HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 420-6L; CT 04-04; LA COSTA RIDGE 2.5; 01-17GENERAL. CONDITIONS SHORT FORM PROTECTION OF L.IFE AND PROPERTY LANDSCAPE ARCH TECTURAL FLANS FOR: I. Contractor 11hall protect all con11truct1on and landscaping Prom damage, and, when ri,qulred, provide, guards or .:.overing. An!:j damage shall bi, ri,palred or ri,placi,d at the, Contra.:.tor's eoxpense. Contractors on the, Job shal I .:.arr!:j the Pol loi-Jlng lnsuran.:.e, (a) Worker's Compensation, (b) Publl.:. Comprehensive, General L.lablllt!:j, and (c) Propeort!:j Damage. In an emergenc!:j threatening the> safet!:j of life>, work or adjoining propert!:j, the Contractor Is hereob!:j lnstru.:.ted to act at his discretion to prevenE su.:.h loss or lnjur!:l and &hall maintain the Pollowlng minimum llablllt!:j Insurance coverage during the .:.ontra.:.t period. V LLAGES OF LA COST~A REVIEWED ~s:r COVERAGE Bodll!:j lnjUr!:j• •250,000 per lndlvldual, pi,r O.:..:.urren.:.e Property Damage, •100,000 per Oc;curren.:.eo, aggregate 2. Theo Contractor &hall c;a1.111e to be named as addltlonal Insured In 111.1ch Contra.:.tor'e Public; L.lablllt!:j, Contractor's Protective L.lablllt!:j and Automobile L.lablllt!:j lneurance policies the Pollowlng, (a) Lennar Communltle& (b) Gllli,sple Design Group Inc., "!404 eeneeee Avenue, Suite 140, L.a Jolla, CA "!20:51-1:3:3"!. S. Contractor &hall not ca1.111e th!& policy to be canceled or permit It to lapee, and the lneuran.:.e poll<=-!:j &hall Include a clause to the effect that the pollc!:j shall not, at an!:j time during the c;onstruc;tlon period, be canceled or reduced, restricted or limited untll Fifteen (15) da!:js after all additional Insureds have received written notl.:.e as evidenced b!:j returned receipts of registered or certified letters. 4. The Contractor agrees, to hold the Owner and Landscape Architect harmless Prom an!:j claims arising out oP his operations oP an!:l of his sub contractors, material suppllles, or agents. 5. All local, municipal and etate laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to an!:l portion oP this work are hereb!:j ln.:.orporated Into and made a part of these specifications and their provision& shall be carrleod out b!:j the contractor. 6. The contractor shall ver1Py the locations of all existing utllltles, st.-ucture,s, and services bePore commencing work. The locations oP utllltles, structures and services shown In these plans are approximate only. An!:j discrepancies betj,jeen these plans and actual field conditions shall be reported to the oj,jner or landscape architect. 1. The contractor shall protect oll existing utilities and Peatureos to remain on, and adjacent to, the project site during construction. Contractor shall repair, at his Oj,jn expense, all damage resulting Prom his operations or negligence. ~-Thi, contractor shall obtain the pertinent engfne,erlng and/or architectural plans bePore beginning j,jOrk. "!. Permit& Por an!:l construction depicted In theee plane shall be obtained by the contra.:.tor. 10. Contractor shall hove a valid contractors license required Por the particular j,jork bolng done,. Contractor shall not olloj,j tho llcense(s) to lapse during tho contract pe,rfod. DECLARATION OF Rl;SPQNSIBLE CHAR,eE I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LANDSCAPE Al¼HITECT OF Jl,IORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 610:3 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DE515N 15 CONSISTENT Jl,IITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAY'llNGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CAl<LSBAD AND THE SAN DIE.SO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL. HEAL. TH 15 CONFINED TO A REVIEV'i ONL. Y AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF Y'lORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PL.ANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL. CONFORMANCE Y'llTH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PL.AN, V'IATER CONSERVATION PL.AN, STORM V'IATER POL.L.UTION PREVENTION PL.AN, FIRE PROTECTION PL.AN, AND AL.L. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. RELATED TO L.ANDSC.APINe. BY, ____________________ _ DENNIS 1"1. GIL.L.ESPIE FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS, !:71LLE5PIE DESIGN GROUP. INC. 9404 GENESEE AVE., STE. 140 LA JOLLA, CA "!2QS:7-15;5"1 PHONE No., <e,se,J 558-e.ffl DATE ____ _ REelSTRATION NO,, CA 1;5b2 EXPIRATION DATE, 04-0:5 4/11.,~1\- GALIPOfllNI.A STATE LN; SA.'1"9 "Y'OU M.J&T G.ALL ~ '!"'OU 0'16. 60'VERNMENT GODE SEGTION 4::216-4'216Cf STATES THAT "EXGA\IATION', """'°INS, 'TlOENGI-IINS. C>ldl,SINS, DITCHINS. DRILJ..IH& ~IH&, TIJNNl!LINS, SGRAl"IN6, C.ABLE Oil f'IPI! f'L<»IJN6, DRIVIN6, F<llJNDATION Dl'"61N9, LAl'C>Sc.AF'!!e C>l6E>IN6 l"UIMBIN6, ~ POST Oil AN1'" on-eR WAY, ou,t ~IT FOR OIGGINS-HILL NOT eE VAL.ID JIIIITI-IC:lUT A DIS ~T Tlc.t<E'T tilJll.1BEFC Nile' NOTIFICATION Tl-f.AT TI-E MARKOOT H,ti,,5 SEEN GOMf"L.E:TED. THlelOc 15 AL!!>O A 14-DAY ~INDOW (!!!-l!GTION 4~16te:/) IN l'IHICH YOU MJ!>T c:.oMPLETc 11-11: f'1'I.Of'OSED Dl6E>IN6. IF YOU ~U.J. NEEr> ADDITIONAL Tlt-e ~ONC> T1-E 14 DAY!>, IT 15 you,t Plef'ON!>IBILl'IY TO F<Ec.ALL DIS ALERT. Dl6 AL.elT TOU..-PRl!!I! N.M9l!R I& l-&oo-277-2600. ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE DEVELOPER'S NAME: MORROW DEVELOPMENT 1903 WRIGliT PLACE. f 180 TEL 1ao..:a29-270Y DATE PLAN PREPARED: 2-21-03 BY: GDG I I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. :.! 1',--~~--, OF CA\. ' DSCAPE,I TTECTlJRf DRAWN APPROVED PROGRESS KEY I "=.:::250'-0" l!'l,111.lctATION l"L.ANe l"L.ANTI N6 l"L.AN5 ) I I I JP MM 6-16-04 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 06-le-04 SCALE AS SHOWN ! II i I i ' i ! I ! I I, j( !,~' I f">J ! '" i' ! I .// I '·~ ·: I ' l I"--{ I\ i l.1 ' I ' I ' ; I I I INSPECTOR I I I bAlt DATE 30 1 ~::t,:m ,,,,.1,."" ,,'3,b'!jijj DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK 6+-ll!l!T I Nr:::>l!X 6Hl!!:1!!:i, TITJ..!! eH!!l!!!!i IR!'ltlcSAilON l""J..ANS IR!'ltlcSAilON 1:)1!!:TAIJ..S IR!'ltl<S-ATION J..E!:<S-1!!:ND I R!'ltl <S-ATI ON Sl'"l!!!!C 11"' I CA ii ONe l"'J..ANTI NcS l"'J..AN6 1-J..ANTINcS J..l!!!!i:!,!!::NP, P!!TAIJ..6, ANr:::> NOi!!S l"'J..ANTIN<S-Sl'"l!!!!Cll"'ICAilONS R!!!CY'CJ..!:D uee: Y'-IATl!!:R MAJ- DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL \ \ \ \ I I / 6H!!!!i NO., J..-1 (I) J..-.:2 THlllU J..-4 (.:2-4) J..-5 • J..-6 (!5 • t,) J..--r (-r) J..-e • J..-"'! (e • "'!) J..-10 THl'IW J..-1.:2 (10 • L-19 • J..-14 (19 • 14) J..-15 • J..-16 (15 • 16) J..-li ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ C, T 04-04 RVWD BY: 420-61.- 0 I / / 0-. I . ., ('\'' " / 0 , !!,/;; \) I i i i i i l ~-;,,--, .. ·-~.:r- -~c..~:"x,-. ,. __ 1i ., 7, -.t rr ( 1'\• \ \ ,,, ----------------, KEY MAP APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. • • ~- (, ,,I ----1c-==-;f-/'" # I' . \ 41\ {.---c=.Y \ ' ' \ \ ~,, ' .. \ \ \ ', ', \ \ \ '1.; ,/ ,.-;,.,, . ' )(/ ' '. \ \ ·, ' ' '., ', )(' \ ·, ' ' .-"(\ ·.· .. -<\ \ \\ '\ -----:. \ , I \ ', : '-I '1 f. I , 3i41 , 4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd. }\\)$0Ap Suite D San Diego \lOOdy California 92121 I ! 1 1 . 6:. =~ \ I , .... :.cu I MAIN LINE 15 LOCATED 12' BACK OF GVRB (TYi" J DRAWN APPROVED PROGRESS ~. 91:e MAeTER P!Ma.OF'ER PLAN& {Drii!; 418<tl-eM l"OR ~'(~ ~TER 1~6AT£0 eL.OPE9 MAIN LINE 15 LOCA'TfD 12' BACK OF GVRB (TYl"J 40 ::zo 0 eGALl!h 111 =-401 NOTE, MAINLINE SHOV'IN >'!ITHIN PAVIN6 FOR C-LARllY ONLY, AC.WAL MAINLINE LOC-ATION TO ee A MINIM.IM OF le" OFF ADJACENT HARD¾APE AND OTHER OBSTACLES AND IN OF Rl6HT OF >'!AY lYP. PARKJl'!AY IMPROVEMENT MAINLINE SHALL Ele IN R.O.>'!. NOTE, C-ONTRAc-TOR 5HALL AD.JJST ALL HEADS AS REGUIRED TO AC,C,OMMODATE ANY VERTIC,AL O6STIWC,TIONS THAT MAY OC,C,UR, INc-LUDIN6 6UT NOT LIMITED TO Ll6HT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC-. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT >'!ITH Ov-lNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIV!= PRIOR TO C-OMMENc-lN6 >'!O~. l::ZO~.· ~, CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS! .. L_±_J PLANNINGDEP.ARTMENT . Ii ,-.--------------------,-----,---,-----------------.----..----.-----.---"AS-BUILT" JP MM 6-10-04 06-28-11 DATE 6UE5T aJILDER IAAl6AT10N Pl.ANS FOR, V/Ll A6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RID6E 2.!J L-2 Tel 858 558 8977 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 u ~ di ... -~ . o Fax 858 558 9188 ... ;a £4;;~~=-_, www.gmplandarch.com 2ND SUB. MYLAR SUB. AS BUILTS MYLARS JOB NO. DATE SCALB 03-115-00 t--------;,;-;==;:--;:~------t---1---l--------------1---1---1--+---1 04-011-011 RECEIVED BY: Till.E: PRINCIPAL 06-28-11 02-142 06-10-04 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL APPROVE AS61STJ.t-U. PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ C,T 04-04 RVWO BY: 7-s--lL DATE DRA'MNG NO. 420-6L . r: N 0 I ~ r- MAIN LINE IS LOGA TED. 12' 6ACK OF CURa ( MAll'l.I1'1!, POINT OF CO ll'ME;NT NORTH OF CONNEC, TY Dr.s• "°'i-:lM LA COSTA RI MAll'l.lNI! KEY MAP ILTS--~. NOTE "A', INTRAC.T VALVE CONNEC,TION TO MA5TER DEVELOPER MAINLINE. PULL APPROPRIATE l'-IJM6ER OF V'\IRE5, INSTALL Yi.ATER Tl6HT CONNEC.TOR, AND PL.AC,!;: IN PROTEC,TIYE eox. JD..-MAINLINE: 511J6 -MAINLINE APPROVED FOR PLANTIN6 AND IRRl6ATION ONLY, INC.LUDIN6 PREC.ISE LOC.ATION or PLANTIN6 AREAS. MATGHLINE -SEE SHEET L-4 4125 Sorrenlo Valley Blvd. Suite O San Diego California 92121 Tel 858 558 8977 u ~ <II "' -~ n Fax 858 558 9188 ... ~=-~_;::_J,,.,~~~~~.1Ft.it~;...::;~ -, I I I I a C, Cl <, Cl E 4 . -_111!:,.. __ ....,.....~_--...!!9-~ ~-~!!!Ir~~--~~~~ - ,/r-00 1\ 1:N IS _; ~~ f1Jl1ll TO 11?1! 'B' l'fflll 11?1! ' ~ ' POTABLE IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR HOA AREAS SYM60L T C, 0 " 0 H F .<h. e e 0 e 0 e 0 NO SYM60L NO SYM60L NO SYM60L NO SYM60L NO SYM60L NO SYM60L NO SYMSOL NO SYM60L MANUFAGT. ~NTER ~NTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER K.6.1. HUNTER ASAF'ffiOVED ASAF'ffiOVED ASAF'ffiOVED AS Af'ffiOVED ASAF'ffiOVED 5PfAR5 K.B.I. K.B.I. 1-1.JNTfR LASCO MODEL NO. I DESC.RIPTION INST-I2-GY-6 SERIES POP-UP SH~ HEAD IN.INP CAP INST-I2-GY-1A SERIES POP-UP SHRl!6 HEAD lN.INP CAP INST-I2-GY-IOA SERIES POP-UP SHRl!B HEAD lN.INP CAP INST-I2-GY-I2A SERIES POP-UP SHRl!6 HEAD lN.INP CAP INST-I2-CY-I5A SERIES POP-UP SHRl!B HEAD lN.INP CAP <S-PM .51, ."It} .4"1, .65, ."11 .4"1, .65, ."11, l."15 .11, ."15, 1.42, 2.&5 ."18, 1.:.4, l.!}6, 3.11 PSI ao 85 ao ao ao BTIJ-I:.50-E ll/4"/611J-I500-E ll/:."/611J-2000-E :." SC.HEDULE 00 TRl!E UNION PVC 6ALL VALVE, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE 5 FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT ICY-I0lc5o-FS-AS-I'/ICY-I5I<S--F5-ASll/2'/ICY-:.Ol<S--FS-AS-:." SERIES PLASTIC PRE~RE REDUCIN<So REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS NOTED STANDARD PURPLE COLORED, SOL.VENT J/IIELD PVC PIPE 8/4' -:.I/:.' CL. :.oo AS LATERAL. LINES INSTALLED 1:2" eELOJ/11 GRADE, SIZE AS SHOJ/IIN • STANDARD PURPLE COLORED, SOL.VENT J/IIELD PVC PIPE :.' -8" CL. 315 AS MAINLINES INSTALLED l&"-:.4" (21/:.' AND SMALLER TO HAYE I&" COVER, 3" AND LAA6ER TO HAVE 24" COVER) eELOJ/11 GRADE, SIZE AS SHOJ/IIN MAINLINE TO BE :. 1/:." UNLESS OTHERJ/IIISE SPECIFIED ST1JB CONNECTION TO MASTER SUILDER IRRIGATION MAINLll'E AND CONTROL i'IIRES PWIIDED 6'I' PREVIOUS PHASE OF~ CONNECT TO EXISTING ST1JB OUT IN VALVE BOX STANDARD PURPLE COLORED, PVC PIPE (AS BELOY'O SLEEYINc5o, TJ/IIICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR J/IIIRE elJNDLE CARRIED PLAGE eELOJ/11 ALL PAYINc5o, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED 6Y OY-INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. UNDER VEHICLE PAYINcS,, INSTALL. MAIN, LATERALS, AND J/IIIRE5 IN SEPARATE SC.H.00 PVC JIii/ 00' COYER UNDER PRIVATE DRIYEJ/IIAY PAYINc5o, INSTALL MAIN AND J/IIIRES IN SEPARATE SCH.40 PVC JIii/ 24' COYER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAYINcS,, INSTALL MAIN AND J/IIIRES IN SEPARATE SCH.40 PVC JIii/ I&" COYER UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAYINc5o, INSTALL LATERALS IN SEPARATE SCH.40 PVC JIii/ 1:.• COVER lli4UF AJ,"1(5, DIRECT 6URIAL (\).L. APPROVED) LOJ/11 VOLTAcS,E IAAlc5oATION CONTROL. J/IIIRe, ONE PILOT PER RCY AND MASTER VALVE NIA AND ONE ttl:.UF AJ,"1(5, COMMON J/IIIRE. PULL TJtllO SPARE PILOT J/IIIRES TO THE END OF EACH MAINLINE RUN. DS-400 DRI-SPLIC:.E PRE-FILLED SEALANT, J/IIATERPROOF J/IIIRE CONNECTORS SHALL BE USED ON ALL J/IIIRE SPLICES NIA KSC-I250-5 I1/4'/K5C-I500-S 11/2'/ KSC-2000-T 2' 5i'IINIS C1EK VALVE, SIZE PER Lite SIZE, P!<O'/IDf OOl"tlSnv.H Of/' EACH flGV l'KN flGV IS LOl"£R nv.N THE ef'RINKl.fRS NIA KC-I250-S 11/4'/l<C-I500-S ll/2'/KC-2000-S 2' 5PRINIS c.HSCK VI-LYE. SIZE PER Lite SIZE, P!<OVIDf OOl"tlSTREAM CIF EACH flGV l'KN flGV IS Hl6HER nv.N 11-IE 5PRINKLER5 S.J-506/?il2 PRE AS5EM!lLED Sl'ilNIS JOINT FOR use ON ALL ef'RINKLER HEADS 6115-20& PRE ~ Sl'ilNIS JOINT FOR use ON NJ. GIJICK COl.f'LER5 CARSON-eROOKS ALL VALVE ooxe SHALL 61! PJm.e PLASTIC l'l!TH 'T' ~ AND MARKED >a INDICATED IN 11-E DETAILS NIA Af, e NIA T. c.HRISTY\5 ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE 'MAXI-NP' VALVE ID TA6S INSTALLED AS INDICATED IN 11-IE DETAILS NIA _ -~ 1,C-f~,;;;;cc Ill Hh Tl ~\:. ,,r;y;~ ~ ,,'.'./4 / MAINLINE SHOY-IN J/IIITHIN PAYIN<So FOR CLARITT' ONLY, ,<Jl I ACTUAL MAINLINE: LOCATION TO BE A MINIMUM OP I&' OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER 06STACLES AND OUT ' '9 OP Rl6HT OF J/IIAY n'P. PARKl'IAY IMPROVEMENT MAINLINE \ ' \\ I \ I ' I I\\ \ ' \ SHALL BE IN R.O.J/11. / VW'.Y \~A ..V 0"/X1/ '\\ /.X \ \ /X"" >.<!7 NOTE:, CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJJST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE: ANY VERTICAL 06STRUCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR, INCLUDIN6 6UT NOT LIMITED TO Ll6HT POL.ES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT J/IIITH OJ/IINER'S ·1.,...;;%'s; AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCIN<So J/IIORK. l -:l, ..,.3'i NOTE A, POC "EE" TO BE A I 1/:.' POTABLE J/IIATER METER J/IIITH A :.• SERVICE LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRE~RE, IN FIELD, J/IIITH OJ/IINER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCIN6 J/IIORK. STATIC J/IIATER PRESSURE Ill PSI POC • PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT POC lt/RCV# POC WATER TYPE RCVDEMAND HYDRAULIC GRIDE LINE METER ELEVATION PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR_@ PSI AVAILABLE LACOSTA2.5 EE 20 POTABLE 46 GPM 670 FEET 413 FEET 111.281 111 111 # GPM SIZE LENGTH PSI LOSS MAll'l.lNI!, POINT OF ~T10N NC EG!JIFME;NT NORTH OF '.!?~1. CONNEC,TION AA/!. PEFt CITY Dl'IISo• 3'1i-3M LA COSTA RIDGe MASTfR DfVaOPER APffiOVED Ae-a/lLTS DESl6N J/IIATER PRESSURE 108 PSI X / MAXIM.JM DEMAND 46 6PM SET POC PSI RE6ULATOR o Ill PSI SERVICE LINE METER BACKFLOW DEVICE WI STRAINER 46.00 2" 35.00 2.20 0.77 46.00 1 1/2" 4.20 46.00 1 1/2'' 13.00 DETAIL A A A A A D F F (5, PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI '\ ----.:---~A-------, . ( ROAD STATION II 11+00 -~:..,.--.t..:.----·p".~WJ a ~r::-"'f-I MAll'l.lNE LOGATI:D 3' FROM j NOTE 6, FLOW SENSOR 46.00 1 1/2" 0.50 PSI MASTER CONTROL VALVE 46.00 1 1/2'' 2.70 PSI MAINLINE (3/4"-11/2" Sch. 40) 46.00 (l.O 0.00 0.00 0.00 PSI / 6ACK OF CURa (TYPICAL) I !' \ CONTROLLER "EE" SHALL BE A RAIN MASTER CONTROLLER / ASSEMBLY MOD. IIDXOO-DX-FLOJ/11/ DX-RADIO-KIT/ I I y EV-ANT-FD IN A STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER, ELECTRICAL POC, AND Vt--1--.L b / >r--+---1--.:c=~Ri~T~t~~~~o"'~~~~~ J/IIORK. I ;•• ~. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT TO EXISTIN<So STU6-0UT AND CONTROLLER J/IIIRES PROVIDED 6Y PREVIOUS PHASE OF J/IIORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE RID6ES MASTER DEVELOPER SLOPE IAAl6ATION PLANS 6Y 6D6 FOR ACTUAL STUB-OUTS, CONTROLLER J/IIIRES AND POC. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LAYOUT PRIOR TO COMMENCINc5o J/IIORK. MAINLINE (2"· 3" CLASS 315) ISOLATION VALVES 3 RCV SINGLE STATION Sch. 40 LATERALS (10% OF PSI REQ'D) SUBTOTAL + 10o/, FOR FITTINGS TOT AL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE 30 ELEV. HEAil GAIN FROM SPRINKLER 0 ELEV. HEAil LOSS FROM SPRINKLER 79 SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED SURPLUS 6.81% SET RCVPRESSURE REGULATOR (/jJ 46.00 2 1/2" 1005.00 0.76 7.64 PSI VAA "LINE 0.70 2.10 PSI 46.00 1 1/2" 2.20 PSI VAA 3.00 3.00 PSI 38.11 PSI 3.61 PSI 39.72 PSI PSI 30.00 PSI FEET 0.00 PSI FEET 34.21 PSI 103.93 PSI % 7.07 PSI 38.81 PSI l::ZO~ fSH!ITll CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I .. ~. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11 .--------..,,...---...... -------------,---..---------------~---,---,---....:.....:.:.-'-I 40 ea ---- e-c::.ALE!1 I II a 401 DRAWN IP APPROVED MM PROGRESS 6-1(5-04 1ST SVBMITTAL 01-27-04 ' MARC MOODY TITI.E: PRINCIPAL " AS-BUILT" 06-28-11 DAit 2ND SVB. 03-10-00 "IYLAH sva. 04-00-00 i-------,R"E:;c::cE=r1viiiE;:;D"B:;:Y:;::--------1----+--l------------------l---+--l-------l----1 ..cM1'"""-~a .. 01'""t..,ta----~-- MYLARs 06-26-11 10,3 NO. 02-142 DATE 06-10-04 DA TE INlllAL CATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL eleT llUIL.DER IRR.lc5A TION PLANS f'OR, VILLA6ES OP LA COSTA LA COSTA RID61! :JJJ 1.-9 APPROVED ----P~~!f_ ____ 7-s=-// ASSISTAltt' PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. www.gmplandarch.com SCALB AB SHOWN ECTOR 1-1-\\ OAit ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHKD BY: --C.T 04-04 420-i!.L RVl',Q BY: !!;I ~ 0 ( ~ r . I NOTE:, MAINLINE SHOY'lN i"IITHIN PAVIN6 FOR CLARITY ONLY, AC,,VAL MAINLINE LOC,ATION TO 6E A MINIMUM OF 1e,• OFF ADJACENT HAAD5CAPE AND OTHER O65TACLE5 AND OUT OF Rl6HT OF i"IAY TYP. PARKV'IAY IMPROVEMENT MAINLINE SHALL 6E IN R.O.Yi. NOTE:, CONTRACTOR SHALL AD...AJ5T ALL HE!AOS AS REG!UIRED TO AC,C,OMMODATe ANY VERTICAL O65~TIONS THAT MAY OC,G,UR, INCLUDIN6 6UT NOT LIMITED TO Ll6HT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. VERIFY ALL HE!AO LAYOUT i"IITH Oil'INER'5 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCIN6 i"IORI<. APPROVED FOR PLANTINcS AND IRRl6ATION ONLY, INCLUDIN6 PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTIN6 KEY MAP AREAS. 4125 Sorrento Valley Blvd. Suite D San Diego California 92121 Tel 858 558 8977 u ~ ell "' Fax 858 558 9188 :. i ~ www.gmplandarch.com MATGHLINE -SEE SHEET L-6 l'-IO're, eel! MASTER DEM9..0PER PI...AN9 (t)M ~-eM f'OR ReGYGU:D MTER 1~6All:O eLOPea 0 40 ..... ~ ec;ALE!1 I" =-401 I I p I , I I I I I , p// I ' , I 1/ I / , I \ l::ZOD ~1 CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I L±_J PLANNING DEPARTMENT . I 1 -----------------------~-~~--------------~--~-~~---"--"AS -BU IL T" DRAWN JP APPROVED MM PROGRESS 6-10-04 MARC MOODY -'--------- 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 2ND SUB. 03-1C5-0CS TITlE: PRINCIPAL MYLAR SUB. 04-00-00 AS-BVILTS MYLARS 06-28-11 JOB NO, 02-142 DATB 08-10-04 SCAL8 AS SHOWN /J,,,,:!,,, ~ • ~ "25 RECEIVED BY: 06-28-11 OAT£ 1-\-11 OAT£ DAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL OAT£ INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 01HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 6UEST ElUIL.DfR IRRl<SAT10N F'I.AN5 fOR, Vl4LA6ES OF LA ~TA LA COSTA RID6/! 2.5 Dl'<N BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWO BY: GT 04-04 1..-4 DRAWING NO. 420-eiL r-----FlNISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC ROU~~\IE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER~ USE ~!AIN S BOLT NUT AND WASHER. HEAT HRAND ONTO LID. ~~!f'[E8~lf~RV~'fc. ._1--------Yr---STAINLESS STEEL CIAMP - ( 4) BRICK SUPPORTS -:r---LASCO PRE-ASSEMBLED SWING JOINT a~~-'r~1~~~~0~RASS MIPT NIPPLE '-r----J""'""'.J--'-MAINLINE, SEE SPECS. i------14 x 36" REBAR STAKES, 2 REQUIRED L-------IANDSCAPE FABRIC L---------3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. ~gf~EFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED FITTINGS TYPICAL. QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE APPROVED FOR RECLAIMED WATER USE. QUICK COUPLER VALVE r------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS r----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. .---BALL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION (_--;;--l;~~~j-~lfil:~~_j---PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE DEPTH 1'S PER SPECS. NOTE: '---PVC MALE ADAPTER .!IL:,.J---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS .._-----BRASS UNION '--------BRASS NIPPLE ~-------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '----------3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. BOX TO BE INSTALLED AS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER OPERATION OF BALL VALVE INSTALL Af RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE, INSTALL VALVE OFF-CENTER IN INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. @ BALL VALVE .----FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLTt NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGH ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "RCV" AND CONTROL STATION # ONTO LID. -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 24" WIRE LOOP ~::It::;:-\\ ___ VALVE ID TAG BOX. -\oil-----PVC THO. ELL SCH BO PVC '---_,....HI----CONTROL VALVE ~--SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE TYP. ~-(4) BRICK SUPPORTS SCH. BO UNION----' 1---IRRIGATION MAINLINE '-------Mt;. ciiY~HfeETGRAVEL '--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC (DREMOTE CONTROL VALVE ~-----------4' 'll+lc:.t< CONCllll!TI! PAC> gff2"-'l!!OVE~ ~--------eRAS& l!LI.. ~o 1.=f:::;;;~=::;;;:;;;;=if---9TAINI.E:95 51?1:L ~ . . ... PER U:el:l'I:> t SPEC,5 0---+-1----Nll"F'LI! LIN!! SIZE lY'I'. X 6" LON6 MIN. ,___ 5GH &o 'l'VC. TO MAST!:R VloJ..VE '-----5GH &o 1'EMALE ADAl"Tal. '--------NATIVE !!OIL GOM'l'Ac-11:D TO ORl61NAL DENSITI' '----------12•x12"x12• GONC~ THRIJST Bl.OGK5 IC!l::5, '-------------n1'E K GOl"l"ER TO - I. IN!!oTAL.L.ATION l"'l!:!'11. C.MJr.lD !!oTD. D~<9. (~-.:20) 2. C:-ONTRAGTOR. MUST """-OVll::>E 15Ac:-Kl"LOl"I C:-El'!.TIFIC.ATION. DD -BACKFLOW PREVENTER :l 08CA I\ leap -5, --~,,..--- • ~-----RUBBER DRAIN CAP MISSION RUBBER CO. NO. 0704-015, 4" ="'7""'TT='s""ir=='i5'_"';1';'c11';"1 ,-------FINISH GRADE + + ~Jw~jj_------·-BUBBLER HEAD, SEE + + + + J LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION = 11-TOP 1 • BELOW FINISH GRADE + + . + + + + . + + 1-.+1+=~------SCH BO NIPPLE, LENGTH ~ 1111-, AS REQUIRED, 2 REQUIRED + + . + + + + r;=;,-Hea-+--------VALCON 1/2" ANTI DRAIN VALVE ~Tm~ -----NATIVE SOIL . + + + + + + + + 1-I ~Tifj-. + + + + . + + + + + + + + + --------PVC LATERAL LINE io~. 0 .,1;-.•.,...c-___.--..__ _____ DRILL THROUGH PIPE ~b.~ O -1 /2" PVC ELL (SxT) + + • ,:,o 0•!'+--------4" DIA. x 36" LONG *O ~~ PERFORATED PVC DRAIN PIPE .•:rJ FILL WITH 3/4" GRAVEL TO .::.._µ.__::.....i_..::,._..._ ........... LJ BOTTOM OF CHECK VALVE '--------------AMMENDED BACKFILL '-----------------ROOT BALL OF TREE © TREE BUBBLER r-----LOW VOLTAGE WIRES, 3 MAXIMUM OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR STRIP AND TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNECTION _J CRIMP COPPER SLEEVE INSTALLED WITH RECOMMENDED TOOL CONNECTOR INSERT NOTE: FILL OUTER CASE WITH SEALER PRIOR TO FINAL ASSEMBLY. @ WIRE CONNECTIONS, CONTIII.O~---'n.,.._-=im STAINLe5 Sit:!!L, --~I t----AAIN 5el50l't INSIDE AN ~ 24" ,IIDE rf'!ONT Elffll.Y CONTIII.OLI..E!<. EK,LOSURE NEMA 31< RAINPROOF AA11:D 'l'OH!!R SWITCH AND REc-El"TAC,1.1: TERMINAL BLOGI< FOR WM-UIIC,ATION C.ABIJ: (\JM: IF REGIIJIRED) l"INISHee> -eFW:>E --~ I 1--I FILL eA5E OF ;--'3-tt-~=, GIJICKPAD ,tin+ 'i== f'EA G!V<VEL TO _--\J--1--' TOP OF BASfa UNIT }:11 COMPAC,m;>_/ I SllE !!OIL I 1/4' 'l'VC. GONDUIT/ Si'eP FOR ELEG'TRIC SERVICE 1• NG GONDUIT~ili FOflt FLOl'I ~V ,!IRES OF 1'EGIJ --Hl-------5TAINLE5S 51EE!.., U.L. Ll511:D, PREDR.11.LED, REMOVABLE BAc.KBOAl'tC> -l"RE!"Ol'MED AW'IINIUM PAC> -!!Tl'!ONeBOX GUICKPAC> --'-; 1= ENc.l.09ift MOUNT'IN6 PAC> 1 HITH f'REFORMED ALUMINIUM '--------=µ P/'D, PLASTIC. BASE AND ALL I STAINLE5S STEEL ~- --1 1/4" 'l'VC. GONDUIT/5N!l:P FOR ~IC.ATION CABLE: TO OTI-E!II. CONTROLLERS (IF 1'EGIJ '---!I' 'l'VC. GONDIIIT/5,11:EP FOR CON'Tl'OL HIRE5 TO VloJ..VE!! ...._ _____ 51&" DIA x &' GOl"l"ER eROUND ROD l'Vl'IO eROUl'I:> HIRE AND CLAM" cc -CONTROLLER ror--------SHRUB ADAPTER SPRAY OR ROTOR HEAD, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION 12• "IN. --------SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE, TWO REQUIRED M LENGTHS AS REQUIRED ~ ~11i'11111TT!III ~111 11111i'11 111 1=111=111= NOTE: ~!lll!a!lll!ll!~ii _____ FlNISHED GRADE w Ulill= lllllllli'lll111~---UNDISTURBED SOIL =111 m r 111 11 11.1111 /Hr ~--TRIPLE SWING JOINT A"SSEMBLY ~--SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 12" FROM FENCES WALLS OR BUILDINGS. DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD WITHIN 10 FT OF PAVING, CURBS OR TURF EDGES. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAY TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ HEAD ON RISER CLEAN COMPACTED--------------, (2) WARNING TAPES FOR RECYCLED WATER AND (1) WARNING TAPE FOR POTABLE (12") ABOVE MAIN) BACKFILL PAVING, BY OTHERS ----......_===='77':=,k=,.,+,==='777 111 TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 1 0 FEET ON CENTER DEPTH 1'S SHOWN OR ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR ON STRUCTURE INSTALLATION. SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS BY OTHERS. SLEEVE AND TRENCH r----PINl!!HED ~ IN TURF Al'l:eA5 .----PLASTIC fltl::CTANel.ll.AA VAi-Vi!: eox Hl'l'rt !50LT DOl'IN COV!aR, USE STAINL.EcSS BOLT, NUT, AND -eox TO 61: PL.ACED AT !'1.leHT ANel.E TO HA!'1.DSCAl"E EDeE. HEAT ~ND "MV' ONTO LID. MAS,_ c=L VAL.VI!, SE!! LE'5!!NC> l"OR l51"ee,. --24" Hl"1!: LOOP' VAi-Vi!: ID TAe!l -PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAP'T'E!"', :2 IIIEGIJl"1!:D ..__ __ PVC MAINL.INE TO FLOH SENSoR, PIPE PE!'1. SPEC5. ~)---(4) e!'tlCK $U'P'Ol'lTS L------e!ltA55 UNION L------e!'1.A55 Nll"F'LI!! T'i'l". ..__ _______ LANDSGAPe FAe!'tlC L---------!!/4' ROCK, 2 CUl!llC FT. '---------------PVC MAINL.INE Pl!"f i"l'OM BACKFLOH PE!'1. :;FECS. NOTE, U5E 415 DE-!:LLS TO ACHl!:V!: MAINL.INE ~ i"l'OM ~-5~ 5ID!!: OF THE MASTE!'1. VAi-Vi!: "'55EM!ILY. BB -MASTER CONTROL VALVE NOTE: -------INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD FWSH WITH FINISHED GRADE IN TURF ARE/>S POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD-' SPRAY OR ROTOR SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFl<.;ATION INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD 1 /2" -ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB lT--rn--r AND GROUND COVERS AREAS m11= :::J7T · 1-----UNDISTURBED SOIL wmIII11 llr ,-----TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY r----SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE ~iER~fl~~b S~fpfifE~~ftJrDNS INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" FROM PAVING EDGE IN GROUND COVER AREAS . INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 4" FROM PAVING EDGE IN TURF AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAYS OR NOZZLE STREAM TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ POP-UP SPRINKLER CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILL (2) WARNING tAl>ES FINISHED GRADE~ ,--.....--..--,---L---t--,..-,---,.,., =I I ll I In 2· f I I I UNDISTURBED SOIL,---:11 lft • ~ ~ =111 LATERAL LINES ----m-1....,..,.,....~~-~ ~ -- MAINLINE AND CONTROL WIRES 111 11 i_ I I I :111=111= .-.· ~--,,,-111 --'-'-=--c'--'----u,=.-.., I 111 :11111 i' I I I I i' I '11 I I I I I I i' I I I I i' I I I I ~I 11 I I i' 11 TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 10 FEET ON CENTER I s· I DEPTHS SHOWN ARE FOR IN GROUND INSTALILATIONS. ON STRUCTURE INSTALL PIPING AT DEPTH SHOWN OR AT CONCRETE SLAB DEPTH. PIPE AND TRENCH r-----FINl5HE!D ""-"DE IN™"" A- r----PLA5TIC ll!ECTANelJI.AR VloJ..VE !!OX Hlil'f !!OLT ~ COVER, use STAINLl:55 BOLT, NUT, AND~- BOX TO BE F'LAC,ED AT l'!IEIHT ANeL!: TO HAl'ID!lc.Al'E ED6E. HEAT 61'1.AND ''FS" ONTO LID. FLOW SENSOR, SEE U:eeND FOR Sl"ECll"ICATION .. -l"INl!IIEJ l!l!tAC>I!: IN !lHll!l.9 A- --:Z-4' HIRI! LOOI" PVC MAINL.INE Pl!"!! PE!'1. SPECISIFICATION ~-----LANDSGAI"!! FASl'I.IC L-------!!/4' ROCK, :2 CU61C l"T. '--------------l"VG MAIHLINI! l"ll'E TO M-'6n,. VloJ..VE l'E!'1. SPEC!l. AND PLAN. NOTe, INSTALL l'I.Oi'I !lEll50I!. /Id ~ 11-E MNU'Ac.,,_'!! "1!GOMMN:>AT10NII, HIRE TO IRRl6ATION GONl!!OLIJ;R. NO Fl'!TIHS& IOX PIPE OD. l.l"SmEAM OF -NO l"ITTIN95 !!x I'll'!! OD. ~ OF !iEleOR. IJ!E 45 ~ a.L5 TO Ac.Hll!III! HAINLIIE D1!1"T1-1 ON 11-E ~ 51DE OF 11-E FLOl'I-_ AA -FLOW SENSOR ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD j DRAWN JP ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,----------::-.. -,-A~S~B.,..U-,-IL~T~"--------,----,----,-----------------,----.---.----,.---1 IRRl15ATION DE:TAILS FO~, w L.-5 APPROVED MM VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA PROGRESS 6-Hi-04- 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 LA COSTA R/06E 2.5 DATE 2ND SUB. 03-1C5-00 lllLE: MYLAR SUB, 04-05-05r-----------;,R;;:E:;:C:;:E"'IV"E:;:D;-;:B;;:Y~:--------i-----l------l------------------1----1---l----l------1 1 A DSCAPF : JOB NO. 02-142 DATE INlllAL OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAV.,NG NO. ARC ITECTLR DATE 06-15-04 DA TE INlllAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: --GT 04-04 420-LL RVWD BY: ~ I , I SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE 011-IER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I .1 I ; ' I A ~ 0 I Ei' ,.._ METER BOX W/ METER SIDEWALK I CURB .--'--.--~I-....+--, _t-=:_24_"~ PROX. 8" 12" MINIMUM POTABLE SERVICE LINE 0 RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/ SLEEVE NOTE: VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIUMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 1 O' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING 0 0 . . • • i .-. . . • . I f • NO'!!:, MOUNT~ A5 l"eR M,._NUl"AC. 11.JRE:R'S REGOMM!:NP,._TION GONTl'tOU.eR, 51:E: U:el:ND f'OR SPEC-ll"IC-,._TION. K-t,LL MOIMT?:D l:NC,L.o.':,lR II" Sl"EC,ll"IED 1:20 VOLT POie'!. SUl"!"I.. Y IN J-BOX, 6Y 01t IEl'-.i "I151D a.l!:C-T"-IC-AL CONDUIT (I') TO AAIN 5E1'eOIII. (II" SPEC,ll"IED) ON "°Of", IN "I151D 1/:2' C-ONDUIT LOt,,I VOLTl\ee t,,111"!: IN "115ID PVC, C,ONDUIT (?I') PVC, l!:LEC,T"-IC,AL !Jlfl:I" TO EXrelltlal' etJILDINe K-t,LL THl'OUeH J-f!C>X elJILDIHe R.OOI' Br' OT1-IER5 INST....U. eNC,LO!lJl"I!: A5 INDIC,,._l?!D SY C,ITY 5T~ • M,._NUl"AC.11.JRE:R'S ~,._ TION. l'ltOl/TI!: t,,111'1!:5 ~ 51..el!:VI!: TI«OUl5H t,,t....u. ,._! l"eR L,._ND5c-Al"'e A"'-HITEC, T'S ~,._TION. WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER TOI" OI" !!I.<:-----. !!ll'IIN5 Gl-l!!GK VAL.VI! I\N5L.I!: VAL.VI! / ~ ,'\NTH!lll"HON VAL.VI! u / M,A,INLIN!! LA,._LI NOTl!5, AV8 5HALL. !le IN!ITAL.Let> 12' "'80V!! Hh!IH1!5T H!!AD Mffl-511"HON VAL.VI! 9HAL.L ee IN&TAL.Let> 12' ,'\J!IOVI!! HI-1-i!!AD l.lel!! ANTl-511'1-iON TTl"I! VAL.VI! l'ff!!IIII! Hl!AD5 HE~ '11£,V I/el! ,'\Nel.!! TTl"I! VAL.VI! ,'\NC> AVPJ -H!!AD5 NII! ,'\J!IOVI!! '11£,V I/el! !!ll'IINe GH!!GK VAL.VFS !+ER!! L.ATE!R,0,1.5 Naa Hll!IHl!!II. TH,'\N TH!! '11£,V RCV AT BOTTOM OF SlOPE STREET SURFACE 3.5 FEET POTABLE MAINLINE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) I 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION SLEEVE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE NOTE: ALL RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION PIPING AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECYCLED WATER MAINS" OCTOBER 1993 @ POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING :l ~OICA G,I II •s,o --5,, ----,mrc,.,..-- OF CA\.\ i I I ELECTRIC ANTI-SIPHON CONTROL VALVE MIN. 6" ABOVE HIGHEST HEAD 1111 --=1111 = PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE-- LENGTH AS REQ. (2 TYP.) PVC LATERAL J LINE PIPING 11111 1111 11 WATERBROOF WIRE CONNECTORS -24" WIRE LOOP FINISH GRADE L PVC PRESSURE MAIN ~--PVC: SCH. 40 FITTINGS TYP. Cb) ANTI-SIPHON VAL.VE '----!11"111:IHdt GHeGK VAL.VI! ""'"1-511"HON VAL. VI! 1/ L,1,_ Lite TC::IP Of' 91.0""'I I!,____ \_ M,'\INLll""'E--'/ !IYMllOI.. ON l'L,l,N!I ~ TI-le IN!ITAL.LATION OI" Ole OI" TH!! VAL. V!:!1 (,'\ND l!!GlJIPMENT) !IHOl»IN ON TH!! Dl!T ,'\IL ,'\J!IOVI!! ,'\NTl-51f'HON VAL.VI! 9HAL.L !le IN!ITAL.Let> 12" ,'\J!IOVI!! Hl&teT 1-i!!AD U!ll!a ,'\NTl-!lll"'HON TTl"I! VAL.VI! -H!!AD5 ,'\l't!! eeLOl'I '11£,V I/el! -.1Ne GH!!GK VAL.VI!!! -LA-!I ,'\RE L~ TH,'\N TH!! '11£,V @ RCV AT TOP OF SLOPE ~-----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE: BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PIACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TD HARDSCAPE EDGE. Hf.AT 13RAND "PRV" ONTO LID. --PRESSURE REGULATOR, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION ~-FINISHED GRADE n~ .. IN SHRUB ARf.AS --) I l=_ll PVC SCH ,110 -T.O.E. 11 in rn NIPPLE, 3 MIN., 2 REQ. ~•"'i:rhr-~--t==~l.lil I:=::; 'O--s:~r-<:lJ--'--<-..J--7'L ~plfNHG,i ~~~- PVC MAINLINE TO MASTER WJ .. VE, PIPE PER SPECS. ~~~!§~~~ru~~~;!:== BRICK SUPPORTS ~ 3/ 4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. '---------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '-----------BRASS NIPPLE TYP. '------------BRASS UNION '------------------PVC MAINLINE FROM P.O.C. NOTE: INSTALL CONTROL VALi/ES A MINIMUM OF ONE FOOT APART IN SHRUB AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOIDl. USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP--STREAM SIDE OF THE PRESSURE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY. @ PRESSURE REGULA TOR UVR PVC SCH.BO THREADED 90 --- ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER I rwo PVC ELLS AS REQUIRED TYP. MIN. 6• Abo~- PVC LATERAL LINE TO AVB --~HIGHEST HEAD A---~...l BURIED AS SHOWN ON PLANS I SLOPE--------, ~__, FlNISH GRADE------, AUTOMATIC --- ANGLE VALVE ® ASV / A VB PLACEMENT NOTE: FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. PURPLE IN COLOR. ,---PVC BALL VALVf., SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION t Ml~. ~~00 0'~ ~2:s;J---BRICK SUPPORTS DUAL UNION CONNECTIONS AS PART OF BALL VALVE '---------LANDSCAPE FABRIC 3/ 4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. Q) BALL VALVE ,._ TMOSPHERIC. VAGUUM 6R.EAKER MIN.6""'50VI: HleHE5T HEAD llill -llill 111 11111 11111 PVC. 5C+-I. t>O NIPPLE - PVC. L,._TER,64. LINE PIPING !"ROM 'RGV L~ VIOLET 1'!:SIST,r,..NT PVC. 01' PVC 5CH. 60 T1--IRE>.DED "10 L PVC. L,r,..~ LIN!!: PIPING TO HEi'ID5 PVC-!lGH. -40 l"ITT1Nl55 TYP. @ ATMOSHPERIC VACUUM BREAKER ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD --------,---------,,--------,......--------,----,---,-----------------,.--~-~----~ ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT :c;DRA=W:..cN ____ __;Jcc.P "AS-BUILT'' 1""'18ATION DETAILS 1"01"., LrrJ i ' ,1 ANDSC",PR I A'R(' ITF.CTLRf _AP_P_R_OV_E_D ____ M_M VILLASES OF LA COSTA L-6 ::cPR::coc::;G:;::RE:c:sc:...s __ .c..e-....:1c::;o....:-o:..c4 DATE LA C,OSTA R/06E 2~ 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 2ND SUB. 03-10-00, ..:: 11:11..E=======~;;::;;;;~~~======~==c=I==============r==i==r::=:J==l ~===~=============~ i APPROVE MYLAR SUB. 04-00-06 RECEIVED BY: l---+--+---------------1----+------1----+----1 __ .........!M1!!.....L...izfL.. ______ ,Sf'ffiS" JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 06-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1----D~A--TE-+-,N=m-A-L +----------------1--DA-TE-I-I-NI-TIAL--1-DA-TE--II-IN-111_A_L-I DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. RE SION DESCRIPTION l-----'-----1-----'-----I CRHVWDKD BBYY:: --,,.T 04-04 ENGINEER OF WORK VI OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL '--' I I I i ' ' DATE DRA'MNG NO. 420-bL .hi, ~ C) • ~ ,.._ S'T'Ml!OL G T H I" .. .... 'f' V "' 'f' w "l/'J 'f ~ ~ !!!I • [9 t3 8 [!] ,ti ~ b.. ..d,,_ cs e e ® <!! 0 e o CD @ ([) @ - c ... • 1B ~ ~ I?] POTABLE V\lATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR HOA AREAS POTABLE V\lATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR HOA AREAS M,'.NUl"AGT. HUN-ret HUN-ret HUN-ret HUN-ret HUN-ret HUNT"ell HUN'11!111. HUN-ret HJNT!!llt HJNT!!llt HJNT!!llt HJNT!!llt HJN-ret HJN-ret HJNT!:lt HJNT!!llt HJNTl:!lt HJNT!!llt HJNTl:!lt HJNT!:lt HJNTl:!lt HJNTl:!lt HJNT!:llt KB.I. flt,'. I lei 1'!:) HJN'relt HJN'relt l"'.O.C. Fl:BCO HUNTl:l't lltAINMAS'T'l:llt HUNTI:llt NIA DATA IND MODEL NO. / Dl:SGRl!"'TION '5PM PSI RADIUS C>!:TAIL INST-06-GV-6 SERIES POP-UP TIJRF HE,'.O INST-06-GV-rA SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-06-GV-IOA SERIES POP-UP TIJRF HEAD INST-06-GV-12,'. SERIES POP-UP TIJRF HEAD IN5T-06-GV-15A 5El'.IE5 1"01"-UP TURF HEAD INST-06-GV-LGS-515/RGS-5I5/SS-550 S!:l'.IES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-I2-GV-6 !ll=RIES l"OP-UI" SHRUB Hl!:AD INST-12-GV-rA SEl'.115 POP-UP SH"-U6 HEAD INST-12-GV-IO,'. SE"-11!:5 l"OP-UP SHRIJ6 HEAD IN5T-12-GV-12A SER.I1!:S l"OP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-12-GV-15,'. 51!:l'.IES l"OP-UI" SHRUB HEAD INST-I2-GV-LGS-515/RGS-5I5/SS-550 SER.11!:S POP-UP 5HFWB HEAD INST-12-GV-MA SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-06-GV-l"GN-IO SERIES l"Ol"-UP TRE:I!: eueeLEFt EAGH SYMBOL REPRE:51:NTS Tv-lO BUBBL!:R.5 PE:R TRE:I!: .51, ."I& .4"1, .65, ."Ir .4"1, .65, ."Ir, l."15 .rl, ."15, 1.42, 2.&5 ."1!5, 1.24, l.&6, !5."11 .65, 1!50 .4"1, .65, ."Ir, l."15 .rl, ."15, 1.42, 2.&5 ."15, 1.24, l.&6, 5.11 .65, 1.50 2.41 2.00 50 50 50 50 50 !50 55 50 !50 50 !50 50 ALL SH!tUB SPRAY HEADS INSTALLED FAl'.THER THAN FIVE (5) FEET FROM l"AVIN5, GURBS, SIC>E:i-w.KS, STEPS, TIJRF 150UNO,'.RIES OR OTHER PE:D!:STRIAN AREAS MAY 61: INSTALLED AS AN INST-00 SHRUB ADAPTER 1-llTH THE NOZZLE AS SHOl'lN AND A HGV MODEL HG-50F-50M AT ALL LOl'l!:R HEADS. l"eH-ADV~V-0I/04/06 HI-POP SHRUB "-OTOR HEAD l"eH-ADV~V-05/0!5/0& HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD 1"'5H-ADV~V-04/06/0'I HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAO l"eH-ADV~V-05/0r/lO HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD 1"15J-06-A-V-.r5/l.5/2.0 POP-UP TVRF ROTOR HEAD 1"151"-ADV/56V-Ol/04/06 POP-UP TIJRF ROTOR HEAD .,5, 1.0, 2.0 .60, 1.4, 2.4 1.0, I.&, 5.r 1.4, 2.4, 4."I I.&, 5.0, 6.0 .,5, 1.0, 2.0 .60, 1.4, 2.4 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ALL SHIW6 ROTOR Hl:ADS INSTALLED FARTHI:"-THAN FIVE (5) F!:!:T FROM PAVIN.s, GURBS, SIDEi-w.KS, STEPS, TIJRF 150UNDARIES OR OTHER P!:D!:5TRIAN AR!:A5 MAY BE: INSTALLED AS A I-IJNT!:R P<SS SHRUB ROTOR 1-'llTH THE 5 FT & FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 5Xl5 FT 5X!50 FT 5 FT & FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 5Xl5 FT 5X!50 FT 5 FT 20 FT 25 FT 50 FT 55 FT 40 FT 20 FT 25 FT NOZZLE AS SHOl'lN AND A HGV MODEL HG-r5F-r5M FOR PiSP'S AND A HG-50F-50M FOR Pc5J'S AT ALL LOl'l!:R HEADS. BTU-1250-E ll/4"/BTIJ-1500-E 11/2"/BTIJ-2000-E 2" SGHEDIJLE &O TRUE UNION PVG 5ALL VALVE, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE 55DL~ GUIGK GOUPLER VALVE, INSTALL INSIDE A 10' ROUND VALVE BOX, INSTALL AT 100' O.G. ALON15 ENTl"-1:: LEN<STH OF MAINLINE ICV-10Ie-1'5-A5-l'/ICV-151e--FS-A511/2"/ICV-201EH'9-AS-:2' SERIES PLASTIC l"RES5lJRE Rl!PUCIN6 Rl!MOTI! CONTROL VALVE, CONNECTIN6 TO EXISTING MAl1'4 LINE. IGV-10115-l"S-AS-1"/IGV-1516-1"5-ASll/2"/IGV-2016-FS-AS,-2" SERIE:S PLASTIC. PR!:SSU!'tE R!:DUGIN6 RE:MOTE GONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS NOTED POTAeLE IRRIGATION l'IATER METER (SEE: NOTES FOR DE5I15NATION AND SIZES). VERIPr' ACTUAL LOCATION, SIZE, AND l'IATER PRESSURE IN THI: FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCINl5 l'IORK AND PURc.HASIN6 EQUIPMENT. b:25-Y Sl:RIES, BACKFLOv-1 PREVl:NTION ASSl:MBL Y I'll MODEL 650 v-lYE STRAINER (SEE NOTES FOR SIZE:). l-&/151E SER.IES BRASS MAS'IER CONTROL VALVE. MASTER VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A '.JJMBO' SIZl:D VALVE eox HITH LOGKIN5 eREEN COVER AND 'MCV' HEAT BAANDl:D ON COVER. 5EE: PLAN 1"01'. MODEL AND LOCATION MINI CLICK AAIN SENSOR MOUNTED TO CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE 120 VOLT ELfCTlltlCAL l"OY'IER, PROVIDED 6"1" ELfG'l'RICIAN, ~IF'!" Ac.TIJAL LOCATION IN FIELD l"S-150 I 1/2' FVC l"LOY'I 5l:N50R, Hllltl: TO CONTROLLER 11511-10 P'll11D CABLE IN CONDUIT, INSTALL ~ MANJ!"ACMER.'5 DRAWN A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G B A A A A A A A D E NIA DD ee cc cc NIA AA il>SCAp <,I I leap/ APPROVED PROGRESS JP MM 8-15-04 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-D4 S"l'MeOL MANUFAGT. Af. APPROVED ----Af,APPRO\/ED E-----Af, Af'l'ROVEI) --·--Af. APPROVED --·-- MODE:L NO. / Dl:5GRl!"'TION STANDARD l+IITE GOLORED, SOLVENT l'ElD PVC f'IPE 3/4' -21f.2' CL. 200 AfJ LA'l1!AAL. LINe INSTAU.fD 12' !!a.01'1 eAAl:ll:, SIZI: A5 5HOl'IN STANDAfl'D H-ilTE COLOlt!!D, !!OLVENT l'll!LD f'I/C Plf'E 2" -3' CL. 515 A5 MAINLINE! INSTAU.l!t) l&"-24" (2lf.2' AND 5MAl.Ll!R TO HAVE I&" COVEil, 3' AND LAR5!:R TO HAVE 2-4' COVER) eELOll't eRADE, SIZE A5 SHOl'IN MAllt.lNE TO 61! 2 1/2' UHLfSS OT~ISE SPECIFIED STUB CONNECTION TO MASTER 6UILDER IRl'!.IGATIOII MAINLINE AND CON'T!WL l'lll'IES f'IWVIPl!D BY ~IOUS l"HA5E OF~. CONNl!CT TO EXISTING STUB OUT IN VAL VE eox STANDARO l'+IITE COLORED, PVC PIPE (/>,5 eaoi-o !!Ll:l:VING, Til'IICI: THI! DIAl'eTE'llt OF Pll"E °" il'tllitl! 6IJNC)l.l! CARRIED PLACE Bl!LOl'I ALL PAVINt5, HAROSCAPE, ETC., AND AS Dllitl!CTEP BY' Ol'+IER'S AI/THORIZED litl!l"litl!5IATIVE. UNDER VEHICLE PAVING, INSTALL MAIN, LATERALS, AND l'lllitl!5 IN SEl'AAATE SCH.&o f'I/C I'll 30' COVER UNDER PRIVATE DRIVEl'IAY' PAVING, INSTALL MAIN AND l'lllitl!S IN SF.F'AAATE SCH.40 f'I/C W 24' COVER UNDER PEDES'IRIAN PAVING, INSTALL MAIN AND il'IIRl:5 IN SEl"AAATE SCH.40 PVC WI&" COVER UNl?EI' l'EDES'IRIAN PAVING, INSTALL LATERALS IN SEl"AAATE SCH.40 PVC W 1:2' COVl!F!. DeTAIL I" I" I" e •l-4UF Al'l6 Dllitl!CT euRIAL (U.L. Al"l'1'0VI:[)) LOI'! VOLTM!: IMl6ATION ~L 1'1111!1:, ONE PILOT l"ER '111:,V AND MASTER VALVE AND ONE ll:21JP' Ai'l9 COMMON il'IIF!E. NIA l'\/LI. TWO SPARE PILOT l'lllitl!S TO THE END OF EACH MAINLINE RI.N. DS-400 DRl-51"LIGE f"'-E-l"ILLED SEALANT, 1-lATEltf'ROOF Hll'tl!! GONNEGT0"-5 SH,'.LL eE U5EP ON ALL Hll'tl!! SPLICES NIA NO SYMBOL NO S"l'MeOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL l<.B.I. l<.B.I. 1(5(;-1250-S 11/4'A<SC-I!500-5 11/2'/ KS(;-2000-T 2' !!1'11116 c.+£CK V/'J.1/E, SIZE PEllt Lli'E SIZE, PRO,IIDI: i:,ot,,N5M,t,M OF EACH Rt.,V HEN Rt.,V 15 LOIER TI-I~ THE 51'RINIQ..!!R$ NIA tc:v-l2!50-5 ll/4'/KG-l!500-5 ll/2'/KG-2000-5 2' 51'RIN6 GHEGI< V/'J.1/E, SIZE PEllt Lli'E SIZE, ~DI: DOHNS'!flEAM OF EACH Rt.,V HI-EN Rt.,V IS Hlet£R '11-!AN THE Sl'RI~ NO SYMBOL - IM'ITER SJ-5061512 1"l'IE ~ 5til116 ..kllNT FOR USE OH ALL ft!~ ~ LA5CO el"IS-:206 1"l'IE AS!:&1lll.m !!1'11116 ..kllNT FOR USE OH ALL Gll/lc.K GOU"l.fRS CA!GON~ ALL V/'J.VE 60Xl:S 5HALL 61! ~ f'LA5TIC l'IITI-1 'T' ~ AHD ~ />6 IHDICAlm IN TI-If Dl:TAll.5 T. c.HFI.IS'IY'S ALL V/'J.Vf.S 5HALL HAVE "MAXI' V/'J.1/E ID T""5 INSTALi.ED />6 INDIC,A'I?[) IN TI-e Dl:TAIL9 POTABLE V\lATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR PRIVATE LOTS MANUFACT. t<.1!1.1. I-IJNTER F'.O.G. MODEL NO./ DESGRl!"'TION ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL eE A5 SHOHN ON THI! ,IIC)JAGENT HOA IMhSATION LEeEND 5T1.H250-E 11/4" SGHl!DIJLE e,o PVG BALL VALVI!:, LINI! SIZE PER MAINLINI!: ELECTRIC. !'tEMOTE GONTI'tOL VAI..V!:S FOR SLOPE: ARE:AS TO INGLUDI: THI! l"OLLOWIN.s, NUMB!:FlS NEXT TO VAL VE R!:PR!:S!:NT VAL VE S!:GUENCE/6PM GON1'EGT 001-lNSTRE:AM OF THE EXl5TIN6 5/4" DOMESTIC. M!!m!lt, VIERll"Y SIZE, LOC.,'.TION, AND l"Rf!SSURE IN FIELD, 1-llTH 01-lNER,6 AUTHORIZED REPRE5ENTATIVE PRIOR TO GOMMl!NGINe 1-lORK l'H:RE: VALVE 15 LOl'lER THAN THE HEADS AND LATERALS ON THE SLOPE, 1"~'1-----------4-HUNTER HPV-101-15, I" l"LASTIG ANeLE TYPE C.ONTI'tOL VALVE all>(l)IB-----------+l~UNTER AVB-100, I" PLASTIC. ATM05PHERIG VAGUUM BR!:AKEFl KIN5 el'!OTHERS INDUSTRIES t<SG-1000-S 91::RIES Si'llNe CHECK VALVE, LIN!! SIZE l"E"-LATERAL l'H:RE: VALVE 15 HleHER THAN THE HEADS AND LATERl'ILS ON THE SLOPE, "'~,;..----------I-IVNTER A5V-IOI, I' PLASTIC ANTl51PHON TYPE GONTI'tOL VALVE AS~ AS A~ HUNT!:R NIA KIN5 BROTHER::> INDUSTRIES KG-1000-S 51!RIE:S 5PRIN6 GHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE PER LATERAL 5TANDMD l+tllc CO~. 50LI/ENT it!LD FVC. f'll'e '14' -IV4' CL. 200 M LA'11!RAL Lite IN5TAU.l!D 12' l!!ELOl"1 o!IAACE, 91ZE AS 5HCJlotl STANDMD l+tllc C.OLORfP, 50LI/ENT ~ FVC. f'IPI: 11/4' SCH. 40 AfJ MAINLIME5 INSTAU.l!D 16" l!!ELOl"1 elV,DE STANDAl'D l+IITE COLO!itl!C), f'I/C, Pll"E SLl!EVIN6, 'TWIC!! M DIAMeTI!!l'l O,, l"ll'f 01' 1'1111!1: ~ UIMll!D l"l..,t,C,I! eeLOl'I ALL PAVIN6, I-IMC)SC,Af'E, ETC., AND Af, DIRECTED BY' Ol'INER'S AUl1-iORIZEP REPRESENTATIVE. UNDER VEHIC:.LE PAVIN6, INSTALL MAIN, l.ATEAALS, AND l'lllitl!S IN SEPARATE sc:.H.&o PVC. W !50" COVER UNDER PRIVATE DRIVEi'IAY' PAVIN6, INSTALL MAIN AND l'IIRES IN SEPARATE SCH.40 PVC. W 24' COVER UNDER F'EPE51RIAN PAVIN6, INSTALL MAIN AND i'IIRES IN SEPARATE SCH.40 PVC I'll 16" COVER UNDER FEDl:S'IRIAN PAVIN6, INSTALL LATEAALS IN SEf'AAATE sc:.H.40 PVC W 12" COVEl'. Pc.-I500! ~ MOUNT ll'!RleATIOH ~ INSTALL IN5IDI: 6MM'e 120 VOLT a.EC,1RIC/'J. l"Oll'el1., l"MVIDED 1'Y' ELECTRICIAN, V1'tll"r' Ac.TUAI. 1.0C,ATION IN l'laD DETAIL D NIA O,P/3, ,. M,O,P 9 NIA NIA ~ e NIA NIA VALVE GALL OUT INFORMATION Ir-----<::oNTROLLER e VAL VE NJM6ER A3 35 --15.P.M. <-----+--- , .5' ~ALVE~ ~---__._,.ALVE size t._ --'V•ALVE 15.1".M. HOA AREA PRIVATE LOTS .--------..-. A,...,S,......,,B,,..U,,.,.IL-,,T"'"" --------,---.,.---,---------------,---,---....----,----1 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD L.]__j PLAr-.NING DEPARTMENT IFlRl6ATION LE6END FOR, VILLAGES OF LA COST.A L.A COST.A R/06E :2.5 L-i bf :::; c! -5------2ND SUB. 03-10-00 I _:,11~n.E=======::::;;~~~~~=======-t===r===r===============r::==ic=:r==c=:::i ~============Ar==:=:==:;.===========~ I"" APPROVED MYLAR SUB. 04-00-00 RECEIVED BY: ---~-!C!!''.LL.!f::,,fL ______ S::I~ " ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OF CA\.\ ' I ' r Al'\DSCAPE I ARc4rTECTlJR~ ' 10B NO. 02-142 DATE 08-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DAit DA 1E INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVl'SION DESCRIPTION DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL OiHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---1 PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: --1 C,T 04-04 RVWD BY: DRAWING NO. 420-6L ' !!l!<:,TION 02&11 L.ANDSC,Al"I: IRR.16ATION 1"""-T I -~ 1.01 !UMM>Jlt'r' A. It I• the Int.Int of tM 9P"Glflc:.atlon1 c:ind dra•llng& that tM Plnlsho,d ~tem ls eomplo,t. In every re9f'<'Gt and 1hall be ready for operation sat11Paewry to tho, °""""'· !I. 1'he >Ulric. •hall lnelud• all mat:er1al1, labor, 1ervlc:.e1, tranoportatlon, and "'\Uipment neG••ICIMj to perform the work <11 lnd!eelted on the dra,.lngs, In tho,so, •P""H'leatlon, and a• no,eo,oecry to eomplo,te tho, c:.ontraet. 1.0:2 GON5fflJGTION PR,IJ,II~ A. Due to the sc:.al• of the dr-awln91, It 11 not poeslblo, to lndleate all 0PP10,te, fitting■, sio,o,v.,,., o,tc;. ~It.Ii m~ M ro,qulro,d. Tho, c.ontractor shall caro,Pul~ lnve1t19c:,t., tho, structural and fln!ehed Gondltlone at,o,Gtln9 all of hie "'ork. and plan hie work cxcordtn9ty, fuml1hln9 such fltt!nge, etc:.. a• may be r..:iu1ro,d to rneo,t such eondltlons. Dra .. 1n99 "'"" 9"N'r<1lly dla9n::m11atlc:. and lnd!Gatlve oP the HOrk. to be ln!>talled. 11,o, work shall M lnstollo,d In such a mc,nno,r as to ovoid conPlicts Mt"'""n 1rr19atlon systems, planting, and arch!to,c:.tural Po,a1:ur9. !I. All HOrk. called for on the dra,.11,ge by notes or details shall be furnl5ho,d and !nstallo,d "'Mthl!II' or not "P"c:.lfleal~ mo,ntloned In tho, spec!l!Gatlone. 1+,o,n an lto,m 15 1hown on the plan• but not eho"'n on the 1F"'C:.lfleat1ons or v!Go, vo,rsa, It 1hall be deemed to be <11 ohown on both. The L.and&eapo, Arc.hit.et shall havo, l!nal authority Por c:.larlflc:.atlon. C. 1'he Gontrac:.tor lhall not wlllltilly lnltall the Irrigation ~tem <11 llhown on the drawlnge when It 11 obvious In the field that ol:>&truetlone, grade dlflo,rene.,. or d!1Gro,panel"" In "'""" d!m.,,,.lons ,,,,,st that might not havo, M"n eoneldered In o,ng1neer1n9. $lit.Ii obetruetlone or dllPo,ro,neo,s 5hould M brought to the attention of the L.andlG<lpe Hehltec:.t c:ia eoon Cl5 detec:.ted. In the o,vo,nt th!• not!P1c:.at1on Is not perlormed, the lrr19atlon Contractor lhall e11eume lull '""f'onsll>llity lor any revision neceeea~. 1.0!5 GIUALITY ~Na: A l"rovl.:19 at lee111t one '""'9llsh ~Ing person who lhall be pro,Mnt at all tlmo,1 during e><ecutlon of th• portion of the ..ark. and who shall M thoroughly Pamlllar with the ~ of IIIGlterlalr, Ming Installed c:ind the rn<1n1Jlaewro,rs ro,commo,ndo,d method• ol lnetallatlon and who lhall dlr""t all "'ork. performed under thl& section. !I. Mc:nifaGturers dll"ec:.tlone and detallo,d dr"'"'lng& ehall M follo"o,d In all """"" where the manulacturer ol art!Gler, used In this eontraGt lurnlsh directions GC>Verlng points not shown In the drawing,, and "f'eG!IIGatlons. C. All loc:.al, mun!Glpal and state la .. ,, rul9 and ro,9utat1one 9ovo,rnlng or ro,lat1ng to any portion of tnle "ork. aro, Mro,i:,y Incorporated Into an<f mado, a part of hso, IF"'Giflcatlons, and their provlslone shall t,,, earrled out by the Contrac:.tor. Mythlng c:.ontalno,d In thfle epeG!Plcatlons shall not i:,., Gonstruo,d to Gonflict with any ol the ""°"" nil• and r•~latlon1 of the same. However, ~o,n theso, IF"'Glllcatlon1 and drawings call Por or de1Grll:>e materials, workmanship, or construction of a t,,,tter quality, hl9ho,r etandard, or larger slzo, than le reo.ull"ed by the r:Joovo, rulo,e and r"9"latlone, tho, prov!elons of tho,M spo,c!P!Gatlons and draw1nge aha II tak.o, pro,Gedo,nee. D. All materials supplied lor this project lhall M ne" and lree from any do,fo,cts. All delectlv• material• shall i:,., ro,plaGo,d lmrned!Cltely at no additional c:.o•t to Owno,r. e. 1'he Gontrac:.tor shall NGure tho, required llc:.ensn and po,rmlt• !nc:.ludln9 1'¥"nte of ch""9•• and'"""• 91ve ro,qulro,d notlc:.9 to pul:>l!G authorltlo,o, verily permits .ec:.uro,d or arrangements mc,do by otlvlrs allo,c:.t1n9 tho, work. ol this HGtlon. 1.04 !!U!IMITTALS A. Material• Lisi, I. Nter a""'d ol eontrac;t and l:,o,fore any lrrl9atlon sy1tem mc:,t.,rlals ,.,., delivered to the Job •lte, oubrnlt to l:he O..ner c c:.omplete 11st of all Irrigation sy•tems, mc,t.,r!CII•, or proc:.es1ee propoeo,d to i:,., furnlsho,d and ln&tallo,d GIi part ol th!& contrac:.t. 2. Sho"' manulac:.turers name and catalog """""r lor eaeh Item, Purnleh c:.omplo,te catalog eute ard tec:.hnleal data, lurnllh the manufacturer'• r""ommmdatlon& e111 to th• method of ln1ta I lat Ion. !5. No 911bet1bJtlon& "'" i:,., allo"8d "'!thout prior .,,,tten aec:.ept:anGo, by the L.ancl&GC1pe Arc:.hlt:ec:.t or Owners authorlx.d repre•entatlvlo. 4. Manulaeturers ......,.anti•• shall not relieve tho, Contrac:.tor oP hi• lia:,lllty under tho, 9uaranto,o,_ !!iuc:.h "arrantlM shall only oupplo,mo,nt the guarantee. !I. !latltutlona, II the lrrl9atlon Contrcxtor .,,111,e, Ito IMA:>etltute any 8(\Utpmo,nt or materla le lor tliOH equlpmo,nt or mater!Clle ll•ted on the Irrigation dra,.lng,, and spec:.lflc:.atlons M may do "° by provldlri9 the lollo,.lng Information to the L.and&cape Arc:.hltec:.t or OHro,rs authorized repr•o,ntatlve and City lnepo,c:.tor for approval. I. Provfdo, a .. ,1tten etatement lndleatlng the ,..,,,..,,, lor mc,k.ln9 the eubetlbJtlon. 2. l"rovlde eatalog cut .....,ta, t.ehrlc:.al data, c:ind perlormanc:.• Information for •aeh 9UbatlbJto, Im. !5. l"rovlde In writing the dlllo,renc:.e In Installed prlc:.e II the lt.m le aec:.o,pt:ed. 1.05 ~ISTINe CONDITIONS A. 1t,e Contrac:.tor lhall verify and be famlllcr "Ith the loc:.atlons, slz• and detail of points ol Gonne"tlon provided ae the 1ourGo, ol wc:,t.,r, elo,c:.tr!Gal 9Upply, and i&l"F'n0ne line c:.omeetlon to the lrrl9atlon "!l•tem. !I. lrrI9at1on dee'9" le l:>CINd on 11,e avallal:>lo, 1tatlG wc:,t.,r ,,,....ure .nown on the drawing■. Gontraetor shall verily 1tat!G wc:,t.,r on h pro.J"Gt prior to tho, otart of GonetruGtlon. Should C, dl9G"'F'anc:.y o,xlet, notify the Land•eap• Arc:.hltec:.t and o .. ner•• authorlz8d r"F'reeo,ntatlvo, prior to 1:>eg1nn1n9 c:.onetructlon. C. l"rlor to cutting Into the .all, the Gonb-aGtor 1hall locate all eablM, c:.ondulte, """er septic:. tanke, and otho,r utllltl"" as are commonly enc:.ountered underground and he ehall tak.e propo,r pro,eautlon• not to damc,9" or dleturb such lrnprovo,mo,nto. II a c:.onfl!Gt ""l•te l:>et..o,o,n tho, .ut.li obetaelo,s and the propOMd work., tho, Gontractor shall promptly notify tho, Landoeapo, ArGh!teGt and Owner who "Ill arrange lor reloc:.atlone. The Gontraetor .. 111 proco,o,d In tho, same marno,r If a roc:.k. I~ or Gl'I\I otho,r suc:.h c:.ondltlone are o,ncountered. I I I I , D. The Gontrac:.tor •hall proteet all o,xletlng utllltle• ard fo,aturo,e to ro,maln on and adJac:.ent to tho, pro J•Gt elto, during conetructlon. contrac:.tor •hall ro,palr, at hi• own Goat, all dama90, ,.,.ultlng lrom hie opo,ratlons or no,91i90,nc:.o,. e. The Irrigation Gontrac:.tor shall Goord!note .. ,th the ISeneral Gontractor Par lnstallatlon oP requ1r•d eleo,v1ng a• eho"'n on th8 plane. 1.06 IN91"1:CTION5 A. The Contraetor shall permit the l..andeGClp• ArchlteGt, Owno,rs author!x.d ,.,pr.,,o,ntatlvo, and City ln"f"'Gtor to vlolt and lnsp.,et at all time• any part of the work. and ohall provide oaPe ac:.c:.eee Por euc:.h vl•lte. 6. rfio,re the 11po,c:.lflcatlon& ro,qulre work. to be t.,.ted by tho, GontraGtor, It shall not be eovo,red ovo,r until ac:.c:."Pted by tM L.and&eapo, Arehll:eGt, O..no,r'o avthorlzo,d "'l''"""ntatlvo,, and/or 9ovo,mln9 "9"nCl9. The C.ontractor ohall l:,o, eolo,ly ro,"Pon•lblo, for not1Py1ng tho, LandlG"f"' Arc.hit.Gt, Owner, and govo,rntn9 a90,nc:.10,s, a mlrilmum ol 4a hou,. In advanc:.e, who,ro, and who,n tho, work. le ro,ady lor t.•tln9. Should any HOrk. be c:.ovo,red ,.,thout to,ot1n9 or ac:.c:.o,ptone,o,, It •hall M, II "° ordo,ro,d, uncovo,ro,d at tM ContraGtor's ""F'"""e. C. '""P""tlone .. 111 be ro,qulred lor tho, lollo .. 1n9 at a minimum, I. syoto,m layout 2. PrM9Ure to,st of Irrigation main line (Four hou,. at 125 PSI or l20lll oP static:. ..ato,r pr""""'"• "'hlc:.h 5ver Is gr5ater) approval ro,qull"o,d by City ln"f'o,ctor. !5. Covo,rage test oP lrrl9atlon system /approval ro,qulr"d by c:.lty lnep.,etor). 4. Final l""l'ec:.tlon prior to •tart oP malnto,ranee po,rlod !5. Flnal ac:.c:..,,,tance D. 51t:e ol:>Mrvatlons and te11tlng will not commenco, "lthout the rec.ord drawing• ae preparo,d btl the Irrigation GontraGtor. Rac:.ord dra,.,ng. must Gomplete and up to date Por ""'"h site vfolt. E. l'lork. HhlGh Pall• te.tlng and ,. not C,GG"Pt"d HIii be retested. Hourly rat.• and ""P•nso,1 oP tM L.and•eapo, NGhltec:.t, °"""'' authorized repreoo,ntatlve, and gov"rnln9 "9"""'"" Por r51n!>pec:.tlon or ro,teotln9 .. 111 M paid by the lrrl9atlon Contrac:.tor at no additional expo,nee to Owno,r. l.o-1 STOAA5E AND HANDLIN6 A. LIie all =n• n""""ICIMj to proto,c:.t lrr19at1on 1y1tem mc:,t.,rlala Mlore, during, and alto,r Installation and to proteet the ,,.,.tallatlon "ork. and mc:,t.,rlal• of all other trade•. In the o,vo,nt ol damago,, lmm5d!c:,t.,ly ma"" all '"I'"'"" and repla<.o,mo,nts n•=•ary to tho, ac:.c:.eptanc:.o, of the l..and•c:.apo, Art.lilt.Gt and o,.no,r and at no additional c:.o•t to the O..ner. e. l:><erGI•" ""'" In handling, loading, unloadln9, and otorln9 plaot!G I'~" and llttln91 under c:.ovo,r until ro,ady to ln•toll. Traneport plastic:. pipe only on a v5hlc:.lo, "Ith a Md lon9 enough to allow tho, plpo, to lay !lat to ovoid undue l:,o,ndln9 and GonG<Ontrated o,xternal load. I.Oil> Cl.EANUI" ANCI DISPOSAL A. Dl1poM oP waato, tre111h ard del:>rl• In aecordanc:.e with appl!GCll:>le I"'"'• and ordlnanc:.e• and a• pro,oc:.r!i:,o,d by au!horltle• having Jurlodlc:.tlon. Bury hi:> suc:.h """te material and B. do,brl• on the 111te. Burning ol tra•h and do,brl• "'"' not M permitted. The Contrac:.tor ,hall remove and dispose oP rul:>l:>loh and del:>rl• 9enerato,d by hi• work. and work.men at Pro,quent Intervals or l'lho,n ordero,d to do oo by tho, o .. n.,,s authorlu,d ,.,pr.,•o,ntatlvo,. At tho, tlmo, of completion the o,ntll"o, site .. ,11 t,,, c:.leared of toolo, o,qulpmo,nt, rul:,l:,l•h and do,brle ~lch 1hall be dlep090,d of olt-slto, In a lo,gal dlop09al aro,a, 1.0'! "IU1'NOV!:R ITcMS A. Rac.ord Dr"'"'ln9", I. Record aGcuratel~ on one 10,t ol c:.ontrac:.t drawing,, all t.liange• In the "'"'rk. conet1tut1n9 do,parwro,1 Prom tho, or191nal eontraet drawln9". 2. The c:.han9"• and dlrno,nolons ,.hall t,,, ,.,eorded In a legible and "orkm<lnll"" mc,mo,r to tho, eat1s,ac:.tlon oP the o .. n.,,. Prior to llnal lnsp""tlon ol "ork., llhmlt r5c:.ord dra .. 1n9• to the Land.c:.al"' Arc:.hltec:.t or O..no,r-.. authorized ro,pr.,..,ntotlve. !5. Dlmenslone lrom/to permanent points oP refero,nGe euc:.h ae bulld1n91, oldo,""'lke, c:.urbe, et<'. ohall i:,., ohown. Data on rec.ord dr"'"'ln9" ohall t,,, recorded on a day to day ba•I• "" the proJo,c:.t 11 being ,,.,.tallo,d. All io,tterlng on drawing• ohall i:,., minimum 1/1!> lnc:.h In •lzo,. -4. 5ho" loeatlon• and depths of the Pollo .. 1n9 Items, a. Point oP connec:.tlon (lncludln9 ""ter mo,tere, baGkllo" pro,vo,nto,,., master eontrol valvo,s, o,tc;J b. Rout1n9 ol 1prlnkler pr•••ure llno,1 / dlmen11on1 ehown at a ma><lmum or 100 ,.,..t a lon9 routing) c. 6ato, valvo,s d. AutQmc,tlc:. remote c:.ontrol valvo,s and 1&olat1on ball valv.,. e. GMc:.k. coupling valv.,. and Isolation ball valv.,. P. 1'outlri9 oP c:.ontrol .. tro,e 9. Irrigation controllo,,. h. Related equipment ("" m~ be dlreGted) 5. Maintain record draHln9• on site at all tlm.,.. Upon Gompletlon of HOrk., tranoPo,r all a•-1:>ullt Information ""'d dlm.,nolon• to ro,produ<.11:>I., ""Pia print!!. e. Controller Charts, I. R.e<.ord dra .. 1n9• m111t be approved by L.andoc:.apo, Arc:.hltec:.t and/or °"""'' authorized repr"9entatlve MPore t.liart. "'" prepared. 2. Provide one c:.ontroller c:.hart Por o,ac:.h automatic:. c:.ontroller. Chart •hall oho" the "'"" covo,red by tho, partlc:.ular controller. !5. The t.liart 1" to M a ro,dlc:.ed copy of tho, ac:.bJal ''ro,cord' drawing. In tho, evo,nt tho, <.ontrollo,r oo,quenc:.o, le not lo,91blo, when tho, dr"'"'1n9 I• ro,dueed, It •hall i:,., enlarged to a ro,adal:>15 •lze. 4. H,o,n c:.ompleted and approvo,d, the t.liart ehall M hermo,tlc:.all~ eealo,d Mt..eer t..o plec.,, of plCff>tlG, o,aeh plo,c:.e Ming a minimum 20 mil• In t:F,1elcr!o,01. c. operattor and Maintenance Manuals, I. Two lndlvldually bound c:.opl"" of operation and malntenanco, manual• shall M do,l!vo,red to the L.and.c:.ape Arehit,,c:.t or o .. n,ir'o authorized '"l''"""ntatlve at '"""t 10 c:.alo,ndar days prior to llnal "'"f'"Gtlon. Tho, manual• ohall dMc:.rll:,o, tho, mato,rlal ,,.,.tallo,d and tho, proper opo,ratlon of tho, sy.tem. 2. Eaeh c:.omplo,to,, bound manual 1hall lnGludo, tho, Pollowtng Information, a. lndo,x eheo,t otatlng Contrac:.tor'• addreoe and tel"Phone numi:,o,r, duration ol ~aranto,., period, !let ol 1>q_ulpm.,nt Including ""'""" and addre~!IS!I of IOGc:al rnanu.Pc:::aGturer repre&entatrv'". b. Opo,rat1n9 and maintenance 1n1truct1on1 for all equ~ment. G. Spare part. ll1te ard ro,lated manuf'aeturo,r Information Por all equlpmo,nt. D. E<tulpment, I. $upply ae a part of th!• c:.ontraGt tho, Pollo"ln9 ltem1, a. T"'o (2) .. ,enc:.h"• Por dlea,oembly and adjustment of eaeh type oP sprlnk.ler hlOad u,.o,d In tho, 1rr1gat1on •ystem. b. 11,r.,., 50-lnc:.h •prlnkler ""Y" lor manual opo,ratlon of Gontrol valv••· c. Two k.eye for eat.Ii autornat:IG c:.ontrollo,r. d. Flvo, qulc:.k. c:.oupler ""Y" with a bronze ho10, thr5ad "10 do,gro,e ewlvel attaehment and Plvo, couplo,r lid ""',•. •· Fl110, valve bo>< c:.over ""Y or wro,nch. P. One 5-Poot to,o, "ro,nch lor operating gate valvo,e , lneh"9 or lar9"r (II 1190,d). 9. SI>< o,,ctra •prlnk.lo,r Made of eaeh elzo, and typo, I"'' 1rr19at1on P .O.C. 2. The r:Joovo, equl~ sha II M turned ovo,r to O..ners authorized repro,sertatlvo, at tho, tlnal lnspec:.tlon. 1.10 COMPLETION A. At the time ol tho, pro,-malntenance po,rlod lnepo,c:.tlon, tho, L.andec:.ape Arc:.hlteGt, O..ner'e auth,,rlzed ,.,,,,.,..,ntatlvo,, and 9ovo,rnlng "9"""'"" .. 111 ln•p.,ct tho, ""'rk., and II not ac:.c:.,,pted, HIil prepare a ll•t ol It.me to t,,, c:.omplo,ted by tho, Contrac:.tor. At the time aP tho, ,,a.t-malntenanc:.o, p&r!Od or Pinal lnspec:.tlon tho, work HIii be ro,lnepo,c:.to,d and llnal ac:.c:.o,ptan<.o, will M In writing by the LardlG"f"' Arc:.hlto,c:.t, Owner's authorized rep,.,,.,ntatlvo,, and govemln9 "95nGIM. e. The O..ner'e authorlzo,d ro,prMentatlve shall havo, llnal authority on all portion• of tho, "orl<, C. Al~1>r the 1yetem ha• M"n <.omplo,ted, tho, Gontrac:.tor •hall lnetruct Owno,r'o authorlzo,d r"P'"""ntatlvo, In the ol"'ratlon ard mc,!ntenane., of th., lrrl9atlon oy•tem and shall Pumleh a c:.,,mplo,to, so,t oP operating and malntenanc:.o, 1netruct1on1. D. An~ Mttling of tro,ncho,s wh!Gh m~ occ:.ur during th" one-y""r po,rlod follo"ln9 ac:.c:..,ptan<.e shall i:,., repaired to tho, o .. ner'• satlsPac:.tion by the Contrac:.tor ,.,tt,out any adclltlonal e><pen•e to th., owner. Rapa!,. shall Include the "omplete ro,1toratlon of an dama90, to planting, paving or oth8r lmprovo,mo,nt• ol any kind a• a ro,911it of tho, work. I.II 51.IAAANTEE A. 1'1,o, o,ntlro, oprlnl<ler system, lncludllig all HOrk. dono, under th11 c:.ontraet, lhall i:,., unc:.<>ndltlonolly 9uaranto,ed agalnot all do,Po,cts and lault ol material and "orkrnanohlp, 1nc:.!11d1n9 10,ttl1n9 of baGlc. P1erd area• Mio"' grade, lor a po,rlod ol ono, (I) y•ar followln9 the Plllng of the Notlc:.e oP Completion. Should any problem "'Ith tho, Irrigation •yetem i:,., dl9'<>Ver5d "!thin tho, guarantee period, It •hall t,,, <.orrec:.ted by the Contractor at no adelltlonal ""P"n"" to o"n"r .. ,thin to,n /10) calo,ndar day• oP ro,c:.o,lpt of written notlc:.• lro,n O..no,r. H,o,n the nabJro, of the ro,pal,. a• do,termlno,d by tho, Owner c:.o,.,.tlbJte an """'"9"""Y (I-". bro""n P'""""'" line) th" O..ner may proee"d to m""'-" ro,pal,. at tho, Contractor-.. ""F'""""· Any and all damago,• to o,,<lst1ng 1mprovement r•ult1n9 o,!ther Pro,n laulty mato,rlalo or HOrkrnanehlp, or lrom tho, nec.,.eary repa,,. to c:.orro,c:.t eamo,, shall i:,., r"f"'lr5d to h •atlolac:.tlon of th" owno,r by tho, cont,a.,tor, all at no additional c:.oo( to the Owner. B. SU<1ranteo, ehall be 1u1:>m1tted on Gontracto,. o..n lo,tt.,rhClad ae lollowe, el.lAAANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IMl6ATION S'\"5icM ~ ho,ro,by guaranto,o, that th., oprlnk.ler 1rr19at1on oy•tem "'" havo, lurnlehed and lnetallo,d Is ,,.,.. from dePo,ete In mato,rlal• ard ..ark.manshlp, and the "ork. hell 1:,o,o,n completed In ac:.c:.ordaneo, "Ith the dra .. lng,, and spec.1,rc.at1on1, ordinary i,,,ioar c:rid tec::r and unusual abu!le, or negl~ct ""G"Pted. ~ "9'"" lo '"1'"11" or ro,plac:.e any delec:.tlve material during th8 period ol one yo,ar Prom date of Pllln9 of tho, Notl<.e of Completion and al•c> to repair or ro,plac:.o, any damc,go, ro,•ult1n9 lrom tho, r"f"'l~lng or ro,plae1n9 of .ut.li dofec:.te at no additional c:.01t to tho, owno,r. ~ ■hall mak" euc:.h ro,pal,. or ro,placemento "!thin 10 ealo,rdar day• follo .. 1ng "rltter notification by tho, owner. In tho, evo,rt of our Pallure to makt!I 9110, repan or ,.,,,1acements ,.,thin the tlmo, •P"Glflo,d alter ro,c:.o,lpt ol wltten notlc:.e Prom "'"'""'• "" authorlzo, tho, owner to proceed to have ""Id '"I'"''" or repla<.o,mente made at our '""P"""" and "e HIii pay the "o•tl and Ghar90,e thero,lore upon do,mand. PRO.EC T NAME, PROJECT LOCATION, ,::,oNTAACTOR NAME, ~. TELEf'HONE, 151eNl:D, DATE, Part II -MATERIALS .2.01 Sl.MMAR'I" u,.., only no,w materials ol tho, manuPac:.turo,r, slzo, and typo, lhown on tho, dr<1Hln91 c:ind .,,,.,c1Plcatlon11. Mc,t.,rlal• or equlpmo,rt lnotall5d or f'urnlohed that do not mo,o,t L.andecq,o, Anhltect'o, o .. ner'o, or 9ovemlng "9"""'"" otandard• ,.,11 "9 ro,Jec:.ted and shall t,,, ,.,moved Prom tho, sit. at no ""F"'""" to tho, o .. no,r. 2.02 PIPE A. Pro,55uro, •uf':'!'IY lino, from point oP Gonnectlon through baGk.flow prevo,ntlon unit shall be ~" K "hard' eopper pipe. B. Pro,..ure 9Uf'ply lino,e 2 lneM• In diameter and l.l' to !5 lnGhes In diameter do"""tr"am of bac:.k.Plow prevo,ntlon unit shall M Cle11• 315 .alvent ""Id PVC. Piping ehall c:.onlorm to A!;TM D:2241. C. Pro,Huro, supply line• I 1/:2 Int.Ii•• In diameter and smaller of th8 l:>ac:.kflow pro,ventlon unit shall l:,o, Scnedule 40 oolvent ""Id PVC c:.onlormlng to ASTM Dli&5. c,. Nc:•n-pro,.,.uro, lln"" 3/-4 lnt.lio,o In diameter and larger do..nstream ol tho, ro,mote c:.ontrol valvo, ohall M SGh. 40 PVC. E. Roc:.yclo,d (R..Glalmo,d) ""ter PVC P'P" to i:,., color-c:.oded purple In color marked on t..o •Ide• .. 1th rec:.lalmo,d water warning otatemente "Cautlon-ReGyc:.led (R..c:.lalmed) V'later'. R<1clalmo,d ..ater plptn9 must be ac:.c:.epto,d by lac.al reclalmea wato,r govo,rn1ng ago,nc:.lo,e. R<1Gycled "'"ter pipe •hall be 1110,d orly on ro,Gyclo,d system. Nt;,n-prMouro, piping •hall conlorm to .-.STM Dlill>5. 2.0!5 METAL Pit"!: ANCI FITTINSS A. !lr<111 pll"' 1hall l:,o, &5 perco,nt ro,d braes, AN51, IPS standard 1:25 pound&, 5Ghedule 40 oc:.,.,..ed pipa. !I. !Ir""" flttln9• •hall i:,., med!Um brCff>I, IGrewo,d 125-pounc:I GICII•. C. Coppo,r plpo, shall i:,., 'hard' Typo, K. D. Copper Pitting,, shall l:,o, soldero,d typo,. 2.04 l"L,t,STIC Pll"I:: AND FITTINe5 A Pipe shall M mc,rko,d contlnuouel~ .,n:t, manuPaeturers name, nominal pipe six., IGho,dul• or GlaH, PVt, typo, and grado,, National Sanitation Foundation approval, Commercial standard, de•tgnatlon, and date oP o,xtrilllon. !I. All plastic:. pipe shall i:,., el<tru<:l<ld oP an Improved PVC virgin pipe c:.ompound In <lGGOrdanGe .. ,th /loSTM C,2241 or .-.STM Dli&4. C. All PVC fittings shall l:,o, standard welg,t Schedule 40 and ohall M lri.J"ctlon molded of an Improved vlr9lrl PvC fitting compound. Slip PVC Pitting• shall M tho, "do,o,p soGk.o,t' brae""ted typo,. Tiro,aded plastic:. llttlnge ehall l:,o, lnjo,c:.tlon molded. All to,.,. and o,ll1 shall l:,o, oldo, gated. All Pitting,, shall conlorm to .-.STM c:>2466. D. All l:hrioado,d ntpplee ■hall M standard "eight !IGMdule &O "Ith moldo,d threads and shall c:.onPorm to .-.STM Dlill>5. t::. All .alvert c:.em ent1n9 of plc:iat!G P'P" and lltt1n91 ehall t,,, a t..o-st.p proc.eee, uelrig primer and solvo,rt cemert applied P"' the mc,nuPac:.bJro,r'o recommendation•. Cemo,nt shall be ol a fluid cono1"1:enc:.y, not 9el-llk.e or ropy. Solvent co,ment1n9 shall M In conlormanc:.e "'Ith .-.STM D:2564 and .-.STM D2&55. F. H,o,n c:.omo,ctlon I• plastic:. to mo,tal, fo,mc,le adapter■ shall be hand tightened, plue one bJrn "Ith a ,trap "'""""· Joint compotm shall i:,., non-lo,ad baM To,llon paot., tal"', or equal. 2.05 BAGKl"LOI--! l'Rt::VeNTION UNITS A. The baGk.llo"' prevention unit shall be of tho, manulaeturo,r, 1lzo,, and ~ lndleated on the dra,.lnge. !I. The baGk.llow prevention unit shall be ln11tall•d In ac:.c:.orcfaneo, with the requlr8Mentl Nt forth by loc:.a I GOdo,s. C. rho, l:>aek.Plow pro,vo,ntlon <1110,mbly shall Gonel•t of brae& piping, unions and llttlngr,. 2.06 VALVES A. eate Valves, I. eate VCIIVfl •hall M of the manufaet...-er, 0IZ8, and typo, lndleelted on the dr""''"9"· 2. eate valvo,• shall i:,., GOnstruGted of a brorze body, i:>onno,t and dllG, and a malll9Cll:>le ll"on hc:indl'lh,o,el. Sat. valv"• shall have threaded c:.onnec:.tlon•. !5. All eat,, valvo,e shall have a minimum work.Ing pro,e&uro, of not ,.,.. than 150 pel and ■hall Gonlorm to ~ standard&. !I. !!all Valves, I. Ball valve& shall t,,, ol the manufac:.turer, tlM, and ~ lnd!Gated on the dra .. 1nge. 2. !!all valvn •hall be c:.onetruc:.ted ol a l:>ronx. body, 1talnle11 steel ball and eto,m, mc,ll""blo, Iron handl5. Ball valv"• shall havo, thro,aded eonno,ctlons. !5. All ball val,/"" •hall hav., a mlrilmum Hark.Ing pre11sure ol not le11e than 150 pel and shall eonlorm to~ etandard&. C. Glulc:.k. Coupler Valve,, I. Glulc:.k. Goupler valvo,o shall l:,o, of th8 manufaebJrer, olze, and type lndleated on the drawlngr,. 2. Glulc:.k. coupler valvo,1 shall t,,, l:>raH with a ""'" thlc:.lcr!o,911 ~aranteed to withstand normc,I "ark.Ing preHure oP 150 psi "lthout lo,ak.ago,. Valv"" shall 1,c,v., !5/4 lemalo, thro,ade ol"'nlng at loaee, ,.,th t .. o-plo,co, body. Valvo,• to M opo,rated only with a couplo,r ""',, designed Por that purpose. eouplo,r ""Y Is Inserted Into valvo, and a pooltlvo,, ..atertlght connec:.tlon ohall M mado, 1:>o,t....en the c:.oupler ""', and valve. H1n9e c:.ovo,r shall M the lo<.k.lng tyl"' conotructed ol bra•• with a rul:,l:,o,r-li"" vinyl c:.over. !5. Vinyl q_t!lc:.k. Goupler GC>Ver lor rec:.lalmed .,ate, qulc:.k. c:.ouplo,r valves to be P,Urpl• In Golar "'th 11,e ""'i'ds "Y<larnln9-Rec:.yc:.led (R..clatmed) v,lc,ter-Do Not Drink. permanently mar'k.ea on lid for rec.ye.led eyet.m. D. AutornatlG control ValV"6, I. Automatic c:.ontrol valv"9 ■hall be of tho, manulac:.turer, elzo,, and~ lndlc:.ated on tho, dra .. 1nge . 2. Automatic:. eontrol valv"6 ehall i:,., elec:.trtGally opo,rated. e. Antl-dralri Valv,,., I. Antl-dr-aln valvn shall i:,., ol th8 manulaeturer, •lze, and type lndlc:.ated on th8 dra .. 1n91. 2. Mtl-dralM valves •hall have 11!>-ll> otalnlo,oe 1teel "f"ln9e and valve items .. 1th !luna-N 15al1. !5. Anti-drain valves will havo, thro,aded C'onMGtlon• the olz5 oP the r!Mr or plpo, they "'" to be lnstallo,d onto, or tho, no,><t avallai:>lo, olx.. No slip conno,ctlon anti-drain valvo,1 are allo~. ------r------...-:--=-~~-----~-,----,------------,----,---,---,-----11 SH~T I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~, '-' PLANNING DEPARTI.ENT LJl_J JP .. As-su1L r· ~=~===========~==~ -AlllCAp <,I \leap, :l J; 1'.--\-----..,"111-tmr--l~ ~-7'ir.-----,,',:"" ' DSC'APE ,I ITECTl,R1!f _nR_A_WN_______ IF1.Rl6ATION SF'EC,IFIC.ATIONS FOR, L.-0. APPROVED MM VILL.A6ES OF LA COSTA "" PROGRESS 6-16-04 bA'rt LA COSTA R./06E 2.5 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR .IOB NO. 02-142 DATE 06-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DA'ft DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C.T 04-04 I I I' I I ! I i' DAlE DRAWING NO. 420-t>L I ' :2 .o-, V Al. VI!! !!OX!!& A. Valve box .. shall be fabr~d from a durable, lwather-f"e•l•tcmt plaotle materlal re.Jstant to 1Unllghl: and i:.hemli:.al ai:.tlon ol' solls. e. ilw valve box i;over ahall be c;,-een In color and secured "Ith bolts. C. ilw cover and box 9hall be i:.apc:t>le ol' SU&talnlng a load of 1,500 pounds. P. Valve box •xt:.n.Jon• •hall be t.J th• •ame manufacturer a. h valve be»<. !. Momat!G control and master valve boxea shall be 16'xll 'xl:2" rectangular size. Valve box i;overo shall be ''heat branded" In 2" high letters "'th either "Rc.V" "'th the valve ldentlfli:.atlon number11 or "MCV". I'. &II valve, gate valve, and qu!GI< e<>upler valve boxes ehall be i:.lri;ular 10" 11ze. Valve box C.OVMS &hall be ,,eat branded11 ln 2 11 h19h lc,ttel"'S with olther 11~', "ev'i, or "G.CV1 • e. Valve box cover for reelalmed eyetem• ahall be purple In GDlor and permanently marked "'Jt:h the NOrds "~n1n9-1tee~l•d °"'elalmed) l'later-Do Not Pr-Ink" lor reeyeled Irrigation system. :2.0& IMleATION C,ON°"'°LJ..l!llt A. C,c,r,t:roller ohall be of 11,• man.,faeturer, 11te and t\f>e lndleated on the dralo<lnga. 9. ilw controller enelosure ,hall be ol' the manufacturer, size and type lndleated on the c:ra"Jnga. The enclosure wll also eneloae the eontroller eleetrJe,al meter. G. ilw controller 9hall be ol the manufacturer, size and type required t.J the Glty ol' Garllbad :2.o-1 ~mlC."'L A. All eleetrleal equipment 9hal I be teM,'\ Type ,. "aterproof<!ld for exterior Jnatallat1on1. e. All eleetrleal work ahall GOnt'orm to local eodea and ordlnanees. :2.10 LOi-1 VOLT~ GON1'1'0L lolllltlN5 A. "-"mote eontr"I "'re shall be d!reet-burlal ~ type, olzo, aa lndleat<!ld on the c:ra..Jnga, and In no eaae smaller than 1-4 gauge. 15. c.c,,,,,,,e,tlona shall be either epoxy1ealed pael<et type or Penn-Tit.. connoe!Dr11. G. erc,unc:1 "''r"' lhc:III be white In ""!or. C,or,trol "''" shall be red (.,here t"o or more contro11 .... are used, the control "'""' ahall be a c:OP,erent color lor eaGh GDntroller. These GDlor1 ehall be noted on the ''l'lecord Pra,.Jnge' plan1 locat"d on controller door). C>. Provide a :2-4' long expansion loap lor all d!reetJonal Ghan9e1 In c.ontrol Nlre routing. :2.11 IMl5ATIOH tEA1'5 A. !lprlnl<ler heade shall be ol' the manufacturer, size, ti,:,e, "Ith rad1u1 of ttiro.., operating preaeure, and dlaeharge rate lndlc.ated on the c:r""lngo. 15. P"l'-up heado and r!Nr heade ehall be u .. d ao Indicated on the dr-a"Jnge. G. Irrigation head■ lor recyc:.1..:1 ■y■tem wll have purple re~l•d (reelaJmed) ..ater "arnlng cover. Part 111 -i=xeGIITION ,.01 ~IT!: CONC>ITIONe A. ln■peetlon■, I. Prior to all Nork of thla ••etlon, e,arefully Jnepeet the Installed Nork of all other trade• and verify that all 1'U<-h ..orl< 11 e,ompleto tD the point where thl1 lnetallatlon may properly commence. :2. Verify that 1rr19at1on "Y"tem may be 11i1talled In atrlct accordance ,.,th all pertinent GOdea and re9ulat!On1, the or191nal d•Jgn, the relerene,sd •tandard•, and the manufacturer\, ree,ommendatlons. 9. C>IIGl'epa,,Gl"9, I. In the event of dlaerapanc.y, lmmedlat.ly notify the Landaeape Nc:hlteet or o..n..r'o aul:hor!z<!ld representat!ve. :2. C>o not proeeed "'th ln•tal latlon In areao of dh,erepane,y untll all dh,,:.repancle• have been reeolved. G. &ad•• I. i,.,p.,..., ltartln(! ~ c.arefully eheel< all grad•• to determine that ..orl< may ""'"IY proe,eed, keeping "'Jthln the "plOC,lfled material depth• "'Ith reepeet to flnl•h c;,-ade. :2. l"lnal grade• ahall be aeeepted t.J the !nglneer before "orl< on thl• see,tlon ,..,11 be allo...,d to begin. e>. l'Jeld Meal>urements, I. Mal:.e all nee..,.""':! meoeur-1:6 In the field to ensure pr,selse flt ol Item• In aeeordanee "''th the orlglnal c:I.Jgn. C,or,tra,:tor 9"all coordinate the ln•tallatlon of all Irrigation material• "''th all other "ork. :2. All aealed dlm"""lon1 are approximate. The Contractor 9"all cheek and verily all •Jze dlmen•Jona prior to proc.e<!ldlng "'th work under th!• sec:tlon. ,. !Kere loe extreme ,:.are In exe,avatlng and Nork.Ing near existing utllltl.,.. Gonl:rae!Dr l>hall be reepon1ll>le lor damag• to utllltl"9 which are caused t.J his "l'eratlOnl neglec.t. !!. C>k:lgr"ammat!G Intent, The dra,.,nga are eauntlally dl"'9"1H,.al:J.;. The elze and loeatlon ol' "°'ulpment and llxturea are dra"n to oeale "her• poealble. Provide oP,•et• In piping c:.hanges In equipment loeatl""" ao nee:••""':! to c:.onform "'th atruetur•• and tD avoid olo&truetlono or GOnfllet.~ "'th other .. or1c. at no addltlonal ""P"'"" to O..ner. I'. L.ayc,ut, I. Prior tD ln..tallatlon, the C,c,r,t:ractor shall 1tabl out all preooure supply llnea, routing and loeatlon ol' eprlnl<ler heac:11', valvee, baekflo"' preventer, and d!Utomatle e,ontroller. :2. Layout Irrigation ayst.m and make minor adJuatments requlr<!ld due t" dlflereni:.ee between site and c:ra .. 1n9s. J+iere piping Is ""°"n on dra.,Jngs under paved areao, but running parallel and ad.Jaunt to plant<!ld areae, lnatall the piping In the planted areao. 5. lolater !!upply Connec:tlone to, or the ln1>tallatlon of, the "ater ~ly ehall be at the loGatlone 9"o"n on the dr,,..lnga. Minor Ghang•• e,aused by actual site conditions shall be made at no addltlonal expenee to o .. n,or. I ' I I ' i H. l=lei:.tr!Gal ~rv!Ge, I. Gonno9etlona to the eleetrleal •upply shall be at the loe,atlono 9"oNn on the c:ra.,lnga. Minor charges eauoed by olte eondltlone •hall be made at no addltlonal expen•• to ONnor. :2. Contraetor ohall make 120 volt c:onnectlon to the Irrigation eont:rollero. l=leetrleal po,.oer source to GDntroller loc:atJons 5hall be provided t.J others. i,.o:2 TRl:NGHING A l=xeavatlone •hall be straight "Ith vertleal 1ld"9, even grade, and support pipe eontlnuOU&ly on bottom ol trenc:h. Trenc:hlng exe,avatlon shall Pollo.. layout Jndfe,atec:1 on dra"'"9" to the depth• belo"' linlohed grade and a• noted. J+iere lln•• oe,eur under paved area, theee dimension• ohall be considered belo" oubgrade. B. Provide minimum cover of I& Jneh"" on pres•ure oupply lines 2 1/2 Inches and .mailer. Provide minimum cover ol 24 Jnc:.h•• on pre....,re oupply lines, Jneh• and larger. C.. Provide minimum cover ol' I& Inches lor control "''""· P. Provide mlnlrn,m cover ol' 1:2 Inches lor non-presoure llnea. I". Pip•• Installed In a common trench shall have a 6 Inch minimum apaee t:ret..een pipes. 5. Provide sand bai:.l<flll a mllilmum ol 6 JnehH over and under all malnllne piping. ,.o, 611GKl"ILLING A E!ac:.kflll materlal on all llne& ehall be the aame aa adjac.ent soll Pree of debrl1, lltter, and roel<s over 1/2 Jneh In diameter. e. Baektlll ehall be tamped In 4-Jneh layer. under the pipe and uniformly on both slde1 Por the full "Jdth ol' the trench and the lull length ol' the pipe. Bac.1<1111 materials shall be sulllelently damp to permit thorough eompaetlon, Proe ol voids. 6ael<IJII shall be eompaeted to dry denolty "°'ual to adjac.ent undisturbed eoll and •hall eom'orm to adjacent c;,-ades. C. l'loodlng In lieu of tamping Is not allo.,.ed. C>. Under no elrcoum•tane,es ahall truck "heels be used tD compact baGk.1111. I=. Provide 1and bac.1<1111 a minim.Im ol 6 lnGho9a over and under all piping under paved oreae. ?'.0-4 PIPIN5 A. Piping under ex1at1n9 pavement may be lnltalled t.J Jacking, boring, or hydraulic:. c:rlvlng. No hydraul!G driving Is permitted under aaphalt pavement. e. Cutting or break.Ing ol exletlng pavement 10 not permltt<!ld. C. Carefully ln1peet all pipe and Plttl"9& before ln•tallatlon, removing dirt, aeale, burr. reaming. lnetall pll"' "'Ith all marking• up lor vloual ln•peetlon and verlflc.atlon. C>. "'-mov• all dented and damag<!ld pipe 1ec:t1one. I=. All llnee shall have a minimum elearance ol' 6 lnehee from each other and 1:2 lnche• Prom lines ol' other trades. F. Parallel llne1 ehall not be Jnatalled dlrec:tly over e&h other. 5. In solvent ""ldlng, uee only h opec:lll<!ld primer and 1>1>lvent cement and make all Jolntl In atrli:.t ai:.c:.ordanee ,.,th the manufae,turer'o rec.ommended method• Jneludln9 "'!ping all '9><c:eea solvent from eaGh "•Id. Allo" oolvent "•Id& at leaot 15 minutes setup time before moving or handlllig and :2-4 houre curing time before Plllllig. H. PVC pipe ohall be Installed In a manner Nhlc:h .,,11 provide lor expansion contraction aa recommended by the pipe manulac:.turer. I. Centerload all plaotJe, pipe prior to preeaure testing. J. All threaded pla.tJe-to-plaatJG c:.onneetlone ohal I be aaoenioled uolng Teflon tape or Teflon paste. I(. l"or plaetle-tD-metal GDnneetlone, "ork the metal connection• flr..t. Use a non-hardening pipe dope an all threaded plaot!G-to-met:al e,onneet,.,na, e><eept "here noted other"'"•· All plastJe,-to-metal c.onneetlon• ohall be made "'th plaotle, female adapters. L. All eonnee,tfons bet..een PVC lateral llne• •hall be made uelng ~-40 PVC fittings "'th compr•••lon adapters. All eonnec:tlona bet...,.,n drlpp.,rllnea to be made u•ln9 e,ompreoalon llttlnga ol manufacturer ol' the drlpperllne. Use no pipe dope, Tellon tape, primer or solvent cement on eornp, e11Jon lltt1n9s. '·°' ~I'll. A. The exact loeat1on ol the e,ontroller shal I be approved t.J the Landaeape Nc.hlteet or O"ner'o authorized representative before Jnstallatlon. The oleetrlc:al servlc:e shall be eoordlnat<!ld "''th th!• loeatlon. e. The Irrigation C,c,r,t:raetor shall be reoponolble lor the Plnal el,setrleal hook up to 1rr19at1on controller. C,. The Irrigation •yotem shall be programm<!ld to operate during the periods of minimal uee ol' the d"919n area. Cl. lnetall c:ontroller erc:loeure ae recommended t.J the manufacturer. A Lo" voltage control ,.,ring shall OGGUpy the same trenGh and •hall be lnatalled along the same route as the pr...,ure •upply lln"9 "henever po••Jble. e. J+iere more than one .,,re "' placed In a trench, the ,.,ring shall be taped tcgether In a bundle at Interval• ol 10 leet. Bundle •hall be secured to the malnllne "'th tape at Intervals ol' :20 leet. G. All eonnec.tlons ehall be of an approved t!F• and &hall oeeur In a valve box. ProvJd,s an I& Inch ""rvle,e loop at eaeh c:.onnec:tlon. C>. M expan1lon loop or 1:2 lnGh•• ehall be provided at each .,,re c:onneetlon and/or d!reetlonal c:hange, and one ol 24 Jnehos 9"all be provided at eaGh remote c:ontrol valve. A. Automatic GDntrol valve•, ball valve,, gate valv., and quick e,oupler valves ehall be Installed In the approximate loeatlons Indicated on the dr....Jngo. El. Valve ehall be Installed In shrub areae whenever poasll>le. C. Install all valve• as Jndleated In the detail dra .. 1n9a. [). Valve• to be Installed In valve bo><ea 1hall be Jnetalled one valve per box. I::. "-"mote c:ontrol valve• and qulel< eoupler valve• shall be Isolated from the malnllne t.J a ball valve sized per tne largest l'I..C.V. In the manifold or I 1/2 Jnc:.h lor G.G.V.'I. ~.O& VA!..VE: ElOXE:5 A. Valve bo><• ehall be ln•talled In •hnh "'""" whenever pooelble. El. E:aeh valve bo>< shall be Jnetalled on a foundation ol 5/-4 JnGh gravel backfill,, coub!G Pi,et mlnlrn,m. Valve bo><"9 shall be Installed "'th their topa 1/2 Inch above the surface ol' surrounding finish grade In l""n areas and :2 lnchee c:t>ove PJni,,h grade In ground cover area1o. ,.o<! 6,o\,C,Kl"LOi-1 ~ A Install bael<floN preventer unit ae lndleated In the detail c:raw1n91. e. Install ba<:l<flo"' ao•eni>II• at loc:atlons approved In the field and at height required by loc:al GOd"9. c;. lnetal I ..ye etra1ners and preeaure r'"9'latora on the bael<flow assembly. C>. If back.Pio" preverter Is Jnetalled adjacent to a bulldlng, "all, or other obstruction, ln1>tall unit so that the test eoek.5 are lac:.Jn9 out..ard a"'ay from the ol:>etrui:.tlon. I::. Install bael<Plo" enclosure as recommended t.J the manufacturer. 5.10 SPlltlNKLE!FI. Hl:,,IJ;)S A ~Inkier headll shall be Jnetal led as lndlc:.ated on the draNlnge. e. e,pae1n9 or heac:t. ohall not ,sxeeed maximum lndleat<!ld on the c:ra"'"9"· C,. I'll.Iser nipples shall be ol' the same size a1 the riser opening In the •prlnl<ler body. Cl. Pop-up •prlnl<ler heads shall not be ln9talled ue1n9 side outlot openings. ,.11 MISGELL.A,NeOUS E:GlJIF'Ml:NT A lnotall all aaserrbllea epeelPled herein ae,eordlng tD the respec:t!ve detail dre,.,Jnga or spec:.Jlleatlons, using best standard praetlc.es. e. Gbl!GI< i:.oupler valv. •hall be set approximately 12 Jnehea from Naik.I, Gurbl, header board&, or paved area• "here applleablo. C. Unleea designed a1 an Integral part of the Irrigation head, .:rlt!-dra!n valves "111 be Jnetalled under every head. The anti-drain valve "111 be the aame diameter aa the rl6er and be Integral to the rloer a .. embly. C>. lnetal I rain sensor a• lndleated on the dra ... Jnga and a, recommended t.J the manufacturer. ,.1:2 FLUSHIN5 TH: !o'l"ST!:M A. Prior tD Jnstallatlon ol sprlnl<ler nozzl•, the valve• aha I I be opeMd and a full head ol ... ater ua<!ld tD llu9" out the lines and rlaere. e. !lprlnl<ler nozzles shall be Jnat:alled after flu1hln9 the •!!"tom haa been completed. ,.i, ,'\C>.JJ5T1N5 TH: SYST!:M A contrac:tor shall adjust valvee, align heads, and c:hoel< cover09e or eac.h aystem prior to GDverage teat. e.. If It Jo determined by the Landse,ape Ari:.hlteet or ONner'o authorized repreeentatlve that addltlonal adjUstm.,nts or nozzle c.hangee .,,11 be required to provide proper coverage, all nee•sary ehang•• or adjustment• 9"all be made prior to any plontlng. C,.. The entire ay•tem shall be operating properly before any planting operation& commence. P. Automatic c:ontrol valves are to be adJu•ted so that h sprlnl<ler heac:t. "!""ate at the pressure recommended t.J the manufacturer. ?'.1-4 TeTING AND 05SE:FI.VATION A C>o not allo" or c:auee any of the work of thlo seetlon to be covered up or eneloa<!ld until It ha. been olo&erved, test<!ld and aeeepted t.J the Landoi:.ape ArGhlteet, o..ner, and governing agencies. e. The C,or,traetor •hall be solely reeponelble Por notllylng the Land"""P" NGhlteet, o .. ner, and 9ovemln9 agenc:le•, a minimum ol' -48' hours In advance, where and "'hen the "ork le ready lor testing. C. J+ien the eprlnl<ler .yet.em Jo e,omplet<!ld, the contrae,tor shall perform a coverage teat of each •y•tem In It. entirety to determine If the water ,:.overage for the plant<!ld area. 11 complete and adequate In the presence of the Landscape NGhlteet. Cl. The Contractor oliall furnish all material, and perform all "orl< required to correct any lnad ..... uacleo of eover09e due to deviations from the piano, or "'here the eyatom has been "lllPully lnotallod a• lndlc:.ated on the dra"l"9" wh"n It I• obvlouely Inadequate, "'Jthout br1n91n9 thle to the attention ol' the Landaeape NGhJteet. Thie teat shall be accepted by the Landaeape Arehltect and aeeomplh,hed belore starting any plant1n9. !. l'Jnal lnapei:.tlon ... 111 not e,ommenee "lthout record dr""'"9• a• prepared t.J the lrr19at1on Gontraetor. ,.15 MAINT!:N,'\NGI= During the malnl:eranc.e period the Gontrac.tor 9"all adJuet and maintain the Irrigation system In a fully operational eondltlon providing i:.omplete Irrigation c:.overage to all lntend<!lc:I plantlng•. ,.16 COMPLETION CL.l:ANIN5 Clean""I' ahall be mad• a• each portion of the Nork proc;re•e■. l'l.efuoe and exeeH dirt ehall be ,.,moved lrom the site, all "'al"6 and paving 9"all be broomed, and any damage SU&ta!n<!ld on the work ol others shal I be repaired to or191nal conditions. l=NP OI' SECTION I=. A eontlnuoua run of "'re oliall be used bet..eer a controller and eai:.h remote c:ontrol valve. lklder no elrc:umetcmeee ehall spl!l:"9 be used "lthout prior approval. CITY OF CARLSBAD OSCAP 11Jea.o1 ... :l iS -5, SiiiHIIOFA ~ PF C~I.\ ' I, A llSC'<\PF 1 AJ!.C JTECTLRR I DRAWN JP r----------,.,,-A ... S ___ B_U_IL ... T""""--------,----r----,----------------,-----,,----,-----,----1 APPROVED MM PROGRESS 6-15-04 DA'TE 1ST SUBMITl'AL 01-27-04 _2_N_D_SU_B_. ___ o_3_-_1_5_-o_5 ~il::TLE'.::::'.:'======:::;;;:;;;~~~::;;;:;::========:..i---__j----J------------------i----t-----l----t----1 04-05-05 RECEIVED BY: JOH NO. 02-142 DATE 015-115-04- SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DA'TE DATE INlilAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I, i ! PLANNING DEPARTMENT IRRl5ATION 5Pf:C.IFICATION5 FOR, VILLASES OF LA COST.A LA COST.A RIDSE 2.5 APPROVED ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C,T 04-04 I I' DAlE DRAWING NO. 420-b·L KEY MAP 24 [492.8] L 22 APPROVEDATION ONLY, AND IRRIIS RECISE FOR PLANTIN6 INCLUDINIS 6F PLANTING LOCATION AR.EAS. 19 ,· , 7 r: I :±'f-6/,V L.. .. -...... '.. ..... , .. , .. , ...... ,. I ! ~-··~-.... '"-..,, 'Y<' /', I, ,' • ' \ ANl SCA.PE "tl-11 FCTL RE AK PROGRESS SUBMITTAL 1ST 2ND SUB. MYLAR SUB. JOB NO. DATE SCALE JP MM 6-Hi-04 01-27-04 03-H5-05 04-05-m::, 02 142 06 H5-04 AS SHOWN 111LE: .. AS-BUILT" RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DATE ENGINEER OF WORK DESCRIPTION REVISION \ \ I" • -4c::)I \ \ \ \ \a DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OlHER APPROVAL Cl1Y APPROVAL I I CARLSBAD CITY o,rG DEPARHAENT PLANN LnJ N!FOR, 51A:ST l:IJILDEl'/. l'LAHTIN5 ~ LA C:::OSTA VILLASIS •A RIOSE 2.5 LA COST,-, L-10 APPROVE ASSISTANT DWN BY: CHKD BY: RVWD BY: !RECTOR PROJECT NO . I C,T 04-04 DATE I DRAWING NO. 420-61---o r-. """--4"','"" :ii, ' ' X .:'{ ''Ir ,/~ " ' • 11 ·1·· JUJL. UL?. KEY MAP 35 11·4 / 2 [ 34 I , 25 33 26 27 28 t I iit!ll1£ MATC.HLINE -SEE 51 IEET L-10 29 [126 . .J J 436 0 i illli 11 I II / ' ' ' ' ~•11<t/ ' ' "· .• 'ts. \ ~-·i. 15 ', 1141.J I 13 30 A72' F i,: ...... , ,j 50 MATC.HLINE -SEE SHEET L-12 ... ' <.'I § ::; ,! \\OBCA GI lie -5,------ 74 \ \ I"•~• _D_RA_W_N _______ JP ,----·------;; .. -:-A:::S-::B:-:-U-::-IL~T:: .. :----------r l-----_-_-_-+r_-_-_-_-+r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-tr_-_-_-_-_7--_-_-_-_1-r_-_-_-_-71----_-_-71 APPROVED MM PROGRESS 6-16-04 DAit 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 ..:•.:.N..:Dc...cS:..U:..B_. ____ o_s_-_,_5_-_o_51-~Tl~TI.E===========;:;;:;:;;;:;;;:::::;;;===========-f:::===i.---i----------------------~--~---+----I----~ RECEIVED BY: MYLAR SUB. 04-05-015 JOB NO. 02-142 DA1E INITIAL APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. • DATE 06-lD-04 REVISION DESCRIPTION DA1E INITIAL DA1E INITIAL -------------SC A LE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DA1E ENGINEER OF WORK O'IHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I I I ' ,I ' I , I I , I ~I CITY OF CARLSBAD L.JJ_j PLAJ\IIIINC DEPARTMENT LnJ i 15UEST BUILDEFit PLANTIN5 F'I.AN5 FOFI., VILJ.A6ES OF U. COSTA U. COSTA R/06E 2.5 DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C.T 04-04 L-11 DRAWING NO. 420-fiL, ~ ~ I ~ ,..... -- '{£:}t:;,. h 'SJ> •. 4; \:I-: KEY MAP \ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 36 43 MATGHLINE -SEE SI IEET L-11 65 48 53 64 47 46 438. ! E33 55 [ 41.1, I 56 61 \57 60 58 ---~~~~ 120 ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I" • -40' •• ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT Lill i -D-RA-,.-N-------,P .--------....... A--s--s~u~1L~T::: .. :----------,----,---,---------------T--T-7 r-7 ---'---'i 61JE5r eu1LDER PLANTINe PLAN5 F~, APPROVED MM VILLA6ES OF~ C,OSTA -P-RO_G_R_E-SS---.-_-,-,---04 OAlE LA COSTA R/06E 2.$ 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 ..:•;;.N.;;;D,_;S;_U;_B;;.. ____ o_a_-_,_,_-_o_o I-Tl~TI.E===========;;::;;;,:;,:;:::;;;===========-i----l----l-----------------------.j~---i---+---+-----1 MYLAR SUB. 04-05-00 RECEIVED BY: APPROVE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR JOB NO. 02-142 I ~ • DATE 06-11'5-04 ------------ 9 CALE AS SHOWN DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: CHKD BY: ___ , RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C.T 04-04 I I ; I I ! ' I' I I I I I L-1~ DATE DRAWING NO. 420-tiL. ~ f'\') 0 I 6' ,...... 0MOT!9ALL 0 -TILIZeflt l!"E:1'!. 5011-5 ~T) @ !!IEE l"AVIN6 DETAIL$ @ C~-I" ~ !"INl!!i-1 ~ @) l"INl!!i-1 -....ol!: 0 TOI" O'F l"AVIN& @ 2" HleH Y'!Al?:RINe eASIN (If" l'te:G'D) ® UNDl!!l'T\JllleE:> NA TIYe 501L 0 !"INleH -....ol!: AT !11...0!"e A D @) 2 X 1'00T !9ALL DIA AND 2 X Dl!l"Tl-4 @ eACK !"ILL MIX (!el!! NO"l'.e) " ~ill~ I 11~_1 I ITTT_I I ~ill I I I ill: 11----~ ® SHRUB/TREE PLANTING DETAIL n 0 VINe ATT~ TO !!IUl'!.!"ACE l'IITH ,;:;-.. CLEM EPOX'T' VINE TIES ~ lf.ll'tSEflt'T' !!ITAt<ES-TO eE ~ @) EXl!!ITIN6 !!IUltl'ACE 0 Cl'!.Oi--lN-1" ~ P'INl!!IH el'!.ADE NT!!I s -11----@ II II II © 4' HleH Y'!Arel'!.IN6 l!IA!!IIN (IP' IU!GIUl"-ED) @ l"LANT T AeL.ET!!I ~----14 0 l"INl!!IH eAADE @ eACK!"ILL MIX (!el!: !!!"EC!,) @ 2Xl'!.OO'mALL. DIA. @) UNDl!!IT\Jlt1'ED NATIVE SOIL ® 1'00TI!IALL -12 MIN. 6" eEl.01'1 !"IHI~ !"LOOl'!.eeLDe. -- I i' I 'I 11~11 I I NOT!!!, ~ VINl!!!I ~ E!!l!"ALIEI'!. !!ITAl<E TO !!le MOVED AND ATTACHED TO SIJ!llFACE 1!1'T' CLEAi'!. EPOX'T' VltE TIE!!I. VINE PLANTING DETAIL ,---{ 2 0 GONC,llt!;'TE; SIDE la!ALK OR HAl'!DSGAl"E IM1"'ROYEMENT A5 INDlc::;ATED ON PLAN @ DB:I IIWOT LB:24-2 @5Ue51'V,DE NT!!I . ,,:·. ·c---+---\ ~ 0 PLANT!> PEI'!. l"LAN @ c::;ONc::;llt!;'TE; c:.ul't6 Ollt. E . . ' . . . .. .__. ' ' ' ' ....,_, ----:: . ---:·< : ' . . . . . :· .. :--, . ·.' .... __ _ HA!'!DSGAl"E IMl"l'!.OVl:Ml:NT A5 INDlc::;ATED ON l"LAN ~IT !>AMPLE or" Dl;l:Pl'!.OOT '-;;;;~;;;;-~-';::::::-:::;:::;;-~--',::::::-::::;:::--;;;;-'---:':;/---j LB:24-2 TO 1= = = = = = = =t= = 2 GITY !'"LAH '----l , ROOT BARRIER IN51"Ec::;TOR FOl'l APPROVAL W-----f---\4 l"l'!.IOR TO INSTALLATION NT!> " i 0 _I U -- .rn L TREE STAKING DETAIL APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 4 CD 2" 0 2" DIA X 10' LODeel"OLE l"INe ,.;\ STAKE (2 l'!EG'D) ~ l'!.leHT Of" Y'IA'T' @ l"RE!"A"'=D !SOIL @) l"LANT TAeLET w~~-~..r·'7:m1 l=c--Q 1"INISH eAADE @) VIN'T'L 1'Rl=E TIE (2 111.!!Gl'D) 0 !5'-0" MIN. ,_._.,_, I :::-: I ® EGIUAL(x!-5EE !"LANT •• 1 _ _ , -I I--I _111 I ! 1:: SCHEDULE FOi'!. ON T"T"'-'-..,+,,,< I I 111: 111 11 111 11 r.'.\ ,~:::..5PMAC,0'''11!'_IP _ @) !!IEE TR!!E l"LANTIN6 DETAIL @ 12"MIN. -111: II .. ==111 Ill I IV~~=•~ "~'~ ~~ 1=11 I= HAl'tC>Sc.APE IMl"ROVEMENT "f(;!IQN AS INDICATED ON PLAN 0 CONCRE-rc CURB OI'!. 0 TR!!E '11'UNI< @ "°°"'ALL i 0 b"MIN. 6 HAl'tC>Sc.APE l~T AS INDICATED ON PLAN @ EGIUAL 1/2/X) @) -AILINe i'IIND AXl!!I ® TI'WNI< TO eE !5' eEHIND l'!..O.H. ----eTR!!ET ;;;;;;;;;;;•~~~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;--1DEY'!AL1< !"LAN VIEl'I !5' MIN. ~ C, GROUNDC.OVER PLANTING DETAIL SPEC.IFIC.ATIONS FOR HYDROSEEDING I. HYDFWSEEDINe MIXTURES AND RATES OF APl"Llc::;ATION (IN NON-IRRl6ATED LOc::;ATION5, THE5E MIXES !>HALL BE HYDROSEEDED ONLY DIJl'!.INe THE PERIOD OF oc::;T, I THRLI JAN. I, OR ESTABl..l!!:+-IED 71-IROUcSH AN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED MEAN!> OF IRRl6ATION) H"l'"DFr.05e:ED MIX 11A 11 AL YSSUM 'c::;ARPET OF SNOW' .SAZANIA l'!.IISENS 'FIESTA RED' AL YSSUM 'RO'T' AL C.ARPET' H"l'"DFr.05El:D MIX "6" ESC,HSC,HOLZIA c::;ALIFORNlc::;A I..LIPI NUS ARBOl'!.l:1.15 MIMULUS PUNlc::;EUS l"OUND5/ Ac::;RE 3 10 ~ POUNDS/ Ac::;RE 5 e, 3 MINIMUM !t. PURIT'T' /eEl'!.M. d,l!,/1!,0 d,0/bO d,l!,/1!,0 MINIMUM !t. l"IJll<IT'T' /ISEl'tM. d,l!,/1!,0 d,O/bO d,l!,/1!,0 (ALL 51!:ED AVAIL.ABLE 'l1«0Uc5H H'T'Dl'!.OPLANT, ATTN, FWB Mc::;.SANN ie,o--,44-1360 II. HYD1'.0SEEDIN5 SUSPENSION OR SLURl'!.Y c::;OMPOSITION '5REEN io'IOOD MULc::;H !"E!'l.TILIZER (16-16-lb) 2 ,2,o.O LBJAc::;, AZ-TAc::; BINDER 400.0 LBJAc::;. FEl'!.FWUS SULFATE OR 11'!.0N c::;HELA-l!;!P.O LB/Ac:;, ~e, .SALSJ Ac:;. Ill. Al"l"Llc::;ATION PFWc::;EDl.!l'!.ES AND EGUIPMENT NT!!I A. EGUIPMl:NT -l-l'T'Dl'!.AULlc::; EGUIPMl:NT USED FOR THE Al"l"Llc::;ATION OF THE FEltTILIZEI'!., SB:D AND SLLll'tRY or" F'RE:PARED l'IOOD PULP SHALL BE OF THE "51.Jf'!':1'!. HYDRO-SEEDER" T'T'PE AS APPROVED BY THE c::;IT'T' OF c::;ARLSBAD LANDSc.APE INSPEc::;TOR. THIS EGUIPMENT SHALL HAYE A 19UIL T-IN AalTATION SYSTEM AND Ol"ERATINe c::;APAc::;IT'T' SUFFlc::;IENT TO AalTATE, SU5PE:ND, AND HOMO.SE:NEOUSLY MIX A SLURRY c::;oNTAININe NOT LESS THAN 4011 or" FIBEI'!. MULc::;H PLUS A c::;oMBINED TOTAL OF "111 FERTILIZER SOLIDS FOi'!. EAc::;H 100 6ALLON5 OF I-IA TER.. THE SLURRY Dl5TRIBUTION LINl:5 SHALL BE LAltlSE: ENOUeH TO Pl'!.E:YENT STOl"PAISE AND SHALL BE EGIJIPPED l'IITH A SET OF H'T'DRAIJLlc::; SPRAY NOZZLES l'IHlc::;H Y'llLL PFWVIDE A c::;oNTINUOl.15 NON-FLUC.i1JATIN5 Dlsc:.HAReE. THE SL.URRY TANK SHALL HAYE A MINIMUM c::;APAc::;IT'T' OF 1500 5ALLONS AND SHALL BE: MOUNTED ON A TRAYELINe UNIT, EITHEI'!. SELF-l"FWPELLED 01'!. D~ BY A SEPARATE UNIT, l'!Hlc::;H Y'llLL PLAc::;E THE SLLll'tRY TANK SPRAY NOZZLES WITHIN 9UFFlc::;IENT PROXIMIT'T' TO THE Al'!.EAS TO BE SEEDED. 6. Pl'!.El"AAATION -THE SLUl'tRY PREPARATION SHALL TAKE l"LAc::;E AT THE SITE OF l'IORK AND SHALL BEtSIN BY ADDINIS i-lATEI'!. TO THE TANK WHEN THE ENelNE 15 AT HALF-THFWTTLE. HHl:N THE i-lATEI'!. LEVEL HAS REAc::;HED THE HEleHT OF THE AalTATOI'!. SHAFT, SOOD RE-c::;IRc::;ULATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND, AT THIS TIME, THE SB:D SHALL BE ADDED. FERTILIZERS SHALL THEN BE ADDED, FOLLOl'IED BY HOOD PULP MULc::;H. MULc::;H SHALL ONLY BE ADDED TO THE MIX'T'IJRE: AFTEI'!. THE SEED AND YIIHEN THI: TANK 15 AT LEAST ONE-THll'!.D 013) FILLED WITH i-lATEI'!.. THE ENelNE THFWTTLE SHALL BE OPENED TO FULL ,!,l"EED Y'lHEN THE TANK 15 HALF-FILLED Y'llTH i-lATER. ALL THE HOOD PULP MULc::;H SHALL BE ADDED BY THE TIME THE TANK IS TWO-THll'!.DS (2/3) TO THREE-FOURTH!> ~/4) FULL SPRAYINe SHALL c::;oMMENc::;E IMMEDIATELY l'IHEN THE TANK 15 FULL. c::;, Al"l"Llc::;ATION -THE OPERATOR SHALL SPRAY THE 51-0PE:5 I/IIITH A UNlf"Ol'!.M, VISIBLE c::;oAT BY USIN5 THE 151'!.EEN c::;OLO!'i: or" THE l'IOOD PULP AS A c5UIDE. THE SLURRY SHALL BE APPLIED IN A SWEEPINe MOTION, IN AN ARc::;HED STl'!.EAM 50 AS TO FALL LIKE l'tAIN, ALLOWINe THE l'IOOD FIBER5 TO 19UILD ON EAc::;H OTHEI'!. UNTIL A SOOD c::;oAT IS Ac::;HIEYED, AND THE MATERIAL 15 SPREAD AT THE ROOUIRED RATE PER Ac::;RE. D. ALL BARE 5l"OTS SHALL BE l'!.ESEEDED WITHIN NINET'T' (d,O) DAYS TO THE SATISFAc::;TION or" THE c::;IT'T' OF c::;ARLSBAD IN5PE:c::; TOR. E. l"RIOI'!. TO THE Ac::;c::;EPTANc::;E or" THE HYDl'!.05EEDED AREAS 6'T' THE c::;IT'T''S INSl"Ec::;TOR, A c::;El'!,Tlf"lc::;ATION i'!.Ef'Ol'lT MUST BE 9UBMITTED BY A RE61S~D LANDSC.APE A"-C-HITl:c::;T, 5TATIN5 THAT THE H'T'DFW5EEDIN5 HAS DONE Ac::;c::;ORDINe TO THE PROJEc::;T SPEc::;IFlc::;ATION AND THAT ITS <SROY'lTH IS ADEGUATELY ESTABLISHED TO F'F<EYENT EROSION. F. THE c.oYEI'!. c::;l'!.OP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A "-ATE AND MANNE!'!. 9UFFlc::;IENT TO PFWVIDE "IO!t. c.ovEl'l!.Al5E I/IIITHIN 30 DAYS. PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL. BOTANIC.AL. NAME COMMON NAME SIZE GTY TREES, • ,,,,-r....,. METROSIOEROS EXC.ELSUS (MJL Tl) NEV'! ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE 15 6AL. -4 @ © ~ . 0 ~ [2] ~ ~ @ §&§ ~ ' ' CJ PINIJS HALEPENSIS PINIJS PIN!:A PINIJS T~ANA PLATANIJS ACERIFOLIA PLA TANIJS RACEM05A ~AGRIFOLIA HINUS MOLLE ALEPf'O PINE ITALIAN STONE PINE TORREY PINE LONDON PLAIN TRl:E CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE COAST LIVE OAK CALIFORNIA PEPPE,., 5HFW65, TURF AND SROUNDC.OVER, AeAVE ATTENUATA FOXTAIL MAVE ALOE ARl90Rl:5CEN5 TRl:E ALOE ALOE S1"1ATA • COAAL ALOE ARflUTU5 lJNEDO STTW-eERRY TRfE CA~X T1JMULICOLA 5ED6E CEANOTHU5 HORIZONTALIS 11 CARMEL C~EPER CEANOTHUS 'JJL.IA Pl-lfl.PS' N.C.N. CISTUS SPP. • 111.0C,KROSE ECHIIJM FASTIJOSUM PRIDE OF MADEIRA FESTUCAMAl~I ATLASFESCUE MYOPORlJM PACIFICUM •• MYOPORlJM PENNISETUM SET ACBJM 'CUPRalM' FOUNTAIN 6RA55 ROSMARIN.JS 0. "l'IJSC,AN BLUE' • ROSEMARY SALVIA 5REOOII • AUTUMN SA5E ROSMARIN.JS 0. 'PROST!ltATUS' DV'IARF ROSEMARY 50D MAAATHON 5 .24" eox ,4e, 24"60X -4 15 6AL. , 24'60X 14-4 15 6AL. 66 15 15"'1-. GI 15 5AL. 6 I 5AL. li1 I 5"'1-. 51 I 5"'1-. e !50' O.C. 5 15"'1-. 25 LINERS e It," OC. I 6AL. e 6' O.C. 5 GAL. 1-4 I 6AL. e 6' O.C. 5 6AL. 11115 LINERS e It," OC. I 5AL. e ~• OC. 4" POTS e 12" 0.C. I 5AL o 4' O.C.. I 5AL. • -4' O.C. FLATS o I~" O.C. 50D T\JRF • ON SLOPES, THESE SHRUBS TO BE IJNDERPLANTED V'IITH MYOPOR!JM PARVIFOLIIJM 'PROST!ltAltJM' FROM FLATS o I~" O.C. •• ON SLOPES PLAN'TcD WITH MYOPORIJM PAGIFICUM TO BE IJNDERPLANTED V'IITH MYOPORIJM l"'ACIFICIJM FROM FLATS o 24" O.C. ALL SLOPES, UNLESS OYrlEFi.V'IISE NOTED, TO BE IJNDERPLANTED V'IITH HYDROSEED MIX 'A" -SEE SPEC'S fSHIE1l CITY OF CARLSBAD ISHEETSI ~ PLAl+J IN DEPART~ENT 11 -------------------...---..-----,-----------------~--...----,.---1 "AS-BUILT" PLANTl~t~~o; ~s:; ;;~';"-' L-IB DRAWN JP APPROVED MM PROGRESS 6-15-04 OAtt LA COSTA R/06/! 2~ 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 2ND SUB. 03-115-015-~ll~TI.E=:=====~;;;:;;:;;;~~~======~==r==::r::==============r===:J==r::==x===i MYLAR sue. 0 .. -00-00 RECEIVED BY: ' ' •1.AI\I I )S{'"' Ph I ARC'~ITFC'TL Rf ' 10B NO. 02-142 DATE 06-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. I DRAl'l1NG NO. CHKD BY:__ C,T 04-04 420-6L-RVWD BY: I I I. I I •, PLANTING NOTES I. A. THE PLANTING PLAN 15 DIAGAAMMAtlC. ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. PLANT 5YMBOL5 TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT GUANTITIES SPECIFIED. B. GLJANTITIE5 5HOJ/IIN ON THE PLANTING PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR ONLY. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSC.APE ARCHITECT OF THE DISC.REPANCIES BETHEEN GLJANTITIE5 AND SYMBOLS 5HOJ/IIN. 2. LANDSC.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY A CONTACT HERBICIDE, J/IIHERE HEEDS ARE PRESE:NT, PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS A MINIMUM OF TEN (IO) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMl:NCEME:NT OF ANY PLANTING OR IRRISATION J/IIORK. HEEDS SHALL BE ALLOHED TO COMPLETELY DIE BACK, INCLUDING THE ROOTS BEFORE PROCEEDING VIIITH J/IIORK. HERBICIDE APPLICATOR SHALL BE LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ,. LANDSC.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL 5LJBMIT A SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT FROM AN AUTHORIZED TESTING AGENCY TO THE CITY LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR AND THE LANDSC.APE ARCHITECT BEFORE BEGINNING J/IIORK. 4. PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE RJLLY OPERATIONAL AND PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SOAKED 5. ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED, J/IIHICH HAVE A SLOPE OF LESS THAN 10%, SHALL BE CROSS-RIPPED TO A DE:PTH OF SIX (b") INCHES AND THE FOLLOJ/IIING AME:NDMENTS SPREAD EVENLY AND THOROUGHLY BLENDED IN PER 1,000 SGUARE FEET. THE GLJANTITIES PROVIDED BELOJ/11 ARE FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. ALL AMENDMENTS AND QUANTITIES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. A. :5 CUBIC YARDS NITROGE:N FORTIFIED REDJ/IIOOD SHAVINGS B. 100 POUNDS AGRICULTURAL SYPSUM C. 15 POUNDS IRON SULPHATE D. 25 POUNDS lb-b-t!> SLOJ/11 RELEASE FERTILIZER b. EACH PLANT SHALL RECEIVE "AGRIFORM" (OR EQUAL) PLANT TABLETS AS FOLLOJ/IIS, ROOTED CUTTING/4" POT (I) 5 GRAM I GAL. CONTAINER 5 SAL. CONTAINER 15 GAL. CONTAINER BOX TREE (I) 21 GRAM (:3) 21 SAAM (5) 21 GRAM (I) 21 GRAM PER :3" BOX SIZE i. FOR BID PURPOSED ONLY: PLANT BACK FILL SHALL BE 50% SITE SOIL, AND 50% NITROGEN FORTIFIED REDJ/IIOOD SHAVINSS BY VOLUME. THESE GUANTITIE5 SHALL BE 5LJPERCEDED BY THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. t!>. PLANT PITS SHALL BE TJ/IIICE THE SIZE OF THE DESIGNATED NURSERY CONTAINER. '1. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE ROOT BOUND. FIVE SALLON PLANTS AND LARGER SHALL HA\/t: BEE:N GROJ/IIN IN CONTAINERS FOR A MINIMUM OF b MONTHS AND A MAXIMUM OF THO YEARS. PLANTS SHALL EXHIBIT HEAL THY GROJ/IITH AND BE FREE OF DISEASES AND PESTS. 10. A. STAKE ALL TREE5 PER DETAIL. B. REMOVE NIJRSERY STAKES ON ALL VINES AND ATTACH TO ADJACENT FENCES VIIITH GALV. NAILS AND GREEN NURSERY TAPE. ATTACH TO J/IIALLS J/IIITH EPOXY TIES. C. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES AND TIES FROM ALL CONTAINER STOCK. MAINTAIN SIDE 5ROJ/IITH ON ALL TREES. II. PLANTS SHALL NOT BE PLACED J/IIITHIN TJ/IIELVE (12") INCHES OF 5F'RINKLER HEADS. 12. SHRUBS SHOJ/IIN IN PLANT AREAS SHALL BE UNDER-PLANTED J/IIITH GROUNDCO\/t:R SHOJ/IIN BY ADJACENT SYMBOL, TO J/IIITHIN 12" OF MAIN PLANT STEM. 1,. LAND5c.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 296 DRAINAGE AJ/IIAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND J/IIALL5. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE SMOOTHED TO ELIMINATE PUDDLING OR STANDING J/IIATER. 14. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE ONE (I) INCH BELOJ/11 THE TOP OF CURBS, SILLS, AND J/IIALKJ/IIAYS IN ALL AREAS. J/IIHERE SOD IS LAID NEXT TO THESE IMPROVEME:NTS-FINISH GRADE BEFORE LAYING SOD SHALL BE 1-1/2" BELOJ/11 THE TOP. 1!5. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL LEAVE SITE IN A CLEAN CONDITION, REMOVIN5 ALL UNUSED MATERIAL, TRASH, AND TOOLS. lb. LANDSC.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL PLANTINGS FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY ('10) DAYS AFTER COMPLETION. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN, HA TERED, AND HEED FREE. Ii. AT COMPLETION OF ALL J/IIORK OUTLINED IN THESE PLANS, THE LANDSC.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OJ/IINER AND ARRAN5E FOR A HALK THROUGH TO DETERMINE THAT ALL ASPECTS OF J/IIORK ARE COMPLETED. J/IIORK MLJST BE FLJLLY COMPLETED ACCOR.DINS TO ALL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND MUST BE COMPLETED IN A GOOD J/IIORKMANSHIP MANNER AND MUST BE AC,C,EPTED BY THE OJ/IINER IN J/IIRITING PRIOR TO THE BEGINNIN5 OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION Of PLANTING AREAS. Ir, NDS('APF,:,: AiRCHI l'EC rut{~ ' '' I DRAWN APPROVED PROGRESS 1ST SUBMITTAL 2ND SUB. .TOB NO. DATE SCALE JP MM 6-lrio-04- 01-27-04 03-16-06 04-00-05 02-142 06-16-04- AS SHOWN THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOJl,IING SC.OPE OF J/IIORK, A. DAILY J/IIATERIN5 OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL. B. Y'IEEKL Y MOJl,IING OF ALL TURF AREAS. C. Jt,iEEDING AND REMOVAL OF ALL WEEDS FFWM GROUND COVER AREAS. D. REPLACEMENT OF ANY DEAD, DYING, OR DAMAGED TREES, SHRUBS, OR GROUND COVERS. E. FILLING AND REPLANTING OF ANY LOJl,I AREAS J/IIHICH MAY CALJSE STANDING HATER. F. ADJUSTING OF 5F'RINKLER HEAD HEIGHT AND J/IIATERIN5 SYSTEM. 5. FILLING AND RECOMPACTION OF ERODED Ai;teAS. H. l'eEKLY REMOVAL OF ALL TRASH, LITTER, CLIPPINGS, AND ALL FOREIGN DEBRIS. I. AT :30 DAYS AFTER PLANTING, AMMONIUM 5LJLFATE SHALL BE APPLIED TO LAHN AREAS AT THE RATE OF 5 LBS. PER IPOO SGLJARE FEET. J. AT bO DAYS AFTER PLANTING AND PRIOR TO THE END OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, 61::ST FERTILIZER COMPANY lb-b-t!> (OR EGLJAL) SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE RATE OF b LBS. PER 1,000 SGLJARE FEET TO LAJl,IN Ai;teAS AND PLANTING AREAS. It!>. PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OJt,iNER AND ARRANGE FOR A FINAL J/IIALK THROUGH. OJ/IINER MUST ACCEPT ALL MAINTAINED AREAS IN il'IRITING PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 1'1 .. A. ALL eROLJND COVERS SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS TO GROJ/'ITH AND HEALTH FOR A PERIOD OF SIXTY (bO) DAYS AFTER THE COMPLETION OF MAINTE:NANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ALL SHRUBS SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS TO GROll'ITH AND HEAL TH FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY ('10) DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF MAINTE:NANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ALL TREES SHALL BE 5LJARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO LIVE AND GROH IN AN ACCEPTABLE LJF'RIGHT POSITION FOfll A PEflllOD OF ONE (I) YEAR AFTEfll COMPLETION OF THE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. B. THE CONTRACTOR, v-llTHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS OF il'IRITTEN NOTIFICATION BY THE LANDSC.APE ARCHITECT, SHALL REMOVE AND REPLACE ALL 5LJARANTEED PLANT MATERIALS, J/IIHICH FOR ANY REASON FAIL TO MEET THE REGUIREME:NTS OF THE 5LJARANTEE. i;tePLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE il'IITH PLANT MATERIALS AS INDICATED OR SPECIFIED ON THE ORl5INAL PLANS, AND ALL SUCH REPLACEME:NT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED AS SPECIFIED FOR THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL 5LJARANTEE. 20. PER CITY OF CARL56AD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL/EROSION CONTROL STANDAROS NO. I, 2, :5, 4 4, SLOPES OVER t:,' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT SHAJ..L HAVE, A) STANDARO NO. I -COVER CROP-JUTE MESH (10096 COVER,,11,cSE) B) STANDARD NO. 2 -GROUND COVER, MINIMUM FJ..ATTED SIZE (10096 COVER,,11,«sf) C) STANDARD NO. :3 -LO~ SPRE:ADINcS SHRUBS FROMMINIMLJM 2-:5/4" J..INERS (1096 COVERAcSE) D) STANDARD NO. 4 -TREES AND J..ARGE: SHRUBS FROM MINIMUM I cSALLON (1/200 SGUARE FEET) 21. SLOPES BET~EN 4' AND t:,' VERTICAL HElcSHT SHALL HAVE STANDARD NO.I, N0.2, N0.:5 A60VE. 22. ALL. TREES TO BE PLANTED A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF, AJ 15' FROM ALL STREET LIGHT POSTS BJ i' FROM ANY' SE:~R LINES CJ 10' FROM ANY' cSAS LINE OR STORM DRAIN. DJ :3' OUT OF RIGHT OF V'IAY'. E:J 5' FROM ANY' V'IATER OR DRY' UTILITITY LINES 2:3. ALL TREE:S PLANTED ~ITHIN t:,' FROM ANY' HARDSCAPE PAVEMENT, OR CURS!:> SHALL RECEIVE A L624-2 'C,EEP ROOT' W..EE ROOT BARRIER INSTALLED IN A 10' LINEAR APPLICATION, OR AS SHOHN ON PLANTING PLAN. ROOT BARRIER SHALL NOT ENCIRCLE THE ROOT BAJ..L. SEE DETAIL E/lt>. 24. ALL TREES SHALL MEET THE FOLLO~IN0 SPECIFICATIONS, CONTAINER SIZE HE:leHT x HIDTH C.ALIPE:R A. 15 GAL. (STD) i'-t:,' X 2'-:3' I" -1.25" 6. 24" eox (STD) "l'-11' X 4'-5' 1.25" -1.5" 24" BOX (MUJ.. Tl) t,'-i' X 4'-5' 1.25" -1.5" ;3t," BOX (STD) 12'-14' X b'-i' 2" -2.5" St," SOX (MUL Tl) '1'-10' X f>'-j' 1.25" -1.5" 25. AJ..L SLOPES SHALL RE:CEIVE A 5096 AJ..Y'SSUM ~AL CARPET' AND 5096 ALY'SSLJM 'CARPET OF SNOH' HY'DROSEED MIX AS A 'COVER CROP' UNLESS OTHE~ISE SPECIFIED ON CIVIL ENcSINEE:R'S PLANS. Al.Y'SSUM HY'DROSEE:D MIX SHALL. BE APPLIED WITHIN 50 DAY'S OF SL.OPE GRADINcS. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ii ...-------.,,-----,--.,,,,.-------,---,----,---------------,---,---r----.-----1 "AS-BUILT" DATE 1----1---4---------------+---+---+--+-----I PLANTIN5 LE:51:ND, DETAILS AND NOTES FOl't, VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RID6E 2.5 L-14 TI"Tl.E: RECEIVED BY: ~~========~;;;;;~~;;:::==========~r:===r===l==========--------------1----=L ....... ....J. ....... ~~____j ~A=;;:PP;:;;Rc;;O=:=';VE~c=======;r=========~ ...__ ____ 5=/Cf-q<C t----+---+--------------+------+---+--+----1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION ENGINEER OF WORK INSPECTOR DATE t--cc=-+---+-------------+------+---+--+----1 DWN BY: --PROJECT NO. f--"DA.;__TE:.......1..c.lNc..lTI..:AL:..+--'-DA....;TE'---'--'-IN_ITI..:AL-I CHKD BY: __ C, T 04_04 O1HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: I I I 1 I I DATE DRAWING NO. 420-6L A I"\) 0 I 6--,..... ,-LAN'!'IN5 ANJ:i MAIN~NCI! 1.0 !lc:;.0191! 1.01 ,-.,-pc,,-m oil plc,r,1:lng oncl m .. 1ntenc,r,e4 .. or-k.,. Jl'lcli .... l:•cl .. ncl •p-1'1•.::I, .. c,mpl•t.. 1.0::Z '""· Cc,nclltJo,-o, th• eo,,,t:,-o .. t and h •• M,. .. I ep ... i,, .... tlc,na, ..... o pert: o, l:hl .. S.etJc,n. I.O!!I =~L, '""--1• .. tlon c,P h«'l:>1 .. ,.::1 ... , oppll .. ot:Jori r-ot:.e, ond m•thc,cle o .. • to II» p•,.Po,_cl un.._, th• .. oritr-ol oncl '!J"ldan .. • oP o 91:ot:. oP Col1Po .. n1 .. lle•n••cl p• .. t .. ontr-ol .. c1v, .. o, .. ncl .. pp11 .. oto ... 1.04 ~'!'0!111.'I" ANAL'l"Sl5, ,-,.ovlcl• lobo .. ot:o,;t .. 011 .... noly .. 1• .. onPor-mlng to tri. Poll o .. 1n9, A. '!'• .. ting to i:,. p•,.Por-m.a l:>y th• &oil .. l'lcl ,-1ont Labo .. ot~. 41::Z So. Lyon, S..nto An .. , CA "':2,1 I, H14) !5156-e>!!ll!l!!I. i,. 5"bmll: th• Pollo,.Jng .. oll• eompl .. to 1:h• lcoborot:o~ ot th• c.omm.nc.•m•nt oP ...... 1c., I. Notlv• IIOII, 'l'•n .-.p .. •••ntotlv• •"'"Pl•• oP nol:Jv• eoll to i:,. lancle .. ap•cl al: loc. .. tloneeho"'n on pl .. ne .. ,th thle eymbol. ,-..-,or-m t"° (:2) Solle 'l'••t• at ..... h 10 .. ot:Jon. (On• (I) .. t groul'lcl l•v•I to 10" cl••p, ond on• (I) .. 1: :24" -!!6" d•pthJ :2. lmpo .. t •oil, On• (I) r•pr-• .. •ntatlv• e .. mpl• Por-•oc.h 100 eul:>Jc. y .... a. .. nd/or eou .. c.•. C. ,-1 .......... h .... mpl• In .... tur-d\t c.onl: .. ln•r, pr-op•rly Jd•nti,J•d, 1oi:,.l•d, .. nd d .. t•d. C>. ,-,..,v,d• .. •por-1: oP .. ••ult. to tn. o .. n..-, Lande .... ,,,-Ar-.. hlt.c.t, City Jn•p•c.to .. .. l'lcl 6-n• .... I Contr-oc.to ... I!. All t.etlng _r-v, ..... •h .. 11 i:,. p .. ld Por-1:>y th• Lana. .... ,,,-c:;.ont ...... to ... :2.0 6l!Nl!!lll.,l,L c:;.oNJ:il'l'ION!!I :2.01 All ec. .. l•cl dlm•n•Jon• .,,.. app .. o,cJm .. t.. c:;.l,•c.lc. .. ncl v•r-i,y .. 11 .. it. dlm.nelon .. .. l'lcl .. •c.•Jv• O"'n• .. •• .. •pr-•-nt:ot:Jv•'• appr-ov .. 1 p .. ,., .. l:o pr-oc.••dlng .,,th "'or-le. uncl..-thl .. S.c.tlon. :2.0::Z c:;.oordln .. t• 1n .. to11 .. t1on o-1 .. 11 plant m .. t. .. 101 .. , to ovoid int. .. , ... _._. .. Jt:h oth..- '°""'tr-uc.tlon. ::Z.O!!I tc:.l•p tM pr-•mJ•• .. c.l•an .. l'lcl "'•• oP .,. ...... •q,ulpm•nt, mat• .. lalr., and cl•l:>r-1 .. lnc.la.ntol to .,.,,.le.. :2 .04 ,-,..,t.,t .. ., .. 1c. .. ncl "'or-le. oP 0th.,.. at .. 11 tlm•• In p•,.Por-manc.• oP ,.., .. 1c.. ::Z.O!i Cor•Pully not• all '1nleh g .. ad•• i:,.p.,,.. .. omm•n .. lng "or-k. "-•tc, .. • .. ny Plnleh 9 .... .::1.ehang•cl clu .. 1n9 .. .,u,..• c,P thl& ,.., .. le. tc, or-lglnal ., .. lnt.nd•d 9 ........ . e.o ON-51'!!: oi,Sl!!III.VA'!'ION 9.01 '""• Pc,llc,,.Jng r.lt. vlelt., ehall i:,. m .. d• l:>y o ... n..-• ..... p .... •ntatlv•. '""• c:;.ontr-oc.to .. ehall .. •q,u••t .-.vi•"' In ,.,-1t:1n9 In c,clvaniC4 o, 1:lv tlm• r.lt. vlelt , .. .. •q,uJ.-.cl. Aclvon .. • nc,t1'1 .... t1on ,o .. th• !:>.le,,. ell:• vlelt.. eh .. 11 i:,. .. .q_ul .. •d .,. Polle,"'•• A. ,-,.•-Je>I:> c.onP• .. •n ... , , day11, City 1n .. p• .. 1:o .. to ol:t•ncl .. 1r.o i,_ l'"ln .. 1 9 .... co1 .... vi•"'• ,4e, hou .... c. ,-1ant m .. t ... 1 .. 1 .-.v1.,., 4eo hour-.. C>. l'"lant 1 .. yc,ut ... v, • ..,, 4eo hou,.. I!!. &oil p .. •p .. r-atlon and planting op• .. cotJc,ne (on• (I) ir-•• .,,th •oc.h typ• c,P .. ,,,. .. ,,, • .::1 etalc.Jng ehal I I:>. app .. ov•d prior-io p lantlng tr-••eJ, ,4e, hc,ur• P'. ,.,..-m .. 1nt•n .. nc.•, , day. •· P'lnal ....... ptanc.•, , doye !1.0::Z IP Contrac.tc, .... •q,u.ete .. elt• vlelt .. ncl th• •It• I• not ,ouncl tc, I:>. In on ...... -,,,tol:>I• c.ol'lclltJc,n to hold th• .. •vi•"'• th• hour-ly P••• o-1 l:h• p• .. aonn•I .. all•d ,., .. tri. elt• vlr.lt shall i:,. p .. 1.::1 l:>y tri. c:;.ontr-.. c.to .. and ehall i:,. cl•clu .. t•cl , .. om hie c.c,ntr-.. c.t pr-le.•. !!1.0!!1 No sit. vlelt• .. hall .. omm_._. ,.,thout all Jt•m• not.cl In pr-•vlc,ue c,1:>e..-v .. t:Jon .. •po .. te •Ith..-c.ompl•t•d ., .... •m•cll•cl uni••• •u .. h .. ompllanc.• h .. e l:>.•n .. a,v•cl l:>y th• o ... n .... Sit. vl1olte that a .. • r.c.h•clul•cl, l:>ut th• Cc,ntr-,:ic.tc, .. h .. • , .. 11.c1 to ac. .. omplleh punc.hllet tallb ., .. pr•pa .. • ad•q,uat•ly p., .. d•el .. •d lnep•c.tlon•, .. hall mau th• Contr-a .. to, .. •eponeil:,I• ,.,,. ... 1m1:>ur-e1n9 th• Landec.ap• Ar-c.hlt. .. t at hi .. .. u .... •nt hou .. ly l:>illlng .. at. plue tr-anepo .. t .. tlon .. oete. No Pur-th• .. lnep ... tlc,ne eh .. 11 i:,.e .. lvdul•duntll thle .. h .. r-9• h .. e l:>.•n p .. ld .. nd r• .. •lv•d 1:>y L .. ncle .... p• k .. hlt• .. t. 4.0 MA'!'l!!!III.IALS 4.01 ISl!!Nl!!!III.AL, ,-,.C,VJcl• mat• .. lal• oP !:>.at q,uolll:y 01:>t .. ,n .. l:>I•, ,.hlc.h .. amply &tr-1 .. tly .. 1th cr"""lnge ond •p•c.lPJc. .. tlon ... 4.0::Z 5'!'A'!'eMl!N'!'S OP' CONl"l!III.MA'!'ION, eul:>mlt at tlm• 0, .._llv• .. y lnvol .. • •tat•m•nt• ..... 1:i,y1n9 q,uantltl•• l:>y l:>ullc. and/or-"'•lght, ,or-.. 11 or-9an1 .... m•ndm•nte .. nc:1 , ... tlll:z:•,... 51ibmil: euppll• .. •' c.•r-ti,, .. .,. ... o, .. ompllan .. • .,,th th•N •P• .. 1'1 .. ot:Jc,ne. !111.andc,m eampl•• may i:,. t .. un l:>y o ... n.,' .. .-.p .. •••nt .. tlv• ,., .. .. n .. l!,1111 ... 4.0!!" OMANIC AMl!!NC>Ml!N'!', 0.rlv•cl , .. om "'"od or 1:>a .. 1c., 9 .. anu1 .. , In n .. tu .. •, •t:ol:>111-cl ,.,th nrt .. 09.n and PortlPl•d ... 1th mln•r-ale, and having th• Pollc,..,Jng p .. op..-t:1••• A. Or-gon1 .. Cont.nt, Minimum "'°"' l:>y ..,.,ght. i,. l'"a .. t:lc.l• !!llz•, Minimum "'!5!16 p .. ulng 4 m•.ti .... ,.••n Minimum &o'1I\ p .. eelng & m••h •er••n. C. Nrtr-og.n content, o.!5!16 i:,.,..c1 on ~ ..,.,gi.,t Po ..... c1""'oc1 .... ,.duet. o.i,ii i:,.,.-.. on col~ "'•lght ,., .. '1 .. ., .. ,.clur.t. l.°"6 l:>ar.•d c,n col~ "•lght ,., .. '1 .. ., .. pin• l:>ar-k. NO'!'!!!, l'"ln• ea .. c1u .. t le not .. c.e•pt:ol:>I•. C>. M1n. .... 11z•d, 0.1"' tot .. 1 , .. on. I!. f>allnlty, M .. ,<lmum c.oncluc.tlvlty !!l.!i mm/c.m at :.z!5 a.9.-.•• C. 4.04 P'~'!'ILIZl!!!III. ANJ:i MINl!!III.AL.5, A. ,. ... ,, .... ulPot•• l'"•:2 (!:>04) !i minimum :2°"6 I'"•, a .. m•talll ... !!!I. eypeum, c .. 1 .. 1um 51JIP .. t., CA 504 H:.?O, :.?O!li CA 16511 .. oml:>ln•d •u1'ur-. C. J!>oil .. ulPu .. , Minimum "'!i"' •l•m•nt .. 1 .. u1Pu ... C>. Com_ .... lal P'• .. tlllz• .. , AmmonlVm r.u!Pat• :.?1-0-0 AmmonlUm nrt:r-.. t• !!14-0-0Ammonlum phoephat• 16-:.?0-0 6-:.?0-:.?0 i,. .. t c:;.o., o .. •qual, ,.,,. .. 011 pr-•p .. r-atlon l:.?-1:.?-I:.? "-•t eo., o .. •q,ual, ,.,,. IIOJI p ... ,,. ...... t,on 16-6-& .,_ .. t Co., or-•quol, Par-m .. 1nt.nan._. I!!. Ag .. JPc,r-m :.?0-10-!i (:.?I gr-am) planting t .. l:>l•t.. P'. 15, .. .,,._,..,,. ... ,-1u .. , !i,!!1,7, !iOl1f. humu .. , :2!111 .. .,,1 p-•t .... nt 1"1-l 4.!i -4.i. NO'!'!!!, Ac:;.TUAL AMl!NDMl!NT!!I TO !!!II! C>l!i'l!!!III.MIN!!C> !!!IV 5011.5 !111.1!!90!III.'!' Ol!!l'!'AINl!C> 191!!111. 5l!c:;. '!'ION 1.04 Al!!OVI!. 4.05 l'"LAN'I' MA'!'l!!!III.IAL!!I, °"antlty and .. ,_ oP pl .. nt. .... atot.a c,n th• ,-1 .. n .... ncl l'"l .. nt Llet. No .... ot l:>ound m .. t ... , .. T .. collo"•cl. l'"lant. •holl i:,. , ..... h ,:incl v19 .... oue, .,, nor-m .. 1 9,0..,th, and fr•• of di•• .. •• .. , .,.._.. .. , h .... m,ul ln .. • .. t•, o .. th•I .. ln••"t •99• .. net la,-va•. A. ,-1 .. nt. .. hall c.c,mply ,.,th ca11' .. m1 .. 91:..t:• D•p.,,.tm•nt o-1 Ag .. 1,ultu .. •'• .. •gul .. tlon ,., .. nu,....-y lnap•,otJ .. ,,., r-ul••, .. nd .... tinge. All plant• .ti .. 11 h .. v• .. nor-m .. 1 hal:>Jt .,, g .. o,.th .. nc:1 .. hal I i:,. eound, h• .. lthy, vlg .... oue, .. net P .. •• .,, ,,,. ... t lnP• .. tatlon•, pl .. nt di•• .. •• ... auna .... 1c1 .. , Pr••h a1:>r-.... 1 .. na oP th• t,.,,.lc., •" .. •••Iv• al:>r-aelone, or oth•r ol:>J• .. tlon .. l:>I• cll•Plgu .. •m•nt ... 'l'r-•• tr-unlca •ho 11 i:,. .. tu .. dy .. nc:1 ... 11 ha .. d•n•d. All pl .. nt:. eh,:ill hov• nc,rmally ..,.11-a.v•lo,,,-d l:>r-an .. h ay.t•m• .. ncl vlgo .. oue .. nc:1 '11:>r-c,u .... oot •y•t•m•. i'+I• .. • ,oontoln• .. -9 .. o"'n p1 .. n ....... , .. om ••v•ral .. our,o• .. , th• .. .,., • .,, not , • .., ... th .. n t""' (:2) plant .. oP ..... h .. p•c.J•• ., .. va .. J•ty ,r-om .., .. h r.ou .... • 1'1111 i:,. lne,,,-c.t.d. In .. .,.. th• ... mpl• pl .. nte ..... Pound to I:>. d•P• .. tlv•, th• 1. .. nclac. .. p• N .. h1t.._t .. •••r-v•e h .. 19ht to .-.J•c.t th• •ntl .. • lot ., .. lote .. , pl .. nte ... p .. •••nt•d I:>',! c1., ... t,v• e .. mpl• ... '""• L .. nclee .. p• Ar-.. h1t ... t le th• .. .,1. Judg• ... to ...... •ptal:>lllfy., ~ pl .. nt .. .-.nd• .. •cl ur, .. ultol:>I• ,., .. planting i:,.c.aue• c,P thle ln"'P• .. tlon ,.,11 I:>. .. oneld•.-.d a• .. ompl• .. and .. 111 I:>. pr-ovld•cl .. t th• Contr-.... tor-'• •xp•n••· i,_ '""• minimum ...... -,,,t .. l:>I• .. ,_ ,., .... 11 •hr-ul:,.,, m-•ur-.a i:,.,o .. • pr,inJng ,.,th tri. 1:>r-.. n .. h•• In nor-m .. I por.ltlon, ehol I c.on,or-m to h m. .. r.u .. •m•nte utlllz•<f l:>y Hrn- Nu,..•ry. l'"l .. nt. 1 .. r-g•r In elz• th .. n ap• .. 1'1•d m .. y i:,. ue.a ,.,th h app .. ov .. 1 .,, th• L .. na. .... p• H-.. h1t. .. t, l:>ut th• ur.• 0, lar-g• .. pl .. r,t .. ,.,11 .. ou•• no .. hang. In .. ontr-oc.t ,,. .. , .... All tr-•• .. ,z .. •h .. 11 .... n,o .. m to th• minimum •lz•• Jncl1 .... t-.. p• .. ep ... 1'1•cl c.ontoln• .... ,z• .... c.or,t .. 1n.d In th• V0ll•y .. .-.at '!'.-.• c:;.omp .. ny c.atolog. C. ,-1 .. nte ,.,11 i:,. .. ul:>J• .. t to ... vi ... ,., .... ,C4pt .. nc.• ., .... •J• .. tlon at pla .. • o-1 gr-o"'th an/c,r on p .. oJ• .. t alt. .. t .. ny tlm• 1:>.Po .. • ., .. c1u .. 1n9 p .. 09 .. •• .. oP ,.., .. k., ,., .. elz•, v .... ,.1:y, .. ondltJon, lot•nt d•f• .. t•, .. net ln.Ju .. J••· "-mov• r•J•c.ted plonte P .. om elt• lmm•clJ .. t•ly .. ncl .-.plac.• "'Jt:h ....... ,,.t .. l:>I• pl .. nte . C>. At no tlm• .. hall t .. ••• or-pl .. nt m .. 1:..-, .. 1 .. I:>. p .. un•cl, t .. 1mm•cl ., .. t .. pp•cl p .. ,., .. to d•llv•r-y; any alt•moi:lc,n .. p th•y .. h .. p• i:,. .. onclu .. t•cl only l'llth th• .. pprov .. 1 of .. net In th• ,,. .. -•n .. • oP th• · L .. nc1e .... p•. !!. ,.,. .. t ... t .. 11 plant• P .. om dC1m"9ln9 .. un .. ncl ,.,nc:1. 1' .. mage, m .. y i:,. ,o .. u•• ,.,,. ... J• .. tlon •v•n .. n.,. Initial ...... •pt .. ne•. P'. 5111:>etltut.e ..... not p•r-mltt.d uni• ..... ,,. ... m .... 11y .. pp .. ov•d In .... ,t,ng. 4.06 51!1!1' MIX!!!$, A. 5!!!!C>, A• •p• .. '"•cl, cl•IJv..-•cl to th• J .. I:> .. ,t., unmJ,<•cl In ••p .... ot. •• .. l•cl .. ont .. ln• .. •· l!!oc.h .. ont .. ln• .. muet i:,. .... th• •-d •uppll•r'• 1 .. 1:>.1r. Jncll .... t1n9 th• c.ont .. ,n ... "•lght, .... c1 typ• ....... pu .. 1ty, .. nd 9•rm1n .. tlon ,,. ...... nt .. g• ... All c.ont .. ,n ..... ah .. 11 i:,. 1 .. 1:>.l•cl oc. .. orcllng to et .. t• and , ........ 1 •••cl , .. ,. •. 5ampl•• m .. y I:>. t .. un ,or t•= to •n .. u .. • tFi,:it th• •-d •p•e1'1 .... t1one hov• l:>.•n m•t. 4.o, TUJY ANJ:i i9o!III.A e A. Hyc:1 .... u11 .. S.•dlng I. 5-•d, ,-,. ... h, el•an, "•" c.rop .... c:1, p .. •ml><•d l:>y .. uppll• ... "lllla,-,.•n'e L .. ncte .... p• .. • Mix P'•• .. u• Ell•nd" -Mix .. ctv•nture, muet .... cl, .. net .... ,c1 Pe .... u•• "'hleh .. ,. 100!1. pu .. • .. ncl h .. v• .. g•r-mln .. tlon , .. t• .. , "'!5!16. :.?. l'lc,od ... 11u10 .. • '11:>..-, !"l,..t q,u .. llty .. omm..-.. 1 .. 1 9" .. d•. 9. 5oll etol:>lllz•r• l!c.Ol"9y Contr-01 .. M-Ellnd• ... ep ..... c:1 at .... at. oP e,o 11:>e. ,. ... OM (I) .. , .... 4. P'• .. tlllz• .. , ii-1!!1-5 u ..... ,o .. mald•hya. ,i .. ,.t q,u .. 11t:y .. omm• .... lal grod•. 5. D•llv• .. to th• ....,...hlt ... t, 0 ... 1 ... '& guarant••cl .. t .. t•m•nt .. , .. ompoeltlon .. ncl p•r-C4nt .,, pu .. 1t~ .,, ...... ml,< l:>y a. .. 1 .... 4.0!> 5'!'AKIN6 ANJ:i 6UY'1Ne MA'!'l!!!III.IAL5, A. ~I! 5'!'Al(I!&, :.?" cllam•t•r x 10' long, I (on.) pl• .. • r.ound t .. • .. t.cl pin• .. nc:1 unJPc, .. m •I-, polnt•cl .. t on• •nd. Stou .,. cl•tall•d. e. '!'11!!5, !111.u~ ... vinyl 'c:;.1n .. h-'l'I•' ... m .. nu, .. ,tu .. •cl l:>y V.l.'I'. 4.°"' !111.00'T' l!IA!lll.!111.11!!111., l!!IIO-l!IA!lll.!111.11!!111. l!i 6<01. 'l'r-••• IIU5:24 -tl'lo (:2) ,.,th Pour (4) pan•I• .. •q,ul .. •cl :24" "°" t .. ••• IUEl:24 -t"'o (:2) .,,th ,rv• (!!) p .. n•I .... -.,.u1 ... c1 !!16" "°" tr••• IIUe:24 -t..o (:.?! .,,th ••v•n H> E .. n.1 .... •qu1r•cl 4&" "°" tr--• .. ncl 10 .. 9• .. -p•r m,:inufoc.tur• ......... omm•ncl .. tlona 4.10 MUI.CH, A 1'oible "1-lncl All ea .. 1c.1:,y i,1u• !111.11:>1:>on Londr,c.op• 5uppll•• Hl4) 69!!1-!!1666, or- app .. ov•d •q,ua I. e. Mulc.h cl•pth t .. i:,. at l•aet !!I" uni••• not.cl oth•,...I•• .. n o .. a ... 1n9e. !i .0 I NS'!' ALLA '!'I ON l"!III.OCl!!C>U!lll.!!5 !i.01 !"IN!! 6!111.AC>1Ni9o/501L !9!111.1!,-A""''!'ION A. 61!Nl!!III.AL, Do not l'IOl"lc. eoll "'h•n th• molatu .. • c.ont•nt Ir. eo g .. • .. t th .. t •" .. •••Iv• ec,mpac.tron ..,,11 oe .. ur, n .. , "'h•n It le .., c1 .. y th .. t duet "'Ill fc,rm .... th .. t .. 10.::1 .. 1'1111 not l:>r-•alc. .-. .. c111y. Apply .. at ... 1' n ........... y to p .. ovlcl• 1.::1 ... 1 mo1 .. 1:u .. . eont.nt ,.,,. tilling and pl0ntlng. l'"e,.Por-m Pin• 9 .... c:11n9 In .. u .. h .. "'"Y a• to ant1 .. 1p .. t• th• '1nleh grad• aPt• .. th• lnotc:illatlon .,, ooll eondltl .. n•,..· "-mov• ....... c:11et .. 1l:>ut• •""••• •oil i:,.,., ..... ,,.,,.11 .... t,on oP aoll .. m•nclm•nta. M .. 1nto1n .. 11 ,1.,.., lln••• c1 .... ,n"9• .. ., .. I••· and p .. tt• .. n• .... eh""'" on th• p, ... , ... gr-adlng ple1n p .. ovlcl•d l:>y th• p .. oJ• .. t .. ,vii •ngln•• .. . i,_ 01:>t .. ln e4rt1'1 .... t1on ,.-om pr-oJ• .. t elvll •ngln•.,. th .. t Pinal g .... ct•• to 1/10 Poot h .. v• i:,..n ••t .. l:>lleh•d p .. ,.,,. to .. omm•n .. 1n9 lanclec. .. plng ope .... t,ona. ,-,.c,vJd• ,.,, ln .. o .. porC!tlon oP .. 11 om•ndm•nte, ••ttllng, •t ... i,. ..... ponell:>I• ,., .. •hoping .. 11 p1 .. nt1n9 or• .. • ... lnd1 .... t.c1 on o ....... 1n9e. C. '""• 1,-,.19 .. tlon .. y•t•m oh .. 11 i:,. Pully op• .... t, .. n .. 1, ... v,.,. ... , .. net .. ,,.p .. ov•cl l:>y 1 .. nc1 ...... P• .,,.c.hlte .. t and .. ,ty ln .. p• .. to .. pr-10 .. to p1 .. nt1n9. C>. !lll.l,.,.IN6, I'll.Ip aoll In non-.. lop• .. , .... I••• th .. n 4, I In t"'o (:2) oppoe1n9 cllr• .. tlone io .. minimum d•pth oP 6 ln .. h• .. to .. •ll•v• .. omp .... tlc,n. I!. P'INISH, 15, .... c:1 .... ,1 p1 .. nt1n9 ........ to CIiio" ,., .. eoll .. m•ndm•nt .. C!ncl mulc.h ... .. P• .. 1'1•cl. i'+l•r• no 9 ........... , ... h.,,.n, 9 .... .::1. l:>.t..,_n •"Jetlng or-Pl><•d .. ontrol .. (eu .. h ... "'allc.e, .. ur-1:>e, .... teh l:>aelne) .. ncl •l•v .. tlone eh""'" to provlcl• .. emooth and c.ontlnu .. 1 pl .. n•. !111,ag e1nd l•v•I a• n ........... y to ol:>t .. ln tr-u• .. ncl •v•n r.u .. , ....... . M .. 1nt .. 1n e1II .. ,. .. I•• on l!ngln•• .. • .. pl .. n .. nc:1 9 ....... t .. co1 .... 1n. !". "4,mov• .. l'lcl diepo•• "' ,o .. lc.e ov• .. !!-1n .. h c11 .. m•t• ....... netr-u .. tlon d•l:>r-le, "••c:1•, •tc. . .,.,thin th• limit .. .,, th• pr-o J• .. t p .. ,., .. to .. pplylng aoll am•nclm•nte . !S.O:.? 501L !9!111.!!l'"A!III.A'!'ION A. C!!UAN'!'l'!'ll!S, Un1,ormly .. pply io ..... h 1,000 eq,u .... • P••t .. , pl .. ntlng ....... , NO'!'!!!, '!'HI!: !"01.1.0Jl'IINI!, AMl!NC)Me),11"$ A~ !"Ol't Ell1'1'1N6 l"Ul't,-OSl!S ONLY. AG-TUAL C!!UAN'l'l'!'II!& ANr, Mlxe& SHAU-Ell! i:>l!!T!!JIII.MI~ IN ACCO!lll,c,ANC!! Jl'll'l'H 5011.5 ~,-Ol't'I' OEl'!'AINl!!I:) !"eR li'l!!M 1.04 AeOVI!. N1t, .. 9•n-et .. 1:>J llz•cl org .. nlc. .. m•ndm•nt, 6 CV Ammonium phoephat• 6/:.?0/:.?0, l!i I.El Ag .. 1 .. ultur-.. 1 gypeum, 100 I.El 5oll eu!Pu .. , :.?O L!5 i9oro-l'"o"'• .. ,-1ue, 160 Li, 1 .. on •u !Pat•, 6 LI!! i,. C>l9'1'!111.11'U'l'ION, C>lr.tr-11:><it. th• o .. gonlc. am•nclm•nt .. ncl P• .. tlllz..-ov• .. th• pl .. ntlng .,,.. t .... ur,JPor-m :.? ln .. h••· s. .. u .. • .. ,,.p .. oval ,,..,m o .. n ... '& ... ,,. ..... ntatlv• pr-lo .. to "'"rlc.lng .. m•ncl-nt. Approv .. 1 ,.,11 not i:,. 91v•n 1' thie pro .. •du .. • , .. not ue•d. C. CUL TIVA'!'ION, 1""' .. k. Into •oil l:>y .. ultlv .. tlon, ep .. dlng o .... ototllllng to .. cl•pth .. , at: 1 ... ,.t 6 ln .. h ... l'"lnleh g .. ad•• to emooth '1nleh !:>.lo"' .. c1J .... •nt p .. v1n9 .. l'lcl c.ur-1:>e. "-mov• .. 11 cl•l:>r-Je .. .,c:1 "'••cl• Prom .. ,t •. C>. l!!Aet<:P'ILL MIX, 51:oekpll• .. •u"J .. l•nt quantltlj .,, approv•d .. .,,1 ,ound on .. ,t., , .... "' "••d• .. nd c:l•l:>r-le, Por mJ,cJng ... 1:>a .. 1c.,i1T mat•rlale. 5uppl.m•nt on-elt. •oll .,,th .. pp .... v•cl Import eoll, ...... q,ulr•cl. Ml>< .. mc,unt Por 10 .. u1:>1 .. y .... c1. ae ,.,11.,,.., 6 .. i.t:,1 .. y .... a. on-•lt. eoll 4 .. iblc. y ....... o .. 9 .. n1 .... m•ndm•nt :.?O pouncle ,.,.,.,._ .. ulPat• 20 pound• .. mmonlum phoeph .. t• I lijO poul'lcle '6ro-l'"o,.•r ,-1ue' U•• .... ,. n .. t to at .. 1n c.on,o .. •ie ,.,th , ..... , .. eulP .. t•. c1 ... n1ng .. , et .. ln•cl e .. n .... •t• Ir. .. •aponell:>1111:y oP Cont .... et ..... !i.05 1"11!1!!1' Ai,A~'!', Upon th• .. ompl•tlon .,, th• 1,-,.19atlon .. yet.m .. nd .. n ..... 11 •"'•ting "••cl• .. net 9,0,.th hav• i:,.•n ... mov•d Prom th• p 1 .. nt1n9 e1.-. .. , p•rlorm th• Pollo,.Jng "'••col c,11:,C!t•m•nt pr-c,9 .. e1m. il'lat.r all o .. ..,. Pou .. (4) tlm• .. d .. Jly ,.,, t .. •nty-on. (:.?I) .. one•eutlv• daye ond ur,tll "'••cl •••de hav• g• .. mlnat•cl. C• .. •• ""'t• .. lng Po .. th .. •• (3) c:1 .. y ... Apply .. non-e•l•etlv• h•r-1:>l .. ld• (Jltc,ur,d-Up) p• .. monu, .... 1:u ..... , .. rec.omm•ncl .. tlone to ..... c11c.ate th• g.rmlnot•d "••do. Allo"' h•rl:>lc.Jd• to le.Ill .. 11 "'••de. I'll.au ,, .. ho• "" .. 11 d• .. cl "'-cl• to " d•pth oP ? ln .. h i:,.1 .. ,. th• aurl .. e• oP th• eoll. IP p• .. •nn1 .. 1 ,.._... o .. 9 .. 0•••• etlll •"let, , • .,at• .. ,.,u .. (4) tlm•• c1 .. 11y , .... ,.,u .. t••n (14) .. onNc.utlv• c1 .. y• until "•" g .. o..,th app•0 .. e. "-""'pply .. h• .. l:>l .. lcl• l'llth .. cly.t lncll .... to ... "4,mov• .., .... ,. .. ,t .... fi•r-1:>Jc.Jde h .. o h .. d ou,,, .. ,.nt ti-to le.Ill. !i.04 l'"LAN'!'INe A. 1"1't1!!191.AN'I' A,.,-!111,0VAL&, 01:>t .. 1n app .. c,val .. , plant loc.atlone, plontlng h .. lee, p .. •-ml><•d l:>a .. lc.flll, .. nd plant•. I. 'l'.-.•e .. ncl eh .. ul:>e ehe1I I not i:,. plant.a until .. onetr-u .. tlon ,.., .. le. In th• .. , ... ha• l:>.•n .. ompl•t•cl, Pln .. 1 gr .. cl•e .. ncl .,. .. I•• ••t .. l:>lleh•cl, "'••col al:>at•m•nt provld•d, e1ncl th• pl .. ntlng ..... oe p .. op• .. ly 9"ocl•d .. ncl ,,. ... p .... •cl. :.?. et: .. u pl .. nt Toc. .. tlone ., .. pi ....... pprov•cl q,u .. ntltl•e o, pl .. nt. In c. .. ntoln• .. • on 10 .... tlone. s.eu .. • .. pprov .. 1 b.Por• •"eav .. tlng plte, mok.lng n ....... .,,.y aclJu•tm•nte o• .::11 ..... t .... APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. i,. 5Hl'tlJEl/1"!111.1!!1!! ,-I.AN'l'IN6, I. l!,ce .. v .. t• pltr, "''th .,.. .... IPl•d v•r-tl .. ol eld.-e e1nc:I l:>ott,om, n .. emal 1 ... th .. n th• Pollo,.lng elz•e,aiu .. ntlty, .. J I gallon plant• -e," cl••p, I:.?" '" dlam•t• ... D•pth of .. ootl:>all .. ncl tl'lo (:2) tlm•• .,,.::1th. I:>) !i 9 .. 11on plante -I:.?" cl••p, :.?4" In cllam•t•r. D•pth of rootl:>all and tl'lo (:.?) tlm•• .,,.::1th. .. J 1!5 9 .. 11ori plant• -I&" cl•-,,,, BO" In dlam•t•r. D•pth oP rootl:>all and t ... o (:.?) tlm• .. "'ldth. d) i,c,-d t .. ••• -O.pth oP rootl:>all .. ncl t .. o (:2) tlm•11 "'ldth. :2. No t.-.•e .. hall i:,. ple1nt.a l'llthln ::Z' oP " p .. v•d r,u .. , ..... (I.•., c.onc..-.t• paving, eur-1:>, .. all) uni• .. • •p• .. 1'1e .. 11y lnc:IJ .. ot:•cl on pl .. n• and only .,,th th• •p• .. 1'1•d .. oot i:,., .... , .... !!I. c .. nt .. ln• .. pl .. nte ah .. 11 I:>. 1:>a .. lc.Plllecl ,,.,th .. m•ncl•cl 11011 p..-.. .,11,. .-.p .. r-t ..... omm•ncl .. tlone. 4. l" .... t1 .. 11y ... ,111 hol• to .. height that "'h•n .. pl .. nt I• ploc.•d th• .... ., .. n r .. r.llghtly .. l:>ov• th• Pini eh 9 .. e1cl•. Uee , .. 1 .. 1:>le un...,.,.ncl•d eoll Po, .. 1 I bo><•d t .. •••· •P• .. 1'J•c:I l:>aelc.Plll ml>< for .. 11 otri.r eont .. 1ne .. pl .. nte .. ncl t .. mp tc> .. ompe1 .. t. !i. D•poelt 15, .. .,_,..,,. ... ple1ntl"'lJ 1:01:>I•• p• .. m .. nuPac.tur-er-'e r• .. omm•nclatlon• In plant pit•. 6. ,.., .. m eh .. 11 .. ,. 1:>a .. 1n .... ouncl •dg• oP .. ootl:>all l:>y d•p .. •nlng eoll ellghtly i:,.1.,,. Plnleh•d g .. acl•. P'or-m 1:> .. r.1n .. ,m11. tc:.l•p l:>aaln .,,thin out.•r •dg•• o, rootl:>all. i. lndlvldually h .. ncl .... t ... •e1eh pl .. nt to a,:itu .... t• .. ootl:>all e1ncl .. dJ .. c.•nt eoll Jmm•dJ .. t•ly .. ,t ... pl .. ntlng. !>. AdJu•t , .... ••ttl•m•nt .. ncl gr-ad• a ...... .,,.c,uncl plante to Plnleh grc::icl•• and .., .. po ... .,, ............. 11. "'· lnel:011 "kl:>or 6uarcle" "" .. 11 tr•-In turl .,,.•a•. 10. "-mov• nuree .. y ,., .. ue .. net guy or-etau tr••• cleelgn .. t•cl "Ith etou ., .. .t .. u11 on "''" ........... , ... "' t .......... t .. 11 • .::1. c. 1!5!9Al.ll!!III. l'"I.AN'!'INi9o, "-me>v• .. p .. ll•r et .. u r.uppo .. t .. t tlm• oP planting ..,,thout cle1m .. 9• io pl .. nt .. ncl train ••p .. 11• .. to th• .. c1_1 .... •nt ""'II ., .... uppo .. t ... c1.t .. 11.c1. C>. 61'11.0UNDCOVl!!III. INS'!'ALLA'l'ION, ,-1 .. nt grour,d .. ov•"" In all d• .. lgn .. t.d " ........ I. l'"l .. nt .. oot.d .. uttlnge .. Md c11v1 .. ,on .. , .... m fle1te Into mo1 .. t eoll .. ncl In n•C!t, &tre119ht ...,..,,. at: •p• .. 1'1.a lnt.r-val ... 2. Smooth eoll .. bout pl .. nte .. ncl l• .. v• .... •a• In n•0t e:1ncl c.l• .. n .. ondltlon. "-t .. 1n alight c1-,,, .. •••lon .... ound ..... h pl .. nt. Do not 1:>u .. y th• .... .,..,n oP th• pl .. nt. 9. Hand .. at ... g .... undc.ov• .. pl .. nt .... t l•a .. t t .. , ..... ,.,..1c., .. .,,..,ul ly .. nd lncllvldu .. I ly ,.,th .. 1.,,. .. .,,t .. t, ... m oP "at. .. , to •neu .. • th .. t eoll , .. ••ttl•cl .... ound .... .,t .. , l:>ut i:,.1n9 .. a .. •,ul not to ,. .. .,h eoll .,,, oP pl .. nt... Not mo .. • th .. n on.-h .. lP hour-ehall •l0p•• P .. om th• ti-.. ny 9 .. our,cl .. ov• .. le pl .. nt•d until It le ... a1: .... c1. !"o .. m .. ha1' .. up-llu .. , .... ng•m•nt ,., .... 11 pl .. nte on elop••· Do not .. 11.,., pl .. nte t .. c1 .. y out 1:>.,or-• .-hll• !:>.Ing pl .. nt•d. 4. Apply pr••m• .. 'll-nt h• .. 1:>1 .. 1.::I• 51.llltP'LAN-i!i p• .. m .. ...,, .... tu .. ..-'• ..... omm•ndotlon• to gr-ouncl .. ov• ......... ., only, .. ,._ .... 11 pl .. nt1n9 h .. e i:,.•n .. ompl•t•d. P'ollo"' manuf .. c.tu.-.r'e ln1ttruc.tlone. '""• .,., .. 1c. eh .. 11 i:,. unc:l•r th• c:11.-.c.tlo" oP .. reglete .. ed p,set .. ontrol oclvl&o ... !!. H"t'C)!lll,05!!!1'!!1' 61'11.0UNC>C0\/1!1't I. APt• .... .,,1 p ... ,,. ...... tlon, ... t .. l:>llehm•nt oP Pln .. 1 9 ........ e1ncl "••cl .. ontr-ol, th• eu .. foc.• t"'o (:2) ln .. h•e oP .. .,11 shall i:,. looe•n•d l:>y h,., .. .,.., ., .... ototlll• .... nc:1 flo .. t•c:I l•v•I and 1, .. 19e1t•d Ju .. t p .. lor to pl .. ntlng. :.?. ,.,..,,. .... atlon, '""• elu .. ~ pr•pc::i .. otlon eh .. 11 tau plc::ic.• .. t th• •It. .. , ,.., .. 1c. .. nc:1 .. hall l:>•gln l:>y adding "'"t• .. to th• t .. nk. "'h•n th• •n9ln• le at halP-thr-ottl• . ..+i•n th• .... t ... l•v•I h ........... heel tn. h•Jght oP th• .. 91t .. t,,,. •h .. n, good ..... 1 .. c.ulatlon .. hall I:>• •et .. l:>11 .. h•d and .. t thle tlm• th• •••cl .. net .. hemlc. .. l .. cldltlv• ehall i:,. .. cld•d. P'•rtlllz•r eholl tMn i:,. .. c1c1 .. c1 ,0110,.ed l:>y "'"'"cl pulp mul .. h. '""• "'""cl pulp mul .. h eh .. 11 only II» .. dd•d to th• ml><tu ..... ,t.r th• ta,,k. le .. t l• .. et on•-th1 .. c1 ,111.c,1 ..1th "ate ... Th• .ngln. th .. ottl• eh .. 11 I:>. op•n•d to Pull .. ,,, .... l'lh•n th• tank le h .. lf-Plll•d "'Ith ,. .. ter. All th• """cl pulp mul .. h eh .. 11 ""' .. c1c1-.. 1:>y the tlm• the t .. nlc. J• t ... o-thlrcle to thr-••-,ou .. tha Pull. s,,, .... y1n9 ah .. 11 .. omm•n .. • '1v• (!i) mlnut•• .. n ... .. c1c11t1on oP ti,. .. h•m1 .... 1 .. c1c11t1v• "'hen th• t .. nlc. le Pull., App11 .... t1on r .. t., 1"11:>•r 1,500 11:>e. ,,,_ ......... S.•d, hydro•••d ml,< 'A' 1011:>e/oc. .. •. 6ro-l"ol'le .. l'"lu• 1,100 11:>e. p• ......... . 6r-o-l"o"'• .. Controll•d "-l•a•• (l::Z-ei-e,) ::ZOO 11:,a,. p•r ....... •Not•, P'or eoll-p .. epp•d ....... ,., .. pply BOO 11:>e. 6ro~o,.•r Hl- NJl:r-c,g•n (14-4-"I) p,sr .... ,. In th• e,Ju .... y c,nly. NOTE: TIE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS ARE FOR SIDDINQ PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL AMENDMENT QUANTITIES AND MIXES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 'THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED PER ITEM 5.02 ABOVE. !!I. Appllc.atlon, '""• op•r-ator eh .. 11 •p .. ay th• ....... l'llth .. un1'or-m vlell:>1• .. .,.,t l:>y uelng th• gr••n .... 1 .... oP th• """cl pulp .. ., .. gula.. i'rr• elur-ry •hall I:>. appll•d In a -••ping motion, In .. " a .. eh•d et ..... m •o o .. to , .. 11 Ill<• .... ,n, .. 110 .. 1n9 th• """cl ,,i:,.,.. m .. t. .. 1 .. 1 tc, •pr-•ocl .. t th• .. •q,ul .. •cl .... t• ,,,-r ....... . !". LAil'IN/6!111.A5e ,-1.AN'l'I Ni9o I. Hycro .. ••d L .. "'" lnetallatlon ..J APt..-&oil pr-•p ...... tlon, •&tal:>llehm•nt oP Pinal g .. acl•• .. net -•cl eont .. ol, th• au,P .... • tl'lo (:.?) ln .. h•• o-1 eoll eh .. 11 I:>. looe•n•d l:>y he,,-,..,., ., .... otc,tlll• .... net float.c:I l•v•I .. net 1,-,.19oted Juet pr-10 .. to planting. I:>) ,.,..,,. ...... t, .. n, '""• elu .. ,y pr•p .. r .. tlon eh .. 11 t .. u pl .. e• .. t th• elt. oP ,..,,.le. ond eh .. 11 i:,.91n l:>y aclc:t1n9 .... t ... to th• tonic. "'h•n th• •ngln• le .. t h .. 1'-thrott I•. 1/'t,•n tlv "'at•r l•v•I ha• ....... h•cl th• h•lght oP th• .. 91tatc>r .. haPt, good ..... , .... u1 .. t1on •h .. 11 i:,. • .. tal:>lleh•cl .. nd .. t thle, 1'1m• th• •••d and eh,•mlc. .. 1 .. c1c:11tJv• •h .. 11 I:>. .. .::1.::1-... P'• .. tlllz• .. ehall th•n I:>• odc:t.d , .. 110.,•d l:>y ,..,., .. pulp muleh. '""• "'""d pulp mul .. h eh .. 11 only I:>• odd•d to th• mlxtu .. • .. n., the t .. rrlc. le .. t leoet on•-th1 .. c1 Plll•d .. 1th .... t .... '""• •ngln• th .. ottl• .. hall i:,. op•n•cl to ,ull ap••cl "'h•n th• t .. nk. , .. h .. 1'-,lll•d "Ith .. at. ... All th• "'"""' pulp mul .. h eh .. 11 I:>. .. c:1cled 1:>y th• tlm• th• t,:inlc. Ir. t--thl .. d• to th .. ••-Pour-t:he ,u11. Spr-aylng ah .. 11 .. omm•nc.. Plv• C!!J mlnut•• .. Pt•r .. c1c11t1on .. , th• eh.m1 .... 1 .. c1c11t1v• "h•n th• tank la Pull. ,",pJ'> I 1c. .. t1on .... ._, !"lb. .. 1,500 11:>e. p• .... ._ .. . 5-•cl 495 11:,r,. p• ......... (I II:>. p• .. 100 ... P J ... o-l'"o""• .. ,-1ue 1,100 11:>e. p..-.. ._,. i9oro-l'"o"'• .. c:;.ontroll•cl "-I• .... (l:.?-&-&J :.?00 11:>e. p• .. .,.. ... •Not., !"o .... 011-p .. •p,,,-.::1 .. , ... e, .. pply !!IOO 11:>e. 15, .. c,- ,-....... H1-N1tr .. 9•n (14-4-"') ,,,-, .,._ ... In tn. elu .... y .. nly. .. J Appn .... tlon, '""• .. ,,. ..... t., .. eh .. 11 •P .. "Y th• .,,. ... ,.,1:1, .. unJP .... m vlell:>I• .. ., .. t l:>y u .. 1ng th• g .. ••n .. olor oP th• ,.., .... pulp e1e .. guld•. i'r1• elur .. y ehall i:,. appll•d In a ""'••ping motion, In .. " a .... h•cl •tr-• .. m .. ., ... to Pall Ilk• .... ,n, allo..,Jng th• """od '11:>. .. • mc::it ... 1 .. 1 to •p ....... Cit th• .. •qu1 ... c1 .. at• p• .. " ..... . :.?. 1"!111.0i'l!!C'!'ION, ,-,.c,t.c.t .. 11 turP .. ,.. ..... g .. lne,t ct .. mag•, lnc.ludlng .,. .. •Ion .. l'lcl t .. ••p .... ,._ ,.,. .. vlcl• .,h .. t•v• .. , .... 111t1•" .. ncl ... ,.9ue1r-c1 ....... n•e• .. • .. ,y t ........ ompll•h th1 ... 'l' .. u .. p•e1 .. 1 c.ar• to p .. •v•nt ... oelon. All c1 .. m .. g•• eh .. 11 i:,. th• Contr-a .. to .. '• .. • .,,,on .. 11:>111ty c1u .. 1n9 th• IIP• oP th• c:;.ont ...... t. 6. 6UA!III.AN'l'l!I! AND !111.!!l'"LAc:;.l!Ml!!N'!', I. 9h .. ib& and 9"C>11nd .. ov• .. , 6ue1rant•• until .nd .,, m .. lnt.n .. n .. • pe .. lod .. net ae .. •pt .. ne•. "-pl .. c.• .. ny pl .. nt• th .. t die ., .. lo•• , .. r-m .. net &lz• a ...... 191n .. 11y ep• .. J'1•d •v•" though th•y h .. v• taun .. oot .. nd .. ,. 9ro .. 1n9 aPt• .. th• cll•l:>ac.lc. ., .. 10 .. • oP ,., .. m or .. ,z•. 2. 'l'r•••• 6ue1 .. ant•• e1I I n•• In ..... 1t1n9 to llv• In a h• .. lthy eondltlon Por on• (I) ye .... a,t ... m .. Jnt•n .. n ... p• .. locl •><pl .. •• and p .. oJ• .. t le .... c.ept•d l:>y O""• ... ""°P1 .... e d•c::icl or-unh• .. lthy tr••• lmmecllat•ly. D•t•r-ml" .. tlon oP th• n••cl Por .. •pl .... •m•nt eh .. 11 I:>. p• .. th• o .. n•r'e ... p .. • .. •nte1tlv•. All .. •plo .. •m•nte, ln .. ludlng pl .. ntlng, •t .. lc.l"'lJ• 1:r-.. 1n1n9, •tc.., ehall I:>. ae or-lglnr.,lly .. ,,. ... 1'l•d, .,,thout .. .,,.t to th• Oil'llri•r-. H. Cl.l!A1'1J!9 I. APt• .... 11 pl .. ntlng op•r-otlone " .. • .. ompl••• ... mov• all tr-a•h, .,..,_ •oll, •mpty pl .. nt c.ont .. ln• .. •• .. net .. ulob1 .. h , .... m th• p .. op•r-ty. "-p .. , ..... or-e, .. ute, ., .. ott...r mc:1 .. 1c.e '" th• g .. ouncl .... ue•cl l:>y thl• ,..,,le. and l•ov• trr• g .. our,d In .. n• .. t and ., ....... 1y .. ondltlon. :.?. L.av• th• elt• In 1:>r-o .. m-.. l•an .. onclltlon, and .... eh do"'n .. 11 a ... .,. .,,thin th• p .. oJ• .. t •It:•. L•av• .... 11c.e In .. 1 ... n .. ncl ,. .. , ... ol'lclltlon. 6.0 MAINT!!NANCI! A. Th• c:;.ont ...... to, eh .. 11 .. ontlnuou•ly ma1ntaln 1 .. nc:1e .... ,,,-.. nd 1 .. r19C11tlon In .. 11 .,,. • .,.. lnvolv•d In thle c:;.ont, .. et c1u .. 1ng th• p .. ogr••• oP th• ,.., .. 1c. .. ncl clur-1n9 h m .. 1nt•n .. ne4 p• .. lod until Pln .. 1 .... e•pt .. n .. • oP th• ..,., .. 1c. l:>y th• L .. nc1r. .... p• Hehlt. .. t ..l'lcl the Ol'ln• ... lmp .. op• .. m .. 1nt•n .. n .. • ., .. poiteil:>I• poor-.. onclltlon oP .. ny planting at th• t• .. mlnatlon oP th• .. eh•clul•c:1 m .. Jnt•n .. ne• p•rr .. d may .. au•• po•tp .. n.m•nt oP th• f1n .. 1 .. ompl•tlon c1 .. t• .. , th• Contr-ac.t. MalMt•naMe• ehall i:,. c.ontlnu.cl l:>y th• C::,ont ...... t., .. until .. 1 I ""'r-lc. Ir. ....... pt .. l:>I•. In o .. d ... to .... ~ out th• pl .. nt molnt•n .. n .. • ,.., .. 1c., th• Contr-ac.to .. eh .. 11 Purnleh euPPlc.l•nt m•n and ocl•qu .. t. •q,ulpm•nt to p ... ,., .. m th• .,.,,le. c1u .. 1n9 th• m .. 1nt•n .. ne• p•rlocl. M .. 1nt•" .. n .. • p• .. Jocl •h .. 1 I n .. t etar-t ur,tll oil •l•m•nte oP eonetr-uc.tlo", pl .. ntl"'lJ, .. ncl , .... ,g .. tlon Por tlv •nt1 ... p .. oJ ... t ..... IM .. e .. or-dan .. • "'th c,,. .. ,.1n9e and 5p•c.1'1c.aElone .. nd ac.c.•pt•cl l:>y th• o ... n .... '""• Cont, .. c.t eholl ... qu.et .. n rn .. ,,,-.. tlon to !:>.gin th• m .. lnt•n .. n .. • p•rlod ..Pt• .... 11 pl .. ntlng .. net ... 1 .. t.d ,...,,le. hae l:>.•n .. ompletecl. ,-,.,.,, to th• c1 .. t• oP Pln .. 1 lnepe .. tlon, th• Cont .. a .. tor ,oh .. 11 .... qulr• , .. om the L .. "c1.,.. .. p• k .. hrt• .. t .. ppr-ov•cl r•p .. odu .. 11:>I• p .. 1nt:. and ,,n .. lly ..... ., .... , .. om th• .Job ... e., .. cl ••t .. 11 .. hc::ing•• m .. c1. during c.onetr-vetlon, lal:>.1 ... 1.::1 p .. lnte ""-.. ., .... 1'r .. ,.lnge," .. nc:1 cl•llv• .. to th• Lancle .... p• Nehlt• .. t. ,-,.,., .. to th• c1 .. t• o-1 Pln .. l lnep• .. tlon, h c:;.ontr-a .. to .. .ti .. 11 clellv• .. to th• L .. nde .... p• N .. hlt• .. t th• "Lande .... p• and 1 .. r19atlon 6uarant.•" ae .. •qu1.-.d. i,_ i'+l•n th• eontrac.to .. h.,. .. ompl•t•cl .. 11 th• 1 .. ndec.ap• .. ncl , .... 19 .. tlon ,..,,-le., h• eh .. 11 r•q,u•et lne,,,-.. tlon l:>y th• o .. n.,. .. nc:1 ....,. .. hlN .. t. A "pun .. h ll•t" ,.,11 i:,. cl•v•lo,,,-d Prom thle Jnep• .. tlon. Me11nt.n .. ne• p•rlocl ("'O daye) ..,,11 not !:>.gin until all pun .. h llr.t lt•m• .. ,.. c.ompl•t• .. ncl ....... pt•cl l:>y o .. n ..... net ....,. .. h1t ... t. 1 .... 19atlon me11nt.n .. nc.• ,.. In .. lucl•cl IM th• .. bov•. I. 51:r••t g,tt•,.. and .. url:>e ..... to I:>. ,n .. lucl•cl In th• .._1:>r-,e/elltot:1c,n ... mov .. 1 pr-og .... m. :.?. M .. 1nte11n oct•quat. p .. ot.etlon ,o .. p•opl• e1ncl p .. op•r-ty .. ncl i:,. '1nan .. 1 .. 11y r•aponell:>I• ,or c:1 .. m .. 9•• .. ncl lnJu .. l••· "-pair cl<1m .. 9•• .. t no .. c1c11t1ori .. 1 .. .,.t to ttw o ... n.,. C. ,-LAN'!'INi9o A!lll.l!A, I. ll'w•cl and eult1v .. t. .. 11 ..... .,., at lnt•r-vale oP not mo .. • th .. n t.n (IO) day ... :.?. l'"er-, .. r-m ,. .. t ... 1n9, , ... t111z1ng, •p .... y1n9, .. ncl p••t '""tr-ol ao, cl••m•c:I n• .. ••ao~ l:>y .. ,,,_,r,, .. elt. eonclltlon .. . C>. LAl'IN A~A, I. "-gin m .. 1nt.n .. n .. • lmm•dl .. t.ly an ... •a .. h por-tlon oP tu .. , le planted. c:;.ontlnu• ,.,,. .. t 1 ...... t "'O day .... ,._, c.ompletlon oP .. 11 turl ,.., .. 1c. .. nd .... muc.l, long• .. , pr-10 .. to .. ompl•tlon oP p .. o J• .. t, .. nc1 e1 .. e•pt .. n .. • l:>y th• o ... n.,. ... n ........... y to ••tal:>I , .. h ...... •ptal:>I• turP. :.?. M .. 1nt .. 1n 1 .. ..,ne to .... , ... 1n9, P•r-tlllzlng, "••ding, moNlng, tr-Imming, .. ncl oth• .. op• .... tlone eu .. h ..... olllng, .-.grading, and .-.planting .... r•q,ul .. •d to ••l:al:>ll•h .. emooth, .. c.e•ptal:>I• 1 .. ,.n , .... "' •roded or-!:>are a, ..... Compl•t• '1 .. •t .. uttlng a .. .::11 .. eeted I:>',! Lancl•c. .. p• ....,. .. h,t• .. t. !!I. lnep• .. t T .. ,.n ......... i:,.t..••n th• 15th .. l'lcl ::Zoth clay• o, malnt.n .. nc.• p• .. locl .. ncl ..... pply 1 .. .-n m .. t ... 1ol(mot:eh lnltJ,:il .. ppll .. otlonJ t .... 11 l:>a .. • ........ 1.,,.9 ... than 6" " 611. I!. ~1Ni9o, I. Uncl•r no .. ,, .. umet .. ne•• ,.,1 I etrlpplng .. , 1.,,. ... 1:>r-.. n .. Me .. n young tr••• i:,. p• .. mltt•cl. Lo., ... l:>r-an .. iv .. etr .. 11 I:>. ... t .. ln•d In .. "tlpp•d-1:>aek." ., .. pln .. h•cl .. onclltlon l'llth ae muc.h Poll"'!J• .,. po .. elbl• to p .. omot• .... lip• .. t .. unlc. gr-o .. th (tap• .. _.. trur,lc.J Lol'l•r 1:>r-.. n .. h•• may i:,. .. ut Plueh ,.,th th• t .. unlc. only a-.. th• tr-•• J• 01:>I• to &toncl ...... t "'Jthc,ut et .. lc.lng ., .. oth• .. ~uppor-t. :.?. !!v• .. g .. ••n tr-••• r.h .. 11 I:>. thrnn•d .. nc:1 •h .. p•d ,.i,.n n-•••""Y to p .. •v•nt .. ind e1nd r.tor-m dom .. g•. '""• p .. ,ma .. y pr-unlng oP cl•c.Jduoue tr-••• .. h .. lf i:,. don• dur-lng th• do .. mant •• .. eon. o .. m .. g•d t .. ••• or- tho•• th .. t ec,net1tut• h• .. lth ....... ,.ty h .. z.,,.aa, eh .. 11 i:,. pr-un.cl .. t any tlm• .. , th• y• ...... ,. ... q,u1 ... c1. I". 5'1'AKIN6 AND eu'l"INe, 51: .. ue .. ncl guy .. •hall i:,. lnap• .. t.cl to p .. •v•nt glr-dllng oP t .. unlca .... 1:>r-.. n .. h•• .. ncl to p.-.v•nt rubl:>lng th .. t .... u••• l:>ar-lc. ""'uncl ... 6. 1"11!1!:C> CON'!'!III.OL, tc:.l•p l:>aelne .. ncl a ..... ., b,ot,.••n pl .. nh , .... oP "'••d•. Lie• ..... omm•nd•d .. nc:1 1•9011~ e1pp .. ov•cl h• .. 1:>1 .. ,.::1 .... Avoid P .. •qu.nt eoll .. u1t1v .. tlon that d•et .. o!j" eh .. 110"' .. oote. UN mulc.h•• to ri.lp pr•v•nt "'••d •••cl 9• .. mlnatlon. All h•r1:>1 .. 1d•• .. h .. 11 only i:,. appll•d l:>y .. 11 .. .ne•d .. ppllc.ot:or. H. IN51!c:;.'!' AND C>ISl!!AS!! GON'!'!III.OL, Molrltaln ........ eonol:>I• eontr-ol "'Jt:h .. pprov•d mot ... 1 .. 1 .... ncl .. ppll•d l:>y 11 .. •n••d .. ppllee1to,... I. P'l!!Jlll.'!'ILIZA'!'ION, I. l'"• .. tlllz• .. 11 pl .. ntlng ..... .,.. ,.,th th• Pollo..,lng, At 50-clay lnt•r-v .. le, .. pply 6 ll:>e./1,000 •·'· 16-6-e, .... mm ..... 1 .. 1 P• .. tlllz• ...... a• ... qulr.a I:>',! th• ... 11r. .. •port. J. !111.1!,.I.ACl!!Ml!N'I' OP' '1'!111.1!1!6/!IH'Wl!!le, "-ple1 .. • c1 ... c1, dying, .. net mining tr--• "''th llu aJz•, .. onclltlon, and v .... ,.ty ., ..... ,,.t .. l:>I• to th• o ... n ... at th• c:;.ontr-0 .. tor-'• •,cp•n••· K 111,1!,-LAc:;,l!!Ml!N'!' OI" LAl<',N, "-pl .. c.• d .. mog•cl ., .. ..-.. cl 1 .. ..n .. ,.ae "'Ith ... .::1. L. l!lll.!111.l6A'!'ION S'l"Si'l!!M, I. eyet.m lnep• .. tl .. n, c:;.ont ...... t., .... hall .. h•elc. .. 11 ey.t•m• ,.,, pr-op•r op•ratlon. L .. 1:e .... 1 lln• .. •h .. 11 i:,. '1uehecl out .. ,t ...... •moving th• 1 ... t eprlnlc.l• .. h•c,d .... t"'o .. t ..... h •nd oP th• 1 .. t ..... 1. Al I h•ocl• ..... to &. adJu .. t•cl .... n ........... y ,., .. un1m,,,-a.cl .. .,v.,."9• and to p .. •v•nt .. v ... ep .... y .. nto l:>uildlng•, l'llndo"'•• .. nc:1 p .. v.m•nte . :2. c:;.ont .. 011.,.., 5-t .. nc:1 p .. ogrom .. utom .. tl .... ont .. oll•,.. Por-•• .. •on .. 1 ,. .. ._ .... •qul .. •m•nte. •Iv• o .. n..-'r, r•p .. •••ntotlv• a uy to .. ontr-oll• .. • .. nd lnetr-u .. t1 .. ne on ho"' io tu .. n .,,, .. yet.m In ...... oP •m• .. g•n .. y. !!I. "-p .. lre, "-pal .. all c1 .. ma9•• to 1 .. r19 .. tlon •y•t•m at: eontr-oc.tor'• •"p•n••· "-p .. ,,.. ah .. 11 I:>. mad• ,.,thin c,n• (I) ...at• .. lng p• .. Jod. M. SOIL !9!111.!!l'"A!III.A'!'ION ANJ:i AMl!NDMl!!N'I' NO'!'!!!, '!'H!! P'OU.OJl'IINi9o AMl!NC>Ml!N'!'S A!III.I! P'O!III. l!IIC>C,INI!, l"UJltl'"O&P.t, ONL 'I". Ac:;.TUAL AMl!NDMl!N'I' C!!UAN'l'l'l'll!S AND MIXl!!5 SHALL i,I! Dl!'l'l!!III.MINl!1' IN Ac:;.c:;.0!111,1'ANCI! Jl'll'l'H '!'HI!: 5011.S !111.!!l'"O!lll.'I' oe'l'AINl!C> 191!!111. ITl!M !i.0:2 AEIOVI!. 1"•-40· I. ea .. lc.Plll eoll eh .. uld i:,. 100'5 n .. t,v• eJt• ec,11 th .. t hae i:,.•n .. 1 • .,,. • .::1 oP e1II d•l:>r-1"' .. ncl ro .. lc. .. l'lcl l:>r-oun up .. ncl m .. a. , .. 1al:>I•. '""• ,.,11 .. ,.1n9 addltJv•• i:,. l:>l•n.._d tho .. ou9hly Into 1:>a .. lc.'111 •oil .. t tn. tlm• oP plc:1nt1n9 .. nd all plant• ahc,uld I:>. tho .. oughly ,.o._ ... c,1 In lmm•c:11 .. t.ly upc,n .. ompl•tlor, .,, lnet .. llotlon 6.-o-l"o,.• .. p .. oco1u .. t• ..... .uppll•cl In !iO pc,uncl l:>ag•, not l:>ulk. '""-ln .. talllng .. .,,,t ...... t., .. c.an I:>. .-.q,ul .. •cl to eubmlt .mpty l:>ag• upon .. ompl•tlon o-1 ,..,,le. tc, eon'1 .. m .. pp11 .. at1on. '""• 6ro ,-.,,.., !i-!!1-1 , .... mul .. tlon mat ... 1a1 c. .. n i:,. u .. •cl "'Ith ... ..1thout th• eoll p•n•t .... nt .. l'lcl th• 15, .. o ,-.,.., .... 1:.?-&-i!j Po .. mulatlon mat. .. 1 .. 1 •houlcl i:,. u••cl In 4 to 6 d••l .. •cl, pl• .... • .. onte1 .. t u• Po .... pprop .. 1 .. t• ..... omm•ncl,:itlc,n• Po .. ue• oP •om•. '""• gypeum .. ncl llm• .... " I:>• .. ppll•d In th•l .. Pln•ly g .. ouncl , .... m•. 100'5 oP th• grour,cl mol:•r1 .. 1 ehc,ulcl p .. ee th .. c,ugh a 10-ffl•eh ...,.••n .. l'lcl .. t 1-•t !50'5 of th• mat• .. rale ehould p .. •• th .. ough .. loo m• .. h ........ n. c:cN'I' Al Ni,.i!,1'.0-l'"Ol"ll!!Jlt. 191'.0-1'"0"'1!!!111. 51Z! !i-5-1 l:.?-&-e> -LIMI!! 1.1n... 1.0 tl:>ep .:.?!i tl:>ep 1.0 t1:>ep I gal .5 .. up :2.0 tl:>ep o.:.?!i eup 4.0 tl:>ep !i 9 .. 1 1.0 c.up !1.0 tl:>ep o.5 c.up 1.0 eup l!i g .. I 1.5 .. up• .:.?!i eup 1.0 .. up l.!i eupt1 :24''1:>o" !I.O c.up• .!i .. up :.?.O .. up• ::Z.O eup .. !IO"l:>ox !1.5 eupe .i!i eup :.?.:Z!i eup• ::Z.5 c.upt1 66"1:>ox 4.0 eup• 1.0 .. up ::Z.5 eupt1 !1.0 .. •P• 4::Z'box 4.5 c.upe 1.5 .. up 9.0 eup.. !!l.!5 eup• 4eo"l:>o" !i.O c.upe :.?.O c.upe e.!i .. upe 4.0 c.up• !i4"1:>o" 6.0 .. up• :.?.!i eupe 4.0 ... ,,... 4.!5 c.upe 60"1:>o" 6.!i eup• !!I.O c.up.. 4.5 eupe !i.O .. up• i2"1:>o" "'·o c.up.. 4.0 """" 6.o c.up.. !i.5 eup• IP l:>a .. lc.Pll I eoll 1 .. m .. •e l:>l.nd•d, ,. .. m• m .. t ... r .. la .. an i:,. odd•d .. t th• ,0110..,lr,g , .. ._. p•r .. ul:>Jc. y .... c:1 .. , eoll. 61'.0-l'"O-61'.0-1'"01'11!!111. 6'1'1"5UM I.IMI! Ml!TI-IOi:> !5-!!1-1 1:2-&-& M .. ee i,J•nd IO u,., :2 11:>e :.? 11:>e 111:>e ,.., .. g•n• .... I i:,,.., ......... t oP mot• .. Jole on th• .. u .. , .. e• oP ... 11 .. , tlv eam• mot• .. 101 .. ..an I:>. ,:ippll•cl to th• eolle .. t th• Pollo..,Jng .... t ... p• .. 1,000 aqua .. • '••t oP pl .. nt•d .. , ..... net tho .. oughly ....,t • .-.cl In .. uc.h that r,olle ..... "'•t to o minimum cl•pthe o-1 !>" ,,. .. ,., .. to plant ln&t .. 11 .. tlc>n. 191'.0-l'"0"'1!!!111. 191'.0-l'"Ol'lel't Ml!!'!"HOC> !1-9-1 I:.?-&-!> 6'fP'eUM 1.IMI! i,,.o .. c1c. .... t !!l!i 11:,1, :.? 11:>e :20 11:,1, 10 Im IP mat. .. 1 .. 1e .... " II» .. ,o ...... ,pp•cl Into to .. eoll t .. a minimum c:l•pth oP 6", th• .. ..._ mat. .. , .. 1. eon I:>. .. ppll•d .. t th• Pollo .. 1n9 .... t•e p•r-1,000 .. q,u .. r• '••t .. , pl .. nt.cl .. ,. ..... nc:t .... t• .. •cl In tho .. oughly euc.h th .. t olle ........ t to .. minimum c1-,,,th .. , I:.?" at l•e1•t on .. • ,,. .. , .... to ple1ntln9. 1&1'.0-l'"Ol'le!III. ~ Ml!!TI-!OC> !1-6-1 l:.?-t,..!> 6'!'1'5UM 1.IMI! c:;. .. o•• I'll.Ip l!IO 11:>e 50 11:,1, :.?00 11:>a !10 11:>e IP m .. t ... , .. le ....... ppll•cl th .. ough hycl .. o•••dlng p .. oc.•••• tri. •-• m .. t. .. 1ale c.on I:>. .. cld•c:I cllr• .. tly Int .. th• hyct .... •••cl .. 1u~ .. ncl ,:ippll•d .. t th• Pollo,.lng ,. .. ._ .. p• .. 1,000 .. q,u .. r• P••t to non-pr-•pa.-.d eoll. (Note, IP hy.::1 .. 0 .. ••cl 1 .. crppll.a to .. .,11 .. th .. t hov• .. , ..... c:1y i:,..n p .. •p .... •d .,,th th• .. c1c:11tJv•• not.col und•r i,,.., .. c,1 .. .,.t, or c:;,,-c,ee I'll.Ip m•thocle, 6 .. o-l'"o"'• .. 14-4-"I .... " i:,. add•d to hyd .. o•••d elu,-,.y .. t th• .. .,.. oP , pound• p• .. 1,000 eq,uar• P••t .,, p .. •p.,,.•d •oil •ur-P .. c.• and th• Pollc,,.Jng hycl .. o•••d m .. t ... 1 .. 1 cippl1 .... t1one "'oulcl not .. pply In addition to th• 14-4-"I) 61'.0-l'"Ol"ll!!Jlt. 61'.0-l'"01"41!!111. Ml!!THOC> !i-8-1 I:.?-&-& 6'fl'"!!IUM 1.IMI! H\jc:lro .. •c:t !!l!i 11:>e :2 11:>e :.?O 11:>a !I 11:>e Ag .. ln, It ,. lmpo .. tant th .. t C!I l:>r-ooclc. ... t ., ...... ., .... ,pp•d .... 11 oclclltlv•• I:>. tho .. oughly .. ate .. •cl Into eoll• .. Pt• .... ppll .. ..t:lon .. ncl p .. ,.,,. to pl .. ntlng. Hycl .. o-•d m .. , ... 1ale ehoulcl i:,. .. ppll•d to tho .. oughly molet.n•cl r,c,Jle. 1,,.1: .. 11 .. tlon eoll m .. 1nt.n .. ne4 ehc,ulcl I:>. lmpl•m•nt.d .... folio,. ... In c::ill .. , ..... , 45 cl"'!:j• .. ,t..- eomm•nc.•m.nt oP lnetallatlon malnt•n .. ne•, 6ro-l'"ol'ler !i-!!1-1 e .. n i:,. g•n• .. ol l:>r-oacleaet ov• .... 11 pl .. ntlng .,,. ... ,. .. t th• , .. t• .. , :.?!i 11:>e/1,000 .. q,u .... • P••t. All m .. t ... , .. 1 .. .tioulcl i:,. thoroughly 1,-,.19 .. t•cl Into eoll .. lmm•dJ .. t•ly a,t ..... pp11 .... t1on. IP lnet .. 11 .. tlon m .. lnt•n .. n .. • p ... , .... le "'O c1 .. y• In dur-atlon, "1-0-,-.,,. ... 510 ~I• .. •• l:.?-e.-e, In th• 4 t .. 6 m .. nth ... 1 ..... Por-mul .. tl .. n c. .. n i:,. 1:>r-.... c:1 .... et ov• .... 11 pl .. ntlng .. ..... ., .. t th• .... t• oP l!i ll:>e/1,000 equo .. • '••t gypeum .. t tlv .. at• oP :.?O ll:>e/1,000 r.q,u .... • '••t b.tl'l••n co1 .. y e,o .. ncl c1 .. y e,5_ T1-,J• .. ppllc.atron "'ould I:>. In .. c1c:11t1on to th• cloy 45 .. pp11 .... t1on. All me1t.,1 .. 1e ehould i:,. , .... ,got:•d tho .. oughly Into eolle Jmm•c::11 .. t•ly aPt• .... pp11, .. t1on. l!!Nl:i OP' Sl!e'!'ION el-0191! !lll.l!V!!!i!,l'!'A'l'ION/l!l'II.O!!IION c:;.o~L l'"OL1c:;.1e5 AND ~C!ILIIJllll!Ml!!N'l'!!I l!!.3 !111.!!C!IUl!lll.l!Ml!N'!'S l!!.B-1 SL0!91! l'"LAN'!'INi9o l!!.9-1.1 5L0!91! l"I.AN'!'IN5 &'!'ANJ:iAlltC>& Slop•• .. •qu1r-1n9 ..-o•Jon .. ont .... I m ... .., ... ,. a• .. p•c.1'1•cl h• .. •ln •hall i:,. t .. -t•d "'Ith on• ., .. mo .. • oP th• Pollol'llng planting •l:and.,,.a., a. !!l'l'ANl::iA!lll,c, Ill -COVl!!III. Cl'll.0195/JU'!'I!! Ml!SH c:;.ov• .. , .... p eh0II i:,. .. •••cl ml,< typlc. .. lly m .. d• up oP qul .. k g•r-mlnol:lng and , .... , .. .,v ... 1n9 9 .. .,.,..,., .. 1ov•r•, .. ncl /or-"'lld ~10 .. ere. Submit th• •p• .. l'1 ...... c1 mix ,., .. City .. pp .. ov .. 1 p .. ,., .. to .. pp11 .... t1on. '""• c.ov• ...... .,P eh .. 11 i:,. .. ppll•cl at .. .... t• .. ncl m .. nn ... eu,,, .. ,.nt to p .. ovld• "'°"' .. ov• .... g• .. ithln thirty (!!lo) c1 .. y ... 'l'yp• oP Jut maeh eh .. 11 I:>. ..... pp .. ov•cl l:>y th• City .. Mel .. t .. ucl to tn. elop• ... r•c.omm•nd•d l:>y th• m .. nuPa .. tu,.... ..IJt• m•eh .. h .. 11 i:,. ... q_u1.-.c1 "'h•n pl .. ntlng ., .... u .. e i:,.t,.••n Aug, .. t 15 and Ap .. 11 l!i. ou .. 1n9 th• .-.m .. lnd• .. oP th• y ..... , tfwt .. .,v ....... .,p and/o .. Jut. m••h m .. y i:,. u ... c1. I:>. 5'1' ANDA!lll,c, •::z -6l(OUNJ:i c:;.ove111, On• hund .. •d (1005'!,) p..-... nt oP th• .... .., ehal I i:,. plant.cl .. 1th .. gr-c,uncl c.ov• .. lc.no .. n tc, he1v• •""• I l•nt .. .,11 l:>lncllng .. h .... a .. t. .. 1at1 .. (pl .. nt•cl , .. om "' minimum elz• oP .i .. tt•cl m .. t.,1 .. 1 .. nd .,. ..... c:1 to p .. ovld• Pull .. ov•rag• ,.,th1n on• y• .... J . ... STANDA!lll,c, ll!! -I.OJI'! 5Hl'tlJl!!IS Le,,. .. p .. .acllng "'oody eh .. ul:>e (pl .. nt.cl , .. om .. minimum oP :.?? lnc.h lln•,..J .ti .. 11 .. .,v ... a minimum oP a•v•nty H0"6) p• .... .nt oP th• •lop• , ..... ( .. t m .. tu .. • elz•J. d. S'!' ANDA!lll,c, 114 -TJltl!!l!5 AND/O!III. LAM!!! 5HJlll)i,6 '!' ........ nd/or-1 .... g. .. h .. ul:>e .. h,:ill I:>. (plont•d , .. om .. minimum of I gallon .. ont .. ln• .... ) .. t .. minimum .... t• oP on• (I) pl .. nt p..-tl'lo huncl .. •cl (:.?00) •q,uar-• P••t. l!!.!!1-1.:.? A!lll.l!A!!I OP' Ai-l'"LICA'l'ION (!9LANTINi9o) !!.!!1-1.:.?.I 51,.0191!!& -6d O!III. 5'!'1!!1!!91!!111. ANJ:i, ... 9 P••t ., .. 1.-ee In v• .. t1 .... 1 h•Jght .. net ....... c1Jac.•nt to pul:>llc. .... 11c.e or-.. tr-••b ... q_u1 ..... t minimum Stond .... d #I ( .. ov• ...... op .. nd .JUtt.dJ. I:>. 4 P••t to e, P••I In v• .. tleal h•Jght ... q,u, .. • 5t0nc1a .. c1 .. •1, •::z and ll!! . ... In •" .. ••• oP e, '••t In v• .. t1 .... 1 n•lght .. •q,ul .. • 5t .. nco1a .. c1e #1, •:.i, #5 .. nc:1 114 . l!!.!!1-1.:.?-:.? S!91!c:;.IAL c:;.oNC>l'!'ION& l!.!!1-1.:.?-:.?.I ....,.. .. ., gr .. d•cl '1 .. tt• .. th .. n 6d .. .q,ui ... 91:onc,1.,,.c,1 •1 (c. .. v• .... ,..,p) ,.h_ th•y hov• on• .... mo .. • .. , tn. ,0110,.lng .... ndltlon .. , ... !lh••t gr-.. d•d p .. c1. not e .. h•clul•cl ,., .. lmpr-ov•m•nt• .,,thin 6 month• oP .. ompl•tlon o-1 .. ough gr .. dlng. I:>. A pot•nt1 .. 1 ... oelon ,,. .... l:>l•m .. ., .._t•r-mln•d l:>y th• City. ... lcl•ntl'1•d I:>\! tlv City ... highly vl .. 11:>I• ..... a .. to tri. pibll .. or-hov• ap• .. lal .. ondltlon .. t~ .. t .., .. ,.,. .. nt lmm•dl .. t• tr-• .. tm.nt. l!.9-1.:.?-:.?.:.? k•e1• to i:,. hyd .. o•••d•c:I eh .. 11 '1 .. •t i:,. c11 .. uc1 or-rototlll•d to p .. ovlcl• .. , .. 101:>I•, loo•• •••cl l:>.d. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAWN JP •~o 1:zollurJ .---------,,.-,, A'""s,....,,s""u""1L""'T,,..." -------.----,----,--------------.---r--,---~--1 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS FDR• APPROVED MM PROGRESS 6-15-04 DAit 1ST SUBMITTAL 01-27-04 2ND SUB. 03-U'ii-Oft MYLAR sue. 04-05-05 RECEIVED BY: ' I.A DSC'APF , i ,,RC~ ITECTI J RF, JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 06-15-04 ' SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DIITE INITIAL INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILJ.ASES OF U. COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2.5 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. CHKD BY:__ C,T 04-04 RVWD BY: L.-15 DATE DRAWING NO. 420-bL 1.0 ec:,~ 1.01 Cll!!l"INl"l'IONe A. O"'ner, MOlt.~l'I Cl!!V!!~M!!N"I' c;Alt.L.915,0.Z, c;A 15. C:.Ontra,tor, M Individual or ..,,mpany .oontra,t1n9 ..,11:1, tl'te Ololner to provide material•, perPorm "'ork, and Nrvl.o•• Por the proJe.ot. c;_ eub-C:.Ontrci,tor, An lndMducil or .oompciny .oontraetlng ..,11:1, the C:.Ontrci,tor to provide materlc:1 I• or perPorm "'ork., or both, Por "' •p•.olPl.o portion oP 1:1,e proJe.ot. l:l. '-"'nd11U1p• Arehlt:e,t, Tiie lande.oap• cr,hrte,tural Plrm 0, lt..JM i:, .. 19n 6roup, In,. I!!. (;ontrc:1.ot l:)c,C,umente, ,.,.,_ agreement:, t:erm11 .oondlt:lone, l"irltten INt:ru.otlon•, drc:1 ... 1n9• c:1nd •p•.olPl.oe1t1on•, ahop c:1r .... 1nge c:1nd .ohc:1n9• order• approved by the o ... n•r and 1e1111ed by the I.C!ndll.OC!pe Ardllte,t. 1.0::l SC.~ OI" l'IOIII.K, Th• ""rk to be don• under the .oontra,t .oonelete oP Pu,-nlehlng all material•, all •"lulpment c:1nd perPormlng the "ork. r•"lulred by th••• •p•.olPl.oc:1tlon• cind tl'te dre1..,ln9• ne.oenc:1'14 Por the proper eompletlon oP the "ork.. 1.09 .-1.ANe ANl:l ef"l!(;ll"l(;A"l'IONe, "l'h••· •p•elPleatlON c:1r• Intended to ,over all labor, materlc:1I, and •t"'"darc:le oP lande.oap• arehlte.otural and mec:.1,anl.oal "'ork.manehip t:o be employed In t:h• "ork. aht>...n on the plan• or ealled Por In ""••• -,,-..1P1.oe1tlone or r•a•onobly Implied by terme oP •ame. "!'he plan• and epe.olPl.oatlon• c:1r• Intended to .oomplement one another and any pc:1rt oP t:h• ,..,,le. that may be mentioned In one and not pr•••nted In the other, ehall be don• the ..,m• a• IP It had "' minor nature ....,,,h may not be -i,e.o!Pl.oally mentioned, but "hi.oh may be reaeonably a1111umed a• n•e•••"'"!4 Por t:he .oonetru.otlon or .oompletlon oP thl• l"iork. 111,all be performed by 1:1,e c:.ontrac:.tor the •c:1me "" IP eho"" on the drc:1 ... 1n9e or deeerlbed In t:h• •p•.olPl.oatlone. In general, e><..-pt that th• I.C!nde.oap• Ar.ohll:-..1:'• lnterpret:at:lon ehall al"ay• take preeedene• over the drc,..,lnge and la":!• det:alle over email 11.oal• dra ... lng•. l"lgur••• "'h•n given, ehall be Pollo,.ed In pr•P•r•ne• l:o •eal• meaeu,-ement11. 1.04 IN"T!!lt.l"lt.e"l'A"l'ION OI" l"LANe ANl:l 51"!!C.ll"IC.A"l'IONe, "!'he !.anc:le.oape Ar.ohll:-..t ... 111 Interpret 1:h• meaning oP any part oP th• plan• and •p•.olPl.oatlone about "hleh Cl",j mleunderetandlnge may arlee, and hi• c:leelelon ehal I be Pina!. ehould there appear to be any error or dl•..r•pan..y In or bet: ... een the plane and epe,1P1,at1one, the C:.Ontraetor •hall rePer ch• matter to the l.c:1ndee""• Ar.ohll:-..t Por adJuetment bePor• pro.oeedlng l"ilth the "ork.. ehould the C.ontra.otor proeeed ... 1th the "ork. "lthout ea referring tlie matter, he do•• ea on hie ""'" , .. ponelbllll:y and ""Y Nork. t:t,c,t re"lulr•• removal and/or r•plae•m•nt •hall be provided by th• C.onl:raetor at no ac:ldltlonc,I .ooi>t. I.OS !.ANl:l5C;AI"!! Alt.c;HIT!!C;"l''e l"UNC."l'ION, "l'h• !.anc:le=p• Arehlt•et el,c,II provld• p•rlodle, llmlt:•d on-ett:. obe•rvatlon oP the "ork. In pro9r••• per th• ""ner'e r•"lue•t: t:o r•vl•"'• In gen•ral, the •><•eutlon oP dea19n Intent: C!nd Interpret tl'te lanc:leeap• doeument.. He le Agent oP the o ... ner to the •><t•nt provided In 1:1,• epee!Pleatlon• and "h•n In 11pe.olal lnetan.o•• he ,,. C111thorlzed by th• o ... n•r t:o aet a• lnterpr•l:•r o, th• .oondll:lon• oP th• .oontrac:.t and "" Jud9• oP lt:e perPormanee, h• •hall eld• n•lth•r ... 1th o ... ner nor "Ith tli• (;ontraetor but ue• hie authority und•r th• eontraet to •nPoree It. PalthPul p•rforman.o•. He hoe th• right to •top ...ork. •hould thle beeome n•e•••ary to •neur• th• proper •><•eul:lon oP th• eontra.ot. I.Oil> o~•e ~Sl"ONSll51!.l"N', !Sy •nterlng Into agr••m•nl:, o ... n•r guarani:••• (;onl:rc:1el:or Punde are available and ehc,11 make l:lmely progr••• paym•nte l:o t:h• C.ont:raetor during th• ,our•• oP th• "'ork.. "l'h• o ... ner •MIi Purnleh c,11 eurv•y• and •&tal:illr,h all prop•~ fin•• and r••t:rJel:lone. All oth•r lln••, grad••• and etlmen•lon• 111,all be ••tol:,11111,•d by the (;onl:rc:1etor. Unl•H• ot:h•r"I•• 11peelPl•d, tli• Ol'lner •hall make avallabl• to th• (;ontra.otor al I utllltl•• r•"lulr•d to p•rPorm th• "ork. at no .ooet to th• (;ontrc:1etor. 1.oi C.ON"l'lt.Ac;"l'Olt.'e ~11511.1"1'1~, "l'h• C.ont:rc:1etor 111,all glv• •PPl.ol•nt 11,pervlelon to ti,• "ork., ,111ng hie beat: •le.II I and attention. l"t,•n abe•nt Prom the Job, he •hall appoint or l!!nglleh-•p•ak.lng a,pervleor .oapabl• oP dl11.ou1o11lng matt•r• "'th 1:1,e !.anc:111.oap• Ar.ohlte.ot on th• elt:e and to make c:leelo,J.:me on tl'te C:.Ontraetor'e behaf;_ He ehall .oarePully el:udy and .oompar• all dra ... rng•, •p•e!Pleal:lon•, C!nd ot:h•r lnel:ruel:lone Porth• "ork.. Any l'IOrk. !nc:lleal:ed In c, manner "hleh "ould make It d!PPle,lt: to produe• dra ... lnge and •p•elPlea'1on1t, or bet"'••n •p•.olPJ.oatlon• and ,.,...,, ordlnc,neee or r•etr1et1on11, •hall be referred to tl'te !.anc:leeap• Arehlte.ot Por Interpretation or eorreel:lon ..-Por• pro.o••dlng "'"" ""ork.. I.Oe l!!XAMINA"l'ION 01" !il"T!! ANl:l l'IOlt.K, A. Th• C.ont:ra.otor ehall •><amine the proj•et 111te, f."Y•leal eondltlone, and •,rroundlng oP t:h• propo•ed "°'"le. and Judg• or him•• IP th• natur• oP the "ork. to be don• prior to e,bmlttlng a bid. 15. "l'h• plane Por the ... ork. eho"" eond!l:lone "'" they or• euppo••d or bell•v•d by th• !.C!nd11.oap• Ar.ohlte.ot to •><lei:. It le C.onl:ra.ol:or'• r••ponelblllty to lnPorm !.andee""• Ar.ohll:-..1: oP any variation bet"••n plantt cind a,t,al •lte .oondltlon1o prior to 1otartlng any "'ork.. ehould C:.Onl:ra,tor begin "ork. "lthout verifying IP plane mateh ell:• =nd!l:lon•, C.ontrac:.tor a••um•• al I r••ponelb!ITt:y Por any loe.•• h• might ln.ou,-. 1.0"! !iAl"l!"N' c;oc:,ee ANl:l ~!.A"l'IONe, Th• C.ontrc:1etor 111,all Pamlllarlz• hlme•IP ,.,th and .. 111 eomply ... ,th all P•c:leral, etate, and loeal la""• ordlnane•, rul••• and r•gufat:lone lneludlng C.allPomlc:1-osHA S..P•t:y Order• p•rkllnlng to 1:1,e perPorman.oe oP the l'IOrk.. 1.10 C.ONS"l'lt.UC,"l'ION lilA~, Th• deelgn, c,c:ie"luaey, and ..,,.t:y oP ereetlon, e><eavatlon, braelng, •horlng, t:emporc:1ry eupporte, et... le th• eole re11pon111blllt:y oP the C.ontraetor. "l'h• C:.Onl:raet:or le reeponelbl• Por l:l'te •t:c:1blllt:y 0, tne et:rueturee c:1nd •><.oavatlone and ehall provide 1:1,e ne.oeeeary bra.olng to provide 11tabl11t:y d,rlng the entire eonetruetlon progr•••- Obeerval:lon vlelt:e to the erte by t:h• !.C!nc:le.oap• Ardlil:eet: or hi• eon11ul...nt:. ehall not: lnelude lnepe.otlon oP th• aioDv• Item•. I.II l"!!lt.l"Olt.MANc.l!! ANC> l"A'T'M!!N"I' 150Nl:le, IP r-e"lulred, llh• C.ontrQC,tor- •hall dellVer to Ololner t...o •ur-et:y bonc:le "Ith good and 11uPPlelent eur-et:1••· Th• bond• •hall be molnl:alned by 1:1,e C.ontraetor In Pull Poree and ePPeet:ed unl:11 eomplel:lon and aeeeptane• oP 1:1,e ""rk.. A. Material and lc:1bor bond In the •um oP ,o,r, oP t:h• eontroet prlee. e . .-erformane• bond In t:h• aum oP !I0'5 oP the eont:raet: prl.o• eondltloned to ,over al I guarani:••• oP the .oont:ro.ot. 1.1::l INSU!t.ANc.l!!, Th• C.onl:raetor •hall deliver to O"n•r eertlPleat:•• oP lneuran.o• .,. evldene• oP eoverag• "'Ith Ol'iner and !.c:1ndee""• Arehlte.ot: ll•t•d a• addltlonc:11 lneured. A. l'lorkere' c.omp•n•al:ron ln11111"an.o• and l!!mployer'e !.loblllty lneuir-anc.•; e. C:.Omprel'ten•IV• !.lelllty lneul"ane• "'Ith llmll:e oP not: len t:han 1,900,000 per an~• pereon ard •1,000,000 per any on• o.oeurrene• .,. to lly Injury or death and •:2,0,000 per oeeurrene• .,. to property damage. 1.15 !.ANl:leGAi-1!! A1t.c;Hl"l'l!!c;"1"'e !.IAl51!.l"N', Th• o ... n•r and (;ont:raet:or•, reeognlzlng the Inherent rlek.e eonne.oted "'Ith eonatruetlon, agr-•• to limit any and off llablllt:y, elalm Por damage•, .ooet oP d•P•n••• or-•><p•n••• to be levied agarnet tt,e !.anc:leeq:,• Arehlteet on aeeount or "'"Y deelgn de,-..t, error, omleelon, or pr-oPee.,ronal negllgenee to a eum not to e.,.eeed the amount: o, 1:1,e !.andeeap• Arehlt:e,t:'11 •••· 1.01 1.02 eul"!!lt.VISION, Th• C.ont:raet:or ehall eupervl•• and dlreet t:he ePP!elent perPormar,ee oP the ,..,,-le. In ae,or-dc:1n.o• ... 11:h hi• beet 11k.lll, attention, c:1nd Judgment:. He ehc,11 be eolely reeponeibl• Por-l:h• meane, mel:hode, teefinl"lu••• ••"luen.oee, and proe•du,-ee oP ,onet:r,,t:lon and •hall be reeponelbl• to ••• t:hat t:h• Plnlehed "ork. eompll•• ,u11y ... 11:1, t:h• C.onl:rc:1et: l:loeumente. He 11hall have a repr•••nt:al:lve In eharg• l'iho 11hc:1II be a eomp•t:•nt: euperlntendent and dlreet th• pr-ogr•"" oP the ...orl: and """ ehall .,. C1Ul:horlzed to re.oelv• lnet:ru<.t:lone and to a,t: Por 1:1,e (;ont:rQC,t:or on al I mot:t:ere relot:rng t:o th• "'ork.. 1.09 ®A!.l"N' 01" !.AeOlt. ANl:l l'IO!t.KMAN!lHI,-, A. At all time aPt:er eommen..emenl: oP the "ork., C.ontraetor ehall provide an ad•"luate ,..,,-le. Por.oe oP .oompetent, eult:C!bly "luallPled and trc:1lned pereonnel to eurvey and lc:1y out: the ""'I: and eonetruet: 1:1,e proJe.ot and 11hc:1II eauee euc:.1, "'"'"le. Poree t:o •><eeut:e the "'ork. In .oonPorman..-... rt:h t:l'te b••t: t:rac:le pra,tl.oee, Pr•• Prom Paull:• and deP-..t:e In aeeordanee "'th the req,ulrement. oP the C:.Ontraet l:loeument:11. 1.10 SAl"l!!"N' ANl:l ~"T!!C."l'ION, C:.Ont:rc:1et:or 111,all eomply .. 1t:h all oprll.oable la,..,, ordlnan.oee, rulee, regulatlona, and order• <>P all governmentc, agen..lee c:1nd aut:ht>rll:lee having jur-ledletlon Por-1:1,e ea,ety oP p•r•on• or property Prom dQmage, loe1t, or lnJu,-y and ehall be re11pon.,lble Por lnlt:latrng, maintaining and euperv11orng al I eaPety pre,aut:lon• and program• In eonreet:lon .. 1th tl'le ""ork.. C.ontr-aetor ehall fc:1k• all preea,tlone neeeeear~ Por the 11a,ety oP and 1ohc:1II provide o,11 pr-oteetron ne.oeeeary to prevent: damage, loN, or lnJury t:o, A. All ,,..,,-k.m•n and ot:her perr,one on or about: th• elt:• and all other pereone "'ho may be c,PPeeted by t:h• l'IOrk.; e. ,.,.,_ .,..,,.le. lteelP and all material• and •"lulpm•nt: rn,orporated or to be lneorporated 1:1,ereln, "hether In •t:orag• on or oPP 1:1,e erte, C.. Al I other property at:, adja.oent: t:o c:1nd about the elte, lnC,ludlng, "11:hout: llmll:c:1t1on, tr•••• •hr,be, la ... ne, "'"Ike, pavement:e, road"""Y"• etrueturee, c:1nd ut:lllt:lee "hleh are not deelgnat:ed Por removal, reloeatron, or repla.oemenl: ae part oP t:he "ark.. I.I I l!!XIS"l'IN6 U"l'l!.l"N' !.INl!!e, l!!><eepl: ... lndiGClted by t:h• dra .. rng• or epeelPleat:lone, the C:.Ontraetor ... 111 not be liable ,.,,. h re-routing oP •><letlng c:1.otlv• underground llnee "hi.oh may be dle.oov•r•d during t:li• progr••• oP "ork.. C.ontraetor 111,a 11 verrPy loeatlon oP e><l•t:ln9 ut:1111:1•• ""lt:h appropriate ut:Jllt:y .oompanlee prior l:o el:art:lng "ork.. C.Ont:raetor ehall be liable Por damage don• to exletlng ut:111t1 ... C.ontra.otor eh,.,11 eonta,t 1-eoo Dl6 A!.1!!1'"1' and have all e><let:rng ut:llltr .. loeated prior t:o eommen..ement: oP eonetruetlon. 15. Any eubGontraetor or laborer employed upon th• ""'"le."""' In the 1.01 opinion or t:h• !.andeeap• Arehlteel: and/or o ... ner, le non-1.0::l ~l"Allt.lN6 INJ~l:l ~I< .ooop•ratlve, or """" ehall prove ,areleee or lneompel:ent, ehall be A. All portion• o, the l'lorl: that: may be broken or Injured by aeeldent: or Immediately removed Prom the l'iorl: by the (;ont:raetor, l'ihen In 1:1,e eoure• oP or on aeeount: oP building operotlone or by reaeon oP notlPl•d to do eo, and ehall not be re-employed on thle proJe.ot. any ohr eauee "hat:eoever during th• progreee oP l:h• "ark., •hall 1.04 CllUA!.l"N' 01" MA"l'l!!lt.lA!.e ANl:l l!!Cll\Jl~"I', All material• and be ,arePully and neatly repaired or reeonr,trueted and th• ""hole lePt: •"lulpment: ln.oorporated Into the ""rk. ehall be n•"' uni••• other,..IN In Plret eloee eonc:lltlon and tumed over t:o the o ... n•r ready Por u••- epe.o!Pl.oally provided In t:h• C.Ont:rc:1et l:loe,mente. Material• and •"lulpment 15. ehould any part: oP 1:1,e ""ork. oP thl• eontrael: be .out: lnt:o or damaged not other"!"• deelgnc:1t:ed by det:alled 11peelP!eat1one ehall be oP the beet: l:,y other eont:raet:ore, the O"n•r "'""' part:y eau•lng aueh damage .oommerelal "luallt:y and eliall be eult:abl• Por t:h• purpoe• lnt:ended. IP 11liall make adJuat:ment:a ..-t... .. n 1:hemeelvee relotlv• 1:o r•"lulred by o ... ner, C.ont:raetor 111,all Purnleh evldene• eatlePaet:ory to r•=netruetlon, repair• c:1nd payment. o .. ner ae t:o t:he kind and "l"allt:y oP material• and •"lulpment:. All materlc:11• 1.09 MUTUAi. ~Sl"ON51151!.l"N' 01" euec;oN"l'lt.Ac;"l'Olt.e, l!!aeh and •"lulpment: ehall be lnetalled per the manuPaet,rer'e 11,bGontrac:.tor ehall perform the ""rk. oP th• .oonl:ra,t eo that: II: ... 111 properly reeommendat:lone. eoordlnat:e "Ith and Pit the ""ork. perPormed by ot:her eubGont:raetor11. He 1.0!5 5UESS"l'l"l'U"l'IONS, •hall give eaeh other eub=ntraet:or every reaeonabl• opportunity to A. 5ubmlt: 111/betltutlon• oP materlc:1111 or method• propoeed to perPorm their "ork., et:or• mat:erlc:1111, and plaee •qulpment t:herePor, and Pit !.arde.oap• Ar.ohlt:e.ot In .,.,rtrng Por approvc:11 or denlc:11 one "'••le. prior their ""rk. to the ..,.,,.1,: o, ot:her eub.oontrael:ore. t:o eubmlt:t:al oP bid. eubet:11:utlone ... 111 be approved only IP mat:erlal• 1.04 C.OOl"!!lt.A"l'ION l'll"l'H O"l'Hl!!"-5, or method• are demonet:rably euperlor In "luallty. ManuPaeturer'• A. l!!a<.h eubeontra,tor ehall eooperate "Ith othor11 In t:h• •><e.o,l:lon oP llt:er-at,re alone may not be euPPlelent evlden.o• o, prooP oP al .,..,,-le. and ehall not: lnt:erP•r• l'iit:h material, appllaneee, or euperlorlt:y. A r'""Lu••I: Por-a eubet:ltut:ron eonet:lt:utea a repr•••ntat:lon l'lork.men oP ot:her eubGont:roetore. that: """rkere and eontrac:.l:ore "alVe all elalme Por addltlonal labor or e. All eubGont:ra,tora engaged In ...,rk. at the elte ehall have, lnaoPar-a• material eoet:e "'hleh may be.oome eutoeequently apparent: by the pra,tl.oable, •"lual ,ee oP 1:1,e preml••• and fQC,llftl••· In eae• oP ••• 0, eu.oh 11ubetltuted mai:erlal11 or produet:e. It 111 t:he C.ontraetor-'e dleagreement regarding 1111eh ,_, the matter ehall .,. r•P•rred t:o reeponelblllty to prove t:hal: t:h• r•"lueet:ed eutoet:ltut:lon le In Pac:.t: the O...ner, ""ho deel•lon relative to ""'d u"• ehc,11 govern. 'equal." 1.05 Ol'IN!!ft'S lt.16H"I' -ro i:,o l'IOlt.l<, o ... ner may, ,~t: rte eol• option, perform, 15. IP more thc:1n one mc:1nuPaeturer 111 epe.olPled In th••• epe.olPl.oatlona, It or .oontra,t: dlre,t:ly .. 1t:h ot:her eontrc:1et:ore Por-the perPorman.o• oP otl,er ho the C.ont:ra.ot:or'" option to eeleet t:lie one "hleh lie may de.,lr• to .,...,.le. related to the projeet on •ueh term• and eondltlone or, O"'n•r "hall, uee. IP mor-e t:han one Plnilll, or "t:yl• le avallobl• In the 11:em In It" eole dle.oretlon, ehooee. •p•elPled, 1:1,e C.ontra,tor le obligated t:o allo" t:h• o ... n•r to make I.Oil> 191t.OV!elONe !"Olt. l!!X"l'lt.Ae, No "•" l'lork. oP any l:lnd •hall be l:l'te eeleetlon. eoneld•r•d an extra uni••• a ••parate .. t1mat• le l:liven Por •aid "'"rk. I.Oil> 1.15"1' 01" SUl5c.ON"l'lt.AC."l'Olt.e ANl:l eul5!.l!!"l'"l'IN6 l'IOlt.l<, bePor• It le eommen..ed and ,nt:11 eam• le approved ioy the O"n•r •><eept: A. No part oP t:h• ,on•t:r,el:lon "ark. ehal I .,. done ae pleee.,.ork. nor Por e><t:ra "'ork. ordered by t:h• o ... ner aeeordrnii to unit prl.oea ""hleh hove 11hall It be lePt to a eubeontraet:or aPt:er t:he exeeutlor oP the original been bid. Any e><t:ra .,..,,-le. perPormed, not: "uthorlzed ae provided above, eont:raet: e><eept c:1e authorized In l'irlt:lng. In .oa•• part: oP 1:1,e "ork. her II ,ohall not be paid Por by t:he o,,.ner. 1thould be eublet:, ""••• general ,ondlt:lone ehall govern eaeh trade 1.0, "T!!Si'S ANl:l INSl"eC."l'loNe, lneoPar a•• they may apply l:o the .,..,,-le. .,, t:hat: t:rade. A. Th• O"n•r ehall h""'• the right: to teet, lnepeet:, c:1nd c:1pprov• or 15. No eubeont:rc:1.ot: may be ae•lgned or trc:1naPerred e><..-pl: ae r-eo.,rre t:h• te&tlng, lnepe.otlon, and approval oP all materlale and aut:hor-lzed In ... ,rtrng by t:h• c;ontraet:or. equipment: Purnlehed and all "'ork. perfor-med und•r t:he C.ont:raet c.. Th• C.onl:raet:or ehall, at all tlmee, be reeponelble Por 1:1,e c:111e19ned or l:lo.oumenta. In oddlt:lon, IP t:h• C.Ontr-aet l:loeument.e or the 1.,,..,., t,-.,n.,Perred ""ork. to th• eame •><tent: ae IP the aeelgned or orc:llnaneee, r-ulee, regulatlone, or any otl,er oP the publle C111t:horlty t:ran.,Perr-ed ""rk. to 1:1,e •=• •><tent: ae IP he ..,.,.e doing, or-hc:1d 1,....,1n9 Jurledlet:lon re"lulr• t:h• "'ork. or any portion t:hereoP to be done, 1:1,e "ork.. ep-..llleally ln•p•.ot:ed, t:h• C:.Ontraetor ehall arrange, pay Por, and i:,_ "!'he C.ont:roetor 11holl eul:,mit t:o the o ... ner a ll11t: oP the deliver-eertlPleat•• o, lnepeetlon, teet:lng, and approval to o ... ner. eubc.ontraetor• "'th detail• oP t:h• porl:lone oP the "ork. t:o be e. Th• C.ont:raetor •hall not: eover up any ,..,,-le. requiring lnepe.ot:lon performed by eaeh. eubeontrc:1et:ore 11hall be eubjeet t:o th• approval until the eam• hoe been approved by th• C!ppr-oprlate aut:horlt:y. IP oP the O""n•r and !.and•.oap• Arehlteet. "'ark. ehould be .oovered ,p before being lnepe.:-ted, the C.ontraetor 1.0, l"A"T!!Ni'S, In the event: that: any patented art:lele, mal:er-lal, or proe••• 111 to .. 111 be required to remove •ueh port:lone oP 1:1,e l'iork. "" may be be rnat:alled or ueed In the perPormane• oP the ""rk. ae eh""" on t:h• plan• n•e•••ary to dleeloe• tli• part: In "lu•at:ron. or part:leular epee1P1eatlone therefor, l:h• C:.Onl:raetor ehc:111 pay t:h• royalty I.Of> eHOI" l:llf.All'IIN65, C.ont:raetor 111,all provide .oompl•t• ehop dra ... rnge Por et,c,rgeabl• and ehall eave, keep, and bear the O""n•r "'"° !.and11eap• all Item• ep-..lPled Por •hop dra ... rng 11,bmltt:al. etiop dra...lnge ehall Ar.ohlt-..t liarmleea Prom all damage, =•l:e, c:1nd •><p•n••• by reaeon oP the !ndleate all material mel:hode oP atta.ohment and Plnleh. ehop dra..,lnge I.I I Al"l"L.lc;A"!'ION 1"°"-l"'lt.06~ ,-A'l'M!!N"l'lil, Ae oP t:he end oP ea.oh ealendar month dur-lng .oonetruetlon, but In no event more oPt:en t:han one• monthly, C.ontraet:or el'lall eubmlt: t:o o .. n•r Por revl•" and approval "' .oomplel:ely Pilled out: and elgned Appll.oat:lon Por .-ayment ,overing the ""'"le. .oomplet:ec:l c,e oP 1:1,e date oP eueh c:1ppll.oat:1on. l!!aeh e,eh Appll.oatlon Por .-ayment: t1hall be ac-eompanled ..., P,11~-e><eeuted uneondltlonal releae" and .. a,v•r• "h•r•by al I p•reane and" part I•• ""ho performed labor, ,.,bc.ont:ra,t """rk. or other ••rvle•• upon 1:1,e proje.ot, or """° eold, lec:1Nd, Purnl1ol'ted, or-other"''"• 1111ppll•d to or Por tli• ue• oP or to be eoneumed In t:he proJeet •"l•lpment:, materlale, c:1ppllan..ee, or ot:her-goode, r•l•a•• and ... arve, to and rneludlng the date oP eueli appll.oal:lon, c:111 me.ohanle'• lien, et:op notlee, •"lult:abl• lien c:1nd labor and mal:erlal bond right:• on the projeet. 1.1.:Z Ol'IN!!lt.'5 lt.16H"I' "l'O 5U51"!!Nl:l Olt. c;ANc.l!!!. l'IOIII.K, A. ,.,.,_ eont:r-ael: entered Into under ""••• epe.01Prc.al:lone may .,. terminated by the O"n•r ..,1t1,out llablllty Por dama'l!••• ""h•n•v•r the O"n•r le pr-evented by operation o, '"""• an Ac. t oP 6od, or by th• oPPl.olal aetlon oP the pul:>11.o, Pederal, etate, or munr,rpal author-lt:1•• Prom eompletrng 1:1,e "ork. eontemplat:ed liereunder. e. In t:h• event: oP eu.oh ean,ellal:lon, the C:.Ontraetor ehc,11 be paid Por- th• l'IOrk. a.otually don• bePore notlee oP ean..-llatlon le given t:o the C.ontra,t:or. IP t:he eont:raet provrc:lee Por payment& to th• (;ont:r-ael:or on t:he bael& oP unit: prr,ee ••t Porth therein, tl'te amount: due the C.ontra.ot:or upon ean.oellatlon ehall .,. eomputed on the bc:1ele o, •ueh unit pr-le••· IP 1:1,e eonl:raet pr-ovldee ,or t:h• payment oP a Pl><ed eum Por the entire "ork., or any dePlnlte portion thereoP ot:lier than a unit oP meaeurement, the c;ont:ra,tor &hall be paid the eame proportion oP eu.oh 1111m upcn ,aneel lal:lon that t:he "ork. done beare t:o t:h• total "ork., or dellnlte portion t:hereoP, t:o be performed ,nder t:h• eontraet:. c.. Notle• oP au.oh ,aneellatron 11hall be 91ven In .,.,-rtrng and eliall be depoelted In th• United eatee mall In a eealed envelop• ,.,th po•t:ag• prepaid and dlre,ted to the C.ontra.otor at hie c:1dc:lr••• ae Plied ""Ith tl'te O""ner. 1.01 l!!X"l'l!!N5ION 01" "!'!Ml!!, In th• event: It: re deemed neeeeeary by t:l'te o ... ner t:o e><l:end the t:lme oP eomplet:lon oP 1:li• ,..,rk. t:o be done under the•• epeelPleatlone, eueh e><t:enelon ehall, In no "'"!:I, r•l•a•• any guaranty given by the C.ontraetor pureuant to t:h• provl•lone oP th••• 1opee1Pleatlone, or the eonl:rac:.t: let hereunder, or to relieve, or r•leae• t:h• euretlee oP the bonc:le •><•.outed pur&uant: to the eald provlelone. 1.0::l C.!.l!!AN-UI", Al: all t:lm•• during t:li• eoure• oP the ""ork., 1:h• Gont:r-aetor-111,all keep the elt:e Pr•• Prom aG.oumulatlcne Qf "a•t:• material•, rubbleh, and otl'ter c:lebrle reeult:rng th• """rk. and ehall take euch a.ot:lon ae le neeeaeary to prevent and eontrol d,et. At: the eompletlon oP the i"IOrk., C.ontraetor ehall remove c:111 t:emporary et:ruc.turee, tool•, eonetruel:lon •"lulpment, and ma.ohlnery, aurplue materlale, ""•te mat:erlale, rubbleh, and debrl• Prom and about: t:he &It• and ehcll leave the elte elean and ready Por u•• by t:he O~r,•r. I .OS c.oMl"!.l!!"l'ION, A. C.omplet:lon le dePlned ae being ""h•n all eondlt:I""• oP tl'te eontraet: have been ae.oompllehed ln.ol,dlng the epec:IPled malnt:enanc;e period. epeelPleally "hen all lt:eme are lnetalled, t:he areae eleaned and l:h• malnt:enane• period •al:l•Paetorlly eomplel:ed, and ,.hen all epeelcl tool• and •"lulpment, ln&truetlone, .,.,,tten guarante .. , ae- bullt: plc:1ne, lien r•l•a••• and any Item• r•"lurred by t:li• C.ontra,t:or l:lo.oument:e have ..-en properly e><eeut:ed and delivered to t:h• ONner. e. "!'he !.andeeap• Arehlteel: ahall have Pull authority t:o aeeept or r-•J•el: t:he eont:ra,t: lt:•m• and ... 111 promptly notlPy the O""n•r oP eomplet:lon. 1.04 6UA!t.AN"l'l!!I!!, In addition to epeelfled g,arante•• provided Por In the eeparate eeet:lone oP the epeelPleat:lone, t:h• C.ont:ra<.tor ■hall guarantee In ... .-,ting c,11 ""ork.manehlp and material• t:o be Pr•• Prom dePeel: for a period oP one year Prom 1:1,e c:lat:e oP aeeepl:ane• oP t:h• """le. by the O""n•r ... rt:hout additional eoet to the Ol'iner. Pallure to P"'::I the royalty ehargeable Por t:h• uee ther-eoP, and any lo•• to lll,c:111 .,. approved prior to Pabrleal:lon. th• O"""•'" In 1:1,e event: t:l'lat: t:l'te o ... n•r 111 enJolned Prom u111ng 11u.oh 1.0"1 eAMi-1.1!!5, C.ont:rael:or ehall provide 11ampl•• Por c:111 mat:erlale •p•elPled to pat:ent:ed arl:lel• or-materlale and the lneldental damage GOueed by the loee lnelude eampl••· All eampl•• ehall .,. approved by o ... ner'e oP uee c:1nd dc:1mag• to O...ner'e property In removing ec:1me, th• eo•t oP lt.epr•••ntatlv• In .,.,-1trng prior to dellvery to th• proJe.ot elt:e. repla.olng t:he artl.ol• or mal:erlale 1:li• u-oP "hleh le •nJolned. 19rovlded 1.10 "T!!Mi-Olt.Alt."I' l"Ac:;11.l"l'll!!e Pu,-1:her, tli• bond Por Paitl,Pul perPormane• ehall .,. deemed l:o •><preeely A. l!!reet and properly maintain at all tlm•• ae r•"lulr-ed by eondltlone apply to thle provlalon o, the epee!Pl.oatlone. and progr••• oP th• """rk., all ne.oeeec,ry and required prot:-..trve I.Of> i-l!!lt.Mli'S, !.IC.l!!Nel!!e, ANl:l !Nsl"!!C."l'IONS, barr1,ade11, ln.oludrng a ii>' l'teight: ,horn link., temporary eonetruet:lon A. ,.,.,_ C.o•ntr-aetor ahall obtain and pay Por all permit:. together "'Ith all Pen.o• ..,,t:h "'''••• gc:1te, Penee11, and ot:her 11c:1P•'3uard11 Por the lnepe.ot:lon• required In .oonne,tlon "'Ith tl'te ""ork. to be done under-prote,tlon oP l'iOr-kere ""d th• publle. VerlPy llmlt:e 0, area .,.11:1, the ,ont:rael:, ,nlee,11 other,.,•• epeelPled belo". o ... ner prior to rnet:allat:lon. l'lh•r• th••• barrlead•• and Pen.o•• are 15. "!'he C.ontraet:or .. 111 provide and pay Por any ep-..ral or-eont:lnuoue vlelble t:o t:h• public:, paint, or other"IN Plnleh th.in In a manner lnepeel:lon oP th• ...ork. don• under the eontr-aet, "'h•n •p•elal or a,eept:able to the !.c:1nde.oap• Arehlt:eet. eontlnuou• ln11peet:lon le noted belo.,._ e. At all tlm" during eonetru,tron or er-eet:ron oP proJe.ot: or-11:e 1.0"1 !.Al'leo, Olt.l:llNANc.l!!e, lt.U!.l!!S, ANl:l !t.1!!6U!.A"l'IONS, Th• C.ontraet:or eomponent part:., prior to eomplel:lon oP t:h• etruetural Pram• or ehall give c,11 notle•• r•"lulred by and eh,.11 ol:her,.IN Pully eomply "11:h all plaeement: and permanent eonneetlon o, .oomponent membere to la"•• ordlnaneee, rulee, and regurat:1on11 applleabl• to the eornrnen.oement:, the et:ruet,ral Prame, provide, lnet:all, c:1nd maintain properly proe•eut:lone, and eomplet:lon oP t:h• ,..,,-le._ In the event: C.ontrac:.t:or deelgned and .oonetruet:ed temporary braelng oP ade"luat:e •t:r•ngtt, obe•rv-or dle.oovere 1:1,at the c.ontrQC,t: l:lo.oument• or an~ portion thereoP t:o prevent: dielo.:.atlon, diel:ortlon, .orc:1.ok.lng, Palllng-oPP, or any other are In any, "'ay at: varlane• "Ith any 11u.oh la"'•, ordlnaneee, rul••• or darnc,ge to the "ork. or any oP It• =mponent: pc,rte due to regulat:lone, (;ontrac:.tor ehall promptly give !.andee""• Ar.ohlte.ot "rltten Por••••able normal e><.oeeelv• "'"d" and eartli•~uake Por..-e, notl.oe t:her-eoP. ehould C.ont:rc:1.:.tor perPorm any ""'"le. k.nol'llng that: It: le ... rtho,t addlt:lonal .ooet to o ... ner. lt.epalr or repla.o• at: no added .oontrary to any eueh la"'•• orc:llnaneee, rul•• or-r-egulat:lone, and ,..,t:hout: eoet, dc:1mage portion• oP "ork. 0, eomponent: parte. euc:.1, notle• to !.andeeap• Arehlteet:, (;ontr-aetor al,c,11 beo:ir all .oo•I:• and C.. 19rovld• b' ht. c:.1,aln llnl: bc:rrlead• around drl1ollne oP •><lat:rng t:r••• •><p•n••• arlelng t:hereProm and """"'lated 1:1,ere"lt:h and lndemnlPy and t:o be proteel:ed. Maintain barrleade, and pr•v•nt: Cll'WJ material• hold hc:1rmleee o ... ner and anyone dlreetly or lndlreet:ly employed by O"n•r etorag• or vehleular aee••• .. rthln prote.oted or-ea. rn.oludlng the !.Clndeeap• Ar.ohlte.ol: Prom and agalnet all .olalme, llablllt:y, damage, lo•••• and •><pen•••• lneludlng, "lt:hout: llmll:at:lon, attorney•' •••• arlelng In .oonneetlon th•r•"lth. 11!,G.AL.I!!' I"•~' l"I~ l'"lt.OT'l!!c;"!'IONl"lt.061t.AM 1"01.fc;I~ AND lt.!!<!ILlllt.l!!Ml!!N1'9 l".5 ~CllUll't.l!!Ml!!N"I'& l:leelgn, lnet:allatron ard modlPleat:lon oP e><let:lng vegel:at:lon ehall be In eonPormanee ... 1t:h one oP 1:h• Pollo .. 1ng "eondll:lone" or .,. "'""L"lred or modified by 1:1,e C.lty. It: ehall be the reeponelblllty oP the applleant to develop a plan l'lhl.oh meel:e the Plr• proteetlon reo.ulrement.. l!!nvlronmental eonetrc:11nte or other r•etrl.otlon plaeed upon the development: ehall not: be .oQnaldered JuetlPl.oatlon Por mod!Pl.octlon or eubordlnatlon oP Plre prote,t:lon 11...ndarde. Th• elte planning oP the development: el,c,II •atlePy both the Plr• prote.ot:lon et:anc:larc:le and envlronment:c:1 I .oonet:ralnt:11. !" .S-1 C.ONl:ll"l'ION A -MANJl"Ac.~l:l 51.~ l"I~ ~T!!C;"l'ION (e.e Append!>< I" .:2) l"ertarne to man mad• elop•• abutting high rlek. Plre are.,. ae de.,.rlbed under e.etlon 11 c;.1 el!!C."l'ION A-I -m•a••r-•d horlzontc:1lly :20' out: ... ard Prom th• outlying edge oP et:ruet:,re(e). I. !"!anted "Ith ground ,over or-'""' gro ... 1n9 ehrub -,,-.., .. (I"• than 5' In height) k.no...n to have Plr• retardant qualltl••· ::Z. No t:reee or ehr,be al lo"•d. S. Irrigated. !!,!!C;"l'ION A-:2 -meaeured horizontally :20' oul:i"lc:1rd Prom th• outlying edge oP e.,t:ron A-1. I. .-1anted ... 11:1, lo" "'ater uee nat:,rallzlng plant: -i,eeree le.no"" to have lo" Pue! .ohara,t:erletr,e. :2. No tr••• c:1llo"•d. 9. lrrlgc:11:ed. Sl!!(;"l'ION A-5 -m•a•ur-ed out...,,rd Prom th• outlying eog• oP A-:2 to rneluc:le tl'te remainder oP 1:li• area bet .. een e.etlon A-:::Z and high rlltl: Plr• area• ae dee.orlbed under e.et:lon 11 C.. Horizontal dl11tc:1ne• Prom the et:rueture(e) to untreated high rlek. area• •hall not be I••• than bO'. I. l"lanted .. rth lo"' ""ter-uee naturalizing plant •p•.ol•• le.no"'" to hCIVe lo"' Pue! ,hara, terratree. :2. "l'r••• are allo"•d but ehall not be planted eloeer """" :20' c,part. 5. Irrigated. l".S-:2 C.ONl:ll"l'ION 15 -NA"l'IVI!! 5LOl"!!5 -1'111.1:l!.ANl:l I"!~ ~ION (e.e Append!>< I" .:Z) l"ertalne to areae "'h•r• removal oP environmentally ••n•ltlve native vegetation 111 r••t:rleted "lt:hln l:h• Plr• .. et:lone. Sl!!C."l'ION 61 -m•a•ured :20' horizontally ,rom tl'te out:lylng edge oP th• •truetu,-ee) t:o"c:1rd 1:1,e environmentally r-eetrleted area "" c:lePlned ~ the C.lty. I. lt.emoval oP 'lilgli Pue! and moderate hazar-d •pe,r••" .,. ll•t•d In Append!>< l".I. ::Z. l"lantlng "Ith ground ,over or lo" gro ... rng ehrub •p•.ol•• (I••• than 5' In height:) le.no"" to have Plr• retardant quallt:1•• or ae otl,erl'II•• re"lulred by tli• c.rt:y. Iii. No t:r••• or 111,rube allo..,•d. 4. lrrl9"t:•d. !!,!!C;"!'ION 15::l -meaeured horlzont:c:1lly :20' out:i"lard Pr"m h outlying eog• oP 1!11. I. lt.emoval oP "high Puel epeel••• ae llet:ed In Appenc:11>< I".!. :2. lt.emoval by ••l•.ol:lv• pruning oP up l:o 11,0,r, oP th• volume oP t:h• "moderate Puel epe.ol••" ae ll•t•d In Append!>< l".I. 5. lt.epl,.ntlng "Ith natu,-c:1llzlng lo" Puel epeelee. 4. Tr••• c:1nd large tr•• Porm ahr,be (e.g. Oak.e, eumae, "l'oyon) "hleh are being retained eliall be pruned to provide elearan.:.e equal t:o three l:lm•• t:he height: 0, the aurroundlng underet:ory plart: material or 6', "'hl.ohever le higher. l:lead and e><GeHlvely 1: ... 1ggy gr-o"th ehall al.., be removed. !5. lrr-lgated. Sl!!(;"l'ION 155 -meaeur-ed liorlzontally :20' out...ard Prom the outlying edge oP e.et:lon 15::l. Th• outer edge oP "9 ehal I e><tend horlzonkll I ly to a folnt at leaet 60' Prom et:r,etur••· I. lt.emoval o "high Puel •peel••' ae llet:ed In Append!>< I".!. :2. lt.emoval by ••l•.ol:lv• pruning oP up t:o 40,r, oP t:h• volume oP the "moderate Puel epeelee" ae ll•t•d In Append!>< l".I. 5. "l'r••• ard lar-g• tr•• Porm ehrube (e.g. Oak.e, eumae, ToyonJ ,.hleh are being retained ehall be pruned to provide elearan,:.e •"lual t:o three tlmee the height o, 1:1,e eurroundlng underetory plarl: material or 6', "'hJC,hever le higher. l:lead and •><eenlvely 1: ... 1ggy gro"th ehall al.., be removed. 4. Non-Irrigated. l".9-4 Malnt:enane• aee•N •hall .,. provided to th• Plr• prot:eeilon areae. l".S-!5 l:lebrle and trlrmJ!nge produeed by thinning ehall be removed Prom the •rt:• or •hal I be eonvertec:f to mu l<.h by ., <.hlppln:,a maehln• c:1nd evenly diepereed over t:h• area to a ma><lmum depth oP 4' . 00' oP t:h• native undlet:u,-bed area. l".5-i Th• !"Ire Department may require c:loeumentar"\j photogr-"'f'I',• oP •lopee at the t:lm• oP treatment. l"hotographe ..,,11 remain In poeeeeelon 0, the C.lty ae a rePerenee Por Puture malnt:enanee lnepeetlone by the C.Jt:y. Adenoeiloma Pae.ol.oulat:um C.haml•• Artemlela eallPornlea C.al!Pornla Sagebrueh l!!rlogon,m Paeereulatum eu,~heat ea!vra •peel•• eage other epeel•• ae epeelPled by tl'te C.11:y l:lOMl!!9"1'1"5 ,....a,ra -i,e.ol•• ,....QC,la C.edr-,e •p•.o I•• C.edar C.uprenue epeel•• c;ypren l:lodonaea vlaeo•a Hop•••d 15ueh 1!!,,...1yptua epe.01.. l!!uealypt:u• ..lunlperue •p•.ol•• .Juniper .-emreet:um l"ount:aln 6rau 191nue •p•.ol•• .-ine Other •pe.or.• a• epee!Pled by \l'te C.lt:y MOl:ll!!lt.A "1"!! HAZA!t.l:l e.-l!!C.11!!5 Heterom•I•• arbut:IPolla "l'oyon Maloema lour-Ina !.aurel e.tmae Clluereu• dumo.., S..rub oak. ~-• lntegrlPollco !.emonac:I• 15erry Aylo=eu,,e bl-c.olor Ml•elon Manzanita CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAWN JP _12ollurJ .---------,,,-, A_S ___ B_U,...IL-=T""" -------.----,----,--------------,----,----,---,----1 PLANTING SPECIFIC A TI□NS FDR• APPROVED MM PROGRESS 1ST SUBMI'M'AL 01-27-04- DATE VILLA6E5 OF LA COST,lt LA COSTA R/06/: 2.5 L-16 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 2ND SUB. 03-Hi-OO TITI.£: ______________________ l----+---+-------------------+----1----+---+----i ~;::;:;~';'::3'~=====:==============~ t---------==-:-:-::e,:::--;e:-:-:----------"1-----l---l-------------------l---+---4---+-----I APPROVED I I , I. NDSCAPf:1 AR 'HfTF.CTtJRF I MYLAR SUB. JOB NO. DATE SCALE i o4-o&-o5 RECEIVED BY: 02-142 06-1~-04 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DAlE DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION O"THER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: --C, T 04-04 RVWD BY: - DATE DRAWING NO. 420-bL I ! ! NOTE!, AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED BY RECYCLED HATER (NO RECYCL.ED ~ATER TO SE USED) RECYCL.ED ~ATER MAP I"= 100'-0" , see MA5T!fll ~ l"LANS (1:>11'16 ..,.,,~ '"°" ""'° ::ic, c, _______ JP: r"'-~_Y_c_.u_r.c,_~_,1:k_,"""----i'"'..::"';:TED:;;;;;5l.Ot"ES'j"'?------,--~-~--------::.e,:.:::AL.::l!!:·_:_•"...:•~....o:'.::'...·_•~c,-~- 1 =2•~ ~ CITY o F CARLSBAD ~, DRAWN •AS-BU IL T" ~L!l_J=~~~:::::;:~P:::L:::ANN;:::::l:::N'::G:::D::EP::::A::R::::T:::h.4::EN::T=:==::!.-:LJl_j::::::::::::::::: APPROVED MM REC.YC.LE:D i,'IATl:R EXHIBIT FOR, PROGRESS 8-10-04 VILLASES OF LA C::::OSTA L-li APPROVED FOR PLANTINe : ! "":N:.c:·:=--·-=-·:=-=::.:...~1-TT_A_L_:::.:::__.:=::.:::__.:=:::::: L.'.Tl'..'.'.TLE::'=====Rffi~r1~====□A=tt=={==+==+==============±==t=t=j==i LA c::::osrA RJ06E .2.5 AND IRRISATION ONLY, -5, ---,,.,,,.,'."""'",---------=-'--'--___.::0_::_4---=-05=--=051 RECEIVED BY: r':A;';';P;:;;PR:;';O;;';VE;:;;D=f'r===;::::===.========= INC-LUDIN6 PREC-15E • =~~~~'=-___ .S:/9,05 LOC,A Tl ON OF PLANT INS . . JOB NO. 02-142 t-;;..;:;c--i",;:;,.;;;.;-i!---------------1----1------l---...J_-_J ~A~S~Sl=;ST~A~N=T-=P=LA=N=N~IN~G=D=,R=E~CT~O==R~~=::::::;;:::::::DA=TE~== KEY /vfAP AREAS. OF C~\. DATE 06-15-04 DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO . .... -----=-------------..L..--------------..l..:..;~~-=.:..----------.l---------~~~~~~~!S~CA~L~E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~A~S~SH~O~W~N~=====~IN~SP~E~CT~OR~=======::!D~A~lE~=::!~EN~G~IN~EE~R~O~F~WO~RK~;;;;;;;;;;;;~R~E~V~l~S;IO;N~D;E;S;C;R;l;P~TI;O;N;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~O;lH~E~R ~l>J'~P~RO~V~AL~~Cl~TY~AP~P~RO~V~AL~~2~~g~~g~~~~'.~-~~~~~~~C.§T~0~4~-~og4~=~4~2~0~-~€?~L.~J r I I I' i ' I i ! I I I I