HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 350-3L; PD 457; SKLZ TENANT IMPROVEMENT; 01-21GENERAL NOTES RECYCLED WATER NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS. 2. DRINKING WATER FOUN TA/NS ANO DESIGN A TEO OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST CONTACT WITH RECYCLED WATER SPRAY, MIST OR MISTING. 3. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO ELIM/NA TE OR CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE PONDING, RUN-OFF, OVER-SPRAY, AND MISTING. 4. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 5. CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RECYCLED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 6. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS 'WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL -------0F--f-HE--e/-f¥ OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA-TE-R--£115-f-R/e'f; ---- 7. ALL MAINLINE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 8. HOURS FDR /RR/GA TION WITH RECYCLED WATER ARE FROM 70: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. THE HOURS FOR /RR/GA T/ON WITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITY. /RR/GA TION DURING PUBLIC USE PERIODS WITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER SHALL BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE DES/GNA TED USER SUPERVISOR. /RR/GA TION WITH WATER OF A LESSER QUALITY THAN DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER SHALL BE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 10. NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTACT WITH RECYCLED WATER, WHETHER BY WIND BLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPL/CAT/ON THROUGH IRRIGATION OR OT/-/ER USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCT/ON PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION IS STR/CTL Y PR0/-1/BITED. 11. IRRIGATION /-/EADS S/-/ALL BE RELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO MINIMIZE OR ELIM/NA TE OVER- SPRA YING ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND NON-DESIGN A TED USE AREAS. 12. RECYCLED WATER QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DESIGNED FOR THE USE ON RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 13. ON RECYCLED WATER SYSTCMS, ALL APPURTENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VAL VE BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE COLOR-CODED PURPLE PER A WWA GUIDELINES ANO SECTION 116815 OF THE CALIFDRNIA HEAL TH AND SAFETY CODE. 14. ALL /RR/GA TION PIPE SHALL BE STENCILED WITH WARNING, "NON-POTABLE OR RECYCLED WATER", COLOR-CODED (PURPLE) ANO LAID WITH WARNING TAPE AND STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 15. ON NEW ON-SITE SYSTEMS (POST-METER), POTABLE WATER, CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER AND SE'WER LINES SHOULD BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF FOUR FEET APART OR AS DIRECTED BY T/-/E PROJECT ENGINEER AND/OR REGULA TORY AGENCY. MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE BETWEEN FACING SURFACES, NOT PIPE CENTERLINES. 16. CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER LINES SHALL CROSS AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES BELOW POTABLE WATER LINES AND MAINTAIN AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES CROSSING SEPARATION BETWEEN OTHER UTILITIES. 17. IF A CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER LINE MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE A POTABLE WATER LINE OR LESS THAN TWELVE INCHES BELOW A POTABLE WATER LINE, THEN THE RECYCLED WATER LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN AN APPROVED PROTECTIVE SLEEVE AS PER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULA T/ONS. 18. THE REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION SHUTDOWN TEST SHALL BE DONE BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH. 19. Tl/£ REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE BY EITHER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ANO/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL NEAL TN. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO TN£ NON-INSPECTING PARTY. 20. THE DESIGN ANO LOCATIONS PROPOSED FOR RECYCLED WATER "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN SNALL BE CALLED OUT ON TNE PLANS. 21. WHEN RECYCLED WATER BECOMES AVAILABLE, AN ON-SITE USER SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DES/GNA TED IN WRITING. THIS INO/V/OUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEM WITNIN THE PROPERTY, WITN TNE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECT/ON PROTECTION, THE RECYCLED PUREYOR'S RULES AND REGULATIONS AND T/-/E SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM COPIES OF THE DESIGNATION, WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO Tl-/£ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT Nick Fousslo.nes, Mission Equities AT 858,367,3160 OR AFT[R //OURS CONTACT Nick Fousslo.nes, Mission Equities AT 858,367,3160 22. ALL PUBLIC AND PR/VA TE POTABLE WATER MAINS INCLUDING FIRE MAINS AND ANY WATER WELLS AND WATER COURSES WITHIN THE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 23. CALL OUT ON THE PLANS IF THERE ARE OR ARE NOT DRINKING FOUNTAINS AND/OR DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS ON THE SITE. 24. A PHYSICAL SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN ADJACENT AREAS IRRIGATED WITH RECYCLED WATER ANO POTABLE WATER. SEP ARA T/ON SHALL BE PROVIDED BY DISTANCE, CONCRETE MOW STRIPS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. 25. ALL /RR/GA T/ON BACKFLOW PREVENTER$ SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER ANO RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. PIPE BETWEEN THE METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON THE CITY WEB SITE AT hi tp: / /www.carlsbadco.gov/services/departments/water/Oocuments/ recyc/edwaterbackf/owtester/ist.pdf for recycled or http:/ /www.carlsbodco,gov/services/ departments/water/Documents/woterbockf/owtester/ist.pdf for potable or call 438-2722. (FUTURE): RECLAIME'D WATER SYSTEM. (PRIVATE) CARLSBAD' RESEARCH CENTER LOTS 501 & 51 I IGNAGE NOTES Carlsbad~! California FOU.OWNG GL.VB.t-e; l"'OQ Tl-I! use OF i<OO..AMD WATB2 ARE TO ee ~y 4"<:)STI:0 NSID!: 11-1!-000R--ol"'-e:AO-l CONTRClU.S2 ~ TJ..EY-ARI= l=ASIL y VISBI.E f'tACI: 81/'Z X I' 61ZE!O 6IGN. eot..00 f'Ll<PLE BACKGl<OLNJ WlTI-1 131..ACK LI: I I 5.1NG. WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: -----.,.,,.,. .. "'"' . '• -~." SHEET INDEX SI-B:T Tl71.E Sl-.6:Tr-.l.M3ER RECI..AM=D WA TSl I TITI.E Si-clIT RRJGA TION PLAN (4 SI-EETS) 2-6 l<OOATION DETALS 1 PLANTNG PLAN (4 81-teE I 6> 8-12 F'UNThlG DET ALS 13 !<RIGA TION SPECACA TI0',6 14-15 PI.ANlliS SPEcACATlONS 16 ALM SKLZ TENANT IMPROVEMENT TITLE SHEET-I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE ANO /RR/GA TION PLANS corvTAINEO IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL & WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HA VE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS ANO THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL. I CERTIFY THAT THI: SKLZ TENANT IMPROVEMENT IRRIGATION PLA 19 GUCll3.J',ES FOR J:1eCI..AlVEO WA TB2 USE l IRRIGATE BETWE!3II 11-E HO.RS a= l000 PM MD 6'00 AM Oi'l. Y. WA ra:.iNG 1, OUTSIOI: n-e Th£ FRAME M.JST Be DON! MAN..JALL Y wm-1 OUALFEO SLPEl<Vl$0RY PB2SOf'"3.. ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM $-IAl..l.. AT ANY TIME SE: LEFT LNA TTENJED DURl'JG use OU1$0!: i1--e N01<MAL SC1-E01..U:. 2. l<RIGATE: IN A MAN-6 ll-lAT Wll MINMZE RLN-OFF, P001.1'1G, At-.0 PONDl'IG. TH: APR..ICA110N i<ATE SHAU. NOT EXCEED 1H: N9.. 112A 1'ION RA TE OF TI-E SOL.' ~ "-U6T SE AOJJSTED SO AS TO EE CO!'vPATB..E Wfll-l TH: LOWEST SOL N"L~ATION RATE PRESENT. Ti-IS~ MAY BE: FACUTATEO BY TI-E E:FFICENT 80-B:lU.NG OF 1H: AUTOMA TIO OONTl20!.. O..OCKS, OE E"MPLOYNG 11-E Rl::PEAT FLNCTION TO OOEAK LP Tl--e TOTAL 11<1.?IGATION TIME MO CYCl.cS fl.lAT Will. PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOL Al3SOi<PTION. $. AO.J..IST SPRAY 1-li!:ADS TO EUMNA TE OVERSF'RAY ONTO AR!;AS NOi ~ 1J.-e CONTROL Of" 11-e ~. F'Ol2 E<AlvA...e. POa.. ~. PRIVATE PA nos Al'O LOTS. ANO $TRi± IS AJ>O SIDeWAI..KS. 4. MONTOO MD l#NTAN TI-e SYSlEM TO MN.tZE EOLFMENT ANO MATEl<'IAL F Al I.Re. l3i<QKE\I SPRN:lSl 1-EADS, I.EAKS, LN:1E3JA8l.E VALVES, ETC. ShlOU..D BE'! REPAl<EO AS SOON AS Tl-£Y 9E:COM:: APPARB',IT, S. eOUCATE AU. MANlc:NANCE ~OMS. ON A CONTNOUS BASIS OF Tl-e ~ Of' i<ECLAl'vB) WATER.~ MJST BE l'-F'ORMED TI-IAT ~ WATER IS MEANT FOR il2QIGATON PU3='0SE$ ON... Y, MD IS NOT />.PPROVffJ ~ D~INKING PIJ!POSES, i--iAN:> W~. Cl.aANNG OF TOOLS. ETC. GIVEN 11-E ~ RRNOVER RA TE OF EM'LOYEES N Ti-I: LANOOCAPe NX.J.S~Y, IT IS ltvPORT ANT TH$ WORMA TION BE DISSEMNA TED ON AN ALMOST DAL. Y BASIS. IT 1$ YOU, Tl-e LAl>DSCAPe: CONTi<ACTOR WHO 16 RE$'ONSB.i: FOR ~A'Tl-s 1::ACH A/-01;\16!Y or,,e OF YOLR a.A.OY!:eS. PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. 2. j ' DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. REQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE AND RECYCLED WATER LINES (HORIZONTALLY ANO VERT/CALLY). B. PIPE /DENT/FICA TION. C. SLEEVING AT CROSSINGS. D. APPROPRIATE MATERIALS AND MARKINGS, INCLUDING PROPER QUICK COUPLERS. AN APPROVAL LETTER REGARDING THE INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL OBTAINED FROM THE CITY ANO THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE HEAL TH DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. S/GNAGE INSTALLED PER PLAN. B. CONTROLLER STICKERS. C. TAGGING OF VALVES. D. COVERAGE TEST AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF AREA NOT APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WA TE USE. E. ALL ASPECTS OF THE /RR/GA T/ON CONDITIONS INCLUDING WINDBLOWN SPRAY, RUNOFF. AND PONDING. ' MASra? ASSOCl.1':1ION IRRIGA T,ON MANLN: - LOCATE A.NO MA,Nf AIN A 10' SE:PARATlON FROM PROPOSE:O ON-SITE: MAINLINE -----._ TWO NEW DO' NOT DRINK SIGNS ADDED TO SITE IN ADDITION TO lHE 7 EXISTING SIGNS ON SITE SKLZTENANT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SITE SEE SHEETS 18-21-t+-ff-,1 OUTDOOR EATING AREA TO BE WATERED WllH DRIP SYSTEM I hereby declare that I am the licensed designer of work for this project, , 6. OOTAN PRIOR APPROVAL Of" ALL PROPOSED 0-lANGES AND MOOF!CAT!C>l'-S TO /JNf ~AT!: ON-SITE FACU!ES, SL.CH G1ANGES M..1ST BE 6Ll3MTTa> TO, Af\O 1 APPROVED BY, TI-E DISTRICT ~I\G 01 I ICE Af\O DESIGl'€0 IN ACCORDANCE v\ft1l-l DISTRICT Si AN:>AROS. F. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. G. REQUIRED PROTECT/0,N OF WELLS, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC. H. CROSS-CONNECTION TEST IF REQUIRED. I. COLOR CODED, LAMINATED CI-/ARTS INSIDE EACH CONTROLLER. that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the Jlroj_ect a; '" defined in section 6703 of the business and professions code, and t!§t t~e •. ~ design is consistent with ClJ.\TCnt standards. ti 1'1 ... / 1. ALL l<ECLAM::D WA~ EPRI\KLB! CONTl20i.. VALVE$ S1-1ALL Ee TAGGf:D Wm-t VENTFICATIQ\J TAGS. 3. ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A COMPLETE INSPECTION THAT WILL COVER A-/ OF THE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health is confirn,d to review only and does not relieve =~-- as the licensed designer'ofwork, ofmy responsibilities for proj='-'"" ..; ,/2 j ·y ADJAOE!NT • . ~ 0 LOT 00.C,) ~• .Z S 1:1; 6:tRRIGA TIO 'I A iAGS SHAU. aE:: \llle;Ai1-Blf'i<OOP F'LASTIC 3• X 4" PI.RPLe N COLOR WITT-1 THe WOl<DS WARt-JNS f:!eCf..AIMl:O WATER-DO NOT DRlf-.K' MPRINTED ON Ol\l: SCle. At>D "AVOO-AGUA fi\.F'IRA • NO TOlvtAI<" ON nee O11-ER SIDE. ~~ SHALL BE PB<MAI\B',lT' Al-0 BLACK IN COl.0!2, USt: iAG AS lvlAN..FACru:?1!!0 SY T. Ci4<1STY I:!-,/ I E:RPi<JSE:5 Qli! APP1<0VEO EQUAL REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, CITY ENGINEER AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. ~H("Et 12 PLANTING B. a-e TAG SI-IALL IE ATTAGED TO EAQ.I VALl/e AS F'OU.OWS. I. ATTAQ..I TO Vt,J..\/e STEM Dl<EC11...Y OR Wi11-1 PLASTIC TE-wr;?AP OR 2. ATTACH TO SOl£NOO WIRE DRl=Cll.. Y OR WlTI-1 PLASTIC TI:-wr.?A? OR 3. ATTAQ.I TO VAi.iie COVER WITI-I EXISTN3 VAL\/e CO~ BOLT. a ALL ~ I-EADS SHALL se 0!3\ITFEO AS l<ECl..AM3:> WAT~ SPRN<l...B<I t-EADS l!AO--l AUl'OMATIC CONTROI..LER ArO ITS ASSOOIATeO eot.PMENT SHALL 131:e IDE=NffiED Wl11-I A SIGN l3EAi<NG 71-E WORDS 'RECI.AM9) WATEl2 USB:> ~ !<RIGA TION' N ~ AAD SP.ANSI-I. WITI-1 a.ACK I.J:TTEl<S r ~ ON A P1.RPU= BACKGr;?OlN). ThE SIGN $HALL i9e A.ACl!ID SO Tl-lAT rT CAN l3E i<EADL.Y SEEN l3Y M,ff OP!3!ATIOt-.$ F'E:RSO'N3.. l.Jll.JZNG rl-.f: E:OI.F'M=NT, t.p......,.ll<:l-'ITION OF ~I!: a-lARGa l-b.ti:i1 ~ Tl-lAT I AM L.AAOSCAPe ARO-ITECT OF WORK FOR Tl-IS PRO.ET, 1'!-IAT I ~ ~ 0-lAi<GE OVER TI.e DESIGN OF T!-1$ PRO..CCT NS DEFI~ N SECTION 3 OF Tl-e El.JSN!SS Af\O Pl20f'esSIONS CODE MO Ti-IA T 11-E DESIGN IS CONSISTB'>JT WlTI-1 ~1REII/T ST AI\OARDS. i..N::Jf::RSTANJ Tl-lAT ~ Ci-ECK OF Pl<O.ECT DRAWNGS ANJ SPECFCATICNS BY TI-I: CITY a= 'i"'""-"'BAO AN) TI-E: SAN De00 COLNTY DEPARTMB1ff OP ~Al. f.eAL.~ IS S&Ol'ff-ED TO A Rf.:\/EW Oi'LY AN'.l DOES NOT Ra.EVE tvE. AS LANDSCAPE! ARO-tTECT OF WOQK. MY i<e!$PONSl3UTES POii! Pli!O.:ECT DESIGN. NAlvE MD AOIJRES5' ROGE LAI\OSCAPE Aro-lTECTS liFI.JcPI-IOIII:;~ :04072 vtOIET I..ANTalN. SUTE C DANA PONT, CA 92629 SYMBOL. ---PW---- ---IRQW-- -J-•-•-•.a..•--·-·- AU~ LAN>- SC.Af'E: Ai<EAS WITI-I TI-e EXCl;P11QN OF EXISTNG MASTBl ASSN. T1...RF ... " LEGEND DeSCWTION Pi.?0P0SED POTAEI..E WA~ 5'f5TBIA PROPOSED 1i!ECLAM:D WATB! SYSTEM Ml.EA O" l:lECLAME:O WA"ll:'R USE LOCATION OP COl',t,ECTIQsl POM<S> - M:!TER N-0 BACKF'LOW PREVEMlON "DO NOT Ol<N(" SIGN 1..0CATIONS TYPICAL SIGNS ~---a.ACK LOOO ,-----PLm..e 19ACKGi<OLNO 36" ~--r aACK LC I I t:1,/$ lN.T .5.l Inspection Procedures: Inspection of the project shall be performed by the Landscape Architect of the Work, or his designated agent. Refer to the specifications for the schedule of required inspections and. required submittals. Following completion of the work, the Landscape Architect of the Work will ce1tify that the installation has been completed by submitting lhe "Final Landscape Certification Form". A request for a final landscape inspection by the City must also be made by calling the Inspection Request Line. "Final Landscape Certification Form" Fax to: 760-944-8943. Landscape J nspection Request Phone Line: 760-602-4602 W~RECI.AM3) WATl::R DO NOT Ot:IN{ NOT TO SCALE, {/!!i) ASSE:SOR PARCl=L. NO. 212-120-:25+:26 MAP NO. 11811 FAIOA016.Y PALOMAR .oc i<2 TRATION ~ EW'RATION DATE$ '-/Df:\IE\.J~ NAME MO ADDRES5' 014> 248-921 / C7l4) ~-9215 FAX 2809 MAY 31, 1997 KOLL 1<EAL ESTATe GROIP 73:30 iS'\GN;ER roAD RECLAIMED WATER AVOO-AOOA MF'LRA NO TOfv!AR AVISO • AGUA M'I.RA NOTOMAR (f 1116 ' ' VICINITY MAP L...ANDSCAPE ARCHTECT RIOG€ I..Al'l)SCAPE ARC1-JIrt-crs 3407;1 VIOLET LANTERN, STE C DANA POINT, CA 92629 Ta-1 (714) 248·9211 FAX• (714) 248-9:215 CONT ACT· JIM RIDGE: ARO-ITECT WARE e MALCOMB ARCI-IITECTS, NC. 6640 LUSK Ell.VD .. STE. 205C SAN OEGO, CA 92121 Ta (619) 546·Il21 FAX (619) 546-J062 CONTACT, RICHARD MARSO~ PROJECT TEAM CIVIL B\IGII\EER KAJ.1R At-0 ASSOCIATES 5600 AVENDA ENCINAS, STE 104 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TEL (619) 438-5620 PAX (619) 431·9020 CONT ACT Cl-lARLE KAI-I.? OWN'::R KOLL RE¼L E:$T ATE .:',.?OLP 7330 ENGr--EER ROAD SAN DleGO, CA 92111 TEL• C6I9) 292-5550 FAX C6!9) 495·3!02 CONTACT CHARLIE: ABDI SAN Dl;OO, CA 9211 laEPHON: ~ (619) 292-55&) CARLSB D MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 11-.3~ -41, GINEER DATE R.C.E. 28176 UNTY DEPAR T or ENVIRONMENTAL H[ALTH !.) APPROVED BY: (St!'.I:) tr X 36" , -----r BLACK LETTEl:iS .060 ABS F'LAS'nC OR S'IICK-<lN 11N'11.. $GNS Al..50 .Ol6 ALUv1N..M ----z a.ACK LE I I t3<6 I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK BY: JAMES J. RIDGE OCTOBER 4, 1996 NAME:: RIDGE IJ\NDSCAPE ARCHITECTS L.A.: REG. NO. 2809 EXP.: MAY 31, 1997 &'NiclP~ ARCHITECTS TEL 714 2-41-9211 FAX 714 2411 !1215 REVIEW£J) BY: 18" )( 18" 8121: .()IS JIU.J-N.M. /J«) AfJS PU.STIC CQ ST'k':X-CIN VNl'I. SISN9. OATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONL V, INCLUDING PREC1SE I LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ASSISTAN OWN BY-·-'-=--'--- CHKD BY-=--- flEU) BY PD 457 CMWD -96-233 -{ DRAWING NO. 350-31. 11126/96 LO. ' ,, ' ' ' ' ' :i ' !~• '·· ' ' ' '. . 'I I· ' ' I I· , I, ' ' ,, " I >/ I I ' ,: ' ' ' ., ' " I· ' - 'I ' r I . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,. ' '" ,, : I" ' ' I I ' ! I I ! ! j I r I : I ; I ' I I ! . ' I I I I ' 1 ! I I ! ; ' I i ' J I I .' I : ; , I J r -,..,ET'i -.{'... i"-----~ l , _:_J , . . ocr a s:1ssa . ' ' . ' . .. i I J I i ; ' ,' : ~ ' . ' ! ! I ; --i------- i I I ! 1 i I ; ' ; ,, ! I i ' ; ! J 1 ; i I ! f . ' ' I ' , • I ' ! I ; i ' f I I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ' ' ',Pfr'J(J,. # ~ ' ., . > :' 1 5 r -. I I .,_ ,.. --~, ~ ' ------ . ,,.,,, . . ,,, r r . \ ---~ OF rlC'N Al-0 ~ MAN -RC MAN TO EE a.ee,,'13) ?Bi! NOTE 16, &-Cf.I LO.Om . . . . NOTS .. \l ~ .... ., . I rt . . ""K-- .. -.. BUILDING 1 -LOT 50 • -·----.. ' I ---(::-~~---1 --- • -----NOT8 LOCATE EXISTNG MASTER ASSOCIATION MAIN...NE AJ\D CONTROU.ER WIRE AND NST ALL N SO-I 80 SLEEVE WffH A WNMUM Of' 36" COVER (TYPICAL ALL~ DRIVEWAYS) ----NOTB EXISTING MASTER ASSOCIATION K<RIGATION IN Tl-IS AREA MUST BE REPARED AND REVISED TO A CONDITION SATISFACTORY TO TI-E MASTB< ASSOCIATION <TYPICAL ALL I\EW DRIVEWAYS> ··----··-----~-----· ------ MAN.N=SI-OWN Wlil-lN PAVNG FOR a..ARITY ON-Y, ACTUAL MAN.N= LOCATION TO l3E A~ OF 18' OFF AOJAC-ENT HARD5CAPE #D OTI-E< C0ST Aa..ES TYP. MA TCl-lLINE -SEE Sl-iEET L3.3 0 IO 20 40 NOT TO SCALE SCALE AND NORTH 60 ~A1N&c9.?E ARCHITECTS m. 714 111-ffll fAIC 71~ m tt15 FOR IRRIGATION NOTES, LEGEND AND DETAILS - SEE Sl-lEET 7 <L4.D FOR 1RRIGA TION SPECIFICATIONS - SEE SHEETS 14 (L 7.D AND 15 CL7.2) " A$ BU IL T !H REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVEO BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, I SH2EET \ CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS ASST. PLANNlltG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 21 IMPLEMENT A TIOH IN FIELD, r==~======::::::::::::::::::::::::::::='c:==:====1.~::::::::::::: ~ ~ /P/ll/'fl ' LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN --yr-nlre r=:=::c::.::,:=+: .:.:::::~:,L:-"-::'-'-:-F~-•'-:~-.. -::-:-::-::-::------+-~ CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER ;tt. ~ro7 ~---f--'--t--lf----------+-----1 LOTS 50 &.-51 APPROVEO REVIE'Wl:0 BY: l---+-+--------------1-----" ASSISTANT PU.HNING DIR[CTOR DATE DRAWING NO. INSPECTOR /tJ•'.2.-1·17 t-1)-~TE__._=BY_.__ __ ~-=DE=..:SC.:.::.RIPT:....:=IDtl.:,_ ____ _...._:::,AP.:...P'~D I~~ ~ PROJECT NO. DA1TE _ FIELD EJI' PD 457 350..,31.. ~-~C~M;WD~~9~6~-~2~3~3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1~1/!;28;./9-6iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~L- --t ■ I -= I I " I c0 _J I ......, N r· w I w I (j) UJ I w (j) w I z _J I ::r 0 I- <( I .2 I I I • ; I NOTE• LOCATE EXISTING MASTER ASSOCIATION MAINLINE AND -·•"'_"'_ CONTl<OLLER Wli<E AND INST ALL IN SCl--l 80 SLEEVE WITJ.-1 A MINIMUM _.,. ___ ,.,~·--.. ,P•-- OF 36" COVER (TYPICAL ALL NEW DRIVEWAYS) -=~--·_..,,,.,,.,,. cc"1.." ... --,f-~,..,..,_,.. --!..·"~-~~--~ .. ' \ I ' \ \ \ \ \ i 1 I \ I \ \ \ ---------------------------------- I DOM=STlC WATER ?RES5UIE CJILCl,LA ~C+B i -YJ./2 TS< tJc:'713< i'l.Mffi< 50 WA we> /1'ETIJ< Sl:E -' ,.;1DRAUUC GRA:JE LJ~ NIA WATl:R f/ETER ELEVA;JCJN NIA ELEVATO~ DIFP~CE NIA ST~ TIC PRESSURE l?SI> r.s -- >-_., ___ l_ -···-·---··-- REMOTE CON:ROL VAL'✓E • I RE~OTE COSJ:£0L VAJ..'✓E Sl:E 15' RC V D:'MAND 1GPM) 35 TOT AL DEMANJ 1GPM1 35 RC '/ ELE:VA '."ION NIA R1ATK: f'RE&'\0: AT RCV 70 .. . . --r -... ·------ I '"" . SIZE DESCRPTION PSI LOSS 0-$;:R'JCi: Lt ..I: I 06 PSI " WATl"Rt~ 2 l3 p < ----.,. DACKP-OW PRt'V8'ITI:R 3 120 PSI ...... .,. lv.t,S,E~ CONTRa. VA'..VE 4 20 PSI • .,. S.-'IS'ET STRAliERIFL:RATICN 5 LO PSI '[ Bi>LL VALVES I b 0.5 PSI 3· 1500 lu:T Of MAN..N:: HP[ Cl 315 7 ?.3 IPSI h±f Cr MANJ:>I: 'n'E 8 __ 0 PSI 15· t.?c:MO fc CON ff>Ol. I/ A:.. VE ·9 40 'P::l ICfo Lt. TERA!. LINE LOSS ··-. ----------~ 0 30 PS I 1m F11TM; LOS':i I I 15 ?S fT ELEVATION CJ-IANGE IPOQ TO f-lG!-EST fEA[)) 12 00 PSI I TOTAL $)'$1;:M PQESs..RE LOSS {SIJ~ OF ,i '1-RU •l'.'J --13 :92 p:, P<l:SSJRE R~JIQE() AT .f"J.O I .. ·-14 300 P9 TOTAL PRE5ScRE REO:.J'EJ ISLJJ OF •13 Al-0 • 14i B 502 PS $ T ,I. nc Wt-TER ?RE$Su:?E iFP.OM ABOVE) --··-lo t:50 PSI k'i'SI0UAL 1'1.!fS9Ji<:I" 1SLBWACT P 15 R10'1 • it,) 17 ~,:, H PSl 1il 700 PSI -' ',~ \ ·--------'--------------P.O.C. TO BE 2" WATE'R METER WITI--1 \ \ I[>~ PRV OR 1"1CV AT!• 15 PLUS O PSJI iP<ESS..QE BOOST. IF Qf'O~IREl) 1"15 ob • 10 PS> ---· ---. . ---a~ 19 00 P:C. • NOTe NOTE• IRRIGATION SYSreM TO l:lf: COI\N:;CreD TO REO..AIMED WATER POC IN TH: __ L~e!> ,1 ',: 4• AJ1l.RE. SYSTEM STATIC WATfR PRE:ssu:1E: $1-lALL 8E VE:RAE:O AT TIME OF ~ .,__ . CON/ERSION AND SYSTEM SHALL BE ANALY2ED TO Vl=RIFY ADEQUATE; WATER-etr_tlll/J .:._:·~-\, PRESSLRc TO RlJ'oJ SYSTE:M. VE:l<F'Y A!J.. CALCLLJ>. TIONS ANJ MODFtCA TION$ #/-It, . : " r WITT-I OWN':R'S AUTI--IORIZEO REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMlvlENCNG WORK, BUILDING 1 -LOT 50 MAN-1\E SHOWN Wl1HN PAVING FOR CLARITY ON..Y, ACTUAL MAJl'U'-l= LOCATION TO BE A lv'NMLM OF 18' CA" AOJACS\IT 1-JAQDSCAPE: AND OTHB< OBST AO.ES TYP. IID \y~' I \ ____ ,.. --' r / f __ , n• Vf \ . " ' t: 4' . \(----,n-. ~,I' \ r \ - 3/f -~~-~-~ \ r 314' 31 ... ~_1...-.~'r \'-__ ~v._-:, \ ' ' -----r --\---· -' -----~---- _t __ 1 MA TCHLINE -SEE SHEET 5 (L3.4) APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I NOT TO SCALE KEY MAP ---------------------------------- 0 10 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTl-f \ L. \ . 125 P.SJ. ST A TIC PRESSURE; \ \ \ ' I \ \ \ \ - .--~ ~i; ..,. ~ I D G E ANDSCA~ ARCHITECTS T£L 714 2-18-9211 r.x 11• Z-18 9z15 ' \ -FOR IRRIGATION NOTES, LEGEND AND DET Al.S SEE SI-JEET 7 (L4.I) FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS - SEE Sr-J:-ETS 14 (L7.D AND 15 CL7.2) "AS BU IL T" REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBL.IC HEALTH ENGINEER I SH3EET-] CITY OF CARLSBAD C l5H[2 .. E1TS I ASST. PLANNING DIR~CT0FI AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO '-::::::=:=.==::::::P:=LA:::::N=:N:::::l::::::N::::G:::::::::::D::::E::::::P:::A:'::RT=M=E=N=T::::::=~'= -==:=:! \ i.i::_ IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. ~ vtlJJdYd;,r___-e/4f/,V -----LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN D DATE n,121113 HK ' c1TVOFCARL-,-... -e-o-nn-•CT-,o-Ns-------·-l----l CARLSBAD RES£' ARCJJ CE,NTER 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD CORRECTIONS .f:I_ '" ~ '1-if2!._J!::'<..~--1---+-+--LOTS 50 & 51 1----------------.f..--l--l------····-----------1---l APPROVED REVIEWED BY !~SPECTOR IP·Zf-11 r□_A_TE~B_Y ~-----DE_SC'---'R __ IPT--10--N ______ ..L.:CA:..:PP-='oc..., ~::0 8:r JR DATE REVISIONS FJELD B'I'--='-'--- PROJECT NO. PD 457 CMWD 96-233 DRAWING NO. 350-3L 11/28/96 L3.2 I I • f /I I , I ' I I -------------- ADJACENT LOT CN.I.C.) ffi SKLZ TENANT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AREA SEE SHEETS 18-21----.J APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONL V, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NOT TO SCALE ... BUILDING 1 -LOT 50 NOTE< MANJ-E SI-IOWN IMTI-IN P VNG FOR CLAQITi' ONLY, ACTUAL MANJ/\E LOCA 11 N TO BE A MNMUM OP ' 18' OFF ADJACE'NT HARD CAPE; AND OrHER OBST A<U:S TIP, ------- -------· -------------[Vi· ------~ ~ ___..,....-- ~ROLLE:R "8' Sl-!t>J._L Be W.cs··-r;;foo, = I\EIC-24-CSS-ffl l'ISTALLED ', N $TAl"1.E$$ $TEEL 8'JCLOSURE: (SEE LEGE!-0 f'OR TYPEJ. Wl11-l MOISlU?E '(· SENSORS (A$ PART OF ASSEMBLY), CONFIRM SE:NSOI< arr AND LOCA170N ,' .. \1 \ ---=--'. , -'.I,,:,,_ N-FlELD WITI-I OWNfR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE fl\JAL LOCATION __sl~ ---------OP CONTROLW':R ANO E.'U:C10CAL POC SI-IALL 8E CQtsFIRMED WITI-l CWN::l<S ~~--AUTI-IORIZE::O REPRE:SE:NT A TIVE PRIOR TO COM/v'BICING WORK. -ii . o· ' . I I I I _,,;..-__ -.,. I~ :--\-----I wt CONTROLLB? 'A" SHALL E3E W.C.S. MOD.,. NBC-24-CSS--FS N$1AI I PO IN STAIN.f=SS STEEL eNCLOSLRE <SE'E LEGEND FOR TYPE), W!TI-1 MOISTU<E SENSORS (AS PAl<f OP A$$E:M8Ll'J, COf\FIRM SBJSOR QTY AND LOCATION / A./ Z N FIELO WlfH OWl'ER'S AU17--lOR!Zro Rl=PRl=SE'NTATIVI:'. FNAL LOCATION"'l:,l~~'f ¥_,,,t•.-,-., ::I..,.J OF' CONTROLLER MD ELECTRICAL POC SHALL Be COI\FIRME'O WITH Ovr, 'YJ. Al.JTI-ORIZEO Rf=F'Rl=Sf:NT A TIYE PRIOR TO COrv1MENCNG WORK. 1 ~---r ___________,; 0 I-- ...... .. . { -~ ~ ~ ,, __ -, ..,,...,_ ~ -~'f--~ r • ...-,;.; " "" ' -.. ~ A~~~~ PWMAf'.l- SLEEVE> SI-EET LO.O 0 ~ -. I I ' , ' I I I I I ' I I I --------+------- 10 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH RI D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS TEl 714 2~-$211 FAX 71~ 2-1& 9215 ADJ~CENT LOT CN.I.C.) '' AS BUILT" _..Jl.-0-• ..-'. ____ _ REVIEWED Bl· ' /'', :,, / //1\ RRIGA TION NOTES, LEGEND AND DETAILS - SHEET 7 CL4.D y, IRRIGATION SPECIF!CA TIONS - Sf---JEETS 14 CL 7.D A.ND !5 CL 7.2) REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD -~SH~~TS I A-SST. PLANNING DIR£~T-OR ANO' DISTRl€T ENGINEER PRIOR TO ~ ---PLANNIN-G--D-El"ARTM_g_NT IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. APPROVED~ ____ ,/~~tc-u f---+---l----------~---+----! ASSISTANT t-lNING ·oiRECTOR DATE 1-D-AT-E+-BY--+------D,-S,-.R-IPT-,o-N--------l-.-pp~'O~~ DWN eY----!:=....- ------~--.J CHKD BY---=~- REVISIONS rlELD BY PROJECT NO. PD 457 DRAWING NO. 350-3L 1: I: l I' • i I, I '· 1, I; ' I, I ' r I. I: ' I ' ' I l I I. r. j; I !· ' I I I I ' i i ' I I I I i I ! i !. ' ' i ,, ,· CMWD 96-233 ~® 1112s;9s L3.3, ,. l I I I I .----- . i--- I I \ I ',I\ / BUILDING 1 -LOT 50 • • I I • \ r \ . . _., / \ ' ., .. , 5 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND rRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I ... _-1,--,.,.. :. . i' -~j' ~F-11.---l~ - --------------------------------------------------- ------ -~ \ __ , __ I , ' • I \ '\, i_ 31( ---~-----·--"" --.~ --- 1 ' -- / /' v/ \,: • ----------------------- NOTE• MAN.Jt-E SHOWN WITJ-1\/ PAVNG FOR a..ARITY ON-Y. AC1UAL MAIN.-N: L..OCATION TO 8E A l\lM'-JMUM OF' 18' OFF ADJACENT ~SCAPE MO On.a.? OSSTAa.ES TYP. \ ' \ \ ' ' \ --' / ' ' -' -., ,r· ~ '·~'\ ,, '·, ,'/ -.:: .. // / I , \: '~' N / -:-◊ ~-- __ .S "''"",..'~- FOR IRRIGATION NOTES, LEGEND AND DET A.ILS SEE S1-lEET 7 (l~.t) FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS SEE S1-lEET 14 (L 7.D AND 15 CL 7.2) ' '· ' ' , "" I DOlvESTC WA 7cR PRE5&P.E CALCULA TON, I . ---I I.. WATER riCTER f'I..M._"ER 51 WA ftQ rK::TEQ ~CE ,,. Hr D~ -'.LlC f~ADE lNE NIA l~Aff.Q M"TfJ;' flEVATION NIA B£V.A Xlr-J .)=@-.::E-' -WA ----ST A TC PRF.SSIJQf. ,J'>SIJ-----1~3-------- I_ REMOTE CONTRQ V.~L'IE • I Ra10TE CONTROL VP..L\/E SCE 5' ---.. RCV. DEMAND 1GPl1-0 40 ro-,\L DfMAIII) <GPMI -10 RC.V. tl£VATION NIA ST A TIC i'k'ESSLP: AT Q. CV 70 -·· ISEE Er .. SCk'"!"DON PS LOSS ~ S9<'/Cf lll-.f I Oo PS I .. 2' WATER 1,ETEQ 2 L3 p-;, ---2· BACr:FLOW FQEVENTEl2 3 1~0 F'S: .,. Mt.Sl EJ.' [XJNTROL VALVE 4 :-:.o :PS ------L O• BA:'l"J:T STRANE(/FL T<ATION 5 10 'PSI L 2' lii1i VAl'IFS I --· 6 0,5 PSI 3' Q56 =EET OF 1-'.ANJ.IE T'I PE CL 315 i 13 PSI FEET OF MAr, .Ne TYPE ------------8 0 PSI 15' RENOTE CONTROL VALVE Q 40 P31 ICt LA TERtl U·JE LOSS K) 30 PSI ici RTTNGLOSS I 2.5 PSI ---FT BEV A 110N C~A~ <F.OC. TO 00.CST e-EADl -----r. 0.0 PSI I ---TOTAL S)STEM PREss.RE LOSS (SI..M ni= cl l'riRU oi'.c) 13 :,q '2 PSI PRl"SSIJ2E 12001.J<'E'D AT 1-f' AD 14 300 PSI TOTA[PJ;ESS.RE R:'O...RED CSLM OF <113 /:.ND • "4J 15 5•? PSI ST A TIC WATEJ:! PRESsu:'i: <A?OM A80118 -It, l'.!30 f-lt1l RE51DUAL PRESSLll'E r5 IST~tsCT n 15 FRO/vi • lo' Ii 038 PSI ·-SET PRV OR ,V{_;'/ AT ,• 15 PLU5 10 PSIJ rg 708 PSI PQE',S,'$1.!RE BOOST, f Qf'OiJRfD i,f.-•~ , 20 P511 -r, 00 PSI '"'" "'',,....,, ' '-", NOTEr LOCATE EXISTING MASTER ASSOCIATION MAINLNE AND CONTROLLER WlRE AND JNST ALL IN SCJ-.l 80 SLEEVE WITH A MINfr-.UM OF $6' COVER (TYPICAL. AL.I-NE:W DRIVEWAYS) ' NOTE• EXISTING MASTER ASSOCIATION IRRIGATION IN n-ns AREA MUST 81:: REPAIRED AND REVISED TO A CONDITION SATISFACTOr:?Y TO THE MASTE:R ASSOCIATION (TYPICAL ALL NEW DRIVEWAYS) ' "'"" ,,~ '~ '-,. "'-.., . . ' ,__·-"':_C~~~ .fW M-'VN- f',.v/MIN-/D tx;;~ f5.i.:;tvt,J13'-/(:JcSftrt · - ------------ BUILDING 2 -LOT 51 , •• 0 NOT TO SCALE /,· .. ' , ' KEY MAP 1111 - ACTIJAL. POC 1.0CATION TO BE AS DESIGNATED BY WATER DISTRICT MO OWl'a<S AUTI-ORIZEu m->k1::oENT A Tll/E, CONTRACTOR 81-w..L VERF'I' ALL POC AND MANJl'.E ROUTNG N=O:.>MA TION PRIOR TO COMME\ICI~ WORK. CONTRACTOR SHA!.!. 6E RESPONSBLE F'OR COfvA...ETE NST Al.I.A 110N Of AU RE=QUIRED COlvPO'-ENTS OOWN-STQEAM OF TI-E PROPOSED METI::R. SYSTEM DESIGN STATIC WATER PRESSURE IS 70 PSI WITH A MAXIMJM DE:fvl.AN0 OF 40 GPM, CONTRACTOR SHt>J.l:VE:Qlf'Y ALL POC ll'FORMATION 1'-1 FIE3.D PRIOR TO COMMENCNG WORK. NOTl9 IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE CONl'ECTED TO RECI..Al!vEO WAT61 POC N TI-E FUTURe. $,STEM STATIC WATER PRESSLRE SHALi. 8E VERl9ED AT TIME OF CONVl5?SION AND SYSTEM 51-lALL BE ANALY21::0 TO VE:1.2Fr ADEOUATE WATai' PRESSLRE: TO l2UN SYSTeM VE=R!Fl' ,ll,L.l.. Ct-LCUL..A T10NS Al'-0 MOPFICA TION3 wm-, OWl'ER'S AUT.-IORIZED REPRE;SE;NT A T1VE PRIOR TO COMME3\ICJ\IG WORK. MA TCl-lLINE -SEE SHEET 6 CL3.5) "AS BUILT" REVISIONS MUST 6E APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, I SH!ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO '-:=::::"=::::..:::==:P:::LA::::N::::N::::l:::N::::G::::::::D:::E::::PA~RT';::M=:E:=N::::T==~t____n__j==·===: 10 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH RI D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1!1. 714 2411-9211 fAX 714 2-18 921~ \~~ IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. r /~6-o/?' LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN 't,;tr ~ r 0"'='"+' =-j-6oj2i-'--'0--'TY_OFC_ARL_ssAD_c_oRR_ECT_IONS ____ --I---I CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER 0312011 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD CCHUIECTIONB ~ Ur?J ~----,__...... LOTS 50 & 51 RE:\IIEWED BY DATE BY DESCRl?TION JHSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS APP'D DWN BY_-'=-- CHKD sy_...lli' __ rlELD BY PROJECT NO. PD 457 DRAWING NO, 350-3L ~--------------------------------M--A .... T~C--l-l_L_IN-E----S~E .... E~S"."""l-l~E~E .... T~5--("."""L~3.--4".""") ----------------------------------------, ! __ ,, __ n --,, __ ', ✓ ', ~ ~. ~ // '\, ' ' ', ,, ,..,-\ " , \' \ / . / ✓ // ,,( / '✓-,' ,, , =±tf.t>-11'-/Pft:i~~£~JHH0_ ---,,_ w~:_yyy~ -10 'a>v""~ --. ~--- ~ ,. ·----·-·---- / \ ADJACENT LOT CN.1.C.) \ ' ' -";?"-rv1Afp_-r_-1-t,€ft(NPY)(Jfa_ _~ ,/ / '• ~, I -, \ . /'f?rvr1:v·-~ l8dOCJv'~ APPROVED FOFt PLANTING AND fRRIGA TION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. --------------- -/ ·J 0, I,, / :}\\, '/ \1:;0 ,,,, // ' // / / '// _________ j°J:<A1Hl.AH!.'! !' ~f..11" ·ctJ~=c.- ---_-~TYelthk -!$''CW~ _ _ -~· NOT TO SCALE • I • ADJACENT LOT CN.I.CJ r-:-:-•• --:.""",-c. "";C,.;':-,, ·'"'"'· ·""" .. ,. ... , ...... . .• ·:-;..•:~• : .. .,_7..~::,--.:: .. ~-~., ·~··· . . . . ~ ... •• '. '. • • J • .r. l', . . . . . . ,, . .,. ,, . . ~, ' • > ' •• ' ' ... • •• ............ ., ' KEY MAP 0 ••we: z (.JOT8 MAlr-.t..N= SHOWN \/'Im-IN F'AVm FOi? CLARrn' ON.. Y, ACTUAL MAN...IN": LOCATION TO BE" A MNMU'-A CF 18' Of'P ADJACENT 1-!AADSCAPE AND OTI--ER OBST ACl:ES TYi". BUILDING 2 -1 LOT 51 . ' ,· .. ' • ...:..YI Nllfffl7~t'-ee-lft1VP af$ ____ __' __ ' ' "\, . ' oo..cu .. wAil' 10 20 40 .. 60 ✓ ~W$~ ;,-,$5> ✓------:z ~ ! 1,._;.,__v, '\'{, ~ ' I ~ ~\. I .JI .,.._ (J· -~ ~'I;_;?:./ ~--- 1Yfl cAv -rs11001,,13K-~~~-. / RI~ 4 ~ LAN CP ARCHITECTS -,, AS BUILT-" ~0 f!i{Bf REVIEWED BY; ✓ / T(· .· Ii I - /~-.!~:_---~ m111 I i 31 1 ~-: / -H-k"'-=--l--:.:____ 1$14' , /; CROSSOVER OF'rotf AN I I PW MAN -l2C MAN TO 13( 1 1 SLEEVE() PER NOT!= 16, 3/4 -l SI-EET LO.O ()} -~ ' ~ . . ---3' t-PiJMtJHt':;-( ~fflf-!f,'--= --=-:. .;; -::..~_-__ a.i~ 'f'Yl"l~ .. ,e-,..~ :_::=---=- , ~- I I • I I ;' l I , ' I 4' / ,' / / I / ! ,' ,,------y--NOTE• EXISTNG MASTER ASSOCIATION IRRIGATION IN Tl-llS AREA MJST / ' BE REPAIRED AND REVISED TO A CONDITION SATISFACTORY TO THE MASTE:R ASSOCIATION (TYPICAL ALL NEW DRIVE:WA YSl ' REVI-SIONS MUST BE APPROVED BYP-UBIJC H-EALTH-ENGINEE~. ~, CITY OF-CARLSBAD I SHE:E:TS I ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO ~ PLANNING DEPARTl,H'.NI_ 21 IMPLEMEN:ATJON IN FIELD, -------f---J 1 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN 02/21113 HK 2 CITVOFCARLSBADCDRRECTIONS IICARLS'BAD RESEARl'H CENTER 03.120113 HK 3 CITY Of' CARLSBAD CORRECTIONS ------+-~ LOTS 50 & 51 ----------+----l APPROVED / ;l.·f"·ft I ' ' I I I I' I! • Ii ' 'I I. SCALE AND NORTH m.. ?U. 2.ffl-9111 ,AX 714 2411 921~ JtJ,(p• 1€2 f--D_AT_£....._BY_,_ ___ _ DATE REVISIONS DESCRIPTION APP'D DW>I BY·--""'-~ CHK~ n_R __ PD 457 DRAWING NO. 350-3L FIELD BY CMWD 96-233 ~ t L3.5 : -----------. __ f:'.'._ 11/26/96 : . ..JI! Ille I I In!' 11ml BASKeT S-r.? SC!-l.80NPPLE :,· NPPLE. TYP CONa2ETE VALVE BOX WI CONCl-!E I E WD <BROOKS OR EQUAL} ~111 "I 11 . 1_1]1_111 111_111= 1i'11 111ffi (J ~ »r;::,/oc!)o0.~0 c O• ~ U•o o • € •oei •go:?sfeiei:oo r-EMALE AOAP>TR~ t SCJ..l 80 L.NION ---- ------------------- :,,14• CR\JSI--ED Gl<Ava ---' 2 CWC FEE:T l<eD BRICK SL.PPORTS AT ALL 4 CORI\ERS @ BASKETSTRAll\ER R/P Dl=VICE: WI WYE: sm. I AN) PRESSU<E REGLLA TOR BRASS NIPPLE::::,----, 4' MN (T'(P) BRASS RIS6'S-l-ENGm AS Rea. F'INISH GRADEl p r~ASSa.= /v :) ASSLNON i·fvl'N.IM l • MI\M..M FROM P,O.C-~_:,"-"'""~ ,ml ,- ~=! 11_;· i~dJ~ -'/n'=-TO MAN.IN= INST ALL SACKR.OW DE=VICE A.S PER C.\.1.W D . .ST At-OARD DRAWNG ~ W-20 ------------- CON'EC70N TO PVC MAN.1\1:: TO i:3E MADE: L.J..."ilNG FE'-'IALE ADAPTERS AND 50-l 80 NPPLES @ SACKFLOW ASSEMBLY '---------POP-lP SF'RIN<I..B2 1-EAO WITH RECt.P,ME'D WA TI.'R 't-P CAP r----FNISJ-.IED Gi<ADE ! TOP A.USI--I WI F.G. N TLl<F AREAS TOP V2' ABOVE F.G. IN $l-4<L8 AREAS SCe-l 80 NIPPLE, LENGTI-l =I I l:=111--AS l<EOURED i 11, Ii 1111 JI I I MARI.EX ST~E:T l::L.L AtD • j I= I PVC Tl--PEADED ELL (90) -1 SCH. 80 NPPLE (6' MNJMJM) _ _,i, ,-MARLB< sma::r ai. our Of" LArc:1<AL Ut-.E FITTNG LATERAL LN:', OEPTI--1 AS SPECIPIED IN LEGEND 1-1:AO TO 81: NSrAJJ.EO, Z' Fi<OM ALI. ClJ<8t.JG -4· FROM"ACL WACKW1>:rs-- 12' PROM />.LL BUll.DNGS AND WAU.$ @ POP-LP SPRINKLER HEAD SYl\£0L Q T H F ~ ,& _.__ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ,~ e • ~ (:, e ,,i .., .. " ----------·· -- NOT SHOWN IEJ IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND MAIU"" ACT. MODEL NO. / DESCl<FTION GPM _ ___c_c_::__c___:'---'---'--=---'-'---------"--=--=-==-'-'--=_:_:__--=----'----_:_::_-----------------~ ·-----·--·-·----------~--------·---• PSI i<ADUS DETAL RAN BRD RAN 8IRD RAr-J SJQD i<ANBW i<ANBll<D RAN81RD 1812-SAM--I0-1.A-PCS-020/030/040 PCf'-lP SeRL8 1--EAD WIN.P. C.A? 1812--SAM-0-1.Af'CS-040/060/090/175 POP-lP SH<l.13 laD WIN.P. CAP ~-SAM-!2--PCS-0001090/J:25/160 POP'lP SI-RI..B 1-eAD W/NP. CAP re•SAM,'5--PCS-090/125/175/370 POP-lf' SI-RU3 1-EAO W/NP. CM' IBl2-SA',J--f>E$1 /SST-PCS-060/125 POP,U, SI-la.a 1-eAD WIN.P. CAf> 1806-SAM-5F-B-f'CS-040 STl<l=AM El 8EI.J32 WIN.P CAf> ----------------- VALCON 5000 S':REG ADV. ON ALLS~ WI LOW !-€AD OOAINAGe F'.O.C. T tvi: I a:? Wfll--1 Z' SERVicE LJoE .20, .w, .40 .39, .52, ,79, L57 h5, .87. I.?>, 26 .93. l23, 1.85, 3.70 .61, l:2l 0.40 30 30 30 30 30 30 5 FT IO FT 12 FT 6PT 4Xl5 FT 6N A A A A A A ---------- NIA N/A ------------------------·------------+f"-NISl--l--:,,---;;-i----_-_-_-_-_-_-PLA---,S,--TIC--:--REC--=:--T--A-NGUAR~,----:-,Vc:-A--L--,-VE=-:OO=:-X--W-:-:lll-l=--:--=80l.c:-:-:T::-::-OO::cWN,-,-:-,----,!-----rOP--Or'-M..L--C!-l-1-------PI.-A_S_TIC __ V_A_l.VE--BO-X------i TOP OF MJ..~ PLASTIC VP!.VE SOX ~~/ / ~~ ~ Z-™ ru ~~~~Ni!_~APE l.AYB!, F.G. +3" (I? WI Pl.RPLE LIDl ,._ ,..,. WI ..,. .....,. "' U0) AREAS EDGE. 1-cA T OOMO 'FS' 01'ff0 LO CPLRP\.E LIDl. LA '!'!:R, F."" •3" "" •'--""'•= =-=--ON [El NOT SHOWN □ FE8CO WLKNS ~YWAl10 8-ZS'f' 5eRES, ? RIP SACKR.OW PRr:oVENTION ASSE:MBL Y 500i-LJ< SERES, 2' Pl<ESSl.RE REGU.A TOR, NST ALL ON BACKR.OW ASS(., SET Fl':R PReS5LRE CALCI.LA TJCN MOOS->17?-BASKET STRAN3! 2' SIZE W/ 80 M::$-4 f'L i~ EiE:Ma--rr 8 s C _,___ __ Ft._o_w~sb~SEE t.EGENJ POR c,<""cc,.,.---,.,A TI~~-J 11~.J.,~ • ~-~-I~=~· ~,.,J!;::::::=:::::rr;.~~ ;;;;~;;;.;I ;;;;;;;lll;j=_·I '~ -.,.__ FNSl-ED GRADEN Sh!<\.B AREAS ;:;;l_ill,=r-ll-24 WIRE LOOP :111-11-= J II 111=1 _, M"N =iEIII Jlc-4!= lllll1IWll!l1i 1=1 ml I r,;J__U ~ l · ~-,-_ 24' .,_,,. l.,.,,..,., ~ 11::::b:fiL -ill~-l=-1--:J J_ 11 t= / L ifiilllmia,m11r,c ""''" vvr I 1=111=:: --'lTT=lT, -----'1,.Yil 11 f ~ ~A~ •. MAf\LJ!\E ... ~ =•,,GR-AV.,· ~j::,::: '-----SALL VP!.VE: TWO Ct..EllC R:ET ® BALL VALVE ~--ST A.t--U:SS STEEL ENCLOSLRE SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICA TKlN .----r-11----RRIGAllONCONTROJ.LE? GFI TYPE: SWITCI-I G W/ ON-OFF SWIT0-1 TERMNAL S1W AND CONiROi. Wl<'ES r PVC 1:LECTl<ICAL SWEEP l"Ol:1 R.OW SENSOR WRES E:POXY SEAi ANT COI\CRETE PAD AS PER E3'1CLOSURe: MAN..FACTIJ;:>E;R"S SPECACA TION -FINISH GRADE ~• f"VC 13.ECmtCAL SWEEP FOR LOW VOLT AGE-CONTROL Wli<E'S r PVC E=L.ECTRICAI. SWEEP A:R DO VOLT POWEi< WRES T------3/4' X 96' COPPER Gi<OU-O ROD Cot--N=CT AS f"S< MAN..l"AC~ CD CONTROLLER ST~T SLRFACE t 3.5FEET POTASLEMAW~----- <SEE IMPl<OVSveJT DRAWNGS) 12' MNM...M ~ \la<!TICAL SS"ARATION NOTe ALL RECIAtvEO WATER RRIGATION PPN3 At-0 5U:EVES SHALL EE PlRPLE AND~ AS ~FlED IN• 'STANDARD SF'ECFICATIONS POI< Pl<IVATE" RR!GATION SYSTI:MS' 'CAaSSAO l2ECLAMA rlON taLES AND REGL.LA TIONS F012 CONSTRUCTION OF ReeCLAIM<'D WATE'R MANS' OCTOBER 1993 (9 POT ABLE MAJl'LINE CROSSING •i-o----CONCRETE T~T • • • · • -' BLOCK, TYPICAL '----L~___I----C ---MAN.J'IE PPE , ---F--LI\JDJSTl.RBEDSOL 90~aL • Tt--i2UST 13.0CKS TO BE I a.8JC FT OF CONCRETE • ~JST aOCKS TO SE USED FOl2 ;',' ANO LAl<G6l PLASTIC PFE • WRAf' PLASTIC FITTJ\'GS USl'JG EILACX PIPE TAPE • ALL CONCRETE TO Bl': PORTI..AN) CEMENT 420-C-2000 @ TI-IRUST BLOCK C;~~rlll[!~t~~I~M'l~-"-"~~ c:-, ["-. ( . ·,\ -•-BRICK SLPPORTS ~-------LANJSCAPE FAOOIC 3/4' ROCK. 2 O..OIO FT. '-------------PVC MAN.N:: PA= TO MA~ VALVE NOTl::t PEi2 ~ At-0 PLAN. NST Al.l. Fl.OW SENSOR AS PER Tl--E MN-LF AC11.RER"S RECOMvH-DA TIONS, ~i<E TO Ri<IGA TICt,J CONTI?Oi.l5'. use 45 DEGREE Ell.5 TO AC/--E\/E MAN.l\E DEPn-l ON 71-E DOWN--$112EAM 9:lE OF Tl--f'; A.OW SENSOR, . . . .... .. ,..,. '" '" . . . . . . . . " . . ... ' ., . '"""'"'"'"'""'"' . . . . . . . ,.,,.,..,, .. ,,,,.,,,, .... ~6 t-fcAPTSr"__J" ----1 · --' 't --.. -. SCH. 80 l.l\lON---:'.__J 3/4' CRUSI-ED GRAYa TWO CUBIC FEET BRICK Sl.PPORTS -----------~ MASTER VALVE .'--c;a.i 80 PVC NIPPLE. TYP @ FLOW SENSOR ._ ....... ______ ::::::; _ __:_ ______ __:_ ____________ -+-----------------------------, TOP OF~<;; 7 PLASTIC VALVE 60X LA n:'f<, F.G~ ' 112" WI PUl2PLE LJDl ~I VALVED TAG ~ I t=='I It 24• WRE LooP i-¥Ji 1 -· ;-I ·:: ~ w,mimrn!ll!1pmh} PVC TI-0. ELL SCl-l.80PVG '----1"'9'---11----CONTROL VAL VE .,,,, "'"""""'"' -· ........... , .. .. • • T • --+--'11-.---SCH. 80 PVC NPPLE CT'rPl . '...... . ...... . --- -- 80-l 80 LNO ~ ' 314' CRUSI-ED GRAVEL ___J TWO a.EiC PEET WIGATION WATER MAN.t-.e------' OOCKSI..PPORTS----------~ (8) REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 0-EAN CO!vF'ACTE;O -------~ SACJ<FU. PAVING, SY Oil-i=RS--..,----,."""'77"'-r,--,,,-,::,--i,-,,.,--,----,-,7777777"' =' 'lrw 1/ / -·1/, -2. •.• ✓.f -. I~~ LN)ISTI.J<BJ=O son.. -n~· '@JQ~ =111-;·~ Ill LATERALLll-.eNSI.BeVE =~ WI 50-l 40 FOR PEDESTR!AN : = =: -~ SQ.I 80 FOR VEl--lCl.E -1 I 1-1 I = :ill ill 1--J---.----~'\i~ -.!.!.!.-ill ~~EEVES,...s --.-~i U 1-W= MAll'U-E $Ll:EVE" SCI-I 40 LN:>E:R Pf'DESWIAN PAVING =111=1 I I MAll',U,E SLEEVE SCl--l 80 L.NDER VB-llCLE" PAVlNG =I I 1=11 I= TAPE CONWOL WIRES TO MAlr-u.E I 6' I 10 FE:ET ON CE:NTE:R '" -. DEPTI-< AS Sf-OWN OR ON C~ SLAB FOR ON STh'UCTlRE NST ALLA TION. SLEEVES ;H;?OUGJ-4 WALLS BY OTI-ERS. @ SLEEVE INSTALLATION ME I BJ 1:!0X WI 11..1E1ER ---·-----, SIDEWALK--------~ OIJRB----:..,L,--lL..--rf-u-'---~==-1 APPROX. 8 12" MNMLM POTAa.E SE:RVICE Ul'-e RECLAIMED WATER RRIGA TION MAN.t-E W/ SUZ-,'5--" NOTE> VERTICAL CU=ARANCe OF 12" MINlJMUM IS MANJATORY W!--EN Ci<OSSNG PATl--l OF A POTA131..e; WAT51 t.r---.e. INSTALLATION OF 1<ECLA1rvED WATER RRIGATION M/->N.I\IE 24' FROM PACE OP SIDEWALK WLL PROVIDE TI--E i'ECESSAi:?Y IQ' I--IOl<IZONr AL CLEARANCE R?OM POT A8LE' MAIN .. IN= tJ TI--E STl<EET. ,:&!) POT ASLE: SERVICE LII\IE CROSSING QlJCK CC'lU"L.~---H---- PlNCl--1-Lc+c -~ a.AlvlPS ~Gi<A~j: 01'-E CU3IC FOOT 30· l<EBAR ST AKJ:,----.,~u PU>.STIC VALVE BOX (IO" W/ PLRPLE LID> .. , .. , ..... .. , .... , .... .. OUCK COLPl.B2 TO SE i<"i=a.t~D WATER TYPE 8PKE5 ARE NOT TO BE I\ TERCHANGEAl3LE W/ POTAEILE OC "<"'o-----13i<ASS SWING JOINT ASSBva. T w..N.l\E SCI-I. 40 PVC TEE @ QUICK COLPL-ER CLEAN COII/PACTeO -------~ £3ACKFU (2) WARt-,.1\G TAPES FNS1-ED GRA~ ...-..... -...... ...,..--__,__---t--,,....., ..... .,.,., ;I I l1 1U U\OISTlRBED SOL : I =12" 1..------=,I Ii~ MAN.N::MO CONTROl..\ol/lRES TAPE COl\i'Tro.. Wl:1!':S TO MAN.IN:: 10 PEET ON CE"NTEl2 DEPTI--lS SI-IOWN Ai<E FOR IN GROLND J\JST ALLA TJONS. ON STh'UCTI..RE l\lST ALL P1Pt-JG AT DEPTH SI--IOWN OR AT CONCl2E1E $..AB DEPTI--1, Q) PIPE INST ALL.A TION -------------·-------------------------------------------------- IE 1121 ...... @ • [l [El [El _,. __ _ DATA NJJSmAl GRJSWOU) KBI taSON RAN~ w.cs. w.cs. NIA R.OW $S\ISOR 11<-no--P L5' A.OW S6\ISOI< 2000E-2' "!EPOX'f' RJSB)" MASTI:R CO\l'TROL VAL VE \fl/LT·XXX·S PVC Tla.E LNON' BALL VALVES LtE SIZE TO Z' MAXMJM 7645 NON-POTABLE OUCK COlFLEI< VALVE. l"-1 IO' ro.ND VALVE BOX 13"9-CP SERES ElRASS RBvlOTE CON'fROL VALVE, SIZE AS $1-IOWN t-BIC·XX--CSS--f'S CONTT?Ol.LER A$$EMBL Y, SIZE AS SHOWN NV/ S.S. ENCt.OSI__J;/E AS PARr CF ASSEtvlEl. Yl RAN SE:NSOR, RG/RG-VR AS PAl<T OF CONTROL.LB? ASSEM3L 'I' !ZO VOLT aECTOCAL POW!::R, PROVIPeO SY E:U:Cil<lCIAN, VE:J...'Fr AC1UAl. l.OCA TION N FEI.D AS AP?l<OVEO ~ WATER PVC PIPE (COLOR CODED) 3/4' -3' a.. 200 AS LA1132AL LN=S 12" BELOW GRADE E D F' G 1--l WA NIA J AS APPl<OVEO l<ECLAI\CD WATER PVC PIPE CCOLOO CODED) 3' CL. 315 AS MAN.1'€5 24' Ela-OW GRADE' J AS AF?ROVED ReCLAM:D WATER PVC PIPE (COLOR CODrol SCI-I. 40 W/18' COVEi:! F'CR MAN ANJ \NIRE e IZ' C0\/82 FOR LATERALS K AS $LEEVNG U\0132 PEOESTl<IA!\J PAVING AND S(',1--1, 80 W/ 36" COVER POI< MANS, LATIERALS ANJ WIRE AS SLEEVING 1.1-0ER ve-lCI.J..AR PAVN3 VB-JICLLAR PAVNG, TWICE T1-E DlAM::TEk' OP 71--E PPE OR WRE BUNDLE CARl<IED. PLACE BELOW ALL PAVt'1G, HAmSCAPE, ETC .. ANJ N3 DIRE=CTED SY 011'/1\ER'S AL/Tl.jQRIZE"D RE"PRE$6'1TATIVE. AS APPROVED RRIGA TION CONTROL \11/ll<E 1114LF AWG DIRECT BURIAL QJL APPROVeDJ .J,l< NO SYt,,18a. RAf\J aRD ST-03 GREY 'SNAP-TTTE' WRE COI\NE'CTOl<S ANJ PT·SS SEALER NIA NO S'!11113a. T. ~s REa.MH) WATS! 1//>l\/E lD. TAGS. Ot\e P6< l<.C.1/. o.c.v .. e.v,, F.$., M.C.V., AN) AS REOLM:D BY CNME!?S ALITl-lOR\ZED ~AiM: J,K NO SYI-IBOL ~ ALL VALVE: BOXES ARE TO l3E PLRPLE" COLORED PLASTIC nPE W/ l<ECLAIMED WATER r,.,W2l(t.JG5 AN) SOLT OOWN LOS NIA ,,-----~VALVE 1'J.M3E!2 ~ 35 ~PM ~ -,-_s-,-+-- ~----vALVJ: SIZE IRRIGA TlON NOTES t,.LL LOCAL MLNCIPAL AND STATE LAWS, RU.ES M-0 REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATII\.G TO ANY PORTION OF THS WOl<K t,QF"A HEREBY NCORPOl<A TED l\iTO /,~,D MADE A PART OF Tl-lESE 5PECIFICA ;ION$ AfJD THEIR PROV1$10hJS SHALL l3E CARRIED OUT SY THE CONTRACTOR. 1_ T>-E CONTl<ACTOR SHALL VERIFY Tf-E LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILIH:'S. STRUCTURES Ar-.O SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THIE i.OCA TIONS Or uT11.1T1es, $1RUC1URES AND SERVICES s:--IOWN IN THESE ?1_.ANS ARE APPRO\IMA Tc ONL 'f. ANT DISCRCPANCIES BETWE"E"N THESE ?LANS AND ACTUAL FIEl.D COl,DITIONS Sl·l/.,LL BE REPORTED TO T'J-,JE 0V/N6?"S REPRESEl'>JT A TIVE 3. me CONTl<ACTOR SHALL. OBTAIN Tl-€ Pl::""R-INENT ENGNEERING OR ARCHITECTURAL Pl.ANS BEFORE 81EGJN~Jl·JG WORK 4 7HE CONTRACTOI< SHALL OBTAIN AU .. NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED ~0 PE:Rr0RM T>-E WORK INDICATED HEREIN 8EFORe BEGINNING W012K. 5. -HIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC t-Lt. EQUIPMENT SHOWN N PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIC,'l CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO 81= INSTALLED WITI-UN PLArHING AQ1;:AS V'/1--11::QE'VE'R POSSISI.E: 6. DO NOT WILLFULLY NSTAIJ. ANY EOUIPMENT AS SI--OW~J ON TI--E PLAN$ Wf-cN If ~, 08V10US IN 7 ec f-lELD TµA T UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THA.T WERE NOT EVIDEl,T AT THE TIME THESE PL.ANS WERE: PREPARED ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHJ'-.Ll. 8::: BROUGHT TO THE:: A TTENTJON OF THE CWNl=R'S REPRESENT A rive P..'101< 7 0 ANT WOi<"K OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AN, FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESS!--RY BY THE OWNER 7. INST ALL ALL EOUPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DET All.S AND SPECiACATIONS CONTR/>.CTOR $1-.AL!. BE RESPONSH.E TO COlvlPL Y WITH L-OCAL-Clfl, COuNr, At,D $TATE REOUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION 8 ACTUAL LOCATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OP' 71-IE SACKPLOW PRE:VE:NTE . .? AND 71-IE AUTOMATIC CONTi;.>OU.ER IS TO 8E DETE:RM11'ED IN ThE FlEl-D GY :H:: OWNE:1-<'S AUTI-JORIZED RE"RESENT A TIVE AND /',PPQOVED BY Tl-IE CM.W.D. BACKFLOW SPECIALIST. 9 CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL PILOT WRE TO TI-E END OF TI-E MAINLlt,.E i:?lN IN TWO DIR8CTIONS FROM TI--IE CONTl<OLLE:i<, 10, Al.L PIPE LINDE'? PAVE"D AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH 40 • SLEEVE TV/ICE 11--'E DIAMETEI< OF THE PIPE CARRIED. ALL Y'lli<E: UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH 40• SLE'E'VE THE' SIZE REOURED TO EASIL l PULL WIRE T-lRQIJC;H ALL SLEEVES TO 13!= 11-.ST ALiED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON Ti--.E SLEEVING DET tJL-S. SLEEVES TO exTEl'-:D hT LEAST 1'2" PAST THE EDGE OF TJ.;E PAVING. Al.I. Sl.E'E'VE$ TO BE" AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. (• SCI-I. 80 IN VEI--IICU..AR ARE/',S) U, ALI. OUCK COI..PLE"R VALVES TO 8E INST.AU.ED N SHRUB OR GROLND COVEQ Ai<EAS WHERE POSSIBLE. ALL OUICK COUPI.ER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN 0\1 Tl~E INST ALL.t>.TION DET ,':,IL$, INST ALL ALL OIJICf~ COUPLER VALVES \NITHIN :8· OF HARDSCAPe. 12 ALL HEADS t-t:'e TO 8E INSTALLE:0 WITJ.I THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SI-IOWN Ot-J THE PLAt£. AL:. HcADS ARE:A TO BE ADJJSTE"D TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDl~JG, WAl.LS. FENCes A'J[) HA:;>DSCAP!-= T-11S INCLUDES, BUT IS \10-LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIPFUSER PN OR ADJUST,\>IENT SCREW, REPLACElvlENT OF PRESSUR':: CCMPE'NSA TING SCRE:ENS REPLACEMEt~T OF ~lOZZLES WITH MORI= APPROP:;>IA TE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ,':,DJUST ABLE t..RC U-JITS 13. Tl-lRUSTSLOCK ALL (3" MAIN) CHANGE$ OF Dli:?ECTION FOR IRRIGA TlON SPECIFICATIONS -SEE SHEETS L 7.1 e L 7.2 Cl4 e 15) APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ~JJ&dip~ ARCHITECTS ra 11+ 2~9211 rAX 714 Na 9215 "AS BUILT" DATE R.C C. _____ R.C.E. _____ _ INSPECTOR ~ATE ------------------------- REVISIONS MUST 6E APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, I SH7EET II CITY OF CARLSBAD isHErn71 ASST_ PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO '--====-=· =;;;::::P:::LA=::N:::::N:::::IN:::G::::=:::::D:::E:::::P::cA_:_:R::,T::__M-=E=N=T==:"L...!!__j=== IMPL!cMENTATION IN FIELD. r 1 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DETAILS, LEGEND & NOTES ~•="2:::11=:1 ~H=K¥j2p-.::c'=:TY.:c0'c.:c:::ARL:::•:::•AD=co_•RE-<_~n_o•_:_• _______ t-------l CARLS BAD RESEARCH CENTER CITY OF CARLSBAD CORRE!!CTIONS 03/2011 HK 3 LOS 50 & 51 APPROVED I iJ.-t0 -?t ASSISTANT PLAN DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION 1---~~----- R EV IS IONS DWt-r ~y PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. APP'D JR CHKD BY PD 457 350-3l r!ELD 8Y CMWD 96-233_ __ _ _1_0/_4_/9_6 __ L4~1L - I I MOW I Ell.B,JO OR r.a:T" EXI.ST, n.1<F DeT AL Q SI-ff. L6J T-8 \<. ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. • --- ' ! ' ' f / I l . • MA TCI-ILINE -SEE SHEET L5.3 CIO) ' ' . . . ,-. . .... . :•:•:•~~_.,,: . . .. . . -... ' . . . . .. . . . ..... . ~ .. .... .. ' ' ... .. NOT TO SCALE I 0 IO 20 40 I ,! 1: I 'I ' i ' , ! I i I I I I ,, 1· 'I , ,I .I I NOTe E!XIST~NG TQB;;; ·· . ATION i<B.ATl'ile TO ~ ORl\ll::WA Y L ON TO l3E REVEWED N FB..O TO TI-IAT SIGHT Lt-ES !>RE= N01aOCKEO~YE)(J$TNSTR!:ES.~R\IAL~ ~,AS TO i<'EMOVAL Of-li-.EW .J P6i' Clir Of' e'ARLSBAO 13'-JGII\EERNG MD PL<W.NG ClEPAR'TfvENT. ' ' • :, I 1: •:: . I ,·' i .. ii '! ' . I ; I I I 'i '-·:' ' ' ·I '!'iii gsi '~-·- ' ' ! ' I I 1 601 ' . , .. ••• I ;· 1 .• I ... ! 'I .. I· i .: '' ! i : :. i ii! .,.!.1 • • •• Ji I I ' '! I &'Nt§cJ.P~ ARCHITECTS ra. 11• :us-9111 FAX 714 148 9215 I KEY MAP 'SCALE AND NORTH.. I '! '' L_ __________________________________ _ I . I T-2 ' • PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL NO.. SOT ANIC.l\L I COM.MON NAM:: j · SIZE ' ' TREES ® ' ' T-1 ' a..f'Af\iOP$i$.ANACARDIODE:S I CAAOOTWOOD /. T-21 FICIJS RU131GINOSA 1 RUSTY LEAF AG ® T-3 1 LIOUIDAMBAR STYRACIFIJJA / SWEET GUM • ·J' '; ,1 '' 15 GAL : 48' BOX 15GAL 24" BOX o T-4 I MaALEUCA LEUCADENDRDN / , 15 GAL 9A.J:PI.JT TREE -----24· SOX--' i -' PHOE:NiX 0ACT'rl..lF'i:l<?A f · . I 24' BTI-I ' i~ I -f-~ -,~i I ~ I I I I j I ,, ,' -I~ + ♦ Ii 'i ' • 0 S1.faBS · 0 © 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 PATE PALM T-6 ' Pf-US CANAi:;:IIE:NSIS / 9ANARY ISLAND PINE T07' T-8,' 'r-9 S-1 ' '\ S-2 I S-3' 'S-4' ,S-5 S-6' I . I ,$-7 I PLA TA1'J.JS ACl:RIFOLIA 'Y ARDWOOD' / LONDON PLAN= tlF'IJ:ANA TIPU / . TIPU TREE ' • ULM.IS PARVlfOLIA / aM I I hsAPANTI-US AFR!CANUS 1 UL Y-()F--TI-IE-NLE kouGAIWLLEA 'LA JOLJLA' , SHRUB BOUGAIN\ILLEA CARISSA G. 'TIJTTLEf' I TUTTLE'S NAT AL PLL,M . I-IEMEROCAL.1-'IS HYE!RID 'YELLOW' l . YELLOW DA YI..IL Y . UGUSTRUM .J. 'TexANUM' / TEXAS PRIVET PHORMl..M' TS\IAX 'MAORI MAIDl::N' / tr,,1ID-SIZE FLAX li?~IOLEPI$ I. 'CLAi;>A' I NDIA 1-!AWTI--IORN RI-IAPI-IIOLE:P1$ I. 'JACK EV ANS' / NPIA 1-IAWTI-ORN PITTOSPORUM T. YAJ.>IESATA' / VARIEGATED MOCK ORANGc S-10 fl..CLALELCA t'-ESOPI-IILA I 1 PNK MELALEUCA v-1 I: I . : PART~E:NOCISSUS TRICUSPIDATA / 13QSTON IV, L() 7 V-2 ' MACFAP,ENA LNGUS-CATl / I ....I CA TS O_AW • I-GROI..ND COVF.k'S , j' w ·~•• I • W . · G-1 . 1 APTENIA COJ;2DFOL!A / ii '1: ii ;i! ,, :I 15 GAi.. 24· BOX 15GAL 15 GAi.. · 24" BOX 15 GAi.. IGAL 5GAL 5GAL. !GAL ~GAL 5GAL 5GAL 5GAL SGAL 15GAL IGAL, I GAL. f'LATS SPACNG NIA ! : ' I ,, NVA I i '' ' ' NIA ' . NtA·· ,i . ST ANO'ARO C I I ' ST ANDARO 0-' INST ALL ROOT 9ARRERS STANDARD C INSTALL QOOT 1 BAl<RIERS MULTl-TRI.JsK· C· ' ---~ ----------------------•- . ' ' i '' I ' i I .' I:, ' : • I I ' ' '' I I ' I , I l\u'A Nl'A NIA /'VA NIA z o.c. 4'0.C. Z-cf.:,' o.c. zo.c. '].'-6' o.c.' 2'·6" o.c. i ·. 2'-6" o.c. I 3'-6" o.c. : :: I 4' o.c. I I KY O.C. NIA ' ! I ! NIA I I,' I , a·o.c. NIA r I I STANDARD C ' ' STANDARD · c· - I . ' ' 1.1::.Ai"J s i AKI:: AGAINST WALL L.cANSiAl<E: AGANST WALL As A,B AS AB A,B A,B A,B A.B 13 B A ------~-----~· I I-; RED APPLe I • -(f) . . ~ -G-,t ~ONCERA J. 'H.AJ.l.lANA-' I i' . '" . .·. ' ; A.ATS 18" o.c. ' I I· 1 · W · 1-;lALL'S 1-IONEYSUCKLE: 1 I ww . ~ e-s1 i TRACJ-aosPE:RMJM JASMINO!DEs , ~ ST AR JASl,AINE: . 1 □ G--4i'. TURF• R~AR A'-ID RE:PLACE: I I 'Z o.c: ' ! ' HYDROSOO'.i> NlA MA TOJ1 S<ISTIHG Tur.1P J ~ 1 ~ T DISlWBED AREAS . . . . . :r -~ 'I' DENOTES SOL SAMPLI: LOCA Tm -REFER TO ITEM '1-1' OF' PLAl-<fTNG Nares. I . I ~ -qi, :ii Sl-£ET L6J, FOR ADDITIONAL f\FORMATION. I ~ ®: OO~rrY I I I --LEGENJ i:?s=. NO. ' ! I' i I ! ' i ' I ' '' I, 1 . FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES · SEE SHEET L6.I 03) ' FOR PLANTING SPECIPICA TIONS ;.. . SEE SHEETS L 7.3 E L 7.4 (16 ~ 17) "AS· BUILT'' Rev1stoNs MUST ae APPROVED BY PuBuc HEALTH ENGINEER, I sH8EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO '-===::::::==::=::::P:::LA:::N:::::::::::NIN:::G=:::D::::E::::::P:::A:::RT:::::M:=E:';:;N::::T:::==~~='::':: i DATE IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. r- LANDSCAPE PLANTlNG PLAN r"21=2"'+3 "4K r.r· -=-0 'TYc.=.•Fc=CARL=·•BAD.;;;_;;C•= ... =CT' 0-·•------+---l CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER 0312.0/13 HK 3 CITY OF. CARLSBAD CORRECTIONS LOTS 50 & 51 R.C.E, ~~---· R;C.E. _____ 1----11--+--_..;.-+------~----+----, m~~~==:_;;"9::;i!=~=========~ APPROVED /,'•//!Jff REYIEWEI) BY; OAT£ BY DESCRIPTION 1-"'-""--I..C.:....L----+---' IMSPECTOR REVISIONS ' • ' I • ASSISTANT P c="'~;;;:i.,;;,.-----'--- OWN BYr--"'=-- CHKD f!ff JR PROJECT N0. 1 PD 457 F1EI.D BY DATE DRAWING NO. 350-3'. CMWD 96-233 __ 11126/96 --·· LS .. 1 --------------------------------------------------------=-=-==-=====-=·-=-:c...-·=-=--=---=--=--=·=·-=--==-------------------------------------------------------- • I EXISTlN n'P. I . ..--,_. -DETAIL G, SHT. L6.1 ~--. -__ '_ . ,/.. -• -,. -, -.-.,.---< ' /: ---~ .... ' .,,.,...... ""--~ "' / -, ~ ,, ....,.-.--..... ~, ---I \ I \ I ,: ~ ;~-------;-"" \ \ PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL. NO BOT AfslC.A.L / COMMON NAME TREES T ·l CUPAr·JK)PSIS ANACJ.,;,DIOIDES I CARROTWOOD FICUS RU8IGINOSA / RUSTY I_EJ-F PIG LIOUIDAM8A.? snRACIFLUA / SWEET GU~l SCE 15 GAL 4d'BOX 15 GAL. 24" BOX SPACING NIA NIA NIA COMMENTS ST J.,NOAQD STANOAJ20 INSTALL ROOT BARRIERS STANDAQO ll~STALI. ROOT B?-RRIERS DBTA/l..12EF C D C _E-l-",, _ ... +1-+ ----+-=-; ( -·. +__ ' .. +------~ r:·· ~=-.::l:~~~ 4 \~-_±1_!'-~, ~-~""'$c<1------------------------------· ··--------------------------------------0---4-·4---Ma.A.LEUeA LEUCADEN0.?0N f -----__ J,:.--GAI----Ni-A ------------MUI.Jl· :i:RIJN~ C ---- ,. I J ~)--. -___ ,. I I ·,.,... -✓ ".\,_, __ ... , '--I \ 1 ";' . ', •'-.------\. .,... -,, ,.~ / '-, '-. . --~ + -.. · ,-. ' .'_/ \ ''"1,c:;,;{, . '\_, ' ,.,.,--/' .... '\ .... ----.. • • • '~ ••• -........... , 11.· <,...., • /'-·--'.. ~ '-----;....-: ---"' I ~ • 1 Ii 2 T-5 \ ' ........ ·..... • " • J. • • -' . . . . . 5 T-8 2 T-1 BUILDING ' . . . . ' . NOTE: EXISTlt!G TREE LOCATION RELATIVE TO NEW DRIVEWAY LOCATION TO BE REVIEWED IN FIELD TO ENSURE THAT SIGHT LINES ARE NOT BLOCKED BY EXISTING TREES FlNAL DIRECTION AS TO REMOVAL OF TREES IS PER CIT'( OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND 1-'I ANNING DEPARTMENT. j 1 -LOT 50 I / / / ' ' --- \ , . MA TCHLINE -SEE SHEET L5.4 CID APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NOT TO SCALE 0.. J.-.--. ----1 0 10 20 • • • ,I \ 40 \ EXIST. PINES TO REMAIN ~ EXISTING \ -' CARROTWOODS ,,,,. TO REMAIN rn ~ 0 ~ BLEND OR MEET EXIST. TURF \-:n 0 t \ MOWSTRIP PE DETAIL G, SHT\ l6.1 \ 60 KEY MAP SCALE AND NORTH \ ~A1NrRcM ARCHITECTS TO. 71~ Z-13-9211 F.I.X 7U 2-13 9~1S - + • 0 f.HRUB$ 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VINES .... Ct.JEPLJT :REE ;:,4· BOX T-5 P\-OENt-..: DJ-CTYLIFERA / DATE PALM T-6 PINUS CAN.ARIFNSIS / CJ-NARY ISLAND Plf,E T-7 PL.ATAN.lS ACS'.'IF'OLIA I LONDON PLAi'IE T-8 TIPUANA flPU / TIPU TRc'E" f-9 l.LMlJ$ PARVIFO!.lA / ELM S·l AGt.P t..NTI-US AFRtc:::ANUS / Li~ i -0,"-THE f·,JlLE S-2 BOUGA/NI/Li.EA 'LA JOLLA' / SI 4RU8 30UGAIT\:'✓ILLE:A S-3 CA121SSA G 'fUflLE::I' / Tl)C-TLE'S J\cA T ..C.l. PUJM S-4 >-EMEROCALUS i-1,i'!RID ·,ELLOW' I YELLOW D/,YLILt S-5 LIGUSTRU/\1 J 'TE:\\ANUM / TE,AS PRIVET S-6 ~ORM/UM TENAX 'MAO~ MAIDE"N' / MID-SCE FLA\ S-7 RHt-?i-/lQLEPIS I 'CLAi:?A' / INDIA HAvvTµCRN S--8 Rl-iAPi-llOLEPIS I '.JACK ,3.1/ ANS' / INDIA el.AW:i-lORN S-9 PITTOSPORUM T 'VARIEGA TA' / VAC/IE:Gt. TED MOCK ORANGE S-I0 MELALEUCA NE$0Pi-1ILA / PINK Ml::Lt-LE:UCA V-1 P AR1l-E'NOC1$$U$ TRICIJ~:;PIDA.T A / SOSTON IVY V-2 MACFADYENA LNGU/$-CATI / CATS CLt.W '.24" STl-4 15 GAL 24" BOX 15 GAL. 15 GAL 24" BOX IS GAL I G/,L. 5 G.lll-, 5 GAL !GAL 5GAL. 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL :, GAL 15 GAL. IGAL I GA,L G+i'QI_ND COVERS ',j '(-.. .(~ ~ ,, / . -. G-1 APTef\llA COl<DIPOLIA / FLATS ... . . ,.,,. l<l:'D APPLE □ G-2 LONICE.!A J '1--<ALLIANA' / Fl-ATS ;.;ALL'S H01-£l'SLCJ<'.LE [31 G-3 :RACHELOSPER/\ILJM JASlvllNOIDES / I GAL. / -ST I> R J.l..SMINE □ G-4 TURF -REPAIR AND REPLACE HYDROSl"ED AT DISTURBED ARE/~S NIA NIA NIA NIA 2'0C 4'0.C 'J_'-6" o.c z·oc Z-6' OC 1.'-6' OC. ';!-6· o.c, 3'-6' oc 4' oc 1o·oc N/A NIA s· Cc 18" oc 'lOC. NIA $TANOAQD STANDARD STA~JDAl:?D STANDARD l.EAN STAKE AGAINST WAI.L LEAN STAKE AGAINST WALL MATCH EXl'::lTNG TURF DE'sOTE'S SOIL SAMPLE: LOCJ'.TIOM • REFE:R TO ITEM '\-1' OP PLANTING NOTI=S, Si-lEET L6.I. FOR AODi-!ONAL NFQRMA TION ~OUA'lTITY ~LEGENO REF NO. FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES-SEE SHEET L6.I 03) C C C C A.8 AB A.B A.B A.B A.B A.B AS AB A.S B B A A AB FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS -SEE SHEETS L 7.3 AND L7.4 (16 t 17) "AS BUILT" REv1s10Ns Musr ~e APPROVED-~~ -;~~L~C-HE/t.LTH-ENGIN;~R~ \ sH 9 EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD _ \ sHErTs I ASST, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO '"'======P::::LA=:N=N::::IN:::G::==::D:=EP::::A::::R::::T::::M::::E:::N:::-:T::==::'..'::::::::::2=1==::: IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELO. - 1 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN OAT£ i-::'=212~111:+3 .::c"•~•~•ITY.:..:..::••_::cARL=•BAD=c•:::RRE:::CT:;:.:':::::0•::.• ------+----l CARLS BAD RESEARCH CE NT ER 03120113 HK 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD CORRECTIONS ="'--~---+--~ LOTS 50 & 51 R.C.f. ______ l---+-+---------------1---~ ;:=:~=;,;;;:==~;:==::::===========~ REVIEWED BY: APPROVED /:J.•/tJ·9~ ASSISTANT P DATE INS?EC'fOR DATa DATE SY DESCRIPTIO~ REVISIONS D'//H 9Y PROJtCT NO. DRAWING NO. A~P'D CHKD BY JR FIELD llY PD 457 350-31.. CMWD 96-233 11126/96 L5.2 ' ---------------------------------------------__ __,,_,_ ,,,, I I I ...., o' 0 MO DE:T'AL t I y I I; I_..-\ ~ I ilf ~ ' , --. ,: . V A ~ACENT /OT (N.I.C.) SKLZ TENANT IMPROVEMENT . PROJECT AREA SEE SHEETS 18-21---~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. • NOT TO SCALE ( ......:::.::~ ~~1~~-----l \./') c\. \ ) 0 IO 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH I I I I \ -_.,. .... ..-" --.... '----- I 5 T-8 T--6 \ \ \ . ' ' '' I BUILDING 1 w LOT 50 I T-8 ' I I I ~A1N6§c1P~ ARCHITECTS m 7U 2-41-9211 FAX 714 241 9215 \ ADJACEN LOT <N.I.CJ ''AS BUILT'' R.C.E, ----- INSF'tCTOR DATE 2 T-4 PLANT LEGEND SYMt30l-NO, BOTANICAL / COlvlMON NAME T12EES T-1 CLPANIOPSIS ANACARDIOIDES / CARROTWOOD ••• T-:2 FICUS RUBIGINOSA I RUSTY LEAF FIG 0 + ♦ • 0 SI-RUBS 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0· 0 0 LIOUIDAMSAR STYRACIFLUA I SWt:E:T GUM T-4 Mf:LALEUCA LEUCADENDRON / CAJEPUT TREE ·--------- T-5 Pl-'IOE'::NIX DACTYLIFERA I DATE PA'-M T-6 Pll\l.lS CANARIENSIS / CANARY ISLAND PII\E T-7 PLATANLJ$ ACEP.FOLIA / l.ONDON PLANE: T-8 TPUANA TIPU I TIPLI TREE T-9 WMUS PARYIFOLIA / ELM s-r AGAPANTI-US AF'R'ICANUS / LIL Y-OP-TJ..IE-NLE S-2 · BOUGAINVILLEA 'LA JOU.A' / $H.?UB BOUGAINVILLEA S-3 CARISSA G. TUTTLE!' I TUTTLE'S NAT AL PLUM S-4 J..IEMEROCALLIS J..IYGRID ·ya1.ow· / YELLOW DA YLIL Y S-5 LIGUSHIUM J. 'TEXANUM' / TEXAS PRIVl:T S-6 PHORMIUM TENAX 'MAORI MAilDEN I MID-SIZE: Fl.AX S-7 Rl-lAPl-,IQLl=PIS I, 'CLARA' / INDIA HAWTHORN S-8 RHAPHIOLE:PIS L 'JACK E:VANS' / INDIA J..IAWTI-IORN S-9 PITTOSPORUM T. 'VAR'f':.GATA' / VARIEGATI=D MOCK ORANGE $-10 MELALE:UCA NESOPHl!..A / PINK MELALEUCA V-1 PAR1l-ENOCISSUS TRICUSPIDATA / 8OSTON IVY V-2 MACFADYE'NA UNGUS-CATI / CAT'S CLAW GROUND COVERS m G·I ~ G-2 -G-3 ' ' . ' ..... ~ ..... G-4 APTENIA CORDIFOLIA / ReDAPPLE LONICERA J. 'HAWANA' / HALL'S HONEYSUCKl..E TRACI-IEI-OSPERMUM JASMINOIDES / ST AR JASMIN.-: 77..Ji;;>F • REPAR AND REPLACE AT 0ISTURl31=D AREAS SIZE 15 GAi.- 48' BOX 15GAL 24' BOX 15 GAL. 24" aox 24' 13TH 15 GAi __ 24" BOX 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 24" BOX 15 GAL I GAL.. 3 GAL, 5 GAL. IGAL.. 5GAL . 5 GAL. 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL. 15GAL IGAL. I GAL. A.ATS A.J!>,TS IGAL I-IYDJ:?OSEED SPACNG NIA NIA NIA N/A NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA zo.c. 4'O.C. 2'-6" o.c. z o.c. I I I i I . z-6· o.c. I· I Z-6" O.C. I Z-o• O.C. 3'-6' o.c. 4'0.C. 10'0.C. NIA NIA 8'0.C. 18" O.C. 2·0.c. NIA I ' I I : I ! DE:NOiE:S SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION -REFER TO ITEM 'H' Of PLANTING·~ .. : , SHEET L6J. POI< ADDITIONAL 11\FORMA TION. &-f--<QUAN,rtr \B7-. I I . I REVISIONS l..EGEND ~F. Nd. I I . i I I FOR MASTER PLANT LEGEND -i SEE S~EET L5.I (8) 1 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES + · SEE S~EET L6.I 03) 1 fOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS - SEE S1--lEETS L7.3 AND L7.4 Cl6 e 17) PD 457 CMWD 96-233 DRAWINCI N 350-31!. I . ' I I I I I I I I BUILDING --~' ,, ----· -- 1 - ,/ / - , LOT 50" , ,/ /' /" ~ _,_ --- -------· ~-,.- -.. «:. ~.,.Ci.-, .-: .. ~~ .. ' •' ;;::: v9Z: ------ 14 APPROVED FOR PLANT[NG ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. , ,...._ ... / ,/- ./ ✓ ---·- HOT TO SCALE KEY MATCl-lLINE -SEE SHEET L5.2 (9) -- t-Ora EXISThlG 1l<EE LOCATION RaA TM: TO 1'EW DRll/6'VAY LOCATION TO 61;: REVE\11/ED lN F1B..D TO ENSURE Tl-IA T ~T L..N;:S AQf: NOT 13!.0CKED 6Y g)(JSTING TR~S. FNAL Dli<C--CTION AS TO REMOVAL OF TREES IS Pl;'I,' CITY OF CARLSBAO E'NGNE:eRNG AND PLAf\N'.JG DEPARTtven', BUILDING 2 LOT 57 S-3 51 MA I CA[jNE -SE1= SHEE I L5.b ti2J 0 10 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH \ ' 8 ' \ \ ' 'IAY5! ~ ,¼,~ ·,-:, ..... 1 .. ---- ~ I ~GE AND CAPE ARCHITECTS TEL /u ,.,,_,,11 tolX 714 24a n11 \ ' ' \ \ \ "AS R,C,£, ____ _ REVIEWED EY· INSPECTOR '-.... NOTE: INST ALL JUTE NETTING AND CITY APPROVED FLATTED GROUND COVER AT 12" 0.C. ON SLOPES WHICH EXCEED 6:1 GRADIENT. FOR f\.1ASTER PLANT LEGEND - SEE SHEET L5.I (8) I _J_ Dl=T AIL G, SI-IT. L6J ', "· FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTE$'- SEE SHEET L6.I (13) \ / T-2 ,,~\ __ ' /--< .,,,"I, ' . ,-- / ,. -,. BUILT" DATE ' •, ' ' rtc~ARR~ThlG~o~~~,." TO REMAN ,". .... ', , ---~" '. I / '"" \s "'-, ..... '"' FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SEEE S1---!EETS L 7.3 :5 L 7.4 (16 E 17) CARROTWOOD TO REMAIN MOWS AL G, SI-IT. L.6J ' . ~"-., i~rt-~irgg~~rJtJ~~t----ti~ ,~ ,, ______ '-~YJ.'.JJ :m:c I DAT~ 81 DESCRIPTION REVISIONS .., .. ,~ I ,.--- ,; \\: I ,-L . \'-._'i,,,,,f,.:1/ '- '--1-,c3"-,-l -.....,_ T-2 -.,__ j -' - -.._.._. ___________ ------------ ' I / --------------------------------~ ---._ ... ---- 1 j ! ! A ,.JACENT LO CN.I.C.) PLANT LEGEND \ SYMBOi.. NO, TREE$ • •• 0 + ♦ • 0 61-lRUSS ' 0 © 0 (:) 0 e 0 0 0 01 T-1 T-2 T-4 f-6 f-1 T-8 T-9 5-1 S-2 s-s S-4 &-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-IO SOT ANCAL / CO!vMON NAME I QPANIQPSIS /:>NACA CARROTWOOD ACUS l2UBIGINOSA / RUSTY LEAF FIG ' . 413• LKll..OAMBAR STYRACIFLUA / SWEET GUM .....-F'I--OIENIX DACT'tl..FERA / DATe PALM PN.JS CANAA'IE:NSIS f CANAl<Y SI.ANO PINE PLAT AN.JS t>:CERFOLIA I LONDON PLANE TIPUANA TlPlJ I TIPU T12EE LI.MUS PARVIFOUA I eLM AGAPAN'fl-lUS Afl21CANJS / u.:r -oF-THE:-1"1-e BOUGANVLLEA 'LA JOLLA' I Sl-Rl..16 60UGANVU..E:A CARISSA G. TUTTL!:I' / rumE:'S NAT AL PLUM I-EM5'QCAL\JS l-lYBRID 'YEUOW I YB.LOW DA YLIL. Y WGUSTRUM .J. "Tl:XAN.JM' I TE:XAS PRIVe:T P!-ORMUM TENAX 'MAORI MACJEN' / MIO-SIZE R.AX l2J-.W>l-.llOLE:PIS I. 'a./>RA' / INOIA l-lAWTHORN Rl-lAPl-llOLE:PIS I. 'JACK f='/ ANS / it-DIA 1-lAWTHORN PITTOSPORUI\A T. VAA'EGATA' / VARIEGATED MOCK ORANGE M13..ALE:LJCA N:SCPI-ILA / PINK ME:l..ALl:UCA 15 GAi... 24" BOX 24' i3Tl-l 15 GAL 24" SOX 15GAL 15GAI... 24" BOX 15GAL IGAL. 5GAL 5GAL I GAL 5GAL 5GAL 5 GAL 5GAL 5G/.IL 15GAL APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND -IRRIGATION ONL V, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. t2i '71 I i " : ., ,, ,I. I , NOT 'FO SCALE ' . : ,, i .............. _________ _ .._.___._____~-·------- , ___ 1.9c -I KEY MAP ADJACENT LOT (N.I.C) ' .. ·O MATCl-lLINE -SEE SHEET L5.4 (11)1, ----' I -- I i I ' . BUILOING 'Ii -,- I I . I " '' ---------~--------- 17 T-6 L . , I ;, IO 20 40 ! . ' ' I . I .. :" I . i -----.......__ . ' • -· • . , . , '· , ,11 NOTEt EXISTNG Tl<EEL0CA110N l<Et-ATM= TO /\E:W Mf./f=:WAY LOCATION TO BE REVEWW IN FELD TO E'NSLl<E TI--IAT $1GW LN=5 Ali?E! NOT 131..0CKE:O BY E:)IJ$iNG l'REE$. FINAL DIRECTION AS TO RE:MOV AL Of' 1'12EES IS ~ CITY Of" CN<t.SBAO E:l'JGINE:E:RNG M£J ~ DE:PAl<TM::Ni. 1, . I' . ' . I ,' I' I ;, Ii I ' ' ---/ ii_•·@··.-••· 1i 't .. : ' . . w1 , .• ,._,: ... ::.- RI ~GE LANDCAPE j ARCHITECTS m 11, 241--9211 FAX 714 2'11 9215 1, • ' ; ' ,·. ,· ; · SCALE . AND NORYHi !! !, . /;'' . ,1U!I . ' MOWSTRP F'l':1.2 Dl:T AL G, SI-IT. / ' " !. I .. I I t / I ' ' • I I i I ' LANT LEGEND . I I ; I , SYME30l. VINES .... v NO. V-t V-2 GROLND COVERS ~ G-J -~ G-2 -G-3 G-4 60T ANCAL / COMK10N NAM'c: I . !=' ARTI-B-JOCJS$lJS mcusPIOA TA /' 80$1'0NNY i MACF ADYENA UNGUIS-CA TI I CAT'S CLAW j APTEl'JA CORPIFOUIA I RED APPLE 'i.ONCERA J. 'l-lALLIANA' i I-JAL.L'S HOl'-.EYSLCKLE ' i Ti<A~LOSPERMUM JASMJ'¥)1DES J ST Al.! JASlvlNE TURF -REPAIR ANO Ref'LACE AT OISTI.RSED AREAS I I • I • I . i . I I -1 ,.,· I . ' ' SIZE I IGAl. IGAL. I ·· f"LATS I FU.TS I G,t,L ! t-1irDROSEEO , . I i I i I I I , I • • , '· DENOTES SOL SAMPLE LOCATION -REFER TO ffEMI 1'-1'. OF PLAN~' N01e$'. · SI-EET Le.I, FOR AOOITIONAL N=ORMA TIOM - I c=~~ : I I i ' i . I : · I , , , FOR i N-iASTER. PLANT LEGEND -SEE SREET L5J (8) ·,_ · 1 i I I , FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND-NOTES -SEE S1-lEET L6.1 (13) , . FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS -SEE S1-lEETS L7.3 c L7.4 <16 e 17) . ' . ''AS BUILT" REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, [sHEET'l CITY OF CARLSBAD SH££1'$ ASST, PLANNING; DIRECTOR ANO DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO ,._LJLl=::2==:::=.:==P:::LA::::::::NN:::::l:::::N:::::G::::::D::::E:::::P:::::A:::::RT:::::t.l:::::E:::'N::::T==:!.!:::=2=.1::::±:::: IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. r LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN _ 1 1-'"=212:.::,,..;:13r":::.Kt".ii2:";-c:.:.:1TY.;..·;;.:.•.=cARL=••:.::A•c:.co:.::RR::=ECT:.:.1..:..o•.c.• _____ --,---t--, CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER 1 03JZDJ13 HK 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD CORRECTIONS DATE ' . LOTS 50 & 51 R,C.E;-'I~-~--l'---+--+--;,,-•----'---------t---,--, :=~~~=::::;;;============~ .1---'--~----------··-+--+--+---------------t---, APPROVED R.C.E.: ~~----- REVIEWED BY: . p-1~-~i INSPttTOR • I I 1 , DATE BY lltSCRIPTION APP'O . . i . _____ ...._ i....;;.;.=-~-'--"--'--'--....;;.;=-'----------'--'-"-'--"--, c,o.re: t----l-t--~..,.......,_, _______ .....,.. __ -+---, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR I DATE :=O~WN==:e::::y,~~jj~~-=;r==P:::R:=:O=J£:::C:=:T=N=o=.==;ii==D==RA=_=W=IN==G=N=O=.~- CHKD BY R PD 457 350-31. FIELD BY : i REVISIONS C_MWD 96-233 -· ~-·-11126/96 __ L5.5l PLANTING NOTES A. ~ TO PIJ\Nrt,JG SPECF!CA TIONS /:,,NJ Dt;;T AI.S FOR Sot. PREP ARA ilON, FERTUZA TION, MLLCl-tNG At-0 OTJ.,E:Q F'l.ANThlG N"ORMA TION. a NOTIFY TJ.,e o~s AUT1-lORIZeD ~ENT ATNE 48 HOLIRS PRIOR TO I CO~T OF WORK TO COORDINA Te PRO-JeCT INSPECTIO:'l SCI--EDI..LES. 1 C. VERFY AU.. ~snNG CONDITIONS. DIMENSIONS AND E3...EV A TIONS BEFORE PRC>Ca:DNG WITH TH; WORK. NOTFT LANDSCAPE ARCI--ITECT IMMEDIA Ta:r SI--IOUD FELD COl'-OtTIONS VARY FROM TI-JOSE ~OWN ON PLAN. ] ,- LEGEN) ,1-~ ~r ~ ~ I \--4- I -- \ D. REPORT DISCRl=PANCES N 11-E DRAWINGS OR 13l=TWEEN ~ Dl<AWNGS MO . I ACruAL FJaD CONDITIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE'; Ai<CJ.-.IJTECT. COJ:1RECTED L LOCATE PLANTS Wll1-l E:OUAL-SPACI\IG ! I ----------~~~&NJ~~~~~~~w~l&~~h~~¾~_S --------_z.__;:~::~~~~ s:A~--··.,,,,,-,,ll. :''_ r. _A~,------------- LOW <MAX. 8' HT,) GROlNJCOVEl<' ON. Y. ✓• '2' , . , , ,,,-\'t E. LOCATE: ALL EXISTNG UTI.ITES Wl-£Tl-lER S~WN 1-EREON OR NOT M-0 PROreGT 3. Cl.RB (y l!'-10--"w'---l':::,i<- THE;M FROM DAMAGE. NOTFY me OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE= MIVEOIA Ta Y AND ·1 (D ;.., ASSLME': A..LL RESPONSIBUTY FOR EXP8'JSE OF i:28" AIR OR REPLACSvlENT N 4. SPRN<LJ5! 1-EAD -NO J..IGl.j POP-I.PS I / CONJ..NCTION WrTI-1 DAMAGl=D UTIUTIE=S. F. LOCATION OF NJ.C. CONSTRUCTION aEMEI\ITS SUCH AS UGI-ITS. SIGNS, VENTS, 5. V6-CL!:; HYDRA"JTS. TRANSFOl<McQS. !=TC. Ak'E: AA"ROXIMA TE. NOTIFY 11-E LANDSCAPE;: I I AR~TECT IMMEDIATELY Sl-0.LD ~ LOCATION OF TH=SE ITEMS INIERFJ;3,lt: 6. 1/2 SPACING FOR SPECFIEO PLANT MAT1511AL WITH Tl-c PRO!='E:Q E:XE:CLJTION OF WORK. PLAN vrew G. OBT AN ALL SOL FOR I.AI-DSCAPE Pl.ANTm AREAS OR BERMS FROM ON-SITE E><CAVA TIONS. Sl-lOLl..O IMPORT SOL BE NECESSARY, SLBMIT IMPORT SOIL TE:STNG i<E:SLLTS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO IMPOR:ATION. SOL SHALL l3E SAN:lY LOAM CONT Alhl'-JG NO TOXIC CI-EMCAI.S OR l:;l.cME:NTS WHICI-I MAY N-IB!T OR RET AAD NORMAL PLANT GROWTI-l. 1-l AFTB! ROUGI-I GRADES 1--lA VE GEEN EST ABJ$-Hl 1\1 PI-MTNG AR1=6~ HA Vf;: SOL SA!vlPl,E':S TAKEN AT 11--E LOCA TIO'JS NDJCA TT'D SY D!:'SIGNA 770N ~ HA VE SAMPLE'S TESTED BY SOL .MO PLANT LAB, C714l 558-8333, FOR SOL I £.-RTII.ITY, AGRIO.LRRAL SUTASUTY TI=ST AND SOL PREPARATION RECOM/vfENDATION.S. TAK!:! TWO s~ AT r;:ACH I.OCA TIO~ 0) GROLi',() LE\la TO IO' DEEP. (2) 24' TO 36' DEEP. EACl-i SAMPLE SHALL CONT AN APPROXJMA TEL Y I QUART OF SOL TO Be LASB.!:;O Pl=R LOCATION M-0 DE:Pll-1. INSTALL SOIL PREPARATlON AfCJ SACK FLL MIX TO CO!fORM TO TI-ESE RECOMMB-OA TlONS ONLY LPON RECEIF'T OF WRITTEN CHANGE ORDER FROM THE OWNER. SLJ8MIT SOIi.. Rl::PCJRT TO LANDSCAPE ARO-ITE=CT PRIOR TO A.ANTit'-G. CITY NSPE:CTOR MUST APPROVE: SOIL TEST RECOMMENDA TlONS PRIOR TO DE!.JVERY OF SOIL AMEl'DMENTS TO SITE. L KILL t>J'-0 REMOVE ALL EXISTNG wm:>S FROM SITE AREAS PER SPECFICA TIONS. .1 ASSLJ<f: POSl:lVE DRAINAGI:; N AU.. PLANTNG AREAS. 2S MNf>.ILIM. K. LOCATE: AND TAGI AU. PLANT MATl::RIAL MATERIAL SHAU. SE: N CO!'FORMANCE; WITT-l PLANTN<; Pl.AN DESCRIPTIONS At-0 $Pl;'CIFICATIONS. ALL PLANT MA TEl<IAL IS Sl.BJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO NSTALLATION. PROVDE Ph'OTOS OF RE=W,t:':3S'-/T A TTVE' EXAf.PlES OF EAQ.l TAGGED BLOCK TO LAI\.OSCAPE ARCI-ITECT MINIMUM :21 DAYS Bff'ORE: ANTIClPAiro 06.N~Y. PHOTOS SHAL-1 .. NCLUDE: A PERSON FOR SCALE: PU<POSES. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY OPT TO REVIEW MA iE::l:1!AL AT Gk!OWING t--1.RSS<Y. MA IE!<IAL DELrl/ERED TO Tl-c srre MAY SI';' REJECTED BASED ON U\1--EALTl-A..L I AP?EcARANCE: OR N0N-C0N=0RMANCE WITl-l SPECIFICATIONS EVEN F PREVIOUSL r RE=VIEW!=O SY l1-E LANDSCAPE />RCHTECT OR TH: OWl'.ER. L ALL TREES WITl-lN A SPECIE:$ SHALL I-IAVE MA TCI-ING F'Ol<M. M ANAL LOCATION OP ALL PLANT MA Tl;:RIALS SHAU. Ell; SU3..ECT TO 71-E t,.?PRQV AL OF 11-E OWl'-El<"S A~ORlzal ~SE:NT A TM:. N. PLANTNG OUANTITES ARE GIVEN FOR CONVENENr.,E ONLY. PLANT SYMBOLS AND SPECFlcO $PACN3 SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE. 0. AT 13)GE$ OF PUWTTNG MEAS, Tl-E CE"-ITER LJ\JE OF l1-E LAST ROW OF S1-laBS AND/OR GROI..N) C0\15? SHALL 8E LOCA TE=D NO FARTHER FROM THe E:DGE ™AN ONE-HALF THE SPECIFED ON CENTER SPACl!-.G. P. NST AIJ_ GROL.I\.O COVER AND/OR Sl--1<1.13 MA$'3ES WfTI-1 TRIANGt.LAR 5PACNG i.J'U:SS OTI-e<WISE: l'OICA TEO PLANTING @ PARKING STALLS LEGEJ\IDI I CONCRETE MOWSTRP V'~TI-I LIGl-ff BROOM ANISH Or-J AL!. ExPOSED SURFACES ~ "3 REBAR CENTERED. CONTNJOIJ3 3 vz· TOOLED RADIIJS 4 FINISH GRADE 5. 90i COl'v1PACTE:O SUBGl<ADE -VERIFY W/ SOL ENGINEER'S RePORT NOTES, A. NSTALL CONTROL JOINT AT K)'-0" OC MAX 5PACNG 6. INSTALL 3/8" BITUMINOUS FELT EXPANc:ION JONTS 0 ~o·-o· o.c. MAX. WIMASTIC SE,l,LANT C PROVIDE 45° MITERED CO~JTROL JOIN, AT 90° COQ!\ERS. lEGB'-0 L SPEC:M::N mi::E, 36' BOX OR LARGB:' 2. BLACK PVC >-OSE Vfff1-I 1/8" SRAIDE:D GALVANIZeD STEEL GUY CASU", USE GALVANIZED CAaE: ~ #0 lliRl\61.JCKLE:. Mt..MJM 3 GUYS PER TREE, PROVDE AOOirlONAL GUYS IF i.'ECllJRE:D DLE TO SITE= CONDITIONS 3. ANISH Gl:?ADE. C12QWN OF TREl:: M.JSr NOT se: PlAN1El saow iHIS Leva 4. WA TE.? BASN -MI-JMJrvl 4' DEP1H IIIU-0-l TO Z DEPll-l A"-0 DS;:P WATER Tl<!:E: IMtvlrolA Ta Y LPON ~. J.'EMOVE BASN AT END OF !v!ANTENA.NCE Pl;:R10D 5. TREE l2001BAU-• MUST NOT l3E ROOT BOLND. LOOSB-J ANY TIGl-iT PACKED ROOTS IC). 1/'.l' DIA X 'Z--0' LONG \M-flE PVC WARf\l\G DEVICE -TO 8E NST ALLE:D IN PU3UC AREAS l ROQ1BAIJ_ DEPTl-l Pl.US 18". F BEDOOCK IS ~OU\ITERED, NOTPY OV\11'-ER'S REP 12 TWICE ROQIBAIJ_ WIDTH 13. ARBOR-GARD TRLI\K PROTECTOI:! t=OI:! US1= N '11.RFAREAS 14. INST AU-lll.024-2 ROOT 13~1=!< A:'R PLAN AS MGF'O BY DEEP ROOT CORP. (714) 898-05e3. ,:01, , , ') TREE PLANTING / GUYING -36" BOX + ---I ----G) :::;:---_1-jf--- L..cGaO l F'ROt'DS TO BE' TED AI\O PROTECTeO ~~ Si-FMS'<T. LNTE ~ON)S AFTEcR 30 DAYS. Q;;> AS DIRECTED l3Y PALM WEE E:XPERT OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. :2. Ti<LJK ~ Ml=ASl.REO FROM OR!GNAL GRADE LE:Va AT BASE OF TRU\K TO TE:RMNAL BlD AT BAS!= OF FRONDS. TRLNK TO SE: CLEAN. STRAIGHT AND FREE OF SCAR5 OR ROT. SET TRLN< PLU\/a VERTICAL 3. PLANT BASE OF TR£E AT OQ &JGi-JTL Y ABOVE ffilSJ.l GRADE DO NOT 13LRY ANY PART OF Ti<i.J\K 4. FNSH Ei<ADE 5. ROOTBA1.L1 TO BE PROTEC1ID Dl.RNG $1-iPMENT l'vlN'vU,1 $'-6 'X 3' -6 'X 4' ~ 6. 6' MNMJM 1. WASl--fl) COARSE CONCRETE SAN:> 13ACKA..L DO NOT USE EARTH OR OTl-13< TYPf=S OF SAND. OMIT 8. oct,m CA.RO n:R ClVR.. E:NGl'a:R"S DRAl'l!NS6 9. :;• il-llCK ML~ LA lER --· · NOTI:S ----------------------- A. ALL ~Gf<OU',O COVl=l<S SHAU.. l:'E PLANTED AT WJAL SP ACll\G (TRI~) lJ\U=SS 01H'l<W!SE NDICA TE=D ON PLANS, SEE lEGB\O FOR SPACNG i:?EOUREM3\JTS. SHRUB / GROUND COVER SPACING LEGEND L ON:: Tl-ROUGH FF I EEN GALLON CONT MER SIZE PLANT 2 WATBi' BASN-MIN. 4' DEPll-l. l<'EMOVE BASN AFTER MAf\lTENANCE P6210D 3. FN51--ED GRADE. 4. AM8'PE=O SACKFLL l'v'lX-$1::E $PECIF'1CA "'.'ION$. T MP OR WATER SETTLf; SO PLMIT DOES NOT SN<: AFTI:R PLANTING 5. FERTIUZNG TASL1c;TS. see SPECFICATIONS I I 6. ROOTBALI. OF f'VWi-MJST NOT ElE ROOT!30LNJ. LOOSEN ANY Tk;ll-!T..PACKeO ROOTS i 7. EX!$ Tl'JG SOIL i 8. 'C-'OWN" OF Pl.ANT MJ.ST NOT 8E 13LREO 00..0W Lf;:VEL OF 51.RRCUDNG SOL Q. AU. Cl.RV!= TO ORVr; AND a.RVE TO TANGENT l.lr--ES Sl-lAI.L SE "-EAT. TRIM, SMOOTH AND l.NFOl<M i.>. >1l:;M0VE ALL NU2$El<'Y STAKES AND ESPALER J:?ACKS IMlvEDIATB..Y AFTE32 NST ALLA TION l.PON PROVIDING Sl.PPORT PER PLAN. ,® -~ @,@ JO. 6' DIA a.ACK PVC $.P CAP, TQP 3' MAX. :G:\ ~ ~ l SOLID 6' PVC PPE: . I} CONCRETE MQWSTRIP '""" ' 7 r~ (5' l:-;l ~~1~_!5"f1!!@ SHRUB PLANTING S. DlJRNG n-E l.E:NGT'el OF TI-€ Gl.JARANTEE PERIOD, BE RESPOI\GIBLE FOR F'QoP51 STAKNG AND/QR GUYNG OF TREES TO 8'l$l...RE STABJLJTY T. MlLCl-l AU-1.-Af\OSCAPf" ARE.AS <E><CLUONG TLm HAVING LESS TJ.1AN A 3'1 &OPE WITl-l A 3' DEEP LA YER OF 'MEDIUM GRN'.l M .. Lct..r SLP?LED SY 61-UE RIBBON N.RSERY, <7\4) 633-3666 AT ~ CONCLUSION Of' PLANTNGI Ore?ATIONS. SU3MT SAMPLE TO CITY NsPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO Da.JVERY. DalVB!Y TO SITE. U. Af,t.LIAL COi.Of< TO BE SELECTED BY LAN:>SCAPE AACI-ITECT AT TIME OF NST ALLA TfON. REQLEST RECOMMENJA TION A MNMJM OF 48 HOLRS IN ADVPNCE OF I\EED FOR DELIVEQY, EROSION CONTROL NOTES SLOF'ES l<EQLP.NG EROSION CONWOL M::A.$1..PE:$ AS SPECFEO eEREN SH.ALL BE n/EATEO WITH a£ OR MOOE OF TI-E FOU.0'1/NG STANDARDS, A. ST ANJARD 1'f -COVB< CROP ..lJTE MESH COVER CROP SHALL l3E A SE:ED MIX TYPICAIJ.. Y MADE LP OF FAST COVERNG GRASSl=S, CLOV!=RS, AND/OR \NW Fl.OWE:RS. SI.EMT SPE=CFIC SEED MX FOR CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION. Tl-IE COVER CROP SHALL Be APPLED AT A 12A TE AND MANNER SLfflC8'1T TO PROVIDE 90i COVERAGE WITI--IN 30 DA 'I'S. TTPE OF JJTE lvESH SHALL BE APPROVED 13Y TI-E an' Ar-0 STAKED TO TI-E SLOPE AS RECOMMB-OEO BY Tl-€ MAN.FACTI.JRER JJTE fvESH SI--IALL BE: 1 REOURED WI-EN PLANTING OCClRS BETWE8'J AUGUST 1511-l AND APR1.. 15TH. DIJklNG TI-E REMAINDER OF TI-E YEAR, T1-E COVER CROP AND/OR JJTE MESH MAY BE USED. le!. ST AN:'.lA© 2 -GOOI..N:)COVB<! JOO'!. OF M'EA TO BE PLANTED Wffi.l A GROU..O COVER KNOWN TO HAVE EXCEilENT Sal. OODING 0-JAAACTERJSTICS CPL.ANTED FROM A Mli'J'vtl..l\.1 SIZE OF FLATTED MATE3<!AL MO S.OACED TO PROVDE R.LL COVERAGE WITT-fi (1) Yf=AR). -..;;...,.;. ________________________________ -I " -, 11 0 \.:;;/ ,{; •~1 11 ~'""' 12 TREVIRA "6127 ON BOTTOM MO $JOE:$ I I ._,':<~ J'l QP (:," WfTI-l PEGS) I ;:>-:f ~ ,-::--,, : .. _ • ,. II ;,.-tii "'°'· --. ."'-,'!< ' .e;;t '-" 13. 12" DIA. X 8" D63" AI..IGl..REO HOU: FlJ.EO WITH ';<! ,· <• • • ' ~ _g 3/4' CRU8I-ED GRAva @(.19(.s). •. ~ , 14. 6' DIA. X 8' PEl<f'ORA TED PVC PPE -CENTER IN HOLE .:_ ·1; -=--113 9 ~--e.o 0/.P .., 4' PB2FORATl:O PVC OQANJ'E (CE:NTB?ED lNOER PALM BALD ~-I ·~· I NOTE< SEE PALM TREE PlANTING t>J,O MANTE:NANCE -JJLi SPECFICA 770NS FOR ADDITIONAL REOI..JREMENTS zx W,_ CP ROOTB.AU. f'Rt-VAU,S V/f,V 3>- t.<@j>ci PLAN VIEW LEGEND L 24' CORDED TE. Sl:'E SPf.'CA::;ATO'-lS. I ATTACH WITl--l J:?OOFNG NAl-S (4 Tl'P.l I 2 Z-DIA X 10' LODGE POI..E PN: ST AKE; (2 Tl'P J KEEP a.EM.' OF ROOT8AU-. SEE SPECFICA TONS. 3. WA 17:'R BASN 3' f.fl DEP™ ~ WA TE:l<NG SY 1-0SE. REMOVE BASN N LAWN AREAS AND AS Dll<ECTEO BY LAJ\IJSCAF'f: ARO-ITECT. 4. FlNIS!-ED GRADE. 5. AlvlENJED BACKFLL SEE SPECFICAT!CNS FOR MIX ANJ PIT SIZE. 6. 21 GRAM PLANT TABLET. SEE SPeCFICA TIONS. 7, EXISTING SOL B. SCA121FY SIDf=S Af'O 60TTOM OF PLANTl'-JG PIT 9. ARBOR·GAro TRL.N< PROTECT~ Fa.! i USE N Tl.RF AREAS JO. SET TOP OF ROOTBALL 3• AOOVE SL~DNG GRAD!:; AND SLoPE FCQ 1 DRANAGE. J. INSTALL at..B24·2 ROOT 8~ PER PLAN AS MGFD BY DEl::P OOOT CORP. t7l4> 898-0563. NOTEi NO!\E R!:OI.J<i;:O. · NQfE, MAI\ TAN T1.l<F 3' O..E':AJ;.? Ft?OM TRt=l'=TRLNK. ALL St..OPES 3'1 OR $1 l±Pi::R AND 4• OR GREA. T5I N I--EIGf-lT RE0URE sr ANOA12DS ------------~=; SEED CROP 00/.tPOStrON TO se --------_ -----------------------~---~-_ r------------------,--...._J= __ D ___ P_A_L_M __ P_LA_N_1_1N_G..,.-~~~~~~~~--,---------c-~ ___ T_R_E_E_P_L_A_N_T_1_N_G_1_s_T~A~K!!!!!!!!'!!!IN!!!!G~!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!15!!!1!'!'!!!G!!!!!.!!!!!/!!!!2!!!!!4!!!!!"!!!!!B!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""i"\'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!'' ii-I " AS BU IL T" REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BV PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEE~. isHEET71 CITY OF CARLSBAD fsi:iiiTSl PESCRPTION ESCl-lSa-ia21A C~A LLf'NJS SlJCa..L8'mJS O"CONNO~S LEGI.JME Fl3ER lvU.a-1 16-16-16 FERTLIZE=R ST ABLIZNG 8WER 11 / ACRE 2 2 20 2000 400 120 ------------------~----· --------------------- APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ~ I ~ G E AND CAPE ARCHITECTS TEL 714 2-18-9211 il:I. 714 2-18 !21$ ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO ~I PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. ·----:'..'::::=====::::::::==:::::::::::::::::::::::==::::::::=:::'_'::::==::::: A, LANDSCAPI: PLANTING DETAILS & NOTES 1 • 02/21/13 HK /2\. CITY OF CARLSBAI) CORRECTIONS C RL o,i20113 HK /i,c,noFCARLSBAOCORRE·-c~no-••----------t-------, '.A SBAD RESEARC/{ CENTER ,,,___ LOTS 23 & 38 R.c.r. ______ 1---+--+----------~----+-----1;::::;;;;;~~==~;c============~ 1--------------~·-··--,:-::::.:1;:::.:~~~::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~:::::::::: APPROVED ~ /L' ,,f REVIEWED BY: ' -c==-;--;--;;;~/~ ?vc~~~c'"v~===-----I .J. ✓~ -&'. 1---+--+-----------------+-----l ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE I---+--+------·----------------+----< ~D=W=tl=B=V==c;,_J,(..==::,;==P-":'R~OJc:'_E':'::,C::::T=N=O=.==;-;:=:=D=Fl=A=W=IN;:;;:G=N=O.~ O~TE BY DESCR:PTION APP'D $1 ,..----1---~~-------~--------~-----, CHKD BY_ --PO 457 "50-31.. I DATE REVISIONS FIEID BY "' R.C.1'. ____ _ INSPECTOR DATE: C_MWD X96-XXX 1112s;9~-_L6.1i SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FAMILIAR 'MTH CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS AND IN CASES OF CONFLICT BFTWFfN THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND CM'IID'S SPECIFICA llONS, CMWD'S SPECIFlCA TIONS WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE PAR I I -GENERAL L01 SUMMARY A. It is the intent of the specifications and drawings that the finished system is complete in every respect and shall be ready for operation satisfactory to the Owner. B. The work shall include all materials, labor, services, transportation, and equipment necessary to perfomn the work as indicated on the drawings, in these specification, and as necessary to complete the contract. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS A. Due to the scole of the drawings, it is not possible to Indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc, which may be required. The Contractor shall carefully invest,gate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such tittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and architectural features, B. All work called for on the drawings by nales or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the specifications. When an item is shown on the plans but not shown on the specifications or vice versa, it shall be deemed to be as shown on both. The Landscape Architect shall have final authority for clarification C. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system~ crs-shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies In area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect as soon as detected. In the event this notification is not performed, the Irrigation Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any rev1s1on necessary 1 03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide at least one english speaking person who shall be present at all times during exec,ation of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being installed and the manufacturer's recommended m~lhods of installation and who shall direct all work perfomned under this section, B. Manufacturer's directions ond detailed drawings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturer of articles used In this contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. C. All local, municipal and state laws, rules and regulntions governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporate<i ,nto and made a port of these specificot1ons, nn<i their prov,s1ons shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained In these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations of the some. However, when these specifications and drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specificotions and drawings shall take precedence D. All materials supplied for this project shall be new and free from any defects, All defective materials shall be replaced immediately at no additional cost to Owner. E. The Contractor shall secure the required licenses and permits including payments of charges and fees, give required notices to public authorities, verify permits secured or arrangements made by others affecting the work of this section. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Materials List, 1. After award of contract and before any irrigation system materials are delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner a complete list of all irrigation systems, materials, or processes proposed to be furnished and installed as part of this contract. 2. Show manufacturer's name and catalog number for each item, furnish complete catalog cuts and technical data, furnish the manufacturer's recommendations as to the method of installation. 3. No substitutions will be allowed without review and approval by the City and prior wrilt,m acc~ptance by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 4. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. B. Substitutions: If the Irrigation Contractor wishes to substitute any equipment or materials for those equipment or materials listed on the irrigation drawings and specifications he may do so by providing the following information to the City and the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative for approval. 1. Provide a written statement indicating the reason for making the substitution. 2. Provide catalog cut sheets, technical data, and perfomnance infomnatlon for each substitute item. 3. Provide in writing the difference in installed price if the item is accepted. 1.05 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall verify and be familiar with the locations, size and detail of points of connection prov,ded as the source of water, electrical supply, and telephone line connection to the irrigation system. B. Irrigation design is based on the available static water pressure shown on the drawings. Contractor shall verify static water on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. C. Prior to cutting into the soil, the Contractor shall locate all cables, conduits, sewer septic tanks, and other utilities as are commonly encountered underground and he shall take proper precautions not to damage or disturb such improvements, If a conflict exfsts between the such obstacles and the proposed work, the Contractor shall promptly notify th" Landscap" Archil~d urid Own~r who will arrange for relocalions. The Cun tractor will proceed in the sorne manner if a rock layer or any other such conditions are encountered. D. E. 1.06 A. B. C. D. E. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and features to remain on and adjacent to the project site during construction. Contractor shall repair, at his own cost, all damage resulting from his operations or negligence. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor for installation of required sleeving as shown on the plans, INSPECTIONS The Contractor shall pemnit the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative to visit and inspect at all times any part of the work and shall provide safe access for such visits. In addition, the City Inspector will ask for a preconstruction meeting end periodic inspections. Where the specifications require work to be tested by the Contractor, it sholl not be covered over until accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and/or governing agencies. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Arch,tect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work Is ready for testing. Should any work be covered without testing or occeptonce, it shall be, if so ordered, uncovered at the Contractor's expense- Inspections will be required for the following at a minimum: 1 Sleeving 2. System layout 3. Pressure test of irrigation main line (Four hours at 125 PSI or 120% of static water pressure, which ever is greater). 4. Coverage test of irrigation system. 5. Final 1nspect,on prior to start of maintenance period 6. Final acceptance Site observations and testing will not commence without the record drawings as prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. Record drawings must complete and up to dote for each site visit. Work which fails testing and is not accepted wnl be retested. Hourly rates and expenses of the Landscape Architect, Owner's authori7e<i r<'presentatlve, and governing aqencies for re1nspection or retest,ng w,11 be paid by the Irrigation Contractor ot no additional expense to Owner. 1.07 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect irrigation system materials before, during, and ofter installation and to protect the installation work and materials of oll other trades. In lh" event of damage, 1mmed1ately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the acceptance of the Landscape Architect and Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Exercise care in handling. loading. unloading, and storing plastic pipe and fittings under cover until ready to install Transport plastic pipe only on a vehicle with a bed long enough to allow the pipe to lay flat to avoid undue bending and concentrated external load. 1.08 CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL A. Dispose of waste, trash, and debris In accordance with applicable laws and ordinances nnd as prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction. Bury no such waste material and d<'bris on the site, Burning of trash and debris will not be permitted. The Contractor shnll remove and dispose of nJbbish end debris generated by his work and workmen at frequent intervals or when ordered to do so by the Owner's authorized representative. B. At the time of completion the entire site will be cleared of tools, equipment, rubbish and debris which shall be disposed of off-site in a legal disposal area. 1.09 TURNOVER ITEMS A. Record Drawings· 1. Record accurately on one set of contract drawings all changes 1n the work constituting departures from the original contract drawings. 2. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded in a legible and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the owner. Prior to final inspection of work, submit record drawings to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 3. Dimensions from/to permanent points of reference such as buildings, sidewalks, curbs, etc. shall be shown Data on record drawings shall be recorded on a day to day basis as the proy;ct 1s being installed. All lettering on drawings shall be minimum 1/8 inch in size. 4. Show locations and depths of the following Items, a. Point of connection (including water meters, backfiow preventers, master control valves, etc.) b. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimensions shown at a maximum of 700 feet along routing), including steeves for pipe and wire. c. Boll valves d. Automatic remote control valves e. Quick coupling valves f. Routing of control w,res g. Irrigation con lr oll"rs h. Related equipment (as may be directed) 5, Maintain reco,·d drowirig~ on site at ull times, Upon completion of work, transfer all as-built information und dimensions to reproducibl" s"pia prints. B. Controller Charts: 1. Record drawings must be approved by Landscape Architect and/or Owner's / authorized representative before charts ore prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller. Chart shall show the area covered by the particular controller. 3. The chart is to be a reduced copy of the actual "record" drawing. In the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a readable size. 4. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils in thickness. C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1, Two individually bound copies of operation and maintenance manuals shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative at least 10 calendar days prior to final inspection The manuals shall describe th~ material installed an<i the proper operation of the sy.,tem. 2. Each complete, bound manual sholl include the following Information: o. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, duration of guarantee period, list of equipment including names and addresses of local manufacturer representatives. b. Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment. c. Spore parts lists and related manufacturer information for all equipment. D 1.10 A. B. Equipment: 1. Supply as o part of this contract the following items: a. Two (2) wrenches for disassembly and odj.;stment of each type of sprinkler head used in the irrigation system, b. Three 30-inch sprinkler keys for manual operation of control valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Two quick coupler keys with a 3/4" bronze hose bib, bent nose type with hand wheel and two coupler lid keys. e. One valve box cover key or wrench. f. One 5-foot tee wrench for operating gate valves 3 Inches or larger (if used). g. Six extra sprinkler heads of each size and type. 2. The above equipment shall be turned over to Owner's authorized representative at the final inspection. COMPLETION At the time of the pre-maintenance period ln~ction, the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies will inspect the work, and if not accepted, will prepare a list of items to be completed by the Contractor. At the time the post-maintenance period or final inspection the work will be reinspected and final acceptance will be in writing by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies. The Owner's authorized representative shall have final autnorlty on all portions of the work. of C. After the system has been completed, the Contractor shall instruct Owner's authorized representnt1ve in the operation and maintenance of the irrigation system and shall furnish a complP.:te BP.t of operating and maintenance instructions. D 1 11 Any settling of trenches which may occur during the one-year period following acceptance shall be repaired to the owner's satisfaction by the Contractor without any additional expense to the owner. Repairs shall include the complete restoration of all damage to planting, paving or other improvements of any kind as a ,.,,ull of the work, GUARANTEE A. The entire sprinkler system, including all work done under this contract, shall be unconditionally guaranteed against all defects and fault of materiol and workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade, for a period of one (1) year following the filing of the Notice of Completion. Should any problem with the irrigation system be discovered within the guarantee period, it shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional expense to owner within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of written notice from Owner. Wlnen the nature of the repairs as determined by the Owner constitute an emergency (i e. broken pressure line) the Owner may proceed to make repairs at the Contractor's expense Any and all damages to existing improvement resulting either from faulty materials or workmanship, or from the necessary repairs to correct same, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the owner by the Contractor, all at no additional cast to the Owner. B. Guarantee shall be submitted on Contractors own lettenheod as follows: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTIEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work hos been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defective material during the period of one year from date of filing of the Notice of Completion and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within 10 calendar days following written notification by the owner. In the event of our failure ta make such repairs or replacements within the time specified after receipt of written notice from owner, we authorize the owner to proceed ta have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand, PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR NAME. ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNED: DATE. Part II -MATERIALS 2.01 SUMMARY Use only new materials of th<> manufacturer, size and type shown on the drawings and specifications, Materials or equipment installed or furnished that do not meet Landscape Architect's, Owner's, or governing agencies standards will be reiected and shall be removed from the site at no expense ta the Owner. 2.02 PIPE A. Pressure supply line from point of connection through backflow prevention unit shall be Type K "hard" copper pipe. 8. Pressure supply line installed over structure shall be Type K "hard" copper pipe. Copper pressure supply line installed over structure shall be secured to the concrete slab using Architect approved fasteners. C. Pressure supply lines 2 inches in diameter and up to 3 inches in diameter downstream of backfl ow prevention unit shall bE> Class 315 solvent weld PVC. Piping shall conform to ASTM D2241. D. Pressure supply lines 1 1 /2 inches in diam<ater ond smaller of the backfiow prevention unit shall be Schedule 40 solvent weld PVC confomnlng to ASTM D1785. E. Non-pressure lines 3/4 inches in diameter ond larger downstream of the remote control valve shall be Class 200 PVC. Nan-pressure lines 1/2 inch in diameter shall be Class 315 PVC. Non-pressure piping shall conform to ASTM D2211. F. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be color coded "purple" in color and marked or two sides with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirements on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. Reclaimed water PVC pipe shall use standard Sch. 40 PVC fittings. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be Brownl1ne "Alertline" or equal. G. 2.03 A. B. C. D. 2.04 A. B. C D. E. F. 2,05 A. B C. D. 2.06 A B. C. D. Reclaimed water copper pipe to be installed with color coded warning tape in color and marked with re,clairn"d wat"r warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement on sheet 1 (L-0 0) for further information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. METAL PIPE AND FITTINGS Brass pipe shall be 85 percent red brass, ANSI, IPS Standard 125 pounds, Schedule 40 screwed pipe. Brass fittings sholl be medium brass, screwed 125-pound class. Copper pipe shall be "hard" Type K. Copper fittings shall be soldered type, PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS Pipe shall be marked continuously with manufacturer's ncrme, nominal pipe size, schedule or class, PVC typi, and grade, National Sanitation F'oundation approval, Commercial Standards designation, and date of extrusion. All plastic pipe shall be extruded of an improved PVC virgin pipe compound in accordance with ASTM D2241 or ASTM Dl 784. All PVC fitt,ngs shall be standard weight Schedule 40 and shalt be injection molded of on improved virgin PVC fitting compound. Slip PVC fittings shall be the • deep socket" bracketed type. Threaded plastic fittings shall be lnjectio~ molded. All tees ond ells shall be side gated. All fittings shall confomn to ASTM D2466. All threaded nipples shall be standard weight Schedule 80 with molded threads and shall confomn to AS IM D1 785 All solvent cementing of plastic pipe and fittings shall be a two-step process, using primer and solvent cement applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. Cement shall be of a fluid consisl.,ncy, nol gel-like or ropy. Solvent cementing shall be in conformance with ASTM D2564 and ASTM D2855. When connection is plastic turn with a strap wrench. equal. to metal, female adapters shall be hand tightened, plus one Joint compound shall be non-lead base Teflon paste, tape, or BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS The backflow prevention unit shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings lhe backflow prevention unft shall be installed in accordance with the requirements set torth by local codes. The backflow prevention assembly shall consist of brass piping, unions and fittings.. Backflaw preventer enclosure shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. Enclosure shall be constructed of 3/76" stninless steel angle stock with 1-1/2" No. 9 expanded metol panels and a 3/8" U-bolt lock to b<' secured to the concrete mounting pad. VALVES Ball Valves, 1. Ball valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Ball valves shall be double union design, Sch. 80 PVC blocked, with Teflon ball seats. End connector carrier and stem are to have either EPDM or Viton 0-rings. Ball valves are to have threaded connections. 3. All ball valves shall have a minimum working pressure of not less than 125 psi and shall conform to AWWA standards. Quick Coupler Valves: 1. Quick coupler valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type lndlcated on the drawings. 2. Quick coupler valves shall be brass with a wall thickness guaranteed to withstand narrnal working pressure of 150 psi without leakage. Valves shall have 3/4 female threads opening at base, with two-piece body. Valves to be operated only with a coupler key, designed for that purpose. Coupler key is inserted into valve and a positive, watertight connection shall be made betw,,,,n the coupler key and valve. Hinge cover shall be the locking type constructed of brass with a rubber-like vinyl cover. Automatic Control Valves, 1. Automatic control valves shall be of the monufocturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Automatic control valves shall be electrically operated. Anti-drain Valves, 1. Anti-drain volves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the 2. 3. druwings. Anti-drain valves shall have 18-8 stainless steel springs and valve stems wtth Buna-N seals. Anti-drain valves will have threaded connections the si,e of the riser or pipe tt,ey are to be installed onto, or the next available sire. No slip connection anti-drain valves are allowed. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING SHEET I ' I l I I I ! I I I I I : i I l I I ' ' I • I I I , I : I ' I ! I ' I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND · IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECIS LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. fsHEET"l CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS L...!!_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT 17 I LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS I r,, j ·,,,, L ... RI ~ G E LAND CAPE ARCHITECTS TEL 714 2"8-9211 fAX 714 z,111 9215 R.C.£. ______ _ REVl£W£D BY: INSPECTOR DATE R.C.E. _______ _ DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS APP'D CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOTS 50 & 51 APPROVED , ,_;'/2 /J ////.ex / ,;l-/c}-jg' ~A-;:ss"'1""sr"'"A;-.,ifr"r.;;;>,~PLA~Nc:'N:':':IN""G,----;::D:,-:IR'"'t::::c"'TO"'Rcc-~---DATt OWN BY '-"' CHKD BY __ J~R __ _ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. PD 457 CMWD 96-233 DRAWING NO. 350-3l. 11/26/96 L7.1 SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION (cont'd) Port II -MATERIALS (cont'd) 2 07 VALVE BOXES A. B. C. Valve boxes shall be fabricated from a durable, Weather-resistant plastic material resistant to sunlight and chemical action of soils. The volve box -,over shell be pu1·ple in color, secured with bolts and m<:irked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Munidpal Water District requirement on sheet 1 for further information. Reclaimed water volve boxes must be accepted by the local reclmmed water governing agencies The cover and bo< shall be copnble of sustaining a load of 1,500 pounds. (l-0.0) D. Valve box extensions shall be by the same manufacturer as the valve box. 1--------------------------------------------- E. F. Automatic control volve bo~es shall be 16"x11"•12" rectangular size. Valve bo, covers shall be "heot branded" in 2• high letters "RCV" with the valve identification number. Soll valve, flush valve, master valve on-d quick coupler valve boxes shall be 10· circular size. Valve box covers shall be "heat branded" In 2" high letters with either "BV", "FV", "MV" or "QC\/'. 2.08 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER Au~omatic controller shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated on the drcwings. 2.09 ELECTRICAL A. All electrical equipment shall be NEMA Type 3, waterproofed for exterior Installations. B. All electrical work shall conform to local codes and ordinances. 2.10 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING A. Remote control wire shall be direct-burial AWG-UF type, size as indicated on the drawings, and In no case smaller than 11 gouge. B. C. D. 2.11 A. B. Conne!;tions shall be either epoxy-sealed packet type or P<;>nn-nte connectors. Ground wires shall be white in color. Control wires shall be red (11here two or more coritrollers are used, the control wires shall be a differentcolor for each controller. These colors shall t>e noted on the "Record Drawings" plans located on controller door). Provide a 24" long expansion loop for all directional changes in control wire routing. IRRIGATION HEADS Sprinkler heads and drip emitters shall be of the monufocturer, size, type, w,th radius of throw, operat1ng pressure, and discharge rate indicated on the drawings. Pop-up heads □nd riser heads shall be used as indicated on the drawings. Part Ill -EXECUTION 3.01 SITE CONDITIONS A. Inspections: 1. Prior to all work of this section, carefully inspect the installed work of oll other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence, 2. Verify that irrigation system may be instal'ed in strict accordance with all pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, the referenced standards, end the manutacturer•s recommendotions. B. Discreponcies: c, D. E. F. G. 1. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized r':'presentative. 2 Do not proceed with installation in areos of discrepancy until all discrepancies hove been resolved, Grades: 1. Before starting work, carefully check all gradtaes to determine thot worl< may safely proceed, keeping within the specified material depths with respect to finish grade. 2. Final grades sholl be accepted by the Engineer before work on this section will be allowed to begin. Field Measurements: 1. Make all necessary measurements in the field to ensure precise fit of items in accordance with the original design. Contractor shall coordinate the Installation of all irrigation cnateriols with all other work. 2. All scoled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check and verify oil s,ze dlmensions prior to proceeding with work under this section. 3. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities, Contractor shall be responsible for damages lo utilities which are caused by his operations neglect. Diagrammatic Intent: The drnwing~ ore e,;sentiolly diagrammatic. The size and locot1on of equipment and fixtures ore drawn to scale where posslble. Provide offsets In piping changes In equipment locations as necessary to conform with structures and to ovoid obstructions or conflicts with other work at no additional expense to Owner. Layout; 1. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall slake out ell pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads, valves, backflow preventer, and outomotic controller. 2. Loyout irrigation system and make minor adjustments required due to differences between site and drawings. Where pipil'lg is shown on drawings under paved areas, bul running parallel and adjacent la planted areas, install the piphg in the planted areas. Water Supply Connections to, or tha installation of, -::he watl'f' supply shall be ot the locotions shown on the drawin9s. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be mode ot no additional expanse to Owner. H. 3.02 A. B. C. Electrical Service: 1. Connections to the electrical supply shall be at tha locations shown on the drowings. Minor changes caused by site conditions shall be mode qt no additional expense ta Owner. 2. Contractor shall make 120 volt connection to the irrigation controllers. Electncol power source to controller locations shall be provided by others. TRENCHING Excavations shall be straight with vertical sides, even grade. and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indiccted an drawings to the depths below finished grade and as noted. Where lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrade. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches on pressure supply lines 2 inches ond smaller, or as available when installed over structure. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches for control wires, or as ovollable when installed over strucbre. D. Provide minimum cover of 12 inches for non-pressure lines, or as available when installed over structure F. Pipes installed ln a common trench shall hove o 6 inch minimum ~poce between plpes. 3.03 BACKFIWNG A. B. Backfill material on all lines shall be the same as adjacent soil free of debris, litter, and rocks over 1 /2 inch in diameter Backfill shall be tamped in 4-inch layers under the pipe and uniformly on both sides for the full width of the trench and the full length of the pipe. Backfill materials shall be sufficiently damp to permit thorough compaction, free of voids. Rackfill shall be compnded ta dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil a~d shall conform to od jocen t grod~s. C. Flooding in lieu of lampin9 is not allowed D. Unde,-no circumstances shall truck wheels be used lo compact backfill. E Provide sand backfill o minimum of 6 inches over and under all piping under paved oreos. 3.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L 3.05 A. B. c. 3.06 A. B. C. D. E. PIPING Piping under eslsting pavement may be in,toll('d by jocking. boring, or hydroulio driving. No hydraulic driving is permitte-d under □sph □lt pavement. Cutting or breaking of existing povemenl is not permitted. Carefully inspect all pipe and fittings before installation, removing dirt, scale, burrs reaming Install pipe with all markings up for visual inspection and verification Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. All lines shall have a minimum cleoronca of 6 inches from each other and 12 inches from lines of other trodes. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over each other. In solvent weldlng, use only the specified primer and solvent cement and make all joints in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommended methods including wiping all excess solvent from each weld. All9w solvent welds at least 15 minutes setup time before moving or handling and 24 hours curin9 time before filling. PVC pipe shall be ins:alled in a manner which will provide for expanGion contraction □s recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Centerload oil plostlo pipe prior to pressure testing. All threaded plastic-to-plastic connections shall be assembled using Teflon tape or r eflon paste. For plastic-to-metal connections, work the metal connections first. Use a non-har-dening plpe dope an all threaded plostic-lo-melal conned1ons, except where noted otherwise. All plastic-to-metal connections sh □ll be mode with plastic female adopters. All connectlans between PVC lateral lines shall be m<1de using Sch. 4-0 PVC fittings with compression adopters. All connections between dripperlines to be mode using compression fittings of manufacturer of the dnpperline. u~e no pipe dope, Teflon tape, primer or solvent cement on compression fittings. CONTROLLER The exact location of the controller shall t,e approved by the Landscap'i Architect or Owner's authorized representative before instollotion. The electrical service shall be coordinated with :his location. The Irrigation Contractor shalt be responsible /or the final eledric □I hook up to Irrigation controller. The irri9otion system sholl be programmed to operate during the periods of minimal use of the design area. CONTROL Vv1RING Low voltage control wiring sha~ occupy the some trench and shall be installed along the some route OS the pressure supply lines whenever possible. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together in a bundle at intervals of 10 feet. Bundle shall be s<>curcd ta the mainline with tape at intervals of 20 feet. All connections shall be of on approved type and shall occur in a valve box. Provide an 18 inch service loop at each connection. An expansion loop of 12 inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directional change, and one of 24 inches shall be provided ot each ,ernote control valve. A continuous run of wire shall be used between a controller and each remote control valve. Under no clrcumslonces shall splices be used without prior approval. -------------------------------------------------·-·--------- 3.07 A. ------------------------------------------------------------------~ ' VALVES Automatic cantrat valves, mOTTual vofves, gate valves, and ban volves are la be installed in the approximate locdions indicated on the -drowings. Valve shall be installed in shrub areas whenever possible. B. C. D. 3.08 A. B. Install all va!vcs as indicated in the detaH drawings. I ' Valves la be installed in valve boxes shall be installed one valve pBr box. VAi V£ BOXES Valve boxes shall be installed in shrub areas whenever possible. ' ' ! i ' Each valve bo, shall be installed on o foundation of 3/4-inch grovel backfill, 3 cubic feet minimum. Valve boxes sholl be installed with their lops 1/2 inch above the surface of surrounding finish grode ,n lown areas and 2 inches above finish grode in ground cover ' ' areas. --------------------- 3.09 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS A. Install bockflow preventer unit as incllcated ln the d<;>toH drowings. B. Install bockftow assemblies at locations approved in the field and ot height required by local codes. C. Install wye strainers □nd pressure regt/lotors on the bockflow ossembly. D. If backflow preventer is lnstalle<l O<ljacent to a building, wall, or other obstruction, install unit so that the test cocks are facing outward away from the obstruction. E Install backfiow enclosure os recommended by the manufacturer. 3.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler heads shol be installed as lndlccrted on the drcwings. B. Spacing of head,:, ,:,hon not exceed maximum indicated on the drawings. C. Riser nipples shall be of the same size as the riser opening lA the sprinkler body. D. 3, 11 A. 8. c. D. Pop-up sprinkler r,eads shall not be Instafled using side outlet openings. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENr Install oil ossemblies specified herein according to the respective detaif drawings or specifications, using b1>st stondard proctices. Quick coupler valves sholl be set approximately 12 inches from walks, curbs, header boards, or poved areas where applicable. Unless designed as on integral part of the irrigation head, ont[-drarn valves will be Installed under every head. The anti-droin Yolve will be the some diameter as the riser and be integral to the riser assembly. Install rain sensor as indicated or the drawings ond as recommended by the manufocturer. FLUSrilNG lHE SYSTEM Prior to instollotion c,f sprinkler nozzles, the vQlves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the lines and risers. l 8. Sprinkler nozzles shall be installed after flushing the system hos been completed. 3.13 I A. 8. C. D. 3.14 ' A. ' ' l I B. : C. D. E. 3.15 I J.16 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM Contractor sholl adjust ,ia!ves, align heads, and check coverage of each system prior to coverage test. If it Is determined by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative that additional adjustments or nozzle changes will be required to provide proi;er coverage, all necessary changes or adjustments shall be made prior to ony plontin11, The entire system shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence, Automctic ca~trol valve:, ore to be odJUsted so that the sprinkler heads operate at the pressure recommended by the moriufodurer. rrsnNG AND OBSERVATION Do not allow or cause ony of tt,~ worl< of this section to be covered up or enclosed until it has been observed, tested and accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agenci~s. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner; and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in odvance, where and wt-,en the work is ready for testing. When th.i sprinkler system ls completed, the Controctor shaH perform c coverage test of eoch system in its entirety to determine if the water coverage for the plan~ed areas is complete and adequate in the presence of the Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall fumi$h all materials and perform -:,It work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from the plons. or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drow1ngs when it 1s obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the oltent1on of the Landscape Architect This test shall be accepted by the Landscape Arc~,itect and accomplished before starting any planting, Final inspection will not commence withoot record drawings as prepaced by the Irrigation Contractor. MAINTENANCE During the mmntenance period the Contractor 91,a~ adjust and maintl'.lin the irrigation system ill a fully operotional condition providing complete irrigation coverage ta oll intended plantings. COMPLETION CLEANING Clean-up shall be made cs each portion of the worl< progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be broomed, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall ba repaired to original conditions, END OF SECllON • ---------------------------------- I I I I ' I i ' I I ! I I ' ' : : ' ' ' I , : ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND , IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ----''-AS -BU I l: T ,, __ -Rf:VISlONS-MtJSi BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAl Tit EtlGTNEER, · fsHiirllCITY <5F CARLSBAD ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO L_____!U L_lLANNING DEPARTMENT -111 SHE:!:TS II 21 I !EL 714 2,fS-9211 FAA 714 2"8 921~ R.C.E. _____ _ REVIEW£D BY: JNSHCTOR DArE OAT( IMPLEMENTATION IN ~IE~D. /,. ,~----+---, LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS l- 02121;13 HK /z\ CITY OF CARLSBAD CORRECTIONI /3\ CITYOFCARLSBADC-ORR-ECT-IO-NS ------+-----a CARLSBAD RES EAR CH CENTER 03/20,f13 HK --~+---+-------------+----1 ~~f=:==:;~~O~T=S=5=0=&=5=1====il I APPROVED , .. 727/~ DATE BY DESCRIPTIO~ A?P'O Rl!:VISIONS ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR llW:l ~y l<J< CKKD BY JR ----- FIELD BY PROJECT NO, PD 457 CMWD 96-233 OAT[ DRAWING NO. 350-3l. 11/26/96 L7.2 i SFCTION 02950 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Soil Preporotion. B. Planting. C. Staking. D. Sodding. E. Clean up. F. Container Pot Planting. __1__o.z___RELA1llL\YORJL_ _____ _ A. Section 02B11 -Landscape Irrigation System. B Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance 1.0-3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality. ' ' ' ' r I .. I 1. Submit documentation at least 60 doys prior to planting that ell plant materials ore avoiloble Materials are subject to inspection after confirmation of ordering. 2. Materials are sub Ject to inspection at place of growth and upon delivery, for conformity to specifications. Inspection, approval and rejection con also toke ploce at other times during progress of work. 3. Request, ln wrltlng, inspection of plant materials at place of growth. Identify ploc<o of growth, on<l quantity of plants to be inspected_ lnsps1ction may be waived at the Owner's option 4. As described in the pion ting notes for tree togging , the Landscape Architect may opt to cit~er visit the tree nursery or review photographs submitted by lhe Contractor In either case visit the nursery and select trees conforming te> specificotions prior to review by the Landscape Architect. Should trees not meet specifications at the time of review in person by the Londscope Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current billing rate. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to installation submit for review an<l approval specifications and product information on items being used on project. Submit bound with list of items as cover sheet. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer to site 1n orig1nol unopened containers bearing manufocturnr's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trode mark, and conformance to State law. B. Provide copies of r,i,ceipts for all amendments specified in these specifications or in the sons Report. c_ Deliver plants with legible identification labels. Label trees, evergreens, bundles of containers of like shrubs and graundcover plants. State correct plant name and size indicated on plant lis+_ Use durable waterproof labels with water-resistant Ink which will remain legible for ot least 60 doys. D. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damage to root boll or desi<>cot,on of leaves. E. Notify Owner 7 days in advance of delivery of plant moterials ond submit itemization of plants m each delivery. f. Store plonts In shade and protect from weather. G. Maintain and protect plant material in a healthy, vigorous condition. H. Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading ond storing of plant materials. Replace damaged mctertalB. 1. D6 JOB CONDlllONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions ore suitable in accordance with locally accepted practice_ B. Coordinate this work of this section with Installation of ~nderground irrigation system, utilities, piping ond watering heads. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Owner reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specificatlons. Provi<le samples for testing upon request. Remove rejected materials f1·om site immediately upon re.)8ction at no additional cost. Testing costs will be paid for by Owner 1f materials prove to be in compliance with specifications. 8. Prior to amending soils, contractor shall have soil tested for ogricultural suitability os described in ;,!anting notes. City inspector rnusl approve soil test reco.-nmendot,ons prior to delivery of soil amendments on site C. Provide I cubic foot sample of medium grind topping mulch to Owner and City Inspector for review end approval. 1.08 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee materials against poor, Inadequate, dlseased an<l inferior materials and workmanship for one ycor after 90 day maintenance agreement expiration. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. The following organic, soil amendments ond fertili.:er are to be ur-ed for bid purposes only. Specific amendments and fertilizer wlll be selected and specified after rough grading operations ore complete end Contractor has hod soil samples tested. 8. Provide standard, approved and first-grade quality materials, in prime condition when in.tolled and accepted. Deliver commercially precessed and packaged material in manufacturer's unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteBd analysis_ Supply o sample of all supplied moteriais accompanied by analytical data from on approved lnt>orntory source illust,·atmg compliance, or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. C. Organic Amendment: 1. Nitrogen Stabilized: 0.56 to 0.84 percent N based on dry weight for wood residual or rice hulls_ 2. Particle Size: 95 to 100 percent passing 6.35 mm standard sieve; 80 to 100 percent passing 2.33 mm standard sieve. -------------------------------- 3. Salinity. Ensure that saturation extract conductivity does not exceed 3.5 mllllmohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C. as determined by saturation extract method. 4. Iron Content. Minimum 0.013 percent dilute acid soluble Fe on dry weight basis. 5. Ash: () to 6 percent dry 111e1ght. D. Soil Amendment: E. 1. Soil Sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing minimum of 99 percent sulfur expressed as elemental. 2. Iron Sulfate-20 percent iron expressed as metallic iron, der;ved from ferric: and ferrous sulphate, 10 percent sulfur expressed as elecnentol. 3. Calcium Carbonate: 95 percent lime as derlved from oyster shells_ 4·. G:,,psum: Agricultural grade product containing 98 percent minimum calcium sulphate. Fertilizer. 1. Planting Fertilizer: pelleted or granular form consisting of the followlng percents by weight and mixed by commercial fertilii:er supplier: 6-nitrogen, 20-phosphoric acid, 20-potosh, PART 3 -EXECUTION ' 3.C1 INSPECTION A. Obtain certification that final grades ta 1/10 foot have been estobllshed prior to commencing landscaping operations. Provide for inclusion of oil om,;ndm'olnts, settling, etc. Be responsible for shaping all planting areas as indicated on drawings or os required. B. Inspect trees, shrubs and liner stock plant material for injury, insect infestation and trees and shrubs for improper pruning. C. Do not begin planting cf trees until deficie,ncie~ are corrected or plants replaced. 3.02 PREPARATION 4 Provide excavated holes with vertical sides with roughened surfaces one! of a size twice the diameter and 1-1/2 times the dept/1 of the root boll for all trees and shrubs. 5. Remove bottom of plant boxes before planting. Remove sides without damage to root boll after positioning plant and par:iolly backfilling 6. Center plant 1n pit or trench. 7. Foce plon\s with fullest growth into prevailing wind. 8_ Set plont plucnb and hold rigidly In position until so, hos been firmed around baff or roots. 9. Backfill for container plants to be. 6 parts by volume on-site soil 4 parts by volurne or9on1c amendment 1 pound 6-20-20 fertilizer mix/cu. yd. of mix 2 pounds iron sulfate per cubic yard of mix Note: Tha above is for bid purposes only. Specific backfill recommendotions '"" made as I I I 2. Planting Yoblets: Provide slow-release type with potential acidity of not more than 5 percent A. Sorl Preparation: by weight containing the following percents by weight of nutrients listed-20-n,trogen, 1. After proper finlstied grades h-ave been verified or estob1ished, condition and fertirize soil in a result of the soils testing described on the planting pion, I 10. Raise all plants which settle deeper than the surrounding grade. After plont has been placed. j add suflkient backfllLio h.ole to cover op~Ol(Jmotal:.,, 1/2 oi root boll. Add woier to the top 1 ___ _.1'"0,__-Q_h~horic acid, 5-potash, _2.6-combined calcium, 1 6-combined sulphur, 0.35.::iron elementa~I ______ occoFd-O~e-wltR recornmendotions of-soil--testing laboratory and 03 arpr-evei!-by-Dwner and City- from fecrous sulfate. Prov,de in 21 gram tablets ,nanufactured by Agriform, or other approved. Inspector, Toe following i,a for bid purposes only. Uniformly spreod and cultivate amendments and thoroughly saturate root boll ond adjacent soil. ' 3-Hydroseeding Fertilizer: provide ammonium phosphate which consists of the following thoroughly by means of mechanical tiller into top [6] inches of soil. percent by weight and mixed by o commercial fertil178r supplrer: Hi-nitrogen, 20-phosphorlc Application rates per 1,000 square feet: 11. After water has completely drained, place planting tablets (21 gram unless otherwise noted): I 1 5 gram table-! per plug of flatted groundcover , acid, 0-potosh. 4. Pre-Sod fertilizer: Provide t)'?e consisting af the followlng percents by weight and mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier: 16-hydrogen, 20-phosphoric acid, 8-potash. 5. Sulphate at potosh: 0-0-50. 6. Single super-phosphate: Commercial product containing 18 lo 20 percent available Phosphoric Pentax,de, or atlier approved. 7. Urea formaldehyde: 38-0-0. F. Import or Amend~d Top Soil: Ensure silt plus clay content of top soll does not exceed 20 percent by weight, with a minimum 95 percent passing the 7_0 mm sievR. Do not allow the sodium absorption ratio SAR to exceed 6. The electrical conductivity (ECE) of the saturation extrad cannot exceed 3.0 mill1mohs per centimeter ot 25 degrees C. Ensure boron content is less thon 1 port per million os meosured on the soturotion extract. To ensure corr,pliance with these requirements, submit samples of sail for analysis prior to, and following backfilling G. Plant Materials; 1-Provide plant materials in occordance with State Department of Agriculture's regJJlatlon for nursery inspections, rul~s and ratings_ Provide plonts with a no,-mal hot>it of growth, sound, healthy. vigoroc,s ond free from insect infestations, pion! diseases, sunscalds, and other disfigurements. Ensure trc1> tr~n~s ore sturdy and hove well hardened sy,;tt:rr'l$ and vigorous and fibrous root systems which are not root or pot-bound. In the event of disagreement Os to condition of root system, the root conditions of the furnished plants in containers wil I be determined by removal of earth from the roots of not less than two plants, or more than 2 percent of the tctal number of plants of eoch species or variety. Where container grown plants are from several sources, roots of not less than two plants of each spec,es or variety from each source will be inspected. In the event that the sample plants inspected are found to be defective, the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defoctive samples may be rejected. Plants rendered unsuitable for planting due to this inspection will be considered samples and will be provided at no cost to the Owner_ 2. Size of plants will correspond with that normally expected for species and variety of commercially avotl□ble nursery stock or as specified on drawings. The mrnimum acceptable size of plants meosur<>d before pruning with the branches in normal position, must conform with the measurements specified in plant list. If approved by The Owner, larger sized plonts may be used. but without additional cosl If lorqer plants are approved for use, the boll of earth or spread of roots for each plant will be increased proportionately 3. Plants not meeting requirements of these specifications are considered to be defective whether in place or not. They must be immediately removed and replaced with new -0cceptoble ond opproved plants of the required size, species ond variety at na additional cost to the Owner. 4. Pruning Do not prune, trim, top or alter the shape of trees or plants except as approved. 5. Provide plant material true to botan,cal ond comrno11 name and variety os specified in Annotated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants in California, Oregon and Washington, published by University of Colifornio School of Agriculture (latest edition). 6. Nursery Grown and Collected Stock: Grow under climatic conditions similar ta those in locality of project; container-grown stock in vigorous, healthy condition, not root-bound or with root syst,.im hardened off. Use only liner stock plant material whrch is well established in removable containers or formed homogeneous soil sections. 7. Sod· Provide Marathon 13. Select trees wh1r.h are aesthetically desirable and ore good examples of the species. Trees with goshes, mishappen trunks or branches, topped leaders, structural defects, badly crossed branches, or other visual defects will riot be accepted. H. Guying and Staking Materials: 1. Wood Tree Stakes: lodge pole pine, full treated iwth Coppernaphlhanate Wood Preservative in strict accordance with FS TT-W-572 Type I, Composition 8,2 inch minimal normal size diameter by 1D feet long, no split stakes. 2. Ties: Provide 36 inch corded rubber tic as manufactured by Gro-Strnit Proc!ucts, wire □nd hose tie by Nunes Turfgrass, or other approved_ Provide rigid tie stock No. LP, 24 inches as monufactured by VIT company or other approved. 3, Steel Guy Anchor. provide 3/4 inch diameter by 36 inch ste<il vone os mon~fodured by Mcxwell Steel Company, or other approved 4 Guying H~rdwore: Wire-pliable 9 gaiJge galvanized; hose 1/2 inch new rubber; turnt>uckles -galvanized or dip painted, size us required; safety sleeve -1/2 inch white pvc full length of wire. I, Tiee Point: Provide Morrison Tree Seal. Cabot Tree Point, or other approved. J_ Water: Provide clean, potable water. K. Mulch: Provide medium grfnd bark such as supplied by Blue Ribbon Nursery (714)633-3666, consisting of fibrous, woody bark mix lure of varied porlicle size such that 90 le 100 percent posses 1 rnch sieve, 80 to 100 percent passes 1/2 inch sieve, and 20 to 60 percent passes 1/4 inch sieve, or up proved equal. L Wood Headerboards: 1. Provide 2 inch by 4 inch pressure lreoted Douglas fir or redwood construction grade headerboords. Make splices with 1 inch by 4 inch pieces no less that 12 inches long_ Place 1 inch by 3 inch by 16 inc slakes at intervals of not more than 5 feet. Cut stok,;,s level and set belcw top heoderboords. 2. On sharp turns and curves, four 1/2 Inch by 4 fnch laminated boards, or two 1 Inch by 4 lnch laminated boards may be permitted. 3. Nail stokes and splices with galvanized common nails. Nail as required for solid installation. 4. Provide headerboards as shown on drawings, laid true le line ond grode-protect in-place adjocent improvement~. shrubbery and other properties. Place stakes on ground cover sod of headerboards. M. Sand: Provide washed slllca sand. N. Root Barrier: U824-2 by Deep Root Corp., (714)8i;J8-0563. Install with grovel !:>ackfill option per manufactun':lrs Rpectfico':ions. ------·---------.~-------- Nitrogen sbbnized organic amendment - 16-6-8 Commercial Fertilizer - Agricultural gypsum - Soil sulphur - 6 cubic yards 15 Pounds 200 POlll'lds 15 pounds 2. At time of plonting, ensure ttlat top 2 lnche-s of all areas to be stones, stumps, and other deleterious matter 1 inch in diameter plaster, concrete, wood, ond similar materials which would c□use maintenance. planted or seeded are free of or lorger, and free from wire, hindrance to planting or B. Final Grades: Make minor modifications :o grode as may be necessary to establish required final grade_ Ensure that finish grade provides proper drainoge of the site ond surface droinay" is away from building. Final grades ore to be 1 inch below adjacent paved oreos, sidewalks, valve box.,,, heoders, dean-outs, drains, manholes, etc_, or o~ shown on drawings or required by Architect. Eliminole eroslon scars prior to cornmencing maintenance period. 3.03 JUTE MATTING A. Apply and Incorporate fertilizer and amendments into the soil as specified prior to jute matting installation. B. Roll matting in the direction of the flow of water in <lroinage channels Qnd smooth and secure in place as shown on plans. The material shall be applied without stretching and lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. In cases where one roll of matting ends and a second roll starts, :he up channel piece shall be t>rought over \he burled end of lhe second roll so that there is a 12 inch overlap. Where two or more widths of matting are applied, side by side. tlie overlap ~hall be not less than 3 inches. C. Maintain jute matting unt! aU work on the Project has been completed and accepted. Maintenance shall consist of the repair of eroded areas and the repair or replacement and restopling of loose or undermined matting, including reseeding and bedding. D. Make check slots before the matting is rolled out. Dig 0 narrow trench across chonnel perpendlcular to the direction of the flow. Fold jute. the same length as the trench, and press together. lo.;:ot1on of check slots shall be masimum of 50 feet ai>art, the E. Overlap whrch runs parallel to the direction of the flow in channel bottoms shall be stopled at 2-inch intervals_ Outside edges, centers and overlaps on banks shall be stapled across the channel at 6-lnch intervals. F. Spread loose topsoils over outslde edges to allow for smooth entry of water. G. Top dress ]Ute area with a thin layer of topsoil. sholl still be vfsible. H. install plant material through matting. After the top dressing, the yarns I. Any clods, which hold the jute off the ground shaft be stamped into the soil. Farce JUie matting down into any depressions and hold there with o stople. J. The mottlng shall completely .::overed alt areas as shown. Overlaps must be ample ond W<'lll stapled. Loy matting smoothly, loosely, and in continuous contad with the soil surface at all points. 3.04 PLANTING INSTALLATION I tablet per 1-gollon container 2 tablets per 5-gallon container 3 tablets per 15-gollon container 4 tablets per 24 inch box 5 toblets per JO inch box 6 tablets per 36 irJ~h box 7 tablets per 42 inch box B tablets per 48 inch and larger boxes I ' ' their containers! ' Set plonting tablets with each plant on top of root bait while plants are stTH in so the required number of tablets con be ve,rified. 12. Backflll remainder of hole and tamp firm. Construe! an earthen basin oraund eoch plant after 1 backfilling. Provide basin of depth sufficient to hold at least 2 inches of water. Construct : basins with amended backfill. Remove basin in all turf oreos ofter initial woterlng. 13. Limit pruning to minimum necessary. Remove inj~red twigs and branches. Pruning may not be done prior to delivery of plants Point cuts over 3/4 inch in diarneter with tree point. 14. Stake trees 1mmed1a!ely ofter planting. lns\oll stakes plumb. 15. Do not bring iron sulfate into contact with concr.,\e surfaces due to potential stainin9. Controctor is res:pons1ble for ct~ar1ir1g or replacing stained surfaces. E. Plonting Groundcover: 1. Ensure that groundcover remains in the flats until transplontlng. sufficient moisture so it will no\ foll oport when lifting plants. Flats' soil must contain 2. Plont groundcovers in straight rows evenly spaced unless shown otherwise, and at intervals required by drawings. Use triangular spacing unless otherwise noted on drawings 3. Plant each rooted plant with its proportionate amount of flat soil. Immediately sprinkle after planting until entire area is soaked to full depth of each hole. Protect plants from damage and trampling. F. Sod Planting: 1. Remove rocks, weeds, debris from oreas to be sodded. Work up soil to a depth of 6 inches, ond break up oil clods. 2. Carefully smooth all surfaces lo be sodded. 1rregulorities. Regrade os required. Roll area lo expose soil depressions or surface I , I ,j_ Spread turf fert,lizer 16-20-0 onto soil evenly at role of one pound per 100 S<JUOre feet of I lawn area. Rake in lightly. Be sure soil is level and smooth before loyIng sod. Avoid laying 1 sod on bone dry soil. 4. Lay first strip of sod slobs along o straight line use o string in irregular areas. Butt joints tightly, do not overlap edges On second strip, stagger joints much as in laying masonry_ Use a sho,p knife to cut sod to fit curves, edges, ~prinkler heads. 5. Do not lay whole lowri before wotering. When a conveniently large area has been sodded, 1 ' water lightly preventing drying. Conthue to lay sod, (md to water until installation is complete. 6. After laying sod, roll lightly to eliminate irregulorit,es and to form good contact between sod and s011. Avoid heavy roller or excessive initial watering which may cause roller marks. ' 7. Water thoroughly t~e completed lawn surface. Soil should be moistened at least 8 inches deep. Repeat spri~kling ar regulor intervals to keep sod moist at all times until rooted_ sod is established, decrease frequency and lncrease amount of water per applicot,on os necessary Afl.ef I 8. Replace oil dead or dying sod with equal material. G. Contalner Pot Planting: 1. If not specified, submit annual color choices to Owner for opprovol. 2. Place plants and liners as required. ' I 3. Backfill pol to within 1 inch of nm with o thoroughly mixed blend of. 4 cy washed plaster s,:;,nd,I 3 cy peat moss, 3 cy fiNe n1troliz~d fir bark, 4 lbs Calcium Carbonate lime, 4 lbs Dolomite lime, 20 lbs 6-20-20 ferl11i;er, 1 lb Iron sulfate. Amounts are for 10 cy. H. Mulch Cover. Dress all groundcover, perennial and onnual beds with 3" layer of mulch, e><cept 3· 1 slopes and turf areas. I , I ' A. General: 3 05 CLEAN-UP 1. Perform actual planting only during those periods when weather and soil conditions ore suitable and in accordance wilh locally accepted practice, as approved. 2. Distribute in planting areas only as many plants as can be planted and watered tho! sarne day. 3. Ensure that containers which are opened and plants removed are handled with care such that boll of earth surroundlrg roots is not broken and that plants are planted o~d watered immediately, Do not open containers prior to placing plants in planting areas, 4. The Irrigation systern shull be operational and approved prior to planting. 8. Pre-Plant Weed Control, 1. Use a non-selecliv• systemic contoo;t herbicide as recommended and applied by an approved licensed landscape pest control advisor ond opplicatar, Leave spra)l€d plants intact for ot least 15 days. 2-Cleor and remove these existing weeds by mowing or ·3rubbing off oil plant parts ot least 1/4 inch belo·N surface of soil over entire area,; to be planted. 3. A:'ter Irrigation system is operotioncl, apply water for 5 to 10 days as needed to achieve weed germination. Apply contact herbicides and wait as needed before planting. Repeat os required. 4. Maintain weed free site unn acceptance by Owner. C. Lay-Out: Ma,k locations for plants and outlines of areas to be planted before any plant pits are dug. Gain Owner approval. If uncerground construction or utility lines are encountered in the excavation of planting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by Owner. Accomplish layout with flagged grade stakes indicating pl,;,nt nomes and specified container size on each stake. Confirm localion ond depth cf underground utilities and obstructions D. Planting of Trees and Shruba: 1. Strip and stack approved excavation for planting which is encountered within areas for trenches, tree holes, plant pits and planting beds. 2. Remove from site eacess soil generated from planting holes and not used for backfilling. 3. Protect areas from excessive corr,poction when trucking plants or other materials to planting areas. A. After all planting operations are- and rubbish from the property. in a neat and orderly condition. complete, remove oil trosh, excess soH, err,pty pl01'1t contaif\<1,"S, Repair scars, ruts ond other marks in the ground and leave ground B. Leave the sile in a broom-clean Leave walks 1n c, clean and safe :I.DB OB SERVA llON SCHEDULE condition, and wash down all paved areas within the project site. condition. A. Notify Owner In advance for the following inspections, occordlng te> the time specified: 1. Pre-Job conference -7 doys. 2. Final grade review -48 hours. 3. Plant material review -48 hours. 4_ Plant layout review -48 hours. 5 Soil preparation and planting operations; one tree with each t:,,pe of specified staklng -48 hours. 6. Pre-maintenance -7 doys, 7. Final inspection -7 days. 13. If Owner authorizes a party other than the Landscape Architect to make scheduled insp;3ctlons, present Landscape Architect wi\h evidence of such inspections. C. No site visits shall commence without all items noted in previous observation reports either completed or remedied unless such compliance hos been wo1ved by the Owner. Failure to accomplish punchlist tasks or prepare adequalely for desired inspections shall make the i ' ! I i I I , r I , ' ' Contractor responsible for reirnblJf$ing the Owner at Consultants current billing rate per hour pl1JS , tr<:msportotion costs. No further inspecbons shall be scheduled until this charge has been paid ancl received by the Owner. END OF SECTION APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND 1 IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH 1;:NGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECfOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11 SH££TS I II 21 LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPEC;~ICATIONS I RI D G E LANDSCAP~ ARCHITECTS m 114 2~-9211 fAX 714 2"3 9215 RC.E. _____ _ DAfE R-C-E. ·------- f--+--+!.,',i--------,-----------1'----1 f-=:~:::12"':/=,:+..:.::"-:-J.<.;,r"'-0"'c1 1T.:.:;:..::::.:-=:=:~:::LS::::•:::::::::.::: 0 "'0':.,.'"RE":,:..:•.::::=:=-:-------~-+---11 CARLS BAD RES E'AR CH CENT Eld ----....... ~•--------+--, LOTS 50 -~ 51 j 1-------------------1f--.j-.. .... ~-----------------+---, APPROVED / "· ' .,0~ /,2./t1-?6 I I, REVIEWED BY: f---+-+-------·---------------1----1 DATE 9Y DESCRIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR DAT[ REVISIONS ASSISTANT ,..,,,--Al NING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY--=~-.__ __ CHKE> 9y __ J_R __ _ nELD BY PROJ£CT NO. PD 457 DRAWING NO. 3!S0-3t. ._tl/26/96 SECTION 02955 PALM "TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDEJ A. Palm trees. B. Pruning. C. RemoV<Jls, backfill. D. Maintenance 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation. B. Section 02970 -Landscape Planting C. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting --------------1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Sourci;, Quality Control: 1, Submit documentation to Landscape Architect at least 60 days prior to planting that all plant materials are available. Contractor 1s responsible for oil palm trei;, materials listed on plant 11st. Substitutions due to unovailab1l1ty must be requested in writing prior to confirmation of ordering, All :naterials are subject to inspection by Landscape Architect at any time after confirmation of ordering. 2. Plants ore subject to observation ond approval of L□ndscope Architect at place of grc1wth. 1.04 GUARANTEE A. Newly planted palm trees shall be guaranteed ogoinst ony ond oil poor, inadequate, or inferior plant mo!eriols, and workmanship for two years following planting and acceptance l:y Owner. B. During the guarantee period, ony material found dead or not ,n a sa:isfodory growlh condition shall be remove'.! from the site. C. These trees and disturbed improvements shall be replaced at no added expense to the Owner, with the same variety and size as originally designated. Palms and all disturbed areas shall t,e guoronteed for two years from time of planting and re-planting to the satiafact,an of the Owner, 1.05 OBSERVATIONS AND PERMITS 1.06 1 07 1-08 A. Observation 8. 1. Notify Owner's representative minimum cf 72 hours in advance of observations to schedule required Inspections. 2. All palms are to be inspected by a palm expert for disease pric,r to t~,eir preparation for removal from growing site. Contact, schedule ond pay for this Inspection at nc extra cost to the Owner. The Inspection will ta~e place from 1 ground level with field glosses. If disease is suspected provide a man lift for closer inspection at nc extra cost to the Owner. 3. The palm expert shall be Or. Henry Donsclman (619 / 679-7384) unless otherwise approved in advance by Owner•~ outhorizeo representotive. 4. All palms will be observed by the Londscope Architect for height, girth, and overoll form in meeting design intent. Said observation and approval does net constitute a review of the palm's heal lh, vigor, and required health-free state, for which the Contractor is solely responsible. 5. lhe landscape Architect may opt to either visit lhe tree nursery or review photographs submitted by the Contractor. In either case visit the nursery and 'Select trees conforming to specification prior 1:o review by the I □ndscape Architect. Should tree not meet spec1ficotian ot the time of review in person by the Landscape Architect. the Contractor moy be require ta reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current bllling rate. 6. Observations are as follows. Observation Obseniation of trees at source Obser,ation of planting locations on site prior to digging pits Observation of palm on site prior to pion ting for verification of conformance to pl□ns and specifications Observation of condition of equipment and typical planting operations (1st planted polm) Pre-maintenance observation Observation at end of maintenance period Permits Expert 1. Provide alt necessary permits ot no additional costs to Owner. Representotive PROlECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEME:NTS A. Exercise extreme care in excavating planting or working near existing utilities or B. c. D. irrigatron systems. I Be responsible for damages to utilltles which ore caused by work operations or neglect. Check utility drawings and as-built plans for utlllty and irrigation locations. Replace oil plant matei-ials disturbed by excavation or planting. Plant-pit oreo where palm tree will be replaced will not requ,re replanting Alter tree is in place, blend planting of groundcover or turf with existing. JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions ore suitable ir, accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Do r,ot plant palm between October 31 end April 1, unles~ the approved p□lr~ expert provides written recommendation to do so, and unless this recommendation ,s approved in advance by the Owner. SAMPLES AND "TESTS A. Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for B. C. conformity to specifications at any reasonable time. Provide samples upon request by Landscape Architect. Rejected materials shall be immediately removed from the site at Contractor's 2.02 PALM BACKFILL SOIL A. Backfill mix shull consist of washed concrete sand, and silt plus clay content of this sell shall not exceed 20% by weight with a minimum 95% passing the 2 O millimeter sieve. The sodium obsorp\ion ratio {SAR) sholl not exceed 6 and the electrical conductivity (EGE) of the saturation extract of this soil shall not exceed 3,0 mil!imhos per centimeter at 25 centigrade. The boron co~tent of this sand shall be no greater than 1 pm as measured on lhe saturation extract. In order to insure conformance~ submit samples of the Import sand to the soils laboratory for onalysis prior to t>acktill1ng and submit report to Owner's representative 2 03 FERTILIZER A. After 14 days, then monthly, spray the frond (foliar drench) with the following mixture. No compound should exceed its recommended rote. The following rotes are for a 100 gallon tonk mix. 1. Kocide• 101 w.p. (3/4 lb.) or Manzote .. -1 qt. / 100 gallons. 2 WR. Croce's Minor-Cr□ (1/2 cup) 3. Hydrated urea (5 cups ~r 2-1/2 lbs.) 4. Spreader Sticker -8 o,. "Basic H" 5. 1 lb. Benlale / 100 gallons of water 6. Option: Add a general insecticide ta prevent insect lorva idestation. (We hove dropped the insecticide 1n our mix due to the increased environmental and health risks.) All rates are recommendations only. Do rot exceed label directions. Be sure to follow oil lobe! inslruct,ons. 8 Fertilizer will not be used at time of planting. After four weeks, use a light/ application of "Wood Ace Palm Special" cvoiloble from W.D. Young (619 / 317-7906) approximately 6 lb. nitrogen per tree ligh\1y cultivale,d inlo lhe Boil, PART 3 EXECUTION 3 01 PALM TREE SOURCE ANO PREPARATION FOR PLANTING 3 02 A. Obtain source of palms for inspection and approval by Palm Tree &pert and Landscape Architect. B Submit documentation ond permits (if required) that the source of palm trees is approved. Obtain palms from an approved source and replace or repair domage fror'n palm tree removal. C. D. E. F. G. 1. Palms collected for planting shall be grown under climot~ conditions similar to those in locol1ty of project. Palms shall be inspected by the Palm Tree Expert to include health, defronding. t:,ing and palm removal. Any palms rendered unsuitable for plant,ng because of this inspection sholl not be used. Relnspection of suitoble palms will be ot the Contractor's expense. All palms must be togged, inspected, ond approved by the Palm Tree Expert and by Landscape Architect for planting prior to shipment and installation. Defronding and Tying: In preparing palm trees for relocation, all dead fronds shall be removed and the entire trunk diamond cut clean to the height of green fronds. Care shall be taken lo prevent mJury to the trunk of the tree. Green fronds below a horizontal position shell be neatly cut off leaving a 1 ,nch stub. 2. All remaining fronds above horizontal shall be lifted up and tied together around 1. the crown In an upright position. Due caution shall be taken not to bind or lr Jure the crown. A lightweight rope or cord not less than 1/4 inch in diameter shall be used on tying up the fronds; wire will not be permitted. After tying, the tips of the fronds shall be hedged off above the crown approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the frond length Defronding and tying work sholl l:>e completed prior to digging the rootball. Submit documentatbn that palms have been reviewed by the palm tree expert and that they are disease free. Digging the Rootboll· When digging out \he rootboll, no excovotion 1;1holl be done closer than 24 inches to the trunk ot ground level and the excavaUon shilll extend below the mojor root system ta a minimum depth of 6 feet. The bottom of the roatball shall be cut off square and perpendicular to the trunk below the major root system. Under no conditions shall the Contractor cut down the size of the rcotball in width or depth. 2. The Contractor shall not treefall, drag, roll, or abuse the tree or put a strain on the crown at ony time. A protective device sholl be used around the trunk of the hee while lifting and relocating so as not to scar or skin the trunk in any way. Thi:s device shall consist of either o rubber or leather sling made out of timbers sufficiently sized to withstand cable/choker pressure. Al no time will trees be balled out and laid on the ground with rootball left exposed to direct sunlight and air. The rootball shall be kept moist and shade<:! at all tim'ils. 3. Palms shall not be stockpiled for replanting. PLANTING OF PALMS A. Excavation for planting shall include the stripping and stocking of oil acceptable B. C. D. E. F. G. topsoil encountered within the areas to be excavated for the tree holes. Exces$ soil generoted from the planting holes and not used os backfill or in establishing \he final grades shall be removed from the site. Protect all areas from excessive ccmpaction when trucking plants or other material to the planting site. Center palm in pit ar trench; align with other palms. Set palm plumb and hold rigidly in position until sand has been wo:ered in around roots. The sand needs to be washed into voids around roots to achieve a good interface. All excavated holes shall hove vertical sides with roughened surfaces and $holl be of o Sile that is twice the diameter and 24 inch minimum ta 4 foot maximum deeper in the ground than the polms originally stood. Root-growth stimulant shall be applied when the backfilling is between 1/2 to 2/3 ur the rootboll, Application rote shall be one ounce of "Basic H" and 2 tablespoons o ·stem" in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Stimulant shall be poured full strength equally distributed around the rootball. and watered In thoroughly. 3.03 CLEANUP A. Following planting work, all remaining excavation shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with the requirements of the Landscape Architect. Burying of debris in holes will not be permitted. All excess soil and debris from the relocation wark shall be disposed of off the site by the Contractor. This site shall be left neat and clean to the satisfoction of the Owner. 3.04 MAINTENANCE A. Be responsible for maintenance and guarantee of all installed new palms and existing palms to the sotisfaction of the Owner. 1. Maintenance will include, spraying to control or prevent disease and weekly water management to include soil probing and maintenonce of sump dean-out pipe and palm tree pruning. 2. Pruning shall be done with reciprocal sows (chain sows will not be ollow0d). _ ~----__ __ _ _____ _ _ expense. _________________ ---------------------------------_________________________________ _ D. Cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications shall be paid by Contractor, PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PALM TREE DESIGN STANDARDS A. All oolm trees are to be of uniform quality aid appearance, matching representative sample approved by Landscape Architect. B. Trunk condition shall be free of any scarring or blemishes, Contcactar to clean trunk and form pineapple per specifications. C. Brown trunk height shall be per DrawinQS. D. Trunk diameter per heights stipulated in the drawings shall not vory mare than 25 percent. .3. Saw blodes will be sterillzed between each tree wilh 50% household bleach and 50% water for five minutes. 4. Pruning will be done lo maintain a neat appearance as approved by the Landscape Mchitect. 5. Proposed pruning schedule is to be submitted to the Landscape Architect for approval. 8. The spring ofter planting, loosen but do not fully remove rope around fronds. Fully remove rope at end of summer, 60 days after planting. END OF SECTION ----------------------------------------------------------------·--- SECTION 02970 LANOSCAPE MAINlENANCE PART 1 GENERAL 1 01 SECTION INCLUDES A. [90] day maintenance. B. Weeding. C. F"erlilizotion 1.02 RELA1ED WORK SPEC!FlED 1N Oll-iFR SFCTIONS A. [Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation.] B. [Section 02955 -Palm Tree Planting ond Maintenance.] C. [Section 02950 -Landscape Planting,] D. [ Section 02514 -Portland Cement Concrete Paving.] 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide ser,ices by an e><perienc<!d landscaping maintenance compony. 1.04 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. Continuously mointoin oil site oreos lnvolved in this contract during the progress of work and during the maintenance period until final acceptance of the work by Owner. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of the project ot the termination of the scheduled mointenonce period rnoy cause postponement cf the final ¢ompletlon dote of the Controct at no addltionol cost to Owner. Continue maintenance ,nta acceptable to the Owner. $. Provide sufficient numbers of workers and adequate equipment ta perform work during maintenance period. C. Maintenance period does not start untfl aft elements of construction, planting, and irrigation for the complete project are in accordance with 1.he contract documents for th,s project. D. Request on inspection to l:>egin maintenance period ofter all planting and related work has been completed in accordance with contract documents. Maintenance period commences as described i11 written notrfication by lhe Owner. E'.. Prior to commencement of mointenonce period, ensure that all ground covers and lawn areas have been planted and that all lown areas show an even, healthy stand of gross seedlings or sod, gross having been mown twice. F. Any day or days that there is failure to properly maintain plantings. replace suitable plonts, perform weed control or maintain hordscope areas will not be credited as port cf the [90J days maintenance. The project will not be segmented into maintenance phases. G. Keep paved areas free of silt, dirt, leaves and other planting area debris. Maintoin these areas ot least broom clean through the duration of the maintenance period, cleaning no less often \hon once per week. 1 05 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT A-Guarantee: Guarantee plant m,;,terlol against any ond all poor, inadequate or inferior materials and workmansnip for one year, Replace plants found to be dead or in poor condition due to faulty materials er workrnansliip, at no extra cost to Owner. 8. RAplocement; Replace materials found to be dead, missing or in poor condition during the maintenance period immediately. The Owner is the sole judge of the acceptability of condition. Make replacements of materials with 1n 15 days ofter condition develops or written not1ficat1on from Owner has been sent. Owner hos the right to moke emer9ency repairs witho~t releasing Contractor's guarantee and worranty to Owner. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. Requesl normal progress inspection ot least 12 hours In advance cf an anticipated inspection. Inspections are as follows: 1. Immediately prior to commencement of this maintenance work. 2. Completion of first [90] day mointenanca period, 3. Final acceptance. 1.07 PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to date of final inspection, acquire approved reproducible prints ond finally record from the job record set, all changes made during construction and deliver them to Owner. B. Daliver guorontees to Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MA rERIALS A. Ensure thot oll moter,al:s conform to other sections of these speclflcatlons for 1>lanting and irrigation, and os acceptable to Owr.er. B. Provide monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disea~e control chemicals u::::cd on site PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANCE A. Weed and cultivate oH orea:s al intc,rvals of not more than [1 o] days. B. Perform watering, mowing, roll1ng, edging, trimming, fer tilitalion, spraying, pest control, ond cleonfng os may be required. C. Street gutters and curbs ore to be included. D. E'.. Maintain adequate protection for people and property, and be financially responsible for damages and injuries. Notify Owner immediately should damage occur (]$ c result of maintenance operations and provide repoir or remuneration as requirt:!d by Owner. Betweer the 15th ond 20th calendar doy of the mointenonce period, reseed or resod oil spots or are<1s within the lown where r'l<>rmal turf growth is not evident. _ 3.02 "TREE AND SHRUB CARE Ii A. Wutering; Mointain a lorge enou~h water bodn around plonts so that e,-,o~gh 1ro~ can be op;,lied to establish moisture through the major root zone. When hand watering, use a water wand to break force of wa:er. B Pruning: 1 Prior to any pn;ning obtain written approval from the Owner to proceed. 2 Tree., o. Propose lree pruning to the Owner should there be health or structural reasons for doing so, including the ~ead to eliminate diseased or damaged growth. eliminate structurally unsound growth, reduce potential for wind toppling or wind :Jamage,ar maintain 9ro·..-th b. within limited space If requested by the Owner provide pruning for aesthetic enhoncement oc,;ording to "Pruning" by Su~set Book$. Mojor prun,ng of deciduous trees sho I be during the;r dormorit season. ------------3.-----§l"lr-tibs,----------------- C. D. E. F. G. a. The objectives of shrub pruning are 1.he some as for trees. Do not b. clip shrubs into balled or bo~ed forms unless such is required by the d~~ign. M □ke pruning cuts to lateral branches or buds or flush with trunk. Stubbing will not be permitted. Staking and guying: Ensure that stokes and guys remain in ploce through acceptance and monitor to prevent girdling of trunks or branches and to pre-.ent rubbing that causes bark wounds. All nursury slakes Shull be r~moved. Weed control: Keep all areas free of weeds. Use recommended legally approve<! herbicides Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roc,ts. Use mule per spec1ficolions to help prevent weed seej germination. Insect and disease control; Molntoln o reosonable control with approved materials I I fertilize os specified by the agronomic soils testing recommendations and as fo"o• s for bid purposes: 1. Commencement of maintenance period -[6] pounds per 1,000 square f8€t with top dress fertilizer. 2. 4 At end of first [30] doys of maintenance period -[6] pounds per 1.000 sql ar~ feet with top dress fertili,er. At end cf maintenance period and at [30) day intervals should maintenance eenod l:>e extended for any reason -[6] pounds per 1,000 square feet wilh L fertilizer] m 1x. Avoid applying fertilizer to the root ball and base of moin stem; rather, spread evenly under plant to dr,p line. Rates will vary from about a cup of nitrate fertilizer (depending upon nitrogen percentage) around a newly installed small plant to about 1/2 pound of actual nitrogen per inch of true diameter measured four feet from the ground for mature trees. Replocement of plants: Replace deod. dying and missing plants with p1onts of a size, condition and variety acceptable to Cwner at no addit,onLJI cost to the Ownc. 3.03 GROUND COVER CARE A. Weed control: Control we~ds, preforably with pre-emergent herbicides, but also b hand or with selective systemic herb1c1des Hoe weeds as llttle as possible since th,s may result in plont domoge. B. Waterlng: Water enough that moisture penetrates throughout root zone and only as frequently as is necessary to maintain healthy growth. , C. Trosh· Remove as it accumulates, but no less often than weekly. D. Edging and \rimming: Edge ground cover to keep in bounds. E. Replace dead and missing plants at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.04 LAWN ANO TURF" CARE A. Turf must be well-estobllshed prior to final acceptance. B. Watering: Water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions required to replenish soil moisture below root zone. C. Weed control: If needed, control brood leaf weeds with selective harbicides. D. Mowing: 1. Perform mowing at such times of the day or week as may be requ<!Sted by the Owner so as not tc> impede the Owner's operations. Mowing times may be at times other than normal working hours or do;,,. Perform work at Owner's convenience at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Clean up gross clippings during and after mowing, and remove legal1y from' site. Use of blowing-type equipment in lieu of sweeping or vacuuming Ls not acceptable. E. Renovating: 1. If required, remove thatch by verticutting,preferably In th-e Foll of the 'f€'7, but otherwise in the Spring. At this time, fertilize with nitrate and over--:,, e,j if neerled, Over-seeding must precede pre-emergent herbicides by at leost 4 to 6 weeks. Normally, this means that lawns which have been invoded by crabgrass would be renovated and over-seeded in the Foll and treated for crabgrass control i the following late Wint~r. 2. Clean up gross clippings during and ofter rnowing, and remove legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment in lieu of sweeping ar vacuuming is no acceptable. 3.05 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. Inspection: Check oil systems for proper operation. Lateral lines must be flush<!:d out ofter removing the lost sprinkler head or two at each e,id of the lateral. Ad" st heods as necessary for unimpeded coverage and no overspray. B. Controllers: Set and pro9r□m aulom □tic controllers for seosonal water requirements. Give Owner o key to controllers and Instruction on how ta tum off system in case of emergency as specified in other sections of these spedficotions C. Repair all domages to irrigation system at no additional cost to the Owner. Maf<e al repairs within one watering period. END OF SECTION APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND I IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECl~E LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS.J "AS BUILT" REVISIONS MUST SE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEE;R PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. fsHEET77 --CITY OF CARLSBAD I I SH2EE1TS I L~R,..J PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AND k' RI D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS m 11• 2.ia--9211 fAX 714 2-48 9215 R C.E. _____ _ REVIEWED BY• INSPECTOR R.C.E. ______ _ DATE 1---t--t-<-x"~---~-~-----------------+----i PALM TREE SPECIFICATIONS r'21;;:;21cc/1',_..;;;"",-<-r"._c_lTY __ DF_CA_R_Ls_BAD_co_RRE_c_T_ION_. ______ ·~ ~---+-----i CARL,",RAD RESEARCH CENT R . .. ~-•!~~~, HK /3'-CITY•• CARI.SDAD caruuacno•• L Q TS 5 0 & 5 f I 1-D_AT_E~_R_Y..,_ _______ D_E_S_CR_I_PT_I_O_N _________ ..,_A_P_P_'D'---, REVISIONS APPROVE~ _ _,?-" . ./ ·~--. I 7~ /, t' c.t. /)-11~,4 ASSISTAITT Pl Al'INING• DIRE1<1 OR~----DATE I DWH BY __ -'-"-'--"',__ __ CHKD BY __ JR __ _ FIELD BY PROJ~C-f NO. PD 457 DRAWING ti>n. 35()-3\. -. 11,'.26196_ _J_2' A GENERAL NOTES RECYCLED WATER NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2. DRINKING WATER FOUNTAINS AND DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST CONTACT WITH RECYCLED WATER SPRAY, MIST OR MISTING. 3. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO ELIM/NA TE OR CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE PONDING, RUN-OFF, OVER-SPRAY, AND MISTING. 4. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 5. CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RECYCLED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 6. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL 8£ ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA lER DISTRICT. 7. ALL MAINLINE PIPES SHALL HA VE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 8. HOURS FOR /RR/GA TION WITH RECYCLED WATER ARE FROM 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. THE HOURS FOR /RR/GA TION WITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER MAY BE MODIFIED BY Tl-i£ LOCAL AUTHORITY. /RR/GA TION DURING PUBLIC US£ PERIODS WITH D/SIN~ECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER SHALL BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE DESIGN A TED USER SUPERVISOR. IRRIGATION WITH WATER OF A LESSER QUALITY 77--/AN DISINFECTED TERTIARY RECYCLED WATER SHALL 8£ BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. RULES AND REGULA T/ONS. 10. NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTACT WITH RECYCLED WATER, WI-/ET//[R BY WIND BLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPL/CATION THROUGH /RR/GA T/ON OR OTHER USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE OR SYST[M OP[RA TION IS STRICTLY PROH/8/T[D. 11. /RR/GA TION HEADS SHALL BE RELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO MINIMIZE OR EL/MINA TE OVER- SPRA YING ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND NON-DESIGN A TED USE AREAS. 12. RECYCLED WATER QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DESIGNED FOR THE USE ON RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES /\ND REGULATIONS. 13. ON RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPURTENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE COLOR-CODED PURPLE P[R AWWA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 116815 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEAL TH AND SAFETY CODE. 14. ALL /RR/GA TION PIPE SHALL BE STENCILED WITH WARNING, "NON-POTABLE OR RECYCLED WATER", COLOR-CODED (PURPLE) AND LAID WITH WARNING TAPE AND STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 15. ON NEW ON-SITE SYSTEMS (POST-METER), POTABLE WATER, CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER AND SEWER LINES SHOULD BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF FOUR FEET APART OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND/OR REGULA TORY AGENCY. MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE BETWEEN FACING SURFACES, NOT PIPE CENTERLINES. 16. CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER LINES SHALL CROSS AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES BELOW POTABLE WATER LINES AND MAINTAIN AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES CROSSING Sf.PARA TION BETWEEN OTHER UTILITIES. 17. IF A CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER LINE MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE A POTABLE WATER LINE OR LESS THAN TWELVE /NC/-/ES BELOW A POTABLE WATER LINE, THEN THE RECYCLED WATER LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED WIT/-1/N AN APPROVED PROTECTIVE SLEEVE AS PER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 18. THE REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION SHUTDOWN TEST SHALL BE DONE BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL /-/EAL Tl-/. 19. THE REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE BY EITHER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO T/-1£ NON-INSPECTING PARTY. 20. THE DESIGN AND LOCATIONS PROPOSED FOR RECYCLED WATER "oo NOT DRINK" SIGN SI-/ALL BE CALLED OUT ON THE PLANS. 21. WHEN RECYCLED WATER BECOMES AVAILABLE, AN ON-SITE USER SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN WRITING. THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEM WITHIN THE PROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECTION PROTECTION, THE RECYCLED PUREYOR'S RULES AND REGULATIONS AND Tl-/£ SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF Tl-/£ DESIGNATION, WITH CONTACT Pi-JONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT Nick Foussianes, Mission Equities AT 858.367.3160 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACTNick Foussianes, Mission Equities AT 858.367.3160 RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) SHEET TITLE TITLE SHEET /RR/GA TION PLAN /RR/GA TION DETAILS PLANTING PLAN 2081 FARADAY AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SIGNAGE NOTES THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES /'OR THE USE OF RECYCLED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE Tl-/[ DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EAS/L Y VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-1 /2" X 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR: PURPLE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERING. 1. GUIDELINES FOR RECYCLED WATER USE A. IRRIGATE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M. ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE Tl-IE NORMAL SCHEDULE. B. /RR/GA TE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING, AND PONO/NG. THE APPL/CATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE /NFIL TRA TION RATE OF THE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED 50 A$ TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RATE PRESENT. TH/$ PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (IE., EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL /RR/GA TION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). C. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIM/NA TE OVERSPRA Y ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PA TIO$ AND LOTS, AND STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. D. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC., SHOULD BE REPAIRED A$ SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. E. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR £DUCA TING EACH EMPLOYEE AND ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS, REGARDING Tl-/£ PRESENCE OF RECYCLED WATER. MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED THAT WATER 15 FOR /RR/GA TION PURPOSES ONLY AND /$ NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING OR FOR HAND AND TOOL WASHING, ETC. F. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MOD/FICA TIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEER/NG OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. 1. ALL RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH /DENT/FICA TION TAGS. A. TAG$ SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3"x 4", PURPLE IN COLOR, WITH THE WORD$ "WARNING RECYCLED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND • A VISO -AGUA IMPURA-NO TOM AR" IMPRINTED ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. C/-/RISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL. B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM D/RECTL Y OR WITH PLASTIC T/E-WRAE.._OR 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 2. ALL SPRINKLER /-/EADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. G. EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOC/A TEO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARING THE WORDS "RECYCLED WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTERS 1" HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILIZING THE EQUIPMENT. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, TI-/AT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS D£FINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN /$ ~ T E T'Y""'"'lRD. TWO NEW DO NOT DRINK SIGNS ADDED TO SITE IN ADDITION TO THE 7 EXISTING SIGNS ON SITE OUTDOOR EATING AREA TO BE-_j.J-r#+J1~~ ~ '• ~ l-,...-,:--1. ~~J.,._;..:...',: S S~ET WATERED WITH DRIP SYSTEM · , ~ .• . OVEMENT PROJECT AREA PROJECT MAP r ;_: ,JJ:...::...L . NOT TO SCALE (Ii!!!:) ASSESOR PARCEL NO. 212-120·2~•26 MAP NO. 11811 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLAN$ CONTAINED IN T/-1£ CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL & WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I /-/AVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATION$ AND Tl-IE LANDSCAPE MANUAL. I CERTIFY THAT Tl/£ Pl.AN /MPLEM TS THOSE REGULA T/ONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. BY: PHONE NO: (858) 831-9057 REG/STRA TION NO: LA 4730 INSPECTION PROCEDURES EXP/RATION DA TE: 12/20/2013 1. DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. REQUIRED $£PARA TION BETWEEN POTABLE AND RECYCLED WATER LINES (HORIZONTALLY AND VERT/CALLY). 8. PIPE /OENTIFICA TION. C. SLEEVING AT CROSSINGS. D. APPROPR/A TE MA TERI AL$ AND MARKINGS, INCLUDING PROPER QUICK COUPLERS. CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY 78 S"rM:IOI.. PW Si:'CW -·-·-·-·-·-·-·- ALL PRCPOSeD I.AND-~~ ~TM MASTl!I> ASSN. TU'iF •t ... NOT TO SCALE SHEET NUMBER 18 19 20 21 LEGEND DESCRPT10N PROPOSED POT Aa.E! WATE3< 6'rST13'1 P1<0POSeD ~ WATER S'J"STEM ~ li'RISAllON SYS'TISM MAN.1-E AReA OF~ WAreR t.6E LOCAllON OF C0N-.ecT.:N PONT(SI - ~ Al-0 6ACKR.OW PRe\lB'l110N 'DO r-oT D12N<' SIGN LOCA T10NS c.o l'-- 1 (") < 0 N en _J APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA 22. ALL PUBLIC AND PR/VA TE POTABLE WATER MAINS INCLUDING FIRE MAINS AND ANY WATER WELL$ AND WATER COURSES WITHIN THE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT $/-/ALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, AN APPROVAL LETTER REGARDING THE INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY /-/EAL TH DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. : CITY OF VISTA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTI-1 LAND AND WATER QUAUTY DIVISION 23. CALL OUT ON THE PLANS IF THERE ARE OR ARE NOT DRINKING FOUNTAIN$ AND/OR DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EA TING AREAS ON THE $/TE. OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR P OJECT SIGN. 24. A PI-/YS/CAL $£PARA TION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN ADJACENT AREAS /RR/GA TEO FIRM NAME & ADDRESS: WITH RECYCLED WATER AND POTABLE WATER. SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY DISTANCE, CONCRETE MOW STRIP$ OR OT/-/ER APPROVED METHODS. 25. ALL /RR/GA TION BACKFLOW PREVENTER$ SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. PIPE BETWEEN THE METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER $/-/ALL BE "$Cl /[DUL£ K HARD COPPER". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON THE CITY WEB $/TE AT http: //www.carlsbadca.gov/services/departments/water/Documents/ recycledwaterbackfiowtesterlist.pdf for recycled ar http: //www.carlsbadca.gov/services/ departments/water /Dacuments/waterbackfiowtester/ist.pdf for potable or call 438-2722. HK DESIGN STUDIO 10323 I-IEMPHILL WAY SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 PHONE NO: (858) 831-9057 REG/STRA TION NO: LA 4730 12" X 36" SIZE r BLACK LOGO /PURPLE / 36" (N. T.S.) BACKROUND / 1" BLACK LETTERS WARNING RECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK SH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE US MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 1" BLACK LETTERS 2" BLACK LETTERS .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS TYPICAi., SIGNS In Order to Conserve Waler ... RECYCLED WATER IN USE ~ f DO NOT ~ DRINK NO TOME EL AGUA WASH HANDS AFlER CONTACTING LA\IESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 18" X 18" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS 2. DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SI-/ALL INCLUDE: A. S/GNAGE INSTALLED PER PLAN. B. CONTROLLER STICKERS. C. TAGGING OF VALVES. D. COVERAGE TEST AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF AREA NOT APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WATER USE. ALGA GLENN LEEKS DATE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST "AS BUil T" AVE EXP/RATION DATE: 12/20/2014 £. ALL ASPECT$ OF THE /RR/GA TION CONDITION$ INCLUDING WINDBLOWN PACIFIC OCEAN cosr TITLE DATE DI RT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG SPRAY, RUNOFF, AND PONDING. F. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. G. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF WELLS, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC. H. CROSS-CONNECTION TEST IF REQUIRED. /. COLOR CODED, LAMINA TED CHARTS INSIDE EACH CONTROLLER. 3. ANNUAL INSPECTION $/-/ALL INCLUDE: A COMPLETE INSPECTION THAT WILL COVER A-I OF Tl-IE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. 02'21113 1 HK CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR & CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 2 i---,---------.----1 SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 21 18 PLANNING DIVISION SHEETS UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REVISION$ MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, CITY ENGINEER AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO /MP LEMEN TAT/ON IN FIELD. J-C"3='20:::."='-+--"'"K"-+'-;;.3 Lc:.c:•TYc:__:::0•:..:c=••=LS==•=••:..:0.::.:0".::.:""::CT..:.:'0::::":::.5 _______ -+--+--+2=µ...<.µ!.!~~ PRIVATE ( ON SI TE) RECYCLED t----+--1-----------------+---t----+--+-t-----, WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: ------------~ SKLZ TENANT IMPROVEMENT /4Z11¥~~//,rA ~, fJc'J h./_ /; WILLIAM E. UMMER ~- DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER R.C.E.28176 EXP.XX-~~ ADDRESS: -------------i-1----_ -_ -_r-t--_ -_ -_r+--_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ 1---j -_ -_ -_ -_ t+ -_ -_ -_ i-+ -_ -_ ,-:-:-~r+--_ -_ -~:-;::;:;-=~---,..-----,.--------~ TELEPHONE: DATE PLAN PREPARED: _________ _ BY: DA TE INITIAL ENGi NEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION APPROVED J-i: c.j . <}. 13, PLANNING DATE DRWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL INITIAL CHCKD BY: PD 457 350-3L OTHER APPROVAL PPROVAL 12-1924 ?> I I \ ~ • A • --------- VJ 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I • / MANUFACT. RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD R!JN BtRD TORO R!JN BIRD '\ \ IRRIGATION MODEL NO, I DESCRIPTION XCl-100-8-COM SERIES DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLY, SIZE AS SHO SCREEN FILTER AND RAIN BIRD PRESSURE REGULATOR EFB-CP SERIES BRASS REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 1806-SAM-SF-B-PCS-0'10 STREAM BUBBLER AS APPROVED PVC PIPE 3149-3" NON-POTABLE CL 200AS LATERAL LINES 12" BELOW GRADE AS APPROVED EXISTING MAINLINE TO REMAIN AS APPROVED ABANDONED MAINLINE I I I I AS APPROVED PVC PIPE SCH. 40 AS SLEEVING, TWICE THE DIAl'.AETER OF PJPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHOf~IZE□ REPRESENTATIVE.. AS APPROVED IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14UF AWG DIRECT BURIAL (UL APPROVED) C: DRA'MNG FILES TITLE SHEETS CLSB-IP.DWG REVISED: 5 15 2012 INLESS STEEL 'p NDm: I P.Q:fo o(f upancy and/or security release the landscape ar"1itect of work shall review/inspect the project and provide a certification letter for release of securities, and an itti@tion schedule and landscape and irrigation mainlenanle;~chedule as required by the city water ordinance. f..::.~ I < The security release letter shall certify thaf/he or she has inspected the work and that the project complies with the following conditions: ...._ --......... 1. Has been maintained in substantial confo/mance to the approved plans. -...J 2. ls growing in a healthy and thriving can,ion. 0_ 3. />JI plantings required under Section IV,}':_ of the Landscape Manual have been established as an effective surtace erosion control. O Cr) 4. There ls no evidence of excessive ru~ff from the irrigation system causing a soil erosion problem. ~ 5. As-built landscape plans for the bond work shall be submitted to and approved by the City. I--.. O B. An irrigation watering schedule shall be pr pared by the professional of record for all landscape projects subject to the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. The '--> schedule shall be submitted to the City pr/or to granting a permit of occupancy and shall include the following information: <:.... :S:--1. A description of the automaUc Irrigation system that will be used for the project. ~---.. L.0 I , , 2. The ETo data relied on to develop' the irrigation schedule, including the source of the data. ;...::_ re! 3. The time period when overhead /rrigation will Oa scheduled and confirm that no overhead irrigation shall be used between 6:00 e.m. and ~ '--..J.._ 4. The parameters used for settin9 the irrigation system controller for watering times for: :DO p.m. 0j Q a) The plant eslablishmery period '---=-b) Established landscapipg EXIST, PUBLIC WATER LINE EASEMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PER DOC, NO. 1898-0010711 REC. --b c) Temporarily irrigated areas d) Different seasons dJr.Jng the year 5. The consideration used to/ each station for the following factors: a) The days between irrigation b) Station run time iii minutes for each irrigation event, designed to avoid runoff c) Number of cydlf'starts required for each irrigation event, designed to avoid runoff d) Amount of wat,r to be applied on a monthly basis e) The root def setting ~ The plant lyA setting g) The soil lyp h) The slope; ctor i) The shadll factor 01-08-98 C. A maintenance sched~le far the landscaping and irrigation system shall be prepared for all landscape projects subject to the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. The schedule shall b,S submitted to the City prior to granting a permit of occupancy and shall include provisions for the followlng: 1. General Landsc'3e and Irrigation Maintenance. The schedule shall identify the entity that will be responsible for maintenance and shall provide for all of the general landscape and irrigation maintenance requirements. 2. Water Effici,nt Landscape Maintenance. In addition ta the general maintrmance requirements, the maintenance schedule for landscape projects that are subject to the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance shall include provisions ta: a) Maintaj6 and operate the landscaping and irrigation system on the property consistent with the MAWA. b) Maintain the irrigation system to meet or exceed an irrigation efficiency necessary to meet MAWA c) Replace broken or malfunctioning irri ation systsm components with components of the same materials and specifications, their equivalent or better. Ensure tha tion plac epla nt pla · gs a rese ive of the hydrozone in which the plants were removed and are typical of the water use requirem ts qf the plants removed, so that the replaced vegetation does not re It in mixing high water use plants with low water use plants in the same hydrozone. I EXIST. PUBLIC WATER LINE EASEMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PER DOC, NO. 1898-0010711 REC, 01-08-98 POINT DUE TO NO ~ ACROSS WAU. /~ lrj ' POTABLE WATER LIN :We hOCATION '-' P5>T~BLE VVATE~ HOSE BIBB ~~ ~-~ «;., ~?- ' ,0 I ~\· N2D STIN REMAI OTECT I , :CE. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I/ I I I 7 I I I I /;I I C, I ~ /I < tfCJ tJ ol:!! I /u<J /ti i$ uo li_ iS;;J I ;.._ li_ Q:: 1/) ;.._·"' I 5< "' f:? [JJ d!2 -- EXISTING MAINLINE TO REMAIN 10 20 ,..-~\ r ., ' , ,_, 1- NORTH 60 I SCALE: 1"= 20'-0" I I I I I I I \--:::>---EXIST. PUBLIC WATER LINE ' ,. ,, EASEMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PER DOC. NO. 1898-0010711 REC. D1-08-98 . I ,, I' 1 ' REVISED PROJECT AREA '.,,. .... ~ --r1,¥' ,· ·.> r,'-~ ,_!:J!·L¢ CROSSOVER OF RC At\O PW MAN, TYP. RC MAN TO 3E SLEEVED PB2 NOTE 1 ~S 51--EET PROJECT MAP NOT TO SCALE (Ji!!) ASSESOR PARCEL NO. 212-120·25•26 MAP NO. 11811 NOTES: APPROVED FOR !RR/GA T!ON AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PR[C/S[ LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. DATE 4. 5. INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK The new irrigation mainline and valves shall be high-lined and connected to a potable water source pending successful completion of cross connection tests as pertormed by CMWD and DEH. Final connecUons to the existing irrigation recycled mainline are to be performed only after approval is provided by CMWD and DEH. Irrigation as-built plans are required to be submitted. Submittal of as-built plans shall be as required by the Engineering and Planning Departments. Tile final plans should be prepared by the landscape architect from dimensions provided by the contractor. Final as~built plans shall be drafted clearly to the satisfaction of the City, and the final plans shall be submitted to the City for their keeping. The final as-built plans will be required to be reviewed and approved by the City and final plans will be required to be approved and signed by the City prior to release of securities . Where drip is used on recycled, if the drip line is not purple, it is to be marked every 10' with recycled water stickers or other appropriate markings. Hose bibs on filters for drip are not allowed. Filter must have no hose bib or have the hose bib connection rendered un~usable for a hose connection . Thrust blocks consisting of a minimum of 1 cubic foot of concrete (2,000 psi) shall be installed around main lines 3" an elbows and at points of change in direction. Control wires to be rerouted as necessary. RCE __ _ INSPECTOR "AS BUil T" EXP, ___ _ DATE DATE CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOTS 50 & 51 I APPROVED: i,t;J:. I br-t1~..t <f.4.1i; PLANNING REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN BY: PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE CHKD BY: P0457 350-3L OTiiER APPROVAL RVWD BY: 12-1924 C D ~--------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS .----RAINBIRD ARV-100 VALVE KIT, AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE r---PLASTIC ROUND VALVE BOX, 6" SIZE HEAT RAND "ARV" ONTO LID. FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS LINE FLUSHING ------tt--<- VALVE TLOSOMFV-1 BRICK SUPPORTS LANDSCAPE FABRIC 314" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. S x 1/2" PVC 90 ELL (SIZE AS REQ'D) BRICK SUPPORTS ----' (THREE) RAINBIRD EASY FIT TEE, MDCFTEE AND FPT ADAPTER-MDCF75FPT 3/4' GRAVEL SUMP (1 CUBIC FOOT) AIRNACUUM RELIEF VALVE INSIDE VIEW NOTE: 1. COIL ADDITIONAL 9" OF TUBING IN EMITTER BOX TO FACILITATE f/,AINTENANCE. FLUSH VALVE CD DIFAJSER BUG CAP: RAIN BIRD DBC-025 © (1 OF 2 SHOWN, 8 POSSIBLE) UNIVERSAL¼• TUBING STAKE: RAIN BIRD TS-025 (1 OF 2 SHOWN, 8 POSSIBLE) @¼• DISTRIBUTION TUBING: RAIN BIRD XQ TUSING {LENGTI-1 /IS REQUIRED) {1 OF 2 SHOWN, 8 POSSIBLE) TUBING TO BE MARKED EVERY 1 O' WITI-I 17\ RECYCLED WATER STICKERS. '.:!I SUBTERRANEAN EMITTER BOX: RAIN BIRD SEB 7XB @ MULTI-OUTLET EMISSION DEVICE: © RAIN BIRD XERI-BIRD XBD-81 TOP OF MULCH Q} FINISH GRADE @PRESSURE REGUIATOR: RAIN BIRD PRS-050-30 @ PVC SCH 80 CLOSE NIPPLE @) PVC SCH 40 TEE OR Ell @ PVC IATERAL PIPE @3• MINIMUM DEPTI-1 OF ¾• WASHED GRAVEL @XERI-BUG EMITTER, 1 GPH FLOW: RAIN BIRD XB-10PC {ONE OF 8 SHOWN, INCLUDED WITI-I XERI-BIRD XBD-81) XERI-BIRD MUL Tl OUTLET DEVICE N.T.S • C: DRAWING FILES TITLE SdEETS CLSB-IP.DWG REVISED: 5 15 2012 PVC LATERAL (OR EXHAUST HEADER) SffiEET SURFACE'.~-------, Rn~}/.,_ . ~ .3.5' MINIMUM REQUIRED..:= ty"=====::;:::t; ~11CAl SEPARA110N 12• RECU.lMED WAlER lR ... R.:::IGA:::TI:::ON:___,,-MAINUNE IN SLEEVE - NOTE: -~~ ALL RECLAIMED WA lER IRRlGA TION PIPE AND SlEE\,£S ~HAU. BE PUR?l.E ANO LABEL.ED AS SPECIAED IN TI-IE STANDARD SPECIF1CATION_S FOR ?RlVATE IRRIGATION SYS1EMS WATER DISTRICr RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONS1RUCT10N Of. RECLAIMED WATER MAINS OCTOBER 1993. TABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING PIPE AND SLEEVING NOTES ~--PVC SCH 40 ELL ~--PVC SCH BO NIPPLE (TYPICAL, LENGTH AS REQUIRED) --FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "RCV' AND CONTROL STATION# ONTO LID. PRESSURE REG. R.C.V. /"i~NJ~Wu~ ~~~~ =1 I I I 1111111 ·. ONTROL ZONE KIT: RAIN BIRD XCZ-100COM XCZ-100 COM KIT 3" ·111-INCLUDES FPT BALL VALVE, IN. -= 100PESBVALVE,RBY100CLSS --111· FILTER AND PSI-M40X-100 FILTER I 111 : PRESSURE REGULATOR. ----PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER :e=~---PVC LATERAL TO DRIP SYSTEM MAINLINE PVC SCH BO NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTH, HIDDEN) AND PVC SCH 40 ELL ~-PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL '---LANDSCAPE FABRIC 314" ROCKM2 CUBIC FT. 3" MINIMU DEPTH ~----WARNING PLASTIC TAG "RECYCLED WATER-DO NOT DRINK" IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH DRIP ASSEMBLY ,---,--t.lETER BOX WllH ME'TE:R !,_ •• APPROX.' B" P07A91.E SERVICE LINE -------1 10' MINIMUM WATER lRRIGATlON tdAINLJNE WITH SLEEVE RECLAIMED WArrR IRRIOAl!ON UAINUNE IMTH SLEEVE-----~ NOTE: VERTICAL CL£ARANCE OF 12~ MINIMUM IS MANDATORY IM-IEN CROSSltiG PATH OF A POTABLE WAlc.R LINE. INSTALLAllON OF f?ECLAll.4ED WATER IRRIGA119N MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE Of SIDEWALK Will. PROVIDE Tl-IE NECESSARV 10 HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM THE POTABLE: MAINLINE IN 'THE STREET. 12" NIMUM POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING N.T.S. Minimum pipe coverage shall be as follows: a. pressure lines: • less than 3" in diameter• 18" cover • 3" • 5-1 /2" in diameter • 24" cover • 6" or greater in diameter • 36" cover b. lateral lines: 12" cover c. sleeves under roads: • 6" or less in diameter -36" cover A. B. C. D. RECYCLED AND POTABLE WATER NOTES THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION WATER SYSTEM SHALL CONFORM TO THE REGULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION WATER SYSTEMS WITHIN THE WATER DISTRICT AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL ONSITE RECYCLED AND POTABLE WATER PIPING INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REGULATIONS AND THE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS. RECYCLED WATER PIPING SHALL BE PURPLE PVC MANUFACTURED FOR RECYCLED (RECLAIMED) WATER SYSTEMS. MARKING ON THE PURPLE PVC PIPE SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: CAUTION RECYCLED (OR RECLAIMED) WATER; NOMINAL PIPE SIZE; PVC-1120; PRESSURE RATING IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH AT 73 DEGREES; ASTM DESIGNATIONS SUCH AS 1785, 2241, 2672, 3139. PRINTING SHALL BE PLACED CONTINUOUSLY ON TWO SIDES OF THE PIPE. E. ALL RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER BOX COVERS AND CONTROL VALVES, ISOLATION VALVES, QUICK COUPLERS, AND ALL APPURTENANCES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. 1. TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3"X4", PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS "WARNING RECYCLED (OR RECLAIMED) WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AVISA AGUA IMPURA • NO TOMAR" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH APPURTENANCE AS FOLLOWS, OR; IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE AFFIXED TO EACH IRRIGATION VALVE LID COVER AND VALVE AS FOLLOWS: (A) IDENTIFY VALVE COVER WITH LABEL OR BRANDED HOT STAMP THAT READS "RECYCLED (OR RECLAIMED) WATER DO NOT DRINK" OR USE PURPLE COVER WITH SAME IDENTIFICATION. (B) ATTACH TAG TO CONTROL VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP. OR (C) ATTACH TAG TO CONTROL VALVE SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP. (D) ATTACH TO BODY OF THE RELATIVE APPURTENANCE WITH A PLASTIC TIE-WRAP. F. WARNING TAPES SHALL BE USED ON ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING CARRYING POTABLE WATER. G. WARNING TAPES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3-INCHES WIDE AND SHALL RUN CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING. THE TAPE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE TOP OF THE PIPE WITH PLASTIC TAPE BANDED AROUND THE WARNING TAPE AND THE PIPE EVERY 5 FEET ON CENTER. Ii. WARNING TAPE FOR THE CONSTANT PRESSURE POTABLE WATER PIPING SHALL BE BLUE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS "CAUTION BURIED WATER LINE BELOW" IMPRINTED IN MINIMUM 1 INCH HIGH LETTERS, BLACK IN COLOR. IMPRINTING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AND PERMANENT. I. CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED TWO DAYS PRIOR TO THE ST ART OF IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION AND EACH WORKDAY THEREAFTER UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF PROJECT. J. ALL PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING FROM THE RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MAINTAIN 10 FEET MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION FROM ALL POTABLE WATER PIPING. WHERE RECYCLED AND POTABLE WATER PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING CROSS, THE RECYCLED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW THE POTABLE WATER PIPING IN A CLASS 200 PURPLE PVC SLEEVE WHICH EXTENDS A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE POTABLE WATER PIPING. PROVIDE A MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 6-INCHES, CONVENTIONAL (WHITE) PVC PIPE MAY BE USED FOR SLEEVING MATERIAL IF IT IS TAPED WITH 3-INCH WIDE PURPLE WARNING TAPE WHICH READS "CAUTION, RECYCLED (OR RECLAIMED) WATER". K THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO AND MUST BE OPERATED BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 PM AND 6:00 AM UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER L. ALL NEW COMMON AREAS WHERE RECYCLED WATER IS USED AND THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC SHALL BE POSTED WITH CONSPICUOUS SIGNS THAT INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING WORDING IN A SIZE NO LESS THAN 4 INCHES HIGH BY 8 INCHES WIDE: "RECYCLED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" "RECLAIMED WATER-DO NOT DRINK". EACH SIGN SHALL ALSO DISPLAY AN INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL CONVEYING THE SAME WARNING, M. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELI MINA TE OVERSPRA Y ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER FOR EXAMPLE: POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS, STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. N. CONTACT THE CITY OFFICE TWO DAYS PRIOR TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM COVERAGE/AND CROSS CONNECTION TEST AT AND ARRANGE A WALK THROUGH OF THE SYSTEM. o. P. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE GUIDELINES WILL PLACE THE SYSTEM IN VIOLATION OF DISmJCT RULES AND REGULATIONS, AND WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION OF SERVICE UNTIL THE APPROPRIATE CORRECTIVE MEASURES HAVE BEEN TAKEN. WARNING TAPE ON RECYCLED WATER CONSTANT PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING IS ONLY ALLOWED ON PROJECT-BY-PROJECT APPROVAL FROM THE DISTRICT ENGINEER. IF APPROVED, IT MUST FOLLOW THESE INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS. 1. WARNING TAPE SHALL BE USED ON ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE MAINS. 2. WARNING TAPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3-INCHES WIDE AND SHALL RUN CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING. THE TAPE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE TOP OF THE PIPE WITH PLASTIC TAPE BANDED AROUND THE WARNING TAPE AND THE PIPE EVERY 5 FEET ON CENTER 3. WARNING TAPE FOR THE CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER PIPING SHALL BE PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS "CAUTION RECYCLED (OR RECLAIMED) WATER" IMPRINTED A MINIMUM OF 1-INCH HIGH AND BLACK IN COLOR. IMPRINTING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AND PERMANENT. APPROVED F"OR /RR/GA TION AND PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION or PLANTING AREA. "AS BU I LT" DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE • greater than 6" in diameter • 48" cover d. sleeves under paving (non-roads): same as a. above Sleeves under roads: 02/21/13 HK 2 CITYOFCARLSBADCOIIRECTIONS +-->-•?. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHETTsl I-0-3.'20-,-,.-f-11-•-+'c•i"--'c::.:,n.:..:co,-'c-AR_LS_•_••-•-o-'••-',-'-'CTC.:10-"Ns=---------+--+--+-'4-c:.➔.c•.c..l~~+'-":'---I ~ PLANNING DIVISION ~ 6" or less in diameter. 36" cover Greater than 6" in diameter • 48" cover Schedule 80 PVC Sleeves under paving (non-roads): Less than 3" in diameter -18" cover 3" • 5-1/2" in diameter• 24" cover 6" or greater in diameter • 36" cover Schedule 40 PVC DA TE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK DATE INlllAL DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL ~LAN===ns:::C:::AP'...;::;E;:::::::IM::P::R=o==VE===M==E=N==T==P=LAN==s;:::::::F:::O:::R:=· ===-==~ CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOTS50 &51 I APPROVED: ~~ 4-, ~Loir '-I-·'t: ~-s PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: PD457 350-3L RVWD BY: 12-1924 NOTES: A MINIMUM OF 31' ORGANIC MULCH S L BE ADDED IN NON-TUR AREAS WITH SLOPES LESS STEEP THA 3: TO COVER THE SOILS LANTING FACE COMPLETELY. TREES PLANTED WITHIN 5' OF PUBLIC SIDE Al: S SHALL BE INSTALLE ROOT BARRIERS APPROVED BY THE CITY. TREE SYMBOL ~ SHRUB SYMBOL 0 LEGEND BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME TIPUANA TIPU TIPU TREE LEGEND BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM 'TEXANUM JAPANESE PRIVET STIPA TENUISSIMA MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS C: DRAWING FILES TITLE SHEETS CLSB-lP.DWG REVISED: 5 15 2012 SIZE 15 GC 5 GC 15 NOTES 1 CONT~TOR SHALL CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK SO THlt'raf!E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CAN REVIEW THE PROJECT UTILITY LOCATIONS AND REVISE ----PLA~? ACCORDINGLY TO SCREEN ALL UTILITIES FROM VIEW. AFT~ ~UGH GRADING, SOIL SAMPLES SHALL BE TAKEN FROM ENOUGH LOCATIONS ON THE SITE TO REPRESENT AN ADEQUATE CROSS SECTION OF CONDITIONS. s~¢EsT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A SOILS TESTING LABORATORY (PRE-APP T~~ST SHALL INDICATE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: ~ QURGANIC MATTER CONTENT 8_,;~ N, P, K C. pH D. EC E. SOIL TEXTURE (SILT, CLAY, SAND) EXIST. PUBLIC WATER LINE EASEMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PER DOC. NO. 1898-0010711 REC. 01-08-98 F. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AMMENDMENTS, LEACHING, AND MAINTENANCE F C THE RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOIL TESTING LABORATORY SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY. THE APPROVED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS AND BACKFILL SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE LANDSCAPE PLANS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BECOME PART OF THE APPROVED PLANS. EXIST. PUBLIC WATER LINE ..,,---EASEMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PER DOC. NO. 1898-0010711 REC. 01-08-98 ,,--EXIST. ROOF DRAIN -REMOVE ( EXIST. OIJn.ET PIPES AND I CONNECT TO NEW STORM DRAIN PIP£ -5££ U71LI TY PLAN FOR DETAILS EXIST. ROOF DRAIN -CONN£CT- £XIST. OIJn.ET PIPES TO NEW STORM DRAIN PIP£ -S££ UTILITY PLAN FOR DETAILS ,~-A?1r::,' ·':/~' i1 B0,olNc , L;,,y( ~~ / -P~ABLE r::;<_u. ATER HOSE' i'.o-'6 BIBB . -,~\;, {.?~ -~,r"' • u6' ~_) ' ,,:,if. ' ,J,' ,} • ~.,,~ St;· -):J'J~~ <' «f-":j. -r:J/-<l) o -:.<.c}:- 6.) v ~oV<''"r:,I, ~ {J'" u \'\\; "~s o\,I>' c,'1-Q'-''1-(a,' ,..o ,-0,$: 1J . '\ I ~ \ ,f-1 <)'\;_o ,_;;. '-1_.,, ::;, ') l :;_1,0 ,JV1,(} STING CUR REMAIN. , OTECTIN \ CE. A '\ '1.;, '6' L-~·~ ,, ,, \l ,:,.S C,~ ~ ,_,.. Y. >.'\. D ' f 0 n<:J, t' 0~ ,.x.\-?" G , G~'' 'Ii-" ,,, GQ~ c. S .;<'. ~ ,, .,, \I'''" ' ' "J c;;:,"Zi>,,,. __ , .....___ <'~~)~ '(.,::,<{\,,~ t:P v· c,(\'O _;, . NORTH 20 60 I SCALE: 1 "= 20'-0" REVISED PROJECT AREA '~-EXIST.PUBLIC WATER LINE A EASEMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PER DOC. NO.1898-0010711 REC. 01-08-98 ' , PROJECT MAP NOT TO SCALE ((I§) ASSESOR PARCEL NO. 212-120-25•26 MAP NO. 11811 v~_ v,, 0..,,_r· < ExIsTINo PLANTING ~{li~ I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. DETAIL A,B/13 "2:-'%, ~ J· ' -IRRITGATION To REMAIN. lans contained in the City of Carlsbad's Water Efficient '0 r;i,_1-,', 'c,:,PROTECT IN PLACE. <, \o, ~g>NTRAcToR sHALL Landscape Regulations. I have prepared these construction "AS BUil T" -~-. ';, REPAIR/REPLACE ANY . . . . . _0.,., u<c: DAMAGED AREAS To MEET rawIngs m compliance with those regulations and the Landscape -REQUIREMENTS oF ORIGINAL Manual. I certify that the plans have been prepared implementing o> '{\: APPROVED PLANS. . . . q, o ~o. ~ A hose regulat1 ns to provide efficient use of water. '-v'.)~ ~-c,-t:: <.(<\ Cl ,;:~ r:,-7> i.S'.,... • y'.?: Z' -~,, -,__,,, ~ <"' ~ q.,,_ _.>~ v-<J")A <' L.<o oi' "'y·o ._. ..... ~ C, 9'-,, :_..., ._<--,;~ "' L--,"7 \ ,-"' <?-(f) ?--~ ~ ·-o .,,;,. ,Ji ...-:'\ --:), '(2 c--,s ~ ~ ·v0 0.,,,,.. 4\':pl -!J ~ '(;·, ""f;;,1 ~~ ·,c;, u",.,>, DSCA}> -{:-w,l I. Ko 4730 ~ ' .-..-3. ? "' * "" Jun. 30,2013 "'·~ F CA\,\ DATE INlllAL DATE INlllAL DATE DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD RESEARCII CENTER LOTS 50 & 51 I APPROVED: 1~fi &-~.H~ 4-'-t-l"s PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: PD457 350-3L RVWD BY: 12-1924