HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 330-2L; PD 408; CARLSBAD DISTRIBUTION CENTER; 01-10GENERAL NOTES 11.~CLAIHED WATEll NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Water Districts "Carlsbad Reclamation Rules & Regulations for construction of reclaimed Water Ma~ns" dated June l, 1991. FUTURE, RECLAIMED vV ATER (PRIVATE) 2, All public facilities such as co111fort stations, orinkin~ fountains, etc. shall be protected from spray by reclaimed ~acer, 3. No ponding, run-off or over-spray is permitted, 4. Hose bibs are strictly prohibited. CARLSBAD DISTRIBUTION CENTER .EUSiNa RIOM!a s. On-site cross-conne.:tions between recldimed ,1ater lines and votable ,1ater lines is strictly prohibited. o. No bubstitution of pipes materials will be allo1,1ed without prior approval of tne City of Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Carlsbad, California Plan B ) 7. All on-bite pipes shall have warniog tape ,er carlsbaa Municipal Water District's Rules and Regulations, 8. rhe irr1gatiou systems sllall run uetweeo the hour.;; ot 10:00 v•m. and &:00 s.111, Tne following morning (spot irrlgatiou could be done at a different time) ~ith qualified supervision rersonnel on site. 9. Provt<le a minh,um wiring an~· piping. of at least 1a inches ot cover over all 10, Private lots snall be vrotected from contact from reclaimed wat .. r, whetller by windblown spray or b'y direct application, through irrigation or other approved use. Lack of protection, whether by design, congtruction practice or system operation, ls strictly prohibited. 11. Contractor shall adjust heads to preveot over-spraying on all bidewalk~, streets and ~rivate lots, 12. Quick coupling valves shall have a si,ecial couple key per Cdrlsbad rlunicipal Water District's Rules and Regulations, 13. Meters sh~ll ~e sized bf the City of Carlsbad Municiyal Water District. 14. and All irrigation pipe shall be stenciled, color-cuded (ruryle) laid with warnin, taye per the City of Carlsbad Municipal Yater 15. All installed trench. i,otable with the water aud reclaihled stenciling oriented watet to,1ard ~iping shall be the tol' of the 16. When a potable ~ater line and reclaimed water line cross, LhH r.;claiwed line ahall be installed within a protective sleeve. The sleeve shall extend 10 fe,ot frum each s;lde, from the center line uf µotable line, fur a total of 20 feet. 17. A 10 foot horizontal separation between potaole water and reclaimed water mains muat be maintained at all times. The potable line hlUst b" installed above the reclaimed line. 18. A '"inimum of 12 inch.;s of vertical sep .. ration between utilities must oe ruaintainea st all times, 19, Developc>r/contractur <ihall conduct a cross~connectlon test and covera6e test as directea by tne Carlsbad Hunici,al ~ater District Engineer and/or the Sao Diego Couot1 Qepsrtment of Health Services prior to sny use of reclaimed water, 20, Quick-couplin• valves used iu r~clalmed water systems shall conform to the follo~iug: A, Quick-coupling valves shall be l inch nominal size nelson #7645 with brass construction and a normal ,1orking pressure of 150 P.S.I, or Ralnbird #44 NP. B, Iu order to prevent unauthotized use, the valve shall be operat~d only with a svecial coupler key with an acme thread for opening and closing the valve, SlGNAGE NOTES· The following guidelines for the use of reclaimed water are to be per Illa n en t ly po s t ed. ir,s;jd,:. ~ ,:¾,,,.-~dA..a,l,fnfl,r'wh,te li;is!l"j 'AS1ble. "QI •r • puri>le background with black letterlrrg. f'\=,:;t1 i'Jll:,..,ql -61=15"1• A• Guidelines for Reclaimed Water Use 1. Irrigate between the nours of 10:00 p.m. and \Go:00 a,m. only. Wa!ering outside this time frame must be done wanuallt with qualified SUJ>ervisory personnel on-site. No system shall at ~ny time be left unatteuded during use outside the normal schedule. 2. Irrigat,e in a !llanner that will minimize run-off, pooling, and ponding. The ayplication rate shall obt exceed the infiltratioo rate of tne soil, Timers must be adjusted so as to be compatible witn the lowest soil infiltration rate present, Tnis procedure may be facilitated by the efficient scheduling of the automatic control cloc1<s (i.e. «mploying ttle repeat function to break up the total irrigation tame into cycles that will promote maximum soil absorption), 3. Adjust spray heads to eliwinate overspray the control of the custom .. r. For example, patios and lots, ~nd strc,ets aud sidewalks, onto areas not under pool decks, private 4. Monitor aud maintain the system to minimize equipment a11d materi&l failure, Broken sprinkler heads, leaks, unreliable valves etc. snould be repaired as soon as they become apparent, 5. Educate all maintenance personnel, on a continuous basis, of the presence of reclaimed watE:r and the fact tnat it is not approved for drinKiug purposes. Given the high turnover rate of employees in tne landscape industry, it is 1mp0rtanl that this information be aissem1nat0<d un ,an almost daily basis. It is you, tne landscape contractor, wno is responsible for educating each a11d every one of your employees. 6. Obtaiu prior approval of all proposed changes and modifications to any private on-site facilities. Such ctianges must be submitted to, .and arproved bt, the District Engineering Office and designed in accordance with distract standards, 7. All reclaimed water sprinkler control valves shall be tagied with identification tags. a. b. Tags shall be weatherproof i,lastic, J"x 4", vurple in color ,11th the words "WARNING: RECLAIMED WA1ER, DO NOf DR l NK" 1 mp r 1 n t e d on one side, and ",\('JS'fl ~AGVA !MPV~ f•L:: i""1-1,\!1-,U on tne other side, Imprinting shall be permanent and black in color. Use t&gs as manufactured by T, Christy Enterp,rises or approved equal, One tag shall be attached to each valve as follows: l. attach to valve ste111 diteccly or with plastic 2 • 3. tie-wrap~ attach to solenoid ,1ire directlJ or with plastic tie-wrap or attach tovalve cover with existing V41Ve cover bolt C. The cover shall be permanently attached to th~ 9uick- coupling valve. It snsll be purple rubber o; vinyl. D. Locking covers ~ required. 8. All sprinkler sprinkler heads., heads shall be identified as reclaimed water; 21. An an~ual cross connection inspection ~ill be done by eitner Carlsbad rlunicipal Wato?r District or Soon Diego County Devartment of Health S~rvices, Copies uf inspection reports will be forwarded to the non-in~pectin6 party. 22. Developer shall show the location of R.C. signs "Do ~0t Drink• un the plans. 23. An on-site use,/supervisur shall be desi 6 uated in writing, Inis iodiv1du~1 shall be familiat ,11th plu~bing systems within the property, with the basic coucepts of backflow/cross-connection protection, and tne specific requirements of a reclai.,ed water S/~t,am. Copi"s of th,e designation, with coutact pnvoe numbers shall be provided to the S.sn Diego Cuuuty Departmeut of Healtn Services ana Carlsbad Municipal Water uistrlct. 24, Show all ~otable wau,r lines ·ou the plan. ltems No.'& 8, 19, b 23 shall be required just prior to tne actual use of reclaimed water. Item No, 22: Ttie signag" plan shall be a part of tnis l.P, but the actual &lgns and tags will be installed just prior to actual use of R.c. w<1ter, II. Each automatic controller snd its associdted equipment shall be identified with a blgo bearing the words •Reclaimed Water Used for Irrigation• in English and Spanish, with black letter l" high on a purple background. The sign shall be placed so that -it can be rekdily s~en by any operations personnel utilizing tne equip- ment. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I nereby declare that I am Landscape Architect of ~ork for this project, hat I have exercised responsible charge over the design of this project as defined in section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code and that the design is consistent with current standards. ~tTE f'~CJFIC SE!: f:~f'(;E- i,., :-1'116 N F l/' N ,Af:;rjVf!, Location Map, / ,, - 4' D~~ S-' ~ _J1'1;. 111• .,,.,,., :,~ :.~.;;c •t- °''9"\•d~ y ~unJ,. • slON /, -76 , .. cou $1.11:~}:t.,".?f"S ~ I ,' ·~, , . .1ran- 'Q"'<:1r-";' l'gllr a e .n_Marcos + _.,.•"" '.. ~ .,, -_, '1',it-,,.. ---, .,,. ~s.,. I • -• I A"'Gl(/Y-1,.u:;kr tf.lCN'i'N:='--,11-._ CINJTAS J - WU it.1&~~ Solana Be~ch L-IMrf Ut-e "'P ff:Cl-f.1Y1eti w,re;/'<, li$!:: -----~~~ EXBTWa IO.OING ~ --_....----u Pla1;1 A I i L I I ---l I •trn ,.E,, 1.a ~, -L a,::..:;=-=~,,...,...---ir-1£T-f::f;,.,_=~,--::'.1f ----------------t---~~,,.,~::,.~~!gsr:;,./) ____ , DCL .... riU}•OIHiHl,.ltl (illf /IIACEl'"/1,&l,"rl Vicinity Map l'l'f-T H ~L-Alt,l:l;;D ~f-VSE:i-f.f-eh 0 f.Fff:PX, fq,110. '=' Wif\l.. 1Z'_fo. Gf.lN ,ACf{dSS 6In:0 :2.1:i (see C/VIL-f'L-ANJ ~l~N'-"S'-"P_.cE:.:C..cTc::Ic:O'-"N:....:P.::.:: R 6:.: lc:.:E:.:D:.:U:.:R.:..:E=S l . 2 • 3. CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. B. C. D, E • F. G. Location of pipe lines Trencn depth Required separation (horizontally and vertically) Pipe identification Points-of-connection (poc'b) Location and identification of sprinkler heads Warning signs at the site and on tne trucks hauling reclaimed water (if reclaimed ~~ter is used for construction) An api,roval letter regarding the insp~ction of the project shall be obtained from t~e city and district, and be forwardea to th~ County Health Department prior to final inspection arproval DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE; A, Coverage test, after completion of the sprinkler system to determine the adequacy of coverage on the ayprovea use area and protection of ar~as ~ot approved for receiving reclaimea water B, C • Warning signs and labels Quick coupling valves D. All aspects of the irrigation conditions includiog windblown spray, runoff, snd ponding E. Required protection of all residential areas F. Requir~d protection of well, streams, reservoi G. Cross-connection ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: 1 A complete inspection which should cover Part A f the district final ins ection. I a ,z.lt -,,,...1.-L-Vf'l-1/f:: LIS: ---..___.._ - 1 tJ~ r-t'f" DF-!Nr-' s1cN--; \~ Avenlda Enclnas Leg,end WAA'JNG RECLAH.IEO WATER oo ... or DRL'i'{ oooowooo ---fe.--- EY:ISflNG f"T/i7L-6 \Iv.AWi' S'(Sre}". (E-YlsT. 1,51 \.Ut"Tf"' 'St.f'i) Ff'-OfOSe!D f-e.cl../"-ll"ED WrteP... srSJF;M t,fe,A OF fe01.-,'\l\\'1W VJ,"qe;F-vse. (stfll'N ~f,.\::,~D) ?'d)'!NWflON ft'INT.:s (E!]=~f-. 1 '1-ef'Cf-FU>w fl"-eV) No ex,sr!NG f,.eCL-f\lMt;;D Wl'\$f--S'(~f--1 ll'DP Nat'" Dt"\l"-llc-1 SI~ \..LCfflilNS AV'S() · AGIJA 1.VPURA NO TOMAA .Af'N • :::z_i/-,·&' ~-::2.1 ., . ,r--fURPLE LOGO · ,e-x ur SIZE / -HEATHER HARDIE o,e A!.U'-IINVM, 060 ABS P\AST7 WHITE BAC!<OROONO OR STICK-GI VINYL SIGNS t--1 • PURPLE LETTERS I s6· __ _:_r _____ __.,. HARWOOD LANDSCAPE <S!Z.EJ 12' X 36' NT-S. WARNlNG RECLAIMED WATER 00 NOT DRINK RECLAIMED WATER AVlSO·AGUA IMPURA NOTOMAR 1 • PURPLE LETTERS .060 ABS P\.ASTIC OA STICK-ON VINYL. $.(;IMS Al.SO .016Al.UMINU>.I 2' PURPLE LEITTRS TYPICAL, SIGNS SHEET _LOF 10 SHEETS 4011 CHIPPEWA er. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 "AS ~ll/b13 T~ -DATE REVIEVED BY• L---.13/~--" INSPECTOR /Z. -/"5 -?.3 DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT I 1HOTS I Title Sheet for: CARLSBAD DISTRIBUTION CENTE 20 AVENIDA ENCINAS ARLSBAD IRRIGATION LEGEND -----------------SYMBOL MANUF. · MODEL D DESCRIPTION NOZZLE PSI ' ' GPM RAD PATTERN -----------~~-------------------------------------~---------------------- 0 0 • HUNTER ll.UNTER TORO PS-04-15 PGH-AOJ 570C-6P 570C-6P S-type (4" pop-up, adjust radius as re.quired) S-type (4" pop-up, adjust radius as required) G-type (12" pop-up, adjust radius as required) 6" POP-UP HEAD (adjust radius A-V A-V A-V A-V A-V A-V C 3-V C 6-V C 8-V 4-EST 4-SST 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 • 4 1 o· .8 10' 1.6 10' I . 9 15' 1.6 15' 3.4 15' 1.0 28' 2.0 28' 3.2 28' QUARTER HALF FULL QUARTER HALF FULL QUARTER HALF FULL .6 4'xl5' END STR 1.45 4'x30' S!OE STR. as requir~d) ) 'l"OllO -6-&-~0-··· -4-" P6PwHP HE/\9 2/69 li.) .44 Ii' TO ll0 ----$S1tB-t-&El"----6--""'--f>e--!'--{W;~~t:'!f'&-e,---½-----.--M-.Jt'C'---ll,ll,-!i~riHI:---' "' GRISWOLD @ "'°'I Nf:, 1/'0 • GRISWOLD ® HAMMOND Iii! FEBCO WILKENS ,At,er::f UN.e: DW-PRV 4-'rNP DW-PRV 667-32 825 y YSBR PVC PIPE PRESSURE REGULATING ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES (size pe~ plan) QUICK COUPLER -1 " MASTER CONTROL VALVE (install directly downstream of backflow device. Set pressure regulator to 60 psi). BALL VALVE (LINE SIZE) REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTE.R 11l).d (install per City of Carlsbad standards) WYE STRAINER -1 l/2ff (install as integral of backflow assembly) PIPE SIZE SCHEDULE OR CLASS ' ----------------------------~----~------------ LATERAL 1/2" CL. 315 3/4"-3" CL.· 200 ' PRESSURE 1/2"-I 1/2" SCH. 40 2"-3" CL. 315 . . E':3 IRRITROL MC-Vt· Automatic controller with built in moisture sensor and Rain Guard by Water Conservation Systems, Inc. (phone# (714) 621-5805) automatic rain shut off. Hook into controller and install in open unobstructed location (roof etc.). Provide electrical service (117 vac, lamp lOOva -verify) see plan for controller location. IRRIDELCO PRESSURE REGULATOR (u~e as req'd for proper system control) SLEEVING (2x line size) SCH. 40 ~f-t-i:O W/ '?OIi ~ ~ \Jel-1~ ,..Q::;fi,g,s l-Sl-e'S) Mark at each end during installation with spot on back of curb _ _ . _ . ,... . ..... , . or similar. Install metallic-backed locating tape long entire l"eng-th of. $t~1'h.f.1 aiicd~ ,n~1nl111e .. ,. ~: .. ~ 1"~---12" directly abo;e /t'>!Ml'llir,e,.. Tape shall be _marked "iRRIGATION" in 2" capital letters every 3' along the tape (fVr--el-fl.ID fqi(;',W~ stecs"). 5t-teve cc~ Wt/2.Es ser~q" re~ ~ ~-.. ·~ t.,,1,-e ~o: S\-fr. ~ ----------........ ' .. ... --------.... ~-=-~"""',- SYMBOL LEGEND ------------- ' 4_· ____ STATION SEQUENCE . .::::= REMOTE CONTitOL VALVE GALLONS PER MINUTE IRRIGATION NOTES ----~~---------- SIZE 1. Irrigation plan is diagrammatic only. planter areas whenever possible. ,. All lines should be iocated in l I Jri\ 2. Landscape conttactor · shall verify P.O.C. and existing P .• s. I. at site. Any discrepancies with the plan shall be brought to the att n on of the_.,._. landscape arch! tee t. 1 ±r.J 3. Refer to the specifications for additional instructions. 4. Refer to the details for installation instructions. op C 5. The Landscape Contractor is responsible fo-.: -·1:,o,l""tlinatin_1 -......A...,,._.,._._ irrigation to the existing system. Contracto,: shall verify that backflow preventer and all other applicable items.;;,~ installed per City of Carlsbad standards. Any part of the system that requires upgrading to City standards shall be a part _of_ this cootract<tt1,r1,iMSt,l~111<1 5t..,n,tavd';;,o>r'<!'.J"!'r~ JwjS•J 6. All heads._wrth1n je,rl &1° (td1) off:'.e'd~j-n.;..vi v-~ ~ti .. ] T be popups. 7. Landscape contractor shall field verif/ all dimensions, existing pressu~e lines and point of connection. 8. Watering shall be done as infrequently as the plant allows after establishment. 9. Controller programming shall prohibit excess run-off. :10. The contractor shall furnish the followiog materials upon completion of the work: a. Laminated diagrammatic plan of the proposed irrigation system identifyiog station numbers and their respective irrigated areas. Mount Inside the controller. b, All equipment guarantees aod operation maouals. c. Two quick coupler valve keys with hose swivel 'ell'. 11. Contractor shall provide record plans. The following shall be dimensioned from two permanent points of referenee (i.e. Buildiog corners, / sidewalks, etc.): • a. Points of connection , b. Gate ~alves I • c. Pres$ure line location ' d. Conttoller and cootrol valves e. Quic~ couplers f. Contirol wire sleeves 12. Contractor sh<all 'adj_ust all heads to not throw onto walks, buildings or windows. · 13. When system is complete, contractor shall perform a coverage test in the presence . of the owner. Contractor is responsible for inadequate coverage. 14. The plan is diagrammatic: All irrigation equipment is located in planting areas and llOt in paved areas, unless indicated otherwise on the plaos. Refer to notes, details and legeods to verify location of irrigation equipment. 15. Install do11ble swing 16. Plastic all sprinkler heads per manufac turer~s recommeodations joints, saddle and flange fittings are not permitted. using ""' 1 ~ii 'L f u ' I ~ /, 1'2!' I, ---------2h ~' it'irSt.-v ~114-11 . ', I ' '" ~'-...'..__.1'"'#'i I I 111 111 I ' l BUILDING A PROPOSED ••-•• ------------------••,--•-•••-•·c 4 I), ' ?!'N11'= ill,. \.-, q..... 1 ":30'-0" North b.. ~ JO 1-,ti Ir} ti'j - -'I I/ 1-=-:~~: ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. • 11 AS. BUILT' DATE REVIE\/ED BY, L.b~ INSPECTOR l---4--_jf----~----------t---t---'---t---t---1 .1fflG-7\1IPN f'l-fi;N ·1A1 f't"-: HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 (619) 272--6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CI\UFOANIA "2tlJ'l IN.DIANA ".A.RI_ 8820 CARLSBAD OJSTRIBUTK>N CENTER 6020 AVENIDA ENCINAS ARLSBA·D PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ?DP '91-IQ 0?0-11-. SYltBOL LEGEND ----------------STATION SEQUENCE ) REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SIZE -GALLONS PER tHNUTE IRRIGA ION NOTES 1. Irrigltion plan is diagrimmatic only. All lines should be located in planter areas whenever possible. 2. Landscape contractor shall. verify P.O.C. and existing P.S.I. at site. Any discrepancies W'ith the plan shall· be brought to the attention of the landscape architect. 3. Refer to the specifications for additional instructions. 4. Refer to the details for installation instructions. 5. The Landscape Contractor is responsible for COt1rJ1na,ti~'\ the proposed irrigation to the existing system. Contractor shall verifJ that back.flow preventer and all other appl I cable Items ..lre ins ta 11-ed per Cl ty of Car 1 s bad standards. Any part of the system that requires upgrading to City standards s ha 11 be a part of this cont r·ac t Ll'!'l-•n.. 11-$//-t,w; ~nd..l""=' ~~ per '-frei;e .d w~). 6. All heads Wiffl ·," •h fo 1" ()01 ) af-~est,,-,~ ~1shall be popups. 7. Landscape contractor shall field verify all dimensions, existing pressure lines and point of connection, 8. Watering shall be done as infrequently as the plant allows after -establishment. 9. Controller programming shall prohibit excess run-off. 10. The contractor shall furnish the following materials upon completion of the work: ~. L~minated diagrammatic plan of the proposed irrigation system identifying station numbers and their respective irrigated areas. Mount inside the controller, b. All equipment guarantees and operation manuals. c. Two quick coupler valve keys with hose swivel 'ell'. ' ' ' I ! ' ' I ' ' I I ]~U "-._, l,lz_ ti J @ 0 ' EXISTING BUILDING C 0, ' 11 121 I [S Sf~/--'( "]'J • Fi\ EXISTING BUILDING B ij I I i -_ J 1' jYj ---- t> I 11 '-:7 -z.e, ¢,,?.> c1 e. ·' =-..; 1w ~,,_; ~ I I~ srr-t--'( -~ I II-]~ I -___.. ' ) / H ! I ' ...._J........,_ \ ~ I ' !Jl I I I -···· ---I I :!'i'=----'- I jl I V I I- ,,,1 -~ l..,.4::'t--i-e 1.,n,re \N r1..~oi...> I r19Cf\L .. ti' " MATCH LINE (9;,e Sf-ff. t2..) 11. Contractor shall provide ' dimensioned from two permanent sidewalks, etc.): record plans. rne tollowlng sna11 be points of refe.-ence (i.e. Building corners, a. Points or connection b. Gate valves c. Pressure line location d. Controller and control valves e. Quick couplers f. Control wire sleeves 12, Contractor shall adjust all heads to not throw onto walks, buildings or windo1,s, 13. When system the presence of is complete, contractor. shall perform a coverage test in the owner. Contractor is responsible for inadequate coverage. 14. The plan is diagrammatic. All irrigation equipmen't is located in planting areas and not ilfl paved areas, unless indicated othe,wise on the plans. Refer to notes, details and legends to verify iocation'of irrigation equipment. 15. Install double swing 16. Plastic all sprinkler heads per manufacturer's recommendations joints. saddle and flange fi ttin_gs are not permitted. using IRRIGATION LEGEND SYMBOL MANUF. MODEL# 0 0 • • □ 0 HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER TORO TORO 'f8R0 PS-04-10 PS-04-15 PGH-ADJ 570C-oP 570C-6P s B-, :i.--I e,>O SB 180 0 GRISWOLD DW-PRV - @ fr"[Nr.>ifO tt NP • GRISWOLD DW-PRV @ HAMMOND 667-32 ~ FEBCO WILKENS 825 Y YS8R PVC PIPE DESCRIPTION S-type (4" pop-up, adjust r:adius as required) S-type (4" pop-up, adjust radius as requi,ed) G-type (12" pop-up,1 adjust radius as required) 6" POP-UP HEAD (adjust radius as required) 4" POP-UP HEAD NOZZLE A-V A-V A-V A-V A-V A-V C 3---'V C 6-V C 8-V 4-EST 4-SST 6" POP UP HEAD 4/G9 PSI GPM RAD PATTERN 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 .4 IO' QUARTER .8 10' HALF 1.6 10~ FULL .9 15' QUARTER 1.6 15' HALF 3.4 15' FULL 1.0 28' QUARTER 2.0 28' HALF 3.2 28~ FULL .6 4'xl5' END STR 1.45 4'x30' SIDE STR ._4_ 4 6 ~ , 7 0 4 - STREAM 11-Ylllll.ER PRESSURE REGULATING ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES (size per plan) QUICK COUPLER -j " MASTER CONTROL VALVE (install directly downstream of backflow device. Set pressure regulator to 60 psi). BALL VALVE (LINE SIZE) REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER 11t.z_ll (install pet City of Carlsbad standards) WYE STRAINER -1 1/2" (install as integral part of backflow assembly) PIPE SIZE SCHEDULE OR CLASS ---------------------.-----------------------7 LATERAL 1/2" CL. 315 3/4"-3" CL. 200 PRESSURE 1/2"-l 1/2" SCH. 40 2"-3" CL. 315 SLEEVING (2x line size) SCH. 40 · . or similar. s ~Ve-3 1 di r-u:-hu ;,.. ~tnf,nc ,-rupi c:,~ 1 41 ::::2-~ 1">-P-.C:. Mark at each end during installation with spot on back of curb Ins.tall metallic-backed locating tape long entire length of -....,.-• .. , "IRRIGATION" 12" di~ectly above sleeve. Tape shall be marked in 2" capital letters every 3' along the tape. ~ IRRITROL MC-1~ Automatic controller with built in moisture sensor and Rain Guard by Water Conservation Systems, Inc. (pho □e# (714) 621-5805) automatic rain shut off. Hook into controller and install in open unobstructed location (roof etc.). Provide electrical service (117 vac, lamp lOOva -verify) see plan for controller location. IRRIDELCO PRESSURE REGULATOR (use as req'd fo, proper system control) V <tp !'.>E:f-ti ? "f/?'~F--1'1 I 1 t,v,;;. I "111 APPROVED. FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. R[VIEVED BY• L. Va--4 _, 12-15.'9?:J HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 u\UI-ORNIA ""2002 11 i ENGIN(f.R QI' WORK l-1..«,p; REVISION DESCRIPTION DA lE INlllAI.. OTHER APPROVAL /2·15/f L. DAlE ~TIAl CITY M'PROVAl INSPECTOR :DATE Jr-f-Lef\fldN f'L,,A,.('I 1f:;,1 fof-; . CARLSBAD DISTRIBUTION CENTER ' 6020 AVENIDA ENCINAS C RLSBAD OWN BY: ___ 1 CHKO BY; __ _ RV\J'D BY• P~OJECT NO. -epp~ 41-1:2-- DATE ORAW.1~~:G (NO. ?,;'pi)-µ...-_ SICTION 02811 · -· LANDSCAPE IllllGATION )',lore,-: -n,te Fill.-l.-lWIN~ SF'f:CS ~ S,Uf' fw!'-,$~1.-, _.)p_ n-te ~MWD SFECS f--E-Ail"'feD 7 "N rm..:e; SJ-If PAil? 1 -G!N!RAL 1.01 NAINT!NANC! Contractor ,hall ■aiotain tba irrigation ■y ■ta ■ for a pariod of ,ixty (60) calendar day• fro■ date of acceptance of work, ia ■uad by Land ■capa Architact, and ■hall water on a daily ba,l ■ or•• raquirad ~or aach typa of plant ■atarial. 1,02 PINAL ACCEPTANCE Pinal accaptanca of tha work ■ball ba obtaioad fro ■ tha Ownar upon ■ati ■factory co ■plation of all tasting, inapectiooa and in ■tallation, and at the and of the ■aintenaoce period. l,Ol SCOPE OP WOllK A. •• c. All labor ■atarlala, aquip ■ent, acce ■aorles, per ■it fee ■ and incidental ■ oece ■aary to co ■plate the landscape ~priokler ayate ■ a ■ barein ■pecified and indicated oo thi drawing ■• Irrigation plan 11 diagra ■■atlc only. equipment vlthln proparty llnaa, All and appurtenance ■ ara to be installed public rlgbt-of-vay, Locate all irrigation line ■ outside of the All irrigation beada, linea and valve ■ are diagra ■■atlc; the landscape contractor ls responsible for •approved•, adequate coverage due to poa ■lble ainor ■ite drawing discrepancies, 1.04 INCLUDED IN WORK Pipe and fitting ■ for a co ■plete ■yste ■• Sprinkler beads and risers. Control valve ■ and controller ■• Excavatloa, in ■tallatlon of ■ysta ■ to water ■ource, te ■tiog and backfilling. 1,05 PRODUCT OATA Sub ■lt product data in accordance with these ■peclflcatlon ■• 1.06 MAINTENANCE AND OPElATION DATA Sub ■it product data in accordance with tbe ■e 1paclflcatloa1. 1.07 QUALITY ASSUIANCE lnatallatlon and material ■ u ■ed ■hall co ■ply with the late ■t application of: Aaerlcan Standard for T ■■ting Material ■ (ASTK) Aaerlcan National Standard Inatltute (ANSI) High quality workaanship in the induatry. 1.08 INSPECTION SCHEDULE A. !. .. ,, ... Bra ■■ ri1era/n1ppla ■ and fittio1 ■ ■hall ba rad bra ■■, Pedaral Specification WN-P-351, G. _ B>~tl Valve ■ ■hall be red bra ■• and conform to AWWA C500, Type 1, Cla•• A, line ■ize. H. I, J. It • L, II . N. o. Backflow preventer, a~tomatic controller end remote control valves ■hall be aodel and type•• indicated on the drawings or approved equal. Quick coupling valve ■ ■ball be ■odel and type aa indicated on the drawings or •~proved equal, Provide Owner with three (3) cast brass coupling valve keys of saae ■,anufactui:.•·r:-a ■ ¢oupllng valve ■• le ■ote control low voltage wiring (24V) ■hall be ■logia copper conductor number 14, a WG (■in) type UP approved for direct burial. Comaou wire to be white and control wires to be black or color-coded and to be continuous fro ■ controller to valve ■• Valve boxes ■hall ba ■ade of durabla graeo plastic, A ■etec or approvad aqual, and rectangular in ahapa with a pvrrre-·., locking lid. They ■hall be of adequate ■ize to bouae a ■axi•u ■ of ore (1) controller valve and •irrigation ControllerM ■ball be indicated au the lid, Sprinkler head ■ ■ball be ■odal and type a ■ indicated on the drawings, or approved equal. Sprinkler head riser ■ ■ball be PVC ■chedule 80 or a ■ indicated on the drawing ■• Flexible ri ■er ■ ■ball ba [ing Brother ■' Excalibur or approved ■qual. Concrete: l • 2. 3. 4. Shall have a ■ini ■u ■ co ■pre,alva atrength of 2,000 pal at 28 day ■• Portland cement ■hall conform to ASTII Cl50 type ■ I or II. Dae one brand throughout work. Aggregate shall be a ■axi ■u ■ of one loch in ■ize and confor■ to ASTK C33. Water ■ball be fro ■ a do ■a ■tic ■upply and free of deleterious ■atarial ■• PAIT 3 -EXECUTION 3,01 GENEIAL A. B. c. No ■pparatu ■ and equipaent or installation ■hall be fabricated into the work which would provide a croa ■- coonection per■lttlng backflow or ■yphonage fro ■ any ■ource into the do ■esttc ■upply ■y ■te ■• Coordinate the lo ■tallation of all irrigation ■aterials with the lnatallation of all landscape ■aterial ■ to avoid ioterference. Do not willfully install the irrigation ayste ■ as indicated on the drawings when it la obvious in the fleld \ Contractor ■hall be reapoaalble for notifying the CjT( ~NDSCP, GNS>UL-T~T ~ ~'NNE::~1.; r'-6-F' ··rol't-_the following ins pee tioo11 IN AVVAN::"F l according to the ltea, listed below~ ·that unknown obatructlona or grade difference ■ exist that have not been considered in the engineering or if discrepancies in details, legend or apeclflc notes axlat. 1. Pre-job Conference: Seven (7) day ■ prior to the ■tart of work. 2. Pressure supply line inatallation and testing: tbirty-alx (36) hour ■• 3. Syate ■ layout: thirty-■lx (36) hours. 4. Coverage te,tiag: tbirty-■ix (36) hour• in advance of place ■ent of backfill. 5. Te ■ting: forty-eight (48) hour ■ after planting i ■ co ■plete. PART 2 -IRRIGATION PIODUCTS 2.01 PlPlNG MATERIALS B. General: Piping ■ball ha polyvinyl chloride (PVC) unl••• otherwiae noted, ■arked permanently with ■anufacturer'■ oa ■e, pipe ■ize (UPS), class ■chedula, SDI nu ■ber (for cl••• pipe only),ASTII nu ■ber·(D-2241 for cla•■ plp• and D-178$ for 1cbedule pipe), ■anufacturer'■ lot nuaber and National Sanitation Poudatlon (NSP) approval, Do not use pipe with dent,, ripples, wrinkles.or heat ■ark ■• Deliver pipe to ■lte lu twenty (20) foot length ■• Contractor ■hall check end verify water praa,ura at POC prior to baglnning of work, Notify Architect of any dl ■crapancla ■, C. Pra ■■ura piping: PVC 1120/1220 -.-..,L..."Wr:rl-11'-e -ptJi-«f"\...t; CC\.,t"~ Noa-pra ■,ure piping: PVC 1120/1220 · Ai..-~ta::f7..-1Ne -rur-f(.,.l:tCd\,,,tf PVC Claaa 200, SDR21, Type I, Grade 11, Solvent weld typa. 2,02 FITTINGS A. Shell be ■cbedule 40, ■tandard weight, unl ■■■ otberwl ■a indicated an the drawing ■ and ■hall bear the na ■a of the ■anuf ■cturer, tha ■■terial de,lgnation, ■lza, applicable 1chedule aod NSP approval, •• c. D, Solvent ceaent of PVC piping and fitting ■ ■hall coofora to ASTN D2564 and ■hall be ■ade a ■ prescribed by the pipe ■enufacturer, Capper flttl111• ■hell be Type •L~ ■ort or herd drawn copper. All copper pipln1 ■bell be ■oldarad wlth 5Q-SO 10ft 1older u ■lllg • 1100-corro ■lve typ ■ flux. 3.02 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING A. Excavate and trench a ■ required for the installation of the irrigation ayate ■ and ■pacified herein or as indicated on the drawings, including the shoring of the earth banks to prevent& cave-Ina. B. Trench width to allow two (2) inches between pipe and trench aides and two (2) inches between parallel piping where lt occur ■• ~eep trenches free of debris, ■aterial or ob ■truction ■ that ■■y da ■age pipe. C. Trench depth to provide a cover over piping and/or wiring to flolah grade a ■·follow1: 1. Nein pres ■ure ■upply piping: 18 inches 2. Non pre ■■ure ■up ply piping: ft,2_ inc be ■ 3. Low-voltage control wiring: 18 inches -'f-6L.6eves lJt,ibe:.r'-~y, "J4 111che•.;. D, Contractor ■ball ■alntala all warning ■ign ■, ■boring barricade ■ and flares, ate, a ■ required by the ■afaty orders of the Dlvi ■ion of Indu,trlal Safety and any local ordinance ■• 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Pipe and Pitting ■ (Including nipple ■) 1. Contractor ■bell be pro ■pt la ln ■t ■lliog all piping (PVC, copper, ate.} ,o •• to keep all excavation, for thi ■ work open for•• ■ini ■al amount of tl ■e •• po ■■ible. No piping ■hall be per ■anantly clo ■ed or covered prior to _ in ■pectlon and approval of the Ovnar-■ re1>re1entetlva ft~~Cifi.j 2. Cover or plug all opening ■ lit pipa ■, 'fitting ■, and other related aquipaent at th~ end of ••ch vork day to prevent debri ■ fro■ entering. 3. 4. 5. Each fitting and piece of pipe ■hall be in ■pected inside end out ■lde to aa ■ure that there are no dafect ■ or ob■truction ■• leduclng fitting only (bu ■hlngs), ■hall be u ■ed vbara required. All ■craved copper, br ■■• and other approved ■aterlal ■ ■ball be •••••bled u■log teflon dopa or approved equal applied to the ■ale thread ■ onlv 6 •. 7. 8. . tighten to prevent leakag ■• Screwed PVC fittina• ■ball recaive ■a ■e application where u ■ed in ■ain pre ■aure ■upply piping and where ■crewed into any ■■terial 1>ther than PVC. All piping ahall be cut ■quare and ends ■hall be rea■ed to full ■lze with all burra removed before applying appropriate co ■pound •• apecifled by the ■anufacturer. Sol ■nt cement used ■ball be applied by uaing a noo-■ynthe~ic bri ■tle brush. Piping ■hall be accurately cut to length a ■ required. No piping ■hall be forced into place. All off,et ■ shall be ■ade with fittings. _N' 11~n4i'nj 11-f ~cta,wd ~Y--rf='G - • All pipe run ■ ■ball be ■ade of full length ■ with the ■ini ■u ■ amount of joints. All copper piping anda and fitting aocket ■ ■ball ba bruahed with e ■ery cloth or wire brush before ■ uniform coat of non-corro ■ive type ■olderlng flux 1 ■ applied. The joint ■hall be ■ade proaptly and ■-urplu ■ ■older end flux ■hall be wiped clear. 9. All piping ■hall be ln ■talled ta provide at laa ■t a lix (6) inch clearance fro ■ piping of other trades, 10. All pra ■■ura ■■inlioa ■ 1ball be in ■t ■lled at eighteen (18) inches deep, and all laterals at twelve (12) inches deep. c. ) H. 2. Shall be lo ■tallad a ■ indlcatad on the drawing ■• 3. Where ln ■tallad adjacent to walks, c11rb ■ etc t-b • • • a top ■urface plane ■hall ■etch with the ■urface ■ of the ita ■■ li ■tad above. 4. Where ln■tallad adjacent to walk ■, eurb ■, ate., the box shall be parallel to the ite ■■ li ■ted above, Sprinkler Head li ■ar ■ 1. 2. l. Shall be ln ■talled a ■ indicated oo tba dravlng ■ Contractor ■hall thoroughly flu ■h ■y ■te ■ out after ri ■er ■ era ln ■talled and bafora ln ■talliag heed ■• li1er1 to bt.... q.,\y f\C' ~h.~ no whl ta ■chadule 40 liaera to be tignteen (18) inches above grade or;, noted on drawings. Sprinkler Head ■ l • Shall be installed a■ lodlc ■tad on the drawing ■ Contractor ■ball locate and edju ■t the ■ngla, arc end radiu ■ of all beads to provide an even de ■ired coverage, and to keep the ■axi ■ua a ■ount of watar off and ■way fro ■ walka, building ■ and other i ■prove ■eat■, I, le ■ota control low-voltage wiring ' . B. _ Backflow Preventer ■ 'i>J 1. Shall be ln ■talled according to the valve r ■anufscturer'■ ln ■truction ■ and ■hall occupy the ■ame trench and b~ inatslled bealde the ■ala c. D. E. ,. Contractor ■hall provide a ~IJ-valve to aeparate each group of valve, fro ■ the ■ain line. 2. Shall be in ■tallad according to the aovernlng code ■ and aa indicated on the drawing,. 3. Contractor ■hall provide line ■ize check valve where neceaaary to prevent low bead drainage ■ad/or a ■ per plan. &uto■atlc Conttoller l. Shall be ln ■talled vbara approved by the Architect and•• indicated on the drawing ■ end according to the ■aoufacturer'■ wrlttaa lnatructloaa. 2, Controllar chart: a. Provide on ■ controller chart for each auta ■atic controller installed, The chart ■ball be a bl ■ckline print on 20 lb. or heavier weight. b, Shall ■how the overall area covered by the controller and a different color shall be used to show the area covered by each individual ■tation (valve). c. Shall be a reduced drawing of the approved record drawing ■ad ■hall be the ■aximu ■ elze the controller cabinet will allow. d. When ca■pleted and approved by the Architect, prior to the final inspection, the chart will be hermetically sealed between two piece, of pla1tic, aach piece being a ■lni ■u ■ of 20 ■11 ■, thick and having a glo1sy flnlah. The chart ■hall be ■ouoted, using Velcro or approved equal. leaote control valvaa 1. Shall be ln ■talled a ■ indicated on the drawings and arouped together where practical. Place no clo ■er than eight (8) inche1 to adjacent walks, turb ■, and wall ■, etc. 2. No ■ore than me ■ay be housed in one box, Quick Coupling Valve ■ 1, Shall be lnatalled a ■ indicated on tha drawing ■ and placed no cloaer than ■lx (6) ioche1 to adjacent walk ■, ¢urb ■ and wall ■, etc. 2. Quick coupler, ■ball ha placed near valve and llp ■trea ■ fro■ &ate valve. Valv ■ loxa, 1. Locate all valve boxaa, irrlaatiou lines, ate,, ln plantloa area ■ adjacent to pave ■ent location ■ ■bown on plan ■• preaaure lire ·· ___ whenever po11ible. 2. Wiring occurring under paved walka, ■nd other fixed t ■prove ■enta, ■ball be encased 111 a ■chedule 40 PVC JF. 5.:;h.St:Jr ■le ■va, extending twelve (12) lnche ■ ■ini ■u ■ beyond th ■ 1 adge of the i tea ■ 11 • tad a bov!, ,fe't-~l/,l re.-xh if" ?;4 1 cfu,v-.;+ dr~7 ~ -Sch 10 ~ c,r.cr Fv'~· · 3. 4. When ■ore than one wire occur ■ ln a trench or ■leave, the wire ■ ■ball ba taped at teo(lO) inch interval ■ with 3/4M black plastic electrical tape and wirea ■hall be wrapped a ■inl ■u ■ of three tl ■e ■• All wlra ■pllce ■ ara to be ■■de u ■lng •scotch Lok- Unipak• waterproof •••ling packets, ~Pentite• connector ■ or approved aqu ■l to anaura a watertight connection. Provide four (4) to ■ix (6) inch diaaetar expan ■lon loop ■ every twenty-five (25) feet. Wire splice ■ will ooly be allaved in run ■ of over five hundred ( 500) feet} -S:fl,1cJ;;5 Stif<U-e,e: IN El..-ec'_ pv1.,1..,-e,o)( f'B1"-s bF,-Sl"'D :;;>WG 4t 1-I :1 J. Concrete ■hall be in ■tallad a ■ indicated on the drawloa ■ L end lo a neat work ■an ■bip ■anner, r-· ~clef ""hecf< valves il' ~ve, .... !01.v ne,,J .J..,. · 1 BAC[PILLING ANO COMPACTION! -'1 9 • ..11,.--."'je.• A. •• c. No backfilling will be per ■ltted until all work in the trenches ha ■ been inspected an4 all te ■,t ■ are ■ade and approved by the Owners t-er-ij c,ti, L.-f'\4;,c:. 1nspt •. and ■oy change• ■hall be recarde lo a record ■et of print ■, All irrigation ■aln ■ ■hall be pressura teated for -four-(t)htiur-1, t',,ir1irnl)f11 .-t 1"2-?i'>.,,·I and inspected end ■lgned off by Land ■cape Architect prior to backfill. Upon approval, backfill all excavation ■ F CMWD spec:;. D. Backfill ■hall be co ■pacted in four (4) inch layer ■ and co ■pacted to 95% ■lni ■u111 dry density Vl'1dc=i---Fvi~ ml:j. 3,05 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS A. Gener el 1, Contractor shall aake naca ■aary arr ■nge ■ent1, at no coat to the Owner, for inspections and/or test ■ a ■ required by the goverr.1n8 codes and as indicated in thi ■ aec tion, ' ff AS BUIL T/f --------------,...- REVIEl,IED BY, DATE -·-------INSPECTOR DATE ' ---t---.t----------... --··-------------- t-----t----;---------~·~····-··-·------·-,.,, .. , .... ~-----,,-----,-----t---- HEATHER 11 _ HARDIE 1 HARWOOD -, K_ )- ~L...,..A.,..N""D,..,S'""'C""'A~P=-E-A-.-=R,.:.C HITE CT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 _ (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CAlFORNA "2602 NllANA,tllARI._A82(1 I •• c. D. E. ,. 3. 4. ,. 7. a. Cover or plug all opening• \;11 pipe•• 'fitting ■, ■ad other related equipment at th~ ••4 of -ch work day to pravaat dabrl ■ fro ■ aatarin~. Each fitting and piece of pipe ~ull H ia ■pactad inside and out ■lda to as ■ura t.U~ there are no defect ■ or ob ■tructlona. educing fittlag only (bu ■hing ■)~ ■hall be naed here tequired. Al ■crewed copper, bra ■■ and otker approvad ■ tarial ■ ■hall be ••••■bled u ■ing teflon dope or ap roved_e'l~•l_applled_to th ■_■ale_thread1 only and ti -te-n to prevent leakage. Screwed -PVC flttlag ■ ah ■ 1 receive ■a ■e application where u ■ed la ■ala pre ure 1upply piping and where ■cr ■w ■d into ■ay ■ate l ■l othet than PVC. 411 p ping ■hall b■ cut ■qu ■re and end ■ ■hell be re ■■e to full 11•• with all burr ■ removed befor applyi g appropriate compound•• specified by t ■anuf• turer. Solent ce ■eat used shall be ■pp by u ■ia a non-synthetic briatl ■_btu ■h. Piping I all be accurately cut to length•• into required. No piping 1hall b ■ forced place. Al off1et ■ _■hall be ■■de with Nd ii:renai' 11f ~e1a 1it-a:1 ~y'" rix · length ■ • All pip ■. run ■ ■hell be th■ ■ini ■u ■ a ■ount of All copper p lag ■nd ■ ■ad fitting bru1hed wlth ■ery cloth or.wire bru ■h ualfor ■ coat f non-corro ■ive type sol applied. The olnt ■hall be ■ade prom 1urplua ■older and flux ■hall be wipe afore • rtng fluit l ■ tly and clear. 9. All piping 1hal be in ■talled to pro lde at least• 1i1t (6) inch cl ranee fro ■ piping other trade ■• 10. 411 pre11ure aal llnea ■hall b ■ in talled at •lghteea (18) inc e• deep, and •11 lateral• at l • 2·. 3. twelve (12) inche deep. _Jackflow Conttactor ■hall pro aacb group of valvea · 1· valve to ■■parate ■■ill line. Shall ba ln1tall•d ace rdin to tha governio1 code, inga. and•• indic•t•d Contractor ■hall provlda oece1 ■ary to prevent low plan. ne aiza check valve where ead drainage and/or•• per 4utoeatic Controller 1. Shall be installed w oved by th ■ Architect aod •• indicated on ng1 and according to the aaoufacturer;• tructiona. 2. Controller chart: •• b. c. d. Provlde on ■ c ntroller c~ controller i talled. Th blackline pr at on 20 lb. rt for each auto•atic chart shall be• Shall ■how controller he overall are ■ different covered by to ■how t area 1tation ( alve). r beavier weight. covered by the olor ah ■ll be u1ed ech Individual drawing of the approved and shall be t ■axi ■u ■ ■lz ■ cabinet will Whan o ■pletad and approved by prior to the final ia1pectioa, Architect, a ·chart will bah r■etically aealed between to place ■ of pla tic, eacb piece being• ■lai ■ of 20 ■11 ■, th k and having a gloaay flnl ■h. The chart ■h 11 be ■ounted, ualag Velcro or pproved al type of face. le ■ota 1. Shal be in1talled •• indicated on the dr wing ■ and 2. groped together wber ■ practical. Place cloaer tha eight (8) inchea to adjacent walk ■, c rb1, and eor• than .m• (1) valve ••Y b ■ bou ■ad 1 coupling Valve ■ Shall be ln ■t ■ll ■d •• indicated on the drawing placed no clo ■ar then 1lx (6) iachea to adjace walk ■, curb• and wall ■, etc. Quiclt coupler ■ ■ball be placed near valve and upatrea ■ froa gate valve. Valv• Boite ■ 1. Locate all valve boxa ■, irrigation llna1, etc •• in plantiqg are•• adjacent to p ■ve ■eat location ■ 1hovn Oil plan,. 3.04 I 2. Shall b ■ Installed a~ indicated on the drawing ■• / G. H. 1. 2. 3. 1 • 2. ' Where in ■talled adjacent to valka, curb ■, etc., tbe top surface plane shall ■atcb with the ■urfacea of the ite ■a listed above. Where installed adjacent to walk ■,-curb ■, etc,, box 1hall be parallel to the ite ■■ liated above. Ri,er ■ all be inatalled a ■ indicated oa the Co tractor ahall thoroughly flush 1y1te ■ out after ri1 r ■ are installed and before inatalling eada. to be_p--,,MJ f\C SGh.~. ao white ache ule ~O. to be eignteen (18) inches above g ade or•• a drawing ■• Co!\tractor and radlu ■ cove,cage, ■a off and away •• indicated on th hall locate and adjust fall head ■ to provide to keep the ■aximum ro ■ walk ■, building e angle, arc n even de1lred mount of water ■nd other Remote contral lov-v ltage wiriog 1. Sh~ll be install d according o the va!ve i 2. 3. 4. ■anufacturer'■ in tructioas d 1h ■ll occupy the ae ■e trench and: b11 installed bea lde tbe a ■io pressure !;-~ ···_:_whe ver po ■ ible. ~iring occurring uod r pa d walk■, and other fixed improvements, ■hall Ii e esed in a schedule 40 PVC ~ :'.S 1leeve, extending twe ve (12) lnche ■ ■inlmu ■ beyond the1 edge of the i tem1 1 ted abov!, .H9r l'Y\ativ,I re.: ~h ,t?,:, ~ 1 t: ~ .;>f-di-l'-l:'.7 4j ch 10 .;ii-q ncr pv,~ _ · When ■ore than one wir ccur1 in a trench or 1leeve, the wire• aha 1 taped at ten( 10) inch interval ■ with 3/4w laclt plastic electrical tape and wire ■ ■hall be ~pped a minl ■um of threa time ■• ■de u1ing wscotch Lolt- Unipaltw waterproo sealiqg clteta, wpentitew connectors or app oved equal to ensure a watertight connection. Pro ide four (4) t~ ■ix (6) inch diameter expen• on loop• every twenty-five (25) feet. Wire ■p ce1 will only allowed in runa of over five hun ed (500) feet> J. Concrete 1h ■ll be installed•• indicat on the dtaving ■ and in a neat vo ■an ■hlp ■anner. 1'""· .A<14 c1"he-ck Vc,I s i?> F>h>Vt"lrt klwn~ ,,j BACKFILLING AND COM CTI0NI - A. No backfillin will be permitted until al work in the trenches ha1 been inspected an4 all te1,t1 re made and approved by the Owner~ ref_ f3j Cr~ L-r.k. 1n,,;pt and any change1 ah l be recorde in a record 1et o print ■• B. c. D. All irrlg tlon ealna 1hall be pres ■ure tested for -four("\-") I?\,/,-~ f"\11/"IIMIJM _,f !'2-? p~·1 · and laspe ted and 1igned f by Landscape Arc hi tact prior to bac_k: ill. backfill all excavation• F II.fill ■hall be coepacted ta four (4) inch layer ■ ad pacted to 9SX ■inloau,a dry denaityVh.::i<'.'.r Fvi'j f'h ~ 4. One year fro ■ completion date, Owner shall again adjust controller• for the le ■■t practical amoun~ irrigation. l.05 GUARANTEE Contractor ■hall provide a written guarantee covering the ~N6WND& entire ayate ■ inatalled, 1tating that the sy ■te ■ ls guaranteed for• period of one year fro ■ date of final acceptance by the Owner and ■igned by an authorized co ■pany representative. ) 11-il:S O!TTAIL. =r--ff===,, ~--GNcr' Tie I\PF'ui;.;. ,, ~ .srree f'4'1.R.LY NOTE: ALL POTABLE WATER SUPPLY LINES MUST HAVE WARNING TAPE AS. WELL AS RECLAIMED WATER Ll~ES. fi;L.. sIz.es " a_-=_':b_ Po\NT:c ·1. t:;" ~:-'!-flt "'4--rl"'~ I ' ~ ~a)(. 1---»----la.! _ 1.icx..1;,,, !'l'J t;;S 2• Sf/'!t:1=. ON wtND- f'INl5~ c.iJ',"De) ~~~ ~'2.!1;z z:,t • HYDR0SEEDING L 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Inspection of Conditions Tree·9t,.+,i~ Before proceeding with_any work, the hydroseeding land- scape contractor shall carefully check planting area conditions and shall immediately inform the landscape architect of any discrepancies between the drawings and sctual conditions. No work shall be done on any area where there are such discrepancies or where conditions are unsuitable for successful plant material establish- ment until approval had been given by the landscape architect. F>t.-ANTING TAe-1,ff PE'f-. S.HT "I I SCTN 'l,0'.2 . L . b B. Quality of Work ou1B . (Wt-11::f-E': ~)f-s) The hydroseeding work shall b·e perfonned by a competently trained individual ot hydroseeding company in accordance with the best standards and practices related to the trade. C. Quality of Seed !t'. ~ All seed shall arrive at the site in unopened containers.Js Each shall be tagged by the supplier with the seed name~ \J the guaranteed percentage of pure live seed. These t.1js ,.. ~ shall be submitted to the owner upon request. ~ SLOPE P.REPAltATl0N --lr·M I~ ~-=---=-=- ()i '.,( A. Water all planting areas throughly and three (3) consecutive days to saturate soil prior to hydroseeding operation. continuously for upper layers of B. Then allow planting area soil surface to dry out for one day only prior to the hydroseeding application. Care must be taken to not allow the soil surface to be super sat~ urated with water prior to the hydroseeding installation. ~f-·---- At the same time the soil surface should not be bone dry. There should be $ome residual IQOisture within the first Tree Planting Detail 1/4 inch of the eoil surface. C. Begin the hydroseeding operation on all areas as specified herein. C. Application L t"'1vloe +11 f V&f-Tc,-,1,..; bfA/NLINc; -ffi.,1,-fD ',,/ <Sf-1', vi; L-/' T -r-f<.&e f I TS 1MAT oa Nar "1Al"LfTT:'L'( l:>F-/sfi,.J. IN 'if ti l'-S. 3. -SOIL STABILIZATION AND HYDROSEEDING The operator shall spray 9he· area with a uniform visible coat using the dark color of the cellulose fiber or organic amendment as a visual guide. The slurry shall be applied in• downward drilling IQOtion via a fan sere.,,, nozzle. All materials shall be standard, approved, first grade quality and in prillle condition when installed. All conunercial process or packaging material shall be delivered to the site in their original unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed snalysis. A. Hydromulching Application and Planting Schedule 2. The hydroseeding will be applied in two applications, A. Groundcover Spacing Detail Components and additives. L 2. 2,000 lbs. per acre cellulose fiber 500 lbs. per acre 20-20-10 pelleted mercial fertilizer. •• .. tlch. or granular com- 3. 120 lbs per acre ECOLOGY CONTROLLED M BINDER. 4. Seedmix (per drawings) G. Hydroseeding Equipment The specified crunponents shall be mix~d together in a hydros~eding machine described as follows: 3.05 P!CTIONS AND TESTS The hydrornulching shall be applied la the form of a slurry consisting of organic soil amendments, commercial fertil- izer, and other chemicals called for. When hydraulically sprayed onto the soil, the mulch SHALL NOT FORM A BLOTIER LIKE MATERIAL. The spray operation must be so directed that the slurry spray will also penetrate the soil surface The first application will consist of the ap- propriate seedm1~ and fertilizer as in specifica- tions, and 1000 lba. per acre of cellulose wood fiber. A. Th_e hydrornulching equipment shall meet the min1mu111 requirements of• slurry distribution line large enough to prevent closinr, and shall be equipped withs set of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide a continuous nonfluctuating discharge of at lease 25 psi at the end of the spray noz;i;.le. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity------ of 2,000 gallons and shall be. mounted on s traveling unit either self-propelled or drawn B. c. General 1. Contractor ahall ■ake nece ■aary 1rrange ■enta, at no coat to the Owner, for iuspectiona and/or test••• required by the governing codes and•• indicated in thi ■ ■ectioa. Pipe Testing 1. 2. Hain prea ■ure aupplyllne ahall be tested for leakage, when all joints have cured at leest. .. -fovr-• -(4-~ hours, by applying a continuou ■ 12.-h p~.'1 water presaure. Non-pressure supply line ■ shall be teated for leakage, when all joints have cured for at leaat twelve (12) hours, by applying a continuoua static water pressure for a ■inimua period of two (2) hours. Coverage Testing l • 2. Shall be when ayste ■ h ■1 been flushed and all 1prinkler heads are Installed to provide an even desired coverage. out thoroughly and adjusted Obtain an irrigation coverage approval troe Landscape Architect prior to planting. Contact Architect at least tweoty-four (24) hour ■ in advance as to drill and mix the slurry components into the soil, thus ensuring maximum impregnation and coverage. B. Preparation of Hydroseeding Mixture L 2. 3. 4. The slurry shall be prepared at the components shall be mixed to eupply application as per specifications. site and its the rates of Slurry preparation shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at one-half throttle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft and good recirculation has been establfshed the fertilizers shall be added to the mixture (the tank shall be at least 1/3 filled with water at this time). The engine throttle shell be open to full ■peed when the tank is 1/2 filled with water. All organic amend- ments, fiber, and ch8111icala shall then be added by the time the tank ls 2/3 to 3/4 full. At this time the aeedmix shall also be added. Spraying ■hall c0111111ence ilmnediately when the tank ia full and the slurry 1■ mixed. 1 HEATHER 3. of desired Inspection time.Sf~ Sf-+,AL-l,.. Bf. "'~11~L. lJt-Jte:R AlfT-'~ _Clll'/1l'--#(_. ~ve,J c--n DAY-s ~OR. iv f'i.,,",.~ ~ c~~D ~L-.AIMW fl..1.-e:S i-f ~ -~ ~~ f'l)N·-ofF, G~u...Gf'--Q-W.,l, e,.e--,/IQ_J~D 0,..f.i.. '( If l'-IEC-,--~ ai~II'\ HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITE-CT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272--6353 of planting, Owoer shall adju ■t controller program ■ to water ■lopes at ■ore conservative rate ■• D. E. OATE B. Tillle The second application will include 80 gallons per acre of soil seal soil stabilizer chemical and 100·0 lbs. per acre of cellulose mulch fiber. Limit The hydromulching slurry components are not to be left in the hydromulch machine for more than two hours. If slurry crunponents are left for 1110re chan tvo hour■ in the machine, the contractor shall add 50% 1110re of the origin- ally specified seedmix to any slurry mix which haa not been by a separate unit. The equipment shall have a built-in agitation ■ystem under operating capacity sufficient to agitate, auspend and hrunogenously mix a slurry containing not lea■ than 20 kilos (44 lbs.) of organic llllllching ■111endment plus fertilizer chemical additives and solids for each 100 ap-gallons of wat · a. plied within the two hours after mixing. The contractor sha.11 er. tJ tl~rhF-/"i 1 L A..\J6 nJi4 /ld add 76% IQOre of the original seedm:!x to any slurry.mixture ~ which has not been applied eight hours after mixing. Any "AS BUILT ... mixture not applied after eight hours shall be rejected It :'!/{f "s, ~u so;;, c1f,~ and disposed of off-site at contractor'• expense. ,, .-. : .. ::r 1','. 1'., ff':5'.-!,.~&J2 ~w~ .. Protection 1-1, 'l. ,~ ., -ic'":t ''l1 ~-.,, TITLE DATE ... • \ \\ I \ ~ ~ '\ ' -' I I •o/'~• "" Special care is to be exercised by-the contractor to preven\, ~~C/--# ~ REVIEIJED BY, any of the elurry from being sprayed onto any adjacent ~',,-):).,, ' '• _,'>-'/;,'<;, ~ t ~~--~ property. etc. Any alurry sprayed onto· these areas shell ,:-c:c!i!~)J;J;{7 be cleaned off at the contractor's expense. ""'~--, INSPECTOR DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD I S1E8S I 5 PLANNING DCPARTMENT 1CARL1SBA1C> ii,s·+~i'iiurid1 J_; c'eNt~[ 6020 AVENIDA ENCINAS -- _A3ARLSBAD. CALIF. APPR.0~~. , 7. /J /,,;. J. 0 5-26-?,3 -/ ' r _J ~ ~ r,1 ASSISTANT PJlANNING DIR,A:TDR DATE IMllAL DATE INITIAL OAlE INl11AL DWN BY: CHKD BY: ENGINEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CHY APPROVAL RV\JD BY• I PROJECT NO. II D~AWNC NO., Gt;:.f'-:Jlt1-~"?o -1..L-CAl.FORNA "1"°2 -----~LL- .----"---ry4i P\..yt,,..JQ::,p M?u-ml--¼ ~113 ,eea_jpev 1V ~ r--t-1---~f l'¼l V IOE:: . ~,AD!;: D CONN Eac11 £t,J 1:5fWN. CO}JDLJIT t, CON"fNl;,t.-ef.-_. w 1\"(---~rc-IP?~ COHTFOu.E'1- ~~~c~of--.71l \Arll~ _(,z_ f'l.-,AC&S ") l,-1--,---,.---PA?,/ID~ .a..e.crp..ie,..._1,... 1,:: DUPL-E'!X Ft?l2-~ c'.::ot-+-1 E't11::?H, VsE:: 5,"\f\;$ C,:lf-1 DVrr Fl r-e,11f.H rt IGH i1 u \,N 'V Ot.,Tf-.QI::. w I f'€ Pli-li";;:H If-----J 1 1-IOM. 1:7,A... "';:Q-i, t'O P.'-/.C., "i~ PIP'EJ -1.------',,~..--~1 -:-li~t1L~~ti?-rm.-=-- ,. 6~ Ir , ,J ... Automatic Controller Detail FVC NffL.E s::H t:O ~ H !Gr\ ~N31TY POL-Y· - E:Tri'rlEl'lE. '3)ftef E:L..lS )t\ST/'i.L. fOf. TIG-rffENNG w/ DOUNW~'--0 1HNJST Bubbler Detail ~· -' ... ---""··-·-···-~=-~ ,.. I. \ \ -FIN,€>F2 ,l,lP!-CN'l-•) CV~ q,.. W/1.L.f<. ~o!!:...p,~·"::J, NOTES FOR BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY 1. Except as shown, there shall be no fittings or connections to other facilities between the meter and the backflow assembly. 2. The backflow assembly must be installed a minimum of six inches (6") and not to exceed a maximum of two feet (2') from the meter except where this would require the backflow assembly to be installed in the public right-of-way. In which case, the backflow assembly must be installed a maximum of two feet (2') inside the property line. The backflow assembly MAY NOT, under any circumstance, be installed in the public right-of-way. 3. · Type K hard or Type L hard copper or brass with solder joints or threaded fittings must be used between the meter and the backflow assembly. 4. Preceding the number one shut-off valve, connection must be made with a copper or brass riser to a copper or brass 90d elbow. Shut off valve may be preceded by a copper or brass nipple and/or a brass union. Riser must be of sufficient length that the bottom of the backflow assembly is twelve ·inches (12") to thirty six inches (36") above grade in an area not subject to flooding. 5. Following the number two shut off valve, the connection must be made with a copper or brass 90d elbow to a copper or brass riser to a copper or brass 90d elbow. Shut off valve may be followed by a copper or brass nipple and/or brass union. Riser must be of sufficient length that the bottom of the backflow assembly is twelve inches (12") to thirty six inches (36") above grade in an area not subject to flooding. 6. If backflow assembly is to be installed on a slope with a horizontal to vertical ratio of 4:1 or greater, a two foot (2') high retaining wall must be built surrounding the assembly on three sides with the opening oh the down side of the slope. There must be ·a minimum two foot (2') horizontal clearance between the retaining wall and the backflow assembly. Assembly must be located in an area not subject to flooding. 7. Only the reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies which have been approved by the State of California Department of Health Services may be used on water services within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. .I ~('z),. -· '1 1.e:i•:, ~ ,. ~~~"2'T"'IYII 1•,,i,,-0. n-1.~ ~• ~• C KFC W./ 1• ML,l,LJ4 t"1H. G-P< ce. :.~ ~-4 ~ . ~ .,.,...,,c '"" "'E,(ZrfTI,-J{., "'-""A.6• ("q~JBI ;4--t.. :;. o,a WO e ltfU~ l ~ Dl-6\. Shrub Plantrng Detail Palm Planting Detail STREET SURFACE ---, POTABLE A-IA/NL/NE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) 7 • :3.5FEET I STREETSURFACE--- POTABLE MAINLINE 'SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGSJ7 ~ . .3.5 FEET I ,, - r l;../.rf6 t-Jt!'rt,..8-d-,. -r---,-,. -_ ~Nlffl-~ .. \>l--'l,,,r--11-....,_ ...,~_.,. ~:;/;:_;;,,~w-~r--~ff~~e. P'df-ViA-l.>J~ ~~~~~-~ ~ ~ I 12" MINIMUM SE-:)UIFiEC:-1/E."/TiCLE SE 04RATJCN◄ , L / ~ ,t I/~.""-,---~•--· -\~:-r ~L-=='I!::: I 12· MINIMUM .CiECU/FiEC 1/E.CjTiCLE SE:.0AFv\TICN◄ i~ = r== ~.. I ·~ ~~~'U:~Jntrl,u~L-~ J:tfjH~i:2 41 ), _, •• · . ·- / Wire Connection Detail ' . f"<t.: tWJ )ff~~ ~0dfW f'.Yitl \} ,~ -1• l"V~ ~ e:-.H t,o r.-\,~1•1a,ll ~€-t:JNI~ ~L-("%-') ,.. -.. 1.~~ ~ -' ~tf:f ~ ·. ~~-lt; 1""1"/iJ... . '~----U-,~·-1---=----'r--"--'.JJ.. Ne, 11 t:U. ~+'. LLWJ10 -Er' '/'·IE·"' '"A-:-;::~ ·-c:1G •-1CN WA 'NL'N~..::r .., _,........,,-.. ..,,,. f'f, ..... , •• n .. Al, I I , - . ~-~---~~~ :;EGL.AIME~ WA;-"E.'i IFiRIGAT!CN MAiNL!NE y --Y'ift~riff»>"~~ P'le-t1"'li-J ~·. ·ufc~-FtTT1Ne::, ~~ ~· SM9 ~ ~ L..IN~ ----. t:'\IC L.t-Tefl~ LINE:. Shrub and Pop-up Spray Head Detail · ::l1r-2,-l~~ (,z."J f PfM,.. Remote Control Valve Detail Union A-;proved f3ud flo.,•1 /,S'.Jl::rnbly with b~ll valves ___,/--.__ f30ndi1,g Ju111i er -r .---(,,·h,n r~(lui, ed) (optional) 12" 1ninirnurn )' ~ _:-,---=\ JC/' rnoxi1nurn +---.":.'------,--if Gonding Jumper rnuXli111Jl)'1 (,he,i "T''":d) NOTE: AL.:'... .~e~~AIMt:::JWA i'FH ;;::,=;1GATiCN i:::i!Pf: ANO SLE::-VES .SHALL :EE PURPLE ANO LASE'._~!: AS SF~:,'Fi!E:J .N.· ·s--:-~NDARC 3PECiF:CATICNS .~:::R _~_r:;IVA~ :RR!GJ.7"".'CN SYS7":=MS .. "CARLSEAC "!ECLAMAT:CN .',~'LES AND REGL'L4T,CNS ;:-:;p CCNSffiUCT:CN CF ;:;EC~AIMED WAT,:'.'? MAINS" JUNf 1991 POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING • NOTE: ALL _;;;~CLAfM~!JWAiEA ;f;AJGATiON °.tP'E AND SLE:E'l~5 SHALL ·s-:-~NDARO SPECiFCATiCNS F"CR _;_c;rvA~ :RRJGA---::'ON SYSt~MS" -cARLSEAC PECLAMATiCN ."/~'LES ANO REGUL4T;CNS FCA c:::NSffiUCT:CN CF ;:;£c~A/Mfi) WAT,:'.'? MAINS" JUNf 1991 POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, BUIL TH INCLUDING PRECISE RC[ __ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE F=rF=t-i ~1t -:: (JJ' ~ f\}v r1re r 1 ___ 1 cubic fo0t___ r .,-Q. LOCATION OF PLANTING "-;Jill::~=============::::::=;i==:S~I~ V.. thrust· I.JI, r.k ...____'-f, -...;:::::::;:::::::t:== AREAS R£VIEVED BY• ____ ,~ ,ef.A'?".7 ~ i..~;li (typical) [k.::..--.Jr-t=-== -+l= --== -+-r:= --== --== -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= -=-= '-=-= -=-= -=-= 7r=t-= -=-= -+=+-= -=-~ ..,~f-=-· =-~ 7r:::t--=-=-~ ,-;:I ~SH6:;::EE;;.,~[~r~;~;;~~~TO::R~O::;;F;:::C~_:;:A~R:;:LS~B;:A:;::;D;;.::; .. -;:r:;:i:;;::~;,;;TS;::-11 L B I RI TON CENTER 6020 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD Quick Coupler Valve Riser Detail Gate Valve Detail Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly 4011 CHIPPEWA Cf. SAN f1'0 GO, CA. 92117 (619) 2726669 FAX (619) 272-6353 PAT[ INITIAl OWN BY: __ _ DAlt INlllAL DA1£ INITIAL CHKO BY: __ Pf;lOJECT NO_ DATE DRAWING _NO. W<Zt-ENGINEER OF -,,; REVISION DESCRIPTION llTl£R APPROVAL a,y APPROVAL RV'wD BY• SbP-41-/2-. . ' 2.,1 f'f-OV!DE' ~ sers <r-rA~L-e, 3 e.er-c~--:> et-:-, · .A1 \...LINCH Al"-el'<. PiANUF.; °C,",\..,\-r.' i<>r-ec ___ r-~_-'.i;. __ =:r--'--_._~-ST2'-__ r-i_e_,_IN_c __ it:>_f+_#~(~C.-~l'l~) 44'3-· 32'0_3 'jV1oDet.,~ ,&.-"'r~-rro C-s!vl~1irl W/ c;......,..._-z..,-ss,e;i.l..-\ · _ _ f'l"-1\JID~ ~-'ZJr11 W. Tf<-KS!"'i r--6C~\...e'S. fi\1De,-l..-.,r-,.C.-1-4"'?~ -f--1''.:l-Dl... stv'lqi-1 h G bAl.--- l'2__11 o e, DIST!Cl1JS plCCli"ll"-l"f-lA ?O lf-Utv'ifGT VINE!: s5t-t'e'CIO ci~fl---17' 4 ~ <1, Ir l~9ist~ MATCH LINE <~s. sH£q ei) fV'P Ql§JY V\l!,,~ LABELING LEGEND --------------- Quantity I I Botanical Name ~ '-----, --,--~ "T" 1 f ,,;, 1 ~ss yi ~t-J , __/2 I ( I "" ~'S IDt::.F-os f.'1C'B~ l!~ I!? C:.l°"L. New z.et-.U--ND cH~ b"f~ w-ee f)' .ci' --------r------------------ Size I Common Name "?00 ,;:~~) ('deZ D1NC 11 o_r; , 1 GAi,...-_ 1~]- I GAL-- C ,Af-1 S, 5A G F-AN~ P!,.,OF-0 1 G~ 1'-i C-1\~pe;f r C,A._\,'f;;S A ~F]O!,..-f3 IS !"Nb!CA 0 'cL,.l\fV\' l ND! A HA WfH-0 r,N · 111111 BUILDING A PROPOSED / f2_.li ~ c.. . VS-1.,.:,o'~f'Gf<--M.A /\t.-bf" _ le> I f~f-{--11[,M :t§NAX 1 ilJff.-OfU~vp.eA 1 · f{!f,F~ ~X .~ ,_,,__, e · :::-t,.. .ATS DV-iff-P-'yJf-+ll'E:-1f'l"l~rNG ICS-f-l.,f'-NT Id~ ·1 Pt-to-i-:-1 NIA rf<l"\SBf'I 0 -~ ~t..~ ff-tOTINIA [9 rNUS -to f-f-E::'( t\ l'J A (b. 0-Q_f~O)( ~ F-fB'f' f lN S_ 4-,~~ . --· · I Mt::L..AL-~CA NBsopt41L.-A (e IS G~ -FINf-f"WDef" FVFF ~ t DRAINAGE LEGEND . • A A SYMBOL MANUFACTURER DESCRIPTION • Wilkens MODEL II AP-955 Planter drain with atrium! grate and Wilkens catch basi~ for clean-out .: ? =-, ...... __ . 6 -l f,H-Oft-11Urvf -te°-NA'x' i\;AF-IBGA ;J G'\1,.... I VAf-,leA!Bb PL--lix t I f'l..111 J.__UJ.1_1--ll.JJ. '".,.-...-, Lh ,i-1\ I I I -1'-'-' NDS min. 2% to dcain to curb cut /5 4.. drain 1 in e -s 10 p e I Ci jl\ I I •7v ' ' ' I . J l :-, J '.(< '= I I I l b I to mechanical hook-up Al,i,., Tf€;:o6 11 BiE;, fi,..,ft-ITi:;;.tJ jv!!N. '?I -'----~ *0 <..' ./ l ?:+'1 ) ·w ) G-40 1 'SI~ 1...-T~ ..Stft''IIN ///// . A~ ~{if'T cLW-,1'--If' /11,L--"51~ . &1-6 ) ~II ~T Note: M 0 ~ktJY~ : ' I j /FPi-61:-1\NC X-Cu~ ~-hr~-IS ~~i,... l!::i .JUT5 MB$H Sl-0,(...L--Be /"tzr'O- '<' ~,. /,' t./ t-- I~ or-,i f\L,l.,, 5L,,{)f'e5 b, l t-i STSEFEf<... • _ f oo 'lo rt= so F6 ~ 7V e6 ..-L-l'Nfl:,,t) \IJ/~~sre1<-MA "1 Cf'f.19'_;,,,.. {G~ (..5'6f:ND "!1i16 ~"). i"L.,l..., s~s 1. Slooe all olanter areas minimum 2% to drain aw~v from • & -.. --J -ov-r OF f---~ w. 1 T(f'lcAi- _-ftl \ l-!Bl-'f~fc:201.--1--15 ri'(e,fJDS Avenida Encinas e,,,: I i-1 ~ S\-tl\!..-i.,, BB f'>i.,AN"$1) Pe;(Q. c~l) t ... ~•·,tD:s.::/f'B 10.A/'-iVAL-!V.S,?;i-i structures ~nd walkways to planter drain, • ' ' 2. Provide drains and drain lines as needed in low points (minimum j Gf\l,. Of'-,,ANGB DI''( t.-1 L--1 4 • It · is the responsibility of the contractor for any and all existing elements that are to remain, caused by or their: sub-.coQJ;i;ac tors or aqy_onl;! 9nder their and shall pay for • all the c o.s t.s of n.ep.la_<;:eme n t or 2% to drain!). . Total Area of Site: Landscape area: 425, 145 .s.f. 59,94_0 s.f. ( 14% of site) All trees to be minimum 3' outside of ROW GENERAL NOTES ------------- 1. It is the responsibility of the contractor to inspect the job site and become aware of all grade differences and any other existing site conditions prior to bidding or construction. See Civil Plan and Acchitecture Plans foe all drainage and wall (fcee standing and retaining) locations and details. Location and elevation of existing improvements within the area of work shall be conficmed by field measurements prior to construction. Contractor shall make exploratory excavations and locate existing underground utilities sufficiently ahead of schedule to permit revisions to plans {if required) due to actual location of utilities or boulders. 2. It is the responsibility of the contractor, in case of discrepancies or questions as to the scope of work which may arise in the field, to notify the architect. damage to themselves direction, reoair. 5. It is the responsibility of the contractor: to perform all clean-up of any and all trash, debris, spills etc, Cceated by themselves or their sub-contractors or anyone under their direction. Conttactor shall cemove any demolition items completely from the site and dispose of them in a legal manner, Clearing shall consist of the satisfactory d.ispos11l of vegetation not applicable to the planting plan (see weed removal notes)' including snags, brush and rubbish occurring within the property line. Stumps, roots and boulders in areas to be cleared shall be cut-off or removed to 6'' below the finished g~ade_ 6. All concrete items shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2000psi at 28 days and shall 'be a minimum of 3 1/2" thick, 3. The contractor is responsible for the results of any errors, discrepancies or omissions not reported to the landscape architect = I / -·\. l5 Sp G. "j f: (::.AS E:iV1E r-s; T A' 1\ ,t' I I I , ¢>/7/b. \!vAs ~: !'-:G -r:' NI A 0 ~e,iJST6 e,-r~ NS '-' I I ! ',.k':it::O Jv'.BX1C,AN p,,A,~ ~LM ' I \~W~ I~~~ 1 t1~~~r~~~~~· ~ y Lh 100 pa DC! Cf\ f-.F VS\ G("'-M L.-! o~ J © Srf·U&~'( 'fB,' 1-11"-8 . . -✓"'\,r•. v-..rv-v-·-...../"-~ -r -✓-·v v ~6A.L- -fv'/f;;/.,AU5t;c~ NB5f'Pfi IL.-/\ ( • ) \ . f { N[,<:.-.. 'M l'.5 L.i'tL-e?V~& l~o F trrbSft'f.V \\-1 M 0 ... ·- \ G/g__. I \/.Af.\e..,;,AT/'s I FlWSf'Of-lJtvr \5 ~- I-_H'(DN'SEBD CoVet"-ct'!f oN /-'-l.-t,, S~Pf:~ 0' ~ ~ ~er~r-z -~!;;0---'_ _ .. " l-J:h I k. A\...-'fSS\.lM 1Cfs.r,.F'8"\ "f S}JbW . . ::,_,#'-IG ~Nit'\ ~D . _ Qt (~ <:tfT: 6 f"~ '3e.-eD ~OIDSJ 7. All workmanship and materialss~ .. l\conform to governing codes and ordinances and in accordance with the local acea regional standard drawings. 8. It is tne responsibility of the contractor to obtain permits. 9. Subgrad~ undec paved areas shall be compacted to 90%. 10. All planting aceas to drain at a minimum of 2%. 11, Jute mesh shall be required when planting btwn August 15 and Apcil 15 on slopes 6:1 and steeper, Slope planting to be per City Standards, Sec, IV, E.3 of Carlsbad Landscape Nanual. . All planting areas except areas 3:1 or steeper or turf areas, shall have a 3" thicK layer of organic shredded bark mulcn. 12. It is ~he responsibility of the contractor for maintainfng existing grade soil level at tcunks of trees. .0 acrz,e,e~ "l~ @ OC"f!'e,ef-1"142.. )1 A~ 1~12 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. II AS BUILT" ~~ft-I~ ·13 RCE-~-EXP.~~= DATE t<i-A #2.b0:2.._ cA t;;;.. e, .--,ii --·---·--------.. -- REVIE\IED BY: L. f'>!aci~ /2·!5·CJ?J INSPECTOR DATE prior to bidding or construction and/or fabrication of work. ,V____'::~~- ·'/"'C"' ~c ,uf{."'~\ Civil Engineer to be responsible for site drainage.design ' (::' ~, ,,. 'f~\t\\ jll,.. ~Loll Nof:TH fsfil.CTl I CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 SHEETS I I l --I I I I I Lf_l · _ft::ANN·1~::wn:; . -10 See Civil ·Plan for Topo and Elevations ,•}(1; ¥.J) ,_ --~·'.>_•"'···_'f¼'·o' ~-,_' .".•, ,\,,..,,_,_.-" Owner shall be responsible for Landscape Maintenance Requirements at_ conclusion of Landscape Contracfor duties. ·-..;...:_-~ _.,,: Note: Landscape Contractor must exercise caution in locating existing underground utilities before any excavation is permitted. See Grading Plan, DWG. NO, 330-2A for additional Easei:ent information. !1,f2 1"-, ----&l HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD LANlfSCAPE ARCHITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272--6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CAUFORN1A '2002 INDtAN.A -ARL 8820 f[,;\NrtNC .. fL.fN 'f\ I RJ~~ CARLSBAD DISTRIBUTION CENTER 6020 AVENIDA E'.NCINAS CARLSBAD t-----t-----+------------------+---t-----+---+---1iAPPROVED ;,,, '1 #' , $0 ~ a/$-, i ----DATE 'l :TP-6& S'f>BCIBS 12-,s~ 1-b IDWN BY: -- OAT£ INITIAL OAT£ INITIAL CHKD BY:-___ , RV\ID BY•. ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL arr APPROVAL P('lOJECT NO. SbF 4:~ \t2... DRAV.,NG _NO. ,:g~-2L SH!:':-l?f' 7 'r }o Cr-,1v\lD f'-Jd, 1:--=-~ sr::P ii-i-2... ~ ~ () r ►.; r·- '4 ()~ ,,> J' . tb PLANTING NOTES 1. This plan is diagrammatic and shall be used as a guide for setting out plants. 2. Plant materials shall conform to nurseryman's standards for size and health. All plants are subject to rejection by the landscape architect if substandard in size or quality or health. 3. Provide waterproof species grouping. iden ti f ica tion tags on one plant per species 4. Plant counts are for the convenience of the contractor only. responsible for all plants shown on the plan. Contractor per is 5. Irrigation system shall be fully operational and all planting areas thoroughly soaked prior to planting. 6. Landscape contractor shall maintain buildings. Finish grades to be smoothed Contractor shall coordinate with other a 27. minimum drainage to prevent puddling or trades to maintain away from all standing water. drainage during construction. 7. Except as noted, the landscape contractor shall remove all existing- vegetation, trash, clippings, rock and other debris in planting areas. Rake and fine grade all planting areas prior to commencement of planting operations. 8. Planting pits shall be twice the width and equal depth of plants. 9. Plantin_g pits and planters shall be backfilled f"y Soi\ trsr ;-e,e, dWI IYeY1 i;l.;:,ti !Y\$ 10. Trees and shrubs shall be fertilized at time of planting with 21g 'agriform' tablets at the following rates: Fl.i'-Ts £j L-it--1'os .... 114 'Tl,l-t/f>li3>Vi1'" (5:).\li\f). lgal •.••••••••• l Tblt 15gal •••••••••••• 5 Tblt 5gal •...•••••.• 3 Tblt 24"box .•.•.•.••••• 8 Tblt 36"box •...•..•.. 10 Tblt 48"box .••••....•• 12 Tblt 11. Stake 2" caliper and smaller trees. Guying of is required on larger trees (See detail sheet L-3). Contractor shall be responsible for tree stability during the length of the guarantee period. 12. Verify tree pit drainage with 24 hour water fill test prior to planting. All trees not draining are to have a 4" diameter auger hole drilled through any hardpan or compacted earth and f i 11 ed with grave 1 {il>f' cf' Gf"-AWL-$NA., F$-4" MTnY1 Ff-CllT' f;,"s \...L · 13. All planting areas except non-groundcover areas shall be prepared by applying the following amendments to the soil . r'or bid use only. All soil amendments 'ij be!::J-011-to ~ per CJiy JP\"V¢11<"'o\ 1 1/i soils report only. Contractor to submit test results '/ '-.., recommendations on amendments for approval. 3 cu yds./100-sf · uitrified wood shavings, 100 lbs/1000 sf agricultural gypsum, 25 lbs/ 1000 sf 12-12-12 fertilizer. contractor shall provide a soil test of chemical and agricultural analysis per the direction of the landscape architect's specifications. Soil leaching shall be 2,S i-ec51-nr1•c,1,df'cl b'1 fh: Soi!s +<::-f 0 ... 14. Post planting fertilization shall be performed ~- by contractor at 30 days after pi.;,,-,n,:j pev-~t! t'.st>'acovs1"e',Vi'o,VJ 15. Shrubs and trees shall be underplanted with · groundcover as shown by the adjacent groundcover symbol. 16. Groundcover shall be planted using triangular spacing. -- ,---. /JJ_/ / ' ?IJ<;;"f. stl\"-IJ!'F-t> pt;;t"Y'IN-~ ?illsTINC if£~ T' ff~lt-J EXISTING BUILDING C / -1 I I , t::)'.' ,-"' -.> !'prr~'" r, 1;>.1<.t S'>-\sT. ff'FfF,f--... -~ ., I 11 ";? ,z.e, ..,,.~ .?1 e- C 1tA•'~ J i,1...,....1."-si .) r ~" & _ 8/. f';\: l,\qy, T!"Jt-,( sxr.:r:-L,,ic;lJ;i'. ~lST-L. \E,.~. L-_f;;)<-lSJlNC fl--f\f'lT!f-..JC 7Z> __ _ -~S\ViAi N t-e:Move sit::, "f1 FBfl.A="f:: WI G~DC~f---. CF-~ove fKIS!lNG. f't\t-,1f f l\S5 ~f-,.'2,S 1 'z?i t)6a:':,~ "'::fi/W8S) ei< 1ST f ~~f'-- f'-,Ff A IN I 1-C W" l.,\,,S C ref'-._ I 1'5i- EXISTING BUILDING B Gr';"-D ! NG P L.-1'~ ) ,,,.--... _E='fi~Tl1'-G Cflf/'-L-1f-ses~-t W 0f "('Ul'-1 \\. f\ LJ . 7"D f-W/\IN E:'",<-.1 'S'7\NG T:Jf'-F 12' r:-E~-.l'Ai~ (TV F-f l7 f-;,p rxes~ C>Bl) i I\J &/'I f-e ('f-ef'6 (F~ r,Jm;;~.') ► ► fY :; -.. ' ·1· ', I [i) . ~--•~ J l_1J __ J_l1 K J_ ;, ' r::=---- (~~,~~lf'l--& ~-✓r ;,..---. ' ._ ( /q ~.l~ iG" G/'L. f7 1 ~L-- i rJ.... II o.c:,_ Hsrros1C£.~ ~LSU.'.') N'ti,v~L.,ANDC~l~ FJ[ I OSf'."'f-Ut-1 ~f>lf'--1"' Vt<~ ~D r r . . , . bS::l--OSF'GfMA-A~ 0 rl--Ai:5. ( Al,,l.., e,<Jo/i!NC · Dv\.~J'<,,t' 'l'Jtt~ 1'fV'll.--lNG ice fi,lt-Jr 'Nei:"DL.-ef<'/t--J'f" rv'Y ll! F-e10f\\N) jt?t> 1 '-',...../..-- ,z IE7 ·~f'\L_ "Nr-f '.%WC~ ~\<'..1917NG 1Vf"r ') ~ l"'L.-fIT'l;a; .. lr--ioJ;:;;A. ® _ 1C~' lND\A · rt~ Me:L-f--t...B LI c ,A lfYl N ('.f l✓SNBf-V. 't11Jt.::f1 1 CNef'LTl" ir:ee M/\Rf7WN ,· . f!;::SCL/S E;c-X.lS1lNC. f'.:,61,Gf\(NV\i,vf's AT F~Nc-e: ·rz, ~t-11/IIN /\bb .. /{; -~ GK-1 Pe Ne S' l> ~l~W~ e,,v~A\r--JV\U,fA. 1 :St-t" b1t:Ga feD' ;"4.A-i:::. .!il>1'" t4fr'' ·1· j _.,, ~ . : ~ ~I j ::, \.) //i 17. Plants shall not be placed within 18" of sprinkler he_ads. 18. Vines shall be secured to adjacent fences, posts or walls using vine ties. 19. Landscape contractor shall maintain all plantings per landscape specifications All areas shall be kept clean, watered ---....___ ,f SD ..; "] ~ 5,AsE:;}/IE,t---ii { SB-B Gl";AP!~C· f>i.,l'f',I) / / / / ~--Wf-71;'.,, 1/' 3[Vft-,';' So'.=170N /"T ~f\lN!Ne I/JA,1,....\..- 'l,i-''~ l'-ot• and weed free. All dead or dying plants shall be replaced during the maintenance period. 20. Contractor shall guarantee plant longevity as follows: trees for one year, shrubs and groundcovers guaranteed for six months. 21. All landscaping to be installed per City of Carlsbad Landscape Design Manual. 22. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash and debris. 23. Prior to final occupancy, a letter from a California licensed landscape architect shall be submitted to the Planning Director certifying that all landscaping has been installed as shown on the approved landscape plans. 24. All herbicides shall be applied by applicators licensed by the State of California. --.._ '--..____ / / A. SOD PLANTING SPECIFICATION 1. Sod: Time delive~y so that sod will be placed within 24 hours after stripping. Protect sod against. drying and breaking of rolled strips. 2. Fertilizers at sod: for lawns, provide fertilizer with percentage of nitrogen required to provide not less than 1 lb. of actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn area and not less than 4% phosphoric acid and 2% potassium. Provide nitrogen in a form that -will be available to lawn during initial period of growth; at least 50% nitrogen to be organic form. 3. on existing turf area reseed bara areas. Grass Materials: Grass seed: Provide fresh, clean, new-crop seed complying with tolerance for purity and germination established by Official Seed Analysts of North America. Provide seed mixture composed of grass species, proportions and minimum percentages of purity, germination and maximum percentage of week seed, as specified. 4. Preparation for Planting Lawns: a. Loosen subgrade of lawn areas to a minimum depth of 4". Remove stones over 1-1/2" in any dimension and sticks, roots, rubbish and other extraneous matter. Limit preparation to areas which will be planted promptly after preparation. b. Spread topsoil to a minimum depth required to meet lines, grades and elevations shown, after light rolling and natural settlement. Add specified soil amendments and mix thoroughly into upper 611 of top■oil. c. Place approximately 1/2 of total amount of topsoil required. work into top of loosened subgrade to create a transition layer and then place rl3Jlainder of planting soil. Add specified soil amendments and ■ix thoroughly into upper 4 11 of topsoil. d. Apply specified co:mnercial fertilizer at rates Delay follow specified and thoroughly }Jlix into upper 2" of topsoil. application of fertilizer if lawn planting will not within a few days. e. Fine grade lawn areas to smooth, even surface with loose, uniformly fine texture. Roll, rake and drag lawn areas, re•ove ridges and fill depressions, as required to meet finish grades. Limit fine grading to areas which can be planted immediately after grading. f. Moisten prepared_lawn areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture to dry before planting lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition. g. Restore lawn are:is to specified condit•ion if eroded or otherwise disturbed after f inc grading and prior to planting. h. Laying Sod: Lay sod over a 6 11 layer of prepared soil as soon as possible after Q.elivery. Lay sod closely knit together with no open joints visible and pie.ces not overlapped. Lay smooth and flush with adjoining planting and 3/411 below adjoining paving. Immediately water sodded areas after installation. saturate sod and upper 411 of soil. On dry sod, roll with equipment weighing 150 -250 lbs., to remove minor depressions and irregularities. MATCH LINE se:::e sr rr 1 B. SEEDING EXISTING LAWNS: 1. Do not use wet -seed" or seed which .is 1noldy or otherwise damaged in transit .or storag.e. 2. Sow seed using a spreader. Do not seed when wind vel- ocity exceeds 5 miles per hour. Distribute seed evenly over entire area by sowing equal quantity in two directions at right angles to each other. 3. sow not less than the quantity of seed specified or scheduled. _ 4. Rake seed lightly into top 1/B" of soil, roll lightly and water with fine spray - 5. Protect seeded slopes against Crosion with erosion netting or other methods acceptable to the Landscape Architect. 6. Protect seeded areas against erosion by spreading steer manure (or approved equal) with a 3/8" wire mesh spreader. Apply two layers only, after completion of seeding operations. Spread uniformly to form a continuous blanket not less than 1~i12• loose measurement over seeded areas. · ·· 7. Maint_ain lawns for not less than 60 days and longer as required to establish an acceptable lawn. Seed law1i.s not less than 60 days after substantial· completion. 8. Maintain lawnH by watering, fertilizing, weeding, mowing trimming and other operations such as rollin.g, regrading and replanting as required to establish a smooth, acceptable lawn, free of eroded or bare areas. 9. Mow grass at regular intervals ns required to maintain at a maximum height of 2-1/2". Do not cut morG than 1/3 of the grass blade at any one mowing. Neatly trim edge■ and·hand-clip where necessaly. Immediately remove heavy clippings after mowing and trimming. 10. Fer ilize plant and turf areas with application of ten - (10) pound pe 1,000 square feet of ammon~um ph0i1phate thirty (30) days after the beginning of maintenanQe, thoroughly watered in. Mevf'.~A Ni;;sor1-111,.,-~ I f7 Cl\ I.,.· I Pl Nt,c. 1"1 ~ vc ,._ & • I ( ·-10 ~erl'.E:t--.'T ?1,1\:l.-ic L!f!L-rr1 , W/"Tf!'-- ct.=,.';'=) . / -~ , \:":,z,,,-:, ,;,.,r,~'--, ✓,, , ..:.,-. j ~, 'Y9:~~\ : ,i<~t~-:,~~t~"~~~ \ < j) ..,., ~, .: ' ,, -""" 0 )~~. , -.VI.. --11'•• ~-t ~ .. II~ :· r1r~ ·~ 1 ~ .. .. I 1/. ·, r-\\ ';I,,, 1 Jft \. -rr -:.1· t,,.--ft 1 ' --··-~,-~.._'--.,,. •, ,...,·;;,._,,,/ Note: Landscape Contractor must exercise Caution in locating existing underground utilitias before any excavation is per11itted. See ·Grading ·Plan, DWG. NO. 330-2A for ·additional Easement information. ,,...._ -. :::: . ~:...-J,,,\~;, ~,'.. ,' ' ~-::, \ ~1/ "'"~~==·:.,,;;;.,,' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING t; 6C~ l'i"12.- 'AS BUILT' ~ ~~/-Z•//)•13 RCE ¼ EXP.~~~ , DATE -.a. ,,,,,/__,.,, J::v Llf'i REVIE\JED BY• AREAS. ~C!Ffr+ .~--:<,io "° jl I ::: ~ r_o II , 1 _ . _ 1 1 r· I I 1 1 I I SaET 11 c I~lA&f ~--~~.BA°=~ 11 siEoTS I I k-~ INSPECTOR !Z·/13· C)?-;? DATE HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA Cl SAN DIEGQ c.A 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CAUFORNlA ""2602 ~DI.ANA ""ARl 8820 ~TIO SFec1~ ENGINEER Of -..ORK REVISION DESCRIPTION SHE:=?T" ~ Ir . l b rl·lfi-/,~ DA TE I INlllAl INITIAL OTHER APPR□VAL QTY APPROVAi. ~~IN<c f\...-f,~ 'B' pOf-~ CARLSBAD DISTRIBUTION CENTER 6020 AVENDA ENCINAS CARl.SBAD APPROVED • ,,,. N!N DWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RV\JD BY•. P(lOJECT NO. SOP-"JI-jtL , . , -,-# DATE DRAWING NO. ??'.7·-ZL CMWD t--to, 1i-C'3>~ si;P 11-11._ <.o w C) ~ ~ (X) C)i ,> J C/.7 LANDSCAPE WORK PAIT 1 -GENERAL 1.01 IELATED DOCUHENTS Drawing• and general provi1ion1 of contract, including General and Supplementary condition, aection1, apply to work of thia 1ection, The work described in thaae ■pecificationa includes all labor and ■etarial ■ neceaaary to inatall all planting work a1 indicated on these plan,. l,Oi DESCRIPTION OP WORK !, Extent of landscape davelop ■ent work ia ■hovn on drawings and in 1ch~dules, B. Subgrade Elevation ■: Excavation, filling and grading required to establish elevations shown on drawings are not apacifled in tbia aection, Refer to earthwork aactiona, c. Included in Work: 1. •• The Landscape Contractor ■h ■ll notify the 0i"t:1 Landscape Architect prior to the beginning of the work and shall be reaponaibla for , coorc1u1ating bis work with the Owner, Cr1--,, -----· - Architect, other construction trade ■ and governaeot agencies. f. Landscape Cootractor ■hall be charged for the Landscape Architect's ti ■a at the Landscape Architect'• contract rat ■ when inspections are called for and the work 1• not ready for inspection or tha appoint ■ent1 not kept. g. Exa ■in• the area ■ and condition• under which work of thi ■ Section will ba performed. Correct condition, detrimental to tl ■ely and proper completion of the Work, Do not proceed until un•atl1factory condition ■ are correc tad. 12. PRODUCT HANDLING a. b. Contractor to arrange for 10111 teat. (Prior to having teat, check with Landscape Architect regarding previou1 10111 teat at 1ite,) Te-5T1!'-IC; ~et-JCY M\t31' bi;, rr'f;-ff'fr,aveo ~Y cirr /'(':, l,\£t,..l, /I'S 1i.;sr :'>~1.,rs, rr--1°F-ro f'LICIN;; Preparation of 1ubgrada to racalva topaoil. · /\Mm-:inl"fE<H-T-5, c. Protect plant• during delivery to pr■vant da ■aga to root.ball or da ■iccation of leaves. Immediately ra ■ova fro ■ the ,ita plant ■ and ■aterials which do not co ■ply with the specified requirement•. Regularly water nursery ■tock in contaioera, and place the ■ in a cool are ■ protected from sun and drying wind ■• D. 3. 4. Spreading top ■oil, Partilizing 5, Trees, 1brub1 and groundcover. 6. 7. Seeding 5JODINC (P<t'-sornll'-G t--1.rTBS SBE.-l.,.· 'I?) Maintenance of landscaped area ■ during ■aintenanca period, Source Quality coatrol: 1. Geaeral: Ship land ■cap• ■eteriala with cartificataa of inapectlon required by governmental authorities. Co ■ply with regulation• applicable to landscape ••r•ri•la. 2, Do not ■ake ■ubstltutiona, If apecifiad landscape ■aterial 1 ■ not obtainable,. 1ub1titutlon1 ■uat be approved by L.,'"'J"Ct1. -£J CITY • If aub ■tituted ■aterial ■ are installed without approval, they ••Y be rejected and the Landscape Contractor required to ra ■ove ■uch material ■ fro ■ the ■it• at bi• own 3. Analy1i1 and Standard ■: Package ■tandard product ■ with ■anufacturer·■ certified analyai ■• for other ■ateriala, provide analy1i1 by recognized laboratory ■ade in a accordance with ■athoda est ■bliahed by thP A ■■oclation of Official Agricultural Che ■i ■t ■, wherever applicable. 4, Traea, Shrub ■ and Plant ■: Provide tree ■, 1bruba and· plant ■ of higb quality free of injuri ■a, abrasion, or di ■figura ■aat. S, The planting plan la diagra ■■atic and ■hall be u ■ed a ■ a guide for ■attlng out plants, Prior to planting, the landscape architect aball ba contacted to approve all plant location■ and 1hall dlract adj us taee ta. 6, Plant eatari ■l1 ■hall confor ■ to nuraary ■an•• 1tandard1 for ■ize ■nd health, All plants are ■ubject to rejection by th• landscape architect if ■ub ■t■ndard in ■iza or quality or health, 7, Provide waterproof 1peci11 identification tag ■ on one plant p ■r ■peel•• par arouping. a. Plant count ■ are for the convenience of the contractor only. Contractor la raapon ■ibl ■ for all plant ■ 1hovn on the plan, 9, Label at leact one tree and one ■hrub of each variety with a aecurely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical aod co ■■on nae ■• Where formal arrangement ■ or conaecutiva order of tr••• or ■hruba are ■bovn, ■elect ■tock for uniform height and spread, and label with number to a11ure ay ■■etry in plaoting (Poplar, ■belia ■tc,) 10, Inspection: The Landscape Architect ■ay inspect trees and 1hrub1 AVri"l!:J ·-progress of work. Remove rejected tree ■ or abrubs i ■■ediately fro ■ project ait ■, 11, Inspection will also be required for the following: a. When 1hrub1 and tr••• are provided for planting but before planting boles are excavated, b. Vhan planting and all other indicated and apecifiad work prior to the ■aintan ■nce period baa bean complated. c, Pinal ln ■pection at the co ■platlon of the ■aintananca period, d. Glva the L ■nd ■cape Architect forty-eight (48) hour ■ notice prior to all required 1 n a p e c ti on I a,~ 1/,,tJ II ~~ C ftt.\ h~recfii Ii'": 1,03 SUBHITTAL Certification: l • Subalt certificate ■ of inapection at required by governmental authorities, Submit manufacturer•■ or vendor ■ certified analy1i1 for 1011 a ■endmenta and fertilizer ■aterials. Sub ■it other data 1ubstantiating that ■ateriala comply with specified requ_irement ■• 2. Subelt •••d vendor ■ certified atate ■ent for each 1ead mixture required. 1tatlng bQtanical and coaaon na ■,, parcantaga by vaight and percentages of purity, germination and weed ■■ed for each ■eed specie ■• Planting Schedule: Sub■it propoa ■d planting ■cbedule, indicating data ■ for •■ch type of landscape work during normal aes1ons for ■ucb work in area 1ite, Correlate vith specified maintenance periods to provide aaintenance fro ■ data of aubatant1 ■1 completion. Once accepted, revise datea only a ■ approved lo writing, after docuaantation of reasons for delays. Maintenance Instruction,: Sub ■it typewritten in- atructiona recommending procedures to be established by owner for ■aintenance of landscape work for one full year. Submit prior to expiration of required ■aiotenanca period(a). 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A, Packaged Haterlala: Deliver packaged material• 1n contalnara shoving veight, analysis and na ■e of ■anufacturer. Protect a ■teri ■l• fro ■ deterioration during delivery and while atored at ■ite. B. c. D, Tree, and Shrub1: Do not prune prior to delivery unless otherwise approved by Landscape Architect. Do n<rl"bend or bind-tie trees or abrubs in aucb ■anner •• to da ■aga bark, break branch ■■ or destroy natural shape, Provide protective covering during delivery. Do not drop ballad and burlapped ■tock during delivery. Deliver tree• and 1hrub1 after preparation ■ for planting have bean completed and plant i■■adiataly, If planting 1 ■ delayed ■or ■ than 6 hour ■ after delivery, set trees and ahruba in abada, protect from weather and ■e~hanical da ■aga, ■nd keep roots ■oiat by covering with aulch, burlap or other acceptable ■a ■n• of retaining moisture. Do not re ■ova container-arovn atock fro ■ container ■ until planting tl ■a, 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS !. Proceed with and co ■plata landacapa work aa rapidly aa portion ■ of 1ite beco ■e available, working within seasonal li ■itationa for aacb kind of landscape work required, _ B. Utilitiaa1 Datar ■lna location of underground utilltiaa and perfor ■ work lo a aanner which will avoid possible daaaga. Hand excavat ■ •• required. Haintain arade 1taka1 ■et b_y other ■ until removal is ■u_tualJ.v agreed upon bv c. parties concerned, Excavation: When con~1tion1 oetr1aental to plant growth are encountered, auch as rubble fill, adver ■e draJnage condition, or obatructiona, notify Landacape Architect before planting. D, Planting Tlaa: Plant or inatall ■aterlala during oor ■al planting 1eaaon1 for aacb type of landscape work required. Correlate planting with specified ■aintanance period ■ to provide ■aintanance fro ■ date of ■ubstantial co ■plation. !. Coordination with Lav..,,~ Plant traa1 aod ■brub ■ after final grades are aatabliabad, P. Whan existing (or ■tockpllad) 1011 1• av ■ilabl,, the contractor ■ball verify with the general contractor the quality, quantitia ■, and datar■ine location, and planned ■ove ■ent• of ■oil on the alta. Stockpiled 1011 ■hall G, No 1011 ■hall be ■ovad into area, when either ■oil or axi ■ttng grade 11 too vat, dry oc when delatarioua materials are praaant, l,06 SPECIAL PRODUCT WARRANTY A, Warranty tcea ■ and ■hrub ■ through ■pacified ■alntenance period and until final acceptance, B. Warranty tree ■ and abruba for a period of one year after data of eubstantial completion against defect ■ including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from neglect by Owner, abuse or da ■aga by other, or unusual pheno ■ana or incident• which ara bayQnd Landscape Installer ■ control. C. Re ■ova and replace tree ■, ahrub1, or other plant ■ found to be dead or in unhealthy condition during warranty period, Hake raplaceaanta during growth aeaaon following end of warranty period, Replace trees and ahrubs which are in doubtful condition at and of warranty period; unleaa, in opinion of Land1capa Architect, it is adviaable to extend warranty period for a full-growing aeaaon, D, Coatainars: container• ■hall be unopened at delivery and respective label• ■hall abov contents, Stora containers off tha ground and protect fro ■ weather. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 11 • n I TnPj!OTL A, Top,oil ha ■ bean (or will be) 1tockpilad for ra-u ■e in landscape work, If quantity of 1tockpiled topsoil 1, lnaufficiant, provide additional topsoil a ■ required to co ■plata landacapa work. B. Toi■oil for landscape work ■ay not be available at ,it ■ and ■u ■t be furniahed •• specified, C. Provide new topaoil which la fertile, friable, natural loa ■, ■urface 1011 not le ■a than 6% organic ■attar, and pH value of 5,9 to 7.0, re ■,onably free of 1ubaoil, clay lu ■pa, brush, weed ■ ■nd other litter, and fraa of roots, atu ■p ■, ,tonaa larger than 2• in any di ■en ■ion, and other extraneous or toxic ■attar harmful to plant growth. D, !. Topaoil 1, Source: borrow taken architect. on-■1ta ■tockpile aupple ■antad with off fro ■ source approved by the laodacape 2, Acid-alkaline range to ba ph 6.0 to 7.0 3, Praa of pe ■t•, pe1 t larvae and ■attar toxic to plant ■• 4. Percentage of organic ■annar: 2% ■1ni ■u ■ aite 5, Haxi ■u ■ 5% volume of ■lag, cinders,_ 1tonaa or other axtranaoua material 112• in dia ■ater, 6. Pree of noxioua weed ■eed Test ■ and 1a ■pling of top ■oil: 1, Sampling by contractor: at three locations par land ■cape architect. 2, Teat ■: organic ■attar, nutrient analy ■i ■ and aalinity P. Provide nitrJiaed dougla ■ ftr 1baving1 fortified vith organic nitrogen and with 11 pounda par cubic yard bona ••• 1. G, Provide •walk on• ~round bark chip ■ 112• to 3/4· in aiza of Dougl ■• Pir bark, H. Tree 1taka1: Unlaa ■ otharvtae indicated on provide redwood ■take ■, Con ■tructlon grade 2•x2•xs• long. ' the drawings, rough a ■vn, I. Other ■aterlala: provide other ■atar1a1,, not ■pacifically described but required for ■ complete and proper inatallation, a ■ aelectad by the Contractor aubject to the approval of the Landscape Architect, 2,02 SOIL AHENDHENTS A, Sarvon: Place one (1) cup of Sarvoo in each tree bola; 1/2 cup ia each shrub bole, 8, Li ■e: Natural dolo ■itic li ■a ■tona containiag not lea, than 85% of total carbonates with a ■ini ■u■ of JO% ■agnaa1u ■ carbonate ■, ground ao that not leas than 90% paasaa a 10-■eah ,ieve and not la11 than 50% paaae ■ • 100-■e•h ■lave. C. Alu ■inu ■ Sulfeta1 Co ■■arcial arada, D. Peat Hu ■ua: rs Q-P-166 daco ■poaed 1fiab~, fiber ■ and with pH range 1.ou{ t m,r e f G1r u e,, · E. P. G. H. I• J. L. Boaa ■eal: Co■■ercial, raw, finely grouod; 4% nitrogao and 20% pboaphoric acid, Suparpbosphata: Soluble ■ixtura of treated ■ineral1; 20% available phoaphor!c acid, Sand: Clean, vaahed sand, free of toxic ■atarial ■, Perlita: Confor ■ing to National Bureau of Standard ■ PS 23, Var■lculita: Horticultural ~rade, free of toxic aub ■- tancea. Savduat: · Rotted ■avduat, free of chips, ■tones, ■ticks, 1011 or toxic 1ubstancea ■nd with 7.5 lbs. nitrogen uniforaly ■lxad into each cubic yard of ■avdu ■t. Mulch: Organic ■ulch free f~a ■ dalatarloua ■atariala and ■uitabla for top dra ■■ing of tree ■, ■bruba or plant ■ and con ■iating of one of the following: 1. Shredded Hardwood 2, Ground or Shredded Bark 3. Wood Chips 5Vbyi'irf ~rf.e; 1tJ C:tfit -/i'r .3f'Pl'1ll'J/ l:>1-'JY' -,P ~fivew"I;..,,, °ill ~fe-' -I -. --,--..J Co ■■arcial Partllizer: Co■plata fertilizer of neutral character, with aome elements derived from organic aourcaa and containing following percentages of available plant nutrients: l. 2. 3. 4. 6. 1, 8. Par tree ■ and ■hrub ■, provide fertilizer with not laa1 than 5% total nitrogen, 10% available phosphoric acid and 5% soluble potaah. Agricultural Cypau ■: Shall be approved, atandard brand agricultural calciua ■ulfate (CAS0/4) a ■ commonly applied to aoila and ahall contain 19% co ■bined eulfur. Iron Sulfate: Shall be approved agricultural ferric aulfata (PE2S04), granular in composition 1 and containing 20% ■atalllc equivalent lron and 17% combined sulfur. Am ■oniu ■ Phosphate: Shall be approved commercial fertilizer containing 16.5% nitrogen and 20% phosphoric acid, Poat Planting Partillzer: All planting area• ,hall be broadcast with ■ilorganite fertilizer at the rate recommended by the manufacturer after all plant ■ are installed F -sail test. Planting T ■blata: All plant• ahall receive agrl- for ■ plant tablet ■ placed below grade (3• for container ■tock, 1• for flat plants) at the following rates: l -5g per aach flat plant 2 -21g par each one-gallon plant 4 -21g per each five-gallon plant 6 -21g per each fifteen-gallon plant l -21g par each linear 4· boxed material atze Deliver Fertilizer: In waterproof b ■g ■ shoving weight, chemical analysis and na ■a of ■anufacturar, In1pactioo, A. Examine ■rea ■ to receive ■oil preparation to aaaure work of other trades baa bean completed, B. Verify grades with landacapa architect prior to beginning ,oil preparation. C. Mo soil preparation shall ba parfor ■ed until all' structures and walls and construction item• (including irrigation ■~in, and drainage line■) have been in ■talled. D. Site ahall be free of weed ■, trash and delaterioua material prior to ■oil preparation, ~ E. Verify that planting aaterial to ra ■aln 1• , '-v"<:-<.: \.'<'-~,iSO,r -1 ~ 9. 10, undisturbed, /4(;;.:'!-' ~<; -~ ~ ',fl ;...,,' P, Do not proceed with ■oil prep ■ratioo until f:-0 :;' No'"2W? g~;;', un1atiafactory conditiona hava been corrected. qC:::'.(. (!!Ir/ ~,~ Soil• tast . •, \\ .. t) a. Contractor ,hall provide teat result ■ to Ct-h.t ~--_«\. i"'"" , ,,;/J ,-,. ' ,._ ,t...,~ I/ landscape architect and confirm all •oil amendment, ~~Y~-'4~~ prior to application. ~ o, :h,•~-· Soll additive ■ to be detar ■ined fro ■ reault of 10111 ~:---- ta ■t by •oil agronomist. Landscape contractor to arrange for and bear the coat of th1~ test. Any APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. II AS RCE...'. REVIE\vED BY, INSPECTOR BUIL T11 DATE DATE ~1 CITY OF CARLSBAD IISHEETSI --+----------=--=--=--=--=-~~-=--=--~4:=_-=._-=._"j_-=._-=._-=._"j_-=._-=._-j ~ _ fl-ANNIN& C¥Ff.-. . -_ 1 Q HEATHER /- HARDIE HARWOOD -J ~ ). ;;:LA=,..=;.;N~D""=s""=cc=A~P"'"E-A~R-C~HITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX {619) 272-6353 CALIFORNIA "2602 INOWIA •ARI. 8820 : OA TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of" WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL OATE INITIAL Cl1'f APPROVAL . t~AR(1s1#AC "'5 ~~~G ~ON CENTER 6020 AVENIDA ENCINAS / C~RLSBAU 11. i ■port fill 1h1ll b• teated befor• i ■portiaa to ait ■• All l'■■ult.1 of 10111 t•~t.• 1h1ll_._!»l•IJ_,{ven _1;~-.,f l, laodacap• al"cbi tact 41 C1-ti-f pn,..-171 ill$1-""' 11Vlt T" ~I 1 • varify tr ■• pit drain•&• Jitb 24 hour water flll ta ■t prior to plaatioa. All boxed tr••• not . Stakll and GUJ ■I Provlde ■take• and daad ■en of 1ound aav hardwood, treated aoftvood Ol' redvo"'4 eolor, ■atarial aad 1ise to protect tree trunk• fro ■ da ■aa• bJ vi rr•. PAIT l -!X!~U~1ud 13. drainia& ar• to have a 4• dia ■eter ■ua•r bole drilled tbrouah eay hardpan or co ■pactad earth. 3.01 Pl!PAlATtON 14. 2.0l PLANT KATEllALS A. QualltJ: Provide tr•••• 1hrub1 ead other plaat1 of 11sa, gaau ■, apacie, and variaty shova and 1cbadulad for landaca • work and co ■plyiag vlth reco ■■aadat1ona and requira:aatl of ANSI Z60.l •A■ar1can Standard for Nur ■■r) Stock•. 1 U•• adequate au ■bera of akillad vorkara who are • thorouahly trained aad experienced ia the nacaaaary craft• aad who are co ■plately fa ■iliar with the apec1f1ed raquire ■ants aad the ■ethoda needed for proper perfor ■ance of the work of thi ■ Se~tioa. Standard,: d th■ 1 plaata and planting ■atarial: Kaat or axe•• • ■pecificatlona of Federal, Stat• aad County lava requirla& ia ■pact1on for plaat dl••••• aad la ■act 2, 3. COD tl:ol. Quality and ala ■: Comply witb currant edition of •worttcult.ural Standard•• for au ■bar oaa nur ■ary atock •• adopted by Aaericaa Aa ■ociatton of Nur ■ary ■an. All planta1 1 a. True to••••• vith on• of each buadl• or ot t&&&•d with tb• aa ■e and 1111 of the plant ■ la accordaaca with ataadard• of practice of A■arican A.11ociatioa of Nuraary ■■n. ,. Ia all ca,ea, -otaaical na ■•• take precadenc• ovar co ■■oa na•••· •• Plant••••• 011 th••• dravia&• coafor ■ to 1t1ndard plant n•••• eatabliahed by tba ·A■ar1can Joint Co ■■1ttaa on Horticultural No ■■nclatur•• and, axcapt for tbafpl:nt aa■•• covered tbera1n, the 11t1bli1had cuato ■ o t • aur••rJ will be followed. c. D, !. ,. Provide ay ■■atr1cal planta, typical for varlaty and apeciaa, aouad, baaltby, v1goroua, fr•• fro ■ iaaact• or their agga, with healthy and aor■al root ay ■t•••• wall-filling thair contalaar, but not to th• po1at at baia& root bound. Do aot prune prior to delivery except a, authorised by the Land ■capa Architect or her repraaaatativa. Neaaura h~ight and apraad of plant• with branch•• in their nor ■al po ■ltioa. Daciduou■ Tr•••: Provide treea of height and caliper acheduled or ■hova and vitb branching coafigurat1oa raco ■■eaded by ANSI Z60.l for type and 1pacl11 required. Provide aingl• at•• tree ■ except vh•r• spacial for•• ar• 1howa or li1ted. Dac1duoua Sbrub1: Provide 1hruba of th• heiaht ■howa or li•t•d and vlth not 1111 than ■1a1 ■u■ nu ■ber of cane, required by ANSI Z60.l for type and height of 1hrub raqutrad, C. -Conlfaroua aad lroadleafad lv■r1r11aa1 Provlda evar- 1r•••• of 11••• ahovn or llatad. Dl11111Jon1 ladicata ■1al ■u ■ 1pr11d for 1preading and ••■1-apraading type ■v•rar••n• and belght for other typa,, 1ucb a• 1lobe, dwarf, cone, pyra ■idal, broad up-rl&ht and colu ■nar. Provide nor ■al quality evergreen• vitb vall•balancad for ■ co ■plying with r1qulr1 ■1nt1 for other •ls• ralatloaab1p• to the pr1 ■ary dle ■n1lon.1hovn. 2.04 GlOUNDCOV!l Provide plant• e1tabll1had and vell-rooted in re ■ovabla container ■ or intagral peat pot ■ and vitb not 1111 than ■1ni ■u• nu ■ber and length of ruaner ■ required by ANSI 160.1 for th• pot ala• ahovn or liated. 2,05 MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE NAT!lIALS A, Vood Header ■ and !dglng1 Of 1ia11 abowa and following wood 1paci11; 1. ledvood. 2. Provide Vood Stakal _of srri;lar · ■paci••· 2· ',II: 2· x 24" long and galvaaised aalla for anchoring baadera end adg iag. I. Gravel: Vatar-vora, hard, durable gravel, wa ■hed fr•• of lo••• aand, clay and otbar foraign ■ub1t1ac11 and of follovtna ala ■, r1n11 and color, c. 1. S1sa tang ■: l/8• ■axi ■u ■, 1/a• ■1n1 ■u ■ (pea aravel). 2. Color1, Uaifor ■ tan-baig• color rans• acceptable to L1ad1c1p1 Architect. Decoepo ■ad 1ranit1: U•• a pra-e ■ergent barbic1da 111ch •• oryzslia ia both 1priag aad fall. Do not ln ■tall black plaatic uadar the 1r1ait1 (it doe ■ not ■top w11d1 that ger111ioet1 ia aoil aradually blown into crack• batvaaa tba araval piaca ■ aad caa cauaa probl••• by buckling). lake out the grav•,~ a, nece111ry to ■aintain a rea ■onably naat app ■araaca •. t:t~"bi_ciJ.e ""rrt',a:;rt.,ir h\~st l::>e ti'c::&i~_.b~ ~ .._h),te ,:f Q.I rfil vi-ii.,· -------------. '-·-----· --- r11tration/S1paratlon f1brlc1 Vat.er p ■r ■■abl• flltra- t1on fabric of fib■r&l•• or polypropylaa ■ fabric. "· •• c. o. I. Pr ■11 ■1aary grading ,hall b• dona la auch a ■aaner •• to aatic1pat• the flniah grading. Landacapa Contractor 11 ra1pon1lbl1 for ■aiatainlag 1xi1tin1 grade 1011 level arouad truaka of tr•••• All turf ar••• ,ball r•c•lva 4• of l ■ported 11ndy-lo1■ top1011, unl••• noted otbarwl•• on tha drawing ■ or 1a tb• ,pacification ■• Layout ladivldual tr•• and abrub locatlan, and •r••• for ■ultipla planting ■• Stake location• and outline araaa and aecura Laad ■capa Architect#• accaptanca before ■tart of planting work. Kake ■1aor 1dju1t ■■at1 •• ••J be raque ■tad, Preparation of Pl1atla1 Soils 1. 2. ]. Th• aoil ■ball not ba worked vbea tba ■o11t11r1 coatant l• 10 great that 1xca11lv1 co ■pactioa vill occur, nor vhan it 1• 10 dry that a duat will for ■ in tba alr or that clod ■ vill not braak raad11y. Vatar ,hall be appll••• if ••c••••ry, to provide ideal ■ol1t11ra cont.ant for tillin1 tba plantln& herein apacifled. In all plaated area ■, r ■■ov• dabri1, rock■ and clod ■• P1nl ■h planting 1ul'f1ca ■hall be a ■ootb and even. V11d1 and root 1rowtb (lacludiag bar ■uda gra ■■) ahall be ~111 out fro ■ all plant1ag ar•••• Jl_h•_•. !'.'I?_ •••~ry ~o -~!_• __ c~uraa• r ■arovth, th• ~ -:-_:: . Tital~ ~lu:~-f?ir -_ •• , apply a 1111 tabla b;rt.ic1d• according to the ■anufactur ■l'#■ ■pacificatioa ■• la ■ova rock ■ and otber objacta over 2• ln dla ■atar. Delay ■lxing of fertlllaar lf planting will aot follow placing of pl1ntin1 1011 vltbla • few day,. 4. ror plt and trench-type -•ckflll (for tr•••• 1hruba and vine,), ■ix 60% top10U. vlth 40% aitrogan-■tabilized ■having• plu• one ounce of lroa aulfata to each cubic foot of ■ixture. 0•• accurate proportlonlag container,, ■lx planting 5. aoi~.!!Flor to backfilli't& ,ad •tockplla _at· ait•. e.;ic!'"'1'11 I mv* k,& fa'""° ,s,11 ~ 1t:!st". ----·-: for planting bad• aad lavna, ■ix planting 1011 either prior to planting or apply on 1urface of topsoil and ■ix thoroughly befora plaatina, 6. Mix liee vlth dry 1011 prior to ■1xing of fertilizer, 7. Prevent 11 ■e fro ■ contacting root ■ of acid-loving plan ts. II• 10. 11 • 11.01 11.02 Apply pho,phoric acid fertiliser (other than that , constituting a portion of co ■plete fertilizera) directly to 1ubgrede before applying plaatlag aoil and tilling. Place approxi ■ataly 1/2-of total amount of top ■oll required. Work into top of loo ■aaed ■ubgrede to create a transition layer sod than place remainder of planting 1011. Add specified 1011 a ■eod ■aata and ■ix thoroughly into upper 4•· of topsoil. Apply specified co ■111ercial fertiliser at rate ■ apeclfied and thoroughly ■ix into upper 2" of topsoil. all planting areas except aon-groundcover areas a hell be prepared by applying (~r--tt-e, s,.-,d t~ rtsvits'\ amend ■enta to the soil and tillilijl into the top 6" , of a oil:-{Ar--, ~DJANG PUf-PO~ES "NI..-Y'l -- l cu.Yda./1000 Sf nitrifled wood a~aviag ■ 100 lba/1000 ■f agricultural gypau ■ 25 lbs/1000 af 12-12-12 fertiliser Contractor shall provide a soil test of chemical aad agricultural analyais per the direction of the _1 landscape arch1 tect. Soil leaching shall be· ,;,s;, vat>w1n1~d v!f ~ ';;>0/ls ~- Po• t planting fertilization 1hall be performed by contractor at 30 daya after planting. Planting pita and planters 1hall be backfilled ..;.s. V <"co f-1'1me..-deol'( ~ 'ihe so 1ls -kf-. topsoil ■ix. Trees and shrub ■ 1hall be fertilized at ti ■e of plaatiug v/l½~2lg 'agrifor ■~ tablet ■ at the follo .. tnx ra.taa: 15. 16. 17. 18. A.. I. IQ .. fl;;:.f-I S° g ti,,i f-_ l g • 1 ••••••••••• /J. Tb 1 t (7-f j . ) 1 5 g a 1 •••••••••••• ~ Tb l t ( (.2 I j, 1 5gal •.••••• ••••4 Tblt L'-l-Ltj·) 24"box ••• ••••·••••i:;;. Tb..l.t {;2-lj•) 36"box •••••••••• ~ Tblt (J-lJ-) 48"box ••••••••••• 12 Tblt~j·) 12. Soil conditioner, a. b. c. d. •• Peat: caaadiaa peat ■oaa Herbicides; as required upon landscape architects approval Fertilizer: l. For lawn areas: a-p-k ratio aa req#d by 1011 report 2. Por shrub areaa: as req#d by ■oil report Organic 1011 a■end ■enta: derived fro ■ redwood of fir bark, granular in nature end stabilized with nitrogen. A ■eodment ■ to have folloviug propertie,: 1. Organic content: ■ini ■u• 90% by weight. lllnerals: l. Soil sulfur 11 req#d by 1011 report 2. Ferrous sulfate aa req~d by soil report • 3. Agricultural gyp ■u ■ caaq42h20 •• raq~d by 1011 report (c•lciu ■ aulfate of 98%) Schedule of Planting Soil Mixture laquire ■ent ■•, indicating required rate of fertiliser application 11 attached at ead of tbi1 ■action. Slope all planting •r••• away fro ■ building• at 1/4" per foot ■1ni ■u ■ horizontal distaaea where applicable. Finish grade at building edge shall be 3" below finiah floor elevation. Provide grade ■ at 6" below top of curb ■ and valkvay1 in planting areas for topsoil preparation. All concrete 1ub ■urf1ca1 to drain at a ■tn1 ■u ■ slope of 1%. All planting sre11 to drain at a eini ■u ■ 1lopa of 2%. landscape contractor ■hall ■aiatain a 2% eini ■u ■ drain ■ga sway fro■ all butlding1. P1n1ah grades to be s ■oothed to prevent puddliog or ,tending water. Contractor ■hall coordinate with other trades to ■aiata1n drainage during construction. Moisten prepared lava area ■ before planting if 1011 is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface ■oiature to dry before planting lawaa. Do not create• ■uddy soil condition. Preparation of Planting Beds: Loosen 1ubgr1de of planting bad areea to a ■ini ■u ■ depth of 6• u ■lag a cultiaulchar or ai ■ilar equipment. ie ■ove atonal over l-1/2" in any di ■an ■ion and sticks, 1tonea, rubbish and other extraneoua eattar. Soil ■hall be ■ade looaa and friable. r. Pill excavatloa• for tr••• aad 1hrub1 with water ■ad allow to percolate out before planting. G. Apply pre-eaargant harb1c1d• control in accordance with ■aauf ac turer' 1 raco ■■anda tt'on ■• e. Pini•h grad,: •• Upon co ■plation of rototilling and topsoil pl1ceaeat1, all area, 1h1ll be vaterad to settled aoil. b. When the 1011 haa dried 111fflciently to be readily worked, all lawn and planting area, •hall b, graded to prev1ou1ly e1tabli1hed grade ■• I. Grade• not otherviaa iad1cated ,hall be un1for ■ly level 01 ■lapin& between point vher• elevation ■ ara aivaa. Fin1•h grade •hall be a s ■ooth, even and unifor ■ plane with aon- abruot chanRe of elevation. J. Soil area ■ adjacaat to building, •ball ■lope away fro ■ building to allow natural rua-off of water; ■urface water ahall be directed a, 1hova on dravlaga by remodeling 1urfece to facilitate natural water run-off. l. Low ■pot• and pocket ■ ■hall be graded to drain properly. L. Piaiah 1rade of plant1ag ereaa ahall be fluab with top of curb,, paviaa to 11 ■ur1 po1itive drainage over ■urfac1. K, Hiaor 1dju ■t ■ant1 of grad•• ahall be ■ada, if required, at direction of the lendacapa architect. Spread planting 1011 ■1xtur• to ■1a1 ■u ■ depth re- quired to aeet llnea, grades and alevat1ona abown after light rolliog and natural aettle ■ent. Place approxiaataly 1/2 of total a■ount of planting soil required. Work into top -of loosened aubgrade to create transition layer, than place remainder of the planting soil. Dig beds not lea ■ than a· deep and ■ix with specified 1011 1 ■end ■eot1 and 3.02 EXISTING PLANTINGS fertilizers. ' •··· Topaoil; la area, scheduled for aeediag or aodding of lawn, replace topsoil fro ■ stockpile to • ■lnl ■u ■ depth of 4" aver all areas. A. !xi1tiag planting ■ ••Y ra ■aia •• approved by the owner or the landscape architect. I, The laadacapa contractor ■ball ra ■ova all exiating traab, clipping ■, rock and other debris in plaotiag areas • c. lake and floe 1r1de all planting areaa prior to co ■■enca ■ant of plautiag operation ■• 3.03 PLANTING b. Ia areas scheduled for oraa ■ental groundcover ■, place topsoil to a aini ■ua of 2· deep. c. Soil preparation: 1. Apply a ■endaent ■ per teat results and lacorporate to depth of 1• by raking all are••• 2. lake, drag, roll 1100th all pleating surfaces until free of hollows and ridge ■ and until aurfacaa conform to a ■t1bli1hed grade (+/-l" rise la 10#-o• rua) Excav1tin11: •· For shrubs in one gal conte1nar1, dig a hol• 12" diameter and 12" deep !'niY. -see dit..,il SH'r-6_ b. For shrubs and trees in five gallon cont1iaar1, dig a hole 20· la di1111eter and 1s• deep_Min---:ee sl1T. e,, c. for trees aad shrubs 1n 15 gallon container•, dig • hole 30• in di ■■eter and JO" deepw-,in,1 'o<.<" 3 ,t, c:, d. Box trees shall have planting pita dug twice _ the diameter and of aaual deoth to th_a box fV1th 1 _ s= skt c PLANTING GlOUND COV!l lake axi ■tina 1011 a ■ooth aad free fro ■ aoll lu ■pa, rock•, ■ticks aad other dalater1ous ■aterial. Plaat1ag: 1. Space the ground cover plaat1 evenly 11 iadicated oa the Drawiaga, ■taagarlng the •paces around ■brubs and trees as well•• la the open areas. 2. Plant only ia aoil that 11 ■oi ■t but friable, never vet or 1oggy. PLANTING GlOUNDCOV!i AND VINES -groundcover ■hall be planted uaiag tr1aagul ■r ■pacing•• aoted oa legend. Vine• ■hall be ■acured to adjacent feace ■, po1t1 or wall• u ■ing vina ti••· I • D1g hole• large enough to allow for ■praadlag of root ■ and backfill with plaatiag aoil. Work 1011 around roots to a11 ■1aata air pocket• and leave a alight 1aucer indeatation around plant ■ to bold water. Vater thoroughly after planting, taking care not to cover crown• of plant, vitb vet 10111. Mulch area, between ground cover plant•; place not laaa than 'b• thick. A.. B. c. Tiee of Planting: Do not plant uat11 aprinkler systee i ■ complete, final grade• have bean 11tabli1hed, the planting area, have been properly graded and prepared (planting areaa shall ba thoroughly ■oaked prior to planting) aad the work approved by the Landscape Architect. Location of Plant ■: lelativa po ■ition of trees and plants la 1ubjcct to approval of Landscape Architect ead, if aece ■■ary, by locatiag aa directed by the Landscape Arc hi tact. Placing of Plant ■ aad Tree ■: Set plant• 10 that, when tattled, they bear th••••• relatioa to the required 1rade as they bore to the natural grade before being transplanted. Plant la the center of the pit and backfill with prepared 1011. Tri ■ off broken or frayed root ■• lefer to detail of planting of palas. Pleating. ·r...-~ioa-r-..-:>f, Wl~ a. Pill hol~a with backfill mixture conaistlag of two parts ■oil taken fro ■ the hole and one part ■pacified soil aaendment, by volume ( f!;:t' 51!L.,"1-e:ST) b, Pill to proper height to receive the plaut, and thoroughly ta ■p tbe ■lxture before setting the plaat. c. Set plant 1a upright polition in the canter of the hole, end coepact the backfill ■ixture around the ball. d, Thoroughly water each plant when the hole 11 2/3 full. rlllf ~ Cc, f;;'O NOT u0e1a APPROVED lt'OR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCl,UDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ARE1\S. '' AS BUIL T 11 HEATHER , _1 _ HARDIE 1 HARWOOD -~ I '\ J- LA N DSCA~P~E _A_R_C"'H ITEci' 4011 CHIPPEWA er. SAN DIEGQ CA 92117 (619) 272--6669 FAX (619) 272~ CAUFORNIA~602 RCF EXP.· ___ _ APPROVED REVIE\JED BY• FNrnNFr"RING PLANCHECKER I lNSl-'fT l [JR -·· --·--. . ·-•----··-···-··-----·--·-·· .. . .. , .. _ -·-·-···-· ·------------------,. -····----··-·------··---.. ·· -· . ···-··" ·----·-----f------t--- --------------- ---➔---+-----------------+---- ··-·· -... --------<------4-----------------------1-----------< ----~f------·-- --------<. -····-·-·· ···-·------· .. ----···--------····--·-·-··. ·-·-··· -" ······-·-··-·· ··--··-·------··"·- ·---·--·-·----··-+---··--·-· ··--------··"··-·-"·'··· ··-····· ... -··-·" --··-· ---·· -·-· ···- .. ---···--·---·-·-· - ".,. . -·-.... DATE INITIAL DATE ------·-·. ~----- (NCINE(R OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION SDP , I , ii DATE DATE