HomeMy WebLinkAbout1274 STRATFORD LN; ; CB070081; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 01-11-2007 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB070081 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1274 STRATFORD LN CBAD PLUM Status: Parcel No: 1561645900 Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: Issued: Project Title: MARLIN: REPLACE GAS WATER HTR Inspect Area: Applicant: FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 12601132ND AV NE KIRKLAND WA 98034 425 814 3124 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Owner: MARLIN FAMILY 2002 TRUST 06-27-01 1274 STRATFORD LN CARLSBAD CA 92008 ISSUED 01/11/2007 JMA 01/11/2007 01/11/2007 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 Total Fees: $27.00 Total Payments To Date: $27.00 Balance Due: Inspector: Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020{a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any f f . h h v r vi sl n iv n N Tl E imlt r hi whi h h flimi i nsh I -------------.. •···-- · From : PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad CA 92008 12Z4 STRATFORD LN Addrua {Include Bldg/Suite #) Bullnea Name (atllla eddress) Loi No. Subc!Malon Name/Number UnllNo. Deaatpllon of Wort SQ.FT, #of 81orle1 Remove/Replace Gas Water Heater Name Cly 01/11/2007 09:59 1142 P.002/005 rvl"\. vrru. ... ic; voe; ua•&.., PLAN CHECK NO. _____ _ EST. VAL. _____ ~---- Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By _________ _ Date ____________ _ Tolal # of units PropoaedU.a Fax# ffl-f?t:R HEATER COMPANY~~R~~ b2Nffl "E KIRKLAND, WA 98034 Name · Addr'Ne City S'8tllZlp Telephorw# -~~R~R, x ~ 53 MARLIN~ JOHN ~-LSBA~, CA 92008 Name Acxn. Clly s~ ·TelephOne# diiiiiDIU&lUi.,.,............., II ~ {Seo. 7031.li 8~ and PICJfalekllia Code: Afr/ ~ or ~ llotllcl1 l9QUlrff a permit ID COllltlucl, ..... lmpove, dernoiiiii or repair any ltnleili., pllOr ID Its ,.__, llllo n,qulnsa the applicant for suet, permit ID 111e • 1lgnad llallmlant that ha Is IJclnad pursuant to 1he provlalons of 1he contractor', LlollnN Law [Che.Jnr 9, commending with Secdoll 7000 of DIYlllon 3 ol U. BUHWM and Prote•kms Code) or lhlt hi 18 .-itpl tllelllftom, and fie buts for !he alleged Wlefflption, Arr, vlolllllon of Secllon 7031.6 by any eppllcant for a permit subjects the appk:ant to• cMI peoally of not mora 1han ftva lwndrwd dollers [$!100]). FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 12601 132ND AVE NE KIRKLAND, WA 98034 425 814-3124 Name ~ City Slat91Zlp Telaphonll # state ucenee # 877 489 1JcenN Clue C36 city BU81nen ~• #_1_2_22_3_0_2 ____ _ Oe91gner Name City StllllllZlp State license# ______ _ Workens' Compen•tlon Decimation: I hel9by afllnn llllder pllllllly of peij.-y one ol hiollowlng ~s: C I haw and wll maintain a c:ertlllcata of C00111nt ID self-1111Ure for workers' oompenntloo a plOVCdlld by Section 8700 or the Labor Code, for Iha perfonnance of lhe wonc for which 1h11 parrnlt ~ INUlld. II( I haY1I and WIii malnUlln wo111efa oompanealon, • rwqulred by Sactlon 3700 of 1he labor Code, for the pertormance of Illa work for whldl 1hla pennlt IS lll&Ulld. My wortcefa oornpenNllon lrwlnnce can1er and JIOlloY number are: lnsu~ Company California §itate Fund Poley No 1761660 Explrdon Da111,_1:..::2/::....1::..../0.:..7;__ ___ _ (Tt!IS SECTION NEED NOT Bl! COMPLETED rfl Tltll PeRIIIT 19 l'OR ONE! HUNDJU!D DOLLARS 1$100) OR L.1!88) C CERTIPICATI! OF EXEMPTION: I cer1lt)' that In the l)lll1'onnanoe of tile woJ1c for Wl1ldl 1hfii permit Is lellled, I ahaN not llfflPloY any person In ll'fY manner ao • to become IUbjact ID the Workarl' Companaallon I.NS of Cdfomla. · WARNING: Falure lo ·-........... ......,....ion cava,age Ill unlawful, and lhlll atlbject -m,ployer lo crlllllnll peMftlN and clvll lnH up to OIM hundrsd lhounnd doli...($100.000), In -!don lo the -t o1-_.aon, ..,.._.,. pn,yldecl for In 81C111on S70I of lM Labor Coela; ltatMt .,d attomeya f9•. SIGNATURE /;,;.µ,~~,;+~ · DATE 1/11/07 _,.,,.., ~ I hereby afflnn that I am eDIIIP!flOIII Ille COntnl<:IDl' .. llcenN Lawllrthe folowtnll rNIOII! C I, u owner of the propeny or my lfflpiOyNIJ wl1h wagaa • lhelr eole oompe1..ilon, wll d lht work and the .iniclUte Is not lnllnded or offllrld b' slle {Sec. 7044. Buelnua end Prof-Jona Code: The COll1raclOf• Ucana Law does not apply ID an -r of property who bullda or Improves 111.--,, end who does such wor1< hlmso,lf or lhmUQII hi• own em~. pmvldad that IIUCh tmprovementa 119 not handed or offenld for ula. If, hawevar, the buldlng or lmprowment la ■old wtthin one year of completlon, lhe owner-llullderwtll have the burd9n of pramg 1hat he did ncitbulld or lrnpnlfttlf Iha puipoee of Hie). C I, • Wl!Wr of the p,operty, am axdusfvaly ~ wllh llcanNd contraclDra ID C0111111uot Iha pn,jact (Sec. 7044, Butlnen 111111 PtofHllans Code: The Contracto(1 L.lcenlMI Law don not •PlllY ID an OWl\11' of ~ who bullet. or llnp!OYM tieraon. and conlnlcls for such projlcll wtlh ~•) IOen9tld pursuant ID the eontracu>fs IJcenle Law): O I 11111 9Xampl tmer Sedlon ______ auefnns and Profeaslone Code forlhlll reaon: 1. I personally plan to provide the ~r lebor and melllltall ror mtndon or 11111 proposed property lmprovemanL O VE8 c NO 2. I {hav91havt not)llgned en applcalon fora building ptl'ffllttlrtt\e propoaed WOllt. 3. I hllYe contractlld wtlh 1118 following ponion (flrm) ID pn,vlde the pn,poNCI ooll8tl\lC10n (lnelud• name / adcna / phone number/ contractorl llollnM number): 4. I plan la p,ovlde poi11ona af the wotlc. but I hell9 hind 111• followllll paraon ID coordlna111, IJIP9Ml8 and provide the major work {Include name/ addrMI / phone num* / /onb'adorsllclne numbfi): -----------------------------------5. I wai provide IOffl8 r/1 irie work. b\11 I have conlJlleWd (hired) the followlng pe-111 pR!lllda 1h11 wortc lndlamd {lnctude ft!1111• / eddru81 phone number/~ ofwortc): PROPERTYOWNERSIGNATVRE __________ ,.__; ____________ PA~---------- . . · From:· \ PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., cansbad CA 92008 Page2 of2 01/11/2007 10:00 1142 P.003/005 la the appllcm\t or I\IIU19 bulldll'Q ocoup-,t rwqulJad 1o lllbml a bulln•n plen, acu1aly hazardous mallr1all ragll1ratton for or rwk managenMnt and p,a.-ntlon program ll'Kler Sectlon1 ~. 25533 or 26534 of !he Pl'Nl~Tanner Ha:z:ardoue &olblnce AccountAcl? C YES □ NO la the applcant or IIJlure bulkNng occupant 1'11Quinld to oblaln a pennft liom tile air pollulfon eootn,I dllll'lct or idr quality managamant dlslr1ct? □ YES C NO Is the filclll\y lo be 0011111ruded within 1,000 feetollhe oUlllr boundaryoluchaol BIie? C YES O NO ' IF ANY OF THI! AN8W!RS AIU! YE8, A f'INAL Cl!RTl'ICATI 01' OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE IS8UID UNLBBS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMINT8 OJI THE Ol'l'IC& OJI IMIIRGIINCY 8&RVIC&8 AND TH& AIR POIJ..1JTl0N CONTROL DISTRJCT. lhereby LENDER'S NAME ________________ _ LENDER'S ADDRESS _________________ _ I certify 11-.t I have reed lhe appllCIIClon and .. Iha! the atxwe lnfarmallon la carTWCt and lhal lhe Information an the plans I• accurate. I tgree 10 comply "'1th 111 City Mllnances and 8111111 ~ l'llia11ng 10 bulldlng canstruClllon. I hereby authol1zll rep,eeel1Clllhl of Ille CflY of Ceriabad 1D enter upon Iha above m■ntloned property for ln,pectiQn purpoaea. I ALSO-AORU TO SAYE, INDl!MNIFY AND KEEP HARMl.288 THI! CITY OP' CARLBBAD AOAINST ALL UABILITle8, JUDGl!Ml!NTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSl!S WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AQAIN8T 8AJD CITY IN COH88QUENC& OF TllE CIRANTINGI OF THIS PIIRMIT. OSHA; An OSHA permt ii raquln,d rar-,,.aon, of 5'0' dlNlp and dMloR11on ar COMtructlon of lln.lcllnaowr 3 8CDl198 In halght. EXPIRATION: EY■!Y permM lesued by lhe bullclng Olllalal undllr11!1 proili11«-of thla Code lhall upie by lilnltallon and b«>Ome nut! and void lf1he bulldh; orworl< aU1hollzed by audl permit Is not cammem:ed within 180 ~ fnXn 1111 dll1e of such pennll or If Iha bulldtng or worl< IU!horbd by such permit ts suspended or abandoned at any lime anar tha wor1c II commenced for a per1ocl of 180 daya (Saodon 10tl.-4.4 Unlfonn Butldlng Coda). City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 01/30/2007 Permit# CB070081 Inspector Assignment: Tille: MARLIN: REPLACE GAS WATER HTR Description: Type: PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: 1274 STRATFORD LN Lot 0 APPLICANT FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY Owner: MARLIN FAMILY 2002 TRUST 06-27-01 Remarks: THE SHEET WILL BE ON THE WATER HEATER Total Time: Act Comment Phone: Inspector: Requested By: JOHN Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description 25 Water HeaterNents ~------fr¥' Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments