HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 356-7L; CT 96-01; CARLSBAD RANCH HOTEL; 01-15L 2. 4. 6, GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES ALL WORK Sl-lALL Be DON!: N ACCOl20ANCe WfTl..4 Tl-I!' CA121..SBAD Ml.NCPAL WATl!!I:! DISTRICrs "CARLSBAD RECLAIMA TI0N l<ULES e ReGU.A TIONIS FOR CONSTl<UCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MANS" DA TED OCTOBB/ 1993. OONKNG FOUNTAINS SI-IALL BE PROTECTED l"'R0M SF'RA Y OF REO..AIMED WA Tell. et!:!ST MANAGEMENT F'RACTICES SI-IALL BE USED TO MNIMZE RECLAltva> WATER ENCR0AC~ ON PLELIC FACUTIES SUCI-I AS PICNIC TABLES, BBQ'S, PLAYGl<0LNDS. SAND TOT LOTS, ETC. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SI-IALL l!3E USED TO ELIMNATE OR CONTROL. TO THE BEST EXTENT P0SSl3LE POI\OING, RLN-OFI"', 0VERSF'RA Y AND MSTING. I-IOSE BBS ARE STRICTLY PROI-EITED. ON-SITE CROSS~TIONS ~ Rl'!!CLAl'JeD WATER ~5 AND POTAl!!U!: WAT1'!!12 LNES IS STRICTLY PROI-BTED. NO SU9STITUTION OF F'IPE MA TEf<IALS WU BE ALL0WE:D W1TI-OJT F'RIOR APPROVAL OF TI-E: CITY OF CARLSBAD MJ\ICPAL WATER DISTRICT. 7. ALL ON S1TE PIPES SI-IALL I-IAVE: WARNING TAPE: Pl5:! CARLSBAD M..NICPAL WATI!R DISTRICT RULES AND ReGU.A TIONS. S.• THE RRIGA TION SYSTEM SI-IALL ~ BETWEEN TI-E: ~ou.1S OF IOOO F'M AND 600 AM Tl-e FOLLOWING MORNING <SPOT RRIGA TION COUD BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TME WITI-< OUALFIED SUPERVISION PERSONNEL ON SITE>. 9. PROVOE A MNl'vl..M OF AT LE:AST IS INCl-eS OP: COV!'!R 011!52 ALL WQNG AND PIPING. JO. NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SI-IALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONT ACT Wm-I RECLAIMED WATER, WHETHER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPLICATION ~ IRRIGATION OR OTHER USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, ~ BY DESIGN, CONSTl<LICTI0N PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPEl2A TION, IS STl<ICTL Y PR™BITED. l !<RIGA TION ~S S~ALL Be RELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO PREVE:NT 0VE:R-SPRAYI\IG ON SIDEWALKS, $ I REE IS AND NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS. r.z. RECLAIMED WATl!!I:! QUCK COL.F'I..NG VALVES S~ALL BE OF" A TYPE DESIGNED FOR TI-E: LISE ON RECLAMED WATER DISTRElUTION SYSTEMS (SPIKES NOT INTE<Q..IANGEABLE WITH POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKESJ PER CAl<LSBAD M..NCIPAL WATER DISTRICr5 RULES AND l<EGLLATIONS. 13. METERS SI-IALL BE SIZED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Ml.NICPAL WA Tl!!I:! DISTRICT. 14. ALL ll<l<IGATION PIPES Sl-lALL l!IE STE:NCILED WITH THE WARNNG, 'NON-POTABLE OR RECLAIMED WATER", COLOR-CODED <PURPLEJ AND LAID WIT~ WARNNG TAPE AND STENCLING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF TI-E ~ PER THE CARLSBAD IIILNCIPAL WATER DISTRICrS RIJLES AND REGULATIONS. ~. ALL P0TABI.E WATER AND l<ECL.AIMED WATER PIPING S~ALL EE NSTALU!!D WITH Tl-I!' STENCLING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF TI-E TRENO-l 16. Wl-l':N POTABLE WATER LI\!!: AND RE:CLA!Mf!O WATER LIN!!: CROSS, THE Rl'!!CL.Alfl..eD LN!! SI-IALL BE INST AL.LED WITJ.-IN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. THE SLEEVE S~ALL EXTEND 10 l"'EET FROM EA~ SIDE, FROM THE CENTER Lf'E OF POTABLE LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEET. 17. A IO FOOT I-IORIZ0NTAL sel"'El:IATI0N BETWEEN POTABL.I!: WATER AND~ WATER MAINS M.JST BE MANT AINED AT ALL TIMES. THE POT ABLE Ll'ES MUST BE INST AL.LED ABOVE: THE REa..AIMED LN:!. IS. A MNIMJM OF 12 INCi-ES OF V!:l<TICAL SEPERA TION BETWEEN UTILIT!::5 MUST BE MAINT ANED AT ALL TIMES. 19.• DEVELOPER / CONTRACTOR S~ CONDUCT A CROS~TION TEST AND C0V5!AGI!: TEST AS DIRECTED BY TI-E CARLSBAD MLNCPAL WATER DISTRICT ENGNEER OR T1-E SAN DIEGO COLNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONM::NT AL I-EAL™ PRIOR TO ANY USE OF RECLAM'!D WATER. 20. OUCK COUPLNG VALVES USED IN i<ECLAIMl!!D WATER SYSTl!!MS ~ALL CONFOl<M TO T1-E FOLLOWING, 2L 22.• 23.• 24. 2!5. A. RECLAIMl!!!D WATER -QUICK COLPI..NG VALVE:S LJSeD N i<eCLAIMl!!D WA-re.! SYSTEMS Sl-lALL HAVE ACME TYPE THREADS AND PlRPl.E COLORED L0CKNG COVERS PERMANENTLY ATTACI-ED TO THE VALVE. QUICK COLPLNG VALVES ~ALL BE NELSON NO. 7645, ~TER NO. ~VIOOA-l<L-NP OR APPROVED EQUAL CSPKES SI-IALL NOT BE NTER~ANGEABLE WI™ POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPl<ES) TH!: REQUIRED CROSS-coNNECTION INSPECTION S~ALL BE DON!: BY elTl-eR THE CARLSBAD MLNICIPAL WATl!!I:! DISTRICT AND/OR THE SAN DEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH. COPES OF INSPECTION REPORTS Wll BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTNG PARTY. DEVELOPER S~ALL SI-IOW TI-E LOCATION OF R.C. SIGNS "DO NOT DRINK' ON Tl-ESE PLANS. AN ON-SITE USER / Sl..lPERVISOR ~LL BE DeSIGNA TED N WRITNG, THIS N)IVJDUAL SI-IALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITHN THE PROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW / CROSS CONNECTION PROTECTION, AND TI-E SPECF9C REOUl<EMENTS OF A RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE DESIGNATION. WITH CONTACT PHOI\E I\I.JME3ERS S~ BE PROVIDED TO T1-E SAN DIEGO COU\ITY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL™ AND CAl<LSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTl<ICT, IN CASE OF ~y CONTACT MAINTENANCE Si..R3<VISIOR OR AFTER ~OURS CONT ACT MAINTENANCE Sl.JPEl<VISIOR TIM STRIPE TIM srRPE • (619) 431-8500 • (6l9) 431-8500 SI-IOW ALL PLBLIC AND PRIVATI!: POTASL!: WATER MAINS ON IMPR0Vl!!Ml!NT PLANS. • ITEMS 8, 19 f; 23 SI-IALL BE REOLIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF~ WATER. • ITEM 22 THE SIGNAGE SI-IALL BE A PART OF THIS I.P. BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS AND TAGS WILL BE NST ALLED JUST PRIOR TO ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER. ON RECLAIMl'!D WATe.! SYSTl!:MS, ALL APPL.RTENANCES cs~ ~s. VALVE l!OXl!S, ETC.) SI-IALL BE COLOR-CODED P\.RPLE PER AWWA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 4049.54 OF THE CALIFOl<NA HEAL T~ AND SAFETY CODE. RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) S1-lEETINDEX GRAND PACIFIC RESORT □ SI-EETTITLIE SI-EETNL.MElER RECLAIMED WA Tl!!I:! / T1T1LE SI-EET I SIGNAGE NOTES CARLSBAD RANCH LOT Carlsbad, Tl-I!! FOLLOWING GJLID!!..N!S FOR Tl-I!! USE OF Rl'!!CLAIMl!!!D WAT!!l:2 ARI! TO E!II!! F'e!C!MAN!'!NTLY POSTED INSOE TI-E DOOR OF EAC~ CONTROLLER WI-ERE THEY ARE EASLY VISBLE. PLACE ON em.• X II" SIZED SIGN. COLOR• Pl.lRPLE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LE I I ERING. L GUIDe!LI\ES l"OR i<ECLAIMED WATER USE L IRRIGATE BETWE'E!N TI-E ~ OF IOOO PM AND 600 AM ONLY. WA~ OUTSOE TI-E TIME FRAME MUST BE DON!: MANUALLY WITH QUALl~D SLPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM ~ALL AT ANY TIME BE LIEFT UNATTENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE TI-E NORMAL ~DLLE. 2. ~IGA TE IN A MA"""5:! THAT WILL MINIMILI! i<L.N-Ol"I", F'OOIJNG, AND PONDNG. Tl--1! APPLICATION RATE SI-IALL NOT EXCB=D THE INFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOL ·TIMl'!RS IVLJST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COM='ATIBLE W1TH TI-E LOWEST SOL I\Fl..TRATION RATE PRESENT. ~ PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCI-EDU.NG OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (I.E. Etvf"L0YI\IG TI-E REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP TI-E TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME NT0 CYCLES TI-IAT WILL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOL ABSORPTION. 3. ADJUST SPRAY I-EADS TO ELJMINATE 0V!:l<SPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT LNDeR TI-E CONTl<OL OF T1-E a.JSTOMEI<. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, F'RIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND $ I REE Is· AND S0EWAL.KS. 4. MONT0I< AND MAINT AN THE SYSTEM TO MI\IMIZE l!OUIF'ME:NT AND MA TmAL FALLl<E. BROKEN SPl2INKLER I-EADS, LEAKS, L.NRELIABlE VALVES, ETC. S,-0\JLD BE REPAl<EO AS SOON AS TI-EY BECOME APPARENT. !5. !!DUCATE ALL MAMENANCE PERSOl\.f\.el... ON A CONTINOUS BASIS OF TI-E ~ OF RECLAIMED WATER. PERS0NNB. MJST BE N"'ORMED THAT RECLAIMED WATER IS MEANT FOR !<RIGA TION PURPOSES ONLY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR D~ FU<P0SES. 1-iAND WASHING, CLEANING OF TOOLS, ETC. GIVEN TI-E ~ Tl..RNOVE~ RA TE OF EMPLOYEES N THE LANDSCAPE INDUSTRY, IT IS IMPORT ANT ~S l'IFORMATION BE DISSEMNATED ON AN ALMOST DALY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Wl-0 IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUCATING EACH AND E:Ve!RY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. 6, OBT AN PRIOR APPROVAL 01"' ALL F'ROF'OSED ~ANGES AND MODll"ICA TIONS TO ANY F'RIVATE ON-SITE FACILITES. 5~ C~ANGES MUST BE Sl.BMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE Wm-I DISTl<ICT STANDARDS. 7. ALL RECI.AIMl!!D WATE!R SF'RINKL~ CONTROL VALVES SI--IALL BE TA~D WITH IDENTFICA TION TAGS. A. TAGS Sl-lALL BE W!!A~OI'" F'LASTIC 3" X 4" F'l.RF'L!! IN C0LOQ WITH 11-E WORDS 'WAl<I\I\IG REa..AIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND 'AVISO -AGUA IMPIRA-NO TOMAR" ON THE OTHER SIDE:. IM='RMING SI-IALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK N COLOR, USE TAG AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CI-RISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL B. ONE TAGS~ BE ATTACl-l!!D TO EA~ VALVE AS FOLLOWS. L A TT A~ TO VAL VE STEM DIRECTLY OR WI™ PLASTIC TIE-WRAP 01< 2. ATTA~ TO SOLENOID WIRE DRECTLY OR WI™ PLASTIC TE-WRAP Oil 3. ATTA~ TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTNG VALVE COVER BOLT. S. ALL SPl<l"J(LER 1-1!:ADS ~ALL EE IDENTl"IED AS RECLAIMED WATER SPRN<L~ HEADS IL E:A~ AUTOMATIC CONTl20LL!!R AND ITS ASSOCIA TEO ECU'"-'!!NT ~ALL BE Dl!!NTF'll!!D W1TH A SIGN BEARING TI-E WORDS "RECLAIMED WATER USED FOR l<RIGATION" N ENGL.ISi-i AND SPANISH WITH Bl.ACK LETTERS r e-lGI-I ON A PURPLE BACKGl<OI.W. TI-E SIGN SI-IALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPEl2ATIONS PERSONNEL I.JTLIZI\G THE EQLIF'MB\IT. oea.ARATION OF i<l!!SF'ONSl!!LI! Cl-IA~• I .-EREB, DECLARE THAT I AM LANDSCAPE ARCI-ITIECT OF WOl<K FOR Tl-IS PRO.ECT, THAT I l!XCERCISED RESPONSB..E CI-IARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF ~S PRO.ECT AS DEFINED N SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSNESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT Wm-I CURRENT STANDARDS. I LJNDeRSTAND TI-IAT TI-E Cl-eCK OF PROJECT DRAWNGS AND SPECl"ICATIONS BY TI-E CITY OP" CARLSBAD AND TI-E SAN DEG0 C0LNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVRONIAENTAL HEAL™ 15 CONFINED TO A 'i<eVEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE ARCI-IITIECT OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSBI.JTES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. !"RM NAME AND ADDRESS, Ta~ Nl.M!l!!RSt ~TRA 110N l\l.JMSERS, ~ATION DATES• DEVELOPER NAME AND ADDRESS• TELEPI-IC>Ne NUMBER• RIDGE LANDSCAPE ~TECTS 34072 VIOLET LANTERN, SUITE C DANA PONT, CA 92629 <714> 248-9211 / <714) 245-9215 l"AX 2809 MAY 31, 1997 GRAND PACIF'IC RE:SORTS, INC. 5050 AVENIDA ENCNAS, SUITE 200 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (619) 431-8~0 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT .a&/'/«·• ~ ~ ... -<_ ' WILLIAM E. PLUMMER, DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPART OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 14, TRACT NO. CT California 96-01 !<RIGA TION PLAN ll<RIGATION DIETAILS e l.EGEN) PLANTING PLAN PLANTING DIET AILS !<RIGA TION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECFICA T10NS 2-5 6 7-10 I r.z-13 14 PALM TREE AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SPEC'S l!5 INSPECTION PROCEDURES L CITY CONSTRUCTION NSPECTION SI-IALL NCW:JEo A. LOCATION OP" PIPE 1-J'.eS. B. Ti<!:N0-1 Dl:P1l-l5 C. RE:QU2ED SEPARATION ~i<IZONTALLY AND VERICALLY> D. PIPE IDENTFICA TION 1! il E. PONTs-oF-CONNECTION CPOC'Sl ;! i\l, ,J '\ -\' I SHEETS 5 & 10 F. LOCATION AND OENTFICATION OF 5Pl<N<LER I-EADS G. WAl<I\IIIG SIGNS AT TI-I':! SITl!: AND ON THE Tl2l.lCKS 1-lAlJLNG RECLAIMED WATER CF RECLAIMED WATER 15 USED FOR CONSTl<LICTI0Nl. AN APPR0V!:t) L.!! I I ER i<EGARDNG THE NSPECTION OF THE PROJECT ~ALL BE OBTANED FROM THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DIEPARTMENT OF ENVRONlvENTAL I-EAL.TH PRIOR TO FNAL INSPECTION APPROVAL 2. DISTRICT F'NAL INSPECTION Sl-lALL NCW:JEo A. C0VE:RAGI: TESTS, AFTER COMPLETION OF TI-E SF'RINKLER SYSTEM TO DETERMNE THE ADE:OUACY OF COVERAGE ON THE APPROVED USE AREA AND PROTECTION OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR RECE1VNG RECLAIMED WATER. B. WAl<I\IIIG SIGNS AND LABELS. C. QUCK COL.PUNG VALVES. D. ALL ASPECTS OF THE RRIGA T10N CONDITIONS Na..lJDING WNDBL0WN SPRAY, i<UNOFF AND PONDING. E. l<EOU<ED F'R0TIECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. F. i<EOU<ED PROTECTION OF WELLS, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC. G. CROSS-CONNECTION. 3. ANNUAL NSPl!CTION S~ALL INCLl.JD!!o A COMPLETE NSPECTION ~ SI-IOU.D COVER PARTS "A", '8" AND 'G" OF" THE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. i 1\ \ I t ~. MASTER ASSOCIATION IRRIGATION --+--.JI i MAINLNE LOCATE AND MAINT AN A 10' SEPARATION FROM PROPOSED i ON-SITE MAINLINE r+--P.O.C. 2" !<Ea.AIMED WATER FOR IRRIGATION CROSSOVERS OF RCW AND PW MAIN -RC MAN TO BE SLEEVED PER NOTE 16 THIS Sl-<EET , . ·~ \ , E 1 ~' \ & 8 I ) I \ I i I jl,f,.. •---CROSSOVERS OF RCW ! 11 /i AND PW MAIN -RC "":::::'=.:::::::::::2_. :Jlf I/ !1 1 1 MAIN TO BE SLEEVED -I Ji i !, PER NOTE 16 THIS SHEET LEGEND PROJECT MAP NOT TO SCALE @ TRACT NO. CT-96-O1 UNIT NO.3, LOT 14, MAP NO.13215 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION w F'ROPOSED POTABLE WATER SYSTEM -•-r:!Vil-•-F'ROPOSED l<ECLAlM3) WATER SYSTEM Pl20POSl!D !<RIGA TION SYSTEM MANLNE ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS AREA OP: l<ECLAlMED WATER USE - ... LOCA T10N OF CONNECTION F'ONT(Sl - METER AND BACKFL0W PREVENTION "DO NOT DRN<" SIGN LOCATIONS ... TYPICAL SIGNS ~---BLACK LOGO ,-----PlRPl.E BACKGROUND 36" IN.T.8.l ,---r BLACK LE I I ER::; WARNNG RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK RECLAIMED WATER A VIS0 -AGUA IMPl.RA NO TOMAR CSIZI!!) 12" X 36" r BLACK LETTERS .o«:I ABS F'LASl1C OR STICK-oN VNYL SIGNS ALSO .Ol6 Al..lM'J..M ~--T BLACK LE I I E:RS W~ ~ WA'l!!R DONOTDRN< AVOO -AGUA M'LRA NOTOMAll 18" X 18" SCZE! .Ol6 Al..l.MN.M .060 ABS F'LAST1C OR STICK-0N VNYL SIGNS. VICINITY MAP APPROVED .-e; trYu'-:; . ~ E iN£iilliiTPLANCHECKER '' AS BU IL T'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER. ASSIST ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. 6/16/97 FIRST CITY SUBMITTAL DATE R.C.E. -----R.C.E. ______ 1----+--<1-------------------+----< REVIEWED BY: NOT TO SCALE ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECLAIMED WATER / TITLE SHEET CARLSBAD RANCH HOTEL d: TIMESHARE RESORT GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD NCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-'l "'- APPROVED BY: 1C-L-'17 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK DATE BY: JAMES J. RIDGE NAME: RIDGE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS L.A.: REG. NO. 2809 EXP.: MAY 31, 1997 TEL 714 248-9211 FAX 714 2411 9211 DATE BY INSPECTOR OAT£ DESCRIPTION REVISIONS DWH BY--'--:,--- CHKD 9y_J_R __ FIELD BY CT96-OI C.M. W.D. 96-509 DRAWING NO. 356-7L '-27 ~ 51 '-~ 31 '- ~ ~ .. • \\ 81 1.5" 21 82 1· 83 1.5' 84 1.5' ,. ~ 25 B5. 1.5" I I £)~ I I I I I I I t I I t (§II I .., I ' 1 ... "' v,.q • • 1 3/4 • 3 • I \ 3/411/2" • SEE NOTE "A" BELOW ,. 1/2" / 0 3/4' i ! 1· 3 4• ,. • LANCE SWEENEY CONSULTING Irr!catlon De■lp Water Manacement lrri•ation Software T•meoula. Cdllonrla .. 890 909 895 2367 909 895 2467 Pax .,..•~·. '•,,. • ~A . -• • , . . . . .. (.<1, I 1 o 'D' / 0 10 20 40 60 ,r , ft/il!VUNe /?- Off Of ~~ BUIL~G 'A' &1Nic1P~ ARCHITECTS ID. 714 241-1211 FAX 714 2411215 / / " " /~ ' / '':i / // I ✓/ I •.. ,;";;,'\.. "" ,, w z :r 0 I- <( 2 IRRIGATION NOTES ALL LOCAL M.NCF'AL AN:> STATE LAWS, t:!Ll.eS AN:> i::leGLLATIONS GO~~ l<EI..ATNG TO ANY PORTION OF 1HS WOl<K A1'lL: k.RW, NCC)l;?P()RATED MO AN:> MADE A PART OF 11-eSE SPECFICATIONS AN:> Tl-ER PROVISIONS SI-IALL BE C~ OUT BY TI-E CONTRACT~. 2 T1-l'! CONTt.'ACT~ SI-W1. VB2FY T1-l'! LOCATIONS OP' ALL ex!STNG UTUTES, 5Tl2UC'I\.Rl:S JIN) St!'!l2V1CeS BB Ol2E COMll.1B'-ICNG WORK. T1-l'! LOCATIONS OF un.JTES, STl2UCTU<ES AN:> SB2VICES SI-OWN N Tl-l'!SI!! PLANS Al<E APPl<OXIMATE ON..Y. ANY DISCl<EPANCES EIETWEB'J TI-ESE PLANS AN:> ACTUAL F'B-0 CONJtTIONS SI-IALL BE l<EPORTED TO TI-E OWl'El2'S i:!EPl<E5ENT A T1VE. S T1-l'! CONTRACT~ SI-W1. OBTAN 1l-t!! PB2ThENT E!JIJGta!:l<NG ~ Al2CI-ITECTUAL PLANS BB OQt!! EIEGN'll>IS WORK. 4 TI-E CONTlc!ACT~ SI-W1. OBT AN ALL l'cCESSARY PEl<MTS REGUceD TO PE:RFORM TI-E WOl<K N:llCATI!!O I-Ck□, l3E:FORI: BEGN\l'IIG WORK. 5 1HS DESIGN IS OIA~AMMATIC. ALL l!!Cll.FM::NT SI-OWN N F'AVED Al<EAS IS FOR DESIGN CLAl<ITY ON..Y AN:> IS TO BE NST Al I FD WtTl-1'11 Pl.ANTNG AREAS l'cCESSARY. 6 DO NOT WLLFLLLY NSTALL /W'f EOl.FMENT AS SI-OWN ON TI-E PLANS Wl-eJ IT IS OBVIOUS N TI-E FB.D lHAT lN<NOWN CON)tTtQNS EXIST lHAT WEl<E NOT EVDENT AT TI-E Tl,\£ Tl-ESE PLANS WEl<E ~~­ /W'f SUCH CON)tTtQNS SHALL BE e0lJGl-lT TO TI-E ATTB-mON OF TI-E 0'1-/t>ER ~ l.t.PRCS...'11 A TNE PIZIOIZ TO /W'f WOl<K Oil TI-E ~ATION CONTRACT~ 51-lALL ASSUVE ALL~ FOrl ANY FB.D CMANGES DEEMED l>ECESSARY BY TI-E ~. 7 NSTALL ALL l!:0l..Ffll&JT AS 51--lOWN N Tl-I!! oeTALS t,J,D SF'ECF'1CATIONS. CONTRACT~ 51-lALL Bl! ~SPONSB.e TO C0M"LY WfTl.l LOCAL CITY, COlNTY AN:> STATE ~S FOt2 BOTl-l EOLFMl!NT AN:> NST ALLA TION. e ACTUAL LOCATION FOrl n-e NST ALLA TtON OF n.e BACKf'L.OW F'l<eVENTl52 TO se OETl5M'll!:D BY CMNrYS BACKR..OW SPEaAUST <PAM JM£S -438-2722 EXT.152>. AUTC\\IATIC CONTROl..l.ER LOCATION IS TO BE DET6!Mtfi) N FEU> BY TI-E OWl'El2'5 Al.fT1-.lOQtZEO l.t.PRESeJT A T1VE. 9 CONTt:!ACTOIZ IS TO ~VOE JIN) AOOITIONAL F'LOT WR!!: TO Tl-I!! i!!1'D OF 1l-t!! MAN.Ill!! l<lN N TWO Dra:CTIONS ~ TI-E ~- 10 ALL F'P!! l.N)E!I:! F' A V!!!D Al<EAS TO Bl! NST Al I P'D IN A 50-l SO SL!!l!!V!! TWtCI! Tl-I!! OIAMl!T!R OF Tl-I! F'P!! CA™. ALL Wl:IE I.N)El2 F'AVED Al<EAS TO BE NSTAI I FD IN A 50-l 40 SLEEVE 1l-t!! SIZE l<EQLl<l!D TO EASI Y F'U.L W1:1E Tl-m.JGl-l. ALL SLEEVES TO BE NSTAI I FD WITI-l A IVN\t..M D8'Tl-l AS 51--lOWN ON TI-E SLEEVNG DETALS. SLEEVES TO EXTEN) AT LEAST IT F'AST T1-l'! EDGE OF T1-l'! F'AVNG. ALL SLEEVES TO BE AS 61-lOWN ON TI-E PLANS. I ALL QUCK COl..PI..E!R VALVES TO Bl! NSTAI I FD IN 51-Ql,B ~ Gl<OlN) COVER Al<EAS \M-1!:RE F'06SB..e. ALL QUCK COL.Pl..ER VALVES TO BE NSTAI I FD AS St-lOWN ON TI-E NSTALLATION DETALS. NSTALL ALL GUCK C~ VALVES WtTl-1'11 ta• OF 1-W<OSCAf'E. 12 ALL I-EADS ~ TO Bl! NSTAI I ED Will-I Tl-e NOZZLE!. SC..W~ t,J,O Al<CS 51--lOWN ON TH!! PLANS. ALL I-EADS Al<E TO BE AD.J.JSTFO TO F'f<EVB\/T uvt:RSF'ARY ONTO BLI.DNG, WALLS. FENCES AN:> HNlOSCAPE. 1HS NCI.LCES, BUT NOT LMTFD TO, AD.J.JSTh£NT OF DFFUSE:R PN ~ AD.J.JSTMENT SCl<EW, l<EPI.ACEtvENT OF F'l2ESSLRE COMF'BIISATNG ~. l<EPI.ACEMENT OF NOZZJ F'S 'MTI-1 MOl<E APF'QOPQIATE rlADIJS LNTS AN:> 1l-t!! l<EPI.ACEMENT OF NnZZJ F'S I/VITl-l AO.J.JST AaE ARC LNTS. I! ALL Sf'rlAY I-EADS W!Tl-111 IO F'1!!ET OF F'AVNG Oil PEDESl'RIAN ACCESSEU! A1<EAS SI-W1. Bl! POF'-lP TYF'I!!. NOTE: PLACE ALL SLEEVES BELOW PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. NOTE: BUBBLERS AND LATERAL LINES ARE SHOWN WITIHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION TO BE WITHIN PLANTER. BUBBLERS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITIH TREES AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. CONFIRM ALL LAYOUT IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. NOTE "A" CONTROLLER "A" AND "B" SHALL BE W.C.S. MOD. I ETIC-44-CSS INSTALLED IN STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE (AS PART OF CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY). FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER AND ELECTRICAL POC SHALL BE CONFIRMED WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. NOTE "B" CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT TO 1 -1 /2" DOMESTIC WATER STUB-OUT PROVIDED BY OTHERS. VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. NOTE: . MAINLINE SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF 18" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTACLES lYP. FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND, SEE S~EET L7.I (6). FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS. SEE S~EETS LIO.I c LIO.2 (12 c 13). APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION or PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILr' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC hEAL T~ ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNNG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGlt\EER PRIOR TO IMPLEll.1ENT A TION N FlaD. CITY OF CARLSBAD Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT JiM&fy ~ CONSTlWCT'ION RJ':V610N ~ 0.-W~ 'C' t. 'D' . . 1-lft:?(' R.C.E. F::....'..-'j~t====:...:.:.::;.;;..:::;=:::::..:..:.=.;_::.;:.:.;._:;;:....::....::....:..-t-.... REVIEWED BY: f·:2·9-! DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN GRAND PACIFIC RESORT FIELD BY ! C.M.W.D.96-609 TRACT NO. 92-7 DRA-NO. 356-7L L6.1 I MA TC~:LINE -SEE S~EET L6.3 (4) ..,.__, -~'"---, 1' ',:,.. ""' ~ ;: \ ' ,, '\--) \ 1 ! t I ~"' ' ~ \ ... "' " ' ,.'\ ~ " ' I ,, ' ~ '" ~ <-\ \ ' \ V l I !fl ~ b I J..,·; (f;f'~ I ,. I / ~ ·.t- //! ;1f, /, / /(:\i /, / /jf /, / /4, / /4{''/ / FUTURE PHASE -~ /'l)l.fl'!i;;ll"'lr~ J;Mlli.."l'f:.t' I' ~i-llHP nte w~w . .. LANCE SWEENEY CONSULTING Irrigation De•il!ll Water Management Irrigation Software 28+41 Banobo C.ut. M. 19uite I: Temecula, C.utor:n.ia ~90 909•695•2367 909•695•2467 Fax ···~·. '••,. • • • • . , • • , . . . < • t,, DI "I 0 - 0 10 20 40 60 \ \ \ \ \ NOTE: \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ I J I: ~ ' ii ~( \\ I I -~ . . I PLACE SLEEVES BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. KEY MAP NOT TO SCALI!! 0 FOR IRRIGATION NOTES AND LEGEND, SEE S1--lEET L7.I (6). FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS, SEE S1--lEETS LIO.I t LIO.2 (12 t 13). APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TEL 714 241-1211 rAX 714 2411211 LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT' 1<EV1S10NS MJST BE APPROVED BY PL0.JC I-EAL Tl-l ENGN:ER, ASST. PLAl',fll\JG Dll<ECT~ At-0 DISTl<ICT ~ Pl<K:Q TO ~ATION N FELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PL.ANNINO DEPARTMENT ~ LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN GRAND PACIFIC RESORT .. urn R.C.E. _____ >---+---+--------------+---, CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 f---------------1------,~f--------------+----i APPROVED REVIEWED BY: /-zo-f f 1---+-+------------t-------t .,..,As=s=1sT""'"A""NT,..,P"'""LA~4"c-~IR[=c=To=R---DATE ..,:2 91 ~D=ATC::..E .i.;B::.:.Y.L..-___ ___::.D=ESC=R"-'IPT.:.:.10'-'-N _____ L..cA.C.CPP-"'D--1 ~=:D 9!r .12 I PROJIICT NO. II DATE REVISIONS AELD BY---_ CT 96-01 L.,8/4-f - INSPECTOR C.M.W.D. 96-609 DRAWINCill NO. 356-7L L6.2 - 20 15 20 ,· 47 A11 1.5" . '.., .. tfr I I MA TCf-lLINE - ' I :. , -----_.).~~--:r SEE MOTE" A • IIIELOW ,-..;...__ l"'l.ffl.JII!! a.LON'M--- ··········L,___ ....... ·········· ·······-··-···· ¼,. 3/4" \ \ ,. J/4' ' '\ \ Mf,IHIAH~ I!!> l,-0?,A.~ 11 Pl'-t'M -rn~ WAvv \, I 11 2 t\ ll__,,.;__ ____ -(119,..:.,.--4,--,1--l=I--"' ' J/4" ~,/ • 3 4" 1' ,) : I I 'x :>) I I I tl/1 I I I I 1· I BUILDING 'C' r,;ili;;1;9-~i,J.r rM:FER TO NOTE "C" ~-· 1 2 "' / 11/2"J/4 MP<.IH!..{Hf'!.. I'!> l-Ot'.Ail!-P 11' ff20M 1Hf:-WAw 1 ,J ~l I J I __ ,r1_~-- REFER TO NOTE •c• ABOVE 11/4' ,. FOR IRRIGATION NOTES AND LEGEND, SEE S~EET 6 (L5.1), FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS, SEE S~EETS 12 t 13 (L8.I t L8.2) LANCE SWEENEY CONSULTING Irritation De■IIJI Water Mana1ement lrri1ation Software UUt llanolto Calil'. lld.. hke S Temeciul•, Calllornia IIIMO 909•896•2387 909•895•2•81 r •• 0 10 20 ,. ' ? .. I' /·1: / I .. / .,· / I / ,, , . I EET L4.I 60 c1 RI ~ ~ ~ LAND C P ARCHITECTS TEL 11• 241-1211 ru 11• 241121s BLDG. 1D' "AS BUILT' \Wn)iy~ R.C.E. REVIEWED BY: NOTE C: CONTRAC:l0R Stw.l. Pll(MD[ IRRCATION IMNJN[ S1\Jll-ouT AT nt1S POINT FOR FUTURE IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS CONNECTION. CONTRACTOR SHAll ROUTE 1WO COMMON WIRES Nil 5 CONTROL WIRES F'ROM CONTROillR 'A' TO THIS POINT ANO SHAli INSTAL SAID WIRES WITHIN A ROUND PLASTIC PULL -BOX FOR FUTURE S't'SlEM CONNECTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY IU COMMON AA£A l~llON SYSrul lAYOUT IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZID REPRESENTAllYE PRIOR TO BIOOING AD PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK . ", •, ··"· ··., ,---ACTUAL POC LOCATION TO BE AS DESIGNATED BY WATER DIST. ANO OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL POC AND MAINLINE ROUTING INFORMATION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR SHAL1. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL REQUIRED COMPONENTS DOWN-STREAM OF THE PROPOSED METER. SYSTEM DESIGN STATIC WATER PRESSURE IS 101 PSI WITH A MAXIMUM DEMAND OF 55 GPM, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL POC INFORMATION IN FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. ,---NOTE: MAINLINE SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR CLARl1Y ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF 18" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTACLES TYP. NOTE A: •,, ;gf:t~~Rr~6N R~~~~~~N gg=~T~~R~SHA~R R6~ "mt,RE INSTALL IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRES FROM CONTROLLER "B" TO THIS AREA. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ONE COMMON IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE AND TEN ADOITIONAL RCV CONTROU. WIRES TO THIS AREA FOR THE FUTURE PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL VALVE WIRES AT THE LIMITS OF THIS .. PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A ROUND PLASTIC R.ULL-BOX FOR FUTURE CONNECTION TO THE ADJACENT LANDSCAPE AREA IRR(GATION IMPROVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EQUPMENT LOCA1JONS AND ROUTING IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO BIDDING AND PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. SEE NOTE" A "ABOVE 12EVISIONS MUST BE APPQOVED BY PLBLIC ~AL TI-I E:NG!\EE:R, ASST. PLANNNG DIRECTOR Al'O DISTRICT ENGNEER PRIOR TO IM?LEMENTATION N FELD. \ \ \ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD .. LANNINGI DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 APPROVED L d)--..._ / /' ,k ,_,, / ~ 2/22/99 CONSTRUC-1101-1 REVISIOij ~'TWEEll BUII.Dt"'GS 'C' ==• f-...--'i==...:..y_,q_+-+-----5~ 1-D_AT_E---'-'-B_Y ,___ ____ ___;D:..:;ES:;.:Cc.cRl___;PTc.::10...:..N ______ LC.C-'--=-l ~=:D 8:v--=.R:::...-_ P'ROJIICT NQ. CT 96-01 DATE DRAWINCI NO. 356-7L INSPECTOR DAT[ REVISIONS FIELD BY C.M.W.D. 89-509 ~ L5.3 - - ... .IL_ 11/2"! ' \ ,__ ~ ~ ~- I 11 -----'--· ~ ---,---7 f I I ~11_ ...... ··············· ..... .. ............ . ...... . ............. . ..... . ............ .. ..... ··············· ..... . ............. . .. . ............ .. .............. .............. .............. ............. ············ ············· .......... , . ............ ........... ............ .... . ......... . ·:::. '( ·;;:::.-::::: .... ,,,, ············ :::::::: :F \:\}:\} .... ""( .......... . .... I .. ·······-----. . . ....... . .... . . ······· .... . .. . ....... . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ". " ..... .-.-.-.-. [·::::::.\:. ·:::. ·. _. ·::. .... . ............... . .... ' ........ .. ... . .. :::::: :;::::::::::::::::\:;·· ··. " I I -~ ,,,"' ·,-~,,~ \. " ,,, \ '-\ \ )'"'l"' ~ ' '\ t' \ " f!li ~ ~ 1lf\iu A <11 ~ t ( ! ' KEY MAP NOT TO SC-"L!'! 0 \ \ LANCE SWEENEY CONSULTING Irrication Desia:n Water Management Irrigation Software 28"Ul Rancho Calir. Rd. Suite K Temecula, Calil'o:rnia U2510 909•695•2367 909•695•2t67 Fax ···~·. '••,. . , . -. -• 0 -. . . , . (IO j 1 0 0 10 20 ", ·,_ ·--~ "-... '~-- - \ FOR IRRIGATION NOTES AND LEGEND, SEE Sl-lEET L 7.1 (6). 11 I "' :,.., I I l I I \ \ \ \ I \ I \ .. .!L "i MA C~tlNE -SEE LE FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS, SEE Sl-lEETS LIO.I e LIO.2 (12 e 13). 40 60 lEI. 714 241-1211 FAX 714 241 1215 REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR I \, nt······~ I l I I I ! I I I \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ l ' ' \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ I \ __ \ .......... NOTE: PLACE SLEEVES BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., 1-S DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. NOTE: MAINLINE SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF 18" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTACLES TYP • APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD I I 8HEET815 I PLANNING DEPARTMENT . LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 C.M.W.D.96-809 DRAWING NO. 356-7L L6.4 l"I..A5TIC VAL~ l!!IOX 02" W/ PlRPLE LD) . . . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . . . .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . ........ ······················· . . . . . . . . . ..................... . ~~~-· ............................ . ~~c ~ SCl-l.e0LNON--- 3/4" aaJSI.EO ~Ava. TWO CU3IC FEET l!!ll<ICK SLPPORTS-----------' @ MAS1EQ C~OL VAL\/e LA 'l"B2, F.G. +3" 02" W/ PlRF'LE LD> TOP Cl" 11.U..OI-I 7 l"LASTIC VAL~ l!!IOX I 24" WIRE LOOP ■ VAL.Ve DTAG LA~AL • -;::i:,t:rf(" ~A--llJI--F'Vc Tl-0. l!U 50-l.80 PVC L--'11111=1'-11--CONTkOL VAL~ .......................... . . . . . . . . . . ............... . ~lk--SCl-l. &> PVC l'FPI..E<TYP.> . . . . . . . . . . ............... . .......................... . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ~ ~ ~~=~'"'"'"'"'□ TWO Cl.BC FEET Rl<IGATION WATE!R MAJN..te-----' BklCK SU''POl~----------1 ® ~OTE CON~OL VAL\/f!!: a f"AN COMPACT!!D -------~ BACKFLL C2JW~ TAPES PAVNG, l!!IY OTl-l!R&-...._.....,,..,.,..,.,'7n,,.,.,,,.,..,.,,,.,.,,,b"""',,,k,.,..,.,"777'."'" m ~ lNX5Tl..R!!l"D SOL--...,;' F'l!!lll!:SmMN 111 SCI-I. 40 FOR PEDESTklAN . _111 rr ·.·:.•.·.··· .·.• .. , .... ·.·.·.,, ··: .... : .... : .... , ... ,·.·. m ~ FOR \119-nE =rn=ill= i.Ifjii@{\ .. J\f'2t\ llilm1 tt ~4051..EEVE SCI-I 40 LNJEk PEDESTRIAN PA _.l:l_li i i111 1 ii MANI.NE SLEEVE SCI-I 80 LNJEk \119-nE PAVNG = = = TAP!!: CONTkOL ~ TO MAN..N!!! IO FEET ON CENreR DEF'™ AS SI-OWN Ok ON ~ s.A8 l"'Ok ON SmJCTU:11" NSTALLATION. SLEEVES 11-l<OUGl-l WALLS BY Oil-Ek$. • + • • • •• + •• ••• •• . + • •• • + • • • • + • • • •• + • • •• + • • •• + • • • + • • • • CD Sl.E!:VE: NST ALLA TION ,,,----111111..11!51 CRAN CM' MSSDI RI l3B8l CO. fll:l. 0704-05, 4" ------P'NSl-lliRAII: -----1!1.BBffl!lJPRPR l-l!AO, 9!I! rrBB.~~ t-i~,i!!,-----SCl-!80 ~ I.ENS1l-l ~-141~----J.SIEQIE), 2r<EO..ml P: V~ 11'1' ANTI CRAN VN.Vf! ------NA'IM!:SC1 ~~~~,._ :it~ ~LW :::'::!~~-_-_-_-_-_-l"YC I.A~ IN! . l IRl ~ l"PI!! ------WT PYC l!l.l IS n ~ ...... -----4" t». 3t,•u:J,S fi&'()RAl!!D PVC DIAN l"PI!! l'U.1\ffl.1314" GRAYEI. TO IOTT()A r::F Q.8X VN.Vf! '----------~ BACIO'U. '------------IIOOTBALl..r:F'll<EE @ OCEP WA I ER r:l.lBEU:R IRASS -S!RS-I LENGTl-rAS1 l<EO. F'N5l-l Gl2AOE7 ~ Tl-lcl..J5T a.OCK O a.J FT> NSTALL BACKP'LOW Ol!!VIC!! AS F"l!!R CMWD. STN-CARO DRAWNG ~ W-20 CON'J!!CT10N TO F'VC MAN..JIE TO Ell!: MADI!! l.J5NS FEMALE N)N' IE:RS N-0 50-l 80 I\FPL.ES @ BACKPLOW ASSEMBLY TOP Cl" 11.U..OI-I 1 LA "r'l!R, l"'.G. •3" ■ QUOK COLPL!!!<--R----- F'LNO+LOI( _ ___,,· .............. . CLAAPS PLASTIC VAL.VF! l!!IOX (IQ" W/ F'IRPLE LD> '-'";:.:.::.:.:..:..:..... __ l!RASS SWN9 JONT ASSEMl!L y ::o.---- a....._.Qie.J.-.OMAN.N: SO" Ql!BAl2 STAKI!! • SCI-I. 40 PVC Ta NOffl QUCK COl..Pl...5 F'ITTNC9S ~ NOT TO ~ ~ WITl-l POTAaE WATER FITTNGS. QUCK COL.Pl.152 VALVE TO BE DESIGN!![) TO BE USED \NITl-l ~ WATER. @ QUCK COL.A..EQ VALVE i1f~ACTP!D <2lW~ TAPES l"NSl-l!!O GQ'AD!I--~ =-111--11 /????:;\:\??? :/( T ·m-,•,-;,•.-:,•,·:,•.·:••.•:,•,:,•.•:.·.•:,•,•:,•,•:.•.•:, ·,CC;•'.' l.NllSTI..RBl!D SOL--_:!-'-' f Ill "' - LA IIAAN..N!: />K) CONTI<OL~ =ill~W~ tiltftttLJP4\ _lil 0 111 111 = = ::-.,:,::•: . .-.c_c.;,,:•: . .-.c:.: .. ,,;........ .:;-.: I= = :111 11 i' 11 11 i'i i·i1 rl i1 ;!'i i 111 I' 1\ 1~111 11 i' 11 TAPP' coomoL YME!S TO MANLN!'! IO FEET ON CENTER I.. 6" .. I ~ SI-OWN ARE l"'Ok N GROLN:> NST ALLA TIONIS. ON STRUCTLRI! NST ALL PPNG AT OEPTl-l SI-OWN Ok AT CONCkE:TE: SLAB DB"Tl-1. (8) PIPE NSTALLA TION II.El& dOX W/ II.El~------ SD!WAIX'------- a.RB-----~ ~X.8 POTA!U! S!RVICI" LN!!-------1 ~ WAT!!R l<QIGATION MANN!: W/ SLl!!M~ HOTE- 0 VB2TICAL O l"AQANCI" OI" 12" MN..M.M IS MAN:)A TOllY Wl-9II CkOSSNG PA™ OF A POTAB.E WATER LN!:. NSTALLATION Clf" ~ WATER Rl<IGATION MAN.NE 24" FrZOM FACE Cl" sa!WAIX 'M..L PkOI/ClE n-e NECESSAkY IO' 1-mZONTAI O EAR4NCE FrZOM POTAB.E MAN.NE N n-e s rR&;. (© POT ABLE SEl<VICE LN!: CROSSING ~------P'OP-LP ~ ~ WI™ i<ECLAM:D WATS! '1'P" Cl>P ,-----P"NSl-l!!D Gl2AO!: TOP FLlJS,l W/ F.Q N 'TlRI"' ~ TOP V2" ABOVE F.G. N S-la.B Al2E:AS sa-t eo i'FPl.l!, L!J'JGTl-l AS~-=_,. IMAl<I..EXS,R&i a.LAN> I PVC TI-REAOED ELL <90) SCI-I. eo l'FPl.E rh" ~ MARL.eX GTR&, !!U. OUT OI" LATeRAL I.NE l9TTNG LA TeRAL l..N!:, 00' rl-1 AS SPECFED N I..EGEN) ~ TO 1!!11!: NST All P'C)t r l"'kOM ALL CI.J<BNQ -4" l"'kOM ALL WJJJ.XWAYS 12" l"'kOM ALL Bl.l..ONGS At',[) WALLS @ POP-LP SPQIN<LEQ 1--EAD TOP Of-M..1.0l-1 7 LA 'l"B2, l"'.G. +3" fl'll..ASTIC V/IIJ..~ l!!IOX 02" W/ F'IRPLE LIOl @ BALL VALVE ~--·~-S!!!!! ~ FOR &-EUIC,A TION. EXTEklOk WALL MOLNT !-----WALL MOLNTeO et\lCLOSLRI" FSFECI LO ,--120 VOLT F'OWl"R SLFPL Y N J--BOX, BY OTI-B25 ALL CON1ITS TO HA'lf! 1H<EADED CON'ECTION ON !K>S '-----Gl2EY l!!.l"CTklCAL COIIDlJT O') '---+-1--------TO ~AN~ AS Dl<l"CT!!O \Nl2E N V2" Gl2EY ELECT. COIIDlJT i--------1..0W VOLTAGI" Wl2I" N GREY ELECT. CON:lUT C3"> C...,,.;::::::::~---~------~-~~----_-_-_-_-_PVC ELECTklCAL SweEP TO ~ a.LONG WALL TI-ROUGI-I J--BOX @ CONTROLL.Ei< S, R& i Sl.Rl"'A,UC!l!t-----,, l"OTAl!U!!MANJ'-11!!---------, CS& l'A"©VBIIENT ~AWN.;S) 12" ~ ~ VB2TiCAL Sl"PAl:lATION l:ll!!CU.M!O WAT& RRIGATION MAN.J~--t. NO'f!!I ALL r;!t"CLAM!!D WAT& RRIGATION F'PN8 At',[) 51..l"eJE!S SI-IALL BE PlRF'LE MD LABEi FD b.5 5PECFEO N "STN-OARO SPECFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE RmATION SYSTl"MS" "CAkl..SBN) ~TION kl..LES N-0 ReGl.LATIONS l"'Ok CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAt.e:> WA TS! MANS" OCTOBER 1993 Q) POT ABLE MAN..lr,.E CROSSING SYMBOL Q T H f" .. ---.... (:, (:, e • <, <, e • ~ ~ e e ... ... " " b.. .... .£. ,, w '1"' '¥ [9 19 B IE ~ ~ I"!!! ■ I!! (;ii ~ ~@ Cl '®@ @) ~® (2) ®' © NOT SHOWN NOT SHOWN [g 1B NOT SHOWN !Sil IS ... @ • IC 1B IEI ---- -------- NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL MANUF"ACT. RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER RAIN BIRD HUNTER P.O.C. FEBCO STRONG BOX GRISWOLD DATA IND. NIBCO RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD w.c.s. w.c.s. N/A AS APPROVED AS APPROVED AS APPROVED IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND MODEL NO. / DESCRIPTION 1806-SAM-NP-10-LA-PCS-020/030/040 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1812-SAM-NP-1 O-LA-PCS-040/060/090/175 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1812-SAM-NP-12-PCS-060/090/125/260 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1812-SAM-NP-15-PCS-090/125/175/370 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1812-SAM-NP-15EST/SST-PCS-060/125 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-51'"-B-PCS-040 STREAM BUBBLER 1806-SAM-NP -PA-80-1408 PRESSURE COMPENSATING BUBBLER EACH SYMBOL REPRESENTS TWO BUBBLERS PER TREE. 1806-SAM-NP-5Q-B-PCS-040 STREAM BUBBLER EACH SYMBOL REPRESENTS TWO BUBBLERS PER TREE. 1806-SAM-NP-10-LA-PCS-020/030/040 POP-UP TURF HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-1 O-LA-PCS-040/060/090/175 POP-UP TURF HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-12-PCS-060/090/125/260 POP-UP TURF HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-15-PCS-090/125/175/370 POP-UP TURF" HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-15EST /SST-PCS-060/125 POP-UP TURF" HEAD PGP-ARV/3RV-02/05/08 PDP-UP TURt RDTDR HEAD PGP-ARV/3RV-03/06/09 PDP-UP TURF RDTDR HEAD PGP-ARV/3RV-04/07/10 PDP-UP TURt RDTDR HEAD PGP-ARV /3RV-05/08/ll PDP-UP TURt ROTOR HEAD GPM .20,.30,.40 .39,.52 .. 79, 1.57 .65 •. 87, 1.3,2.6 .93, 1.23, 1.85,3.7 .61,1.21 0.40 2.0 (4.0) 0.40(.80) .20,.30,.40 .39,.52,.79, 1.57 .65,.87, 1.3,2.6 .93, 1.23, 1.85,3. 7 .61,1.21 ,8,1,B,3,7 1.0,2.4,4.9 1.4,3.0,6.0 1.8,3.7,8.0 PSI RADIUS 30 5 FT 30 10 FT 30 12 FT 30 15 FT 30 4X15 FT 30 3FT 30 6 IN. 30 6 IN. 30 5 FT 30 10 FT 30 12 FT 30 15 FT 30 4X15 FT 40 25 rT 40 30 rT 40 35 tT 40 40 tT ALL SPRAY HEADS INSTALLED 10 FEET OR MORE f"ROM PAVING SHALL BE PA-BS HEADS WITI·t THE NOZZLES AS SHOWN HCV SERIES ArN. TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL SPRINKLERS HEADS WITH LOW HEAD DRAINAGE 2" RECI.AIMED WATER .METER W/ A 2" SERVICE UNE. VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND STATIC WATER PRESSURE IN THE FlELD PRIOR TO STARTING WORK 825Y-2" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY W/ BRONZE WYE STRAINER SBBC-45-AL ALUMINIUM BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE 2000E-2" "EPOXY FUSED" MASTER CONTROL VALVE IR220P-1.5" FLOW SENSOR, WIRE TO CONTROLLER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER T-580-70 BRONZE BALL VALVE, LINE SIZE • 2" MAX 33NP QUICK COUPLER VALVE. INSTALL INSIDE A 10" ROUND VALVE BOX QUICK COUPLERS INSTALLED MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 1 00 FT ON CENTER FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE MAIN LINES PES-B-PRS SERIES PLASTIC PRESSURE REDUCING DRIP REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS SHOWN ETIC-44 IRRIGATION CONTROLLER, SIZE AS SHOWN ( IN STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE AS PART OF CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY) RG/RG-VR "RAINGUARD" RAIN SENSOR, MOUNTED ON ENCLOSURE AND WIRED TO CONTROLLER (AS PART OF CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY) 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER, PROVIDED BY OTHERS, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE 3/4" -3• CL 200 AS LATERAL LINES 12" BELOW GRADE PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODl:'.D PURPLE AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE 21/2" CL 315 AS MAINLINES 24" BELOW GRADE, ALL PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES. SEE SHEET T -1 RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE SCH. 80 AS SLEEVING UNDER VEHICULAR PAVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER or PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING. HARDSCAPE. ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER•s AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 DETAIL A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B N/A C C D E r G H I N/A J J K AS APPROVED RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE SCH. 4-0 AS SLEEVING UNDER PEDESTRIAL AND PRIVATE DRIVEWAY PAVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE K OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED. PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER•s AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 AS APPROVED IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14Ut AWG DIRECT BURIAL (U.L APPROVED) J.K RAIN BIRD ST-03 GREY "SNAP-TITE" WIRE CONNECTORS AND PT-S5 SEALER M AS APPROVED ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE COLOR CODED AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 N/A /JS APPROVED ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE RECLAIMED WATER ID TAGS INSTALLED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 N/A AS APPROVED ALL CONTROLLERS SHALL HAVE RECLAIMED WATER PLACARDS INSTALLED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 N/A APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS -SEE S~EETS LIO.I e LIO.2 (12 e 13) IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. &!Niel~ ARCHITECTS m 714 241-9211 FAX 714 241 9215 "AS BUILT' OATE REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC ~AL Tel ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNNG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION N FIELD. FRST CITY SLeMITT AL BO SET R.C.E. -----R.C.E. ______ 1----l--1-----------------1-----1 REVIEWED BY: OATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DETAILS, NOTES AND LEGEND GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TR.ACT NO. 92-7 APPROVED ~~ f.ltJ-ff' ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE I 11 OWN BY PA0-ll!CT NO. DAA-NQ. CHKD BY .R FIELD BY CT 96-01 356-7L ' C.M.W.D. 98--609 L7.1 - 3 T-12 3 T-6 T-3 T-3 2 T-3 MA TC~LINE -SEE S~EET L8.3 (9) . , ,. ~ .. · . :.~ ~-. -~ . . :1 . .... ·•: . ,. :· ·. \ ... , ... ···· • • • ._ : I • • • • ,,._ l . . ... . . ":' . ;_. : · \. H!;;"""'<;M.,...,.. .. . · .. · . . . .. - 3 T-9 TUQF AQEA CALCULATIONS DESCRIPTION TOT AL LANDSCAPE Al<EA TEMPOl<ARY TURF AREA PERMANENT TURF AREA Gl<OUNDCOVER/SI-IRUB AREA AREA 238,952 S.F. 52,469 S.F. 10,943 S.F. 62,240 S.F. • •···••··········· ·::.·::.·::::.·:.•,•::. ................... ............ ·:::.-.w::,•:::: • ·• ·.·:::.·:::::::.·.·::::.·: .. :::::::::::::::::::: ·::: .. .·:::.·::::,·:,•.•:;:.·:::. .. .. : . · .. : .. . ·:.·::::.·::::::::.-::: ' ...... ' -:-:-:-:-:~-:-:-:~-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: . : : _.:: ::: :iiiiiiii:=iiiiiiiiiii -:-:. :-:-:: :: ::: ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::·. -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: ?·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·?·:·:•:·:•:·: _::.·:::::_ ,, ....... S OF TOTAL l00 22 4.5 26.5 TOT AL TU<F Al<EA WLL NOT EXCEED IOI OF LANDSCAPE Al<EA AT TI-E COMPLETION OF PHASE II 0 I T-8 10 -.:...;.;,, 20 40 60 / / BUILDING 'A' 4 T-IO :.. . ' ..... '···~~.,,. .· .. :-. ······ ....... \" ·~--,.., . . . . . . . .. . . .-•. , .•. •.· ••. , ... ,; ... =:. . ,. . . .. \ . .. . . . •.:::·:· .::· ... : __ :._ .. ·.,,: .w v··· --:.: .... ,.•.·:,• ........ , ... .·· ... · ... ~. · .. :-: .. ,..:--.. : ·,•:-: ;·.:.· .. •(•: :· .. • ........ :: .... .. ... \ ·. ·:~ .. :. ~-.-:_ ;,·-·· ::··t ·, •: . .. . •, .. , ... . •• ... :-... ·•,'l'.. -.... .. ' • ... • • ! • • ... . ·. ... ' •'. ' ,: ·· .. :··--:··.:-. ... . . . .. . . .. :-~ ... ~~ ·:· ... .. . . . . 3 T-8 &'N~clP~ ARCHITECTS TEL 714 241-9211 FAX 714 241 1215 I w z ~ :r 0 I- <( L PLANT LEGEND (SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS ONLY) SYM30L NO. BOTANCAL / COtllMON NAME $-2.BS @ S-1 ACANTI-US MOLLIS / BEAR'S Bl<EECH ™ S-2 ® s-~ • AC~ILLEA TA YGETEA 'MOONS~t\E' / NCN AL YOGYI\E 1-LEGaU / Bl.LI= ~BISCUS • S-4 AZALEA INDICA 'LJ. BOBN<' / AZALEA • 0 E& 0 © 0 11111111111111 0 S-5 BOUGAINVLLEA 'i<ASPElEl<RY ICE' I BOUGAINVLLEA S-6 BUXUS JAPONICA / JAPANESE BOXWOOD S-7 DIETES BICOLOR / BUTTERFLY IRIS S-8 •.J.JSTICIA BRANDEGEANA / S1-li<IMP PLANT S-9 LANT ANA CAMARA / BUSH LANT ANA . S-10 LAVANDLLA ANGUSTFOLIA / ENGLISH LA VENDB2 S-1 •LAVATEl<A BICOLOR I TREE MALLOW S-12 • LEONCTUS LEOf\l..RuS / LIONS TAIL S-I3 LIGUSTRUM JAPONCLM 'TEXANUM' / TEXAS PRIVET S-I4 •P~YLLOSTACHYS I\IGRA 'I-ENON' I BLACK BAMBOO S-I5 PtTTOSPORUM T. 'Cl<EME DE MINT'/ DWARF VARIEGATED TOBll;/A S-I7 • i<OSA 'SMALL tvl<ACLE' / NCN S-I8 STRELITZIA REGINAE/ Bli<D OF PAl<ADISE S-19 TRACI-ELOSPERM..M JASIIIINOIDES l ST AR JASMINE S-20 ZANTEDESC~ AET~IOPICA / COMMON CALLA SIZE I5GAL IGAL 15 GAL. 5 GAL !GAL. COMvt3IITS PLANT PB2 DETAL D. s-EET L9.I PLANT 18' O.C. PB2 DETAIL D. ~ET L9J PLANT 4Z' O.C. PER DETAL D. $1-EE'T L9.1 PLANT 18" O.C. PB2 DETAL D, ~EET L9.I PLANT 36" O.C. PB? DETAI... D. ~ET L9.I 5 GAL PLANT ~• O.C. PB2 DETAL D, $1-6:T L9.1 5 GAL PLANT 36' O.C. PEI< DETAI... D. $1-6:T L9.I IGAL. IGAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5GAL. PLANT 36" O.C. PB2 DETAIL D, SHEET L 9.1 PLANT 36" O.C. PB2 DETAL D. $1-EE'T L9.I PLANT 18" O.C. PER DET AL D, SI-EE'T L 9.1 PLANT 48" O.C. PER DETAIL D, SI-IEET L9.I PLANT 36" O.C. PER DETAL D, SHEET L9.I PLANT 30" O.C. PB2 DETAL D, ~EET L9.I 5 GAL. PLANT 36" O.C. PB2 DETAL D. SI-EET L9.I 15 GAL 18" ~T. TRLNK 5GAL. I GAL. IGAL. PLANT PER DETAL D, s-EET L9.I PLANT PER DET AL D, S~ETL9.I PLANT PB2 DETAL D. ~ETL9J PLANT 18" O.C. PEI< DETAL D, ~EET L9.I PLANT PER DET AL D. SHEET L9J I++++++ j S-24 .+ * + - BOUGANVLLEA 'i<OSENKA' / 5 GAL. PLANT 36" O.C. PB2 DETAIL D. SHEET L9.I 0 S-25 ... V-I G-3 G-4 BOUGANVLLEA Pl-lORMUM TENAX 'ATl<OPUl<PUl<EUM' / 5 GAL. NEW ZEALAND FLAX PLANT 5' O.C. PER DETAL D, ~EET L9.I CL YTOSTOMA CALLISTEGIOIDES / VIOLET TRUMPET VINE ANNUAL COLOR 'A' ANNUAL COLOR 'B' Af'.N..JAL COLOR 'C' MYOPORUM PARVFOLUM / NCN ~DERA CANARIENSIS / ALGERIAN IVY 5 GAL. i<EFEI< TO DIET AIL A, STAKED S~EET L8.2 4' POTS REFEI< TO DETAIL F. S~EET L9.I 4" POTS REFEI< TO DETAIL F. S~EET L9.I 4" POTS l<EFER TO DETAIL F, $1-EET L9.I FLATS PLANT 2' 0.C. PER DETAIL F, s-EET L9J FLA TS PLANT 12" 0.C. PEI< DETAIL F, SHEET L9.1 G-5 G-6 G-7 ----1-U- G-8 11.m' GT-I I-IYDROSEED I 11 111 ~-, LONICEl<A JAPONICA / JAPANESE ~ONEYSUCKLE OPl-llOPOGON JAPONICUS / MONDO GRASS VINCA IIIINOR / DWARF PERIWNKLE MAl<ATI-ON II SOO 'AGQONO-TEC' HYDROSEED WILDFLOWER MIX WI~ NATIVE GRASSES FLA TS PLANT 18' O.C. PER DETAL F, SHEET L9.I FLA TS PLANT 8" O.C. PEI< DETAIL F, s-EET L9.I FLA TS PLANT 12" O.C. PEI< DETAIL F, SHEET L 9.1 • CONTRACTOI< TO ENSUl<E AVAI...ABLITY 60 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. KEY MAP FOR COMPLETE PLANTING LEGEND, SEE SHEET L9.I CID. FOR PLANTING NOTES AND DETAILS, SEE SHEET L 9.1 CID. . d, NOT TO SCALE ® FOi< PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE SHEETS LIO.3 E LIO.4 04 E 15) APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL T~ ENGINEB2. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGNEER PRIOR TO lrvf'LEMENT A TION N FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT R.C.E. ----- REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN DATE 2./J.')/99 CONSTRUCTION REVISION~ !lJII.Dil-GS 'C'. t. 'ri R,C.E. _____ 1-----l-1----------------+----I GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT t 4, TRACT NO. 92-7 l---+--+----------------,1----1 APPROVED Cfd ----=~~---=------✓•ZO·/f' l-----l-1----------------+----I ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE 1-----+-+----------------+----I OWN BY_=. __ ___ l-=D"-'AT;..;:.E....i....::BY.:....i... ____ ___;D;..;:.ES;;..;;C.;.;;Rl'-'PT.;c.lO;.;..N _____ __,,_A_P_P'--1D CHKD BY---=.R=--FRDmcT NO. CT 96-01 11 DRAWING NO. 356-7L DATE REVISIONS FlELD BY C.M.W.D. 96-609 L8.1 I I I I I r::: I .._, I 21 MA TCHLINE -SEE SI-IEET L8.3 (9) JO 'z. .• . 'ffi R.0.W. '.~~ 1\1 ~ I,\ \I\ \ \ \ , Ii \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ 1\\ I l \ I \ d\ \ I I 1 i' I 0 10 \ \ 20 I I - \ I 40 60 \ I \ \ ------- \ \ / \ \ \ \ PLANT LEGEND S'(l\,80L NO. BOTANCAL / COM'v10N NAt.e TQB:5 • ♦ SI-RI..SS G) T-4 TIPUANA TIPU / TIPU TREE T-8 NERIUM OLEANDER 'SISTER AG/'ES' / OLEANDER T-12 WASI-INGTONIA ROBUSTA / MEXICAN FAN PALM S-13 LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM 'TEXAr-uvt' / TEXAS PRIVET 24'BOX 15GAL. 30' BROWN TRUN< I-IT. 5 GAL. 0 S-15 PITTOSPORLM TOBIRA 'CREME DE MM" / 15 GAL. 0 DWARF VARIEGATED TOBIRA S-21 CARISSA M 'GREEN CARPET I NATAL PLUM IGAL. 0 S-23 RAPI-IOLEPIS 'MA..ESTIC BEAUTY'/ l'JDIA HAWT>-lORN IGAL. VN!!S V-1 GROI..N)COveR$ 1111111111 G-8 lU!F GT-2 ~,UkO&ZD I 11 111 H-I W2XIIOOl-.i. - CL YTOSTOMA CALLISTEGIOOES / VIOLET TRUVPET VN: VI\ICA~/ DWARF P61M'N<LE 'AGRONO-TEC' HYDROSEED BALLFELD MIX u2A 'AGRONO-TEC' HYDROSEED WILDR..OWER MIX Wffi-1 NA ll\lE GRASSES L El.l..ON9 WALL. FENCE OR TPf9 I IS PER PLAN 5GAL STAKED R.ATS ill II= =ii REFER TO DETAIL C. Sl-lEET L9.I REFEI< TO DET AL C, 61-<EET L9.I REFER TO DET AL A, 61-<EET L9.I PLANT 30' O.C. PER DETAIL D, SI-EET L 9.1 PLANT PER DETAIL D, 61-<EET L9.I PLANT 3' O.C. PER DETAIL D, Sl-lEET L9.I PLANT 6' O.C. PER DETAIL D, Sl-lEET L9.I Rb ER TO DET AL A, THSSh.L, PLANT 12' O.C. PER DETAL F, &-LE, L9J 2. WATBl EIASNM'-L 4• OEPTl-l ~VE BASN AFTeR MANTeNANCI!! F'El<IOD 3. FNSl-eO GRADE. 4. AAEi'DED BACKl"l.L MIX-SI!!!: SF'ECFICATIONS. TANP OR WAT!I:! seTTLe SO PLANT DOES NOT SN( AFTBl PLANTNG 5. ~ TABLETS. 51:E: 5-ECMC,.,OONS 6. ROOTBALL OF PLANT-MJST NOT EE ROOTBOLN:>. LOOSENI N-rr TIGl-fT..PAO<ED ROOTS 7. EXISTNG SOL 8. •crcow,-r OF PLANT MUST NOT EE El.RED Ba.OW L.l!!:\la. OP" 5Ua<OLNJNG SOL 9. ST AKE TO LEAN AGANST WALL FOQ VN!: 5l..l'PORT NOTE> FOR BOl..JGAIWLLeA ON ™'5 SEO.RE l..EAOBl W1TI-! GRW~ N..RSERY TAPE TO Tl<ELUS. 5EClRE ALL OTl-6! l.6'JGTll-lY ~ANCI-I\IG TO Tl<BJJS NAN OUTWAro RADIAL PAI ib<N W1TI-! ~y TAPE. @ VINE PLANTING DETAIL 1 ~ ! ,\ I \ I I t\'./: , ::::: KEY MAP NOT TO sce:u: 0 FOR COMPLETE PLANTING LEGEND, SEE SHEET L9.I (II). FOR PLANTING NOTES AND DETAILS, SEE SHEET L 9.1 <ID. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE SHEETS LIO.3 E LIO.4 (14 E 15). IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE m 1u 24a-s211 FAX 714 248 9215 DATE REVISIONS M.JST BE APPROVED BY PL.a..lC 1-lEAL TH ENGl'JEER, ASST. PLAI\NNG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGl'JEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION 1\1 FELD. 1'6/97 FIRST CITY SUBMITTAL /4/9 BID SET LOCATION or PLANTING AREAS. 8Hll!l!I' 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT • •• 15 R.C.E. ----R.C.E. _____ f----+--1---------------t----t LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR f----+--+--------------,----1 _AP_P_Ro_v_E_D--'~~.-~c...,_...:__·-----l_-lO•l8" f----+--+---------------t----t ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE f----+--1--------------,----t DWN BY---'=-- ---1-D_AT_E~BY~ _____ D_E_SC_RI_PT_IO_N _____ ~_AP_P'--tD CHKD BY_-R __ PA£llm0TNQ. CT 96-01 11 --NO. 356-7L DATE REVISIONS REID BY CM.W.D.96-609 L8.2 • ~ '"~ ·: ':, ,y/j, t ' ., ' - SOIL SAM'"LE LOCATION I OF 3 3 T-3 3 T-12 3 T-3 MA TCHLINE -SEE S~EET L 7.4 CIO) / / II II ,--7 ,----7 • LINE -SEE SHEET L 7.1 (7) FOR PLANTING NOTES, DETAILS AND LEGEND, SEE SI--IEET L8.I en). FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE SI--IEETS LIO.3 E LIO.4 (14 E 15). FOR LIGI--ITWEIGI--IT SOIL SPECIFICATIONS <TO BE USED IN ALL ROOFTOP PLANTER APPLICATIONS), SEE SI--IEET L8.4 (14). 0 10 20 40 60 '·,·,.:-......, <, '-, ....... °',._ ',.,,,_ '0 ''<·•. --'·,., ·, .... _-,,·, .. , ' ' ' &1N~dP~ ARCHITECTS !IL 714 2•1211 FAX 714 241 1211 BLDG. 'D' / / / /A... 1 ,J,i / ~~\ /i 3 T-9 / / \"" --:..... MATCHLINE SEE SHEET L7.2 (8) < "AS BUILT' 1:2!:VISIONS M.JST BE APPl20VE:O BY PlS..lC ~AL Tl-I ENGN:E~. ASST. PLAN"-"JG Dll<ECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGN:EI< PRIOR TO M"LEM=NT A TION N FELD. DATE R.C.E. R.C.E. REVIEWED l!Y: 2m. CONSTa.CTION l<E\l1SION BETWEEN a.LONGS 'C: E 'O' DATE BY DESCRIPTION INSPECTOII DATE REVISIONS KEY MAP NOT TO !!ICIII !! 0 \ APPROVED F'OR IRRIGATION ONLY, LOCATION OF' PLANTING AND INCLUDING PRECISE PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING Dl!!PARTMl!!NT LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RA. APPROVED DWN BY-~;,--- CHKD IY_-=.R"---- FIELD BY C.M.W.D. 88-809 'H LOT t4, TRACT NO, 92-7 CT 96-01 11 3..~-7z DATE DRAWINCI NO. 356-7L L7.3 0 0 •"" ft ..... ...., \ I I ! I I i I \ \ \ 1 I _zr ___ ' ' i I I ' ' ' I ' I ,.,JJ__-t I I ~ I I ' -,_ \ <?: -\ \ ,._ .. ' .. I I I ! I ... \ I ~ ~ \ \ I ! - \~ ...... .. .. ""''''"''""' ..... . ................. . ..... .. " .............. .. ...... . ................. . . . . . . -. . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ................ . ••••• ., •• .. n••nn• .. -• . . . . . ' -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . .............. .. ..... . .. " .............. .. .... . . ............... .. .... . ................ . • • "''"""" n ............. ............ ........ , .... ............ ............ " -.... -.. ............ ~ \~ r. H ........ L . KEY MAP NOT To scAl.e ® ~' ' ( ). PLANT LEGEND SThl!IOI. NO. l!IOTANCAI.. I COMMON NAMe ~ 0 $-II •LAVATl!!t:?A e!COLOQ I •5 GAL. TREE MALLOW 0 $-21 CARISSA M. 'GRE:!!!N CAR?er / IGAL. NATAL PLUM 0 5-22 PITTOSPOl'<U\1 CRASSIFOLILM / IGAL. NCN 0 S-2:o RAPHIOU!eF"IS 'MAJl'!:STIC BEAUTY' / IGAL. INDIA ~WTI-lORN 1-ffi.li.O I• 111 111 H-1 'AGRONO-Tec' HYDROSE:!!!D WLDFLOWER MX WITH NA TM!: GRASSES • CONTRACTOR TO E!NSUR!!: AVAILAl!lLITY 60 DAY$ l"RIOR TO NSTALLATION. ~ DETAIL D. $1-EET L9.I F"LANT 48" O.C. !"ER DETAIL D, ~EET L.9.1 PLANT '.o' O.C. PER DETAL D, Sl-€ET L9.I F"LANT 6' O.C. PER OETAL D, SHEET L.9.1 F"LANT 6" O.C. PER DETAL D, SHEET L9J • LAVATE:RA TO BE PLANTED FROM I GAL. CONTAN=RS • 6' O.C. SPACNG ALONG PROME:NADI= ~ I-+-~ ---"i......i'll!I!~-- - FOR COMPLETE PLANTING LEGEND, SEE S~EET L9.I (II). FOR PLANTING NOTES AND DETAILS, SEE S~EET L9.I (II). 2,r .... a:-+ ' ,I) \' ·r97 z-r_ __ !_$_ I \ ' I I \ r ...... , ..... I I I 1\1 ~ I \ \ 1\1 ! I \ \ \\\ l> ' \ \ \ \ ' \\\ 0 \ \\\ ,, < rn \ \ \ \' \ 1\\ ' \ t,. \ ~-\ t,. t,. t,. t,. \\ \\ ~~ \\ ,\ L APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE S~EETS LIO.3 e LIO.4 (14 e 15). IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE 0 10 20 40 60 ~AIN~c1P~ ARCHITECTS TEL 7U ffl-t211 rAX 714 ffl 9215 "AS BUILr' DATE R.C.E. ___ _ R.C.E. ____ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, 1 • io·· I CITY OF CARLSBAD ASST. F"LANNNG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER Pl<IOR TO '-====-===PLAN:::::::::::=:::Nl:::::NGl::=D::::::E:::::PARTM:::::::::::::::::::::::::ENT::::::::::::::=::::!!::=15~ IMPLEMENTATION N F6-D. ~ ••=•• /97 FIRST CITY SLBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN BID SET GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT t4, TRACT NO. 92-7 APPROVED 1-Z"-?£ DATE OWN BY PPC,~NQ. 11 ---NQ. OATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D .R CHKD BY CT 96-01 356-7L REVISIONS FIELD BY C.M.W.D. 96-609 L8.4 PLANTING NOTES A. .ta & ;o l"LANTN$ SPl!CP'ICATIONIS N-,CJ Dl!TALS P"Oll SOL ~All,11,.TION, l"ERTLIZA TI0N. M.LO-N.,; AN) OT!-15' PLANTNG I\FOl:1MA TION. l!J. NOTl'"Y il-E OWN!:R'S AlJTI-lOlclZl!D ~ATIVE 48 ~ PRIOR TO C,.,~......... OF W00( TO COOQDNATE Pl20.ECT NSPECTION ~ C. v61r'l' ALL EXlS11IIG COIIOITION5, DM!NSION5 AN) El....l!VATIONS W OQE F'l<OCEEONG WITl-4 n-e WOO<. NOl'FY L.Af,OSCAPE Al<CI-ITECT Mv£DIA Ta. Y 51-1CU.D FB..D COI\OITIONS Vl>Sl.Y FROM THOSE: SHOWN ON PLAN. D, ~ DISci.?ePAN'.::ES N Tl-e Cll.?AWNGS OR BETWEEN TI-E Ol2AWNGS AN) ACTUAL Fl3..D C(N)tTlON5 TO n-e LAIIOSCAPE Ai<CI-ITECT. CORRECTED 012AWNG5 012 NSTI2UCTION SHALL BE ISSLEO ~ TO n-e CONTN.JATION OF ~ WOO<. A5S..M:: FU.I.. r.!!;SPONSEIUTY F0R ALL ~ARY C~TIONS Dl.e TO FALU<f: TO REPOl2T KNOWN ~ANCES. e, LOCATE ALL EXl5TNG Lm.JT1$ WI-ETl-e2 SHOWN ~ 012 NOT AN) Pl20TeCT T1--EM R20M DAMAGE. NOl'FY n-e 0~ ~ATIVE MIAl!DIATa. YAN) ASSl.1\£ R..LL ~ F0R E:XPea: OF ~AR OR ~ce.£NT N CONJ...NCTION Wl7l-l DAMAGED UTUTES. I'". LOCA TlON OF N.LC. COJSTl<UCTION B..eM!!NTS 5UCI-I AS L.JGI-ITS, SIGNS, Vl!!NTS, t-m:ll2ANTS, Tl:!~ l=TC. ~ APPROXMA Te. NOTFY n-e LANJSCAP!!: Al<CI-ITECT M\EOIA Ta. Y $-OU.D n-e LOCA TlON OF Tl-ESE ITEMS l\i i &I 0..2 W1Tl-4 TI-E PROPER EXECUllON OF WORK. G. OBT AN ALL SOL 1"012 l...AN)5CAPe PLANTNG ~ Ol2 ~ l"ROM ON-SIT!: l!!XCAVATIONS. SHOU.D M"Ol2T SOL BE i'ECESSARY, Sll3MT M"Ol2T SOL TlcSTNG i<1;51..1.TS F0R APPROVAL PRIOI<! TO M"ORTATION. SOL SHALL BE SAN:>Y LOAM CONTAN.IG NO TOXIC o-evtCALS OR EI..BIENTS Wl-0-l MAY N-BT OR kETAl:lO NC.ll<MAL. PLANT GROWn.1. 1-1. .AFTER lcOUGI-I GRADES HAIie aee,,,,i l!:STAE!JL151-eD N F'LANTN'il ~. HAV'I!: SOL SAM"l..ES TAKEN AT TI-E LOCATIONS KllCA TED BY DeSIGNATION ~ HAVE SAlvA..ES TESTED BY SOL AN) PLANT LAB, C714) 558-8333, FOR SOL FERlUTY, AGRICLLTU2AL SUTABI...ITY TEST AN) SOL F'r<EPARATION l<ECOMMEN)ATIONS TAKE TWO SM-f'I.ES AT EACl4 LOCATIONo ID GRO..N> LEVB.. TO ICY Da'P, (2) 2-4" TO 36" DEEP. l:;AQ-l SAMPl...f: SHALL CONT AN APPIZOXMA Ta. Y I QI ,APT OF SOL TO BE 1..NE1 ED PER LOCATION AN) DEPTH NSTALL SOL PREPARATION MO BACK FU r.tX TO COt-FOl2M TO Tl-ESE 12ECOMM13'0A TIONS ONLY L.PON i<ECEPT OF WRI I I f3\.I CHANGE ORiJB2 FQOM n-e O'l'N3Z. SI.EMT SOL l26"C:QT TO l.AN)SCAPE Ai<CI-ITECT PRIOR TO PLANTNG. CITY NSPECTOR M.JST APPl<OVE SOL TI:ST Rl=COlv'MEIIOATIONS PRIOI<! TO DEI..NERY OF SOL A,\,EN'.lMENTS TO SITE. L KU. MO J;!EMOIIE ALL e!XISTNG W!!!B)6 ~ &re ~ ~ SPe!Cl"ICA T10NS. .1 ASS.Re! POSITM!: CRANAGI!! N ALL F'I..ANTNG ARP!AS, 21 I\AN\t.M K. LOCATE AN) TAG ALL PL.ANT MA~ MAT5!1AL 51-l,6.LL BEN CON"ClQMANCI!: WITI-I PLANTNG Pl.AN DE5Cl2PTIONS AN) SPeCFICA TION5. ALL PLANT MA T6!IAL IS SLB.ECT TO r;ievew AN) APPROVAL PRIOI<! TO NSTALLATION. . Pl20VDE PI--OTOS O,,' l2fFIES61(f A TlVE E';)(AM"l.f;5 OF EACl4 TAGGeD BLOCK TO Ll>J'OSCAPE ~ MN'vUIA 11 DAYS BEFORE ANTICF'ATED OEUV&Y. PHOTOS SHALL NCLLOE A PERSON FOR SCALE PI..WOSES. LAIIOSCAPE AQO.ITECT MAY OPT TO l2EVEW MA T5!IAL AT Gl20WNG ill.l2SEl2Y. MA TB:!IAL OBJl/e:l:!EO TO Tl-E SITE MAY BE "1E..ECTED BASED ON LN--EAL TI-FU. APPeARAN::I= OR NON-CONF0RMANC! Wl7l-l 5PECFICATIONS EVEN F PRS/IOUSL Y REVEWED BY TI-E LAN:>SCAPE ARCl-fTECT OR n-e OV'N3!. L ALL TREES wn,.., A SPECES 51-W.l. HAVE MA TCl-l'IG FORIIA. M. l"NAl. LOCA T10N OF ALL PLANT MA TI3MLS SI-IALL BE 51..BJ!:CT TO il-E APPQOVAL OF TI-E OWl'B2'S Al.JTl-l002EO ~ATIVE. N. PLANTNG GlUANT1TE5 Al<El; GM!N FOR ~ ONLY. PLANT SYlvllOLS AND 8PeO"EO SPACNG SI-IAll. TAKE P12ECEOENCE. 0. AT EDGES OF PI.ANTNG ARl!:AS. TI-E CENTEl2 l.f\e OF Tl-I! LAST row OF SI-Ql.BS AND/CR. GROLN> COVS2 SHALL Be LOCATED NO f"Al2TI-B2 l"l20M TI-E 19'.lGe ™AN OI\E-HAl.F n-E SPECFED ON ~ SPACNG. P. NSTALL GROI..N) COVER Al'O/OR Sl--2...B MASSES WITI-I TRIANGU..AR SPACNG LNLESS 0~ N)ICATEO. Q, ,11,.LL ClRVE TO ClRVE Al'O CL.RV!!! TO TANGl!!NT U>eS SHALL 1!11!: N!;AT, Tia\-1, SMOOll-1 Al'O UfORM. ,;i. ,,!EMOVE ALL 1'11.RSERY STAK!!S AN) 1!!8PALl5212ACKS MA!!!OIATl!'!I..Y AP"Tl!l2 NSTALLA TION LPON PROVDNG 5lPPCQ( ~ PLAN. S. OlRNG TI-E LENGTl-l OF TI-E GI IARANTEE PBi!IOD, Be ~ !"OR PROPER ST t>KNG Al'OIOR GUYNG OF Tl:!e:S TO e.1SU<E ST ABI...ITY. T. M..1..Cl4 ALL LAAD5CAPE ~S <EXCLLONG TlRP') HAVNG Lf!SS TI-IAN A 3'I SLOPE WITI-I A 3" DEz'P LAY& OF "MEOUIA Gl2l'ID M..1..Cl-r SLF'PI...ED BY E!iU...E RBBON ~. C714l 633-3666 AT T>-E CONCLUSION OF Pl.ANTNG OPEQATIONS. SLavfT SA/1,A..E TO CITY NSPeCTOP FOR APPQQVAL PRtOl2 TO oaJV!!QY. 06..JV!::RY TO SITE. U. AI\NJAL COLOR TO Ell!: sa...ecl?!O l!JT' LAl'OSCAfle NZCl-l'TECT AT TM!: OF NST ALLA TION. REO!..EST ~ATION A MNVU\A OF 48 1--0lRS N ADV~ OF r-eED FOR OELIV&Y. EROSION CONTROL NOTES SLQPES PB:l.RNG SOSION cm ~ AS & CCI ED ..a.a~ SI-IALL 1!11!! Tl:!EA. TED WI™ CH: OR MORE OF TI-E FOLLOWNG ST AI\OAl:lOS, A. ST Al>OARD lOI -COY& CROP .JJTE II.ES-I COVER CROP SHALL BE A SEED MIX TTPICALL Y MADE LP OF l"AST COVl5!1NGI GRASSES, O..OVERS, A/>0/012 WLO FLOW&S. Sl..l!ll\MT SPECf9C SEED r.tX FOR CITY APPQQvAL PRiOQ TO Al"PLICATION. TI.e COVS2 Cl20P SI-IALL Be APPLEO AT A i:!ATE AND MAl'N:;I:! SlFFICl;NT TO Pi:!OVIOE; 90S COVERAGf: WITl-l'J 30 DAYS. TYPE OF .JJTE ~ 5HALL Bl!: APF'l:!OveD l!JT' il-E CITY AN) ST AKeO TO Tl-I!: SLOPE /lS ~ BY Tl-E MAN..FACTI.Rai! • .1..JTl= 1\,£81-1 SHALL EIE PeQUPEO Wi-eJ PLANTNG OCCt..RS BETWEEN AUGLJST 1511-1 AN)~ 15Tl-l. OL1<NG TI-E REMAND& OF TI-E YEAR, TI-E COY& a:!OP Al'-D/012 JUTE M::51-l MAY BE USED. El STAl'OAl:lO 2 -GIROLN:>COV!R IOOS OF Ai:!EA TO BE PLANTED WITl-4 ,6. ~ COVl!!i:! KNOWN TO HAV!: EXCB.1.SIJT SOL BNONG CHARACTEi:!ISTICS (Pl.ANTED Fl<OM A MNlllM SIZI= OF FLA TTEO MA TBclAl. ANJ SPACED TO Pl20VOE FU.I.. COV&AGE WITl-l'J m 'TFAR). ,11,.LL SLQPE;:S 3" OR Si a.FER AN) 4' CR. Gi:!eA ll5!' N l-elGI-IT ~ ST MOAi:!05 I AI\O 2 COVEi:! seEO Cl<OP CO\-POSITON TO Be, ~IA CALFORl'JCA Ll.PN..JS SlJCCLl.fNTlJS O'COI\NCJR'S LEGU\oE f't3l:::R ML0-1 16-16-16 l"Ei:!TI..IZER ST ABLIZING E3NJEi:! ,o / ACPf: 2 2 20 2000 400 120 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE S~EETS LIO.3 c LIO.4 (14 c 15). PLANT LEGEND Sl1leCL N(). ~ T-1 ... T-2 @ T-3 A T-4 0 oQ T-6 Cl T-7 • T-8 • T-9 )I( T-IO ■ T-11 BOTANC.6.1.. I OOMMON NMe A~ASTl<UII i<OMANZOFFIANUM / CIL.EEN PALM ERYTI-QNA COl<AL.LOO!!:S / NAKED COOAL Tl<EE Ei:1YTl-'1NA Ci<tST A-GAL.LI COCKSPL.R COl<AL Tl<EE TIPUANA Tf'IJ / TIF'U Ti:IEE F'i:1lNJS CAl<OLNIANA / CAi:10LNALALl<ELCI-Ei:1i:1Y JACAl<ANDA MIM0$1FOLIA / JACARANDA MAGNOUA GRANOIFLOOA / SOUTf-El<N MAGNOLIA r-Ei:1'1.JM OLEANDER 'SISTER AG~S' / CT.EANDER PHOEt-.lX OACTYLFS/A / DATE PALM PYi:1\JS CAL..L.l'3<Y ANA 'CHANTICL!!e:i:1' / ORNAMENT AL PEAR TRIST ANA COl'FERTA / BRISBANE BOX ♦ T-12 WASl-llNGTONA ROBUSTA / lvEXICAN FAN PALM l!!II-RLll6 ® S-1 ACANTl-l.JS MOU-IS / BEAR'S ElREf'CH ~ S-2 • Aa-.lu.EA TA YGeTE:A 'MO~!!' / NCN ® S-3 AL YOGYNE: HUEGEU / BLLE e-!BISCUS • S-4 AZALEA INDICA 'L.J. 809N<' / AZALEA @ S-5 BOUGANVlLE:A 'RASPBE:QRY ICE:' / BOjJGANVIU.EA • S-6 BUXUS JAPONICA / JAPANE:SE: BOXWOOD ® S-7 DlfcTES BICCT.OR I BUTTERFLY !:?IS ® S-11 • ..IJSTICIA BRANDEGEANA / SHRIM"' PL.ANT 0 S-9 LANTANA CAMARA/ BUSH LANT ANA ~ S-IO LAVANDLLA ANGUSTIFOLIA / E'NGL.ISH LAVE:ND6! 0 S-1 •LAVATERA BICCT.OR / TREE MALLOW (ii S-f,1 • LE:ONOTUS LE:ON.RUS / UON'S TAL E9 S-13 LIGUSTl.!UM JAPONCLM TEXAl\l..M / TEXAS PRIVET G:l S-14 • PHYLLOST ACl-ffS NIGRA 'I-ENON' I BLACK BAMBOO :!!IZl!!/el"~ 36' aox 48" BOX 24' BOX 24" BOX 15GAL COl.LM'J 24' BOX 48"BOX 15 GAL 30'BROWN Tl<LJ'.I( e-lEIGl-ff 24' BOX 24' BOX 30'Bi:10WN TRLN< ,-EJGl·ff 15 GAL IGAL. 15 GAL 5 GAL I GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL I GAL IGAL. 5 GAL •5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 0 S.J5 PITTOSPORUM TOBJ;!A 'CRe/vle DE l\il\lT' i 15 GAL. DWARF VAREGA TED TQBRA 0 S-16 0 S-17 0 S-18 11111111111111 S-19 0 S-20 0 S-21 0 S-22 0 S-23 I++++++ J S-24 * + + 0 S-25 \/N!S • V-1 GllKlltD COV!!R5 .... -' ... ' I ---l ,,,,,,.,,,,, ... ,,.,,,,, ... ,,,,, ... ,, ... ,, ..... ·····-·-··-····· ..... ,., ...... . [:··t··········] ~ ~ ~ ~~ I 111111111 G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 f~-·<:'.'-:_>J GT-I ~ GT-2 HYOROSe!l!!D 111 111 µ-I RAPHIOLE:PIS NDICA 'BALLERINA' I INDIA .!AWT1--0"1N •ROSA "SMALL MRACLE' / NCN STRELITZIA REGINAE / BIRD OF PARADISE Ti:1ACl-a.OSPEi:1M...llil JASMINOIDt!:S / ST AR JASMI\E ZANTEDESCHIA AETI-IQPICA / COMMON CALLA CARISSA M. 'GRE:eN CARP!IT I NATAL PLLM PITTOSPORUM CRASSFOlJ..M / NCN RAPHIOLEPIS 'MAJESTIC BEAUlT / INOIA HAWTI-KJRN BOUGAINVILLEA 'ROSENCA' / BOUGAINVILLEA PHORMLJM TENAX 'ATR~' f r-E.W ZEALAND FLAX CL YTOSTOMA CALUSTEGIOIDES / VICT.ET TRUMPET VII\E Ar-.N..JAL COi.OR 'A' AI\N.JAL ca.oi:1 'B' Ar-.N..JAL ca.OR ·c· M,OPORI..M PARVIFOLIUM / NCN 1-EDERA CANARENSIS / ALGEl<IAN IVY LOI\ICE:RA JAPOI\ICA / JAPAI\ESE HOI\EYSUCKLE ~IOPOGON JAPONICLJS / MONDO GRASS VINCA MINOR I DWARF PEl<IWINKLE MAl<AT~ IH SOD · AGRONO-TE'C· µ,DR05eED 8ALLFIE:LD MIX ff2A 'AGRONO-TEC' µ,DROSEED WILDFLOWER MIX WITH NA TNE GRASSES 5 GAL. 18' HT. TRLN< 5 GAL. I GAL I GAL. I GAL. IGAL. I GAL 5GAL. 5 GAL 5 GAL STAKl":D 4"POTS 4"POTS 4" POTS FLATS FLATS FLATS FLATS FLATS • CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE AVAILAE!IIUTY 60 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. RES ER TO Dt!:T AL A, SI-EET L9J REFER TO Dt!:T AL E!!, SI-EET L9J REFER TO DETAL C, SI-EET L9J REFER TO DETAL C, 51--EET L9J REFeR TO DETAL C, SI-EET L9J RE:FER TO DETAL C, SI-EET L9.I REFER TO DET AL 8, 51-EET L9.I REFER TO De:TAL C, s-EET L9.I REFER TO OeTAl A, SI-EE:T L9.I RE:FER TO OeT AL C, SI-EETL9.I REFER TO OETAl C, Sl-ffT L9.I RO E.1,/ TO DET AL A, SHEET L9.I l"LANT F'!!!R De!T AL D, SI-EET L9.I Pl.ANT 18' O.C. Pe;;> DETAL D, SHEET L9.I Pl.ANT 4T O.C. P6I DETAL 0, SHEET L9.1 PLANT 18' O.C. PE:i:1 DETAL D, SHEET L9.I PLANT 36" O.C. PER DETAL D. S1--EET L9.I PLANT 30' O.C. PB< DE:T AL D. S1-EE:T L 9.1 PLANT 36" O.C. PER DETAL D. SI-EE:T L9.I PLANT 36" O.C. PEI< DETAL D. SHEET L9.I PLANT 36-O.C. PER DE:TAL D, SI-IEET L9.I PLANT 18" O.C. PB< DE:TAL D. SHEET L9.I PLANT 48" 0.C. PER DETAL D, SHEET L9.I PLANT 36" O.C. PER DETAL D. SI-EE:T L9,I PLANT 30" O.C. PER DETAL D, SHEET L9.I PLANT 36" O.C. PER DETAl D, SHEET L9.I PLANT PER DETAL D. SI-EE:TL9.I PLANT PE:P DeT AL D. SI-EETL9.I PLANT PER OETAL D. SI--B"cT L9.I PLANT PER DeT AL D. SI-EE:T L9.I PLANT 18" O.C. PER DETAl D. Sl-a:T L9.I PLANT PER DETAL D, SI-EET L9.I PLANT 3' O.C. PE:R DETAL D, SHEET L9.I PLANT 6. O.C. PB.? DETAL D, SI-EET L9.I Pl.ANT 6' O.C. P6I DETAL D, SI--EE:T L9.I PLANT 36' O.C. PE:i:1 DET AL D, SI--EET L9.I Pl.ANT 5" O.C. PEI< DETAL D. SeEET L9.I l<eP'l!:R TO DET AL A. S1--EET 1..8.1 i:1B"ER TO DET AL F, Sl-€ET L9.I REFER TO DETAL F, SI--EET L9.I REFEi:1 TO DET AL F. SI--EET L9.I Pl.ANT 2' O.C. PER DETAL F, SI-EET L9.I PLANT 12' O.C. PER DETAIL F, SI-EET L9.I Pl.ANT 18" 0.C. PER DETAIL F, SHEET L9.I PLANT 8" 0.C. PER DETAL F, ~EET L9.I PLANT 12· O.C. PER DETAI.. F, ~EET L9.I ,.. LAVATERA TO BE PLANTED FROM I GAL. CONTAINERS• 6. O.C. SPACING ALONG PROMl!!NADE l.EGEN) L SPECM!NTl<EE.36"BOXORLAi:!GlE:!R 2 BLACK PVC HOSE WITI-I vs· Bi:!AOED GALVANZl!D STW.. GUY CAFI E, iJ5E; GALVANZEO CAaf: CLAI\/PS AN) Tl2'B.JCKLE. l'vl'M..M 3 GUYS PEi:! mEE, PPOVOE ADDITIONAL GUYS F i:!EGlU2EO OLE TO SITE COf\OITIONS 3. FNS1-1 GRADE. a:!OWN OF nlEE M...JST ...OT Bl;: PLANTED BELOW Tl-IS LeVa. 4. WAT'Ei:! BASN -MNM..M 4" Oe:>Tl-1, M.LQ-l TO Z: DEPll-1 AN) DEEP WA T6? TI!EE li\Mv'EOIA Tl=L Y LPON PL.ANTll.'G. i:!EMOVE BASN AT EM> OF MANTENANCE l"eRIOO 5. T..?EE l<'OOTBALL -M...IST NOT BE l<'OOT BOLND. LOOSEN ANY TIGIT PACKED i:200TS 6-AM:NJEO BACKFLL MIX -SEE SPECFICATIONS. TA.\P AN) SETTLE BACKFLL BEl ORE PLANTNG SO THAT Tl:!e: DOES NOT SN< AFTEi:! PLANTNG 7. F6ITT.JZB,? TAa.ETS -SEE 5PECFICA110NS e. EXISTNG SOL 9. MOOeL 68 DUCKBl.l.. EAl2Tl-l ANCl-lOi:! WITl-l va· Bi:!ADE:D GALVANZl!D STe:B.. CABLE \ \I \J \/ \/ I ~ -•--•--•-•-•--•-~ \ \/\/\!\!\ -_. y\/.\.1·\.I.\/ I) I /\ 1\ I\ 1\ \ LEOOAL l I( ~ NOTES A. ALL ~Gi:!OLN) CO~ SHALL BE Pl.ANTED AT EQUAL SPACNG <TRIANGU.Al2l LN..E'SS O'TI-Ei:!WISe NOICATEO ON PLANS. SEE l.EGEN) FOR SPACt-JG ~S. 12. TWIO!! l200TBALL WDTI-I iO. VZ' DtA. X Z-0" LONG ~ PVC WA.l:HIIG DEVICE -TO BE NSTAI I FD N Pl.B..IC ~ l i:200TBALL OEPTI-I A..US 18". F BECROCK IS ENCO...NT6i.'I:, NOl'FY OWI\ER'S ~- S~RUB / GROUND COVER SPACING 13. ARBOR-GAro TRt.N< Pl20TECTCR l"OP US!! N TI..WAl2EAS D 4 TREE PLANTING / GUYING -36" BOX + ----r ® b ' co l.EGEIIO L f"l<ONDS TO Ee TED AN) PPOTECTFO OlRNG 51-FM=NT. LNTE Fi:!CN)5 AFTB! 30 DAYS. OR AS Ol.!ECTEO BY PALM Tl:!e: EXPB2T 012 LAN)SCAPE ARO-ITECT. 2 TRt.N< I-EIGI-IT• M=ASI C'f'O R:?OM ORIGINAL GRADE LEVEL AT BASE OF TRl.N( TO TE0.INAL El.DAT BASE OF FRON:>5. TRI..N( TO BE Cl EAN. STl:!AIQ-IT AN) FREE OF SCARS OR ~T. SET TRI..N( PU.M3 3. 4. 5. 6- 7. a 9. IO. l 12. 13. 14. ,5. 16.. V&TICAL PLANT BASE OF nlEE AT OR SI.JGHTL Y ABOVE FNSI-I GRADE. 00 NOT Bl.RY ANY PAi:!T OF TRI..N( FNSI-I Gi:!AOO i:!OOTBALL• TO BE PROTECTED OLJ;?NG ~ ~ 3'-6'X 3'-6'X 4' DEEP. 6",VI\M,,M WASI-ED COARSE CONCl2ETE SAN) BACKFLL 00 NOT USE EAPTl-1 OR Oll-B2 TYPES OF SAN). CONCRf;TI; a.J'.i!S P6l OVL ~S DRAWNGS Z: TI-4CK OECOM"OSEO GRANTE l'vt..LCI-I 6" DIA. BLACK PVC SLP CAP, TOP 3" MAX SOL.[) 6" PVC PF'E Tl.'EVRA lt$127 ON BOTTOM AN) SCJES (lP 6' WITI-I PE:G5) 12' DIA. X 6" DEEP AI.JGlRED i-OL.E Fl...LED WITl-l 314" CRIJSI-B) GRAVB.. 6" DIA. X 8' P5!FORATEO PVC PPE: -CE!NTEl2 N I-IOLE El'OCAP 4" PERl"Ol2A TEO PVC 012AN.N: <CEN'TI=PB) I.N'.JS2 PALM BALL) NQ1E, SEE PALM Tl2Ee PLANTNG AN) MANTl!!NANCI!: SPECFICA TIONS FOl2 ADDITIONAL ~ PALM PLANTING 1 SECTION B Cl!PT1-I ~ =--4 PI.IJ86' l 2"aooT9AU. l -r WDlH ~ L Ot-E TI-ROUG.-, I I , W~ GALLON CONT AI\Bi? SIZE F'LANT :2. WATS! BASN-tvl'I. 4" DEPil-1. l<E'MOVE: BASN t>.FTEi:! ~ F'l!3<IOD 3. FNS1-EO GRADE. 4. M,1Et,OFO BACKPLL r.tX-seE SPECFICATION5. TA.\P OR WATEi:! SET1l.E SO Pl.ANT DOE'S NOT SN( AFr6! PLANTNG 5. I CkTLIZNG TAaas. 5a:: ~TIONS 6. i:200TBALL OF PLANT-M..6T NOT BE i:!OQTBOl..NJ. LOOSEN ANY TIGIT-PAO<EO i:!OOTS 7. E'XISTNG SOL 8. -a:?OWN" OF Pl.ANT MJST NOT Bl;: BlRED BELOW L.EVa. OF SlRC!OI..NDNG SOL S~RUB PLANTING ..,____jj::::~t::i---{2 PLAN VIE'W L.eGe,J[) L 24" CORDED TE SEE SPECf9CATION5. A TT AQ-l Wffi-l ,,!OOFNG NALS (4 TTP .>. 2 Z: DIA. X ,o· LODGE POLE PNe STAKE C2 TTP .> KE'EP CLEAR Of" C!OOTBALL SE'!!! SPECFICATIONS 3. WA TE'Q B.ASN. 3" ~ OEPTl-1 .Af"TE'C! WA TEC!NG BY HOSE. i<EMOVE BASN N LAWN ARl:;A5 MO /lS Ol<ECTED BY Ll>J'OSCAPE Ai:!O-fr5CT. 4. FNS.eD GPADE. 5. AVEI\OED BACKR.L SEE 5PeCFtCA T10N5 FOP MX MO PIT SIZE. 6-21 Gi:!AM PLANT TABLET. SEE SPECFICATIONS. 7. EXISTNG SOL 8.. SCARFY SU:S AN) BOTTOM OF F'LANTNG PIT ~ 9. AC!BOR-GARO TRI..N( PROTl=CTOR FOR USE' IN TU2F ~ L :2. 3. 4. ~- 6. LOCATE PLANTS WI™ Eal IAL SPACNG AS il\OICA TED ON PLAN, TRIANGU.Ai:! SPACNG 24" Cl E'AC! V!:klCLe OVERl-lANG zor,e LOW (MAX e-1-ITJ Gl20LNXX)VEi:! ON.Y . a.J'.i!S SPi:!N<l.ER i-l=AD -NO 1-G-1 POP-LPS V5-ICl..e V2 SPACNG l"OP SPecf"eO PLANT MATERIAL 3 PLANVEW PLANTING c PARKING ST ALLS T[L 714 248-9211 rAX 714 248 9215 "AS BUILT' DATE R.C.E. ____ _ R.C.E. _____ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE l == l .; I\ 2" lllA. ~OOOTaAU. IO. SET TOP OF i:!OOTBALL 3" ABOVE ~ Gi:!ADE AN) SLOPE' FOP OC!ANAGE. l NST ALL lll.824-2 C!OOT BAl2C!B2 l"E'!2 ~ AS MGPO BY DEEP i:!OOT COC!P. C714l 898-0563. NOTB NOI\E ~- NOTB MANTAIN TI..W 3" Cl.EAQ FROM nlEE TRt..N<. TREE PLANTING/STAKING -15 G./24" B. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. RE=VISIONS MUST BE= APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGII\EER, 1-em-0 II CITY OF·CARLSBAD 118He15e,e I ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO '"-===::!!:::· ==PLAN==N:::1:::NGl=:::D=~=ARTM==EN=T==::::.:· ==~ IMPLE=MENT A TION IN FIE:LD. ~ FRST CIT, SUBMITTAL BIO SET DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP"D REVISIONS LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 APPROVED DWH BY-~'-- CHKD gy_.R"-'--- FIELD BY c_M_w_o_ 96--609 PROJl!CT NQ. CT 96-01 11 /-20-f 'j' DATE DRAWING N0. 356-7L L9.1 SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRtcrs IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS AND IN CASES OF CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND CMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS, CMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. PART I -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. It Is the Intent of the apeclflcatlona and drowlnc;is that th• ffnlahed •~tern Is complete in every respect and ahall be ready for operation satisfactory to the Owner. B. The work shall Include all materials, labor, services, transportation, and equipment necessary to perform the work as indicated on the drawings, in these specification, and as necessary to complste the contract. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS A. Due to the scale of the drawings, It Is not poaelble to Indicate all offuts, fittings, sleeves, etc. which may be required. The Contractor shall carefully Investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting oil of his work and pion his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings ore generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work ta be Installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to ovoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and architectural features. B. All work coiled for on the drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and Installed whether or not speclflcally mentioned In the specifications. 'Mlen on Item ls shown on the plans but not shown on the specifications or vice verso, It shall be deemed to be os shown on both. The Landscape Architect shall have final authority for clorlflcatlon. C. The Contractor shall not willfully Install the Irrigation system ae shown on the drawings when it ls obvious in the field that obstructions, grode differences or discrepancies In orea dimensions exist that might not hove been considered In engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect as soon as detected. In the event this notification is not performed, the Irrigation Contractor shall assume full responslblllty for any revision necessary. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide at least one engllsh speaking person who shall be present at oil times during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly fomlllar with the type of materials being Installed and the manufacturer's recommended methods of installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. B. Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings sholl be fallowed In all coses where the manufacturer of articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. C. All local, municipal and state laws, rules and regulations governln1:1 or relating to c:my portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and mode a part of these apeclflcatlons, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the obove rules and regulations of the same. However, when these specifications and drawings coll for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of o better quality, higher standard, or larger size than Is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. D. All moteriols supplied for this project ,iholl be n•w and free from any defects. All defecth,e materials shall be replaced Immediately at no oddltlonal cost to Owner. E. The Contractor sholl secure the required licenses and permits including payments of charges and fees, give required notices to publlc outhoritin, verify permits secured or arrangements mode by others affecting the work of this section. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Moterlols List: 1. After oword of contract and before ony Irrigation •~tem materials are delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner o complete list af oil Irrigation systems, moterlols, or processes proposed to be furnished and Installed as port of this contract. 2. Show monufocturer's name and catalog number for each Item, furnleh complete catalog cuts and technical data, furnish the manufacturer's recommendations cs to the method of lnstallatlon. 3. No substitutions will be allowed without review and opprovol by the City and prior written acceptance by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 4. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only eupplement the guarantee. B. Substitutions: If the Irrigation Contractor wlehH to ■ub■tltute any •ciuipm•nt or materlole for those equipment or moterlals listed on the irrigation drawings ond specification ■ he may do so by providing the following Information to the City and the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative far approval. 1. Provide a written statement indicating the reason for making the substitution. 2. Provide catalog cut sheets, technical data, and performance Information for each substitute item. 3. Provide in writing the difference In Installed price If the Item Is accepted. 1.05 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Th• Contractor shall verify ,:md be familiar with the locations, ■lze and detail of points of connection provided a■ the source of water, electrical supply, and telephone line connection to the irrigation system. B. Irrigation design ls based on the available static water pre■sure shown on the drawings. Contractor sholl verify static water on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. C. Prior to cutting Into the soil, the Contractor sholl locate oil cable■, conduits, sewer septic tanks, and other utlllties os ore commonly encountered underground and he shall take proper precautions not to damoge or disturb such improvements. If o conflict exists between the such obstacles and the proposed work, the Controctor shall promptly notify the Landscape Architect and Owner who wlll arrange for relocations. The Contractor will proceed in the some manner if a rock layer or any other such conditions ore encountered. D. The Contractor shall protect oil existing utllltles and features to remain on and adjacent to the project site during construction. Contractor shall repolr, at his own cost, all damage resulting from his operations or negligence. E. The Irrigation Controctor shall coordinate with the General Contractor for lnstollatlon of required sleeving os shown on the plans. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor Iholl permit the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorlz:ed representative to visit ond inspect at all times any part of the work and sholl provide safe occ11ss for "uch visits. In addition, the City Inspector will ask for o preconstruction meeting and periodic inspections. 13. 'Mlere the specifications require work to be tested by the Contractor, It shall not be covered over until accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, ond/or governing agencies. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect. Owner, ond governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work Is ready for testing. Should any work be covered without testing or acceptance, It sholl be, If so ordered, uncovered at the Contractor's expense. C. Inspections wlll be required for the following at o minimum: 1. Sleeving 2. System la)l:)Ut .3. Pressure test of Irrigation main line (Faur hours ot 125 PSI or 120" of ■totlc water pressure, which ever ls greater). 4. Coverage test of Irrigation system. 5. Final inspection prior to start of maintenance period 6. Final acceptance D. Site observations and testing wlll not commence without th• record drawings o ■ prepared by the lrrlgotlon Contractor. Record drawings must complete and up to dote for each site visit. E. Work which foils te11ttn1:1 ond Is not accepted wlll be retested. Hourly rates ond expenses of the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies for reinspectlon or retesting will be paid by the Irrigation Contractor at no additlonol expense to Owner. 1,07 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect irrigation symtem materials before, during, and aftar Installation and to protect the installation work and materials of oil other trades. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the occeptance of the Landscape Architect and Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing plastic pipe and fittings under cu ·Jr untll ready to install. Transport plastic pipe only on a vehicle with o bed long enauqh to allow the pipe to toy flot to ovoid undue bending and concentrated external load. 1.01!1 CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL A. Dispose of waste, trash, ond debris in occordonce with applicoble IQw■ and ordinances and as prescribed by outhoritles having jurisdiction. Bury no such waste material and debris on the site. Burning of trash ond debris will not be permitted. The Contractor sholl remove ond dispose of rubbish ond debris generated by his work ond workmen at frequent Intervals or when ordered to do so by the Owner's outhorized representative. ll. At the time of completion the entire site will be cleared of tools, equipment, rubbish and debris which shall be disposed of off-site In a legal disposal areo. 1.09 TURNOVER ITEMS A. Record Drawings: 1. Record accurately on one set of contract drawings oil changes in the work constituting departures from the orlglnal contract drawings. 2. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded In a legible ond workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the owner. Prior to final Inspection of work, eubmlt record drawings to the Landscope Architect or Owner's outhorlzed representative. 3. Dimensions from/to permanent points of reference such os buildings, sidewalks, curbs, etc. shall be shown. Data on record drowlngs shall be recorded on a day ta day basis as the project Is being Installed. All lettering on drowings shall be minimum 1 /8 inch In size. 4. Show locations and depths of the following items: a. Point of connection (Including water meters, bockflow preventers, master control valves, etc.) b. Routing of sprinkler pressure tines (dimensions shown at o maximum of 100 feet along routing), Including sleeves for pipe and wire. c. Boll valves 'd. Automatic remote control valves e. Quick coupling valves f. Routing of control wires If· Irrigation controllers h. Related equipment (os may be directed) 5. ~olntoin record drawings on site ot all times. Upon completion of work, transfer all as-built Information ond dimensions to reproducible sepia prints. B. Controller Charts: 1. Record drawings must be approved by Londscope Architect and/or Owner's authorized representative before charts ore prepared. 2. Provide one controller chort for each automotlc controller. Chart sholl show the oreo covered by the particular controller. 3. The chart Is to be a reduced copy of the actuol "record" drawing. In the event the controller sequence Is not legible when the drawing Is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a readable size. 4. 'Mien completed ond approved, the chort shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils in thickness. C. Operation ond Maintenance Monuals: 1. Two lndlvldually bound copies of operation and maintenance manual• shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative at least 10 calendar days prior to final inspection. The manuals shall describe the material Installed and the proper operation of the system. 2. Each complete, bound manual shall include the following informotion: a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address ond telephone number, duration of guarantee period, list of equipment including names and oddresses of local manufacturer representotlves. b. Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment. c. Spore ports lists and related manufacturer information for oil "<JUipment. D. Equipment: 1. Supply os Q port of this controct the following items: o. Two (2) wrenches for dl,assembly and odjustment of each lypa of sprinkler head used In the Irrigation system. b. Three JO-inch sprinkler keys for monuol operation of control valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Two quick coupler keys with a 3/4" bran,,. hose bib, bent nose type with hand wheel and two coupler lld keys. e. One valve box cover key or wrench. f. One 5-foot tee wrench for operating gate valves .3 Inches or larger (If used). g. Six extra sprinkler heods of each size and type. 2. The above equipment sholl be turned over to Owner's authorized representative ot the flnol inspection. 1.10 COMPLETION A. At the time of the pre-maintenance period inspection, the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies wlll Inspect the work, and If not accepted, will prepare a list of items to be completed by the Contractor. At the time of the post-molntenance period or final inspection the work will be reinspected and final acceptonce wlll be In writing by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies. B. The Owner's c,uthorized repreuntotive shall hove flnol authority on all portions of the work. C. After the system has been completed, the Contractor shall instruct Owner's authorized representative In the operation and maintenance of the irrlgc,tlon system and shall furnish a complete set of operating ond maintenance instructions. D. Any settling of trenches which may occur during the one-year period following acceptance shall be repaired to the owner's satisfaction by the Contractor without any additional expense to the owner. Repairs shall include the complete restoration of all damage to planting, paving or other Improvements of any kind as a result of the work. 1.11 GUARANTEE A. The entire sprinkler •~tern, Including oil work done under this contract, shall be unconditionally guaranteed against oil defects and foult of moterlal ond workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade, for o period of one (1) year following the filing of the Notice of Completion. Should any problem with the Irrigation system be discovered within the guarantee period, it shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional expense to owner within ten (1 O) cc,lendor days of receipt of written notice from Owner. When the nature of the repairs os determined by the Owner constitute on emergency (I.e. broken pressure tine) the Owner may proceed to make repairs at the Contractor'" expense. Any and all damoges to existing improvement resulting either from faulty materials or workmanship, or from the necessary rapoirs to correct some, shall be repolred to the satisfaction of the owner by the Contractor, oll ot no additional cost to the Owner. e. Guarantee shall be submitted on Controctors own letterhead as follows: Port GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler Irrigation system we hc,ve furnished and installed Is free from defects In moterlols and workmanship, and the work hos been completed In accordance with the drawings and apeciflcotions, ordinary wear ond teor and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defective material during the period of one ysar from dote of filing of the Notice of Completion and also to repair or replace any domage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects ct no additional cost to the owner. We shall moke such repairs or replacements within 10 calender days following written notiflcotion by the owner. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within the time specified after receipt of written notice from owner, we authorize the owner to proceed to hove said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we wlll poy the costs and charges therefore upon demond. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR NAME: I ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNED: DATE: II -MATERIALS 2.01 SUMMARY u,e only new materials of the manufacturer, size and type shown on the drawings and specifications. Materials or equipment Installed or furnished thot do not meet Landscape Architect's, Owner's, or governing agencies standards will be rejected and shall be removed from the site at no expense to the Owner. 2.02 PIPE A. Pressure supply tine from point of connection through backflow prevention unit shall be Type K "hard" copper pipe. Ill. Press1,1re supply line Installed over structure shall be Type K "hard" copper pipe. Copper pressure supply line installed over structure shall be secured to the concrete slob using Architect opproved fasteners. C. Pressure supply lines 2 Inches In diameter and up to 3 Inches In diameter downstream of backflow prevention unit shall be Class 315 solvent weld PVC. Piping shall conform to ASTM 02241. D. Pressure supply line■ 1 1 /2 Inches In diameter and smaller of the bockflow prevention unit shall be Schedule 40 solvent weld PVC conforming to ASTM D1785. E. Non-pres.,ure lines 3/4 Inches in diameter ond larger downstream of the remote control valve shall be Closs 200 PVC. Non-pressure lines 1 /2 inch in diameter shall be Class 315 PVC. Non-pressure piping shall conform to ASTM 02241. F. Reclolmed woter PVC pipe to be color coded "purple" In color and marked on two sides with reclaimed water warning stotements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" In English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Munlclpol Water District requirements on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further information. Reclaimed water piping must be occepted by the local reclolmed woter governing agencies. Reclaimed water PVC pt,re shall use standard Sch. 40 PVC fittings. Reclolmed water PVC pipe to be Brownllne Alertllne• or equal. G. Reclaimed water copper pipe to be Installed with color coded warning tape In color and marked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" In English and Sponlsh. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further Information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. 2.03 METAL PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Brass pipe shall be 85 percent red brass, ANSI, IPS Standard 125 pounds, Schedule 40 screwed pipe. B. Bross fittings shall be medium brass, screwed 125-pound class. C. Copper pipe shall be "hard" Type K. D. Copper fittings sholl be soldered type. 2.04 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Pipe shall be marked continuously with manufacturer's name, nominal pipe size, schedule or class, PVC type and grode, Notional Sonltotlon Foundation approval, Commercial Standards designation, and dote of extrusion. B. All plastic pipe sholl be extruded of on Improved PVC virgin pipe compound In accordance with ASTM 02241 or ASTM 01784. C. All PVC fittings shall be standard weight Schedule 40 and shall be Injection molded of on Improved virgin PVC fitting compound. Slip PVC fittings shall be the "deep socket" bracketed type. Threaded plastic fittings shall be Injection molded. All tees and ells sh oil be side gated. All fittings shall conform to ASlM D2466. D. All threaded nipples sholl be standard weight Schedule 80 with molded threads and shall conform to ASTM 01 785. E. All solvent cementing of plastic pipe ond fittings sholl be a two-step process, using primer and solvent cement applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. Cement shall be of a fluid consistency, not gel-like or ropy. Solvent cementing shall be in conformance with ASTM 02564 ond ASTM D2855. F. 2.05 A. B. C. D. 2.06 A. B. C. D. 'Mien connection Is plastic turn with o strap wrench. equal. to metal, female adapters shall be hand tightened, plus one Joint compound shall be non-lead base Teflon paste, tape, or BAC1<FLOW PREVENTION UNITS The backflow prevention unit shall be of the monufacturer, size, ond type Indicated on the drawings. The backflow prevention unit shall be Installed In accordance with the requirements set forth by local codes. The backflow prevention assembly shall consist of brass piping. unions and fittings. Bockffow preventer enclosure shall be of the monufocturer, size. and type Indicated on the drawings. Enclo,.ure shall be constructed of 3/16" stainless steel angle stock with 1-1/2" No. 9 expanded metal panels and o 3/8" U-bolt lock to be secured ta tha concrete mounting pod. VALVES Ball Valves: 1. Boll valves sholl be of the monufocturer, size, and type Indicated on the drawings. 2. Boll valves shall be double union design, Sch. 80 PVC blocked, with Teflon boll seats. End connector carrier and stem ore to hove either EPDM or Vlton 0-rlngs. Ball valves ore to hove threaded connections. 3. All ball valves shall have a minimum working pressure of not less than 125 psi and shall conform to AWWA standards. Quick Coupler Valves: 1. Quick coupler valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated on the drawings. 2. Quick coupler valves shall be brass with a wall thlcknees guaranteed to wlthstond normal working pressure of 150 psi without leakage. Valves sholl hove 3/4 femole threads opening at base, with two-piece body. Volves to be operated only with o coupler key, designed for that purpose. Coupler key Is inserted Into valve and o positive, watertight connection shall be mode between the coupler key and valve. Hinge cover shall be the locking type constructed of brass with a rubber-like Yin~ cover. Automatic Control Valves: 1. Automatic control valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Automatic control valves shall be electrlcolly operated. Anti-drain Valves: 1. Anti-drain valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Anti-drain valves sholl hove 18-8 stolnless steel springs ond valve stems with Buna-N seals. 3. Anti-drain valves will hove threaded connections the size of the riser or pipe they are to be installed onto, or the next available size. No slip connection anti-drain valves are allowed. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING SHEET APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUIL r• REVISIONS MUST BE APP120VED BY PUBLIC >-lEAL Tel ENGINEE':12, ASST. PLANNING DI12ECTOl2 AND DISTQICT ENGNEEQ Pl21012 TO IMPL-EMENT A TION IN FIELD. ._,. 12 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT m 714 2,111-1211 f,IX 714 24111215 ,/'6/97 FIRST CITY SUBMITTAL. DATE 3/ 4/9" BO SET R.C.E. ------R,C,E. _______ f----+-l------------------------1-----1 REVIEWED BY: DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR REVISIONS LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 APPROVE~ 1-l~-f K:_ ASSISTA~ DIRECTOR DATE ~~ I 11 OWN BY PRO.aCT NQ. DRAWING NO. .R CHKD BY CT 96-01 356-7L fltLD BY I C.M.W.D. 88-609 L10.1 SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION (cont'd) Part II -MATERIALS (cont'd) 2.07 VALVE BOXES A. Valve box•• sholl be flllbrlcated fram a durable, Weather-reel■tant pla■tlc material resistant to sunlight and chemical action of soils. B. The valve box cover shall be purple In color, secured with bolts and marked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" In English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further information. Reclaimed woter valve boxes must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. C. The cover and box shall be capable of su1talnlng a load of 1,500 pound■. D. Valve box extensions ■hall be by the same manufacturer as the valve box. E. Automatic control wive boxes shall be 16"x11"x12" rectangular sl2:e. Valve boK covers shall be "heat branded" In 2" high letters "RCV" with the wive Identification number. F. Ball valve, flush wive, master valve and quick coupler valve boxes shall be 1 o• circular sl2:e. Vcjve box covers shall be "heat branded" In 2· high letters with either "BV", "FV", "MV" ar •ocv-. 2.09 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER Automatic controller ,hail be of the mar1ufacturer, ,1:r,, end t)'p■ ir1dicated on the drawings. 2.09 ELECTRICAL A. All 9'ectrlcol equipment shaH be N-EMA Type 3, waterproofed for exterior ln■tallotlon-■• B. All •lectrlcol work shall conform to local code■ and ordlnoncn. 2.10 LOW VOLTAGE CONTIWL WIRING A. Remote control wire aholl be direct-burial AWG-UF t)'p■, size ae lndlc<Jted on the drawing■, and In no case ■mailer than 14 gauge. B. Connectlans shall be either epoxy-sealed pocket type or Penn-llte connectors. C. Ground wires shc,11 be white in color. Cc,ntrol wiru shall be red ( where two or more controllers ore used, the control wires shall be a dlfferentcolor for each controller. Theee colors shall be noted on the "Record Drc,wings" plans located on controller door). D. Provide a 24" long expansion loop for all directional changes In control wire routln9. 2. 11 IRRIGATION HEADS A. 8. Sprinkler heads and drip emitters shall be of the manufacturer, alze, l)J)■, with radkl• of throw, operating pressure, and discharge rate Indicated on the drawings. Pop-up he<:1ds and riser heads shall be und <:11 Indicated on the dr<:1wing11. Part Ill -EXECUTION 3.01 SITE CONDITIONS A. ln•pectlon•: 1. Prior to all work of tht. section, cc,refully lnepeet the tn,tc,lled work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where thl• Installation may properly commence. 2. Verify that Irrigation system mc,y be ln•talled In strict accordance with all pertinent cod• and regulations, the original design, the referenced standards, and the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Dleerepancles: 1. In the event of discrepancy, Immediately notify the Landecape Arctiltect or Owner's authorized representative. 2. Do not proceed with Installation In areas of discrepancy until c,11 di11crep<:1nele■ have been resolved. C. Grades: 1. Before starting work, cc,refully check all gradee to determine that work may safely proceed, keeping within the specified material depths with respect to finish grade. 2. Flnc,I grades shall be accepted by the Engineer befors work on this section will be allowed to begin. D. Field Measurements, 1. Make oil necesaary mH■urement■ In th• field to ensure precise flt of Item• In accordance with the original design. Contractor shall coordlnat■ the Installation of all irrigation materials with all other work. 2. All scaled dimensions c,re approximate. The Contractor shall cheek and verify all size dimensions prior to proceeding with work under this section. 3. Exercise extreme CQre In excawting and working near existing utllltles. Controctor shall be responsible for damages to utilltles which are caused by his c,perations neglect. E. Diagrammatic Intent: The drawings ore essentially diagrammatic. The alze and location of equipment and fixtures c,re drown to scc,le where possible. Provide offsets in piping changes In equipment locations as necessary to conform with structures and to avoid obstruction■ or conflicts with other work at no additional expense to Owner. F. Layout: 1. Prior to ln1t<:1llatlan, the Contractor shall stake out all pr■Hure supply line•, routing and location of sprinkler heads, wives, backflow preventer, and c,utomatlc controller. 2. Layout irrigation system and make minor ad)Jstments required due to differences between site and drawings. Where piping is shown on drawings under paved areas, but running parallel and adj<,cent to planted areas, Install the piping In the planted areas. G. Water Supply Connections to, or the lnstc,llatlon of, the water •upply shall be at the locations shown on the drawings .. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be mode at no additional expense to Owner. H. Electrical Service: 1. Connections tQ the electrical ,u,pty shall be at the locatlor,s ah own Qn the drc,wingm. Minor change■ eau■ed by site conditions shall be made at no addltlonc,I expense to Owner. 2. Contractor shall make 120 volt .connection to th• irrigation controllers. Electrical power ""' irce to controller locations shall be provided by others. 3.02 TftENCHING A. EKcavations shall De straight with wrtlcal sidu, even grc,de, c,nd support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenching excavation ehall follow layout lndlcc,ted on drawings to the depths below finished grade and as noted. Where lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrade. B Provide minimum cover of 1 e Inches on pressure supply lines 2 Inches and 911'1al1er, or as available when installed over structure. C. Provide minimum cover of 18 Inches for control wtru, or a• aval1<:1bl• when lnstc,lled over structure. D. Provide minimum cover of 12 lnehe■ for non-prenure lines, or a■ avaffable when Installed over struet.ure. F. Pip• Installed In o eammon trsnch shall have a e Inch minimum 1poee between plpu. 3.03 BACKFILLING A. l!!lackflll material on oll llnn ■hall be the same <:11 adjacent ■oil fr•• of debrla, litter, c,nd rocks over 1 /2 inch in diameter. I. Backflll shall be tamped In 4-lnch la)'era under the pipe and uniformly on both 1ld•• for the full width of the trench and the full length of the pipe. Backllll materials ahall be ■ufflelently damp to permit thorough compaction, free of voids. Backfill shall be compacted to drv density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil and shall conform to adjacent grades. C. Flooding In lieu of tamping Is not aUowed. D. Under no circumstances shall truck wheels be uaed to compact backfill. E. Provide sand bockflll a minimum of 6 inches over and under all piping under paved areas. 3.04 PIPING A. F"lplng under eitl■tlng pavarnent moy be Installed by jclcklng, boring, or hydraulic driving. No hydrc,ullc driving Is permitted under c,sphalt pavement. El. Cutting or breaking of existing pavement Is not permitted. C. Carefully Inspect all pipe and fittings before lnstollatlon, removing dirt, scale, burrs reaming. Install pipe with all markings up for visual inspe.ction and verification. D. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. E. All linn 1hall have a minimum clearance of 6 lnchn from each other and 12 inches from lines of other trades. F. Parallel lines shall not be lnetclled directly over each other. G. In solvent welding. u,e only th■ 9Pecllled primer and solvent cement cind make Cllll joints In strict accordance with the mc,nufocturer's recommended methods including wiping oil excess solvent from each weld. Allow solvent welds at least 15 minutes setup time before moving or handling and 24 hours curing time before filling. H. PVC pipe shall be Installed In a manner which will provide for expansion contraction oa recommended by the pipe manufacturer. I, Centerlood c,II plc,slic pipe prior to prenure testing. J. All threaded plastic-to-plastic connections shall be c,nernbled using Teflon tape or Teflon paste. K. For plastic-to-metal connections, work the metal connection■ first. Use o non-hardening pipe dope an all threaded plastic-to-metal connections, except where noted otherwise. All plostic-to-metol connections shall be mode with plastic female adapters. L All connection■ between PVC lateral line■ shall be made using Sch. 40 PVC fittings with compression adopters. All connections between drlpperllnes to be mode using compression fittings of manufacturer of the drlpperline. Use no pipe dope, Teflon lope, primer or solvent cement on compression fittings. 3.05 CONTROLLER A. The exact location of the controller shall be c,pproved by the La,ndscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative before lnstollc,tion. The et .. ctrtcol service shell be coordinated with this location. B. The lrrigc,tion Contractor shall be rupanslble for the final electrical hook up to Irrigation controller. C. The irrigation system shcill b9 programmed to operate during the periods of minimal use of the design area. 3.0! CONTROL WIRING A. Low voltage control wiring shc,11 occupy the same trench and shc,11 be installed c,long the same route as the pressure supply lines whenever possible. l!I. Where more than one wire ls placed in a trench, the wiring shc,11 be taped tagethar In a bundle at intervals of 10 feet. Bundle shall be secured to the mainline with tape at Intervals of 20 feet. C. All connections shall be of an approved t)o'll• and shall occur In a valve box. Provide an 18 Inch service loop ot SC1ch connection. D. An expansion loop of 12 Inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directional change, and one of 24 Inches shall be provided at each remote control valve. E. A continuous run of wire shall be umed between a controller and each remote control valve. Under no circumstances shall splices be used without prior approval. 3.07 VALVES A. Automatic control valves, manual valves, gate valves, and ball valYell are to be Installed In the approxlmc,te location, indicated on the drawings. B. Valve shall be Installed In shrub areas whenever possible. C. lnstc,11 all wives as Indicated In the detail drawings. D. Valve■ to be Installed In wive boxes shall be Installed one valve per box. 3.08 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shall be Installed In shrub areas whenever possible. B. Each valve box shall be instc,lled on a foundation of 3/4 inch gravel backflll, 3 cubic feet minimum. Valve boxes shall be Installed with their tops 1 /2 inch above the surface of surrounding finish grade In lawn areas and 2 inches above finish grade In ground cover areas. 3.09 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS A. ln■tc,11 bc,ckflow preventer unit as lndlcc,ted In the detail drawings. 8. Install backflow assemblies at lacatlons approved In the field and at height required by local codes. C. Install W)'e strainers and pr•■ure regulators on the backflow assembly. D. If backflow preventer ls lnstc,lled adjacent to a bulldlng, wall, or other obstruction, Install unit ,so thQt the test cocks are facing outward away from the obstruction. E. Install backflow enclosure as recommended by the mc,nufacturer. 3.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler heads shall be Installed c,s Indicated on the drawings. B. Spacing of heads shall not exceed mQximum Indicated on the drawings. C. Riser nipples shall be of the same size as the riser opening In the sprinkler body. D. Pop-up sprinkler heads shall not be Installed using side outlet openings. 3.11 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A. lnsfoll all c,ssemblles specified herein according to the respective detail drawings or speclflcc,tlons, using best standard practices. B. Quick coupler valves shall be set approximately 12 Inches from walks, curbs, header boards, ar pc,ved c,reas where appllcable. C. Uni••• designed a■ an Integral part of the Irrigation head, anti-drain valves will be Installed under every head. The anti-drain valve will be the same diameter as the riser and be Integral to the riser assembly. D. Install rain sensor as indicated on the drawings and as recommended by the manufc,cturer. 3.12 FLUSHING THE SYSTEM A. Prior to Installation of sprinkler nozzles, the 110lves shall be opened and a full head of wc,ter used to flush out the lines and risers. B. Sprinkler nozzles shall be Installed after flushing the system has been completed. 3. 13 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM A. Cor1troetor shall ad)Jst valves, c,llgn heads, and check coverage of each system prior to caverage test. El. If It Is determined by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative that addltlonc,I adjustments or nozzle changes wlll be required to provide proper coveroga, all necessary chc,nges or adjustments shall be made prior to any planting. C. The entire system shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence. D. Automatic control valves are to be ad)lsted so that the sprinkler heads operate at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. 3.14 TESTING AND OBSERVATION A. Do not allow or cause any of the work of this section to be covered up or enclosed until It has been observed. t8sted and accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. 8. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours In odwnce, where and when the work is ready for testing. C. When the sprinkler syatem is completed, the Contractor shall perform a coverage test of each system In its entirety to determine If the water coverage for the planted areas is complete and adequate In the presence of the Landscape Architect. D. The Contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any Inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from the plans, or where the system hos been willfully Installed os Indicated on the drawings when it is obviously Inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Landscape Architect. This test shall be accepted by the Landscape Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. E. Final Inspection will not commence without record drawings c,s prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. 3.15 MAINTENANCE During the maintenance period the Contractor shall adjust and maintain the Irrigation syatem In Cl fully operational condition providing complete irrigation coverage ta all Intended plc,ntlngs. 3.16 COMPLETION CLEANING Cleon-up, shall be made c,a each portion of the work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be broomed, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. END OF SECTION "AS BUILT' REVISIONS MUST E3E APPROVED E3Y PUE3LIC ~EAL T~ ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGlrsEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD, o/16/97 FIRST CITY SUBMITTAL 9/4/97 E31D SET R.C.E. R.C.E. ______ _ Mo~c1P~ REVIEWED BY, ARCHITECTS !IL 714 2411-11211 FAX 714 2-1111215 □ATE BY 0£SCRIPTIDN APP'O INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 APPROVED~ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1-UJ•lf DATE,- OWN BY ""' I PROJIICT NQ. 11 DRAW91111 NQ. CMKD BY R FJELD BY CT 96-01 356-7L I C.M.W.D. 98-e09 L10.2 SECTION 02950 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Soll Preporotlon. B. Plontlng. C. Staking. D. Sodding. E. Cleon up. F.. Cantolnr,r Pat F'lantlng. 1. 02 RELA TIED WORK A. Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation System. B. Section 02970 -Londscgpe t.fointengnce 1.0J QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality; 1. Submit documentation ot least 110 days prior ·to planting thCJt CJII plCJnt materials ore ovoltoble. Materials ore subject to Inspection gfter conflrmotion of ordering. 2. Materials ore subject to inspection ot piece of growth end upon delivery, for conformity to speclficotions. Inspection, approval and rejection can also take place at other times during progress of work. J. Request. in writing, inspection of plant moteriols ot piece of growth. Identify place of growth, and quantity of plants to be Inspected. Inspection may be waived at the Owner's option. 4. As described In the planting notes for tree togging ,the Landscape Architect may opt to either visit the tree nursery or review photographs submitted by the Contractor. In either case visit the nursery and select trees conforming to specifications prior to review by the Landscape Architect. Should trees not meet specifications at the time of review In person by the Landscope Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current billing rote. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to installation submit for review and opprovol 11peclflcatlons and product Information on Items being used on project. Submit bound with list of items as cover sheet. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertlllzer to site in orlglnol unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade mark, and conformance to State law. B. Provide copies of receipt■ for ell amendments specified In these specification■ or In the Solis Report. C. Deliver plants with legible identification labels. Label trees, evergreens, bundles of containers of like shrubs and groundcover plants. State correct plant name and size indicated on plant list. U ■e durable waterproof labels with water-resistant ink which will remain legible for at leost 60 days. D. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damoge to root boll or desiccation of leaves. E. Notify Owner 7 days in advonce of delivery of plant materials and submit itemization of plants in each delivery. F. Star<! plants In shade and protect from weather. G. Maintain and protect plant material in o healthy. vigorous condition. H. Exercise core In handling, loading, unloading and storing of plant materials. Replace damaged materials. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual plantln'll only when weather and soll condltlan1 are aultable In accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Coordinate this work of this section with ln1tollotlon of underground Irrigation 1ystem, utilities, piping and watering heads. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Owner reeervee the right ta take and anal)'Ee samples of material• for conformity to ■peclflcatlons. Provide samples for testing upon reque■t. Remove rejected materials from site immediately upon rejection at no additional cost. Te:stlng costs will be paid for by Owner if materials prove to be in compliance with specifications. B. Prior to amending sells, contractor shall hove soil tested for ogrlculturol sultabfflty 011 described in planting notes. City Inspector must approve soil test recommendations prior to delivery of soil amendments on site. C. Provide 1 cubic foot sample of medium grind topping mulch to Owner and City Inspector for review and opprovol, 1.08 GUARANTIEE A. Guarontff materials against poor, Inadequate, dlseaNd and Inferior materials and workmanship for one year after 90 day maintenance agreement expiration. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MA TIERIALS A. The following organic, soll amendments and fertmzer ore to be used for bid purposes on,ly. Specific amendments and fertilizer will be selected and specified after rough grading operations are complete and Contractor hos hod soil samples tested. B. Provide standard, approved and first-grade quality materials, in prime condition when installed and accepted. Deliver commercially processed and packaged material in manufacturer's unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Supply a sample of all supplied materials accompanied by analytical date from an approved loborotory source Illustrating compliance, or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysts. C. Organic Amendment 1. Nitrogen Stabilized: 0.56 to 0.84 percent N based on dry weight for wood residual or rice hulls. 2. Particle Size: 95 to 100 percent passing 6.35 mm standard sieve; BO to 100 percent passing 2. JJ mm standard sieve. J. Salinity. Ensure that saturation extract conductivity does not exceed J.5 mllllmohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C. oe determined by saturation extract method. 4. Iron Content; Minimum 0.08 percent dDute acid soluble F"e on dry weight basis. 5. Ash; 0 to 6 percent dry weight. D. Soll Amendment: 1. Soll Sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing minimum of 9g percent ■ulfur expreesed as elemental. 2. Iron Sulfate: 20 percent Iron expre .. ed as metalllc Iron, derived from ferric and ferrous sulphate, 10 percent sulfur expressed as elemental. J. Calcium Carbonate; 95 percent lime as derived from oyster shells. 4. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing 98 percent minimum calcium sulphate. E. F".rtlllzer; 1. Planting F'ertlllzer: pelleted or granular form consisting of the following percents by weight and mixed by commercial fertilizer supplier: 6-nltrogen, 20-phoaphorlc acid, 20-potosh. 2. Planting Tablets: Provide slow-release type with potential acidity of not more than 5 percent by weight containing the following percents by weight of nutrients listed: 20-nltrogen, 10-phosphorlc acid, 5-potosh, 2.6-combined calcium, 1.6-comblned sulphur, 0.35-lron elemental from ferrous sulfate. Provide In 21 gram tablets manufactured by Agriform, or other approved. J. H)'droseeding Fertilizer: provide ammonium phosphate which consists of the following percent by weight and mixed by o commercial fertillzer supplier; 16-nitrogen, 20-phosphorlc acid, 0-potosh. 4. Pre-Sod fertilizer: Provide type consisting of the following percents by weight and mixed by a commercial fertllizer supplier: 16-hydrogen, 20-phosphorlc acid, 8-potosh. 5. Sulphate of potash: 0-0-50. 6. Single super-phosphate: Commercial product containing 11!1 to 20 percent available Phosphoric Pentoxlde, or other approved. 7. Urea formaldehyde: Ja-o-o. F'. Import or Amended Top Soll: Ensure slit plus cloy COl'ltent of tap soil doe■ not exceed 20 percent by weight, with a minimum 95 percent passing the 2.0 mm sieve. Do not allow the sodium absorption ratio SAR to exceed 6. The electrical conductivity (ECE) of the saturation extroct cannot exceed J.O mffllmohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C. Ensure boron content Is less than 1 part per million as measured on the saturation extract. To ensure compliance with these requirements, submit samples of soil for analysis prior to, and following backfilling. G. Plant l.laterlals: , 1. Provide plant materials In accordance with State Department of Agriculture's regulation for nursery Inspections, rules and ratings. Provide plants with o normal habit of growth, sound, healthy, vigorous and free from Insect Infestations, plant diseases, sunscalds, and other disfigurements. Ensure tree trunks are sturdy and hove well hordened systems and vlgorou• and fibrous root systems which ore not root or pat-bound. In the event of disagreement as to condition of root system, the root conditions of the furnished plants in containers will be determined by remowl of earth from the roots of not less than two plants, or more than 2 percent of the total number of plants of each species or variety. Where container grown plants are from se\lllrol sources, roots of not less than two plants of each species or variety from each source will be Inspected. In the event that the sample plonts Inspected ore found to be defective, the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defective samples may be rejected. Plants rendered unsuitable for planting due to this inspection will be considered samples and will be provided at no cost to the Owner. 2. Sl'ze of plants wlll correspond with that normally expected for species and variety of commercially ovoilable nursery stack or as specified on drawings. The minimum oceeptable size of plants measured before pruning with the branches In normal position, must conform with the measurements specified 'in plant list. If approved by The Owner, larger sized plants may be used, but without oddltlonol cost. If larger plants ore approved for use, the ball of earth or spread of roots for each plant wm be increased proportionately. 3. Plants not meeting requirements of these speclficotlons ore considered to be defective whether in place or not. They must be Immediately removed and replaced with new acceptable and approved plants of the required size, species and variety at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Pruning: Do not prune, trim, top or alter the shape of trees or plants except a■ approved. 5. Provide plant material true ta botanical and common name and variety as specified In Annototed Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants in California, Oregon end Washington, published by University of Collfornlo School of Agriculture (latest edition). 6. Nursery Grown and Collected Stock: Grow under climatic conditions similar to those in locality of project; container-grown stock in vigorous, healthy condition, not root-bound or with root system hardened off. Use only liner stock plant material which is well established in removable containers or formed homogeneous soil sections, 7. Sod: Provide Marathon. 8. Select trees which are ae1thetlcoll y desirable and are good exompl•• of the 11pecie1, Tr- with goshes, mishoppen trunks or branches, topped leaders, structural defects, badly crossed branches, or other visual defects wlll not be accepted. H. Guying end Stoking Materials: 1. Wood Tree Stakes: lodge pole pine, full treated lwth Coppernophthanate Wood Preservotlve in strict accordance with FS TT-W-572 Type I, Composition B,2 inch minimal normal size diameter by 10 feet long, no split stakes. 2. Ties: Provide 36 Inch corded rubber tie as manufactured by Gro-Strait Products, wire and hose tie by Nunes Turfgross, or other approved. Provide rigid tie stock No. LP, 24 Inches as manufactured by VIT company or other approved. J. Steel Guy Anchor: provide J/4 inch diameter by J6 inch steel vone as manufactured by Maxwell Steel Company, or other approved. 4. Guying Hardware: Wire-pliable 9 gouge galwnized; hose 1/2 inch new rubber; turnbuckles -galvanized or dip pointed, size as required; safety sleeve -1/2 Inch white pvc full length of wire. I. Tr"" Point: Provide Morrison Tree Seal, Cabot Tree Paint, or other approved. J. Woter. Provide clean, potable water. K. Mulch: Provide medium grind bark •uch as supplied by 19tue f'llibbon Nur■ery (714)&J3-JS&&, consisting of fibrous, woody bark mixture of voried pgrticle size such that 90 to 100 percent paa■es 1 Inch sieve, 80 to 100 percent posses 1/2 inch sieve, and 20 to 60 percent posses 1/4 inch sieve, or approved equal. L. Wood Heoderboards: 1. Provide 2 Inch by 4 inch prenure treated Douglas fir or redwood conetructlon grade headerboards. Make splices with 1 inch by 4 inch piece:, no less that 12 inches long. F'lace 1 inch by J inch by 16 inc stokes at Intervals of not more than 5 feet. Cut stakes level and set below top headerboards. 2. On shorp turns and curves, four 1/2 Inch by 4 Inch laminated boards, or two 1 Inch by 4 Inch laminated boards may be permitted. J. Nail stakes and splices with golvonlzed common nalla. Nall as required for solid lnstollotlon. 4. Provide heoderboards as shown on drawings, laid true to line and grade. protect in~place adjacent improvements, shrubbery and other properties. Place stakes on ground cover sod of heoderboords. IA. Sand: Provide washed slllco sand. N. Root Berrier: UB24-2 by Deep Root Carp., (714)1!1M-0!56J. Install with grovel backfill option per manufacturers specifications. PART J -EXECUTION J.01 INSPECTION A. Obtain certification that final grades to 1/10 foot hove been established prior to commencing landscaping operations. Provide for lncluslon of all amendments, settling, etc. Be responsible for shaping all planting areas as Indicated on drawings or as required. B. Inspect trees, shrubs end liner stock plant materiel for injury, Insect Infestation and trees and shrubs for improper pruning. C. Do not begin planting of trees until deficiencies are corrected or plants replaced. J.02 PREPARATION A. Soll Pr.,paratlan: 1. After proper finished grades hove been verllled or established, condition and fertlllze soil In accordance with recommendations of soil testing laboratory and as approved by Owner and City Inspector. The following ls for bid purposes only. Uniformly spread and cultlvote amendments thoroughly by means of mechanical tiller into top [6] inches of soil. Application rotes per 1,000 square feet: Nitrogen stoblllzed organic amendment - 16-6-8 Commercial Fertilizer - Agricultural gypsum - Soil sulphur - 6 cubic yards 15 Pounds 200 pounds 15 pounds 2. At time of planting, ensure that top 2 Inches of all areas to be planted or seeded are free of stones, stumps, and other deleterious matter 1 inch in diameter or larger, and free from wire, plaster, concrete, wood, and similar materials which would cause hindrance to planting or maintenance. B. Flnol Grades: Make minor modifications to grade as may be necessary to establish required final grade. Ensure that finish grade provides proper drainage of the site and surface drainage ls away from building. Final grades ore ta be 1 inch below adjacent paved areas, sidewalks, volve boxes, headers, clean-outs, drains, manholes, etc., or as shown on drawings or required by Architect. Eliminate erosion scars prior to commencing maintenance period. J.OJ JUTIE MATTING A. Apply and incorporate fertilizer end amendments Into the soll as specified prior to jute matting instollotlon. B. Roll matting In the direction of the flow of water in drainage channels and smooth and secure in place as shown on plans. The material shall be applied without stretching and Ile smoothly but loosely on the sell surface. In coses where one roll of matting ends and o second roll starts, the up channel piece shall be brought over the burled end of the second roll so that there is o 12 inch overlap. Where two or rnore widths of matting ore applied, side by side, the overlap shall be not less than J Inches. C. Maintain jute matting until all work on the Project has been completed and accepted. Maintenance sholl consist of the repair of eroded areas and the repair or replacement end restopllng of loose or undermined matting, including reseeding and bedding. D. Make check slots before the matting Is rolled out. Dig a narrow trench across the channel perpendicular to the direction of the flow. fold jute, the some length os the trench, end press together. Location of check slots shall be maximum of 50 feet apart. E. Overlap which runs parallel ta the direction of the flaw In channel bottoms shall be stapled at 2-lnch intervals. Outside edges, centers and overlaps on banks shall be stapled across the channel at 6-inch intervals. F. Spread loose topsoDs over outside edges to allow for smooth entry of water. G. Tap dress jute area with o thin layer of topsoil. After the top dressing, the yarns shall still be visible. H. Install plant moterlol through matting. I. Any clods, which hold the jute off the ground shall be stamped Into the soil. Force jute matting down into any depressions and hold there with a staple. J. The matting llholl completely covered all areas as shown. Overlaps must be ample and well stapled. Lay matting smoothly, loosely, and In continuous contact with the sail surface at all points. J.04 PLANTING INSTALLATION 4. Provide excavoted holes with vertical sides with roughened surfoces -and of a 11:ze twice the diameter and 1-1/2 times the depth of the root ball for ell trees ond shrubs. !5. Remo"" bottom of plant boxes before planting. Remove sides without damage to root ball ofter positioning plant and partially backfilling. 6. Center plant In pit or trench. 7. Face plants with fullest growth Into prevolllng wind. 8. Set plant plumb and hold rigidly In position until soil has bffn firmed around boll or roots. 9. Backfill for container plants to be; 6 parts by volume on-site soll 4 parts by volume organic amendment 1 pound 6-20-20 fertlllzer mix/cu. yd. of mix 2 pounds Iron sulfate per cubic yard of mix Note: The above is for bid purposes only. Specific backfill recommendations are made as a result of the soils testing described on the planting pion. 10. Rc;itse all plants which settle deeper than the surrounding grade. After plant hos been placed, odd sufficient backfill to hole to cover approximately 1 /2 of root boll. Add water ta the top and thoroughly saturote root ball and adjacent soil. 11. After water has completely drained, place planting tablets (21 gram unless otherwise noted): 1 5 gram tablet per plug of flatted groundcover 1 tablet per 1-gallon container 2 tablets per 5-gollon container J tablets per 15-gollan container 4 tablets per 24 Inch box 5 tablets per JO Inch box 6 tablets per 36 Inch box 7 tablets per 42 Inch box 8 tablets per 48 Inch and larger boxes Set planting tablets with each plant on top of root boll while plants ore stlll in their containers so the required number of tablets con be verified. 12. Backfill remainder of hole and tamp firm. Construct an earthen basin ground each plant after backfilling. Provide basin of depth sufficient to hold at least 2 inches of water. Construct basins with amended backfill. Remove basin In all turf areas after Initial watering. 1 J. Limit pruning to minimum necessary. Remove injured twigs and branches. Pruning may not be done prior to delivery of plants. Paint cuts over J/4 inch In diameter with tree point. 14. Stake trees immediately after planting. Install stokes plumb. 15. Do not bring iron sulfote into contact with concrete surfaces due ta potential staining, Contractor Is responsible for cleaning or replacing stained surfaces. E. Planting Groundcover: 1. Ensure that groundcover remains In the nots until transplanting. Flats' sail must contain sufficient moisture so It will not fall oport when lifting plants. 2. Plant groundcovers In straight rows evenly spaced unless shown otherwise, and at intervals required by drawings. Use triangular spacing unless otherwise noted on drawings. J. Plant each rooted plant with Its proportionate amount of flat soil. Immediately sprinkle ofter planting until entire area is soaked to full depth of eoch hole. Protect plants from damage and trampling. F. Sad Planting: 1. Remove rocks, weeds, debris from areas to be sodded. Work up soil to a depth of 6 Inches, and break up all clods. 2. Carefully smooth ell surfaces to be sodded. Roll area ta expose soll depressions or surface irregularities. Regrade as required. J. Spread turf fertilizer 16-20-0 onto soil evenly at rote of one pound per 100 square feet of lawn area. Rake In lightly. Be sure soil is level and smooth before laying sod. Avoid laying sod on bone dry soil. 4. Lay first strip of sod slobs along o strolght line use o string In Irregular areas. Butt joints tightly, do not overlap edges. On second strip, stagger joints much as in laying masonry. Use a sharp knife to cut sod to fit curves, edges, sprinkler heads. 5. Do not lay whole lawn before watering. When o conveniently large area has been sodded, water lightly preventing drying. Continue to lay sad, and to water until Installation ls complete. 6. After laying sod, roll lightly ta eliminate lrregularltles and to form good contact between sod and soil. Avoid heavy roller or excessive lnltlol watering which may cause roller marks, 7. Water thoroughly the completed lawn surface. Soll should be moistened at least 8 Inches deep. Repeat sprinkling ar regular lntervols to keep sod moist at all times until rooted. After sod ls established, decrease frequency and Increase amount of water per application as necessary. 8. Replace all dead or dying sod with equal material. G. Container Pot Planting: 1. If not specified, submit annual color choices to Owner for approval. 2. Place plants and liners as required. J. Backfill pot to within 1 Inch of rim with a thoroughly mixed blend of: 4 cy washed plaster sand, J cy peat mass, J cy fiNe nltrolized fir bark, 4 lbs Calcium Carbonate lime, 4 lbs Dolomite lime, 20 lbs 6-20-20 fertlllzer, 1 lb Iron sulfate. Amounts are for 10 cy. H. Mulch Cover: Dress all groundcowr, perennial and annual beds with J" layer of mulch. except J: 1 slopes and turf areas. A. General: 3.05 CLEAN-UP 1. Perform actual planting only during those periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable and In accordance with locally accepted practice, as approved. 2. Distribute in planting areas only as many plants as con be planted and watered that same day. J. Ensure that containers which ore opened and plants removed ore handled with care such that ball of earth surrounding roots ls not broken and that plants are planted and watered immediately. Do not open containers prior to placing plants in planting areas. 4. The irrigation system shell be operational and approved prior to planting. B. Pre-Plant Weed Control: 1. Use a non-selective systemic contact herbicide as recommended end applied by an approved licensed landscape pest control advisor and applicator. leave sprayed plants intact for at least 15 days. 2. Clear and remove these existing weeds by mowing or grubbing off all plant ports ot least 1/4 inch below surface of soil over entire areas to be planted. J, After Irrigation system ls operotlonol, apply water for 5 to 10 days as needed to achieve weed germination. Apply contact herbicides and wait as needed before planting. Repeat as required. 4. Molntoln weed free site until acceptance by Owner. C. Lay---Out: Mork locotlons for plants and outlines of areas to be planted before any plant pits ore dug. Gain Owner approval. If underground construction or utility lines ore encountered in the excavotion of planting areas, other locations for plonting may be selected by Owner. Accomplish layout with flagged grade stokes lndlcotlng plant names and specified container size on each stoke. Confirm location ond depth of underground utlllties and obstructions. D. Planting of Trees and Shrubs: 1. Strip and stock approved excavotlon for planting which is encountered within areas far trenches, tree holes, plant pits and planting beds. 2. Remove from site excess soil generated from planting holes and not used for backfilling. J. Protect oreos from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other materials to planting areas. A. After oil planting operations ore complete, remove all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers, and rubbish from the property. Repair scars, ruts and other marks In the ground and leave ground in o neat and orderly condition. B. Leave the site In a broom-clean condition, ,;md wash down all paved areas within the project site. Leave walks in o clean and safe condition. J.06 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. Notify Owner in advance for the following Inspections, according to the time specified: 1. Pre-Job conference -7 days. 2. Final grade review -48 hours. J. Plant material review -48 hours. 4. Plant layout review -48 hours. 5. Soll preparation and planting operations; one tree with each type of specified staking -48 hours. 6. Pre-maintenance -7 days. 7. F'lnal Inspection -7 days. B. If Owner authorizes a party other than the Landscape Architect to make scheduled inspections, present Landscape Architect with evidence of such Inspections. C. No site visits shall commence without ell items noted in previous observotlon report=i either completed or remedied unless such compliance hos been waived by the Owner. Failure ta accomplish punchlist tasks or prepare adequotel y for desired inspections shall make the Contractor responsible for reimbursing the Owner at Consultants current billing rote per hour plus transportation costs. No further inspections shall be scheduled until this charge has been paid and received by the Owner. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND END OF' SECTION IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED Bl" PUBLIC I-IEAL Tl-I ENGINEER, ASST, PLANNNG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGNEER PRIOR TO INPLEMENT A TION IN FIEL.D. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT KL 11• 248--1211 FAX 7U ffl 1215 511/:,/97 FIRST CITY SUBMITTAL DATE '3/ 4/97 BID SET R.C.E. ------R.C.E. _______ 1----+--+--------------------+------< REVIEWED BY: DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR DAT[ REVISIONS LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS GRAND PACIFIC RESORT CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 APPROVED P&f~ECTOR /~-~ ASSISTANT DATE r- OWN BY ~ I ~NO. 11 DRAWi_ NO. .R CHKD BY CT 96-01 356-7L FIELD BY I C.M.W.D.9EH509 L 10.3 SECTION 02955 PALM TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Palm trees. B. Pruning. C. Removals. backfill. D. Maintenance. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 021!111 -Londecape lrrlgotlor1. B. Section 02970 -Landscape Plontlng C. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality Control: 1. Submit documentation to Land.cope Architect at leaet 50 days prior to ph,ntlng that oil plant materlols ore avallable. Contr0ctor Is responsible for 011 palm tree materials listed on pl0nt list. Substitutions due to unavallablllty must be requested In writing prior to confirmation of ordering. All materials are subject to Inspection by Landscape Architect at any time after confirmation of ordering. 2. Plants are subject to observation and approval of Landscape Architect ot place of growth. 1.04 GUARANTEE A. Newly planted palm trees llt,oll b• guan:intHd against a11y <:ind <:111 poor, inadequate, or Inferior plant materials, and workmanship for two years following planting and acceptance by Owner. !!I. During the guan:intee period, any material found dead or not in o satisfactory growth condition shall be removed from the site. C. These trees and disturi>ed improvements shall be replaced at no added expense ta the Owner, with the same variety and size as originally designated. Palms and all disturbed areas shall be guaranteed for two years from time of planting and re-planting to the satisfaction of the Owner. 1.05 OOSERVATIONS AND PERMITS A. Observation 1. Notify Owner's representatl11t1 minimum af 72 hours In advance of observations to schedule required Inspections. 2. All palms ore to be inspected by a palm expert for disease prior to their preparation for removal from growing site. Contact, schedule and pay for this Inspection at no extra cost to the Owner. The Inspection will take place from ground le11t1I with field glasses. If disease Is suspected pro\/lde o man 11ft for closer Inspection at no extra cost to the Owner. 3. The palm expert shall be Dr. Henry Donselman (619 / 679-7384) unless otherwlH approved In advance by Owner's authorized representative. 4. All palms will be obser11t1d by the Landscape Architect for height, girth, and overall form In meeting design Intent. Sold observation and approval does not constitute a review of the palm's health, vigor, and required health-free state, for which the Contractor ls solely responsible. 5. The landscape Architect may opt to either \/lsit the tree nursery or relllew photographs submitted by the Contractor. In either case \/lslt the nursery and select trees conform Ing to specification prior to relllew by the Landscape Architect. Should tree not meet specification at the time of review in person by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor may be require to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current billing rote. 6. Observations are as follows: Observation Obserwtlon of trees at source Observation of planting locations on site prior to digging pits Observation of palm on •lte prior to planting for verification of conformance to plans and specifications Observation of condition of equipment and typical planting operations (1st planted palm) Pre-maintenance obserwtlon Observation at end of maintenance period l!'I. Permits Palm Tr•• Expert X 1. Pro\/lde all necessary permits at no additional costs to Owner. 1.06 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS Owner'• Representative X X X X X A. Exercise sxtreme core In excawtlng plantlng or working nsor sxlstlng utnltlea or Irrigation systems. B. Be responsible for damages to utilities which are cauaed by work operations or neglect. C. Check utility drawings and aa-bullt plans for utility and Irrigation locatlona. D. Replace all plant material• dh1turbed by sxcowtlon or planting. Plant-pit area where palm tree will be replaced will not require replanting. After tree Is In place, blend planting of groundcover or turf with existing. 1.07 JOl!I CONDITIONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and sail condition■ are suitable in occcrd0nce with locally accepted practice. 8. Do not plant palm between October 31 and April 1, unless the approved palm e,cp.-t provides written recommendation to do so, and unless this recommendation is approved In advance by the Owner. 1.08 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Landscape Architect reMrves the right to toke and analyze sample• of materials for conformity to specifications at any reasonable time. B. Pro\/lde samples upon request by Landscape Architect. C. Rejected materials shall be Immediately remo11t1d from the site ,:it Contr,:,ctor's expense. D. Cost of testing of materials not meeting 9Peciffcatlon• ..,all be paid by Contractor. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PALM TREE DESIGN STANDARDS A. All palm trees are ta be of uniform quality and oppe0rancs, matching represent,:,tlw sample approved by Landscape Architect. B. Trunk condition shall be free of any scarring or blemlshn. Contractor to clean trunk and form pineapple per specifications. C. Brown trunk height shall be per Drawings. D. Trunk diameter per heights stipulated In the drawings shall not vary more than 2!1 percent. 2.02 PALM BACKFILL SOIL A. Backfill mix ..,all con■iet of W<J9hed concrete 11e1nd, and ■lit plus cloy content of this ■oil ■hall not exceed 20ll: by weight with a minimum 95ll: ponlng the 2.0 milllmeter sieve. The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shall not excsed 6 and the electricc;,I conductl\/lty (ECE) of the saturation sxtroct of this son 9holl not exceed 3.0 mllllmhos per centimeter at 25 centigrade. The boron content of this sand shall be no greater than 1 pm as measured an the saturation sxtroct. In order to ln8Ure conformance, submit samples of the Import sand to the ■oils laboratory for analysis prior to bock filling and submit report ta Owner's representative. 2.0.3 F'EJIITIUZER A. After 14 daJIS, then monthly, IIJ)roy the frond (foll,:,r drench) with the f0Howln9 mixture. No compound lhould exceed Its recommended rate. Th• following rotes are for a 100 gallon tank mix. 1. Koclde• 101 w.p. (3/4 lb.) or Manzate•• -1 qt. / 100 gallon■• 2. W.R. Grace's Mlnor-Gro (1/2 cup) 3. Hydrated urea (5 cup• or 2-1/2 lbs.) 4. Spreader Sticker -8 oz. "Basic H" 5. 1 lb. Benlate / 100 gallons of water 6. Option: Add a general Insecticide ta pre\/tlnt ln■ect larva lnfNtotlon. (We ho11t1 dropped the Insecticide In our mix due to ths Increased sn\/lronmentol and health risks.) All rates are recommendations only. Do not exceed label directions. Be sure to follow all label instructions. B. Fertlllzer will not be used at time of planting. After four weeks, uae ,:, light application of "Wood Ace Palm Special" owllable from W.D. Young (619 / 347-7906) approximately 6 lb. nitrogen per tree lightly cultivated Into the sail. PAJIIT .3 EXECUTION 3.01 PALM lREE SOURCE AND PREPARATION FOR PLANTING A. Obtain source of palms for in11pectlon and approval by PCllm Trff Expert and Landscape Architecl B. Submit documentation and permits (If required) that the source of palm tr ... la appro11t1d. Obtain palms from an approved source and replace or repair damage from palm tree remowl. C. Palms collected far planting 811011 be grown under climatic condition• •lmffar to thoN In locallt y of project. D. Palms shall be Inspected by the Palm Tree Expert ta Include health, defrandlng, tying and palm removal. Any palms rendered unsuitable for planting because of thi■ Inspection shall not be used. Relnspectlon of suitable palms will be <Jt the Contractor'• expense. E. All palms must be togged, Inspected, and appra11t1d by the Palm Tru Expert and by Landscape Architect for planting prior ta shipment and installation. F. Defrondlng and Tying: 1. In preparing palm trees for relocotlon, all dead fronds shall be remowd and the entire trunk diamond cut clean to the height of green fronds. Care shall be token to prevent in)Jry to the trunk of the tree. Green fronds below a horizontal position shall be neatly cut off lea\/lng a 4 Inch stub. 2. All remain Ing fronds above horizontal shall be lifted up and tied together around the crown In an upright position. Due caution shall be token not to bind or ln)Jre the crown. A lightweight ropa or cord not less than 1/4 inch In diameter shall be used in tying up the fronds; wire will not be permitted. After tying, the tips of the fronds shall be hedged off abo11t1 the crown approximately 1 /3 ta 1 /2 of the frond length. Defrandlng and tying work shall be completed prior ta digging the rootboll. Submit documentation that palms ha11t1 been reviewed by the palm tree expert and that they are disease free. G. Digging the Roctball: 1. VI/hen digging out the rootboll, no exca\/<ltlon llholl bs done closer than 24 lnche■ to the trunk at ground le11t1I and the excawtlon •hall extend below the major root system to a minimum depth of 6 feet. The bottom of the rootboll ■hall be cut off square and perpendicular to the trunk below the major root ■ystem. Under no conditions shall the Contractor cut down the size of the rootball In width or depth. 2. The Contractor shall not freefall, drag, roll, or abuse the tree or put a strain on the crown at any time. A protective delllce shall be used around the trunk of the tree while lifting and reloe0ting so as not to scar or akin the trunk in any w0y. This device shall consist of either a rubber or leather sling made out of timbers sufficiently sized to withstand coble/choker pressure. At no time will trees be balled out and laid on the ground with rootboll left exposed to direct sunlight and air. The rootball shall be kept moist and shaded at all times. 3. Palms shall not be stockpiled for replanting. 3.02 PLANTING OF PALMS A. Excavation for planting ■hall Include the ■tripping and ■tacking of all acceptable topsoil encountered within the area■ to be sxcawted for ths tree holes. !!I. C. o. E. F. G. Excess soil generated from the planting holes ond not used 011 backfill or In establishing the final grades shall be removed from the site. Protect all oreor, from excessl11t1 compaction when trucking plants or other material to the planting site. Cent•r palm In pit or trench; align with other palms. Set palm plumb and hold rigidly In position until sand hoe been watered In around roots. The sand needs to be washed Into \/Olds around roots ta ochlew a good lnterfacs. All excavated holes shall hove lltlrtlcal side• with roughsned surfaces and shall be of a size that i1 twice the diameter and 24 Inch minimum to 4 foot maximum deeper In the ground than the palm• orlglnally stocd. Root-growth stimulant 1hall be applied when the backfflllng I■ b•tween 1 /2 to 2/3 up the rootball. Application rote shall be one ounce of "Basic H" and 2 tablespoons of "Stem" In a 5 gallon bucket of water. Stimulant shall be poured full strength equally distributed around the raatboll, and watered in thoroughly. 3.03 CLEANUP A. Following planting work, all remaining exca\/Otlon aholl be backfflled ond compacted In accordance with the requirement, of the Landscape Architect. Burying of debrl■ In holes will not be permitted. All excess sail and debris from the relocation work shall be disposed of off the site by the Contractor. This site shall be left neat and clean to the satisfaction of the Owner. 3.04 MAINTENANCE A. Be responsible for molntenancs and guorantes of all Installed new palm• and existing polm11 to ths satisfaction of ths Owner. 1. Maintenance will include, spraying to control or prevent disease and weekly water management to Include soil probing ond molntenonce of sump clean-out pipe and palm tres pruning. 2. Pruning shall be done with reciprocal saws (chain saws wffl not bs allowed). 3. Sow blades will be stermzed between each tree with 50::S household bleach and 50ll: water for five minutes. 4. Pruning wlll be done to maintain a neat appearance as appro\/Bd by the Landscape Arch ltect. 5. Proposed pruning schedule is to be submitted ta the Landscape Architect for approval. B. The spring ofter planting, loo1en but do not fully remove rape around fronds. Fully remo11t1 rope at end of summer, 60 days after planting. END OF SECTION SECTION 02970 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. [ 90] day maintenance. B. Weeding. C. F ertlllzatlon. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED IN OlHER SECTIONS A. [ Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation.] 8. (Section 02955 -Palm Tree Planting ond Maintenance.] C. [Section 02950 -Landscape Planting.) D. [Section 02514 -Portland Cement Concrete Polling.) 1.0.3 OIJAUTY ASSURANCE A. Prolllde ser\/lces by an experienced landscaping maintenance company. 1.04 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. Continuously maintain all site areas lnwlved In this contract during the progress of work and during the maintenance period until final acceptance of the work by Owner. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of the project at the termination of the scheduled maintenance period may cause postponement of the ffnol completion date of the Contract at no additional cost to Owner. Continue maintenance until acceptable to the Owner. B. Pralllde sufficient numbers of workers and adequate equipment to perform work during maintenance period. C. Maintenance period does not start until all elements of construction, planting. and irrigation for the complete project are In accordance with the contract documents for this project. D. Request an ln11pectlon to begin maintenance period after all planting and related work has been completed In accordance with contract documents. Maintenance period commences as described in written notification by the Owner. · E. Prior to commencement of maintenance period, ensure that all ground cov«'S ond lawn areas have been planted and that all lawn areas show an even, healthy stand of grass seedlings or sod, gross ha\/lng been mown twice. F. Any day or days that there Is failure to properly maintain plantings, replace suitable plants, perform weed control or maintain hardscope areas will not be credited as part of the [90) days maintenance. The project will not be segmented Into maintenance phases. G. Keep paved areas free of slit, dirt. leaves and other planting area debris. Maintain these areas at least broom clean through the duration of the maintenance period, cleaning no less often than once per week. 1.05 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT A. Guarantee: Guarantee plant material against any and all poor, Inadequate or Inferior materials and workmanship for one year. Reploce plants found to be dead or In poor condition due to faulty materials or workmanship, at no extra cost to Owner. B. Replacement: Replace materlols found to be dead, missing or In poor condition during the maintenance period Immediately. The Owner Is the sale )Jdge of the acceptoblllty of condition. Make replacements of materials within 15 days after condition develops or written notification from Owner has been sent. Owner hos the right to make emergency repairs without releasing Contractor's guarantee and warranty to Owner. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. Request normal progrn■ Inspection at least 72 hours In adwncs of an anticipated Inspection. Inspections ore os follow■: 1. Immediately prior to commencement of this maintenance work. 2. Completion of first [90) day maintenance period. 3. Final acceptance. 1.07 PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to dote of final Inspection, acquire approved reproduclble print. and finally record from ths job record set, all changes mode during construction and deliver them to Owner. 8. Deliver guarantees to Owner. PART 2 F'ROOUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ensure that all materials conform to other sections of these specifications for planting and Irrigation, and as acceptable to Owner. B, Prolllde monthly record of all herbicides, Insecticides and disease control chemicals used on site. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANCE A. Weed and cultlwte all areas at Interval• of not more than (10) days. B. Perform watering, mawing, rolling, edging, trimming, fertHIJ:otlon, spraying, pest control, and cleaning as may be required. C. Street gutter• and curbs are to be Included. D. Maintain adequate protection for people and property, and be ffnanclolly responsible for damages and inj.Jries. Notify Owner immediately should damage occur as a result of maintenance operations and provide repair or remuneration os required by Owner. E. Between the 1 !5th and 20th calendar day of the maintenance period, reseed or resad all spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth is not evident. "AS BUILT' 3.02 lREE ANO SHRUB CARE A. Watering: Maintain a large enough water basin around plants so that enough water can be applied to establish moisture through the ma jar root zone. When hand watering, use o water wand to break force of water. 8. Pruning: 1. Prior to any pruning obtain written approwl from the Owner to proceed. 2. Trees: a. Propose tree pruning ta the Owner should there be health or structural reasons far doing so, Including the need to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, etlmlnate structurally uneound growth, reduce potential for wind toppling or wind damage,ar maintain growth within limited space. b. If requested by the Owner prolllde pruning for aesthetic enhancement according to "Pruning" by Sunset Books. c. Major pruning of deciduous trees shall be during their dormant season. 3. Shrubs: a. The ob jectl11t1s of shrub pruning are the some os for trees. Do not cllp shrubs Into bolled or boxed forms unless such Is required by the design. b. Make pruning cuts to lateral branches or buds or flush with trunk. Stubbing wm not be permitted. C. Stoking and guying: Ensure that stakes and guys remain In place through acceptance and monitor to prevent girdling of trunks or branches and to pre11t1nt rubbing that causes bark wounds. All nursery stakes shall be remo11t1d. D. Weed control: Keep all areas free of weeds. Use recommended legally oppro\/tld herbicides. Al/Old frequent soil cultlwtlon that destroys shallow rocts. Use mulches per specifications to help prevent weed seed germination. E. Insect and disease control: Maintain o reasonable control with approved materials. F'. Fertilize as specified by the agronomic soils testing recommendations and as follows for bid purposes: 1. Commencement of maintenance psriod -[6] pounds par 1,000 square feet with top dress fertlllzer. 2. At end of first [30] d<Jys of maintenance period -[6) pounds per 1,000 square feet with top dress fertlllzer. 3. At end of maintenance period and at [ 30] day Intervals should maintenance period be extended for any reason -[6] pounds per 1,000 square feet with L fertilizer] mix. 4. Avoid applying fertlllzer ta the roct boll and base of main stem; rather, spread evenly under plant to drip line. Rates will wry from about a cup of nitrate fertilizer (depending upon nitrogen percentage) oround a newly Installed small plant to about 1/2 pound of actual nitrogen per inch of truck diameter measured four feet from the ground for mature trees. G. Replacement of plants: Reploce dead, dying and missing plants with pl0nts of a size, condition and wrlety acceptable to Owner at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.03 GROUND COVER CARE A. Weed control: Control weeds, preferably with pre-emergent herbicides, but also by hand or with selective systemic herbicides. Hoe weeds as little as possible since this may result In plant damage. B. Watering: Water enough that moisture penetrates throughout root zone and only as frequently as ls necessary to maintain healthy growth. C. Tr0sh: Remove as It accumulates, but no less often than weekly. D. Edging and trimming: Edge ground cover ta keep In bounds. E. Rsploce dead and missing plants at no oddltlanol cost to the Owner. l.04 LAWN AND TURF' CARE A. Turf must be well-established prior to final acceptance. B. Watering: Water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions required to replen lsh sail moisture below root zone. C. Weed control: If needed, control brocd leaf weeds with selective herbicides. D. Mowing: 1. Perform mawing at such times of the day or week as may be requested by the Owner so as not to Impede the Owner's operations. Mowing times may be at times other than normal working hours or days. Perform work at Owner's convenience at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Clean up grass cllpplng11 during and after mowing, and remo\/B legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment In lieu of sweeping or wcuumlng Is not acceptable. E. Renowtln g: 1. If required, remove thatch by vertlcuttlng,preferably In the Fall of the year, but otherwise In the Spring. At this time, fertlllze with nitrate and 011t1r-seed if needed. Over-seeding must precede pre-emergent herbicides by ot least 4 to 6 weeks. Normally, this means that lawns which have been invaded by crabgrass would be renovated and over-seeded In the Foll and treated for crabgrass control I the following late Winter. 2. Clean up grass clippings during and after mowing, and remove legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment In lieu of sweeping or \/<lcuuming Is not acceptable. 3.05 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. Inspection: Check all systems for proper operation. Lateral lines must be flushed out after removing the lost 11prlnkler head or two at each end of the lateral. Ad)Jst heads as necessary for unimpeded coverage and no overspray. B. Controllers: Set and program automatic controllers for seasonal water requirements. Give Owner a key to controllers and Instruction on how to tum off system In case of emergency as specified In other sections of these specifications. C. Repair all damages ta irrigation system at no addltlanal cast to the Owner. Make all repairs within one watering period. END OF SECTION APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNINCll DEPARTMENT Ii:,;~• J. R:i ~1 -• 280! ~ DATE RE:VISIONS MUST 131= APPROVl=D BY PU3LIC I-EAL T~ ENGN:ER, ASST. PLANt-1\JG DIRl=CTOR AND DISTRICT B\JGII\EER PRIOR TO IM"LE!v'ENTATION N FELD. ~/16/97 Fl<ST OTY $LBMTTAL B/4/9" 80 Sl=T LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCED SPECIFICATION AND PALM TREE SPECIFICATION GRAND PACIFIC RESORT ...., , \/1111 ~ --nj ,r. - :,i 10 1"1: •0-Oa •) '"_.. -~~ O,\ \'< - ~AIN £ctP~ ARCHITECTS TEL 714 241-1211 FAX 7'♦ 248 '215 R.C.E. _____ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR R.C.[. _______ t-----,t---+--------------------;---, CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 14, TRACT NO. 92-7 l--------le---4----------------+------I -,-,AP;;:;Pc:-;RO;;;:V-,--;E,;;;D!:",-,,?/';;:;--;if;;..,.-;-:;0=-· '.= ('/;;i!.:~;;--ll--~f-2(> ti' ASSISTANT PLANNING DIR!!GTOR OATE DATE BY DESCRIPTIOH IIPP'D DATE REVISIONS :o -;, __ ""'.R ___ I FIELD BY _ CM.W.D. 98-609 ,POFICT NO. CT 96-01 11 --NO. 356-7L L10.4