HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 332-5L; RP 92-05; J.P. MORTGAGE; 01-03• r ' ' • .. -···· i--: U1 2 C) (j) fr:: w LL LL w J L .... ¢1 I . crw.,p. ro ~ ~') ., ' ' ' ' ' " ,'• .·' . . &><i91NS Btf~Llcr, 1-,l>,'!-N I " r:X! <~ % s,. D .;.1"'7' C. L.. P&,."iO:;;. ,1- • 0 0 -.. "H r" -,ri-! -T/ : . . -. .. - • 0 " ., ' ' ' ', • • . .'4 I ' I ' ' '' '• Q • • •' : •V> ' 0 . ' ,. " (Ffo·X:;D f,,.-r\1\b I r~ c:f<OyV:w ~V~SPi':,.;.-i..; O.., '{"? '6 V'N ~ T5 f'N)V1 -;:~ "~0!,.i:;, :Lff'. t;?;t,.,j ) ' . ' . ' 'I ' I I I I I I i . _Jc;_ p:X[c3!']N'., , , ( 1r~w Off IC-~) 1V T I N ---6 ~IN~~ U!-t~I -~~ f£..J4 ~ le;;,@\,. Gtz~ rt\J&t.b ,,;-r~wl l-O~l-l3 ,;::p.~,.,s ' Pl~M jof?,;~ 'vt-~~~-VAfl~--r~D ~Ouk 0P4i..:1;. s;: GAU,o t-J c:;IZ ~ ~G~!'f~l.t. Ff61J-;-"'~ • e,iR, Cf Pr,F-J>.a1«.~ S, @-!,, 012¢ iAt•l'T~r.::e.~IP.. ;l.e:THltflCA' • Cf'4'A-l,,11,y !:,:, &-1.,, ~[;.:;::- f'rlfZ);fv~UM ~~ 1 W.+1%:Lerr . '. w~~ ,:;:,'~1Pf-!P S'> ~L-• fl--At--.'T ~ 7)-o. t-. i;.:1 i>NGV~ <ft-Cl"'G ~~•-1?- i:;,~• '0 i ' ~44' 8 ?frl,,' Ii ? L Tfk?+ ~\.fU!\1 ,J ~1fl NO! ti;½, -'=11f,. fr'4-r: -J ~ 1 4;,,L i Of/ I b\l, Gl2~ • ft,pt-.~ (3, '.24 11 (},C,, Tf!H,\St/l,fft ~ACl'-!t> ~ t.-AYrN • fh;f'MUD--). ... MP<f'~ ~1.,;r0 IN ~i Y.Pf-? ') -_ cilrf~J t?i~l¼fl}S, ~IN rf~IA -['<W -ptJJf,Jf"~i YN~ !:i> 6tv s1-isi. ~IN 1V c,.t.,. f'~c.:e. . ,'v''\ll-4•1~b1:,.; I 00 Ger~ pA1 11e,p..~~" I ' ! I I I JI -~1tt6'~1? 1, c::-~FA w-1-lrye AA'W""ftb~ • --' I I ' ' , : I • Ii ' ' ' ' ' , I i L . .f rt' / j -/v' ----,scAL.°E'. . .. I" -. IO'·O' -· ... I HEREBY OECIARE TI-IAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAYE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF n!E PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTTON 6703 01' THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT TIIE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WJTII CUF.ru:NT STANDARDS. 1 UNPrnsTANO THAT TiiE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS ANO SPECIFICATIONS BV THE cm OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO R.EV1EW ONLY ANO DOES NOT REUEVE ME. AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK. OF MY RESPONSlBllJTIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE Pt.ANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIN.. CONFORMANCE wtTI-1 nm APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PI.AN, FIRE PROTICTTON PLAN, AND ALL CONOITlONS OF APPROVAL REI.ATED TO LANDSCAPING. 1 Bv: ·Jct!N 't;fl~~ l.,n . .:r~~oM Preparer General Notes (Not limited to the following) DATE: -J.---;2-j-1~ .JJ. I ~-:21--"1°"'? c:~i-- The contractor must notify the· City Plan Check Consultant (619_-438-1161) 72 hours (three working days), prior to startmg construction. The landscape or irrigation contractor is to verify existing P.S.!. at job site prior to installing landscape irrigation system. Verification shall be made with the appropriate water district. All reduced pressure backflow preventers shall be tested after . installation, re!cc2ti,:,n, or rep!!irs by a r;ty approved certified tester. Call 438-0218 for· a list of City approved. certified testers. Developer/owner is responsible for supplying a copy of the test results to the City Department of Utilities and Maintenance, 40S Oak Street. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining building and plumbing pennits prior to commencing wall construction and irrigation installation, respectively . [rrigation systems for individual parcels shall have points of connection for the system between the water meter and water service riser into building and ahead of any water regulating device installed for building. fL,,~~f~N ~~~, l~bfrJµ~Hj~N-P ~I ~s; ,¾-NP s~r1~ork ~ ---IJORTH APPROVED .~5~·~=1~JJ~·,~~.,,_,,,.=A _____ 4-l~(/13 ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE VICINITY MAP NO <oCALE: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. // AS BUIL T11 TITLE---,------DATE REVIE\./ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE i--------1--+-------.,.-----f---l----l----l----l I s. HIET I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT APP~9~~/ ; /:; / I i/1, ,t,. ,_;. II_ I . {)1 . ' ,?f.:l;i ,t . Ww-c· JU' I . lt7 t----+----f----------------+--_.j---l-------1--.........l A-s_,,·~1s.,,_r..,,A'""Nr= ....... PL_A_N_N_IN-.-n:..r_RE_c_T_□_R ____ DATE l--;D:;-:A,;;TE',--f--""1N""ITI-:-:AL-+----------------!---+----+---I-----I DWN BY: ---OAT( INITIAL DAIT INITIAL CHKD BY: -- ENGINl(ER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL Cll"l' APPROVAL RV\./D BY• PROJECT NO. ---"f-Z. --z, 1? DRAWING NO. ~:;ii"."~ <iii) I • t:;x'!o/'IA/9 /f¥;/GA770N V,4,t..V6:5 ,-,J A-/\177 .=::ff,fC/,t/ • ~/Ct:!. /;V 71',1/S ffeA"r-{ft' ,L?el,,44/N) ' ,::;:c,vnz,ic"1"oa, .s/,1,,;U \-E'Plfo/ w",RA,;;,1;-y sl /!= 64-,'-IG /IGW V,LJt.Yes-r#ow/'I, I</ ,!;)(IST'Yl'IG Nc:::r _,dc.;6(V_,,. T=., _Re,~ w/ ,V~W .CVAL-~AA<. _"50;..;o 5j>?'l 11? dee,"'-v.,.,.. /Al JN'-r"FG. ~fe.a.,:;: I cc,_ "51--E-~ING {WAI-L. MO!Av-r) ::;vc.1/-AS lk,e.rr-,e..:,L Me--se.-NE,S" VAt-Ve5 (sAMe p;-,r cP C.c,,VN -,.;776W) . (p.f2../6A-1/0N ~ G fq< I .s:r?AiG /,V 7#-IS A, •i;;;EA- C,OIITR~ S:I-IN.-L. Cl~ C<?V,-,.~GE. p:1/0!i:.. 70 ~ W~ ~ ,M~ //",Y NECes:s:A.c:,,y A QJ vs rM !Mff.S . ' ' (I ! I I 31 ' i i a=p,c~) \ \ \ ' \ . ...... ( A---i-"\ 1·f;S> f'.pr/\. 9'lL:u [>rt%' o/V~ tit?-bZ'v'/ . /f<r!.!G/+1/0A/ L-!:::.Gt;:.NO I 5Y ,v1.ac>.l.. ~ l/fltF P-U MlZ'Gl. ~ ~. 6PM a If f' f,lN, I'S I 't w □ 57t;JC•'ff' 7cieo 4 '1 R:?-(If' ~f';Z4'/ f/1!?/..t, I'/ U!W GAUO'VIIGG A ,1 1.-1 ,,,, I 7,<J IZ 'SEfi:I~ ,V~:z.LA;E. V V G70C•6f' ~o {," ,Po?-v? S!'AAV HMD w/ L<M' 64/., PtAr ,I~ .~ ··· 7'. .. ~--, ........... . ~y Nozz..t-!iii. ' I V ... I I ' ' I&} W) 0 !5"7D iV,P.o !;-?oC-tf' ~., . -10 ,,,. ';1»'7~6-'I M -rro· $~Ve ADA/'~ f/.e,-.,tD ON Fl,>:GZl f".,'-S"'I"-;;,/ ,11 ,% ... 7' . •- /-O'N 6ii'L. Ft.-n-•Ir,"'-" y NiJZ-~1-,fE, 6 "l'<'-1"" t.f' ->f'AA'I ,l£f,r,o w/ 4-.ssr 110:z~ l,,i, ( 010b "7P"IP f'-"7'17iilZN ) , I~ ~t!,~~ ltd ~WNtfft":hl$ ,14 ,~i;. ------_ ... - y ' Vi, ' ' I ' j ____), .~ -~ .I i I APPROVEO :;:;\1f,W,., ~-&, ___ 4/$/!_3 ENGINEERING Pl.AN CHECKER OA TE IR/2./6A-T/o;\/ /. ~&AT/c>'I S)".{'nH,/ ,ts D/.4~,Mk/Ar'IC, ,P//'r.S ~,:,t.Jc:>/,','N IN f'.4VG,b A~,A-~-15 RP-CMI-G-"I G.A,;up1c,4r1o-v ONt--'/ AND .J'.JiPH.-/41= 11\1.I"r,.£..t..l-C) IN /-w'IVT/,\'G Ai?.~ W!'l'&'teV~,a.. -~~/&i.,. :2.. 77-la .. ysm,1 WAS t,,,,:s~,v~ ~ _. MIN/MVM <l'M~ING ~l:':.ZV,·"~ CP 3o fr I COvT,l2.4 o/a."'--~u-VE-,R/P/ 'S;t11'77 C ~t,R$ @ EY/.rTING /0-'tvr ~ CPNNS~/ON f'f1/0<--fr; -.!7,4,r.--7,'M; yvo~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AN.D IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUD1NG PRECISE LOCA1'ION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUIL T11 TITLE ______ ,., __ REVIE',iED BY• INSPECTOR ----t----+--------------1----+---I--+-·-··- ----1---+-----------------1------1----1--.J----- I DATE DATE I GENERAL A. SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and transportation, both foreseeable and unforeseeable. in performing all the work required lo complete said work indicated on these drawings and specilications. • .. B. WORKMANSHIP The work of con,muc\ing and installing landscaplng shall be conducted in an elficient and satisfac- tory manner. · · C. PERMITS AND NOTICES Contractor shall be responsible fer obtaining any and all necessary building permits and notices unless otherwise stated. D. LICENSES AND INSURANCE Contractor shall carry a necessary Calirornia Slate Contractor's License. Conttactor shall carry all necessary cornpe:"'lsation and liability insurance 10 co-ver hi$ workmen and work so as to protect Owner from any suits. liens, and damages. E. STORAGE OF MATERIALS All materials shall be stored in a location agreed upon as per Owner'$ instructions and shall be stored in a manner so as not to obstruct any public rights of way. Contractor shall be responsible for protec:lion of all his equipment and materia,ls. ~-SITE INSf'ECTION Contractor shall visit the site and shall familiarize himself with all e,lsting conditions prior lo final submission of bid. Contractor shall also determine the means of transferring materials to the job sile and any other facto,s which may pertain to said job . .. _SITE. CONDITIONS :r.· .,, , ""-'. Exercise-· extreme care in e:ii:cavating and working near e)(isting utilitt~s. at job site. Contractor to coordinate with Owner all utility locations prior ta any work. Contractor shall be responsible for any da<nages to utilities due to his operations and/or neglect. G. WATERING ', .,<:Ol'l:rti!'r':'i;l\~'n"be esponsible for supplying all necessary water through the e,isting distribution system. Contractor must supply all necessary equipment le distribute water. H. CHANGES AND EXTRAS Any changes and/or e,tras from original Contract shall have prior writlen approval by the Land• scape Architect and/or Owner. I.·· SAFETY MEASURES Contractor shall provide all safely measures such as signs. guards. lights. barricades, and other protective measures as may be required. J. INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Should there be an error or discrepancy in ·or between the plans. specifications and planling list. Contractor shall notify lhe Landscape Architect. Contractor is responsible tor verifying all plant counts prior to bid acceptance. and shall notify Landscape Architect 01 saio error{s) and disc,-eoa~cic~ K. SITE PREPARATION .. 1. Existing soil shall be cleared of all rock, debris, and noxious materials. 2 •. Stockpile soil for earth rnounds shall be placed in permanent location and graded lO finish shape. 3. All areas shall be graded to Insure proper drainage. P. PLANT MATERIALS UST Soil Conditioner Nitroli,ed Organic Redwood (Loame, or equal) Commercially packageel wilh minimum 14% sulphur Soil Aire, Water-In. or equal Gypsum Wetting Agent Pre-plant Fenilizer Post Plant (lawn fer1ilizer) Post Plant (ground cover) Planting Tablets Plant Hormone Tn~e Stakes Tree Ties Tree Guys Kellogg"s "All Purpo_se" 8-8-4 Bandini ··Gro Rite'" 6-10-4 Gro-Power ""Plus" Best "Turf Supreme" 16·6-8 Bandini '"Gro Rite"_ Agriform (20-10-5) Superthrive/Hormex 2" x 2" x 10" Redwood or Lodge Pole Pine Stakes ..Grow S1r,;iif' 10" minimum Cinch-Ties 12-gauge Stranded Wire A. SCOPE OF WORK Work included in these specifications shall include furnishing of all materials. equipment, applian- ces, rat>or and permits for u,e ins.tallation and construction of an irrigation system as shown on the -B p~nL • INSTALLATION 1. All lines. valves. and sprinkler heads shown on plans are diagramrnatic and are to t:>e locatecfln planter areas where possible. 2. All workmanship and materials shall conform to local building and plumbing coctes. 3. Trenches for piping shall be strajght with bottom and uniform in grade. {a) Mainline shall have.minimum earth cover 0118". (bl Laterals shall have minimum ear\h cover of 1,ill • 4. Backfill of all trenches shall be f,~·• of rocks and foreign materials. Backlill to be unitormly placed. tamped and finish-graded to final grades. 5. All PVC pipe to be installed as per manufacturer's instructions. 6. All lawn pop-up heads to be Installed flush with finished grade . ..,A/ti ,:_e: allf 11Gllf/-T(} e,e ,;. ~tl//PU> AT ~/1.1!,'l- "_. --~-V_.P, ~LY,_ AJ/1~~ tfU. £(.fC. 'f!/C,4t. CtJA/tWc:71",,Y( .. : , _IAl(/t>t, ~/.lf/qX CAB/,U;'. t',)'! .7UVCf!tJ/II &1;,<' ---. -·-·· ··-- tttf.?lil?f[fC.>1#A'tc.:- /Sf'.?!?Yl#f P B(lfl!V . - .. Cl?'h7,A::1tl~ tl/1/P Ccl/Cilli. /J VNt: IP IJ >' . WI t t;"/1/ltCf/N/ :!'' &. 'Oil. j'llil O f /f.f.L Wt/I{ tPAL V. flf'& Ct.A.11f Wllt-L '. . . ' i.J . -···--•-,--,--1---~· --··-~ . 4. Finish grades shall be below hardscape as follows: 2" for ground cover areas, and 1" for lawn ~reas. L. SOIL PREPARATION • 7. All shrub l>eads to be installed s·· above grade and set a minimum of 4'" away from adjacenl I_ paving and/or structures. All shrub heads adjacent to walkways shall be installed wit!J. ':71-111--~ ,J1Jttri--_:_:_:_-:_------,------------_: __ ;__:...!L...-_;__.~__;__.:.....; __ .......J as per detail. · I' __ _ 1. All plant materials shall conform per California Stale Depar\menl of Agricultural Standards for Nursery Inspection and Grading, No. 1 grade. 2. Contractor shall be· responsible for the maintenance and protection of all plants from sun. drought, wind. theft, rain and heat at alt times before and during planting operations. 3. All ground eover areBs shall receive t_he following amendments which shall be thoroughly · mixed into top 6" cf soil. . • :L/liVC?:Z:4-f'iJ C#AITf?ACTcJ/!:_ Td f'?{Jtf.t:>8 : (a) Nitrolized Organic Redwood~¼'/~ ~r _,fl "7'.IM~ ,1& 2/JJI/.-LJ i!fpr& Soll Cond1t1oner ;:,c, c.-!,'--::;., r' f U'f~ f/f / -,,,1/C7f1 . /_ ! .vr;,, 8. Alt Impact heads to be reinforced with 3/8'" diameter reinforcing steel and secured with galvan-t:z... _Jjll ized wire. No. 3 re-bar shall be a minimum of 18" in leng1h. -----~•-•-f--,-'r~ . ' _____ _ 9. All electric remote control valves shall be grouped and Installed in meter valve bo,es. Valve I boxes to be installed with top of bo, level witn finish grade. ., 10. fE/;l.,W? ff?;fl}/6 ·v,4c()l/;tt·q&1fff-:. -· "i?-e6 1t1f11u.1..eo-1rS M · C. TESTING _ -/)/'4//(//'#frff//S Sf?i!lflC~1ltJ/ISi U±"?½.t::BA.tl--·. 1. All irrigation lines lo be flushed prior to pl<;1cement of sprinkler tieads. ~ -f - (b) Gypsum C{T(7~ 'AF/?MtJS St'/l ~T/tV~ A6i8~7J (c) Dry Commercial '"Water In" ""?Stl..0 CtJf"r q:: ~/1.,]'MT TtJ c,rr rd/Z-ttff'MV/ll,o (d) Pre-plant Fertilizer A11$'.9 S"C/{/7 /i'5 ?¥!, ~,11/}/'Q'l/t',fr(J~. :I. /:,C, 0W,4,Nl-S'M--6 1~~ J/ fl/, ~'iT ,f./l'!Alif/S. i'f-r__ 'Z.2 'SI 'fU ~:....J::o_r11r_actor shall be re~onsit.,le fol' leak-proof sys_tem and shall repair ~ny visible lea. k~ ~ SfoRAY A ;JUSTMENTS-I"" I. · ? I 7/:l'i Contractor shall adjust all sprinkler heads as to minimize overspr ay ontowalks.¾inf J;. bu~ structures All ground cover areas shall receive weed control treatment consisting of £C Suri/al rated as per manufacturer"s specilication_s;i,y A· CAL.If, l/Cf/15'@ ;1ffl((/t-T.?/Z-, 4. All lawn areas shall receive the following amendments which shall be thoroughly m,xed into top 6" of soil. (a) Nitrolized Organic Redwood Soil Conditioner (bl Gypsurn (C) Pre-plant Fertilizer (d) Ory Commercial "Water In" Seed Application al Ra\e of Stolon Application at Rate of Sod Lawn to be All lawn areas shall be pre-moistened lo a depth of s•· immediately prior to any planting. All newly-sodded. seeded, an(l stolonized areas shall be protected from trallic. Backfill for all shrubs and trees shall consist of: (a) 1/3-nitroliz_ed organic redwood ;fc:7!137!--<J,-i)_-_ -·~r··· .... AlZAI~ sott cond1t,oner --·--,--~-.. J{.l!f..:"'_ /~,,,, fl'-f/YV. (b) 2/3-native soil , (c) Pre-plant fertilizer M. PLANTING • E. GUARANTEES All n'latcrials and installation of work shall t>e guaranteed to be free o,-problems and shall be op~rable /of~ i:e,iod-ol onE; lH_jear !rpm !lie da"te qt acc:w.r.ioce. · , ... , . ' F. All ·pvc Fi•ttings to be 0Schedul1e so· G. All control wires to be 114 AWG min. unless specified differently on plans, H. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY 1. Except as shown,, there shall be no fittings or connections to other facilities between the meter and the backflow assembly. 1. All plant material shall be true to name and subject lo inspection and app,oval by Owner. ,~ 2. Substitution of any plant material subject to approval by Owner and/or Landscape Architect.AN!' ?4-r-(, 3. Contractor shall be responsible for all plant material from delivery to the site to the wril!en . I I 2. The backflow.assembly must be installed a minimum of ,1x inches (611 ) and not to exceed-a maximum of two feet (2') from the meter except where this would require the back- flow assembly to be installed in the public right-of-way. In which case, the backflow assembly must be installed a maximum of two feet 12' l inside the property line. The backflow assembly may not,. under any circumstance, be installed in the public right-of-way. acceptance ol contracted work. 3 • Type K hard or Type L hard copper or"brass with solder joints or threaded fittings must be used between the meter and the backflow assembly, 4. Container-grown plants shall be planted in plant pits two (2) times width of plant container and one and one-hall 11½) times depth of plant container. The plant crown to be set slighlly higher to compensate for compac1ion. 5. Prune plants as dlrncted by Landscape Architect. • 6. All plants_ to be watered immedialely after installation. 7. All plants to receive Agriform 21•gram tablet (20-10-5) at a rate or: I•) One per one-gallon. two per five-gallon, three per filteen-gallon. three per root of box tre.:, width. (bl All rooted ground cover plants to receise Agritorm 5-gram (20•10-S) tablet per ptanl. s. Plant hormone shall be installed on all boxed plant matedRI as per manufactured specifications. · . 9. All trees up 10 1-{II ~n-size shall be slaked. Set stakes on windward side of tree. All trees shall be guyed. staked or anchored immediately alter planting, 10. Alf shrubs and trees shall receive watering basin and mulch as per details. 11. All planting areas shall receive post planting fertilieer sixty (60) days alter planting operations. and shall be applied at a rate per manufacturer·• specifications 12. Plant quantities on the plant list are for Ccnlractor's convenience only and not guaranteed to be 8CCUra.te. 13. Plant symbols take precedence oser quantities •peclfied. ' . ' N. PLANT MATERIAi. GUARANTEE ANO REPLACEMENT All shrubs. and ground cover Installed shall be guaranteed by Contractor to maintain healthy, sigorous growth and appearance tor a minimum period of ninety {90) days alter written acceptance . of project and/or final acceptance by Owner. All plants found to be deao or in unhealthy slate shall ; -~ . • b.!'..'_~placed irn_m_•.1.ia_tel/_ AU. 7ffr,~ IIV1 f,4/..1.-et? "51f,4U.tre ~//,4/flt,/JE'U' ;=t1f I/. . · ·-o:-MAINTENANCE _@1111;n(lt11 Mf/lJP r1r f"'~ r#l,..e-AffY!:-f!Mt:. 11«tf!iMl-:-6 ~r,1~; 1. Maintenance period shall begin on the first day after ail planting in the .project is complet~. checked, accepted. and written approval from Landscape Architect and/or Owner is given to begin the maintenance period. and shall continue far no less than si•ty (60) days !continuous . ·• · days). (a) Maintenance shall consisl of watering. weeding. caring for plants. edging. mowing and ctean-up. {b) The project shall be kept in a neat. presentable appea,ance at all times 2. Contractor shall Continuously rnainta1n all inYolved areas of project _during the progress o1 work and during the maintenance period until the· final acceplanc:r of work by Landscape Archi1ect and/or Owner. 4. Preceding the number one shut off valve, the connection must be made with a copper or brass riser to a copper or brass 90 elbow. Shut off valve may be preceded by a copper or brass nipple and/or a brass union. Riser must be of sufficient length that the bottom of the backflow assembly is twelve inches (12") to thirty-six inches (36") above grade in an area not subject to flooding. 5. Following the number two shut off valve, the connection must be made with a copper or brass 90 elbow to a copper or brass riser .to a copper or brass 90 elbow. Shut off valve may be followed by a copper or brass nipple and/or a brass union. Riser must be of sufficient length that the bottom of.the backflow assembl'y is twelve inches (12") to thirty-six inches (36") above grade in an area not subject to flooding. 6. If backflow assembly is to be installed on a slope with a horizontal to vertical ratio of 4:1 or greater, a two foot 12') high retaining wall must be built surrounding the assembly on three sides with the opening on the down side of the slope. Ther~ must be a minimum two foot 12') horizontal clearance between the retaining wall and the backflow assembly. Assembly must be located in an area not subject to flooding. 7. Only the reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies which have been approved by the State of California Department of Health services may be used on water services within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. APPROVED .:J\t JA,k tlll)J.)tU.& ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER OA TE INITIAL ":JJ/lfllb/'AP6. · ~~~-"~-f~A'P)-~- APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND-IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. DWN BY: OA TI: INITIAL DATE INITIAL ___ · 7r2.~~ Yt?Wtf_f?..._·~---+·· .. _------····· 'l""/11t I!'.. e-D fl ') II AS BUILT" 'TITLE---'---'----ATE REVIE\JED · BYr INSPECTOR ArE NGIN£m Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTlON OTHER APPROVAL CHKD BY: __ _ CITY APPROVAL RV\JD JlY1 ~~-G-· NO. 'lrffe;.."7