HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 427-7L; CT 04-16; LA COSTA GREENS 1.06; 01-20.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ eE~AL CONDITIONS SHORT FORM PROTECTION OF J..IFE AND PROPERTY I. contractor shall protect all construction and landscaping from dama9e and, when required, provide guards or covi!lrlng. An!:j damage shall bi!I repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. LANDSCAPE ARCH TEC TURAL FLANS FOR: C.Ontractors on the Job shall carr!:i the, following lnsurcmce, (ci) 1-brke>r's Compen&atlon, (b) Public Comprehen&lve eeneral L!ablllty, and (c) Propert!:j Damcige. In cin emergenc!:i threcitenlng the safety of life, work or adjoining property, the Contrcictor 111 hereb!,j ln11tructed to act at hi:, discretion to prevent such I09s or lnjur!:I and shall maintain the followln9 minimum llablilt!:I Insurance coverage during the contract period. V LLAGrS OF l=A COSTA COVERA!SE 6odll!:f lnjur!:i, $2$0,000 per lndlvldual, per Occurrence Propert\j Damage, tl00,000 per Occurrence, aggregate 2. The C.Ontractor shall cause to be named as addltlonal ln&ured ln evch Contractor'!> Public L!ablllt!:j, contractor'& Protective Lloblllt!:I and Automoblle Llablllt!:j Insurance policies the i'ollowlng, (a) Lennar Communities (b) 19llle&ple Design eroup Inc., "1404 Gene:,ee, Avenue, 5ulte 140, La Jolla, CA "120::51-155"1. 5. Contractor shall not eause this pollc!:I to be c.anceled or permit It to lapse, and the !n11uranc.e pollC'-!:j 11hall Include, a clau&e to thei eHec.t that the pollcy shall not, at on!:I time dur-lng the c.on&tructlon peir-lod, be c.ance,led or reduc.ed, restricted or llmlted until fifteen (15) da!:jS after al addltlonal Insure® have rec.elved written notlc.e as evldenc.ed b!,j retumed rec.elpt:, of registered or c.ertfffed letter&. 4. The, Contrcic.tor agrees to hold the Owner and Landsc.ape Archltec.t harmle:,11 from an!:I c.lolms arl:,!ng out of hl11 operations of an!:I of hi:, sub c:.ontractors, material supplfe:,, or agents. 5. All loc.al, munlc.fpol and state laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to an!:I portion of this work are hereb!,j Incorporated Into and mode a part of these specl'1c.at!ons and their provisions shall be c.arrled out b!:j the c.ontroctor. 6. Th" c.ontraetor shall verlf!:j the loeatlons of all "xl&ttng utllltl.,&, :,truetures, and services before commenelng work. The loc.atlom~ of utllltles, etruc.ture, and ,ervlces shown In the11e plcms ore approximate, onl\j. An!:J dlsc.reponcles between theso, plan, and actual Pleld c.ondftlon, shall be reported to th" owner or landscape archltec.t. 1. ihe contrac.tor shall protec.t all exl:,tln9 utllftles and Pe,aturee to remain on, and adJac.ent to, tho, proJo,ct site during construc.tlon. Contrac.tor shall repair, at hf& own expense, all damag" resultlng Prom his operatlon11 or negllgence. t>. The contractor shall obtain the pertinent engineering and/or architectural plans bei'ore beginning work. "I. Permits Por an!:J construction depicted In these plans ,hall be obtained bo:l tho, contractor. 10. COntrac.tor ,hall havi, a valid controetors license required tor the partlc.ular work being done. Contractor shall not allow the llc..,n,e(s) to lop:,e during the c.ontrac.t period. PEC.LAAATIOK OF F,ESPONSl!:11 E c.HAR6E I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LANDSCAPE: ARCHITECT OF V'IOl'<K FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERC,ISED RESPONSIBLE CHAReE OVER THE DESlcSN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 610?!> OF THE 13LJSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESlcSN IS CONSISTENT WITH C.URRENT STANDARDS. I IJNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINcSS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEeD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 15 CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE AFI.CHITEC.T OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIISN. FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS, eiu fSPIE DE51eN eROUP. INC. "1404 §ENESEE AVE,. 511:, 140 LA JOLLA, C,A "12051-1:3:3"1 DATE '°6-,Zt-05 PHONE NO., (e,se,) 55tl>-e>"f'1"7 FAX, (e,5,!l,) 55e>-"fl,!l,e, 81:61$TRAIJQ!iJ~,..Q,..,,,__,,e,,,,.A-'--"l:3,,,,6"":2,e___.l':.,,XP'-"-'l.c;;AA"-'-'-T.,_.IO""'N_,._..D"'A,_,TE....,_,__, -""O=i:4c:.,-0"""'5 REVIEWED ··············-· ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DEVELOPER'S NAME: t.tORR0W CMLDPMENT ....... , 1103 WRIGHT Pl.AC£, #180 eAAUsMb, CA 92oo0 ill. 760-929:-2701 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 2-21-03 DATE ........•.. BY: GOG APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 85 .,ioSCA c;\\ le . ... '· .., -... , 1, OF C~\.\ 86 Project site. VICINITY MAP II 151 11!!1:T I NPl!!X SH!!:!!:T, TI Tl..!!! 51-+!!l!T IRRI.S.ATION TIT!..!!! 51-+!!l!!T l!ll!lllGATION 1"'1..ANS IRRlcSATION J:)!!TAII..S, ANO NOTl!!S l!lllRlcSATION l..l!::6!!NO IRRl6ATION C..AI..C.UI...ATIONS IRRI 6ATION Sl""l!!!Cl!"'IC.ATI ONS 1""1..ANTIN6 !"'!..ANS l""l..ANTIN6 O!!TAll..l!!o ANO NOT!!$ l'"l..ANTIN6 Sl""l!!';C.IF"'IC.ATIONS ~c:;. "r" C.1..!::C::, j,",(A T!!Jlllt M Al"" l..-1 (I) 1..-:2 (:,,) 1..-S TH!lllU 1..-5 (S-5) 1..-b TH!'il.U 1..-"1 (6-"1) J.,.-e, TH!'il.U 1..-"I (6-Clf) 1..-10 (lo) 1..-11 TH!'il.U 1..-le (I I-IS) 1..-14 TH!llU 1..-16 (14-16) 1..-I "1 (I "1) !..-16 TH1'U 1..-1"1 (le-1"1) 1..-.::20 (:20) HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION CLAUSE CONTRACTOR A~S THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE KEY MAP RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRIJCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDINIS SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKINIS HOURS, AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 1'1::FEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD THE OWNER, THE CITY /COUNTY OF LOCAL JURISDICTION, AND THE LANDSC.AF'E ARCHITECT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY REAL OR ALLEGED IN I"= 150'-0" ' CONNECTION V'tlTH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS ® ll'tl'tleATION l"'LAN5 [!] l"'\..ANTIN6 l"'\..ANe PROJECT, EXCEPTINIS FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEeLleENCE OF THE OWNER, THE CITY/COUNTY OF LOCAL JURISDICTION, OR THE LANDSC.APE ARC,HITECT. l1.ANDS('1\PE All.Cl !!TE( '"l"\JRE ! I ~Ez~4i ~-0$' EN NEERING pl CHECKER ----DATE DEVELOPER'S NAME: MORROW DEVEl.OPMEHT 1903 WRIGHT Pt.ACE,. #190 CARI.WO. c,. U20W L_TEL 760-929-2701 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 2-21-03 BY: GOG CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ~-·.) J. DATE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVED BY: DATE REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. GAl.ll'OIIINIA &TA'll' /J<H &A'T'& 'T'O\J MJ&T GAU. i!!ll!l"Olllei 'T'ClU Die. 60'Y'!RN.MeilT GODE SECTION .:J:16'~16411 6TA.T!$ THAT "EXC,AVATtON•1 GRADINe, mENGHINe, Dl6"1N6, DITCl-+INe, t:>RIU..IN5 -'OOURll<e, TUNNl!l-lNe 5C,.....,,IN6, GABLE OR 1"11'1!! PL.OWING, ""-IVlNe, l'O\JNC>A110lt Dh!161N5, • ~ PISISINIS Pl...lJt,l'IBJN&, rEMC,E POST OR AH'i' OTH!:R HAY'. out PE!IMIT f=OR DIS91'N6, W!LL HOT SE VALID rr-llTHOUT A 019 ~T TIGIQ!T NI.IMBER At-0 N011Flc..ATION THAT TI-E MA!ltJ(OUT' HAS BEEN GOMP'l....!!'T'. THEl'll!! I&~ A 14-C>A'T' l'll1'1::*0W (SECTION 4.216.lle)) IN i-tilGH YO\J MJ&T GaMP'1.E11: 11-E !"100FO$ED Dl661N6. II' 'T'OU i.JW.. Nee!> ...,,,,ITI""""-11MIE ee-t'ONP nE 14 DAYS. IT 1$ 'Y'~ RESPON:l!BIL.ITY' TO REC,>,U. Dl6 AJ..1!:!RT. Dl6 "1.eRT TOLi.,_ M.M!Je'il IS 1-e,oo..:2.2"1•:2600. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD --------r---------..~--;:::-;:-;-:;,-:;--------,,---,--,------------------,----,----,...---,-----l L!_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT =-DRA:.:,_WN_;_ ___ __:;J;;.,;P•c..=DB "AS-BUILT" TITI.I:: SHl::ET FOR, APPROVED MM 1..-1 1 ot. SUB 01/12/04 V/LJ..AG/!5 Or L,'i COSTA DATE 2 nd. SUB 02/10/0~ TfE SREE/IIS -/.06 MY-"LA=R....:Se::U:.:,Bc..,___,0:.:,:3,_/1,.::5C£,/=05rTI.:.:,TLE~:=====~TFT\71~~~======~===+==:r=:===============t==t==1~=j=~fM~m1~r=::::~;3r===========~ RECEIVED BY: --~W.L-~~~L_ ____ 5-i<t<:i? JOB NO. 04--.0?' 1 DATE 12/08/2004 DA TE INITIAL SCALE AS SllOWN INSPECTOR DA it ENGINEER OF WORK I I DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION 01HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OATE DWN BY:-'--- CHKD BY: __ _ RVWIJ BY: PROJECT NO. C.T 04-16 DRAWING NO. 421-1L ..... RECYCLED WATER NOTES I. ALL ..oRK SHALL BE DONE IN AC.CORDANC.E HITH THE C.M,C, "-"TER DISTRICT'S 'CARLSBAD REC.LAIMATION RULES AND REOOLATIONS FOR C.ONSTRUc.TION OF REC.YC.LED "-"TER MAINS" DATED OC.T06ER l'l'I:,. 2. DRINKIN5 "-"TER FOUNTAINS SHALL SE PROTEC.TED FROM SPRAY OF REC.YC.LED "-"TER. BEST MANABEMENT PRACTICES SHALL SE USED TO MINIMIZE REC.YC.LED REC.YC.LED "-"TER ENCROACHMENT ON PUBLIC. FACILITIES SUCH AS PICNIC. TABLES, BSG'5, PLAY~, SAND TOT-LOTS, ETC.. :5. SEST MANAeEMENT PRACTICES SHALL SE USED TO ELIMINATE OR CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT P055I6LE R E C Y C L E D ~ A T E R 5 Y 5 T E M (PR VATE) LANDSCAPE ARCH TEC TURAL FLANS FOR: PONDIN5, RUN-GFF, OYER-SPRAY AND Ml5TIN5. 4. HOSE 6165 ARE STRICTLY PROHl61TED. 5. CROSS CONNECTIONS BETHEEN REC.YC.LED "-"TER AND POTABLE "-"TER LINES ARE STRICTLY PROHl61TED. 6. NO 5U65TllVTIONS OF PIPE MATERIALS HILL SE ALLOHED HITHOI.IT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE C.MY'O "-"TER DISTRICT. V LLAGES OF LA COSTA i. ALL MAINLINE PIPES SHALL HAYE "-"RNIN5 TAPE PER OTAY "-"TER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REOOLATIONS. t!>. HOUR5 IF IRRl15ATION HITH REC.Ye.LED "-"TER ARE FROM '1,00 p.m. AND 6,00 a.m. THE HOUR5 FOR IRRl15ATION HITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY REC.YC.LED "-"TER MAY BE MODIFIED 6Y THE LOCAL AUTHORITY. IRRl15ATION DURIN5 PUBLIC. USE PERIODS HITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY "-"TER SHALL BE UNDER THE SlA"ERVISION OF THE DE5115NATED USER SlA"ERVISOR. IRRll5ATION HITH "-"TER OF A LESSER GUALITY THAN DISINFECTED TERTIARY "-"TER SHALL SE 6ETHEEN THE HOUR5 OF 10,00 p.m. AND 6,00 a.m. 'I. PROVIDE A MINll-'llM OF AT LEAST It!> INCHES OF COYER OYER ALL HIRIN5 AND PIPINl5 10. NON-DESll5NATED USE AREAS SHALL 6E PROTEC.TED FROM CONTACT HITH RECYCLED "-"TER, HtiETHER 6Y HINDeLOHN SPRAY OR 6Y DIRECT APPLICATION THROUl5H IRRlc5ATION OR OTHER USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, HI-IETHER 6Y DE5I15N, CONSTRUc.TION PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION, 15 STRICTLY PROHl6ITED. II. IRRl15ATION HEADS SHALL 6E RELOCATED OR ADJJSTED TO MINIMIZE OYER5PRAYIN5 ON 5I~K5, STREETS AND NON-DESll5NATED USE AREAS. 12. REC.YC.LED "-"TER GUIC.K COl/PLIN5 VALVES SHALL 6E OF A TYPE DE5115NATED FOR THE USE ON RECYCLED "-"TER Dl5TRl61JTION SYSTEMS (SPIKES NOT INTERCHAN5EA6LE HITH POTAeLE "-"TER GUIC.K COllPLER SPIKES). 1:5. METERS SHALL 6E SIZED 6Y THE C.MHD "-"TER DISTRICT. 14. ALL IRRl15ATION PIPES SHALL SE STENCILED HITH THE "-"RNIN5, "NON-POTABLE OR RECYCLED "-"TER,' COLOR-coDED (RJRPLE) AND LAID HITH -IN5 TAPE AND STENc.lLIN5 ORIENTED TO"-"RD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER THE C.MHD "-"TER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REOOLATIONS. 15. ALL POTAeLE "-"TER AND REC.Ye.LED "-"TER PIPINl5 SHALL BE INSTALLED HITH THE 5TENCILINl5 ORIENTED TO"-"RD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH. 16. HtiEN POTABLE "-"TER LINE AND REC.YC.LED "-"TER LINE CROSS, THE RECYCLED "-"TER LINE SHALL SE INSTALLED HITHIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET FROM EACH SIDE, FROM THE CENTER LINE OF THE POTAeLE "-"TER LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEET. Ii. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPERATION SETHEEN POTABLE "-"TER AND REC.Ye.LED "-"TER MAINS 1-'liST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. THE POTABLE LINES t-l!ST 6E INSTALLED ABOVE THE RECYCLED LINE. It!>. A MINll-'llM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEI EF<,o.rlON BETHEEN UTILITIES t-llST SE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. l'I. THE REGUIRED C.R055-GONNEC.TION SHUTDOHN TEST SHALL BE DONE 6Y THE CARLSBAD 1-'liNIC.IPAL "-"TER DISTRICT AND THE SAN DIEl50 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONEMNTAL HEALTH. 20. GUIC.K COl/PLIN5 VALVES USED IN REC.YC.LED "-"TER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOHINl5, A. REC.Ye.LED "-"TER -GUIC.K COl/PLIN5 VALVES UNSED IN RECYCLED "-"TER SYSTEMS SHALL HAYE ACTIVE TYPE THREADS AND PURPLE COLORED LOC.KIN5 c.oYER5 PERMINATELY ATTACHED TO THE VALVE. GUIC.K COl/PLIN5 VALVES SHALL SE NELSON NO. i645, HJNTER NO. HVIOOA-RL-NP OR APPROVED EGUAL. SPIKES SHALL NOT BE INTERCHAN5EABLE HITH POTABLE "-"TER GUIC.K COUPLER SPIKES. 21. THE REGUIRED C.ROSS--CONNEC.TION INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE 6Y EITHER THE C.MY'O "-"TER DISTRICT AND/OR THE SAN DIEl50 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS HILL SE F~ TO THE NON- IN5PEC.TIN6 PARTY. 22. DEVELOPER SHALL 5HOH THE LOCATION OF R.C.. 'DO NOT DRINK" 5115NS ON THESE PLANS. 2:5. AN ON SITE USER / SlA"ERVISOR SHALL BE DE5115NATED IN l'-RITINl5, THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL SE FAMILIAR HITH PLUM61Nc5 SYSTEMS HITHIN THE PROPERTY, HITH THE BASIC. CONCEPTS OF 6ACKFLOH / CROSS CONNECTION PROTECTION, AND THE SPECIFIC. REGUIREMENTS OF A REC.Ye.LED "-"TER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE DE5115NATION, HITH CONTACT PHONE t-l./M6ER5, SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEl50 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND C.MHD "-"TER DISTRICT. IN C.ASE OF EMER6ENCY CONTACT OR AFTER HOURS CONT ACT TIM 0'15RADY AT NAME TIM 0'15RADY AT NAME i60.'12'1.2i0I PHONE NUf ttR i60.'12'1.2i0I PHONENJMeER 24. 5HOH ALL PUBLIC. AND PRIVATE POTABLE "-"TER MAINS ON IMPROVEMNET PLANS. • ITEMS t!>, 1'1, AND 2:5 SHALL 6E REGUIRED JJST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF REC.YC.LED "-"TER. • ITEM 22 THE 5115NAc5E SHALL BE A PART OF THIS I.P. 61.1T THE ACTUAL 5115N5 AND TAl55 HILL 6E INSTALLED JJST PRIOR TO ACTUAL USE OF REC.Ye.LED "-"TER. 25. ON RECYCLED "-"TER SYSTEMS, ALL APPURTNANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE 60XE5, ETC.) SHALL 6E COLOR-CODED PURPLE PER~ OOIDELINES AND SECTION I16t!>l5 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEAL TH AND SAFETY CODE. 26. THERE SHALL 6E A PHYSIC.AL SEPARATION BETWEEN ADJACENT AREAS IRRl15ATED HITH REC.YC.LED "-"TER AND POTAeLE "-"TER. SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED 6Y CONCRETE MOH STRIPS, CHAIN LINK FENCES, OR OTHER MEANS AS APPROVED 6Y THE "-"TER DISTRICT AND D.E.H. • THERE ARE NO OUTDOOR EATIN5 AREAS OR DRINKIN5 FOUNTAINS IN THIS SET OF PLANS EXCEPT HITHIN DOMESTIC. IRRlcSATION AREAS. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I HEREBY DEC.LARE THAT I AH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF Y'IORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION b1O5 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN 15 CONSISTENT Y'IITH CURRENT ST ANDARD5. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAY'IINGS AND 5PEC.IFIC.ATION5 BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH 15 CONFINED TO A REVIEY'I ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE HE, AS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF Y'IORK, OF HY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE Y'IITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, Y'IATER CONSERVATION PLAN, STORM Y'IATER ~~cS~~L'1"NTIOfo"'L N, Fl~P~TECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS, GILLESPIE DESIGN GROUP, INC,. "1404 GENESEE AVE., STE. 140 LA JOLLA, CA "12051-155"1 PHONE NO., (858) 558-8"111 REGISTRATION NO., CA 15b2 REVIEWED DATE 3,-I '5-C,S- EXPIRATION DATE, 04-05 Project site. !~~OM~A::cRy._.___s ~ VICINITY MAP II ~E:CYCL.E:D Y'lATE:~ = A~E:A USE MAP l"=IS0'-0" N/A 1".E:CYCLE:D "°"ATE:1". MAINLINE: MAIN Cl".OSSINcS--Sl!:e NOTE: IE> THIS SHE:E:T (TYP) l".l!:CYCLl!!:D "°"ATEI". SlcS-N LOCATION CONNl!!:CT TO Poe 'AD' -l'U:!CYCLE:D (see MASTE:I". 6UILDE:I". DR.A""'INcS-NO. 42,-E>M) 1".E:CYCLE:D "°"ATEI". Al".E:A 51 ll!!l!!T I NJ:)l!!X SHl!!:ET, IRl".lcS-ATION 11".1".I cS-ATI ON IRl".lcS-ATION IRRlcS-ATION 11".RlcS-ATION 11".1".I cS-ATI ON \ '\ @ @ ~, N• ® @) ~· .P!P.7 ( CD 11.'-l TITLE: SHccT PLANS I ® I .,., I I DE:TAILS, AND NOTE:S LccS-cND CALCULATIONS SPcCIFICATIONS --- ® ® a, a., @ a, TYPICAL SIGNS 1e· N.T.S. In Order to Conserve Water ... DO NOT DRINK RECYCLED WATER IN USE NO TOME EL AGUA TASH HANDS AF'l'ER CONTACTING ' . _ .. LA VESE SUS IIANOS DESPUES DE USAR 18' X 18' SIZE 0.032 ALUlllllUII, 0.080 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS. SHE:E:T NO., L-2 (2) L-S TH"'-U L-5 (S-5) L-E> TH"'-U L-""'T (E>-""'T) L-e THRU L-C'f (e-C'f) L-10 (10) L-11 THRU L-IS (II-IS) SIGNAGE NOTES THI!! l"OLLOl'IIN6 ~IPl!l..lNeS !"OR THI!! use OI' R!!CYCL.eP l'IA~ AIIU!! TO ee ~AN!!NTLY l"OS~D IN51DI! THI!! DOO!t OI' eAc.H C.ON~LLel'l -~ THeY A~ eASIL Y Vl51~. l"LACe ON ~-l/2"XII' si= 5I6N. C.OLOl'l, ~ 6AG,t(61'11.0UNP l'IITH BLACK Ll!~IN6. I. cSoUIDl!:LIN!:5 P"Ol'lt l'ltl:C"T"Cl.l!:D i"IATI:l'lt USE I. ll'll'll6A~ ~eN THe HOUl'lS OI' 10,00 l".M. ANP 6,00 A.M. ONLY. l'IATel'II.IN6 OUTSIDI! THIS TIMI!! 1"1'11.AMI!! MJST i=5e PON!! MANUALLY l'IITH GIUALll"leP Sl./l"el'II.VISOl'II.Y l"el'll.50NN!!L ON-51~. NO 5Y5~M SHALL AT ANY TIMI!! i=5e Lel"T UNATTl!!NDeP DUl'II.IN6 use OUTSIDI! THI!! NOl'II.MAL SCHeDULI!. :2. ll'll'll6A~ IN A MANNel'l THAT l'IILL MINIMIZ!! 1'11.UN-Ol"!", l"OOLIN6, ANP l"ONPIN6. THI!! Al"l"LIC.ATION I'll.A~ SHALL NOT exc.eei:> THI!! INl"IL Tl'II.ATION I'll.A~ OI' THI!! SOIL. TIMl!!l'II.S MUST i=5e A!:>..IJSTei, SO AS TO el! c.OMl"ATI~ l'IITH THI!! LOl'leST SOIL INl"IL Tl'II.ATION I'll.A~ ~NT. THIS 1"'1'11.0C,eDUl'l!! MAY i=5e l"Ac.lLITA'Tei, i,y THe ~IC.leNT sc:.+-leDULIN6 OI' THe AUTOMATIC. C.ON~L CLOCKS, (I.e., eMl"L.OY'IN6 THe l'll.el"l!AT !"UNCTION TO 151'11.eAK LIi" THI!! TOTAL l-16ATION TIMI!! INTO C.YC.Ll!S THAT l'IILL l"l'lOMO~ MAXIMUM SOIL A6SOl'll"TION). 3 . Al:>..IJST SPRAY HeADS TO l!l..lMINA~ OYel'l SPRAY ONTO AIIU!!AS NOT UNP!!l'l THI!! C.ONTil'OL OI' THe CUSTOMl!!R. !"OR eXAMl"LI!, l"OOL Dl!C-K5, 1"111.IVA~ l"ATIOS ANP LOTS, ANP 51"1'11.eeTS ANP 51Dl!l'IALKS. 4 . MONITOR ANP MAINTAIN THI!! 5Y5~M TO MINIMIZ!! ec.ilJll"Ml!!NT ANP MA~l'llAL l'AILUl'll!:. el'lOKeN 51"1'11.INKLel'l HeAPS, Ll!AKS, UNl'leLIAeLI! VAL=, eTC.. SHOULD 61!! l'lel"AIIIU!!C) AS SOON AS THeY el!!C.OMI!! Al"l"AIIU!!NT. 5 . l!!PUC,A~ ALL MAIN~NANC,e l"'el'lSONNeL ON A CONTINUOUS 5ASl5 OI' THI!! l""l'leseNC,e 01" IIU!!G,YC.L.eP l'IA~l'l. l"el'lSONNeL MUST el! INl"Ol'II.MeP THAT l'l.C.. l'IATel'l 15 Ml!!ANT !"OR IMl6ATION l"URl"051!!5 ONLY, ANP 15 NOT Al"l"l'lOV!!D !"OR Dl'llNKIN6 l"URl"051!!5, HAND, TOOL, l'IASHIN6, eTC.. 61V!!N THI!! Hl6H TUl'lNOV!!l'l -~ OI' eM!"LOYl9!!5 IN THI!! LANPSG,Al"IN6 INPUSTl'II.Y. IT 15 IMl"Ol'II.TANT THIS INl"Ol'II.MATION el! Plsse!MINA'Tei, ON AN ALMOST DAILY 6ASl5. IT 15 YOU, TH!! LANPSG,AI"!! C.ONTRACTOl'l, l'IHO 15 IIU!!5l"ON5Ieu! !"OR l!:DUCATIN6 l!:Ac.H ANP ev!!l'lY ON!! OI' YOUl'l eM!"LOt U::,. 6. OBTAIN 1"111.IOR Al"l"l'II.OVAL OI' ALL l"l'lOl"OSl!!D CHAN61!!5 ANP MODll"IC.ATION5 TO ANY 1"111.IVA~ ON 51~ l"Ac.lLITIIS. SUCH C,HAN61!!5 MUST i=5e Sl,5MI~ TO ANY Al"l"l'II.OV!!D BY THI!! PISTl'II.IC.T eN61N!!el'llN6 Ol"!"IC.l!; ANP Dl!516NeP IN AGGOl'II.PANCl!a l'IITH PISTl'llC.T 5TANPAl'lD5. i. ALL IIU!!G,YCLl!P l'IATel'l 51"!11.INKLl!l'l C.ON~L VAL= SHALL Be TA66eP l'IITH IDl!NTll"IC.ATION TMS. A . TMS SHALL 6e l"eATHel'll"l'l001 l"LASTIC., S"X4", l"IAV'LI! IN C.OLOl'l l'IITH THI!! l'IORPS, "l'IAl'II.NIN6 IIU!!G,YC.L.eP l'IATel'l-DO NOT Dl'llNK' IMl"l'II.IN'Tei, ON ON!! SIDI!, ANP 'NO TOMI!! eL A6UA" ON TI-le OTHel'l SIDI!. IMl"l'II.INTIN6 SHALL el! l"el'II.MAN!!NT ANP BLACK IN C.OLOl'l, use TMS AS MANIJl"Ac.TUl'leP 6Y T. CHRISTY l!:NT!!l'll"!ll.15!!5 Ol'l Al"l"l'lOV!!P !!GIUAL. e. ON!!! TA6 SHALL ee ATTACH!!I:> TO eAc.H VALV!! AS l"OLLOl'IS, I. ATTACH TO VALV!! 5~M DIIIU!!G,TLY Ol'l l'IITH l"LASTIC Tle-1'11'11.AI", Ol'l 2. ATTACH TO SOLl!NOIP l'IIIIU!! PIIIU!!C.TL'r' OR l'IITH l"LASTIC. Tle-i,«AI"', OR 3. ATTACH TO VALV!! ~ l'IITH exl5TIN6 VALV!! ~ 60LT. ~-ALL 51"!11.INKLl!l'l HeADS SHALL Be IDl!NTll"leP AS R!!CYCL.eP l'IATel'l 51"!11.INKLel'l HeADS . II. l!:ACH AUTOMATIC. C.ONTl'lOLLel'l ANP ITS />,SSOG,IA~D eGIUll"Ml!!NT SHALL ee IDl!NTl!"leD l'IITH A 516N 61!!Al'llN6 TI-le l'IORPS, ''IIU!!CYC.L.eP l'IA~ U5eD FOl'l ll'lRl6ATION" IN EN6LISH ANP Sl"ANISH, ~ITH !SLACK Ll!TTel'l5 I" Hl6H ON A l"Ul'll"LI! 5Ac.K61'11.0UNP. THe 516N SHALL 61!! l"LAc.eP SO THAT IT C.AN Be IIU!!ADIL 'r' se!!N ev ANY 01 el'II.ATIONS l"!!l'lSONN!!L UTILIZIN6 TI-le !!GIUll"'MeNT. INSPECTION PROCEDURES I. CITY CONSTl'lt.UCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE, A. LOCATION OI' 1"11"!! LIN!!S 6 . iReNCH L>Li IH C.. ~GIUIIIU!!C) Sl!l"Al'lATION (HOl'II.IZONTALLY ANP Vel'lTICALL'r') P. l"ll"e IDl!NTll"ICATION. e. (l".O.C.'5) l"OINTS Of' C.ONN!!CTION5 I". LOCATION ANP IDl!NTll"IC.ATION OI' 51"1'11.INl<Lel'l HeADS 6 . l'IAl'II.NIN6 516N5 AT THI!! 51~ ANP ON TH!! Tl'll,JG,lc: HAULIN6 IIU!!CYCLeP l'IATel'l (II" R!!CYC.L.eP l'IA~R 15 usei:::> !"OR C.ONSTIWG.TION). :2. DISTRICT FINAL INSl"'!:CTION SHALL INCLUDE, A . C.O~ 'T'e$T, Al"Tel'l C.OMl"Ll!TION Ol" THI!! 51"1'11.I~ 5Y5TeM, TO Dl!Tel'II.MINI!! THAT Ai:::>eGIUAc.'r' OI' COV!!l'II.A6!! ON THI!! Al"l"l'II.OV!!D use A~A ANP 1"1'11.0~C.TION Of' A~AS NOT Al"'l"l'II.OV! l"Ol'l ~ce1VIN6 ~G,YCL.eP l'IATel'l. 5 . l'IAl'II.NIN6 516N5 ANP LA51!!L5 C.. GIUICK c.olJl"LIN6 VAL= P . ALL A5!"eCT5 OI' TI-le ll'll'll6ATION C.ONPITION5 INCLUDIN6 l'IINPel.Oi,'111 51"1'11.AY, 1111.UN-Ol"l", ANP l"ONPIN6. e. ~GIUIIIU!!C) 1"1'11.0TeG,TION OI' ALL ~SIDl!NTIAL A~AS. I". ~GIUIIIU!!C) 1"1'11.0TeG,TION Of' l"eLL5, 51"1'11.eAMS, l'le5!!1'lVOll'lS, eTc. 6 . Cl'lOSS-C.ONN!!C TION. :5. ANNUAL INSl"'!:CTION SHALL INCLUDE, A C.OMl"Lei'e IN5f"eG.TION ~IC,H SHOULD COV!!l'l l"Al'lT 'A' ANP l"Al'lT '5' ANP l"Al'II.T '6' Of' THI!! Dl5Tl'II.ICT'5 l"INAL INSl"eG,TION. (SIZE) 12• X 36' ~----BLACK LOGO ,----PURPLE BACKGROUND 36' N.T.S. 1" BLACK LE'ITERS I ---+ WARNING RECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK WATER H HANDS AFI'ER CONTACTING SE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 0.032 ALUIIJNUI(, 0.080 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS ~-1" BLACK LE'ITERS ~-2" BLACK LE'ITERS ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSB_AD MUN~:ATER DISTRICT BY:~~ 4. ~41,, ~~ 14, o5 L_2_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT .--------...,,,---------------...----,,-----------------...---..--~-------1 " AS-BU IL T" TITLE SHEET FOR, ENGINEERING Pl.AN CHECKER DATE DEVELOPER'S NAME: MORROW DEVELOPMENT 1903 WRIGHT PLACE, f180 TEL 790...'.929-27()1- DATE Pl.AN PREPARED: 2-21-03 BY: GOG 7 DATE SAN DIEGO COUNlY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~ -z 1-?f-,S APPROVED BY: DATE REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER Pl.ANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTIN6 AND IRRl6ATION ONLY, INCLUDIN6 Ff<ECISE LOCATION OF PLANTIN6 AREAS. (.) ti :t\OSCA GIii :; .! ~~~~ \"\ h\ \l'I \ l\1 11 1 I \ I I k I DRAWN JP, DB APPROVED MM 1 st. SUB 01/12/04 DATE 2 nd. SUB 02/iOLOfi MYLAR SUB 03/15/05 TITLE, RECEIVED BY: .IOB NO. 04--071 DATE 12/08/2004- SCALE AS SHOlfN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGlNEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VIit 4SES OFLA COST.A TIE 6ALLJ$ -1.06 DATE L-2 PROJECT NO. C,T 04-lo DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: I DRAWING NO . . 421-1L --------~ , r ' l ® Ci0 CID 268.6 265.8 '¾-270. 1 \ I l'I 111' -- ' ' , . ·-- KEY MAP 7R :la 3 12 2 12 EB DRAWN APPROVED 1 Bt. SUB 2 nd. SVB MYLAR SUB AS-BUILT 1 ST JP~ DB MM 01/12/04 02,:'.10,:'.05 03,:'.15,:'.05 05/13/13 ii 11""""'"•' I I • ·' 11 FP6 24 : G)r-c-b--a 5 :~ ,j~~ 2 !O I R i I . I I · ► 11 <I ; '~ ! 70 I.,... I I ►i ◄ -----: : ~~ffieqts~/4' '► ! <I AYiAl' ~:'¥~ ~ 6 I ' I • ' j1 5 . ~I ' 1 13 2 5 6 0~~ .. 10 6/ I I ' .7 , 211. 8 I """ 16 ' I I t----rr_,__ ~ ► I I .{. !3 ll--.--clt-;-J &,J : ~,~:is. • =oo:f[J:-: \ ~- • 4Q ' I,; DIMS:ISIOl4 IS TO 5 LI~ ':.......l\r-· --. NOTE: I l 11 1,. ' ~ _.....r-~= =I, MAINLINE: SHOV'lN l"iln-llN PAVING FOR C-LAR.ITl' ONLY, AC.TUAL MAINLINE: LOCATION TO BE: A MINIMUM OF 1e,' OFF ADJACENT HAR.D::>CAF'E: AND OTHE:R. OEISTACLE:S AND IN RIGHT OF l"IAY 1YP. NOTE:, US!: ADJU$TA6Lc ARC NOZZLES FOR ALL HEADS LOCATE:D IN AR.l=AS Vil--ll=R.I= A STANDARD ARC PA~ OVl=R. SPRAYS ONTO ElUILDINGS, l"IALLS OR PAVING. AD.JJSTABLc ARC NOZZLE: SHOULD HAVE THE SAME: RADIUS OF Tl-lROl"i AS THI= NOZZLE BE:ING R.l=PLAC-ED. CONTAACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS Flf=GlUIFll=D TO AC,C,OMMODATE ANY Vl=RTICAL OBSTTWC,TIONS TI-IAT MAY Oc.cLIR., INCLUDING ElUT NOT LIMITED TO LIG,HT POLl=5, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC-. VE:R.IFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT HITH OHNl=R'5 AUTI-lOR.IZED R.l=PR.ESENTATIVc PRIOR TO COMMENCING l"IORK. HHcN A lf>O DEGREE: ARC HEAD 15 LOCATED HITI-IIN 3 Fl=ET OF AN OSSTRIJC.TION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TWO <10 DEGREE ARC HEADS AND ADJUST TO AVOID THI= 065mlJCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL Vl=RIFY ALL SITE C.ONDITIONS, PFlOF'E:RTl' LINES, DIMeNSION5, eTC. PRIOR TO BIDDING AND PRIOR TO COMMENCING ~. NOTIFY THE OHNl=R'S AUTHORIZED R.ePR.l=SeNTATIVE IMMEDIATELY IF ANY Dl5CR.f=PANCIE5 AAe FOUND. CONTAAC.TOR SHALL THOR.Ou.t,HL Y FAMILIARIZE HIMS!:LF l"IITH ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING AND FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF l"IITH ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING AND COMMENCING l'IO!l?.K. THE CONTRACTOR MUST FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF l"IITH THE IAAIGATION SYSTEM ON ALL ADJACENT AREAS. ANY DAMAGE OR ADJIJSTMENTS r!EGlUIRED, INCLUDING R.l=PLACING OFl RELOCATING IFlFll<SATION LINES, HEADS, VALVES, HIRES, ETC. DUE TO GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION FOR THIS PHASE OF l'iORK 15 THE SOLE Rl='>PON51BILliY OF THI= CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE PE:FlFORMED AT NO ADDITIONAL C-05T TO THE OHNER. THE Ol"INER'5 AUTHORIZED REPR.1=5ENTATIVE MUST FlEVIEl"i ANY R.EGUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO THESE AREAS PRIOR. TO COMMENCING l"IORK. THI= CONTRACTOR. MUST NOTIFY THI:: OHNER.'5 AUTI-IOFllZEO FtEPR.E5ENTATIVE OF THESE CONDITIONS OR ANY 0"11iER. DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING l'IORK. VILLA6E!J OF LA C:::OSTA 17-IE 6REENS -1.06 "O :, ')]J.t.¾~~ ~-/ ' . -. __ -· / KEYfvfAP iv--1 l!il!illldlQ~ I 01 ·-" 7 I or 7 I Oi 7 0 a ' I I I ~ I I ' 51 / ,_': I ' / I, I , ,, ,, I //' I ¾=;;:::;---' J/ DI~ ' ' ' 259.0 239.2 [t,Jf181 ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' -80 (57_:;U --------257. 7 239.7 DIMENSlON IS 1< re, :a'mEfT LIGHT I I // CID 240.3 252.8 11 NOTE C,, WNTAAc;TOR SHAW. C.QNNEc;T PROPOSED IRRl6ATION MAINLINE TO EXISITING MAINLINE STIJ6-0UT AND WNTROL YilRES PROVIDED PREVIOUS PHASE OF l'lORK. WNTAAc;TOR SHAU. REFER TO VILLAGES OF I.A CO:,TA THf 6l'<EEN5 MASTER DEVB.OPER IR.Rl6ATION PLANS FOR Ac;TlJAL POc; 1162, WNTl'WLLER 'Af)' AND STIJEl-ol.lT Loc;ATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY' Ac;TUAL LAYOUT PRIOR TO STARTING l'IOR.K. -- :'!':-:23 15' '---..J-~:.~ :lS~ ( \jij"' REFER TO NOTE •e,• 44 ~ -~ • ::-:::~1!:_~ \iij -..._ I -~'L-,~,,lrll'. .... ._.._.__ ......... I r.. \I. I ·------i // 1/ 12 s ~ ; •='°I-' -~,~~~ 5~ID ·-.•~.-": ', 1/,li 242.0 ·-245.5 0~~ CROSSING 15 2' -· FR(?M ~ OF CONCRETE PAVING~~,Qt PLANTED ' PARKYiAY -• -~ ... STREET CROSSING IS l''~'!!l.· ;,.,,,.Y.,/.1 Fl<OM ~OF WNCR.ETE • P,')V!~tp~'lj'F Pl.ANTED p~~ 243.5 -CTD 236. I j i ' / I =-:::_.._.._-::::_~ ·•-. -• • • I -'fll'--aa::.:: iif - /4 \ .., I I 247.8 NOTE A, FOC. #012 TO BE A I 1/2" DOMESTIC. f'IIATER METER YilTH A 2" SERVIC.E LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOC.ATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, ~ITH O~NER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC.ING ~ORK. STATIC. r'IATER PRESSURE 58.00 PSI DESIGN lfllA TER PRESSURE <:!2.00 PSI MAXIMUM DEMAND 94.00 GFM SET FOG PSI REGULATOR@ 102.00 PSI ESTIMATED AREA SERVED 41,<:!16 SQ. FT. ESTIMATED YEARLY lfllA TER USE 2.84 AGRE FT. PER YEAR MAlfllA 6.22 AC.RE FT. FER YEAR ROAD STATION# 28+15 NOTE 8, CONTROLLER "QQ" SHALL BE A RAIN MASTER/HYDRO-SC.APE C.ONTROLLER ASSEMBLY MOD. #HS5-BPDX2466S/HSDX-06/H5DX-RF/H5EV-RADIO-F/HSEV-ANT-FD/HSEV- GND/H5RSE-DX/HSFS-150 IN A STAINLESS STEEL ENC.LOSURE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER, ELEG TR.IC.AL FOG, AND APPURTENANGE5 SHALL. BE CONFIRMED ~ITH OY'lNER'5 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OHMENC.IN~ Y'lORK. xx DIMENSION 15 F1<0M VALVE TO COl1'ER OF PILASTER MAIN LINE 15 loc;ATEO AT THE BOTTOM OF SLOPE: I DIMENSION 15 TO STREET Ll5HT I- T; A- ! \ f- l l"IA TER SOURC-E, I. AAT!:R PRESSURE INFORMATION .-.AS CALCUATEO BASED ON A 1-h'DRAULIC <S,AADE LINE OF 915 FT. STATIC PRES$1.JRE AT EACH POINT OF CONNECTION SHALL 6E AS INDICATED ON POC NOTES. THIS IIIIATER PRESSURE INFORMATION YiAS OBTAINED ON 12-:2::3-04 FROM DAVID eLALOCK AT HUNSAKER AND ASSOCIATES. :2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY i"IATER PRESSURE BY DIRECT MEASUREHENT IN THE FIELD. IF EXISTIN6 PRESSURE: IS NOT AS STATED ON THE PLANS THI= CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNERS' REPRESENTATIVE 6EFOl<l: PURCHASE: OF EQUIPMENT AND 6E61NNING> INSTALLATION. F'URC,HASE OF E:Gl\JIPMENT AND ANY INSTALLATIONS /-'!HEN EXISTIN6 STATIC PREeeLIRE IS BELOW THAT STATED AOOVE SHALL 6E THI: SOLi: F<.ESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. -----~ 1 ~ 0 ,,.~~-~-c~r-T=Y~~o~F~-c~A-R~L~S-B~A~D~-l-o~II ________ .---------=-------------.--~-------------sc_A_1.._e:_,_1•~2 _40_' _____ -.!...-:~=::;..JL_.±_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ "AS-BUILT" l---+--l-----------------l--.+----1---1---1 GUEST BUILDER IRRl6ATION PLAN FOR< i DRAWN JP, DB jl>SCA c:::::::'"',L._ L-4 ~ APPROVED MM y.oody RC MOODY RLA 3827 /,., ?-211-,s V/Ll.A6ES OF LA COSTA .. APPROVED FOR .., " DATE THE 6REENS -1.06 § PLANTING AND ~ ; www.gmplandarch.com TITI.E: PRINCIPAL APPROVED :li 1 st~ SUB 01/12/04. 2 nd. SUB 02/10/05 03/15/05 MYLAR SUB IRRIGATION ONLY, -' lli::_4~-::::;z.-4125SorrentoValleyBlvd. RECEIVED BY: '8-7-t.J' f; S AS-BUILT SIGNED 7/25/13 PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE Ill INC.LUDING PREc.lSE uite D San Diego Joe No. 04,-071 !I AS-BUILT 1ST 05/13/13 -California 92121 / -/;' Ji-l--:0:--:-A=TE,-+""IN=rn"'AL-+----------------l--DA-TE-1-IN_ITI_/\_L-i----l---1 DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ::l LOCATION OF Tel8585588977 DATE ie/os/200' -it'.,~ (::r; ~--OU 1 ·"t-"-f 1~ REVISION DESCRIPTION r----'---+-0-ATE_...._INI_TIA_L~ CHKD BY: --C,T 04-lt'.. 421-iL > L _________________ j_ _____________ ,lPE,bL:f,A~N~T!lllN~GZ,JA~F<.E~A~S~ . ....JL----====---....JL __ _!F_:ax!;SS~S.;S5S~91~88!..J~s;cALE~==;;;;;;;;~As;;;sa;;o;WN~======iii:d-s:PP~:c:foR::::=======~::o=A:TE~'-'·=• '--'='-=-=EN=GJN;;;E:ER=OF:WOR=1<::;;==============;;;DTH:ER;:;;AP;P;Ro;v;;AL=1;:;c;1TY~AP:P:Ro:v:AL~:R:VW:D:=B:Y:;;;::========t..'==:;;:=:;::;:;;;!Ji ) ~ ) / - 22 44 I / D D \ !) !) 0 l.J -'l n a I • ' ' ry I ~ • ' 11 \ \ \\.. I\ \ \' \I~ \\ l. ' I, II I I I '/' I I ! • ' 1 1 I ' ' ' 259.0 ' ' • ' I ' / CID 258.2 228.8 / GD 229.7 256.6 CJD 230.1/~ ,/ / CI§) CID 254.6 231. 4 DIMENSION IS TO/ STREET LIGHT , ' REF£;R TO NOTE 'A' (iYP) NOTE A, c.oN'!AAC,TOR SHALL CONNECT f'l<OPOSeO IRRl6ATION RS-10TE WNTl<OL VALVES "AD4 TO AO&, ADl6, AD20, A02f AND AD22 TO AD26' TO EXISITIN6 MANIFOLD STlJ6--0UT ANO WNTl<OI. WIRES PROVIDED PREVIOUS PHASE OF YiORK. c.oN'lRAC,TOR SHALL REFER TO VILLA6ES OF LA W$TA 11£ GREENS MASTER DEVaoPfR IRRl6ATION PLANS FOR AC-Tl/AL POC 1192, CON~ 'AD' ANO STUB-OUT l.OGATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY' Aell/AL LA"!'OIJT PRIOR TO STARTING YiORK. CJD 234.3 Qi'~" ~---REFER TO NOTE '6' ]!IT ,, 41 NOTE, MAINLINE SHOl"IN VilTHIN PAVING, FOR C,LAl'tlT'f ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF IE>" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER 065TAc-LES AND IN RIISHT OF ViA"f T'T'P. NOTE, USE ADJIJ5TA6Le AfllC NOZZLES FOR ALL HEADS LOCATED IN AREAS ViHEFte A STANDARD A!llC PA~ OVER SPRAYS ONTO 6UILDIN6S, ViALLS OR PAYiNCS-. ADJIJ5TA6LE ARC NOZZLE; SHOULD HAYE THE: SAl-1e RADIUS OF THROl'i AS THE NOZZLE; 6EINCS-REPLAC,1:0. CONTRACTOR SHALL AD.JlJST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO AC,COl-1!-100ATE ANY VERTICAL OElSTFt!JCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR, INCLUDIN6 6UT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLeS, FIRE HYOAANTS, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT VilTH Ol'iNER'!; AUTHORIZl:O ~SENTATIYE PRIOR TO COMMl=NCINCS, ViORI<. ~ A 100 DEGREE ARC HEAD IS LOCATED WITHIN 3 FeeT OF AN OBSTFt!JGTION THE CONTAACTOR SHALL INSTALL TViO '10 Of:6REe ARC HEADS AND ADJJST TO AVOID THE OBSTFtLJGTION. c-ONTl'tACTOFt SHALL VeRIFY ALL SITE CONDITIONS, PROPERT'f LINES, DIMeNSIONS, ETC. PRIOR TO BIDDING AND PRIOR TO COMMENCIN6 ViORJ<. NOTIFY THE Ol'IINER'S AUTI-!ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIE5 ARE FOUND. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROOOHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF YilTH ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO 61DDINcs-AND FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF l"IITH ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIODINCS-AND COMMENCINcs-ViOR!<. THE C.ONTAAGTOR MUST FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF V'-IITH THE IR.RIG<ATION SYSTEM ON ALL ADJACENT AREAS. ANY DAMA(!.E OR ADJUS™ENTS REGI.JIRl:O, INCUJDIN(!, REPLACINCS-OR ~OCATINcs-li'tRl(!.ATION LINES, HEADS, VALVES, VilRES, ETC. DUE TO 6RADINCS-OR CONS~TION FOR THIS PHASE OF l'-lORI< IS THE 50LE RESPONSl61LIT'f OF THE CONTl'tAC,TOR AND SHALL 6e PERFORMED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. THE OViNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MUST Fi?.EVIEY'I ANY REGUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO THESE AREAS PRIOR TO COMMENCIN6 l'-lOl<'.K. THE CONTRACTOR HJST NOTIFY THE OffiER'S AUTHORIZED RePRESENTATIYE OF THESE CONDITIONS OR ANY OTHER DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO COHMENCIN6 l'-lORI<. ~~':2c:i1Jli ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~o DRAWN JP, DB ~ ~ PLAI-IIIING DEPARTMENT ~ ,----------,.,,.,.A-,S--,B~U~IL""'T~"--------,---,----r---------------,---,----,---,---"---''--1 GUEST BUILDER IR.Rl6ATION PLAN FOR., L-5 APPROVED MM 1 st. SUB 01/12/04 2 nd. SUB 02/10/05 MYLAR SUB 03/111/00 AS-BUILT 1ST 05/13/13 =MAR=C~M=OO=D=Y~R=LA=*=3=6-27~__,h~--,.~-'7-25-13 /~l-- 7 -~""'D.,-,ATE~-- 1---+--+---------------t----;----i----;-------i VILLA6E5 OF LA ~TA THI: 6f<EEN5 -1.06 NOTE: ~---F'INISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ---PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VAJ...VE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLTt NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED liT 13,iGH ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND 'MV ONTO LID. MASTER CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. -F'INISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 24" WIRE LOOP VALVE ID TAGS ~~~pf(~ io Rta~~fD ~~2s~~'.N~~t i'hf~~cs. ---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS '-------BRASS UNION ~-----BRASS NIPPLE TYP. '---------LANDSCAPE FABRIC ~-------3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. ~X8K~t6~1~tFI'1~~Et~?M USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF THE MASTER VALVE ASSEMBLY. @ MASTER CONTROL VALVE 1-------lfllfllOAYION ltUN.JNt ,.------~J ~~,. ~1-----ML Tnllt IIOLA1'10N VM.V! ~----SCH 30 ~ UNION ----~w~ --- MltD1!: COHflllOL ;w_V[ SCH 30 P'vC UNION 1------lfl!IICMTION 8U9-WJHIJN£ ~ !AlWL UNI! 1'l -l<WS '""1-----M.L TYPE !IDLATIOW VN..W: ~----SCH 80 M: UNION \1>½----1~ ~aor"VE « A ~ r.JR.:12n"' Q) VALVE MANIFOLD i ___ . CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK, TYPICAL .,,.-- 1 MAINLINE PIPE ----, ---L~ I 1 UNDISTURBED SOIL -=1 45 DEGREE ELL 90 DEGREE ELL THRUST BLOCKS TO BE -----CONCRETE THRUST 1 CUBIC FT OF CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS TO BE USED FOR 3" AND ---L~.J-- BLOCK, TYPICAL -MAINLINE PIPE LARGER PLASTIC PIPE WRAP PLASTIC FITTINGS USING BLACK PIPE TAPE ; & 1 r---UNDISTURBED SOIL ALL CONCRCTE TD BE PORTLAND CEMENT 420-C-2000 TEE @ THRUST BLOCKING ,r-----LOW VOLTAGE WIRES, 3 MAXIMUM OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR STRIP AND TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNECTION CRIMP COPPER SLEEVE INSTALLED WITH RECOMMENDED TOOL CONNECTOR INSERT NOTE: FILL OUTER CASE WITH SEALER PRIOR TO FINAL ASSEMBLY. @ WIRE CONNECTIONS FINISH GRADE R6t DEVICE SEE LEGEND F R SPECIFICATION BRASS BALL VALVE TYP. BRASS NIPPLES MIN. 4" TYP, BRASS ELL, 4 REQUIRED BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE IF SPECIFIED ;~~~~~E,l~'f,l-/:~}&i, o~ErltLOW BRASS UNION, 2 REQUIRED • BRASS RISERS LENGTH AS REQ. ~:qi~--PVC MAINLINE TO MASTER VALVE ~--SCH 80 PVC FEMALE ADAPTER ~---SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE 6" MIN. '---------CONCRETE SLAB, SEE BELOW '-------------PVC MAINLINE NOTE: IF WYE STRAINER OR PRESSURE REGULATOR IS SPECIFIED, INSTALL ON EITHER THE HORIZONTAL PIPING OR ON THE DOWNSTREAM LEG AS SPACE PERMITS. CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE MINIMUM 4" THICK, 18" WIDE AND EXTEND AT LEAST 8" PAST THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY PIPING. IF BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE LEGEND, THE CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE THE SIZE REQUIRED BY THE MANUFACTURER. INSTALL PER CMWD STD. DWG. IW-20 :..------RUBBER DRAIN CAP MISSION RUBBER CO. NO. 0704-015, 4" =="i"!:-=~==9mcc;';'•------F1NISH GRADE . + + + + . + + + • . + + + • . + + + + . + + + + . + + + + . + + '1,-.-~.....JJtJj~f------BUBBLER HEAD, SEE _ LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION TOP 1" BELOW FINISH GRADE f--H+=~------SCH 80 NIPPLE, LENGTH AS REQUIRED, 2 REQUIRED 'r'-1-1-ttr"'==t--------VALCON 1/2" ANTI DRAIN VALVE 0 ' • ~11/J.= O , I· ~i ------NATIVE SOIL ,'o "JL='LC-:J.!IIJJ;. -::_, . ~~F:=--------PVC LATERAL LINE ocf A .u. "o --.... _____ DRILL THROUGH PIPE o f} o 1 /2' PVC ELL (SxT) o.: 0 ,,o O•~--------4• DIA. x 36" LONG kt PERFORATED PVC DRAIN PIPE e;~ FILL WITH 3/4' GRAVEL TO .:._µ~:,._i_:i...i;,o....,.....,,LJ BOTTOM OF CHECK VALVE ~-------------AMMENDED BACKFILL '------------------ROOT BALL OF TREE @ BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY © TREE BUBBLER SCH. BO UNION----' ~=:::c:!"-FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 24" WIRE LOOP ~~,±:::-t----VALVE ID TAG ¼---PVC THO. ELL SCH BO PVC '---.-f-.11----CONTROL VALVE ...----SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE TYP. (4) BRICK SUPPORTS i---IRRIGATION MAINLINE ~-----Ut" ciiYeHffETGRAVEL .__ ______ LANDSCAPE FABRIC CD REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE CLEAN COMPACTED------------, BACKFILL (2) WARNING TAPES FOR RECYCLED WATER AND (1) WARNING TAPE FOR POTABLE (12") ABOVE MAIN) PAVING, BY OTHERS ----.........,.777'.777'.'1'7,'77?'777~777'.777'.b'77)'177?'777"} TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 10 FEET ON CENTER DEPTH AS SHOWN OR ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR ON STRUCTURE INSTALLATION. SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS BY OTHERS. @ SLEEVE AND TRENCH i I I -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS -QUICK COUPLER VALVE SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. 1.;;11---t---srA!NLESS STEEL CLAMP ,,r--(4) BRICK SUPPORTS ~ lASCO PRE-ASSEMBLED SWING JOINT ~'¥ / ag~. f1;,~~~YAA5S MIPT NIPPLE :J---'~ MAINLINE, SIT SPECS. o-------14 , 36" REBAR STAKES, 2 REQUIRED '---------U.NDSCAPE FABRIC '----------3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. ~~tE~EFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED FITTINGS TYPICAL. QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE APPROVED FOR RECLAIMED WATER USE. @ QUICK COUPLER VALVE CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILL FINISHED GRADE~ ,--,;;.,.-..-.,-----''---+-,..-,..--,.,.., =m n . ·111-1.¥111 UNDISTURBED SOIL.---: ;:12" ,-_ -11 'lo,!= ill= · ~~111 LATERAL LINES ____ ,.,.,.,....,_...+1-i-.t, ~ ~ : iii ii --· ji111 MAINLINE AND CONTROL WIRES I I l=i I I= -, "-1 I I -'----~:.....i I I I I ·!l!~!l!~l-1 I '1 11-1 II I 11-111111-11 · 1 I ~!l!~_I I I TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE I • 6" • I 1 0 FEET ON CENTER DEPTHS SHOWN ARE FOR IN GROUND INSTALLATIONS. ON STRUCTURE INSTALL PIPING AT DEPTH SHOWN OR AT CONCRETE SLAB DEPTH. PIPE AND TRENCH r~r---------'-SHRUB ADAPTER SPRAY OR ROTOR 12" MIN. HEAD, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION --------SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE, TWO REQUIRED -;~wm~i Iml Ill! ID J m-:ill; :i I lrnl I irr@ NOTE: LENGTHS AS REQUIRED """~"""'"" '-----FINISHED GRADE 111n1111 m11 ~ ----uN□ISTuRsE□ SOIL ·'"'Til ill 1 I I In} I ITTTI I~ ~--TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY ~--SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE LATERAL LINE, SEE SF'ECIF1CATIONS FOR TYPE AND DEPTH REQUIRED INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 12" FROM FENCES WALLS OR BUILDINGS. DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD WITHIN 10 FT OF PAVING, CURBS OR TURF EDGES. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAY TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ HEAD ON RISER =,11=1'1° =:1 == !:'." ilJ_clJ.S 11 lilll I gJ m TT FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~---PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. ~-BAJ...L VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION --FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 1== I II 111 lmlll f'L=~1;,~~G.~~]~[~Jti~l'::r~--PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE DEPTH AS PER SPECS. e)Q '----PVC MALE ADAPTER !l-2:SJ---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS ~-----BRASS UNION L.....------BRASS NIPPLE ~-------LANDSCAPE FABRIC NOTE: ~------INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD FLUSH W1TH FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS POP-UP SPRINK.LER HEAD,_ SPRAY OR ROTOR SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFh.;ATION INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD 1 /2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB wiy~ AND GROUND COVERS AREAS lillmill¥ -----uNrnSTuRBEo soIL ~---TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE LATERAL LIN~,._ SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE Arw DEPTH REQUIRED INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" FROM PAVING EDGE IN GROUND COVER AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 4" FROM PAVING EDGE IN TURF AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAYS OR NOZZLE STREAM TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ POP-UP SPRINKLER ~----FINISHED GRADE IN TIURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVERb USE STAINLESS BOL\ NUT, AND WASHER. ~g~E: Jb-/i3'}f,_WD ":,is~IG~NT~B~~ TO HARDSCAPE FLOW SENSOR, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS --24" WIRE LOOP PVC MAINLINE PIPE PER SPECISIF!CATION ,.::::,J--(4) BRICK SUPPORTS '-------LANDSCAPE FABRIC ~------3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. ~~ ~rcJs~EJ'g'Ef>~. MASTER VALVE NOTE: 3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. NOTE: BOX TO BE INSTALLED AS TO AJ...LOW FOR PROPER OPERATION OF BALL VALVE ,~~T6khcfi,}Oc"'b~f{~l£~AS PER THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, WIRE TO INSTALL AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE, INSTALL VALVE OFF-CENTER IN BOX. 8SE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH ON THE DOWN-STREAM SIDE INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE F THE FLOW SENSOR. INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. @ BALL VALVE CONTROLLER------,1!::F'===~ STAINLESS STEEL, ----11 24" WIDE FRONT ENTRY CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE NEMA 3R RAINPROOF RATED 1 1 /4" PVC CONDUIT/ SWEEP FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE 1" PVC CONDUIT /SWEEP FOR FLOW SENSOR/MCV WIRES (IF REQ.) G (b) CONTROLLER t----RAIN SENSOR INSIDE AN ENCLOSURE ,----TERMINAL STRIP FOR CONTROL WIRES ® FLOW SENSOR NOT!!, I. Gl!!NT!!llt VALV!!! eox ~ l'l!!MOT!: CONT!llOl. VALV!!! TO l"AC!l.lTA1?! -IGINB VAL.VE. :2. 51:T JqCV AND VAL.VE eox Aeeetet.Y IN ~-GOVe!IV!>HlltUe A"l!!A ~ POSSIB!.E. !5. 5ET 60XE5 P~ TO EAGH OTHER AND PEk?Er,v1GlJLAR TO EO<!IE. -4. AVOID 1£AVILY COMF'ACTIN6 SOIL ~ND VALV!!! eoxes TO 1"1'11:VENT GOLLAl"!IE AND DEl'OF!MATION OF Vl'<..VE 1'0><1:5. 14'X19" RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX TYP .- -QUICK COUPLING VALVE BOX, TYP. 0 0 0 -/ ' I 0 I 0 0 0 - • -+4 -+4 -+4 ~ N • !'I @ VALVE BOX LAYOUT "AS-BUILT" ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD --------r---------~~~~=r.-----------,----,----,-----------------,---,-----,---.,.----1 l_!=?_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT OBCA 111 e ::: l --' ' I IANIJS( "A Pl·, AR!CHI fEC'fLRF I DRAWN JP, DB APPROVED MM 1 st. SUB Ol/12/04 2 nd. SUB 02L10,LD5 MYLAR SUB 03/10/00 JOB NO. 04-071 DATE 12/08/2004 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE 111\.E:_ RECEIVED BY: DATE INl11AL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK Di\ TE INITlAL DA TE IN!TlAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I IRl'!.15ATION DETAll..5 FOR, VILJ..AGES OF LA COST.A THESREENS-1.06 L-b DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~~8 ~~;--C.T 04-16 421-1L .-·- METER BOX W/ METER SIDEWALK I CURB ~'-,---~l __ --t-24"~ PROX. 8" 12" MINIMUM POTABLE SERVICE LINE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/ SLEEVE NOTE: VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIUMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. U POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING i----------42''L' ------- CJ 1 .. JL---,..J 1. CLOSF-COUPLED CEN'RIFJGAL PU¾IP, CAST !'<ON BRONZE F,TTED. 2. NEMA 4X SIMPLEX CGNTROL PANEL FOR AUTOMATIC OPERA"'ION. 3. BRONZE 1/4 TURN BALL VALVE 4. 8RCNZE NON-ADJUSTABLE FLOW SWITCH. 5 TYPE "L" COPPER. 6. BRONZE UNION ADAPTER. CO'•J kl-,C!(H :s ,,fs!'(J"·i':'~lf fOc? COW·lfCJI:~:; :;1:11:1 ciiNCf mid/or .'\II IJ/\!N!ll-,H-~.J,~..l;\Ir_; I(): ;/\~j(;~s II·~ r_;!)f./1--)IIN~CI-\~/!lh /\1 1 o~;r\l FllJi'-AHIN•'.,; -:,:()ll'·S, 7. PRESSURE GAJGE, UQUID DAMPENED. 8. 8RONZc :ysc STYLE Ci4EC~ VALVE. 9. MARINE GRADE ALIJM,~l~M ENCLOSJRE, HINGED TOP. 10. S IRUCTl:RAL ALJMINUM BASE'-'LATE. 11. 6" INCH THICK CONCRETF PAD, ASTM C-94, AC STD 318---83 Ml X. 2500 PSI RATE) 12. MA!fl "OWF:R CONDUIT. 1.3. IRRIGATON CO~TROL.L.ER SIGNAL CONDUIT. SIZE LOW FL01f-!RRIGATION CO~TROLLER SIGNAL ACTIVATED UNITED GREEN TECH _ _j__ __________ __,__ __ {NOT TC si:'~) i '-----·-·········· .. ···-~-------~ SCALE NAMf IB-LF.mm AA -BOOSTER PUMP . I i I -· !lj,(JNS CHl!CK VAi. VI!! ANeU!!VAI.V!i I~ ANTl-ell"HON VAi.Vi!! ij ~ t-lA!t-1..INI! TOI!! OI" !!1,..0t"I--" Ave !ltlALI. 1!11!! 11-eTAl.l..l!I:> 12" AeoY!! H19He!lT H!!AI:> ANTl~fl"HON VAi.Vi!! 51-!AU.. !le !N5TAU..l!C> 12" AeoY!! HISHeT Hl!AI:> Lee ANTl-!lll"HON 'N'!'e VAi.Vi!! -HeAC>$ ARe AeoY!! 'fll:,V 1¥ ANeLe TYi"!! VAI.V!i AND Ave 1-H!R!!! HeAC>$ Me AeoY!! ffC.V 1¥ 9.-IINS Ct-ECK VAi.Ye -LA-e Al't.t H-THAN THI!! ro.c,v RCV AT BOTTOM OF SLOPE STREET SURFACE 3.5 FEET POTABLE! MAINLINE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION /SLEEVE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE NOTE: ALL RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION PIPING AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECYCLED WATER MAINS" OCTOBER 1993 POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING ELECTRIC ANTI-SIPHON CONTROL VALVE I MIN. 6" ABOVE HIGHEST HEAD 1 Jlllf==III 11111-·IIIII PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE·-- LENGTH AS REQ. (2 TYP.) PVC LATERAL LINE PIPING r WATERBROOF WIRE CONNECTORS -24" WIRE LOOP FINISH GRADE L PVC PRESSURE MAIN PVC SCH. 40 FITTINGS TYP. @ ANTI-SIPHON VALVE -· ANTl-ell'HON Vl>J. V!i 1/ LA-LIN!! TOI" OI" !LO""l'l!!I!!--~\ MAINL!Mlle;_...,/ 9Y1-1!!0L ON 1"1..AN!> -THI!! !NeTAI.LATION OI" ONE OI" TIE VAl.ve5 (AND ec.l)!f'MeNT) SHOWN ON THI!! Dl!!TAIL AeoVE! ANTl~l!"HON VAi.Vi!! eHAU.. 1!11!! IN!ITALI.S> 12" A190V1!! Hll!Jl ll!!eT H!!AP 1¥ ANTl~ll"HON TY1"I! VAi.Vi!! -1-eAC>e NI.I! el!I..0.-1 IOCV 1¥ -INIJ ~ VAJ..Vl!!e -LATl!ll'..,._9 Al'e L~ THAN THI!! IOCV RCV AT TOP OF SLOPE ~-----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS :'.:::.! I 1'·'·=1 IL 111111_1 m11will :":"::I 11-11 '---------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '------------BRASS NIPPLE lYP. '------------BRASS UNION '--------------·---PVC MAINLINE FROM P.O.C. NOTE: INSTALL CONlROL VALVES A MINIMUM OF ONE (OOT APART IN SHRUB ARE'AS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STRE"AM SIDE OF THE PRESSURE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY. @ PRESSURE REGULATOR UVR PVC SCH.SO THREADED 90 -----, ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER I TWO PVC ELLS PS REQUIRED TYP. ---~MIN. 5• ~~ PVC LATERAL LINE TO AVB HIGHEST ~EAD f""l'~Ll BUR~~~P: SHOWN ON PLANS J FINISH GRADE-------, AUTOMATIC --- N<O<C ,._,,, I- MIN. 12 ABOVE FINISH RADE ,,,111 1,,m PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE TYP. PVC LATERAL LINE -----' PIPING TO HEADS PVC LATERAL LINE PIPING TO AVB PVC SCH. 40 FITTINGS TYP. ASV / A VB PLACEMENT NOTE: ,...... _____ FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~---PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. PURPLE IN COLOR. ,----PVC BALL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION 4" MIN. FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS '-'I.<:::,,,. ---BRICK SUPPORTS '-------DUAL UNION CONNECTIONS AS PART OF BALL VALVE '--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '----------3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. @ BALL VALVE ATMOSPHERIC ;-----i VACUUM BREAKER I 1" MIN.6'ABO\lc Hl5HEST HEAD llill= §1111= ,.....,,_.Tl'A VlOLET RESISTANT P"IC OR PVC SCH. W THll!f:ADED ~O IN15H6AADf PVC 5CH. &o NIPPLE - (y) PVC LATERAL LIN!: L FVC l.AT!:l'tAI.. LIN!!: f'lf'IN6 TO HEADS PIPING FROM ~V "-----PVC SCH. -40 FITnN6S TT'P. ATMOSHPERIC VACUUM BREAKER 1:;z• I&' WE ARE CONSERVING OUR MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE BY IRRIGATING OUR LANDSCAPE WIT RECYCLED WATER RECYCLID WATII AGUA RECICLADA DOIIOTIJll!II( NO TOME !I. AGUA DO NOT DRINK SIGN ~ CITY OF CARLSBA.D ________ r--------.,,..,.-:--:,-,-,""""",.--------....---..---.-----------------,----,---,---~-----1 L2._j PLANNING DEPARTMENT "AS-BUILT" IRRleATION DETAILS FOR, ~ 0 I ",NDSC.i\.PF ARCl-l!TECn:RF I DRAWN APPROVED 1 .,. SUB 2 nd. SUB MYLAR SUB JOB NO, DATE SCALE JP, DB MM 01/12/04 02/10/06 03/16/06 Tl'!l.£: RECEIVED BY: 04-071 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DA TE !NlllAL DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 01HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLAGES Or LA COST.A THE SREEN5 -1.06 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY; __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C.T 04-16 J..-1 DATE DRA~NG NO. 421-1L ~ ~ ~ I ~ If] !:'El 121 1'21 • ~ E2 lil IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND (REGYGLED ~ATER) MANUFAC.T. MODEL NO. / DESC.11<.IFTION l".O.C. ~YCLED 1FtRl5ATION IAIATER. METER (SEE NOTES FOR DE515NATION AND SIZES). VERIFY AC.TUAL LOCATION, SIZE, AND IAIATER PRESSURE IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCINe HORK AND PURGHASINe EQUIPMENT. HAYIAIARD MODEL 12 STAINLE5S STEEL BASKET STRAINER Jt,ilTH 60 M'ESH 55 sc.REEN, SIZE PER PLAN. INSTALLED IN 'JUMBO' 60X Jt,IITH ALL REGlUIRED EGUIPMENT AS 5HOV'IN IN DETAIL DAAY'l1Ne5. INSTALL I" SIZED EGlUIPMENT Jt,IITH I" METERS AND 2" SIZED EGllJIPMENT WITH 11/:2" AND :2" WATER METERS. Y'lATT5 "10<1(5) SERIES, REDUCED PRE551JRE 6ACKFLOJl,I PREY!::NTION AS5EMBL Y IN A 5TRONeBOX STAINLESS STEEi.. 566C.-4555 (5EE NOTES FOR SIZE). BARRETT/\JeT ENelNEE~ 6005TER PUMP, MODEL xxxxxxxx,5EE PLAN FOR INDIVIDUAL SIZE AND MODEL NUMeefi<.5, INSTALL PEii<. MANIJFAGTURE!i<.5 RECOMMENDATIONS. NIA :240 VOLT, SINeLE PHASE ELECT!i<.IC.AL POl<'IEl't, P!i<.OVIDED BY ELl:GTRICIAN, VE!i<.IFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD AS APl"ROVED LOCATION OF RECYCLED Y'lATEFl. "DO NOT ~INK" Sl5N PER IAIATER DISTFl.lCT STANDARDS. Y'lATTS til5-4SA-B5DP-NC.-MO-T-:26:555 BLACK 51JARD MA5TEF!. CONTROL VALVE. MASTER VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A 'JJMBO' SIZED VALVE SOX Jt,IITH LOGKINe l"lJRPLE GOVER AND 'MC.V' HEAT BAANDED ON COVER I" MASTE!i<. VALVE FOR I" WATER. METEi:t:>, AND A :2" MASTER VALVE FOR 11/:2" AND 2" Jt,IATER METEi:t:>. (GALL R.C. EINFELDT AT (<!51)5:3t,-:311-t,401 FOR AVAILABILTY OF PRODUCT.) DATA IND. 2:20P SC.H. f!>O PVC FLOJl,I SENSOR, HIRE TO CONTF!.OLLER USIN5 EV-CA6-GOM GABLE IN CONDUIT, INSTALL PER MANIJFAGTU!i<.ER'5 RECOMMENDATIONS. (SEE PLAN FOR SIZES) N!eco n;e,o TO EIE LINE SIZE, eRA5S BALL VALVE. INSTALL IN 10• ROUND VALVE 60X l'llTH LOGKINe PURPLE COYER. NELSON 1645 RECYCLED HATER GlUIGK COUPLEFl. VALVE::, INSTALLED IN 10" ROUND VALVE eox HITH LOGK!Ne PURPLE COVER AND 'O.CV' HEAT 'BRANDED ON C.OVER. INSTAl.L GCV ON A 11/2" STUB-OUT OFF MAINLINE. EACH GlC.V SHALL EIE ISOLATED FROM THE MAINLINE EIY A 11/:2" EIALL VALVE AND INSTALLED AT :200' O.C. PER CITY REGUIREMENT5. USE 1645 GGV'5 V.ITH ACME THREADS AND LOCKINe PURPLE RU66ER COVER. HUNTEFI. ICV-FS-A$ SERIES PLASTIC PR.r:55URE REelJLATIN5 CONTROL VALVE, SIZE A5 5HOHN, INSTALL ONE VALVE PER 5TD. RECT. VALVE 60X HITH LOCKINe PURPLE COVER AND 'RCV' HEAT BRANDED ON COVER. VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN MANIFOLDS ISOLATED FROM THE MAINLINE BY A BALL VALVE. SIZE BALL VALVE PER THE LAReEST RCV IN THE MANIFOLD. RAINMASTER/ 1Mli5ATION CONT!i<.OLLER IN STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE, SEE NOTES FOFI. MODE:L AND STATION COUNT. CONTACT HYDRO-SCAPE HYDRO-SCAPE, SAN DIEeo, CA (e,5e,) 560-1600, TO COORDINATE PURCHASE: AND INSTALLATION. HUNit:R ScS-MC RAIN SENSOR, HYDRO-SCAPE HILL MOUNT TO ENCLOSURE AND HIRE TO CONTROLLER. NIA 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL l"Ov.ER, PROVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD Ae PRODUCTS A'fl..V-:2 UNIVERSAL :2" AIR RELIEF VALVE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS, SET IN 'JUMBO' VALVE eox ll'llTH PURPLE LOCKINe COYER. AS APf"111tO',/!;O l"l)LI,.. eoxe FOR WIRE SPLICES SHALL eE LOC.ATED APPROXIMATELY !500' o.c. AND AT THE E:NDS OF ALL SLEEVES IJNDER PAVINe. PULL BOXES SHALL eE 10" ROUND WITH LOC.KIN5 LID NO 5YM60L AAIN MASTER EV-C.AB-COM 515NAL CABLE. INSTALL ALL Sl5NAL CABLE IN 11/:2" SC.H. 40 CONDUIT AND FITTINe5. :2' OF S15NAL WIR!: ------- NO SYMBOL NOT SHOV'IN NOT 5HOHN NOT SHOHN NOT 5HOll'lN SLACK SHALL BE LEFT AT EAC.H CONTROLLER AND FL.OH SENSOR Y'llTHIN EAC.H PULL-BOX. IN LANDSC,APE AREA$, 10" ROUND VALVE BOXES ll'llTH OOLT DOHN COVERS HEAT BRANDED V.ITH 'IRR-FS' SHALL EIE USED. PULL 60XE5 SHALL eE INSTALLED AT A DISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 500'. USE :3M DeY OR :5M DBR l'llRE CONNECTORS FOR ALL SPLICES IN PULL BOXES ONLY. AS A~ PVC PIPE :5/4" -!5" SC.H. 40 AS LATERAL LINES 1:2" BELOH eRADE. ON ALL RECYCLED HATER SYSTEMS USE COL.OR CODED PURPLE RECYCLED HATER l"IPE. AS APPROVl:D PVC PIPE .21/:2"-!5" CL. !515 AS MAINLINES :24" BEL.OH eRADE. ON ALL RECYCLED HATER SYSTEMS USE COLOR CODED PURPLE RECYCLED Y'lATER PIPE. AS APPROVED PURPLE RECYCLED HATER PVC PIPE AS 5LEEVIN$, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR HIRE eUNDLE CARRIED PLACE BELOW ALL PAVIN5, HAR.DSC.APE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. ALL :2" AND :5" SLEEVINe SHALL-6E PVCl:2:20 SCH. 40, TYPE I, SRAD!: :2 MATERIAL GONFORMINe TO ASTM STANDARD D-11t,5-4. ALL 4" AND LAR.eER SLEEVING SHALL eE PVCl:2:20 CLASS 200 5DR:21, TYPE I, GRADE :2 MATERIAL CONFORMINe TO ASTM STANDARD D-2:241. SLEEVES UNDER BR.OH DITCHES SHALL EIE ENCASED IN C.ONCRETE A MINIMUM OF e," THICK ON ALL SIDES OF PIPE. AS APPROVED IRRI.SATION CONTROL WIRE SHALL BE 1114Ur AV'l<S DIRECT euRIAL (U.L. APPROVED), COLOR CODE HIRE PER C.ONTROLLER, A MINIMUM OF Tll'lO SEPER.ATE: SPARE PILOT WIRES TO THE END OF EACH MAINLINE. ROUTE SPARE HIRES INTO EACH VALVE MANIFOLD LOCATION, BUNDLE AND TAPE ALL HIRE AND INSTALL ADJACENT TO MAINLINE, LEAVE SPARE HIRE ENDS IN THE LAST VALVE MANIFOLD eox ON THE MAINLINE. IRRIGATION C.OMMON HIRE SHALL-eE •12w Al"<G DIRECT 6URIAL (U.L. APPROVED). DS-400 PRE-FILLED HIRE: CONNECTORS, USE ON ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS VAL.CON 5000 SERIES ADV, USED ON ALL SPRINKLERS ll'llTH LOW HEAD DRAINAeE UNCONTROLLABLE BY FACTORY INTESRAL SPRINKLER HEAD CHECK VAL VE. Ke! 5PRIN5 T'TFE CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE eY LATERAL LINE, INSTALL DOWNSTREAM OF EACH f/U,V ll'lHEN RGV 15 H15HER THAN THE 5PRINKLER HEADS. KBI HILKINS 5WIN$ it PE CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE BY LATERAL LINE, INSTALL DOHN5TREAM OF EACH RCV HHEN RCV 15 LOHER THAN THE SPRINKLER HEADS. eR.-4 PRE55UFltE REel.JLATINe VALVE TO eE INSTALLED ON ALL LATERAL LINES HHERE SPRINKLER HEADS ARE LOCATED AT AN ELEVATION MORE THAN 50' LOHER. THAN THE RGV. SET PRESSURE TO CONTROL PRESSURE DUE TO THIS ELEVATION CHANeE, SIZE PER LATERAL LINE SERVING SYSTEM. INSTALL IN A 10" ROUND VALVE eox 6EJ..OW GR.ADE. CONT!i<.ACTOR TO LOCATE ALL SUCH PRV'5 IN THE FIELD AND SHOW LOCATIONS ON RECORD DRAHINeS. DETAIL NIA F F AA NIA z F H J, K L L NIA NIA NIA p M M,O N p p NIA NIA NIA SYMBOL [f] ..... igJ IE:ll MANUFACT. P.O.C. 6ARRETT/U$T IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND (POTABLE ~ATER) MODEL NO./ DESCRIPTION POTABLE IRR.leATION Y'lATEFI. METER (see NOTES FOR DESl5NATION AND SIZES). VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION, SIZE, AND IAIATER PRESSURE IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCINe HORK AND PURCHA51Ne EG!IJIPM'ENT. "10"!(5) 5ERIE:S, REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOH PR.r:VENTION A5SEMBL Y IN A 5TRONGEIOX STAINLESS STEEL 5e6C-4!55S (SEE NOTES FOR SIZE). EN5INEER.E:D BOOSTER l"lJMP, MODEL xxxxxxxx,SEE PLAN FOR INDIVIDUAL SIZE AND MODEL NUMBERS, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. NIA 240 VOLT, SIN.SLE PHASE ELECTRICAL POHER, PROVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD HATTS bl!5-4SA-BeDP-NC-MO-T-26!5SS BLACK .SUARD MASTER CONTROL VALVE. MASTE!i<. VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A 'JUMBO' SIZED VALVE SOX ll'llTH LOCKING 5REEN COVER AND 'MCV' HEAT BRANDED ON COVER. I" MASTER VALVE FOR I" HATER MEiER5, AND A 2" MASTER VALVE FOR 11/:2" AND 2" Y'lATER METERS. (CALL R.C. EINFELDT AT (<151)5:5t>-:5il-t,401 FOR AVAILABIJ..TY OF PRODUCT.) DATA IND. 2:20P SCH. t>O PVC FLOll'l SeN50R, HIRE TO CONTFl.OLLER USINe EV-CAB-COM CABLE IN CONDUIT, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. (SEE PLAN FOR SIZES) Nleco T5t>O TO BE LINE SIZE, BRASS eALL VALVE. INSTALL IN 10" ROUND VALVE eox WITH LOCKINe eR.EEN COVER . RAIN 61RD 44DRC G!UICK COUPLER VALVE, INSTALLED IN 10" R.OIJND VALVE eox WITH LOCKINe SREEN COVER. AND 'G!CV' HEAT eRANDED ON COVER. INSTALL GCV ON A 11/:2" STUB-OUT OFF MAINLINE. EACH acv SHALL BE ISOLATED FROM THE MAINLINE eY A 11/:2" BALL VALVE AND INSTALLED AT :200' O.C. PER CITY REG!IJIREME:NTS. HUNTER ICV-FS-A5 SERIES PLASTIC PRESSURE REelJLATING CONTROL VALVE, SIZE: A5 SHOWN, INSTALL ONE VALVE PER 51P. l'ECT. VALVE SOX HITH LOCKINe eREEN C.OVER AND 'RGV' HEAT BRANDED ON COVER. VALVES SHALL EIE INSTALLED IN MANIFOLDS ISOLATED FROM THE MAINLINE BY A BALL VALVE. SIZE BALL VALVE PER THE LAR5E:5T RGV IN THE MANIFOLD. . RAINMA5TER/ IRRIGATION CONTROLLE:R. IN 5TAINLE55 STEE:L eNCLOSURE, SEE NOTES FOR MODE:L AND STATION COUNT. CONTACT HYDRO-SCAPE HYDRO-SCAPE, SAN DIE50, CA (e,5e,) 560-1600, TO C.OOFI.DINATE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. HUNTER NIA SS-MC RAIN SENSOFl., HYDRO-SCAPE V.ILL MOUNT TO ENCLOSURE AND HIRE TO CONTROLLE'fl... 1:20 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER, PROVIDED !9Y ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD Ae PRODUCTS ARV-2 UNIVEFtSAL .2" AIR RELIEF VALVE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS, SET IN 'JUMEIO' VALVE BOX HITH eREEN Loe-KIN$ COVER. AS APPROVED FULL BOXES FOR WIRE SPLICES SHALL BE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 500' O.C. AND AT THE ENDS OF ALL 5LEEVE5 UNDER PAVIN5. PULL BOXES SHALL BE 10" ROUND HITH LOCKINe LID NO SYMBOL RAIN MASTER EV-GAEi-COM Sl5NAL CABLE. INSTALL ALL 51<SNAL CABLE IN 11/:2" SCH. 40 CONDUIT AND FITT1Ne5. :2' OF 515NAL WIRE SLACK SHALL BE LEFT AT EACH CONTROLLER AND FLOH SENSOR WITHIN EACH PULL-BOX. IN LANDSCAPE AREAS, 10" ROUND VALVE BOXES WITH SOLT DOHN COVERS HEAT BRANDED HITH 'IRR-F5' SHALL BE USED. PULL 60XE5 SHALL 6E INSTALLED AT A DISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 500'. USE 5M DBY OR 5M DBR HIRE CONNECTO!i<.5 FOR ALL SPLICES IN PULL EIOXES ONLY. AS APF'ROVED PVC PIPE :5/4" -:2" SCH. 40 AS LATERAL LI~ 1:2" BELOW eRADE --N ----AS APPROVED PVC PIPE :21/:2"-5" CL. !515 A$ MAINLINES 24" BELOW eRADE NO 5YM60L NOT 5HOll'lN NOT SHOHN NOT SHOHN NOT SHOHN AS APPROVED PVC PIPE AS 5LE!:VING, THICE THE DIAM£., LR JF l"IPE OR l'l!Flf: BUNDLE CAFl.!ltlED PL-ACE BELOW ALL PAVIN5, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED eY OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. ALL :2" AND :5" SLE:EV!Ne SHALL eE PVCl:2:20 SCH. M, 7"TPE I, eAADE :2 MATERIAL CONFOFI.M!Ne TO A5TM STANDARD D-11t>!5-4. ALL 4" AND LAReER SLEEVINe SHALL BE PVCl:220 GLASS :200 SDR:21, TYPE I, <SR.ADE :2 MATERIAL CONFORMINe TO A5TM STANDARD D-:2:2-41. SLEEVES UNDER BROH DITC.HES SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE A MINIMUM OF 6" THICK ON ALL SIDES OF PIPE. AS APPROVED IRRISATION CONTROL ll'llRE SHALL EIE Cli41JF AW.S DIRECT BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED), COLOR CODE WIRE PER CONT!i<.OLLE!'f., A MINIMUM OF THO SEPER.ATE SPARE PILOT WIRES TO THE END OF EACH MAINLINE. ROUTE SPARE WIRES INTO E:ACH VALVE MANIFOLD LOCATION, 6UNDLE AND TAPE ALL ll'lll<E AND INSTALL ADJACENT TO MAINLINE, LEAVE SPARE HIRE ENDS IN THE LA$T VALVE MANIFOLD BOX ON THE MAINLINE. IRRIGATION COMMON ll'llRE SHALL BE #l:2UF AY'l<S DIRECT SPEARS VALCON KBI KBI HILKINS BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED). DS-400 PRE-FILLED ll'llRE CONNECTOfi\5, USE ON ALL HIRE CONNEGTION5 5000 SERIES ADV, USED ON ALL SPRINKLERS HITH LOH HEAD DRAINAGE UNCONTROLLABLE BY FACTORY INTEReAL SPRINKLER HEAD CHECK VALVE. 5PRIN5 TYPE CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE BY LATERAL LINE, INSTALL DOll'lNSTREAM OF EACH RCV HHEN RGV 15 Hl611EFI. THAN THE 5PRINKLE:R. HEADS. 511'llN6 i, PE CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE BY LATERAL LINE, INSTALL DOHN5TREAM OF EACH RCV WHEN RCV 15 LOY'E:R THAN THE SPRINKLER. HEADS. EIR-4 PR!:SSUFI!: "-EelJLATINe VALVE TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL LATERAL LINES HHERE SPRINKLER HEADS ARE:: LOCATED AT AN ELEVATION MORE THAN 50' LOv.ER THAN THE RCV. SET PRE55UFI.E TO CONTROL PRE551JRE DUE TO THIS ELEVATION CHANeE, SIZE PER LATERAL LINE SERVING SYSTEM. INSTALL IN A 10" ROUND VALVE SOX BELOll'l SFI.ADE. CONTRACTOR. TO LOCATE ALL SUCH PRY'$ IN THE FIELD AND SHOW LOCATIONS ON RECORD DRAHIN55. METER/CONTROLLER.1 .-------'VALVE NUMBER Al 25 ~-----vALVE SIZE DETAIL NIA AA NIA E H H I, J, K L L NIA NIA NIA NIA M M,O N p NIA NIA NIA fsHFfl CITY OF CARLSBAD --------,---------::--,-~~:-:--=::----------,.---,----,----------------,---...------,----.----1~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT "AS-BUILT" IMhSATION LEeEND FOR. ~ 0 ME:TER/CONTROLLER.1 -----'VAL VE NUMeER 25 ---.es.P.M. f-------+-- ~-----vALVE SIZE ::: ::; & l)SCA,o I II"""' ----.,c=;;=~~ I ANDS('\l'E A~CHIThC'l { IRf- DRAWN APPROVED 1 •t. SUB 2nd. SUB MYLAR SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE JP, DB MM 01/12/04 DATE 02t:10Lo5 03/1~/06 1111.E:. RECEIVED BY: O-i-071 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE VILJ.A6ES OF LA .::::OSTA THE 6REENS -1.06 J..-e APPROVE t-----11---;--------------+---+----11------+--I ---"'=L.....=-----S:!~ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE t--:=-:-=c-+-::=c:-c-t-------------------1---+----+---1----1 DWN BY: __ _ DAlE INITIAL t---DA_TE_~I_NI_TIA_L---1-_DA_TE ....... .__IN_ITI_A_L-I CHKD BY: __ ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAi. RVWD BY: I I PROJECT NO. C,T 04-16 DRA\l/1NG NO. 421-1L ~ I\) '""\...l I ~ S'l"MeOL GI T H I" i>_ -------- y' V " T 'W 'il7 "i'j' w ["I I'!'! I'll! ■ [!3 G B [,] i'.ll e I I I t.. = \-.,±,.. ~ ~ e • (9 (9 e 0 ~ <, e 0 G <9 e 0 ti ~ ® I • i ~ ., SYM!:lOL GI H F @5 %~ @ .@'-@)' @ @4r 0 B-€t C5 O◊ @5 -®-4r @ '®· ~ @ c@'~ '5 ~* • •·• MANUFACT. AAfN BIRD RAIN BIRD AAIN1'1RD RAIN BIRD AAIN BIRD AAIN BIRD AAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD AAIN BIRD !ll.AIN Bl"-D RAIN Bl"-D RAIN Bl"-D RA1IN BIRD RA'IN Bl"-D FtAIN BIRD RAIN Bl"-D AAIN BIRD RAIN SIRD IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND (POTABLE/RECYCLED) MODEL NO. I DESGRIFTION 1~-SAM-FRS-S FOP-UP TURF HEAD lt>06-SAM-FRS-Uf> FOP-UP TURF HEAD lf>06-5AM-FRS-UIO FOP-UP TURF HEAD lf>06-5AM-PR5-U12 POP-UP TURF HEAD lf>06-5AM-PR5-Ul5 POP-UP TURF HEAD lt>06-5AM-FR5-ISE5T/55T POP-UP TIJRF HEAD lf>l2-5AM-PRS-S POP-LJP SHFWB HEAD lt>l2-5AM-FRS-Uf> POP-UP 5HRU6 HEAD lt>l2-5AM-PRS-UIO POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1e,12-5AM-FR5-Ul2 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD lf>l2-5AM-PR5-UIS POP-UP SHRUB HEAD lt>l2-5AM-FR5-ISE5T/SST POP-UP SHl'WB HEAD lt>l2-5AM--PR5-lt,VAN POP-UP SHRUB HEAD ft',12-SAM-PRS-SF-B STREAM BUBBLER FOP-UP SHRUB HEAD 11!>12-SAM-PRS-SH-B STREAM BUBBLER POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 12>12-SAM-PRS-SG-B STREAM BUBBLER POP-UP SHRUB HEAD GPM .10, .15, .20 .:26, .55, .52, 1.05 .5C'f, .52, .1C'f, 1.51 hS, .t>i, 1.:5, 2.6 ."'IS, 1.25, l.t,5, 5.10 .61, 1.21 .10, .15, .20 .26, .S5, .52, 1.05 .SC'f, .52, .1<'f, 1.51 hS, .e,1, 1.5, 2h ."15, 1.25, 1.e,s, 5.10 .61, 1.21 1.55, 2.66, 5.C'f"I, 5.32 1.50 1.00 .so lt'Jl2-5AM-PRS-5CST-B STREAM BUBBLER POP-UP SHRUB HEAD ,SO f>CH.t',O NIPPLE WITH 1402 PRESSURE COMPENSATING TRICKLE FA I I ERN BIJBSLER, EACH SYMBOL REPRESENTS TWO BUBBLERS PER TREE 0.50(1.00) PREC.IF 1.e,3 1.2>3 1.2>3 2.01 l."'11 1.2>5 1.2>3 2.01 l."'11 I.E>5 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 PSI 30 so 50 30 30 50 50 50 150 !30 30 AADIUS 5 FT t, FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 4xl5 FT 4xSO FT !5 FT 10 FT 12 FT IS FT 4xl5 FT 4x50 FT 1e, FT 5 FT !5 FT 5 FT 5 FT 5 FT ALL SHRUB SPRAY HEADS INSTALLl=D FARTHER THAN TEN (IO) Fl=ET FROM PAVING, CURBS, SIDEY'IALKS, STEPS, TURF BOUNDARIES OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY BE INSTALLED AS A RAIN BIRD PA-t',S SHRUB ADAPTER WITH THE NOZZLE AS SHOWN WHEN RADIUS OF SPRINKLER HEADS, REQUIRED FOR PROPER C.OVERAISE, 15 LESS THAN RADIUS SHOY'IN ON LEeEND, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EQUIP HEAD WITH A RAIN BIRD "PCS" PRESSURE C.OMPENSATINe SC.REEN FOR FLOJl',l AND RADIUS C.ONTROL. 5ELEC.T SCREEN ON PCS NOZZLE SCREEN SELECTION CHART, PROVIDED SY MANUFAC.il.JRER, FOR APPROPRIATE RADIUS. WHEN INSTALLINS SPRINKLER HEADS USINS NOZZLES THAT REQUIRE ARC PATTERNS OTHER THAN THE STANDARD ARC PATTERNS (SE,0°, lb0°, 120°, c:ro·, ETC..) THE C..ONTRAC..TOR SHALL U5E VARIA6LE ARC.. OR ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES. RADIUS OF ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES SELEC..TED TO MATC..H SITE C..ONDITIONS. NOTE, ALL SPRAY HEADS INSTALi.El? ON RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE A FACTORY INSTALLED PURPLE RECLAIMED Y'IATER COVER. MANUFACT. MODEL NO. I DESC.1-!.IPTION ePM PRECIP PSI RADIUS HUNTER 1-20-ADV/36V-.5/I.0/2.0 SR TURF ROTOR HEAD .43, .<l!O, 1.1 .6<l! 40 20 FT HUNTER 1-20-ADV/36V-.1!5/l.5/3.0 SR TURF ROTOR HEAD ,e,e,, 1.3, 2.1 .50 40 2!5 FT HUNTER l-20-ADV/36V-l.0/2.0/4.0 TURF ROTOR HEAD 1.0, I .t>, 3.1 .55 40 50 FT HUNTi=R 1-20-ADV/36V-1.S/5.0/6.0 TURF ROTOR HEAD 1.4, 2.4, 4.C'f .41 40 55 FT HUNTER l-20-ADVl:56V-2.0/4.0/t',.O TURF ROTOR HEAD 1.t',, 5.1, 6.0 .54 40 40 FT HUNTER 1-20-HP-ADV/56V-.5/l.0/2.0 SR 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD .45, ."10, 1.1 .6"'1 40 20 FT HUNTER 1-20-HP-ADV/56V-.i5/1.5/3.0 5R 12" SHRUB ROTOI-!. HEAD hi!>, 1.5, 2.1 .50 40 25 FT HUNTI::R 1-20-HP-ADV/36V-1.0/2.0/4.0 12" SHl-!.U6 ROTOFI!. HEAD 1.0, 1.2>, 5.1 .55 40 50 FT HUNTER 1-20-HP-ADV/36V-1.5/5.0/6.0 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD 1.4, 2.4, 4."I .41 40 35 FT 1-20-HP-ADV/36V-2.0/4.0/E>.O 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD 1.t'J, 5.1, 6.0 .54 40 40 FT HUNTI::R HUNTER ALL 5HRU6 ROTOR HEADS IN5TAL.LED FARTHER THAN TEN (10) FEET FROM PAVING, CURBS, SIDEWALKS, 5TEP5, TURF BOUNDARIES OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY BE INSTALLED AS A HUNTER 1-10 5HRU6 ROTOR 11-llTH THE NOZZLE AS SHOii-iN NOTE: ALL ROTOR HEAt:>5 INSTALLED ON RECYCLED 11-lATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE A FACTORY INSTALLS? PURPLE RECLAIMED Y'IA TER COVER. DETAIL A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A DETAIL A A A A A A A A A B IRRIGATION NOTES I. ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL AND 5TATE LAWS, "1.ILES AND lltEGULATIONS 60VERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE 5PECIFIC.ATION5 AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRJJCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOii-iN IN THESE PLAN5 ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISC.REPANCIE5 BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL 6E REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERIN5 OR Al'.CHITECTURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REGUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5. THIS MAINLINE AND SLEEVING 15 DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL FIPINl9, VALVES, !:TC. 15 FOi'. DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS SHOWN 11-llTHIN PAVED AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. AVOID ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANTIN5 AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 6. IRRl5ATION EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ARE DIAeRAMMATIC.. INSTALL ALL THE IRR15ATION REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, GUICK COUPLERS, MA5TEFI!. VALVES, FLOJ,.I SENSORS, 6ACKFLOWS, AIRNAc..uuM DEVICES, AND G-ATE VALVES, IN SHRUB PLANTINe AREAS OR A5 APPROVED BY OWNER'5 REPRESENTATIVE AND THE LANDSCAPE IRRl5ATION DESl5NER. 1. DO NOT WILLrULL Y INSTALL ANY EGUIFMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT 15 OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OJ,.INER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. t'J. IN5TAJ._L ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL 6E RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE REGUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. "I. ACTUAL LOCATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE 6ACKFLOW Pl'otEVENTER AND THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER IS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 10. CONTRACTOR 15 TO PROVIDE TWO ADDITIONAL PILOT WIRES AND ONE COMMON WIRE TO THE END OF THE MAINLINE RUN IN TWO DIRECTIONS FFtOM THE CONTROLLER. II. ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLEO IN A SGH, e,o SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. e,o SLEEVE THE SIZE REGUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGI= OF THE PAVING. 12. ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUND COVER AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. ALL GUICK COUPLER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE INSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL GUICK C.OUPLER VALVES WITHIN II!>" OF HARDSCAPE. 13. ALL HEAD5 ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SC.REEN AND AflitC.S SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEAD5 ARE: TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVER.SPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENCES AND HAR.DSC.APE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE C.OMPENSATINe SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUST.A.SL!: ARC UNITS. Wl-lEN VERTICAL 0!95TRUCTION& (PROFS, STREET L!Gri-lTS, IREEt,, ETC.} INTERFERE UJITI-I Tl-4E SFRA, FATTERN OF Tl-IE SFRINKLER 1-4EAD5 PREVENTING PROPER COVERAGE, Tl-IE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SI-IALL FELD ADJ..IST Tl-IE SPRINKLER 5,SlEM 61 INSTALLING A QUARTER CIRCLE OR 1-4ALF CIRCLE SPRINKLER I-IEAD ON EACl-l SIDE OF Tl-IE 065TRUCTION 50 AS TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE ALL ADJ.J5TMENTS SI-IALL SE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO Tl-IE OWNER. (TYFICAU 14. Tl-IE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SI-IALJ.. ADJ..IST Tl-IE PRESSURE REOOLATOR ON EACI-I ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE 50 TI-IAT Tl-4E SPRINKLER 1-IEAD FARTI-IEST AND l-lfGJ-IE5T IN ELEVATION FROM ITS RESPECTIVE CONTROL VALVE OPERATES WITI-IIN Tl-IE OPERATING PRESSURE SI-ICWN ON Tl-IE IRRIGATION LEGEND. NOT TO EXCEED FIVE(&) PSI ABOVE Tl-IE GIVEN OPERATING PRESSURE FROM Tl-IE SPECIFIED PRESSURE LOCATED ON Tl-IE IRRIGATION LEGEND. 15. Tl-IE SFRINKLER S,SlEM DESIGN 16 BASED ON Tl-IE MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE AND Tl-IE MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND SI-IOUJN ON Tl-IE IRRIGATION DRAWINGS AT EACH POINT OF CONNECTION, Tl-IE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SI-IALJ.. VERIFY WATER PRESSURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REPORT AN, DIFFERENCE 6ETUJEEN Tl-IE WATER PRE56URE INDICATED ON Tl-IE DRAWINGS AND Tl-IE ACTUAL PRESSURE READING AT Tl-IE IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO Tl-IE OUJNER'o AUTl-40RIZED RE.'F'RE5ENTATIVE. IN Tl-IE EVENT PRESSURE PIH-ERtNCES ARE NOT REPORTED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, Tl-IE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR 51-1ALL ASSUME RJLL RESFON&l61l..rrr FOR AN, REVISIONS, AND COSTS ASSOCIATED UJITl-4 SAID REVISIONS. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND CERTIFICATION OF ALL EGUIPMENT RELATED TO THE RAIN MASTER CENTRAL CONTROL SYSTEM WITH HYDRO-SCAFE, SAN DIEGO, CA (e,5e,) 560-1600. 11. INSTALL F'OPUPS WITHI 10' OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USE AREAS it',. INSTALL CHEC,K VALVES AS NEl::DED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE fSH!ITl CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ NOTE, PRECIPITATION RATES ARE IN INCHES PER HOUR {IN/HJ BASED ON TRIANGULAR SPACING, SO% DIAMETEf:1. OF THROW, COLLECTED IN ZERO WIND C.ONDITION5. DRAWN JP, DB ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ...-------.,,.. A_S __ B_U-IL-T-.,.,,------....,.---,----,---------------,,-----r---,----,.----l IRRl<SATION L.E<SEND l"OR, I I , LANDSC1\Ph AkCIITTEQTURF I APPROVED 1 ot. SUB 2 nd. SUB MYLAR SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE I I I MM 01/12/04 02,::10,::00 03/10/00 11TI.E: _ 04-07'1 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN DATE RECEIVED BY: DA TE INl11AL INSPECTOR OATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I I I DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL 011-IER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLASES OF L"4 (;()ST.A THE 6REENS -1.06 DWN BY: __ CHKD BY; __ RVWO BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-16 DA1E DRAWING NO. 421-1L "' 0 ·-C) ~~ G I,.. ... 'if ~ [9 I,_ (') <:, (9 S"l'MeOL T H F ------ V "!! ,. w "fl w ~ ~ • 13 E3 El dl ei -"".. A C, e • 0 e 0 ~ e 0 (') e 0 I) ~ ® : i i ~ • SYMBOL H F MANU!"AC..T. AAIN 61flit0 AA IN Bl flitP AA IN BlflitO AA IN BlflitO RAIN Bl!iitO AAIN BIFU:? AAIN 61FU:? AAIN 61RD AAINBl!litO AAIN BIRD AAIN BIRD AAIN EllRD RAIN BIRD AAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN !3IRD RAIN BIRD RAIN !31RD MANUFAc..T. HUNTER HUNTER HUNTE!llt HUNTER HUNTER HUNTE!llt HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND (PRIVATE LOTS) MODEL. NO. I DESC.RIPTION lt>06-SAM-PR5-5 POP-UP TURF HEAD le>06-SAM-PR5-Ue. POP-1.Jf' TURF HEAD lt>06-5AM-PRS-UIO POP-UP TURF HEAD lt>06-5AM-PRS-Ul2 POP-UP TtJRF HEAD lt>06-5AM-PR5-Vl!5 POP-t!P TURF HEAD le>Ob-SAM-PR5-l!5E5T/55T POP-UP TtJRF HEAD lbl2-SAM-l"R5-5 POP-UP 5HRLJB HEAD le>l.2-5AM-PR5-Ut> POP-UP SHRUB HE:AD lt>l2-5AM-l"R5-VIO POP-VP SHRUB HEAD lt-12-SAM-~12 POP-UP 5HRU6 HEAD lt>l2-5AM-l"R5-Ul5 FOP-UP SHRUB HEAD lt>l2-SAM-PR.5-15EST/5ST POP-t!P SHRUB HEAD 1!>12-SAM--PRS-lbYAN POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>12-5AM-PR5-5F-B STREAM 6UBBLER POP-UP SHRUB HEAD lt>l2-SAM-PR5-5H-6 STREAM BUBBJ..ER POP-UP SHRUB HEAD lt>l2-SAM-PR5-5G-B STREAM 6UBBLER POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>l2-SAM-PR5-!5C..ST-B STREAM !31J6BLER POP-UP SHRUB HEAD SC,HJ}O NIPPLE WITH 140.2 PRESSURE C..OMPENSAT!Ne TRICKLE PATTERN BUBBLER, EAc..H SYMBOL REPRESENTS TY'IO SUBBLERS PER TREE ePM .10, .1!5, .20 .26, .S!5, .!52, 1.05 .:5"1, .!52, .1"1, 1.51 .65, .e.1, 1.5, 2.ti ."1:5, 1..25, l.b!5, 5.10 .61, 1.21 . 10, .15, .20 .26, .55, .!52, 1.05 -~, .52, .1<11, 1.51 .65, .e>1, l.!5, 2.6 ."15, 1.25, l.e5, 5.iO . bl, 1.21 1.55, 2.bb, S."1<11, 5.52 l.!50 1.00 .50 . !50 0.50(1.00) FREC..IF PSI l.b!5 !50 l.bS so l.b!5 !50 2.01 !50 i.e,s 50 I ."11 !'SO l.t'>5 50 l.bS so l.b5 50 2.01 !50 l.bS 50 l."11 so 1.85 ,o 1.54 50 1.54 50 1.54 50 1.54 90 1.54 :50 RADIUS !5 FT e, FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 4xl5 FT 4x!50 FT 5 FT e, FT 10 FT 12 FT 15 FT 4xl5 FT 4x!50 FT 18 FT !5 FT !5 FT !5 FT !5 FT ;5 FT ALL St«UB SPRAY HEADS INSTALLED FA,-,.THER THAN TEN (10) FEET FROM PAYING, CURBS, SIDEWALKS, STEPS, TURF BOUNDARIES OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY BE INSTALLED AS A RAIN BIRD PA-bS ~ ADAPTER WITH THE NOZZLE A5 SHOWN WHEN RADIIJ$ OF SPRINKLER HEADS, REGUIRED FOR PROPER C,OYERAGE, 15 LESS THAN RADIUS SHOl-'-!N ON LE5END, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EGUIP HEAD WITH A RAIN BIRD "PC.S" PRESSURE C.OMPENSATIN5 SCREEN FOR FLOW AND RADIUS CONTROL. SELECT SC.REEN ON PCS NOZZLE SCREEN SELECTION CHART, PROVIDED SY MANUFAC.TURER, FOR APPROPRIATE RADIUS. WHEN INSTALLINe SPRINKLER HEADS USING NOZZLES THAT REGUIRE ARC PATTERNS OTHER THAN THE STANDARD ARC. PATTERNS (~60°, l.!!>0°, 120°, G"f0°, ETC.) THE C.ONTRACTOR SHALL USE VARIABLE ARC OR ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES. RADIUS OF ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES SELECTED TO MATCH SITE C.ONDITIONS. MOC">EL NO. I DESCRIPTION P<9J-04-.i5/l.!5/5.0 TURF ROTOR HEAD P<SJ-04-1.0/2.0/4.0 TURF ROTOR HEAD P6P-AOV/!5f>Y-I.0/5.0/!5.0 TtJRF ROTOR HEAD P<SP-H)'vl!5f>V-2.0/4.0/t!,.O TURF ROTOR HEAD P<9P-H)'v/!5f>Y-5.0/b.O/O,.O TURF ROTOR HEAD PeJ-12-.i5/l.!5/!5.0 12" ~B ROTO!'. HEAD P<SJ-12-1.0/2.0/4.0 12" SHRIJB ROTOR HEAD PeH-ADV/!56V-l.0/!5.0/!5.0 12" SHRIJB ROTOR HEAD PeH-ADY/56V-2.0/4.0/t!,.O 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD P<SH-ADV/!56Y-5.0/b.O/°<.O 12" S~ ROTOR HEAD '9PM .iS, 1.5, s.o 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 0.6, 1.0, 1.e, o.e., 1.4, 5.1 1.0, 2.4, 4.5 .15, l.!5, 5.0 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 O.b, 1.0, l.e> O.b, 1.4, 5.i 1.0, .2.4, 4.5 PREC..IP bO .b2 . .25 .51 .42 bO .62 .2:5 .51 .42 PSI RADIUS 40 lb FT 40 20 FT 40 2e, FT 40 55 FT 40 56 FT 40 lb FT 40 .20 FT 40 2e, FT 40 55 FT 40 Sb FT ALL SH!=tUe ROTOR HEADS INSTALLED FARTHER THAN TEN (10) FEET FROM PAYING, CURBS, SIDEY'IALKS, STEPS, TURF BOUNDARIES OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY SE INSTALLED AS A HUNTER PGS SHRUB ROTOR WITH THE DETAIL A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C, DETAIL A A A A A A A A A C, ...... ------ NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL MANUFAC..T. P.0.C... HUNTER HUNTER N/A WILKINS HUNTER HUNTER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND (PRIVATE LOTS) MODEL NO. I DESC..RIPTION CONNECT DOWNS~AM OF THE EXISTINe 5/4" DOMESTIC, METER, VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRESSl.!RE IN FIEI..D, WITH OWNER;S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC.INe Y'IORK MODEL. NUMBER Sl-xxxG, 5RAY PVC !3ALL VALVE, LINE SIZE, COMPACT, NON-THREADED, SEALED TYPE . HUNTER PC-xxxxl MODULAR, INDOOR MOUNT IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SIZE AS REGUIRED, INSTALL WITHIN GARAeE, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD WITH OHNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. MINI-C..LIK RAIN SENSOR, MOUNT TO EAVE OF BLDG. AND WIRE TO CONTROLLER PER MANUFAc..TURER INSTRUC..TIONS. VERIFY Ac..TUAL LOCATION IN FIELD WITH OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE . 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POY'IER, PROVIDED SY l:LECTRIC..IAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOC..ATION IN FIELD SR4 I" PRESSURE REet.JLATOR, 5ET AS REGUIRED ASY-101-S--C,C, ANTI-SIPHON REMOTE CONTROL VALVE PGY-IOIA-C,C, ANeJ..E VALVE t=OR U5E WHEN IRRIGATION HEADS ARE H16HER THAN RCY IN CONJUNCTION WITH HUNTER ATMOSPHERIC.. YAC..UUM eREAKER. INSTALL AYB-100 ATMOSPHERIC.. VACUUM BREAKER PER MANUF. RECOMMENDATIONS, b" ABOVE HIGHEST OUTLET, SIZE AS SHOWN . AS APFl'WVED PVC PIPE 5/4" -11/2" CL. 200 AS LATERAL LINES 12" !3ELOW GRADE AS APPROVED PVC.. PIPE 11/4" SC..H. 40 AS MAINLINES lb" BELOW eRADE AS APPROVED PVC PIPE 5C-H. 40 AS SLEEVING, TWICE THE 1'1AMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE SUNDJ..E CARRIED PLAC..E BELOW ALL PAYIN<S-, HARDSC..APE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED !3Y OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 24" C..OYl:l't. UNDER DRIVEWAYS. AS APPROVED 1118-xx AY'le MUL Tl-STRAND IRRIGATION C.ONTI'ltOL WIRE, DIRECT 6URIAL, U.L. APPROVED, PER GODE . SPEARS NUMBER OF MUL Tl-WIRE STRANDS SHALL SE AT LEAST THREE MORE THAN NUMBER OF VALVE STATIONS SHOWN PER PRIVATE LOT. DS-400 PRE-FILLED WIRE: CONNECTORS, USE ON ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS I PRIVATE LOT CALL OUTI DETAIL NIA NIA NIA S,X T, Y, W M N p NOZZLE AS SHOWN ~ CITY OF' CARLSBAD ~ -------,---------r.-~-:::'."~r.--------r----r---,-------------.....,....----,.---,,------l ~ PLA""41NG DEPARTMENT ~ "AS-BUILT" NOTE, PRECIPITATION RATES ARE IN INCHES PER HOUR (IN/H) BASED ON TRIANet.JLAR SPACING, 50% DIAMETER OF THROH, C..OLLEC..TED IN ZERO WIND CONDITIONS. ... "1 iosc c;,\lle ' ll"-NDSCiPf ,\JliCHITECTIJRE I DRAWN JP, DB APPROVED MM 1 :l!tt. SUB 01/12/04 2 nd. SUB 02/10/05 MYLAR SUB 03/15/05 JOB NO. 04-071 DATE 12/08/2004 SCALE AS SHOWN I I 1111.E: RECEIVED BY: !NSPEt;ibK DATE IRRI\SATION L.E<SEND FOR, VILLA6ES Or LA COSTA THE SREENS -1.06 APPROVE ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR t--,O,.AT£:;;,--l,l.,;:Nl11"'A-;-L t--------------+-,D-ATE---J...1-NITI-AL-+-D-A.TE-!-IN_ITI_A--IL DWN BY: --PROJECT NO. --o-ATE--ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL 011'1' APPROVAL ~~~ ~r--C,T 04-16 ! I 1..-10, DATE DRAWING NO. 421-1L POC. PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT 04-071 La Costa Greens 1.6-1.7 :POC #/RCV# ·-----<r--~-D11 PP1 POC WATER TYPE POTABLE WATER RCVDEMAND ·----r-------r-=:::-:-:--,----.,..---1 34 GPM HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE 375 FEET METER ELEVATION 239 FEET PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC 58.888 PSI SET POC PSI REGULATOR PSI AVAILABLE 58 PSI 58 PSI # GPM SIZE LENGTH PSI LOSS SERVICE LINE 34.00 2" METER 34.00 1.5"' BACKFLOW DEVlCE W/ STRAINER 48.00 1.5" FLOW SENSOR 34.00 1.5" MASTER CONTROL VALVE 34.00 1.5" 2112" MAINLINE C L.315 34,00 2.5" VAR = LINE . ISOLATION VALVES 2 0.70 1.40 PSI ... 34.00 1.5" RCV SINGLE STATION 2.40 PSI VAR 4.50 Sch. 40 LATERALS (10_•&,_Oc...F'-'--PSc...l_R_E~Q_'D~)-+---t---~--~------t---:-:4.--:50...,....-+-P~·S-:--I SUBTOTAL 30.61 PSI + 10% FOR FITTINGS 3.06 PSI TOTAL LOSSES 33.67 PSI SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE 45 PSI 45.00 PSI ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINKLER O FEET ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINKLE'""Rc--+--3=-=2-+-::F-::::E-::::ET~-----------r-7:-::::- 0.00 PSI 13.86 PSI SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED 92.53 PSI SURPLUS -37.32% % *BOOST REQUIRED -34.53 : PSI SET RCV PRESSURE REGULATOR 54.96 i PSI BOOSTER PUMP MODEL: IBGA6·3·2·2/ATT SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS -'PP-poc D11' IBGA6-3-2-2/ ATT 35 GPM 102 PSI 2 INCH .... ~1:stem Model Number Design Flmv Rate SYStem Desi ?ressure : Svstern Pi in Slze 58 PSI 230 V AC l PHASE 60 HZ Minimu1n Suction Presrnre Svstem Elc<.:trical Voltag~.¢ -+.=.S''.3'!~.~ El.<;~t0ca1 Phase and Frequency .......... . 30GA6 -l ¼" 35GPM 111 FEET Pum Model Number Pum Total Hc~-d~(F_ee~t) ____ ---1 3 HP 3500 RPM 17 Pum RPM Svstetn Full Load Arn )er e - RUN-TIME CALC 04-071 La Costa Greens 1.6-1.7 METER D11/CONTROLLER pp T= 60 X INTERVAL X PEAK Eto X KC POTABLE WATER PRX IE TIME= MIN INTERVAL PEAK Eto KC 1.17 WATER 6 DAYS/WEEK 0.177 PR IE SHRUB ROTORS SHRB RTRS SLOPE TURF ROTORS 0.800 TURF 0.500 SHRUB 0.300 SLOPE 0.400 TREE 2.000 SPRAY 0.500 ROTOR 0.420 DRIP 6.000 BUBBLER 0.750 SPRAY 0.750 ROTOR 0.900 DRIP 0.900 BUBBLER T= T= T= TURF SPRAYS DESIGNED TURF SPRAYS PROPSED SHRUB SPRAYS T= T= T= SHRUB DRIP T= TREE BUBBLER$ T= 16.57 MIN/STA 9.94032 MIN/STA 26.50752 MIN/STA 6.63 MIN/STA 6.62688 MIN/STA 4.14 MIN/STA 13.14857143 MIN/STA 0.92 MIN/STA (WUCOLS HIGH 0.7-0.9) (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3, MOD 0.4-0.6) (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3) X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 X 4 STATIONS = 39.76 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 X 24 STATIONS = 159.05 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 X 13 STATIONS = 53.84 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 X 10 STATIONS = 9.20 51 TOTAL 261.85 4.36 48,49 MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES HOURS %OF 9HR 04-071 La Costa Greens 1.6-1.7 POTABLE WATER METER #D11 / CONTROLLER PP ESTIMATED WATER USE EWU (GPO)= ETO X PF X HA X .62 ETo PF HA 0.62 IE METER #1 ZONE TYPE SHRUB ROTORS TURF ROTORS SHRUB SPRAYS TURF SPRAYS SHRUB DRIP TREE BUBBLER TOTAL = = = = = MAWA=Eto x O 8 x AREA x 0.62 IE 0.121 0.5 0.8 0.375 0.8 07 0.9 AVG. DAILY Eta (44.2 per year) SHRUBS & GROUND COVER TURF SHRUBS SEE BELOW FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE CONVERSION FACTOR OF UNITS TO GPD ROTORS SPRAYS DRIP AREA {SQ. FT ) 9,204 EWU = 431.55 GPO (.122 X 0.5 X HA X 62)/.80 0 EWU = 0.00 (.122 X0.8 XHA X 62)/80 6,247 EWU = 334.75 (.122 X 0.5 X HA X .62)/70 32,465 EWU = 2,783.46 (.122 X .08 X HA X .62)/.70 0 EWU = 0.00 (.122 X0.375 XHA X.62)190 100 EWU = 8.34 0 ( 122 X 4 X HA X .. 62)/.90 EWU = (.122 X .5 X HA X .. 62)/.70 0.00 -----------47,916 EWU = DAILY MAWA: YEARLY MAWA.· 3,558 GPO 925,104.55 GPY 2,875, 73 1,050,472.05 GPY GPD GPD GPO GPO GPD GPD 2.84 AC. FT/yr 123,668.90 CU.FT/yr 3.22 AC. FT. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD --------r---------~~-=-:-:~,:;----------r---,----,----------------.,..---,---,---,-----ILJ!_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAWN JP, DB "AS-BUil T" :J -... J08CA GI I I Gap -5--'i::::,,..-.~.-,...::.-=-' CA\.\ l 4'<DSC'A PF ARl:HITECTl!RF I , .APPROVED MM 1 11t. SUB 01/12/04 2 nd. SUB 02/10/'.'.05 MYLAR SUB 03/'.'.10/00 TITLE: JOB NO. 04-071 DATE 12/08/2004 SCALE AS SHOWN i bA'rE RECEIVED BY: DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IRRl<SATION CALGULATION5 FOR, VILLASES OF LA COSTA THE6REEN!5-l.06 L.-11 DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~~ ~f--CT 04-16 421-iL !ee,TION 02611 t.AN!?SCAl'E IRRh5ATION l"NtTI-~ 1.01 !!UMMARY A. It fe the Int.Int of the epeGlll.:.otiona ..,,d dra.<lnga that the llnlohed s~stem 19 <,omplete 1n overy r1Npo<,t and shall bo ready for operation satelaGtory to tho o...,.,r. e. The H<>rl< 91\all !n(.ludo all mot..-lat., labor', ,ervf.,.,., tran1portat1<>n, and equlpmont """'"""""Y to porl'orm the work ""' lndlGated on tho drawlnga, In tho"' "P""'illGatlon, and ae """"'"ary to c:omplol:e tho contract. f.o:2 CON51'1'UCTION ~!Nee A. Duo to the sc.afo of the dra.<111ga, It 111 not posslt>le to lnd!Gate all ofP..,ts, llttfngs, sloeves, etc:. whlc.h ~ toe requl!"ed. The COntrac:tor shall c.arolull~ 1nV<11tl~ 11,o struc.l:ural and 1111ltlhod condltl<>ne alfoe,tl"9 all of hie work and plan hie ~ OGGordlngly, fumtsh1n9 eVGh fittings, etc:. as ~ be r,oq,ulrod to meet euGh e.ondftl<>ne. Drawlr19• aro gonorolf~ diagrammatic: and lndlGOtlv,o of tho worl< to loo Installed. The work shall be Installed In suc:h a man,,,,,. as to ovoid GOntllc.te lootwHn Irrigation lljStems, plantlng, and arch!teGturol features. !I. All work e,oi lod lor on the drawlr,ga by notes or details shall bo 11.rnlshod and Installed whot!,or or not epoe,lfte,olfy mentlonod In tho epoefllGOtlons. l'tlon an ftom le shown on the pl..,,• tovt not shown on tho ep•ellleotlone or vh::• v,,,..c:,, ft shall bo doomod to bo "" shown on both. The Lc,ndec,c:,pe Arc:hfteet shc:,11 hav,o ffnc:,I authority for elar1'fc.otl<>n. c. Tho Contrac:tor shall not w11i,u11y 11'19toll tho lrrtgcri:l<>n 5Y5tem ae shown on the drc:lwfnge i,;hon It Is obvlou• In the 11 .. 1d that obetruc:tlons, grade d!Pfor.,ncos or dfee,ropanc.l"• In ar"" dlmonslone ,oxt•t that might not hav" boon c;onold.,rod In engfnoorll,g. Suat obetruc.tfone or dllloreneos should bo brought to tho attontlon of tho Landsc.apo Arehlt<IGt as soon as doteeted. In tho ovont this notlllc;atlon 19 not porlormod, tho lrrigc:,tfon Gontrac:tor shall 0HIJffl<I lull r•eponelblllty for c:,~ reVfslon """'""""!j• 1.0, GUALITY A5!1JRANCE A. !"roVfc:i<lo at lo""'t one ,onglleh •poakln9 person ""'° shc:,11 be pr.,..,nt at c:,11 tlmn during oxo,outl<>n of this portion of tho worl<. and who ohall bo thoroughly fanlllar with tho typo ol materials i,.,11,9 Jnetall<ld and tho monufoe,turor's roe,ommondod method& of Installation and who ehc:111 dlrec.t all worl< perl'ormod under this seGtlon. !I. Mc:ll'lll'ac:turor'» dlrer;ttons c:,nd detailed drow1n9e &hall be lollow,od In all Gc:11<11 whor,o tho """"'""turor oP artl,ole• used In thle eontrac:t Purnish dlr.,c.tlons c;ov..-1n9 points not shown In the dra.<11,gs and •pe,oli'Jeatlon•. G. All IOGol, munle,lpol and state lc:iw•, rulH and regulations govorn1n9 or relating to ~ portion ol thl& work c:,re h~ lnGorporatod Into c:,n,:f mClde c:, parl: of those epe,o!PJ,ootlonll, c:,nd tholr proVl&fone &hc:111 be c:c:,rrled out by tho GontroGtor. Anything c;ontoin,od frl those epoe,li'lc.c:1t1one shall not bo eon1trved to eonrllc;t with any of the c:,i:,ov,o rule• and regulations of tho """"'· Howev,,,.., when th""' sp,oc;ltlec:,tl<>nS and drawings ,oall Por or dml,orlt>e mot..-Jc:,I&, workmanehlp, or c:onstruetlon of a better quality, hlghor etandard, or lar9.,r slu, than Is r.,c:,,lr'ed by the olaov., rules and regulations, the proVl&lons of th""" spoe,!Pl,oc:,tlon& and drawings ehCIII tal.e preeedenco. D. All materlOI& supplied for thl• proJ9Gt thall t,., new and ,,..,,., from any dole,otfo. All dele,otlve m.:,terfals &hall be roplc:,e,,od lmmedJc:,tely at no Glddltlonal c.01t to Ownor. !:. The Contrac:tor wll NGure th,o req,ulred ltee"""• and permltlo ln,oludln9 payments of a,c,rges and leee, 91vo req,ulred notl,on to publl,o author1t1 ... , verify permit• ""'ur<ld or c:,rrc:,rg,oments mc:,de by others .:,fleeting the "'ork of this HGtlon. 1.04 51.eMITTALS A. Material• Ll•t, I. Alter c:,word of GOntra,ot and i,,,t.,,.. a,y Irrigation llj&tem materials ore dollvered to tho Joi:> site, submit to tho owner c:, c;omplete 11st oP c:,11 Irrigation lljltem&, matorlals,, or proc;esse& propos<ld to bo turnlshiod Clnd Installed a1 port of th!& ,oontrc:,,ot. 2. ~w manulac:tu,..,,,..'s nc:,mo c:,nd Gatalog nurnl::>or tor eaGh !tom, 11.rn!sh """1plote c.atalog GUte c:,nd teehrlGal dc:,ta, turn19h tho manuloc.turor'& ree,ormiondc!tlons as to the method of lrl&tallatlon. ,. No eubetltutl<>nS "'Ill be c:,llo~ without prior written c:,c;,;eptan"" by the Landec;ap,o ArlOhitOGt or OWner'• authorized r.,p,,,.entatlve. 4. Manutc:,,oturor'• Harrontles shall not rellow the COntroetor of ht• lioblltty under tho guc:,rc:,ntoo. 5UGh warrClntltM shall onl\l •'Wlemont the guc:,rc:,nteo. e. SUbst1wt1on•, If the lrr1got1on eontrac:tor wi9hft to tllbtltute any "'l)llpmont or matertals tor thoN equipment or material& !feted on tho lrrl9atlon drawll,gS and "f"'C.lfle,Cltlone h9 may do sa by proVldlng tho Pollowln9 lnlormotlon to the Landec;ape Arc.h!toet or o.....,..-. authorized ,..,,prfl<lntotlve and City lnepoc:tor tor approval. I. l"rovlde a written statement lndlGati!,g tho re.,.,on for mc:,kfng tho eu1:>st1tut1on. 2. l"rovlde e,c:,talo9 eut &hoots, teehnfc.al data, and perlo"'""""" lntormatlon tor oaGh 1ubstltute Item. ,. l"rovlde In Hrlt11'1g the dlPforenco In ln•tall<ld prlee It tho Item I& auoptod. 1.09 1!!)(15TIN8 CONDITIONS A. ,,.,. COntro,otor shall verify and bo Pc:,mfllor with tho loGatlone, &!ze and dotatl of points of e,omi,e,tlon provided ""' tho eouree of wator, "leetrl,oal supply, and tel,opt,ono ltne <.onneetlon to the lrrl9at1<>n ~tem. !I. lrrtgoi:l<>n do•lgn le bas<ld on the ovallablo static; water pr"99Ure ehown on tho drc:,wlrlgs. contrac:tor ehc:,ll verity etatle wator on tho proJOGt prior to tho atart ol c;onet/'uc:tlon. 5hovld c:, dlsc:repor!"y e><lat, notify th,o Landsc.c:,pe ArGhlteGt and owner's <2/thorlzed representative prior to beglMll1g Gonetruc:tfon. C. !"rlor to c;uttlng Into the eoll, the contrac:tor 1hCIII loc;ate c:,11 c;dbleo, Gondurts, 90Her eeptte tanks, and othor utilltlM a1 or• eommonly onGountered und,orground and ho ehc:, 11 toke proper pree,oul:lon9 not to domog,o or disturb sueh Improvements. II a GontllGt exl9ta botwHn th• suc.h obetaGl"5 and tho propo"'d work, tho Contrac:tor ehc:,11 promptly notll'y tho Landec;ap• ArGhltec.t and Owner who Hill arrc:,nge for refoc.c:,tJone. The Contrac:tor Hll I pr~ In the same mar,r,or IP a roe;!:; lc:,yer or c:,~ 0th,,,. eUGh Gondltlone aro encounter•d. D. The Gontra,otor ehall prote,ot all oxlstlng utilltlM and feature• to remain on and c:,dJo,oent to th,o proJe,ot olte durl"9 eonstruc:tlon. Contrac:tor ehc:,11 ,.,,pair, at his own .:ost, all danoge r...ultln9 Prom hi• oporCltJons or nco9ll9....:e. E. Tho lrrJgotJon eontrac:tor shall c;oordlnato with tho ,S,,,,,orc:,I Controetor for lnetallatton oP rcoqulr<ld eleevln9 aa ehown on the plc:,ns. 1.06 INSF'!:CTIONS A. The Controi:.tor llhc:111 pemlt the Lmdoe,apo Ar,ohttOGt, owner's aithorized repre1•ntot1ve and City lnspeetor to vl91t c:,rd lnspec.t at c:,11 times any parl: of tho """rk and shall provide aale ®Gees tor 91/Gh visit&. e. i,+,er• the apoe,ltfeotl<>ne ,..,,quire worl<. to be te1ted by tt,., Contrc:,c.tor, tt !!hc:,11 not be c.overed over until """"ptod by tho LClndsc.c:,po Ar,ohlte,ot, Ownor'• authorized repr.,..,ntattve, and/or governing c:,gonc;tee. Tho Contrc:,c.tor shc:,11 be solol~ reoponelt>lo tor notll'ylng the Landscape Arc;hlteet, Owner, and 9ovornln9 ogenc.lee, GI minimum of 'It> hoora In oc:ivc:,r"", who,..,, Clrld when the work le ready for tostlng. ~uld any work bo covored without t...tlng or aGc.eptan""• Tt shal I bo, If so ordered, un,oov,,,..ed at the Controc.tor'& ""'P""""· C. lnepoe,t!ona wlll bo required Por the Pollowlng c:,t a mtnlmurn, I. system lc:,yout 2. Pressure t...t ol Irrigation mall, tine (Four hours at 125 PSI or 120lli oP atoi:J,o o,.iater pr.,•suro, which evor ls 9,..,,c:,ter) c:,pproval r"".ulr<ld by Glty lnepoetor. !!. Covorc:,ge test of lrrl9atlon eyetem (approve:,! r"".ulred by city lnepoe,tor). 4. Fln<1I lnspeetlon prior to start of maint&,anu, porlod 5. Fll,ol °"""Ptonee D. Sito oio...rvatl<>ns and te&tll,g wlll not Gommonce without the r,olOOrd drowll,gs "" pr-opor<ld bl the lrr19otton COntr<1etor. l'!ecord drc:,wll,ge m<J5t eomplet,o and up to date for eoc.h elte -mlt. E. i-t:>rl< whleh fc:,1 ls te11tln9 and Is not """"Pt<ld wlll bo reteetod. Hourly rates and e><pensM of the L~• Arc.hlteet, Owner's c:,uthorlzed repr,,.entatlve, Clnd 9ovorn11,g ag,onGI"" ror relno,poetlon or ..... teat1n9 will bo pc:11d by tho Irrigation contro,otor c:,t no additional expense to o ... ner. 1.07 STORM!: ANO HANDLIN6 A. Use all means ne.:essc:,ry to protec.t 1rr19at1on system materials boPore, during, Clnd alt.Ir ln1tallatlon and to protoe,t the Installation H<>rl< c:,nd mc:,terlc:,fs of c:,11 other trodes. In the ovent of dc>mc:,g,o, lmmedlc:,tely make all repair• and replc:1Gomonte neeeeec:,ry to the c:,e,....ptanc:e of tho Landsc.ape ArGhltOGt and o,.n,or c:,nd Cit no addltfonal e,ost to the ownor. 5. !:xerefee c.c:ire tn handling, loodln9, unloc:,c:iln9, c:,nd etor1n9 plastJ,o pipe and flttln9e undor Gov..-until rec:,dy to 11'19tall. Tranoport plaatlc pipe only on a vehtele ><Ith c:, bed long onov'ifi to c:,lloH tho pipe to f.:,y Plot to avoid undue bonding and ,oonc:entrated externol load. 1.01!> CL!:AIIUP AND DISPOSAL A. Dtepoee ot wc:,ete trash c:,rd debrie In ac:<,ordc:,nce with c:,ppllc:.able laws and ordlnan""• c:,rd as pre&Grl~ by outhortttes having JurlsdiGtlon. Bury hb ,oue,h waate mc:,terlc:,I c:,nd debt-le on tho afte. Burning oP trash and debris wlll not be permitted. Tho Contrac:tor &hall remov• and dispose oP rubbish and debris generc:,ted by hiS work and workmen at frequent Interval!! or Hhon ord,o,..,,d to do oo by tho Own,or'• authorlzod repr,,.entatlve. e. At the ttme of """"''"tlon the •nt1,..,, •Ito will bo c:le.,,..,,d of tool&, equ1pment, r..t>blah c:,nd debrle whl,oh shall t,;, dlop0$0c:I of oft-site frl a legal disposal c:,rec:,. l.o'I 'T1JRNOVElit ITEMS A. l'eeord Drc:,wlngs, I. R9Gord c:,e,ourately on OM ...t oP c;ontrac:t drawings all c;han9oa In the work constituting dep<:1rl:vnos Prom the orl91rtal c;ontrc:,,ot drawings. 2. ,,... c.hang,o• and dlmon1lon!I &hall bo r",oorded In c:, le91t>le and workmanlll:e mC1Mer to the sat1sPac:t1on of tho own•r. Prior to ltnal lnepoe,tlon of work., Sibmrt reeord drc:,wJnga to the Land!lcope Art.hit<IGt or O..nor'• authorized representative. ,. Dtmonelone from/to permc:,rent points oP referonc:e aUGh ""' bulldln9s, eldewali<II, c;ur!:>&, etc:. shall bo ehown. Dc:,to on rec.ore:! drc:1wl"99 ehc:,11 be reeordod on c:, dCly to day b<:lsls ae tho proJeGt le being lnatc:,lled. All lotter1n9 on drc:,wlng• ehc:,11 bo mlntrnurn 1/1!> lnc:h In size. 4. 9how loc;atlons and depths of the folloH11'19 Items, a. Point oP ,oonnoe,tlon (Jn,oluc:111,g """"'r m,ot.,,.., bOGl<flow preventer&, master c.ontrol volvoa, etc:) b. ~tl"9 ol sprlnl<lor P':""•ure lines (dtm,onslone shown at a mc:,xlml.l'n of 100 Peet along routing) e. eat.. vc:,lve• d. Automc:1tlc remote Gontrol valves c:,nd leolatton ball vc:,ivoe "· Gute,k c;oupli!,g valves and leolatlon b<:111 vc:,lvn P. ~ting oP =ntrol wlr"" 9. Irrigation c;ontrollore h. !'!elated oqutpment (ae mc:,y bo dlroe,tod) 5. Molntaln reGord drawings on site c:,t all t1mea. i.;,on t.ompletlon oP work, transfer all c:,9-butlt lnPormatl<>n and dfrnonelone to repro<:IJelble 9"pla prints. e. Gontroller Chorte, I. l<ecord drawings muet bo approved by Landee,ope Arehlteet c:,nd/or Ownor'• authortzod repr""""totlvo before ,:;harts are prepar,od. 2. Provide one eontroller Ghort Por •oc:h automc:1<1e, c.ontroller. Chart ehall &hoH the orec:, c;over<ld by tho partlc.ular eontrollor. l5. The Ghart 11 to be a rec:iulOod ,oopy of th,o o,otuc:,I 'roe,ord" drc:,wtng. In th,o event the controllor "'quen,oe Is not leglbl,o when the drc:1w11,g ts reducod, rt llhall bo enlorgec:I to a roaddblo e!ze. 4. l'tlon c;ompletod and approved, the ,:;hart &hall be hermetl,oolly sealed between t"'o plec.e• oP plc:,&th::, eoGh ploe,e being c:, minimum 20 mile frl l:nlc.kness. C. Operation and Mc:ltntenc:,ne,o Manuals, I. THO lndlv!dually bound c.op1"• of operation c:,rd mc:,lntenonce manual• &hall bo delivered to the Landec;c:,p,o ArlOhltec;t or 0,,,,,or'& authorized representative at least 10 ,oalondar dc:,y• prior to Pino! lnepo,otlon. Tho manuc:,ls ehc:,11 describe the matorlc:,I lnetolled and tho proper oporc:,ti<>n of th,o ~tem. 2. Eac:h """'Plete, bound manuc:,I shc:,11 Jn,olude the Pollowlng Information, a. lnd9x •h""t stating Contractor's addr""• and telephone numbor, durc:,tlon oP 9"'rC1ntee period, IISt of equipment lnc:ludlng names and addrnees of loec:,I manufa,otur.,r repre..,ntatlvee. b. Operating and mc:,mtenarce lnstrUGtlons for all ,oq,urpment. G. Spare ports liots ..,,d related manufae,tur,,,.. lntormotlon Por all oqulpmont. D. Equipment, I. Svpply as a pc:,rl: of thl• Gontrc:,,ot tho followln9 Item&, c:,. Two (2) Hrenches for df•""'""mbly and c:,djUetm,ont of oaGh type of eprlnl<l"r hoCld used In the Irrigation ey!ltem. b. Tl,r,oe !!0-tnch sprll'll:.lor keys for manual oporc:,tlon of c;ontrol vc:,lvlN. c. Two key• for ec:,eh c:,utomatl,o ,oontrollor. d. Five qulc;k. c.oupler keys with a bronze hoM th,..,,od "10 de9"oe •wive! ottaGhment and five c;ouplor ltd keys. o. Five vc:,lve bo>< e,ov,,,.. uy or wrenc:h. P. One 5-f'oot tee wren,oh for operc:,tln9 gate vc:,lv,oe l5 ll'ICho& or larger (If UMd). 9. Six extr<1 eprlnkler heads of ec:,,oh size and typo por 1rr1gat1on P .O.G. 2. Th,o above equipment ehClll be turned over to owner's outhorl:ed reprnentatlv.. at the '1nc:,I i""P""tlon. 1.10 COMl"L!:TION A. At the tlmo oP tho pre-mafntenane,e period lnop""tlon, the l.andelOape ArGhlteet, o...r.,r•• authorlz,od repr,,.entCltlv,o, and gov,orntn9 c:,genet"" w!II tnsp<><;t th" work, and II not =ept<ld, wlll preparo a list of Items to bo c;ompleted by the contrac:tor. At the time of th9 poot-mc:,lntenan"" period or '1nc:,I lnsp.,.,tlon tho ><ork. wlll bo relnopec:ted and final a,ueptanc:• wfl I be ln Hrftln9 by the Landscape Arc;nltoe,t, Owner's authorized ropr.,.,,ntatlve, and governing "9""e1"•. 5. The o .. ner's authorized repr,,.entat1ve shall hov• fine:,! authority on <1II portions of tho HOrl<.. C. After the system """ boon ,oompletod, tho Contrc:,c;tor shall lnotrwt own,,,.•• CIUthorlzod repr•sentotlve In the operation c:,rd mc:,11,tenc:,nc;e of the il"rJgat1on "\r-'tem and shc:,11 Pvrn19h a "°""'"t" "'t of oporc:1tln9 and mc:,lnt!,"°""" mtruc.tlono. D. Any oottllng oP trenehe,o whleh mc:,y oc;eur <l!rln9 the one"'J"°r period followll,g a""Pta""" shall bo r,opalr<ld to tho ownor', ,oatl&f""tlon by tho Contrac.tor ,.Jthout c:,ry add1t1on<:1I expense to the own,or. Repc:,frs &hall frlelud9 tho eomplete r"9torotlon of all domag,o to plc:,rt1n9, paving or other Improvements of' an~ kind a9 c:, ,,,.ult of the work. I.II t5UARANTE: A. Tho entl!"e sprinkler syst..m, tnGludlng all work done under thl9 GOntro.:t, !!hall be uncondltlonc:111\j guaranteed a9oln&t all defoe,t,o and fc:,vlt oP mCltorial and workmanship, lllc.ludfrlg s .. ttllng of bac.k field arec:,1 below grade, for c:, period of one (I) year following tho '11109 of tho Not""9 of COmpl.,tlon. Should any problem with tho Irrigation system bo dJac;overed within tho 9uarc:1ntee porlod, It ehc:,11 bo c;orrec;t<ld by th,o COntl'ac:tor at no c:1dd1t1onal ""P"""' to ""'""' within ten (JO) c;c:,lendc>r c:ic:,!l" of roeolpt of "rltton notl,oe from Ownor. """"" the nature of the ropatre ao d9termlned by the Ownor ,oonstltute an em.,rgeney (I,.,. broken pressur" line) the Owner mc:,y proued to make rop.:,lra Cit tho Gontrc:,c;tor's o><penee. Any and all damage!> to e><lot1n9 Improvement resulting elthor from fc:,ulty mc:,torlc:,l,o or workmanship, or from tho """"nary repairs to eorroe,t same, shall bo r,opc:,Jr<ld to tho satlefc:,c:tlon of the owner by tho Contrac.tor, all Cit no additional GOSt to the OW,,,,,.. e. .SUorontee &hall bo &ubmltted on contrac:tars own letterhead as tollows, 6UAAANT1;;£; FOR 5PFI.INKLER IAAl6ATION SYSTEM J,lfe hereby guc:,rc:,ntee that the sprinkler lrrl9atlon oystem wo have fumlehed c:,nd Installed I• free from d,ofee,ts In mc:,terJc:, Is and worl<fflonshlp, and the work hc:,,o been c;ompleted In c:,,o<,ordanc;,o "'1th the drawing• and spoe!Pk:.atl<>ne, ordinary wear c:,nd tec:,r and lin/91/0I abuse, or n..9l=t exeept<ld. Ho agr"" to repc:,lr or replaG" any d,ofeetlvo mate<lal <tJr1n9 the porlod of on,o yoc:,r lrom date of fllll,g of tho Notlc.e of Gon,:,1"tlon and c:,lso to repc:,11" or replo"" an~ dc>mago resulting Prom tho repairing or ropl""lng of suc;h dofec.t& at no c:,ddltlonal e,ost to the owner. l"lo ehCIII mai<,o ouc:h r,,pc:,lro or replc:,comonts "!thin 10 .:;c:,ionc:ic:,r dc:,y• Pollo,.,fng written notlltGCltlon by tho ""nor. In the event of our failure to make suc;h ,.,,pair, or replc:,.,,,monts Hlthln the time opeclf1"d alter rec;etpt oP written notJ,oe from owner, ""' c:,uthorlze the ""'""r to proc;~ to have said repairs or reploc"""'nts mClde Cit our expenee and He wlll pc:,y the c.ostio c:,nd ehClr9ee therefore upon demand. l"ROJECT NAME, l"ROJECT LOCATION, CONiRACTOR NAME, ADI:>Rc55, TE:LEPHONE, 5h5NED, DATE, !"art II -MATERIALS 2.0i SUMMARY Use only n•w mc:,terlal• of th" manufc:,etur,or, 1,Jzo and type &hoHn on tho drClwl"9• and "P"GIPIGatlono. Mc:,terlc:,le or equipment ln9tc:,I led or furnlohed that do not me,ot Land5"apo ArGhlte,ot'&, Owner'•, or 9ovorn1ng ogenc"'9 &i:andarde will be reje,ot<ld and shc:,11 bo removed from tho &Ito Cit no expens,o to th,o Owner. 2.02 Pll"e ' A """"""" eupply line lrom pomt oP c;onneetlon through bac.l<Plow ;prevention unit shall be Tif>" K "hard" c.opper plpo. e. Pressun, supply 1111"5 2 11'1<:hee In diameter and up to , 11'1<:hee In dlamet«-downstroom o/' b=~low prevontlon unit eholl bo Class !515 eolvent ><eld FVC. Plpi!,g &hall eontorm to ASiMD:22-41. C. l"ressure supply llnes I lt.2 Inch"" In c:IICl!leter and smaller o/' the boel<flow prevention unit shall bo Sc;l,oa,le 40 eolvont weld FVC Gonformln9 to ASn-1 Dlil!>!S. D. Non-pressure llnee l5/4 lnehos In diameter and larger downstream of the ~ote IOOntrol valw shall bo Scoh. 40 FVC. E. l'!ec:ye,led ll'e<::lalmod) water FVC pipo to bo c.olor-eod"d purple In e,olor mt:rlo:6c:I on two &Id,,. Ja1ith reelolmod water "'ornln9 statement• "C<aitlon-Recy,oled ~Glofmed) Hater'. l'ec;lolm.,d water piping muot bo c:,cc;eptod by lo,oc:,I r""ic:,Jm..a wat,,,.. gowmlng ogeneln. Recyc:led Hater pipe shall loo u...d only on reeyc;led eyetem. Non-pressure p1p1n9 ohc:111 conform to AS'TM Dlil!>!S. 2.0, 1'eT AL !"ll"E AND l"ITTINe! A. &oee pipe ehc:,11 bo l!>!S per"""1: rod brc:,u, ANSI, IP5 standard 12' pounde, Sc;he<i,le 40 sc.rewed pipe. !I. E!raH fittings shall be mlfdlum brass, sc.re""'d 12'-pound elass. C. Coppor pipo shc:,11 bo "hard" Type K. D. COpp,or tlttlnge shall bo eoldor'od typo. 204 l"LA5TIC Fll"E AND FITTINISS A. l"lpo ehCIII be marlc:ed eontlnuOU91y with manula,oturer'• namo, nomlnc:,I pipe slu, sd!odulo or Glass, FVC type and 9rad9, Natfonal SClnltatlon Foundation approval, Commerelc:,I &tond<rdll designation, c:,nd date o/' extru,,lon. e. All plastic. pipe shall be extruded .,, c:,n improved FVG virgin plp,o ,oompovnd 1n o,o<,ordanco with ASTM D2241 or A5iM Dli/!>4. C. All FVC flttfrlgs ehCIII bo &tandard welg,t Sehedule 40 and &hc:,11 be lnjeGtlon molded of an Improved virgin f"VC lltt1n9 c;ompounc:1. Slip f"VC fittings •hc:111 bo the 'deep SOGket' bro,olooted typo. Thr=ded plaetl,o fittings shall bo lnJec;tl<>n moldod. All t,oeo and ell• shc:111 bo •Ide gated. All Plttlf,g!I ehc:111 ,oonform to ASiM D246t,. D. All threaded nlpploe shall be 1tc:,ndard weight 5Ghodlle /!JO with molded throade and ehc:,11 eontorm to ASTM Dlil!>!S. E. All eolvifflt c:em <lntlng ol' plaetlG pipe and flttll,gs she:, 11 be a ~p proc;c,e•, 111,lll9 primer and aolvt!l!'lt oement oppllod por the manufo,oturor'& roe,ommendotlone. cement ehClll be ol a fluid c;onslllt.,,.c.y, not g,ol-111<,o or ropy. Solvent Gemontlng ol,c:,lf i,., 11, contormonco Hith ASiM D2Sf>4 c:,nd ASiM D2"55. - I". l'flon oome,otlon la plc:,sth:: to metal, femc:,le adopters &holl be hand tight.nod, plus OM turn with c:, strap wrenc:h. Joint c;ompound &hall ti.. non-lsad baH Tellon paste, tape, or "".""I. 2.o5 !IACKl"LOH l"l't.EV'l!NTION UNIT$ A. The bao:.i<flow pr•ventlon unit !!hall be of the rnawtac:turor, size, and type indiGal:ed on tho drawings. e. The bac.klloH prevsntlon unit shall bo Installed 11, oe<,ordc:,nce with the r"".vlrem,onts eet forth by loGal GCdoe. C. Tho baol<Plo"' prevention c:,nembly ehc:111 c.onel!lt ol brass piping, unions t.:ll'ld flttll,ga. 2.06 VALVES A. eat.. ValVN, I. 6ate valves shall bo of' the m....,Pac:turer, size, and type fndlGated on tho drawing•. 2. eate valvoa eholl be c;onet:ruc.ted ol a bronu, boc:l,i, bonnet and dlec;, and a mollor:t>lo Iron hanc:IHhoel. ,sate, valvee shall hovo threClded eonn""tlono. ,. All eate valvN ehc:,11 havo a mlnlrnlJrn work.11'19 pr<1911uro of not IN• than l!!O psi and shc:111 ,oontorm to Ai'<l'IA etondard&. e. Elall Volv<11, I. Elall valv<11 &hall bo of the manul'c:i,oturer, size, and type lndlGClted ..., the drawll,gs. 2. ecill volvoo shall bo c;onetruoted oP a bronzo body, stain ins steel b<:111 and stem, mall.,.,t,le Iron handle. ea I I volvee shall hav,o thr..adod c;omeetlone. ,. All ball volvotl ehCIII hc:,vo a minimum working Pr""""""' of not less than 150 pol and shall conform to AJ+,1,6, otandarc:I&. G. GMek Coupler Volvee, L Gluic:.k. c;oupler volvos &hall be oP th• monuf'c:,,oturor, &lze, c:,nd type lndlGated on the drawing.. 2. Gll/1,ok. ,ooupler valves shall ti.. brc:,u with a wall thlGk.neee guaranteed to withstand normal workl"9 pr.,esure of 150 psi without leakage. Valves shall haw :,/4, fomolo tr.-oads open1n9 at boso, with t....-p1""" body. Vc:,lv,os to be op,,,..ated ...,1y with c:, c.ouplor key. doslgnc,d lor that purpose. Coupler key Is Inserted Into valv• and c:, posltlvo, ><Otertlght e,onnec;tlon ehc:,11 be modo t:,etw..,,n tho eouplor key and valvo. Hinge e,ovor shall bo the lac:kln9 typo con1truc.t<ld of brass with a rubber-lllc.o Vinyl eov ...... l5. Vlnyl qut,ok eoupl,,,.. e.over Por reclo!rned wat,,,.. qulGk eoupl,or valv"" to be purple In ,:olor with the words 't-.:rn1n9-Rec;yc;led /1'1.oo:.lc:,Jmod) l'IClter-Do Not Drink pormon,,ntly marked on lid Por roe,yc:.led eystem. D. Automatic; Control Vc:,ives, I. Automotlo eontrol vc:,lv,os ehc:,11 bo of the """"1'c:,c;turor, size, Clnd typo tndlGated on tho c:il"C1Hln91>. 2. Automatte c;ontrol vc:,lve• !!hall be eleGtrlc;olly operated. E. Anti-drain Vc:ilv,oe, I. Anti-drolrl valve& &hc:111 bo ol' the mc:,nutac:turor, stze, and typo lndfeot<ld on the drc:,wlngs. 2. Antl-drc:,ln valves shc:,11 hove 11!>-1!> stainless oteel epr111gs and valve ste""' with ei.,,,c,-t,t NOia. !!. Anti-drain volvee Hill have threaded c:on"""ttons the etze of tho riser or pipe they ore to bo lnstallod onto, or the ne><t ovc:,iloble 111ze. No sllp IOOnMGtlon Clntl-droln vc:,lvee are allowod. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ------+---.---------,,-.,--.,......,..,,.::----------,---,----,---------------,----,---..---.-----1 '-~~2~~~~:::PL~A:::N;:;N:::IN;:G:;;D::;E:::PAR;:;;TM;:E::N:::T===-!:~:=:::0~ "AS-BUIL I '"iAAl'5ATION SPEC,IFICATIONS FOR, DRAWN JP, DB ' ' t ANDSCAPF ARCHITECTllRf- 1 APPROVED 1 ot. SUB 2 nd.. STJB MYLAR SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE i MM 01/12/04 02t:1ot:05 03/15/00 TITLE: RECEIVED BY: 04-071 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR I ! DATE DA TE INfTIAL DATE INl11Al DATE INITIAL DATE ENGINEER Of' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I I ' I! VILLASES OF LA <:::OSTA THE6REENS-l.06 OWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: CT 04-lb l..-1.2 DRAWING NO. 421-1L • 2.crt V /oJ.. ~ l!O J<l!5 "· Valv. bc»<n li'loll bo ,at,rteated '1-om a Mable, ~al:her-reslstcri pla.it!G material r,Hlet:ont to ounllght and Ghemleal aetlon of solle. i,_ The valve box e,wer lhall bo green In eolor and ee-..d wltl, l:>oltti. G. The eover and be»< ehclll be capable ol 9fletalnlng a !OG1d o, 1,!500 pOIA'lds. D. Valve box extenslone •hall bo by the """'"' mCl!Maeturer a. the valv" box. !:. "'1tomr.itle eontrol and maeter valve box•• ehall bo 16'><11'xl2' rec.tangular .,rze_ Valve box """""'5 el-tall be 'h&at br-andod" In 2" high lotter• with olthor 'Fl.CY" with tho valve ldontlfl<Atlon nu-.. or 'l'-IGV'. !'. e,,11 valve, gate valvo, and <!\Ulei<. eoupler valve boxes ehall be erreulor 10' erze, Valve box c.overs shall be "heat br~" In 2' high 1.,tt"rs with "lth"r 'BV", •ev•, or "GGV'. 5. Val,;., bo>< c.over Por reelalmed eyeteme lholl bo purpl" In ,:;olor and perman-,ntl~ marl:ed with tho word■ "Wcrrllng""""yc;lod il'l<,ilolm.,d) ~ter-Oo Not Drink" Por r"cyel&d lrrlgotlon •~tem. 2.0& l!ltll!ll5,. TION COIITll!OL.1.!lt "· Controller lhall be oP the manul'aeturer, •IZ" and type lndleoited on tho drowing■. e. ,,.,., c.ontroll"r enc;loeure shall be oP tho manulaeturer, elze and typo lndlc;ated on the drowlnge. The enclo,vr., shall also enc.lo.., tho eontro lier eloGtrlGal meter. C,. The ~lier ehall be of l:he manulaeturer, 11,lz,o and t!lf'e required by tho City ol Car51bad 2.0'1 l!:l.eC,'1'1'llC,,I\L "· All elec.trteal 8<!\Ulpment llholl be !EM" 11f"' !I, Haterprooi'ed lor e><terlor ln&tallatlone. "· "II elec.trlGal work eholl conlorm to loeal Gcdes and ordlnanG05, 2.10 LOH VOLT .Aell: C,ONT'IIIIOL HIR!Ne "· 1'omote c;ontrol wlro ehclll be dlrec.t-burlal ~ typo, size Cl9 lndleated on tho drawing., and In no G,,.. emaller than 1-4 9"'-'98· e. c.onnec.tlone ehall bo either epc,X\j-Naled pael:.et type or l"enn•Tlte c.onnec.to,,.. C,, Sround wr• &hall be whit. In eolor. Control Hlro, shall bo red (where two or more eontroll.,,.. are u50d, 11,e control i,ii,-.,. llhall be a dl1'erent eolor Por eac.h coontroller. T!ieN eolore ehclll be noted on tho ''ReGord Drawings' plane loeated on c.ontroller door). D, l"row:t. a 2-4' long expon5lon loop Por all dlrec.tlonal el-tang... In eontrol wire routing. 2.11 IRRl6ATION Hl!,\05 "· !pr-Inkier heads shall be oP the l!ICll'IAoeturor, •IH, type, Hlth rod!Us oP !:trow, operating pr"68IJI".,, and dlechargo rate lndleated on tho drowlf1ga. e. Pop...,. head,, a,d rl5er head6 &hall be uaod a• ll'ldlc.ated on tho drawlnge. G,, Irrigation he<lds Por reGyc;led ~•tem shall have purple rec.~led (rec.la!med) Hater warnll'1g c.over. Part 111 -l:XeGl/'rlON !1.01 SIT!: CONDITION5 A. 1 .... pec.trone, I, Prior to oil work of thl5 50Gtl0n, earolully tnepect tho ll'llltalled work of oil other trad.,. and verify that all &ueh .. ork le eomplete to tho point whore thra ll'l•tallatlon ma~ properly eommoneo. 2. Verl~ that rrlgotlon 5!!Sl:em mCl!j be ll'letalled In 11trtet ac.eordanee .. 1th all pertll'l;,nt eodes <:r1d regulation&, tho original design, the releronc.ed !ltandard5, and the manuloetur.,,-'& rec.orrmer,Gtatlone. e. Disc.ropanc.1••• I. In tho event oP .:n.erepanc.y, Immediately not~ tho Landeeape Arehltec.t or ownor'• authorlz,od rep,....,ntattve. 2. Do not proeeed Hill, lnetollat!on In areae oP dleerep~ until all dleerepaneroa have bee,n resolv&d. C,. Sr~, I. e..tore ,tarting worlc, earelully ehec.k all gr.:ld.N to determine !!,at work may eololy pr~. keeping within tho spec.lfl&d moterrol depth• with respec.t to Plnleh grade. 2. rlnal gradee •hall bo aec.epted l:l',j the l!!nglneer bePore work on thle 50etron will be ollo~ to ,:,,,gin. c:>. l"le,ld Measurement., I. Malc6 oll neGOa~ ~ 11'1 tho ,reld to eneuro preel50 Pit ol Items In ac.eordanc.o with the original deign. c.ontroetor ehclll c.oordlnate tho ln•tallatlon of all lmgatron material• Hlth all other Hori<. 2. All eealed dlm"""IOn• are appro><im<Jte. Tho c.ontroetor shall ehock and verl~ all sl%o dlmenerone prior to ~Ing with work under this section. !I. cxere!N o><treme eare rn e><GC1Vatlng and working n-,ar e,clatlng utllltle•. c.ontroetor &hall be r""'P""51blo Por damages to utllltles whleh ""' cau!led by hi. operation& negleet. I!. Dlagran,mc:itle Intent, ,,.,., drowlnge are Oflentlally dlagrammatle. Tho •lze and loeoitlon oP equ1pmsnt and flxtur.,. aro drawn to eealo whore poelble. Provide ofl••t• In plfllng ehange• In equlflment IOGOltlon1 Cl9 nee...""'"\! to eonlorm with strueturee orid to avoid obstruetlon• or <,onlllr.tti Hlth othor work at no additional O"f"'"6" to OHnor. I'. l.o!!Out• I. Prior to lnetallat!on, tho Controetor lhall •toke out all pr.,.auro eupply Ila..., routing and loeatlOn ol oprinkler heac:15, volvee, bc:lekJ'loH preventer, and automatic. eontroller. 2. ~t Irrigation eyetem and moko minor odjUetm""tti r"C!.ulred due to dlflerene•• between site ond Gt'a..lng•. Jlti•re plfllng le eho..n on drawings under paved or<ICl9, but running parallel and adjoGont to planted oroa&, Install tho plfllng In tho planted area•. IS. ~ 5upply C.Omec;tlon1 to, or the ntollatlon ol, the water ,wpply shall be at tho loeoitlono ~ on 11,e draHlngs. Minor c;hongoe eaioed by aetual site eondltlone ehall be made at no additional •xponee too...,,.,,.. 1-1. l!:leetrlc.al Servlc.o, I. C.Onnoetrone to tho oloetr1eal 1upply shall bo at tho IOGO!tlone ehown on tho drowrng,. Minor ehongee eou6"d by elte eondltrone 9hall be made at no additional e><p"""' to Owner. 2. Contraetor 9hall make 120 volt oomoetlon to the Irrigation eontroll.,,.._ l!leetrleal poHer •o=• to eontroller loeatlone shall be prov!ded by othe,,., 5.02 'TRENCHIN6 "· l!:><eavatlone ehall bo etralght with vertlc.al eldoe, even grade, and support prp• eontlnUouely on bottom oP treneh. Trenehrng e,coavatlan eh<:111 follow ICl!jOut lndleated on drawing. to tho depth• below flnlehod grad" ond o• nol:ed. Jltier" llnos oc.eur under paved ar&a, tho50 dlmonelono eholl be c;onolderod bel<>H !!Ub9rode. e. l"rovldo minimum eover oP I& Inc.hes on P"'saure supply llnee 2 1/2 Inc.he• and smaller. ProVlde minimum c.over oi' 2-4 me.hes on pr"eeure suppl~ fines 3 Inc.hes and lor9er. C. Provide mll'llmUm c.over oP I& ln..ti..• Por c;ontrol wire•. P. Provide minimum c.ovor of 12 Inc.ho• Por non-preeoure llnee. I". l"rpe• Jnetolled In a common trenc.h ehall havo " 6 1neh minimum spOGO betweon pipe•. e. Provide 1and bc:IGl<.1111 a mlnlmUm of 6 lnehee ov.,,-and undor all malnllno piping. 5.0!I eACKl'ILLINe "· eaei<.!'111 material on all lino& ehall be the eamo a• odjaeent soil free oP debrle, litter, and roelc& over 1/2 rnc.h In diameter. El. l!!ac.l<Plll shall bo tamped In 4--lneh layers under 11,e pipe and uniformly on both eldee for tho lvll Hidth of tho trenc.h and tho full length of 11,o pipe. eaci<.flll material• eh<:111 be euflretontly damp to permit thorough eompaetlon, Pree of void!>. Elac.l<PIII eholl be eompaeted to d'"':j donell:y equal to adJaeent undleturbood eoll and ohall <.onlorm to odJaeent graa.... e,_ l'loodlng In lieu oP t:omplng le not alla~. D. Under no c;lreumstonc.ee 9hall trvek who•le be u""d to eompaet boektlll. c. l"rovlde eond boekflll a mll'llmum of b lnc;hee aver and under all piping under pov&d oroCl9. !1.0-4 Pll"INe "· l"lplng undor ox1etrng povoment m~ bo Ntolled by joeklng, boring, or hydraulle driving. No hydraulle Gt'Ivlng le permitted under aophalt povemont. e. cutting or 1,r-.,a1<1ng of e><letlng pavement le not permltt&d. C,, CarePully 1nopeet all pipe and fitting, before lnetallatlon, r~ dirt, eeale, burrs rooming. lnetall pip• with all marklng5 up for v19ual ll'l!lpec.tlon and vorltlc.atlon. D. Remov• all dented and damaged pipe 1ec.t1ons. I!. "II !Inn eh<:111 have a minimum i;learanGO oP 6 lnc.hn from ooeh other and 12 Inc.he& lrom !Ins• oi' other trades. F. Parallel llnoe shall not be lnetalled dlrec.tly over &aeh otl,er, e. In eolvent welding, u,o only the epec.lf'l&d primer and eolvent c""""1t ond make all Joint. In etrlet aeeordonGO with th• manuPaeturor'& reeommended m.,thodo, rneluding .. rp1n9 all exc;eeo solvont Prom eoeh weld. Allow eolvent welds at l&aet 15 m1nutee 50tvp time before moving or handling and 2-4 hours airrng time ,:,,,fore Pllllng. 1-1. p,/C, plfle ohal I be lnltolled In a m.:mor Hhleh HII I provide for •><pan&lon eontroGtlor (l9 reeommend&d by the pipe manuloeturer. I. Centerload all plaetle pipe prior to preevre .... ting. J. "" 11,readed plC19tle·to-,::,lcatle GonnoGtlon11 shall be C1950mblod using Tellon tape or Teflon paste. K. For plastle-to-metol eonnoetlons, work tho metal eonnec.tlons flr'et. U..e a non-hordenrng pipe dope> an all throad&d plastle-to-motol c;onneetrone, oxeopt Hhere noted othorHlee. NI pla•tle-to-metal Gonnoetl"""' shall be made Hlth plaotle lemale adopter.. L. "II eonnec.tlon& between FI/C, lateral llnee shall be made uelng !!>eh. -40 F'VC, fitting. Hlth eompre&elon adapters. All eonnoc;tlone betHoen drlflperllnee to t:,,, mado u•lng eompreHlon fitting, of manulaeturer oP the drlpperllno. U..e no pipe dop•, Tellon tape, primer or solvent c.ement on c.ompr.,,.•lon flttlngo. !1.0!.\ CONTROLLER A. Tho exoc.t loeatron oi' tho eontroller ehal I be approv&d by tho 1..andeeoipo Arc.hltec.t or OHnor'& authorized rep-tative before tn•talfatron. Tho oloetrle<:ll sorvleo ehall be i;oordlnated with this loeat!on. e. The lrrlgotlon Contraetor shall be reeponalble Por the final elec.trteal hook. up to rrrrgatlon GOntroller. e,, Tho Irrigation 1yetem wll be programmed to operate during h perlode oP minimal vu of tho doalgn area. D. lnetall c.ontroller ene,loaure a& reeommended l:l',j h m=Poeturer. A. Low voltage eontrol Hiring shall oeeupy tho ...,,e tren<,h and ehc:ill be Installed along the some route aa tho pressure aupply llnea whenever poelble. e. Y'lioro moro than ono Hire 11 plac.&d In a troneh, 11,e wiring ehall be toped together In a Mdle at tntervale oi' 10 Poet. Bundle ehall be 50c.Urod to the mainline with tape at Interval• oP 20 Pest. c. All GOMec.tlone ehall be of on approved typo and shall oeeur In a valve bo><. l"rovlde on I& lnc.h e•rvlee loop at ooeh eomoc.tron. c:>. An expansion loop oP 12 lnehee 1hall be provided at eodi wire c.onneetlon and/or dlrec;tlonal ehange, and ono oP 2-4 ind-,eo shall be provld&d at eac:1, r"moto eontrol volvo. E. " c.ontlnuoue run oP wlro shall be ueod between a <.ontroller and eoeh remote eontrol valve. lk,der no c.1r'Gl.m5tonc.e& shall eplleee be u...d without prior approval. DRAWN APPROVED JP, DB MM 1 •t. SUB 01/12/04 ' I ANl)Sl'APf0 ARCHITECI'! IRF I 2 nd. SUB MYLAR SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE ' I 02L10L05 03/10/0~ 04-071 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN A. ""tomatle c.ontrol valvee, boll valves, gate valvoe, and C\ulek c.oupler valve& 1hall be Installed In 11,e approximate loc~trons Indicated or tho drow1ng5. B. Valve shall be Installed In &hrub oroM Hhen.,ver po&llblo. G. lnatoll all valves ae lndlc;Clted In tho detall drowlngo. c:>. Valve& to be ll'lstallod In valve boxes eh<:111 be mtolled ono volvo per bo><. !:. R&mote Gontrol volvn and qulek eoupJ.,,-valve• shall be leolated Prom h mainline by a boll valve .. rzed p•r the largest R.C,.V. In tho manifold or I 1/2 1nc;h Por G.C,,V. '&. 5.0& V/oJ..V!! SOX!:5 A. Valve boxn shall be Installed In lhriib ore>a11 whenever poselblo. e. l!:aeh volvo box ehall be lnotolled on Cl Poundatlon of !l/-4 lnGh gravel bc:lek.flll, !I GlblG ,.,.,. minimum. Valve boxe" &hall bo In.tolled Hlth taelr tops 1/2 fneh above tho eurlaee oP surrounding Ptnlsh grad• In lawn areae ond 2 Inc.hes above Plnl•h grade In ground c.ovor c:1re,ae. A. In.tall boek'low prevontor unit a. lndlc;ated In tho dotoll drawing.. e. lnr.tall boekllow aHembl!.,,. at loc.atlons approved 11'1 11,e Pl<old and at hel,;f,t re<!iulred by lac.al c.odee. C. In.toll w~ strainers and pr.,e,..re regulators on tho boekJ'loH a&eombly. D. It baekJ'loH preventer I& rnetoll&d odJac.ont to a building, wall, or other obetru.:.tlon, ln&toll unit eo that tho te&t eo<.k& are faerng outHord CIH'",1 Prom the obetruet!on. !:. lnetoll boeklloH enelosure Cl9 reeommendod by the manufoc.turor. 5.10 el"1'llNKLl!l't Hf!AD5 A. !pr-Inkier heade shall be lnstall&d ae lndle<:lted on tho dra .. inge. e. 5paelng of heade shall not oxe,e.,d ma><lmum lndleated on the drawlnge. e,, !il.1"'or nipple• ehall bo oP th• same size ""tho rleor opening In 11,e eprlnkler ~. D, Pop-tip eprlnklor heads ehall not ;;,,, lnstall,;d using side outlet opor,!nge. !I.II Ml5GELLANl:OtJ5 EGI.Jll"McNT A. lnetall all aoeembl!ee epeell'l"d herein aeeordlng to 11,e reepec.tlve detoll drowlnge or epe<-111,;atlons, using boot standard proc.tlGOS. !I. GMc.k eoupl•r valve• shall be ut appro><!mately 12 Inc.he• l'rom wall<.9, eurbe, header bcarde, or paved .,,.,.... whore applteablo. c. Unless designed ae an Integral port oP the 1r-r1gatron head, anti-drain valv.,. Hill be lnetoll&d under every head. The anti-drain volve HI 11 be the eomo diameter ae the rleer and be Integral to the rl...,,. a11,......,ly. Cl. lnotall rain 6"nsor ae lndleoited on the drawlr,lgo and ae ""'"""""nd&d by the manula<.turer. 3.12 FJ.JJ5HIN6 Tl-le SYSTEM A. Prior to mtallatron oP sprinkler no%%le1, the valves ehall be opened and a full head ol Hater ull,-,d to ¥lush out h llnos and rl50re. A. Contraetor shall adjU!lt valvee, alrq,, hoade, and ..tieo;k c;overage oP eaeh system prior to eoverage .... t. e. IP It I• dot.,rmlnod by the Londeeopo NGhlteGt or owner'& authorized roprH.,ntottvo that oddltlonal adjustment• or nozzle ehange• HIii be required to provide proper eovorago, all no<.ee""'"\I ,;hongos or adju&l:ment• ehall be mado prior to "":I planting. C. The ontlro eystem shall be oporatlng properl~ before any planting operotrone eommenc.•. D. Automatic: eontrol valve• are to be adjusted so that the eprlnl<.ler hoade operate at 11,e pressure reeommended by the manvfoeturer. !l.1-4 Tl:5TIN6 "ND ~VATION A. Do not alloH or "1uee any of 11,e work of thl• 50c.t1on to be eovored up or enelosed until It has been obeervod, tested and aeeepted l:l',j tho Land5eape Md-,itec.t, OHner, and governing agenetos. !I. The Controetor shall be solely reepone!Dle Por notllylng the Lcmdeeape N'ehltec.t, Owner, and governing agene!ee, a minimum oP -4t> hours In advanc.e, "'her" and when the Hori< I& r•ady Por testing. C. Wion h eprlnkler ~tem re eompleted, tho Contraetor ehal! perform a eovorago test oP ead-, eyetom In 116 enti,-.,ty to detormlno h' tho Hater c.overage for the plant-,d ar<ICl9 re c;omplet" and adequate In th., pre6"nc.e of the Londecoopo, ,.,Ghlteet. D. The Contraetor eh<:111 fumlsh all material• and perform all Hori< requred to c;orrec.t ""J lnad"C!.uoel.,. oP eoverage due to deviation• Prom the plan&, or Hhere tho ay,tem hae been Hllllully ll'l!ltallod as lndteat&d on the drow1ng• ..hon rt IS obviously inad"<!luate, Hitho1Jt bringing this to tho attort.ron oP tho Landseopo Arehrteet. Thie toet shall be aec;.,pted by tho Landoeope Arehlteet and ac;eompllshed before otorting any planting. !:. l'lnol lnepoetlon HIii not eommenee wit!,out reeord drawing• Cl9 prop.,,..d t,y the lrrrgotron Gontroetor. !S.15 MAINT!:N"NCE During the malnl:enonc;o period the C.Ontraetor shall adjuot and maintain tho rrrgatron •!:f$tem In a Pully oporatlonal eondltlon providing eomploto Irrigation Goverogo to al I Intended planting.. 5.16 COMl"Ll!TION CLl!ANINe Cl•an....,. ehall be mode a• eaeh portion oi' tho work progre•-· 1'oluee and e,cene dirt llhall be remov&d Prom 11,e site, all ..alko and paving shall be broomed, and Or-iJ damage suetolnod on the ..ork oP others llhall be repaired to or191nal condltlone. !!ND OF 51:C,TION ~1 CITY OF CARLSBAD II SHEETS I ~ . PLAt-.N I NG DEPARTMENT _ _20 ..---------,,.-A-S_B_U_IL-T""'" --------,---.----,---------------...-----,--~-----1 IRR16ATION 5PEGIFIGATIONS FOFt, L.-19 OAit mu:,_ RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DA 1E INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA lE INITIAL DA 1E INITIAL OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: __ _ CHKO BY; __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. GT 04-16 DRAWING NO. 421-iL I I ---~:~ ® 270. 1 * •.·•,~·: . ,, '' ® 260.2 ¥,,' '· '" th· ,,_-n . ,,. _,• .... ~.,, _,. ,, ... .,. ·. ";;;-;;. ; . ·A,1:···1 ... ,v,...,. 230.7 224.3 CJD 218.0 :yv ' ~--tj t~ Ci]) r\® 213.7 I, 217.8 ~ 11 ~ f1 •I I 214.5 \.s,' ~x ~. "' 'i . '1 IT'' 1t~ ' k 1 ' )< : (' f ' ,. ,, ® IN•, 'L, gf'•':ij.' ,, ~ i· CID GD I d 261. 7 266.6 CID 269.5 271. J ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF 1--------------------1 KEY MAP SEWER SHALL RECEIVE ( f', ~"J~;,.i~i}j;~~ '/ LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SEWER LINE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 254.2 . ' . ' '' '".' . "-:.I r, , 'k.._ ... , , -~ ',Ji 1 ; ,: ''1 ' " ,-.,~-<. '' ' -~ ' ~-~~;~~~~~~~:.· * ti' \UlSCA cr,I I leOJ> .-,.,: .... §' :::; .! -5- I.ANDS('APF AR{[HITECTll RF DRAWN APPROVED I ■t, SUB 2 nd. SUB MYLAR SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE 240.0 JP, DB MM 01/12/04 02,!'.:10/05 03/151'.06 04-071 12/00/2004 AS SHOWN 233.5 / ' l 111 -,401 CITY OF CARLSBAD i=o ■ CT±:J .---------,,,-,, A""s---,,B'"'U.,,.IL""r"'" -------.-----,-----,---------------,----,---,.--,--:;__;-1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 61.JEST BUII..PEFt PLANTINS PLAN POI'!., 1111..E: RECEIVED BY: DA lE INITIAL INSPECTOR DAlE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I I I I I DA TE INITIAL OAlE INITIAL O™ER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I , VIL.LASES Or U. COST.A THE 6REENS -1.06 1..-14 DWN BY: ---1 PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO, 2~~ :r--, C.T 04-16 421-1L "¢ I ..J I '. ', '• . • I'· . " I -. -. BJ£ [ , I I i ' I CID ----·""--~ 235. 7 CD CD 234.0 228. 1 / CD ALL TREES ~ITHIN 10' OF 1---------K-E_Y_M_'.A_P--t SE~R SHALL REC.EIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SE~R LINE ® 257. 7 CE> 239.7 CD 239.3 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CID 240.9 C[Q) •, '-•-. ...._ ___ ._ ~' ~-.,. . . '., . . '·•· ... ' .. . ' 1 I GD 236. 1 ,, . <. ~--~+-\ ()'/(\\,, ~ --~ ,:· ·-· ~ ) 1 ''1 -"·' ••_·' ,:,..:a,/·· ~ ,.,,t¢:"'!; -• ® t / J 250.9 ® 241. 6 LtNDSC/1PE ARC'! !ITECT!JRE I :i, / ~j • k;. 3 ( ¾ ' l '.::-.-r, ,:· GE:> 248.8 CID 247. 4 CID 243.2 CID CID 214.3 ,. , .. ' '. ' , ' ® 242.8 CJD 244.9 245.5 I i 237. 1 I CID 238. 1 \ r\,, , ·,, \ \ • 247.8 247. 0 CID 245.9 -IQ 20 0 l!lu:;.Al..11!, \ o' ; '·>/~{j 6 }"·• ·:' / . r-..,, / ', · .. ',{ ·-: . CI0 246.8 248.7 247.8 ® 247.3 FIRE PROTJ:c;TION ZONES, REFER TO MASTER DEVELOPER LAND¼APE PLANS FOR NOTES AND DETAILS TYP. ; -----"-•0~1::ac:,~.. ~5 111 • 40' -•• ~ ,----------.,,..----.,,..----------.----.---.--------------------~---.---.----~,..;.;.,_;--1 "AS-BUILT" CITY OF CARLSBAI) ~O PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ DRAc..W.;cN_; ____ _;J-'P-''----D.c.B APPROVED MM 1 at. SUB 01/12/04 DATE 2 nd. SUS 02/10/05 51.JEST BUILDER PLANTINIS PLAN !=OfQI., VILLA6ES OF LA C:::OSTA THE 6REENS -1.06 1..-15 =MY=LA=R'--=S"U"'B'------'0-"3'-/-"1-"5,._/.co.c5 I _TI:.:,::TlE~: =======;:;;;;;;,:;:;;;:;;::::;;;:==========-r====c==r======================c==J==Jc==1==J ~;:;;::;;;~':f::\;==';:;,:==:;;================; -t APPROVE RECEIVED BY: __ _gs,ttn,_L_t "'====----5=-f't:CC' ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE JOB NO, 04-071 DATE 12/08/2004 SCALE AS SHOWN 1NSPECTOR DATE DA TE INl71AL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INl71AL OATE INITIAL OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: --==== PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~~g ~{ GT 04-16 421-1L I • ALL TREES ~ITHIN 10' OF MAP SEWER SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SEWER LINE ~,VA·/ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDIN5 PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTIN5 AREAS. ~ ' c~ .. . " ' " l.f\ NDS( ','i Pie ARtJ ff! EC t URE I 233.3 DRAWN :fP, DB APPROVED MM 1 •t. SUB 01/12/04 2 nd. SUB 02c:10/0fl MYLAR SUB 03/1~/0~ J'OB NO. 04-071 PATE 12/09/2004 SCALE AS SHOWN 233,8 235. 1 \\ \ ,~ £.£Jiiii ~l. Fl!'tf F'!llOTEC. TION ZONES, REFl:I< TO MASTER DEVELOPER LANDSC,AF'!: F'LAN5 FOR NOTES AND DETAILS T1'P. I"• 401 "AS-BUILT" ...-------:;:-:::-;::-:--;:-;--,;,r.----1--=----7----_-i----_-_--:-__ -_-_--:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--:_7--=:__-_7--_-_1----_1---~ DATE 1111.E: RECEIVED BY: DATE INITIAL DATE INlllAL DATE INlllAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION O'!HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I ' CITY OF CARLSBAD PLA~ING DEPARTMENT 6UE5T ElUIL.DER Pl.ANTIN$ Pl.AN FOIi!, APPRO VI~ OF LA COSTA THE 6PJ!:ENS -1.06 "'===:-----S=l'tQS"' ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: C,T 04-lb 421-1L RVWD BY: 0 ~ !!AW. @ CIIIOl"iN--1' ~ l"INl!JH ~ @l"IN15H~ G) l"e:tTIL.1~ (\"ER SOIL.S -T) © :,ee P"AVIN6 01:TAII.!! 0 TOP" O!" l"AVINe @ :2" llleH ...... Tl:lf.lN6 eASIN (II" ltl!!Gl'D) ® I/Nt:>151\1~ NA TIVI: SOIL. A 0 l"IN15H ~ AT ~ @ :2 X ~ !9AJ..I. OIA ,t,.Nr;, :2 X Pei-TH @ 9""'K 1"I1.L. MIX (51!:1!: NOTIS) " 11==111= Ill 1 11 Ill: I I 1--·· 1 I I ··· · 1 I I ···· · 1 I 1 ··· ·· II ® SHRUB/TREE PLANTING DETAIL 0 VIN!!! ATT.Ac,Hl:i, TO Sl.lFU"ACI: HITH CL.!:A1'. l:l"OXY VIN!: Tll:S @ ~'I" STAl<f:S-TO BE Fll!MOVl:I:) @ l:Xl5TIN6 5U!V'ACI: n 0 CIIIOl-lN-1" Al!IOVI: l"INl5H e!tADE NT5 -11~---@ II II II II @ 4' HleH 1-lATel'tlNe EIA51N (II" Ri!!GlUll'IE!D) @ !"I.ANT T Ael.!!TS II G) l"INl5H ~ @ eACl<::1"11.L MIX (l!>el: !51"1:G,5J 0 :2XIIIOOTIMU.. C,IA. @ UNDIS~ NATIVI: SOIL. ® IIIOOTe;\L,L. w--r,-,---r-ri-_-6,1:2i'I MiN. 6" el!!L.OH l"INISHl:C> l"~eLc:>e. --- -111_.ffl: = I I-11 I=: 11. . 11 111 · · -...._---<,, r--. II= --1 -\!.~-=1ff =I 11= I =T-11--111 D l 0 l ~ h NOTI:, VINl!S ~ e5fl'AL.lellt !!>TAK!! TO !!II!! MOVl!!C> AND ATTACH!:!:> TO !!URFACI: SY CLl=A!'l l:l"OXY VIN!: TIE!!. VINE PLANTING DETAIL G) CON(;"-!:T!: SIOE V'IALK OR HARD!SCAP!: IMPRO\/E:MeNT AS INDIC-ATl:D ON !"LAN @ Del"'ROOT l-624-2 @su68AADE: . ,.:-·,. , ,-"-'1---\:5 0 l"J.ANT!:> P!:l'I. l"J.AN E . '-. . ' ....... ' '. .· ,. .. ···. . . . . . ·, :· ... ··' : .-... : •, ® CONGRl:11!: CURB OR HARDSCAP!: IMFl'I.OVl:MeNT AS INDICATE:D ON l"J.AN SUBMIT SAMl"L.E OF DE:El"l'I.OOT '-=:-==-::::;;--;':::-:::::::-;;!;;;;--:;;;;;;-';;t;--;~--'--:::;.::f..--< J.824-2 TO '= = = = = = = .=t::; = 2 GITY ROOT BARRIER INSFl::CTOI'!. !"OR APPROVAL :._-+-../4 1"1'1.101'1. TO INSTAJ.J.ATION NTS 0 :2" DIA. X 10' I..Ot:>6!:l"OL.!; l"IN!!! ,;:;.. STAl<f: (2 l<l:Gl'D) ~ 1'tl<5HT OF WAY ® VINYl. -Tl!: (:2 l<l:Gl't>) 0 9'-0" MIN. ® 51!!1: 11't!!I: l"L.ANTINS !?!:TAU.. @ 1:2' MIN. 4 0 :2' @ -Al<l:D 5011. ~lf'.,..~:,.__.'r_,.--.f,--FTT"F°"©. l"I.ANT TAEIU!T =1 = 0 l"IN15H eRAt,I: 1: __ f @ eGUAL.(X)-Sl:I: f"I.ANT =· 1 •;_ m_l (iTr._.:1:i_m_1 1ml m 11 111=: ~e:~~ -11 I ' ·-11 · . -1 I 1---111-· · © c.oNc.RETI: MOW ST1'tll" 01't . : ... :: I:'(,::,= S!!C~QN::. ::.:.I ~~~ G) C,Ol,IC.Rl:TI: C,IJIIIB 01'. 6 1 HARDSc;AP!: IMPROV!!MeNT AS INDICA Tl!P ON l"L.AN ® l:Gll.lAL. 1/:2()() I. PLANTING NOTES: 2. 6 . 4. 5. AJ.J. TREES HITHIN A SP!aCIE5 SHAL.L HAY!: MATCHINe FORM. AJ.J. J.ANDSCAl"E:D Allt!!A5 TO RECEIVI: AUTOMATED 11'!.RliSATION. REl"E!'t TO l"LANTINe SP!aCIFICATIONS FOR SOIL F'R!:PAAATION, Fel'I.TIJ.IZATION, M.11.CHINe, AND OTHl:I'!. ADDITIONAL F'LANTINe INFORMATION. AJ.J. Pl.ANT MATl:l'I.IAJ. SHALL 6E Al"PR.OV!:D SY THE J.AND!SCAl"I: Al'I.CHITl!!CT 1"1'1.IO"-TO INST Al.LA TION. FINAL LOCATION OI" AL.L l"J.ANT MATERIALS SHALL eE sueJl:C,T TO THE APP"-0\/AL OI" THI!: --7 G) Tl'le"M'WNK ® ROO'IB;\U.. @t>"MIN. @ ~AIL.INe 1-llNO MIS b. J.ANDSCAl"I: Al'I.CHITEC-T. C-ONmACTOl'I. SHAJ.J. NOTIF'l" OWNER'S AUTHOl'I.IZ!:O ll!El"l'I.E!SE:NTATIVE: 4& HOURe 1"111.IOR TO GOMMl:NC!:ME:NT OF WORK TO COORDINATE PROJ!:C.T INSPECTION 5CHE:DUL.ES. B ® illWNK TO BE 9' l!!!eHINI:> 1'1..0.i-l. iT -i I [ 0 1 1= 11 1~-. --eT1'1.1!:eT _.,L,-~...,,~--~·-+. -.14-.~---+ .. ·:---e1~ l"L.AN VI l:J'I TREE STAKING DETAIL PLANTING LEGEND 5YME30L BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE @ CERGl5 OCCIDENTAi.iS ~KOELll:fl/TERIA PANlaJLATA H:5TERN REDEll!P SISAL. eou,EN. RAIN"l'REE 24'60X a~ METIWSIDER05 EXCl:l.51..15 (5TANDARDINPARKWAY5) (MIA. Tl-5TfM ON SL.OPES) N!:i'I ZEALAND CHRl51MA5 TREE 24' eox ♦ 0 PINJS TOAAEY ANA GiA:R.aJ5 Aeltlf'OLIA 5GHlll.l5 MOLLE ,JACAAANDA MIM051f'OLIA 11.JRI", I Ofl!IEt PINI: GOA5T LIVE 01«. GALIFORNIA Ftl I Ek .JAC,Aff.AADA I I 'MAAA1'1'ION IIE' VINES, i-l'fE!RID FeGlJl: @ 0 ~ ® rn ~ ® ~ @ ~ @ rr~m -0 ~o?«o3 ~ bill □ E!OIJeAINVILLEA 'SAN Dll:eO ktD' eOIJGAIWILLEA SHFW65, A6AVE ATTENIJATA ALOE ~ENS ALOE 5T1'1ATA • AkWIVSUNE:DO !'OXTAIL A6AVE TRfl: ALOE GORAL ALOI: 5~TkEE BAU.HARIS PILUI.AklS 'TWIN P!:AKS' °""""" CO'T'art ElklJ5H AA,IDEl<PLANT 11<1111-1 H'r'Dk05EED MIX '6" • SEE Sl"fG'SJ CAAEX TIJMULIGOLA SED6E CEANOTHJS 'CONCHA' N.G.N. Gl5i\J5 5PP. • kOGKkOSE eCHIIM FA5TUOSI/M PRIClf Of MADE:IAA FE511.IC,A MAIM!I A i1.A5 f'E5alE ~5 Ale./Tlf'OLIA TO't'ON M\"OPOl,!!M PAC.lf'IQh,,f .. M\"Ol'Ol'IL!-1 M\"OPO!'WM PAkVIFOl.ll.t'1 PkOSTAA TE M\"OPOkl.M 1.1:PTOS!"El'MJM SC.. 1'IIJB'T' BLOW' kl.lB"I" SLOW TEA TREI!! ROSMAAINJS o. 'TUSGAN BLIJE' • R05EMAFI:( LAYENDULA DENTATA • LA\/ENDflt SALVIA~ll 1 AI.ITIJMNSAISE ROSMAklilUS o. '!'1'!05T1'Ai\J5' DWAF!f FIOSfMAk'1" 156AL. 156AL. "6AL. 24' eox 5 6AL. I 6AL. I .SAL. I 6AL. • ,o• O.G. 56AL. !'LATS • 24" O.G. LI~• lb' O.G. I SAL. I .SAL. • 6' O.C. 56AL. LINl:RS o lb" O.G. I .SAL. I .SAL. • b' O.G. 4" POTS • 12' 0.G. I 6AL. I 6AL • 4' O.G. I 6AL. • !IO' O.C,. I 6AL. • 4' O.G. !"LATS• lb" O.C. GIT'!"' 25 "" 10 15 II 14 2 :,4, 154 54 50 Tl 25 • ON SI..Ol"!S, nese 5Hila,"6 TO ee UNtl!!ll!"LANm:i NITH MT'Of"OIIWM l'A1'.Vll"OLIIJM MAH G1'.l!!!I<' ~ l"LATlil • I&' OJ:.. " ON 91.0!'l!!l l"LANT!O NITH MT'Ol"(l!U,! l'ACIP'IGUM 'l"O el!! ~'T!!t, Nl'n,f MY~ l'AC-ll"IGIM ~ l"LA.Tli\ • :24' O.C. ALL eL.O!"l!e, IJIUee OTHl!IINl5e NO'l'l!I:), TO el!! UNCll!ltl"LANT 1'11'111 ~ MIX 'A" • Ile Sl'l!G'S ~ N1'S C GROUNDC.OVER PLANTING DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS FOR HYDROSEEDING I. H'l'DR05Ef:DIN5 MIXTURES AND RATES OF APPJ.IC-ATION MINIMUM 511 HYDMSEED MIX 'A' POUND!S/AG"I: l"Ul'I.ITY /51:RM. AJ. Y55UM 'CAl'I.P!:T OF SNO~• 6 ",f!,/f!>O eAZANIA RleENS 'FIESTA RED' 10 ",0/60 AL YSSUM 'ROY Al-CAl'I.P!:T' 6 ",t:,/e,o MINIMLIM 511 l"OUNDS/ AGRE F'IJ!l!.I TY /eEl'I.M. 5 ",e,/e,o HYDMSEED MIX "El" 6 "10/60 ESC.H!SC.HOLZIA C-AJ.IFORNICA :5 qe,;e,o I.UPINUS AR!:IORE:1.1$ MIMULLIS l"UNICEVS (~ SEED AVAIJ.Afll..E TH1'I.OUeH H'1"1:)R.O!"'LANT, ATTN, ROB MceANN 1b0-144-1:560 II. HYDR05EE:01Ne ~ION OR SLURRY COMl"OSITION ~E:N il'IOOO MUJ.c.H l"ERTIJ.IZEl'I. (lb-lb-lb) AZ-TAG B!ND!:FI. Fl:fi<ROUS SULFATE OR IMN CHELATE: Ill. APPLICATION !"ROC,l::DURES AND l::GUll"ME:NT 2,:2!)0.0 L6/AG. 400.0 J.8./AG. 150 .o L6./ AG. 2b '5AJ.S/ AC. A. l::GUIPMENT -H'11:>l'I.AUI.IC EGlLlll"ME:NT I.JSED FOR THE Al"l"J.ICATION OF THE FE:RTIJ.lzel'!., SEE:D AND SI.URRY OF PREPA~ WOOD PUJ.P SHALL 6E OF THE ''SUF'El'I. HYDl'l.0-51::E;Dl::R" TYf'l: AS Af"l"ROVED SY THE CITY OF C-Al'I.J.98AD LANDSCAPE: INSFl::CTOl'I.. THIS l::GUIPMl:NT 51-IAJ.J. HAVE: A 6UIJ. T-IN AelTATION SY5Tl:M AND OPE:RATING CAPACITY SUFFICIENT TO A<$1TATE, SU!Sf'END, AND HOMOSE:Nl::OUSL.Y MIX A 51..Ul'l.l'I.Y' C-ONTAININe NOT J.E:55 THAN 401t OF Fle!=l'I. MULCH PL.US A COMBINl:D TOTAL OF 1# FEl'!.TIJ.IZE:R SOI.IDS FOR EAC-H 100 eAJ.J.ONS OF HA TEI'!.. THE SJ.URRY OISTl'l.1131JTION J.INl':5 SHAJ.l. eE J.Al'I.$!; ENOUe+-1 TO ~T STOl"l"Aa!! AND SHAJ.J. el:: EGlUIPPED ~ITH A SET OF HYDl'I.AIJLIC Sl"l'I.AY NOZZJ.1::5 "'1HICH HIJ.J. PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS NON-FJ.IJG11JATINe OISCHAReE. THE 51.URl'l.'Y TANK SHAJ.J. HAVE A MINIMUM CAPACITY OF 1500 GAJ.J.ONS AND SHAJ.J. flE MOUNTED ON A TRAVE:J.INe UNIT, EITHER 51::J.F-PROPEU..eD OR DAAI-IN 6Y A SE:l"AAATI: UNIT, ~HICH HIL.L Pl.ACE THE Sl..Ul'l.l'I.Y TANK SPl'I.AY NOZZLE:S WITHIN SUFFIC-I1::NT l"l'I.OXIMITY TO THE Al'l.l::AS TO eE SEE:Dl::D. 6. l"ltl:l"AAATION -THE Sl.1.11'1.RY l"'R!:l"AAATION SHAL.L TAKE: PL.ACE: AT THE SIT!: 01"' WORK AND SHAL.L Ell::61N eY ADDINe HATER TO THE TANK HHEN THE ENelNE IS AT HAJ.F-THROTTL.E. WHEN THI: HATER J.EVl:J. HAS REACHED THI: H!:ISHT OF THE ASITATOR SHAFT. eoOD Rl:-Cll'<Cl!J.ATION SHAL.J. eE ESTAeJ.ISHl:D AND, AT THIS TIME, THI: 51:ED 5HAJ.L BE ADDED. FERTIJ.IZER.5 SHAL.L THl:N eE ADD!::D, FOU.OY'ED SY HOOD PULP MULCH. MUJ.c.H SHAJ.J. ONJ. Y eE ADDl::D TO THE MIXTI.Jl'<I: AFTl:l'I. THE seED AND WHf:N THI: TANK 15 AT U:AST ONE-THIRD (113) FILL.ED WITH HA Tel". THE: ENSINE THROTTI..E SHALL eE OPENED TO l"UL.L Sf"l!ED l'H:N THE TANK 15 HAJ.F-FIL.U:D WITH J.',IATE:R. AU. THE HOOD l"UJ.P Mil.CH SHALL eE ADDED EIY THI: TIME: THE TANK IS TWO-THIRDS (216) TO THRl:e-FOUl'I.THS (':5/4) FUJ.J. Sl"l'I.AYINe SHAJ.J. COMMl::NC,l:: IMMEDIATELY WHEN THI: TANK IS FULL. C. APPLICATION -THI: OPl::l'I.ATOl'I. SHALL 51"1'1.AY THI: 51..0PE:S HITH A UNIFORM, YISIEIU: COAT EIY USINe THE <$REEN COi.OR OF THE WOOD l"ULI" A5 A E>UIDE. THE SJ.URRY SHAJ.J. BE APPLIED IN A Sf,,,IE!:l"INe MOTION, IN AN Al'I.CHE:D STREAM SO AS TO FALL J.IKE: RAIN, AJ.L-OHIN5 THE HOOD FleERS TO BUILD ON E:AGH OTHER UNTIL A 6000 COAT IS ACHIEVE:l?, AND THE MATl:l'I.IAJ. IS SF'Rl:AD AT THI: l'l.l::Gll.llRl!:D RAT!: PE:!'!. AGRI:. D. AJ.J. EIAl'U:: SPOTS SHAJ.J. BE 1'1.1!:eE!E:DED l'IITHIN NINE:TY (",O) DAYS TO THE SATISl"AGTION OF THE CITY 01" C-Al'I.J.S8AD INSPEC.TOR. E. PRIOR TO THE AGC-f:F'TANC!:: OF THE HYDROSEl:Dl:D AREAS EIY THE C-ITY'S IN51"!:C,TOR, A Cl:fi<TIFICATION 1'1.1!:l"ORT MUST BE SUEIMITTED EIY A l'I.E51STE'RED LANDSCAP!:: AFICHITl:CT, STA.TINS THAT THE HYDl'l.05EEDINe HAS DONE: AC,C,01'1.DINe TO THE l"l'I.OJ!:C,T SPECIFICATION AND THAT ITS 51'1.0HTH 15 ADEGUATl:J.Y E:STAeJ.ISHl:D TO F'Rl:VENT EROSION. F. THE GOVE:R C,ROI" SHAU. eE APPL.11:D AT A AATE AND MANNl::R 5UFFIGIE:NT TO PROVIDE: "!Olli G~ WITHIN l50 DAYS, "1. 6. !!>EE DETAILS AND Sl"l:C.IFICATIONS FOR 5TAKIN5 METHOD, !"LANT PIT DIMl=NSION!> ANO BAGKFIJ.J. REGUll'I.E:MeNTS. II" CONFLICT!:> A"-IS!:: BETl'-EEN SIZE! OF AREAS AND Pl.ANS, CON'TRAGTOR TO CONTACT J.ANDSCAl"I: Al'l:GHIT!C,T FOR 1'1.1::SOJ.UTION. l"AIJ.URI: TO MAKI: SUCH CONFLICTS KNO~ TO THE: 1.ANDSC,Af"E: AFICHITl:CT HILL l'l.!:SUJ. T IN CON"f1'AC,TOR'5 J.IAelJ.ITY TO P't!:L.OC-AT!: THE MA Tel'I.IAJ.S. 'I. c.oNT!IV,,C, TOR e.HAL.L !!>l.eMIT FHOTOS OF AL.L ~S NOT AJ."-1::ADY TAe61=D EIY J.AND!!,C,AP!: ARCHl'T??CT. PHOTOS SHOUJ.D INCLUDE A l"El'l..'!ON FOR SCALE: l"U"-POS!:S. ~ eox Tl'l.!:l::S SHAU. eE 01" GUAJ.ITY A5 DE:Tl:RMINED SY THE: Oil'INEM.ANDSC.APE: -"""C-HITc:CT. MA~IAL FOUND UNSUITAel..E: FOR THE DE:SleN OR SPl:C-IFICATION INTl:NT HIJ.J. BE Rl:JE:C.TED. 10. IT IS THE CONT1'lAGTOR'S 1'.E5PON5151J.ITY TO l"\JRNISH Pl.ANT MATE:1'1.IAJ.5 ~ OI" ~TS OR l"J.ANT DISEASES. Pl'I.E-5E:J..ECTl:D OR 'TAeeED' MATE:l'I.IAJ. MUST eE INSPECl'ED BY' THE CONT1'lAGTO"-AND Cl::RTll"IED f'EST AND DIS!::ASI:: f'll!e. IT 15 THE CONTRACTOR'S OBl..liSATION TO HARR,O..Nn" AJ.J. PL.ANT MATERIALS F'El'I. THE Sl"EC-ll"ICATIONS. II. c.oNT1'lAGTOR SHAL.L eE Rl::5PONSll!ll-E F'Olll MAKIN'5 HIMSELF FAMILIA"-HITH AL.L UNDE:l'l.el'I.OUND UTIJ.ITll::e, Pll"EJ..INl::S AND STI'WCT\Jl'!.E5. CONT1'lAGTOl'I. 5HAJ.J. TAK!: SOLE l'I.E51"0N5181LITY FOR ANY COST INCUR~ DUE TO DAMAeE OF SAID UTILITIES. 1:2. c.oN'1'1'.AGTOR SHAL.J.. NOT HIJ.J.F'UJ.J. Y !"ROG,E:E:D il'IITH CONS'Tl'WC,TION AS Dt51'5NE> J,,iH!?N IT 15 OBVIOUS THAT UNKNO~N OEl5TFWC-TION5 AND/OR el'I.ADE: DIFFl:1'1.!:NCES EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAYI: e!:EN KNOWN DURINe DE:51'5N. SUC-H CONDITIONS SHAL.L BE IMMEDIATE:!. Y eROL/6HT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE Al'I.CHITl:C-T. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSI.IME; l"UJ.J. "-15i"ON5181J.ITY FOR AJ.L NECl::55Al'!.'T' REVISIONS DUE TO FAII...U1'.E TO '51YE SUGH NOTIFICATION. I!!. C,ON'TillAC,TO!ll SHAL.L el: l'U!Sl"ONSIEILE: FOR ANY C,OORPINATION WITH 5Ul!!ICONTillACTOR!!l AS REGlUIR!:D TO ACCOMPLISH PJ.ANTINe OPERATIONS. 14. C,ONTl'lAGTOR TO 1'!::Cl::IVE: SIT!: eRADE:D TO +0.10. c.oNTl'lAGTOR 5HAL.L 05TAIN J.l!!TT!:llt OF GRADE Cl:fi<TIFICATION FMM 0~1::1'1. PRIOR TO l"l'I.OJl':C,T EXECUTION. 15. Pl.ANT MATERIAL GlUANTITll::S A"-1:: '5IV!:N FOR c.oNYl:NIENCI: ONl. Y. PL.ANT 5YM!!IOL5 AND 5F'EC.IFll::D SPAGINS SH~ TAl<E 1"1'1.EC,EC>ENCE:. C-ONTl'I.ACTOl'I. SHAI..J. Yl:1'1.IF'l" PL.ANT MATl:1'!.IAJ. GUANTITl!::S Pel'I. PL.AN. 16. C-ONTl'I.ACTOR TO A5!'!1JR! l"OSITIVE: DRAINA.ee IN AJ.J. l"J.ANTINe AR.eAS -:2"5 MINIMUM AJ.LOl'll=D. 11. Al"TE"-ROUeH eRAD!::S HAY?! !3EEN l!!!ITAeJ.151-11:D IN l"LANTIN6 Al'tl::A5, CONTRACTOR 5HAJ.J. HAVE: SOIL SAM!"U:S TAKl=N AT THREE: DIFFl:RENT J.OCATIONS THFtOUeHoUT THE !IITE:. THESE !IAMl"J.1::5 SHAJ.J. ee Tl:STl:D BY SOIL AND !"LANT J.Ae trl4)55t,.-&!!l:5:5 FOR SOIL FE:RTIJ.ITY, Aei'I.IC,UJ. itl"-.AJ. SUITABILITY Tc:ST AND SOIL PRl:l"Al'I.ATION 11!!:GOMMENDATION5. THO SAMl"L.ES :!IHAL.L 6E TAKEN AT l::Ac.H LOCATION, (I) 51'1.0UND J.EVl:J. TO 10' Dl:EP, (2) 24' TO l56' Df:l::P. E:AGH SAMF'J.E SHAJ.J. CONTAIN Al"PR.OXIMATEJ. 'I" I GlUAl'I.T OI" SOI!. AND eE J..AeEU:D !"ER LOCATION AND DEPTH. CON'l'l'I.ACTOR SHAL.L INSTALL SOIL Pl'I.El"AAATION ANO BAGKFIL.L MIX TO CONFORM TO THEse RECOMME:NDATIONS ONJ.'t" UPON Al"f"!ltOYAI.. OI" CITY INSP!:CTOl'I. AND RECEIF'T OF V'IRITTl:N CHA.Nee 01'1.DE:l'I. !"ROM OWNEl'I.. SU13MIT SOIL ~ORT TO CITY INSPEC,TOR AND 0~.A. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO SOIL AMl=NDINe 16. eROUND C,0\/1:R!:, AND 5HRIJ85 SHAJ.J. Bl: Tl'I.IANelJJ.Al'I.J. Y Sl"AecD, UNLESS OTHE:RHl5f: INDICATl:D. I",. AJ.J. SOIL !"OR J.ANDSCAl"E PJ.ANTINe A~ OR 6E:l'!.MS SHALL Bl: OBTAINl!!O l"l'I.OM ON- SITE l::XC-AVATIONS. SHOUJ.O IMF'Ol'I.T SOIL eE NECESSARY, INDICATE: SOURCE: LOC,A.T!ON. SOIL SHALL BE SANDY LOAM CONTAININ'5 NO TOXIC C,HE:MICAJ.S 01'1. ELEMENT!:> ~HIC-H MAY INHIBIT OR Rl:TARP NOR.MAJ. PLANT eROHTH. SOIL Tl:STINe l'I.E:51..iL TS SHALL eE 5UeMITTED AND Al"'l"ROVl:D l"!'tlOR TO SOIL IMF'ORT . 20. AI..J. J.AND5CAP!:D AREAS {l:XC,UJDINe i\JRI" AND Sl.Ol"l.:5 !!l, I AND efiltl:A ~ 5HAL.L i,e MUJ.CHE:D WITH A l5' DEEP l.AY!'!R OF 'MEDIUM <SRINO MULCH' AT THE CONCL.IJSION OF l"I..ANTINe OFEAATIONS. SUBMIT 5AMl"L.E TO CITY INSP!:CTOR FOR Al"PR.OVAJ. l"RIOR TO BUJ.K DEJ.IVl:l'I.Y TO .J0e SIT!:. 21. AT EDeES 01" l"LANTINe AREAS, THE Cl=NTER J.INE OF TH!: I.AST ROH OF SHl'We!> AND/0"- eROUND COVEf/1:, SHALL eE LOCATED NO FARTHER FROM OR C,J.O!SER. TO THE EDe.E THAN ONE-HALF THE ~C.IFll::D ON-C.l::NTl:R Sl"ACINe. :22. Rl::MOVE AI..J. Nl/Rel:l'!.Y STAK!:!> AND l::Sl"AJ.11::R RACKS IMME:DIATl:J. Y AFTl:R INSTALLATION, UPON PROVIDIN6 SUPPORT l"E:R DETAIL. CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT :20 .---------'l:":"=-~~,:---------.,----,---r----------------...----,----,---,----1 "AS-BUILT" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I ANllSCAPr ARCH ITFC"TI RF ' DRAWN APPROVED 1 11t. SUB 2 nd. SUB MYLAR SUB JOB NO. DATE SCAl..E JP, DB MM 01/12/04 02/10/05 03£'.'.:15/05 111t.E: RECEIVED BY: 04-071 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL bAit ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 01HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I l"J.ANTINe L.E<SeND, Ol:TAIJ.S AND No-re5 FOR, L-11 VILLASES OF LA COST.A THE GREENS -1.06 DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C,T 04-16 DRAWING NO. 421-1L l"'L. .... NTIN6 ""ND M.AINT!!N,A,NC::.I!! 1.0 ec::.oi-e 1.0! i-.r,orm all plal'lt~ arid malm:.nanc.. ..or1< a• ln,,11<.at.d and ••<-!tied, <.omplete. 1.0:2 Th• C::.ondltlon• oP tM C::.Ontraet and the ..,,.,.al ep ... 1,1<.atlon• are a part .,, thlr, !leetlon. 1.oe C::.ONi'IIIOL., The ••1-tlon of h..-bTGTde•, appl!Ultton rate., and met.ho$ ar• to be performed under th• c;ontrol and guldam.• of a 5tate of Cal1'ornla IIGeneed p-t Gontro I advleor and appllGatDr. 1.04 L."""°""",.O"Y' AN,6,1.. Y'515, l"'rovtd• labordltor"\j .olle analye.T• Gfflormlng tD the '""""'"9' ""· '!"••ting t,, be perform.td by the &oil and l"'l""'i L.aboraiory, 41:2 So. L.yon, 5anta Ma, C::."" "l:2ill, C,14) l55e-:!>;1!!15. !!I. ISvl:lmlt the follo,.1ng =II• aampl•• t,, the IC1borc:1tory ot. th• Gommeneement of IIWrl<., I. Ndltlve •oil, Ter, repre•er,l:atlV• •ampl•• c::,P nat.lv• eoll tD be la,.,...,,.,p•d ot 10"-otlonefflo"n on pion• .. 1th thl• eymbol. l"'erform t..o (:Z) Soll• T•et.e at •=h l=atlon. (One (I) at ground level t,, 10" o••p, and one (I) at 24" -"6" depthJ :z. Import eoll, On• (I) repr•••nllotlve eampl• for •o"'h 100 GubTG yard• and/or eour"'•· c::., !"'I®• eaGh eampl• In o •tu,-oy Gontalner, properly ldent:1'f<td, laioeled, and dated. c:>. l"'rovlde r•port oP reeult.e to th• o..,,er, L.ondeG<lpe Nc.hlt...t, C::.I~ ln•p-tDr ond 5-en.,-al C::.ontroGtor. I!!. All t•et.1...g eervlen ehall be paid for by th• L.ond6"'ope C::.ontro<:-tor. :Z.O c&l!!Nl!!"""L CONDITION& :2.01 All eGoled dlm.tnelone a,-• approxtmote. Chee.le. and v.,-lf\j all elte dlmenelone and r•"•lv• o .. n•r'• repr•••nt:at.lve'e approval prior t.o proeeeolng "Ith ""rlc. und•r th!• t\e<.tlon. :2.0:2 c::.oordlnate 1netallat1on of oll plant materlale, to ovoid Tm:.rf.,..,,<:-• ,.,th oth.,- c.onetni"tlon. :2.oe l<•ep the premle-Glean Cl'ld Pr•• oP exc.••• •o,.ulpm.tnt, materlale, and oebrle ln<:-ldental to .. or1c.. :2.04 l"'rote"t "orlc. Cl'ld ,.c,rlc. oP c,th.,-• at all ti~ In performan"• oP "orlc.. :2.0!I C::.arePully note all Plnleh grade• ioePor• Gommene1n9 ...,,-1<,. ~&tore any Plnleh 9radeehanged during Goura• of I.hie ..orlc. t.:, original or lnYnoeo graoee. !.O ON-61'11! Ol!lel!!"VATION e.01 Th• Po110 .. 1ng .,.., v1e1te ""'"" be made by o .. ,,.,. .• ,..pr ... matlve. Th• C::.Ontrac.tor&hall r•o,.u••t revre .. In ,.,-1t.1n9 In advanG• oP ti,• I.Im• alt. vtett la reo,.ulred. AdvanGe notlPl""'tron for th• Ioele" elt• vl•lte ehal I be reo,.u1red o• Pollo"•• A. l"'r•-Job ,..,,,,.,..,,.,,., , da!:19, C::.lt\j tnapeGt.:>r t.o attend al•o !!I. l"'lnal grad• revl•"' 4t> houra C::.. l"'lant mat•rlal revle,., 4t> houra c:>. l"'lant layout r•vl•"• -4t'> houra I!!. Soll preparation and plal'ltl""3 op•ratlone (on• (I) tr-.. 11:h eC!Gh typ• oP •pee!Pled •taking •hall be approv•d prior to plariilng tr•••J• 4e houra !". l"'re-mcdnt•ne1nG•• i cjay• •· l"'lnal a<:-<.eptan<-•• , oay• e.o:z IP C::.ontra<.tor r•o,.ueete a eli:• vtelt: ano ih• •11:• re not Pound to be tn an =<:-•ptable Gondltfor, t,, hold the rev!•", the hourly ,-• oP the per•onne I <.al l•d Per th• &It. vfelt •hall be p"11d by th• C::.ontrac,tor and •hall be o•ou<.YO Prom hi• <.omr"""t pr!"•· e.M No •ft• vl•lte ehall <.ommenGe .. rthout all 11.eme noted In pr•vtoue obaervatlon l"eporte •ft.her o:ompl•t•d or ,..m•dtad uni••• euGh GomplfanGe ha• been "alv•d by 1:1,e o..n.,-. s,.., vfelte the1t e1r• eeh•dul•d, but th• C::.ontrac;tor hae ,ailed to ""'-<:-ompllel, pun<.hllet taek.e or pr•par• adeo,.uat.ly Por oeel,..d tnepec,tfon,, ehalf malc.e the C::.ontra<:-tor r••on•lbl• ,or relmburelng th• L.e1ndeGap• ArGhlt•Gt ot hie eu,-,..nt hourly billing rate plue traneportatlOn .:.o•te. No PurNr il'lepe<.tlone ehe1II bee<:-hedul•dumlf this Gharg• """ be•n paid and r•"-•lved by L.and6<:-t:1p• Arc,hfyc,t. 4.0 MA'!?!!'t.!AL.6 -4.01 dl>l!!Nl!!AAL., l"'rovtd• mayrfofe oP beet o,.uallb,j obtainable, ""'""' <.omply etrl<:-tly l'!ith dral'llng• and epe<.ffto:otfone. 4.0:Z !S'T"A'T"l!!Ml!!NTS OI" C::.ONP"l"MA'T"ION, eubmlt at I.Im• oP d•IIV•ry ll'IVOIGe •ta .. m•nt• "-•rtffylng o,.uantltlee bij bullc. and/or "•lght, for al I or9an1" amenclment.e and f•rttlfz•ra. 5vbmlt •uppll_,.,., <:-ertfPfeat•• oP Gompllan<:-• ,.,th the .. •p•<:-1'1<.atlon•. ~ndom eampl•• may be tak.en by Ol'll'l•r'• reprH•ntatlV• Por analy•f•. -4.0S" ~A.Nie:. AM!!Nt'M!!N'T", i:,.,-1ved Prom l'IOOd or boric., granular In natur•, •l.ablllzed .. rth nttroger, t:1t'ld Portffl•d ,.,th mlnert:11•, and having the Po110 .. 1n9 prop.rt.I••, A. Orgt:1nl<. C::.ont•nt, Mlnlmum "!Olli by l'l•lght. !I. !"artf<-1• 61ze, Minimum "1B paeatng -4 m.teh •"-r••n Minimum 60!111 pautng 6 m••h ec;.r-••"'· c::.. Nitrogen Content, o.n boe•d or, dr"\j ... igr,t Por r•d,.ood •-duet. 0.1'1o baa•d on dry "'•lght Por Plr ..,,.duet. I.O!III baa•o on dr"\j .... rgh• Por Plr or pin• boric., NOT!!, l"'lne ea,..duet le not t:1<:-0:•ptable. C>. Mln•rallzed, 0.11111 total Iron. I!!, 6allnltlj, Maximum <:-onouetlvfty 9.5 mm/Gm at :ze d•gr••• C::.. 4.04 ~TIL.1~ AND M!Nl!RAL.5, ""· l"•rrlc, eulPat., t"•:2 ($04) 5 minimum 20l\l I"'•, oe metal!IG. !I. 1typeum, C::.olGTum 6ul¥ate, C::.A 604 H:20, :ZO!II C::.A 161', Gomblned aufPur. C::.. &oll eulPur, Minimum "151111 •lem•ntal •ul'ur. · c:>. C::.omm•relal t"ertllizer, Ammonium •ulfat• 21-0-0 Ammonium nitrate l!M-o-OAmmonlum phoephate 16-:20-0 6-20-20 l!leet c::.o., or eo,.ual, Por =II preparation l:Z-12-1:2 l!leat C::.o., or eo,.ut:11, ,or •oil pr•paratlon 16-f>-& l!leet C::.O., or e<:\)J"I, ,or malnl:e"""Ge I!!. AgrlPorm :ZO-lo-5 (21 gram) pfantl"9 tabl•te. I"'. ero ... -l"'o.,•r l"'lua, 5,5d, !50!111 humue, 2!111 eofl jHln•trant l"'H 4.5 -4.i. NO'!!!, AC::.'T'I.JAL. AMl!!Nc:>Ml!!NTS TO et!! t,!m!"MINl!!c:> f!!IY' $OIL.$ ~l"'~T Of!!ITAINl!!D ~" el!!C::.TION 1.04 ~- 4.05 l"'L.ANT M""~IAL.111, CRuantfl:y and etz• of plank "" etated on th• l"'ICl'le ond l"'l""'t L.tel:. No root bound moYrlal• allo,.•d. l"'lont• •hall be Prnh ond vlgoroue, oP normal gro .. th, and ,r .. o, di••""••• "••de, harml'ul lna•<:-1.e, or their lnee<.t •gg• and larvae. A. l"'tant.e ehall Gomply ,.,th C::.allPornta etate t,epartm•m oP >.grtGuftvr•'e r•gulatlon Por nureet'\j tnepeGtlon•, rul•e, and rating•. All plant• ehall hav• a normal habit oP gro,.th and •ha! I be aound, li•althy, vtgoroue, and Pree o, lnee<.t tnf••tattone, ple1nt di•-•· euneGalde, Preeh abra111on11 oP the bark., exGeeelv• abraelone, or oth.,-obJeGtfonabl• dtePfgur•mente. Tr•• trunk.e •ha 11 be 11turdy and ... 11 hardened. """ plant. •holl hav• nol"me1lly -11-d•v•lop•d bron<:-h ey•t•m• and vtgoroue and ,n,,,-ou• root eyeteme. l"hor• <.ontaln•r-gro"n plar1• ar• Prom eev.,-al .aurGee, the rook c::,P not ,e,.er than 1,,.o (:,.) pfCl'lte of •a<:-h epe<:-T•• or varlet\j Prom ea<.h eour<-• ... 111 be lnep•eted. In <.a•• the eample plant. a,.. Pound t.:, be defe<.tfv•, th• L.or,deGap• Nc,i'Ut•et r•••rv•• h .-rght to r•J•"-t the •ntfr• lot or lote o, plant. ,..pr•e•nYd by oeP ... tfv• aamplee. Th• L.andeGC!p• ...,..,,hlte<.t I• th• •ol• Judge ae t.:, ""'-"'•ptabfllty. Any plant• l"•nd•red uneultt:1bl• Por plant.Ing beGau•• of tl,le li,•p-tlon ""' be Gor,r,t.,;.,.ed oe eampl•• anci ,.,11 b• provld•d at the C::.ontraet.:>r'• •xp•n ... !I. Th• minimum aGG•pl:able •tze Por all ehru~, m-ured bePor• prunl"IJI .. 1th th• branGh•• tn normal poelttc,n, ehall GonPorm to th• meoeurem•nt• utlllz•d bij Hlnn Nuraery. l"'lome larg•r tn etz• than •p•<:-IPl•o may be ueed ,.,th th• approval oP the L.and~ap• Na,lt...t, but the u .. oP larg•r plant• 1'1111 Gau .. no a,t:1nge In ec,ntra.:t pr,.,,., All t,..• •lz•• ehall <:-onPorm t.:, th• mlntmiim •l:ze• tnol<:-.,..o per .,..<:-rPfed <:-ontalr,er •lz• ae c.ontalned In th• Valley<:-reet Tr-Comp""!j <.otalog. C::.. !"'!ante ,.,11 be eubJ•<:-t to r•vf•" Por =<-epl:al'\Ge or ,..J•Gtfon at pla<-• oP 9ro..th an/or on pr-oJec.t •It• at an~ ttm• io.tf'or• ar during pr09r••• oP i"riark., for 1,Jze, variety, .,.,r,dit;.1on, laterit de,eGte, and In.Jurin. 111.emove ,..Je<:-t.d plant. Prom elt• tmmedlat.ly and replaGe "'th a<.<:-eptabl• plant.. c:,, At no time ehall tr-e or plant material• be prun•d, trlmmeo or topped prior to d•llv•ry, any alwr,atlon of th•y ehap• be <:-onduGt.d only .. 1th the approval o, and In th• prn•n<:-• oP th• L."lndeGo-p•. I!!. l'"rotec.t all plant11 Prom damagln'!I eun and ,.,nd. Damage may be GOU .. ,.,,. ... J•Gtlo,n •v•n aPter Tnltlal aG<:-epl.an<:-•. I". Su~tltut•• ar• not. p•rmltted uni••• •p•c.lPl<:-t:1ily approved In ,.,-ftln'!I, 4.06 el!!l!!c:> MIXl!!e, A. Sl!!!c:>, .Ae •p•<-IPled, dellve,..d to the Job o,fte, unmixed In ••parate ••aled Gont,:,ln•.-.. l!c:IGh c.ontalner mv•t b,oar 1:1,• •••d euppll.,-'• label• Tndlc.al.lr,g the .:.ont.atner ,..,ght, •-d ~•. ••ed purity, and g•rmtnatlon per<:-•ntag••· All Gontaln•r• •hall be labeT40d ac.GordlnlJI fo etate and Pedert:11 .. .,.. la"•· eampl•• may be tak.en Por t•etlng to •n•ur• tfiat 1:1,e •••d .,.•<-IPl<:-atron• hav• beer, m•t. -4,0, 'T'I.Jfll.l'" AND 6~551!!6 ..... HydraullG loe•d~ I. 6-ed, t"r•eh, Glean, n•" """P eeed, pr•mlxed by •upplfer. "l'larr•n'• L.and•"-"p•re Mix t"n<:-ue l!ller,d" -Mix adv•nture, mu•tard, t:1nd arlo Pee<:-uee "h!Gh e1re 100% pure and have a g•rmlnatlon rate oP "1551.. :2. !"bod o:•I Iulo .. '11:>.,-, P"lre; o,.ualltlj Gomm.,-<:-lal grade. !!I. Soll etablllz.,., &ofogy C::.Oi,trof11 M-etnder. 6pr•ad at a rt:1•• o, 60 Iba. l"'•r one (I) aGr•. 4. f"•rtlfl:zer, ii-19--5 urea Pormt:1ldehyd• Pfl"et °'ualrty c;ommerGlol grod•. 5. t,ellver to 1:1,e Ar<:-hft•"-•• c:>eol•r'& guaran .. ed ata .. ment oP .:ompoeltlon and per<:-•rit oP purl~ oP -•d ml>< b\i dealer. 4.0& S'T"At<IN6 AND 6UY'IN6 MAi'l!!RIAL.S, A. ~ S'!".,,.1<1!!6, :2" dlamet.,-" 10' long, I (on•) pl•<-• eound tr•at•d pin• ond un!Porm elz•, pointed at on• •nd. etalc.e "" d•talf•d. e. Tfl!!S, ~bber, vinyl 'C::.il'l<:-h-TI•' ae me1nuP®tur•d by V.I.T. 4.0"1 ~OT l!IA""iellt, 610-!!IAMll!!"- 1$ .,_.,I. Tr••o 11Uf5:2-4 -1,,.., (:2) .,,1:1, Pour (4) pan•I• r•o,.ulr•d :24" !lox treee ll!Jei:Z4 -1,,.., (:2) ,.,th Plv• (5) panel• r•o,.ulr•d 56" f!!ox tre•e IIUE\24 -'"'" (2) ,.,1:1, eeven C,) eanefe reo,.ulred -46" f!!ox tr••• and larger -p•r me1nuPe1.:.tur•r e reGomm•noatlone 4.10 MUL.C::.H, A. c:>oubl• '5rlnd All !!lark. by l!llu• "'"""'" L.andeGape llupplln C,14) 6!!1!!1-5666, or approveo •o,.ual. e. MulGh d•pt.h to be at 1 ..... t 5" unl•e• not•o oth•r,.I•• on c:>ra .. rnga. 9.0 INSTAL.L.ATION l"'lltOC::.l!!c:>Ulf.l!!S 5.01 !"IN!! 6fllt,,IJ;>IN6/SOIL. l"l'tel"'A~'T"ION A. ~. C>o not "ork. •oil "hen th• mofe•ur• c,ontent le .., 9ree1t that •x"•••lv• <.ompa<.t.lon .. 111 OGGur, nor ,.h.,, ft le eo dry 1:1,at duet .. 111 Porm or that <:-lode ,.,11 not br•ak. r•odlly. Apply ..ater IP n•G•••ary to provide Ideal mot111ture <:-ontent Por tilling "Ind planting. !"'.,-,orm Pin• grading In eu<:-h a .. ay ae to antl<:-ipat• 1:1,e Plnleh grad• aPter t:h• lnetallatlon of eoil <.ondltlo,,.,.., ~move or r•dl•trl'oute •xe••• eoll loePor• appll<:-at:lon oP eoll am.tndment:e. Maintain all Pio" ltn••• drainage ""ol••• and pattern• a• •ho"'n on th• pr•ef•• grading plan provld•d by th• proJ•<-t <.fvll •"9lne•r. I!!-, Obtain c.•rtlPfc.atlon ,rom proJ•Gt: <.lvll engtr,e•r that: Pinal grad•• to 1/10 Poot have been ••tablleh•d prior t:o Gomm•l'lt:lng landet:aptP19 operotfona. !"rovld• ,.,,. ll'lt:orporatlon oP al! am•ndment•, .. ttflng, et<:-. !!le r-ponelbf• Por ehap1ng all planting are"" ae tndfGC1t•d on r:>ra .. 1n9e. c::.. Th• Irrigation eye .. m ehall b• Pully operotlonol, revl•"•d, and opprov•d by landeGt:1p• t:1rGhlte<:-t and <:-11:\j lnep ... tor prior to planting. C>. """l"'IN6, "'P eoll In nor,-elop• oreae I••• than 4,1 In mo (:2) oppoetng dlre<.t:lone t.:, " minimum oept:h oP 6 Tnc,hea to r•if•v• c;ompa<.t:fon. !!. l"INISI-I, 6rad• ,:,II plant.Ing area• to allo" Por eoll am.tndment.e ano mul<.h <11> •p•<:-IP!ed. 1'+,•r• no grao•• or• ehol'l!'I, groo• loet:,._n •x1et1rig or Pl><ed Gontrol• (eu<.h ae "alk.e, Gurba, eat<:-h baalne) and •l•vatlone eho"'n to provld• " 11mooth and <:-ontlnual plan•. ~k.e and level "" M"9eeary to obtain true and ev•n eurfac;•e. Maintain all ""al•• on l!!ngln••r'e plan and grade to drain. t". ~mov• and ol•po•• oP ro<:-k.e ov•r 1-lnGh dlam•l:•r, Gonet:ruetlon d•brfe, -•de, etG . .,,thin th• limft:e of th• proJ•<:-t prior to applying eoll t:1mendment:e. !!1.0:Z 601L. ~l"'A"'°'TION A. GlUAN'T"l'T"ll!!S, UnlPormly apply t.:, eC!Gh 1,000 •o,.uare P••t oP plontlng a,..a, NOT!!, THI!! l"'OL.L.Ol'IINdl> AMl!NtiMl!!N'T'$ A~ t"~ 151C>c:>11116 l"'U"l"'oe!!S ONL. Y'. AC::.TUAL. GlUAN'T"l'T"ll!!S ANc:> M!Xl!!5 SHALL. el!! C>l!!Tl!!~INl!!c:> IN ~Ol't.C>ANc::.I!! l'IITH SOIL.e !Q!l"'~T Ol!l'T"AINl!!c:> ~ li?!M 1.04 Al!!-OVI!!. Nltrog•n-etoblltzed organlG omendment, 6 C::.Y' Ammonium phoephat:e 6/20/:20, 15 L.5 >.grlc,ultural gypeum, 100 L.e Soll eulPur, :zo L..e 6ro-l"'o,.•r l"'lu•, 160 L.l!I Iron IWIPCIY, 6 L.e e. C>l5'!"Rlf5U"l'ION, c:>letrlbut• the organle am•ndm•nt ano ,.,.1:111z•r ov•r th• planting ar• to a unlPorm :2 '"""••· S...ur• approval Prom o .. ner'• ,..preaentatlve prior to ,.o,-lc.1""3 am•ndment. Approval ,.,11 not be glv•n IP thle proGedvre le not u .. d. C::.. C::.UL. 'T"IVA'T"ION, l'lork. Into aoll by <:-ultlvatton, epadlng or rototllllng to a d•pth oP at: l•""t 6 lnGh•e. t"lnleh grad-to smooth Plnleh belo" adJa<-•nt: pav!ng and c.urba. ~mov• all debrle and "'••d• f'rom elY. c,. 1'Ac::.l<t"IL.L. MIX, eto<:-lc.pll• a •uPPIGlent o,.uantlt\i of appr-c,v•d aoll Pound on ell:•, Pr-oP "•ed• and d•brl•, Por mixing ae ba<:-kPIIT material•. SUpplem•nt on-elt• eoll ,.,th approved Import eoll, ae reo,.utr•d. Ml>< amount Por 10 c,ubl<. yorde ae Pollol'!e, 6 <:-ubl<:-yarde on-elY •oil 4 GublG yard• organ!<. am•ndment :20 pound• P•rrlc. r,ui,ate 20 pound• ammonium phoepha.., 1eo pound• 'l&r'o-l"'o,.•r l"'fu•' U.. c.are not: to etaln c;on<-r•t• ,.,1:1, P•rr!G •ui,a ... C::.l•anl"IJI o, •t:aln•o "'nGr• .. t• reeponelbfllt\j oP C::.ontraGtor. 5.05 )'l!!l!!c:> AEIA'T"l!!Ml!!N'T", Upon the Gompl•tlon oP th• Irrigation ey•t:•m t:1nd .:1,i.... all exlel:fr,g ,._,::ia and gro"th have ioe•n r•mov•d Prom th• planting area, perform 1:1,e Pollo .. rng "••d abatem•nt: progr<::1m. l'lat•r all t:1r•a• ,our (4) I.Im•• dally Por t..enty-on• (21) c;one•Gutlve daye t:1nd until "e•d ee•d• hav• germinated. G•""e .. aterlng Por thr•• (5) daye. Apply a non-leGtlv• h•rbl<:-ld• (111.ound-Up) p•r manuPa<:-tur•r'• re<:-ommer,da11ona to •radl.:at• th• g•rmtnat•d -•d•. Allo"' herb!<:. Ide to k.11 I "'II ,._da. ~ or hoe o,, o 11 dead "••de to a depth of ? tneh be lo"' th• eurla<:-• oP the eoll. i, perennial "'••d• or gra•••• et.II I •xl•t, re,.at:•r Pour (4) tlm.te dally ,or ,ouri.-n (14) <:-oneeeutlv• daye until ,.,.,. gro"'th appear•. ~apply a h•rblc;ld• .. 1th a dy• lndl<.t:11.or. ~move "••o• after herbl<.lde ha& had euPPfetent !:Im• to k.111. 5.04 l"'L.AN'T"IN6 A. ~ANT A~AL.S, Obtain opproval oP plant lo<:-atfone, planting hol••• r:•-mlx•d bac:k.PIII, and ilant•. Tr••e and ahrube ehal not be planted until Gonetru<.tlon ,..,,.1<, In 1:1,e area ha• be•n """'Pl•t•d, Pfnal grade• and ""aln eetabllehed, -•d abotem•nt provided, and the plant.Ing ar-prc,perly grodeo and prepared. :2. stak.e plant loGat:lone or plaGe opprov•d o,.uontlt:t•• oP pion!.• In ,:,ontatnera on lo.:.atlon•. e.Gur• approval bePore •x<:-avat:lng pit•, making ne<:-eer.ary adJu•tm•nt.e ae dlr-ted. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. !I. S~I!! l"'L.ANTIN6, I. l!!x<:-avat• pit• .. 1th e<.orlPl•d v•rt!Gal eld•• and bottom, no amoll•r than th• Pollo,.lng &fzee,~antrt:y, a) I gallon plant. -f>" deep, f:Z" In dlam•t•r. Cl•pth oP root.ball and t;,.o (:Z) tlmee ,.,dth. b) !S 9t:1llon plant• -12" de•p, :24" In diameter. c:>epth of root.ball ond t..o (:2) timer, "ldth. <:-) l!S gallon plant• -16" d••p, 90' In dfamet:•r. i:,aptt, oP root.ball and t,,.o (:2) tlm•• "ldth. d) eo-d tr••• -c:>epth oP rootball and t,,.o (:2) tlm•• .. 10th. :2. No treee &holl be planted ,.11:1,in :2' oP a pav•d eurPa<:-e (I.•., eon<:-r•t• paving, <:-urb, l'lall) uni••• epec.lPl<.ally lndlc.ated on plane and only "'Ith the 11pec.lP!ed root barrf.,-. 3. C::.ontaln.,. plant• ehall be b®k.,tlled ,.rt1, amer,ded eofl p.,. soil& report, r•eomm•ndatlone. 4. l"'artlt:1lly r•¥111 hole to a height that, ,.1,en a plant ta plaGed th• <:-l"""n ,,. eflghtty above the Pfnleh grade. UII• Prlabl• unamended eoll Por all boxed tr•••• ep•Glfl•d ba<:-lc.Pfll ml>< Por all other ec,ntaln•r plt:1nte and tamp to Gompa<.t. !5, c:>epor.lt ei-o-l"'o,.•r planting table• per manuPaet:urer'e re<:-omm•ndatlone In plm pit.. 6. l"orm ""'"'"""' baafn around edge o, rootball by d•pr•eelng eoll ellghtly belo" Plnl&h•d grad•. l"orm baein rime. l<aep baeln ,..,thin outer edg•• oP root.ball. i. lndlvldut:1lly ht:1nd "ater et:1c.h ple1nt to eatul"aY rootball and adJac.•nt r,oil lmmedtatel~ aPt:.r planting. 6. AdJuet Por eet:t!•m•nt and grad• area• around plome to Plniel, grad•• and dl•poH oP •xc.••· •oil. "I. lnetall "Nbor 611aroe" on t:111 tr••• In turP ar.ae. 10. ~move nuraery etak.e11 and guy or etak.e tree• d•efgnated ,.11:1, etalc.e or etak.ee on "'"d"ard eld• oP tr•• ae d•talled. C::.. lll51"'AL.II!!" l"'L.ANTINdl>, ~mov• ••poller etalc.e eupporl: oi time oP plamtng "lthoul: damage to plant and train eepaller t.:, the odJac:ent "all or eupport as detall•d. C>. o!IROUNt,C::.0\11!1'1, IN&TAL.L..,,.TION, !"lam grovnd<:-ov•re In all d••tgnal:eo ar•ae, I. l"'lant rooted euttlnge and dlvlelone Prom Piotr, Into molet eoll and In n•at, etralght '"""" at ep•Gftied 1n .. rve1le. :2. emootl, 11011 about plant. and l•av• c:r•e1• In n•ot and <:-lean Gonditlon. ~l:aln 11 light d•pr•eelon around •a<:-h p I ant. c:>o not bury the Grol'ln oP the p I ant. a. 1-iand ,..,..,,. ground<:-ov•r plant. at leaet i,,.,,.. " "••k., Gar•Pully and tndlvloually .. 1th elo" eoPt et.ream of ""t•r, to •n•ur• that eofl t• ••!.tied around root., but bel""3 <.t:1rePuf not w .. aeh eoll oPP oP plant.. Not: more than one-ha!P hour ehall elap•• Prom the I.Im• any ground<.over Ir. planted until It le ""tered. t"orm " nc,i, Gup~lllc.e t:1rrangement for all plant. on •lop••· c:>o not allo"' plant:e to dry out bePore "hlle being ple1riied. 4. Apply preemerg•m hel"bfGld• SU1'.i"'L.AN-i5 p•r manuPaGturer'e r•GOmm•ndatlone tD grouno<:-OV•r area• only, after all plantf"9 h"" been Gompl•Yd. l"'ollo"' monuf=tur•r'e tnetruetlon•. Th• "ork. •hall be under the dlre<:-tfon oP a r•glet•red peet Gontrol odv1eol". e. HYD~seer:>!!c:> ~~ I. APt•r •oil preparation, eetabllehment oP Pfnal grod•• and "••d <:-ontrol, the eurfa<:-• t...o (:Z) lnGh•• oP .all ehall be loo .. n•d by harro"' or rototfll•r and Ploo••o l•v•I and Trrl9ated Jue, prior t:o planting. :2. l"'reparotlon, Th• elul"r"\f pr-,,aratlon r,hall tak.e pla<-• at th• •It• or ""rk. and ehafl begin by adding ,..,te,-to the t:ank. "hen the engine le at ha!P-throt.tle. l'lhen 1:1,e ""••r level hae re®hed 1:1,e height oP the agltol:or fflaPt, good reelr<.ulatron ehafl be eett:1bllehed and at I.hie time th• •••d and <.hemlGal addltlVe ehall be added. l"•rtlllz•r •hall !:hen be add•d ,0110,.•d blj """d pulp muf<:-h. Th• """d pulp mufc.h 11hall on!~ be add•d to the ml><ture aPter the tt:1nlc. le at l•a•t one-third ,111ed "Ith ... o .. r. Th• •ngln• throttle •hall be opened to Pull •p••o "h•n the tc:,ni< le halP-,llled .. 11:1, .. at.er. All th• """d pulp mulGh ehall be aodeo bij th• I.Im• th• tank I• t..o-t:hlrde to thr .. -Pouri:1,e Pull. epraylng ehall <.omm•ne• ,tve (!S) mlnuye t:1Pt•r addition of th• a,•mfGal addltlV• "hen the tank. 111 lull. Appll<.atlon rate, t"lber 1,500 11:>e. per <1<:-r• 6e•d• hydros•ed mix 'A' 1011:>it/a<:-re, 6ro-l"'o.,•r l"'lue 1,100 Iba. p•r a<:-r•. cS-ro-l"'o,.er C::.ontrolled ~, • .,.. (l:Z-6-6) :200 Iba. per t:1Gr• •No••• !"'or eo!l-p,.•pp•d ar•ae, apply aoo Iba. dl>rc,-l"'o,..r HI- Nitrogen (14-4-"I) p•I" QGr• In the e,ful"r"\j only. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS ARE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL AMENDMENT QUANTITIES AND MIXES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOILS REPORT OBTAINED PER ITEM 5,02 ABOVE. e. Appll<.atron, Th• operator el,all epra~ the area .. 1th a unfPorm vlefbl• <:-ot:1t by uelng the gr••n .,,.,,.,,. oP ti,• "°od pulp "" "' guld•. Th• •lurry ehall be appll•d In " ""'••ping motion, In an t:1rt:.hed •tream eo "" to Pall 111<.e rain, t:111o"'l"9 th'" "'"od Pfb•r• material to ep,..ad at the requlr•d rate per aGre. I"'. J,.,lv'IN/,S.AASS l"'L.AATIN6 I. f+,jdro11eed l..a>sn lnetallatlon a) APYr eoll preparation, eetablt&hment of ¥Ina! gradn and "••d Gontrol, th• eurPa<.e """ (:Z) ln<:-hn oP eofl ehall be looeeneo by he,,-,-.,,. or rototlll•r and Ploaf;.ed level and lrrl9t:1Yd Juet prior to planting. b) l"'r9Pc:1rat1on, The elurry preparation eht:111 tQke pl®• at the elt• oP ...,,-1<, and ehall begin by adding "at.er to th• tanlc. l'!hen thlO engtn• I& ot: ha!P-throttle, l'tien 1:1,e .. at..-i•v•I hoe r•=h•d the height oP the t:19Ttc:ot.:>r •ha,,, good r•<-fr<.ulatfon •hall be ••tabll11hed and at: thle time the •••d and c.hemfc,al addftlv• ehall be add•d. f"•rtlllz•r ehall I.her, b• added tollo,.ed bij "ood pulp mulGh. The "'ood pulp mulc.h ehall only be added to the mlxt:ur• after the tonic. le at leaet one-,hlrd ,tll•d ,,.,1:1, "'"'I.er. Th• •"9lne throttle ehall be op•n•d to full •P••d "hen the tonic. le ha!P-llll•d "Ith ,.o,_,-_ ... II 1:1,• """d pulp mvfeh •hall be t:1ddeo bij the time the tank re t..o-thlrde to thr••-Pourtl,• f'ull. epraylng ehall eommene• Pfv• (!SJ mlnuYe af,er add"'lon oP oh• Gh•ml<:-al additive "hen th• tank le ,ull. Appll<.atlon rat•, P"lber l,!SOO 11:>e, p•r ®re Se•d 413!!1 Iba. p•r a<.r• (I lb. p•r 100 e.f.) 6ro-l"'o,.•r l"'lue 1,100 !be, per a<:-re cS-ro-l"'o,.•r Controlled ~l•a•• (12-6-6) :ZOO Iba, p.,. a<.r• •Not., !"or aoll-prepp•d areae, apply 500 Iba. 6ro- l"'o,.•r HI-Nlt.ro~n (14-4-"I) per a<:-re In the elurry only. <.) Appll<:-atfon, Th• op•ratDr ..,.,11 11pra~ the area .. 1th a unfform vtefbl• <:-oat by u•lng the gr-n Golor oP the ,..,.,.,; pulp a• " guld•. Th• elurry 11hall be applleo In " •-•ping motion, In an ar-a,•d •tr•am ao ae to Pall 111<.e rt:1fn, allo,.lng ti,• "ood flbere mater la I to epread at the r•o,.utr•d rote p•r ac.r•. :2. i"ROT!!GTION, l"'sot•<.t all turl area• "'!!"'Inst damag•, lno:ludlng eroelon and tre11pa••· l"'rovtd• .. hat•v•I" ,aGilltlee and ea,•gut:1rde are ne<:-eeec:ry to QG.::.omplleh thle. Tak.e •p•c:.fal <.are to prevent •roefon. All dama'!I•• ehall be th• C::.Ontra,:t<,r'e r••onelblllt\j durf"9 th• IIP• oP the c::.ontra<:-t. 6. 6UA~NT!!!I!! ANc:> !ltl!!l"L.Ac::.l!!M!!NT, I. ehruba and 9round<:-ov•r• 6ut:1rant•• until end oP malnt.nan<:-• period and aGG-,,ton<.e. ~pla<.e any plante that di• or loee Porm and &lze ae orl'!llnol ly •p-lPl•d •ver, though they have taken root Cl'ld ar• 9"""'"9 a,..,,. the dl•baelc. or 101111 oP ,orm or el:ze. :Z. Tr•••• 6\/arom•• all tr••• In ,.,-rtf""3 to live In a h•alth\J <.ondftfon Por one (I) year oft•r matntenane• p.,-lod expll"•• t:1nd proJeet le a<:-Gepl:,od by Ol'll'l•r. l't,tploGe d•od or unhealth\j tr••11 lmmedtately. c:>etermrnatlon of 1:1,• n••d Por r•pl®ement •hall be p.,. th• o .. n.,.•• r•pr•••ntatlve. All r•pla<.em•nt.e, !l'lt:ludtng planting, etak.lng, training, •t<:-., ehall b• "" orlgfnally epe<.!Pled, ,.,1:1,out <:-o•t to the o .. ner. H. GL.l!!ANUI"' I, .,,.,t•r all plCl'll.f""3 operation• are c;ompl...,, remove all trash, •x-•• aoll, •mpty plant <:-ontalnera, and rubbleh Prom the propert\j. ~pair ,..,,.,,..,., rute, or oth•r mark.e In the ground <:-au1>eo by thfe "°rlc. and leave th• ground In a neat and orderly Gondltlon. :z. L.•e1v• the ette fr, broom-Gl•e1n eonoftlon, and .. aeh do"n all ,..,. • .,. .. rthln the pro J•"-t •TY. L.eav• ....,.,11<,e fr, elean and ,..,,. ec,ndltlon, 6.0 MAINTl!!NANc::.I!! A. Th• c::.om,=tor •hall Gomlnuou•ly mafntloln land•"'f'• and Irrigation In all ar•ae lr,volv•d In thle C::.Ontr=t durfn'!I the pro'!lr-oP th• "ork. and d11rl""3 th• ma1n,enane• p•rlod until Pinal a=eptanc.• oP !:he ...,,-le. bij th• L.anoec.ap• Ara,tt ... t and th• 0..,,.,.. lmprop•r malnt•nanG• or poe&lbl• poor <:-ondftlon oP any planting at th• termination oP th• e<.h•dul•d malntenane• period may Gauee pa.tpon•m•n• oP the Pfnal Gompl•t:ton day of th• C::.ontrac.t, Malntel'lan<.e ehall be c.oriilnued b\i the C::.ontra<.tor until all ""rk. I• =<-•pt.able. In order to <.arry out the plant malntenanee ""rk., 1:1,e C::.OntraGtor ehal I Purnleh euPPl<-l•nt m,11n and adeo,.ual:• eq,utpm•nt to p.,-,orm the ""rlc. durlrig th• motntenanG• p.,-lod. MCl!menanG• p•rlod fflall not etart uni.II all •l•m•nt• oP c;onetru<.tfon, plal'ltl""3, and Irrigation Por th• eriilr• pro J•"-• ar• In aeGordan<-• .,,th c:>ra .. 1n9• and top•<:-IPIGatron• and ae<:-•pt•o by th• O"n•r. Th• c::.ontra<.t ehall reo,.u•et "'" lnep•<:-tlon t.:, begin the matn .. nanGe period "'".,. all plantrng arid l"•lated "orlc. ha• been GompleYd. l"'rtor to N date oP Pinal tnepe<.tlon, the C::.Oriirac,tor ehall a<:-o,.utre f'rom the L.andeGajHI Nc.hlt.<:-t opproveo reprodu<:-lbl• print• and Plnally re<.ord Prom the Job ,-.,..,,..,; .. t all Ghangee mad• during eonetruGtlon, label &aid print. ~Gord c:,,-"'"'""3•," and deliver t,, th• L.and&<.ap• ArGhlt•.:.•. l"'rlor to th• date .,, ,rnal lnep•c,tfon, th• C::.ontr=tor &holl dellv•r to the l.andeo:ap• ArGhft-t th• "L.ande"-"p• "'"° Irrigation 6\/arant••• a• r•q,ulr•d. e. 1'+,•n th• C::.ontra<:-tor-ha• eompl•t•d all th• landeGe1p• and Irrigation~. he ehall r•o,.ueet: lnepeGtlon by the O...ner and Ar<.hft•<-1.. A 'punc,h !let" ,.,11 be developed Prom 1:1,ie lnepe<:-tlon. Ma1nt•nanc.. p•rlod ("10 daye) .. 111 not begin until all punGh !let It.me ar• Gompl•t• and CIIGGepted by O..n•r and Nc,hlt-t. lrrl9t:1tlon main••""""• la fn<:-luded In th• abov•. I. St:r••t gutt•r• and <:-ur~ ar• t.:, be lnc.lud•d In th• d•brle/•111.atfon removal program. :Z. Maintain adeo,.uate prot.eGtton Per p•opl• and prop•rty and b,o Plnano:lally r••ponr.lbl• Por damag•• t:1nd lnJUrlee. ~pair damage• at no e1doltlonal eoet to the o~n•r. G. l"'L.ANTIN6 """'1!!A, I. J/lleed and <:-ult.Iva .. t:111 are"" t:11. Inter-vale .,, not mor• than yn (IO) daye. :2. l"'erform "at.ring, p.,-1,111z1n9, epraylng, and peet c.omrol ae de•m•d n•"-•Hary toy epeGIPIG alt• c,ondftlone. c:,' L..AJl'IN .... ~. I. e.grn mt:11n .. nanG• lmmedlot•ly .,,,.,. •""-" port.ton of turP le plariteo. C::.Omlnue ,or at l.aet "10 day• e1ft•r c;ompletlon oP all turf NOrk. and ae muo:h long.,-, prior ta Gompletlon oP proJ•Gt, arid a<.<.eptanc;e by the O..n•r "" nec.•••t:1ry to eet:ablreh ae<.eptable turP. :2. Me1tntarn la""• to ,.....,.,ng, P.rtlllzl"IJI, "••ding, mo .. 1...g, trimming, and other op•ratlons euc,h ""' rol llng, regradt""3, and replanting ae r•o,.ulred to ntabll•h " •mooth, aG<-•ptabl• la"n Pr•• "' .,-c,ded or bar• ar•ae. C::.Ompl•.., ,r.-.t <:-uttlng C1111 olreGted b\i L.and .... ap• Nc.hlt.<:-t. e. lnep•G• T"""' areoa bet..••n th• l!Sth t:1nd 20th d"'!I" of malm•nanee p•rfod and reopply la..n matel"lal(matGh lnltlt:11 appllGotlon) t.:, all bor• oreae larger than 6" x 6". I!!, ~11116, I. Uno..-no c,frc.umetane•• ,.,11 et.ripping of 10 ... •r bran.,,.,_• on you""i! .,.... be permitted. L.o,.•r broneh-ehall be retaln•d tn a "tlpp•d-ba<.k." or ptneh•d Gondftlon .. rth ae mvGh ,011age ae poeelbl• to promo.., Gallp•r !:runic. gro"th (tap.,-ed trunlc.) L.o,,..,. branehee may be <.uo Ptuel, "'th th• I.runic. only aPter t:he t:r•• le abl• to ett:1nd •r-• ,.,thout etak.lng or obi" eupport. :Z. l!!Vergreen tr••• fflall be thlMn•d ond ehap•d wher, n•"-•••ary t,, prev•m "Ind and •torm damage. Th• primary pruning oP d•c:.lduoue ,,...,. ehall be don• during th• dormant ••aeon. t:)amaged t,..•• or tho•• ;hot <.onetltute health or ...,•ty hazar.;. •hall be pruned at any tlm.t o, the ~..,,. a• r•o,.ulred. I". eT,'J<;IN6 AND dM.IT"IN6, etak.ee ond 911\j• ehall be lnep•GNld to pr•vem gll"dllng oP orunk.e or bran<.h•• ond to p,..vent rubbing that <.aueee bark "ounde. 6. l'll!!l!C> C::.ON~L., +c:.t•p bar.lne ond c:r•a• bet..••n plant.a Pr•• oP -•d•. !Jee r•Gomm•nded and leg,:,lly approveo h•rbfefd••· Avoid Pr•o,.vem 11011 "ull.tvatton that d•etroye ehallo" roote. !Jee mul<.he• to h•lp prev•m "•ed •••d germination. All herbl<:-ld•• ehall only be appll•d by a 11<:-ene•d applleator. H. INSl!!C::.T ANC> C>leeASI!! CON~L., Maintain a reaeont:1ble c;onl.rol ,.,th approved mat•r1al11 and appll•d bij l!Gene•d appllc;aton. I. !"e"TIL.IZATION, I. l"ertlllze all plant.Ing ar•a• "Ith the ,0110,.lng, A, ao-oay lnYrvale, appf\j 6 lba/1,000 •·'· 16·+-6 <:-omm.,-elal Perilll:zer or ae reo,.ulr•d b\i th• ttolls report. J. ~L.AC::.~T 01" T'IIIU!l!!S~, ~plaGe oet:10, dying, and mleelng tr••• "fih lllc.e elze, <:-ondltlon, and varf••y aGGeptabf• to the o .. ner at th• C::.ontr®tor'e •xp•n••· t<. !Q!l"'L.Ac::.l!!Ml!!NT Of" L.~, ~Pl®• domag•d or dead la"'n ar•a• "''th aod. L.. IMl6A'T"ION 6Y'STl!!M, I. !Syetem lnepeetton, ControGior ehe1II Ghe<.k. all •yet:•m• Por projHlr op•ratlon. L.at.rol ltnee •hall be flu•h•d oul: aPl.•r removing th• laet 1,prlnlc.l•r head or t,,.c, at •aa, •nd "' the lateral. All head• ar• to be adJueyd a• n•<.n11ary ,or unimpeded <.overag• and to pr•v•nt ov•rapray onto bulldlnge, ,.,,.,do .. a, and pavem•nte. 2. C::.ontroll•re, e., and program automatte c;ontroll•r• Por eeaeonal ,.o,t.,,-r•o,.utr•m.tnl.e. 61ve o .. n.,.'e r•pr ... matlVe o k.ey t.:, eontroll•ra and lnetru<.tlone on ho" to turn oPP •yet.,,, In.,., .. oP eme.-~ney, a.~alre, ~arr all dc:imag•• to 1rrtgot1on eyet•m at c::.ontrt:1c,t.:>r'• •xp•nee. ~Ire el,all be mt:1de ,.,thrn one (I) .,at.,-1n9 p•r-lod. M. $OIL. P"l'll!!l"AAA'T"ION ANC> AM!!Nc:>Ml!!NT NOT!!, THI!! t"OL.L.Ol'IIN6 ~Ml!!NTS A~ l"'O!II. elC>c:>11116 l"!Jlltl"051!!S ONL.Y'. ACTUAi. AMl!!NDMl!N'T" <31UAN'T"l'T"ll!!e ANc:> MIXl!!S SHALL. !!II!! C>!!Tl!!l't.MINl!!c:> IN ~O~ANCI!! l'lli'H TH!! SOIL.$ ~1"'01'!.'T" 06TAINl!!C> l'"l!!R ITl!!M 5.0:Z AeoVI!!. I. l!laGk.!'111 eoll ei,ould be 100% nattv• elte eoll that hae i,eer, <.lear•d oP all debrle and ro<:-lc. and broken up and made Prlabl•. The Pollo,.fng addftlv•• be blendeo thoroughly Into ba<.lc.flll eoll at the tlm• "' plamtng and all plant. el,ould be thoroughly ""••r•d In lmmedlaYly upon <.ompletlon of lnetallatton 6ro-l"'o,.•r produete are eupplred In 50 pound ""''39• ""'' l:oulk.. The 1n•tall1n9 eontraetor eon be r•G\ufred to •ubmlt •mpty bag• upon c,ompl•t:lon oP ,..,,-1<, to eon,!rm oppll<.otlon. The 6ro I"'.,...,. $-51-1 Pormulatlon mat•rlal Gan be u .. d .. rth or ,.,thout th• eolf p•netrant and th• 6ro l"'o,.er 1:2-6-:!> ,ormulatlon ma .. rlal ehould be •-d In 4 tD 6 d••lred, pl•a•• ec,nt.ac., ue, Por approprfay r•Gommendatlone Por ••• oP eame. The gypeum anci lime Gan be applfed In their Pln•ly grouno Porme. IOO!III oP l.h• ground mat.r1e11 ehoulo P""" through " 10-m••h .,.,-..,, and at l•a•t !l°'5 .,, 1:1,e materlole 11hould """'• throuah a 100 meeh eGr••n. CONT Al~~-1"01"11!!!t .-to-l"'Ovefll. &IZ!!! 5-3-1 1.2-e-e S'l"l"l!IJM L.IMII !..Iner 1.0 -p .25 tloep 1.0 tt,,.p I gal .5 eup :Z,O tbep 0.:2!!1 <.up 4.0 tk>tlp !5 gal 1.0 <.up !!I.O llbep 0.5 eup 1.0 <:-up 15 ,.,, l.!!I <:-upe .25 c.up 1.0 eup 1.5 eup• 24 box S.O <.upa .5 eup :z.o c.upa 2.0 ""F'" !!IO"oox 9.5 c:up• .i5 "up 2.2!5 w,-. 2.5""""' 516 "box 4.0 c.up• 1.0 Gup :Z.!5 eupe s.o <>upe 4:Z'box 4.5 "'"P• f.!I c:.up !!to ..up• !5.!I ""P" 46''box !5.0 "Uf"' :z.o ""'P• !!l.!5 ""P" <4.o .oup• "~-6.o ""P• 2.5 <:-up• 4.o eupe <4.5 '-"'"'" --m~xx 6 5 eu~ • 0 --~ _ .,., . ~ -'-'· eupe 4.!5 «up• 111.0 .oup• 12"box 'I.O <:-upe 4.0 ""P" 6.0 c.upe 111.5 c,upe IP baek.Pffl eoll le ma.. b!enoed, eam• mat.rial• eon be odd•o at th• Po110 .. 1ng rate• per <.ubl<:-yard oP self. ~,._ "'1't0-l"'Ol'll!!R •Y'l"9UM L.IM!! ME!HO'-' 5-9-1 1.2-11-b Maee f!!llend 10 Woe :Z Iba :Z lloe I lloe !"or gen•raf broadc.aet of maYrlala on th• eurfoGe oP •oil■, ti,• .ame materlal11 c.an be applfeo to •h• .all• at th• Pollo,.lng rate. p.,-1,000 •o,.ut:1r• '••t oP planted area and thoroughly .. atered In •u<-h that eolfe t:1r• ,..1, to a mlnlm.,m depthe "' 6" prior t.:, plant lnetal latfon. "'1't0-l"'Ol"ll!lt "'1't0-l"'O~"- Ml!i'HOC> 5-!!1-1 12-6-6 ~ L.IMI! &-oadGat !!1!5 lloe 2 floe 20 1bit 10 lloe " maYrlale .:.an be o:ro1111 ripped tntD tD a •oil t.:, a minimum depth of 6", the eam.t materlale =n be applied at the Pollo,.lng rat•• p•r I.OOO •o,.uar• P-t of plam:.d area and ""ter•d tn thoroughly eu<:-h 1:1,at oil• or• ... t: to a minimum d•pth oP 1:2" at lear.t """• prior to P,lantlni;:i._ ~.,..,.. ~Ol'elt Ml!!'l'1-10C> s-e-1 12-6-6 ~ L.IM!! C::.rou "'P 150 1~ !!IO lloe :ZOO !loll 50 lloe IP mal.erlt:11• ar• t:1pplled through h\jdroe-dlng pro,..••• the •am• material• Gt:1n be oodeo olr•<:-tly Into the hydroe••d elurry and applied ot the Pollo,.,ng rate• p.,. 1,000 110,.u.,,.. '••t k> non-pr•par•o aoll. /Note, i, hydro•••d Iii applied t:o eolle that have a 1,-..,..y be•n pl"epored ,.,th the add ft Iv•• noted under l!l,-oad<.aet or Grae• ~p methode, Sro-l"'o,.•r 14-4-"I <:-an be added to hydro•-d •lurry at th• rat• oP , pounde per 1,000 eo,.uar• Peet oP prepar•d .all •un'®• and 1:1,e Pollo,.Jng h\jdr""••d moterlal applr"'""'""" ""uld not apply In t:1ddftlon to th• 14-,,1.-"f) SR.0-l"Ol'l!!l'I 6R.0-1"'01'1!!1'1 Ml!!THOC> !1-3-1 12-6-6 4Wl"IIUM L.IM!! l-lydroe-d 95 lbti :Z floe :20 lloe !i Iba Ag"lfn, "' 1111 Important that "II broadeaet or GrOH rlpp•d .all addltlv•• be tl,oroughly ..atered Into eoll• after appllGatlon and prior to planting. 1-iydro ... d mayrfale el,ould be appll•d to ,hol"ou'!lhly molet:•ned eoll11, ln•tallatlon •oil malnYnt:1nGe ehould be lmplem•nted "" Pollo""· In e1ll ar-, 45 day• after Gomm•n<-•m•nt of ln•l:allatlon matnt•nane•, 6ro-l"'o,..r e-s-1 c.an b• general k:>roodeaet ov.,-all ple1nt1n9 area• at the rat. oP :2!S lblt/1,000 eo,.uore P••t. All moterfale ehould be thoroughly lrrrgayd Into •ofle lmmedlat•ly aPt•r '"f'Pll.eatlon. i, fnr.taflatlon malritenanee p•r-lod 111 "10 ooye In dul"atlon, et-o-l"o..,_ Sic ltel•ae• 1:2-:!>-6 In th• 4 to 6 month r•l•a•• Pormufatlon c,an be broad""'"'t ov•I" oil plm1ng ..... ar. at th• rote oP 15 lba/1,000 e°'uar• P••t gypeum at the rote of :ZO lblt/1.000 "°'uar• '••t bet,,.••n oay 60 and day &!I, Thie appll.,,.,tlon ""uld be In addition to 1:1,e day 45 appllc:atfon. All mat.,-fal• ehould be lrrlgat•d thcroughl~ Into r.0!111 lmm•dlaYly ofw appll<.atton. !!ND 01"' Sl!!CTION eL.OI"'!! flt!!Vl!!61TA'T"ION/!!~ION C::.ONTlltOL. l"OL.IC:.119 AND fltl!<llUI~ l!!.S ~®I~~ l!!.5-1 6L.01"'!! JOL.ANTIN6 l!!.S-1.1 6L.OI"'!!: l"'L.AN'T"IN6 S'T"ANDA~ !&lop•• requiring .,-oefon <.ontrol m•aeur•• a• •P•<-lrfed her•fn •hall be t:r•ated ""h on• or mor• "' the tollo,.fng planting etandt:1rd111, o. !ITANDA~ Ill -C::.0\/!!flt C::.l'ltOl"'S/JJTI!! Ml!!SH C::.OV•r <:-rop ehall be a .. ed mix b,jpl<.al ly mt:1d• up oP o,.ul<:-k. ge,-rrtlnal:1""3 and ,a•t GOVerlng gr ...... , <.love.-., and ;.,,. .. 11d ,1......... l!>ubmlt 1:1,e •p•<:-1,r,; ·••d ml>< ,or C::.lt\j approval pr-lor to appll<:-otlon. Th• c,over Gl"op ehall be o-pplled at a ,..,.., and mann•r eu,,IGl•nt to provld• "le:$ Govert:199 .,,t.1,1n thirty (:lo) day•. Type oP Ju• meeh 11hall be "" approved by th• c::.1~ and et:ak.ed to th• • lope ae re.,.,mmendeo bij the manu,aGtur•r. Jute mesh fflall be reo,.ulred "h•n planting oG<.ura bet,,.-n Auguat 15 and April 15. During th• remali,o.,-oP the y•ar, the <.ov•r Grop and/or Jute m.teh may be ueed. b. STAND .... fllll:) 112 -~UNc:> GOV!!" One hundred (1001111) perc.ent o, th• area ehal I be plant•o ,.,th a ground <:-ov- k.no"" to hav• •x<:-ell•nt 6011 binding c,hart:1<:-Urletl<. (plam:.d Prom " minimum el:ze oP tlatt•d material and ept:1Ged to provld• Pull <:-OVerag• ,.,1:1,,n on• year). ,:. STANc:>Al'J:I 11!3 -L.01'1 Sf-ll'IU66 L.ol'I ep,..adlng ""ody ehrube (planyd from a minimum oP 2'? tn<:-h lln.,.•) .i,arl GOV.,. " minimum oP 11event:y C,c:$) p•r"•m oP th• efop• ,.,,_. (at matur• alze). d. 6TANDA~ 11,4 -T"'-1:!eS AND/~ L.A~ Sl-lllllJf!!IS Tree• e1nd/or large llhrublt ehall be (planted ,rom o minimum of I gallon <:-onl:aln•re) at "' minimum rat:• oP one (I) plant per t .. o hundred t:2.00) •c::i.-• P••t. . l!!.9-1.:Z A~AS 01"' .... l"'l"'l.lC::.ATION (l"'L.AATIN6) e.a-1.:z.1 aL.~ -6d ~ e, ;.ei I!! .... .,,.ND, o. e P••t or I••• In v.,-ttGal height and ar• aoJ®ent to olll:>11<. ,.a11c.e or •tr••t.e r•G\ulr• at minimum 61.andard Ill (eov.,-Grop and Jutted>. I:>. 4 ,_, to 6 ,eel In v•rtf<.al height ,..o,.ulr• etCilndard• 111, 11:Z and #!!I, "'· In •><<-••• ot e, P••I: In v•rtleal Might reo,.ulre 61:"'1darde Ill, 11:2, #!!I and 11-4. !!.5--1.:Z-:2 st"l!!C::.IAL. C::.ONDITION5 1!!.51-1.:Z-:2.I ...,. • .,,. graded Platt.,-than 6,1 reo,.utre etaidard 111 (Gover uop) ....,.n they have one or more oP the Pollo,.lng Gondltlon•• "· eh••t graded pade not 6"'h•dul•d Por fmprov•men•• .. tthln 6 monthe o, c.ompl•tlon oP rough grading. b. A po..ntlal •roelon probl•m a• det•rmln•d by th• C::.lty. "· lt:lent.1'1ed lo\l th• C::.11.y ae highly vlelbl• ar•ae to th• public. or hav• .-<.!al <:-ondltfona tr.at l'laN'"IM tmmedfay t,..atmer,t. !!.S-1.:Z-:Z.:Z ...,....,. to be hydroeeeded ehall Pfret loe d!'.lc.ed or rototlll•d t,, provide a Prlabl•, loo•• eeed bed. ------,..------::--: .. A-=s'"'"'.s:::-:-u-:::-1L-=r .. ;;-------,---.---.-------------.----,----.----.----1 c=I =e===::..:I =c=I=T=l=ANN=o=,F=NG=o=~p=~=~=~=N~=B=A=D==.:=I =o=:I LANTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR• DRAWN JP. DB I.ANDS(' i\ PF AR~'l !ITEC'l'l 'RI: APPROVED 1 et. SUB 2 nd. SUB MYLAR SUB JOB NO. DATE SCALE I I MM 01/12/04 02,!'.10/05 03/16/06 TITI.E: 04-071 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN DATE RECEIVED BY: DATE INl11AL 1NSPECIOA OAit ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL 011iER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLASES Or U. COSTA THESREENS-1.06 J..-le DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. 2~~g :~:--GT 04-16 421-1L -~ 6\'"!!C,ll"IGAT10N& 1.0 $COi"!! 1.01 C>l!!l"INITION& A. o.,,.,.,., MONIIOl'i C>l!!Vl!!I.Ol"Ml!NT GA"1.SS,'C GA 19. C:.Ontr...,,to,-, An lndlvlduol or c.ompany c.ontroc.tlr,g Nlth w o...n.,-to provld• mc:ot•rlc:ol•, p.,.,orm ...orl; ond •.rvlc.•• Por h proJ•c.t. G. eul:>-Gontr...,,tor, An lndlvlduol or ,..,,pony c.ontroc.tlng Nlth th• Gontr...,,tor to provld• mc:ot•rlol• or p•rlorm Nork., or both, ,or o •p•c.ltlc. portion or th• pro J•c.t. D. 1.-and•<-op• Arehlt.c.t, Th• londa<.ap• .....,hlt•c.turol firm of 1'.IM i,.erg,, !Sroup, Inc.. I!. Gontroc.t r:>oc.um.,,1:6, Th• og,-••m•nt, t•rm• c.ondttlon• ...... Itt•n ln.truc.tl<>M, dr<>l'lln911 and lf'.C.IPleottcm•, llhop dr=lng• and c.hong. ord•r• opprov•d by l:h• O,,,,n•r ond t•-d by l:h• t.ondac.op• Arehlt<11<.t. I .o::z eGOl"'I! OI" l'IO!'J<, Th• l'lork to be don• und.,. h c.ontrac.t eon1>Iai• of Purnlehtng oll mc:ot.rlole, all •q,ulpm•nt and ~ormtng l:h• l'l<>rk r•q,ulr•d by l:h-ep•c.I,1c.otlon• c:ond th• ~Ing,> n•c.••""'.-Y for t;h• prop•r eompl•tlon o, tiw .. ork. 1.0;, l"l.1'N5 AND Sl"l!Gll"IGATIONIS, Thff• •p•c.ltlc.otlone or• lnt.nd•d to c.ov•r all lobor, mol:•rlc:ol, and etc:or!dar"d• or lc:ond•c.op• orel-llt<teturol and m.c.honlc.c:ol "'"rl<lnon•l-llp to be •mploy•d In tM "'"rk """"'" on th• pion. or c.c:olled Por In thff• •p•e1'Ic.otl0!'!6 or .--onobly !mplt•d by t:.rme "' •am•. Th• pion• """' •p•c.lPic.o!;lon• c:or• lnt.nded to c.omplement one anot:Mr and "M\l port or ti-I• "'cork ~ may b• m•ntloned In one c:ond not pr•••nt.a In th• ot:n.r, ehol I be don• th• •om• oe IP It hod a minor nc:otur• "'hleh may not be lf'•<-IPlec:ol ly m•ntloned, but "'hlc.h mc:,y be reaeoncobl~ 0•11umed "" n•c.•••<>ry ,or th• c.on•t:ruc.tlon or c.ompl•tlon of thl• "'ork llhall be p•rform•d by th• contractor th• 110,.,,. o• 1' •hol'ln on th• drc:o.,lng• or d•eerlbed In th• •p•c:lflc.otIone. In ¥n•rol, •><e•pt that th• l.and•t.<>p• Arc:hlt<tei:'e lnt•rpretotlon 11hall al"'oy. to"'-pr•e•d•ne• over th• dra,.lng• and large detolle ov•r 11mall eeal• dro .. In9•. l"l9ure11, "'h•n given, aha!! be Pollo"'•d In pr•P.,.ene• to ac.ol• m•o•urernent•. 1.04 INTl!~ATION O!" 191.ANS ANr:> S!"l!Gll"IGATIONIS, Th• l.anda<.~ Arc:hit<tet .,,11 Interpret ti-I• m•onlng of any port of ti-I• plane and •p•c:IPlc.ottone obout "'hlc:h c:ony mleund•r•tondtnge may orT••• and hi• der;lelon eholl be final. !5hould th.,-• appt11ar to be <ffl\j Mror or dl•c:repan"!j In or bet.., • .,, th• plane and ep.c.!Plec:otlon&, tM c:.ontra .. tor-eholl r•P•r th• rnott.r to th• t.andeo.op• Arc.htt:.o.c for adJu•tm.nt botPor• pro.,.edlng ,.,th ti-,. l'IOrk. !5hould tM Gontr=tor proo..-d Nlth th• ,.ork ,.lthout eo r•P•rrtng th• matt;.,., h• do•• "" on hi• ""'" reeponslb!llt\j and any Nork that r•q,ulr•• r•moval .. nd/or r•pt .... •m•nt .. hc,!I be provld•d by tri• Gontraetor .. , no addlttonal c.oet. I.O!!i 1.ANDecAl"'I! ,A,,lllCHITl!!c:,T'f> P'UNGTION, ,,,. l.ond•e~ Arailt.c.t eholl provide p•rlodle, llmlt.d on-alt• o....-v .. tlor, .,, th• ,..,rk In prog.-..e per th• ""'n•r'• r•q,ufft to r•vl•"'• In g•n•rol, ti-I• •><•eutton of d•elgn Intent and tnt:~•t th• I .. nd11c:ap• docu,,,.nt:e. H.-le Ag•nl: "' th• o .. n•r to ti-,. •><t.nt provided In th• •p• .. 1'1eatlon• ond ,-h•n In •p•el<:1I lnei:ane•• he le .. uthorlzed by th• O...n•r to act 126 lnwpr•t.r oP th• .:,ondltlone or th• eontr .. et onc:f .. ,. Judg• "' lte p•r,orman.,., h• llhol I &IM n•lth•r l'tlth O"'"•r nor with th• C:.Ontr .. etor but ue• hie .. uthortl:y und•r ti-,. ,:.onl:raet to •nror.,. I1:r, faithful p•rformanc.•. H.-h .. • h right to atop l'l<>rk ahou Id ti-lie bot<><>m• n•e••• .. l"\j to •neure l:h• prop•r •><•o.utlon of h eontr .. et. 1.06 Ol'IN~'5 ~ONSll9I1.l'T'Y, 1!1y ent.rlng Into ogr••m•nt, O...ner gu .. rant••• Gont.r-.. c.tor ,und• or• av .. 11 .. bl• .. nd eh .. II m .. "'-tlm•l!i progr••• paym•nt• to th• C:.Ont.r-.. r;tor during th• c,ou,.,.. of th• wc>rk. Th• o .. n•r ahall Purnleh .. 11 eurv•y• and ••tablleh .. 11 prop•rty lln•• .. nd reecrletlon•. All ol:Mr lln•11, graMe, ond dlmen6lon• aholl b. ••to&lleh•d by the C:.Ont.r-c:oetor. Uni••• oth•r,_1,.. ap.c:1,1•d, th• O..n•r ehol! m .. u ovc:ollobl• to w C:.Ontr .. el:or c,11 utIlll:1ee req,utred to per,orm th• Nork ac no ,:.oet to th• Gont.r-aetor. 1.0"7 GONTillAGTOlll'5 llll!a!"ON6I15I1.ITll!6, Th• Gontr=tor ehall glv• .,,1 .. Ient •up.rvl•lon to th• work, uelng hi• be&t aklll """' attention. ~•n obe•nt ,rem th• Job, h• ah .. 11 .. ppolnl: an !!ngllah-•p• .. klng •~rvleor c: .. P"bl• oP dlaeu• .. lng moti:er• ,.,th th• l.ondaeor.• Aro.hlt•et on h alt. .. nd to moQ d•elelone c>n th• C:.Ontrac:tor'e beh .. l . tw •hall ear•fully el:ud!j and ,:.omP"r• .. 11 drc,,.tng., •p•etP1c. .. t1on .. , and owr lnatruetlone Por ti-,e Nork. An!j Nork lndleaced In .. m"""•r "'hlo.h Nould mau Tl: d1P,10.uli: to prod""• dr..,.lnge ond •p•eI,10.otlone, c>r bet-•n ep•o.TPlo.Qi:10"6 ond 10, .. 1 ordln .. neff or r•etrletlon., ah .. 1I be r•fMr•d to tt.. l.and .. ec,p• Arc.hll:•c.t ,or lnt•rpr•totlon or c.orr•c.tlon befor• proo.eedlng ,.Ith ,.ork. 1.0~ !!XAMINATION OI" SIT!! AND l'i01lll<, A. Th• C:.ontr .... tor eh .. 11 •><Qmln• th• pr<>J•c.t ell:•, ~•te .. I <><>ndltlone, and •urroundlng of th• propcoaed ..ork and Judge ;.,,;: himHIP l:M ""tur• o, l:M ,.ark to be don• prior to eubrnll:ttng .. bid. 19. Th• p Ian .. Por ti-I• l'l<>rk ehoN eondll:lon. 011 th•y .. r• euppo••d or bell•v•d by tt,., l.andee"P• Arc.hlt. .. t to •><let. II: '" C:.Ontr .... tor'• reeponelblllty to lnPorm 1.c:,r,dac.op• Araill:•et "' c:,r,y v .. r,otlon bei:,o .. n plan• anc:I 00.tu .. I •It• eond!ltlone prior to at .. rtlng c:,r,y Nork.. 91,ould Gontr=tor begin Nork .. rthout verifying 1, pl .. n. motc.h ett. c:ondltlc>n•, C:.Ontroetor aa•um•• all r•lf'<>netbtllty Por a"'\j ,..,. ... ,. he might lnc.ur. 1.0'1 !!Al"l!T'T' GODl!IS ANr:> ~ATIONe, Th• eontr .... tor .i,, .. 11 Pamllrc:orlz• htme•IP ,_1th and ,.,11 c:amply l'llth oil f•d•ral, etat., c:ond loco! lo""', ordtnon..-, rut••• c:o,d r•guf .. tlon. Tnc.ludlng Cc,IIPorn1"-aSl-!A ~•ty Ord•r• p•rt..lnlng to th• p•rlormonc.• "' th• "'"rk. 1.10 GONei11liJGTION SAl"l!'TY, ~ d••lgn, adeq,uaey, c:ond ,. .. ,.ty oP ereetlon, e><o. .. vatton, 1:>r .. e1ng, •haring, t•mpor .. ry eupporte, •te. ta t:n. •<>I• r•t1pOM6lblllty "' th• Gor,tr .. c.tor. Th• Gont.r-c:oetor le relf'Onetbl• Por tM •i:abillty "' t:n• etruc.turff c:o,d •><covc:otlon• .. nd •hc:oll provide th• n.c.•~ 1:>r .. c.1n9 to provide et .. blllt\j during th• .,,t,r• c:OM6t:ru .. tlon progr .... Obtl•rv .. t:lon vl•ll:e to th• elt. by th• 1. .. na.""'1"• Arc.htt.c.t or Fire o.oneult .. nl:6 wll not lnc. lud• inep.c:tlon of th• abov• lt.m•. I.I I !"e11tl"OlllMANC!! ANC> ,-A'!"Ml!NT l!IONr:>S, If l"eq,utr•d, tM Gontrac.tor- •hc:ol I de!IV.,. to ""'"er """ •urety bond• "'Ith good and eui',Iel•nt ,our•l:t•s. Th• bonda wll be m .. 1n1: .. 1n•d by th• Gontroo.tor-In full Pore• and •PP.c.t.d until eamplt11l:ton c:ond ""'"•ptone• of h ,.ork. A. Mot.,-Jol and lol:>or bond In 1:1-.. lllJm of !505W. of the c.ontr .. el: p,., .... 19. ,...-,.,,.,,,on<.• bond In th• .. um of !50ll; co, th• .. ontr .. ,t prlo.• c:ondll:loned to .. over .. 11 guar .. nt••• "' w <><>ntr=t. 1.1::Z INaiilllANGI!, Th• Gontr .. etor •hall dellv.,. to ONner o.•rt1,1 .. ot.. "' lneurane• a• •vld•nc.• "' .. ov•rog• ,.,th O...n•r and l.and•c.op• Arehlt.c:t 11•1:.a oe Qddltlonal ln.ur•d. A. 1'4or"'-r•' ~~n ... tlor, lneur .. ,,.,. and l!mpl<>!j.,. .. 1.I<:d:>lllt\j ln•urone•; 115. ~pr•h-lV• 1.tal:,illt\j lneuror,c,• Nlth limit• o, not , ... th .. n •500.000 p.,. ""Y on• per .. on and tl,000,000 p.,. OM\j on• oo.eurr•ne• ""to bodlly lnJUl"\j or d•ath .. nd •::Z!S0,000 per oo.eurrene• <ff to prop!Kt\j cfom"9•. l.l!l l.ANC)ISGAf"!l A!ltGHl~T'5 I.I.Al5I1.ITY, TM• Q,.n.,. and Gontrc,c,tor•, r•<><>gnlzlng th• lnh•r•nt rleka ..... nn•el:•d Nlth c,or,11truetlon, .. 9,. .. co llmtt .. ny md .. 11 lloblllt.\j, ,I .. 1m ,or d!Qm .. g••· eo11t "' d•'•n••· or •><p.,,••• to be levl•d "9"ln11t th• l.onde<.op• ,&.r<,hlt:.c:t on ac.eounl: oP .. ny d••lgr, d•f•c.t, •rror, ""'T••lon, or pro,e1111Ionol n•gllg•n.,. i:o .. eum not to •><e••d the amount of th• Londtlc"P• Arc.hlt•el:'11 f••· 1.0! 1.0.2 ~VISION, Th• eontr .. o.tor ehall IIUpMVI&• c:,r,.:,j dlreo.t th• •f'1el•nt per,ormono.• "' th• l'l<>P"k In aeo.ord .. n .. • Nlt:1-1 hie beet ek.11I, .. t:t.ntlon, .. nd Judgment. +;. 11hc:oll be itolely r•lf'<>nelbl• ,or th• m• .. n11, m•thod11, t.<.hnlq,u• .. , .. qu•ne••• .. ,,.::1 pro .. •dur•• o, eon•tP"u .. tlon .. .,d ehall be r•epor,elbl• i:o ••• th..t the ,1nteh•d "'ork eompltee Pully Nlth tt,., Gontr .. et C,oc.umente. H• 11h .. 11 hov• a ,.•pr•eentattv• In eharg• ,.ho llhall be " .:,omp•t•nt •wf'•rlnt.ndent ""d dlreo.t th• progr••• .,, th• Nork and ,.1,., .. h .. 11 be ..uthort:i:•d to r•c.•tv• ln&l:ruc:ttone .. nd to aet for th• Gontraetor on oil m .. tt.re r•l .. ttng to ti... l'lork. I .OS cRUAI.IT'T' OI" 1.,0,SO!ll ANr:> ~l<MANS!-1I1", ,t,,. Al: all 1:1,.,,. ofter c:omm•nc:•m•nt c>P ti-I• Nork, Gontr .. c:i:or 11h .. ll provtd• .. ,., ..a•q,u .. t• "'"rk fore• of c:omp•t.nt, lllllt .. bly q,u..11,i.d md ,r .. Tn•d p•r•onn•I to eurv•y c:,r,d 1 .. ~ out the "'"rk .. nd ,:.o..,.truc.t ti-I• pro J•c.t and ehc:oll e..u•• •ueh ,.ork fore• to •><ec.ut. th• '""rk In c.or,lormon .. • "'11:h th• beet trad• pr .. etlc.••• ,r•• Prom t..ult11 and deft11c:t,r, In ao.o.ordmee ,.,th w r•q,ulr•m•nl:6 o, tiw Gontr .. et r:>oeumente. 19. Any eui,c.onllrc:oetor or lobor•r •mployed upon th• l'lork ,.ho, In th• opinion co, th• L .. ndec. .. p• Arehlt.o.t and/OP" o .. n•r, 111 non- eoop•r .. tlv•, or NM<> &hall prov• c.ar•I••• or lne..,,p•t.nt, •h .. 11 be lmmedlc:ot.ly r•mov•d rrom w "'"rk by th• Gontra .. tor, "'h•n nottP!ed i:o do .... , ond ehc:oll not be r•-ernployed on thle proJ•o.t. 1.04 GIUAI.IT'T' OI" MATl!lll!Al.S ANr:> l!GUll"Ml!N"T, All mac•rlc:ole and •q,ulpm•nt tnc:orporot.d into th• "'cork. •h .. 11 be n•N uni••• oth•,.,.I•• ep•c.lfl .. ally pP"O\/ld•d In the C:.Ontr .. et r:>oeumente. M .. terI .. I .. and •q,ulpm•nt not oth•,.,.1•• deelgnc,t.d by d•toll•d •p•e1'1o. .. ttone ehc:oll be of th• b•et c:omm•re1 .. I q,u..llty c,nd eh .. 1I be eulklbl• '""' th• puP"poe• lnt.nded. If r•q,utr•d by Ol'ln•r, Gontr=to .. tlh .. t I furn111h •vtd•ne• 11 .. ttePac.,ory to O"'"•r "" to tM kind end q,u .. llt\j "' mot•rl .. le .. nd •q,ulpm•n!:, All mcil:el-10I .. .. nd •q,ulpm•nt ehc:oll be ln.t .. ll•d p•r th• m .. nuf .. etur•r'11 reeomr,,•nd .. tlone. 1.0!5 6UeSTl'TUTIONe, A. Submit eubetltutrone of mact11P"t .. 111 or ,.,,.thoda propcoe•d to t.c:ond• .. "'!"• Arehtt•c.t 1n ,.,.lttng ,.,,.. .. pprov .. I or d•n1 .. I on• "••k prior to eubmttt .. I oP bid. SUbetltutlon. Nill be .. pprov•d only IP mat• .. lole or m•thoda or• d•monetr .. bly 6Uperlor In q,u .. llt\j. Monuf=tur•r'11 llt.rotur• .. Ion• ,.,,..y not be 11u,,lel•nt evld•ne• of proof of eup• .. l<>rlty. A .-.q,u.et for a 11ubtltltui:lon <>0n.t1tu;.• o r•p,.•eent .. tlon l:hQi: l'l<>r"'-,... and ,:.or,tr...,,tore "'c:olv• oil o.1 .. 1mr. Por oddltlon .. I lc:tbor' or m..t•rlol eoete Nhlc.h ~ bee.om• eubtl•q,uentiy app..,.ent by th• ue• oP 11uc:h aul:,atftut.d =t.rlal• or produel:e, It le th• Gontr .... tor'• r•eponetblllt\j to prov• thol: th• req,u•et•d eubatttul:ton 111 In , .. et Hed!Udll .11 19. i, mor• th"" on• manut .. etur•r 1 .... pee!Pl•d Tn th••• epeo.1'I .. atlone, It le the Gontr=tor'a option to ••l•et th• on• ,ihtc:h h• mc:oy d•elP"• to u••· If more th .. n on• '1nlllh or .. tyl• I• .. v .. 11 .. bl• In h I1:em •p•c.I,I.d, th• C:.ontr .. o.1:or le obllgoted to c:,llo"" th• o .. ner to m .. u th• ••I.c:tlor,. 1.06 l.lST OI" SUl!ICCNTillAGTO!ll!! AND 5Ul91.l!TI"!N~ i"IO!lll<, A. No p .. rt o, th• o.onetruc.tlon ,..,rk tlh .. II be done oe pl•"'•"'ork l'IOr •hol I It be 1.,1: to o eubeontr .. eto .. a,t•r the •><.c:utlon oP th• orlg!MI o.ont....et exeept 011 outhorl:i:•d In ,.,-,ting. In c: .. e• P"rt "' th• ,..,,.k h•r II ehould be eubl•t, the .. gen•r .. I eondltlona eh .. 11 gov•rn •=h trade lnao,ar ""' t:n.y mc,y "PPIY to l:M "'"rl< or th .. t trade. 115. No eubeontP"a .. t mc:,y b• aHlgn•d or trane,.,.,..d t!l><e•pt ... c,ul:horlz:ed In Nrltlng by h Gontr=tor. G. Th• Gontr .. etor eh .. 11, .. t .. 11 ttm••• be r••ponetbl• Por the aa•tgned or tr-.. nePMr•d "'"rk 1:o th• ec:om• •><Ynt oe 1, iM .. 111119ned OP" t,-c:,r,e,Mr•d "'"rk l:o th• eom• •><t.nt "" IP h• "'•r• doing, or had don•, !;i-,. ,.,:,rk. r:>. TM• Gc>ntrao.tor ahall aubmll: to th• o,.,.,.,. a !let of the .. ubeontr .. etor• .. 1th d•t .. ils 0, th• portion• of th• "'"rk to bot p•P"Pormed by •ac.h. 5u!:,c,ontr-ac.tore eh .. !1 b• eubJ•o.t to t:h• opprov .. I of th• ONn•,. c:ond 1. .. ndec.op• Aro.hit.et:. 1.oi l"ATl!NT5, In t:h• •v•nt that any p .. tent.d c:,rtl,:.le, m .. t•rI .. I, or proc:••• le to bot tnet .. ll•d or ue•d In 1:h• p• .. Pormane• oP th• "'ork .. ,. eho ... n on th• plc:one or p .. ,.t1eular •p•t:IPlc.otlon11 tl-ler•Por, th• C:.Ontr .. etor r,h .. 11 pay tM roy .. lty eh .. rg•Qi:11• .. nd eholl ec:ov•, ;;..p, c:o,d be .. ,. th• O...n•r ""d 1. .. nde,:. .. p• Arehll:eet i, .... m I••• Pr..,, al I dam .. ge, eoel:6, and •><p•n•ee by reoaon co, t:h• ,c:onur• to pc,y 1:h• P"oy .. lt:y ei,Qrgec:oble Por th• ue• th•r•of, .. nd .. ny ,.,.. to th• o .. ner In h •v•nt tl'l .. t: th• 0,in•r le •nJoln•d ,r..,, uelng eueh pat:•ni:.a arttel• or m .. t.r1 .. Ie ..,.d th• lneTd•nt: .. 1 dc,mag. eoueed by ~ lo•• of ue• ..,.,::1 c:i<lm .. g• to o .. ner'a prop•rt\j In r•movIn9 ... me, h c.oet "' r•plQ0,!"9 the ortlc:I• OP" mQYP"lalr, th• ue• 0, "'hleh le •nJoln•d. l"rovld•d furth.,., th• bond Por , .. 11:h,ul perPorm .. n.,. eh .. 11 be d••m•d to •><pP"eeely .. pply to thle provlelon of th• ep•c.1'teotlone. 1.oe !"l!lllMl'!'e, 1.IGeNe!!e, ANr:> INel"!!CTIONS, A. Th• Contr .. c.tor ehall obtain and p .. y Por .. 11 permit• tog•th•P" ,.,th .. 11 tn.p•o.tlone req,ulr•d In ,:onn•c.tlon ,.,th th• Nork to b. don• ~r t:h• eontr-c:o .. t:, uni••• oth•rl'II•• ~• .. IPl•d bel""'. 115. Th• Gontr .. etor ,.111 provlM and p .. y Por .. l'l\j ep ... I .. I o .. eontlnuoue ln•p• .. tlon of t:he "'"rk don• und•,. th• eontr .. .:t:, l'lhen ep•c.tc:ol or c:ont:lnuoue lnep•<.tlon le not•d botlo,.. 1.0"1 I.Al'ilo, OlllC)INANG!!S, lllUl.l!S, AND llll!6Ul.ATIONe, Th• Gontr .. ,tor •hall gtv• .. 11 notlo.•11 req,u. Ired by c:,r,d eh .. 11 oth• .. "'I•• ,ully eomply ... 1th all 1 ...... , ordln .. ne••• rut••• .. nd P"•gurc:otlone .. pplle .. bl• to th• eomm•ne•rnent, proe•eui:tone, """' eompl•tlon "' th• '""rk. In th• .vent Gontraetor c>be•rv•• or dlec.ov•r• t:hot th• Gonk=t: r:>oeum.nt& or .. l'l\j portion th•r•oP or• In .. ny ,.c:,y .. , vor, .. n.,. l'llth "M\l euo.h , .. .,,., ordlnme••• rul••• or r•gul .. tlone, Gontr .. c.t:or eholl pr..,,ptly gtv• l.andee .. p• Arc.hlt•c.t: l'lrltt:•n notlc.• th•r•o,. Should Gontr .. etor-p•rPorm any Nork knoNlng th .. t: II: le eontrory to .. ,,y 11uc:h I=•• ordlnanc.• .. , .. ul•• c>r r•gvlottone, ond Nlthout auo.h not:le• to l.andr,ec:,p• Arehlt•et:, C:.Ontrc:oetor 11Fi .. 11 be .. r .. 11 eo•l:6 and •"P.,,,..• arlaln9 ther•,rom .. nd ... ,. .... , .. t.d ther•Nlth .. nd lndemnlPy .. nd hold horml• .. • O..ner and .. nyon• dlr•o.t:ly or lndlrec.t:ly employed by O"'n•r lnc:ludlng th• l.Qnd1c: .. p• Arehlt.c.t: ,ram .. nd ogolnet: .. 11 o.lolme, I1 .. bll!t.\j, d!Qmag•, lo•••• .. nd •><p•ne•e, In .. ludln9, ,.11:hout llmltat:lon, .. ttorn•y•' P••• orlelng In c.onn.c:tlon l:h•P"•,.lth. APPROVED FOR PLANTIN6 AND IRRl6ATION ONLY, INCLUDING PREC.15E LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 1.10 SAl"l!"IY ANr:> l"lllOTl!GTION, Gontr...,,tor ehc:oll eomply .,,th .. 11 applle .. bl• la,.e, ordln .. no.••• rul••• re,gulc:otlone,"""' order& or all govemm•ntal "9•nel•• .. nd .. uthorltl•• having Jurledlc.tlon ,or th• ,. .. ,.ty oP pt11P"eone or prop•rt:y Prom d .. m .. g•, Ion, or lnJury and et,QII be r.,•ponelbl• Por InIt:I .. t1ng, m .. Intotn1ng .. nd .. up•rvlelng .. 11 ..,,.ty pre .. autlone and progrc,me In c.onn•etton .. 1th th• "'cork. contr .. ,tor .. h .. 11 t:ou all pr•c. .. uttone ,,.,.,,.,.,. .. ry Por th• ed•t.\j oP .. nd 11r1all provld• .. 11 pr<>t•c.tlon n.c.•uary t:o pr•vent aamag•, loee, or lnJury to, A. All ... orkm•n .. nd oth.,-p•reon. on """ .. bout: th• e!t. and all ~r p•reon11 ,.ho m,oy b• c:o,,eo.t•d by th• l'lork.; I,. The "'ork rte.IP .. nd all m .. t.rI .. Ie .. nd eq,ulp,,,.nt ln,:.orporot:•d or to be lneorpor .. ted th•reln, ""heth•r Ir, etorog• "" or "" w ell:•; G. All other propert\j Qi:, c:odJ .. c.•nt t:o and .. bout th• elt., lnt.ludlng, ,.,thout: 1Im1tatIon, tr•••, ehrube, ra .. ne, .... Iu, pav•m•r>I:•, roodNoye, et:ruetur••• .. nd ui:llltl•• l'lhleh .. ,.. not d• .. 19not•d ,or remov .. I, r•loe .. tlon, or rept .... •m•nt: ""' part .,, th• Nork. I.II e><ISTIN6 UTII.IT'T' 1.INl!S, !!!><c.ept: ... lndl=t.d by ti-I• dro .. tnge c>r epeo.lPte .. tlone, ti-,. Gontr .. c.tor 1'1111 not be I1 .. bt• Por th• r•-rout:lng of •><l11t:1ng =•Ive unde .. ground line• ,.hlc.h m .. y be dleeov•red during th• progreee "' l'IOrk. Gontr .. c.tor ehal I v•rlPy loo. .. tton 0, •><feting uttlttlee l'llth opproprlaf:e ui:lllty <><>mp .. nl•e prior to et .. rtlng "'ork. Gontr-.. ,tor-eholl be llobl• Por d!Qmc:og• don• to •><feting utllltl••· Gontr .. c.tor eh .. 11 eontc:oo.t I-eoo r:>I1!> Al.1!!11.T and hove all •><letlng ui:llltt•• loo.ot.d prior to r;omm•ne•m•nt oP .:,onetruetlon. 1.01 1.0::Z llll!l"AlllllNcS IN.J1.llll!!r:> IIIIO!lll< A. All portions of th• '""rk thot mc:,y be bro"'-n or ln.Jured by .... ,ld•nt or In th• .:,oure• oP or on =eount oP building op.,-atlone or by r•oeon .,, c:,r,y oth•r e .. ue• ,..hal:60.veP" during th• pragr••• oP th• ... ark, ehal I be , .. r•Pully and neatly ,..p .. lred or r.c:onet:ru,:.i:.a md th• Nhol• l•ft In flret o.lo•• c.ondltlon "nd turned ov•,. to th• o .. ner r• .. dy for uee. 19. !!hould <ffl\j p .. ,.t "' h "'"rk oP thl• ,oontr-.,,t b• "'"' Into or d .. mag.d by other .. ontrac.tore, th• O"'n•r and part.\j e .. uelng "'"" damage llhall m .. u .. dJuetmente bet:N••n th•me•lv•• r•t .. tlve to P"•c:on.truetlon, r•p .. 1,... .. nd pay,.,,.nt. 1.05 MUil.JAI. llll!S!"ONSll9I1.IT'T' OI" SUBGON"l'lllAG TOllle, l!Qc.h eubo.oni:P"QO,i:or 1&holl p•r,orm th• l'lork oP ti-,. c.ont.r-.. ,t .., th .. t It .. 111 prop•,.ly .:,oordtn .. t. .. ,t:1-1 c:,r,d Pit th• Nork p•rrorm•d by other aul,,:.onor .. ,tora. Me aholl give ... eh other lllJbeonkaetor •v•ry r•oeonabl• opportunlt\j to p•rlorm !:Mir No .. k., etor• =t•rl .. te, and ploGa aqulprnent th•r•Por, ond flt their "'"rk to th• l'lork 0, otl-ler eubc.ontr.,,:toP"e. 1.04 GOO!"l!lllATION j,j!"T'H QT+.e!ll!!,, A. !!!o<.h eubeontraetor eh .. 11 eoop•,.ot• wlt:1-1 oth.,.,. ,~ h •><•eutlon of al "'cork and eha!I not lnt•rf•r• "'Ith mc:ot.rI .. 1, e1ppll .. nc.••• or Norkm•n oP oth•r eub<>ontrac.tore. 19. All eubeontro,:.i:ore •ng .. ged In "'ark .. t th• lilt. ehall hc:ov•, lnaoPar ... pr..etlec:obl•, eq,ual ue• a, th• pr•ml,..e and ,aellltl••· In eoee or dt• .. gr••m•nt r•gc:ordlng •ueh uee, th• matt.r eh"II be r•ferr•d to th• o .. n•r, ,.ho deelelon r•l .. ttv• to ..,,d u .. eh"!! gov•rn. 1.05 Oil'lNl!lll'S lllltS+lT TO DO ~I<, 0,,,,n•r may, .. t 1t:11 eol• opl:lon, pMform, or c.ontr .. et dlr•c.tly .. 1th oth•r <.ontr...,,tor& Por th• p•rformanc:• "' otl-l•r ,..,rk. r•l .. ted to tiw proJ•c.t on eueh t.rme .. nd o.ondltlone .. e o .. n.,. &holl, In !ta •col• dleer•tton, c:hoo11•. 1.06 l"'!llOVISIONS l"Olll l!X"T"l'Ae, No ne .. Nork of an~ kind eh .. l I be .:,onelder•d .. n e><tr .. unleu .. ~c:or .. t• ffttm .. t• le gtv.n ¥or ... 1d "'cork bePor• II: 111 eam,.,,.need md until •-• le opprov~ l:>y th• ONn•P" •><e•pt Por •><tra Nork ord•r•d by th• o .. ner .. eeordlng to unit pP"lc.•e ,ohlc;I, h .. v• be•n bid. Any •><tr<> ,..,rk p•rlorm•d, not authorlz•d o• provlc:led obov•, ehall not be paid Por by tM a .. n•r. I .oi Tl!STS ANr:> INSl'"l!GTIONS, A. The o .. ner eh .. I1 h .. v• ti-I• P"lght to t.et, rn.p•c:t, and c,pprov• or r•q,utr• th• t•ectng, tn&pt11 .. tlon, and approval oP all mot•rlole and •q,ulpmenl: ,urnl•h•d c:ond .. 11 Nork perlormed undar th• Gontrc,et r:>o,oumenta. In addition, 1' th• C:.Ontr .. ,t Doc.ument .. or th• 1 .. ,.,., ordlnan .. •e, rule", regulation&, or any otl-l•r of tr1• public. .. uthorlt\j having Jurl .. dlc.tlon r•q,ulr• th• ,.c:,rk. or OM\j portion ther•oP i:o be •p• .. !Pto. .. lly ln.p.c.t•d, ti-I• C:.Ontr .. etor eholl orr .. ng•, P"Y for, Qnd dellv•r c.•rt1'1o.at.e of tnepec.tlon, t•etlng, ond opprovol to Ol'ln•r. e. The Gontr .... tor eholl not eov•r up any Nork. r•qulrlng lnepeetlon until th• ""'m• ho• be•n .. pprov•d by th• .. pproprl"•• .. uthortty. If '""rk ehould be c.over•d up ~or• b•tng ln.p•et•d, th• Gonl:r...,,tor Nill be req,ulr•d to r•mov• euo.h portrone "' th• "'cork. "" rnoy be n ........... y to dlec.loee th• part In qu•el:lon. 1.oe !o!-10!9 ~IN.s.S, C:.Ontro,:.tor ehall provide <><>mplet. ehop dr .. Nlnge for .. 11 lt.m11 ep•et,t•d ,or shop dr..,.tng .. ubmll:kll. Shop droNlnge llh .. 11 lndte .. t. .. 11 m..terlol ,,,.thode of ..t;..c,hm•nt ""d flnt .. h. Sliop dra,.lng• I.II Al"l"I.IGATION l"Olll l"lll06'tl!5!!, ,-A'l'M!!NTIS, Ae 0, h end of •ac:h c. .. lend!Qr month durl119 c.onatr""' tlon, but In no .v•nt mor• oPt.n than one• monthly, Gontraetor enall •ubmlt to O..n.,. for r•vi.tN .. nd .. pprov .. I " <><>mpl•l:•ly rlll•d out .. nd .. tgn•c:I Appll .. atlon Por l"c,ym•nt ,:.overing •h• NOrk .:,ompleted ae of th• dat. o, euc.h "PPll<.Qi:lon. e....h 11ueh App11 .... ;Ion for l" .. ym•nt eh"II be c,c,c;omp .. nled by Pully...,xec.ui:•d uneondltlon .. l ,.., ...... ond ., .. ,v•re "'"•reby .. 11 p•reone .. Md porl:tee "'"" p•r-l'ormed I .. bor, eui:,c,ontr=t "'ork. or oth•r 1>•rvleee upon th• proJeet, or Nho acid, l• .. a•d, ,V,.n!eh•d, or oth.,.wl,.. eupplled to or Po,. th• Utl• .,, or to be c.one,;,.,,.d In th• proJ•o.l. •q,utpm•nl., m .. t.rI .. I11, "PPl""'1 .. ••• or oth•r goode, r•l•aee and ""'IV•, to .. nd lnt.ludlng th• d .. t• 0, euc.h .. ppllc. .. tlon, .. 11 m•c:h .. nte'e lien, etop not1 ... , •q,ultabl• lien and I .. bor and m .. t.rI .. I bon.cl right• on ti-.. pr<>J•et. 1.1::Z Ol"INl!lll'5 llll.SHT TO 5US!'"!!NO O!ll CANCl!l. ~. A. Th• eontP" .. o.t •nt:.,-•d Into und•r th••• ~c:IPTc:oi:!on. mc:,y bot t.rmln..t•d by I.he ONn•r .. 1thout 11 .. bIl1ty for d .. m .. gee, "'h•n•v•r th• O,,,,ner 111 prev•nt.d by op•r .. tlon "' I=, .. n Act .,, 6od, or by th• oPPlc:lol .. etlon co, th• publle, '•d•r .. I, eklt., or munI0.1p .. I .. uthor1tI .. from e..,,pl••"'9 th• "'"rk c:ont•mpt .. i:ed h•r•undeP". 19. In th• •vent o, euc.h c.c:,r,c.•llacton, th• C:.Ontr..etor eholl be P"ld ,or ti-I• Nork .. etu .. I ly don• be,or• not1 ... .,, c.on,:.•11 .. tton le gtv•n to w Gontrc:oc.l:or. If th• eontr.,,:t provtd•• Por p .. ymente to th• Gontr=tor on ti-I• bael• "' unit prl.,.• ••• ,orth hr•ln, th• amount du• th• Gontro .. tor upon e .. n.,.IIQi:tor, eh .. 11 be o.omput•d on th• i:>Qele oP euo.h unit: pP"lo.••· IP th• o.ontr""'t provide• Por tht!I pc:o~m•nt "' .. ,r><ed eum Por h •ntlr• "'cork, or .. ny deP!nll:• portion ther•"' oth•r thc:,r, .. unit co, m ... eu,-ement, the eontr .. el:or 11hall be paid th• •- proportion of euc.h aum upon .. ane•llatlon that th• ,.Ork don• beart, to th• total l'lork., or d•llnlt. portion th•r•"'• to be perform•d und.,- tM c:ontrac:t. G. Notte.• of •ueh =nc•IIQi:lon •n .. II be gTv•n Tn Nrltlng md •holl be depoelt.d In th• Unlt.d 6"t.e mall In a ••<>l•d •nvelope "'Ith poei:Qge prep .. ld Ql'\d dlr•et.d to the C:.Ontr...,,tor Qi: h·,. .. ddr••• oe Pll•d .. 1th tt,., ONn•r. 1.01 !!XT?!NSION Of' TIMI!!, In th• •v•nt It la d••m•d ne .. •••..,.Y by h O"""•r to •><t.nd th• tlm. o, c.ompl•tlon o, th• Nork. to be d"n• unMr th••• ep•c:IP!e .. tlone, eueh •><t•nelon ehall, In no ,. .. y, r•I• .. ,.. .. "\f guc:or .. nt\j given by th• Gontr .. o.toP" pur1>uani: to the provltllone of th••• ep.c.I'1e .. tlone, or the c:ontr..<.t l•t h..-•under, or to r•ll•v•, or r•I-•• th• aur•tl•• oP tl'le bond• •-eut.d pvreuant to the eald provlelone. 1.0.2 Gl.!!AN-UI", At c:oll tlm•• during t:n. .:,oure• "' tt,., ,..,rk, w C:.Ontraetor eholl keep th• sit• ,.-.. rrom .. u.umulatlone "' ,. .. et• mat ... 1 .. I., rubbleh, and 0th•,. debrle r•eulttng th• Nork .. nd ehall tau euc.h .. ,1:1on oe I• n•e•nory to prev•nt c:ond eontrol duel:. At th• eompl•tlon "' ti,• l'lork, Gontr.. .. tor •Fi .. I1 r•move all tamporor1.4 etnJc::.tu~•, toole, GOnetruetlori eq,ulpm•rit, ond mac.hln•ry, eurplue rnot•rl .. le, ""'"'t• mater1 .. Ie, rubbleh, and d•brle rrom .. nd about h alt• and •h .. 11 l•c:ov• tt,., ell:• .. I ... n and r• .. dy for u... by th• O"'"•r. 1.06 GOMl"l.l!TION, A. Gompl•tlon I& detlned ... be1ng "'h•n .. 11 eondltton .. ot tM eoni:rc,c,1. have be•n ""'"""'Plleh•d lneludlng th• apec.1'l•d m .. lni:•nc:in .. • period. !!p•elPlc. .. lly ,ohen .. 11 tteme .. r• tn•i:Qlled, th• are"• c:l•on•d .. nd th• m .. lntenan,:.• p•rlod ,. .. 1:,,., .... tortly eompl•t.d, and Nhen oll •p•eI .. I tool• Qnd eq,utpm•nt, tnetruc:tlone, "'rltt•n guorQl'\t.••• .. ,._ built pl .. ne, ll•n r•I• .. ••• .. nd .. ny It.me req,ulred by th• Gontroetor Doeumenta hov• been pr~,.I~ •><• .. ut.d and dellv•r•d to th• .,,.,,.r, 15. Th• 1-<:!ndeeap• AP"ehlt•c.t llhall h .. v• ,u11 .. uthortty to .. ee•pt or r•J•et w o.ontr .. et lceme ond "'' II promptly l'IOtl'Y the ONn•r oP eompl•tlon. 1.04 6UAAANTel!, In .. ddlt:lor, to ep•elPl•d guar.,n•••• provld•d Por In th• ••p .. r .. t. ••c.tlon• "' ti-,. ep.c.lflc.aclon., th• Gontraetor-aholl gvar .. nt•• In Nrltlng .. 11 Norkmc:,r,ehlp .. nd mot...tole to be fr•• Prom d•P.c:t tor .. per-lod °' on• year ,,.om th• dat. of aeeeptc:ine• of h NOrk by ti-,. 0..ner ,.11:hout .. ddlclon .. l co•t to th• ONner. eh .. 11 bot .. pproved prior to f .. brto.ot:lon. 1.0"1 SAMl"l.l!S, C:.Ont.r-.. c.tor llhc:oll provld• eampl•• ,or c:oll m .. t.rt .. le •p•c:l,ted to lnelud• ..,mplee. ,1,,11 a .. mpl.,. eholl be .. pprov•d by O"'n•r'• lllepr•11ent..tIv• In l'lrltlng prior to dellv•r~ to th• proJ•o.t ett:.. 1.10 T!!Ml"OAA!ll'T" l"AGll.l'tll!!S A. l!reet .. nd prop•rly mc:olnklln c:ot .. 11 tim.e oe .-.q,utred by c.ondll:lon• and progr••• oP th• "'"rk, all n•,:.•uory Cll"ld r•q,utr•d prot.cttv• b..,.rle®••• lneludlng .. 6' height ehc:,ln link, t.mpor .. .-y eonetruc.tlon f•ne• Nlth =ee•s g .. t•, '•ne•e, .. nd otl-l•r ... ,.guard• ,or th• protection o, ,.,,,."'-,.. and th• publl .. , V•r1'y llmtte "' .. r ... Nll:h O..n•r prior to lnetol 1 .. tton. ~•r• thff• barrlc: .. Me and ,ene•e or• vlelbl• to ti-I• publle, p .. lnt, or oth•,.,.J•• ,1nlllh th•m In .. manner aeeeptobl• to ti-,. 1. .. nda<.ap• Arc.hlt.o.t. e. At .. 11 time• dul"tng eonet:ru .. tlon or -etlon of proJ•et or tte .. ompon.,.,t p .. rte, prior tc> o.ompl•tton of th• etruetur .. I Pr .. ,.,,. or plc:o.:.•m•nt .. nd p•rman•nt ,:onneo.tlon oP eomponenl: m•mi,.,-e to th• et:ruetur .. I ,,. .. ,,,., provide, 1n11tall, Qnd m .. IntoIn properly d••tgn•d .. nd .. onetruc.t.d t•mpoP"a .. y braelng "'' adeq,u..t• ••r•ngth to prev•nt dleloc.atton, dletortlon, Grcoeklng, , .. I11n9-ot'P, or .. ny oth•r d .. m.,9• to the ...ork or ~ oP lte eompon•nt port.. du• to Por•"••obl• norm .. ! •><c.•••lv• Nlnde .. nd eorthq,u..u fore••• "'lthoul: .. ddltlon .. I eoet to Ol'lner. 11tep .. Ir or r•pl=• at no .. dded c:o .. t, ®"'"9• portion• co, "'cork of c.omponent P"rte. G. 19\'"ovld• 6' ht. c.h .. tn link borrlc.od• .. round drlplln• oP •><fating tre .. to be prot•<.t.d. Malntoln i:>Qrrlc.od•, .. nd pr•v•nt .. l'"l_j mc:ot.rlale etorog• or v•hto.ulor c:, .. ., ... "'!thin prot• .. t.d .. r .... l"lllll!! l"lllOTl!GTIONl"lll0611lAM 1"01..IGll!IS AND lll!!dlUl!lll!Ml!NT& l".!I lll!!c!IIJl!lll!Ml!!N"TB r:>•elgr,, lnekll latlon and modlflc. .. tlon of •><! .. ting veg•totlon •hall M In .:,on,ormc:,r,e• .,,th on• "' th• ,0110,.lng ',:.ondltlona' or a .. req,ulr•d .,,. mod!tt•d b!j th• Glty. It •h .. 11 be th• r•epon.lblllt\j of th• .. pplleont to dev•lop .. plan "'hleh m••l:6 hi-.. ,1r• prot.,:.tlon req,ulr•mente. l!nvlronment .. I c.on11tr .. 1nta or other .-.atP"letfor, plc:oc.ed wf'OM h d•v•lopm•nt eholl not be eon.ld•red Juetlflc.otlon tor modlflc. .. tlon or 11ubord1n .. tIon 0, fir• prot.c.tlon eklnMP"d... The 1111:• planning of l:.M d•v•lopment eh .. I1 11 .. t1ePy both w Plr• pP"ot.etlon •l: .. nd .. rd• c:ond .nvtronm•nta I eonetr .. tnte. I" .9-1 GONr:>ITION A -MANUl"AG'11.J11l!!!t) Sl.Ol"I! l"lllll! l"lllO"l'!!GTION (e.e Append I>< I" .::Z) 19•rt .. In. to m .. n mod• 11lop•• abutting high rlek Plr• _ ...... ciffcrlbed u~r e. .. tlon I I G.I el!GTION A-I -meaeurt11d horlzontolly .20' out,_ard ,rom th• outlying edg• o, et:ruetur.(&). I. 19lant.d "'11:h g .. ound eov.,-or '""' gro .. 1n9 ahrub ~en .. (i•u thc:,r, !5' In h•lght) kno,.n to h .. v• Plr• r•klrdant q,u..lltle11. .2. No tre•• or .. hruba .. 110,.•d. !l. lrrtgot.d. ISl!GTION A-::Z • m• .. •ur•d horlxontoll~ ::ZO' out... .. rd ,rom th• outlying edg. 0, e.c.tron A-1. I. l"IQMl,.a .. 1th lo"' ., .. t.r ue• nc:itur .. l!ztng pl .. nt ep.c:l•s kno,.n to hav• IOl'I Pu•! eha,....,_terlel.Tee. ::Z. No tr••• c:ollo,.ed. !l. lrrt9..t.d. Sl!GTION A·!l -m•oeured c>ut.....,.d ,rom th• outlying •dg• "' A·.2 to lnelude th• r•molnd•,. c>P th• .. r•o be•-•n e.etlon A·.2 and high rl•k Plr• ..,..,.. ae d••c.rlbed und«" hetlon II c:.. 1-!orlzc>ntal dlei:t::r,c.e Prom th• etru,:.tuP"•(•) to untrt11at.d high P"lek ar•o• ahall not be leee than 60'. I. ,-Iant.d 1'1I1:h loN ,.. .. i,.,. uee natur .. llzlr,g plant •p•el• .. kno,.n to have ,.,,. fu•I eharac.t•rlecl .. &. ::Z. Tr••s are ollo..,.d blJt ehQII not be pl .. nt•d elo•er than ::ZO' opoP"t. "· lrrtg .. t.d. l".5-::Z GONDITION 19 -NATIVI! SL01"1!5 -il'lll..01.AND l"lllll! ..ul I 111l!!:,6l0N (S.• Append!>< l".::Z) l".rtoln• to or•a• ""'-r• r•movc,I oP •nvlP"onmentoll~ s•nettlv• nc:ol:lv• v•g.t .. tton IS reetrlc.ted ,.!thin th• fir• .. c;tlon•. ISl!GTION 191 -meoeured ::ZO' horlzont .. lly from th• outlying •dg• oP th• etrueturff) to .... rd l:l'le •nvtronm•nl:<>1I~ r•&trlei:ed ar•a oe d•,tn•d ~ th• Glty . I. lll;,mov .. I "' high fu•T ond moderat. naz .. rd •P•"'••" oe llet.d In App•ndTx I".!. ::Z. ,., .. nt:tng Nlth ground ec>v•r or lol'I gro,.lng ah..ub ~c.1•• (lee• thon 5' In h•lghl:) knoNn to h .. v• Plre reklrdc:,r,t q,ualll:t• .. or aa ol:Mr'.,.ta• r•q,uTl"•d by th• City. 9. No t .. ••e or ehrube oll<>N•d. 4. lrr19 .. 1:ed. Sl!CTION e::z • m•...ured hc>rlz:ontally :20' outl'lard Prom h outlying edg• .. , 191. I. lllemov .. l °' "high fu.l ep•el••" ae 11111:ed In Appt11ndl>< l".I. ::Z. lllamoval by ••l•etlv• pruning oP up ,co 6°'6 "' h vol~ o, 1:h• 'mod•ral:• fv•I •pee.I••" ae llet.d In Appendix I" .I. 9. lllepl .. ntlng ,.,th nc:oturallzlng ION '"·' •p•el••· 4, Tr••• .. nd larg• tr•• form ehrubtl (e.g. oak.a, Sum=, T<>\jon) "'hlc.h -being reklln•d .. h .. 11 be prun•d to provlM el•..,.one• eq,u .. I to ihre• tlmff h h•tght or l:h• 11urroundlng und.,-11tory pl .. nl: mater!ol or 6', "'hlc.1-..v•r I• high.,-. D•ad c:ond •x.,...lv•ly tl'll99y gro"'1th 11h .. 11 01 .. 0 b. rernov•d. !5. lrrlgc,t.d. f;l!!GTION 155 -m.oeur•d horlz:ontal!y .20' out,. .. rc:l ,r..,, i:h• outlying •dge "' s. .. t1on 15.2. Th• out.r •dg• or ee llh .. 11 extend horlzontalll~ to .. point at l•a•t 60' ,rom •l:ruetu,.••· I. lll<fflloval of "high fu.l ~•el••" ae llet.d In Append!>< !".I. ::Z. lllemov .. 1 by ••l•etlv• pruning oP up to 405W. of th• velum• "' th• 'moder .. t• Pu.I ~•c:t•e" o• llet•d In App•ndlx l".I. !l. Tr••• .. nd lorg• tr•• Porm 11hrube (•.g. o .. u, SUma<>, T<>\jon.) Nhl .. h ..,.. being r•t..lned eh .. 11 be prun•d to provide el•c,rc,nr;• •q,u .. I to thr•• tlmff the he!ghi: of h eurroundlng underetory plant m .. ter-1 .. I or 6', ,-hiehev•r I• high.,., D• .. d .. nd •><-lv•ly t .. 199y gro"'th llh .. 11 .. ,,. .. be removed. 4, Non-lrrl9"t•d. I" .!l-4 M .. lnt•n .. nc:• ""'-• llhall be prov!d•d to th• PIP"• prot.c.tton o.--. I" .!!1-5 Debrl• c:onc:l l:P"lmmlnga pr-odu .. •d by thinning •h .. II b• .-.moved Prom th• sit. or •hell be <><>nvert.d i:o muleh by a c:hlppl~ mo .ohln• and •v•nl~ dlepe,.,..d ov•r th• ar•o to a rno><lmum d~th o, 4 , 00' of th• nQi:lve undteturbotd or• ... l".9-i Th• l"lr• i,.partm.nt =y require doeu,.,,.nt<>!'"\j phol:ogrC!f"h-of elop•• .. , th• t,,.,,. of tr•atm.nt. l"hotogroph• ,.,11 rern .. 1n tn poee•••lc~ of th• Glt\j oe .. P"eP•r•ne• Por Putur• m .. rnt.nono.• lnep•ettone by th• Glty. NATI¥!!$ Ad•no•tomo Paeo.I0.ul..tum C:.hmnt•• Art.mra, .. , .. 1tfornI.... e .. 11,ornlc:o e.:tg•bru•h l!rlogonum , .. eo.leulatum 15uek,oh•Qi: Solvl .. 11p•c.i.ts Sag• oth..-•peel•• 126 lf'•elfl•d by th• Glt\j r:>OMl!!STIGIS A=er .. •p•et•• ,.,.....,,1 .. C.dru• •p• .. IH G•d .. r Gupr-•fleUII ~• .. t•e GypP"•H Dodonc,•.. vleeoe.. l-lop,..•d l!!ullh l!uc .. lyptue ~o.t•• l!uc.al~ptue Junlp•ru• ep.c.I•• ..lunlp•r l"ennls•tum l"ounklln 6roee l"lnue ep•eT.,. l"ln• Ohr epec.1•• .... epe,:.lfl•d by th• Glty MOr:>!!lllAT!! HA%AlltD Sl"l!GI!!!& folet.r..,,•I•• Qrbutlfollc:o Toyon M .. I0,.,,,.. !c:ourlna l.Qur•I eum .. c. <llllercu• dumoec:o fierub O..k lllhue tnt.grtfollo l.emo""d• ~N'\j Ayloc.oc.uc.ue bl-c.olor Ml•elon Manzc:,nJtc:, -----.-----_,,.,...,,,...,,.,.,~------.---..----,----------....-.....-___,.--.----1 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~O L!.:!__j PLANNING DEPARTMENT L±Q_J "AS-BUil T" r------1--+-----------------l---+--+-----+---,1 siL~A,;i;NT'iTToIN:;:;G;::;:;S:;;;:PE;;;C;,l:;:FI.,;C;A~T.;;l□~N,;S::;F~□~R~, ::::::===:===~==::: DRAWN JP. DB APPROVED MM 1 ■t, SUB 01/12/0-4 DAlE 2 nd. Sl.TB 02/10/05 ' I ,A NDSC t; PF. .roe NO. Al~CllrJ'EC!llRE DATl{; 12/08/2004 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DAlE DAlE INITIAL OA'II: INITIAL ENGINEER OF WOR~ REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DA'II: 1Nl11AL OTY APPROVAL VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA THE 6REENS -1.06 1..-1~ DWN BY: ---PROJi:CT NO. DRAWING NO. 2~ ~~;--C.T 04-16 421-iL I fF':~ --· ,_. l,,,_.,,.- ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC.LUDING PREC.ISE LOC.A TION OF PLANTING AREAS. DRAWN APPROVED 1 •l. SUB 2 nd. SUB MYLAR sue JOB NO. DATE SCALE " .1P. DB "AS-BUILT" MM 01/12/04 02/10/05 03/15/05 TITI.E: RECEIVED BY: 0-4--071 12/08/2004 AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DATE RECYCLED/POTABLE ~ATER MAF SCALE 111 = 1001 DATE INITIAL INITIAL DESCRIPTION 01HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAt-l>IING DEPART~ENT 0.!EST ElUIL.DER ~'!'Cl.ED 1-!ATER PLAN FOR, VII f A0ES OF LA COSTA 1rlE 6REENS -1.06 1.-20 DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO.. DRA'MNG NO. ~~ ~r C-T 04-16 421-1L I I