HomeMy WebLinkAbout1635 SAINT JAMES CT; ; CB102127; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 11-12-2010 Mechanical Permit Permit No: CB102127 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1635 ST. JAMES CT CBAD MECH Status: Parcel No: 2050606300 Lot #: 0 Applied: Valuation: $0.00 Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: PC#: Issued: Project Title: SPARROW RES REPLACE FAU AND DUCTS IN SAME LOCATION Inspect Area: Applicant: ASI HASTINGS 1250 GREENFIELD DR EL CAJON, CA 92167 619-223-9016 Mechanical Issue Fee Install/Furn/Ducts/Heat Pumps Fee Fireplace Installation Fee Exhaust Fan Fee Installation/Relocation Vent Fee Hood Fee Boiler/Compressor to 15HP Fee Other Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 2 0 0 0 0 0 Owner: SPARROW FAMILY TRUST 08-04-89 1635 ST JAMES CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 Total Fees: $33.00 Total Payments To Date: $33.00 Balance Due: FINAL APPRO AL Inspector: Date: -/ t{J Clearance: ISSUED 11/12/2010 KG 11/12/2010 11/12/2010 $15.00 $18.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33.00 $0.00 NOTICE: P!ease take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" ol fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." YoLi have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. II you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carl5bad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service lees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired FAX No. P. 001 NOV/10/2010/WED 12:22 PM ~ ~ \1-\\~'\1 Building Permit Appllcatlon 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 l /4 I Plan Check No. ( / 0 )_ I J... ~ CITY OF ut. Value CARLSBAD 760-602-2717 ti718/2719 1,, \ Fax 760-60Z-8558 \al\"' www.carl1badc1.gov la Plan Ck. Depa.It . ~· IXISTING US.Ii ••• WOf<l<.t rt-S. CONIP£NSATION Worl!w' Compensabo.dllldan: I /lt,aOya'firm llldtt/Jllfllill/t¥dpw/lkf OlM dint follorrir,gd!cla'Of(W: 8 I hive and •ill maintain a airtlllcatt at co1116'1tW Hlf.insura fclr wotkenl' ~ as Drovidld by Secilal1 J700 o! 1\8 Lamr Codt, ror !he pllb'l'llance oHhe wodl far which tlil pal'Tl'Ml • ilCulKl I hm and wll mllnaJn workals' com0tn1ation, ilii ~ by SKllon 3?00 ot trie l.m Coda, far lhe oe,folmn» of Vie 'Mir. lor wtictl lllfli IIIIOI" is isluad. My WOl'lrffl' WIIIPllllllloll._iftSwranCII cantar ilr-'l polk,y ,...., ... , .. ,_c. ~ .. 's:'::-1-~,~ .,1cyN,1..,t.&-"Q,~\Q'IO~-,o e.,,-""' \"""'\' !ll!ICOO!l need ~, be com-1 h permit Ii; lor OIIII ~ doln ($100) or Im. C.l'IIIClle of Enmpllan! 1 cen,y '111: In 1111 pierformanaa rl Illa • b' whidl lhls lll!Mil is iauld, I shall nat empbr an~ parson In 8ftJ l'flh1ar ;o ii b becomu.1b;Bc:I Ill !tie Worhltt' Comptnsallcn ~ al. mll. WARNING: Flllun to &IKUl'I Worklrl' 1111n!p1Mltlan • 11'1 w SQI! M!bJICtlll llll)IO'flr to criminal penanl• 111d dvtJ ftnH up IO on1 hundred tllo141nd dollttt 11100,000), In ition to .... cost of CClfflflMUdon, ..... '"'""'"" ... flM' in Sect.lCNI 6 ohh• coda, ~nd IUDM~ .. ,. .. , ~ CONTRACTORSICIHATU•• __,,.-..._~ \O\ \ V /ll!t!4',Jlnn thatl~.-mptAtlmContNtar'I IJttt!Nlmfll'"fhi=~ng,._,n: □ I, .t:11 O¥rnel' of lhe jl,aperty or my tmplOJtH ~ Wig1i D 1!1lr M ~. ~ dO lht wark end thl! S\rud!JI'& C nal Wllr\dad ot 0""'-1 for la (Seo. '™-1, SuKIIIM Md Prot=lon1 Coot; The cannctol'II. LIOICIN l.awl1Dff no<11pplr »an owner Cf prcpeny v.now~ er inpru.,... tllt(tol'I, ■nd who dol111(h work himlenorlfll'O~lll•owu ••yttt, "'°vidad lhataucn knp(Ovt,rnlntl nnoli1ltnd!!dorotf!f!d (or Alt. I~~. Iha bullalllg « improW!lll!nl ~ tOkl 'IMhinonourafcompllllcn, ma ll'M'l8{,0u~....rt h1111 tllt !>.il'den of pmin111 lhll ~I! cld not blilld or lmp,iveb' 1h; purpoea of Nie~ □ □ I, II OWMI' of lhi pruplllt)', Ml tlldLIIWliy OGl'lll'll:tii',; wrtl DMl!G l.'Ollll'«IOII D canalllCl Che orti,iwt;t (Sec, 70f4. ~ and ~ Codr, Th, Cootra::lcts Lbnm uw tlOG llCI IPPI)' ID an OWOlr of glOPlfty. llUD or lmpro'M 1111'-0n, Md c.onnc11 far~ ~~15with ~,11cn1c1 P&nllllll la hi ContriCfOl'II U:llnte llw). I an eumpt 11(1(18( Slc:llon ---~•i,einem !lid Proftllion1 Coc,a for IN$ tason: 1.1 pnoalllr ~ ~ D10vi11 them..-!lbor 111C1 IIIIIIIIU IOtC~ ofllla PIO(IORd p,openy •~nl [JYes ~ 2, I ('hlwi t nM ,-,I) signaG an ~IOtl for 1W,v permij ror OM! pmp05ed "10ltl, 3. I hM aann::led wilh Iha raJkMIQ OCtSC1n aim) lo p,-owjthpn:ipmaa~ {iraidl Alll'4 '°°"8B I phon, fc:ootrlol01$' klnN numllll'): 4. I pla, IO prori1c porilol,1of Illa WOl1<, !)JI I haw! lllrlll Ult~ l)IIIQII ~ ¢00t'dil'IGll, lup&nise and pro,,ldl rhl ffll)OI' WOtk (lnekldi Rilrtll I iDdrtM / Oflone I oontrao(i)r'$' kenle numtlet)· e:. I will p,o~kllt IIOl!lt of '11work. !Ill! I !\Ml QIMCled (hi'!(!) Iii, roll<IVq Plr&CW: IO proyjda Iha \Wllt ifl~lld('lncllldl nntl tdch,1111 / llhcJnl!/lype Gl'world'. ,id PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATUlt!! 0AG<NT DATE N0V/10/2010/WED 12:22 PM FAX No. P. 002 COMl'l f:TE THI\: \F(t10N FOh' NON RESJUlNTIAL llUII n•NG PEUMITS ONLY la lhl IOQliOllllt orMnbJUl!g occu,tnl IWIJ,lllld' 10 lllffl'IIJ.!lUUIHIA ai:;Ulaly haznlll ll'lllnll l'tQlefl1llan bin orll!li: mtn~Gmll'll .-.d prevenllan progran undw Sac!lats 2!5505, 25533 or25534 of th, Pre.,. T.,lllr HIZll'dOut SlbUl0II AaxNJnt Nit? u YN L.:]No I• lhe a,GCIIICantorflue IIIIIIIJtlg 01:CUpa111191111irad m olllain a petMt lfOl'II lheBI' pdlulllln can~ora2yalrv m111agemen1<1rimt? DM 0No lllhl tdltytoDl~wllhln 1,or.o,-tdOII ouarDaWldayat1~ llite? □Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSW~I ARE YES, A FINA.l. C9'TFICA 1i OF O<iCIJPANCY MAY NCT ii l&SUED THE 4PPUCANT HAS Kr OR IS MEETING THI! tamUIREl!ENTS OF TMli OFFICE o, e■ERGENoY SERYICES N0 ~ AJR POWJTION CON'll<OI. DISIJoCT. ~ ~ City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 12/07/2010 Permit# CB102127 Title: SPARROW RES REPLACE FAU AND Description: DUCTS IN SAME LOCATION Type:MECH Sub Type: Job Address: 1635 ST. JAMES CT Suite: Lot: O Location: APPLICANT ASI HASTINGS Owner: SPARROW FAMILY TRUST 08-04-89 Remarks: Total Time: Inspector Assignment: _LZ_fl Phone: 7609940285 Inspector RP ----+,- Requested By: KATHRYN SPARROW Entered By: CHRISTINE CO Description Act Comments 43 AirCond/Furnace Set C,_{2_ w /}ce--e-s s C 110,-es--) tf:> _ __,_JJ?-~il.?4 :r track ),.y/ rN Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments