HomeMy WebLinkAbout1377 SPARROW RD; ; CB111069; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 05-23-2011 Cogeneration Permit Permit No:CB111069 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1377 SPARROW RD CBAD COGEN Sub Type: Lot#: Status: Valuation: 2156402400 $0.00 Construction Type: EVG 0 NEW Applied: Occupancy Group: Reference #: Entered By: Project Title: GUMNER: 40AMP CIRCUIT? MENA 6- 50 RECEPT//W/SUB-MERTER Applicant: SUNWEST ELECTRIC INC 3064 E MIRALOMA AV 92806 714 630-8700 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $1.00 Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Plan Check#: Owner: GUMNER DAVID R&MOLL Y L 1377 SPARROW RD CARLSBAD CA 92011 PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES ISSUED 05/20/2011 JMA 05/23/2011 05/23/2011 Total Fees: $22.00 Total Payments To Date: $22.00 Balance Due: Inspector: t'.11· ~~ FINAL APPREVAL Date: crJ -z-, H Clearance: CQ ->z, , , $0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.00 $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval ol your project includes the "lmposttion" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. 11 you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees ln connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have nr0vi-· --~ · "'-en niven a W'ITICE similar to this or as to which the stat11te "f limitations h"S "revioush1 ot"'-rwi"" 0xnir011. «t Building Permit Application Plan Check No. ( fl-, I 1 I rl / /Jq Est. Value \,, .~ 1635 Faraday Ave., Ca~sbad, CA 92008 CITY Of 76~02-2717 /2718/2719 Plan Ck. Depoalt CARLSBAD Fax 76~02-8558 www.carlsbadca.gov Date SM11 isWPPP JOB ADDRESS 1377 Sparrow Road ,-· . . . r, 1~,. r·-" r· ...... I # 8'TIIRWM~ I ' 1--_.. ..... I~--·· DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Squer• fHf Of ANecr.d AIH(a) Install 40A circuit and NEMA 6·50 receptacle for Electrical Vehicle Equipment EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE rARAGE (SF) PATIOS (Sf) I DECKS (SF} FIREPLACE , rR wNDITfONING I IFIRE SPRINKLERS veso, •<D vesO•oD YEsO•oO CONTACT NAME (JI Dlffii,.nt FomA,pllcnt) APPLICANl NAME Shaun Eastman AOORESS ADDRESS 3064 E. Mlraloma Ave. CITY STATE ~p CllY STATE ~· Anaheim CA 92806 PHONE I FAX PHONE lFAX 714-678-0083 714-630-8740 EMAIL EM~L seastman@sunwestelect.com PROPERTY OWNER NAME Molly Gumner CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME Sunwest Electric. Inc. ADDRESS ADDRESS 1377 Sparrow Road 3064 E. Miraloma Ave. CITY STATE ZIP CllY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 92011 Anaheim CA 92806 PHONE I FAX PHONE IFAX 760-603-9188 714-60-8700 714-630-87 40 EMAIL EMAIL seastman@sunwestelect.com ARCWDESIGNER NA.\tE & .-.OORt.~ ISTATEUC.. -~1ATE ~.,.# 1=c10 I CITY BUS 1216494 511697 (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions COd&: l,eyettyor County which requites e permit to construct. alter, Improve, demollsh or repair enystructure, 0lior to Its Issuance, also ~ulres the a ppllcant for such permit tQ fl le e sllned statement Uiat ha IS lltensed PQ(SUB nt to the provisions or the Contractor's License Lew {Chapter 9, commendrn,g With Section 7000 of DMslon 3 of the Business end Professions COcleJ or lhal he Is exam.et therefrom, and the basis for the e11eged exemptJon. My YloleUon or sectton 7031.5 by any appllcenfTor e permit subjeets the epp!!cant to a clvll penalty of not more than five hundred dOllars {$600)). Worke,s' Compen,auon DtclanUon: I heltby ,fflnn undtr p,ndy of fJfliurY ooe d lhe kllkwdng dedm!Jom: D I ltavt and wlll malnlafn • ctrtlftcat1 of con1111I lo 1tlf,ln11111 forVoOfkers'compensation N provided by Section 3700oltlll LabofCOde, l)r the pelformance ot the v.orkforwhlch this pe,mltb lulled. 011tm and wm malnlllnworll:ers' cornoens■Uon, as requred by Saclion 3700cllhe Labor Code, fortha pertonnanee DI Iha work fon,111ch llliS permit iS Js.soed. Mywor1cm' tompe11&alion hsllfiOCe ener and poficy RlN'llb«ere:lnsuranceCo otd~~Hc!IUuranctCOfp PoricyNo. A1CW4111100J ExpationData Otlltl/11 l,lli.eection need not be completed if the permit b tor one hunthddoll¥s (S100) « less. LJ Certllcate of Exemption: I certify Iha! In Ole pe,fCffllancecflhev.orlcfoi'Yott~ this pennit Is Issued, I notenploy any pmon ri any mannetsoas to become S11b)ecl bfle w«tera' Compensation La,,s DI can1om1a. WARNING: Failure to MCureworklrl' compen11Uon coverq1 ts uni d I su an employ1rto crlmln&I ptnalU11 and cMI flnH upto Ofl1 hundnd sand d ars (&100,000). 1n addltlonlOthteostofcompentllllon.~J(loSerfl~Dlf)! .. ... mf. ,fees. 8$ CONTRACTORstONATURE -~ .• ~·--;:- I hereby affimt that I Ml sxempt tom ~ Ucense Law fortlie blro11,u,g, 181$00: D ~ as O'n1\tf cl tlt p(opertf or my lfl\ployees ~ wages as !heir sole i;ompenaallon, will do !he wen and the &hdure Is not Intended « offered !or safe (Sec. 7044, BUSMS3 and Proressioos Coda: TIie Col'ITIIC!or'a License Law don not apply to an CYo1\ef of Jl(Ollffl'/ 'M'IO builds « mpto-m thereon, and M'IO does IUCh WOfX hi'nself or through his own employees, p-ovided that,uch lmprovemenls are not intended or offered kit aale. ff, howmf, tie buld'utg t1 mp/OVement Is 60ld within one ye• of canfHil'on, lht <MTUJr-ixlilder will have the baden of prOYlng that he cfid not buld t1 rnprove for the pwpose or sale). [Z) □ I, asO'Ml«ofthe pvperty, am exclutlvel)'cootacingwth BceMed oonlraclfflto CO!l$llucltht project {Sec. 7044, Bl,IS!nass and ProfessbN Code: TlleContrack:r'I Lieense Law does notappl'f loan 0'M'lel'of prope,tf l'lho buikls Of hlproves tflereon, and connets ror such projects with (OlllraciOt(s) liened pur111at1t ., the Cootracb"s License Law). I em ~emptufldw Sactioil, ____ Bu$!ness and Professions Code for lllls reason: 1. I p&,'&Onally plan ti p«M09 Ille ma;:,, labor and ma1erials ror conslrucliOn of Ille p-oposed p,operty mpi-ovement Oves Qio 2. I (ll8','8 / have not) signed an application ror a buikflOQ permit ror the proposed wen. 3. I have conlracted 'Mth the f011oVM9 pe,son (fim) IO provide !he proposed cooswctlon (llldllde name addr8$.S I phOne I contraclffl' lieellSt number): 4. I plan to proYide portion$ of lhe 'Mn, but I have hied the ~ per$OII lo wordinate, 1Upervi&e and provide tie mapr wed (lnt;llde name/ aclclre$s I phone / 00(11rac!Ofs' ncenw numtief): 5.1 v,,1 Jl(OYldalOfN olthe'M>rk. but I have conntlad (hnd) tie follovMg petSOll8 kl p,OYide lhe II.Olk lnd'uted (inducSe name/ adcnsiJ phooe/t;peOfWDft): J!S' PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE i{jAGENT DATE I cedlfythatl haw; reaclUleappDcetloo and slate lhattheebcM lnfonnallon b correttand !Mtthlllnfomlattonon the plenslS 9(QJ/81&. I 8f'Ml0 oomply'tofthall Cftyonllnanees andStalolawsrefatlngtob!Jklngcoostrudfon. I hereby aulhorize representatwe dtlle City of Calsba:l lo enter upoo lhe abow mentooed prql8rtt b' ln$pedioo purposes. I M.S0 AGREE TO SAVE. INOEPmlFY AND KEEP HARM.ES$ THE CfTY OF C.ARlSMD AGAINST ALL UABIUTlES, JLOGIJENTS, COSTS AND EJ<PfNSES WHICH W.Y IN mf WAY ACO.UE A NST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GAANTING OF THIS PERMT. OStW M 0SHAi:erm'llsl8Ql.iredtirea-"8ti:W ovar6'0'deep alddemollion orccos'IJoolionofstn-:11.net 3$bies In balghl EXPIRATION: EWlry perml Issued b'/ the Buld'rig Off'del under ht ptO'l'isbM oflhls Code &hall expire b'f ' Md become nul and void l the btl}jng or wOfk eothOrtzed '1f such is notOOfll'lleOCed within 180da,,fltJmlhe..., of oudl -.-WIile ooidnQ0'\',00< . ala,y&re afteflhe Mllkio.,..,..,.,. l>ra peilod f180da,, ( · 106.4.4 Uo;mn "1"1'11 Coda) __ .,,,~-= ----~·. . . • . -----'----'., A!S'APPLICANT'SSIGNATURE~~--. " -~ ~ -·· '·· DATE S--..._p ••w--•--•-------- 4\ w City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 06/20/2011 Permit# CB111069 Title: GUMNER: 40AMP CIRCUIT7 MENA 6- Description: 50 RECEPT//W/SUB-MERTER Type:COGEN Sub Type: EVG Job Address: 1377 SPARROW RD Suite: Lot: 0 Location: APPLICANT SUNWEST ELECTRIC INC Owner: GUMNER DAVID R&MOLLY L Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Inspector Assignment: Phone: 7143188594 Inspector: --i.:l'AL:..i,.,.<,::__ Requested By: NICK Entered By: JANEAN 34 39 Rough Electric Final Electrical ~ E\/Si:; Sl'"~,--1,, OlS<o,J~"( lf-.Sut.->,11.,,~.e_ £!.__ -("'~ PLA.l, ' Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments SDG,. ...,,JE .(6;1s.m,n.fn"3Y-· ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND METER & SERVICE LOCATION Customer Copy -Dale: ON CITY INSPECTION ~ Type: Meler location Only ....... No:152183 I .1a1>No: 010 ......,TIiie: EV GUMNER DAVID SDR--0653 SOT .....,. Addless: 1377 SPARRO'N RD "EV" . CARLSBAD I ClmlwPhonot. 76M03-9188 CaDCt DAVID GUMNER I Con1act Phone t. 760-603-9188 f 7 TrafficConlrol Pennlt"-._. -Pe-"-"'"'1 Bv SeniceAllachmertPoill.--Localon: No Service Panel Upgrade ... Customer installing ne EV sub-mater and breaker box on the west wall south of existing meter panel Customer to adhere to SDG&E Standards and Specification regarding clearances and obstructions (See Spec Pages #6052&#1008~ It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure the panel size is adequate for the added load. Cal your Service Coordinator, Terry Zepeda,@ 760-476-5614 to confirm County inspection and to schedule the EV meter set I I SOGaEA_._,_ o ... -..._Cal: 1~11-7343 MJ-• I Bv Citv of cadsbad ...,. hllQN:-ff mh (3'0" min. b' IIUlfplt rnelll' lnllllllloll)-6'3" ma Fftllntim grn to cn,r1,e of mnrbase. MIIIIS are IIQulred to be US1J a:w:eAbt 24 hells per day. Mlils must be l0aiad h a safe ... frae d aiy polllrilaly hmldaus or da,igarousCOldllon, Plwdl3«.X3-ft.llrirundfllrandliwefM11111nQspa»kltalt.ol'melll', Mlnll'INl"IOCll'llsprupJSld, cantact ...... lhl ,_SDG&E Oll:e. .... bas ind fflllllr'avloadlSclomec:ls nlllbelocalld II« ~----toeachO!ta'ald be ~wlltaidress a,dl.fllrufN'ltm,ve:s. PROCEDURE FOR INSTAU.ATIOH 1. PH0IE DIG ALERT 1-800-227-2600AT LEASTTWD OA'IS PtllOR TC TRENCHING FOR LOCATION OF UNOERGR0UND UTUlES. 2. Phone SDG&Eal 78M76-6614 fwthe wllo'Mng: • 3oaling days prior1Dhnclq 1Dana,ge-""1 inspedr,r rd ~iliale hn<hiV pn,cess. • Mer excavation ofmch,-.., d ccm,jtrd ....ice"'1nn:e eqoipmontalm .... lcai111, CALL FOR INSPECllON. Do 1101-concllilwilhol.t~s-...,....r 1D badlll. • v.llen_ ls_rd_CALLFORINSPECIION • • ~--eqgpmertls--bac:111, CALLFORNSPECTION OF THE EQUIPMENT • 3. ,._c:amotbe se!llllil i1sp«U' hasapprwad ilslaMm, inducing seNice ~ aoo rec,ipt d . . .......... _,co. . --1116-482 I-Nllrl>er.D110255 Joni T ,...t, wll: __ .., Slandanls """•#: -UdSllal- ~Amis: I ...,T,...t,: from-I Riser Quad: Bendlnstaledl-a,; Twe: Cond..tlnslaled'-: C<nclJilSiZII: SeMcef>lmRllirQ: -d-Swllch: Vdliige: ld'l\ns: Phase: U11iios Maxlnun Con1riluion ID Flllll Cunant NIA Amm ....... M: Mellr Clos: NIA T-SeNice""-DueonFISIBiD$ -Type: Residential 1 I SPARROW RD • T.B. 1127-C5 Dale Prapnl: 03/25/2011 -I ! ~ r-z Addilional lnlonnallon: 0 Rii,,t~ Required As$8S$C~S Pao:ol N1111ber. Please call your Service Coordinator Teny Zepeda at 760-476-5614 with questions about application, inspection, and to schedule a meter set. ISDG&EwrmbnlmadautariOIIIC..,_._.,rii,itii~crC,-p,q.:t,SOG&E-'1111Wln~nll.a11t~ ~ID-:rllMir_,111.hm:IRfouicrliall; ..... prkrDSOGIE ...... -...n. SDGlEnl..._no...,arobllllllliin ,.._.Ddam~,-«__.._,..__. .... ,,...........,_ ........ Gl......_\ftllNlll ......... d ...... C I iOd£dblol'aOIMl~--GNupl:ID •• llllllllaailllldll:llbd'Cllbnla_,........,.......,Wl(I ... __. ..... ..__,.bopomlpiirD....,Dll lnlarrmlkrlaaNl,._ltllllid*llll'ltllllllllltaaidlla. l(ocip .. TdDI ... IIIMlQ Plimer: KIM MAGEO T,,,._ 76M7~612 I .~I ~ (13 [ \-100q