HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 350-4L; PD 458; BLACKMORE COLLEGE PRTNRS; 01-10.. - .. . - -----------------------------------------------~,.....~~~~-----------------------------------------1111111111111.._....., _ _. __ ,..... , I (FUTURE) l 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.• 9. IO. l 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.• 20. GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES ALL WOl:1K SI-I.A.LL BE DQIIE N A~ANCE WITH TI-E CAl<LSBAD M..NCPAL WA15? DlSTl:!ICTS "CAl<LSBAD ~llON RU.ES e REGU.A TlONS FOR CONSTl<lJCTION OF l<ECLAM=D WA 15? MAINS" DA TED OCTOB6! 1993. Oi<N::lNG FOLNtANS $1-lAL.L BE PROTECTED FROM SPl2AY OF~ WA15?. BEST MANAGe,f;NT Pl2ACTICES SHALL BE USED TO tvl\lMIZE ~ WATS? ENCl20ACl-..eNT ON Pl.B.lC FAcn..JTES SUCI-I AS PICNC TA6\.eS, 660'6, P'..AYGIIDlJIVS. SAI\O TOT LOTS, ETC. BEST MANAGEtve,IT Pl2Acnce, SHALL BE USfD TO aJMNA Tc; OR CONTROL. TO TI-E BEST EXTENT POS$B...S ~. i:1LN--OFF', OVERSPR"' Y A!ID MISTING. ~ BIBS ARI: S"TRICTL Y PROl-eTID. ON-SITE CROSS-cof'ff:CTIONS BETWEEN~ WA15? L.N:S AI\O POTAE!LE: WATSl LJI.ES IS S"TRICTL Y PR0-131TcD. NO SLSSTITUTION OF PPE MATB11ALS Wl.L BE ALLOWED wm-JOUT Pl2IOI:!' APPl20VAL OF TI-E CITY OF CARLSBAD M..NCIPAL WATS! DISmCT. ALL ON SITE PFES 31-/ALL MA\IE WA~ TAPE~ CAl<LSBAO M.NCF'AL WATSl OISTI2!CT RU.ES Al'IV REGLLA TION$. TI-E 11:1121GA TION SYSTEM SHALL R1..N BETWa;N TI-E 1-!0lRS OF !000 F'M AN) 600 AM 11;-E • FOLLOWING MORN-JG CSPOT ~ATION COi.LO BE DOf',E AT A..,; I &E:r.rr TM: WITH . C OlJALFl:;D SI...F'l;';RVISON F'ERSOl'IN3.. ON SITE>. PQOVIJE A ~ OF AT LEAST 18 INCl,l;S OF COl/6! OVEl2 ALL Wl2NG AI\O Pf'NG. NON-oES1GNA TI;[) LJSE ARl:AS SHALL BE Pl20Tc;CTID FlroM CONT ACT WITH l<ECLAM:D WATSl, Wl-f=Tl-f:R BY WII\OEILO\11/N SPl2AY OR BY D.2ECT APPUCAllON TJ..ROUG-1 l<RIGATION OR OTHaR LJSE, LACK OF Pl20TEC110N, WI-ET~ BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION Pl2ACTICE Cle SYSTEM OPB!A TION. IS S1RICTL Y PQ01-131TED. ~TION I-EADS SHALL BE Ra.OCATc;D OR AD..l.JSTc;D TO Pl2EIIENT O\IEl2-SPRAYNG ON SIOeWALKS, Si Riat; i S AI\O NON-OE;SK;NA TeD LJSE AREAS. , RECL.AM:D WA15? QUCK ca..f'LNG VALVES. S1I1\1.l BE OF A TYl"e OE61GteD FOt2 TI-E • USE ON RECLAltveD WAT& DISTl:!IBUTION SYSTEMS C5f"k'.ES NOT NT620-lANGEAaE Wlil-1 POT ABLE WAT& QUCK COl.A..S2 SPIKES PER CARLSBAD M..NCPAL WA TB? DISiT<ICT'S ~ AN) l2eGU.A TlON$. r.EIERS S1-lALL BE SIZED BY TI-E CITY OF CAlc\..SEIAO M..NCPAL WAT& DtSTRICT. ALL 112121GATION FIFES SHALL BE sra«::LEO WITH TI-E W™, 'NON-POTAB..E.W ~ WA l'a2", COLOR-COOED CPIRPl.E) AI\O LAO WITH W™ TAPE Al'IV S~~,,.,012ENTEO,,_ TOWARD TI-E TOP OF TI-E TRENCl-l PEI.' TI-E CAALSBAD M..NCPAL WATS,, DISl..ten5 RU.ES AI\O REGU.ATIONS. '\ ALL POT ABl.E WA15? AI\O R!=CLAM=D WA 15? Pf'NG SI-IAl.l. BE NST Al I ED WITH TI-E STe>ICIL.J',IG ORl=NTI=D TOWARD TI-E TOP OF TI-E ~ Wl--8'J POTABLE WATB? LN: AI\O ~ WAT& LN: CROSS, T1-E ~ltv'EO LJI.E $-IAl.L BE NSTALLID WITI-IIJ A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. TI-E $Ll;t;VE SI ll'LL EXTEI\O IQ F6=T FROM EACH SIDE, FROM TI-E CENTER l.ll'IE OF POTABLE LN:, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 F6=T. A 10 FOOT I-CIQIZONTAL SEPl$Af10N BETWeeN POTABLE WAT& AI\O RE0..AM3) WAT& MANS MJST BE MAMAf\ED AT ALL Th£S. TI-E POTABLE,l.l'IES.M.Si,BE N$TAI I ED ABOVE TI-E ~ Lt£. A WNM.M OF 12 NCl-eS OF V6!TICAL 8EPERA TION BETWE:Blt UTLITES M.JST BE MANT AflED AT ALL TIM;;$. 0£;\/a,.~ I CONTRACTOR SI-IALL CCHltJCT A CROSS-COlff:CllON TEST AN'.) COVB:1A:GE' iEST AS DRECTED BY TI-E CARLSBAD M.NCPAL WATS! DIST121CT ~ Cl:! TI-E SAN DEGO COt.Nrr' oe:>AQTr,.e,ir OF e./VROIIM:Nr AL I-EAL Tl-I~ TO Am USE OF ~ WAT&. I Ql.iCK COLPI.NG VALi/ES USED N ~Atve:> WAT& SYSlEMS SHALL CCll'FORM TO TI-E, FOLLOWING. A. l2ECLAtveD WATS! -Ql.iCK COl.F'l.t-.G VALVES USED N i:!Ea.AM:D WATER SYSTEMS SHALL HA VE ACME TYPE: Tl-l<EADS AI\D PU:1PLE COLOl:!!=D LOCl<I\G CO\/B?S FB2MA1'ENTLY ATTACI-EO TO TI-E VALVE. QUCK COI..A.ffl.G VP>J..VES i 61-lALL BE i'ELSON NO. 7645, f-l.Nl"S! NO. H\IIOOA-..L --!IF OR ~oveo eQ.JAL: , : ($Pk!$ SHALL NOT BE INTEl2Cl-iANGEABLE WITH POT AB.E WATER OUCK COI..A..ER SPIKES) ' I TI-E ~ CROSS-cor-,,,.ecTJON NSPECTION SHALL BE OCH: BY EITI-ER T1-E CAl:ILSBAD M.NCPAL WA7'1:R DISlrur Ai',0/0R TI-E SAN DEGO COlNTY oe:>AJ:1TMENT OF ~AL I-EAL Tl--1. COPES OF NSFECTIONO ~S WU BE FORWARDED TO TI-E NON-INSPECTNG PARTY. 22.• DEVB.~ SHALL SI-IOW TI-E LOCATION OF 12.C, SIGNS "DO NOT Dl2N(" ON Tl-ESE l"'LANS. 23.• AN ON-SITE LSB2 I SLF'El2VISOl2 51-iAU. BE DESIGNATED N W121TNG, THS KlMJUAL SHALL BE FMt.JAJ:1 WITH PI.Ul.1BNG SYSTEMS WITI-IIJ TI-E Pl20F'E:l2Tl', WITI-I T1-E BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW / Cl20SS CON\ECTION PROTECTION. AN) T1-E SPECIFIC ~ OF A l2ECLAt.eD WA7'1:R SYSTEM COPES OF TI-E DESIGNATION. WITH CONTACT Fl-ION= l'LMSEl2S SHALL BE PRO\ICED TO TI-E SAN DIEGO COl.NTY DEPAlrrM=NT OF EN\lll20!IM::NTAL I-EAL.Tl-I AI\O CARLSBAD M.NCPAL WA15? DISTRICT. 25. N CASE OF~ CONTACT MANTeJANCE Sl.PB!VISIOI< OR AFreR I-IOI.RS CONT ACT MAMENANCE SLPEl2VISIOl2 AL.LEN BI.ACKMOl:!E • AL.LEN BLACKMORE • (619)792-1615 (619) 792-1615 I SHOW ALL PLBJC AI\O P121',1A Tc; POT ABLE WA 15? MANS ON IMPROva'ENT PLANS. 1 • ITEMS 8, 19 !; 23 SHALL BE ~ ..LIST Pl2IOl2 TO TI-E ACTUAL USE OF l2ECl.AlvED WAT!92. • ITEM 22 TI-E S1GNAGE SHALL BE A PAl2T OF 1HS LP. BUT TI-E ACTUAL SIGNS AI\O TAGS I WILL BE NSTALLEO ..UST P1210R TO ACTUAL USE OF 12ECLAIMED WAT&. ON ..ea..AM3) WAT& SYSTEMS, ALL~ <SPRN<l..ER 1--EADS, V.AJ..\/E BOXE$, ETCJ SHALL BE COLOl2-coDeD PU2PI..E PEl2 AWWA GUDB.11\ES Ai',O SECTION 4049.54 OF TI-E CAWFOl2NA I-EAL Tl-I AI\O SAFETY CODE. C>\Rl3\W1N\DRAWNG$\SMITI-I\LOT72\6Z.-COV DWG U/96 RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 62 SIGNAGE NOTES Carlsbad, I California ' . TI-E FOl:.LOWNG Gl..ClELJ'ES,FOl2 TI-E use·a= ~ WAT& Al2E TO BE PB™AflENTLY POSTc;D NS1DE TI-E DOOR a= EACH~ W\-6E n-EY Al2E EASI Y VISB.E. F'l.ACE, ON 81/2" X II' SIZED SIGN. COL.OR, PLRF'LE BACKGl20IJIO WITI-I Bl.ACK l.ETTEl2NG. I, ~ FOl2 ~ WAT& USE L RRIGATE BETWEEN TI-E I-IOlRS OF !000 F'M /J.1'D 600 AM CN.Y.· WA"!'ERNS OUTSCE TI-E 1111/E Fl<M.£ tvl.JST BE DOf'E MAN.JALL Y ~ OUALFED SL.f'ERV!SOl2Y PE12$0N1EL. ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT Am m.,e BE LEFT L.NA TTEN'.)E[) DLRING· · · ~ "I ' USE OUTSIDE TI-E NOl2MAL SCI-EDl.LE. Z. RRIGATe; NA MAl'M:R TI-IAT WLL tvl\MZE RI...N-OFF, POOi.NG, AN) PONDNG. TI-E APPUCA ilON RA Tc; SI-IALL. NOT E;XCl5a;O T1-E I\Fl. Tl2A TION 12A Tc; OF TI-E SOL ilM:RS ML.IST BE AD..l.JSTc;D SO AS TO BE CO,,PATB.E WITI-I TI-E LOWEST SOIL N=LTRATION 12Are PRESENT, TI-IS Pl20CEDI.RE MAY BE FACLITATeD BY TI-E EFFICENT sa.eou..lNG OF TI-E AUTOMATIC CONTl20L CLOCKS, Q.E. EMPLOYNG TI-E RB"EAT RJ\ICTION TO ~ LP TI-E TOT AL l2l2GA TION ThE NTO CYa.ES Tl-IA T WL.L Pl<OMOTE MAXMN SOL ABSOl2PTION. 3. AD.J.JST SPRAY I-EADS TO a.MIJATe ~AY ONTO AQEAS NOT LIIOEl2 TI-E CONT120L OF TI-E CUSTOM':12. FOt2 EXAII.PLS, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE; PATIOS AI\O LOTS, AI\O $IRE£ IS AIIO SIDEWALK$. 4. MONTOR AI\O MANTAN TI-E SYSTErvl·TO MNMIZE e0l.FM:NT AN:>'MATB<IAL FALLJ:IE aroKEN SFl<II\KI..Et2 I-EADS, LEAKS, LN<B.JABLE VALVES. ETC. SI-IOU.O BE 12EPAl<ED AS SOON AS n-EY BECOM: APPARENT. 5, EDUCA re At:.L MANTENANCE PER$ON'IE. ON A CONTNOUS 8AS1S OF TI-E ~ OF RECLAJll.£0 WATER. PER$OI\Ni MJST BE l'IF00iE0 TI-IAT l<ECL.AM::D WATER · IS MEANT FOR ~ATION Pt..RPOSeS ON.. l', AI\O IS NOT APPROVED FOl2 DRN<NG PU<POSf:S, I-IAI\O WASH',IG, CLEAi'l'IG OF TOOLS, ETC. GM;N TI-E I-IGH ru:!NOVEl2 RA Tc; OF EMPL.O'l'l;f;S IN TI-E LANJSCAPE IN)LJSTl2'(, rT IS IM"ORT ANT 1HS N'ORMATION BE DISSEMNATED ON AN ALMOST DALY BASIS. rT IS YOU, TI-E LAI\OSCAPE CONTl2ACTO.. WI-IO IS RESPONSB.E FOl2 EDUCATING EACI-I AN:> EVEl2r OIIE OF You:? ~YEE$. 6. OBT AN ~ N'FROV AL OF ALL Pl20POSED ~ AN) MOOtFtCA TlONS TO ANY FRl'/ATE; ON-SITE; FACUTES. SUCH CI-IANGES MJST BE SL.BMtTTED TO. Ai',O APPROVED BY, TI-E DISTRICT a-aeeRNG OFFICE AI\O DESIGN!:D N ACC012DANCE WITI-I DISTRICT STAI\OAroS. 7. ALL REO..AM:D WATER SP1<NC1:.ER ca-JTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED \MTI-I IDl3IITIFICA TION TAG$. A. TAGS SI-IALL BE WEATI-ERPROOF PLASTIC $" X 4• PLm..E N COLOR WITI-I ~ WORDS "WAR!IIIIG REO..MvEO WA15?-DO NOT ORN<" ~DON OIIE SOE, AI\O "AVISO -AGUA M='I.RA -NO, TOM.AR" ON TI-E OTl-l;R SIDI;. iMPRNTNS SI-IALL BE Pl=RMAI\E:NT AI\O BLAO::: N ca.OR. lJSf; TAG AS MAN..FACTLRED BY T. a-t:!ISTY' ENTEl2PRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL, 8. OIIE TM: SI IALL BE ATTACI-EO TO EACI-I VAL.lie. AS FOLLOWS. t ATTACH TO VAL \IE STEM D112ECTL Y 0.. WITI-I PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID Wl:?E Dl=!ECTL l' OR WITI-I PLASTIC TE-WRAP ~ 3. ATTACI-I TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVB? BOLT. 8. ALL SFr2NQ.ER I-EADS 61-lALL BE IDEI\ITFED AS 12ECLANED WAT& SFl2N:l.eR I-EADS I. EACI-I AUTOMATIC CONTt20l.lSl AI\O rTS ASSOCIATED EOLR.el\lT SI LAI.L 'BE OENTFEI!)' WITH A SIGN BEARNG TI-E WORDS "1<ECl.AIMED WATS! USED FOt2 r.ll:!IGATION" N EN;tJSI..I AI\O SPANSf..l, WITI-I Bl.ACK L.E: I I ERS r I-IGH ON A PlRF'l.E BACKGl20l.ND. TI-E SIGN SHALL BE P'..ACED SO Tl-IA T IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY AN( OPB!A TIONS PEJ2SOr,,N;l Ul'UZNS TI-El';QUPll,,ENT, DECLAl2A TION OF RESPONSa.E 0-IARGEt ' I ,-lJ,£8( DECLAQE TI-IAT I AM LANDSCAPE ARCHTECT dF WOl<K Fdl:! Tl-IS FRO.:ECT, Tl-lAT I EXCB2CISED 1?E$FONSB..E Cl-lAl2GE OV& TI-E DESIGN OF 1HS PRO.ECT AS 00 ,,ED N SECT/oN1 6703 OF TI-E BlJS1f\ESS AI\O PROFESSIONS CODE AI\O TI-IAT TI-E DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WrTl-f Cl.RRENT ST Ai',OA..OS. I ~AI\O TI-IAT TI-E Cl-ECK OF Pl20.ECT OOAWNSS AI\O SPeCHC, .. :norl.15 BY TI-E CITY dF CARLSBAD AI\O TI-E SAN DEGO COl.NTY DB'ARThENT OF ~AL 1-EALTI-I IS COIIFN:D TO A l2SleN ON. Y AI\O DOES NOT REL.EVE Ive, AS LAI\OSCAPE ~T OF WORK. OF MY RESFONSBLITES FOR PRO..ECT DeSIGN. Fl<M NAME AI\O ADClQES& l2IOGE LAJIOSCAPE ARO-fTECTS 34072 VIOLET LANTERN, $UTE C DANA POINT. CA 92629 TBB'HOI-El\l.M3ERS REGISTRA ilON 1\1.JVB&& EXPRATlON DATESt DEVELOPER NAA,f; Ai',O ADDRESS• <714) 248-921 / <714) 248-9215 FAX 2809 MAY 31, 1997 a.A~ -FARADAY P~ 12626 I-IGH BU.FF DRIVE SAN DIEGO. CA 92130 NSPECT10N PROCEDURES t CfTir .CClNSTl<UCTION NSFECT10N SH.6:1.L NCU.DE< A. LOCATION a= F'F'f; Lf,ES. B. ~ CEPTI-IS ' C. ~ 56"AJ:1Ai10N t-:!C121ZONTAUY 'li-o VERICAU.'I') 0. PIP!;: veffl9CA TION a POINTS-OF-CO«:CTION IPOC'5l F. LOCATION AI\O l:ENTFICATIOI<: OF SPl.!M:l.al 1--EADS S W~ SIGNS AT TH: SlTE NC> ON TH: Tt:!lXXS l4At.LNS l2ECLAt.E> WAT& <F 12ECLAM:D WAT& IS U3ED FOl2 CONSm.JC1:iclNl. AN APPROVED L.E: i I El2 k!EGA1201'-G TI-E NSPECT10N OF n.e Pl<O.ECT swlt Be , OBT AflED Fl20M TI-E CITY AN:> TI-E OIS"TRICT, NO Be FOl2WARDED TO TI-E . I SAN DIE;GO COt.Nrr' DB'Al2Th£NT OF ENVl<CJl,NENTAL I-EAL Tl-I Pl21CQ TO FNAL NSFECTlON APPl20VAL. 2. OISTRICT ffiAL NSPECTICN SHAU. NCI..LC)E, A. C0\16!AGE;; TESTS. AFTER C0M"I..ET10N OF TI-E SPRN<l.B! S'l"STEM. TO ~ TI-E ADEOUACY OF COVB:1AGE ON TI-E APPl<0\1ED use AQEA Al'CJ PROTE;CTION OF AREAS NOT APPi<OVED FOR RECSV1NG RECLAI\ED WAT&. a WARI\IIJG SIGNS AI\O LAE3EI..S. C. OUCK COL.Fl.NG VALVES. D. iALL ASPECTS OF TI-E ~TION COl<DTIONS l'IICUDNGl'ffl\1B..CJ\"M SPRAY, RLNOFF AI\O P()N'.)ING. a ~ P12QTI;CT10N OF ALL RESClENMt PPE/>S 'F. ~ PROTI;CTION OF WELLS, STl<EAMS, ~. ETC. G. CROSS-CON-eCTION. 3. ~ INSPECTION ~LU rt.0'' a=, A COIVA..ETE NS1 ECTION WI-ICI-I ShlQI ID COVl::R PARTS "A•;>&-:Al'«) V OF TI-E D'STR'CT FINAL INSPECTION. I 11 I ' I LEGEND ' ' I 'I ' ' I ' I 5'l'lv'BOL DESCRPTlON PW PROPOSED POTASLE WA TS! St$ IS.. ' -I ,-,RCVY----I -PROPOSED l2ECL.AI\.EO WATS! SYSie.4 PROPOSED 1212GA TION SYSTEM MAN.1'E ' ALL LAJIOSCAPEO AREAS Ar:!eA OF 12ECLANE> WAT& use • $ LOCATION OF CON\ECT10N PONT(S) - r.E I El2 AI\O BACKFLOW FRE\IENTION ' • 'DO NOT D!<N;'." SIGN LOCATIONS TYPICAL SIGNS ,, ' r----El.ACK LOGO ~---FlRPLE BAO:::GROt.JIO W~ l<EClJW2D WA'IB! 36" ,---r Bl.ACK Le I I &S lN.T.s.> WAl<f'.I\IG l<ECLAI\ED WATER DO NOT DRN< RECLAIMED WATER A\JISO -AGUA M"I.RA NOTOMAl2 DONOTora-1( AVISO -AGl.JA M'IRA NOTOMA.! 18" X 18' 5121: S1-lEET INDEX 54 I I TITLE RECL.At.ED WATc;R I ilTLE 51-EET iRR1GA TION PLAN 11.112tGATION DET ALS e LEGEI\O PLANTNG PLAN PLANTNS DET AL$ IRl<IGA TION SF'ECF'CA TIONS PLANTING SPECFICA TIONS PALM Tl2EE />J'O LMDSCAFE Mt>.Nll:NANCE SPEC'S Mlt..STE:12 ASSOCIA 1'IC:N J.?121GA TlON MAINLINE LOCATE AND MANTAN A IO' SEPARATION FROM PROPOSED ON-SITE MAINLINE .. :: :I : ... I ' ' ' - ......, __ , __ ~HEET3 AITH AYUH : ,,. PROJECT MAP ShfN..M3ER I 2-3 4 5-6 7 8-9 ' ' IO I .....,.,.._.. ' NOTTOSC~® . iRACT NO. 85-24 UNT NO. 4, MAP NO. 1811 ~ " 'I" . ' , I, PAL,~ 1i ,, 1,f>. '6o'51,,. AVE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ® APPROVED I I i I I : I I ' I ' ' I I I : I I I , I ! I I I I : I , ' I I , ' '5IZEl ITXW --ra.ACKLEll&S ,060 ABS PLASTlC OR ,STfCK-QN TEI.EA-IOl>E ~ (619)~ VNTL 8G'e ALSO .Cll6 ALlM'l.M '---T Bl.ACK L.E: i lB<b ,Ol6 ALUVN..M .060 ABS PLASTlC OR STlCK-oN VNTl. SIGNS. I AJ ~-• I(, E~EERIN .. PLANC:--:,HE:::::C"'t<""ER::---- APPROVED FOR: PLANTING AN'O , i IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECIS , LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 1 i CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 4,414,' -( ?:¾', ... ... 11-,,-,, WILLIAM E. PLUMMER, DISTRICT ENGINEER DATE R.C.E. 28176 T OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH I I ' ' ' I : I I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK BY: JAMts J, RIDGE JU"1E 9, 1996' NAME: RIDGE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LA.: REG. NO. 2809 EXP.: MAY J1;' 1997 ~ I ~ G ~ AND CAP ARCHITECTS TEL 71~ 2-48-9211 FAX 71~ U8 9215 '' AS BU IL T'' \ I ~ AEVl£WED &Y: 4 •1P• ,./l-'D"-Ac..:TE'--'-'&"-Y-'--------'D"'-ES;;_;;CR_I_PT_ION ______ __.-'-AW"---D'-- INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS I, ,.,.11, ' !.',,,,,,~ ... . ... ~-• ..... ' DWN Bl'r _ _:.::;; __ CHKD ar___,.R=-- FIELO BY PROJECT NO. fD 458 CMWD =:96-237 ' ' DRAWING NO. 350-4ll' I ' '" I !I ii : 'I' ,,1 I 11: 1' I i :, I ,,' 1,, ''' ,' I ' ~ ~ I.IJ -.../ .:::, 0 co I.IJ C, LlJ I -.J -.../ 0 0 I I I I I EXISTNG ~ ~A~ TO BE Pl<OTECTED IN PLACE, CCT>ITRACT TO REPAR, ADJUST OR REA..ACE DAMAGED SPRIN<LER. VALVES, CONTROLLER OR PPING AS PART OF m5 CONTRACT. CONTRAC OR Si-¼LL FIELD v=E:l<IF""""l TH= CONOITlON OF SYSTEM PRIOR TO ST ARTNG WORK. E:XIS ING S,STE:M SHALL BE RETLRNE:D TO OPERA ONAL CQt\OITION ACCE:PT AEILE TO Tf-E Af\DSCAPE ARO-ITECT, OWI\ER AJ\D ThE MASTlER DEVELOPER Q.NON 1 PACAC REALTY COffANYl. / -L I I --1 C•\Rl3\WN\DRAWING$\$Mffi.l\LOT62\62-PI.0WG 1196 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2· I !/ 2" 1/ ~JI -I-. .. ,:m-. --_ ~---, H~ -.,,._~ ' .. ~ ' --.... I ~-~ SLEEVE MAN.Jt-.E :_/ T POTABLE WATER OVER, IO' EACH - SIDE -SEE NOTE AT RIGHT / ----------------" 2" ~--.i~ 3/ 4" ~3/4" . -31~.:__ ~VT -. ::--_ ...,_.,:- -~-._ ' ' ' ' ' ' / / / / / / I I / r ----- 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" - NOTE:< HOSE DOWN Or PARKJ',G LOT. GARBAGE DUM'STERS, ETC. WfTl--j RECLAIMED WATER IS NOT ALLOWED. PROVIDE POTABLE WATER FOR EXTERIOR HOSE DOWN. PROPOSED 63,950 s.f. BOILDING . - ~----CONTi<OI..LEI< TO BE AN IRRITROL MC-24-PLUS, 24 ST A TlON R121GA T10N CONTROLLER NST AL.LED NSIDE A ST AN.ESS STEa ENCLOSI...RE. MOl.J\IT RAIN SENSOR ON Tl-E ENCLOSU<E. WJ;?E TO ThE CONTROLLER. 120 VOLT POWER TO BE PROVIOEO BY OTI--ERS, I 6, ,....-,.--NOIB I N AJ;?EAS 't-11'-ERE l<Ea.AI\ED •, '\ RRIGA TION MA.IN LN: CROSSES 11-E', POT ABLE MAIN, T1-E RECLAIIIIED \ RRIGA TION MAIN MUST BE A Mr\lM..J'v1 \ \ OF 12" LOWER AND SLEEVED 10 FEET \ \ ON EACH SIDE OF ThE POT ABLE MANI, \ ', \ -\ \ \ \ ~ \ ? ~1 ·c;,= \ u) \ \ Y" PONT OF CON:CTION TO BE A 1-VZ' lk'QIGA 1"!CN RECLAIIVED WATER II/IE I ER WTTl-1 A 2" SERVK::E UIE. NSTALL BACKFLOW ASServel, W/ W,E STRAN:R. PRESSURE REGl.LA TOR AND MASTER CONTROL VALVE AS SI-JOWN. WATER !VETER B, OTH=RS. VERF, LOCATION, SIZE AJ\D WA TlER PRESSLRE PRIOR TO ST ARTNG WORK TE!vPORAR, POTABLE WATER PRESSL.RE PERMAf\ENT RECLAIMED WATER PRESSLRE DESIGN WATER PRESSI.RE MAXMJM RRIGA TION DEMAr-0 mpg 35 PSI 75 PSI 40GPM LPON CON'ECTION TO PERMMENT WATER Sl.FPL Y, AH ~A TJON BOOSTER PUMP ASSEM31.., MUST BE NST ALL.ED AFT$? Tl-E SACKR..OW PJ;?EVl3'JTION ASSEM31... ,. BOOSTER PUMP TO PROVIDE 50 PSI WATER PRESSURE BOOST AT 40 GPM PLMP TO USE 230 VOLT SINGLE A-¼SE POWER PROVIDED R?OM TH= !3UL...Of\JG NSIDE 2· PVC COI\DJT NDICA TE:D ON T>-E Pc.ANS. ' d)1 2" -/ / ..6 ~~~,..,.-V -.. .,_.,_,_,12· _,.?" \ \ I \ \\ "'-I 0--\ I \ \ I \ -MA TC~LINE -SEE S~EET 3 CLl.2) 2" --~~-~\I.-"""""" ~!W_ -"'-~RP me:, CUM •- 0 10 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH ,------------------..l.., - FOR lRR1GA TlON LEGEND e DETAILS -SEE SI-IEET 4 CL2.D FOR IQQIGA TION SPECIFICATIONS -SEE SI-JEETS 8 E; 9 CL5.I f, L5.2) .;-g[ flri,_-f.· ,, . .:.· .. : :~1'' .. . i~\-· ... ·--kd;;:i: .:~: • • . -REVIEWED BY: APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECl LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ I L!LJ PLAN I I CENTER •• APPROVED ~ /I 7~' 7-17- --------------+---, ~A=-ss::-:,1s==r,.,.ANT=-""pi)."'"'"'"'N,..,,Nl~NG,,..-;;Dc:-;IR"'E""CT:;::;OR=----DATE TU 714 2-la-i211 FM 714 2-48 9215 INSPECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION -... ··-·-~-----"""-------------'----, APP'D REVISIONS DWN BY _ _:.:;; __ CHKD BY ..R FIELD BY PROJECT NO. PD 458 CMWD u96-23 7 DRAWlN~ ' 35o-4LI --1-- EXJSTN; Tl.RF l<l:!IGA~O EE Pl<'OTECTEO N PLACE. CONTRACTOR TO "1EPAIR, AD..l.JST OR REPLACE DAMAGED ER, VALVES, CONTROLLER OR PFING s PART OF n-tS~= I CONTRACT. CONTRACi $HALl. FELD VERFT' n-E COl\[)fTI()N. OF n-E YSTEM PRIOR TO STARTING WORK EXIS SYSTEM SHALL BE RETl.Rf\ED TO OPERATIONAL Cor-oITION ACC',,EPT A81.E TO n-E L,/INDSCAPE ARO-ITECT, OWN=R At-0 TI-E MASTS? DEVELOPER CLNON PACFIC REALTY COMPAN'r'l. I I I ... I 0 a: < > w ...J ::::, I I ,--'t--+-1--i;tU::::~~VZ' 36 0 m w (!J w ...J ...J 0 0 \ \ \ \ . i 3/4" 1/2" WA IER PRE~SURE CALCLLATIONS . NOTE< N..fliEl62S DESIGNATED wrn-; TJ..E ( ) ARE FOR T1-E Fi.JTU<E l<ECLAM;:D WATER SlF'PL Y. WA.TER MEll=R NJ'vElER I WATER M::TER SIZE 1.5' . --.~ ,mJRAUJC GRADE LN: 550' (384') WATER M::IER B..EV. 255' ----·-~ ~ __ , __ ELEV A T10N DFF62ENCE 295' a:m ST A TIC PRESSLRE CPS1l 127 (56) i<EMOTE CONT. VALVE" 6 REM CONT. VAL vE SIZE 1-VZ' R.C.V. DElvlA1'D (GPMJ 40 TOT AL DEMAND (GPM) 40 R.C V. 6.f:V A TION 263' ST A TIC PRESS. AT R.C.V. 124 (53) SIZE DESCRPTION PSI LOSS 7" SERVK::E Lt-.E I .5 -~-- L5" WATER 11.EIER 2 25 L5" 8ACKFLOW PREVENTER 3 13.0 L5" WYE STRAN::R / FILTRATION 4 LO Z' GA TE I BALL VALVES 5 .5 . ·- 0 MASTER CONTRa.. VAL VE 6 0 T 350 FEET OF MAN..N::• TYPE• SO-, 40, T 7 3.5 0 FEET OF 1v1AN..f>E, TYPE> NIA 8 0 -----. 1.5· REMOTE CONTRa.. VAL\/e. 9 20 l01 LATERAL Lt.E LOSS IO 3.0 IC)j F1TT1NG LOSS R 3J ---~ FEET B..EVAT10N ~ CP.o.c. TO e-lG1-EST f.EAD) 12 NIA TOT AL SYSTEM PRESSLRE LOSS CSUvl OF m TI-...ai llfL 13 29 PSI PRESSLIRE REOURED AT 1-EAD 14 35 PSI TOT AL PRESSLJ:1E ~ CSUvl OF 1113 A1'D "14l 15 64 PSI ST A TIC WATER PRESSL.RE (FROM ABOVEJ 16 124 (53) PSI RESIDUAL PRESSL.RE <SLBTRACT 1115 FROM ~) 17 60 (--1) PSI SET PRV OR MCV AT (1115 PLUS IO PSO 18 74 PSI PRESSU:2E BOOST, F REOLJRED <m5 -m6 + 5 PSO 19 (21) PSI O\Rl3\WIN\ORAWNGS\SMITH\LOT62\62-!P2.DWG 1/96 MA TCHLINE -SEE SI--IEET 2 CLLD PROPOSED 63,950 s.f. BUILDING i 3/4" V7 3 4"vz- VZ' 4" 0 f I~ NOTB I-JOSE OOWN OF PARKNG LOT, GARSA.GE: DLMPSTEl<S, ETC. WITH l.'ECLAIVED WATER IS NOT ALLOWED. PROVIDE POT ABLE WATER FOR EXTEl:?IO!< 1-lOSE DOWN. I/ IVZ' VZ' 1/7" VZ' ~ ''"' 112' i ... ,314· '-- ;,>'=11 1/2' • 1/7" 314· 3/4" ASTON AVENUE 10 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH 1 D __,-,,4· 35 I-V4" H/4" r _____ 17.9_ 17.27_ -• ' \ l I I I I , I '. r-------------------+----lli FOR IRR1GA TlON DET A!LS AND LEGEND -SEE SI--IEET 4 CL2.D APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO 1 FOR lRRIGA TION SPECIFICATIONS -SEE Sf-lEETS 8 E 9 CL5.I E L5.2) fRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECl LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. m 71' 2'8-9211 FAX 714 248 921~ ''AS BUILT'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH E:NG!t-EER, CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ASST PI_Ai\iNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGIN::1:R PRIOR TO IMPLE:MENT A TION IN FIE:LD '·-,.W~z -1;1;µq5S-~;s·~~~~~~~=====r~ LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN I U 1 t-----------------'CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 62 H.C.E. ______ ,---+--+----------------1-___j l- --+--+----------------1-___j~A"'P::::'PR::::O:,,CV;;'E,;:D=_,===, ,,,..,:,F-c•= /. /)==========:::\:::~ _ ____,__,,· "''--"---'7---=-,f,(,K, __ ____:__7· 11~_9 7 L I I ~ r---,-+----------------1------l ASSISTANT ~NNING DIRECTOR DATE REVIEWED BY: ~~;B"-=-~~~__.K ____ 4. ?J?, 1'),_o~AT_E~B_Y~ _____ D_Es_c_RIP_T_ION ______ _..._A_PP_'o_, ~::o s;y-__ ..:::.::-R~=== PROJECT NO. DRAWING N?- INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS flELD BY PD 458 350-4l CMWD tt96-23 7 Ll.2 I r ------------------------....,.-------------------------,-------------------------.-----------------------------------------------.,·--·•·•·•· __,----.,--.··--,.---__ ..,_,.., . ._ . .,----.. ,111,"•"•'•''ii"ii"'"iiiii'iii"'~•· ,_,-"-•"'"•''•""'iii'"iiii'"'"'•-illiilliia.iiiliillili'illli":•,, " - . ".... . ' ........ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . PLASTIC V At.VE eox Q2" W/ PLl<PLE UOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . FEMALE ADAP'rBi~ .. .. . . . ...... SCl-l80PVC ~ SCl-l 80 I..NON--- 3/4" CRUSI-ED GRA\la TWO CLaC FEET Bl<ICK SLF'POl2TS-~------~ ' @ MA:S I ER CONTROL VAL VE LA~. F'.S. •3' Q2" W/ Pt.RPLE LID) TOP CF M..LCI-I 7 PLA51lC VALVE BOX -VALVE ID TAG 24" \l'-ll2E LOOP ■· PVC Tl-t>. EU. SCI-I.SO l"VC '--~--'l"'e;....\lf---CONTROL VAL VE .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. If ! + I • 0 • 0 • + I + t • + • • • • • • • • • I:::::;;;· .. -+-'lk--SCl-l eo l"VC NIPF'LE rn-P) SCH 80 LN:::>N------l t 3/4' aa.a,e:, GRAVB.---' TWO a..BIC FEET , 'IRRIGATION WATER MIANLN:------' •BRICK Slf'POllrn,----------1 ® i<B'v10TE CONTROL VAL VE CLEAN ~ACTED ---------, BACKFLL PAVING, B"/' 0 m 111 111 ~Ill 111' I I 111' I I (D SLEEVE: NST ALLA TION _.,.----IUIB! llQMlj CJ!P ~ RUHR CO. ~ 0704-<.ll:,, 4" =------'--fffll-lGRAOE ill------BB..EIEB:lJERB11-EAD, SEE I.EGEN) Fa! SPECFIQl'll()'f Ta> r EB.OW FN51-1 GRADE 11.-----~~~~ ,;q._.µ~;t..-----V.61.CON lfl ANTI OOAN V.61.VE ~----NA11'/E sa. '!""'C;MJ!linl_, PVC LA'lmAL LtE ---------[Q.l. 11-W..Gl Pf'E '-----VT PVC 8.1. (S Tl O,t-------:4t,"~lltA.~'36" LONS ~~lli,1>11. PERRRATl:DPVC~l'FI: FU WTl-1 3/4' GRAVB. TO BOTTOM cr' OcCK V/>J.VE '--------------.Mt.e«D BACffl.l. ~-----------l<OOT 8Al.l. OF TE Cb) lJEEP WA i ER Bl.JBBLER t.!/P DEVICE W/ WYE $Tl,!. I AN:i Pt.!ESSUIE ~ TOR BRASS NF'f"I.ES---, 4" l'vl'II. (Typ) : BRASS~~:=-! LE:NGT14 AS r::!EO. FNSHGRAOEl IZMNM.M ~ Tl-l<I..JST BLOCK a CU FT) Ts== - ,r---ASS LNON TOMAN.JIE NSTALL BACKR.OW DEVICE /,IS~ CMWD. ST~ OQAWNG N.M3ER W-20 CONIECTION TO PVC MAN.f'E TO BE MACE L.JSNG FEMALE A0AP16<'5 ,t,N) SCl-l 80 I\FPl.f;S 1 @ BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TOP OF M..LCH 7 LA YB?, F.G. +3" PLASTIC VAL VE BOX (IQ" W/ Pt.RPLE LJD) -: B; PlNCI-H.OK --.JJ_. • ., ........ .. a..AlvPS ':.X Ct.!1J31.EO GRA~:::--l '-<-----!BRASS SWNG JOINT ASSEM3L.'r' Of\ECL.BICFOOT =--~-N:: 30" 12EBAR ST AKE----11 L-SCI-I. 40 PVC Ta NOTEt QUCK COI..A..61 FITThGS AQE NOT 'r'O 'BE NlERO-IANGEAaE WITH POTABLE WATER RTTNGS. QUCK COL.PLER Vl>LVE TO BE DESIGIIED TO BE USED WITl-l .!ECL.AltvED WATEl2. @ QUCK COL.F'LER VAL VE Cl EAN CCM"'ACTID --------, BACKFILL (2) WARf\l',IG TAPES FNSheD GR~ e,-r,;----,:--T' ....... ~...,,,..,,,:,,_. --1~--r---rTT ~ SOL ;I I \1 I I II 12" ~ 111 ''--'-'---•:111 11 m~-111 LA 161/>L 1!.11 1£!:l"-' +-"-'1 ,----er,-r,!::!:!,m,!:!:f.,--{lll-.'.§:! • ~ - -111-11 ~ Ill MAN.t,E t>iNJ , :111::::111= -. -_, , ,:_1 11 CONTroL wr:?ES ' . -' l 1.lE I' =ill111 111 11i'11 111 111 11i'11 11i'11 111 111mill TAPE CONTroL \!IIJ2eS to M~ J 6" J IO FEET ON CEN:TEt.! DEPTl-1$ $1--0WNIARE FOR I'll GROLW NSTALLATIONS. ON sm:JCnJ:!E NST AU. F'F'NG AT OEPTI-l SHOWN a;? AT CONCi:2ETE $.AB DEPTl-l. (8) PIPE INSTALLATION ll,El"5? BOX J1 r.E I ER-------, SIDEWALK---'-----'--~ CU<B-~----'------,i rl--ir-'---24" ==-1 AF'Pt.!OX.8 12" MNVl.M PC>TABI.E SERVICE I.N1 ~~------1 'RECL.All>,EO WA 161 l<RIGA TlON MAI\LI\E W/ SLE:E'i/1.,:..,' NOTE• I VERTIC):)..1. Cl EA~ANbE OF 12" ~ IS MANJATORY \f\H':N, Ct.!OSSNG PATl-l OF A POTABLE WATER LNE. NSTALLATION OF RECLAM:D WA16! ll<RIGATION MAN..N: 24" f"f<OM FAQe OF sce,1>.LK WU. PROVOE TI-E I\ECESSAt.!Y IO' i-lOl<IZONT AL CI.EAi:?ANCE ~ POT ABLE MAN.J\E I'll TI-E S I REE I. ® P01ABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING IRRfGA TION NOTES (CONT'D' ' ' IO Mi. 'FIFE LtoER PAVED AREAS TO BE NSTAI I FD 11\J A $CM. 40 • SLa'ilE ~ ~ OfMeTER bF, n-e'PR:; CAl&!BJ. ALL \l'-ll2E l..f\.Cl6? PAVED AQEAS TO BE INSTAI I ED I'll A SCH. 40 • SLaVE TI-E SIZE l<ECltRED TO 'EASL 'I' PLll W'1i<'E n-ROl.JGll..l. ALL. SLEEVES TO BE INST Al.LEO Wl"11-l A I\Allll\t.JM DEPTH AS 51-IOWN ON T1-E SLEEVNG DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEKl AT LEAST IT PAST TI-E EDGE OF' TI-E PAVING. ALL SLaVES TO BE AS SI-OWN ON TI-E PLANS. < • 60-t 80 N VB-K::1..LAR Al<EAS.) I ALL Q..ICK COi.Pl.ER VALVES TO BE NSTAI I FD 11\J 51-'21..B OR GRQI.W COVEJ21~S W1-E1<E POSSB..E. ALL OUCK COL.PLER Vl>L\/ES TO BE NSTAI I ED 4.S 51-IOWN ON TI-E NSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL OUCK COLF'LER VALVES WITH'l 18" OF HARDSCAPE. I 12 ALL I-EADS AQE TO BE Ne"TAI I 8' 'MTJ..I Tl-E NOZ21...E, JO<W, AN:> A'-'CS SI-OWN ON 7l-E PLANS. ALL !,,EADS, AQE TO BE AO..lJSTFO TO PREVENT OVB2SP12A Y ONTO B..LONG, WALLS, FENCES Al'D 1--l.ARDSCAPE. Tl-IS NCU.CES, BUT IS NOT LMTEO TO, AO.JJSTMENT OF DFFUSER PIN OR ADJ.JSTMENT sa:!EW, i:?EPLAce,e,.rr OF Pt.!ESSlRE COWPENSA Tf\G SClcl=l=NS, REPLACS\4SIIT OF NOZZU;S Wl"11-l MORE APPROPl<IA TE ~ADILJS LNTS AI\O TI-E 12EPLACEll,B\IT OF NOZZLES Wl"11-l AOJJST Aa.E Aro LNTS. I I I I I ' I I I, ,, 'I ' " ' " C,\Rl3\WIN\Ot.!AININGS\SMITH\LOT62\62-0.DWG 11/96 ' ,, ' ' i-r-----~--POP-LP SPl<N<l.B? ~ Sl2ICK 'MTJ..l 12EO..Aif11EO WATEl2 "N:"' CJ>P ,-----Fl'&EDGRAOE TOP R..LJSH WI F.G. I'll TU<F I/REPS , , TOP VZ' ABOVE F.G. N SI--RI.S At.!EAS SCl-l 80 I\FF'LE, LENGTl-l ASl<EOUREO I~~&,~ ' ,,....sael. eo IIFPl.E (6" Mtl.lM..M), I ' ~~!!-'l::!;;::'.S. STf<&, EU. OUT CF LA"TERN. LJl..e FITTING ,,-1...ATEl2AL Lf',E, DEPTH IAS SPECFED N l..EGEl'O ,1-EADTOBENST~ tz" FROM ALL ClREINGi , 4' Ft.!OM ALL WALKWAYS I' 12" Ft.!OM ALL EULDINGS AN) W.w'..$ I ® PciXLP SP~ iletJo ' PLASTIC VALi BOX az WI PLRPl.E UD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ' ... ' .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ' . . ' ....... ' ...... ' . . . . . . ' .. ' .... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ....... ' . I ~i I . "J"""" ...... .. 3/4" CRUS-eD GRAVEL, I 'BAU. v ve TWO a.BIC FEET @i 'BALL VALVE,, , I I ' I . . J ~--,.-CON:J120LLS?, SEE I.EG60 F'Ol2 SPECFICA TION. EXTERIOR WALL MOL.NT , i-----Wt>:LL MOLMEO eNCL~I F SPECFED I .,,---l201VOL1; POWB< SLF'F'LY N J-BOX, BY O1"1,,SS ALL CONJUITS TO I-IAVE i I ' lJ.'IEAOED CON\eCTION ON El'OS ~-~--GREY E1..;e<:-mtCAL CCN'.lUT 6'l '---++---'---'----TO RAIN SENSOR AS Ol,!ECTED I 1 Wl2E IN 1/Z GREY ELECT. COf',OlJT i---~-~--LOW VOLTAGE WREN Gi<EY ELECT. COI\OUT (9") 'c..,.;.::::::::::::::_-:_-:=-:::-:::-:::=========PVC ELECTiaCl>L SWEEP: TO EXTEl2IOl2 E3l..l.DNG1 , I , WALL Tl-l<OIJGl.l .J-BOX I, I , ,' '1 CONTROl1.lER ' '1 I' ! I I ' & i i:?a i SU<!FACEi-----, --,J I , 111 I I , II I ,. " ' I Ii , 3.51FEET II I ', I POTAB..E' : ' : I <SEE IM"t.!OVEMENT Dt.!AWNGS) ' ' 'I 'I I I i I 12" l\ffA.Jv1 Rl=OUREO VERTICl>L SEPARATION I I I I I J:?Ea.A'IMED' WA Te:? mGA TION 'MA.NLlr-.E'-\ I ',,1' ,' '' 1,1' I' Ii I: I II I NOTEt ' ' I ,',,I' ALL RECI..Atv'ED W.A:TER ~A rbl PPNS /4.b $1.S:VES .....,",ll.l.. ,BE PLRPLE ANJ LABEi ED -11.S SPECFE0 N , "STAI\OAt.!O SPECIFICATIONS FOR Pl21VATE ~ATION SYSl'EMS" "CAl<LSBA0 l<ECLAMA TION 121.J.ES AND l<EGU.A TIONS F012 CONSm.JCTION OF .!ECLAll'v1ED WATEl2 MANS" OCTOBER 1999 1 Q) POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING' , , i I 'i ' I '' ' '' , I ,i,: I I , I I I I 'I I 'I ' ' ' ! i , I, I I, ' ,, '1 1 I I" I I i : I I' ' ' ',' I , I I I I , 11 : I I ' I I I I I ' ' ! Jomu J.! Rid I ~ Lie. #2B09 (Signature) ' I : I' I I I , ii '' '' ' ' '' : i ' ' I" ' ' ' I ' Sll\lEICl. .Q T 1-l F' d:, 0 • [!!I l! Iii □ [9 19 B @ II Iii 8 ■ RI ~ IE! !YI NOSThSQ. .... ... s [Q] ~ ~ M.l!N.FACT, RANeRt) RAN912C> RANeRt) i:?ANBli:?D ;IRRIGA TlbN MA TER'IIAL LEGEND I IMOOEL'Ni.).¥~ bid' I I ' ,'' ' I j i I ' I: I ' 1812·SAM-IIP-IO-LA-PCS-020 ' voao FOP'I...P s.:13.13'1-e.l!D 1812-SAM-IIP-IO-LA-F'CS-040/060/0901175 POP-tP $1-1i!L.B 1-EAD 1812-5AM-N"-12-PCS-060V09011251260 POP-LP SQLB' l.eAo 181Z-5AM-!',~;-p()S-{)9Q,/t25/t15/'3'70 POP-LP 51-2.B I-EM) 11 I I _J , , I l806-SAM-!iP-t5-PC5'01125/175/;;i7O' POP-1.P TI.RF 1-et>1D ' Ii I I ' ,I ,1 ' : I, GPM .20, AO; SO .39, .52, ,79, t57i .65. .87, L3. 2.6 ,93, 1.23. 1.85. 3.7 I .:39, .52. .79, 1.57 .93. L:23, 1.85. 3.7 PSI '' ~:s '' 30 ' ,, 5FT 30 ' IOFT I ' ' '30 '' 12FT 30 15 l"'T 30 I I, IOFT ' 30 15 FT ' ' I : I' ' I I I ' ,I 11 I :. ,,I ' ' I I ',, I I ' I I I I ' : , 1,, ML ~!J.E.li.os ~ ~IEIE ~ nm4 1RT'N aleb: ~At.lvl:s .il<S ·~"N'l'I--IS llEGEK), '1l-E COl'T12AC'reil<'1STO '4Sffl:.l ' AN ADDITIONAi. KNG Bl<O~ l.tE SIZED Tl-l<EAOEO GI-ECK VALVE LN:l!:R EACl-l 1-EAD Tl-lAT EXl-l3IT$ LOW 1-EAD Dl.!ANAGE ONCE NST~ P.0.C. 'M.KNS WlXNS SRtSWCW l<ANW>N KN; EROS flELSON RAN 8'!D WIRU. WC$ NIA ~ ' I I I ' I V2" ~ WATS! l'vETl:R' W'r AJ T SERVICE LIE. VEl<f'f LOCATION N Tl-E f"ELD I 975XLS, I 1/Z' ~/P IBACKFLOW ~ ASSEML Y' W't W)"E ST12~ _L____ ' ' I '!SOOl-lR, I' 112" ~ l<EGU'.J',.'l'(Jli ON' BACKR.OW 't>SSaa.:Y 2000E-I 1/'Z' eF'OXY F'lJSeD Mll.$TEl2 CONTl<OL VAL VE,, I V2' SIZE I ' ' ' ' ~2-65 ST,IMESS STEEL BACICR.OW e:ict..ost.RE OVff!!.l BA~dW ~Y. CR ti:$ APPli!OVEDBY' TI-E CMWD. BACKFLOW SPECIALIST CONT ACT <6l9J 438-2722 EXT. 152 'W'LT-XXX-E PVC -m..E LNONr BALL VALVE, l.N: SIZE To, 2" MAX1M..M 7645 NON-POTASLe <:llJCK COI...R.eR "l'AILVE:, N fO" 1<01..N) VALVE PIT 'EFEI-CP--Pl.!S SB11Es ERASS ~TE,~ V'ALVE. SIZE .IIIS SI-IO'v'IINI: I ' .L'.__ I MC-2:4-F'I.J.JS-e souo, ST ATE, l"'OlR l"'l.'OGRAM J.llclGA TION ~. 'If, 'W~ MOlNTI:D S.S. ENCt(lQJ;!E ' ' ' 'l<GIR8-VR 'RANGUARD' i:?AN SENSOI:!, MOL.NT ON E!l..l.ONS: Mee TO CONmOI.LER 120 VOLT E!.ECTJ;!IC,t,l, PO~. PllO\IIOEO BY B..EC'T1'aClAN ' ' I I ' I I ~ W'A ml F'IC PF'E' ~ CL 315, '314' -3'" CL 20d :tii.S LJ(~tll tJIE5 12' Sl!:l!:.d.-~A'DE'~'N' c¢l.CR ' ' ' A' I A :1 I I ' ' ' A ,:I :I Ii : I A' , i, 1· 1, ' I ' . ' F I' ! I G Ii I II ~' 1•· I ' I' ' i ' j: M.Brn.N:i I ~ WATS! PVC 'f'F'E I 1/2" &:1-1.'40, 2" • 21/Z' a.. 315 AS l'IAAN.J\ES 18" BELOW Gt.!'AOe, F'l.RF'l.e N ca.a:! ,1'l , I ! ' M.Brn.N:' ,' I i:?ECLAt.ED WATS! Pvd PFe SCH:1401~ SL!EEVNG11.ttlE.. FEOWIRIAN'F>AVNG. TWICE TI-E DIANETBl OF PFE a:!"Wl<E"l!ltM:a: CJOl:!IE& , j PVC PF'E SCl,4. 80 AS SLEEVNG LNClER VEHCLE PAVNG, TJ.l<E'e ThES TI-E OIMl:Tcl,! OF PF'E OR WJ<E E1..K1L.E CAl<R£;0 , ' LATERAL SLEEVE DEPTI4 L.N:l61 VB-ICI.E PAVING -36", LATS!AL SLEEVE DEPTH U'll:lER FEDESTI<IAN PAI/NG· 12" I , ~ SI.EEVE ce>Ti-1 LN:leR ve.lCLE PAVIIIG -36", MAN.f\E/WRE SU:EI/E ce>Ti-1 t.N:)EI;? P!:DcSTRIAN PA\ING -S" NOSffi131CL NOSThea. ~ ~ ~TION CONTROL WI<!: bL.F AWG Cll<ECT 8lRlAL <UL AF'PRO\/EO), COi.OR CODE BY CONTlcOl.L.6! t.!AN 8'!D ST-03 Gl2E'l' 'SNAP-TITE' WQE CCN-ECTCQS AN:> PT-55 $EAi ER NO $Ytd3CL T. Q-RISTY'S '~ WATS! VALVE co. TAGS, Ot..e F'El2 R.C.V. ORF' t.!.C.V., e:v. Ar-:oMCV:. NOSTheOL AAEreK I 1 ' ' 1 I ' I I , AU. VALVE BOXES ARE TO ElE' PU:!PLE COLOQED PLASTIC TYF'E WI lolECLAM:D W'A ~ ~ N'<D SOLT cioffl<il •l.l:lS i ' ' I ,ll<RIGATION 1: 1 1 'i 1, ~OT~S i I ' I ' ,ll,u. iL.Ocilfl. ~ IAI'<> STATE LAWS. i.!U.E$ .Am ~Tl<r.iNS ~ a.?1i<Et.AiN3 TO .l>N'r', PORTION OF Tl-IS Wa.K ARE. 1-&EB,· ~ATEO MO AN:> MADE A PAl2T OF TI-ESE SPECFICATIOMS MD Tl-ER PROVISIONS SHALL. BE C~ OUT BY TI-E CONTRACTOi;?, ' ' i ' ' I I ' I' ' I 2 Tl-E CONTRACTOR SI-IALl. VERFt' TI-E LOCATia>IS OF' ALL EXISTNG UTLITES. STl2I.JCTU2E5 AKJ ~ I i EEFOl2E COM\£NCNG WORK. TI-E LOCATIONS OF' UTLITES. STl<UCTU<ES MO ~ SHOWN I'll Tl-ESE i I PLANS Ai:?E APPROXMA TE Ol',l. Y. ANY DtSCt.!EPANCES BETWEEN Ti-ESE PLANS AN) ACTUl>L FELD CO\OITOS , ~ALL BE l<EPORTED TO TI-E OWN52'5 l<EPl:1L5Eh ,'ATIVE. ' $ , Tl-E CONTRACTOR SHALL OST AN TI-E PERTN=NT ~ OR' ARO-ITECTlJAL Pl.ANS EL ORE EIEGNll\'G , , 'IIVOl<K. ' ' I 4 1 TI-E CONTRACTOR SI !I'll. OBT~ All. tECES$AJ2Y PB?MTS,1QFQU;!ED TO F5FORM TI-E W01:!K NJICATED 5 ~ BEFORE BEGN,l,IG WOt.!K. THS DESIGN IS DIAGl.!AMMATIC. JliU_ ECLPM:NT a.:idwN N P!AVEO Al<EAS IS Fa< Lll::$G<, a.m ON..Y MO IS TO BE INSTAI I ED WliHII PLANTNG AREAS WI-El<eV6! POSSB..e. i I , I ! I I 6 ' 00 NOT WLLR.ll. Y INST ALL ANY EOi..F'tvENT AS SHOWN ON 1'1-E PLANS Wl-1:N IT IS 08VfOUS M TI-E FlElD TI-IAT LN<NOWN CON::llTIONS EXIST TI-IAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT T1-E TIME Tl-ESE PLANS WERE PRB"Ai;!EO.' I 1 ', 7 8 ! ANY SUCl-1 CON::llTIONS Sl-lALL BE Bt.!OlJGHT TO TI-E ATTENTION OF n-e OWl'-ER'S REPRESSIIT A TIVE PR101:? TO I I ANY" Wa.K OR TI-E Rt.!IGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSLNE ALI. l<ESPONSBLIT'I' F'Ol2 AN'r' F9aD 0-IANGES I 1 DEEMED IIECESSARY BY TI-E OV',N:!;!. INSTALL ALL FQI.Pt.BIIT AS SHOWN I'll TI-E DeTALS ANJ'SPeCFICATIONS. CONTT.?ACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSBI.E TO cor.A.. Y \MTl-1 LOCl>L CITY, COLNT'r' ANJ STA TE ~ FOR BOTl-l eoLFM!NT AN:> INSTALLATION. ' ' ' AClUAL LOCATION FOR 'TI-E NSTAU.ATION OF' TI-E ~Acm..OW ~ AN) TI-E AUTOMATIC~ I, IS TO 9E DE™ I'll TI-E FELD BY TI-E OWI\B2'S Al..JTI.IOl:?IZ l:lEPQESSIITATlVE AN:> AS APPROVED BY I BY CM.W.D.'S BACKR.OW SPECIALIST. ' ' I 9 CONTRACTOR IS TO PRO\/ClE AN A~ PLOt VV1<E TO Tl-E 8'01 OF' TI-E MAMJ\E i:?t:.N N TWO, ~ Fr;!QM TI-E CONmQl.l..S2. I , '' ' ' i I! 'i I I; I I , ' ' I ' I ' " '' 1 I Ii ' ' ' ' ' I L F:OR lk1RfGA TlON SPEClFICA T10NS1 - 1 SE~ k~EE:r'S '~ E; 9 'CL5.I AND L5'.2) ! APPROVED FOR PUNTING ANO , !, , IRR1GATION ONLY,, INCLUDING PREdl E1 LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I , ,, 11 &'No~c~P~ ARCHITECTS TB. 71>1 2-48-ffl l F~ 714 2-18 9215 '' AS BU IL T'' : i DATE R.C.£. ____ ..., i ' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY Pl.BUG 1-lEAL Tl-l ENGINEER, ASS'T PLANNING DIQECTOO AND DI$T121CT ENGl!\EER PRIOt.! TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FRO. 11/7 /96 JR PLAN C~CK llf l<EVISIONS I SH4EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEl,•ETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT LEGEND & NOTES 1 ,, , LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DETAILS,~ i----;--;-------------1CARLSBAD RESEARCH GEN R LOT 62 I I I I' t--------'---'--------+--+--+-'-------------------1-----4 APPROVED i-----i--;-------------;---1 ..,.,==c-=-'~6?-::f.;;;=.......----'--=-'' 7'=-_,_,_L-JI--REVIEWED BY: !INSPECTOR DATE : BY DESCRIPTION APP"D DWH BY--'=--, ...,,.,.,::,--'--I---'-'--'-----'-----'~="-="-'-------'-;.;;_;,_~ CHKD BY~,R~- 1 i DATE , , REVISIONS F'IELD BY ' II '1 , 1 I I I, I, PROJECT NO. PD 458 CMWD i:t96-237 OATE ' .':f~ ,r-" -./ .::::, 0 Q) Lu (!J lJ.J -./ -./ 0 0 I I --I-- PLANT LEGEND SYM30L NO. BOTANCAL / CCMvtC« NAM= T12EES J ' I / I ! I ' + \ . ' I ! I ' I T-8 ' / I 1 ' I I ' I \ \ SIZE/ SPACN3 0 T-3 PN.JS CANAl2a-JSIS ; CANAl2Y ISL.AN) Prse 24" BOX • ...... ----......... I T-4 TF'UANA TAJ I TF'IJWE:I:' Z4"BOX I o \ T-5 \ ~ CAl'r'R'A / CORAL WEE ( + \ T-8 / PLA TAN.IS ACBa--0-IA f LONDOO PLAN'= NOTE= rNST ALL JUTE f\ETTING AND CITY APPROVED FLATTED GROUND COVER AT 12" 0.C. ON SLOPES Wl-11Cl-1 EXCEED 6:1 GRADIENT. C \Rl3\WIN\IX:AWINGS\SMITI--I\LOT62\62-PPI.DWG 11/96 I I ' ', / X: I I I J > / -/ ·, /- STAN)AJ20 120 Ck ,0 DETAL C. Sl---rr. L4J STAt-OAl:?O 12d El<' 1·0 OET A:L C. $.IT. L4.I PROTECT N A.ACE PROTECT N PLACE ___W /\§} PROPOSED 63,950 s.f. BUILDIN'G MA TCl-1LINE -SEE Sl-1EET 6 (L3.2) -------==---------- \ \ 0-,. SYM30L NJ. BOTMICAL I C()fvMON ~ SIZE / SPACNG SYMlOL NO. BOTANCAL / CCJM\.lON NM£ SIZE / SPACNS ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 vr-ES ... 5---1 S-2 S--3 S-4 S-5 5-6- S-7 S--8 V-1 AGAPANTI-US AF121CANJS I I GAL • 24" O.C. LLY-oF--77-E-i'I..E CAQISSA G. TLJTTL.6' / 5 GAL. • 30" O.C. TUTTLE"S NAT AL PLUM i'-EM3'0CALLIS l-f(8RIO / Ya.LOW DA YUL Y 1 GAL • 24" O.C. LIGL.ISTI?L.M J. TEXAN...M / 5 GAL. • 30" 0.C. TEXAS Pl21VET ATTOSPOl2L.M T. "M--EE!...E12'S DWAW' / l GAL • 30" O.C. 0WAl2F TOBl<'A l34API--IOLEAS L 'El'JCI.-IANTl2ESS' / ~ GAL. • 30• O.C. WI-IITE IN)IA "4AWTl-lO!?N 13-!APhlOLEPIS L 'SPl<'NGTllvE' I 5 GAL. • 47 O.C. PN( l'DIA "4AWTI--IOl2N MYOP012LM LAE:Tl.M / 5 GAL. • I0'-0· O.C: N.CN P~ TT2!CUSPIDATA / l GAL BOSTON IVY 0 10 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH 1<:o ER rolCETALS A ea SI-IT. L4J k:EFERTODETALSA€B; SI-IT. L4J k:D B? ro DETALS A e 9, SI-IT L4l k:O & ro Dl=T ALS A e 9; SHT. L4.l 14:FER ro OET ALS A e B, SHT. L4J 120 ER ro PETALS A e B; SHT. L4J REF--tR ro 1DET Al.S A !; 6, SHT. L4J .:u El2 ro 1DETALS A e B, SI-IT.L4.I I 12EFER ro iDET AL A ' SI-IT. L4l LEAN STAKE AGANST WALL Gl<OLN)COVERS G-2 APTENA ~ / l<'EOAPPLE FLA TS / e• O.C 12!:f"E':12 ro DET AL A, SI-IT. L4.I ce«:)TeS 5a... SAM'LE LOCA TICN -"2d & TO NOTE: U CF PLANTNG NOTES ON $1-EE:T L4J FOR AOOfTlONAL ltfORMA TION . ffifOUANTITT \§jJ. '-lEGe-0 '12EF. NO. FOR PLANTlNG NOTES f, DETAILS -SEE Si:-JEET 7 (L4.I) FOR PLANTING SPECIFlCA TIONS -SEE Sl-1EETS 10 E II CL5,3 E L5.4) '' AS BU IL T'' RE."VISIONS rv\U$T BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC >-EAL TH ENC-11\EER. ASST. PL.<'NNNG DIRECTOR AW DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEM:NiA1K)NINFIELD D/7 /96 JR PLPN C>-ECK nJ 12EV!SIONS ------------1---, APPROVED FOR PLANTfNG ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECIS LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN ' DATE >--+-+------------,-~CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENT R -~AIN&tiP~ ARCHITECTS m 114 2.ta-9211 F>-X 71' 2-t! 9215 R.C.t ____ _ REVTtWEU BY: lt/SP!:CTOR LOT 62 R.C:(. ______ f-----+---+---------------t----, ;:~~===::::;,;==c===========~ APPROVED & DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE REVISIONS ASSISTANT DWM BY PROJECT NO. J;! CHKD BY PD 458 FlELD BY CMWD n96-23 7 DRAWING NO. 350-4L lL3.I I --1-- T-P, DET AL E, $1.-lT. L4J C a: < > w ...J :::> 0 ALL AREAS DISTIJ2EIE:D Sr CON5naJCTION m w C, w ...J -.J . ' 0 ~· 0 PLANT LEGEl\JD ' \ I I I I I / I ( I I \ \ I + 25'-0" SThBOL NO. SOTANCAL / CQM,,Q,J NAM= SIZE / SPACNS TREE:$ ( 0 JACJ>i<Al'OA ACl.JiFOUA / .JACARAI\DA ~ DAC'fi1...FERA / DATE PALM PN.JS CANARENSIS I CANARY ISLAND PN:: TF'UANA TAJ/ TPU Tl2EE ~ CAFFRA / CORAL TREE T-6 LOLOAM3~ ST'rl?ACFLUA / SWEETGLM T-7 \ T-9 / / PNJ3 CANARENSIS I CANARY ISLAND PN= PL.AT t>N..lS Acs:?FOUA / LOI\DON PLAI\E UM.JS PAl2VFOUA / ELM 36" BOX Z4'6™ 24' BOX 24" BOX f:XISTN:; NOTE: INST ALL JUTE NETTING ANO CITY A.PPROVED FLATTED GROUND COVER AT 12" 0.C. ON SLOPES WHICH EXCEED 6:1 GRADIENT. C \f.?13\WIN\WAWINGS\$MITH\LOT62\6~-PP2 ow,:::; 1/96 I POTENTIAL FUTU2E PRO...ECT ~ TO BE L.NC6? SEP ARA TE PB2MIT. FUTU2E SIGNAGE MJST SE LOCATED SO AS TO NOT U'J I Ekl Lk'E WiTJ..I SITE D15T ANCES P6? n-E OTY OP CARLSBAD ~$ M..l.TI-m.N( RU 62 TO DET AL D, SHT. L4J R□ U.: TO DET AL E, $HT. L4J STANJAl20 I<□ & TO DET AL C, SHT. L4J STMOAl<O l2EF'El2 TO DETAL C, SHT. L4.I PROTECT N PLACE PROTECT N PLACE PROTECT t-J PLACE PROTECT t-J PLACE PROTECT N PLACE 5 T-2 w AREA OF BLLDNG MA TCHLINE -SEE SHEET 5 CL3.D ,....,,,:.JiA,._~;1 1 c::::;_....p,..t1-Vll~~ A's\ . PROPOSED 63,950 s.f. BUILDING ' ' ' Q O ·~ Q 0- (40 \ r+----++----++---++----++-----+-r-T7--=-l ~\ Hr--++1--'--++----~-----,t- . ' ' ----... pQ i I fOON C-CtlWCL SWALE -NO SI--RLBS \ TO EILOCK FLOW 4' 1 FROM CENT5?!...N= ~~ f@~ (90\ ·; ~ / '---t~T~1-~I@ \ ~ I---'-=--+--' 2 ~ ,......_ -1;<\ ___IT] (31\ ✓ ~-~~\ LI:.ll~ .,....---;: ....... _2 ___,. ----~ -~ ----~ 1 ,\ I 2 >-----+--../_ \ T-1 -~\ '\ \ \ ' ' \\ \ \' I -~\ I \ \ ----~ I I \ \ T-5 / I ' I I I ' ' ( ' \l \ I I I I I I \ \ I \_ ~rowo. \ DET AL E, $I-IT. L4J ASTON AVENUE 5l1vBCL t-.0. BOTANCAL / Ga.lMON NANE SIZE / SPACNG Si--J2l.l3S 0 0 0 $ 0 0 S·2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 AGAP .ANTI-US AF121CANJS I I GAL • 24' O.C. LL Y-OF-n-E-1\LE CAl21SSA G. "T1JTTl.S' I 3 GAL • 30· O.C. TUTTLe'S NAT AL PLUM I--Elv'El20CALLIS i-fTBl20 / I GAL • 24' O.C. YELLOW DA ill. Y LIGUSTRU\i .J. 'TeXAN..M I 5 GAL • 30" O.C. TEXAS PRIVET PITTOSPOO..M T. 'WI--EELER'S DWAW / I GAL.• 30" O.C. DWARFTOBRA ~ L "ENCI-IANTRESS' / 3 GAL. • 30• O.C. Wl-lTE N)IA HAWTl-!C)l;>N Rl--lAA.O.lPIS L 'SF£NGTl'vE' I 5 GAL • 42" O.C. PN< N)!A HAWTI-ORN 0 IO 20 40 60 SCALE AND NORTH RD & TO OETALS A es. SHT. L4.I .. a & TO DETALS A ea. SHT. L4J ru ER TO DET ALS A e B. SHT. L4J R□ B! TO DETALS A!; S, SI-IT. L4J k'E:Ft:k: TO DET ALS A !; S, SI-IT. L4.I kb & TO PETALS A ea. 9--IT. L4J R□ 62 TO DET ALS A !; B. SI-IT L4J S"ThB'1 !>O. BOTANCAL I~ NAtvE GROl.NXX)\/□i<$ G-2 G-3 G-4 AI-NJAL CO..Cll< ro BE SEl..eCTED ITT LANDSCAPE ARO-fTECT APTENACOROFOUA/ RED APPLE VNCA MA...o.? I F'ERIVI/N::J.E FESTUCA AL TA 'MAl<A Tl-ON r / TALL F'ESCU: ITEM 'MAl2A Tl-ION r SEED COM\.1'1. FEQTLIZ5? 16 16 16 1311\0ER MLLCH SIZE / SP ACNG 4' POTS• 6" OC. R..ATS Is• O.C. FLA TS / 12" O.C, 1-rr~SEEO AMOLM l2U / l000 SF' 400n / ACRE 80U / ACRE 2000" I ACRE kb & TO OETAL A. SHT. L4J I<□ & TO DETAL A, SHT. L4J i2B"'O? TO DETAL A, SI-IT. L4J PPOVDE ALT. BO Pl<ICE FOl?SOD OEN:)1ES set.. SAM'l.e LCCA TOJ -kb Ek TO NOTE '1-1' OF PLANTNG NOTES a,..J 51-EET L4J FOR ADDITIONAL N=ORMA TION. ~WANTlTY \§37..._L.EGeN:) IW". 1'«), FOR PLANTlNG NOTES E; DETAILS SEE Sl-lEET 7 CL4.D APPROVED fOR PLANTING AND FOR PLA.NTING SPECIFICATIONS -SEE SHEETS lO t: II CL5.3 t: L5.4) tRRIGATION ONl Y, INCLUDING PRECIS LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. -~ I ~ G ~ AND CAP ARCHITECTS TEL 714 2.i!-9211 FAX 714 2,!S ~215 '' AS R.C.£ ____ _ IIISP£CTOR BU IL T'' DATE :2EVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED En PU8UC HEAL m E:NGNEER. ASST. PLANI\JI\JG DIRECTOR AND DISTRIC, ENG!'EER PRIOR TO CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHEETS I IMPLEMENTATION IN FELD. 1/7/96 J2 PLAN CHECK "1 i.'E'✓ISIONS LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN I, f---+--+--------------+--CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTAR LOT 62 FLC_E _______ f----+---+---------------+----~:'::====:::;;:;;,~,::::::::::,:::==-::..c:.::·::::_"·::::·· =======!=~ APPROVED __,~,-,,:"'/./J ---+-----------.---__ --=-,,_--=-~~~-7-~-IL___Jl-'--+-+-- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OAT£ DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS - OWN BY_-'-cc'-- CHKD BY JI,' FIELD BY PROJECT HO. PD 458 CMWD u96-237 350-4l L3.2 I PLANTING NOTES A. RO ER ro P!.ANTNG SPECR:;ATK)NS AN) OETALS FOQ SOL PQEPAkATION, FERTI..IZA TION, M...LCl-fNG Al-0 OT~ PLANTING J\FORl'v!A TlON. B. NOTFY TI-E o~s ALm--lClR!ZED REPRESENTATIVE 48 HCll..J<S PRIOR TO COM'v1ENCEIVENT OF WORK TO COORDINATE PRO..ECT NSPECTION sa-EDLLES. C. V5'F( ALL EXISTNG COl'DITIONS. DIM':NSIONS AKJ E:L~ A TIONS EIEF()l;>E PROCEE:[)NG wrn-1 11-E WORK. NOTIFT' LANJSCAPE ARCI---ITECT IMMEDIATELY SHOU.D FIELD COI\DITIONS VARY PROM THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN. D. REPORT DISCREPANCES N TI-E DRAWNGS Ok BETWEEN TI-E DRAWNGS AN) ACTUAL FEI...D COI-OITIONS TO TI-E LAI-OSCAPE ARCI---ITECT. CORRECTED DRAWNGS Ok INSTRUCTION 51-<ALL EE IS5LED PRIOR TO Tf-E CO\ITINJATION OF THS WORK ASSL..l'vE F'LLL l:>EsPONSBILITY FOR ALL f'.ECESSARY CORRECTIONS DU:: TO FAILLRE TO REPORT KNOWN DISCREPANCES. e. LOCATE ALL EXISTNG UTII.ITES \lv!-ETI,-€R SHOWN ~ OR l'.OT AN) PROTECT Tl-EM FROM DAMAGE. NOTFY Te-E OWl'S<S REPReseNT A TIVE IMVEDIA.TEL Y Al-0 ASSUvE FLLL RESPONSIBLITY FOR EXPENSE OF REPAR OR REPLACElvENT N CONJ..NCTION WITH DAMAGED LITIUTES. F. LOCATION OF N.LC. CONSTRUCTION ELSvENTS SUCI-I AS LIGHTS. SIGNS. VENTS. HYDRANTS, TRANSFORM52S, ETC. ARE APPROXMA TE. NOTIFY Tf-E LANJSCAPE ARCI-ITECT IMrl,t:DIA TEL Y SHOLLD TI-E LOCATION OF Tl-ESE ITEMS N 11::RH::RE: WITH TI-E PROPER EXECUTION OF WORK, G. OBT AN ALL SOL FOR LAI-OSCAPE PL.AN1l\G ARE.AS OR E6?M$ FROM ON-SITE EXCAVATIONS. Sl--lOLLD IMPORT SOL BE r-.ECESSARY, Sl...l3MIT IM"ORT SOL TESTNG RESLLTS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO IMPORTATION. SOIL S1---W.L BE SA/'.OY LOAM CONT AN\IG NO TOXIC CI--EMICALS OR ELEMENTS W4CH MAY ll\H3IT OR !:>ET Al<D NORMAL PLANT GROWTH H. AFTER ROLJGI-I GRADES ~VE BEEN E:STAaJSI-.ED IN PLANTNG ARE~. ~VE SOL SAMPLES TAKEN AT TI-E LOCA TlONS il'O!CA TED BY DESIGNATION ~ ~ VE SAMPLES TESTED BY SOL AN) PLANT LAB. (714) 558-8333, FOR SOL F!':RTIUTY, AGRICLL TURAL SUT ABILITY TEST At-D SOL PREPARATION RECOM\,B>,'DA T10N5. TAKE TWO SAMPLES AT EA~ LOCA TIQN OJ GROL,J\[) LEVEL TO IO" DEEP, (2) 24• TO 36" DEEP. EACH SAMPLE $1---lALL CONTAIN APPROXIMA TE:L Y I QUART OF SOIL TO BE LABEi ED PER LOCATION At-D DEPTH. INSTALL SOIL PREPARATION MD BACK ALL MIX TO CO!\FORM TO 11-ESF RECOM,\1EnlA TIONS ON... Y I.PON RECePT OF WIRITTS\I CHAJ\GE ORDER FROM TI-E OWI\ER. $LBlv1IT SOIL RB='ORT TO LMDSCAPF ARCHTFCT PRIOR TO PLANTNG. CITT INSPECTOR M.JST APPROVE SOIL TEST RFCQMMFNDA TIONS PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF SOIL AMENDMENTS TO SITE. l Kll AN) REMOVE ALL EXISTNG WFFDS FROM SITE AREAS PEI< SPECF!CA TIONS. J. ASSLRE POSffiVE DRANAGE N ALL PLANTNG AREAS, ?% ~ K. LOCATE AND TAG ALL PLANT MA TFR1AL MA TERLt>L SHALL BE N COI-FORMANCE WITH PLANTING PLAN DESCl2PT10NS AI\D SPECFICA TIONS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL. IS SL..8.JFCT TO RB/E,/'I Al'-D APPROVAL PRIOR TO NSTALLATION PROVIDE PHOTOS Or R□ RFSENTATIVE: FXA/vF'LFS OF EACH TAGGED BLOCK TO LANDSCAPE ARCl-.fTEC1 Jl,4NMJv\ 21 DAYS BEFORE ANTICIPATED DELIVERY. PHOTOS SHALL INCLUDE A PS'SON FOR SCALE PI..RPOSES. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY OPT TO REVEW MA TFRIAL AT GROWING ~SERY. MATERIAL DELVERED TO THE SITE MAY BE REJECTED BASED ON LN-EAL THFLL APPEARANCE OR NON-CO!\FORMANCE WITH SPECFICATIONS EVEN IF Pl:'EVIOUSL Y REVIE'WEO BY TI--E LAI-OSCAPE ARC-HTECT OR THF O\\11',Ei;>. L ALL TREES WlTf-1\J A SPECIES SHALL ~ VE MA Ta.l'IG FORM. M. FINAL LOCATION OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE SL..8..ECT TO TI-E APPROVAL OF THE OWi-ER'S ALJTl-lOR1ZFD REPRFSB\IT A TIVE. N. PLANTNG CIUANTITES ARE GfVFN FOR CQN\/Fl'ENC;E ON... Y. PLANT SYM30LS MO SPFCIF'ED SPACING SHALL TAKE PRECEOENCE. O. AT EDGES OF PLANTING Al:'EAS, THE CENTER LII\E OF TI-E LAST ROW OF Sf.RLBS AN'.)/Ok GROLN) COVER SHALL BE LOCATED NO FARTI-ER FROM TI-E EDGE THAN Of\E-HAL.F Tf-E SPECFIFD ON CENTER SPACING. P. INST ALL GkOLNJ COVIFR M-0/0R SI-RU3 MASSES WITH TRIANGU..AR SPACN;; LN...ESS OTHFRW!SE N)ICA TED. Q ALL CLJ2VE TO a..RVE At-D 0-...RVE TO TANGENT LN:S Sl-lALL BE I\EA T, Tl,'f\,I, SMOOTH AM> l.NFORM R. REMOVE ALL i'J..J?SERY ST AKES At-D ESP ALER RACKS fv'MEDIA TEL Y AFTER INSTALLATION l.FON PROVIDING Sl.PPORT PER PLAN. S. DtJ:?ING TI--E LENGTH OF TI-E GUARANTEE PB'IOD, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER STAKING At-DIOR GUYING OF Ti:>EFS TO FNSl.RE ST ABIUTY. T M..LCH ALL LAt-DSCAPE Al:>EAS <EXCLL..ONG TU<A ~I/NG LESS THAN A 3<I SLOPE WITH A 3" DEEP LAYER OF "MEDIJM GR!'.o MLLCH" SLPPLIED BY BLUE Rl3BON N....RSERY, C714l 633-3666 AT 11-E CONCLUSION OF PLANTNG OPERATIONS. $LBMIT SA/vF'LE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO OBJVDRY. DELIVIFRY TO SITE. U AN'UAL COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY LAKJSCAPE ARCI-ITECT AT TIM: OF INSTALLATION REQLEST RFCOIVllvENJA T10N A M1NMUv1 OF 48 HOLRS N ADVANCE OF NEED FOR DELIVERY. EROSION CONTROL NOTES SLOPES RF0tRNG EROSION CONTROL M=ASLJ;>ES AS SP!:'CFl!=C> f-EREN SHA:LL BE Tl<EA TED wrn-1 Of\E OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING ST At-DAkDS, A. ST AN'.:>Al<D !<I -COVIFR CROP .J.JTE M':$1---l COVER CROP SHALL BE A SEED MIX TYPK::ALL Y MADE LP OF FAST COVERI\G GRASSES. CLOVERS, Ar--0/0R WW FLOWERS. SLBMIT SPEOFIC SEED MIX FOR CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION. TI-E COVER CROP SHALL BE APPLED AT A RA TE AN'.) MA"-"ER SLFFICENT TO PROVIDE 901 COVERAGE WITf-1\1 30 DAYS. TTPF OF JJTE ~ Sl4AU. BE APPROVED BY TI--E CITY Al'O ST AKl:D TO TI-E SLOPE AS RECOMiVa\OED BY Tl--c MAl\l.FACTLRER . ..l.JTE M=Sl--l SHALL BE REGIU<FD WI-EN PLANTNG OCCLRS BETWEEN AUGUST 15TH AND APRIL 15TH. DlRING THF REMAINDER OF T1-E YEAR, THE COVER CROP At-DIOR .JJTE IVESH MAI BE USED. B. ST At-DAl<D 2 -GROU\OCOVER IOO'l OF AREA TO BE PLANTED WITH A GkOLNJ COVER KNOWN TO HA VE EXCB..LFNT SOL 1311\DNG CHARACTERISTICS <PLANTED FROM A MNMJM SIZE OF FLATTED MATERIAL AN'.) SPAGeD TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITf-1\1 (0 YEAR). ALL SLOPES 3' OR S, W ER AN'.) 4' OR GREATER N f-EIGHT REOLPE ST AN'.)Al<D$ I AI\O 2 COVIFR SEED CROP C°"5'0S!Tc+I TO SF> DESCRPTION ESCl-lSCHOLZlA CALFORNCA LLPNJS SUCCLLFNruS O'CCJ!'.NOR'S LEGU\,E FBER MLLCH 16-16-16 FFRTIJZ& STABLIZNG SN:JFR C,\Ql3\\/I/IN'DRA\/I/ING$\SMITH\LOT 62\62-PD DWG 11/96 "I ACRE 2 2 20 2000 400 120 F G ] 1' e1> ,~r I ~~ SFC __ T_ION ________ -.:,-~@@ LEGEt-D I. 2. 3. 4. 5. LOCATE PLANTS 'MTI--l E:O..JAL SPACNG AS NJICATED ON PLAN, TRIANGLLAk SPACNG 24" a£AR VE1-10LE O\/ERl--4ANG ZOI\E LOW CMAX. 8" >-<T.l GROI..N:>COVER ON... Y. Cl.RB SPl<'I\Kl..FR HEAD -NO 1-lGH POP-LPS VEI-IOLE 3 A..AN 1/eN 6. 1/2 SPACNG FOR SFEU ED PLANT MATERl,t,;L PLANTING @ PARKING ST ALLS .~-~----~CD I /~ .. I LEGENJ, R'$-! GRADE OF GROl.N>COVER 2. l"NSI--I Gl<ADE OF TLl<F 3. 2 X 4 RE;DW(X)[) 1-EADERBOAm 4 IX 3 X 16" l<l!OWOOO STAKES•~-O.C., PL.ACED ON GROLN)COVER SOE Al'D F'!.ACED E!ELOW TOP OP i-EADER90ARD i'K)'ffiS, A SPU::::cSTOBelX4 XITREDVfOOD B NALS TO Be GALV,,:,,i,aa, COl\.tAON NAl.5. NAl-AS~ FOi> SOI.O NSTALLA.TICJN. C. ~Am S1-1ALL cf" LAD m.E TO l..N" AJ-0 Gl<ADE. REDWOOD ~EADER APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I __ -Q) LEGFt-0 L sPECrve,J Th'EE, 3o" BOX Ok LARGER 2 BLACK PVC HOSE WITH 1/8" BRAIDED GALVANZED STEa. GUY CASLF, USE GAL V ANZFD CABLE a...A/vF'S At-D TlRN3UCKLE. rvNMLM 3 GUYS PER Tl:'EE, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL GUYS F REOURED OLE TO SfTE CO\DITIONS 3. FNSH GRADE. CROWN OF TREE M.JST NOT BE PLANTED BELOW TI-6 LEVEL 4. WATER BASN -MNMLM 4" DEPTH, M.t.CH TO 2" DEPTH At-0 DEEP WATER TREE ll'vlMEDIATELY LPON PLANTNG REMOVE BASN AT FND OF MANTENANCE PERIOD 5. TREE ROOTI!ALL -MJST NOT BE ROOT BOl.N), LOOSEN ANY TIGHT PACKED ROOTS 6. AtvE1\DFD BACKFILL MX -$FF SPECFICA TIONS. TAM" Al-0 SETTLE BACKA..L BEFORE PLANTING SO THAT TREE DOES NOT SN< AFTER PLANTING 7. FFRTLJZFR T ABl.ETS -SEE SPFCFICA T10NS 8. EXISTING SOL 9. MODEL 68 DUCKl3l.L ~ ANCHOR WITH 1/8" BRAIDED GALVANZEO STEEL. CABLE NOTES A. ALL S!-RU3S/GROU'-O CO\'B:'S SHALL BE F't.A'NTED AT EU.JAL SPACNG <TRIANGLLAkl L.N.ESS OTI-ERWISF N)ICATED ON PLANS SEE L.EGEt-D FOR SPACNG REOURE/vENTS. 12 TWICE ROOTI!ALL WIDTH 0. 1/2" DIA. X 2'-0" LONG WHTF PVC WARl\lf>-G DF\l!CE -TO BE NST ALLFD IN Pl.BLIC Al:>EAS l ROOTBA!J... DEPTH PLUS 18". F BEDROCK IS 8'JCClLNTB<'FD, NOTIFY Owt-.ER'S REP. 13. ARBCR-GAkD TRLN< PRO"TE'CTa:? FOl< U5E H TL.RF AREAS D I '4 TREE PLANTING/ GUYING -36" BOX+ 8 b ' 1o w U:GEJ',O L FROI-05 TO BF TED AN) PROTEC'TED ElLRf-.JG SI-F'NENT. LNTE FRCX-OS AFT'B< 30 DAYS. Ok AS ' DIRECTED BY PALM TREE EXPERT OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2 TRLN< f.E!GI-IT• rvEASlJ<ED FROM ORIGNAL GRADE LEVIEL AT BASE OF TRLN( TO TERfvl'JAL SLID AT BASE OF FROt-DS. TRUN< TO BF CLEAN. STRAIGHT At-D FREE OF SCARS OR ROT. SET TRLN< PLUMB VERTICAL 3. PLANT BASE OF TREE AT OR SLIGI-ITL Y ABOVE FNSH GRADE. DO NOT B..J<Y ANY PART OF TRLN( 4. FNSH GRADE 5. ROOTBALL• TO BE PROTECTED DLR'NG 81-F't,.>ENT ~ 3'--6'.X 3'--6'.X 4' DEEP. 6. 6. l'v1f-JM....M 7. WASI--BJ COARSE CONCRFTF SAN) BACKA..L DO NOT USE EARTH Ok OTI-ER TYPES OF SAW 8. COI\ICl?ETE a.RB PB? OVL ENGI\EER'S DRAWINGS 9. 2" Tf--tCK DECOt\,POSF[) GRANTE M..L~ 0. 6. DIA. BLACK PVC SLP CAP, TOP 3" MAX. l sa.D 6. PVC PFE 12. TREVl-'A "5127 ON OOTTOM AN'.) SUES CLP 6" WITH PEGS) l3. t2" DIA. X 8" DEEP AU3lRED I-IOLE R..LEO WITH 3/4" CRLlSI--ED GRAva 14. 6" DIA X 8' PB?FORA TED PVC PPE -CENTI:'R IN HO.£ ~-Et-D CAP 16. 4" F'BFORA TED PVC Dl?ANJ'\E (CENTERED 1.-"0B< PALM BALL) NOTE> $FF PALM TREE PLANTING /lMJ MANTB\IANCE SPFCFICA TIONS FOR ADDITK>NAL RECilJ;?F,VENTS A B S~RUB / GROUND COVER SPACING ""'""' 0,-=-r,, Pl.l.J:3 6" LEGEI\D L ' ----<D 2 3 l ' L Ol'-E 71--POUGI-, I I ,W~ GALLON CONTAN3? SIZE PLANT 2 WATER BASIN-1\4\1. 4" DEPTH. REMOVE BASN AFTER MANTENANCE PB.1(.0 3. Fll\l$-ED GRADE. 4. AtvE1\DFD BACKA...L MX-SEE SPECACATIONS. TAM" OR WA"TER SETTLE SO PLANT DOES l'.OT $NC AFT'B< PLANTNG 5. I & I LIZNG T Aa.ETS. SEE SPECACA TIONS 6. ROOTBALL OF PLANT-M..JST NOT BE ROQTBQL.N). LOOSEN ANY TIGHT-'PACKro ROO 7. FXISTNG SOL 8. "CROv\/N' OF PLANT MJST NOT a: BLRED BELOW L.EVEL OF ~ SOL S~RUB PLANTING 9 ~ I 8 7X""' OF l<OOTBAL.l.. PLAN VIEW LEGEt-0 l 24" CORDED TE SEE SPECFCATtONS ATTA.CH wrn-1 ROOFING NALS (4 TYPJ. 2 2" DIA. X IO' LODGE POLE PN= ST AKF (2 TYP) KEEP CLEAR OF ROOTBALL SPFCACATIONS 3. WATER BASN. 3" ""'1. DEPTH AFT61 WAT&ING BY HOSE. REMOVE BASN N LAWN AREAS AW AS Dl<ECTED BY LAI-OSCAPE ARCf-lTECT. 4. RNSI--EDGRADE. 5. AtvENDeD BACKR..L SEE Sf'ECH:::.A.Tr!M':: FOR MIX AW PIT SIZE. 6. 21 GRAM PLANT TABLET. SEE sPECFICA TlONS. 7, EXISTING SOL 8. SCARIFY SOES Al'V BOTTOM CF PLANTING PIT 9. ARBOR-GAl<D TRLN< PROTECTCQ FOl2 USE IN TL.RF AREAS tO, SET ToP OF ROOTI!ALL 3· AOOVE SLRROU\OING GRADE MO SLOPE Fa;:> DRAINAGE. l NST ALL ..i....B24-2 ROOT BAk"k'Ek' 1-'B< n-.o~ .. AS MGFD BY DEEP ROOT CORP. (7141 898-0563. NOTE> NOI\E RECll..M<ED. NOTE> MAINT AN TL.RF 3" Cl.EAR FROM TR'EETRLN<. PALM PLANTING TREE PLANTING/STAKING -15 G./24" • - RI ~ 4 ~ LAND C P ARCHITECTS m 11 • 2-1S-t21 t FAX 71• 2-48 9215 '' AS R.C.£. ____ _ INSPECTOR BU IL T'' DATE 1tC E. _____ _ DATE REVISIONS MUST BE .4PPROVED BY PLBLIC >-EAL TH ENGINEER, ASS'T PLAN'\NG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGll'EFR PRIOR TO IMPLE\.lt'N'" A TION IN f"ICL.D. h/7196 JR PLAN CHECK "I REVISIONS CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE PLANTING · 1 DETAILS & NOTES 1----+--1-------------+--------J CARLSBAD RE SEAR CH CENT R LOT 62 DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS DWN BY--'--:,-- CHKD BY_..R~-- FtELO BY PROJECT HO. PD 458 CMWD n96-23 7 ./ . ' DRAWING NO. 350-4l ~4.1 I r------------s•E•c•TI•o•N-0•2•s•11------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------••-----------.................. -.... --.. -•. -........... --............. -.............. iiiiij_.,,r:i ''.!I LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION D. Toti Contractor shall protect all existin<;i utUitles and features' to remain on and D. Equipment: G. Rectalmed' water 'copper pipe ta be installed with color coded warning tape in color and ''' 'j 'adjacent to the project site during construction. Contractor shall repair, at his 1. Supply as a part of this COffll"oot the fotfflwlng items: 1 marked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" 1:': '~ NOTE: CONTRACTOR $HALL BE FAMfLIAR WITH CARILSBA'O ldl.lNIC1PAL WATER DISlRICl'S own cost, all damage resulting from his operations or negllgence. o. Two (2) wrenches for disassembly and adjustment of IOCd1 t)'l'e of 1 'in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement an ,1:1: '! i ' I IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS AND l'N CASES OF CONFLICT BE'TWEEN THESE SPECIFICATIONS ' sprinkler head used in the irrigation system. 'sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the ::;:: , AND CMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS, CMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. E~ 'Th~ Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor for b. Three 30-lneh sprinkler keys for manual operatk>n of 'control ve1lves. local reclaimed water governing agencies. ' '/ ' I " installation of required sleeving as shown on the plans. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. PART I -GENERAL d. Two quick coupler keys with g 3/4" bronze hose bl:>, lbent nose type with 1 .01 SUMMARY hand wheel c;ind two coupler lid keys. A. It Is the intent of the specl'fieatll:lns and clrawin<;is that the finished system is 1.06 INSPECTIONS e. One valve box caver key or wrench. , , complete In every respect and shall be reody for operation sotisfoctory to the -A,-! Thie Contractor shdll permit the ILondscdpe Arc:hlteci: and O'llner's wthori:ed f. One 5-foot tee wrench for operating gate valves 3 inches or lcirger (ft ~~ u~ representative to visit and inspect at all times any part of the work and shall provide safe g. Six extra sprinkler heads of each si:te ond twe. 1 'B. The work shall indude aH materials, labor, services, transportation, and access for such visits. In addition, the City Inspector wHI ask for a preconstructlon 2. The above equipment shall be turned over to Owner's auttidrlzed representative at equipment necessary to perform the work as Indicated on the drawings, ln these meeting and periodic inspections. the final inspection. specification, and as necessary to complete the contract. B'. Wl\ere the specifications require work to be tested by the Contractor, It shall not be covered over until accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized 1-02 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS representative, and/or governing agencies. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for A. Due to the scale of the drnwlngs, it Is not possible to indicate ,all offsets, notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 fittings, sleeves, etc. which may be required. The Contractor shall carefutly hours in odvonce, where and when the work is rec;idy for testing. Should any work be Investigate the structural 0nd finished conditions affecting 011 of his work 0nd pion covered without testing or acceptance, it shall be, if so ordered, uncovered at the his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet Contractor's expense. such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such o manner os to ovoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and architectural features. B. All work called for on the drawings by notes or detail's shall be furnished and Installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the specifications. When on Item is shown on the plans but not shown on the specifications or vice verso, It shall be deemed ta be as shown on both. The Landscape Architect shall hove final authority for dorification. 'C. The Contractor shdll not wlllfuHy mstall the lrrlga-t'k>n system os shown on the drawings when it is obvious In the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered In engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect as soon as detected. In the event this notification is not performed, the Irrigation Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Provide at least one engllsh speoklng person who shall be ~-t at all times during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly famffiar with the type of materials being installed and the manufacturer's recommended methods of Installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section.. B. Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shall be foljawed in ail cases where the manufacturer of articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. C. All focal, municipal and state lows, rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and mode a part of these specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contrc;iclor. Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations of the same. However, when these specifications and drawings coll for or describe mater-ials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. D. All materials supplied for this project sha~ be new and free from any defecta. An defective materials sholl be replaced Immediately at no additional cost to Owner. E. The Contractor shall secure the required llcenses and permits induding payments of charges and fees, give required notices to public authorities, verify permits secured or arrangements made by others affecting the work of this section. 1 .04 SUBMITT ALS A. Materi<Jls List: 1. After award of cantroct and before EIITY Irrigation system \malterlals ore delivered to the jab site, submit to the Owner a complete list of an irrigation systems, materials, or processes proposed to be furnished and Installed as part of this contract. 2. Show manufacturer's name and catalog number for each item, furnish complete catalog cuts and technical data, furnish the manufacturer's recommendc;itiori,;, as to the method of installation. 3. No substitutions wlll be allowed without review and appro~I by the City and prior written acceptance by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized represen totive. 4. Manufacturer's warranties sh<;II not relieve the Contractor of his lic;ibility under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplem'ent the guarantee. B. SUbstltutions: 1 If the Irrigation Contractor wishes to substitute any equiprr,Jnt or materials 'for those equipment or materials listed on the irrigation drawings on'd specifications he may do so by providing the following information to the City gnd the Landscape Architect or Owners authorized representative for approval. 1. Provide a written statement indicating the reason for nhaking the substitution. 2. Provide catalog cut sheets, technical data, gnd performance Information for each substitute item. ,ffio,_...,,. 1 3. Provide In writing the dlffe1e1tce in Installed price If the item' is accepted. i 1.05 EXISTING CONDITIONS I ' A. ihe Contractor shall verify and be 'famfflar wfth the locations, sl're and detai1 of points of connection provided os tl're source of water, electrical supply, and telephone line connection to the irrigation system. B. Irrigation design is based on the ave1Hable static water pr~e shOll'fl on the drawings. Contractor shall verify static water on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. c. Inspections will be requlrEKI for the followlng at a minimum: 1 1. Sleeving 2., System layout , , ' 3.1 Pressure test of irrigation main h (Four hours ot 125 PSI or 120% of statilc wot,,.. pressure, which ever is greater). 4. 1 Coverage test of irrigation system, 5., Final inspection prior to start of m.:rimfflonce period 6. Final occeptonce ' ' D. Site observe1tions and testing by the Irrigation Contractor. visit. witl not commence wtthout the rec-ord drawings as ,prepared Record drawings must complete and up to dote for each site ' E. wdrk which foUs testing and Is not accepted will be retested. Hourty rotes and expenses of the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies for reinspection or retesting will be paid by the Irrigation Contractor ct no additional expense to Owner. 1.07 , STORAGE AND :HANOLl'NG A Use all means r,ecessory I to protE!ct lrrlgat'°"1 system materibts before, during, and ofter installation and to protect the installation work and moterial:s of all other trades. In the, event of damage, Immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the ocbeptonce of the Landscape Architect and Owner and at no odditional cast to the Owner. B. ' Exercise core in handling, loading. unloadinq, and storing plastic pipe and fittings under cover until ready to install. Transport plastic pipe only on a vehicle with g bed long enough to allow the pipe to lay flat to ovoid undue bending and concentrated external load. 1 ,08 CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL A. Dispose of waste, tra-sh, and deb. Is in acoon:tdnce with appficoble lows Of1'd or<finances and as prescribed by authorities having )Jrlsdictian. Bury no such waste mc;iteriat and debris on the site. Bumim;i of trash and debris wm not be permitted. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of rubbish and debris generated by his work and workmen ot frequent intervals or when ordered to do so by the Owner's authorized representative. ' B. Atl the time of completion the entire site will be cleared of tools, equipment, rubbish and debris which shall be disposed of off-site In o legal disposal areo. 1.09 , TURNOVER ITEMS I A. Record Drawings; I 1.1 Record accurately on one set of cor1'troct dramgs of! bh-anges in the work constituting departures from the original contract drawings. B. 2.1 The changes and dimensions shall be recorded In a legible and workmanltt<e manner to the satisfaction of the owner. Prior to final tnspectlon of work, submit record drawings to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 3. Dimensions from/to permanent points of reference such os buildings, sidewalks, curbs, etc. shall be shown. Oc;ita an record drawings shall be recorded on a day to day basis as the project is being installed. All lettering on drawings shall be , minimum 1/8 inch in size. 4. i Show locations and depths of the following items: a. Point of connection (induding water meters, bockftow preventers, master control valves, etc.) b. Routing of sprinkler pressure tines (dimensions shOll'fl ot o maximum of 100 feet along routing), Including sleeves for pipe and wire. c. Ball valves d. Automatic remote control valves e. Quick coupling voives f. Routing of control wires g. Irrigation controllers h. Related equipment (as ma,y be dncled) 1 5. , Maintain record drawings on site at afl times. Upon e<:lmptetiron of WOirk, transfer all as-built information and dimensions to reproducible sepia prints. i Corhrdrler Charts: , , , 1. Record drawings must be approved 'by landscape .b<rc:hfteet and/or Owners authorized representative before charts are prepared. ' ! 2. Provide one controller chart for eoch automatic controller. Chart shall show the area covered by the particular controller. ' 3. I The chart is to be a reduced copy of the octuol "record" drawinq. In the event controller sequence Is not legible when the drawing ls reduced, it shall be enlarged to a readable size. I 4. , When completed and approved, the chart shaH be hermetically sealed between ' , two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils in thickness. the C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Two individually bound copies of operation and molntenonce rrnJlll:lals shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative at feast 10 calendar days prior to final Inspection. The manuals shall describe the I materlc;il Installed and the proper operation of the system. 2. ' Each complete, bound manual shall Include the following Information: 1. 1 0 COMPLETION A. B. C. D. 1.11 A. B. I At the time of the ,:n--,n,alutenuiu y'8fiW 1111Sj.1\1dt'bl, 1he t..andlJcape An:hitect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing oqencies wit inspect the wor1<, and if not accepted, wm prepare a fist of items to be completed by the Controctor. At the time of"' the post-maintenance period or final Inspection the wor1< will be reinspected and final acceptance will be in writing by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing ogeneies. The Owner's authorized representative sh<lft mnie fin« ou'thorlty on otl port'ilon~ of 'the work. After the s,stem hos been W11ipteted, the ~ shall Instruct Owner'is authorized representative in the operation and mointen<ince of the irrigation system and shall furnish a complete set of operating and maintenance Instructions. Any settling of trer,ches which may occur during the one--)lel'.JI' period foHowing , acceptance shall be repaired to the owner's satisfaction by the Contractor withQ\it any additional expense to the owner. Repairs shall indude the complete restOf'ation of all damage to planting, paving or other improvements of any kind cs a result of the work. GUARANTEE I ' The entire sp,-inldler system, hcludmJ al 'lfOl1c done md!!r lM.s ~ shdtl be ' unconditionally guaranteed aqolnst all defects and fault of material and workmansn'lp-, Including settllng of backfilled areas below grade, for a period of one (1) year following the filing of the Notice of Completion. Should any problem with the irrigation system be discovered within the guarantee period, it shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional expense to owner withrn ten (10) calendar days of receipt of written notice from Owner. When the nature of the repairs as determined by the Owner constitute on emergency (i.e. broken pressure llne) the Owner may proceed to make repairs at the Contrc;ictor's expense. Any and all damages to existing improvement resulting either from faulty materials or workmanship, or from the necessary repairs to correct same, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the owner by the Contractor, all at no additional cost to the Owner. Guarantee shall be 8'ilbmitted on Conttacton own llettemead as fofliows: GUARANTEE FOR SPRIN!<lER ~All'ON SYSTEM We hereby gu<>rontee that the sprinkler Irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects In materials and workmanship, j, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defective material during the period of one year from date of filing of the Notice of Completion and 1: olso to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defect$ ct no additi<>nal cost to the owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within 10 calendar days following written notification by the owner. In the event of our failure to make wch repairs or replacements within the time specified after receipt of written notice from owner, we authorize the owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we wHI pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR NAME: ADDRESS! TELEPHONE: SIGNED: DATE; ' Part II -MA TERl:b:LS 2.01 SUMMARY Use only new n><Jteiiblb df lt1'e ~.~,and fype stwl.11 on ttie drawirtgs and specifications. Materials or equ,pment installed « furnished that da not meet Londsoope Architect's, Owner's, or governing agencies standards will be rejected and shall be removed from the site at no expense to the Owner. 2.02 PIPE I A. Preswre ~Y 1'inie from polrrt ()f COl1l"Tecfion through b<Jddlolt pte.-enfi<ln lll'ilt sl\all be Type K "hard" copper pipe. I B. Pressure supply line installed' O'flel' ~ $Id be Tp K "hotd" coppEII" pipe. Cdpper ' pressure supply line installed over structure shatl be secured to the concrete stat, using ! Architect approved fasteners. , :, C. Pressure supply fines 2 Inches 11'1 dlame'tef' am:l up to 3 Inches in dibm.rt« downstream df' , backflow prevention unit shall be Class 315 solvent weld PVC. Piping shall conform to ASTM D2241. I D. Pressure supply Pines 1 1 /2 inches in ~ end a,J\e.1 qt the ba&flow p,reventibn unit shol1 be Schedule 40 $Olvent "d PVC conforming to ASlM 01785. ' I , I' ': II 11 I ,, I ,; ' ' ' 'I I :, ,, I I ,, ! ,, ,, I ' ,, ,1 lj 'I :,1 ,,, ' I ; ',1 i:, I ill ' ,, ' ,,, ii' i ',, " II ' ' ' ' ,, I ' ' I I: I I I , I ,1' I ,, ,,I 'I, " I :, I ' ' I ,, I d' I, ,, I' I 'I I ' 1, 'I '11 ,, ' ' I ' ,I I I' ,, " ' I 11 1 I I "' I ' I ,,, ,1 ' I :, 111 I ' ,,, 11, ' I I ii ' ,1,, I " I ,I: ,, ' i ,I, ,,, 11'1 II" I II : I C. Prior to cutting Into the soH, the Controctor shall locate all cables, condtllts, sewer septic tonks, and other utflltles os ore commonly encountered underground and a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, duration of guarantee period, list of equipment including names and addresses of local manufacturer representatives. E. Non-pressure l'ines 3/4 inche,s in dbTieter and l<lfger downstream of ttle remote 'cont(ot'',, !,i' 1,11, ve1lve sholl be Class 200 PVC. Non-pressure lin•s 1/2 inch In diameter shall be Closs '.315, : ,,, PVC. Non-pressure piping shaft conform to ASTM 02241. 1 he shall toke proper precautions not to damage or disturb such improvements. If o conflict exists between the such obstacles and the proposed work, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Landscape Architect and Owner who will arrange for relocations. The Contractor will proceed in the sc;ime manner if a rock layer or any other such conditions ore encountered. b. Operating end maintenance instructions for all equipment. ' c. Spore ports lists and reloted manufacturer information for off equip11NOt. F. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be color coded *pufl)le" In col0r and marked' on hw:,, sides with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAJMED WATER" in :, i: English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirements on I : ' i , , , sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by tf\,e, ii ' ,,, local reclaimed water governing agencies. Reclaimed w<>ter PVC pipe shall use standard !j '' i 1!! Sch. 40 PVC fittings. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be Brownline Alertline" or equal. ,, ; I 1i1 , " I ' ~. [ ' , I I I ' I I , I I ,, I ' 2:0:31 MET)\L PIPE' ANO FITTINGS ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' A. B~oss pipe shaft be 85 psrcen;t l'stl brass, 1 ~l'ISI', IPS' standtJrll 125 ~dsi, screwed pipe. I ' ' 8. 'B'ross fittings shal11 be medium 'brass, screwed 125c!,pcund cl\1ss. '1 C. Copper pipe sh'oll be "hard" T)ll)e K. 0. , Copper fittings shall be soldered type. 2. 04 PLASTIC PIPE .b.N'D FITTINGS 1 ' : I I I I : A. Pipe shall be rrlorkedl continuousl'y with maiiu'foctarer's name, 1nom'lnclr ~ 'size; schedule or class, PVC t)ll)e and grade, National Sanitation Foundation approval, Commercial Standards designation, and dote of extrusion. "B ' . ' I C, ~II plastic pipe' shall lbe extruded of on improved PVC virgin pipe COfnlX>Ul>d in ' 'accordance with ASTM 02241 or ASTM 01784. ' '' ,I i " ' 1AII PVC fittings, shall be standard weight Sdhecklte 40 and shall be injectlialil mdlt!W ,of , ' an improved virgin PVC fitting compound. Slip PVC fittings shaH be the "deep sooket~ I bracketed type. Threaded plastic fittings shall be injection molded. Al'I tees and ells I shall be side gated. All fittings shall conform to ASTM 02466. ' ' I " I 11 Di~ I I ' E. All ' threaded nipples shol'I be stond<:!rd weight Sehedu1e 80 with mol'd'ed thread's and shall ' • conform to ASTM D1785. i-1111 sol'vent cementing of plostfc pipe and fittings shaft be a two-s'tep process, ustn,g primer and solvent cement applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. Cement shall be of a fluid consistency, not gel-like or ropy. Solvent cementing shall be in conformance with ASTM 02564 and ASTM D2855. F'. \Mien connection is plastic to metal, female adapters shall be lvand t",ghtened', plb,;, ome tum with a strap wrench. Joint compound shall be non-lead base Teflon paste, tape. <J/r equal. I ,, '2.C15 A. : I B. I ',c. I). I I ' I 2.06 A. I : ,, I ' ' , B. I' ' ' ' ' 11 ,1,c. ' 1, I I ' ,i [>., I , I I I, I ' I i, 11 I, ', ,', ,, 'I I i' ii ' ! BACKP1!.0W 1~REW:Nr'ION IJNITS 'The boekflow ~evention unit shai'I be of ff!e maoo~. shw, <!Ind tyisre! indlteated' • the drawings. ' The backflow pifeventb unit shaft b" Installed in occord,;mC'il Wl'th tl\e reqonments Slet forth by locol codes. The' backflow pteventlon ossembl1y shot! con1nst of brass pip~ untoms encl ffit'ings:. Backflow preventer enclosure shall be of the manufoctur...-, sire, and type indicated tin' the drawings. 'Enclosure shall be constructed of 3/16" stainless steel angle stock with ~-1/2" No. 9 expanded metal panels and o 3/8" U-bolt lock to be secured to the concrete mounting pad. VALVES Boil Valves: ' 1 : , , , , , ,, , 1. Ball vai'les shall be of the marrufac1.>tn'er~ sl2e, dnd t)'l'e lhdteated Oll!, 't1,e drawl! ,gs. 2. Ball valves shall be double union design, Sch. 80 PVC blocked, with Teflon ball seats. End connector carrier and stem ore to have either EPDM or Viton 0-rings. IBall valves are to hove threaded connections. I 3. All ball vdlves shall hove a minimum working pressure of not less than 125 psi ond shall conform to AWWA standards. i ' ,, ' Quick Coupler Valves; t,:..,.. , u '., . 1. Quick coupler vatves, sholl be df' the manufacturer, slzie; 'and ,.--inldlt:otled on' b 1 drawings. ~- 1 Quick cou'pler valves shall t.e brass with a w-dll thickness g..onlliteed to 'withstond normal working pressure of 150 psi without leakage. Valves shall hove 3/4 , femole threads opening at base, with two-piece body. Valves to be operated only 1 with a coupler key, designed for that purpose. Coupler key is inserted into valve I and a positive, watertight connection shell be mode between the coupler key and \/olve. Hinge cover shall be the locking type constructed of brass with a i J 'rubber-like vinyl cover. ' ' l'ill orndtic Control Valves: , . , ' 1. Automatic control val'l'elS shaft t,,e of the rrram.tfoewrer, size, tihd· f~ i~ed m ' , the drawings. , 2. ' ,Automatic control valves shaft be elebtrlcolly operated. ' ' ' ' ;i..nti-draln Valves: '1. Anti-drain valves shall tie of the manufacturer, size, and tw,e lndtcdt~ 0lll the drawings. 2. Anti-drain WJ!ves shaft hQve 18-8 stainless steel sprlngs and valve stems with Buno-N seals. & Anti-dra,irl valves wm hove 'threaded connections th<! srae of the rts.... or pip<! ff>e1 , 1 'ore to be instdfled onto, or the next ove1~oble $1,:e. No slip connection anti-drain : valves ore allowed. '', I , , 1 lcofrnNu'ED 01M FotLOfflNG SHEET ,, ,,, I' 1, I,,' ,, I I i 'I i I, ,, ' ' ,, ' ,: I !, I,, ,, 1,1, ,I ' •I' 1'' I '' '' :, I ·" ' . : I ,, ' I '' ,, I ' ' I I I " ' ', I ' !11 '' I I ' ,, '' ' ' I ' I , : I '' I , I' I I 'I I ' I I I I' ' ' '' ' ' ! I '" ,, ' I ~' I , , i I : , ' ' ' I I L I i I 1' I ' I , I ,' ' ' ' ! , I ' :, I " ' ' I I, ' '' ' ' ' ' I I I ' ' I I I , , I' I , , : : I ' ' ' I Ii I:' ' I : I, , ' I ' I I I: ' ' ' ,, I' ' ' , , I I I ,,,, I ' ' ' I ' I ' ',,, ' '' 'I ,,', ,' i : " ,I ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,, 'I '' 'I ' ''' ,, ' ''1' I' I '' ,, ,,1 Iii I ', I I I ' ,, ' :11:' I, ' '' , 1 i i ': ,1' I ,I ' :: I ': I ' ,, '', ' " I I ' ' ' ' ,I : 1,1 ,, ' ':' ,'' ,, ',I ,, ,, 1!, 'I " ' I' 'I " ,11 :,: ,: ' ' 11: ,' ,'I '' ,,, 111 :I 'I, , I 1'fj ' ,-------------'-'--'-----'--'"'-"---"'--' 11'--"'1 ' 1 ... !ill ,i APPROVED FOR PlAMTIN'G AND i 1 ;1 '! ,I I ' '' I ' I : JRRIGATION ONLY, 'NCLUDING PRECfS ,: i, 1:1 :1 1', I I l,t,, ', I LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. , I , I r: 'I I l '' AS BU IL T'' ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD l SHEETS I ~ PLANNING DEPART~ENT I, REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC f.EAL il-l EI\GI\EB2, CITT E:NGII\EER AND DISTRICT ~ P!.!IOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICAT10"4S 1---+-+----------4-----1 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER ii I 11 I I'' , 1'1,, ,11,, '11 ,. • I , 'I 1, ' I •I,, ' C \121$\WIN\DRAWNG$\SMT,-l\LQT62\62-SPlDWG 11/96 (Sl;nalun) &1Nic1P! ARCHITECTS m 11, 2"8-9211 FAX 714 248 9215 R.C.E. ------ REV1£WED BY: INSPECTOR ' I I 11/7 /96 JR PL.AN CH::CK =I REVISIONS DATE R.C.E. __ ,~,~---,, ' ,11,, DATE '8Y DESCRIPTION ' APl''D REVISIONS LOT 62 APPROVED ASSISTANT DWN 8Y PROJECT NO. .R CHkD BY FIELD BY PD 458 CMWD tt96-237 7_~/l-f ~ DATE , ORAW1NG ' 350-4t.,, ' ' ,, '' 'I 1 ,, I I I' II, 1, ,111 11 'I ' !q' 1[: I ,I!, ,I ,lilrl ,i ,:,I I I ' : ' r5 I ,1, "' • ,,, I ' ' I. SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION (coot'd) Part ll -MA lERIALS ( coot' d) 2.07 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shoff be fabricated from o durable, Weotl-rer-resistont plastic rmrlerfof resistant to sunlight ond chemical action of soils B. The valve box cover sh!Jll be purple In color, secured wfth bolts ond marked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further Information. Reclaimed water valve boxes must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. C. The cover ond box shall be capable of sustaining a lood of 1,500 pounds. D. Valve box extensions shall be by the some manufacturer os the valve box. E. Automatic control valve boxes sha~ be 16"x11"x12" rectongutor size. Valve box covers shall be "heat branded" in 2" h;gh letters "Rev" with the valve identification number. F. Ball valve, flust, valve, master valve and quick coupler valve boxes shall be 10" circular size. Valve box covers shall be "heat branded" in 2" high letters with either "BV", "FV", "MV' or •QC\!". 2.08 AU TOMA TIC CettTR'OLLER Automatic cortroller shall oo of the manufacturer, size, and type irtdicoted on the drawings... 2.09 ELECTRICAL A. Alt electrical equipment ~all be NEMA Twe 3, waterproofed for exterior installations. B. All electrrcal work shall conform to focal ewes and ordinances. 2.10 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL V!IRlt-fG A. B. C. Remote control w,re sholl be direct-b<nial AWG-Uf t:rpe, size as lncllcated on the drawings, and in no case smaller than 14 gauge. Connections shol1 be crther epm,y-seoled pocket type or Pen-n-nte connectors. Ground wires shQII be white in color. Control wires sholl be red ( where two or more controllers ore used. the control wires shall be a differentcolor for each controNer. These colors shall be noted on the "Record Drawings" plans located on controller door) D_ Provide a 24" long expon~on loop for all directional changes in control wire routing. 2.11 IRRIGATION HEADS A. Sprinkler heads and drip em ltters sf\-oll be of the mon-ufacture.-, size, type, with radius of throw, operating pressure, and discharge rate indicated on the drawings. B. Pop-up heads and riser h=ds shall be used as indicated on the drawings. Part Ill -EX£ C1JTTON 3.01 SITE CONDITIONS A. Inspections; 1. Prior to oll wor1< of tttls seci',oo. oorefully Inspect the lnstalfed woti< of all other trades and verify that of1 such woti< Is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. 2. Verify that irrigation system may be 111stolled in strict accordance with oil pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, the referenced standards, and the manufacturer's recommendations. B. DISi.-, eponcles: 1. In the eve1,t of discrepancy, immediately notify the Landscape Archrtect or Owner's authorized representative. 2. Do not proceed with ,nstollat,on in oroos of discrE',poncy until all discrepancies have been resolved_ C. Grades· 1. Before starting work, =refui.y check all grades to determine that worl< may safely proceed, keeping within the specified motenal depths with respect to finish grade. 2. Final grades shall be accepted by the Engineer before work on this section will be allowed lo begin. D. Freid Measurements: 1. Make oil necessary measurements In lt)e fleM to ensure precise fit of items in accordance with the orlglnoj design. Contractor st,otl coordinate the installation of all ,rrigotion moter,ols with oil other work. 2 All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check ond verify al1 size dimensions prior to proceeding with work under this section_ 3 Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near ex1st1ng utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations neglect E. Diogromrnatic Intent: The drawings are e=tiolly d',agrommatic.. The size ond focotion of equipment and fixtures are drown to scale where possible. Provide offsets in piping changes in equipment locations as necessary to conform with structures and to avoid obstructions or conflicts with other work at no additional expense to Owner F. Layout: 1. Prior to instoltotlon, the Controctor shol1 stake out oil pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heods, valves, bockflow preventer, and automatic controller. 2. Layout irrigation system ond make minor ad_i.Jstments required due ta differences between site and drawings. Where piping is shown or drawings under paved areas, but running parallel and ad_j<]cent to planted areas, lnstaH the piping in the planted areas. G. Water Supply Coonections to, or the hstalratlon of, t~ water supply shall be at the tocotlons shown on the drawings. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made at no odditional expense to Owner C-\Rl3\\NIN\DRAWINGS\SMITµ\LOT62\62-SP2 DING 0/96 H. Electrical Service: 1 Connect,ons to the electrical sup-pt}' stian be at the locations shown on the dra'lfings. Mln◊f" charges caused by site cond1tlons shall be mode at no adcrrtional expense to Owner. 2-Contractor shall make 120 volt connection to the irrigation controllers. Electrical power source to controller locations shall be provided by others_ 3.02 TRENCHING A. Excavo tion s shaN be stra,gh t with vertical sides, even grade, and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenching excavation shall fotlow la)QUt indicated on drawings to the depths below finished grade and as noted. Where lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrade_ B. Proyjde minimum cov..-of 18 inches on pressure supply ltnes 2 lnches and smaller, or = available when installed over structure. C. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches for control wires, or as ovoi!oble wtien installed over structure. D. Provide minimum cover of 12 inches for non-pressure fines, or os availobfe when installed over structure. F. Pipes installed in a commOfl trendi $hall have a 6 Inch minimum space between pipes. 3.03 BACKFIWNG A. Backfill material on oil lines-shcll b-e lt.e some os adpcent soil free of debris, rltter, ond rocks over 1/2 inch in diameter. B. Backfill shall be tamped in 4-inch ~s under the plpe ood uniformly on beth sides for the full width of the trench and the full length of the pipe. Backfill materials shall be sufficiently damp to permit thorough compaction, free of voids. Backfill shall be compacted to dry density equal to odj<,cent undisturl>ed soil and shall conform to c. D. E. ad JOCent grades. Floodlng In lieu of tamping is not oflo-.:1. Under no circumstances shcr!1 truck wheds t,e used to compoct b-ockfffl. Provide sand backfill o minimum of 6 Inches over and under oil piping under paved o:reas 3.04 P1P1NG A. Ptplng unoor e'Xlstin,; po--,ement may be installed by jocking, boring, or hydroof,c driving_ No hydraulic driving is permitted under asphalt paverrent. B. c_ D. E. Cutting or breaking of existing p=ent is not permitted. Carefully inspect all pipe and fittings before lnstattatlon, removing dirt, scale, bUTI"s reaming Install pipe with all morl<lngs up for visual inspection and verification. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sectiors. All lines shall have a minimum clearance of 6 inches from eoch othe< and 12 inch,es from lines of other trodes. F Parallel lines shall not be Installed directly over eoch other. G. In solvent welding, use only the specified primer and solvent cement and make an joints In strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommended methods including wiping all excess solvent frorn each weld. Allow solvent welds at least 15 minutes setup time before moving or handling and 24 hours curing time before filling. H. PVC pipe shall be instol1ed in o manner which will provide for expansion contraction os recommended by the pipe manufacturer. l. Centerlood all plastic pipe prior to pressure testing.. J_ AH threaded plostlc-to-plostlc connections shall be assembled usmog Teflon t~ or Teflon paste. I<. For plastic-to-metal oormections, work the metal cannecHons first. Use a non-hardening' pipe dope an all threaded plastic-to-metal connections, except where noted otherwise. All plastic-to-metal connections shall be made with plastic female adopters. L All connections between PVC lateral lines shall be mode using Sch 40 PVC fittings with compression adopters. All connections between dripperlnes to be made using compression fittings of manufacturer of the drlpperllne. Use no pipe dope, Teflon tape, primer or solvent cement on compression fittings. 3.05 CONTROLLER A. The exact location of the contrOffer shaft be ap,:,ro-.ed by the landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative before installation. The electrical service shall be coordinated with t~is location. B. The trrigalion Contractor shalt be responsible for tile final electrlco1 hook t:1p to irrigotion controller C. The irrigation system shall be programmed to operate during tile periods of m-mimal use of the design area. 3.06 CONTROL WIRING A. Low voltage =ntrol wiring strait oc,:upy tire S(ITTle trench on<1 shofl be Installed along the same route as the pressure supply llnes whenever possible. B. Where more than one wire Is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be \aped toge-\tier in a bundle at intervo1s of 10 feet. Bundle shall be secured to the mainline with tape at intervals of 20 fee\. C. All cOflnections shall be of on approved type and shall occur In a valve box. Provide on 18 inch service loop at each connection. D. An expansion loop of 12 inches shall be provided at each wke connection and/or directional change, and one of 24 inches sholl be provided at each remote control valve. E. A continuous run of wire shaH be used between a controller and eoch remote control valve_ Under no circumstances shall splices be used without prior approval. 3.07 VALVES A. Automatic C'Oml'ol vahoe>s, manud ~ q,:rl:e 'i/Olve-s, and boll w'fves are to be instol1ed in the opproxim,a\e locations indicated on t~ drawings. B. Valve shall be instolted in shrub are,;is wheneYer possible. C. Install crtl valve,s OS ln<ftcoted 1n ttie detol! drmrings. 0. Valves to be lnstatted in vot-ve boxes sti<J!I be installed Of1le ~ peic oox. 3.0'8 VALVE BOXES A. \fo!ve boxes shaft be i11stv!l>oJ -,, shnd.> areas ~ possible. B. Each volve box sh<lil be installed on o foundotion of 3 / 4 inch ~ bockfl!l, 3 Ctlblc feet minimum. Valve boxes shall be instofled with th,eir tops 1 /2 inch above the surface of surrounding finish grade In lawn oreos and 2 inches above fmish grade ln ground cover oreos. 3.0'9 BACKR.OW PRE\IENlERS A. 1nstofl bockflow preventer unit QS ir,dil;<.1t«I 111 ttre de-toll di ow~ ,gs. B. lnstol1 backflow assemblies at l'Oeations approved In the field ond at! height required by local codes. C. Install W')'B strainers and press..re reg,.:,!o"l:O<"S on u,., lx!a<flow assembly. D. If bockflow pr..--,ter is lnstatted adjacent to o buRdlng, wall, or other obstruction, install unit so \hot the test cocl<s are facing outward away from the obstruction. E. lnstaM baci<flow enclosure os recommended by the manufoctu.-.,,-. 3.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprlni<ler heads sh oil be Installed os in~ on 1:tie drowings. B. Sp<icing of heods shall 1'0'1: exceed maximum indlco-!ed on t~ drc:nmgs. C. Riser nipples shall be of ttie some size as the riser opening in the sprlnl<ler body. 0. Pop-up sprin1der head's 8holl not be installed using side outlet openings. 3.11 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A. instol1 oil ossemblle'! specified heo-ein aca;,r,;Jing to the respective detail drawings a, specifications, using best standard proctices. B. Quick coupler valves shall b-e set opproxlmotely 12 i'ld\es from wQ!l,;s., curbs, header boards, or paved areas where appiicable. C. Unless designed as on integral part of ttle irrigotioo head, anti-drain vol...es wm be Installed under every head. The anti-drain valve wftl be the some diameter as the riser and be integral to the riser assembly. D. 3.12 Install rain sensor as indicated on the drawings and os recommended by the manufocturec FLUSHING TI-i£ SYSTEM A. Prior to lnstal\otion of ~ nozzles. tJ,,e vat-,,es soon be opened dnd a full head of water used to flush out the lines and risers. B. Sprinkler nozz1es st.on be installed oftef' flushing the system hos been completed. 3.13 ADJUSTING THE SYS1EM A. Cootroclor shall ad).lst volves, dign heads, <rid ch,edc cove,,oge of e<lCh system prior to coverage test. B. tf it is detemi1ned by fue Londscop,e Arclli'tecl or Owrni.'s ruth'Ori2ed repre98rltotive that oddit,oral adjustments or nozzle changes will be required to provide proper coverage, oil necessary changes or adi,stments shall be mode prior to ony planting. C. The entire system stia!1 be operating pr~y b<lfore ony planting operations commence. D. Automatic control -..olves are to be ad;_,sted so that the sprin1<1er heads operate at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. 3.14 TESTING AND OBSERVATION A. Do not allow or cause any of the wort< of this section to t,,e ~ed up ·a, enciosed uhtff It hos been observed, tested and accepted t>y the Londscope Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. B. The Contractor shofl be -sorely roopoonsible for noUf;;r,g the Landscape Archftect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work is ready for testing. C. When the sprinkler ~em is completed, the Controctor shall perform a coveroge test of each system In its entirety to determine if ttie water coverage for the plonted areas is complete and adequate in the presence of the Landscape Architect. D. The Contractor shalt furnish oil materials and perform all work required to correct any inodequocies of coverage due to deviations from the plans, or where the system hos been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Londscape Architect. This test shall be accepted by the Landscape Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. £. Final inspectior will not commence wlthoot record drawings as prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. 3.15 MAINTENANCE During the mointencnoe period the Cootroctor moll odpst and maintain the lrrlgotlort system in a fully operot,orol cooditlon providing complete irrigation coverage to all intended plontings. 3.16 COMPLETION CLEANING Cleon-up shall be made os each portion of ttie 'lrol1( p,-09 esses_ Refuse or;d exeess dirt shall be removed from the site, ol1 walks ond paving shall be broomed, and any damage sustained on the work of others shalt be repaired to original conditions. END Of SECTION '' AS BU IL T'' ' ' '' ' ' " I ' I , I 1 APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO . IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECIS LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY Of CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHEETS I DATE R.C;£ ______ _ R.C.E. ______ _ REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PLEUC e-EAL TI-1 ENGII\EER, CITY ENGINEER AND DISTRICT Ef\JGII\EER PRIOR TO IMPI..EME'NTATION IN AELD. LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIO~S f---+--,----------+-----1CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTJR LOT 62 11/7 /96 JR PLAN CHECK nl REVISIONS TU 71• 248-9211 r~ 71• 2.s 9215 INSPECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS APPROVED ASSISTANT OWN BY_....:.:,=--- CHKD or_~.R~-- FIELD BY_. PROJECT NO. PD 458 CMWD U96-237 • DATE DRAWING 350-4l L5.2 I I, ' I ,, ' " ' SECTION 02950 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.07 WORK INCLUDED A. Soil Preparation. B. Planting. C. Stoking. D. Sodding. E. Clean up, F. Container Pot Plor ting. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 02611 -landscape Irrigation System. B. Section 02970 -Landscape Molntenonce 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality; 1 Submit documentation at ~ 00 clays prior to planfmg thm on ptant materials are ovoilobfc_ Materials are subject to inspection ofter confirmation of ordering. 2-Materials ore sub.iect to Inspection at place of growth and upor delivery, for conformity to specifications. Inspection, approval and rejection can also take place at other times during progress of work. 3. Request, in writing. inspection of plant moteriats at place of growth. Identify place of growth, and quantity of plants to be inspected. lnspectior may be waived at the Owner's option. 4. As described in the planting notes for tree tagging , the Landscape Architect may opt to either visit the tree nursery or review photographs submitted by the Contractor In either case visit !Fie nursery ond select trees confomr1ng to specifications prior to review by the Londscope Architect. Should trees not meet specifications at the time of review in person by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current billing rate. 1.04 StJBMITTALS A. Prior to instalfat,on submit for rewe,w ond approval specifications and product information on rtems being used on project. Submit bound with list of items os cover sheet 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertmzer to site In original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade mark, and conformance to State law. B. Provide copies of receipts for all amendments specified In these specifications or in the Soils Report. C. Deliver plants with tegibre identfffcation tabets. Lobel trees, evergf"eens, bundles of containers of like shrubs and groundcover plants. State correct plant name and size Indicated on plant list. Use durable waterproof labels with water-resistant ink which will remain legible for at least 60 days. D. Protect plont material during delivery to prevent domoge to root ball or desiccation of leaves. E. Notrfy Owner 7 days in advance of delivery of pfont materials and submit itemization of plants in each delivery. F. Store plants in shade and protect from weather. G. Maintain ond pr-at~ plant material in a healthy, vigorous condition. H. Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storing of plant materials. Replace damaged materials. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual pfaming onty wnen weather and soil coo-di'tions are suitable in accordance with locally accepted practice. B_ Coordinate this work of this section with installatior of underground .-rigation system, Lit~ities, piping and watering heads. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Owner reserves the right to toke and anotyze samples of materlafs for confonmlty to specfffcotlons. Provide samples for testing upon request. Remove rejected materials from site immediately upon rejection at no additional cost. Testing costs will be paid for by Owner if materials prove to be in campl1ance with specifications B. Prior to amending sons, contractor shall have soD tested fDI" agricultural suitability as described 1n planting notes. City inspector must approve soll test recommendations prior to dellvery of soil amendments on site. C_ Provide 1 cubic foot sample of medium grind topping mulch to Owner and City Inspector for review and approval. 1.08 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee materials ogc,inst poo,-, tno<fequ<rte, d!~se>d and infer101" matenafs and workmanship for one year after 90 day maintenance agreement expiration. PART 2 -PROOVCTS 2.01 MA TERlALS A. The following organic, soil amendments orrd fertlflzer ore to be tJSed for bid purposes on1y. Specific amendments ond fertilizer will be selected and specified after rough grading operotlons ore complete and Contractor hos had soil samples tested. B. Provide stoncford, approved and first-grade quality materials, in prime condition when installed and accepted. Deliver commercially processed and packaged material tn manufacturer's unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Supply o sample of all supplied materials accompanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory source illustrating compliance, or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. C. Organic Amendment: 1. Nitrogen Stabilized: 0.56 to 0.84 percent N ~d on dty weight for wood residual or rice hulls. 2. Particle Size. 95 to 100 percent pCJScing 6.35 mm standard sieve; 80 to 100 percent passing 2.33 mm starrdard sieve. C \R13\WIN\DRAWING$\SMIT,-j1LOT62\62·$P3.DWG [196 3. Salinity; Ensure that saturoticr1 extract comluctivity does not exceed 3.5 millimohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C as detenmined by saturation extract method. 4. Iron Content: Minimum 0.08 percent dilute acid soluble Fe on dry weight basis. 5. Ash: 0 to 6 percent dry weight. D. Soil Amendment: 1. Soil Sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur contolnrng minimum of 99 percent suliur expressed as elemental. 2. Iron Sulfate: 20 percent iron expressed as metallic iron, derived from ferric and ferrous sulphate. 10 percent sulfur expressed as elemental. 3 Calcium Carbonate· 95 percent lime as derived from oyster shells 4. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing 98 percent minimum colcium sulphate. E. Fertilizer: 1. Plontin<, Fertilizer. pefleted or granufor form coosist'ing of the followi,;.g percents by weight ord mixed by commercial fertmzer supplier: 6-nilrogen, 2D-phosphoric acid, 20-potash. 2. Planting Tablets: Provide slow-release type with potential acidity of not more than 5 percent by weight containing the following percents by weight of nutrients listed: 20-nitrogen. 10-phosphoric acid, 5-potash, 2.6-combined calc,um, 1.6-combined sulphur, 0.35-iron elemental from ferrous sulfate. Provide in 21 gram tal;,lets manufactured by Agnform, or other approved. 3. Hydroseeding Fertilizer: provide ommonium phosphate which consists of the following percent by weight and mixed by o commercfol fertilizer supplier· 16-nitrogen, 20-phosphorlc ocid, 0-potosh. 4. Pre-Sod fertilizer. Provide type consisting of the fol1owing percents by weight and mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier: 16-hydrogen, 20-phosphorlc acid, 8-potash. 5. Sulphate of potash. 0-0-50. 6. Single super-phosphate: Commercial product containing 18 to 20 percent avaffabte Phosphoric Pentox,de, or other approved. 7. Urea formaldehyde: 38-0-0 F. Import or Amended Top Solt: Ensure sitt plus clay content of top so~ does not exceed 20 ·p-e,-cent by weight. with a minimum 95 percent passing the 2.0 mm sieve. Do not allow the sodium absorption ratlo SAR to exceed 6. The electrical conductivity (ECE) of the saturation extract cannot exceed 3.0 millimohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C. Ensure boron content is less than 1 port per million as measured on the saturation extract. To ensure compllance with these requirements, submit samples of soil for analysis prior to, and following backfilling. G. Plant Materials: L Prov,de plant materials In accordance witi1 State Department of Agriculture's regulation for nursery Inspections, rules and ratings. Provide plants with o normal habit of growth, sound, healthy. vigorous and free from Insect Infestat1ons, plant diseases. sunscalds, and other disfigurements. Ensure tree trunks are sturdy and have well hardened systems and v,gorous and fibrous root systems which are not root or pot-bound. In the event of disagreement as to condition of root system, the root conditions of the furnished plants in containers will be determined by removal of earth from the roots of not less than two plants, or more than 2 percent of the totol number of plants of each species or variety. Where container grown plants are from several sources, roots of not less than two plants of each species or variety from each source will be inspected. In the event that the sample plants inspected are found to be defective, the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defective samples may be rejected. Plants rendered unsuitable for plontlng due to this inspection will be considered samples and will be provided at no cost to the Owner. 2. Size of plants will correspond with that normally expected for species and variety of commercially available nursery stock or as specified on drawings. The minimum acceptable size of plants measured before pruning with the branches in normal position, must conform with the measurements specified in plant list. If approved by The Owner, larger sized plants may be LJsed, but without additional cost. If larger plants ore approved for use, the ball of earth or spread of roots for each plant will ~ increased proport,onotely. 3. Plants not meeting requirements of these specfficotlons are considered to be defective whether in place or not. They must be immedlately removed and replaced with new acceptable und approved plants of the requi,·ed size, species and variety at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Pruning· Do not prune, trim, top or alter the shape of trees or plonts except as approved. 5 Provide plant material true to botanical and common name and variety as specified in Annotated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants in California, Oregon and Washington, published by Un1vers,ty of California School of Agriculture (latest edition). 6. Nursery Grown and Collected Stock: Grow under climatic conditions similar to those in locality of project; container-grown stock in vigorous, healthy cond1t1on, not root-bound or with root system hardened off. Use only liner stock plant material which 1s well established in removable containers or formed homogeneous soil sections. 7. Sad: Provide Marathon. 8. Select trees which are aestheticaHy desirable and are good examples of the species. Trees with gashes, mishappen trunks or branches, topped leaders, structural defects, badly crossed branches, or other visual defects will nol be accepted. H Guying and Staking Materials: 1. Wood Tree Stakes: lodge pole pine, full treated iwth Coppernc,phthanate Wood Preservative in strict accordance with FS TT-W-572 Type I, Composition B,2 Inch minimol normal size diameter by 70 feet long, no split stakes. 2. Ties: Provide 36 inch corded rul:>ber t,e as manufactured by Gro-Strait Product,;, wire and hose tie by Nunes Turfgrass, or other approved. Provide rigid tie stock No. LP, 24 inches as manufactured by VIT company or other approved. 3. Steel Guy Anchor. provide 3/4 inch diameter by 36 Inch steel vane as manufactured by Maxwell Steel Company. or other approved. 4, Guying Hardware: Wlre--pliable 9 gauge galvanized; hose 1/2 inch new rubber; turnbuckles ~ galvanized or dip painted, s17e as required; safety sleeve -1/2 inch white pvc full length of wire. I. Tree Paint: Provide Morrison Tree Seal, Cabot Tree Paint, or other approved. J. Water: Prov,de clean, potable water. K Mulch· Provide medium grind bark such as suppf~ by Blu;e Ribbon Nursery (714)633-3666, consisting of fibrous, woody bark mixture of varied particle size oruch thul 90 to 100 percent posses 1 inch sieve, 80 to 100 percent posses 1/2 inch sieve, and 20 to 60 percent passes 1/4 inch sieve, or approved equal. L Wood Hcodcrboards: 1. Provide 2 inch by 4 inch pressure treated Douglas fir or redwood construction grade headerboards. Make splices with 1 inch by 4 inch pieces no less that 12 inches long. Place 1 inch by 3 inch by 16 inc stokes at intervals of not more than 5 feet Cut stakes level and set below top heoderboords. 2. On sharp turns and curves, four 1 /2 Inch by 4 Inch laminated boards, or two 1 inch by 4 inch laminated boards may be permitted_ 3. Nall stakes and splices with galvanized common nalts_ Nail as required for solid installation. 4. Provide headerboords as shown or drawings, laid true to line and grade. protect in-place adjacent improvements, shrubbery and other properties. Place stakes on ground cover sod of heoderboords. M Sand· Provide washed silica sand. N. Root Barrier: UB24-2 by Deep Root Corp, (714)89'8-0563 Install wrth gravel backfill option pe,- manufacturers specifications. $ffi·;•'•'e, :\,;1~m~~ . Architects•-· .. 5355-' Mir.ll .. Sorrento Pf;); -'-.. ,,.,-,-... ,_;;.:,.-.Suite-750 •-- . }Oifg~•'C)flifti'rnia -92121 :: ,, ,. •.-.,' ...... ·•\•ii• (619)452~3188' ' -'~?rt~·-·· (619)452'3907 < f .. •,: '~71.-.:~, • .','.,,.:. :,. , ..... .;\,i ,·, ·' ; ':.\! PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Obtain certificatioo that find ,;,octies t,:, 1/1U f.oot +iia,,,e beef, =tablfahed pnor td commencing landscaping operations. Prov,de for inclusion of al1 amendments, settling, etc. Be responsible for shaping all planting areas as Indicated on drowlngs or as required. B. Inspect trees, shrubs and liner stoek plant materid for in jury, insect infestation and trees and shrubs for improper pruning. C. Do not begin plantin9 of trees tmti deficiencies ore corrected or ~ants replaced~ 3.02 PREPARA710N A. Soil Preparation'. 1. After proper finished g,-odes h<:M!e been _.;fied or estab4rshed, condition and fertiljze soi in accordonce with recommendations of soil testing l.;,borotory and as approved by Owner and Cfty Inspector_ The following is for bid purposes only. Uniformly spread and cultivate amendments thoroughly by meons ot mechanical tiller into top [6] inches of soil. Applicot1on rotes per 1,000 squore feet: Nitrogen stabm2ed orgooic amendment 16-6-8 Commercial Fertilizer Agricultural gypsum Soil sulphur - 6 cubic yards 15 Pounds 200 pounds 75 pounds 2. At time of planting, ensure thut tap 2 lnches of alt areas to ~ planted or' S<leded are free of stones, stumps, and other delete,-ious matter 1 inch in diameter or larger, and free from wire, plaster1 concrete, wood, and similar materials which would cause hindrance to planting or maintenance. 6. final Geodes: Make minor modffications w grade os moy be necessary to establish required final grade. Ensure that finish grade provides proper dl-alnage of the site arid surface drainage is away from buTidlng. Final grades are to be 1 Inch below adjacent paved areas, sidewalks, valve boxeB, headers, clean-outs, drains, manholes, etc., or as shown on drawings or required by Architect. Eliminate erosion scars prior to commencing mointenance period. 3.03 JUTE MATTING A. Apply and incorpo,--m:e fertlfn:cr and □menffl"!ents into the -S01l as specified prior to pte matting installation. B. Roll matting ifl the d'rection ot the flow of '!roter in dra",oge channels ond smooth and secure in place as shown or, plans. The materlol shol1 be applied without stretching and Ile smoothly but loosely on the soft surface. In cases where one roll of matting ends and a second roll starts, the up channel piece shall be brought over the burled end of the second roll so that there is a 12 inch overlap. Where two or more widths of matting are applied, side by side, the overlap shall be not less than 3 inches. C. Maintain jute matting until an work oo the PT-oject hos been completed aind accepted. Maintenance slioll consist of the repair of eroded areas and the repair or replacement and restapling of loose or undermined matting, including reseeding and bedding. D. Make check slots before th€ matting I'S roiled out. Dig a narrow trench across th-e channel perpendicular to the direction of the flow. Fold jute, the some length as the trench, and press together. Location of check slots shall be maximum of 50 feet apart. E. Overlap which runs paroll~ to the direction of the flow in channel bottoms shall be stapled at 2-inch intervals. Outside edges, centers and overlaps on banks shall be stapled across the channel at 6-inch intervals. F_ Spread loose topsoils over outside ~ to allow for smooth entry of water. G_ Top dress jute area wrlh a thin layer of topsoil. After the top dressing, the yams shall still be visfble H. lnstaH plant material throu>g:1 111Qttlng. I. Any ciods, which hold the jute off the <J"OOOO mdl bie stomped into \tie soil. Force jute matting down into ony depressions and hold there with a staple. J. The matting shall comp"'teiy covered al1 areas as shown. Overlaps must be ample and well stapled. Loy matting smoothly, looseiy, and in coritinuous contact with the soil surfoce at all points 3.04 PLANTING INSTALLATION 4. Provide excavated holes with vertical stdes with roughened surfaces and of o size twice the diameter and 1--1 /2 times the depth of the root ball for all trees and shrubs. 5. Remove bottom of plant boxes before Pffln!~. Remo-re sldes without ~ to root ball after positioning plant and partially backfilling. 6 Center plant in pit or trench. 7. Face plants wfth fullest growth Into prevoITing wind 8. Set plant plumb ond hold rigidly 1n position until soil ha$ been ffrmed around l:,Q'fq or roots. 9. Backfill for container plants to be: 6 parts by volume on-site son 4 parts by volume organic amendment 1 pound 6-20-20 fertilizer mix/cu. yd. of mix 2 pounds iron sulfate per cubic yard of mix Note: The above is for bid purposes only, Specfflc bocicfll! reca11nrienootbns ore mode as a result of the sons testing described on the planting plan. 10 Raise all plants which settle deeper than the surrounding grade. After plont has been plooed, add sufficient backfill to hole to cover approximately 1 /2 of root ball. Add water to the top and thoroughly saturate root ball and adjacent soil. 11. After water has completely drained, place planting tablets (21 gram uni>e:ss otherwise rioted): 1 5 gram tablet per plug of flatted groundcover 1 tablet per 1-gallon container 2 tablets per 5-gallon container 3 tablets per 15-gallon container 4 tablets per 24 inch box 5 tablets per 30 inch box 6 tablets per 36 inch box 7 tablets per 42 inch box 8 tablets per 48 inch and larger box-es Set planting tablets with each plant on top of root bait w11lle plants are sUf in tt.eit-contcnl7ere so the required number of tablets con be verified. 12. Backfill remainder of hole and tamp firm. Construct an earthen bmrin around eoch plant ofter- bockf1ll1ng. Prov,de basin of depth sufficient to hold at least 2 inches of water. Construct basins with amended backfill. Remove basin rn all turf areas after initial watering.. 13. Limit pruning to minimum necessary. Remove lnJUred twigs and branches_ Pruning moy not be done prior to delivery of plants. Paint cuts over 3/4 inch m diameter with tree paint_ 14. Stake trees immediately after planting. Install stokes plumb. 15 Do not bring iron sulfate into contact with concrete surfaces due to potentkll staining. Contractor is responsible for cleaning or replacing stained surfaces. E. Planting Groundcover. 1. Ensure that groundcover remains In the flats until transplanting. Rots' soil mt!S't cart:ow, sufficient moisture so it will not foll apart when lifting plants. 2. Plant groundcavers in straight raws evenly spaced unless shown otherwise, and at lntervats required by drawings. Use triangular spacing unless otherwise noted on drawings. 3 Plant each rooted plant with ,ts proportionate amount of flat soil. Immediately sprinl<1e after planting until entire arec is sooked to full depth of each hole. Protect plants from damage and trampling. F. Sod Planting: 1. Remove rocks, weeds, debris from areas to be S<Xlded. Work up soil to a depth of 6 irn::h=, and break up all clods. 2. Carefully smooth all surfaces to be sodded. Rott area to expose 3'oil depressions or wrfaoe irregularities. Regrade as required. 3. Spread turf fertili2er 16-20-0 onto soil evef\1 y at rote of one pound per 100 square feet off lawn are□, Rake in lightly Be sure soil is level and smooth before laying sad. Avoid laying sod on bone dry soil 4. Loy first strip of sod slobs along o straight llne use a string in irregular areas. Sutt joints tightly, do not overlap edges. On second strip, stagger joints much as In laying masorry. Use a sharp knife to cut sod to fit curves, edges, sprinkler heads. 5. Do not lay whole lawn before watering. When a conveniently large area hos been sodded, water lightly preventing drying. Continue to lay sod, and to water until installation is compfete. 6. After laying sod, roll lightly to eliminate irregularities and \o form good contact between sod and s01!. Avoid heavy roller or excessive initial watering which may cau-se roller marks. 7. Water thoroughly the completed lawn surface. Soll should be moistened at least 8 inches deep. Repeat sprinkling ar regular intervals to keep sod moist at all times until rooted. After- sod is established, decrease frequency and increase amount of water per application as necessary. 8. Replace all dead or dying sod with equal material. G. Cortainer Pot Planting: 1. If not specified, submit annual cotar choices to Owner for approval. 2. Place plants and liners as required. 3. Backfill pot to within 1 inch of rim wtth a thorougt,ly mixed b1end of: 4 cy w,ast,e,j plost<e. S'OM1, 3 cy peat moss, 3 cy fiNe nrtroli2ed fir bark, 4 lbs Calcium Carbonate llme, 4 lbs Dolomite lime, 20 lbs 6-20-20 fertilizer, 1 lb Iron sulfate. Amounts are for 10 cy. H: Mulch Cover. Dress all groundcover, per81lnial and annual beds with 3• loyer of mulch, except 3· 1 slopes and turf areas. A. General: 3.05 CLEAN-UP 1. Perlomr octttal planting onfy dating th~ period$ wh-en ~er and sol! ~ondlt!ons are suitable ond in accordance with locally accepted practice, as approved. 2. Distribute ln planting areas only as many plants as can be planted and watered that some day. 3. Ensure that containers whidi are opened and plonts removed ore handled with care such that boll of earth surrounding roots is not broken and that plants ore planted and watered immediately. Do not open containers prior to placing plants in planting areas. , 4. The irrigation sy,,tem shall he operational and approved prior to planting. 6'. Pre-Plant Weed Control: 1-Use a non-selective systemic contact herolcide os 1econ,mended and appl'led by on approved licensed landscape pest control advisor and applicator. Leave sprayed plants intact for at least 15 days. 2. Clear and remove these existing weeds by mo'lring or grubbing off all plant ports at least 1 /4 inch below surface of so~ over entire areas to be planted. 3. After irrigation ~ystem is operational, apply woter for 5 to 70 doys as needed to achieve weed germination. Apply contact herbicides and wait as needed befOJ"e planting. Repeat as required. 4. Maintain weed free site unt~ acceptance by Owner. C. Lay-Out: Mark locotions for plants and outlines of areas to be planted before any plant pits ore dug. Goin Owner approval. If underground constructior or utmty lines ore encountered in the excavation of planting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by Owner. Accompl1sh layout with flagged grade stakes indicating plant names and specified cortoiner size on each stoke. Confirm location and depth of underground utilities and obstructions. D. Planting of Trees and Shrubs: 1. Strip and stack approved excavation for pl·anting which is encountered within areas for trenches, tree holes, plant pits and planting beds. 2. Remove frorr site excess soil generoted from planting holes and not used for bockfllllng. 3. Protect areas from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other materials to planting areas. A. After all planting ~a-t;ons ore complete, rerrvove-aft frosh, e'Xcess soft, empty pliant cefltctnen, and rubbish from the property. Repair scars, ruts and other marks in the ground and leave g..-oun<I in a neat ond orderly cond1t1on. 8. Leave the site ,n a broom-clean condition, ohd wash down all paved = within tile project me. Leave walks in a clean and safe condition 3.00 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. Notify Owner in advance for the fo!!owlng inspectfons. occon!ing to the time specified: 1. Pre-Job conference -7 days. 2. Final grade review -48 hours. 3. Plant material review -48 hours. 4 Plant layout review -48 hours 5 Soll preparation and planting opera'tfons; one tr"" With each typ,, of specif'oed staking -ffl hours. 6. Pre-molntenonce -7 days. 7. Final Inspection -7 days. 13. ff Owner authorizes o porty other thon the Land'scope Archilect to m<Jke scfreduted lfflple,::t'loos, present Landscope Architect with evidence of such inspections. C. No site v,sits shall commence without all Ftems noted ITT previous observutlcr, reports either completed or remedied unless such compliance has been waived by the Owner. failure to accomplish punchllst tasks or prepare adequately for de~ired lnspectlons shall make the Contractor responsible for reimbursing the Owner at Consultants current billing rote per hour ms transportation costs. No further inspections shall be scheduled until this charge has been paid and received by the Owner. APPROVED FOR PLANT1NG AND END OF SECTfON IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PREClSE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BU IL T'' REVISlONS MUST 8E APP120VED 8Y PLBUC HEAL TH ENGll'.EER. CITY ENGINEEl2 AND DISTl2ICT ENGINES? Pl2IOl2 TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD . . ----, ... ' .. -.. ,_ ..... -.. -·-----·--·---------~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,,,,,,.~-. 'D< -: .,·.~.,:·;~;·.:;:;·. ~A~&ciP~ ARCHITECTS m 1u 2411-9211 FU 714 243 921~ DATE R.C.E. ______ _ REVl£WED BY: tNSP'ECTOR DATE i,7 /96 JR PLAN Cl-ECK "i REVISIONS LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS ,_ ___________ ___,_~CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 62 APPROVED PLA~ DIRECTOR 7·11 v ASSISTANT OATE ,-. DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS DWN BY PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. APP'D .J2 C~KO BY PD 458 350-4L FIELD BY CMWD u96-237 L5.3