HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 341-4L; PD 441; SHEICO USA; 01-08CONSTRUCl10N DRAWINGS FOR: 'I.RN'l~l'IVE TRACT CT 92-01 COSTA SOL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA G TONE H 495 ~ RINCON, SUITE 115 CORONA, CALIFORNIA 91719 'J'PJ .: l'»JI Z73 9494 FAX: l'»JI 273--0127 OON MCIX>UGALL CONSULT ANT TEAM LANDSCAPE ARC+41TECTUFi!E FOP.MA 3l"1Z> aRISTOL STJQEET, eLJITE l£!rZI COSTA MESA, CA 92626 TEL,7l4~40-47£!rZI FAX,7l4~40-6618 CONTACT, RICK HJME, ASLA IRRIGATION G..L. MOTSI--IAGEN AS&OCIATE&, LTD. 1612'& TU!li!NBEr-!RY DRl\1,; S.ilN MARCOS, CA '32""9 bl9/l44-"411 FAX,619/144-4144 cot-IT ACT: GARY MOTSI--IAGEN, ASLA CIVIL ENGINEERING, FUeCOe EN:ilNEERING !!>897 OBERI..IN,6UITE 209 SAN DIECilO.CA 92121 TEL,bl~&4-1&00 FAX,61~91-033& CONTACT, ERICK. A!l-!M&~. F.E. GENERAL NOTES INC I. Tl-IE CONTRACTOR t-l.JE!,T NOTIFY Tl-IE CITY PL.ilN CI-IECK CONSULT .ilNT (619-438-1161) EXf.4221 12 1-!0UR& (TI-IREE WO!iKING DAYS), PRIOR TO STA!o!TING CON&TFiiUCTION. 2. Tl-IE LANDeGAPE OR IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO YERIFY EXISTING P.6.1. AT JOEi SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLING LANDeGAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. vERIFICATION 51-lALL eE MADE WITl-l Tl-I! Al I RO, RIATE WATER DISTfli!ICT. 3. ALL REDUCED PRE65Ut-!E 6ACKFLOW PREYENTE~ 51-!ALL eE TESTED AFTER INST ALLA- TION, RELOCATlc,,.i, OR REFAI~ SY A CITY A1=1•MOv1!D CERTIFIEO TESTER. CALL 438-2722 Exr.1&2 FOR A LIST OF CITY APPROVEO CE!o!TIFIED TESTER&. OEVELOPER/OILNER IS RESFCNSleLE FOR SUFPL YING A COPY OF Tl-IE TE&T RE&Ul.. TS TO Tl-IE C11.WD. S'OOo0 EL C.4MINO REAL, CARLSeAD, CALIFOflcNIA. 4. OUNER 61--!ALL PROVIDE A 6" CONCRETE MOW STfli!IF eETWEEN MOWED TUl'if' AND GROUND COVER, AND 8 11 CONCRETE MOW STRIP BETWEEN MOWEO TUt-5" AND WALLS. INST ALL PER SDR.5. 011.G, L-3. S. BASE lt,FO!l;NATION INCLUOING Tl-IE LOCATION OF ,=M01•E~ LINE&, EASEMENTS, 6UILDINGS, ROADS AND cu,i;:es 1-lAVE eEEN TAKEN I ROif Tl-IE CIVIL ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS, FOR ADOITIONAL INFOfiiMATION REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINC!sS. b.f'Olli! UTILITY ll'-FOR'1ATION INCLUOING STOll<M CRAIN, SEWER, WATEflt, ELECTRICAL, GAS, TELEPI-IONE AND CABLE TV, REFER TO Tl-IE CIVIL ENGINEER'S n-11 ROvEMENT PLANS. l. VERIFY 61TE INFO!liMATlc,,.i, INCLLIDINCis I AOFERTi LINES, FiOADWAY CU,;!!! AND GUTTER&, UTILITIES AND OTI-IEl'i! INFOJll<MATION AFFECTING Tl-IE SC0FE OT llJO!'i!l<. INCLUDED ON TI-IESE DRAWINGS. IF ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS VARY I /WI I u.11-!AT 16 51-lOU.N ON Tl-IE LAND6CAPE ARCI-IITECT'S PL.4NS, Tl-IE CONTRACTOR SI I t\LL CONT ACT Tl-IE Oll.NER AND Tl-IE LANDSCAPE ARCI-IITECT FOR Oli;;!ECTION ON I-IOW TO PFiOCEEO. &. EXCAVATIO!'<,l IN Tl-IE VICINITY OF UTILITIES 51-lALL. eE UNDE!o!T AKEN WITI-I CAfl,£. Tl-IE CON- TRACTOR SEAR& RJLL RESFONSl61LITY FOR TI-IIS WO!'iJ<. .ilNY D.4MAGE TO UTILITIES CAUSED eY ANY PERSCN, YEI-IICLE, EQUIPMENT, OR TOOL RELATED TO Tl-IE EXECUTION OF Tl-IE CONTRACT &I-IALL eE REPA,REO IMMEDIATEL. Y AT NO EXPEN&E TO Tl-IE OILNER. ~ SHEET INDEX VICINITY MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGt1WAY J>e PACIFIC OCEAN ... SITE 7 _. OF VISTA RoAr,~ - CITY OF ENCINIT~'---ES ____________________________ _._ SITE LOCATION COSTA DO SOL MtMTk:lN f"LANTINli I 01' 4 2 01' ... JQ'4 ◄OF4 lr,01'4 ".,,. .... ,a.,. • 01' ... • OI'..,. WGIF* na-4 12 01' ..,. 1J OF 4 1,401' .... • OI' .... ,. 01' .... "°"* !eGIF4 19 GIF ◄6 x> 01' ... 2101' .... 22 QF .... D OF ◄6 2◄ 01' ... 2f 01' ... 26 °"* 2101' 4 :leOF ◄6 29 01'"" .,. 01' ... JIGIF4 :J2 GIP'..,. DOl'4 lMQF ◄6 :,a Q' .... ,. Q'◄6 .,, 01' .... M01'◄• "OF ◄-, '"'01'..,. ◄I OF ◄• ◄;I°""" <OGIF4 ◄◄01'4 ◄&GIF4 DESCRIPTION S~E'ET ~ ...,-·······----..................... -----··-····-c::e IIIA'19t Dl6Tflt!CT TITU!! e,.a,-····-·············· UD•Te ll'iJi.-TION Po1..AN __ ····················.... .......... L.1-2 -TION l"1.AN ···-····-............................... ·--L.1-J -TION l"'L.AN ·······.... ............................... L.I•◄ ll'iJi.,...,_Tk:lN 1"'L.AN ····--·· ......................... ---······-·· .. ·-···· .. •••·• J._I.& 1-l<MTION l"'L.AN --·--------········ L.I .. ll'iJi.kli<ITk:lN l"'L.AN ·--····· ... · .. ·-----.................... J..1•1 -TION l"1.AN ··--·············-.. -----·-- ll'iJi.ki.4TION Dl=T"'1U, 1'0IM ,'Q,O JJil:iENP · ........... J..f.'!I ,_1&4TION De'TAIJ..8 llH> """128 ··-·········· ................. _ J..H• l"J..AHTM f"I.AN, 'l'l'l!l!6 ,N,/D ~ ~ ············--L.T•I f"'J..AHTM l"I.AN. lN!U ;Jl,C> GAOCNP CO\/Ell! --.. •••••• .......... L.T-2 l"'L.ANTM !"I.AN, -.,ea ;Jl,C> GIIIIOIND =----- l"'L.ANTllQ l"I.AN. -;Jl,C> ~ ~ ---········· L.T·ll L. T-4 l"'L.ANTN:i l"I.AN. -;Jl,C> ~ ~ __ ................ J..T.& l"l.ANTIN:i l"I.AN. -.,e;a, AH> ~ CO\/Ell! ----J..T-• l"l.ANTIN:t l"I.AN. Tlle!8 AH> ~ =-.............................. L. T•1 l"L4NTIN:i !"LAN, '1'1'1!1!6 IIH> ~ ~ ........................... J._ T•8 l"L.ANTIIG l"'l-Ali fl /ISi 1119 ·-······························· ---· ······· J..a-1 l"'L.ANTIN:i l"I.AN. fl '11111119 ..................................... _.. .......... J.8-2 ............................... ·--·-········ .. ······.... J.8-J l"'LANTN:i ~ e,.,.,., .......... ____ """"""""""""""""""M'rn••••"••••••• !.&-◄ l"J..ANTIN:i l"I.AN. 911111-ee •···-•····· .. •• ......................... _._ • JA-a 1"'1.ANTtH:i ~ fl tfll fl!'I 1"'1.ANTtH:i l"LAI'~ fl '1111119' --•••••••••••••••rnR•• ................ ___ _ ~ l"'I.ANTtH:i P"'Ufl,t e,,. re -----······-·..................... ,...8 f"LANl'Nt Pl!TAll.e ;Jl,C> NOTe8 ........... 1.e-9 e,,e:;:IFIC,4rlON9 ···••••·• .. ••·• .. ••••••• .... -•.. __ ..... _...................................... 9.1 ... C:li'ICATION!I ............. . 8-2 ~li'ICATION!I .. -------........................ ·-····-···· 9-.9 M'l!Cli'ICATION9 ....... ········-.... II--◄ ... C:li'ICATION9 .. ---························-···----- et"eC:li'ICATION!I .. ---····························---·-····· ... ~li'ICATION9 ............. ..-.......................... •···-·--··-e-1 ~li'ICATION!I ···········-··-----·· .. ·······•---- e,,t;c,1F,c,,,,TION9 ············----------11-9 ... Cli'ICATION9 .... ·---··· .. •••·•• ................... ---•••.• 9-III lf"l;C:IFICATION9 ·····• .. ---.... -....................... ____ 5-n erec:il'ICATION9 .............. _ ----······· .. ·········•---9-12 lll"l!Cli'ICATION9 · ................. ------·-····· 11-111 81"Ec:li'ICATION!I ............................... • .......................... 9-M ll!"ECIFICATION!I ..................... ................................................ e-& e,,ec:li'lc:ATION!I ········---......................................... _ --...... 11-,. DECLARATION OF RE5FON516LE C+4ARGE I 1-lEREeY DECLAIE TI-IAT Tl-IE PESIGN OF Tl-IE OF Tl-IE ll"IF~l'1ENT& Al! &I-IOU.N ON TI-IESE PL.4N& COHFLIE& WITI-I I kOI ES&IONAL STANOARD& ANP PRACTICE&. AS Tl-IE L.ilNOecAFE AJl;!CI-IITECT IN RESFONSl!M.E CI-IAIQ:;,E OF Tl-IE DESIGN OF TI-IESE IHI R,...,v'l=MENT&, AS DEFINEO IN SECTION 3103 OF Tl-IE eu61NES6 ANP , MOFE&SION5 CODE, I A66UME RJLL RESFCNSl61LITY FOR SUCI-I DESIGN. I LINC)ER- &T AND AND ACKNOWLEDGE TI-IAT Tl-IE FLAN CI-IECK OF TI-IESE FL.AN& e,y Tl-IE CITY OF CAR.&eAD ANO Tl-IE COUNTY OF 6,6N DIECilO OEPAJlim1ENT OF ENVI- RON"IENT AL I-IEAL Tl-I IS A REVIEW FOR Tl-IE LIMITED PURFOSE OF ~ING TI-IAT Tl-IE PLANe COl'1FL Y WITl-l CITY l"'ROCEOLIJlo!ES ANO OTI-IER Af"l"'L ICAeLE POLICIES AND ORDIN.ilNCE&. Tl-IE PLAN CI-IECK IS DETEFi!MINATION OF Tl-IE TECI-INICAL JIDl"Q 14CY OF Tl-IE DESIGN OF Tl-IE IMI RC .-'EMENTS. SUCI-I PLAN CI-IECK DOES NOT, TI-IEREFOF<E, RELIEVE ME OF MY RE&PO-IS161LITY FOR Tl-IE DESIGN OF TI-IE&E IMPROVEMENT&. FIFi!M MA)t.K ~. L.-Oftci~ 1~04, LAND&cAPE .4RCtllTECT LICENSE NO. OATE :!l"'2'> Ml&TOL ST. (114) l!M4'-41tZ:te, --:A_D_Dc:::RE=c:S&-:------------PHONE PACIFIC OCEAN CONIIT!IICTION ◄• OF • aHTll'I' l"l0IU'ENT CGlN&TIU:TIGIN,-.-.OM llH> Pl!TAU ...... C:-1 N.T.S. 83 ~~U\Jt\ l'LNeN. • DEIIGN• LflllDSCAP'E AIICllffC'T\.III! 3100 Bristol Btl'e&t. Stdte 100 Coat.a Jfesa. CA 92626 Tel: (71-lc) :S.tJ-4700 Tta: (714) MO-lllllll ~~~ ENCiINEERThl'PLANCHECKER 3 ~I, 9? DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING HAS BUILT" DATE REVIEWED BY1 INSPECTOR DATE t---t----+------------+---+---+---+---1LEJI CITY OF CARLSBAD I~ PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS APPROVED DA lE INlllAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DAlE INlllAL DAlE INITIAL □THER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL D'MII BY: ~ I PROJECT NO. 2~~Ds;~. CT 92-~1 I DRAWING NO. 341-ibL • GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES AU WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDt,,~CE WITH THE CARLS8ftIJ MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGLl,A,TIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Rl:.CLAIMED WATER MAINS" DA-ED OCTOfltR, 1993, WATER SYS11 E~1 (PRIVATE) ,,. SHEET TITLE TITLE '.31t[[T IRRIC LEGEND & NO le S IRRIGATION PLANS """'"""'"""" , ..... IRRIGATION DETAILS SHFFT NU\1BER ----,. 1 -------.. ····- 11 5-10 ; 11 , 1 '.' ! I 2, DRINKl',G FOUNTAINS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SP~AY OF RECLAIMED WATf R, tJtSl MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL Be, TO MINIMl?F, RECI_AIMED WA.TER ENCROACIIM[NT DO OL ···-··-. -·---,,_, __ .,_J TO f'UtJLIC FACILITIES SUCH AS PICNIC TABI ES, flRQ'S, PlAYGROUNDS, SAND TCT I OTS, ,TC . 3, BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHAl.1. BE USED TO ELIMINATE OR CONTROL TO THE FlFST FXTE:NT POSSIBLE PONDING, RUN-OFc, OVER-SPRAY AND MISTING, 4, HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED, '.o, ON-SITE C:ROSS CONNfCT!ONS BETWEEN RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND f'O l ABU:. WATER UNES IS STRICTLY PROc!IBITED 6, NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPF MATFRIAl,.S IMLL BE ALLOWED \\1THOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF Tiff c1-y OF CARl,SBAD MUNICIPAL wA-:-ER DISlRICL ?, ALL ON-Sill Pii0ES SHALL, HAVE WARNING TAFF PE:R CARLSBAD MUNICIF',4L Wc,TER D STRICT'S F,LJI ES ANO REGULATIONS, CT SIGNAGE NOTES ____ ,, __ ,, ____ ,,,, ,, __ THE FOLL.OWING GU DELINES fOR IHI:. USt. OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE TC BE" PERMANENTLY 1°0STED INSIUt. THE DOOR OF EACl-1 COi\ TROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY v1SIBLE PLACE UN 8---1 /7" X 11" Sl7FD S'GN 92-01 . LEGEND SYMBOL SHEETS 43 44 4., 4G, 11 '/-6. qe, 50 $1 "' ' , .. ,,.,., ,::, ,\.' ,:-,, ,,.\ :I" I * 8, HOURS FOR IRRIGATION MTH RECLAIM FD WATFR ARE FROM 10: 00 P.M TO 6; 00 .AM. COLCR: PURl'LE. BACKGROUND WITH Bl ACK LFTTFRING, /RRIG. TREES SHRUBS 4 G_C_ THE HOURS FOR IRRIGATION WITH DISINfTCTED TERTIARY RECLAIMED WATER MAY Elt MODIFIED BY I OCAI,, AUT~ORITY IRRIGATION DURING PlBLIC USE PER DJS IMTH DISIN- FFCTED TERIARY RECLAIMED WATER SHALL BE. UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THF DFSIGNATED USER SUPER,~SOR. IRRIGATION WITH WATER OF A LESS[R QUAI.ITY THAN DISINFECTED TERI ARY Rt.CLAIMED WATER SH Ale Bf BfTWfTN THF HOURS OF 10; DD PM AND 6: OC A,M, 9, PROVIDE A Ml'IIMUM OF AT LEAST 18 INCHES OF COVER OVE.k ALL IMRING AND PIPING, HJ NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED cROM CONIACI WITH R[CLAIMED W.ATER, WHETHER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR FlY DIRECT APPLICATION THROUGH IRRIGA- TION OR CHHFR USE, LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER Bv DES!GN CONSTRUCTON PRACTICF OR SYSTEM OPERATION, IS STRICTLY PROHl81 lED, "1, IRklGATION HEADS SHAI I Fl[ RELOCATED OR AD,IUSTED TO PREVENT OVER-SF'RAYING ON SIDFWALKS, STREETS AND NON -,DESIGN A !EU USE AREAS "2. RECLAIMED WAfEI< QUICK COUPI_ING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DESICNED FOR THE USF ON RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ( SPIKES NCT INftRCHANGEABLE W!TH POTABLE Wi',TER QUICK COUPLER SPIKt.S ) p, (; CARI.SBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULA -,o'JS, 1'; METERS SHALL BE SIZED BY THt. CIIY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAi WATER DISTRICT, 14 ALL IRRIGA flON F'IPE SHALL BE STFN[llfD, COLClR-CODED (PURPLE) AND LAID WI IH WARNING TAPE PFR THf CITY OF CARLSBAD MU'JICIPAL WATER lJISTRICr'S RULES AND Rf GULA TIONS, 15 ALL PCTABLE. WAlr.R AND RECLAIMED WATFR PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE S rt'NCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH, 15 IF A CONSTANT PRESSURE. Rl:.CLAIMED WATER LINE MUST BF INSTALL.ED ABOVE A POTABLr. Wi'.TER LINE OR LESS THAN TWFlVE (12) INCHES BELOW A POTABLE WAll:.k LINE, THE"N THF RFCl,AIMED WATER LINE SHALL BE INSIALLl:.D 'MTHIN AN AP"ROVED PROTECTIVE SLEEVE t..S PER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL. WATER DIS-RIC:T'S RULES ANrJ RFGU,ATIONS, 17 A 10 FOOT HORIZON I AL Sr.F'ARA TION 8ETWEfN POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED Wi'.TER 18 20, :IL MAINS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES, THE POTAB,_E LINE. MUST BE INSTALLFD ABOVE THE RECLAIMED LINE, A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEFN UIIIHlt.S Mus-3E MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. IJFVEI Of'ER/CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT A CROSS-CONNECTION TESl AND COVER.we TEST ,\S DIRECTED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICll'AL WATER DISTRICT ENGIN[[R~R THE SAN DIEGO CClUNTY JEPARIME.Nf OF EN\/lRONMfNTAI HFALTH PRIOR TO ANY USI:. m· RECLAIMED WATER, :,::Cl,,AIMED WATER QUICK COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WA ru, SYSTEMS SHAU,, l'IAV[ ACME TYPE THREADS AND PURPLE COLORfll I OCKING COVER5 PERIAANENTL Y ATTACHED TO THE VAIVF, QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE NELSON NO 1645, HUNffF< NO, HV100A-RL-Ne' Ok Ac'PROVED EQUAL. THF R[OUIR[D CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE 8Y f_l THFR THF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTR:CT AND/OR THE SAN lJlcGO COUNTY J[PARTM[N-OF ENVIRON-- MENT~.L HEALTH COf'lr.S OF INSPECTIO'I REPORTS WII L BE ,ORWARDED TO THE NON- INSF'ECTING PARTY clEVELCPER SHALL SHOW LOCATION Or RC SIGt\S "DO NOT DRINK" ON THESE f)l .. A.NS. 2, GUIDl,LINES FOR,, RECLAIMED WATER USE A, IRklCAlr FJFTWFEN TH[ HOURS OF 10:00 P.M, AND 6:00 A.M. ONLY, WATERING OUTSID, THIS TIME FRAME MUST 3E DONE MANUALLY IMTH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE, NO SYSTEM SHALL ,41 ANY TIME BE ~EFT UNATTENDUJ IJUklNG USE OUTS!DE THE NORMAL SCHEDUL.F, B, IRRIGAT IN A MANNER THAT MLL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING, AND PONDING. TII[ ,I\PPLICATION RA.It:. SHALL ~OT EXCEED THE INFILTRATION RATf OF THF SOIL, IIMi:.riS MUST BE ADJLJSTF~J SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITr1 THE LOWEST SOIL INfll "'!ATION FAT[ PR[S[NT THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CO"ITROL CLOCKS, (LE,, EMPLOYING THE REPf A I HJ'JCTION TO BRE:AK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES lHAT MLL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). C ACJU'.o! SPRAY HEADS TO Fl IMINAT[ OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CCNTROI OF THE CUSTOMER FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE f'AIIOS AND l,OTS, AND STREETS AND Sl'JlWALKS lJ MON TOR ANFl MAINTAIN Tri[ SYSTE:M TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAllURE BROK[N SPR!NK-ER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC., SHOULD 8E REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME ADPAREN L E EDUCATE All, MAIN fcNANCr "tRSONNE:L ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS OF THE 1°kFSfNCF OF RECLAIMED WATER PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED 'HAT R.C. WAT[R IS MEANT FOR IRRI. PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING PURf'O~I:.~, HAND. lOOc. WASHING, ETC GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RA II:. Or l,MF'l.OYcES IN TIit ! /\NDSCAPING INDUSTRY, IT IS IMPORTANT THIS l°"rOkMArlON BE. DISSC:MINAEO ON AN Al.MOST DAII_Y BASIS, IT IS YOU, THE l.ANDSCAF'E. CONTRACTOR WIIO IS RESPONSIBI( FOR EDUCATING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUk lMl'LOYEES, F OflTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-Sill:. rACILITIES, SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMiTTfD TO.AND Al'PRC'vl:.D BY, THE Dl'.",TRlrT E'"GINFERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORGAN'.T MTH DISTRICT ST,,NDARDS, 2, AU RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TACS, A. l AGS SHALL flt WF ATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3"x 4", PURPLE IN COLOR, WITH THE WORDS "WAkNl_~G RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED UN ONt. SIDE, ANO "J\Y]SO -AGUA IMPURA-NO TOMAR" l~ff'RINTED ON TH[ OTHER SIDE, IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND ell ACK I~ '.:Dl_OR, USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T, CHRISTY ENTERPRISfD OR APPROVED EQUAL, ti, CNE TAG SHALi 81 ,HTACHfD TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATIACH ',:, VAL\/[ STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 2. Al TACr TO SOITNOID WIRE DIRfCTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE--WRAP _OR ,3. ,ATTAC!c TO VAL\/t. COVER 'MTH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT Acl S"RINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDfNTIFIED AS RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS, t.ACH AUTOMATIC: CONTROU,C:R AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IMTH A SIGN BEARl~G THE WURlJS "R~CLAIMEO WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN CD (2) (3) @ (5) (6) (J) (8) NOTE 3 4 1 8 10 13 14 15 11 18 19 RtCLA,MED WATER ONLY ON SLOPES. 21 22 23 24 25 2b 21 28 ALONG HIDDEN VALLEY AND CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS, NOT ON ..,,o,E:,,, INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: 09 1,,7 ~, w5 ~'+ G;, 1:1 '34 ''' (o 'J 70 7/ 72. 7? 74 75 "J!, :, f, i' ,'I ,.,., i' 76 77 75 I :,1' ,,• I) ' 1, I I'/ ' I 01 '!ll- °IC B'? ~ 87 8/4 ,~5 9'/-83 /OZ. 81 , I :[5)03 . I /O'f /07 /Of3 /0") 1/0 I I I 32. 31 3a 27 20 l't 15 10 17 .. i ' I . 11 10 '1 s ' .. . i 5 4 3 ' THE,;e. All .3 " Crr:20oVL=t:...11 LL?C,'1-77-"M.5 "" RECLA/MED WATER MAINLINE AND POTABLE WATER MA/NL/NE SYSTEM CROSS/NG * 23. AN ON-SITE USER/SUPERv1SDR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN WRITING, THIS INDIV1DUAL ENGUSH AND ::YANISH, WI-H BLACK I, ETTERS 1 HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKROUND, "'."HE SIC:N SHALi, BF PL ACrll SO THAT IT CAN BE: R[ADIL Y S[EN BY ANY OPERATIONS Pf R'30N~EL lnLIZING THE EQU•PMENT ._ _____________________ _,,., ________________________________ ,. * SHALL BE FAMILIAR Wl'H PLUMBING SYSTEMS IMTHIN T~E PROPERTY, WITH "HI:. BASIC CONCFPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECTION F'ROTECTION, AND THf SP[Cl~IC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECcAIMED WAffR SYSTEM COPIES OF THE DESIGNATION, WITH CONTACT PHON[ NUMBERS SHALL BE PROv1DED TO THE SAN D11:.GO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENv1ROMENTAL HEALTH AND CARLSBAD MLNCIPAL WAIT'R DISTRICT IMLL B~ flLLc.D IN WHE'J RECLAIMrll WAT[R IS INSTALLED, IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT GBfY5TO,Ve' H0 /-ifi'S AT{J0 <t)27J,~'f1/'I'/ OR AFTFR HOURS CONTACT GR~rs_10"E 1-i•ME'..S AT("ID 'l) 2 7]-°!'('I'( 24, SHOW ALL PUBLIC & PRIVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS ON IMPRC'✓EMFNT PLANS. 25. ON RECL.AIMED WA-ER SYSffMS, ~.IL APPURTENANC[S ( SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE BOXES, ETC. ) SHALL BE COLOR-CODED PLJRPI F PER AWWA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 4049.S4 Of THE CALIFORNIA HFAI HI AND SAFETY CODE, ITEMS NOS. 8, 19 & 2-3 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTLAL USF Of RECLAIMED WATER ITEM NO 22 THE SIGNAGE PLAN SHALL 8c. Pt\RT OF THIS IP, BUT Te,E ACTUAL SIGNS & TAGS IMLL 8E INSTALLED JLST PRIOR TO /\CTUAL LSE OF R.C. WA 'cR r BLACK LOGO / -PLIRPlt t!ACKRCJLJND I /, , 1" B._ ACK LE-TERS 36" Dr.Cl.ARA-!O'l OF RFSPONS'BLE CHARGE: I HERE[lY DECLARE :HA I I AM J./-J-{~ l'o{?Cf<trf:i;:;, ,, WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, EXERCSED RESPONSIBLE CHARGt OVrR Tr1t: ut,'.ilGN Of THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION Ei /Ol OF TH[ BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CON'.;IST'JT WITH CURRENT '.:,TANDARDS THAT I HAVE I UNDERSTAND THAI !HE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY Of C:A,Rl.SBAD AND S/\N Ille(;() COU'JTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS DEl'INED TO A R[VIFW ONLY AN[) DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS~ A~I ~-OF WORK, Of:2 MY RC:SPDNSIBILITES FOR PRCJ~C I DESIGN FIRM NAME5 & Af'l!)RES<O"S: /'7,>IU-1A N~ ~~,;;,. ------------------ 7:J!t,?!2 BRJ<f:,n;/...--"7>7PE£.t H:40() OX>T/\ M~ , C-A . q2-t,,7 ... f> _, ____ , -. --····---·-··-•,•-··"''···~ ···-······· ------------------- PHONE NO(S): ( 7/1/) 7'-ja-L/-7=_·• ____ _ l!IGISTRATIO~ NO(S): _L'fc,_~(R ___ EXF'IRATION DATES: ___ )_<f_'f~7 ____ _ 1-e---------,-;__-~~---~-'------- ( (N TS) WARNING RECLAIMED WA rm DO NOT DRINK 3. WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK A B, C. D. t, F, G. LOCATION 0° PIPE LINES TRENCH DFPTH REQUIRED SEPARATION (HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICAL I Y) PIPE IDENTIFICATION, POINTS-OF -CONNECTION (POC'S), LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SPRINKLER Hf. ADS, WARNING SIGNS AT THE SITF AND ON THE TRUCKS MAULING (IF RECLAIMED WATER IS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION), RECLAIMED WATER AN APPROVAL LETTER REGARDING IHE INSPECTION OF THE PROJfCT SHALL BE OBTAINED FS:OM THE. CITY AND THE OISTR,CT, AND BF FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY HEAL TH DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL. INS"ECTION APPROVAL. DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION Se,A_L INCLUDE A. B. C, D, E", F, G. COVERAGE TEST, AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, TO DETERMIN~ THE ADEQUACY OF COVERAGE ON THEc APPROVED USE AR[A AND PROTECTION OF ARE.AS NOT APPROVED FOR RECEl\1NG REC:L,AIMED WATER, WARNING SIGNS AND LABELS. QUICK COUPLING VALVES. ALL ASPECTS Oe THE IRRIGATION CONDITIONS INCL UOING IMNDBcOWN SPRAY, RUNOFF, AND PONDING REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL ARE.AS. REQUIRED PROTECTION Of WE.LL, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC CROSS-CONNECTION, ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A COMPLETE: INSPECTION 'M-IICH SHOULD COVER PART A, PART B AND PART C OF THF DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. RE\1SIONS MUST 13[ APPROVfD BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, ASSISTANT !"LANNING DIRECTOR & DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPcEMENTA TION IN FIELD, DISTRICT APPROVE:□ CHANGES LEGEND ---w------AC--- -----FIC ----- -~ M:--- D FXISTIN'.,; PO' ABU:. WA lER SYSTEM EXISTIN'.:; RECLAIMFD W/\TFR SYST[M PROPOSED RECLAIMED IRRIGATION SYSTEM ARFA OF RECU,IMED Wt, fER USE LOCAIICN OF CONNECTION POINT/S-METER & BACKFl,OW f''Rf VF' N TION "DO NOT DRINK" c;1GN l.OCATIONS "AS BUILT" ~~ bY ~A TITLE REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DA.TE DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT N.T.S. SHEET 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 4b PLAN'IINC DEPARTMENT PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECLf,IMED WA TFR SYSTEM FOR: SH El I :5 ' VICINITY MAP 83 COSTA PO SOL AVSO-AGUA IMPUkA ~--------------"s----~,~AR, A \~SO--AGU A IMPURA NO TOMAR CARLSBAD MUNICIF'AL WATER DISTRICT 1-N_O_,+-------D~E~S~C~R_P~T~IO~N~-----+-A~P~P,ROVED DAT[ DEVELOPERS NAME: _c_R_EY_sr_o_N_E _H_OM_E_s ______ _ 12" X .36" SIZE ,016 Al lJMINlJM, ,060 ABS PLASTIC Ok SrlCK-ON VINYc SIGNS \_ '-.,._ 1" BL,\CK LETTERS --2'" BLACK Lt:. lTERS TYPICAL Sl(~NS 78" X 18" s:Ll ,016 ALUMINUM, ,06Ci ArlS e'l,ASTIC OR STICK,,, ON \1NYL SICNS E),:piration Date:.,.,_. __ 1-29--9& 'MLLIAM E, PLUMMER IJATF DISTRICT ENGINEER R,C,E 28176 -------+-----+-----1ADDR[SS APPROVED I TELEPHONE: (909)21-1-9494 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR ~~~_;__ __ I DATE DAlf ''L.AN P;a:EPARED: 12/o/95 --------- 8Y: DRv.N_El'I__ DRYIN BY. CHCKD BY: PROJECT NO. CT-92-0 DRAWING NO 341-bL C; \IJWCl 'J.\c~WD-RW,DWG 1? /17/94 SllffT Cle Sl·l:FTS CM w C, JOB NO, r:·: \ \ ,-------------- I I t I I I 1 I LOT 42 OPEN SPACE \ ~~\ ~ t) I \~'~ ---. ~r---1-- / - ! _____________ ,... ___ ,,_, ..... _, ,. ' ~[if l - r--'--------.-:::-tt---+~n~-7-r'' I" ~ \ \ LOT 43 P=. 142.7 \ ,,. /'" // j ~fb ~ .;..;..:_',-;11!;)-,,-l,, P= ~142.2 142.2 r-J ·-i //\ 01/({Jt:f<nw:;-r~A-f.!!7 f,,rbH'UJW f'F'i;:.-V/3-NT/31'-- 1. l\LL MlllN LINES SlOiN ARE IlRGRAMM'IC J\liID ~ IN PAVTIG EUR CTAAlTY cm..Y, J\ClUAL l'..OCM:ICN ID BE INSTl\LIID IN '!'HE PU\NITlG AREA <Ur OF RIGHT OF WAY (TYP) 2. 5m SHEET #11 FCR lRRIG1t.Tlrn LEGND r-.,,...._ ('J ,/. ' ~ ~: -l ' J6./.P 1- LW LW 0::: t- CJ) _,J -<{'. CJ) LW i---I $ -.. , __ ""'"" .... 3. POP UP HF.1\DS SilllLL BE 1NSTAUm WITIIIN 1 0' OF ANY l.'EDES'llUl\N l'CI:I.VrIT PER CITY OF CARl.SBM). LOT 98 P= 143.9 - I . "" I • l ----• iiiiiii _BEACON BAY ROAD f"'',,__,,.,-m,,~,•a, .... j,>"I\W.....,,_,,,¼,, ...... ..,_,ON,.,_M,.•1--," -•" -•••"'""'""'°'''• "'-''"~•,,~•,NW "••• ,,. l , 1 LOT 95 P= '.141.1, - r••l•,I'-.• ..,f; I ! l ' I i ,,~,='····~•-,\ ··•-,-•-•,/ -., -- \, \ " \ \ - MATC~LINE-SEE 6~EET 5 + . I \ I \ I ·f l I! 1 ·, t I I ' l I I ; l I I ~ s I u 1- IJ.J ~ I Vil I I __ / 11!_ I I I ! ' I i i I ! ' ' ·➔ I r j, }, I I i I I J l -J • SCALE I 11 20 = LOT 47 P= 147.0 · w ¾I' I r --7 ____r- f,,,,_2$" ,,,. ' I I I , ' 1.,-:····· LOT 48 P= 150.2 - 0 _ _J 0 -__ ,.,,,._ "" ,•,--.. ····--......... , .. ,,.,_. ""'~ -' ' - I Le' ' ---1 I I i I k-·-1 ... ," I' I r·· I I ' 1a': ·-· . -------------··+-----,-, __ I ----,-. ·-,,.C, """ iL__ ' .. ·• . ,-¥=------------+-- if{!,, s w ,g w ,I . '"' • \,J ,/ ' r' BUI~ T 11 ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING 111 I 11111 I I I I A\'D IRRIGATION ONLY, f'~ r:,y l'V/c/¥/A Co/l?P/"!7 INCLUDING PRECISE DATE \1\1 J NOTE: CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR SHALL ONLY APPLY SUFFICIENT WATER TO PROMOTE HEALTHY GROWTH OF THE PLANT MATERIAL AT NO TIME WILL THE CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR APPLY WATER AT A RATE OR FREOUEt\CY WHICH CAUSES RUNOFF OR SOIL SATURATION. PIPE SIZING CHART 1/2" ALL PIPE NOT MARKED TO BE_ 1/2" AT END OF RUNS 3/4" II l" Ill lf' T l½" :E 2•1 KEY Jf 2½" ---- ' 0 G. L. MOTSHAGEN ASSOCIATES, LTD. International lrrlgetlon consultants • water mana,i, ttnt • planning • research ---, • I ~\ □ I 1605 11.RNBERRY DRIVE ' ' SAN MARCOS, CA.LIFOliNIA 92069 1/ ! (619) 744~0411 FAX (619) 744-4744 -~ ' -·-····--········ .,<;c10 s c~~', /<c,\) -~-~' . /""-'"'/~G-\_ORC:E ,yo ,--11'0.' !tltf/4 1/ '°~~1 (~\ I, IK•,1 S I/_ V 'l.tJP "-/J .,. --r~~ s1 at£!,~/ ~er~",; :O! /~1/ '<-11:~----·/ ~-/ '~~'?;/ Pl V...O DESIGN • L.NC>8CAPE ARCH I £., TUii:: 10 20 30 40 60 IRRIGATION PLAN SHEET LI-1 ,,,, .. ., .. .., & ,4-6 ffe,/lv( /<.&Y4,J,,/S .. -- ~, -· '"' DA"IE IN11VJ. ENGINEER Df WORK REVISION DESCRIPTIO'\J LOC.I\.TION OF PLANTING REVIEwED BY AREAS. L ~ e-1:: / 7·2 t, INSPECTOR DATE 72.. '17 t-b 1 sH3r I ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 . PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: ---COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS I APPROVED- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OATE I DYIN BY: I PRo.ECT NO. I DRAYl1NG NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT ':12-01 llTl£R APPRIJVAL QTY APPROVAL RVw'D BY, 341-0L -, . i I i i ' ! ' J (l I . ,,,_,,_ ,. \\'l,I ........ -p.Z --t.. I /" rl r--••••~e=.,1 I T' ·----' \ .. INSTALL MAIN LINE AT TOE OF SLOPE (TYP .....,--fe--- jh /11', I I LOT 53 P= 1168.4 L l &f.O I I i 3/4" I :i ,;, i qc, I ,-' ----'-c....____+------' "i¾f II . 7 ~l . th)I ;,:'ft t,"">~••-••'~••sa•W:.,.~~M,~ ... •, "'" ,,,~ . 1>-_l.!+.. , .......... ~ ... ,.~.; ,tt tft" . --·--·--·--·, ---,--,, I I --"r ...,,.-+, --,..._,,"-"'"~-Y ... ,.,_......,., I i J l LOT 54 I I P= 172.6 , I ! ! i ---·-.,_ --· I ' I ( 1 i \ <. .. , ....... "•"-'"" ~ "'-...... , .. (, ""'.'' ;,• ,·---....:._.--, -Bs>-,·::: -:::_.:_------ /" I '" ( I J~f1ll I ',- 1 I J I r L~------1 ' .--:--::::-:::=--=-::,---, r : I l LC.._~~_____, ' l .,___, L ____ ,_J 1• ~--. /, ' /. /i ~ ! _, ...... ,..............,,,..,.,,,...,..,......,.--.,..ii--------·-·•-----·------·----··-----·--,-............ -·---. ·-··---.. ·-·--··"·"'"""·-·--··"-·-·· ... -----.. ·--.... , ______ , __ ,,,.,,.> ___ .... ···-· ···---------·-··------····-··-·----------~-~--. ---.. ··-~, ....... -.................. _,_,_ ........ _ ---······ ..................... ,-.. ___ . ···-· . -. .• ....... • .•.• ·-.................. , ••• -·-·····-·---·-·•'"-'•-·---·-~·~----........... '"'."". . ·"· -··-··••,•" -· . " . .... ... . . . . "l'VJ'E:: ....... ---.... . I ·-···""-~ ..... , ··-+-··"·-, 11" ··- ,• / ; ,,.• " -· -· I If' E\k,?evle: ,.I i i ; I f r LOT 64 P=, ~56.2 - i 7 ' 1 LOT 63 P= 159.3 - BEACON BAY ROAD ' ,, ~•.. '"'=' 'M"~••• ~ ,,,, ,~m-ow,,., .. ..., _., ""I LOT 62 P= · 162.i - ' l l ! i . I I ' i LOT 61 P= 166.0 I i l L - MA TCl-1L tNE -5E E 51-1E ET KEY FOR DOMESTIC SYSTEM PRESSURE CALCULATION, rm: fl 5& EL..ftV. = 178 HGL: 3 75' STATIC PRES:ll!E: £4,.(.p P:5/ FRESSURE CAio:nATirn R"R OJ:GJEST rm : ~/4 II WATER l!4lffl;R /. t,;, l?SI UlSS . /W-/11 !lllilll LINE ' 5/ II II ~,': If I~ i;=LINE _.,,-:;, --- FI"l"l'.IR;; liES /. / ELElll\TITJ\J awG'! i:..PM aNIKl[. VALVE(! 8.~ lll\CKFUM PIIBll'mIHI. . /. 0 ~-~De/lel!O 2:f•O 'lUl'AL SYSTEM IffiSFS ~ $:j 7 STATIC PRESSURE ' RffiIOOAL WAffR PRESSURE II I~ .. " " .. PSI l?SI l?SI l?SI FOR RECLAIMED SYSTEM PRESSURE CALCULATIONS WATER METER I~ SlZE l'kp. H.G.l.. ELl:VATION £at 'S ~'_ X .433 ",:r_J•, I REMOTE CONTROL VALV• l___e_-_g.___ S)ZE t..:___ MAXlMUM O•MANO ~ GPM ElcVATJON ,'7A 1 PRESSURE @ RCV j$q o PS[ PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FOR REMOTE CONTRO'_ V.ALVE 1: N WATER METER /.£, P~l Leis 8ACKFLOW PREVENTER ~ STRAINER ,/.0 :: :: GATE VALVE /,/7 ,, ., MASTE~ VALVE ~ 1ai]_--, " MAIN LINE Z44 :: :: --------U-MA IN Ll NE ::::Z::"----iIT°MOTE CONTROL VALVE 5'-4-" " Z'' LATERAL LINE __ :: :: --H" LAJERAL LINE -ll., LATERAL LlNE ~..--" " ;;,r,,-'" I" LATERAL LINE .(jjZ-" " 7(>'3/4''LATERAL LFIE :,f3!?. -·l/2"LI.TERAL LINE "-"Io % FITTING LOSS _H_ ' ELEV. CHANGE -TOTAL SYSTEM LOSSES,: PSl PRESSURE REQOI RED AT HEAD : ""'-'-~ PSI TOTl,L PRESSURE REQUIRED I PSI STATIC PRESSURE AVAILABLE I PS[ RESIDUAL WATER PRESSURE PSl ti /I - 1. ;u.r. w.m LINES SDiN ARE Dil!GW!llTrc AND S1DiN IN l'A~ RR CLIIRl'.lY CM.Y, llC'lUAL UOl:rICN 'ID ll8 INSrALllD rn 'ffiE P.LIINl'Dl; AREA 00T CF RIGlll' OF WAY (TYP) 2. SEE S!IEET #11 ~ IIlRIGA'l'IOO' llXil;w 3. roP Ul? llEl\00 SW.U. Bl;; INSTALllD WTimlil 10' CF 1'NY l'wESJXUU'-1 ACTI1i1Ty iPEl! ClTY CF Cl\lUSBl\D. l'O,'ERID AC'IUM.,_J;d5'Tlrn ID BE 'lllE =s llEl'RESENI'lT . . . ,~ .,.~ ,, ..... .,,.. ... ..,..,,. .•.. ,, ,..,, -. ...--• .__., ••.. ,-~,-................ , ,.-~ ... , .•. , ... ' ................. "'~"'"' _____ ,, ____ ~, .... ,,. ___ "<'"'~--....,_..,.,..._ __ .,.,___,,,,...,_ ~··~· r . ·~•·•----n 11' I I" - LOT 59 P= 'ti3.3. G. L. MOTSHAGEN ASSOCIATES, LTD. lnt•rnatlonl!ll lrt!get!on OQIHJUltJ:1.nts • water management , planning " ril'tillloilr~h ,_ F 'aM -,,, .... , •-•-'"\' '• LOT 58 P= °176.6' - I I 11 I 111 h: 1 · ..___.I I o _JO .20 30 40 I' 60 IRRIGATION PLAN I r' 1 ' I ' p t ........ ,~,-.,, I - APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING I ~ 0 I 3 LL 0 ¥ I-- . ·--L I ~ !p I _J I I ! I '4 I i j i i, ". I i ,1 I I ri . I ' 1 AS ffe/7'\RED 'i3Y Rr<?MA c;,/16/17 DATE REVlEwED BY: AREAS. SHEE:;T LI-2 [NSPECTDR L.8/aef___, 1-2:17 DATE FDRMA SlS7DIS CA/JD ~ DESIGN•I.AN)8CAf'E AHCHIE"-'T\JAE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA l---'---t----------------t---1--,-1 -1 PRODUCTION UNITS 1--~--1-----------~--t-,-,--,7 bAP=P=R=o=vm=====,=, =,~========= DO SOL :, ,. , _, .. '. ::; . _____,. __ , -. . -·- ~ 8 LL I 0 I- L / I ----- If, A ... , .... / \ ---------..V ______ --7 LOT 37. 1 j P= 149.0 , 1 I ! ,, 0 ----------------------1..✓ _/'· -}':--i MULTIPLE OUTLE'J;' i:;MrTTEa ~. PVC Lll.TERJ\.L LINE~ \ . CRIBWALL ~ELLS . --- INSTALL A CHJll,\PION MODEL N0.3-40l LOOSE KEY HOSE BIB AT THE END OF UVR-PVC LATERAL LINE FOR LINE FLUSHING. DISTRIEU'.rION TU8ING 7 '-'-, "-- i ToalNC-~ f-- SU-NPLeD AND· ~ SECORED -~ ••--- '------BUG~ CAP - ~ CRIBWALL IRRIGATION 1 I i ! I I ! ' I, ' I: I : 11 I-- LU LU D::'.'. I- V} .....J <( CJ) L.l.J I--I s I I L - : I ! t I : ! I , l ' : I I 'i I I I I . I ' ' i I ' I ! ' I ' l . ' ! i I • ' " . ' ' f I ' ' I I I - P= 144.8 LOT 102 ! P= 149.5 I <. ·-"" .. ----•-,-•••..,,..,,~~•~~m ..... ,., •a••••• .. -- '"'-' , =•····• .. ··•· .. ~ .,-. ,_ ...... __ ....,..,.__,_ /, ' I ,,, l . -,-·"'"'-, m.-M·r -"'"7"""'····-,., ......... ~-.,~ .. , .. ,,~ .... ,,.,... ., ......... ··~ ·= .. ., ..... , ... M, I MUL T l-0\JT\-U EM[TTEk -~ HUNTER "HC50F-5W" CHECK VAL,E +--~ SWING JOINT +--UVR-PVC SCH.40 LATERAL LIN[ 3/4" ft,._.,; #4-30" REBAR@ 10' o.c EMITTER TO BE,OLSON IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ·MODEL. NO. EH-12 VIBRA CLEAN WITH OLSON MODEL NO. 1302-.I2SX.187 POLY DISTRIBUT-ION TUBING AS REQUIRcO TO PLANT CELLS. INSTALL A OLSON MODEL NO. 6302 BUG CAP AT ENDS OF ALL DISTRIBUTION TUBING. STAKE END OF TUBING IN PLANT CELL WITH A OLSON MODEL NO. 6185 STAKE. CRIB WALL EMITTER I I " KEY ·- NCT.ra: 1 • ALL MAIN LINES SOCMN ARE DINE\Ml\TIC AND SID\'N IN PAVING RlR CLARITY CE.Y, llCl'UllL lDCI\TlW '10 BE IN-STllLUl) IN mE PUINl':IR; AREA 0Jr OF RIGHT OF WAY (TYP) 2. S£E SHEET #11 FCR IRRIGIITIOI r= I I ' \ \ \ ' ! i I I. i li.,_ '; . ' i I i i + I ! I I ' I i I ,, ' 1- ~ s I u I- LJ.J ~ I ' I ' I , l I I I '. ! I ' I j 1/t• ,. i ! 1li11 ', . ' ~ \ I ' ' ' l I I Ii ! i I + I \ a ·-.,.,,._ ·' r, ! I ft ' I " .,,_,, -~•·· i 'LOT 90 P= 152.7 l.._._ ··-, L ..... ..," .. , .. j . """" """"'"""'""'"'"""'"""" I i ! I ' I I I I ' r··----. r-, ..... __ l I ,-----.--.-=---:==---, I LOT 70 ~ P= 153.6 1 1 l l_ __ , C i i i ' 0 'i. .•.•. __________ j .L .......... . SEAHORSE COURT ", I ! ... i" " ..... ..;... .. ,_ :"' ·-· ,, ..... ~, ......... ~ ....... , ......... ~l C ; l I r-------· LOT 89 P= .-153. 5 \,, ~··· ...... ,-.. -...... -., .... ,r, •• ,.,.-., ..... ,, .... ··-' SCALE 1"=20' - 4 - LOT 88 P= 154.5 lliiiiliiilii -7-iTiiill'f iiiZTilliCOiiT --·iiin ~ I I ll - L - r• -•••-•'"'""----•,H ,.J ! r "···• ! I I ! ' ' i i i i ' l i ··•--------•·1 i --, SF I w z· i .~1 I I ' ' ' l) ' 1-- <l I: ,. ----- 1 3. POP UP HEADS SlW,l. BE IN$TALllil liffl!lN 10' OF AN'f PllE'l'IRIAN = PER CITY CF Cl!RLSIWJ. 111111 I I l I l..___.l I~ APPROVED FOR PLA.NTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. J SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA ij2Qo9 ~J □ I ! 10 20 30 40 60 IRRIGATION PLAN SHEET LI-3 DAT[ R[Vl[\,l[D BY, INSPECTOR DATE 11il161URNBERRY ORIVE .. ~f~ (619) 74"--0411 FAX (619) 744~4744 I ll=======;;;::;;:;;:~:==c..·. ··====·" =;;::;;:;J t-----t---+---~--------+--+--1-----1---------1 ~ I' CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ r------------------------+--+-----,----------------t---+----J--...+--__j ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ----' ~=:'..::::::=========~=~ l---+----+------·-------··+----+----l----1-----1 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: f()RN' FOI/M,I $lS1DIS CNJD l"I AIW•bEWlll•LAN>ICAl'E AndiiEfwlUIE t-----t--+---------------•-l----+--+----+----1 COSTA DO SOL t---+--+--------------·----1----+--~l-----+-----1 DAlE INmAL ENGINEER Of' llalK REVISION DESCRIPTION 'I ,PRODUCTION UNITS APPRO'v£D c, -, .... -··· '#7 <ii<>.~.~," ,, ----~-,----------ASS t ST ANT PLANNINC DIRECTOR DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL Ov.t,i BY: I 1-----'-'-----1---=--+==--1 CHKD BY: --- OTl£R /IIPPRIIVAL a1Y N'PROVAL i::IV\JD BY• . PROJECT NO. CT 92-01 DATE I DRAWING NO. . 341-bL !I LOT 12 P= :156.1 ' - ......------1 ½ I -LOT 13----!j P= )57_0_] - LOT 74 P= ·r57_4, · ,,..,,-n~"-••~~--~ j -.. J .i.,.T""•·" ",_ ---~ ...... .J . \ ' ____ --~--...... ________ .. lr~ : MAICHL INT i_5i:E~E~5~~E~T~4,;_I ~~ ~~~r"" ~ , fti~ I' ~ :--,@~"-+--,., ~~·. ~; ~@'rl ~, _ J!J\J ... '. --'• -i -·.\ {;>,:,::c:-:V'----'t::~;;;:~■~ffi~.tf-=~~\~.,.,;\'i,('~4'~~~•n~#4,~'~~~\/---<l i/i:177 1/4 \ 1\ //J/t,~~ ~" I ~I l~r ~} -~_: -. . -1"_1_"1___ '1,kl ,,:·-_-_-_-____ !> lit} ';'3!4i d . I/?,' \ i V #tiflP \\ / I , " r· -~ ·~ :/4-~;;~~~~ '/ 1}--1.i-fVJ-':~'{J'r--r""\ 7•9"'£--'-~-f/ r------._ - I l ! LOT 75 I P= tSB.4 L.: __ ~ ., '"" ,; LOT 75 P= if5_9.2 ... ····-·-"-....... _ i --------L '--' 7. ¥., ! LOT 17 /,. r". P= ~60.1 LOT 78 P= i161-2 1 /"' I "~✓ I I I I Q I I ' . . . : .. __ ,,.,, '···-·-· ,,, '"'""""' . ..;.. .... _, - ' ' -·--,. 1?;P.7 t• ' . ' ' -~--·--'-,-.-._--.. -....... -... ,_.-... ,-.,-... ,.,,,,-., __ ._.-... '--' .. ___ -____ -., .-.. -----------------------. ...-.-. . ..........,_ __ ___,_,_,~ ............. ,. ---.... ,-·~,.,,, .... ,,_.~,--·-., ..... -....... , ............... _ _,.._._ ~-------·--. ··--"""""' ,, • :+ ; _,, ___ ~~-........ ,,,, .... 1 '-, I i ·- l < ... ;'"'' I -· . j II ,lj, SEAHORSE COURT ~f;:::;=;:.:;·;;::----=-:;;;··-:;;,;--·:;,,.-.;.;;.·-;,;;· --;_;;;·-·--:;;,;··· .:...,· .:.;:-·.:.;:--...:.-..;:_·.:.;;·· ·--.:...· ······;_;···· -;.;;· ... =::·~·-:.:.;:•··· -;;;,;·•·•· ··.:...--•;.::;_-'•-·..;.;_;;:.;...:.:_ ______ ·----·---. ----·---------:-_____ ,...:___..;,_.:.;:.:;:.,.._, -:_.,....__;..:_.:_;.;..;.._~. \: \ . i -~-----~~-~ "). , ..... ,. ···-··-·-·•,,~--· --.,..,,_ -----. ,-•-"•=• ...,,,,_,,,.,=•~ .,.-,-,.-Y'--• -••oo., ,oM, ••¥•• ~-•=••, r,• 7 ~ l ! ! r,;, ~ r---.. ., .. _ ... _\ - I 7 l, If) !I I I I " I ~ • 1 ·-1 ,..____ ~ ', '\ • ~ , I LOT 86 I , I -L-o_r_a_Ls-----,1!1. : Lo T 84 I r---cL~o-==T-8_3_ ~ ,~ '" '~ ',, z: 1 P= rs-o.4 J 1 ! .E= 11ss:3 ( P= 1159. s L_.'--·-7 ______ () "' -I LI ! I P= :157. 4 I i 1 ·11 \\ 0 \ _J, _____ __, ' I ,) I l 2 :[ i Lt__,---J L j L __ L __ J-------.c ! · p~ i5g~7 , J '\ l)'l L--·--~------·-· ec, , : t-: i 7 ' LOT 81 \ <tJ ; f' i \ Lr I L •....• --,--,----------1 ~ P= 160.8 : \ \ s---; \...--4_--- -. ..Y --- I q ~ •-~ \ \ /'' 431 ; I ' t . , ' / . f;, . ' ; . , . ; .· ,'I ~ -' L, -/ -.,,,,,,; ; '-I I, '-./ ' / '' " -..:!,,. --. I //</<.lbA17DN CN e::/'61 -5roe op: --s~ @.//'11/'-I A-T e':-1? &, r·-----·-~ I ! . " " ~~~~~~ I' I::; " ,, ._,,,~ " ) II SCALE l"::::20' I i I I i ' r_j I ' I I 1\ !Cre: 1 • ALL MAIN LINES SIDIN ARE DillGW!l\TIC Pill,-.~~ IN PAVING FCR CLARl'l'Y CNDI, llCrullL L0CATI00 BE lNS'rllLlW IN THE PL!INl'ItG AREA oor OF Rl . OF WAY (TIP) 2. SEE S!lEE'r fill FCil. IRRIGl'.'l'!Cl'I LEIEID 3. POP UP IIEllDS S11ALL BE INETALLE1J WI'ffiIN 10' OF ANY P.EilES'rnillN ~ PER CTn" OF Cl\RLSBIID. G. L. MOTSHAGEN ASSOC.IATES, LTD. International !rrli.11t10J1 (:_onsultanta • water mene.g"rn;.tnt • planning ' reit-ell:1'¢1'l 1605 lU1l\llERR\' pRtVE SAN MARCOS, C/\L.IFORNIA 92069 (61~) 744-0411 FAX (619) 744-4744 □ ',,· . ) itY,v IRRIGATION PLAN SHEET Ll-4 . I . I ; ' ' ! 0 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 10 20 30 4-0 60 ~ "!3Y ri'IRM// DATE REVIEIJED BY, L,E/4-cf:_ 7-2 ·17 INSPE:CT □R DATE I SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH~lS I 1-------l---+-------------+------t--,----r-, APPROVED _____ ....... _____ _ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE PROJECT NO. D'11'1 BY: __ l---:D"""AlE=----1--;;IN=m;-;;AL-+---------------t-;□;.,AlE~t;, ... Nl1l""AL.-------r-ri:oAA1ilE~ININriim:.i:AL7 CHl<D BY: -- ~-' REVISION DESCRIPTION 0~-·-·•' aTY •-.... RVIJD BY• PLU181Q Wwat•LANDICJIP! A,--.,_,.,_ ENGINEER 0f \ltft( rnc.K rrr...,v-~rAu,_ CT 92-01 I DRAWING NO. 341-bl - '" I I t I ~:::-::,,;,.... II)\~ ' ' i ' '"' ' . / \ i i I -· I ·-•-"""'"..-.... ' ----~-n:-------.._ I" ' / h-ffo J / I ' / I " I .,~-t,.1t; / I L l •j' 1; ./II I' ,i,t; 1 LOT 32 I I ' r1 P= ,156.9 ,z.P; I ,. ~l? I I I' ( I 4 ;'!6 j4h I I' I I' l_ LIMIT OF WORK I f- LLJ LLJ ~ f- V) i I I ' ' I __J ·-· .T .. ··,;··· ... ...... ! .... -----" - f----'C-L OT 103 P= 151.9 ; ' j l .... , ..•.. _,.,., .. , .. ., . .,. I LOT 30 1 P= ~56.5. ' ,-,. , .. ....,...,._..,, .•. ,,., ... ,~ ~.-, .... ,.,.,.,,.,.,.,...,-,,,,.-· .. ,.,.,,~ .... , .......... ,.,~, ' ' ' RECREATION CENTER N_l_c_ LIMIT OF WORK --· '"" ., .. , .... '""""'"" -----.,,.,,, __ ,,, . .,,, .... ,_,,,,,.,, -·· ....... , ... ,,, ____ - I I ~: 81 lL I 01 t-1 !; I _JI I I I -· .... . ... l ...... ··--'---· ---. --·----·-----·--·--- - --· ., . r··---··• ·----7 ° I ~ c ! I LOT 29 L.1 j r-=--=---:.--""-=----i ! ~ P= 156.1 j ! i - --"? ---, ............ ··---··"""" ·-·-··-------~ --- I 7 r·s i I l ' , ' ' ; I ; I r:--j' --./ I LOT 28 1 1 ! P= ·1554 I ' i --' MATC~ LINE--SEE 5~EETI 9 r~·•·····-··-·-··-----. .. i :·" I == ! I 1 • AIL MAIN LINES Sli'.M!i! ARE DIJ\GWoWl'IC AND 5lll,'N IN PAVING RR CTJIRl'l'X" a.I.Y, ACml\L LCCIITIOO 'ID Ill:! lNS'l'ALU'D m 'Oil;: l'UINl'IR; llllFA 00T OF RiraT OF Wl\Y ( TU' I 2. SEE Sl!EE."r #11 RR IRRIGIITictl Il'X»ID 3. POP UP HEllDS Slll\LL llE INSTIILLEl) WITHIN 10' OF -Al-lx l'EDl'SlRulN ~ Pm CITY OF CARI.'iBl\D. 111111111 I ..___.I I , . .,.,._,,_,_ ·-··-· - I LOT 106 IP= 154.6 .I I """'!" SCALE '"=20' I) -.. , ..... ,.--1,.. ;I ·I I ' ' ,, 0 LOT 107 P= _ 54.-.3 -r ~ :::, 0 u 0 z LLJ V) 0 z <( .....J r= I I ] I . I • .....,.,....... I 11 11 . ' LOT 108 P=l55.5 . ...,_ __ ,... ' i ,.J 1-,-' I I I . -'l ' i i I -------· .,., .. ., .. ,~. ··- - . I ! 1 v. -\ ___ .,.......,._ r l i ! I AS BUil T" IF==================;J ) 10 20 30 40 60 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. DATE ' I ,I KEY G. L. MOTSHAGEN ASSOCIATES, LTD. lnt11rnl'ltlorn!III irr,i',jlt'l.tlon Con11ull1;rnh1 • wat11;1r lfl!;IHB.ijemont • pl11nnln!il " f4il-te,;ir¢1'1 1605 TUlNBERRY llRIVE □ SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA. 92069 {t;:;19) 744-0411 FAX {619) 744-4144 ~ _ IRRIGATION FLAN SHEET LI-5 ..£VIEWED BY INSPECTOR DATE .,U;;;;a;;;a;a;;:===============;;;;;;;;:J I SH7EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~6 1----+---+------------·---+---+---+---+----1 PLANNI:'-IG DEPARTMENT ~ .---------------------+----+--+-------------+---+--+--+------l PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: l----+---+-----·-----------,--1------tl---t-----l l----+---+----·---------~----1---t--1-----1 COSTA DO SOL ' I I----+---+----·-·-----------,------t----+----+~-----1 PROOUCTION UNITS nm}')"': JV"", :==---:=----:=-~~---~_····-==:==:===:==:==:: ~: APPRO;::;:::::==',ED -====;-;::=~ .-,====;-;:===;:."_ :·_====;·"-·'. · 1 I ... ___ Ji:( r ~ D'MII BY, __ PROJECT NO. DRAWING ND. 'FORMA SrST£MS GADD DATE ' INITIAL DATE INl'llAI. DATE INITIAi. CHKO BY: --CT o2 =1 41 "-L PLANNING•DESIGN•LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENGINEER OF" WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ono APPROVAL Cl"TY APl'ROVAL RVWll BY: -~ -= 3 -,ca, r' . i I I - ~ ,.I • ' ' i r--. f : i ' 1 I I ' i ' i I ' ............. .. . ~ - ' -----, i.._ I J i l ! i ' j I ' ' ' ' ! ' ; . ' r . -~--~-~·-- ' ir••--------- 1 ·---, ... ', ___ _ I - • \ I I :1 ....--------·1 I , I L~T 109 f ! P-,157.1 J .J I r·..r ; ~ 0 ! l 1..-----... .._,_j I ,--, r-.. -~.,_,...... ~--.... ~, .. ' i I i l ~ i r---:-L~or=---11O~ I P= ! l -+ - -• ••----• u~ ... _........._. ____ ..,_....,...,...,..,_ ....... _..._, I I I I . . ..t,,_,_ ---,..__J - ' I -.. -----~ ... --...... "-··------~ .... , ... --. -- w ~l •I l!U z -\..-I ~ I 01; 1--. <{ r ; ! _, ' i • f I LIGHTHOUSE ----' ...... --~--· ..... ..-~ -~ ---..... ' _____ ,, ......... , __ .......,_ ____ ··-·· '. --· ' l ' ' . t, LOT 24 P= 157.2 - ri ., ' l \ ·- ,···-·----· --i • ' ' ' - i .. , ~ ---... ' ' , . . • i . ., ' ' ! ...,.r-:-L-=-=oT=---=--,22~ , P= 163.2 I I f .. ,, .... I LOT 112 P= 161.4 ''. ' ., :~-LOT 2 ' • ! " • ! ' ,,_,. ___ _ . LOT 113 P= 163.2 I J ,.1 I I I I 'I '/ / I ' . ' - q.o ' KEY I t - ' I j ; ' G. L. MOTSHAGEN ASSOCIATES, LTD. lnlernetlonal Irrigation consu lt■nt■ • water manag J ment • plt111nlng • to•u1rc.h • I ·, ' ' /· , '/1/-'-:--. '/<A/<..11'!:,IPD #-~ ~ev~&e) ' 111 [" ~ ' I I!; ~ . /fl BtPPttt-ft; I 4~ ' I 7.e, ==¥4" I 78 0 ' ' I ', l .I ·, ·· 1 ... " /./ ti II I l . t ...... ' - I " * 11 --------C~llNE-SEE S~EET 10 " t1 --~ ----\.--· ~ , \ II\.._ o lJ \ __ .,. ,. ·, 1'11l'E: 1 . ALL M1llN LlllES SIDiN ARE lllllGWIM'IC JR> S1!0iR IN PAVIR; FCR aJIRI'l'l!' cm:.Y, 1IC.L'IJIII. UlCAT.1[11 '10 BE lNSTllillD IH TIIE PLl!Rl.'IH; AREA ClJ'l' CR' RIGB:r Ol'Wl\Y (Tn') 2. SEE SBEEl' #11 FCR DlRIGATJ:0!1 UlE!O /I' , 3. POP OP IIEllr6 SHALL BK INS'D.LU!D Wl'fflil'I 10, c, I \ ANY Pl'l.l&'thUM llCl'IYl'l"i PER Cl'l'I" CF CARLSBAIJ. 11 .J SCALE .JJ--------1"=20 3/4" -·-' I .... , ' i t_ •--n, --.-...: • r-11 _, I, , ; ,U, ~ I f 7 • ! I II .. } ,U, J APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. BUILT" 10 20 30 Ml 60 IRRluATIO.N PLAN SHEET ,LI-6 ~~-r---irr~ ~8Y~d REY!Ew'ED BY, L... ,bfa--1--- 1----+----1---------------1---+--+--I-------I APPROVED -"" ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA1E INl'IIAL ENGINEER 0F WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE N11AL DA TE INfllAL IJTl£R N'PRIIVAL an N' PRO\- PROJECT NO. CT 92-@I . . DATE 7.2-17 DATE' •J ,. I .. "'I .,. .,, DATE j' , DRAWING NO. 341-G>L -. --.. _ .. ' ~ I--L -_J I I I I ' I ' ' I ! MATCI--IL INE-SEE 51--1.EET -7~-----.1..L _'!!'!!_ !'!!!_ p ____ '!!!! __ -~-!!!!Ii~--- ,,. --.. -. -. --rj -~·-- LOT 12 I I P= 156.4 I j I u I I I d' l_ ~ ~~ 1' 1 I ! ... -~ --_,, I I . I I'" ,--,----,,-=---::-::=------, • I ~,4, II I I I ' ~:'._/) / I ' . ~ 1 l I ' , -' I : ' I I: I! I I I ' ' I I ,.- \ ·' I ----1 ..... I i / \ , _)(,·•---. \1 '\ ·-. , ' I 1 k ,- \ / \ I \' \L " --I ------, ' -.... .. --- 1 - -............_,..._ '·, .... l LOT 13 I P= 155.0 11 LOT 15 I I ! P= 153.4 ' 1 I IL!... ________ ,.., j LOT 16 LOT 17 P= 152.7 , .b,_,_,. ' I • / / : ; , , / , I I· f. / /, 0 LOT 11 P= 158.2 ; l l i r' l . ----------.... ·, . -..,..._ --. ' --~ ·-.... _ i ....... • -----", ' ..... , ~ ~ I I ;J r l ~ Q I l ' I ' . l~-----..... _._; a ,, '•' . r •. ---- .. -~-- H--- ,.__ -. - ;·----·--1 7 ' I ----~----. I I r. --·-! ' · LOT 10 : 1 , 1 : ~-=--cc---, IP= 156.5 I ! I I' LOT 9 I . l j I i P= 155.2 ' I ~-..... 1. I i ! LANDS END COURT ,.... ..,_w ___ ,.., _ _,.. •- ! ! I r <} ' ' ' . . . ' • '-L .. .., l ' ' r7=.--:~-, ' I LOT 8 , . l r---·-.... _, ,... __ ,...,, r r;, I I ~ ,i I ! ~ _,,i ' i ' j I ! ' ' I ! I ! --" P= ·154.6 ~ i j LOT l " P= f53.6 ! ,......,,.L~O T~6--, --' L ....... --...... ____ J 1 P= 152.2 N'.7.!'E· '+'-''-;-,-,t-,µJ_'----"-'-', ~ 1 • • INN LINES SIDil!I MB ~ AID SIDIR KEY ,____., IN PAVIlG Im CUIRl'l'l!' <l'll'..Y, 1Cl'ClllL UlCl4'Ia'I "l.'O BB Il'IS'Dlln;D IN 'l'IIE PUN'l'll!C AREA, a1l' CF lUGlfl' CF WAl' (Tn>) 2. SEE SIIIEl' #11 RJl lllltIGIITIQII Ll!l:2a> 3. RlP UP IIEIICS SBllLL EE INSTAIUlJ Wli'lilN 1 O' CJ!' ANY PE1ES'DUAN ~ l'lll. Cin CJ!' ~Sfll'JI), - G. L. MOTSl::iAGEN ASSOCIATES, LTD. lntunetlonal lr'r'lgatlon uonaultanta • water ment111llmant • plannlng • r•••■rch '"11106 lUNIEIIRI' llRMi ---- >SAN MARCOS, CAUF0RNIA 92069 □ (.19) 744-0411 FAX ($19) 744-4744 CA\.lf -----' , 1111111111 ~I I 0 10 20 , 30 40 60 SCALE l"=20' i " . ' . I I ·o , I :,,~ .. .1- iW w ·.-'_..----- ....I.. I" --· ' :(J) ' j w (j) I w z ··------~J- --• .....1.---~ --~ +--·------- r · o · · d ,.__.J I LOT 4 P= 153.3 --,. l ! ! I : I /1 ' I . I I I , r ' I 11 ' I ! I i ' ...... <( I: £ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ' . i ' --· ., . r ,' , ------......... ___ _ . , --. ' ~ . ·, ,I "AS BUILT" DATE REV!Ew'ED BY, IRRIGATION PLAN AREAS. SHEET LI-7 INSPECTOR £-l3j1L<.):___, '7-2· "/7 DATE ' l-to-·'_"_7+--l------r,¥,;_~_!S _____ --t-_---t_-;-1-1._•111 LL 11 C IT~G £.1~AD 11 ~ Pl.AN TI~G Mt.ID IRRIGATION PLA ... S F'OR: COSTA DO SOL . PRODUCTION UNITS .& , l-l-====i====t========================+===~===~====~===1 APPRO'v'ED-A' "; --~ .. -:-. .......,,......,..,,..~: ~"-=--::::=::::-------·. _ .. ~ ,;,: t===i===±========================+===⇒===➔===J~===1 ~A~SS~IST:;;AN~T ::::P_L::ANjN_IN:::G~D~IRE::::CT::::OR~~~~==lfiiiDA~TE~~ • ~~-k,~-l---------------t----....~--.,,-1riKmt'iiiili"l o. . PRO.ECT "°· I DRAIING NO. 1--DA1E INfflAI. DA1E N11AL DA1E N'TIAI. ~~B~--1 CT 92-IZ>I 341-tbL DIGINEER OF WDRIC REVISION DESCRIPTION IITID M'PRIIVM. aT, ,. ; 1w....1. I 7 -•-•1 ~,/-----., / -lf ___ jL____ -----i-- ! -: ' I I -. ~ ---... -........ - - LOT 18 P= :153:B_ : L . Cl' I ,_ I I i I ' l ! , ! ' _.,. .. \ \ ... w z LANDS END COURT l , I , ---~---.. ----·--- ' . . -,----+-- ' -' . ' . ( -----1---. - , l a . 1i ----+-___ 'I 0 I, I 'ft' r I I ;__J l t ' ' I r.,.,-- r' 1 '! I ! ! ,1 ' I .--:----:c-=----,=--. I LOT 3 l..._ _ __,L... __ ,.., __ 1 1 J P= 154.0 I L l-.... ---~' . \ l '---_-__ .. ,,, ___ _...,. FOR RECLAIMED SYSTEM PRESSURE CALCULATIONS W~TER METER f / SIZE tft• 11.G.L. ~ ELEVATION ~ 433 _..,,..,._PSI -270 X. --~ REMOTE CONTROi. VAi.VE I A-/0 Sl2E Jif.. MAXIMUM DEMAND ...,.;,I GPM ~ii~~~~~~N~ RCV ~; PSI PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FOR REMOTE CONTROL VAL,, J//'1. IJ WATER METER ~,§ P~ I LO~, ~ BACKFJ.0W PREVENTER ~ ., .. ::z» STRAINER. /.0 11 , II GATE VALVE /.U ,, , -MASTER VAi.VE ;i~ ., , ~II MAIN LINE -----" ' -------,r HA I H LINE ,..,....-,---., ""iitr"---iiEMOTE CONTROL VALVES,/ ,. ~ 2" LATERAL LINE __ ,, II" LATERAL LINE -----,...,,---,. to; U' LATERAL LIii[ ~" /D' I" LATERAL LINE • ,, -3/4''LATERAL LINE • ., l/2"LATERAL LINE ,, S FITTING LOSS ~ ,, Lz._' ~~~~L ~~~;~~ LOSSES:~ PS1 PRESSURE REQUIRED AT HEAD ' ~ ~~l TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED : , STATIC PRESSURE AVAILABLE : , PSI RESIDUAL WATER PRESSURE : • PS1 -. I I I' I • + ... - ~ 'l-'l- \ l1 I" -- FOR RECL ,. , , -' ' , / ' ; ,' 'PRESSURE CALCULATIONS WATER METER , EE2-SIZE 1f21 H.G.L. ELEVATION 3 -J PSI ;1!U X • 43 -zt:L REMOTE CONTROL VAi.VE f f5•17 SIZE ..i."___ MAXIMUM DEMAND /0,6' . GPM ELEVATION &5'2 ' PRESSURE @ RCV )ib.o PSI PRESSURE CALCUI.AT!0NS FOR REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ,8, PS! LOSS qp II II " .t-0 11 11 /-0 ~~,I II " " " " " / LOT 20 ---P= 54.6 Aln'<>IM'IC Clll'1KlUm 11A11 'ID BE A CAI.Sm!iSE ''Er-1" CINlBJl.lm. 'ID BE l?RE ~ BY PACIFIC 'JE'.llNICAL CES, IDE, . CA-110-12-E'l'. '10 BE PRJVlI1!D • UJCA'l'Il'.l'I (fi SITE . , ' .' ;'.1 / ; . I .1 ' I ;• , ' ;/ ! ,-1-i I / 'I} , , : i i , I , ' , I i/ -·Y . 1i I ' /• I ,, ;· : . ' <"r) , ,' . l I J , I . / j ' ! , ' . . I ; I I - t I /' ' ' I : I ,: / , I-.._ I I ti , -">1 I ~ f i : ' , 11 I ' I • /I I I J ,I / ' ' . , I! '! ' 2' I I ' I I ,, .---,-1-.~_,... .... .,. - / 61' ,, ' : 0 <( 0 ~ >-LU .....J .....J ~ z LU 0 0 -I . I ' ' I : I I ' + ' ' ' ' '' .. 'i , ' ~ I ' ' :~ I -1 ' / 1/fl I ,· ,---- 5.3 ....... -'i j ··• , I ' i i:-• ' -· 0 I I STATIC WA~ . ·- =97PSI I ~ 8' ------- FOINT OF aHIEX:'l'IO!r '10 11E 'ID A 1½" REllAlMm 1iil'.l!!R l!Ell'ER~ 'ME'J.m 'l'O BE ' PlO/DlW BY OW. INSTALL A 2" lf100Wm fl 72 1WmEr S'lRllINER ME A 2" WA'l'l'S fl 223 l'RE6SUm-: RBD[ld'CR. INS'DILL A ~,~iU"R·n # 2250 VALVE ME~ ffl-150 --_,, ~ -'~· -CJ..Re.:.r CDl'mOW3 PER 'l~'S ~-(Tn>) "' 5,'1 lll1IXJll!\TIC (Xl\11'14:■JW ''B" '10 A CALSERlE ''ell-1" • BE PRE llSSl!J!BU!D BY fi!UlNl.CA,. SERVICES, 1'UE[, 'C'A---110-24.:.E'l'. r---., POii1ia '10 BE _ -:__ cmmRS. · r. IO:M'ICfi yim re, R-f.lI"1ED CR s -~-' -----. ; \ - 0 I I I I ,. * IIISTALL A 2" WATTS #0090 T REDUCED PRESSURE TYPE BACKFLOW PREVENTER PER AU. CODES DOWNSTREAM OF WATER liETEI'.' _ . NOTE: typical at 811 r,,clai11..,d j)()i1t ~f COmectlOIIS -G. L. MOTSH"AGEN ASSOCIATES, LTD. ' V IRRIGATION PLAN lnr.unatlanal lrrlgeitlon ,;opeultant■ • water man■a ■ment • plannlna • r•••■rch ® □ SHEET LI 8 1110B 1\JIIBERIIY DAM! l,•1·11 ,,,, ,K "J/Jjtr_,,.-SAN MARCOS, CAI.FOll!U 112069 (819) 744-0411 FAX (519) 744-4744 .·•"'DSC,4,1111 ~c;. \.ORCc it~ 1r;~ b fr''' -_a1 _. . 11//i r■'< I 'I;{_; ! K1R \~~ DA1E 11m,11. _,,. - ,_ -~-· -- - 1 • AU. MAIN LIN!S SB:111.1 ARE Ilil!aW!M'IC AND SBJil'I IN PAVING FCil. CLllRln" CIILY, 1'.Cl'OAL UlC1d'lilf 'ID BE INSrllLUD IN '1'l!E PUIN'l".llG ARFA 00T CR RIGllr CF iillY (TllP) 2_ SEE SHEET #11 Pm IRR!GM'Ial LlDXl 3. POI' UP BE11DS SBALI. BE INSTALlm nl1il.1N IO' CF ANY PliD1'Sl1WIR l!C1'lY.lTlt' PBR CJ:l'I 0/i CARISBl!D. ·-' ' i \ ' I I . ' ' : I ( i i • -, .rr, 1 r 1 1 r1 · r: r · , O 10 20 30 40 , APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS I 60 BUILT" SCALE 1",,,20' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, ~ BY ~ o,//91"17 INCLUDING PRECISE DATE . LOCATION OF PLANTING REV!E',,'ED BY1 AREAS. L.. mc1:.. 7·Z·9Z INSPECTOR DATE 1-1.-· 'f7 t..r:, L[ 11 CITY oF CARLSBAD 114r 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,, ___ PL»4Tl~G At-ID IRRIGA TIQII PLAt,jS FOR; COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS ------APPR0\4ED4: f 1 ~ ..... --i. / , . .~. ~$-:-t ,v.. ~ ... ' ASSISTANT pt;t.NNING DIRECTOR DATE DA1E lflllAL DA1E NllAL DVf>I l:IY: PRO.£CT NO. KEY I I DRAWING NO. OIKD BY: CT 92-rZ'I .341-lbL 4"i o,, CAI.If cm REVISION DESCRIPTION RVYD BY• Pl 1-IQ•Dl::IIN•UIIIICMII AIICIITECT\R ENGINEER 0F WllRK DTIO /ll'PfflJVM. aT:. Ai Pll0,-4L - IRRIGATION NOTES l. ALL LOCAL MUNICIF'AL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WOR,: ARE HEREBY INCORF'ORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE F'LANS ARE APPRO'XIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER OR LANDSCAFE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND FEATURES TO REMAIN ON AND ADJACENT TD THE PROJECT SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR, AT HIS OWN EXPENSE, "ALL DAMAGE RESULTING FROM HIS OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING AND/OR ARCHITECJURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL-□BTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK. INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR PAYMENT OF ANY PERMIT FEES, AND RELATED, EXPENSES, WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS JS FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS AS NECESSARY. DD NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON PLANS WHEN IT IS OB.V IOUS IN THE FI ELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EX I ST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES PRIOR TD ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FDR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER, INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL CITY AND COUNTY REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE PREMISES CLEAN AND FREE OF EXCESS EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND RUBBISH INCIDENTAL TO WORK OF THIS SECTION. THE SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FDR THE MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE AS SHOWN AT EACH POINT OF CONNECTION. THE MAXIMUM DEMAND OF GALLONS PER MINUTE 16 AS SPECIFIED, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE AVAILABLE WATER PRESSURE ON THE SITE PRIOR TO THE START OF INSTALLATION. THE ACTUAL LOCATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE BACKFLDW PREVENTOR AND THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER IS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND/DR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ACTUAL LOCATION OF BACKFLOW PREVENTER TO BE VARIFIED BY C.M.W.D. 117 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS TD THE LOCATION FOR THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER, IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL CONNECTION TO EQUIPMENT, ALL LOW VOLTAGE WIRE FROM CONTROLLER TD VALVES SHALL BE SOLID COPPER UF #14 DIRECT BURIAL TYF·E. USE BLACK INSULATED WIRE FDR PILOT AND WHITE FOR COMMON. INSTALL IN A COMMON TRENCH WITH PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING WHERE POSSIBLE. BUNDLE AND TAPE TO PIPE AT 10 FOOT INTERVALS, PROVIDE AN EXTRA PILOT WIRE TO THE END OF THE PIPE RUN IN TWO DIRECTIONS FROM THE CONTROLLER. COIL THE LAST 2 FEET OF THE WIRE AND LEAVE IN VALVE BOX. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 18" OF COVER OVER ALL PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE AND 12" MINIMUM OF COVER OVER ALL NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE FREE OF ANY MATERIAL THAT MAY DAMAGE IRRIGATION PIPE OR EQUIPMENT, IN THE EVENT OF BACKFILL SETTLEMENT, CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM REQUIRED REPAIRS AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS IS TO BE INSTALLED IN A PVC SCHED,80 SLEEVE WITH 36" MINIMUM OF COVER. SLEEVE LOCATIONS TO BE AS SHOWN ON PLANS AND INSTALLED PER DETAIL. ' ALL QUICK CDUF'LER VALVES ARE TD BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB DR GROUNDCOVER AREAS WHENEVER POSSIBLE AND WITHIN 18" OF THE HARDSCAPE. ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES LOCATED IN TURF AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN AN 8" DIAMETER PURPl,.E PLASTIC VALVE BOX. ALL THREADED PIPE CONNECTIONS MADE TO SLIP-JOINT PVC PIPE SHALL BE MADE WITH A PVC THREADED COUPLING. ALL THREADED ADAPTERS AND COUPLINGS ARE TD BE 'DURA' DEEP SOCKET TYPE. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL AN APPROVED ANTI-DRAINAGE DEVICE FOR ALL LO.-l HEADS, TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE AND POSSIBLE SOIL EROSION. NOTE: ALL HEADS WITHIN 10' OF PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY SHALL BE POP UP HEADS ALL SPRAY HEADS ADJACENT TO SIDEWAU:S, CURBS, DRIVEWAYS, DR OTHER HARDSCAPE SURFACES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON AN APPROPRIATE POP-UP BODY AS SPECIFIED ON THE LEGEND AND SET FLUSH WITH THE FINISH GRADE. INSTALL ALL SPRAY HEADS WITH NOZZLES OF THE APPROPRIATE DEGREE OF RADIUS FOR THE AREA TO BE COVERED. ADJUST ALL NOZZLES TO ELIMINATE SPRAYING WATER ON BUILDINGS AND HARDSCAF'E. ADJUST ALL VALVE FLOW CONTROLS TO PROVIDE OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE. PRIOR TO BACKFILLING IRRIGATION TRENCHES: ALL MAINLINES IN THE SYSTEM SHALL BE CAPPED AND PRESSURE TESTED AT 125 PSI FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR HOURS. ANY LEAKS FOUND SHALL BE CORRECTED BY REMOVING THE LEAKING PIPE OR FITTINGS AND INSTALLING NEW MATERIAL IN ITS PLACE. THE CONTRACf□R SHALL NOT ALLOW NOR CAUSE ANY OF HIS WORK TO BE COVERED UNTIL IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED, TESTED AND AF'PROVED BY THE BUILDER'S/OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. WHEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR, IN THE PRESENCE OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL PERFORM A COVERAGE TEST TD ENSURE IT 15 COMPLETE AND ADEQUATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL MATERIALS AND PERFORM ALL WORK REQUIRED TO CORRECT ANY INADEQUACIES OF COVERAGE AT HIS OWN COST. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COORDINATION OF ON-SITE INSPECTIONS WITH G. L, MOTSHAGEN & ASSOCIATES AND CITY OF CALSSAD IIISPECTOR TO BE SCHEDULED AT THE FOLLOWING S1AGES OF INSTALLATION: , • INITIAL PRE-JOB MEETING WITH THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. • SLEEVE INSTALLATION • PRESSURE TEST OF IRRIGATION MAINLINE PRIOR TD BACKFILL OF TRENCHES. • COVERAGE TEST OF SPRINf(LER SYSTEM PRIOR TO PLANT INSTALLATION, • FINAL WALK-THROUGH OF THE PROJECT WITH ALL PARTIES CONCERNED FOR VERIFICATION OF JOB COMPLETION AND EXECUTION OF WORr'. PER THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROV I DE TO THE OWNER, UPON THE COMF"LET I ON OF THE JOB, A SET OF REPRODUCIBLE 'AS BUILT' DRAWINGS, WHICH SHALL BE VERIFIED FOR ACCURACY AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL JOB WALK-THROUGH, CITY OF CARLSBAD WILL REQUIRE CONTRACTOR "ASsBUIIJS" INFORMATION TO BE ADDED TO CITY MYLARS BY THE PREPARER OP 'CITY DRAWINGS' A REDUCED IRRIGATION PLAN INDICATING ALL SYSTEMS AND THEIR APPROPRIATE SEQUENCED VALVES SHALL BE LAMINATED IN MYLAR AND MOUNTED ON THE INSIDE COVER OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRO.LLERS, THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF -ONE ( 1 l YEAR. ANY DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS OR POOR WOR,'.MANSHIP SHALL BE REPLACED OR CORRECTED BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM FOR A PERIOD OF SIXTY (60) DAYS AND SH~LL WATER ON A DAILY BASIS. A SEPARATE PLUMBING PERMIT AND INSPECTION WILL BE REQUIRED FROM THE BUILDING INSF·ECTION DEPARTMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. IRRIGATION LEGEND SYMIDL ~llC'l'Ullm OOSCRil?TICN 1-0"lP.f,N(W!F.R G'l:'l!I RADIUS PSI )sj RAINBIRD \L RAINBIRD '7 RAINBIRD ~ RAINBIRD ~ RAINBIRD V RAINBIRD 'Q RllINBIRD \JI RAINBIRD W RAINBIRD © = o0 HlllfflR c0 HOrfflR 0 = (i) = <(i) = o@ = © = @ IINl.'ra HlNl'm rnTIMJU) IWIDIB Bl\RDIE llllRDIE ~ HAYWARD 00P UP SHRllB HEAD 1812-SAl4--l'RS-22F-SS POP UP S8RllB IIEI\D 1812-SI\M-PRS-2:i!H-SS rop UP SllRIJB lWID 1812-SA14--~S-22Q-SS R:lP UP S8RllB IIEI\D 1812-SI\M-PRS-16H-SS R:lP UP SHRUB IIEI\D 1812-S/\M-FRS-16Q-SS SHRUB !IF.AD 01 RISFR 1800-PA-8S-FRS-22H-SS--CV SIIRUB IIEI\D CN RISm. 1800-PA-8S-FRS-22Q-SS--CV SHRUB IIEI\D CN RISFR 1800-PA-BS-FRS-161!-SS--CV SIIRllB IIEI\D 01 RISFR 1800-PA-8S-PRS-16Q---SS--CV IV1"CR POP UP !IF.AD PQJ-.12-A-SJV-R-E1.ILL ClRCIB ROICR POI? UP !IF.AD P(N...12-A-SJV-R-HAIP CIRCLE ROICR l'OP UP HEAD P(N...12-A-SJV-R-QIR. CIRCLE IV1"CR S8R!lB IIEI\D PQJ-.00-A-R-lmLF CIRCLE ROICR SHRUB HEAD RGl-00-A-R-QIR. CillCIB ROICR FOP UP IIFAD l'Q!-12-A-SJV-R-lllllJi" ClRCIB ROICR FOP UP IIEI\D PGI-12-A-SJV-R-Q'IR. CIRCLE ROICR S8RllB IIEI\D l'Q!-00-A-R-lmLF ClRCIB ROICR SIIRllB IIEI\D FG!,1,-00-A-R-QIR. CIRCLE SIDE STRIP POP UP PX-12-SJV-SS-530-P-R RJ:l«J'l'E o::wmoL VALVE l:M-l'RV SffiIFS SIZE PER PLAN M1INUllL AN:;C.E VALVE 707PR 2.61:> 18' 20 1-33 18' 20 • 67 18' 20 7. 33 141 20 • 67 14' 20 1. 33 14' 20 • 67 14' 20 1. 33 14' 20 • 67 14' 20 2.45 20'-24' 40 1.23 20'-24' 40 .61 20'-24' 40 1.23 20'-24' 40 • 61 20'-24' 40 1.88 24'-29' 40 _ 94 241 -29' 40 1.88 24'-29' 40 _94 241 -29' 40 1 .20 5'X30' 25 IWilUlU. AlilI'l. SIPIIO'< VALVE 709 SffiIFS ( INSTllU. FHl ALL CIDES) llKil.E ANTI SIPIIO'< 700 SJ;IUES 1" ( INSTALL ~ ALL COJES) WICK CDJPim VALVE 117645 lll\SKET S"lWIINl:X W/ lilATTS PIID;lSURE RElllLll'KR (FODIT CF ClN'IECTIOO) EXISTING WATER 1'!E:reR CAI.'iENSE CAISENSE GRISIOID ----~ l\U'JOIIITIC o:Nl.KlLLl'R El'-1 smIE5 IN PI\CIFIC o:Nl.KlLLl'R ~ AUTOMATIC CONTROUER TO HAVE A RAN SHUT OFF DEVICE, PER CITY OF CARLSBAD TIDi SEX'Ol. FM-150 M!IS'lHl VAr.VE II 2250-2" ALl:Rl"LlllE CLASS 315 PIID;lSURE MI\IN LINE KR PIPE 2" AR:> LIIRGER-PITC . ----~ ~ SCll 40 PIIC J!RESSllRE Ml\.IN LINE FCR Pil"E 1½" /\ND SMM.LER ~ I ~ CLASS 200 PVC -PRF.SSURE lATE2lAL LINE 112·· TO BE PVC SCH. 40 PR ,91 II II 140 II .91 II 140 II .so II Ii II II 11 II II II 154 I DETAJ_ KLM Ir II II II II II II 11 II H II h 1, II 11 h F N II 1, II 11 11 II 11 11 II II II II II " I[ II K, I , 0 0 p J C G 0 ·AB II II If II AEOVE PIPE 1 IS FCR REX1.Ail!ID WATER SYsi,;>!S • . , ----l\S IIPP8!JVID PVC SCll 40 PRESSURE M11IN LINE RlR RES~ ·,, .___ II II ---AS llPl?RO\IFD PVC ClASS 200 PVC -l?RESS{JRE IA~ LINE FCR RES:rmN:E 1/2~BE PVC SCH. 40 tr M WATTS , !!ALL VA~VE SERES J'.BV //ll'BV-0 (lN' ~ ' . E I '.. • -. . • ==:::;. AS Al'Pli6vED PVC SOI. 80 SLEEVE FOR Pl'E A~ WIRE l.NlERI VEHCI-E PAVNG-DEPTH TO BE 36"(SEE Pl'E SLEEIIING SCHEDULE) , ALL SLEEVES FOR WIRE TO BE Z-rv'INIMUM VALVE NUMBER----,.. '\ r-VALVE VAL~~ SIZE--:,,-10~·-·· .. ·--'. t----------G.P-M. PIPE SIZING CHART i/2" ALL PIPE NOT MARKED TO St 1/2" AT END OF RUNS ' 3/4" I I I l" I II l¼" =F 1½" :f 2" 3:E 2½" t -@ NOTE: r-ATMOSHPERIC VACUUM BREAKER CONTROL VALVE BRASS NIPPLE FINISH GRADE\ BRASS ELBOW 1 W/ PVC MALF. ADAPTER PVC MAINLINE FROM WATER SOURCE l-~ 1111 3" BRASS NIPPLE BRASS ELBOW BRASS NIPPLE BRASS ELBO'li W/ PVC ,~ALE ADAPTER INSTALL AT 6" MIN, ABOVE THE,HIGHEST OUTLET IN THE LATERAL SYSTEM. BRASS NIPPT .. F, MALE ADAPTE SCH.40 I I BRASS NIPPLE, 4" MIN. LEGNTH -l I +----BRASS ELL (TYP) r-➔FINISR GR;.?t.DE en rLATERAL LINE _ ~ NOTE: INSTALL A MIN, OF 6" ABOVE THE HIGHEST OUTLET IN THE SISTEM. CONTROL VALVE W/ ANTl-SIPHUN VACUUM BREAKER BRASS RISER, TYPICAL FiNISH GRADE BRASS ELBOW, TYPICAL ~ PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER I T'/PICAL ' PVC SCH 40 TEE OR Ell AT P"ESSURE MAINLINE LATERAL LINE TO 0 PRINKL " ERS WllTI'S RElXllD PRESSURE TYPE llACKFU)W l'REVENl'l:R IJ 009QT (INSTALT..l?ffi ALL CWES) l!ONl'ER OO'lXR 001' UP HE1ID PGH FULL CIRCLE f/8 IDZZD;; @ 4.2 Gffl llUNl'Ell. OO'lXR 001' UP HEIID PGII PART =.E IDZZIE AS tul'l'D, 1/6-2. 7,IJ5-2.0,IJ4-1.6,#2-.9,l/1-. 7 PVC SOLVENT WELD BELL AND SCH_ 40 FITTINGS GASKET FITTINGS KETED PIPE 1/2" • • • 2· • • • • • • 1 1 • • • • • • • • 6" • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • PIPE SLEEVING SCHEDULE NOTE: SLEEVES TO BE PVC SCH. BO SLOPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM PER PLAN CONTROL VALVES PER PLAN ' I PVC MAINLINE AS SPECIFIED ----+-1 Note: P.o.c. to be made at house connection if existing. . • I 1 l i ·I I Typical point of connection to domestic water service, meter to be N.I.C., by others. Contractor to provide line size gate valve at P.O.C. L .. -+40_:, ~c·. '-'"I--'---~ TYPICAL POINT OF CONNECTION DECEMBER 14 1995 . MANUAL CONTROL VALVE ATMOSPHERIC BACKFLOW a MANUAk,CQNTROL VALVE, APPROVED FOR PLANTING HAS BUil TH . " ' . . ·•-:, ' .. , AND IRRIGATION ' ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE DATE 1800 SERIES PCS SCREEN INSTALLATION STREAM SPRAY HEAD SLOPE WIDTH SCREEN# AND COLOR GPM 16H-SLA 31 -61 PCS-060 BLACK 0.6 6' -14' PCS-125 GREEN 1. 25 14'-16' NO SCREEN REQUIRED 1.6 ~t:rn:l~n~,~~o~c~n~l~n:~ w~~m~~.~~tA•:l:n~: •~-~~; I 1· -' LOCATION OF PLANTING IRRIGATION PLAN REVIE'wED BY, ; AREAS. ~ ' /_ I -4 4 '\., "7_. □ i 1605 TIJRNB81RY DRIVE \\ ,1 I ' . -., . -INSPECTOR DATE SAN MARCOS, CAUFOFIN1A 92069 a: ,1 ~.\!~o ... .i'~, ' [619) 744-0411 FAX [619) 744-4744, ~,·= ' I s1iET 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 s40rs I - ' 16Q-SLA 3'-8' PCS-040 ORANGE 0.4 8'-12' PCS-060 BLACK 0.6 12'-16' NO SCREEN REQUIRED 0.8 22H-SS 3'-8' PCS-060 BLACK 0.6 8' -10' PCS-090 WHITE 0.9 I0'-14' PCS-125 GREEN 1.25 14'-20' NO SCREEN REQUI,ED ]. 6 22Q-SS 31_g1 PCS-040 ORANGE 0.4 8'-14' PCS-060 BLACK 0_6 14'-20' NO SCREEN REQUIRED 0.8 v-1-1D SC,1p €" PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: 'v'l;-<,J; <,.1_0RCt M -1'1'! COSTA DO SOL I.; + I o~ <;:, -t> 1J ~ ~ c:, , "' PRODUCTION UNITS ~ Iii y 'I IA // ~ rm APPROVED ._.4; ::.;7 ·' ~ -·,""'";, -i;,':; .(''" J~ fl i~ ,., / /', ,,./ -'· .. "'--~-.. ,,·' ,·'•' ... '' ., :,,,., ,M.. ,/'.'-':" , <f' • ~ ~"t-DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRA'MNG NO. Jt o,.-CALlfO'f'. FORMA SlSTEMS CAD/! INrTlAL DATE INrTlAL DATE INrTlAL ~•DESIGN • LAJ«)8CAPE ARCHTECTURE REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: CT-S2-01 341-bL ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV'wD BY, APPROVED.P.URP.LE PLASTIC, ROUND VALVE BOX, W/ LOCKING COVER. MARK 'G,V,' W/ 2" WHITE LETTERS FINISH GRADE ---.o=:;rT'r'>-',,;';';;=1f7LC.,:;:..,=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=r;:......:::lf}.~nme;,lrr,...'11'ffl BALL VALVE TO BE LINE SIZE ,-..!+=::.::~§Hi~-➔ .WATTS #PBV-TPBV-D - HOTE, USE SCH 40 PVC FO~ ALL PlPE AND FITTINGS FOR VAf.Vc SIZES l-I/2" A.10 6EL0W. USE CLASS 31S PVC P[PE ANO SC!l 40 PVC F[TTINGS FOR VALVE SIZES 2" ANO. LARGER. Af!ATEK P'URPLE PLASTIC .,.___ VALVE BOX (OR EQUAL) WITH LOCKING COVER. NOTE: VALVE BOX COVERS T() BE PURPLE i--------ll~E SIZ~ GATE VALVE, TYPJCf;L r----➔ CHRISTY 30" LONG FIBRELYTE UTILITY BOX OR APPROVED EQUAL I/ITH LUCKING COVER. WATTS ~223 PRESSU,,E REGULTOR OR APPROVED EQUAL ·[.· HAYWARD #72 BASKET STRAINrn WITH 60 MESH SCREEN. NOTE: ALL PRESSURE MAIN LINE UNDER PAVEMENT SHALL BE BURIED TO A 36" M fN, DEPTH -:,: z: r:.-·--SATURATE AND COMPACT BACKFILL TO 90% 6" / MIN. . -~~ . :.; ·::· 'Q-,c. '· . 0 ' .. : ' ' " STREET PAVING CLEAN BACKFILL AS REQUIRED, REFER TO ENGINEER FOR SPECIFIC MATERIALS AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS /Ill 11111 1111 +---1H------'------• PVC. SCH, 30 -NIPPLE f---D-::-::: • TWO (2) TAPES REQUIRED FOR RECLAIMED WA ER z """-~....:+-~-CLEAN GRANITE SAND _,,------e PVC, ADAPTER ~,;,(Jr-,-!!,l,,!c-------. --.... PVC. MAINLINE, COVER AS NOTED l CU.FT, PEA GRAVEL 2 X 4 REDWOOD BLK'G, OR BRICK . ! /_B_A_L_L_~_~_LV_E_ -~-------epuRPLE PLASTIC C(RCULAR . VALVE BOX,. AMATEK OR EQOAL I I I ITIIl 1_1111 ---~~---"- FINISH GRADE _:m1 = (l===flT ' QUICK COUPLER VALVE, SEE PLAN AND LEGEND ·'J.-----.e· BRASS NIPPLE, L.ENGTH AS REQUIRED 6" MIN DEPTH CLEAN PEA GRAVEL BRASS STREET ELL, TYPICAL ,,,__ _ _. BRICK STABILIZER, TYPICAL BRA.SS NIPPLE 6" NIN. LENGTH PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL ,____ PVC MAIN LINE DEPTH AS REQUIRED, 36" MIN. LENGTH #4 REBAR STABILIZER, ATTACH W/ TWO (2) STAINLESS STEEL BANDS 0 QUICK COUPLER VAL VE ® ROTO STREAM ROTOR SHRUB HEAD,REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIFI.CATIONS BROWNLINE UVR-PVC COUPLING OR CHECK VALVE AS REQ'D. STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS (2 REQ'D.) W/ #4 REBAR STABILIZER, 30" MIN. LENGTH MARLEX STREtT ELLS, TYPICAL 1/2" PVC SCH 80 ·NIPPLE, 611 MIN. LENGTH · PVC SCH 40 S xSx T TEE OR ELL PVC LAT~RAL LINE, SIZE ';i::::--t-i---l-~ AS NOTED ON PLAN UB HEAD NOTE: USE SCH 40 PVC FOR ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR VALVE SIZES 1-1/2" AND BELOW • USE CLASS 315 PVC PIPE ANO SCH 40 PVC FITTINGS FOR VALVE SIZES 2" ANO LARGER. , =lllll=;;;J)_lj;:::,. z i: I _ll_ - AMATEK PURPLE PLASTIC . VALVE BOX fOR EQUAL) . WITH LOCKING COVER. FINISH GRADE ,,.. CONTROL WIRES WITH BRASS UNION -,-, G Q 0 o9 6" NIN_ CEPTH CLEAN PEA GRAVEL -I----. PVC MAINLINE, DEPTH AS REQ'D. DEPTH AS BRICK STABILIZER, TYPICAL.__ ___ _,_ 16.0 LB_ PRESSURE GAUGE, TAPPED 1H BRASS NIPPLE P.O-.C. RECLAIM_E_D_ WA_IER NOTE: SLEEVES TO BE • SPLIC.E COAT; #08~2358 AVAILABLE FROM: f ' Q ..... ., .0 GLOBAL SPAN PRODUCTS P .o. BOX 145 CAMS ELL, CA. 9 5009 (408) 379-2358 1 TWO WIRES 3 "-' C . z: -::,:: 0) ..... " N rl FINISH SURFACE ---,f--t7~,:@~...,L--,L--.,L_,,L.l. __ NON-PRESSURE 'LATERAL' LI NE r,,---e PRESSURE 'MAIN' LINE Lr---. DIRECT BUR1AL, LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL wr:::c:s, BUNDLE AND TAPE TO PIPE AT 10 FT. O.C. co ~ ----r--~'--:e::+"---=~,,-.:...:-'-'_~'"';::-"""<.c-t----a LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WI RE , c,: SLEEVE __, '-"-i---h--="',· PRESSURE MAIN LINE W/SLEEVE Nr~"'-'-=J.--"'-oj~.:C.:.:,;_.,, 6" NOTE: • All SLEEVES TO BE PVC SCH JIO • ALL. SLEEVES TO RUN A MIN. OF 18" BEYOND PAVING EDGE ® TRENCHING PIPE/WIRE SLEEVING AIITOMATIC CONlROLLER TO BE EQlFPEO WITH RAIN SHUT OFF SWITCH ~--_.STRONGBOX· MODEL NO .. S8-18-SS r---~~~ STAINLESS· STEEL EN.CLOSURE _[· FINISH GRADE POP-UP ROTOR HEAD, . B'' ..---. f/ALL MOUNT AUTOMATIC CONTROLLE/1, . SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS • COMPLETE ENCLOSURE ASSEMBL y ffii~~~~~~~~i AVAILABLE FROM: ~lllr=Jln@ 111s11111. ;:/i:e.".i•:: PACIFIC IRRlGATIO,~ PRODUCTS . /Iii§! 'Jl[§Jjfil _O•."£> LAGUNA HILL s. cAu FORNI A • jll!IE:: i.11~1,11J _m11~1111i~1,,:1==1111111s,1,1i1111 . • NOTE: ALL HEADS TO BE KEPT A MIN. OF 4" FROM ·ANY HARDSCAPE SURFACE -\0 tr--'----~""-.;..' U-11 _. 24" EXPANSION COIL 1111 ___ _,...::.;____. APPROVED ... ., .. ,· ~ f. - PHONE ( 714) 837-4460 . 1111 /11 llJljg JIU§ i--;,i,-~-➔ oN;□FF 01scoNNEcr sw1TcH w; 1111a111 = 110 V_ GROUNDED OUTLET. 11111 . . . . 3/4" MARLEX STREET ELL,S, TYPICAL LATERAL LINE • PVC MALE ADAPTER -.____.. L O 0 WIRE CONNECTORS 1 CU.FT. PEA GRAVEL 2 x 4 REDWOOD·· BLOCKING OR BRICK >----➔ MAIN LINE - FOUR W!RS$ 0 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE . ® • WIRE CONI\IECTIONS @ ____ _. SHRUB ADAPTER W/ SPRAY NOZZLE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS '--------e KBI IN:-LINE UVR-PVC CHECK VALVE STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS (2 REQ'D.) W/ #4 REBAR STABILIZER, 30" MIN. LENGT!'l MARLEX STREl::T ELLS, TYPICAL 1/2" PVC SCH ao·NIPPL:E, 611 MIN. LENGTH, TYPICAL PVC SCH 40 SxSx T TEE OR ELL PVC LAT~RAL LINE, SIZE ~------"'-.. 111 );::::-r-i--,--1--~ AS NOTED ON PLAN SHRUB SPRAY BRASS NIPPLE, TYPICAL-- #4 REBAR STABILIZER, ~. BURY TO 18" MIN. DEPTH '-,, STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS (2 REQ' D.) FINISH GRADE l,....-~mRUB ADAPTER W/ SPRAY NOZZLE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS · ..___ KBI IN-LINE UVR-PVC CHECK VALVE .,1-----1/211 BROWNLINE UVR~PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE, LENGTH - I l~ffil Ill l I ... ii AS REQ'D. . -BROWNLINE UVR..;PVC _. SCH 40 LATERAL LINE AND FITTINGS ON GRADE, SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN SHRUB SPRAY ON GRADE -- .. I G. L. MOTSHAGEN ASSOCIATES, -...,_~-~-----e LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WrRES · IN 3" DIA. PVC SCH SO . LONG SWEEP ELL . . 1/2" X 54" COPPER GROUNO'G ROD, CONNECT TO 110 '/, OUTLET i ® AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER FINISH GRADE-----➔ . BOTTOM OF SLOPE --12" HIGH-POI-' SPRAY HEAD, REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS • NOTE; ALL SPRAY HEADS TO BE KEPT A MIN_ OF 4" FROM ALL HARDSCAPE SURFACES. .. -=,.,a.=~~""1'lfl : .,,-:,3;-. Q : -· ' ,,__ _ _,, MARLEX STREET ELL., TYPICAL .. PCV LATERAL LINE, SIZE AS NOTECJ 1/2" PVC SCH 30 NIPPLE, 6" MIN. LENGTH· --. PVC SCri 40 SxSxT TEE CD POP-UP ON SLOPE BASE ' APPROVED Q 3/4" PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE, 611 MIN. LENGTH ___ _. PVC SCH 40 TEE S x S x T _ _.. PVC LATERAL LINE IGH-POP-UP ROTOR HEAD FOR .,_ __ __,, 12" HIGH-POP SPRAY. HEAD; REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS. ALL SPRAY HEADS TO BE PLACED 4•i CLEAR OF ALL HAROSCAPE EDGES_ +--MARLEX ST'ffl'T Fl , ;-------.. PVC UITERAL Lt,IE, .SIZE AS~..:.,./ 1 .• ~-OLSON 'E-Z TUbt FLEXIBLE PVC PIPE, 1-2" Ml~. LENGTH --PVC SCH 40 SxSxT TEE ~--OLSON 'E-Z ELL' SWING JOINT, TYPICAL 12 11 HIGH-POP HEAD DECEMBER 14, 199 PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, '"' , INCLUDING PRECISE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING LTD. -. .. REVIEIJED BY1 1RRIGATION FLAN lnterl'l~tlon•I lrrlg~tlon ecnsutt11nt1 • water mana9ument • planning • re-ioarGh -·~~ AREAS. · , LI-, · -I fJ~ □ ' . INSPECTOR DATE l605TtllNBERRYDRIVE ' ---' SAN M.A.RCOS, CALIFORNIA 92069 ~·~ .. : I I sr~T 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD II s4~1S I (619] i'44T0411 ~AX (619) 744-4744 _,.,,, I v-l-1D SC,1p~ PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: ,.,~-.,<;:, e,_1.0RC:[ ?ii -1~ COSTA DO SOL ;.; +. I o¼! ~ !::] • ~ ~ _PRODUCTION UNITS {ff /1,/"l /L)~ APPROVED " . ,.f' 1 1 "' '""'?-# :~1' ..,_..-✓-.,,. ,,;_ :;;., <0) . P.O.C. RECLAIMED WATER REDUCED PRESSURE TYPE '>.------. i CU. FT. CONCRETE 111RUST BLOCKS, TYPICAL. .WR!l.P PIPES WITH 10. MIL TAPE, SATURATE AND COMPACT SUB-GRAOE TO 901 PRIOR TO POUR, BACKFLOW PREVENTER :J".:.1: ~ ... ... "'~' .... ,.~ -1)', ~~ It OF CALlfO rm FOR/IA Sl'Sl'DIS CAD[) DAlE INITIAL l'I.ANe«i •DESIGN• LAtl)8CAf'£ AHCH I ECTUFIE ENGINEER OF WORK ; < ~·. ....::;. ·• .:> ., .. ~ • ~i.1''" , DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DAlE INlllAL DAlE INlllAL REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: CT-92-IZ)/ 341-6L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVIJD BY, INSTALL PER C.M.W.D. STD. DRAWING # W-20 5 ,._,--DRAINAGE EASEMENT r ~~------------~~ti~~~ I ' I I I I I I I I I I I ~I ~· C)I 31 1LI 01 t--I -1 r, -1, / / / / 5 / / / / / OFF/ / / / / / I-w w ~ □ I- _J I I <[ (/) I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 FIN LOT~,,------"',i---------+--i----w T-2 ELD l-- f=143.8 20' TRAIL EASEM NT I I I \ .. TREES .. ¥bol 6otanrcal Nams T-I 181 eucal:jptue nlchol1I T-2 □ Plnue sldarlca T-3 ■ Flnue sldarlca T-1 l!I Flatanue rac;;;csmoea C:sROUNDCOVE RSNINES Ill Symbol 6otanfcal Nams G-1 I , I Ro&marlnU& o. 'fOro&tratu&' G:-2 ~ Droeanthemum floribU11dum v-1 .... fOarthenoc;;;leeU& trlc;;;uepidata 1-lYDROSEED MIXES Ill S~bol 6otanrcal Nams H-1 [ZJ Achlllea mlllefollum Achlllea tomentoea Eec.h&oholzlll C.!I llfornlc.!! Common Nams WILLOW-LeAF FEFPef<MINT MONDELL PINE MONDeLL FINE CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE: CommOf'l Nams DWARF R05EMARY • 14" OC. ROcEA ICEPLANT tD 18" OC. BOSTON IVY CommOl'1 Name Wl-llTe YARROW U.OOLLEY YA~ CAL IF01-i'l'II A fOOPfOY - Qt!:j. I2/IS IS 48 4 Qty. 8841 12SS 24 J..be./ Ac. 3 LbeJ AC. 3 LbeJ AC. 2 Lbe./ AC. R05 OFF Srze I C:ia I.I!> e:.a I. IS C:iallon 15 Gsall011 15 a.a 11011 61zs Cuttl~e rrom ate CuttIn9e 1 Gal. Furlt~ / Germ. Rate 91Z'/11Z' 90/15 ~8/1S fii!OS OFF FIN 6 ELD T-3 LOT '3 P=142.7 R05 OFF □ FIN ELD LOT 9 P=143.3 LOT 98 P=143.9 ,-----LANDSCAPE EA5EHENT- WIDTl-l VAfii!IE5 BETWEEN 12' 4 16' 20' DRAINAGE AND SEWER EASEMENT e06 PRO G-2 FJ..O P=142.2 LOT 96 P=145.5 LOT 95 P=147.7 □ □ □ - I l l FAR LOT 46 P=143.8 AC □N >- <I ); I u ~ w ~ l ~1 ,, BAY LOT as P=147.5 211 DRO G-2 FLO EUC NIC LOT ' ;_. ' P=1410 ' ' ! ! [J l i ' ! ROAD LOT 6 P=149.6 □ LOT 48 P=150.2 l ' I " r ' I -1 r I l □ □ LOT S6 P=152.2 ~~~~~~-r·-•·····,,,,,,,. ·-· -----,····•-• .. -,, •. , .. --l - ,, t .J I I l , I 1 I l . 1 l ? ' ill d) w I I _J I I l) t- I "1: r 't"'"''·'·_, __ , ___ ,, LOT 19 P=152.1 LOT 65 P=153.5 t, .. ,--: ..... ,="·'~""="•""J)' r------:-:,=.,.,'«T+.=/,v;oa,--:-:,=,,_-.s,,,,0-.,,,_;:.::..-:..,+---_•-•w.~"-•~•--,,.,,v-,c,-,-,,.,,i, ,..." .. -,,_,,.__,-,...,.,,-"'"'•"'-"~'"•----·~.,.-,,.,,,,,, • .,,~-,j•~"•'""''"'"''"''•"•''·"· ,,..,,,a,-,a.,,,,_""""'.,,.,..,,_"-',"''""•"""''"""'-m"""'' _ _...._."'"'-'''"'~"'~'""',.,.,"'"''""'""""''"''•"'""-' .,.........,__ .I -!...., ___ _ i --□ □ ---' I I QUANTIT'r ' SLDF'ES TO fii!ECEI J ~ MESH IIJl--lEN PLANTING O(l:clJRe 6ETUEEN AUGU5T IS 14NI:::I APRIL IS. ALL SJ..OFES A L AL o f,i!ECE:lvE A c.nu,•=lo): CROP YEAR ROUND. RE ~ TO SHEET 2'9. / 2. FRONTY RD LANDl~.D,fNGliJiol ENc1rNG -~FER TO 4 TYPICAL ~rr ARD FJ..ANS. ! 3. Ffii!ONTY Afii!D 5J..OFE6 TO COMFL Y LUITl-l CITY ST ANDAfii!D5. Ffii!ONTY Afii!D SLOPES Tl-!REE FEET (3') IN HEIGHT AND Lou..Efii! __/ r-A66~YIATED 60TANICAL NAME WILL NEED A TEMFORARY EROSION HAS BUIL TH CONTROL Tfii!EATMENT OF JUTE NET -APPROVED FOR PLANTING TING WITl-l A COYER CROF. '24'\ARe 4. ALL Tfii!EE5 SHALL 13E PLANTED A AND IRRIGATION ONLY, I .._ 51 ~' UNE MINIMUM OF 1'-6" AWAY FROM SIDE- ~ SCALE WALKS, TYF. INCLUDING PRECISE DATE 1"=20' TREE AND LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIE.rED BY, PLANT NUMeER <SEE LEGEND) ~ C:FROUNDCOVER FLAN AREAS. I I 1111111 I I I I ' SHEET L T-1 INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD Li§J 0 10 20 30 40 60 3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 KEY PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: v,i-m s c A .,, ~ ~(J)_ <;.. 1.0RGf ,v. -11>, COSTA DO SOL ~ ~ '('1 1) {Q ~ .!? ,' ~ ~ PRODUCTION UNITS & M 'ri --er 1/,/ '/ ; _ -1 ~. APPROVED ~ / // /· • , ~;,I-, ,,,, ' . '/ 11 :::. ? ~:-'~:,h .:· 1/gno~~ Ci,; ' ·-~ ~-.... ,'"' .~~.::.;.· .. ,• -t< 3. 'l'I * ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE .!',-r D<1tll ~ DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. "/1; ~ DATE INlllAL DATE INlllAL DATE IN111AL I! 0, CAU <fO'<' FORNA SlSlDIS CADD CHKD BY: REVlSION DESCRIPTION CT 92-@I f'I.NIIING •DESIGN• LAN>SCAPE ARCKTECT\JRE ENGINEER OF -K OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV.rD BY• 341-bL C.M.W.D. JOB NO. 90-51@ s T-1 EUC NIC PAR 2({) TRI LOT 49 P=152.1 L.AND6CAFE EA&EMENT -WIPTl-4 VARIES eETWEEN 12' , 16' . . . • • • . . . ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • .... . . . ••• . . . • • • . . . • • • + t I + . . . t I + • . . . • • • . . . . . . RO& G-1 OFF .3 LOT 50 T-.3 P=157.B RO& OFF EUC S NIC T-I OFF ELD LOT 51 P=160.2 . . ••• • • • • • . . ••• .. • • • .. • •• • • • •• • • • • •• . .. • • • . . . • • • .. • • • • • • • • ••• . . BEACON I 8 I LOT 65 P=153.5 LOT 64 P=156.2 TREE and GROUNDCOVER LEGEND TfcEE5 • Symbol 6ot.an1ca I Name Common Name T-I 181 EUC<'ll!jpW. nrcholll WILLOW-LEAF F'EFFE~INT T-2 □ PlrYJe sldarrca MONDELL FINE T-.3 ■ PJrua sldarlca MONDELL PINE T-4 B Platanue ac:«rrolfa 'blood9ood' LONDON FLANE TFEE GROUNDCOVER5NINES • flymbol 6otanlca I Nams Common Nams G-1 l ·. ·. · ,' ,' ,l ~tmarr11ue o. 'Froetrat.ua' DWAl'il" RO&EMA~ • 14" o.c. G-2 ~ Droeam.ri.i1,1111 rlorlc:11,1111 ieoeEA ICEF'L.ANT • 18" oc. V-1 .... parthllnocreeue trlc:uepld,llt.a eoeTON IV'T' HYDROSEED MIXES • 5:j!nbol eotanrc:al Nams Common Nams 14-1 [ZJ Achlll<N !l'llllsrollum IU-IITE Y~ Achlll<N t.omsntoea WOOL.LEY YA~ Eechechol:z:la ca llfornlca c.41..IFOR'IIA f'OI I t 0 LOT 63 P=159.3 Glt.:j, Size IIZ'/21 I Ga I..IF, Ga I. 13 15 Ga lion !1-1 I& Gallon 4 15 Gallon Qty . Size 4111 D.ltll~• f'rom ate 221Zl Cuttl~• f'rom ate 212:) I Gtal. Lbe./ Fur I t.!:j / Ac. G111nn1. Rat.• 3 !..be.I AC. ':le)/112:) 3 Lbt.l AC.. V/1& 2 Lbe./ AC. 9&/15 0 0 LOT 62 P=162.1 PIN ELD • • . . LOT 52 LOT 53 . . P=164.B P=168.4 • • • • flii!OS 2112)!!, • • OFF □ OFF G-1 4.39 OFF • • • 2,1 OFF G-1 LOT 54 P=172.6 T-.3 □ .---Fo£TAINING WALL -N.I.C. F'ER CIVIL ~-PLANS 2 OFF G- PIN ELD LOT 55 P=174.5 EUC .3 NIC T-1 ----l~=::-==-=-=-....:::---=-~--=-==---==--== PIN lb EL.D T-.3 . LOT 56 P=178.0 / PIN 1 EL.D • •,.a, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LI • • . • • . . . . • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WALL.- FIER CON- WALL IT+io • • • . . • 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ____..-l . ll il ~ El.IC t T-1 NIC BAY ROAD '---61PEY ARD FENCE N.I.C. _ __, FER 4 TYPICAL. ~TY ARD PLAN LOT 61 P=166.0 KEY 0 LOT 60 P=169.2 QUANTITY LOT 59 P=173.3 l /AeBPo!EVIATED BOTANICAL. NAME . ,'24',ARB · .. 61 • JUNE - PLANT NlJ'16ER (SEE LEGENO) SCALE I" • 2'2:l' I~ 1111111 l 1 I I I 0 10 20 30 '40 60 v,l-1DSC>1pe, ,,_,';p/4_ 1,0RG£ 110 '14! ~ {. • 0 ~ ~ .. 'fl 'F >;. fi1 ., 1/'.1,;· ~ C: "i fJ --< K)R J . ~ .. -~~ * ~ ~,. l'e, O; CALlfof. FrRIA srs7DIS CA/JO PLVNICi •DEnl•LANDeCM'E AflCtllmnJIIE LOT 58 P=176.6 "-I rl-----t-'---...J.... l O 'i " LOT 5T P=179.3 OFF G-1 I l O I . . . . . L__~~L-!:..,.::1.-.. ·. z w_ H r=:1 I I I - FIN EL.D NOTES, 1. ALL 6L.OFE6 TO Fo£CEIVE JUTE ME814 WI-IEN PLANTING OCCU~ eETU.EEN Al k!,J6T 1& AND A"""IL. I&. ALL SLOPE6 814AL.L AL80 Fo£CEIVE A COVER CftOF YEAR ROUND. f<EFE,... TO 61-lEET 2'!. 2. FRONTY Afo!C) LANDSCAPINC:i ANP FENCING -FErE~ TO 4 TYPICAL FRONTY ARD PLANS. .3. pt;iONTY ~ SLOPE& TO C0MFL Y WITl-4 CITY er ANDARDS. FRONTY ARD &LOPE5 T14REE FEET (.3') IN l-lEICil-lT AND Lou.ER WILL NEED A I Er'IF'ORARY EROelON CONTROL. TN::A Tt1ENT OF JUTE NET-HAS BUIL TH APPROVED FOR PLANTING TING WITl-4 A COVE~ C~P- 4. ALL rp;eee 814ALL 6E PLANTED A AND IRRIGATION ONLY, MINIMUM OF 1'-6" AWAY F~ ~IDE- WALl<6, TYF. INCLUDING PRECISE DATE TREE AND LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY, GROUNDCOVER FLAN AREAS. LT-2 INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 6 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS . APPROVED ___,,:/ ./ ' . . .. _ _,. /''··;·, :';/ .·• C 0 . ---,.;.'/ ," ,;,_..• ·-· .. •· ,,. ... -"<f' ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PRO..ECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INmAL DAlE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: EMGIIEtROf''IICIRI( REVISION DESCRIPTION RV'w'D BY• CT 92-~I -541-r&L DTl£R IIPPRIIIIIIL aTY /ol'f'ft.f:NAL I ~ &29 OFF G-1 PLANTED IN CRte UJAI I VOID8 G-1 OFF 20' TRAIL EAS LOT 39 P=145.2 T-.3 ELD RO& OFF LOT 38 P=147.1 T-2 ELD r--a-L-=-oT=---=--,36~ P=152.5 D _J <:[ (/) w ~ I I I ~ - I .....__ PROJECT FENCE N.I.C. I ER CONCEPTUAi.. WALL JDLAN -,.,,,..-P,. T~E and Gs~UNDCOVE~ LEGEND TREEe • 6:fnbol eotan1cat Nams T-2 0 Pll'l.l6 eldarlC4 T-.3 ■ Pln1a eldarlC4 GROUNDCOVE~NINES • &\f'll?c?I ec,tanlc.sl Nam. G-1 L' ,· ,· .'; _j Ro•marl1'1.16 o. 'Pro•tratu.' Y-1 • Pari.lw'locl•w. trlc::upldata 1-fY'D~eEED MIXES • &ymbol eotanlc.sl Nams H-1 ·r-71 Acn11le, mruerollum ~ AchllltN toffl«ltOH E•chtehc>lzta c.allrom1c.a eo.111101 Name MONDELL PINE MONDELL PINE cau11.on Nam. DWA,-,: ~~ • 14" o.c. SOSTON IVY eommon Name U-4-llTE YA~ WOOLLEYY~ CALlf=Ol&!NIANFI 1 6 15> Cilallon a I& a.allon Qty. &!" 441,t) Cultll~• rrom au I 6/J I. Lb1./ Purlt!:j / AC. G; "'· Rat• 3 Ll:ffl./ AC. '3,t)/1,t) 3 Lb•./ 1G. ~/1!, 2 Ll:ffl./ 1G. 'Y/1!', D D LOT 99 P=144.B , LOT 100 P=145.6 RO& OFF LOT 101 P=147.4 LOT 102 P=149.5 LOT 103 P=151.9 KEY t I I • • . . . . .. . . . . . . . . •• . . . . . • • . . . . • • • • •••• • f, I t t • • I I t . . . . I I I I t .... I I I I I • • • • • . . . . I I I I ... I I • I • • • • • • • I I + I LOT 94 P=150.2 LOT 93 P=151.8 LOT 92 P=152.6 QUANTlrr D D ~ I AE)k.)14£~'1ATED eoTANICAL NAME '24',A~ \ 51 _, l.tE SCALE 111 • 2!Z>' FL.4NT N.l'1eER <&EE LSC-e.P> -. - 111111111 I I I I 0 10 20 JO 40 llO v,l-lDSC,1p,t 4-'i.-<J c;. LORGf 'VO --9~ ~/.~4-{i, Sc !::1 11· _,. I 1,: ~ E3 ~lfj vr\( ~ r--1,;'j _/-, ·reR -• yy,.;_2,t <I'~ ~,"?-: -lr,t ~ RWIM sarrw CtlQ> Or CALlfO Pl o\ll■ICl•Dl ... •LAICIICN'E AIIClll!ICN , -I I\ ,,~ I\ ,,~, I\ I\ /\.Q·' ~ J\ -• . • -. '191Zl" • RO& . V •• .._a,. I OFF < "' I • -..: . . • • • • ---·t LOT 69 l • . . • . ' P=:151.0 -. LOT 10 • ' ~ . ..::: le: I., • . P=153.6 LOT 71 - :--...· -, I L~~s 'L J P=155.1 f- UJ tJ UJ D ~ I -D I ·" .... , l_ e,, D . I,,::: c::: Loo w w d) j \ I \ J SEAHORSE COURT w z D D LOT 90 P=152.7 D LOT 89 P=153.5 LOT BB P=154.5 LOT 87 P=155.5 0 t-- <t NOTES, L AI..L &LOf'E& TO fl!ECEIYE JUTE HE81-f U,l,EN PLANTING•OCCUflf&i== eElUEEN Al !G' l&T I& ANP ~IL 15. AI..L &LOl"'E5 &MALL Al..80 RECEIVE A COYER'-"°'"" '\'l:AR flo'JOUND. 14£1 E~ TO &MEET 29. 'AS BUILT' APPROVED FOR PLANTING 2. FRC'NTY' Nii:D LAND&CAP!Nci AND FENCING -kEI ER TO 4 TYPICAL I AONrr ARD F'L.AN&. 3. ! I zc11rrARC> &LOFE& TO C0HPL Y WITH CITY &TANDAl'C)5. Fil1i:Or~rrAfll!D &LOFE& TMPEE FEET (.3') IN HE161-!T AND LOU.ER WILi.. NEED A ~ EflO&loN ~L TIEA I HENT OF JUTE NETTING WITI-I A COYER CRt?F'. 4. AI..L iF<f:1:& &I-IALL BE PLANTED A MIN1Ml.1'1 OF 1'611 A.WAY FROl'1 SIDEWALKS, TTP. AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE DATE TREE AND LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIE'wED BY• GROUNDCOYER FLAN AREAS. INsPECTOR DATE - SHEET LT-3 ur]I CITY OF CARLSBAD ILi§J : PLANNING DEPARTHEHT : 4 6 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS 4' APPROVED _,.,.-"' ~.'.· ;;, -:: ~,' , ' ' ~-• " ,.,. .. ' .f'!' • !•' -· ~, l,,--·.,~•" , .,I ' ASSISTANT Pl.ANNING DIRECTOR DATE YlWR IH: PROJECT NO. DRA'MNG NO. DAlE 1111W. DAlE N1IAL DAlE NTIAL CHKD BY: .341-bL 1111111 Ell a, WClllt REVISION DESCRIPTION DnlElt f1"Pf/lNM. aTY /ll'fl'#NM. RVVD BY• CT '92-fZ'I LOT 71 P=155.1 D ' LOT 108 P=155.5 I w z _J 1 l) t--q LOT 12 P=156.1 D LOT 86 P=156.4 LOT 109 P=157.1 LOT 73 P=157.0 D LOT 74 P=157.4 SEAHORSE LOT tlO P=158.6 LOT 85 P=157.4 LOT m P=160.0 LOT 84 P=158.3 ;r--., LOT 75 P=158.4 COURT LOT 83 P=159.5 LOT 112 P=161.4 D D 6~EET 1 LOT 76 P=159.2 D D D LOT 82 P=159.7 DAO FLO LOT 71 P=160.1 LOT 81 P=160.8 LOT 18 P=161.2 RO& OFF LOT 80 P=161.3 LOT 79 P=16l4 RO& c:::iFF NOTE&, ' L ALL &LOP"E& TO Pii!!CEl\1£ JUTE He&M UJ.EN f"LANTING OCClN eEllLEEN Al !GI a&T I& .AND APRIL I& • RO& c:::iFF 'L £AS I q <[ 0 0( I I I I I I I I I I . . . . . • • • P"'II ... ,__,,, : : : .. ,. ·: ·:::. g :. :::.I . : ·:::, • • • • ./J t----tr---'D' eAOUJ DITCM -NJ.C. FEI" CIVIL ENG. FLAN& t--'7""'""-1£>' WATER DISTRICT EA&EMENT -TYP TREE and GsROUNDCOVER LEGEND .---------------ALL 6L OPE& 811 dij_L ALSO IIECEl\1£ A COVER CROP "'r'cAI" FilOLND. 1W C;::: TO &l lEIIT 29. 'AS BUILT' T~ES • ~I eotanlcal Name T -I 18 Euc.! l!:!PW9 nlcholn T-2 D PIBl9 •lclarlca T-3 ■ l"'lnUe •lclar1ca T-4 8 Plat.1nue ac:■r1rc:;,lla 'ple>c>dec:;,c:;,d' GROUNDCOVE~NINE5 • &ymbol eotanrca I Name G-1 l ·, ·,·,·.·,I Filoemarlnue o. 'R"oet.ratue • . G-1 W/,4;1 Drc:>eamhanum rlc:>rlc:un Y-1 A Pa~I-t.rlc:ueplcl•t.1 ~YDROSEED MIXES • &ymbol eot.anrc.a I Name 14-1 [ZJ•. Ac:hlllea mlll•rollum · Achlllea t.offl«'lto6a Eec:t-.chob:Ja callrc:>mlca Con111on Name WILLOW-LEAF l"'EI•I•EIQI IINT MONDELL PINE MONDELL PINE La-lOON PLANE Til!:EE CoiihilOti Nl1MI DUJ;i J ~&EMARY • 14" OC . ROSEA ICEl"'I..ANT • 16" oc. eo&TON IV"I' COiilil0,1 ~ Wl-llff! ¥ A~ WOOLLEY Y~ C:AL.IFOl(,INIA l"'OI t• t Qt.y. 4 g I& 9 1126 1"2 19 Ll::n/ Ac. 3~./ 3 Lba./ AC. 2 Lbe.l AC. & Gra!IOl'I l& Gra llc:>l'I l& Gra !IOI'! l& Ga IIOl'I &r:z. Cutt!~• from Frate C:Uttlnge from Fr.tte l Gral. Rrl'4f / G; J UL f'itate KEY 2.PP-!IONTY ARD LAND6CAPING AND FENCING -1W ER TO 4 TYPICAL PP-!IONTY ARD FLAN&. Al"[) &LOF'E& TO c:oMr='L T WJTM CITY &TANDARD&. PP-!IONTYARD &LOP"E& TI II p;; I LET ()'JIN "· PP-!IONTY MEIGMT APPROVED FOR PLANTING 4. ALL .AND LOUER WILL NEED A TC1'1FOfitART' ERO&ION CONmOL Tfi'1.EATMCNT OF JUTE NETTING WITI-1 AND IRRIGATION ONLY, TREE& 81 IALL eE fDLANTED A MINIM.M OF 1'-6" AWA"'I" I ACM &IDCWALK.&, T"r1"". INCLUDING PRECISE DATE SCALE l" • 2it>' TREE AND LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIE\/ED BY1 I~ GROUNDCOYER PLAN AREAS. 111111111 I I I SHEET LT-4 INSPECTOR DATE II.A-~ ,_ ,z:d , -"'>, \\/ a 117,~l!b 11>-s uTII CITY OF CARLSBAD'IISHEETSI ,,., .,.__.;Al ', -,, le:,' Pl At--l ,....,,,,,,~ V ~Vl<;.h-1 /CJ. -;-qi 0 10 20 JO 40 60 !,..'P, PLA~ING DEPARTMENT 46 vt-lDSC4p<:" PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: <,,'<"-\:.,_ c,, \.ORGf No "'l,pC' COSTA DO SOL §1/c tr 'J>~ 't PRODUCTION UNITS f3 . I l(v <" ,-c "'ffl-l ✓' ~ . )R APPRO~·,:· i .. /'· ... ,Jf" ' .,.·; --.:,; . i< -¢ii;-* .,._.,,, -.. ,:;;; ' ~ ... -~ ), ASSSTI\NT PLANNING DIRECTOR . rl: ~. . DAlE v' lo IDMil BY: 11 PRo.E:CT NO. I DRAWING NO. -'-1 I". ~*'1" DA1E N1IAL DAlE NllAL DAlE N1IAL ARM S'fSIEIIS t;A/XJ <:" OF CALll'O Pl.#l ■IG •DI=• •LMGIC4PE AIICtlTECTURE -"'-REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: CT ~-12')I DTl£R H'PRIIVN.. QTY Al'f'ROYN.. RWD BY• 34l-6L.. ~ 0 3 lL 0 f--r _J LOT 36 P=152. 5 •. ·_,.;·.,.;.,.;.· .~1 .• +----=--+ 20' TRAIL EASEMEN . . . . . LOT 35 P=154.8 LOT 34 P=156.8 IN D ◊ ◊ LOT 33 P=156.8 IC I D _J <[ (/) Lu r- I I I :s LOT 32 P=156.9 1182 ROS Gs-I OflF TREE and GROUNDCOVER LEGEND TF-?EES • 5ymbol 6otllnlca I ~me T-2 0 Plnu6 eldarlc::a T-3 ■ Plnu6 eldarlc:a GROUNDCOVERSNINE5 • Symbol Bounlcal N.!lme Gs-I(·;;;;,! ~•marlnue Q, 'Frc.tratue' V-1 & Parth!lnocl&&U6 trlCU6~ldata i,-IYDROSEED MIXES • Symbol Botanical N.!lme 14-1 [ZJ Ac:hlllea mlllefQilum Ac:h! I lea tomentQ&t!I Eac::nec:n:,lzJa ea llfQMlc::a Common ~me MONDELL PINE MONDELL PINE Common Nc!ilme DWAFi!" ~eEMAFrr • 14" o.c. ao&TON IV'r Common N.!lme WHITE T AFi!ROW WOOLLEY T ARROW CALl~IA FOF'PT 4 II &4&2 13 &lzs I& Gallon I& Gallon I Gal. I Lb•./ Furlt!:j / Ac. G iii. Jlii!ats :; Lbe./ ':¾?/1tZl AC. :; Lba./ W/1!!> AC. 2 Lbe./ ~/1& AC. D a LOT 31 P=157.0 LOT 103 P=151.9 LOT 104 P=154.6 LOT 30 P=156.5 I L(JT 12 I KEY ______ R ION N .I .C. ,...........---,-,---,-'\ t--r: _J l /, I-le er ,s ~~~~~~~,--___,."r-T--__.1.1.~----............. ...,__ I ~==-.::-, ,- 1 I I I I I I I I LOT 105 P=155.1 0 LOT 106 P=154.6 D LOT 107 P=154.3 LOT 108 P=155.5 .......... I □ ,I--.,__---.-" □ □ I w :I w (j) LIGHTHOUSE ROAD I w LOT 29 P=156.1 D LOT 28 P=155.4 M.ATC~LIN r-[Q..ulANTITY ~ ,.,---ASSRC ✓IATEC> BOTANICAL. NAME , r 24 '\ Afii!S \.SI,,' UNE ~ SCALE 1"=212'' f'LANT Nll16ER (&LE LEcr.END> ~ 11111111111 1 I 0 10 20 30 40 60 v-NDSC,ip.,._ Q_..'<-<3 c,. \.ORCf ,i, .</1' ,.__<,; ~+ :;J ~ C, t $. r/; "'<a-¾ ~~Ii( fV, :: FOR ~ iC ~~ * ,)',;. ,': '<;'-''r' I: Op CAU<fO~ l'lHMSl'S1DISCNJO l"Ui.'IIING •DDIGN • LAND9CH! AFICtMCl\ll'E NOTE&, LOT 27 P=155.0 LOT 26 P=154.4 ROS 44 OFF • • • • r- ~ ~ D u H z w (/) H z <I _J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . z I l) f- <[ r LOT 25 P=155.6 6211!:, ROS -OFF I. ALL SLOPE& TO Fi!ECEIYE JUTE ME&+-1 lU-IEN f'LANTING OCCUR& eETUEEN AUGUST 19, AND APRIL I&. AL.L &LOPE &MA.LL AL&o Fi!ECEIYE A COYER CR::::>F YEAA ~-REI E,..: TO &MEET 2'!. 2. FRCINTY Afi!D LANDSCAPINC:s AND FENCINC:s -kEFE~ TO 4 TYPICAL FRClNTY Afi!D f'LAN&. 3. Ffic:ONTYAfi!D &LOPES TO COMPLY WITl-i CITY STAND.Af;a:)6. Ffic:ONTYA~ &LOPES Tl4i<CZ FEET (3') IN l4CIGI-IT AND LOUER WILL NEED A ~ E~ION CONTilcOL TFi!EATMENT OF JUTE NETTING WITl-i A COYER CR::::>F. 4. ALL TFi!EE& &MA.LL 6E f'LANTEC> A MINIMl.1'1 OF 1'-6" AWAY FkUI I &IC>EWALK.S, TY'P. APPROVED FOR PLANTING .,AS BUILT .. AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE DATE TREE AND LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIE'.IED BY• GROUNDCOVER FLAN AREAS. SHEET LT-5 INSPECTOR DATE WJ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 7 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS ,,. APPROVED__,./' J' [r ~ --!'' -,· -, i"'1' ,,,~· , ... ' -.,,./' ,./ • ·~af• .' ,,,, ,'/,,,,,. ,,,, _ ... _ ,:" tr"" ASSISTANT E!lcANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: I I DRAWING NO. DAlE INlllAL DAlE NllAL DATE INl1W. PRo..ECT NO. CHKD BY: ENGINEER CE' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION RV'.ID BY• CT 92-~l ll1l£R N'PRIIVAI. QTY APPROVAL 341-6L r===l z w V) H z <[ _J LOT 108 P=155.5 LOT 109 P=157.1 D LOT t10 P==158.6 D LIGHTHOUSE ROAD D LOT 25 P=155.6 LOT fl P=152.1 ll) D LOT 24 P=157.2 LOT 18 P=153.8 LOT 23 P=159.0 ROS OFF Q LOT 19 P=154. 5 TREE dnd GROUNDCOVER LEGEND TREE& 11 Symbol 6otanlcal Name T-1 T-3 Lg) • E= I!:jptu& nle.holll Plnua o,ld.!!rlc.!1 T-4 8 Pl11t11nue 11c::erlrol111 'blood9ood' GROUND COVE RS NINES II 5ymbol Botanlca I Nams G-1 [·::::.! Raem.!lrlnua o. 'Pro11tr.!ltu&' V-1 ...,_ I-IYDR05EED MIXES II 5!:!mbol Bolantc.!l Nams 1-1-1 r7l Achllls.! mlllo,follum ~ Achrlls.! tomento111 Eech&cl-cl-Z:l.!1 c.!I llrornlc.! I. b .. •· WILLOW-LEAF F'EFFE!'<MINTI JZ '!; Co.!! lion Ma-lDELL PINE C..___~-~4>--..//15 G.!!llon LONDON PLANE TREE II 15 611 lion Common Nams DWAl'of' ~SEMARY • 14" O.C. 605TON IVY Common N.!ms WHITE YA~ UXX?LLEY YARROW CALIFOF!NIA POPPY 1.15':2. Cuttln~• from ~lite Lb&/ Ac. 3 Lba.l AC. 3 Lba.l AC. 2 Lba/ AC. I GI.!! I. Furltl:I / C:.erm. focats wnit> '3,Z)n5 Lor m / P=160.0 LOT 22 P=163.2 LOT tl2 P=161.4 D SIGI-IT LINE, LOT ff3 P=163.2 LOT ff4 P=164.8 Q 0 - ~~~ ~ ~ . I / / . . ,.,,....r·_,,,--...,,,.~\;,)~·---:-.. e,'\ FIN,,.~, 8NAl£ $ <Slope "'t'-+..>..PER CIVIL ENGilNEER PLANS, TYP. EUC NIC T-1 1---10' L APE'---~-,'-;~~-/ EAS , . \ LOT 21 P=164.7 -"-,......,==----i~---+----il . .., ...... s ®322 . OFF -I f-:' .. I /:. /:: . . QUANTITY I I ~AeeREvlATED BOTANICAL NAME .r+--+A=Re_ &CALE LINE '---PLANT NUMBER (SEE LEGEND) 1111111111_1 I I 0 10 20 30 40 60 NOTES, \ \ \ \ -LINE-SE OFF --S~EET 20 I. ALL SLOPES TO RECEIYS JUTE MESH UJI-IEN PLANTING! OCCURS 6EWTEEN AUGUST IS AND AFf-?IL 15. ALL SLOFES &HALL AL60 RECEIVE A COVER CROJ~ YEAR ROUND. REFER TO SI-IEET 2~. 2. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPING! AND FENCll'-6 -REFER TO 4 TYPICAL FRf:lNTY ARO PLANS. t 3. FRONT YARD 5LOFES TO COMFL Y WITH CITY STANDARDS. FRON ARD SLOPES THREE EET (3') IN I-IEIGI-IT AND LOJ.ER WILL NEED A TEMFORAR E~SION CON- TROL TREATMENT OF JUTE METTING WITl4 A COVER CROP. 4. ALL TREES &HALL 6E PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 1'-6" AWAY ROM SIDEWALKS TYF. ' . . - HAS BUIL TN APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIE'w'ED BY• DATE TREE AND GROUNDCOVER FLAN SHEET LT-6 INSPECTOR DATf f&'-3-'}/,, L8 ~ ~ ~2!.:!!4--~~~2:j'.._f':1,e.~l:::±Sfh.JS!:;:;,l!'.;;t'<S~IOeLN~SL..-h----l--Ut'!:,·3;a;_·fii,'.il-1,/f2.B_J CITY OF CARLSBAD SH4E6ETS r---_-_______ ---------------t--+---t-------------+--+---1--+----I ~=::'...:::=::::P:::::LA::::N:::::::Nl:::::::NG::::::::::DE:::::P::::AR::::::T::::ME:::::::N::::::T :::=:::::::::'.-=::::=::::; PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: KEY Ftl'!IIA SISIOtS CNJO ~ •DDIGN •l..AIC>8CAPE: Altafn:CTVAE COSTA DO SOL r,;D:.;.4TE;;-+-;;;;INl:,;.TIAl.:;-t-------------+-c:-::::-+-----1----+---t DWN BY: --DATE INllW. DATf IWITIAI. CHKD BY: __ EHGINE{ft c:,; WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER N'l'RIIVAL CITY APPROVAL RV'JD BY• 'PROJECT NO. CT 92-01 DATE DRAWIUG NO. .341-bL / FLO DRO FLO LOT 11 P=158.2 EUC NIC TREE and GROUNDCOVER LEGEND T~ES • Symbol T-1 C8I T-2 0 T-3 ■ T-& B eotanlca I Name Euca l~pt1J& nfc::h::,I11 Plnue sldarloa PlnlJ& sldarlo.!1 Trletanla eonrsrta GROUNDCOVERSNINES • 6J:jmbol 6ot.anlcal Name G-1 l·.·;.·.·.f l-:oemarlr1U$ c,. 'Prc,etratue' G-2 ~,/4:;;1 Drc,eanthsmum flc,rfbundum Y-1 A Parthillf,Qcleeue trlcuepldata I-IYDROSEED MIXES • ~bol eot.anrcal Name f-l-1 [ZJ Ac::hlllsa mlllsrollum Ac::hl Ilea tc,ment.oea Eech&chol:z:la oallfe>mloa Common Name WIL.L.OW-L.EA.F FEFFEf.MINT MONDEL.L. PINE MONDELL PINE ei-:1seANE eox Common Name DWA,.RO&EMA~ • 14" o.c. RO&EA ICEFL.ANT • 10" o.c. eoeTON /VT" Common Name UJI-IITE YA~ WOOL.L.EY YA~ CALIFOF!NIA POFFY Qty. 1/3 2 4 12 Qty. IW 4140 21:> Lbe./ Ac. 3 Lbe./ AC. 3 Lbe./ AC. 2 L.be.l AC. LOT 12 P=156.4 LOT 10 P=156.5 EUC T-1 NIC &lzs I Gal.IS Gal. IS GJ.,llc,n IS G.'lllon IS G.,llon &rzs CUttlnge frc,m Frate CUttlnge frc,m Frate I a,., I. r=urrt.s 1 Gem. Rate DRO FLO LOT 13 P=155.0 LOT 14 P=154.2 LOT 15 P=153.4 □ 0 OFF LOT t; P=152.4 . . H z LJ (,/) H z <I _J □ Pii06 OPP LOT 11 P=152.7 w c.f) LOT 18 P=153.8 [J LOT 19 P=154.5 LANDS END COURT 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 9 P=155.2 EUC NIC □ □ LOT 8 P=154.6 LOT 1 P=153.6 LOT 6 P=152.2 LOT 5 P=152.3 0 0 KEY FLO D~ D~ FLO FLO D~ FLO LI OF W 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT G-~ [AMIN NOTE&, I. ALL &LOl1 E0 TO FlECEIYS JUTE ME lflila1Pt~:t!NIS-C::ic:c::tlfl'jt-t,Efllr=,,, e.==~IEll,l&'T 15 AND APRIL 15. ALL SLOPES SHALL ALSO FlECEIYS A COYSR CROP YEAR ROUNC. kEFE.-i! TO &J.IEET a LOT 4 P=153.3 LOT 3 P=154.0 m1 CON LAS 0 □ND 2. FRONTY ARD LANDSCAPING AND FENCING -k&Er..: TO 4 TYPICAL FRONTY ARD PL.ANS. l,. I 1-WNTY ARD &LOPE& TO COMPLY' WITl-l CITY STANDARD&. FRONTY ARD &LOPE& Tl-ffii!EE FEET (3') IN I-EIGHT AND LOUER WILL NEED A iE H0 0RARY EfiiO&ION ~L TfillEATl"'IENT OF JUTE NETTING WITH A COYER CROP. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 'AS BUILT' 4. ALL ~ES &HALL eE PLANTED A MINll"1.JM OF , •••• AWAY f AUii olDEWALK.5. TY'P. DATE SCALE l11 •21Z)' 1111111111~11 0 10 20 . 30 40 I T~E AND GROUNDCOVER PLAN SHEET LT-7 REVIEVED BY• INSPECTOR DATE fsHEffl CITY OF CARIBBAD fsHmsl t---+---+--------------+---+---i----1----11 L1.2_J PL.ANNING DEPARTMENT l..1§_J ,--------------------t----r--t-------------+--+---+----+---t PLANTING AND IRRIGA TlON PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL P~UCTION UNITS ......,,"'="-+-=~+--------------+---+---t---=--t-------11 DWN Y: __ DAlE INlllAL DAlE INlllAL DAlE INlllAL CHKD BY: __ ENGINEER <lf' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER N'l'RIIVM. CITY N'PAOV/111. RVVD BY• PRo.ECT NO. CT 92-(Z)I I DRAWING NO. 341-6L [) LOT 17 P=152.7 LOT 18 P=153.8 LOT 19 P=154.5 ROS OFF LANDSlli END COURT DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 4 P=153.3 CON □ w z LOT 3 P=154.0 0 DRO FLO LOT 2 P=154.5 PAR V-1 TRI EUC 4 NIC T-1 FIN ELD LVI ~I P=164.l I I I I I I I I FLA H <[ D G::: LOT 20 P=154.6 ~DJ<-:-~~ 10' LAN SCAPE tt-itil-'-f-'~.:...-1 FIN EASEM T >-l---f--:::..--1-'=E::':'--'LD=- [) [) DRO FLO LOT t P=154.6 LIMIT OF WOR w _J _J <[ > &lctP,4T I TYP. RO& OFF CAL RANS CORNER SIGHT DISTANCE L ~ OFF FALLOW LOT FLO DRO FLO LIMIT OF WORK --- H.,._--t--'D' BROW DITCf-1 FER CIVIL ENGlll,jG£ER FLAN& TYF. 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT CAMINO E LAS ONDAS FAA RIC □ TREE and GROUNDC TREES • Symbol 6ot4nfc:., I Nama T-1 181 Euea l~plue nlc:h:::,111 T •2 0 Pin.... sldar1oa T-3 ■ Pin.... sldarlca T-4 E3 Plat.anue ac:srtfolla 'blood9ood' T •& H Trlatanla Confsrta GFWUNDCOVERSNINES • Symbol 6ot..!lnfc:., I Name G• I [ ·:;;: J Ro&marlnu. o. 'Proatratue' G-2 ~M Droeantr.i,um florrbundum G-3-Amual Color Y • I .a. Parthsic:;,cle•ua trtc:u.pldata l-4YDROSEED MIXES • &ymbol eot.an1c::a I Nam• 1-4-1 ~ Ac:hlllsa mlll•follum LL..:.J Ac:hfllsa toms,lo•a Eec:hecholzra oa lffornrca vER LEGEND Common Name WILLOW-LEAF FEPPEFiiMINT MONDELL PINE MONPELL PINE LONDON PLANE ~E 15Rl!eANE eox Common Name DWAfiF RO&EMARY • 14" OC. RO&EA ICEFLANT • le" OC. eE&T OF &EASON • 12" OC. eo&TON IVY Common Nam• UJ.IITE Y AFiFiOW U.OOLLEY YA~ CALIFOF!NIA ro1=1= t Qty. 8/& 9 I& 10 9 Qt.y. 6554 &890 412 34 Lb&./ A&.. 3 Lbe/ AC.. 3 Lbe/ AC. 2 Lb•/ AC. 61:ze I Ga I.I& Ga I. I& Cisa llon l!i> Gallon I& Gallon 15 Ga lion Size CuU~• from ale CuUI~& from al• 4" POT& I Gal. Furlt~ I Ga.11111. Rat. 90/11Z\ 90/15 KEY sen& 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 0 I. ALL &LOPE& TO l'ECEIYE JUTE ME&l-4 UA4EN PLANTING OCCUR& eETUEEN Al lail.l&T I& AND AFR ALL &LOPE& ALSO l'ECEIVE A COVER CROP YEAR Fi!OUND ....... n::R TO &l-4EET 2~ 2. FAONTY ARD LAND&cAFING AND FENCING • kEFE" TO 4 TYPICAL FRONTY Afo!D FLAN&. 3. FlfWNTY ARD &LOFE& TO C0MFL Y WITl-4 CITY ST ANDAfi!DS. FA0NTY Afo!D &LOPES Tl-4REE FEET (3") IN MEIGMT AND LOUER WIU NEED A TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL TREATMENT OF JUTE N!=TTING WITl-4 A COVER CROP. _.., DEWAL""'"-......,. 4. ALL TREE& &l-4ALL eE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 1'-6" AWA'\ I kOM ..ii ~, , , r. SCALE 1"=212'' TREE AND GROUNDCOVER FLAN SHEET LT-8 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 'AS BUil T' DATE REV[E'w'ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE 1111111111~11 0 10 20 30 40 ~ I 60 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEElS I 1--+--+-------------t--t-~t---t----t l_gQj PLANNING DEPARTMENT --------------------+---+--t--------------t---r----t---r-----, rn. ·•· -Sl'Sl!MS C!Q1 PLJJl■IIG •ECIIQN •UJtDICW AnCri Ii.CI UIE DATE NflM. DICPEFR ~ lll0RK REVISION DESCRIPTION PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS "" DATE N11Al. DATE N'l1AL IJ'TI£R N'PRIIVIIL QTY l#'f'fl.OVN.. ~ 0 3 ~ t----r= -_j DRAINAGE EASEMENT COP 1~1 KIR 6-2 LOT 42 OPEN SPACE EXISTING WILLOWS ( TO l'EMAIN) IND ~-CRll!5 WALL. N.I.C. FER CIVIL ENGINEER FLJI.N& 3 PIT □ 0 6-8 l E&c OT 41 P=143.8 20' TRAIL EASEM NT 11nr 11> , 51-4RU6 LEGEND • ~01 eotan1c:al Name eommon Name Qty. 5-1 ~ Arbutue U1119do 'compacrta' 5 rRAUBEFi!RT' ~ £) 5-2 ~ V eaproema klrl<JI 'compacta' Na.I 2'a'3 5-3 m Eecallonla f'rad-11 PINK eecALLONIA 183 / 5-4 ~ Mslale1Ueo9 ,-oF'":llla PINK. MELALEUCA 5-!'> ~ M~ 'pacrrrc:um' NCN 231 5-6 ~ i;hlphrolepT• Tndlca 'tprfn9t1111•' INDIA HAIJJT"~ £) + 5-7 ~ i;hlphlolai:,1• rndrca 'ball•TM' INDIA J-IAl,IJT"~ 475 5-e 0 F'ltto,porum toblra 'varrsgata' PITT06POR!JM 3!'> 5-9 m X~lce111a oong•tum XYL05MA 13" RMA 6-1 IND 13 PIT 31 MYO 61:m 5 Gallor> 5 Gallor> !'> Gallon 5 Gallon !'> Gallon S Gallon 5 Gallon !'> a.a II or, S Gtallon COP :__J I I <[ (/) w I- I :s LOT 43 P=142.7 epaclng 42" O&.. 4211 o.c. 4&" 0.0. 6£1" 0.0. 72" o.c. 6(()" O&.. 4&" 0.0. F&-IA IND □ □ □ eec LOT 91 P=143.3 12'3 MYO --- I I I I I LOT 44 I P=142.2 I I I I I LOT 45 P=142.2 □ □ ---~=----=--:::::------=~~ eec LOT 96 P=145.5 LOT 95 P=147.7 0 □ 21 F&-IA 6-1 IND BE LOT 46 P=143.8 CON ~ I u r-w ~ . . BAY LOT 68 P=141.5 LOT 41 P=147.0 □ ROAD LOT 61 P=149.6 □ □ LOT 48 P=150.2 □ 0 LOT 66 P=152.2 N N t-w w I I LOT 49 P=152.1 LOT 65 P=153.5 A TCl-iL INE -EE 5~EE 3 □ 0 -NOTE: ALL SHRUBS SHALL BE 'AS BUILT' ,Al!--, £.'IATED eoTANICAL NAME PLANTED A&' MIN. AWAY FROM APPROVED FOR PLANTING ~ 24 ,\ ARe 4zL ~RDSCAPE ELEMENTS t AND IRRIGATION ONLY, '"61 ,,1 ONE SCALE ,o . INCLUDING PRECISE DAT£ ' 111 =2f'Zl' SHRU6 FLAN LOCATION OF PLANTING RE:VIElo'ED BY• PLANT ?-U"leER <&EE LEGEND) ,~ AREAS. 111111111 I I I SHEET LS-1 INSPECT□R DATE (]ti[ CITY OF CARLSBAD l I SHEE1S j 0 10 20 JO 40 60 PLANNINla DEPARTMENT 4 6 QUANTITY PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: KEY <o vNDSC,i "-c" c,,'i}:,1/ r:,.1.0RG; ,v. 11' COSTA DO SOL " ~" 0, (' ~·,. 'I "'<a-i:.. PRODUCTION UNITS & '/ "' ( o.:: 11/ ~ IJ JI '::: -':, ,,,. rOR. APPRO\IEO ....c1' ./ ,; : .... ;:,-~ ~·.>-""'."' ·1, .. i! /./· .... ~. ·l_,,I' ..:,· .•. ,,' ·""· t,<:: ~--~··~,~ / --~-· ✓• '. ,,, }' .,, .~·,,-,<, / .. , ASSISTANT f't.AN1'ilNG" DIRECTOR DATE ' .., • !IOte ~ * OWN BY: PRQ.ECT NO. DRAWING NO. '1;,, 3/ DAlE NllAL DAlE DATE N'TIAL l'tl'IIIA S'ISJBIS CNJO NllAL CHKO BY: ~ REVISION DESCRIPTION CT '32-e}I 341-6L Pl _.NG •DEIIIQN •LANDICAl'E AIICH I EC I U ENlllNEII! OF ll!lllK lffi£R H'l'ltllVIII. em' ll'f"R(HAL RVlo'D BY• - w I ~ tl) ]lJ I ru~I _j I (j t-- <[ I ( LOT 49 P=152.1 -I LOT 65 P=153.5 St-4RU6 LE~END # ~bol 6otanfcal Namei 5-1 ~ Arbutuo un.do 'CC>lllp<'lc:t<'I' 5-2 ~ V Ce>proem<'I klrl<.1I 'comp<'ICt<'I' [ill] S-3 Eec.-i llonl<'I f'r<'lcie&II / 5-4 ~ Msl<'I lsuc.!1 nseopi,sll<'I 5-& ~ M!Pf:>orum 'p<'lcfffc::\Jlll' 5-6 ~ ♦ Fih,phlolspre rnaIc.-i 'eprlr19t tms' 5-1 ~ Fih,phlolspre rncile.!1 'b<'I llsrlna' s-a 0 F'lttoeporum toblr<'I W<'lrlsg<'lta' 5-'3 m X!jlO&llla =ins-tum + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . + + + + LOT 50 P=151.8 I+ + + • ..__ ___ ............, -+ + + + + + Common Namei □ LOT 64 P=156.2 Qty. sTAAU.eE~ mee 318 NCN 66 PINK 5eGALLONIA ID PINK MELAL!LICA 161 NCN 21& INDfA I-IAUIT~ 1!>3 INDIA MAUIT~ 231 PITT~ 36 XYLoeMA Sfzei & Gk,llon & G.,llon & G<'lllon & Go<'I lion & Gs<'! I Ion & Gk,llon 5 G<'lllon 5 G:<'1 llon & e:,.,llon ~--L.AND&cAFE EASEMENT VARIES FROM 12' TO 16' WIDE LIMIT OF WORK LOT 51 P=160.2 + • + ~::J~-f-~~rRl-lr.::ilND;;::;A;-- + + + + + + + + ~:: + + + + + + LOT 52 P=164.8 + + + + + 1: + . LOT 53 l: P=168.4 + - □ t: • □ IND LOT 54 P=172.6 □ MYO pt,,,C, LOT 55 P=174.5 IND IND PIT roe LOT 56 P=178.0 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT na mo pt,,,C, 1 II LINE COP XYL CON BEACON BAY ROAD &la.HT LINE&, i'rP. IND □ LOT 63 P=159.3 ~acing 42" o.c. 42" O.C, 48" o.c. 6/D" o.c. 1;2 11 o.c. 6/D" o.c. 48" o.c. 6(1)" o.c. □ □ LOT 62 P=162.1 \ \\ LOT 61 P=166.0 KEY " "- □ "-I ,.__....,._ ____ l □ r" LOT 60 P=169.2 ♦ ♦ ♦ [: ♦ + i;a4A IND LOT 59 P=173.3 LOT 58 P=176.6 V~\j_ _v __ QU.ANTITY NOTE: ALL Sl--!RL.165 61--lALL 6E /A6BREVIATED eoT.ANICAL NAME PLANTED A:,' MIN. AWAY FROM r , ALL 1--lARDSCAFE ELEMENTS. , 24 ~ARIS \. SI , , LINE 5CALE ~ 1"=2!2>' PLANT NUMBE:fit <SEE LEGENOJ Sl--lRU6 FLAN ~ LS 2 111111111 I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 60 \),tiCSC,lp<!"' ~~ cORGt No "I,?, t--..'-, :,. G-{9 C:S, ~Zi, ri ci; a::. & ~ ,;, o:1 I -< I,. ... -~~ ~ LOT 57 P=179.3 IND \ I I , □ I APPROVED I I FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ~ 2 0 AS BUIL T0 DATE REVIE\o/ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS - APPROVED ,, >' 711 --· --· ,;,,,.. A/., · ·"ii ./ l <;; .. ,_.,, '~"' _,;., ,I' •..• / ·'/ ,;I' ·$ !'-.Ji!' &!.. CM,"!', ,',,;e:i ASSISTANT P~ING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. ORAVt1NG NO. DATE t4111AL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IOR ">. • """' ~ 1NmAL CT 92-IZ>I 341-bL ., ~ l'"OIIIIAS'IS1DISCA£10 DAlE REVISION DESCRIPTION RV\o/D BY• 'tor CALI PL<\tllNCI •Dani -LNIIVM'E Al'IC:ti ILC I Ul'IE EMGINEER a, 'MlRK IITHER APPRIJVI\I.. CITY IIPPROVAL - ~-c~e IJJAI L -N.I.C. PEfllit CIVL ENGINEEfllit FLAN&. I P=143.8 I 20' TRAIL £AS£M ~NT u n P=144.4 LOT 36 P=152.5 n I 0<>115:d.' -...:::::.:., .. _ u -......_ ..J ~H--/~\ /\ /\ .... --t-r--..--~--.-1...,·~----~--..Jb-'~--U.~-.--,.J_ 1v ~ --n I ~ -;--20' TRAIL EASFMFN1 ► SI-IRL.16 LEGEND :It 5ymbol eotanrca I Name CQmmon .. Name c:it1:1: Size 5-1 ~ Arbut.u. unedo 'ccmpaew' &TRAl15EARY meE ft) S Gallon e-2 ~ V Coprot1m• k.JrkJJ 'eompaeta' NCN ft) & Gallon 5-3 □ ,, E•eallonla frac::te.n PINK E8CA/..LONIA 138 & Gallon 5-4 ~ Msla lsuea ,...opl'\/11• PINK MELAI..EUCA S Gallon 5-s ~ M!:foporl.Jffl 'pac:TrlCI.Jffl' NCN S Gallon 5-6 E2] ♦ Fa'laphlolspl• lndlea '•prlngt.lms' INDIA 1-lAIIITI-JOf<N ,e S Gallon 5-1 ~ Fa'laphlolapl• ll'ldlea 'ba 11 .. ,na' INDIA l-4AU/TI-IORN 251 & Gallon 5-e 0 fC'lt.t.otporum toblra 'varl"9ata' PITT~ 14 !> Gallon 5-9 m X!:flO&ma cone-tum XYLoeMA S Gallon . I V r--.. V _,,-- I\ A - V I V - I &pac!!:!9 42" o.e. 42" o.c. 4&" o.e. 60" o.e. 12" o.c. 6ft>" o.c. 48" o.c. 60" o.c. I r=14;,;,_ ':J I I '-------.--L TT'"~-. (_.___._.._--., r--.. "- ' I I\ 'c._ ____ _jl I I j /J. I\ M,Li Tr.WI lNE-~ -I,...._.....__ 1 <[ • ' I ·: -I I A ~----+-+~....1:3 I I I □ . '--- I\ □ n n n ~\ LOT 102 P=149.5 ' I\ KEY -♦·+ ♦ .. + + ,.. .. ~ ,,. + ,,; .. ' ♦ ♦ T .. .... LOT 94 P=150.2 u □ □ -- I\ -..... ,. --+-- LOT 93 P=151.8 n LOT 92 P=152.6 \ I )--- I u I LOT 69 P=151.0 r-' ~-+--____.JI L .W y - v . . ... □ ' IJ - □ < I D I ...........,.__ I □ □ ~ I / D LOT 10 P=153.6 \ I I I I< I le: LOT 11 P=155.1 □ / [ \ - I,( I I "' w w I <J) / LOT 90 LOT 89 P=153.5 LOT 88 P=154.5 P=152.7 I I I- ,,,,. ...... ' - I I I . I I I-I I QUANTITY _/ r-Aabfii/f:v'IATED eoTANICAL NAME NOTE: ALL Sl4RU6S S14ALL 6E PLANTED A &' MIN. AWAY FROM ,' 24"',Ane ALL 14A~SCAPE ELEMENTS 1t \ .. 61 _/ LINE SCALE fi::.O,W, '\ l 11 = 2(2)' $f..lfia.J6 PL.AN FLANT -!IU'1eER <&EE U:GeND) 111111111 I I I I -;'., LS-3 0 10 20 JO 40 80 . vNDSC,;pt" '<:-,:,,<::, G,cORG[ ;\lo -1,;,C' ¼~,;.. I ,,, '5c _tr. J ~ ~ ..., r/ II " ~ '< ,rJL_, -< I rOR .);"" ~ ''l/1'.:i::; .. .... ,f' , Omo ,.,_~ ?;, 7: ~"" DAlE N1IAL RRIM stsJEWS CA/JD ,_.._,JI I~---, l LOT 87 P=155.5 APPROVED FOR PLANTING 'AS BUILT' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, . INCLUDING PRECISE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING ' REVJE'w'ED BY• AREAS. INSPECT□R DATE ~l CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEE1Sl PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 6 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS - APPROVED ..,,/; •. / Y. -""'.·.·:. -. .,,.;, ~ ✓ r-,, l ' ,, .. , ·,· .,, ,"',,,,ii'_,' , .. ,<'{ ·" -i ' I ~•· ,,,., : .. , ./ .,,. ·-i-.· r ASSISTANT Pl.ANNING DIRECTOR DATE DATE N11AL OWN 01: PRo.ECT NO. I I DRAWING NO. DATE N1IAL CHKD BY: <: OF cAl.)fO REVISION DESCRIPTION CT 92-'2'1 Pl lll■ta ·DEaCIN•I.ANMICAPI: "hQIIECIUIIE fNlllNEEI CF WCRK DTHER N'PRDVM. QTY lff'fl.OVN.. RVVD BY• 341-6L LOT 71 P=155.1 □ LOT 72 P=156.1 LOT 13 P=157.0 a LOT 14 P=157.4 (!I SEAHORSE LOT 81 P=155.S - N I ill z _J "I 0 t- <[ □ LOT 86 P=156.4 (!I LOT 85 P=157.4 LOT 108 P=155.5 LOT 109 P=157.1 LOT tlO P=158.6 S~RUS LEGJEND :It ¥bol 6otan1ca1 Nam,s Common Nams Qty. &rzs 6-1 ~ Arbvtue \KlSOO 'c::omp11ct11' 5-2 ~ V Copro&ma liUrlcJI 'compacta' NCN &-?, □ / £,It¥. E8S,4L~A 113 !', Gallon ~ (10 ~Ae,n,.,1A &-4 ~ PINK ME~ALEUCA fZl & Gallon 5-& ~ ~c:,ri.m 'pacrncum' !', Gallon 5-6 E:::1 Rhlphlolsple lndlca 1&prl"9llms' IND/A HAWTHOF<N e-, & Gallon 5-1 ~ ~phlol.pi. ~ 'baU.lnill' JNOIA l-lAWTJ-IOfoN bOf;, & Gallon s-e 0 Flttoeporum loblra 'varrsgat.!I' FITT05F'Ol'iiU1 2!, !', Gallon 5-'e ~ XYLoeMA 8 & Gallon LOT m P=160.0 epacrng 42" o.c.. 48" o.c.. 12" o.c.. -4&" -0,C. 6fZl" o.c.. LOT 84 P=158.3 LOT 15 P=158.4 COURT LOT 83 P=159.5 LOT 112 P=161.4 □ □ KEY LOT 16 P=159.2 □ □ □ IND LOT 71 P=160.1 FIT :3 roe &•& t:, LOT 18 P=161.2 FIT II +OB &«& LOT BO P=161.3 FIT LOT 79 P=161.4 FIT 2 roe &-& fio!MA IND E6c IND LOT 82 P=159.7 Toa LOT 81 P=160.8 r-AeeREYIATED eoTANICAJ.. NAME ARB ie4A lb IND 6-1 ~___..... __ 'D' ~ DIT~ FER CIYIJ.. ENGINEER FJ..ANe, TYF. "AS BUILT" I.NE NOTE:. ALL Sl-4RU6S Sl-4ALL Be PLANTED A 5' MIN. AWAY FROM ALL l-4ARDSCAPe eLeMeNiS 4- SCALE 12.o_.W_, ---------"""' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. DATE '---Fl.ANT NUMBER (&EE LEGEND> 11111111111 I I 0 10 20 JO 40 80 RHIAsr.nEJISCAIJQ P'I.MNllll•DI:-•~ AIICKTECTU~ Sl4Rl.16 FLAN SHEET LS-4 REVIE\i/ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE 01fa-'l{p L.,.f?;> fsiiffil . fSHfi1 t----+--t------------t--+--+----+----ltli1l CITJA~ £~BAD li::J PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS ....------------------------APPRO'tt:O '~ .. :.~:•. "/ / --_,u ,..,-. :f' ·' ~ ;' C ,, , ... ¢ I,, ,, '4 •• "'--., .. ,• _:_:'. ... _,..,'" '.',,... .. ---"-,' .... · ..:--·'....:.·.,..·· ;;....· ------· ' 1---+---+-------------+---+---+---+------11 :;;;A~SSl~ST~AN~T:::::::PWI:::::. :::::NIN:::::G~Dl~RE:=CTOR~~===~=~OA~TE~;::::;:;;:: PRo.ECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CT 92-@I _ 341-bL OA1E N1IAL ENGINEER ~ WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DAlE NllAI. DA TE NllAI. lllMER M'PRIIVM. aT, N I iiO\,~ ~ 0 3 lL 0 1--r _J ::::- I I ::::,.. 5t4RU6 LEGEND # Symbol eot.anlcal Name S-1 ~ Arbutu& IM'ICSdo 'comp,iict,11' S-2 ~ V Coprc:>em,11 l<.ln<JI 'c:ampacta' 6-3 □ Eec.,llonl,11 f'radal1 / 6-4 ~ Msla leuc:a neeo~lla 6-S ~ M~um 'paeff1CU111' 6-6 E2] l'o!haphlolllf'l• lr,dlc., 'tprlngtlms' 6-i 888) i.hllphlol-,::,1• lndlca 'ball•lna' 6-& 0 Flttotporum tol:11ra 'var1sea1a' 6-~ ~ Xyloem,11 eongsewn LOT 36 P=152. 5 20' TRAIL EA5£M£N LOT 35 P= 154. 8 I r----n-.------__J 6C TOB Toe LOT 34 P=156.8 ◊ ◊ LOT 33 P=156.8 IT TOB E5C FRA IND LIMIT OF WORK Common Name at.11. Size STRAU.eERRY' mEE " S Gallon NQ.I I) S GJallon l"'INK EecALLONIA 151 S Gallon FINK MELALEUCA S Goll llon NCN S Gsallon IND IA MA.UIT~ I) S Gallon INDIA 1-1.AUJi~ 26, !lo Gollllon P'"'ITTO&r'Olla.JI 1 11 S Gollllon XYLoeMA !lo Gallon ~ w w Cr::: ~ (/) I I <[ (/) w r----- 1 I I :s LOT 32 P=156.9 42" o.e. 42" o.e. 4&" o.e. 61;" o.e. 12" o.e. 61;" o.e. 4&" o.e. I 6D"o.e. LOT 103 P=151.9 J I F=152.7 I I I .. v • vr I P=155.5 , --.....~E .... r.;...-~2 ?~~~~~~~~~---,.,~-_...i.i...~----~- 1 I l I I _J ~--r-____..i,_-----Ll...-~l) t-- I I I I I I I I I LOT 105 I LOT 106 P=154.6 LOT to1 P=154.3 · I I LOT 108 I f 0 LOT 104 P=154.6 l 5 l,.J:;;l;;;;;;t:;1111-r .......... ..1.....1......i.-,H-i [ ..J-t--t-+-+-,-...,_.,....,....,,.-f--.l---1 I--+-+ I P=155.1 '--'------'--"~,----ll---4 0 0 I 0 I P=155.5 · 0 ,,1---........----,J I lw ~f===-=-==-=-~=~~~~~~;;~;;;~~EHM~~kJG :::~~~=t==---t----ll---ir--t--__J_--+---+-1.L-+--+---1.!.il=r)..!- 0 "'-r"---------,-1.........,1-+--.Ly....----,.J 0 LOT 31 P=157.0 I I I I LOT 30 P=156.5 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD I I I I LOT 29 P=156.1 0 0 I I I LOT 28 P=155.4 I I I I LOT 21 P=155.0 I I I I I LOT 26 P=154.4 \\\ 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 (/) H z w (.() I w z / _;,_.-t---+--+--,......_I LOT 25 P=155.6 l) I- -<{ Ir I F------=---.._.._ _______ -fr~~~ill!::~~~==~~~~=-~=-~~~~~-=~~-=--~J~--.----JJ.l-WJl~I _ """....,.-tt-+n-~,-.---r-t""'P-"+-- (MAT CHL IN f5EE Sf-IEE P7 I l 1: LOT 12 P=156.4 KEY I I ~ I I :1 : ,-----.J----,1 I I I I I QUANTlrr•~-..::: NOTE: ALL &Hfia.16& &HALL 6E r-Ae=,FE ✓IATED BOTANICAL NAME PLANTED A&' MIN. AWAY FROM / ALL HA~&cAFE ELEMENT& $- 61 = SCALE ~ ... o_N_. -----------1 l 11 = 2tZ>' '---Fl-ANT NLMeER <&EE LEGEND) &l-lfia.16 FLAN SHEET LS-5 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I I 'AS BUil T' REVIE\/ED BY• INSPECT DR 111111111111 0 10 20 JO 40 fsHml CITY OF CARLSBAD ..._~---1-----------+---+--t---+--t~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT I 60 ~----------------+---+--1-----------+---;--t--;-------1 DATE DATE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS ..._~--1------------+---+--t---+--t APPRo~;", -'F.i : ;,.,,. & ,,, • ..._~---~-----------+---+--1---+---t ----,,..' ...... .;;' .. ,·_._.,,_.,' -' -·· _____ f.;,...,,,. ,:·'4'.- 1------lf---+-----------+--t--t---+----1 ~ASSl~STAN~T:::::::_Pl.AN=· ~NI_N:::::G :;:=;:DIR::::ECT:::;:OR==~~=ir;DA'lt:=~ • PRo.ECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DA'lt: N11M.. DAlE NllAL DAlE N11AI. CHKD BY ENIIIIEEII OF -REVISION DESCRIPTION DTHER IIPPIIIIVAL QlY M FROVAL RV\JD ,~--CT 92-IZ>I 341-fbL. l ~ CL ~ D u H z w 1· I I LOT 108 I I LOT 109 P=155.5 P=157.1 □ LIGHTHOUSE LOT 25 P=155.6 D D LOT 24 P=157.2 I LOT no P==158.6 ROAD I I LOT 23 P=159.0 I I I LOT m P=160.0 LOT 22 P=163.2 V) ~ z <I _J ----.....__ * LOT 17 P=152.7 I /---. LOT 18 P=153.8 I D D \ ---r-------,-..__-l S~RU6 LEGJEND ~ Symbol Botanfca I Name 6-1 ~ Arbutu& unedo 'eompaet,11' 6-2 ~ Copro&m<!I lc.Jrlc.11 'compacta' 5-3 ~ liesallsAla fFa:;r&n ~ -"'-1.?f+IA 4fZA bl F'J...-o FA FC"C9 • ~,A?-0 ef006f1£.I<! 6-4 b..'::L.':::Jl Melal,suca ne&o~lla 5-5 ~ H!,oporum 'pactrleum' &-6 ~ Fi!haphloleple tndlca 'eprlngtlme' 5-1 ~ Fi!haphlolepl& lndlca 'ba llertn,11' 5-B 0 Fltto&porum t.oblra 'varr.seata' 5-~ ~ X!,lc:>emoll cons-tum Common Name ST~fii!f,?Y TI-:EE NCN I 0 I Qty. Size PINK E6CALLONt.A rz, l'::»~A f-0 <10 OC..1--\-~~I-P-<·· 5 Gallon PINK HELALEUCA rz, 5 Gallon NCN INDIA HAWTHOf;N INDIA HAWT~ PITTOSPORUM XYL06MA e; G<!l llon ............... ;2.6 f & G,a lion ei & G<!l llon ~&Gallon '---._, * LOT 19 P=154.5 42" o.c. 42" o.c. 4811 o.c. 12" a.c. E>rz>" o.c . I ""v LOT '112 P=161.4 -- LOT 21 P=164.7 "" "" KEY I CA -- --- \ \ I I QUANTITY LOT 114 ,___ 10' LA D CAPE EASEMEf.JT AL COR DIST. LINE ;-A66fi:EVIATED 60TANICAL NAME ~-+A~RS-==--SCALE e,1 LINE I"= 21Z>, PLANT NUMeEfic (5EE LEGEND) ~/~ ~ \ \ \ \ (-t:~ --GI -~<--1 ~ I I -/ ) I I ffe ;~ ( l1 ; I > ~JI '4;;?-;,---F~ ~ ~' J__ y 6HRU6 FLAN SHEET LS-6 COP R. I I f' 81~--------i ~ I LOT 116 l~-jl ~~ \C{\- C-o ,,,____.._______ I I ,i;~_Jl;-~~~i~:~ PLANS. TY-F. ---v'--"--_..,.___),.._. ---It St-lEET 28 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I I I I 111 M HAS BUil T" REVIEw'ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE DATE 11111111111 I I o 10 20 30 40 so t------1i---+-----------+--+---+1 _(}.2,_.q_r.1-Lb--1isBrnl CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ r ----==--------------+--+---l------------1---+---+---1--I L_g§J PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 ~ ;:=::::::::'...::==:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===:::===:'..=====: RJRMA SYSTEMS CADO l'l.NNolG • DESIGN ·LAN>SCAPE AROITECTUAE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL t--t--+--------------+----+---1--+---I At>PROVED ___,,,,, .. -· ,;. ·, . • -:-;; -,,,, ,:; .. - t---t--+-----------+--f----+--+---1 , ,,/' '.·•···' ... ,;· ' . '/,., -------c,-.+-+--..c::::-:...__ ___ ~·. .~ .... e t--t--+-----------+---l---'--!--+----1 QS~N!ilNll'«PMRECTOR DATIDATE t--;;;0Arn1E,h1Nmirn.oAL+------------t-:-,oA=lE-+-IN....,.lllAL---+-DA-1E-+-IN_lll_Al.-l DWN BY: --PROJECT NO. ENGINEER Of YIORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: --CT 02-=1 OTHER APPROVAL OTY APPROVAi. RVw'D BY• ;; = I ORAWING NO. .341-bL " ,.. ----- 20' TRAIL EASEMENT---1. I I ) I I I ) I I I ll)- 1 n L ~ ."'23' fii!MA LOT 12 P=156.4 / \.&-1,' IND ) C, C>< I)< [X :X )' ' ,, " I,, -'U ---------~· ' [l . \ . . I/ □r-----'ti-----4-l-,...,t-L-----1., I □· "'!!M ~, RHA lJ , , , s-1.' IND - LOT 11 P=158.2 I - / 3' \PIT / ,._s-e/ Toe 1--I LOT 10 P=156.5 r t, ' ' MA TCI-IJ . INE-SEE SI-I EET 25 J : LOT 13 P=155.0 '-- □ J ' \ I/ [ ,.. 28 ..... Rl4,4 t-, Q~~ ..._ &-1/ IND '----l - , D I\ LOT 14 P=154.2 J LANDS \ I/ [ p \ \ [ I [ I I I LOT 15 P=153.4 I\ □ a [ J ~~ LOT 9 P=152.4 . . . \ . END COURT ' I '- □ □ [ \ t-, ... I I 7 17 ' .__-'I . t:, I ::,, -lh ~Q T[ I- ()./ • • ~ D u H z w V v k k □ I l LOT 11 P=152.7 ~ I V tJ \ . m11+---1 --20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT I \ [ I/ LOT 5 P=152.3 \ I/ . . -, - ..____,r::::J ,-- ' LOT 4 P=153.3 7 ' .. I< • \/ ~ - \/ LOT 18 P=153.B , - I< ~L.::.. J (\) N t- ~ w w I. cl) I . - • -UJ d) tJ I . • ~ i.--- L--- ;\ ~ . tJ LOT 3 P=154.0 ~c.____J Q (\ LOT 19 P=154.S V 0 ~ --· I " .... .__ .L..., ~ ~ H 0 .__ \ .i.... H 0 --Q I.ANTITY 1h, 5~RU6 LEGEND • 8ymbol eotanlca I Name &-1 [Z] Arbutu. unedo 'coinp•cta' &·:2 ~ Copro&ffloll l<Jrl<Jf •~eta' V &·3 [ill] EaQ!I llonra f'l'ad-11 / &-4 ~ r-t.la 1-.-neeoP"i:jlla Comfflc:,n Name QLy. 51:ze e~l'-!l'U me " & Gallon NCN " & G,allon FINK E&cAI I c::NIA Bl & e:,allon FINK MEL.ALEUCA & Gallon / /ABDl~YIATED eoTANICAL NAME NOTE: ALL 5HRU65 SHALL eE 'AS BUILT' - PLANTED A &' MIN. AWAY FROM APPROVED FOR PLANTING 1 24"' Al - . -ALL 14jRC>SCAFE ELEMENTS ~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY, ,. 51 .,' I.NE ~ SCALE F;,o. · INCLUDING PRECISE DATE I 11. 2!Z>' LOCATION OF PLANTING 5HRU6 FL.AN REVIEIJED BY• PLANT M.t1BER <eEE LEGEND) ~ SHEET LS-7 AREAS. 11111111111 I I ·· INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 0 10 2.1) JO 40 80 7 Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT 6 &-5 ~ ~ 'pacrrrcurr,' 6-6 ~ ~phlol9PI• lndlc.t '•prJnStlm•' &·1 ~ '"'1.lphrolepl• fnc:Oca 'ball«IM' &-& 0 Pltto•porum toblra 'varr.gata' &-<a m X1j lo.in• c::ong•tum fl& & Gallon INDIA HAJJJTI-IOIQN " & G.\lllon INDIA I-IAUIT~ -4E,'a 5 Gallon FITTOe.f'OR.IM 10 & Gallon XYL.o&MA 5 Gallon 12• cu:. 60"o.c. 6/D"o.c. KEY \)>,NOS C ~ p ,t PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: 0q_..<;,'J ,._ c-,. 1.0RGt .Yo -'11' COSTA DO SOL " ,, ~"" ,.., 'l y/• t ~ ':'.-\ $ ,, ..... ,.,, "' PRODUCTION UNITS "' c;. j ,,.., ~ - . )R APPRO\'ED --1;--:;,.... . rl_ ,. . -~ ~ .,,J"f,, ,49, ' .':. . -; "? >~.V ;"' 2 Si notu f .,y' ~ ,, wi • -'~ .;;; .. • ~.;/ f:;":": i<-. ~ ASSISTANT Pl::ANNING DIRECTOR DATE ... '-'>, , t•( '1" OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. -1t. ~ DAlE N1IAL l: OF CAllfO<,:. RHtA.ns1B5CIIIO DAlE N'IIM. DAlE N1IAL CHKD BY: "'-'"l■ICl•DDIQN•I.MDICAI'!: AIIQlll!C1UN: ENGi Elt OF - REVISION DESCRIPTION CT '32-!Z'I lm£R M'1'1m\/'AI. aTY #fflfl!NN.. RVIJD BY• 341-t&L LOT t1 P=152.7 / LOT 18 P=153.8 Q LOT 19 P=154.S eec ~ LOT 20 P=154.6 I LUI ~, P=164.7 I ' I I S I ~~~ I ?-~ I e I I I I I ,'\J,}<,.l~'"tt 10' LA CAPE -H--.-1,-;iA:=11 EASE T I.NE ..__..,_ 'D' l!!fllt:'W DITCl-1 PER CIVIL ENGINEER PLAN& T'T'P. LANDSlliEND COURT a a DRAINAGE EASEMENT / / / LOT 4 P=153.3 □ CAMINO S~RUB LEGEND :1$ 6ymbol Bot.anlc:al Name 5-l ~ Arbut.Uf uneCIO 'c;c,mpac:ta I 5-2 ~ V Copo•ma kJrkll 'compact.a' 6-3 ~ e.c:a llor,la fl'ad• II / 5-4 ~ M•lal.uca n.~lla S-5 ~ 1'1\jopOM.1111 'pac:lflc:urn' 5-6 ~ + Fiihap,loleplt lnc:ilc:a ''Pf'l"9tlme' S-1 ~ lohap,loleplt lnc:ilc:a 'ba llerlNI' 5-8 0 Plt.totpcrum toblra 'var199ata' S•\3 !bl X\jlotma c:angsetum w z RHA IND a LOT 3 P=154.0 Common Name &TFAlleFF'RT' Tli:EE NCN PINK E6CALLa-llA PINK MEL.ALEUCA NCN INDIA MAUJTI-IOIQ:N INDIA MAIJJT"l-!OfiN PITT~ XYLoeMA IND Ghl:j, &lz• 119 5 Gallor, 3&6 & Gallor, 99 & Gallor, 82 & Gallor, & Gallor, 66 5 Gallor, 4:34 & Gallor, 28 5 Gallor, 5 Gallor, 0 LOT 2 P=154.5 LOT 1 P=154.6 ESC ~ FIT roe s LIMIT OF WO 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ~acl~ 4211 o.c:.. 42" o.e. 48" o.,;;. 6D" o.c. 12" o.c:. 612)11 o.c:.. 48° o.c:. 612)" o.c:. KEY FIT roe >-w _J lfr () 3 ~ 10' WATER EASEMENT -""""""--+++---i RMA ARB IND LINE -LIMIT WORK ----- CAL RANS CORNER SIGHT DISTANCE LINES 10' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT COF' KIR __/ r-AeeREVIATED BOTANICAL NAME NOTE: ALL &14Fi!U6& el4ALL 6E HAS BUILT" PLANTED A &' MIN. AWAY FROM APPROVED FOR PLANTING :'24'\ ARe ALL HARD&c:AFE ELEMENTS. AND IRRIGATION ONLY, '..,,.SI~• I.NE SCALE INCLUDING PRECISE DATE I"= 212'' &HRU6 FLAN LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIE'w'ED BY1 PLANT Nll"IBER (&EE LEGEND> ~ AREAS. 111111111 I I I I SHEET LS-8 INSPECTOR DATE [;JI CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS' 0 10 20 30 40 60 IPUflllll8lllii El 1111rl111t111111lt 4 6 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: l).!-1DSC,4p(' <.,,k'v,._ G-,ORI;;f No :.f.1>Cl COSTA DO SOL o/, $-~~ ~ PRODUCTION UNITS iJ I '-' fl ~ 0,: '1'< ... ~ APPROVED :tz'. /;/, /;/ ? ·-·-r~ ... //.';;!;, ' ' ..,i? ... i.. .,:.' ,, .... ~ JI, ???',.//- Anl~NINIIVTIIIRECT□R DATIDAlE J},; I ..,.. ( :,-DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. 'f 1f.' -DATE INITIAL DATE IN'IIAL DATE IN'IW. CHKD BY: /'f OF" CA\..lf&: RRIIAS157DISCNJO REVISION DESCRIPTION CT '32-IZ)I Pl HlalG•DEIICIN•I.NaC.V'E AAalTECT\JRE EN'1lltEEft Cf WORK DTHER N'PIIDVAL QTY N'PROVAL RV'w'D BY• .341-E>L GENERAL NOTES~ PLANTING I. THE CON'Tl'tACTOl't &H41 I l"'!'IOYIPE A UEl=P AeAIEi ENT~ TO AU. LAND8C5i E f"LANTINCi ANIA&~°" TO !"LANTING, PER THE L.AND8C41 Z Jf'ECIFICATIONe. 2. T1-E CGIN'1'1'tACTOR 61,,ul ' l"'l'IOVIDE Tl-IE OII.NER'& AUTI.JORIZEO IE, IE3ENTATIVE WITI-1 PHOT~ OF AU. PLANT MATERIAL..& NOT FRIOVtDED l!!IY THE OJNER FOR Al I IWVAL ~OR TO l"'Ul'f.CI.IAe AND PELIYERY. 3. NO eue&TITUTI0!-16 &HAU. !!IE AL I OIEP 1.IITI-IOUT l"RIOR LLRITTEN CGIN&ENT Of' T1-E OUNl!llil'& AUTMORIZEO IEPIIIS&ENTATIVE AND CITY IN&f'ECT~ -4. EXACT LOCATION& OF PLANT MATERIAL& &MAU. !!IE A~ !SY TI-E OU.HER'& AUTMORIZEO iE!"iEea.rtATIVE ACllOII' TO fNE'>TAI I ATION, THE ~•e AUTMORIZEO iE!"iEeENTATIVE iE~S TME RIGMT TO ADJU&T FLANT& TO EXACT LOCATION IN THE FIELD. !lo. ALL !"LANT MA~AL&, Lll"ON IN&f'ECTION !SY TME OUNER'& AUTHORIZEO iEPIIIS&ENTATIVE, &HALL eEA~ LAeEL6 VElltlf't INCi &f'ECIE& AND VARIETY TO MATCI-I TI-I06I= ON TME !"LANT Li&T. Tl-IE LAND&cAPE Al'iCHITECT OR OII.NER'& AlJll..lClRIZJ=D iE!"iE&ENTATIVE ~& TI-E RIGl-lT TO REJECT ANY MATERIAL f.JEl=f"iEl,., TO 1!!1E LNACCEPTABLE l!!IOTI-I AT Tl-IE TIMe Of' PELl'vERT" OR AFT=ft PELIVER"r' IF THE LANDSCAPE ~ITECT OR ou.NER'& AUTMORIZEP iEPiESENTATIVE I& NOT ON &ITE AT TI-IE TIMe OF DELIVER"!". 6. FINl&I-I GR,&,DE IN 8L'P'P'I AiEA& 6MA,J I l!!IE 2" eELOW FAYED eu,~ 4CE&, 3" UA-EN; e•p;K MULCI-I 16 TO l!3E USED, AND LAUN AflilEA& &MALL l!!IE 1" l!!IELOW FAVl:D ~ACE&. ALL !"LANTING Afll!EA& &HALL DRAIN AT 2lll MINil"U1 LNLE&e OTMERUl&E NOTED ON THE GRAC>iNG FLAN&. 1. ALL !'11 Ip 'e .Al'EA& NOT PLANTED WITI-I ~ eMALL 1!11: ~ WITI-1 A Tl I/ I L INCi-i (2") LAYER Of' "Gl'iiOI.ND flllEDWOOD l!!<ll'oK FOR SU=ND" !SY Al'i!TE&IA &Al.l.t)IJ6T ~~"'fr"J~ONT~,~~Al ~A~_gi ~~~~~,T~~i~R"r'- 8. e C-AI I ON TiEE& AND 24" l!!IOX STANDARD& .Al'E TO eE DOUeLE STAKED AT Tl-IE WINDWARD ANGLE. TflllEE TIE& &HALL 1!11: 'VJ.T. l!!ll'U.CE&" OIi' Tl-IE Af"Fl'ilOVED EQUIVALENT (Wll'IIE OR 1-lo&E TIE& Ale NOT ACCEFiABLE>. ~ TflllEE& PLANTING& WITH 24" l!!IOX &IZE OR L 4W-sfl" 6f.141 I INCLUDE A 6° DIAi IEll::R !SY 6' DEEP AUGEiED 61.MF A8 DE&cRll!!IEP IN THE TiEE PLANTING DETAIL&, DETAIL "I AND "'2, IF F!EQUlflllED eT &olLI!, IEFORT. ~-NO !"LANTING 6411 I TAIQ: FL.ACE LNTIL IN&TAU.ATION Of' TME if'IIRl<iATION &Y&TEM I& COMFLETE, FINAL GRADE& HA'vl: l!!IEEN E&TABLl&I-EP, l""'LANTING Al'IIEA& I fQOI Ei=:L l' GRADED/I 14..~ AflllED AND Tl-IE WC I~~ Af"Fl'ilOVED l!!IT THE OUNER'& AUTI-IORIZEO iEI iESENTATIVE. 11. TN!E& &H4L L eEAR Tl-IE &AME flllELATION TO THE FINl&H GfitADE A& AT TMe Oll'ic-lNAL.. FLACEOf'~. 12. Tl-IE ~TOR &HALL Fl'iOYIDE MATCI-IING f'OR'1& AND &IZE& FOR AU. PLANT MATEl'l!IAL& WITHIN 1::ACH T'T1"'E AND &IZE DE&IGNATl::D ON THE DRAWING&. 13. THE CONTRACTOR &MAI I Fli!OVIDE A '!el PAY MAINTENANCE ~OP AFT'E!lt COMFL.eTION AND ClU.N3II: ACCEPTANCE OF l"LANTING AND flllllltlGATION 100,..C. 14. THE ~TOR &HALL NOT 1!!11::c-lN &AID MAINTl::NANCE l"l::RIOP WITI-IOUT iECl:IViNG UlilTTEN CON6ENT FfloiOl•t TI-IE OII.NER AND/OR HI& AUTI-IORJZEP IQEI /lt!!al::NTATIVE. I&. ALL ILIATEl'l!iNG 15A&IN& &1-141 I eE l'lliEMOVEP AT Tl-IE El-JD OF THE MAINTENANCE 1"1::RIOP l.NLE86 OTI-IEl'oWl&E NOTED. 16. QJANTITIE& Ll&Tl::D ON Tl-IE COH&mtCTION P!'tAWING& OR Tl-IE FLANTiNG LEGEND ARE FOR FiEfEflllENCE ONL ,.-, THE CONTRACTOR re fllE&l"GN&ll!LE FOl'l vEf'ltlFTINCi THE G2UANTITIE& Ll&Tl::P ON Tl-IE FLAN&. M. PER LAND8C/J E MAI-IJAL, AU. TflllEE6 MU&T l!!IE IN&TAI I EP A MINIMIJ1 OF 3'0UT OF RO.Ill. LNLl::&e OTHEf'IIIIJl&E NOTED. I&. II.MERE l"Gl&eleLE TflllEE6 &HALL ee KEPT A MINIM.M OF-&•-,>• RCIOl"t WALL&, t=l::NCE&, SIDEWALK&, ~Tl: CI.IN5& AND ANY HARDecAI Z ,N GENERAL.. IF NOT l"'06&l1!!1LE CONTACT Tl-IE LAND&cAl"I:: Al'iCI-IITl::CT ORO.INER'& AUTI-IORIZEO iEF'RE&ENTATIVE f'O!I;! EXACT PLACEMENT. ta IN&TAU. PEl!F l'iJClOT cc:;;,N'll'IIOI MfllllltlEN FOR Tl'<EE& LOCATl::P WITI-IIN & FEET OF &IPE- WALK.&, WALL&. FOOTING& AND LOCATI0!-16 INDICATED ON Tl-IE !"'LAN&, A& MAI-U'ACI\RP !ST DEEP ROOT ~TION, 34& LORTON AVE. SUITE ie,3, ~iNGAMI::, CA (41!,J '44-1-464. IN&TALL FBo: MANU=ACi1.JflllER'& F!ECOMMENPATION&. FOR I& Ml I~ TflllEE& Fli!OVIPE FLANTl::Jlt 22-29-18-F. FOIi' 24" eox TiEI::& f'll<OVIPE 24-2 ROOT CONTROL eA~IER. TiEE& ALONG CAMINO PE LA& ONPA& AND HIPPEN VALLEY AOAD ALONG TI-E COH-11.HITY WALL &HALL HAVE ROOT M~IER& FBo: Tl-IE ROOT eA~IER DETAIL Tl-II& &I-IEET. 2£1. ~OR &I-IALL APHEflllE TO ANY &FECIAL IJJOlliKiNG CONDITION&, IE. NOISE, TIME Of' ''IOI'"<. LIMIT Of' w=;,..::, ETC. &ET !=ORtl-l eT TME CITY Of' CAR.&eAD, AND/OR OTHER c.oVEl'"'-IINCo AGENCIES, AND TO COOIIVINATE WITI-I Tl-IE ~ ~TOR FOIi' ADDITIONAL l1'FOR"IATION/14..GIJIF4.I 11:NT&. 21. CONTRACT°"' &1-141 I l"ROVIPE Aalflill::lNOMIC &olL &Al'1FLE& AND l'ECCM-ENPATION& IN Eic-1-!T (&J LOCATI0!-16 TO 1!9E L>EIEfiil IINEP. TE&TING AND IIIECOMMENPATI0!-16 &HAU. eE FROYIDEP l!!IT CITY OF C 4fPJ..!I! <It) Cl::lltTIFll::P ~IC SOIL& ANAL Y&i8 LAl!!I. 22. &olL I IE,~TION AND 1!!14a<FILL Fort PLANTING l"'IT8 &MALL 1!!1E A& iEc:o1'11'11::NPe eY Tl-IE ~IC &oll8 F!EFORT, THE L4Nt:'&C fl E A!e.CMITECT AND THE CITY Of' CARL.Bl! 10. CONTRACTOR &HALL INCLUDE Al I AOXIMATE co&T FOR l!!Ad<J=ILL AND &oil I IEI ERATION IN 1-116 910. l!!IIP TO 1!!1E MOPIFll::P IF iEQUll'IIEP UFON cct1FLETION OF THE &OIL TESTING AND flllECOI ff lENPATIONe. CITY OF' C,4,l'J.01!"' 64AU. ALSO NVIEW AND AFFAOVE Tl-IE &olL TE&T F!ECOMMENPATION& ACllOR TO DELl'vERT" Of' &oil AMENP- MENT& TO Tl-IE Joe &ITE. 23. AU. 81 M 11!'1 AJ £& TO 1!11= ~ANTED WITI-I ~~ &I-IALL HAVE Tl-IE ~ FL.ANTED ON A TRIANGIU 4R 9FACING FAI IEN-,i. 2-4. AFl"L ,.-!"IE-~ ~ICIPE ("1::FTAM" OIi' EQUAL) FER MAN.FACT\.IIER'& F!ECOf'1'1ENPATIGIN& TO 61 ii'" 11!!1 ,., L 4& ONL T. AP"P'L ,.-1"-2' WA~ FOI-LOWINc- Al"!"LICATION. CONTACT I-IE!lelCIDE ("flf.AD-1::-CATE ,e• OR EQUAL) &1-141 I eE .dJDPl.11::P TO LAUN AREA& ONLY FOI..LOWiNG A 1-4 DAY MOl&TENING FB'o:100 TO ENCOURAGE 1IEEP c:r.ER"IINATION. 14..MOYE ALL U.EEP& AND ~&IPUE ~ OITE. I-IE!lelCIPE Al"!"LICATOII' MUST eE LICEN&EP SY THE &TATE OF CAl..if'Ol'"IIIA. 2&. COVEi'-: CfiilOI" &HALL l!!IE A 61::1::P MIX Of' EQUAL FART& AL ,.-eeu-, "C.-,fiil E, OF &NOW" AND AL ,.-eeu-, "VIOLET QUl::l::N". AL Yeeu"1 &HAI I l!!IE PLANTED 5 Le&. FER ;A.c:::f,?E: • - BASIN TO i-£MAIN (FEi:.t'!ANENT) EXISTING &LOFE l'OOTBALL CENTE~D IN PIT FLAN LODGEFOLE TRINI< STEEL TWIST BAACE BMIN BEFoM (&+Re AfltEAe ONL .,.-), TO aE REMOVED AT END OF MAINTENANCE FERIOD ,,,---&ETC~ I" 141~ TMAN FINl&M GRADE TO ALLOW &ETTLING \>..,.....-----::.,.,,,i"li~s;:::m:tz:d;;~ FERTILIZER TAB& PEFi! &OIL& ~FORT LODGEFOLE PINE TREE &TAKE& Tfo!SATED W/ WOOD PRESE~ATIYE (MINIMUM 2" DIAMETER AND l!Zl' IN ~ j!~ I -31.-~-·----3-++-=t ------BACKFILL MIX lb PER &OIL& ~PORT ~~~±-.....---~ FIT &IDES ·"lll,.,...,._~,.✓,,½ F'Fi!I~ TO PLANTING .f....,_ __ ---'1.---::!,r-,-,-.! ~~~..,;;~;...f;iTl I ,0 tu ll ,.0 I LENGTI-IJ e.,.-, BOURBON VALLE.,.-co. P.O. eox N LA v1:RNE, CA N.T.6. ·--=-11- lWICE CGINTAINE!li WIDTH COMPACTED a-I-SITE &OIL 6ENEATM l'OOTBALL N ~ '\\ 1111 Tl'li= ~~ """"ITTT. I I~ II 11 • N ~-~'~,.H 171 SECTION ----= .. •-I l=- N.T.6. Tfo!SE &IFFORTS 'STEEL TWIST BRACE' 9.,.-VJ.T. FRC>DUCT&, INC, ~0 &. AND~AeoN DR, 6UITE 11Zl6 E&CONDIDO, CA -S202~ (61-S) 480-6102 FINl&I-I GIRADE N.T.6. TWICE CONTAINEl'il ~-AIIC,:FPED euMP UJ.EN ~QUlfltED e.,.-&OIL& ~FORT '--UNAMENDED ON-SITE SOIL BENEATM ROOTeALL 6I-IRUB PLANTING (&LOPE AREA&) TREE 6T AKING 3 TREE PLANTING (ON GRADE> l PARTIAL FLAN N.T.6. ~------GROUND COYER PLANTS, kEf--Er..: TO PLANT MA~IAL LEGEND FOR SPECIE& ,-----PLANT eFACINas, A&Ert TO PLANTING PLAN& AND LEGEND Jli PLANT& 611 t\LL BE PLANTEC> 60 NO l'QOT& &I-IALL BE VISl6LE ABO'v1= FINl&I-I GRADE Tl4E &FACING &I-IALL NOT DEVIATE F AOf I Tl-IE &FACING NOTED ON Tl4E PLANS, IF IN Tl-IE CA&E UJI-IEFtE Tl-IE PLANT MATERIAL &FACING MA& eEEN EXCEEDED TME CONTRACT~ &I-IALL ADD PLANT MATERIAL W/OUT REMOVING EXISTING MATERIAL TO 6RING PLANTING TO SATISFACTION OF Tl4E OUNER and LAND&cAFE ARCI-IITECT. &FACING '6' ROW 'A' 6 11 oc. !,.2" 8" or:.. 6.~" IIZI" OC. 8.66" 12 11 or:.. 10.4" 15" or:.. 13.IZl" 18" or:.. l&.6" 24" oc. 21Zl.8" 3el" or:.. 26£111 36" or:.. 31Zl£1" &ET CROILN I" MIGMER TMAN FINl61-1 G!RADE TO ALLOW FOR SETTLING ,,--------BASIN eEFoM (&I-IRJB AfltEAe ONLY) TO BE i-£MOVED AT END OF f MAINTENANCE ~~::===-=;~;i~r11~~[:t:;::tti~~]l~m;;::-FINl&I-I GRADE " ;!' +--Fl 1~rr.,,{~~~«'4~ £ ~ ~~-~-- N.T.6. 2...,,....o2A TWICI!: CONTAIN!llt WIDTI-I ROOTBALL CENTE~D IN PIT BACl<J=ILL HIX FER &OILS FtEFORT FERTILIZER TABLET& FER &OIL& ~PORT ~PIT&IDES FRI~ TO PLANTING CCll'-1PACTED ON-SITE $OIL eENEATM l'OOTBALL EXISTING SLOPE CVARIE& &EE PLAN) .,, BA&IN BEN-1 TO i;£MAIN (FEi:.t'!ANENT) I :;,..---&ET C~ I" 141GI-IER Tl-4AN FINl&M GRADE TO ALLOW &ETTLING ~i~,~~~[~~S,~~:~jg:=~1~1:f~fT~,~nT•---~ PIT SIC>E& '.ll' ~ I F'Fi!I~ TO PLANTING • <, • •, ,.,; '-, " . I ' ' . . . . . . . --, . ~~n,-+.=,.-"i->,:.;;,;;;.~ ,.,..;..,+,,;,.2!.;,e#J.!; t [~~ = . 111==11 TWICE N.T.5. FERTILIZER T AeLET& FER SOIL& ~PORT ROOTBALL CENTEfli£D IN PIT ----BACKFILL MIX FER &OIL& fli£POR1 --.__ COMPACTED ON·&ITE SOIL eENEATl-4 ROOTBALL ----Al IGEfli£D &UMP UJ1.1EN REQUIRED e.,.-&OIL& FtEFORT --.....___ UNAMENDED a-1-&ITE &OIL eENEATl-4 ~TeALL GROUND COVER PLANTING: 61-!RUS PLANTING (ON GRADE> 4 TREE PLANTING <&LOPE AREA&) 2 PLANTING DETAILS SHEET LS-9 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 11 AS BUIL T 11 DATE REV!Ew'ED BY1 INSPECTOR DATE t-bre-: t----+-+----------+----+--+----+-----t ~9 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ~er"~ P<Vr'"~~:1 ~---::-=.;..;..:::::-------------,1-t..=-=-j_=-=-~t..=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-,j_=-=-~t..=-=-1-=-=-~1-=-=--.j ~===----'::;========::::::...:=~ r ....,--4l.lr::;o. I~ PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: =w..J. -._,,...,,.,.,.,, ...... J.o. tlOSCApe ~ ,, ... ,,,...,....,....-r1__. ~ORGE:110,.:-f'~ COSTA DO SOL 4 ~ .ROOUCTlON UNITS l;J <"> 0:: --. ~ 7 FOR/IA SYSTFMS CADO ~ •DE91GN•LAN>SCAl'E AHCii I EcTUAE t--,=-:-=,-+=,.,.+---------------+...,,..,.,=--+-,,,,,::-:-,-+-:-c=--+=c--t OWN BY: __ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: __ ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION □Tl£R APPROVAL CITY APP~OVAL RV'w'D BY• PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CT 92-12'1 341-6L PART 1 · GENERAL l. I WORK INCLUDED SECTION 02215 LANDSCAPE GRADING Finish landscape grading. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. B. Section 01400 Quality Control. C. Section 02950 Trees, Shrubs, Vines & Groundcovers. D. Section 02920 Soil Preparation. E. Section 02930 Lawns and Grasses. F. Section 02950 Trees, Shrubs, Vines & Groundcover. 1.3 ST AND ARDS A. General: Perform work in accordance with all applicable laws, codes and regulations required by the City, County, State or Federal jurisdiction. B. Applicable Standards: All references to standards described below shall mean the current or latest conditions. C. Standard Specifications: Reference to "Standard Specifications of the State of California, Business and Transportation Agency, Departmenl of Transportation, Caltrans. D. Soils Report: A geotechnical investigation report 1s available at the Owner's office for examination. E. Field Density Tests: Intervals not exceeding 2-foot fill height with compaction tests performed by geotechnical soils engineer. F. Overcutting: Replace and compact all overcut material to required percent compaction. 1.4 LAYOUT AND SURVEY A. Licensed Surveyor or Civil Engineer: Employ a licensed surveyor or civil engineer to stake out lines and levels. B. Discrepancies: Landscape Architect reserves the right to make minor adjustments as necessary and if discrepancies are found. 1.5 SITE MAINTENANCE A. Standing Water: Keep site free of standing water at all times. Provide and maintain, grading or pumping as necessary to prevent erosion, softening of compacted surfaces and formation of mud in trenches and excavation. B. Dust: Assume full responsibility for all alleviation or prevention of dust · nuisance on or about the site. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 TOPSOIL: Refer to Section 02920 -Soil Preparation. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Suspension of Work: If grading is suspended, disturbed areas shall be brought to required grade and immediately seeded and mulched. B. Verification of Previous Work: Verify that all areas to receive imported or stockpiled topsoil has been completed prior to commencement of fine grading. 3.2 MOISTURE CONTENT: A. Inadequate Moisture Content: Add water and thoroughly mix until the moisture necessary is uniformly dispersed throughout. B. Excessive Moisture Content: Aerate by blading or other acceptable methods until moisture content is uniformly reduced to achieve required compaction. 3.3 COMPACTION. A. Standard: ASTM Test Method D 1557 maximum dry density. B. Existing Subgrade: Compact designated areas by scarifying to required depths. C. Paving Areas: l. Compact to 90% the top six (6") inches of existing subgrade and all fill areas up lo three (3 ') feet below finish grade. 2. Compact to 95% all soils within three (3') feet of the finish grade of paved areas, except that no more than twenty four (24 ") inches of existing subgrade must be compacted. D. Planting Areas: Compact fill material to 85% compaction for the top three (3') feet in bermed areas, and full depth in planter areas. 3.4 FINISH GRADING: A. General: 1. Grade smooth all planting areas after weeding, soil preparation, and soil conditioning have been completed and soil has been thoroughly water settled. 2. Provide all grades for natural runoff of water without low spots or pockets. Accurately set flow line grades at 2 % minimum gradient unless otherwise noted in Drawings. 3. Finish grades shall be smooth, even and on a uniform plane with no abrupt changes of surface. Slope uniformly between given spot elevations. 4. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are given. 5. Tops and toes of all slopes shall be rounded to produce a gradual and natural-appearing transition between relatively level areas and slopes. B. Grades: l. Tolerance: All plaming areas shall be true to grade within I inch when tested in any direction with a 10-foot straightedge. 2. Finished Grades of Shrub and Groundcover Areas: 1 ½ inches below top of adjacent pavement, headers, curbs, or walls unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 3. Finished Grades of Lawn Areas: l inch below top of adjacent pavement, curbs, or header. 3.5 CLEAN-UP: A. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. B. Clean up and remove all equipment, deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance. SECTION 02485 HYDROSEEDING PART 1 • GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Slope scarification B. Weed eradication C. Hydroseeding D. Maintenance PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Equipment shall have a built in agitation system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 20 kilos (44 lbs.) of organic mulching amendment plus fer- tilizer chemical additives and solids for each 100 gallons of water. B. Agriform 16-7-12 (plus iron), as manufactured by Sierra Chemical Company, Milpitas, California. C. Cellulose Fiber Mulch 1500 lbs.I AC. , and D. Commercial Fertilizer shall have 12 nitrogen and I 2 Phosphoric Acid 12 Potash. Fertilizer shall be granular, uniform in composition, dry free flowing. Bags shall be labeled with specific NPK Rating. E. Urea 35-0-0 commercial fertilizer. F. Seed mix -per planting legend. .. v~OSC.qpe-·. , q..~ G,-\.ORGf i;o '1'-9. ,.._r,; .,._ {o ~ ;Ji~~ <e, ~ "' ~ ~ "" ,I ~ ... u'~,~ *'t-* ..., )', ~ E: OF" CALlfO G. Slope stabilant chemical shall be Borden Soil Stabilant Polymer as manufactured by Borden Chemical Company (213) 726-2626, or Soil Seal Polymer Plastic Soil Stabilant as manufactured by Pacific Architects & Engineers (213) 381-5731. H. All hydroslurry components shall be in accordance with hortkultural/agricultural soils report to provided by the contractors. I. The contractor shall furnish upon demand to owner's authorized representative all delivery receipts and/or product identification tags for inspection/approval prior to application of hydroseed mix. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES A. Inspection of conditions: Examine related work including irrigation and grading of surfaces before proceeding with any work and inform Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative in writing on conditions which may prevent the proper execution of this work. Failure to report unsuitable conditions will require the Subcontractor to rectify unacceptable work at no additional cost to the Contractor. 3.2 WEED ERADICATION PROCEDURES A. Manually remove all existing vegetation and dispose off-site. B. Fertilize all planting areas with area 350-0-0 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 1/2 lb./1,000 S.F. C. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of two consecutive weeks. The Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative shall approve specified watering duration and frequency program designed to germinate all residual weed seeds. D. Discontinue watering process for 2 days. Then apply "Round-up" by: MONSANTO according to manufacturers specifications if perennial weeds are apparent. Apply no water for a minimum of 4 days following application of contact weed killer. Herbacide applicator shall be licensed bv the state of California. E. Allow sufficient period of time 10 insure that all weeds are dead. Follow herbicide manufacturer's directions. F. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of 3 weeks. A shorter watering period may be permissible at the discretion of the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative or his pest control advisor. Discontinue watering process for 1 day prior to the second application of the herbicide spraying. Reapplying the spraying operation with a straight contact weed killer according to pest control advisor's recommendations. Allow a minimum of 4 days without irrigation for effective final week kill. G. Clear all desiccated weeds from the slope to the finished grade, remove from site aru:I dispose of in a legal manner. H. Water all plan1ing areas thoroughly and continuously for 3 consecutive days to saturate upper layers of soil prior to hydroseeding operations. I. Allow planting area soil surface to dry out for one day only prior to the hydroseeding application. Exercise care to not allow the soil surface to be super saturated with water prior to the hydroseeding installation. At the same time the soil surface should not be bone dry. There should be some residual moisture within the first ¼" of the soil surface. J. Begin the hydroseeding operation on all areas as specified. K. Owner may shorten weed abatement period if deemed necessary. 3.3 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. Upon completion of hydroseeding operations, maintain all hydroseeding areas for a period of one year as follows: l. Irrigation system: a. Germination stage irrigation: Approximately 24 hours after hydromulching the planting areas, initiate the watering sequence. Leave the water on long enough to moisten the soil thoroughly 10 the depth of the slurry mulch taking care not 10 super saturate or wash away the slurry and seed. Perform frequent, light irrigation until seed has germinated. Repair all seed washing or erosion. b. Establishmenl stage irrigation: After germination, reduce the irrigation frequency while increasing the duration of each watering. The specific watering program shall be approved by the Landscape Architect or Landscape Coordinator, but should approximate watering once a day for 90 days. c. Hardening off stage irrigation: At the end of the 90-day establishment period as determined by the Landscape Architect or Landscape Coordinator, reduce the watering duration of the water sufficiently to allow for maximum water penetration for the expanding root system, while at the same time taking care not to cause erosion. The precise watering reduction program shall be determined by the Landscape Architect or Landscape Coordinator. d. Final determination: Watering requirements will be determined by the Landscape Architect or Landscape Coordinator upon completion of the 12 months. 2. Fertilization: Fertilize all hydro-seeded areas with an acceptable commercial fertilizer beginning 90 days from the start of the maintenance period and continuing once every 90 days until completion of the one year maintenance period. 3. Weeding: All concentrated developments of weed growth appearing in the seed mix planting areas during the maintenance period shall be removed at 30-day intervals. Sub-co111rac1or may elect to remove such concentrations of weeds manually or by an approved herbicide program for 90 days or until acceptance. 3.4 COVERAGE AND ACCEPTANCE A. Minimum coverage: Final acceptance will be given at the end of the one year period once 80-percent germination and plant establishment has been obtained, as determined by the Landscape Architect or Landscape Coordinator. B. Final approval aru:1 acceptance will be given in writing by the Landscape Architect or Landscape Coordinator following a final acceptance inspection. The Landscape Architect or Landscape Coordinator reserves the option to extend the maintenance period if he determines the project warrants further maintenance to fulfill the 80 percent coverage that is required by contract. APPROVED FOR PLANTING II AS BUIL T11 AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS REVlE'w'ED BY• S-I AREAS. INSPECTOR '. DATE ~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD I l SH£ETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS -' rm APPROVED ..f//,/' , 2.-" ~ . . _,,, .::.,, "'-· • -,:f!,l-_:.'.ii"' t ~"'--,,",/ ;, '• ... OWN BY: I PRO,J;CT NO . I ORA~ NO. D"TE INITI& F'ORl,IA SYSIDJS CAOO DAT£ INITIAL D"T£ INITIAL CHKD BY: CT-~2-~I ~•DESIGN • LANDSCAPE AACHTECTUFIE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION QTH(R APPROVAL :CITY APPROV~ RV\ID BY• : 34f-6L . I .. PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 02514 CONCRETE WORK A. Concrete walks, mow curb, tot-lot curb, and concrete footings, complete as shown, and as specified. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. B. Section 02215 -Landscape Grading 1.3 STANDARDS A. Comply with the following, except as modified in this Section: 1. ASTM -American Society for Testing and Materials. Standards as indicated, latest editions. 2. WCLIB -West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau, Standard Grading and Dressing-Rules No. 16. 3. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute -Manual of Standard Practice, MSP-1-86. 4. AC( -American Concrete Institute. Manual of Concrete Practice. 5. Uniform Building Code. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Notify Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative 48 hours in advance of concrete placement to inspect form work. Obtain approval of Owner's Represemative prior to placing concrete. B. Tests and Inspection: Concrete shall be tested and inspected by a Testing Laboi:_atory when specified herein or indicated on the Drawings. C. Percent Compaction: ASTM Dl557, percentage of the maximum in-place dry density of the same material as determined by Soils Engineer. D. Coordination: I. Coordinate all items of other trades to be furnished and set in place. 2. Ensure that such portions of their work are all or in part embedded, built-in, attached to, supported by or covered over by the concrete work are executed by them in ample time that progress of the work is not delayed. 3. Do all cutting or patching made necessary to comply with above injunction. 4. Coordinate proper installation of all accessories embedded in the concrete and for the provision of holes, openings, etc., necessary to the execution of the work of the trades. E. Lines and Levels: A licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer shall layout and establish all lines, levels, grades and positions of all parts of the work. F. Sulfate Resistant Concrete: Provide sulfate resistant concrete for all flatwork if recommended by the Geotechnical Soils Engineer. G. Final Acceptance: Concrete not conforming to required lines, details and elevations shall be modified or replaced. Concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects shall be repaired or replaced. There will be no patching, filling, touching-up, repairing or replacing of concrete unless authorized by the Landscape Architect or Owner's Represemative. l .5 SUBMITT ALS A. Samples and Product Data: Submit samples and manufacturers' latest catalog cuts and specifications of the following materials. 1. Jobsite Flatwork Panels: 10 foot X 10 foot X 4 inch for each type of concrete Finish and Color. Include required joims and treatment. 2. Color Samples: Grout and expansion joint compounds. 3. Concrete Mix Design: Three copies of each type of concrete. Include all information required by the batch plant to accurately mix the concrete proportions. Mix designs are to be based on the approved flatwork panels in item #1. See Mix Design Criteria 1.6. 4. Aggregates: Provide 3 samples of each aggregate size and type to be used in the mix design. Clearly identify the sieve size, name, and color of each sample on the comainers. Submit samples of the each of the following: a. Course Aggregate b. Fine Aggregate c. Sand 5. Expansion Joint Materials: Provide three (3) samples of expansion joint materia"s including filler, backer rod, and sealant. 6. "Speed Dowel": Provide three (3) samples of "Speed Dowel" including sleeve and base. Test Data: Submit copies of all laboratory tests and reports of all materials. 1.6 MIX DESIGN CRITERIA A. General: 1. All concrete mixes shall be proportional and designed in accordance with AC! 211.1-81 and the Uniform Building Code Section 2605, (C). 2. All mixes shall be designed for ready mix transported concrete per ASTM C94. 3. The Contractor shall employ a recognized independent Testing Laboratory to take samples of aggregates and to prepare design mixes. Proposed design mix shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect for review and approval prior to placing concrete. 4. Proportions of aggregate to cemelll for concrete shall be such as to produce a mixture which will work readily into the corners and angles of forms and around reinforcement without permitting segregation of materials or an excess of free water collection on the surface. 1.7 TOLERANCES FOR EXPOSED CONCRETE A. General: Variations below list the maximum permissible deviations from established lines, grades and·dimensions 'for all exposed concrete. B. Variation from Plumb: I. In the lines and surfaces of pavements: In 10 feet, maximum l/4 inch 2. For control-joint grooves and other conspicuous lines: a. In any 20 feet, maximum 1/4 inch b. In any 40 feet or more, 1/2 inch C. Variation from the Level or from the Grades shown per Civil Engineer Drawings: 1. In pavements: a. In any 10 feet, 1/4 inch b. In 20 feet, maximum 3/8 inch c. In 40 feet or more, 3/4 inch 2. For exposed joints and other conspicuous lines: a. In any 20 feet, maximum 1/4 inch b. In 40 feet or more, l/2 inch D. Variation in the Sizes and Locations of Sleeves and W2.ll Openings: Plus or minus 1/4 inch. E. Variation in Cross-Sectional Thickness of Sla.bs: 1. Minus 1/4 inch 2. Plus 1/2 inch F. Variation in Radii: 1. In radii of less than 10 feet: a. In any 5 feet, 1/8 inch b. In any IO feet, 1/4 inch 2. In radii of 20 feet: a. In any IO feet, 1/4 inch b. In any 20 feet, 3/8 inch 3. In radii of 30 feet or more: a. In any 20 feet, 1/2 inch b. In any 30 feet, I inch G. Testing Laboratory Services: I. Slump tests and test cylinders for structural concrete shall be performed by a testing laboratory as defined under provisions of Section 01400. Make one set of cylinders for each 150 cubic yards of 5000 square feet of slab or wall, or fraction thereof for each day's placement. Make a set at 7 days, and two at 28 days. Unless otherwise indicated in these specifications and drawings, comply with Uniform Building Code Section 2605(g) as to fre4uency of testing. 2. Test Cylinders: ASTM C31 and ASTM C29. 3. Slump Tests: ASTM C 143 Make slump test for each set of cylinders taken. 4. Remove and replace concrete that does not meet specified minimum compressive strengths. H. Responsibility of the Contractor: The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the structural adequacy of the forms, ties, shoring, and bracing. Any requirements given herein are minimum for appearance purposes only, not to be considered as structural design. 1.8 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Samples: Select a qualified testing laboratory to take samples for testing during the course of the work as considered necessary. B. Cost of Testing: Paid for by the Owner. C. Notification: Notify the designated laboratory in sufficient time to allow taking of samples at time of pour. D. Rejected Materials: Remove off the site all concrete below specified strength. E. Cost of Removal and Retesting: Pay for full costs of removal of rejected concrete and its replacement with concrete of specified strength and retesting. 1.9 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Review Date: Make a written request for review for Final Acceptance at least five (5) working days in advance. B. Completion: Work will be accepted upon satisfactory completion of all site concrete work. C. Responsibility: Upon Final Acceptance, Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance of the work. PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: I. All concrete shall be transit mixed, complying with ASTM C94. 2. All concrete shall be supplied from a single source, using a single cement, sand and aggregate supplier. B. Product Characteristics: I. Compressive Strength to be 2500 psi minimum compressive strength at 28 days, unless otherwise indicated on Drawings or required by governmental jurisdiction. 2. Slump: 4 inch maximum 3. Cement Coment: 6 sack mix. 4. Finish: See finish schedule on drawings. 2.2 CEMENT ASTM C150. Verify Portland Cement Type I, II, or V (low alkali) pending soil engineer's recommendation based on the sulfate content in the soil. No admixtures containing calcium chloride is permitted. 2.3 BASE COURSE Per the Geotechnical Soil Report. 2.4 COARSE AGGREGATE A. Description: ASTM C33, hard, durable, uncoated, washed, graded, cleaned and screed crushed rock or gravel aggregate for regular weight concrete. Do not use crusher-run stone or bank-run gravel. B. Grading: Do not use aggregate which has a maximum size exceeding 1/5 of the narrowest dimension between sides of fonns of the member for which the concrete is to be used, nor larger than 3/4 of the minimum clear spacing between reinforcing bars. Do not use coarse aggregate which exceeds: Flatwork: 3/4 inch. Footings: 1 inch. Walls: 3/4 inch. 2.5 FINE AGGREGATE A. Description: ASTM C33, clean, hard and durable sand. Do not use sand coated with injurious amounts of silt, loam, clay or other deleterious matter. B. Grading: Percent Passing Sieve Size 45-70 #17 15 -30 #50 3 -8 #100 SPECIFICATIONS 5-2 2.6 REINFORCEMENTS A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615 Grade, 60 deformed billet-steel bars. clean and free from rust, scale, or coating that will reduce bond. B. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185. Leave tags designating wire size and spacing on each roll until ready for use. C. Dowels for Expansion Joints: "Speed Dowel" as manufactured by Aztec Concrete Accessories, Inc., 14760 Santa Ana Avenue, Fontana, CA. 92337. Tel. (800) 531-3355 or (909) 829-2765. Order Number Part Description/Size PSD09/#4 Speed Dowel for #4 rebar, 1/2" & 5/8" smooth dowels PSD12/#4 PSDI2/#5 PSDl2/#6 PSD12/#7 Speed Dowel for #4 rebar, 1/2" & 5/8" smooth dowels Speed Dowel for #5 rebar, or 3/4" smooth dowels Speed Dowel for #6 rebar, or 7/8" smooth dowels Speed Dowel for #7 rebar, or 1" smooth dowels D. Tie Wires: 18 gauge minimum black annealed. Sleeve Length 9• 12" 12" 12" 12" E. Reinforcing Supports: All horizomal reinforcing. including welded wire fabric, shall be supported on approved chairs or supports. Provide metal or precast concrete block bar supports at all slabs on grade. 2.7 WATER Clean, potable, concrete mixing water free from injurious amoums of salts, oils, acids, alkalis. organic materials or other deleterious matter. 2.8 AIR ENTRAINMENT A. ASTM C260, air-entraining admixture. 2.9 EXPANSION JOINT MATERIALS A. Expansion Joint: W.R. Meadows or equal, "Ceramar" flexible foam expansion joint 1/4 inch. B. Backer Rod: Closed cell foam backer rod of the size recommended by the Manufacturer for the joint sealant. C. Joint Sealam: Gun-grade, polyurethane with a Shore 'A' hardness of not less than 40 after 72 hours. Pacific Polymers, PRC, or approved equal. D. Premolded Joint Filler: Closed cell plastic joilll filler, comaining no impregnated petroleum products. E. Bond breaker tape to be as recommended by sealant manufacturer. F. Color: Refer to Finish Schedule on Drawings. 2.10 WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS Hand tooled joim, 1/8 inch by 2 inch, with 1/8 inch radius. "Zip-strip joints" permitted in public sidewalks only. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. II AS REVIE'w'ED BY, INSPECTOR BUILT" DATE DATE I. Test Data: Submit copies of all laboratory tests and reports of all materials. fSHml \ CITY . 0 F CARLSBAD 11 SHEETS I l----+----1------------~~--+--~l---+---+--I ~ _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ 46 ~--------------------------+---+------+-----------------+----+---+----1----1 rm rom/A srsm,s c,l)(J ~•DESIGN•LAN>SCAl'E AROITECTURE ENGINEER Of' WORK ()4TE INITIAL ()ATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DTH£R ~PIWVAI. CHY APPROVAL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS OWN BY: I CHKD BY: __ _ RVVD BY, _ PROJECT HO, CT-C32-~1 2.11 WOOD FORMS A. Wood: I. Exposed Concrete Surfaces: Plywood, PSI; B face on contact side, Exterior Grade, Douglas Fir, Class I; not less that 5/8 inch thick. Mill oil or resin coat both surfaces at factory and seal edges; use type that will not stain or leave residue on concrete. 2. Unexposed Concrete Surfaces: Board forms or plywood as specified for exposed concrete surfaces. Board forms; Douglas Fir, sound, good quality, and free from loose knots; not less than 3/4 inch thick. 2.12 FORM OIL Nonstaining mineral oil type. 2.13 FORM COATING Euclid Chemical Co.'s Eucoslip, W.R. Grace's Formfilm, Noxcrete's Pre-Form, or approved equal. 2.14 CONCRETE RETARDANTS To be by Burke products or approved equal. PART 3 · EXECUTION GENERAL A. Surface Drainage: l. Provide for positive drainage on all concrete paving surfaces. 2. Report in writing any discrepancies or omissions on drawings and conditions on the site which would prevent proper drainage. 3. No "birdbaths" or other surface irregularities will be permitted. Properly correct irregularities. B. Securement: Use templates for all anchor plates, bolts, inserts and other items embedded in concrete. Accurately secure so that they will not be displaced during placing of concrete. C. Electrical Conduit: Do not embed piping, other than electrical conduit, in structural concrete. Locate conduit to maintain strength of structures at maximum. Verify size, length and location of electrical conduit. 3.1 BASE COURSE Compact as per Geotechnical Soils Engineer's recommendations. 3.2 FORMWORK A. General: 1. Construct forms accurately to dimensions, plumb and true to line and grade. Use forms that are substantial, mortar tight, braced and tied so as to maintain position and shape during placing of reinforcing and concrete. 2. No form work positioning irregularities will be permitted. 3. Wavy surfaces and bulged slab surfaces resulting from settlement or springing of formwork will be rejected. 4. Carefully verify and check all forms for alignment and level as the work proceeds. Promptly make all needed adjustments or additional bracing. B. Construction Joints: Construct and assemble forms in such a manner that joints occur at accepted locations. Thoroughly clean forms before pouring concrete. C. Details: Take extreme care in all details of forming, setting and reinforcing. Except where tooled corners are indicated, provide all exposed concrete finish work with smooth, even surfaces of dense concrete with clean sharp arises and outside corners. D. Coordination: After forms have been placed and accepted, insure that all other trades have been properly notified and are given sufficient time to complete installation of their work. E. Recesses and Openings: Provide as shown on the Drawings or as may be directed at the site. F. Reinforcing Steel: Install progressively with work of other trades. Coordinate each other's schedules so as to avoid disturbing or moving work already installed by one trade 10 admit the work of another. G. Responsibility: Each trade shall be entirely responsible for proper installation and securing of the work during placing of concrete. H. Prior to Pouring Concrete: I . Thoroughly clean out all forms to be used. 2. Thoroughly wet wood forms as required where form coatings are not used. I. Removal of Forms: I. Do not remove supporting forms or shoring until concrete has sufficient strength to carry its own weight and other loads upon it. 2. Remove forms only after concrete has properly set and without damaging concrete. 3.3 REINFORCEMENTS A. Supports: Accurately and securely fasten or support reinforcements 10 prevent displacement before or during pouring. Hang footing bars from forms. Support wire mesh with suitable metal cradles. B. Fabrication: Clean, bend and place reinforcement per ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. Bends shall conform to bend dimensions defined as standard in accordance with details in drawings. Bars shall be bent cold, and shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will injure the material. C. Reinforcement Splices: l. Splices at reinforcement shall be per ACI 318, minimum lap shall be 12 inches. 2. When required or permitted, welded splices of reinforcing bars shall conform to AWS Dl.4. D. Placing: 1. The placement of bars shall conform to the recommended practices in CRSI, Placing Reinforcing Bars. 2. Move reinforcing bars to avoid interface with other reinforcement, conduits, or embedded items. Do not exceed specified placing tolerances. 3. Provide a minimum of 2 inch concrete cover around all reinforcing. 4. Bars shall be securely tied to prevent displacement. All bars shall be tied at crossing contact. All dowels shall be secured in place before depositing concrete. 5. Welded wire fabric shall be furnished in flat sheets only. 6. Reinforcing bars partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent, except as shown in the drawings or permitted by the Structural Engineer. 7. All horizontal reinforcement including welded wire fabric, shall be supported on specified supports. Use of "hook and pull" method for welded wire fabric is prohibited. 8. Immediately after concrete is poured, thoroughly work concrete by means of vibrators, rods, spades or forks. Thoroughly work concrete around all reinforcement and into all corners of the form work. 9. Before concrete is poured adjacent to a construction joint, thoroughly clean the surface of the concrete and roughen to expose clean, solidly embedded, coarse aggregate. This may be done by means of wire brushing or washing with pressure stream of water after concrete has set for at least two hours, and not more than four hours. 3.4 "SPEED DOWEL" INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Provide sufficient quantity of "Speed Dowel" sleeves to fulfil I the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications. 2. Report in writing any discrepancies or omissions on Drawings and conditions on the site which would prevent proper placement. 3. No form work positioning irregularities will be permitted. Insure that forms are plumb and true to line and grade. Wavy surfaces and bulged slab surfaces resulting from settlement or springing of form work will be rejected. Carefully verify and check all forms for alignment and levels as the work proceeds. Promptly make all needed adjustments or additional bracing. 4. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor bend the "Speed Dowel" sleeve for proper concrete coverage. Provide a minimum of 1-1/2" inch concrete cover around all reinforcing. Accurately and securely fasten or support reinforcements to prevent displacement before pouring. 5. Do not place concrete until all reinforcing, "Speed Dowels," and conduits are i,1 place and properly fastened or covered. B. Installation: I. Provide "Speed Dowel" sleeves in locations as indicated in the drawings. If not indicated, place "Speed Dowel" sleeves at all construction and expansion joints at 18" on center beginning at 3 • from edge of slab. 2. Attach the plastic • Speed Dowel" bases to the face of the concrete form so that they will not be displaced during placing of concrete. Center the base on the form or locate as directed by the Landscape . Architect. Attachment should be made with either a single self-tapping screw for use with metal forms or nail (number 8 duplex) when attaching to wood forms. 3. Slip the "Speed Dowel" over the plastic base. 4. Place reinforcing steel and concrete according to Drawings and Specifications. For concrete cover or clearance, reinforcing steel should not be tied to, or rest upon the "Speed Dowel" sleeves. 5. Upon sufficient curing time, remove the concrete form with the "Speed Dowel" base still attached. Set aside and reuse for the next concrete pour. The "Speed Dowel" sleeve remains imbedded in the concrete, creating a perfectly aligned cavity to receive the steel slip dowel. 6. Insert the reinforcing bar or smooth steel dowel to the full depth of the plastic sleeve. The steel dowel is now in proper position and ready for the next concrete placement. The slip dowel should move freely within the "Speed Dowel" sleeve. As with any dowel system, bent or badly sheared dowels shall not be used. 3.5 CONCRETE INSTALLATION A. General: l. All concrete shall be transit mixed in accordance with requirements of ASTM C94 "Standard Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete". 2. Concrete mixing shall continue until concrete is completely discharged. Minimum of mixing time shall be 3 minutes at the job site. 3. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor add water to the concrete mix. 4. Pour concrete in formwork within 1-1/2 hours after adding water to batch. 5. ACI 305 -Recommended Practice for Hot Weathe£ Concreting; ACl306 -Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting B. Placement: l. Place all concrete in accordance with ACI 318. 2. Notify Landscape Architect a minimum of 48 hours prior to pouring concrete to allow the opportunity to review the formwork for architectural detail requirements and steel placement. 3. Brush formwork clean of all shavings or other lose or foreign matter. Ensure reinforcing steel, including dowels, bolts and anchors, conduits and other embedded materials are rigidly secured in place. Thoroughly moisten earthen and plywood forms. 4. Once concrete operation has begun, it shall be continued until the specified panel, component, or section is complete. Use of cold joints is not permitted without specific prior approval of Landscape Architect. 5. Concrete shall not be placed in water, and water shall not be permitted to rise over concrete prior to final set. 6. Do not place concrete until all reinforcing, sleeves, and conduits are in place and properly fastened or covered. 7. Clean and coat all forms prior to placement. 3.6 CURING CONCRETE A. ASTM C309 -Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. B. Cure concrete continuously for ten ( 10) days after installation, by keeping exposed surfaces moist or by using a curing compound as approved by the Landscape Architect. C. All concrete flatwork shall be fog sprayed immediately after finishing operations for 2 hours. During periods of low humidity, winds, or temperatures in excess of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, fog spray shall be applied for 4 hours. D. Immediately after fog spraying, approved curing compounds shall be applied, except where other adhesively applied finish materials are required to be installed over concrete or where exposed aggregate finishes are specified. 3.7 JOINTS A. General: 1. Locate all joints as shown on the drawings. 2. Locate all joints on forms prior to placing concrete. Form in fresh concrete using a jointer to cut the groove so that a smooth uniform impression is obtained. Strike all joints before and after brooming. 3. Saw cut joints: Mark all joints on the pavement with chalk lines. Obtain approval of joint locations from Landscape Architect prior 10 proceeding with work. Sawcut all control joints within 8 hours maximum after concrete is poured. 4. All intersecting joints 10 stop cleanly at point of intersection. Overlapping of joints into unjointed concrete panels is not permitted. 5. Control Joints: Install control joints as shown on the Drawings and not more than 20 feet in both directions . &FECIFl~TION& S-3 3.8 FINISHES A. Wood Float: l. Obtain by drawing a wood float back and forth in a swirling manner over the screened concrete. 2. The direction of the wood float to be the same character on all surfaces requiring this finish. B. Broom Finish: I. Obtain by drawing a stiff bristled broom across a floated finish. 2. Direction of brooming to be perpendicular to direction of work or as shown on Drawings. C. Steel-Trowel Finish: 1. After surface water disappears and floated surfaces have sufficiently hardened steel-trowel to a smooth surface. 2. After co~crete has set enough to ring trowel, retrowel to a uniform smooth finish, free of trowel marks or other blemishes. Avoid excessive troweling that produces burnished areas. D. Retardant finish: l. Screed, tamp and float concrete in conformance to normal installacion procedures. 2. Cool Weather While concrete is still plastic, evenly apply concrete retardant. Cover all concrete with clear plastic and protect concrete until pressure washing. 3.9 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Locations: Provide joints at locations and intervals shown on the Drawings, and where concrete paving abuts buildings, curbs, or other structures. B. Placement: Place joint materials with top edge 1/2 inch below the paved surface. Securely hold in place to prevent movement. C. Forming: Form joints and other edges in the fresh concr~te using an edging tool to provide a smooth uniform impression. Stnke all edges before and after brooming. D. Sealing: After the curing period, carefully clean expansion joints and fill with joint compound to 1/4 inch below adjacent paved surface. Avoid spilling on paved surfaces or overflow from joint. 3.10 PROTECTION AND CURING A. Protection: 1. Protect concrete work against rapid drying and damage by rain. 2. Keep concrete moist for at least seven days. Protect with wet burlap, canvas covering or liquid-curing compound. Use a covering that will not stain or discolor finished concrete surfaces. Secure acceptance of proposed method. During curing period, maintain concrete above 70 degrees F. for at least three days or above 50 degrees F. for at least five days. B. Spraying: Spray concrete during the curing period as frequently as drying conditions may require. C. Curing: Cure concrete in accordance with the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. D. Damage and Defacement: Protect all concrete work against damage and defacement during subsequent construction operations until Final Acceptance. 3.11 CONCRETE TO RECEIVE PAINT A. Remove all fins and projections by grinding. B. Fill all voids and repair broken corners as follows: 1. Apply bonding grout consisting of one pal cement to two parts fine sand passing a #30 mesh screen and latex bonding admixture as recommended by manufacturer. 2. Keep the patched area damp for (3) days. C. Apply a heavy coat of bonding grout thoroughly rubbed into the entire surface. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" REVIEl.'ED BY, INSPECTOR ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD DATE DATE l---l---+----------------+---t------jl---t--4 ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~--------------------------+---+---J~---------------,----,,----t--,--. rm FORIIA SYSm.tS CA/JO rt.A1No1G •DESIGN• I..AN)SCAl'E ARCKTl:CTVRE OAT£ INITIAL ENGINEER OF WQRI( DA TE INITIAL DA Tl: INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL .... PRODU_CTION UNITS OWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVl.'D BY• PROJECT NO. CT-to2-"'I ' I DRA'MNG NO. >P> 341-6l --... ___.. 3.12 CLEANUP A. General: Upon completion of work, immediately remove from the premises all surplus materials, tools, equipment, rubbish and debris resulting from the work. B. Cleaning and Patching: 1. Voids: Fill holes with a 1 ;3 cement and sand mortar with the same color as the adjoining concrete. Mix and place the mortar as dry as possible and finish flush with the adjacent surface. 2. Corrective patching: Correct all defects in concrete work. Chip all voids to a depth of at least 1 inch with the edges perpendicular to the surface and parallel to form markings. Fill all voids, surface irregularities, by patching or rubbing. Insure that all concrete surfaces so repaired duplicate the appearance of the unpatched .work. 3. Defective work: Remove in its entirety and replace all defective concrete work which after corrective patching, rubbing, etc., fails to duplicate the appearance of unpatched work and/or conform to the standards set forth in these Specifications. SECTION 02720 LANDSCAPE DRAINAGE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Area drains in paving and planting B. Cleanouts in paving and planting C. Subdrainage pipes and fittings D. Filter fabrics and drainage stone 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract. including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to this Section. B. Section 01400 -Quality Control C. Section 02215 -Landscape Grading D. Section 02920 -Soil Preparation E. Section 02930 -Lawns and Grasses F. Section 02950 -Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Groundcovers 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Perform work in accordance with all applicable laws, ccxles and regulations required by County of Orange, California. B. Applicable Standards: Apply the current or latest editions as described below: • Standard Specifications" -Standard Specifications of the State of California, Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation, CalTrans. "ASTM" -American Society for Testing and Materials 1.4 SUBMITT ALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturers' latest catalog cuts and specifications for each specified product. B. Samples: I. Solid and perforated drain pipe: 12 inch length and literature. 2. Filter Fabric: 24" JI. 24" with literature. 3. Drainage Matting: 24" x 24 • with literature. 4. Drainage Stone: One (I) quan with certification and source. 5. Perforated Pipe with Fabric Cover: 3 foot length with literature. 6. Clean-outs: One for each type and color. 7. Polyvinyl Slot Drain: 3 foot length and literature. 8. Plaza and Planter Area Drains: One for each type and manufacturers literature. C. Compatibility Tests: Tests required for compatibility of filter fabric or drainage mat with soil, refer to Section 02920. D. Test data: Submit all laboratory test data of all materials. E. Submittal Schedule: All prcxlucts in this section which is required for submittal shall be included in one Division 2 submittal package. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Protection of Existing Plants to Remain: See Section 02950 -Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Groundcover. B. Protection of Utilities: 1. Provide temporary support and protection of underground and surface utility structures, drains, services and other improvements noted to remain. 2. Restore all damaged improvements to original condition at no additional cost lo Owner: 1.6 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Storage: Protect materials from danrnge, waler and rust. Store pipes on beds which are full length of pipe. (Protect plastic materials from direct sunlight.) B. Pipe: Cap openings against entry by foreign matter where required. C. Damaged Materials: Remove all damaged materials and replace at no expense to Owner. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Concealed Work: Verify locations of existing stubouts to receive landscape area drains. Verify and locate existing pipes and structures to be coordinated with landscape drainage work. Review all available records and make all necessary explorations and excavations. B. Field Measurements: Establish lines and levels for each drainage system and coordinate with other systems to prevent conflicts and maintain proper clearances. C. Notification; Submit to Landscape Architect written notification of all discrepancies in the Drawings or existing conditions which preclude successful installation of landscape drainage work as specified. 1.8 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Review Date: Make a written request for review for Final Acceptance at least five days in advance. B. Completion: Work will be accepted upon satisfactory completion of all landscape drainage work. C. Responsibility: Upon Final Acceptance, Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance of the work. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPES AND FITTINGS A. PVC Subsurface Drain Pipe: Perforated PVC pipe conforming to Section 68 "Subsurface Drains" of the standard specifications: B. Polyvinyl Chloride: 1. Type: ASTM D3034, SDR-35, solid and perforated, belled end, solvent weld. 2. Manufacturer: Johns-Manville Corporation, San Mateo, CA 94403. Tel(415) 349-9500 or accepted equal. 3. Fittings Manufacturer: Dura Plastic Products Inc. of Beaumont, CA 92223. Tel (714) 845-3161. FAX (714) 845-7644, or approved equal. C. Polyethylene: 1. Type: ASTM F405 corrugated tubing and fittings, solid and perforated. (Filter fabric.) 2. Joints: SNAP (SPLIT) couplings. 3. Manufacturer: Plastic Services and Products, Inc., Sun Valley, California 91352, phone (8 I 8) 896-110 I. D. A.B.S. Plastic: I. Type: ASTM 2751, SDR-35, solid and perforated. 2. Joints: Belled ends, plain end with couplings; elastomeric with gaskets. 3. Manufacturer: Plastic Services and Products, Inc., Sun Valley, California 91352, phone (818) 896-1101. E. Planted Areas: I. Type: PVC plug (MIPT) Schedule 80; 4 inch. 2. Manufacturer: Lesco, Inc., Rocky River, Ohio, phone (216) 333-9250. v,l'IDSC4,oe' ,,,0;.~ Ci,.. \.ORGr No "l,P, 1/ :S-' {9. '1' ~ ~ ':-I I fJ ,...ti (V I ~ ' <>: ,/ -I . ~,i~ -« u' , • ""' it ~)'. *~; · e' OF CALlfO" 2.2 PRECAST CATCH BASINS A. Lawn and Planting Areas: I. Type: Design C4, Model BK, with 18 1/2 inch circular non-traffic galvanized grate and frame (bituminous dipped). 2. Manufacturer: Santa Rosa Cast Products Company, Santa Rosa, California 95401, phone (707) 546-5016 or accepted equal. B. Paved Areas: 1. Type: Design C4, Model BK, with 16 inch square cast iron grate and frame. 2. Manufacturer: Santa Rosa Cast Products Company, Santa Rosa, California 95401, phone (707) 546-5016 or accepted equal. 2.3 AREA DRAINS A. Paved Areas: 1. Type: Model No. 2010, 8 inch x 8 inch square with 1/4 inch heel- proof square holes and vandal-proof screws. Outlet size for 4 inch diameter pipe. 2. Finish: Nickel bronze. 3. Manufacturer: Jay R. Smith Co., Montgomery, Alabama 36109, phone (205) 277-8520 or accepted equal. B. Unpaved Areas: 1. Type: Model NDS-90 "Atrium" (4 inch) (6 inch) (8 inch) with 4 inch reducer brushing. 2. Finish: Black ABS plastic. 3. Manufacturer; National Drain Supplies, Inc., "SPEE-D-BASIN", Sun Valley, California, phone (213) 883-5950 or accepted equal. C. Groundcover Planting Areas: 1. Type: Model No. 2671, 6 inch diameter with outlet size for 4 inch diameter pipe. 2. Finish; Duco with cast iron body with bronze flashing collar with secured bronze dome with bronze mesh screen. 3. Manufacturer: Jay R. Smith Co., Montgomery, Alabama 36109, phone (205) 277-8520 or accepted equal. D, Lawn Areas: 1. Type; Model No. 2210, 8 1/2 inch diameter. Outlet size for 4 inch diameter pipe. 2. Finish: Duco cast iron body with cast iron grate and sediment bucket. 3, Manufacturer: Jay R. Smith Co., Montgomery, Alabama 36109, phone (205) 277-8520 or accepted equal. 2.4 SAND BACKFILL Fine granular material naturally produced by the disintegration of rock, sufficiently free of organic material, mica, loam, clay and other deleterious substances to be thoroughly suitable for pipe bedding. 2.5 PERMEABLE BACKFILL Section 68, • Subsurface Drains• of the Standard Specifications. Permeable material to be Class 2. 2.6 IMPORTED STRUCTURAL BACKFILL Section 19, •Earthwork", of the Standard Specifications for structural backfill. 2.7 FILTER FABRIC AND PERMEABLE PLANTING SOIL MIX See Soil Preparation -Section 02920. 2.10 SUBDRAINAGE MATERIALS A. Pipes and Fittings; See 2.01. B. Filter Fabric: "Stabilenka" T-100, as manufactured by the American Excelsior Company of Arlington, TX 76011.Tel(817)640-1555. C. Drainage Mat: "Enkadrain" No.9120, as manufactured by the American Excelsior Company of Arlington, TX 76011.Tel(817)640-1555. 3.1 GENERAL A. Existing Utilities: Where grade or alignment of pipe is obstructed by eJ1.isting utility structures such as conduits, ducts or pipes, permanently suppon, relocate, remove or reconstruct the obstruction. B. Deviations: Make no deviations from specified line or grade without written acceptance of change by Landscape Architect. C. Verification: Verify rim elevations ur area Jrains relative to auja..:cnt paving prior to beginning of work. 3.2 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING A. General: Conform to Section 19, "Eanhwork" of the Standard Specifications and as supplemented herein. Hand trim excavations to required elevation. Do not over-excavate. B. Obstructions and Debris; Remove hardpan, rock, mud, quicksand, debris or other unsuitable bedding material. Funher excavate the trench a suitable limit as directed by the Engineer. Backfill with impon material approved by the Engineer that will provide adequate pipe bedding. C. Compaction of Backfill: 95 % percent relative density. D. Backfill: I. Use for backfilling around the pipe and to 12 inches above the top of the pipe. Backfill the remaining trench with excavated material. If excavated material is unsuitable for compaction, use imported suitable material. 2. Do not permit sand backfill material to mill. with structural backfill within the subdrain area. 3.3 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Standard: Install and test all pipe in accordance with Section 71, "Sewers" of the Standard Specifications. B. PVC Pipe: Install as detailed in the Drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer's current printed recommendations. 3.4 PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE IN TRENCH A. Preparation of Trench: Accurately excavate trench as shown on the Drawings. B. Filter Fabric: Place fabric in bottom of trench and extend up sides and beyond trench. Overlap 12 inches at ends of rol I. C. Drain Rock and Pipe: Install bedding portion of drain rock and bed pipe in place. Do not damage or displace filter fabric. D. Review: Prior to installing remaining drain rock backfill, request review by Landscape Architect for progress of the work. E. Closing: Upon acceptance, add remaining drain rock and lap over the ends of the filter fabric as shown on the Drawings. F. Soil Backfill; Backfill with permeable planting soil mix to a minimum depth of 6 inches above filter fabric as shown on Drawings. G. Protection: Be responsible for protection of trench drain installation until commencement of work under Soil Preparation -Section 02920. 3.5 AREA DRAINS A. Install as shown on the Drawings and in strict accordance with the manufacturer's current specifications. 3.6 CLEAN UP A. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. B. Upon completion of work, remove off the site all surplus materials, tools, equipment, rubbish and debris resulting from the work. APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" SFECIFICATIONS AND IRRIGATION ONLY, S~4 INCLUDING PRECISE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REV!E'wED BY• AREAS. !NSPCCTDR DATE I s~~T 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 SH~:TS I PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL _, PRO~UCTION UNITS rm APPROVED~'?' U,,,.; ·-2'. ~· ':'t~ ,,. )',.. ·* ,,.JI _;...· ,,'./, ·:.,., 16 e ' D""' BY: 1 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. F'ORMA Sl'S1lJIS CAW DATE INITIAi. DATE INITIAL DAlE INITIAi. CHKD BY: ~•DESIGN•LAN>9CAl'E AROITECTUAE ENQNEER r:F WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER ,<,PPllOVAL CITY -'PPROVAI. RV\¥D BY• C..T-0)2.-01 34/ -c:;,L SECTION 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Scope of Work: Provide all labor, materials, transportation and services necessary to furnish and install irrigation systems as shown on the Drawings and described herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Review the General Contract Conditions and Division One, General Req~ireme~ts, which contain information and requirements that apply to this Secuon. B. C. L·. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. 1.4 A. Section 02920 -Soil Preparation Section 02950-Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Groundcovers Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance STANDARDS Applicable Standards: Comply with the current applicable provisions of the following, with applicable codes and regulations of the City of Carlsbad and as specified. "UPC" -Uniform Plumbing Code published by the Association of Western Plumbing Officials "ASTM" -American Society for Testing and Materials Permits and Fees: The Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all permits and all inspections as required. Manufacturer's Directions: Manufacturer's directions and detailed Drawings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the Drawings and Specifications. Ordinances and Regulations: All local, municipal and state laws, and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these Specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these Specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations or requirements of the same. However, when these Specifications and Drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship or construction of a better quality or higher standard than is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these Specifications and Drawings shall take precedence. Explanation of Drawings: I. Due to the scale of Drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc. which may be required. The Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting and architectural features. 2. The term Landscape Architect as used herein shall refer to the Owner's authorized representative. 3. All work called for on the Drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the Specifications. 4. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the Drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might noc have been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Owner's authorized representative. In the event this notification is not performed, the irrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. SUBMITTAL$ Material List: I. The Contractor shall furnish the articles, equipment, materials or processes specified by name in the Drawings and Specifications. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the Landscape Architect. 2. Complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number and description of all materials and equipment to be used. Although ~anuf~cturer and other information may be different, the following 1s a guide to proper submittal format: Item Description I. 2. 3. 4. Backtlow preventer Control valves Quick coupling valve 12" pop-up spray head Manufacturer Model No. Griswold Griswold Nelson Rainbird DW-PRV DW-PRV 7645 1812 w/PRS/nozzles 3. Irrigation submittal must be specific and complete. All items must be listed and should include solvent/primer, wire, wire connectors, valve boxes, etc. No copies of manufacturer's literature (catalog cuts) are required as submittal information, unless requested. 4. The Contractor may submit substi1u1ions for equipment and materials listed on the irrigation Drawings by following procedures as outlined in Section 1.6 of the Irrigation Specifications. 5. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval oF "Tl-le c.-ny 411-e Landscape Architect may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 6. Approval of any item, alternate or substitute indicates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted. 7. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. B. Record Drawings: 1. The Contractor shall provide and keep up to date a complete record set of blueline ozalid prints which shall be corrected daily and show every change from the original Drawings and Specifications and the exact in place locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Landscape Architect al cost. This set of Drawings shall be kepi on the site and shall be used only as a record set. 2. These Drawings shall also serve as w;rk progress sheets and shall be the basis for measurement and payment for work completed. The Contractor shall make neat and legible annotations thereon daily as the work proceeds, showing the work as actually installed. These Drawings shall be available at all times for inspection and shall be kept in a location designated by the Landscape Architect. 3. Before the date of the final inspection, the~ ~hall transfer all information from the record prints to an ozalid sepia, procured from the Landscape Architect. All work shall be neat, in ink and subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect. 4. The Contractor shall dimension from two permanent points of reference, building corners, sidewalk or road intersections, etc., the location of the following items: a. Connection to existing water lines. b. Connection to existing electrical power. c. Gate valves. d. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension maximum 100 feet along routing). e. Sprinkler control valves. f. Routing of control wiring. g. Quick coupling valves. h. Other related equipment as directed by the Landscape Architect. 5. On or before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed sepias to the Landscape Architect. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the Contractor of the respansibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. C. Controller Charts: 1. Record Drawings shall be approved by the Landscape Architect before controller charts are prepared. 2. Provide two controller charts for each controller supplied. (One for the controller enclosure and one to the Owner.) 3. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. 4. The chart is lo be a reduced drawing of the actual in place system. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. 5. The chart shall be a blackline or blueline ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the zone of coverage for each station. 6. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between the two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum of 10 mils. 7. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to final inspection of the irrigation system. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: I. Prepare and deliver to the Landscape Architect within ten calendar days prior to completion of construction, two hard cover binders with three rings containing the following information: a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number list of equipment with name and addresses of local ' manufacturer's representatives. b. Guarantee statement. c. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment installed under this contract. d. Co1?plete operating and maintenance instruction on all major equipment. 2. In addition to the above mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the Owner's maintenance personnel with instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the Landscape Architect at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. E. Equipment to be Furnished: 1. Supply as part of this contract the following tools: a. Two sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project. b. Two 30 inch valve keys for operation of gate valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. One quick coupler key and matching hose swivel for every five quick coupling valves installed. 2. The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the Owner at the conclusion of the project. Before final inspection can occur, evidence that the Owner has received material must be shown to the Landscape Architect. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING OF PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS The Contractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storing of PVC pipe and fittings. All PVC pipe shall be transported in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated external load at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. 1.6 SUBSTITUTIONS A. If the irrigation contractor wishes to substitute any equipment or materials for those equipment or materials listed on the irrigation ~rawing~ and Specifications, he may do so by providing the following mformauon to the Owner's authorized representative for approval: 1. Provide a statement indicating the reason for making the substitution. Use a separate sheet of paper for each item to be substituted. 2. Provide descriptive catalog literature, performance charts and flow charts for each item to be substituted. 3. Provide the amount of cost savings if the substituted item is approved. B. A city authorized representative shall have the sole responsibility in accepting or rejecting any substituted item as an approved equal to those equipment and materials listed on the Irrigation Drawings and Specifications. 1.7 GUARANTEE A. The guarantee for the sprinkler irrigation system shall be made in accordance with the attached form. The general conditions and supplementary conditions of these Specifications shall be filed with the Owner or his representative prior to acceptance of the irrigation system. B. A copy of the guarantee form shall be included in the Operations and Maintenance Manual. C. The guai:-antee form shall be retyped onto the Contractor's letterhead and contain the following information: SPECIFICATIONS S-5 • GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect expected. We agree to repair or replace all defects in material or workmanship which may develop during the period of one year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace all damages resulting from the repair of such defects at no additional cost to the Owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after receipt of written notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after receipt of written notice from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefor upon demand. PROJECT:. ____________________ _ LOCATION: CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: LICENSE NO: --------- ADDRESS: ------------------------ PHONE: ------------------------- DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE: ------------------- SIGNED: ______________ DATE: PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS CMWD Specifications takes precedence for AC water systems. A. General: Use only new materials of brands and types noted on Drawings, specified herein or approved equals. B. PVC Pressure Mainline Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pressure mainline piping for sizes 2 inches and larger, shall be PVC Class 315. 2. Pipe shall be made from an NSF approved Type I, Grade I, PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification DI 784. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70, with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.) (solvent-weld pipe). 3. Pressure mainline piping for sizes 1-1/2 inches and smaller shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent-welded joints. 4. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type I. Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTM Resin Specification 1785. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-21-70 (solvent-weld pipe). 4. PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM test procedure D2466. 5. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. 6. All PVC pipe must bear the following markings: a. Manufacturer's name b. Nominal pine size c. Schedule or class d. Pressure rating in psi. e. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval f. Date of extrusion 7. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicable I.P .S. schedule and NSF seal of approval. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 11 AS REV!El,IED BY, INSPECTOR BUILT 1 ' DATE DATE !CITY OF CARLSBADJIStfi~I ~--1-----+-----------------+---+-----l----+-----1 _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 ,----------------------------+--+--+---------------------1---l---+--4----1 rm.. roRIIA S"rSJDtS CADO l'UNNlfG•DE81GN•l.Al'l)9CAl'E AACIITECTUAE DAlt INITiAl. [NGINEIR Df WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OA 1t INITIAL DA TE INITIAi. □THER APPl!DVAl. OT'/ APPROVAi. PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL ~~OOU~TION UNITS APPROVED OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWINC NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RV'wD BY, CT-~2-'2'1 341-6L C,, M,W, \;?, C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Piping: I. Non-pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC class 200 with solvent-weld joints. 2. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type I, Grade II PVC compound conforming to ASTM Resin Specification DI 784. All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70 with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. 3. Except as noted in paragraph 1 and 2 of Section 2.1.C. all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same as for solvent-weld pressure mainline pipe and fittings as set forth in Section 2.1.8 of these Specifications. Brass Pipe and Fittings: 1. Where indicated on the Drawings, use red brass screwed pipe conforming to Federal Specification No. WW-P-351. 2 .. Fittings shall be red brass conforming to Federal Specification No. WW-P-460. Galvanized Pipe Fittings: 1. Where indicated on the Drawings, use galvanized steel pipe ASA Schedule 40 mild steel screwed pipe. 2. Fittings shall be medium galvanized screwed beaded malleable iron. Galvanized couplings may be merchant coupling. 3. All galvanized pipe and fittings installed below grade shall be painted with two coats of Koppers No. 50 Bitumastic. Gate Valves: I. Gate valves 3 inches and smaller shall be 125 pound SWP bronze gate valve with screw-in bonnet, non-rising stem and solid wedge disc. 2. Gate valves 3 inches and smaller shall have threaded ends and shall be equipped with a bronze handwheel. 3. Gate valves 3 inches and smaller shall be similar to those manufactured by Nibco or approved equal. 4. All gate valves shall be installed per installation detail. Quick Coupling Valves: I. Quick coupling valves shall have a brass two piece body designed for working pressure of 150 psi operable with quick coupler. Key size and type shall be as shown on plans. Backflow Prevention Units: 1. Backflow prevention units shall be of size and type indicated on the irrigation drawings. Install backflow prevention units in accordance with irrigation construction details. 2. Wye strainers at backflow prevention units shall have a bronzed screwed body with standard mesh monel screen and shall be similar to Bailey No. lOOB or approved equal. 3. All pressure mainline piping between the point of connection and the backflow preventer shall be installed as required by local code. The Contractor shall verify with the local governing body as to material type and installation procedures prior to start of construction. Submit shop drawing for approval. Check Valves: I, Swing check valves 2 inches and smaller shall be 200 pound W.O.G. bronze construction with replaceable composition, neoprene or rubber disc and shall meet or exceed Federal Specification WW-V-51d, Class A, Type IV. 2. Anti-drain valves shall be of heavy duty virgin PVC construction with F.I.P. thread inlet and outlet. Internal parts shall be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti-drain valve shall be field adjustable against draw-out from 5 to 40 feet of head. Anti-drain valve shall be similar to the Valcon • ADV" or approved equal. Control Wiring: 1. Connections between the automatic controllers and the electric control valves shall be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U .F. 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be a different color wire for each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each automatic controller. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than No. 14. 2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines wherever possible. 3. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together at intervals of 10 feet. 4. An expansion curl shall be provided at each major change of direction and within 3 feet of each wire connection. Expansion curl shall be of sufficient length at each splice connection at each electric control valve, so that in case of repair, the valve bonnet may be brought to the surface without disconnection of the control wires. Control wires shall be laid loosely in trench without stress or stretching or control wire conductors. 5. All splices shall be made with Scotch-Lok No. 3576 connector sealing packs, Rai nbird Snap-Tite wire connector or approved equal. Use one splice per connector sealing pack. 6. Field splices between the automatic controller and electrical control valves shall not be allowed without prior approval of the Landscape Architect. K. Automatic Controllers: I. Aucomatic controllers shall be as indicated on the plan. 2. Final location of automatic controllers shall be approved by the Owner's authorized representative. 3. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, the 120 volt electrical power to the automatic controller location shall be furnished by others. The final electrical hook-up shall be the responsibility of the irrigation contractor. L. Electrical Control Valves: 1. All electrical control valves shall be the same manufacturer as indicated on the irrigation plans. 2. All electric control valves shall have a manual flow adjustment handle and bleed cock for manual operation. 3. Provide and install one control valve box for each electric control valve. M. Control Valve Boxes: I. Use 10 inch x 10-1/4 inch round box for all gate valves. Carson Industries No. 910-12 with green bolt down cover or approved equal. Extension sleeve shall be PVC -6 inch minimum size. 2. Use 9-1/2 inch x 16 inch x 11 inch rectangular box for all electrical control valves, Carson Industries 1419-128 with green bolt down cover or approved equal. 3. Purple bolt down cover is required for R.C. water system. N. Sprinkler Heads: I. All sprinkler heads shall be of the same size, type and deliver the same rate of precipitation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure and discharge as shown on the plans and/or specified in these special provisions. 2. Spray heads shall have a screw adjustment. 3. Riser units shall be fabricated in accordance with the details shown on the plans, 4. Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the same size as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 5. All sprinkler heads of the same type shall be of the same manufacturer. 0. Paim for Controller Enclosure: I. General: Miscellaneous non-brass metal, exposed boxes, frames and pipes subject to Landscape Architect's approval, shall be painted. 2. Life of Finish: At the end of one year, colors of all surfaces finished under this section shall have remained free from serious fading; no variations will be allowed. There shall be no evidence of blistering, running peeling, sealing, chalking, streaking or staining at the end of this period. 3. Color and Materials: Color to be dark green. Submit specifications of paint to Landscape Architect prior to use. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Site Conditions: l. All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check and verify all size dimensions and receive the Landscape Architect's approval prior to proceeding with work under this section. 2. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations or neglect. Check any existing utility drawings for existing utility locations. 3. Coordinate installation of irrigation materials, including pipe, so there shall be NO interference with utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs and groundcovers. 4. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the irrigation system. 5. City inspection and approval is required of each stage or the irrigation system installati, The contractor shall coordinate with the City's Authorized representative for each inspecti( 3.2 PREPARATION A. Physical Layout: 1. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stake out all pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads. 2. All layout shall be approved by Landscape Architect prior to installation. B. Water Supply: I. The irrigation system shall be connected 10 water supply points of connection as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shown on the Drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. C. 3.3 A. B. C. D. E. Electrical Supply: 1. Electrical connections for automatic controller shall be made to electrical points of connection as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shown on the Drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. EXCAVATING AND TRENCHING General: Perform all excavations as required for installation of work, including shoring of earth banks, if necessary. Trenching: 1. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and as noted. 2. Provide for a minimum cover of 18 inches for all pressure supply lines. 3. Provide for a minimum cover of 12 inches for all non-pressure lines. 4. Provide for a minimum cover of 18 inches for all control wiring. Backfilling: 1. The trenches shall not be backfilled until all required tests are performed. Trenches shall be carefully backfilled with the excavated materials approved for backfilling, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stone. Backfill shall be mechanically compacted in landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil. Backfill will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or other surface irregularities. 2. A fine granular material backfill will be initially placed on all lines. No foreign matter larger than 1/2 inch in size will be permitted in the initial backfill. 3. Flooding of trenches will be permitted only with approval of the Landscape Architect. 4. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjustments in pipe, valves, sprinkler heads, lawn or planting or other construction are necessary, the Contractor shall make all required adjustments without cost to the Owner. Trenching and Backfilling Under Paving: l. Trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltic concrete or concrete will be installed shall be backfilled with sand (a layer 6 inches below the pipe and 3 inches above the pipe) and compacted in layers to 95% compaction, using manual or mechanical tamping devices. Trenches for piping shall be compacted to equal the compaction of the existing adjacent undisturbed soil and left in a firm unyielding condition. All trenches shall be left flush with the adjoining grade. The sprinkler irrigation contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piping under paving prior to the paving work. 2. Generally, piping under existing walks is done by jacking, boring or hydraulic driving, but where any cutting or breaking of sidewalks and/or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by the Contractor as part of the contract cost. Permission to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained from the Landscape Architect. No hydraulic driving will be permitted under concrete paving. Compact all backfill to 95 % dry density and dispose of waste off site. Replacement pavement shall match existing in structure, material and appearance. 3. Provide for a minimum cover of 18 inches between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for all pressure and non-pressure piping installed under asphaltic concrete paving. Conduit and Sleeves: I. Coordination: Sleeving will be existing only when installed under another contract. For all other installations, provide materials and coordinate conduit and sleeve installation with other trades as required to facilitate smooth construction sequence. 2. Conduit: Furnish and install conduit where control wires pass under or through walls, walks and paving. Conduits to be of adequate size to accommodate retrieval for repair of wiring and shall extend 12 inches beyond edges of walls and pavement. 3, Sleeving: Install sleeves for all pipes passing through or under walks and paving as shown on the Drawings. Sleeving to be of adequate size to accommodate retrieval of wiring or piping for repair and shall extend 12 inches beyond edges of paving or other construction. 4. Conduit and sleeving shall be sch. 80 with 36" cover under vehicle paving, per legend. rm_ , 5F'EC/F/CAT/ONS 5-b D"' TE INIT1"'1. F. Assemblies: l. Routing of irrigation lines as indicated on the Drawings is diagrammatic. Install lines (and various assemblies) in such a manner as to conform with the details per plans. 2. Install NO multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. 3. Install all assemblies specified herein in accordance with respective detail. In absence of detail drawings or specifications pertaining to specific items required to complete work, perform such work in accordance with best standard practice with prior approval of Landscape Architect. 4. PVC Pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and moisture before installation. Installation and solvent welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe and fitting manufacturer. Install no assembly into a trench which has standing water. 5. On PVC to metal connections, the Contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape or approved equal, shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC and on all threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure is all that is required. Where threaded PVC connections are required, use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. Use strap-type friction wrench only --no metal jawed wrench. G. Line Clearance: All lines shall have a minimum clearance of 6 inches from each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. H. Automatic Controller: Install as per manufacturer's instructions. Remote control valves shall be connected to controller in numerical sequence as shown on the Drawings. I. High Voltage Wiring for Automatic Controller: I. 120 volt power connection to the automatic controller shall be provided by the irrigation contractor. 2. All electrical work shall conform to local codes, ordinances and union authorities having jurisdiction. J. Remote Control Valves: Install where shown on the Drawings and details. When grouped together, allow at least 12 inches between valves. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve box. Align all boxes in a row. K. Flushing of System: 1. After all new irrigation system valves, pipelines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed and prior to installation of sprinkler heads or emitters, the control valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the system. 2. Sprinkler head and emitters shall be installed only after flushing of the system has been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. Reflush emitter lines after installation of emitters. L. Sprinkler Heads: I. Install the sprinkler heads as designated on the Drawings. Sprinkler heads to be installed in this work shall be equivalent in all respects to those itemized. 2. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum indicated on the drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. M, Quick Coupling Valves: Install on a swing joint assembly as detailed on the Drawings. 3.4 TEMPORARY REPAIRS A. The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the sprinkler system equipment in operating com.lition. The exercise of this right by the builder/developer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the terms of the guarantee as herein specified. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. BUILT" DATE REV!Ew'ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DA TE INITI.-L D"' TE INl11"'1. OWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. FOffl,fA Sl".SIDIS C:WO 1'LA...«i • DE91GN • LAN>SCAPE AROfTECTUFIE ENCINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAi. CHKD BY: __ _ RVw'D BY, CT-92-~1 . 341-bL - 3 .5 EXISTING TREES A. Where ii is necessary 10 excavate adjacent to ex:s1ing trees, lhe Contractor shall use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation in areas where 2 inch and larger roOls occur shall be done by hand. All roots two inches and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be IUnneled under and shall be heavily wrapped in burlap, to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching machine is run dose to trees having roots smaller than 2 inches in diameter, the wall of the lrench adjacent to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots I inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with two coats of Tree Seal or equal. Trenches adjacent to trees should be closed within 24 hours; and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with moist burlap or canvas. 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Adjustment of the System: I. The Contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for . optimum performance and to prevent oversprny onto walks, roadways and buildings as much as possible. 2. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Contractor shall make such adjustments prior to planting. Adjustments may also include changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of arc as required. 3. Lowering and raising sprinkler heads or any other adjustments by the Contractor shall be accomplished with ten days after notification by Owner. 4. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise designated on the plans. B. Testing of Irrigation System: 1. The Contractor shall request the presence of the Landscape Architect in writing at least 48 hours in advance of testing. 2. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 125 pounds per square inch and prove watertight. Note: Testing of pressure mainlines shall occur prior to installation of electric control valves. 3. All piping under paved areas or on structure shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 125 pounds per square inch and proved watertight, prior to paving. 4. Sustain pressure in lines for not less than four hours. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system is proven watertight (maximum allowable pressure drop is 4 psi). S. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the Landscape Architect or other duly authorized representative of the Owner. No pipe shall be backfilled until it has been inspected, tested and approved in writing. 6. Furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment. 7. When the irrigation syslem is completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Landscape Architect, to determine if the water coverage for planting areas is complete and adequate. This test shall be accomplished before any turf or groundcover is plan1ed. 8. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage, 9. City inspection and approval is required of each stage uf the irrigation system installation. The contractor shall coordinate with the City's Authorized representative for each i:J~pection. 3.7 MAINTENANCE A. The entire irrigation system shall be under full automatic operation for a period of seven days prior to any planting. B. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to waive or shorten the operation period. 3.8 CLEAN-UP A. Clean-up shall be made as each portion of work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be broomed or washed down and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to original condition, 3.9 FINAL OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor shall operate each system in its entirety for the Landscape Architect at time of final observation. Any items deemed not acceptable shall be reworked to the complete satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. B. The Contractor shall show evidence to the Landscape Architect that the Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings and equipment as required before final inspection can occur. 3.10 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect in advance for the following observations, according to the time indicated: I. Pre-job conference -7 days 2. Sleeve installation -48 hrs. 3. Automatic controller installation and testing -48 hrs. 4 Automatic controller insrnllation • 48 hrs. 5. Lateral I ine and sprinkler installation -48 hrs. 6. Emitter tubing and emitter installtion -48 hrs. 7. Coverage test -48 hrs. 8. Final observation -7 days B. When observations have been co!liiucted by other than the Landscape Architect, show evidence of when and by whom these observations were made. C. No observation will commence without the record drawings. In the event the Contractor calls for an observation without record drawings, without completing previously noted corrections or without preparing the system for observation, he shall be responsible for reimbursing the Landscape Architect at the hourly rate in effect at the time of the observation visit and for portal (plus transportation costs) for the inconvenience. No further observations will be scheduled until this charge has been paid. SECTION 02920 SOIL PREPARATION PART 1 · GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide planting media amendment B. Provide testing and/or certification of soils C. Amending of existing soil for planting D. On structure media for planters. E. Mixing of planting mediums. F, Testing of amended mediums. G. Transporting and storage of soils and planting mediums. H, Machinery and loading restrictions. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Section 028 IO -Irrigation Systems C. Section 02950 -Trees, Shrubs, Vines & Groundcovers D. Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Certificates of Inspection: Provide those required by law for transportation, with invoice. File copies of certificates with Landscape Architect after acceptance of material. Inspection by governmental officials at point of origin does not preclude rejection of materials al project site. B. Intent: The amendments and quantities included herein are approximate and are for bidding purposes only. Following an on-site soil analysis by the L.L.Complete Green Company or other approved agricultural soils analysis company, composition of amendments may change. Contract price shall be adjusted accordingly. 1.4 BIDDING A. The amendments, quantities and procedures included herein are for bidding purposes only. Following an on-site agricultural soil analysis after the rough grading, the amendments and quantity and procedures may change. B. Agricultural soil analysis tests shall be paid for by the Owner. 1.5 SUBMITTAL$ A. Samples and Product Data: Prior to delivery to site, submit samples(S) certification(C) and manufacturer's literawre (ML) for the following items: 1. Organic Amendments: S of I pt.for each type,C or ML 2. Soil Mixes: S of 1/2 pound for each type and C. 3. Sand: S of 1/2 pound and C. 4. Chemical Additives: S of I pint for each type,C and ML. S. Import Topsoil: S of One (1) Pint and C. 6. Perforated Drainline: S of One (1) Linear Foot and ML .. 7. Filter Fabric: S of One (1) square foot and ML. 8. Drnin Rock: S of One (I) Pini and C. v-t-1D SCA µe' 01:-.. c..\.ORGE No -1,j>C' ;.; "' 1c -!'?I'.~ J ~ ~ fJ• lj/frtllr'-1 ~ "" [/ ..... '• ~ iii a!JL• /,, .... V, ~ J";, ( I J<O >,.'I" ' -1r. ~~ '\ I: 0{: CA 1,.1 fO B. Test Data: Submit all laboratory test data for all malerials. C. Submittal Schedule: All products in this section which are required for submittal shall be included in one Division 2 submittal package. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Labeling: Furnish standard products in unopened manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels showing quantity, analysis and name of manufacturer. B, Storage: Store products with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. 1. 7 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Sampling: Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request by Landscape Architect. B. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. C. Testing: Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. E. Testing Agency: L.L. Complete Green Company of Los Angeles, CA 90025. Tel. (213) 475-3664). Mr. Garn Wallace or approved equal. 1.8 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Acceptance: Work will be accepted by the Landscape Architect upon satisfactory completion of all soil preparation work. B. Notification: Allow 48 hours prior notifications to the Landscape Architect for review of soil preparation prior to proceeding with planting operations. PART 2 · PRODUCTS 2.1 TOPSOIL A. Topsoil: Material required for landscape and finished grading operations shall conform to the requirements included in this section. B. General Qualifications: Topsoil shall be fertile, friable, well-drained soil, of uniform quality, free of stones over I inch diameter, sticks, oils, chemicals, plaster, loxic substances, concrete and other deleterious materials, as a planting medium for the project. 1. Grading: Sieve Size 25.4 mm (I") 9.51 mm (3/8") 53 Micron (270 mesh) Percent Passing Sieve 95 · 100 85 -100 10 · 30 2. Chemistry -Suitability Considerations: a. Salinity: Saturation Extract Conductivity (EC. x 103@ 25 degrees C.) less than 4.0. b. Sodium: Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) less than 9.0. c. Boron: Saturation Extract Concentration less than 11.0 PPM. d. Reaction: pH of Saturated Paste: 5.5 -7.5. 3. Parasites: Test all soils which have been used for agricultural purposes within the prior 12 months for parasitic nematodes, Soil shall be acceptable if the parasitic nematode population is less than 200 per 50 cubic centimeters of soil. Do not artificially dry soil prior to testing. 4. Herbicide: Perform a radish/ryegrass growth trial if herbicide contamination is suspected. Consult with Landscape Architect prior to testing. C. Existing Soil to be Amended: Inspect existing soil and do all work necessary to bring it to standards sped fled under "General Qualifications" above. Amend as specified herein. 1. The Contractor shall schedule a site visit with the Project Soils Consultant for the purpose of conducting soils analysis and water percolation tests. Soil samples and water percolation studies shall be taken from six typical tree locations and delivered by the Soils Consultant to the designated soil testing laboratory. Submit soils analysis and recommendations to the Landscape Architect for acceptance. Soil analysis shall indicate quantities, chemical properties and recommended manufacturer or supplier. 2. Areas of existing soil to be amended shall be all areas to be planted. 2.2 ORGANIC AMENDMENTS A. Nitrogen-Treated Sawdust: sawdust. I. Physical Properties: Percent Passing 95-100 80-100 0-30 2. Chemical Properties: Derived from redwood, fir or cedar wood Sieve Size 6.35 mm. (l/4") 2.38 mm. (#8, 8 mesh) S00 micron (#35, 32 mesh) a. Nitrogen content (dry weight basis): Wood of Redwood Wood of Fir/Cedar 0.4 -0.6% 0.56 -0.84% b. Iron content (dry weight basis): Minimum 0.08% iron as metallic c. Soluble salts: Maximum 3.5 mmhos/cm 25 degrees C. as determined by saturation extract method. d. Ash (dry weight basis): 0 -6.0% B. Soil Organic Amendment: The product shall be based upon manure, compost or sludge. Wood residues, sawdusts or shavings are not acceptable. The as content shall be at least 15% and not more than 25 % . Sand content shall be less than 2 % . The ph shall not be less than 5.0 or more than 7 .5. The ECe shall be less than 8.0. Acceptable products are mushroom compost, Kellog's sludge products, and a high grade of steer manure or poultry manure. B. Treated Fir/Pine Bark: 1. Physical Properties (dry weight basis): Percent Passing 95-100 80-100 0-30 Sieve Size 6.35 mm (l/4") 2.38 mm (#8, 8 mesh) 500 micron (#35, 32 mesh) 2. Organic Content (dry weight basis): Minimum 94% as determined by ash analysis. 3. Chemical Properties: a. Nitrogen Con1en1 (dry weight basis): Minimum 0.8%. b. Salinity: Maximum saturation extract conductivity 3.5 mmhos/cm @ 25 degrees c. Iron (dry weight basis): Minimum 0.08%. 4. Wetability: a. The air-dry product shall, when applied to a cup or small beaker of water@ 70 degrees F. in the amount of 1 teaspoon, become completely wet in a period not exceeding 2 minutes. b. Guarantee all wetting agents added to accomplish this to be non- phytotoxic at rate used. C. Manure: Well-rotted cow, horse or sheep manure. free from sawdust. shavings or refuse, and not containing more than 25% straw by volume. D. True Compost: Natural organic soil conditioner "Nutri-Mulch" by Red Star Fertilizer, Corona, CA. 91720. Tel. (714) 597-4801. APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE DATE PLANTING 5FECIFfCATfON5 • LOCATION OF REVJEIJED BY, 5-1 AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ~I CITY OF CAR_LSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11s:rs1 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS -..... .. APPROVED ,_/,e t' 'I. / / ~., r.; f fl)RN. ,t.. • './ ,:I-.:...(;J;, // ···71 /! .a•' ~ ,,r, / ;;:..,·'" _, . DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT-92-IZ>f :341-6l-F"ORl,IA SY$Tl,M$ CA(J() REVISION DESCRIPTION PlAtNIG • 0£9IGN • LAN)SCAPE ARCKn:CT\JAE ENGINEER Of WORK OHl:R Af>PIIOVAL CITY APPROVAi. RVIJD BY• 2.3 PINE SAND A. Physical Properties (dry weight basis): Percent Passing Sieve Size 100% 4.76 mm (#4, 4 mesh) 95-100% 1.00 mm (#18, 16 mesh) 65-100% 500 micron (#35, 32 mesh) 0-50% 250 micron (#60, 60 mesh) 0-20% 105 micron (#140, 150 mesh) 0-5% 53 micron (#270, 270 mesh) B. Chemical Properties: I. Salinity: The saturation extract conductivity shall not exceed 3. 0 millihoslcm @25 degrees C. i. Boron: The concentration in the saturation extract shall not exceed 1.0 ppm. 3. Sodium: The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) as calculated from analysis of the saturation extract shall noc exceed 6. O. 2.4 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS A. Pre-Plam Fertilizer: Mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier and consisting of the following percent by weight: 6-20-20 (N-P-K) General Use 18-18-6 (N-P-K) Lawn Areas 2.5 CHEMICAL ADDITIVES The following additives may or may not be used depending on the outcome of th·e soils report. A. Ground Limestone: Agricultural limestone containing not less than 85 % of total carbonates, ground to such fineness that 50% will pass #100 sieve and 90% will pass #20 sieve. B. Dolomite Lime: Agricultural grade mineral soil conditioner containing 35% minimum magnesium carbonate and 49% minimum calcium carbonate, 100% passing #65 sieve. "Kaiser Dolomite 65 AG" as manufactured by Kaiser, Inc. Mineral Products Department, or equal. C. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing 80% minimum calcium sulphate. D. Iron Sulfate (Ferric or Ferrous): Supplied by a commercial fertilizer supplier, containing 20 % to 30 % iron and 35 % to 40 % sulphur. D. Sul-Fe/ Sulfur: As supplied by Red Star Fertilizer. E. Sulphate of Potash: Agricultural grade containing 50% to 53% of water-soluble potash. F. Single Superphosphate: Commercial product containing 20% to 25% a-vailable phosphoric acid. G. Ammonium Sulphate: Com.mercial product containing approximately 21 % ammonia. H. Ammonium Phosphate: Commercial product containing approximately 18% ammonia. I. Ammonium Nitrate: Commercial product conraining approximately 34% ammonia. J. Calcium Nitrate: Agricultural grade containing 15-1/2% nitrogen. K. Urea Formaldehyde (N-Hro-Form): Granular commercial product containing 38 % nitrogen. L. I.B.D.U. (lso Butyldiene Diurea): Commercial product containing 31 % nitrogen. M. Soil Sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing a minimum of 96% sulfur. N. Iron Sequestrene: Geigy Iron Sequestrene 330 Fe. 0. Gro-Safe: Herbicide absorbent as manufactured by American Norit Company of Jacksonville, FL. P. P.A.M. Soil Drain: Available from the Complete Green Co., of Los Angeles, CA 90025. Tel. (213) 475-3664. 2.6 WATER A. Clean, fresh and potable, furnished and paid for by Owner. 2.7 EROSION CONTROL f'ABRJC: A. Manufacturer: "Soil Saver", as manufactured by The Jim Wales Co. of Dallas, Texas; Tel (214) 239-8557. Contractor shall submit sample and manufactor brochure Fo?-C("T'-( ArPlfev, ~O(,Z.. TO B. Jute Mesh: Heavy Jute Mesh of I• x I" open weave, 48' wide, gre'en color. C. Staples: 1 ¼ • hog rings for lengthwise overlap, and #11 gauge steel wire "U" formed 6" long for end overlap. 2.8 DRAINAGE AND SUBDRAINAGE MATERIALS A. Pipes and Fittings I. Type: ASTM D3034, SDR-35, solid and perforated. 2. Joints: Belled end, solvent weld. 3. Manufacturer: Johns-Manville Corporation, San Mateo, California 94403, phone (415) 349-9500 or. accepted equal. A. Pipes and Fittings 1. Type: "ADS" Polyethylene tubing with fittings. 2. Filter Wrap: Spun bonded nylon, "Drain-Gard" 3. Manufacturer: Advanced Drainage Systems, Ennis, TX 74404; Tel (214) 875-6991. B. Cleanout 1. Type: PVC plug (MIPT) Schedule 80; 4 inch. 2. Manufacturer: Lesco, Inc., Rocky River, Ohio, phone (216) 333- 9250. C. Filter Fabric: "Stabilenka" T-100, as manufactured by the American Excelsior Company of Arlington, TX 76011. Tel(817)640-1555. D. Drainage Mat: "Enkadrain" No.9120, as manufactured by the American Excelsior Company of Arlington, TX 7601 l.Tel(817)640~1555. E. Sand Backfill: Fine granular material naturally produced by the disintegration of rock, free of organic material, mica, loam, clay and other deleterious substances to be thoroughly suitable for pipe bedding. F. Drainage Stone: 3/8" to 3/4" washed stone; hard, durable, clean, uniformly-sized rock free of injurious materials or soil and all deleterious chemicals. Crushed stone is not acceptable. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 SOIL PREPARATION A. General: 1. Moisture Content: Do not work soil when moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, nor when it is so dry that dust will form in air or that clods will not break readily. Apply water, if necessary, to bring soil to an optimum moisture content for tilling and planting. B. Preparation of Existing Soil: I. Verification of Existing Grades: Verify that grades are within 1" plus or minus of the required finished grades. Report all variations to the Landscape Architect. 2. Clearing of Debris: Clear all planting areas of stones 2" diameter and larger, weeds, debris and other extraneous materials prior to amending existing soil or spreading imported topsoil. 3. Cultivation: Rip or cultivate all planting areas co a depth of 6" immediately prior to amending existing soil. Rototill 10 reduce soil clods to a maximum diameter of l" in the top six inches. 3.2 SOIL CONDITIONING A. Amending of Existing Soil: I. Verification: Do not commence amending of existing soil prior to acceptance by Landscape Architect of soil preparation. 2. Application Rate: Apply to all planting (and lawn) areas at the following rates per 1,000 square feet: a. 5 cubic yards nitrogen treated sawdust b. 10 lbs. preplant fertilizer -15-15-15 (N-P-K) c. l 00 lbs. gypsum d. 10 lbs. soil sulfur 3. Areas to receive Hydroseeding: Delete pre-plant fertilizer. 4. Incorporation of Amendments: Incorporate thoroughly with top 6" of soil layer and bring amended soil to finish grades and elevations shown on Drawings. Do not work soils under muddy conditions. B. Backfill Mix for On-Grade Plant Pits: 1. 80 % by volume on site soil excavated from plant pit 2. 20% nitrogen-treated sawdust 3. 2 lbs. iron sulfate a!IL.IVIS/cy, 4. 1 lb. 15-15-15 (N-P-K) 5. 2 lbs. gypsum Pe_r ma~ual: Backfill shall be as recommended by soil test(s). City must approve soil test and s011 testing agency. · 3.3 DRAINAGE OF PLANTING AREAS A. Surface Drainage: 1. Discrepancies: Provide proper surface drainage of planted areas. Submit in writing all discrepancies in the Drawings or Specifications, or prior work done by others, which Contractor feels precludes establishing proper drainage. 2. Correction: Include description of work required for correction or relief of said condition. B. Detrimental Drainage, Soils and Obstructions: l. Notification: Submit in writing all soils or drainage conditions considered detrimental to growth of plant materials. State condition and submit proposal and cost estimate for correcting condition. 2. Correction: Submit for acceptance a written proposal and cost estimate for the correction before proceeding with work. 3. Obstructions: If rock, underground construction work, tree roots or other obstructions are encountered in the performance of work under this section, submit cost required to remove the obstructions to a depth of not less than 6" below the required soil depth. 3.4 EROSION CONTROL FABRIC INSTALLATION: See Section 02270 - Slope Protection and Erosion Control 3.5 CLEAN-UP A. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. B. Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance to the satisfaction of Landscape Architect. PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SECTION 02930 LAWNS AND GRASSES A. Provide Seeding materials. B. Bed preparation. C. Hydroseeded grass. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General· Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work of this section. B. Section 02215 -Landscape Grading C. Section 02810 -Irrigation D. Section 02920 -Soil Preparation E. Section 02950 -Trees, Shrubs, Vines & Groundcovers F. Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Certificates of Inspection: Provide as required by law for transportation of each shipment of seed along with invoice. Submit copies of certificates after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection at project site. SPECIF/CATIONS s-e - B. Applicable Standards: Apply the current or lalcsl editions of the standards for seed as described in the following: l. Hortus III -1976 Edition, Bailey Horatorium, Cornell University, 1.4 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protection of Existing Plants to Remain: See Section 02950 -Trees. Shrubs, Vines and Groundcover. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Samples and Product Data: Submit samples (S), certification (C) and manufacturers' literature (ML) for the following items: I. Seed Mix: S of One-half (1/2 pt) pint for each type and ML. 2. Sod: S of 18 in. x 18 in. strip and C. 3. Mulch: S of One (1 pt) pint for each type and C or ML. 4. Soil Stabilizer: S of One (1 pt) pint for each type and ML, 5. Mulch and Soil Stabilizer: S of One ( 1 pt) pint for each type and ML. B. Test Data: Submit all laboratory test data for all materials. I. Seed Varieties: Guaranteed statement of composition, mixture and percentage of purity and germination of each variety. 2. Owner's Test: The Owner may choose to test the submitted samples for testing. The Contractor shall be notified. C. Submittal Schedule: All products in this section which is required for submittal shall be included in one Division 2 submillal package. 1.6 WORK SCHEDULE A. Proceed with the work as rapidly as the site becomes available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. 1.7 SELECTION AND ORDERING OF PLANT MATERIAL A. Documentation: Submit documentation within 30 days after award of Contract that all materials have been ordered. B. Unavailable Materials: If proof is submitted that any of the materials specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent variety with corresponding adjustment of Contract price. Substantiate such proof in writing no later than 30 days after award of contract. C. Special Conditions: The above provisions shall not relieve Contractor of the responsibility for obtaining specified materials in advance if special growing conditions or other arrangements must be made in order to supply specified materials. 1.8 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Seed: 1. Delivery: Furnish standard seed in unopened manufacturer's standard containers bearing original certification labels showing quantity, analysis and name of manufacturer. 2. Storage: Store seed with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. B. Mulch: Store with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. 1.9 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Samples: Landscape Architect reserves the right 10 take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request. B. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" REVIE'w'ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE DATE fSHrnll CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I l--~----+~-~---------------t-----t--+----t----1 ~. PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ 46 ,---------------------+-----+-+-------------t--t--r--t-~ rm FORM.A Sl'SIDIS C.ADO ~ •OEl!IGN •I.ANJSCAf'E AAatTECTUFIE 0" TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK 0" TE INITl"L 0" TE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION □TH£R APPROVAL CITY N'PROVAl PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS ov.,. BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RV'w'D BY, PROJECT NO. CT-'92-IZ>I l ORA'h\NG NO. :341-bL 1.10 ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. See Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance. I. 11 WARRANTY PERIOD A. Time Period; Warrant that all lawns and grasses shall be in a healthy and nourishing condition of active growth six (6) months from date of Final Acceptance. B. Appearance During Warranty: Lawns and grass shall be free o~ dea~ or dying patches, and all areas shall show foliage of a normal density, size and color. C. Delays: All delays in completion of planting operations which extend the planting into more than one planting season shall extend the Warranty Period correspondingly. D. Coverage: Warrant growth and coverage of hydroseeded planting to _the effect that a minimum of 95 % of the area planted shall be covered with specified planting after one growing season with no bare spots. E. Exceptions: Contractor shall not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by Owner, vandalism, etc., during Warranty Period. Report such conditions in writing. 1.12 REPLACEMENTS A. URacceptable Workmanship: Lawn and grass areas exhibiting conditions which are determined as unacceptable workmanship shall be repaired and/or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Replacements: Replace, without cost to Owner, and as soon as weather conditions permit, all lawn and grass not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as determined by Landscape Architect during and at the end of Warramy Period. C. Matching: Closely match all replacement seed with adjacent areas of lawn or grass. Apply all requirements of this Specification to all replacements. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 LAWN SEED A. Composition: Fresh, clean, certified, Class 'A' B. Type; "Marathon II" ..1-.\'\ C. Weed Seed: Do noreaehl 0.25%. D. Dis · outhland Sod Farm of Camarillo, CA. 93010. Tel. (805) 2.2 GRASS (AND WILDFLOWER) MIX A. Grass Seed Mix: Botanical Name Common Name Percentage B. LAl..-l~PN IA-NATiVe!: MIX, ~pe~-,;:, IF4=!t:::-$~U.ND ~ f'c.AN Distributor: S & S Seeds of Carpemeria, CA. 93013. Tel. (805) 684-0436. 2.3 ORGANIC AMENDMENTS A. See Section 02920 -Soil Preparation 2.4 TOP-DRESS FERTILIZER A. Refer to Landscape Maintenance -Section 02970. 2.5 MULCH A. General: 1. Composition: Green-colored, fibrous, virgin wood cellulose mulch containing no growth or germination-inhibiting factors. 2. Dispersion in Slurry: Mulch shall be manufactured in such manner that after addition to and agitation in slurry tanks with fertilizer, seed, water and other approved additives, fibers in the material will become uniformly suspended to form a homogeneous slurry. 3. Absorption Capacity: When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, the material will form a blotter-like groundcover impregnated uniformly with seed which will allow the absorption of moisture and , allow rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. B. Specifications: I. Weight: Weight specifications of this material from suppliers, and for all applications, shall refer only to air dry weight of the fiber -material. Absolute air dry weight is based on the normal standards of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry for wood cellulose and is considered equivalent to 10% moisture. 2. Labeling: Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the manufacturer to show the air dry weight content. 2.6 SOIL STABILIZER A, Composition: Totally organic substance, supplied in powder form and at least 90 % of which is 92 % pure muciloid derived from ground plantago ovata-insularis husks. Stabilizer shall be water-soluble, non-toxic hydrophilic and shall not inhibit germination. D. Product: "Ecology Controls M-binder" as distributed by Stover Company, Los Angeles, CA. Use mulch and soil stabilizer for areas of 2: l slopes and greater without erosion control fabric. 2.7 MULCH AND SOIL STABILIZER A. Composition: Pre-mixed organic-based combination of virgin-wool fiber and stabilizing agent with no growth or germination-inhibiting elements. B. Product: "Hydro Mulch 2000 Fibers" distributed by Conwed Corporation, P.O. Box 43237, St. Paul, MN 55164; Tel. (612) 221-1190 or accepted equal. Contractor shall submit sample to city inspector for approval prior to delivery. 2.8 EROSION CONTROL FABRIC A. Manufacmrer; "Soil Saver", as manufactured by The Jim Wales Co. of Dallas, Texas; Tel (214) 239-8557. Contractor shall submit sample for review. B. Jute Mesh: Heavy Jute Mesh of l" x I" open weave, 48' wide, green color. C. Staples: 1-1/4 in. hog rings for lengthwise overlap, and #11 gauge steel wire "U" formed 6" long for end overlap. 2.9 HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT FOR HYDROSEEDING A. Mixer: Use a commercial type hydro-seeder for the application of slurry. Equipment shall have a built-in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogeneously mix slurry. B. Distribution Lines: Large enough to prevent stoppage and to provide even distribution of the slurry over the ground. C. Pump Capacity: 150 psi at the nozzle. D. Slurry Tank; Minimum capacity of 1000 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit which will place the slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded so as to provide uniform distribution without waste . 2.10 WATER A. Potable water as furnished by Owner. Transport as required. 2,11 HYDROSEEDING MIX PER 1,000 SQ. FT. ~!:='Fe!<-~ I f-lCL $ ~ND U>,Jt,f/L. R,.AN-6 A. Lawn Areas; lbs. -Mulch _ lbs. -Lawn Seed _ _ lbs. -Fertilizer B. Wildflowers -Area I (less than 2: I slopes): lbs. -Mulch lbs. -Soil Stabilizer lbs. -Seed Mix No. I lbs. -Fertilizer (min. 500 lbs.) (min. 12 lbs. per 1,000 Ff. 2) lbs. -(chemical additives, if any) C. Wildflowers -Area II (2: I slopes and greater): lbs. -Mulch and Soil Stabilizer lbs. -Fertilizer (min. 500 lbs.) (min. 12 lbs. per 1,000 Ft. 2) lbs. -Seed Mix No. 2 __ lbs. -(chemical additives, if any) 2. 12 SEEDING MIX PER ACRE lbs. -Lawn Seed v,!-IDSC~p,._ lbs. -15-15-15 Fertilizer ~<,_,<J c:;.'-ORC:0 ~0 --11?, ,.__<,; '!-0 '; ~ . 1,r, q,. ':'., '-' ' "' ~ ViR v,( ,.,,, ~ ~~n~ .... ' ... umc ;.,"t- "I;,; . ~-ii-e OF" CALl'<O PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Areas to Receive Hydroseeding and Seeding: All graded irrigated areas including areas to receive erosion control fabric as delineated on the Drawings except as noted. B. Period of Application of Hydroseeding: l. Irrigated Areas: Within fourteen (14) calendar days after the completion of finish grading in any area. In the event of anticipated bad weather conditions, apply hydroseeding (and fabric) immediately. C. Scheduling: Perform seeding and mulching on a section by section basis. Upon approval of Landscape Architect, and immediately after grading and irrigation installation except for seasonal limitations. Complete embankments and slopes in a continuous manner. 3.2 SOIL PREPARATION A. Verification: I. Stones, Weeds, Debris: Verify that all areas to receive lawns are clear of stones larger than 1-1/2 in. diameter, weeds, debris and other extraneous materials. 2. Grades: Verify that grades are within 1 in. plus or minus of the required finished grades. Verify that fertilization and erosion control materials have been installed. Report all variations in writing. B. Soil Moisture: 1. Excessive Moisture: Do not commence work of this section when soil moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, nor when it is so dry that dust will form in air or that clods will not break readily. 2. Inadequate Moisture; Apply water, as necessary, to bring soil 10 an optimum moisture content for planting. C. Slopes: Only planting areas of 2: 1 slopes and greater shall be ripped or cultivated to a depth of 3 in. immediately prior to hydroseeding. 3.3 SEEDED LAWN A. Seed Bed Preparation: 1. Rolling; Roll amended soil with 200 pound water-ballast roller and bring to finish grade. 2. Raking: Lightly rake seed bed surface to 1/4 in. depth. Seed immediately thereafter, provided the seed bed has remained in friable condition. B. Seeding Operations: I. General: Do not broadcast seed when winds exceed 15 mph. 2. Mechanical Seeder: Sow evenly with an accepted mechanical seeder at a rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Culti-packer or accepted similar equipment may be used to cover the seed and to form the seedbed in one operation. a. Broadcast ha! f of the seed mix, taking care to evenly distribute seed over entire seed bed. b. Broadcast remaining half of seed at right angles to first seeding pattern using same broadcast method. 3. Areas Inaccessible to Culti-packer: Rake seeded ground with flexible rakes. Take extreme care during seeding and raking to insure that no change occurs in finish grades. Roll seeded area with roller weighing 150 lbs. per foot of roller width. 4. Watering: Water with fine spray until seed bed is moistened to a depth of 4 in. Do not use jet nozzle or permit disturbance of surface of seedbed. 5. Top-dress Fertilizer: Apply at the rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet at 25 days and at 50 days after seeding. 3.4 HYDROSEEDED LAWN, GRASS)AL''('S6UM .ANO ~f'i::PNl,.O.. 1-,J.i:...'T"NE!o A. Preparation: Do all slurry preparation at the job site. 1. Water: Add water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft, establish good re-circulation and add seed. 2. Seed: Do not allow seed to remain more than 30 min. in slurry. 3. Fertilizer; Add fertilizer, followed by the mulch. The mulch shall only be added to the mixture after the seed, and when the tank. is at least 1/3 filled with water. 4. Mixing: Open the engine throttle to full speed when che rank is half-filled with water. Add all the mulch by the time the tank is 2/3 to 3/4 full. Commence spraying immediately when the tank is full. B. Application; 1. General: Apply specified slurry mix in a sweeping motion to form a uniform mat at the specified rate. Keep hydroseeding within designated areas and keep from contact with other plant materials. 2. Unused Mix: Do not use slurry mixture which has not been applied within 4 hours of mixing. Promptly remove from the site. 3. Protection: After application, do not operate any equipment over the hydroseeded areas. 4. Reseeding: Reseed all areas and parts of areas which fail to show a uniform stand of lawn or grass until all areas are covered with a satisfactory stand of lawn or grass. 3.5 CLEAN-UP A. General: Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. Keep all paved areas clean during planting operations. B. Overspray: Immediately after application, thoroughly wash off any plant materials, planting areas, or paved areas not intended co receive slurry mix. C. Debris: Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance. SECTION 02970 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FOR 90-DA Y PART 1 -GENERAL I. l WORK INCLUDED A. Provide 90-Day Landscape Maintenance, complete as specified. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. B. Section 02810 -Irrigation C. Section 02920 -Soil Preparation D. Section 02950 -Trees, Shrubs, Vines & Groundcover 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: l. Perform all work in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, and regulations required by authorities having jurisdiction over such work. 2. Provide for all inspections and permits required by Federal, State, or local authorities in furnishing, transporting, and installing of all agricultural chemicals. 3. The County Agricultural Commissioner's Office must, by law. be given a monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disease control chemicals used. APPROVED FOR PLANTING HAS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE DATE SFECIFICAT/ON5 . LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIE'w'ED BY• S-'3 AREAS. INSf>ECTOR DATE [~] I CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 46 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS - APPROVED ... fl P,: -,;i, -· ,.... -:~-, l ~ /_ i ,,,~;;, rm z~ I VM•, ,t ·~ 0 ' '1} ',., ,,! 1/' ::# ,,:J!I' & ., ,,, i j DRA'MNG NO. \"', O'M'< BY: f>ROJECT NO. D"tr INlllAI. OAtr INl'TlAl DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT-92-IZII ~41-bL FORUA srsra,s CNJD REVISION DESCRIPTION RV'w'D BY, l'l,tJlf,a,l(l •OE91GN•L»l>SCAPE ARCHTECTUFIE ENGIIOEER Of WORI\ DTHER APPRIIVAL CITY APPROVAL L ____ _;____________________________________________________________________________________ ce, ••• ,..M1,,,w.,J,t?t?,, Joe o. "o-45to ' • B. Applicable Standards: Apply standard~ as descdbed ~n the follow_ing: . I.· Fertilizing Woody Plants, University of Cahforma, Cooperative Extension Leaflet t/2958, September 1979. 2. Pruning Landscape Trees, University of California, Cooperative Extension Leaflet t/2574, January I 979. C. Work Force: I. Experience: The landscape establishment firm shall have a full time foreman assigned to the job for the duration of the contract. He shall have a minimum of four years experience in landscape establishment supervision, with experience or training in (turf management), entomology, pest control, soils, fertilizers and plant identification. 2. Labor Force: The landscape establishment firm's labor force shall be thoroughly familiar and trained in the work to be accomplished and perform the task in a competent, efficient manner acceptable to the Owner. 3. Supervision: The foreman shall directly employ and supervise the work force at all times. Notify Owner of all changes in supervision. 4. Identification: Provide proper identification at all times for landscape establishment firm's labor force. Be uniformly dressed in a manner satisfactory to the Owner. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit to Landscape Architect for approval, two (2) copies each of the following items: 1. Schedule of establishment operations and monthly status report including list of all equipment and materials proposed for the job. 2. Written application recommendation by a licensed agricultural pest control advisor for all weed, pest and disease controls restricted by the Director of Agriculture proposed for this work. 3. All licenses and insurance required by the City, State or Federal government pertaining to this work. 4. Monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disease control chemicals used for the project. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Site Visit: At beginning of establishment period, visit and walk the site with the Owner's representative to clarify scope of work and understand existing project/site conditions. B. Documentation of Conditions: Document general condition of existing trees, shrubs, vines, groundcovers and lawn recording all plant materials which are damaged or dying, if any. C. Irrigation System: Document general condition of existing irrigation system, making sure that faulty electrical controllers, broken or inoperable sprinkler heads (or emitters) are reported. 1.6 SCHEDULING A. Perform all establishment during hours mutually agreed upon between Owner and Contractor. B. Work force shall be present at the project site at least once a week and as often as necessary to perform specified establishment in accordance with the approved establishment schedule. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Fertilizers: Sierra Chemical Company 1001 Yosemite Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 263-8080 W. R. Grace and Company Agricultural Chemicals Group Memphis, Tennessee 38101 B. Herbicides: Chevron Chemical Company 575 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 894-0880 Rhone-Poulenc Chemical Company Agro Chemical Division P.O. Box 125 Mon Mouth Junction, NJ 08852 (201) 297-0100 Ciba-Geigy Corporation Agricultllral Division P.O. Box 1830 Greensboro, NC 27419 (919) 292-7100 "Gro-Power" Southern California Organic Fertilizer Company El Monte, CA,91734-0907 (714) 750-3830 BFC Chemicals, Inc. Wilmington, Delaware 19805 Elanco Products Company 740 S. Alabama St. Indianapolis, IN 46285 (317) 261-3638 The DOW Chemical Company P.O. Box 1706 Midland, MI 48640 (517) 636-0236 3M Company-Agri Chemicals Project 3M Center, Bldg. 223-6SE St. Paul, MN 55144 (31]) 261-3000 2.2 MATERIALS A. General: All materials and equipment, unless otherwise indicated, shall be provided by the Contractor. B. Water: Clean, potable and fresh, furnished and paid for by the Owner. C. Fertilizers: I. Tightly-compressed, slow-release and long-lasting complete fertilizer tablets bearing manufacturer's label of guaranteed analysis of chemicals present. . . 2. Balanced, once-a-season application controlled-release fertilizers with a blend of coated prills which supply controlled-release nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and uncoated, rapidly soluble prills containing nitrogen and phosphorus. 3. Top Dress Fertilizer: "Gro-Power" 5-3-1 and Oro-Power Control Release 12-8-8. D. Herbicides, Insecticides, and Fungicides: 1. Obtain best quality materials with original manufacturers' containers, properly labeled with guaranteed analysis. 2. Use non-staining materials. E. Annuals/Perennials: Nursery-grown in 4" pots, full, healthy plants just ready to bloom. F. Lawn Seed for Reseeding: (Match existing lawn mix) G. Lawn Sod for Resodding: (Match existing sodded lawn). H. Replacement Tree Guys, Stakes, Ties and Wires: Match exi_sting materials on the site (Provide detail(s) in 81/2" x 11" format 1f necessary) . PART 3 -EXECUfION 3.1 GENERAL A. Duration: Continuously maintain each plant and each portion of groundcover area after installation, during progress of work, and for a period of 90 days after completion of all planting work until Final Acceptance. B. Protection: l. Protect all planting areas from damage of all kinds from beginning of work until Final Acceptance. 2. Establishment includes temporary protection fences, barriers and signs as required for protection. C. Replacements: 1. Immediately treat or replace all plants which become damaged or injured, as directed by Landscape Architect at no additional cost to Owner. 2. Replacement plants shall be of a size, condition and variety acceptable to Landscape Architect. 3.2 TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES A. Watering Basins: 1. Maintain all watering basins around plants so that enough water can be applied to establish moisture through major root zones. 2. In rainy season, open basins to allow surface drainage away from the root crown where excess water may accumulate. Restore watering basins at end of rainy season. 3. For supplemental hand watering of watering basins, use a water wand to break the water force. Do not permit crown roots to become exposed to air through dislodging of soil and mulch. 4. Maintain originally called for depth of mulch to reduce evaporation and frequency of watering. 5. Check for moisture penetration throughout the root zone at least once per week. 8. Resetting: Reset plants to proper grades or upright position. C. Weed Control: 1. Control weeds, preferably with pre-emergent herbicides and with selective systemic herbicides. 2. All areas between plants, including watering basins, shall be weed free. 3. Use only recommended and legally approved herbicides to control weed growth. 4. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots and breaks the seal of pre-emergent herbicides. D. Pruning: 1. Prune trees to select and develop permanent scaffold branches that are smaller in diameter than the trunk or branch to which they are attached, and which have vertical spacing of 18" to 48" and radial orientation so as not to overlay one another. 2. Prune trees to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, and narrow V-shapcd branch forks that lack strength. Reduce toppling and wind damage by thinning out crowns. 3. Prune trees to maintain growth within space limitations, maintaining a natural appearance and balancing crown with roots. 4. No stripping of lower branches ("raising up") of young trees will be permitted. 5. Retain lower branches in a "tipped back" or pinched condition to promote caliper trunk growth (tapered trunk). Do not cut back to fewer than six buds or leaves on such branches. Only cut lower branches flush with the trunk afier the tree is able to stand erect without staking or other support. 6. Thin out. and shape evergreen trees when necessary to prevent wind and storm damage. Do primary pruning of deciduous trees during the dormant season. Do not permit any pruning of trees prone to excessive "bleeding" during growth season. 7. Prune damaged trees or those that constitute health or safety hazards at any lime of year as required. 8. Make all cuts clean and close to the trunk, without cutting into the branch collar. "Stubbing" will not be permitted. Cut smaller branches flush with trunk or lateral branch. Make larger cuts (1" in diameter or larger) parallel to shoulder rings, with the top edge of the cut at the trunk or lateral branch. 9. Branches too heavy to handle shall be precut in three stages to prevent splitting or peeling of bark. Make the first two cuts 18" or more from the trunk to remove the branch. Make the third cut at the trunk to remove the resulting stub. 10. Do not prune or clip shrubs into balled or boxed forms unless specifically called for by design. E. Staking and Guying of Trees: 1. Inspect stakes and guys at least one a month to check for rubbing that causes bark wounds. F. Establishment of Existing Trees (and Shrubs) to Remain: 1. General: Conform to all applicable paragraphs regarding pruning, watering, spraying and fertilizing of new plant materials as specified in this section. 2. Be alert to symptoms of construction damage to root systems of existing trees (and shrubs) as evidenced by wilting, unseasonal or early flowering or loss of leaves, and insect or disease infestation due to declining vigor. 3. Notify the Landscape Architect in writing of all evidence of declining tree (or shrub) vigor immediately upon discerning the problem. Take appropriate interim measures to mitigate the severity of the problem as specified in this section. 4. Submit written proposal and cost estimate for the correction of all conditions before proceeding with permanent correction work. 3,3 GROUNDCOVERS A. Watering: 1. Check for moisture penetration throughout the root zone at least twice a month. 2. Water as frequently as necessary to maintain healthy growth of groundcovers. 8. Weed Control: l. Control weeds, preferably with pre-emergent herbicides and with selective systemic herbicides. 2. Minimize hoeing of weeds in order to avoid plant damage. 3.4 LAWNS A. Watering: I. Water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions require, to replenish soil moisture to 6" below root ;:one. 2. Provide a total of 1 'h • of water weekly during hot summer weather, in three (3) applications per week. 3. Water at night if irrigation system is electrically controlled. Otherwise, watering shall be done during early mornings. SPECIFICATIONS S•IO B. Weed Control:. I. Control broadleaf weeds with selective herbicides. 2. In areas where crabgrass has infested the lawn, apply a selective post-emergent herbicide as soon as possible, and prior to flowering. 3. Apply pre-emergent herbicides such as Dacthal, Balan, or Bctas,m prior to crabgrass germination. 4. Do not irrigate for 48 hours after application of all hcrhicidc sprays. 5. Coordinate application of herbicides with thatch control and reseeding schedule as described below. C. Mowing and Edging: I. Mow lawns when they reach 2" high. 2. Trim edges at least two times per month or as required for neat appearance. Edging shall be performed with a blade type mechanical edger, shovel or herbicide. String whips shall not be permitted. Vacuum clippings. 3. A grass free clear space (edge) of eight (8 ") inches in width shall outline all trees and two (2 ") inches in width shall outline all obstacles. Per soils report recommendations. This recommendation for bidding purposes only. D. Top Dress Fertilizer: Applied 45 Days after seeding or sodding; l. Preparation: Immediately prior to top-dress application, cut lawn and remove clippings. 2. Application: Per I 000 square feet, apply fertilizer at following rates: Gro-Power 5•3-1 Gro-Power 12-8-8 40 Days 25 lbs. 80 Days IO lbs. 3.5 INSECTS, PESTS, AND DISEASE CONTROL A. Inspection: Inspect all plant materials for signs of stress, damage and potential trouble from the following: I. Presence of insects, moles, gophers, ground squirrels, snails and slugs in planting areas. 2. Discolored or blotching leaves or needles. 3. Unusually light green or yellowish green color inconsistent with normal green color of leaves. B. Personnel: Perform spraying for insect, pest and disease control only by qualified, trained personnel. C. Application: Spray with extreme care to avoid all hazards to any person or pet in the area or adjacent areas. 3.6 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. General: I. Repair without charge to Owner all damages 10 system caused by Contractor's operations. Perform all repairs within one (1) watering period. 2. Report promptly to Owner all accidental damage not resulting from Contractor's negligence or operations. 3. Do not run the irrigation system during rainy season. Set and program automatic controllers for seasonal water requirements. 4. Twice a month, use a probe or other acceptable tool to check the rootball moisture of representative plants as well as the surrounding soil. B. Cleaning and Monitoring the System: l. Continually monitor the irrigation systems to verify that they are functioning properly as designed. Make program adjustments required by changing field conditions. 2. Clean pump filter and strainer once a year and as often as necessary to keep the irrigation systems free of sand and other debris. 3. Prevent spraying on windows, building walls, (game courts) by balancing the throttle control on the remote control valves and the adjustment screws on the sprinkler heads. Do not allow water to atomize and drift. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. II AS REVl[\IED BY, INSPECTOR BUILT" DATE DATE ~1 CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I 1---+--1------------------t--r-1-1-1 L:.:_j. PLANNING DEPARTMENT . 46 ~------------------------fi=-_-_-_-_-_f-_-_-_-_-_t-_-_-_-_-_-_-~~------~----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~~~~~~jt=~~~jt=~~~jr=~~~jr=~~_=:]7 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PL A.NS FOR: rm FORAIA SYSTDIS CADD f'I.NN,fG •DESIGN• LAN>SCAPE ARCltTECTURE DAT£ INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK DAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL OTY APPROVAL COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS - DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING HO. CHKD BY: __ _ RV'wD BY, CT-92-~I 341-E:>L 3.7 THE 90"DAY ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD A. Preliminary Review: As soon as all plantings are completed per Contract Documents, hold a preliminary review to determine the condition of the work. B. Date of Review: Submit a written request to the Landscape Architect at least five (5) working days prior to anticipated date of review. 3.8 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Acceptance: I. Work will be accepted by the Landscape Architect upon satisfactory completion of all work, including establishment period, but exclusive of replacement of materials under the Warranty Period. 2. Submit a written request to Landscape Architect for review for Final Acceptance at least five (5) working days prior to anticipated Final Review date, which is at the end of the Establishment Period. B. Corrective Work: 1. Work requiring corrective action or replacement in the judgement of the Landscape Architect shall be performed within ten (10) calendar days after the Final Review. 2. Perform corrective work and materials replacement in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications, and shall be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. 3. After corrective work is completed, the Contractor shall again request a Final Review for Final Acceptance as outlined above. 4. Continue establishment of all landscaped areas until such time as all corrective measures have been completed and accepted. C. Conditions for Acceptance of Work at End of Establishment Period: I. Each plant shall be alive and thriving. showing signs of growth and no signs of stress, disease, or any other weaknesses. 2. All plants not meeting these conditions shall be replaced and a 90- Day Establishment Period commenced for such plants. D. Final Acceptance Date: The date on which the Landscape Architect issues a Letter of Final Acceptance. Upon Final Acceptance, the Owner will assume responsibility for establishment of the work. 3.10 WARRANTY PERIOD AND REPLACEMENTS OF PLANT MATERIALS A. Specific Requirements: Refer to the following sections: I. Irrigation -Section 02810 2. Lawns and Grasses -Section 02930 3. Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Groundcover -Section 02950 Note: Add other sections of these specifications if that particular work is required during the Establishment Period. SECTION 02950 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND GROUNDCOVER PART I -GENERAL I.I WORK INCLUDED A. Excavation of plant pits and beds. B. Provide plant materials and related items. C. Finish grading of planted areas. D. Provide wood/steel headers and root control barriers. E. Warranty and replacements. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. B. Section 02810 -Irrigation Systems. C. Section 02920 -Soil Preparation. D. Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Cenificates: I. Submit certificates of inspection required by law for transportation of each shipment of plants along with invoice. 2. File copies of certificates after acceptance of material. Inspection by Federal or State Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection of plants at project site. B. Applicable Standards: Apply standards for plant materials as described in the following: I. An Annotated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California, Oregon and Washington, (Number 4091), Mcclintock and Leiser, Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, I 979. 2. American Standard for Nursery Stock, 1980 Edition, American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. 3. Hortus III -1976 Edition, Bailey Horatorium, Cornell University. 1.4 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protection of Existing Plants to Remain: I. Operations: Do not store materials or equipment, permit burning, or operate or park equipment under the branches of all existing plants to remain except as actually required for construction in those areas. 2. Barriers: Provide barricades, fences or other barriers as necessary at the drip line to protect existing plants to remain from damage during construction. 3. Notification: Notify Landscape Architect when Contractor feels other construction activities may damage existing plants to remain. B. Replacement of Damaged Plants: I. Replacement: Replace existing plants to remain which are damaged during construction with accepted plants of the same species and size as those damaged at no cost to Owner. 2. Landscape Architect Role: Determine extent of damage and value of damaged plants. 1.5 SUBMITT ALS A. Samples Submit prior to delivery to site. Attach product name, address of manufacturer and/or supplier to each sample. I. Tree and Shrub Planting Fertilizer: One-half (l/2) pint. 2. Tree Ties: One (l) for each type (sample). 3. Wood Chip Mulch: One (1) gallon (sample). 4. Pea Gravel Mulch: One (I) pint (sample). 5. Wrapping Material: One twelve (12") inch length B. Product Data: Manufacturer's current specifications. Catalog cuts, data sheets and installation instructions. C. Test Reports: One copy to be sent by testing laboratory directly to Landscape Architect. D. Submittal Schedule: All products in this section which is required for submittal shall be included in one Division 2 submittal package. E. Shop Drawings: Locations of fences and/or barriers at drip lines of existing trees/plants to remain. 1.6 WORK SCHEDULE A. Proceed with the work as rapidly as the site becomes available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. 1.7 SELECTION, TAGGING AND ORDERING OF PLANT MATERIAL A. Documentation: Submit documentation within thirty (30) days after award of Contract that all plant materials has been ordered. Arrange procedure for review of plant materials at time of submission. B. Review: Submit a written request for review of plant materials and quantity at place of growth at least ten (10) working days prior to shipment to site. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to refuse review at this time if, in his judgement, a sufficient quantity of plants is not available. C. Tagging: Landscape Contractor shall accompany the Landscape Architect for all reviews and tagging plants at place of growth and upon delivery for conformity 10 specifications. D. Distant Material: Submit photographs with a person adjacent to plants for preliminary review. Such review shall not impair the right of review and rejection during progress of the work. E. Unavailable Material: If proof is submitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent size or variety with corresponding adjustment of Contract pnce. Substantiate such proof in writing no later than thiny (30) days after award of contract. F. Special Conditions: The above provisions shall not relieve Contractor of the responsibility of obtaining specified materials in advance if special growing conditions or other arrangements must be made in order to supply specified materials. 1.8 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Labeling: Furnish standard products in manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels legibly showing quantity, analysis, genus/species and name of manufacturer/grower. B. Storage: Store products with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. Protect metal containers from sun during summer months with temperatures above 80 degrees F. C. Handling: Do not lift or handle container plants by tops, stems or trunks at any time. Do not bind or handle plants with wire or rope at any time. D. Anti-Desiccant: At Contractor's option, spray all evergreen or deciduous plant material in full leaf immediately before transporting with anti-desiccant. Apply an adequate film over trunks, branches, twigs and foliage. 1.9 ANALYSES OF SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Sampling: Right is reserved to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Furnish samples upon request. B. Rejected Materials: Remove rejected materials immediately from the site at Contractor's expense. Pay cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications. 1.10 ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. See Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance 1.11 WARRANTY PERIOD A. Warranty: Warrant that all trees, shrubs, groundcover, and vines planted under this Contract will be healthy and in flourishing condition of active growth one year from date of Conditional Acceptance. B. Delays: All delays in completion of planting operations which extend the planting into more than one planting season shall extend the Warranty Period correspondingly. C. Condition of Plants: Plants shall be free of dead or dying branches and branch tips, with all foliage of a normal density, size and color. D. Replacements: As soon as weather conditions permit, replace, without cost to Owner all dead plants and all plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition, as determined by Landscape Architect during and at the end of Warranty Period. E. Exclusions: Contractor shall not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by Owner, vandalism, etc., during Warranty Period. Report such conditions to the Owner. 1.12 REPLACEMENTS A. General: l. Plant materials exhibiting conditions which are determined as being unacceptable due to workmanship by the Contractor shall be repaired and/or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Closely match replacements to adjacent specimens of the same species. Apply all requirements of this Specification to all replacements. B. Replacement Quantities: Contractor shall be held responsible for a maximum of two replacements for each failed tree, shrub and vine, and same area of groundcover planting after final acceptance during warranty pedod. 5RECIFICATION5 5-11 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANT MATERIALS A. General: B. C. 1. Growing Conditions: Plants shall be nursery-grown in accordance with good horticultural practices under climatic conditi,ons similar to those of project for at least two years unless otherwise specifically authorized. . 2. Appearance: All plants shall be exceptionally heavy, symmetrical, tightly knit, so trained or favored in development and appearance as to be superior in form, number of branches, compactness and symmetry. 3. Vigor: Plants shall be sound. healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when in leaf. They shall be free of disease, insect pests, eggs, or larvae. They shall have healthy, . well-developed root systems. Plants shall be free from_ physical damage or adverse conditions which would prevent thnvmg growth. . 4. Container Stock: Verify that all container stock has been grown m the containers in which delivered for at least six (6) months, but not over two (2) years. Samples must prove to be free of kinked, circling or girdling roots and with no evidence of a pot-bound condition. Do not install container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth when taken from container. Measurements: I. General: Measure plants when branches are in their normal upright position. Height and spread dimensions specified refer to main body of plant and not branch tip to tip. Take caliper measurement at a point on the trunk six (6") inches above natural ground line for trees up to four ( 4 ") inches in caliper and at a point twelve (12") inches above the natural ground line for trees over four (4") inches in caliper. _ 2. Size Range: If a range of size is given, do not use plant matenals less than the minimum size. Not less than fony (40%) percent of the plants shall be as large as the maximum size specified. The measurements specified are the minimum size acceptable and are the measurements after pruning, where pruning is required. Plants that meet the measurements specified, but do not possess a normal balance between height and spread shall be rejected. 3. Substitutions: Substituted plants shall be true to species and variety and shall conform to measurements specified except that plants larger than specified may be used if accepted. Use of such plants shall not increase Contract price. If la~ger plants ~re accepted, increase the ball of earth in propon10n to the size of the plant. Pruning: Do not prune plants before delivery. For pruning after installation, see Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance. D. Condition: Trees which have multiple leaders, unless specified, or damaged or crooked leaders, will be rejected. Trees having_a main leader shall not have been headed back. Trees with abrasions of the bark, sunscalds, disfiguring knots, or fresh cuts of limbs over . three-quarter (3/4") inch which have not completely calloused, will be rejected. 2.2 BACKFILL MIX FOR ON-GRADE PLANT PITS: See Section 02920 -Soil Preparation. 2.3 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS A. Hydroseed Fertilizer: Complete fertilizer, fifty (50%) percent of the nitrogen to be derived from natural organic sources or urea-form. Available phosphoric acid shall be from superphosphate, bone or tankage. Potash shall be derived from muriate of potash containing sixty (60%) percent potash: 16% Nitrogen 6 % Phosphoric Acid 8% Potash B. Tree Shrub and Vine Planting Fertilizer: "Agriform" 2 I gram tablets with '20-10-5 (N-P-K) formula as manufactured by Sierra Chemical Company, Milpitas, California, Telephone (408) 263-8080, or accepted equal. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. HAS BUIL TH REVIE\olED BY• DATE INSPECTOR DATE l-----l--+-----------t----r--.-----r----,~JI CIJlmWoo£~BADII~ rrn.~,~-- PLANa«i•DESIGN•l..ANDSCAl"E AACHTECTUFtE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS ,.,. ~- l---.:-,-;;;,--f..=-..---t------------;---,;.,.c----r.;.in411r,m'""---rilITTIM7 I OWN BY: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INlllAL CHKD BY: __ _ [NGIN[ER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CHY APPFtDI/AL I RV\olD BY• PROJECT NO. CT-92-'2>1 I DRA~ NO. 341-hL. I- 2.4 P.A.M. "SOIL DRAIN" SOLUTION PREPARATION (If specified per Ag6cultural Soils Report) A. PAM "Soil Drain": shall be 250 PPM solution. 1. Tanlc Method: Two (2 lbs.) pounds "Soil Drain" per 1.000 gallons of water. 2. Barrel Method: One-quarter (1/4) cup "Soil Drain" per 30 gallons water. B. Mixing: I. Add "Soil Drain• powder slowly into stream jet of water into partially filled container. Agitate continuously while filling with hose. 2. After container is full, continue to agitate solution in container for complete dissolving. 2.5 STAKlNG MATERIALS A. Tree Stakes: Lodgepole Pine with ten (10") inch tapered driving point and chamfered top, treated with copper napthanate or pentachlorophenol to heartwood, green color, as manufactured by C&E Lumber Company of Pomona, CA. Tel. (714) 626-3591, or accepted equal. B. Ties: Thir1y six (36") inch brace type. V.I.T. Products Inc. 920 S. Andreasen Drive, Suite 106, Escondidio, California 92029, Tel. (619) 480-6702. 2.6 GUYING MATERJALS A. Deadrnen: Screw-type galvanized steel ground anchor, or Universal ground anchors, as manufactured by Laconia Malleable Iron Company, Laconia, New Hampshire. B. Hardware: I. Guying Cable: 1 x 19 Aircord, size as specified. 2. Turnbuckles: Galvanized or dip-painted and weldless. 3. Cable Clamps: Galvanized or copper, size as required. 4. Plastic Guy Covers: Three-eighths (3/8") inch diameter x three (3 ') foot long white plastic tubing. 2. 7 VINE SUPPORTS A. Anchors: Galvanized metal or plastic epoxy fastening type as approved. B. Tape: Polyethylene tape, one-half (1/2 ") inch width. 2.8 ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS -4" Universal Barrier, Stock #UB29-2 or 48" stock #UB-48-2 by Deep-Root. (415) 344-1464. 2.9 WATER A. Clean, fresh and potable, furnished and paid for by Owner. B. Transport as required. 2.10 WOOD CHIP MULCH A. Ground tree and shrub trimmings, one-half (1/2 ff) inch to one (l ") inch diameter free of sticks, dirt, dust and other debris, as accepted. B. Manufacturer: Blue Ribbon Nursery Supply, Orange, CA. Tel. (714) 633-3666. 2.11 PEA GRAVEL MULCH A. Size: Crushed rock, three-quarter (¾ ") inch x No. 10 size, free of stick, dirt or other debris. B. Color: Grey, as acceptable to Landscape Architect. 2.12 WOOD HEADER A. Construction Heart Grade Redwood header and stake (or pressure-treated Douglas Fir stake). No sapwood. 2. 13 STEEL HEADER A. Size: (3/16ff) (1/4") x 5" cold formed steel. B. Color: Black; shop painted. C. Manufacturer: Jos. T Ryerson and Son Co.,Inc of Emeryville CA. Tel (415) 653-2933. 2.14 ANTI-DESICCANT A. Anti-desiccants for retarding excessive loss of plant moisture and inhibiting wilt shall be sprayable, water insoluble vinyl-vinyledine complex which will produce a moisture retarding barrier not removable by rain. B. Wilt-Pruf Formula NCF as manufactured by Nursery Specialty Products, Greenwich, Connecticut, or accepted equal. 2.15 DRAINAGE AND SUBDRAINAGE MATERIAL: See Section 02720 Landscape Drainage PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPLANT REVIEW A. General: Do not commence planting work prior to acceptance of soil preparation. B. Finish Grades: Finish grades for all planting areas shall have been established in another section. Verify that all grades are within one (l ") inch plus or minus of required finish grade and Iha! all soil . amendments have been installed as specified under Section 02920 -Sml Preparation. C. Notification: Submit written notification of all conditions inconsistent with specifications for soil preparation and mixing as described in Section 02920 -Soil Preparation. 3.2 DRAINAGE OF PLANTING AREAS A. Surface Drainage: Maintain positive surface drainage of planted areas as established under Section 02215 -Landscape Grading. B. Discrepancies: Submit in writing, all discrepancies in the Drawings or Specifications, obstructions on the site, or prior work done by others, which Contractor feels precludes maintaining proper drainage; include description of all work required for correction or relief of said discrepancies. C. Detrimental Drainage, Soils and Obstructions: I. Notification: Supply written notification of all conditions detrimental to growth of plant material. State condition and submit proposal and cost estimate for correcting condition. 2. Testing: Test drainage of plant beds and pits by filling with water twice in succession. Give written notification of conditions permitting the retention of water in planting beds for more than twenty four (24) hours. 3. Correction: Submit for acceptance a written proposal and cost estimate for the correction before proceeding with work. 4. Obstructions: If rock, underground construction work, tree roots or other obstructions are encountered in the excavation of plant pits, alternate locations may be used as directed. Where locations cannot be changed, submit cost required to remove the obstructions to a depth of not less than six (6") inches below the required pit depth. Proceed with work after acceptance. 3.3 LAYOUT AND EXCAVATION OF PLANTING AREAS A. Layout and Staking: Lay out plants at locations shown on Drawings. Use color-coded wire flags for each specie of plant material. Stake each tree, vine and major shrub. Outline shrub and groundcover beds with lime. Locations of plants will be checked in the field and will be adjusted to exact position before planting begins. Landscape Architect reserves the right to refuse review at this time if, in his opinion, a sufficient quantity of plants is not available. B. Plant Pits: Excavate container-grown tree and shrub pits to the dimensions shown on details. 3.4 ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS A. Install per details and manufacturer's most recent written installation instructions. 3.5 REDWOOD AND/OR STEEL HEADERS A. General: Install headers prior to installation of adjacent sprinkler irrigation system. B. Headers: Install headers true to line and grade as shown on the Drawings. Align header edges and set flush with adjacent paving. C. Stakes: Stakes shall be a minimum of sixteen (16") inches long and longer as required for solid anchorage. Double stake all joints and corners and securely nail to headers. D. Nails: Nails shall be galvanized. 3.6 PLANTING OPERATIONS A. Genernl: 1. Protect plants at all times from sun or drying winds. 2. Keep plants that cannot be planted immediately upon delivery in the shade, well-protected and well-watered. \ B. Handling of Plant Materials: 1. Remove canned stock carefully after cans have been cut on two sides with accepted cutter. Do not use spade to cut cans. 2. Lift and handle plants only from the bottom of the ball. If rootball is cracked or broken during handling, plant shall be rejected. C. Installation: I. Pit Preparation: Add the appropriate amount of backfill mix to the bottom of the plant pit and blend into the existing soil. Tamp and compact mix. 2. Positioning: After removing plant from container, scarify side of rootball to prevent root-bound condition and position plant in planting pit. 3. Drain Hole: Al the bottom of all tree planting pits, auger one vertical a hole three (3 ") inches in diameter and four ( 4 ') feet deep. Fill with prepared backfill mix if required per horticultural (agricultural) soils report. 3. Backfilling: Use backfill mix to backfill on-grade plant pits. Set each plant plumb and brace rigidly in position until planting soil has been tamped solidly around the ball and roots. When plant pits have been backfilled approximately 2/3 full, water thoroughly and saturate rootball, before installing remainder of the backfill mix 10 top of pit, eliminating all air pockets. 4. Staking and/or Guying: Stake or guy as outlined below. 5. Fertilizer Tablets: Place evenly distributed in plant pits when backfilled 2/3 according to the following schedule or per manufacturer's recommendations: 1 gallon can -2 tablets 5 gallon can -4 tablets 15 gallon can -6 tablets 24" box -8 tablets 36 ff box -10 tablets 48 ff box -12 tablets flats -5 gram tablets D. Adjustment: Adjust plants so that after full settlement has occurred, the natural grade at the base of the plants is two (2 •) inches above the adjacent planting finish grade. E. Watering Basin: Form saucer with four (4") inch high berm centered around tree and shrub pits twelve (12") inches wider than ball diameter. Do not form saucer around trees in lawn areas. F. Watering: Water all plants immediately after planting. G. Labels: Remove all nursery-type plant labels from plants. 3.7 STAKlNG AND GUYING A. General: I. Trees shall· be able to stand upright without support, and shall return to the. vertical after their tops have been deflected horizontally and released. Stake or guy trees which do not meet this qualification. All plant materials shall remain plumb and straight for all given conditions from installation through the guarantee period. 2. Use either staking or guying method at Contractor's own option, subject to acceptance. 3. Trees supplied with well-tapered, strong trunlcs which will stand alone may be staked with two (2) stakes and tied per this section. 4. Tree support, if required, shall be done as outlined on the fol!owing tables. B. Staking: Stake all trees under three (3") inches in caliper in accordance with the following table: Tree Caliper @ 12 • Stakes Number Above Grade To 1 3/4" 2 2" lo 3ff 2 Size 2" Diameter x 8' Min. 3 1/2" Diameter x 10' Min. SPECIFICATIONS S-12 1. Locate stakes in a line with trunlc of tree, perpendicular to prevailing wind and as close to the main trunk as is practical, avoiding root injury. Drive stakes at least thirty six (36") inches into firm ground. 2. Remove tree from nursery-supplied stake and tie to new stakes using two accepted tree ties. Find proper height for point of tree ties and allach as follows: , a. Hold trunlc in one hand, pull top to one side and release. Height at which trunlc will snap back to upright is Base Height. Attach tree lies to !runic six (6ff) inches above Base Height. b. Nail V.I.T. ties to stakes per manufacturer's most recent published instructions. Cut off any remaining stake _after total securement to within two (2 ") inches of upper tree 11e. C. Guying: 1. Guy trees at points of branching with guys spaced equally around and outside perimeter of ball. Cover guys with rubber hose at points of contact with bark. Position guys at crotches and fasten to a deadman. 2. Guys: Provide one turnbuckle for each guy. Use 2 cable clamps at each cable connection. Place white plastic guy covers on all guys. 3. Manufactured Product: Install per manufacturer's instructions unless modified by Landscape Architect. Tree Caliper Guy Size Turnbuckle Deadmen @ 12" Number Above Grade 3 l/4 H to 4 1/2 • 3 1/8" diam l/4"x4" 4"x4"x24" -18ff deep 1 X 19 (or) Aircord 18" Screw type Ground Anco (or) Laconia LA-4-40 SM Cable Assembly 4¾" lo 6ff 3 3/16" 5/15ff X 4½" 4"x4"x24" -24" deep diam. (or) l x 19 24 " Screw type Aircord Ground Anco (or) Laconia LA-4-40 SM Cable Assembly 4¾" to 6" 3 3/16" 5/16" X 4 1/2 ff 6"x6"x30" -24" deep diam. (or) 1 X 19 30 ff Screw type Aircord Ground Anco (or) Laconia LA-4-40 SM Cable Assembly 3.8 TRAINING OF VINES AND ESPALIERS A. Anchors: Place as many anchors as required to support the plant and its branching structure as directed. B. Ties: Tie branches to anchors with vinyl ribbon ties. C. Small Vines: Secure to wall or fence with polyethylene tape at ten (10") inch intervals. 3.9 PRUNING A. See Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS REVIE',,IED BY, INSPECTOR BUILT" DATE DATE fSHmlJ CITY OF CARLSBAD 11s46 Ts1 l---.-----l---t----------------+--i----1 --1 -1 ~. PLANNING DEPARTMENT . ,-------------------------+!--_ -_ -_ -_ ++ ---_ ---J-f--_ -_ -_ -~~~~~-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+r-=-=-=-=+~-=-=-=t-t=-=-=-=-+-r=-=-=-=11 PLAN TING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: r~~- ~ •DESIGN• LAN>SCAPE ARCHTECT\JRE DO SOL COSTA l=====l===Jl==============================⇒=====t====t====➔====~ ~A==P::::P'=R":o==VE=o="'.1=-,,;;;. =:,,~:~t'75.r,,.~:;=:'7ru=c=n=o=N=u=N=•rs===::3::::,:==.=.i.:;=,=;;;?:;==•:==),,,;;:a;~c=::~~· ----'f,",4. :.,¢:....:::£:.... ____ __,::__ OA TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN BY: I DATE INITIAL DATE INITI"L CHKD BY: --- OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVIIL RVw'D BY, . PROJECT NO. CT-92-~I I DRAWING NO. .341-6L • 3.10 MULCHING A. Install a tree (3') inch (minimum) deep layer of mulch over all shrub areas including tree and shrub watering basins on all planting areas up to 3: I slope or less. 3.11 GROUNDCOVER PLANTING A. Tilling; Surface soil in areas to be planted with groundcove·r shall be tilled to a depth of six (6") inches. Planting soil amendments should be uniformly broadcast and thoroughly incorporated to a depth of six (6") inches by means of rototiller or equal. B. Planting: Plant groundcover plants at optimum depth for proper growth. Avoid air pockets. Equally space triangularly, at distances called for in the Drawings. C. Watering: Water bed thoroughly after fenilizer application. Wash all fertilizer from leaves of plant materials. 3.12 HYDROSEEDED COVER CROP A. Preparation: Do all slurry preparation at the job site. I. Water: Add water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft, establish good recirculation and add seed. 2. Seed: Do not allow seed to remain more than thirty (30) minutes in slurry. 3. Fertilizer: Add fertilizer, followed by the mulch. The mulch shall only be added to the mixture after the seed, and when the tank is at least I /3 filled with water. B. Application: Refer to Section 02485 -Hydroseeding. 3.13 CLEAN UP A. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. B. Clean up and remove all deleterious materials and debris from the entire work area prior to Final Acceptance. SECTION 04220 CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY PART 1-GENERAL I.I SCOPE A. Furnish materials and perform labor required to execute this work as indicated on the drawings, as specified, and as necessary to complete the Contract, including, but not limited to, these major items: I. Concrete block. 2. Venical and horizontal reinforcing, and dowels projecting into subsequently placed concrete. 3. Setting of door frames and other work to be embedded in masonry. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Concrete, including dowels installed in concrete, placed prior to installation of masonry work, for anchorage of masonry. 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Codes: Materials and work shall conform to the governing building code. In case of conflict between these specifications and the building code, the more stringent shall govern. B. Samples: In accordance with Shop Drawings and Samples Section, submit samples of all blocks used in the work. C. Tests and inspections: The Owner will pay for all tests and inspections of completed installation of this work. Costs of all tests and inspections at material sources, and costs of retests of rejected work, shall be borne by the Contractor. I. Continuous inspection by a registered deputy building inspector will be required for some concrete block masonry as indicated per plans. D. Protection: Safeguard all materials against injury in transit, delivery, storage, sorting, installation, cleaning, and until final acceptance of the completed work. Store cement and lime in rainproof sheds with elevated floors. Store sand on tightly floored space, protected against mixing with ground or other materials. E. Notes: General Notes on the Structural Drawings are part of this Section. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Concrete block units: ASTM C90, Grade N-1, hollow, lightweight loadbearing units. Size as indicated, color as provided by the Architect. Provide all indicated open end units, special sizes and special shapes. B. Portland cement: ASTM Cl50, Type I or II; standard brand, containing not more than 0.6% total alkali, where calculated as sodium o,dde in accordance with ASTM Cl 14. Use only one brand. C. Sand: ASTM Cl44. For grout, not less than 3% shall pass the No. J- 000 sieve. D. Pea gravel: Clean, hard, containing not more than 5% by weight of flat, thin, elongated, friable, or laminated pieces; uniformly graded with not over 5% passing a No. 8 sieve to 100% passing a 3/8" sieve. E. Lime: ASTM C207, Type S, containing 85 % by weight of calcium oxide. F. Lime putty: Make from hydrated lime conforming to ASTM C207, pulverized to such fineness that 100% will pass a 50 mesh sieve. Mix lime in water, run through screen into box, and age 48 hours. G. Reinforcing steel: ASTM A615, Grade 40. H. Water: Clean; from source intended for domestic consumption. I. Waterproofing admixture: Red Label for mortar, Grout Aid for grout, both by Sika Chemical Co. 2.2 MORT AR AND GROUT A. Mortar: Shall be type "S" composed (by volume) of one part Portland cement, 1/2 to 1/4 part lime or lime putty, and sand in not less than 2- 1/4 and not more than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement and lime used, and admixture in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. 1. Lime putty: Store lime putty, made from hydrated lime, for 48 hours before use. Screen through a I 6 mesh sieve. 2. Mixing: Mix water, sand and cement for two minutes, then add lime and the admixture, and mix for ten additional minutes in a mechanically operated batch mixer; a continuous mortar mixer will not be permitted. Make to maintain a slump of from 2-1/2" to 3". B. Grout: Minimum compressive strength shall be 2,000 PSI and shall be monar sand, 2 parts pea gravel, to which add admixture as recommended by the manufacturer. Mix as required for mortar, except adjust the amount of water to make a creamy flow that will not allow the gravel to segregate. Properly puddle grout to fill voids. Omit gravel for grout spaces less than 2" clear in horizontal dimension. Grout all cells with rebar and/or as noted on plans. C. Mortar and grout not used within 30 minutes after leaving mixer will not be permitted on the work. Retempering of mixture will not be allowed. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 SCAFFOLD AND PROTECTION A. Provide, install, and maintain scaffolding, staging, and forms of protection necessary for execution of the work, substantially constructed, moved and dismantled as necessary, to properly follow the sequence of operations. 3.2 SHORES AND CENTERING A. Provide and install shores and centering for the work, constructed true to required shape, size, and form, well braced and made rigid, and capable of supporting and sustaining the loads to which subjected. Leave shores and centering in place until the masonry is sufficiently set to safely carry its own weight and added loads of construction. I v,.t-lDSCAp, , ~,-,,,_<.> (;. 1.0RQf lvo" ...,,?, ,._'<J~'I,. ,_, 'l "~ "'1, ~ ) ~ ign<;°J, it 3/i., t.& ,.. v'~ • ~-~..,. "1 l'; 0~ ['Op-CAI.If 3.3 PLACING REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing steel. except dowels in other material: Accurately set and place strictly as shown or noted. In spaces containing reinforcement, except small rods or mesh 1/4" or less in diameter, the clear distances between masonry and the reinforcement shall be at least l /4". 1. Vertical bars: Continuous from bottom of cell to top of wall, centered in cells, except where otherwise indicated. Where necessary. hold vertical steel finnl y in place by frames or other suitable devices as approved. Lap all bars 36 bar diams (2' - 0"min.) in concrete, 40 bar diams, (2'-6" min.) in masonry. 2. Horizontal bars: Wire temporarily above exact position, and tag to indicate correct locations. Use calibrated vertical markers to indicate correct location. Provide horizontal bars where indicated, wired to vertical bars or dowels. B. The contractor shall refer to structural soils report which is available through the owner. Said report is hereby made a part of these drawings. 3.4 PREPARATION A. Previously placed concrete or masonry: Clean of encrustations, laitance, oil, and coatings which would reduce bond. Wash work thoroughly with water under pressure; leave surfaces damp where masonry units connect with earlier placed work. B. Masonry units: Thoroughly clean of dust, grease, oil, or other matter which would reduce bond. C. Wetting: Do not wet concrete block units before installation. D. Reinforcement: Clean of mill scale, loose rust, oil and coarings which would reduce bond. Securely anchor in place. E. Obtain approval of methods of placement and fastening of reinforcement. 3.5 WORKMANSHIP A. Preserve unobstructed vertical continuity of cells to be filled. Fully bed weds and cross-walls forming such cells in mortar to prevent leakage of grout. Strike joints around such cells smooth. B. Usage of fractional parts of masonry units will be prohibited where w~ole units can be used. The chinking of interstices with fragments will not be allowed. Provide special units as necessary to form openings and lintels. C. Fill all cells of masonry solidly with grout in lifts not exceeding 4' in height. Except at the finished course. stop grout one-half the course height below the top of the last course grouted. D. No part of any masonry wall may be carried more than 6" higher than adjoining portions. E. Whe.re i( is absolutely necessary, for construction purposes, to stop off longnudmal runs of masonry, stop off only by racking back one-half unit length in each course. Toothing will not be pennitted. F. At openings for ducts, pipes, and conduit built into the masonry walls, cut to form fraction units with an abrasive saw. G. Unless otherwise indicated, lay block in regular running bond. H. When the possibility of rain occurs, cover the tops of all walls exposed to the weather, and all concrete masonry units, with sheets of polyethylene film, or other approved effective forms of protection, to prevent absorption of water. Store masonry units above the ground if the possibility of surface flooding exists. 3.6 JOINTS A. Mortar joints in masonry surfaces which are exposed to the weather shall be pointed flush, as approved, with a pointing tool making solid, smooth watertight joints I t io · · t h II be t k fl h d h ' . n er r Jorn s s a s rue us an t e surfaces sacked as the work progresses. 3.7 BOLTS, ANCHORS AND REGLETS A. Set bolts, anchors, reglets, and inserts necessary for the attachment of subsequent work, and items furnished under other sections. B. Minimum grout coverage shall be 3/4". 3.8 POINTING AND CLEANING A. Leave exposed surfaces clean and free of surplus monar or foreign material. Exercise care to keep grout and mortar droppings off of finished surfaces. I. Defective joints: Holes or defective monar joints, in exposed masonry, shall be pointed, and, where necessary, defective joints cut out and repainted. 2. Staining and excess mortar: Protect exposed masonry against staining. Where grout or mortar does contact the faces of masonry, remove it immediately. Should accidental spillage occur, wash and clean surfaces immediately. PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED -SECTION 05520 SITE METAL WORK A. Measurement and verification; shop drawings; cutting, welding and · grinding; and fabrication and installation of tubular steel fences and gates. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. B. Section 02920 -Exterior Painting C. Section 4220 -Concrete Unit Masonry 1.3 STANDARDS Applicable Standards: All references to manuals shall mean the current or latest editions as described below. "A WS • -Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Building Construction• of American Welding Society, AWS Dl.0. "ASTM" -American Society for Testing Materials. "AISC • -American Institute of Steel Construction, "Standards for Details and Connections-of Strucmral Steel." 1 "UBC" -Uniform Building Code APPROVED FOR PLANTING 11 AS BUIL T1 ' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE DATE 5FEC/F/CAT/ON5 LOCATION OF PLANTING REV!Ew'ED BY• . 5-1.3 AREAS. . INSPECTOR DATE ~II CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11 54615 I PLANTING ANG IRRIGATION PL.ANS FOR· COSTA DO SOL -.. PRooupnoN UNITS rm APPROVE~" ./ 'l / -, "' -~ e;, .. _;r t..<,tJ'•••D;,• .) ,4 """ \[, lo • l' (?~ '/ , ',--'0 / •"""' ... 4' V ~ I I DRAWING MO. OWN BY: PROJECT NO. -FORMA SYS70/S CADD DATE INITIAL DATE; INl'T1AI. DATE: INl'T1AL CHKD BY: CT -~2-12'1 ~•DESIGN • LAM09CAPE AFICHTECTURE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION □THER APPRDV AL CITY APPROVAL RVlo/D BY, 341-6L. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field Measurement: Make all field measurements as required prior to fabrication and installation. B. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordination installation. C. Sampl.es: Submit prior to delivery to site. Attach product name, address of manufacturer and/or supplier to each sample. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's current catalog cuts, data sheets and installation instructions. l. Corner: One (1) eight (8") inch long with one (l) butt end joint or miter joint for each type. 2. Sample Fabrication: One (l) 12" x 12" showing comer and vertical rai I. 3. Color: Two (2) for each type and color. B. Test Report: One (1) copy to be sent by testing laboratory directory to landscape architect. C. Shop Drawings: 1. Submittal: Submit shop drawings to Landscape Architect prior to fabrication. 2. Verification: Verify all measurements at the job. Show dimensions, sizes, thicknesses, gauges, finishes, joining, auachments, and relationship of work to adjoining construction. Where items must fit and coordinate with finished surfaces and/or constructed spaces, take measurements at site and not from drawings. 3. Coordination: Where concrete, masonry or other materials must be set to exact locations to receive work, furnish assistance and direction necessary to permit other trades to properly locate their work. 4. Welded Connectors, Concrete, or Masonry Inserts: Where required to receive work, show exact locations and furnish all such Drawings to the trades responsible for installing the connectors or inserts. 5. Catalogue Work Sheers: Show illustrated cuts of item to be furnished, scaled details and dimensions. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Delivery: Deliver fabricated units and components completely identified per shop drawings. Protect surfaces from damage during shipping. Inspect work for damage upon delivery to site. No materials with defects or scratches on exposed finishes will be accepted. B. Protection: Protect work at site from damage and from weather until installed and all work has been accepted. C. Replacement: Replace all damaged work at no cost to Owner. 1. 7 JOB CONDITIONS A. Examine the conditions in which the work is to be installed. B. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1.8 COORDINATION A. Templates and Built-ins: Furnish all anchors, fastenings, sleeves, setting templates and layouts affecting or installed in the work of other trades. B. Delivery: Where items must be incorporated or built into adjacent work, deliver to trade responsible for such work in sufficient time that progress of work is not delayed. Be responsible for proper location of such times. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 STEEL TUBING: ASTM A500, cold formed, Grade A or B, welded or seamless. 2.2 STEEL PLATE, SHAPE, AND BAR: ASTM A36. ASTM A306, Grade 65. 2.3 FASTENINGS: All bolts, nuts, screws, clips, washers, and any other fastenings necessary for proper erection of items specified herein, shall be stainless steel or galvanized. 2.4 CONCRETE INSERTS: ASTM A47 malleable iron or ASTM A27 cast steel, threaded or wedge type, galvanized ferrous castings. Provide ASTM Al53 hot-dipped galvanized bolts, washers and shims as required. 2.5 WELDING ELECTRODES: AWS Code Dl.0. 2.6 FINISHES: See Section 02990 -Exterior Painting. 2.7 CONCRETE FINISHES: See Section 02514 -Concrete Work. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 WORKMANSHIP REQUIREMENTS A. 'Verify all measurements at job. B. Coordinate all metal work with adjoining work for details of attachment, fittings, etc. Do all cutting, shearing, drilling, punching, threading, tapping, etc., required for site metal work or for attachment of adjacent work. Drill or punch holes; do not use cutting torch. Shearing and punching shall leave true lines and surfaces. C. Conceal all fastenings where practicable. Thickness of metal and details of assembly and supports shall give ample strength and stiffness. Form joints exposed to weather to exclude water. D. Make all permanent connections in ferrous metal surfaces using welds where at all possible; do not use bolts or screws where they can be avoided. E. Provide all lugs, clips, anchors and miscellaneous fastenings necessary for the complete assembly and installation. F. Set all work plumb, true, rigid, and neatly trimmed out. Miter corners and angles of exposed moldings and frames unless otherwise noted. G. Where items must be incorporated or built into adjacent work, deliver to trade responsible for such work in sufficient time that progress of work is not delayed. Be responsible for proper location of such items. 3.2 WELDING A. Perform all welding in accordance with AWS Code Dl.0. B. Welds shall be made only by operators experienced in performing the type of work indicated. 1. Preparation: Remove all rust, paint, scale and other foreign matter. Wire brush all flame-cut edges. Clamp members as required and alternate welds, all as necessary to prevent warping or misalignment. 2. Exposed Welds: Uniformly make and ground smooth all welds normally exposed to view in the finished work. 3. Galvanized Units: Do not weld after fabrication. 4. Faulty or Defective Welding: Chip out and replace all welding showing cracks, slag inclusion, lack of fusion, or other defects ascertained by visual or other means of inspection. Replace and reweld at no cost to Owner. 5. Field Welding: a. Procedure: Comply with A WS code of manual shielded metal-arc welding, appearance and quality of welds made, and methods used in correcting welding work. b. Protection: Protect all adjacent surfaces from damage due to weld sparks, spatter, or tramp metal. C. Welds normally exposed to view in the finished work shall be uniformly made and shall be ground smooth. D. Where welding is done in proximity to glass or finished surfaces, such surfaces shall be protected from damage due to weld sparks, spatter, or tramp metal. E. All field welding shall be inspected by a qualified inspector. 3.3 BOLTED, SCREWED, AND RIVETED CONNECTIONS A. Bolts: In general, use bolts for field connections only and then only as detailed. Provide washers under all heads and nuts bearing on wood. Draw all nuts tight and nick threads of permanent connections to prevent loosening. Use beveled washers where bearing is on sloped surfaces. B. Screws: Where screws must be used for permanent connections in ferrous metal. use fiat head type, countersunk, with screw slots filled and finished smooth and flush. C. Rivets: Where rivets are used, they shall be machine driven, tight, heads centered, countersunk, and finished flush and smooth. 3.4 ERECTION A. Shims: Work may be brought together by means of wood shims when used in manner that will not distort or injure material. B. Torch: Use of gas cutting torch in field for correcting fabrication errors will not be permitted on essential members in structural frame. Its use may be allowed on minor members while not under stress only after such use is authorized in each case. C. Anchor Bolts and Anchors: Properly locate and build into connection work anchor bolts and anchors. D. Structural Members: 1. Structural members shall be plumb and level or true slope as shown. 2. Bolt-up weld work as erection proceeds to take care of dead load, wind or erection stresses. Provide temporary bracing to insure stability of structure. 3. No welding or permanent bolting shall be done until as much of structure will be stiffened and properly aligned. 3.5 TOUCH UP AND FIELD PAINTING: Abraded, corroded and welded surface areas shall be brushed with steel wire and touched up under this Section with same paint used in shop painting. 3.6 PROTECTION AND CLEANING: Remove all soil and foreign matter from finished surfaces and apply such protective measures as may be required to prevent damage or discoloration of any kind until acceptance of project. SPECIFICATIONS S-14 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" RE:VlEw'tD BY• INSPECTOR DATE DATE ...._-+-----1f--------------+----+---+---+-------t ~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD I I~ Im roRlll. Sl"!:ITTIS CA/JD l'I.A.....a • 0E!IIGN • LAN>SCAPE ARCKTECTUIIE 01\ TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of ,WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL 01\ TE INI llAL DTHER I\PPRIJV AL CllY M'PRO\IAL PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS OWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY; __ _ RVVD BY• CT~ °)'Z--of ~l-0L PART l -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Portland Cement Plaster 1.02 RELATED WORK SECTION 09220 PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract includi~g Gen~ral and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to work of thts Section. B. Section 09203: Lathing 1.03 REFERENCE ST AND ARDS A. Conform to the 1988 edition Western Lath/Plaster/Drywall Industries Association, Inc. (WLPDIA), Lath and Plastering Reference Specifications, except as modified in this section. Conform to ASTM C926. 8. Uniform Building Code (UBC). 1.04 SAMPLE PANEL A. Submit a 12 inch square sample of each finish surface color and texture specified for approval by Architect. Comply with provisions of Section 01340. B. At option of Architect, sample panel may be a jobsite-created mock-up. C. Obtain Architect's acceptance of sample(s) before stan of plastering work. Retain and maintain mock-up during construction in undisturbed condition as a standard for judging completed plaster work. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this section. Applicator to be a company specializing in cement plaster work with minimum 5 years documented ellperience. B. Comply with current governing building codes and with manufacrurer's printed specifications. Refer any conflict between contract documents and referenced standards, codes, or manufacturer's specifications to Architect for interpretation. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01600. B. Deliver all materials, e){cept sand and water, to the site in sealed containers or bags fully identified with manufacturer's name, brand, type and grade. C. Store materials in a dry, well-ventilated space, under cover and off the ground. Store aggregates on clean platforms and cover with plastic sheeting to exclude dirt and other foreign materials which would adversely affect the plaster. 1.07 PROJECT COORDINATION A. Protect adjacent surfaces and work from staining or damage as a result of plastering operations. B. Protect plaster against extreme climatic conditions, and as required to prevent uneven and excessive evaporation from hot dry air. Keep plaster above 50 degrees F. during application and for a period of not less than 72 hours thereafter. Do not apply plaster when substrate or ambient air temperature is less than 50 degrees F nor more than 80 degrees F. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 BASECOAT MATERJALS A. Cement: Regular -Type I or Type II low alkali Portland type conforming to requirements of ASTM Cl50. Do NOT use plastic cement. B. Hydrated Lime: ANSI/ASTM C206, Type S. C. Aggregate: Clean, sharp natural plastering sand, conforming to ASTM Cl44 and C897; graded in accordance with WLPDIA Reference Standards, Section 6.6.4. D. Water: Clean, potable fresh and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious substances. E. Bonding Agents: (Bonding plaster to masonry or concrete). Provide material producing a permanent bond not affected by freezing, heat, acid, alkali, or dampness, producing no discoloration to finished plaster surfaces, and complying with ASTM C 932. CEIP Bonder, Larsen Products "Weldcrete" or equal. F. Glass Fiber Reinforcing: Alkali-Resistant (AR) type, nominally 1/2-inch long. Hill Brothers Chemical Co. "Hi-Fibe P-1510" polypropylene fibers; Fibermesh Harbourite AR type glass fibers, or approved equal. Provide in proportion and density per manufacturer"s instructions in both Scratch and Brown Coats. G. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. 2.02 FINISHING PLASTER MATERIALS · A. Manufactured stucco finish mixed with a solution comprised of one part Thoro System Products' Aery! 60 acrylic compound or equal, and three parts water, unless otherwise approved by Architect. B. Finishing Coat: Factory mixed Portland Cement plaster with integral color and Acryl 60. Color as selected by Architect. C. Coloring Agent: Provide alkali-resistant, sun-fast, mineral oxide producing colors approved by the Architect. D. Acceptable Manufacturers: La Habra Products, Omega Products, Expo Stucco, Highland Stucco. E. Water: As specified for basecoat materials. 2.03 CEMENT PLASTER MIXES A. Mill admixtures with Portland Cement and sand in accordance with ASTM C 926, materials manufacturer's instructions and as follows. Achieve a minimum of 3000 PSI 28-day compressive strength. Do not add plasticizers of any kind. B. Plaster Mix: Scratch and Brown Coats (each): I pan Portland Cement, 3-1/2 parts sand, not more than 10 lbs. lime for workability, and 2 lbs. glass fibers (1/2") per 100 lbs. of cement (unless otherwise required by manufacturer). Add glass fibers to mixer after it has been operating for at least two minutes to minimize glass fiber breakage. Finish Coat: Prepared, integral color portland cement and sand pre-mill, proportions as determined and approved by manufacturer, with Aery! 60 admixture. Do not add lime to factory-mixed plaster. C. Use absolute minimum amount of water in all mixes. D. Mix only as much plaster as can be used in one hour. E. Mill materials dry, to uniform color and consiste,1cy, before adding water. Add 90 percent of mixing water and 100 percent of admixture to plaster mixer before dry ingredients are added. F. Protect mixes from frost, contamination and evaporation. G. Do NOT retemper mixes after initial set has occurred. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Ellamine the areas and conditions under which work of this section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. B. Prior to application ensure mechanical and electrical services behind surfaces to receive cement plaster have been tested and approved. C. Clean concrete or masonry surfaces of dust, laitance, efflorescence, loose particles, grease or other foreign matter. Light sandblast surface if necessary. Thoroughly wet surfaces before using acid solutions, solvents or detergents to perform cleaning. Thoroughly wash surfaces with clean water immediately following their use. Ensure mortar joints are flush. Concrete shall cure at least 28 days. D. Roughen smooth concrete surfaces so as to allow adequate adhesion. Use method acceptable to Architect. E. Apply specified bonding agent on concrete or masonry surfaces which are to receive cement plaster. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, ensuring complete coverage. Bonding agent may be deleted on porous, rough texture masonry only as approved by Architect. F. Ensure metal lath and accessories are properly installed, rigidly secured and attached per referenced standards and manufacturer. Verify that grounds have been set in a manner to achieve the required plaster thickness. 3.02 PLASTERJNG APPLICATION A. General: I. Schedule application of plaster to precede application of other finishes, and installation of other items, which could be damaged by accidents incidental to the plastedng. 2. Apply portland cement plaster by machine or by hand. Apply finish dash coats only by machine. 3. Apply each coat continuously, interrupting only at control joints, at openings, or at junctions of plaster planes. 4. Where frames or other items provide a plaster ground, tool through the finish coat to produce a v-joint at the intersection of plaster and such items. 5. Produce the total plaster thicknesses shown on the drawings. Apply in accordance with referenced standards. 6. For finished plaster surfaces, maintain a maximum tolerance (variation) of 1/8 inch in Io feet from true flamess. rrn __ - 7. Do not use materials which are caked, lumpy, dirty, or contamin~ted by foreign materials. Use only clean water, free from impurities which might impair the plaster. 8. Grounds and Screeds: Wherever permanent grounds are too far apart to serve as guides for rodding, provide plaster screeds and establish true surface of screeds with rod before screeds are set. Keep grounds clean and free of plaster. 9. Work shall be plumb, level, straight, in true planes, free from cracks, checks, structural defects, and surface imperfections; flush with grounds, corner beads, stops and screeds, and shall m;atch approved sample panel. Laps in brown coat shall not occur over laps in scratch coat. B. Machine Applied Plaster: Apply plaster by machine using experienced and properly equipped applicators, foremen, and nozzlemen. C. Base Coats on Metal Lath: I. Scratch Coat: Apply to a minimum 3/8" thickness to embed and cover lath. Score lightly in a horizontal direction only. Keep moist for two days. Double-back will be accepted if weather conditions permit and if approved by Architect. 2. Do not apply brown coat sooner than 48 hours after scratch coat application. 3. Brown Coat: Dampen, but do not saturate, the scratch coat. Apply plaster to _bring no~inal thickness of scratch and brown coats to 3/4". Float and rod to a level plane with a maximum variation of 1/4" under a 10-ft. straight-edge placed at any point on plaster surfaces. Leave sufficiently rough to assure adequate bond for finish coat. Surface shall be free from imperfections which may reflect in the finish coat._ . . 4. Do not locate cold joints in brown coat over cold Joints m scratch coat. 5. Moist cure ai;h base coat 48 hours minimum after application. D. Plastering on concrete/masonry surfaces: I. Install 2-coat plaster system with bonding agent over masonry or concrete as shown on drawings. 2. Lightly wet surface prior to application of scrat~h coat, and apply ?ash bond coat. 3. Lathing and furring not required, unless otherwise shown on drawings. Install metal screeds and beads where shown or as necessary to terminate plaster finish. E. Exterior portland cement plaster finish coat: b 1. Do not apply finish coat sooner than 7 days after application of brown coat. Dampen ase coat prior to applying finish coat. 2. Machine apply finish plaster in two coats evenly and uniformly. Apply the first coat to provide the texture pattern. Apply the second coat to obtain uniformity in color and tellture. When practical, complete both coats on the same day, the second following the first when the first is sufficiently firm to receive the second coat. Total thickness: 1/8 inch. 3. Texture: Medium Sand Float to match approved sample. 4. Trowel on a finish coat and double back with a second application. Plaster mill is to be formulated with 20-mesh aggregate. 5. Using circular motion, rub surface with float to achieve uniform pattern, bringing sand particles to surface. An absolute minimum of water should be used in floating. F. Total Plaster Thickness: I. Over Framing: 7/8 inch thick. 2. Over Masonry or Concrete: 1/2 inch thick. G. Curing: I. Moist Cure: Moist cure 48 hours minimum. Do not saturate or soak; use fine fog spray. Make provisions for moist curing over weekends and holidays. . 2. Protect each coat from irregular or excessive drying. Protect plaster fr?dmedhot dry winds to eliminate •dry-outs• and see that required heat and ventilation are prov1 as necessary to eliminate "sweat-outs". 3. Cure finish coat for minimum of 7 days. 3.03 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES A. Perform cement plaster work for fire rated assemblies in accordance with drawings and as recommended by Underwriter's Laboratories (UL). 3.04 CLEANING AND TOUCH-UP A. Upon completion of the other work of this. section, !nspect all portland cement plaster surfaces and correct conditions which do not meet specified requuements. B. Remove protective materials and plaster materials from adjacent surfaces, and remove stains which would adverse! y affect finishes. When all work under this contract, except painting, has _been com~leted, _c~t out and fill all broken C. or damaged portions of plaster, repairing same and leavmg work m cond1t1on acceptable to Architect, with angles and lines clean and sharp, and surfaces clean and smooth. D. In all cases, cut out cracks properly, prepare and plaster full to match adjoining surfaces. Before patching, apply plaster bonding agent to ed;g:._es_. ________________ -r-----------------, END OF SECTION SPECIFICATIONS 5-15 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" DATE REVIE'w'ED BY• INSPECTOR DATE 1---1---+----------t-----t----r--r----j I s~~T 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANTING AND IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL PRODUCTION UNITS ,,. - DA TE" INITIAL DA TE llllllAI. D" TE INITIA.L DRAWING NO. l'LANIING •DESIGN• LAN>SCAl'E AIICKTECTURE ENGINEER Cf' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION □Tl£R APPROVAL CITY "PPROV"L OWN BY: , 1 PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: --/" 'T-1'2? -o I RV'w'D BY• ~ -1 lo-I ?;;'fl ·"t... GENERAL NOTES CITY Of CARLSBAD NOTES AND BE0JHBENflfr'I SLOPES REQUIRING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED HEREIN SHAU. BE IBEATED Wffii ONE OR MORE OF Tl-IE FCUOWING PlANl1NG STANDARDS; A. B. C. u. STN:/PABP 11 -COVER CROP/JUTE MESH. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. COVER CROP SHAU. BE A SEED MIX TYPI~ Y MADE UP OF QUICK GERMINATING ANO FAST COVERING GRASSES, CtOVEAS, ANO/OR WILD FLOWERS. THE COVER CROP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE ANO MANNER SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE 90% COVEAAGE WTTHIN iHRTY (3C) DAYS. TYPE OFJUTEMESH S~ BE AS APPl'\OVED BY TI-iE CITY AND STAKED TO THE j SLOPE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE LIANLiFACTURER. GREEN JlJTE MESH SHAU.'ae REQUIRED WHEN Pl.ANTING OCCURS BElWEEN AUGUST 15 AND APRIL 15. DURING TI-IE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR, TliE COVER CROP ANO.OR JUTE MESH MAYBE USED. STANDARD 12 -GROUND COVER ONE HUNDRED (100%) PERCENT OF THE AREA SHAU BE Pl..Mm:D WITH A GROUND COVER ICNOWN TO HAVE EXCELLENT SOIL BINDING CHAA.4CTERISTICS (Pt.ANTED FROM A MINIMUM SIZE OF FLATTED MATERIAL ANO SPACED TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITHIN ONE YEAR). iif, iNDAAD f3 -LOW S>-IRUBS LOW SPREADING WOODY SHRUBS (Pl.ANTED FAOM A MINiMUM OF 2·3/◄ INCH (2- 3/4j LINERS} SHALL COVER A MINIMUM OF SEVENTY PERCENT (70%) OF THE SLOPE FACE (AT I.IATURE SIZE). STANDARD H · TREES ANO LAAGE S>-IRUBS Tl'IEES ANIJJOA LAAGE SHRUBS SHAU. BE (Pl.ANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) GAU.ON CONT AJNERS) AT A MINIMUM RA TE OF ONE ( 1) f'tANT PER TWO HUIDREO (200) SOUARE FEET. NOTE: AREAS OF APPLICATION SHALL BE PER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL. SECT. IV E, E.3-1. 2.1. 2.01 JFMPQRARY/SPfCIAI CQNDmoNs 3.01 AREAS GRADED FLATTER 1liAN 8:1 REQUIRE STANDARD •1 (COVER CROP) WHEN THEY HAVE ONE OR MORE OFTl-lE FOU.OWlNG cet.ofTIOlS: A. SHEET GRADED PAD$ NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SIX (6) MO'ffi-JS OF COMPLETIOO OF ROUGH GAAOING. 8. A POTENTIAi. EROSION PROBLEM AS DETERI.IINEO BY THE CITY. C. IOENTIFIED BY TI-IE CITY AS HIGHLY VISIBLE AREAS TO THE PUBLIC OR HAVE SPECIAL COODITIONS 11-iAT WARRANT IMl,IECLI.TE TIIEATMENT. AREAS TO BE HVDROSEEDEO SHAU. FIRST BE OISl<EO OR ROTOTIUED Tci PROVIDE A FRIABLE. LOOSE SEED BED. !NSTA! I A!JON BONp REI f!Sf AND MAINJfNANCf BEQI 11B fMENIS A. !NSTA! I A!IQl'f B. 1. 2. 3. PRIOA TO START OF GRADING, THE APP\.ICANT OR APPLICANT'S AGENT SHALL 06TAJN CITY APPROVAL OF A CONSTRUCTION SCHEDLILE ANO.OR EXHIBIT a.Jll..NNG lliE TIMING OF THE SLOPE PlANi1NG ANO lfiRJGA TICN. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION SHAU. BE GIVEN TO WATER AND ELEC"l'RICAL SERVICES. IRRIGATION ANO PLANTING SHALL TAKE PLACE AS GRADING PROGRESSES •. ... THE SCHEOULE SHAU. SHOW TIMING OF CONSTRUCTION OF FREE STANDING. RETAJNING AND CRIB WAI.LS II.IMEDIATELY AFTER ROUGH GRADING AT EACH LOCATIOO IS ACHIEVED. IRRIGATION INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS SHALL COMMENCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF Tl-IE Tll.lE WHEN EACH SLOPE IS BROI.JGI-IT TO GRADE AS SHOWN ON lliE APPROVED GRADING PUNS.. Pl.ANTING PLANTING AND IRRIGATION FOR THE AREAS DESCRIBED ABOVE $HAU. BE COMP\.ETELY INSTAU..ED, AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS, WITI-ilN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE IRRIGATIOO INSTAU.ATION FIRST ~ME.Nee;,. 0. LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (INSTAU.ATION) . , 1. THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF RECORD FOR ALL THE PROJECTS REQUIRING LANDSCAPE PLANS SHALL SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE CITY STATING THAT THE PROJECT HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE Win-I THE APPROVED PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS: A. PRIOR TO GRANTING A PERMIT OF OCCUPANCY ON PRIVATE DEVELOPMENTS. OR 8. PP.JOA ·TO APPROVAL OF CITY OF WORIC DONE 'OH PUBLIC PROPERTY TI-iAT WIU. BE MAfflAJNEO BY CITY FORCES AN!) PRIOA TO THE REOUIREO MAINTENANCE PERIOD AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 3.02.F(l-Aj. 3.02. MAIW:ENAN(,E (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROJECTS) A. CONDfTIONS OF LANDSCAPES t. AU. PLANTING ARE.AS SHAU. BE MAINTAJNcC IN A HEAJ.. lHY ANO THRMNG CONDffiON. · B. CU. TIVATION ANO WAif'ERINQ C. All PLANTED ARE.AS SHAl..l.. BE Ml,INTAINED IN A RELATIVELY WEED-FREE CONDITION AND CLEAR OF UNOERGROW'Tli WHICH MAY CAUSE UNDUE FIRE HAZARDS. PI..ANTJNGS MUST BE FERTILIZED AND WATERED AT SUCH INTERVALS AS AR[: NECESSARY TO PROMOTE oPTIMUM GROWTH. LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SHAU. BE APPLIEO AT A AATE NOT EXCEEDING THE INFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL (MINIMIZJNG EROSION ANO WATER WASTEJ BUT SUFFICIENTLY TO AU.OW FOR HEAL 11-fV Pl.ANT GROWTH. o. REP\.ANTlNG All TREES. SHRUBS, GROUND COVERS. ANO OTHER PLANT MATERIAL Y,IH!CH HAVE BEEN Pl.ANTED AND WHICH, DUE TO ACCIDENT, DAMAGE, DISEASE. OR OTHER CAUSE, FAIL TO SHOW A HEALTHY GROWTH SHAU BE REPLACED. REPLACEMENT PLANTS SHAU CONFORM TO All STANDARDS TI-iAT GOVERN 1liE ORIGINAL Pl.ANTING INST ALiA TICN. CHANGES TO THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PROJECTS THAT REQUIRED APPROVED lANDSCAPE PI..ANS MUST UAlNT AlN THE LANDSCAPE IN A MANNER IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORI.IANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN.. ANY CHANGES TO THE APPROVED lANDSCAPES AFTER INST AU.ATION MUST BE APPROVED BY mE CITY IN MJV.AHCE.. LANDSCAPE UEDIANS ANO OTHER AREAS TO BE MAINTAlNEO BY CITY FORCES t. MAJNT'ENANCE PERICO A. C. THE MEDIANS SHALL BE UAINTAINED BY THE DEVELOPER (RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CONSTRUCTION) FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (90) DAYS, OR UNTL Pv.NTS DEEMED ESTABUSHED ANO THE IRRIGATION IS OPERATING PROPERLY TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE PARICS ANO RECREATION DIRECTOR. WHICHEVER PERICO ISLONGER. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SHOWING PROPOSED ACTIVITIES AND FREQUENCIES SHAU. BE SUBI.IITTEO TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE OF TliE UEDIAN LANDSCAPE CONSTIIUCTIOf( ANO PRIOR TO COMMENC!aMENT OF me LANDSCAPE IMJNTI:NANCE PERIOD. AT TI-iE TIME OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE. THE CITY SHALL BE GIVEN All CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE KEYS. QUICK COUPLER KEYS. OPERATION MANUALS, AHO OTHEl'I ITEMS CALLED OUT IN THE APPROVED Pl.,\l,IS ANO SPECIFICATIONS AND NECESSARY TO MAINTAJN Tl-IE lANDSCAPE. ARE SUPPRESSION MANAGEMENT AREAS AnEAS OF DEVELOPLIENTS THAT WERE APPROVED UNDER THE REOUIR',MENTS OF SECTION 11-C AND IV-F OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD L.ANOSCA!"E UANUAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE RESPONSIBLE PRIVATE PARTY IN CONFORMANCE WITH lHf: APPROVED FIRE SUPPRESSION PlAN.. PLANTS SHALL BE KEPT f>r.!JNED TO THE VOLUME REOUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN SECTION F OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL . 3.03 Bfl FASE OE 6QNDS A. LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (RELEASE OF BONDS) PRIOR TD RELEASE OF BONO$, THE LICENSED DESIGNER Of' RECORD ON THE PROJECT SHAI..L SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE CITY ENGINEER CERTIFYING THAT HE OR SHE HAS INSPECTED THE WORK AND THAT THE PROJECT COMPLIES WITH TI-1E FOUOWlNG CONOITIONS: ,. 3. HAS BEEN MAINTAINED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE TO THE APPROVED PLANS. IS GROWING IN A HEAl. lHY AND THRMNG CON[)(fJ(»'{_ AU PLANTINGS REQUIRED UNDER SECTION IV-E OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE UANUAL, POLICIES ANO REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN EST ABUSHED AS AN EFFECTIVE SURFACE EROSION CONTROL -◄. ™ERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF EXCESSIVE RUNOFF FROM THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM CAUSING A SOil EROSION PROBLEM. AS BUILTS 1. 2. PRIOR TO RELEASE OF BONDS, AS BUILT LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR THE BOWED WORK SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ANO APPROVED BY THE CITY. AS BUILT PLANS FOA AREAS TO BE EVENlUAUL Y UAJNT AINED BY CITY FORCES SH.i.LL BE APPROVED BY TliE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR. AS BUil T PLANS StW..L BE ORAFTE.) CLEARLY TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY. AND TI-1E ORIGINAL I.IYLAAS SHALL BE SUBUITTED TO TI-1E CITY FOR THEIR ICEEPING. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 0 AS REVIEIJED BY, BUILT" INSPECTOR DATE DATE ~1 CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I 1---+--+---------------t--t--1 -1 -1 ~. PLANNING DEPARTMENT . 46 ~------------------'-· -------L-=--=--=--=-~t-=--=--=-i-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-~t=-=-=-=-+=-=-=-~t-=-=-=-=-+=-=-=-=t PLAN Tl NG ANO I RR I GA Tl ON P LAt.. S FOR: rm_,~- ~• DESIGN• l..AN>SCAPE AROITECTURE DA TE INIT1"1. ENGINEER Of' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITlAl . DA TE 1 INI11"1. CITY' APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVIJD BY•. i'ROJECT NO. CT-~2-01 DRAWING NC. 341-hL \ C01Ml--1N1'..IITY WALL FER GONCE UAL WALL FLAN-TYF. (BY OT!-1 5) FAD-1&4.S --CONCRETE SIDEWALK -TYF/N.I.CJ 51GI-I LINE T F. ~--COMMUNITY WALL FER CONCEPTUAL WALL FLAN-TYF. (BY OTI-IER5) 2,3,4 46 LEGEND 6P 60TTOM OF PILASTER V 4 -NITE STAR MRl6 61< NO. 1, Siz> WATT 26" 'f 6 -NITE STAR MR16 61< NO. 2, 20 WATT 40" 't' 2 -NITE STAR MRI6 61< NO. 4, 35 WATT 23" FINIS14 -POUJDERCOAT COLOR -BLACK. 1 1-lz>11 BACK. FROM WALL. LIGl4T MOUNTED ON POWER PIPE ST ACK PER DETAIL !:> Tl-41& 51-!EET. AVAILABLE FROM: 61< LIGl4TING BF 16 -------DRAIN FIFE FER DETAIL 4 DAYLIGI-IT AT 5LOFE 21212) N. GROVIS INDUSTRIAL DR FRESNO, CA. '::13121 DRAIN FIFE FER DETAIL 4 ~<.._ DAYLIGI-IT AT 5LOFE BF 1S7 1SS.6 IS7.3 157.S ··-··-·· :i BFl/&0 (20'::ll.2 &S-S3f'0 FAX:(20'::IJ.2&&-20&3 158_7 10' LAND5CAFE EASEMENT -TYF. ----------"~C_=-~1~0~'~L:A~N;D~5;C~A~F~E~EA-::::-;;::5E~M~E~N~T;:---L--------~=:::::::______ FLAN ENTRY MONUMENT CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING L IGl4TI-IOUSE CAGE---... SEE DETAIL 2, TI-IIS PAGE i;i?ED COMMON 6RICK CAP UJIT!-1 STUCCO OYER ----.. 1' RADIUS PRECISIOl',I BLOCK -TYP. UNLESS--..... oTµERUJISE NOTED. CirROUT 50LID TO TOP, ALL VOIDS •4 YERTICAL BAR W/ BENDS IN FOOTING ------.c •4 REBAR I-IORIZ. --- 4'-011 2•-rz,11 EQUAL .---¾,11 TI-IICK FLAT CUT-OUT PLATE METAL LETTERS WIT!-1 TI-IREADED STUDS ATTAC14ED TO LETTERING AND MOUNTED TO UJALL VIA DRILLED I-IOLES WITl-l EPOXY. TYPE FACE TO BE PER Ol.l.NER VERIFY MET AL TYPE WITµ OUNER 24'-IZ)" EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL . I STUCCO FINl51-1 TO MATCl-l ARCI-IITECTURE _-_ -_ -_ -_~_tr---_-_....,Jjlj=J}fJ}j\\ -t:..-.e/-.~-:.c,-~-----~-' ______ _ MORT AR 6ED --(;I Q --h ' ...----'9 I" •21Zl' NOTE: I. CONTRACTOR 51-!ALL PROVIDE 51-!0F DRAWINGS OF SIGINAGE TO Ol.l.NEfii! AND LANDSCAPE ARCI-IITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. STEEL 514ALL 6E METALIZED WI GREEN PATINA FAINTED FINl&l-l. CONrlfii:f"'I COLOR W/ Ol.l.NER 4 LANDSCAPE ARCl-llTECT. ....---2:1 SLOPE BEYOND• RETAINING WALL CONDITION --STUCCO FINl51-1 TO MATCl-l ARCl-llTECTURE ~RED COMMON BRICK. CAP WITI-I STUCCO FINl6+4 STUCCO FINl51-1 TO MATCl4 ARCl-llTECTURE 1' RADIUS PRECISION 6LOCK, GROUT SOLID TO TOF, ALL VOIDS SOILD FILL CENTER VOID ----1---.1... "'t -, ... -' --• u,i......~~f---.!~ ~ -· ~ ~-tlldf-ffl-+-111 COMM0!',1 BRICK TO MATCl-l ARCI-IITECTURE t! ... "' Ull:-t:1::-----'..:"'L--•4 YERTICAL BAR •4 HORIZONTAL 6AR--==:t;~;:;; .. :__ l.JLJJ..J_J.~~.'T. -----+----~-----+---~--~--+-------+-l...JlJ-=-:i,,;6-;;11~Mo:;;IN;:-;--- r.ll..-k.lU--W. 1::a .. -~---1/2 11 KEY I l/2 11 KEY ;. • • •"""· __... • --·•···~....._ ..... .. •: 114 REBAR EACl4 WA'r IN FOOTING -----ffi ---FINIS!-1 ~E ~:-V'-----•4 6AR • 24" 0/C EAC14 WAY IN FOOTING CONCRETE FOOTING 5!-IALL ACI-IIEYE---~ -I I 11 i1 11 11 i1 1111 i1 1111 I~ I;:-\_ J 'm'J-lrrjlJ,li '--COl',ICRETE FOOTING 6+4ALL ACHIEVE 2~ PSI 2000 PSI MIN. • 28 DAYS , 1 •-i i 1=11 i-MIN_ • 28 DA'rS UNDISTURBED OR RECOMFACTED SUSGRADE---__,,, 3 11 CLR ALL AROUND TYP. .3" CLR. ALL AROUND TYF_ '---UNDISTURBED OR RECOMPACTED 5UBGRADE PER STRUCTURAL SOIL& REFORr -TYP. PER STRUCTURAL SOILS REPORT 5ECTION ENTRY MONUMENT FINIS!-1 GRADE NOTE, STRUCTURAL l~ATION 51-!0UJN FOR 6ID FURFOSES ONLY. 3/6",. 1 '-IZ)" 3 ENTRY MONUMENT DET AIL5 SHEET C-1 e,• SECTION 1" = 1'-IZ)" FLAN 1"■1'-IZ)" ~-14INGED 6+4EET MET AL LAMP el4ADE ~VIDE LOCKING MEC14ANl&M TO ALLOW FOR LAMP REPLACEMENT. " " LOW VOLT AGE LAMP FIXT\.Jt-!E '------ENT!lt'r MONUMENT SEE DETAIL 3, Tl4IS PAGE "'------ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ~-1 V2 II X ¾, II TI-IK FLANGE, WELDED TO CAGE FRAME 60L T TO TOP OF MA50NR'r PILASTER ~60L T ALL METAL AT TOP NOTE: 1. CONTRACTOR el4ALL ~VIDE el40P DRAWINGS TO OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCl4ITECT FOR AI=I=RO ✓AL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. &TEEL 51-!ALL BE METALIZED WI GREEN PATINA PAINTED FINl51-1. CONFlll-lt"I COLOR W/ ou.NER 4 LANDSCAPE ARCl4ITECT. L IGt-iTt-iOUSE CAGE 2 SLOPE TO DRAIN FINIS!-1 GR4DE <I ' 4 ' __..---b11 Mir,.. RErtR TO GRAD ING PLAN. SLOPE TO DRAIN ....i=E. WATER PROOFING 2 COATS ASPI-IAL TIC EMULSION SEALANT 'X' BARS VERTICAL XSXlb CONC. BLOCK WI 413 6AR 1-lORIZ. • 16 11 0/C. 4'~LL DRAIN • b' OC. ,,..--FILTER FABRIC SURROUNDING PEA GRAYEL 4 4> PEFi:f'ORA TED ABS DRAIN FIPE WRAP W/ FILTER FABRIC ,_.,;--KEY __.--s• CLR. ALL AROUND TYP. ~--CONCRETE FOOTING 514ALL . •4 --ACl-llEVE 2001'2>"P&I MIN. • L~~~~·~·<l;·~~G~i:-----26 DAY5 1 COMPACTED 5UBGRADE PER :,..: 4 p NOTE: STflii!J.JCTURAL SOILS REPORT '6' II 1. PROVIDE ADEQUATE 51-!0RING DURl1'k:is BACKFILL OPERATION. 2. GROUT ALL CELLS SOLID .3. PROVIDE BACKFILL OF NON- EXPAN5IVE SOIL PER 50IL5 REF. 'T' 4-RET AINl1'k:is WALL 514ALL CON!=OR,..,_,.1 TO □r::::::I~:r~~~□~IT:::J SAN DIEGsO AREA CI-IAFTER RETAINING 1---------1-----1------1----1 WALL/SLOPING BACKFILL Cl4APTER 4'-611 12" -S•lb"o/c 12" 2'-~" POLICY 222 DATED NOVEM6ER 1~'::12-o. OMIT PEA GRAVEL ABS DRAIN, FIL TEfiit FABRIC 4 CONCFi!:ETE FOOTING KEY • NON-RETAINING WALL CONDITION. STUCCO BACK OF WALL AT NON-RETAINING WALL CONDITIONS. RETAINING WALL II AS BUIL T 11 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIE\.'ED BY, INSPECTOR 4 DATE DATE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS HAYE NOT BEEN &Tf,i:1.ICTURALL 'r ENGINEERED. CONTRACTOR 51-lALL PROVIDE STRUCTURAL EN<:slNEERING CALCULATIONS_ CONTRACTOR 51-!ALL 5U6MIT STf,i:1.ICTURAL EN<:slNEERING AND CALCULATIONS TO 01.J.NER'& AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND LANDSCAPE ARCl4ITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 1-------1---+-------------l---l---+---~--l~II CITY OF CARLSBAD I~ REFER TO PET AIL 1 FOR LOCATIONS FOWER FIFE STAKE WI '6' CAF UFL IGt-iT 4 GROUNDCOVER SECTION N.T-5. FORMA SYSTEMS CADD PLA""41'1G • DESIGN • LAl<l)SCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANTING AND IRRIGA TlON PLANS FOR: COSTA DO SOL l----+---+---------------l----1----1------'----1 OWN BY: ---"-- DATE INl1lAL ,__DA_TE~_INI_TI,.__L-+-D_ATE_~IN_ITI_AL_,, CHKD BY:~- ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPR□VAL CITY APPROVAL RV'.ID BY• Ot,r UNITS PROJECT NO. CT 92-IZ>I DRAWING NO. 341-bL