HomeMy WebLinkAbout148 TAMARACK AVE; ; CBR2019-0757; PermitPERMIT REPORT Residential Permit Print Date: 08/03/2021 Job Address: 148 TAMARACK AVE, Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Parcel#: 2042530700 Valuation: $5,482.40 Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Project Title: 148 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4059 Work Class: Track#: Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Description: PINPOKINTR: DEMO 650 SF SFD AND 240 SF GARAGE Applicant: JEFF PARSHALLE ARCHITECT JEFF PARSHALLE PO BOX 230132 ENCINITAS, 92023 (619) 985-4099 FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL Demo DEV2016-0047 Total Fees: $136.83 Total Payments To Date: $136.83 (city of Carlsbad Permit No: CBR2019-0757 Status: Applied: Issued: Fina led Close Out: Inspector: Final Inspection: Balance Due: Closed -Expired 04/02/2019 02/12/2020 AMOUNT $79.48 $55.64 $1.00 $0.71 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov Ccityof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check Est. Value PC Deposit --------- Date ----'L/,_,_J=-.i+-t1~'1 __ Suite: _____ APN: __________ _ CT/Project#:. __________ Lot#: ____ Fire Sprinklers: yes/ no Air Conditioning: yes/ no □ Addition/New: ______ ,Living SF, ____ Deck SF, ____ Patio SF, ____ Garage SF Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? Yes/ No New Fireplace? Yes/ No, if yes how many? __ D Remodel: SF of affected area -----Is the area a conversion or change of use ? Yes/ No 0 Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ____________ _ □ Solar: ___ KW, ___ Modules, Mounted: Roof/ Ground , Tilt: Yes/ No, RMA: Yes/ No, Battery: Yes/ No Panel Upgrade: Yes/ No D Reroof: _____________________________________ _ D Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: ________________________ _ D Other: ____________________________________ _ APPLICANT (PRIMARY CONTACT} , Name: fA{:51trl ?1r)PCJNN 1"' Address: 201:2 t1l)lt?' At i/L VVl'r t City: UL (B gp State: vA Zip: 9 ')-O~ 1 Phone: ~c r '.2o~3S'~~ Email: Y'-'.JiA;-,h lm4 t'J:m'lL/2 COh1 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: ✓ft/7" e;/tl-.f'.-o/# (,, 4S Address: /• • ~« 2-3<> /!,4- City: ptVCf/V /7}/£ State:<:# Zip: Phone: v/9. '11':£ · lh9!l Email: "ic#, .,¢&eh. '1-f'/- Architect State License: _ _.(!.,__,.(i,_1..:.1-..,~'-"-2------ PROPERTY OWNER Name: tlJ if;,r&--/P'l,VC Address: ___________________ _ City: __________ .State: __ ~Zip: ____ _ Phone: ___________________ _ Email: ____________________ _ CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: ___________________ _ Address: __________________ _ City: _______ State: ___ .Zip: ______ _ Phone: ___________________ _ Email: ___________________ _ State License: ______ Bus. License: ______ _ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he/she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License law {Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he/she is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}). 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov 8-1 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 06/18 ( OPTION A): WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hearby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: □ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit is issued. □ I have and will m~intain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name: ______________________ _ Policy No. ______________ Expiration Date: _________ _ 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to be come subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and cl vii fines up to $100,000.00, in addition the to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: __________________ □AGENT DATE: _____ _ ( OPTION B ): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: □ I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). p(.1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). □ I am exempt under Section ________ ,Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. □ Yes □ No 2. I (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 5. I wlll provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the followl persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address/ phone/ type of work): DATE: ___,,l-7-pL,t'4/,C£'J'-•..::.U'-- CONSTRU I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name: ______________________ Lender's Address: _____________________ _ ONLY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ Yes □ No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □ Yes □ No ts the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? □ Yes □ No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT.OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from ate of s ermit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at anytime after the work is commenced for a period of 180 (Sectio Uniform Building Code). 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, C B-1 2008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Page 2 of2 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov Rev. 06/18 ·--------···-·····-'"-·---··--- December 30, 2020 JEFF PARSHALLE ARCHITECT ATTN: JEFF PARSHALLE PO BOX 230132 ENCINITAS, 92023 RE: BUILDING PERMIT EXPIRATION PERMIT TYPE: BLDG-Residential, Demo {city of Carlsbad PERMIT#: CBR2019-0757 ISSUED: 02/12/2020 ADDRESS: 148 Tamarack Ave Carlsbad, Ca 92008-4059 Our records indicate that your building permit will expire by limitation of time on 02/16/2021. 18.04.030 Section 105.5 amended -Expiration: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 calendar days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is stopped at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 calendar days, or if the building or work authorized by such permit exceeds three calendar years from the issuance date of the permit. Work shall be presumed to have commenced if the permittee has obtained a required inspection approval of work authorized by the permit by the Building Official within 180 calendar days of the date of permit issuance. Work shall be presumed to be stopped if the permittee has not obtained a required inspection approval of work by the Building Official within each 180 day period upon the initial commencement of work authorized by such permit. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be obtained to do so, and the fee therefore shall be one half the amount required for a new permit for such work, and provided that no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new permit fee. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of time within which work may commence under that permit when the permittee is unable to commence work within the time period required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. Please check below indicating your intentions and return this letter to us. D Project abandoned. A new permit will be obtained prior to commencing work. D No fee extension requested for 180 days. (Must attach a letter of explanation) D Renewal permit requested. If the project has been completed and only a final inspection is needed, please call the inspection request line at (760) 602-2725. If you have any questions, please contact the Building Inspection Division at 760-602-2700. Community & Economic Development Building Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov / APR o C17 'r 2 20/g BL u DEMOLITION ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION A') 'ro . v ADDRESS: / r g r/4")7~/Z~ cK-Z:,/PT!f-Ct'/tE..!:- USE OF BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED: J1,u G-t.£ &.mrc. 7 (Zi!E~/t?£~ctf;. i 6,'r~ SQUARE FEET CJ}.. 1f~u X NUMBER OF STORIES __ / ___ _ PROPERTY OWNER: flri Strr-/ <pi'N poK :rv-r1e. ' ADD RESS: _1-o....;;.....:.-:;,,_1_...:...fr\41\.___;__;1 ;__:..-47..::..../J~L ....;..W.:..:.A...:...1,1---&).:....2-__,;();;...;:;(};....11---PHONE 760--&0 f 5 .s-sz; APPLICANT: J t:re fr>~5/#lt-c,~ PHONE ~ 19, 98-5' · 1tJ'1J ------------------------------,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 19827.5 of California Health and Safety Code states in part: "A demolition permit shall not be issued by any city ... as to any building or other structure except upon receipt from the permit applicant of a copy of each written asbestos notification regarding the building that has been required to be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency or to a designated state agency, or both, pursuant to Part 61 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or the successor to that part. The permit may be issued without the applicant submitting a copy of the written notification if the applicant declares that the notification is not applicable to the scheduled demolition project." As applicant for a demolition permit in the City of Carlsbad, I certify that; I have read the excerpt from Section 19827 .5 of the Health and Safety Code provided above; the information I have provided on this form is true and correct; and I further certify the following: (· ) On the attached ___ pages are copies of all written asbestos notifications regarding the above referenced building that are required to be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency or to Part 61 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or successor to that part. ( 0 I declare that the written asbestos notification is not applicable to the sche uled demolition project. Date Rev. 11112118 -~ April 11, 2019 tel -ass-m-e,oo fret · 855-781-4522 fu • 858-677.goog Patrlotlab.com ~ tusk Blvd .. Suite A-JOO, San Oifgo, CA 92121 Paisan Pinpokitr 2072 Mar Azul Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 . RECt/\lF') FEB ~ 2 2020 CiTY0 fJ ' Re: Limited Asbestos Inspection Paisan Pinpokitr 148 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Claim No: NIA Project No: SD126961 Dear Mr. Pinpokitr, '-3 J ulON On April 9, 2019, California DOSH Certified Site Surveillance Technician, Mr. Francisco Barney (CSST 14-5283) of Patriot Environmental Laboratory Services, Inc. (Patriot) performed a limited asbestos inspection at the above subject property located in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of the inspection was to determine if asbestos is present in any of the building materials soon to be disturbed by an upcoming demolition at the subject property. Summary o(Findings No asbestos was detected in the building materials sampled. Property Description The subject property is a single-family residential structure. The subject building is a single-story wood frame building set on a raised foundation. Scope of Work On April 9, 2019, Mr. Francisco Barney, (CSST 14-5283) of Patriot conducted a limited asbestos inspection at the subject property. The interior of the building was visually inspected for the purpose of inventorying any suspect asbestos containing materials soon to be disturbed by an upcoming demolition at the subject property. Once the inventory of suspect materials was created, physical bulk samples were collected of the materials from representative locations. Samples were collected in airtight containers. Upon collection, sample numbers, descriptions, and collection locations were entered on to a chain of custody for transportation to Patriot's NVLAP accredited laboratory. Sampled Suspect Materials Samples of the following suspect materials were collected: Drywall & Joint Compound Pink Fiber Glass Insulation Grev Mastic Grey Roof Shingles ---- Sample Protocol/Analvsis Samples were collected in accordance with the Asbestos School Hazard Emergency Response Act ( 40 CFR 763 Subpart E) as mandated by Cal/OSHA (Title 8 Section 1529). Physical bulk samples were analyzed by Patriot. Patriot is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (200358-0). The method of analysis was Polarized Light Microscopy (EPA 600/M4-82-020). Recommendations No asbestos was detected in the building materials sampled. Therefore, no recommendations are warranted at this time. Disclaimer Limited destructive sampling was conducted at the subject property. If additional suspect materials are discovered during renovation, all work should cease until a Certified Asbestos Consultant is contracted to ascertain the possibility of asbestos content. This inspection was performed in accordance with current regulations and state of the art practices. The inventory of asbestos containing materials and determination of their condition are based upon conditions observed at the time of inspection. Patriot does not assume responsibility for future regulatory changes or changes in the condition of the building. Enclosed is the laboratory analysis report. Please contact our office if there are any questions regarding this inspection. Sincerely, Cristopher J. Meile Certified Asbestos Consultant 08-4340 Enclosure: Laboratory Results ,. Certificate of Analysis PLM Asbestos Identification tel • 858 ·671-8900 free • 855-787-4521 fax -858·67MO09 Patriotlab.com 6640 Lusk Bfvd., Suite A-100, San Diego, CA 91121 Paisan Pinpokitr Report Number: 760411 Paisan Pinpok.itr Project Number: SD126961 2072 Mar Azul Way Project Name: Paisan Pinpokitr Carlsbad, CA 92009 Project Location: 148 Tamarack A venue· Carlsbad, 92008 Date Collected: 4/9/2019 Collected By: Francisco Barney Date Received: 4/10/2019 Claim Number: Date Analyzed: 4/10/2019 PO Number: Date Reported: 4/10/2019 Number of Samples: 34 Lab/Client ID/Layer Location Material Description Color 760411-001 Living Room Wall Drywall and Joint White Compound Total Asbestos None Detected 760411 -00IA Living Room Wall Drywall White Total Asbestos None Detected 760411 -001B Living Room Wall Joint Compound White Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-002 Kitchen Wall · Drywall and Joint White 2 Compound Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-003 Hall Wall Drywall and Joint White 3 Compound Total Asbestos None Detected Composition (%) 80% Sulfate 10% Cellulose 6% Carbonate 2% Glass Fibers 2% Paint 84% Sulfate 12% Cellulose 4% Glass Fibers 95% Carbonate 5% Paint 95% Carbonate 5% Paint 80% Sulfate 10% Cellulose 6% Carbonate 2% Glass Fibers 2% Paint Page l of7 Certificate of Analysis PLM Asbestos Identification Paisan Pinpokitr Paisan Pinpokitr 2072 Mar Azul Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Date Collected: 4/9/2019 Date Received: 4/10/2019 Date Analyzed: 4/10/2019 Date Reported: 4/10/2019 Lab/Client ID/Layer Location 7604 I 1-003A Hall Wall 3 Total Asbestos None Detected 76041 l-003B Hall Wall 3 Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-004 Bath Wall 4 Total Asbestos None Detected 76041 l-004A Bath Wall 4 Total Asbestos None Detected 76041 l -004B Bath Wall 4 Total Asbestos None Detected tel -858-677-8900 free -S.55-787-4522 fax ~ 858·671-9009 Patriotlab,com 6640 Lusk Blvd .. Suite A-100, San Diego, CA 92121 Report Number: 760411 Project Number: SD126961 Project Name: Paisan Pinpokitr Project Location: 148 Tamarack A venue Carlsbad, 92008 Collected By: Francisco Barney Claim Number: PO Number: Number of Samples: 34 Material Description Color Composition(%) Drywall White 84% Sulfate 12% Cellulose 4% Glass Fibers Joint Compound White 95% Carbonate 5% Paint Drywall and Joint White 80% Sulfate Compound l 0% Cellulose 6% Carbonate 2% Glass Fibers 2% Paint Drywall White 84% Sulfate 12% Cellulose 4% Glass Fibers Joint Compound White 95% Carbonate 5% Paint Page 2 of7 Certificate of Analysis PLM Asbestos Identification Paisan Pinpokitr Paisan Pinpokitr 2072 Mar Azul Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Date Collected: 4/9/2019 Date Received: 4/10/2019 Date Analyzed: 4/10/2019 Date Reported: 4/10/2019 Lab/Client ID/Layer Location 760411-005 Bedroom Wall 5 Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-00SA Bedroom Wall 5 Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-00SB Bedroom Wall 5 Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-006 Attic Surface 6 Total Asbestos None Detected 76041 1-007 Attic Surface 7 Total Asbestos None Detected 760411 -008 Attic Surface 8 Total Asbestos None Detected tel-858·677-8900 free~ 8SS• 787-4S22 fax -853·671-9009 Patriotlab.com 6640 Lusk Blvd., Suite A· 100, San Diego, CA 92121 Report Number: 76041 I Project Number: SDl26961 Project Name: Paisan Pinpokitr Project Location: 148 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, 92008 Collected By: Francisco Barney Claim Number: PO Number: Number of Samples: 34 Material Description Color Composition ( % ) Drywall and Joint White 80% Sulfate Compound 10% Cellulose 6% Carbonate 2% Glass Fibers 2% Paint Drywall White 84% Sulfate 12% Cellulose 4% Glass Fibers Joint Compound White 95% Carbonate 5% Paint Fiberglass Insulation Pink 100% Fiberglass Fiberglass Insulation Pink 100% Fiberglass Fiberglass Insulation Pink 100% Fiberglass Page 3 of7 Certificate of Analysis PLM Asbestos Identification Paisan Pinpokitr Paisan Pinpok.itr 2072 Mar Azul Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Report Number: Project Number: Project Name: Project Location: Collected By: Claim Number: PO Number: tel -858·677-8900 free-85,-781-4522 fax -858·671-9009 Patriotlab.com 6640 Lusk Bl~d., Suite A-100, San Diego, CA 92121 760411 SD126961 Paisan Pinpokitr 148 Tamarack A venue Carlsbad, 92008 Francisco Barney Date Collected: 4/9/2019 Date Received: 4/10/2019 Date Analyzed: 4/10/2019 Date Reported: 4/10/2019 Number of Samples: 34 Lab/Client ID/Layer Location Material Description Color Composition ( % ) 760411-009 House At Roof Penetration Mastic Black Grey 98% Non- 9 Fibrous Material 2% Polyethaline Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-010 House At Roof Penetration Mastic Black Grey 98% Non- 10 Fibrous Material 2% Polyethaline Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-011 House At Roof Penetration Mastic Black Grey 98%Non- 11 Fibrous Material 2% Polyethaline Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-012 House At Roof Surface Roof Shingles Grey 70% Non- 12 Fibrous Material 30% Cellulose Total Asbestos None Detected 760411 -013 House At Roof Surface Roof Shingles Grey 70%Non- 13 Fibrous Material 30% Cellulose Total Asbestos None Detected Page 4 of7 Certificate of Analysis PLM Asbestos Identification Paisan Pinpokitr Paisan Pinpok.itr 2072 Mar Azul Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Report Number: Project Number: Project Name: Project Location: Collected By: Claim Number: PO Number: tel· 858·677-8900 free -855-787-4522 fax -858·677-9009 l'atriotlab.com 6640 Lusk Blvd •• Suite A-100, San Diego, CA 92121 760411 SD126961 Paisan Pinpok.itr 148 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, 92008 Francisco Barney Date Collected: 4/9/2019 Date Received: 4/10/2019 Date Analyzed: 4/10/2019 Date Reported: 4/1 0/20 I 9 Number of Samples: 34 Lab/Client ID/Layer 760411 -014 14 Total Asbestos 760411-015 15 Total Asbestos 760411-015A 15 Total Asbestos 760411-0l 5B 15 Total Asbestos 76041 1-016 16 Total Asbestos Location House At Roof Surface None Detected Detached Garage At Wall None Detected Detached Garage At Wall None Detected Detached Garage At Wall None Detected Detached Garage At Wall None Detected Material Description Roof Shingles Drywall and Joint Compound Drywall Joint Compound Drywall and Joint Compound Color Grey White White White White Composition(%) 70% Non- Fibrous Material 30% Cellulose 80% Sulfate 10% Cellulose 6% Carbonate 2% Glass Fibers 2% Paint 84% Sulfate 12% Cellulose 4% Glass Fibers 95% Carbonate 5% Paint 80% Sulfate 10% Cellulose 6% Carbonate 2% Glass Fibers 2% Paint Page 5 of7 Certificate of Analysis PLM Asbestos Identification Paisan Pinpokitr Paisan Pinpokitr 2072 Mar Azul Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Date Collected: 4/9/2019 Date Received: 4/10/2019 Date Analyzed: 4/10/2019 Date Reported: 4/10/2019 Report Number: Project Number: Project Name: Project Location: Collected By: Claim Number: PO Number: Number of Samples: tel • 858·671 ·8900 free -85S-787-4m fa:< -658-677-9009 Patriotlab.wm 6640 Lus:k Blwd., Suite A-100, San Diego, CA 92121 760411 SDl26961 Paisan Pinpokitr 148 Tamarack A venue Carlsbad, 92008 Francisco Barney 34 Lab/Client ID/Layer Location Material Description Color Composition ( % ) 76041 l -016A Detached Garage At Wall Drywall White 84% Sulfate 16 12% Cellulose 4% Glass Fibers Total Asbestos None Detected 76041 l -016B Detached Garage At Wall Joint Compound White 95%. Carbonate 16 5% Paint Total Asbestos None Detected 760411-017 Detached Garage At Wall Drywall and Joint White 80% Sulfate 17 Compound J 0% Cellulose 6% Carbonate 2% Glass Fibers 2% Paint Total Asbestos None Detected 760411 -017 A Detached Garage At Wall Drywall White 84% Sulfate 17 12% Cellulose 4% Glass Fibers Total Asbestos None Detected 76041 l-017B Detached Garage At Wall Joint Compound White 95% Carbonate 17 5% Paint Total Asbestos None Detected Page 6 of7 Certificate of Analysis PLM Asbestos Identification Paisan Pinpokitr Paisan Pinpokitr 2072 Mar Azul Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Report Number: Project Number: Project Name: Project Location: Collected By: Claim Number: PO Number: tel -858·677-8900 free -855· 787-4522 fax -858·671-9009 Patriotlab.com 6640 LU$k Blvd .. Suite A-100, San Diego, CA 92121 760411 SD126961 Paisan Pinpokitr 148 Tamarack A venue Carlsbad, 92008 Francisco Barney Date Collected: 4/9/20 I 9 Date Received: 4/10/2019 Date Analyzed: 4/1 0/2019 Date Reported: 4/10/2019 Number of Samples: 34 Lab/Client ID/Layer 760411-018 18 Total Asbestos 760411-019 19 Total Asbestos 760411-020 20 Location Detached Garage At Roof Surface None Detected Detached Garage At Roof Surface None Detected Detached Garage At Roof Surface Total Asbestos None Detected Material Description Color Roof Shingles Grey Roof Shingles Grey Roof Shingles Grey Composition ( % ) 70% Non- Fibrous Material 30% Cellulose 70% Non- Fibrous Material 30% Cellulose 70%Non- Fibrous Material 30% Cellulose 7604 l 1-002 No drywall present; joint compound only. Krystal Prodigalidad -Analyst Krystal Prodigalidad -Approved By Bulk sample(s) submitted was (were) analyzed in accordance with the procedure outlined in the US Federal Register 40 CFR 763, Subpart P, Appendix A; EPA-600/R-93/1 16 (Method for Determination of Asbestos in Building Materials), and EPA-600/M4-82-020 (US EPA Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples).Samples were analyzed using Calibrated Visual Estimations (CVES); therefore, results may not be reliable for samples of low asbestos concentration levels. Samples of wall systems containing discrete and separable layers are analyzed separately and reported as composite unless specifically requested by the customer to report analytical results for individual layers. This report applies only to the items tested. Results are representative of the samples submitled and may not represent the entire material from which the samples were collected. "None Detected" means that no asbestos was observed in the sample. "<I%" (less than one percent) means that asbestos was observed in the sample but the concentration is below the quantifiable level of I%. This report was issued by a N[ST/NVLAP (Lab Code 200982-0) and CADOHS-ELAP (Cert. No. 2805) accredited laboratory and may not be reproduced, except in full without the expressed written consent of Patriot Environmental Laboratory Services, lnc. This report may not be used to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NIST, NVLAP, ELAP or any government agency. Page 7 of 7 Lab· Use Only: :=tl,OLJJ) tel -858-677-89D0 free -855-787-4522 fax • B58~67M009 · PATI?6r •. Turn Aroun~Ti : ( ) ERS 4 HRS ( ) 48 HRS ( ") 72 HRS . Project Name· 1 \ \\ \2. b \ Sam Sam Piitriottab.tom 6640 Lusk Blvd., Suite ~-lQO, San Diego, CA 92121 Environm~al Laboratory Servlc~, Inc. ASBESTOS FIELD BULK SAMPLE COC . Q. \t,.. l Pto~c,L#: . . \¥' .. --'\Of"\ · ~v-Q\) · f_:_ C\ L\ ,, W'\ \. ... o ~ Office Use Only:_ :0 MH . Condition . · Notes . Bulk Sample COC Rev 12.27.2017 Lab Use _Only: __ j __ c,u-tt.,.. ~-_ __._ -+-=-'- Turn Around Time: tel• 858·677·8900 free .'ess-787~522 fax· 858.·617-9009 . Piitriotlall;COlil . 6640 Lu$ Blvd.1 S!lite A·lQO, Sail Dl~go; CA 92'121 BA-rd.ii ··. !Ja•~t~l11!C: ( "') ERS -kr4 HRS .( .) 4a: ~RS ( ") 72 HRS·~ ASB~STOS FtELO BUJ...K SAMPL~ COC Project' Addre_ss: · -· -. , . • :\':\~ .... {,._~~, IL Sarriple-Sampte·Loca~on ·. ID .. . A"~-- · · City:· Ga.:' ... . . :'413--''0 ·. · Material Ty_pe _ ·'°': ._\),{J~ ·-,1. ~ C\.~.;A C\Y'~ f'(XK : . ;· :· ' ~.1,--CAl{o turl'r" O\Jt~C.L: . .6\-\ IN't\\~ -• IJQ ..,. . . .. 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I I Bulk $ample COC Rev 12.27.2017 OFFICE USE ONLY SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MA TE RIALS QUESTIONNAIRE RECORD ID# _________________ _ PLAN CHECK# __________________ I BP DATE Business Name Business Contact Telephone# APN# Project Address l/8 St~ Zip Code 'f'JO~t, '2 d </ -Z, S3 -0? • Oo Mailing Address C!!;' , State Zip Code ~ O. ~4'1( 'J,Jo !Jv p,tVu,-/1 -p/J q; ,f'J,,() i, 3 Plan File# Project Contact The following questions represent the facility's activities, NOT the specific project description. I 'f PART I: FIRE DEPARTMENT -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (not required for projects withio the City of San Diego): Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any p f the items, are,cir.cled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. ~Pf? O ' Occupancy Rating: Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): C; r 2 <O 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. Water Reactives 13. CorreJives U · /9 2. Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards 3. Flammable/Combustible Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 15. None of These.J 4. Flammable Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Radioactives .., ' I PART 11: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (HMO): If the answer to any of the questions is yes, applicant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 5500 Overland Avenue, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the issuance of a building permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED Project Completion Date: Expected Date of Occupancy: YES N()-(for new construction or remodeling projects) 1. D ~ Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 2. D Gr: Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? 3. D 0'" Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? O ll1f Will your business store or handle carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? 0 G2f Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? D g' Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? D li2f Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 10)? D EJ"' Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total facility storage capacity equal to or realer than 1,320 allons? (California's Above round Petroleum Stora e Act). 0 CalARP Exempt I Date Initials 0 CalARP Required I Date Initials 0 CalARP Complete I Date Initials PART 111: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (APCD): Any YES* answer requires a stamp from APCD 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131 apcdcomp@sdcounty.ca.gov (858) 586-2650). [*No stamp required if Q1 Yes and 03 Yes and Q4-Q6 No]. The following questions are intended to identify the majority of air pollution issues at the planning stage. Projects may require additional measures not identified by these questions. For comprehensive requirements contact APCD. Residences are typically exempt, except -those with more than one building• on the property; single buildings with more than four dwelling units; townhomes; condos; mixed-commercial use; deliberate burns; residences forming part of a larger project. [•Excludes garages & small outbuildings.] YE9" NO 1. ~ -D Will the project disturb 160 square feet or more of existing building materials? 2. g": D Will any load supporting structural members be removed? Notification may be required 1 O working days prior to commencing demolition. 3. §" D (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 or 2 IS YES) Has an asbestos survey been performed by a Certified Asbestos Consultant or Site Surveillance ......./ Technician? 4. El b1 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 3 IS YES) Based on the survey results, will the project disturb any asbestos containing material? Notification may be required 1 O working days prior to commencing asbestos removal. 5. D ig/ Will the project or associated construction equipment emit air contaminants? See the reverse side of this form or APCD factsheet (www.sdapcd.org/info/facts/permits.pdf) for typical equipment requiring an APCD permit. 6. D D (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 5 IS YES) Will the project or associated construction equipment be located within 1,000 feet of a school bounda Briefly describe business activities: '7/~6U ~tt, #~~l:!/VC.c Briefly describe propo ed project: £- r/ I fl= f I z. I 19' Date FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. _____ -,,,L--------------------------- BY· DATE· I I EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMO• APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD COUNTY-HMO APCD .. *A stamp in this box only exempts businesses from completing or updating a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. Other permitting requirements may still apply. HM-9171 (08/15) County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division LIST OF BUSINESSES WHICH REQUIRE REVIEW AND APPROVAL FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Check all that apply: AUTOMOTIVE D Battery Manufacturing/Recycling D Boat Yard D CarWash D Dealership Maintenance/Painting D Machine Shop D Painting D Radiator Shop D Rental Yard Equipment D Repair/Preventive Maintenance D Spray Booth D Transportation Services D Wrecking/Recycling CHEMICAL HANDLING D Agricultural supplier/distributor D Chemical Manufacturer D Chemical Supplier/Distributor 0 Coatings/Adhesive 0 Compressed Gas Supplier/Distributor 0 Dry Cleaning D Fiberglass/Resin Application D Gas Station 0 Industrial Laundry D Laboratory D Laboratory Supplier/Distributor 0 Oil and Fuel Bulk Supply D Pesticide Operator/Distributor CHEMICAL HANDLING D Photographic Processing D Pool Supplies/Maintenance D Printing/Blue Printing D Road Coatings D Swimming Pool D Toxic Gas Handler D Toxic Gas Manufacturer METAL WORKING D Anodizing 0 Chemical Milling/Etching D Finish-Coating/Painting D Flame Spraying D Foundry D Machine Shop-Drilling/Lathes/Mills 0 Metal Plating D Metal Prepping/Chemical Coaling D Precious Metal Recovery D Sand Blasting/Grinding D Steel Fabricator D Wrought Iron Manufacturing AEROSPACE 0 Aerospace Industry 0 Aircraft Maintenance D Aircraft Manufacturing OTHERS AND MISCELLANEOUS 0 Asphalt Plant D Biotechnology/Research D Chiropractic Office D Co-Generation Plant D Dental Clinic/Office D Dialysis Center D Emergency Generator D Frozen Food Processing Facility D Hazardous Waste Hauler D Hospital/Convalescent Home D Laboratory/Biological Lab 0 Medical Clinic/Office D Nitrous Oxide (NOx) Control System D Pharmaceuticals 0 Public Utility D Refrigeration System D Rock Quarry D Ship Repair/Construction D Telecommunications Cell Site D Veterinary Clinic/Hospital D Wood/Furniture Manufacturing/Refinishing ELECTRONICS D Electronic Assembly/Sub-Assembly D Electronic Components Manufacturing D Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing NOTE: THE ABOVE LIST INCLUDES BUSINESSES, WHICH TYPICALLY USE, STORE, HANDLE, AND DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. ANY BUSINESS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS LIST, WHICH HANDLES, USES OR DISPOSES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES MAY STILL REQUIRE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (HMO) REVIEW OF BUSINESS PLANS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (858) 505-6880. LIST OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT CATEGORIES Businesses, which include any of the following operations or equipment, will require clearance from the Air Pollution Control District. CHEMICAL 47 -Organic Gas Sterilizers 32 -Acid Chemical Milling 33 -Can & Coil Manufacturing 44 -Evaporators, Dryers & Stills Processing Organic Materials 24 -Dry Chemical Mixing & Detergent Spray Towers 35 -Bulk Dry Chemicals Storage 55 -Chrome Electroplating Tanks COATINGS & ORGANIC SOLVENTS 27 -Coating & Painting 37 -Plasma Arc & Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths 38 -Paint, Stain & Ink Mfg 27 -Printing 27 -Polyester Resin/Fiberglass Operations METALS 18 -Metal Melting Devices 19 -Oil Quenching & Salt Baths 32 -Hot Dip Galvanizing 39 -Precious Metals Refining ORGANIC COMPOUND MARKETING (GASOLI NE, ETC) 25 -Gasoline & Alcohol Bulk Plants & Terminals 25 -Intermediate Refuelers 26 -Gasoline & Alcohol Fuel Dispensing COMBUSTION 34 -Piston Internal -Combustion Engines 13 -Boilers & Heaters (1 million BTU/hr or larger) 14 -Incinerators & Crematories 15 -Burn Out Ovens 16 -Core Ovens 20 -Gas Turbines, and Turbine Test Cells & Stands 48 -Landfill and/or Digester Gas Flares ELECTRONICS 29 -Automated Soldering 42 -Electronic Component Mfg FOOD 12 -Fish Canneries 12 -Smoke Houses 50 -Coffee Roasters 35 -Bulk Flour & Powered Sugar Storage SOLVENT USE 28 -Vapor & Cold Degreasing 30 -Solvent & Extract Driers 31 -Dry Cleaning ROCK AND MINERAL 04 -Hot Asphalt Batch Plants 05 -Rock Drills 06 -Screening Operations 07 -Sand Rock & Aggregate Plants 08 -Concrete Balch, CTB, Concrete Mixers, Mixers &Silos 1 O -Brick Manufacturing OTHER 01 -Abrasive Blasting Equipment 03 -Asphalt Roofing Kettles & Tankers 46 -Reverse Osmosis Membrane Mfg 51 -Aqueous Waste Neutralization 11 -Tire Buffers 17 -Brake Debonders 23 -Bulk Grain & Dry Chemical Transfer & Storage 45 -Rubber Mixers 21 -Waste Disposal & Reclamation Units 36 -Grinding Booths & Rooms 40 -Asphalt Pavement Heaters 43 -Ceramic Slip Casting 41 -Perlite Processing 40 -Cooling Towers -Registration Only 91 -Fumigation Operations 56 -WWTP (1 million gal/day or larger) & Pump Station NOTE: OTHER EQUIPMENT NOT LISTED HERE THAT IS CAPABLE OF EMITTING AIR CONTAMINANTS MAY REQUIRE AN AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT AT (858) 586-2600. HM-9171 (08/15) County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division