HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 355-4L; PIP 96-03; CARLSBAD I HUNSAKER DEVEL; 01-13• RECLAIMED WATER NOTES L ALL I/JO!IIK ~ l!lE r:oE IN ACCOl"l:).AiMa; llffil M ~ee.40 l'UIICIP.it.l WA'!ER Diemer& 'C.Allll..ee.AO I'll.a Al-0 IIFC•II ATICN& FOR CCNeTl<UCTIO. Cl' Fe:l.AM:O WATE1' ~• DATED ccrceiet. l'J9.3. l. ~ FOMAN& &WLJ.. eE l"l'<l.)ffa .. rEO A'ICl1 ~y Of' flll!d.AH!D WA~ eEl!IT M4NAGl!l't!!NT FRACTICI:& S!-ULL CE l.eED TO MINJM1ZE l'IEa.AH:D WATER ENCi.oACH-EIT CN R.el.lC FACILITIE& euol A& l"IOllC TAlli F&, f!'l!Q'l!I, f'LAY~, eAl-0 TOT LOT&, FTC. 3. llEST ~ F!VCTICce ~ !!lE l.leED TO ELIMINAlE CR ca-m;u. TOM: ee!T EXTENT l"Cee :rt F i"Q,011-i:;, IILN-Cff', O\l£Jlt eF'AA Y AND MleT1NC;. -4. flOeE 151M AIE l!ITJlllCT\. Y ~- . !. CN e/TE ~ Cl:1UEEN llll!Q..M1:D WATE!t LIM!!e .Al-0 POTAl!!L.E WA'!ER LD-E! NIIE. e~ Y 1"!'1:l141erTED. 6. NO SlaTTIUTICN Cl' l"IP'E MATERIAL& IUU.. 911! .tJ LOIEO Ul'll40JT !"lltlOlt Ai I f/lWAL Cf' Tl-I: c•r;ii NYD 1'1.NlOP'AL W41ER Dl&Tl'IICT. 1. ALL MAINLIM: ""1!& ~ i-l,4'fE ~HG TAI"£ 1"1:111 c••...ee..o l'UIIC!P.it.L WA'!ER Dl&Tllt1C'T'& JU.E& Al-0 "'FL-I I 4T1Ql&. :t: a. 11-E ~Tlal ere~ ei.-.u. i,e ~ eETllml TI-E flaN Cl'"""" l"M Al-0 f>,"" AM. n£ FOLL~ MO!ltlt-t; (lll"OT ~TICN COi D 6E DOE AT A ~a I E.oll Tll'l:J U.ITI-I a.lAI..IFIEO ~6!0! ~ CN 511E. . '3. f'!'iOVIDE A MINn.M Cf' AT LEA&T I& fl-0.£& Cl' co.£R o-.-1:R ALL II.I~ RO Pll"1NG. "· NCI-I-DESIGNATED uee M14!A& 51-,AU ae ~ F!lia'1 CCNTACT UJTJ..I i-EClAIMED W41El'. ll.l-Ei1-i:R 6Y UJteelCIIN e!"!'UY CR Dll'<ECT Al"l"LICATICN ~ l~TICN OR OTI-lel'! (;ea I.ACK Cl' 1",..0IL<..flC!i. lLI-E'Tl-ER i,y DE&IGN, CCNt>~ F'l't<ICl'ICE OR &Y&lEM ~Tia-I I& &TRICTL Y ~- ll l~Tla-1 l-£AD& ew,U. 1¥ fllELOCAlED 011t AD..Ul!llED TO~ OYf:R- ~Yl'<i CN &I~. &Tl'<El:T& AND NCN-DE&IClNATED U5E ARE.I>!,, J:2. l'lECLAM:P WAlEl'! allO<CCl.l'LING VAi.YE& elWl. eE Cl' A TYi"£ Dt&luNEP "°" Tl-I: I.JeE CN l<LCLA,l"EO WATBI Dl6TRlfllJTIQI &YS~ (l!PIQ:& NOT ~ U.ITI-I l"OTAaLE Ul<\lEl'! Q.110:: ~ ePIKEb! FER CAllll..faAD l"WICIPAL WA1ER Dl&TRICT'S Jl<IJI.ES ~ i;£C,ilLATICN&. ll. ME l!:R e..lAI.L Ell: ~ZED 6Y Tl-E CAAl..5e.40 M.NICIPAI. W4'!ER DISTRICT. J.4. All IRl'aGATIOI Pff"E& e...Al.l. eE STBCILED um! Tl-£ UJAi;INN:!, 'NO-l FOTAl!!L.E WATER' CR '!<LCLAM:P WATER', ca.CR CODED (l"'I.R"I...E) RO LAID U.ITI-I UJAi;INfNG TAPE AND STB-<CIL~ ORIENTED T~ 11-E TCf' Cl' Tl-£~ F!:R CAAi.BAD l"U!ICll"AI.. WATER DIS~~ AND l"FC•M 4Tlel<e. !>. ALL POT AaE RO Rl:ClAll"ED WATER f'lf'£& ~ eE IN-",T Ai I ED lllffi! Tl-E STBCL~ ~ T~ Tl-IE TOP CF Tl-E ~ 16.11.1-iEN A l"OTAelt WA~ LN: AND l<ECI.At'ED WAlEl'! LINE Cfll!Qe6, Tl-E l'!l:Q..Alt'E) LINE 81-!ALL et: lleTAi I FD Wl'T>IIN A F'hOIFCTIVE 51.EEYt. Tl-IE 91..EEVE 51-W.L EXTEND 12' 19:ET l'l'<C!1 LACI-I SIDE. Fi'il:t1 TI-E CEN1't1'! Lli'E CF POTAl:llE LINE, FOR A TOTAL CF lfl:I FEET. n. A 1" !'OOT ~zorr AL &El"Al'!ATICN ~ l"OT .AaE WA T£R »IP !<!:ClAll"'E) WATER MAt.S 11.15T 6E MAINl' AIM:D AT ALL Tll"ES. Tl-IE FOTAel.E Lll-c M..IST 6E 11>15TAI..LED Aa0.1: Tl-E P<ECLAil"eD LINE. le. A MINMN CF J:2 NC:1-1:& CF VERTICAL eEl"AltATICN 1'E11IEl:N UTILITIES MJ&T eE MANTAINED AT AL.L Tlt"'Efl. :I< l'a. DEVEL~~ e...Al.l. coo.JCT A CflllQe6 C<:»ECTIC!-4 'lc&T AND ~ TEST AS Dll<ECTED BY CAl<i.!eAD 11..NICIPAI. WA'TER DISTRICT ANO/CR Tl£ SAN 01£00 ccom' D!:PARTl"'ENT CF ENYIRCN1ENTAI.. I-EAL.Tl-I F,ao,;;: TO /IN'!' U5E CF l<ECL411'1ED WAlER 2fl:I. QJICK COJ"LI-IG VAi.Vi:& U5ED IN Fi!:CLAM:D WATER SYSTEMS 51-W.L ~ TO TJ.c FOLL~ RECLAM:D UJAT£1', QJICK ca.!"\..INCs VALVES ueED IN IIIECLAJl'ED WA mt SYSTEHS 51-W.L HA\1: AO'E TYi"£ Tl-RAPS /!P1KE& NOT ~ UJm..l POTAel.E WATER QJICK co..\C'l..l:R &1"1KE5) AND RR"L£ C01..CRD LOO<JNG COv1:l'!II ~ Y ATTAOE) TO Tl-£ VAL.\.'£. QJ/0:: COJ"LING VAL.vES &1-lALl eE Ntl.SO. NO. 11,.,1&, 1-LNTFR NO. IN'il?)fl)A-R--M" OR APProYEI:l EQJAL 2L AN AN-UAL CROe6 CON:CTIC!-4 INef'!:CTIO. e1W.!. eE DOI'£ e-r El'll£R C -11""-&eAD l'UIICIPAL WATER Dl&TRICT OR 5AN DIEGO co..NTr DLPART!-'ENT CF ENYl~.it.L f.EAl..iJ.l COP!ES CF ~10. REFOklS WILL eE ~ TO Tl-IE NCN·INef'ECTINCs PARTY • :f 22. DE'lfL.Ci!"ER &1-Wl. &HOW 'l'e:U.il"ED WATER DO NOT Dl'II«' ~ LOCATIOHe G!-1 TJ.£&F FLAN6. ;f 23. ~ ~ ~ ~eo!lt ~ l!l£ DE!llGNATED IN lLl'O'TINC;. '1>115 INDMDU"l. Sf.4ALL l!E FAHILIA."t U.IT!-1 ~ SYSTEMS llffillN Tl-C F,..o;&, T, IIA'T>I TIE eA&IC CONCe"TS CF B.6CKFLCWICF!::ie& CQf£CTIO, f'!<O'TE,:;rfa-, AND n-E ~C!FIC F!LClJll<E!"ENTS CF A Jl,!LCLAIHED WATER 5Y5TI:l"t COPIES Cl' M DE&IGNATICt,. um! ca-IT ACT 1"1-iOE tolJ eEJI<& e.-!ALL eE PFIOVIDED TO CAIIIL&e.AD l'UIICIPAI.. WATER DISTRICT AND SAN DIEOO co..tm' DEl"ACrn-ENT CF FNVl~AI.. foEAliJ.l IN CASE a: EMEFl:.LNCY cet,ITACT ~ • .At-! HLJN~l4f~ AT (114)~-l'!flO IW'IE -OR AFli:R ~Rf> CC1-IT />CT H'.ff?f<'.. HuN~)4§1! AT cqoq)::7M-a:t>IO NA'1E - 24. 51-m ALL r-.ft.lC AND ~ATE l"'OTAa! WATER MAINS ~ TI-E ~- 25. a,l f<l:Cl.All'ED WATEIII &Yl!ITEMS, AU. APFIJRTENANCE& /~ !£AD&, VAI..Vf; eox!!S, ETCJ $-IAI..L 61: COLOI< CODED R-"l"'l.E ~ AIWIA GUIDELN:& AND eECTIC!-l ~~ CF r,E CALIFOfiiNIA !-£AL.Tl-I AND e.tff1Y CODE. * ,~ NOh a, ~. ' n 6i-l4lL. eE ll!FGIJll'IEO .AJ&T '""'°"·TO 11-E AC'1UAL Ue£ OF fl£C.lAIMED UlA~ ITEH NO. 22 TH: SIGNAGE ~ 61: A PART CF T\.ile IP. M Tl-IE AC11.I.AL SIGNS AND TAGe WILL eE Nt'>TAJ I ED .AJ&T ~ TO ACTUAL uee CF J;:ECLAM:P u.lb.TER. TYPICAL SIGNS ~ ACK LOGO r--t"\.M.J: ~ --I' el.ACK L£1 IEJid> WNt.N3 WATER IX)t,(JT[H,I( RE LAIMED WATER -N.JJA ~ N:>lt:Mllil J:2' INT!) LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) . . HUNSAKER CARLSBAD 1 CARLSBAD OAKS BUSINESS PAR.K, LOT 25 SIGNAGE NOTES 111:"'1.I.Cllt;alll!UeQ1l£~C1'~111.~~ TO & I D4 WBITl T FC&IED NIClE 1l£ ~ C1' E,IQl camnLI:R ll-8'E Tl-I:!' JFE EMI.T l'1IIU l'I.Aa: CII &-VT:d' 1x1ID &GI. ~ Ml"J: ~ 111\l aJO( I.J:~ L ~ R:!t ~ 111.l!l't l.!E l IFIJll!G41E 1£1\EEN 1l£ MCIN Cf INlll 1'11 Ml Ult A'! Cit. T, 1111.lBikl alTK:E ™6 Tl1: ~ tu!T e£ 00£ l'1Ml,lj,lTIIIHQJ.lt.RD~l'l:NCIN3..CIIM!. "'&~J'B'I e..11.L AT ANl' Tl1: e£ U:FI' IW.T19aD ~ w: CUT&CE 1l£ lOt'.11. eomu. 2. m-.41'!: HA l'IAMER 'JW.T Ill tM12E IUI CIF, FOCI.tr,. M> ~ 1l£ .lt'l'\.l:ATlCII IU1E ~ NOT E>am 11-E tfl. TAAT10I RATE C1' 1l£ ~ THI<& l'U5T 1!E .ioJ.&TED eo Iii TO e£ CGl1'Affl.E U1ll 11£ LCleT 50l. HI. TAA~ AATE Fl'IB!Blr. Ml f'iiitl &l !,ff l'IAT ~i:.octlTATED 31' 'M' l!ff'C8a ~kl O' 1l£ AITC1\lfC CDl1lU Cl.!XX5, (LE. EH'\.Orl(j 11£ m'E,IT R.IG1l()j TO lft,lj( 11' 1l£ TOTAL ~rot Tl1: NTO CYClS TJ.LI.T 111.l ~ H>.Xt1.H il~ 3. .ID.lier ~r 1.£1.)6 TO at1tl4TE ~y Oll'O /,IEM NOT l>a:R 11-£ COOR::!. Cf 1l£ a:6T~ ~ ~ f'CQ.. c:e::x&, Fl'IIYA1E PAM M> I.OIS, JtO S1IE1S ,li,D ~ -4. l"Oi'TCR Ml 114N!Atl 1l£ 5T5113'1 TO Mhl'm ~ M> 114~ FAIIJ.l,E. ~ ~ IE.ID6, ~. Utffi IAel E VAi.ie, ETC.ei-t'.U.D e£ Rl"ARD M 50CII A6 1IEr !£CM Al'PNarr. ~-J:DOCloTc Al.I. rwnawa reecne. C11 ,1, ~ !IMI& CR 1l£ ~ CF 1'11:Cl»a) 111,11:R l"MOt£L 11.!T IE lfaHP ,W.T "'-111.TER re ~A::!lt ""1 ~ at. T, ,IKJ Ill NOT N'f'RMD f'(IR ~ Nf'G'ee$, fWll, Tc::t. lllillll:'i, ETC. ~ 1l£ f6l 'l1Al'.MR IU1E Cl' 9f'WTE:! H 1l£ I.M:>lle."r. N:l!TRl', IT Ill ~.IHI 11111 ~- l'IATIOI e£ Dl!!B'll4TED CII AN Al.l't:lllT DAil r 69. rr ~ Yell TIE I.JN:leC.N'E COORACT~ lkl re IOf'Qffl£ '°' !00:,l,!k; E.IIOl IHl E'.fRY OE a '\'CIR S'1"1.aTm. 6. Cl51'AH Fl'ilOR /ff'fltNAI. Cf AU. m,-QIB) ~ Ml l'tllft:.l.110l5 TO All' Fl'IIYJ.11: CII &IE F,IQ;JTJ'~. 50I CllAttatt.lTl!IEaJNIIBl IO.IIOM'P'lii0',ff)f5ril£ C)l$1!IICI ~ Clf'CE AN:> ~ N ACCGfOM:! 11TH Dl51!lk:T &TM)~ 1 AU. ~ 1141!:R ~ COffllC4. VAl.\fl!I e..11.L el: Til6:i:P 1111M tel!R:Arot T.166. A TU &WJ. e£ IEJ.,,C I Cl' l'tA50C 3'lol' r'IJlll'lE l'I CClQI 11TH TIE~ 'IWMCi l'iEC:.Al1!D llll,J!llt. CO NOT Dl'tK' 11 IGITED GN Cl£ !illE, AN:> 'A-.teo- .lGU4 tflR4-~ TO'.iR' Cll 11£ 01IER &ClE. tffl<TM; 61111.l. I!.. I D4 I.IIDIT AN:> !LICK ti alDl IIE TU .it, KIKF.lenm er T. ~ S..,&i Rl:!fS ~ Jl"i"l'!O',fl l!Gll4I.. D. QE T.16 61111.l. l!f ATT.IOl:D TO EJCII VAi.',£ .,, l'CU.CV>: lATTAGl TO VAl.'tf 5IEM DM:CILT CR 11TH l'U)OC 1E IIM'CR 2. ATTAGI TO &Q.!1,1':,D IIJIIE DIJllfC11. T ~ 11TH ,'I.J6TX; 1E l!Rlf'CR 1 ATTAGI TO VAl.'11: C0\9! 11111 El<lfflG VJl',£ ~!!ClT. l AU. emt:1.ER ffA06 ell4U. l!IE taM1RP Ji, Jllfll.Att!D 111411!1t 51 ltlliURfEAD!. INSPECTION PROCEDURES r=eec~1t-1W v,IA~l't. 1,11-'il'f 1--,i-le- L arr~ HffC1"QI ,wi KW::e: A La:A11CII Cf PP£ L.a II. lffllOIDEl"IM C. J;£QHD 53"..W.TlCII r~ T MO~ TJ D. Pf'!: ID!fflH:A11CII (1'0~! l'OHT a Wl'ECW,III E. La:AllCII AN:> IDE!lmCArot a> tif'lll«l..S! ~ F. ~ &QI& AT TIE ME AN:> GN TIE TIUX5 M,,liUr, flfCl..N1:D 1141!:R (F i.m.»1:0 IIIUER ~ uea:> FQt COl!l1'1.CT1C111 AN /ff'fltNAI. I.ET1ER flf6N()tt; TIE H9."l:D11CII a TIE 1"'11'.),ECT ~ !!f CfflAN:D RUl 11£ CITY AN:> DIIITlillCT, /IKJ eE ~ 10 1H: M>I DEC,Q CG001' Cfl"6lm'BIT Cf ElttR)HNTAI. lt'AI. Tll F!<ICR 10 Ftl4I.. N!f'ECl10< ~ AL. a Dl511'IICr Ft.oil. Nll"ECT1CII s.iu.. Kl.lDE, A ~ leT, ""1ER C01"..ET1GN a 11-c !f'!lltl(1.Elt ~T51B1, TO IA: IS. 1£ M AN'QUC!' Cf COv!:R,.IGf DI 11-c ~ ll!E ,fiA "° l'R'.]1l:(;l1Cl a~ tcr ~ FCR lifCFM', FEa.»£1) 1111, 11:R II. 11,jjMG ~ .M) L.li!l!l.5. c. c::&llCK COJ'l.)tj vAL-.e. D. AU. A!F£C1'& CI-TIE il<RIGATlO\ coomoe t-a.lD>k; ll>C!I..C1III !f'ltl~ IUOf,Mlf'CJ()t("& !:. "8llM'I) Fro1ECT'OI Cf' ;llJ. ~ ~. F. JifQH!) ~ O' ua..L5, SillE4'1!, ~. SC. (.Q';i:ie&COfECTI()t IIL M-1111. tMCT1CII !!114U. ~ A COfl.E1E lll'£CTICII ellOI ~ ~ l"N!I A l"Al!I' e AN:> Pli<r G Cf 'Jl.f Pl$~ l'tW. ~ ~~11'1tt:' vJ~ .G1Gt-l t.a:Ai""'-1 ()..-r ~ COll-r~ir..) f' DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I l-E11lteY DECI..AAE THAT I AM LAICecAF£ ~l~CT CF Tl-I: UJOl;K !'OR nll& PROJECT, THAT I HAvE ~15ED ~li,LE Cl VRiE OVEIII n£ DESIGN CF TJ.115 '"""'-'ECT Ae D£f'IIED IN SECTION 61fl3 O' TJ.IE eu&li'Ee& F,Jt.561et.s COPE AND Tl-E DESIGN 15 ca-1515TENT W!Tl-1 aJiR:NT ST AND4JIID&. I ~TANI) 1'1-1,1.T Tl-E CIECK Cl' J"IIIO.ECT ~ AND ~Cll'ICATION& i,y Tl-E CITY 0: CAA!..&eAD A'Cl Tl-E ~ DIEGO COi.NT'!' DEPART!'ElolT CF e-M~AL I-EAl..1H 15 cctflEP TO 4 REVIEW a-a, Y AND Da:5 ,~,(Rel!!, ..!I f'J!, Jm ld~ KEY MAP No-r-rt>~ L.EaENO e.YMeOL OEe.cRIFT'ION 1""'20,..0SEO IRRIGATION e.'!"eTEM MAINLIN■ IM I.OCATION Ot= CONNECTION F"OINT-METE= • 00 NOT ORINK SIGN I.OCATIONS C\I A' ' LANe.cAF"!!O Afl;!l!A& AREi.A OIi REIC!.AIMEO WATER USE ,.,~~----IJ:2ft.l.al. v-lA~"'-H~ It! l i:ti;;.L«.6.-rl'i::> llil< · 1-1 ~) 'i;;. i::-ec\..t>-lM1l!I? vl~R .51~ ~-W...-...:.:..-"' ).cC.0.11al c ill!ll<'f -ro ~.:,.c.) ,... l~IG. f-ll--,'ffl-,'i---Hb.1 ~ l,.1~1,: ' ' I ; ' . '7 I: ., ' '1 f ':/,-d--f;;i'-16-f1NG ,.::;" WA"ll!I( t.,J . • i ! I , . I ., 1! 11 SHEET INDEX: SHT.1 SHTS. 2 THAU 4 SHTS. 5 THAU 7 a: COVER SHEET CONSTRUCTION PLAN. IRRIGATION PLAN SHTS. 8 THAU 10 PLANTING PLAN. SHT. 11 DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS .f. EACll .IIJ:0-.-1'1: CO.Trust ,II() IT& AMOCl4'JED ~ 61111.1. I!£ OENTRP llrnl A Wil l!E,Wii11£ lla.o6 ~ 111.lt'R LllEP !'QI m.411CII' H ~ ,IKJ e,>.tHel( Ul1ll ~ ~r~GNARR'L.E~. TIE~8JAl.l!£ R.XEe !iO 1llAT rr CAN 1£ 1<E,1DL r tet er ,lj,('f" C!'ERATlCHI ~ L&;; 1l£ EQ.if'B1'liT. MOT F<EL.IEV!: ME, Ni LA'IPecAl"E ,Al;O,IITECT CF lllOt.K. 0: MY Rt&Pa-1&1!51LIT,E5 i=OR l"'ROJECT DESIGN. Tl-EeE PLAHS HAVE !!1EEN l"'fl!E!"Al'!Ltl IN e..e&TANTIAL ~ WITI-I Tl-IE Af'FFIO\IEP LANDSCAl"E coapT FLAN, 111ATER ~ATlal Pl...,IN, Flf<E ~f>SIOI FLAN, AND AL.L co,fDfTIGW CF /ll'f>ROYAL RELATl=D TO ~ ..L Jil VICINITY MAP le' 005) · I WHN«l "IO MED WATER 00 t,01' [H,I( AVf1J -N.JJA ~ N:>la.w:1 NflOIW / w; ;,,,~;,/ /'f5:'i!C/~ Fll<M cCtJ/T v-/,f/f[.,,'5,1/\/ ff/7(17 LAND6CAI"!: A~ITECT ~ICEN5E NO. DATE /('J-b'2-lfl,,y://11~7.' ~~(JG ~it~-"---'----- fl 9-JS? · ugh Pl-0'-IE CEVELOOERS NAME: f:h.lNGA~~ oto~J..Of"Hi'-lf( m:E-Effi 1-t:ffel 11.!l"C,utlJiY-=,____ _________ _ Hor,-o~ APPFOVED FCR PLANTINS AND IRR.IGA Trn Q\JL Y, lf\CLUDlf\G PFECISE LCCA Tm Cf Pl.ANTlf\G AFEAS. 4-17-"17 Tll1..E N:l'tLIOl • ~ LU :r: V) LU ~ -1- u.J 6 V') Cl z :5 .. • DATE: A-1'1·"11 JOB NI.NBEl'l .q 6 I "'IC. CAD FILE: C.!EO<ED 6Y: - DRAU.N BY, ~.C, • 5.!EET: 1 . SHT. 1 • N3 BUil T" 0,.TE ' ~ (!>IZ!:) 12' K 36' IU,l!J Aas FU5TIC OJlt STICK CN Y1N'1"L SIGNS Al.60 £116 AW'1N..M ~-I' el.ACK LEI IEJod l' eLACK LEI IEkfl (!IZE) 19' x le' _.,11, AL.lJ1N.H. l'J6#J ,,t,et, ~TIC O!oi: STJCJ<.o,t \llolYL 5IGN5 ~= fl:"1!iOB ....m EE Af'l'R:M:I) B'!' R.BJ:: H:Al.lH eGEEA.O!YEJoG-EER&ClSlf«.:1 EN3I-EER PfUI TO M'I.EMETNl\10I N FEl.D. '"" 1 ~ e: , CA "I :Z 1 J ,4 1---1---+---~-----+-+----+--+---ilsf,"l~I _c_1~_0F_DEP_cA_L,.._S_B_AD~'l13s1 DA.TE PLAN PFEPAFED: _"'"l_._--'-17,.__._"1,_.7'--_ BY: ~@:1' w'1t4:>rJ C.AFt..!:EAD M.N:PAL WATEfi OOIFCI OS IOCT APPfOIED a-w,m EBCHMl>R< PA<'4r,; £.t?Xr .... 'M.l.l,t,M E. f\J..M,ER l'Q l.E9.H'IO.. .APFR::M:IJ Do>.TE Z-22 -!J7 >---+----------------,.----,-----, ll:S'.JFIO. _______________ _ il'ITE ClSlf«.:T 8G;HF1 ACE. :aa1l'I &N ~ ca.NTY CE:PART\ENT CF L.CCA10I ----------------- ~AL.J-El4..11-I -·c.,-\ _,\. , Y~ ' ) ' _, \J FBX.Rl l1'CM ---------------- El.E\IA,lOI -------Q,>.T\.M ------- NffCM:D Err. LANDSCAPE TITLE $1-!EET FOR:CARLSBAD 1 CA~L.&eAO OAKS BUSINESS f'Ar:;!K f'A~CEL. I, f'.M, l&t,~2 LOT 25 DATE ( 1-D_A_TE-1-NT1A1..=--+----REVISION---DE-SCRPTION-------+-::D:-:-A=TE:-+:NT1A1..=:-t--=oA-:-:TE=-t--;;;NTW...=:-;-1 IS:, -'-I ~IP96~311 355r:4L I L.AIO. ARCH. aTY lfff'CIJ,j_ onER Al'ffl::l{J,L CMJIJ.D. Jee t«,. 97-254 j I I , I , -✓ I T.AN COl.OIQC) ~ WITH l'IOU119T.tllOIO -~~ l'INl61-1 WITH ,4' )( -4' ecoRII.INI! er.RIO PA'1"T'R A& 61-!CII.N ON PL.AN. ecoRII.INI!& ARIE TO BE I-I.ANO TOOL.10, ll-4" 0EEP WITI-I 112' RAOlueee. ~ I& TO !!IE l-112' Tl«, ~O'i\01! 11"4 IIIEA!II IN c:oNClll'1'I Ai 2-4' OJ;. i,6,CI-IW.A/1'. l!l!IE CML ~~ !'OR PAV~ 15,1,eE !l!!C:i\ON. r· "• •,. f ' ' ; ___ ) / .. ~ Tt51 m llll'TH OH.IIIM l'-IG01L • ....,. IIITM M'.tN0tlllC ll ll!I 11 A MOC&• u,a IIY IIJHttll◄ \1 ♦1 Ir'. 'TII-NO.( ... ) 2"-.. 11 C01.D11 TO .-M PCTSO ..,,. wt. --------------: _ __:._· .. ::cc:-::=.G / / ,..,. ,,, , -~ ' y ' I I.I KEY MAP·© SHT. 2 -4-1,-'17 t-1c-r ..,-o~l-li!- APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 11262 Warmington St. Riverside, CA 92503 19091 353-2436 "AS BUil T" RCE__ EXP,___ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE fsHFi7 CITY OF CARLSBAD j SH1E3ETS \ l----+---+--------------1--+---t---+----1 L£_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1----1---+----------------1--+---+---+--t l----+---+--------------1--+---t---+----1 LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: CARL.&eAO OAK eu&INE&S PARK PARCEL. I, PM. 1&6~2 ?-lf-97 -----=~--------1---+--+---------------1--+---t---+----1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR APPROVED DATE 1-----1---l------------------1-::-:=-+,:-,c=-c:--+-::-:=-t-::::=-:-t OWN BY: __ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: __ LAND. ARCH, REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV'Ml BY: PROJECT NO. PIP 96-03 DRA'MNG NO. 55-4 CMWD 97-254 T.A>.I COI.OlillllO eoNCllffl WITH 1"'110111'1 IQTARCI::) ---<.... l'INleH WITH 4' X 4' ~INI ~IC F'ATffl!N Mi 61-10\IN Gt.I~~-ARE TO l!I HANO TOOI.EO, l/-4' cm= WIT..+ In" RACII.H&. ~ 11 TO ea J-1n" T~ ~oYrOI "" "e~ IN ~ AT 24" O.C. IAOHWAY. eEE CIVIL c.AW~ IIOtll F'AVM eAeS l!ICTIOIIL lbcfl'ANIIGN JOINT ( TO 1!11 111!itOVa0 WHR ------ CClNCREili PIAVING A!IIT& i!!!LIIU,ING, ~. ANOWAU.i) '1'1114111 IV :Pi~ MCCL • LA022 BY UIOl!UIM VAi-i.ii'!", TIii-. NO. (Ne) 21.l•Ni.. COI..OIII. TO -69, W, I WC> dY' I.A '1'111011 I I B 5 I ACLa MCCL • IAC22 8'1"' ---.,.....,_ !ll♦l!ttl, I YAU.II'!", TIii-. NO. (W) 25.l•Mlt. COi-Diii TC) .. -,V:TWC> • .,.. I.A NATUll(AL COLO!< CO\JC!<ETE: UJITl4 ------1 4' X 4' oCORELINE: <'.',RID PATTERN WITl-l LluHT El-<OOM ~INloH, CONCRETE , ,e, TO Eli: ~-1/2" ~14K, WITl4 ~4 Ri:BARG AT 24" OC, E:ACI-I WAY, $EE CVIL t?ILuf\ ~01< F'AYINu 6AoE &ECTION, ' i 'I i/ d I 'I i I 1, !1 . ' i I ! I I I ' I 'I ·1 , i i II i it I I ' ., ,, '·~ •, -~ -·~~ .,·· ' 0 ;p ~ \ I f!":: I ~:¼ ,, /''" I , r ,I/·· ' . I I t., •. , ) '·. , // f ! I /' ii i " /i i /; I I ' ' I I I ' i ,-1-,, '-;._.,, /1 i Ii I' i Ii i / ,, I' Ii Ii /! I r1 /! / \ \ \ ftJIDSC,4 W/l_ 0, ... ii: a: --b-":lii=::f-- KEY MAP (1) Noi ,o~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SHT. 3 4-r,-q1 CONSTRUCTION PLAN WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 11262 Warmington St, Riverside, CA 92503 1909) 353-2436 "AS BUil T" RCE___ EXP,___ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE l---l---+------------t--t-----.---r--.1 sH3EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E3ETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1---1---t--------------t---r-,--1 -, LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: DATE INITIAL LAND. ARCH, REVISION DESCRIPTION CARL.o6AO OAK 6Uo1NESS !='ARK F'ARCEL. I, F'.M. 1&6~2 OWN BY: __ PROJECT NO. DRA'MNG NO, 1---DA_TE__,__IN_IT_IAL __ DA_TE~_IN_lll_AL--i CRHVWKDD BBYY:. --PIP 96--03 55-4 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CMWD 97-254 I l ' \ -~-----~ \ \ L--',_. . " \ ' ' --\----\ ', \ •a_,._-';----•-~ . ( , ! --, I -I --' q_ / ' ~:--~ / ' ' !_ ) ---NA TUl:!Al. COl.01:? CONC!:?ETE WITH ~ 4' X 4' 6COR!:l.lNE 6RID F'ATrt::l::1N WITH l.I6HT BROOM l'IN SH. CONC-l!:T!: 16 TO BE 3·112" THK. WITH #4 RE6t,R$ AT 24" O.C. EACH WAY. $EE Civil. DW6$ ~OR F'AVINGi BASS 61:CTION. ' / ,,/.J / (j'f-·---tllCIN:) Ttftl M Wf'l't,f CM.llM MOOiL. 1 ""'2C, '--------- ' -,'I-' -__ //,. WITM 6TANO.-C. I.I IISI I I • "'10011. I u,a l9'r' UIOl!:♦e.-t V♦I I ft, 'T'IIL. NO. (Ne) 2&>-8611 ' _,../ ~ TO -W PC"'E> BY L..A. ---...... ,_ -E_--_--_-_---_-_-------=---~£ --------------~--~ -_--~~ J[ __ --_--=-· _---_---_----_---_--_---_-=:~---= L = -----_-_----_-··--:::_~_----_---, :t ... ..:::--_-= :----'-:,~::?""--I '-----'1'111 ti~ I IUAF I ACUI MOCL • UICl22 BY m•e•e+,i YAU.aY, T1L NO.(~) 2•>-MII. COL.DIii TO • IP! PC"IIO 15Y L..A. I I I KEY MAP (1) ~~ " . .-.... ,-,-v '.r / I ,1 .• / I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SHT. 4 4 -11..q1 CONSTRUCTION PLAN WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 11262 Warmington St. Riverside, CA 92503 (909} 353-2436 "AS BUILT" RCE __ EXP,___ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE fsHFl7 CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E3ETS I 1---+------+----------------,--t-----t---------t---j ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT t====t===t=========================~====+===~====t==~ LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: CA!-?L.&eAD OAK eu&INE&& F'Al-?K F'ARCEL. I, F' M. l&t>~2 l---l---+-----------+---+--i----t--1 _AP-PR_o_vE_D --6-L.~==-----'f-/tf 72 1---1---1-------------------1!---+-----t---t--, ASSISTANT PLA ING DIRECTOR DATE PROJECT NO. ORA'MNG NO. PIP 96-03 55-4 l-~-l-.,,..,,..,.,...+--------------li-:::-:=--t-:::;:;;-;-:-+,::-;-;:;:-t-;;;;;:;;;;;-"1 DWN BY: __ DA TE INITIAL 1---=DA_:_:_:TE:___J__.::.CINlc.:;TIA.::.L +--=D_A TE-"--------J'---IN_IT_IAL--1 CH KO BY: __ LAND, ARCH, REVISION DESCRIPTION O1HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWO BY: CMWD 97-254 --- ------------ \ MOO!!. NO. ~IFTION RAO. Gr'M. !='&I 6' fl'Cllll•II' UT PIIAT I' JI,. u,, '12 ·IJI Ml •• fl'OIII-IP I.DIii AN!II.I ll'IIAY .. JI,. "I\Lli.M·l.22 Ml RAN!'1R0 IIANllllll:I •• l'OID-11' LQlll 5,A,1.1 """511 12' JIJJ,2J.6'1•tn Ml RANllllll:I _. !'IC •111 ~t-ll'!>IW ~1,Jcf!"'6K 1 za, ANl lll'l'l lnlAINIR 1-112•. RAY 1111!1 u:a ~ w.r.w. II.ZI N0T1D. AIITCN'TIC WALL. l'!CIN'TID ~ felroM.1--r,c ~JJ.5!-lurt>ff. !IIUClN iM& I' Gllrac. CClll'LIN& w.L\ll•M1'AU. 6' ~ M.IIIICIC IJl'I 0lll ~ S 0. ll9CO l·ln' lllmlCIIC-I A l!I ll'S ltct«.llU I Al.~,..A WIIXIIIII IN Sl9 ! I P!l!IIIE 111114,,. er!' 4T II FIi. Nl!CO LN!·&I.Z! GA'II V4L'4 M Cl.4!6 2H tOII-F1'5.!!UIIII LA'!IRAL LINE·12' (~..INI Olll llGLIAW. &::m: N!l'TC. I ;;1ee:rq !'14!Nl.lt-& M 11"'..M. ~ IIOlil! Pim 1-tn• M; e-tA1.1.1R, M CL.Ae6 JI ""'"1M 2' M'l W!Gllt (4URTI.N! 011! EQ ic\l\ &1%1 NOTE). WI F'l:JI!. .ANO 1"1.~ .SJ$o!!M! ~ , , 11'l!S"TAl-l-:,e\-1. e,o eu;~£> wml ~ COVlf!'.. ~ H.ll/NUJ~, 1..#'i;;.~l, µrJe;, ,w1R1t-.i~ ~Ii.Jo~ \Jl!!Hlcl..e fl • 1~6"TAI-I,.. ,;;c,J.I. -'IO !S-1-l!!l!!vf::;4 VJtlfl tel'~ ~ 1'1"'1"1U.l!!!G t,1,/o wr,:oi-/G u~ ~~ l"t,.VIN · • tl-!STAU.. 5<'..1-1. 4" SlJ;!i='.VE5 wm,l 12!1 O'.IWI'!, ~ I.A~ l.,.IH""" ~iJt:;i;;~ ~F{l,....J ~vi.JG ½ !NOIC4'111 w.L\ll 1'1'4TICN NO. !NOIC4'111 CIPl'I I\CIC4'19 '141.\11 Ila ill ..I,-~,oi<. -ro .t>O-lt.151 ~1~NG l~l&A"flON ro~ I a?r,, C:OVl!ol",t>,,G!t !SI ------- I --tf-1.=,J't JG I ~~G .110~ --ro e,1::: ~ 1t-l I='~ \ ~-~~~~J.,t,.1 Ml!,i? W-6: S.IGN 1-a:'.:A-r;otJ NOT'I, AU. YAL'ill 80)( COIIW .¥11 TO !I flllRIII.I COI.OIIIICl. AU. MIID F'IF'INll& ME TC Bl IN&"'♦! I MO 1111TH 111,MNl'IG TA ICl!!NTl!IYING IT /!#J Rl!Q.All"IO IIIATIR KEY MAP~ ~Of -ro 5alW l "',',Jl,;',111! '/ ·~ I,, ,,m 1 , ..-I ' . ' ., .,,,(. F'OINi O!= CONNECilON y 1-1/.i' WA'T'IR Ml'T'III!, IN6'T'AL.L. A 1-V~~ lll!!!CO 821'\"'A 'T''l"'PE eACKFL.Ou.J CEVICE, L.OCA'!"E IN 6-!i:.?~!5 A!=i!EA L.ANC&CA!=E ACl!C41'!"EO'T' '!"0 YE!=i!IF'I"' FII\IAL. L.OCA'!"ION. E!l'T'A'T'IO F'!=i!Ee!U!=i!E, ±. 124>F'SI OEE!IIGN F,:cl!eislJll!I, ± ,4 PSI MAXIMUM OEMAND: !S I GPt-1 ~ c.A!.0UTICIN& P0R VAi.Vi C-17 II (-1,t.llJA,a rililii! ~ liF1l"I 4,q NI ~INl.lNI !50 liF1l"I I a. &I NI lft'.eACICPLD,II ~ !501iF11"1 10.0 NI IIM"rl!lol$6 (20,. 01= M41N1.IN! it,e&J !l.B NI L4TEIUI. LINI L.OE!6 !:S.O NI 11/.l CONTROi. VAi. 'II AT SO GFl'I ~-'L NI \ F-+aeei.Ai RE~lflm' AT 1-1140 ~oo NI ~IPQ!J I 6t,11!"'16 5.o NI !1'1'111 F-+ar>el.Ri RE~IR!EO 7,3.B NI , W4TE,.! Dl!l'IANO &J.O 1iF11"1 , &'T~T FRES&IRE + IUON! ,,....-~:,1..~-rn.JG l~I~~,~ ~ 'I'~ I& TO ea &!'I' AT~ f'&I ;t:.,~'"\,, ~ . / •' C)/,,," ·~ . \ \_ ''-' \ \, \ ·.\ \ . '\ ', ,...:....,,,...,1 re~~-r , '\ / \, < \ ' #:~{, "// ....,___.,_!?A'(!, IGH'T l--1ih{ / / . '\ \, ,, ' ' D8Co4p Wl ---13:'llf: ~ --=-,=-:i=----.., -11/17 • l~~l~ATION NOTE& TMI Cl&IGN .& 01.AGlll!AMMATIC:. 4U. IQJIFIJ'1!NT IMOIIN IN !1141/10 AIIIA& .& a 01&.GN C:L.ARIIIICATION ONLY ANO I& TO eE IN&TAU.10 WITHIN FIL.ANTING ARIA& A& N!e&eei.ARY. CO NOT WILLJW. Y !N&T4U. .ANY IQJIFIJ"IINT A& &MOUN ON flll.AN& 111-41N IT 16 OBVIM IN TMI JIIIIL.0 THAT LN:NOUN CONDITION& IXl&T TMAT IU!RI NOT IVIO!NT AT THI! TIMI TM!&! !Di.AN& WIRE fllREF'A~ . .ANY &Uc:H CONDITION& &MAU. eE BRMHT TO THI ATTENTION OIi THI OIINl!R& Rl!fllRE&l!NTAT!VE& ~IOR TO .ANY IIJORI(. OR THI IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR &MAU. AeeUl'1E 4U. Rl!efllON&IBILITY FOR .ANY IIIEL.C CH.ANOE6 CEl!l"IEC NECE6&6Jih' 19Y THI! OIIN!R. IN&T4U. AI.L. IQJIJ1IIMINT A& &H·~,IN THI CITAII.& .ANC &flllc:IJIICAT!ON&. CONTRACTOR &MAU. eE RE6PON&119LI TO OOMPL. Y WITM 4U. L.OCAL CIT"I" ANO COUNTY REQJIRS"IENTe FOR eoTM IQ.JifllMENT ANO IN&TAU.ATION. THI &'!"&TIM 16 01&.GN a A MINIMUM OflllRATING, FR!eelJ~I OIi ± 14 NI. TMI MAXIM Cll'I.ANC OIi GAU.ON& F1IR MINUTI I& .5 I . TMI IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR &MAU. \IIRIJIY THI! AVAII.Al9L.I! IUATER ~E&EIURI ON THI &!Tl ~.OR TO TMI &TART OIi IN&TAI.L4T!ON. TMI ACT1JAI. L.OCATION a THI IN&TALLATION Oii eACl<:.IL.OW fllllllVINTOR .ANC THI 41JTOMATIC: CONTROLLER I& TOM CEll!Rl'IINEC IN THI! IIIEL.C er THE OIINER& 41JTHORIZl!C Rl!fllRl!e!NTATl'II AIIIC/OR THE L.ANCecAF'E ARCHITECT, 19AOOLOW CIVICE &MAL.L. ea 11116T Al.LEO IN &M~B F'LANTING AlilEA ONLY. Ct-1V"4? !3->Cr<cf'k¼' Sf't;!CIAl,,1~ HU 9f ~ ~f<l"l:OW r:,1W1 a i...x-A--n oi,I. . llal V. IL.l!CTA!lc:A!. FOWER 60\R:E 'l'O ea ~OVIC!C BY OTMR TO TMI L.OCATION a '!'Ml 41JTOMATIC: CONTROL.I.IA!. IIIIRICiATION CONTRACTOR TO Bl R!&fllON&IBLE FOR THE JIINAL. COl'-IIIECTION TO TME EGI.IIFIJ"IINT. AL.L. GIJ!CIC COi.iPL.A VAi.Vi& ARI! TOM IN6T4U.l!C IN &M~e OR GROUNOe:OYIR A1i1W Wl-ll!Nl!',11111'0e6119L.I! ANO WITI-IIN 18' OIi TMI MAR~ AU. GUICX COUfDL.1111 VAi.Vi L.OCATEC IN TUJlal ARIA& SHAU. Bl IN&TAI.L.10 IN A 1(1" CIA.~f:.f'l.l!:flll.A&TIC VAi.Vi BOX AL.L. VAi.Yi l90X COV!R& 41111 TO !!IE L.Al9IUC) IUITl-11' MEAT e;;!ANCIC I.ii !Eld: 'Q.C:." a GU.CIC COll'I.IR&, "G.V.' a GATE VAi.VE& AN0 I.V.C:. ANO &TAT.ON NO. JIOIII CONTROL. VAi.Vi&. CONTA!ACTOR TO .N&T AU. .AN 4l'fllll!OVIO .ANT. -Clil41NAGI! CEVICE6 a AU. LOW Ml40& TO F'IIIEYINT L.OW I-IEAC CRAINMI ANO FOeelBL.1! &OIL l!lilo&ION. AL.L. e!DRAY Hl!AC& ARI TO M IN&T4. I IC A& FOF'•UI'& A& RCIJIIIIC IN THI L.l!GIND, l.NL.166 OTM!RUJl61 NOTl0. IN&TAL.L. AU. RAY Hl!4Cl6 WITM NOZZL.I& OIi THI Al'fllll!OFRIATI C)IC';RII Oii 1114CIU6 JIOlil THI AREA TO Bl COVIIUC. 40.AJ&T AI.L. NOZZLE& TO l!I.IMINATI AAYING IUATER ON BUIL.Cllll!i& ANO HARCec:A!DE, AOJU&T AU. VAi.Vi& ~L.OW CONTROLS TO ~OVICI OPTIMUM F'ERl=ORMANCE. TM! IRRICiATION CONTA!ACTOR &MAU. !II! ll!l!E,F()N61l!LI JIOtll TMI! GOORCINATION OIi F'066leL.I ON-61'1'1 INACTION& WITM TMI L.ANoec:Aflll ARCHITICT TO Bl &cl-JEJ:)IJI IC ..\T THI JIOL.LOW.NG &TAGI& Oii lN&TAI.L4TION, l,~vlt l"iP,"'fJlff?I~ ~ iJ-l5r~"11o,J · ~RE T!&T OIi iRRiGATiON MAINLINI! ~IOR TO 19ACICJIIL.L. OIi TA!!NCH!&. ~CO\IIRAGI! Tl&T OIi RlllkL.IIII &'!"&TIM ~IOR TO FUNT !N6TALL4TION. 4.JIINAI. WAI.IC:•'l'HRMH OIi TMI ~OJl!CT WITM AU. !=ARTIE& OONCl!IIINIC a TMI 1/!RIIIICATI OIi Joe COMFUTION ANO IXECUTION OIi WORtC F1IR THE flll.AN& AN0 ePECIJIICATION&. TMI CONTRACTOR &MAL.L. ~VICI TO TMI OUN!R, UfllON TMI COMflll.lTION OIi THI JOB, A &IT OIi R!fllROCUC:119L.E A&· BUILT CIIIAI.Ull\l!i&, UJHICI-I &MAU. ee \IIRIJIIEO FOR ACCURACY AT THI TIME OJI '!'Ml! JIINAL. Joe IUAl.l(.-THROUGH. (1':'{J) PL-~ ~Ii!~~ Kt/er ~11.,.-r c11"-< t-1'f1..6Ft. TM! IRRICiATION &'r'&TEM &MAU. 191 Jll,,ILL Y OUARANTIEC FOR A m:oc OIi (I) YEAR. .ANY CEJll!CTIVI l~IFIJ"IINT. MATEll!IAl.6 OR FOOR WORKMAN&M!i= &MAU. Bl RlfllL.ACIC OR OORRICTEC BY THI IRRIGATION CONTA!ACTOR AT NO 400.TIONAI. C06T TO TMI OIINIR. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SHT. 5 -4~11-q7 IRRIGATION PLAN WILSON ASSOCIATES "AS BUil T" ~~ ~(11 RCE___ EXP,___ DATE CARL.SBAO OAK& BU&INE&e PARK PARCEL. I, PM. 1&6~2 '\\ '\ l-:D,..,-ATE=-!-".1=NIT1=-A"""L+---------------l--~---I----I--...I OWN BY: ---,__DA_TE~_IN_ITl_AL-+-_DA_TE~_IN_ITIA_L_, CHKD BY: ___ 1 PROJECT NO. PIP 96-03 DRAWING NO. 55-4 LAND. ARCH. REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CMWD 97-254 I • I I I I I I I I I f'FU"/1 ~ :zo' ~w~-__,,. ON e,~b.71 KG Of" w-rw~ 1--'1.t>-11-I t.-1 N~ ~-rAI N 1JG WAU..., -------,. T-(P. '\ 131 i ffii i I ' N ! 1'' i~' 45 41 / / ' \ / / / / & I I ' I I -.-,,.....,,__H---r----;-CO~-rF,,S.,cTfR'TO~J51 r:,q:.s111-/G 1AA1@A11of-l p0rl,1. 1 c:of,J C,Ov//3~, a,t.i'ft.1,b,C~ Tor-<:~_,P,IR.J ~i,, NY f'.'.]~6 A,;/; r,.J ~ t>r-<:Y w1'f1-l Ill ~IJ!i:A$1:l IWf :L7 I I ) I ! i KEYMAP (D Ncrr -ro 7CALI!: jlJtl)SC-tc, wi ..... .. -4 ~ -"'-.::.:----f APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION' ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS \ • SHT. 6 -4-11-ci7 IRRIGATION PLAN Scale 1"=20' RCE __ _ REVIEWED BY: WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 11262 Warmington St. Riverside, CA 92503 19091 353-2436 "AS BUil T" EXP, __ _ DATE I-. /3/11 !,/4 ., f-·23·?8 INSPECTOR DATE WI~!:" ~l--0-LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: ~~~-+~q,,~m,:='=o~v.~=-~~Tf-!;'f.~1-1,,,~,,t;.;;'--t--t-,-,-. CA!icL:JSAO OAKS BUSINES& FA!icK FA!icCEL I, FM. 1&6~2 t----+--+-----------i--1111--i ~A::'::PP'=':RO::"::VE:="D ==z;,, 11';~7'-~~===~=:;_;==/l/-:';-==9:=':77 l--+-+------------,,-,-,-,-7 t,;:A-~S-S1isi{r~A-NiJrIP;L=A~'i!":N{'i=G=-=-=oI1RfE~c:-:::T~o~~R~=;;-=;:-7,-~-=-=-=~~~oA;;:iT~E~ 1-1-~~==t:~;:::t=========================::!~;.;;~;;;i=~;=f;;~ 'DWN BY: --PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL l--'-DA_TE__,,_1N_ITI_AL-+-_DA_TE~_1N_ITI_AL-i CRHVKWDD BBYY:. --PIP 96-03 55-4 RCH REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LAND. A . CMWD 97-25 . \ \ \ t"", \~' . ' ' \_ 4:3 11 ti~ 11/.f l \ \\ / ( " !\ ··--LI·--__ _ ' '\_ "'IMW WA1'¢""-.... l..~"flON AU'T~ATIC C0NTROL.LIR I.OCATION •TO l5IE RA!NelRD !!P..Z4MC,?A-!TATl0N IL!CT. WALL 1--_. M01.NTIEO C0N'l'ROIJ.ER. CONTRACTOR TO "921FY FOa eoJRCI MC 1-0C.A.Tl0N. ' ' i I I I I ' ' ' L __ L i 11/L ~I 11' I'' /Ji' I ,, ' I I I I ' ' KEYMAP 0 Nor -ro ~1-e!- ' I ii 1 I ,'I .cf°:, ,;., . ,, , .r ;,- Scale 1"=20' SHT. 7 4-11-q1 IRRIGATION PLAN WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape 11 Architecture 11262 Warmington St. Riverside, CA 92503 1909) 353-2436 "AS BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE __ _ EXP,, __ _ DATE 1----+---+--------------~--l---1---t-----1 LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: CAR~&6AO OAKS 6U&INE&& F'Ai::r!K F'Ai::r!CE~ I, F'.M. 1&~~2 l----+---+---------------1----+-----+----l----1 APPROVED l---l---+-------------1----+----+-----l---,I ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1-----c~-+---+-----------;__--~--l---l---t-----l OWN BY: __ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKO BY: __ _ D R REVISION DESCRIPTION LAN . A CH. OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. PIP 96-03 DRAWING NO. 55-4 CMWD 97-254 - EROSION CONTROL STANDARDS: a. Standard #1 -COVER CROP/JUTE MESH Cover crop shal I be a seed mix typically made up of quick germinating and fast covering grasses. clovers. and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within thirty (30) days. Type of jute mesh shall be as approved by the City and staked to the slope as recommended by the manufacturer. Jute mesh shall be required when planting occurs between August 15 and _ April 15. During the remainder of the year. the cover crop and/or jute mesh may be used. b. Standard #2 -GROUND COVER One hundred (100%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding charactenst1cs i planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). c. Standard #3 -LOW SHRUBS Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of2 ¾ inch liners I shall cover a minimum of seventy 170%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). d. Stmdard #4 -TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS Trees and/or large shrubs shaJl be (planted from a minimum of I gallon containers I at a minimum rate of one 11) plant per two hundred 1200) square feet. AREAS OF APPLICATION IPLA.'ITINC} SLOPES --6:1 or steeJ)<r and: a. 3 feet or less in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require at minimum St:andard #l (cover crop and Juted). b. 4 feet to 8 feet In vertical height require Standards #1, #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8 feet in vertical height require Standards #1. #2, #3 and #4. SPECLA.L CONDITIONS 1 Areas graded natter than 6: I require Standard #l lcover crop I when they have one pl more of the following conditions: ~ \_' "-,, ' ··i. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of ' completion of rough grading. h. A potential erosion problem as determin@d by the City. c. Identified by the City as highly visible areas to the public or have sJ)<cial conditions that warrant immediate treatment. 2 Areas to be hydroseeded shall first be disked or r0tqtilled to provide a friable, I seed bed. / \ II B NOTE: I ~M-\ \\~ \\, \\ WITI-I I GAi.. IMF='ATIEN! UNOE!l Ar JZ'o.c. 2 E ~ ~Kli!N'f 1-1t-li! ~ flWf'l!!'\r't' wt-It;! SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR __ _,, PATIO FURNITURE / TRASH RECEP- TACLE LAYOUT. ------ I I I I I \ ' p.NDSC4 e,O'i w' IL_ PL.ANTIN~ NOTES: UJEEO CONTROL Tl-IE CONTlilAC:TOlil !HALL P'R=OlilM A TMOlilOIJG+,I WEEO AeATEM!NT F'lilOOlilAM, KILLING ANO lilEMOVING ALL WEEOS P:lilOM TME SITE ANO !HALL BE C:OMR.ETED F='lillOlil TO TME ADOITION OI= AN'!' e01L AMMENDMENTS. Tl-II! &I-IALL BE DONE P:OR ALL F='LANTING AlilEAS, ePEC:IP:IC:AI.L 'I', BUT NOT LIMITEO TO ei.om ' GlilOUNOC:OYElil AlilEAfi. Tl-IE CONTRAC:TO!l !HALL P:OLLOUI TME POLLOUIING STE!=&: I. KILL , REMOYE ALL EXISTING WIIO!. 2. IRlillGATI ALL AlilEAS TO BE F'LANTEO P:Olil (2! WEEK!. 3. KILL 4 lilEMOYE ALL NEWL 'T' GE!lMINATEO WEEO!. 4. REF'EAT STE!=& 2 AND .l &. PILANT Oil M'!'OlilOSEEO GlilO\JNOCOYElil. 6. AF'F='L 'T' F'lilE-EMElilGENT MElilBIC:IOE APTE!l R.ANTING OR M'!'OlilOSEEO GElilMINATION. CONTlilACTOR !HALL BE lilE&PONSIBLE P:Olil SELECTION OI= ME!l6ICIOE ANO IT! COMF='AT161LIT'T' WITI-I PILANT MATERIAL!. -[ ~R ~JAi-, 01-,Y 1t.lG~O~ ,et-Jt,,.1..1, ~,; ~ SOIL TEST l,)GotL.-'WSfll·k.;, ~Ne-( ~)SOIi,. -r~ ~MrtNOA-norJ.s ~•o~ --ro Al0/>'NOll-b GOii-. APTElil e01L I-IA& BEIEN SET IN F='LACE 4 F'lillOR TO AN'!' e0IL F'lllEF='AlilATION, Tl-IE CONTlilACTOlil !HALL Pll.llilNl&I-I e01L TESTS OI= TME SITE POR AGlillC:ULTUlilAL P:ElilTILIT'T' ANO TO OETElilMINE P'lilOF='ER e0IL AMMENOMENT&. TE&T AlilE TO BE F='ERl=OlilMEO 6'!' A MEM6Elil OI= TME C:ALIP:OlilNIA Aeeoc:IATION OI= AGlillCUL TU!i!AL LABORITORIES WITI-I C:OP'IE& &ENT TO Ti-IE O\INE!i! , LANoec:AF'E ARC:MITEC:T, l"RIO!i! TO INSTALLATION. SOIL Pi::::!EPARATION Tl-IE P:OLLOUIING 16 F'ROVIOEO P:OR 610 P'IJRP'OSEei ONL 'I' ANO &I-IAI.L BE MOOll=IEO A& NICEeeA!i!'T' Glv!N Tl-IE lil!ei.JLT& OI= Tl-IE e01Lfi TE!T. TME CONTlilACTOlil !HALL BE P'loi!EP'Aloi!EO TO F'lilOVIO! OELIYE!ii!'T' &I.IF'& ANO EMF='T'I" l=Eloi!TILIZE!l BAGS ON &IT! P:OR Y!RIP:IC:ATION OI= MATE!ii!IAL. I. P:OR TUlill= AND GROUNOC:OY!R AREA! TM! P:OLLOUIING &I-IAI.L. BE UNIPOlilMIL 'I' ANO TI-IOROUGML 'I' ROTOTILLEO INTO TME e0IL. TO A MIN. OEF'TM OI= 6 INC:1-11$ I=Olil EYE!l'I" 1i,a,(Zl SQ. PEET OI= Alill!A. 6 CU. '!'O&. NIT!oi!OGEN &TA61LIZEO ORGANIC: AMMENOMENT euc:1-1 AS loi!EDWOOO Oloi! P:IR &AWOUST. l&LB&. 12-12-12 COMMERCIAL P:!!i!TILIZE!l. l2(Zl LB&., AG!oi!ICULTU!ii!AL. G'T'F='SUM. 2. eACKP:IL.L MIX P:Olil USE OP FIL.ANTING ALL TREE&, &I-IRU6& 4 VINES, !l<CI.IJOING P!loi!Ne, AZALEA& ANO PALM Tlii!EE&. (A;,~ t-1t>IJuA1-1 '3ACl<f'll-l-GHt!-U-at:o Pt;;~ SOIL~ ~l-'1"'1e,Jao.-naJs) 6 IDAlilTS 6'!" VOLUME ON &IT! SOIL. ,4 P'ART& 6'1" VOLUME ORGANIC AMMENOMENT. I L6. 12-12-12 COMME!ii!C:IAL P:E!i!TILIZE!ii! F='ER CUBIC '!"ARO. I L.B. lleON ei.JI.P:ATE F'Elii! CU. '!'O. OI= MIX 3. ALL IIE!ii!Nfi, AZALEA! ANO AC:10 LOVING R.ANTe TO BE 6ACKP:ILLEO WITI-I KELLOG& AZALEA MIX ,4. ALL PALM TlilEEe TO BE F'LANTEO WIT!-11~ CLEAN PLA&TER !ANO. R!l=ER TO P'ALM TREii PL.ANTING l'-JOTE& ANO DETAIL P:Olil P:UlilTI-IElil &F'ECIP:IC:ATION&. TOP Oi::::!ESSIN~ • ALL &l-llilU6& ANO Gloi!OUNOC:OYE!oi! Alil!AS ARE TO BE TOP' OREeSEO WITM 8 TM ICK LA ~le OI= &I-IREOO!O TREE eAlilK.(Gu~Mrr s.t>MP!-e-"fC, en'( IH6PESC1"0~ fOR P-f'f'RCVAl-Pl<-IOR 1V ~l-lv'l,R'( -ro --loBsTT!!,.) MOUJSTi::::!IPS OR 1-!EAOERSOARO (F APPLICABLE) TM! CONTRACTOR !HALL IN&TALL REDWOOD I-IEAOERBOAleD OR CONCRETE M~Tlelf'& ( R!i=ER TO PLAN ' DETAIL.a I=Ole &F'ECIP:ICATION& ! I=OR ALL. &l-lleU6 ANO/Ole GROUNOCOYER AleEA& AOJAC:ENT TO TU!lP A& &1-10\IN ON TME PLAN&. YINEo t ESPALIERS ALL NLllilSERY &'I' AKE$ ANO/OR TRELLISES !HALL 6E REMOvEO. PL.ANT! !RANCI-IE& ARE TO BE CAlilE!IULL 'I' &F='REAO ANO ATTACMEO TO WALL& Ole P:ENCE& WITI-I AN A~OVEO l=A&TENE!l ANO TWIST TIE. C•\ACADIJIN\NDT[S\PLNTNDTE.D'\rlG SHT. 8 4-11-"'11 PLANTING PLAN wILS □N ASSOCIATES Lo.ndsco.pe Architecture 11262 w'o.rMlngton Riverside, CA 9250 (909) 353-2436 "AS BUil T" Ill ,11,e § ~~ ~ 0-• --, ure APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RC[___ EXP,____ DATE ?i • REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DA TE CARl.&6AO OAK 6U&INE&& FARK FARCE!. I, FM. !&6~2 WITM 4-1 GAL.. eT A1' JAeMINE UNOE1' • \. '\\ '\ \, \ \ WITM 4-1 GAL.. STA1' I \ \ I 0 ti _..---\- I I NOTE:SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR PATIO AJRNITURE / I TRASH RECEPTACLE LAYOUT. I ~~------"~~~ 1,11--111" t::11' t,J1tw Gr->,i>011-lc;;. . '.:, '-·-... ....... '• ·--'· -......_._ __ ~ '•· ----- / ~ !5', EJ ,. I ' ' I \., I I ' ' I ' B i 'I I ! I I /' I ,:' I ' I I ! /' f i ,, I I ,. I' ' I.· ' r I I I I! Ii / / / I I \ \ / T1'Eli& A i=li!UNUe IC.1'AUTE1'1 e EUCAL. mue &101i1'0~L.ON '1'oe!A' C CU!='ANIOFele ANACA1'01010Ee 0 JACA1'ANOA ACUTll=OL.IA, MUL.TI-Tlli!UNK E i=Ylli!U& CAL.L.Elli!'!" ANA 'Blli!AOl=Olli!O' P !='!NI.le EL.OAlli!ICA G Tl~ANATI~ M Mlil.AL.EUC:A L.EUCAOEN01'A 1~D.1 J i='MOENIX lli!OEeEL.ENII 1-51~~ ,i:,JNK' el-llli!UB& I AGA!='ANTMu& AP1'1CANUe 'QUEEN ANNE' 2 MEME1'0CAL.L.le M'!"e1'10 J lli!Ai='MIOL.Ei='le INOICA 'BAL.L.Elli!INA' 4 euxue JA!='ONICA S Pt-laT1i-llA ~I 6 IMPATIENe eP!='. 1 i='ITTOei='Olli!UM TO!llli!A 'YAlli!IEGATA' t). ACACIA fll;,t:,0!.£K$ Glli!OUNOCOYElli!& VINCA MAJ01' Flli!OM FL.AT& AT IS" O.C. ~ M'!"Oi='Olli!UM i='ACIFICUM ~ Flli!OM FL.ATS AT 12" O.C. VINE!: i-+(O~t-1 fN'lVl~lilf-1 Fl10H FlA-p;; A1 /e''o.c. _, • • : • • ~~,t-l~G O~\C.INAL-1$ • • • • : • 'f'F(l9'TFA,-,JE.' l'l'Ol-1 ~1,.1.~ • • • • • • Ai 1!::11O.c. t-+t++t-+-+-t-H I-ON ICl!tAA~la. t-+t++t-+-+++t 'I-IAL.1.-IAN~ ~ FlA1S ,'cf" 1±:1:±:1::t±t::t::t:t 1s'b.c . T BOUGAINVILLIA '&AN OIEGO lli!EO' 13.'3 &IZIN6 LE6ENO ffi I GAL.LON @24" eox -ffi s GAL.L.ON -€}-36" eox ffi IS GALL.ON Etc i=l,.,o\NT CilUilNTIT'!" r=L,o1NT ei=ec1n APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS Scale 1"=20' SHT. 9 4 -,7 -"17 PLANTING PLAN 'w'ILS □N ASSOCIATES Lo.ndsco.pe Architecture 11262 \,/o.re,lngton Riverside, CA 9250 (909) 353-2436 "AS BUILT" RCE __ EXP.___ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E3ETS I ~====~===~=========================~====;===~====;==~ L_J::lj PLANNING DEPARTMENT i 1----+---+--------------t--+--+----t----J LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: C\J CA~L&6AD OAK 6U&INE&& fOA~K fOA~CEL I, fO.M. IS6~2 APPROVED -Jf-97 1----+---t--------------;--+----t-------t---1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DAT( OWN BY: --PROJECT NO. ~~~ ~~; --PIP 96-03 DATE INITIAL LAND, ARCH. DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DRA'MNG NO. 55---4 I r---0:, 0 ;: ~ (.) I I NOTE: ---SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR PATIO FURNITURE/ TRASH RECEPTACLE LAYOUT. \_ -''-, ', .\ \ '\ ,· ~ ' '4-------'=---+ '" '\ ' ~-1-.... ,,,; '" , I 'I 'I ,1 ,_.m :·~,i .f <:. y ~ KEYMAP e!) r-0, -ro~~ p.NDSC4 :fl \.I l!_s◊, tll 2122 r-' <j/dt[: 5 '"'' 1/lt • APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SHT. 10 -4-r7-'f7 PLANTING PLAN \v'ILS □N ASSOCIATES Lnndscope Architecture 11262 \./nrMlngton Riverside, CA 9250 (909) 353-2436 "AS BUILT" RC[__ EXP,---DATE REv1EWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I S1HE3ETS 1 ~===~===~=========================:====~===~===:===~ LJQ_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT -.:;:t-l---+--+--------------+---+---+----+----1 LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: L0 CAR~S6AO OAK 6U€ilN!:S5 F'ARK ~ I F'ARC!:~ I, F'.M. IS6~2 S, I 1--+--+--------------+-----+---+----1----1A_P_PR_o_vE_o-ts,L.,,~~-----'fo/~97 Q I l---+---+---------------+---+---+---+----1 ASSISTANT p ANNING DIRECTOR ~ s: 1 '--=-+-=--+---------------+--:-cc--+--=:-c--+--::-=--+=---1 OWN BY: --PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~ L _______________________________________________________________________ _J_L:~:T:N:~. A:~N~~:~.AL..L--~R=E~Vl:Sl.:O~N..:D:.:E.:S:CR~l:...PT~IO:N:_ __ s~o-::A_~~R~A...LP:P-1R:No_l:::~~L~:-A~l:-::.:.-A:P,_P::-0~1:::--1~J..:2;;;~~~;::D ~~;;;}~~~-~-~1 ;;:P:;::IP~9~6;;;-;;;;0::;3=~;;;5;;;;5;;;;-;:;;:;4;:' ~(.) ---~lc,t,,I J9L,,l,6TIC:: VAL.,. mo,,; WITH LO<XINCI L.I0 9111AN010 ~V." !IINltM do!IIAoa ~-~'1-8o N 1PPl,e. (I) '%, "" '\ ~ '!'WC) CU9IC:: !IOOT OIi NA CMilAYIL. NOTI, IN6TALI. VAL.W IIO)( II::> TI-IAT THI TOJ9 OIi C::O.,.._ II 2" AIIOVI FINIIH Q,IIIIAoa IN Q,IIIIOI.INC) COVIR AIUIA6. ALL YAL\11 !OX Ll0e e+-!AL 191 i=UlltFILI CO~ IIOllt RECLAIMEO WATER U!I. Ci:A iE VAi. VE NO"fl!!.: PIP!!: fl"OM 1Hlf w~ M~ ;o ~l<l"l..ow .t:il!Vlc:tt 91-lpU. ~ ~R PIP(:; -r'(f'E: K. Lll!Gi!NO 1. e".Ae& ~ om ■LL ( T.,..,. >. 2. e",.:.,e,e, NIF'F'LI 4" MIN L!N0.'!'1-1 ('!''119). l. e,;;.,.:.,e,e, UNION. -4. !=INiet-i °'".ACE. ' &. "lli!OM f901NT OP' CONNIC'!'ION • A,O.Af9'!' Ae !=cEQ'O. 6. UJYE E,Tlli!AINIE"' UJ/ 6~ Ml&M MONIL !Clli!EEN. 1. TO llli!lli!IG.ATION e"r'e'!'IM. 13. 1.le,-.AU-PlilR C.Hv-/!::7 e,-r::,. t,w4!1 . .fl'W-.f0 SACKl=l..OUJ F'REVENiER 0 ---;i-------flltlltlCIATION CONT!IIOL.L.lllt (6111 J91..AN! f,...+---------I20, YOL.T ON-~ IWITC::H (f.OC:XA•f.l! ,---t" c:ONC::. ,-A0 • FA6TIN c:ONTflltOU.11111 TO 61..A!I l'"m:2 MANU!IACTUflltlfllt'6 c:>lfllt. FINI6H GflltA01 ™'----->" 0IA. c:ONCIUIT 4 6Wll!,- IL.L. "°"' CONTflltOf. Wlfllt16 I2dl VJl,t;, CONCIUIT NOTI, •u. 11111111 TO !II IN6TAI.L.10 A6 '"9111 L.OC::Af. C::0011. l"fllt0Vl01 COMMIIIICIAf. ,-ACIL.OC:X AND TWO /2) 11:1'!'6 TO OWNIIII IN6TAL.f. ONI II! 2' X :O' '"'-!ICA6T CONCflltlTI l"'AVIIII IN !lflltONT OIi IACH 000fllt OIi Tl-II CONTflltOL.L.lfllt A6el!M!II.. 'I' - UJAl..l.. MOUNi CONiROl..l..ER ......, I. ptc,,-.u,-lr-lllA'r fo!■At). AU. MIA06 TO !II fClro,' A i"IINll"IUM o,, 2" flll!()M All!'!' MA!lilcecAF'I eul<l'ACI. 2. ~INl6M Gll!AOI J. rove ecH ec,r;;1+(siq,do.) 4. fl\lC 6CM "4dl TR w.T &. fl\lC LATl!l!Af. LINl-1:11%1 A6 NOTl0 t. 112" 6CMl0. ec, NI1"1'L.I <LIINGTM A6 IQQ!Jlllill0! 3 J-----.. F'OF'-UF' F'RAY ~EAO ...... .. m,._•c::117 . . . . ·. ' . a . , ,,,, , ... ·•· ··.• .. , . . . . • .. ·· ... •,. ,a, ..... . .. . . .. . . . . . ' .' . . . . .. , ' ... ·. -~ . : ' ... . . .. . .. ·~. ~-.... . •. ..• ' . . .. ... . ' ' . .. ---~ l"OT.AIIUI MAINL"'-11 ---,.\ f..__---'-______ \ ___ J _...,_ • 1"11Nff"U'1 .. <IIUIIQO -...Tlc.,J. .... AIU.TICN ------n IUCf.A11'110 WATIIIII l!Utlcr.ATICN ~ 6La',9 M.AINLINII NOTII, AU. lltllCII AIMIIO WATIIIII llltlltlcr.ATION Jl!ll"'II .ANC> II.DYll6 6HALI. N ll'\Jlllfl'UI .ANC> LAl9I.E) A& ~11"1110 IN, 6T.ANC>UIIO Pael!IICATI~ '"°" -IVATII llltlltlCIATION rtti'I! 16'. CA■Lte40 IQCLAMATICN 11111111 ANO IIIIGIII .i.•ION& 1"0111 c:CN6Tlltl.lCTl0N OI" lll■C::f.All"IO WA~ MAINI MAIN INE C!-20 t' MIN. Neml, ! C D,IINII -IMCICIIIU.M IHAIJ. N -ITAN0Afllt0 PEllllc.ATION ----NCN-l"flllllilM L.INI ,.....-Fl 611111111 LINI li"IAIN 01111 ~-) FINIII-I ~•01 _,,-CIIIIIICT IIURIAI. L.Olll•VOI.TA!III ~Wlflltl ::i:■OIIN-:-:---T~~-c.v ON PLAN i"IINll"U'1 IN,CilQIILf. ~TIVI COl'III.ACTION IHAU-N ~ iRENC~ INC,: - ,------1/2 X Ot;. Ill.ACM ,-----Ill ~T Ul!IIN011011: Ot;. ll'Ac:M ,---16TA91.let-l IIINIIM ~ 2' HL0U/ !IINleM 8Ullll'ACI OIi M~PI/C::UU 2" CUI"' LA"r'lllt OIi NlmOf.lZIO l/"'' MINU6 61%1 eAIIIK MUf.C:+,I Tlf.1.110 Alll0 AMIN0ll0 191-6NTM 1!110 f9l!ll fllf.ANTING NOTI&. '---LNOl&Me■0 N.i.TIYI eorr. ~A01 '---NOT■: lllOTOTlf.L AlltlA6 HING AMIN0ll0 TO A CFTM OIi 6". 91.IINC ~- MINT& INTO NATIYI &OIL TO AVOl0 fl_..__ .. • .. ~.,,---AN-,., 01&TINCT &olL MORl%0N. ,..-~ ~ 2' 01119 Nl~l%10 ~ !'\II.CW LA"r'lllt ~---~ fllLANT& / Ill I.IGIN0 . ""'-.+ IIOR T'l'F"I, &1%1 ANO &PACING &Pie. ......;..:..;•:.:...::_-:-f=cJ:-=----112 TIMI& O.C::.&f'Ac:ING 1'9LAN '-----~11'1 OIi! '!\JR!' Ci:ROUNOCOVER F'l..ANilNC, ,.....-'--IH'llll'IIWIIIIIII ac,c WITH Mii 11111 2"4' •4 l"OTA9UI &lllllVICII LINll----➔I ,_, MINIMIJ"I TO l"OTA81.a MAINLIN■ IN •1-■1 IQCLAIMIIO WATlllt IMICIATICN MAINLIN■ WITH ILD'4--~ NO'l'II, YIIIITICAI.. ell ■A•ANCII CIII 12' l"llNIMIJ"I 1• MANOATOllt"r' WHIN ClllOMINCli PATH OI" A l"OTAl!J.11 WATlllll LINII INITALLATION OI" IIIIICL.AIMIO WATIIR llllflltlCIATION MAINL.INII 24' MOM FAC11 OI" 61"911141.JC WIU. -OYIOII THI NIIC■-.Alln' fill' HOlllI%0NTAL. Cla.i.lllANC::I MOM l"OTAef.11 MAINL.INII IN TM■ l'MIIDT. . 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ICA!IIIFY IIOTTOl"I TO INIUIIII Ac:i■cllUATI ~AINAGa -MIAL. TMY GIIIOWTH OI' F'LANT. OOUSI..E Si AK INC,: SHT. 11 DETAILS -4-17-"'17 WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 11262 Warmington St. Riverside, CA 92503 (909) 353-2436 Wtt.a. ....... ~ -I c, ::Ptt: m w (') a:: ~ "i -/7, '1 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUILT" RC[ ___ EXP, ___ _ REVIEWED BY: DATE DATE INSPECTOR ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E3ETS J 1----+---+-----------------+---+----1---+--~Ll.lJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1----+---+-----------------+---+----t---+--~ 1----+---+-----------------+---+----t---+--~ LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL LAND. ARCH. REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CAl:cL.&6.AD OAK& eue1Ne0& F'Al:cK F'ARCEL. 1, F'.M. 1&~S2 APPROVED ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PIP 96-03 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. El. C E F. G. H. I. CMWD reclaimed water irrigation specifications take precedence over these specifications. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Shall consist of specifications, its general conditions, end the drawings. The intent of these documents is to include all labor, materials. and services for the proper execution of the work. The documents are to be considered as one and whatever is called for by any part shall be as binding as if called for by all pa~s. VERIFICATION: The contractor shall verify all measurements on the drawing before beginning work In case of error or discrepancy in the drawings or specifications or in work of others affectino his work, he shall notify the Owner's Representative immediately. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage or loss due to his failure to observe these instructions. MATERIALS, MACHINERY, EMPLOYEES other items n"?cessary and incidental to completion of I-tis work. SURVEYS, PERMITS, REGULATIONS The owner shall furnish an adequate survey of the property. The Contractor shall obtain and pay all permits and comply with all laws and ordinances bearing on the operation or conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor oCserves that a variance exists therewith he shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adiusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSON: The Contractor shall adequately protect the work, adjacent property, and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage or injury due to his act. CHANGES IN THE WORK: The OWner may order changes in the work, and any changes must be approved by the city inspector. The contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All such orders and adjustments plus claims by the contractor for extras must be made in writing before executing the woric involved. CORRECTION OF WORK: T~e Contractor shall re-execute any work that fails to conform to the requirements of the contract and shall remedy defects due to faulty materials, or workmanship upon written notice from the ~reject manager for a period of ninety days (90) from the date of completion of the contract. The irrigation system shall carry a one-year guarantee. The above paragraph applies to the work of subcontractors as well as employees of the Contractor. LANDSCAPE COORDINATORS STATUS: The Landscape Coordinator acts as the authorized representative of the OWner, in conjunction with the project manager, and has the authoritv to accept or reject materials or workmanship and to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost. He will also interpret the meaning of the contract documents and may stop work if necessary to insure its proper execution. J. CLARIFICATION OF DRAWINGS BEFORE BIDDING: After reviewing the drawings thoroughly, it is the Contractor's responsibility to clarify with Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative any questions the Contractor may have regarding the method of construction, quantities, or quality of materials indicated or called out. If the Contractor cannot contact the Landscape Architect or owner's Representative, the Contractor must qualify his bid or accept the interpretation of the Landscape Architect or the Owner's Representative on the questionable areas as they develop during construction. K. SAMPLES: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to the specifications at any time. The Contractor shall furnish samples upon request by the Landscape Architect. Rejected material shall be immediately removed from the site and replaced at the Contract.ors expense. The cost of testing materials not meeting the specifications shall be paid by the Contractor. L PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: Schedule a pre-construction meeting with the Landscape Architect at least seven days (7) before beginning work, The purpose of this conference is to review any questions the Contractor may have regarding the work administrative procedures during construction and project work schedule. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A. WORK INCLUDED: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment. appliances and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all landscape inigation systems as shown on the drawings and as herein specified. When completed the irrigation system shall be a 100% coverage system in a total functioning manner. B. Related Work Described Elsewhere: 1. Landscaping as specified in section 02800. C. Permits and Fees: The contractor shall apply and pay for all necessary permits and fees required in the pursutt of his work as required by the governing codes. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. CODES, RULES AND SAFETY ORDERS: Conform to the latest rules and regulations of Cat-Osha, the uniform plumbing code, and other applicable laws or regulations. El. DRAWINGS: The drawings are diagrammatic In concept and are not drawn to accurate scale. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions. It shall be the responsibility of this Contractor to adjust lateral lines as required providing full sprinkler coverage of any designated area. Spacing of irrigation heads, location of valves backflow devices and proposed P.O.C. shall be as indicated on the drawings. Never install valves in concrete areas or backflow preventers in lawn areas. Any deviation from the plans must have the approval of the Owner's Representative, City Inspector or the Landscape Architect. C. REVIEW OF DRAWINGS: It is the Contractors responsibility to review irrigation drawings and note any areas he believes additional heads or valves are required prior to submitting a bid. If no changes are submitted, the Contractor is responsible for full coverage of the irrigation system and providing additional equipment at the Contractor's expense. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. MATERIALS LIST: Furnish complete list of materials to be used on project per section 01300. !I. RECORD DRAWINGS REQUIRED (AS-BUil TS) 1. The Contractor shall provide and keep up to date in accordance with section "Project Records" a complete set of record "as-built" blackline ozalid prints which shall be corrected daily and show every change from the original drawings and specifications and the exact ·as- built" locations, sizes and types of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Owner. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only as a record set. These drawings shall also serve as war!< in progress sheets and the Contractor shall make neat and legible notations therein daily, as work proceeds, showing the work as actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all times for insrection and shall be kept in a location designated by the Landscape Architect. 2. The Contractor shall dimension from two (2) pennnanent ~oints of reference, building corners, sidewalk or road intersections, etc. the location of the following items: A. Gate valves B. The routing of the sprinkler system main lines. C. Corrections to the existing water lines. D. The routing of the control wires. E. Sprinkler control valves. F. Quick coupler valves. G B~ckflo;.-,' dev!:::e 1 05 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Protect work and materials under this section from damage during construction and storage. Protect Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and fittings from direct sunlight. B. Repair all damage to existing construction damaged as a result of the work of this section. C. Handle plastic pipe and fittiogs carefully and store under cover to avoid damage. Store materials on full-length beds to avoid damage. Any pipe that has been camaged or dented shall not be used in the work. 1.06 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS A. El. Contractor shall acquaint himself wtth all stte conditicns. Should utilities not shown on the plans be found during excavations, contractor shall promptly notify architect for instructions as to further action. Failure to do so will make contractor liable for any and all damage thereto arising from his operations, subsequent to discovery of scch utilities not shown on ptans. (Any utilities, A.G. paving. concrete work., etc., destroyed or damaged by any work under this contract 5hall be repaired or replaced at the contracto~ expense), SITE PROBLEMS: The irrigation Contractor shall not willfully install the sprinkler system as indicatec on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that there are unknown obstructions, grade difference_s, and/or discrepancies in the area dimensions until such conditions c:1re brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect. C. SCHEDULE OF WORK: Schedule and coordinate the electrical and water connections, and the placement of material and equipment in a manner that will effect the earliest completion of the woric in conformance with their construction progress schedule. 1.07 GUARANTEE A. SCOPE: The entire irrigation system shall be guaranteed by the Contractor as to material and workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade for a period of one (1) year iollowing the date of final acceptance of the work. If witnin one year from the date of completion, settling occurs and adjustments in pipes, valves, and sprinkler heads, sod or paving is necessary to bring system, sod or paving 10 the proper level of the permanent grades, the Contractor as a part of the work under this contrac1 shall make all adjustments without extra cost to the Owner, including the complete restoration of all damaged planting, paving or improvements of any kind. El. RESPONSIBILITY: Should any operational difficulties In connection with the irrigation system develop within the specified guarantee period which is in the opinion of the Landscape Architect due to inferior material and/or workmanship, said difficulties shall be immediately corrected by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect at no additional cost to the owner, including any and all other damage caused by such defects. C. INSTRUCTION: After the system has been completed and the connections made the Contractor shall instruct the Owner and his representative in the operation and maintenance of the system. D. TEMPORARY REPAIRS: The owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the irrigation system equipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility under the tenns of the guarantee as herein specified. PART 2.00-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. GENERAL: I!!. C. D. E. F. G. All materials used throughout the system shall be new and in pertect condition. PIPE: 1. Main lines, continuously under pressure, class 315 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). 2. Lateral lines, beyond valves, class 200 Polyvinyl Chloride. (PVC) 3. Risers to be SCH 80 PVC or as detailed. 4. Pipe exposed for vacuum breakers and control valves to be red brass or copper as per local code. 5. PVC solvent: Type recommended by manufacturer of pipe. Do not thin. 6. Fittings below ground: Schedule 40 PVC. 7. Fittings above ground: To be the same material as pipe used. SPRINKLER HEADS: Type, size and manufacture as noted or indicated on drawings. BACKFLOW PREVENTER: Type, size and manufacture as noted or Indicated on drawings. The backflow prevention device specified herein shall be verified with Local Plumbing and Health Codes. In the event of any conflict on the device or installation methods the Landscape Architect shall be notified PRIOR TO BID OPENING GATE VALVES: 150 pound bronze with union bonnet, non-rising stems and wedge disc. ANGLE CONTROL VALVES: Bronze with union ends, fitted for key operation, with metal sleeve. VALVE KEYS: Two (2) 30" keys, Buckner #31. H. REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: Type size and manufacture as noted or indicated on drawings. I. WIRE Solid copper direct burial# 14 • 600 volt. white wire for common, blue for lawn systems, black for shrub systems, red for irrometer :-:ommon control wires. PART 3.00-EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. LAYOUT: Layout work accurately for complete plant coverage. El. EXCAVATING AND TRENCHING: 1. The Contractor shall verify exact locations of all existing subsurtace utilities (mechanical and eteMncal) orior to excavation Any A.C. paving. concrete work, etc. destroyed or damaged by ar.•1 ..,-;erk under!his contract sha!! bE-rn;:::.::ire:,j ,r :-e~!2ce(1 at the C~r.trm::tcir's exp,="r.s~. 2. Trenches shall t,e made wide enough to allow a minimum of 4" betwe~n parallel pipe lines, with a minimum coverage of: A. 16" cover over main lines to remote control valves. B. 12" minimum cover over latefal lines to heads. C. 24" cover under paved pPrking areas or roads. C. PIPE LINE ASSEMEIL Y: D. E F. G. H. 1. Install remote control valves as shown on drawings and cluster where practical. Place no closer that 12" and parallel to walk edges. buildings, •nd walls. Install all valves in valve boxes with tops set to grade. 2. PVC Connections: A. Cut all pipes to size required, square cut and clean. B. Clean all dirt, dust, and plastic trimmings. C. Install ample supply uf sotvant to both male and female connections. D. Insert male connection into female connection and hold in position for fifteen (15) seconds minimum. Do not twist pi~. E. Remove excess solvent. F. Allow pipe to set for 24 hours prior to applying water pressure. 3. Pipe may be assembled and welded on the suriace. Snake pipe from side to side of trench bottom to allow for expansion and contrad.ion. 4. Make ell connections between plastic pipe and metal valves or pipe with threaded fittings using plastic male adapters. Apply non-hardening pipe dope to male threads. Tighten with light wrench pressure. SPRINKLER HEADS: 1. Place all full circle sprinkler heads in lawn areas on risers of SCH 80 pipe with top of heads and flush with finish grade. Place part circle sprinkler heads 2" from edge and flush with top of adjacent walks, mowing aprons, o;-paved areas at time of installation. 2. Place shrub heads 6" from pedestrian and automobile traffic. Shrub heads shall be six inches above finished grade. 3. Install all sprinkler heads with swing joints as per details. CLOSING OF PIPE AND FLUSHING LINES. OPEN TRENCH: 1. Cap or plug all openings as soon as lines have been installed to prevent the entrance of roreign matter. 2. Thoroughly flush out all water lines before installing heads, valves end other hydrants. 3. Test line under pressure and repair all leakage, 4. Complete assembly and adjust sprinkler heads for proper distribution and to prevent overspray onto walks and buildings as much as possible. This shall include selecting the best arc and/or pressure compensating device to fit the existing site situations. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER: 1. Install controller as indicated on drawings. 2. Connect remove control valves to controller in a clockwise sequence to correspond with station setting beginning with stations 1,2,3, etc. where two or more valves have the same number, wire them together at controller. Do not group lawn and shrub heads on one station. CONTROLLER CHART: Prepare a diagram showing location of all valves. Lateral lines and route of the control wires. Identify all valves as to size, station, number and type of planting irrigated, I.E., lawn, shrubs or ground cover. Submit diagram on record drawings. AUTOMATIC CONTROL WIRING: 1. Install control wires, sprinkler mains and laterals in common trenches wherever possible. 2. Install control wire at least 24" below finish grade and lay to the side of main line where possible. Wires shell be a minimum of 1" from any pipe or fitting except at terminal points. Provide looped slack at valves and snake wires in trench to allow for contraction of wires. Tie wires in bundles at 10-foot intervals with plastic electrical tape. 3. Control wire splices will be allowed only on runs more than 500 feet. Crimp wires together with Sta-Kon #PT-70 connector. Seal connection with Scotchtok #3576 sealing pack or approved equal. I. VALVE BOXES: Install hose bibbs, and all control devices in valve boxes with rim set flush to finish grade. J. BACKFILL AND COMPACTING: 1 · Alter system is, operating and required tests and inspections have been made backfill ~:c:~:1~~sb:nc~::n~hes wit~ clean s~il: NOTE: C_ontractor shall not allow or cause any of 0 R re or enc osed until It has been inspected tested and approved by an wners epresentalive, City Inspector or Landscape Architect 2. Backfill for all trenches: · T.renches shall be backfilled with a minimum of 4" of fine, granular materials to protect the pipe the clods or ro.cks, the remaining excavated dirt can be used as backfill. The contractor shall not place detrimental subsoil in the lop 6" of backfill. Compact to 90'¾ d ·1 3. If ~ettlement occurs and adjustments in pipe, valves, sprinkler heads or so~ a~~s~!~ssa to bnng the system to proper working order, the Contractor shall as a part of the work unde7 this contract make all necessary adjustments at no extra cost to the Owner 4. Compact trenches in areas to be planted · "· ~INAL ADJUSTMENT: 1 · Adjust se':"ice cocks so sprinklers do not over-spray on pavement or building under normal wtnd cond1t1ons and maximum operating pressure. 2. Adjust sprinklers, with service cock wide open, starting with head fu~hest from control device. AdJust all heads to provide equal spray. 3. Rleadt justthall heads with service cock in nonnnal position and provide adequate coverage of all Pans w1 no over-spray 3 02 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide owner with all loose keys, head wrench and control key. B. F"rnish two (2) extra sprinkler heads of each type used on the work to owner upon completion. 3.03 CLEANING ~:: t~II installation operations have been completed, remove all trash, excess soil and rubbish e property. ~II scars ruts or other marks in the area caused by this work shall be repaired and :te ground le.It'" a neat and orderly condition throughout th€ site. The contractor shall pick up a trash resultm~ from this work no less than each Friday before leaving the site once a week andior th e last working day each week. All trash shall be removed completely from.the site. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 11262 Warmington St. Rivers;de, CA 92503 1909) 353-2436 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" RC( ___ EXP, ___ _ DATE RE'v1EWED BY: INSPECTDR DATE t----r---+-----------l--+---+--t---.l I S1H2EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E3ETS I ~:::::==:='...:::==P::::L:::::A::::N::::N:::::J:::::NG==:::D:::::E::::P:::::A:::::R:::::TM::::E::::N:::T====~:::::::::::::::~ LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL LANO. ARCH. REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CARLo6AO OAK$ 6UolN!:oo PARK PARCEL I, PM. !S6~2 APPROVED L1//ljtJ /'J. 'I/ --~7~ QJ'~--____J~-1.,.f.7 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAIIING NO. ~~~ ~~~ --PIP 96-03 355-4L C.M.W.D. 97-254 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS CMWD reclaimed water irrigation speciflcations take precedence over these specifications. A. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Shall consist of specifications, Hs general conditions, and the drawings. The intent of these documents is to include all labor, materials, and services for the proper execution of the work. The documents are to be considered as one and whatever is called tor by any part shall be as binding as if called for by all parts. B. VERIFICATION: The contractor shall verify all measurements on the drawing before beginning work. In case of error or discrepancy in the drawings or specifications or in work of others affecting his work, he shall notify the Owner's Representative immediately. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage or loss due to his failure to observe these instructions. C. MATERIALS, MACHINERY, EMPLOYEES Except as otherwse noted the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, and other items necessary and incidental to completion of his work. E. SURVEYS, PERMITS, REGULATIONS The Owner shall fumish an adequate survey of the property. The Contractor shall obtain and pay all permits and comply with all laws and ordinances bearing on the operation or conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that a variance exists therewith he shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. F. PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSON: The Contractor shall adequately protect the work, adjacent property, and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage or injury due to his act. G. CHANGES IN THE WORK: The Owner may order changes in the work, and any changes must be approved by the city inspector. The contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All such orders and adjustments plus claims by the contractor for extras must be made in writing before executing the work involved, H. CORRECTION OF WORK: I. The Contractor shall re-execute any work that falls to conform to the requirements of the contract and shall remedy defects due to faulty materials, or workmanship upon written notice from the project manager for a period of ninety days (90) from the date of completion of the contract. The Irrigation system shall carry a one-year guarantee. The above paragraph applies to the work of subcontractors as well as employees of the Contractor. LANDSCAPE COORDINATORS STATUS: The Landscape Coordinator acts as the authorized representative of the Owner, in conjunction with the project manager, end has the authority to accept or reject materials or workmanship and to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost. He will also interpret the meaning of the contract documents and may stop work if necessary to insure its proper execution. J. CLARIFICATION OF DRAWINGS BEFORE BIDDING: After reviewing the drawings thoroughly, It is the Contracto~s responsibility to clartfy with Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative any questions the Contractor may have regarding the method of construction, quantities, or quality of materials indicated or called out. If the contractor cannot contact the Landscape ArchHect or owner's Representative, the Contractor must qualify his bid or accept the interpretation of the Landscape Architect or the owner's Representative on the questionable areas as they develop during construction. K. SAMPLES: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyze samples of matertals for conformity to the specifications at any time. The Contractor shall furnish samples upon request by the Landscape Architect. Rejected material shall be immediately removed from the site and replaced at the Contractors expense. The cost of testing materials not meeting the specifications shall be paid by the Contractor. L, PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: Schedule a pre-construction meeting with the Landscape Architect at least seven days (7) before beginning work. The purpose of this conference is to review any questions the Contractor may have regarding the work administrative procedures during construction and project work schedule. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A. WORK INCLUDED: Furnish all labor, matertals, equipment, appliances and necessary Incidentals for the complete Installation of all landscape irrigation systems as shown on the drawings and as herein specified. When completed the irrigation system shall be a 100% coverage system in a total functioning manner. B. Related Work Described Elsewhere: 1. Landscaping es specified in section 02800. C. Permits and Fees: The Contractor shall apply and pay for all necessary permits and fees required in the pur!lult of his work as required by the governing codes. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. CODES, RULES AND SAFETY ORDERS: Conform to the latest rules and regulations of Cal-Osha, the uniform plumbing code, and other applicable laws or regulations. B. DRAWINGS: The drawings are diagrammatic in concept and ere not drawn to accurate scale. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions. It shall be the responsibility of this Contractor to adjust lateral lines as required providing full sprinkler coverage of any designated area. Spacing of irrigation heads, location of valves backflow devices and proposed P.O.C. shall be as Indicated on the drawings. Never install valves in concrete areas or backflow preventers In lawn areas. Any deviation from the plans must have the approval of the Owner's Representative, City Inspector or the Landscape Architect. C. REVIEW OF DRAWINGS: It ts the Contractors responsibimy to review Irrigation drawings and note any areas he believes additional heads or valves are required prior to submitting a bid. If no changes are submitted, the Contractor is responsible for full coverage of the irrigation system and providing additional equipment at the Contractors expense. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. MATERIALS UST: Furnish complete list of materials to be used on project per section 01300. B. RECORD DRAWINGS REQUIRED (AS-BUILTS) 1. The Contractor shall provide and keep up to date in accordance with section "Project Records" a complete set of record "as-built" blackline ozalid prints which shall be corrected daily and show every change from the original drawings and specifications and the exact ·as- built" locations, sizes and types of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Owner. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only as a record set. These drawings shall also serve as work in progress sheets and the Contractor shall make neat and legible notations therein daily, as work proceeds, showing the work as actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all limes for inspection and shall be kept in a location designated by the Landscape Architect. 2. The Contractor shall dimension from two (2) permanent points of reference, building corners, sidewalk or road intersections, etc. the location of the following items: A. Gate valves B. The routing of the sprinkler system main lines. C. Corrections to the existing weter lines. D. The routing of the control wires. E. Sprinkler control valves. F. Quick coupler valves. G. Backflow device 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING A, Protect work and materials under this section from damage during construction and storage. Protect Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and fittings from direct sunlight. B. Repair all damage to existing construction damaged as a result of the work of this section. C. Handle plastic pipe and fittings carefully and store under cover to avoid damage. Store materials on full-length beds to avoid damage. Any pipe that has been damaged or dented shall not be used in the work. 1 06 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS A. Contractor shall acquaint himself with all site conditions. Should utllltles not shown on the plans be found during excavations, contractor shell promptly notify architect for instructions as to further action. Failure to do so will make contractor liable for any and all damage thereto arising from his operations, subsequent to discovery of such utilities not shown on plans. (Any utilities, A.C. paving, concrete work, etc., destroyed or damaged by any work under this contract shall be repaired or replaced at the contractors expense). l!I. SITE PROBLEMS: The irrigation Contractor shell not willfully install the sprinkler •ystem as Indicated on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that there are unknown obstructions, grade difference~. end/or discrepancies in the area dimensions until such conditions are brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect. C. SCHEDULE OF WORK: Schedule and coordinate the electrical and water connection•. and the placement of material and equipment In a manner that will effect the earliest completion of the work in conformance with their construction progress schedule. 1.07 GUARANTEE A. SCOPE: The entire Irrigation system shall be guaranteed by the Contractor as to material and workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade for a period of one (1) year following the date of final acceptance of the work. If within one year from the date of completion, settling occurs and adjustments in pipes, valves, and sprinkler heads, sod or paving is necessary to bring system, sod or paving to the proper level of the permanent grades, the Conlractor as a part of the work under this contract shall make all adjustments without extra cost to the Owner, including the complete restoration of all damaged planting, paving or improvements of any kind. B. RESPONSIBILITY: Should any operational difficulties In connection with the irrigation system develop within the specified guarantee period which is in the opinion of the Landscape Architect due to i11ferior material and/or workmanship, said difficulties shall be immediately corrected by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect at no additional cost to the Owner, including any and all other damage caused by such defects. C. INSTRUCTION: Aller the system has been completed and the connections made the Contractor shall instruct the Owner and his representative in the operation and maintenance of the system. D. TEMPORARY REPAIRS: The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the irrigation system equipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility under the terms of the guarantee as t,erein specified. PART 2 00-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. GENERAL: All materials used throughout the system shall be new and in pertect condition. B. PIPE: 1. Main lines, continuously under pressure, class 315 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). 2. Lateral lines, beyond valves. class 200 Polyvinyl Chloride. (PVC) 3. Risers to be SCH 80 PVC or as detailed, 4. Pipe exposed for vacuum breakers and control valves to be red brass or copper as per local code. 5. PVC solvent: Type recommended by manufacturer of pipe. Do not thin. 6. Fillings below ground: Schedule 40 PVC. 7. Fittings above ground: To be the same material as pipe used. C. SPRINKLER HEADS: Type, size and manufacture as noted or indicated on drawings. D. BACKFLOW PREVENTER: E. F G. Type, size and manufacture as noted or indicated on drawings. The beckflow prevention device specified herein shall be verified with Local Plumbing and Health Codes. In the event of any conflict on the device or installation methods the Landscape Architect shall be notified PRIOR TO BID OPENING GATE VALVES: 1.50 pound bronze with union bonnet, non-rising stems and wedge disc. ANGLE CONTROL VALVES: Bronze with union ends, fitted for key operation, with metal sleeve. VALVE KEYS: Two (2) 30" keys, Buckner #31 . H. REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: Type size and manufacture as noted or indicated on drawings. I. WIRE: Solid copper direct burial# 14 • 600 voH -white wire for common, blue for lawn systems, black for shrub systems, red tor irrome1er common control wires. PART 3 00-EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. LAYOUT: Layout work accurately for complete plant coverage. B. EXCAVATING AND TRENCHING: C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. The Contractor shell verify exact locations of all existing subsurface utilities (mechanical end electncel) prior to excavation. Any AC. paving, concrete work, etc. destroyed or damaged by any work under this contract shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. 2. Trenches shall be made wide enough to allow a minimum of 4" between parallel pipe lines, with a minimum coverage of: A. 18"' cover over main lines to remote control valves. B. 12'' minimum cover over lateral lines to heeds. c. 24" cover under paved parking areas or roads. PIPE LINE ASSEMBLY: 1. Install remote control valves as shown on drawings end cluster where practical. Place no closer that 12" and parallel to walk edges, buildings, and walls. Install all valves in valve boxes with tops set to grade. 2. PVC Connections: A. Cut all pipes to size required, square cut and clean. B. Clean all dirt, dust, and plastic trimmings. c. Install ample supply of solvent to both male and female connections. D. Insert male connection into female connection and hold in position for fifteen (15) seconds minimum. Do not twist pipe. E. Remove excess solvent. F. Allow pipe to set for 24 hours prior to applying water pressure. 3. Pipe may be assembled and welded on the surface. Snake pipe from side to side of trench bottom to allow for expansion and contraction 4. Make ell connections between plastic pipe and metal valves or pipe with threaded fittings usln\J plastic male adapters. Apply non-hardening pipe dope to male threads. Tighten with light wrench pressure. SPRINKLER HEADS: 1 , Place all full circle sprinkler heads In lawn areas on risers of SCH 80 pipe with top of heads and flush with finish grade. Place part circle sprinkler heads 2" from edge and flush with top of adjacent walks, mowing aprons, or paved areas at time of Installation. 2. Place shrub heads 6" from pedestrian and automobile traffic. Shrub heeds shell be six inches above finished grade. 3. Inst11II all sprinkler heeds with swing Joints es per details. CLOSING OF PIPE AND FLUSHING LINES -OPEN TRENCH: 1. Cap or plug all openings es soon as lines have been installed to prevent the entrance of foreign matter. 2. Thoroughly flush out all water lines before installing heads, valves and other hydrants. 3. Test line under pressure and repair all leakage. 4. Complete assembly and adjust sprinkler heads for proper distribution and to prevent overspray onto walks and buildings es much as possible. This shall include selecting the best arc and/or pressure compensating device to fit the existing site situations. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER: 1. Install controller as indicated on drawings. 2. Connect remove control valves to controller In a ctockwlse sequence to correspond with station setting beginning with stations 1,2,3, etc. where two or more valves have the same number, wire them together at controller. Do not group lawn end shrub heads on one station. CONTROLLER CHART: Prepare a diagram showing location of all valves. Lateral lines and route of the control wires. Identify all valves as to size, station, number and type of planting irrigated, I.E., lawn, shrubs or ground cover. Submit diagram on record drawings. AUTOMATIC CONTROL WIRING: 1. Install control wires, sprinl<ler mains and l•terals In common trenches wherever possible. 2. Install control wire •t least 24" below finish grade and lay to the side of main line where possible. Wires shall be a minimum of 1" from any pipe or fitting except at terminal points. Provide looped slack at valves and snake wires In trench to allow for contraction of wires. Tie wires in bundles at 10-foot intervals with plastic electrical tape. 3. Conlrol wire splices will be allowed only on runs more than 500 feet. Crimp wires together with Sta-Kon #PT-70 connector. Seal connection with Scotchlok #3576 sealing pack or app:"Oved equal. I. J. K. VALVE BOXES; Install hose bibbs, and all control devices In valve boxes with rim set flush to finish grade. BACKFILL AND COMPACTING: 1. After sy~tem Is, operating and required tests and inspections have been made backfill e~cevat1ons and trenches with clean soil. NOTE: Contractor shall not allow or cause an of ~ work to be covered or enclosed until It has been inspected tested and approved by .; ners Representative, City Inspector or Landscape Architect 2. Backfill for all trenches: · Trenches shell be backfilled with a minimum of 4" of fine, granular materials to protect the pipe the clods or rocks, the remaining excavated dirt can be used as backfill. The contractor shall not place detrimental subsoil in the lop 6" of backfill. Compact to 90% density. 3. If settlement occurs and adJustments in pipe, valves, sprinkler heads or sod ere necessary to bring the system to proper working order, the Contractor shall as a pert of the work under this contract make all necessary adjustments at no extra cost to the Owner 4. Compact trenches in areas to be planted · FINAL ADJUSTMENT: 1. Adjust service cocks so sprtnklers do not over-spray on pavement or building under normal wind conditions and maximum operating pressure. 2. Adjust sprinklers, with service cock wide open, starting with head furthest from control device. AdJust all heads to provide equal spray, 3. Readjust all heads with service cock in normal position and provide adequate coverage of all plants with no over-spray. 3 02 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide owner with all loose keys, head wrench end control key. B. Furnish two (2) extra sprinkler heads of each type used on the work to owner upon completion. 3.03 CLEANING After all Installation operations have been completed, remove all trash, excess soil and rubbish from the property. All scars ruts or other marks In the area caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground left m a neat and orderly condition throughout the site. The contractor shall lck up all trash resultln~ from this work no less than each Friday before leaving the site, once 8 ~eek and/or the last working day each week. All trash shall be removed completely from the site. SPECIFICATIONS WILSON ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture 11262 Warmlnglon St. Riverside, CA 92503 19091 353-2436 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" RCE ___ EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1---1---+-----------+--+--1~--+-.....j I S1HE3ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E3ETS I ~:::;:=::'....===:::PL::A::N:::N:::I=:NG::::D::::E:::P::::A::::R:::::TM::E::N:::::T:::::::==:'....:::::::=:::::'. LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR: CAR~&6AD OAK& 6U&INE&& F'ARK FARCE~ I, F'.M. 1&~~2 - APPROVED -~ •• C f((L ,, ,,, ASSISTANT Pb'INNINC:ID1l'lECTOR / DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DAT£ INITIAL LAND. ARCH, REVISION DESCRIPTION DAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL D™ER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHKD BY: __ _ RVl'ID BY: PIP 96-03 355-4L CMWD JOB. NO. 97-254