HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 360-6L; PD 479; Carlsbad Research Center Lot 47; 01-14-, ... _,, ... , """ .,, . , ........ -----"- GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER !'-OTES 1. AU WORK SHALL 8E Cl)NE IN ACIXJROANCE \r/fTH M CAII..SIWl HUNIClf'AL WA Tf!lt DIS'TIIICTS ·cARLSBAO ll:CL~A TKJN Rl1..ES mo REGLlA TONS FOR C!]NSllll.CT[)N OF RECLAtlE:0 WATER MAINS" DA TEO OCTOBER, I 993. 2. CMIKf,jG FOUl'(TAINS SHALL IE f'AOTEffiO FRO'! SPRAY OF RECLAf1EO WATER. IES'T MANANGEMENT PRACllCl:S SHALL BE WO TO HINf1IZE fl:CLAtlED WATER ENOOACli'IENT ON PUIUC FACLITES SUCH AS PICNC TABLES, Bf(J'1, PI..AYGROUNOS, SANO 'TOT LOTS, etc. 3. IEST MANAGEMENT l'!IACTlCES SHAU BE USED TO EL'11U. lE DR CONTIUL ID Tl4: BEST EXTENT RJSSB..E RJNlllM6, !UN-Off, OVER-sS~Y ANO MISTI'IG. 4 ltJSE 118S NIE. STIIICltY f'A()HllllTEO. 5. ON·SITE CJl'.lSS-COIM:CttlNS BETWEEN RECLA'1EO WATER LIES ANO POTA&.E WATER UJ,ES IS S111(TLY f'AOHll!lltD. 6. Nil SUlllTTITl.lTIJN Of PIPE MATERIALS WILL IE ALLOWED WITHJIJT F'RDR APPll'.ll/AL Of M OTY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. 7, ALL DN-51TE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSflAD MUNCIPAL WATER DIS11l1CT'S RULES ANO REGULA TONS. * 1!. TIE R!IGATDN SYsm-lS SHALL RUN 1£l'#EEN M f<llJIS OF 10:00 PJ'I. ~D 6:00 8 A.H. Tl£ FOLLOWING l'10RNNG (SFlJT IRRIGATDN COULD 8£ OONE AT A IJFFERENT TJ1E) WITH QUALIFIED SUPERI/ISllN PERSONNEL ON SITE. 9. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 1B INCHES OF C0'.1':R 01/ER ALL WIIING AND PIPING. 10. NllN-OESlGNATEO USE AREAS SH.All BE PROTECTED Fl(]M C01'(T,t,CT WITH RECLAt1£0 WATER WHETHER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPI.IC-'TDN nt(JUGH IRRliAffiN OR OMR US£. LACK OF PROTECTION, Wl£!HER BY CESIGN. CONSTRUcmN PRACTICE OR SYSTIM OPERA TDN, IS STRICTLY PIOHIBITEO. 11. MR!GAT()N HE.i.OS SHALL IE RELOCATED OR Ao.tJS'TEO TO Pl(;\i'ENT OVER"5PRATIN; ON SIOEWALKS, smEETS ANll NON-DESIGNA.TEO USE AREAS. 12. RECLAMEO WATER QUCK aJUPI..ING VAL I/ES SHALL IE OF A TYPE OESIGJ,EO FOR 114 USI' ON RECLAl"IED WATER Dlm18UTIJN SYSTEMS ($PIKES NJT INTl'RCHANGEAIU WITl-1 P'IJ· TABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIK[S) PER CAl!\.SBAO WATER IE'TRICT Rt.US Alll AEGULAffiNS. 13. 1"£11:RS SHALL BE SIZED BY M CITY OF CARlSIIAD HUNICll'AL WATER DISTRICT 14 All IRRIGATION PIPES SHALL BE STENCILED Wini THE WARNING, ·NJN·l'OTAa.E• OR •111:CLAl'IEO WA~!!"., COLOR COOED (PURPLE) Atil LAID WITH WARNING TAP!: ANO !iTHCILING ORENT'ED TOWAl(IJ nt: TOP DF THE TTlENCH PER CARI..S8AO WATER DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULATDNS. 15. ALL POTAlll..E WATER ANORECLAMEO WATER PIPING SliALL BE INSTALLED wm, nt: STENCILING ORIE1'(TED TTJWARO THE TTJP Of M ffl:NCH. [Fr€ t1ttAJJ~rLIA~tf ~'h~~~seFrW.rwtr~I.M E~~~t°FEET FROH EACH SOE, FROH TIIE CHITER LK OF POT ABLE LINE. FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEET 17. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATDN llETWEEN POTA&.E WATER ANO RECLAMEO WATER MAINS MUST IE MAINTAllt:O AT ALL Tll1ES. THE POTAIJI..E LINE HUST El NSTALLED Afl)VE M RECLAMEO LN:. I 8. A MINt11.t1 OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SE PARA TDN !£TWEEN VTlrrtS MUST 1!E MAMAMD AT ALL TtlES. . * 19. DE\IEI.Ot'fA/CON111ACTOfl stW1 CONOU:T A ClllS&-CONNECTD~ TUT IKJ COVEM(l( TEST AS DIRECTED 8Y THE CAAI.S8AD MUNl□PAL WATER DISTR1CT ENGINEER OR Tl-£ SAN llEOO COUNTY OEPAR'lMENT OF ENWIOIN:NTAL HEALTH PROR TD ANY USE OF llcCLAf1ED WATER. 20. QUCK COUl'LING VALi/ES USED IN IIECI.AIHED WATER SYSTEffi ffill CONFORM TD M FOLLOWING: RECLAMEO WA'TJ:11 • QUCX COUP'l.lNG VAL \/U Ul!IEO IN IIECLAf1ED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL HA '.1': ACME TY PE lHIIEAOS 00 PURPLE COLORED LOCKING CO '.1':RS f'Elll1Af,EN'Tl.Y A TTACI-EO TO THE I/Al VE. QUCK CllUPLNG VALVES SHALL 8E 1'£L~N NJ. 7645, fUl'TER HI/ 100A·RIA~POR APl'RO\IEO EQUAL. ' 21. M fflllftll C11JS5 CONN:CIDN NSPECTDN SHALL El OONE 8Y EITHER THE CAIIL!lBAO Hl.lNICIPAL WATtR DIS'TRICT ANO/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPAfm'E1'(T0F ENWlONNENTAL HEAL TH. COPES OF INSl'ECTMJN REmRTS WILL 8E FORWARDED TO THE NON-ttll'ECTING PAim. 22. DEVELOPER SH...U SHOW Tl£ LOCAIDN OF R.C. SIGNS "00 lt:JT IJllNk" ON THESE PLANS, * 23. AN OM-SITE USEII/Sl.PER-.,SOR SMALL !E DESIGNATED IN \I/RITING, T),IS IN01\'1lJM SHALL 8E FAl'1LIAR WITH PUJ1BIN6 SYS'TEHS WITHIN TH' PROPERTY. WITH THE BASIC aJNCEf'TSOF BACKA.OW/CROSS-COWCTDN PROTEClON, AND Tl£ SPECFIC REOUIIEMEIITS Of A RECLAl'1ED WATER SYSTEM COPlfS OF nt: DESl6NAIDN. WITH aJNT ACT f'H)J,E Nl.t111ERS SHALL 8E f'A() 1/10£0 TO nt: SAN OIEOO COUNT'T CEPAR'fl"IEl'(T OF ENVRJ"'1ENTAL H::AL TH AND CARLSBAD HUt.lCIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENC\' CONTACT: DI1/ERSIFIEO fW:lPi'RTES AT (619) 449-781!11 OR AFTER IOI.IRS CONTACT: OIVERSflEO Prt:JPERTES AT (619) 4'1'}-7881 24 SHlW Ail Pl.8.JC &. l'RII/Alt f'CJTA&.E WATER MAINS ON tlP![l\lEJ1ENT Pl.ANS. 25. ON REU.AtlEO WATER SYS'TEMS ALL A/:'fUmNANCES (S~KLER HEADS, VAL VE I[)~; flt.) SHALL IE Cllt.OR coll'b PIJIPlE PER AWWA GUIOELhES ANll SECTON o!O~.S◄ OF r t11: CALFORNIA ff:AL TH ANO SAFElY CODE. * ITEMS NlS. II, 19 6. 23 SHAU 6E RBlUIRE□ .Mn' ~A TO THE ACll.JAl USE OF ll'CLAf1EO WATER. ITE!1 Nil. 22 Tl£ SIGNAGE JUN SHALL 6E PAllT OF THIS I.P. !lJT M ACTUAL SIGNS 6. TAGS WLL 8E INSTALLED JJ$'T PROA 'TO ACTUAL USE OF R.C, WATER. II.ACK LOIJJ A.RPLE l!IM:XIDJNO I. kACII: LETTER'S RECLAIMED WATER 12" X :J6" 5121: .016 ALl.ttlOI. ,060 All l'I..A!m: 1 • II.Ao: Lf1iERS 2" ll.ACI: LITTERS OR STD:-ON \llloll'L SIGNS TYPICAL SIGNS RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER (LOT 47) SHEET INDEX SHffilTTlE TITLE SHEET CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS IRRIGATION AND PLANTING LEGENDS IRRIGATION PLAN SHEET Nl/MBER(SI 2 3 4 5 6 SHEET INDEX (cont.) SHEETlTTlE SHEET Nl/MBERIS) IRRIGATION DETAILS 7 IRRIGATION DETAILS AND NOTES 8 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 9-10 PLANTING PLAN 11 PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES 12 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 13-14 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNlA SIGNAGE NOTES nt: FOLLOWING GUDELINES FO~ fl.I£ lJl!iE OF RECl.>.1'1£0 WATU /11/E TO et: P'Ellt'IANENTl.l iomo INSIJI TH' OOOR Of EACH CONTOOU ER Wl-iER{ nu A/!f EASlt l w.ia t !'\..I.CE ON 8· 1 n• X 11· SIZED SIGN aJLOR: PI.JRFU BACXIJllllNl WffiJ 8LAO'. LfTTE'"-G I GUOfUNl S fOR RECI.At1ED WATER USE A IIU'!IGATT B£T\,/EENnt: f{)I.J!SOF l0:00P.MAN06·00AM.0Nl.l WAfERING OlJTSIOE iHS Tt1E F1W'IE MUST 8( OONE HA"-JALL Y WITH □UALJIED SUl'ER\IISORY PlRSONi.t:L ON-1!'TJ:. t,O Sl~TEM SHA.l.l AT Nf! Tl1E Bf LEfT LNAffiNOED DURING USE OtJTSIOf TH£ i'fJRMAL SCH!'(UE !. IRR1GA TE IN A MANNER THAT Wl.L MINll'1IZE ~-Off. 'WUNG. A.NO PONDING T1f' APl'llCAIDN RATE SHALL l,()T EXCHD THf INfl.TTIATJJN RATE Of T1f: SOIL TKRS MUST B! ADJUSTED 9J I\S TO BE CXlMPA mu W'TH rnE LOWEST SOil Nfl'TRAIDN RATE PRESENT. THS R(JCIOURE l"AY BE FACllTATED 91' THE EFFICIENT SCHECUING Of M AIJTDMATIC CO"'™lL C:LOC~S. (I.E, EMftOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION ID l'llEAA UP fl.I£ TTJTAL IIV!lGAllON TIME IN"rtl cYCLES THAT WILL l'ROt10 TE MAXIM~ SOIL A!ISOWTION) C. ACUJS'T SPRAY HU.OS TT) ELll'11NATE OVEflSPRAY OllfTTJ AAEAS l'IJT UNOE~ 11<[ . CON'TIOL Of THE O.ISTOl'1ER. FOR EXN1PLE, POOL OECC'i, ~IV.aTE PATIJS AN(] LD TS, ANll STREET'. ANO SIOEWAUS □. 11JNlffiR ANO 1'1JJNTAIN THE S'JS'TB'I nJ HIN111IZE EQU11!'1£NT ANO MATERIAL FAILI.JlE l!AOKEN Sl'IIINKlfR fEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VAi. I/ES, ETC .. Sf{)\.LD BE REPAIRED AS SOON A.S rnEY BECO/"'E Af'PAAfl,(T, · E. EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSI.JN1'£L ON A aJNTilf.J)IJi BASIS OF TH( PRESENCE OF R€CLAMED WA T'ER PERSOlffl MUST flE floFURMED THAT REQA'1EO WATER IS MEANT FOR IRRIGA TlON PURPOSES 01'&. Y A,~O IS IIOT APFlll()\/£0 FOR ORIN(IN6 PURPOSES, HANO WASHNG, CLEANSING or TOOLS. En::. GIVEN TH: HGH TlJRl'{JVER RA TE □, EMPLOYEES IN THE LANDSCAPE INlll.JSTRY. rT IS t'lf'ORTANT THIS INFORMATON BE DI5Sfl'1NATE0 ON AN Al.MOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE LANDSCAPE aJNTRACTOR, Wl-0 IS RESPONSlll.E F'OR EDUCATING tACH ANO E'.1':RY □NE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES F. OBTAN PR[)R APPllJ\IAL OF .t.LL f'ROPOSED CHANGES ANOHOOf'ICAT()NS ID ANY PRII/ATE ON·SITI. FA□LITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUllHlmO TO, AND APl'll)\/£0 BY, TI-£ DIS'TIIICT EN(lN;EJIING OFFICE ANO O(SIGNEO IN ACCORDANCE Wf™ DlffllCT S'T ANOAROS 2. All RECLAt1£D WA T£J! SfRNl£11 CC'.11,(l'RDL VAl I/ES SHALL BE T AOCl:0 Wffi, IOENTiflCA T()N TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WE1\THERfmOF l'\.ASTC, 3"• ◄", Ml'\..i IN COLOR, WITl-1 THE WORDS ·wARNING RECLAMEO WA'TJ:R · 00 t,()T DRINK" tll'!!INTED ON ONE SIDE, AND • A \ll!ll · AWA MPUAA· t«l lll'1AR" ~NTED ON M O1HE.II SIDE. MPRINTING !:lHAl.L El P!Jf"IANENT AND BU.Cl( IN COLO~. USE·TAGS AS MANLfACTUMEO 6T 1 CfftSTl DITTJl PRfSE O DR APl'lll VEO EQUAL . L'l Or.I: TAG SHALL !le ATTACfEO TO EACH 1/-'LI/E AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTACH TO VAL VE STEM OIRfCnY OR Will, PLAS'TlC TIE·WRAP OR 2. ATTACH ID SOLEitJIO WIRE DIREmv OR Will, Pl.AS'TIC 11(-WRAP 0~ 3. ATTACH TO VAL \IE CO \/ER WITH EXIS'TNG I/AL VE aJ\IER ~LT. l. AU. Sl'l!INKLER f£AOli SHALL BE lllENll'IEO .t.S IIECLAt1£0 I</ A TEii SPll1NKLER HEADS. 4 EACH AI.JTllt1A nc COlffiOLLER 00 ITS AffiClA ITO ECUll't1ENT !11ALL M IOENTlflt:D WITH A SllN BEARING THE \ilORDS "REC!.At1£0 WATt:R USED FOR IARIGATDN" IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH. WITH Bl.AO( LETTERS I" HIBH ON A PlRPlE BAO::ROLINll. nt: SIGN SHALL llE Pl.ACED 50 THAT ITCAN BE READllY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL lJTILIZING THE EQUPMENT. PEQJ&JJJN QF 8E5fOlfflU CHARGE: I HEREIJ\' 0£Cl..ARE TI1A T 1 ,'J'I THE LANOSCAl'e ARCH1TECT Cf WOMc FIJI TMIS l'ln.lCT. THAT I HA \IE EXERCISE□ RESRJNSB.E CHARGt OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PID..ECT AS OE<INEO IN SEC'TIDN 6703 OF n£ BUSINESS ANO f'ROFESSIONS CODE ANn THAT THE DESIGN IS OJNSISTENT Wini CUft"NT STANDARDS. I Lf,jDfRSTANO THAT m' CHECK OF PRO.£CT OAAWINGS AND SPECfCAIDNS BY THE CITY OF CARL98A□ ANO SAN DEOO COlM1' 0£PART11f:NT Of EN\/IIUNHENTAL HEAl 11-1 IS CONFINED TO I< II: VIEW ONLY ANO IXJES 1'0T RELIEI/E ME, AS LANOSCAI'£ ARIHTECT OF WORK, Of MY RESRJNSllllfTIES FOA Pln(CT OESIBN. FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS: STUDIO KATZ 6384 ROCKHURST DRIVE SAN DIEGO. CA 92120 PHONE NO: (619) 265-2757 REGISTRATION NO: 2568. EXPIRATION DATE: 5·31·98 111• X I e• S12£ . 016 ~l.'1, .060 Al'S PUSTC OR STICK-ON IIHfL SIGNS I I LOT47 BUILDING "B" LEGEND 0 --ww,.._- ----- QESQ.BJ.PJJQJ':1 EXISTING POTABLE WATER METER EXISTING POTABLE WATER SUPPLY LINE PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM 1\AAINI--IMl!!t EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE r Ii • . ----<: I 1, ~ I !1 I I, " \ SITE P .. AN EBN ----'------------~--------__ ...., ________ ..,.. ______ _.. N.T.S. INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. cm aJNSTRU::TrON INSPECIDN SHALL INCl.UOE: A. LOCA IDN Of "IPE LINES. II. TTlEOCH OEf'Tl-L C. ~QI.HD SE~ARATDN (HOl!IZONTALLY -'NO 1/ERTICALLY). 0. PIPE IOE NTflCA TIJN. E. roI1'(TS-Of-uJNJ,ECT'ON (f'OC'S). F. I.OCA T()N ANO IIJEml'CA IDN OF Sl'RNl..ER HEADS. G. WARNl"6 SIGNS AT THE SITE ANll ON 'T)£ nuxs HAU.ING RECLAl1EO WATER (F RECU.'1[0 WATER IS USED FOR a'INS'TlllClilNl. AN APPl()IJAL LETTER REGARDING Tl{ INSPECTDN OF THE MUCT SH-.LL BE OBT Aill(O FROM M Cll'f AND THE DISTRICT, ANO !IE FORW-'IICED 10 THE Clll.lN'TY HEAL il1 OEPAR1l1ENT l'RllR ID FINAL INSPECTDN APPf«:Jl/.t.L. 2. OISTRICT FINAL INSPECTON SHALL INCi.UDE: .t.. COVERAGE TEST, AFTER COHPlEIDN OF Tl4: SPRINKLER SYSTEH. 10 OfTI.RHINE THE AOEOUAC'f OF aJVERAGE ON T1t: Al'f'ROVED lJ5E AREA AND PROTtCTlON OF AREAS lt:JT APl'RO\IEO FOR RECEIVING RECI.Af1!:D WATER. 1!1. WARNNG SIGNS AND LA!lELS. C. QUICK COUI\JNG I/Al VES. D. ~ ASPECT'S OF Tl(; IRRtGATDN tllNOITDNS INCLUDING WINO!l.OWN SPRAY. R\.N)FF, /1..ND RJNOING. E. REQUIIEO ~OTECffiN OF Alt RESl!i:NTIAL AREAS. F. REQUIRED l'fllJTECllON OF WELL. STREAMS. RESERVOIRS. ETC. 6. CROSS-OlNNECTION. 3. ANNUAL INSPECmN SHALL INCLUDE: /1.. COl'1ftITE INSPECTON WHICH SHOl.LO COi/ER PART A, PAJfl B ANO P/1..RT G OF 11-!E OIS1lllC1' FNAL NSF{CllJN. RE ll!SION$ MUST Iii. Al'fllO VEO !Ir l'UIUC HEAL TH E"llllN:ER. ASST. f'LANNINt, DIRECTOR &. Ol'.lTRICT EN61N£ER PRIOR TO '11'1..EMENTATON f,j FIELD. • VICINITY MAP N.T.S. • I.A,',l)~E AJl;CIUlt(lURI! URSA., DL\li',1'- 6.\M ROCKlllJ~I D~l\"E '11.J!HA SAN l)IEGO c,ufORN~ ,lllo APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS BUil T" 'fTTtI REVIEWED BY: ~~~Cf= SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 PUNNING DEPAR'THEHT PRII/ATE CONSITEl RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM FDR: UAlf 14 SHEITT CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER OT47 W 1AM E. ~LH1ER fl C +, ON CA 92020 DISll!CT Ef!GltEER R.C.E. 2B 176 A DEFttN~ioii=iN~'iiii.ui:._:j--f~-~----------+---+--1--=-=-=,,....,.::-:--~TE.:'L~E:'.PHO~NE::~l6~1~9l~W:~7811~=' ==-~~.:::..4c::.::::.:..:::.:c::+TffioJEcffi:rTDi~iilil'iif.J !jj/<1 ~.\111~. ·· ~j e'Pf·~~lffNT~ ~;; TH.-01--+--------·----+----+--f DATE PLAN Pl!EPAREO: S-/9-9~ DATE NO . \fflG lt:J. < -..~ ... ':>, --·· 20 APPl!Oitfi BY: ! OX 1£ ·+------------+---+---i BY: F't?411 '.IJH ~ (pt,.,, f" <!." - ,-i. - LO Cl) LO 0 I a: I --~-l--~----·---------------------------------C-.M-.W-.□-.-JO-B-NO-.-:;Cr:-:7::-:2::-:7:::-;~----'@ / _____ .. RUTHERFORD ROAD ,,___,_ __ 1>,fl"ICa,c, (,,OCA TIO# dtr .,,,, s.T. /"fOWCAJtt.&~ \/E/2/FY IN PJ#ft,,O ~ Tt:> C.O,,Jw; ----EJt/'!>r. c-,,iw,v n, /ZEH.Air./. P.A, ,--7 I I I I I \ I L _ _j l',A, I \ - I --------------------- ~---#e#J awe.. H•wc.u,,,e ,..,,, DEr. ,., .,,,r. ~ t,.,,,."""-1s' {..6i/ll 6'T11 ), ,4-t,,t,t,N -,o• n:> -l'ST. /"101,,/GIHl/l/!J, -1 ADJ. f"/&Of'E,CTY ~ tr/'i:rAU,, AT P /1.,._ ------------- / f-------------1;,, I TJLITY TRANSFORMER BY OTHERS, TYP, SYM. -(N.I.C) ( fii:/'--, e,Ae,,T!-/o,41, f,._,AN}3) ··'---VINE POCKETS BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. -(N,I.C,) (f£?p._ Al'-?H 1re-c,-ru.,.._,.,,._ f'1,,,'\'N§ j \ \ -\-1--------------FIRE HYDRANT BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. -(N.LC.) !+-' ---LIGHT STANDARD BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM, -(N,1,C,) --- LOT47 BUILDING "B" IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS CONSTRUCTION PLAN AND HARDSCAPE LAYOUT DEPICTED 0~ THIS PLAN (NON-SHADED CONCRETE, ASPHALT, ETC.) IS BASED UPON THE MOST RECENT ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN AND ENGINEERING GRADING PLAN PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED. FOR LAYOUT OF THE HARDSCAPE WITHIN THE CENTRAL COURTYARD AREA (SHADED CONCRETE), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL NON-SHADED HARDSCAPE LAYOUT (INCLUDING BUILDING FOOTPRINTS AND UTILITIES) ON APPROPRIATE ARCHITECTURAL, CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL PLANS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION I /i I , !J l .. + 'f '\. . -1 • ll\ A - ( · ·----PARKING LOT: CURBING, LAYOUT, STRIPING~----------------, BY OTHERS, TYP, SYM, -(N.I.C.) (teA ,A?-&H ,r=.,.-ul's,.,__ p,,,,..,,..,,; J -- '--'(7 '-fl} !'.A, ....___.,____.___,___.__--'------'-----'------'-_____..,_-1..-'--__.__J..-,..L._---'------l.___,__...L._,-----L-L-..l,._--1---...L____J___.J...._____l_---1...-...I-..L-____.L........l..,.._.L,___,_l,____,L,__J,_.,!__..L_...l...___L_l.....4---'--L--1..-_j__J,_____L__L--,l..___1.,__j ~ ,. ..... I -1------EXISTING MANU ACTURED SLOPE, __ __, I ·------CONSTRUCTION PHASE LINE, TYP. SYM. TRASH ENCLOSURE BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM, -(N.I.C.) (f&P.. AN-MIT8</r<1,.__.,_ f"AN6J PLA~TED AREA, TYP, SYM. 1"•20'-0"+-~I-...... NORTH 0 10 40 "AS l.\,\""'1! AAClll1lCl1.II l)UIJI DBl:;N 6384 R~T ORI\! IUrn A SN/ DIIGO, CAil'°""' oa 61M6Hm BUil T" I I L _ ---\.--~--~-:......;:,,,.,_,,._._.,,,_,,,,_,,,. ____ ~---------_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_F_U-TUR-E M-ECHANCAL ROOM BY O HERS. TYP. SYM .• (N,1.C.) _____ ..,L..:,.__ ______ -11_ -----"--"-------- RCE ___ EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: VERIFY TO• OF SLOPE CONFIGURATION, LIMITS, ETC.~---~-' PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION IMPORTANT NOTE: PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LOCAL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT, IMPORTANT NOTES: ALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CITY AND REGIONAL STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, STUDIO KATZ REVISION BLOCK DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION INSPECTOR DATE CONSTRUCTION PLAN CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT47 J APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND -AP-PR-OV'E~O~L,1L.L..:::.==------~-/,_7'f IF ANY EXISTING HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE INDICATED ON THE IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATT: , K'.. APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION DWN BY: SEE SHEET 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OR CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL SF REPAIRED AND/OR REPl,,ACEO IN PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANT I NG CATE INITI>.L DATE INITIAi. DATE INITI>.L CHKD BY:-~-PROJECT NO. 7 DRAWING NO. ,F-f SEE SHEET 4 FOR CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS KING AND EQUIVAl,.ENT SIZ~, El<Glr<E:ER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi. crrr APPROVi'l RVW!l BY: p ~ 4-14 -'JJ(,ll),(,11,,,, ;.'.1;1; +----------------~~~==~~==::_ ___________________ -'-....J.A~R;ll:E~A§.S ___ _J::::::::;:::::=~~========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~ C M.W.D. JOB NO. '17 2 7r.i ,---~ foL·(t.!REcTKAN!i' 9€AVfJT ~l! .JOINT P6TAIL, ~t?11 f'lt 1~ ~l'lee,T ~-o/e,'' {J rol'(5T'(~E"N!= e,f<Cl{l::-f. j<l>O ( f!EC{;9S, 1/i' D!cPJr-lJ ~--E.Xf',Al--l<;!ON ..JT f'E~ JOINT p€°TA.IL, ••~• rtt~ ~1-\eeT " l=-ll = _jfT . lll=\11 - l\loTI,;, \ 0 TYPICAL CONCRETE PAVING WITH '0Y----';-;:w-;-:A~T;:;::E~R:'1'W-?AA~S~H~E~D~A.µG~G~R~E~G;;.A~T~E~F~1.!..;N~1s_H __ sE_cr_10N---No-scALE SECTION 318'' IT -' . . . . .. ,-. • , I 4 • . . , ' ,;, • I , • . . ... -' ► I • I • . . - DEEP TOOLED JOINT WI 3/EY' R TOOLED +-------EDGES -Sf'ACING Pl'R PLAN 1/4" +-r--CONCRET[ rAVEMENT PER -,.1,,4J.I f-----------3/[Y' R TOOLED EDG[S +-----------PREMOLDED FELT EXPANSION JOINT l'.~TH TEAR-OFF CAP -SPACING /'<r ?,d1 tJ,~. /Vll'IK. • P:-,/3Md'V6 CAP /\FTER CONCRETE CURING /,ND FILL WITH ELASTOMERIC SEALANT -COLOR TO lvl/\TCI-I l"'/\VEMENT. SAN:J TOF' OF :;,EALANT WITH SILICA $AND BEFORE SET ~-------COl✓Cf'.ETE !''/WEMEl✓f W/./E/ltli!' .sJ./o,,/AJ o,,I ~t4t,/ ®CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINTS NO SCALE ·-----:;lvlOOTH rr:OWEL FINISH ;.. 1/2" r:ADJUS TOOLED EDGE -'\YI"'. _,______ FINlc,H GRADE -SHRUB r~EDS f'OU~'.EO CONCf'.Eff MOW CURf1 W/ 3/8" l"OOLFD JOIN ri; (iO \~' 3c .. 3/8" EXl'1\NSION JOINTS@ 4o' 0.C "1/tt· [ C&,'/SS .ff'M • C. •l-µ;r:>) -----·-----CO~lf'ACTED SUBGRADE ,-,,. .,,.,-,, !:>· IN9f"'t,u DeeP ~c..&D ll!'I ~s I!, ............ a,,z-.ie11-s, (I,• ~ 11' ~ •p" Tl'hG ,;.<11-T, ft"!'> J<>JNT cer ... 11.,5, --S! • "' I l > LEeEND I, CAST IN F"LAC.!'.: GONG. HALL j_ 03 f':'.'!>IZOl<i'AL O J4,l1 OC, !i •3 \/t:R.TIC,AI.. 0 IU110,C., 4. (2) •3 =· 4 s,, ~ GOHPAGTEO 5L65RADE <I 11-'' • • ., 4 6. e.x.PAN:i:>ION. .JOll'<T i,,+E'N. ,L.p..JAC,e,t1 1'0 l"INISll-tW """'1'!\CE •f"G1"5~ T() J;;,,Jr-""7'Al/3, 1, t11 V JOINT > NO SCALE b. f'IIToot...@ ,U..Oil.J5, ELEVATIQN APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS \>.!IDSCAi, . 'if ';:. -u;;~r.t.;~~~ RCE __ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR ~ /ot01JJ>Cll,'II UIIOID!llGH llll Roc\QilllT DIJ\1 SIMA !,IN \llT,,O, (mfOl.'11,\ '"" "AS BUil T" EXP, ___ _ DATE DATE t----t---t--------------1--+--+--..f---ll:::; ::;:3:::;:;::=,I !::::=C=IT;:;:::llA==N~=1!=o=o=f=p1=f=™=l:5=N=J3=A=D=~I =4=' t---11--+------------------+----l---l---l.--.J CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 47 1 ijt l AP-:-:::::PR=o:::-vt-:o.,.,H,~__:_:_-------,-:S~/';-? s ASSISTANT NNING DIRECTOR DATE l OAll: INITIAL 011 TE JNillAI. OA TE INITIAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. 7 DRAWING NO. !11"" o»IQ M'l'IIOVAI. CITY APP!IOVAI. ~~ :~;---Po 414 ~~-c..,..,. - 1 L----------------------------------===========::=:::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~0N .....--=-..... C.M.W.D. JOB NO. q72. 76 E'.NCINEIII Of' 'l'l'ORK REvlSION DESCRIPTION CONCRETE'~PECIFICATIONS PART t '• GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: This section covers the furnishing and installing of cast-in-place· concrete work as shown and noted on the drawings and as specified. The conditions of the Contract and Division 1 apply to this section as fl!llY as if repeated herein 1.2 CODES: E"cept as modified by the requirements s•pecified herein and/(lr the details on the drawings, concrete work Shall conform to the "Uniform Buildfng Code" (UBC), Chapter 26, "Concrete" 1 . 3 REPFRENCES. The editions of the specifications and standards referenced herein, published by the following organizations, apply 10 the work only to the e><tent specified by the reference: American Concrete Institute (AC!) American Society for Testing and Materials (AST~) 1.4 SUBMITTALS: 1.4.1 Submittal procedures and quantities are specified in Sectfon 01340. .2 Shop drawings: Submit shop drawings showing t11e following items: .a Di.mension the locations of construction. and . expansion joints. . b Dimension the location of irrigation sleeves. 3 Samples: Submit samples of specified aggregate in clear plastic zip . lock bag. 1.5 SAMPLEPANELS: 1. 5. 1 Construct 2 initial sample panels of concrete pav111g tor the .... ~ ilvr~ ~,lf';approval, consisting of one panel of natural, colored concrete with exposed aggregate finish and one panel of namral color concrete with a salt finish, sawcul joints and sandblast finish .as indicated on building entry, enlargement drawings. Sample panels shall be cured a minimum of 10 days . pnor to review by~N~~a,;, ~ The sample paving panels shall be approximately 5' square. . ?. The concrete mix design used to prepare the sample panels sbaU be identical to that used for this project. If the Landscape Architect rejects either sample, the contractor shall construct additional samples as required. Remove rejected, sample pavrng panels from the job site and dispose of them legally. . 3 The a·pprovcd samples shall serve as a standard of color, texture and workmanship for the project's concrete work. Do not remove or cover the approved sample panels until the concrete bas been installed and tbt;~~I# R,E?-has approved it. 1 . 6 CONCRE1E MIX: f.6.1 Submit certificates of compliance for Portland Cement. . 2 Submit manufacturers compounds, expansion technical literamre for admixtures, .. c.uring , joint filler and sealer•hardener. • 3 q>n1ractor shall employ an approved Tes.ting L. ab.oratory who .shall ,lietermine concrete mix to fulfill the specified requirements .for strength, aggregate size and workability of concrete. and such designs shall be used in proportioning all structural· concrete. . Mix shall be submitted for review. Each design shall be signed by a California State Registered Civil Engineer ·employed by th<'- laboratory. .4 Concrete mix. shall lie made in accordance with ACI 211.1-81 for . regular concrete and AC! 211.2-84. • S Review shall not be considered unqualified approval, and shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to furnish concrete to proper consistency and specified strengths. . 6 Cover and c:lear distances between reinforcing bars ... shown ·on the drawings shall be considered in determining the aggregate size for mix designs and may result in an aggregate size smaHer than the maximum aggregate size allowed elsewhere in this specification, I . 7 PROPERTIES AND PROPORTIONS: 1. 7. I Concrete: Minimum concrete strengths at 28 days shall be 3SOO psi. 2 Maximum Slumps: 4 inches. Concrete exceeding the maximum specified will not be accepted, 3 Maximum aggregate size: in no case shall the maximum aggregate size used exceed 20% of a. member';s thickne$S, nor shall it exceed 3/4 of the clear spacing between reinforcing. In addition, it shall never exceed the size indicated for ihe following: a. Slabs: 1 inch; 3/4" (max.) for exposed aggregate. . 4 The maximum allowable water cement ratio for slabs on gradt shall be 5.5 gall0ns per sack of cement,. including the use of pozzolan. . 5 The average drying shrinkage shall not e><ceed 0.048% for all concrete . ·. 6 Grout: One pan· Portland cement and two parts fine aggregate, by volume. Grout shall be of a consistency ·suitable for the intended purpose and shall be used immediately after mixing. Grout used under minor bearing plates shall be "drypack" and shall be rammed into place. Small quantilies of grout may be mixed by hand, but any grout requiring one-half sack of cement,· or more, per batch shall be machine mixeti 1. 8 FIELD QUALITY CDNTROL 1. 8, 1 Provide field quality control testing and inspection durin1 concrete operations. . 2 Contractor shall provide adequate notice, cooperate with, provide access to · tile work, ootain samples, and assist test •agency and their representatives in· execution of their function. . 3 Provide slump testing on first load of concrete delivered each day and whenever requested. PART. 2 • PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: 2.1.1 Portland Ceinent: ASTM Cl50-89, Type II, low alkali domestic cement. One. brand from the same plant shall be '!_sed for all exposed concrete. .2 Po,zolan: · ASTM C 618-89a, Type F. Limit use of pozzolan to not more than 20% cif cement content by weight. .. 3 Regular Weight Concrete Aggregates: ASTM C 33-90. In lieu of the use of ASTM C 227-87 .to determine a\kali reactivity of the aggregates as specified therein, the alkali reactivity shall be "innocuous" as determined by ASTM C 289-87. . a Fine aggregate shall be washed clean, shall be uniformly screen graded, and shall contairi not more than 2% by weight of deleterious materials sucl\ as shale, schist, alkali, clay lumps, earth, loam, mica or similar materials and shall hav.e a minimum sand equivalent (SE) of 75 when. tested in accordance with ASTM D 2419-74. Fine aggregate shall be graded uniformlv om fine m coarse. .b Coarse aggregate shall consis1 J ~an, hard erushed rock or washed gravel, free from organic materials or soil or friable materials and shall not contain more than 2% by weight of shale or. chcrty material and not more than 15% by weight of elongated fragments, and shall have a minimum cleanliness value 9CV) of 75 as determine by CAL TRANS Calif. Test No. 227. · .c Aggregate shall be in conformance with UBC Chapter 43 for Class A concrete. . 4 Admixtures, if used: UBC Std. No. 26-9 and ASTM C 494-86, of a type that increases workabili1y and reduces water demand of concrete, but will not increase shrinkage.. Admixture shall be. subject to approval as to type and amount used. Admixtures shall not contain chloride ions. . 5 Water Used in Mixing' Concrete: Potable, clean and free from deleterious amounts of acid, alkalis, organic or other materials. 6 Curing Membrane: Non•staining paper conforming to ASTM C 171· 69. or 6 mil thick r,ol vethylene. film. . 7 Curing Compound: ASTM C 309·89, liquid membrane forming, With fugitive. dye for identification. Compound shall be compatible. with finish to be applied thereto. Curing compound and areas re.ceivi.ng it must .be approved. . 8 ·Expansion Join.t Filler: Pre-molded,· of siies and thicknesses. shown on. drawings, conforming to ASTM D1751·8:3. . 9 Expansion Joint · Sealing Compound: Expansion joint sealant and backer rod shall be in accordance with Section 07920 . 10 Sandblasting Sand: 30 grit coarse crystal silica sand. .11 Forms:· Wood or metal of sufficient strength to resist concrete placement pressure and · to maintain horiiontal and vertical alignment during concrete placement. Provide forms straight, free of defects and .distortim,, and height equal to full depth of concrete work. .a Provide 2" nominal thickness, surfaced plank wood forms for straight · sections. .12 Re-infordn& $(eel; ASTM A615, o,; A617. Grac:le· 4-0 n"w d,;;,me-stic deformed steel bars. . I 3 Form release a.gent: Non staining chemical form release agent free of oils, waxes and Other ·materials harmfol to concrete. PART 3 , EXECUTION 3.1 MDaNG: 3 .1. 1 Concrete shall be ready mi>< concrete. Mix and transport concrete in accordance with ASTM C94·90. . 2 Re tempering: Concrete shall be mixed only in quaniities for immediate use. Concrete which has set shall be discarded and shall not be retempered. . 3 Indiscriminate addition of water to increase slump shall be ptphibited. When concrete arrives at the project with slump below tha't_ suitable for placing, water may be added only if neither the maximum permissible water-cement ratio nor the maximum slump is'-exceeded. The water must be incorporated by additional mixing equal 10 al least half of the iotal mixing required. Any addition of water above that permitted by the limitation of water· cement ratio must be accompanied by a quantity of cement sufficient to maintain the proper water-cement ratio. Such addition must be approved by the Construction Manager. 3. 2 CONVEYING AND PLACING CONCRETE: 3.2.l Notification: Notify the City Inspector and~~,~~ at least two working days in advance of placing concrete. . 2 · Preparation Before Placing, .. .a the Hardened concrete and foreign materials shall be removed from inner surfaces of the conveying equipment. . b Remove all loose surficial soil and debris from base surface before placing concrete . .c Scarify subgrade to a minimum depth of 12" anc'Lrecompact to a minimum of 90 percent of laboratory standards. Proof roll the subgrade and do all necessary rolling and compacting to obtain firm, even subgrade surface. Fill · and consolidate depressed ·.areas. Remove uncompactable materials, and replace with clean fill. .d Install, align and level forms. Stake and brace forms in place. Maintain following grade and alignment ··1olerances. All encrustations shall be removed. .e Coat form surfaces in contact with concrete with form release agent. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent as necessary to assure separation from concrete without · damage. .f Provide reinforcing bars locations indicated, adequately supported and secured to prevent displacement. · •i Install pipe sleeves for irrigation system as specified under · Section 02441. Stake location of irrigation sleeves. See irrigation plan for sleeve locations . 3.2.2 Placement .a Comply wi1h AC! 304 "Recomn,ended Practice for Measuring, · Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete". and as specified herein. . b Moisten base to ·provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Verify manholes or other structures are at required finish elevation and alignment before placing concrete. .c Place and spread concrete to the full depth of the forms. Use only square-end shovels or concrete rakes for hand-spreading and . consolidating concrete. Exercise care during spreading. and consolidating operations to prevent segregation of aggregate and discoloration of reinforcement. . d Place concrete in a continuous operation between expansion joints. Provide construction joints when sections cannot be placed .continuously. .e Place concrete in one course, monolithic construcllo.n, for the full width and depth of concre.te work. .f Strike-off and bull-.float concrete after consolida1in1. Level ridges and fill voids. Check surface with a 10'-0" straightedge. Fill depressions and relocate repaired areas. Darby the concrete surface to provide a smooth level . surface ready for finishing. .g Keep a record of time and date of placement of concrete . 3 .2. 3 Expansion Joints: .a Provide pre-molded expansion joints 10 full depth of slabs where indicated on the drawings. Install with top ·edge 3/4" below the surface •and tool adjacent concrete edges to a 1/8" radius. Use steel pins to hold material in place during placing and floating of concrete. After a minimum of 28 days after slabs have been placed and finished, fill tops of expansion joints with 'backer rod and sealant 10 1/8" below surface of slabs. No traffic shall be permitted tq iravel over sealed joints until sealer is thoroughly dry . . b When not indicated, provide joints at maximum :lB.C)'.O" on center for curbs and walks. Align expansion joints at abutting curbs , walksJ and building. 3. 3 Concrete finishing: .3.3. I · Perform concrete finishing using mechanical or hand methods as required. .2 Upon completion of floatin&, and aher bleed water ha:11 disappeared and concrete can sustain foot· pressure with nominal indentation. cut concrete away from forms. Work--Cdgcs with an edging tool. Round edges per detail on drawings . .3 All concrete shall be consolidated by vibration, spading, rodding, or forking, so that the concrete is thoroughly worked around the . reinforcement, around the embedded items, and into corners of forms, eliminating all air or stone pockets which may cause honeycombing, pitting, or planes 'of weakness. All mechanical vibrators shall have a minimum frequency of 7000 rpm and shall be operated by competent workmen. Over-vibrat.ion · and use of vibrators to 1ranspor1 concrete within forms shall not be allowed . Vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn at· many points, from 18 to 30 inches apart, for 5 10 15 second ·duration. A spare vibrator shall be kept on the job site during all concrete placing operations. Particular care . shall be given at e><posed concrete surfaces. . 4 Complete surface finish as follows: finish. ..,._, Provide pavement surfaces with a salt edges and all joints with a radius edgln~ !?Ol. Edge outside .c Exposed Aggregate: .1 Provide a surface retarder method for e><posin·g aggregate for those area, so indicated on the drawings. .2 The aggregate e><posed shall consist of the 3/8" regular weight aggregates which have been approved during submittal process. .3 Finish shall match approved sample panel. 3.4 Cudng: 3.4.1 General: Freshly deposited concrete shall be protected from premature drying and e,;cessively hot or cold temperatures, and shall be maintained , without drying at a relatively constant temperature for the period of time necessary for the hydration of the cement and proper hardening of the concrete . .2 Initial Curing: Initial curing shall immediately follow the finishing operation. Concrete shall be kept continuously moist at least overnight. One of the following materials or methods shall be used. .a Ponding or continuous sprinkling. .b Absorptive mat or fabric kept continuously wet. .c Sand or other covering kept continuously wet. .3 Curing Compounds: Compounds shall be applied in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and shall not be used on surfaces against which additional concrete or other cementitious finishing materials are to be bonded, nor on surfaces on which such curing is prohibited by these specifications. Curing compounds shall not be used where waterproofing is to be applied. . 4 Final Curing: Immediately following the initial curing and before the concrete has dried, additional curing shall be accomplished by one of the following materials or methods. .a Continuing the method used in initial curing. .b Waterproof paper covering. .c Other moisture-retaining coverings as approved: . 5 Duration of Curing: The final curing shall continue until the cumulative number of days or fractions thereof, not necessarily consecutive, during which temperature of the air in contact with the concrete is below SO degrees F bas totaled seven days. If high early strength of concrete has been used, the final curing shall continue· for .a total . of three days. Rapid drying at the end of the curing period shall be prevented. · . 6 Formed Surfaces: Steel forms heated by the sun and all wood forms in contact with the concrete during the final curing period shall be· kept wet. · If forins are to be removed during the curing period, one of the above curing material, or methods shall be employed 1mmediatcly, Such curing shall be continued for the remainder of the curing period. 3. 5 Protection from Mechanical Injury: During the curing period, the concrete shall be protected from damaging mechanical disturbances, particularly load stresses, heavy shock, and excessive vibration, All finished concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage caused by construction equipment, materials, or methods, . and by rain or running water. Self-supporting structures shall not be loaded in such a way as to overstress the concrete. 3. 6 Joint sealants: 3.6.1 Install joint sealants where indicated in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Clean and prime joints. Remove dirt and loose coatings. .2 Apply sealants in continuous beads, without open joints, voids, or a.it pockets. Hand tool and finish all joi.na . . 3 Confine materials 10 joint areas with masking tape or other p~ecautions. . 4 Remove excess compound promptly as work progresses and clean adjoining surfaces . _ S In rough surfaces or joints <>f Uneven widths,. install joint sealan+ well back into joints. 3. 7 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS: 3 _ 7 .1 Repair of surface defects. All form tie holes shall be filled and repairable defective areas patched immediately after the forms have been removed. Remove fins and burrs. . 2 After forms have been removed, any concrete which is not formed as shown on the plans, or which is out of a.lignmenr or level beyond required tolerances shall be removed and replaced. Defective surfaces may be repaired and patched m accordance with the following procedure. All conditions requiring patches and completed patehes will be inspected. Patches disapproved as not restoring the quality and appearance of the surrounding work shall be removed and replaced so as to match the surrounding work. . 3 Repair Procedure: .a All honey combed and other defective concrete shall be removed to sound concrete, but in no case to a depth of less than 1 inch. The area to be patched and an area of at least 6 inches wide surrounding it shall be dampened to prevent absorption of water from the patching mortar. A bond of neat Portland Cement and water, and, if permitted, some fine sand passing a No. 30 sieve, shall be mixed to the consistency of thick cream and shall then be well brushed into the surface. Other concrete bonding agents may be used when approved. .b The patching mixture shall, be made of the same .material and of approximately the same proportions as used for the concrete, except that the course aggregate shall be omitted and the mortar shall consist of not more than I part cement to 2-1/2 parts sand by damp loose volume. White Portland Cement shall be substituted for a part of the gray Portland Cement on exposed concrete in order to produce a color matching the color of the surrounding concrete, as determined by a trial patch. .c The quantity of mixing water shall be no more than necessary for handling and placing. The patching mortar shall be mixed in advance and allowed to stand with frequent manipulation with a trowel, without addition of water, until it has .reached the stiffest consistency that will permit placing . .d After surfaci water has evaporated from the areas to be patched, the bond coat shall be well brushed into the surface. When the bond coat begins 10 lose the water sheen, rhe premixed patching morrar shall be applied. The mortar sllall be thoroughly consolidated into place and srruck off so as 10 leave, the patch slightly higher than the surrounding surface. To permit initial · shrinkage, it shall be left undisturbed for at least one hour before being finally finished. The patched area shall be kept damp for seven days . .4 Prior to proceeding with any patch work, the Contractor is responsible for establishing trail patch areas to develop the approved patching color and the method of applying and surface te><turing the patching material. 3. 8 DEFECilVE WORK: ' 3.8.1 Defective concrete work shall be removed and replaced at Contractor's e,i:pense . 3. 9 a.EANING 3. 9 .1 Perform cleaning during completion of the work. debris, and equipment. operations . installation of the work and upon Remove from site all excess materials, Repair damage resulting from concrete • 2 Sweep concrete pavement, wash free of stains, discoloration, dirt and other foreign immediately prior 10 final acceptance. • . • UIC>IG\llMC11111CT1.1E VIIN<OEOGN Utt lOWfl."5'1 Dll\'I sun, 5'11 °""" (.IUIQl>I.I ••io "AS BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RC£ ___ EXP. ____ DATE REVIEv.f:D BY: INSPECTOR DA TE t----+--l-----------+--~-+---1---II SH4ECT I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 ~==~===P=LA::::::::N::N::l::N:::G::D::E:::P=A:::A::T::M:::::E::N=T==::::::...:L!U==~ DATE INITIAL DA It INI fflll. OA It INlfflll. ENCINEER ~ WOltK REv1SION DESCRIPTION ODO APPROVAi. OlY APPROVIII. CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT47 ~ -~PR_o_~_o~-;:::;H~;.<",£--'~~•f:..,_ ___ . __ .5~~f? ASSISTANT P61°NNING DIRECTOR OAT£ OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: --p.'I ,1_1"" RVV-0 BY: V' .,-' I 7 C.M.W.D. JOB NO. q 7 2 7ta Irrigation Legend SYM. :=-~ N6'i-ZI.H NUr,1061'-~ ,-£, 0 0 <-it ;,, --~ ~ 'J (£) 0 ~ G cl llll D 0 EEi • 8 "' " ,. 7 w \V V (! 0 0 • .... • MANUF. HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRO RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRO RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRO RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD AAIN BIRO FEBCO AAIN l!IIAD DATA INDUSTAIAL RAIN BIRD Kt!I NELSON ~ HARDIE (IARITFIOL) ff PO.C. PER SPECS. ---PER SPECS. PER SPECS. MQP·IRNO, llEM 1!11 BAI. DESCl'IIPTION PGS-ADJ-C01 -ADV (IMI) 0.6 35 20' SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER PGS-ADJ-C02-ADV (90) 1.0 35 30' SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER PGS-ADJ-C03 -ADV (180) 1.1 35 25' SHRUl'I ROTOR ON RISER PGS-AOJ-C05 -ADV (180) 2.1 35 30' SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 1804·SAM·15VAN VARIES 30 16' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-15F 3,70 30 16' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-15H 1.85 30 15' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-150 093 30 15' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM• 12VAN VARIES 30 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-12F 2.80 30 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804·SAM·12H 1.30 30 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-120 0-65 30 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-SVAN VARIES 30 8' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-BF 1.57 30 8' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-aH 0.79 30 a· POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-BQ 0.39 30 8' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-15-EST 0.61 30 4'x15' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 1804-SAM-15-SST 1.21 30 4'x30' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 18~-SAM-15VAN VARIES 30 15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 18~-SAM-1 SF 3.70 30 16' POP-UP SHAUB SPRAY 180w-SAM-15H 1.85 30 15" POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 18or.-SAM-15Q 0.93 30 15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 1806-SAM-12VAN VARIES 30 12· POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 1806-SAM-12F 2.60 30 12' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 180<.-SAM-12H 1.30 30 12' POP-UP $HAUB SPRAY 18ot,-SAM-12Q 0.85 30 12' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 180r.-SAM-8VAN VARIES 30 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 18Clr.-6AM-8F 1.57 30 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 180<.-SAM-BH 0.79 30 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 1806-SAM-SQ 0.39 30 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 1806-SAM-15-EST 061 30 4'x15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 1806-SAM-15-SST 1.21 30 4'x30' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 18tr,-SQ-B 0.5 30 5' POP UP STREAM BUBl!ILEA 180i>-5H·B 1.0 30 5' POP UP STREAM BUBBLEFI •i.-sF-B 1.5 30 5' STREAM BUBBLER WI RAIN BIRD PASS SHRUB ADAPTER ill . 1300 A-F ADJ. TO 30 (-FULL y ADJUSTABLE l!<I"' ~,, ii,.,.... o.soGPM I (f'l\ilUflT fN t;,AINloll',l:I l '"4 ,-,r-•r '-,, f,(#P., .,., f'A Al:l'\f'T19-P,..) . . . "" -., --· ···" "·· ,, . 825Y REDUCED l!ACKFLOW PREVENTER, (1') SIZE. INSTALL WILKINS YSBR (1 ") SIZE WYE FILTER DOWNSTREAM OF BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AVAIL.P.S,I. ON SITE; IF AVAIL. P,$,1. EXCEEDS 80 P.S.I. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A WILKENS 500 PRESSURE REGULATOR DOWNSTEAM OF BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY AND WYE FILTEFI. 150-PEB MASTER CONTROL VALVI:, (1-1/2") SIZE LAPIK #220P (LINE SIZE) FLOW SENSOA. INSTALL MIN. 38" DOWNl!ITAl!!AM o, MASTER CONTROL VALVE WITHIN 10" DIA, VALVE BOX TO MATCH BALL VALVE INSTALLATION (GRAVEL, SRICKS, ETC,). PESB-PRS-8 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE PER PLAN (LOCATE IN SHAUB PLANTER AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE). IMPORTANT NOTE: INSTALL (1) LINE SIZE BALL VALVE (PER LEGEND BELOW) UPSTREAM OF AND ADJACENT TO EACH VALVE MANIFOLD WITHIN SEPARATE 10" DIA. PLASTIC VALVE BOX AND INSTALL CHRISTIE RECLAIMED WATEFI IDENTIFICATION TAG (OR APPROVED EQ.) ON EACH VALVE. WLT·XXX-T BALL VALVE, LINE SIZE (LOCATE IN SHRUB PLANTER AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE). #7645 NON-POTASLE QUICK COUl'LER VALVE WITH LOCKING RECLAtMeO WATER WARNING COVER, (314") SIZE. MC-30 PLUS AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. WALL MOUNT CONTROLLEA ON EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL ROOM WALL, VERIFY EXACT MOUNTING LOCATION ANO ELECTRICAL SOURCE WITH OWNEFl'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOFI TO INSTALLATION. AG-VR "AAINGUARD" RAIN SHUT OFF. WALL MOUNT RAIN SHUT OFF ON AUTO. CONTROLLER CABINET AND WIRE TO CONTROLLER PER MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS. EXISTING 1" "RECLAIMED" WATER METER PER CIVIL ENGINEEAING PLANS WITH APPROX. 75 AVAIL. STATIC P.S.I. VERIFY SIZE, TYPE, LOCATION AND AVAIL. P.S.L PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, TYPE 'K' COPPER SERVICE LINE, (1-112") SIZE. INSTALLED BETWEEN IRRIGATION METER AND IRRIGATION BACKFLOW PREVENTER. IRRIGAnON MAINLINE (PUFIPLE ALERTLINE) • 18" MIN, COVER -SIZE ~eFI PLAN (1-1/2" ANO SMALLER: SCH. 40; 2" ANO LARGER: CLASS 315). CLASS 200 LATERAL PIPING (PURPLE ALERTLINE) · 12" MIN. COVEA -SIZE PER PLAN. .5\ •' ,. ... -____ ,,.____,.. NOSYM. U.L. APPPIOVEO IAAIGATtON CONTPIOL WlPIE ,14UF AWG Dl1'1ECT IIUl'IIAL. ALL 1/fl•AING SHALL BE SLEEVED SEPARATELY UNDER HARDSCAPE, (SEE IRRIGATION NOTES FOR CLARIFICATION). NO SYM. DURA (OF! EQ) SCH. 40 PVC 'DEEP SOCKET" VIC FITTINGS. ,- /' -----LI\.:----- . ' STATION NUMBER VALVE SIZE VALVE DISCHARGE (GPM) SLEEVES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL MAINS, WIRING, LATERALS UNDEl'I VEHICLE PAVING IN PVC SCH. 80 SLEEVE w/ SO" COVER. INSTALL MAINS, WIRING, UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING IN PVC SCH. 40 SLEEVE w/ 18'' COVER. INSTALL LATERALS UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING IN PVC SCH. 40 SLEEVE wl 12" COVER. Supplemental Irrigation Notes 1. 1.ALL HUNTER AND RAIN BIRD HEADS WITH LOW HEAO DRAINAGE SHALL FIECEIVE BELOW HEAD CHECK VALVES (HUNTER OR APPROVED EQ.) AND IN-LINE CHECK VALVES WHERE NECESSARY TO ELIMINATE AW. LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. 2. FOR ALL SPRAY HEADS THAT REQUIRE GREATER THAN 30% REDUCTION 0~ FULL FLOW RADIUS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE APPROPRIATE PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREEN (RAINBI\.O •cs-XXX). 3 ALL POP-UP HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH RECLAIMED WATER PURPLE CASS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS INr,ICATEO ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS OR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED FIEPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT THAT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REVISIONS NECESSARY. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL ANY ITEMS WHERE IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THEY ARE IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS OFI PEDESTRIAN ANO VEHICULAR SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS. SPRAY HEADS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED OFF THE DRAWINGS, BUT LOCATED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALKS, AND STRUCTURES. DO NOT LOCATE TREES OR TALLER SHRUBS IN LOCATIONS WHERE THEY WILL BLOCK IRRIGATION HEADS AND PREVENT ADEQUATE COVERAGE, 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE LATEST EDITION OF THE CITY GUIDELINES ANO SPECIFICATIONS FOR LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENTS AT THE PROJECT SIT:O t,T ALL TIMES. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PRESSURES ON SITE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND PROVIDE THESE TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN WRITING. 8. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, CURBS, FENCES, WOOD STRUCTURES, CONCRETE STRUCTURES, BUILDINGS, ETC. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE GENERAL CONTFIACTOR AND OTHER SUBCONTRACTORS FOR LOCATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THFIOUGH WALLS, UNDER FIOADS, PAVING AND OTHEFI STRUCTURES. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY IN THE FIELD WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, AND THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE, ALL LOCATIONS OF POINT OF CONNECTIONS, WATER METERS, MAIN WATER SUPPLY LINE, BACKFLOW PREVENTER, AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER RAIN SWITCH. AND VALVES, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FLUSH ALL LINES AND ADJUST ALL HEADS FOA OPTIMUM SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, STREETS, AND STRUCTURES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE SELECTING THE BEST NOZZLE RADIUS TO ACCOMMODATE UNUSUAL SITE CONDITIONS. 11. ALL CONTROL EQUIPMENT SUCH AS REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, BALL VALVES, ANO QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED IN SHAUB PLANTED AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATION OF IRRIGATION PIPING WITH THE LOCATION OF TREES (REFER TO PLANTING PLAN) AND SHALL MAINTAIN A MIN. OF THREE (3) FEET CLEARANCE BETWEEN PIPING AND TRUNKS OF TREES WHEREVER POSSIBLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY Ot'Sc--Olll1',.tJC-1ii,S. 13. ALL IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNING CODES. 14. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. ·15. CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR SHALL ONLY APPLY SUFFICIENT WATER TO PROMOTE HEALTHY Gl'IOWTH OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. AT NO TIME WILL THE CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR APPLY WATER AT A RATE OA FREQUENCY WHICH CAUSES RUNOFF OR SOIL SATURATION. i'\,:~it:'A.,._ +!e:A~ 1/'JltltlN. t01 c,f'-~IAN Hi,;;,~~,;,/;;.-;;;t;;;.:·;;;;.;,~~~ £ (. ·-t;~~~4'1~':tr~~~,,~~·~"-~~~~-~-~~"-~"'-r~~~ ~~~":~": !',i)~~-r•~-~~,~ HYORAULIC WORKSHEET PROJECT:CRCLOT 41 LOCATION: CA~LSOAO. CA DATE: 11l'!>l•i STATIC PRF.SSURE INFORMATKJN OBTAINED FROM ""J-Lo,' ~""', 'i)('.">1">1-IT~M Of' w.-.Tllll l'\~I!!,._ STATIC PRF.SSURE: '7'7 . . CLASS: SIZE: Loss,, oo·: LENGTH: GPM: PSI LOSS: WATER Mt=.TEfl: , NIA 1 • NIA NIA @ ,-1/;,-tl/1' OAC!{Fl.OW PREVFNTION DEVICE: NIA 1•"/~I NIA NIA @ Ill IC,o RC MOTE CONTROi. VN.V>,: (.;T,-, e,-1'1) NIA 1" NIA NIA @ 14> 7h NCl'l-PRF.SSURF. LINF.: 200 j I 'IM I, II-61, @ ,i,,,t. 1.0'!, NCl'l-PRESSURE I.INE· 200 1 • 11,1tl '·" '!,O @ l(P Cl,'!, PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE: ~1,;. ,zn CM,'!> c.,e,o @ 11.P '·"(p !-1,ASTf?i'. co,,-rp.ot,. """-VIit! NIA . 1-'h" NIA NIA @ I"' ..LL !iUlH(ll-lil 1c,.5-1 FEF.r: l,Lf!\'ATION: Loss; t,." '!.74' Gain: PSI REQUIRED@ HEAD: ~ TOTAL PRESSUB,E LOSS: (i,I. ra, F'lr1'1,l-1~1'.• "l-I11 TOTAL ,l!,'%: 70,'Z.~ RESIOU/\L 4-.11 STUDIO KATZ REVISION BLOCK 1;/c:!, 111 ' . ·r···· Ji\ V¥ 12-<· l"T,.-vl .. ,_v 141 A<:: I /A 111".-le'. /,rfY l'1 ..AtJ DATE INITIAL ' -' .. REVISION DESCRIPT!DN ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS .. '1. . I Plant Legend ID'.M, BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME llli'.. SIZE REMARKS TI:lcfi & COCOS PLUMOSA QUEEN PALM a B'BTH MATCHED 0 CUPANIOPSIS ANACARDIODES CARROTWOOD TREE 1 24'' BOX + PYRUS C. 'CHANTICLEER' ORNAMENTAL PEAR VAR. 7 24" BOX • TIPUANA TIPU TIPUTREE 6 24" BOX • 'TRISTANIA CONFERTA BRISBANE BOX 50 15 GAL. Ill EXISTING ERYTHRINA CAFFRA (KAFFIABOOM CORAL TFIEE) TO REMAIN. PROTECT IN PLACE. SHRUBS & V.LNES f----···7 BEGONIA F-1 HYBRIDS 0 CUPHEA HYSSOPIFOLIA MJl4VI/', FICUS REPENS E8XXXX)I HEMEROCALLIS 'YELLOW' ~BYOWNER) 0 LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 LIRIOPE M. 'BIG BLUE' ,-·Ai,e,,,,:... --~.~i,..., PHOENIX ROEBELENII PHORMIUM T. 'BRONZE' PHOTINIA FRASERI RAPHIOLEPIS I. 'PINKIE' GROUND COVER & LAWN ~ HEDERA H. 'HAHNII' ~ LONICERA J. 'HALLIANA' r I MARATHON IIE TURF ~-·: • ,_-·_. (OR OWNER APPROVED EQ.) HYBRID BEGONIA FALSE HEATHER CREEPING FIG (STAKED) (REMOVE NURSERY ST AKE AND ATTACH TO BUILDING WALL) DAYLILY VAR. as req'd. 1 GAL. 54 1 GAL. 4 5 GAL as req'd. 1 GAL, ' 24"0.C. LANTANA VAR. 'r. · __ ... l . · . 11& .:· 1 GAL. BIG BLUE LILY TURF &i,;:,Urf AM!kAA &--~ 98 _ 5 GAL. 79 5GAL. PIGMY DATE PALM BRONZE FLAX 6 2'-3' BTH STAGGER HTS FRASER PHOTINIA INDIA HAWTHORN VAR. HAHN'S IVY HALL'S HONEYSUCKLE HYBRID FESCUE \ 3 5GAL. -· \ \, .... ,.------y"·•,,\-. , t,116) 5 GAL. ·-, 391 5 GAL. as,eq"d. FLATS as req'd. FLATS as req'd. SOD • . . • ( ,-2~ o.e) (1811 O,G.) I ' I.I.""""' AAatnicn;& IJR!.liN OE51GN !lillR(l('.IOi!i>t ORl\t 5<.TIIA 5.\N Dim'>. CAUFOIMA 9lll0 II AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ,, -J---+---+-----------+---+---+--+---t I SHSEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 ?LANNING DEPARTMENT L__2±_j :===--===========-.::===; IRRIGATION AND PLANTING LEGENDS DA TE IIITIAl. ENC1NEER Of' -REVISION DESCRIP·noN OATE IMTIAL CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 47 APPROVED M~ . S"-tf.'j p -A,-,ss=1s::-:T:-A-N-,:T:-F't:LA,;-<-N~"N:...IN-'-G-□-1A-EccC:-TccO-A______ DA TE PROJECT NO. OATE lllll1Al. CHKD BY: __ _ OWN BY: I >-OTl!Ol--N'~P!I-OV_Al_+--_a_TI_N'~P!I-O-VAL--1 l!R~VWO!..'.'.~EB..!.Y,_: ===:.I 170 4-1 "'l 7 C.M.W.D. JOB NO. 17 2 '7C:, ,..: I > ' t 0 (I\ I ) -+---------------------CUT AND CAP EXISTING R.O.W. TURF IRRIGATION LATERAL LINES AS I RUTHERFORD ROAD I J -... I " ,,: Tlf- I ~t --("'( I NECESSARY (DUE TO NEW DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION). REMOVE, ADD, OR ADJUST HEADS AS NECESSARY TO INSURE PROPER WORKING CONDITION OF EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WITHIN R.O.W. ADJ. LOTS. MAINTAIN HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE . .-.---PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ENTRY DRIVEWIIY. . .,. I 'ov ,7"---....__ __ _ CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXISTING HEADS AFFECTED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION, ADD NEW LATERAL LINES WITH SLEEVING UNDER •. NEW DRIVEWAY, AND CONNECT NEW LATERAL LINES TO EXISTING ~ IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WITHIN R.O.W. OF ADJ LOT. ADD OR ADJUSTHE"~ NECESSARY TO INSURE li'ROPER WORKING ~ CONDITION OF EXISTlm, ,, TION SYSTEM. MAINTAIN .HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE. ' 3/f (I ~w-s~eve--:::;,-. .._ -.. . - "I: I .,.._,_ \.. 1'(¥ .• . . • LOT47 BUrLDING "8" . ' ·I\ ,. I I I 1;( -3-Jj-. ;r , W-1._ -"+-i I ~ lj ~ II'' -/ '°I<\' ' ' I j!{ I I I ~·'k--~~J,~---~~-i ~: >--"It -' ) u.t----t--,---L..,_ "i' ~ ) I.... Y4 ,_ I 1---------11----~·/I ~ iH,' • • , ' - STUBOUT WITH A CAPPED RISER (IN PLANTER) RAISED 12" ABOVE FINISH GRADE, BEFORE TURNING CORNER OF BUILDING. • ' \ I +----CON.,TRACTOR TO INSTALL LATERAL PIPE, FITTINGS AMJ;LSJ.l;J;:\il.llia UNDER 'PAVING PRIOR TO POURING ASPHALT OR CONCRETE PAVING. STUBOUT (AT IRRIGATION HEAD LOCATIONS) WITH CAPPED RISERS, RAISED 12"' ABOVE FINISH GRADE. FLAG AND PROTECT IN PLACE ALL RISERS. . , - -• . • • ' . . , I l-+------1 .... ~l,i-'- • J I ~ - ~ ,,,,.,. I'', I" '::;!,,4, -.,.,.~ -34-.. _, '-i(t • I .-. -¾-... ~ IUmA !»I DIEGO. CAUFOf..NIA 1121!0 0 10 20 40 fi1M6M7U II AS BUil T" /f ft,tt RCE EXP. DATE V ---... \ ;J'~ D 0/,f --:--....,._ __ ,__,..------..---------------✓------_,..-..__ __ '-l\r-f/-...._ /--.__.,.......,.--.....r--------------,.,.,,._ ___ -r1 _____ __,,_-_____ __,,,,, '-".1;"-.. ~-J RE'v1EWED BY:~ ' ; --__ '-'_ ... _"v' :::-• • \\/ __ 4____ 7 "'Eor L,todf!~ tZ.·6· 99 , -·· -----fur""€ fl/lf:c,H. ,. _ 1 ~, ' /M--:r,..i-JT" N""-re •. ~.....,., --' • 6Nt,c,04'1Jf-.f? Pl/')1' LD ,~,,.-r-:-:~~.,...--~~~---------------.----...... --,...,.,,.....,.....,......,....-r -,..... ___ .._1N_S_P_E __ o.:.;R ___________ D_A_TE...;.._-1 ~ "' -.. .-AP-oH',.... fvArJ:, > IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT IS SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA---+-A,._.... HVN'i"&P... Hl';?A""6 IN6'"f,A1,1--~r;:> -~--~-----J-., µ;J/a-,flcf.llM'l+---l-<~~\--1:.A.;;Sc.:·:...!'"ll".I.IJ.:"".,.!=-.h'~'•µ.:pi:lli'!z_ "-J."llil.'n•U-~J:m'----l--,--t--_jl{,12,t·~~~Y~",+--i<II ~---------------[j1J \:; .. / FOR CLARITY. LOCATE ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT WITHIN 10' "'P-i.-eGG 1"""' i>'A/'-NNEi,, f'AVe;!Me-NT" l-~--+---l--1.!'.l.....!a'~:!:=-1-~·..L&!!:""d,_",'.):'.1<21:'!!L__Q.E..Jl!J..!,J..bl:1.J.1,,liil4.,_j_ __ _j_ _ _j~ _ _j __ _J SH6EET CITY OF CARLSBAD I'- . -'· · -·' PLANTING AREAS AND OUTSIDE OF ROW SHA'-'"' e,e,-M1"<1N ,-e;-i:, ""1N i-+V,-.J TE>P...., PLANNING DE PART ME NT 4 .L I"'~ ~-A 17v A tP.J1Jf;:!"f AJi!,l.B /"61f'-u p ~/@> ~:=::=:-'=====::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==:::::.=:=~ 1() W/ ,?,i-/el'C-'1"-, V,At,,V/i(; /Nt:,1,..,1/~C:,, ,::;,,,,N-r~,-.. IRRIGATION PLAN &HAI,(., veP...1 F'-;' vwA:P--,,P.r-Jc,@G IN Pl(!!f1.,,,:;, p~1.,,p..._ 'I"".,. /N&,,Avi...,J>rr/,,-J. :STUDIO KATZ R"EVISION BLOCK NOTE: WHERE RECLAIMED WATER LINES CROSS POTABLE WATER it-z4/ T· LINES, ALL RECLAIMED WATER LINES ARE TO BE SLEEVED IN A 20' QI ~ SEE SHEET s FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND, NOTES LONG SLEEVE. MIN. AND CENTERED. REFER To 1RR1GAT10N APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND A~P_P_R_o_VE_D_-'-'~~=-------b"e,:-/f-ff <l &WATER CALCULATIONS DETAILS IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING ASSISTANTPLANNINGOIRECTOR DATE '(['_ CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 47 SEE SHEET 7 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS 1-~~+-~-f--~--------4 PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING OWN BY: PROJECT NO. J DRAWING NO. ' SEE SHEET 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTES DATE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL o,-rr INl11"1. OAlE INIT\,oJ.. CHKD BY:___ p /l. ~ .J_ _______ _:s:E~E:_:S~H:E:ET:S::9~&~1~0~FO~R~IR~R~IG:A~T:IO:::N~S:P~E~C~IF~l~C~A~T~IO~N~S~-----------------------------1~~~::-:~:::1~~~~1R]E~v[ls[IDWNJD~E~s~c~R~l~P~Twl□wN;-;-;-~1. ______ ..,..~A~R~E~A~S~-------~EN~ct~N~EDl~~Of'~WOR~K~==~R~E;Vl;S;IO;N~D;;E;S;C~R;IP:Tl;O;N~===~o;TH;fJ!;;loP;P;R;ov~AL~~Cl~TY~M>;;P11;o;v~AL::!~R~VWD~gB~Y~: ::~i::=~0~::-r::1::'1~==~~2,~r;,,:,~-~·(2,~L..-~ll': ( C.M W.D. JOB NO. 9'72 1 @9 NOTES: I • TI-E'.Af 9'W.I.. E!E ~ f ITTlN'..S CR a:n£C1lCNS 10 cm€R fta.JTIES EE1V<ffN TI-E ~ /lJ-0 8AO'RDII ASSEM81.Y. ft 2. etaFl.OH ff£v£.NTER r.'AY r-.oT E£ il',5TllU.ED r. A..8.X: RIGHT·()'·WAY. 3. C06TRLCT 2° HIQ-I F£TA1Nir>G WAU.. CN 3 SIOCS Cl' 6ttO<.fl.LW PF£vENT£R 'nl-E:.N t.SVtiID CN 41 ~ (3'£.ATfR 9..Cl'E. CPO! 00 51-WL BE AT ~~ 90£ O' Sli'E. PfOICE 2 ~AL Cl.EARAlfi: BE1WE.EN ~ IWJ eA1<Fl.ml ffi£VENTER. <I. 00 I-OT INSTl>LL IN AFlf.A SU8.JECT ro FLIXO(NG. ' I ' I I I . I I 2 ,__,.,. I ~>---<5 ,.._----{ 2 I I I I ~ -----;,-' .. ~~,£.1£F>flfil1V{l.AITE~-E!~~M~R!!-~R~POOS~~· ~lB~·~IL~ITX~~•~ ,... -----TO OC NSTALLED f\.l'<S!jll.NT 10 M..NCIPAL au. 11 b¥1 I 2 ' 4 . -· .,.,.-1 _,_ ~ n 'OJ \.N 11 l -c~, ~ N~ I . I n • n ,r-; .... rtR ~ H >I OCO< 14.00.00 «::0-SEC. 5 B Tl TI.£ 17 Of TriE CALI FQRNIA ADM IN I STRATI\/£ CCOE. ·~ ,-,,r· I l'.N I • ,,.-.. ! I, N , ...,. • I.JI"( ""'"" , Pl'.;24 ......__.N ,_ (I,' 11-11.1 .. ll.Ll':l FITT<NGS I IC . ·--~--·· IC'll.!"J_r,., .. -(:, M ' "° n-~ JR-i I 1-1 I ..I\ ",L_ -«;l ------~----■ I --I REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER SECTION -NO SCALE ,-;,<-,.+----3/4'1 l"LYI-Jcoo MOUNTIN(l- f'l..11..-re: ~ -p ..w.L ...irn+ Ht-I. a= 0-1/4" PIA. ~"'-~-re, OP-e;:;;i.(l,O,lNT) lt-"""--Jt77't-----.ALITa,.w!C 1~1):)N CCN"f'l20LLe<-r----'!v'41 ~Git:-'bl ebL~,. CONTROLLER -WALLMOUNT SECTION -NO SCALE ' N"Nlf.' ~u,,:,i<. """'-'P'-"1!11,.._ €11\A"'-' ...,. Plffe"f'-eN'I' A'Nt::> "'.,...,_,,_, "'"'t' Ji!,"-' (i./'f"61'1<'.,tt,'\r,i~ WITH-R,V,ca,..e W1"ref-f'"l,r I N"'9. ffi. QUICK COU~L!• VALVE W,Z~ 71:JF ~ ,~ti.> r--. G) · QUICK COUPLER KEY W/ SWIVEL (<t) l'f!,I'-NI, l"irt!f lf;JP-a't.J\.bti:-ca..ipt.efi,-. G) · 2" BRASS NIPPLE @ · FLUSH IN TURF AREAS, 2" IN GROUND COVER OR SHRUB AREAS @ .. e;,l\M.IM., \'ll'M,<twl. ~ 9Ri:d' a,-~,.. .. ) WALKS, ETC. @-PVC SCH 80 ELL (ST) 1 G) · 1 CU. FT. CONCRETE FOOTING! ON COMPACTED SU8GRADE 7 @· 81!ASSRIS!R 3 --t----, 18" MIN. (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) lO 0. ~11 (}) · PVC ""ti, /!,<> i'lll'J'(..e (ce!l'lcllrt\ ,"If, f"WP.) ©_1;;;;;;;: @ -BRASS COUPLER (THREADED) 1 9 (jJ) · UNDISTURBED/COMPACTED 0 SUBGRAPE @ -f"E<M"''-"' ADA~~ 6 c.l-t,J--®-rvc, ,-ea.,,,,_. e,..,,...v l MA1>Ji,,1 Nf'i- Q K COUPLER VALVE SECTIONNO SCALE ,~·----"' I 1 1 I 20 flesh Coo,o •h•p.-1 Wire Scr••n Pto+ector 18 G~uge Vfi re Tie. Oowr\ I ' ":::t==:i"~-·Solven,. («mcn't per · -1-= ~ Sr,e~iol ~,ovisions -·· PVC Adad.,.rs as ro,,Jl red ~3/4" P~C Hip~/• (Sch 80) ~~ PVC El I ( 5ch 00) CONTROLLER MOUNTED RAIN SENSOR UNIT SECTION·NOSCALE t CD-)-\ ®7 BUBBLER (3) I f' I I G) I I I (,) $Hf'IUI! l!IUl!!LEl'I ® PVC SCH. 80 PVC FIISEl'I LENGTH AS AEOUIAED G) 2" MIN 3" MAX. 0 · 12" MINIMUM © · SWING JOINT ASSEM!l Y (2 MARLEX ST. ELLS) (D · PVC NONPRESSURE (LATERAL) LIN! (SEE SPECS.) @ . PVC SCH to TEE (SSi) OR ELL (ST) ®, 1-..•1 <>I-fl. , 1,11,,r. T" £:1\.,PO,. ~UIL/"'i'<~, 1,.i,:,,-~OIN<,, t,0f!!:'P-T ""',.-vr,,N<;;, @ -F '"' .;. ,t e,, """'6 HEAD ON RISER SECTION-NO SCALE 18" ' CD· REMOTE COIHROL VALVE ® · p,Jc, ~-""' ""' '""' Q} WATERPROOF"NIP.e-SPLICE CONNECTORS (~ee .;;feC.,I;.) 0· CONTROL WIRES; SUNDLE AND TAPE (W/ !/>)'"· !'.1/N. EXTRA WIRE) ;,rr 10· (),C- r,\_ VALVE BOX~~' \::!.I ~ M~'"Rc-v-© · PVC NON-PRESSURE PIPE /f>OO ... r~ ... J (j). PVC PRESSURE PIPE 0· FVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (TBE) CV· PVC SCH so NIPrlE (TOE) @·PVC SCH 40 COUPLER (SS) @Fvc SCH 40 FEMALE.ADAPTER (ST) @FINISH GRADE (FLUSH IN TURF, ,-,, II~ GROUN0COVER) @·PVC SCH 40 TEE (SSS) OR Ell (SS) otl MAINLINE @UNDISTURBED / COMPACTED SUSGRADE @·ERICK OR CONCRHE SUPPORTS @·1 CU. FT. MIN. PEA GRAVEL . @s-c,;-11 01" l'IJ'BJ> IJ'fF~~ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SECTION-NO SCALE ,---SIDEWAI.K ~-METER eox WIMETER CURB~---. I APPROX. a- 12" MINIMUM POTABU':SERVICE UNE -----"'--11 .,-_...,J 10' MINIMUM TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN ST RECLAIMED WATEA.JRRJGATION MAINLINE WiSLEEVE -~ NOTE: VERnCJ>; CLE.AP.ANCE OF 12• MINIMUM IS MANOAT()trr WHEN CROSSINGPATN Of A POrABLE WATER UNE. INSrALL,A.nON OF RECL/IJMED WATER lf1RIGA77CN MAIIVUNE 2-,• FROM FACF'i OF S/Df'iWAI..!< Wll.L PROVIDE THf'i NECE!;SARY 10' HCRIZONTN. CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE: IAAINI..INE IN THE.STREET. ' . POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING SECTION -NO SCAlf CD· REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ®· SOLENOID ©· WATERPROOF WIRE SPLICE CONNECTORS (SH SPECS.) 0 · ANGLE Will VARY WITH HEIGHT OF POP-UP BODY) @· CONTROL WIRES; BUNDLE CD· POP-UP SPRAY HEAD w/Ptl~NI C;II" ®· SWINGJOINTASSEMBLY(T SCH&O NIPPLE AND 3 MARLEX ST. ELLS) AND TAPE (W/ 4 FEET MIN. 0 · PVC SCH 40 TEE (SST) OR Ell (ST) EXTllA WIRE) ©. PVC NON•PRESSURE LINE ® · PVC SCH 80 UNION 17\. i7-11 t:,1,p., /',1>/l', 121 I/IW>tl. !iu~1 @-VALVE BOX (SEE SPECS.) ,;,J ~ 111 MIN., -i.• ~,t. 1"''11-0M ~ &l'P, ~~"'8 PvP.Pt.ll ~1111' ·1 8"MAX. ' • @ 9l-----" = CD· SALL \/Al.VE 0• PVC SCH. 80 UNION 0 • PVC SCH 40 45° Ell (SxS) (TYPICAL) (j). PVC SCH S,6 FEMALE ADAPlER (TYP.) 'a'-FINSH GRAD~ (pc.-IN 1\ll'-1"1 \_V -).ii \N bP-0.JP"O c-ovep.) (v · I CU. FT. (MIN.) PEA GRAVEL (7). VALVE BOX 111/~l!JtH ;O. COMPACTED SUBGRADE, U,-a,\',,'!llfl,rtal? 'z,,.,p,11,,1/.1>~.Ub ©: SHORT PVC SCH, 80 11 • 5RICK OR CONCRETE NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQ'D) SUPPORTS (TYP,J @) · PVC PRESSURE PIPE /~ ,;.f@'4J @-18" MINIMUM BALL VA L;..'-,V=-E ----===~ SECTION-NO SCALE STREET SURFACE ----. -:::::-_._ t:~ . ' -I POTABLE MAINLINE !3_5 FEET (SEE IMPROVEMENT OAAWINGSJ7 ____ i _______ ,,, • c,;,'•-----~'9 ··--1 I 2" MINIMUM RE OU IRED VERTICAL SEP4RA TIONI (r~-('- RECL.AIMEO WATER IRRIGATION MAINUNE 3✓ NOTE: ©· ©· @)- ®· ®· ®· @- All ,~ECLAIMf!.OWATER tF;A!G,r.ilQN PIPE ANO 5LE'::VES SiMI_L EE ."UFlPL£ ANO LABEL :CO AS .SPECIFIEO tN; 'STANo,,no $?ECIFICAnCN$ FCR P!,IV/11= IRRIGIITION SYSTEMS. 'CARLSBAD RECLAMrlTiCN "IULES AND REGUl.AnCNS FCR CCNS lrtUCTT()N CF RECLA/MEO WA ff;A M,IINS• /XT., f'f"J.3 POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (TYP.) (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER (TYP.) FINISH GRADE (FLUSH IN TURF, 2" IN GROUNDCOVER) UNDISTURBED / COMPACTED SUBGRADE BRICK OR CONCRETE SUPPORTS PEA GRAVEL SUMP1 I IW• l"T, MIN. 18" MINIMUM SECTION -NO SCAlE L.o.1>!CAI£ AIOIIIICl\,lE WANlltllGN llli ROClltl.l.lT DIJ\l 5UIU IMfUve.M«NT'<,, J.E.. W .... L-1'4, <WI"~, 0· PVC PRESSURE PIPE(~ ~1-re w~, M•w~1L1r;;, ere,, ,;.p..,,,sJ 5'N = (.\/J/()11<,\ !Ulf 0· 1",,., ~,.,..,,., AP.!!iA-S1 MASTER CONTROL VALVE .,..,• It-I ~fl.II~ AP-e"A:•, '-------{5 ®-l~'MIIJ, ©-l"IN 1...+ 6' """"" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD SECTION-NO SCALE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS SECTION-NO SCALE "AS BUil T" RCE ___ EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE: CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT47 DAn: INlfl.. DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. 7 DRAWING NO. ~ ,-. DAT£ INITIAi.. DA11'. 11<l11Al CHKD BY:___ f'.,..,~7""' ~-,. ,. 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ £EN~Gl~N~EEl;;Of;,;~-~!::===R~E~'v~lS~l~O~N~D~E~S~C~R~l=P=1l~O~N= .. ====±~OTH~Ell;N>~P~Ro~v;.11.~~a~TT~/>J';PR~O~V;Al~~R~VWD~~B~Y~:~~==~L~~~¥~~;v¥§-~1~~-~1~¥ff~~~=-=a,~1-~~2_ C.M.W.D, JOB NO. C/72 7b IRRIGATION NOTES 1, 2. 3 THE BASE SITE PLAN AND SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY J.P. ENGINEERING. ANo? T"V p. r,,-AP-CA-I I rei-::.=. IN ADDITION TO THE ATTACHED DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS, REFER TO THE CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES & REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS; PART Ill-PRIVATE SYSTEM, PAGES 72 THROUGH 86, PREPARED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, OCTOBER 1993. THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED BASED ON A STATIC WATER PRESSURE OF 1,;; PSI. 6>(\4'T1rJ& a;>t.JT" TW-3 G-t'TB 19. ALL PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING FROM THE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MAINTAIN 10 FEET MINIMUM HORiZONTAL SEP~RATION FROM ALL POTABLE WATER PIPING. WHERE RECLAIMED AND POTABLE WATER PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING CROSS, THE RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW THE POTABLE WATER PIPING IN A CLASS 200 "'ALERTLINE" PURPLE COLORED PVC SLEEVE WHICH EXTENDS A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE POTABLE WATER PIPING AND PROVIDE A MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12 INCHES. CONVENTIONAL (WHITE) PVC PIPE MAY BE USED FOR SLEEVING MATERIAL IF IT IS TAPED WITH 3 INCH WIDE RED WARNING TAPE WHICH READS '"CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER". -. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE STATIC WATER PRESSURE AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION PRIOR TO 20. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED ORDERING MATERIAL OR STARTING CONSTRUCTION OF THE IRRIGATION WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. SYSTEM, ANO SHALL IMMEOIATEL Y NOTIFY THE 01N11a>!'-/IVM><l'-1?.-eD l'ef'!'eret-JT','m\.e' (o..._ I'-) A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC 3" X 4" PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS, "WARNING RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AVISO IMPURA -NO TOMAR" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT ANO BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES, 1207 WEST STRUCK AVENUE. SUITE "E" . .ORANGE, CA 92667 (714) 771-4142. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. OF ANY DISCREPANCY IN STATIC WATER PRESSURE. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO NOTIFY THE. 0-A•I'-· PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR WILL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ALTERATIONS DIRECTED BY THE oA.,-... THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR CONVERSION TO RECLAIMED WATER. THE IRRIGATED AREA FOR THE RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS APPROXIMATELY~(>_ioI SQUARE FEET AND HAS A PEAK DEMAND OF '7<' GPM, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE IRRIGATION SYSTEM TRENCHING AND CONSTRUCTION WITH ALL OTHER UTILITY INSTALLATIONS. -IRRIGATION PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL SE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED ( 6"¢-t'f f'"'~ P<>IZ>fL-~-f'-F.'l"el'-~ rer.--11$) THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO SET THE ADJUSTABLE PART- CIRCLE SPRINKLERS AND INSTALL THE PROPER NOZZLE ARC IN THE SHRUB AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED SLEEVES WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE FLATWORK AND ASPHALT PAVING. ALL SLEEVING SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INSTALL SLEEVING BASED ON THE FOLLOWING SLEEVE SIZING SCHEDULE: PIPE SlZE OR WIRE OLJANTIIY· 3/4"' LATERAL 1" LATERAL 1 1 /4" LATERAL 1 1 /2"' LATERAL 2" LATERAL 2 1 /2" LATERAL 3"LATERAL 1 -20 CONTROL WIRt.:S 21-40 CONTROL WIRES 41-60 CONTROL WIRES REQUIRED Sl EEYE rs) ( 1 ) 2" SCH 40 PVC • (1) 2" SCH 40 PVC. (1) 2 1/2" SCH 40 PVC' (1) 3" SCH 40 PVC• (1) 4" $CH 40 PVC• (1) 6" SCH 40 PVC" (1) 6'" SCH 40 PVC• ( 1) 2" SCH 40 PVC • (2) 2" SCH 40 PVC • (3) 2" SCH 40 PVC ' • SCH 80 UNDER VEHICLE PAVING ~ JD" c,,,ole~ i ..,lltl ,ti IJl'fot,fL. rel'l!¼T"fl-lAl'I fA,/11'1(', ""/ If> 'f 1:z.• e,,o1ef'-- 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE AND FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS QF TURFAREASANDSHRUBBEDSTOENSURETHEPROPERALIGN~ENTOF MOW STRIPS AND APPROPRIATE IRRIGATION HEADS, 11. THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL CONFORM TO THE REGULATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION WATER SYSTEMS WITHIN THE "'CMWD"" (CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT) ANO THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 12. ALL PRIVATE, CONSTANT PRESSURE, RECLAIMED WATER, MAINLINE INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE IDENTIF.IEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ""CMWD"S" REGULATIONS AND THE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS (WARNING TAPES ALSO REQUIRED). 13. CONSTANT PRESSURE & NON-PRESSURE, RECLAIMED WATER, PIPING SHALL BE "ALERTLINE" VIOLET COLORED PVC AS MANUFACTURED BY BROWNLINE, INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL 14. MARKING ON THE PURPLE COLORED PVC PIPE SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ALERTLINE. CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER, NOMINAL PIPE SIZE PVC· 1120 PRESSURE RATING IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH AT 73 DEGREES ASTM DESIGNATIONS SUCH AS 1785, 2241, 2672, 3139. PRINTING SHALL BE PLACED CONTINUOUSLY ON TWO SIDES OF THE p'IPE. 15. WARNING TAPES SHALL BE USED ON ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE. MAIN LINE PIPING CARRYING POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER 16. WARNING TAPE FOR RECLAIMED WATER PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. THE PLASTIC WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PREPARED WITH SILVER PRINTING ON A PURPLE FIELD HAVING THE WORDS. "CAUTION· RECLAIMED WATER LINE BELOW". THE OVERALL WIDTH SHALL BE 3 INCHES. 1 WARNING (CAUTION ) TAPE SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY THOR ENTERPRISES, INC., P.O. BOX 450. SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN, 53590, (PHONE: (608) 837-7197). . WARNING TAPES SHALL BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE PIPE 1 LONGITUDINALLY AND SHALL BE CENTERED THE WARNING TAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PIPE ANO SHALL BE FASTENED TO EACH PIPE LENGTH BY PLASTIC TAPE B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE PER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE- WRAP. 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE· WRAP 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 21 ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL TO THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE. POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS, STREETS ANO SIDEWALK. 22 REFER TO THE· IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM SITE OBSERVATION REQUIREMENTS. FAILURE TO CALL FOR THE REQUIRED SITE OBSERVATIONS MAY RESULT IN FORFEITURE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S STANDARD RETENTION FEES. 23 FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE GUIDELINES IS IN VIOLATION OF THE DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS AND WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION OF SERVICE UNTIL CORRECTIVE STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN 24. THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE CITY PLAN CHECK CONSULTANT (619-438:1161 EXT. 4221) 72 HOURS (THREE WORKING DAYS), PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION 25. THE LANDSCAPE OR IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY EXISTING P.S.I. AT JOB SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM VERIFICATION SHALL BE MADE WITH THE APPROPRIATE WATER DISTRICT. 26. ALL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLATION, RELOCATION.' OR REPAIRS SY A CITY APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTER. CALL 438-2722 EXT. 152 FOR A LIST OF CITY APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTERS. DEVELOPER/ OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING A COPY OF THE TEST RESULTS TO THE CITY WATER DISTRICT, 5950 EL CAMINO REAL 27. OWNER SHALL 'PROVIDE A 6" CONCRETE MOW STRIP BETWEEN MOWED TURF AND GROUNDCOVER Aj!EA,;,1 tN❖TAI--\.-f'e'+ or1.-. A, !o\-\T-;1, 28. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING BUILDING AND PLUMBING PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WALL CONSTRUCTION AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION, RESPECTIVELY 29. INSTALL IN-i.-I1'1& N,JO/eJr--~ H6'>1D ~ v,.._wf':G ,...,, ~ TO f'l'-e,,JGN-'r A1.-1,, l-CW j-lE,;,AO PP--Af>-.rAb!S, 30. INSTALL POP-UPS FOR ALL HEADS ( 6;,<alf'T" \3"-J~P--t\6"'0~). ~--@ • ..,_,. -----<© 5 PIPE DIAMETERS MIN. -"--------"'" •-•omH•~---••---••-•' ••-•~------- \0 PIPE DIAMETERS_.t,'!J.1-1,,_---'lc BANDED AROUND THE PIPE WITH FASTENERS NO MORE THAN 5 FEET rj\. FLOW SENSOR /re,.. IP.l"IG<· ~~PJ 1 · APART. TAPING ATTACHED TO THE SECTIONS OF PIPE BEFORE LAYING IN v THE TRENCH SHALL HAVE FLAPS SUFFICIENT FOR CONTINUOUS @-COMMUNICATION WIRE COVERAGE. ALL RISERS BETWEEN THE MAINLINE AND CONTROL VALVES r:;, SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH WARNING TAPE. A SECOND WARNING TAPE 0-WATER PROOF efO>"'/ >//IHI <CNN!!i:"A"<>P..£ RUNNING CONTINUOUSLY ABOVE PIPING TO BE INSTALLED 12 INCHES G). VALVE BOX WITH EXTENSIONS (fl/ UXtAA~ rul"-f'I# C<?-lep.] ABOVE RECLAIMED WATER LINE. @-AT FINISH GRADE IN TURF; 1" IN SHRUB AREA~ 17. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR SHALL BE NOTIFIED @· BRICK oR CONCRETE BLOCK SUPPORTS THREE WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AT (619) 438-3367. 0-l CU. FT. PEA GRAVEL SUMP 0 Q) -GEAR DRIVEN SHRUB ROTOR (ADJUST ANGLE OF RISER TO BE SETWEEN VERTICAL AND PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE) @ · ANTl·DRAIN SPRING CHECK VALVE re:i'--,.-.n::. @ -PVC SCH 80 RISER/ NIPPLE (lYP.) (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) 0 • 1-1-1' MltJ. @ · SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY (1 ~ bD lllfft.'/J ,0, "10 :!, MA l'-t.A'9>< <i-'1". ElU.k ) 0 -10" MIN. FROM FINISH GRADE, n ''rnhl-. (D -PVC NON-PRESSURE LINE (SEE SPECS.) @ • PVC SCH 40 TEE (SSD OR ELL (ST) CV • 6' To 8" l"P<>M ..,,re •Mfl'6'eMe>STG AND 'P/i- 7~-®' --<0 ~ ~ FACEOFSLOPE l>e~PENbJCUI.AR iO SLOPE. ............ SHRUB ROTOR HEAD ON RISER SECTION-NO SCALE .-----12" FROM FACE OF FIXED IMPROVEMENTS (6" WHEN PLANTING AREA IS LESS THAN 1•"'--~,,, .. _ rt.,rr l'\11:t:t't-=' ri"-~: 1 -:;1,.ope5 i• ' ' •• •• ---=-' lliti,~...,P.=----PUNCH-LOL< CLAMP OR EQUAL ' ' I o I I ' ' ' ' I I (USE WITH REBAR STAKE) ~--FINISH GRADE 'l-F=------PVC SCH. 80 RISER ----3 STREET ELL W/PVC 90° ELL. (ScH 4o) r----8" MIN. 16" MAX. OFFSET PVC "THl't~O~c, 5Cff 90 NtPft-fi. LPVC ELL OR TEE@ LATERAL LINE SHRUB HEAD ON RISER TOP ROW 80% Of RADIUS MIDDLE RDW { 11' ,'ffl.-i.::,'l.._.e l CD. SPRINKLER HEAD AND CHECK VALVE G)-PVC SCH 80 RISER (D-PVCLATERAL DETAIL SHOWS: SECTION -NO SCALE 120% Of RADIUS ANGLE OF HEAD AND RISER ASSEMBLY TO BE BETWEEN VERTICAL AND PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE. THIS IS A GENERAL RULE AND ADJUSTlv,ENTS MAY BE NECESSARY IN THE FIELD DEPENDING ON ANGLE OF SLOPE AND PERFORMANCE OF SPRINKLER. THE INTEN110I~ IS TO MAXIMIZE UNIFORMITY OF COVERAGE. RELATIVE LATERAL SPACING ON SLOPE WITH THE MIDDLE ROW OR ROWS CLOSER TO THE TOP OF SLOPE THAN THE TOE .. THIS APPLIES TO ALL MIDDLE ROW LATERALS BUT AS A UNIT. THE SPACINGS BEnHEN ALL MIDDLE ROW LATERALS IS TO BE UNIFORM AND ALL ARE TO ADJUSTED UP THE SLOPE EQUALLY. SPRINKLER HEAD ANGLE AND PLACEMENT ON 2: l SLOPE SECTION-NO SCALE UNo50J'! AJ:QIIRCTl.1! l!JMl<D<llQI 6!81 R(l(lQIW1 DUil SlllIA 5"' DOGO. l;.UJf()oo llllO II AS BUil T" CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 47 118. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM MUST BE SUBMITTED 0-UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRAOE AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL Ci)-ANY FITTING oR HARDWARE (TYP.l t---+--t----------------+---1---+-----l---1 _AP_P_R_o_vi:.:_o_.=..£...:.!o:::._ ______ -=.S-17-fy ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE DRAWINGS -- MAY RESULT IN THE FORFEITURE OF THE CONTRACTOR"S STANDARD FLOW SENSOR ASSISTANT PlANNING DIRECTOR DATE ~E1ENTION FEES. THE O-A·f---·. SHALL REVISE CITY OF t--=-011:--:n:T"it-clNl=n-:--:N..-+-----------------+-----l-----li----l-----l OWN BY: PROJECT NO. 7 DRAWING NO. (.;ARLBAD'S MYLARS TO INCLUDE CONTRACTOR'S AS BUILT INFORMATION. SECTION-NO SCALE RE'v1SION DESCRIPTION 1---0"-rc _ _,__,,._in_N..--'---¼--'-0"-TC.;;__-'--'--1"'I--"11;_.;N..=--I CHKD BY: ---1 pr, +11 ~~~1,.. i-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~£1,l=C,="UR==~=~=~=====:::::::;;;;;;=======fO~Tll;El!~M>~P!l;O~Y~AL~;;;a~lY~M>~P!l;O;VJ.l_~~R~Vl'l1J~~B~Y~:==~~=~=~~==~~~==~~~== C.M.W.D. JOB NO. '1l270 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.: SUMMARY: 1.1.1 This section covers the furnishings of all materials and performing all operations to provide a complete operable landscape irrigation system as shown on the drawings including the following: .1 Trenching, stockpiling excavated materials and refilling trenches. .2 Irrigation system components, including, but not limited to: piping, backflow prevention devices and enclosures, valves, fittings, spray heads, controllers, wiring and final adjustments as determined by the Architect to insure efficient and uniform distribution. .3 Pipe connections to water meters and backflow -prevention devices. ,4 Testing and inspection of irrigation svstem. .5 Clean-up and maintenance. 1.1.2 The conditions of the Contrnct and Division 1 apply to this section ,is fully as if repeated herein. 1.2 · RELATED SECTIONS: 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.3.1 Code Requirements sh;1II be those ofState and M.inicip;1I Codes. and Regulations locally governing this work, providing th,H nny requirements of the Drawings Mtd Specifications, not conflicting th<>rewith but exceeding the Code R,,quiremcnts sh,,11 govern, unlc'ss written r<'rmission to the contrary is granted by the ClW~6I"<;, AVTI\Of"IU!" i"ilf~T""'"e (O.A· P-,) . 1.3.2 Conform lo the req11iremcnts of the reference information liste,' below, e"cpt where more stringent rcquircme1its ,,re shown or specifie,1 in the most current set of construction docunwnts: .1 American Society for Testing Material (ASTM), for 1,,st method, ;pecifically referenced in this section. ' Underwriter's Laboratories (UL), for UL wires and cables. 1.3.3 Work involving 'substantial plumbing for inslalbticm oi copper piping, backflow prevetttion devices i\nd other rei,lled work sh,1ll be executed by a licensed and bonded plumbing Contractor. ,\ny necessary permits shall be obtained prior to beginning work. 1.3.4 · Specified depths of pressure supply lines, laterals and pitch of pipes as stated in this section are minimums. S,:,ttl<'ment of trench<'s lower than grades specified on the final grading pl,1ns is cause for rem,w;,I of finish grade treatment, refilling trenches, recompacting ,ind repairing.of finish grade trcat,hent. 1.3.5 Follow current printed manufacturer's specifications and drawings for items or information not specified or graphically indicated in !he' most current set of construction drawings. 13.6 13.7 1.4 14.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 Scaled dimensions are approximate and .it times it is not possible to indic,He offsets, fittings and other rel;,ted equipment graphic:ally on the construction drawings. Contractor sh,ill be r,:,sponsiblc for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. [ll'fore proceeding with ,my work, the Contractor shall carefully ,he,k ,md verify all dimensions of related architectural elements, utililies .ind l,rndscaping ,ind furnish ;ind install req.iired fittings. Do not install the irrigation system ,1s shown on the construction drawings when it is obvious that actual field conditions such as physici!I obstructions, grading discrepancies and field dimensions vary from those recorded on the constr.iction dri!wings. Immcdi.,t,-ly bring any such discrepancies to the attention of the 0-A• P... prior to proceeding with work. If immediate notification is not given and such discrepancies exist, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for necessary revisions, as determined by the c . .-.. 'I'-. EXISTIY,;G FIELD CONDlTIONS: Preserve and protect all existing trees, plants, monum,;,nts, slruCl\lr<',, hardscape and architectural elements from dam,,ge due to work in :his section. In !he event that dan1,1ge does occur to in,mirn,itt ,,bject md structures, the Contrn<:tor will n•p,1ir or rcpl;1ce such d,,mage I<> the satisfaction of the Owner or Owner's representative. Damage nr injury to living plant material will be replaced by the Own<>r ,it the Con tractor's expense. Trenching or other work re>quired in this section under the limb spread of existing trees shall be done by hand or by other methods so as to prevent damage or harm to limbs, branches ,1nd roots. Trenching' in areas where root diameter exceeds 2 inches shall be done by hand. Exposed roots of this size shall be h,•avily wrappeJ with moistened burlap to avoid scarrin!for excessive drying. Where a trenching machine is operated in proximity to roots th,1t are less than 2 inches, the wall of the trench shall be hand trimmed, m,iking clean cu_ts through roots. Trenches adjacent to or under existing trees shall be closed within 24 hours, and when this is not possible, the side of trench closest to the tree or trees affected shall be covered with moistened burlap. Protect, maintain .ind coordinate work with other contracts, specifications, trades and utilities. Extreme care shall be exercised 111 excavating arid working in the area due to existing lllilities. Contractor sh,111 be responsible for damages caused by their operations. In the event that damage does occur, the costs of such repairs shall be paid by the Contractor unless other arrangements have been made with the Owner. 1.4.6 1.5 1.5. 1 1.5,2 1.6 IAI • 1 . 2 1.6,2 16,) 1.7 I .7.1 1.7.2 17.3 1 7.4 17.5 1.8 1.8.1 Use: caution where trenches and piping cross existing roadways, sidewalks, hMdscape, paths or curbs. In the event that damage does occur, the Ow.ner will repair such damage at the Contractor's e~pense SUBM ITT ALS: Submit (6) six sets ot all irrigation equipment to be used, manufoch1rcr's brochures, service manuals, guarantees and operating instructions for approval to the ,.,,,,.._. 'I'-· prior to beginning work Submiltals should be in ,1 bollnd form complete with table of contents. The Confractor ,hall not proceed with work in the field until this submittal is approved in its entirety by the ().,,.._. I'-· The Contractor shall furnish (4) four s,;rvice m,1nuals to the Owner prior to scheduling a walk through for si,bstantial completion of their work. Manuals shall be si,bmittcd in a bound form compkt,-with ,1 t,1ble of contents, c·opy of Con1r,1ctor's w,irranty and workm,inship form on company letterhead ,ind shall nnHain complete ,,nJarg,,d dr,1wings··of all equipment instalkd, showing components w,urantk, and catalog numbers together with tlw manufacturtr's n,inw ,rnd .-.ddrl'ss. M_ariu;1\s sha.ll indudc C>per;ltrng instructions_ \1,lnu,1ls ,h,111 lw subject to approv,11 by the Owner or Owner's represent,itivc' ilS l0 (on11-1 leteness. RECORD DRAWINGS: Prior to bq;inmng work in the field the C<1ntractor shall secure ,, complet~ sd of irrigation plans, dct;1ils ,rnd specifications ,ll1 dL1Lo mylars al the origin,il scale. The Contr.ictor shall be responsible for making a set of blueline prints for cv<-ry w!'ek on the project. Al thv end of each working day, the Contractor shall record ,1\1 work :1ccomplished for that day on the set of blueline prints in red ink. These record drawings sh,,11 b~ brought up to d,He at the end of each work wc,;,k by a qualific,d dr,1f1sperson. Thl'Se drawings should indir,1te the following: Any ,coning changes. Dim,•nsi,,ri from two permarH'nt points of refE'rencc (building (;orn1.-•rs, fixpd h,1rdsrt1.pe corners, road intersectit)tlS, permanent existing irtilities) ,ind the loc.ition -of the following items: a. Con11.:,ction to existing w<1ler lines and slPeve locations. b. Routing of pressure supply lines ,,t every JOO'.. ,1long n>uting. c. Electric control valves. d, Ball valves. c. Quick couplinp; ·valves. - f, Control wire routing ( if routed S<'paratcly from pressure supplv line). g. Batkflow prevention devices. h. Water meters. i Controller. j. Grounding rods. k. Other equipment as directed by the Architect. ' Prior ,to scheduling a walk through for substantial completion, provide a record set of field as-built drawings· as described above to the Architect for review After review, the! C.:11";<' '"'~,a~,.._ ~;;,tt,o,...;.. Arrr-ove OONT ... ~ ""'"&UII.IT"" ,olNO ~e,r f\,AN pp.e Pi"IMif--10 """1"AIN C,lf'?' My......,.,._ l<f"° ,._.,-! 'i,AM!i' 11:' 1,-,C,,...,JCll!!I 7'tie A-:.-e,u11.,T" tr,I P'OP..MATtO/J. ! A,'"fttl(,, -nME _,. A v,/N,,f'.. 'i"ti p.out,ti ,..,,._ 'i>U 11,wTA NT1A'-' ' D()lvlpl,l!;TlotJ M/J,r./ P,15' ~ec><)._,ep. - Prior to sched_ul_ing the final walk thruugh, a final set of ,is-built drawings on diazo myl.irs shall be completed and provided to the Owner or Owner's rcpresentativt..•. CONTROLLER DRAWINGS After .contpletion of the final set of as-built drawings and prior to scheduHng a final walk through, t~e Contractor sh.ill obtain a set of completed as-built drawings from .the Owner or Own.er's representi\ti'vc for the preparation of controller drawings. f'rovide two sets of controller dr,nvings for each controller installed on the project. The controller drawings sh;11l b,, an ,1ctual blueprint red\lCtion of the area covered by that controller and shall be at the maximum allowable scale that will fit inside the controller door without folding the drnwing. Color each controller drawing with colored pencils using a different color to represent each separate zone. Each controller drawing shall be hermeli<;~lly sealed between two (2) pieces of plastic, _each piece being a minimum of 20 mils thick and submitted to the Architect for review. After review, the Architect will return the controller drawings to the Contractor and the Contractor shall make any required adjustments, ·after .which the Contractor will permanently fix (I) one controller drawing to the inside of each controller and bind one complete set of controller drnwing.s in a loose leaf binder and submit to Owner or Owner's representative prior to scheduling.il final walk through. MAINTENANCE: ·The 'maintenance period for irrigation shall begin after a certificate of completion is provided by 11,e O,A· t-· to the Owner. 1.8.2 . The Contractor shall' warrant materlals·against d"'fects and guarantee workmanship for· the period spec'ified under the maintenance agreement. Contractor shall .be responsible for c..xirdinating warranty items with manufacturer/distriblltor and Owner. 18:3 Settlement of "trenches which may occur during the maintenance period wiU_be repaired by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner. 1.8.4 Repairs required d.ie to vandalism before the end of the mainlennilce period ,~ill be· performed at the Contractor's expense. 1.8 5 Freeze damage 10' equipment during the maintenance period shall be repaired or replaced at Contractor's expens~ 1 8.6 Prior to a release ·of responsibility at the end of the maintenance period, the Contractor shall schedule a walk through with the Owner or Owner's 'representative, disclose and provide the following: 1 Current \:Vatering scht;,{,h.de rc-~1uircmt•nts. .2. Two (2) sets of the required tools for removing, disassembling and ·adjusting each type of sprinkJ,,r head and valve used on the projec·t. .3 Two (2) keys for each controller. . 4 Four (4) quick couplc•r keys and matching swivels for each type of quick coupler used on the prniccl. 1.9 EXTRA STOCK. 1.9.1 Provide the Owner with the following items at the end of the m,iinten,111ce period: .1 Five (5) pop-up spray heads with nozzles of each type used, for ever} 100 pop-up spray heads installed on the project. PART 2-PRODUCTS '2.1 l'IP!NG: 2:1.1 Ceneral Piping: . I l'ipe si7es shown are .. nominal inside di,1meter, unless otherwise noted. .2 Identify pipe with the following indelible mMkings: 2.1.2 ,2 .3 4 2.1.J 1 A. Manufacturer's name. B. Nominal pipe size. C. Sd,ed tile or cl,,ss. D. Pressure r,iting. E. N~F (National Sanitation Foundation) seal of approvill. f. D,1le of extrusion. Solvem Weld Pressure Supply Line: Solvent _Weld f'rC'ssure Supply Line (downstream of backflow prevention device): PVC Class 315 -2" & over; PVC Schedule 40 -I · I /2" & under. A. l\1,1nuf,1ctt1red frnm virgin pol_vvinyl chloride (PVC) c(,mp,,und in accordance wi.th A5TM D2241 and ASTM D 1784; cell cl.issifica tion 12454-B, Type I, Grade 1. fitting" St,mdard weight, Schedule 40, injection molded PVC, complying with ASTM 01784 and 02466, cell clilssification 12454-8. /\. Threads -Injection molded type (where required) B. T<'es and Ells -side gated. Thre;1ded Nipples: ASTM 02464, Schedule 80 with molded threads. Joint C,·m.;nt <1nd Primer: Type as recommended by the m,1nuf,1cturer of pipe and fittings. Non-Pressure Lines: Non-Pressure Lines (downstream of electric ,;ontrol valves); f'VC Class 200, conforming to ASTM D1785-83. 2.l.5 ,1 .3 2.1.6 . 1 .2 2.2 2 2.1 2.2.2 2.2 3 23 2.3.1 23.2 2,4 2.4.1 : I 25 2.5.1 Copper Pipe and Fittings: Pressure supply line (fro'i-n point of connection through bilckflow prevention device): Type K Hard Copper, hard tempered, -in accordance with ASTM 84284. Fittings: Wrought copper, solder joint type. Joints: Soldered with solder 45% siiver, 15% copper, 16% ,inc ,ind 24% cadmium and solids at 1125° F and liquids at 1145° F. Brass ripe ;,.1d Fittings! llrass pipe shall be regul;1r weight, 85% red brass, ANSI Sched,ilc 40 screwl'd pipe. fittings: Medium brass, screwed ,,t 125 pound cbss. VALVES: IJ~ctric Control Vi!lves: l'cr lrrig,111011 Legend. ll,1ll V.,lves: PVC bk1ckt>d trup uni,>n, per.lrrig.ltion ll'f;t'nd Quick Coupling Valves: !lr,1.ss two piece body with lockin~ rub\>(•r c,,p, d1..·signcd for working prl'SSllrl' of 150 psi; op(•r,iblc ,Vith quiL·k coupk,r. Set' lrrig,iti,m L.cgcnd. VALVE BOXES: 8,111 V,1lves, and Wire Splices: Carson ~910-12. Electric Control V,1I ves: C:.irson # 14I9-BB. Sf'Rl:-.!KLER ~~ EADS: F,,brir.itcd riser unils in ilL~CtHd,nlCc with details, with risc-r nippks ot s,lm!." size .;lS riser openin~ in ~prin:,lcr body .. ,r· to t 2" Pop-up Spray H,,,,ds; i\'r lrrig,1t1on l.,,f:crnl . AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER: Autom,1tic Controller as specified on the Irrigation L,•gend. 2.6 ELECTRIC CONTROL WIRING: 2.6.1 Low Voltage: .I AWC UF UL ilpproved No 14 dirt>ct burial copper wire (or all control wire, ;1nd No. 12 direct burial copper wire for all common wirt's. .3 26.2 • I 2.7 2.7. l ffi A. Control Wires -Red. 8. Common Wires -White. C. Spare Wires · Green (labeled at termination) D. Additional Wires -Same as control wire (labeled at 'termin,ltion) Wire Splice Connectors: Rainbird Pentite C(mncctors High Voltage: Type required by local codes and ordinances, or proper size to ,Kcon>modate needs of equipment serviced. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE: lfackflow Prevention Device: R,,duced pressure principal backllow ,1ssernbly shall con~ist L>f ,111 ,1pprO\\'d brass or bronze body, brass check :·alves, hydraulk,11\y .ll'l\1,1tcd r~lid valve, inlet ,;nd disd1'1rge shut<>fts, pressure rcgul.itor and field test COL'ks. See lrrig,1tio11 Legend. 2.8 PRESSURE REGULATOR: 2.8. 1 Pressure Regulator: As specified 011 Irrigation Legend. 2.9 THRL:ST BLOCKS: 2.9.1 Thrust Blocks; Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be placed .11 ,.,...·,,tint, d/,..,Ji,,,,, cJ,,,,~jl-l ,ind shall consist of Class C @ 2,000 psi with 4" slump portland cement concrete. 2.lll SAND BEDDING: 2.10.1 Sand bedding shall be construction grade . PART 3 -EXECUTION J.I PREPARATION: .1.1. I E;c;,1rninc field c(mditions prior to beginning work described in this section. Grading oper,1tit>ns sh,111 be completed and approved prior Ill bt:ginning \Vork . 1.1 2 Vt>rify all sleeve locations prior 10 beginning work in this section ,Ind !lag sleeves and conduits inst,1Ilc,d by lltlwr trades. Rc•port any tConrti,:ls lo ,:,.,...p.... 1111nwd1,,ll'\v . 1.1 :I lrrig,,tion system shall be co11,t'ructcd to the sizes end grades ,11 the loc.>titms shown on the drawings. Mark with powdered lime or m,irking p,1int routing of pressure supply line ,ind stake the loc,1tion of ,,,ICh sprayhead, electric contrnl valve and other related equipment for the first three zones. ~-A· I'-, ,hall review staking and direct ,rny ne.;cssary changes with the Contrnctor prior to proceeding to other 1.ont:-s. This review docs not in .u,y way illlevittte the Contrile'tor fn)m the r~~:;pon.sibilitic-S .1ssocinted with propt,r uniformity ,1nd distribution nf head pl,1cement ,1fter staking. ~-1.-1 Install sleeving und~r p,iving, h.irdscapc .ire;is, sidewalks and paths prior to .,sphalt :1nd Ci..HKr1..~1t..• op1..'r:11ions, to ,1ccommod.i.te piping <lnd wiring. Compact backfill .1rot111d •al,•,•v<'S to 95% :c..1odified Proctor Dcn~ity within 2% of optimum 111<.Jblurc content in accon..inncr! with AST~·! D1557. 3.2 EXCAVATION AND 13ACKFILL.l\:G OF TRFNCHES: 3.21 ].2.2 Trench excavation shall as much ,is possible follow the layout shown on dr,1wings. Trenches shall be str,,ight in alignment and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Remove rocks and debris grc,11er th,,n 1" in diameter. Over excavate as required for bedding m.t1l'.1 ri~,l. D<>pth of Trench: l'rnssure Supply Linc; 18" from top of pipe to finish grade. Non-Press'.1':e Line (S_pray Heads): 12" from top of pipe to finish grade. Control ~Vrrmg· Directly at Side .ind bottom of press,rre supply lrnc. Pr~ssure Supply Line Locater Tape: 6" ,ibove top of pipe. • • lJJ,,'OS(JJ'( M:omcn.tE 1JB.'.N D~SK.N 6J8l!oct/J!ilSI DJJ\t !>IN DI«>. CiJJFOl'IIA gn,o .2 Fittings: Standard weight, Schedule 40, injection molded PVC, STUDIO KATZ REVISION BLOCK complving with ASTM D1784 and 02466, sell classification 12454:•. "AS BUil T" .3 2.1.4 .] .2 ll. . . 112-f/"1'7 0J':: ,,,....t;e..!r("-<'f'W-N · "~, ~ I vi! JI-'! ~ , w.e. ,_rrv rtAll · · -, "' ,t,i.. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND ' ' IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING A. Thr«~ds-Injection molded type (where required). 8. Tees and Ells• side gated. t===t===r-=======----_-~_-_JtP'.tlR~EkCt:;ilSi1.;,E LOCATION OF PLANTING DATE INITIAL AREAS REVISION DESCRIPTION RCE EXP. DATE RE\llEWED SY: • ~ ~ C. Threaded Nipples: ASTM D2464, Schedul~ 80 with molded threads. Joint Cement and Primer: Type as recommended by the manufacturer of pipe and fittings. [t:::::+::::~::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::~=====~=====~====~====~rr=~;;:;;~~IN~S~P;;E;C:;T~OR:::;;:::;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~D~A~TE~:::~ I.J t-:------i------t-------· -----+---+---4----l-----J ._I S;;;;;HgE;;::;:ET~';:::::C::::::IT~Y:::::::::::O::::::F==C=A=R=LS==B=A==D~I =J~' ~~ r;;: PLANNING DEPARTMENT , IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS Sleeving: Twice the nominal size of the pipe within. PVC Schedule 40 or 80 (for Pressure Supply Line and Non Pressure Lines) man.ifactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound in accordance with ASTM D2464, 2',66 and ASTM 01784; cell classification 12454~8, Type 1, Crede 1. DATE INITil,L 11<111/cL REv1SION DESCRIPTION .5 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER \l' LOT47 ~ ,,,.., ~ ·<5 ~~=PR~O~~~D~~i~,/~-½2lf~-~-_j~~ff 2 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE _":1 u... OWN BY: PROJECT NO. 7 DRAWING NO. ~ D>-TE U<l11Al ' CITY N'PROVAl "~'c!~.!!Ko~:c.!,~.:..;; ;:,:,::~ ~_r_o __ -4"_1__,1 __ _,I ?,l(n?-0,L,.-! +----------------------------------------------------------------------...!============================~=====-==-===~=='~==~~~''J ENCONEER Of WOR!< OTHCR >-PPROY.'.L C.M.W.D. JOB NO. er 7 2 7 0 3.2.3 Depth of Trench under Vehicular Paving: . 1 .2 .3 Pressure Supply Line: 30" from top ofpipe to aggregate base. Non-Pressure Line: 30" from top of pipe to aggregate base. Contn,I \Virit1;}· nircctlyat sicil' and bottom of press11rr ,upplv line. Pressure Supply Line Locater Tape: 6" above top of pipe. Piping located under asphalt paving or concrete shall be inst,11led with the appropriate sized sleeve and backfilled with sand b<!dding (6" below pipe and 12" above pipe). Compact backfill material in 6" lifts at 90% maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM 01557 using manual or mechanical tamping device. Set in pla,e, cap and pressure test piping in the presence oi th<' Owtwr or Owner's representative prior to backfilling. 3.2.3 Width of Trench: Pipe Less than 3": 7'' rnininu,m. 3.2.4 Width between Trenches: Irrigation Trench to lrri~ation Trellch: Irrigation Trench ,,nd other Trade Trend1t•s: fl" mininn11n. 12" mininnnn. 3.2.5 Boring: Will be only be permitted where pipe must p,iss un,for .rn obstruction that cannot be ,woided or n:,movc-d. Ik,rini,>; b,Kkfill ,h,111 mntch surrounding soil density and grain. B,iring und,•r "'isting paving, hardscape or sidewalks may be p~rmitwd at Contr,,ctor's ,1wn risk. Contractor is responsible for ""Y rep,,irs or dain,1ge. to ,ttrh items at their own expense. 3.2.6 Backfilling, Backfilling of trencht1s may not be done until .,II «•quirt•d testing for the irrigation system has been completed. 3.3 .1 Material: Excavated material is generally cotlsidcred lo be .ufoqu,1tc for backfilling operations. Before beginning the ba:,:kfil\ing operatim1, insure that backfill material is not frozt•n, is free from ,kf:,ris and rocks greater th,rn 1" in diameter, .,net is tWI mixt'd with topsoil. These materi,1Js, after scp.iratcd from b,1ckfill, ~h;ill be legally disposed of at Contractor's expense. · .2 Bed pressure supply line with C(»>struction gr.1de si\t1d 12" ,,bov,• ,ind 6" below pipe. R,,m,,ining backfill m.iy be• ,,s des,'rib,·d ,1bove. . 3 Bed all electrical control wiring th.it is tr<mch,•d sep,1r.11e frnm pressure supply Jitle with constru,·tion gr.Ille •;,,nd 6" ,1b,wl' .1nd 6" below wires. .4 When f:,ackfilling, slightly mound fill~d trenches for settlement <1fter backfilling is completed, Compa<:t backfill to ,1 90% m.iximum density in Jccordance with ASTM 01557 with a mechanic,,! tamper. Do not leave trenches open for a period gre.1ter th,111 48 hours. Open .5 trenches shall be protected in accnrd,rnce with current OS! IA regulations. Smooth trenches to finish grade prior to n•qu,•sting .i w.ilk th<1l1gh for substnnli,11 completil)n with the ~1!11'-'il-..,_,n\<1!"11--eO ~e,.JT-'(1'1,e (a-A-,.,,) POINT OF CONNECTIONS: l'oitlt of connection sh~ll be apprnximately as shown on drawings. Connect new underground pipitlg and valves and provide all llnnges, adapters, or other necessary fittin~s for connection. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF SOLVENT WELD l'QLYVlNYL CHLORIDE PIPE: 3.4.1 Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be cut with a PVC pipe cutter designed for that p~irpose ol\ly. 3.4.2 All plastic-to-pl,,stic solvent weld joints sh,11! use only the solvent recomm\'ndcd by the pipe manufacturer. Du not install solvent weld pipe when temperature is below 40° f. 3.4.3 Pipe ends and fittings shall be wiped with ~EK, or equal approved in accordance with Section 01630, before welding solvent is applied. Welded joints shall be given a minimum of 15 minllt~s to set before moving or handling. 3.4.4 Pipe shall be snaked from side-to-side of trench bottom to ,illuw for expansion ,rnd .:ontractions. 3.4.5 All changes of direction over 15 degrees sh,ill be made with fittings. 3.4.6 When pipe 1,,ying is not in progress and at the end of each working day, dose pipe ends with tight plug or cap. 3.4.7 Install pressure supply line locating tape along the entire length of pressure supply line. 3.4.8 Center load pipe with small amount of backfill to prevent arching and slipping under pressure_ Leave joints exposed for inspection during testing. 3.4.9 Coordinate pressure supply line with sand bedding operations. 3.4.10 No water shall be permitted in the pipe until inspections have been completed and a period of at least 24 hours has elnpscd for solvetll weld setting ,ind curing. 3.4.11 All changes of direction over 15 degrees shall be made with fittings. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF COPPER PIPE: 3.5.1 Copper piping shall be cut by a power hacksaw, a ,'rcular cutting machine using atl abrnsive wheel, or by means of a hand hacksaw. No piping shall be cut with a metallic wheel cutter of any description. All pipe shall be reamed and rough edges or buns removed so that a smooth and unobstructed flow is obtained. , .5.2 Eccentric reducing fittings shall be used where any change in pipe size occurs. Bushings shall not be used unless specifically authorized by the 0-A· f'-., 3.5.3 Apply emery cloth to all pipe ends and wipe clean with cloth prior to solder welding pipe end to fitting. Apply .in even layer of llux along ;irea to be soldered and then S\llder uniformly a.round joint and let cool. After cooling lightly apply emery cloth along soldered area until smoothed 3.5.4 All exposed piping under structural slabs shall be stenciled with "Irrigation 1\.-1.lin" or "Irrigation Lateral" as required, at ten foot (10') intervals in black lettering, 3/4" minimum high. J.6 INSTALLATION OF BRASS PIP"· 36.1 Brass. piping shall be cut by a power h;icksaw, a circular tutting machine using an· abrasive wheel, or by means of a hand hacksaw. No piping shall be cut with a mt•l,1llic wheel cutter of any description. All pipe shall be reamed and rough edges or burrs removed so that a smooth and unobstructed flow is obtained. 3.6.2 Eccentric reducing fittings shall be used where any ,hange in pipe size occurs. Bushings shall not be used unless specifically authorized by the d,A,P.. J.6.3 Joint compound shall be c.irdully ,md sm<>othly plact'd on the m.ile thread only. All screwed j<>ints must t,,, ti1;h1cncd with longs or wrenches. Caulking of ,my kind will nol h~ 1wrmitt,•d. 3.7 ELECTRIC CONTROi. Vi\LVES: J.7.1 Install ('ach t~lec..·tric .:01'1.lrol v,,lve in., :;q.,,~HMC v,,lve bo~ so lh,lt (rnss handle is 3" below top of li,i ,,f v,11\'c box ,,s sp~cifi-,d on the dr,1w111;:s. J.7.2 Group electric control v.1lvcs togt1thcr ,1s !Specified on th~ dr.Hvings .11lo\'vi11g .l rn,1xim\1m of 12" betw('(~n ._~,,ch Vi.live box. lns.t,1lt ,·.,Ive boxes in the :..1me dirc-~tion L,nd p,1r .. 1lld ... vith 'one ,,nother and perpendicular to paving, h,,rdsc,,pc, sidew,1lks and p,iths. · 1.!I .BALL VALVES: J.8.l lnst~1ll bnll v,,lves downstri.'.'<Hn ,rnd in t1 ~c-paratc v,1lve box .1.s ~hown on drawin~s J.8.2 Siz~ of ball v,1Jve shall t,e·tlw same,.,, the numinal pipe size it is being connected to. J.'-l QUICK COL;J'l_.1:--.:C V,\I.VI'.S: .1.9.1 Install q\tkk (oupling ,-.,Ives ,1,; specified on the drawings. J.'I 2 Anglcd-nippl~ rdativc tu pressure supply line sh,11! be nu gre,,ter than 45° and no less than 10°. 3.10 VALVE BOXES: 3.10.1 Install valve boxes with e~ch type of irrigation equipment so th.it top of valve box is ,,bove finish grade ,is specified on the drawings. Valve box extensions ,He not acceptable. (~pr @J fl . ....., ~,;;op.) 3.10.2 Place gravel ,limp bel</w and around each valve box prior to installing va!v-, box as specified on the drawings. Place remnining portion of gravel 'Inside valve box nllowing full access in and around all fittings. V,1lve box shall be fully supported f'E,f--t:>erA>l.4. 3.10.3 J3rand controller letter and station number on the lid of each associated electric control valve. Briind ball valve valve box lids with the letters "BV". Brand wire splice valve bux lids wit\) the letters "WS". Letter ,ind number size of brand sh.ill be no less than 1" and no greater th,rn 1 1 /2" in height and shall be 1 /8" maximum in depth. Provide s,1mple branding to the Ow1wr or Owner's representative prior to commencement of work. 3. 10.4 Walk through for substantial completion will not be allowed until all branding is complete. 3.11 SPRAY HEADS: 3.11.l Install spray he,1ds as specified on dr,,wings, allowing minimum distance between building, paving, hardscape, sidewalks and paths. 3.11.2 Spray heads shall not exceed the maximum head a11d row spacing specified on the drawings or staked in the field by the o,,.._, P... . In no case may spray heads be installed at a dist;1nce between heads that exceeds the manufacturer's recommended maximum distance. 3.11.3 Angled nipples on swing joints below spray heads shall not exceed 45° nor be less than 10°. 3.11.4 After installation adjust noz~le sizes, arcs ,rnd radius of throw to allow head lo head uniform distribution. Adjust ~II spray heads to correct height ,,s detailed. No over spray will be .illowed on building, paving, hardscape, sidewalks and paths. 3.11.5 , Adjust adjacent plant material so that it do<c's not interfere with uniform distribution of c,,ch spray head. 3.11.6 Architect may request nozzle changes and/or adjustments without additional cost to Owner. 3 12 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER: 3.12.1 Verify electric;il power at location of autom,ltic controller prior to installation. Notify Architect immediately if power source is not available. 3.12.2 Install automatic controller where shown on drawings per manufacturer's specifications. Controller shall be tested with complete electrical connections. The Contractor shall be responsible for temporary power to the Controller for operation and testing purposes. 3.12.3 Connect electric control valve wiring to controller in the same numerical sequence as indicated on the drawillgs. 3.12.4 install a separate ground wire for each controller as specified on the drawings. 3.12.5 Below ground conduit shall be PVC SCH 2c pipf. with appropriate fittings. 3.12 6 l.ab<'l Pach ,,utomatk controller with the leltt"r or number deslgnatl'd on the drawings. Letter or number shall be located in a visible· location on the inside panel cover with 3" high vinyl letters . 3.12.7 Each and every automatic controper shall be completely operable prior to scheduling a walk through for substantial completion. 3.13 ELECTRICAL WIRING, 3.13.1 Low Volt,,ge Wiring: .1 Bury control wiring in s,1me trench as pr!"ssure supply line as sp.,cified. .2 Bundle all 24 volt wires at 201 inl<>rvals with electrical tape. .3 Provide e,pansion lo,>ps at every prl's,mro, supply line angle filling, inside <!JCh and every c•lectric control valve valve box, and at 250' length interv~ls along rnutillg. Form expansion loop by wrapping wire ,I 111i11imu111 nf 10 tinws .iround a J/4" pipe nnd withdr,1wing pipe -t l.1111it .,piking of ,•lc•ctric,11 wirinK rro,·ide ~,,ch splice madt' M inLerv,,ls t1r in dcctric control \".1h c with R.;,inbird P~tite n"Jnncctl'l"". -~ Wire spli,-es occurring .,t intervals outside electric control valv<'s ,h.111 b<> in,t,,lled in a s.•p,,rntt> ,·.,Ive box. o Provide-( l J t,lt'H.~ c\e'ctric,11 l"l)J'l.trol wire t',lr each and every electric ,.,,n1rot valve. l'iggy b,1cking like zones on the s,,me electrical contrc>I wire is not ,1110\.v~d. .7 Install (2) two spare ~14-1 C'lc>ctrk;1l co11trol wires from the automatic ,·ontrollC'r p,,,k,t,11 to th" l,ist dc•ctric c<>ntrol Villve on each ,rnd every :,.•,~ o( pre:--:--l!re :,uppty line. Loc.lte tht?st.i spare wires in their own ,.,In• J,n, ·" ,rwdfi<•d. In ,,ddilion to these spare.wires, check the dr.nv111.~~-. fllf ,,1ny ,tddition,11 -..vin.•s th,lt rn11-y be required ilnd loc:ltt? tlwm in thl"' ~.Hn1.• Vill\'t.""' bt)X ,1~ the-~p.n.._~·-wires. 3.1:1.2 I ligh Vol1.1ge Wirin~: .l Install 120 volt pow~r from pow,•r ,..,,ltrCt! !<> llw automatic <:ontroll,·r in conforn,"'1nce with loi..'1'11 govl'rning (.'tH.ies .ni.d ordinancl'S . 3.14 BACKFLO~V PREVENTION DEVICE: 3. 14. I I nst,1 II backflow preve11 tion device and back now prevention device c,nclosure ,,t the location specified on the drawings. 3.14-2 Coordin,,t,• installation with local governing codes and ordinances. 3.15 l'RESSURE REGULATOR: 3.15. l 3.16 Install pre<sure r<eg,1lat<1r ,1nd set psi at thE' location specified on the drawings. QUALITY CONTROL: 3. 16.1 Flushing: Center bad all piping prior t,, nushing. After all new ir.rigalion piping and risers are in place ,rnd connected; all necc,ssary d•~~rs,on work has been completed; and prior to the installMion of spr111kler heads :md quick coupling val,es, thoroughly flush piping system utlder full head of pressure for .i duration of five minutes aficr the furthermost riser from tl,e point of connection begins to flush. After the system is thoroughly flushed, cap all risers. 3.16.2 Testing: After backfill:ng, flushing and the installation of c,ach electric control valve, ball valve ,111d quick coupling valves, the irrigation system may be pressure tested. . I Pressure testing shall be performed in the presence of the Ownn or Owner's representative utilizing the following procedure: A. Pressi,ri,.e the irrigation system to 125 psi for a period of no less than ~ hours. All pump equipment and other equipment · necess.1ry for the pressure test shall be furnished by the Con tr .,ctor. IJ Test is acceptable if no leakage occurs· within the system for the durnti"n of the !<?sting period. C. If leaks do occur, repair said leaks and begin pressure test again. Repeat this operation w1til no leaks occur in the irrigation system. D. Before _requesting a walk through for substantial completion, the entire irrtgallon system sha-11 remain under pressure for a period of no less than 48 hours. 3.16.3 Walk Through for Substantial Completion: .1 Before requesting a walk through for substantial completion the following requirements must be entirely satisfied: A. The entire irrigation system is completely installed, flushed an_ satisfactorily pressure tested. B. All valve boxes have been branded. C. All automatic controllers are fully operable. D. Re,ord as-built drawings have been submitted to the Architect and reviewed as to completeness. E. (4) Four Services manuals have been delivered to Owner or Owner's representative. .2 Once the above req_uirements have b"en met a walk through for substantial comp_letion may be requested. The following procedures wtll be used durmg th1 walk through for substantial completion: .3 A. Contractor must have (2) two personnel available with radio communication for the entire length of the walk through for substantial completion. B. All valve box lids shall be removed from valve b9xes and placed face up adjacent to the valve box prior to begir.11ing the walk through for substantial completion. C. TI1e walk through for substantial completion will be divided into (2) two sections and proceed as follows: a. Physical Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the entire irrigation system and examining all components of the system without turning on zones. A punch list will be established of deficiencies in the construction and workmanship of the irrigation system as compared to the construction drawings, details and specifications. b. Operational Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the entire irrigation system again and observing each Z<>ne in a fully <>perable condition. Valves must be activated from the automatic controller (manual bleeding <)f individu.il electric control valves will not be a,·rept,11;,I.:,). A punch list will be ,•stablished of the deficiencies in the opl.'.'ration of c.•,Kh zone in th(> irrigation system, ev,,IL1t1'in~ he.1d sp~1cing, row :--p,1~·ing, noz1.le si7.ing, correct radius of throw .md corre,·t stationing, .is compared lo the constniclion dro:lwings, dct.iil~ ilnd spccific(ltions. Once tho/ \V,,lk Throt,!;h ior Subst,1ntial Cumpletion is cumpletec1, the O•A· ('-, will provide a copy of all punch list items to the Owner for ·listribution to the Contractor. It is the Contractor's respon,ibility I<> rc'Pair, r,-pl,1,e ,incl .,djust ,,II ilc<ms on the punch list prior to r,·qu~sllng a final w.1lk thrn,111h. · J.16.4 Fin,11 W,1lk Thrnugh: . I Bd<>rc ,l fi1i.1l w,,lk through, th!.' follmving r0quirements mttst be 1..•ntirely '-~,tigt'ic-d: A. E,1ch item on the walk il,nn,gh ior ,ubst,1nti,1J compl<•tion h,» lieen thoroughly ,,ddrcss,,d ,ind resolv~d by the Contr,,ctur. II. A final l<'c'\>rd ,is-built h.i, h.·,'11 prndu,·cd ,ind provid,•d 10th,• <.},nwr. C. t..'.trntrollt•r ,lrawings f,ir l',Kh automatic n1ntroll<'r 1..nit h.,n• l><'en complet,•d, installed and provided to the Owner. D. All ,•xtra ,to,k has been turned over to the Owner or Owner's reprl!sentative. .2 Onci, the .ibove requirements h,wc beer. met, a final walk through ni,1y be rC'quested. The followitlg procedures will be u·scd during the walk thn>ugh for substantial completion: ,\ Con1rnctor must h,,vc (2) two personnel avail,1blt1 with r,,dio commLnic,ttion for the entire length of the walk through for substantial completiotl. ll. Only fr,ose valve box lids sh,,11 b<' removed from v,1lve boxes .1s indicntcd c>n the w,,lk through for substantial completion punch list. These valve bo, :ids shall be placed face up ;idjace,11 to the valve box prior to beginniPg the fin?I walk through. C. The final walk through will be divided into (2) two sections ,\nd proc~ed as follows: a. l'hysical Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the punch list items cre,,ted at the time of the walk through for substantial completion and examining all components of the system without turning on zones. Any remaining deficiencies in the construction and workmanship of the irrigation system ,,s compared to the punch list generated at the time of the walk through for substantial completion, construction drawings, details and specifications will be noted. b. Operational Walk Through: This will consist of wJlking through the punch list items created al the time of the walk thtough for substantiJl completion and observing eas'h zone in a fully operable condition. Valves must be activ,,ted fnlln the automatic controller (manual bleeding of individual electric control valves will not be acceptable). All remaining deficiencies in the nperation of each zone, includillg but not limited to, head sp,1cing, row spacing, nuzzle sizing, correct radius of throw and correct stationing, as compared to the punch lis_t generate,1 at the time of the walk through will b., noted. .3 3.16.5 . l .2 One: th~ Final 'v':'alk Through is completed and all items created on the 1111a. _Punch hst ~ave been addressed, the maintenance period may begm. Any ~ddttio_nal walk through's_ that are necessary because of th~ Contractors_ tnab11Ity to address all issues on the punch lists described above will be provided at the Contractor's expense. Maint~nance_ Period: S~all be as indicated in the contract agreement and wt 11 begm once all ttems Olj\ the final walk through punch list have been sat1sfactonly addressed by a written statement indicating such from the ,:J.A. t'-· to the Owner. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining and following any mamtenance manuals created specifically for the project from the Owner at the beginning of the maintenance period. At the end of the mainlenan,e period and prior to turning the project over to the Owner, .the Contractor shall provide all necessary tnMnlenan:=e materials over to the Owner or Own_er's representative for .1nspect1on. Once ac,epted in writing by the Owner, the ma111te11,rnce period will end. "AS • ,. • . I \<1» lk Wll<Cll!.uomcn.11 IJIJ.\i< OF.IKl< SlmA Soll ll1!GO. C.WfOl'OA llllG BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE __ _ REV1E'M::O BY: INSPECTOR EXP. 111111"1. DATE 111111"1. RE\.1S10N DESCRIPTION ono APPROVAl QTY APPROVM. CITY OF CARLSBAD Pt.ANNING DEPARTMENT IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 47 APPROVED ~/-(} ....,..,.. __ _,,,,,,'£7 .'-.L....!veLL..._. __ ____:·_~►tf-fR ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE OWN BY: CHKO BY; __ _ RV'M) BY: PROJECT NO, f't? 4-1"1 -DRAWING NO. ?;~-t;,'- C.M.W.D. JOB NO. Cf72 7/, RUTHERFORD ROAD 0 , ' ,. ( ' / .>' ' ' ,, \ ' ) ,, _, ' > I \ ( ' ' ~ t \ ( I / \, ( ) ' \ ' '1 ' I - \ ,) >( l( ' ; .:) \ ( ( / (, ( I ' J ( ( (x_, ~ (<' ,, ..... J ' (, ~ '•,, "" ,·, -~~· , >, c" ,, "' ~ I I I I I I I I I \ "' ' ' "' ,,, "'' • r> I \ I . I I I I) .! ' I / '; J [\ I\: \ \ ' \ ' I ill I /1 ( I \ ,_.., ____ _ I ------ '· . " ------------- ----•EXISTING PARKWAY TURF ON ADJ, LOT TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN , PLACE. RESEED ALL BARE AND DAMAGED TURF AREAS. EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL REMOVED OR 0/IMAGED DUE TO NF.W IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE REPLACED OR REFURBISHED, + }(X'XXX X , " '!'.? -~ -----CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A s-t' CLEARANCE BTWN BUILDING WINDOWS (WHERE OCCURS) AND ADJ, PLANT MAIN STEM -TYP. FOR ALL BUILDING WINDOWS, FOR ALL OTHER SURF ACS, #f' BUILDINGS, MAINTAIN A 18" CLEARANCE BTWN. BUILDING SURFACF. AND ADJ, PLANT MAIN STEM, -------,,.,, ,, ?,i;,!;if------;;,-·Ot'J !'lat 1t-l5!',6,U.. .,ile>IJ>)'C)~ll'l'I. i'¼'<NT1Nb ~NE/"T'I-< ,sr\ltll!> Jv\,",""'~ (or>-()p,/L--11.-lff IIJHS!.E C,:,,;,vlt) ,._OJ_ Ta e,1,0.,, -r-11". ,.,,to.,,>O,:.OVI!',::! s,,.AAV., P.>E Ft.Ac.€0 121' A20l'I !"'(J,,l'lT M.AIN STl!'M i;JHl?ite OCGvlt-.., p..1::_ ill SLOPE TO RECEIVE JUTE MATTING IF PLANTING OCCURS BTWN, AUG. 15 AND APRIL 15. JUTE MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED/ATTACHED TO SLOPE FACE PER MANUFACT,URER'S ---,DEJAILS ND S ECIF CATI NS. __ .... ~ .. __ ................... -----1 IMPORTANT NOTE: PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR LOCAL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT. IMPORTANT NOTES· SHALL CONTACT ALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CITY AND REGIONAL STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE IF ANY EXISTING HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED IN KING AND EQUIVALENT SIZE. I I I I I I I I I LOT47 BUILDING "B'' ------ --- r-------G,-i,'li,,$r:, r.-1 rrel'-N P..1=<fr--lE'~NT!!I ~t>l4-'\Tl"!t:> our=r-. e.>c,!Nri ,., l'6". (i'!'l'l&'!i--) t -----, .ll=II =-=-=-di=-=-)-=-"'--'"' ' I, ' '· ' I ' /' ,I ~ ' ', ·s.., \ ....... ~ ', \ < \,) ~----------, ( ,,.-.,,_ Ii:::,_/ TURF CALCULATION "~, ' ,, , ( -' TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 20,363 S,F, ) ',\.,_ TOTAL TURF AREA: PERCENT OF LANDSCAPE AREA USED FOR TURF; '•~ r >' 1,876 S.F. \ i ~' i', 9.21% ~ r"-" ~\---EXISTING SLOPE PLANTING (TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS) ~ , TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE, EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL REMOVED OR DAMAGED DUE TO NEW IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE , REPLACED OR REFURBISHED./ " \ \ I ,' ~ I < \ '\ \ ' ~ i ,, ' ' ~ I I ' " ) ~ / 1"~20'·0"t--i-..... NORTH a 10 20 40 RCE __ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR • • ,::, __ ,_•··_ 1!1-' ,.,, lANDSCAl'E AlOtITTCI\M I.MAN DESIGN IJeOOOOWT Dlllt IUITTA ~ Dl.00. (AUMlNIA Oll.l6 "AS BUil T" EXP. DATE DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING L.:!1_J PLANNING DEPARTMENT L.2±..J p RECI SE LOCATION OF PLANT I NG 1----+---+--------------+---t-----,'----t---f :::P=LA=N=TIN::'.G..':P=LA=N=========::::..::===; AREAS STUDIO KA1Z REVISION BLOCK 11 , CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 47 i :41 1£L~ls._ I _"_PP_R_O~VE-□_,L.L....~""'-------.=..·lf-~£ :! DATE \\__ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR SEE SHEET 5 FOR PLANTING LEGEND OWN BY: PROJECT NO. J DRAWING NO. J= DATE: INITIAi,. DATE INITIAi. DATE INITIAi. CHKD BY 4 SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING DETAILS & NOTES ; ---p Vl 1,,;, r,,/AA r L, DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of 'MJRK REVISION DESCRIPTION DlliEll APPROVAL on APPROVAi. RVWD BY: v -, 'l'v,v -fl c~ 1 _______ _:s:E.:E~S:H~E~E~T~S~1~3~&::1~4~F~O~R~P~l~A~N~T~l~N~G~S~P~E~C~l:Fl~C:A~T~IO~N~S:_ ________________________________________________ J;;;;;;~;~R~EV~l~Sl~DN~DE~SC~R~IP~Tl~DN~;~~~~~=::!:================~~~~~~±~~~~~!=~:=::;=~~~~~~:=~~::==:§~;:====~ C.M.W.D. JOB NO. 072-7b OR 13ELOW LOWEST 12,, BRANCH EQ. EQ, Q:j-------(6) -TREE TIES PER SPECIFICA- TIONS. SPACE AS SHOWN. INSTALL PER MFR. RECOMMENDATIONS 1---------(2) • 2" DIA. X 10' LONG TREATED LODGEPOLE PINE STAKES. INSTALL TRUE AND VERTICAL. DRIVE INTO UNDISfURBED SOIL ADJ. TO ROOT BALL. NOTE: FOR 24'' BOX TREE, USE :'" DIA. TREE STAKE. +------------FORM 3" WATERING BASIN WITH f BACKFILL SOIL MIX (TeMP,) f'8Move / ~ _ < ~ Pf'-l"'P-. T<" M\JI--C-H 1~G-r,•u . ...-ir1"""' ;J v--->,., BREATHER TUBE(S) FOR 15 GAL. SIZE AND LARGER, SEE DEfAIL -~-----1, 5, OR 15 GALLON CONTAINER TREE OR SHRUB -----~ 2" MULCH LAYER (f>fll'-l/11!> APl!fJ¼-£'1"1'½') 24" TREE TIE DETAIL --1"""'¥+------PLANT SO ROOT BALL IS 1/2"-3/4" 0 0 0 RCOf f)Jol.L ABOVE FINISH GRADE (AFTER BACK- FILL MIX HAS SETTLED). ,------~ PIT BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICA- TIONS 3' "CROSS" TIE BE1WEEN STAKE AND TREE AS SHOWN. l \_ l-----FERTILIZER TABLETS PER SPECIFl- f'LANTIN3 f'lf CATIONS. INSTALL SO THEY TOUCH """,....__2._X_R,_CD_r_o_!I_LL--..,,.. ROOT BALL : '---1-1/2" GALV. ROOFING NAIL DOUBLE TREE STAKING DETAIL 1, 5, & 15 GALLON CONTAINER PLANTING , -1.' Cl!:Al'l, l--'rt~ftt ~ t1J.l.1ff~ Of Vl':HICLE Q'J'e~ CUf',e,, SECTION -NO SCALE J EQUAL " ~ I "®--------LOCATE PLANTS EQUALLY -1------~7 \jJ) SPACED PER DISTANCE _.;.:-:-. ®•:-:-.· CID:-:-:-. INDICATED ON PL.ANS ••••••••• -.-.·.-.·. -.·.·.·.· (TRIANGULAR SPACED) .. .. .. .. -.. -. --... ...... ··••-·~·-. ---. . . . . . --·· -·-... lw-:-=-:.-.. ·CD---=-.-... ......®·>.:->. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . -. --. ' --. -.. .. . . -. .. . ' . . .. ----. . . . . -. -. . . . . . . .. . . ~ ~ . -. . -. . . . . . . . . . . ~ -L EQUAL ' INSTALL Bi1:EATHER TUBES ON ALL TREES PER THE FOLLO'MNG SCHEDULE: 1 & 5 GALLON NONE 15 GALLON (1) -3" 24" BOX (2) • 3" 36" BOX · (2) • 4" 48" BOX (3) -4" GO" BOX & LARGER (4) -4" El&B PALMS. (4) • 4" ROOT BALL SECTION • NO SCALE -----NDS SLOTl'ED GRATE· PIPE SIZE ---'--'r FINISH GRADE ~---DUCT TAPE OVER. HOLES WITHIN 6" OF ,• FINISH Gf-:ADE , . --..1---RIGID PERFORATED HAl--!CORE PIPE : ;\,,.· : \ SEE SCHEDULE Ai LEFT FOR SIZE ·' ,, • , AND NUMBER PER PLANi. • •• j \ ' • \I • ,/, , r,1.--+----"DRAINGARD" SOCK • 1 ~ • ....... . .. ,, · ~ • BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICATIONS . ~ . ·i '.,{ .. • • • ,11f ' ·•1• . . ~ . . ' ' J :\ I ~ ... ~ I l I " • ;.' I/, .•• '------~REATH ER. TUBE TO EXTEND TO FULL DEPTH OF PLANTING HOLE SHRUB & GROUNDCOVER SPACING BREATHER TUBE DETAIL PLANTING NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE AND PAY FOR AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY & FERTILITY ANALYSIS TESTING OF SIX (6) REPRESENTATIVE SOIL SAMPLES FROM THE PROJECT SITE PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING WORK CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST OWNER"S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TO LOCATE THE SIX AREAS TO BE TESTED SOIL ANALYSIS SHALL BE FROM AN APrROVED SOIL LABORATORY (SUCH AS SOIL AND PLANT LAB OF SANTA ANA, CA) BID SET PLANTING REQUIREMENTS AND SOIL AMENDMENT SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON A PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF ON SITE SOILS. TEST RESULTS SHALL Blc COPIED TO THE OWNER"S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR POSSIBLE REVISION TO PROJECT PLANTING REQUIREMENTS. .. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE SHALL APPROVE. SOIL_ TESTIN,:, l'll"HI ~ s,,11.., Tfi'f l"ltCOl'li!t,I"""°'"* f/'-1~ TO 'l,Oli, AMt;NDUlllll t:JfeM1'1'1r', .. , 2 PLANTING AREAS AND PLANT QUANTITIES SHOWN ON LEGEND ARE FOR CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE IN l.,STIMATING ONLY. CONTRACTOR IS RlcSPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PLANT MATERIALS SUFFICIENT TO COVER AREAS SHOWN ON PLANS. 3. THE PLANTING PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS IN PLANT LOCATIONS MAY BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE OWNIER"S AUTHORIZED REPRcSENTATIVE. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE SPOTTED APPROXIMATELY AS SiiOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS AND ARE TO BE APPROVED DY THE OWNER"S AUTHORIZED R[PRESENTATIVE/CITY INSPECTOR BEFORE BEING REMOVED FROM CONTAINERS AND EXCAVATING SOIL FOR PLANTING. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT [XI STING VEGETATION OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF GRADING AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVEGETATIQN AND IRRIGATION AT THE DIRECTION OF THE OWNER"S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAl"IVE. OF DISTURBCD AREAS OUTSIDE OF DAYLIGHT LINES SHOWN ON GRADING PLANS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A 3"" LAYER or 3/8"" · "" FIR BARK MULCH IN ALL GROUNPCOVER/SHRUB ARE/IS ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. OMIT MULCH F011 PLANTING AREAS ON SLOPES 3:1 OR GREATER. UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. ""SDG&E TYPC SHl1EDDED (3" TI-IICK LAYER) MULC~I SHALL BE USED IN Al.I. PARKING ISLANDS AND PERIMETER AREAS' .. ~-•T ,._...,e Tl ,:,,,.., ,~r-JL ,..~ Apr"""""" p,...,,... T• -oewve,...,. T'II f.lT1:i 6. ALL PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE RAK(□ CLEAN AND CLEAR OF ALL EXTRANEOUS MATEnlALS. FINISH GRADES AND SURFACE DRAINAGE rATTERNS SHALi. BE l1ESTORED TO THI" APl'ROVED SPECICIC SECTION • NO SCALE 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY OF ANY PLANT MATERIAL THAT IS DAMAGED OR IN POOR CONDITION TO DETERMINE ACCEPTABILITY 12 ALL rlAROSCArE LOCATED FIVE FEET OR CLOSER TO PLANTED TREES OR AS INDICATl';D ON THE PLAN SHALL BC rROTECTED .WITH A TYPAR BIO-BARRIER ROOT CONTROL SYSTEM, •INSTALL AD.JACENT TO HARDSCArE AND MIN. FIVE FEET BEYOND THE TRUNK OF THE TREE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. INST/ILL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS AND DlcTAILS. 13 INSTALL BREATHER TUBES ON TREES ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 14. INSTALL TRUNK PROTECTORS ON ALL TREES LOCATED IN LAWN AREAS. 15. ALL TREES (EXCEPT PALMS) SHALL BE LOCATED MIN. 6' (FEE;T) FROM HARDSCAPE SURFACES. RETAINING WALLS. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND EAVf:S AND SUBSURFACE UTILITIES INCLUDING DRAINAGE LINES. DOMESTIC SUPPLY LINES AND SEWER LINES WHEREVER POSSIBLE. ANY TREE PLANTED WITHIN $1(FEET) OF HARDSCAPE SURFACES. WALLS OR BUILDING FOUNDATIONS SHALL RECEIVE A PROTECTIVE ROOT CONTROL BARRIER (TYPAR "810 BARRIER" OR APPROVED EQUAL) INSTALLED ADJACENT AND PARALLEL TO THE HARDSCAPE, WALLS OR FOUNDATION AND 5"(FeET) BEYOND.THE TRUNK IN ALL DIRECTIONS. IN CASE or DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY OWNERS AUTHORIZEO REPRESENTATIVE IN ADDITION. TREES SHALL BE LOCATED MIN. 3" (FEET) l'ROM ALL E MAIL BOXES. WATER METERS, AND SUBSURFACE UTILITIES INCLUDING TELEPHONE. ELECTRICAL CABLC l.V .. AND IRRIGATION I.INCS, MIN 8" (FEET) FROM THE DOOR SIDE OF ALL TRANSFORMER BOXES. AND MIN. 6' (FEET) cROM ALL STREET LIGHTS. PARKING LIGHTS, SIGNS AND POWER POLES. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITIES. EASEMENTS, HARDSCAPE, WALLS AND EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF TREES. 16. PLANTING BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS (SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER SOILS ANALYSIS) SHALL BE A THOROUGHLY BLENDED MIXTURE OF TOr SOIL (2 PARTS). SOIL CONDITIONER 'LOAMEX" OR APPROVED EQUAL (I PART). AGRICULTURAL GYPSUM (25 LBS./C.Y.) SUPERTHRIVE PLANT HORMONE WATERED WELL FOR EACH TREE AND SHRUB (1 CAPFUL). ALL PLANT BASINS SHALL RECEIVE SARVON SOIL PENETRANT. APPLY PER MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS n. A...,__ rr-.~ eriA'"'" e,e i..o,::,.-,q-eo Mn-.1. "1 '...,;,• n-,,,M f"ll'-6 H'ir-'MNT!:11. ENGINEERING GRADING Pl.AN AFTER TREE ANIJ SHrllJB INSTALLATIONS AND PRIOR TO G~OUND COVER 18. SLOPES OVER 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT HAVE: SECTION • NO SCALE DEMOLITION NOTES: 1 ALL EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL WITHIN NEWLY PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLAN ALL REMOVED ORGANIC OR INORGANIC MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED LEGAL DISPOSAL SITE. EXISTING STUMPS AND ROOTS SHALL BE REMOVED WHERE THEY COME IN CONFLICT WITH LOCATIONS OF NEWLY PLANTED MATERIAL. VERIFY CONDITIONS IN FIEoLD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES: 1 FINISH GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL FINISH GRADING WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 2. ALL NEWLY PLANTED AREAS SHALL SLOPE MIN 2% AWAY FROM BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND SITE WALL FOOTINGS TOWARD DRAINS SHOWN ON THE ENGINEERING PLANS 3. ALL NEW PAVING SHOWN ON Trli: PLANS SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING FOUNDATIONS PER SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN ON ENGINEERING PLANS. 4 FINISH GRADES OF ALL NEWLY PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE MIN. 4'" BELOW EXISTING STUCCO SCREEDS (WHEAi'; APPLICABLE). AND 2"" BELOW FINISH SURFACES OF WALKWAYS. CURBS AND DRIVEWAYS. WHERE SOP IS LAID ADJ. TO THESE IMPROVEMENTS, FINISH GRADE, BEFORE LAVING SOD SHALL BE 3" BELOW THE. FINISH SURFACE. ' Koor P/i/..1.. ,_ _____ FORM 3" WATERING BASIN Win-I SOIL EXCAVATED FROM PLANTING HOLE. -----1, 5, OR 15 GALLON CONTAINER TREE OR SHRUB ,__ ____ 2" MULCH LAYER NOTE: CUT AND FILL TO BE 1:1 SLOPE RATIO MAXIMUM. \---EXISTING 2:1 SLOPE GRADIENT PLANT SO ROOT BALL IS 1/2"-3/4" ABOVE f!INISH GRADE (AFTER BACK· FILL MIX HAS SEffiED). ,....., ______ PIT BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICA- TIONS l l-----FERTILIZER TABLETS PER SPECIFICA· _ f'L.ANTTN3 Pfi _ TIONS. INSTALLSOTHEYTOUCH ROOT .....,IL--Z-X-KOO......:.....;:r"-t'.-'-:ii-'-/../..---#-'l BALL. 1, 5, & 15 GALLON CONTAINER PLANTING DETAIL (SLOPE) ROOT BALL ·---~ ; . . ' i .. -., I . \ . . . . - . . . . -. . . . . . . . • . -. . ' -... . . . .· ·-... ... . .. . . ! . . . . . . . . SECTION -NO SCALE :REATHE TUBE PE R DETAIL THIS SHEET (PIPE TO BE 6" DI A. & QTY. SHALL BE (I) PER TREE). RUSHED GRAVEL TO FILL WITH 3/fS" C WITHIN 2" OF l'OIJ"o?j,i\ 0f-~ F1"11~1-i "'\IV'-Pli= . BUBBLER HEAD p ER LEGEND -(I) PER INSTALL 1" BELOW E. BREATH ER TUBE. BOTTOM OF GRAT PVC NON-PRESSU RE LINE PVC SCH. 40 ELL I. . ' l.AND5CJJ'E .UOUTfC/1.,'RE UWND~l<".N il&I ROCYJlll.11 Olf\t 5\JmA SAN Dl!GO. CAUfOl'iL\ ♦lllO "AS BU I LT" RCE __ _ EXP. DATE r--'t ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS 1---------------'" REVIEWED BY: ""- INSPECTOR DATE OR IJARK INSTALLATION. A) STANDARD# 1-COVER CROP/JUTE MESH (100% COVERAGE) 7 ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVE;D ON-SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION BY THE OWNER"S B) STANDARD# 2-GROUND COVER. MINIMUM FLATTED SIZE; (100% AUTHORIZED 11EPRESENTATIVE ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO NURSERYMAN'S COVERAGE). STAND/\RDS 1'011 SIZE AND Hl':ALTH. THE CONTf1ACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PHOTOS OF AI_L BOX SIZE C) STANDARD# 3. LOW SPREADING SHRUBS FROM MINIMUM 2-3/4"" ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ t---t---t-----------------J.---l---+---1---1 LE_j==2=::!.!==:::::P::LA::N::N::l::N::::G::D:::E:::P::A::R::T::M:::E:::N::T:::::::=:::::~~==4=:= PLANTING I DETAILS AND NOTES Ti1EES TO OWN!cll FOR APPROVAL. LINERS (70% COVERAGE) 8. ALL NLJRSERY TYINO MATERIAL AND MARKING TAPES SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE TIME OF PLANTING D) STANDARD #4· TREES AND LARGE SHRUBS FROM MINIMUM 1 CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE SITE WITH THE FOLLOWING: NURSERY TAG GALLON 111200 SQUARE FEET) STUDIO KATZ REVISION BLOCK 'J INDICATING GROWER NAME AND ADDRESS. TAG INDICATING GENUS, SPECIES AND VARIETY OF PLANT LOT 4 7 ~ MATERIAL 19. SLOPES BETWEEN 4' AND 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT HAVE STANDARD ~ 9. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN APPROVED '2-g~~::.:~~~O~~~;~~:~t:iTR:~~V~~~~li~~ 1~:T~~~:~:~~TIONs SHALL BE APPf10VED BY THE #1, # 2. # 3 ABOVE. -11-ss-1s_T_A_N_T_P_LA_N_,,'-G-=□-R_E_c_T_O_R _____ -=s-_, l;~f .:i 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE ALI. TREES PERPCNDICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND. STAKE TREES /IT THE NIN 1 --~. LOWEST POSSIBLE POINT ABOVE G11ADE THAT STILL Pf10VIDES STABILITY FOR THE TREE (THIS IS TO 0AIT INillAJ.. OWN BY: PROJECT NO. 7 DRAWING NO. ' ENCOURAGE SELF-STRENGTHENING OF THE TREE TRUNK AND ROOT SYSTEM) NURSERY STAKES DATE INITIAL DAIT INITIAi. DATE INITIAi. CHKO BY: ___ ' i ___ _:s:H:AL~L~B:E~R:E:M~o:v:ED:1M:M:E:D:IA~T:EL~Y~U:P~O:N~l:NS:T~A:LL~A~T:1o=N~o:1~· s:'T:A:K:1N=G~P:E:R~P:LA:N:·1:·1N=G~D:E:T:11:1L:s ____________________________ ,.... _______________________ J;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~RE~V~IS~l□~N~DE~S~CR~IP~T~IO~N==~.!::EN:Q::N::Wl=::Of'::::"::WOfl.::K~===:R:E:l;:l:S:IO=N=D:E:S:C=R:IP=1l:O:N=====~oTH~ER~/.J'~P~R~o~v~N..;:!~0~TY~N'P!l;;o;v~,11.~~R~VWD~~B~Y~:~~=~~=:P~t?=~+:l~"'l~=~~~-?.~'W~:-:c,:=1.,,~~l~ C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ~ "/" / (, I I PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PARTl • GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: The work includes all services, labor, materials, transport,1tion and equipment necessary to perform the work indic.ited on the Drawings and as . specified. The conditions of the Contract and Division 1 ,1pply to this section .is fully as if repeated herein. I 2 SUJJM!TT ALS: 1.2.1 Submit certificates oi compliance and invoic<'s fnr snil amendments, fertilizers, and plant materials, with quantities of ea(h. 1.2.2 Specimen Tree Samples: Deliver to the site, pne s.imple llf each tree variety and size indicated, 1S gallons in size and larger, before installation. At the Cllntractor's option and expense, he may retain the services of the Landscape Architect to revic)w trees 15 gallon and 1.irg,,r t,1ggi.,d at the nursery or at its plac~ of growth, nr ,1s otherwise-in1..iH.::1tl~d- 1.23 Shrnb ,rnd Tr,,~ S.,mpks: Submit 1 ,,1111pks uf ,,,,ch v.iril'ty ,rnd ·,11e uf pl."1nt 1licHerit1ls ,H the site .a minimum uf 15 1..t°'lys hefon· ~')Llnting oprrc1tions. Accepted '.ii'!rnples shall rctl'l,,in nn t)w site ,ind sh.ill be maintained as st,1nd.~rds Gf comp.1ri.c;rn_1 for pLu,t m,1tl•ri,1ls to be furnished. S.impks m,1y be incorpor~ll'ci into tlw work 1.3 CUARANTFc:S AND REPl.,\CT\IFNTS: l.J.1 Shrubs1 vine~ ,ind groundr:ov1...1 rs :,h,111 b(• gu,11.111lccd tn rernain healthy .ind vigorously gnnving fur ,1 p,'riod of ninl'ty ('JO) d,1ys from d,llc of fin,11 ,"11.'.'.cept.:)lite-ot' !VLlinll~n,lnce P4.>ri<)J of pr(ijc,t. · I.3.2 Trees shall be.guaranteed to live in ,1 healthy ,·ondition for .i period of une ( 1) ye,ir fr,Hn date ~f final ,icci.,ptance of rn,1intc'n,111cl' p,,riod of proj,,ct. 1.3.3 Plari ts found lo be dead or not in ;1 \'igorous i..;ondition w_ithirt th(" \1,1inten~n,·e and Guar.111tce reric,ds sball lw repl,>ccd withill four.teen (1-1) d,\ys ,lt Contractor':; expense. 1.3.4 Plan ls used for rcpl,1l'Cll1L'nt ,h,ill lw th,, ,,,m., kind ,rnd size ,is specified in the plant bt. They shall be furnistwd, pl.1ntcd ,i11d fc·rtiliz,,d .,; originfllly specified. The expense nf ,111 n.'FMir w:irk on c>xisling lrnprovl~nwnfs damaged during replacc1n~nt sh,111 h~ borrn.• by tlw C',1n\r,,c1or. 14 QUALITY ASSURANCF· 1.4.1 Reviews herein specified ,,h,111 be m,1de·by the l.'111dsc,1pe Archite.;t. The Contractor sh.~11 request review in i,.vriting a mininnm\ of 48 hours in advance, for the following parts oi work. (The request for review may bi., be telephone, however, a written copy of the request must follow for the record.) J Pre-job rneeling tu introdllce C.irlsb,Hi L,rndsc.,pe ln.,peclor,i,w.-p.l;. A11111<>l4,._I:' i"ll'~/\n>.G , Contractor, Jnb Project Manager ,rnd Job Sup,:,rintcndcnt and to discuss the particular requirements of the jnb. .2 lncorporation nf soil conditioning ,11hi fcrtiliii11g into the soil. Invoices showing m,,tcri.lis ,11,d quantiti,•s purch,1sed -;!1,1\\ be ,n•,1i\,1ble for review. .3 Upon completion of grading prior to pl,rnting. Revic'W of plant materials is to coincide with this review. .4 When trees, shrubs and vines are spotkd in pl.ice' for pbntint;, but before planting holes are e,cavated. .5 Upon completion of finish gr.,dcs ,rnd plantirig. Application of pre" emergent herbicide is lo ,oincide with this rc•vicw. .6 When plantit1g, and all other indicated ,111d sp,xified work, except the. Maintenance Period, has been ·completed. Acwptann,, in wqttng, sh,111 estJb!ish beginning of the M;iintenance Period. .7 Final review at the completion of the Maintenance reriod. Contingent on acceptance, this review sh,111 ,'st.1blish the beginning date for the Guarantee Period. I.5 '.v!AlNTEN.\N)CE: 1.5. I The Contractor shall continuously m,1intain ,,\l i11voil-ed ,,reas during the progress nf the work and during the maintenance period until the final acceptance of the work. 1.5.2 Regular planting maintenance operations shall begin immediately after each plant or lawn is planted. Plants and lawns shall be kept in a healthy, growing condihon and in a visually pleasing appearance by watering, pruning, mowing, rolling, trimming, edging, ferhlizing, re-staking, pest and dis.ease controlling, spraying, weeding, cleaning-up and other necessary operations of maintenance. Landscape areas shall be kept free of weeds, noxious grass, and other undesired vegetative growth and debris. f'lants found to be dead or in an impaired condition shall be replaced imme,iiat<:ly. Maintenance operations shall include filling and re-pl,rnting of any low Meas which may cause standing water, adjusting of sprinkler head height and watering pattern, filling and re-compaction of eroded areas, and daily removal of trash, litter, clippings, and foreign debris. \.5.3 New lawns shall be mowed when they reach three inches (3") in height or twice a week if necessary. 1.5.4 The Maintenance Period begins on the first day after written acceptance of planting operations is received from the Landscape Architect, and shall continue th,ereaher for no less than ninety (90) continuous calendar days 1.5.5 The contract completion d 0te of the ,ontract maintenance period will be extended, when in the opinion of the /l. A· f'-· , improper maintenance or possible poor or unhealthy condition of planted material or unestablished non-covering lawns are evident at the termination of the scheduled maintenance period. The Contractor shall be responsible for additional maintenance of the work until work is completed and acceptable. 1.5.6 Tl'ie Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the areas. Damaged areas shall be repaired immediately at the Contractor's expense. 1.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.6.1 .The term "PI,1nting Are.i" shall mt?an all areas to be planted w 1th trees, shrubs, groundcovers, sod and seed. 16 2 Actt1,,l planting shJll be performed during tho,., periods when w~,1tlwr ,tnd soil condition~ ,,re suiL,ble in accord,uict.) with h}(.'illy ,tcu:pll'd hmtin1ltur.il pr.ictirc. 1.6 :i All rock ,ind other growth or debris ,1ccumulated during thi., dur,1ti,m of the project slMll be n:movcd from the site. 1.6.4 Prior to excavation for planting nr placing of plant materials, Inca le all underground improvements, utility lines, etc. and take proper prcc.1utions to avnid d,1m,1ge. In the event of a conflict between such lines and pl,rnt kK,HiDns1 notify 0-A., p-... .1nd receive direction pri(lr to procl!eding. l'hc-C1.Hllr,"l.(tor a~'.'lurnes r(1:;pon:-ibi!ity for m<1king rcp,,irs for d,1m,1~t''i r1..1s1il1ing from \vork as hcrPin ~Pl'L"ifii_•d. I (J ,., · Cr.1d1ng ,lnd soil prcp.Ha.linn ,vt.>rk sh,lll be pl.•rforn1cd nnly d\iring th1.,• pt•riud 1.vh~:tt bt•tH .. 'fici,,I .,nJ optitnurn n·sults m,1y ht.' obt.iir\1.:.'d. rf lhL~ llH>i~ttll'C' cotitL'llt nf lhc so!! .should rL',h"h '->w:h ,, l(,vel lh,ll working it \'-'Ould di::--;111\Y ,;nil .'~tru'dut'P, spn•,1ding ,1nd grading operations shall be su.-.pt:rhlt.~d until tlw moi,lun.~ con\c·nt i~ ln1.:Tc?,1s1:..~d ur reduced to an.~1_•ptab!c lcv,·ls ,ind tht,' d1'•,i1rd results ,ire likely ll) LK~ obt.\i1h:d. ! :ti h S(·,1kd dimensions ,,re approxim,HL". Bs..,forc prO<'Cl'Jing with \vnrk~ C<trvfully rlH'\ k .ind v1..1 rify d1m1...·n~ions ,111d immediately inform· thP o-A•f---• uf di:,::i..:n.")p,1 nl,iCs bPtWt.'l~n the dr,1 wings ,11H.i spt.~cifii.:,1 tions ,uH.f .1du,1l nmdllions. 1.6.7 Qu.rntities fa.lr pl,1nt ml1tt>ri,1ls are c..,hown t'ur convc11icrite only1 ,HH.t not gt1..r,1ntcc•d. Check ,rnd verify cm1nt ,111d SUPf>ly sufficient number tn fuirill intent of drawings. 1.6 H ,\d1•qu,\lt.)ly suke, b,\rr1l'.ll ... ·li,,1 M"ld protect irrigation t.•quipm~nt, m.inl11d1':S-1 utility lint.'S, ,rnd t)thcr l'><isting properly during ,,II ph,"l~t.'S 1)1 thl• --.od 1r1)1•1uti1,g ,mJ g,r.1ding oper,1tiDns. I l )1w ·,.11nplc l',H.'h l)f t•,tch tr~~ varic-ty .,nd size, (\lllt.•d out nil dr,H•.:ings, 1, g,111, 1n ilnd Luger ,.;h,ll! be d(;'iiv~'red to the projl>Ct site (or apprnv,11 prior to ins! .lil.1 lion. .2 Th~ Contr'1C!Or sh<lll im111cdi,1tcly remove trees not approved. . 3 The Contractor, at his option and .,t his expense, may retain the services of the e:>-A· ,-... to revi('w trees 15 g,,llon ,ind larger t,1gged at the nursery ,,ml/or ,1t its place of growth, or as otherwise specified on drawings. \.6 Ill Shntb ,Ind tree s,1mpks: Typical s,1mples, three·cach of all varivties ,ind •-ii•'S of ,111 ~,\ant materials shall be submitted for revii:,w at thi., site ,1 mini1num Llf fifteen d.,ys prior to pl.1n_t1ng qp~rations. Acccp(ed s{1mpk<5 sh.ill remain t'n lhe site nnd _shall be m;1inL.1i11cd ~s Sl,'.1.nd,\rds of comp.Hison for pl.mt m.itC'rials to b<e furnished. Samplt,s ,hall be incorpor,lted into 'he work. · \ .6.11 Rejection and Substitution: Plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified shall be considered defective, and such plants, whether in pldce or not, shall be m.irked ,is rejc'rkd and be immedi,1tely removed from the site of the w1>rk and rl'ph,:ed with acn,plable pl,,nl m.1leri,1ls. The pl,1nt matcri,1ls sh.ill 111ect ,111 applic;ibl,i inspecticins required by law. l'lants shall be of the species, variety, size, ,lge, flower color and condition a5 spcdfil~d h1:.~rdn tmd/0r ,,s indic;1tcd on the drawings. Under no Cl)nd11ion will there be any substitution of µl~1nt specie, v,Hicty, or reduced sizes for those listed on the ~1ccomp,111y·ing drawings1 t.~xn?pf with th€ 1;_)xprcss1.:~d writt, .. .:.n ..,~(ins~nt nf the Landscap~ Architect. 1.6.12 All utilities (water and electricity) used during the installation ,ind maintenance of the fandscaping and irrigiltion systems for this project shnll be paid f"r by the Owner. 1.7 INVOICING OF PLANT MATERIALS AND SOIL PREP AR..\ Tl\ >N AND SOIL PREPARATION CONFORMANCE TEST: 1.7.1 L:pon deli\'ery nf m.1teri,1ls and (ompletion [)f s,,il ,onditioning and grnding, but prior to initiating planting operations, the o. A· fl--. with the heretofore specified signed copies nf required certific~tes, trip slips c1nd invoices for soil preparation materials. will invoice such material, comp.iring the total quantities of each material furnished against the tuL1l area to each operation. lf the minimum rates of application have not b,·en met, the o. A· p..... will require t!w distribution nf additiunal quantities of these materials to fulfill the rninimum ,,pplication requir,·mt•nts specified. 1.7.2 After installation of plant material,. and coinddmg with the pn•- maintenance observation, the C> . .A. f-... , with the heretofore specified signed copies of the required certilicates, trip slips and invoices for the plant materials and related items, will ,nvoice such material, comp,iring the total area and/or the ,,mounts specified. If the minimum amounts have not been furnished, the e,. A· p-.... will require the installation of additional materials to fulfill the minimum requirements specified or r,,quire that the Contractor provide credit(s) to the Owner. 1.7.3 A sample of the soil amendments,including manufacturer or supplier certificate or invoice·, shall be deliv<>red to the e,. ,,.,.. P--· within thirty-five (35) days after recording of the Contract. 1.8 FINAL SOIL AMENDMENT QUANTITIES, Upon completion of all backfill and/or rough grading of planted area,, a minimum of six (6) representahve samples of existing soil found in the planting areas shall be taken by the Contractor and at his expense sent to an independerit soil testing laboratory for an agricultural suitability analysis and recommendations for quantity and application rate of amendments and include any corrective measures required to adjust pH or salt to acceptable levels. Thes02 recommendations shall then be compared with those listed in Paragraph 3.1 and the contract modified accordingly. PART2 · PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL AMENDMENT AND FERTILIZER: 2.1. I Soil conditioner shall be Ilutlcr's Mill Loamex, Wilbur Ellis Wil-Gro Life, Sequoia Forest Products Forest Humus or Terra Products Terra Illend . 2.1 2 Gypsum shall be a commercially processed and packaged gypsum (\ ·.1'-',1, 211 ll) with minimum 80% grade containing 14% minimum cumbin<'d sul I ur 2.1.J Iron Sulphate: Ferric or ferrous sulphate in pelleted o~·granulM form cont,1ining not less then 18 percent nwtallic iron. Material shall conform to the Agrin,ltural Code of the State of California. 2.1.4 Pre-plant fertilizer shall be of an homogeneous granular composition suitable for application with approved 0quipment and shall contain the fullowing minimum available percentagL'S by weight of plant food: .. i'..:itrt)gcn 1% 1n1n1n-1u1n Pht•:-pl·H')ric ndd l 0% m1n1murn p, )\.hh l Wlr::-rnin11nurn ' 2. t .S l\1st-pl,H\ting Fcrtili7.er; Org.1nic b,1:~e, long l,lsting, nonburni11g1 :j}Ow rl•lt-,hl', free Jlnwin~, uniform in l:or11po.,it1nn, suitable for application wilh ,Ipprt)VL1J l~quipn1cnt ;1nd sh.,ll cont,,in tht~ fullowing n,inin,um ~1v,1i\able rc•1-r,-nt.,g,·, of wPight of pl.,i1t food with 1r.1ce mi11er.ils of 3 percent iro11 (l'\pr(~"St.?d rn~t,dlic) ,ind 5 percent ~ult"t.lf (L'lt.'llh:.>ntal). '.'\it ro;,;c-1-.. Phu-.phoric ,tdd (\)t.Hh 14(Jo ll"lln111lUm 7% rnininnim 3% ll\llHnlUll'l WARNING: Some fi.,rtilizcrs contain che\,1ted iron which h,1s caused ,t,1ining of ,\>1,cn,te surfaces in other pro1e,ts. Contractor shall be resp,msible f,)r rcmnvin)'; all iron stains from concrelt' by sandblasting, or as directed by ,ir,hitect. ,,t ilO ,1<lditional cost to the Owner. 2.1 6 l'l.rnting Tablets: Tightly compr(•ssed chip type commercial grade rl,11,tinr; t.1blets, Agriform or approved cqu.,l, of varying sizes with the f,,llowing available pcrc0nt.ig"s by weight of pl~nl food: .'-.itrogt.·n l'll()sphnric acid l\·,t.lSh 20?o n,inimun'\ 10% m1n1rnutn S?('J n1inimun1 2.2 !'LANTING BACKFILL: 2.2.1 Planting backfill shall be a thoroughly blended mixture of topsoil amendmcnls at lhe following mixture: Soil Conditioner l part Siock-pilcd on site soil 3 parts Iron sulphate 2 lbs/pcrcu. yd. of mix Gyps1rn1 10 lbs/per cu. yd. of mix 2.4.10 Identify plant species or varieties correctly on legible, weather-proof labels attached securely at the job site There shall be a minimum of one labekd plant for each 5 plants in a lot. 2.4.11 Groundco~er plants shall be he,1lthy vii:;<Jmus rontcd ,uttini;s grown in flats until tran:;planling. 25 CRASS OR TURF: See drawings for location and type of t,1rf. 2.6 HERBICIDE: 2 6.1 l'n'·c'mergent herbicide sh,111 Ill' Surt\,rn, T, .-tl.111, Dy1n1d or, qu,11. 2.6.2 Weed cont.1ct spray sh.iii be Rc>undup or <'<\lt.11. 2.7 :1.IULCI IING MATERIAL: Mulching n1,1teri,1I ,h,111 he .l/8" -I /2" di.i. ,a,•,•nnl tir bark, Vit.1 ti.irk. or ilppruvl.'d t·q11.ll. ~;IHL'dJcd ·st)C&E' type mulrh 111 ,,,, Ii~• u~1..·d, 1f ,1ppn.1 ,·td in writing, by the 6',A· t'--· i\ll s,1mp\c•s mu,t .dso be· ·'l'f'rnn•d L,y the dly mc:.pl'ctor prior to i..klivery. 2.8 II.()( IT ll,\RRIU,<-;: l'ART 3 • EXECUTION J. I SOil. CO'-:DITIO.\:l.,C, H,RTILIZING & l~OTOT!l.LI:<-JC, J.1.l Afkr tht~ .,n~,,s h.,ve been grad1.•d, lh1,~ f,)\h1\,i11>~ r,1t1•..;, nf •;nil 1.;m1ditioni111~ ,ind ,,mctldnh'l\t 11ut1.'ri,,ls .,h,ll! bl' l'\•·nlv •;pr(1,1d OVL'f ,111 pl.Hllillg .,re.,, .111d sh,ill lw 1hnr011ghly s,.irified to,,,. .1vcr.1gc• depth uf ,i~ (6) i11(·hl"l hy r~)hHilling ,1 minimum ·of hvn C!) ,1ltcrn.1t111g p,lSS\.'S: (This is to be u:~1•d ,b ,\ b,l:~is for biddin;~1 ,111d rn,iy bt.• 11\\Hlifil'd h,i•:,.•d 1in ~nil li.·sb.) . I Soll to11dililH"lrr Sot! tulphur Iron tulph,1tc Gypsum Pre-plant fertilizer •I cu. yd. p1 T 1,1 HJ\) '<\ I> 20 lbs/pvr l,DOO sq It. ~O lbs/ per I ,Oil() sq , 1 100 lbs/per l,OUO "I It 20 lbs/per 1,000 "l fl. .2 fertilizer (per plant) sh,1ll be incorporafcd into the top six (6) inches of finish grade. fertilizer sh,,11 be ,ipplicd ,1fter 1,,,1ching operation . 3.1.2 The thoroughness and complet,·ncss of the rotolilling and iticorpor,iti"n of the soil conditiont'rs/anwndnwnts sh,111 bi., ,1cccpt,1ble to the L1ndscape Architvct/Owner's represent(1tive, 510~1\.'~ 2: I ,HH.i ~IL1t>per, or ,ls per the dr,1wing:--;, omit Sl1d conditioner ,1pplit:,,tion ,ir,d tilling. 3.;z FINISH GRADING: 32.l Finish gra,1es shall be ,\S indicated 011 ,::,M~ e,io,,.,,te14,...a, drawings. Contracl<lr shali notify O·A. r--. for ,1 decision should any discrepancies exist between the drawings and site conditions. 3.2.2 Finish grades shall t,e 111easur~d as the final water compacted. and wttlcd ,urfa,e gr,ides .ind sh,,11 be within ±_0.1 foot <>f the spot elevations and grade lirws i11dic.1ted. 323 Finish gr.ides shJll be me,isured ,it the top surface of surface m,1tcrL1ls, J.2.4 \folding .rnd rounding of the grades shall be provided at all changes in slope. .12,_::; ,\ll 1,.mdul.ltions ,l!'ld irr~:-gut:,ritics in the pl:lnting surfaces resulting frn111 1,ll,1)'.;e, rototilli11g ,ind ,,I\ uihl'r uper,Hions sh,111 be kvclcd ,111d tloated {)lll l .... t.•ft~rf• plM1ting oper.ltions ,tn.~ in1ti,ltcd. .1 ~ ,, f.1kc crvc•ry prc•c·a11lion to prcotcct ,ind e1void dam,,ge to sprinkler he,H.b, irrig,1tion lines, <Hld otht.:'r u11<..krground ulilitil'S d11ring grilding .:rnd cnnditiLrning opL'r,1tiuns. :i 2.7 l'in.>l fini,h gra,h:s ,h,,ll 1ns11re positive dr,1in,,ge nf the site with ,1\l surt'.1t.'C' drain,,gc ,1w,1y from build in}~"• Wttlls, .Hh.l tLHV,1rd ro:\dways, drains and l"<l tch b,,si ns 3 2.8 l'in:11 gr.id,•, sh.ill be Mcepi:ible to the planting L1per,1tlons \.Viii be :1llowcd ln L'l'gin. r!). ,.., ,._. bdore " J 2.9 111.,nting ~t1rl,Kcs ~h.dl LH~ gr.,i..kd 1,.vith nu l~.'~S th.,n 2 perct..•nt ~urf.tcc ~lope for positive dr.1in,1g('. _1,J. l Tlw L1vout of l~K,1tiun,,;. for pl,,nts ,"'ind out1i1H.'S nf ~n.1und.l:Ov~r b1;ds t(} be pl,111t.-d sh.ill bL' ,,ppr<.>vc'd "" the· ,,ite by the c,. A· p...... prior to their p1,,,11ing i\ll such lncations sh,111 be checked fnr possible interference with l~xisllng u11Lkrground. pq,11,g pnnr to e.XL\1\',llilil\ nf holes. If undcrgruund t:011:-i!ructilHl l 1r ut1llty \tnes ,1rc 1..'1Hountrn·d in tlw 1:.·x~av.-1Li<.)n L)f planting areas, ulher loc.1ti,.>ri,':> h)r the pl~,ntin~ m,1y bl;'.: ..:.dected by the O..A· p--.., D~H,--..,g~ LO 1;;•-...ist11,g utilities -;h;"ill b,.' lhe r(•Spon~ibility of the Cnnlr,1ctor. .1 ,\II excav.,ted holes sh,111 han• v,'rtk,11 sides with roughened. s,trfoc~s ,rnd shall be of the 111inimum sizfs indic,1ted on c1r.iwings. Holes shall be, in ,111 cast's, lilrge enough to P<'r<llit h.1ndling ,111d planting without injury or br0,1k.:1ge of root b,ills or roots. .2 Excavation shall indude the stripping and st,icking of all ,,cceptable l're-pl.rnt, fertilizer 4 lbs/pcr cu. yd. of mix /ltH)Vfi' ,"Wlf;.','{)./1.(t-:•.r' ,J;l(Y-J.~rr,/!'3, S/-JA U.. .'?fc ~u..,-a:;r ti> OIIAW,11!!. {'!!Ill-'-"11, ,._. ~f'TI,, 3.1.3 Dc·,•p water lead,ing (contrator to verify with l.,ind,c.1pe Architect 1f deep w,,ter k,1ching is to be done. If not, skip sectio,, J.1.3.1 and continue to 5ection 3.1.J.2.. If deep Wd 11.'r let1ch ing is ncc..:essaryl <..:uni in uc Lo s~ct1on 3.1.3. I); soil ('ncountcrcti within lhe ,lfl\lS lo bl• exc.1.v.itcd for pl,Hlt pits 1ind plMHing bt;•d:,. Protect ,11\ ,iri..',lS th,lt .He to bt• tru(ked over ,ind upnn whil.'.:h soil is to be tcmpor.1rily stackt.:·J pt:11H.iing its re~u~e f~)r 1he fill!ngs o( holes, pits and bC>ds. Soil to be used as planhng medium for the project shall be fertile, well-drained, of uniform qu,ility, free of stones over 1 inch diameter, .,ticks, oiis, diemiols, pt1ster, concrete and oth,•r deleterious materials. On",;ite soil may be stockpiled for re~use provided it meets all requirements . 23 STAKING MATERIALS Single st.ikii,g: Stakes shall be oi lodgepole pine. These shall be straight shafts, sh.iv.-d and cut clean and bare of branches and stubs, of u11iform thickness with a minimum diameter oi 2 inches, free of loose knots, splits nr bends. St.ik~s shall be no less than t'ight (13) feet in length. 2.4 l'L,\:-lt MATERIALS 24.1 Nomenclature: The scientific ,rnd comnll)n n,1mes of plants herdn specified COllform with the approved names given in "A Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California", published by the University of California, College oi i\gricultur", Manual 32 (\963). See list of plant material on drawings. 2.4.2 Qua'ity and size of all pl,rnts shall be No. 1, of Pinto Tag stock. They shall be vigorous, ,lf normal growth, free from disease, insects, insect l'ggs, ,ind/or exce,•d the measurements specified. Pinto Tags shall be submitted to the O, ,._. p-,., 2.4.3 Container ,;t0<:k (I gaL, S gal., and 15 gal. boxes) shall have grown in containers for at l~ast six months, but not over two years. No container plants that h,we cracked or broken balls ,1f earth, when taken from tht> container, sh.ill be planted, except upon special approval. No trees with damaged ro,,ts or broken balls shall be pl.inted. 2.4.4 Pruning shall not be done, prior to deliYery, except by written approval. 2.-4.5 Observation of Plant Materials, required by City, County or State .I After c;omplete install,1tion ,ind testing of tlw irrigation syst,•m, ,1ll an>a,; sb.111 be deep water \e.iched ,rnd compacted and ;;,,ttlcd by continuous ,1pplication of irrigation w,1ter until the soil has received a minimum of 12" of w,Her. .2 Soil s,imples shall be taken by Contractor per Architect's direction ,ind given to th<' Owner's soil laboratory for testing. Soil t,:st shall meet the following rL•quirements: · ECv . Maximu!ll 3.0 pH . M,1ximum 7.50 . Minimum 6.00 .3 Re-.1pplkation of soil amendment and leaching operation sh,111 be wai-'ed by the Owner's representative if in his opiniun the EC and pl I Me at accept.,ble lcv<'ls .4 Oe.-p water leaching shall be done prior to th<' ,ipplication "f the commercial fertilizer. J.L4 C.uc> shall be taken that the rate of application of water does nc>t cause erosion or ,lu fling of snils Do not undertake leaching operatic)[1S in expansive soils. 3.1.5 All depressions, voids, erosion scirs and settled trenches gennated by the deep watering shall be filled with conditioned topsoil and brought to· finish grade. STUDIO KATZ REVISION BLOCK 1"··----j-----t-··---------,-------j .3 Exce,s ,oil, gen~rated from the planting holes sh.ill be spread on the site as directed. ~ v,tlDSCApt # ,,..,. "AS • ),';' 1,, I'-' , • . W,.'WJ,ff. ~Oil1tC1\,l( l/RW:OESJ<;;N 6~< ROCOO,lll Dlil\t lllrnA I.IN Ol!CI), CUJl</S'M ,.,, BUil T" tf .,,t>.\\ l. ,r,. ~ "' %'' ,..,.,,. ~ " I :fa;~· ... ~s6.: ,."!L_ ~ ... , PY-: RCE ___ EXP. DA TE ~ ,.. .,, .... ~~...: * ~ \. I/, .,,,,7 / J authorities, ~hall be a responsibility of the Contractor, and where necessar~, he snall hav,' secured permits or certificates prior to delivery of plants to site l--;:-,=-t--;:-:=,,-+--------------f DATE INITIAL APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RNE~DB~ ~ "'~>--~-,. t OF CA\.l\tl~ .J 2.4.6 Plants shall be subiect to observation and approval or rejection, at the~---~--...c,;===R;;;E;;;VI;;;:S;;;IO;;;;N;;;D;;;;ES;;;;C;;;;RI;;;:P;;;;Tl;;;;ON==·~· .... , ·" ................. _____ 7 ___ r--r--i='.'.:::::~;==~l~N~S~P~E~C~rgo~R:::::::::;;;:::::::::::=::;;:::::~;::::;:;::~D~A~TE~;::;;;~ 14_ project site at any time before or during progress of work, for size, variety, , ·-urJ CTr] It:. condction, latent defects and injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from CITY OF CARLSBAD 4 ''L the project SI te immediately, t----J----J--------------------t----+---+---t---t ::==3::::::...';;:::::;::;:::;::;:P;:'LA;:::;:N=N=t=N::G::::D:::E::P::A::R::T::M::E::N::T:::::;::;::;::::::...';::::::::==: ~ "' 2.4.7 Substitutions will not be permitted except that if proof is submitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent size or variety and cost. ,:;: lf'7' ,,-,+pe,;,n.,r-. Mo4.-r MPPvN e "''"""' "'ue,G>Tt'TUTl<'t-4" 2.4.8 Quantities shall be furnished as needed to complete work shown on drawings. 2.4.9 The t,. A·,-..._. reserves the right to observe root condition ·of any species, particularly those grown from .seed, and if found defec~ve, to reject the plant$ represente\;! by the defective sample. 11---......,,---+---------------------+---t---+---+---~ DA Tt INITIAi. RE\.1SI0N DESCRIPTION OAlt ,NITIN. OA Tt INITIAi. ENGINEER OF WORK Cl T't' /IP PR ov AL Pt.ANTING SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT47 _AP_P_R_oVE_o_..,_ 7'.._ v.£/_.,,.1/,_1/~..::;Vlc._. _____ ...;;.S:/f.. ze ASSIST/INT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE OWN BY: I CHKD BY: ---1 RV'Ml BY: . PROJECT NO. ~t:? ~1"'/ 7 DRA\'11NG NO, ;;.. ,,. ., /7.' .. ::, ' -.,,._,, v.-- C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ; i · , ' ~ •• \ .4 Plants in can containers shall have the cans opened by cutting vertically on opposite sides of each can with nursery can openers, tin snips or Nher approved instruments for this purpose. All used cans shall be removed to the storage Mea or from the site daily . .5 The plantS shall be planted at approved locations with the heretofore spedfi.ed condi.tioner and soil plantir:ig backfill. 6 The plants shall be placed in the planting pits on the backfill material which has been hand-tamped and water settled to the rootball base levels · prior to the placement of the plants. AftH setting the plants, the remaining backfill m,1tenal shall be carefully tamped ,md settled around each rootball to fill all voids. 7 Each tree and shrub shall be placed in the center of the hole and shall be set plumb and held rigidly in position until the planting backfill h~s been tamped .irmind each rootball. .B All pbnts shall be set at such a level that.after settling they bear the same relationship to the surrounding finish grade as they bore to the soil line gr:1de in the contJiner, unless otherwise noted. .'I !'!anting tabkts shcill be phced in e,,ch planting hole ,lt the following r,1kS, 1-3 gr,rn1 tciblct per liner '1nll fl.it size pL111t l-21 gr,ln\ t,iblct p(,n gallon·1cnnlaincr 3~21 gr,1m Llblcts per 5 gi1lh.H1 cont,1incr ·l~2I gr.rn1 L1blcts per 15 g,lllon cnntainer 1-21 gram tiblct pt•r (•,,ch 4 inch of box size . 10 No pl,1nt will be accepted if tlw nx.Jtball is bnikcn or cracked, either bQforc, di..H\nh~ nl" ,d·t~!r the process of ln~t~IL1tion . . 11 All f'l,1n1s ;;h,111 be thoroughly w,1lcrcd into the full depth L>f each planting hole immcJi;itely alter planting .12 All tre,,s, 15 gallon or larger, shall be stc1ked per the ddails on the drawings The stakes shall be driven in plumb ,rnd secure. Special care sh,111 be t,1kl1/l lh(1t the:~ driving in of the st.1kc-does not d,1rnag~ the tree routs or rootb,,11. Trt.'1.-i tics ~htdl be r,,st. ... ~x,cd to 1..-,,~h tree and st::1kc by lnn~)ing_ figure ~-s wilh th.._, in-;,idt! ,jl,1ml'kr 11f the tic .lt:?. 1)r 1 tirncs the di.unetcr ut thl' tn."t..' .ind by lacking the bMk ,,i till.' lie to ilw sl,1ke . lJ All vi11vs ,11.1\l HAVt'!i NtJH>dl"/ ,;;,t'Al'-alS J',.GMdV•D AND ~M ... Arr,.._c,H«>P 1"l" 0>,-<1,,. WAH-6 WI <6P""><'f v,..,,s '!"16';;., . 14 The sL1k\11>~ ,1nd guying ::;ha.II be ,1ccornplisht~J in ~uch ~l m;1nncr .,sh) insure th~ proper ,rnd he,,lthy ;;rowth and the s,1kty of the pL1nts, prop<erty, ,rnd the p\lblic 15 TI1e Contractor shall be responsible for all surface and subsurface drninage required which may ,iffc,-t his g\tarantce of the trees, shrubs, and vines . 3.5 HERBICIDE APPLICATION: Note: All herbicide or pesticide applications shall be performed only by personnel licensed for such work by the State of California. Pre-emergence herbicide shall be applied to planted groundcover areas only, and in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Do not npply in lawn are,,s. Owner's Represe~tative shall be notified and present at the time of application. 3.6 CONCRETE MOWSTRIP: Concrete mowstrip sh,111 be installed as per drawings. 3.7 MULCHING: Landscaped or bare soil areas 3:1 or less in slope gradient, and in other ,,r.,,1, if indicated on the drawings, shall be covered with the specifie,i mukhing material to a minimum depth of three (3) inches. 3.8 CLEAN·UP: As project progresses, Contractor shall maintain all Jreas in a ne.,t m,rnn,'r and remove unsightly debris as necessary. After completion uf prn1.ect, C<'ntr.,ctor shall remove all llebris Mld containers used in ,1-:«,mplishing work. He shall sweep ,ind clean all sidew,tlks, asphalt, ,ind roncrde are<1s adjacent to pl,rntings. . \6 Pruning after planting shall be required on all trees, shrubs, .ind v1t1es when necessary to provide the specified or ,1pproved standard shapes, form .ind/or s.ize;~s ch,Hactcristic to cach plant. Pruning may inc-Jude thinning., lopping, Mld/or cutting and shilll_be under 1he directiL>n of the _.,,.,,iep,.':s; ,,_,_,'!"H,,,'-1:,.eJ? F-arp.(iv;,, . Cuts over 3/4 \nch in diametn shall be painted wilh an ,1pprovc•d lrec se.:ili1nt- 3.3.3 P\Jnting Ground,overs: .I Groundcovers sh,1ll be planted in the are.ls indicated on the drawings. The groundcover plants shelll be rnoted cuttings grown in nats .U\d shall rcm;1in in those tlats 1.intil tra11.spl..in11ng. 2 All groundcover plants shall be pl.,nted with soil around roots in staggered row, evenly spaced at the intervals c,,lkd out on the drawings . .3 The groundcover plants shall be planted. sufficiently ,1eep to cover all roots and a S gram pbnting tablet sh,111 be placed in each planting hole and sbilil be immcdia-tdy sprinkled after planting until the entire area is soJked to the full depth of all holes. 4 The groundcover planting area shall be hand smoothed after pl,rnting to provide an even, smooth final finish grade. 3.4 HYDROSEEOINC {;:,M1-r) .l Hydroseeding sh,,ll be applied in the areas indicated on the drawings in accordance with the mix indicated on the drawings . . 2 Hydroseeding Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of fertil\zer, seed, ,ind slurry of prepared wood pulp N fiber shall be of the "Super Hydroseecfor" type. This equipment shall have a built·h1 agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing 1,200 pounds of mulch and seed. The slurry distribution lines shall be large en9ugh to prevent stoppage and shall provide even distribution of the slurry. The slurry tank shall have a minimum c:apacity of 1,350 gnllons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit which will place the sluny tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be sprayed so as to provide uniform distribution without waste. ,3 Application Method: Using the wood pulp as a guide, spray the soil with a uniform visible coat of slurry. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream, so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers to build upon each other, until a complete, even coverage coat is achieved. .4 Hydroseeded areas shall be kept moist at all times 20-24 days after planting or until the new growth of the plants are sufficiently well established .5 Hydroseeded areas shall be protected against foot traffic and other use immediately after hydroseeding is completed by placing warnin1g signs and temporary twine and flagging around the areas. .6 Re-hydroseeding of bare areas shall be done 30 days alter initial application. .7 Hydroseeded areas shall require jute mesh if planting occurs between Aug. 15 and April 15. Jute mesh shall be approved by City Inspector and staked to the slope as recommended by the man,,facturer. ll v,t\DSC-4,or # ....-ti ----1.,i / ti ~'" l. -t4 ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND .· J1 ., No. 2s5a ~ ~ "' /72 · -7. Jd ~ IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING ~~~....,i/,;;,;.~17 /, * 11 AS RCE ___ EXP. REVIEVA::D BY: • • ' \,,,, ,. I.J..'\'OSCAl'E ARQlllKJttE IJWNOBIGN ~ DIEGO. CAUFol!M 911111 BUil T" DATE -. " PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ti'~'-... -~~ 1! OF CAl.l\ti~ C ' AREAS -· ., ~:::::+::::4:::::::::::::::::::::============i::::::i:====~=====i==·--= -=~,rr:-~;::;:;~~IN;;S~P;E;C;TO~R~;::;;~~::::::::====~D~A~TE~=~ 1 t----i---t------------+---1---+--+---J fTHrnl4 CITY OF CARLS BAD ~4 L!i_J~;:::==::~~:.:::::==P=L.A=N::N;:::1::;N:;;G::D:=:E::PA=::R:::T::M::E::::N::T=:;::::~~~=:::::::::::! PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS -..... f) ..:,J. CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 47 i ff APPROVED 7_ ~_:./• ( L,...M,~'.S=: _,,'----~ ~// ~ v s-1r-2P ASSISTANT PLANNING DtRfil"TOR DA TE ----OATE INITIAi.. OWN BY: ____ ' PROJECT NO. DRAWING •10. OA TE 11<111.',L OA TE 1Hln"1.. 8 " ENCIN~ or WORK RE\llSION DESCRIPTION CHKD Y: ~!? ,t, -,:,, :;,; . , . +------------------------------------------------,-----------------------------------------------------------------==========================:::!~O~l»Ol~~N'~PR~O~V~Al~!::O~lY~N'~PR~O~V~Al..~~~R~VW0~~9~Y=:===:t:;~==~-=--=·~'-:--~~-='~==~~-~-·,~•;.,~--~-~-;P~-~:_.~:!!'''. C.M.W.D. JOB NO.