HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 420-5L; CT 04-03; LA COSTA RIDGE 2.3; 01-19LANDSCAPE A~CH TEC TUfi<AL FLANS FOfi<.: V L~ l~~AGES? Of L~A COS) A eENERAL G0NDITI0N5 SHORT FORM PR0TEGTI0N Of LIFE AND PROPERTY I. Gontroc.tor shall protect oil c.onstruc.tlon ond londsc.oplng From domoge ond, ,.hen required, provide guards or covering. Any domoge shall be repaired or reploc.ed ot the Gontroc.tor·s expense. Gontroc.tors on the Job shol l c.or,.y the fol lo .. ing lnsurcmc.e, (o) V'lorker's Gompe:nsation, (b) Public. Gompre:hensive General Liability, and (c.) Property Damage. In on emergency threatening the safety of I lfe, "ork or adjoining property, the: Gont,-ac.tor Is hereby instructed to act at his discretion to prevent suc.h loss or injury ond sholl mointain the Follo .. lng minimum liability insurance: coverage during the contract period. GOVER.AGE Elodlly Injury, $250,000 per Individual, per 0c.c.urre:nc.e: Property Damoge, $100,000 per 0c.c.urrenc.e, aggregate: 2. The Gont,-ac.tor shall c.ouse to be named os additional insured in suc.h Gontrac.tor's Public. Liability, Gontroc.tor's Protective Liability and Automobile: Liability Insurance policies the follo .. rng, (o) Lennar Communities (b) 6illespie: Desigr Group Inc.., "1404 Genesee Avenue, Suite 140, Lo Jolla, GA "120:31-133"1. :3. Gontroc.tor shall not cause this policy to be c.anc.ele:d or permit It to lapse:, and the insurance pollc.y shal I Include: a c.louse to the e:Ffec.t thot the polic.y shall not, at cmy time during the c.onstruc.tion period, be c.,mc.eled or reduced, restricted or limited until fifteen (15) days after a:I odditionol insureds hove received written notice as evidenced by returned receipts of registered or certified letters. 4. The Gontrac.tor ogrees to hold the o,-,ne,. ond Landscape Arc.hite:c.t harmless from any claims arising out of his operations of any of his sub c.ontrac.tors, material supplies, or agents. 5. All toe.al, munlc.lpal and state la,-,s, rules and regulations governing O" relating to G1ny portion of this work ore hereby Incorporated into and mode a port of these speclrlc.otions and their provisions shall be carried out by the c.ontrac.tor. 6. The c.ontractor shall verify the loc.otions of all existing utilities, structures, ond servic.es before commencing .. ork. The locations of' utilities, structures ond services shown In these plans ore opproxlmote only. Any discrepancies between these plans ond actual f'leld conditions shall be reported to the owner or londsc.ope architect. 1. The c.ontroc.tor shall protect all existing utilities ond features to remain on, ond odjoc.ent to, the project site during construction. Gontroctor shall repair, at his own expense, oil damage resulting from his operations or negligence:>. 8. The contractor shall obtain the pertinent engineering and/or orc.hltec.tural plans be;ore beoglnnlng work. "!. Permits for any c.onstruction depicted in these plans shall be obtained by the c.ontroc.tor. 10. Gontroctor shall have a valid contractors license required for the particular work being done. Contractor shall not allow the lic.ense(s) to lapse during the c.ontrG1c.t period. DECLARATION Of RE5P0N51ElLE CHARGE I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LAND5GAPE ARGHITEGT Of V'IORK FOR THIS PROJECT. THAT I HAVE EXEl-:Gl5ED RE5P0N51ElLE C-HAR<SE OVER THE DESIGN Of THIS PROJECT A5 DEFINED IN 5EGTI0N 610:3 Of THE BU51NE55 AND PR0FE5510N5 GODE AND THAT THE DESIGN 15 G0N515TENT V'IITH GURR.ENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE C.HEGK Of PR0JEGT DRAV'IING5 AND 5PEGIFIGATI0N5 BY THE GITY Of GARL5BAD AND THE SAN DIEGO G0UNTY DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH 15 G0NFINED TO A REVIEV'I ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, A5 LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT Of V'I0RK, Of MY RESP0N51EllLITIE5 FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN 5U!35TANTIAL G0NF0RMANGE V'IITH THE APPROVED LAND5GAPE G0NGEPT PLAN, V'IATER G0N5ERVATI0N PLAN. STORM V'IATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN, FIRE PROTEGTI0N PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS Of APPROVAL RELATED TO LAND5GAPING. ElY, _____________________ DATE ____ _ DENNIS Y'I. GILLESPIE FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS, elLLE5PIE DESIGN GROUP. ING. "1404 GENESEE AVE. STE. 140 LA JOLLA. GA "!2031-133"1 PHONE NO., (858) 558-8'111 FAX, (858) 55B-"!188 THE ~ DGE REVIEWED ~ ~~-ENGi~ PLAN CHE'.CKER DEVELOPER'S NAME: MORROW DE\'ELOPt.lENT 1903 WRIGHT PLACE, f180 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 TEL 760-929-2701 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 2-21-03 PROJECT SITE V,T\--~ ~\-i\~i DATE ------- BY: GDG '1ml 1km KEY I "=:::250'-0" IFI.Fl.l,S.ATION PI...AN6 PI...ANTIN,S. PI...AN6 24 " ''~"' ,,_ ""'' ~..., ... ·····•·6ti •. ao / 59 · 5B 57 · J 5.\> .,~ .,.-' -:'"i> C'c'::i ,',,,,; SHE=ET, TITLE SHE=ET &3\ 52 ... at - IRRIGATION PLANS IRRIGATION DE=TAILS IRl'c.lCS-ATION LEGEND IRR.IGATION !SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING PLANS PLANTING LEGEND, DETAIL!G, AND PLANTING SPECIFICATION;, RECYCLED Jl',IATEF<. 1'-1AF NOTES / / \ SHE=E=T NO., L-1 (I) L-.:2 THR.U L-5 (::2-5) L-b 4 L-i (b 4 i) L-e (e,) L-"'i 4 L-1O ("'i 4 10) L-11 THRU L-14 (II 4 14) L-15 4 L-lb (15 4 lb) L-li .$ L-le, (Ii 4 1e,) L-l"'i (l"'i) CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Lill REGISTRATION NO., GA 1:362 EXPIRATION DATE, 04-03 DRAWN JP .---------,,::-, A_S ___ B_U_IL""'T"'"" -------,-----,---,--·------------,---,--,--,-, L-1 GAl..lFORNIA STATE LAW SAYS YOU MLJ5T GALL 6f:FOR.c: YOU Dl6, eovERNMENT C.OOE SEGTION 4216~4216'1' STATES THAT "EXCAVATION", GRA!:>ING, TRENGHIN6, DIGISINSo, DITc.HIN6, DRILLIN5 Al.l6l.lRINS, l1JN.NELINS, SC.RAPING, GABLE OR. PIPE PLOl,o4,ING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIE61""5, LANDSC.APE DIS151N5 Pl-UMBIN5, FENG£: POST OR. ANY OTHER r"IA'Y'. 01.JR PERMIT FOR DIISGING l,o4,ILL NOT BE VALID WITI-IOUT A 016 AL~T Tlc.KE:T NlJ~R AND NOTlf'IC.ATION THAT TI-if;; MARKO.JT HAS BEEN c.oMf'LETED. THl:Rf: 15 Al..50 A 14-DAY WINDOW (SECTION 4.216.(E)) IN WHICH YOU Mt.15T C.OMf'I..ETI;; THE PROPOSED Dl661Ne. IF Y'OU WILL NEED ADDITloNAL TIMe el':YONP THE 14 DAYS. IT 15 YOUR RE;&F'ONSIBIJ...ITY TO REGAl-L 016 ALERT DIS ALER.T TOLL-Flli'.EE )IIJMB£:R IS 1-aoo-22"1-2600. j\OSCA c,\ lies ~ C, /1 "· ::; ~-{ . LANDSCAPF. I ARCHITECTURE APPROVED MM 1st SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 MYLAR 04-26--05 JOB NO. 02:-l4C: DATE 04-26-05 - SCALE AS SHOWN --- TITLE: RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR -· -- DATE DATE VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA !-----!------+-----------t--+--t------t---1 L__LA COSTA R/06E 2.5 A~Eycfu ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DATE IN!llAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: GT 04-03 -5=9-0S: DATE DRAWING NO. 420-5L -o \D"+')- I I I I I I I I ! POC • PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT POC #/RCV# POC WATER TYPE RCVDEMAND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE METER ELEVATION PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR@ PSI AVAILABLE SERVICE LINE METER BACKFLOW DEVICE W/ STRAINER FLOW SENSOR MASTER CONTROL VALVE MAINLINE (3/4"-1 112" Sch. 40) MAINLINE (2"· 3" CLASS 315) ISOLATION VALVES RCV SINGLE STATION Sch. 40 LATERALS (10% OF PSI REQ'D) SUBTOTAL + 10% FOR FITTINGS TOTAL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINKLER ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINKLER SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED SURPLUS SET RCV PRESSURE REGULATOR@ NOTE A, JV'ATGHLINE LA COST A 2.3-2.4 BB 8 POTABLE # GPM SIZE 46.00 2" 46.00 1 1/2" 46.00 11/2" 46.00 11/2" 46.00 1112" 46.00 0.0 46.00 3" 4 VAR = LINE 46.00 1 1/2" VAR 3.00 30 PSI 0 FEET 39 FEET 15.75% % POC "66" TO 6E A I 1/2" POTA6L.E HATER METER l'IITH A 2" SERVICE LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, l'IITH Ol'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING l'IC>RK. STATIC HATER PRESSURE DESIGN HATER PRESSURE MAXIMUM DEMAND SET POC PSI REGULATOR O ROAD STATION# NOTE 6, 102 PSI 2>2 PSI 50 GPM <15 PSI 15+50 CONTROLLER "66" SHALL 6E A RAIN MASTER CONTROLLER ASSEM6LY MOD. #DX56-DX-FLOl'I/ DX-RADIO-KIT/ EV-ANT-FD IN A STAINL.ESS STEEL ENCLOSURE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER, ELECTRICAL POC, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL 6E CONFIRMED l'IITH Ol'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING l'IORK. ' . r$~\ 'W~v "' ' (; •' SEE ABOVE RIGH: 46 GPM 815 FEET 578 FEET 102.621 PSI 95 PSI 95 PSI LENGTH PSI LOSS 35.00 2.20 0.77 PSI 4.20 PSI 13.00 0.50 PSI 2.70 PSI 0.00 0.00 0.00 PSI 972.00 0.29 2.82 PSI 0.70 2.80 PSI 2.20 PSI ·----· 3.00 PSI 31.99 PSI 3.20 PSI 35.19 PSI 30.00 PSI 0.00 PSI 16.89 PSI 82.07 PSI 12.93 PSI 38.40 PSI NOTE, MAINLINE SHOl'IN l'IITHIN PAYING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO 6E A MINIMUM OF 12>" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER 06STACLES AND OUT OF RIGHT OF HAY TYP. PARKHAY IMPROVEMENT MAINLINE SHALL 6E IN R.0.1'1. ---------a X./ I / I NOTE, CONTRACTOR SHAL.L ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL 06STRUCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR, INCLUDING 6UT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE ·, --..___ HYDRANTS, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT l'IITH Ol'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING l'IC>RK. "l)SCA "'oody APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INGLUDING PREGISE LOGATION OF PLANTING AREAS. <.> -.., ... i I I A www.gmplandarch.com 4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd. Suite D San Diego California 92121 Tel 858 558 8977 Fax 858 558 9188 DRAWN JP APPROVED MM 1st SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 MYLAR 04-26-05 AS-BUILT MYLARS 08-05-10 JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 04-26-05 SCALE AS SHOWN ~~ MOO~ HJ:;;8UIL T" TITLE: PRINCIPAL ! ~ / ~/ I I I ' ' 1 12~ 08-05-10 DAT£ RECEIVED BY: 11.,lJ 4-E::,t!_;,:ft INSPECTOR DAT£ P) 2 / ', C) -· <~~)!~)~, ' ! • /, b \ ·~ . ' <~ ' - 'vA.. 45 /> / "6'6'_, EE , '~,r;13 kic,r-,,<fi~ ~ 1 ! ' ! /f (/~~ .. < (✓ ' ~/ / ,_/,-, ~ ... l!JJ\l!I ~ j "'~~~v ~~ '~ y ( /,z :;A N'I'.,,-~\ ,.,;,,,;,-'" '.,• A.. x~ ~[E]) '\!-,__~rli {{'1 \ ' < ~;ti, 0 %~~ "'i'b i O 0 / ,,~ ;(§ \ d'T-~"'-•' X 'I\" \ r\y '-' _.,, ' ' ·. y _,,, rn ¥ $/ [E]) ~ / I (, ' f~----( '' ' ~ lli ~-rt\\\~ ~ \ ~J c--' 10 . Ill URB ; _J 8 o,:::-c:\ -~ C4'. I' , W ■-, ,n @, Pl , \JI ( ---\ IRl1 -• II ' "\ 13 W ' '4',i 8 ~~ Z . -~- -(~ +--i/4 ;E ~ ~ /4 ' 1:41' 1) _J I 0 I- <( ~ tl: S 6<152 1. 44 8813 1.5· --~/• ~ n DA Tf INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REFER TO NOTE "A"--~ 40 :zo 0 REVISION DESCRIPTION DA Tf INITIAL DATE INITIAL 011-IER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CITY OF CARLSBAD PL.ANNING DEPARTMENT 6UE!ST 6UILDE!R IRRl6ATION PLANS l"OR, VILJ..AOES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06/: 2.5 APPROVE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE L-2 OWN BY: ___ PROJECT NO. -7 DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: --e, T 04-03 420-5L RVWD BY: - _c ~ 0 I (J) r NOTE "A", INTRAC,T VALVE CONNECTION TO MASTER DEVELOPER MAINLINE. PULL APPROPRIATE NUMBER OF WIRES, INSTALL v-lATER TIGHT CONNECTOR, AND PLACE IN PROTECTIVE BOX. (l)-MAINLINE STUB -MAINLINE ~ ~ . "' , ·o < .... \ Ii \~ \\ ~ I \ -, _J 1-w w I \f) w w \f) Ill z _J I () I- i ~'1 \\ i°b \ -> \ ,,, i ' 1 .· ~ t /I // !1 I .,. l i I I ' ' ' ' ' \ I 4 4 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 8 \\OSCA \l,OOdy ¼ u ~ I ... - LOT I V4 lla' __--~plr°o-;:• ~ATGHLINF -SE DRAWN JP www.gmplandarch.com APPROVED MM 1st SUBMITTAL 01-26-00 4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd. 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-06 MYLAR 04-26-00 Suite D San Diego AS-BUILT MYLARS 08-00-10 California 92121 Tel 858 558 89 77 JOB NO. 02-142 Fax 858 558 9188 DATE 04-26-05 SCALE AS SHOWN ' i SCAL..e: I 11 == 401 NOTE, MAINLINE SHOV'IN HITHIN PAVING FOR C,LARITT' ONLY, AC,TUAL MAINLINE LOC,ATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF II'>" OFF ADJAC,ENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTAC,LES AND OUT OF RIGHT OF HAY n'P. PARl<il'IAY IMPROVEMENT MAINLINE SHALL BE IN R.O.H. NOTE, C,ONTRAC,TOR SHALL ADJ.JST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO AC,C,OMMODATE ANY VERTIC,AL OBSTRUC,TIONS THAT MAY OC,C,UR, INC,LUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC,, VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT HITH OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C,OMMENC,ING HORK. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~c xooo, ~UIL T" ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ...... --------------------,---,-----r---------------,----,---r---,----1 06-00-10 DATE TITI...E: PRINCIPAL RECEIVED BY: l<t--&( lt--~l...;\r INSPECTOR DATE DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL 61.JE&T BUILPER IRRl6ATION PLANS f"OR, VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E .2.~ L.-B ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C.T 04-03 I DRAWING NO. . 420-5L 0 -r> -\J\ r APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NOTE, MAINLINE SHOWN V'IITHIN PAVINS FOR C-LARITY ONLY Ac-11!AL MAINLINE LOC-ATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF Ii" OFF ADJAC-ENT HAR.DSC-APE AND OTHER OBSTAC-LES AND OUT OF RISHT OF V'IAY TYP. PARKJt-lAY IMPROVEMENT MAINLINE SHALL BE IN R.O .V'I. NOTE, C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO AC-C-OMMODATE ANY VERTICAL OBSTRIJC,TIONS THAT MAY OC,C,UR, INC,LUDINS BUT NOT LIMITED TO LISHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC-. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT V'IITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C-OMMENC-INS V'IORK. www.gmplandarch.com 4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd. Suite D San Diego California 92121 Tel 858 558 8977 Fax 858 558 9188 HATGHLINE -SEE LA COSTA RIDGE 2.4 ecAL.e, •1 .. •=•4•0 ,111e.o __ ___,i:2o ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD r-------7A<:=-;;'iiii7--------,----,--,-----------=-=-:....:==-_.:..---,-_:.:::_-,------,,---...: .. ~~t_J l___±_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAWN JP APPROVED MM .weeT BUILDER IRR16ATION PLANS FOR, let SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 MARC MOODY 06-00-10 V/LLA6£!J OF LA COSTA 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-20-00 DATE LA COSTA R/06/: 2.!J lliJ c:i L.-4 "Me..Y"'LA"'R"'-----'0"'4-=--,,,·6'-=-'-'-"oo L-:.n:.::TL:::E==PR=IN=Cl=PA~L==mTEWE~~~======~===i:==+===============j==t=j==±=j ~~~::;J~===:.============::! t.\~ll/fT ae-05-10 I RECEIVED BY: rAPPROVED ~~it-.o ~A~S~S~IS~T~A::::NT:::::':::P:::LA:::N::::N~IN";:G::::::D:::IR~EC~T~O::R~====::;;::D:::A:::T::::E==~ i--n:DAUTEFlh1NINl"ii"TIAAIL+---------------l--:-D-:-:ATE=--l--1N--ITI--AL--l--D-A-TE-l-lN_ITI_A__jL DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. I DRA'MNG NO. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 2~ ~}---CT 04-03 . 420-SL IOB NO. 02-14-2 DATE 04-28-05 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE INSPECTOR .L. ..c. ('l 0 0 I ,p u'\ -r -9 w z A ., I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. :V!ATCHLiNE -SEE SHEET L-3 ~l)SCA "'oody (J ' -1 .... DRAWN JP www.gmplandarch.com APPROVED MM 1st SUBMJTTAL 01-26-05 4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd. 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 Suite D San Diego MYLAR 04-26-05 AS-BUILT MYLARS 08 05 10 California 92121 Tel 858 558 8977 JOB NO. 02-142 Fax 858 558 9188 DATE 04-26-05 SCALE AS SHOWN I I / I / ! j ! /~ I \ \ r\ ' I I A 40 :20 NOTE, MAINLINE 5HO~ 1-'!ITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY ACTIJAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1ei• OFF ADJACENT HARDSC.APE AND OTHER OBSTACLES AND OUT OF RIGHT OF 1-'!AY TYP, PARKI-IAY IMPROVEMENT MAINLINE SHALL BE IN R.O .>'I, NOTE, CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOtvftvfODATE ANY VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR, INCLUDING SUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC, VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT 1-'!ITH O1-'!NER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COtvfMENCING i-'IORK. u;t:;}LT" $GAL.I=, I"= 40' &O l:20 ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD 1-------:"A:s:'.°Rlliir;;--------1 --1 -,-----------==:=:.~~~::::_--,---,---~--~~j ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT (5,(JE:5T SUILOER IRRl6ATION PLANS f"OR, L-S MARC MOODY 08-05-10 DATE TITLE: PRINCIPAL RECEIVED BY: /~A{ c.r. BIA INSPECTOR DATE VILLA6ES OF LA C-OSTA LA C-OSTA R/06/: 2.~ APPROVED __ _____.c....,,_.L__~Lf _____ 8-/G-/0 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE i----,D~A:i'ETE"i0<1N1iii"11AAiLT-------------+-::-c::~l--c--+----+-~ ~D~W~N=,;B~Y=-,= __ =._ =_ =._ ~:::::::::::::::=:_==::===~~~===:! I PROJECT NO, I DRAWING NO R DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ___ · ENGINEER OF WORK EVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 04-03 . 420-5L 0 ,b -...2 (j'\ ' ~----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~---PLASTIC ROUND VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DCWN COVER, USE ~AIN~ESS BOLT NUT AND WASHER. HEAT BRAND QCV ONTO LID. ->INISHEO GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS ------\\LEUE:..._ QUICK COUPLER VALVE SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. l=:1---1\----STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP ( 4) BRICK SUPPORTS ~ LASCO PRE-ASSEMBLED SWING JOINT / WITH QNE PIECE BRASS MIPT NIPPLE MOD. g GI 7S-208 ',----U!'....l-----'~ MAINLINE, SEE SPECS. &------#4 x J6' REBAR STAKES, 2 REQUIRED ~-------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '----------J/4" ROCK, I CUBIC FT. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED FITTINGS TYPICAL QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE APPROVED FOR RECLAIMED WATER USE. NOTE: QUICK COUPLER VAL VE ~-----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~---PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STA1NLESS BOLT, NL T, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. PURPLE IN COLOR. ~-PVC BALL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION ~" fil!/lll ~ F'NISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 1311 II :Jlmillw ---BRICK SUPPORTS '--------DUAL UNION CONNECTIONS AS PART OF BALL VALVE ~--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC 3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. IBAlL VAlVE ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM 13REAKE7 MIN. f>" ABOVE HIGHEST HEAD I 1111 ll'lJ Ill 11 ill II 111 PVC 5CH. t:,o NIPPLE - PVC, LATERAL LINEJ PIPING FROM RCV -~- 11111-11111 1111 1,11 LTRA VIOLET RESISTANT PVC OR PVC SCH. 80 THREADED 'lO (FINISH GR.ADE L PVC LATERAL LINE PIPIN6 TO HEADS PVC SCH. 40 FITTINGS TYP. @ ATMOSHPIERIC VACUUM BREAKER ------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. BALL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE DEPTH AS PER SPECS. '----PVC MALE ADAPTER ~,-;:I---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS L--_____ BRASS :.JNION '--------BRASS NIPPLE c__ ________ LANDSCAPE FABRIC NOTE: 3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. BOX TO BE INSTALLED AS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER OPERATION OF BALL VALVE INSTALL AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE, INSTALL VALVE OFF-CENTER IN BOX. INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACH!EVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. @ BALL VALVE ----FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "RCV" AND CONTROL STATION # ONTO LID. ,i.,,...:!!!!!I"_ FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 24" WIRE LOOP =:t::::--\1----VALVE ID TAG LATERAL -_::_j)_~r--~~:".(~~~-nt-=-=-=-=-=-PVC THO. ELL SCH 80 PVC FEMALE ADAP. CONTROL VALVE SCH. 80 PVC '<-----SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE TYP. ><'1---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS SCH, 80 UNION --- 1---IRRIGATION MAINLINE '-------3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL TWO CUBIC FEET L--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC CD REMOTIE CONTIROL VAL VE ® METER BOX W / METER SIDEWALK CURB POTABL E SERVICE LINE l I AbPROX, 8" --24"==-1 " 7J I l{_ 1 L -~ 1 2" MINIMUM ~ RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/ SLEEVE NOTE: VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIUMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECYCLECJ WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. POT ABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING \\OSCA c;.\lle 0 i ~ ::;.! ---~-- ,------RUBBER DRAIN CAP MISSION RUBBER CO. NO. 0704-015, 4" ==;;=;;c=="!F"""'="y;:'r"c~---~-----FINISH GRADE + +, + ------BUBBLER HEAD, SEE + + LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION + + TOP 1" BELOW FINISH GRADE + + . + + + + l-+'f4-::...;+J-------SCH 80 NIPPLE, LENGTH , + 1'S REQUIRED, 2 REQUIRED + + + + \l=l:J.-,+--1+.:;;;;;;;+--------VALCON 1/2" ANTI DRAIN VALVE + 1 + + ~-11-i :: -------NATIVE SOIL ·++++ 1~--=1 · + + -111 )- + + + + + + I + + + + + + -->J,-....----" --------PVC LATERAL LINE ls1.• i=:.o r} o 1 /2" PVC ELL (SxT) •0° . 0 ' t,o·o.,,'-,1,~-------4" DIA. x 36" LONG *O :~t:; PERFORATED PVC DRAIN PIPE -....__ ______ DRILL THROUGH PIPE . e:r5) FILL WITH 3/ 4" GRAVEL TO -'--+.,.,--'--+.,.,_..,...,=,.,i_ BOTTOM OF CHECK VALVE ~-------------AMMENDED BACKFILL ~----------------ROOT BALL OF TREE © TREE BUIBBlER ~----LOW VOLTAGE WIRES, 3 MAXIMUM OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR STRIP AND TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER - CONNECTION CRIMP COPPER SLEEVE INSTALLED WITH RECOMMENDED TOOL CONNECTOR INSERT NOTE: FILL OUTER CASE WITH SEALER PRIOR TO FINAL ASSEMBLY, @ WIRE CONNECTIONS G, NOTES, TOP OF S(.C)>,.PEi"-----\ ~--ATM'OSPHERIG VAGULJtv! BR.EAKER 5WIN5 GHEC.K VAL VE ANeLE VALVE / ~ ANTI-SIPHON VALVE u /MAINLINE TOE OF SLO~ AVB SHALL BE INSTAU..ED 12" ABOVE HIGHEST HEAt> ANTI-SIPHON VALVE SHAU.. BE INSTALLEt> 1:2" ABOVE Hl6HEST HEAD USE ANTI-SIPHON Tl'PE VAL.VE .wHE:RE HEADS ARE ABOVE RCV USE ANeLE "TYPE VALVE ANt> AVB "HEl'<E HEADS ARE AOOVE RCV USE S"INS CHECK VALVES VH'RE LATERALS ARE HISHEI< THAN THE l<C,V RCV AT BOTTOM OF SLOPE C!s---------SHRUB ADAPTER SPRAY OR ROTOR HEAD, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION 12" MIN. --------SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE, TWO REQUIRED LENGTHS AS REQUIRED FINISHED GRADE --, ill= II i' 1I 1 II I I I~ ----UNDISTURBED SOIL =I . ··-.. 11 J11 III11i' 11 111 Ji I i' 11 II i' 1I111 1=111=111= 11 i' 1111 i' 11 1 ~1 =111~11=1 ~--TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY ~--SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE NOTE: INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 12" FROM FENCES WALLS OR BUILDINGS, DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD WITHIN 10 FT OF PAVING, CURBS OR TURF EDGES. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAY TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ HEAD ON RISER CLEAN COMPACTED------------ (2) WARNING TAPES FOR RECYCLED WATER AND (1) WARNING TAPE FOR POTABLE (12") ABOVE MAIN) BACKFILL PAVING, BY OTHERS ------...,'77''77,'77:777777777,J77''77,b7777777777T, _II ~ml.II'1 ) ·· •·•·• •• UNDISTURBED SOIL _____ , _:I I 1= 30' VEHICLE =I I 12" PEDESTRIAN 1 111 =L' 11·· j ' 30" VEHICLE 111 J__ N 18" PEOESTRl>IN __ SCH. 40 FOR PEDESTRIAN PAVING :i 11 :111 111 LATERAL LINE IN SLEEVE ---=c-rrl±h-n±±+--f 1 = SCH BO FOR VEHICLE PAVING ,11 i' I !1 I i' I ~ -, , ,-111 c□NTROL wIREs -------=m==rw~--tt•i1u 1 111 MAINLINE & WIRE SLEEVE SCH 40 UNDER PED""Es=TceRl~AN~P~AV~IN""G-~-I I I 111 MAINLINE & WIRE SLEEVE SCH 80 UNDER VEHICLE PAVING -=111-=1 11= TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 10 FEET ON CENTER I "" • I DEPTH AS SHOWN OR ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR ON STRUCTURE INSTALLATION. SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS BY OTHERS. © SLEEVE AND TIRENCH ELECTRIC ANTI-SIPHON CONTROL VALVE MIN. 5" ABOVE HIGHEST HEAD I I I, II Jill I I I 11111~1111 PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE LENGTH AS REQ. (2 TYP.) PVC LATERAL J LINE PIPING 7 r WATERBROOF WIRE CONNECTORS -24" WIRE LOOP FINISH GRADE L PVC PRESSURE MAIN ---PVC SCH. 40 FITTINGS TYP. Cb) AINTI-SIPHON VALVE: NOTE: -------INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD FLUSH WITH FIN!SHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS 1-----POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD, SPRAY OR ROTOR SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION ----SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPR!NKLER INLET SIZE LATERAL LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE AND DEPTH REQUIRE"D INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" FROM PAVING EDGE IN GROUND COVER AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 4" FROM PAVING EDGE IN TURF AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAYS OR NOZZLE STREAM TO COYER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OYERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. ® POP-UP SPRINKLER (2) WARNING tAfc>ES CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILL I FINISHED GRADE~ ~,.:;.,.--~---'------1-~-- W' =-= i TI I I ITI UNDISTURBED SOIL---: ~2" :]ij== ~_III • l'l - N :"' • ., 111 LATERAL LINES ----;;:;=;,~,-1,J~" ~ 6 -_ :111 11, ~ 111 MAINLINE AND CONTROL WIRES -i 11-11 ~ _ =~=~=-··· .· .·.· .· ·" j' 11·11111 :lll=-II=111= 11=111=1 1=111=111 -II-III-II-III-III-III-II- TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 10 FEET ON CENTER I • 6". I DEPTHS SHOWN ARE FOR IN GROUND INSTALLATIONS. ON STRUCTURE INSTALL PIPING AT DEPTH SHOWN OR AT CONCRETE SLAB DEPTH. ® PIPE AND TRENCH FINISHED GRADE IN TURF ARE/aS -----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COYER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, ANO WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "PRV" ONTO LID. PVC SCH 40 SLIP COUPLING, 2 REQ. L PVC MAINLINE TO MASTER VALVE, PIPE PER SPECS. BRICK SUPPORTS 3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. L__ ______ ~ LANDSCAPE FABRIC '------------BRASS NIPPLE TYP. '------------~ BRASS UNION L------------------PVC MAINLINE FROM P.O.C. NOTE: INSTALL CONTROL VALVES A MINIMUM OF ONE FOOT APART IN SHRUB AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF THE PRESSURE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY. PRESSURE IREGUlATOR ~ CITY OF CARLSDAIJ ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT .---------------------------------------------------~-------1 " AS-BUILT" IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR, lliJ DRAWN JP APPROVED MM VILLAGES OF LA COSTA L-b ht SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 DAIT LA COSTA R/06E 2.~ 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 _M_YL_A_R ____ 0_4_-_2_6-_0_5 j-:71:..'.TL:::E:'..:: =====~;;;:~:;;:;~~=======~===1==r===============J:===t==r===c=:::i RECEIVED BY: --n s:9--os APPROVE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE JOB NO. DATE 02-142 04-26-05 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OWN BY: I PROJECT NO, I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL C KD y f--0-T-HE_R_A-'P-PR-O-VA-L-+--C-IT-Y -A~PP-R-OV-A---IL L<:R'.c'~~WD!!c'._'~'?,_Y!.:,:_:;;;;;;;;c.J c. __ G_T_0_4_-_0_3 _ ___, 4 20-5 L SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR OATE - ~-----FINISHED <SR.ADE IN TURF AREAS ~----PLASTIC =TANGULAR VALVE BOX i.Irn BOLT Doi.N GOVER, U5E STAINLES5 ElOLT, NUT, AND V'IA5HER. BOX TO ElE PLACED AT Rl5HT AN6LE TO HARDGGAPE ED<SE. HEAT ElR.AND "FS" ONTO LID. FLOH SENSOR, SEE LEeEND FOR SPECIFICATION " ~ FINl51-1ED SR.ADE IN SHRUB AREAS -"-"=---,,·--(4) ElRIC,K SUPPORTS ~-----LANDSCAPE FAElRIG ~-----~;!,/4" ROCK, 2 GUEllG FT. ~-------------PVC, MAINLINE PIPE TO MASTER VALVE PER 5PEGS. AND PLAN NOTE, INSTALL fLOi. SENSOR AS PER THE MAflUFACnJRER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, i.lRE TO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER NO FITTINGS lox PIPE OD. UPSTREAM Of SENSOR, Na flTTIN55 ,x PIPE OD. Doi.NSTREAM OF GENSoR USE 45 DESREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH ON THE DO~-STREAM GIDE OF THE FLOi. SENSOR FLOW SENSOR 0 0 0 481' NOT!:, MOUNT ENCLOSURE AS PER MANUFAC-T\JRER'S RECOMMENDATION CONTROLLER, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION. HALL MOUNTl:D ENC.LOSURE IF SPECIFIED 120 VOLT POHER SUPPLY IN J-flOX, BY OTHERS RlelD ELECTRICAL C.ONDUIT !I") TO RAIN SENSOR (IF SPEC.IFIED) ON ROOF, IN RIGID 1/2" CONDUIT LO>"I VOLTAGE V'IIRE IN RIGID PVC- CONDUIT (!!>") PVC, ELECTRICAL SHEEP TO Ex-rERIOR BUILDING >"IALL THROUGH J-BOX BUILDING FLOOR BY OTHERS INSTALL ENC.LOSURE AS INDIC:.ATl:D BY C:.ITY STAFF $ MANUFAC.Tl.JRER'S RECOMMENDATION. ROUT!: V'IIRES AND SLEEVE TI«OUISH >"IALL A5 PER LANDSC.APE ARGHITEC.T'S REC.OMMENDATION. ® WALL MOUNT CONTROllEIR NOTl:S, STREET SURFACE 3.5 FEET POTABLE MAINLINE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) I 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION / SLEEVE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE --0 NOTE: ALL RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION PIPING AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECYCLED WATER MAINS" OCTOBER 1993 !POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING I. REDUGED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOi"I PREVENTER 2. HYE STRAINER. 5. BRASS RISER 4. FINISH GRADE. 5. THREADED 6Y SL.IP COUPLING. b. FROIYI EXISTING HATER SOURCE. 1. PVG PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS. INSTALL. PER CM>"ID STD. Di"l6. (H-20) BACKFLOW PREVENTER TOE OF SLOPE ~----SPRING CHEC.K VAL.YE 1~--LATEAAL LINE ANTl-51PHON \/Af..VE 1/LA~LINE TOP OF SLO~ -- MAINLI~ SYMBOL ON PLANS Ref'RESENTS THE INSTALLATION OF ONE OF THE VALVES (ANI:> EQUIPMENT) SHOi'lN ON THE 1:>ETAIL ABOVE NG!e, ANTI-SIP+toN VALVT! SHALL 6E INSTALLED 12" ABOVE Hll>HE5T HEAi:> U~ ANTI-SIPHON TI'PE VALVE ~ERE HEAD5 ARE BELO~ Fi.GV U5E SPRIN5 CHECK VALVES -LATERALS ARE LOl',ER THAN THE RGV RCV AT TOP OF SLOPE CONTROLLER STAINLESS STEEL, 24" WIDE FRONT ENTRY CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE NEMA 3R RAINPROOF RATED POWER SWITCH AND RECEPTACLE TERMINAL BLOCK FOR COMMUNICATION CABLE (USE IF REQUIRED) 1 1 /4" PVC CONDUIT/ SWEEP FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE 1" PVC CONDUIT /SWEEP FOR FLOW SENSOR/MCV WIRES (IF REQ.) 0 • i----RAIN SENSOR INSIDE AN ENCLOSURE ,---TERMINAL STRIP FOR CONTROL WIRES ------STAINLESS STEEL, U.L. LISTED, PREDRILLED, REMOVABLE BACKBOARD PREFORMED ALUMINIUM PAD aaa\-++---STRONGBOX QUICKPAD Ii'!--'-\ ENCLOSURE MOUNTING PAD WITH PREFORMED ALUMINIUM PAD, PLASTIC BASE AND ALL STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE '';;;;:~:::._ __ , 1/4" PVC CONDUIT/SWEEP .'-: FOR COMMUNICATION CABLE TO OTHER CONTROLLERS (IF REQ.) '------3" PVC CONDUrr /SWEEP FOR CONTROL WIRES TO VN._VES 5/8" DIA. x 8' COPPER GROUND ROD W/#10 GROUND WIRE AND CLAMP CONTROLLER UVR PVC SCH.SD THREADED 90 --- ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER I T-- rwo PVC ELLS AS REQUIRED TYP. MIN. 6" ABOVE A"-'IJ-\U PVC LATERAL LINE TO AVB ---~HIGHEST HEAD BURIED AS SHOWN ON PLANS I SLOPE--------~ FINISH GRADE--------, AUTOMATIC ----, ANGLE VALVE 111- 111 1 I"[ PVC SCH. BO NIPPLE TYP. p ASV / AVB PLACIEMIENT ~----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "MV" ONTO LID. MASTER CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. ~-FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS ~ I -= 24" WIRE LOOP VALVE ID TAGS PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER, 2 REQUIRED PVC MAINLINE TO FLOW SENSOR, PIPE PER SPECS. L-.,t----( 4) BRICK SUPPORTS ~-----BRASS UNION ~------BRASS NIPPLE TYP. '--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC ~--------3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. L..__ _______________ PVC MAINLINE PIPE FROM BACKFLOW PER SPECS. NOTE: USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF THE MASTER VALVE ASSEMBLY. MASTER CONTROL VALVE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT I SH,ET I ,-----------,~---....,,..----------,------,-----,---------------------r-------------t "AS-BUil T" LA'lDSCAPIE ARCH!Tf'CTVRE ' DRAWN APPROVED 1st SUBMITTAL 2nd SUBMITTAL MYLAR JOB KO. DATE SCALE JP MM 01-26-05 03-25-05 04-2B-05 TI1LE: RECEIVED BY: 02-142 04-26-05 AS SHOW::--.r INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA GOSTA R./06E 2.~ L.-1 APPROVE ~-~rn...,~~-----'7y9---c,5 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C,T 04-03 DATE DRAWING NO. 420-5L G .._ If 'y ~ :J '- ~ C) ~ 0 CD @ cD @ @ SYMElOl. T V w ~ D ~ G ~ G H F --- ':I' ';I w ~ ■ D t, ~ .fil. e €:) 0 !"I 0 e 0 Cl tJ V "' ~@ 12) @ @@ (Q) I@) @ I@ B V F POTABLE MANUFAGT. HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER P.O.C.. fEBC.O HUNTER V'IATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR MODEL NO. I DE5GRIFT"ION INST-Ob-GV-b SERIES POP-UP 17JRF HEAD INST-Ob-GV-iA SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD IN5T-Ob-GV-IOA SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-Ob-CY-1:ZA SERIES POP-\JP 17JRF HEAD IN5T-0b-GV-15A SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-Ob-CV-l.CS-515/RCS-515/SS-5BO SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-1:2-GV-b SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-l:2-GV-1A SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-12-GV-IOA SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-12-GV-12A SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-12-CV-15A SERIES POP-UP SHRU6 HEAD INST-12-GV-l.GS-515/RCS-515/SS-SBO SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAP INST-12-GV-liA SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD SGH 80 NIPPLE >"IITH PGB-10 PREASURE GOMPENS,ATING TRIGKl.E PATTERN BUBBLER, EACH SYMBOL REPRESENT THO BUBBLERS PER TREE PGJ-12-Y-.15/1.5/2.0 HI-POP 5HRU6 ROTOR HEAD PGH-ADY/:lbV-01/04/06 HI-POP SFRUB ROTOR HEAD P5H-ADV/:lbV-O:l/05/08 HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD PeH-ADV/BbV-04/06/0"1 HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD PGH-ADV/BbV-05/01/10 HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD GPM .51, ."II> .4<!, .b5, ."11 .4<!, .b5, ."11, I ."15 .11, ."15, 1.4:2, :2.1>5 ."11', 1.:24, l.l>f>, B.11 .65, I.BO .51, ."II> .4"1, .b5, ."Ii .4"1, .65, . "11, I . "15 .11, ."15, 1.42, 2.85 .'15, 1.:24, l.8f>, 5.11 .1!>5, I.BO :2.41 :2.00 .15, 1.0, :2.0 hO, 1.4, :2.4 1.0, 1.e,, :1.1 1.4, 2.4, 4.'I 1.e,, 5.0, b.O HOA AREAS P51 BO BO BO BO BO BO BO 55 BO 50 50 BO B5 BO 40 40 40 40 40 Al.L SHRUB '1.0TOR HEADS INSTALLED FARTHER THAN TEN (lo) FEET F!'I.OM FAYIN<S, GUR6S, SIDE>"!Al.KS, S"'"EPS, 17JRF 60UNDARIE5 OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY BE INSTALLED AS A HUNTER PGS SHRUB ROTOR J,,IITH THE RADIUS 5 FT I> FT 10 FT 1:2 FT 15 FT 5Xl5 FT 5X50 FT 5 FT e, FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 5Xl5 FT 5XBO FT 5 FT 20 FT 25 FT :10 FT B5 FT 40 FT NOZZLE AS SHOV'IN AND A HGV MODEL HG-15F-15M FOR PGP'S AND A HG-50F-50M FOR FGJ'S AT ALL LO>"IER HEADS. POTABLE IRRl6ATION V'lATER METER (SEE NOTES FOR DES16NATION AND SIZES). VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION, SIZE, AND V'lA"'E:R PRESSURE !N THE FIELD PRIOR TO COM)~ENCIN6 Y'IORK AND F'URCHASIN6 EQUIPMENT. 825-Y SERIES, BAC.KfLOJt-1 Pli.EVENTION ASSEMBLY V'i/ MODEL 650 WYE STRAINER (SEE NOTES fOR SIZE). HBVl51E SERIES BRASS MASTER CONTROL VALVE. MASTER VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A 'JUMBO' SIZED VALVE BOX Jl11TH LOCKIN6 &REEN COVER AND 'MCV' HEAT BRANDED ON COVER. DATA IND/UST HFS-150 I 1/2" PVC FLOY'I SENSOR, Y'IIRE TO CONTROLLER USIN6 FililD CABLE IN CONDUIT, INSTALL FER MANUFACTURER'S RAINMASTER HUNTER N/A K.B.I. HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER A5 APPROVED AS APPROVED AS APPROVED SEE FLAN FOR MODEL AND LOCATION MINI CLICK RAIN SENSOR MOUNTED TO CONTROLLER ENC.l.OSURE 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL. POY'IER, PROVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY AC'ruAL LOCATION IN FIELD B17J-1250-E ll/4"/B17J-1500-E 11/2"/BTU-2000-E 2" SCHEDULE e,o TRUE: UNION PVC BAl.l. VALVE, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE ave 100 GUIGK COUPLER VALVE, INSTAl.l.. NSIDE A 10" ROUND VAL.YE BOX, INSTALL AT 100' O.G. ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH OF MAINLINE ICV-IOIG-F5-AS-l"/IGV-151G-fS-ASll/2"/IGV-20IG-FS-AS-2" SERIES l"LASTIG PRESSURE REDUC,ING REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS NOT!:'D ICV-IOl6-F5-AS-l"/ICV-1516-FS-ASll/2"/IGV-2016-FS-AS-2" SERIES PLASTIC FRE55URE FeDUGIN6 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS NOTED. NSTALL ONE VALVE FER STD. REGT. VALVE BOX l'IITH LOCKIN6 RJRPLE GOVER AND ~V' HEAT BRANDED ON COVER VALVES SHALL BE 'NSTALLED IN MANIFOLDS ISOLATED FROM THE MAINLINE BY A BALL VALVE. SIZE BALL VALVE PER Tl-IE LAR<SEST R.GV IN THE MANIFOLD. STANDARD HHITE COLORED, SOLVENT WELD PVC PIPE B/4" -21/2" Gl.. :200 AS LATERAL LINES INSTALLED 12" BELOV'i 5RADE, SIZE AS SHOV'IN STANDARD WHITE COLORED, SOLVENT WELD PVC FIFE 2" -5" Cl., 515 AS MAINLINES INSTALLED l!!>"-24" (21/2" AND SMALLER TO HAVE 18" COYER, :I" AND LARGER TO HAVE 24" COVER) BELOY'I GRADE, SIZE AS SHOHN MAINLINE TO BE 2 1/2" UNLESS OTHERV'IISE SPECIFIED STANDARD V'IHITE COLORED, PVC FIFE (AS 6ELOY'i! SLEEVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED PL.AGE 6ELOV'i ALL PAVING, HARDSGAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED 13Y OV'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. UNDER VEHICLE PAVING, 'N5TALL MAIN, LATERALS, AND V'IIRES IN SEl"ARATE SGH.E!,O PVC V'i/ 50" COVER UNDER PRIVATE DRIVEWAY PAVING, INSTALL MAIN AND V'IIRES IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVG W 24" GOVER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, INSTALL MAIN AND WIRES IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVC HI IE!," COVER UNDER PEDESTRIAN FAYING, INSTALL LATERALS IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVC W 12" GOVER VALVE CALL OUT INFORMATION DETAIL A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C, A A A A A B N/A It-I u T V V N/A D E F G SYMBOL '10 SYMBOL '10 SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL SYMElOl. POTABLE V'IATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR HOA AREAS MANUFAGT. MODEL NO. / DESCRIPTION DETAIL A5 AFPl<OVED #l4l.f ~ DIRECT BURIAL (\IL. APPROVED) LOI'! VOLTAGE IRRISATION WNTROL l'IIRE, ONE PILOT PER !<CV AND MASTER VALVE AND ONE #12 UF AY'IG WMMON NIA PULL 2 SPARE PILOT l'IIRES TO EACH MAINLINE END SPEARS DS-400 DRI-SPl.lCE PRE-Fil.LED SEALANT, >"IATERPROOF WIRE GONNEGTORS SHALL BE USED ON ALL V'IIRE SPLICES NIA K.B.I. K5C-125o-5 11/4"/K5C-1500-5 11/2'/ K5C-2000-T 2" 51'11Ne G,HEG,K V/'LYE, SIZE PER LINE SIZE, PROVIDE DOl'INSTREAM OF EACH !<CV .-KN !<CV 15 LOl'IER n-tAN THE 5PRINKLER5 NIA K.B.I. KC-1250-5 ll/4"/Kc;-1500-5 ll/2"/KG--2000-5 2" SPRINe CHECK VALVE, SIZE PER LINE SIZE, PROVIDE DOWNSTREAM OF EACH !<CV l'IHEN !<CV 15 HIGHER THAN THE SPRINKLERS NIA 1-1.JNTEI< SJ-506/512 PRE ASSEMBLED Sr.INS JOINT FOR USE ON /'LL SPRINKLER HEADS A,B LASGO 61'1S-20E> PRE ASSEMBLED Sr.INS JOINT FOR USE ON /'LL G!JICK COUPLERS E GARSON-BROOKS ALL VALVE BOXES 5H/'LL BE eREEN PLASTIC WITH "T" COVERS AND MARKED A5 INDICATED IN THE DETAILS NIA T. CltRISn''S ALL VALVES SHALL HAYE "MAXI" VALVE ID TAGS INSTALLED A5 INDICATED IN THE DETAILS NIA POTABLE V'IATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR PRIVATE LOTS MANUFAGT. P.O.C. K.B.I. HUNTER MODEL NO. / DESCRIPTION CONNECT DOV'INSTREAM OF THE EXISTING 5/4" DOMESTIC METER, VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRESSURE IN FIELD, WITH OJ,,iNER;S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING HORK B17J-1250-E 11/4" SCHEDULE 80 PVC BALL VALVE, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES FOR SLOPE AREAS TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOV'IIN5, NUMBERS NEXT TO VALVE REPRESENT VALVE SEGUENGE/5PM DETAIL NIA D V'IHERE VALVE 15 LOWER THAN THE HEADS AND LATERALS ON THE Si.OPE, ~-----------HUNTER HPV-101-G, I" PLASTIC AN5LE TYPE CONTROL VALVE ~-J-----------ttUNTER AVB-100, I" PLASTIC, ATMOSPHERIC, VACUUM BREAKER , _ _, O,F,G. p --- KIN5 BROTHERS INDUSTRIES KSC-1000-S SERIES 5HIN5 CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE FER LATERAL HHERE VALVE 15 HIGHER THAN THE HEADS AND l.ATERAl.5 ON THE SLOPE, -.;-----------~UNTER ASV-101, I" PLASTIC ANTISIPHON TYPE CONTROL VALVE A5 APPROVED ---A5 AFPROVl:D A5 APFROVl:D ~ HUNTER I;]] NIA KING BROTHERS INDUSTRIES KG-1000-S SERIES SPRING CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE PER LATERAL STANDARD l"<HITE COLORED, SOLVENT r.ELD PVC PIPE 5/4' -11/4" c:;L. 200 A5 LATERAL LINES INSTALLED 12" BELOl'I eAADE, SIZE AS SHOHN STANDARD l"<HITE COLORED, SOLVENT r.ELD PVC. l"IPE 1114" SGH. 40 AS MAINLINES INSTALLED IE>" BELOl'I eRAD!: STANDARD WHITE COLORED, PVG PIPE SLEEVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED PLACE BELOr. ALL PAVING, HARDSGAPE, ETG., AND AS DIRECTED BY Ol'N:R'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. UNDER VEHICLE PAVING, INSTALL MAIN, LATERALS, AND WIRES IN SEPARATE SGH.E>O PVG W 50" C.OVER UNDER PRIVATE DRIVEr.AY PAVING, IN5TAL.L MAIN AND WIRES IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVG W 24" COVER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, INSTALL MAIN AND WIRES IN SEPARATE SCH.40 PVC W IE>" WVER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, INSTALL LATERALS IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVG W 12" GOVER PG-15001 r.ALL MOUNT IRRl6ATION GONTROLLER, INSTALL INSIDE 6ARAGE 120 VOLT ELEC.TRIC.AL POl'IER, PROVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOC,ATION IN FIELD M,O,F F F e NIA ~ CITY OF CARLSDAD ~ ,------CONTROLLER 4 VALVE NUMBER ~-tG.r.M. ~VALVE NUMBER ~-VALVE e.P.M. ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT LJ..:!_J DI<AWN JPr---------,,-,,A-S---B-U-IL-T-.,,,,-----------,----,---,-----------------,----,----,,------,----t ~l=::R=::R=IG~A;::T:;l=::O;::N=l.=::E;.:G::;::E;:ND~F~O~R~,=======::::-_;:=L=-=8=; APPROVED M'-< VILLAGES OF LA COSTA ~----'vALVE SIZE HOA AREA PRIVATE LOTS t A'JIJ.SCAPF ARCHITECILRE 1st SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 MYLAR 04-26-05 JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 04-26-05 DATE i---------;:;R~EC;;-;E:,;,IV"'E=;:D;-;:;B:vY'.""'": --------i---+---+---------------+--t----+----+---1 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OIBER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LA COSTA RloeE 2~ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C.T 04-03 S-:9-DS" DATE I DRAWING NO. _ 420-5L SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ---------------------------------------------:=======================~================;;;:;;;;;;====;;;;:;;;;;;;====;;;;:;;;;;;;======================:.J -o "6.. \o ~\JU SECTION O2f>II LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PART I -<SENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. It Is the, lnte,nt al the spec!Plcatrons and drn><ln9s that th" llnlshsd system Is complete In "ve,ry r-esp,,,:,t and shall be ready lor ope,ratlon oatlofa<:.tory to the Oi,;ner. B. The, ><0rk ohall Include all materials, labor, servlceo, transportation, and equipment necessary ta po,rform the .-.ork as indicated on tne dra ... 1ngs, in these epec.lfic.atlon, and as nec.es.sor~ to c.omplete the c.ontrac.t. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION DRAV'llNes A. Due to the, scele, of th" dra .. rnge, It lo nat possible ta lndlcete, all offsets, PiWngs, sleeves, etc.. which ma~ be required. The C.ontrac.tor shall c.are.Pull~ fnv6stigate: the structural and P-inlshe,d c.ondition9 affecting all o' his work and plan his work accordingly, l,rnlshin9 such fItt1n9s, etc es may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic:. and indicative of the ~ork. to be instc:::1lled. The ~orlc: shall be installed in suer a manner as to avoid eonTlide bet .. een lrrlgatloo syste,ms, planting, and archltect,ri:,I fe,at,re,s. B. All .. ark called For on the dri:,.,.lngs by notes ar de,talls shall be F,rnlsh,:d and Installed "'hether ar not sp,.clllcally m..ntlanec:I in the sp.,ciflcatlons. ;,,t,.,n an Item Is sho'"'n on th" p la no but not sho><n on th" "f'"Glfl<:.atlons or vice w,rsa, It shall be deem"d to be, as oho"'n on both. The Lendscape Architect shell have, final authority For clarlllcatlon. c. The Contri:,,:,tor ohali not ... 11I/ully Install the Irrigation eyotem as sho'"'n on the, dra ... rngs .. hen rt Is obvious In the, fl<>ld that obstructions, grodo dl/f,,r.,n,:,.,s or dlocr.,panGiBs In ere,a c:liM.,nslons exiet lhc:,t might not hev" bee:n Gonslder"d In "nglne.,rlng. Such obstructions oc dllf"'"n""" ehould b" brought to th" attontlon ol the, Lc:,ndsGc:,pe, ArGhlte,ct as soon as do,tectBc:I. In the, event this notlFlcatlon Is not pe,rform.,d, the Irrigation Gontractor shall ossc,m" full r"sponslblllt~ For on~ revision ne:c..os5ory. 1.0;5 GUALITY AS5URANCE A. Provid" at least""" "ngllsh •peaking P"rson who shall be preoent at "II tlmBs during exeGutlon ol this portion al the .. ark and "'ho shall be thorough!~ lamlllar .. 1th the typ" al mat1>rlels being lnstall"d and tho, manulactur,.r's '"Gommend"c:I me,thoc:ls of Installation i:,nd .. ho shall dlr,.ct air "ork performed und"r this 5"ctlon. 6. Manuf"cturer's dlre<:.tions and detailed c:lra,..lngs shall be lollo.,ed In i:,II <:.ose,s "'h'"" the, mGnufaGturer of articl"s used In this contract furnish directions Govering point• not sho"'n In the c:lra .. ings and specifications. C. All loGal, m""1Iclpal and etat" I0 .. s, rul"• and r"gulallons gov,,rnlng or r"latlng to any portion of this work arB h"r"<>, inGorpor"tc,c:I into and made, a part al th""" spe:cific.otlons, and their provisions shall be c.arrlod out by the Cantrc:::1c.tor. An~thin9 Gontalned In these specific.atlons shall not 00 construed to GonPIJc.t with any of the:; above: rLlle:s and re:9ulatlone of the s,ame. +-+o1,,uwe:r, J,,,ihe,n the-se specifications and drawings c..all for or de:¾rlbe mderic::1ls,, Horkmanshtp, or c.onstruc.tion of a be:tt~ o_llality, higher standard, or larger size than is re:9.uire:d by the; above rLlle:s and l""e:gulatione, ~e provisions of the:so spe.c.lflcatloris and dra .. rngs shal I take pr"c"dence. D. All material• oupplled for this project shall be nc,,1 and fre,e from any ""foots. All ""Fectlve mat.,rlals shall be re,pic,,:,,.d lmmec:llat"I~ at no ac:lc:litlonal cost to o .. ner. E. The Contractor shall s.•cur" th" r"qulr"c:I ilceno,os and pBrmrts lnGluc:llng paym.,nts oF charg"s and '"""• grv" r"qulr"d notlcc,o to publiG authorltl.,s, v<>rlF~ permits seicured or-arran9emM1ts made. b~ othors af.Pec..tlng the V11ork of this section. 1.04 SIJBMITTALS A. Mat.,rlals List I. AFt,or """rd of Gontract and be,for" any lr<lgatlon syst"m materials are d"llve,rec:I to the Job sit", submit to the o ... ner a complete, list ol all Irrigation siste,ms, material•, or proG1>sses propos"d to bc, furnlsh"d and lnstall"d c:,s part of this contract. .:2. 5hoi'I! manufacturer's name and catalog number f=or each Item, PIX"nlsh complete eatalog cLJts and technical data, Purnleh the manufacturer's recommendatlone a!-to the method of lnstallatlon. :5. No substitutions .. 111 "" <0llo.,..,d ... rthout prior ,-rltt"n ecceptanc" by the LandsGape Archlt.,Gt or o ... ne,r'o <0vthorlz"d r"pr,.sentatlv<>. 4. ManuPaeturer1s V11G1rrGmties shal I not relieve the C.ontrac..tor oF hi5 liability under th" guarante ... Such warrant!"• shall only svpplement the guarante ... B. Substitutions, IP the, Irrigation Contractor ... I,h,00 to substitut" any "quipment or mate,rielo For thooc, equlpme,nt or mal,orialo llst"d on th<> irrigation dra,;ing• and sp.,Glflcations he ma, do so by providing th" followIn9 Information to the, Lanc:lecape Architect or Owner'5 authorized represenl:atlve and C.i~ lnspe,ctor for approval. I. Provide a .. rrtt<>n statem,ont lnc:llc<0tIng the r"ason Por making the oubstrtutlon. 2. Frovlde catalog Gut sheets, technical data, and performance Information for <0aGh substltut" Item. '5. Provide In "rltlng the c:IIFFerenG" In Installed prlc" If th<> lt"m le aGG<>pted. 1.05 EXISTIN5 CONDITIONS A. Th" Contri:,ctor shall ve,rlly and be Pamlllar "Ith the locations, slz<0 Qnd detc:,II oF paints oF connection provided as the sovrce ol .. at .. r, <>l1>ctrlcc:,I supply, c:,nd telc,phon" lln" connection to the, Irrigation system. 6. Irrigation design Is oose,d an the avall"ble static .. ater pre,ssure, sho"'n on thc, dro><lngs. Contractor ohall verily statlG ><ate,r on the proJ,oGt prior to th" start oF GonstruGtlon. Should " c:llscrc,pancy "xlst, notrFy th" Lc:,ndscapo, ArGhlt.,ct """ OHner's authorized repr-esentatfve prior" to beginning c.ons.tructlon. G. Prior to c.uttln9 Into the soil, the C.ontrac.tor shall loc.ote oll c.obles, conduits, sei.-ier septic tanks, and oth<>r utllltle,s "" are commonly 6ncount6r<>d unde,rground "nd he ehall ta!«> prop"r pr6cautlons not to c:lamag" or disturb such lmprovo,m.,nt•. If a conflict exists be,t.,.een th" such obstecl"s i:,nd the proposBc:I =rk, th" Gontri:,ctor shall prorrptly notify the Landscape, Architect and o.-.nc,r '"'ho .. 111 orrange For reloc.ations. The C.ontractor i.-illl proc::.eed in ttie s,ame manner lf a rock lay"r or any othe,r suGh conditions arc, encountered. D. The Cont,-oe,t:..r-etiall proteGt all "xlstrng utilities and Fe,atur"• to remain on arc:I adjoG,ont to tho project sit" dvrlng construGtlon Gontrcctor shall repi:,lr, <0t hi• "'"'n Goet, all damage r5sultlng lrom his ope,ratlons or negligence. E. Th,o Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate ... 1th the ,s.,neral Contractor for lnstalli:,lion ol r"a_ulrec:I sl.,evrng as sho"'n on th" pli:,ns. I.Of:> INSPECTIONS A. The Controc,tor ohall pe,rmlt th,o Loncis,oape Arohlt.,ct, o .. n.,r's authorlz,oc:1 r"pre...,ntatlve crd City lnop,octor to visit and lnop<0ct at all times any part al th" ><Ork and ohal I pravlc:11> safe, aGc.,es for such visits. B. Yltiere, the 1peGlll<:.atlono r"qulre "'ork to be t"stec:I bj the ContraGtor, rt shall not b" c.overed over untll c:1e::.c:.epted b~ the LandsGC!f,?e Arc.hltec:.t, Oj,,,jner1s authorized repreoentotlv9, and/or gov,ornlng agencl"•· The Contractor shall b" sol!Oly responolble /or not!Pylng the Lc:,nc:ieGape, Archlt.,ot, o .. ner, and govo:rnlng ag1>nGl1>s, e minimum oF 4e, hours in advanee, ~here c::ind when the work is reictd~ for testing. Should an~ kfl4ork be covere,d .. Ithout testing or aGceptance, it shall bB, IF so order.,c:I, uncov,.red at th" Controc:.tor1s expense. C. lnsp,.ctlare ... 111 t:a, r"qulr,od for th" Follo .. rng ate minimum, I. Syot""' layout 2. Pr,.ooure, teot ol Irrigation mi:,ln 11,,., !Fovr hours at 125 PSI or 120% oF static "'"tc,r pr,oosure, "'hlch ,ov,or is 9r.,ater) approval r"qulr.oc:I by GJty lnsp1>Gtor. ;5 C,ov.,,.ege teot ol Irrigation system (epprovel requlcsd by c;ty Inspector). 4. F!nol ln!,pc,ctlon prior to start of maintenanc.e period 5. Final a<:.ceptonc,o D. Site oboorvatlon1 and testing .. 111 nat oommence without the reGorc:I dra .. Ings as pr,opared b~ th" lrrl9"tlan ContraGtor. R"oord '"""'"'Ing• muet complete and up to date for e,ach site vfslt. E. ilwrk whlGh lallo t"otlng and lo not acGepo,:d ... 11 I be ret.,stc,d. Hourly rates i:,nc:I expenses of the Landoeape ArchlteGt, Owner'• authorlz<0d repre,s,ontatlve,, and gov.,rnlng agencies for relrepeGtlon or ret,ostlng .. 111 "" paid by th,o Irrigation Contcactor at no additional "xp<>noe to o .. ner. 1.01 STORMI: AND HANDLING A. 6. 1.oe A. B. Uoe all m..,n• noG.,.e,ar~ to protect Irrigation oyst .. m mate,rials b"lor<>, during, and alter lnotallotlon and to prot.,ct the Installation .. ork and materials of all other tradeo. In the event ol dam"'3", lmm,.c:llately make all r"palrs end replec.,ments nc,cessary to the OGGeptance ol the Lanc:lsGape, Architect and O..ne,r and at no additional cost to the o ... n..r. Ex1>rGlee care In handling, loading, unloading, and storing plastic plpB and fittings und"r cov"r until ready to lnotall. Tranoport plastic pip" only on a vehicle, .. 1th a bed long enough to allow th,o pip" to lay lli:,t to avoid undue bending and conce,ntrated e,xte,rnal lo""· CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL Dfspoeo c:rP i,r,iaste,, trc::i9hl,_ond debris In aGGordom:;.c, with OPf?lic:.obl~ laws and ordinanc.as, and as pr.,ecrlb.!lc:I by au<narllles having Jurisdiction. Bury ho such "'"ste material i:,nd d,obrls on the, olte. Burning ol trash and d,:brls ... 111 not b" p"rmlttec:I. The Contractor shall remave and dlopos" ol rubbish i:,nd c:l<>brls ge,n,.rate,d by his "ork <0nd "'orkm"n at lreqvent lnt,.rvalo or '"'h"n ordere,d to do oa by the o,-ne,r's outhorlz"d r"pr.,oentotrv.,, At the time al completion the, entlr" sit" ... 111 be clear"d oP tools, equipmBnt, rubbish and dwrlo '"'hlGh •hall bi> disposed of off~ll<0 In a l"gal disposal ar,:c,. I .oq TIJRNOVE'1. ITEMS A. R<>cord Dr""'lng•, I. Record aGGvrately on one s"t ol <:.ontroct dra ... rngs all chang"s le the .. ark conotrtutrng departures from th" original ,:,ontraot c:lra .. rngs. 2. Th<> chang,o• and dimensions shall oo r,:cord"d In a lllgibliO i:,nc:I '"'orkmanllke mann"r to th" oalI5loGtlon oF th" o,..n.,r. Prior to Final lnepllclion of "'ork, submit record drowln99 to the Landscape .Arc.hltec:.t or Oi.-iner'5 authorized repre5entotive. ::5. Dlmenelone from/to permanent points of re,fe:rence such as bu!lcHngs, sldewalks, curbs, e,l:;c._ !!hall be ehown. Data on rec.ord dr1:::u,-iln9s shall be rec..ordad on a da~ to c:lc,y bc:,sJo ao the proj1>ct io ""Ing Installed. All l<0ttering on dra .. ingo ohall b" minimum I/!-Inch In size. 4. Sho'"' location• and d,opths of tho, lollo.,Ing it .. ms, Cl. Po\nt of c:.onnec:.tlon (inc.ludin9 i,,.{ak,r meter!!, bac.kFlow preve:ntars, mas~r control valves, e!GJ b. Routing oP sprlnkl"r pr.,ssure lines (dimensions sho"'n at a maximum al 100 le"t along routing) <,, eote VOIV"9 c:I. AutomatlG r"mote control valv"s and Isolation ball valves "· Gulck eo:upllng velv"5 and IsolatIan bal I valv,os F. Routing oP control ~Ires 9. lrrlg<Otlon controller• h. R<olat"d equlpm,ont (as may b" dlr1>ct<0d) S. Mi:,intoln record dra ... lng• on site at all times. Upon <:.ompletlon al "ork, tranoler c:,II as-built Information and c:llm.,nslono to reproducible sepia prints. B. Controller Chart., I. Re<:.orc:I c;ra.,lng• must be approv"c:I by Lanc:lsc<0pe Archlt,.ct and/or o .. n.,r's authorlz<>d r,opreo"'1tatlve be/ore charts "'" pr,,par1>c:I. 2. Provlc:I" """ Gontrolle,r Ghart For <>ach automatic controll.,r. Ghart •~all sho'"' the area cover-ec:I by the pertlcular controll,.r. :5. Th" chart lo to be a rsduc"d copi oF the aclu<0I "r.,cord" c:lra .. rng. In the event the controller """luen<:.e le not 1.,glblo: '"'h"n the, dra><lng Is rec:lu,:,.,d, rt shall be ..nlarg,oc:1 to a re,adabl,o 0IZIO. 4. When con,ol,oted and approvod, th<> chart •hall b" h<0rmetIcally s"al"GI bet"""" t"'o pl<><:.oe al plastlG, each pl"G" be,lng e minimum 20 mils In thickness. C. Op,oratlon and Malntenence Manuals, :. T"'o indlvldually bound copi"s oF operaoion and malnt..rancB manuals shall be, dellver<!ld ta the Lanc:lscap" Archrt .. ct or o.,ner'• authorlz.od re,pr,.s..ntatlve at I.,ast 10 Gel<>ndar day• pria to Pinal lnsp,.ctlon. -,,,e mc:,nuals shall describe th" material lnotell<>d and the proper operation of the, syst.,m. 2. Each c.ornploto, b<>und manu<0I shall Include the Following Information, o. Index oheet stating ContraGtor's address <0nd t.,l.,phone, numb.,r, duration ol guarantee period, 11st of "qulpM<>nt lnGludlng names and addre!l!IO!I of local manu.Pacturer representatives. b. Operating and melnten<0nc" lnotructlons for all "qulpm.,nt. c. Spare parts lists end r<0let"c:I menuFocturer lnlorm"tran Par all "qulpm.,nt. DRAWN JP t10SC 011Ie "' ..... \ APPROVED MM 1st. SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 D. Equlpm.,nt, I. Supply as " part ol thlo <:.ontrac.t the lollo .. In9 it,.ms, a. T""o (2) ""re.nclies for dleoesembl~ and c::1djustmant of eac.h t~pc of sprinkler h""" us"d In th" Irrigation system. b. Three :30-inch sprinkler ke~s for manual operation of control ve1lves. c. T .. a kejs lor oach automatl<:. <-ontroller. cl. Five qulGk coupl"r ke!jS .. 1th a bronz" has" thread qo c:l10gre" swivel attachm"'1t and five coupler lid keys. "· Five valve, b<>x cov"r k<>y or "'renGh. I. On" 5-loot t"" "'ranch Far op.,ratlng get" valves cl Inches or larg"r (IF use,d). g. Six e,xtra sprinkler h"ac:ls oF ,ooch olz" and type pe,r Irrigation P.O.C. 2. The above equipment shall be tvrned over to o,,mer1s authorized r-epresentative ot thc, Final lnspc,ction. 1.10 COMPLETION A. At the, time oP th" pr.,-malntenanc" P"rlac:I Inspection, th" Landscape, Archrt .. ct, o .. ner's autharrz"c:I repres.,ntatrv .. , and gov.,rnlng c:,gc,nGl1>0 .,.111 lnsp.,ct the '"'ork, and II not <0cc,:pt.,d, ,1ill pr<0par" a list of items to be comple,t"c:I by th<> C,c,ntraGtor. At the, tlm" ol the, post-mi:,lnt<0nance, p"rlod or final Inspection the "'ork .. 111 be r"lnspe,ct"d and final Gcceptance .. 111 be In .. rrtrng bj the LandsGape Architect, o .. n.,r's authorized representative, and governing ogenc:.le&. 6. 'The, o .. n..,.'s authorlz"d repr"s"ntatlv" shall heve, llnal authority on all portions of th" work. c. Alter th" system has been compl,.ted, the Contractor shall Instruct o .. n.,r's i:,uthorlz"c:I repres.,ntatrve In the operation and malntenan<:.e ol the Irrigation system and shall Furnish " complete set of op1>ratIng end malnt.,nance lnstructlone. D. Ary settling of trenches ,;hich may occur during the on,.•year P"rlod Follo,..lng <0ccept<0nce, shall bo r10pair1>c:I to the, owner's satloFactlon by th,o Contractor ><lthout any adc:lltlon<0I e,xpense to the c,,..n,.r. Repairs shall lnclud" the complete r"storatlon oF all dc,me9e to planting, p<0vlng a othe,r I,rprovemc,nts of c:,ny kind as a r"sult oF th" "'ork. I.II GUARANTEE A. The: ontlre oprlnkler syotem, lnGluc:llng all '"'ork done under this contract, shc,II t:a, unconc:lltlonall~ guarant.,ed against all c:lelocts and fault al material and .. orkrnanshlp, Including oettlIng ol back Fi,:ld areas belo,-grad<>, For" p<>rlod of an,o (I) year Follo.,.lng tho FIiing of the, Notlc,o of Comple,tJon. Should any probl"m .. 1th th" Irrigation oystem b" c:lisGove,r"d .. rthln th<> 9uarant"" period, It shall be Gorrectec:I by th" Contractor at no additional expense, to "'"'n"r .. rthln ten (10) Gal.,ndar da~• of r"ce,lpt oF .. rItten notlc" Prom o ... n,.r. Y'lhen the nature of the r"palrs as c:1 .. t.,,rmlned by the, o ... n,or constltut" an <>m.,rgency (i,o,. brok<>n pressure line) th<0 o .. n.,r may proc1><>d to mo!«> repairs at the Conlrc,ctor's "xp.,noc,. Any <0nd all damages to <>xlsling lmprov<0m<>nt resulting eith,or From fault~ materials, or i,.1.orkmC1n!ihip1 or from the necessary rapairs, to Gorre,c.t some, shall be, repaired to the, satlsFaotlon ol th" o'"'nc,r <>, the Contraotar, all at no oc:lc:lltlonal Gost to the o ... n.,r. B. cSuarantee shall be submltt"d on Contra,:,loro o'"'n lett<>rh.,ad c:,s Follows, 6UARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION 5YSTEM Y'le, h,:reby guarant"e that the, sprinkler lrrlg"tlon •ist,om "" have furnished arid Installed Is Pre,e, from dePec:.t! In moterlals and workmanship, c,nc:1 the "'ork has bee,n Gompl"t"d In accordance, "Ith the c:lra .. Ings and spe:c.lflc:.otlone1 ordinar~ j,rr,leQr ond tsar and unusual abuse, c:,r neglect "xc<>pt.,d. Y'le agr<01> to r"pair or replace an~ d"Fectiv" meterial during the pe<loc:I oF on<> yc,c:,r Prom date of FIiing of th" NotlG" of Completion and arsa ta repair or re,place any damage, rc,sultlng !ram the r<>parrrng ar r<>plaGlng of ouGh defeGts at no additional cost to the, o.,n.,r. Y'le sh<0II mak" such r"palrs or re,plaGem.,nts .. Ithin 10 cale,ndar da~s Follo"lng '"'rltten notification by thc, o,;ner. In the ev..nt of our fa II,rc, to make such r1>palrs or roplaGe,m.,nts ,-!thin th" tlm" sp<>Glfl"d aFte,r r"GiOlpt of "'rltten notice from owner, i.-ie authorize, ths owner to proceed to have said repc::ilre or rep lac.em,c,nt~ made at our expenee and i.-ie wi 11 pa~ the: costs and charges therefore upon demand. F'l'<OJECT NAME, PROJECT LOCATION, CONTRACTOR NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, Sl5NED, DATE, F'art II -MATERIALS 2.01 SUMMARY Use onl~ neYII mcrl;erlals of the manuPoctur4'r, size and ~pe s.hown on the drawings and specific.ations. Materials or equipment installe-d or furnished that do not meet Landsc.ope- Archltect'o, Owner's, or governing ag.,ncie• stenc:lards ... 111 be r1>j1>ct1>d ard shall be r"moved From the sit<> at no e,xpens" ta th" O..nc,r. 2.02 PIPE A. Pressure suppl~ lin" from point oP conn,.ctlon through baGkflo"' pr"v"n,lon unit shall bo Type K "hard" copper piP"· B. Pressure suppl~ llnes 2 Inc.has In dlc::imeter ond up to 3 lnGhes In dlc::imeter doi,,i,n5tre.am of backflo"' prevention unit shall b,o Class ;515 salvoont '"'"Id PVC. Piping shall conform to ASTM 02241. C. Pr!>saure supply lines I 1/2 Inches In diameter and small<>r oF th<> bockllaw prev.,ntlon unit shall be Schc,dule 40 solvent weld PVC conParmlng to ASTM Dlif>5. D. Nan-pressur" lln!>s :5/4 lncheo In c:llam"ter and larger c:la,..nstream ol the, remote control valv" shall be Sch. 40 PVC. E. Rl>Gycle,d (Rl>clalm,oc:1) "at"r PVC pipe tc• b., color-coded purpl" In color merkl>d on t .. a sides ... 1th reclaimed '"'"tor "arnlng stoteme,nts "Caution-Recycled (Reclaim,:d) ~ter". ReGk.:ifmed i,,,1ater piping mi.et be: c::icc:.spted b~ IOGol reG.laimed 1'140ter governing agenGfee. R<>cycl"d ""ter pipe shall be used only <>n r<>Gyolec:I syst.,m. Nan-pressure piping shall oonlorm to ASTM Dlif>5. 2.0;5 METAL PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Brass pipe shell be e,s P"rc"nt r"d brass, ANSI, IPS Standard 125 pounds, Schedule 40 0Grl>""'d pip ... B. Brass fittings ohell be, m"dlum brass, ocre'"'oo 125-pounc:I cli:,ee. C. Coppc,r pipe shall be "hard" Type K. D. Copp"r Fittings shall be eolc:l.,red typ.,. 2.04 PLASTIC PIPE AND flTTINGS A. Pipe shall be marked c.ontlnuousl~ with manufac.turer's name, nominal pipe s,lze, schedule or c.lass, Pv'C. t~pe and grade, National Sc::::inrtatlon Foundation approval, Comme,rclal Standards d"slgnatlon, i:,nc:I date of extrusion. 6. All plastiG pip" shall be, "xtruded of an improved PVC virgin pipe compound In QGGOrdance ,..;th ASTM 02241 or ASTM Dlil:>4. C. All PVG fittings •hall be, standard weight Sch.,dulc, 40 and shall bc, inj.,ctlon malc:l"d of an improved virgin PVC fitting oompounc:I. Slip PVC fittings shall be tho "dee,p socket" braGkete,d typ". Thr.,c,c:1,:d plastlo Fitlln9s shall "" lnJ"ctlon molded. All te,e,s and ells shall be old<> gat.,d. All fittings ohall conform to ASTM D246f:>. D. All thread'3d nlpple,s shall b<> standard w"l9ht Schedule 1:>0 ,11th molded thr.,ads and shall conform to ASTM Dlif>5. E. All solv,.nt c"m "ntlng ol plasllG pipe i:,nd fittings shi:,II be a t..a-st"p prace,ss, using primer c::ind solvent Gement applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. C.emerit sholl b,o af a Fluid consistency, not gel-Ilk<> or ropy. Solve,nt ce,m.,nting shall oo In conFormenc" "'Ith ASTM D2Sf:>4 and ASTM D2f>S5. F. Y'lhe,n connection lo pl"stlc to metal, fe,mal<0 adopt.,rs shall be hend tlght.,n<>d, plus """ turn "Ith a strap .. ren<:.h. Joint compound shall be nor-I.,,ac:I bas,: T1>Plon paste, top", or ,oqual. 2.05 BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS A. The. bac.kfloi.-i prevention unit !!!ihall be of the manufacturer-, size, and typs lndlc.ated on the c:lra .. Ings. S. The bac.kflo1,,r,1. prevention unit shall be installed in ac.c.ordanc..e .....iith trie requirements set Forth by loci:,! <:.odeo. C. The baGkFlo'"' pre,ve,ntlon assembly shall oonolst oF brass piping, unions c:,nd fittings. 2.01:> VALVES A. eat .. Valv,os, I. Gate valves sholl be oT the manufac:.turer, size, c::::ind t~pe lndlcate,d on the drai,.ilng9,. 2 Get" valv"s shell be constructed al a bronze body, bonn"t and disc, and a melle,oble, iron handY11hesl. Gals valves shall have threoded c.onne,c,.tlons. ::5. All Gate: volve!3 shall have a minimum i,r,iorklng pressure of' not les9 then 150 psi ana shall conPorm to AWY'IA standc:,rdo. B. Ball Valv.,s, I. Ball valv"s shall be al the, manula~tur.,r, slz", and type lnc:llcat"c:I on th" cra .. rngo. 2. Ball valves shall be, construGt"d oF " bronze bac:ly, stolnl,.ss stc,c,I ball and ,t,.m, malleable Iron handle. Ball valve• shall hi:,ve thre,ad"d conneGtions. ;3. All ball valves shall have a mln!mlXn work.Ing pres5,ure of not les$ thi:,n 150 psi and ohall GonForm to AWY'IA stendards. e,_ Glulck Coupl"r Valve,s, I. Qulok coupler velves shall b" oF th" manulactur.,r, size, and type, lndlcate,c:I on the, dra .. rngo. 2. GulGk coupler valve,o ohall be brc:,ss with a "'"II thickness guarant=d to "'lthstaic:I norm"I '"'"rklng pr"5our" of 150 pol .. Ithout l1>akage. Valv"s shall hev,o ;5/4 f.,mal,o thr.,ac:ls op.,nlng at bas.,, .. 1th two-pl,oce bec:ly. Valv"5 to be ope,rat"d only .. 1th a coupl,or k"Y• designed For thet purpose. Coupler kl>y Is lns.,rted Into v"lve <0nc:I a positive, .. atertlght conn.,ctlon shall be made, betw""" the coupl'3r ke~ and valve. Hinge, cover sha!I be th" locking typ" GonstruGtec:I of brass .. 1th a rubber-llke vlnyl c.over. '5. Vinyl quick coupl"r Govor lor re<:.lalm"c:I .. ater quick coupler valv"s to "" purple In color .. 1th th" "'orc:ls "Wornlng-R6c~cled (Reclalm<>c:I) ~t .. r-Do Not Drink P"rman,:ntly markei:I on lid for r,:Gycl"c:1 syst<>m. D. Automc::itlG Control Vc::ilves: I. Automatic. control valve!i sholl be o.P th~ manu~acturer, size, and t~pe indic.ated on the drtmin95. 2 Automatic control valves shall be ele,ctrlcally opc,ratec:I. E. Artl-c:lraln Valvl>S, I. Antr-d,aln valv<>s shall b" al th,: manuFaGtur.,r, size,, and type lnd!Gated on the cir=rngs. 2. Anti-drain valves shall h"ve I1:>-e stalnl,:ss st,.e,I oprlngs and volv<0 st,:ms with B""1a·N seals. '5. Anti-c:lrein valv,os .. 111 hi:,v,o thre,adec:I connections the size of the rise,r or pip<> th"Y are to be installe:d onto, or the next avallable size. No sllp connection anti-drain valves Gre allowed. CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH~ET I ------~,-----,,--------r----.---.-------------,---,-----.--r-----1 "AS-BUILT" PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE IRRIGATION 5F'ECIFICATION5 FOR., V/LJ.AeES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA Rlr:>eE 2.5 C',,) § 'J :; .!I -1 -~lL.'..::E~= ========:::;;:;;:;;:;;::::;~==========-c==Jc==r===========-----==------i------+--~~--+--~ _M_YLA __ R _____ 0_4_-_2_6_-_06 t- REC El VED BY: APPROVE -...,A ---="-/f&t-"'----'...__=.,-------S--9-::0.S, LAI\DS!'APE ARCHITECTURE .JOFI NO. DATE SCALE 02-14~ 04--26-.. 06 AS SHOWN DAT[ INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: --c:, T 04-03 420-5L RVWD BY: 2.01 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shall be fabricated from c:, durable, Hsathsr-reslstant plastic material resistant to eunlight and c.hemic.c;:il cu;.tion of eolle. · B. The valve box cover shall be green In color and sewred ~Ith bolts. e,__ The r:..over and box s.hall bt, r:..apable of stJst.alnlng a !oad of 1,500 pounds. D. Valve box extensions shall be: by the same: manuPac.turer os the valve: box. E. F. G. AutomatlG Gontrol and mc,ster valv" boxes shall be lb"xll"xl2" rectangular slz.,, Valve box oovers shc,11 be "heat branded" In 2" high letters ><Ith elthor "RCN" ,;Jth tho valve ldentiPic.alion numbers or 11Mc.V11• &II valve, gate valve, and quick Goupler valve boxeo ohall be Glrcular 10" olze. Valve box c;.ove,rs shall be 11he:at branded" in .2" high lette.rs i,.,iith eitne:r 11BV11, 11GV11, or 11QC.V11• Valvi, box cover for ri,claimi,d syste,ms shall be> purpli, In Golar and p<>rmanontly mark<>d ,;Ith th" ><ords "~mlng-Ro,cycl"d i'R,,claim.,d) Hat.,r-Do Not Drink" for r"cycl"d irrigation syot.,m. ;;2,oe, IRRIGATION GONTROLLER A Gontrollo,r shall be of th" manufactur.,r, size and type Indicated on the dra,;lngs. B. Toe Gontrolle:r enclosure. shall be of the mc::inufac.turer, size and type lndloated on the dra,;lngs Tho, snolosurs ohc,11 c,lso enc.lose the controller elec.trlc.01 meter. G. Th" controllsr shall "" of th" manufacturer, olze and type r"qulr"d by the City of Carslbad 2.0~ ELECTRICAL A All electrical equipment shall be NEMA T~pe 3, ,1aterproofed for e-xterlor lnstaliatlons. B. All e:leic.tric.a! i,,.iork. :!!hall c:.onTorm to lac.al c.od6s and orc:Hnanc.e:s. 2.10 LOH VOLT.A5E CONTROL HIRIN5 A. Remote control ,;Ir" shall be dir.,Gt-burial AV'le-UF t~pe, oize "" lndJcc,ted on the drai,,,ilngs, and in no c.ase:: e,malle::r than 14 gauge:. B. Connection• shall be either "pox~-•""'"" pook<>t t~p" or Penn-Tlte ,onn.,otors. C. eround ><Ires shall be ><hit" In Golor. Control ,1ire• ohall be red ( .. here t,10 or more controllers or" usoo, the Gontrol ><Ires shc,11 be a dlffer.,nt Golor for each controller. Th"•" colors shall be not"d on the "Re<.ord Dra,;Jngs" plans lo<.ated on <.ootroller door). D. Provide a 24" long o:xpc,nslon loop for all directional Ghange• In control ,1Jro: routing. 2.11 IRRl6ATION HEADS A. Sprinkler h.,ads shc,11 b., ol th<> manulacture:r, size, type, ,;Jth radius ol throw, operating pre.s:>ure:, and dlsc.har9e rate lndlc.ated on the draV11lngs. B. Pop-up h<>ado and rioe:r heads ohall be used c:,s Indicated on th" drawings. C. Irrigation h<:ads for r"<-YGl"d syst<>m shall hav<> purpl" recycled (r.,,lalmed) ,1ater ><amlng <.ov<>r. Part 111 -EXE CUTI ON 3.01 SITE CONDITIONS A. lnopeotlono, I. Prior to c,11 ><ork of this s.,,tlon, ,areFully lnsp.,Gt the lnstc,ll<>d ><ork of c,11 oth"r trade• and verily that all suoh work is complete to the point .. ho:ro: this installation may proper!~ oommence. 2. Verify that Irrigation s~stem ma~ t>e Installed In strict accordance ,;Jth all pe:rtlne:nt c.ode!I and re:gulcitions, the: orlglrial de:s19n, the. re:Pere:nc.ed standards, and the manufacturer's ro:,ommendatlons. 6. Dlsc.re:pc:mc.Je:s: I. In tn" event of disor<0pan,y, imm.,diatsly notlFy th" Lands,ape Arohlte,t or O,;ner'• c:>Jthorlz"d r"presentatlv.,, 2. Do not prou,ed "Ith lnstallc,tlon In c,rec,s of dlSGrepanc~ until all discrepancies have: been resolved. C. Grades, I. Belor" starting "ork, careful!~ ,hecK all grad"• to d.,t.,rmlne that ,;ark ma~ sc:,lel~ proceo:d, keeping ><lthln the opeclfled material d"pths ,1ith r""P"ct to finish grade. 2. Final grades shall oo accepted by th" Englne"r belori, ><ork on this si,ctlon .. 111 be allo"'"" to begin. D. Field Measurem<>nts, I. Make all no,co:ssary measuro:m.,nts In the field to enouro, preGlso, flt of Items In ac.cordanc.o i,.iith the: orlginGI design. C.ontrac.tor sOOII c.oordinQte the lnstallatlon al al I Irrigation mc:,t.,,.lals ,.,th al I othe:r work. 2. All sGaled dimensions are approximate. The Contraotor shall check and verify all s.lze dlmens.ions prior to proceeding i,,Jith work under this 91.'!';Gtion. 3. Exerci•e extro:me car" In excavating and ,;orklng n"ar exl•tlng utllitl"•· Gontraetor ohall be reoponsibl<> lor damc:,g"• to utll1t1es .,,.h,ch are, oaused by hi• opo,ratlons negl.,ct. E. Diagrammatic Intent, Th" dra,;lngs ,,,., essential!~ diagrammatic. Th" size and location ol "qulpment and r1xtures art!'; drai,,Jn to scale where oossible. Provide of'f'sl!';ts In piping Ghon9es In "'lulpment locations ao neceosary to conform ..,;th structures and to avoid obstructions or oonfll,ts ... 1th other .. ark at no additional o,xpo,nse to o .. no,r. F. Layout, I. Prior to Installation, the Contractor shall •take out all pressure suppl~ lines, routing and location al sprinkler .,.,c:,ds, valv.,s, ba<.kllow pr"v"nt.,r, and automatic controller. 2. Lc,yout Irrigation system c,nd mok<> "11nor adj,otmo,nt• requlr"d due to dlffo,renGe>s betJ,r,(een 5lte and dra;,,,ilni3s. ~ere piping 15 5hojlrr,ln on drawings Linder pavesd ar,,as, but running parallel and c,dJacent to plant"" areas, Install the piping In th" planted aro:as. 6. ~t"r supply Connection• to, or tho, lnotallatlon of, the ,;ater suppl~ shall be at the locations sho,;n on the drajlrr,llng5. Minor change,s caused~ ac.tual site c.ondltlon!'3 shall be made at no addltlonc,I "xpense to O><n.,r. H. Elo,Gtrlcal Service, I. Connections to tho, o,io,ctrieol supply shall be at the locc,tJono sho,-.n on the dr""'lngs. Minor chang"• caused by sit" conditions •hall b" made at no additional expon5o to Oi,,.iner. 2. Gontra,tor •hall mak<> 120 volt connection to the lrr1gat1an controllers. Els,trl,al power source to controi',or locations shall be provided by others. 5.02 '11'c.ENC.HING A. Ex<.avatlons shall be straight ><Ith vertical sides, even grade, and support pipe oontln,ouoly on bottom oF tr.,nch. Trenohlng "xcavatlon shall folio,-. layout lndloated on dra.,,.ln'3" to the c::lepths belo,-. flnlohi,d grade and c:,o ooted. ~ere lire• occur under paved area, these dlmensio"'IS !E>hall be e.o"1Sldored belo),,I subgrade B. Provide minimum cover of If> inches on presoure supply lines 2 1/2 inches and omollo,r. Provide, minimum cov"r of 24 JnGho,s on pro:ssur" supc,I~ lines 3 Inches and larg.,r. G. l"ro,vldo, minimum Gover ol If> <n,hes for control .,,.,,,,s. D. Provide minimum wve,r of 12 inc.hes for non-pressure ! ine;,. F. Pipe• Installed In a commor trenGh shall havo, a e, ln<.h mln!m"'" spoce b"t,;BBn pipes. 6. l"r..vldo, oand bock/Ill a mlnlm,m ol b Inches over and ,nder all mainline piping. 3.~ BACKFILLING A. &<-i<PIII material on c,11 lines shall be the sc,me as adjacent soil lree ol det>rls, litter, and ro<-1:9 ovo,r 1/2 Jnon In dic,meter. e. 6"<.klill ohall be tamped In 4-lnch layer• under the pip" and uniformly on both oldeo For th<> lull ""ldth ol the trench c,nd the lull lo,ngth oP the pip.,. Bc,cklill mc,to,rlc,ls ohall be oul,iGJ.,ntly dc,mp to P"rmit thorough oompadlon, fro,o, of voids. BGckfil I sha 11 bo c.ompac::.tod to dry densit~ eqL1al to odjac.ent undisturbed soil and shall conform to ad Jaoo,nt grado,o. C. Flooding In lieu of tamping Is not allo,;o,d. D. Under no Girc.umstanG69 shall truc.k. jlrr,lheeil!:i bei u9ed to c.ompac.t back.Pill. E. Provldo, sand backfill a minimum of b inGhes ov"r and und"r all piping uncl .. r pav"d oreas,. 3.0-4 PIPING A l"lplng und"r o,xl•tlng pav"m"nt mc,y bo, Installed b~ jaGklng, boring, or hljdraullc driving. No hydrc:>Jllo driving I• pormltted undor c,ophalt pav"m"nt. B. Cutt11,g or br""klng of existing pav..,,,ent is not po,rmitt,od. G. caro,fully lnspo,ct all pip" and •1tt1ngs ""Fore lnotallatlon, removing dirt, ecol.,, burrs reamln9. ln9tall pipe .with all markings up Por vl5ual in5pectlon and verlPlc.atlon. D. R.omove all d"nted and domage,d pip" s"otlons. E. All llno,o •hall have a minimum ,1.,c:,ranGe of e, Jnche• from each other and 12 lnGhes from lln"" ol other trad"•· F. l"orallel lines shall not be lnst,,lled dir.,Gtly over ""oh oth.,r. IS. In 1olvo,nt ""!ding, uso, onl~ the •p.,clFlo,d prlm"r and solvo,nt co,mo,nt and mak<> all Joints In otrlot ac,ordanu, .. 1th tho mc,nufact,rer's ro,Gom"10>nded mi,thods Including ><lplng all "'"""s solvent from eaGh ""'"· Allow solvo:nt ""Ids c,t lo,ast 15 mlnut10s s"tup tlmi, bef'Ol"IS moving or hG1ndlln9 and 24 hours c;.urln<:3 time before F!!l1n9. H. PVC plpo, ohall be lnstc,lled In a mc,nno,r ><hlch ><ill provide for ""panslon contrc,ctlon as r"eorrrno,nded by the pip" manufo,tur.,r. I. Cent.,,.load all plastlo pipe prior to pre•sur" testing. J, All thro,aded ploetlG-tc:>-plc:,stlc connection• ohall be asoo,mbled uolng ,ellon tape or Teflon pasto,. K. For plaetlc-to-mo,tal conn.,,tlons, ,;ork tho: mo:ta, connections first. Uso, a non-hardo,nlng plpe doper. an all 1:.hreaded plo9tic;.-to-me:tol connee.tion9, exc.er,pt ),,jhere noted othe:rwise. All pla~tfG-to-metal c.onnec.tlon9 9hall be mode with plastic. female adapters. L. All eonnec;tlon~ bet.ween PVC late:,ral lines 9hal! be made u9Jng Sch. 40 PVG fittings ><Ith compreosJoo """pters. All ,onnootlon• b<,\.,,..,en driop.,rllnes to b<1 made ,sing Gc:>mpro,eelon fitting• oF manufacturer ol th" dripperlin.,, Use no pips dope, Teflon tape, primer or solvent G"ment on compro:solon fittings. 3.05 CONTROLLER A. 'T!ie exaGt lou,tlon of the controller shall be approvo,d t>y the LandsG"P" Arc.hlt<1Gt or ONner'~ authorlze.d re:presentatrve before lnsl:.allal:.ion. The ele:Gtr-lGal serviGe 9hall 06 Goordlnato,d ... 1th thlo location. 6. The Irrigation Contractor shall be responsible for th" Final .,,.,,trical hook up to irrigation eo,ntro I lo,r. C. Tl,o, lrrl9atlon oysto:m shall be programmo,d to operat" during tho, periods of minimal use ol tho, doslgn or""· D. Install ,ontroller enGlosure as ro,,ommend"d by the manu'aGtur.,r. 3.06 WNTI'<OL HIRING A. L,o,>< voltage Gontrol "'Iring shc,11 oGcupy th" same tr.,nGh and shall b" installed along the !tOme route as th" press,re suppl~ lines wh.,never posslbi.,, e. v+iero more than one: J,,,1fre 19 plC1c.ed In a tronc.h, the J,,,1lrln9 9hol1 be taped together In a bundlo, at intervals of 10 1 .... t. 6undlo, ohall be secured to the mainline ,;ith tape at Intervals ol 20 '""t. C. All Gonno,ctlons shall bo, of an c:,ppr..v"d t~po, and shall occur In a vc,lv" box. Provide an I& Inch service-loop at eac.h connection. D. An o,xpanslon loop of 12 Inch"• shall be provld"d at ""ch ,;Ir" conneGtlon and/or dlreGtlonal c.h~nge, and one oP 24 !nGhes shall be provided at eac.h remot.6 c.ontro! valve. E:. ,.,,, Gontlnuou!! run of IN.ire 5hal I be u!'3ed between a c.ontrol lBr and eac.n r-Bmote control valve. Under no clrc.umetonc.ee eholl 5plrc.ee be ve.e:d wlthovt prior approvol. lsANbS('Ai'l,' ARCHITECTURE DRAWN APPROVED 1st SUBMITTAL Znd SUBMITTAL MYLAR JOB NO. DATE SCALE JP MM 01-26-05 03-25-05 04-~6-05 02-142 04-26-0[i AS SHOWN B.01 VALVES A. C D. E. Automatic i:::.ontrol valve:s, boll valves, gate valve,s, and q,ulc.k. c.ouplc,r valves shQII be lnotc,lled In th" approximate looatlons JndlGated on th" dra.,.ingo. Valv" shall be Jnstall<ld In shrub are,as ><h"n"v"r pooslblo. lnstoll all valv"s as Jndleat<0d In the detail dra,.,1ngs. Valves to be Installed In valvo, box"• ohc,II be installed one valve: per box. ~mo~e. control valves and q_lJIGk:. c.ouple:r valves shall be l5oloted from the malnllne by a boll vc,lve sized P"r tne largest RG.V. In tho, manifold or I 1/2 Inch for Q.G.V.'s. B.08 VALVE BOXES A Valve boxe.:s shall be Installed In 5hrub are:as whenever possible. B. Ec,oh valve box shall be lnotall"'d on c:, foundation al 3/4 Inch gravel backFIII, B cublG fe"t minimum. Valv<0 boxes shall be lnstGllled .,.,th th.,lr tops 1/2 Inch above th" surface of surrounding Finish grade In la,;n aro,ao and 2 lnGh"s above linlsh grade In ground Govo:r are.:as. B.O'l BAGKFLOH Pl<EVENTERS A. lnstoll l:>ockllo>< pr"v"ntor ,nit c,s Indicated In the d<0tall dra><lngs. B. Install baokflo,; assemblies at locations approvo,d In the field and at height requlr"d b~ loc.,:it codee. C,_ Install ),,l~er, stralne,rs and pro5sure: re:gL1lotors on the boGk.Flow assembl~. D. If boGkPlow prevento:r lo lnstall"d adJac.,,nt to c:, building, .. all, or otho,r obotruotlon, lnotall unit so that the to,ot coGl<.s aro, facing out...ard away from tho: obstruGtlon. E. Install back.Plow eni::;.losure as re,commended b~ the manuPai::;.turer. B.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinklo,r ho,c:,ds ohall "" inotall<ld c,s Jndloatoo on tho, drawings. B. Spaoing ol h=ds shall not exG6Bd mQXlmum lndiu,ted on the drawings. c. Rls"r nlppl"• shall b" or th<: same size as th" riser opo,nJng In the oprlnkler body. D. Pop-up sprinkler heads shall not be: lnstc,lled using sld" outl"t opo,nlngs. :I.I' MISGELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A. Install all c:,ssembll"'s specJIJ"d her.,ln according to the respective detail dra.,.lngs or epe:c.!Plc.ation5, u5ing best standard practices. 6. Qulc.k. covpler valves shall be set approximate-I~ 12 inches Fr-om ),,IQlk.s,1 cur-bs, h~der boards, or pc:,v"d aro,c:,s ,;h"r" applicable. G. Unl.,ss do:slgned c,s an lntegrc,I part of tho, Irrigation head, anti-drain valves ><ill be lnstc,ll"d ,nd"r "very head. The c,ntl-draln valv" will be the same dlc:,m<0ter as th" rls"r and 00 Integral to the rissr assembl~. D. Install rain so,nsor c:,s Indicated on the dra.,lngs and as r"comm.,nd"d by the manuf ac turt,r. B.12 FLUSHINe THE SYSTEM A. Prior to ins\Qllation of sprinklo,r nozzl"•• th" valv"s shall be openod and a F,I I h"ad of ,;ater used to flush out tn" lln"• and rls.,rs. B. Sprlnklor nozzl10s shc,11 be lnstallo,d after /lushing th" oysto,m has been complo,ted. 3.13 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM A. C.OntraGtor shall CldjlJst valves, a119n heads, and chec..k:. coverage: oP e:aGh 51:JSte:m pr-lor to Govorage te.:eit. 6. If It lo determlneci by the Landscape ArGhlto,ct or O><n.,r's authorlz"d r"pr.,s<>ntatlv" that additional odJustmo,nts or nozzl<0 chc,nges ><ill be required to provide propo,r oov<0rag,., "II n"GBssary Ghang"s or adjustments shall b" made prior to any planting. G. The o,ntlre system shall be op.,rat.Jng properly ""lore, c,n~ planting op"ratlons GommorGo:. D. Automatlo oontrol valves are, to "" adjust"d so that th" sprinkler h<:ads op<0rate at th" press,re ro:comme,nd"d by the monufa,t,r.,r. B.14 TESTIN5 AND OBSERVATION A Do not allow or cause any oF the J,,10rk:. oP tnls soctloo to ~ c.ovi,-ed up or e:nc..losed until ii:. hc,o be"n obs.,rvo,d, test"d and accept"" by th" Lc,ndouape> Arohlt,.ct, O,;ner, and governing age:nc.les. B. Th" Gontraotor shall be solely responsible for notll~lng the Lands<.ap" Arohlteet, o .. n.,r, and governing agenGles, c:, minimum of 4f> hours In advance, ,;here and who,n tho, ><ork I• r=dy lor testing. C. )',lho,n th" sprlnkl"r system Is ,omplo,t,,d, the ControGtor shall perform a cov.,rage test of 6aoh syst"'m Jn Its "ntlr"t~ to determine JI the ,-.c:,ter cov<0rage /or th" plc,nted ar<oas Is complete and Qdequate In th" pr10senco: of th" Landocapo, Ar<.hlt.,<.t. D. The C.ontrac.tor shall Furnish all materials and pe,rForm all J,,!Ork:. reqlJ!red to Gorrec.t an~ Inadequacies of cov.,rag" du" to deviations from the plans, or "'h"r" th" s~stem has been wlllfull~ !retailed as lndlc.ate.d on the dra;,,,ilngs when lt Is obvlousl~ 1nadeque1te, i.,,,ilthout bringing this to tho, att.,nt1on or the L<lndSGape Architect. This teot ohall be acco,pted by th" Land"'"P" Architect and accompli5h"d bePore stortlng ony planting. E. Final lnspe,ctlon ><Ill not oommenGe .. 1thout re,ard dra><lngs as pro,pared by the irrigation Gontre1Gtor. B.IS MAINTENANCE During the malnto,nan,e pcorlod th" Gontractor ohall adjust anc::I maintain th" Irrigation system In o fully operatlooal condition providing Gomplet" Irrigation cov.,rag" to all lnt.,nded plantings. :5.lb COMPLETION CLEANIN5 Gloon-up shall be madB as eac.h portion oF the Hork progress,es. F<eFu5e and exu,55 dirt shall bo, removed From the sit", all ><Olks and paving shc,11 be broom.,d, and any damage sustained on the ~ork oF other9 shall be repaired t0 or-lglnal c.onditions. END OF SECTION - CITY OF' CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT uTI UQJ ,---------,,,----,,,---------...---,----,---------------,----,r---,---,---i "AS-BUil T" IRRl5ATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR, DATE TITLE: RECEIVED BY: DATE INITIAL DATI: INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R.loeE .2.!3 L-10 APPROVE --yf __ ..,.,,,,,,'--"/'-' fA.IIIM"""'------.S::ct-oS ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-03 DRAWING NO. 420-5L '\., ,/\ 1"··--,, 76 75 74 MATCHLINE -SEE A60VE RIGHT Mi&Llfa,J APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY I INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ; . ) . £ J f 96 95 / ' 86 88 89 90 l f MATCHLINE -SEE 6ELO~ LEFT ::HLIH ~llllimllllllff,. "· 77 7.[3 71 80 85 84 83 '1~{ ,.....,._, ;5 i 82 66 65 64 J IILlfn:+ l ··· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:,·•··n:;;;;:1nt ./ MATC.HLINE:. SEE SHEET L-13 40 40 r-----~~iuiu;;------7:,=--=-1--=--=-f-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-s:::e,_ .... ~1..=e:_,-=-I~'_' =1=-4~o::_·_-r-i_-~=r~=l:2-0:Jil~~~I ~I ;=;-1~c:=;:;I~T:;:;:Y::::;O:;;F::;::: 1 :::;:c=A===R=Ls=B=A=n=-=1 ==-,1 I "AS-BUILT" PLANNING DEPARTMENT '4 t---t---t--------------------+------1-=:J===i==J GUl:ST eu11,.i;,1: ... FL.ANTING Fl.ANS 1"01'1., -----,,-,DATCTE--[1 ~,----t------------t--i--~--==:_J==:] VILLAGES OF LA C:::OSTA L-11 ~::'.::..=======~~~~=========f=+=t===========t=f=E=±=j LA C:::OSTA RIOOE 2.5 -------, RECEIVED BY· ,-,--r---------------1----~=I==t=:J ~ffl~~r===~=========d APPROVED "i .• JOB NO. 02-142 ~;;;-;:;:,:--;-~~"?cc'/~~ ~~~-::--_______ 5:9,-o5· DATE 04 _ 20 _ 05 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR QATE DATE INITIAL SCALE DATE INITIAL DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO D AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION INITIAL CHKD BY: . RAWING NO. OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 04-03 420-5L DRAWN JP APPROVED MM 1 st SUBMITTAL 01-28-05 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 MYLAR 04-26-05 TITLE: l_ANDSCAJ>E A RCHI fECTt.: l{E ... -,_ 0 -~ ....., _ \. ~· 1'\ l"'"'P 'y / ,/ ';r·· /: /, 60 < I i 63 59 62 58 APPROVED FOR PL.ANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PL.ANTING AREAS. 56 \ 55 5.'.i !37' 40 0 40 e,o CITY OF CARLSBAD SCAL.E:, I" = 40' PLANNING DEPARTMENT r ---------"A~=-i:iiiij"7;---------T~r-=~==~==~=+~==~==~~~~==~==--~==--~==--~==--~==--~==--~==--~==--~==--~==--~==--~=~~=~~=~~==;==;==1t==;==;=~~~=;==;=~t==;==;==Jf~;=~;=~~ <SUE:ST SUll..e>E:R FI..ANTIN6 Fl-ANS l"OR, "AS-BUILT" I-VILLAGES OF LA COSTA -----==----.,P LA COSTA R/06E 2.5 ------iiADA~TE ~t--==+=F~=F~=---_ -_ -_ -_ ---=--=~~~==1=t=~~t===+i===:=+=r~=l L~~---~===~~ I-i"iiPPROVE s~·c;.os · DRAWN JP APPROVED MM lBl SUBMITTAL 01-26-00 2nd SUDMITTAL L-12 LANDSC"APE ARCHITECPIJRE oa-~□-05 I _:'.'._::::.::=====~fcT~if~::========1~====ji====i~=====-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~==t=====1i=====tt=====~~ ASSISTANT IRECTOR DA TE --------~ RECE VED BY: ~1-===t==t====--------======j=-;;_t~~~;;ri=;;~~ ~D~W~N~B~Y:~~-~§~~f¥~~P~R~O~JE~C~T~N~Oi.=7~D~R~A~W~IN~G~N!510. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: GT 04-03 420-5L 04-2B-05 TITLE: MYLAR JOH NO. 02-142 DATE 04-26-05 AS SHOWN DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: OTHER APPROVAL SCALE INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC-LUDING PREC-15E LOC-ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 99 MATC.HLINE -SEE SHEET L-11 f i, ', //_ ~ •rrxw;m 100 grr~ 1 CJ 1 MATC.HLINE -SEE LA COSTA RIDGES 2.4 102 40 e,~o ~l:20 ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD SC.AL!!!, I" • 40' • • ~ .---------=-----=--------...,.....----,------,----------------.---.----.--'r---1 DRAW~ JP "AS-BUILT" PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ G lfLESPIE DESIGN GROUP INC. -----·,· ·,. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTI IRE APPROVED 1st SUBMITTAL 2nd SUBMITTAL MYLAR JOB NO. DATE SCALE MM 01 -26-05 OS-25-05 04-26-05 TITLE: RECEIVED BY: 02-142 04-26-05 AS SHOW:\. INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 6Ul:ST 6UIL.i:;>!:~ P"L.ANTIN6 FL.ANS FO"-, VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RloeE 2~ L-13 APPROVE __ ____.,:-LL~"'--------s::.9.c;,,.S. ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ___ , PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: --GT 04-03 RVWD BY: DATE DRAWING NO. 420-5L f() I -' 1- UJ ~ 1U 1U I '° 6 1? 34 49 . I f 48 I i MATC.HLINE -SEE SHEET L-12 J 1'11Rt~}'IJ~tFJc37Jt.!®W:lil4¥& !!t,M11m11111 - 50 47 I 38 -.. ' I I 51 46 [568'.;J 33. 46' --·~·~ ... "· . --·~"·• - I ., r APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. <..1 I I' I ;J 1i I 45 . - }/. 53' JJ.84 / / ·.• ~-:_,./ --...., / ... 40 : i-- . . \lllSCA G,\ \ lee LANDSCAPE AllCHlTECTURE 54 44 f-- \ \ '<( \ 40 :.ic:, o eo 1:za .....----~~iiij"i'l:---------,-----,--------,---------=e:::'.cA::L::_e, _..'.1_:" =:,..:-4::o_' ,----,-____:1~1~ ~ C lTY OF CARLS BAD ~ nR;.w,-.r JP I "AS-BUILT" !------t---f------------------t----t---1---(.__· ~-~ ~~;;;:~~~::c=~PL::A¢N~N~I :'NG~D"°E=:P:::A=:RT=M=E=N=T===~~~=-~I::! APPROVED MM I 6U!!!ST E!UIL.I:>ER FL.ANTIN6 FL.ANS FOR, 1st. SUBMITTAL 01-26 00 V/LLAt:JES OF LA COSTA L-14 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 DATE LA COSTA R/J:)eE 2.!J -M_YT_.A_R ____ o_•_-_2_6--□-5 ~l:.'.1L:'.E:,: ======~~Wffi~v=========-t=====1=====~=================================j=====j=====i=====i====j I RECEIVED BY: I JOB NO. 02 14::!! DATE 04-26 05 A .,.-P,:-,P:-,-cR-,:0,-VECCD~!ZLJL'if/~-------,5= 9-o.S- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE t'-nDICATTFE7111N""IT'"IA"L+------------------l-o,-TE--1-IN_ITl_A_L_J__O_A_TE_L-IN_ITl_A_L J ~D~W~N~B~Y~: =_=_=_~=-=-~==~P~R~O=J~EC~T~N~O=. =::::::;~D~R~A:!!W~IN=G=N=O~. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ~~~g ~~: ---I C, T 04-03 420-5L SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE -\J) 0 ROOT BALL @ C.ROV'IN-1" AElOYl:c FINISH 6RADE ® FINISH GRADE 0 FINISH GRADE AT SLOPE ® 2 X ROOT BALL DIA. AND I X DEPTH 0 ElAc.K FILI. MIX (5EE NOTES) II, J------+- ® 0 FERTILIZER (PER SOILS REPORT) ® SEE PAVING DETAILS 0 TOP OF PAVING @ 2" Hl5H WATERING BASIN (IF REGl'D) ® UNDIST1JRBED NATIYl:c SOIL 2 A SHRUB/TREE PLANTING DETAIL NTS II D NOTE, n 1-1----@ II II II 0 VINE ATTAvHED TO SURFAC.E )'!!TH C.LEAR EPOXY VINE TIES @ NURSERY STAKES-TO BE REMOY!:cD ® EXISTING SURFAc.E 0 C,ROJ,-,IN-1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE ® 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN (IF REGlUIRED) 0 PLANT TABLETS 0 FINISH 6RADE ® BAvKFILL MIX (SEE SPECS.) 0 2XROOTBALL DIA @ UNDIST1JRBED NATIYl:c SOIL ® ROOTBALL 12 MIN. 6" BELOv, FINISHED FLOO ..... BLDG. VINES ~ER'!" ESPALIER STAKE TO BE MOYl:cD AND ATTAc.HED TO SURFAc.E BY C.LEAR EFOX'!" VINE TIES. VINE PLANTING DETAIL NTS 1'"1.AN VARIES VARl:'S cp Sl!!CTION QETA,IL LE<!ZENO 04" :;IEPTH DEC.OMPOSED 5RANITE- GALIFORNIA OOLD OR APPROVED EQUAL AVAILABLE R<OM KRC- ROGK • l'IITH STAElLIZER (q' MIN. ~DTH) MOISTEN D.G. I GOMPAC.T TO ~0% i'V:l50 LB ROLLER.- INSTALL FENC.E P05T5 AND FOOTINGS PRIOR TO D .G. INSTALLATION-D.G. PATH SHALL ElE FLU5H W C.IVIL SIDE!'v\LK ~RE IT QC.Cl.IRS. 12% MAX. LONGITUDINAL SLOPE, 2% MIN. C.ROSS SLOPE @2,6 REDWOOD HEADER -ATTAc.H 2x4xl2" STAKE 4' O.C.. TO 2-,J; WI 2 GALV. i'!AILS-FINISH GRADE TO ElE 2" ElELOW TOP OF 2x6 0~0% COMPACTED :1.BGRADE-TREA T TOP OF SUBcSRADE I FINISHED D.G. SURFACE W APPROVED PRE-EMERGENT GRANULAR HEREllC.IDE, INSTALL PER MANl,fAGTVRERS REGOr-lr-lENDATIONS DEGOJv!POSED 6R.ANITE NT5 @ ~ 0 I . ,: I~ 5 )-~ 0 2" DIA. X 10' LODGEPOLE PINE STAKE (2 =•o) @ RIGHT OF WAY ® VINYL TREE TIE (2 REGlVJ 0 3'-0" MIN. ® SEE TREE PLANTING VETAIL @12"MIN. 0 TREE TRUNK ® ROOTElALL CD 2· 4 @ PREPARED SOIL a ,~~',...l,'5/t_,~ft'-,,~~~~~,_,f~TTTF~® PLANT TABLET =I I 1== 0 FINISH GRADE ' l=I ® EGlUAL(x)-sEic PLANT -"--'-",• 1-1 I -I I 1-1 I 1-I 1-1 I ,_11 . 11 I= SC.HEDULE FOR ON -I 111 ' 11 I . 11 1=1 I 1=111 C.ENTER SPAC.INe TH 1111_ 111 u · · · ::111 1 1 1 ® c.~:-~zA~~~M;~~~T 5EC.TION AS INDlvATED ON PLAN 6 1 0 vONC.RETE C.URB OR HARDSC.APE IMPROVl:'MENT AS INDlvATED ON PLAN ® EGlUAL 1/2/x) --7 0 6"M1N. @ PREVAILING J,-,IIND AXIS E l-.-J3, MIN.- ® TRUNK TO BE ;:l' BEHIND R.O.J,-,1. r-----1-B --STREET ===='===i=F'="===='==='---SIDEWALK 0---=--,,.,.-.t------+ :5' MIN. PLAN VIEJ,-,I ® ~ TREE STAKING DETAIL NT5 6ROUNDCOVER PLANTIN6 DETAIL NT5 0-7 I ""- ·-.c+--13 "'-·""-. . ' ·... . . . .· . ·. G) CONCRETE SIDE v.ALK OR HARD5CAPE IMPROVEMENT AS INDICATED ON PLAN 0 DEEPROOT LB24-2 ® 5UB5RADE G) PLANTS PER PLAN 0 CONCRETE CURB OR HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT AS INDICATED ON PLAN SU6MIT SAMPLE OF DEEPROOT >-;;;;--;:;;---;;;;--;::;;;,---;;:;;--::::;;--';;:::;--;:!:;----;;;;-----::;;;;#---1 LB:24-::l TO I= = = = = = = =t= = 2 GITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL ~---/---{ 4 PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ========== 1---==--==--=--==--==--=~=--==--=:........:"'""'11------{2 PLAN ROOT BARRIER. NTS SPEGIFIGATIONS FOR HYDROSEEDING I. HYDROSEEDIN<S MIXTURES AND RATES OF APPLICATION (11' NON-IRRl<SATED LOC.ATIONS, THESE MIXES SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED ONLY DURIN5 THE PERIOD OF OCT. I THRU JAN. I, OR ESTABLISHED THROU5H AN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED MEANS OF IRRl<SATION) HYDROSEED MIX "A" AL YS5UM 'CARPET OF SNOY'i' 5AZANIA R15EN5 'FIESTA RED' AL YS5UM 'ROY AL CARPET' HYDROSEED MIX "B" ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA LUPINUS ARBOREUS MIMULUS PUNICEU5 POUNDS/ ACRE El 10 5 POUNDS/ACRE 5 e, 3 MINIMUM 96 PURITY /5ERM. a,e,;e,o a.01tio a,e,;e,o MINIMUM 96 PURITY/5ERM. "18/bO a.0160 a,e,;e,o (ALL SEED AVAILA6LE THROU5H HYDROPLANT, ATTN, ROB MC5ANN 160-144-1360 11. HYDROSEEDIN5 SUSPENSION OR SLURRY COMPOSITION 5REEN Y'IOOD MULCH FERTILIZER (16-16-16) AZ-TAC BINDER FERROUS SULFATE OR I RON C4ELA TE 2,250.0 LB./AC. 400.0 LB./AC. 150.0 LB./AC. 2.8 5ALS./AC. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND EGUIPMENT A. EGUIPMENT -HYDRAULIC EGUIPMENT USED FOR THE APPLICATION OF THE FERTILIZER, SEED AND SLURRY OF "!<EPA.RED )'IOOD PULP SHALL BE OF THE "SUPER HYD!<O-SEEDER" TYPE AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR. THIS EGUIPMENT SHALL HAVE A BUILT-IN A51TATION SYSTEM AND OPERATIN5 CAPACITY SUFFICIENT TO A51TATE, SUSPEND, AND HOMOGE:NEOUSL Y MIX A SLURRY CONTAIN!Ne NOT LESS THAN 40# OF FIBER MULCH PLUS A COMBINED TOTAL OF i# FERTILIZER SOLIDS FOR EACH 100 5AL~ONS OF Y"iA 'TER. THE SLURRY DISTRIBUTION LINES SHALL BE LAR5E ENOU5H TO PREVENT 5TOPPA5E AND SHALL BE EGUIPPED Y'IITH A SET OF HYDRAULIC SPRAY NOZZLE:S Y'IHICH )'!ILL PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS NON-FLUC.TUATIN& DISCHARGE. THE SLURRY TANK SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CAPACITY OF 1500 eALLONS AND SHALL BE MOUNTED ON A TRAVELIN5 UNIT, EITHER SELF-PROPELLED OR DRAY'IN BY A SEPARATE UNIT, Y'IHICH V'IILL PLACE THE SLURRY TANK SPRAY NOZZLES Y'IITHIN SUFFIC.IENT PROXIMITY TO THE AREAS TO BE SEEDED. B. PREPARATION -T4E SLURRY PREPARATION SHALL. TAKE PLAC.E AT THE SITE OF )'!ORK AND SHALL 6E51N BY ADDIN5 Y'IATER TO THE TANK Y'IHEN THE EN51NE 15 AT HALF-THROTTLE. Y'IHEN THE Y'IATER LEVEL HAS REACHED THE HEl5HT OF THE A51TATOR SHAFT, 5000 RE-C.IRCULATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND, AT THIS TIME, THE SEED SHALL BE ADDED. FERTILIZERS SHALL THEN BE ADDED, FOLLOY'IED BY Y'IOOD PULP MULCH. MULCH SHALL ONLY BE ADDED TO THE MIXTURE AFTER THE SEED AND Y'IHEN THE TANK IS AT LEAST ONE-THIRD (1/5) FILLED Y'IITH Y'IATER. THE EN.SINE THROTTLE SHALL BE OPENED TO FULL SPEED HHEN THE TANK 15 HALF-FILLEP HITH Y'IATER. ALL THE HOOD PULP MULCH SHALL BE ADDED BY THE TIME THE TANK IS T)'IO-THIRDS (215) TO THREE-FOURTHS (5/4) FULL SPRAYIN5 SHALL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY HHEN THE TANK IS FULL. C. APf'LICATION -THE OPERATOR SHALL SPRAY THE SLOPES Y'll.,.H A UNIFORM, Vl516LE COAT BY U51N5 THE 5REEN COLOR OF THE HOOD PULP AS A 5UIDE. THE SLURRY SHALL BE APPLIED IN A 5Y'll:EPIN5 MOTION, IN AN ARCHED STREAM 50 AS TO FALL LIKE RAIN, ALLOHIN5 THE HOOD FIBERS TO BUILD ON EACH OTHER UNTIL A 5000 COAT 15 ACHIEVED, AND THE MATERIAL 15 SPREAD AT THE REGUIRED RATE PER ACRE. D. ALL BARE SPOTS SHALL BE RESEEDED HITHIN NINETY ("10) DAYS TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF CAR.5BAD INSPECTOR. E. PRIOR TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE HYDROSEEDED AREAS BY THE CITY'S INSPECTOR, A CERTIFICATION REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED BY A RE.SISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHl'TECT, STATIN5 THAT THE HYDROSEEDIN5 )'IA.5 DONE ACCOR.DINS TO THE PROJECT SPECIFICATION AND THAT ITS 5ROHTH 15 ADEGUATEL '!" ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT EROSION. F. THE COVER CROP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE AND MANNER SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE "10% COVERA<SE HITHIN 30 DAYS. PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANIC.AL NAME O t-lETROSIDEROS EXGELSUS (MULTI) 0 OLEA E:UMPAE:A rT\EB PINUS HALEPENSl5 TREES, '<:Y-PLATANU5 RAGEMOSA ♦ GlUERGUS ILEX SGHINUS MOLLE C.OMMON NAME NEY'! ZEALAND GHRISTMAS TREE FRUITLESS OLIVE ALEPPO PINE GALIFORNIA SYGAMORE HOLLY OAK GALIFORNIA PEPPER SIZE 15 GAL 15 GAL. 15 GAL 15 GAL 24" BOX 15 GAL. Qr( 54 12 54 4 168> 38> SHRUBS, TURF AND 6ROUNDC.OVER: @ © ~ 0 ~ ~ m @ ~ • • • + + + + • • • AGAVE ATTENUATA FOXTAIL. AGAVE I GAL. I "I ALOE ARBORESGENS TREE ALOE I GAL. 25 ALOE STRIATA * GORAL AL.OE I GAL. @ 30" O.G. ARBUTUS UNEDO STR.AY'IBERRY TREE 5 GAL 4e, GAR.EX TUMULIGOLA SEDGE LINERS 1i1 18>" O G GEANOTHUS HOR.IZONTALIS • GAR.MEL GREEPER I GAL. @ 6' O.G. GISTUS SPP. • ROGKROSE I GAL. @ 6' O.G. EGHIUM FASTIJOSUM PRIDE OF MADEIRA 5 GAL. 1"11 FESTUGA MAIREI ATLAS FESGUE LINER5 @ 18>" O.G. MYOPORUM PAGIFIGUM • MYOPORUM I GAL. lil 8>' O.G. PENNl5ETUM SET AGEUM 'GUPREUM' FOUNTAIN GRA55 4" POTS 1i1 12" O.G. R05MARINU5 0. 'TUSGAN BLUE' • ROSEMARY I GAL @ 4' O.G. 5ALYIA GREGGII * AUTUMN SAGE I GAL. @ 4' O.G. R05MARINUS 0, 'PROSTR.ATUS' DY'IARF ROSEMARY FLATS@ 18" O.G. SOD MAAATHON S SOD TURF • ON 5LOPES, THESE 5HRUB5 TO BE UNDERPLANTED Y'IITH MYOFORUM PARYIFOLIUM 'PR05TRATUM' FROM FLATS@ lb" O.G. ALL SLOPES, UNLESS OTHERHISE NOTED, TO BE UNDERPLANTED Y'IITH HYDROSEED MIX "A" -SEE SPEG'5 ~ CITY OF CAl\LSBAD l_!__:2_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,----------,,-----,,---------r----r---,----------------,---,----...---,--·--, PLANTIN5 LE5ENV, DETAIL.5 AND NOTES FOR, "AS-BUILT" uTI APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC.LUDING PRECISE LOC.ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I "-'Jf)S( 'APE ARCH! fECil RE DRAWN JP APPROVED MM lat. SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 ;:;!nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 MYLAR 04-2B-06 JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 04-2tl-05 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE TITLE: RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RloeE 2.5 L-15 1/l s~ c,--os-· ----""""-'-''--"""'--------ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY:--~ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: CT 04-03 420-5L PLANTINcS NOTES I. A. THE PLANTING PLAN 15 DIAGRAMMATIC ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. PLANT SYMBOLS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT QUANTITIES SPECIFIED. 8. QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR ONLY. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSC.APE ARCHITECT OF THE DISC.REPANC.IES BETWEEN QUANTITIES AND SYMBOLS SHOWN. -· 2. LANDSC.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY A CONTACT HERBIC.IDE, WHERE WEEDS ARE PRESENT, PER MANUFAC.TURERS SPECIFIC.ATIONS A MINIMUM OF TEN (IO) DAYS PRIOR TO C-OMMENCEMENT OF ANY PLANTING OR IRRIGATION Y'!OR.K. WEEDS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO C,OMPLETELY DIE BACK, INC-LUDING THE ROOTS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. HERBIC.IDE APPLIC-ATOR SHALL BE LIC-ENSED BY THE STATE Of CALIFORNIA. :l. LANDSC-APE CONTRAC-TOR SHALL SUBMIT A SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT FROM A TESTING AGENC-Y APPROVED BY THE CITY TO THE CITY LANDSC.APE INSPECTOR AND THE LANDSC.APE ARCHITECT BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4. PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE THOR:OUGHL Y SOAKED 5. ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED, WHICH HAVE A SLOPE Of LESS THAN 10%, SHALL BE CROSS-RIPPED TO A DEPTH OF SIX (6") INC.HES AND THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS SPREAD EVENLY AND THOR.OUGHL Y BLENDED IN PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET. THE QUANTITIES PROVIDED BELOY'I ARE FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. ALL AMENDMENTS AND QUANTITIES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED BY THE C.ONTRAC-TOR PRIOR TO C-ONSTRUC-TION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. A. 3 C-UBIC, YARDS NITROGEN FORTIFIED REDWOOD SHAVINGS B. 100 POUNDS AGRIC.UL TURAL GYPSUM C. 15 POUNDS IRON SULPHATE D. 25 POUNDS 16-6-8 SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER 6. EACH PLANT SHALL REC-EIVE "AGRIFORM" (OR. EQUAL) PLANT TABLETS AS FOLLOY'IS, ROOTED C-UTTING/4" POT (I) 5 GRAM I GAL. CONTAINER (I) 21 GRAM 5 GAL. CONTAINER (3) 21 GR.AM 15 GAL. C,ONTAINER (5) 21 GRAM BOX TREE (I) 21 GRAM PER :l" BOX SIZE 1. FOR BID PURPOSED ONLY, PLANT BAC-K FILL SHALL BE 50% SITE SOIL, AND 50% NITROGEN FORTlflED REDWOOD SHAVINGS BY VOLUME. THESE QUANTITIES SHALL BE SUPERC-EDED BY THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO GONSTRUGTION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. 8 PLANT PITS SHALL BE TWICE THE SIZE OF THE DESIGNATED NURSERY CONTAINER. "I. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE ROOT BOUND. FIVE GALLON PLANTS AND LARGER SHALL HAVE BEEN GROWN IN CONTAINERS FOR A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS AND A MAXIMUM OF TY'!O YEARS. PLANTS SHALL EXHIBIT HEALTHY GROWTH AND BE FREE OF DISEASES AND PESTS. 10. A. STAKE ALL TREES PER DETAIL. 8. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES ON ALL VINES AND ATTACH TO ADJAC-ENT FENC-ES WITH GALV. NAILS AND GREEN NURSERY TAPE. ATTACH TO WALLS WITH EPOXY TIES. C,, REMOVE NURSERY STAKES AND TIES FROM ALL C,ONTAINER STOCK. MAINTAIN SIDE GROWTH ON ALL TREES. II. _PLANTS SHALL NOT BE PLACED Y'IITHIN TWELVE (12") INC.HES OF SPRINKLER HEADS. 12. SHRUBS SHOWN IN PLANT AREAS SHALL BE UNDER-PLANTED WITH GROUNDCOVER SHOWN BY ADJACENT SYMBOL, TO WITHIN 12" OF MAIN PLANT STEM. l:l. LANDSC-APE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 2% DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND WALLS. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE SMOOTHED TO ELIMINATE PUDDLING OR STANDINe WATER. 14. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE ONE (I) INCH BELOW THE TOP OF CURBS, SILLS, AND WALKWAYS IN ALL AREAS. Y'IHERE SOD 15 LAID NEXT TO THESE IMPROVEMENTS-FINISH GR.ADE BEFORE LAYING SOD SHALL BE 1-1/2" BELOW THE TOP. 15. THE LANDSCAPE GONTRAC-TOR SHALL LEAVE SITE IN A CLEAN CONDITION, REMOVING ALL UNUSED MATERIAL, TRASH, AND TOOLS. 16. LANDSC.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL PLANTINGS FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY ("10) DAYS AFTER C-OMPLETION. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN, WATERED, AND Y'IEED FREE. 11. AT COMPLETION OF ALL WORK OUTLINED IN THESE PLANS, THE LANDSCAPE GONTRAGTOR SHALL GONTAGT OY'INER AND ARRANGE FOR A Y'IALK THROUGH TO DETERMINE THAT ALL ASPEC-TS OF WORK ARE COMPLETED WORK MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED AC.CORDING TO ALL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND MUST BE COMPLETED IN A 5000 WORKMANSHIP MANNER AND MUST BE ACCEPTED BY THE OY'INER IN Y'IRITING PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. APPR.OVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. (.) C :; ! "OSCAp <,I I leap1 -=""'Ii~'!""-- GILLES PIE DESIGN GROUP JNC. I LAN\)SCAPE ARCHITECTURE DRAWN APPROVED ht SUBMITTAL end SUBMITTAL MYLAR JOB NO. DATE SCALE JP MM 01-26-05 03-26-0i'i, 04-26-05 02-142 04-26-05 AS SHOWN THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOV'llNG SCOPE OF V'lORK, A. DAILY WATERING OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL. 6. V'lEEKL Y MOWING Of ALL TURF AREAS. G. WEEDING AND REMOVAL OF ALL WEEDS FROM GROUND COVER AREAS. D. REPLACEMENT OF ANY DEAD, DYING, OR DAMAGED TREES, SHRUBS, OR GROUND C.OVER.5. E. FILLING AND REPLANTING OF ANY LOW AREAS WHICH MAY CAUSE STANDING WATER. F. ADJUSTING OF SPRINKLER HEAD HEIGHT AND WATER.ING SYSTEM. G. FILLING AND RECOMPAGTION OF ERODED AREAS. H. WEEKLY REMOVAL OF ALL TRASH, LITTER, CLIPPINGS, AND ALL FOREIGN DEBRIS. I. AT 50 DAYS AFTER PLANTING, AMMONIUM SULFATE SHALL BE APPLIED TO LAWN AREAS AT THE RATE OF 5 LBS. PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET. J. AT 60 DAYS AFTER PLANTING AND PRIOR TO THE END OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, BEST FERTILIZER COMPANY 16-6-8 (OR EQUAL) SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 6 LBS. PER 1,000 SQUARE F.l:ET TO LAWN AREAS AND PLANTING AREAS. 18. PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. SHALL CONTACT 01'-lNER AND ARR.ANGE FOR A FINAL WALK THROUGH. OWNER MUST ACCEPT ALL MAINTAINED AREAS IN Y'lRITING PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 1"1. A. ALL GROUND COVERS SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR. AS TO GROY'lTH AND HEAL TH FOR A PERIOD OF SIXTY (t,O) DAYS AFTER THE COMPLETION OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ALL SHRUBS SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE C-ONTRAC.TOR AS TO GROWTH AND HEAL TH FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY ("10) DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL AGC.EPTANGE. ALL TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR. TO LIVE AND GROY'l IN AN AC.C.EPTABLE UPRIGHT POSITION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (I) YEAR AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE El. THE CONTRACTOR., WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS OF Y'IR.ITTEN NOTIFICATION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, SHALL REMOVE AND REPLACE ALL GUARANTEED PLANT MATERIALS, WHICH FOR ANY REASON FAIL TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GUARANTEE. REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE Y'llTH PLANT MATERIALS AS INDICATED OR SPEC.IFIED ON THE ORIGINAL PLANS, AND ALL SUCH REPLACEMENT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED AS SPECIFIED FOR THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL GUARANTEE. 20. PER C.ITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL/EROSION CONTROL STANDARDS NO. I, 2, :l, 4 4, SLOPES OVER 8' IN VER.TIC.AL HEIGHT SHALL HAVE, A) STANDARD NO. I -GOVER GROF-JUTE MESH (100% C.OVERA6E) B) STANDARD NO. 2 -GROUND COVER, MINIMUM FLATTED SIZE (100% COVERAGE) C.) STANDARD NO. 3 -LOW SPREADING SHRUBS FROMMINIMUM 2-3/4" LINERS (10% COVERAGE) D) STANDARD NO. 4 -TREES AND LARGE SHRUBS FROM fv!INIMUM I 6ALLON (1/200 SQUARE FEET) 21. SLOPES BETYIEEN 4' AND 8' VER.TIC.AL HEl6HT SHALL HAVE STANDARD NO.I, N0.2, N0.:3 ABOVE. 22. ALL TREES TO BE PLANTED A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF, A) 15' FROM ALL STREET LIGHT POSTS B.) 1' FROM ANY SEWER LINES C..) 10' FROM ANY ISAS LINE OR STORM DRAIN. D.) 5' FROM ANY WATER OR DRY UTILITITY LINES 23. ALL TREES PLANTED WITHIN 8' FR.OM ANY HAR.DSC.APE PAVEMENT, OR CURBS SHALL RECEIVE A LB24-2 'DEEP ROOT' TREE ROOT BARRIER INSTALLED IN A 10' LINEAR APPLICATION, OR AS SHOWN ON FLANTINe FLAN. ROOT BARRIER SHALL NOT ENC.IR.C-LE THE ROOT BALL. SEE DETAIL E/16. 24. ALL TREES SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWINIS SPECIFICATIONS, CONTAINER SIZE HEl6HT x WIDTH CALIPER A. 15 GAL. (STD) 1'-8' X 2'-3' I" -1.25" B. 24" BOX (STD) c:lf'-11' X 4'-5' 1.25" -1.5" 24" BOX (MUL Tl) 6'-1' X 4'-5' 1.25" -1.5" c.. 36" BOX (STD) 12'-14' x b'-1' 2 11 -2.511 36" BOX (MUL Tl) <ll'-10' x b'-1' 1.25" -1.5" 25. ALL SLOPES SHALL RECEIVE A 50% ALY55UM 'ROYAL CAR.PET' AND 50% ALYSSUM 'CARPET OF SNOW' HYDROSEED MIX AS A 'COVER C-ROP' UNLESS OTHER.WISE SPECIFIED ON CIVIL EN61NEER.'S PLANS. AL YSSUM HYDROSEED MIX SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF SLOPE 6R.ADIN6. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT I Cl .---------,,----,,....---------,---.,..---,----------------,---,----,---,----l "AS-BUILT" FLANTIN5 LESEND, DETAILS AND NOTES FOR DATE llTLE: RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR DATE VILLASES OF LA t;OSTA LA t;OSTA RIOSE 2..!J L-16 l----+-----1--------------+---+---+--+---,---1 DWN BY: __ DATE INlllAL 1--DA __ TE=.._c_lN_rn_A_L +-D_AT_E_.__INl_llA_L--i CHKD BY: __ ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-03 I DRAWING NO. . 420-SL • l"'L.ANTIN6 AND MAINTl=NANCe 1.0 6GOl"e 1.01 l"'erlorm all plan.ing and malntenanee l'lork a• lndleated and epeellled, eomplete. 1.02 i)ie Gondltlone oP the Gont:raet and the C!,eneral !ipeellleatlone are a part ol thre Seetron. I.OS GONTillOL., i)ie 11eleet1on ol herbleidea, applleatlon ratea, and methode are to be perPormed under the eontrol and guidanee ol a State oP GallPornla lieeneed peet eont:rol advle,or and applieator. 1.04 L.AB~TO!ll.'f ANAL.'!'SIS, l"'rovlde laboratory •oil• analy•I• eonlormrng to the PollOl'ling, A. T•etlng to be perlormed by the Soll and l"'lant L.<,borotory, 412 So. L.yon, S..nta An", GA "12il I, (il4) 55!!>-f>:133. e. submit tn• Pollo"'1n9 !loll• eomple,o to tne laborator~ ot the eomm-e•m•nt ol l'IOrk, I. Nc,tlv• eoll, T•n r•pr•••ntatlv• 11ample!I ol natlv• 1>011 to 'b• l"nd!leap•d "t loeatloneaho"'n c,n plan,o "'Ith 1:hie •~mbol. l""erlom, 1;,..,, (2) Soll!> Te!lh al: eaen loeal:lon. /One /1) .,1; 9round level l:o 10" deep, and one (I) .,1; 24" -:56" depth) 2. Import &oil, One /1) repr•••nt.,l:lve e"mple /or eaen 100 euble ~arde and/or &01Jr"G8. G. l"l.,ee eoeh ec:,mpl• In " el:urdy e,mtarner, properl~ ldentilled, lab•led, and dated. 0. l"'rovlde report ol reeulte to the o .. ner, L.and6c.ape Arc.hitec.t, Git~ lnepec.tor and c!loeneral Gont:r.,etor. e. All teetrn9 oervleee ,ohall be paid lor ~ the L.anci,oe"p• Gont:r.,etor. 2.0 d>eNe!II.AL. GONC>ITIONS 2.01 All eealed dlmenelone are approximate. Chee.I<. and verily all elte dimenelone and reeelve O"'ner'& repreeentatlve'e "pprov"I prior to proc.eecilng .. 1th "'"rk under this Sec.tlon. 2.02 Coordinate lnatallatlon ol all plant materlale, to avoid lnterlerenc.e "'Ith other eonstruetlon. 2.06 +c:eep the premleee elean and Pree ol exe••• eo,ulpment, materl.,111, onci debrle lnc.idental to l'lork. 2.04 l"'roteet """rk and "'"'I< ol othec,o at all tlmee rn perlormanee ol l'lork. 2.05 GorePully note all linlah 9radee be/ore eommenelng """rk. 111.eatore any Plnlan 9racieehon9ed during eouree ol thle l'lork to orlglnol or Intended gradee. !l.O ON-SIT!: oese!II.VATION !l.01 i)ie Pollo"'lng elte vleite &hall be made ~ Ol'lner',o repreeentatiVe. i)ie Gontrac.tor•hal I reo,ueet revle"' In "'rltln9 In advanee ol the time elte v1111t le reo,ulred. Adv.,nee nooilleotlon /or the belo"" elte vlelte ehall be reo,ulred ae Pollo""'' A. Pre-Job eonlerenee, i da~•, Git~ ln11pec:tor to attend al•o B. l'lnal grade revle,.., 4e, houre G. Plant material revle!'I, 4!!> houre 0. l"'lanl: layout revlel'I, 4!!> hours e. Soil preparation and planting op•r.,tlone (on• (I) k•• ,..,1;1, """h t~p• ol epeelll•d "taking •h.,11 b• "pprov•ci prior to plant1n9 tr•••;, 4!!> houre I'. l"'re--m"lntenanee, i da~e, c,,, !"lnal ac:eeptane•, i cia~• !l.02 II Cont:rac.tor r9<:\ueet11 " elte vl11lt anci th• elte le not Pound to be In an aeeeptabl• c.ondltlon to hold the revle"", the houri~ I••" ol the per•onnel e"lleci /or the elte vlelt ehall be P"lci b~ the Conl:,.,etor and &hall be deduc.ted Prom hie e,c;,ntrac. t pr-lG•. 6.06 No elte vlolte ,oh.,11 eommenc.• "'rthout all Item• noted In prevloui, obl>ecvatlon ceporte either eompleted or remedied uni••• oueh c:ompllanee ha& been "'"lveci b~ the O...ner. Site vlelte that are ec.h•duled, but the Gontraetor hae lail•d t<, aeeompllr.h punc.hllet taek& or pr•pare adeo,uately /or desired lnepec.tlone, ehall make the C.ontraetor reeponr.lble Par relmbur..ln9 the L."ndee.,pe Arehlteet at hl,o c.urrent hourly billing rate plu,o tr.,neport .. tlon eo&t,o. No Purther lnepeetlone enall beeeheduleduntil thle c.harge ha& been paid and rec:•lv•d by L.andeeape Arehltec.t. 4.0 MATel".IAL.S 4.01 cs-eNe!II.AL., l'"rovlde material• ol beet o,uallt~ obtainable, "hleh eomply etrletl~ "Ith dra.,,1n9e and epeGlllc.atlon,.. 4.02 STATl=MeNTS 01' CON!"l!II.MATION, Submit at time ol delivery lnvolc.e etatemente eertl~lng o,uartltlee by bulk and/or l'lelght, /or all or9anle omendmente, and Pertlllzere. Submit •uppllere' eertlllc.atee ol eompllanGe ... 1th thee• ,opeelPIGatlon,.. 111.ondom ,oamples ma~ be t"ken b~ O"'ner'" repre&ent .. tlve /or anal~•'•· 4.06 01'116ANIG AMeNC>MeNT, c::>erlved Prom "'""" or bark, granular In ""ture, o,tablllzed !'11th nitrogen "nd lortllleci !'11th mlner.,l,o, ""d having the Pollo,..Jng propertle&, A. Or9anlc. Content, Minimum "10!76 ~ l'lel9ht. e. P"rtlc.le Slz•, Minimum "15!11!', P""•Ing 4 mei,h eer .. n Minimum eO!II!', pae&lng e meeh 6Gl"" •• l"I. G. Nltrog•n Content, 0.!1!11!', b""ed on dry "'•lght lor red,.ood """'duet. O.i51. bae•d on dr~ "•l9ht Poe /Ir ea .. duet. I.Ost. bae•d on d~ "'eight lor /Jr or pin• bark. NOTe, l"lne IOCll'lc:IU!>t ,,. not """•ptabl•. 0. Mlneraliz•d, 0.151. tot"I iron. !!:. e,.,11nity, Maximum eonduc.tivib, !:1.5 mm/em at 25 d•9r••• G. 4.04 l'l!:lil.TIL.IZE"-ANO MINe!II.AI:.5, A. l"ercle &ullote, l"e2 (S04) :I minimum 20"6 !"e, "• met.,llle. I!!. e,~p•um, G"lc.lum Sullate, GA 504 H20, 2051. GA 1h51. c.omblned ,oullur. G. Soll •ullur, Minimum "l!!Sll!, elemental aullur. 0. Gommerelal !"ertlllzer, Ammonium eullate 21-0-0 Ammonium nitrate 34-0-0Ammonlum pnoephote 16-20-0 6-20-20 l!!e,ot Go., or •o,ual, Poe eoil pr•pacatron 12-12-1::Z i!!<let Go., or 9<:\Ual, Por eoll preparation 16-6-& a.et. Go., or-•c:;,uol, Por-mc:iilnt.eriar,ee e. Agrllorm 20-10-5 (21 gram) plontlng tablet,o. !". C,,ro,.--l"'ol'ler l"'lu,o, !S,S,1, !5051. humue, 251. eoll p•netr.,nt l"'H 4.5 -4.i. NOTe, ACTUAL. AMeNt>MENTS TO !:le Oe-Te!II.MINec:> ev SOIL.S !11.ei"'Ol'tT OBTAINEO !"e"-!oeCTION 1.04 AeOYe. 4.05 l"'L.ANT MATe!II.IAL.S, Clluontl~ anci elze ol plant• "" •tated on the l"'lan,o anci l"lont L.let. No root bound m"terl"I" allo,.ed. l"'lante ehall be Pr•eh and v19oroue, ol nocm"I grol'lt;li, and Pree oP dleeC111ee, "'••cie, harmPul lneec.te, or their lne•et •99" "nd lorv0e. A. l"'lonte &hall eomply !'11th Galllornla State C>epartment ol Agrlc.ulture'e regulation Por nur..ery lnepec.tlone, rulee, and rating&. All planh eh.,11 have a nom,al habit oP gro,.th and &hall be eound, healthy, vl9oroue, anci Pree ol ln,..et lnfe,otatlon,o, plant dleeaeee, eun,oealde, Preeh abraelone ol the bark, exe•&elve abrai,lone, or oth•r obJeetlonabl• cil1>Pl9urement&. Tree trunk& ehal I be &turdy "nd "'•II hardened. All plant• ehall hav• normally ""•11-d•v•loped braneh ey•teme and vlgoroue and Plbroue root 9\j&teme. ll+iere eontalner-gro"n plane are Pcom several eoure••• the roote oP not Pel'l•r than t"'" (2) plant& ol eaeh •peele& or v"rlety Prom eaeh eoure• ,..,11 be lnepeeted. In """'• the eample plant,o are Pound to be ciefec.tlve, ti,e L.andec:ap• Arehlteet reeervee the right to re Jeet the entice lot or late oP plont,o repre,oented b~ dePec.tlve eampl••· i)ie L.andec.ape Arc.hlteet ,,. the eol• Judge a,o to aeeeptablll~. Any plant,o r•nder•ci un,oultable Por planting bee.,uee ol t;l,Je ln,opeetlon ,..,11 be eon,oldered ,,,. 11ompl•• """ "'Ill be provld•d at tn. Contt"'aGtor1e •xp•1"19e. I!!. 1"h• minimum ac,;eeptable elz• lor all enrube, meaeured b•Pore prunln9 .,,th the br"nehe,o In normal po,oll:lon, &hall eonlorm to th• me"6ur•m•nt& utlllz•d ~ Hlnei, Nur11•ry. l"'l.,nte larger In elz• th"n 11pec.llleci may b• u,oed .,,th th• approval ol th• L.and&c.ope Arc.nrteet, but the ue• oP lorg•r pl.,nta .,,.111 eau•• no c.hange In eontrac.t pole•. All tr•• erzer, eholl eonlorm to !;lie minimum elzee lndleated per 11pec.1P1ed eontalner elze ae eontaln•d In th• v .. 11eyereet Tr.• Compon~ ""t"l09. G. l"'lants ,.,11 be eubJ•et to revl•" /or ""'"•Pt"nGe or reJeetlon at plaee oP gro .. th an/or on projeet elte "t any time bePor• or dur1n9 progreee, oP l'lork, Por e,Jze, varlel:y, eondition, latent de~eet1>, and lnJurle&. 111.emove r"Jeeted plant. Prom sit• lmmecilatel~ onci repl.,Ge "'Ith aeeeptoble plant&. 0. At no time ,ohall tr,o,oe or plant mateclal,o be pcuned, trimmed or topped prior to d,ollvery1 any olt•rnotion oP they eh.,p• be eonduc.ted onl~ .,.;th !;lie c:,pprov"I ol and In the pce,oenee ol the 1.. .. ncisG"P" · !!:. !"'roteet .. 11 plant,o Prom dama91n9 eun and "Ind. O"mage m"y be eauee Por reJec.tlon even alter initial aeeeptanee. I'. !i:>ubstltutes are not permitted unleee epeellleally approved in ,iritln9. 4.06 51:!!:C> MIX!!:S, A. S!!:!:D, A,o epeGllled, delivered to the Job oil:e, unmixed In eeporal:e eealed c:.onl:0inere. Eac.l, c.ontainer mu&t bear trle eteed eupplrer'e labelm indfc.c:::itin9 the eontalner "eight, aeed t~p•, •••d purlt~, and 9ermln.,tlon pereenl:ag•"· All eontalner" "hall be lobeleci ac.eordlng to et .. te """ Ped•r"I eeeci I"""'· eomple,o ma~ be taken Por teetrng l:o eneure th"t the eeed epec.lPle"tlone have been mel:. 4.0i TU!II.I" ANO S!II.A!i:>Sl!!S A H~draulle Seeding I. Seed, !"reeh, el•""' n•""' Grap .,..,d, premlxeci ~ euppller. "~cren'r, L."nc:ir,e.,pere Mix l"eeeue 6lend" -Mix adventuce, muf>tarci, and arid Peoc.ueo "'"le.I, "r• 10051. pure "nd hc:,v• " gecmlnatlon r"t• ol "IS51.. 2. l"lood eelluloee llber, l"lr&t o,uallt~ eommerelal 9rade. 6. Soll e1'ablll•er, 1!:eolo9~ Cont:rolo M-Blnder. Spr•ad "t a rate of eo lb•. l"'er one (I) "ere. 4. !"srtrli.er, li-l!l-5 urea lormaldeh~d• Plrat o,uallt~ Gommerc:lal grade. 5. C>ellver to the Arehlteet, Oe.,ler'e guar.,nteed &l:.,tement oP eompo&ltlon and pereent ol purlt~ ol &eed mix b~ dea lee. 4.oe STAl<:INS AND SLl'flNd> MATe!II.IAL.S, A ~e STAl<.!S, 2" cilometer " IO' lon9, I (one) plec.e i,ound treated pine and unlPorm elze, pointed at one end. Stake ae detailed. IS. Tll!!S, !11.ubber, vinyl 'Glnc.h-Tle' a& manuPac.tured b~ V.I.T. 4.0"1 !11.00T BA!ll.!11.II!!"-, 610-BA!ll.!11.le!II. l!S Sal. Tree& #Uf324 -t,ic (2) .,,th Pour (4) pc:,nel& required 24" Bo>< trees IUB24 -t .. o (2) ,.,th live (5) panel• ceo,ulred Sh" Bo>< tree" ltl./624 -t"o (2) ,.;th e•v•n (i) f.'"neli, reo,ulred 4e11 Box tr-••• and lc:ir9er -p•r mc::mvfac.turer e rec:.ommendatlor,e, 4.10 MUL.CH, A. C>ouble di-rind Al I l!!ark b~ Blue !11.lbbon L.anciec.ape 5vpplleo /il4) 6!l!l-!l6E>E>, or approved eo,ua I. e. Mulc.h ciepth l:o be "t leoet 6" uni••• noted other,.l1>e on Ora,.lng•. !S.O INSTAW.ATION 1"!11.0CEOU!ll.eS !S .0 I I" I Ne CS-Ill.AO I NcSo /SO IL. 1"'111.el"' A!II.A Tl ON A. C!,ENE:RAL., Oo not l'lork 11011 ""hen i:1,e mo111ture eontent le "" great that e><Ge•elve eomp.,Gtlon ,.,11 oeeur, nor l'lhen It I& 110 dry that due,t 1'1111 Porm or that elode 1'1111 not break readily. Apply .,,at,,r IP nec.eeeary to provide Ideal mol&ture c.ontent Por tilling anci plantln9. 1"11rPocm Pine grading In euc.h a "ay ae to "ntlGlpate the finish grade alter the ln&tallatlon ol eoll Gondltlonere. 111.emove oc redletclbul:e ex<.eoe eoll be/ore applleatlon ol &oil omencimente. Maintain .. 11 Pio" llnee, ciralnc,911 ,..,.,1.,e, anci patterne "" i>ho"'n on the preGlee 9radln9 plan provlcieci b~ the proJec.t c.lvll •"9lneer. e. Obtain eert1Pleat1on Prom proJeet elvll engineer that Pinal grade!> to 1/10 loot h"v• been eetablleheci prior to eommeneln9 l"ndlleapln9 operatlone. l"'rovlde Por Jneorporatlon oP all amendmente, oettlln9, etc.. Be re&ponelble lor ,oh.,prng all planting area• ae lndleated on o,a,.1n9e. G. i)ie Irrigation ey&tem &h.,11 be Pully operational, revl•"'•d, and approved by land11eape arehlteet and elty lnspeetor prior to planting. C>. Jltll"l"'INd>, l".lp eoll In non-elope "reae Iese th"n 4,1 In t"'o (2) oppo&ln9 dlreetlons to " minimum depth ol 6 Inc.hes to relieve eompaetlon. !!:. l'INISH, Srade all planting areas to allo"' Poe e,oll amendments and muleh as epeeilled. ll+iere no 9rade& are eho,.n, grade bet,.een exletlng or Pixed <.ontrole (euc:.h as ll'\lalke, c:.urb!i, c:.atd, ba&in&) and aleval:ione ehol'll1"1 ta provide a e,maotl-i G:and <.ontlnual plane. 1'1.alc.e and level ""' neeeeeacy to obtain true and even eurPaeee. Maintain all ,.,..c,le,o on E:n9lneer',o pl"n "nci gr"d• to dr.,Jn. fll. R.emove and dlepoee o, roc.k.e over-9-lnc.n diameter, c:.on:!il:ruc:.tlon debrl!i-1 ~••d!!i, etG. "11:hln the limit" ol l:he proJec.t prior to appl~ln9 11011 amendment•. !S.02 SOIL. 1"'111.el"A!II.ATION A GUANTITll!!S, Unilormly "PPIY to ""eh 1,000 equ.,re Peet ol planting area, NOTI!, THI!: l"OL.L.O~IN6 AME:NO~NTt, ARI!! l"Olt l!!IOOINS l'"U"-l"'OSE:S ONL.'f. AC"I\JAL. Clll.lAN1"ITIE:S ANO MIXE:S s+-+AL.L. BE: C>E!1"E:!II.MINE:c::> IN ACGO!II.DANG!! ~ITH SOIL.S ~01".T OBTAINer:> l"E:!11. ITl=M 1.04 ABOVe. Nltro9en1tc:d:,illzed or9anlc:. c:amendment: 6 ev Ammonium phosphate 6/20/20, IS L.B Agrleu ltural g~p•um, I 00 L.B Soll eullur, 20 L.6 d>ro-l"'ol'ler l"'lu•, 160 L.B Iron 11ullote, 6 L.B IS. DIST!ll.16UTION, 01,.trlbute the or9anlG "mendment c,nd lertlli••r over the plc:,ntlng are to " unllorm 2 lnenes. Seeure "pproval Prom O"'n•r'• repreaentatrve prloc to "orklng "mendment. Approval 1'1111 not be given II thle proeeciure le not ue,eci. G. GUI.. TIVATION, l"lock fn,to eoll b~ eultlvotlon, e,p.,dln9 or rototill Ing to a dept;t, ol "t l•a•t 6 lnehee. !"lnloh grad•• to emooth llnl,.h belo"" adJ.,eenl: paving onci eurbo. 111.emove c:, 11 ciebrle, and "'•eds Prom s lte. o. BACl<.!"IL.L. MIX, stoekpll• a &uPPlelent o,uantlty oP approveci 11011 Pound on &lte, Pree oP !'leede and ciebrl&, /or mixing ae bael<.Pill mal:erlale. Supplement on-elte ooll .. 1th approved Import soil, "" reo,ulreci. Mix amount /or 10 eublG yards ae Pollo,..,, 6 c.ublc. ~acd• on-elte 11011 4 c.ul:>le yc,rde organic. amenciment 20 pounds l•rrle eulPat• 20 pounde ammonium phoephate lf>O pounde 'Sro-l"'o"'er l"'lu1>' Ue• ""r• not to et.,ln eonc.rete "'Ith Perrle i,ullate. Cl•anrn9 "' etalned eonerete lo re&ponelblllty ol Contrac.tor. S.O:! l"le:E!c:> ABATeMeNT, Upon the eompletlon oP the Irrigation ey•t•m and aPter all ex1et1n9 "••de and gro .. th have been removed Prom th• pl.,ntlng area, perfom, the Pollo.,,.1n9 ,..,.,., abatement program. ~ter all acea11 Pour (4) time• doll~ /or t"'enty-one (21) c.on11eeut1ve days and until ""••d 6eedo have 9ermlnated. ce"s• """terln9 Por three (6) da~e. Appl~ " non-eeleGtlve herblelde ("'°und-Up) per manufl'aGtur11r-1e reGommendatlone to •rad!Gat.e tr'le 9.srmlnated ...._eeda. Allall'\I herbic.ide to kill c:,II "eede. "-<:,ke or ho• o/P all dead ""eede to a depth ol ? lneh belo"' the ,ourlaee ol the ""'I. IP perennial "eed& or 9roe,oe,. !otlll exr .. t, re,..ater Pour (4) time& .,.,,1~ lor Pourteen (14) eon••Gutlv• do~r, until ne" gro,.th "PP•=•· 111.eappl~ " herbleld• ,..,1:n a ci~• lndleal:or. 111.emov• "••d• alter nerblGlde has had eu/Plelent time to kill. S.04 PL.ANTINS A. 1"'!11.El"'L.ANT Al"'l"'!II.OVAL.S, Obtain approval ol pl.,nt loc..,tlons, planting holee, pre-ml><eci b"el<.1111, and plants. I. Tree& and shrLAo• •hal I not be planted until eon•truetlon "'"rk In the ar•a h"• been c.ompleteci, Pinal 9r.,cie& and ""'"I•• e&tabllehed, ,.. .. .,., ab.,tement provlci•ci. anci the planting "r•a• properl~ gracieci anci pcepared. 2. St"ke pl.,nt loc.al:ione or plaee approved o,uantltleo ol plante In c.ontalner6 on loeatrone. Seeure appcovol belor• exc.avotlng plte, making n9ee&ec,r~ adjuetmento "" dlreeted. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. <> § ~OSCA 0111& ::; ! ">--'f'",,!l'!if,ll!,,.S,~ B. S~B/T!II.EE l"L.ANTIN6, I. e,cGovate pits .. 1th sc.arllied vertreal older, and bottom, no smaller tnan the lol lo"rng 1>lze&,Guantlt~, a) I gallon plant& -e," deep, 12" In dlamete,. Oepth of rootball and t""o (2) tlmee "ldth. b) !S gallon plante -12" deep, 24" In dlametec. C>epth oP rootball and t""" (2) time• l'llcith. e) 15 gallon plante -It;" deep, SO" In dlam•ter. Oepth oP rootball and t"" (2) time& "'ldth. d) eoxed tr••• -Depth oP rootball and tl'lo (2) time& ""ldth. 2. Na treee ohall be planteci .,.;thin 2' ol a paved eurPaGe (I.e., c.onc.rete paving, eurb, """IIJ unl•ee epec.lllc."11~ rndleal:ed on plan• ""d onl~ "11:h the epeeilled coot barrlec. !l. Contc,Tner plc,nt• r,nall b• baGl<.Prlled .. 1th "mended &oil per ""II" report reGomrr1endatio!"lti. 4. P"artlall~ rePIII hole to a height that l'lhen a pl.,nt Ii; plaeed tne ero""n le •lightly "bove the Plnleh grade. Uee friable un.,mendeci eoll Par all boxed treee, r.pec.llied bac.k/11 I mrx Por al I other c.antalner plants "nd tamp to eompac.t. 5. Oepoert Sro-Po,.er planting t"bler. per monulaeturer'• reeommendatlon• In plant pits. 6. l"'orm shallo"' basin "rounci edc;ie oP rootball ~ depreesln9 eoil elightl~ belo"" llnleheci 9racie. l"orm ba&ln rim&. +c:eep basin .,;thin outec edges ol rootboll. i. Individually hand "'ater eac.h plc:,nt to eaturate rootb.,11 and adJaeent eoll lmmecilate I~ alter planting. e. Acijuet Par eettlement anci grade ar•a• around plant• to Plnleh grade& anci dispor.e ol exc.ees ""'I. "I. ln•tall "Arbor 6uarci1>' on all t:reee In turl "reae,, 10. 1'1.emove nureer~ etake& anci guy or stake tr••• de.,19nated "Ith etake or etakee on !'lindi'lard elde oP tree ae detailed. G. !!SPAL.11!!1". l"'L.ANTINd>, 111.emove espalier etake &upport at time ol planting l'lithout damage to pl.,nt c:,nd tr.,ln eepallec to the aciJc>eent ""II or eupport ae detailed. o. 61"01JNOCOYe!II. INSTAL.L.ATION, l"'lant 9roundeover11 In all deergnated areas. I. l"lant rooted euttlnge and dlvl&lone Prom Plate Into molet !,OIi ""d In neat, &tr.,ight rol'le at epeelPleci lntecvals. 2. Smooth soil about plant• and leave areas In neat and elean Gonciltlon. 111.etaln slight depression around eac.h plant. Oo not bu~ !;lie ero""n oP the plant. 6. H"nd ""ter groundeover plant& at least t .. ree a !'leek, ""relull~ and lndlvlduolly .. 1th elo" eolt okeam ol """ter, to •n1>ur10 1:hc:,t eoll Is settled around roote, but beln9 eacePul not to ""'"h soil c,/P oP plante. Not more than one-hall hour e.h.,11 el.,pe.e lrom the time any 9roundeovec lo planted until rt le """tered. l"orm a hall eup-llke "rron9ement Por all pl.,nte on elopes. C>o not allo" plant1> to dr~ out bePore ""hile being pl.,nted. 4. Apply pceemergent herblc:lde SU!ll.l"L.AN-iS per m"nulaet..-er'e reeommend.,tlone to groundc.over oreae onl~, cites all plantln9 hae been eompleted. Follol'I m"nuPaGturec'e lnetcu<.tlone. The "'"rk "hall be uncier !;lie cilreetlon "' a regletered peet eontrol advl&or. !:. H'fC>l'I.O!i:>E:!:DE:C> 61'!.0UNDCOV!!I". I. Alter eoll prepacatlon, e•l:abllr,hment ol Pln"I 9radee and "'••d eontrol, the 11urlc,Ge t""" (2) Inc.hero ol eoll ehall be loo•ened b~ harro" or rototiller anci Plo.,ted level anci lrrlgoted Jur,t prior to planting. 2. l"'repc,ratlon, The olurr~ prep.,ratlon ehall take pl.,c.e al: the elte ol "'ork and •hall begin ~ adding ""'"ter to the tank "hen the engine le at hall-throttle. ll+ien the """t•r level h"" reac.heci the hel9ht ol the c,91t .. tor sh.,lt, 9ooci reelreul.,tlon ehall be eotabllsh"d and "t this time the seed and ehemlc.ol c,ddltlve eh.,11 be "cicied. l"ertlllzer ehall then be addeci lollo,.•d ~ """"d pulp muleh. i)ie """"d pulp mulc.h shall only be added to the mixture alter the t"nk I& at lea&t one-third Pilled "Ith .,,c,ter. The engine throttle sn.,11 be opened to Pull •peed "hen the tank,., halP-lllleci "'Ith ""ter. All the "'""" pulp mulc.h ehall be acideci b~ the time tne tank ,., tl'lo-thlrde to thcee-Pourthe Pull. Spraying ehall eommenc.e live (!S) mlnutee aPter "cidltlon oP the ehemlG"I "dciltlve "hen the tank le lull. AppllGatlon rate, l'lber 1,500 lbs. per aere Seed, hydro&eeci mix 'A' IOlbe/aere. cSoro-l"o,...,r Plue 1,100 lb&. per oere. cSoro-l"'ol'ler Controlled """lec>&e (12-e-eJ 200 lb&. pee aere •Note, l"or e.oll-prepped "rea•, apply !loo lbs. cSoro-Po,..er H1- Nltro9en (14--4-"i) per aGre In the elurry only. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS ARE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONL V. ACTUAL AMENDMENT QUANTITIES AND MIXES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED PER ITEM 5.02 ABOVE. !l. Applle.,tlon, i)ie operator "hall epray the "r•" .. 1th a unllorm vlelble eoat ~ u"ln9 the green <.olor oP the "'""d pulp "" a guide. The elurr~ &hall be applied In a !!oa-iteepln9 motion, In on arched ~I.ream ei.o a~ to ,all Ilk.• rc::iin, allaJt11ln9 tl,e ""'oc::id libero m"terlal to epre"d "t !;lie cequlred rate per ac.re. I'. L.Al"IN/d>RASS FL.ANTIN6 I. Hydroeeeci L.al'ln ln6tallatlon ") Alter &oil preparation, e11tobliohment ol Pinal grade" """ "4eed eontrol, the euclac.e t"" (2) lnehes ol &oil &hall be looaened b~ harro"' "' rototiller c:,nci lloated level and Irrigated Ju•t prior to plant1n9. b) l"'repacatlon, i)ie elucr~ preparation ehall take pl.,ee at the &lte ol ,iork onci ehall be91n l:>\j addln9 ""ater to the tank ,ihen the engine I" at hall-throttle. ll+ien the "'"ter level hae reac.heci th• height oP the agitator "halt, 900d reelceul.,tlon shall be eetabllened anci at thle time the seed "nd ehemrc.al acid1t1ve ehall be "dded. l'sctlllzer &hall then be added Pollol'leci b~ ""od pulp mulc.h. i)ie "'""d pulp muleh &hall onl~ be added to the mixture alter the tank Is at lea"t one-third Pllleci !'11th .. ater. The engine throttle &hall be openeci to ,ull epeed l'lhen the tank le hall-Pilled "Ith "'"ter. All the """"d pulp mulGh ehall be added b~ the time the tank le t..o-thlrcie, to three-Pourthe, Pull. Spr.,yrng ehall c.ommenee Plve (5) minutes alter acidltlon oP the ehemleal additive ""hsn the tank lo ,ull. Applle.,tlon rate, Fiber 1,500 11:>e. per oere Seed 455 lbe. per aere (I lb. pee 100 e.P) d>ro-l"'ol'ler Plu" 1,100 lb6. per "ere 6ro-Pol'ler Controlleci !II.el•""'" (12-e,-e,) 200 lb,o. per "ere •Note, !"or eoll-pcepped "reoe, apply :500 lb&. 6ro- l"'o"""r HI-Nitrogen (14-4-"I) per aere In the elurry only. e) Applleotlon, The operator .,hall epr"~ the area !'11th o unlPorm vlelble """t ~ ueln9 the green eolor ol the """d pulp ae a guide. i)ie elurr~ &hc,11 be applied In a •""•epln9 motion, In an arc.heci &tream •o aa to Pc,11 like rain, allo,..1n9 the l'IOOd Plber& material to epreaci at the required rate per aere. 2. l"l'I.OTeCTION, l"'rotec.t all turP are""' agaln&t damage, lnGlucirng ero&lon and tre&pae,o. l"'rovlde l'lhatev"r lc:,ellltlee ""'° '""'•9uard• are nec.ee,..,ry to ac.c:ompll&h thl&. Take e,peelal ear• to prevent ero•lon. All dama9ee &h.,11 be the Gontrac.toc'e re•ponelblllty dUl'lng the Ille ol the C.ontrac.t. S. SUA!II.ANTI!:!!: ANC> 111.!!;P"I..AG~NT, I. Shrub& and groundc.over, 6uar.,ntee until end oP malnten.,nee period and aeeept.,nc.e. !11.eplaee ""~ plant& that die or lo&e lorm and lllze "" orlglnall~ &peel/led even thougn th•~ have taken root and are 9,o,.1n9 a/tee the dlebaek or lo•" ol Porm or &lze. 2. Treee, 6uarantee all tree& In "r1t1n9 to live In a health~ eondltlon Por one (I) ~•ar aPl:er malnten.,n<.e perloci explr,o& ""d proJeet le aeeepted b~ O,iner. Jltapl.,c.e dead or unheolth~ tree& lmmedl.,tel~. Determination oP the need Por replac.ement shall be per the o .. ner'e, cepreoentatlve. All rapl.,eemente, lnc.ludlng planting, etaklng, training, ete., eh.,11 be ae orl9inally epe<.IPled, "'lthout eo&t to the o""'ner. H. CU!:ANIJP I. APtar all planting operation• are c.omplete, remove all tcaeh, exeee& &oil, empt~ plant eontalner&, and robbl&h Prom the property. 111.epolr eeare, ruts, or other mark& In the 9rounci Gaused I:>~ thl,o !'lork and le.,ve the c;iround In a neat and orderly GOndltlon. 2. L.eave the erte In broom-elean eondltlon, and """h dol'ln .. 11 "reao .. 1thln the proJeet elte. L.eave "'"lk& In el•"" and &oPe c.ondltlon. 6.0 MAINTE:NANCE: A. The Gontr.,Gtor ehall <.ontlnuouely maintain landeeape and lrrl9atlon In all oreae Involved In thla Gontr.,c.t ciurlng the progre6e oP the "'"rk anc:1 during th• malntenanee perloci until Plnol "eG•pt.,nee ol the ""rk ~ !;lie L.c,ndec.ape Arc.l,il:ec.t and l:he O"'ner. Improper malntenanee or po.,elble poor Gondltion oP ""~ plantin9 at the termination oP the ,oc.hedu led malntenanc.e period may <.au•• poetponement ol the Pinal eompletlon ciate ol the Gontraet. M"lntenanee &hall be eontlnueci ~ the Contractor untll al I li'l!ork le CIGGeptable. Ir, order t.o Garr~ out the plant malntenaric• "ork, the Gontrae1:<,r ehal I Purnl6h &uPPlelent men and adeo,uate •o,ulpment to perlocm the ""ork during the malntenanee period. Malnten.,nee period e,hal I not start until all •l•menta oP c.on•truetlon, plant1n9, """ Irrigation for the entire proJeet "r• In ac.eordanee "'Ith Oro,..ln9s c,nd 5pec.lllc.atlon6 and """•pted ~ the O,iner. i)ie Gonl:raet eholl reo,ue,ot "n ln&peGtlon to be9ln the m"lntenan<.e period alter all pl.,nt1n9 and related "'ork h"" been eompleted. l"'clor to the ciote ol Pinal lnepeetron, the Gontra<.tor shal I aeo,ulre Prom the L.andeeape Arehlteet approved reproduc.lble prlnte and Plnally reeord Prom the Job reeord &et all eh.,nge& m"cie during eonetruetlon, label &aid print& "!11.ec.ord Ora,..lng.,," anci ciellver l:o the L.andseape Arehltec.t. l"'rlor to tne date oP Pln"I ln&pec.tron, the Contrac.tor ehal I deliver to the L."nd&eape Arc.hlteel: tne "L.andr,eape and Irrigation d>uarantee" "" reo,urr•c:I. e. illlhen the Gontroetor ho• ,:.ompl•ted c,11 the lond&G"P• """ lrr19.,tron ""ork, he &h.,11 reo,uest lnepeGtlon ~ the Ol'lner and Arehlteet. A "punc.h llet" ,.,11 be developeci Prom thle ln&peetlon. Malntenanee peclaci ("10 days) ,.111 not begin until all puneh lhot rteme ars c.omplete and ac.c.epted ~ o ... ner and Arehrte.,t. Irrigation m"lnten.,nee le rneluded In l:h• abov•. I. street gutter& and c:urbe ace to be lneluded In the debrl&/elll:al:lon remova I progrom. 2. Maintain "deo,uate proteetlon /or people and property and be Pln.,nel"II~ responsible Por d"m"g•• and lnJurlee. 111.epolr dc:,magee "t no ac:ldltlon"I eost to the O~n•r. C. l"'L.ANTINS A!ll.!!:A, I. ~eed "nd c.ultlvate all areae al: Interval" oP not more th"n ten (IO) dayro. 2. Parfocm "'"t•rin9, P•rtlllzln9, •praying, anci pe"t c.ont,ol "" deemed neeee,.ar~ by epeeiPie •ih• c.onciltlon6. C>. L.A~N ARE:A, I. 6e91n malntenonee lmmecilately "Ptec eaeh poctlon ol turl 16 pl.,nteci. Continue for at leaet "10 day& alter c.ompletlon ol "II turf ""ork ""d ae muc.h longer, prior to eompl•tlon ol proJeet, "nd ""'-•ptanee b~ the O""ner o• nec.eror,ary t<, ee1'abliroh oc.c.eptable turP. 2. Malnl:aln I"""" to ""terlng, Pectlllzlng, ""'•edln9, mo,.ln9, trimming, and other opecotlon& sueh ae rollln9, re9rodln9, ""'° ceplontlng ae r9<:\ulrec:I to e!!>tablieh " &mootl,, c:::::icceptable lall"t4n ,r-e• of erod11d or bare area!o. Complete P'Tret c.uttln&3 a• dlreeted b~ L.andseape Arehrtec.t. 6. lnspeet la""n "r•a• bet,..en the ISth and 20th d"~" oP malntenonee perloci anci reapply I""" m"terlal(m.,tc.h lnltlol applie.,tlon) to all bare area• lar9er th"n 6"" 611. e. !"'!II.UNI Nd>, I. Under no elreumetanc.e• ,.111 etrlpprn9 of 10 .. er branehee on young tree,. be permitted. L.o.,,er branehes "hall be ra1'alned In a "tlpped-bac:k" or plnehed c:ondltlon 1'111:h a• mueh Pollage "" po&&lble to promote c.allper trunk 9ro,.th (tapeced trunl<.J L.o,,,sr branc:hee may be eut /lush ,.,th the trunk onl~ aPtec the tree le c,bla to at.,nd ereet l'llthout staking "' othec support. 2. e-tergr,oen trees shall be thlnneci and shapeci "hen neGeeeary to pcevant l'llnd """ storm ciama9e. i)ie primary pruning ol deelduoue, trees enal I be done daring t"'1e dorMant e.ec:::ieor,. ci.::1rr11::19ed trees, or those that eonstltute health or •aPet~ hazard• •hall be pruned "t any time oP the year as reo,ulreci. I". STAl<:INd> ANO SU'flNd>, st"kee ""'° guy,o ehall be ln,opec.l:ed to prevent 9lrdlln9 of trunk• or branehefo "nd to pr•vent cubbing that eau11ee bark "ounci.,. 6. 1"11:E:O GONT"-01.., +c:eep baelne and areae bet,.een pl.,nt" Pre• oP !'leede. Uee reeommended ""d legc,lly oppcoved hecbleidae. Avoid Preo,uent eoil c.ultlval:ion that de,.tco~• "hc:,llo"' root ... U!oe mulc.hee to help prevent "••d e,oed gecmlnatlon. All herbleldee ehc,11 only be applied ~ a lleeneed applieal:or. H. INS!:GT ANO C>ISl:ASE GONT"-01.., M"lntaln a rec,eonable eontrol "'Ith "pproved m"terlals and "PPlied l:>\j lieen,.ad applic.atore. I. Fl5"-1"1L.IZATION, I. l"ertlllze all plc,ntlng area" "Ith the lollo,.lng, At SO-da~ Interval&, apply 6 lbl>/1,000 e.l. 16-6-e. c.omm•relol Pertlll••r or "'" ceo,ulred ~ the r,oll• report. J. "-El"L.AC!!:M!!:NT 01" Tl'll::l!!!i:>/S!-!!11.Lil!!S, 111.eplaGe d•ad, dying, and mlro1>ln9 tr••• !'11th like o&I••, c.ondltlon, ""d vacl•t~ aeeeptabl• to the O"nec at the Gontroc.tor's expenee. I<:. RePL.ACeMENT 01' L.AJl'IN, 111.eplaee dama9ed or de"d I""'" area• ,.,th ood. L.. ll't"-lcSoATION e'!'STEM, I. ;oyot,om lnopeetlon, Gontraetor shall eheek .. 11 11\j&teme /or proper oper.,tlon. I..Dteral line" 11hall be I luehed out alter removing the laet ,.pr Inkier head or tl'lo at ea"h end oP the later"!. All heaci& are to be adJueted "" nec.eeear~ Por unimpeded eoverage and to prevent overep,.,~ onto bulldinge, "''"d""'"'• and pavements. 2. Gontrollers, Set and progrc,m autom.,tle eontroller& Por seaeonc:,I "'"ter reo,ulrem•nt•. c!lolve O.,n,or'& repre&entatlve " ke~ t<, c.ontrol lere ""d rnet:ruetlon• on ho" to turn oll &~&l:em In e""" o, emergeney. 6. 1'1.epalre, 111.epalr al I dam.,9ee to 1rr19at1on •yetem at Contrac.toc'11 expen!>IO. !11.ep"Jri, eh.,11 be made "'lthln ons (I) i'later1n9 period. M. SOIL. l"'"-1:P"A!II.ATION AND AMeNDMeNT NOTE, THE: FOL.L.O~IN6 AMENOMENTS ARI!! l"Olt 1:'llC>OINd> l"U!II.PO!!>eS ONL.'f. ACTUAL. AMeNOMENT CllUANTITIES ANO MIXES SHAL.L. 6E OETl=JltMINEC> IN ACGO!II.C>ANGe ~ITH THI!! SOIL.S 111.el"O!II.T oeTAINeO 1"e11t ITl=M S.02 Al:!OV!!. I. l!!ac.l<.1111 eoll &hould be 10051. native "It• soil that h"e b••n <.leased ol all debrle and roe.I<. """ l:>roken up """ m"d'" Prl.,ble. i)ie Pollol'llng "ddll:lvee be blended thorough!~ Into bac.kPIII eoll at the time ol planting and all planh •houlci be thorou9nl~ l'latered In rmmedratel~ upon eompletlon ol ln&tallotlon 6ro-l"o,ier produetr, "r'" eupplleci In !SO pound ""9", not bulk. i)ie lnatalling eontroGtor """ be reo,urred to &ubmlt empt~ ba9e upon eompletlon ol "'"rk to eonllrm applrc.atlon. i)ie 6ro l"'o"'•r S-9-1 lormulatlon material ean be u&ed "'Ith or ,.,thout the •oil penetront and the Sro l"'o,.er 12-eo-e Pormulatlon material ehoulci be ueed In 4 to 6 desired, pleaee c.ontaet ,,. lor appropcrate reeommendatlone lor U6e oP same. The gypeum and lime ean be applied In their Plnely grounci lorme. 100511 ol the 9round material •hould pas& through a 10-m•&h ,oc.reen and at leaot 505\, oP the material• ehould P""e through a 100 meeh ec.reen. CONT Al-6111.0-l"'Oil'l!!!II. 61'0-l"'Oi'IE!II. size s-!l-r 12-e-e c,,'f!"eUM 1..1MI!! L.ln•r 1.0 tb!lp .25 tb&p 1.0 tb&p I 9"1 .5 eup 2.0 tb&p 0.2S c.up 4.0 tbop S 9c,I 1.0 c.up !l.O 1:bep 0.5 Gup 1.0 c.up 15 gc,I I.S c.upe .2S eup 1.0 eup 1.5 eup• 24"box :5.0 c.upa .!S eup ::z.o c.up• 2.0 eup& SO"bo,c !:1.5 eupe .i!S eup 2.25 eupe 2.5 c.upo !l6"box 4.0 Gup• 1.0 eup 2S Gupo 6.0 eup& 42"bo>< 4.5 Gupe 1.5 eup 5.0 c.up& 6.5 eupe 4!!>"bo>< 5.0 eup• 2.0 eup& :5S eupe 4.0 eupe !i4"box 6.0 Gup,o 2.5 eupe 4.0 c.up• 4.5 eup• 60"box 6.!! eupe S.O eupe 4.!5 c::.upe, !S.O c:.up• i2"bo>< "1.0 eupe 4.0 eup• 6.0 c.upi, !S.S eupe II l:>caekPIII eoll le ma11e blended, ""me m"terlale e"n be "cicied at the Pollo,..lng r"te11 per euble yard ol &oil. 6111.0-l"'Oi'IE"-6!11.0-l"'Ol'lll!!!II. cSo'Y'l"SUM L.IMI!! MeTHOt> s-s-1 12-e-e M ...... erend 10 L.bs ::Z lb• 2 lb& I Ibo !"or genecal broade.,et ol m"terlal& on the surlae• ol &olle, th• eame m"l:err.,11 c:"n be c,pplled to th• 111011&~ at the Pollol'lln9 r"te,o per 1,000 oqu.,re Peet ol planted area and thorough!~ "atered In e,ueh that eolle are ,iet to a minimum depthe oP e,• prior to plant lnet<,llatlon. S!ll.0-!"0l"i!!!II. d>!II.0-1"'01'111!!!11. MeTHOD 5-5-1 12-e-e, CS,.,.,..!!IUM L.IMe l!!roc,ciea6t S!5 Iba 2 Iba 20 Iba 10 Iba IP mat.erlc:,le """ be eroee ripped Into to a &oil to a minimum depth ol 6", the &om• m.,te,lale """ be applleci at the Pollo.,lng rote& per 1,000 eo,u.,re Peet ol planted ar•a and """tered In thorough!~ suc.h that oils "r• ,..,t to a minimum depth ol 12" "t leoet one• prior to planting. S!ll.0-l"Ol'lll!!l't S!ll.0-l"'O!le!II. MeTHOO 5-S-I 12-e-e, C,,'T"!"!lUM LIM!! Groe& !II.Ip 150 lb& 60 Ibo 200 Iba 50 lb& II moterl"I" "r• applleci throu9h h~ciro&•eciln9 proc:eee, the 6ame material• e"n be ocicied dlreetly Into the hydrosa11d elurr~ and applied at the Pollo,.lng r"te• per 1,000 &o,uare leet to non-prepared eoll. (Note, II h~dro•••d I& applied to 1011• that h"ve alread~ been prepared !'11th the additives noteci under eroadc."&I: or Cro&s Rip method&, d>ro-Po,.er 14-4-"I e"n be acided to h~ciroeeeci slurry at 1:he r"t• oP 1 pounds per 1,000 eo,u.,re Peet ol prepared eoll &urlaee and the lollo,.1n9 h~droeeeci material "PPllc.otlone """uld not apply In addition to th• 14-4-"i) S!ll.0-1"0"1!:R S!ll.0-l"'Ol"i!!!II. Ml!!THOO S-!l-1 l::Z-e-e, S'Y'l"5UM L.IMe Hyclcoe••d :5!5 lbe 2 lb& 20 11:>1> !S Ibo Again, It I& Important that a I braacieaet or c:roe,o ripped sol I acidltlve6 be thoroughly ,ial:<,ced Into soil& aPter appllc:atron and prior to planting. Hyciro,oeed mal:eclale ehoulci ba applied to thoroughly moleteneci eolle. lnetallatlon eoll malntenanee should be Implemented ae Pol lo"'•· In al I are""' 45 daye """' eommene,oment ol lnetollatlon m"lntenanGa, 6ro-l"'o""•r S-!l-1 c:an be 9eneral broade.,et over all planting "reae, at the rate ol 25 lbs/1,000 eo,uare Peet. All materials ei,ould be thoroughly 1rc19ateci Into &oils lmmecilotely a/tee applleatlon. II lnetallatlon malntenanee period I& "10 daye In ciur.,tlon, e,ro-l"'ol'ler Slo !II.el•"" .. 12-&-e In !;lie 4 to 6 month releaee Pormulotion c.an be broadeaet ovec all planting areae at the rate oP IS lbe/1,000 equare Peet gype,um at the rate ol 20 ll:>e/1,000 eo,u.,re Peet bet,.een da~ e,o ""d cia~ f>5. Thi& "PPlle.,tlon ,iculd be In addition to the cia~ 45 opplleatlon. All materials ehoulci be lrr19.,ted thorou9nl~ Into &oils lmmedlc:,tely alter applleotlon. eND 01' 51!:CTION SL.O!"!:: Jlt!:Vl:61TATION/El".OSION GONT"'-01.. P"OL.IGIES ANC> 111.eGUl!ll.eMENTS e.6 RE:GUll'I.E:Ml:!NTS E:,:1-1 SL.OPE: PL.ANTIN6 E:.6-1.1 SL.OPE: FL.ANTINd> STANOAl'IPS &lopes req,1,.1irin9 ero•lon control mea!loul"'ee ae epec.l.Pied 1-ier""eln !lohall be treated "Ith one or more ol the lollo"ln9 pl.,ntln9 otc,ndarde, "· 5TANOA!ll.t> •I -GOVl!!!II. C!II.Ol"S/JUTe Ml!!!i:>H Gover c.rop ah.,11 be a •-d mix t~pleally made up ol o,ulelc. 9ermJn.,tln9 c,nd Paet eover1n9 gra••••, elovers, and /or "ild llol'ler6. Submit th• r,pec.llle oeed ml>< /or Git~ approval prior to applic.otlon. The <.over erop ohall be applied at a r"t• and manner &uPllelent to provide "1051. eov•rage .,,,thin thirty (60) ""~•- Type oP Jut meeh &hol I be "" approved b~ the Cit~ and 6taked to the &lope "" reeommended b~ the manuPac.turer. Jute meeh ehall be reo,urreci ,ihen planl:lng oGc.uce bet,...en Augui,t IS ""d April l!S. C>urln9 the rem.,lnder oP the year, the c:over erop "nd/or Jut• meeh m~ be ueed. b. STANOA!ll.t> #2 -61't0UNO co~ One hundred (10051.) P"reent of the area shall be planted ,,.,1;1, a ground eovec "'"""'" to have exe•llent eoll binding eharaeterl&tle /planted Prom a minimum !ilz,e of' .Platted material t::1nc::I !Spaced to pl"'ovlde Pull eover-a~• ~itliin c:,ne ~•ar-). e. STANOAP<J:l •s -L.O~ S!-!l'Wl:!S L.o" epreadlng ,iooci~ ehrub& (pl.,nted Prom c:, minimum ol ::Z'? lnc.h llnero) ohall c.over a minimum ol eeventy /iO!II!',) perGent ol the elope Pae• (at m"ture &lze). d. STANC>A!II.D 114 -T"-1:1!:S AN0/0111. L.A"-Se SH!II.Ul!!S Tree& "nci/or large shrube ehall be (planted Prom a minimum ol I gallon eontarnere) at a minimum rate oP one (I) pl.,nt per 1: .. 0 hundred (200) &o,uore Peet. e.B-1.2 A!ll.eAS 01"' Al"'l"'L.ICATION (l"'L.ANTINd>) e.s-1.2.1 SL.Ol"ES -6,1 0111. STe!:1"1!!!11. ANO, "· 6 Peet or leee In vertleal height and ara adJaeent to publle !'lalk& or &treet& reo,urre .,1, minimum Standard #I (c.over c,;rop and Jutted). b. 4 Peet l:o e, Peel In vertrc.al height reo,ulre Sl:.,ndacde •1, 112 and 116. e. In e><c.•"• oP e, Peet in vectie"I height reo,ulr• Standarde 111, #2, lt6 and 114. e.9-1.2-2 Sl"l=GIAL. CONDITIONS !!.9-1.2-2.1 Area& 9rc,cied /lc,tter than E,, I r•qulre St.,ndard Ill (<.over erop) "hen they have one or moce oP the Pollo,..1n9 eondltlone, "· Sheet 9raded pads not ec.heduled lor Improvement& ,.,thin 6 month• ol c.ompletlon ol cough grading. b. A potential erosion problem "'" detecmlned b~ l:he Git~. e. ld•ntiPJed ~ the Git~ ae highly vlelble are"6 to the public: or have •p•elal eondltlono tn"t "arrant Immediate treatment. ., e.e-1.2-2.2 Area& l:o be hyciror.e•d•d r.hall llrst be cilr.keci or rototllled to provide " lriable, loo1>e seeci bed. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT [ID ..--------------------...---..---,-----------------,---,---""T""--.---i " AS-BUILT" PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS F□R, I .AND~C'API•. : ARCHITf.CTURE DRAWN JP APPROVED MM ll!ll SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 DATE _M_YLA __ R _____ 0_4_-_2e_-_0_5 ~ll::.TL~E,:.::======::;:;:;:;:~~~~~========~r===:r==:::i:===================~==:r==:::i:==~~==i RECEIVED BY: JOB NO. 02-142 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE 04-26-05 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLA6ES Or LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2.!J L-11 APPROVE "'------~-q--()5" ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: GT 04-03 420-5L RVWD BY: el!:NI!:~ si-eGll"ICATION!, 1.01 01!:!"INITION!, A. c:,,,..ner, MOllltllltOl"j De~LOl"Ml!:NT CAllltL.5eAO CA e. ContraGtor, AM lndlvldual or company eonkactln9 ""Ith th• O""n•r to provide materlale, p•rlorm ""ork., arid ••rvlc•e lor the project. C. Sub-Coritractor, An lndlvldual or compc,ny contract1n9 ""Ith the ContraGtor to provide material& oe p•elorm ,,..o,k., or both, lo, c, epeclflc portion o, the peoJect. D. Land&cape Architect, The l"ndecape arGhltectur"I firm o, l'UM Deel9n l!>roup, lnG. !!:. ContraGt OoGumerite, Th• agreement, te,me condltlone, ""rltten inetructlon&, dra,,..lnge and epee1,1catlone, ehop dra ... 1n9e c,r,d chan9• ordere "pproved by the c:,,,..ner c,nd i6&ued by the L"nd&ec,pe Anhlteet. 1.0:2 SCOl"I!: 01" l"jc:,llltK, Th• ""orl<. to be don• under l:he contract conelete o, lurnl•hlng all mat•rlal&, all •".ulpmerit c,nd peelormln9 the ""ork. re".uir•d ~ l:heee •pec:.ll!Gatlon• c,nd the dr.,,,..1n9• neGeeec,ry ,ar the proper Gompletlon al the "'ark.. I .OS l'"LAN!, AND Sl'"l!:Cll"ICATIONe, Thee• epeG1,1c:.c,tlon11 are Intended to e,,over c::ill lc:::111::ior, matertc::11, and !itandc::irda ot lc::inde,c.c::1p• c::::irc.hlteGtural and mec:.hanlGal "ork.mc,nehlp to be employed In the "'ark. "h"""n on the plane or called ,or In th••• epeclllec,tlone ,or reaeonc,bly Implied ~ term• ol eame. The plan• c,nd epeelllGatlone c,re Intended to complement one c,nother c,nd c,ny pc,rt "' the ""rk. that may be mentioned In one and not pre&ented In the other, ehc,I I be done the ec,me c,e 1, It had c, minor nature "hlch may not be &pec1'icc,lly mentioned, but ""hleh may be reaeonc,bly c,e11umed ae necee•c,ry for the conetruetlon or completion oi' thle ""ork. shc,11 be per,ormed by the Contrc,etor the ec,me "" 1, eho""n on the drc,.,ln9e or deeerlbed In the &peclllcc,tlon11. In 9enerc,I, except that the Lc,ndeeape Arehlteet'e Interpretation ehall al,.,ay11 tak.e precedence over the dra,.,1n9• c,r,d lar9e detc,ile, ave, •mall e,ec,le dra,.,lnge,. l"lguree, "'hen 9lven, ehc,11 be lollo,.,ed In peelerenee to eGale meaeuremente. 1.0-4 INT!!!llltl'"llltl!:TATION 01" l'"LAN5 AND 51"1!:Cll"ICATIONS, The Landeeape Aeehlteet ... 111 Interpret the meanln9 ol any part ol the plane and epec1,1Gc,tlon11 about ""hlch any ml•understandln9e may c,rl&e, and hi& declalon &hall be Pinal. Should there appear to be any eerar or dlecrepancy In or bet"'""" the plan• and speclflcatlone, the Conti-actor •hal I reler the matte, to the Land•cap• Archlteet lar adjustment be,ore proceedln9 "'Ith the """rk.. Si-,ould the Contrcctcr proeeed ""Ith th• l'lork. .... rthout "" relerrrng the mctter, he doett ao on hi& """n reepon&lblllty and any ""ark. that r•",ulre& removal and/or replae•m•nt ehall be provided by tr,e Contractor at no addltlonal GO&t. 1.05 LANDSCAPI!: Al'tCHITl!:CT'S !"UNCTION, The Lcond•Gape ArehlteGt •hall provide perlodle, limited on-elt• obeervatlon al the ""ork. In pro9r•H• pee the """ner'e re".u•et to revie,o, in 9eneral, the execution "' de.,l9n intent cond Interpret the land!,eape doeumente. He ,., A9ent oP tt,e O""n•r to th• •xt•nt provld•d In the opeclPleatlone cond "'h•n In ep•elal ln&taneee he lo authorized by the O""ner to c,Gt "" Interpreter o, the <.ondltlone oP th• eontraet and ,,., jud9• oP rte perlorman<-•, h• ohal I old• neither "'Ith o ... ner nor .... 1th the Contrc,etor but use hlo authority under th• contraet to enloree It• lalthlul p•rlormane•. He hao the rl9ht to etop "'ark. ohould thle become n•e••eary to en•ure the proper ex•eutlon oP i:he contract. 1.06 Ol"jNl!:lllt'S 111.!:SPONSll!IILITY, ey enter1n9 Into a9r••ment, Ol'ln•r 9uarantee& Contractor Pund• are available and shall mak.e timely pro9reH, paymente to the Contra.:tor dur1n9 the eouree al the ""ork.. The c:,,.,n•r t>liall lurnleh all eurveye and eotabll,.t, all property llnee c,nd r•etrletlone. All other llnee, gradee, and dlmen,olone ehc,11 be eetabllshed ~ the Contra.:tor. Unle..,. other,.,lee epee1,1ed, the o .. ner ohall mck.e available to th• Contra<:tor all utilltle& req,ulred to perlorm the "'ork. at no ea&t to th• Contra<: tor. 1.01 CONT!lltACTOlllt'S llltl!:Sl'"ONSll51LITll!:S, The Contra<:tor ohall give efllelent ,.upervl.,lon to the ""ork., ue1n9 hie beet &le.ill and atteritlon. l"jhen abeent ,rom the Job, he shall appoint an l!:n9ll&h-opeak.lng oupervloor eapabl• oP dleeue&ln9 matter• ,.,1th the Landeeap• Arehlteet on th• elte and to mak.e de<:lelon• on the Contractor'• beha!P. He oliall ec,relslly atudy and <:ompare all dra,01ng11, •peei,1eatlone, and oth•r lnatra.:tlone for the ,oork.. Any "'ork. lndleated In a mann•r ""hleh ""ould mak.e It dilllt:ult to produee dra .. 1n9• and epee1,1eat1one, or bet,oeen apee1'1<.atlone, and loecol ordinance& or re&trl<:tion&, ehal I be relerred to th• Land&eape Arehlteet ,.,,. Interpretation or ,:orr•etlon belor• pr0Geedln9 ,olth l'lork.. I.Oe> !!XAMINATION O!" SIT!: AND l"jO!lltl(, A. The Contr-coetor &hall examine the projeGt 111te, pl,yelGCII eondltlone, cond ourround1n9 "' the propoeed "'ork. cond jud9e for him••" the nature "' the ,oori<. to be done prior to •ubm1tt1ng a bid. e. The plan• Por th• ""orl<. ,.ho,o ,:ondltion• "" they are euppo••d or beli•ved by th• Lcond&e,c:,pe Archlte<.t to exl.,t. It I& Contrcoetor'& r•"'pon&lblllty to inPorm Land11eape Arehlt•e• of cony vc,rlatlon bet"'••n plan• and aetuol .,rte <.ondltlone prior to etc,rtln9 any "'ark.. Should Contractor b•9ln "'ark. ,.,rthout verllyln9 IP plane mat;eh olte eondltlono, ContrcoGtor aooumeo all reopori•lblttl:y ,.,,. any looeee, he m19ht lnGur. 1.0"1 !,A!"l!:'N' COOi!:!, AND llltl!!6ULATIONS, Th• Contrac.tor •hall lamlllarlze hlmsell l'lith and 1'1111 comply .,,,t,h all Ped•ral, 11tate, and local la,os, ordlnanG•, rule•, and r•9ulatlon• 1nc.ludln9 Cc,IIPornla-OSHA Scolety Order& pertalnl"9 to the per,ormance ol the ,oork.. 1.10 CONSTI'WC:,TION SAl"e'N', The deol9n, ad•".vcoey, cond ecoPety of •reei:lon, """"vatlon, braeln9, ohorln9, temporary oupporto, et,:. I• th• eole re11ponalbilli:y oP the Contractor. Th• Contraetor le reepon•lble Por the etablllty ol tt,e etruetur•• and exeavci:lon• and •hall provide the neee..,.ary brcoGln9 t:o provide etablllty dur1n9 the entlr• eonel:ruGtlon pro9reee. Ob&ervatlon vlelt• to the •li:e by the Lande,eap• Arehlt.,et or hi& eoneultante t>liall not lnelude lnepeetlon ol tt,e above Item•. I.I I Pl!:llltl"OllltMANCI!! AND l'"A'Y'1'11!:NT l!lONDS, i, re".ulred, th• Contractor •hall deliver to o .... ner t,oo e,urety bond• "'Ith good and e,uPl!elent eur.,tlee. Th• bonde, ehall be maintained by th• Contractor In Pull Poree and •"•c.ted untl I eompletlon and a.:ceptanee oP th• ""orl<.. A. Mat•rlal and labor bond In the oum ol !50~ of the contraet price. l!I. '""rPormanee bond In the 11um ol 50~ ol the eontrac:.t prlc:.e eondltloned to Gover all guaranteee oP th• c:.ontraet. 1.1:2 INSUllltANCI!:, The Contractor .,hall deliver to O,oner Geri:111<:ateo oP ln11uranee a• evidence oP eovera9• ,oJth o .. ner and Landaeape Art:hlteet 11 .. ted ... Clddltlone,I lnoured. A. l'lork.ere' Compen,.atlon lneuranee and l!!mploy•r'• Liability lrieuranG•; 15. Comprehenelve Ll.:,blllt;y lnourCll'\Ge .... 1th limit• ol not le•e than •soo,ooo per any one pe,eon cond tl,000,000 per any one oeeurrenee "" to bodily lnJury or d8ath and e::iso,ooo per oeeueeenc:.• aa to property damco9•. I.IS LANDSCAPI!! AFtCHITl!:CT'S LIABILITY, The c:,,.,ner and Contraetore, reG09nlzln9 the Inherent rlek.e GonneGted ,olth eom,tructlon, a9ree to limit any and all liability, ele,im Por dc,mc,9ee, Goet ol dePen&e, or expeneee to be levied a9alnet the Lc,nd•eape ArehlteGt on aeeouni: oP any dee,l9n deleet, error, oml&elon, or pro,ee,elonal ne9ll9enee to c, 11um not to exc:.eed the amount oP the Landoec,pe Architect'• Pee. 1.01 1.0:::1 5UPl!!llltVISION, The Coni:raetor •hall eupervlee c,nd dlr•et the elllGlent per,ormanee oP the ,oork. In acGordanG• .... 1th hie beet ek.111, attention, and Jud9ment. He ohall be ,oolely re&pone,ible lor the mec,ne, method•, t .. c:.hnlquee, ee".uenc:.er,, c,nd procedure• "' conr,trvGtlon and ehall be reeponelble to••• that the ,rnrehed "'"rk. eompllee lully .... 1th the Gontraet OoGumente. He •hall hc,ve "repreeentatlve In ehar9• ...tio •hall be" competent euperlntendent and dlrec.t the pro9ree• a, the ""ork. and "'ho eh<>II be authorized to reGelve lnetruetlone and to act ,or the Contrc,Gtor on col I matte,,. re lat1n9 to the ""ork.. 1.06 GIUALITT' OF LAl50111t AND l"jc:,llltl<MANSHII'", A. At all tlm., aPter eommeneement o, the ""ork., Contractor &hall provide an """".uate ,oork. ,oree "' eompetent, ,oultably ".ualllled and trained pereonnel to r,urvey and lc,y out the ,oork. and eonotruc:.t th• proje<:t and shall caue,e .,uc:.h """rk. lore• to execute the l'lork. In eon,ormconce "'Ith the beet trade practleee, Pr•• lrom laulte and defe<-t• In a,:eordane• "'Ith the req,ulremente, o, the Contrc,et Ooeumenh. e. Any e,ubc:.ontraetor or laborer employed upon the ,.,.,,k. "'ho, In the opinion "' the Lande<-<>p• Architect and/or o .. ner, le non- eooperatlve, or l'lho •hc,11 prove eareleee or Incompetent, ehall be lmmedlat•ly removed lrom the ""ork. by the Contra<-tor, ,oh•n notllled to do ea, cond &hall not be re-employed on thle project. 1.04 GIUALITY 01" MATl!:!11.IALS AND 1!:GUll"'Ml!!NT, All moterlole and •".uipment Incorporated Into th• "ork. &hc,11 be ne,o unleee other,olee apeellleal ly provided In the Contract Ooeumente,. Materials and •".ulpment not other,.,iee dee19nated by dei:alled apee!Pleatlone &hall be "' the best commercial quality and &hall be &ultable lor the purpoee Intended. II re".ulred by o ... ner, Contra,:.tor ehal I ,urnl.,h evidence "'"tl.,laetory to O""ner "" to the le.ind and ".uallty a, mcoterlale cond •".uipment. All mc,terlala and •".uipment .,hol I be lnetal l.,d per the m"nu,"eturer'e ,-•c.ommendations.. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS, A. Submit &ubetltutlone oP materla 1., or m•thod" propo.,.d to Landeeap• ArGhlteGt In ,irltln9 lor approval or denial one """"k. prior to .,ubmittal oP bid. Subetitutlon., "'ill be approved only IP materlc,le or methode "'" demon•trably auperlor In ".uc,llty. ManvlaGturee'e, literature alone may not be euPIIGlent evidence ol proo, ol euperloelty. A '""-"est lo, a &ubetltutlon eonatltute& c, r•presentc,tlon thc,t ""ork.er& c,nd eontr-coetore ,oalve all Glalm,o lor additional labor or mcoterlol Goato ,ihich may become !,Ub&e".uently opparent by the uee ol eueh aubetltuted materlc,la or produGt.,. It I& the Contraetor'a reeponr,lbllit~ to prove th"t the re".ueated &ubetltutlon le In loet "eq,uc:::il.11 e. II more than one mconuPaetur•r I• e,peellled In th••• epe.:llleatlone, rt 111 the ControGtor'e option to eeleet the one ,ohieh he may """'r• to uee. IP more than one '1nl&h or etyle la available In th., Item epeeilled, the Contractor re obligated to c,llo"" the o .... ner to mak.e the eeleetlon. 1.06 LIST 01" SUl!!CONTRACTOl'll,S AND SUBLl!!TTINcS, l"jc:,l",I<, A. No part ol the eon,otruetlon ,oork. ehal I be done ae pleee,.,ork. nor ehcoll It be le,t to c, eubeontrc,ctor alter the execution o, the orl9lne,I eontract exeept ae authorized In "'rltln9. In eaee part al the ,oook. her II &hould bs eublet, th••• 9eneral Gondltlon• ehall 9overn each trad• Jnaolar ae they may apply to tha "'ork. al that tr-ade. e. No eubeontroet may be ae&lgned or tranelerred exGept .,., authorized In ""rltlng by the Contecactor. C. The Contractor ehall, at all time&, be reeponalble ,or the aee19ned or tran&lerred ""ork. to the eame extent "" II th• ae&l9ned or trc,ne,erred ,oork. to the eame •xtent "" IP lie """"' doln9, or had done, the ,oork.. 1.10 SAFETY AND 1"!11.0Tl!:CTION, Contrc,ctor ehall eomply .. 1t1, all appllee,ble le,,.,,., ordinance&, rule&, re9ulation,., c,nd ardee& "' all gov•rnmentc,I a9enGlee c,nd authoritlee h<:avin9 Juriedictlon lor the !,c,/ety oP per&on" or property Prom dcomage, loe,o, or injury and ,.hc,11 be reeponeible /or initit::1tin91 malntc::1inin9 c::ind e,uperviein9 all e,aPet~ preGautione ,:mt:! pro9rc:,ims, in connection l'lith the ""ork.. Contraetor ehall tak.e all precaution" n•eeoeary lor the ,oalety o, and ,.hall provide all proteetlon neeee,oary to prevent dama9e, lo••, or Injury to, A. All "'ork.men and other peroone on or about th• &lte c,r,d all other peraono ""ho may be coPfeeted by the """'""; 15. The "'ork. ltselP c,nd al I material• cond •".uipment lnGorporcoted or to be lneorporc,t9d th,oreln, ""hether In storo9• on or oll the elte; c:,_ Al I other property at, adJaGent to cond about the elte, lneludlng, ,olthout !Imitation, tree,o, ehrubs, la,on•, """llc:r., pavement,., roc,d,.,ay•, struGtu,es, and utllil:lee ,ohleh ar• not desl9nated lor removal, reloGatlon, or replaeem.,nt ae part ol the ,oork.. I.II EXISTINIS UTILITY LINl!:S, Exe10pt "" lndlGc,ted by the dra,.,ln9e or •peer,ieatlone, the Contrco,:,tor ,oil I not be liable lor the re-routln9 ol exlet1n9 aetlv., underground llnee ,ohleh may be dl&eovered durln9 the pro9reee o, .... ark.. Contra,:,tor ehall verl,Y loeatlon oP •xl1>tln9 utllltle& "'Ith cpproprlate utility eompanl•• prior to etartln9 ,oori<.. Contractor ehall be llabl• /or damage done to el<ll!>tln9 utllltlee. Contrac:.tor &hall ,:,ontaet 1-e>OO DIIS ALEllltT c,nd have all exletrng utJlltlee loeatec:I prior to eommenc:.ement "' eonetruGtlon. 1.01 1.0:2 llltl!!l'"AlllltlNIS INJUl'll.l!:O l"jOl'I.K A. All portion& "' the "'ork. that ma~ be brok.en or Injured ~ aGeldent or In thlO eouree ol or on account ol building operc,tlone or by reaeon ol any other eauee ,ohateoever durln9 the pro9re•e ol the ,oork., shall be ear•fully and neatly repaired or reeonstruGted and the "'hole lelt In llr&t elc,ee eondltlon and tu,ned over to the O,oner rec,dy Por uee. e. Should any pcort "' the "'ark. o, thlr, eontraet be eut Into or dama9ed b~ other eontrcoetore, the Ol'lner and party eaveln9 eueh dcoma9• ehall mak.e adJue.tmente bet,oeen them&elves relative to reeonetruetlon, rep.,lr& and payment. 1.05 MUTIJAL RESPONSIBILITY OF SUBCONTRACTOFitS, eaeh eubGontrc,Gtor ehal I per/arm the ,oork. ol th., eontrc,Gt "" that It "'II I properly coordinate ,.,;th and ,rt the ""'"" perPo,med by other evbeontraetore. He ehall 91ve ec,eh otl,er •ubGontrc,c.tor every ree,eonable opportunity to per.Parm their 111tc:irk.1 etore mat.l"'lal!i, c::ll"ld plaGe equipment there.Par, and Pit their ... ark. to the "'ork. ol other subeontraGtore. 1.04 C:,OOl"EFitATION l"jfTH OTHl!:FitS, A. Eaeh eubeontroetor ,oh<:,II eoop•rat• .. 1th other• In the execution "' al ,oork. c,nd .,hall not Inter/ere .,,th materlc,I, appllc,neee, or l"!lorkrn•n oP otrler subc:.ontraet.or&. B. All eubeontr'aetor• •n9<>9•d In "'ork. at the •lte •hall hc,v•, lneoPar a& pre,etlt:able, •".ucol """ o, th• premise• and laellltle&. In """" oP dlea9re•ment re9ardln9 suGh u•e, the mc:,i:ter &hall be rePerred to the 01"lner, """" deelr.lon relative to &aid u•• shall 9overn. 1.05 Ol"jNE!li.'S Fitl!SHT TO DO l"iOl'I.I<, o .... ner mcoy, at Its 6ole option, per,orm, or contract dlreetly ,olth other eontr'c,etore Por the perlormanee oP other ""ork. related to the proJeet on su,:,h terme and eondltlone as o .... ner shall, In lte &ale dieeretlon, ehooee. 1.06 !"!11.0VISIONS !"Olli. 1!:XTl".AS, No ne"" ,oork. of an~ le.ind &hall b8 con•ldered an extrco unle&e a eeparate eetlmcte le given lor eald ""or~ be/ore It le commenced and untl I oama I& approved by the O""ner exeept Par extr" """rk. ordered by the c:,,.,ner aeeordln9 to unit prleee "'hl<:h h"v• been bid. Any •xtra ,oork. p•rlormed, not authorized ae peovlded above, eha 11 not be paid for ~ the o .... nee. 1.01 Te!STS AND INS!"l!:CTIONS, A. The o ... ner e,hal I have the r19ht to te&t, lnepec:.t, and approve or ,..,.,_urre the testing, lnep•c:.tlon, and approval "' all mcoterlale and •",ulpmant ,urnl•h•d and all ,oork. perPormed under the Contraet Ooc:ument5. In addition, II the Contract Doeumente or the I"'"""' ordlnaneee, rulee, re9ulat1on6, or an~ other oP the publle authority hav1n9 JurledlGtlon r•",ulre the ,oork. or any portion thereol to be epeelPleally ln,opeeted, the Contractor ehall arran9e, P"Y lor, and deliver eertllleateo ol Jne,peetlon, teetrng, and approval to O,iner. I.II APl"LIC:,ATION l"Ol'it 1"!11.0ISl'i.l!:SS PA'f'Ml!:NTS, A"' of the end oP •aeh calendar month durln9 eonetruetlon, but In no event more olten than one• monthly, Contractor •hall &ubmil: to o .. n•r lor revl•"' and e,pproval " completely ,111ed out and el9n•d Application ,or P"yment eoverln9 the "'"rk. Gompl•t•d "" al the date ol eueh applieatlon. !!!c,ch suGh Application Por Payment "hall be aecompanled by lully-exeeuted unGondltlonal r•l•a"'•" c,nd "'"Iver• l'<h•r•b~ all per,.onio cond partlee "h" perlormed labor, eubeontraet "'ork. or other servle•• upon the projeet, or "'h" eold, lec,5ed, lurnlehed, or other""'"• •eppli•d to or Por th• u,oe ol or to be Gon&umed In the proJ•et e",ulpment, materlcole, c,ppllaneee, or other 9oods, r•l•a,.. and ,oc,Jve, to e,nd lneludlng th• dc,te al •uch appllecotlon, all meehanlc'e ll•n, stop notlee, e".ultabl• lien and lcoboe and material bond rl9ht• on th• projeGI:. 1.1:::1 C:,l"jNl!!l'l.'S Fitl!SHT TO SUSPl!!ND Olli. CANCl!:L l"jOl'I.K, A. The contract .. ntered Into under thees &peellleatlon• may be terminated by the o ... ner .. rthout liability Por dama99r,, ""henever th" o .... n,., I• pesvented by opercotlon ol la,.,, an Aet oP !Sod, or by the ""1<:lal aetlon ol tt,e publle, ,eaeral, &tate, or munlelpal aul:horltlee lrom Gompl.,tlr19 the ,iork. contemplated hereunder. B. In the event o, eueh eaneellatlon, the Contractor &hall be paid lor the """rk. actually done be/ore notlee oP ec,neellatlon I& 91ven to the Contractor. IP the eoritract provide& lor paymente to the Contractor on the l:,c,&I& ol unit prleee e,et lorth therein, the amount due th• Gontraetor upon Goneellc,tlon e,hall be Gomput•d on the be,&le ol &ueh unit prl,:.ee. If the Gontrac.t provldee ,or the paymsrit oP a llxed &um Par the entlr• "'"rk., or any d•llnlt• portion thereo, other the,n a unit ol mec&urement, th• Contractor ehall b• paid the •ame proportion oP sueh sum upori e,c:,nce I lat Ion that the """'k. done beaee, to the total ""ork., or dePlnlte portion ther•ol, to be peeloomed under the Gontrat: t. C. Notice oP eueh eaneellatlon ehall be 9lven In ,oril:ln9 and ehall be deposit,od In the United Sate10 mall In " eealed envelope ,oith poeta9e prepc,ld and dlrec:.tad to the Contractor at his c,ddr•e"' ""' Plied ... 1th th• o .. ner. 1.01 1!:XTl!:NSION 01" TIM!!, In th• .vent It 111 d•smed neee"'""'Y by the O,oner to extend th• time ol completion of the "'ork. to be done under the!>e epeGlf!c.atlone., 1iuc.h extenelon 1&1-iall, rn no Ilia~, f'eleaee an~ guc:ront~ 9rven by the Contraetor pur&uarit to th• prov1e1ont1 ol th••• •p•elPlec,tlon&, or the c.ontr-aet let hereunder, or to rell•v•, c,r rel1111ase l;he 5ureties ofl th• bc:md& exeeut•d pur•uant to the eold provlelon&. 1.0:2 CLl!:AN-U!", At coll time• durln9 the eours• ol th• ,oork., the Contractor &hall k.eep trie site ,ree lrom aceumulatlone ol ,oa&t• mat•rlal&, rubbl&h, and other debrle reeult1n9 th• ,oork. ond ehal I tcok.e euGh aetlon as I!> neee1111ary to prevent and control du,ot. At the eompletlon ol the ,oork., Contraetor •hall r1Jmove all temporary struGtures, tool&, eonst,uetlon e",Ulpment, and machinery, surplus material&, "'""te mc:,i:erlale, rubbleh, and debrle ,rom and about the elte and &hall leave the elte c:.lean and recody lor uee by the Oll'llner. I .OS COMl'"Ll!:TION, A. Completion I& defined "" being ,ohen all eondltlon& ol the eontre,et have been aeeompliehed lnGludln9 the apeGllled mc,Jntenanee period. epeellleally ""hen all Items core Installed, the area• elee,n.,d and the malnten"nGe period &al:J&la<:torlly completed, and "'hen all epeelal toole c,nd •",ulpment, lnetruetlon,o, ,.,,rtten 9uaranteee, ,,.,_ built plana, lien release& c,nd c,ny lteme r•",ulred b~ the Contrac:.tor OoGumente have been properl~ exeGuted and d•llv•red to the O,oner. 6. The Lande,,:.c,pe Arehrteet •hall have Pull authority to aGeept or rejeet the eontrc,Gt Items and .. 111 promptly nol:IPy the o ... ner ol completion. 1.04 ISUARANTEI:, In coddltlon to 11peellied 9uarantee& provided lor In the aaparate &ac:.tlone oP the epeeillGatlon&, tl'le Contractor e.hall 9U<>rantee In ,orltln9 al I ""ork.mc,ne,hip and material& to be Pree Prom deleGI: lor a period ol one year Isom the date oP acceptanee oP the "'ark. by the O"'ner ,.,;thout additional co&t to the o .... ner. o. The Contractor r.hall eubmlt to th• Ol'lner "' list ol the ,oubcontrac:.tore ,olth detc,11& ol the portlone ol the """rk. to be per,ormed by eoeh. Subeontrc,ctore ehall be •ubJeet to the approval "' the c:,,.,ner and Lc,ndeeap• Arehlteet. 1.01 PATl!:NTS, In the event that any poterited artlele, mc,terlal, or proe••e I& to be lnetoll•d or u••d In the perPormc,nee ol the "'ork. "" aho,on on the plan., or particular ep.,cl'1Gation& there,or, the Contr=tor .,hall pay the royalt~ ehar9ec,ble cond .,hol I ecv•, k.eep, and bear th• O""n•r and Landeec,pe B. The ContraGtor ehall l'\Ot ,:over up any ,oork. re".ulrln9 ln•peetlon anti! the eame hae been approved ~ the appropric,te couthority. 11 "'"rk. ,ohould be covered up bePore bein9 lnepeeted, l:he Contractor ,ofll be re".ulred to remove •u<-h portions ol the ,oork. "" may be nec:.e•&cory to dl,.Glo&e th• part In ",u•etlon. 1.oe SHOP t,!11.Al"jlNISS, Contract;or ehc,11 provide complete ehop drc,.,ln9e Por c,II Item& ,.peel/led for •hop dra,,..ln9 •ubmlttal. Shop dra"'lnge •hall Arehltect harmle,oa lrom al I dcoma9e, GO&te, cond expeneee by eeaaon al the !allure to pay the royalty Gh"r9e"ble lor the u,oe thereoP; and an~ lo.,,. to the O,oner In the event that the O"'n•r I& •nJolned lrom u•ln9 r,uc:.h pc:,t:ented artlele or material• c,nd the lneldental damc,9e "'"ueed by the loe& ol u&e and dama9• to o .... ner'e property In removln9 r,ome, the coet al replaeln9 the artlele or material& the u•• ol ""hleh le enjoined. Provided further, the bond lor Palthlul perPormconce ehal I be de•m•d to expr•••ly apply to thle provlelon oP the •peelllcatlona. 1.oe l'"l!:l'I.MITS, LICl!:N51!!5, AND INSiDl!:CTIONS, A. The Contractor ehall obtain and pcoy lor all permlte to9ether ,oJth all ln&peetlone re".ulred In eonneetlon ... 1th the "'ark. to be done under the eontraet, unle&,o oth"r""l&e epee1,1ed belo"'. B. The Contractor .. 111 provide e,nd pay lor any epeelal or c:.ontlnuoue ln&pec:.tlon of the ,.,.,,k. done under the eontraet, ,ohen epeelal or eontlnuoue lnepeetlon le noted belo,.,. 1.0"1 LAl"jfi, 01'1.0INANCl!:S, lli.ULl!:5, AND llltl!:eULATIONS, The Contre,etor ehall give all notleee r.•".ulred by and ehall other.,lee ,ully eomply .. 1th all lo"'•, ordlnaneee, rulee, cond regulation& applicable to the eommeneement, proeeeutlone, c,r,d Gompletlon ol the ,oork.. In the event ContraGtor obeerv•• or dleeov•r• that the C:,ontraGt Document& or any portion thereoP are In any "'"Y at variance ,oltt, an~ auc:.h la,.e, ordlnanee,o, rule&, or regulation&, Contrc,etor &hc,11 promptly 91va Landaeape Art:hltec:.t ,.,,,tt•n notlc:.e theraol. Should C:,ontraGtor perlorm any "'ork. k.no,oln9 thcot It le contrary to any •uch la,o•, ordlnaneee, rule• or re9ulat1one, and ,ofthout &ueh notle• to Landeeap• ArerilteGt, Contraetor ahall bear all coete and expeneee arl&ln9 therelrom and aeeo,:Jated therel'llth and lnd,omnr,y and hold harmleee O,on,or c,nd anyone directly or lndleeetly employed by O"'n"r lnGludln9 th• Lc,ndeGap• Arehlteet ,rom and a9alnet col I elaime, liability, dcoma9e, lo•••• and expeneee, lnGludln9, ,.,;thout limitation, attorneye' leee arl•ln9 In eonneetlon there,.,lth. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. c., § ::;.! l'l>SCAp GI lles,o1 ---~~fWY.~- indleate all m"terlal methode al attaehm,ont ond llnl&h. Si',op drco,iin9& ,oh" I I be approved prior to labrlc:.atron. 1.0"1 5AMl"Ll!:5, Conl:ractor r.hall provide eamplee ,or coll mc,terlal• epeeilled to lnelude aampl••· All r,amplee r.hall be approved by O,oner'11 llltepr•••ntatlve In "'rltln9 prior to delivery to the proJeet elt•. 1.10 TEMPOl'Alllt'T" l"ACILITll!:S A. l!!reet and properly maintain at all tlm•• "" r•".vlred by c;ondltlone and pro9re&e ol th• l'IOrk., all neeee,sary and re".ulred proteetlv• barrleadee, lneludln9 a 6' hel9ht Ghaln link., temporary .:onetructlon ,enee .... 1th aec:.e&e 9at .. , ,enGee, c,nd othsr ea,e9uarde lor the protec:.tlon a, ,iork.ere c,nd the public. Verily llmlte "' "'"" 11<lth o ... ner prior to lnatallatlon. l"jhere theee l:,c,rrleadee and lenee& ere vleible to the public:, paint, or other,.lee ,rnleh them In a manner c,,:.,:eptabl• to the Landeeap• Architect. 6. At all tlmee durln9 eonetruetlon or •r•etlon ol projeGt or lte component part&, prior to eompl•tlon ol the etrueturol ,rame or placement end perm.,nent eonneGtlon ol Gomponent member• to the structural lrame, provide, Install, and maintain properly de6lgned and c:.on,.trueted temporcory braelng ol ad-...uate str-en9th to prevent die,loc:.cotlon, dletortlon, eraGk.lng, fallln9-01', or any other damc,9• to the "'"'"" or e,ny al rte component parts du• to Por•seeabl• normal exceeelv• "'Ind• and earth".ualc:a ,or,:.ee, ,ofthout additional eoat to o .. ner. llltepalr or repla<:e at no add•d ,:oet, dc,ma9• portlone ol ,oork. ol component part&. C. Provide 6' ht. ,:haln link. barricade coround drlpllne al ex1etln9 t,ee& to be protected. Mcolntaln l:,c,rrleade, and peevent any materlc,le &torage oe vehleular aeeee• .... rthln protected area. DRAWN JP "AS-BUILT" I ,ANIJSl'APf" ARC!illTEC-1 ll l{E APPROVED 1st SUBMITTAL 2nd SUBMITTAL MYLAR JOB NO. DATE SCALE MM 01-28-05 03-25-05 04-28-05 Tin£, RECEIVED BY: 02-142 04-26-05 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INlllAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE FIRE !"FitOTl:CTIONP!ll.0<51'1.AM POLICll:S AND FitEGlUIREMl!:NTS l".6 REGUIREM!NTS D•&l9n, lnetallatlon and modllleatlon al •xlet1n9 v•9etatlon ohall be In eon,ormanee "'Ith on• oP th• follo""l"9 ",:.ondltlone" or "" re~ulr•d or modlPied by the Gity. It .,t,c,11 be the re,.ponelblllty ol the coppllcant to develop " plan ,ohiGh meete tl,e lire proteGtlon re".ulremente. Environmental eonetralnt., or other re&trlGtlon plc,eed upon th• d•v•lopment o,h.:,11 not be eon11ldered Jv•l:lfleatlon /or moa1,1.:atlon or &ubordlnatlon oP lire protection &tandarde. The &lte planning oP the development shall eatl•ly both the lire proteetlon etandard• c:::1nd envlronmental c:.onetrc:1lntl,. !".S-1 CONDITION A -MANU!"ACTIJl'll.l!:P SLOP!: l"lllt!! l'"llltOTl!:CTION (See Appendix I" .:2) l'"ertalne to man mcode alop•• abutt1n9 hl9h rlek. lire areoe "'" de.,eribed under S.ctlon II C.I Sl!:CTION A-I -mea&ured horizontally :20' out,oard Prom the outlyln9 ed9e al structure(&). I. r"lanted ,.,1th 9round eover or lo"" 9ro,.,1n9 ehrub speele• !I••• thcon S' In hel9ht) k.no,on to hc,ve lire retardcont ".ualltlee. :2. No tree& or shrube al lo,.,ed. 6. lrr19ated. Sl!:CTION A-.::2 -mea&ured horizontal!~ :20' out....ard from th• outlying ed9• ol Se<:tlon A-1. I. Plconted .. 1th lo"' "'"ter uee nature, llzln9 p I ant •peel•• k.no""n to hcove lo"' fv• I Gharacterl•tlee. :2. No treee collo,oed. 6. lrr19ated. eE:CTION A-6 -mec,.,ured out....ard lrom the outly1n9 ed9• oP A-:2 to lnelude the remainder al the ar•a bet.,een Section A-:::1 and high rlek. /Ir• areae ae deeerlbed under Section II C. Horizontal dl.,tanc:.• Prom the .. trueture(&) to untreated h19h elek. area• ehall not be leee thc,n 60'. I. l'"le,nt,od l'lith lo"' """ter ur,e nc,turallzln9 plant •peGl•e k.no"'n to hcove lo"' fuel charaeterl&tle&. :2. Tr••• are allo,.,ed but ehall not be planted elo••r than :20' apart. 5. 1ee19ated. l".6-:2 CONDITION e -NATIVI!! 5LOl'"l!:S -l"jlLOLAND 1"11'11.1!: SUl'"l'"llltl!:SSION (5•• Appendix I" .:2) l'"ertalno to area& ,ohere removal ol •nvlronmentally eeneltlv• native vegetation I& reetrleted .... rthln the ,rre "'""tlone. Sl!!CTION Bl -meaeured :20' horizontal!~ lrom the outlying ed9e ol the etrueturee) to,oard the environmentally re&trlGted ar•a c,o, delln•d by the City. I. llltemoval o, "hl9h Puel and moderat• hazard species" ae listed In App•ndlx 1".I. :2. r-1ant1n9 l'<lth ground eover or lo"' 9ro"'1ng ehrub •p•elee (ler,1 than 6' In hel9ht) k.no"'n to hav• lire retardc,nt o,uc,llti•• or oe othe,,.le• r•".uired ~ the City. S. No tre8"' or el,rube allo"'•"· -4. lrrl9ated. Sl!:CTION B::I -mea11ured horizontally :20' out .. ard Prom the outlyln9 •<19• al 151. I. llltemoval ol "hl9h ,uel epec:.le&" "" lleted In Appendix l".I. .::2. Fitamoval ~ eeleGtlv• prunln9 oP up to 60% oP the volume ol th• "moderate luel speeles" "" listed In App•ndlx l".I. S. ""plc,nt1n9 r11th naturallzln9 lo"' luel &peGlee. ,4, Tr••• c,nd lar9• tree ,orm shrub" (e.9. Oak.e, SUmae, To!:jOnJ "'hleh ar• beln9 retc,ln10d ehall be pruned to provide Glearanc.., e".ual to three tlm•& the height ol the eurroundln9 underetory plant material or 6', ""hlehever I• hl9her. Oecod and exGeesJv,oly t""1g9y 9ro,oth ehall al&o be removed. 5. lrr19coted. Sl!!CTION 195 -meaeured horizontally :20' ovt..crd lrom th• outlyln9 ed9• oP Seetlon B::I. The outer ed9• ol 55 .,hall extend horlzontalll~ to a point at leaet 60' ,rom &truc:ture&. I. llltemoval oP "h19h Pue! epeele•" oe lleted In Appendix !".I. ::I. llltemovc,I ~ eeleetlve prunln9 ol up to -409' a, the volume ol the "moderate luel e,peele&" ae lleted In Appendix !".I. 6. Treee and lar9• tree Porm &hrub<. (e.9. Oak.e, Sumac, Toyori) ,ohlch ar• beln9 retained ,.hall be prun•d to peovld• elearanee •",ual to thr•e time& the height .,, trie •urroundlng underetory plant material or 6', "'hlchever le hl9her. Oec,d and exeeeelV•I~ t,il99y 9,0,.,tl, &hall al.,o be removed. -4. Non-lrr19ated. l".S-4 Maintenance c,Geee& .,hall be provided to the lire proteetlon areao. l".6-5 Oebrl& and l:rlmm1n9& produe•d by thinnln9 ehall be removed Prom th• &It• or .,hc,11 be converted to muleh ~ c, ehippln~ maehins and evenly dl•p•r&ed over the or•a to a maximum depth of 4' . 00' al the native vndletvrbed ar,oc,_ !".6-1 The l"lre Department mc,y re".ulre doGumentc,ry photo9raphe ol elope• at the time oP treatment. l"lioto9raphe, ,.,111 remc,ln In po•&-•lon ol the City "" c, re,erenG• for ,uture mc,lntenanGe ln&pectlone by the City. NATIVI$ Aden06toma laeeleulatum Chamlee Artemlr,la ecolllomlca Ccolllornlo sagebru&h l!:r109onum la&eleelatum 6uek.,ohec:,t: SCllvlc, &peGI•• Sa9• Other epeel8& c,s; epeellled by the City OOMl!:STICS AeaGla epeelee AGat:la Cadru• •p•Glee Cedcor cupre••u• 11pec:.lee Cypr••e Oodonaea vleeoeco Hopeeed Bush l!!uGal~ptue epecleo euec,lyptu& Jvnlp.,ru• spee le11 Juniper !"ennl•el:um l"ountcoln erae• Plnu& &peeler, Pine Other epeGlet1 c,e !,peellled by the City MOOl!:llltATI!: HA:Z:AllltD SPl!!C 11!:S Heteromele• arbutllolla Toyon Maloema laurlna Laurel SUmae Gluercu11 dumo•c, Scrub Oc,k. 9'hu• 1nte9r1,olla Lemonade eerry AyloeoGUGU" bl-eolor M1,..,1on Manzanita Other epeGle& "" epe<-llled by the City. CITY OF CARLSBAD uTI DATE INlllAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT VII I AGES OF LA ao.5TA LA ao.5TA R/06E 2.S L-18 _AP_P_R_D~~=-~~,__,.~~L--------s--q-os- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: GT 04-03 420-SL I \ KEY /vfAP / ! ! / '· /) :I // ,/ '•,,.__ ., . '"'-./ ; ; ' .. / ' I / •.,.__ I '"'~,,; .j ! / OFCi\ to_i-'.4 :.:E MAP 1d37.9 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTl!RE DRAWN J'P "AS-BUil T" APPROVED MM 1st SUBMITTAL 01-26-05 2nd SUBMITTAL 03-25-05 AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED BY RECYCLED ~ATER NOT!:::, THl:::l'li!.I::: Al'li!.E: NO ARl:::AS TO 191::: 111'.fo!. I ,:5,ATl:::D 19Y Rl:::C YC!..1:::1:) ~A Tl:::l'li!. REC..YC..LED Y'IATER ~AF I"= 150'-0" 4a ::20 o _____ .:.-___ _::eo _____ i_::zo ~ 6CAL.!!!, I" • 40' .. DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT VILLASES Or LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2..S _MYLAR _______ 04_-_2_6_-_06 l-1l.'.'..'.:TL:,'.E:'._: =======~~~~~::;;;:==========-t===t==t====================c==J==::::it==1==J RECEIVED BY: APPROVE .._ _____ .S-:-?--qs: ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 04-26-05 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: --GT 04-03 420-5L RVWD BY: •