl-fill prior to setting L:-ee. Roughen sides of hole and rootball TREE STAKING TREE STAKING [Single Stake) PRE\' >\IL!f-G WIND D!Ri>CTIOI' .---Bacl:flil I/ 1 ~-3·· High Wa,ter B:;.dn / 1 {a.I ti:n'= of planting) . I J / I 1,--Finish Gra · e ' ,-,111 Ill %'. ="1111~ JI]~ \Vra;, tif:!~ around ~he -t..r~e ·trunb e.nd st<.1k.t:s usin~ either Lhe. Sun- de.rd or fig,1~(• Eight tyir:g rnetLod Si::CLH(' , -~~~·-··-·--~-~~ with galvanized na:b L.X Rooiball Di.1. d.riv~n t~1rn·,..igh the tie:. ~nd in1o Lhe sto.kBi; to pre1.•ent slippage \ TREE STAKING (Double Stake) _ __) PREVAILING "' WIND DIRECTION Use fow ties to hold tr'1e in a straight, secure L--4J--ff;r-position. '.:l.X Roorball Dia Cinch Ties I= 1111 _ 1m-· 111= Wrap tie,; around the -tree trunks and stakes usir.g eithet the s1an- dard or Figure Eight tying method. Sec:ure with galvanized na.ils dri\'tm through t..b.e ties and into the sla.kei; to prevent slippage. OMIT TREE STAKING Standard Tie Pre,·ailing \Vino -Jo Note OnE' ga.h·ani.z:eC nail is d.ri\"e1: throtJg:i tic and into the stid-:.t: to ptl:'\'~nt slippage : \ " ' ;: ,, ',, ,.. k.: -f1' ' . ' ' : '. .. ~; r.1\ll!I~ TY'Jical Stake (S'et' Stiik.ir1g de:atl for specs.] -----. :.--:a ,.. ;;. . . , :':. ·-;, ',,;. . , .. •." Figure Eight Tie Pre,·ailing \\'ind Tl~ \\.Tapped aro·.rnd tree and---~ slake ID form a figure eight \ii?. Lst: galvanized nail to - s,~nlie tit:. /\'ut1:: U:ie ga..lvanized nail is drlv~n through tie a.r:d rnto the stake tu ~reY(;;n1 slippage. Typical Stake (See sta.k.ing detail for specs.) TREE STAKING • " " ,; " 8 ~ "'7~ -:;p~? f¾"t'1r'f!> <;;,,--:!t;~ ~e, ~~-p~cen1 _ efa-6/1~ !CM/T) l A " /\ /A_,, .-----...-\,~~-~....-,/ , .... __ ..... /' ............... -··· TREE GUYING _........,.,.__~-Ill+-IWI"~ ~U.. MlX ~-:"""""-i,ttttt-A&flfc;f-M ~T -:--,1-===.t-ll"MPE:.0 ~~fll..L, MIX -t--~~ h\C:;.fb ➔ l::l7Tiq-1 4 TOP OF C:OHTROL DNVIIE" MUST BE AT GMO,!;: S-Oil MCKFM.J.. ---J I . I-IOLES.Zf • I DEEPRDDT CONTROL BARRIER-PLANTER FOR USE WITH LARGER TREES DEEP ROOT BARRIER . l;l-•-~ -~. _--~~-• ' \!!·_.; ,-\~. .I. ~ •• ' ,' DE~P ll=ri(l,OT CONTRCL. aA111a1•• ___-,,,.. ;' --... NEW PLANTING SQII., MIX~ f'IU ·. : . -' ROOT PRUNING -· DEEP ROOT CONTROL (_..--·· .. r V"""\ · 8ARRIER-PLANTER UB4S•2 ·• , /4 1,---\ FOR USE WITH RETAINING WALLS I 8/z.6/qz_. "i AND RAISED PLANTERS SHRUB PLANTING ~ -. . .,, --~--'" 5 DEEP ROOT BARRIER ~ Hourian Associates Landscape Architecture & Urban Design 31866 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistr4!lo, Calif. 92675 td: 714-{>61-5068 Lie: 1288 ! . -··-----+---- ' --. --r --- --,··· t ...... -l-. ., -··--· ----+-.. -· ' ·--·· -------+---- ,----- ~. ··--·- r .. -----·· t------ + ----- I --·---·····. -.. UA n- ---------- ·-·· -------- r-·· ,i\P}JROVED FOl~ 1-:iLANTING l\ND IR!-tlGA'T'ION ONL'{, I::-JCLlJDINC; PE.I:.;CISE LOC A]'IO N OF PLAt\TlNC; l'l.f\E l-\S. -----·----------···-., .. , .. -___ ,,, __ ,,,. .. -----------~----,.-------------- ... __ ,,, __ ,,_, ___________ ,-------,----,-----------· i ····-·· ·--·------·-· ,-----,-··-·· ····- -·--------·-·-·-···· ···---·-----·- .. --·--• .. ···-·-·---- 1 2 ( ! . ' J. t \ - CIT'{ \ Of"'t;A\. ?MWCJ -< ⇒ ~ L IL III. PLANTIHG SPBCIPICATIONS SCOPR OF WORK, A. Furnish all labor, materiaJs and equipment necessary to provide and install plant materials as shown on the drawinrts or 8.!) specified herein. B. Work included in tnls section (items inoluded but not llrnlted toh 1, Grade, including mounding, molding and shaping surfaces of all pl.anting areas as indicated including the removal of existing vegetation unless otherwise specified. 2. Prepare and till soil in planting e.ree.s includ!ng furnishing of all amendments as specified. Note that amendments indicated on the drawing, (unless otherwise specified) are for bid purposes only. Actual soil amen<lments will be based on the soils test results. 3. Furnisll end plant all plant materials as ln~icated in the drawing, and specifications. 4. Perform all pruning as required. 5. Stake and tie oil plant materials as specified. 6. Provide for the maintenance of the planting until acceptance of the job by the Landscape Arcnitect. 'T. Dispose of all debtl.$ and $Urplus mateda!.s. 8. Clean-up. 9. Guarantee. 10. Maintenance. VRRIPICATIOK OF S?I"B CONDfflOKS, A. EXCAVATION: The Contractor shall verify exact locatlo"" of all existing sub-surface utilities (mechanical an electrical) prior to exoavation. Any utHities, A.C. paving, concrete work, ete.1 destroyed or damaged by any work under this contract shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. R. SUB.--SURFACE DRAINAGE OR SOIL CONDITIONS: Should sub-surface drainage or soil conditions be encountered which would be detrimental to growth or survival of ~lant material, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect in writing, stating the oonditlons and submit a proposal covering cost or correction. If the Contractor falls to notify the Landscape Archit~t of such conditiom, he shall be res~nsible for plant material under _ _.!}IB_g!J8.~l!~!-~.~-clause (!_f _ the __ ~_eeC:i_f icatiomi~ _ C. DIMENSIONS: All scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions and quantities, and shall Immediately inform the Landscape Architect of any discrepancies between the information on the drawings and the actual coOOitions, refraining from dolng any work in said areas Wltil given approval to do so by the Landscape Architect. MATBIUALS: A. SOIL AMENDMENTS, 1. Nitrogen stabil!zed redwood sawdust ,hall be 100% nitrogen stabilized (5% by dry weight) and free or shoving particles larger then 1/411 (passing tnrough a JOO mesh screen). 2, Soil sulfur shall be standard commercial grade. 3. Humus -"Gro-Power11 plus 5---3~ 1 shall be manufactured by Gro-Power Inc., Glendale, CA (213) 245-ii849 or (714) 750-3830. 4. Azalea organic planter rnix # 103 shall be manufactured by Bandini Fertilizer. 5. Ph Acidall shell be manufactured by Kellogg SUpply, Wilmington, CA. 6. Par 5 shall be manufactured by Keibob Forest Products. B. TOP SOIL: ( 1 p ~q:i..J if2.E_O ) 8/'Z!, /9 ~z... 1. ToP50il consl5ts of a fertile, friable natural loam of uniform quality, free from subsoil, stiff clay, hard clods, hard pan, partially disintegrated debris, or other undesirable materials. 2. Topsoil shall not contain obnoxious weeds, such as morning glory, sorel, o.x:all.s, spurge, annual po.at nut grass or bermuda. grass.. C. PLANT MATERIALS, l. Plant names in the Plant List conform to ''Standardized Plant Names" by American Joint Committee of Horticultural Nomenclature, except in eases not covered therein.. 1n these Instances the established custom of the nursery trade is followed. 2. Plants shell be soW1d, heslthy, vigorous, free from disease and weedS, insect pests or their eggs and shall have healthy, normal root systems, well rilling their-containers, but not to the point of being root bound. 3. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery except as authorized by the Landscape Arcnltect. In no case shall trees be topped before delivery. 4. All plant materials shall be subject to approval of size, health, quality, character, etc., by tile Landscape Architect. 5, The height and spread of all plant materials shall be measured with btanche3 in their normal position. 6. The caliper of all trees shall be measured 41 above the surfa.ee of the ground. 7. Where caliper or other dimensions of any plant materials are omitted from the plant list, lt shell be WJderstood that these plant materials shall be normal stock for type listed. 8. Plant material shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, end shall conform to measurements specified in the Plant List/Legend. 9. Plant material larger than those specified may be supplied if complying in all other respects and at no additional cost to the Owner-, upon approval of the Landscape Archlteet. 10. All plant materials must have been previously ill5pected at the nursery by the County Horticultural Department and shall be subje<!t to acceptance as to quality by the Landscape Architect. 11. Substitutions will be permitted only as indicated, or if proof is submitted that any plant specified ls not available, a propose! will be considered tor tile use of the nearest equivalent size or variety with an equitable adjustment of the contract price. 12. Quantities shown on the cell outs on the Planting Plan are for the convenience of the Contractor only. Quantities drawn on the plan (whether by circles or dots) are the final authority and shell be furnished and lnstelled as drawn. D. SEED MATERIALS: 1. Seed shall be clean; fresh, new cro~ seed and shall be the mixture as noted on the Planting Plan. 2. Seed shell be mixed by a dealer and furnished with deeler's guarantee statement of composition and percentage of purity which shall be furnished to the Landscape Architect. E. STAKES: All stakes shall be per detailll. rv. OBSTRUCTIOKS BELOW GROUND, A. CO~T_RACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY: The Contractor is responsible for verifying the location of all utility lines and other-underground obstructions so that ptoper precautions may be taken not to disturb or damage such improvements. [n the e11ent of e. conflict between such lines and plant locations, the Contractor shall promptly notify the La.ndscape Architect1 who shall atrange Cot the reloca.ticn of one or the: other. Falling to follow thi$ procedure, the Contr_actor shall at his own expense make any and all repairs for damages resulting from his work. V. FIKISH GRADING: A. TILLING: Till all planting areas as specified herein, B. UNIFORM GRADE: After tilling, all areas shell be brought to uniform grade by Ooa ting or hand raking. C. GRADE RELATION"SttlPS: Finish grade of planting areas after application of soil amendments shall be l" below top of concrete walks and curb grades and 611 below finish floor of building or as noted by spot elevations. D. SLOPE FROM BUILDINGS: Soil areas &dja.,.,nt to building, shall slope away from the building a.t 2% minimum for 10 feet and shall continue to slope at a minimum of 1% until water dl"LJ.ins to street or storm system. IX. E. ROCKS OR CLODS: No rocks or clo<ls over 3/4" in diameter shall be on top x_ of prepared planting beds. VL WRRD CONTROL; A. KILLING WEEDS: Contractor shall geI"minate and destroy existing weed seeds before preparing areas for planting. Sufficient water shall be applied to ca.use weed seed to sprout. Young weeds shall then be destroyed end removed before they have opportwiity to set seed. B. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: For additional weed killing, refer to VIL SOIL :::::::::n t~:-Plant~n: Plan. /. /-·,./·· . ,_~ . ~~~ /,.,-A. SOILS REP_ORT: Before starting soil preparation the Contractor shall l )' submit a sotl ~port to the Owner trnd L·~odscape Architect. } I SE:;:s=. f:'.?Pt,!t:r1c~ f7l-f',-I ~.41:=N.ffr-:;;, (p ~ ,,.,-, ', ,At,t.,, ij'"to /--JP I..-12-EoC:ftl-I ~ VI . , r •. r -~-./ \_.ii. COMPACTED AREAS: Soil areas that ere compacted to more than 92% during site preparation shall be ripped ta e minimum of 1211 prior to beginning soil preparation. These areas shall be defined by the Landscape Architect 8.nd be billed as an extra if the tmit price is quoted in the bid. C. METHOD OF MIXING: If the slope is unde, 2 1/2 to I, the soil preparation materials should be broadcl;!,$t wiiformly over all landscape areas and worked to a depth of G11 by rototiller or other acceptable mechanical meaM to obtain a uniform blend in the soil. lf the slope ls greater than 2 1/2 to 1, the amendments shall be hydraulically applied for areas over 11000 aqua.re feet and raked in for small areas. XL D. FOR THE PURPOSE OF BIDDING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY BY MEANS OF A ROTOTILLER TO A DEPTH OF 6" THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: 1. 200 Lbs. of Gro-Power plus/1,000 square feet. 2. 2 cubic yards nitroUzed redwood shavings. 3. 25 Lbs./1,000 square feet or gypsum. E. EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL: In addition to the work specified above the Contractor shall remove all extraneous materials that are exposed on the surface nnd grade to facilitate run-oft of surface water. F. DELIVERY SLIPS: Supply delivery slips from the supplier !or the soil amendments to the site. Bulk loads from the Contractor's yard will not be accepted. Supply empty bags for fertilizer to the Superintendent of the job. VIL SHRUB AKD TREE PLANTING: A. CORRELATION: Trees end shrubs shall not be planted until all opecatlons in conjunction with the installation of the i.rt"igatlon system have been completed, final grades ha.ve been established, and the planting beds properly prepared by cultivation and fertiHzation as covered in these speciti~ations. B. PLANTING TIME: No planting shall take place during extremely hot, dry, windy or freezing weather. C. LOCATIONS: Relative position of all plants and trees is subject to approval of the Landscape Architect and they shall, if necessary, be relocated at his direction as part of this contract. Trees shall normally be located a minimum of 5' from buildings snd walkways. D, DISTRIBUTION, No more plants shall be distributed about the landscape area than can be planted and WH.tered on the same day. E, F. G. CONTAINER REMOVAL: Plant contolners shall be removed when planting the plants. Cans shell be split on both sides. An axe or spade shall not be usecl. All containers shall be removed from the site. PLANTING PITS~ AU tree a.nd shrub pits shall huve u diameter of at least twice the diameter of the root ball. Pit depths shall be a minimum 1211 deeper than the root ball for trees and 8" deeper tha.n the root ball for shrubs or as per planting details. PLACING: Pl.,nts ,hell be placed end held during backfill in an upright position in the center of the pit, Plants shall be held at, or slightly above nursery level. The earth ba.11 shall be kept intact. Any exposed roots shall XIL ~.:~p-~a:. Inju~_d,~~~~~~1_:,~}';'.~~:--~,· . ··, •· ·,. $~/rz- B¥'YOLUME , . _, •... ,. >- I. J. K. _.-·· ·--...,.,, BACKFILL, -l'P'l,lao,1ol1t;-i~tt-itHb>100<e:l;lceffttHHH111w,:-,.,.oooiiltl-cssll"udd-lhw,m11,.,;,isttl-.,of-f•ll,p"11au1-t-t-rrmit· hr,0"1gl'e,r1r-r l .... -...... ~. .., ' ,Ual;iliaeil s&w0wel h 3 purt,:i li9pMH, Mat:eriais slu.di be th(»t uughty mixed j baforra pJaeQQ:tBitt, In eddi1iie1t te ~a.e11ia11 p1te.«il8a l8 bl!iua Bto Po·ncdcu, yd: o{ • ./XIIL pl'li &Ad Gr:~P:g•••u 7 g,,a-m plvR,*ing b8~d$ -□hc:zll be a84!1ed ta plu11t pll□ at 1 the foHo n iag I des. J 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 tablets per 1 gallon container tablets per 5 gallon container tablets per 15 gallon container tablets per 2411 box ta.blets per 3 01i box tablets per 3611 box tablets per 4 211 box ~A?~ LL Sl-tPI.L-~ pa:z. c:}rr Cf tp,~o l,At-l:?~?APlii-~~ ' tablets per 4811 and those box sizes which are larger W ATERlNG: When the pit has been backfilled to three quarters of its deptll water sh.all be poured about the roots. Air pockets shall be ell1ninated and backfill continued until the bHckfill l• brought to grade level. COMPACTING: Backfill shall not be compacted around the roots or bsll of the plant during or e.fter-planting. The backfill on which the plant ball rests shall be lightly compacted. SET'rLEMENT: P1".nts which settle shall be raised to tile require<I level or repla.ced 1:1.t the option of the Contra.ator. Raised plants which fail to gro shall be replaced. L. STAKING: Stakes shall be ddven to sufficient depth to hold tree rigid. Tree shall be supported by (:see details) M. PRUNING; LimbsJ branches, cfl.nes and runners which require trimming shall be removed to leave a clean i::,~if}~h with trunk (pruning only as directed by the Landsea.De Architect). N. PLANTING BEDS: Planting beds shall be edged and cultivated to the line shown. Beds shell be brought to a Smooth even surface conforming to established grades after full settlement ha.5 occurred. GROUND COVER AREA8: A. REFERENCE: Reier to Paragraphs Y, YI, VII, for finish grading, wee<I control, and sou prepa1-ation. B. SOIL PREPARATION: Prepare the soil as per these specifications and the Planting Noles on the Planti<1g Plan. C. GRADING: Areas shall be raked and floated smootn to provide a true end uniform surf ace. D. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZER: Planting pits for ground cover shall be 4" x 411 x 4'' or adequate to accept material tr-,n-. fii.1ts without crushing or deforming the rootb8.ll. Place a 20-10-5 Agrifotm 5 gr-am fertili:ter tablet in each gtound cover pit. E. SPACING: Plant at spa.c-ing and in areas indicated on the drawings. Soil shall be firmly tamped around each plant, and the excess soil removed from the crown. F. WATBRING: Each section ol ground cover shall be immediately watered upon completion of plaottng, and thereafter a.s required. G. SPACING FROM EDGE: The first r-ow ot ground cover should always be within 6 11 ot the edge or planting area. SBASONAL COLOR, A. B. C. D. F. G. H. REFERENCE: Reier to Paragraphs Y, VI, Vll, for finish gra<ling, weed control, and soil preparation. SO[L PREPARATION: Prepare the soil es pet' these specification.s and the Planting N ates on the Planting Plan. GRADING: Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide 11. true and wliform surface. QUALITY OF PLANTS: Plants ,hall be heelthy annual plant materiel in bloom in the size indicated on the drawings. l"LANT PITS AND FERTILIZER, Eacn plant pit tor seasonal color shall be 6" x 611 x sn, or adequate to accept material in the required size, with one teaspoon of bone meal mixed into the backfill mix (shrub ba.ckfill mix should be used, not Ageiform plant tablets). SPACING: Plant at spacing and in areas indicated on the drawings. Soil shall be firmly tamped around each plant, and the excess soil removed from tile crown. WATERING; Baeh section of se830nal color .shall be immediately watered upon completion of plandng, and watered thereafter as required. SPACING FROM EDGE: The first row of seasonal color should always be within 6" of the edge of the planting area. SOD LAWK MATERIAU! &: PLAKTIHG (IP APPIJCAJJLE); A. REFERENCE: Refer to Para.graph V' VI, VII, for finish grading, weed control, and soil pre~aration. B. PREPARATION: Sod area prior to planting-shall be rolled ligntly and watered to a depth of 6 11 the day prior to planting. If any air -pockets are found, the area shall be reg-raded as necessary. Lightly water the area to be planted just prior to planting. c. QUALITY, Sod shall be #1 Grade, machine cut at uniform thickness of 5/811 excluding top growth and thatch, weed free and shall be no less than eight months nor more than sixteen montns old. D. TIMING: l""tellatlon snell take place within 24 llours ofter harvesting. E. INSTALLATION: Sod shall be laid in a staggered pattern, witn tight joints and in the same direction each time. On all slopes sod shall be installed tr-om the bottom up and the newly laid sod should be protected by walking on boards as installer moves upward. On slopes, Din the sod down with woooen: peg,. No met.li staples will be ellowed. No sod or 1.,.s than 18" in length will be allowed, F. JOINTS: Adjoin the sectio11$ of sod firmly together. It air spaces occur between sections of sod they must be filled with sand or the sod relaid. G. ROLLING: Roll sod with on adequately weighted roller to smootn out the soo bed. H. PROTECTION OF EDGES: Regrade to protect the edges f,om drying if mowing edge is not used. I. WATERING: After installation sod must be kept thoroughly watered to• depth of 6". No foot traffic should be allowed for 2 to 3 weeks from the date o( installation. J. INSPECTION BY SUPPLIER: If there are any questions regarding tile quality or sod l""tallatlon a representative of the supplier shall be requested to inspect the installatJon and the Contractor called out by the supplier1s representative. srum LAWK PLANTING (IF APPLICABLB), A. REFERENCE: Refer to Paragraphs V, YI, YU, for finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation. 8. PREPARATION: Cultivate to a depth of 2" below finish grade, remove stones. foreign growth or any kind and extraneous matter, and grade to remove ridges and depressions so that areas after settlement will conform to the finish grade. Rall and rake lightly u11til the surface is smooth, friable and of uniform fine textute. C. SOW!N G: Sow lawn seed In the area designated on the orawlngs at tile r• te as designated on the Planting Plan. Sow the lawn in the two directiOT15. D, TOP DRESSINGS: Rake lightly, spre"d 1/4" of Par-5 top dressing with a mechanical spreader, roll with 200 lb. roller and water with a. fine spray. HYDROSBBDING SPECIFICATIOKS (IF APPIJCABLB), A. GENERAL: The hydromulch shall be applied in tile form of a slurry consisting of wood cellulose fiber, seed, chemical additives, commercial tertili~er and water. When hydraulically sprayed on the soil surface, the hydromulching shall fo-rm a blotter like ground cover impregnated uniformly with seed and fertilizer and $hall allow the absorption of moisture and rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. B. EQUIPMENT: Hyoraulic equipment used for the ap1>lication of the fertilizer, seed, and .slurry of prepared wood pulp shall be of the "super hydro--seeder11 type as approved by the Lsndscape Architeot. C. APPLICATION: The ODerator shell spray the area witt, a uniform visible' coat by using the green color of the wood DWP as a guide. The slurry Shall be applied in a sweeping motion in an arched stream so 85 to fall like re.in allowing the woocl fibers to build on each other until a good coat is achieved and the material is spread a.t the req1.1.h·ed rate per acre. D, TIME LIMIT: All slurry mixture which has not been applied witnin tour hours after mixing will be rejected and removed from the project at the Contractor's expen::i.e. E. PROTEC1'[0N: Special care should be exercised by the Contractor in preventing any of the :dw-ry being 5prayed in:;ide any re:servoir ha.sin or onto drainage ditches and channels which may impede the free now of rein or irrigation water. Any :dur-ry spilled into restricted a.reas shall be cleaned up st the Contractor15 expense to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect or Owner. G. MAINTENANCE AND IRRIGATION, Once the slurry mulct, has been appliea and allowed to set for one day~ the slope shall then be irrigated. There is·ho set irrigation requirements in gall{)ns per minute. Duration of time and number of gall0llS to be applied will vary from day to day and system to system depending on the rate of growth aM climatic conditions encountered. As a rule of thumb~ the soil surface must be kept moist at ell tirnesi pa.rticulerly during the seeding germination per-iod (30 days). H. RESEEDING: All bare spots shell be reseeded (sooded, if hydroseed is turf mix), by the Contractor within 45 days providing the tack of cover growth or mulch· is not due to inadequate irrigation or erosion caused by excessive watering by the Owner. XIX. FINAL CONSTRUCTIOK INSPECTIOK AND FIKAL MAINTENANCB IKSPBCTION, A. PINAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION: When all la.ndscape improvements have been installed In accordance with the plans and specifications, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect and request a 11Final Consll"uetton Inspec-tion11• If the Landscape Ar-chitect determines the work to be substantially com~lete and in conformance with plans and specifiaations, the Contractor will be advi.sed that the basic maintenance pet"iod is started. t. nv_ RBPLACBMENTS: In order to be substantially complete, at least the following must have been finished: A. GENERAL: Tile Contractor shall immediately replace any and all materiah which for a.ny reason die or a.re damaged while under the Contract.or's care. Replacements shall be made with plant of like kind and size in the same manner as specified for the original p!B.nting (see guarantee 11XVH-C" a.nd "XVll-D11 for definition of death and replacements). a. All !ine grading, including elimination of low points tnat nold runofl. b. A complete and opeI"able Irrigation system. c. lnstelletion or all materials. d. Seeding of all seeded areas., XV. CLEAN-UP; 2:. Minor plck~up items may be completed during the basic maintenance period such as; A. GENERAL: After all installation operations have been completed, all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers and rubbbh shall be removed from the property. All see.rs, ruts or other marks in the area caused by this works.hall be repaired and the ground le!t in a neat and orderly condition throughout the site. ContI"actor shall pick up all trash resulting from this work no less than each Friday before leaving the site, once a week and/or the last working day ea.ch week. All trash shall be remov-ed completely from the :;site. B. TOP SOIL; Excess topsoil shall be removed from the site. C. NEATNESS: Leave the sidewalks and street in a neat and clean condition at the end of each working day. D. REMOVAL OF TAGS: Remove all tag,, labels, nursery stakes •nd ties from: all plan't5 unless otherwise directed, only at the end of' all installations. B. a. Resodding of bare spots in lawn. b, Replacement of damaged or nonconforming plant material. c, Re-staking or tying or trees. d. Lowering of itrigation heads to gl."a.de after turf has been established. e. Pilling of settled areas eaused by ap[>lication of normal watering. r. lleplocement of unauthorized substitutions. FIN AL MAINTENANCE INSPECTION, Al the end of the maintenance perio<l and when ground covers and turf have been established and all piek-up items !lave been completed, the Contractor will be edvise<l by the Landscape Arehitect ot the final inspection that work ls or is not satisfactory. 1. [f the work is sa.tis!aetory1 the basic maintenance period will erxi on the date ot the final in,,pection. XYL PROTECTIOK, 2. [! the work is unsatisfactory the basic maintenance period will continue at no additional expen.se to the Owner until the work has been co!'lpletedi Inspected and ap!;)roved by the Landscape Architect. A. GENERAL:. At all times during constructiont adequate protection shall be provided for all areas against damage of any kind~ until finttl acceptance by the Landscape Arc hi tee t. B. RESPONSIBILITY: The Contractor shall be held responsible tor the care an<I preservation of all existing buildings and structures on the property and e.djaeent premises. Any part of them injured, damaged or disturbed because of hls work shall be repaired, replaced or cleaned by him at his expense. C. FAILURE TO PASS INSPECTION: If work fails to pass final inspection, any subsequent inspections must be rescheduled as per above, and will be charged to the Contractor at the prevailing hourly rate of the Landscape Architect. XVlL GUA&AKTBI!: XVIII. A. SHRUBS: All shrubs shall be guaranteed as to growth and heel th for a i;,eriod of ninety (9 □) days after completion of the speeified maintenance period and/or iinal aecepta.rme by the Owner. B; TREES: Trees shell be guaranteed to Uve and grow in acceptable upright position for six: (6) months aftet the specified maintenance pe.dod and/or final acceptance by the Owner. The Owner must provide adequate maintenance to ensure the extended guarantee on trees. C. DEFINITION OF DEATIJ; Plants which die or lose more than 30\16 of theie original leaves shall be rep,laeed. D. REPLACEMENT: The Contractor, within seven (7) days of written notification by the Owner, shall remove and replace all guaranteed pl.ant mater-il;Us which for any reaaonJ fail ti, meet the requirements of this guarantee. Replacement shall be made with plant materials as indicated or specified for the original planting and all such replacement materials shall be guara.nteed as specified for the original guarantee material. MAINTBKANCE: A. SCOPE: After all work indicated on the drawings or herein specified ha.s been comDleted, in.sp~tedi ancl approved by the Owner or the Owner's Representative, the Contr-acto.r shall maintain all planted areas by means of con~inuous watering (including monitoring and adjusi:ing watering), weeding-~ rolling, mowing~ spraying, reseeding, edging and/or any other operti.tions necessary for their care and upkeep for a period of not less than ninety (90) days. At the end of the maintenance period• all plant materials shall be in a healthy, growing condition. B. WEED CONTROL: All planted areas shall '>e kept free of dehrls and shall be weeded at not more than ten (10) day Intervals. Areas that do not have a pre-emergent weed killer shall also be c•Jltiveted et not more than ten (10) day Intervals. C. FERTILIZING: All planted areas shall receive • fectilizer application of 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet of Gr-o-Power 58 plus clays following the beglnn.ing of maintenance. Water in thoroughly after application. D. CONDITION OF SITE: During the meintenanoe perioo, keep the project neat and free from debris et all times. Obtain the Owner's approval for on ... ite 8) } storage of equipment or main.tenance m:t~rials. ,... /"·,•, , Z£, 1{'2.- ( (~~ ~ ·-~U ~-~ ~l?f:;~-·~~~: ; 50? L..~ / ~ Wa:;:;CJ Fl~ rvlLH..t=~ / ~t:::i --5a::: ptrrrhf'\6~ p,.t~~-l :::,w & ( 1.2' ~C-· f'.O'f~ P:::U::;, -11 Ct? ~ / />e;aE.. . ,,, 43,~,, · f0v'l~-'IZ.. u~~)() ~~ C I z, s-e; zco ~ I Ac "' fzp"2.. ~L f~f:?~r..7 N{F,A·--6 C ¼4-:) A f1)i.-,; ~ lb~ crt..r;,;:,-~~~-•f-11-r!~cS~"-i U4-4-<½) '~I"'"-,Ai:eJ4.~ 101 ·- irie::. ~LU~?i.ti --'-----·-"---·-·--··/\,"_./\,, ... 1"_,_ ., ,.. _,. ) ~ Hourian Associates ( Landscape Architecture & Urban Design 31866 Camino Capistrano San Juan C.pistnmo. Calif. 92675 tel: 714-661-5068 Lie: 1288 APPROVED A.PPROVED FOR PLANTING l\ND IRRIGATIO::J ONL'(, INCLUDING PRECISE~ LOCA.TlON OF' PL_I\NTING i\REAS. ENGII\E0 RING PLANCrlEC~ER -------_:_ _________ _._._ __ .~,·----"'~ DA Tc INITlAL I---~'----·· ENGINEE;R or WoRKI RE-:VIS 0\1 DESC'<IPTICfJ DAE INIT1AL CITY "APPROVAL Plf1 rel£~ -1~p-9~ REVIE\JED BY, INSPECTOR ... DATE DAT[