HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 339-2L; PD 434; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 71; 01-15141i1(102 GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES I. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. ALL WORK iiHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIFAL WATER DISTRICT'S CARLSBAD R~~'...AMATIO U S S FOR CO'IISTRJCTION CF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS' DATE[} OCTO ~-.__..~/ ~ ALL PUBLIC FACILITIES SUCH AS COMFORT STATIONS, DRINKING FOJNTAINS, ETC. SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SPRAY 8Y RECLAIMED WATER. NO PONDl"lG, RUN-OF" OR OVER-SPRAY IS PERMITTED. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITEQ. ON-SITE CROSS-CO"lNECTIONS BETWEEN RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL ON-SITE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAP€ PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULAT\01\S. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL RUN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10,ooP.M. AND s,oo A.M. THE FOLLOWING MORNING (SPOT IRRIGATION COULD BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIME) WITH QUAUFIED S~PERVISION PERSDI\NE:... CN SITE. • I 9. PROVIDE AMINIMUM OF AT LEAST 18 INCHES OF COVER OVER ALL WIRING AND PIPING. 10. I I. 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. * 19. 20. 2'. )jt:'2.2. ,f23. 24. PRIVATE LOTS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTACT FROM RECLA:MED WATER, WHETHER BY WIND BLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPLICATION,THROUGH :RRGATlllN llR OTHER APFROVED USE: LACK OF PROTECT,ON, WHETHER 9Y CJES:GN, CONSTRUCT:ON PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CONTRACTOR SHALL AOJUST HEADS TO PREVENT OVER-SPRAYING ON ALL SIDEWALKS, STREET, AND PRIVATE LOTS. QUICK COUPLING VALVES ~HALL HAVE A SPECIAL COUPLE KEY PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER '.)ISTRICTS RULES AND REGULATIONS. METERS SHALL BE SIZ.ED BY THE CITY OP CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL IRR!GATION FlPE SHALL BE STENCILED, COLOR·COOED (PURPLE) A~D LAID WITH WARN!r.G TAPE PER THE C:TY OF CARLSBAD MUNIC'PAL WATER DISTRICTS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ALL POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER P'PING SHALL BE INSTALLEU WITH THE STENCILING ORIENTED TuWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH. WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE AND RECLAIMED WATER LNE CROSS, THE RECLAIMED l,NE SHALL BE INSTAc.'. . .ED W1THIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. Tl--lE SLEEVE SHll,LL EXTEND IO FEET FROM EAl,;H SIDE, FROt.' THE CENTER LINE OF POTABLE :JNE, FOR "TOTAL OF· 20 FEET. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEt-i POTABLE WATER AN) RECLAIMED WATER MAINS MJST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. THE POTABLE LINE, MUST BE IN STALc.ED ABOVE TH£ RECLAIMED LINE. A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES Of VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES: DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT A CROSS·CCNNECTION TEST AND COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Ef\GINEER AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH SERVICES PRIOR TO ANY USE OF REC:...AIME:D WATER. QUICK COJPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO Tn~ Fvc_LQWING, A. B. c. D. QUIC~·COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE I INCH NOMINAc. SIZE NELSON 10645 WITH BRASS CONSTRUCTION AND A NORMAL WORKING PRES SU.FIE OF ISOP.S.L OR RAl:'lBIRD "'44 NP. ;N DRDER TO PREVENT UNA:JTHORIZED USE, THE VALVE SHALL BE CPERATED ONLY WITH A SPC:CIAL COUPLER KE:Y WITH AN ACMC:: THREAD FOR OPENING AND CLOSING THE VA1 .VE. lHE COVER SHAc_L BE PERMANENTlY ATTACHED TO THE OUICK· COUPLING vALVE. IT SHALL BE FURF--E RUBBER CJR VINYL. LOCKING COVERS ARE REQUIRED. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION Wlc.L BE DONE BY EITHER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OR SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH SERVICES. COPIC:S OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NJN· INSPECTING PARTY. D~VELOPER SHALL SHOO THE WCATION OF R.C, SIGNS " DO NOT DRINK" ON THESE PLANS. AN ON·SITE USER/SUFERVISOR SHALL BE DE$\(;N/.\TE[; IN WRrTING.. THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILII\R WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITHlN THE PROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CONCEP,S OF BACi<FLOW/CROSS-CONNEC"flON ~Rlll EC.:ilUN, AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Cf' A RECLAIMED WAT ER SYSTEM. roPIES OF THE DESIGN A TIONJ w fTH CONTACT PHONE NU'viBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO TrlE SAN DIEGO COwNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND CARLSBAD .MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ,-_,---y---- lN CASE OF EMERGENi,;Y CON~-~~@ io\'1 '7'"2-\'212 (FILL N) ~ (NAME) (TEL. NO.) OR AFTER HOUFiS CON TAC : ~9 "1W-\l-\6 ':'£P-'J°cta @ (i,,ffi J92-l1l'l- (Fli_LI.~) ~" "-l'l=q,.ld (TEi_. N07 ,-__--............,--....._____ ___ ........_____,_ ~~-~- !TE M~ NO's 8, 19 6 2.3 SHALL BE REQcJIRED .JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTU~L 'JSE OF RECLAIMED #ATER. ITEM NO 22 THE S',Gi,AGE PLAN St-lALL SE A ~AR, Of ThlS I."· BUT fHE ACTUAL Sl>,NS a TAGS WILL at: INSTALL.ED JUST "klUR -:-o ACTUAL USE OF R. <.;, WATER. S,iOW ALL PUBLIC 8, PRIVAT[,i kOTAfjlf WATER MAINS ON \Mf-f,.O'✓C:IV,t:N.,. PLANS. ;- -BL,ACI< LOGO r·fll.'l~P"" BACKGROUND / 36 .. / i" ~ LETTERS -1,-------'-----'-----"-_c-~--II I IN,T.S.) ,I ' _,---.:,. I '1VARNING RECLriMED WATER =7-r DO NOT DRINK i R E C L A I M E D W AT E R '_, 2 AVISO-AGUA IMPURA (SIZE) 12." X 36" .060 A8S PLASTIC 0fi STi~K-0 '✓.NY_ SIGNS ALSO U16 AWMINUM ~JO TOMAR --~-1'-'B-~-~--LE-T~TERS TYPICAL SIGNS RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) SIGNAGE NOTES CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 THE FOLLOWING GUIDELIIJE~ Fu~ THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE IO SE PER:vlANENT'...Y POSTED INSIDE THE: DOOf OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. "'~ACE ON !:1-l/2"X Ii' SIZED SIGN. COLOR: PURPLE 8ACKGk!X.ND WITH BLACK LETTERING, GI 'IDEI IN<:-g •DR RECI AI\JED WATER USE I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IRRIGATE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF tQ,QOP.M. AND 6rOOAi;. ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNELON·SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNAl'TENDED ()I.JR\N G USE OJTSIDE ThE NORMAL SCHEDULE. IRRIGATE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN·DFF, POOLING, A:-JD PONDING. THE APPLICATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE :NFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBL.E Wl~H THE :..OWES, SOIL INFIL~RATION RATE PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE \1AY 8E FACILITATED 8Y THE '::FFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC C:ONTROL C'-OCKS, (l .E., EMPLOYINCi TrlE REPEAT FUNCTION ;0 BREAK UP THE TOTAL 'RRIGATION TltvE INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAX:MUM SOIL ABSORPTION). ADJUST s.~.RAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERS PRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER HiE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LDTS, ANO STREETS AND S.DEWALKS. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIA3LE VALVE Sri ETC. SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON A~ THEY BECOME APPA~ENT. EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS· OF THE PRESENCE OF RECLAIMED WATER. PERSONNEL. MUST bE INFORM::D THAT R.C. WATER IS IVEANT FOR IRRI. PURPOSES ONLY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING R.FPOSES, HANO, TOOL, WAS!ilNG, E,C. GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EMPLDYEES IN THE LANDSCAPING INDUSTRY, IT IS IMPORTANT THIS INFOR· MATION BE DISSEvUNATED CN M ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS ~clr1~l1'11tWfrfti '~:9)fl~~AfuiR o1H9d.J1ttil'~?~ks. FOR . OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS ro ANY PRIVATE ON SITE FACIUTIES. SUCH 0\ANG(S MUST BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVE~ BY, THE Di STRICT ENGINEERl.~G OFFl(.;E AND DESIGNED IN AGCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH lclENTIFICAl'ION TAGS. A. OWNER: BLACKMORE PARl(VIEW ASSOCIATES DEVELOPER: THE BLACKMORE COMPANY INSPECTION PROCEDURES I. Ciiy (on§tructi9n ln5pecti9n Sho'I !nclt1de: KEY MAP 1 "::60' SHFET SHEET TITLE T!TLE SHEET IRRIG. LEGEN'.J &. NOTES IRRIGATION PLAI\ S IRRIGATION DE~AILS 4S TAGS SHALL BE WEAT'HERPROOF PLASTIC, 3" X 4" PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS '\yARNING' RFCLAiMED Wt}IER·DO NOT 'lRINK"IMPRINTEO Ct< ONE SIDE,AND 'AVISQ· AG\1AIMPl 1RA• t!fR1tieAR" ON THE OTrlER SIDE. IMPRINTING BE' PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLCR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL. A. Location ot pipe lines. -------LOCATION OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED IRRIGATION MAINLINE. II. B. Trench depth. \ C. Requirod separotion (Horizontollv and Verticoliy). D. Pipe identificotion. ( p,o.c:s} Points of coonectioos. E. Locotion ond identilicotion o/ sprinkler heads. 8. DNE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: F. Warning signs Ot tht: '.:iiM one on th€ truCK'5 hculinq recloirned water (ii recloin,ed wcler is used 'or construction). I. 2. 3. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE·WRAP OR A";ACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE·WRAP QB. ArTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXIST:NG VALVE COVER BOL,. 2. An approval \er/er regardin~ the inspeclion of the proJect shall be obtained rrom lhe city und rhe district, 011d be torwaraed to the county heolih deportment prior to tir.ol inspectio~ opprc,,ol. District Final lnspac1ion Shali 'nc\uce: 8. ALL ::iPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECl_AIMED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. A. Covero9• test, o:ter c0mpletion of the sprinkler sys•em, 10 d•1•rm,ne the oaequocy of coveroge' on the opproved use orea ana prn!ection of areas not approved for ,eceiving re.claimed water. B. Wornill<J signs and lob~ls. EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EOUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARl'JG fHE WORDS "RECLAl~EQ WATER USED FOR IRRl3ATION" IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTERS I HiSH ON A PURF\..E BACKGROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE P~ACED SO T~Af IT CAN BE READILY SC:EN BY ANY OPERATIONS Pc.RS.)NNEL UT.UZING T~E EQUIPMENT. WA.RNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NDT URINK 3. C. Quick coupling valves. D. All aspect, ot the icriootion conditions including w•ndblown spray, runoff, ond ponding. E. Required pro1ection of all resi;entiol oreas. ,., Requ,red protectiCfi of wells 1 streams, reservoirs 1 etc. G. Cross-conrievior.. Annual Inspection Sholl lncl.ude~ ,-,---------~"-~---·) A complete inspection which should ewer port(/',,' B part G m of the districts final inspection. '---.._ _ _...,_....,.-- DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CH~GE Ll>tJ~P -I HEREBY OECLARE THAT I AM ARfH· OF WORK FOR TH\S PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISS~ RESPONS',BLE CHARGE OYER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 5703 o• THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CCRRE~T STANDARDS. I 'JNDERSTAND fHAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWl~GS AND SPECIFICAflONS BY Tl-IE CITY OF CARt..S3A'.) AND THE SAN DIEGO COuffv DEPARTMENT OF hEALTr<'" Si:RVICES IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS_.L,...•r::::-'-- CF WORK, OF MY RE$PONS131LITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. FIRM NAMES 8. ADDRESSES: E: NO TOMM I AVIS0 · AGUA IMPUFtA ~-~-------------' 18" X 18" SIZE CARLSBAD MUN\CIPAL WA.TER DISTRICT ~'Jl-0 ~ .. ~:~. //-JO ·N .016 A~UMINJM,.CBJA8S PLASTIC OR STICK-ON ViNYL SIGNS. WI LL 11\M E. PL\Jt<\1"\ER · · CJ ATE R.C.E. '28\7t:, DISTRIC1' El'GNR - No. Revisions mu!.t c-~ Gpprov·ed b/ Puo11c H~olth Eng1nter, C11y lng1_n!:::~r 8. D1!:.1ricr Engineer iJflD( ''.j Irr. ltir.i;(Jr(ll!O(, \nf't:iC DISTRICT o--{\J--, 0 CJ CJ iljtj _;;1p\lUfl Aµprovt1d -- AREA OF RECLAIMED WATER USE. LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINT -METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION. "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN LOCATIONS. f1.J BU c WI' TE'. R V,A : N fP-of05E:D RECLAIMED !NA~ U'NS Vicinity Map oEvELOPEcls C\JAME. ,PE 0-11c,KI-JDR.E. W- AoDREss: ~IG!-'6U.:.F'F .r::R +'440 ~i-! DIE:GO I CA (:J-2.f-;>t? TELE PHONE 14' n) Jj'Z. -IZJ2- DATC: PLAN PRC:PARE')• 7/11/'14 BY: '-.1 PP,· BE N ::=-f-'-. -M-A-=R,...K _______ .....J ----- 0 1:1 ti Grip I IQ/" El8\liltton ______ ~ __ Ot:itum INSPECT'.JR DATE ,c;\ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATE~ DISTI;1cT ~ .:..,___.~ CITY OF CARLSBAD c·,:,::J,~,.. -:., PLAi~NING DEPARTMENT " " • l . ....._•. j I PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 ----"- -~~ .......... ~I ~-.:-.:::--"',:. N-.?TE: lCCATE MAINLINE OUT ct= 'FIGHT 0::: WAY 11 . / ,_) / / / / / / / / / / \ // ,1,,.,.., . ~/' ~-/ / / / / / / / B<ISTING IAAIGATlON <3-fSTEM {To 101 __, ff<.DM B/lCK Cf ,s10ENAL-l'-)w ~N'1AIN-~T IN A.,ACE. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I 11'1! ____ • l I '~/7\ :~ x I I I I •• , ... ,,, ................ , .. ,'-WM '' ·--' ------···· APPR,,0\1£0 / ;/:.,. -., v· .-· . ~----____ .,,- ~--L / CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUIRED GENERAL NOTES: THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE CITY PLAN CHECK CONSULTANT (619-438-1161, EXT. 4221) 72 HOURS (THREE WORKING DAYS), PRIOR TO STATRING CONSTRUCTION. THE LANDSCAPE OR IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY EXISTING PS.I. AT JOB SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. VERIFICATION SHALL BE MADE WITH THE APPROPRIATE WATER DISTRICT. ALL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTE9S SHALL BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLATION, RELOCATION, OR REPAIRS BY A CITY APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTER. CALL 438-0218 FOR A LIST OF CITY APPROVED TESTERS. DEVELOPER/OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPL YING A COPY OF THE TEST RES UL TS TO THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE, 405 OAK STREET. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING BUILDING AND PLUMBING PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WALL CONSTRUCTION AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION, RESPECTIVELY. ALL \<JOI<.\"-5\-IALI.-e,e: PEcl< CIT'( OF OlrRL-'?eflD 1.--A\J 0'3 CAP e: MAl'l\JA L . VAN DYKE &.ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 2741 Fo1,1rih Avenue P!arining San Diega. CA 92103 Urban Design 619 294-8484 0 15' 30' 60' 120' / , [___ ~ -~ ORIGINAL SCALE: 1" -30'-0" APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUIL T 11 (IL_~, AND IRRIGATION ONLY, @·#-tl£ INCLUDING PRECISE Tr T LE ;;;w. ~ , DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING l (:__~__, 1 -~ 6 ""< . __ ,.. AREAS. R~Lc,w½,,?~ 6 -22-1s:·· EN:'.;'NEERING P-t.ANCHECKER DATE lNSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSB1\D SHEETS 15 """"'T PLANNIN~ DEPARTMENT -----·-----...........-r, ··-·~~-IRRIGATION f'L.j'\N FOR: ....... ·-. ., ... CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 .. ·-. ,~_,,_ ~.PPROV[D .-· ,,,.. -.. -·4ak 4,-;;;c 7~ .. " ~.... - ASSJSTAtH PLA~JN!NG D!RECTJR OAiE OWN BY: I PROJECT ND. I DRAWING NO. DAT( INITIAL f--,'.' ATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: PD4?t\-ENGINEER OF If.ORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I OTH[R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV'w'D BY, ~~-2L L--------------------------------------------------------------------:&-:~1=:~~/f/4~c~,ry:"":P~LA:"':w:"".c~P:1'£:-~-:R.t".:N~~~.-------------~c~.MM'7i.'fl;~D~-_\.tv~!?~1',..\.~o~. ~rut':-~2~l??~----~( .. 3··.~-~·1 & 4/+/<i 5 ~ ,-re 1..A'(Oofi P$\{~. fe.F:-bNN/;! R • Y IRRIGATION SCHEDULE: SYMBOL: MANUFAClURER: @ HUNTER A AAINBIRD A AAINBIRO 6 RAINBIRO 11' RAI-JBIRO □ RAINBIRD [I RAINBIRD 0 RAINBIRD lj:i RAI-JBIRD A RAINBIAD ~ RAINBIRD EB ~Fl. SPECIFICATQNS 0 KBI ◄ WILKINS 0 MODEL# PGH·ADV-04·AW 1812-SAM-1 STO 1812-SAM-7 5H ·SHRUBSPRAY,, ,.I'!, G'M 1812-SAM-150 • SHRUB SPRAY 1 ,C,3 G~M. 1812-SAM-15$S1 • SHRUB SPRAY_jf I. '2 GPM 1812-SAM-15EST • SHRUB SPRAY ,11> ,;;pt,\ 1812-SAM-1 OH "SHRUBSPFlAY 1 .e GPl'1 1812-SAM-SH-8 SHRUB BUBBLER ~ 1,0 GPM 1812-SAM-50-B SHRUB BUBBLER 1 .';, GPM PES-B-PRS-8 ELECTRIC OJNTROL VALVE (SEE PLAN FOR SIZES) .,.,,,· DRIP VALVE ASSi:.MrlLY ' I < ' ) ' ' ) 500 SERIES PRESSURE REGULAtOR (FACTORY SET TO 80 PSI). 3/4" WA IER ME1"1:.R (BY CIHl:.RS). bf;lAIL NO.: I, Si-TT" s 2-I >:::ijf. 4 41-::W 4 . -·--°'\_.. -. . "\ . 4-,<S#f 5 ' 71'5ttf 4 1 , Sl-1[ 4-- '1 SW 4- -----PER SPEC1FiCATONS PVC SCH 40 PRESSURE SUPPLY LJNE PURPLE /1.J....ERT_lNE ------ PER SPE;CiFK:ATONS HARDIE APPROVED PER SPECIFK:AT<JN5 APPROVED PVC CL 200 EHD2057•0o0 LA ToRAl LINE PURPlE ALERTLINE 314· DURA·POL BCUE STA.PE HOSE~ ,Z ,!31--f_ :;, RAINE31RDEMT-60UTLl;:.TDI~ ., ~ MANIFOcO (SEE IRRIGATIO~ :/ I EMMITER TYPE ANO OUAffflTY). , ·•·- POLY ADAPTER BLOW ous· STUB IRRIGAIION Si..EEVE SEE ;RRIGATION-NOTE "10 ~ SPEC .'.;ECT\ot{ 2.\.'"], ti, 2~ ~3 ~~-STATION NUMEER --G.ALLONSPERMll',.;UTE e (]) --------·------------ELECTRJC CONTR.Ol .. VALV~ SIZE • USE PRESSURE COMF'"ENSA TING SCREENS AS NECESSARY TO REDUCE RADoJS. f'""" ~e,W~l<l ~L.Ol'l ~E!v'e:~ ~ M~ it> ~ ~-K 'AARl? COf'fW.· 'R,,P·3&Y-07LA -~i-J G~R _D\?1\/'eN. lI-R:F faJTcR.. z_.e, Gf'H 1 '3a p,-.1 1 zc:1' ~P. FGH · 3:-V-en l-A· ~N Gl".PP 01<'r-Je:1--1 SPP.J:e, RolrQ '26 ~ 1 ,!>O f'SI: 'l1' RAD fb~ -ADY-04 LA-rz.l'-1 G;p,p. 9F-1Yft.l 1:.JF<f' PGroP.. , .4 GPM, -30 f"5a1 1 n' iz;,__o. '31F<L'e, ~I ·4· (;n1 1 30f'S-11 lo' P-AD 1'~0 .j-l:9-~ l,b 6fM 1 30 F.>11 I:? f<1>,D. 11Jl'<'f He-AP ,'15 GPM, 30~1) lei' C.,?1.p. --.... ___ IRRIGATION NOTES: 1. THE BASE SITE PLAN AND SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY LATITUDE 33, PLANNING AND ENGINEERS. 2. IN ADDITION TO THE ATTACHED DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS, REFER TO THE CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES & REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS; PART Ill-PRIVATE SYSTEM, PAGES 72 THROUGH 86, PREPARED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, OCTOBER 1993. 3. THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED BASED ON A STATIC WATER PRESSURE OF 110 PSI, PROVIDED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE STATIC WATER PRESSURE AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIAL OR STARTING CONSTRUCTION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM, AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCY IN STATIC WATER PRESSURE. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR WILL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ALTERATIONS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 4. THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR CONVERSION TO RECLAIMED WATER. THE IRRIGATED AREA FOR THE RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS APPROXIMATELY 36,563 SQUARE FEET AND HAS A PEAK DEMAND OF 12 GPM WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO 2.66 ACRE FEET OF WATER NEEDED FOR IRRIGATION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE IRRIGATION SYSTEM TRENCHING AND CONSTRUCTION WITH ALL OTHER UTILITY INSTALLATIONS. 6. IRRIGATION PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. 7. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED. 8. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO SET THE ADJUSTABLE PART-CIRCLE SPRINKLERS AND INSTALL THE PROPER NOZZLE ARC IN THE SHRUB AREAS~ 9. INSTALL RAINBIRD XERI-BUG PRESSURE COMPENSATING EMITTERS PER THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: PLANT SIZE EMITTER TYPE t'ALM1faS xf 1c 1 GALLON XB-05 EMITJER QUANTITY £~)~~ 5 GALLON XB-05 2 EACH rr~.r·'.,-, LL\ 24"BOX XB-10 ~-4_EACl·t/,CA.'P 'ly·· 1 36" BOX XB-10 t.'v-~Cco ~\EACH-:..,_,.._ .,. . .. ...... 4ft f'O<. ~-ft:I ~ G ~ 'i;AOI' EMITTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED AB GRADE, EQUAL DISTANCE AROUND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE PLANT ROOT-BALL AND ALL PIPING SHALL BE THOROUGHLY FLUSHED PRIOR TO EMITTER INSTALLATION. SEE DETAIL9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY FLUSHING OF THE DRIP SYSTEM DURING THE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE PERIOD, AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT OF ANY PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES DURING THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD THAT IS THE RESULT OF UNFLUSHED DR1P TUBING. DRIP VALVES SHALL RUN IN CONJUNCTION WITH, BUT ON SEPARATE PROGRAMS, FROM OTHER VALVES OPERATING ROTORS AND SPRAY HEADS. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED SLEEVES WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE FLATWORK AND ASPHALT PAVING. ALL SLEEVING SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INSTALL SLEEVING BASED ON THE FOLLOWING SLEEVE SIZING SCHEDULE: \\ ,···-.,.Pl P_E SlZ,~.QR. y'JI f:!E Ql)~NT[TY: .. . -~ R~Q.UIREQ.S~5E,~;JS):, \ ·r NotE 0 * ~ SC\l~@.vet'ICULl,R ft\V!NG~ ~ 40i°'~l,6l',I' PI\VIM&) • 3/4" LATERAL . --.----.... · -.. . . (1j :?;--SCH,:t-PVC .• 1"LATERAL (1)2"SCH':+1PVC 1 1 /4" LATERAL (1) 2" SCH( c(· {PVC 11/2"LATERAL (1)2"SCH,,r-iPVC 2" LATERAL (1) 4" SCH)-:t-jPVC 2 1/2" LATERAL (1) 6" SCH) :!f .. \PVC 3" LATERAL (1) 6" SCl-f·+-FePVC 1 -20 CONTROL WIRES (1) 2" SCH'.. t VC 21-40 CONTROL WIRES (2) 2" SCH: ;t: PVC 41-60 CONTROL WIRES · (3) 2" SCH\)¥ PVC 3" PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE (1) 6" CL 315 PVC 4" PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE (1) 8" CL 315 PVC 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE AND FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS OF TURF AREAS AND SHRUB/TALL GRASS BEDS TO ENSURE THE PROPER ALIGNMENT OF FENCE MOW STRIPS AND APPROPRIATE IRRIGATION HEADS OR DRIP SYSTEMS. 12. THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION WATER SYSTEM CONFORMING TO THE REGULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION WATER SYSTEMS WITHIN THE "CMWD" (CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT) AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 13. ALL PRIVATE CONSTANT PRESSURE RECLAIMED AND POTABLE WATER MAINLINE PIPING INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "CMWD'S" REGULATIONS AND THE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS (WARNING TAPES ALSO REQUIRED). 14. CONSTANT .. PRESSURE RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE "ALERTLINE" VIOLET COLORED PVC AS MANUFACTURED BY BROWNLINE, INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL. 15. MARKING ON THE PURPLE COLORED PVC PIPE SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ALERTLINE. CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER, NOMINAL PIPE SIZE PVC-1.120 PRESSURE RATING IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH AT 73 DEGREES. ASTM DESIGNATIONS SUCH AS 1785, 2241, 2672, 3139. PRINTING SHALL BE PLACED CONTINUOUSLY ON TWO SIDES OF THE PIPE. 16. WARNING TAPES SHALL BE USED ON ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING CARRYING POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER. 17. WARNING TAPE FOR RECLAIMED WATER PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. THE PLASTIC WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PREPARED WITH SILVER PRINTING ON A PURPLE FIELD HAVING THE WORDS, "CAUTION; RECLAIMED WATER LINE BELOW" . THE OVERALL WIDTH SHALL BE 3 INCHES. WARNING (CAUTION) TAPE SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY THOR ENTERPRISES, INC .. P.O. BOX 450, SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN, 53590, (PHONE: (608) 837-7197). WARNING TAPES SHALL BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE PIPE LONGITUDINALLY AND SHALL BE CENTERED .. THE WARNING TAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PIPE AND SHALL BE FASTENED TO EACH PIPE LENGTH BY PLASTIC TAPE BANDED AROUND THE PIPE WITH FASTENERS NO MORE THAN 5 FEET APART. TAPING ATTACHED TO THE SECTIONS OF PIPE BEFORE LAYING IN THE TRENCH SHALL HAVE FLAPS SUFFICIENT FOR CONTINUOUS COVERAGE. ALL RISERS BETWEEN THE MAINLINE AND CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH WARNING TAPE. A SECOND WARNING TAPE RUNNING CONTINUOUSLY ABOVE PIPING TO BE INSTALLED 12 INCHES ABOVE RECLAIMED WATER LINE. 18. THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED SEVEN . DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AT (619) 438-3367. 19. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE DRAWINGS MAY RESULT IN THE FORFEITURE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S STANDARD RETENTION FEES. 20. ALL PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING FROM THE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MAINTAIN 10 FEET MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION FROM ALL POTABLE WATER PIPING. WHERE RECLAIMED AND POTABLE WATER PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING CROSS, THE RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW THE POTABLE WATER PIPING IN A CLASS 200 "ALERTLINE" PURPLE COLORED PVC SLEEVE WHICH EXTENDS A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE POTABLE WATER PIPING AND PROVIDE A MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12 INCHES. CONVENTIONAL (WHITE) PVC PIPE MAY BE USED FOR SLEEVING MATERIAL IF IT IS TAPED WITH 3 INCH WIDE RED WARNING TAPE WHICH READS "CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER". 21. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC 3" X 4", PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS, "WARNING RECLAIMED WATER · DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AVISO IMPURA · NO TOMAR" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES, 1207 WEST STRUCK AVENUE, SUITE "E",. ORANGE, CA 92667 (714) 771-4142. B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE PER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP. 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP. 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 22. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL TO THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS, STREETS AND SIDEWALK. 23. REFER TO THE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM SITE OBSERVATION REQUIREMENTS. FAILURE TO CALL FOR THE REQUIRED SITE OBSERVATIONS MAY RESULT IN FORFEITURE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S STANDARD RETENTION FEES. 24. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE GUIDELINES PUTS YOUR SYSTEM IN VIOLATION OF THE DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS AND WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION OF SERVICE UNTIL CORRECTIVE STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN. 25. INSTALL KING BROS. ADJUSTABLE CHECK VALVES AT LOW END OF LATERALS TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE: ,,~••••-... _,, • .-r "y •••-.... ..,,. ... -• .............. •~,,"• ••• ••,,, ••·" ....... ,,.,.,,... •-•u• •-..•••••" \.----•,.,,-••~,-•• • ••,..,,,,•••-•, _r•-~ ...... - ( .:m:; it1Atsll !At DBAltsl \/Al VES (SEE SFECIEICAT:tOr-<IS i:.2.3'}.TO :B:E: ''i ( tNSTA LLED AT ALL LCMI ~-lt>t .. ll.4AtWUME. _,../ IT-···---. ..../'···-... __ ... ..,.. ........ ---·-·· ·--'" .. ·"'·, ...... _ .. ---"'·· . .•• ............ -...,. ,,, ... ___ .. _/ '2-7. ,Se:;T Nl~r-' J.t1A1'.A~}R~,T ~Tee:'3 st¥,l.l.. ~ J.G>E.D 1b P::.EVE}..ff f't-:CL-f .. lMED f<-Jt\"TER. fQ)"-1 fl...0)411\6 11\Ji'D Gf::'7™ ~, I'-!;;;. I_) \\ ··-................. ,...__~.,...,,. ii '\ <~ 1 ~ 1 I T I ··;--// H .. , b l_! l ,__ ; . I l' t_ -·-·---------·----·-· ! :ti~ Pl,~O VEl.) F'C) It 1-1 l.1\N'1'1NC 1\ :~ D 11 t It 1 C l\' l' l C)N (J .. \! LY, INCLUD1\'C f)h'.l<C!Sla: 1,C)CA'l'IO-N ()!' fJL"\N'IJNC; ;..\ I~ l'.: , \ ::i .. ., ---------~··· , .... _ 1---.. ,...........f---• I l , --·-····-··---------· -··-·--·-·· . ~ . ... --····-··-f-----------··--··-···--··-. , ___ ,,_ -----·-· -----·-·-····· .... ·-+- ' ··~~-------------- -··-·· .. ,. ""·-··--- CATE l~ITIAi. I 'E·-ic1rJsf:f~ of-· woRJ I .. _______ _,_ __ --------·---1 1 l · -------1 -------------1-· ' I --------+-------·1 ' i -r --! -- -----------\ -------- ' ------/---------- ! ! ' ··1·· .. ·····---- ' ' ' . ' 1 . -·· ·-···· ' . --t· --· .... , .. --·-··· i ...... _ ,-··-... ····- ' . --·· ···-r··-., ·-· "" i ------... , , ....... , ___ , __ _ IRRIGATION NOTES & LEGEND FOR: '· ' NOTES: I . Tl-l£R£ 9-W.L EE NO FITTil'-l,S i:F CC1'UCTlCNS m cm-£R FtrOUllES E£1W£EN 11-E MElcR fW) E.\llCl<FLCM' ASS EM BlY. ft. 2. 8tO<.flO,Y Ff£VEN'Trn MAY l'lJT E£ INSTtlU..ED l'I R..B...X: RlGHT· CF-WAY. 3. CCHSTRU:T 2' HIGH F£TAIN~ WAil. O'l 3 SUS C1' BtO<FI..ON ~Yol-£NINS7J:tilDCN 41 CA GltATER SL/YE. CPEN EN) SHAU. BE AT ~1-fU SIDE: ~ Sl!ff:. PRNC£ 2 ~AL Cl£ARAN:E Bt:TWITN WQI.L Am BiO-flDYI ffifVENTER. 4. 00 !'OT INST/lU. IN tJR:A SUBJECT 1D FL.!XONG. 5 12" MIN. -@ 36"MAX. "MAX. FlNI '4'. 7 }--<► lftj===-1► 3 .. fv.c.-, 0c~, 00 NI l"'t"'l-1:o"" :c;v,c.. '<>Cr/, (?CJ ut-11 ON --· f, v:c. ""Cli e,o P-t:7AfTi=,.F 1 -' ff\ m E£ NSTAU£D A..flSlj).NT TO IIU.CIPI\L cca: 0'.XX 14.C6.00.4CO-SEC.S 8 TITLE 17 OF THE CALIFORNIA A()M INISTRATJVE 0:U:. ~PICI-"' f;':,p-01'cc FC'f".. ---+ V P--l--VIS-ie,D >< I I 11: ,_ n•~ I JI lN 1 LIW\:J I ii:, l I ::i~ . 2 ID' HAM>nt I"' LH ,.., HN-H, PG24 3 ' c-~ r.i ( r -• •N 1:'.:l CR l ~Ar~n flTTINt-,,_--. J 4 :I ,-~ N""" ~ ' IIV,: A,_.,.l"UY, -., I ~ ""' .., • .il P'SIJ T Al r1)( .. TU!...,., HY . ' l. "'" .. ~EDUCE PRESSURE BACKFLO~ ~ f'R-EVENTEf< WATER PROOF EPOXY ------~ CONNECTOl'IS EDGE OF FIXED --~ IMPROVEMENTS WRAP W/#15 FELT --~ PRIOR TO BACKFILLING TAPE Wlf"1ES TO-----~. PIPE PVC FEMALE COUPLING (SXT) 8" LONG EXPANSION----- LCOPS. 1 CU FT. PEA GRAVEL,---~ SUMP BRASS NIPPLE VALVE BOX W/LOCKABLE COVEf1 MAl1KED "RCV" · 2" IN GROUNDCOVER <>---REMOTE CONTROL V/,LVl (HCV-CL0l3[ i=Li=CTH:C WI FLOW CONTl10L) 1-------STAINU.:ss STU,L EJLl'lD SCHEW l-------ar-1ASS U~JlON ILOW PVC i01F'E ---PVC l'LMAU' CCLJl'L11JG ~---LlllA~iS NIH'LE ----HV✓D SUPPOHT (4-MIN , Si.cT ON LJNDISTURBCD OR ON 95% COM PACI [l) SOIL ~---2" MIN, G'MAX CLEAHANC:C ~~ 0 w c_ U) LU w U) ·-fOUNr VALV!'c, p:ox w~a:::::1<1N31 CoVE,f"' AN17 f:.XT~'c:ION6A<;:, p.e.c?'~ --FLIU-f'OfZ-T BAW-VAl.-VE.-' :;.;:'' 1 ~ w)<'.L] la Af<'.f":A°:,, .------1" MIN. -2" MAX. FROM FACE OF · F:XED IMPROVEMENTS. ~-POP-UP IRRIGATION HEAD (SEE IRRIGATION LEGEND) ---2 INCHES IN SHRUB AREAS ~-FINISH GRADE ,----SCH. 80 P V.C. STREET ELLS (TY?.) ~--THREADED SCH. 80 P.V.C. NIP?LE (TYP.) P.V.C. LATERAL ~--P.V.C. ELL OR TEE \ f / I I ' \ \ , ) ( l \ ' // \ \ / { \ \ ,) I ' I \ ' ;, I ( \, / f ;, I I \ \ ' , ) ---ii_ I t 11 I 6' "b ~ , , •' .--------17' ~p y~ ~, /!tf';fql " # tff e,,c,,;a-~ ,, r--------z_ Y/'l-Y~ ~ .----~" Lft/'<ft,f" C.,Y.Y ' F' ~ f tj_a:> f'?-= E;L.-1.--('V ~ r;.,::,. ~IFPLe-~-c-i) • ,---'¥!-~~ ~--~ r•F 4,->f'Vc... '1-,, l'.1.l-- ~-r11--re?, f,4'~·1P=tf' ~r ----~ JA," c'.fuS.HW-"'JP-'-/fL-'41f (SU:-";:ff:L-lfiC,,,.~), AUTOMATIC IRfllGATION CON I ROLJ.E R. 1:-~---FACE TOWARD WALK, STflEET, ETC . ( ' ' j I I \ ' I \ i / ' I i 5" MIN, 12" MAX FROM FACE OF FIXED \ IMPROVEMENTS . \ FINISH GR.---- A&&&&&A a&,nnn,,.,,. ----. ---······" " . " ------······ (}) u w o_ lf} w w lf} 1,.: ~ \-. r-~~~-1 I i-----J : ' ' ~-HOSE lllGll W/SWIVEL ON COUPLER KEY (2 PER QUICK COUPLER) --QUICK COUPLER VALVE W/LOCKING TnP ., : · •!'ti !'.11<H. f' r-2" IN GROUNDCOVER ~--ONE CU. FT. CONCRETE ' (A " AS BASE. (MIN) -----BRASSELL '----SHORT BRASS NIPPLE ---FEMALE ADAPTER ,.._ _______ PVC TEE OR ELL@ MAIN LINE 4 QUICK COlJPLEf<.. 6" (TYP.ALL SIDES) SLOPE ----- AWAY FROM PEDEST~L . FIN. GR. t-----PEDESTAL I~ --. 1 r -ti r 1 I I II 1 1 ~ I I' I . ,,, -' ' i I \' , ❖ lUJ : : ,-~~ ,' , ~--ANCI IOR DOLTS ,, ,----'2. IN GROUNDCOVER (c;cc;jillr==ffl-H--95% COMPACTED SUBGllADE .!Eco----PROVIDE 3/4" NOM. DIA. PVC. ' , 1-r'-' .,.,,..,c,--n-n~ nn __ JI! ,, ELEC CONDUIT W/l'OWEH -ft -...... =~ -----~ CONC.13AS[ 12" DC£,1;1 ;_K_<r a,,;, 3" NOM DIA. X 90° LONG SWEEP PVC. 7 ELEC. CONDUIT Ell. FOR CONTROL Wlf,ES. ~----CONTROL WIRES -~0.8I~QLLff'-fFDSSTI:~ HDUNT -----·· .... _____ ·~·-·· ' .. ::··j · i ' -----t _\ j)JJ [{()\IL:[) J,'()I< JiJ,.\\TJ\C ,\NI) 1·1)]'](' \'!'!')',: ''\ij --. ,.\ ·'-( ,\ ()[\ ,[. INCl,li!)l\C; l'l<!,:C'l~:1,: 1 ,C) cc\' r 1 CJ N C) 1, 1) L .\ \, 1, 1 \ c; .,' :: I 4 . . . .. -··· - C'l't'Y 01' C;\l<LSl3,\D IS IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR: .... , ·-· .. · CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 ! ' ---. --------------· . ---··+ - ! ' : " -·-·-·-· ··i· -1-·-·-I ....... , .... -----·---···--·· -,------·· ' I --···-· I I -(:, .. ;:-1· ·; 1r,1-,1,\iJ ... t:JClrJl!·I< C;f ·,,:::y:i..t<I I .. ··-···· -"' ------······-··-·----··· --· -· ""[ """ ·-···· , .. ' I. I ' I ; , i r: ;,; i i :r JI "1 I:..., .. , ,; 3.99-'2L • . ,\ I. '' 'I I I ' ' f I I ' I i I l l q I 1, ' I' I· I I I I l ., ' t! ' ,_::::::::=::::=::::::::::==:::::-~• LAF---J,l BP£,~ "=<lrlF-Z?U._f'r. ,----µYE'.-f1L:P:'l"-lsee:.~F1~) ~-~IJ.Wf'-"""-YE', f!'oX ( ~ 'cff.;::-jf]~ rr==,=--------1=~==== ==-=1\ II II II II II II II II II ~ ·-~ 9:)-1 40 r:vc a.L _j S:-Ji eo Pie t-111-1"..E -·- I vfif' fil.h--b~ -If' w= Ii -I F1/L.-l>'-{J..-YN-ve;. ~ -SWP1'L, 1---< ,lee ~~~;;;::;;;;;;;;',';~~~ --.___ (~ ~ V-"<A/8' ~ l -<-U-~r~o,) I I .-J ,:;:_oi.:l1;>,i t-1 e+-<nA'c-~~y wm.J.iel fr>)(. R, H"!' ~ v;.we;. ~f,-k-. ~-& it,)'-P, ff.,f'~ iJm-1 fi~l,,ti ~- I fU=XIBW='.-P~f" LIN!::,(THl-o WN\=, 'c:>j-JONN 0~ FL.Pt! 'o) 0 oJrw=-T PF-Ir' ~ITTEF (~ lfP.IBtPl70N <---EclieNDJ l,--------\,-1:= M-!Ti" EI<-TU fbl i--k, -M,""-X' i..:: Gj Fl Of Z:>o'. -:-<'"--rl.PtlnNei Ho~frYp,J ""'\.__v'JZ\f' LINl:-cr-iT.)Of ~E: 1 ~ ~WQ O'-f"-~ z P--1 f.p6\I':,'<:> Cf f'l-P-N-TING, HOU:-P-NP l'r\E:: ~!>s\1--11\-.!G J::.ti'Ul!:71".:>T/>'t-lTJ-Y r v'flf' L-!~e fO/Z--T~"' Cf'.. PALMS ~-------. c::A.P TY IS TWO E 11 I Tie.P.... OJ'TLETS <!. F'L-A!-tfll-JG HclE. WfJE:RE 9.J LY 4 NBtt:ED 'TO TI¢~ cR PALt>-1 ®r---E:_M_l_1TE_P-_L_A'(_o_Ll_..;_T __ _ . I I '----51..-lf'i t'11Fr~-1> N'--I--P~ ~-fV,::,._ 131-U--',1,>-L. V ~ <. f X f,7 'Sql ~ f",t"..-µ I f'F'L,I':--~ A:> _pb;>'-<1~ ...,-'br-~~ ~ ~P(l4.rr.') rP a,, ®--B_Lo_~_-_O_UT_S_~U_B_· _ STREET SURFACE--~ POTABLE MAINLINE FE;::T (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGSJ7 ~-5 - ~ . ~ ~ ~ 12-MINIMUM REQUIRED VERTICAL SEP4RATION+ RECLAIMED WA,EFi IFiFi/GATION MAINLINE NOTE.- ~ ~--SLE!:VE AU PECLAIM/EDWAicR IRRIGATION PIPE ANO SLEEVES SHAU. et= PURPLE AND LA8f;L~O AS SPEC!FfED lN; 'STANDARD SPECIFJCAT70NS FOR Ni/VATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS· "CARLSBAD RECLAMATiCN ,'lULES t'.ND REGULATTONS FCR CCNSTRUCT70N OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS" OCT 1qq3 @-8_ITT_"AB_L_E_tv1_A_1 N..;.....L_I_N_E_c_R_D_SS_I N_G_---'! _, ___ ,, __ ,_ . -·-·---+-· .. _'. __ ____.....,....__ .----11 HIPt rl'f' fr:H, -lo f't'C aL('l') ~ l"it2"s:::;.I f'(C NlfP..E. ~-FINISH Gff,DE 11',x,i.l. t? r"/C fil~.---..llll, l..fMe,-H f0 F2~'0· I 111x id ,sc-H. 'cO r,c---... NiPfLE \ --"~-l'f1P><F.IF SOl 4o f'{C e.LS(,z) -=--__!__JJP'--'----'--" Rlt:::> (1) I' <:,e...1-<co f'IC t,,i:l&VLE. U::t-JGnl µ;; f.~'D. 51=:E j-J._O,,:; e,;L.o~. '---{!_J--;il,~~~__:~----~:es,L..'f:.E ~UPf'C( u~Jr; ~.t.:-JICe tt1:;, ~:C'S. ' l~f;rl~ _: S 2 _ >'-. (I ( r----SIDEWALK .---METER BOX WIMETER CURB---, ----,f'--,--+t 2 4. ------,,r- ~------tt-'Tl\-l_,,~-,;Jsftft.r "'ii=,,-,====ao,= I 1Z'MINIMUM RECLAIMED WATERJRRIGATION MAINLINE W!SLEEVE -~ NOTE: VERTTCLE CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LJNE. INSTALLATlON OF RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGAr,::;N MNNLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECE!$SARY 1 O' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAIM.INE IN THE.STREET I . ® FOTA6LE SERVICE LINE CROSSING ;\ I) !-) I-< 0 V l< D I·' C) I { I J Li\ N 'I' I N C 1\1\D Ir~f~JC;:\'!'!01~ 01\JI,'{, INC:Ll:l)!N(; 1)1-cl•:Cl~I•: LC)C1\TI0N C)l•' !JL,\~'l'JNC ,\ I< I< \.~. ' 1 ... -----···---··----------- j 1 L l. .. I '. I I '' I r I 'I : I I • I .. ··-·-----···-·"··--·--·· "i j ' ' --· ----··-· r ······------· .. . ---·------·-· ···-----·r·· --. ----t --..... -+----·-----·--··-· -. -···--··---·--··1··-· ~~•-•- IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR: 1 t _,_(. I ----!,·--. ·-·----" , _______ -----. . -: :__:::::::-~-----------1-. _---: ' ' CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 I j r;5.': :---,,_____ __, ___ ,, _____ ,_ ., .. ,,;,_,_______ . : ---+-----·--··---·---·-- ---·---·-· -·----t--··-----·-···· ---·---·. ··-..... , .. ,_, ______ , ______ , """"'i·-··---····• .. - , UA··;· I 1-:: 111,: :_:;. ;[ lsc1••·.-nr1 IJ-,.0 ·:)<,T1r·,N I· ,, .. J, __ ,,\_, \i I, ... ~,\ r I,~.. 'OTHL:..0 r;h~i<O\J,L PART 1 • GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: 1.1.1 This section covers the furnishings of all materials and perfom,ing all operations to provide a complete operable landscape irrigation system as shown on the drawings. • All aeAtF8lle1&, semral semml seFRpYler, wealher stalien aoo-system--, :\-.... ~pooems relmee 1e 1he if!igmieR ef l~e ElfiYifl!I rafl!;JO fairways, -'\ . .'..l_. ; ~. lellll ans gFeeAS a,e speeilie€1 ey ~eU o. Mitchell & --; '\. -Asseelates (:s+G-939--3985r-) ~--, --·-,...,, . ...___ ___ . -------. ... ~ .. -' other site irrigation components such as drip sys:ems and reconnection of existing slope valves to the new controllers are specified by Van Dyke & Associates {619-294-8484). The scope of the work indudes the following: . 1 T ranching, stockpiling excavated materials and refilling trenches. 2 Irrigation system components induding but not limited to: piping, '\ backflow Pl'.@.V8nlion devices, valves, fittings, rotors, spray heads, /'. """;-¥al~~• drip emitters, drip tubing, controllers, '--·wiring and final adjustments as determined by the Landscape Architect and Owner's representative to insure efficient and unifom, distribution. .3 Pipe connections to FJUmp stations, water meters and batkflow prevention devices. . 4 Testing and inspection c-f irrigation system. .5 Clean-up and maintenanv:i 1.1.2 The conditions of the Contract and Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS: 1.2.1 Section 02900 -Landscaping 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.3.1 Code Require,nents shall be those of State and Municipal Codes and Regulations locally governing this work, providing that any requirements of ihe Drawings and Specifications, not conflicting therewith but exceeding the Code Requirements shall govern, unless written pennission to the contrary is granted by the Architect. 1.3.2 Conform to the raquirements of the reference infom,ation listed below except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified in the most current set of construction documents: . 1 American Society for T estlng Material (ASTM), for test methods specifically referenced in this section. 2 Underwriter's Laboratories (UL), for UL wires and cables. 1.3.3 Work involving substantial plumbing for installation of copper piping, backflow prevention devices and other related work shall be executed by a licensed and bonded plumhing contractor. Any necessary permits shall be obtained prior to beginning work. 1.3.4 Specified depths of pressure supply lines, laterals and pitch of pipes as stated in this section are minimums. Settlement of trenches lower than grades specified on the final grading plans is cause for removal of finish grade treatment, refilDng trenches, recompactlng and repairing of finish grade treatment. 1.3.5 Follow current printed manufacturer's specifications and drawings for items or infom,ation not specified or graphically indicated in the most current set of construction drawings. 1.3.6 Scaled dimensions are approximate and at times ii is not possible lo indicate offsets, fittings and other related equipment graphically on the construction drawings. Contractor shall be responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions of related sitework, architectural elements, utilities and landscaping and furnish and install required sleeves and fittings. 1.3.7 Do not Install the irrigation system as shown on the construction drawings when it Is obvious that actual field conditions such as physical obstructions, grading discrepancies and field dimensions vary from those recorded on the construction drawings. Immediately bring any such discrepancies to the attention of the architect prior to proceeding with work. If immediate notification is not given and such discrepancies exist, the contractor shall assume full responsibility for necessary revisions, as determined by the Landscape Architect or owner's representative. 1.4 EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS: 1.4.1 Preserve and protect all existing trees, plants. monuments, structures, harcfscape and architectural elements from damage due to work in this section. In the event that damage does occur to inanimate objects and structures, the contractor will repair or replace such damage to the satisfaction of the owner's representative. Damage or injury to living plant material will be replaced at the Contractors expense. 1.4.2 T~enching or other work required in this section under the limb spread of &xisting trees shall be done so as to prevent damage or harm to limbs, branches and roots. 1.4.3 Trenching in areas where root diameter exceeds 2 inches shall be done by hand. Exposed roots of this size shall be heavily wrapped with moistened burlap to avoid scarring or excessive drying. Where a trenching machine is operated in proximity to roots that are less than 2 inches, the wall of the trench shall be hand trimmed, making 'clean cuts through roots. 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 1.6.1 Tranches adjacent to or under existing trees shall be closed within 24 hours , and when this is not possible, the side of trench closest to the tree or trees affected shall be covered with moistened burlap. Protect, maintain and coordinate work with other contracts, specifications, trades and utilities. Extreme care shall be exercised in excavating and working in the area due to existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages caused by their operations. In the event that damage does occur, the costs of such repairs shall be paid by the Contractor unless other arrangements have been made with the Owner. Use caution where trenches and piping cross existing roadways, sidewalks, hardscape, paths or curbs. In the event that damage does occur, the repair shall be at the Contractor's expense. SUBMITTALS: Submit (6) six sets of all inigation equipment to be used, manufacturer's brochures, service manuals. guarantees and operating instructions for approval to the Landscape Architect prior to beginning work. Submittals should be in a bound form complete with table of contents. The contractor shall not proceed with work in the field until this submittal is approved in its entirety by the Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall furnish (4) four service manuals to the Owner prior to scheduling a walk through for substantial completion of their work. Manuals shall be submitted in a bound form complete with a table of contents, copy of contractor's warranty and workmanship fonn on company letterhead and shall contain complete enlarged drawings of all equipment installed showing components warranty's and catalog numbers together with the manufacturer's name and address. Manuals shall include operation instructions. Manuals shall be subject to approval by the Owner or Owner's representative to completeness. RECORD DRAWINGS: Prior to beginning work in the field the contractor shall secure a complete set of irrigation plans, details and specifications on diazo mylars at the original scale. The contractor shall be responsible for making a set of blueline prints for every week on the project. At the end of each working day, the contractor shall record all work accomplished for that day on the set of blueline prints in red ink. These record drawings shall be brought up to date at the end of each work week by a qualified draftsperson. These drawings should indicate the following: .1 Any zoning changes. 2 Dimension from two pennanent points of reference (building comers, fixed hardscape comers, road intersections, pennanent existing utilities) the location of the following hems: a. Connection to existing water lines. b. Routing of pressure supply lines at every 100' along routing. c. Electric control valves. d. Gate valves. e. Quick coupling valves. t. :----Aii:-release-va!ves.-Nor u5E!O g'.; _-Manual drain valves,,, t,lOT 06,EO h. Drip valve assemblies. L Drip line blow-out stubs. i Control wire routing ( if routed separately from pressure supply fine). i. \IIOf ~ m. Backflow prevention devices. n. Water meters. o. Mirr USED f. NO\" us,eo q. Control units and/or field satellite units. s. Other equipment as directed by the Landscape Architect. 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7,3 1.7.4 1,7.5 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 Prior to scheduling a walk through for substantial completion, provide a record set of field as-built drawings as described above to the Landscape Architect for review. After review, the as-built set will be returned to the field foreman requesting further infonnation or will notify the owner that the records set of field as-builts are complete. At this time a walk through for substantial completion may be scheduled. Prior to scheduling the final walk through, a final set of as-built drawings on diazo mylars shall be completed and provided to the Owner or Owner's representative, l,,..,~. Wll.t, APD l"i~-1l' ~ ct,y MY'c>~ . CONTROLLER DRAWINGS After completion of the final set of as-built drawings and prior 10 scheduling a final walk through, the Contractor shall obtain a set of completed as-built drawings from the Owner or Owner's representative for the preparation of controller drawings. Provide two sets of controller drawings for each controller or field satellite unit installed on the project. The controller drawings shall be an actual blueprint reduction of the area covered by that controller or field satellite unit and shall be al the maximum allowable scale that will fit inside the controller door without folding the drawing. Color each controller drawing with colored pencils using a different color to represent each separate zone. Each controller drawing shall be hermetically sealed between two (2) pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum of 20 mils thick and submit to Landscape Architect for review . After review, the controller drawings will be returned to the Contractor and the Contractor shall make any required adjustments, after which the Contractor will permanently fix (1) one controller drawing to the inside of each controller or field satellite unit and bind one complete set of controller drawings in a loose leaf binder and submit to Owner or Owner's representative prior to scheduling a final walk through. MAINTENANCE: The maintenance period for irrigation shall begin after a certificate of completion is provided by the Landscape Architect to the Owner. The Contractor shall warrant materials against defects and guarantee workmanship for the period specified under the maintenance agreement. Contract:ir shall be responsible for coordinating warranty items with manufacturer/distributor and Owner. 1.8.2 Settlement of trenches which may occur during the maintenance period will be repaired by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner. 1.8.3 Repairs required due to vandalism before the end of the maintenance period will be performed at the Contractor's expense, 1.8.4 Freeze damage to equipment during the maintenance period shall be repaired or replaced at Contractor's expense. 1.8.5 Prior to a release of responsibility at the end of the maintenance period, the Contractor shall schedule a walk through with the Owner or Owner's representative and shall provide the following: ,1 Current waterlng schedule requirements. . 2. Two (2) sets of the required tools for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of rotor or sprinkler head and valve used on the project. .3 Two (2) six foot valve keys for operation of gate valves .4 Two (2) key:; for sach controiler or field satellite unit. .5 Two (2) aluminum drain vale keys of sufficient length for operation of manual drain valves. .6 Four (4) quick coupler keys and matching swivels for each type of quick coupler used on the project. 1.9 EXTRA STOCK: 1.9.1 Provide the owner with the following items at the end of the maintenance period: .1 Five (5) pop-up spray heads with nozzles of each type used, for every 100 pop-up spray heads installed on the project. 2 Five :5) rotor sprinklers with nozzles of each type used, for every 100 rotors installed on the project. .3 Fifty (50) drip emitters of each type used for every 1000 drip emitters installed on the project. PART 2 • PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPING: 2.1.1 General Piping: .1 Pipe sizes shown are nominal Inside diameter unless otherwise noted. .2 Identify pipe with the following indelible markings: A. Mariufacturer's name. B. Nominal pipe size. C. Schedule or class. D. Pressure rating. E. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal of approval. F. Date of extrusion. -------------------------------,-=----~ -·-::::;.;.:::::_·,:;..;:· . ..:_·-.:--. ~ ... , ...... ___ --...... -----~---~--------~· ......... 2 PVC ~14~(1"-21/2" Pressure Su!ply Line) and PVC Class 160 ' (3" and larger Pressure Supply Line) . WoTEi : 1-15e f'C SC" ei, AT Veit \CUI.AR~ '-. PAVING ~ PVC ~ 40 AT psoe.s-. .3 , PVC ~..ter, (Non-Pressure Lines). 1lW'IW PAVlt,\e -. .. , ........ ..._ -.. -.,_ .... ,, -----,..,., __ --.......__ Copper Pipe and Fittings: ----2.1.8 .,. ___ '· ... 2.1.2 Solvent Weld Pressure Supply Lin:..:e:,,,: _______ .._.......,. 2.1.4 ~ 2.1.5 ~ S'I...SS\11:a I"\ .1 Solvent Weld Pressure Supply Line~ owns rea o prevention device) Sch 40 {1-1 /2"& smaller) Use purple • Alertline· ;1\ ckflow A. Manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound in accordance with ASTM D2241 and ASTM D1784; .1 Pressure supply nne (from point of connection through backflow prevention device): Type K Hard Copper hard tempered, In accordance with ASTM B4284. .2 Fittings: Wrought copper, solder joint type. .3 Joints: Soldered with solder 45o/., silver, 15% copper, 16% zinc and 24% cadmium and solids al 1125° F and liquids at 1145° F. . \ ell dassification 12454-B 1 de 1. /J -~-'1. ~ PJC PIR=. tf''I\FG\¾ 'FOl-'filll'(L C\H.Di.lt>E. ~ 1>,S""M lti-2.1.9 Brass Pipe and Fittings: 2 Fittings: Standard weight , hedu e 40, in· 10 mo ed C, complying with ASTM D1784 and D2466, sell classification 12454-B . A, 8. Threads-Injection molded type (where required) Tees and Ells-side gated .3 Threaded Nipples: ASTM d2464, Schedule 80 with molded threads. .4 Joint Cement and Primer: Type as recommended by manufacturer of pipe and frttings. Non-Pressure Lines: -ure Lines: (downstream of electric control valves) PVC - . P\l'E ?JC Pl~ f'e?... 2.\. '2 IN /l,fD,/E. $Ci\OI-I 2 Fittings: Standard weight , Schedule 40, injection molded PVC, complying with ASTM D1784 and D2466, sell classification 12454-8. A. Threads-Injection molded type (where required) B. Tees and Ells-side gated C. Threaded Nipples: ASTM D2464, Schedule 80 with molded threads . .3 Joint Cement and Primer: Ty~'l as recommended by manufacturer of pipe and fittings. Drip Tubing: .1 Drip Tubing: Hardie Dur.rPol Blue Stripe, 3/4", EHD2057-050. - A. Manufactured of flexible vinyl chloride compound confom,ing to ASTM D2855M, D380 and D1599. 2 Fittings: Type and make as recommended by tubing manufacturer. 2.2 .1 Brass pipe shall be regular weight, 85% red brass, ANSI Schedule 40 screwed pipe. 2 Fittings: Medium brass, screwed al 125 pound class. VALVES: 2.2.1 Electric Control Valves: Rainbird PES-B•PR~-e · 2.2.2 Drip Valve Assemblies: .1 Hardie 700-.75-RW: Two way solenoid, pilot operated made of synthetics, non corrosive material; diaphragm activated and slow closing. lndude freely pivoted seat seal, retained (mounted) without attachment to diaphragm. Use purple reclaimed water (RW) model. .2 Wye Strainer: Plastic construction with 150 mesh nylon screen and 1 /2" blow-out assembly, manufactured by Agricultural Products, Inc. .3 Pressure Reducing Valve: Plastic construction with manual adjustment and shrader valve for pressure setting, manufactured by Agricultural Products, Inc. 2.2.4 Ball valves: PVC blocked true union, as specified on the drawings . 2.2.5 Quick Coupling Valves: Brass two piece body with locking rubber cap, design~ for working pressure of 150 psi; operable with quick coupler. manufactured by Rainbird. See irrigation legend for appropriate model# for reclaimed water systems. 2,2,6 · ' -----~ -_,.,--•--. --' ~~-.... sA1iF Releaso \/aftres: Al,'ee #68 1' ai1 ,elcasc ,aloe. NOT USED \, 2.2.7 ~4ttAt1al 9F&ifl Vah,e9! Qs'◄" 19Faae glehe ,,ah•e -Ncfr LlSED ~ -. ------•~ ------••----'•-.. n_..• ••~ ._ 2.2.8 Isolation Valves: 19uckner 200 MAV 2" bronze manual angle valve. 2.3 VALVE BOXES: 2.3.1 ei',LL Valves, Drip Line Blow-out stubs, Manual Drain Valves, and Wire Splices: Carson #910-12B. Use purple reclalmed water lids on all redaimed water systems as Indicated on the drawings. 2.3.2 Electric Control Valves, Drip Valve Assemblies: Carson #14129-12B. Use purple reclaimed water lids 2.1.6 ( --\'.. -,, I\ ,, ~ ~;T:~l?t~\I= ~~i:: dr-~-ILS6 ~ !0· 2.1.7 Sl~ng: . .1 Twice the nominal size of the pipe within. SPRINKLER HEADS: 2.4 2.4.1 Fabricated riser units in accordance with details, with riser nipples of same size as riser opening in sprinkler body. 11'l<a>Tl'-I-L ft:i?..,,_;; WP"Tta-Q. C,l<fs, ON-~lNj<:\EQ. f1e>-DS. . 1-\PPRO VED FO H F> LANTING 1\ND II~1~IG.A.1'ION ONLY, INCLUDING PRF:CISE LOCi\1'ION 01 ◄' J-=>J.1-\N'l'ING Al~E:\S. "AS -··---------- r ·1 fLE ---------. 1------+--1----==--=----___ -·_--_-__ -_____ ;:.----=-~---··--~---------, [s;:J l. -~ ITJAN8~: • : I . ------ --------...... I r -,---+---t----1------1 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOFl: ---,-,--I i ,--..,...-, '~ -...... _ __, __ _ :)A .. E : INl-:1.-.L ' . __; ,~EVISiC1\l Dtscr,1P 1·0~1 I DA Tt I !Ni TIAL t----'·· ----DArE I 1Nli1AL .......... __ _ en z 0 i== c:t (.) -LL -(J 'u.: c.. en z 0 i== c:t Cl -a: -----------------------------------------------------=::----11111-------------------------------=----------• .. •1.----•1•_,•. ---------------ILll-~-,•,•.-----==-•-~~=./'~v-~1~r~,l!ICl• .. !"1,•r•. ,"'!'t--._~r~-=.~~:1114;=-2==0~3!==_=-m::===--=-:::J a: ' ! /1l > ' ~ (r~CiNEER OF WCRK l ' 1 OTHER APPi;.:□VAL Cl TY APF'RQ'✓Al ,, .1 4" to 12" Pop-up Spray Heads:· Li;;..8~0. . as indicated on the . 2 Gear Driven Rotors: as indicated on LE 6~NO . 2.5 DRIP EMITTERS /EMITTER STAKES: 2.5.1 Emitters: Rainblrd xerl•bug emitters as specified on drawings. 2.5.2 Emitter Stakes: Salco #DTS-30-750 vinyl covered steel stake. 2.6 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER 2.6.1 Automat: roller as s 1 C.\..l,\OE AU~C l<J',\W. 5'\tUi Orf OS'/\Cla ffi t>l..sO C.All.ED FoQ. cA-1 \..~l.1-\'0 • 2.9 ELECTRIC CONTROL WIRING, 2.9.1 Low Voltage: . 1 AWG UF UL approved No. 14 direct burial copper wire for all control wires and No. 12 direct burial copper wire for all common wires. .2 Wire Colors: A. Control Wires-Red. B. Common Wires-White. C. Master Valve Wires-Blue. D. Spare Wires-Green (labeled at termination) E. Additional Wires-Same as control wire (labeled at termination) .3 Wire Splice Connectors: Rainbird Pentite Connectors 2.9.2 High Voltage: .1 Type required by local codas and ordinances, or proper size to accommodate needs of equipment serviced. 2.10 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE: 2.10.1 Backflow Prevention Device: Reduced pressure principal backflow assembly shall consist of an approved brass or bronze body, brass check valves, hydraulically actuated relief valve, inlet anc! discharge shutoffs, field test cocks,.,Manufacturer shall be Wilkins. /l>+IO fl'l.~U~ ~1-A,-OR., PRESSURE REGULA TOR: Pressure Regulator: As specified on drawings. 2.11 THRUST BLOCKS: 2.11. ~ Thrust Blocks: Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be placed at each frt1ing 3' or greater and shall consist of Class C @ 2000 psi with 4' slump portland cement concrete. 2.12 SAND BEDDING: 2.12.1 Sand bedding shall be construction grade. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION: 3.1.1 Examine field conditions prior to beginning work described in this section. Grading operations shall be completed and approved prior to beginning work. 3.1.2 Verify all sleeve locations prior to beginning work in this section and flag sleeves and conduits installed by other trades. Report any conflicts to architect immediately. 3.1.3 Irrigation system shall be constructed to the sizes and grades al the locations shown on the drawings. Mark with powdered lime or marking paint rovting of pressure supply line and stake the location of each sprayhead, rotor, electric control valve and other related equipment for the first three zones. Architect shall review staking and direct any necessary changes with the contractor prior to proceeding to other zones. This review does not in any way alleviate the contractor from the responsibilities associated with proper uniformity and distribution of head placement after staking. -..... , ... • ••• ~ ••, .,.... r \• .. , •• _,.,, •• , , • ...,.. •-, • .,., •· • •. • • • .,.~ • • • 3.1.4 Install slaevinri under paving, hard:icape· areas, sidewalks and paths prior to, asphalt and concrete operations, to accommodate piping and wiring. Compact backfill around sleeves to 95% Modified Proctor Density within 2% of optimum moisture content in accordance with ASTM D1557. 3.2 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES: 3.2.1 Trench excavation shall as much as possible follow the layout 3.4.2 All plastlc-to-plastlc solvent weld joints shall use only the solvent recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Do not install solvent weld pipe when temperature is below 40° F. 3.4.3 · Pipe ends and fittings shall be wiped with MEK, or equal approved in accordance with Section 01630, before welding solvent is applied. Welded joints shall be given a minimum of 15 minutes to set before moving or handling. shown on drawings. Trenches shall be straight in alignment and 3.4.4 Pipe shall be snaked from side-to-side of trench bottom to allow for support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Remove rocks and expansion and contractions. debris greater than 1" in diameter. Over excavate as required for ~.---...,..--....,_._,.._,_,,~ bedding material. . ,__..., 3.4.5 ~ FAaooal dt'aiA ,1alvae at all l@w p,eiAle iA ,,,eeeuFe eu1919ly line ~ \_ 1111 e19esified 1111 s~a .. i119e, l'+'."T ltseb __ 1 I Depth of Trench. UIJCSP. VE\-l1ClJ1.A~ PMNG·~11 ~ PIRNG . . ------------____.__,..._ -...,___ --3.2.2 UUll-PEt:e5Tl<IM-I .. ~Vllf ·-19"'..l:'f ~FsLl~l!S 1Jtl'tll-~..,, .. ii.6 All changes of direction over 15 degrees shall be made with fittings. Pressure Supply ne: ~•4 !€:?tom top o pipe to finish qra e. • · · 3.4.7 When pipe laying Is not in progress and at the end of each working No~-Pressure Line: 24'1~1i' rom top of pipe to finish grade. day, close pipe ends with tight plug or cap. 3.2.3 Drip Tubing: as indicated on drawings. Emitter Tubing: as indicated on drawings. 3.4.8 Control Wiring: directly at side and bottom of pressure supply line. Pressure Supply Line Locater Tape: 6" above top of pipe. ~-'<-' 3.4.9 u Depth o. I Trench under AsphalJ Paving or Concrete: r:£PTH t>-vellaJL,l>P. ij\\lJN:;;· ~ [. PIPI~' rci:tru e.. pt;;~ ~'v!Na . Pressure Supply Line: 2<1-''4 IE" from op of pipe to aggregate base. 3.4.10 ,-lol,J-~ l.ine: 2!-"El1i1 r~m top of pipe to aggregate base. Drip Tubing: ---..-l•t,from top of pipe to aggregate base. 3.4.11 Control Wiring: directly at side and bottom of pressure supply 6ne. Install pressure supply line locating tape along the entire length of pressure supply line. Center load pipe with small amount of backfill to prevent arching and slipping under pressure. Leave joints exposed for inspection during testing. Coordinate pressure supply line with sand bedding operations. No water shall be permitted in the pipe until inspections have bean completed and a period of at least 24 hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing. Pressure Supply line Locater Tape: pipe. 6' above top of 3.4.12 All changes of direction over 15 degrees shall be made with fitting . 1 Piping located under asphalt palling or concrete shall be installed with the appropriate sized sleeve and backfilled with sand bedding (6" below pipe and 12' above pipe). · 2 Compact backfill material in 6' lifts at 90% maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM D1557 using manual or mechanical tam ping device . . 3 Set in place, cap and pressure test piping in the presence of the owner or owner's representative prior to backfilling . 3.2.3 Width of Trench; Pipe Greater than 3": 14' minimum. Pipe Less than 7' minimum. 3.2.4 Width between Trenches: Irrigation Trench to Irrigation Trench: Irrigation Trench and other Trade Trenches: 6' minimum. 12' minimum. 3.2.5 Boring: will be only be permitted where pipe must pass under an obstruction that cannot be avoided or removed. Boring backfill shall match sunrounding soil density and grain. Boring under existing palling., hardscape or sidewalks may be permitted at contractor's own risk .. Contractor is responsible for any repairs or damage to such items at their own expense. 3.2.6 Ba::kfillling: Backfilling of trenches may not be done until all required testing for the irrigation system has been completed. .1 Material: Excavated material is generally considered to be adequate for backfilling operations. Before beginning the backfilling operation, insure that backfill material is not frozen, is free from debris and rocks greater than 1" in diameter, and is not mixed with topsoil. These materials after separated from backfill, shall be legally disposed of at contractor's expense. .2 Bed pressure supply line with construction grade sand ri' above and (;,' below pipe. Remaining backfill may be as described above. .3 Bed all electrical control wiring that is trenched separate from pressure supply line with construction grade sand 12· above and 6' below wires. .4 When backtllling, slightly mound filled trenches for settlement after backfilling is cllmpleted. Compact backfill to a 90% maximum density in accordance with ASTM D1557 with a mechanical tamper. Do not leave trenches open for a period greater than 48 hours. Open trenches shall be protected in accordance with current OSHA regulations. .5 Smooth trenches to finish grade prior to requesting a walk through for substantial completion with the architect .. 3.3 POINT OF CONNECTIONS: 3.4 3.4.1 Point of connection shall be approximately as shown on drawings. Connect new underground piping and valves and provide all flanges, adapters, or other n0CGssary fittings for connection. INSTALLATION OF SOLVENT WELD POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE: Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be cut with a PVC pipe cutter designed for that purpose only. 3.6 3.6.1 INSTALLATION OF COPPER PIPE: Copper piping shall be cut by a power hacksaw, a circular cutting machine using an abrasive wheel, or by means of a hand hacksaw. No piping shall be cut with a metallic wheel cutter of any description. All pipe shall be reamed and rough edges or burrs removed so that a smooth and unobstructed flow is obtained. 3.6.2 3.6.3 Eccentric reducing fittings shall be used where any change in pipe size occurs. Bushings shall not be used unless specifically authorized by the architect. Apply emery cloth to all pipe ends and wipe clean with cloth prior to solder welding pipe end to fitting. Apply an even layer of flux along area to be soldered and than solder uniformly around joint and let cool. After cooling lightly apply emery cloth along soldered area until smoothed. 3.12 3.12.1 QUICK COUPLING VALVE~ Install quick c~lln~ . 1l ~ad on the drawings. 1 v • • .'· "l --.~,,,'-~~-/ 3.12.2 Angled nipple relative to pressure supply line shall be no greater than 45° and no less than 10°. ,,;--ff ------·-.-----~--------~----------. ~--··----.......----.~--......._ ....... -...,__,,..---........... .,........---.....,,..........---. ... /' 3.13 •it.IA RELEASE ¥AL'o'E9. lYl u.,i-.:r., ' 3.6.4 All exposed piping under structural slabs shall be stenciled with "Irrigation Main" or 'Irrigation Lateral" as required, at ten foot (101 intervals in black lettering, 3/4" minimum high. &-\ 3.13.1 lri1111ll1irr1l11111;111l,11in111111r111 ,al e11111ee11e1iliei!lu11~11 , ~-il'l!l!I- 3.7 3.7.1 INSTALLATION OF BRASS PIPE: Brass piping shall be cut by a power hacksaw, a circular cutting machine using an abrasive wheel, or by means of a hand hacksaw. No piping shall be cut with a metallic wheel cutter of any description. All pipe shall be reamed and rough edges or burrs removed so that a smooth and unobstructed flow is obtained. 3.7.2 Eccentric reducing fittings shall be used where any change In pipe size occurs. Bushings shall not be used unless specifically authorized by the architect. ( 3.14 MAtll!J,"tl OFil.l,111 ',';l1l::VE8! I-VT u .si:; c, 3.14.1 fR&1all Manual dF&in valvoe et 811 law ,-eints i,. ,ireeeYFe 8YJi!l9ly liRe il'I sepere:te ,ehe he~ )!O: the !etl!!il eri1 the ~rowings. 3.14.2 IAetall lFBiAene @UM'9e di11eetly 1::.1111Be11 eoet-a ""enuol etre.ln tv!ltce 89, epeoifieS en lho &Fewinge enet eoeeretinff te 11-te 1f:tl3Ie Below: Pipe Length: 0-250LF 250-SOOLF 500-750LF 750-1 3.0 2.25 3.0 4.5 6.0 3.7.3 Joint compound shall be carefully and smoothly placed on the male thread only. All screwed joints must be tightened with tongs or wrenches. Caulking of any kind will not be permitted. 3.7.4 All exposed piping under structural slabs shall be stenciled with "Irrigation Main" or "Irrigation Lateral' as required, at tan foot (1 O') intervals in black lettering, 3/4' minimum high. 1 11/4 1 1/2 2 21/2 3 4 a. .0 25.0 40.0 50.0 50.0 12.0 22.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 10.0 \) 12.0 16.0 24.0 44.0 6 I I 3.8 DRIP TUBING/EMITTER TUBING: l 3.8.1 Install fitting connections according to manufacturer's specifications. . . 3.8.2 Use manufacturer's recommended hole punch for all penetrations to drip tubing. Use of any other hole punch will require reinstallation of all drip tubing previously installed. 3.8.3 Install drip line blow-out stubs at each and every dead end of drip tubing.as specified on drawings. 3.8.4 Install drip tubing stakes as specified on drawings. 3.9 ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES: 3.9.1 'Install each. eiectric control valve in a separate valve box so that cross handle is 3' below top of lid of valve box as specified on the drawings. 3.9.2 Group electric corrtrdt valves together as specified on the drawings . allowing a maximum of 12 • between each valve box. Install valve boxes in the same direction and parallel with one another and perpendicular to pavitig, hatdscape, sidewalks and paths. 3.9 DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLIES: · . . 3.9.1 Install each drip valve assembly in a separate valve box as specified on the drawings. 3.9.2 . Group drip valve assemblies together and with electric control valves as specified on the drawings allowing a maximum of 12 • between each valve box. lnstan valve boxes in the same direction and parallel -with one another and perpendicular to palling, hardscape, sidewalks and paths. ' I 3.11 BALL VALVES: 3.11.1 Install ball valves downstream and in the same valve box as each drip valve assembly and drip blow-out stub. 3:11.2 Size of ball valve shall be the same as the nominal pipe size it is being connected to. ; r • \ ..,,. ~ !<: kn•-••~-~~. APPROVED \ ,so, . 3.14.1 Install valve boxes with each type of Irrigation equipment so that top of valve box is 1/8' above finish grade as specified on the drawings . Valve box extensions are not acceptable except for master valves. 3.14.2 Place gravel sump below and around each valve box prior to Installing valve box as specified on the drawings. Place remaining · portion of gravel inside valve box allowing full access in and around all fittings. Valve box shall be fully supported by gravel sump. No brick or wood supports are allowed. 3.14.3 Brand controller letter and station number on the lid of each associated electric control valve, drip valve assembly and blow-out stub. Brand quick coupling valve valve box lids with the letters 'QC'. Brand gate valve valve box lids with the letters "GV". Brand manual drain valve valve box lids with the letters 'MDV". Brand air release valve valve box lids with the letters 'AR". Brand wire splice valve box lids with the letters 'WS". Brand communication cable splice valve box lids with the letters 'COMM'. Brand fertilizer ir.jector receptacle valve box lids with the letters 'FERT". Brand grounding rod valve box lids with the letters 'GR". Letter and number size of brand shall be no less than 1' and no greater than 1 1/2" in height and shall be 1 /8' maximum In depth. Provide sample branding to the Owner or Owner's represerrtative prior to commencement of work. 3.14.4 Walk through for substantial completion will not be allowed until all . branding is complete. 3.15 SPRAY HEADS AND ROTORS: 3.15.1 Install spray heads and rotors as specified on drawings allowing minimum distance between paving, hardscape, sidewalks and paths. 3.15.2 Spray heads and rotors shall not exceed the maximum head and row spacing specified on the drawings or staked in the field by the architect. In no case may spray heads or rotors be installed at a distance between heads that exceeds the manufacturer's recommended maximum distance. 3.15.3 Angled nipples on swing joints below spray heads and rotors shall not exceed 45° nor be less than 10°. FOR PLA.NTING II ,L\ s BUII_T" /1~ 11»~{~ ~\i,J?? ~ ... ) 1· " ·:,; . AND IR RIG .4'I'IO N ONLY, ;s_ I F CAl.1<'0;,,I •;,;:,_-._•~w, __ .. ::;;;,, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE CATE . LOCATION Of~ PLANTING REVIE\.IED BY, .A.REAS. ' INSPECTOR DATE I I S7E~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 sH~s I PLAN~l!N~ JEPARTMEIIT i I I ' i ·. IRRIGATION SPEC:IFICATIONS FOR: CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER · LOT 71 -I j ["APPROVED~ -~-.B.:..I L-I I : AZSJSTA~;T P'_A~.:'.Jri,!G !Y:RE:-TCJR :J/>.TE_ _J --~---' ·[''"', B'✓· ~ i~~;~~ i,~·1 ----··-' PROJECT r,o. I '"I ,. -· DATE INlilAL OA 9 E: INITIAL DAiE j INITIAL I CHKD BY: _ . PD 434-E~~GINEER CF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 01HER aPP,□VAL CITY APPROVAL · RV\.ID BY_ J ,.. .. . . -· .. , i ,\ cl"'' • ..,_ ,( ••:s• ,. !- \.,.l \ ' ~\ ' (/) ~ "' z 0 / ~ a -,::,,? I-" <( (.) ~ -I u. -~ (.) 1') w a. " t--en z ~ f 0 -! I-' <( C, -a: ·~ a: . ;/ 3.15.4 After installation adjust nozzle sizes, arcs and radius of throw to allow head to head uniform distribution. Adjust all spray heads and rotors to co1Tect height above sod as detailed. No over spray will be allowed on paving, hardscape, sidewalks and paths. 3.15.5 Adjust adjacent plant material so that it does not interfer~ with uniform distribution of each spray head or rotor. 3.15.6 Architect may request nozzle changes and/or adjustments witho:Jt additional cost to owner. 3.16 DRIP EMITTERS AND EMITTER STAKES 3.16.1 Install drip emitters according the schedule provided on the drawings equidistant around plant rootball circumference as specified. Where deep root watering is specified locate drip emitters in PVC stack so that they can be visually a.0d physically checked without having to remove gravel or the PVC stack. 3.16.2 Install emitter stakes at specified depths an locations as shown on the drawings. Emitter tubing that is nc• adequately secured with tubing stakes will be replaced at the required depth and staked again at contractor's expense. 3.17 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER 3.17.1 Verify electrical power at location of automatic controller prior to installation of automatic controller. Notify architect immediately if power source is not available. 3.17.2 Install automatic controller where shown on drawings, with field verifica,ion of lr,cation by Owner's representative, per manufacturer's specifications .. Controller shall be tested with complete electrical connections. The Contractor shall be responsible for temporary power to the Controller for operation and testing purposes. 3.17 .3 Connect electric control valve wiring to controller in the same numerical sequence as indicated on the drawings. 3.17.4 Install a separate ground wire for each controller as specified on the drawings. 3.17.5 Above ground conduit shall be rigid galvanized pipe with the appropriate fittings. Below ground conduit shall be PVC SCH 40 pipe with appropriate fittings. 3.17.6 3.17.7 Label each automatic controller with the letter or number designated on the drawings. Letter or number shall be located in a visible location on the inside panel cover with 3" high vinyl letters. Each and every automatic controller shall be 1' completely operable prior to scheduling a walk through for / \\. b nti m I ·o --- ll"-~-1~'-c'Stc:..._Tif-t ~f~~lM ~ili:;1~:~c:B~~~~"~ f£R ~~~~FPC- ~-=:....:'---'--".....::_~---.:....,___:,_~~ .. -.-- 3.18.1 ,1 Low Voltage Wiring: Bury control wiring in same trench as pre,:sure supply line as specified. _;;_ Bundle all 24 volt w:res at 20' intervals with electrical tape. .3 Provide expansion loops at every pressure supply line angle fitting, inside each and every electric control valve valve box, drip valve assembl~ valve box and at 250' length intervals along routing. Form expansion loop by wrapping wire a minimum of 1 O times around a 3/4" pipe and withdrawing pipe. .4 Limit splicing of electrical wiring. Provide each splice made in electric control valve and drip valve assembly valve boxes with Rainbird Pentite connectors. .5 Wire splices occurring at intervals outside electric control valves and drip valve assemblies shall be installed in a separate valve box. .6 Provide (1) one electrical control wire for each and every electric control valve and drip valve assembly. "Piggy backing" like zones on the same electrical control wire is not allowed. . 7 Install (2) two spare #14· ~ electrical control wires from the automatic controller or field satellite unrt pedestal to the last electric control valve on each and every leg of pressure supply line. Locate these spare wires in their own valve box as specified. In addition to these spare wires, check the drawings for any additional wires that may be required and locate them in the same valve box as the spare wires. 3.18.2 High Voltage Wiring: .1 Install 120 volt power from p..,wer source to automatic controller or field sato!li1fl unit following ,ocal governing codes and ordinances. 3.19 3.20 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE: 3.20.1 Install backflow prevention device at the location shown on drawings. Verify location of backflow prevention device with Owner's representative and Landscape Architect to ensure coordination of operational considerations and screening planting. 3.20.2 Coordinate installation with local governing codes and ordinances. 3.21 PRESSURE REGULATOR: 3.21.1 Pressum regulators are iV eE: l~).,W f'l,;R DWIL. 322 QUALITY CONTROL: 3.22.1 Flushing: Center load all piping prior to flushing. After all new irrigation piping and risers are in place and connected and all necessary diversion work has been completed and prior to the installation of sprinkler heads, rotors and quick coupling valves thoroughly flush piping system under full head of pressure for a duration of five minutes after the furthermost riser from the point of connection begins to flush. After the system is thoroughly flushed cap all risers. 3.22.2 Testing: After backfilling, flushing and the installation of each electric control valve, gate valvE>. quick coupling valve and manual drain valve the irrigation systE·m may be pressure tested. .1 Pressure testing shall be performed in the presence of the owner or owners representative utilizing the following procedure: A. Pressurize the irrigation system to 40 psi greater than the designated static pressure or 125 psi whichever is greater for a period of no less than 4 hours. All pump equipment and other equipment necessary for the pressure test shall be furnished by the contractor. 8. Test is acceptable if no leakage occurs within the system for the duration of the testing period. C. If leaks do occur, repair said leaks and begin pressure test again. Repeat this operation until no leaks occur in the irrigation system. D. Before requesting a walk through for substantial completion, the entire imgation system shall remain under pressure for a period of no less than 48 hours. 3.22.3 Walk Through for Substantial Completion: .1 Before requesting a walk through ior substantial completion the following requirements must be entirely satisfied: A. The entire irrigation system is completely installed, ftushed and satisfactorily pressure tested. B. All valve boxes have been branded. C. All automatic controllers or field satellite units are fully operable and communication cable has be certified and checked at central control system. D. Record as-built drawings have been submitted to the Landscape Architect and reviewed as to completeness. E. (4) Four Services manuals have been delivered to Owner or Owner's representative. .2 Once the above requirements have been met a walk through for substantial completion may be requested. The following procedures will be used during the walk through for substantial completion: A. Contractor must have (2) two personnel available with radio communication for the entire length of the walk through for substantial corrpletion. B. All valve box lids shall be remove from valve boxes and placed faced up adjacent to the valve box pnur to beginning the walk through for substantial completion . C. The walk through for substantial completion will be divided into (2) two sections and proceed as follows: a. Physical Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the entire irrigation system and examining all components of the system without turning on zones. A puncn list wili be established of deficiencies in the construction and workmanship of the irrigation system as compared to the construction drawings, details and specifications_ b. Operational Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the entire irrigation system again and observing each zone in a fully operable condition. Valves must be activated from the automatic controller or 1ield satellite unit (Manual bleeding of individual electric control valves will r.ot be acceptable). A punch list will be established of deficiencies in the operation of each zone in the irrigation system evaluating throw, correct stationing. emitter quantity and operation and blow-out operation of drip zones as compared to the construction drawings, details and specifications. ---······---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----~, .3 Once the Walk Through for Substantial Completion is completed the Landscape Architect will provide a copy of all punch list items to the Owner for distribution to the Contractor. It is the Contractor's responsibility to re;,air, replace and adjust all items on the punch Lt"J1 prior to requesting a final walk through 3.22.4 Final Walk Through: .2 .1 Before a final walk through the following requirements must be entirely satisfied: A. Each item on the walk through for substantial completion has been thoroughly addressed and resolved by the Contractor. · 8. ,,.0.. final record as-built has~oduced and provided to the Owner. C. Controller drawings for each automatic controller or field satellite unit have been completed. installed and provided to Owner. D. All extra stock has been turned over to the Owner or Owner's representative. Once the above requirements have been met a final walk through may be requested. The following procedures will be used during the walk through for substantial completion: A. Contractor must have (2) two personnel available with radio communication for the entire length of the walk thmugh for substantial completion. B. Only those valve box lids shall be removed from valve boxe,3 as indicated on the walk through for substantial completion punch list. These valve box lids shall be placed faced up adjacent to the valve box prior to beginning the final walk through. C. The final walk through will be divided into (2) two sections and proceed as follows: a. Physical 'Naik Through: This will consist of walking through the punch list items created at the time of the walk through for substantial completion and examining all components of the system withoutiurning on zones. Any remaining deficiencies in the construction and workmanshiiJ of the irrigation system as compared to the punch list g&nerated at the time of the walk through for substantial completion, construction drawings, details and specifications will be noted. b. Operational Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the punch list items created at the time of the walk through for substantial completion and observing each zone in a fully operable condition. Valves must be activated from the automatic controller or field satellite unit (Manual bleeding of individual electric control valves will not be acceptlble ). Any remaining deficiencies in the operation of each zone in the irrigation system including but not limhed to head spacing, row spacing, nozzle sizing, correct radius of throw, correct stationing, emitter quantity and operation and blow-out operation of drip zones as compared to the punch list generated at the time of the walk through for substan:;al completion construction drawings, details and specifications. .3 Once the Final Walk Through is completed and all items created on the final punch list have been addressed the maintenance period may begin. Any additional walk throughs that are necessary because of the Contractors inability to address all issues on the punch lists described above will be provided at the Contractor's expense. 3.22.5 Maintenance Period: Shall be as indicated in contract agreement and will begin on all items on the final walk through punch list have been satisfactorily addressed by a written statement indicating such from the Landscape Architect to the owner. . 1 The Contractor is responsible for obtaining and following any maintenance manuals created specifically for the project from the Owner at the beginning of the maintenance period. .2 At the end of the maintenance period and prior to turning the project over to the Owner, the Contractor shall provide alf necessary maintenance materials over to the Owner or Owner's representative for inspection. Once accepted in writing by t:;e Owner, the maintenance period will end -~-~------------l----- 1 ' ,c\PPROVl~D FOR l_)L.L\\:TINC~ AND IRRIGATlO_\J ONLY, I _\J C LU l) I N c; J) R F: C 1 S E LOCi1-TION 01,7 F)L1\NTING ,1 I.) L:' '\c.: :-\.. \., 1.:.· , _ _.,_ iITLl,. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR: --<------.. , --··-··· ~·-··-----; 1 ' ' : CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 I ' I· ·-------~-•----------;,--·-· ... ·-----t--····-··• I -1--•-•----'i. _________ I '.,_ ________ • ====-=====·· --·-------·· r----I I faP,-'RO'Jr_[• .. ·v " ·-------; __ , __________ ... ___ ---=-·-·---.. ,------------~:------:=_=1-.. ·-· --____ [ : --__ -· _--; -,;; ·------------4-.24_-f_S__.1 I I 1 -~~-s-~/\~J.,. p1 t:.'':\''1( rs•••,,-,-.,.'7(.; L)/','· ..... ·----_ 1 l--'l·::'.· .. -" .. './·,1 : __ . '-.''."_·1, .. ~•:"".::.. ·· .... :, . -----------' I "?" -,.. • ,----· - : DA Tf' I :-:1 TIA :: A"'."[: I :i'il i1 ,.1., ~-.,., .. , .. , .. , ··--· ___ , ___ ,,_ -•• --·-_l ··-----E:'H.:;:~iE:::R OF 'NOR~ I ' I O f'•i[,;;1 ;i.PP>sov:,L ::'.!TY APPf-.:()·vAL Cl) z 0 -I-~ u -u. u UJ C. Jn z rQ t .= tj <5 fJ_ ; 0: b•---CIC!lll:a:m-----------------=-----~-=----=--m:::a::m:m ___ -.Jllmll!lllllllllz:Z=::=m:s:1:i:::m:-=---=-===mnm:cr:zmi:~::i:m~=c:za-l!llllll:~;::.,ei::,,-cm:,;:m::m--~=-a:::::i~=-mmc::m:!===m"""""Z"m======:=~~=~~=,=;,:~=::::::====='.1~ ---.0, '<> i ] 1--',,' 'J4-'2.03 I . / / / / /: /' , I ' \ oT SQ-lr--:DJJ LE I ) .-· . / ~ . '~ V ~~0-iff;7□t 1.\.-i;' . . "--.A._.-"--A....~ -' ~---' Ll::,t J}-UQ 9N' 'F£7' s~ 1' ~)& ( ~ e,.;:6;j 1 1, e.,,.._ 2..,:r?":-':,i:=2<="'."":7"}_.::-~-~--· ;;e,~' ;t-s:::,:::-H,::;-' -~-· -~---~-'--'"-tJ_\-l'----i<-'.-__ t-f~":-~_-_:_-____,__f .. _l-A-J---'-N---'--:·_0.:::,,•=-------------il ~:tJ.I '· "---~ ;...r _.=.,c:~~,__'5!~---8 ,_,,___---+-'-zl-_:-~--=--,.~'---=-----~-i:~ --~ ]----+\- ;:.,., c;,,--""" ...... \ 0~ CoL.ok -'j''O.C. \ I\ \ I ( \ ( 0 '2-12: I 1--YL-C-ot-..l ( s q,o,.L-r 5' o c:.. i APPROVED Q G9b.e:>R ~ 11K,A+111:il' C ~~ To u0C b.'I l1T5 CEi1>'1Drr) .... .,., . .,. ...... ........... .,,.. ............ ............................ ........ y ...... .... ...... ?" ..... ...... ,• ··.• :;' VAN DYKE &..ASSOCIATES Lctnd'!;capt> Archne.:ture Planning Urbar: 01;!sign 1741 ~ourth Avenue 5.3.n Diego, CA 92103 619 294-8484 0 15' 30' 60' 120' [_~-~- Ill -ORIGINAL SCALE; 1" -30'-D"' APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" ~,P~~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY, C:;,~24-?t;: Liu-t ~-- INCLUDING PRECISE TIT L f" ~-/k;,;;;~ • DAT[ LOCA.TION OF PL1\NTING R[V]E\J~ AREAS. L, (o -2J1-1r;- ENGINEER!t\G PLANCHECKER DATE INSPcCTOR DATE (;). Q, tm,Wp-.,,,e~ ~~-~~,/-• ·--It\ I S~ET I ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNINS DEPARTMENT 5 . ,. PLANTING PLANS FOR: " CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 i -~-~-i APPR:)VED --& ? --t-:¥= ,;c; i . ,:-:.:.· I ASSISTANT P~ANN]NG DIRECTOR DATE"- i -· . OWN BY OAT[ INIIIAL PROJECT NO, DAT[ INll/Al OAT( INlilAL CHKD BY [NGIN[ER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTfflN OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV\J0 BY, PD 434 339-'2L ~ G I I DRAWING NO. ..__------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------~ ii::, ci,/21 /14 r°l-ArlT <'.'.ol.lNT f2£;:v1<;;,10"'1=:;, ar1 PLAN CK. Cor'IM~'-T5 C.M,v--1,D, Joe, NO, '32-2.D.3 &-t/1 Vq6 o.>JN~f2-~l~N f<~ISIC':>rl~ ( f'L,ANT C.CUNT,~eMi=NT/?;"~1pe_; ~) ~ 1°/U/'t'+ ~ 71".e:E:-/ZE:./ WAlleF<-P"G' MTi PLANTING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGt:: AND PAY FOR AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY & FERTILITY ANALYSIS TESTING OF FIVE REPRESENTATIVE SOIL SAMPLES FROM THE PROJECT SITE PR_IOR TO ANY PLANTING WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO LOCATE THE FIVE AREAS TO BE TESTED. SOIL ANALYSIS SHALL BE FROM AN APPROVED SOIL LABORATORY (SUCH AS SOIL AND PLANT LAB OF SANTA ANA, CA). BID SET PLANTING REQUIREMENTS AND SOIL AMENDMENT SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON A PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF ON SITE SOILS. TEST RESULTS SHALL BE COPIED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHIT E ECT I ITY ;:,f"ll'"U.. H'F'FOIE SCH. I esr fo1 JP 2. ING A A UANTITIES SHOWN ON LEGEND ARE FOR CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE IN ESTIMATING ONLY. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PLANT MATERIALS SUFFICIENT TO COVER AREAS SHOWN ON PLANS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING PLANT MATERIAL IN SIZES SPECIFIED. IF NECESSARY, CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN PLANT MATERIAL FROM AREAS OTHER THAN SAN DIEGO COUNTY TO COMPLY WITH THE SPECIFIED TYPE AND SIZE OF PLANT MATERIAL. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT REPRESENTATIVE 35 MM COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL BOXED PLANT MATERIALS AND PALM TREES. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 5 FINE GRADE ALL PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF PLANTING OPERATIONS. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE OTHER TRADES AND MAINTAIN DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. THE PLANTING PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS IN PLANT LOCATIONS MAY BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE SPOTTED APPROXIMATELY AS SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS AND ARE TO BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT/ CITY ENGINEER I OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE BEING REMOVED FROM CONTAINERS AND EXCAVATING SOIL FOR PLANTING. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING VEGETATION BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF GRADING AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPLACEMENT, REVEGETATION AND IRRIGATION OF DAMAGED AREAS, AT DIRECTION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 8. ALL NURSERY TYING MATERIAL AND MARKING TAPES SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE TIME OF PLANTING. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE SITE WITH THE FOLLOWING: A. NURSERY TAG INDICATING GROWER NAME AND ADDRESS. B. TAG INDICATING GENUS, SPECIES AND VARIETY OF PLANT 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE ALL TREES PERPENDICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND. STAKE TREES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE POINT ABOVE GRADE THAT STILL PROVIDES STABILITY FOR THE TREE (THIS IS TO ENCOURAGE SELF- STRENGTHENING OF THE TREE TRUNK AND ROOT SYSTEM). NURSERY STAKES SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY UPON INSTALLATION OF STAKING PER PLANTING DETAILS. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A MINIMUM 3" LAYER OF 3/8" -112" DIAMETER FIR BARK MULCH IN ALL GROUNDCOVERISHRUB AREAS UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. 'SDG&E' TYPE MULCH IS ACCEPTABLE IN PERIMETER AREAS 11. SEE "PALM PLANTING NOTES" FOR SPECIAL PALM PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS .. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY OF ANY PLANT MATERIAL THAT IS DAMAGED OR IN POOR CONDITION TO DETERMINE ACCEPTABILITY. 13 THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD WILL BEGIN ONLY UPON ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPLETED PLANTED AREAS BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT I CITY ENGINEER / OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. PLANTER POT PLANTING SCHEDULE POT TYPE .arr.. PLANTS PER POT A B C OR-PS 4836P 2 QR-PS 3024P 2 QR-PS 3618P 6 1-24" BOX STRELITZIA REGINAE 14-1 GAL. ASPARAGUS SPRENGER! 3· 5 GAL. CANNA LILY 'CLEOPATRA' 12-4" POT SEASONAL COLOR NOTES: 1. ALL POTS ARE BY QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS (909) 737-6240, AND ARE SPECIFIED ON HARDSCAPE PLAN, SHEET 14. 2. PLACEMENT ON SITE IS TO BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SOIL BACKFILL AND PLANTING. 3. ALL POTS TO BE IRRIGATED WITH MPS INTERNAL WATERING RESERVOIR EQUIPMENT. SEE MPS NOTES THIS SHEET. MPS WATERING RESERVOIR MATERIALS UST POT TYPE OYERAI I OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS Of POTS ( PLANT TYPE t MPS MATERIALS A B C D 48" DIA. X 36" HT. (STRELITZIA NICOLAI/ASPARAGUS SPRENGER!)) 2 -24 LITER (PL.ACED UNDER STRELITZIA) 3 -7 LITER FLEXILINKS (PLACED 12" +/-BELOW SURFACE) 6 LF -CONNECTING TUBE 18 -0 RINGS 1 • 20" FILL TUBE ASSEMBLY 1 • 12" FILL TUBE ASSEMBLY 2-END CAPS 1 -60MM HINGED FILL TUBE CAP 30" X 24" (CAN NA LILY) 2 • 7 LITER FLEXILINKS 18" • CONNECTING TUBE 17" -FILL TUBE ASSEMBLY 4 • 0 RINGS 36" X 18" (SEASONAL COLOR) 36" X 17" (SEASONAL COLOR) 2 -7 LITER FLEXILINKS 18" -CONNECTING TUBE 17" • FILL TUBE ASSEMBLY 4 • 0 RINGS MPS NOTES: PALM PLANTING NOTES 1. UPON ARRIVAL, PALMS SHOULD BE PLANTED IMMEDIATELY OR STORED FOR NO MORE THAN 3 TO 4 DAYS IN A SHADED AREA WHERE THE TOTAL TREE MUST BE KEPT DAMP FREQUENTLY. IF THEY ARE STORED FOR MORE THAN A DAY, COVER THE ROOT BALLS WITH A BURLAP TARP AND KEEP THE TARP MOIST. 2. PALMS ARE TO BE CAREFULLY UNLOADED OFF THE TRUCK. SET THE CHOKER ON THE OUTSIDE SO AS TO NOT TURN THE PALM TO THE INSIDE AS IT IS LIFTED. USE NYLON CHOKERS ONLY. 3. PLANT PITS ARE TO BE DUG 5' X 5' WIDE AND 7' DEEP. BACKFILL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ROOTBALL WITH WASHED CONCRETE SAND. PALMS SHALL NOT BE PLANTED MORE THAN ONE FOOT (1 ') BELOW ORIGINAL GRADE OF TOP OF ROOTBALL. 4. PALMS ARE TO BE PLACED IN THE PIT AND WATERED-IN AS THEY ARE BACKFILLED. THE BACKFILL SAND IS TO BE WASHED INTO THE VOIDS AROUND THE ROOTS AND THOROUGHLY SATURATED WHILE THE PALM IS BEING PLANTED. BACKFILL WITH BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 02900 -2.2.1. PLANTING BACKFILL FOR PALMS WILL ALSO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1 OZ. "BASICH" PER 5 GALLONS OF WATER 2 TABLESPOONS OF "STEM" PER 5 GALLONS OF WATER INCLUDE TO BACKFILL MIX WHEN BACKFILLING IS ALMOST COMPLETED, THEN SATURATE WITH WATER. BOTH ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH W.D. YOUNG, (619) 347-7906. 5. FROM TIME OF PALM PLANTING TO THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER IRRIGATION IS IN OPERATION, CONTRACTOR IS TO CHECK FOR WATER PENETRATION AND DRAINAGE THROUGHOUT THE ROOT ZONE ONCE A WEEK, AND MONTHLY THEREAFTER, FOR THE DURATION OF THE WARRANTY. MONITORING OF WATER LEVELS CAN BE DONE BY LOWERING A TAPE MEASURE INTO THE STAND PIPE. 6. IF WATER IS PROPERLY DRAINED, DEEP-IRRIGATE PALMS WITH 100 -150 GALLONS EVERY FIVE (5) DA VS UNTIL ESTABLISHED. (THESE ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PROPER I IRRIGATION SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED, AND IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PLANTING CONTRACTOR). 7. AFTER 4-6 WEEKS, APPLY 4 LBS. OF "WOOD ACE · PALM SPECIAL'· FERTILIZER PER TREE, MONTHLY. AFTER SIX (6) MONTHS, AND AT SIX (6) MONTH INTERVALS, APPLY 5-6 LBS. PER PALM TREE. APPLY FERTILIZER IN A 1 FOOT BAND AROUND THE BASE OF EACH PALM, 1 FOOT AWAY FROM THE TRUNK. FERTILIZER IS AVAILABLE FROM W.D. YOUNG, (619) 347-7906. 8. PALM FROND STRINGS ARE TO BE LEFT TIED FOR APPROXIMATELY FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS. IN WIND CONDITIONS, THEY ARE TO BE LEFT TIED LONGER. IN HOT, DRY CONDITIONS, STRINGS ARE TO BE UNTIED SOONER. AS PALMS START TO INDICATE NEW GROWTH, STRINGS ARE TO BE REMOVED. 9. AFTER FOURTEEN (14) DAYS, THEN MONTHLY, SPRAY THE FRONDS WITH THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE (DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED RATES). RATES ARE FOR A 100 GALLON TANK. .1 KOCIDE* 101 W.P. (3/4 LB.) OR MANZATE .. 1 OT.1100 GALLONS OF WATER .2 W.R. GRACE'S MINOR-GAO (1/2 CUP) .3 HYDRATED UREA (5 CUPS OR 2 1/2 LBS.) .4 SPREADER STICKER (8 OZ. -"BASIC H") .5 BENLATE (1 LB./100 GALLONS OF WATER) .6 OPTION: INSECTICIDE (APPLY PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION) ALL RATES ARE RECOMMENDATIONS ONLY. DO NOT EXCEED LABEL DIRECTIONS. • ALSO CALLED COPPER T.S. (ALTERNATE 1 QT. BRAVO 500/100 GALLONS OF WATER) •• ALSO CALLED DITHANE FLOWABLE (ALTERNATE 1 QT. BRAVO 500/100 GALLONS OF WATER) 10. WITHIN THREE (3) YEARS OF TRANSPLANTING, PRUNING OF FRONDS SHALL BE DONE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. DO NOT CUT ANY FRONDS THAT ARE PARTIALLY GREEN. TOOLS USED FOR TRIMMING/PRUNING ARE TO BE STERILIZED WITH A 50% BLEACH SOLUTION BEFORE AND AFTER TRIMMING/PRUNING OF EACH PALM. -... 1. ALL WATERING RESERVOIR EQUIPMENT TO BE MPS CAPILLARY IRRIGATION SYSTEM BY PRIMESCAPE_ PRODUCTS CO., 1-800-872-4361. 2. A CONTRACTOR WHICH IS AUTHORIZED BY PRIMESCAPE AS AN APPROVED INSTALLER OF MPS EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED FOR ALL ARCHITECTURAL PLANTER POTS IRRIGATION AND SOIL INSTALLATION. 3. MPS PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE LOCALLY THROUGH SOUTHWEST PL.ANTSCAPE PRODUCTS, ATTENTION DOROTHY DARRIGAN, 619-944-4495. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE MPS SUPPLIER REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT ON SITE TO OBSERVE THE MPS INSTALLATION. 4. THE MPS CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND INSTALLING ALL NECESSARY MPS EQUIPMENT AND RELATED SOIL, SYPHON TUBES, FILTER FABRIC, ETC. FOR A COMPLETE FUNCTIONING RESERVOIR CAPILLARY IRRIGATION SYSTEM. THE MPS CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR FOR PLACEMENT OF PLANTS. THE MPS CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL NECESSARY MPS EQUIPMENT IS PROVIDED FOR EACH POT TYPE, AND THAT THE MPS EQUIPMENT IS PROPERLY INSTALLED FOR THE PARTICULAR PLANT MATERIAL SPECIFIED FOR EACH POT 5. ALL ARCHITECTURAL PLANTER POTS SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH BANDINI PRO CHOICE CAPILLARY PL.ANTER SOIL FOR EXTERIOR PLANTING, AVAILABLE THROUGH BANDINI, 1-800-332-3456. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW BY THE SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME AGA QUE Agapanthus 'Queen Anne' BAM OLD Bambusa oldhammi Cycas revoluta LIRGIG Liriope gigantea LAN MON Lantana montevidensis PHO SUN Phormium 'Sundowner' NER OLE Nerium oleander 'Sister Agnes· PIT VAR Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' PITWHE Pittosporum 'Wheelen' SAL LEU Salvia leucantha XYL CON Xylosma congestum SEA COL Seasonal Color COMMON NAME Date Palm Strawberry Guava Lily of the Nile Timber Bamboo King Sago Lily Turf Trailing Lantana New Zealand Flax White Oleander Variegated Pittosporum Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum Mexican Bush Sage QTY. Brown trunk heights noted on plan. 24" box, 5'-6' ht. x 4'•5' spr. 1 gal.. 18" o.c. 15 gal.. 6'-8. ht min , 5 canes min. 5 gal., 12" x 12" min., 2' o.c. ' 1 gal. 1 O" spr. min., 4' o.c. 5 gal., 24" -30" ht. min. 5 gal., 30" ht x 18" spr min., 6' o c. 5 gal.. 15" -18" x 15" x 18" min., 4' O.C, 5 gal.. 1 O" ht x 12"-15" spr. min., 3' o.c. 5 gal., 18" ht. x 15" spr. min.9o.~ '-...>' Shiny Xylosma __ oZiC.. 5 gal., 12"-15" ht. x 15"-18" spr min, 5' o.c. To be selected at time of plant~¼5 '-=~;;-0;;-....,..-./4_".,,,p-ot""s....-. 9...,._,,._ -:-,~c.--.0 ....... c. IH-B-Q::M, ~MIU ~""ty' Full, rounded clumps Two (2) matched clumps Full clumps Four (4) per parking island typ. Full clumps Full and bushy Full and bushy Full mounded form Full and bushy Full and bushy ~TIONA.L-~ 0flt-lUS ~9f51<;; ~ tsl>HD p,r,e LKxi.l!~~~,-..U,,. '~11Y~t-! ~,.,,,..._ _,....~ ~-'? ~ ANA I KA.7l-l L-1$ N I ~1TZ1A~I~ . Tl Pl-I TfZEE:. APPROVED ---·~------cNGINEERING PL ,;NCH ECK ER DA TE ----,_-.r¼II ia:»<; 14'-lto' ,< 7'---8 1 ;i.4 II et,,( . lo '-1 '2 ' J"'. 4 '---w ' , ? ~i ~ll-1,zfl :,< l?'-181'; "'f-'.:::,.c,, I?° ~l...i ~'..x -:P' M1N; ~U,,..CL..L-ir-1F.s --···· - APPROVED F'OR PLANTING AND IRRIG.A.TION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS . ---··· .".,;S B !_J =Li'' _ti;,,,?~~%~. IJ'-~~£ 1 I' CE. 9, ~t»"-,:..L._ _ JA r [ Pc·.rr•,;cu BY _L,_!J<~ --· _19-~-t~ INSPECTOR 0,,1 [ 0 ·?.,:/...'ff U¢'j, a. O~A(f'!/2-TPJ5e W¾Rlerr' Cl#i~ ___ i I LJQT]i CITY OF C.4.RLSBAD : I S'-IEETS] I I' 5 •,-•--.--•••-~a.-.~~-•-••••-•--• --...L-~~•-~ -~.,.,,. --·~ --L .. _ .. PLANNIN'., '1::PARTM[t✓T . : I I ' I --' .. ·••-·-. ' --~-- PLANTING PLANS FOR: --~---~~-..-----·-CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER · LOT 71 _., ·--· APPROVED . ___ // V -1-..21-7.5_ I ( //< ASS[STANT PLANNJNG DIRECTOR OATE -OWN BY PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO DATE INITIAL DATE INlfl"-L Q;.TE INITIAL CHKD BY DESCRIP1-feN ,. \ ENCINEER Of' WORK REVISION - y LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF EACH POT TYPE FOR THE MPS SYSTEM LAYOUT. . 4M .PD 3~~2l OTHER APPROVAL Cl iT' APPROVAL RV\JD av, ----·--.. ~~~"~~~ .. ----------~::~~~=:--~:!:-:~=~~---~~~r.--~r,P'~...J>-~j.~. ~Cb~W-1-~'-~'T~REl~~IS~l ~~)c~rrrn. ~P!..P~-"~:,~Q-1~1;:C.~k.~--------~M~~~7r:--;;~~~~~------... CL. ~ +/11/'=t9" ~ ~~ ~~t,J,; COM Met-rs C .M. w .D. Jee t.t,' '34.-2,'.:,3 ,_I ,- l f _j ..ii i-r:: t-t & u.l f:!L 0 -~-----Hcee: C..,,"'f[-""~ cp.. &'MIN. I CJ'MIN. 'lZ11 i'1A<'. 12.''Mt¼. li~c-T;E5. -------pi-~~ V?:<ALL P-.Jc::c:1 ~ f-!--,D -::.,,_ I I I = 1V !:,.-1 K FlN. Gi"-- 'i...,;,+--------,k-----"'f'::..::...._--,t;)P,AI ~\b ~lac/ A"' FV'J I Ok 61".AN?P,f'E (?)1 °l<-l!N ½ 74 0 \}, ,A TFI.J !_;. ~~ G F:,P, ~, If./ PW Pl PE 11-1/ f I L..TE'R. Fp:? 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G)f------.L.4--P~---=L.J____!~~'---Pl,........::L::....:.._-A'---~✓J_;__;__I N....::::.1G_-------- -~--.. ◄ 2 TIMc'S RGOTBALL DIA. .,...,.·· _..,,,,-,,,/ ., ... ..-1 ... ..- ,/ , _./ ,/ i' , ( FINISf--; GRADE AT SLOPE WhE:=;E APPUCABLE. -----2" MULCH COVEn ---FlNISc; G?.,.;DE 3" HIGH \VAT:::RING E::CF.r.1 PLANTING TABL!:'TS 3" BE!..OW Fii'J:SH GRAC:c PLANTING BACKFILL SLCPE TO CCRNEh fVG IWIG4.TlON LA1EfAL., ,, 50% foTTING 601 L 1 ~I.. ~ND Ml)(. _,,--soil separator mat ----4-" Lf',YEI<. of '?"~ GRAVEL 112• drain (drilled) ·. • ,' . I ·,: .'.' , I.: •:; ----,______ - ' ., --·-·-··-! ·-,., , .. i -------i. ------------ '-(,-.-\'I I ,., , • ,, I ' • L • i ' EQU/,L 118 '' F,Av1iJ<o CC'rJc... f"iorl CUJZ-B -1--#4 '5TL. fZE--1 N f'--,p--.,;-cti Jc:,/-lr:, ,::,o >I ,1 HI.bus - f.C0 -1 / OV"'---f".L...Ar' 12 11 .AT <SFL-ICl:':,'::i (c~) "'t ·-:-··· I --f, ------ \'>:(~ ~'---;~. --•~~ Z 11 IN GRc'UNt.::::cc>vEI<. ~ -. J "-> ' _.!':.._ ' . /-/Iii; U' -, . •. ~ J ~,t-i-,. ~ . :,. : coNTiz.oL-":u1NT'c:> f'--T : 5-' c1.c,,, Mrx. ---iiliEJ/)~ EXFANSI cr-J JC'INT~ A""f i 2-01 a.e,, l'--W. --F---=e~"1 ~,I'-~ coMF,AC..T)':.::D -;sLJ~ ps.::, ~ol L t:::c-NcSlt--1EEJ:2. • \ !) I) l-< C) V L: l) l ·' CJ I< I 1 I , _\ -\J 1 'I \ c; \'"[) i!"'l)l(' \'['["'\" Q\'[ \_" , .. \ , __ \_\, ,:, lJ. .\ ,1, I\CLL l)l\C l)l~!·('l~l''. LU C , \ T l O \ C) I ' l ) l _ .· \ \ '1' J\ C '''--·~--- .. ·-··----; , , _ ClT) OF 11 PLANTING DETAILS FOR: ' . --· -"""" .. ··-· .. ·-· ·------· -. - . ' . ' . . ' ' . ; c·'.~ -. ,,,--',-•• , nc. . CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 ------.. .. , .. -·-· ., ·---·-·-·--·------/_t~~:~:-~~~~-=~:?0!. ·-··· --.... -·~ ,. ' . ',_; - ---------- --· ---, ... ·----·-· --···-. . ······-··--.. -- j I l I 1 j J ' 'I , ' I' f i l u ,- 1~ , , ' .,._ I b..1 \ '\ \ ' , t t , I fl -1.1 NoT 1JSW 2.7 HERBICIDE: 2. 7.1 Pre-emergent herbicide shall be Surflan, Treflan, Dymid or equal. 2.7.2 Weed conbct spray shall be Roundup or equal. 2.8 tv!ULCH Landscaped or bare soil areas shc11l be covered with 3/8" -1/2" si:,ed shredded fir bark mulch 'SDG&E' type shredded mulch acceptable. 2.9 ROOT BARRlERS: #UB-24-2 root barriers as manufacturer by Deep Root Corp. or approved equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 SOIL CONDITIONING, FERTIL[Zl1'.-G & ROTOTILLING: 3.1.1 After the areas have been graded and leached, the following rates of soil conditioning and amendment matenals shall be evenly spread over all planting areas and shall be thoroughly scarified to an avernge depth of six (6) inches by rototilling a minimum of two (2) alternating passes· (This is to be used as a basis for bidding, and may be modified based on soil tests.) .1 Soil conditioner Gypsum Pre-plant fertilizer 4 cu yd per 1 ,()00 sqft. 75 lbs/per 1,000 sq.ft. 200 lbs/per 1,000 sq.ft. 3.1.2 The thoroughness and completeness of the rototilling and incorporation of the soil conditioners/ amendments shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect/Owner's representative. Slopes 2:1 and steeper, or as per the drawings, omit soil conditioner application and tilling. 3.1.3 Deep water leaching: .1 After complete installation and testing of the irrigation system, all areas shall be deep water !.,ached and compacted and settled by continuous application of irrigation water until the soil has received a minimum of 12" of water. .2 After leaching operation, soil samples shall be taken by Contractor per Architect's direction and given to the Owner's soil bboratory for testing. Soil test shall meet the following requirements: ECe tv!aximum 3.0 pll -Maximum 7.50 Minimum 6.00 3 Re-application of soil amendment and leaching operation shall be waived by the Owner's representative if in his opinion the EC and pH are at acceptable levels. .4 Deep water leaching shall be done prior to the application of the commercial fertilizer. 3.1.4 Care shall be taken that the rate of application of water does not cause erosion or sluffing of soils. Do not undertake leaching operations in expansive s011s. 31.5 All depressions, voids, erosion scars and settled trenches generated by the deep watering shall be filled with condit10ned tops01l and brought to finish grade. 3.2 FINISH GRADING· 3.2.1 Finish grades shall be as indicated on landscape and civil drawings. Contr;ictor shall notify L,ndscape Architect for a decision should any discrepancies exist between the drawings and site conditions. 3.2.2 Finish grades shall be measured as the final water compacted and settled surface gr,1des and shall be within ±_0.1 foot of the spot elevations and grnde lines indicated. 3.2.3 Finish grades shall be measured at the top surface of surface materials. 3.2.4 Molding and rounding of the grades shall be provided at all changes in slope. 3.2.5 All undulations and irregularities in the pbntmg surfaces resulting from tillage, rototilling and all other operations shall be leveled and floated out before pbnting operations are initiated. 3.2.6 Take every prec;iution to protect and avoid damage to sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, and other underground utilities during grading and conditioning operations. 3.2.7 Final finish grades shall insure positive drainage of the site with all surface drainage away from buildings, walls, and toward roadways, drains and catch basins. 3.2.8 Final grades shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect before planting operations will be allowed to begin. 3.2.9 Planting surfaces shall be graded with no less than 2 percent surface slope for positive drainage. 3.3 PLANTli\iG: 3.3.1 The layout of locations for plants and outlines of groundcover beds to be planted shall be approved on the site by the Landscape Architect prior to their planting. All such locations shall be checked for possible interference with existing underground piping prior to excavation of holes. [f underground construction or utilitv lines are ern;ountered in the excavation of planting areas, other locations for the planting may be selected by the Landsc.ipe Architect. Damage to existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 3.3.2 Planting Trees, Shrubs .1 All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces and shnll be of the minimum sizes indicated on drawings. Holes shall be, in all cilses, large enough to permit handling and planting without injury or breakage of root balls or roots. .2 Excavation shall include the stripping and staking of all acceptable soil encountered within the are3s to be excavilted for plant pits and planting beds. Protect all ar«as that are to be trucked over and upon which soil is to be temporarily stacked pending its re-use for the fillings of holes, pits and beds. .3 Excess soil, generated from the planting holes shall be spread on the site as directed. .4 Plants in can containers shall have the cans opened by cutting vertically on opposite sides of each can with nursery can openers, tin snips or other apprOv<.,d instruments for this purpose. All used cans shall be removed to the storage area or from the site daily. .5 The plants shall be planted at approved locations with the heretofore specified conditioner and soil planting backfill .6 The plants shall be placed in the planting pits on the backfill material which has been hand-tamped and water settled to the rootball base levels prior to the placement of the plants. After setting the plants, the remaining backfill material shall be carefully tamped and settled around each rootball to fill all voids .7 Each tree and shrub shall be placed in the center of the hole and shall be set plumb and held rigidly in position until the planting backfill has been tamped from around each rootball. .8 All plants shall be set at such a level that after settling they bear the same relationship to the surrounding finish grade as they bore to the soil line grade in the container, unless otherwise noted. .9 Planting tablets shall be placed in each planting hole at the following rates: 1-5 gram tablet per liner and flat size plant 1-21 gram tablet per gallon container 3·21 gram tablets per 5 gallon container 4·21 gram tablets per 15 gallon container 1-21 gram tablet per each 4 inch of box size .10 No plant will be accepted if the rootball is broken or cracked, either before. during, or after the process of installation. .11 All plants shall be thoroughly watered into the full depth of each planting hole immediately after planting. .12 All trees, 15 gallon or larger, shall be staked with wood stakes, driven into the ground parallel with the direction of prevailing winds. The stakes shall be driven in plumb and secure Special care shall be taken that the driving in of the stake does not damage the tree roots or rootball. Tree ties shall be fastened to each tree and stake by looping figure 8\ with the inside diameter of the tie at 2 or 3 times the diameter of the tree and by tacking the back of the tie to the stake. • . ... .,.. 1' _,· t''1'.:__0 .13 Guying!?.0"~ 1·?,'hox trees planted in boxes shall be guyed as indicated on the drawings~·---··-· .15 The staking and guying shall be accomplished in such a manner as to insure the proper and healthy growth and the safety of the plants, property, and the public. .16 The Contractor shall be responsible for all surface and subsurface drainage required which may affect his guarantee of the trees, shrubs, and vines. .17 Pruning after planting shall be req11ired on all trees, shrubs, and vines when necessary to provide the specified or approved standard shapes, form and/ or sizes characteristic to each plant. Pruning may include tinning, topping. and/ or cutting and shall be under the direction of the Landscape Architect. Cuts over 3/4 inch in diameter shall be painted with an approved tree s.ealant. 3.3.3 Planting Groundcovers: .1 Groundcovers sh;ill be planted in the areas indicated on the drawings. The groundcover plants shall be rooted cuttings grown in flats and shall remain in those flats until transplanting. 2 All groundcover plants shall be planted with soil around roots in staggered row. evenly spaced at the intervals called out on the drawings. .3 The groundcover plants shall be planted sufficiently deep to cover all roots and a 5 gram planting tablet shall be placed in each planting hole and shall be immediately sprinkled after planting until the entire area is soaked to the full depth of all holes. .4 The groundcover planting area shall be hand smoothed after planting to provide an even. smooth final finish grade. tvlulching to 3" depth in all non-turf planting areas, except for 3:1 and steeper slopes. 3.4 HYDROSEEDING .1 Hydroseeding shall be applied m the areas indicated on the drawings in accordance with the mix indicated on the drawings. .2 Hydroseeding Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of fertilizer, seed, and slurry of prepared wood pulp or fiber shall be of the ··super Hydroseeder" type. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitMe, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing 1,200 pounds of mulch and seed. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall provide even distribution of the slurry. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,350 gallons and shall be mounted on" traveling unit which will place the slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be sprayed so as to provide uniform distribution without waste. .3 Application Method: Using the wood pulp as a guide, spray the soil with a uniform visible coat of slurry. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream, so as to /all like rain allowing the wood fibers to build upon each other, until a complete, even coverage coat is achieved. .4 Hydroseeded areas shall be kept moist at all times 20-24 days after planting or until the new growth of the plants are sufficiently well established. .5 Hydroseeded areas shall be protected against foot tr.1ffic and other use immediately alter hydroseeding is completed by placing warning signs and temporary twine and flagging around the areas. · .6 Re-hydroseeding of bare areas shall be done 30 days after initial application 3.5 HERBICIDE APPLICATION: Pre-emergence herbicide shall be applied to groundcover areas only and m accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Do not apply in bwn areas. Owner's Representative shall be notified and present at the time of application. Herbicide applicator shall be licensed by State of California. 3.6 CONCRETE MOWSTRIP: Concrete mowstrip shall be installed as per drawing,;. 3.7 CLEAN-UP: As project progresses, Contractor shall maintain all areas in a neat manner and r<.,move unsightly debns as necessary. After completion of project, Contractor shall remove all debris and containers used in accomplishing work. He shall sweep and clean all sidewalks, asphalt, and concrete areas adjacent to plantings. Al >p 1:(0 \"t:D ,\ \ l) ' ---j------i.~-·······----··----"--·· --.. J I --.. ----·-... ,-, .... _>' ' L iS \ ~ u' i-. , .""-CA~ /2 ~---.. -.. -" PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR: 15 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 ,. . ' . . ' i l ' j ' ' q ' f' ' . ' ' ' " "' "" "" " " ', ,, ' ' '"" ?m1'1,(6.j l . f't:IZ · 1 C,IV/{., 0<:u.tn. I 7Yt:•4j. //AT. c.uvc;, CL!f?.13 ?~ C!Vil ;0<Ul.,f<;, )/{J[l=: /'rU &~/ '?TA,k.,';y~ i ~/~ ?e/Z c:::i'v IL.. ~ iM;;, ,;-, ,~·· ... , , ,, ~ ·, ' ' . ·•-+ll'~r--'-,~ ---1-- s f," ,,+, ?,A:, ,;.iW'~ A -rrr: G1 . tit ~ .. , 1 /IC,. J w I/ )/APIMl Cd.-oR. ~ C:::.0/\!C: Cti,Q;; ~ .J.J ~" /'IATZIM~ Cot-a<,, awe., CL//?, IE!Z C!,IVI{.. R(W6$', C1V/L ;;;;1<ut,~, I 11 I .?,A, 1:; + L-A..C, rA0AI,:;, ;' , ,IV . ·. / .... /I' .. ,re;R CJU/i.- / /:A, . , ..,, . - ~ // //AT, c:::ot.c-1< Cuv'c, C#~ Fe< Olt//L.. £1</,f)S$, . . /.--/VAT. ~ ec,,,..,;;;, Gu7TEK ~ U-IV/l,. ;q.i:,u/4,5 --(p 11 :V.4 r a.-vc. 010 ?6< C!Vll.-,tr<v~-;-. VAN DYKE &ASSOCIATES Landsca;:ie Architecture Planning Urban D/;l'Slgf1 21'<11 Fourth Avenue Sat1 Oiego, CA 92103 619 29-4-8484 A~PROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. & HARDSCAPE LEGEND 0 0 0 0 0 ,:; ~ ~ COBRA LOGO INSET PER SMITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12" X 12" CHROMTECH TILE; BUSH HAMMER FINISH; 'ROG ARGENT COLOR TO MATCH LOBBY PER ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. INSTALL OVER PEDESTRIAN CONCRETE PAVING WITH LATICRETE THINSET AND GROUT SYSTEM FOR PORCELAIN TILE, PER TCA HANDBOOK. GROUT AND EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE 3/8" WIDE. GROUT COLOR TO MATCH LOBBY GROUT. ALIGN SLAB EXPANSION JOINTS WITH TILE EXPANSION JOINTS PER TCA HANDBOOK 12" X 12" CHROMTECH TILE; BUSH HAMMER FINISH; 'CHARBON' COLOR TO MATCH ACCENT TILES IN LOBBY PER ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS . INSTALLATION PER NOTE #2. LM. SCOFIELD INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE AND EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING COBRA GOLF BUILDING ENTRY PAVING. APPLY LM SCOFIELD 'CEMENTONE' CLEAR SEALER PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. PROVIDE MINIMUM 2' X 2' SAMPLE PANEL FOR COMPARISON TO EXISTING COBRA PAVING: TO BE REVIEWED BY OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. NATURAL COLOR CONCRETE WITH LIGHT SANDBLAST FINISH LM. SCOFIELD #C-34 DARK GRAY (BLACK) INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE PAVING WITH LIGHT SANDBLAST FINISH. APPLY LM. SCOFIELD 'COLORCURE' SEALER PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. LM. SCOFIELD #C-34 DARK GRAY (BLACK) INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE 12" WIDE CURB WITH LIGHT SANDBLAST FINISH. APPLY L.M. SCOFIELD 'COLORCURE' SEALER PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. PRECAST HANDICAPPED SYMBOL #CHS-36-3 (NATURAL COLOR) BY CALIFORNIA PRECAST STONE OR APPROVED EQUAL. SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET 1 5. PRECAST BOLLARD WITH HANDICAPPED SYMBOL #D-1214HS (NATURAL COLOR) BY SAN DIEGO PRECAST. SEE DETAIL 5, SHEET 15. PRECAST PLANTER POT #OR-PS 4836P BY QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS CORP. (SEE POT SCHEDULE FOR FURTHER ORDERING INFORMATION). PRECAST PLANTER POT #OR-PS 3024P BY QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS CORP (SEE POT SCHEDULE FOR FURTHER ORDERING INFORMATION). PRECAST PLANTER POT #QR-PS 3618P BY QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS CORP. (SEE POT SCHEDULE FOR FURTHER ORDERING INFORMATION). 8' BENCH WITH METAL SEAT BY QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS CORP. (SEE BENCH SCHEDULE FOR FURTHER ORDERING INFORMATION), 7' BENCH WITH METAL BACK BY QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS CORP. (SEE BENCH SCHEDULE FOR FURTHER ORDERING INFORMATION). CONCRETE STEPS WITH SIDE CURBS PER SDRSD #M-26. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR QTY. OF RISERS AND TOP & BOTTOM OF STEP GRADES. PROVIDE SIDE & CENTER HANDRAILS PER SDRSD #M-24. PAINT HANDRAILS WITH FRAZEE 661-METAL PRIME AND 2 COATS AROPLATE FOR EXTERIOR GALVANIZE=D METALS (COLOR #5145N), POT SCHEDULE ,....---r~-.,,. _,.. ,-~\ MODEL#'S MATERIAL RECYCLE MA TE RIAL CCtDR TEXTURE SEALER INTERIOR SEALANT DRAIN HOLE SAUCER BENCH SCHEDULE MODEL# MATERIAL RECYCLE MATERIAL CQ_QR TEXTURE SEALER METAL COLOR QR-PS 4836, 3024, 3618 SRC STD C9 T3 MT YES NJ NJ METAL SE=AT 8' BENCH Q4-PAS-96B (c) SRC STD C9 T3 MT BLUE ,.( ,. .-' ,.-, 1/ C'Lliq::---C.k:prc: fR,t. :k:R ' / 't-Fw:: 'cA -( ('.:To I ) 17;:-_; -C ""'it:-, ··\ _____ .\_. 1,_ ',._ ..... METAL BACK -7' BENCH Q4-PAS-84B (a) SRC STD C9 T3 MT BLUE "AS BUil T" - . /"v ~-~·~· ~-~-. RC£ EXP, DATE N f=-w I r< ~PLA::::,E:; N E:N T SHE: e T 1 4 ' :i REVIEWED BY: I ' ~ ---INSPECTOR DATE ,--<', S/4T ~CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5' -t--½AgDSCA.FE PL-.A.1"-1 F~ CAf2,l,<S,e,AD J<.~~ CE N TE 12- l--0171 APPROVEQ.,,_ 7 /</ ( · '<//!£, -f-,;1,f -z.~ CITY ENGINEER RCE EXP, DATE OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO, OAlE INITIAi. OAlE INITIAi. OAlE INITIAi. CHKD BY: Fv-4* REVISl'oN DESCRIPTION ENGINEER OF WORK 01\iOI APPROVAi. CTY APPIIOVAI. R\/'wO BY: ';;;y9-2.L i j I -, ' ' ' i ' '- .J... \ ~ .,, ~ I ► .,.-4-"...-CeX,lf::te ,A·-;(';Z Cr' 74'r.4!:;t- O -...__...-· r~5r lfotLAf!P t()/ }!,c., 7fAlbt... .-.--fr, C,, t' ~-<;;r rt"'...,,£. ~.,Yc:::, ~ CIVIL--.t5V6, R<lfA.."?, A t AC, m v1;1c:; I f'X'E~r CcNC., /46. ,:,;r:1a-,5t.- rt F;,,1/V& tff'i,te. J /~ /,yn:, i::Je.Vc. /91M';/G r'lf?.Er+ ?!AN' #Ci-(<; -7~ -7 PE-tA'PcRCe.C? ~1'71 CvJc, Ii c, ry/11/f~·t.. &-'1 err u ff,--,el/ 111 rfcE~ 51 s 7e:JE c,:J_ r,/1'',R.o 1/2:::t) ~/j/r{_ -------B< :="'P-N SI ON J::.:;,1 NT ~NT! ~NT TO t,,'!ATGH col.c::i<. G:::t-JC., OF APJ,,,,-.e,Et--rr f',L-.-vlNsJ &T f'JU..... c;EPf'rt ..,.._ ___ --~--"'r f'L,6.lt--1 t::::a1.,.JEL @.. 2 1 O. C-., G:,Kp.L.~ of~, E=XFAt·+SiON Jo1NT ONE. 1=1--IP ~ J..--l~ W/l\\l'.1'7 FE.LT w1 /" -ft lt:··. -\= u~_:;-:-_ I>=· ===.=•==1--J-~ 0A\'l-c«c.ot-trF:oL-..J::.,1t--tr 1 :,.: -~--·. . :_.,_ f (Tee L..1'5--P ..J~. To f:'.f= APffZ'.:.,✓pp f 7 B'f L--rt-1DSCAf"e MC-++ r1F0T) cot--h7<oL-...Jo1HT G) eoNcRc::Te --..,. \ "v Y-----..< l 'v ·y-- ~111ere,e. ~ AA)I/.,(/:# /Af'i>~~5 (¼,•t JS !.011 L / !.u, II I,, --.. ~ 'I 1 f. ' \ \ " \..." ~,~ 11§1\ " + e >, , . , , ' ',l',' e I ,mi -~ •> I ~-~ ~· . \-. . ~ ~J -~ ~Ill -__ , , £J TY/: · 2-*4-df.:;l'T:--t;" ~ C.C,AIC, ,O~lt./,Sj W/ ,li?,E/NF ~ Se,Hec:t-14= !=;<Ith@ ~. ?AV /}k; 1 ' HANDICAP SYMBOL CHS -36-3 SA~EiELAST FIIJISH Sl-.'00, H CONCRETE ,, 2 TYP. • '. . .. 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El'-C-H ~1 C:ON:::=.f<!-=--I E FAVll'-19 , ~ FLA,}-!$ R:R Fll--jl.'.=>H ---,L------f:'.-~INF'Cf:CI~ V~l~1 S.pE ~ s:.HEPUL~ I I \ APP~O-✓[D . -----.~~---t>· .. . . 11111 ~ 1/)l ll §=JI\~ 1111 I ... --·---c::oM~7EP SlJE£::j~E. FER SOIL ~INF F-~ ® C..u'NC<~ f'AV1Ni9 I I I I ' ; -i / iv ' . " V ·o"'2::. ~, ~-· _.,\', '/ <: ,~ -,...., __ IY.ik ~ \ 11 j N~~Jto/P' ~ -I . \ ,. ~1,2..t.'. ---\"-y I\ 1.1 ~.J ,,;<· ''3/' ',. 0, CAl\t'~ ~--T ---- ......-----·. L /\"T~ ·,< TP' 1.. )0 !~.--~,-·-·-·· -' . ·----~--=--' -- ' :t;= i,.i n ~ 2J q:..:i: ff" APPR0 1iED FOR PLANTlNC; .A.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUl)lNG PRECISE ···-----. -: 1 cE ... "AS LOCATION OF PLANTING P[\"J[·.JED BY· AREA.S --[NG!NEER,NG PLANCfc[CKER DATE !>,SPEC TO~ ' BUILT 11 - DAT[ - -----··· -- Dt. TE ' CITY OF-CARLSB,i\D7[5"EETSI' ~ --~-•-~-----••··--·----,-+ ?LANN]'-/::; DEPt.RTH[l✓T J l5 5 I ~ II '.I /6/ltC.. ,Rl!//'I,,,,,.. ~ ~IIU!i O Lts~ ~-fi-\W~ ~ <) ·oo t, . ~ ~ 4 Q::mP.AC77&1 ~ ~lS" e;IC1/i/£EIZ. Q PLANTING PLANS FOR: \__ . 0 <> \ ~~-/?E/1/r. fE:12. -- M<:c 4511~~ CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER -LOT 71 ' ® c;E=C;T/DN @ Tf<l==E _ WE=:L.-t-. ( ?ff ~Ii-'? t:N'G, ~ .... ,--·---- APPROVED ________ . ./ _./ I Nr-'5 \ (j) C~~C. AT 'vt::HICULAR ~ -~--?tc~ 4.:if'~ WAL-Jc ARe-A =··· t f--~. , . ASSISTANT -PLANNING DIREC-,TOR DATE , ~ DWN 8Y: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWINGNO. OATE INITIAL DA TE 1Nll1AL OAT[ INlllAL CHKD BY, ENCINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCSIPOON A /'--/'\.., QTH[R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVVD BY• _ . .f?D 43,t 334::.2.L ~ - , -ow D"if•~-" !<Bl'> "I I fl. fl+ I ow..i.;f2. VAL.UE ~MCINEISF-IN G c.M • ';}4- I ' I I ! I ' I l ' r ' : I I I ':\ Tl.,_.,..., i