HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 341-8L; PIP 95-03; EXHIBIT ART LOT 43; 01-08GF.:NE~A.L NOTES --·----·----- RECL/\IMf.O WATER NOTES l. 2. J . 4. 5 • 7. 1 l . l 2 • 1 3 . l 4 . 1 5 • 16. l 7. 18. 20. 2 1 . "2 3 _ !\.LL ',,;'0'RK SHALL BE 0()i'JE TN ,\('(_'(Wf'·1\N('F, ~-rTH rrF (',:,,.pr Sl'~D ,-n,_;NICIP!\L WA~FR Dl:;T,-'.'CT'S ••cAR!,S!l,\D RF:r:''.,1\'.',fAT'.C~ Rr:i·_.;;.S .-\\'l"J ~r,-r;r·r.i\-:'T'~'lS FOR CONSTPCC"".'!O'. OF P,:,·:,Al'ffD WATF.P :0'\[';:," ;)ATE!> OCTC'e>!:-P., l'-''.J3, l\LL :'[i'~LTC FJ\c::.,:iI"~S :_:;:;cH .:\:·; c~:~rnRT ?.T,'1."':'r'J';-;, ["-'.)!',,:·:--;~ SH,\I." :-iF. PROTECTED FPO~ sr~_I\Y ·;•; ~CT[,-'. T'-' =';) 'd,\T:"-[). HOSP nJPS ARE STR[CTLY l',H''JTl1;TFD. ON SfTE CROSS-CON:-.IF:CTI(l'J.l f~Fi'r,j:_;t.N 9f('T.~~:~::, ',,i\T?R ',-iATE!=' LINES A;R'f STRIC'P,Y ~qn·1r:1:TF_l_ NO SU?STITUTION OF ?IPE '11\Tt:P I,\!.'.) ',-,!~;,;_ rf: .\L'. o:,TP OF TfE C!TY OF' CAPLSri.\[I "1T .. '.\/Tr.TP.I\", W.i\T~R :":fST:•:r:T. .a.LT. (l'~-SITE PIPES SHALL i!Jl,(/F W,'\P:\':~1r; T.\f•t· .. D""'.: ST'·~ rr:-; :.=; 'S RULES ,\ND RECUL,\TT0N'.>. G:00 ,\.:"l- T, T "IFS DTFFi"·'.PE~T Tit-".E) ';-.JT-:'H or;1iLTFIF.[1 STJPF.RVISI()N Pf,R'.~(_;\·;i:;:, Ol'~ '"',:TF. PROVIDE !\ :1IN1MUM o~ AT LEAST 18 INC'IE~ OF cnv~!-l :lV[;? 1\1.~, 'rlfRTNC ,\:'JD !'.'lf'l;\(;, PRIV}\TF; LOTS SHALL Rf r~o:·rcTF[) f-"kO~ C0N"!" ... ~CT F!?f:'~ '='F,C",Al'1?D ',-,j,\,,fU-", '/vl·iI:.:THFP BY vJDID RLOWN SPRAY OR H'{ Df9FCT t\PPLTr:ATIG~!, ·1T<)(."(:;; :P:~'!"·":.,\T~fl\' OR OTHFR . a.PPPOVED USE. LACK o:=-T-'ROTF 1.'TICN, 1-.:H:'.''."f•FP i'\Y l 1--.,F".\J, cn.~1:=;7pr.1cTrOr-,.,' PP'\CT!("f OR S'L~TEM OPERATION, IS STP!i';"LY P 1HJl\f(qTf:), CONTRACTOR SH~LL ADJUST HEAPS TO PPFVFNT nVE?-SrRAYJNG ON ~I.I, SID~\'ALXS, STREET, ANn PRIVATE LOTS. QUICK COUPZ.,ING VM,VES SHALL H1\VF A SPECIAL (;Q()"[.f:; KfY PER C.\R:,ScAD '\l'N:c :- PAL ;-JATER DISTRICT'S "/UT.ES .. ,~ff\ KFG;JLAtI0"1S. METERS SHALL BE S17FD RY T~c CITY OF CARLSRAD ~UNICIP\I, WA~ER DISTRICT. ALL IRRIGATION PIPE SHA:.r, BE WARNING TAPE PER THE CITY OF REGlJLATIONS. '.oTF:NClCED. COI.OR-CO~EO :PURPLE) .~N::> LA!r WI'."H CARLSAAn '11:NICIPAL W~TER DISTRICT'S RUT.ES AN~ A.LL POTABLE WATER ,\ND REC~Al'\cD WATER P[P[Nr; SHALL !He INSTALLED WIT"! Tm: STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARC TH~ TOP OF THE TRENrH. WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE SHALi, 8E INSTALLED NITll!N FEET FROM EACH SIDE, FROM 20 Fi:FT. ,l\.NO RECLi\IMFD WATF.R Lf",JE CROSS. THE RECr_,,\T'-1F:D LINE A PROTECTTVE SLFFVE. THE SLFEVE SHALT, EXTE~D 10 THF CENTER LINE nF FnT~rLF L!Nf, FCR A TCT~L nF A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION MAINS MUST BE MA!NTAINEO ,\T ,\LL ABOVE THE RECLAIMED ~!NE. BETWEEN POTABLE WAT[R AND RECLAI~ED hATER TIMES. ~HE POTABLE LINE MlJST DE INSTALLFD A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SFPARAT:ON BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. DEVFLOPER/CONTRACTn• Sl•~r.1, CONDUCT A CRCSS-CONNECTION TEST AND COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED pv 'cc.· i--~?l.SEAD MUNICIPAL WATER D[STRICT EN(;JNEER 0~ THE SAN DIEGO COCNtY D>;:•\0 ,~f~T OF~HEALTH PRIOR TO ANY !JSE OF P-ECT,,\ !MED WI\TER. l;N~ii!ON\J\eJrAt.. QUICK COUPLING VALVES USF1 I~ RFCLAl'\!D WATER SY~Tf~S SH~LL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWl!'IG: A. 8. C. QUICK COUPLI~G VALVES St•ATL BE l" NOPM~I. S17~ NELSO~ J7645, WITH BRASS CONSTRCCTIOH ~ND,\ ~ORMAL WORKING PRES~URE Of 150 P.S.T. OR RAINBIRD 1M4NP. IN ORDER TO PREVE~T UNAUTf10R17FD llSE, THE VALV:. SHALL BE OPfR~TED ONLY WITH A SPECIAL courLER KEY WITH AN ACME THREAD FOR OPENING AND CLOSING THE VAi.VF. THE COVER SHALL PE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE OLICK COUPLING VALVE. IT SHALL BE PUR?l,E RUHBFR OR VI~YL. D. LOCKING COVERS ARE REQUIRED. ~~l'OJ,.lf{t;J,.l[Al. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION WILL BE IJONE RY C!THE0 /2HE CARLSnAD :,(UNICIPAL WATER D!STR:CT ~R SAN DlEr.O COUNTY DEP~R~~ENT QF~E~LTH, COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL ~F, FO"W.~RDFD TO TIIE NO'l-!NSPECTJNG PARTY. THE DEVELOPER SHALL SHOW THE LOCATION OF R.C. SIGNS "DO NOT DRINK" ON THESE PLANS. AN ON-SITE USER/SUPERVISOR SIIALL BE DESIGNATE~ IN WRITING. THIS INDIVI- DUAL Sl-lALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLI'MEING SYSTE~S WlTHTN THE PROPERTY. WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CAOSS-CONNECT!ON PROTECTION, ANO THE SPECIFIC REQUIRE~ENTS OF A RECLAIMED NATER SYSTEM. COP!f.S OF THE DESIG- NATION, WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL RE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT 0~ HEALTH AND CARLS?~D MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. •• liNVll'-ONMt>tJTN-A• I -I IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT MR. ~'!\.~-~~---------i§l2J]~~"l1':24 NAME PHONE OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT ~y'LQ_~J~---_____ i§l2 JJ~.'.'_"l'f~ NAME PllONF SHOW ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE POTARLE WATER MAINS ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. •ITEMS NUMBERED 8, 19, & 23 SH/\1,L HE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER. ITEM NUMRER 22, THE SIGNAGE PLAN, SHALL BE A PART OF THIS IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUT THE,\_S,IGNS AND TAGS WILL RE INSTALLED JUST PR10R TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIME,.,\~ATER. k,'fUAL SIGRAGR NOTES THI FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FO? THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE DOOR Of EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY APE EASILY VlS!RLE. PLACE ON AN 8½ x 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR: PllRPLE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERl~G. TYP I CAI_ SIGNS ,1tHS", rn• o.ii N'r' r,A"n\(.. OE ,;r,u O>i V1,l"jt. -,fbM? ~c~O 015' N.vMiiJLlM ' RECLAIMED WATER EX.a.-, I blT [ I I . I . I. 4. lRPl~•TF '.>0 '.~~FN TIIE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. ~ND 6:00 A.M. ONLY. WATERING nur:--;rr·\;-· ''.'11!'.:; "'."'T'.'-1F. F'P.~MF.: MUST BE CONJ:: ;vli\NT',ILLY wrTH Qtlf\:,:FIED SCPER- c;:soriy l".RSC1~1ffL ON .SITE, NO SYSTEM SHP,l,L ,,T ANY TTME Re LEPT IJN- -~".""r;·F'Jf)~-n nUPI\/r, IJSE OUTS[OE THF: NOP.'.A.:\~, S(":t-:~r.iULF.. rp:~:'~<\Tf·, '.'.\f A :----IAN:JER THAT 'NILL MT\/I~1r:'E ?l.':'J-OFF, F'OC[,TNG, AND PONDI'I/G • Tile. ,,r.-,r.rc.,~'!ON PAT'' SH,\'.,[, NOT EXCEPC ~'HF: INFILTRAT[ON R.~TE OF THE SOIi,. ~!M•RS MUST !'E ADJUSTFD SO AS TO RE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL :NFILTPATION R~TF. PRESE~T. THIS PROCEDURE '\AY BE FACJLITAT!D AY THF, EF?LCIENT sc:--1Eor:LING OF THE Al.JTOMA':'Ir: CONTROL CLOCKS. (r.E., EM- PLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO RPEA~ UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO GYCLFS THAT NI[,L PROMOTE MAXl~U'\ SOIL APSOA?T!ON). .An,rns-:-S"RAY HE1\DS ~o EL!MJ~J,,TF; OVcRSPRAY ONTO ilREAS NOT 1:~CFR THE co~- TROL Of THF. C:l:ST0MFR. FOR EXAl-'PLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, STRFETS ANn SIOfWALKS. MCNITOR AND MA!NTAl~ THE SYSTEM TO ~{~!MIZE EQUIPMENT AND '\ATERIAL FAIL~Rf. RROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, ~NRESIAHLE VALVES, ETC., SHOC'LD RF RFPAIR">D ,,s SCON I\S TW:Y 9E~C~E ~PPARP,NT. 'i · l!n/CATE ALL MAINTE!ll\NCJ!: ~ .Q'I A a:m'INIJOOS BASIS OF 'nm PRESlllCE OP RECtAIMED 6. 7. Wl\n:R, ~ KJsr BE I THAT RJOCLAIME!D WATER IS kEI\NT roR IRRIG!\Tiaf PURPQSf.S Cffl.Y, l\ND IS NOT !'OR CIUNRING PORPOSES, mlND, .TOOL lll\SHI"'3, En:. GIVE?! THE BIG! 'roROOVEl! RATE OF !M)>Tml!lllS IN THE IANDSCl\PINO INOOS'fflY, IT IS IMPORTl\NI' '!HIS INP'ClfflmTICfl BE Dio,,,.,.,_,_llll.'l'l!l) af l\N ALIOl'l'" DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOO, THI!! UINDSCll.PE ~. IIHO IS ~SIBIJ!: P'C1!. ml'CATINC !AO! l\ND EVERY cm: OF TOOR OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHA~GES ANO MOD!FICAT[ONS TO ANY (PRIVATE) ON SITE FACILITIES. sue~ CHA~GES ~UST BE SCRMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY, THF DISTRICT ENG:NE!RING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH D[STRICT STANDARDS. A:L RECLA[~ED WATER SPR[NKLF? CO~TPOL VALVES SHALL 3E TAGGtD WITH l)ENTIF!CATION TAGS. A. B. TAGS SHALl DE WfATHFRPROOF PLASTIC, J• x •I", PURPLE IN COLOR WITH -:-HE WORDS "WAR~l~G RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRlNK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AV[SO -AGUA I'\PURA -NO TOMAR" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHAL: BE PERMANENT AND ~LACK I~ COLOR. USE TAGS'AS MANUFACTURED RY T. CHRISTY ENTFRPRTSES OR APPROVED EQUAL. ONE :-AG SHALL I . _ll..TT.I\C:...t TO 2. ATll\C!-{ TC 1. ATT.~CH TO BE ATTACHED TO RACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC T'.E-WRAP OR VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER POLT. ,\LL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE TDENTIFIFD AS RECLAIMED NATER SPRINKLER HEADS. EACH AUTO'\ATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIA~ED EQUIPMENT SHALL PE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARING THE WORDS "RECLAl'\F.D ~ATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN FNGLISH AND SPANISH, ~!TH BLACK LETTERS 1 INCH HIGH ON A PURPLF BACKGROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO T~AT IT CA~ BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEi, 1/T!LIZ!NG Tl!E EUOIP~ENT. INSrECTION PROCEPOl!ES 1 • J. CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. Fl • c. '.). E • p \.OCATION OF FTPE LINES. TRENCH DEPTcl. REQUIRED SEPARATION (HORIZONTALLY PIPE IDENTIFICATION. POINTS OF CONNECTION (P.o.c. 'S). AND VERTICALLY). LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS. G. WARNING SIGNS AT THE SITE AND ON THE TRUCKS HAULING RECLA[MED WATER (IF RECLAIMED W~TER IS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION). AN APP~OVAL LETTER R!GARDING THE INSPECT:ON OF THE P~OJECT SPALL BE ORTA!NFD FPOM TH! CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE ~C'INTY tiE.PAf,TMtN-1 OF A PRIOR TO FINAL 'NSPECTION APPROVAi,. ei,11111',oNMH-ITAL. ~tAt.TH nISTR[CT Fl~AL :NSPECTION SHALL l~CLUDE: :_:0"✓FPM;E TFST, AF":'ER C0'1?1,S-['.lN OF T'IE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, -;-o DETERMINE T"" .\DEQIJACY Of CC'IERAGE ON THF APPR•lVED USE ,,REA AND PR/J':"ECTION OF ,,_ •. , c \()T .\''''''0Vfl: FOR RFC"IV(NG REC:aAIMED WATER. ·,,i,'.R~a.i:.JG ~;tr;~S AND LABELS. QUICK co:1rr.I~r, VAi 'IFS. B. c. D. ALL ASPECTS OF THE IRRIGATION CONDITIONS INCLUDING WIND 9LOWN SPRAY, RUNOFF, AND PONDING. E. f. G. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. REQUTRED PROTECTION OF WELL, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC .. CROSS-CONNECTION, ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE, A COMPLETE INSPECT,ON WHICH SEOCLD COVER PART FINAL INSPECTION. THE DISTRICT DECLARATION Of RFSPONSI~L~ CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT l AM THE LANDSCAPE ARCl!ITECT OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVc EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINE~ IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSfSTHiT WITH CURRPJT STANDARDS. fN\/1!(.otJMt:NTAL I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS ~ND SPjCIFICATl8NS BY THE CITY OF CARLSRAD AND THC: COllNTY OF SAN DIEGO DE!'ARTMFNT OF~~ALTH rs CON- i JiEGEND PROPOSED DOMESTIC POTABLE WATER SYSTEM \: r--W --EXISTING POTABLE WATER SYSTEM 'I--• PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM \: ---AREA OF RECLAIMED WATER USE \: lffl) POTABLE WATER CONNECTION POINT, METER & \: la BACKFLOW PREVENTION ~ RECLAIMED WATER CONNECTION POINT, \: METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION \: 9 I'll REMOTE CONTROL VALVE --. Hore e,1e, CfJ-t CTHl!f½') -BALL VALVE ~ REDUGED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER A LOCATION OF RECLAIMED WATER "DO NOT DRINK" SIGNS. (2 PLACES SHOWN) (18" x 18" SIGN TO BE INSTALLED.) ~ V]C)tJn1PKtp~ ~o SW~ r rm.lee'( ill£ . /tfCClELL.AN PALOMAR IRF'ORr I FINED TO A REV!Hi ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE T.,ANDSCAPE ARC_H. ITECf;.· OF __,---..fJ.!"1~,. WORK, OF ~y RESPONSI:JI~_,ITIFS FQR PROJECT DESIGN. ' j: - THE PLANNING ELEMEN~ 3690 CACTUSRICGE COURT SAN DifGO CA 9Z105-591] PHONE Nll~RER (519)264-2701 R~GISTRATION NUMBER 2585 EXPIRES 02-97 tlle~~~~<.:::-s._·. - planning element 1./\NOSCAl'E ARCHITECTURE PLANNING i Ii r----+---'~- • • 38DO C11e1u.-hlge CDUl'I. San Dleao. (:A,(91109 (BIDI 2d'l-!7111 . -----·-----~--- I \ • ( NE rJ a:t-i'vicK1 --ro R a: Lt,.J 1-1 r P i,.Jt,1~ U' ;12" l •l '1 DJ AYJ>..I L/>.e,u; 1 • OF "pS BUil_T 1 ' dMIIJi TITLE LANDSCAffi". DATE R[VIEWE;J 3v, L_f/4.dL __ GENERAi NOTES THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE CITY PLAN CHECK CONSULTANT AT (619) 43&-1161 EXT. 4221 AT LEAST 72 HOURS (THREE WORKING DAYS), PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. THE LANDSCAPE OR IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY EXISTING P.S.I. AT JOB SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. VERIFICATION SHALL BE MADE WITH THE APPROPRIATE WATER DISTRICT. ALL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLATION, RELOCATION, OR REPAIRS BY A CITY-APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTER CALL (619) 438-2.72:Z-f;)(.T 1o/2.. Fol,?.. A LIST OF CITY-APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTERS. DEVELOPER/OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPL YING A COPY OF THE TEST RESULTS TOTHEC,A~L,/!>At? Ml-lf..llC.IPAL WA1E~ f?l'7ff{IG-T, . s, !,O et... C-A)-11 NO fc:,AL... THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WALL CONSTRUCTION. CITY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS APPLICANTS' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL CONTACT THE CITY LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR AT (619) 438-11<o~1 AT LEAST 72 HOURS (THREE WORKING DAYS) IN ADVANCE TO SCHED ETHE FOLLOWING SITE OBSERVATIONS: f:/1. 411. 1 A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING (MAY BE OMITTED ON SMALL PROJECTS). B. TEST OF PRESSURE PIPE; OBSERVE INSTALLATION OF P.O C, ,d_~f,Vf5~, CONTROLLER, TRENCH DEPTHS, BACKFLOW DEVICE AND VALVES. (NO WORK SHALL BE BACKFILLED UNTIL APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AND TESTING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY) C FOUR-HOUR TEST OF ALL PRESSURE LINES UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE OF 150 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH, AND PROVED WATERTIGHT. D. ALL PIPING UNDER PAVED AREAS SHALL BE TESTED FOR FOUR HOURS UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE OF 150 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH, AND PROVED WATERTIGHT, PRIOR TO PAVING E. IRRIGATION COVERAGE TEST. F. PLACEMENT OF PLANTS PRIOR TO DIGGING PLANT HOLES. G. PRE"MAINTENANCE WALK-THROUGH, INCLUDING COUNT OF ALL PLANTS, IRRIGATION HEADS, VALVES. ETC. I l(""s..il~ A~ 2--.-•01J11 1 9LV~•fVI "ti • ~us,,.,..,. L" j .,;,,R!II"~ ~f 110 ....... ,.,'" 1 $.,', .. O • .._,_ wY . 1 W••n~I" OIi , ~awATi;>' lll lQ-'.$ill.,OC•S."fLE o,11 --~ .. ,~0"'¥!!•------- I ' \_ i . ~ PA ~· I ~: ------- ' VICINl1Y MAP cl) NP~1ll- EX~ b TART t<ELLOGG AVE~'UE AT CAM ~o VIDA ROBLE CABLC:Sf5AD~ CAL foRN A LA~ltJSCAPE PLAN I ., QWNER/DEVELOPER; EXHIBIT ART 1313 SIMPSON WAY, SUITE M ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92029 (619) 739-9454 ATTN: MR. DAVID MACKICHAN -I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. -1 UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. -THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. {1µAw., l ~ z~ss LANDSCAPE ARCHIT~ LICENSE NO. f(l4r. ZI, JC(q( DATE 3l/f0(~!1J.dj fi_. d& J)i'"2 Cl\ q2;0{ ADDRESS {(p/({)264·Z7oJ TELEPHONE NOTE: PRIOR TO FINAL OCCUPANCY, A LETTER FROM A,...•' •c0p,11A LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE SUBMITTED Tv I He PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFYING THAT ALL LANDSCAPING HAS BEEN INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLANS. SHEET INDEX 1. RECLAIMED WATER TliLE: -GHE.f.T 2. COWP, SHEET -CITY OF CARLSBAD 3. IRRIGATION PLAN, LEGEND & NOTES 4. PLANTING PLAN, LEGEND & NOTES 5. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 6. IRRIGATION & PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 7. PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS 8. IRRl~ATION DETAILS the~ planning element LANDSCAl'E ARCHITECTURE PLANNING 3GII0 Ca,;cus,idge Cour't. San Oi,ogo, CA 11:ZI0S (elgJ ~t.~·•2i'bl APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. B'JILT" TlT!_E ______ _ REVIE\JED BY, DATE DATE ~ ' r --------------lllllllllln.--111111111--llll!iill--------------llP:----------------------------------'ll' -U♦-i.11WNll!l'llllll4a!♦:IIIL-<llliill:¥11EIIIMIB'lllllillli~ll.il---.. , illlMilll"'-lrlllRlallllll-.l!JIIIIIIIIIAArlll!?IWl\l'l_illl_!W'91!llil!IZ!al'l:J',ll.•;w-illl1.-=---ma ___ ,_.,, ________ l _______ ;.,::c•.l!'M-. w'-4-·o·. araCJ-Sl!l--2· .. ; ... 3 .... ,,;:,_,.@j,) C ~-METER BOX WIMETER _,_ __ 24" __ _,. l'"O"P&Le POTABLE SERVICE LINE---~ -~· F'Ef?LAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W,~LEEVE _ _. NOTE: ·· veRnct.E C, l;NtANCE OF I~ MINIMUM IS MANDATORY WI-IEN C11vSSPIG PATH OF A POTABLE WATER UNE. rlSTALLATTON OF RECWMED WATcR /l:IRIG',n:;N i.wM.JNE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALi< wru PROVIDE Tl-IE NEC_ E_$SARY ~ 1/J' HORIZONTAL Ct.EAIIANCI: FROM POTABLE MAIM.INE II\/ THE S111EET ~ t;> _POTABLESF.R.VJGE ~1NE OROSS/N~' / )-\ / OP'l'IOOO. SIDE -----A INlEr ~SIREEl E1LS ~ 9'.]I. 40 TEE 00 ElL I.{" / / / // ~ .,.---~ OCH. llO RISER ~ LI\TERAL l«m!SI 1, AIL Tl!IIEN:.ll!D a:nm:ro:m ro BE SFJ\UD wrm TEFL(N TAPE OR Ol'\TED WI'lH "'.kE.;ICitSEAi.; M:>. s·. POP-UP 451° l)f\E rec t tf?--1 "JIZ.E 1:Xl';:5f1N~ 1.Ji..1E% ~~,WRE of 110j?I ce-tfr-oL. ·w1re0LE~ (';,-"""'0h:"fE Ff'..Ot1 l<J!•-1~~ f'l ~ C;lE.ev0? '1fll1l,J.-C,--{t-11~0} LJ N t?iZI!--I M ~ MEN"f 0 5.0 I' ( ~00 ·1"c:N-s1ot11e-reR fcf-vti-Lve-s 1,z $4 :> lj • FINISH GRl\DE-" PVC SO!'.. 80 NIPPLE -- (WUIB I\S ~) 6" PVC s::ll. 00 NIPl'LE ---..... PVCs:'ll. 4□-­ EU. OR TEE OOIE5: M1\M£{ S l'RE..EJ. EU.. 1. o::MP!CT SOIL A.'UM'.l ·!Ol'OR 1'0P-{l1> ASSJM'ILY 'ro QIME orn:lI'l"i AS UNDISlURBED ~ s:>IL. 2. AIL 'rnRE1\DED att=I'ICNS ro BE SE7\LED WITH TEf'LCN Tl\PE CR 0'.11\TED WITH . "~'1SEAL ;CJ. 5". GEM DRIVEN-----+- S!IIM3 tvrOO WI ff-I Pu~f~.c C/>f' PVC SOI. DO TUSffi ~WUl':X STREEr ELL----, ~: ED r--M'\RIEX t,"l"idiJ:!I ELL ---PIJc LI\TEIIM, 1. ALL nu=m CXHJEx::TIOIS ro OE ,:;mcm WITH TEPLal TIIPE m OJ.'\TID wrn, ·nri:lottsF.I\L ~. s·. NOTE: . f. CHECK VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NEEDED TO PREVENt LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. IJ. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING WATER PRESSURE OF 110 PSI AT POINT OF CONNECTION FROM THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (619) 438-2722. ~-DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT AND LINES IN PLANTER AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. . . 4-: ALL SHRUBS ON DRIP IRRIGATION 10 RECEIVE TWO (2) EMITTER OUTLETS AND TREES SHALL RECEIVE FOUR (4) EMITTER OUTLETS. CAP REMAINING OUTLETS FOR FUTURE GROWTH. l -CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST NUMBER OF OUTLETS PER PLANT AS NECESSARY FOR OPTIMUM Gram+. ?. RELOCATE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM, AS NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE 100 PERCENT COVERAGE AMO ACCOMMODATE NEW CONSTRUCTION_ . " (i. IF Ar-N EXISTING IRRIGATION INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPL,ACED AS NE'CESSARY PER THE APPROVED PLANS. . INSTALL PER DETAIL SYMBOL MAKE. MODEL & DESCRIPTION PSI RAD GPM NOZ. (SHEET/ITEM' · 0 R.a.lNBIRD EMT8-M101 MULTI OVTLET DRIP 30 .10 ® HJNTERPGP GEAR DRIVEN POP-UP 30 28 ,50 1 G) H•JNTER PGP GEAR DRIVEN POP•UP 30 30 .90 3 © HUNTER PGS GEAR DRIVEN ON RISER 30 30 .90 3 ® RAINBIRD 1804-120 lAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 .65 ® R.~INBIRD 1804-12T LAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 .87 0 RAINBIRD 1804-12H LAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 1.30 ® R,\INBIRO 1804-12TT LAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 1.74 ® RAIN8IRD 1804-12F LAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12· 2.60. RAINBIRD PES-8 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WITH RAINBIRD RBY-100-150 'Y' FILTER, AND RAINBIRO PSI-HMB-30 DRIP PRESSURE REGULATOR IN RECTANGULAR PURPLE PLASTIC VALVE BOX-SIZE NOTED ON PLANS RAINBIRD PES--B REMOTE CONTROL VALVE IN RECTANGULAR PURPLE PLASTIC VALVE BOX -SIZE NOTED ON PLANS PVC BALL VALVE -UNE SIZE W,7,!_ . ' 11/..uf WILKENS 97!>-XL, 1" SIZE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER WITH @] WILKINS 500 PRESSURE REGULATOR. SPRING RANGE '8', SET AT 75 PSI DOMESTIC WATER METER -EXISTING IRRIGATION WATER METER -BY OTHERS. TO BE COIWERTED TO RECLAIMED WATER USE IN THE FUTURE. WCS, INC. HYDROSAVER NBIC-S-CSS-HSAS-1 AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCK WALL MOUNT INSIDE BUILDING. WGS, INC. RAIN GUARD AUTOMATIC RAIN SENSOR. MOUNT TO ROOF OF BUILDING. e NE:TAFIM TLFV LINE FLUSHING VALVE -...... -DOMESTIC MAINLINE -EX!STI:--JO .......A.. -IRRIGATION MAINLINE-PVC SCHEDULE 40 ALERTLINE PURPLE PIPE. BURY MIN. 18" BELOW GRADE 11 _, ✓ 1z",;w-:..~ M, fv'c. u.. "3fG ---LATERAL LINE• PVC CLASS 200/315 (>1/2"/1/2") ALERTLINE PURPLE PIPE. BURY MIN. 12" BELOW GRADE BID 318 3/8 31B ' 3/A 3/A 3/A 3/A 3/A 8/G SIA 8/C 3/C 8/F & B 8/8 3/C 3/C-8/H 310-8/H ___ SLEEVING -ALERTLINE PURPLE PIPE (fO BE TWO TIMES SIZE OF PIPE TO BE SLEEVED) ---PVC SCHEDULE 80 WITH 36" COVER FOR MAINS, LATERALS; & WIRING UNDER VEHICLE PAVING 8/H PVC SCHEDULE 40 WITH 18" COVER FOR MAINS AND WIRING UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING PVC.SCHEDULE 40 WITH 12" COVER FOR LATERALS UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING @ VALVE SEQUENCE VALVE SIZE . G,O.LLONS PER MINUTE (GPM) ( ) GALLONS PER HOUR (GPH) o !? rs o/.:> '3,(,./>J-f;. '. . , • "' 10' l..ct,A TE ~.A! N Lt !'I E !'.:al pJp lLI l'<f, I /-----......-itt----~ h \#4~ t e-~--- 50102. . • \ e, C,EAF: PflVeH :SHwr, MOE: I :::::;(:,-,, -,flf-~-_...,,' C .~ f}-'.· -,~ ~ 8 5 '• .• ' -Ol!;AA :::. m • POTABLE MAINLINE (SEE tMPROVEMEN.7 DRAWINGSJ7 ~ . 3.SFEET ·.J 12" MINIMUM REOUIREC VERTICAL SEPARATION➔ planning element . l.11.NQSCAl'E ARCHITE:CTUR E !'LANNING ,3000 C•ctu,ridga Court. Son Oiego. CA QZIOS (61.0l 2<,s-i701 i'APPFtOVED FOR PLANTiNG AND IRI~IGATION ON_LY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ' AREAS. "AS BUil T" ~.!..!.../J_ . .l{V4t.__~ _ I· 36 'lit TITLE LA~D RLVIEl.l[O BY, _L-~ INSPECTOR DATE Z-·B·i& DATE ·--·--·------~------------+-- =--·---= ~:5 _•<f{9+--L--l?--t_ , S'1£T I CITY OF CARLSBAD I S~TS I -_,,, PLANNING DEPARTMENT C7 ;::::==.:::========:::::'....'.:: -------1------------------,-----+---+--·- RECLAIMED WA,:R lAf'ilGAilC'N MAINLINE NOTE: ALL t:;ECL.AJM~DWAiF~ /f';F;/GAT"ION "!PE AND SLE'!:l':!5 SHALL SE PLJRPL!: AND LAE!:~=0 AS SP!:(:/F;Eo JI\/; ------t-----J---------t ----~-_.,_ _________ _ -+--f--------------- -··--------l---+----·, -~---- "S7",'NDARC SPEC/FiCATTCNS FCR FR/VAT: IF;F;/GAT/ON SYSrl:MS" .... ~--~~-?~---~-----;~~~.::~~------_~:~~=----=-------_____ ___, __ +---+--+-~ "CARLSE!AC FIEC~AMATipN Rt.tES AND FtEGur.AnCNs f'"CR -~./' i;.-~" .1 7 .... -·+--:=-,-+------ CCNSmucnCN CF REClAIMED WAT:R MAINS" ()C["Of;E.F, '"''-?,, t 1 .,:p; __ n,_rr~_,N __ ,n_,.....,L r,-.ie,1Nf:EF;l or WORK f · 11· ?, REVISION DESCRIPTION DA IT IN: TIAL INITI.\L OTH(R APPR[]VAL CITY APPROVAL rlLTl:-f'. ~y 1f½<;I-\ r, e: u (T11'1 *1¥30RP,/I< Bf sAt,-.1 Plc&o ff !:£A,;. T Cot,l:'.:,RE7"S., I r,.,/c., , OtJ1oroft.. LLINc:H AgeA ( ~ '?'9. c:, 6. f,) f'E: I?-t>-Rc::1--1 I ---r u.1' v~ ~ ~ r--r 6' f l.,b..N HTDROSl!ED MIJ: ALYSSUM 'CARPET OF SNOW' WHITE ALYSSUM ALYSSUM 'ROYAL CARPET' PURPLE ALYSSUM GAZANIA 'Hr-r~1.-1A '1'e:l.Jow' YE'-U.OW &~?-A ~ r A 'SE.Bt7'? Fl~'T~ 11. II (/, l,., .\ \ I 2 ( 0' HIG r1AX,) () ' _\ p-, .-.; 0 ·:: ·-~1--· .. :_.-'j"/ ,, ' ) I ....... \( [2] )'- _;--.1,, d 01 DE Wt,.. L,~- re::r Aii.e,111-ru1 t..AAL- I +---/ ({J 'V ---· ' r ~ flA I I I r .2 I 51.J f'.-f .Ace: pf'-,,1.1 N-4.GiE' e!Z- ( . F ~ I I ii ___ ,_ -:!.Mil,. ~--! ~ ___ 11._ ~---,.,:.,...,r--i::"..::"¾":~~ ::,.::'~;:' ;:.::-, :;,~';;' p~ ..;;;"',-;;,t,,,"'';;.;""'r:-r, -');<''c..~c.,.-,__,AJ--t--· I • -~ ('t ~ Fl op 0 2; 1 SLof'E.. • • • _ I?¥: 1 \/ErJA-( SI ~ HT t:::i ef M-IG E;' L1Ne; PLAl'l'Ilffl J,z;ggp SJMIQL JIQTAJIICAL/COMMO!f KAME DZ:J!i$ ♦ ALNUS RHOMBIFOLIA WHITE ALDER t-1 E-TltQ71 !7£: ~i:;, TOM~,,, fJtW 1Ef.U,Nr;, l/-ll</'7f}1A0 iJZ&E SI ZJ!i EXIST EXIST SHRUBS 0 ACACIA REDOL!NS EXIST I e ]c!3,0STRATE ACACIA __ L~AL "/-' &,.,..---G) . N'-~Ll~U i;cl;;O 'ti-F: W 1(1,Jc;, . -------5 ~~-;--\I . . C. ~~~tc______j'>------_ ___;-----...---......_~.,./ 0 CARISSA MACROCARPA 'TbttLP.:' 6 GAL 33 PROSTRATE NATAL PLUM f":), CISTUS SPECIES EXIST 11 \:J ROCK ROSE 1 GAL 2f ® DICKSONIA ANTARCTICA 5 GAL 2 TASMANIAN TREE FERN 0ECHIUM FASTUOSUM EXIST 6 PRIDE OF MADIERA @ HIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIS 'BUTTERBALL' 5 GAL 12. CHINESE HIBISCUS OJUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS. 'PLUMOSA' '7 GAL 9 ANDORRA JUNIPER QUAlJTXl':t © LANTANA SELLOWIANA 1 GAL 25 PURPLE TRAILING LANTANA 0 LIRIOPE MUSCAR.I l GAL 25 BIG BLUE LILY TURl" © NANDINA DOMESTICA 5 GAL 18 3 HEAVENLY BAMBOO /' BA¢.7c~~~E e PHOTJ'.NIA FRASER I • I t,lblAN f"Ri NC"e9>1 FRASER'S PHOTINIA 1 GAL 55 l;;iil l;;iil 1.,, 10 / "''""'.__,, EUCALYPTUS FICIFOLIA RED FLOWERING GUM JACARANDA ACUTIFOLIA ) JACARANDA(HI~. -,'c,§41r.E. ptle,LIC. R.O.W f~P\,4 ~I/JR EXIST 12 Cl , ) fr~Mtl~ Nl!:RIUM OLEANDER WHITE TREE FORM OLEANDER 15 GAL 4 j • / COf-.k: f 1:JEC. L1 NED DfA1 ~I A&f: ~ :Dtv,H ff.f', &~ N c, f'LAN PINUS HALEPENSIS EXIST 1 , ALEPPO PINE -----.......__~--l0 CjL _ ,--±:__ -r,r ANA 11Fu . Vi¼~ ,7--) , ot o ) J itfll 'lR/=E . _,--,----._ -~ '/-:::!S~~~:::::~~IJ:::~E=~)_E_~,c::E~=~~i~~-----~./~/-~~ ~~LE LEAF PLUM -/' f'----~ - RHUS LANCEA EXIST .4 - FRICAN SUMA~----~----....,....--...------,,-- L r o u 117#1 e,,.. F-. ~' FLLA 24 "e;oy ~. '71<.IEE'T(il.'M ____,---...._~ . / ------------c~ JIIO!rES: 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHOWN DASHED IS EXISTING, LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE, 2. PROPERTY OWNER TO MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AS SHOWN HEREIN, EXCEPT AT STREET FRONTAGE SLOPE Wl!ICH IS TO p.,E MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 3. ALL TREES WITHIN 8 FEET OF HARDSCAPE OR BUILDINGS SHALL BE. INSTALLED IN 'DEEP ROOT' (OR EQUAL) ROOT BARRIER. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS, 4. REMOVE ALL EXISTING PAMPAS GRSSS. 5. IF ANY EXISTING HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED AS NECESSARY. ' 6. ALL NEW MANUFACTURED SLOPES THAT ARE 4 FEET TO 8 FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT ARE TO BE PLANTED AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLANS WITH GAZANIA GROUNDCOVER (PLANTED FROM FLATS) AND WITH LOW-SPREADING WOODY SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF 2 3/4 INCH LINERS OR AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLANS). THE SLOPES SHALL ALSO BE TREATED WITH ALYSSUM COVER CROP; HOWEVER, SHOULD PLANTING OCCUR DURING THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 15 (OR LATER AS APPROVED) AND APRIL 15, JUTE MESH SHALL BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE ALYSSUM PER LANDSCAPE MANUAL. 0 PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA 'VARIEGATA' VARIEGATED MOCK ORANGE 0 PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA 'WHEELER!' DWARF MOCK ORANG! ® . RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'SPRINGT!Ml!:' INDIA HAWTHORN e ROSEMARINUS OFFICINALIS 'PROSTRATUS' PROSTRATE ROSEMARY ® TECOMARIA CAPENSIS CAPE HONEYSUCKLE 0 TRACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES STAR JASMINE GROUND COVERS % "ANNUAL COLOR 0 ~- BARK 0(3:l OR FLATTER AREAS) WALK-ON -OR EQUAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL l GAL EXIST l GAL 4" POT 3• LAYER th e_~,~~·~2:-=~- 3'7 12 7fJ Z1 7 10 12"0.C. p l anni n g element \ --f rzA~ ~hk:,L Oou Re: ~ AFLH 1- -f'e;;-l-"TUR!!.L-01iE fl-A. k:-LE lo· 2.(), ')5 ?· t,-1'? "3·t.1 .45 1·17-95 1 -- t ---.. 1 · -.. --. L -----. ---- I --I ---- I ..... ' -~-I -·--·-·-· . . -. t ' · _ -~;, T(-__ L-!~1_n __ ~~ --· · rN1,;1•~FEP 0~ WORK 25~5 E~ A. SIU ~~-- LANDSCAl'E ARCHITECTURE !'LANNING , Jr.urn Caett.&idgfl: Court . San Oiegc • C..O. Q2105 APPROVED FOR PLANTING _ AND IRRIGATION ONLY,, ... INCLUDING· PRECISE LOCA.TION OF PLANTING AREAS. BUI!. l II Rf.Vl[\J[D BY, L. f:K.a-cA_ -- !N,PC:C roR [BtOJ 25'1-2701 SHEETS I 6 ' -----------------------------------------------------------···-... -------. - COMPLETE CONSERVATION SYSTEM SPECJFTCATlONS CENTRAL OVERRIDE CONTROL The central override control unit shall provide an eight (8) post terminal strip clearly labeled for appropriate connections to the controller, rain sensor and central override receiver $ystems. Two (2) SPST switches shall provide independ~nt menual override control over both the rain s~nsor ~nd ten5iometers. Each SPST switch shall lncorpocate a protective snubber network and provide positive indication of override mode vi~ ~n L.E.D. panel l i (_Jl-.;:. CENTRAL 1 0VF.RRIDE SYSTEM RECEIVP.R The central override system receiver unit shall receive an over- ride command from the central override control unit and shall cause cor1troller applied current to bypass the tensiometer cir- cuit and activate the r~mote control valve solenoid regardless of the amount of available sell ~oisture present in the zone. The central override system receiver unit shall be installed in the remote control valve enclosure. The central override sys- tem receiver unit shall be epoxy sealed and provide two (2) double shielded cable lead~, one shall be color coded to attach to corr~sponding leads from the Lensiometer via an approved di- rect burial three (3) wire sensor cable, the other shall provid~ rour (4) leads color coded; red, yellow, green, and black, which shall attach to the remote control valve solenoid and override common (common 2) circuit. RAUi SF.NSOR The unit is to be a solid st~te rain sensor which will terminate a programmed irrigation after a rainfall reaches greater than 1/8 inch (3.2mm), even though the tensiometers may, at that time, be calling for the Irrigation to proceed. The unit shall incor- pcrRt~ ~ tfiermiGtor heat source to provide assisted evaporation of water from the r~in collection cupT The unit shall be of a type which may be p9rmanently installed in a vandal resistant enclosurer as required. TENSIOHF.TF.R The unit Is to be a solio state, maintenance free tensiometer. It ls to be pre-set by the manufacturer to allow a programmed irrigatlon only when the soil matric potential (root stress) rises above the specified pre-set value as expressed in centlbars (CB). The unit will automatically close the remote control valve power circ"it to allow programmed irrigation when soil matric potential is at or above the specified range. The unit shall not be damaged by freezing nor affected by variations in soil particle size, soil density, salinity, hydrogen ions or other chemical variations. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS All connections between the tansiometers, the central override system receiver, the remote control valve solenoid circuit and the override common (commen 2) shall be made using U.L./CSA/MIL specification qualified pre-insulated ~ater proof connectors. These connectors shall be comprised of a butt Joint crimp bar- rel which is not less than 0.625 inches (15.875mm) in length, such barrel being surrounded by a heat shrinkable nylo~ jacket containing an integral heat activated sealant. This jacket shall not be less than 1.5 inches (38.1mm) in lengih. Splices shall be crimped using a WCS-UNI 3000 pressure compensating crimp tool (or equal device) and heat sealed using a WCS-UT 100 untratorch (or equal device) such that the outer nylon jacket shall shrink uniformly around the crimped eplice and release its internal sealant. Approved splices which meet these specifications are: WCS-perma-seal typ.,s; 2218R, 14168 and 12JOY, SENSOR CABLE Connecti~n between the tensiometer and central override system receiver shall be made using color coded red1 green and yellow, copper solid core, double jacket cable of 16AWG or larger (WCS 9603D8 or equal) which is labeled as direct burial by the manufacturer. All connections to this cable shall be made using WCS-perma-seal (or equal) pre~insulated splice connectors, (, IRRIGATlON SPECIFICATIONS lf'!e~ no}l: (;;wl*~Mrn\cip .. 1 w .. +a,. b1.JrJ/,fu,,f1u..ftont, -AA ,pr~) SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION JENERAL DESCRIPTION The irrigation system shall be constructed using the materials as shown on the drawings and as called for in these specific- ations. 'The system shall ht-constructed to grades and conform to site conditions and locations as shown on the drawings. Irrigation lines shown on the dra~lng• are diagrammatic, Lo- cations nf all sprinkler heads, valves, piping, controllers, wiring, etc. shall be ~stablished by the Contractor at the time of construction and approved ~t the site by the Owner's Autho- rized Repres~ntatlve, prior to installation. Spacing of sprink- ler heads or quick coupler valves Qre shown on the drawings and shall not be exceeded without tl,e written permission of the Own- er1s Authorized Represeot~tive. Unless otherwise specified or indicated on the drawing~, the construction of the Irrigation system shall include the fur- nishing, installing, and testing of all mains, laterals, rlaers, and fittings, the furnishing at,d installing of sprinkler heads, quick coupler valves, gate va1Ve$r control valves, controllers, and all necessary specialties and accessories, the excavation and backfilling of trenches, and all other work In accordance wilh the plans and specifications as required for a complete Bystem. SCOPE OF' WO~II The work consists of installing a complete underground irriga- tion system aa shown on the drawings and as hereinafter speci- fied, Including the furnishing of all labor, equipment, materials transportation, and permits and In performing all operations in connection with the construction of the irrigation system. HATERIALS All materials to be incorporated in this system shall be new and without flaws or defects and of quality and performance as specified and meeting tl1e requirements of the system. All excess material at the completion of the installation are the property of the Contractor and are to be removed from the site. PIPE AND FITTINGS Pipe sizes shall conform to those shown on the drawings¾ No sub- stitutions oE smaller pipe size will be permitted but substitu- tions of a larger size may be approved. All pipe damaged or re- jected because of defects shall be removed from the site at the time of said rejection. DEFINITION AND lNTENT OF DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Contract Agre~ment, the Drawings, and the Specifications, including all modifications thereof incorporated in the Documents hefore thoir execution. It is specifically agreed that this Contract shall be in all re- spects constr~ed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state and municipality in which It ls executed~ The Contract Documents are complimentary and what is called for by one shall be as binding as if called for by ell. The intent of the Documents is to include, unless otherwiec stated, all labor, materials, equip~ent and transportation for the ptoper execution of the work and as required for a complete system. OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAT!Vf The Owner shall designate one ( 1) person aR l1is Authorized rep- resenLative to work with the Contraclor. The Representative shall t,ave full authority to ,-,pprove work performed by the Con- tractor, mak~ field changes that are deemed necessary and ap- prove estimates submitted by the Contractor for payment. PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY The Contractor shall maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and sl1all protect the Owner's and adjacent property from injury or loss arisir1g from tt1is Contract. TI\XES The Contractot shalt pay al) Fedcr,:1l, State and Local Sales and/or use Taxes applicabl'e to materials, proc~sses or devices purchased o~ used 1n connection with the ~ork under this Con- tract. EXAMINATION AND VERIFICATION OF DRAWINGS /\ND SITE It shall be the Contractor"s responsibility to report to the owner's Authorized Repres~ntative any deviations bet~een th~ drawings 1 specificat1ons and the site. Fail.uce to do so prior to the installation of equipment and resu1t:ng in the replace- ment, and/o, relocation of eguipment, shall be done at the Con- tractor's expense. ORDINANCES AND REGULAT{ONS All Local, Municipal and Stat~ Laws and Rules and Regulations governing or relating to any portion of this ~ork are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Irrigation Con- tractor. Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above mentioned Rules, Regulations or Requirements and ~here a conflict may occur the Rules, Regulations or Requirements of the governing code shall take precedence. However, when these specifications and/or d~awings call for or describe materials, ~orkmanst\ip or-con- struction of a better quality, higher standard or larger size1 these specifications and/or drawings shall take precedence over the ,equlrements of said Rules, regulations or Codes. HATE!HI\LS AND WORIIMI\NSIIIP J f C 11y I N<SfE-C.:'(Df". Whenever any material is spediried by name and/or number thereof, such specifications shall be~~eemed to be used for the purpose of (acllitating a de$cription qf the materials and establishing quality, and shall be deemed/and construed to be followed by the words '1or approved equal". /,'No substitutions will be permitted which have not been submitt~d for prior ~pproval by the Owner's Auth,,rized Representative/ LAll materials shall be ne'1 and with~ out flaws or defects and shall be tl1e best of their class and kind. s~fficient descriptive literftture and/or samples must be furnished for any materials submitted as ''equal'' substitutes. All materials shall be gu~ranteed for a period of one (1) year against material ~cf~cts and workwanship. All materials and eq\~ipment shall be installed in a neat and wock- manli~e rn~nne~-The Landscape Architect or the Owner's Authorized Representative reserves the right to direct the removal and ~e- placement of any items, which in their opinion shall not present an orderly and reasonably neat or workmanlike appearance1 pro- vided such item can he propert.y inst~lled ir, suCtl an orderly way by the usual methods in such work. Such removal and replacement sh~ll be dona, when directed in writing, at the Contractor's ex- pense without additional cost to the ovner. PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS Any permits for the installation or construction of any of tt,e work included unde~ this Contract, which are required by any of tho leqally constituted authorities hrtVing jurisdiction, shall b~ obt8ined and paid tor by the Contracto~, ~ach at the proper time. Jte shall also a~~ange for and pay for all costs in con- nection with any inspections at\d examinations required by these authorities. In all cases, where inspection of the irrigation aystem work ls required and/or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or obaervation of the Owner's Authorized Representative, the Contractor snall notify the o~ner's Authorized R~presentative of the time ~hen such observ~tion and/or dir~ction is required. Any necessary re-excavation or alterations to the system needed because of failure of the Contractor to have the requir~d inspections, shall be pf!fformpd at the Contr~ctnr's own expense. PURPOSE OF' SPECIFICATIONS It is the intention of these specification$, together with the accompanying dravings* to accnmplish the work of installing an irrigation system which will opera·te in an efficient and satis- factory manner accordinq to the workmanlike standards established for the sprinkler operation. GUI\RANTEE !t sholl be the Contractor 1 ~ responsibility to insure and gua~an- tee complete coverage of the areas shown on the drawings to be irrigated. lie shall also guarantee the satisfactory operation of the entire systow and the workmanship, including non-settle- ment of the backfill mix. The entire system shall be guaranteed to be complete and perfect in ·overy detail for a period of one (I) year from the date oC final acceptance by the Owner. RECORD DRAWlNGS The O•ner uill furnish the Contractor vith one (I) set of blue- line prints, showing all irrigation work required under this Contract, Ear the purpose of having the Contracto~ record on these prints all changes·that may be made during actual instal- lation of the system. rmmedlately upon installation of any piping, valves, wiring, sprinkler heads, etc,, in locations other than shown on the oricrinal drawings, or oE sizes other than indicated, the Contractor shall clearly indicate such changes on the set of d,awings. MATERIAL STORAGE ANO CLEI\NUP The Contractor shall keep the premises free from rubbish and debris at all times and s~all arrange his material storage so as not to interfere vith the Owner's ·operation of the job. ~II un- used mat8rial, rubbish and debris shall be remov~d from tile iiito. EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND LABOR The Contrace·or shall furnist, all such equipment, tool~ and labor necesgary to complete work in an acceptable, timely mariner. This Contract is based on the Contractor furnishing and using his own equipment, tools and labor which are s11itable to ~a~ry out this Contract in a first class manner, unless otherwise here- in specified. CHANGES OR ADDITIONAL WOQJI The Owner, may, without invalidating the original contr.:ict., orde1 such changes or additions as may from time to ti~e b•J de~m~d de- sirable or necessary. In so doing, the Contra~t Price sh.~ll be adjusted to the Mutual Agreement of the Contractt>,: a~)d tl,e Owner. witl1 all work being done under the conditior,~ of the original Contract exeept for such adjustments in price and 1n extetition of time as may be necessary. The Contractor shall bring to the 3ttention of the owner's Authorized Representative and they sl,all together work out an agreeable change, ~hich may be nacessilated by deviations in construction from original plans by other con- tractors on the job. Any change in prier, brought about by sucl, deviations in construction over original plAns by olhPr con- tractors shall be agreed upon by both the Contractor ar1rl tl1e Owne~ before work proceeds. TIME OP COMPLETrO~ Where a specified tim~ of completion is so deA;ignated in t-.hc-Co11- tract, all delays caused by any act of n~qlect by the ow11,~r or the Owner's Authorized Representative or by other contract.ors in the construction of the project ot which this work is ~ pa~L, char1ges ordered or n8cessit~ted by deviatior1s in the general constr~1ctiorf··or schedule of other contractors on the project, inclement weather conditions 1 acts of God and acts beyor1d the control of the Contractor such as strikes, fire, 1ocko1it~, 11n- usual delays in shipments, shall not bo cause for d~l~y ir1 µ,iy- rnent of estimates as presented and shall be considered as nona Fide causes for exter,sions of ti~e. The Owner and the Cor,tractor shall agree on a reasonable exten3ion of time. If construction contractor is delayed in completion of part or parts of the project so that the Irrigation Contractor must leave the job and return at a later date to complete his instal- lation, payments for work completed and materials delivered st1all not be held back and extensions of time far completion of work shall be granted if needed. Owner shall reimburse the Ir- rigation Contracto~ for any expenses incurred due to these dolayE unle9s otherwise herein specified. lNST/\LLATION The Contractor will stake out the location of each run of pipe and all sprinkler heads or sprinkler vatve locations ptior to -t,ye,11cl11r15 Before installation is started in any given area, the Owner 1 s Authorized Representative shall check all locations and give his approval. l\ny changes made by the Ovner after approval and inslallation, shall be at the owner's expense. ~eights of sprinkler heads or sprinkler valves/valve boxes in relation to•ground·level shall be as shown on the accompanying details. The Owner's Authori~ed Representative shall verify and approve installer"s settings. Any changes after such ap- p(oval shall be at the O~neris expense. SPECIAL CONDrTIONS SYSTEM DESIGN CHANGES No consideration will be given to any design changes until c1ftet" the awarding of the contract.. should ~ny changes be deemed necessary after award of Contract, for proper instal- lation and operation of the system, such changes shall be ne- gotiated by the Owner with the successful bidder. CHANGES IN SCOPE OF' WORII Additions or deletions In the quantity of work as ,et forth in these specifications and accompanying drawings may be ordered by the owner or his Authorized Representative after the con- tract Price has been adjusted accordingly, to tt1e satisfac~ion of both the Contractor and the Owner and they have been accepted in writing by the owner. EXCAVATION WORK EXCAVATION AND 81\CKFILL Trenches for plastic µipe sprinkler lines stlall be excavati~d of sufficient depth and width to pecmit proper handling and in- stallation of the pipe and fittings. The b~ckfill ~hall be thoroughly compacted and evened off with the adjacent soil level. Selected fill dirt or sand shall be used if soil con- ditions are rocky. The backfill shall contain no lumps o~ i:ocke larger than ,,.,,,_ (1) inch, ~11 Lrenches that ar~ opened du.ring a particular working day shall be cloS;ed and backfilled the same day. No open trenct,es or partially back- filled trenches shall be left overnight. OEPTII OF TRENCIIES Pressure lines The exact location of all existing utilities and structures and underground utilities, which may not be indicated on the drawings, shall be determined by the Contractor and he shall conduct his ~ork so as to prevent interruption of service or damage to them. The Contractor shall protect existing struc- tures and utility services and be responsible for their re- placement if damaged by him or to make necessary adjustment in their location if required in order to complete the work In this Contract. Minor adjustments in the system will be permitted to clear existing fixed obstructions subject to the approval of the LandscaE-e A_~c;hitect "!,f_the Ow_nl'f'S Autl>o- r i ~ed Represe n tat Ive. ALL Ll'f1U11e-:, '.l-'t>I.L ~ [..Q;A1w p; 1/t UMJ~f; r,y: l,hJ r~Gra,t.1 HV 4fZ.✓1tE her-r 1-iao-,q-2:1.-4,~3 IRRIGATION PIPE PLI\STIC PIPE LIN€$ Plastic pipe shall be ,igid unplasticized PVC (Class or Scned- ule), (1120, 2120, etc.), [SDR)1 (PSI Working ?ressu..£.tl ex- truded from virgin parent material of the type specified on the drawings. Tile pipe shal.l be homogeneous throuqhout and free from visibl,:, cracks, holes1 foreign materials~ blisb~rs, dele~eriFns, wrinkl~s. and dents. All pipt ~~11 k f!-l.-plt Aterrlint Cl>' f ,\le,lf1c, C,zi P,~t. PLASTlC PkPE FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS ~ll~p~~L~1;::'tt;;7,ngs to be installed shall be molcied fittings manufactured of the same material as the pipP and shall b~ suitable for solvent weld, Slip joint rlng tight seal, or screwed con11ectlons. No fittings made of other n:~trrial shall b~ used ex~ept brass saddle tees and crosses a~ t1ereln- after specified. .Slip fltting socket ta.per shrill be so pipt·~ e.nd, conforminq to these speci~;l. no mrlrP than h~lfway into t~ie socket. fittjngs will nol be permitted. Only thr~J.d('ct. sized that a dry unsoftened provisions, can ~~ inserted Plastic saddle ~nd flange schedule 80 pipe may be When C(Jf\nect_i,on is p.l;,slic to metol, male adar,te:cs shall bt:' used. The mole adn;pter shall be HAND TIGHTENED, plu.s ONf. TURN.WlTH A STRAP h'RENCl1. Joint sealant shall be Teflon T('lpe or Rector; Sectl No. 5. IDEN'l'l FI CATION All pipe shall be contlnuously and permanently mark~d witl1 th~ following informJtion: Manufacturer's namo or lr~rl~mark, size, schedule and type of pipe, working pressure at 71 d~g~E•e~ F., ~nd Nation~! Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approval. DELIVERY Pl~s!. '.c pi.pt':" sh~l l bi? d,.J. ivered to the sit•~ in unbr:-0k0ri bundles or rcllls, ?ackngPd in such a manner as to provide ad~quate pro- tection for tilt~ pipe ends, either thre~ded or pl~fn. INSTI\LLI\TION OF PLASTIC PlPE Plastic pipe ~11~11 b~ inst~lled in a manner so as to provide for Pxp,)ngion and c:ontraction as rPcommended by thP. mL1nidacturer. All plastic tu plastic joints shall be solvent-weld joints or slip sea\ joints. Or1ly solvent recommended by the pipe manu- factu~er shall be used. Care should be taken so as not to use an excess amount of solvent, ther@by causing an obstruction to form on the inside of the pipe. All plastic pipe and fit- tings sh,111 h(? installed as outlined and instructed by the pipe manufacturer. All plastic to metal joints shall be made with plastic male ad~pters. Tt1e joints shall be ~llowed to set at least 24 hours before pressure is applied to the system on PVC pipe. CI..EARANCE:S When two (2) or more pipes are to be placed in the sam~ trench, maintain a six (6) inch minimum horizontal clearance between p1pes. A ~inirnum o! two (2) inch vertical clear~nce shall be maintained between pipes vhich cross over one another. No lines shall be installed directly over another parallel lir1e. No irrigation piping shall be laid within the same trench or with- in twelve (12) inches of parallel lines of other utilities. fLUSllING THE SYSTEM After all new sprinkler piping and risers are in place and con- nected1 for a given section, arid ~11 necessary division work has been completed and prior to the installation of sprinkler l1eads, all ~antral valves shall be opened and a full head of water used ta flush tl1€ system, TESTING T!IE SYSTEM 1-c..tfy l~..fr...£f0F2- The Contractor shall not allow or cause any of the~\wor-k instc1lled to be covered other tl1an c~nter loading of pipinq bRfore it has b -I een tested and approved. Testing of ~he system shfll be per- formed efter lt1~ completion of the entire install~tjon in the presence of tt1e owner's Authorized Representativd LShould any work be covered before being approved, the Contractor shall l~•= !1eld responsibl1.2 for the uncovering and testing of the same. No wate~ st1all !J~ per~itted in the pipe until a period o( at least 24 hours tias elapsed for solvant-weld setting and curing. LEAKAGE TEST PRESSURE LINES: All irrigation pipe upstream from the control valves shall be tested 3t the completion of roughing in and prior to backfilling pipe joints. All installed lines on the COVf.RAGE TEST lJpon completion of th~ irrigation installation and prior to any planting, other tban specimen trees, the Contractor shall adj~st sprinkler heads to evenly and properly distribute the rate of precipitation of the water a~d shall deterrnir1e if the cov?rage afforded the lawn and planting a,eas is complete and adequate. Adjust and position spri11~ler heads to keep all over;3pray ,ind water off of all walls, ,~indows, paving ;1 nd walks. Contractor shall be liabl.e for all ovPrspray Jnd excess water from irrigation systPms. The Contractor shall f1irnish all mat~rials arid perform all work r~quir0d Ln curre~t all in- adequacies of covt't:ilg~ dj sclos~~d by t.fie te:=;l. _I_RH) C~T l ON_ f;QUl P_~ EN'!' SPRINKLF,R lltAOS Sprinkle~ J1eads shal.1 be of the types and size~ wiLll the dia- meter or r,::tdius of t.l1r'O'f.', pre~sur~~. disctiarqe and Q.ny other dPsignalioris nec~.~-,;sary to det(;r:-riirie t-.he types dnd si?.es, as in- dicated on the drawings. They shall be constructed of oronze, brass,. stainlPss st~f•l, cast iron and/or non-metallic material.s as specificully specif!1•d, t"l~rf:dn, for Pach specific mode.!. sprink· 1 (' r. ~11 l1eads of a particl1lar type and for ~ particular function lrt the system shall be of the s3me ~an,~facttirer anrl shall be m,~rked wilt1 the-manuractu:rer's name and id~ntification, in such a position that they can b0 identitird without being r~moved [com the system. All spcinkl~r heads and quick-coupling valves shall be set pPrp~ndicul~r to finished grades unl~ss othPrwise designated ~n tt1e draw1nqs, or· otherwise specified. Sprinkler heads ad- )~CPt1t to ~xisting walls, curbs and other paved areas, shall be set to grade. Sprinklec hPads which are to be installed in lawn ar~as whPre turf has not yet been establi~hed shall be set one (l) incl, abnve the proposed finished gr~de. Onc-holf to oi1 e C\lbic-fool minimum, of ]/11" or , ·· ,:FJ?t"P(Jflte qrc1v<:1 i;tial.1 be placr.>d nro11nd t'",-,ch n"lt.0r pop-,ip [;;,rink.l.f":r head ;,,·lir?n i.t is !",E'l to qr,·1dr.i, [Ot" dralnr1q1,'" of wiiter from spi:-inkler f," ;) <:, f> • All sprinkler~, havinq adjustable pin nozzles. shall have tlie pins adjusted into th~ stream for proper and adPq~1ate distri- bt1tion of the ~ater over ti,~ coveraqe pattern of the $prinkler ~t such time hs th~ system is finally completely ct1ecked out. All no~zles on stationary pop-up sprinklerR or stationary spray hRads shall ~e tiqhtened after installation. ~11 sprinklers having an adjusting screw, adjusting sl~m or adjusting friction collars shall be adj11sted on a l~teral line or circuit as re- quired for the prope~ a~c of coverage1 radiug 1 diameter and/or gallonage discharge. BALI. VALVES J\l l ball valv11s shall be installed plumb with wheel handles readily accessible. Valves shall be set in valve boxes. QUICK COUPLING VALVES AND REYS !~stall all quick couplers as indicated on drawings and as d1r-ected .. The valve keys shall be of' the same manufacturer DSC~~ as the quick coupling valves and shall be of proper size to st' \flC-ii'::>(~ fi~ the valves as previously specified, Set all valves pl ~~'2585 .i!,J)S~ an~ true_to finish grade and a maximum of twelve (12) inch c:>6.AIHEA.snz9 · frc,m pav1nq, walks, headei;-s, or curbs, and as shown on the.~/"/ \·L plans and as directed. :i: Jn: /jj}J./, CONTROL VAJ,VES \,1 \.._~ ')~j j'/, Install control valves per details and as shown on the plans~-~,~ Set plumb and accessible for removal and maintenance. Valves shal~ be adJusted so that a uniform distribJtion of water is ~pp~l~d by the sprinkler heads to the plantinq areas for each ind1v1dual valve system. REMOTE CONTROL WIRING AlJ. eloctrical control and ground wire to he used for connecting tt1e automatic remote control valve to the a11tomatic controllers sh.c,11 be Type "UF"1 600 volt, stranded or solid copper, sin~J).e couductor wire with PVC insulation and bear UL approval for di1-ect ~tnd~rground burial reeder W~c. In~111latior1 ~J1all be 5/64'' thick minimum covering of an approved t~E~rrnoplast1c compound for positive waterproof protection of sizes AWG size 1f through and including AWC size 10. AWG size 8 through AWG 00 shall be insulated with 5/64" of the approved thermoplastic compound. Verification or w1l·e types and installatio11 procedures shall be checked to con(orm to local codes by the owner's Authorized Rep- r~~entative. ~ pressure side of valves snail be tested at 150 PSI maximum Coritrol wires and mainline irrigation piping shall be installed hydrostatic pressure at the low point in the entire system, in the same trPnches where ever possible. Wires shall be bun- for a minimum period of four (4) hours and shall show no vi-dlEid and taped together every ten (10) feet and taped to tl1e sual leakage arid experien(:e no loss of pressure. All leaks underside of the mainline. in pressur~ litH~s ~hi"l.11 be c-epair~d and a.11 lines appruv~d by ~tf~ the Owner's Authorized Rf'presentative and the City Landscape tl1c· "'-~" lnspecLnr bc~ore bac:kfilling of trenches. ---.~-------- NON-rRESSUP.E LINES, All pipe do;;ns,ream of control valvespla1111111Q' ele1ne11t shall be tested at line hydrostatic pressure for a n1inimum period of ot1R (I) hour, and shall show no visual leakage ~nd experience no more than five (5) pounds in los9 of pre~~11re. All leakn shall be repaired and all lines approved by th~ Own~r•s Autt1orized Represent~tive and tt1e City r.andscaµe In- spector before backfilling of trenches. APJJl,OVF;I) fi'OI\ PLANTING 1\Nll lliHIGATION ONL'l, INCIJJl)lNC, rr~ECISE l.OC: ATIO N OF' PLANTING J\ ),;. 1,; AS. 1.1\NOSCl\l'E l\l"tCI IITECTUl"tE PLANNlNG ,, A,...._ ~ BUIL_ T" TIT,_[-------· ___ _ R[V][\JED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DATE 1---~----+~------l----~----~--·-----l----•--i---t-------+---• I SH5ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH~TS I ----+--·+-----------· ------1------l----!----!--__J~==:'....'::=;::==P=l=A=N:::N=!N=G::::::D=E=P=A~R=T=M=E=N=T===~:::::U=:::: l~RIGATION ,;p1oe,1 FIGATIONS for: ~-2o-":'S 5.23•')s 3-21·'10 EXH I P-:itT Af,'f kELI.C-¼ Avt:1-I l.1ll 'ii CAMI No VIP/', f',q;,l-i;: CAr,).~~D. .::M::l foP.H IA (L:,T 4~ ~) - APPROVt:D 7(/ __;» I f/,'-7 kt;; ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR ' cfATE ·----;;-o-;-cArE;;=-i-;;1N:Wtn~A;;-l--t-------------------l-O-A_Tt_-l----l~---I~---' ;;D~WN:;:;:::;B;;:Y;:: =t,::;~~.~~===P::R=o=J=E=cT=N:::0:::_==:;::::D:::RA:::W!=N=c=N=o. 1NtnAL oAre: 1N1nAL CHKD SY: F:A:S p I p or::. 1 ".2,l.i_B-L D1H[R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAi.. RVYD BY• F,C,,"2 • · • I -.J ~ ()--_,., .:;<-fl ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION C. M-W.D. ELECTRIC~L WIRE CONNECTIONS Wire connections to remote control electric valves and splices of wire in the field shall be made in the following manner, using Rain 3ird Pen-Tite wire connectors, or equal, and sealing cement: ]. Strip ends of wires and push wires through the holes of the base sock.et. 2, Twist wires together and mechanically bond togett1er using crimp sleeve and crimp pliers. 3. Pull wire connection bacK inlo ba~e socket a$ far as possible, 4. Apply solvent cement to outside of sealing pl11q and then fill cavity of sealing plus completely with solvent cement. 5. Push sealing plug into base socKet, using a slight twisting motio~, until it bottoms. 6. Push wires sown into base plug as far as they will go, without unseating sealing plug. This assures cement completely sealing around wlte insulation and wate(- proofing the connection. It is important that the joint be ab~olutely waterproof so that there 15 no chance for leakage of water and corrosion build-up on the jolnt. ' Control wlre splices will be allowed onlv at terminal points. AUTOMATIC lRRIGATION CONTROLLER ' Automatic controllers shall be installed per details at locations shown on the drawings ~ith exact locations verified with the Owner's Authorized Representative prior to installation. The controller housing shall be easily accessible for controlling and maintenance and shall be protected and kept clean at all times. See drawings for required power connections for con- trollers. A l~gible copy of a reduc~d and approved mylar record drawing of the irrigation system operated by each controller shall be taped inside each cabinet door. BACKFLOW PREVENTER The backflow preventer assembly shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specificationsr located as directed on the drawings, and shall conform to all applicable code and ordinance requirements. The exact location and positioning shall be verified on the site. PRESSURE REGULATOR The pressure regulator shall be installed as indicated on the drawings. Verify the final location with the Owner's ~uthorized Representative. ~OST INSTALLATION rhe Co11tractor shall be responsible for complete maintenance and protection of the ir~igation system until final acceptance of the work is given by the Owner's Authorized Representative. The Contractor shall turn over to the Owner•s Authorlted Rep- ~esentative all of the following special equipment prior to final acceptance of the work: -ContTol valve keys as requir~d by the Owner -Wrenches for removing ~ach different type or sprinkler head, if ~equirad -48'' tee wrench for opcratlng gate valves -Quick coupler keys and hose bibb assemblies -Keys for opening and locking each automatic controller -Approved service manuals to all equipment The Cont,ractor shall transmit to the [...a.,A~C-Bre Ar&-,m+ l~il.te •~-~uil-1·' (11f,f""f'l\pti11'1 Wit~ivt• 4'1ite (5) cal~n<lar da'1~ 0 @npit+ul 1rririm-J in!1tall:;,f-1on jbl"° fr"'Vl*r on+o c,+~ mi/aV<, CLEAN UP As thn project progresses, tl1e Contractor shall maintain all areas in a neat manner and remove unsightly debris aa necessary, After completion of the project, tl1e Contractor shall remove all debris and container• used in accomplishing the work. Ile shall sweep and clean all sidewalks, asphalt and concrete areas adjacent to plantings PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION The planting installation shall be i1)stalled using the materials as shown on the dra~lngs and a:i called for in these sp~cifications. The planting as shown on th,~ drawi11ns is diagrammatic. The lay- out locations for plants and outlines of ground cover to be planted shall be establis~1ed by the contractor at the time of construction and approved ~t the site by the Owner's Authorized Representative1 prior to planting. Ut:lesB otherwise specified oi:--ind\cr-1l0d on the, drawings 1 the installation of the planting sl1all include the furnishing, in-· stalling, maintair1i~1g, and ~uar~nteQing of all plants and lawns, all necessary speci~lties and acces·sorles and all other work in accordanco witt1 tl1e plan~ and specifications as required for a thriving landscape. SCOPE OP WORK Tl1e wor~ consists of installing a tt1riving landscape as shown on the drawings and as herein~fter specifiQd, including the fur- nishing of all liJ.bOr, equipment, mi"lb~rL:ils, tr<'n19port.ation .'\Od permits and in performing all operations in connection with the installation of the landscape. MATERIALS All mat~rials shall be of standard, approved, arid first grade quality and shall be in pr'ime condition when installed and ac- cepted. All commercially processed or pilckaged material shall bo delivered to the site in tt1e original unopened containers bearing tt1e manufact11rer's guaranteed analysis. All excess material at tl1c comrletion (Jf the installation are tt,c property of the contractor and are to t,e rernoved from the site. DEFINITION ANll INTENT OF DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Contract Agreement, the Drawings, and the Specifications, including all modifications thereof incorporated in the Documents befoce their• execution, lt ls specifically agreed that this Contract shall be 1n all re- spects construed and interpreted in acco~dance with the laws of the state and municipality in which It is executed. The Contract Documents are complementary and what is called for by one shall be as binding as if call for by all, The intent of the documents is to include, unless otherwise stated, all labor, materials, equipment and transportation for-the pro~ per execution of the work and as required for a thriving land- scape. OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The Owner shall designate on~ (1) person as his Authorized Rep- resentative to work with the Contr~ctor. 1'he Representative shall have full authority to approve work performed by the Con- tractor, make field changes that arc dPemed necess~ry and ap- µrove estimates submitted by tt1e Cor1tractor for !layment. PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY The Contractor shall maintain adequate protection of all his work from d~mage and sh~ll protect tl1~ Owner's and adjacent property from injury or loss ari~ing from Lhis Contract. TAXES Th~ Contractor st,all pay all federal, State and r,ocal Sales i"l.nd/or Usf? T,.::ixes applicable to rn~teriuls, processes or-devices purcha5ed or used in connection wit!, the ~0rk under this Con- tract. EXAMlNATION AND VERIFICATION OF DRAWINGS AND SITE It shall be tl1e Contractor's responsibility to report to the Owner's Authori~ed Representative any deviations between the drawings, specifications and the site. All seated dimensions on the drawings are approxirn~te. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shalt carefully check and verify all dimensions, quantities and grade elevat.lons, and shall immediately inform the Owner"s Authorized Represen- tative and/or Landscape Architect of any discrepancies. Quantities for plat1t mate~ldlS are showr1 tor convenience only, and are not guaranteed. Check and verify co11nt and supply suf- ficie11t numh1~r to fulfill ~tie intent of tl1e drawings. Failure to do so prior to the installation of material and re-- sulting in the replacement ~nd/or relocation of material, sl1all be done at the Contracor's expense. ORDINll.NCES AND REGULATIONS All Local, Municipal and State Laws and R11les and Regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by ~he L~ndscape Contractor. A11yth1ng contained in these 5pecifications snall not be con- strued to conflict with any of the above mentioned Rules, Regulations or Requirements and ~l1ere a conflict m~y occur the Rules, Regulations or Requirements of the governing code shall lake precedence. However, when tti~se specifications and/or drawings call for or describe mat~rials, workman~hip or con- struction of a better quality, l1igher standard or larger size, th~$e specifications and/or drawings shall take precedence over the ~equirements of said Rules, Regulations or Codes. KATERIA.LS AND WOR~MANSIIIP Whenever an inert material Ls specified by name and/or number thereof, such specifications shall be deemed ta be used for the purpose of facilitating a description of the materials and establishing"quality, and shall be deemed and construed to be followed by the words ''o~ ~pproved equal". No substitutions will be petmitted which have not been submitted for prior ap- proval by the Owner's Authorlzed Represent~tive and City Land- scape Inspector. All materials shall. be new and without fla~e or defects and shall be the best of their class and kind. Suf- ficient descriptive literature and/or samples must be furniah~d tor any materials suLmltted as ''equal' substitutes. '1.11 mate rials shall ~e guaranteed for a perlod of one (l) year against material ~efects and workmanship. All material~ and equipment shall be installed in a neat anJ worKmaniike manner. The Landscape Architect or the Owner'• Authorized Representative reserves the rigl1t to dlr~cl tt)e re- moval and replacement of any items, which in thei.r opinion '.-:ihall not present an orderly and reasonably n~~t or workmanlike ap- pearance, p,ovided such item can be properJy in.stal]ed in :-;11ch orderly way by the usLJ.al n;ethods in such work, S11ch remov.:11 and repla~ement shall b~ done 1 when dire~tPd in wriling, at I.he Contractor 1 s expense without additional cost to the Owner. PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS Any perrnit!'l: Eor t.ha installation or con:-::lruction of <1riy of t.lu~ wort includ~d under tt1is Contract, which are reqtllrcd hy any of the legally constituted a~thorities havi.r1g jurisdiction, sh~ll be obtained and paid for by the Contractor, cacl1 at the proper time. He shall also arrange for and pay for all costs in cot1- nection with any inspections and examinations reqtiirl2"<l by t.J-1usc authorities. In all ceses, where insp~ctior1 of the Ja~ci~car1r installation work is required and/or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or ob- servation of the Owner 1 s Authorized Representativer tl1e Con•• tractor shall notify the Owner"s Authorized Representative of the time when such observation and/or direction is req11ired. Any necessary re-excavation or alterations to the installation because of failure of the Contractor to have the reql1ired in- spections/observations1 shall be performed at the Contractor-' s own expense. PURPOSE 01' SPECll'lCATJONS It is the intention of these specifications, togethe:r vii th t.l\(~ accompanying dravdngs, to accomplish thl': work of ir1sl<llling a thriving landscape which will grow in an efficient ~nd sati~(~c- tory manner accordiny to the workmanlike stdndards established by the land~cape industry. GUARANTEE It sl,all be the Contractor's responsibility to insure and guarantee the worKmanship and the healthy qro1<th of tile plolnt material in tl1e ~~eas shown on the drawings to be lar1ciscaped. 1'he entire landscape shall be guaranteed to he t~ompleLe aild pet"fect in every detail for the followinq pC>riuds from the datP of final acceptance by the owner. · -All trees insta.lllc'd unde:r the Contract shall be gu<'lrantci1d to live and grow in a healthy condition for a period of ~1ne {I) year. -All other plant material, including st1rubs ar1a grourid covpr·~, shall be guaranteed to live and grow in a healthy Clmdit,ion for a period of 2(;' calendar days. -Any material found to be dead, missiny or in poor condit,i_o_n ir1 the opinion of the Landscape Arct1ilect or the O~ner's Authorized Representative during the Contract period shall be replaced immediately, Material fot1nd lo be dead or in poor condition will1in the GUARANTCE PERIOD shall be rE~µl~c~J within fifteen (15) days of written notification by tilt: Owner -Replacement shall be made to the same specifications required for the original plantings. -Material and labor involved in replacing material ~hall hP supplied by the Contractor at no additional expensQ to ltie Owner and shall again Le subject to full guarantee period specified in this Section. -Repla(:t'"IT11::n.t during GU,iRANTEE PERIOtJ sha 11 b(~ l irrli tr:d to r(::-- placement of unh~<;1lthy plants, and shol l not iricJ.urle lo:.,s due to vandllli.sm 1 theft, or adverse vreutl1c'.r. MATERIAL STORAGE AND CLEANUP 1'he Contractor shalt keep the premises free from rubbish ,tnd debris at all times and shall arrange l1is material storaqe so as not to lnterfere ~ith the owner's operatior1 of the iob. All unu~ed material, rubbish and debris shall be removed riom tl1e site. EQU l PM ENT, t'OOLS AND LABOR Tl1e contractur sh<;:111 furnish all such equipr,1erit, tool~ ,::1nd l<1b()r. necessary to complete ~ork in a acceptable, timely manner. 'l'his Contract is based on the Contractor furnishinq and usi11q his own equipment, tools and labor which arti $uitable to t:c:1.rry out this Cor1tract in a first class manner, unless olherwi!;r llerein specified. USE OF UTILITIES All utilities (water and electricity) us~~d rluring th,~ i•is!.i:tl-- lation of ti'1e landsc<,ping for this project st,a.11 t)e paid for by the gencril l contrdctor or owner. Duri11g Lhe Maint,~nance Period the Owner shal 1 be responsible for ttie payment of t..lie utilities. CIIANGES OR /\DDITIONAL WORK The Owner, may, withcn.1t invalidating the oriqi11al ConLr,}ct., order such changes or additions as may from time tO timP !1p deemed de~.dc(1ble or nPcessary. Jn so doing, the Contract l'rlcP shall he adjusted to the Mutual AgrF~~ment o! tl1e Contract;l>r arid the Owner, with all ~~>rk being done ur1der the conditi(J11s or the original Contract except for such adjustments in r)ric~ and in extension of time as may be nec,~5sary. The Contr~~tor shall bring to the attention of the owner's Authoriz~d R~p- r1.;?sentative and they shall together worl< out an aqi-ee,dJl(! cllanqe, w!,ich may be necessitated by deviations in cot1structior1 frotn · original plans by other contractors on the job. Ariy c:t1ar1ge in price brought about by such deviations in construction ov~r ciriginal plans by other contractors shall ~A agreed t1pon by both the contractor a11d the Owner before wurk proceeds. TIME OF COMPLETION Where a specified time of completion i,s so d<?S(gn,,ted in U1e Contract, all delays caused by any act of n~qlect by ttie Owner or tl1e Owner's Authorized Representative or by other cot1tra~tors in the construction of tha project of whict1 tt1is work is a part, cl1anges ordered or necessitated by deviations in the general construction or schedule of other contractors on the project, in- clem~nt weather conditions, acts of God an(j acts beyor1d tl1~ con- trol oE the contractor such as strikes, fire, lockouts, unusual delays in shipments, shall not be cause for delay in payme1,t of estimates as presented and shall be considered as Dona Fide causes for extensions of time. The Owner and the Contract.or shall agree on rea~onable extension of time. If constructlon contractor is delayed in completion of pa,t or parts or the proj~ct so th~t the Landscape Contr~ctor mlist leave the Job and return at a later date to complete his installation, payments tor work completed and materials delivered st1all not be held b~ck and extensions or time for completion or work :~~1all be grnrited if rH:?ed£:"d. Owner shall reimbur.s~ t.h(~ Lrind- sc~pe Contractor for any expen~es incurrPd due to th0~0 delays ,1nless oth~rwise herf!in s1iecified. lNCLEMEN'r WEfl.'rllEH Wl1~n condition~, are r..;uch, hy rec'\~_;on of ctrouqht, h1qh winrls, excessivt~ moistur1;? or· othE:•r r.1ctor·s, that ~~tisfc~ctory r1,i·;u\t.:, ~re not l lk~ly t:o he obt~ined. ttle work shall b~ stor,l~d ar11j Shdll bP rf'>c;11m(iJ nnl'l wtH~n condlt.ioni::: are aq~in favorable• as approved t:::y •ll1e L,1nd5,c;1p~ Arc hi tf?'cl. · Sl'ECIJ\I. CONDIT[ONS ~,---·-·- LI\NDSCAP~'. 11>:S l(;N C!IANGES No consideration wlll b~~ givfin to any de~ign ch;~ngt:-s unt.11 after the awarding of the conti:;-~ct. Sl1ould any chanqes h::, deemed n,~~essary ~ftcr award of Contract, such cl,artq~s st1~11 be nego- tiated by tt1e Owr1er with the successful bidder. SUBSTITUTIONS /IND RRJRCTJONS f\.ll pL'inl:o shall t:"J(~ of u,e species, vd(h:ty, :si,'.';c, a(p,~, flower culot-iJtH~ cot1Jitio11 as specified hP-r€.~in and/or a:":-; irc.licAtr•d on t!1e dr,ow11iqs. lJndl:lr 110 condition wi Il there be c1ny .subslitu- tion nf pL:HiL .spt~cies, v~irii~ty, or reduced fih•.~~d for.th(a,:-,e listed on tile accornpanyinq dra'w'ing~, Rxcepl. "With l.l\(• t~xPt·et:;s wr1tter1 c 1lnser1t (lf tt1€! I.Andscapc Arc!1itect and the ritv [.arid- scap; fn:-;pt .. ~:t~ir. All plants not conforminq to tht~ tf>q\1irPmc,,ts l,£irP.\n spr:'c1r1ed st:dll be considered defective, <tnd 5uch plants, ~heth;'r 1.n pla.ci:~ nr not, shall be rn~rk~d as rejP·c:lPd and be 1n1med1~tel.y fRmc,ved from the site of the work nnd rcplacerl with acceptable 1>lant: n,~terials. ·rhe pl~rit materials shJll meet all ':ipplicable insr(>1·tiDns req'uired by l<"'l~. CHANGES IN SCOl'E OF WORK Additinris or dt!J,2'tions 111 the quantity of work as SP.t forth in tl!P.se specificatior,~ <1nd accompanyinq drawings may be: (1rd~r,:d t~y. the Ownl'?r or 11~.s Authorized. R~pre~ipntalive aft~;-t· thP Co 11 tr('ICt f rlcr• h,,:.; hi.•en ad_1~sled accord1nqly, tu the satisfc1::tioc of hot.h '..hr? ~ontr(l.ctor arid the Owner and they have been accepted in wr1.t1tlq by Lhe uwr1c:r. 0 llS EH VAT I ON Observations her~irt Rp@cified shall be marle by thP Ownar's Authoriz(~d f~epres~:ntative and/oi;-th,;,:,, Landscape Architect. The Contr-a~lor shall request observation at least forty~eighl (~B) hours tn ndva.rice of tile time observation is required. Qbser- vatio,1 will l>e reqL1ired for t!)e foll,iwinq parts of the work ,Md,l11miil ll'\~pe?rIG't7'7 I.J;U be .p,crf,::,rrned b':1 +~2 C..:i'-J La,,;(~~ lrtt,pec.,+or · -Jncorriofatiun <Jf soil conditioninq and fertilizer inlo the f,.,u i l . -Upon the comrti•tJon of grading prior to planting -Approvul (;f pla.nl rr.aterials -Whu11 trees and stirubs are spotted in place for pldnting, but b~fore planli11g holes are excavatEJd -Verification (Jf fini!;t1 (irades -Applicntior, of flr~-emcrqence herbicide -\1\'fwn pl,in~iriq, and all cthPr indic,1t.~~d or sp()cifie-d 1,1ork, exc.:1.•pt. M<11nt(~nnrt(7e PP.r1od, has been comptetl'..'d. At.:l;f•pt.,in(."(' ,;:1nd ',,,/rit.t,!11 ;ll.'Pl"OVill sl1~ll l:!Stablii;;h t.tw bcqinninq o[ L.tic Moin~f.'lldllLL' J)(>ciod. -Fi11,,1 Obsc!rvnt icJn at ti, c l t' f J "'() 1r.. ()mp e li)n o · t 1e 'l d,ly M,i i r1t:.i~na.nce rerioci. Thi!~ obsi.!rv;1tion shall t·'~->tabli~~h Lhe beginning dale for t.lie nr1r~ (l) ye~r qu,1ranlt'.e of all tr<:r:~. Tlii~ Contr.-lctor <)r hi~ duthorizi:,d rt•pt1?1.,enlutive sh.Jll bP c;.iri the !:>il".r' <.1t th(--\.irn,~ of (!.-'lCh olJ.'_.;ervution. /\CCEPT/\NCE Upon completion of the Final Qkservatlon and the work of this section, the Contractor will be notified in writing whether the work is acceptable and if the~e are any requirements neces- sary fot completion ~nd acceptance. EXCI\VATION WORF; UTILITIF.S ~h~ exact location of all exi~ting utilities and structures d underground utilities, wliich may not be indicated on the d~a:~ngB sl1all be determined by the Contractor and he shall conduct his ' wcrk so as to prevent interruption of service or damage to the~. ThQ Contractor shall ot'~tect exiatina structures an~ utility sery~ces and be respon~1ble for their replacement if damaged by hlM. In tt1e ~vent Of a conflict between such lines and/or structures and plant locations, notify the Landscape Architect who ~hall arrange for lhe re~location of one or the other. Adequately stake, ~a~rica~e, and protect all irrigation equip- ~ent, manholes, ut1llty llnes and other existing property dur- ing all pt)ases of tl)e gradinq 1 soil amending or planting opera- tions. fJ.NISH· GRADIN(; Fini~t, qtnd~s shall be as itldicatcd on the Civil EnginPer'n draw1r1~r witl1 the und~r~t~nding thal th~~e grades allo~ water to dra1n ~way frorn structure~ to drain inlets. Not1f ti 0 ' l\ th ' Y ,e ~ner s u or1zed Repr~sent~tive and/or Land5cape ArctiJtect immediately or drainage d!$cccpancies. ' ~-:a,. ?S 1$-1:i ·95 3 Z,J 15 t.PPROVEO UA ll DA Tl' INlllAL~ ..... ENGINE(R or WQRK Finish grad0e •h•ll be moasurod ae tho final compact@d And sot- tlP.s surfar78 qr3rles an,i st1all be within plus or rninu~ 0.1 feet of the spot elevations acd qrade lines indicated of the C1v1l Engineer's drawing. Finl:st.·, grarlP.s Rlla 1.1 be· mi.?a!'>U::'."(~d at the lop s11rf.i(·r"• c,r-surfu.ce mnh,~ri.,J~;, with lc:iwn 1/2 incl1 minimum and: qround covor ar~\A~ I in<"'fL n1;Jximu11~ below ~~id,,walk~ ,,ncl rurb.s, L.:nlr,~;c; t.hf'J'' c,,1.is,~ impru~)E·r drdi!ldqf~. M1.) 1 d j r·,c ch,1nq1·,:·. ;:irirl -ru 1Jndinq nf LhP qi:-i)d('8 r:iv1l l l"Je proviciP<) ,it ,~11 ln slnpr•. - ~Jl \ir,?,1latjonf <lT1c3 irr·1•~11l~ritics in tt10 ~)l0ntir1~ ~11rfnc0s rr,sultJnq frorn tillage, :rotar·y t.i l li.nq ,Jnd ;:il.l ot.hPr opPrations f;hall I:,<~ l(~VP.lf.•'.j .:ind fl1):.1tc·d out b(~fort·• plririt i11q op1.'r,)t.ions ar(~ initi,)tP(L Fin.1l f ini.sh f_' r,-1,.1,,,,.--,.--.1,,·.1\\ 1· · t a -, .-. nsurc· poi·-;1 .lvl'• 1ir·d\n,1qr c1f th0 sit.f• ,., i t. h .~ l J ~ u r-f ~ c P d r :1 i 11,' <JP. , w a y ' 1· r·· r· t· tJ • I l · , ,. 1 ... ,,. : 1 c 1nqs1 w<Jllt:i und to- ward road~ays, drains and catc·tl ll~~ir1s. F.inal 0radPs shnl l b~~ <:1ccPplablE:' t.o tlH• OwnrJr I s AutJ·:ori z.1;d RPprcs~ntative and/or th~ Landsrape Architect before plaritirig opPrations will be all••~,.•.d t b i v o .. eg n. Plant-.iiiq !;11rf;ic0s .shctll be qr,:1ded wilh no lt•~.;:~ that t1,,1o (2) pcrc(~t1 1: t;lope for positivl'~ droin,,qe. lfERn.ICTDES Posl-e:;nt:~rgr.:nc:e contact sprny ~,h,)11 be Rou11J-up by Mnnsanto or ''Appro~ed Equal''. GYP511M c;~p'.'::lJ~ :~n,111 be• a ("OTT1mPrc1dlly p;ic:-ki=ig0d qyr15nrn w-1th ttH• ac- t1ve 1r1qrPctler1t (Calc1tim S,llf~te) at 9~% M1r1~wum by volume <1nd sh-il.l hr>_ U.S .. ('yp-ll 1 f\ 1·. -, .'.--i11m, c mar, anc ld.l or "!l.ppr·ovr!d Equal". SO [ L "-MENDH.F.:N'f '.)oil am!'~r.1dmPn':. shall br> ,-l (."()fn'1'1Ct-cia:Jy ptO(T~i~P.d soil a,rr(°'Tld- mPnt c1r:_-r1ved from wood ;-'rnd111··t~,, -,,n,-'!' :sl1,1l l 1.,1•• h'i 1-•~rc1 •'Life'' nutli::~r Mi Ll~ ''Soil Conditlon<'r Foref:i.t llurn\,::·;", or "l\pprovf~d ' Equal''. Siibmil sample arid ~nalysis of material for app(oVal to the Owner's Authorized Represent~tivc. 50IL SULFUR Soil Stllfur 5h;,ll be 98% (•lPmr?nl,Jl sulfur and shall be h'il-G,:o, Union Chemicals, Raker Industries or "Approved Equal". FERTILIZER l~r•rtilizer (commcrci~l) stiall be a combinatiori of natural or- a~nic ar,~ in?rgan~c granular fertilizers, free~f.lowing, suitable for ap~l1cat1on with dpproved equipment, and shall contain the follOklr1g minimum available percentages by w~ight of plarit food: Nitrnqen rhosphorir:: acid Potash 1 2'.<', Mi n i rn urn 8% Minimum 8% Minimum FP.rtilizer shal.l bt· gr,Jnular, similar and e~ual to Gro-rower control led release 12--B-B. N l t I l)f!IJII Pl1c:ipll(Jri<: l\<.:id Pot.<1f;i) 20% ~1inimllm JO:t ~inimur1 5% ~tinirnur1 Tt10 a:\;1ly!-ii'.; or the al)ove for 11,rldlnq puri,oses or1ly t.l"~lt~, m~r1tior1r~d fertilizers ls lo be llS~rl and may be modified b~~~d on soil I RON :H/1,PIIATE rl " ' lLt')n_'~1il~"tt~ shal~ be a long last.inq rellet<C?d soil .supplement, ........ tij u~1 fo rn ln compos1tion, free-flowing, :c:;uit:::ble for application "'--,,,.. ~:::~'·:·,.,,_ N ~,th approved equipment, and shall contain the following mini-\flCAr)""; "'.·,. ·.il mum a:ailable percentages by weight o( plant food; ·11,J;~' 25SS_ '1--~,~ ElJ\INE A. Si. J1Z .j ' ___ , .• Nitrogen (am,nonicall 1% r,.j -1I -r;-· ", I ro 1 12% ~ iJ,{V.;lt.Q/1· ,JI ': i ;~~~l combin"d Sulfur J ;: ½,,'-.~ ']_-'1#,""Jjj Sulfate Sult'ur 7,X, ~~f!}', Calcium 3% . ,.,._,\'0' , Muqn-!~?ium 1. 5% Cobillt .00~¼ ~ @~ tl1c '-~ Solo.z. .0(% JJla1111i11g ele1nent Iron S1tl~1t1~te ~}1dll bt• llil-Grn l"(_;.~[,1~1. Wllfca.J }<,f.Q<",4,t'.J'ETf·C c,c ' 1;\fTt:'.D/'T' f,''i'~.V\l _i_ .I\PF'F'.OVF;I) F'OH 1:iLANT[NG A~ D IJ;'!l'lG/\TlON ONLY, INCLUD[NG PRECISE I.OC'.1\TlON OF' PLANTING J\P.EAS •------ LANDSCAl-'C AnCI IITECTl.lnE !'I.ANNING ----------------,--~---- TI TL.E -----·------- REVll\JE.D BY, JNSPfCTOR DATE DATE BACKFH,L HIX Planting backfill mix shall he accurately measured and thoroughly mlxed at one (1) location on the project site and shall consist on the following: 6 parts by volume topsoil 4 parts by volume soil a~cndment 4 pounds commercial fertilizer (12-8-8) per cubic yard of mix 2 pounds Iron Sulfate per cubic yard of mix 1 pound soil Sulfur per cubic yard of mix 12 pounds gypsum per cubic yard of mix The composition of this b~ckfill mix l~ to be us~d for bidding purposes only an/I may be modified ba:;ed on soil tests. BARK MULCH Batk mulch shall be pine or fir bark consisting of bark chips, graded to approximately 1/2'' to l'' size, clean and free of debris. Contractor shall submit 1/2 cubic foot of ~ark mulch to the Owner's Authorized Representative for sample review and approva 1. \ird C.:-1--~ !hJJpeqcK STAKING MATERIALS Tree stakes shall be two (2) inch nominal diameter by ten (10) foot length lodgepole pine stakes pointed on one (1) end and treated with copper napthanate. Tree ties sh~ll be Cinch-Tie or ''Approved Equal''. G!JYJNG MATERIALS Guy wiree shall be of pliable, zinc-coated steel of no. 12 guage. Anchors (deadman) for holding guy wires shall be of 4" X 4" solid lumber, i'-6" in length. Hose for covering wire, shall be of two (2) ply reinforced rubber, used or new, garden hose type of at least 1/2 Inch in diameter. Flags, to be attached to guys, shall be of white PVC pipe, 1/2 inch ln diameter and four (4) feet long for turf areas and shall be of surgical tubing, 1/8 inch in diameter and four (4) feet long, and of uniform thickness for other area$. ROOT HARRIER Root barrier shall be a root zone plastic barrier, made of high density polyethylene, and shall be manufactured by Deep root Corporation or "Approved Equal'', ; PLANT MATERIALS The scientific and common names of plants herein specified shall conform with the approved names given in ''A CheckliBt of Woody Ornamental Plants of California 1', published by the University of California, College of Agriculture, Manual 32 (1963). Quality and size of all plants shall be Number one (l). They shall be vigorous, of normal growth, f~ee from disease, insects; insect eggs and meet or exceed the measurements specified. Contafner stock (I gallon, 5 gallon, 15 gallon and boxes) shal? have gro~n In their containers for at least six (6) months, but not over two (2) years. No container plants that have cracked or broken balls ot earth, when taken from the container, shall be planted, except upon special approval, No trees with damaged roots or broken balls shall be planted. Pruning shall not be done, prior to delivery, except by written approval of the Landscape Architect. Inspection of plant materials, required by City, County or State authorities, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, and where necessary he shall have secured permits or certificate, prior to delivery of plants to site. Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval or rejection, at the project site at any time before or during progress of work, for size, variety, condition, latent defects and Injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from the project site imme- diately. Substitutions will not be permitted except that If proof ls sub- mitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered Eor use of the nearest equivalent size O~ variety and cost. All substitutions are subject to the Land- scape Architect 1 s writt,n approval. 1 A .anti C,'h:! t.wlxape {n',~c.rPr1? Qyantitles shall be furnished as needed to complete work shown op the drawi~gs. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to Inspect root con- dition of any species, p~~ticularly those grown from seed, and if found defective, to reject the plants represented by the de- fective sample. Ground cover plants shall be healthy, ¥igorous rooted cutti~gs grown in flats until transplanting, unless otherwise speclf1ed hendri. Lawn sod shall be a fully mature nnd living sod and well main- tained. Sod shall be delivered, freshly cut in• healthy weed- free condition with adequate moisture content, within 24 hours after cutting and be kept cool and moist at all times. Lawn seed shall be labeled and shall be furnished in sealed ~tandard containers with duplicate signed copies of a $tatement frcm the vendor certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled In accordance with the California State Agri- cultural Code and Is equal or better than the requirements of these Specifications. Seed which has become wet, moldy or otherwise damaged in transit or storQge will not be acceptable. The minimum percentage by weight of pure, live seed In each lot of seed shall be specified in the planting legend. JUTI! MATTING Jute matting shall be of hemp material which Is heavy jute mesh o! a iiniform plain open ~eave of unbleached single jute yarn. The jute mesh sl;>~.11 J>A"l~rnished ~approxi9\ately 90 poun1 5,011 st r I ps. {'(l't'. Of Jlft': M!:7;1-1 f£, /I"? ll BY 1~!:e afy l &(N'.W 10 1 HC. ",iLDr£ /.Ii f'l¼'.7M"1E'Nru"r 17'( 11e. Mt>NUfi"I::: i:E;F,. HOUNDS Mounds shall be shaped and scu1ptured to create a smooth and irregular natural mountain effect as per plans. TOPSOIL Topsoil, if required, to bJ:"ing soil up to grade or for u~e in crib wall backfill mix shall be approved stockpile~ on-site topsoil or imported from a source approved by the Owner's Authorized Representative. An agricultural soils test shall be performed and submitted to the O~ner_'~-A~thorized Repre- sentative and the city L.ft-Jt7✓or:.tf'12:". 11'-J,.:r,(,'V'e·. EXECUTJON WEED ERADICATION Prior to planting, eradicate a!l weeds within the limits or work in the following manner: -Irrigate twice each Ud} for ~pproxim0t~ly ten (10) minutes each watering for a period of fourteen (14) c~lendar days. -hpply Round-Up post-em~rgent (no known equal) weed spray according to manufactt1rPr's recon.mendations. Take care to protect ~xisting plant material which is to remain as shown on, :_)1e ,p,1a11s. f11o/+cl(lvE Ar'fl.14\'fl'.'f''. 'all\~ Bl": L1GFJ;i9'--0 F.o/'( 1f-ft:: ':J(f'11".c & r ,_P.L, 1 rf-i'-j I A -Wait the requirPd period for Lt1e post-emergent to take ef- fect (approximately 7-1~ days). -Pt1ysically remove all weed~ de~d or alive witt1in the limits of the work.. -Spray .,11 plantinq Jreas "1ilic\1 are nut to be hydr-osoeded or ha11d seeded with~ pre-emergent t1erbicide, per manufac- turer's specifications, immediately before or after plantir1g of rooted qround covers. The herbicide shall be applied to f!.r_y soil, i:.1ien, within onP (l) hour of application, shall be incorporated int.o the 50i 1 by irriq;ttion for a minimum of 15 minutt:s. Avoid water run-off t>r ~oi 1 crc.J~io11 ,;:1ft.er the pre- ernerg8nt herbicide l1as beetl applied. SOIL AMENDING, FERTil,JZlN(; AND RO'rhRY Tll,LlNG After the are<1s have bf~t:n grt1deJ, lf1c (l.'l \o-..-1n(J rate$ of soil conditioning and amendment mJ.terio.15 !--,;t1c1ll bPr evenly spread over all planting areas and shall be tt1arougl1ly scarified to an average depth of six (6) incile::: by rotary tilling a minimum o( two (2) alternating passes. f . / An agr icuJ tuca 1 tit ~t~,~ ~,~I~ h, ;/fet¥i11,tt,~0~~1 ~11,ell~- of rough grading~ 01 The following Is to !Jc us"d as a basis for bidding, <;1nd may be modifit:!d based on th[:.° results of the soils re po r t . !\'~ii-<, 1111d. rt,Ulrl'lrm"ltla+iDfls t>f +ht 4&il ft'lfi""J lab,; h.:,1/ be f"'-·lJW~t.p/ t,1 -li.~ Ch1 ,;i,, pU the l-,1'id¾8pt. 1-'lai,v;11. .... MATERIAL PER 1,000 SD. FT. Soil Amendment ~ Cu. Yds. Soil Sulphur 20 Lbs. Iron Sulphate 20 Lbs. Gypsum Fer:tilizer 100 Lbs, 20 Lbs. The thoroughness and compl,~teness of tl1c rotary tJJ1ir1g and in- corporation of tt1e soil conditi~nr•rs/amendments shall be ac- ~eptable to the Owner's Authorized Rcprc$entatlve and/or Land- scape Architect. On slopes 2: 1 and sleeper, as per the drawings, omit soil conditioner application and tilling. All soil shall be thoroughly leached before planting. PLANTING The layout of locations for plants a11d outlines of ground cover to be planted shall be approved on the site by the Owner's Au- thorized Representative and/or Landscape Architect, prior to their planting. All such locations shall be checked for pos- sible Interference wlth existing underground piping, prior to excavation of holes. If underground cdnstructior1 or utility lines are encountered in the excavation of planting areas, other locations for the planting may be selected by the Land- scape Architect. Damage to existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, TREES, SIIRUAS AND VINES All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces and 5hall be of tl,o minimum sizes indicated on the detailed dr.a'Wings. Holes· shall be, in a1 .l casesj large· enough to permit handling and pl.anting without injucy or breakage of root balls or roots. Excavation shall include tl1e stripping and stacking of all amended topsoil encount~Ted witllin the ar~~a to be excavated for plant pits and planting beds. Protoct ~11 areils that are to be truck.ed over and ,1pon which soil is to bi~ temporarily ~tacked pending its re-use ror th~ filling of holes, pits and beds. Plants in metal containers shall have the cans opened by cutting vertically on opposite sides of each can ~itt1 nursery can openers, tin snips or otl1er approved instruments for this purpose. A.11 used cans shall be removed to the store1ge area or from the site daily. The plants shall be planted at approved Locations with heretofore specified amendments and soil planting backfill. The plants shall be placed In the planting pits on the backfill material which has been water settled to the rootball base levels prior to the place~ent or the plants. After setting the plants, the remaining bac;kfill material shall be carefully tamped dhd settl.c-d around e<!\ch r;-ootball to fill all voids. Each tree and shrub shall be placed in the center of the hole and ~ha11 Lie set plumb and l1eld rirJlrlly in position until the planting backfill has been tamp~d around each root ball. All plants shall be set at such a level that after settling tt1ey bear tl1e same relationship tu the surrounding finish grade as they bore to the soil line gr~de in the contair1er, unless othEtr wise noted. Planting tablets shall be placed in each planting hole at the following rates, Specimen Trees 15 Gallon Trees 5 Gallon Trees and I Gallon Tre~~ and Shrub-s Shrubs 1 -2 1 6-21 4-21 2-21 gram tablet per 4u box size gram tablets per plant gram tablets per plant gram tablets per plapt 1-? ~ -r~1 ref'-ft.Ar-•rf FLPf 01iE: f'LMN10 No plant will be accepted either beforer du~ing, or if the root ball is b~oken or cracked, after the process of installation. All plants shall be t~oroughly watered in to the full depth of each planting hole immedi•tely after planting. All trees, 15 gallon and larger, shall be staked with two (2) lodgepole stakes, driven into the ground on opposite side:, of the tree. The :stakes shall be driven in plumb ond 5£:'Cur:.-e. Special care shall be laken that the driving in of the stike doPs ~ot damage the tree roots or root ball. Tree ties e;hall be fastened to each tree and stake according to manufacturet·'s instructions. All .specimen trees 24 11 box and larger to be guyed as detailed, unless otherwise noted. The staking and guying shall be ac- complished in such a manner as to insure the prope~ and t1ealthly growth and safety of the plants, property, and the public. The Contractor shall be responsible for all surface and Stlb- surface drainage required which may affect his guarante~ or Lhe trees, shrubs and vines. Pruning after planting shall be required on all tree~, shrt1b~ and vines when necessary to provide the specified or approved standard shapes, form and/or sizes characteristic to each plant. Pruning mny include thinning, and/or cutting and shall be ur1- der the direction of the Landscape Architect. Cuts over J/4'' in diameter shall be painted with an ~pproved tre~ sealant. GROUND COVERS Ground cover-s .!:Shall he planted in the ,"':lre?ls ind icnb~d n11 the drawi11gs. The ground cover plants shall be rooted cuttings grown in f!ats, unless otherwise noted herein, and sl1all r:-P-- main in those flats until transplanting. All ground cuv,)r pla11Ls shall be planted wj til soil around .root:.s ir1 staggered raws 1 ev~nly spaced at the intervals called out on the drawings. The ground cover plants shall be planted sufficier1t:y deep to cover all roots and shall be imm~•c!iately ~pri11kled afLer plant- ing until the entire area is s~idked to the full depth of all holes. The ground cover planting ~reas shall be h~nd smoothed after pldnting to provide an even, smooth final Unish grade. Thrt.e (:,) 1~cl, l~er pf !:,.;,-[£. rrtvldi ~II ],t lrV,./;,Utr.! i~ i;ali Mort-fur+ -plmihn~ ;;iv,12~ LAWN -SOD After lawn areas which ace to be sodded are rotary tilled, soll amendments incorporated, rocks and debris removed, t:h,~ Cortti:-Hc~ tor shall install approved sod. Prior to placement of sod, the areas shall be finish grad0d smooth with a uniform grade between ~alk!, curbs, steps and buildings. The Contractor shall obtain approval of finish grades prior to placement of sod from the Owner's Autt1orizPd Representative. Sod shall be laid in staggered rows, following th~-grade ele- vations. (Do not lay sod perpendicular to slope of grade.) Sodded aceas shall be thor:.-ougt1ly watered and kept continuously moist as required. Sodded areas ~liic~1 do not show a pror11pt catch of gra~s within len (10) days dfter installation shall be re-sodd~d until "" acceptable ■tand of grass ls assured. LhWN -SEED s~eding of lawns shall be accomplished by either broadcast seeding or hydroseeding. Broadcast seeding shall be done in the following method. See section entitled HYDROSEEDING for m~thod to establish a lawn by hydroseeding. BROADCAST ·SEEDING METHOD Sow seed at the minimum rate of six (6) pounds per J, 000 5quare feet by using mechanical sowing equipment. Sow cne half of the seed in one direction and the remainder al right angles using a spike-tooth harrow, cultipacker or other approved device. Immediately after seedirig, compact the entire area wit.ha roller not exceeding 50 pounds for each foot of (Oller width. If seedinq is performed with a cultipacker-type seeder or hydroseeding method rollinQ may be eliminated. On broadcast seeded areas, apply a continuous bld~ket of lawn top dressing materials using 1-1/2 cubic yards per 1,000 square feet, (hpproximately 1/4 !,,ch layer). Im- mediately after applying top dressing, apply a fine miE;t spray over the seeded areas, keeping the area moist, but not glistening wet, until full germination. HYDROSEl>OING llydroseeding shall be applied evenly and completely in tlie areas indicated on the dra~ings and as per mix called for herein. A dispersing agent m~y be added if evidence is provided tt,at the agent is not harmful to the mixtur~ or plant growth. Mix tl~e materials in a tank having a bull t.-in continuous ngita- tion and recirculation system of sufficient capacity to produce a l1omogeneo~~ slurry. If applied material begins to dry out, spray the dried area with water. The nozzles used for watering shall produce a sptay that does not concentrate or erode the material. Hydroseeded areas shall be kept moist at all times for 20-24 days after pl~ntjng or u1,til tl,e new growth of the plants are s11fficiently well 1Js- t.ablished. llydroseeded areas shall bP. pr-otected aqainsl foot t.ra:ffi(' nnd ulher use immediately after hydroseeding is complPted by plac;ing w~rning signs and temporary twine and flagging around th,~ nreas. Re-hydroscedlng al bare areas shall be done thirty (30) doys after initia: application. POST INSTALLATION PLANT ~;STAnLJSlfME;NT AND MAINTENANCE The Plant Establishment and Landscape Maintenance Period begins on the day all work on this project is complete, cherked, ~c- cepted and written approval from the owner's Autt1ori~~:d Rcpre- sentativ€' and/or Landscape Architect is given t.o beg111 ltie plan establishment and maintenance period, and shall continue there- after for 30 calendar days. The Contractor shall continuously mi'lintain aIT the planting areas or the Contract; including con- t □inP-r planting, during the entire Contract construction period as well as the plant establishment and mair,tenance period. Regular planting maintenarice operations shall begin immediately after each platit or lawn is planted~ Plants and la~ns shall be kept in a healthy; g~owing condition and in a visu~lly pleasing appearance by watering, pruning, mo-..dng, rol1ing, trirnrning, edging, :ertilizing, restaking, pest and disease controlling, spraying, seeding, cleaning up and any other necessary operation of main- ten~nce. The landscaped areas shall be kept free of ~eeds, noxious grass and all other undesired vegetative growth and all debris. All plants round to be dead or in an impaired conditio~ shall be replaced Immediately. The Cor,tractor shal! be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the areas. Damaged a~eas shall be repaired im- mediately by the Contractor at his expens~. All lawns s/1all be fertilized with tt,~ heretofore specified fertilizer on A regular four-week sc~1edule from the tim~• tlie lawn~ are planted until final acceptance. Tt:e fertilizer sh~ll be ~pplicd uniformly at the rate of thirty (30) pounds per 1,000 square feet. Watering st1all immediately follow fertilizing. Lawn areas th~t rcqtiirc re-sodding or re-seeding will i)~ desig- nated by Owner's Authorized Representative and/or the Lanjscape ~rchil~ct. Tl1c re-work shall be with the materials specified· herein~bov~ and be in a manner that will cause a minimum of disturbance to the existing stand of grass. All 1~wr1 areas st1all be k~pt moist d1iring the establishment period. The Cor1tractor may have to milnually control irrigation systern~ fo,-ldwn areas wttich do not receive optimum w~tPr from the pre~;ent irrigation Lin1i1lg to fully bring up tt1e lawn during windy perio,js and/or hot weather. Al 1 ldwn s:ire,,s :::-;h<.il l t.H~ mowc-d und e-dqcd rl'-:-qularly ()ll si ~,chedulE-~ uf every sevenLl1 d~y maximum, ur1less otlierwlse approved by the l,JndSCBpe Arct1it~ct. f'LAN-lirL ~ f'.'_.c '~'--".1~.""'--1El? '":1 L'-"" .... '_:",i -1 k,I(.., { i.'' I l"'<lc . • ' tJ'. two (2) time:::; per mont,h W~15f'-t'7f' ii-I c t ,?tff2'..N:1 C71'-r,_rJ t by the C<lr1trac:tor 1n tti~ co~p~ny uf the Owner's Authorized R0p- r~ser1tative ttirougl,out the pl~nt establi~hment and maint~nance period and ~l] n~ccssary maintenar1c~ to keep tt1e pl~nts in prime condition shall be parformcd promptly. •rhe Contratlor stlall file b!~~we(_~kly rnaint..enance ri=iports with t!JP Own('f'i•:; ,f\uthorized ReprGs~ritativP inciicating all wo.rk tl1at has been comolcted ~urir1q tt1at period an:1 ar1y anticipat0:I problem invcl~inq t1is additior1~1 work. Adcjitional wati~rinq will LP req~lr~d whPn in the opinion of tin~ Lnnd~•cc1re .i\rchi lr-'!('t, the soil moisture-is be- low optimtirn level f'0r bcsl plant growth. n,1ring the pl2r1t 0~tahlist1ment and n1eir1tenance period, pl~nt5 which die or "l-ll1ict1 r1rc jn .J unhealtt1y or impaired condjti.on 5hall be replaced by tl1e Contrac~tor at no cost to the Owner. No rP- placemcnt planting sh~ll he done at tim~s which arP unfnvor~hle for planttng. At the conclusion of the plant eslahlishrnent and maint.r~n~ncP period, tt1e IJandsc;ipe nrchitect will review nll of t\1e 11l~nts nnd l,1\.;n.s to det.t~rmine th(>ir coridition and all plantir·,q.<; round to be dr~.i.d or· in an impaired condition shall be replaci=-d im~- mediately by the Contractor. Improper mai11tena1,ce and/or possible· poor condition of planted r.'lateLial at the c.cheduled l":!'nd of the Contract Landsc3r0 Main- tenance Period will cause E)Ostpon~menl of the Final Acceptan(;~ of the Contract Work by the Owner-Mai11ten,1.nc8 shall he• Cc)n~ tin11ed l1y the Contractor: at no additi(lr1at co~l to ttle Own~r until a11 work meets the Contract requi(f!mcnts and is ~ccepted. CLEAN Ur OF PREMISES Tt1e Contr~ctor shall keep the premises free from accumulations of w~ste materials and debris. Upon completion of the project, he Fh~ll remove ~11 waste and surplus materials from the site and shall broo.m clean and wash down all paving and walks within the Contract areqs, leaving the premises in a clean condition. 2"x4" !Ul.AUJO--,__ lllc.'\l.ll'J\ l 0/\RJJ l'lN ISII l:IWJI·: J~ tl1c .. _ pla1111i11g ,---2"~<:211 xl21' :U:JY.·'l.X:D :.T/\l(E I S ' 0. C . MAX. ) F'UJ1'.·;: I CiU'J)/-: 1 N~-; J. l) 1-; i~r ;·,x [1,:11, elc111e11t . l~·V:!'.1·'fl.L M[X---····'~-~---- (:;i-:r:: SPU.':-.,) A SHfZ1.JB PLAHflNi f\iV::l(['J I.L .'HX-----, C;l,;t: ;;,l•J.::;.) ---... ---... 1,1. ;; o,-· ,,u,1•1-: 1t1-·--~\.---......~ 1;111•1:; i·"INJJ't:;;) 11 • s• • ' 7 x '"\LL Wll1J1; • C C, -:.s -- r'TllTSI I GRIIDE ---.._ - X N .,.---7 U.D.;f;TQLE Sl'/\1\r:;..s P[A~rnr:; T.'lJLCT ere~~-) 1 '" 1 '."\Im I UP.PM h~~;)~~ Gc~JE ~ --cc, ~ X N "' t ' :I ~ ' (j ' ~~~~-I No ":7CAIL ~ ~ ,F-EE fLAttflN & -DOUBLE ~ '1 C. t '.) ~· H orot. II As BUIL T 11 1.1 !l l.ANOSCAl'E AnCIIITt:CrunE i\PPll'.OVf'.:J) POI{ PLANTING PLANNING J "-90 Cncto!!;riilne Court. Sori Oli'!gl1 .. Cl\ ,210~1 101 ~I 2,;+-2701 ( . , .... .. ~-----.. -.. . ______ ,,, __ ··--······· -·----···-···"'"--·· ___ ,, _______ - ----------· --· " ·--· .. ···•~,•, . .. oll •• " ---~ -~ .. -·-··---·· •-• .. •·---... ... -· ···-· ,_ -~-. -·· ---·-·~--~-·-.._ _______ "-· DATE I IN!TlAL -·-·· ----•• -........1..... •• ~- ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION .t\N ) IRP:JG ATIO N ONLY, " fNCLUDING PRECISE: TITLE ___ ··-~~-DATO: LOCATlON OF PL.ANTING R[Vll\.l[D BY, ARl~1\::~_ !NSP(CTCR DATE I SH7ET I CITY i [SH~TS I ·----···--OF CARLSBAD -·-'··-······-~---·· ····•--PLANNING DEPARTMENT -~--.. ··----·-. ' l'l.Al-lflN& ~fJ,&lf/GA1ION0 ANJ::> 171.Si"AIL-4 fol(:: -·---i --~XHIBl1 A~f -~-~ 11'.!>l-l.ob& />-"v!iNUE @ ?AMINO VI 171>-fu&L!;:. ·--(AF:\...~ ~/q;,' CA~I f Pl',N I A (l.CT 4,, CN:,) --" APPROVED .-•af'd} ll-f?-75 -.,.~ ··- ASSISTANT P5NNJNG DIRECTOR DATE ••-•u DWN BY: ll ~ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO DHE INITIAL DA"ft INITIAL CHKO BY:~ __ , __ p. I. p. 9S-05-341-eL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PVIJD BY• C. M. l,J. D. ., ll ii M ~ t~ ll tl\T:\I SUl'l'LY LIiii·: ----; .------L"',11':ML LrnE •n~r:N.'":11 ;~1\CKFILI, 1!'.m:.s, 1. 'l'I\PE 1\1,RJ t;[ftnJt.;,; l)THli.JG m· 10' l 1HTc:nVI\I.D. 2. /\IL 1/IIUtX; TO llE IlJST/\JL□) IN I\CC'OIUWX::P, rH11I L.o:.:/\1. COJE, 3. '!'IE A ID:X;E 20" [/)JI' I,T /\I.I, w1:,n.,ic; ;IT c1uvr.;cs Oi" Dmfrl'Ia~ G=lr~, 11l'\N 30• _ uurm· /\LL t.col'S N'I'FJ1 /\LL canffcrrais IL'IVE 11Er.1 ~L'\I.JE. •l. /\LL ['[.J'C,!C 1'1.l'IiK; 1'0 nr. Sll/\Kill IN "11'.flK:IIES ·ro I\LW, fl)I< I::XPNTSION N-1D .;_ ~ 1N~t1~ f~JJl. L-1Nc0 nr:Ec1t( Nf,oV\S' Mt.1NLINE'- Mr\IIJ GUPPl:v'-~ I.lllE Ji" I"\\: XII. 80 --..,__ tHl'Pl .f; l'\.C SCI!. ~O □L ---- 1-Ul'C':, ,,------------;,1,. IC\\ CQJPlEn ,------iv.: XII, 80 llll'l'I.F (l.flEJ11 r,:; IU·X:,lll!l·ll) -----~ !;ell, 40 HL ,,----12" IV: 5/.,ll. 00 tHl'l'I.J; ,.........-1-'VL t,O I • 4 0 '11,E UH Ell, PVC SCI I. 4 0 Tl'E Oil f.l.C 1. CO!!W::."I' SOJ.L /\ITT/NU CI.IIQ( CUJl'l.Ell Vi\1,Vli .'ISSFMJLY TO ;,NIE DENSITY N; UN- DlS"l\mtlID N>JN:FHt tDIL. 2. NJ, 1TnU'J\OfV lUJl'IFrTl(llS '/\) IIF SP,\ll-J) Wl'lll TH'l<.l'l TAPE Oil COI\T!'l) 1/!Tll II REX:.:I'Ol ts E'J\L f'O • 5 II • I QUllll tOUftE.P-VAWE-NO !>CPLE. F FINISH CHAD£ CCttl110Ll.ER -----t-0 120 VUI;'J' WIRE----~11 m C(l\'11"JIJ IT 0.NOUlT --------t • 13" MIN. I ..-+"II-0C-({Jff: LQN r.?U I 1 10 WALL IN Z. f1-.-A(f/7 J-----H/\LL 11-------t-t------O'.MQ.',I Wlf1E I I I I ' (, ,, f'Il'HSI I GfWJE AU10MAf1c coN112-oL. c1.,oc1L- PI.N;l'IC Vl\LVE -~ IY)X Wl'l11, fUflf!£ HO. ' ' ~-wYc STRAINER ~-l·].,J:J'.:"l1UC V/\LVB --1,!IU, LUINIJ.:HJlLS ~ PRESSURE-~ R!X:UU\1DR Rl:l!lX El) PRESSURE =KFl.(>,I PREVEN!'ER I3P/\SS NIPPLE llRI\SS NIPPLE 'J'O METE.R \BM0'';) 13RI\SS ELL ---~ IJMSS NIPPLE TO SYSTl~M---• ( f'VG-0<-1-/ 417i ,'.,i.?N(iff e {i-/1::iJq( ~crY. (Ml~-I (,J. ff.)----+',::c-J----=--- ---,~-t----------llHASS . El.1.-~--------------,f--~~f- l. EXCEPT AS Sl!OWN, '!'HERE Slll\LL BE NO FITTI~ OR crnNECTIONS TO OTilER FACILITIES BE'lWFEl'I THF ME"JTR & THE THE BI\CKFLOW l\SSEMBL'Y. 2. Tim BI\CKFLOW ASSEMBLY l1tlSl" BE INST,\LLEO A MlN. OF 6" & NOT TO EXCEl::D A M1\X, OF 2' FRO<I Tl!E METER 0-CEPT WHERE 'nfIS WOULD REQUIRE THE BI\CKF'Im llSSEMELY TO BE !NS'l"ALLED IN THE PUBLIC RIGm---OF-W;>.Y. IN WITT CH CASE, THE BI\CKFLOW ASS™1ll,Y t10S'r BE INST!\LI.ED A HAJC. OF 2' INSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE. THE B!\CRTLOW ASSEMBLY Ml\Y Nm' UNDER ANY CIRC!JMSTJ\NCE BE INSTALLED IN THE PUBLIC RIGm---OF-W1\Y. 3. TYPE R fU\RD OR TYPE L HARD COPPER OR BRASS WITH SOLDER JOH11"S OR THREAf)ED FJ'!'Til'CS '1f= PF ,"SF.I.' R'fTWEFJ< THE ~ AND THE BJ\CRFLOW J\5SEM8LY. 4. PRECEJJI),:; THE NO. I SHUr OFF VALVE, CONNECTION 1'llJST BE Ml\DE ll'Tf'-l JI COPPER OR BR1'SS RTSFR TO I\ NT'PF.P OP BRASS 90° ELBOW. Slll]f OFF VALVE MAY BE PRECEDED llY A CDPPER OR BRASS NJPPLE &/DR A BRASS UNJOt,;. RISER MVS':" BE OF SUFFICIEm" LD-Crn TflAT THE BCf!1U-l OF TliE B!\CKFU'.M ASSEMBLY IS 12" TO 36" ABOVE GRADE IN PN ARl'.A NOT SUBJECT TO fUXJD=. S. FOLLOW THE NO. 2 Slll]f OFF VALVE, THE CONNECTION MUSI' BE Ml\DE WITH A CDPPER OR BRASS 90° ELl'IJW TO JI COPPER OR BRASS RISER TO A COPPER OR BRASS 900 ELRJW. Slltlr OFF VALVE M71Y BE FOLLOWED BY A COPPER OF PPASS NTPPLF &/OR A BRM;S UNION, RISER MUST BE OF SUFFICIEm' LENGTH TI!AT THE IDl'I'OM OF THE B!\~ ASS1J'113U IS 12' "'.Y"J 36" ABOVE GPJ\DE IN AN AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOODir-t;. 6. IF BACKFLOW ASSEMSLY IS TO BE INSTllLLED ON A SLOPE wrrn A HOPI7,0ITTAL 'J"O VERTICAL RATIO OF '.,; 0" r:pf:_s-r-,:· A 2' HIGH RETAINIJ\l, W7ILL M\JST BE DUILT SORROUNDING THE !\SSEMBLY ON 3 SIDES WITH THE OPEl'/IM, ON THE l".0/N SIDE OF TilE SLOPE. THERE MUST BE !\ MIN. 2' HORIZONTAL C,l'l\.RANCE BETWEEN 'THE RETAINING WI\LL 6. THE BIICKF",.,OW ASSJ"-!P,:..;( ASSEMBLY MUST BE LOCI\TEIJ IN AN AREA NO'l' SUBJECT TO FLOCJDIM;. 7. ONLY THE REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PRF;VENTION ASSvm!.lES WHICH HAVE BEEN I\PPROVED HY THc ST/\TE ::,;:;t,":""'Cfi"~r? FrmJfe rn ~G;rf L'.ci::r E!::~f £::~ f4!f.\e,{~t7 Dex'.,-01--S t'lffU!iE:R.~& CAP ,------DR!!' fM1TTf'P i".6J k I f,I , f []"rf (, -'1 I (71 •FlNl~lll <~JV\DC .r ~-\'Arr.===t=-====,r ,.J) - f<t,.l~!?l!f.:P T~-020 0TN"f l"h-l!,11?[ W f"..l:,l-1 ,:;,u,; ~f" 1LIE<E 1-;.1.1Ji,1f.l7 ~.(,, i::,-M 111 e~ .pc,x WITH fURPLf: UD ( WHITE I R£0 ,-------l'IASTIC VALVE 1nx "L'111 P~U-~IP ' ' ,-----r.,'>-IJ. V/\1..VE J'\/1'· \ '!lHN.,--· -x-H 4o l'v\' f-\1\LE /\l)f'.;~11-J~ ----------..... / --.. ·-~-J'V<: ~l\Ll-: l\.l)i\P'l1:::R 7 ':,Cft-4o / I U[1 ;; : ) _ ;·1: l',\1.1, \i,\I.Vl' 1,1;,: ·ii 'l1!.Y1' ·1,11• OF rTM-:n l'.l /" A!VT-.'J: 1-'JNr~~!I (:J!~'\JJI'. )['J c;nutJNl) 0:T\1'(~ /\lll'.,"l.l' NIU 1.i" 'IN '1~11-'\·' ,"u).F,;,:.;_ ·.--rt·i•."Cl' :,;·11, l\J)r11N1) V,\[Vl-: IV.JX Tl) ,;,\f-1/ ilfJ'l'>IT'r' r,.:; IN111;;·1,JP:l[-;l) f'J\/l\Cl"'.111' ~;OtL~ J. 1\LI ·1rnH::.'\I.JT,V tnrJl)'l !•'i"/', 'In rw q"J',t.lJ) h'll~I ·1·;:1·1n1 TAPE Ot( i'l):\'11~1 Hl'lil •11n-(·i:-or?:;r-:M, ~l'). '°'". I' rj A BA LL V L. VE ii ..:....:.......!::::::.:...~::::....---=...!.J.!:::...!...!::_ ______________ ,__ ___ rRii',..i:i1iNN•P HYDROSAVER TENSIOM[TER INTERFACE MODULE BLACK HYDROSA VER -NBIC 1 STATIONS 2 3 4 5 •••• BLUE GREEN YELLOW MV C • 0 00\LE ~ GUARD fl RAIN GUARD RED YELLOW GREEN I~ \j ij p 11 '' ~ I H~ l"')(E¾U(E-+---, r--+--iJ Ch loS, -HVll (£Nf ffil CVS'.l'.IDE 'SY51t:t,J i I 1".f½ tJ L<">t( Cf'-- QX/11\0L \vllUl'-~✓ l'VC !;(;II. 110 IJLl'l.'la,1',----------1 l!HFI1I f\S IU•J,JUIIIT:.ll) 1,.-..I r; !3UPl'LY Lllll':- 1 R5:::'..e I YEf. ID CCHIW\..J...ER F'VC SCII. 40 TEE on U.l.,, WI RE ( TO ____ ....::::....-----r-"-,L.JLL7"~----, OTIIER VALVES ON SMIE CONTIWl,LfH) ---TO SPRINKL[RS l U 1 '8_; : 1. 1.11,;1'/\l,I, V/\lNI•; ll.lX 9) '111/VI' "!Ol' Of OJWJI b 7." NKJJE FlNISI! G!WJE IN Gl~llill L"'t)VC!l I\R l'J\.S /\. >n l ,, " IN TIJl'.F I\RE/\S • 2. o:1'11.'/\CT SOIL I\IUIITTJ VI\LVL [DX 'ID ,;i\l•Ilc Dl-l<SITY f\S lJIR)l~7UHOf:D,N..\J/\Cl:Hr SOIL. 3. /\! .(, W[l(E '/U rn; HIST/\LIJ'll /\S PEil l.LO\L CU >f'. 4. T,"\1'1•: i\tRJ l\l!,nJl)c HIRE LVEHY 20' . ..,_ l'l{J>JlllE EXl'NlS!CN COIL$ /'if 1~--.::11 WlRf: cun;1x:nai lN VALVE oox. (\'/Hi\!' i\IU.JNl.l 11" PIPE IS 1r1rs-u:t;.) 6. ALL '11 U(£/\1Jf:D l'CUl!L"fICllS "ID [JE [;J';i\LHJ Wl'lll 'l'crJ.iJ; '!',\Pl': OH O:WJU.l h'J.'111 ":u-r.:-ror:.sr~:J\L oo. 5" ~ PVC SCII. 10-••--, TEE OR ELL NOTl-:~: ------rvc ~;r)f. 80 ,-,-Er:: [::e'.1>,IL f'rl.a-i..l / !'uf'.. END_ Cf l1rlc fll)S-+111Yc vt,LvE ~ ...... -----{ l. ALL TIIHF.ADFI) r:ONN1,,:T1011s TO COATED W.l "I'll 'l'ECTf'l)Sflll, NO. llE st-;AI.E/1 W!TII ''Tl'l,ON T/1l"f: OR D t?~IF 4 0 LINE FLUSHING VALVF.. 0 6" ROUND BOX WITHflD. F'tjier\.f; 0. FINISH GRADE. 0 PVC PIPING FROM FOOTER. ~ --~ -----• - CONNECT WIRES TO HYDROSAVER TENSIOMETER INTERFACE MODULE AS SHOWN: BLACK WIRE TO STATICN LEAD FROM CONTROLLER BLUE WIRE TO CLOCK COMMON GREEN AND YELLOW V✓IRES TO VALVE SOLENOID RED AND WHITE WIRES TO TENSIOMETER NOTE· ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS IN THE FIELD MUST BE SOLDERED BEFORE BEING ENCLOSED IN WATERPROOF CONNECTORS. ij t, 8 ,--~..I. ?0101.. l' §LAIIIEA 8,Mli.A. tl1c '~ s->c:::_ ,l ---~--------·· , .t R ~~ I . g I t ti p a1111111 e e1nen · i1 1.ANDSCA l'E A.rt Cl IITECTUnr:. ~ .?J~ !'LANNING ~ 3. -, · l I ·'f 3"90 Coetusridg• C~urt. 5nr, Diogo. Cl\ '!2!05 fG.l'l) 2G.+2701 t, A I ) I ) I { () V l I; l) FOH PLJ\NTING i\ r✓ I) l I{ J,: f (; /\'!'10 N ONLY, INC!.UDlNG -1-:il\ECISE I ,0C/\TI0N OF PLANTING J\l{l~t\S ---·----. ·---. 11 AS -------- TITLE. RfVJ[\,/[D BY, ·--·--------•~,•-·------ INSl0 [C TOR BUILT" --- DATE ·-- DATE I r. 11 'l Ii 1' I 0 3/~" PEA GRAVEL SUMP: W[CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHBTS I ·-... " ... -------. --·---------·-··~ .. ,. _______ . -·----··--·--··· -·---·----->---- 1 CU. FT IN SAND. 1.5 CU. FT. IN LOAM. 2 CU. FT. IN CLA V. LINE FLUSHING VALVE SECTION -NO SCALE -· -· ---. -··· -·---- __ ,, __ ·----_ .. ,_,~ --~--- . --·--· •''•··--·- -· .. ~·---·. ~ ~-- DA TE 1N!TIAL ENGJNElR QF WORK ----·----·. ""'"'"'T• -------·· --~,.~ . ~--~ REVISION -- .,. ·-···---··-····-. ----. ~---------·--·--~~ .. ···--· ---· ··--·--,-~ ··---------" .. . --·----·---,._._ -·--· ""~--------.. --···-----· -~ .. ., -, . --- ·--· ~--~ IJ ,n-INlll A" DESCRIPTION ~-· UTll(R APPROVAL -------·-PLANNIUG D[PA~T~[NT . --.. ··-·. "" ~l&Al/flN Pie TAI I--~ FOR: .. EXH!blT APiT ·J K&l/..oGG. AVC:NUE ~ c.AMIHo VIDA [i'o~L..g CAF,~!.P.,AO, CAI-I f'I!> !<:NIA Cwr4", lk1 -- APPROVEQ___, .•_ / _,, /4.(;;i //-'J-£5 ./~a~ ASS]ST/1/t,iT PLANNJNG DIPES:~ DATE OWN BY: I 4, PROJECT DR4NG NO. DATE INITIAL NO, CHKD BY:~ f. I. p, 610-0? 3 I-el CITY APPROV SL RVIJD BY• ~