HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 420-4L; CT 04-02; LA COSTA RIDGE 2.1 & 2.2; 01-20GENERAL C-0NDITI0NS SHORT FORM PR0TEC-TI0N OF LIFE AND PROPERTY LANDSCAPE ARCH TECTURAL FLANS FOR: I. Contrc::ic.tor shc::i l I prot,,c.t c::i l I c.onstruc.tlon c::ind lc::indsc.c::iplng from dc::imc::ige c::ind, i,,,ih"n required, provide guc::irds or cov,,ring. An~ dc::image shc::il l be repaired or replaced c::it th" C-ontrc::ic.tor's e:xpe:nse:. C-ontrac.tors on the job sha ll carr~ the folloi,,,iing lnsurc::ince, (c::i) v-lorker's C-ompensatlon, (b) Publi c. Comprehensive General L iability, and (,:.) Property Damc::ige. In c::in emergenc.~ threc::itenlng the safety of life. i,,,iork or adjoinin g prop,,rty. the Gontrac.tor Is hereblj lnstruc.ted to ac.t c::it his disc.retlon to prevent such loss or Injury and shc::il l mc::ilntc::iin the folloi,,,i fng minimum lic::ibll lty lnsuranc.e: c.overc::ige during the: c.ontrac.t pe:rlod. V LLAGES OF LA COSTA C-0YERAGE THE R DGES :2 0 Bodlly Injury, $250,000 per lndlvlduc::il, per Occurrence: Prope:rty Damc::ige , $/OOPOO per 0c.c.urre:nc.e. aggregate 2 . The C-ontrc::ic.tor sha ll c.c::iuse: to be: named c::is additional Insured In suc.h C-ontrac.tor's Public. Liability, C-ontrc::ic.tor's Protec.tlve L iability and Automobile Lic::iblllt~ lnsuranc.e pollc.ies the fol loi,,,ilng, (a) Lennar C-ommunltle:s (b) GIiiespie: De:slgn Group Inc.., '1404 Ge:nesee: Avenue, Su ite: 140, La Jolla, C-A '12031-1:3:3'1. :3. C-ontrc::ictor shc::i li not c.ause this polic.y to be c.ance led or permit It to lapse, and the lnsuranc.e policy shall lnc.lude c::i clause to the effect that the polic.y shall not, at any time during the c.onstruc.tlon period, be c.c::incele:d or r"duced, re:strlcted or limited until flHeen (15) doys after a l additiona l ln5ureds have received i,,,ir itten notlc.e as evidenced by returned rec.elpts of registered or c.ertlf ied letters. 4. The C-ontractor c::igr,,es to hold the 0i,,iner and Landsc:.c::ipe Arc.hltec.t hc::irmless from any c.lalms arising out of his operations of any of his sub c:.ontrac:.tors. mc::iterla l suppll,,s, or agents. 5 . A ll local, mun rcrpc::il c::ind state lai,,,is , ru les and regu lations governing or relating to c::iny portion of this i,,iork are hereby rnc.orporated Into and made c::i part of these spec.lflc:.at ions and their provisions shall be c:.arried out by the c.ontrc::ic:.tor. 6 . The contrc::ictor shall verify the loc.atlons of all existing utilities, structures, c::ind s"rvlc:.es before c:.omme:nc:.lng i,,iork. The: locations of utilities, struc.tures cmd services shoi,,,in In these plans are: approximate only. Any disc:.repanc.les beti,,i,,en thes" plans and c::ictual f ie ld conditions shc::i ll be report"d to the oi,,,iner or landscape arc.hltect. 1. The: contrac:.tor shall prote:c:.t c::il l existing utllltle:s c::ind fec::itures to r"main on, c::ind adjac.ent to, the projec.t site during c.onstruc:.tlon. C-ontractor shal l repc::ilr, c::it his oi,,,in expense. all damage: resulting from his operations or negllgenc:.e. 8 . The c.ontractor shall obtain the pertinent engineering and/or arc:.hltectural p lans be:fore beginning i,,iork. 'I. Perm its for any construction deplc.te:d in these p lc::ins shc::ill be obtained by the c.ontrac:. tor. 10. Contractor shc::il l hc::ive c::i valid c:.ontractors li cense required for the partlc:.ular i,,iork being done . C-ontrc::ictor shall not a lloi,,,i the llcense(s) to lapse during th,o contract period. DEC-LARATI0N OF RESPONSIBLE C.HARGE ,I _,I ... • -™ VICINITY PROJECT !771-~SITE I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LANDSC-APE ARGHITEC-T OF WORK FOR THIS PROJEC-T, THAT I HAYE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE C-HARGE OYER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJEC-T A5 DEFINED IN 5EC-TI0N 610:3 OF THE BU51NE55 AND PR0FE5510N5 C-0DE AND THAT THE DESIGN 15 C-0N515TENT Y'IITH C-URRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE C-HEGK OF PROJECT DRAY'IING5 AND 5PEGIFIC-ATION5 BY THE C-ITY OF C-ARLSBAD AND THE SAN D IEGO C-0UNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 15 C-0NFINED TO A REYIEY'I ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, A5 LAND5vAPE ARC-HITEC.T OF WORK, OF MY RE5P0N51BILITIE5 FOR PROJEC,T DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAYE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL C-0NF0RMANC-E Y'IITH THE APPROVED LAND5C-APE G0NC-EPT PLAN, Y'IATER CONSERVATION PLAN, STORM Y'IATER POLLUTION J2f<lEV'ENTI0N PLAN, FIRE PROTEC-TI0N PLAN, AND ALL C-0NDITI0N5 OF APPROYA LP,,TED DSS:,APING. BY, ~~L_ _____ _ FIRM NAME AND ADDRE55, 61LLE5PIE DESIGN GROUP. INC.. '1404 GENESEE AYE., STE. 140 LA JOLLA, GA '120:31-1:33'1 PHONE NO., (858) 558-8'111 REGISTRATION NO., C.A 1562 EXPIRATION DATE, 04-05 C.AL.IFORNl.'rl STATE LN'II SAY'S YOU "'1.IST GALL 6EFOR.E YOU DI&. eovERNMeNT GOC>e ScGTION "'4216-42161111 STATES THAT •~VATIOM", &RAOING, TRENC,HING, OliSe-lNG, DITGHINS-, DRILLING ~ING, TUNN6..IN5, SGRAPINIS-, GAel...f O!'. PIPE f"~Nei. DRIVIN6', FOlN:>.ATION Dle61NS, ~APE 01561N6 PUJMBJN5, FENc.E POST OR AN'( ornER ~Y. OUR ~IT ~ DIBBIN5 lo'IIILL 'MOT 6c VALID lo'IIITHOUT A 016 ALEflilT Tic.KET M..MBeR AND NOTl,..IGATION 11-IAT THE MARKCll.JT HAS Beal GOMPI....ETED. ~ IS ALSO A 14-0A'T' WINC,0)111 (seGT10N 4.:216.(E.)) IN J+flc.H YOU HJ$T COM'F'L.ETE THE PROP05EO 01661NG. IF YOU WILL NEEC .ADD!TlONAI... Tl"'1E BEY'DND THE: 14 DA'l"S. IT IS i'OI.R RESPONSIBILITY TO REGALL Dl6 ALERT. 016 AI....ERT TOU..-FREE N.MBEflil 15 l--600-277-2600. · 1m 1km KEY MAP I"= .::::250 '-0 " 1-ICS.ATION !"I.ANS Fl.ANTIN6 Fl.ANS --J , I .....__~-. t / 7 ~t.P ,-. .cw,;.1:1 ·• '4CP.1 - ' )~;' -----I I i ! . i . I r---._ . /I/ ---.......... I / ! t ---...; ! I I I I,.___ I ,.} ............... -.... ' . "- ..____ I -- I I I ., ~ 14~ ~,:;, ,wn; !!H~1' ) I ·-"-·:::::: -:::::-----,, •.; ;,,~.~[;, ~ ;.c,,l, -~ 5 / . /✓ t,. 1 7---1•' . t J "'' OFt-'f .~."AC l,f.i," .,_qr, :r•~ U<1' (F:"~ " , ::-..... --------~~--------~ ~ ---- ., ,/ T ITLE SHEET IRRlcSATION PLANS IRRlcSATION PETAILS IRR lcSATION LccSl=NP IRR lcSATION SPEC:.ll"IC:.ATIONS PLANTINcS PLANS PLANTINcS LEcSENP. PETAILS. ANP PLANTINcS SPEC:.ll"IC:.ATIONS NOTES ---------=-----.,,.--------...---r---r----------------r----,---,----ir--7 "AS-BUILT" KER DEVELOPER'S NAME: hlORROW Df:VEl..OPMENT 1903 WRIGHT PLACE. f180 TEL 7ea..!112t-2101 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 2-21-03 BY: GDG I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC,LUDING PREC,ISE LOC,ATION OF PLANTING AREAS . I \\;ll....,t \l'I \J>{lllll l 1 1~1 DRAWN APPROVED PROGRESS l111t SUB 2nd SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE .JP MM 06-15-04 DATE 12-23-04 02-28-05 llTLE: RECEIVED BY: 02-14.2 DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL 06-15-04 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION O1HER APPROVAL C1TY APPROVAL .. .. ' SHEET NO., L-1 (I) L-:2 THRU L-6 (:2-6) L-"T 4 L-e ("T 4 e,) L-"'l ("'I) L-1O 4 L-11 (10 4 II) L-1:2 THRU L-16 (1 :2 4 16 ) L-l"T $ L-le (l"T $ 1e,) L-l"'l 4 L-:20 (l "'l 4 :20) ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2./-2.2 L-1 DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-02 I DRAl'.1NG NO. 420-4L 1-w Cl) z 0 -I- (..) :::) 0:::: I- C/) z 0 (..) e,50 I \ I NOTE, FOR CLARITY ONLY, MAINLINI:: SHOl"IN Y'l~Tl-!l1~~~l~~ 61:: A MINIMUM OF le" OFF ACTIJAL MAINLINI:: OCA""" AND OTl-!i::R O65TACLl::S AND OUT ADJACl::NT HARDSC • '- OF Rl6HT OF Y'IAY TYP. RECEIVED JUL 3 1 2ur1. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION AREAS. LANDSCAP!l ARCHITECTURE JOB NO. DATE SCALE L-2 02-14-2 06-16-04 AS SHOWN /1.,J; ( c,, E-i!-vif: INSPECTOR OWN BY: ~~;=f:;;;t====----:-:--====~--,~1:□:..::A~TEf~~~INl:'Tl~A~L~~-;::D~A~TE~~~l~NITl~A~Ll CHKO BY:-.. I-DATE INITlAL REVISION DESCRIPTION rOlHER APPROVAL CHY APPROVAL RVWO BY: ENGINEER OF WORK PROJECT NO. C,T 04-02 NOTE, MAINLINE SHOJ/'lN ~ITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTIJAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO 6E A MINIMUM OF le" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER O6STACLES AND OUT OF RIGHT OF ~y TYP. NOTE, CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REGIJIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL O6STRUCTIONS THAT MAY OC.CUR, INCLIJDING 6UT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT ~ITH OffiER~ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING Y'IORK. POC • PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT LACOSTA RIDGE 2.1-2.2 POC #IRCV# cc 25 POC WATER TYPE POTABLEWATER RCVDEMAND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE METER ELEVATION PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR ilil PSI AVAILABLE # GPM SIZE SERVICE LINE 15.00 2" METER 15.00 1 1/2" BACKFLOW DEVICE W/ STRAINER 15.00 1 1/2" FLOW SENSOR 15.00 1 1/2" MASTER CONTROL VALVE 15.00 1 1/2" MAINLINE (3/4"-11/2" Sch. 40) 15.00 0.0 MAINLINE (2"-3" CLASS 315) 15.00 3" ISOLATION VALVES 4 VAR = LINE RCV SINGLE STATION 15.00 1" Sch. 40 LATERALS (10% OF PSI REQ'D) VAR 4.00 SUBTOTAL + 10% FOR FITTINGS TOTAL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE 40 PSI ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINKLER 0 FEET ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINKLER 3 FEET SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED 15 GPM 815 FEET 638 FEET LENGTH PSI 35.00 8.44 0.00 0.00 280.00 0.04 0.70 SURPLUS 5.26% % 'BOOSTER PUMP REQUIRED SET RCV PRESSURE REGULATOR l@ 76.641 PSI 76 PSI 76 PSI LOSS 2.95 PSI 1.73 PSI 13.00 0.50 PSI 0.00 PSI 0.00 PSI 0.11 PSI 2.80 PSI 3.00 PSI 4.00 PSI 28.10 PSI 2.81 PSI 30.91 PSI 40.00 PSI 0.00 PSI 1.30 PSI 72.20 PSI 3.80 PSI 49.81 PSI NOTE A, POC "CC" TO 6E A I 1/2" POTABLE ~TER METER ~ITH A 2" SERVICE LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, J/'IITH OffiER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING Y'IORK. STATIC ~TER PRESSURE DESIGN ~TER PRESSURE MAXIMUM DEMAND SET POC PSI REGULATOR@ ROAD STATION # 16 PSI 12 PSI 50GPM 16 PSI 42+00 NOTE 'C", INTRACT VALVE CONNECTION TO MASTER DEVELOPER MAINLINE. PULL APPROPRIATE NUMBER Or r'IIRES, INSTALL r'IATER TIGHT CONNECTOR, AND PLACE IN PROTECTIVE BOX. \ tl\--1....... MAINLINE S11J6 , \ ~-\-MAINLINE I I / ;[ l _:::, '-I I ....... / / -- *OOOSTER PUMP-MODEL#BEP/75/1O/50/240/1/ A .,. Kt::Y HAP APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DRAWN APPROVED .IOB NO. DATE SCA.LE 12 02-142 06-15-04 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL AS SHOWN INSPECTOR GUEST 6UILDEI", IM16ATION PLANS FOR, VILLA6ES OF LA ~TA LA ~TA RID6E 2./-2.2 OWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: GT 04-02 L.-9 DRAWING NO. 420-4L 1--w (/) z 0 l-o ::) 0::: I- (/) z 0 0 .,. 1/E"'' 'vfA-P {'¾, I I " 4.2 c;Ross LrJT UQ A_ I I h APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. - FROM SACK OF l"IALK ~ + I IP? R REFER TO NOTE "A" CT - POC • PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT POC #/RCV# POC WATER TYPE RCVDEMAND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE METER ELEVATION PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR 1@ PSI AVAILABLE SERVICE LINE METER BACKFLOW DEVICE W/ STRAINER FLOW SENSOR MASTER CONTROL VALVE MAINLINE (3/4"-1 1/2" Sch. 40) MAINLINE (2"· 3" CLASS 315) ISOLATION VALVES RCV SING LE STATION Sch. 40 LATERALS (10% OF PSI REQ'DJ SUBTOTAL + 10% FOR FITTINGS TOTAL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINKLER ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINKLER SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED SURPLUS SET RCV PRESSURE REGULATOR@ LA COST A RIDGE 2.1-2.2 DD 11 POTABLEWATER 9 GPM 815 FEET 515 FEET 129.9 PSI 110 PSI 110 PSI # GPM SIZE LENGTH PSI LOSS 9.00 2" 35.00 8.44 2.95 PSI 9.00 1 1/2" 4.90 PSI 9.00 1 1/2" 13.00 9.00 1 1/2" 0.50 PSI 9.00 1 1/2" 0.00 PSI 9.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PSI 9.00 2 112" 483.00 0.03 0.14 PSI 2 VAR ~ LINE 0.70 1.40 PSI 9.00 1" 3.00 PSI VAR 4.00 4.00 PSI 29.90 PSI 2.99 PSI 32.89 PSI 40 PSI 40.00 PSI 0 FEET 0.00 PSI 48 FEET 20.78 PSI 93.67 PSI 17.43% % 16.33 PSI 49.99 PSI NOTE A, POC. "DD" TO SE A I 1/2" POTABLE i'IATER METER i'IITH A 2' SERVICE LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, i'IITH Oi'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING i'IORI<. STATIC i'IATER PRESSURE DESIGN i'IA TER PRESSURE MAXIMUM DEMAND SET POC. PSI REGULA TOR @ ROAD STATION # NOTES, 12"1 PSI "13 PSI 50GPM 110 PSI 62+50 CONTROLLER "DD" SHALL BE A RAIN MASTER CONTROLLER ASSEM6L Y MOD. #DX42-DX-FL0i'I/DX-RADIO-KIT/EV-ANT-FD IN A STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER, ELECTRICAL POC, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL SE CONFIRMED i'IITH Oi'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING i'IORI<. NOTE, MAINLINE SHOi'IN i'IITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOC.ATION TO SE A MINIMUM OF I!>" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTACLES AND OUT OF RIGHT OF i'IAY TYP. NOTE, CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REGIJIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL 06STRUCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR, INCLUDING 6UT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT i'IITH Oi'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING i'IORK. MATCHLINE -SEE SHEET L-6 ------r-------;;-:-:::--::~::;;----------.--~--...---------=-A_1.._e_, _1'_' ~,--40-'--.----.--1:zo-2;:::·:::c!::~ w CITlJ21[G ~~~~BAD ~ DRAWN "AS-BUILT" LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE APPROVED PROGRESS 1st SUB 2nd SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE IP MM 06-15-04 12-23-04 02-28-05 07-03-12 02-14-2 06-16-04 AS SHOWN ~?7A11~il-~ TITLE: f?b,.\y@<_., ("?J'.:'.\P 1.,V,, ) RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR 7-C/-ll-- DATE DATE cS-UE:ST 6UILPER IRl'l.16ATION PLANS FOR, VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2./-2.2 L-4 t----+---+--------------+----+---1------l----lA c--Pcc-P---c-RO-,,---V-ED---'-"<LL~~~-----B'-3-/ 2_ i----+--t------------------f--+------1---+--~ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DRAWING NO. 420-4L i--,D~A°"'TE:-t-cclN;;c;;ITI""AL:-t----------------+------ll-----+------1-~ DWN BY: ---1 t--D_ATE_~I_NI_TIA_L-+-_DA_TE_~I_NITI_A_L---f CHKD BY: ___ 1 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL aTY APPROVAL RVWO BY: PROJECT NO. C.T 04-02 1--w (f) z 0 l-o ::) ~ 1-- (f) z 0 0 NOTE, MAINLINE !:>HOffi )'IJJTHIN PAVING FOR CLARl1Y ONLY, ACTVAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO 6E A MINIMUM OF 12>" OFF ADJACENT HARD¾APE AND OTHER O6!:>TACLE!:> AND OUT OF Rl6HT OF )'IJAY TYP. NOTE, CONTRACTOR !:>HALL ADJUST ALL HEAD!:> A!:> REGUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL O6!:>TRIJC.TION!:> THAT MAY OC,C,l.lR, INCLl.lDIN6 6UT NOT LIMITED TO LIG,HT POLE!:>, FIRE HYDRANT!:>, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT )'IJITH OffiER'!:> AUTI-IORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: PRIOR TO COMMENCING, )'IJORJ<. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC,LUDING PREC,ISE LOC,ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. l,ANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DRAWN APPROVED PROGRESS 1st SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE I I//; ' ;;<,,"J: "'~-¥:(-;(J, I If ! I I I I I !;;Ill I I I . !1/11" ~·3811 I /j' / I , I . I II IA I I I I I I I I I //0 ; i I I \ [" \ I . • ::: ~ \ '\ ~ 01 RfiFER TOh NOTE "A' 1 LOT \ ~;- ' \ \ '' ' ' "---~ \\\~ Zo ' \#~ 1 40 FER TO NOTE "All 0 ' -.., > --- NOTE "A", INTRAC.T VALVE C.ONNEc.TION TO MASTER DEVELOPER MAINLINE. PULL APPROPRIATE NUMBER OF ~IRES, INSTALL ~TER TIGHT C.ONNEC.TOR, AND PLAC.E IN PROTEC.TIVE BOX. (j)-MAINLINE STUB -MAINLINE ; I' I' ' ~ID /~EW I I ' fsRITrl CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ &GALE!, I" = 40' ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ .---------,-----.,.--------,---,----,---------------.---,----,----,---1 "AS-BUILT" lP MY 06-1'5-04 I ~ff'/Z,5'£ 12-23-04 '~ DATE 02-142 06-15-04 DA TE INITIAL AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL G,UE!:>T 6UILDER IRRl6ATION PLAN!:> FOR, VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA f<ID6E 2./-2.2 L.-5 DWN BY: ---, PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ , C,T 04-02 420-4L RVWD BY: 1--w (I) z 0 l-o :J a: 1-- (f) z 0 0 ' j I 1 // KF-"( 1'v/AP @@ ,o ~-,;..~;·.,------7' ,, 'l,o /, .., / /./ -- / / APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE =• I I /I .,,, --------• 40 20 0 \ I I I I M !lil!lil!!il1 R NOTE, MAINLINE &HOl'IH li'IITHIN PAVING FOR CLAR.ITY ONLY, ACTIJAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO 6E A MINIMUM OF 1e," OFF ADJACENT HA~SCAPE AND OTHER O6STACLES AND OUT OF RIGHT OF li'IAY TYP. NOTE, CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJJST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL O6STRIJCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR, INCLUDING 6UT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT )IIIITH Oli'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING li'IORK. SCAl.e, 1,, = 40, 120 ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ _______ ,--------..,,..,-:-------::--------....----,----,----------------,----.---..---...; .. ,......!.!-!...1 ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ DRAWN JP "AS-BUILT" GUE&T 6UILDER IAAlcSATION PLAN& FOR, APPROVED MM n ~ ~ vtLLA6Es OF LA COSTA PROGRESS 06-15-04 ·~ 2-'!,;_~12--LA COSTA R/06E 2./-2.2 c.:.::::c:~;....css"-"u:.::.B __ ..:..c::=--=.::.:::=--==:: I _'.'.11.'.,'.:Tl~:,':::±ft?<:::<ie!.:::::J?,:'.+.l::'.:::;~::::::::~~&Mf~~, r~.Jc:~./~======{:==~=r:=============r==t==t===t=j :====t=l:==4==========~ r APPROVED _p As-au1LT 07-oa-12 RECEIVED BY: f---+----1-----------------11-----1---+---l----1 ___ .£J.:.-:1.c~~~-----u--J-/2. ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 06-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE INSPECTOR 1----,~--1---4----------------11-----l----l---l..--1 DWN BY: __ _ DATE INITIAL 1----,DA_TE~,_IN_lll_A_L +-D_ATE_.J...C.:INl..c:llA.c:L-1 CHKD BY: ___ 1 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlliER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C.T 04-02 DRAWING NO. 420-4L 1-w (f) z 0 l-o :::) 0::: 1-(f) z 0 0 -----FINISHED GRADE IN nJRF AREAS ----PlASTIC ROUND VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER,,,.USE ~AINl,ESS BOLT NUT AND WASHER. HEAT OKANO QCV ONTO LID. QUICK COUPLER VALVE SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. hii---1,------STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP ~-(4) BRICK SUPPORTS '!!----lASCO PRE-ASSEMBLED SWING JOINT a~~ f r;ns~~~RASS MIPT NIPPLE C.-~DiilJ-_fa,-MAINLINE, SEE SPECS. 1--------14 x 36' REBAR STAKES, 2 REQUIRED '--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '-----------3/4' ROCK, I CUBIC FT. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED FITTINGS TYPICAL. QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A lYPE APPROVED FOR RECLAIMED WATER USE. QUICK COUPLEIR VALVE ~-----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. PURPLE IN COLOR. --PVC BALL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION m=~;~1~~.~;j'~I 1;~-1~~-.. -:-.. -.. -.. i~-.. -.. -.. -.. -""",1 ~: ... lu· ;;_ FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS rnlllrnlll 11ill11i'II m rr -1J1=w 0,2 Ml~' ()~~OOBR ~~~~~~~~~~gJ---BRICK SUPPORTS '---------DUAL UNION CONNECTIONS AS PART OF BALL VALVE '-----------LANDSCAPE FABRIC 3/ 4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. NOTE: INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. BALL VALVE MIN. 6" ,l,SGVE Hl5HESTHEAD liill lillJ 111 11111 _11111- PVC, SCH. e,o NIPPLE - pye, LATERAL LINEJ PIPIN5 FROM 1'1.C,V LTRA VIOLET RESISTANT PVC 01'1. PVC SCH. e,o THREADED '10 INISH eAADE L PVC LATERAL LINE PIPIN5 TO HEADS PVC SCH. 40 FITTIN55 TYP. ------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. --BALL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS \..--;-1::,;:;l'i;;J::'\'i'~-:J--~ICl;:JJ'bd-~"---PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE DEPTH AS PER SPECS. () NOTE: '---PVC MALE ADAPTER ..c19s:i..:..::::..,'....:X''.0".1'-" '!JJ~:J---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS '--------BRASS UNION '---------BRASS NIPPLE '---------LANDSCAPE FABRIC c___ ________ 3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. BOX TO BE INSTALLED AS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER OPERATION OF BALL VALVE INSTALL AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE, INSTALL VALVE OFF-CENTER IN INSTALL VAi.VE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. @ BALL VALVE ---FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE Pl.ACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "Rev· AND CONTROL STATION # ONTO LID. -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS pmm,mll'lfflll'}-1~~:f-24" WIRE LOOP ~=.:di::::+---VALVE ID TAG BOX. .:..11-----PVC THD. ELL SCH 80 PVC ,L-~'1'-1~---CONTROL VALVE SCH. 80 UNION ------' ~--SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE TYP. Rl---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS .__ __ IRRIGATION MAINLINE c___ _____ 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL TWO CUBIC FEET '---------LANDSCAPE FABRIC (DREMOTE CONTROL VALVE METER BOX W/ METER SIDEWALK CURB POTABL E SERVICE LINE + I AbPROX. 8" --24"=-=--1 u 7.1 I 0( ' ~ ~ 12" MINIMUM ~ RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/ SLEEVE NOTE: VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIUMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 1 o' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. ,,------RUBBER DRAIN CAP MISSION RUBBER CO. NO. 0704-015, 4" "'r'=""'rs=~r'==9n=,;:;;,;,,,·--------FINISH GRADE . + + + + . + + + + + + + + + + + + . + + + + . + + + + . + + + + + t + + . + + + + + + + + + + + ~----~ BUBBLER HEAD, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION TOP 1" BELOW FINISH GRADE i--J-cl,1.:;;;;.11-,------SCH 80 NIPPLE, LENGTH ~nn= AS REQUIRED, 2 REQUIRED ~O-.i..+J.;;;;;;·;;_j1-------VALCON 1/2" ANTI DRAIN VALVE O•() @ ~TIT[ --------NATIVE SOIL ~~ !'. I I ';{I I u,i.:.•L.J:::-:lJll:lJllc.._- • 0 --------PVC LATERAL LINE . ?• o. ~°o.~ O 1 /2" PVC ELL (SxT) • t,O O•r-.1o--------4• DIA. X 36" LONG *() kt PERFORATED PVC DRAIN PIPE , •• ~ FILL WITH 3/4" GRAVEL TO BOTTOM OF CHECK VALVE .___ _______ DRILL THROUGH PIPE '---------------AMMENDED BACKFILL '------------------ROOT BALL OF TREE © TREE BUBBlER ,------LOW VOLTAGE WIRES, 3 MAXIMUM OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR STRIP AND TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNECTION CRIMP COPPER SLEEVE INSTALLED WITH RECOMMENDED TOOL CONNECTOR INSERT NOTE: FILL OUTER CASE WITH SEALER PRIOR TO FINAL ASSEMBLY. (8) WIRE CONNECTIONS L.ATel'i.Al. LI NOTl!5, TOP OF 5•~---- SWINe e>HEc-K VAL VE ANeLE VALVE ANTl-6lPHON VALVE MAINLINE TOE OF 51..0>PE---" AVl:l SHALL ElE IN5TAl.LED 12" ABOVE Hl6HE5T Hf!AD ANTl-5IPHON VALVE SHALL ElE INSTALL.ED 12" ABOVE HleHE5T Hf!AD U!!le ANTl-51P'HON TY1"I= VAL VE i'IH!:RE Hf!ADS Al'tla AflOVE Re,V USE ANeLE TY1"I= VALVE AND AVl:l i'lleRE HeAD5 ARE ABOVE Re,V 'r"'!:!'---------SHRUB ADAPTER SPRAY OR ROTOR HEAD, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION 12" MIN . ~-------SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE, TWO REQUIRED LENGTHS AS REQUIRED NOTE: I .... ~=~-----FINISHED GRADE 11 i'11111illm~ ~---UNDISTURBED so1L 11i'11ffi 111i111 =111=111=1 ~--TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY ~--SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 12" FROM FENCES WALLS OR BUILDINGS. DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD WITHIN 10 FT OF PAVING, CURBS OR TURF EDGES. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAY TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ HEAD ON RISER CLEAN COMPACTED------------ (2) WARNING TAPES FOR RECYCLED WATER AND (1) WARNING TAPE FOR POTABLE (12") ABOVE MAIN) BACKFILL PAVING, BY OTHERS -----..._°"PS<T77TTTTTT777:777:777:,l,;,c777:,.J777:777.777.777> --. UNDISTURBED SOIL _____ ·_,ITT=-1-1 30 vrnic.LE_· .. _.··._·.·· . -~-·.·. -12· PEDESTRIAN 3108:: VEP··.·EHDIECSLTERIAN 111 :ITT= 1-·•••·--· .. 111 LATERAL LINE IN SLEEVE 1 = SCH. 40 FOR PEDESTRIAN PAVING ~I ~ 11 ·•·. I_~ SCH 80 FOR VEHICLE PAVING 11 1·--11 . - ,111· 111 111 CONTROL WIRES ---------==i++=I-W-.'--:'+~,.)lt, r , 'ITT-- MAINLINE & WIRE SLEEVE SCH 40 UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING -111 111 MAINLINE & WIRE SLEEVE SCH BO UNDER VEHICLE PAVING =I I 1=111== TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE I 6" I 1 0 FEET ON CENTER • ' DEPTH AS SHOWN OR ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR ON STRUCTURE INSTALLATION. SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS BY OTHERS. SLEEVE AND TRENCH ELECTRIC ANTI-SIPHON CONTROL VALVE l MIN. 6" ABOVE HIGHEST HEAD 1111111111!1111 PVC SCH. BO NIPPLE LENGTH AS REQ. (2 TYP.) PVC LATERAL J LINE PIPING r WATERBROOF WIRE CONNECTORS -24" WIRE LOOP /FINISH GRADE 1= __ ""'11111=1;;-th'I I 111! 11111 L PVC PRESSURE MAIN '----PVC SCH. 40 FITTINGS TYP. N TE: ~------INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS 1------POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD, SPRAY OR ROTOR SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD 1 /2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB _, ____ J AND GROUND COVERS AREAS ~lil~!TTf~f----UNDISTURBED SOIL lllmg1~rillr TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY ----SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE Vc\TRER-A,l>ELl~~'o s~tPftE~l!'"dD~~s IN ;TALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" FROM PAVING EDGE IN GROUND COVER AREAS. IN ,TALL SPRINKLER HEADS 4" FROM PAVING EDGE IN TURF AREAS. IN!,TALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAYS OR NOZZLE STREA~ TO COVER 14i~DSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. ~ POP-UP SPRINKLER MAINLINE AND CONTROL WIRES TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 10 FEET ON CENTER (2) WARNING tAf>ES DEPTHS SHOWN ARE FOR IN GROUND INSTALLATIONS. ON STRUCTURE INSTALL PIPING AT DEPTH SHOWN OR AT CONCRETE SI.AB DEPTH. PIPE AND TRENCH BRICK SUPPORTS 3/ 4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. '---------1.ANDSCAPE FABRIC c___ __________ BRASS NIPPLE lYP. '------------BRASS UNION c___ _______________ PVC MAINLINE FROM P.O.C. NOTE: INSTALL CONTROL VALVES A MINIMUM OF ONE FOOT APART IN SHRUB AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. U!!le 51'1INe c;H~K VALVl:5 i'IHE,;tl: LA'!l!RAL.5 ARE Hl<SHEPl 11-IAN ~ Re,V USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF tiJ t---:=-----------------------------+-----------------------------1-----------------------------1------------------------------1--~---T"-H:;;E..!P:!R~ES~S~U~RE~R!::!EG;,:U~LA::.:,T~OR::.,,:;:AS=:S.:;E~MB:;,L;.:.Y.;._ ______________ --IU) @ ATMOSHPIERIC VACUUM BREAKER @ POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING RCV AT BOTTOM OF SLOPIE Cb) ANTI-SIPHON VALVE (K) PRIESSURE !REGULATOR Z t---"' _____________________ .i...;::::::__ _______________ __.::......:...._...:....i __ ~ _________________ _L ___ __:::::::...... _______________ _L,.~---~:....._------------------~O t5 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD L2._J PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAWN JP .---------------------~--...---,.----------------.----,1-,----,---,---i " AS-BUILT" IFI.Rl6ATION DETAILS FOR 1...-b GILLES PIE ! DESIGN GROUP INC. ! I It.AN lJS(' <\PE AiRCHITECTt RE' ' ' APPROVED MM PROGRESS 06-1l5-04 DATE ll!lt SUB 12-23-04 ;.:;2n::;;d:c....=cSU"-'B=-------=Occ2~-2=-'B.__-=05 ~TI:_::TL:::E:..:: =====:;;;:;;~~~~=======-l===r==r================1==i=r==--=i==::..J--~ RECEIVED BY: JOB NO. 02-142 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL · DATE 06-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER ! ~PPR OVAL CITY APPROVAL ------------------------------------------........................ ~- VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RI06E 2.1-2.2 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ___ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: --GT 04-02 RVWD BY: DRAWING NO. 420-4L :::) 0:::: 1- U) z 0 {.) I'\) 0 ..... 0 """"""' ~-----FINl5H!!D <51'tADf: IN ~F Al'!.eA5 ~----l"LASTIG RfGTAN<SlJLAR VALV!c BOX ~TH BOLT DOJ,\IN COVER, USE 5TAINLE55 BOLT, NUT, AND ""6.SHER. BOX TO ElE PLAGED AT Rl5HT AN6LE TO HARDSGAPE ED5E. HEAT BRAND "F5" ONTO LID Fl..01'1 SEN90R, 5eE LE.SEND FOR 5PECIFICATION " -FINl!lHED eRADE IN 5HRIJ5 - 24" 1'1I11!.e LOOP PVC MAINLINE PIF'e !"ER 5PECl5IFICATION 0 0 MOUNT ENCL051JRE AS PER MANUFAC.TURER'S RECOMMENDATION CONTROLLER, 5EE LE<SEND FOR SPECIFICATION. l'IALL MOUNTED ENCLOSURE IF SPECIFIED 1:20 VOi.. T POl'IER SUPPLY IN J-BOX, BY OTHERS RI.SID ELECTRICAi.. CONDUIT (I") TO RAIN SENSOR /IF SPECIFIED) ON ROOF, IN Rl5ID 1/:2" CONDUIT ~-----LANDSCAPE FAB!o;IC ~------,,/4" =cK, 2 Cl.BIC FT. ~-------------l"VG MAINLINE PIPE TO MA!lll:l'I. VALV!c LOI'! VOI..TA5E l'IIRE IN Rl5ID PVC CONDUIT /::l") PVC ELECTRICAL 51'1EEP TO EXTERIOR ElUII..DIN5 PER 5PEC5. AND PLAN. NOT!', INSTALL FI.Ol'I Sl:NSOR A5 !"ER THE MANIA"AGT1M:R'5 ~ATIONS, l'llRE TO IRRl6ATION c;oN"fROLLER. NO FITTIN65 IOX PIPE O.D. UPSTREAM OF !iEN!lOR, NO FITTIH65 5x PIPE OD. DO-TREAM OF SENSOR U5E '15 DE6REE ELLS TO AGHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH OH THE DOl"iN-STRE1'M SIDE OF THE Fl.011 SENSOR. 3 J" -- FLOW SENSOR ' ,1-----------1:2"~---- . . . d t-~-l,--,Mil_p;;:: -I y'.}) CJ l 11 m "" 11 -I "· ~ --~ '-CTf ~--- ~ II b" MIN I TYP . . . . . . -~1 ., . . ' . . .t," M·N . ' . . . • . • . • . • . . . ~~ '-@ l l'IALL THROIJeH J-eox 6UII..DIN5 FLOOR BY OTHERS NOTE, INSTALL ENCLOSURE AS INDICATED 6Y CITY STAFF 4 MANUFACTURER'S Rl:COMMENDATION. ROUTE >'!IRES AND SLEEVE THROUGH ""6.LL A5 PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S RECOMMENDATION. ® WALL MOUNT CONTIROLLER 1. CLOSE-COJPLED CENTRIFUGAL PU,P, CAST IRON BRONZE" FITTED. 7. NEMA 4X SIMP.EX CCNTROL PA.NEL FO-< AUTOMATIC OPERATION. 3 Bf<ONZE 1/4 TUR~ BALL VALVE 4. BRON7F ~CN-/\DJUSTA.BLE FLOW SWITCH. 5 TYPE "L" COPPl:.R. 6. BRON7F UNION AD APER. C OIHc'e:: T'.iP 1:•. RF'.',PDH:, RI F Fe, :: mmFC Tit.~ D,JT CT O AI-L~F nnd/or .A I MAlf\!l l\f-PIPl~J'.'"; TO ~-I t~~,:;F'.~; I~~ C:)lv11'11Af\CF WITH Al I I :JCAI f'I l.JktRlf,JC :.~·::-:,11F:-i 7. PRESSURE GALGF, LIQUIC DIIMPENED. 8. BRO~ZE DSC STYLE CHECK VA_V[ 9. lvA'llNF (;RI\DE ALUMINUM ENCLOSURE, HINGED TOc>. 10. STRUCTURAL ALUMINUM RASFPI ATE. 11. 6" 'NCH THCK CONCRETE PAD, AS!M C-94. ACI STD 3' 8 83 MIX, 2500 PSI RATED 12. MAIN l'OWER CONDUIT. 13. IRR CATION CONTROLLER SIGNAc CO~DUIT. BOOSTER PUMP ' 'I !LLESPIE D'ESIGN ROUP INC. I , , 1I,ANDSCAPF :A.ijcfl1rrECTURf ' I STREET SURFACE 3.5 FEET POTABLE MAINLINE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) I 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION /SLEEVE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE ---0 NOTE: ALL RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION PIPING AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECYCLED WATER MAINS" OCTOBER 1993 POT AIBLE MAIINLINE CROSSIINIG BACKFlOW I. REDUCED f'l<ES;,LJRE PRINCIPLE ElACKFLOH ~VENTER. :2. H'l'E STRAINER. :3. BRASS RISER. 4. FINISH GRADE. 5. THREADED 6Y SLIP COL-"'LINS. b. FROM EXISTINIS HATER SOURCE. 1. PVC PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 2>. INSTALL PER CMHD STD. D1'15. H-20 PREVENTER TOE OF 9LOl'e ~----!,PRINS c.HE:GK VALVE ,----LATERAL LINE ANTI-Sll"HON VALVE 1/ LATERAL LINE TOI' OF 51..0"'• LE--~\ -- MAINLl~Nfll!~~I S"!'MeOL ON PLANS REPRE5ENT5 THE INSTALLATION OF ONE Of" THE VALVES (AND LGUIPMENT) SHO..iN ON THE DETAIL ABOVE NO'IE5, ANTI-SIPHON VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED 12" ABOVE HISHE5T HEAD IJSE ANTI-SIP+ION "TYPE VAL Vic -RE HEADS ARE BELO,! RCN USE SPRING GHEGK VALVES HHERE LATERALS ARE LOl,ll!R THAN THE RGV RCV AT TOP OF SLOPE CONTROLLER STAINLESS STEEL, 24" WIDE FRONT ENTRY CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE NEMA 3R RAINPROOF RATED POWER SWITCH AND RECEPTACLE TERMINAL BLOCK FOR COMMUNICATION CABLE (USE IF REQUIRED) FINISHED ~ ru',~~JJ GRADE FILL BASE OF = = QUICKPAO WITH 11:--::1 PEA GRAVEL TO _-_,..tL-__J TOP OF BASE -UNIT/I I COMPACTED __/ . SITE SOIL 1 1/4" PVC CONDUIT/ SWE'EP FDR ELECTRIC SERVICE 1 • f"/C CONDUIT /SWEEP FOR FLOW SENSOR/MCV WIRES (IF REQ.) t----RAIN SENSOR INSIDE AN ENCLOSURE .,,..---TERMINAL STRIP FOR CONTROL WIRES -MI-----STNNLESS STEEL, U.L LISTED, PREDRILLED, REMOVABLE BACKBOARD PREFORMED ALUMINIUM PAD STRONGBOX QUICKPAD ENCLOSURE MOUNTING PAD WITH PREFORMED ALUMINIUM PAD, PLASTIC BASE AND ALL STNNLESS STEEL HARDWARE ~~~~--1 1/4" f"/C CONDUIT/SWEEP FOR COMMUNICATION CABLE TO OTHER CONTROLLERS (IF REQ. '---3" f"/C CONDUITLSWEEP FOR CONTROL WIRES TO VALVES 5/8" DIA. x 8' COPPER GROUND ROD W/#10 GROUND WIRE AND CLAMP CONTROLLER UVR PVC SCH.BO THREADED 90 ---~ ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER I 1Wo PVC ELLS AS REQUIRED TYP. MIN. e" AbovE PVG LATERAL LINE TO AVB ----,HIGHEST HEAD BURI ED AS SHOWN ON PLANS j_ __ SLOPE FINISH GRADE------~ AUTOMATIC ----, ANGLE VALVE 1 1 ~Tn 1 1 1m ~IT PVC SCH. r8_0_N_IP_P_LE--,-j-j I TYP. __,_,___...,__, PVC LATERAL LINE --~ PIPING TO HEADS L= PVC LATERAL LINE PIPING TO AVB PVC SCH. 40 FITTINGS TYP. ASV / AVB PLACEMENT ~----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ' Ml PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLTt NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGH ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "MV" ONTO LID. MASTER CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. t,~! -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS =m=rn P""""'""'?'l~~ITT""--24" WIRE LOOP VALVE ID TAGS PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER, 2 REQUIRED ~--PVC MAINLINE TO FLOW = SENSOR, PIPE PER SPECS. '---'---' ~o ...:0+-'"-=+ 2<::J---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS NOTE: 1 ~-----BRASS UNION ~------BRASS NIPPLE TYP. ~--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC ~-------3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. r;x8K~t8iu~t/1f~Et~?M USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF THE MASTER VALVE ASSEMBLY. MASTER CONTROL VALVE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT "AS-BUILT" 1 SHeET 1 ,--------.,,..-------------,----,----,-----------------r----H·r---,---,----l DRAW'N JP APPROVED MM PROG-RESS 06-15-04 hit SUB 12-23-04 2nd SUB 02-28-0~ TITLE, RECEIVED BY: JOB NO. 02-142 DATE 06-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR - DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INl11AL DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER ~PROVAL CITY APPROVAL IRRIISATION DETAILS FOR, VILLAGES Or LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06/: 2.1-2.2 L-i DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C..T 04-02 DATE I DRAWING NO. 420-4L 1-w Cl) z 0 1-(.) ::::, 0:: I- C/) z 0 (.) 5'1'MBOL Gl T H F --- 'W V l"I ■ Cl D ,±,,_ (9 G 6 0 <,~e0 <9 <9 e o CD @ - • ---- POTABLE v"lATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND FOR HOA AREAS MANUFACT. HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTE!lt HUNTER HUNTER HUNTE!lt HUNTER HUNTER HUNTE!lt HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER P.O.C,. FEBC-0 MODEL NO. I DESCRIPTION INST-06-CV-6 SERIES POP-UP T1.IRF HEAD IN5T-06-CV-1A SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-06-CV-IOA SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-06-CV-I2A SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD IN5T-06-CV-I5A SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-06-CV-LCS-5I5/RCS-5I5/SS-550 SERIES POP-UP TURF HEAD INST-I2-CV-6 SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-I2-CV-1A SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-I2-CV-IOA SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-I2-CV-I2A SERIES POP-UP SHl'W6 HEAD IN5T-I2-CV-I5A SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-I2-CV-LCS-5I5/RCS-5I5/55-550 SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD INST-I2-CV-I1A SERIES POP-UP SHRUB HEAD SCH M NIPPLE il'!ITH PCB-I0 PREASURE COMPENSATING TRICKLE PATTERN BUBBLER, EACH SYMBOL REPRESENT Til'!O BLBBLERS PER TREE PcSJ-I2-V-.15/I.5/2.0 HI-POP 5HRUB ROTOR HEAD P5H-ADV/36V-Ol/04/06 HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD PcSH-ADV~V-05/05/oe, HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD PcSH-ADV/56V-04/06/0<! HI-POP SHRUB ROTOR HEAD P5H-ADV/56V-05/01/IO HI-POP 5HRUB ROTOR HEAD GPM .51, .<18 .4"1, .65, ."11 .4"1, .65, ."11, l.<15 .11, ."15, 1.42, 2.85 ."19, 1.24, I hb, 5.11 .65, 1.50 .51, ."18 .4"1, .65, .<11 .4"1, .65, ."11, l."15 .11, ."15, 1.42, 2.85 ."19, 1.24, I,e,t,, !:5.11 .65, 1.90 2.41 2.00 .15, 1.0, 2.0 hO, 1.4, 2.4 1.0, I.e, 5.1 I .4, 2.4, 4."I 1.8, 5.0, 6.0 PSI '30 eo eo eo '30 so so 50 55 50 40 40 40 40 40 RADIUS 5 FT 8 FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 5Xl5 FT 5X50 FT 5 FT 8 FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 5Xl5 FT 5X:30 FT 5 FT 20 FT 25 FT eo FT :55 FT 40 FT ALL SHRUB ROTOR HEADS INSTALLED FARTHER THAN FIVE (5) FEET FROM PAVINcS, CURBS, SIDEl'IALKS, 5TEPS, TURF BOUNDARIES OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY BE INSTALLED AS A HUNTE:R Pc5S SHRUB ROTOR Y'IITH THE NOZZLE AS SHOYIIN AND A HGV MODEL HC-15F-15M FOR PGP'S AND A HC-50F-SOM FOR PGJ'S AT ALL LOYIIER HEADS. POTABLE IRRIGATION ~TER METER (SEE NOTES FOR DESIGNATION AND SIZES). VERIFY ACTIJAL LOCATION, SIZE, AND HATER PRESSURE IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO GOMMENGING HORK AND PURGHA5ING EQUIPMENT. f!>25-Y 5ERIE5, BAC,KFLOW PRE'VENTION A55E'i'1BL Y WI i'10DE'L 1:>50 WYE 5TRAINE'R (5E'E' NOTE:5 FOR 5IZE). HUNTER H!3Vl51E SERIES BRASS MASTER GONTROL VALVE. MASTE'R VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A 'JUMBO' SIZED VALVE BOX HITH LOGKING eREEN GOVER AND 'MGV' HEAT BRANDED ON GOVER. DATA IND/UGT HFS-150 I 1/2" PVC FLOH SENSOR, Y'IIRE TO CONTROLLER USING P1I1ID GABLE IN CONDUIT, INSTALL PER MANUFAGTIJRER'S BARRETT/UST ENGINEERED BOOSTER PUMP, MODEL xx><><><xxx, INSTALL PER MANUFACTIJRERS RECOMMENDATIONS. (SEE PLAN FOR SIZES) NIA RAINl'-1A5TE'R HUNTER NIA K.B.I. HUNTER HUNTE:R AS APPROVED 240 VOLT, 5INGLE PHASE ELEC-TRIC-AL POY'IER, PROVIDED BY ELEC-TRICIAN, VERIFY AC-TUAL LOC-ATION IN FIELD SEE PLAN FOR MODEL AND LOCATION MINI GLIGK RAIN SENSOR MOUNTED TO GONTROLLER ENCLOSURE 120 VOLT El..eC,TRIGAL POHER, PROVIDED BY ELEGTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOGATION IN FIELD BTU-1250-E ll/4"/BTU-I500-E ll/2"/BTU-2000-E 2" SCHEDULE 80 TRUE UNION PVC BALL VALVE, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE GNC 100 GlUICK COUPLER VALVE, INSTALL INSIDE A 10" ROUND VALVE BOX, INSTALL AT 100' O.C. ALON5 ENTIRE LEN5TH OF MAINLINE ICV-IOIG-F5-A5-l"/ICV-I5IcS-FS-ASll/2"/ICV-201G-FS-AS-2" SERIES PLASTIC PRESSURE REDUCING REMOTE: CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS NOTED STANDARD il'!HITE COL~D, SOLVENT YIIELD PVC PIPE 5/4" -21/2" SCH. 40 AS LATERAL LINES INSTALLED 12" BELOJ,,i ISRADE, SIZE AS SHOil'!N STANDARD J,,IHITE COLORED, SOLVENT il'!ELD PVC PIPE 2" -5" CL. 515 AS MAINLINES INSTALLED le"-24" /21/2" AND SMALLER TO HAVE 18" COVER, :5" AND LAR.ISER. TO HAVE 24" COVER) BELOY'I GRADE, SIZE AS SHOHN MAINLINE TO BE 2 1/2" UNLESS OTHERY'IISE SPECIFIED !!>TANDARD Y'lt-llTE COLORED, PVC PIPE /AS BELO~ SLEEVINIS, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR HIRE BUNDLE CARRIED PLACE 6ELOH ALL PAVINIS, HAR.DSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OYIINER.'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. UNDER VEHICLE PAVIN5, INSTALL MAIN, LATERALS, AND .HIRES IN SEPARATE SCH.80 PVC W 50" COVER UNDER PRIVATE DRIVEY'IAY PAVINIS, INSTALL MAIN AND HIRES IN SEPARATE SCH.40 PVC J,,1/ 24" COVER. UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVIN5, INSTALL MAIN AND il'!IR.ES IN SEPARATE 5CH.40 PVC W 18>" COVER. UNDER Pl:'DESTRIAN PAVING, INSTALL LATERALS IN SEPARATE 5CH.40 PVC W 12" COVER DETAIL A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C A A A A A e NIA u T X N/A V V N/A D E F F POTABLE v"lATER IRRl6ATION MATERIAL LE6END :oR HOA AREAS SYMBOL MANUFACT. MODEL NO. I DESCRIPTION DETAIL ! AS APPROVED #l41JF AY'IG DIRECT BURIAL i\J.L. APPf<tJVED) LOW VOLTAtSE IRRIGATION CON11W1. Y'IIRE, ONE PILOT PER RGVIAND MASTER VALVE AND ONE #I2 LF Al'l6 WMMON FULL 2 5F'ARE PILOT Y'IIRES TO EAC;H MAIIILINE END II 05-400 ORI-SPLICE PRE-FILLED SEALANT, il'!ATERPROOF J,,IIRE CONNECTORS SH~LL SE USED ON ALL il'!IRE SPLIC.ES NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL K.6.1. K.6.I. HUNTER LASCO KSC,--I250--S II/4"/K!iC.-I5oo-9 11/2'/ KSC,--2000-T 2" 5Y'IING GHEGK VALVE, SIZE PER LINE SIZE, PROVIDE OO~N51REAM OF EACH RCV Yf,EN RCV 15 l.OH:FI. THAN THE 91'11.INKLfRS KG-I250-5 Il/4"/KC,-I500-5 11/2'/KC,-2000-5 2" 91'11.ING GHEGK VALVE, SIZE Pf!'1. LINE SIZE, PROVIDE DOY'IN5~M OF l;AGH RCV ilff'N RCV 15 Hl61-E11. THAN ff SPFI.INl<LE!IS WA WA WA NO !:oYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO !:oYMBOL NO SYMBOL SYMBOL - SJ-506-'I2 F'FI.E ASSfMB!.ED SY'IING JOINT FOR USE ON ALL 91'11.INKLEFI. HEADS Gli5-201l PRE ASSEl'IBLED SJollNG JOINT FOR USE ON ALL Gll)IGK GOIJF'Lf"5 GARSON-eROO!G ALL VALVE OOXES SHALL 13E GREEN PLASTIC Y'IITH "T" COVl:"5 AND MARKED AS INDIGATED IN THE DETAIL, ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE "MAXI' VALVE ID TAGS INSTALLED AS li'DIGATED IN THE DETAILS POTABLE v"lATER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LE6END ,:oR PRIVATE LOTS MANUFACT. P.O.C. K.B.I. HUNTER MODEL NO. I DESCRIPTION CONNECT DOWNSTREAM OF THE EXISTINcS 5/4" DOMESTIC METER, VERIFY SIZE, LO ~ATION, AND PRE551.JRE IN FIELD, Y'IITH OHNERe> AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR. TO COMMENCINcS R.K BTtl-I250-E 11/4" SCHEDULE e,o PVC BALL VALVE, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE i ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES FOR SLOPE AREAS TO INCLUDE THE FOLLO ~INS, NUMBERS NEXT TO VALVE REPRESENT VALVE 5EGlUENCE/cSPM Y'IHERE VALVE IS LOYIIER THAN THE HEADS AND LATERALS ON THE !;LOPE, l"'\------------+-il,INTER HPV-I0I-cS, I" PLASTIC ANISLE TYPE' C.ONTROL VALVE ~l-------------Hl.lNTER AVB-I00, I" PLASTIC ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER KINS BROTHERS INDUSTRIES KSC-I000-5 SERIES Sv-1INc5 CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE h:R LATERAL ' Y'IHERE VALVE 15 HlcSHER THAN THE HEADS AND LATERALS ON THE SLOPE, ~------------"UNTER. ASV-I0I, I" PLA5TIC ANTISIPHON TYPE CONTROL VALVE ! 1::1 El I. 2. AS APPROVED AS APPROVED AS APF'FI.OVED HUNTER. N/A KINc5 BROTHERS INDUSTRIES, KC-1000-S SERIES SPRINcS C.HECK VALVE, LINE SIZE FER LATERAL STANDARD l'IHITE WLOFI.ED, SOLVENT H:LD NG PIPE 5/4" -11/4" 5GH. 40 AS LATERAL LINES INSTALLED 1." 51:LOJol GRADE, SIZE A."> 5HOrtl STANDARD J;IHITE COLORED, SOLVENT H:LD NG PIPE 11/4" SCH. 40 AS MAIIILINES INSTALLED Ill" BELOY'I SfiADE STANDARD Y'II-IITE GOLOFI.ED, PVG PIPE SLEEVING, TJollGE THI: DIAME'T?:FI. OF PIPE Ofi. Jolll'I.E BUNDLE C.A~i~IED PLACE 13ELOY'I ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, l:TC.., AND AS DIFI.ECTED B'r' Ol'INERS AI.ITHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. UNDER Vl:HIC.LE PA'<IING, INSTALL MAIN, LATERALS, AND Y'IIRES IN SEPARATE sc.H.&O PVC. W 50" COVER UNDER PRIVATE DRIVEY'IA'r' PAVIN5, INSTALL MAIN A~ Y'IIRES IN SEPARATE sc.H.40 PVC. W 24" GOVER L.NDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, INSTALL MAIN AND Jolll'I.ES IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVC W Ill!' GOVER l.NDER PEDESTRIAN PAYING, INSTALL LATEAAl.5 IN SEPARATE !:iCH.40 PVG W 12" GOVER PC.-I500I Y'IALL MOUNT IRRIGAnoN CONTROLLER, INSTALL INSIDE GARAGE 1:20 VOLT El.EC TRI GAL POI-ER, PROVIDED 8-r' ELfGTRIGIAN, VERIFY AGTIJAL LOCATION IN FIEU) IRRIGATION NOTES INSTALL POPUP5 WITHI 10' OF ALL PEDE5TRIAN U5E AREAS INSTALL CHEC-K VALVES AS NEEDED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE DETAIL NIA D O,P ;:ii. p M,O,P F F 5 5 WA AIJ E WA VALVE CALL OUT INFORMATION I.------;CONTROLLER 4 VAL VE NUMBER @ 35-~ISG,P,M. '-----VALVE SIZE HOA AREA ~ALVE NUMBER I ~~VALVE 15.P.M. PRIVATE LOTS ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ :::~===--===::::P:::::L::::A::::NN::::1::::N:::G:::::D::::E::::PA::::R::::T::::ME=:N::::T==='--:~==0~ ---------.---------.,,...,.-,,-..,,.,..,,.,..,=:,---------r---r--~----------------,---1i--,--,--1 IRRIc5ATION LEcSEND FOl=t, L-8 VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2./-2.2 DRAWN JP "AS-BUILT" APPROVED MM 11, NUlSCAPb AR 1n:rECTU RH PROGRESS :l.i,t SUB 2nd SUB JOE NO. DATE SCALE - 06--115--04 12--23-04 02--28-06 lln.£: 02--14-2 06--15-04 AS SHOWN DATE RECEIVED BY: DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER A~i'ROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-02 DRAWING NO. 420-4L 1-w en z 0 1-(.) :::J Cl:'. t-en z 0 (.) 1\) 0 ,_ 0 ...,~ SEC-TION 02&11 LANDSC.APE IRRl5ATION l"Afll.T I -151:N!:RAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. It Is th.o lnt.ont ol the sp10elPla,tlons and c:rawln9s that th.o finished syst.om Is eompl.ot.o In .ov.ory r.osp.oGt and •hall be ready for operation satlslacto~ to the OWner. e. Th.o ""'rk ohall lnclud" all mat10rlal•, labor, Mrvlc.oe, traneportotron, and "qulpment n.oceo•ary to p5rlorm the "ork oo, lndl<;a•"d on th" dr°"'lngs, In th"•" •p .. el,rea•lon, and a• nece ... a~ to comple• .. the eontroet. 1.02 C,ONSTRIJC-TION DRAJrllN65 A. Du .. to the seal• ol •he dr""'lnge, rt I• no• po ... lble to lndlea•e all oFFsets, llt•lngs, sleeves, 5tG. whlGh m~ be r5qu1r .. d. The C-ontraetor shall carelul ly lnv.,stlga•e the ••rvctural and finished eondltlons alfec•ln9 all oF hi& "'°rk and plan his ""'rk aGGor-dl"9ly, lumlohlng such Fl•tl"9•, .otG. as may be requlr"d to m""• •uch condl•lon•. Dra.,.lngs ar" 9.,n.,rally diagrammatic and lndlc.a•lv" ol th" "ork to be ln•talled. Th" "ork ohall be lnotall .. d In such a mann"r ao to avoid eon/lie•• bet..""" Irrigation •Y••.,m•, plan•lng, and archlt.,etural 1 .. aturos. e. All work Gall5d for on the dr°"'lngs by no• .. • or de•alls •hall be lurnlshed and ln•talled whether or no• sp .. clllcally m .. ntron .. d In th" spec.lPl<.atlon•. i,.t,en an l• .. m Is sho><n on the plane but not sho"'n on •h" •peelllcatlons or vie" v"rsa, It shall be deem .. d to be as sho"'n on both. The Landsc.ape ArGhl•ect shall have llnol authority for elarlllcatlon. C,. The C-ortraetor shall no• wllllully Install the Irrigation system as sho"'n on th.o dra .. rng• "'hen It le obvlouo In •he field that obotructlone, grade dlPP .. reneeo or dlsGrepancles In area dlmenolon• e,<lot that might not have been conold .. red In .. ngrn .... rlng. Such ol:>struc•lon• or dlll .. rene .. • should be br0U9h• to th .. a•• .. ntlon ol th .. Landoe"'e Archl•ee• oo, ooon a• de•ected. In •he event this no•lfleatlon Is not p,or/ormed, th .. Irrigation C-ontractor •hall asoum .. Full , .. oponolblllty /or any re-vlelon nec:.eeear~. A. Provld .. at I .. aet OM .. n9lloh "f'"e,i,:.l"'.3 P"roon who •hall be pr .. •.,n• at all tlm"s during ex5eut1on of this portion ol 11,., work and who shall be thoroug,,ly lamlllar with th" typ .. ol ma•erlals beln9 lnstal led and the manulac.turer's recomm.,nd.od m .. •hods ol ln•tallatlon and "'ho ohalll dlr .. G• oil "ork perlorm<Od und.or this oeetlon. e. ManuPaGtur .. r's dlr .. e•lon• and detall .. d drawlnc;ie ohall be lollo""d In all eaoeo where th" manulactur .. r ol artlel .. • used In thl• eontraet lurnloh dlr.,e•lons Gov .. rln9 poln•• no• shown In the dra, .. 1r1ge and "P"Glfleatlons. C,. All loeal, munlelpal and stato la"•• rul .. s and re9ulatlons gov .. rnl"'.3 or rela•lng to any portion ol •hi• ><ark aro h .. roby lneorporatod ln•o and mad .. a part ol th""" ,p .. cllleatlone, and •heir provisions "hall be Garrlod ou• by th" C,on•rac:.tor. An1jthln9 eon•aln .. d In •ho•e ,p .. c:.llleatlon• shall not be eonstrv<Od to conFllct .;Ith any oF tho above ruI ... and r .. gula•lono ol the eamo. Howev .. r, "'hen these ,p .. clllc.atlono and drav,l"'.3• call For ar d"5erlbe mat .. rlalo, workmanship, or eono•ruG•lon ol a bettor quality, hlgh .. r •tandcrd, or larg .. r olz" •han lo roqulred by •h .. abov .. rvl .. • and r .. gula•lons, the provltlon• of th""" sp .. c01F1eatlon,, and drawing• ohall tako pr .. c,odone ... D. All material• •upplled lor !hit projeet ohall b .. n .. " and Pro .. lrom any d.,F .. Gto. All d .. lec0•1v .. ma•erlalo ohall be roplacod lmm .. dlatoly at no addl•lonal eos• to o .. ,,.,,. E. The C,on•rac0•or ohall ... cur" th .. r .. qulr .. d Ileen• .. • and perml•• lneludlng payment• ol eharge• and F .. ee, g1v .. requlrod notlGeo to publlG authorl•I"•• verily perml•• sec;ur5d or arrang .. monto mad" by oth .. rs aFl .. e•lng th .. "'ork ol •his seetlon. 1.0'4 SUBMITT ALS A Material• Lis•, I. Alt"r ""ard oP eontract and belore any Irrigation •y•t"m mat .. rlalo ar .. d"llver!Od to th,o Job 0It .. , •ubmlt to th" o .. ner a eomplet" II•• ol all Irrigation •y•tome, mat .. rlal•, or pro"'""""" propoo .. d to b" lurnloh<Od and Installed ao part ol thlo eontrae•. 2. Snow manuf'ac.turer'!! name and c.atalog number Por each item, Purnl!!h c.o,,.:,lete c.atalog cuts and teehnlc.al da•a, Furnloh the manulae•ur..,.'s , .. eomm.,ndatlons os to the mothod ol lnstalla•lon. :5. No su1:>et1tut1ons .,,.,11 be allo.,.ed "lthou• prior "r'•• .. n aec.eptanee by the Lond!!leap" Arehlt .. et or o .. n .. r'o au•horlz"d ropr .. o .. ntatlve. '4. Manulae•ur .. r'o ..arran•I .. • •holl not rell .. v" the C,ontraetor ol hi• lloblllty und .. r th<0 guaranto ... SvGh "arrantle• shall only suppr .. m .. n• •h.o guaran•"" · e. Sub••ltutlono, II the Irrigation C-on•raG•or "lohee •o eubo•ltut .. any .. qulpmon• or mat .. rlals /or l:ho•e .. qulpment or material• llot"d on •h .. lrrlga•lon c:ra .. 1n9s and op .. ellleatlon• ho may do •o by providing the lollo"l"'.3 lnFormatlon •o th .. Landoeopo Arehl• .. e• or o .. n .. r's authorized repr"o .. ntatlve and C-lty lnsp.,,etor lor approva I. I. Provld" a >1rltt .. n •totemont lndleatlng •he reaton /or making the subt•ltutIon. 2. Provld .. c.atolo9 eu• ohe.ot•, ... c.hnleal data, and p .. rlormanc .. lnlorma•lon For each oul:>e•l•u•e Item. :5. Provide In "'rl•lng the dllF .. r .. nce In lno•alled prlee IF the 1t .. m I• aeeoptod. I.O!l EXISTINe C,ONDITION5 A. Tho C-on•rac.tor ohall v .. rlly and be Familiar with •h .. loea•lono, olz .. and d .. tall oF poln•e ol connee•lon prov1d .. c:1 oo, •h.o •oure" oF "'"t .. r, .,1 .. etrleal oupply, and tol.,phon" lino eonnee•Jon to •he Irr19a•lon ,ys• .. m. e. Irrigation d"1Ign I• ba• .. d on th .. ovallabl .. ota•le ><at"r pr .. s•ur .. oho"n on th" c:lra"l"9•· C-ontraetor ohall v .. r1fy ota•le "'a•er on th .. proJ .. et prior •o •h .. •tart oP eonotruetlon. Should a dloer .. paney .. xi••• notify •he Landseape Arc;hlt<>Gt and 0,in.,r'• authoriz,,d , .. pre•on•a•lv" prior to beglnnln9 eonotruetlon. e,_ Prior to cu•tl"9 Into •he soil, th.o C-ontrac.tor shall loGat .. all cabl.,$, eondul•s, ... .;.,, • .. p•IG tanks, and oth .. r u•llltr .. • ao are c.ommonly .. neo"'•'"'"" undergraund and h.o •hall take prop"r preeautlono not to de,""'9 .. or dloturb su,:,h lmprov .. men••· If a con/lie.• exit•• betwe"n the •ueh obotaGI,... and th .. propo•"d .;ark, •he C-ontrae•or shall pro""tly n"tlly the Landecaje Archl•ee• and o.,.n .. r "ho .,.,11 an-ange i'ol" r-elaeatloM. "Mie C.Ontr-oe.tor i,-ill proceed ln 17,c, !ams manner IP o roek. lay"r ,,, c:,ny otl,.or ovch eondIt1"n• ar .... neountored. D. Th .. C-or•raetor •hall pro• .. e• all .. x1otIn9 u•lll•leo and f .. a•ures to , .. main on and adJaeont to •h .. projoe• •It" durln9 eon••rue•lon. C,ontrac0•or ohall repair, at hlo o><n Gost, all damage rooultlrig From hie, oporc•lono or n .. g119 .. nee. E. Th.o Irrigation C,ontraetor ohall Goordlnato "'Ith th" een .. ral C,ontrae•or /or lnotallc•lon ol r .. qulred sle.,v1n9 as sho"'n on the plans. I.Ob INSPEC-TIONS A. TM C-on•ra,tor ohall p.orml• •h .. Landoeap.o Arc.hlt"e•, o .. n,or's av•horlz"d r .. presentatlv" and C,rty lnsp .. etor to vlsl• and lnsp .. et at all tlm,os any par• ol th .. """rk and ohall peovlde sal<> ae,.,... Por oueh vlolts. B. Jrlh .. r .. •ho opeelPlca•lono , .. qurr .. work to be ....... d by th .. C-ontraotor, I• shall not be eovered over un•II aoeepted by th .. Landseap" Arehlt .. c.t, O.;ner's au•horlzed ,.,preeentatrve, and/or gov,ornlng ageneleo. Th" C,ontrae•or shall oo sol.,ly r"oponolbl" For notlFylng •ho Land!!lc.ap" Archlteet, own .. r, and gov .. rnlng ag .. nc:,les, a minimum oP 48 hours In advane .. , ><h.,, .. and .,.h .. n th" "ork lo r"ady lor • .. ••Ing. Should any v,ork b<> covered without l:t!i!!otln9 or ac.ce.ptance1 It !!lhGill be, If !O ordered, unG.Overed at the Controctor1! e.><penee:. C,. lnop.,etlono .. 111 be ,.,qulr"d Por th" Pollo.,ir,g at a minimum, I. syst..m l"~ovt 2. Preseur" test or 1rr19atlon main line !i=our hours at 125 PSI or 120% of eta•lc .;a•"r pr .. osure, "'hlch "v"' Is gr .. a• .. r! approval requlr"d by e,11:y lnep .. etor. :5. C-overa9e tos• ol Irrigation system (approval requ1r .. d by Glty lnspec.tor). 4. Final lnsp.oe•lon prior to ••art ol malntenanee p .. rlod 5. Fina I aeeoptan,., D. Sito oi:>s,orvatlons and ..... 1n9 .. 111 no• commene .. "l•hou• •h .. record dra.;lngs as propared ~ th .. lrrl9atlon C-ontrae•or. l'<eeord dra.,.lngs must c;omplete and up to date /or <>aeh ~lte vfolt. E. Jrlork "hlc:,h Pall• tootl"'.3 and lo no• aeeoptod .. 111 be , ......... d. Hourly ratff and expen•"• ol •he Landscap .. Arehlt.,et, 0..ner'• authorized ropros.,ntatlve, and 9ovomlng agonei .. e Por rolnopec•lon or r .. t.,etln9 ... 111 b .. paid by th .. lrr19atlon Gon•raetor at no addltl.,nal e><pMise to OHne,r. 101 STOAASE AND HANDLIN5 A. B. 1.0,!j A. Use all m .. ans n .. e.,soary to protoe• lnrlgatlon system ma• .. rlals before, during, and alt .. r Installation and to pro•.,c• th.o lnstalla•lon "'ark and ma•,orlalo oF all 0th.or trad .. s. In tho .. von• ol damag.,, Immediately make all , .. pairs and , .. plae .. m .. nts n,oeeooary to the aeeop•an,., ol •h .. Landseap" Arohltoe• and O.;ner and a• no additional eos• •o the O..ner. Ex .. rGIS5 ear .. In handling, loadlrig, unloading, and storing plas•le pipe and ll••lngs under eov"r un•II , .. ady •o Install. Tranoport plastlG pip .. only on a v"hlel .. "''•h a bed long enough to allo" •h .. pip" •o lay /lat •o avoid undue bending and eone .. n•ra•ed .. xt.,mal load. C,LEANUP AND DISPOSAL Dlopos5 oF ><asto, •rash,,_and d .. brls In aeeordanc ..... 1th applleablo la"s and ordlnanc .. s ano as pr .. •erlbed by aumorltleo havl"'.3 JurlsdlGtlon. Bl.I~ ho ouch '"'"sto material and c:l!Obrls on th" sit". Burnl"9 of •rash and d .. brls '"'Ill no• b .. peemltt6d. The C,ontrac.to, ohall , .. move and dlopo•e of rul:>bloh and d .. brls g,,nera•ed by hi• "'ork and "orkmon a• lrequen• Interval• or '"'hen order .. d to do oo by th.o O"nor'• authorlz .. d repr"•"nto•lv.,, i,, At •he •lme oF c.ompl .. •lon th .... ntlre •I• .... 111 be clear"d ol •ools, "qulpm .. n•, rul::blsl, and d"brls "'hlGh shall b!, dlspos .. d of olf-slt .. In a l"gal disposal ar .. a. 1.0~ TURNOVER ITEMS A. Fle:Gord Orc:11,•.ilrq,,: I. Reeord aeeurately on on .. ., ... ol eontraet dra .. 1ng,, all choo9"• In the ><Ork Gon,.tltutlng dopartur"• Isom th" original eontrae• dra.,,.lng,.. 2. Th" ehan9 .. • and dlmonslono •hall be r"""rd"d In a ,.,g1bI .. and "'orkmanllke mann<>r •o th .. oa•lolae•lon ol •h .. o"'n"r Prior to llnal lnop .. etlon ol "ork, oi.bml• ,.,eord dra,.lng• to tho Landoeap .. Archltee• or O><n .. r'• authorized r<>pr"•"n•atlv". :5. Dlmenolons from/to p.orman.,nt points oF ,.,1,,renee oueh a• bulldlnge, olde.,.c,11<&, GUrb&, et,. &hall be shown. Data on r .. oord c:1ra .. 1n9s shall be r .. eordod on a day to da~ basis as th .. proJeG• le being lns•alled. All l6tt6rlng on dra .. 1n9s shall be minimum 1/,!j lneh In olzo. 4. Show loeatlono and dopths ol th .. follo.,ln9 Items, a. Point ol ,onnoe•lon (ineludln9 ><ator m .. t..,.s, back/lo" pr .. v.,ntero, maotor Gontr-ol valve.a, etc.) b. Routing oP sprlnkler prea9,ure: llne9 (dlme.nslone ,e.hown at a maximum of 100 , .... t along r<>utln9) G. Sato VGI IVO!!I d. AutomatlG ,.,mot., eon•rol valv .. • and loolatlon ooll valv .. s "· Guiel< eouplln9 valv .. • and Isolation ball valves f. Rou•lng of eontrol .. 1, ... g. lrrlga•lon ean•rol lors h. R!Olated .. qurpmen• (as ma~ b .. dlroGtod) 5. Maintain reeord c:lra.,,.lng• on •l•e a• all time•. t.pon eampl.,•lon ol "ark, transfer all as-1:>ullt Information and dimension• to , .. produc.lblo s .. pla prints. B. C:.Ontroll .. r C-hart•, I. R!Ooord dra .. 1n9• mu•• b .. "'prov"d by Landoc;ape Arohltoet and/or o .. n .. r's authorlz .. d , .. p, .. •.,ntatlve before charts are propar.,,:t 2. Provide or .. Gon•roll .. r chart For """h au•omatlG eon•roll .. r. C-hart ohall oho.. the 4. area Gove.red b~ the. partlc:.ulcr controller. Th .. ,:,har• le •o be a r"due"d eopy ol th" ac;tvol "r.,eord" c:ra.,lng. In th .. ovon• •ho eon•roller • .. quenc.e Is no• le9lble "'hon •he dra .. 1ng lo ,.,due .. d, It shall be .. nlarg .. d to a ,.,adabl .. slzo. Jrlh .. n c;omplet .. d and approv .. d, •h .. ehart ohall be h .. rmetieally ... .,I .. d betw .... n t"'o plec"s ol plaetlG, .. ach pl .. G .. being a minimum 20 mllo In thlekn .. ••· C,. Of>!Ora•lon and Malnt,onanee Manuals, I. T"'o Individually bound eopl .. • ol op .. ra•lon and malntonanee manuals shall be d"llv .. r .. d to th,. LandsGap.o Arehltoe• or 0..n.,r's "uthorlz .. d r .. presen•a•lv .. a• I .. a&t 10 calendar day• prior to llnol lnsp .. e•lon. Th.o manval• •hall deserlb .. th .. ma•.,rlal lno•all .. d and •he prop"r op .. ratlon ol th" system. 2. Eoeh eompl .. te, bound manual shall lnGlud" •h .. follo.,lng lnforma•lon, a. lnd .. x sh""t sta•lng C,ontraetor's addreos and tol .. phon" number, dura•lon oF guarantee period, 11st or eqvlpm,.nt lnelvdlng names and addreo• .. • ol loea I manufaGturer r"preeentatlvee. b. op .. ratlng and maln• .. naneo lns•rvetlono for all equlpm .. nt. c.. Spar .. parts II••• and r .. latod manuf.,otur"r Information For all "qulpm .. n•. AN!DSCAPE Cl'l!tTECTURf I I I J DRAll'N APPROVED PROGRESS ll!lt SUB 2nd SUB JOB :~o. DATE SCAIJ~ - JP MM 06-15-04 12-23-04 02-28-05 02-142 06-15-04 AS SHOWN D. Equlpmen•, I. Supply as a part ol this oon•raet •h" lollo"lng Items, a. Two (.2) .;r,onc.hes for dl•atoembly and adjustment ol each type ol oprlnkl .. r hoad uo"d In •ho lrrlg.,•lon •Y•• .. m. b. Three :50-lnch •flrlnkl"r keys lor manual operation or eontrol valves. ,. Two k .. !j!> lor ea,h automa•lc eontroller. d. Flv" qulek eouplor keys wl•h a bronz .. hos .. •hr""d qo d .. gre .. ""'v"I attaGhmen• and Flv .. ,:,ouplor lld koys. e. Five valve 00)( Gaw,r ~~ or ~renGh. I. 0n .. 5-Poot ... ., .,,eneh lor op .. ratIn9 gate valves :5 lnoh .. e ar larg"r (II used). g. Six "x•r" sprlnkl"r h"ads ol .,,,,h elz .. and typo p .. r lrrlga•Jon F.O.C,. 2. Th" atoov .... qulpmont shall be turn"d ovor to O""n"r's authorIz .. c:1 , .. pres .. nta•lve a• the:: ¥lnal lnspe::Gtfon. 1.10 C,OMPLETI ON A. A• •h .. time ol •h.o pr .. -maln• .. nane .. p .. rlod ln•peetror, th .. Land•eap .. Arohlt .. c.•, o..r .. r'e authorized repr .. o.,nta•lvo, and govornlng agonele• .. 111 lnop.,et th" ><ork, "nd II not acc .. pt .. d, "Ill pr .. pare " II•• ol Items to be compl"t .. d by th,. C-ontrae•or. At •he time of th .. po••-malnt .. nanG" P"rlod or linal lnsp .. ction th" work ><Ill be , .. 1nop .. eted ard llnal aee.,p•ane .. "Ill be In "rltlng by th .. Landseap .. Archltoet, Own .. r'• au•horlzed r .. pres.,nta•lvo, and gov .. rnl"9 agoneles. B. TM o .. n.,r's .,,thorlz"d r"pres.,ntat1v .. ohall have final au•horl•y on all portion• or th .. "'ark. e,_ AFter the syst .. m has been eompleted, th .. C-on•raGtor shall lns•ruc;• Own .. r's authorlz .. d , .. p, .. oentatlve In the operation and malntBnanGB of the Irrigation system and ohcll lurnloh a oompI ..... set ol opera•lng and malnl:enane .. lns•rue•lono. D. Any ... ttling ol t,.,nc;h .. s "'hleh may oeeur dcr1n9 th .. on"-Y""' P"rlod Pollo"lng ,:,eeeptanee •hall be , .. pa1r .. d to the ""'ner'• •a•lslaetlor by the C-ontraG•or .,,.,thout any "ddl•lonal exp .. n• .. to the ""'ner. Repairs •hall lnclvde •h .. c.omplete re•tora•lon ol all damag" to planting, paving or othor lmprov.,men•• of c,ny kind as a result of th" ""ork. I.I I e~AAANTEE A. The "ntlr .. sprlnkl .. r syst .. m, Including all ""ork don" und .. r •his eon•r"et, oh.,II be unconditionally 9uar"n•., .. d "9"lnst all d .. f .. e•• and Fault ol m,:,t .. rlal and workmanahlp, Including s .. t•llng of l:>aek 11 .. ld ar""• belo>< grad.,, lor a P"rlod of on" (I) y .. ar Pollo"lng th .. FIiing ol th" Notle .. oP C-ompl .. •lan. Should an~ problem "'l•h th .. Irrigation syotom be dlseov .. r .. d Hlthin 111 .. 9uaran•ee p .. riod, i• shall be eorr.,e•"d by th.o C,ontraetor at no additional .. xpens" to o><n .. r "'lthln ten (10) ealendar days ol rec.elpt al written notlc." lrom o .. n .. r. Jrlh .. n •he natur .. ol •he rop,:,lrs as d"termlned by •h .. O"n"' eonstltut .. an emBrgeney (I.e. broken pressur .. line) the Own"r may proeeed •o mak .. , .. pairs ct tho C,ontrac.tor's .. xp .. ns... Any and all dama9os to exls•ln9 lmprov"m .. n• r .. sul•lng el•h .. r from faul•y material• or .;orkman•hlp, or from •h .. n .. e .. o•ary ropalro to corr .. et oam .. , shall be repaired to the oatlsf.,e•lon ol •h .. ""ner by th" C-ontr.,etor, all at no addltlonal cost to the O...iner. B. a,.,rant .. e shall bo submlttod on C,ontractors """n lotterh.,ad "" lollo"""' GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM ~ .. h .. r .. by 9uaran•e .. that th .. sprlnkl .. r lrr19atron •y••em w .. hav .. furnlshf>d and lnstallf>d Is '""' from d6l6G•s In m"•erlal• "nd workman5hlp, and •he "ork ha• been eompleted In accordance "Ith the c:1ra .. 1ng• and epeclflca•lons, ordlna~ w"ar and •ear and unusual abus .. , or n .. glect "XG.,pted. K, agr .. e to repair or replac:, .. any d"lec•lv .. material during th .. p .. rlod ol on .. yecar from dat .. of filing of th" Notlc" oF C,ompletlon and also to repair or replG1Ge any damage. resulting from the repairing or ,,,plaelng oF sueh d.,,.,,,.s a• no addl•lonal GOSt to •h" ,, .. ,,..,. Irle •hall mak.e such repairs or re,placemen~ 1,,r,1lthln 10 calenOOr da~s Pollo1,,r,1Jn,g ,.,1tten notification b~ th" o.,,.n .. r. In th .... v .. nt ol our lailvr .. •o make •uch ropalrs or replaeemen•• within the time •peollled alter ree .. 1pt ol ><rltten notice: from owne::r, we a.Jthorize the owner to proc.eed to have said repalr-9- or repla,:, .. m,onts mac:l!O at our exp,onso and ""' .. 111 pa~ •h"' oosts and eharg .. s •h .. reFor .. upon demand. PROJEC,T NAME, PROJEC,T LOC-ATION, C-ONTRAC-TOR NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, Sl5NED, DATE, Par• II -MATERIALS 2.01 SUMMARY Uoe onl~ ne" ma•..,.lals oF •h.o manulacturer, size and type oho"'n on the dra .. 1n90 and speolflca•lono. Material• or equipment ln•talled or lumloh .. d tha• do not m .. et Lanc:lsc0ap" Arehlt .. et'o, o .. n .. r'o, or gov .. rnlng ag .. n<-1 .. s standard• ><Ill bo re]"eted and shc,I1 b .. r-emoved ¥ram trie s rte at na e,cpenses to the O~nc,r. 2.02 PIPE A. El. C,. Pr.,s,ur .. supply line lrom poln• ol eonn .. ctlon through baekllo"' pr .. ventlon uni• •hall be Tyf"" K 'hard" copp .. r pipe. Pressur" supply lln,;s 2 lneh"s In dlam,;ter and up •o ::5 lneh .. s In dlamet .. r c:lown••ream oF ooc;k/lo" pr.,ventlon unit shall b .. C,lass :515 salv .. n• .,,. .. Id PVC-. Piping shall Gonlorm to ASTM D224I. Pr.,sour .. oupply lln .. , I 1/2 lnehos In dlam .. t .. r and small,or ol tho baekllo"" prevontlon uni• 51,all be Sehedule 40 oolvent "'eld PVC-GorFormlng to ASTM Dl185. D. Non-prtJuure llntJs 3/4 Inches In dic:meter ond lor9er downstream of the rtJmote Gontrol varv .. shal I b .. 5Gh. 40 PVC-. E R!Oc.yc.led /Reelalmec:IJ .;ater PVC, pipe •o be eolor-c.oded purplo In c.olor marked on •wo sld"s ><Ith reclalm,.d .. at .. r ""rnlng st"t"m .. nto "C,c,u•lon-Reeyel"d /Reelalm<>d) "1ator". R!OelGllm .. c:1 "'a•"r piping mus• b .. aee .. ptod by loeal , .. elc,lm,.a "a•"r gov .. rnlng a9enc.lee. ~c:;.~cled i,.,iate:r pipe 5hGI I be= used onl~ on re:c:;~cled s~stem. Non-prOlosure, piping shall c;onform •o ASTM Dl1,!j5_ ::2.0:5 METAL PIPE A ) FITTIN55 A. Bra•• pip .. ohall Ji e,5 perG"n• r.od bra••• ANSI, IPS 5tandard 125 poundo, 5Gh.odu'I" 40 sue.; .. d pip... ;·• El. Bra•• ll••lng• •h"I I ."' medium brass, scre., .. d 125-pound Gia••· C,, Copp,or pip .. •h.,I1 " "hard"~ K. D. C-opper ll••lng• r.ha:1 be solder .. d typ ... 2.04 PLASTIC, PIPE ~ND FITTIN5S A Pip" ohall be marJ,d eontlnuouoly "'l•h manufaetur.,r'• nam .. , nominal pip" olz .. , sc;hedule or class, 1've, typ" and grade, National 5anlta•lon Foundation approval, C,omm .. relal 5tanda~d• deolgnatlon, and dat .. of .. x•ruslon. ' El. All plaotlc:, plpo ohdi1 b" ""•rvd"d of an Improved PVC, vrgln pip" c;ompound In aecordanee ""l•h Ai'j!TM D22'4I or ASTM Dl1!:>4. C,_ All PVC, fitting• •hjil be otandard ""lght Schodul .. 40 and sh.,1I be lnJ,,etlon moldod ol an lmpeov .. d virgin "IC, fitting eompound. Slip PVC Pl•tln9• shall be th" "d .. "f' •="-"•" braeke ... d typ ... · .-.. ad .. d plaotlG 1I.tl"'.35 •hall be lnJeGllon mold .. d. All t ..... and .. 11. ohall be sld<> gate1: All llt•ln9• oh.,1I eonlorm to ASTM D246b. D. All thr .. ad .. d nlppl~• shall be standard "'"lght 5Ghedul .. ,!jO "Ith molded thr .. ads and ohall eon/orm to ASTM i:;jl1,!j5_ E. All oolven• c"m .,n\.1ng of plaotlc:, pip .. and fitting,, shall be a two-••ep proG"50, IJ!ilng prim .. , and •olv5nt l, .. men• appll"d per thB manulaetur .. r'• , .. eommonda•lons. C,omon• shall be oP a Fluid ~1ons1,tenc.y, no• g.,1-111<.o or ropy. Solv .. nt eementlng •hall be In conformane .. "l•h A!l;TM D25b4 and ASTM D2,!j55. F. Jrlh .. n eonneetlc>n i• ~,la••ie to metal, Femal .. adapt .. rt ohall be hand •lgh•oMd, pluo "n" •urn "Ith "strap wrj,neh. Joint eompound shall b .. non-l6ad base T .. Plon pas• .. , tape, or equal. i: 2.05 BAC-KFLOW P!<l:jlENTION UNITS A The baGkll"" prevJ,tlon uni• shall be: ol •h" manulae•urer, size, and typ.o lndlc.ated on •he dr,,..lng•. I i,, TM backflo"" prov~l,tlon unit ohall oo lnetall"d In aeeordane" "'Ith the requlromont• so• forth by loc0al cod<o1. e,_ Th .. baekllow provdii•lon assembly oholl eonslot ol bra•• piping, union• and llttl"9I, 2.0b VALVES j' A. .sat .. Valv ... , ; I. 5a•" valv..• eh Ill be ol 11,., manuladurer, •lz", and typ., lndleat..d on th .. dra .. 1n90. 2. <5ato valv"• •h~,11 be eons•ruetod of a bronz" body, bonn"• and dl•e, and a maII .. a1:>1 .. Iron hana..h .... l. 115"• .. valv .. • ohall have thr.,ad!Od ,:,onMe•lone. ::5. All Got .. valv.,di ohall have a minimum workl"9 pre••ure of not 1 ..... than 150 pol an91 ohal I ,onPorm to ~ otandard•. "· eoI1 va1v ... , 1: I. i,,,11 vc,lv"• ohal Ii b .. ol •he monulaetur6r, olz .. , and •~P" lndleat .. d on the dra .. 1ng•. .2. E,oll valve• oha/11 be eon••ruet .. d ol a l:>ronz" body, ••alnl .. •• oto .. I ball and otom, mall.,oble Iron h~1nd1... eo1I valv"" shall havo •hr .. ac:l"d Gom.,ctlons. ::5. All ball valv .. •Jhall hav .. a minimum working pr .. sscr .. ol not I .. ss •han 150 pol an I •hall c.onlorm to AWlrlA otandards. e,_ Guiel<. C-oupl"r ValvJ., I. Guiel< eoupler v9llves shall b .. oP •h.o manulaetur .. r, slz.,, and •ype lndloa•ed on •he drawings. I 2. OJ.lick eoupler v~lv"" shall be bra•• .. 1th a "'"II •hlei<n.,so guarantood to ""l•h•tand normal "orking ~'"""""" ol 150 psi i,;lthout 1 .. aka9,o. Valve• ohall have :5/4 lemal .. •hreac:lo ~•p .. nlng at 1:>a!oe, with t .. o-pl .. Ge body. Valv"• to be operat .. d only "Ith a eoupl .. r ~,y, d .. olgnod lor that purpose. C,oupl .. r key Is lno .. rt"d Into valve ""d a posl•lvB, i,,ia•er•l9h• eonneG•lon shall b,. mad .. bet..e .. n th .. eoupl .. r key and valve. HIn9e .co~,er ohall be the loc.kl"9 tyfle con•trvc.ted oF brass .;Ith a rvl::bor-I Ike vlny I ji-ovor. ::5. Vinyl quick Gaudier eover lor roelalmed wat .. r qulGk ,:,oupler valv .. • •o be purpl .. In eolor wl•h •h .. Hards '"1arnlng~Re<-yGled /Reelalm .. d) "1at .. r-Do Not Drink porman.,ntl~ markod on lid lor r"c~eled •y••em. D. Au•omatlG C-ontrc>·I -.j,1ves, I. Au•omatlc:, con•rol !ralv"• shall be ol th" manul"c0•urer, olze, and typo Indicated on •h" dr,,..lngo 1 1 .2. AutomatlG Gontrj>I valv ... shall be .. ,.,Gtrlcally op .. rated. E. Anti-drain Vc,lv .. •,~• I. Anti-drain valv · shall be of th" manufc,otur,or, srz .. , and typ .. lndlca•"d on the dra.,.lngs. 2. Anti-drain vallv I> shall hav .. l,!j-,!j otalnleos ote .. 1 springs and valv" stem• "'l•h Buna-N eealo.. i ::5. Antl-craln valve~ .. 111 hav .. •hread .. d .oornec0•lono th .. •lz .. ol tho rl•,or or plp.o •hoy ar .. •o be ln••allied on•o, or •he n .. x• avallabl .. 01ze. No •lip eonn .. etlon anti-drain valvee, are allo 1e:d. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ .-----------;;~---:,:-:-:::-,:,;;--------r---r-,--------------,--:!r---r--r--i "AS-BUILT" IRRISATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR, DATE TITLE: RECEIVED BY: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER i'PROVAL DATE INITlAL CITY APPROVAL VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06/! 2./-2.2 DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C.T 04-02 DRAWING NO. 420-4L I-w Cl) z 0 I-0 ::::) Cl::'. I- Cl) z 0 0 -A. I'\) 0 • ~ ,--... ~00 --n 0 :2.o-1 VALVE !!!OXl!:5 A. Valve boxeo ohal I be labt-lGated Prom a durabl.,, Heather-reolotant plaotlG material reolol:ant to sunlight and chemical aGtlon of •ollo. B. The valv" bax r.over •hall i:,., '3"een In color and Mcur"d with bolt•. C.. The GOV"' and box shall be c.apable of ouotaInIn9 a load of 1,500 poundo. D. Valve box "xtenolono ohall be by the same manulaGturer ao the valve box. E:. AutamatlG control and master valve box"• ohall i:,., I6"xll"xl2" rectangular elze. Valve box c,overo shall be "h.,at brand.,d" In 2" high letters with either "RCV" "'Ith the valv" ldentlflGatlon number• or "MCN". F. Ball valve, gate valve, and quick c.oupler valv" box"• ohall be Glr<-ular 10' olze. Valv" box cov.,re shall I:,., "h"""t br"'1Gl.,c," In 2" hl9h I .. tt.,rs "'Ith "lth10r "BV", "GV", or "GC.V". 6. Valve box cov"r Por r"clalmed oyoteme shall be purple In color and P"rmanently marked "'Ith th" word• "I-IG!rnlng-"'6cyc.led ~c,lalm,od) I-IG!t,or-Do Not c:>rlnk" for r,ocycled Irrigation •y•tem. 2.0b I1'.l'.IGATION CONT"-OI..Ll="- A. C.ontroller shall i:,., of the manufa.:.turer, olze and type lnd!Gated on the drc,.,111g1. e. The control!.,, "nclaou,., shall be ol the manulactu,.,,, olz" and type lndlGC!Ud on the dra.,lngo. The ,onc,losure shall aloo enclose the Gontroller el.,ctrlcal meter. C.. The c,ontroll,or •hall be ol th., manula<-tur9r, &lze and type requir,od by th" C.lty of C,c,rolbod 2.GG! l=LE:C.7lllC.AL A. All el.,ctrlc,al equipment shall i:,., NE:MA Type~. =terprooled .,OI" exterior ln!otallatlone,. B. All •lectrlcal work shall Gonform to IOGal GOdee and ordi11anG"•· 2.10 LOJ-1 VOL TA51: CONT"-OL J-IIRIN6 A. "'6mote Gontrc,I ,ilr" shall be dlr .. Gt-1:lurlal AJ-16-LIF type, .1 ... ae lndlGated on the drawing•, and In no caoe smaller than 14 gauge. B. C.Onnec,tJons shall be elth..,, epoxy-,.,al,od pac,ket type or P"nn-nte r.onn.,Gtors. C.. &ound .,1,.,. shall be white lri color. c.ontrol wlr"• •hall be red ("'h•ri• t"o or more c:ontrolll!'llrs are usod, t.he eontrol .,,.1ree ehc::::ill be a c::U.Pf'erent c.olor for e,c::11:;.h G-Ontroller. Thc!tse colors shall be noted on the 11R.9Gor"c::I Drc:::11--iln9s11 plane lceatec::I on Gontroller door). c:>. Provld<I a 24' long expansion loop for all dir,oGtlonal Ghangeo In control wire routing. 2.11 IAAIGATION HE:Ac:>5 A. Sprinkler head• 5hall be of the manuf,:,cturer, size, type, with radluo of thro", operc,tIng pressure, and dioc:.harg" rate Indicated on the drawings. B. Pop-up h"ado and ,I..,r head• shall be used ae lndlGated on the drawing•. C.. Irrigation heads for reGyGl"d •yst"m ohall have purpl" ,,.cy.:.l,od (reclalm"d) water "'arnlng eover. Part Ill -EXEC.UTION ,.01 SITE C.ONDITION5 A. lnopectlone, I. Prior to all "'ork ol this ""GtlOf\, ear.,/ully lnopect the Installed "ork o/ all other trad"• and verify that c:,11 oueh work I• compl,ote to the point "hero, thlo lnotallatlon may properly eommenc:.e. 2. Verify that IrrI9atIon •y•t"m m<llj be !retailed In otrlet acGordarGe "Ith all pertinent code• and r"9ulatIono, the original deolgn, the r.,/erenc;ed •tandardo, and thil!I manuPacturc,r'! reeommeridatlons. B. c:>Jscrepanelee, I. In the """nt o/ dioe,.,panc,y, lmm,odJotely notlly the Landoeape ArGhltec.t or 011t11n~r1s authorized represei;ntatrve. :2. Do not proeeed with lnota,llatlon In areao ol discrepanGy until all dlsc,.,paneleo have i:>,oen reoolved. c.. c5radee, I. 13elo,e otartrng worlt., ca,.,lully eh.,ck all grad,oe to determine that work may oalely proceed, keeping "'!thin the opecilled material depth• "Ith '""P"Gt to flnloh grade. 2. final grade• shall be a,;c.,pt"d by ths E'nglMer belore "ork on thlo oectlon ,.111 be allo"ed to begin. D. Fl"ld Meaouremento, I. Make all neG"91c:!,Y m6a1urem.,nt• 111 the lield to ensure prec,le" flt of Item• In a<-cordanc" "'Ith the original de1l9n. C.ontrac.tar •hall coordinate the lnotallatlon ol all Irrigation materiel• with oll other ""rk. 2. All ocal"d dimension• are approxlmat... The C.ontra<-tor shall eheek and verily all size dimenolon• prior to proceeding "Ith "ark under thio oectlon. ,. Exercise extrem .. ea,., In "xeavatlng and working near eKlotlng utilities. C.ontra<-tor ohall i:,., re1por10lble lor damage• to utllltleo which are cauoed by hi• ap.,ratlono neglec,t. E. Diagrammatic. lnt,ont, Th., drawll'1ge are ,....,ntlal ly dla9rammatlG. The olze and location ol equlpmi,nt and llxtur.,. are drawn to eeale ,.t,,..,,,. pooolble. Provide offset, In piping ehangeo In equlpmont IOGatlono ao necee.ary to conlorm with otructures and to avoid obstruGtlono or eonll!Gto with 0th"' ""'k at no additional expen•" to o .. n.,,. F. Layout, I. Prior to ln&tallatlon, th., C.Ontrac:.tar 5hall •take out all pressure •upply IJries, routing ard loGatlon of oprinkl"r h"ad•, valveo, backl'lo" preventer, and automatic:. control I,,,.. :2. Layout Irrigation •ljSt"m ond make minor adjustment• ,.,quir,od due to dlfler,on._.,, be\:wHn elte and drawlnge. "'""'" piping le ohown on drawln9• under paved "'"""· but running para11 .. 1 and adJaeent to plart"d areas, Install the piping In th" plantsd areao. 6. "'°'"' Supply Conneetlono to, or th" lnotallatlon of, the water oupply ohall be at the location• oho"n on th., drowlngo. Minor c.han9eo eouoed by aGtuc:,I olte c,ondltlon• •hall be made at no add it Iona I expenM to o,.ner. H. E:lectrlGal 5"rvIGe, I. C.onnectlans ta the eleetrlcc:,I supply shall i:,., at the location• sho"n an the dra"lngs. Minor chan9es eauoi,d boJ site conditions eliall be made ot no additional "XP''""" to Own..,. :2. C.ontraGtar •hall make 120 volt conn.,c;tlon to the Irrigation Gantrollere. E:leetrl<-al power •ource to c:.ontroll"r loGatlono ohall i:,., provld"d by others. :l .02 7lll:Nc.HIN6 A. ExGavatJono shall i:,., otralght with vertlGal oldes, even grade, and •upport plpi, c;ontlnuouoly on bottom ol trench. Trenehln9 exc,avatlon •hall lollow layo,,t lndlr-ated on dra,.,.Jngs to the depthe b5lo" linlohed 9rad" and a• not.,d. """''" lln"9 occur under paved ar"a, the•" dlmenoton• shall be Gonold.,red belo" oubgrade. B. Provide minimum Gover of 18 Inc.he• on preooure oupply lines 2 1/2 lnGh"'s and omall.,r. Provld" minimum c;ov"r ol 24 lnchi,e on preeeu,., eupply lines :l Inc.hes and lorger. C. Provide minimum cover or 16 l1"1Gh1!5a for control wires. D. Provide minimum Gover of 12 Inc.he!-for non-pra!>su,··e lines. F. Pip.,. lnotall"d In a Gammon tren.:.h •hall have a 6 ln<-h minimum opaG" bet"""" pip"•· e. Provide sand baGk/II1 a minimum of 6 Inc.he• over and under all mainline piping. :l.O:l BACKFILLING A. Bae1<,iII material on all lines shall be th" same a• adJac.ent ooll Pree ol deb-ls, litter, and rocko over 1/:2 Inch In diam .. ter. 13. Bac.kl'III shall be tamped In 4-ineh layer• und"r the pipe and uniformly on both eldi,o for the full "ldth of th" tr"nch and the Full length of th" pipe. BaGkllll material• ohall i:,., oufllc.1"ntly damp to permit thorough compac:.tlan, free of voids. Backfill shall be compacted to dry denolty "qual to adJac.,nt undloturb"d ooll and ohall conform to ady,cent grad"•· C.. Flooding In ll"u of tamping lo not allo""d. D. 1.1,der no clreumstc:riceo ohall truck wheels be uoed to compact bae,kflll. E. Provide ,and bac:.kllll a minimum of 6 lnc,heo over "nd under all piping under pav,od ~roc:is. 304 PIPIN6 A. Piping under "xistlng pavem.,nt may be lnotalled blj jacking, boring, or hydraulic driving. No hydraulic. driving 19 permitted under asphalt povemont. B. C.uttIn9 or breakl"9 al exlotlng pavem.,nt Is not P"rmltt,.,;. C.. C.Orelully lnop.,Gt all pipe and lIttln<35 belore Installation, ,.,moving dirt, scale, burro reaming. lnotall pip" with all marking• up For visual lnopectlon and verlflGQtlon. D. Remove all d""ted and dama9"d pipe ooctlono. E:. All line• •hall have a minimum Gl.,aran.:.e al 6 lnGhe• from "ach oth"r and 12 lnGheo lrom line• o/ other trades. F. Parallol line• ohall not b" Install"" dlree,tly over each other. e. In solvBnt ""ldln9, us" only the ope<-lfled primer and oolvent c.em.,nt and make all Joint. In strlGt ac:.cordance "'Ith the manufacturer'• recommended methods lncludln9 wiping all exeeoe solvent lrom eaGh "'"Id. Allow oolv.,nt ""Ids at l"a•t 15 minutes o,otup hne before moving or handling and 24 hours eurlng time beforB llllln9. H. PVC. pipe shall be lnstall"d In a manner "'hlc.h ... 111 provide /or expanolan e,ontractlon ao recommend"d by th,s pipe monufac.tu,.,,. I. C.enterload all pl"stlG pipe prior to pr.,osure t"stlng. J. All threaded plastlG-te-plaotlG <-0nneetlono ohall be asoembl"d uolng Te/Ian t"pe or Tell on paote. K. For plaotle-ta-metal c:.onn,.Gtlon•, work the m"tal c.onn.,ctlono llr•t. Uoe a non--hardenIn9 pip" dope an all threaded plaotlc.-to-m,stol Gonn.,Gtlono, "xc.,pt wher" not,.,; otherwise. All plastle-to-met"I c:.onneGtlons ehall i:,., made "Ith plastic. female adapters. L. All <-onn.,c.tlons bet"""" PVC. lc,t,src,I lines shc,11 be made uoIn9 Sc.h. 40 PVC. fittings "Ith Gomp,.,oolon adaptero. All c.onneGtlon• between drlpperlln"• to i:,., made uorng c.ompreoelon mtIngs of manufaGtu,.,, ol the drlpperllne. U•" no pipe dope, n,llon tape, primer or solvent cement on c.omp,.,sslon lIttIn9s. :l.05 C.ONT"-OW..E:R A. The exaGt loGGltlon ol the controller ohall be approv<>d by the Landscape Arc.hltect or O"ner'o authorized repr.,sontatlv" before Installation. The el.,ctrlcal •ervlce shall i:,., c.oordlnated "Ith thlo loc:.atlon. B. The Irrigation C.Ontra<-tor ohall be responolbl" /or th" llnal elee,trlcc,I hook up to Irrigation controllBr. c.. The Irrigation oyotem ohall be pr"'3"ammed to operat.. during th" period• of minimal uoe of the design ar.,a. c:>. Install c;ontroller enclosure ao recommend"d b!j th" manufacturer. :l.O6 C.ONTROL 1-<IRI N6 A. Low volta9" Gontral "Iring eliall acc.upy the oam" trench ard shall be lnotall"d al0"'3 th" same route as the pressure supply lines wh"n"ver possibl". B. .-.,.,,., mare than ane "Ire lo plac.ed In a trenc:.h, the wlrll'1g shall be taped together In a b,ndle at lnt,orvals ol 10 f,o.,t. Bundi" shall i:,., oecured to the mainline with tape at Interval• of :20 feet. C.. All c;onneetlono ehall be al an approved type and ohall oc.c.ur In a valv" box. Provld" an 18 Inch oervlce loop at eac:.h conneGtlon. D, An expanolon loop ol 12 Inc.hes ohall be provided at ea<-h ><Ire c.ornoe,tlon and/or dJr,octlana I char9", and on" ol 24 Inc.he• shal I i:,., provided at eac.h remot,o control valve. E:. A c.ontlnuous run ol "Ire ohall be uoed b"tweon a <-Ontroller and each remote c.ontrol valve. Und"r no clrcumotanceo ohall •pliGes be uo"d ><lthout prior approval. ,.01 VALVE5 A. A,tomatlG control valveo, boll valves, gate v<:alveo, and quick Goupler valv"• ohall i:,., Installed In the appraxlmat" locations Indicated on the drawlnge. 6. Valve ohall i:,., Installed In shrub area• """never possible. c.. Install all valve• "" lndlc:.ated In th" detail dra .. Ings. D. Valve• to be Installed In valve box"• shall i:,., lnstall"d an" v.:,lve per box. E:. Remot6 G-Ontrol valv~s c:::ind q_ulck coupler volvoe &holl be l9olated Prom the molnllne boJ a ball valve olz"d per t~e largest R.C..V, In the manifold or I 1/2 lnc:.h lor G.C.V.'s. ,.oe VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxee eh<:all be Installed In shrub ar.,as "henever posslbl.,. 13. Eac:.h valve bax sholl be lnotalled an o foundation ol 3/4 lneh gravel back/Ill, :l c:.ublG '""I minimum. Valve box"• ehall be lnolall"d i.lth their lop• 1/2 lne,h abov" th" ourfac;e of ourround11'19 finish grade In la"n ar""" and 2 inGhee above flnleh 9'"de In 9round Gover areas. 3.0<l 6Ac.KFLOJ-I PREVENTER5 A. lnetall baGkl'lo"' pr.,..,enter unit "s Indicated In the d"tall drai.lngo. e. lnotall back/low aooemblleo ot locatJono <:approved In the lield and at h"rght required boJ local c:.odes. C.. lnotall wye •trainers and preoour" regulators on the bac.kll= aosembly. D. If boGkl'lo>< prev.,nter lo Installed adjacent to a building, wall, or other obotruGtlon, ln•tall unit so that the test cocko are facing out .. ard away from the obltruc,tJon. E. Install bockflo" enc,loeure o• recommended by the manufactur,sr . :l. IO SPRINKLER t-11:Ac:>5 A. Sprinkler heads ohall i:,., lnstall"d a• Indicated on th" drawing•. 6. Sp<:ac.lng of heod• ohall not """""d maximum Indicated on the dra.,ln<35. C.. Rio.,, nipple• ohall be ol the oam" size a• the riser opening In the sprinkler loodt_j. c:>. Pop-up oprinkl"r heads sh.:,11 not i:,., lnst.:,lled using side o,tlet openings. :l.1I MI5c.E:LLANEOU5 E:GlUIF'MENT A. lnotall all assemblleo sp.,c.lfled herein ace,ordIn9 to the reopeetrv., detail dra.,Jngs or opeclflcatlons, uoln9 best •tandord prac.tlceo. 13. Gulck c.oupler v<:alv,so shall be oet approximately 12 lnGheo from walko, curbs, header bo<:ards, or paved ar .. as wh.!lre applic.<1bl". C.. Unle,ss c:1 .. sI9ned as ar Integral port of the Irrigation hl!lad, anti-drain valves "Ill i:,., lnotall"d under "very h"od. Th" anti-drain valve .,111 i:,., the oame diameter ao the rlo"r and be Integral to th" rloer ao,,.mbly. D. lnotal I rain sensor ao Jndlc.ated on the drawing• and ao rec.ommended boJ the manlJ'FG1Gtl.W"er. :l.I2 FLU5HIN5 THE SYSTEM A. Prior to lnetallatlon ol sprinkler nozzl.,,,, th" valve• ohall be "P"""d and a Pull head ol wat"r uoed to flush out th" lln"s and rls<>ro. e. Sprinkler nozzl"• ohall be lnotalled aft.., lluohlng th" syot.,m has beon eompleted. 5.1:l Ac:>JLJ5TIN6 THE 5Y5TEM A. C.ontractor ohall adjuot v<:alveo, ollgr heado, and chec;k coverags of ,oa<-h oyot,om prior to cave,-c::igs test. e. II It Is determined boj th" Landsc:.ap" AeGhlteGt or o .. nsr's authorlz.od ,.,presentatlv" that .:,ddltlonal adjuotmont• or nozzl" Ghan9e,o .. 111 be requrr"d to provide prope,r cove,ra9e, all n"Geooary change• or adjuotmento ohall be made prior to an~ pli::r1tIng. c.. The entlr" oystem ohall be op,sratrng properly before any planting ap.,ratlono commene,e. D. Automatic Gontrol valves are, to be adjusted •o that the sprinkler he<:ado opera!" at th" preesur" r"c:.ommended blj the manufacturer. :l.14 TE5TIN6 AND 06SERVATION A. Do nat allo" ar cauoe any of the "'ork of thl• oectlon to be covered up or enc;lo..,d until it ha• been obeerv9<1, t .. oted and aGc,opted boJ th" La,dsu,p" Architect, o,.,.n.,,, ard gov.,mlng agenGlee. 6. The Contrac.tor oholl i:,., oalo,ly reoponslble for notllyIng the Landoc;ap" Arc:.hltec;t, Own.,,, Gnd 9?Ye::mln9 ogenr:.les, a minlmvm of 4e hours in advance, i,,Jhers and i,..thsn the 1,,,1,ork !!3 ready for t"otlng. C.. J-lh"n tho eprlnkl"r •y•tem lo completed, th" C.Ontractor ohall perlorm a Govera9" t .. ot of each eyet"m In Ito "ntlr.,ty to d"lermlne II the "at"r c:.ov.,roge For the plooted or""" Jo complete ard cdequat" in th" pro,senGe ol th" La,doGape Arc.hltec.t. c:>. Th" C.Ontra<-tar shall lurnleh all moterl<:als and perform all work required ta correct any lnad"quac.l"s of Goverage du" to c:le\llatlono lrom the piano, or ""'"'" th" oyetem ha• be"n wllllully rnstclled as lnd!Gated on th" dre,wln9• "h"' It lo obvlovsly Inadequate, without bringing this to th" attsntlon al th" Landoc>ape Arc>hit6<>t. This teot snail be ace,e,pt"d boJ the Laldoc.ape Architect and acc.ompllohed i:>,ofore ,tarting any planting. E. C.ontractor to perl'orm 41r. mainline teot O 125 pel "Ith the Glty lnopector for approval prior to baGkfllll"9. E:. final lnopeGtlon .,.,11 not comm.,nc" wltho11t r"cord dra"lng• ao prepared by the lrrlgGt!on Contrac ;or. 3.15 MAINTENANC.E: c:>urlng th,o malntsn ,nc:.e p,orlod th" C.OntrQctor ohall adjust and maintain the Irrigation oyetem In a Pully o~..,,ational condition provldln9 c.omplete lrri9ation Govera9" to .:,II Intended plantln-g•.1 :l.I6 C.OMPLE:TION qlL.EANINe C.lean-up ehall be 'lade ao eac;h portion ol the work prog,.,ooeo. "'6f,oe and exGeoo dl-t ohall be removed rom th" olte, all "'alko and paving ohall b" broom.,d, and any damage ouotcln"d on the" ,rk of others shall be repaired to orlglnol condition,. E:Nc:> OF 51:C.TION ~I CITY OF CARLSBAD ---------,---------.,,-----=----------,------.----r------------------,c---!i--,--,--; IRRIISATION 5PECIFIC.ATION5 FOR, JDRAWN JP "AS-BUILT" L_JJ_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT L-10 NbSC"-PE Hl!rncTL 'RE ' I ' APPROVED PROGUESS 1st SUB :?.nd SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALB MM 08-10-04 12--23-04 DATE 02--28-05 TIRE: RECEIVED BY: 02-·142 06-15-04 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DATE INl11AL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTI,ER A PROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RloeE 2.1-2.2 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: CT 04-02 DRAWING NO. 420-4L 1-w Cl) z 0 I- t) ::, n:: I- C/) z 0 t) ...... - 1111 iii MATC.HLINE -SEE 51 IEET L-14 j II APPROVED FOR PLANTIN6 AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATIION OF PLANT/Ne AREAS. 65 MATC.HLIN,E - DRAWN APPROVUD PROGRESS let SUB 2nd SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE - 68 67 66 ' ... ,, .. .. .. . ·1 : ~.;;~::i;\. ,· ' ~ SEE SHEET L-15 JP "AS-BUILT" MM 06-15-04 12-23-1)4 DAllE 02-26-05 TITLE: RECEIVED BY: 02·-142 06-H5-U4 AS SHOWN INSPECTOll DAllE ·~' . " JL·~. . \ . Tu .. '', \ \ s,,, )v r~===---,.,,.. f;;.,, .. M\•\I' . 5 ~ ::. le. /,/\ "_•--\ ~,a .-· \ :\~\ \ . .,,. •, \ MATC.HLINE -SEE ABOVE, LEFT 90 89 BR 72 M -~1,;,,&M ·x MATC.HLIIE -SEE SI IECT L-14 ""° eol I"• -40' 7 1~011 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT (!.U!ST !:IUIL.C>!lll ,-L.AN'TINdo ,-L.ANS l"Olll, 1---u.. ~ ~ 0 ~==t===t=================t==f--t---r----, VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA LA CO:STA R./06E 2./-2.2 L-1.2 APPROVED DATE INlllAL DAllE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY:-~ 1 c;. T 04-02 420-4L RVWD BY: 1-w U) z 0 l-o ::::> n::: 1- U) z 0 () ~ l\l C I ~ "' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. DRAWN APPROVl!:D PROGRE8S hl SUB 2nd SUE JOB NO. DATE SCA.LE • • • 14 15 16 21 JP "AS-BUii_ T" MM OfJ-15-04 u~-2a-04 02-28-05 'TITLE: RECEIVED BY: 02--14-2 Of'I-U:i-04 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR ---':'!: :;;;:. ~---~ "h ,, l ' DATE DATE ++,'++++ + + + + ; • • • +' + ... +.i ti+++_;+ + ♦ + .... + /+-<;'++,t:+ ♦/ + .. • • -+,' + +; + V" ,~ + + + + V" + + ,.,. V",.. +1"+-t+i-.... ' ••• ,l?V"i,;,,t":' + + + : + I? V" •• ... ·/•.,.+t;> ++.'++t-, + \.;'.·.•.tti, DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK 64 63 I 52 51 \ 19 29 30 31 /2 {.'\ ~? 1i ,,/,.,, ,,, _,,_,~ LE ll■.fl.)lij!U II, iii 40 ::zo i 00 40~---- !!>GAL.I!!, I"• 40' REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INl11AL DATE INl11AL OTHER APPR JVAL CITY APPROVAL 55 56 ~_::_.c 7 48 , ~✓ ·i., --~:-_/·'. 'v· . )( CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT a.uesT BUii-Deii. l"I-ANTIN6 .-1-ANS 1"0111., VILL.A6ES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RID6E 2./-2.2 L-19 ~,,,-----.S::?P-OS: ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C.T 04-02 DRAWING NO. 420-4L 1-w (/) z 0 1- (..) ::::) fl'.'. 1- (/) z 0 0 57 45 6 l 44 • ' viii- . ~-'f\ ~ ·-~ " ,,;1 ~~,_'<>;~~. {\ i1•,1, 1 :l "'"" 4»"7 '\ x ·, --·,/·, L t 1 /,,-thf ,,'"'"·~"\ / Ii: ''">3a-1 if { . QI, '· / ,Y),, ',,) '>v\t-~• • 1'('. ') f V<;, >/.:, \ ! • -Jf _I • . 43 PEN ii,£& 73 74 76 75 Eil&IJIJ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTIN6 AREAS. 77 t34 83 82 78 9 j--- 79 80 1 /OT .HOA !11£--■-" -ii ,LffilJIJl1!1£ d ramamu 11 CE:~, MMC ' ' :NIW MATC.HLINE -SEE SHEET L-16 $CALI!!, I"• -40' l:ZOII ~ CITY OF CAJRLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ------------;:;;'iii"'2---------7:rt=~==~===1f=~==~==ff=~==~==~==~==~==~==-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-~j== ==== ==== ~~j:i ==== ====tt=~==~==~f=~==~=~~ SUl!!ST eUILDl!:111. !"LANTINS !"LAN$ P"Olll, ------.. "AS-BUILT" I-VILLA6ES OF LAC-OST.A t==t=+=====-------+=±=t==t=~ LA C-OST.A R./06/: 2.1-2.2 -.....,.--'°=---+----1------------==r=-+----+-----J I ====:=:::f"i===:~====~=5 DRAWN JP APPROVED MM L-14 PROGRl~SS 06-115--04 DA TE f-:c= L========;:;:;;,~~iT-========={==f:==t==========+=tl=+=+=~ s-=~ • 11 ~•'------__::.:....=_;;.: l=====t====~~=================================i=====jl====t=~~~=f~~~=~ I ,A~S~S~IS~T~A~N~T-~~P-L~A~N~N~IN~Gr~D~IR~E~C~T~O~Ri~i;i~~~~~riiiD~A~TE~~~ -RECEIVED BY: ;:; DRAWING NO. DWN BY: PRO,IECT NO. _, r a-DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAi. cHKD BY:___ GT 04-02 420-4L •.•. '"I ~~...::::::_ ___ __.:-'--DATE INITIAL RVWD BY· J()B NO. 02-142 REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER Af' !'l □VAL CITY APPROVAL . ENGINEER OF WORK DATE 06-15-·04 INSPECTOR DA TE lat SU:B 12-23--04 02-28--05 TITLE: 2:nd SUB SCALE - 1-w U) z 0 I-C,) ::, 0::: 1- U) z 0 C,) r ... APPROVED FOR PLANTINe AND IRRlc9ATION ONLY. INC.LUD1Nc9 PREC.ISE LOC.A TION OF PLANTINc9 AREAS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC,LLJDING PREC,ISE LOC,ATION OF PLANTINe AREAS. DRAWN APPROVED PROG-RESS t-,-t, SU:B 2nd SUB JOB ''°· DATE SCALl!<J - 26 27 28 JP "AS-BUILT" MM 06-15-04 12-23-04 02-e.a-05 TITLE: RECEIVED BY: 02-14-2 06-15-04 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR Lil&.£& 22 23 24 25 40 :zc, " ,., e,<::,Al-1!!, I"• -40' 1 DATE DATE INlllAL DATE INlllAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER PPROVAL DATE ji,ld' ,. ii Ji ,. '"j"~,, . ' " i' ';j i!;{: 1:1":i':. \ ' ,!!{ ' ,,~; i I 1:ZC,D ~ 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT .SU!!!&T eUIL.D!!R t-L.ANTI& l"L.AN& l"OR, VILLAGES OF LA COSTA L-15 LA COSTA RI06E 2./-2.2 APPROVE ~2o-co ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: GT 04-02 420-4L CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: 1-w CJ) z 0 -t; ::J o::'. 1- (/) z 0 (,) ~ I'\.) C) • ~ r-- ~2..,~ M I CHLINE -!•-, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 33 34 ' ' fJA fl~t'APE A'Ric ' rt .c1uRa: ' ' I I ' I ',I DHAWN APPROVED PROGRESS ll!lt SUEI 2n,d SUB JOR NO. DATE SCALE - 42 4,0 39 ' I,, ;.;·; I 111· ! '+ 38 MATCHLINE -SEE SHEET L-14 I 37 Rl!ffilmlBm 1: ✓------.," \ / \ )--•_"-~>>. \ ,·#·~//' '\ ··--., ' ~ a-WM'>}~-~-'.\ft~-/ X j \ '>'" J\f ' ___ )/ii: .. \. i 40 /·---.,, -': :r./ \ i ff),-';" ¼ ' { 20 . ' -,--: \ j / / 0 ' ' ·-. 's. ·;¥._ ! ••• -~.,J / I I" =-40' £. i. IDM KJULl.diffl e, 0 120 ii ..-1-6--1 ~-c-=-JT;:Y::PL=AN=~:::::lr:::.c=□c-E-,P-A-AR=f-M-~-=-Ns_T_B-=--A~D;~----, r--------.,,.,..-,--::-,,...,,-.,---------,----,----r----------------,---rl---,-----. JP "AS~BUIL T" ~ MM 06-15-04 DATE 12-23-04 02-28-05 TITLE: RECEIVED BY: 02-14..2 06-15-04 DATE INITIAL AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK DATE 1 IITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APP ·OVAL CITY APPROVAL 6U!!!>T 6UII-D!!l'II. l"I-ANTIN6 !"I.ANS 1"01'11., VILLA6ES OF LA COST.A LA COST.A Rlt:J6E 2./-2.2 L-16 DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: --GT 04-02 420-4L RVWD BY: 1-w Cl) z 0 1-(.) :::::> Q'.'. 1- (/) z 0 (.) ~ ~ I ~ ,..__ A CD "-OOT BAU 0 C.l'l0~-1" Al!lOVE FINISH -.ADE © FIN15H -AD!! 0 FINISH 5111:AD!! AT SLOI"!! ® :2 X l'lOOT BALL DIA. AND :2 X DEPTH ® !!lAc.l< FILL MIX (5!:E NO"re!I) 0) FERTILIZE"-(P!!:R !lOILS REPORT) 0 5!:E PAVINe DETAIL!l 0 TOP OF PAVING Qg 2" HleH l'IATER.IN5 BASIN (IF REGO) ® UNDISTIJReED NATIVE !lOIL ~illl I I _I IITT_l 11~_1 I l~]_I ITTTI 'J 1.._11,IJ '----+-......J ® SHRUB/TREE PLANTING DETAIL NT5 n 11--1---0 II II II ~-----<4 CD VIN!: ATTAc.Hl:D TO SUll?.FACE Y'IITH C.LEAR EPOXY VINE TIES 0 NURSERY 5TAl<E5-TO BE REMOVED © !:XISTINS 5URFACE 0 C.l'lOY'IN-I" ABOVE FINISH -.ADE ® 4" HIISH Y'IATERINe BASIN (IF R.EGUIR.ED) ® PLANT TA!!ILET5 0) FINl5H SRADE @ BAC.l<FILL MIX (5!:E 5PECSJ 0 :2Xl'lOOTBALL DIA. Qg UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL ® l'lOOT!!lALL 1:2 MIN. 6" BELOY'I FINISHED FLOORGBLD5. II>-----+-11 1=1 1 I-I' -Ill-_-111 111 I [ I --'-',-,-,-__,..,.,.....i..,.....,..----r,-,. I I ~I 1=111---=I ! 1=-111-1-11 ....___-------1 D F J 0 J NOTE, VINES ~!:RY ESPALIER STAKE: TO l!le MOVED AND ATTAc.HED TO 5URFAc.E BY C.LEAR. EPOXY VINE TIES, VINE PLANTING DETAIL NTS VAl'l.!ES l VAP<IE5 Q!!!TAI L Lm!":NP 04• DEPTH DECOMP05ED GRANl"TE• C.ALIFORN!A 60LD OR APPROVED EGUAL AVAILA6LE FROM I<~ ROc.l< • ~TH STABLIZE!i. (q' MIN. ~IDTl-1) MOIS"TEN D.5. f C.OMPAC.T TO qOII', 1'1/350 LB. ROLLE!i.- lNSTALL FENCE POSTS AND FOOTIN55 PRIOR TO D.5. INSTALLATION-D.5. PATH SHALL BE FLUSH W CIVIL SIDE~LI< 11-lERE IT Oc.aJRS. 1211 MAX. LON5111.0INAL SLOPE, 211\ MIN. C.ROSS SLOPE @2><6 RED~ HfADE!i. -ATT.,+Q, 2~4>cl2" STAKE 4' 0£-. TO 2"6 W 2 5ALV. NAILS-FINISH SAADE TO BE 2" BELO~ TOP OF 2"6 ©a c.oMPAc.lED 51.166AADE-iREAT TOP OF Sl.85RADE & FINISHED D.5. S!RFAc.E )'I/ Af'f'ROVED F'RE·EMEl<SENT SRANULAl'I. Hf~IC.IDE, INSTALL PER MANLFAc.nRERS l'I.EC.OMMENDATIONS DEC.OMFO5ED GRANITE NT5 CD :2" DIA. X 10' LODGEPOLE PINE STAKE (:2 REG'D) 0 RIGHT OF WAY © VINYL TR.E:E TIE (:2 R.EGO) 0 5'-0"MIN. ® SEE TR.E:E PLANTINl5 DETAIL ® 1:2" MIN. CD :2" 4 0 PR.EPAR.ED SOIL © PLANT TABLET ',-..."l•"'-,-.."fl'.,~."r."~."-r-,.--7 :'T1 TTI 1:~_ '4> FINISH ISR.ADE ,_,.,,,,..,,I I ® EGUAL(X)-SEE PLANT : •• 11 I I I I I l--1_11---111-_I I ,_J 11 11 '= SCHEDULE FOR ON TT::_ 1--11.-111-111-111-1 -111 CENTER SPAC.INe =~TTI _m: 1-1 -, . =-111---m 1 ® c.~~~A~7~~~':NT 1-111::. &EGTIQN AS INDIC.ATED ON PLAN 1 0) C.ONCR.ETE CURB OR HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT AS INDIC.ATED ON PLAN 0 EGUAL l/:2(X) --7 0) TR.E:E m!JNI< 0 l'lOOTBALL @6"MIN. Qg PREVAILINe Y'IIND AXIS B ® TRUNK TO BE 5' BEHIND R.O.Y'I. ---tB 0 PLAN VIEY'I . . . TREE STAKING DETAIL '--" ·-'--'t----1:1 '--'---' ... .• ... , .. ·. . . : . \ .. G) CONC.RETE SIDE Y'IALK OFI. HAFI.DSCAPE IMPROVEMENT AS INDIC.ATED ON PLAN 0 DEEPFI.OOT LB24-:2 © 5UB'5FI.ADE 0 PLANTS PER. PLAN © C,ONC.RETE CUFI.B OFI. HAR.DSC.APE IMF'FI.OVEMENT AS INDIC.ATED ON PLAN SUBMIT SAMPLE OF DEEPFI.OOT J-::::~~-:;;:--;:;;;-:;;;:-:::'.::::;---:~-;:::l::;--:::::;~-:;.f.--------1 LB24-2 TO 1= = = = = :::;;::::::;J 2 GITY INSPECTOFI. FOR. APPROVAL ------t---<. 4 PR.I OFI. TO INSTALLATION 1--...:=::::.· .=:.....:=::;::.....::==-=:.....::=::::..._:=:=.-=:.....:==----=:,,tj--72 PLAN !5 ROOT BARRIER NT5 ~• MIN. ~ NT!l C. 6ROUNDC.OVER PLANTIN6 DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS FOR HYDROSEEDING I. HYDFI.Oi;f:ED!NS MIXTURES AND RATE5 OF APPLICATION (IN NON-·IFI.Fl.ii,;ATED LOCATIONS, THESE MIXE5 SHALL BE HYDFI.OSEEDED ONLY DUR.INS THE PERIOD OF OCT. I THRU JAN. I, OFI. E5TABLl5HED THFI.OUGH AN AL TEFI.NATIVE APF'FI.OVED MEANS OF IRFl.1<5ATION) HYDROSEED MIX 11A 1' AL YS5UM 'C.AR.PET OF SNOH' GAZANIA Fl.11!"',ENS 'FIESTA Fl.ED' ALYS5UM 'FI.OYAL CAR.PET' HYDFI.O!:>EED MIX "B" ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFOFI.NIC.A LUP!NUS AFI.BOF<E.JS MIMULUS PUNICEUS POUNDS/AC.RE :I 10 B POUNDS/Ac.RE 5 e, B MINIMUM% PURITY /GERM. ",t!,/t!>O ",0/60 <>,e,/e,o MINIMUM% PUR.ITY /<5Eli!.M. ",[!,/t!,O ",0/60 ",[!,/[!,0 (ALL SEED AVAILABLE THFI.OUGH HYDFI.OPLANT, ATTN, Fl.OB MC.SANN 160-144-1"60 II. HYDFI.O!:,EEDIN5 5U5PEN510N OFI. SLURRY COMPOSITION <5REEN Y-IOOD MULCH FERTILIZEFI. (!6-16-16) AZ-TAC BINDER FEFI.FI.OUS 5UL.FA TE OR. !Fl.ON CHELATE 2,2!50.0 LB./AC. 400.0 LB./AC.. 150.0 LB./AC. 2.t!> GALS./Ac.. Ill. APPLIC.ATION PF<OC.EDIJRE5 AND EG!UIFMENT NT5 A. EG!UIPMENT -HYDRAULIC EG!UIFMENT USED FOFI. THE APPLICATION OF THE FEFI.TILIZEFI., SEED AND SLUFI.FI.Y OF PREPARED l-'IOOD PULP !;HALL BE OF THE "5UPER HYDR0-5EEDER" TYPE AS APPROVED BY THE C.ITY OF CAFI.L5BAD L.AND5CAPE INSPECTOR THIS EG!UIPMENT SHALL HAVE A BUILT-IN AGITATION SYSTEM AND OPERATINS C,APACITY 5UFFICIENT TO AGITATE, SUSPEND, AND HOMOSENEOUSLY MIX A 5LUR.R.Y CONTAININS NOT Lf:55 TH,"-N 40# OF FIBER MULCH PLUS A COMBINED TOTAL OF 1# FERTILIZER SOLIDS FOFI. EACH 100 GALLONS OF 1-'iA TEFI.. THE SLURRY DISTFI.IBUT!ON LINES SHALL BE LARGE ENOUGH TO PFI.EVENT 5TOPPASE AND SHALL BE EG!UIPPED HITH A SET OF HYDRAULIC 5PFI.AY NOZZLES i.-lHIC.H HILL PROVIDE A C,ONTINUOUS NON-FLUCT1JATIN<5 DISC.HARGE. THE 5LUFI.FI.Y TANI< SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CAPACITY OF !!500 SALLON5 AND 5HALL BE MOUNTECJ ON A TRAYELIN5 UNIT, EITHER SELF-PROPELLED OR DRAHN BY A SEPARATE UNIT, HHICH HILL PLACE THE SLURRY TANI< SPRAY NOZZLES HITHIN SUFFICIENT PROXIMITY TO THE AREAS TO BE SEEDED. B. PREPARATION -THE SLUR.RY PREPARATION 5HALL TAKE Pt..AC.E AT THE SITE OF Y-IORK AND SHALL BESIN B'!" ADDIN<5 HATER. TO THE TANI< HHEN THE ENSINE 15 AT HALF-THFI.OTTLE. HHEN THE HATER LEVEL HAS REACHEI::> THE HEISHT OF THE AGITATOR SHAFT, SOOD RE-C.!RC-ULATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND, AT THIS TIME, THE SEED 5HALL BE ADDED. FERTILIZERS SHALL THEN BE ADDED, FOLLOHED B'!" HOOD PULP MULC.H. MULCH SHALL. ONLY 6E ADDED TO THE MIXT1JFI.E AFTEFI. THE SEED AND HHEN THE TANK 15 AT LEAST ONE-TH!FI.D (113) FILLED )',IITH 1-'!ATEFI.. THE EN<51NE THFI.OTTLE SHALL BE OPENED TO FULL 5PEED HHEN THE TANK IS HALF-FILLED HITH 1-'!ATEFI.. ALL THE HOOD PLILP MULCH SHAI..L BE ADDED B'!" THE TIME THE TANK 15 Tl-'IO-THIFI.DS (:213) TO THREE-FOURTHS (5/4) FUL.L SPRAYING SHALL C.OMMENC-E IMMEDIATELY HHEN THE TANK 15 FULL. C. APPLIC.ATION -THE OPEFI.ATOR SHALL 5PFI.AY THE SLOPES HITH A UNIFORM, VISIBLE COAT BY U51N5 THE SREEN C.OLOl<I. OF THE l-'IOOD PULP AS A GUIDE. THE SLUFI.FI.Y SHALL BE APPLIED IN A 5HEEPING MOTION, IN AN AFI.CHED STREAM 50 AS TO FALL LIKE RAIN, ALLO)',IIN<5 THE l-'IOOD FIBEFI.S TO BUILD ON EACH OTHER UNTIL A GOO!::> COAT IS ACHIEVED, AND THE MATERIAL 15 SPREAD AT THE R.EG!UIFI.ED RATE PEFI. ACFI.E. D. ALL 6AR!: SPOTS 5HALL BE FI.ESEEDED HITH!N NINETY (",O) DAYS TO THE 5AT!5FAc.TION OF THE CITY OF CAFI.LSB,"-D INSPECTOR E. FRIO!'<'. TO ·rHE ACCEPTAN,:;E OF THE HYDFl.051:EDED AREAS BY THE CITY'S IN5PECTOFI., A CEFI.TIFICATION REPORT MUS1" BE 5U6Mlnt:D BY A RESISTER.ED LAND5C-APE ARCHITECT, 5TATINS THAT THE HYDFI.OSEEDINS l-'IA5 DONE Ac;c;oR.DIN6 TO THE PROJECT SPECIFICATION AND THAT ITS <5ROHTH 15 ADEQUATELY ESTABLISHED TO PFI.EVENT 1::"ROSION. F. THE COVER C,FI.OP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE AND MANNER SUFFICIENT TO PFI.OV!DE "!0% COVERAGE HITHIN BO D,A,'!"S. PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME TREES, @ _....._ C,ERC,IS OCCIDENTALIS A JUGLANS CALIFORNICA METROSIDEROS EXC.ELSUS (MU Tl) ♦ OLEA EUROPAEA PINUS HALEPENSIS PINUS TORRE'!' ANA l"LATANUS ACeRll"OLIA PLATANUS RACEMOSA l"O!"ULUS Nl6fllA 'ITALICA' GUERCUS AGRIFOLIA GUERCIJS VIRGINIANA 5CHINIJ5 MOLLE COMMON NAME 1-ESTERN REDBUD CALIFORNIA BLACK l,IIALNUT Nfi,11 ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE OLIVE ALEPPO PINE TORRE'!' FINE LONDON !"LAN! TI'ii!I: CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE LOM5Afl'DY l"Ol"LAIII. COAST LIVE OAK SOUTHREN LIVE OAK CALIFORNIA PEPPER SHRUBS, TURF AND 9ROUNDCOVER, @ © ~ 0 ~ [2:d ~ ~ @ ~ AGAVE ATTENUATA ALOE ARBORESCENS ALOE STRIATA • ARBIJTIJS UNEDO CAREX TIJMULICOLA CEANOTHUS HORIZONTALIS • CEANOTHUS 'JULIA PHELPS' CISTUS SPP. • ECHIUM FASTU05UM FESTIJCA MAIREI MYOFORUM PACIFIC.UM • PENNISETIJM SET ACEUM 'CUPREU i<OSMAR!NUS 0. 'TIJSCAN BLUE' SAL VIA GREGGI I • ROSMARINUS 0. 'FROSTRATIJS' SOD FOXTAIL AeiAVE TREE ALOE CORAL ALOE STRA)',IBERRY TREE SEDGE CARMEL CREEPER N.C.N. ROCKROSE PRIDE OF MADEIRA ATLAS FESCUE MYOFORUM 1' FOUNTAIN GRASS ROSEMARY AUTIJMN SAGE DV'lARF ROSEMARY MARATHON 9 SIZE G!TY 15 GAL. 5 15 GAL. 1 24"BOX 146 24"BOX 18 15 GAL. :31 15 GAL. 8 15 GAL. 68 15 GAL. 8 24"BOX 8 15 GAL. 12 96"BOX 13<1 15 GAL. 30 I GAL. 50 I GAL. <18 I GAL. • :30" O.C. 5 GAL. F:, LINERS c 18" 0 C. I GAL. • 6' O.C. 5 GAL. 80 I GAL. • 6' O.C. 5 GAL. 23<1 LINERS • 18" O.C. I GAL. 11 8' O.C. 4" POTS Cl 12" O.C. I GAL • 4' O.C. I GAL.• 4' O.C. FLATS • 18" O.C. SOD TIJl'V' • ON SLOPES, THESE SHRIJBS T) BE UNDERFLANTED l,IIITH MYOPORUM FARVIFOLIUM 'PROSTRATIJM' FROM FLATS • 18" O.C. ALL SLOPES, UNLESS OTHERY-11:-'' NOTED, TO BE UNDERPLANTED l,IIITH 1-/'T'DROSEED MIX "A" -SEE SPEC'S ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I LJl_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT 20 ,----------,,-----,,---------,----,---.-----------------,--~r-----,----,-----1 "AS-BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC.LUDING PR.EC.ISE LOC.ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. DRAWN APPROVED PROG.RE:SS 1"l suu 2nd SUB .roB NO. DATE SCALE: - JP MM 08-1J5-04 12-2:3-04 02-26-05 02·-142 06-U'.i-04 AS SHOWN -- DATE TITLE: RECE!V[D BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL Oll-lER A •'PROVAL DA TE INITIAL. CITY APPROVAL PLANTIN<5 LEGEND, DETAll.5 AND NOTES FOFI., VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2./-2.2 L-11 DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: --C, T 04-02 420-4L RVWD BY: -------- 1-w U) z 0 l-o :::> IY'. 1- U) z 0 (.) ab. I'\) 0 PLANTING NOTES I. A. THE PLANTING PLAN 15 DIAGRAMMATIC ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. PLANT SYMBOLS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT QUANTITIES SPECIFIED. B. QUANTITIES SHOY'lN ON THE PLANTING PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR ONLY. C.. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Of THE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN QUANTITIES AND SYMBOLS 5HOV'IN. 2. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY A CONTACT HERBICIDE, HHERE HEEDS ARE PRESENT, PER MANUFAC.T1.JRER5 SPEC.IFIC.ATIONS A MINIMUM OF TEN (lo) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT Of ANY PLANTING OR IRRIGATION HORK. HEEDS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO C.OMPLETEL Y DIE BACK, INCLUDING THE ROOTS BEFORE PROCEEDING 1-llTH HORK. HERBICIDE APPLICATOR SHALL BE LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 3. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT FROM AN AUTHORIZED TESTING AGENCY TO THE CITY LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL BEFORE BEGINNING HORK. 4. PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRl6ATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND PLANTIN6 AREAS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SOAKED 5. ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED, Y'-JHIC.H HAVE A SLOPE OF LESS THAN 10%, SHALL BE CROSS-RIPPED TO A DEPTH OF SIX (b") INC.HES AND THE FOLLOl'IIIN6 AMENDMENTS SPREAD EVENLY AND THOROU6HL Y BLENDED IN FER 1,000 SQUARE FEET. THE QUANTITIES PROVIDED BELOH ARE FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. ALL AMENDMENTS AND QUANTITIES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. A. 5 CUBIC. YARDS NITROGEN FORTIIFIED REDY'-JOOD SHAVINGS B. 100 POUNDS A6RIC.UL T1.JRAL GYPSUM C. 15 POUNDS IRoN SULPHATE D. 25 POUNDS lb-b-8> SLOl'li RELEASE FERTILIZER b. EACH PLANT SHALL RECEIVE "AGRIFORM" (OR EQUAL) PLANT TABLETS AS FOLLOHS, ROOTED CUTTING/4" POT (I) 5 6RAM I GAL. CONTAINER (I) 21 6RAM 5 GAL. CONTAINER (5) 21 6RAM 15 GAL. CONTAINER BOX TREE (5)21 GRAM (I) 21 GRAM PER 3" BOX SIZE 1. FOR BID PURPOSED ONLY, PLANT BAGK FILL SHALL BE 50% SITE SOIL, AND 50% NITROGEN FORTIFIED REDWOOD 5HAVIN65 BY VOLUME. THESE QUANTITIES SHALL BE SUPERCEDED BY THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. e,_ PLANT PITS SHALL BE Tl'IIICE THE SIZE OF THE DESl6NATED NURSERY CONTAINER. Cl. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE ROOT BOUND, FIVE 6ALLON PLANTS AND LARGER SHALL HAVE BEEN GROl'IIN IN CONTAINERS FOR A MINIMUM Of b MONTHS AND A MAXIMUM OF THO YEARS. PLANTS SHALL EXHIBIT HEAL THY 6ROl'IITH AND BE FREE OF DISEASES AND PESTS. 10. A. STAKE ALL TREES FER DETAIL. B. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES ON ALL VINES AND ATTACH TO ADJACENT FENCES l'IIITH GALV. NAILS AND 6REEN NURSERY TAPE. ATTACH TO l'IIALLS HITH EPOXY TIES. C, REMOVE NURSERY STAKES AND TIES FROM ALL CONTAINER STOCK. MAINTAIN SIDE GROl'IITH ON ALL TREES. II. PLANTS SHALL NOT BE PLACED J,-,IITHIN TWELVE (12") INC.HES OF SPRINKLER HEADS. 12. SHRUBS SHOHN IN PLANT AREAS SHALL BE UNDER-PLANTED V'IITH GROUNDCOVER SHOHN BY ADJACENT SYMBOL, TO J,-,IITHIN 12" OF MAIN PLANT STEM. 1:3. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM Of 2% DRAINAGE AHAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS, 5TRLJGT1.JRES, AND J,-,IALL5. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE SMOOTHED TO ELIMINATE PUDDLING OR STANDING HATER. 14. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE ONE (I) INCH BELOl'li THE TOP OF CURBS, SILLS, AND J,-,IALKV'IAYS IN ALL AREAS. l'IIHER.E SOD 15 LAID NEXT TO THESE IMPROVEMENTS-FINISH GRADE BEFORE LAYING SOD SHALL BE 1-1/2" BELOJ,-,1 THE TOP. 15. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL LEAVE SITE IN A CLEAN CONDITION, REMOVING ALL UNUSED MATERIAL TRASH AND TOOLS. , , 16. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL PLANTIN65 FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (<IO) DAYS AFTER COMPLETION. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN, J,-,IATERED, AND WEED FREE. 11. AT COMPLETION Of ALL Y'-JORK OUTLINED IN THESE PLANS, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT Ol'IINER AND ARRANGE FOR A 1-lALK THROUGH TO DETERMINE THAT ALL ASPECTS OF 1-lORK ARE COMPLETED. 1-lORK MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED AC.CORDING TO ALL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND MUST BE COMPLETED IN A 600D J,-,IORKMANSHIP MANNER AND MUST BE ACCEPTED BY THE Ol'IINER IN l'IIRITING PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. APPROVED FOR PLANTINe AND IRRISATION ONLY, INC,LlJDING PREC,ISE LOC,ATION OF PLANTING ARE.AS. DRAWN APPROVED PROGRESS !alt. SUB 2nd SUB JOI) NO. DATE SCALE - JP MM 08-15-04 12-23-04 02-28-06 02-14-2 06-15-04 -- AS SHOWS THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOIAIING SC.OPE OF IAIORK, A. DAILY V'IATERING OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL. B. IAIEEKL Y MOIAIING OF ALL T1.JRF AREAS. C. HEEDING AND REMOVAL OF ALL 1-lEEDS FROM GROUND COVER AREAS. D. REPLACEMENT OF ANY DEAD, DYIN6, OR DAMAGED TREES, SHRUBS, OR GROUND COVERS. E. FILLING AND REPLANTING OF ANY LOY'-J AREAS HHIC.H MAY GAUSE STANDING WATER. F. ADJUSTIN6 OF SPRINKLER HEAD HEIGHT AND V'iATERING SYSTEM. G. FILLING AND RECOMPACTION OF ERODED AREAS. H. JAIEEKLY REMOVAL OF ALL TRASH, LITTER, CLIPPINGS, AND ALL FOREIGN DEBRIS. I. AT 50 DAYS AFTER PLANTIN6, AMMONIUM SULFATE SHALL BE APPLIED TO LAHN AREAS AT THE TE OF 5 LBS. FER 1,000 SQUARE FEET. J. AT bO DAYS AFTER PLANTING AND PRIOR TO THE END OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, BEST FERTILI ~ER COMPANY I6-t,-e, (OR EQUAL) SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE RATE OF b LBS. PER IPOO SQUARE FEET TO LAJ,-,IN REAS AND PLANTING AREAS. 18>. PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD, LANDSC.APE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OJAINER AND AR 1NGE FOR A FINAL HALK THROUGH. OHNER MUST ACCEPT ALL MAINTAINED AREAS IN JAIRITING PRIOR TO END OF M ~INTENANCE PERIOD. l<I. A. ALL 6ROUND COVERS SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS TO GROIAITH AND HEAL TH F ,)RA PERIOD OF SIXTY (bO) DAYS AFTER THE COMPLETION OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. LL SHRUBS SHALi- BE 6UARANTEED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS TO GROHTH AND HEAL TH FOR A PERIOD Of NINETY (<10) ::>AYS AFTER COMPLETION OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ALL TREES SHALL BE 6UARANTEE., BY THE CONTRACTOR TO LIVE AND GROIAI IN AN ACCEPTABLE UPRIGHT POSITION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (I) (EAR AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. B. THE CONTRACTOR, HITHIN FIFTEEN (IS) DAYS OF WRITTEN NOTIFICATION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARC.HI C.T, SHALL REMOVE AND REPLACE ALL GUARANTEED PLANT MATERIALS, HHICH FOR ANY REASON FAIL O MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GUARANTEE. REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE HITH PLANT MATERIALS AS IND CATED OR SPECIFIED ON THE ORIGINAL PLANS, AND ALL SUCH REPLACEMENT MATERIALS SHALL BE 6UARANTE ·'DAS SPECIFIED FOR THE ORl6INAL MATERIAL GUARANTEE. 20. PER CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL/EROSION CONTROL STANDARDS NO. I, 2, 3, 4 4, SLOPES OVER 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL HAVE, A) STANDARD NO. I -GOVER CROP-JUTE MESH (100% COVERA6E) B) STANDARD NO. 2 -GROUND GOVER, MINIMIJM FLATTED SIZE (100% COVERAGE) C) STANDARD NO. 3 -LOH SPREADIN6 SHRUBS FROMMINIMUM .2-3/4" LINERS (i0% COVERAGE D) STANDARD NO. 4 -TREES AND LARGE SHRUBS FROM MINIMUM I GALLON (1/200 SQUARE FE ::T) .21. SLOPES BETWEEN 4' AND 8' VERTIC.AL HEIGHT SHALL HAVE STANDARD NO.I, N0.2, N0.3 ABOVE 22. ALL TREES TO BE PLANTED A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF: A.) 15' FROM ALL STREET LIGHT POSTS B.) 1' FROM ANY SEJr.lER LINES C.) 10' FROM ANY GAS LINE OR STORM DRAIN. D.) 3' OUT Of RISHT OF WAY. E.) 5' FROM ANY WATER OR DRY UTILITITY LINES 23. ALL TREES PLANTED WITHIN 8' FROM ANY HARDSCAPE PAVEMENT, OR C.URBS SHALL RECEIVE A LB.24-2 'DEEP ROOT' TREE ROOT BARRIER INSTALLED IN A 10' LINEAR APPLICATION, OR AS SHOWN ON PLANTING PLAN. ROOT BARRIER SHALL NOT ENC.IRCLE THE ROOT BALL SEE DETAIL E/lb. 24. ALL TREES SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWIN<S SPEC.IFICATIONS, CONTAINER SIZE HEISHT x HIDTH C.ALIPER A. 15 GAL. (STD) 1'-8' X 2'-3' I" -1.25" B. 24" BOX (STD) "l'-II' X 4'-5' 1.25" -1.5" .24" BOX (MUL Tl) b'-1' x 4'-5' 1 . .25" -1.5" c.. 3b" BOX (STD) 12'-14' x b'-1' 2 11 -2.5 11 3b" BOX (MUL Tl) "l'-I0' x b'-1' 1 . .25" -1.5" 25. ALL SLOPES SHALL RECEIVE A 50% ALYSSUM 'ROYAL CARPET' AND 50% ALYS5UM 'CARPET F SNOV'l' HYDROSEED MIX AS A 'COVER CROP' UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON C.IVIL EN<SINEER'5 I_ANS. AL YSSUM HYDROSEED MIX SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN 30 DAYS Of SLOPE GRADING. 26. ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS (EXCLUDING TURF AND SLOPES :3,1 AND GREATER) SHALL BE MULCHED V'IITH A 3" DEEP LAYER OF 'MEDIUM SRIND MULCH' AT THE C.ONC.LUSION OF PLANTINS OPERATIONS. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE. ...--------~----=---------.---,-----.---------------,---,-+----r------r---1 "AS-BUILT" ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD 'SHEETS/ ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 20 DATE TITLE: RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR DATE PLANTING LEGEND, DETAILS AND NOTE5 FOR, VILLAGES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RIOSE 2./-2.2 L-18 i-------t------1--------------+----+-+---+--+------1 _AP::--:Pc--:R:-:=D-:-cVE._$.t2!-~~~~=-=-=------$2.0-0S"" ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DATE I IITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APP OVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: __ CHKD BY: __ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-02 DRA'MNG NO. 420-4L 1-w en , z 0 1-u :J Cl::'.'. I-en z 0 u l"L.ANTINi,. AND MAINT?!NANCI! 1.0 sco~ 1.01 ,-.,r,"rm c:,11 plc:,nt1n9 c:,nd mc,lntenc,nee "'""'le. c:,e lndlec:,t•d c:,nd &peellled, eomplete. 1.0:2 Th• Condltl"n& ol th• Contrc:,et c:,nd th• "'8naral Speel'1c:atione are a pc:,rt of thli, Sec:tlon. 1.oe CONT'lltOL., Th• ••l•etron ol herk>lelde&, applleatlon ratee, c:,nd method& are to be perlorm11d under the eontrol and 9uldc:,nc:11 0, " state al Calllornlc, llc:eneed pe&t c:ontrol advleor and appll.-.c:,t.,,-_ 1.04 L.ABO-TOl"V ANAL.'T'SIS, ,-rovlde l""°ratory &olle anc:,lyela c:onlorm1n9 to the lollo"'1n9, A. Teetln9 to be perlormed by the Soll and ,-lc:,nt L.aborc:,tory, 41:2 S". L.yon, Santa Ana, CA "1:2111, (114) !!!St>-eeee. e. Submit l:he lollo"'1n9 eolla aamplee to the laborc:,to"Y at the c:ommenc:ement "' l"(ork1 I. Native eoll, Ten repr•••matlv• &c,mpl•• "' nc,t:lv• •oil to be lc,nd•c:apad c:,t loc;atlon!o&h""'n on plane .. 1th thl& eymbol. '"•rlorm t..o (:::2) Solle Teote at •c>eh loc;atlon. (On• (I) at 9round level to 10" deep, and one (I) at :24" -66" depth.) :::2. Import eoll, One (I) repreeentatlve ec:,mple lor ec,eh 100 c;uc,lc: yard• and/or 50UrG•. C. ,-lae• •ac:h ec,mpl• In c:, •turdy c::ontalnar, properly ld•ntlfl•d, labeled, c:,nd dc:,ted. D. !'"rovld• r•port ol r•r,ult& to th• O"'ner, L.andec:ap• Arehltec:t, City lnapec:tor c,nd "'•n•ral Contrc,c::tor. I!. All teetln9 ,oervlc:•e ehall b• paid /or by th• L.andec:ap• Contrc,c::tor. :::2.0 CSl!N!:JllAL. CONDITION5 :2.01 All &eal•d dimen,olon& are approxlmc:,te. Ch11c::lc. and verily all elte dlm•nel"n& and rec::elve O"'n•r'• reprer,entatlve'e approve,! prl"r to proeeedln9 .. 1th l'IOrlc. und11r thre eec::tlon. :2.0:2 co.,rdlnate lnetallatlon ol oil plant mc:,terlale, to avoid lnterlerenc:11 l'llth oth•r GonstruGtlon. :::2.09 l<•ep th• pr•ml,o•e c::l•an md Ir•• ol e><c.••& eq_ulpm•nt, mc:,t11r1al&, and d•brle lnc.ldental to .. ark. :2.04 ,-,otec::t l'!orlc. and "'orlc. "' other• at all tlm11e In p11rlormanc.e ol .. orlc.. :::2.05 Corelully note c,11 llnl&h 9rc:,d11e ""'"re c.ommenc:ln9 .. orlc.. "'-"•tor• c,ny llnl&h grc,d11c:h""'3•d dur1n9 c::our&e "' thl& "'orlc. to or191nal or Intended 9rad11e. 6.0 ON-SIT?! 01351:1'VATION 9.01 The lollo .. 1n9 elt11 vl&lte •h"II be m"d• by ,:;,,.ner'e repr11eent"tlve. The Contr"c::torehall req_ueet revl•l'I In "'rltln9 In "dvanc::e ol the time &It• vlalt la req_ulrad. Advc,n<.e notlllc:atlon lor the belo"' •Jte vlelte eh"II b11 r .. q_ulred c,a lollo"'e, A. !"re-Job c::onlerenc.•• 1 day•, City lnr.p•c.tor t" att•nd c,i&<• 15. ,-,na I 9rada r•vr ... , 4e houre C. ,-1 ant material revl•"'• 4e, houre D. l'"l"nt layout r•vr .... 4e, houre I!. Soil pr•porc,tl"n and planting op11ratlone (on• (I) tr•• "'Ith •ac:h typ• ol ,op•c::llled &tc,lc.ln9 eholl be opprov•d prior to planting tr••eJ, 4e houre I". l'"r,a-malnt,ananc.e, 1 dc,y& i,._ ,-lnc,I "ec.,aptanc. .. , 1 day• a 0:2 II Contrac.tor r•q_u .. ete c, elte vlelt and th• •It. la not Pound to be In an c,c:.c.eptabl• c:.ondltlon to hold the r•vle .. , th• hourly leee .,p th .. p .. rl>Onnal c:alled lor the .,,te vlelt ehall be paid by th .. Contrac.tor and •holl be deduc::ted from hit> <.ontro<.t prle ... 9.oe No elt• vl•lte ehall c.omm .. n.o• .. rthout all lt•m• not•d In pr .. vloue ob&•rvatlon , .. port11 .. 1ther c.ompl•t•d or r .. m .. dl•d uni••• euc::h c::ompllonc.e ha& be .. n "'"rv .. d by th .. o ... n .. r. 51t• vlelt• that are ec:.heduled, bllt th .. Contrac.tor hae Palled to oc.c:.omplleh punc:hllet tar.le.,, or prepc,r,a odeq_aot .. ly /or d .. alr•d lnr.p .. c::tlon&, ehall mok,a th• Contra<.tor r,a10pone1 .. 1 .. for relmbur1>ln9 th• L.andec:op• Arc::hlt .. Gt at hie Gvrr .. nt hourly blllln9 rat,a plu& trc,neport"l:lon Gosl:e. No further Jnepec:tlone &h"II ber.c.hedul,aduntll this c:h"r9e hoe """n paid and r .. c:: .. 1v .. d by L.and&eape Arc:hlt .. c.l:. 4.0 MAT?!1'1AL.S 4.01 51!N!:~, l'"rovld• ma•erlale ol beet q_uallty obtalnable, "hlc.h G""FIY etr1c::t1y l'llth dr""'ln9e "nd o,p,ac:lllc:0tlane. 4.0:2 STATE:MeNTS 01" CONF'l1'MATION, Submit at tlm .. of d .. llv .. ry lnvo1c. .. r.t"l:em .. nt,o <-ertllyln9 q_uantltle10 b\j bllllc. "nd/or l'l•l9ht, for all or90nlc:: am .. ndmenl;r, c,nd fertilizer&. Submit suppll•r&' c:erl:llic:"t .. e ol Gomplic,nc:e l'llth th .. ee &pe<.IPlc.a•lon11. ~ndom •omple& may ., .. taken by Ol'ln,,r'e r .. preaentatlve for c,n"ly&le. 4.06 01'5,..NIC AMl:NDMeNT{ D .. r,ved lrom l'IOod or barlc., 9ranvlar In nature, st"bllized .. 11:h nltro9en and lorl:11l•d l'llth mlnaraho, and havln9 l:he lollo"'1n9 propertr .. a, A. Or9anlc: Contant, Minimum "IOitl by "•lght. 13. ,-c,rtlel,a s,, .. , Minimum "l!5!i'I, paee1n9 4 m,aeh eer .. en Minimum e,,:;,ll; paee1n9 e, m,a,.h eGre•n. C. Nltro9•n Cont .. nt, 0.!5'11r. baa•d on dry ...... 19ht lor r .. d ... ood aa.,du&t. 0.1'11r. ba& .. d on dry "eight lor /Jr ec,.,.dur.t. 1.05\ ""'"ed on dny ,. .. 19ht lor llr or pin .. bark. NOTE:, l'"ln11 """'duet le not c,c::c:eptabl•. D. Mlnerollz .. d, 0.1'11r. total Iron. I!!. Sollnlty, Maximum c::onduc::t1v1ty e.!5 mm/c::m at :2!! degre .. ., C. 4.04 l"l!!l'I.TIL.IZl!!1' AND MIN!!-LS, A. 1" .. rric. &ullat•, l"e:2 (S04) 6 minim..,, ::lo.Ir, I"•, a• metallic:.. e. CSyp•um, C"lc.lum Sullata, CA !&04 l-+:20, ::ZOSI; CA 165\ GOmbln•d eullur. C. Soil &ullur, Minimum "155\ .. 1 .. m .. nt"I eullur. D. C.Omm•rGlal F•rl:.illzer: Ammonl1Jm !11Jh1 ate :21-0-0 Amm0nh.1m nitrate 64-0-0Ammonlum phoephate 16-:::20-0 6-:::20-:::20 e.et Co., or •q_uol, lor eoll pr•parotlon l::Z-1:::2-1:::2 S•,ot Co., or .. q_ual, lor &oil pr•p"ratlon 16-6-e 6-s,t Go., or •q1.1c:d 1 for-malnt•nanc:.• !!. Ac;irllorm :::20-10-!5 (:::21 gram) planting tc,l,,l•t•. I". &!>ro,.-l'"ol'l8r ,-lue, !!,9,1, !lo.Ir, humue, :::291; &oil pen,etrant 1"1-+ 4.!! -4.1. NOT!!, ACT\JAL. AMl!NDMeNTe TO 1!51! D!!Tl!1'MIN!!D e'I" $OIL.$ ~1'"01'T 0!!5TAINl!D 1"1!!1' 51!CTION 1.04 AeOVI!!. 4.0!5 l'"L.ANT MAT?!1'IAL.S, <lluc,ntlty ond olz• ol plant. o• atc,ted on the !'"Ian& and ,-lont L.let. No root bound mat•rlale ollo"ed. ,-lc,nt& ,ohall ., .. lr .. •h and v19orou&, ol n"rmal 9rol'll:h, and Ir•• ol d1e .. 01te•, "•ede, harmful ln• .. c.te, or th .. rr lneec.t .. 9911 and lc:,rv" .. · A. ,-lc,nte •h"II c::omply .. ,1:1i Calllornlc, Stat .. D•p"rtm .. nt al Ac;irlc::ultur .. 'e r•9ulatlon lor nure .. ry lnep .. c::tlone, rulee, and roting•. All plante eh"II hav•" normal habit ol gra .... th and &hall ba eound, h .. all:hy, vl9oroue, and Ir• .. ol lne11Gt lnleetatlone,, plant dle,aae .. e, eunr,c::olda, lr•eh abraelone ol l:h• boric., ex""'""lve """"•Jon&, or oth11r obJ .. c:•lonable dl!•'19ur .. m .. nte. Tr•• trunlc.r. r.ha 11 be &turd\j and "ell hardened. All plant& ehall have normally .,.11-d .. v .. lop .. d branc::h e,yel: .. m& and v19oroue and ,1broue root e,yeteme.. Y'lrl•r• Gorit:.alner-9rol'ljr, plme, c::1re from several sovrc:ee, the rool:e ol not ,., ..... , than t .. o (::Z) plant& ol .. ac::h ep .. c:1 .. ., or v"rlety lrom eac:h eourc:• .. 111 be lnep•c:t .. d. In G"e• the ""mple plan•e ore lound to ., .. d .. 1 .. c.trv .. , the L.andec.ap• Arc.hlteet r•& .. rv•e th• rl9ht to reJeGt the en•lre lot or lote o, plc,nt• , .. pr .. ••ntad b~ d11/11etlve "'"mpl .. •. Th• L.c,nd1>eap• Aeehlt11c.t I& •he eol11 Judge ae to c,c::c::•ptablllt~. Any plonta r•nd.a,..d uneultabl .. Por plant1n9 bac:aue .. ol thl• lnap .. c.tlon "'Ill ba Gon&ld•r .. d "" eompl•r. and .. 111 be provld .. d at th .. Contr"Gtor'• .. ><p .. ne ... 15. Th• .,,,n1mu"' aee•ptabl• •lz• ,,,_ all &hrube, m•a•ur•d be/or .. pruning "Ith tha braneh•• In n,,-.,.,,1 poell:lon, eriall eon/.,,-m to th• m•aeur .. m•nt,o utlllz•d by +-+rn .. e Nu,...r~. l"lonte l0r9•, In eiz .. than •pac.111 .. d may b• u!>•d .. 1th th• approval ol l:h• L.<>nde<.op• Ae,ohlt•et, but tha ue• ol larg•r plante "'Ill c::ov•• no c::han9 .. In c.ontrac:t pr-le::•. All tr .. • •iz•e ehall c::onlorm to •h• minimum elz•• lndlc::ot .. d p•r epec.1'l,ad c::ont"ln•r •Jze "" c.omolned In th .. Val 1 .. yc:reat Tr .. • Company c.otc>l<>9. C. ,-1c,nt11 "'Ill be &ubJeGt to revle .. for ""c: .. p•anc:e or r .. Jec::tlon "t pl""• ol 9ro .. th "n/or on proJ•<.t olt• at c,n~ trm .. ., .. ,or• or during pro9r,aee ol .. ork, Por 111z .. , vc,r1 .. ty, condition, la•ent delec.te, and lnJurle&. 1'emov• , .. J .. c:ted plan•• Pr"m elt,a Immediately and repl"G .. l'llth "c:"eptabl .. plants. D. A• no time ehal I treee or plant mater la le be prun .. d, trimmed or topp .. d prior to dellvery; any alternation ol they eh"P .. ., .. c:ondu.,ted only "'Ith the "pprovc,I ol and In 1:he pre•enee oP th .. L."ndec::ap ... !!. l"rot•c::t "II plant& P,rom doma9ln9 &un and "'Ind. Doma9 .. may be c:avse /or reJ .. c::l:Jan ev .. n alt.r Initial ac::Geptanc: ... F. Sube•ltu•ee ore not p•rmltted uni .. .,,. ep•c::lllc::"lly approved In l'lrltln9. 4.06 S!!l!D MIX!!S A. sea:,, Ae epec::llled, d .. 11vered to th .. Job elt., unml><ed In ,. .. parc,t. eeal•d eonta1n .. re. eoeh c::ontaln,ar muet be"r the ,.e .. d &uppller'e labale 1nd1c::at1n9 •he Gon•alner l'l•l9ht, ., .. ,.d type, eeed purity, and 9ermlnotion perc:,antc,9 .. ,., Al I c.ontainer& ohall "" labeled 0Gc:ordln9 to atate and 18deral ,oe.,d I"""· Sample& may be token /or te1>l:in9 •o enoure tfiot th .. ,.., .. ,, ep .. c:.ilic.atlon& have ""en met. 4.01 TURI" AND CSl'!.Asees A. 1-+ydrauliG e. .. dln9 I. 5eed, Freeh, "lean, ne .. c.rop ,. .. ,.d, pr11m1x .. d by ,ouppll,ar. "l"larren'• L.andecc,p,are Mix 1"11eeu .. Blend" -Mix adventure, mu•tard, and arid , .. ecv .. e .. hlc::h ore l00% pur• and have a 9 .. rmln"tlon rate oP "!Sill. :2. i"lood cellvlo•• 11.,..,r, l"lr•t quality c.omm,arc::l"I grad ... 3. Soll 1ttablllzer, l!c.0l09y Controls M-elnder. epr .. ad at c, rate oP e,o lbe. l"er one (I} c,c::r ... 4. l" .. rtlllzer, 11-19-S ur-ea Pormoldehyde Plr•I: q_voll•y eomm .. rc:lol 9rad ... S. Dellv .. r •" trie Arehlt .. c.t, Dealer'• 9uarorteed etc,tem .. nt oP eompoeltlon and p,arc:: .. nt ol purity ol eeed ml>< by dealer. 4.02' STAl<IN6 AND i,.1,/'T'INCS MATeRIAL.S, A. TRI!!!! STAl<!!5, :2" dlam,ater " 10' long, I (one) pl•c:.e eound tr .. ated pin• and uniPorm elze, pointed at one ,and. Stoke "" d•t"lled. e. Ties, l'wbb .. r, vinyl 'Clnc:h-Tl•' c:,e manvlac:l:ured by V.I.T. 4.0"1 1'00T SA1'1'l1=R, 610-ElARRl!!R IS CSal. Trees •u15:;4 -t..o (:::2) .. 1th lour (4) panel• req_vlr,ad :::24" eox tr .. ,ae #UB:::24 -tl'!o (:::2) .. 1th live (5) panels required 66" 60>< tr .... e #IJB:::24 -t"'o (:2) .. 1th .,,.v .. n (1) P"nel• r .. q_urr .. d 42,11 Box tr-ee& and lc:1r9er -per manufc:ic.t.urer-'e r-ec.ommer,d~tlor,e, 4.10 MUL.CH, A. Double i,.rJnd All l!lorlc. by Slue fl<lbbon L.and,oc.ape $upplle& (114} 669-6666, or opprov .. d eq_val. 6. Mulc.h depth to b .. at l•"et 6" unle&a no••d other,.lr,,a on Drc,"'Jn9e. 5.0 INSTAL.1..ATION ,-1'0C!!DLIJl<l!5 !!.01 !"IN!! CSAADIN<S/SO•IL. l"'Rl=FAAATION A. CSl!!Nl:JllAL., Do not "'ork soil "'hen the moletur .. c.ont,ant I• eo great that exGee.elve GompaGtlol"I ~ill OGGLJr1 nor i'llnen rt !e eo dr~ that du!El't lo"IIIII Porm or that c::lod6 "Ill not brealc. readily. Apply "'"t .. r ii n .. c: .. &•ary to provide Ideal moletur• eont•nt Por t1111n9 and plan•ln9. '"•rlorm Pin .. 9rodln9 In Eouc::h " .. .,y c,e •o antlc.lpc,t .. the llnl,;h 9r"d .. "'-.. r the ln&t"llatlon ol soil c.ondltloners. 1'•mov .. or redlstrlbllt• .. xGeee 11>01I be/or .. appllc:atlon oP eoll am•ndmente. Maintain all """' lln .. s, dralna9" •'"'ale&, and po•t•me c,1e eho'"'n on th• prec:le .. 9radln9 plan provided by the proJ .. c::t elvll 11n91n ... r. 15. Obtain c:.ertlllcotlon lrom proJ .. c.t c::lvll en9ln,aer •hat llnal gradee to 1/10 loot h"v• been •••abll&hed prior-to <.omm•nc:Jn9 l0nd&c:0p1n9 op•ratlone. ,-rovld" lor lneorporatlon ol all amendments, e"ttlln9, "•"-· 15., reeponelble for o,hc,p1n9 all plant1n9 or""" "" lndlc:at .. d on Dra ... 1n9e. C. The 1rr190tlon "Y"tem ehc,11 "" lully op,arotlon"I, r,avl,a.,. .. d, and approved by landec:ap .. orc::hrt .. c::t "nd c::rty lnepec:l:or prior to plan1'ln9. D. 1'1,-FINCS, Rip soil In non-elope c,reae leee th"n 4, I In t"'o (:::2) oppoa1n9 dlrec:tlone to c, minimum d•pth ol 6 lnc:hee to relieve c:ompaGtlon. I!. l"INISH, 6rade all plan•ln9 ore"" to allo .. Por &oil amendments and mulGh a• &f'8Glll .. d. )ll!h,ar,a no 9rad .. e or .. ehol'ln, grad .. bat"'• .. n .. x1at1n9 or 11>< .. d c:ontrole (auc::h a& .. allc.e, c::urbe, c:;,c,t.:.h ba&ln&) and elevation& eho""n to provide a emooth and c::ontlnuc,I pl"n•. l't<lke "nd l,av .. 1 GI& n•.:.11esar~ to obtain trv• "nd •v .. n eurP"Ge&. Maintain all el'lc,l,a,o on !!n91ne .. r'e plan ond 9rode •o dr"ln. t=. Remov• c::md dle.poe.e oP rock.5 over 3-lriGh dic::1metd11"', eon~trLJetlon debrle, ~••de, •te. "!thin th .. limit,; ol the proJ•c::t prior to applyln9 eoll omendmente. 5.0:::2 SOIL. F~FAl'!.ATION A. GIUANTITleS, Unllormlly appl~ to eac.h 1,000 &q_uar .. , ... t ol plontln9 area, NOTE!:, Tl-IE FOL.L.O~INCS AME:NOMeNTS ARI: FOR 6IDDINCS ,-u1',-0Sl:S ONL.'I". ACTUAL. GIUANTITles AND MIX!:& SI-IAL.L. 61= Dl::Tl=RMINl:D IN ACCOl'<DANCE ~IT+-+ SOIL.S ~FORT OBTAINeD l"'eR ITl=M 1.04 AE50VE. Nitro9en-etablllzed organic. am .. ndment, 6 C'I" Ammonium phoephat .. 6/:::20/:::20, 15 L.6 A9rlc:ultur0I 9yp&vm, 100 L.e Soll &ullur, :20 L.6 CSro-Fo"•r Plve, 160 L.e Iron eullate, 6 L.6 6. DISTJl<IBUTION, Dlel:rllbut• th .. or9"nlc:: amendment and lerl:lllz .. r over th .. pl"ntln9 c:ire ta Cl uni.Parm :2 Inc.he&. 5ec.ul""e approval Prom O~n•r-1e r•pre!l•nf.atlve pr-!or to ""rl<.lng amendment. Approval "'II I not be given IP thl& proeedur• le not ueed. C. CUL. TIYATION, i"lorlc. Into •oil by c.vltivc,tfon, epadlnc;i or rototill Ing to c, d .. pth ol "t leas• 6 lnc::hes. ,-,nrsh grad .. • to emooth llnl&h belo" adJac::ent paving and c:urbe. 1'emov,a al I debris c,nd weBds Prom elte. D. BACl<l"IL.L. MIX, eto.:.lc.pll .. o •ull!Glent q_uantlty ol approved eoJI Povnd on 1o1t .. , ,, .... ol we .. de and debrl&, /or ml><lng c,e bac::lc.Pill mat .. rlale. Suppl .. ment on-elte &oil 1'111:h approved Import soll, "" req_ulred. Mix amount lor 10 c.ublc:: yards as lol lo,.e, 6 c.vblG yards on-&lt .. eoll 4 GIJbi, ~ards or9anle c::::1mendmer,t :20 pounds 1 .. rrlc: &ullate :::20 povnd& ammonium phoephat .. le>o povnda '5ro-'"o"'er Flue' U.e c.ar• not to et"ln c::onc.ret .. "'Ith , .. rrlc: &vllal:•. Cl•anln9 ol etorn .. d c::onc.r .. t,a le reeponelblllty ol Contractor. 5.09 l'll=ED A6AT?!M!!NT, Upon th• c:ompl .. tlon ol •he lrrl90tlon ey&•em and aPt .. r "I I exl•tln9 ,.,.,.,,. and 9ro,..th hav" ""en remov11d lrom l:he plc:,nt1n9 ar•a, p•rlorm the lollo,.ln9 ,. .. ,.d abatement pro9rom. l'lat .. r "I I "'•"• lour (4) trm .. e dally Por t .... nt~-on• (:21} .,.,n,..c:utrv .. do~• c:,nd until '"'••d a,aede hav .. 9ermlnated. Ceoee "'"t•rln9 lor thre .. (9) d<:lyr,. Appl~ " non-& .. lac.tlve h .. rblc:ld .. {lltound-UpJ per manulc,c:tur•r'e r,aeomm .. nd"tlone to •radlc::ate th .. 9ermlnat .. d ,,,. .. •de. Allo"' h .. rblc::ld,a to le.ill "II .. eede. fl<ake or ho .. o/1 all d .. od .. ,.,ado to c, d .. pth ol ? lnc::h belo"' l:h .. 11url,:,e11 ol th .. eoll. II per .. nnlal ...... de or 9raer,•e atlll •><let, ''"""t•r lovr (4) time• dally for lourte•n (14) c:.oneac.ut1v .. doye vntll ne .. 9ro .. th appeare. l'<eapply a h .. rblcld ..... 1t.h a dye lndlc.ator. fl<emove ""ed• alt•r herblc::lde has had evlll<.lent time •o le.Ill. !5.04 l"'L.ANTINCS A. 1"111.l!!,-L.ANT A,-~.OVAL.S, Obtain approval ol plant loc:.atlon&, plantln9 hole•, pre-mixed ba<.lc.111 I, and pl ante. I. Tr••• and ehrube ehall not ., .. plant•d vntll c:on&truetlon "'ork In l:he area hae been c.ompi .. t .. d, Pinal 9rad•• and """'lee .. etabll.,hed, ,. .... ,, """t .. m .. nt provrd .. d, and the plan•ln9 ar .. oe prop .. rly graded and prepared. :2. stake plan• loGal:lon"' or plac:e apprav .. d q_uantltlee ol plan•• In <-<m•olnerit on loeatlone. S•c::ur .. "pprovc:,I before exc.avatln9 pit&, malc.1n9 n .. c::ee•a"Y adjustments ae dlrec.:Qed. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOC.ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 6. Sl-ll<IJB/Tfl<!:E FI-ANTINIS, I. Exc:avate plte "'Ith 1t.oc,ril! .. d vertleal olde• and bottom, no emaller than l:h• Poll0Nln9 slzes,Gluantrt~f= c,J I 9c,llon plc,nts -e" d••p, 1:::2" In diameter. D•p•h ol rootball and t .. o (2) •lme& "'ldth. b) S 9allon pl"nte -l::Z" d•ep, ::Z4" In dlam .. t.r. Depth ol rootb"II and t .. o (:::2) tlm,ae ..rdth. c::) 15 9"1lon plants -le" deep, 90" In diameter. Depth ol rootb"II "nd t"'o (:2) tlmee "'ldth. d) &><ed tr• .. • -D .. pl:h ol rootbal I and t"'o (::Z) time"' l'lldl:h. ::Z. No treer, &holl be P'"nt .. d .. rthln :2' ol a pov,ad eurlc,c::e (1. ... , Gonc.r .. t .. P"Vln9, c::urb, ""II) uni••• "'P•c::111<.ally lndleated on plc,ns and onl~ "'Ith th• epec.111 .. d root barrier. 9. Container plc,nte shall b• bael<.lllled l'lith c,mended eoil par 50il• report r•ec:,mmendatlc:,n&. 4. Fortlc,lly re/Ill hol,a t.o o h .. l9ht th"t l'<hen a plant le plac.ed the c.ro .. n Jr, "ll9htly obov&0 th .. llnl&h 9rade. Uee Pr I obi• ,n.,m,anded eol I /or al I ""'""" tr•••• epe<.!Pled ""elc.1111 mix /or all oth"r c.ontalner "lant& and tamp to c:.ompaGt. !i. Deposit 61"'o-'P,::i~er plant1n9 tablaEi par mariuPaet:.urer 1Ei reeommeru::ilatlons In plant:. pits. 6. l"orm ehallo" """•In c:rouMd ed9 .. ol roote>"II by depre■eln9 &oil 0l19htly b•lol'I llnl•hed grad ... l"<>rm ba•ln rims. 1<:e .. p basin "'!thin ou ... r .. dgee oP rootb"II. 1. Individually hand "'"t•r .. "c.h plan••" .... turc,te rootball and odjaeent 10011 lmm,adfately olt•r plc,ntlng. e. AdJue• Por s .. ttl .. ment and grade c,r .. c,z around plonte to Plnleh 9r"d .. e and d le,pos.. ol .. ,..,.,,.~ eo II. "I. ln•tall "Arbor &uc,rds" on all tr,aes In turf "" .. ""· 10. "'-"movs nurs•ry etak"• and 9uy or &talc.<, treBe de1>l9n"t•d "'Ith etake or etc,kee on "lndl'!ard ,.,.,,. ol tre .. ai, d•talled. C. l!SFAL.11!!1'< l"L.ANTIN6, ~ove espall•r stalc.e eupporl: at tlm• ol pl"nt1n9 ... rthout d"m"9 .. ta pl"nt and train espc,ller to the adJa<.ent """II or support "" dstalled. D. CSJl<OUNDCOVI!!~. INSTAL.I..ATION, ,-lant grovndc:ov,are In "I I d .. e19n"t•d "r,aae. I. l"lant root11d c.ut.tln9e and divisions lrom /late ln•o mole!: eoll and In neat, el:rc,J9ht ro .. ,. at epec:llled Interval•. :::2. Smooth soil about plante and 1 .. ave ar .. ae In n .. "t and c::l .. "n c:ondltlon. 1'etc:,Jn &light depreoslon "rour!d ,aac:h plant. Do not bllr~ th• c:ro"'n ol th• plant. 3. I-land "'"t .. r 9roundc:,,v .. r plant& at least t .. 1c:11 c, "'e•k, c::orePully and lndlvlduc,11~ "'l•h elo"' ,;c,,t otr .. am ol '"'"t .. r, to enr.,re that soil le settled around root&, but beln9 G"relul not to ""'"h "oil "'' ol plc,n•e. Not more thon one-hall hovr eh"II elope• lr"m th• time ary ground.:.over le planted until It le .. atered. l"orm c, h"II c:up-llke arran9emen• lor all plam& on slopes. Do not allo"' plants to dr~ out be/ore "hlle beiM9 plarited. 4. Apply pr11emer9,ant loerbleld• SU!'l.l"L.AN-1S p .. r mc,nulac.tur .. r'e , .. c.omm .. nd"tlone to 9roundeov .. r areae only, alter all pl"nt1n9 has been Gomple••d. l"ollo"' manvPoc:.turer'f> ln&t:ruc::tlon&. Th .. "'"''"' ehall "" under the direction "' a reglf>tered psst c:ontro I "dvle,or. ~. 1-+'l"Dfl<OSl:!!Dl!D 6fl<OUNDCOVE1' I. AltBr soil preparation, eetabll&hm,ant ol final grade., and ,..,..,, c:ontrol, the evrlac:e t .. o (:::2) ln<'h .. ,. ol eoll &h,,11 be looeened b\j horro" or rototlll .. r c,nd floated level and irrigc,ted ju"t prior t.o plantln9. :::2. Preparation, The elu•ry prepara•ion ehall toke plac:e at the .. 1te ol "ork and "hall begin by adding '"'"t•r to the tank .. hsn the en9i~e io at hall-thro••le. 1"1'ien the .. ater level hc,,o reached the h•l9ht al th .. 091tot"r ehalt, 900d rec.lre,la•lon ehall be ""tabllehed and at thi" 1:lme the ,,.,.,d and c:hemle"I c,ddltiv .. &hall b11 added. l"ertlllz .. r 11h"II th•n be added lollo.,...,d by .. ood palp muleh. The l'lood pulp mulc:h ohall only"" odd•d to th• mlxturs alter the tank le at leaet on.,-•hlrd lilied ... 1th .. ater. The en9lne t.hrot•I• ehall "" op,aned to lull ep .. •d when the tank le hall-lilied "Ith '"'at,or. A.II the .. ood pvlp mulc:h sholl be "dded b~ the trm .. the tank I• t .. o-1:hirds •o thre .. -lovrl:h,o lull. Sprayln9 r,hc,11 c::ommenee live (5) mlnut•& alter addition oP th• c:hem!Gal additive .. hen the tonic. Is lull. Appllc:atlon rat .. , l"lb,ar l,SOO lb&. per "ere Seed, h~dro&• .. d mix 'A' IOlbe/"c:r•. i,.ro-F""'"r Flue 1,100 lb&. per c,c:r,a. i,.ro-Fol'l•r Control led ~l .. a& .. (1:2-e-e) :::200 lb&. per ac:re *Not .. , For sol I-prepped areas, apply 900 lb&. CSro-l"o .. er 1-+1- Nltro9an (14-4-"IJ p .. r a<.ra In th .. elurr~ onl~. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS ARE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL AMENDMENT QUANTITIES AND MIXES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED PER ITEM 5.02 ABOVE. 3. Appl!Gc,tlon, n. .. operator ehall eproy th .. or .. " l'lith c, uniform vlslbl .. c::oot by ue1n9 the 9r .... n <-olor ol the .. .,.,,, pulp aa" 9uld•. Th .. &lurr~ ah"II ba <>ppll .. d In a e .. eepln9 motion, In an arc::h .. d s•r•om so ae to /al I lilc.• rain, ol lol'lln9 the "'""d llbere material •o epr .. ad "t th .. r .. q_u1r .. d r"t• per a<,r,a. F. I..A~N/'5,l'I.A!:>S l"L.ANTINCS I. 1-+ydroe .. ed L.c,.,n ln&tollotlon c,J Alt .. r •oil pr•paratl<>n, e&tabllohment ol final grade,o and ,,,..,.,d c:ontrol, th• eurl"ee tl'lo (:::2) Inc.nee"' 1toll &hall be !ooeen"d by harro"' or roto•lller and floated level and lrrl9at•d Juet prior to plantin9. b) ,-r .. para•lon, Th .. elurry preparation shall t"ke plc,c.e at the elte ol "orlc. and shc,11 be9ln .. y addlnc;i ""tc,r to th .. tonic. "'h .. n th .... n91ne I& at hc,11-throt•I•. )l\!hen th .. '"'"t"r level hoe rec>c:.hed tho height. ol th .. 091t"l:or r,hc,/t, good r,ac::lrGulatlon eh"II "" 116tabll&hed and c,t thle time the ,oe,ad and "hemlc:al additive ehall ., .. added. F'ertlllz,ar ehc,11 th .. n b,a "c:lded Pollo,.ed by '"'ood pulp mulc.h. The "'"od pulp mulGh ehall only be odd,od to •he mixture c,Pt•r the tank. le "t le"at one-third llllc,d .. ,th .. "t•r. The •ng1n .. throl:1:1• ehall b• opened to Pull i;p,aad "'hen 1:1i .. tonic. Is hc,IP-lllled "'Ith "'"t"r. All th .. wood pulp mul.:.h ehall be added by l:he time the tc,ni<. I& t"'o-thlrde to thr .... -lc:>vrthe lull. 5pray1n9 ehall eommenee live (5) minutes alter addition ol th" c;hemlc.al c:,ddltlv .. "'h .. n the tonic. I& lvll. Appli<-"tlon rot,a, !"1 .... r 1,500 lb&. p .. r ""' .. e ... d 465 lb&. p•r ac::r .. (I lb. per loo s.l.} 6ro-l'"o., .. r l"lue 1,100 lb&. per ac::r,a 5ro-Fo"' .. r Controlled Jl<el .. c,.,., (l:::i-e,-e,) :::200 lbe. p•r c,ere "Note, For eoll-prepp•d areae, "PP'Y 600 1.,... CSro- Po ..... r 1-+1-N1tro9en (14-4•-"IJ p .. r oGre In the iolurry only. c.) Appl!G"tlon, Th• opera•or &hall epray the ar .. c, l'llth c, unlPorm vlellble c.oat by ueln9 l:h .. 9r .... n c::olor ol' the ""'"'d palp ae c, 9vldo. The slurry ehall be appll•d Inc, ,. .. .,epln9 motion, In c,n c,r-c-h•d &trec,m eo "" to loll like rain, ollo,.1n9 •he """"'d llb>9re mc:,terlal to 1>pro"d at th" required rote p•r ""re. :2. ~Tl=CTION, ,-ro••c::~ all turf "r•a• c,gc:,lnet damca9s, ln<.ludin9 eroiolon and treepase. Provide ,~hat••ver Pac:llltl•& and e"Ps9uards "r" nec:.eeeary to """omplleh this. Toke speGlal c:;ar-e l;o prever,t erosion. All damogee shall be the ContrG1ctor1s r .. eponelblllty durln~1 th• Ille oP the Conl,ract. i,., &!>UAJl<A~e AND ~,-L.ACl!Ml!NT, I. Shrvb& and 9roundc.ov .. r, CSuoram .... until end ol mc,Jnt,anc,ne .. p .. rlod and c,,:;e,,aptc,nc.e. 1'eplaGe "ny plante that di .. or loee lorm and e1z .. "" or191nal ly spec::Jlled .. ven though they hov .. token rool: "nd "' .. 9ro ... 1n9 altar th• diebac::lc. or lose ol form or •lz ... :2. Tr•••• CSuc:,r"ntee all tr••• In "'rltln9 to live In c, healthy c.ondltlon Por on• (I) year c,lt .. r maintenance period .. xpire• and proJec.t I& ac:c:ept•d by ,:;,.,ner. "'-"pie,"" dead or unhealthy trees lmmedlat .. ly. D .. termlnatron ol the n•ed for repl"c::•ment &hall b• per the O"'ner'e repreeontatlve. All replac: .. mente, lnc:ludln9 plantln9, etolc.1n9, tralnin9, •tc:., ehall be o& orlglnally iopec:111 .. d, "'ithout eoet to the Oll'tlner. I-+. CL.l!ANUF I. Alt .. r all planting op .. r"tl"ne ar .. c:ompl•••, r .. move "II •ra&h, .. xc::er,e r.oll, empty plant c.ontaln,are, and rubbleh Prom th• property. 1'ep"ir &c.ar&, ru•a, or ol:h .. r mc,rlc.6 In th .. 9round Gaueed b~ thl& l'lork and leave l:he ground In c, n11c,t ord orderl~ c:ondltlon. :2. L.eave th• e,lte In broom-c:lec,n c::ondltlon, and ""&h do'"'n all c,r,aae "11:hln th .. proJ .. c::t &lte. L. .. ,,v .... c,llc.& In c::l .. an and sol .. .:.ondltlon. 6.0 MAINTeNANC!! A. Th• Contrac:.tor ehall <.ontlnuou•I~ maintain landeeap• and lrrl9"tlon In "II or•a• lnvo Iva<> In this Contrac:t durln9 the pro9res& ol th .. l'!orlc. "nd during 1:h• molnt .. nc,nc:e period until llnal aec::•p•an<.e ol th• l'!orlc. b~ •he L.ond&c:ape Arc.hltect and th• Ol'ln•r. lmprop11r malnt•nanc:: .. or po&&lbl .. poor condition ol any plantln9 at l:he ... rmln"l:lon oP th• ec::h .. dul•d malnt .. n"n" .. p .. rlod m"y c::c,ur,11 po&tpon .. m11nt ol the lino! Gompl11t1on date ol th .. Contr"GI:. Malnl:enanG .. ehall be eontlnu .. d by th• C::.ontr-c:ic:.tor 1mtrl oill il'llork. i!! ac..c..•ptobl•. In order t.o earr~ out the plant maintenance ... orlc., the Contrac:.tor •hall Purnleh eulllc.l .. nt m•n "nd adeq_uata •q_ulpment to perPorm the work during the maln•enanee period. Malnt .. n"ne .. period ehall not •t"rt vntll c,11 e1 .. m .. ntr. al ,:;onstruGtlon, plant1n9, and irrl9atlon /or the .,,tire proJ•c.t are In oGc::ord"n" .... 1th Dra ... 1n9e c,nd sp .. c::lllc::atlone and ac.c.epted by th• O"ner. The Contrac:t ehal I req_ueet an lnepe,:;l;lon to begin th• malntenanc.• period "lt•r "II plant1n9 and related .. orlc. h"e b••n c::ompl•ted. ,-r,or to the dot• ol linal lnep .. c::l:lon, th• Contrac.tor 10hal I ac.q_ulre Prc:,m the L.ande,c.ap• Arc;hltec.t approved r .. prodJc.lbl .. prints and lln"II~ rec.ord lrom th• Job rec.ord set .. 11 "han9ea mc,de dur1n9 c::on•tru<.tlon, label e-ald prlnte, "~c:ord Dro .. 1n9e," c:,nd d .. 11v11r to th .. L.andec::ap• Arc::hlt,ac::t. l"rlor to the da•• ol llnol lnepec.l:lon, th .. Conl:rac:tor &hall d .. 11v .. r to th .. L."ndfoc::op .. Arc::hlt•c:t the "L.andec::ape and lrrl90tlon CSuarc,nte .. • ae req_vlred. e. )l\!hen th .. Contrac.tor ha& c:omple•ed all th .. land&c::c,pe "nd lr-r19atlon "'orlc., he eh"II requeet lnep,ac::tlon b\j th• o .. nsr c,nd Ar<.hltec:t. A "punch llet" ... 111 be dev,alop .. d lrom this lnsp,ac:tlon. Maln•enanc:e period ("10 doye) .. 111 not ""!:Jin un•II all punGh llat It.me ore c:omplet11 and ac:c:: .. pt .. d by o .. ner and Arc:hltec:t. Irrigation malntenanc:,a I& ln<.luded In th• abov ... I. Street 9utt,are and c:urbe ore to be lnc:lud•d In the debrle/ellt"tlon , .. mov"I pro9r"m. :::2. Maintain c,deq_uate proteetlon lor p .. opl .. "nd prop .. rty and be """nc:lally r•eponelbl .. lor damage& and Injuries. 1'epolr damc,9e11 "t no "ddltlonal <.oat to th .. Olto'llner. C. ,-L.ANTINCS A1'1!A, I. l"leed and c::ultlvate all ar .. ae "t lnt .. rval& ol not mar .. than ten (lo) day&. :::2. Perform .. aterln9, lertlllzlng, sprayln9, and pest c::ontrol a& d .. •m•d ne<.eeitary b\j 11p .. c::llle 111t .. c::ondltlon&. D. L.Aj'IIN AR!:A, I. 6e91n malnt .. n"nc::e Immediately alter ,ac,<,h portion ol l:ur, le planted. Continue /or "t 1 .. oet <10 d"Y" "lt .. r c:ompl•tlon ol "II turf "'"'le. and a& muc:.h lon9 .. r, prior to c.ompletlon ol proJeGt, and c,ec::11ptane .. by the O"'n•r "• n11c::s6aary to ,aetabll•h ac::c::,aptobl• turf. :2. Maintain lc,.,.ne to watering, Pertilizin9, ...... .,d1n9, mo .. 1n9, trimming, and oth .. r op .. ratlon& &uc::h "• rol lln9, , .. 9rodln9, and r11plantln9 ae req_ulr,ad to establl•h a smootfi, ac.c..eptable l<:::il'lln Pt""ee oP eroded or bare areae. Complete ,1,..et euttln9 ae, direc.tBd by L.ondec.ape Ar,:;hi•ect. 9. ln•p .. c::t la"n arcoa,o bet .. een the 15th and ::20th day& ol malntenonc; .. period and re"pply 1" .. n mc,terlal(matc.h Initial appl!GatlonJ to all bare areae lc,rger thc,n 6" x 6". E. ,-IWNIN6, I. Und .. r no c::lreumstanc. .. a .. 111 etrlpp1n9 ol 10,..,ar bronc.nee on youn9 treee ba permitted. L.Ol'l9r branc:h,as shall be ret"1n11d In a "tipp•d-bac::lc." or plnc::hed c::ondltlon .. 1th as mvGh Polla9e c,e p"eelble l:o promote c:allp .. r trunlc. 9ro ... th (tapered trunlc..) L.o,,,.er branc:hee may b .. c.ut llueh .. 1th the trunk only aPt•r tn .. tr .. e le ""1 .. to et.:ond 11r .. c:t .. ,thout 11>talc.1n9 or other eupport. ::Z. ev .. rgresn tre .. e eholl b11 thlnn11d "nd ehap•d .. h11n nsc: .. oeory to prevent "Ind and &torm dam09e. The prlmar~ pruning ol dec:ldvour, tre,ar, eh"l 1 ., .. done dur1n9 the dormant. season. :C,ama9ed trees or thoe .. that c::onetltute h110lth or ""'•ty hazards shall b• pruned at any time o, the y .. ar c,e r•q_vlred. F. STAl<IN6 AND 6U'l"INi,., stake& and guys ehall be lnep .. c::ted to pr•v•nt 91rdlln9 oP trunlc.& or branc::hae and to pr•vent rubbing that Gau&e& boric. l'!ounda. "'· ~ CONTl'ilOL., !<esp basins and "r .. a& bet ... ssn pl"nte Prcoe ol ,. .. .,d&. Ues rec:ommended and legally approv•d herblc:ldes. Avoid lr .. q_u .. nt &oil c::ultlvol:lon 1:hat d,a11troye ehallo .. root&. Uee mulc::hee to help prevent"'""" seed 9ermlnatlon. All h,ar .. lc:ldes ,;hall onl~ ., .. appll .. d by" IIGene,11d "PPIIGotor. I-+. INSl:CT AND DISEASE! CONTJl<OL., Maintain a r .. aeonabl .. c:ontrol with <>pprov .. d m"t .. rlale and applied by llc:ane•d appllc.atore. I. F'Efl<TIL.IZATION, I. F'ertlllze all plantln9 ore"" .. 1th l:he lollo"'ln9, At SO-day lnt•rvale, apply 6 lbe./1,000 o.l. 16-6-e> c:.ommerc:lol 1 .. rtlllz•r or "" req_ulr•d by th• ,ooll& , .. por•. J. Jlill.l!:,-L.ACeMENT OF ~l=S/$1-+Jl<UElS, l'<aplac.e dead, dy1n9, and ml1>eln9 tree• "Ith lilc.e elz,a, c.ondltlon, and variety aec.eptc,ble to the o .. n .. r "t th .. Contr"c::tor'e exp .. n&• . I<. fl<l!!FL.ACl!MeNT OF L.A~N, "'-"ploc.e dama9 .. d or dead la'"'n ar .. ae .. 1th ood. L.. lfl<Jlill.lCSATION S'l"STEM, I. 5,yetem lnep•c:tlon, Conl:ractor ehall c:.heGlc. all eyet•m• lor prop•r op•r"tlon. l.ot .. ral lln .. ., '"""II ba llush,ad o,1: alter removing the laet eprlnlc.l .. r h .. c:,d or t"'o at •"eh .. nd ol the lateral. All heads are to be adjusted "" nec:essary /or unimpeded c:ov .. ra9 .. "nd to pr .. vent overepra~ onto bulld1n9e, .. 1ndo"""• and pav .. mente. :?. Gorikoll•rs: $et and program automatic:: c::ontroller,o Por &eo&onol "'"t•r r11q_u1r .. m,ante. CSlv .. O~n•r'e r•presentc:itrv11 c::i k•~ to eor"!trollers and !ne.truGtlon!i-or, rlol"j to turn oPP system In cos• oP .. m .. r9ency. a. Repairs, "'-"pc,lr all dc,ma9ee to lrr190tlon r.ye• .. m c,t Con•rael:or'e •><p .. nae. 1'epc,lre &hall ., .. made .. ithln one (I) ""'"ring period. M. SOIL. Fl'll:l"AAATION AND AMENDM!!NT NOTE:, THE l"OL.L.O~INi,. AMl:NDMENTS Al'I.I! 1"01'< 6I DDINCS l"U1',-0Sl:S ONL. 'I". ACT\JAL. AM!!NDM!;:NT QUANTITIE5 AND MIXES SI-IAL.L. !SE DET?!RMIN!:D IN ACCORJ:)ANCI!! ~IT+-! THI!: SOIL.!:> REFOJIII.T OE5TAINl:D P"!!fl< IT?!M 5.0:2 ABOVE. I. &c::lc.1111 •oil i,hould be l0091; native e,Jte eoll tho• ha" be•n Gl•ar•d ol all d•brl• md rock and brok.•n up "nd mad .. lrlobl ... Th• lol lo .. 1n9 addl•lv•• ba blended horov9hly Into bac.lc.flll &oil at l:he tlma ol plantln9 c,nd all plan•• ehould be horov9hly "'"'t•r .. d In lmm•dlotely upon c.ompl .. tlon al ln&tallotlon ,rc,-,-ol'!er product• or• &upplled In 50 pound ""9'", not bulk. Th .. lnetallln9 .ontroc::tor c::c,n be r .. q_ulred to eubml• .. mpty ""9" vpon eompl•tlon ol "'orlc. to onllrm c,ppllGotlon. ·n,., CSro '"""'•r 5-9-1 lormvla•lon materl"I c::an b• ua .. d .. 11:h or ,rthout the soil p .. n,atrc,nt and th .. i,.ro ,-., ...... , 1:2-e-e lormulatlon mat .. rlal r.hould b• ••d In 4 to 6 d11elred, p l,ac:,e.. c::ontaGt ue for opproprlat .. rec:omm .. ndatlone ,or •• "' 11>am ... Th .. 9yp1>um and lime Gan "" applied In their ,1nsly 9round lorme. l00"6 ,p the 9round mc,t,arlol should par,e t"rou9h c, IO-m11eh ec::r• .. n and at 1 .. a&t !50!l!i ol 1, .. m"t•rl"I" should pas& throu9h " 100 m .. r.h e<.r••n. CONTAIN!:Jlill.i!>JIIO-,.Ol'el'll CSJIIJ.0-POl"ll!l'l !E>IZI!! S-9-1 1:2-e-e, 5'1"1"5UM L.IMI!! L.lner 1.0 tbop .:25 tb&p 1.0 l:bep I 90I .5 .:.up :2.0 tbep 0.:25 c.up 4.0 tbep 5 gal 1.0 c.up 6.0 tb&p o.5 c,up 1.0 c:.vp I!! 9" I I .5 c.upe .25 eup 1.0 c.up I.!! c::upe :24"box !1.0 cup• .5 Gup :2.0 <.upe :2.0 c.upe 50"box 9,5 c::upe .15 <>up :2.:::2!! eupt> :Z.!! c.up• 56"box 4.0 c.upe 1.0 eup :2.5 Gupe a.o c::up• 4:2"bo>< 4.5 c.ups l.!S c.vp !1.0 cupr, S.!! c::vp• 41:>"box 5 . .0 c.upe ::Z.O cvpe !I.!! eup,o 4.0 c.upa !!4"bo>< 6 .. 0 c::upe :2.!! e,pe 4.0 c.upe 4.!5 c::up• 60"bo>< 6.S c:vp& S.O c.vpe 4.5 evp& 5.0 c.upe 1:2"box "1.0 c.up1 4.0 eup& 6.0 eupe !!.5 c.up• II bac::kPIII &OJI IS m, .... bl .. nd .. d, f,c:,me mat•rlal• c::an ., .. <>ddec:I at th• lollo ... rnc;i rot.e per c.u .. rc. ~ard ol 1,011. i!IJlill.0-,-01"11!!1' 5Jlill.0-1"'0)111!!!Jlill. i!>'l"l"SUM L.IMI! Ml!!TftOD !S-S-1 l::Z-e-e, Maao l!llend IO L.be ::Z lb& :2 lb& I lb& or 9 .. neral brc,adc:aet ol mat .. rlole on the 11url"" .. 0¥ 101le, the •"m .. m"t .. rl0l1 '"n b• appll•d to •he &oil& at th• lc,llo .. 1n9 rat .. ., p•r 1,000 1>"1,U"r• , .... t ol lant .. d ore" "nd thorou9hly """tered In evc.h l:hat &olle ore .... t to c, mlnlmvm -epth11 ol e>" prior ta plant ln&tall"tlon. 6llil0-,-0"11!!Jlll 6Jlill.O-,-0l'eJlll Ml!:Tl-tOD s-s-1 1:::2-e-e L.IMI! l!lroadc.aet 65 lb& ::i Iba :zo lb& 10 Iba materlale c.c,n be eroe,o ripped Imo to o r,oll to c, minimum d•p•h ol 6", 1:1i .. •om• aterlc,le e,c,n be applied at th• lollo"'l"9 ratee p•r 1,000 equc,r .. , .... t ol pl"nt•d , ... a and "'"t•red In thoroughly 1tueh that olla ar• ... t to o minimum d .. pth ol l::Z" at ,c,et one• pri"r to planting. i,.Jlill.0-PO~ i,.Jlill.0-,-0Yel'I. Ml!!THOD s--6-1 1:::2-e-e. 6'1"1"SUM L.IMI! Croee Rip 150 lb• 60 lb& :200 lb& 50 lbe I mc,terlole or .. c,pplled through hydroe .... d1n9 proc:eas, the oc,m,o ma••rlal• Gan be ,c:1d .. d dlreetly Imo th .. hydroe .. ed slurry and app11 .. d at th .. lollol'lln9 rat .. e per I,:,,:;,,:;, eq_uare ,., .. , to non-preparao &oil. (Note, II hydro•e .. d le applled to eollr. t ,at have already been prepared "'Ith the addltlvee not•d und .. r 13roadc:ar.t or ro•r. l'<lp m,athode., 6ro-Fo.,,sr 14-4-"I c.an "" odd•d •o hydroe,a .. d &lunry at th• r ,1: .. oP 1 pounde p .. r 1,000 eq_u.:or .. /,aet ol pr•par .. d eoll r,urloc.e and l:h• I .,I 10 .. 1n9 hydroe .. ed material oppllc::"tlone .. auld not apply In addition to •he 14-4-"I) 5Jlill.O-,-0l'lll!1' i&Jlill.0-l"0l'lll!l'll MeTHOC> S·-9-1 1:2-e-e ,,.,,.,..euM L.IMI!! 1-lydroe• .. d 65 Ibo :2 lbe :zo ibe S lbe gc,rn, It le Important l:hot al broadc.aet or c.ro•• rlpp•d eoll addltlv .. • ., .. t ·,orou9hly "'"t11rad Into oolle c,/t,ar appliGotlon and prior t:o planting. Hydro&••d '"t .. rlole ehould b• appll•d to thorov9hly molst .. ned 11>0111>. lnetolla•lon eoll '"lnl:enanGe &hould b• lmpl•m•nted c,e Pollo"'"· In "II "r .. ae, 4S day& c,11;,ar G ,mmenc.ement aP rn&tallatlon marntenar,ee, ISro-,-ol"tter-5-3-1 ean be 9eriet"'al ·oadc::aet ov,ar "II pl"nt1n9 c,r,ac,e "t the rate ol ::is lb&/1,000 eq_uar• lee•. All '"l:erlal& ehovld b• thorou9hly lrr19ot .. d Into !>OIi& lmmadlc,tely alt .. r "PPllc::otlon. 11 ,,tallatlon m"lntenan<-.. period le "10 day11> In duration, 6ro-,-ol'! .. r Slo 1'el .. ae .. I -e-e, In th .. 4 •o 6 month relea&,a lormulatlon eon be broadc.a•t over all planting a -ec,e c,t: the rc,te "' 15 lb&/1,000 equar .. , .... t 9ypaum at th .. rote oP :::20 lb&/1,000 "·'l.""'a lest bet .. een day e,,:;, ond day es. Thie c,ppllc:c,tfon .. ould be In addition to t .. day 4S c,pplic::atlon. All materlale ehould .... Irrigated thoroughly Into eolle 1'1Jm .. dlal:ely alter appllc::ot:lon. !!ND 01" Sl:CTION S .OPE l'<!=VECSITATION/EROSION CONTROL. FOL.ICII$ AND ~<llUl~Ml!!NT& E S ~GIUl~M!:NTe e s-1 $L.Ol"'I= FL.ANTIN6 ES-I.I SL.OPe PL.ANTINCS eTANDAl'<DS e op .. ., req_ulrln9 .. ,oalon c:.ontrol meaeur .. e c,e ep .. Glll•d h•r .. ln •hall b• tr•at•d "th one or more ol l:he lollo"ln9 plc,nting etandarde, ,. STANDA1'D #I -COVEi'< CROPS/ JUTE MES+-+ Cover c.rop ehall "" c, eeed ml>< typiGally made vp ol qul<.k 9•rmlnatlng and la•• Gov•rlrig 9rassa&, Glovers, ar,d /or ~ild Plol"li!ere. $1.ibmlt the 9peGiPie •••d mrx lor City approval prior to appllc.atlon. Th .. cover ,:;rop r,hall be applied at c, rat• c:,nd manner avUlc:.lent to provide '!096 ""vera9e 1'1l•hln thirty (90) daye. Type ol Jut meeh ohall be .,. <>pproved by •he Cl•~ and ••c,ked '" the elop .. ae recommended ~ the man1Jfac.tvrer. Jvte m••h ahall b• reqvrred i"tth•ri plant:1n9 oc::c.vro, ........... ,, Au9uet l!:S and April I!!. Durln9 t:h .. r•malnder o, th• y .. ar, th .. c.over c:rop "nd/or Jute meeh may be ue•d. . STANDA1'D #:::2 -61'.0UND COVl!!1' One hundr .. d (100%) p .. rc::ent oP th• c,r,ac, ehal I be plant•d 1'111:h " 9round c:ov•r lc.nol'ln to have .. ,.,.ell,ant aoll blnd1n9 c:harac:t .. rletlG (plant .. d lrom " mlnlmvm el.z• ol ll"tted materlc,I and ep"""d •o provide lull c:ov .. ra9 .. ,.l•hln one y,ac,r). . STANDA1'D #9 -L.Oj'II 51-+IWBe L.o .. 1>pr•"din9 "oody &hrub& (planted from a mlnlm,m ol ::Z? lneh llnere) 1>hall Gov•r o minimum o, eeventy (10i\5) p•rc:.ent ol th .. elop .. lac.e (al: mc,t,re ,olz .. }. . STANDA1'D #4 -Tl'll:l!:S AND/OR L.A1'51a e+«U6$ Tr••• and/or large ehrube eh"II l:>a (pl"nt.d lrom c, minimum ol I 90llon c:ontalnere) at " minimum rat• "' on .. (I) plant p•r two hundr .. d (:200) r.q_uar .. , ...... !!.,~-1.:2 A~A!:S 01" A,-,-L.ICATION (l"'L.ANTIN6) !! .. ~-1.:::2.1 SL.OP"!!S -6d 01' ST?!l!JDe1' AND, . 9 /,aet or leee In verl:lc:al height and ore "dJac:: .. m to public: "'"'le.• or r.tr• .. t• r .. q_ulre at minimum standard •1 (c::over c:rop and Jutt .. d). . 4 , .. ,.t to e, , .... 1 In vert:lc::al ha19ht , .. q_ulr• Stc,ndorde •r, 11:; and •~-4 In .. xc::eee ol e l••t In v•rtlc:al height req_ulre Standard& 111, #:2, 113 and #4. F..1,l-1.:::2-::Z S,-i!!CIAL. CONDITIONS F..t,!-1.:::2-:2.1 Ar .. c,., 9rad•d '101:1:•r l:hc,n 6, I r11q_ulre etandord Ill (<.over c::rop} .. h .. n they have c>ne or mor .. ol t~• lollol'lln9 c:onditloMe, . Sh••t 9raded pad& not ec.heduled Por lmprovem .. nt& l'llthln 6 month10 ol c:ompletlon 0, rou9h 9r"dln9. A pot .. ntlol •roi,lon problem "" d .. t .. rmrn .. d b\j th .. C:.lty. c::. ld .. ntllled ~ the Cit~ ae highly vl,oible arec,e to the publlle or hav .. e,p .. c::1"1 Gondltlona tho• "'"rront Immediate treatmant. e .. l-1.::Z-::Z .. :2 Area& to b .. hydroe,. .. d .. d ahc,11 llret l:>a di sic.ad or rototll led to provld .. a friable, lool!>e eeed bed. DRAWN JP "AS~BUIL T" APPROVED MM ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~O L~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ --------.---------::------.,---------,---,-----.-----------------.---t--,---,-----1 PLAN::::;T:;::l:::.NG,.'::::;S::::;P:;:E::;:CI::::;F::::IC;:::A:::;T:;1□:;::N:::;S::::;;F□;;:;R:;::,====='..,':::L=-=,c::i~ VILLASES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA R/06E 2./-2.2 PROGRESS 06-·15-04 l st. SUB 12--23-04 DATE ~~nd SUB 02-28-05 TITLE: RECEIVED BY: APPROVE -------~~ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE JOB NO. 02--142 DATE INITIAL DATE 06--15-04 REVISION DESCRIPTION ENGINEER OF WORK SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DAT£ INITlAL DAT£ INITIAL OTHER A l'ROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: --c:, T 04-02 420-4L RVWD BY: - f--w (f"J z 0 f-- (.) :::) 0::: f-- (1) z 0 (.) . ' 6!!N!!l'ltAJ.. Sl"!!C.ll"IC.A Tl ONS 1.0 SC.01"1!' 1.01 l;?!!l"INITIQNS A. o.:lner, MO!'l."°1'11 D!!Ya.Ol"M!!NT C.AIII.L!SeAO C.A e. C.o,,trac.tor, An lnc:llvlc:I""' or c:.,>rnpany c:.ontrac.tln9 ..,,th the o .... ner to provl<ie material!>, perlorm "orl<., anc:I r,er-vlcer, /or the proJec.t. C.. S"bcC.ontr"etor, Ar lnc:llvlc:l"ol or eompony c.c:mtroc:.tln9 "Ith the Gontroctor to provlc:I• materlole or perlorm ""rl<, or both, Por a epec.lllc portion ol th• proJ•c.t. 0. L."nc:l~o:ap• Arc.hlt•c.t, Th• lanc:lec.ap• arc.hlt•c.t"ral ,ir,n ol ~M O•r,19n IJr""P• In~. !!. C.ontfi,c.t Ooc.1•m•nte, '11,• agr-ment, t..-me eonc:lltlone, "rltten lnotr"GtlPne, dra .. 1n9& anc:I 11peo:1P1c.atlon11, ehop dra,.ln9e and c.han9• l_>rc:lere a.-.provec:I by the o ... n•r and 111e"ed by the L.and&cape Arc.hlh•c.t. 1.02 SC.01"!! 01" l'IIOlltK, The ""rk to be clone ""der the eontrao:t o:on&lsts oP l"rnlehln9 all material&, all eqvlpment and perlormln9 the """rlc. req"lrec:I by the&• 10pec.llic.atlon!> and the dra ... 1n9r, nec.e&eary /or the proper completion ol the "ork. 1.0!:I l'"L.ANS ANO Sl'"!!C.ll"IC.ATIONS, Ther,e 1>pec.lllc:.atlone. are Intended to cover all labor, material, and etandard• ol landec.ape arc.hltect"ral and mechanic.a I "orlc.manehlp to be employed In the "orlc. &ho"'n on the plane or c.all•d /or In the&e epec.lllc.atlone or r•aeonably Implied by terme ol •ame. -n,., pl"ne and &pec.1/ic.atlone ore lntsndec:I to Gomplement one another and any part ol the "orlc. that may be mentioned In one and not pre&ented In the other, ehall be don• th• same ae II It had a minor nature "'hlc.h may not be •pee.Ille.ally mentioned, but "hlc.h moy be r•a•onably ae!>umed "e neceioeary /or the c.on&truc.tlon or completion al thl& '"'orlc. &hall be perlormec:I by the C.ontrac.tor the eame ae IP oho"n on the c:lr""ln9s or de•crlbec:I In th" •pec.1/lc.ation,o. l,n general, .,,,,,.,pt that th• L."nc:l,oc.ape Arc.hltec-t'e interpret0tion !>hall al""Y" talc.e prec-edenc:.e over the dra ... 1n9e and large det"ilo over 1>mall •<-al• c:lra,.ln9e. Fi9ure&, "'hen 9lven, •hall be ,ol loNed In pr•~•r•nc.• to ec.al• meae.ur-ement•. 1.04 INT!!l".1"!11.!!TATION OF l'"L.ANS ANO SF!!C.IFIC.ATIONS, The L.anc:l!><-"P• Arc-hltec-t ... 11 I Interpret the meanln9 ol any part o/ the plan!> anc:1 1tpec-lllc-"tlon& abo"t "'hlc-h any mle""d•retc:,ndin9e may arise, ""c:I hi• c:lec-l!•lon ehall be Pinal. Should there appear to be any error or c:liaGrep"ney In ar bet,.e•n the plan& and epec-lPlc-atlon•, tl-,e C.ontrac.tor 1,hall r•l•r the matter to l:he L.andac.ap• Arc-hiteet /or c,dJe•tment be/ore proc-eec:lln9 .. 1tl-, the ""rlc.. Shovlc:I the C.onl:rac.tor proo:eec:I .. 1th the "'"rlc. ..,,tho"t eo relerrln9 the matter, h• c:loe& '"" on hi& ""'n r••pon•lblllty and cany "'"rlc. that require• r9moval anc:1/or replac-ement &hall be provided by the C.ontrac-tor at no Clc:lc:litlonal c-oet. I.OS L.ANOSC.AI'"!! Allltc.HIT!!C.T"S l"UNGTION, The L.anc:l&c.ape Arehltec-1: ehall provide periodic, llmltec:I on-&lte ob&ervatlon oP the "'orlc. In progreoe per the """•r's reo,ueet to revlel'I, In general, the exee"tlon al d,.,>19n Intent and Interpret. the landec.ape c:loe,ument11. He le Agent al the o ... ner to the extent provided In the &peelPlc.atlone anc:I "hen In spso:lal lnetanc-es he le authorized by the o ... ner to ac-t ar, Interpreter ol the eondltlons ol the eontrac.t an<a ao-jud9s ol Ito perPormanc:.e, he ehall elc:le neither ... 1th O"'ner nor l'llth the C.ontr"c-tor but uae hi• authority under the c-ontrac-t to en/ore-• itr, lalt.hPul perlormanc-e. He ha• the rl9ht to atop "'orlc. eho"ld thle bee-om• n•Ge1H,c::ir~ to •rre.ur• th• proper exeeutlon of' th• c..ontrac..t:.. 1.06 Ol'IINJ:!11.'S lltl:Sl'"ONSlelL.IT'I", ey enter1n9 Into a9reement, o,.ner 9uaranteee C.Ontraetor Punc:le are available and shall m"lc.e timely pro9r••• payment& to the C.Ontr"e tor during the c.ouree oP the "orlc.. The o,.ner 1thall Purrl&M all •"rveye, and e&tabllsh all prop..-ty linee onc:I reetrlc.tlone. All oth•r llnee, 9rac:lee, anc:I c:llmenalone ehall be .,,.,,,bllehec:1 by the C.ontraGtor. Unle&& other,.le• epec.lllec:1, the o ... ner ehal I malc.e available to the GontraGtar ell utilll:.lee required to perP'ol"'m the v,iorlc. at no t:;.oe,t ta the Contrcictor. I.O"'T C.ONmAGTO!'l,'S IQ!SFONSIBIL.ITl!!S, The C.ontrac.tor &hall 91ve ePPlc-lent eupervlelon to th• "'orlc., ue1n9 hlr, beet elc.111 and attention. 11111,en aboent lrom the Job, 1-,e &hall appoint an !!n9ilr,h-opealc.ln9 ""'P•r-vleor c.apable aP c:lloe,"""lng mattere "'Ith the L.anc:l&c-ap• Archlt.•et on the &It• and to make c:leGlelon& on the C.ontrac-tor'e behall. H• ehall c.arePull~ r.t"c:I~ c,nd c-ompare all dra .. 1n9e, •pec.lllc-atlon•, and other lnetNetlon• lor •h• """rlc.. Any "'orlc. lnc:llc.at•d In a manner "'hlc.h "'"ulc:1 malc.e It c:111/lc-"lt to produc.e dra ... 1n9e and r.pec-1/lc-atlone, or bet,.een epec-lllc.atlonr, anc:I loc-al orc:llnanc-ee or rer.trlc.tlonr,, ehal I be relerrec:I to the L.anc:leeape Arc.hltec-t /or Interpretation or c.orrec.tlon be/ore proc.eed1n9 .. 1th "'"rlc.. I.Of> !!XAMINATION OI" SIT!! ANO l'IIOl".K, A. The Contrac-tor ehc,11 •><amine 1'he proJ•et &lte, ph~•lc.al c-ondltlone, anc:I ""rround1n9 ol the propo••d "'"'le. and jud9• /or him••!¥ the nat"r• ol the ""'le. to be clone prior to '""bm1tt1n9 a blc:I. e. The plan& lor the "'"rlc. oho" c.ondltlon& ae they '""' &upp<><>•d or believed b~ the L.and&c-ape Arc-hltec-t to exl&t. It le C.ontrac.tor'r, re•pon•lblllt~ to lnlorm L.andec.ape Arc-hltec-t ol any variation bet...een planr, anc:I ael:ual elte c.ondltlon• prior to r.t"rtln9 any "'orlc.. Should C.ontr"c.tor begin """rlc. ... 1thout verll~ln9 IP plane m"tc.h elte c.onc:lltlonr., C.ontrac:.tor aeeume& all reepon•lblllty /or an~ loeaee he ml9ht lnc:,ur. 1.0"! SAl'"!!T'I" C.OD!!S AND lltl:c5UL.ATIONS, The C.ontrac.tor &hall Pamlllarlze hlmoell "'Ith and ... 111 c-ompl~ "Ith all Pec:leral, etate, anc:I lac.al la,.s, ordlnane,e, rulee, and re9ulat1one 1nc-l"dln9 C.alllornla-OeHA Sal••~ Ordere pertaining to the perlormanc:.e ol the "'"rlc.. 1.10 C.ONSTRUGTION SAl"J:T'I", The deel9n, adequac.~, and eaPet~ oP erec:,tlan, excavation, brac:.ln9, ehorln9, temporar~ •upporte, etc.. I& the eol• reeponelblllt~ al the C.ontrac.tor. Th• C.ontrae,tor I& reeponelbl• /or the atablllt~ oP the •trvo:turea and exc.avatlono and &hall provlc:le th• nec.eeear~ br"c.ln9 to provlc:I• &tablllty dur1n9 the entire c:.onetruc.tlon pro9re&&. Obeer-vatlon vl&lte to the iolte b~ the L.anc:l&eap• Arc.hlt•c:.t or hi& coneultante shal I not lnc.luc:I• lnep•c.tlon ol the abov• Item&. I.II l"El".!"OtctMANCI!: ANO PA'Y'MJ:NT BONOS, IP r•q"lred, the C.ontrael:or •h"I I c:l•llv•r to o,.n•r '"'" eur•t~ bonc:le, "'Ith 900d c:,nc:1 !>ulllc-lent &uretl••· The bonde •hall be malntalnec:I by the C.ontrac.tor In Pull PorGe and el/ec-ted until c-ompletlon and cc.c-eptanc• ol th• "orlc.. A. Mat•rlal and labor bonc:I In th• •um oP 5096 ol the c-ontrac-t prlc-e. e. l'"•rlormanc-• bond In the •um oP 5096 oP t~,. c.ontrac-t price c-onc:lltlonec:I to c-over all 9uarant••• ol the c.onl:rac.t. 1.12 INSUlltANG!!, '11,• C.Oetrc:1,otor &,hall deliver to O....ner c.•rtlllc-at•• ol lr,aur-ane• a• •vld•ne• c:,.P G'-'V•r-ag• ~rtli-i O~n•I"' orid J..c::inds.e.c:ip• Arc.hlt•G-t l1et•c:I ae oc:lc:l1l:1onal lneurec:I. A. l"larke,,r.' C.ompeneatlon lne,ranee and !!"'1"1o~er'• L.lablllt~ lnavr-onc.•; e. C.omprehenelv• L.Jablllt~ ln1turanc.e ... 1th limit• oP not ,,...,. than t!OO ,ooo per any one pereon c:,nd .i ,000 ,000 per an~ one oc.c:.urr•nc-e a• to bodily Injury or death anc:I $::250,000 per oc.c.urrene,e a• to prop•rl:~ dama9e. 1.15 L.ANDSCAl'"J: Al"GHIT!!C.T"S L.IA51L.ln', The O"'n•r and Gontrac-tor&, rec.09nl:a:lng the Inherent rl•lc.6 c-onnec-tec:I "'Ith eone,truc:tlon, a9r.•• ta limit any "nd all lioblllt~, c-lalm Par c:l"ma9e&, eo&t ol c:lel9n&e, or expeneee to be levied "90lnet the L.anc:lec:ape Arc-hltec.t an ac:.c.ount ol any c:le&l9n d"lec:.t, error, omleelon, or prolee&lonal ne9ll9enc:e to a aum not to exc:eed the amo"nt ol the L.andeo:ape Arc-hltec-t'e lee. 1.01 1.02 SUl'"!!III.VISION, The C,ontrac:.tor ohall "'"P•rvlee and c:llrec-t the el/le-lent perlormanc.e al l:he ,.c,rlc. In ac.c.ordanc.e "'Ith hie be&t &le.ill, attention, and judgment. He ehall be &olely r9&ponelble lor the mean&, mathoc:le, tec:,hnlqua&, oequenGee, anc:I proc.ec:lure& oP c-onetrur:.tlon and &hall be reepon&lbl• to aee that the llnlehed ""rlc. eomplle& lully "'Ith the C.ontrac.t Doc-"ment&. He ehall have a repreeentatlve In c:,har9• ""ha eh"II be " c.ompetent &vpsrlntendent anc:I c:llrec:t the pro9ree• oP the ""orlc. anc:I "'ho &hall be "uthorlzed to rec.elve lnetruo:tlone anc:I to act lor the C.ontraetor on all matter• relal:1n9 to the "'"rlc.. 1.0!:I GIUAL.IT'I" 01" L.ABOl't ANO l'IIOIII.KMANSHII", A. At all time alter eommenc,ement al the "'"rlc., C.ontraetor 6hall provide an ac:leo,u"t" ,..c,rlc. lorGe ol c.ompetent, &ultabl~ q"allllec:I anc:I tralnec:I p•r•onnel to eurvey and lay out l:he "'orlc. anc:I c.onetNGt the proJee.t andl etiall c.aueo• sue.I, li"(Ork. .Pore.• to •x•e.ute tl-ie ~ork ir, c:.onP'ormane.e l'lllth tl-ie beat trade prae.tie.ea, .Pree ,rom .Pa1Jlts and de.Peete in ae.e.ordane.• 1'11.ith trle re9,u1rement~ o, the Gontr-ae.t Poc.umente. e. Ar~ !>ub<-ontrac.tor or laborer emplo~•c:I "P"n the "'"rlc. "'ho, In th• opinion oP th• L.anc:16"'ape Arc.hltec-t anc:1/or o .. ner, le non- e.oope~blve, or ~ho ehall prove c.or-•l••• or lnGompetent, ehall be lmmec:llately r•movec:I Ir-om the "'"rlc. by the C.ontrac.tor, "'hen notlPled to do ea, and !>hall not be re-emplo~ec:I on thle, projec-t. 1.04 GIUAL.IT'I" OF MA"l"E!l'tlAL.S ANO Ec:.UIPM!!NT, All m"terlale and equlpm .. nt inc-orpor"tec:I Into the "'"rlc. shall be ne"' unleee otherl'll&e epec.lPlc.ally prov1c:1 .. c:1 In the Contrac-t Ooc-"ment6. Materlale and equipment not other,.I•• c:le&lgnated b~ det"llec:I &pec.lPlc-atlone ehall be ol the beet c-ommero:lal quallt~ and •hall be eultable /or the purpo&e lntendec:I. IP raqulrec:I by o ... ner, C.ontrac-tor &hall l"rnleh evldenc-e eatlelac-tor~ to o ... n,or "" to the le.Incl and quallt~ oP materlale anc:I e,qulpm.,nt. All material• "nd equipment ehall be lnetalled per the manuPac-t"rer'e roc:.ommendotlon». I.OS SUElSTlilJTIONS, A. Submit eub&ticutlone oP material• or method& propoeed to L.anc:l&c..,pe Arc:,hfteo:t In ,.,1t1n9 lor approval or c:lenlal one "'••le. prior to eubmlttal oP bid. Subetltutlone, "'"' be approved only II materlale or methoc:lo are demon1>trably e,uperlor In quality. ManvPac:.turer'e literature al.on" may not be eulPlc-lent evldenc-• ol prool ol "'"parlor-It~. A requeet /or a evb&tlt"tlon c-on&tltutee a repreeental:lon that "'ark.ere and c.ontrac.tor6 "'"Ive all c.lalm& /or "dc:lltlon"I labar or material e,c,e,tr, "'hl<-h may bec.ome oubeequently apparant by the ""., o/ &ec-h e"betltutec:I materlale or produc:,ts. It le the C.onl:rac.tor'e reepon&lblllll~ to prove that the req"eeted evl:>etltutlon I& In /ac:,t "equal." El. IP more than one manulac:.turer le epec-1/led In thee• apeo:IPlc.atlone, It lo the C.ontrac:tor'e option to s,elec.t the one "'hlc-h he ma~ <aeslre to "ee. IP more than one Plnleh or otyl• le available In tha Item •peel/led, the C.ontra¢1:or le obll9ate<0 to allo"' the O...ner to malc.e the !>elec.t.lon. 1.06 L.ISr OF SUBGON'T'RAGro111.s ANO SU6L.ETTIN6 l'IIOIII.I<, A. No part ol the c.on•tr""tlon "'orlc. •hall be clone "'" plec.e,.orlc. nor ehall It be lelt to a ""bc-ontrac-tor alter l:h• •><•G"tion ol the orl9inol contrac.t •><eept a" a,thorlzec:I In ,..,1t1n9. In c-aee part al the "'"rlc. her II ehoulc:I be eublet, th••• 9eneral c.ondltlon" !>h"II 9overn eac,h trade ln.,oPar ae they may appl~ to the ""ork ol that trac:le. e. No l!UJbGontract mo~ be ae.el(.3n•d or tranef'erred exc.ept ae, a"thorlzec:I In l'lrltln9 by the C.ontrac.tor. G. '11,e C.ontrac-tor eh"II, at all tlm811, be reeponelble Por the aee,l9ned or tranl!i,~•rred ~ark. ta tne eame extent ae r, the aeel9ned or tran&lerred "'orlc. to the •"m• extent a• IP he ..,.,,.. c:loln9, or had done, the "'"rlc.. o. The Gontrac-tor ehall submit to the o ... ner a llet oP l:he eub,:.ontractor.. "Ith c:letalle ol the portlone, ol the ""'le. to be perPormec:I by eac:,h. Subc-ontrac-tore ehall be ""bJec-t to the approval oP th" o ... neir and L.anc:le,c:.ape Arc-hltec.t. I.O-r PA"T?!NTS, In th" ev9nt that any patentec:I artlc.le, material, or proc-a•• le to be lnetalled or ueec:I In the perlarmanc-e oP the "'"'le. oe e,ho"n on the plane or partlc:,uiar 11pec-lPlc:.atlon• therePor, the Contractor e,hal I pay the royalty c.har9eable anc:I ehall ,oave, lc.eep, anc:I bear l:he o ... ner anc:I L.anc:lecapa Arc:.hltec.t harmleee lrom all damage, c-0111:e, anc:I expeneee b~ reaeon oP the Pall"re to pa~ the ra~alty c:.har9eable Por the "9e thsrsoP; and any loe& to the o ... ner In the 8V8nt that the o ... ner 111 enjoined Prom u,01n9 "uc:.h P"tentec:I ar-tlc.le or material& and the lnc:ldent"I dama9e eauoec:I by the loH oP us,e anc:I dama9• to o ... ner's property In removln9 aame, the c:.oet oP replac:ln9 the artlc-la or material& the u&e ol "'hlc.h Is enjoined. Frovlc:lec:1 Purther, the bond lor lalthlul perlorman,:.e ehall be c:leemsc:I to exprse,ol~ apply to thl& provision ol the epec-111,:.atlone. I.Of> 1'"!!111.MITS, L.IC.!!NS!!S, ANO INSl'"!!GTIONS, A. The C.ontrac:.tor ehall obtain anc:I pa~ /or all permit& to9ether ... 1th all lnepec-tlon& req"lrec:I In c:.onn8c-tlon "'Ith the "'"rlc. to be done "nder the contrac.t, unle1>11 other ... 1,,., epec-1/led belo,... e. The C.ontrac.tor 1'1111 provlc:le "nd pa~ Par an~ !>pee.la! or c.ontlnuou!> inepec-tlon ol the "'"rlc. clone "n<aer the c,c,ntrac-1:, "'hen •pec-lal or c:.,,ntin1.1oi.-e, ln!tpec:.tlon ie n,::,ted beloll\l. 1.0"! L.Al'IIS, 01'1.DINANC.!!S, 1'1,UL.J:!S, ANO lll.l:6UL.ATIONS, The C.ontrac:.tor ehall 91ve all notice• reo,"irec:I by anc:I ehall other,..lee Pully c-omply ,.1th all lc:u111!5, orc::Hnanc:.es, rulee, and reguratlone applicable to the c.ammenc.ement, pr=•<-"l:lon&, and c-ompletlon oP the "'"rk. In the •vent C.ontrac:tor ob!.ervee or· c::lle,::.avere tl,at tl,e ContraGt C>ocumen'Ce or an~ portl"n thereof' are In an~ li"l!c::t~ at var!anee ~!th en~ e,uc:.I, la""'e, ordlnanc•e, rule&, or re9ulatlone, Contrac-tor ehall promptly 91ve L.anc:lec-ap• Arc-hltec-t "'rittee notice l:hereol. Sho"lc:I C.onl:rae,l:or perPorm an~ .. ark 1<no ... 1ng that It le c:.ont:.rar~ to c:in~ e,1,1,c.f, lc::.l'llti-, orc:Ur,Ql"'lc;.•e 1 rvl•1-or regi.ilc::::1tlor,&1 ond i"ilthc,,1Jt e,ve,h notlc:,e to L.andec:ape Arc-hltec-t, Contrac-tor ehall be"r all c:,oete and •><p•n••• arleln9 therelrom anc:I aeeoc-latec:I th•r•,.lth and lndemnlP~ c:,nd holc:I harmlese o ... ner and anyone c:llreo:tl~ or lndlrec-tly emplo~•c:I b~ o ... nar lnc:.ludln9 the L.anc:leeape Arc-hlt .. c-t Prom ""d a9alnet all c-lalme, llablllt~, damage, lo&eee and expeneee, 1nc:ludln9, ... 11:ho"t limitation, attorn.,ye' leee arlelr19 In connection there ... 1th. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 1.10 SAl"!!T'I" AND 1"111.0T!!C.TION, C.ontrac.tor &hall c-omply "'Ith all oppllc:,able lc::11,'lle, ordli-,ariGee., rvlee, rs9ulatione, ond orciore oP all 9overnmeantol a9snc:.lee and authorities havln9 Jurl&dlc.tlon Por th., eal.,ty ol pereone or propert~ lrom c:lam"9e, loee, or Injury anc:I ehall be re&ponelble Par lnltlatln9, maintaining anc:I &upervleln9 all aalety prec:.autlone, anc:I pro9rame In c-onnec:,tlon .. 1th the ... orlc.. C.ontrac-tor eh"II talc.e all prec-avtlone nec.eeear~ /or th., &alety ol and ehall provide al I protsc-tlan nec-e,.,,ary to prevent c:lam"9•, loeo, or Injury to, A. All "'orlc.men and other per1>one on or abo"t the &It• anc:I all other par .. ane "'ho may be al/ec:,ted b~ the "'orlc.; e. The "'"rlc. 11:eel/ and all material• and equipment lnc:.orporatac:I or to be lnc-orporated therein, l'lhether In etora9e on or all the elte; C.. All other property at, "dJa<.ent to anc:I abaut the elte, lnc-l"c:lln9, ...1tho"t l1m1tat1on, l:reae, ehr"""• '""'""' "'allc.e, pavement&, roac:I"'"~"-etr"c.t,rse, and utllltles "'hlc:.h are not <0ee19natec:I Par removal, relc,c-atlon, or replacement ae part oP the "'"rlc.. I.II eXISTINc5 UTIL.l'TY L.INeS, exGept "· lndlc.atec:I by the dra .. 1n9e or epec.lPlc.atlone, th• Contrac.tor ... 111 not be liable /or the re-rout1n9 ol exl&l:ln9 ac-tlve "nder9rounc:I llnee "'hlc:.h m"~ be <al,oeoverec:I c:lur1n9 the pro9r••• al """rlc.. C.ontrac-tor &hall verlP~ loc-"tion o/ exletin9 "tilltlee ,.;th appropriate utility c-ompaniee prior to &tartin9 "'orlc.. C.ontrac-tor e,hall be liable /or damage done to exi!i,t.Jn9 utilitiee.. Gontr0etor e,hc:::111 Gc:mtac..t 1-eoo 016 AL.l=l'<T "nd have all exietin9 "tilitle• loc-atad prior to c-ommenc,ement oP c..orietri.ic:.tlon. 1.01 1.02 !'l,el"All'1.1Nc5 INJUlll.!!O l'IIOl'lK A. All portion& ol the """r" that may be broken or lnjurec:I by ac:,o:lc:lent or In the GOUl""e.• of' or on aGG01.1nt of' bulldll"l':3 operatlone or b~ reaeion o.P any other """"• ... hateoever c:lur1n9 th"' pro9rsee oP the ""orlc., &hall be c-ar.,/ully anc:I neatly repair-eel or rec-onatruc-ted and the "'hole lePt In f'lret Gla&e. GOl"ldlt!ol"I c:1nd tur-ned over to tr'ie O~n•r read'::i Por 1,1e,e. e. Should an~ par; of the ""'le. of thl., c-ontrac-t be "'"t Into or dama9ed b~ other c-ontrac:tore, the o ... n,.r "nc:I part~ c:,aue1n9 ouc-h dama9• ehall malc.e adju&t1n8nte bet .... eon themeelv•• relative to rec-onetruc-tlcn, repalre and P"~ment. 1.06 MUTI!AL. !'l,£:51"0NSIEllL.ln' OF SUElGONT!'l,AGTO!'l,S, eao:h eubc,ontrac-lor ehG1l1 perlorm the "'"'le. oP th" c-ontrac.t ea that It "'"' proper!~ c-oordlnat" .. 1th and lit the "'"'le. P"rlormed by oth9r &ubc-ontrac:,tors. He eh"II 91ve eCllGh ot.h"r eub<-antroc-tor .,v.,r~ reaeonable opportunlt~ to perform their "'orlc., etore materlale, and place equipment therePor, and ¥It their "ork to the ""rk ol other eubc.ontrac:.tol"6. 1.04 C.001"!!1,'.ATIC'N fl,IITH OTHel".S, A !!ac.h eubc:.ontrcoc:.tor ehall c.ooperate .. 1th other& In the e><ec-utlon ol al "'"rlc. anc:I .,hall not lnl:erl•r• .. 1th material, appllanc.e&, or ~or-kmen of! other-eubGont.raGtor-e. e. All eubc.ontr"c.tore, en9a9ed In "'"'le. at the elte e.hall have, lneolar a& prac-tlc-able, eqval uae oP the preml&ee anc:I lac.llltles. In Gae• ol dlea9rsement re9ardln9 ""Gh uee, the matter •hall be r•Perrec:I to the O~ner, ...-.ho dselela"'1 r-elat.lve to eald IJ&e arlal I 9over1'1. 1.05 011\JN!!l".'S lltl61-1T TO 00 ..ic,111,1<, o""nsr may, at lte sole option, per-Porm, or c-onl:r""t c:llrec.1:1~ .. 1th other c:.onl:rac.l:ore for the per,ormanc.e ol other "'"rlc. rel"t•c:I to ti,e proJec.t on e"c-h terme anc:I c-onc:lltlone ae Ol'lner •hall, In It& &cl• dl!!tGretlcri1 Ghccse. 1.06 Pl'1.0VISIONS FOi". ex'TRAS, No ne"' "'"rlc. ol an~ le.Incl <>hal I be Gon~lder•d cin extra unleH a !ioepc::irat:.e eetrmc:::ite ie giver, ¥or aaid ~c:,rk. bef'or-e it. le Gommenc::.ed O:l"ld 1Jntll ae1me Is o:pprov•d ~ tr1e OJl'lln•r exG.ept /or e><tr" "'"rlc. orc:l•rec:I by the O"'ner ac.c-orc:l1n9 to unit prlc-ee "'hlc.h hav• been blc:I. An~ extra "'"rlc. perlormec::I, not authorized ae provlc:lec:I above, &hell not be palc:I Por by lh• Ol'lner. 1.0-r -resrs ANO INSF!!C.TIONS, A The o .. ner ehall have the rl9hl, to te&t, lne,pec-t, and "pprove or '""l"lre the t,,.,t1n9, ln&pec-tlon, and approv"I ol all material& anc:I •qulpm•nt. furnished and o:ll NOl""k pel""f'c::,r-med 1Jnder-the Cor,t;,..a.::.t:. Ooe,umente. In oc:lc:lltlon, II the C.ontrac-t DoGumenl:11 or the '""'"' ordlnanc-e&, rules, re9"latlon1, or any other ol the public, ""thorlt~ having Jurlec:llc:,tlon r•o,u1re the "'orlc. or any portion thereol to be e,pec-1/lcally lnepe,tec:I, the C.Ontrac:,tor •hall arran9e, pay Por, "nc:I deliver c-erti¥lc-at111 ol lnepec-tlon. teetln9, anc:I approval to o ... ner. e. The C.ontr<>c-tor ehall not eover "P any "'"'le. requiring lnepec-tlon until the eame hae been approved by the appropriate authorlt~. IP """rlc. ehoulc:I ~•• c:.overed "P bePore being lnepec:.tec:I, the C.antrac:tor "''" I:,., requlrec:I tc> remove '""ch portlone "' the ""rlc. ae may be nec-e,.,,ar~ to c:111><-loee the par~ In "-"eetlon. I.Oe SHOF Ol".Al'IIIN6S, C.ontrao:tor &hall provic:le complete !>hop dr""'ln9e /or all lteme epeGIPlect ,or &hop dra ... 1r19 eubmlttal. Shop dra,.lng• ehall lnc:llc-ate all material methode, ol attac-hment anc:I linloh. Shop dra,..ln911 eha II be approve,j prior to ,abrlc::atlon. I.II Al'"FL.IGATION 1"0111. 1'""°61".l!:SS l"AY'M!!NTS, Ae "' the end "' eac.h o:alenc:lar month c:lur1n9 c:.on•truc.tlon, but In no event more oPten than onc.e monthly, C.ontrac-tor ohall ""bmlt to o ... ner lor revle"' anc:I approval a c.ompletely /illec::I ""t and elgned Appllc.atlon /or Fayment c-overln9 the """rlc. c.omplatec:I "• "' the elate ol euGh appllc:.atlon. !!ac:.h """'h Appllc:atlon Por l'"ayment &hall be ao:c:.ompanlec:I b~ Pull~-•xec.uted unc:ondltlonal releae•• and ""Iver& "'hero,i:,y all perean& anc:I partlee "'ho perPormec:I labor, eub<-ontract "'orlc. or other e,ervlc-ee upon the projec-t, or "'h" eolc:I, le"eec:1, /urnl&hec:I, or other,.I•• aupplled to ar /or the ""• "' or to be c.onaumed In the proje<-t eq"lpment, materlal11, appllanc.ea, or other 9oode, r•l•a.• anc:I "'"Ive, to anc:I lnc-luc:lln9 the date ol euc:h appllc-atlon, all mec-hanlc-'e lien, etop notlc:.e, eq"ltable lien anc:I labor ""d m"terlal bonc:I rlghte on the proJec:,t. 1.12 Ofl,IN!!!'l.'S !'l.16HT TO SUSl'"!!ND 0111. C.ANC.!!L. l'IIOIII.K. A. The eontrac.t entered Into under theae epeo:lllc.atlona m"~ be terminated by th• o ... ner "'lthout liability /or dama9e&, "'henever the O"'n•r le prevent•c:I by operal:lon oP la,., an Act oP 6od, or by the olllc-lal ac-tlon oP the P"bllc:,, Pec:leral, ot"te, or munlc.lpal ""thorltle& lrom c.ompletlng the "'"rlc. c:ontemplatec:I h•r•"nc:ler. e. In the event ol euc-h c.anc-ellatlon, the C.onl:rac.tor "hall be paid /or the "'"'le. actually clone be/ore notlc.e oP c."n"•llal:lan I• 9lven ta the C.ontrae,tor. II the c-ontrac.t provide" /or pa~m•nt" to the C.ontrac-tor on the bael& oP unfl; prl""" eet lorth therein, the amount c:I"" the C.ontr.,c.tor upon c-anc:,ellatlon ehall be c.omputac:I on the ba&I!> ol &uc-h unit pric-ee. IP l:he c.antrac.t provlc:lee Par the pa~m•nt o/ a llxed e-1.1m for tl,e ent!re Nork., or an~ dePJr,lte portion tliereofl other tl"lar, a ,nit ol meae"rement, the Gontrac-tor •ha II be palc:I the &ame proportion ol ""ch eum upon c:.anc.ellatlon that the "'orlc. clone beare to the total "'"rlc., or dellnlt.. portion thereol, to be perlormec:I unc:ler tne contrac.t. c.. Notlc-e o, euc.h """"'•ll"tlon &hall be 91ven In ... r1t1n9 and ehall be c:lepoeltec:I In the Unltec:I Sate& mall In a &ealed envelope "'Ith poota9e pr.,palc:I anc:I dlrec-ted to the C.ontrac-tor at hie ac:lc:lre&& ae Plied "Ith the o ... ner. 1.0 I !!~SION OF TIM!!, In the event It le deeme<a nac-eeear~ by the o ... ner to e><tend the time oP c.omplatlon oP the "'orlc. to be <aone "nc:ler theee opec-lPIGatlone, e,uc:,h e><ten&lon ohall, In no "'"Y• ro,leae" "ny 9u"ranty given by the Gontrac.tar pursuant to the provision& ol thee• epsc:.IIIGatlone, or the c-ontrac.t let hereun<aer, or to rell•v•, or releas,e th• euretlea oP the bonc:le exec-uted p"r&uant to the &aid provision&. 1.02 C.Ll!:AN-UF, At all tlmee c:lurln9 the c.ouree oP the "'orlc., the C.Ontraetor &hall lc.eep the &lte Pre" /ram """"mulatlone ol "'"•t• materlale, rubbl&h, and ol:h•r c:lebrle reeultln9 the "'orlc. an<a ehall talc.e 11,uc:h ac.tlon aa la neeeaear~ to prevent anc:I c-ontrol duet. At the c-ompletlon al the ""rlc., C.ontrac-tor ehall r•l"l"iov• al I t•rriporar~ etrLJGturee, too le, eonel:r-LJGtlon eq_LJ!pm•nt:., and mc::1ehlr,er~, aurplue mc::iterlc::11&1 1Nc::1ete mate,-rale, t""ubbler'I, and debt""le .Pt""om "n" "b""t the site anc:I eh"II leave the &lte c.lean and reac:I~ lor v•• by the o~ner. 1.06 C.OMFL.eTION, A C.Ompletion le dePined ae beln9 "hen all c,onc:lltlon,o of the c,ontrac-t nave been accompliel-ied f1"1Gludin9 the !!iopeclflad maintenance period. SpeciPic:;.ally 1"1111-ien all items are lne.talled, t:ne 0re0e, Gl•aned and the m"lntenanc-e perloc:I eatlelac-torll~ c-ompletec:I, and "'hen all !!iopec:;.lol tools and equipment, ln&tr-uct.lone, ~r-ltten 9uar-al"lteee, as- built plane, lien releaeee anc:I an~ lteme reo,ulrec:1 by the C.ontrac.tor Document& have been properly exec-vte<a anc:I c:l•llverec:I to the 011'111"18r. e. Thd L.and,oc-ape Arc-hltec.t ,oh"II h"v• Pull c>uthorlty to ac-c-ept or reJec-t the c.ontrac.t Item• and ... 111 prompt!~ not1/y the o ... ner o/ c.ampletlon. 1.04 6UAl".ANTE!!, In ac:ldltlon to epec-lllec:I 9""ranteee provlc:lec:I ,.,,. In the ""parate ••c-tlon., oP the •p•c:lllc-atlone, the Gontrac-tor &hall 9uarant•e In ...,1tin9 all ... arlc.man•hlp and material., to be Pree lrom c:le/ec.t /or a perloc:I ol one ~ear Prom the date oP ac.c.eptanee al the ... orlc. by th8 o .. ner "'lthout ac:lc:lltlonal c-oet to the o ... ner. 1.0'1 SAMFL.e:i;, Gontrac.tor •hall provlc:le •ampl•• Por all material• &psc:,IPlec:I to lneludo &amplee. All &ample& ehall be approvec:I I:>~ o ... ner'e l'lapre11snt"tlve In "'rltln9 prior to delivery to the projec-t &Its. 1.10 TE:MFO!'I.Al".Y' FAC.IL.ITI!!:& A !!rec-t and properly maintain at all time& "" requlr•c:I by c-onc:lltlone and pro9re•0> ol the "'"'le., all neee&eary anc:I requlrec:I protec:,tlve barrlc.ac:les, IMc.ludle9 a 6' he19ht Ghaln link., temporary eonstruc:tlon Penc:.e "'Ith ac:c:.eee 9ate, Pencee, anc:I other eaPe9uar<0s Par the protec-tlon al "'"ric.ere, and the public,. Verily llmlte, ol area .. 1th O~n.tl"" pr-for"' to ll"'H!!1to:llo:t.lc,n. ~ere t.1-iee.• bo:rrleadee. c:::ir,d f'el"IG•!I o:l""e Vl6lble l:o the public., paint, or oth,tr,.le• Plnleh them In a manner ac.c-eptabl• to the L.and•c.ape Arc:hltec.t. e. At all timeo durln9 c-onetruc-tion or erec-tlon ol projer:.t or It!> c-omponent pGrte, prior to c-ompl8tlon ol the etruc-t"ral lrame or plac:.•ment and permc::1n•nt c.onnectlon 0¥ component members to the .. truc-tural lrao,e, provlc:le, ln•tall, anc:I maintain proper!~ <0el!ol9ned anol c-onetr"c-1:ed temporary bracln9 ol adequate etren9th to prevent dl'e loGatJor,, c::Ustortlcm, .::.rec:;.k.lng1 fie 11 in9-of',', or er,~ other dc:1mc:19• to th• l'liork. or-an~ 0¥ 11:9 c:;.ompo1"1ent. parts due to f'oreseeable r\ormal exeess.Jve Jl'llind1i and eartriq,uake f'oreee,1 ,..ltho,t ac:lc:lltlonal c:,0111: to Ol'lner. lltepalr or reploc-e at no ac:ld•d c:.o&t, c:lam"9e portions ol "'orlc. ol c.omponent parte. c.. l"rovlde 6' ht. c.h<1ln link. 1:>arrlc<1c:le around drlpllne al ex11t1n9 tree& to be pr"Otec:.·~ed. Maintain barrlc.,~de, and pr-event:. an~ moterlal1, &tora9• or v•hlc:." ar ac.Ge&s ... 1th1n protec:,ted area. DRAWN JP "AS-BUILT" APPROVED MM PROGRESS oe-1r;-04 lot SUB 12-1:m-04 2nd SUB 02-28-05 11TLE: RECEIVED BY: JOB NO. 02-14-2 DATlll 06-15-04 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR w -- DATE DATE INITIAL DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION l"IIQ! l"III.OT!!CTIONl"lll.0<5111.AM l'"OL.ICl!!S AND 111.!!GIUllll.!!M!!NTS I" .l:l 111.!!CilUllll.!!!M!!NTS De&l9n, ln11tallatlon anc:I modl,ic.atlon ol exletlng ve9eoatlan l>hall be In Gc:mf'ormc:ince ~1th one o~ t.h• f'ollo)i'\j,1n9 11c:.anc::Ut1one 11 or ae t""eq_ulred at"" modlf'l•d ~ the C.lty. It e,hal I be the reepon•lblllty ol the appllc.ant to develop a plan l'lhlc.h meete the lire protec:,tlon requlremente. J:nvlronmental c-on,otralnte or other re&trlc.tlon plac-ec:I upon the development ehol I not be· c:.onelc:lerec:I juetlPlc.atlon Par moc:IIPlc-atlon or eubarc:llnatlan al lire protection etanc:larc:le. Th• alte plannln9 ol the c:levelopment ehall eatl•I~ both the lire prol:ec.tlon 11tanc:larc:le and emt!l"'onmerit.al C:.Ol"l&tro!r,te. l".5-1 C.ONOITION A -MANUl"AC.T\Jlltl:0 SL.Of'"!! l"l!'I,£: l"'lll.01-r!!C.TION (See Appendix l".2) l'"ertalna to man mac:18 &lop•• abutt1n9 hl9h rl&k Plre ar,•a• a• c:le•c.rlbed und•r Sec:,tlon II C..I S!!C.TION A-I -measurec:I horizontally 20' out ... arc:I lrom the out1y1n9 •c:lt;l• oP !>true, t"re( s). I. l"lant•d .. 1th 9rounc:I c-over or lo"' 9ro,,..ln9 ehr-ub •p•c:.I•• (I••• than 9' In hel9htJ lc.no"'n oo have lire retarc:lant quc,lltl••· 2. No tree,o or 11hrube allo,.ed. 6. lrr19ated. SE:C.TION A-2 -meaeured horlzont"II~ 20' out ... ard lrom the outl~ln9 edge oP Se<,llon A-1. I. l"lantec:I "Ith '""' ""ter u11e naturall:a:ln9 plant •pee.lee lc.no"'n to have lo"' Pu•I c.harac:,terlatlc,e. 2. No treee allON8c:I. S. lrr19atec:I. SeGTION A-6 -meaeurec:I out ... arc:I Prom th• outlyln9 ed9• al A-2 to Inc.I"°• the remainder ol the area i:,.,t...een Sec.tlon A-2 anc:I hl9h rlelc. lire """""' "" c:le&c.rlb•c:I under Sec.tlon II c.. Horizontal c:lletanc-e /ram the e,tr"c.tvre(t>) to untreated h19i-, rlelc. area .. ehall not be I••• l:hGln 60'. I. l'"lantec:I .. 1th lo"' .. ater "98 naturalizing plant epec-le& lc.noi'<n to have '""' '"•' c.harae terletlc:.e. 2. Treee are .. 110 ... ec:1 but •hall not be planted <.loser than 20' apart. !:I. lrr19ated. l".S-2 C.ONOITION El -NATIVI: SL.OFJ:S -l'IIIL.OL.ANO l"l"-1!! SUl'"l'"llt!!SSION (see Appendix !" .::2) l"ertaln• l:o areae "'h•r• removal al environmentally ••neltlve native ve9etal:lon le re•trlc.l:ec:I ,.,thin the Plre eec.l:lone. SEC.TION Ell -meo5"red 20' horl:a:ontall~ Prom the ""tlyin9 edge ol the et.rvc:.t1Jre!li) t.ol"l!crd tl,11 •nvlronm11ntall~ reel.rlcted ar•a ae def'lned ~ the Glty. I. lltemoval al 'high l"•l and moc:leral:e hazarc:I •p•<-1••" a• 11•1:•c:I In Appenc:llx l".I. 2. l'"lant1n9 ... 1th 9rounc:I c:,over or '""' 9ro ... 1n9 •hrub '"P•"I•• !I••• than 5' In he19ht) lc.no"'n to have llr9 r9tarc:lant qualltl•• ar "" other,.I•• req"lred by the C.lty. !:I. No tr"•• or ehrube allo..,ed. 4. lrrl9ated. SEC.TION e2 -maoe,urec:I horlzont"IIY 20' out ... ard Prom the o"t1~1n9 •d9• ol 51. I. l'lamoval ol "high '"•' &peGl8e" as ll&tec:I In Appendix l".I. 2. l".emoval by eelec-tlve prunln9 oP up to 60jl; ol the vol"m• ol the "moc:lerate Puel epec:,lee" ""' ll&tec:I In Appendix l".I. 6. 1".eplant1n9 ... 1th naturallz1n9 '""' '"•' epec:.I••· 4. Trees, anc:I large tree Parm •hrub& (e.9. Oak.•, aumac., -rayon) "hlc.h are beln9 retalnec:I shall be pNnec:I to provide c:,lear"n"e equal to three tlm•• the height oP the eurrounc:lln9 unc:leretory plant material or 6', "'hlc.hever le h19her. Dead and exc.eaelvely t"'l99Y 9ro ... th shall .,,,.a be removec:I. S. lrrl9ated. SJ:C.TION El!:I -meaeured horizontally ::20' ""t""ard Prom the oul:lyln9 ed9• ol Sedlon 62. The o,ter ec:lge oP B9 ehc:,11 •xtend horlzontalll~ to a polnl: at l•"et 60' Prom •l:r"c.tur••· I. 1'1.emoval oP "high Ivel epec:,I••" ae ll•t•d In Appendix l".I. 2. l'lamoval by uilec.tlve prun1n9 ol up to 40jl; oP the volume ol the "moderate P"el epe<-let," "" 11,.tec:I In Appendix F.I. 5. Tr••• anc:I larci• tr•• Porm !>hNb& (e.9. oau, Slimac., -ro~on) "'hlc.h are beln9 retained ehall "be prunec:I to provide o:learanc-e •qua I to three tlmee the height ol the e"rro,ndln9 under-story plant material or 6', "'hlch•v•r le hl9h.,r. Oec:,c:I anc:1 exc:.ee!>lvely t ... 199~ 9,0,.th shall ale,o be removec:I. 4. Non-lrr19atec:I. I" .!:1-4 Malntenanc.e ac-c-8e11 &hall be provided to the llr• protec-tlon area•. l".6-5 Debrie anc:I trlmm1n9e produc-ed by thlnnln9 ehall be removec:I Pram the sit" or ehall be c.onvertec:I to mulc-h by a c-hlpp1n9 mac:.hlne anc:I evenl~ c:liepereed over the area to a maximum depth ol 4". 00' ol the native "ndlet"rbed area. l".9--r The Fire Oepartment may require doc:."mentar~ photo9raphe ol elopee at the time oP treatment. l"hatographio ,.,11 remain In poe&•e&lon oP the C.lty ""' a relerenc-e /or l"ture malntenanc-e lnepec:,tlon& by the C.lty. NATIVJ:S Adanoetoma /aec.lc.ulatum C.hamloe Artemlela c:.alllornlc:,a C.allPornla Sa9<1bruah er109onum laac-lc-ulatum euc-lc..,.heat Salvia epec.le& Sa9• Other t>pec:,le& aa apeellled by the C.lty OOMJ:STIC.S Ac.ac.l" ,opec.l•• Ac.ac:.la C.edr"9 ape<-1 •• Cec:lar Guprsesu& spec. lee, c.ypr•e• Oodonaea vlsc.oea Hops,eed l!!vah !!uc-al~ptue spec.lee !!""'"''~Pt""' Junlperue epec-les Juniper l'"ennlaetum Fountain 6raaa Plnv• spec. lee l"lne other 1>pecle1> "" apec.lPled by the C.lty MOO!!III.AT!! HAZAIII.O Sl"!!C.l!!S Heteromelee arbutllolla To~on Mc::iloemc::i lc:11Jt""lna 1-aul""el S1,1m<::1G Gluerc:u• d"moea &rub Oak. 111.'iue lnte9rllolla L.emonade e.rry A~IOGOGUG"" bl-Golor Ml&&lon Manzanita Other epec.lea a• epec-lll•c:I by l:h• C.lty. ~o CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT -------~---< OTHER I\PPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PLANTING SPECIFICATI□NS F□R1 VILLASES OF LA COSTA LA COSTA RIOSE 2./-2.2 L-20 _AP_P_R_ov_E~~L~L~L_ _____ S-2o-C,£ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: CHKD BY:~~- RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-02 DRAWING NO. 420-4L 1-w U) z 0 1-u ::::i Ct'. I- C/) z 0 u