HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 362-3L; CUP 97-04; SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING LA COSTA; 01-19GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S "CARLSBAD RE CLAM A TlON RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS" DA TED OCTOBER, 1993. ' 2. DRINKING FOUNTAINS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SPRAY OF RECLAIMED WATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO MINIMIZE RECLAIMED WATER ENCROACHMENT SUNR SE ASS STED L V NG SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER TITLE SHEET 1 ON PUBLIC FACILITIES SUCH AS PICNIC TABLES, BBQ'S, PLAYGROUNDS, SAND TOT LOTS, ETC. 3. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO ELIMINATE OR CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE PONDING, RUN-OFF, OVER SPRAY AND MISTING. 4. HOSE BIBS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. LA COSTA IRRIG. LEGEND & NOTES 10 IRRIGATION _PLANS 8-10 IRRIGATION DETAILS 12 5. ON-SITE CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CUP 97-04, SUP 97-01, HDP 97-06, CDP 97-08 6. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. 7. 9. ALL ON-SITE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAPE PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL RUN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10: 00 P.M. AND 6: 00 A.M. THE FOLLOWING MORNING (SPOT IRRIGA noN COULD BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIME) WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISION PERSONNEL ON SITE. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 18 INCHES OF COVER OVER ALL WIRING AND PIPING. 10. NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTACT RECLAIMED WATER WHETHER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR DIRECT APPLICATION THROUGH IRRIGATION OR OTHER LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONS1RUCTION PRACTICE, OR SYSTEM OPERATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 11. IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE RELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVER-SPRAYING ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND NON-DESIGNATE[) USE AREAS. 12. RECLAIMED WATER QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DESIGNED FOR THE USE ON RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (SPIKES NOT EXCHANGABLE WITH POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKES) PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 13. METERS SHALL BE SIZED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATlER DISTRICT. 14, ALL IRRIGATION PIPE SHALL BE STlENCILED, WITH THE WARNING "NON POTABLE WATER" OR "RECLAIMED WATER", COLOR CODED (PURPLE) AND LAID WITH WARNING TAPE AND STENCILING ORIENTED TOWRD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTS RULES AND REGULATIONS. 15. ALL POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE STENCILING ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH. 16. WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE AND RECLAIMED WATER LINE CROSS, THE RECLAIMED LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET FROM EACH SIDE, FROM THE CENTER LINE OF POTABLE LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEET. 17 A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER MAINS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. THE POTABLE LINE MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE RECLAIMED LINE. 18. A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. * 19. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT A CROSS-CONNECTION TEST AND COVERAGE TlEST AS DWECTED ,SY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ENGINEER OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRIOR TO ANY USE RECLAIMED WATER. 20 QUICK COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER· SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: RECLAIMED WATER: QUICK COPUNG VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATlER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE ACME TYPE THREADS (SPIKES NOT ENTERCHANGEABLE WITH POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKES) AND PURPLE COLORED LOOKING COVERS PERMANENTLY ATTTACHED TO THE VALVE QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE NELSON NO. 76-43, HUNTER NO. HV100A-RL-NP OR APPROVED EQUAL. 21. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION WILL BE DONE BY EITHER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OR SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY * 22. DEVELOPER SHALL SHOW THE LOCATION OF R.C. SIGNS "oo NOT DRINK" ON THESE PLANS. * 23. AN ON-SITE USER/SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN WRITING. THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITHIN THE PROPERTY. WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECTION PROTlECTION, AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE DESIGN A TlON, WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT BOB MACNAMARA AT (619)838-0179 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT SAME AS ABOVE 24 SHOW ALL PUBLIC & PRIVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS * 25. ON RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPURTENANCES ( SPINKLER HEADS, VALVES BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE PER AWWA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 404954 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEAL TH AND SAFETY CODE. ITEMS NOS. 8, 19 & 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMED WATER. ITEM NO. 22 THE SIGNAGE PLAN SHALL BE PART OF THIS 1.P. BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS & TAGS WILL BE INSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO ACTUAL USE OF R.C. WATER. SIGNAGE NOTES THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-1/2" X 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR: PURPLE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTERING. 1. GUIDELINES FOR RECLAIMED WATER USE A. IRRIGATE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M. ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE. 8, IRRIGATE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING, AND PONDING. THE APPLICATION RA TE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INFILTRATION RA TE OF THE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RATE PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (I.E., EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). C. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND STREETS ANO SIDEWALKS. D. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC., SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. E. EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS ON THE PRESENCE OF RECLAIMED WATER, MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED THAT R.C. WATER IS MEANT FOR IRR. PURPOSES ONLY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING PURPOSES. HAND, TOOL, WASHING, ECT. GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EMPLOYEES IN THE LANDSCAPING INSUSTRY, IT IS IMPORTANT THIS INFORMATION BE DISSEMINATED ON AN ALMOST DAILY GASIS. IT IS YOU, THE LANDSCAPING CONTRACTOR. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUCTAING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. F. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODlFICA TIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO,AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. 1. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. k TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3"x 4", PURPLE IN COLOR, WITH THE WORDS "WARNING RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AVISO -AGUA IMPURA-NO TOMAR" IMPRINTED ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T, CHRISTY ENTERPRISE□ OR APPROVED EQUAL. B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 2 ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 3 ATTACH TO VAL\/£ COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 2. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. 2. EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARING THE WORDS "RECLAIMED WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTERS 1" HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILIZING THE EQUIPMENT. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN' SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. FIRM NAMES & ADDRESSES: IVY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. P WOODWARD DIKE 775 B LAGUNA CANYON RD. LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 PHONE NO(S): ( 949 ) _3_7_6_-_3_68_3 ____ -----'- REGISTRA TION NO(S): 1330 EXPIRATION DATES: ~6""/~1--'4,_/9"'8.._ ____ _ (N. T.S.) WARNING REClAl.tED WATER DO NOT DRINK 12" X 36" SIZE WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK R CLAIMED WATER AVISO-AGUA IMPURA N TOMAR 1" BLACK LETTERS 2" BLACK LETTERS .016 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS AVISO-AGUA IMPURA NO TOMAR 18" X 18" SIZE (D NORTH NTS POTABLE WATER METER & MAINLINE 85 DWELLING UNITS \ INSPECTION PROCEDURES LEGEND ~ W/8 [01 18] * Rew PW RECLAIMED w;vrtR MAINLINE C I \ I \ \ \ \ I R CLAIMED WATER M INLINE AREA OF EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER USE AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER USE LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS-METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN LOCATIONS PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM 1. CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: 3. ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2-4 5-6 7 8-10 11 12-14 15 16-19 TITLE SHEET HARDSCAPE PLAN HARDSCAPE DETAILS STROCTURAL DETAILS IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION DETAILS PLANTING PLAN PLANTING DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT. THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT 111TH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO REVIEW DNL Y AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS Of A TED TO LANDSCAPING. BY: Sf:N133C~~~~~ LICENSE #1330 IVY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. 775 B LAGUNA CANYON ROAD LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 PH(949) 376-3683 FX(949) 376-3693 E-MAIL iv~aguna@earthlink.net . l A. LOCATION OF PIPE LINES. A COMPLETE INSPECTION WHICH SHOULD COVER PART A, PART B AND PART G OF B. TRENCH DEPTH. THE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. C REQUIRED SEPARATION (HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY). D. PIPE IDENTIFICATION. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR & E. POINTS-OF-CONNECTION (POC'S) DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. F. LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS. G. WARNING SIGNS AT THE SITE AND ON THE TRUCKS HAULING RECLAIMED WATER (IF RECLAIMED WATER IS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION). AN APPROVAL LETTER REGARDING THE INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWf,RDED TO THE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. 2. DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. COVERAGE TEST, AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO DETERMINE THE ADEQUACY OF COVERAGE ON THE APPROVED USE AREA.AND PROTECTION OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR RECEIVING RECLAIMED WATER. B. WARNING SIGNS AND LABELS. C. QUICK COUPLING VALVES. D. ALL ASPECTS OF THE IRRIGA noN CONDITIONS INCLUDING WINDBLOWN SPRAY. RUNOFF, AND PONDING. E. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. F. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF WELL, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC. G. CROSS-CONNECTION APPROVED 4-,~w;g ENGINEERINPLANC CKER DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES SITE I AVE. LA C□S:TA VICINITY MAP R□AD _J DISTRICT __ N_07. _____ DccEc..cSc..cCc...R.c.l P--'T'-'10"'-N'-------+'A.:;.P_;_P.;..;R-=cO.;..VE::.:D+::::D AccT:_::E'-1 DEVEL OFER S NAME: SU N RI SE DEVEL OP MEN T I NC. ,•O%•t.,._-l--------------.l----.l---1ADDRESS: 9401 Lee Highway, Suite 300 WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH DATE Eairfax, VA 22031 BUILT" 7/11j91 DATE REVIEWED BY: l~~:E~i: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD 19 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHEETS PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM FOR: SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING LA COSTA APPROVED TYPICAL SIGNS .016 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS Explrn\jqn tf'' C,/.9~.f'#'Y .,. ? ~•o' • Dot•£ 4/98 APPROVED BY: C: \DWG12\CWD-RW.DWG 12/12/94 SHEET_QF_SHEETS C.M.W D. JOB NO. 88 C 266 \-- Lu w cc \-en C: \DWG12\QSB~IP.DWG • • • •••--=• M-• • /---_-_' -=--=·· ........... "····---·=•· .. ::-:·•~ .. ·=-··=···=····~---~---~--=--=· ····=·-·=···=··· ========== -·-·· ·---·---~~-~ ·, ' ----·-- / I "i·(o" · I){< ·· -- ,, .J PA \cfi.)' I I I I~-> .J[; I 1 ·-1 ' \ • I I \ I 12/12/94 i \ I\ ~d•' ,-,·•••<- •~•"••~• • ,,. •<• ,/ ;i 'l ' ' 2C 0 ~- '1 I. J I / / I / .r it/. I I //' I /, I ' ; I 1 I I I , ' I I I . I I I I I I I I I ! ~--/ @-fl I I , / I f j I r / I : ' i I I 1 ' I i I I t / I I l I I I I I i ' ( IN FEET ) I FIA • ' " I • / I 'le°' 40 1 INCH = 20 FT. I ' I I / L -:> -SEE SHEET 2 FDR EN_~RGEMENTS CF NODE, MEAD □V, AND GARDEN AREAS. -SEE SHEETS 4, 5, AND 6 FDR CONSTRUCTION AND STC:::UCTURAL DETAILS. C □NSTRI 1CTI□N L [GEND ' CONSTRUCT CDNCRC:TE PAVING, NATURAL GREv 1,/!Trl HEAVY BROOM FINISH, SEE DETAIL B, C, &D, SHEET 3. 2. CONSTRUCT EXPANSIDN JOINT 20'-0' 0.C, SEE DETAIL C & D, SHEET 3. 3. CONSTRU:T ASPHAL TIC PAVING, SEE DETAll A, SHEET 3. 1. cm,sTRUCT cm1CRETE ·mv STREP SEE DET.<\tt B, SI IEET L 3. §. cm,sTR88-T 5' D' FREESTMrnHIG BL □CI( 1 .. 1•LL SEE DETAIL G, SI IEET c 3. 6 7 8 g COloSTRUCT 1' O' FREESTANDrnG DU}€+( 's/ALL SEE DETAIL G, SI IEET c 3. C □loSTRUCT 3' D' FREE3TAl<B!MG BLOCK w"ALL SEE DETAl1_ 6, SI lf[T L '.3. c □,,STRI.CT S' COl~CRETE CURB FER CIT'( DETAIL, CONSTRUCT S'-61 FREESTANDING BLOCK \/ALL \/[TH STUCCO FI~ISH, ,~,\ SEE DETAIL B, SHEET 4. T\ 10. CONSTRUCT 6'-0' BLOCK PILASTER \./ITH STUCCO FINISH SEE DETAIL A, \\ SHEET 4. LOCKING, DETAIL C, SHEET 4. 12 INSTALL GRANITE BOULDER, SEE DETAIL F, SHEET 3, SIZE ',□TED ON Pt~ .\ 111 11. CCNSTRcJCT 5'-6' TUBULAR STEEL SECURITY GAE:, SELF CLOSING AND \ A 3' X 4' X 3', B 3 1 X 3' X T,. C 18" X 2' X 1',----fl-------4'X '.:' X 3'6b ·1 \\ 13. !~STALL FOUNTAIN AS PER DIRECT[ON OF OV~ER DR OVNER'S AUTH□R:ZED REPRESENTATIVE. 14, !~STALL PICNIC TABLE #266-6XR BY IRON MOUNTAIN FORGE FROM PACIFIC \ \\ 1 \ DfSJGN CONCEPTS, (800) 367-7325, PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS \ 15, BID A-L TERNA []VE #I -INSTALL (8) TRASH RECEPTACLES #292-X2R BY IRON M□U~I AJN ,ORGE FROM DESIGN CONCEPTS, <BOO> 367-7325, PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIF"!CATI □NS I \ 16. JNSTAL.L BARBEQUE #216·X BY IRON MOUNTAIN FORGE FROM PACIFIC DESIGN \ CONCEPTS, (800) 367-7325, PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATI □NS. I \' ~{-7~. rnsr,, L Gl\t1E TI\BLE ~B0 Tl 4 \/HI I cIIccI<ER B□oRD □PT-lf!N BY KEYSTm1, 10. HJSTALL BEIICI BY QUIC ( CR[TE (909) 737 6218, *QJ','10 rn, snJB cm DR, \ \ RIDGE DCSIG~IS I-R□>i l(mlPMI (808) 222 9016. \ I Tl, ;~1 □□TH ~!~II~ \ \\, 20. :□NSTRUCT 18' HIGH RAISED GARDEN PLANTER, SEE DETAIL D, SHEET 4. 21. INSTALL GARDEN CONTAINER PER DIRECTION OF □wNER DR □VNERS I \ 19. INSTALL HANDICAP RAMP, SEE DETAIL I, SHEET 3. I AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. J \ \ 22. ]NS TALL BIRD FEEDER PER DIRECTIDN or OwNER DR 0\/NERS AUTHCRJZED REPRESENTATIVE, <( \ 23. JNSTALL \/EA-HER STATIDN PER DIRECTIDN OR □wNER OR OVNERS AUTHLlRJZED REPRESENTATIVE, \ \ 24. INSTALL FLAC POLE, SEE DETAIL K, SHEET 3. WAL \\ I 2s. crn1sTRU:T 0,rrn ms TALL R□UGI I TIMBER R-C:TP,I>m1c whLL <6" TD JG' 1 IT.J. \\ --26, crn1STRUCT 21' 111511 BERII LEADHJ5 UP TD PLAY STRUCTURE PLATF □RII 0 I \ ---2+ .. 1~ISTPLL 1<□MP"~1 s•F T cI IIP suRFAGE BY I<rn1PN1 <soo>222 9016 PER~ Z I 28 H.STALL. DIE TOYS SUPER ·-&PRING SEESA'ol *BT 1 ~ 2 BY l(OIIP o,11 \ PE~ MAl<UFA:TURERS :SPEC!CJCATJDNS. ~ \'\ 00 _ (800)222 9046 PER IIAIJUFAC-URERS SPECIF!CAf!Ol~S. .?-\ ~7 lliSTO,LL BIG TOYS BDARDH.G IJET BY l(OIIPAN CODD) 222 9816 PER <( II1\NLIF"ACTURERS SPECIFICAT!m,s. c ) \ \\I, -~3ttio~. -t11t"',S'°T'fiA.t-L+-L-<l-B!ffGi-'fTfl□¥-YS'c-JB'lf□11-utRBer-LF-E~s'i!L--!!ilBE-E-BEW-t +l(cF□IMII.PPA,Atr+,-<E'RBfliOO'tll---r22P.2"-',*01441'.-6--1P"lE'fRr -MANLJFACTUR[RS SPEC!F!CATl □MS \ \' Ji. crn.sTRUCT c □11cF2LJE RA11P AT s;. SEE BE TAIL , s1IEET j \ ·1 ·12 FURN:Sh & INSTALL \,/DOD BENCH 281-6XR BY IRON MOUNTAIN FORGE f"RDM W I 1 -PAc:r1c DES:GN c□NCEPTS, (800)367-7375. \\ \; 33 TNSTALL 3'X3' PRECAST CONCRETE STEPPING STONES, NATURAL GREv w!Trl MEDIU~ BRCl □M FINISH. DETAIL E, SHEET 3 34, INSTALL GARDEN ENTRY ARCh w!TH GATE PER DJRECTJ □N CF OwNER OR □wNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. I 35. INSTALL GARDEN PERIMETER FENCE PER DIRCTIDN OF OwNER DR 0 1.INE'1S 36. 37, I 38. I 39, I 40, 41. 42. 43, 44. 45. 46. 47, 48, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL TUBULAR STEEL FENCE PER DETAIL A, SHEET L-4 .. CJNSTRUCT 0\/E~HEAD TRELLIS, SEE DETAIL E, SHEET 4, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMI- SH □P □RAVING TO LANDSCAPE ARCH. PRIDR TC C □NSTRUCTJ □N [[INSTRUCT ALZHEIMER OVERHEAD TRELLIS TD MATCH ARCHITECTS CONTRACTOR TD SUBMIT SHOP DRAwTNG TD LANDSCAPE ARCH. PRIDR TO C□NSTRUCTIDN INSTALL DECOMPOSED GRANITE, TD BE SELECTED B• LA~DSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE DETAIL h, SHEE-3. INSTALL RED\/00D HEADER, SEE DETAIL G, SHEET 3. SEATING NODE -SEE ENLARGEMENT BELO\/. MEAD□w SEATING NODE -SEE ENLARGEMENT BELDV. PAVED PICNIC NODE -SEE ENLARGEMENT BELOV. RAISED GARDEN AREA --SEE ENLARGEMENT BELOV wlJRK BY OTHERS, INS !'ALL BOLLARD AT 10' □.C.. TO BE SELECTED BY OwNER OR DVNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. :ONSTRUCT w □□D TIMBER STAIRS AND \/DOC RAIL SEE DETAILS H ~ I , SHEET 4. :ONSTRUCT ROLLED CURB PER CIVIL ENGINEERS PLANS. 4'3, CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL VO □D OVERHEAD TRELLIS ABOVE PROJECT SJGNAGE; SEE DETAIL F, SHEET 4. SIGNAGE BY ARCHITECT. 50. INST ALL 12' X 12' PRECAST CONCRETE STEPPING STONES, NATURAL GREY w!TY MEDIUM BROOM FINISH. JETAIL E, SHEET 3. CHAN;NLINK FENCE ENCLOSURE. SEE DETAIL G, SHEET 4. 51 52, 53 . \/ODD PEDESTRIAN FOOT BRIDGE OVER UNLINED CHANNEL; SEE DETAIL J, SHEET 4. EASEMENT ACCESS GATE; SEE DETAIL L, SHEET 4, NOTE CONCRETE PAVING- !. FDR PLAN VJEV OF EXPANSIDN JDJNTS AND SCORE JOINTS SEE DE T Ale D, SHEET 3. 2. EXPANSIDN JOINT DETA:L C, SHEET 3. IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC, 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. Laj!una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) APPROVED FOR PLANTING A.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPA.L WATER DISTRICT WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGl~EER R.C.E. 28176 DATE P.E. __ _ REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR "AS BUI T" EXP ___ _ DATE DATE 1---f-----+-----------+----+--+--+-----l \ SH2EET I CITY OF CARLS BAD FRsl ~:=::::::...'===P::'L':::A:::N':::Nl=N:::G::'D::'E=P=.AR=T=M::'E=N=T ==::::.:i_l9_:=1:=9~J DATE INITiAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL EN G1NEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR SUNRISE LA. COSTfa, STREET IMPROVEtv1ENT PL/I.NS HARDSCAPE PLAN APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. .362-Jl CMWO 88-C.266 \ \ \ z <( N z <( 2 20 0 ~ ... -( IN FE~T ) 1 l~C~ = 20 FT. C: \DWG12\CLSB-IP.DWG 12/12/94 4C ! I I \ I \ I _'i 1 -0 16'-Q" SEATING NODE NTS 6' -o" 4'-6" ~"-'-L--,..J.......~-+-42' MEADOW SEATING AREA NTS 2' 2' 4' -6n :+;~~;i:'. =JE8 (l •. 4'-6n 14 ~~8~-=-=l,,,2' COVERED PICNIC AREA ADA ACCESSIBLE NTS ENLARG[\1[NTS 8' 6' RAISED PLANTER GARDEN NTS -SEE SHEET 1 -SEE SHEET 4 1 roR CONSTRUCTION LEGEND, 5. 2x 6 roR C[NSTRUCTIJN DE-r AILS, A~D STRUCTURAL IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 776 B Laguna Canyon Rd, La$una Beach, California 92661 ph\714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLi\NTING AREAS. DA fE INlllAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION CESCRIPTiON UTILITY DIST°'ICT APPROV,<'IL(S) CARc.SBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILL AM 0 • PLUMMER 0A'F )ISTRICT ,NGINEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROV.4L "AS BUil T" P.E. EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I SH3ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD S-!EETS PLANNING DEPARTMENT 19 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE LA cos-A STREET IMPROVE!v1ENT PL.ANS HARDSCAPE P_AN DWN BY: PRO.JECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: WO RVWD BY: CUP 97-04 .362-.3L C~1Wll 88-C.266 OC) 0) '---. z_ "' N N 0 I'- "' SJ 20 40 I ! -I IN FEET ) ' • INCH = 20 FT. C: \DWG12\CLSB-IP.DWG 12/12/94 -SEE SHEET l F LJR C'[N~TRll[TI □N LEGEND. 4 5 8'" 6 FJR C □NST~UCTI □N -SEE SHEET ) ) STRl~CTURAL DETAILS, IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCH!Ti~TS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canrfon · . 92651 B h Cah orma La'una ~ac3683 fx(714)376-3693 ph 714 UTILITY ~ Dl c;TRICT APDROV1\L(S) AND ",t,, S BU IL T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING '" A ND IRRIGATION ONLY, I :::-:-;:::;-;::;-~~NwITTis"im:-rr--~P;E~. ;;~-----______ I INCLUDING PRECI~E -, I-CARLSBAD MUNC PAL WATE~ DISTRIC REVIFWED BY LOCA.TION OF PLANTING AREAS. WLLIA~ E. PLUMMER R C.E 28176 DISTRICT EllGINEER DATE DATE 0-ATE--1N1T1AL ENGINEF'R. OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPR8'✓AL D.A. TE INITIAL CITY APPRCVAL INSPEC,OR DATE CC~STRUC"l:JN NO fE.S \11311 [HE SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING RIDS. SUBMIT A UNIT COS-FOR lfAPORT SOIL N-PLACE AND 8E COMPLETE! Y AWARE OF T~E MIOUNT OF SO,L NECESS/,RY TO REACH TrlE SATIS"ACTORY GROUND LEVEL. VE,IIY A.LL rROPERIY LINES ::JR :JTHER LIMIT ::JF WORK LINES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORI< R0 MOVE .ALL DEMOLITION ITEMS FROM IHE. PRCioECT SITE ANC DISPOSE OF N ACUJRJ,\NCE WITH APPLICABLE CODE.S .AND REC'l.JLATIONS DO NOT Bl~RY RUBBISH OR D[ORIS CN SITE. REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY CAMA.GE TC AD,JACENT PROPERTIES, CURES, WALKS. Pl A.NTING WALLS, ETC, A.T NO ADDIT ONAL COST TO THE OWNER. VC:RIFY ALL [XISTING CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND c.LEVATIONS 3EFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORI< NO il"Y LANJSCAPE 1\RCHITECT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD FIE_D CONDITIONS VARY FR0,,1 THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN. REPOR I DISCREPANCIES IN THC: DRAWINGS OR BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND A.CTUAL FIELD CO~DITIONS TO T'"IF LANDSCAPE ARCHIT[CT. CORREClC DRAWINGS OR INS-RUCT o~s S~ALL BE ISSUED PR,OR TO THE CONTINUA !ION OF TH S WCRK ASSU'AE "ULL RESPONSIBILITY ,OR ALL tJECESSARY C:)RRECTIONS DUE TO F.A.ILlJRE TO REPORT l<~OWN DISCREPA.NC!ES _<JCATE ALL EXIST NG UTILITIES WHE. "rER SHOWN HEREON OR NOT AN:l PR1TECT THEM 1ROM :1AMAGE NOTIF" OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF DAMAGE OCCURS AND .ASSUME FUI_L l!ESPONSlblLI fY FOR EXPE"SE oc REPAIR OR REPLA.CEMENT. COMPLY WI IH ALL PROVISIONS OF T~E LATEST BUILDING CODE AND WITH OT~ER CURRENT RU'.ES, REGULATIONS AND ORr,INANCES GOVERNING THE PLACE ::JF THC: WOkK. BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVE.R THE CRAWINGS AND IT SHAL, 3F THE 'lESPONSIBILITY 01 ANYONE SJPPL YING LAB:)R OR fAATERl1\LS OR EOTH TO BRING TC Tl IE .ATTENTION OF THE ARCHlffCT AN" DISCREPANCIES OR co~rLICT BETWEEN -HE REQUIREMlN Is OF THE CODE ANC Tr-lE DRAW NGS. LOCATIONS OF N.1.C. CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS SUCH A5 LIGHTS, SIGNS, VENTS, HYDRANTS, TRANSFORMERS, ETC., A'i'E A"PROXIMATE NOTIFY THF I At\DSCAPE ARCHITEC-IMM[CIATELY SHOU_D THE LOCATIOI\ OF THESE ITFMS cNT0 RFERE WITll THE PROPER EXECJTION OF WORI<. VERIFY ALL PAVING ANO HARDSCA.PE CO"STRJC"ION DRAWINGS WIT~ SOIL ENGINEER'S REPORT WITH REGARD TO BASE PREPARATION AND ,COTING REOUIRC:MENTS. NOTIFY OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF SOILS R[PORT RECOMMENDATIONS DIFFER FROM DRAWINGS. THE SOILS RFPORT RECOMMENDA"IONS, IF MORE STRINGENT THAN DR,\WINGS S~AI L TAl(E PRECEDcNCE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINAT1CN BETWEcN SLBCONTRACTORS FCR PROPER A~D TIMELY PLACEMENl Of SLlEVING, PIPING AND/OR CONDUIT INSTA,l_ATICN UNDER OR THROUGH LA"DSCAPE ELEMENTS. LA~DSCAPE LIGH I FIXTU'i'E LOCATIONS AS INDICATED ON THESE "LANS ARE APPROXIMATE. flNAL LOCATION TO BE VERIFIED BY LANDSCAP': ARCHITECT DN SITE. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SEE CIVIL ENGINEER'S "LAN F::JR "RECISl GRADING AND DRAIN.A.GE INFORMATION. PROV,DE A REPRESENTATIVES.AMPLE cc EAC•I PAINTED OR SIAINED ELEMENT TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW AND AP"RDVAL PRIOR -o APPL YING 0 1NISH RE"E" TO DETAI. S ANO SPECl"ICA.TIO~S FCR SPECIFIC SLBMI. IAL REQUIREMENTS P•'WVIDE A 4' X 4' SA.MPLE OF EACH PAVING . YPE IN LOCATION SPEC FIED RY CWNER'S REPRESlN.' A TIVE FOR REVIEW A.ND AP~ROV,0.L BY OW"<[R'S REPRESENTA.TIVE PRIOR TO INSTAI.L.ATICN. REFER TO SPECIIICATIO~S. WHERE PAVING AND FINISH GRADE MEET, DEPRESS FINIS I GRADE I" IN TURF AREAS AND 1 IN GRO,JND COVER AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICA TEC. DO !\OT EXCEED 3: 1 SLOPE IN TclRF AREAS. FOR PROJ[CT WALKS DO NOT EXCEED A S_OPE OF 20 1 (5% GRADIE" T) UNLESS OTHERWIS[ INCICATED. DO NOT -o EXCEED 2: 1 SLOPE IN PL.ANTED ARF AS. FOR RAMPS INTO BUILD1 NGS DO N::JT EXCc:ED 1:,: 1 OR 6 66%, UNLC:SS OTHERWISE l~DICAT[C. -!OLD FINISH GRADF A MINIMUM OF 6" BELOW FINISH FLOOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOEJ. 1 /n" IL CONSTRUCT ALL CURVE TO CURVE .AND CURVE TO TANGENT LINES TO BE NEAT, TRIM, S,WOTH A~D UNIFORM CONSTRJCT ALL CC~CRETE WITH A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE S"RENGTH OF 2,500 rs1 © 28 DAYS. PROVIDE OWNER WITH AcL WARRAN"IES, ~1UARANTEES, ANJ INSTRUCTION \1ANJALS F8R EQUIPMENT, APPL ANCES, flXTURES, ETC. AS r,fSCRIBED IN THE SPECIFIC.ATIONS. r 6'-0' r 6' --o· rl-~ 0, iv--, ~) •~1-s,,,. - NOTE• ALL ME.,.AL CDI-INECTIDNS TO BE CONTINUOUS \.JELOED REMOVE ALL SLAG AN] SPLATTER FROM lR□N. ALL TUBING TD HAVE ENDS vn.nrn CLOSED. GRlND ALL 'w'ELJS SM□O.,.H SEE SPECJrJCATl□NS r □R G,i>L VANIZEI: TUBING Af>,.D CCATINGS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMrT SHOP DRA'w'lNG TO 1.ANJSCA~E ARCHITECT FOR t>.PPROVAL PRIOR TO :□NSTRUCTI□N, F□□HNGS SHO'w'N F(]R BID FURP:JSES ONLY, SEE STRUCTUAL [NGINEER DRA\J[NGS. GATE SHALL C□NF□R"i TJ ALL REQUIRF:MENTS □f SAN '.)[EGO GAS ANC El FCTRI: LEGEND 1. TAPlRE.J ALUMINUM F_AGPOLE, ANODIZED ALUM \JUM (CLEAR) WITf-1 GROUNC ROD AND L---::: 2 3 LOCKBOX MODEL #TAFH-5 BY: HORTIE--'v'AN MFG. CO., PAS.A.DENA, CA (818)577-1776 ANCHOR BOLE AS FURNISHED BY MFGR. CONCRETE FOOTING, SIZE AND DEPTH PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS SHEU L-6 4. COMPACTED SUBGRADE 5. 4" THK. BRICKOUST 6. UPLIGIHS (3)-PES E"ECTRICAL ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS-SHEET E 2 (,) .. . . .. (,) 1) r _[fltJI ~-J \ / N/V!' 'i'VVv\ 11TI _i 11=1~1 I 1= )\\ 11 I 111-1 ; ;-I 1 = ==I I I==! / ,; 1 G.:.:OUND20V[R OR SHRU6 JI.RE.A. I 11: 11 2 TURF 111 -11-3 2 X 4 RF:DWOOO HEADERBOARD 111 4 1 X .1 X 16 REDWOOD STAKES .A.-5·-•o" O.C. ' I STAKES SHALL BE PLACED ON GROUNDCOYER 11 = 11-S )E AND SET BELOW -◊P OF HEADER BOARD. I I e-: SCORE JOINT @ 1 o' -D" U,C. rYPICAL NOTE: -SPLICES TO BE 1 X 4 X 12 RE)WOOO -NAILS TO BE GAL V COMMON NAILS NAIL AS REQlJIRfl) FOR SOLID INSTALLATION -HEADERBOARO SHALL BE LAID TRUE TO llNt & GRADE. -'.:IJRI/ILINEAR PCRTIONS OF HEADERBOARD SHALL BE CONSTRU2TED OF (2) 1 X 4 MEMBERS -STAKlD AT J'-Q" 0.C. OR .A.S FREQJENTLv AS REQUIRED TO MAINTA;N SVOOTH LINES FRE.C::: FROM ABRUPT DIPS, BUMPS, ANC CHANGES OF DIRECTION 10'0' TYP!t:AL -Q) I ' - / ! I LEGEND, 1. EXPANSIIJN JOINT, SEE PAV[NG JOINTS JETAL -HIS SHEET, ?. SCORE JDINT, SEE PAVING J □INTS DETAIL THIS SHllT, J. CONCRETE PAVING, SEE PLANS FDR COLOR AND FINISH. NlJT::S: -EX 0 ANSI □N J □IN"S ARE AT ALL, -BUILDING FACES AT J □INTS 'w!TH EX'.S"ING \/ALKS -TYPICAL EXPANSION JOI" TS SPACING IS 10'-0' □ C .. -TYPICAL SCORE LINE SPACING IS 30" □.C .. . to f M l~;,1 1 . ---/ ' '-:1::;7' • ; A ... -~ -t'.IV ' "' "z -0 ~ ;ii n LEGEND 1 ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE SURFACE/BASE cou,SE .AS PER CITY REQU REMENTS. 2. FINISH GRADE 3. COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER SOIL E.NGINffR'S RFPORT 17'\ ,L\SDHALTIC PAVING NOT TO SCALE /-=:_)\,.--_T_Y_P_!-=.C'-A=L--'-P-'A.:_V __ I N.:....:(.:_; -'P-',A_T_:.T_:::E.:_R.:..c...N.:___ \ , / I / I 1---------~ \ I,-.. ..... \ J NOT TO SC:/\IE 3 4 5 ' -" NOT TO SCALE , ___ / [EC□MF □SE~ GRANITE, FI?ST LIF-. 3/8" DIAMl I lR MAXIMUM. DECJMP □SED GliAN!TE, SEC □'J'J LIFT, 1/4" DIAMETER MAX[MUM. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRAIE. REI'w'C □D HEAD 0 RBni'RD PER DETAIL, 'w'H[RE CALLED F[R JN PLAN F:NISI· G~ADE, '..._/ PLAN/NTS LEGEND, l. 1/2' T □□LTD RADIUS 2, 0 0URED IN P_ACE CON:RETE STEPPING STJNES, SEE _EGEND FDR :□LOR ,\ND FINJSH 3. 90% cnM0 ACTED SUB-GRADE. 4. SEE PLAN FDR DIMENSION NOTE, PAVING THICKN~SS, BASE PREPi'RA-I □N AND RFINF □RCIN[ ARE SHO'w'N FDR B:D PURPOSES □~LY. VERIFY REQUIRE~ENTS 'w'!TH STRUCTURAL AND S □ILS ENGINEER NCT TO SC.ALE rE-\ _ co N_c_R_E_T_E_s1_E_D_P_1 "'_c_; _s_T_o_N_E_s _____ _ \'-._ __ .,./r--NOT TO SCALE X y z z CURB IF SPECIFIED 7 c~•·b RQ.l'lp Sid" Curb H\/lght l,1mgt'1 $lope Tr·~'"' 1• C'-':.' l'-6' 0'-0' 2·' 1'-6' 1'-6' 0'-0' BACk OF SIDE\./ALK 7 t_ R=!O' I Re,t ~Rc;Q'< ,/ ~ --~sz.,·/ 3" ?'-6' l'-8" Cl'-0' 4• 3'-6· 2'-4' J'--o~ t::c• 4'-6' 3'-0' J'-0' TRANSIT I □<_,, ' •\ ~~a /: ~ AREA ------= ,__ ~q 7' s·-6' 3'-0' 1'-0' s· s·-t,• 3'-0' 2'-0· ~ lGUTTER Z . 4' Z TIP TYPE A 1. SET FALSE HEADER FDR BACK OF RAMP AT CURB HEIGHT ABOVE GUTTER GRADE TD MAXIMUM 6'. 2, \.'HERE S70\,/N ON THE PLANS, CONSTRUCT MUN□Ll-HIC :URE FDR RETENTION OF STREET DRAINAGE DR -o MEET ADJACENT IMPROVEMENTS. 3. S[E SAN DIEGO REGl □NAL S" ANDARD DRA\,/ING G-27 FDR MORE LcTAILS, 4. SEE SAN DIEGO REGI □NAL s-AN[ARD DRA'w'ING G-32 FDR GENERA_ NOTES, 1//;:c~:\ 1)-;c~;;; " "'"-~-' ' ~ ,.<1-.. -.,,, 1/ ~"' ,· .,,,.' .f::? / . ~.\ ? f P. Woodwar(f)J1ke\ -;;., \ ( 11c--La:. #lJjo ~' •. ··· t ~ \;-.,,,, rr-ro ~ht '< ~~ ,'t.t,, '41-,""'"'--·-· ~ti,. ! Or CAL\\OI'''',, ----------✓✓ LEGEND: 1 BOULDER 2. MINIMU1A 2" THICK MULCH. 3. 90% COMPACTED SUGRAOE. 4. DEPTH THAT BOULDER IS BURIED WILL VA.RY, 2"-12". NOTE: PLACEMENT OF BOlLDERS TO BE DECIDED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN THE FIELD ' MIN , LEGEND1 ---·· --- L ::□NCRETE PAVING -REFER TD CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR cDL □R AND FINISH 2 #3 REBAR AT 18' □.C.1 EACH \JAY, CENTE~ED IN SLAB 3 FINISH GRADE 4 COMPACTED SU3GRADE PER SOILS ENGINEER'S REPORT 5 I/ 4' TOOLED RADIUS t,DTES, A PAVING THTCKNESS. 3ASf PREPAR1H[□N AND RE.lNFlJRCING ARE SHO'w'N ;·□R BIL PURPOSES: □NL Y, VERIFY ~EQUIREM[NTS OF THE SOILS REPOPT AND COMPLY. B, P~□VIDE F:NISH SAMPLE ;;,!::R SP[CIFICATI□NS ffi)f----C_O_N_C_R_E_T_E_P P,\i_l_ N_C_C_i _ET_fa_J_L __ , " , / NOT TO SCALE ,_/ A CONTROL J□INT B, EXPANSION J□lNT . . . ooo. ;-::r-0 0 C, COLD J□If'< T D. SAIJCUT J□INT © / o d ; . LEGE:ND• L 1/8' RADIUS EDGE 2. PAYING FI"-IISH SURFACE PER PLAN 3. JnINT FILLEC.: PE~ SPECJFICATI□t>JS 4. BACKER ROD PER SPECIFICATJONS 5. f1,,;'U-PART PJLYURETHANE SEALANT PER SP[C)"]CATI □NS 6, 1/2' CIA. X 12' LONG STEEL D□w'EL @ 24' DC, =>APER '.IRA0 ONE END NC TES: A, LOCATE JOINTS PER SPECIFlCATlUNS UNLESS □THE~l,IISE INDI::ATED ON PLAN B. SEALANT CDLCR TD 14ATCH ADJACE"lT PAVING * 3/4' IF PAVING LESS THAN 4' THICk l' IF PAVING 4' THICK DR GREATER (/1 ')'---P_E_C_' E_S_TR_I_A.N_RA_~_l1 F_· _______ _ \, ___ NOT TO SCALE (F)r--B_C-.:l U--'CL-'-D-"-E_R _D=-cE=-T_A--=I L=---------~- ~. NOT TO ,SC:ALE~._/ }r-__ P_A_V_I_N_G_.,_J_O_I_N_T_S_C_J_[_T_A_IL ___ _ \ \_,, J NOT TO SCALE ' ' i • J L2' J f,. f,. (I;\ (j) LEGEND• I. 3 X 10 BRID'.JE DECl<INC. 2. 4 X 4 \JOOD BEPtM 3, 6 X 12 WCOD BEAM 4, 3/8' X 6' GALV. LAG B□l T AND \JASHERJ COUNTER SINK, 5, 5/8' X 10 1/2' GAL V. MACHINE B□L T AND VASHER; COUNTER SINK. 6 DECK LEVEL 7, GAL V. STEEL SIMPSON BRACKET. 8, l' DIA"1, X 3' DEEP CONC FO□T:NG; 6-1:tb VERT., 3-it3 EANDS Tl[, 9. FlN:SH GR/'lDE SEE CIVIL ENGINEER PLANS FOR LDCA.,.ION or S\./ALE. N.lill.! ALL \.IODD MEMBERS TD BE PRESSURE TREATED, IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. ,_ 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach, California 92651 . , ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATIOK OF PLANTING AREAS . UTILITv DISTRICT APPROVAl_(S) C/1.RLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER JI STRICT WILL AM E:. PLUM~ER DATE DISTRICT ENGINE.ER R.C.E. 28176 "AS BJILT" PE EX~. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DAE I SH5ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD 51..ir:-rrs PLANNING DEPARTMENT 19 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR SJNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEfvlEI\ T PL.ANS HARDSCAPE DETAILS A -P-PR_o_vE_D ---+--___r,'-"~~~j0=u"-~I_. -----=-t-f:fi{; t----t----+-,,---------------!----+--+----1---1 . pb$\'Th.ltr :if;tm1;1; -Pi'?-Ea'r<,'.l'g DA TE r, L' j f-__ EA_S_E_-M_E_N_T_A_C_C_E __ S'-_:; _c_A_T_E _______ ~K \ FLAG PO LE \~ NOT TO SCALE (J_.,../1--------~-~--~-----------N-O_l_f_O_S_CA_L_E 0J )r-__ P_E_D_E_S_TR_I_AN_F_O_O_T_B_R I_D_G_E ____ ~ ~_/ NOT TO SCALE /1\ t-,D;-;A:;cTE;c-t-;l~N~IT;-;IAc:-L+'...._ ________________ -+-::-DA-:T:=E--1-I-Nl.,.TI-AL-+-::-DA_T_E--1-I-NI-TI-A--IL I DWN BY: --''""'--PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO, REVISION DESCRIPTION ICHKD BY: ~WD~ CU P 97 04 362 31 ENGINffR OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL R\IWD BY: 1 ' · · -- CM 1ND 88-C.266 C. \DWG12\CLSB-IP.DWG OJ en "' -'..,. "' N N 0 ,.._ a, LARGE M □NUMENTATI □N ----SMALL ~□~UMENTATI □N 00 ~ 18' _r r-TYP. 9 LEGEND= 1. 3' X 6" X 2' RAFTERS, CENTER AND NOTCH ON TD BEAl'-1 t• M:N., C~AHFER BOTH ENDS 1', 2, 4 X 8 GRAB BEAM, N□T::H ON TD BE,\MS BELO\,,.,' t• MIN,, DETAIL BCTH ENDS. 3, 4 X 8 GR/'IB 3Et:\M. MACHINE BOLT fHR□UGH POST, COUNTER SINK AND PLUG. 4. 8 X 8 POST 5. 2u X 4' \JIDTH OF SIGN RAFTERS, CENTER AND NOTCH ONT □ BEAM, l' MJ:-,J._ CHAMFER BOTH ENDS 6, 3" X 6' GRAB BEAM, NOTCH ONTO BEAMS BELO\./, l' NIM., DETAIL BOTH ENDS 7. 2 X 4 GRAB BEAl'-1, MACHINE BOLT THROUGH POST, CJUNTER SINK Ar--.D PLUG, 8. 4 X 4 POST 9. SIGN M□NUMENTATI □N BY OTHERS NOTES: ALL \JDDD TD BE DOUG. FIR $4S SELECT GRADE. PA:NT \./DOD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CC□L□R TO BE SELECTED BY L.A /OV'JER), SEE SHF.ET ES, DETAIL D FDR STURCTURAL ENGINEER'S D[TAlL, ALL STRAPS AND C □NNECTIJNS SHALL BE HlDDEN. ALL STRPPS CONNECTIONS, REINFCRCING, AND FOOTINGS ARE SHO\JN FDR BID PURP□srs ONLY' VERIFY ;:;;-EQUIREHENTS OF ENGJJ\EER AN:J COMPLY, CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD MEASURE ALL o:MENS!ONS AND CJNDJTI□NS PRI□R TO 'JORK. (.F)r~S~I~G~N~T~R~E~L~L=IS"------------------- '-_/ NOT TD SCALE -38" 0 6'-0" 0 8"' 3· 3' (_£ I \ ~ ' ' \ CLR. (' ,_ ·' --. Im_ - 1.J.m~t\rjl'~ 6 1 "10 -_ ,m~ . 9 I --·-·-·-·-,------ '~ 13)------ lo/ "' I ~ 3 7 --;-:- ;;i_ -. LEGEND 1. FINSIH GRADE / SUR"ACE (SEE PLAN) 2. 2"SQ. TUBULAR STEEL FRAME 3 ·" SQUARE STEEL PICKET . 4 TUBULAR STEEL FENCING, SEE DETAIL A, SHEET 5 5 Pll.ASTER, SEE DETAIL 5, SHEET 4 r .. ' " 6 SEcF-CLOSING, SELF-LOCKING KEYED LATCH PROVIDE' A KNOX BOX TO CONFORM WITH FIRE 7. (3) HEAVY DUTY, SPR'NG LOADED HINGES. 5'-o" qi <Il7 I I Q --···· ' ~ :~ ' CD I NOTES: A AL'_ WELDS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AND SMOOTH B ALL METAL SHALL RECEIVE 2 COATS PRIMER AND 2 COATS SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL (COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE / LANDSCAPE A~CHITECT. C. ALL METAL SHALL BE SEAMLEoS, GALVAN ZEJ STEEL DEPT. (r~,.--T:"."L"'-J B"""l'=J L'='_ H-"' R::'-::-'S~Tc..:cE~E~L"---"G=-'-1 A-'--'-"E~-------------- ~ N]T TD SCALE 12' □.c. ,-----1--!---!--l---l f--l--l----l-.f--W_ -Q---f--r-i-J--\-l---i+r---+l-1--:: 18" 24" LEGEND: 1. #4 RES.AR AT CORNERS AND AT 3' O.C .. 2. PREPA,ED POTTING SOIL 3. COUNTER SINK AND PLJG 4. 1" CHAMFERED RADIUS 5. 8 X 8 PRESSJRE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR. 6. 2" DECOf.lPQSED GRANITf 7. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE. 8. HEAW M!l. BLACK PLASTIC. 5· -o· 18' TYP 0 1. 9" DIA. CONCRETE FOOTING SLOPE AWAY FROM POST. 2. TUBE STEEL POST BASE. 3. 2" X 2" TUBE STEEL RAIL -TOP AND BOTTOM TYP 4. 2" X 2" STEEL POST AT 5' -0" 0 C MAX. SPACING . WELD TO POST BASE. 5. 5/8" SO. TUBE STEE'~ PICKETS AT 4" O.C 6. COMPACTED SU8GRADE PER S01l.S ENGINEER. NOTE ALL STEEL SHOP WELDED GRIND SMOOTH REMOVE SLAG AND SPLATTER PRIOR TO PRIMER AND PAINTING. ALL METAL TO BE PAINTED WITH: 7. CONCRETE FOOTING PER STRL,CTURAL ENGINEER DETAIL A, SHEET 6. 8. FOOTING REINFORCEMENT PER STRUCTURAL -PRE-PRIME 1 COAT RUST iNHIBITER {DIPPED) 1 SHOP PRIMER -ZINK PRIMER ENGINEER DETAIL A, SHEET 6. -1 FJELD PRIMER -GREY PRIMER 9. 8" X 8" X 16" CMU 10. GROUT ALL CELLS -2 FINAL COATS COLOR fO BE SELECTED 8Y OWNER/l.ANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 11 1 BD X 18" X 6" PRECAST CONCRETE CAP. 12. SCRffD srucco Fl~ISH AT 1· ABOVE •INISH GRADE 13. FINISH GRADE, PER CIVlL ENGINEER PLANS. 3 11 -6' -- J 4 5 "' I '° 2" 1-k r l I 4 . ·. I . \ . I' I ® ".I l' ' ,c,Lt "' · .. 11 11, I I 11 . ~~ '° @-~' ; ' I\ I . Li " 3 9 ' ). ~ , .. I t. ' I 2 (3) r, : \ 'AV /XX/~ I/ , X/'.'f \ /? / , , ' -7-/-7')(,) ✓ ~ '; Y": 2 '· ., 1,, I/ ® • .J,L'~ s ~ " N • ef ~; (i)--1 11"~ e SECTION ELEVATION i'10r----'U""'B'""'U"""L=A-'-'-R"---"'S'-'-T-"'E=E-=L--'-F=-E '-'-N C""-'I=--'-N'-'=G'---'-'w'-'-/---'-P-=-I-'=L'-1.A ~S T"""E~R.::,__ _______ 1 C NOT TD SCALE NOTE: -CONCRETE FOOTING DIMENSIONS & SUB GRADE PREPARATION/COMPACTION ARE SHOWN FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY -REFER TO STRUC1URAL ENG DETAIL A, SHEET 6 REFER TO STRUCT JRAL ENG DETAIL A, SHEET 6 FOR PILASTER & WALL REINFORC•NG -STUCCO COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. STUCCO FINISH TO MATCH BLOG, 1 CDNCRE TE FDOT1NG 2. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE 3. 8" WIDE C M.U PRECISION BLOCK WALL W/ STUCCO FINISH 4. PRECAST CONCRETE WALL CAP TYP 5. 16" SQ. C.M.U. PRECISION BLOCK PIL.ASTER W/ STUCCO FINISH. 6. PRECAST CONCRE-E CAP. 7. FINISH GRADE 5, r·,,,:;::: =I= c;:_.:;J-+----(4' . ' 0 <D I I i.o l{) 5 I PILASTER WHERE OCCURS SEE PLAN 1_4•• ~ ..\I= -::;:::,,_6 ·----------~ f--~-{5 LEGEND ~y-f--1----'-----L-L-/~\/- , 8" \_::_,J r--'--'-----\, /-------'--+--I ELEBA'' ION / ~.T.S, LEGEND• I. 3'X6'X4' 9AFTERS, CENTER AND NOTCH ON TD BEAMS 1' MIN., CHAMFER BOTH ENDS !', ll_ 6 \ \ (G I. 3" POST, GALVANIZED 2. 2" RAlc 3. STRUCHER BARS 4. CHAIN LINK f'ABRIC 5. "INISH GRADE. 6. OQST FOCTING PER STRuCTURAL ENGINEER DRAWINGS, SHEET 5, DETA.IL B. 7. LATCH ASSEMB_ Y 8. CO'-IPACTED SIJBGRADE 9 CANE i:iOL l 10. CANE BOLT SLEEVE Cf!AIN-LINK GATE~ FENCF NOT TJ SCALE LEGEND, 1 3/4' X 24' STEEL R □D1 PROVIDE 3 EQUALcY SPACED PER TIMBER 2, FINIS~ GRADE J. 6' X 6" X 6' LANDSCAPE TIMBER TIMBER BY, LANDSCA0 E 1 JES OF CALIFORNIA P □ BOX 40160 SANTA BARBARA. CA 93141. (805) 965 144) TYP // I ( I I I (i J ' i \ I \ . I ' a I "' I I I I I, f' r I J 12' • TYPJ • ~I\ 'w □□J TIMBER S~ AIRS I_ /I---'-'--""'~---'-"-'--'-""-~'--'"'--'-'-=-'-'-""---------------------,.._,. NOT Tn SCALE C, \DWG12\CLSB-1°.0¼G 12/12/94 ~ 11D' \..'.::_ RAISED p f'.lNTER BOX NOT r □ SCALE CI'A /-0 l/2' 1 1/2' LEGEND I I \ \ l 2 X B PRESSURE TREATED DOUG. FIR RAIL 'JJTH 1/2' DIAM CHAMFERED EDGES. 2. 2 -l/2N ,:::.AL, STEEL CARRIAGE BOLTS PER POST. 3. 4 X 4 PRES, TREATED DOUG. FIP POST \JITH ~ 3;4<'· 45' CUT AT TnP. 4. F:NISH GR<\DE 5. CONC,ETE FOOTING BY STRUCTURAL ENGISEER 6. 901/. C0"1PAC"'TD SUBGRADE. i'!J1U., FD □TINC, DIMENSI □NS, AND SUBGRADE PREPARAT!ON ARE ATTACHMENT ENLARGEMENT SHD',/N COR EID PURPOSES DNLY. VERIFY REQU;REMENTS \,/ITH STRUCTURAL AND SOIL'S F:NGINGE:ERS PLAl\iS AND COMPLY cc >- f-- , '.\J 01 -11-,= '11 .. ' ' SECTION • • R, /~ ( 3 ~ /~ ' i' II I ·u. 1111 1 ,'.j. 11 ! • · ' ' +1-47 112· □.c. ' 11 i' I 1i Ii' 11111 1 I 11 111=11 111 I ' -111 =I 111-I I d ' --11 i-, ,-1~~_:.,... ----0 ' ___,/i) 3 d • ELEVATION 0 2. 4XB D□IJBL.E GRAB BEAM, NCTCH ON TD BEAMS BELO'w' l' MIN .• DETAIL BOTH ENDS. 3. 4X8 DOUBLE GRAB BEAM, MACHINE BOLT THROUGf-POST, COUNTER SINK AND 0 LUG. 4. 9X8 POST, 5, (2) PLANT-DNS CJT FROM 2X2, RADIUS TOP PIECE (ALL F:UR SIDES), 6, PLANT-ON CUT FROM 2XI2 <ALL FOUR SIDES) 7, FIMSH GRADE. NOTES, ALL ';100D TC BE DOUG. FIR S4S SELECT GRADE. PA:NT 11D □D PRIDR TD c □NSTRUCTIDN Ill I Ii!-----l 1 Ill 6" MIN---1 ----QI I-,._ 5" MIN. SECTION ELEVATION Cc□LOR TD BE SELEC-ED BY LA/O'JNER). SEE SHEET 6, DETAIL D FCR STRUC:TURAL ENGTNEER'S DETAIL ALL STRAPS AND CDNNEC'l □NS SHALL BE HIJDE~. ALL STRAPS, :□NNEC-I□NS, RFINF□RCING, AND F □CTINGS ARE FOR BID PuRPOSES ONLY VERIFY ,rnuIREMENTS AND COMPLY, CONTR/ICTDR SHALL FIELD ME/ISURE ALL D!MENSIDNS (~J---'M-"f'.l::-::S=□:::-:N':'-'R'-:'-Y--'-''w-'--1 A"'=L-=L--"-'v./..,_I T"""H..l..-'-P-±I-=-L!..:.A ~S T"""E=-'R.:__ ________ _ ~ NOT TD SCAI_E <\NO c□NDITIDNS PRTDR TD ',/ORK. (~f---'["'-\-'-/=~:..:.R""'H E""'A"""'D"'--T'-'-R-'--"Ec..=L""'. L"'-I""-S ______________ _ V NOT TD SCALE IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 8 Laguna Canyon Rd. La&una Beach, California 9~651 ph\714)376-3683 lx(714)376-3693 1-\PPRO VED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOC.<\TION OF PLANTING ARE.<\S. UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) CARLSBAD MUN'CIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DATE DISTRICT ENGINE:R R.C.E. 28176 "AS SIJILT" PE EXP. DATE RE VIEWED BY: INSPECTOR 8ATE I SH6T I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE LJ\ COS'A STREET IMPROVEfllENT PLANS ,___ ______ -+-------------+--+--+---+----1 ~==-H~A=R~D~S~C~t->~Pr=E=· .. =D~E=T~H='="' I~L=="S"'===i 0, H )1-~\'-'-::,/:='::D□='-'D=-::-'-H-'::-, A-':'-N'-'=D"=-"-'-R"'"'A"""I L~--------------- '-' NOTT[ SC0LE r DATE IN'TIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL A_P_P_Ro_'✓_E□-..Y<:...L.C"""---------""'--'i-9[ ~-"'-~rl..6..Nt-1 fbii,; ·nr~.a;;:..Ta;.::. PROJECT '10. WO DATE DRAWING NO, 362-.3L ENGINEER 8F WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL C.U.P. 97-04 CX) rn " z:_ "' N N 0 r-- 0, © ( . @ C: \DWGl 2\CLSB-!P.DWG BOLE AND WILSON DUKINl!R __ ~-~---- 1, ,_.,., di , BOLE AND WILSON o•SIGNEA ~-'-'(2.j!,~--- DATE I/ "\'4 ; fl 12/12/94 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS JOB ::>v..i,t. I<, E' AA L '?';,i c,..._, Long Beach, Callfornla SHEET "2,. •F 4:: Y(1=:, o I I STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS JOB '2',lt,l /2--1 5 E:; J08 NO. -;-, 1 "j AtJ, .-ttl/L b,... --rs r~ MlhJll~ortJ.tc,(I, r,.''1'11 . • Long Beach, Callfornla SHEET 4, ,.(e 4-- f•\17'.'?I -~..) '-' \"~ J'.'D JOB NO. :J: 17"1 , • %• ,f LAG. (2 ~11 4,c fl {Df~(ef..~J>l"- f f'll"f"~ (4--1<7'f"At../J)(.b) 0 ® BOLE AND WILSO., DESIGNER ~~-e, ___ _ DATO I ,Z. /41 /: / I) , . I/ ..... f'LA--,J y, it! II /7 , ' ~ IM \~ "" C,-A.\.l ~~ ~•1..10 >;'' -T - e,LJ.. / I, . 7.. ~ 1 BOLE AND WILSON DESIGNER ___,gp+------ DATO _~f_-Z.,,_/'1~/ ___ _ ~a, fS" lOJ.J r, '-'1i?11-i'"' STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS JoB 4JN/l.{5.:, &l,L 571 o,.J \JI'<' Tu ,-.,,. • . -" ~·· 1'' ~" ,.. ' ' . ~ &''.j, (r,;'e~ ., ' ltJ P1UC.111.J l Long a-ch, Callfornla SHHT I 0 f' 4-' JOB NO. ?7:J "\ Long Beach, Callfoml■ SHEET ~ o,_. 4-: JOB NO. 1!i7 7 t::; > IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La una Beach, California 92651 ph~714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DATE DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 "AS BUil T" P.E. __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE LH7EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I o1''"9•T_J 1-----+--+---------------+----i---r----r----i PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1---t--+---------------+---t--t---i----, IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS STRUCTURAL DETAILS APPROVED P//, I'] / e,, 9 v· -/~~--k' 0-1-, 6 -:--::-:--:-=-:----tai.:51f'-"'':'f:Tc.,..,--.,,::-:;=-:==---l---t--+-,---------------+----+--+---t--1 .±~'"1,.\A~J7"1·1...A~I\ iNC,J \.:J-1'".EC:i')I":. /I\ DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: WO C LJ p 97 04 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: · · · - DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORI< REVISION DESCRIPTION DRA'MNG NO. 362-3L CMWD 88 C.266 0:, .,, ....... .::::. "' N N 0 ,-._ .,, .,.,, <" ,,,-...--,,., . ~"' ••. --··· ..... ~~" ...---v-•--,v-·-~·-,..,,,,.-----...,.--·-......,,,.--"~-, .... ·-:·"' •-,,..,,,,,.,. ... "y,~..,,.----~~ ~-:.11o~•·_···_·_···_· _·_· -~:--<e.-'-c-• _1 --'i.'""o-•_1 _""".:'.:=7''----=-;~:-=1,.::-0:--'-~~~•:-7:· ~~,-1-P'... .... c• .. ~-i.~~~ --~~-•.....,,...._'U> __ '__,,--"z.;.:;c_•_.,,..____.-i.o=-'-+---:=.-•__,.,......-c-&.c:.oc.._'-t---' ... "'-0"'-, -A'--.e.,:;----.1~"""1 ,-------. RECLAIMED WATER P.O.C. -Contractor to verify \4!ate:r meter location and size (min. :~. ) prior to installation. \ . --------------=-=-- J i· 1'1.1)1· ..p' ~~•. '1i f-,--'-ff-.~f+-~-"--'➔....> :a.-7~ Co IIIOII« Fa crllon to be opf oulllll lty 111a I PdliCIIII Aiclttll:ct Ca lliWIOt IO ..... flMI haalMlp to 120v pa ■• ■aurn p;a.td ■d !Ir Dtllet"II. l --- I • I \ .( IN FEET } 1 INCH -20 FT. c, \DWG12\ClSIHP.0WG 12/12/94 \ \ \ \ \ ' fa .• ., " _, ·-·-, "•~' MAIN l-1 Nl'l ) i i I Col < i~ o/)~_p-----¾;;:---. (----=-"'~-I. ~,, .. ,_r.J1 AIIARA PKWY. --__ / __ _ e Ground Pedeli le ,Cheek Assem tor Per CM FF 147.7 FtRs·1 FLOOR FF 135.7 TERRACE FLOOR 4---,--·· .. , ' • Design is based on _a min. static pressure at the P.O.C. of _j;) PSI and a Maximum Flow of ';;;x:) GPM. RECLAIMED WATER. P.0.C. -Contractor to verify ~a,t~.r meter location and size (min .. 7-·) prior to installation . Design is based on a min. static pressure at the P.O.C. of "S PSI and a Maximum Flow Of -"iD GPM. - ~;..· ~1 ~~r:1'"--~~~ Z.1 \ \ ~ I \ ' 4. • w \ cc 0 \ z . -""' ¼ t\. (_) _J w \ t~ \ ~,.., ~:- \ \, \ ~\1--l, ' -~ OOMC. p-,1(1) 1RASH ■1HWA9Wl£PAIN CIIU WlilS \ ' \ I \1() __ : ,,4•----\ ~ IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. , 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach. California 92651 ph(714)3'76-3683 fx('714)3'76-3693 \ • \ Irrigation Pressure Loss Calcation ,. Calculation for Electric Control Valve AZT Amt. -plloll I ,,_In PSI ~-~ G.P.M. L- I --IJ.1-1r,q 50.00 4.IIC Feel o14• Cl. 315 PVC Mllnlne Feetol 3" Cl. 315 PVC Mlllnlno 800 Feel o1 2-112" Cl. 315 PVC Mal:"'"' so ... s ... Feel ol Z' Cl. 315 PVC Matnlne FeelOl 1·112" Sch. <IO PVC lolaillne Fee1011•114"Sch. 40 PVC Malnlfne Feel ol 1" Sell. 40 PVC Mllnlne E-IIOnLcss Fllllnca Lcss _i20% 01 ~ Less) 1 ... 8eck11aw P11:.e""' ~ 97 ---..!! -v-11-1 .. 50.00 1.:q p- -Comrol v-_11-1,.n 38.00 1.1 i.a.alliles 4.1' T-' . Z7A ~--..._... 80. p,_u,e _,Ired II Head 25.0C Pumo-Prnsure l'rellure ...,ulalor .!!!!!!!a 115.01 Fteolduaf -p,_...., 27.5. Irrigation Pressure Loss Calcatlon ~,. Calculllllon for Electrlc Control Valve BS Amt. DI lpdcw; 1 Flaw In , 1 -1 • ~f:D-0.P.M. I Watar _, (1-112"1 FNI ol 4• Cl. 315 PVC Mlllnlrle Feet ol 3" Cl. 315 PVC 1111:111"' 800 Feotol2·112" Cl. 315 PVC Malnllne Feel o1 Z' Cl. 315 PVC Mlinlnl Feel ol 1-112" Sch. 40 PVC Mainlin• FNlof 1•114" Sch. 40 PVC llalnllne Feet<>! 1• Sch. 40 PVC -- e-11on1..css F l..ollS (20% ol l..a1llal Less) BackftDWP1ew~{Z.11 J -$Wal,- P-._!! -~ -v-(1-112 p,_,,., -Con1rc1 va1ve J.1·112") Larlllliles T-LMN■ ~s-Wllt,,._ p,... ... ttaaund at Head Pump S1ation Pl9SIUl9 p,....,. """utator Setttna Residua! w., p........, .A-z.,-·bl.llL.:1" l.•'=c:tL.lll' -p,ry, ··f':,~r"-1:. 1~1,· , • ., 'ft> f"("'°;·, -· 'P.>i6<'"" ¥. ,:--;, ; "": ~:. 4;\t' ': ._' -~'. 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 PSI L- 4.9' 7.41 2 .... ~~ , .,. 1.1 4 ,, 107. 40.C!J 80.o, '36.3 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) "AS BUil T" £A1'f'l..1e~ To ALL CLOUt)E.V ~ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT V!IWAM E. PLUMMER DATE DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 2!Jq,lq7 , DATE 1-11-cJ? DATE CMWD 88-C.266 -0 0(1 J-+, --- Cc \OWG12\CUB-IP.OWG 12/12/94 I I \ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I . \ I I \ \ MATCH LIN --- \r. I 20" EUC \ \ ( IN FEET } 1 INCH • 20 FT. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ~ I I \ ' \ \ I µ, \ \ I 11\.:> I I L.VVI\ " ' "' ' ',,' ',, ',, ' ' ',' ' ' ' ' ' lrrl liol P n ga-re11ure L OM Calcation re Calculallon for Elec:trlc Control Valw D5 MIi. D \U: I I ,_.., PSI ue,1..~M 6.P.M. i.- I --/1-112", <t0-00 3."' FNI al 4• CL 315 PVC MIi tlll,_ FNI al ~ Cl. 315 PVC Mllnll,. l=n FNI al 2-112"0. 315 PVC Mllnlne • "' ·~- 4"'h FMC d ~ Q. 315 PVC Plnfr'\ne 40.00 .£a§1 flllol 1•112"Sdl. 40 PVC...., ... FIii al 1 •114" Seti. 40 PVC ....,ln1 FIii al 1" Sch. 40 PVC Mllnlne _.__ ...,. '--{-al laterll l.olal 1 BaddlowP1•~ante1 {?_M, ~.,. -SI,----,1·!! 40.00 1 ,1 p--- -CcnlOI v .... 11-112"1 -10.00 1. 1 .__. ...... :! IT-I HIii 'Id. ~static--.......... 107~ .......,._,lreaatllead 40.0< SlallonPreuura Preuure ""'"•lalor Seatnn er;,.o -uaJW-Preuura ~ Sidewalk !Meter Box i' 24•-- ,............,.;-2$-=== .±8" I, • Potable Service Un• ------~ T 12" min. &=1Wl~l_l£C'f~l-lt> 'eOc.-'t,At.Jt. r:,p C.Ulil-& loO":>-~.I(. ~1' <clti6•',6,l.j:'.. Street Surface 1 tr:-• .cs:zq:a 1 P:llble Mainline :.&" iii (Se• lmpro,rement Drawlnga) 12" Min. Vtrlfcal Separation Required _J ( 10' Min. to Potable M1lnlln1 In S!rMI ~ Aeclalmld Water lrrlg11lon ltalnllne WISI-~ ~SIMVI Note: V8ltical clearance of 12" mnmoo, i& mandatory when crnuln{I palh of a polllble w•er Ina. 1naaa.1on of redllimecl w•er i I lgallo,1 malnlne 24" from fllcll of sldewal< will p1o,1c1e me nee •,ry 1 O' horizontal ci-anc■ from p0lllble rnalnllne in the S(r8"1. Reclal!Md Water Irrigation Malnllne ~ Note: All reclalrMd-11igallo,1 • and sleevel shal be pl.fJlle and labeled II apeclfled in: "Stanclaid speclflcltlonl tor privlltll lnigllion syalema. • "Cao-reclalmlllon ·ru11a 11111! •egufet!on9 for conatruclton of reclaimed-mains October 1998." Potable Service Line Crossing Potable Mainline Crossing IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La una Beach, California 92651 ph~714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WIWAM E. PLUMMER DA TE DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 "AS BUil T" }--~A,)/!;, -1 I 11 lrrc1 DATE 1-17-CZ, DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD 1---l--+---------------+----t--t----t---i LJ:L._j PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1---l--.+---------------+----t--t----t----i IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS IRRIGATION PLAN r-PPROVED cef::ftt: ·.. .{,-~~ 9r· 1---l--+---------------+----t--t----t---i~lSfAltt ·n.A;hl\N'.::a Dli"-. DATE OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: 'I() C.U.P. 97-04 362-3L RVWD BY: ENGINEt:R Of" WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OA 'TE INITIAL OA 'TE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CMWD 88-C.266 L ~ TCH _hlNE 2E~ s I I I I I I-' "-41 I 20 ...... ... iv,, ........ '4 .......... 0 ..... 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 INCH • 20 FT. ........ -. ''-~-~ ,,.__ \ 40 v1 I ____ j_ . \ . I • ii--.,_i..-;~ i I I I I ) .,,.,,,..,,,' ·-----~ - \_wooo rt!. --"'--. ·- ---------- ---...... _..::>., '~"~'-- Q -----~ - I . C) ~ ~ b <:-I ;i_ ~1 w ex'.. 0 I -z_. - I ' ¼ -l.) &YNBQL 'Q' "' V V 'i7 -+ " • -+ .., • • ... 0 II X m i ~ /IS • 0 --- _.s__ --------------- II 'i .z. IRRIGATION LEGEND 116HUE6CIUBEB MODEL IIA,IDE&CBleIIQII !.SJ. llll. BAD. RM>IIIIIO 1812-150 25 RM,IBR) 1812-15T 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812-1SH 25 -11111) 1812-150 -VNl 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812-120 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812-12T 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812-12H 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812-80 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812-8T 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812-eH 25 RAINIIIIO 1812-80-PCS-020 25 RM>IIIIIO 1812·8T-PCS-020 25 RAINIIIIO 1812-eH-PCS-040 25 RAINIIIIO 1812-15SST 25 RAINBR> 1812-15EST 25 RAINIIIIO 1 '1' NCIZ. ON SOI. 80 PVC FISER 25 RIIIIIIIIIO 1 ,csr NOZ. ON SOI. 80 PVC ASeR 25 IUllER PGS-IIDJ-04-l<IIOR ~ SCH.BO 40 PVCFISEl'I IUllER PGS-IIDJ ·08StAUII ROTOR ON SCH. 80 40 PVCFISEl'I tum:R PGS • 3110 · 08 StRID l<l lOR ON SOI. 80 40 PVCIISER IUllER PGS • 3110 -10 SI iRU8 ROTOR ON SOI. 80 40 PVCIISER IUITSI PGH ·ADJ· 04 i«ll OR POP.YP 40 IUITSI PGH ·ADJ· 08 ROTOR POP.YP 40 IN~ ~ ell"O 1804-l'l>P-OP e:o-( fbP' VVIM > p!'l♦ .83 14' 1.10 14' 1.116 14' .83 14' .IO 11' .IO 11' 1.20 11' .36 r .48 r .72 r .20 5' .30 5' .40 5' 1. 11 4'x28' .se 4x1,4• 3.30 14' 1.11 4'x28' 1.40 33' 3.70 .a 3.70 .a 6.80 48' 1 .40 33' 3.70 .a _,. IMtllll Rain Bird SAM check VIII,,.. In Pop-up Bodla and KBI CV-500F check val,,.. on Spray Heada and Hunw check va,,,.. In Rotors a, ,-quired to ,,. • ..,.t low heed dralnage.H .. d1 not adjacent to turf, walk& and other paved •-a may be lnatalled on ach. 80 PVC rt--. All heed• ull1!9_ reclaimed water lhall have Purple CoverL ~ W~l,-J 10' OF-~ll"'l,loJ U';>C '51-+o"U-e,e fbf'-u..-H~ _ .... e,,ac, 1&>4-14<>4 ~ z.s 1.0 ,-.J,♦• NISCELLAIIEQYS E9YIPNENJ HMOIE 700 SERIES ELECmlC SOi..ENOID VALVE (Sl2E 1'S NOlED) HMDIE 700 • RW SERES ElECTRiC SOU3olOiD VALVE (Sl2E /o$ N01ED} HMDIE 703 • RWSERIES ElECTRiC SCII.BIOHJ w.s1ER VALVE (SIZE AS NOTED) Na.SOI MOOB.1~00UPl£RVALVE RIZ-126C.LA1Mec> '-""",e:z. Mu.AA C .J DRCQUCKCOUPUNG VAL.VE ~ R'."l"!>el..E v.i>,~ NtBCOTI 13 Ll'IE Sl2E GA TE VALVE FE800 'Z' 825Y FEDUCED i I 9So H: BAO<FI.OW PAEVENT&I IRRI I AOL DIAL· 428 AUTOMATIC CONTllOU.ER NSTALl.ED W V/11/0N.. RES1S I Nlr E'O OSI IRE WITHWCS'RAIIIGUARJ' IRRI IROL DIAL~ AUTOMATIC CXlNTROUER NSTAU.ED W V/11/0N.. RESISTANT ENCi OSI IAE WITH WCS 'RAIIIGUARJ' l"I":, .c,...,z-1,z.1-IZ./,.,....._/...,_.lZ~ APPAOIIEDCL 315 2-112" li..ARGER 6SOl.402"lSM•i I fRPVCMAN.l'IE(Sl2E AS NOTED) Al'PAOYB> CL 200 PVC LATEJW. l.NE(SIZE /o£ NOTB)J AL.ERTUIE CL 315 2" l LARClER & SCH.40 iiz\ SMN I FA PIIC 11A11U1E (Sl2E AS NOTEDl l ~) . AlERTUIE ct.. ZroPVC LATERAi. Ll'IE 10 BE USBl ON 'lfQ ••ED "IATER SYSTEMS (SIZE M NOTED) /f"JII'-~) APPAOIIED SCH. 5'PVCPPE 9LEEVE (SIZE M N0TB> W SLEEVE SIZE SCHEM.E) Al'PflOYBJ 5<:+l. 8"1'1/C COITRDI.. WIRE SLEEVE (SIZE /o$ NOTED W SlEEVE SIZE SCHEllLU) EXIS'ffiO IRAIGATION WATER a.ElER (SIZE PER PUIN) ElOSTINGFIEQ UIIEDIRRIGATIONWATERMETER(SIZEl'ERPI.AN) STATION NO. GPM'S VALVE SIZE "NY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La&una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3663 fx(714)376-3693 IRRIGATION INSTALLATION 1 • All mainline shall be bl.lied wllll a mnnlJ'II ol 24" ol OOt« In plarted •-and 36' ol CIYV8I undor al pawc1 areas. 2 • All lataral ine shall be bl.lied wllll a minimm1 ol 12" of CtN« in plarUd areas and 36' ol C<NS under al paved areas. 3. Owner wil po.id!,_,....-and elacillcal ~ lor COlltlOllei. Co!1ractor wtl1 be responst,le lor C01118Ct111Q mainlne and PVC 10 meter 88 well 88 oonnectlnQ COllll'oller to 1118 ale clllc:al 110UC8 supplied. 4 . Al elecblcal COl1ll'OI wire shal be dlrecl burial 114 U. F. approved In an 18" deep 1reneh. Common wire a11a1 be whb 1n color and hat wre shall be rad. Sean to rnu11ne at 1 a ira a. Wi'e cx,,o..ctua shall be Pendle er Snap,tila only. 5. S)ate1• hoi.ve beal del"-'1811 wllt mlnm.rn p:at111'! and i1l8ldmtm llcM8 as •di •led on 1he planS. Cotllr..:tu shall notify 1he La, <!IN l!j)II Alcltl8tt ,JI an, dllaepaiclee prior tu i Biallalbo. 6. VaNe ~ shall be model I 910 for qulCk coupler V.-and gate-and model# 1419 • 12 lor 1811Nlle OOl1nll ...._ 88 IIW1Ulactl,ed by Cnon -Brooks Ptaatlc8, Inc. AJ valves bal<e8 shall hlMlbol! dOwn IJ88ft CCMl'8 marked GV, a:;v and RCV ~-Aeclamed water system VIIIV8 bal<e8 shall -a "pu'ple" t:t:NS: • 7 • Coillra::IOI shall vertry In the 1letl al alallV8S ellh8, exlstiug er 10 be .-aeci. 8. Conlractor shal SIJPllly 2 qulCk coupler keys and ,__i•ig ho86 ells lo owner at the and ol the malr«enance period. 9 • Al ldall8lic; CUilli ala POI>••• mllll be Mii 10 cpe.8111 balween the hall's 0110 P.M. and 6 A.M., -cAl&wllHI dli9Clad by the Cly'll utub.edntj:: SJ falt..,. 10. Mi11gali0,1werl<llhalbe!J-W-t,,,hlw•aAu•ID-andWlllkm-.iplora period 01 one year folowlng 1he date ol llnal accaplanll8 01 lhe ~ by 1he City. 11 • F1nal location and eoaict poetllonilg olthe 8Ullllnallc COIIO"Ollel shall be 8l)pOV8d by 1he City'$ a~lZ8d1epJts8 itadveprlorto-h■IPletion. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1 8. 19. 20. 21. Tl,e i1igall(),1 wlli..:tu shal not wllllJly-th. ap,illdai .,-,, .. .-on 1h11 dlawb,gs _, I II CllMOIII In the 1letl 1hlll ollelructions, lrlOo «.a 61kAIII er <111& 61...., 1111he area's dimensions -Iha! m1gt« not have been conald6i'8d In 111,, 611!." : •IQ-Suell olJ8lrucllons er dif161611Ce8 shall be brougl1to1heaner«ilJl101 the 18ildt,,¥ adlleCI. In the event this ootitk:allo,1 Is rd pw IOI med. n., •, Qldlo I tulli..:tu shal _,. kJI 16ij)Oi _..,. for any r8llillion nee e ary. Ex1n1111e CIA! shall be -""'ed In a,a.YMJrG and wortclng ,_ .-IQ .dltlea. CotlliidOI ahall vertly lhe localioo and COldltful .JI al UiMtas and be iilSjluii!be for damage to any Ulllties . The Coilfla.lD shall al al tmea p""8Ct llis wok Iran dimage n 1hell n ,e,Jace _.~er stolen pal1B al llis e..pe,188 oolli lhe wok Iii~ h, wrling by 1he City. AN prcn·n lnel shall be tested tor2holn underh-,diOlllatic sa e ·ire 01150 pounds per square Inch and be prova, wmertlghl. Co,111..:tu ..... pr(Mda al equ1pmerc for hydr08t8lle -- E>«:apl 88 0lha ,"8e provided, 1he Co, lb actor ahall proan all pennis and lcenlea, pay all ct,argea and fees and give an notices .-sa-y and hlCklei llal 111 the due lawful prosecution o1 thewcrl<. AR piping Pnl coorol wi'e under pavement ahall be ~1111 •ad in l)'lt ala·-· Slzlng sllall be In acc«danQe-slee,olQachedule soown ondelalls'-.Slee\llng lhall be 88follows: install mai,g, laterals and wiring undor Whlcte paving In sch. 80 p,c sloe-w/'¥1' CXNer. -mains and w1rlng under peclestrian paving In sch. 40 p,c .. ,_ w/18" """"'· lnstal lateals under pedas1rlan pew,g In sch. 401M' ,_ wn2" """"'· Upon w'l)leCloP• ol nstallalion IKljusl aN spray -tor proper COlll!rage and dlittance so as not to allow any CMlrlpray onto paved •-er 01har tad lllfaces. lli aw11 ,gs n dlagrar,1811c. Corlractor shall be ,eepo._ lor ,.._ nae •ar1 to co, ,I0,,11 to actual 1leld tu ddorl8. CoslS lnct.rred due to any ....,_.. for c:u.61 age, ~ duding lho8e •~ by1he i,.,,:t,. 11• achllect o,· owner's re,i,aea 11311.e, raladve lo the locadon ol equipment as llhown on 1he <hwtngs, slPall be the reaponslJllily of Iha tu lfl -.tor. l"'8 routing 18 dlalrarnade and 18 llhown fDr daP lftcallon <rily. I._. pipe in plal1led .eas -.i...-pceelble "VC Pipe ahllll be aleeved under al la, l&cape. CIIWD speclflcatton, lhall take prncendence for all Reclaimed Water Syttem,. AC;;,-"elJlLT L:£6ENP -e,oc.--e>AC-1<' O'P q~ ~-~ OP <i,.\Oa WAI...J<'.. UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUil T" &_ ,t,.-m..,1e.~ To ;.,u_ CU)tmeb A~>-'c-, AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WIWAM E. PLUMMER DISlRICl ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 INSPECTOR -7111 }'VY 01\TE 1Ch·X' DATE s· ,r,-~ 19' 1----lf----+----------------f----+--+---+---I IMPROVEMENT· PLANS FOR: 0A1E INITIAL ENGINEER Of v.oRK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL OA1E CITY APPROVAL SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS IRRIGATION PLAN CMWD 88-C.266 .__IINII' IIALL YM.ft ➔ ____ wss,..&Hli H---- -A Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer C0WON I CONTllOL WIRES WITH EP'OXY l'LLE> CONNECTORS (Pfl(MDE 24" COIL M-WIAI!) ':'A-1, ft) f\Jc:. ~ -,.--, .... P",F'relZ- t'!Y.C LATERAL PVC MAIN . NOTE: USI 4S .DEGREE _B.LS TO TRANSIT10N OUTSIDE BOX TO RIEQ't,. DEP'I H VALW IOX WITH COYER JIAAICED "R'VC" • ~ ~ ~ P6<LN"'1Ej7 ~ l'INISH QIIADE PROVIDE "RECLAIMED" TAO · ·. •• -FOR VALi/ES USING RECLAIMED -reR -~.f!O ~ N\f'\"\.,E. -~,f!o~eu... rx4-xr Rl!DWOOD IIIL0CI( AT PACH COt.&LJ B' Remote Control Valve PROVIDE "RECLAIMED" TAG FOR VALVES USING RECI.AIM!D---, -TER ..ENIIIIH ABADI! O,,cg MP! NA VALVE.. N0,4 ~ '11/'=,"'>»t ,:. ~~-~--~-:- ,wc:YIN7!Sj a. l"EA GRAVEL . ___ ,.. MIN. DEP.:TH. ...___., ___ ....,_ ...... ~ . ' - C Quick Coupler Valve C, \DWG12\CLS8·1P.DWG 12/12/94 ___ 8ATIL.l!ALV~. nc...JIMI ... ,:.¥011111NAL-'':.x2 1/4"xa• ~I ID ■RICK A't. • ...EACH CORNER ··NotE: uaa 4.-liui-ouTaaD.E ..YALVE ■ox TO TRANSITION -. 'TO REOUIRED MAINLINE DEPTH. D Gate Valve r--~BIQIIADI PROVIDE "RECLAIMED" TAG FOR VAL YES USING RECLAIMED WATER ...... 0 ~ Vl>Ole et>')( ~ei:z. YALYE 8OlLWJCj)Vm,. .JtAJlllD_ ~GATE Y .ALVE:L -• PEA .GIR&_YEL _ _ _ a• MIN-.. DEP'TH _,vc IIIIALE ADAPTER 1 LATERAL LINE IIAIN UNE •ILEEV£ ~ IIOTI: 1 . All plaslic piping to be snaked in b'enches_ 2. Bundle and tape wiing al 10' intervals. 3. Tie a loose '2JJ" loop In wiing al change of direction geater than 30 degrees un11e all loops aner all connections hawbe«lmade . 4. Install all control wire on the cnderslde of mainline. 5_ See irrigation specifications for backlll and compaction requirements 6 · Pipe depth for 'Z' dia. pipe and larger shall be 24" - 7. Pipe depth for 1-1/'Z' pipe and smaller shall be 18' 8. Pipe depth for non pressU'e lateral lines shall be 12" E Trenching F PVC PIPE SLEEVE SCHEDULE PVC 8lEEVE SIZES P'VC IOI.VENT WELD IIELLAND PFE SIZE 8CH. 40 Fl I I INU GASKET 1/2" r 314• .. ,. ,1,r 11/4" .. 11,r .. .. r ,. 4• 21/2" r ,r .. r r 4• r ~ .. 10" 10" .. 12" 12" PVC WIRE SLEEVE SCHEDULE SCH. 40 ·~· SLEEVE 8IZE OF UF WIRES 1• •• ,,, ... 17 1112" 23 2" ... 21/2" 154 NOTE: SCI 1 ■■ E 18 FOR #12 AND StU:! t FA 80UD COPPER. SINAI " CONDUCTOR.DIAl:CT 8UIIIAL (TYPE UF) WIRE. Sleeving Schedule • IIUYT DUTY n .. w ••• nEEL~~_.j~~-l!NCLOSUM MTI 1'011...,. .. OVTtlOOII, IIAIII H10Cf' IXP'OIURI SECURE 8ASI! WITH Ql8.EDDl!D ANCHOR 1101.TS [ ALL OPalNGS REQUIRED 1'011 DRAINA,.. YENTILATION. ETC.. IIHALL H mTED .wmt FINE GRID ST..-ess STEl!L SCREENS WHICH ARI! •IECT AND RODENT P'IIOOI' PROVIDE "RECLAIMED" WAreR WARNING SIGN ON C0NTR0U.ER ENCLOSURE FOR SYSTEMS USl'KJ RECLAIMEDWAreR INSTALL NR IIANUPACTUREll'S RECO-l!NDATIONS G: Controller ._....-r.11AL1LK1t,,CURB.WALL,ETC. 1" MIM. BHISH QBADE. . . . . a . •· .• o. -- PVCTEl5--, MARL.EX STREET --,--,,--.1':0P,-UP SPRAY HEAD ---PVC LATERAL- H Pop-Up Spray-Head I -r-11.;J~;"""°-CHl!CK YALVI! Spray on Riser (::~$---W-_GALY_■tPNn 1-t---lNST.IILL M -eM TO M• BELOW GRADE ,::11-t--SCH. IO PVC ~ .ew: .J.A't:EML ... ,---CUR80WALK,8UILDING,ITC •. . . . .•. . . . • • . . . ROTOR ... O .. ·UP --- 8CH 10 NIPPLI -----' IIARLIX &TRl!l!T l!LL ---711\. 8CH 80 NI .. PLI ------;,,"' MARL IX ITREIT ILL_ -· flNl!IH BRADL --• J'Y.C -LATERAL NOTE: lll8.JALL 8 .. RINKLIR 2• A&OVE .GRADE • LOWl!lt TO 111" AIOVE l"INIIH GRADE Al!TER . TURF II E8TA ILl8JU!D •. K Rotor Pop-Up IWILEX...Sill£E _pyc Tl!I! _sNRU8 llQTO~ JZ>_QA&._y, IIAllDS f""7f:f--lNSTALL 14 REBAR TO ~ 111!1.DW_GRAPE .. +--_KK_ID PVC NIPPLE. .. PVC S18ftl Ell. 1-:--pyc_ LATERAL L Rotor on Riser IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd- Laguna Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE "AS BUil T" P.E. ___ EXP.____ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DA TE I-------J--+-----------+----+--+------I I S1HE1ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E9ETS I ~===--===P:::::L:::::A=NN=l=N:::::G:::::D:::::E=PA=R=TM:::::::E=N=T ==~==~ 1---~----+-·---------------+-----+---1---1-----1 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL SUNRISE LA COST A STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTES DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRA'MNG NO. ~~ ~~: \\0 C.U_P_ 97-04 362-3 CMWD 88-C.266 CX) ~ '-"' N N 0 "' 0, <( \--z <( N z <( 2 S-16 0 I SIGHTLINE----< C: \DWG12\CLSB-IP ,DWG , 0 I L() N 25' T-14 8 AV ARA PKWY. S-15 -,,,,, ---- 25' -0" ' ·' y ~~~~~~1'.) I / I < ·. V V /I / ) ---r I/ 1=-~--~=+=-~,1,-----=¥~--b-~ _-::_-:-'~~ 1/1) .·.·.·.·... 1/ 1 ,J., (I)/. v 1) I/ ) l. v 1) { 1/1 v1 . . . • • · .,, 1/ 1 ,~1 , ·-·-. -~~ q r-71-,:, v: I ----' 14'.' .fi:JJG--- i II/ j,1 ;I! V /'I .I! , ·~~ • - / , / // ~-T-4 ' 3 1/i ;}'H§ ' ' ' , ~ \ , • ' , '. ·,1.'-' , ·:,, '· ,_-. ..,,,·---,.; :-:. ,·"• ", ·.1 .,_,' ' . ·J("W . • .. • f ,· .· , \-;: ,·:<t{fi::•, -., i': i ,, '. 12/12/94 ,,I, ),, I -,,L--ttY' ,r r1 -15 1 1/ I ' ,r f'.;I ) v I ,{ /l < ,/ _l;:'.,,f /I ?"r,t+ v I \ \ \ Ll------1 61) \ ! -23 l 5 S-19 NOTE, -AS PER THE ARBORIST REPORT DATED APRIL 6, 1998 BY GREG APPLEGATE AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF IVY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, THE FDLLO'w!NG 'will BE 'w!ThIN THE SCOPE OF 'wORK OF THE GENERAL CONT~ACTOR AND THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. MANZANITA -REMOVE EXISTING TREC:S -REPLACE 'w!TH MELALEAUCA QUI"J, AT 30' CC,, MELALEUC/\ NESOOH!LA AT 15' O.C,, AND PLANTNUS R, 'BLOODGOOD' AT 30' DL AS CALLED □LT IN PLANS, AV!ARA -REMOVE EXISTING TREES -REPLACE 'wITH PINUS CANARIENSIS AT 40' OL AND EUCALYPTUS CALDOCAL YX AT 3C' O,C, AS CALLED OUT IN PLANS EL CAMINO REAL -REMOVE ll TREES, KEEP AND PRUNE 5 -REES, AND PROTECT IN PLACE 13 "REES, AS CALLED FDR IN ABORIST REPORT -REPLACE 'w!TH PLATANUS R 'BLDDDGDOD' AT 30' O,C, AND EUCALYPTUS CALD □CALYX AT 30' CL AS CALLED □UT IN PLANS, SDGE EASEMENT -REMOVE ALL TREES IN RIGHT OF 'wAY -REPLACE AS CALLED □UT IN PLANS NE'w TREES SHALL BE OF THE VARIETY SPECIFIED ABOVE AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN ,!ELD AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCH! TECT, -ALL STREET TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3' OUTSIDE THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF 'wAY, A MIMIMUM OF 5' FROM PAVING A MINIMUM OF 7' FROM ANY SE'wER LINES, NOT IN CONFLICT 'w!TH PUBl IC UTILITIES, TREES PLANTED 'w!THIN 5' OF PUBLIC SIDE'wALKS SHALL BE INSTALLED 'w!TH ROOT BARRIERS APPROVED BY THE CITY, -- SIGHTLINE ---15 -_J__-\+-1'-::/21 _ RV' __J wJ S-15 IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La1;una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 lx(714)376-3693 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 20 0 20 40 ~-~-1--1 ( IN FEET ) 1 INCH = 20 FT, \ -SEE -SEE -Fr:JR LEGEND. Dr TAILS. SHEET 13 FDR PLANTING SHEET 15 FDR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEl T 16 & 17, UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILLIAM L PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE "AS BUILT" PE. __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I---+----+-------+--+------+---~ LR] CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTiON OTHER ~.PPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS PLANTING PLAN Ct✓WD 88-C.266 N N 0 i'- (J> I I z <( N z <( 2 SID[ WAU< f-z l..u 2 w (J) <l'. w w ~ 0 0 (J) "o 0 ~1~ C: \DWG12\CLSB-IP.DWG 12/12/94 }L L.: i\:sL 20 0 ~-20 ( IN FEET ) 1 INCH = 20 FT. ,( .(I/ V I 1 1/ I ,-l'Cl)vl \f~1;,-1~1 . ,, I• I,, ll I •~'-'-< 40 / PLANTING LEGEND T-6 2 12 -I ___ I I I I I I @ I f-ai-----s'.~r-:-,~~~-27 ,8 I (B S-28 ~ 5 [Q 5@ ~G-4 1// Gs~~ 1 -@ f-=--L+-, // \ ''•,,,{'0)Q © I @ 0 / i,© ~<P ~ 0 svM. T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-12 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 6QIA~l~A., NAME !. ~QMMQN NAME . TREES ARECASTRUM ROMANZOFFIANUM / QUEEN PALM CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA / CAMPHOR TREE ERIOBOTRYA DEFLEXA / BRONZE LOQUAT ERYTHRINA CAFFRA / KAFFIRBOOM CORAL TREE HETEROMELES ARBUTIFOLIA / TQVQN FICUS RUBIGINOSA / RUSTY-LEAF FIG HYMENOSPORUM FLAVUM / SW 0 ETSHAOE JACARANDA MIMOSIFOLIA / JACARANDA LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA 'ROTUNDILOB.•,' AMERICAN SWEET GUM MAGNOLIA X SOULANGI.ANA / NCN T-13 MELALEUCA QUINQUENERVIA / CAJEPUT TREE T-14 PINUS CANARIENSIS / CANARY ISLAND PINE T -15 EUCALYPTUS CALDOCALYX / SUGAR GUM T-10 PLATANUS RACEMOSA 'BLOODGOOD'/ CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE T-11 WASHINGTONI.A ROBUSTA / S-1 5-2 S-4 S-5 MEXICAN FAN PALM MELALEUCA NESOPHILA / PINK MC:LALEUCA ,a_Hll_UBS AGAPANTHUS ORIENTALIS / LILY-OF-THE-NILE (BLUE) AGAPANTHUS ORIENTALIS / LILY-OF-THE-NILE (WHITE) ALYOGYNE HUEGELII 'SANTA CR'aZ' / SANTA CRUZ LILAC HIBISCUS I\UCUBA JAPONICA PICTURATA / JAPANESE AUCUBA 15' BTH 15 GAL 15 GAL 24" BOX 15 GAL 15 GAL 15 GAL 15 GAL ! 15 GAL 15 GAL 15 GAL 15 GAL 15 GAL 15 GAL 18' BTH 15 GAL 1 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL CAMELLIA JAPONICA 'KRAMERS SUPREME' / 5 GAL NCN 5 GAL 1 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL 5 G.AL 5 GAL FLATS LINERS LINERS 5 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL FLATS FLATS SPACING 20· 0.C. 35' 0.C. 8' o.c. 40' O.C. 15' o.c. 25' o.c. 15' 0.C. 25' O.C. 25' 0.C. 20· 0.C. 30' o.c. 40' o.c. 30' o.c. 30' O.C. 20' o.c. 15' oc 3' O.C. 3' 0 C. 6' o.c. 3' O.C. 5' o.c. 5' O.C 4' o.c. 18" o.c. 4' o.c. 4' o.c. 3' o.c. 4' o.c. 4' O.C. 4' o.c. 12" 0.C. 3'6" o.c. 4' o.c 2'6" o.c. 3' o.c. 3' O.C. 2'6" O.C. 18" O.C. 18" c.c. CQMMENTS SYM 6QIANICAL NAME !_ CQMMQN t,l,ME ~ SPACING COMMsNTS @!Mll/!!I ~-3D 0 S-23 ([) S-27 (±) S-24 © S-31 ® S-25 © S-26 M V-1 ™G-1 I • + • I G-2 G-3 PENSTEMON HETEROPHYLUS / FOOTHIL.L PENSTEMON PHILODENDRON SELLOUM / SPLIT-LEAF PHILODENDRON ROMNEYA COULTER! / MATILIJA POPPY ROSA/ TO BE SELECTED BY L.A. SALVIA 'ALLEN CHICKERING' / ALLEN CHICKERING SAGE SCHEFFLERA PUECKLERI / NC, STRELITZIA REGINAE / BIRD OF PARADISE Wi[S JASMINUM POL YANTHUMUM / NCN GROUNDCOVER ANNUAL COLOR / TO BE SELECTED BY L.A. HEDERA HELIX / ENGLISH IVY TRACHELOSERMUM JASMINOIDES / STAR J.ASMINE FESTUCA 'WATER-SAVER' / NCN VINCA MAJOR / NCN 5 GAL 18" o.c . 100 5 GAL 5' o.c. ON SLOPE 5 GAL 5' o.c. 11 5 GAL 4' O.C. 59 5 GAL 3' o.c. 23 5 GAL 8' o.c. 5 1 GAL 3' oc. ON SLOPE 1 GAc 1 O' O.C. FLATS FLATS 18" 0 C. 18" 0 C. HYOROSEED FLATS 18" o.c. P;.~>'.:1 G-4 b; ol G-5 ,4-?Ji_J G-6 PFNNISETUM SETACEUM 'RUBRUM DWARF' / 1 GAL DWARF PURPLE FOUNTAIN GRASS 2'6" O.C. ON SLOPE 34 4 21 ON SLOPE ON SLOPE ON S'....OPE 120 1 7 59 41 ON SLOPE 14 76 750 0~ SLOPE ON SLO"C: 294 15 ON SLOPE ON SLOP~ 100 ~ HYDRDSEED MIX CARMISSONIA CHEIRANTHIFOLIA / BEACH EVENING PRIMROSE ENCELIA CALIFORNICA / BUSH SUNFLOWER ERIOGONUM FASCICULATUM / CALIFORNIA BUCKWHEAT ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA / CALIFORNIA POPPY ISOMERIS ARBOREA / BLADDERPOD LOTUS SCOPARIUS / DEERWEED HYDROSEEOIN_G SLURRY PRQDUCT CONWED 1 oo:,; WOOD FIBER HYDROPOST COMPOST ECO,.OGY CONTROLS M-BINDER 6-20-20 FERTILIZER SLOW RELEASE IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La11una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 253 APPROVED FOR PLAN1'ING A.ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WOR~ REVISION DESCRIPTION llS/tlCRE 3 5 8 3 4 8 I BS !_ ACRE 1000 1000 50 1000 t,!JJlli MINUMUM 7, PUR:TY/GERMINATIQN 98/75 60/40 10/65 98/75 90/65 90/60 -SEE SHEET 15 FDR PLANTING DETAILS. -FDR SPECIFICATIONS SEE Si-'EET ~6 & 17. -AS PER THE ARBORIST REPORT DATED APRIL 6, 1998 BY GR[G APPLEGATE AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF IVY LANDSCAPE ARCf-'ITECTS, THE FDLL □w:NG w!LL BE w!THIN T~E SCOPE OF wORK OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. t-'ANZANIT A -REMOVE EXISTING TREES -REPLACE \,/ITH '1ELALEAUCA QUIN. AT 30' C.C,, ~ELALE.JCA NESOPHILA AT 15' DC, AND PLANTNLS R. 'BLOCDG□DD' AT 30' O.C, AS CALLED OUT IN PLANS. AVI/IRA -REMOVE EXISTING TREES -REPLACE' \,/IT-! PINUS CANARIENSIS AT 40' o.c. AND EUCALYPTUS CALD □CAL YX AT 30' o.c. AS CALLED OUT IN PLANS. El CAMINO REAL -REMOVE 11 TREES, KEEP AND PRUNE S TREES, AND PROTECT IN PLACE l3 TREES, AS CALLED FOR IN ABORIST REPORT -REPLACE wITH PLATANUS R. 'BLOODGOOD' AT 30' o.c. AND EUCALYPTUS CALDOCAL YX AT 30' o.c. AS CALLED OUT IN PLANS. SDGE EASEMENT~ REMOVE ALL TREES IN RIGHT OF wAY -REPLACE AS CALLED OUT IN PLANS. NEw TREES SHALL BE OF THE VARIETY SPECIFIED ABOVE AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN FIELD AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. -ALL STREET TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3' OUTSIDE THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF wAY. A MIMIMUM OF 5' FROM PAVING. A MINIMUM CF 7' FROM ANY SEwER LINES NOT IN CONFLICT \,/ITH PUBLIC UTILITIES TREES PLANTED w!THIN 5' OF PcJBLIC S!DEwALKS SHALL BE INSTALLED w!TH ROOT BARRIERS APPROVED BY THE CITY. UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) "AS BUILT" CARLSBAD MU\JICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: WILLIAM E PLUMlffR DATE DISTRICT E~GINC:ER R CE 28176 INSPECTOR DATE [IT] CITY OF CARLSBAD ur] PLANNING DEPARTMENT . 3 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEVEN-PLANS PLANTING PLAN OWN BY: CHKD BY:_~_ RVWD BY· PROJECT NO. C.U.P. 97-04 DRAWING NO. 362-3 C~1WD 88-C.266 OJ a, "-N N "-"' N N 0 c-m 8' ~ \ S-8' 20 o__ 20 ao ~--1--~~1------<1 IN FEET ) 1 INCH = 20 FT. C: \DWG12\CLSB-!P.DWG 12/12/94 PLLH'-1 F'LUfvl ORANGE 1\ \ I 'I' ... /--·-.::) L)I_ ; I \ -\- uJ <X) . ,_::'.ii '(A,.·.>-· ·o 0 SLOPE REVEGETATION/ER □SI □N CONTROL SLOPES c 61 DR STEEPER ANO, -A. 3' CR LESS IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND ADJACENT TJ PUBLIC 1,/ALKS DR STREE-s REQUIRE STANDARD#'.. B. 4' TD 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARD:, #1, #2, AND #3, C. IN EXCESS OF 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARDS #1, #2. #3, AND #4. ST 1\NDARDS, 1. COVER CROP -90% COVER \./!THIN 30 DAYS. JUTE HESH SHAc.L BE APPUED \,/HlN PLANTING OCCURS 3ET\JEEN AUG. 15 AND APRIL 15. 2. GRJUND COVER -1G01/. C □V[RAGE, FLATS AI\D/DR HYDR □SEED ~IN SIZE. 3. LO\J SHRUBS -70% COVERAGE, 2 3/4' LII\ERS MIN .. 4. TRC:ES AND/DR LARGE SHRUBS -1 PC:R 20C SQ. FT,i 1 G/\1.LDN. LEGEND, SLOPE P! ANTING (REFER TO SLOPE MAP AT RIGHT) A NO C □NDITIDNS EXIST ON S:TE Bl,El LANTA~A-L'.N~R, @ 3'6" □'< 4' O.C <SEE LEG.>, CIS"US-1 GALLON, HEDERA HELIX- "LATS @ 18' □.C,, DR \/INCA MAJOR-FLATS @ 18' □.C.J FDR A COVER CROP USE ESCHSCHOLZIA CAL!cCRNICA AND GILIA CAPITATA AS RECOMMENDED BY S&S SEEDS (805)684-0436 SEE PLANTING LEGEND. B2,E2 ~YDR□SEED MIX -AS RFc □MMFNDED BY S&S SEEJS, SEE PLANTING LEGEND, Cl LANTANA-LINERS @ 3'6' OR 4' D.C, CSE[ LEG), COVER CR □P-ESCHSCHOLZIA CALlFDRNICA AND GILJA CAP IT ATA AS RECOMMENDED BY S&S SFFDS; PINUS CANARIENSIS AND PITT □SP □RUM UNDULATUM, Sc[ PLANTING LEGEND. C2 HEDERA HELIX-FLAIS @ 18' 0.C .. V!NCA MAJOR-FLATS @ i8" DC., CAMELLlA JAP□NICA-5 GALLON, FATSIA .JAP □NICA-1 GALc □N, MAGNOI. IA X S □ULANGIANA-15 GALl.ClN, CINNAH □MUM CAMPH □RA-15 ,~ALLON. SEE PLANT,~G LEGEND ELE2 EXISTING SLOPES SEE SHEET 13 FDR PLANT LEGEND AND HYDRCSEED HIX REFER TO SHEETS 12, 13, ~ 14 FDR PLANTING PLAN. IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La11una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 APPROVED FOR PLANTING I\ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NOTE, -AS PER THE ARB □RIST REPORT DATED APRIL 6, 1998 BY GREG APPLEGATE AND THE REC □MMENDATIDNS OF IVY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, THE F □LLD\JING \JILL BE \JITHIN THE SCOPE OF \JDRK OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR HANZANIT A -REMOVE EXISTJNG TREES -REPLACE \JITH MELALEAUCA QU:N. AT 30' D,C., MELALEUCA NES □PHILA AT 15' □.C .. AND PLANT NUS R. 'BLOODGOOD' A -30' C,C, AS CALLED JUT I~ PLANS. AVIARA -REMCVE EXISTJNG TREES -REPLACE \JITH PINUS C"sNARIENSIS AT 40' DL ANJ EUCALYPTUS CALD □CAL YX AT 30' o.c. AS CALLED mn I~ PLANS, EL CAMII\O REAL -REMCVE 11 TREES, KEEP AND PRUNE 5 TREES. AND PRCTECT IN Pl.ACE ·13 TREFS, AS CALLED FDR IN AB □RIST REPORT -REPLACE \JITH PLATANUS R. •BL □DDG □DD' AT 30' [j C. AND EUCALYPTUS CALD □CAL YX AT 30' □.C. AS CALLED □UT IN FLANS. SD~E EASEMENT -REH□VE ALL TREES IN RIGHT OF \JAY -REPLACE AS CALLED [JUT IN PLANS. NEI,/ TREES SHALL BE OF THE VARIETY SPECIFIED ABOVE AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN FIELD AT THE DIRECTJ□N OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. -ALL STREET TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3' OUTSIDE "HE PUBLIC RIGHT OF \./AY. A MIMIMUM OF 5' FROM PAVING, A MINIMUM OF 7' FROM ANY SE\./ER LIN[S. NOT IN C □Nf'LICT \./I"H PUBLIC UTILITIES. TREES PLANTED ',/!THIN 5' OF PUBLIC SIDE\JALKS SHALL BE INSTALLED 1,/ITH ROOT BARRIERS APPROVED BY THE CITY. -SEE S7EET 13 FOR PLANTING LEGENL, -SEE S7EET 15 FOR PLANTING DETAIL_S -FDR BJ □k SPEcr=-ICATIJNS SEE SHEETS 16-19, UTIUTY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) "AS BU IL T" DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REVIEWED BY: WILLIAM E. PLUMME'l JATE JISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 INSPECTOR DATE l---+---i--------------t---t---t--i---"'1 1 5l4T I CITY OF CARLSB.6.D PLANNING DEPARTMENT UL] ro ~---< cc ~-c;_~o SC4i,'/ ,, / ~, ~, DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE l_A COSTA STREET IMPROVEfv1ENT PLANS PLANTING PLAN APPROVED ~ 6-fyF ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO, ~~~g ~~;--C.U.P. 97-04 362-3 CMWD 88-C.266 CJ) ' N N ' U) N N 0 ,-... CJ) C: \DWG12\CLSB -IP ')WG 12/12/94 f'LANTING NOIES: ,A.. REFER TO PLANTING SPECIFIC,6.TIONS AND DETA.-_S FOR SOIL PREPAR.",TION, FERTILIZATION, MULCHING A\JD CT.-lE:.R PLANTING INFCRMA TION. 8. NCT!FY OWNER'S ALTHORIZFD REPRESENTi>.TIVE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMME\JCEM:::NT 8F 1/1/'0RK TO C:OOR)INATE rROJECT NSPECTION SCHECULES C. VERlrY Ji._L [XISTING CONDITIONS, CIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS GffORC PROCEEDING WITH THE VVOR<. NOTIFY LANDS~APE ARCHITECT IMMEDIA. TEL Y SHOULD FIELD CONCITIONS VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON PLAl\i. D. REPO~T DISCREPANCIES IN THE Dl?AWINGS OR BETWEEN TI-E DRAWINGS A.ND AC~UAL FIELD CONO!TIONS TO TllE _ANl)SCAPI:. ARCHITECT, CORRECTED DRAWINGS -:JR NSTRUCTION SH.A.LL BE ISSUED PRIOR "IQ THE CO"-JTINUAT'.JN OF THIS WORK. ASSUME FULL F:ES"-'ONSl8ILITY FOR ALL NECESSARY CORRECTIOJ'..S JUE TO FAILURE TO REPORT KNC)WN )ISCREPANCIES. E. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHrn SHO'I\N HEREON OR NOT AND P'iOTECT THEM FROM DAMAGE. NOTIFY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IMM:DIATELY AND ASSUME FIJLL RESPONSIBILITY rGR EXPCNSE OF REPAR 0~ ~EPLACE'-AENT IN CON,JUNCTION WITI I DAMAGED UTILITIES. r LOC.:ATION CF N.I.C.:. CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS SUCH AS LIGHT, SIGNS, VEN~S, HYJRAl\iTS, TRANSrORMCRS, ETC AR':: APPROXIMATE. NOTIFY HE LANDSCAPE .ARC'-ilTECT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD THE LOCATION OF THESE ITEMS "'JTERrERE WITH THE :,ROPER EXECUTION OF WORK. G. OBTAIN ALL SOIL FOR LANDSCA;;:,E PLANTING AREAS OR BERMS FROM ON-SITE EXCAVATIONS, SHOULC IMPORT SOIL BE NECESSARY. SL'BMIT IMPORT SOIL TESTlt-.G RESULTS FOR APPROVAL DRIOR TO lfJ;:iORTATION. SOIL SHA.LL BE SANDY 1.0P.M CO\JTA"JING ND TOXIC CHEMICALS OR ELEMENT;) vVHICH MP.Y "JHIBIT O"<: RETARD NCRMAL PLANT GROWf'"i. ~ AFTER ROUGH GRAD~S HJWE BEEN ESTABLISHEC IN PLANTING AREAS, HAVE SOIL SAMPLES ~AK'.::N AT THt LOCATIONS INDICATED BY DESIGNATED 9EPRESENTATIVE HAVE SAMPLES TESTED Ev BUTLER MIL,_ (619)263-6181, FOR SOI_ FERTILITY, l>.GRICULTURAl SUITABILITY TEST AND SOIL ~REPARATIOI\J RECOMMENDATIONS. TAl<E TWO SAMPLES ,6-T EACH LOCATIOI\: (1) GROUND LEVEL TO 10" DEE~, (1) (2) 24" TO 36" DEEP EAC"I S.AMPLE ScALL CONTAIN APPROXIMATELY , QUART OF SO!L TO BE LABELED PER LOCATION AND DEPTH. CITY INSPECTOR SHALL .APPRCVE BOTH SOIL AGRONO'-.A" ·~EST AND SOIL TEST R~COMMENDATIONS FOR SDIL AMENDMENTS, BACK:ILL, & FERT,JZ.A-TION INSTA:_L SOil, PRFP/>.RATION AND BACKFILL PER CITY A~PROVAL. SUBtJ T SOIL REPORT TO CITY INSPECTOR & LANDSCAPE ARCHITFCT :::>RIOR TO P,_Ar-.JTING, I l<IL._ ANC REMO~ ALL EXISTING WEEDS FROM SITE AREAS PER SP'.::CIFICP.TIONS. J. l>.SSL.>~E POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL PLANTING AREAS, 2% MINIMUM. K. LOCATE AND TAG ALL FLA.NT MATERIAi MA"ERIAL SHALL BE 11\ CONFORMANC::: WITH PLAN~ING P_AN DESCRIPTIONS AND SPEC ~ICATIOI\JS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO lr-.JSTALLATION. PROVIDE PHCTOS OF REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLES OF EACH TAGGED BLOCK TO LANOSCAf-'S ARCHITECT MINIML.M 21 DAYS BEFORE AN'1CIPATED DELIVERY. PHCTOS SHALL INCLUDE A PERSON FOR SCALE PU~POSC.S, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY OPT TO R:::V,EW MATERIAL AT GROWING NURSERY. MATERIAL DELIVERED TO THE SITE MAY BE REJECTED BASED ON UNHE.ALTf1ruL ,ll..PPEARANCE OR NON CONFORMANCE Wl~H SPEC FICATIONS EVEN IF PREVIOUSLY REVIEl/l''EC BY THE _ANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER L ALL TREES WITHIN A SPECIES SHALL HAV:: MATCHING FORM. M FINAL LOCATION OF ALL PLANT MATERLi\L S SHALL BE SL·BuECT TO THE APDROVAL OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENT AT: VE. N. PLANTING QUANTITIES ARE GIVEN FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. P,_ANT SYMBOLS AND SPECIFIED SPACING SHALL T.4.KE PRECEDENCE 0. AT EDGES OF PLANTING AREAS, THE CENTER LINE OF THE LAST ROW OF SHRUBS AND/OR GRCUND COVER SHALL SE LOCATED NO FARTHER FROM THE EDGE ~HA.N ONE-HALF THE SPECIFIED ON-CEN-Es;: SPACING. P. INSTALL GROUND COVER AND/OR SciRUB MASSES W TH TRIANGULAR SPACIN8 UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. C INSTALL ARBOR-GARD "'HUNK PROTECTORS ON TREES _OCATED IN TURF =<. FOR ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF WALKS AND CURBS, INSTALL =<OOT BARRIERS EY )EEP R◊O-CORPORATION (800) 458-·7668 S. ALL 8URVE TO CURVE AND CURVE TO TANGEI\JT LINES SHALL BE NEAT, TRIM , SMOOTH ANO UNIFORM. T. REMOVE ALL NURSERY STA.KES IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION UPON :,ROVIDING SUPPORT PER PLAN. U GUA~ANTEE AL-EXISTING TREES THAf HAVE HAD WORK PERFORMED WITHIN 6' Qi=' TRUNK, ,l>.ND PROVIDE A LIST OF THAT PLANT MA'"FRIAL TO OWNER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT X DURING THE LENGTH OF THE GUARA.NTEE PERIOD, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER STAKING AND/CR GUY NG :JF TREES TO ENSURE STABILITY Z. MULCH ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS (EXCLUDING TURF) HAY:NG LESS THAN A 3: I SLOPE WITH A ]" '.":iEEP LA YER 8F 'MEDIUM GRIND MULCH' AT THE COr-.JCLUS'ON OF PLANTING OPERATIONS. SUBMIT $AMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR -o BULK OELIVERf TJ SITE. _[GEND• :;:',"1'/71_ " ~ -~ ~) ~ r., u--: '--( V '2:~ 2X DIAMETER OF ROOT8ALL I L CROl,,IN □F PLANT TD BE PLANTED 1/2'-l' ABOVE FINISH JRADE 2 BASIN 3, PLANT TABLETS PER SPECIFICATIONS 4 "'."""[MP□RARY EARTH EEPM 5. BACKF:LL MIX PER SPECIF:CATIQNS 6 NA TI VE SOIL NCJTES, A FDR REQUIRED PLAN'ING ME~HODS REFEK TC SPECIFICA TI:JNS (NCTE SPECIAL TREATMENT) B FDR SLOPE PLANTING ShAPE. SHAPE UPHILL SIDE OF PLANT PLT FOR SMOOTH, CONTINUOUS TRANSITION TO FINISH GRADF C211 MAX) SHRUB PLA\ TING CE~T~A~I=! _________ _ N.T.S. ~ I ++------<2 == --=:.,------'l'- 111===11 5 ie?I----6 11 I= 1_lll,,Jl1111 l l111I ~ 2 X DIAM, I or BALL PREVAILING W ND ;:,LAN VIEW G) TREE TES PER SPECIFICAJIONS. CD 2" DIA. LODGE POLE PINE STAKE. 1 O' LONG FOR \.: 24'' 80)( AND 8' LONG •OR 15 GAL (2 Tr'P.) KEEP CLEAR OF ROOTBALL SEE SPECIFICATIONS. CD WATER BASIN. 4" MIN. DEPTH; MULCH TO -.,_;_, 3" DEPTH ANO DEEP WATER TREE IM~IEO!ATELY UPON PLANTING REMOVE BASIN IF TURF :s INSTALLED 0~ AT END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD FINISHED GRADE AME"lOED BACKFILL. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. TAMP AND SETTLE BACKFILL BE.-DRE PLANTING SO THAT TREE. DOES NOT SINK AFTER PLANTING. FERTILIZER -ABLET -SE£ SPECIFICATIONS. EXISTING SOIL © SCARIFY SIDES & BOTTOM OF PLANTIMG PIT. ARDOR~GARD TRUNK PROTECTOR FOR USE IN TURF AREAS. @ CROWN OF TREE MUST NOT BE PLANTED FINISH GRADE. NOTE: MA•NTAIN TURF 3" CLEAR FROM TREE TRUN~:. INSTALL Rao~ CONTROL BARRIERS WHERE TRUl'Jk IS 5' OR LESS "ROM HARDSCAPE. (CJ)1_T_R_E_E _P_L_A_N_T_I N_G_&_S_T I'_, K_!_N_G_D_E_T_,6-_I L_, _1_5_G_A_L_&_2_4" BOX ,_./ SCA~ . .E: NTS 0 ---0 I ,o 4> 3 9 --0 5 ----® LEGEND 1 . 2 3, 4. 5 6 7. 8. 9, 1D 11. 12. 13 14. SPECIMEN TREE, 36 " BOX OR LARGER BLACK PVC HOSE WITH 1/8" BRAIDED GALVANIZED STEEL GUY CABLE; USE GALVA~IZED CABLE CLAMPS AND TURNBUCK1_E. MINIMUM 3 GUYS PER TREE: PROVIDE A))ITIONAL GUYS IF REQUIRED DUE TO S,TE CONDITIONS FINISH GRADE. CRCWN OF TREE MUST NOT BE OLANTED BELOW THIS LEVEL WATER BASIN -MINIMUM 4" DEPTH: MULCH TO 3' DEPTH AND DEEP WATER TREE IMMEDIATELY UPON PLAN IING. REMOVE BASIN .AT END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD TREE ROOTBALL -MUST NOT BE ROOT BOUND. LOOSEN ANY TIGHT PACKED ROOTS AMENDED BACKCILL MIX -SEE SPECIFICA.TIONS. TAMP AND SETTLE BACKFILL BEFORE PLANTING SO THAT TREE DOES NOT SINK AFTER PLANTING FERTILIZER TABLETS -SEE SPECIFICAT10NS EXISTING SOIL MODEL 68 DUCKBILL EARTH ANCHOR 111TH 1 /8" BRAIDED GALVANIZED STEEL CABLE 1/2·• DIA X 2'-0" LONG WHITE PVC WARNING DEVICE -TO BE INSTALLED IN PUBLIC AREAS ROOTBALL DEPTH PLUS 18". IF BEDROCK IS ENCOUNTERED, NOTIFY OWNER'S REP. TWICE ROOTBALL WIDTH ARBOR-GARD TRUNK PROTECTOR FOR USE IN TURF AREAS EMPTY 3" DIA,.<ETER PVC DRAINPIPE FOR AIR AND WATERING; PLACE MIN. 3 PER TREE SPEC lv1EN -REE PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. EDGE OF PLANTING AREA EQUAL NOTE• A, ALL SHRUBS/GRCIUNDCOVER SHALL BE PLANTED AT EQUAL SPACING (TRIANJULAR) UNLESS OTHER\,/ISE INDICATED :JN PLANS. SEE LEGEN[l FOR SPACING REQUIREMENTS, ~),_......:~=• ~--'--;"'-J 'J"--'-'-N"'-D----"'-C-"-0---'-'✓=E:....:.R-'-P=L'-'A'-'N--'--T'-'--I N'-"G"--"D'-=E"--'T--'--A'-"I L=----~ ' (\j . .,. (\j 5'-0' DR AS REQUIRED o 0 \ o"" 0 0 ,----\4 LEGEND: I. ANCHOR INTO WALL: SCREW EYE FOR WOOD, EXPANDABLE ANCHOR IN MASONRY 2. 13 GAUGE GALVINIZED WIRE. NUMBER AS REQUIRED TO COVER WALL 3. FLEXIBLE TIE. TAPE SECURING VINE TO WIRE, 4, FINISH SURFACE NOTE: WHEN PLANTING SEVERAL VINES ON ONE WALL. WIRE TRELLIS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS !VY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La~una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. LJT!L!TY D!S'R!CT A:iPROVAL(S) CARLSBAD ~1UN!C!:i ft.L WATER DiSTR!CT WILLIAM E P ,UMMER DATE DISTRICT ENG1NEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE j INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVA.L "AS BUILT" P.E. EXP DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF C.i\RLSBAD SHEETS 19 ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET llv1PROVEMENT PL.'"-NS P'-ANTING DETAILS ASSIST.ANT PL.ANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY CU P 97 04 362-3l CMWJ 88-C.266 ro m " N N ", N N 0 "' m SECTION 02920 -SOIL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1 02 WORK INCLUDED A. Scope of Work: Site work shown on site engineering drawings as prepared by the project civil engineer shall be provided as a bid item, included in the site work scope. B. The work of this Section includes all labor, materials, tools, equipment and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to complete the soil work as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including, but not limlted to, the following: 1. Soil Preparation 2. Soil Installation: a. Soil mix for lawn areas on grade. b. Soil for tree pit backfill. c. Amending existing soil for landscape beds on grade. 3. The finish grades and topsoil thicknesses shall be reviewed and upon acceptance, approved by the Owner's landscape contractor. 1.03 RELATEDWORK A. Section 02200 EARTHWORK B. Section 02930 LAWNS (by Owner) C. Section 02950: PLANT MATERIALS (by Owner) 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Soil work shall be performed by a firm with a minimum of five (5) years experience specializing in this type of work. Contractor shall have experience in working over structure and shall submit evidence of experience on a minimum of five projects of similar scope and complexlty wilhin the last five years. B. Contractor will comply with applicable federal state, county and local regulations governing soil materials and work. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Data: Submit to the Architect copies of manufacturer's and/or source data for all materials including soils. B. Samples: Submit to the Owner's landscape contractor samples of all topsoil, existing soil (for plantings on grade), soil mixes and the organic compost materials used in the making of soil mixes. Samples shall weigh 1 pound and be packaged in plastic bags. Samples shall be typical of the lot of material to be delivered to the site and provide an accurate indication of color, texture and organic make-up of the material. A soil analysis of the soil mixes and topsoil, stating pH, nutrient levels (N,P,K), a chemical and mechanical analysis shall be made by the regional extension service and submitted with the sample. All materials shall be approved by the Architect prior to use. Addltional tests are to be submitted after planting soil mixes are delivered to the site. The tests are to be taken from all soil mixes to be used on site and sent to area extension offices for tests and recommendations. Al soil mixes used on site must be approved by the Architect prior to the planting. C. Planting Soil Percolation Test: Submit a soil percolation test report for each 200 yards of proposed new planting soil, or existing stockpiled planting soil, certifying that proposed soil has a proper water absorption rate. Prior to delivery or placement of planting soil, perform tests of water absorption rates as follows: 1. Dig a rectangular pit 12" square by 18" deep and rapidly pour in water to a depth of 6" (approximately 3-3/4 gallons). Note time required for water to be completely absorbed. 2. Proposed planting soils having a water absorption rate faster than 18 minutes, or slower than minutes 30 minutes are not acceptable. D. Contractor is to provide Owner and Owner's landscape contractor with a bar chart construction schedule prior to any soil work. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.07 A. Deliver packaged materials in manufacturer's unopened container or bundles, fully identified with name, brand, type, weight and analysis. Store packaged materials in such a manner as to prevent damage or intrusion of foreign matter. Remove from job site any material which becomes contaminated. B. Do not deliver if soil is excessively wet or frozen. C. Contractor must coordinate delivery location and schedule wilh Owner prior to delivery. D. Soil is to be protected from compaction while stockpiled on site. E. Soil is not to be installed if it is excessively wet or frozen. JOB CONDITIONS A. Work Notification: Coordinate date of installation and notify Owner's landscape contractor at least ten(10) calendar days prior to start of soil installation. B. Protect existing utilities, paving and other facilities from damage caused by soil installation operations. C. Starting work constitutes acceptance of the conditions under which work is to be performed. After such acceptance this Contractor shall, at his expense, be responsible for correcting all unsatisfactory and defective work resulting from such unsatisfactory conditions. D. Obtain written acceptance of soils by Owner's landscape contractor prior to releasing crews from the soils work on site. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Topsoil shall be fertile, friable natural loam, uniform in composition, free of stones, lumps, plants and their roots, debris and other extraneous matter over 1" in diameter, capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth. Topsoil shall have a pH range of 6.0 to 6.5. Topsoil must comply with the following by volume: C: \DWG12\CLSB-IP.DWG 12/12/94 Organic Content Clay Silt Sand Magnesium -Mg Phosphorus -P205 Potassium -K20 Soluble Salts/ Conductivity 3.0 -3.5% 10-15% 15 -25% 50 -60% 100+ units 150+ units 120+ units Not to exceed 900 ppm/ 0.9 mmhos/cm (in soil );not to exceed 3000 ppm/2.5 mmhos/cm (in high organic mix) B. Composite Pine Bark Fines: Shall be approved composite, ground pine bark having no particle with a dimension greater than 3/4". C. Dolomite Lime: Shall be agriculture grade ground limestone. D. Sand: Shall be clean, washed, coarse, masonry sand sized up to 114". E. Trace Elements: Shall be commercially available slow release materials containing zinc (Zn), Molybdenum (Mo), Copper (Cu), Boron (B), and Magnesium (Mn). F. Composite Sewage Sludge: Shall be a commercially available, high quallty, environmentally safe, sterile, EPA approved product for agronomic use. The product shall be composed of sewage sludge which has been combined wilh wood chips or other bulking agent, aerated and composted for 21 days including 3 days at 131 degrees Fahrenheit. The product shall then have been aged, shredded and screened and exhibit the following characteristics. pH 5.6 -7.7 Total Nitrogen (N) Phosphoric Acid (P205) Potash (K20) Micro-nutrient Content (Fe, Mn, S, Zn, Ni, Cu, B) Low Cadmium Content EPA Approval Pathogen Destruction 1.2% available 1% soluble . 25% PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine the areas and conditions where soil mix is to be installed and notify the Owner's !landscape contractor of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected and approved in writing by landscape contractor to permit installation of the work. B. Cooperate wilh other Contractors and trades working in and adjacent to other work areas. Examine drawings which show development of entire project and become familiar with scope of other work required. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF SOIL MIX FOR LAWN AREAS ON GRADE--:'i::fc NC!"' ftLCj.J, ~,.(,! A. Coordinate with Owner's landscape contractor regarding acceptable material and schedule of placement. B. Soil Mix for Lawns on Grade: Shall consists of 15% composted sewage sludge and 85% topsoil, by volume. These materials must meet specifications described in Section 2.00 products. C. Loosen subgrade of lawn areas to a minimum depth of 3". Remove stones more than 1-1/2" in any dimension and sticks, roots, rubbish and other extraneous matter, Limit preparation to areas which will be planted promptly after preparation. D. Spread soil mix for lawn areas on grade to a minimum depth of 4" as required to meet grade and elevations shown on drawings after lightly rolling and natural settlement. Allow for sod thickness in areas to be sodded. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF SOIL MIX FOR TREE PIT BACKFILL ON GRADE-'.:lt 1-V>TE' lc·~l..CW ~.,',\. A. Coordinate with Owner's landscape contractor regarding acceptable material and schedule of placement. B. Soil Mix For Tree Pit Backfill on Grade: 1. Shall consist of 75% existing soil and 25% composted pine bark fines, by volume. 2. Pine bark fines shall be uniformly mixed in with existing soil excavated from tree pit. C. Existing soil shall be ripped to a depth of 12" to alleviate any compaction which has taken place during construction. Prior to loosening of the soil, Contractor must locate existing utilities and coordinate with Owner any underground electric lines, drainage pipes conduits, etc. 3.04 AMENDING EXISTING SOIL FOR LANDSCAPE BEDS ON GRADE-":°tt t,r,rt. ~Lei~ '3.1°'4 A. Coordinate wilh Owner's landscape contractor regarding acceptable material and schedule of placement. B. Existing soil shall be ripped to a depth of 12" to alleviate any compaction which has taken place during construction. Prior to loosening of the soil, Contractor must locate existing utilities and coordinate with Owner any underground electric lines, drainage pipes conduits, etc. C. 2" of topsoil and 1" of composted pine bark fines shall be spread over bed areas being amended on grade. D. Topsoil and pine bark fines shall be tilled in to a depth of 4". NOTe:, G1-N ·cj-(,61.L ~VE 'So IL-S,Aci1<ot-.1ct-1Y1E"c,1 d3 ,-, J l_;'". Tl".<::~T Kl:Cl'.Mi" tND\T1c~ F'"ct'_ ·-,-11.-"" /~.~re:.. 0 Nt:M. ~JJis ).,~-&I '-L,L.,t. F r:.;,T I Ll?ATICtL lf.1-cTAll---:-c.\ L rcrr,Fn:ATlt,hl 4 fA(...j(_Fli..L r-r;..12'. CITY P-YrRCVAL. t:1--lt• Cr ""£<.TIC;N C2'12.0 SECTION 02811 -IRRIGATION SYSTEM -ft:T ABLE v-li'--l'F fZ.- Nt,f Ec ! CCNil:!AGTc R ~1-W.L l~'.'c1Nl. Fcl:i'.:.LAJt,1Et::o PART 1-GENERAL IF-Rl6ATl(:t-1 0Y::--itt'cM Pi:-t: CHlrlD ~p::..1r~1c/,Tk:Jsl::\ 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide complete inigation system. 1.02 RELATEDWORK 1.03 A. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting. B. Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Due to the scale of drawings, it is not always possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc., which might be required. Carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting the work. Install the work to avoid conflicts between irrigation system, plantings, other site utilities, and architectural features. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Material List: 1. Furnish the articles, equipment, materials or processes specified by name in the drawings and specifications. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the Architect. 2. Submit complete material list prior to performing any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number and description of all materials and equipment to be used. Substitutions must be identified as such. 3. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the Architect may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 4. Approval of any item, alternate or substitute indicates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted. B. Record Drawings: 1. Refer to Division 1. 2. Dimension from two permanent points of reference, building comers, sidewalk, or road intersections; etc., the location of the following items: a. Connection to existing water lines. b. Connection to existing electrical power. c. Gate valves . d. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension max. 100' along routing). e. Sprinkler control valves. f. Routing of control wiring. g. Quick coupling valves. h. other related equipment as directed by the Architect. 3. Before the date of the final inspection, transfer all information from the record prints to a sepia mylar or mylar procured from the Landscape Architect. All work shall be neat and legible, drawn in waterproof ink by a technical ink pen designed specifically for use on mylar material. Work completed in felt tip pen or ball point pen will be rejected because of the non-permanent nature of both devices. All work shall be subject to approval by the Landscape Architect. 4. On or before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed sepias to the Architect. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required information that may be omitted from the prints. C. Controller Charts: 1. Record drawings shall be approved by the Architect before controller charts are prepared. 2. Provide AB 325 Controller Timing Charts per (City Ordinance 93-108). 3. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. 4. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual as-built system. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. 5. The chart shall be a blackline or blueline ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage of each station. 6. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 10 mils thick. 7. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to final inspection of the inigation system. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Prepare and deliver two (2) sets of operation and maintenance manuals as specified in Division 1 and as follows: a. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment installed under this Contract. b. Guarantee statement. c. Complete operation and maintenance instructions on all major equipment. d. Assemble manual in hard cover three-ring binder with table of contents. 2. In addition to the above mentioned maintenance manuals, provide the Owner's maintenance personnel wilh instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the Archrtect at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. E. Equipment to be Furnished: 1. Supply as a part of this Contract the following tools: a. Two sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project. b. Two five-foot valve keys for operation of gate valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Six quick coupler keys and matching hose swivels for each type of quick coupling valve installed. 2. The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the Owner at the conclusion of the project. Before final inspection can occur, evidence that the Owner has received material must be shown to the Architect. 1.05 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing PVC pipe and fittings. B. Transport PVC pipe in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat for the full length of the pipe sections. C. Pipe sections dented or damaged will be rejected, whether installed or not. 1.06 GUARANTEE A. On company letterhead, re-type the following information and provide to Owner at completion of project: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace defects in materials and workmanship, including damages consequential to defects m materials and workmanship and repair or replacement, which develop during one year after completion and acceptance of work, at no cost to Owner. We a_gree to make such repairs and replacements within a reasonable time, as determined by Owner, after receipt of notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs ~nd replacements within a reasonable time after notification by Owner, we authonze Owner to proceed to have such repairs and replacements made at our expense and we will pay all costs and charges upon demand. Project: Location: Signed: Company: Address: Date of Acceptance: PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 PVC PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Provide PVC Class 315 for pressure main line pipe sizes 2· and larger. 1. Fabricate pipe from an NSF approved Type I, Grad I, PVC compoun_d conforming to ASTM D1784 resin specifications. Meet requirements set forth 1n FS PS-22- 70, with an appropriate standard dimension ratio (SDR) (Solvent-Weld Pipe). B. Provide pressure main line pipe for sizes 1-1/2" and smaller of PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded joints. 1. Fabricate pipe from an NSF approved Type I, Grade I, PVC compound conforming to ASTM D1785 resin specifications. Meet requirements set forth 1n FS PS-21-70. C. Provide PVC solvent weld fillings of Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved in accordance with ASTM D2466. D. Provide solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings of type specified by manufacturer for project materials and conditions. E. Ensure that PVC pipe bears the following markings: 1. Manufacturer's name. 2. Nominal pipe size. 3. Schedule or class. 4. Pressure rating in psi. 5. NSF approval seal. 6. Date of extrusion. F. Ensure that fittings bear manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicable IPS schedule or NSF seal of approval. 2.02 PVC NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPE A. Provide non-pressure buried lateral line pipe fabricated of PVC Class 200, with solvent weld joints. B. Fabricate pipe from an NSF approved Type I, Grade II, PVC compound con~rming to ASTM D1784 resin specifications. Meet requirements set forth 1n FS PS-.<2-70, with an appropriate standard dimension ration (SDR). A. Provide gate vales 3' and smaller of 125 lb SWP bronze with screw-in bonnet, non- rising stem and sold wedge disc. B. Provide with threaded ends and equip with bronze handwheel. C. Manufacturer: Nibco. 2.06 QUICK COUPLING VALVES A. Provide type with a brass two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 psi, operable with quick coupler. 2.07 BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS A. Provide units of type and size required by drawings. B. Include wye strainers at backflow prevention units, with bronze screwed body with 60 mesh monel screen. Bailey No. 1008. 2.08 CHECK VALVES A. Provide swing check valves 2· and smaller of 200 lb WOG bronze construction with replaceable composition neoprene or rubber disc, and meeting FS WW-V-511D, Class A, Type IV. B. Include anti-drain valves of heavy-duty virgin PVC construction with FIB thread inlet and outlet. Provide stainless steel and neoprene internal parts. Ensure that anti-drain valves are field adjustable against drawout from 5 to 40 fee of head. C. Manufacturer: Valcon ADV. 2.09 CONTROL WIRING 2.10 211 2.12 A. Make connections between the automatic controllers and the electrical control valves with direct burial copper wire AWG-UF 600 volt. Provide different colored pilot wires for each automatic controller. Provide white common wires wilh a different colored stripe for each automatic controller. Use No. 14 wire as a minimum. B. Installation of the wiring will be in the same trench and installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines where possible. C. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, tape wiring together at intervals of 10 fl. D. Provide an expansion curl within 3 ft of each wire connection. Ensure sufficient length of expansion curl at each splice connection at each electrical control so that in case of repair, the valve bonnet may be brought to the surface without disconnecting the control wires. Loosely lay control wires in trench without stress or stretching of control wire conductors. E. Make splices with Rainbird Snap-lite wire connectors. Use one splice per connector sealing pack. F. Field splices between automatic controller and electrical control valves will not be allowed without prior approval. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A. Provide type and size required by drawings. B. Final location will be as approved. C. Provide final hook-up to 120 volt electrical power. ELECTRICAL CONTROL VALVES A. Provide type of same manufacturer as automatic controllers. B. Include manual flow adjustment. C. Provide one control box for each electrical control valve. CONTROL VALVE BOXES A. Use 10" x 10-114" box for all gate valves; Carson Industries No. 910-128 with green bolt down cover. Provide 6" PVC extension sleeve. c. All other requirements for PVC non-pressure lateral line pipe are as specif,ed for 2.13 pressure main line pipe and fittings. SPRINKLER HEADS 2.03 BRASS PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Provide sprinkler heads of the same size, type, and which deliver the same rate of precipitation wilh the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure, and discharge as shown or scheduled on drawings. A. Provide red brass screwed pipe conforming with FS WW-P-351. B. Provide spray heads with screw adjustment. B. Provide red brass fittings conforming with FS WW-P-460. C. Fabricate riser units in accordance with drawing details. 2.04 GALVANIZED PIPE FITTINGS 2.05 D. Provide heads of same type by a single manufacturer throughout project. A. Provide galvanized steel pipe, ASA Schedule 40 mild steel screwed pipe. B. Provide fittings of medium galvanized screwed beaded malleable iron. Galvanized PART 3 -EXECUTION couplings may be merchant coupling. 3.01 INSPECTION C. Paint galvanized pipe and fittings installed below grade with two coats of [Koppers No. 50 Bttumastic.]. GATE VALVES A. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near utilities. Verify locations of in- place utilities and services. IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. /1\ DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DATE DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE INITIAL DATE INJTIAL DTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL "AS BUil T" P.E. EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I ~r6T I CITY OF CARLSBAD I 519Ts I PLANNING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE LA COSTA S""'."REET IMPROVEMENT PLANS :::PFrTFirATinN::: OWN BY: PROJECT NO DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C.U.P. 97-04 362-3l -CMWD 88-C.266 . 00 ~ .:::;:_ "' N N 0 r-- "' B. Coordinate installation so there will be no interference with utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs, and ground covers. C. Carefully check all grades. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Prior to installation, stake out all pressure supply line routing and location of sprinkler heads. B. Obtain approval of layout by Owner. C. Connect system to water supply points, at approximate location shown on drawings. D. Make electrical connections for automatic controllers at approximate locations shown on drawings. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Trenching: 1. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. 2. Coverage: 24" for pressure supply lines; 12" for non-pressure lines; and 18" for control wiring. P!eP-611'i 0/"o>,/"4-'?fAfJ HANt.iAL, lf-'1 iz,f'. p~r, .. •.LJ~to P· Pl:/NAIJ..ILINl'c Z 'lz '1 ct: L./Yct, IN "', I 2!S . B. Backfilling: 1. Do not backfill until required tests have been successfully performed and witnessed. Carefully backfill with excavated materials for backfilling, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stone. Mechanically compact landscaped areas to dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil in planting areas. Conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps and other surface irregularities. 2. lnltially place fine granular material backfill on all lines. No foreign matter larger 1/2" will be permitted in the initial backfill. 3. Flooding of trenches will be permitted only with prior approval. 4. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjustments in pipes, valves, sprinkler heads, lawn or planting, or other construction are necessary, make adjustments without cost to Owner. C. Trenching and Backfill Under Paving 1. Backfill trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltic concrete or concrete, with sand -6" under the pipe and 3" over -and compacted in layers to 95% compaction using manual or mechanical tamping devices. Compact trenches for piping to equal the compaction of the existing adjacent undisturbed soil and leave in a firm unyielding condition. Leave trenches flush with the adjoining grade. 2. Do not cut, jack or bore through any in-place concrete. 3. Provide for a minimum cover of 18" between the top of pipe and bottom of aggregate base for all pressure and non-pressure pipe installed under asphaltlc concrete piping. D. Assemblies: 1. Install irrigation lines following approximate routing shown on drawings. 2. Install no multiple assemblies in plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. 3. Thoroughly clean PVC pipe and fittings of dirt, dust, and moisture before installation. Follow recommendations of manufacturer for installation and solvent welding. 4. On PVC to metal connections, work metal connections first. Use teflon tape, or other approved, on all threaded PVC to PVC, and on all threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure is all that is required. Where threaded PVC connections are required, use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. E. Line Clearance: Provide a minimum clearance of 6' from each other and from lines of other trades. Install parallel lines directly over one another. F. Automatic Controllers: Connect remote control valves to controllers in numerical sequence required by drawings. G. High Voltage Wiring for Automatic Controllers: Provide 120 volt connection to power source. H. Remote Control Valves: Install where shown. When grouped together, allow at least 12" between valves. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve box. Stencil each valve number on valved box top with exterior enamel paint. Where feasible, locate out of turf areas. I. Flushing of System: After all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to installation of sprinkler heads, open the control valves with a lull head of water and flush out the system. J. Sprinkler Heads: Install heads where shown on drawings. Do not exceed maximum spacing shown on drawings or suggested by manufacturer. K. It is the intent of the irrigation drawings to indicate the installation of pop-up type sprinklers in landscaped areas adjacent to pedestrian circulation, vehicular circulation and anywhere that pop-up sprinklers would be required to provide for the safety and welfare of individuals and their respective property, In the event that pop- up type sprinklers have not been specified in these areas, It shall be the responsibility of the irrigation contractor to bring this to the attention of the landscape architect immediately or install the pop-up sprinkler to match those specified. 3.04 TEMPORARY REPAIRS A. Where it may be necessary to excavate near existing trees, exercise care to avoid injury. Excavate by hand in areas where 2' and larger roots occur. Tunnel under and heavily wrap with several layers of burlap, roots 2" in diameter except where directly in the path of irrigation lines or conduit. Where a ditching machine is run close to trees having roots smaller than 2" in diameter, hand trim walls of the trench adjacent to the tree, making clean cuts. Paint cut and damaged roots 1 • and larger with two coats of Tree Seal, or other approved. Close trenches adjacent to trees within 24 hours, or shade the tree side of the trench with burlap or canvas. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Adjustment of the System: 1. Flush and adjust sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, parking areas, and buildings. 2. If It is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment can make the system more effective, make the approved adjustments prior to plantings. Adjustments could also mean changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of arc. 3. Lowering raised sprinkler heads must be accomplished within ten days after notification by Owner. C; \0WG12\CLSB-IP.DWG 12/12/94 4. Set sprinkler heads perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise shown on drawings. B. Testin~ of Irrigation System: 1. Request presence of Landscape Architect 48 hours in advance of each testing procedure. 2. Test pressure line under hydrostatic pressure of 150 lbs per sq in, and prove watertight. Note: Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of electric control valves. 3. Test piping under to-be-paved areas under hydrostatic pressure of 150 lbs per sq in, and prove watertight prior to paving. 4. Sustain pressure in lines for at least 3 hours without pressure drop. If pressure drops within 3 hours, replace joints and repeat test_ ~ntil such time as no pressu.re drops occur. p:i.";k ~l-Al!v1 w HAWF2 f.W N7 r1<:r~5-_,Uf:'.t: -C::,i{ALI .. BE HAINi"Al~XveCf'. 4 fbU12-':: A":.,1<:ra,UWW e,i' CMWD, 5. Provide necessary force pump and other testing equipment necessary. 6. When the sprinkler irrigation system is completed, perform a coverage test to determine ii the water coverage for planting areas is complete and adequate. Correct inadequacies due to deviations from drawings, or where system has willfully been installed without bringing possible deficiencies to the attention of the Landscape Architect in advance. Perform these tests prior to planting of ground covers. 3.06 MAINTENANCE A. Ensure complete successful operation for 7 days under automatic operation prior to any subs,equent construction operations such as plantings. 3. 07 CLEAN-UP A. Clean-up after each portion of this work. Legally remove refuse and excess dirl from site, walks and paving by brooming and washing down. B. Correct damages to work of others to original condition. 3.08 FINAL OBSERVATION PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Operate each system in its entirety for the Landscape Architect at time of final observatiion. Rework items not to Landscape Architect's satisfaction. B. Show evidence that Owner has received accessories, charts, record drawings, tools and equipment required before final inspection can occur. 3.09 OBSERVATIION SCHEDULE A. Provide the following prior notification for the meetings shown: 1. Pr&-job conference -7 days. IA, 'Sl-,t:.J;.V~ IN'c,1ALl .. ,t.;flcN 2. Pressure supply line installation and testing -48 hours. 3. Automatic controller installation -48 hours. 4. Control wire installation -48 hours. 5. Lateral line and sprinkler installation -48 hours. 6. Coverage test -48 hours. 7. Final inspection -7 calendar days. B. When obseNations have been witnessed by parties to the Contract other than the Landscape Architect, show evidence of such in writing. C. Site obseNations cannot commence without Record Drawings. Party requesting obseNations are subject to hourly reimbursement to others if obseNations are requested without all other requirements having been met. END OF SECTION 02811 SECTION 02950 -LANDSCAPE PLANTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED 1.02 1.03 1.04 A. Soil Preparation. B. Planting C. Staking D. Clean up. E. Container Pot Planting. RELATED WORK A. Landscape Irrigation System. B. Plan Tree Planting and Maintenance. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality: 1. Submit documentation at least 60 days prior to planting that all plant materials are available. Materials are subject to inspection after confirmation of ordering. 2. Materials are subject to inspection at place of growth and upon delivery, for conformity to specifications. Inspection, approval and rejection can also take place at other times during progress of work. 3. Request in writing, inspection of plant materials at place of growth. Identify place of growth, and quantity of plants to be inspected. Inspection may be waived at Owner's option. 4. As described in the planting notes for tree tagging, the Landscape Architect may opt to either visit the tree nursery or review photographs submitted by the Contractor. In either case visit the nursery and select trees conforming to specifications prior to review by the Landscape Architect. Should trees not meet specifications at the time of review in person by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current billing rate. SUBMITTALS A. Prior to installation, submit for review and approval specifications and product information on items being used on project. Submit bound with list of items as cover sheet. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer to site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade mark, and conformance to State law. B. Provide copies of receipts for all amendments specified in these specifications or in the Soils Report. C. Deliver plants with legible identification labels. Label trees, evergreens, bundles of containers of like shrubs and groundcover plants. State correct plant name and size indicated on plant list. Use durable waterproof labels with water-resistant ink which will remain legible for at least 60 days. D. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves. E. Notify Owner 7 days in advance of delivery of plant materials and submit itemization of plants in each delivery. F. Store plants in shade and protect from weather. G. Maintain and protect plant material in a healthy, vigorous condition. H. Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storage of plant materials. Replace damaged materials. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Coordinate this work of this section with installation of underground irrigation system, utilities, piping and watering heads. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Owner reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications. Provide samples for testing upon request. Remove rejected materials from site immediately upon rejection at no additional cost. Testing costs will be paid for by Owner if materials prove to be in compliance with specifications. B. Pnor to amending soils, contract shall have soil tested for agricultural suitability as described in planting notes. C. Provide 1 cubic foot sample of medium grind topping mulch to Owner for review and approval. 1.08 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee materials against poor, inadequate, diseased and inferior materials and workmanship for one year after (90) day maintenance agreement expiration. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. The following organic, soil amendments and fertilizer are to be used for bid purposes only. Specific amendments and fertilizer will be selected and specified after rough grading operations are complete and Contractor has had soil samples tested. B. Provide standard, approved and first-grade quality materials, in prime condition when installed and accepted. Deliver commercially processed and packaged material in manufacturer's unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Supply a sample of all supplied materials accompanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory source illustrating compliance, or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. C. Organic Amendment: 1. Nitrogen Stabilized: 0.56% to 0.84% N based on dry weight for wood residual or rice hulls. 2. Particle Size: 95% to 100% passing 6.35 mm standard sieve; 80% to 100% passing 2.33 mm standard sieve. 3. Salinity: Ensure that saturation extract conductivity does not exceed 3.5 millimohs per centimeter at 25• C as determined by saturation extract method. 4. Iron Content Minimum 0.08% dilute acid soluble Fe on dry weight basis. 5. Ash: 0% to 6% (dry weight). D. Soil Amendment: 1. Soil Sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing minimum of 99% sulfur (expressed as elemental). 2. Iron Sulfate: 20% iron (expressed as metallic iron), derived from ferric and ferrous suWate, 10% sulfur (expressed as elemental). 4. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing 98% minimum calcium sulfate. E. Fertilizer: 1. Planting Fertilizer. pelleted or granular form consisting of the following percents by weight and mixed by commercial fertilizer supplier: 6-nitrogen, 20-phosphonc acid, 20-potash. 2. Gro-Power Planting Fertlllzer: Provide Gro-Power Plus (bacteria included) with soil penetrant, and consisting of the following percents by weight 5 nitrogen, 3- phosphoric acid, 1-potash, SO-humus, 15-humic acid. 3. Gro-Power Pot Fertilizer: Provide Gro-Power controlled release fertilizer and soil conditioner, or other approved, in the following percents by weight: 12-nitrogen, 8-phosphoric acid, 8-potash, 25-humus, 5-humic acid. 4. Planting Tablets: Provide slow-release type with potential acidity of not more than 5% by weight containing the following percents by weight of nutrients listed: 20- nitrogen, 10-phosphoric acid, 5-potash, 2.6-combined calcium, 1.6-combined sulfur, 0.35-iron (elemental) from ferrous sulfate. Provide in 21 gram tablets manufactured by Agriform, or other approved. 5. Hydroseeding Fertilizer: Provide ammonium phosphate which consists of the following percent by weight and mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier: 16- nitrogen, 20-phosphoric acid, 0-potash. 6. Gro-Power Hydroseeding Fertilizer: Provide Gro-Power Plus (bacteria included) with soil penetrant and consisting of the following percents by weight: 5-nitrogen, 3-phosphoric acid, 1-potash, SO-humus, 15-humic acid. 7. Sulfate of potash: 0-0-50. 8. Single super-phosphate: Commercial product containing 18 to 20 percent available Phosphoric Pentoxide, or other approved. 9. Urea formaldehyde: 38-0-0. F. Import or Amended Top Soil: Ensure silt plus clay content of top soil does not exceed 20% by weight, with a minimum 95% passing the 2. O mm sieve. Do not allow the sodium absorption ratio (SAR) to exceed6. The electrical conductivity (ECE) of the saturation extract cannot exceed 3.0 millimohs per centimeter at 25• C. Ensure boron content is less that 1 part per million as measured on the saturation extract. To ensure compliance with these requirements, submit samples of soil for analysis prior to, and following backfilling. G. Plant Materials: 1. Provide plant materials in accordance with State Department of Agriculture's regulation for nursery inspections, rules and ratings. Pro~1de pl~nts with a normal habit of growth, sound, healthy, vigorous and free from insect 1nfestat1ons, plant diseases, sunscalds, and other disfigurements. Ensure tree trunks are sturdy and have well hardened systems and vigorous and fibrous root system_s_ which are not root or pot-bound. In the event of disagreement as to con_dit1on of root system, the root conditions of the furnished plants m containers will be determined by removal of earth from the roots of not less than two plants, or more than 2% of the total number of plants of each species or variety. Where container grown plants are from several sources, roots of not less than two plants of each species or variety from each source will be inspected. In the event that the sample plants inspected are found to be defective, the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defective samples may be rejected. Plants rendered unsuitable for planting due to this inspection will be considered samples and will be provided at no cost to the Owner. 2. Size of plants will correspond with that normally expecte~ for species a_nd variety of commercially available nursery stock or as specified on drawings. The minimum acceptable size of plants measured before pruning with the bra~ches 1n normal position, must conform with the measurements specified 1n plant list. If approved by the Owner, larger sized plants may be used, but without additional cost. If larger plants are approved for use, the ball of earth or spread of roots for each plan will be increased proportionately. 3. Plants not meeting requirements of these specifications are considered to be defective whether in place or not. They must be immediately removed and replaced with new acceptable and approved plants of the required size, species and variety at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Pruning: Do not prune, trim, to or alter the shape of trees or plants except as approved. 5. Provide plant material true to botanical and common name an_d variety as specified in Annotated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plans m Calilom1a, Oregon and Washington, published by University of California School of Agriculture (latest edition). 6. Nursery Grown and Collected Stock: Grow under_ clknatic conditions similar to those in locality of project; container-grown stock 1n vigorous, healthy cond1t1on, not root-bound or with root system hardened off. Use only liner stock plant material which is well established in removable containers or formed homogeneous soil sections. 7. Select trees which are aesthetically desirable and are good examples of the species. Trees with gashes, misshapen trunks or branches, topped leaders, structural defects, badly crossed branches, or other visual defects will not be accepted. H. Hyrdo-Seeding Fiber Mulch: Provide Hydro-Mulch as manufactured by (Conwed), or other approved, composed of wood cellulose fiber and containing no germination or growth-inhibiting factors. Ensure a consistent texture which disperses evenly and remains suspended in agitated water. Provide with a temporary green dye and the following percentage property analyses: moisture content -9 ±0.8; 3 o.d. ba~is; organic matter -99.2 ± 0.8; ash content -0.8 ± 0.2; pH -4.8 ± 0.5; water holding capacity (grams of H20 per 100 grams offiber)-1150 minimum. I. Hydro-Seeding Additive (Binder): Provide Ecology Control-M-Binder organic seeding additive. J. Guying and Staking Materials: 1. Wood Tree Stakes: Lodge pole pine, full treated with Coppemaphthanate Wood Preservative in strict accordance with FS TT-W-572 Type I, Composition B, 2' (minimum nonrnal size) diameter by 10 fl long, for 24" box trees and 8' long for 15 gallon trees, and shall be driven into soil a minimum of 30" depth and a minimum distance of 12" from tree trunk. 2. Pipe Tree Stakes: Schedule 40 steel pipe, galvanized, 1-1/2" diameter with cap, primed and painted prior to installation with two cots flat black polyurethane paint. Touch-up in field to match shop coat. 3. Ties: Provide 36" corded rubber tie as manufactured by Gro-Strait Products, wire and hose tie by Nunes Turfgrass, or other approved. Provide rigid lie stock o. LPL, 24" as manufactured by VIT company or other approved. 4. Steel Guy Anchor: Provide 3/4" diameter by 36' steel vane as manufactured by Maxwell Steel Company, or other approved. 5. Guying Hardware: Wire-pliable 9 gage galvanized; hose 1/2" new rubber; turnbuckles -galvanized or dip painted, size as required; safety sleeve -1/2" white PVC full length of wire. K. Tree Paint: Provide Morrison Tree Seal, Cabot Tree Paint, or other approved. L. Water: Provide clean, potable water. IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La!!una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 M. Mulch: Provide medium grind bark such as supplied by Michael Rawls Co. (714) 633-3666, consisting of fibrous, woody bark mixture of varied particle size such that 90% to 100% passes 1" sieve, 80% to 100% passes 1/2" sieve, and 20% to 60% passes 1/4" sieve, or approved equal. N. Wood Headerboards: 1. Provide 2"x 4 • pressure treated Douglas fir or redwood construction grade headerboards. Make splices with 1" x 4" pieces no less than 12" long. Place 1" x 3" x 16" stakes at inteNals of not more than 5 ft Cut stakes level and set below top headerboards. 2. On sharp tums and curves, four 1/2" x 4" laminated boards or two 1" x 4" laminated boards may be permitted. 3. Nail stakes and splices with galvanized common nails. Nall as required for solid installation. 4. Provide headerboards as shown on drawings, laid true to line and grade, protect in-place adjacent improvements, shrubbery and other properties. Place stakes on ground cover sod of headerboards. 0. Sand: Provide washed silica sand. P. Root Barrier: UB24-2 by Deep Root Corp., (714) 898-0563. Install with gravel backfill option per manufacturers specifications. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Obtain certification that final grades to 1 /1 O fl have been established prior to commencing landscaping operations. Provide for inclusion of all amendments, settling, etc. Be responsible for shaping all planting areas as indicated on drawings or as required. B. Inspect trees, shrubs and liner stock plant material for injury, insect infestation and trees and shrubs for improper pruning. C. Do not begin planting of trees until deficiencies are corrected or plants replaced. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Soil Preparation 1. After proper finished grades have been verified or established, condttion and fertilize soil in accordance with recommendations of soil testing laboratory and as approved b:,Cl1'/1'1',Al<LTuA k>llowing is for bid purposes only, Uniformly spread and cultivate amendmemif'IH$roughly by means of mechanical tiller into top 6" of soil. Application rates per 1,000 sq fl: Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment -2 cubic yards Gro-Power Plus Agricultural Gypsum Soil sulfur 200 pounds 100 pounds 20 pounds 2. At time of planting, ensure that top 2" of all areas to be planted or seeded are free of stones, stumps and other deleterious matter 1 • in diameter of larger and free of stones, stumps, and other deleterious matter 1 • in diameter or larger, and free from wire, plaster, concrete, wood, and similar materials which would cause hindrance to planting or maintenance. B. Final Grades: Make minor modifications to grade as may be necessary to establish required final grade. Ensure that finish grade provides proper drainage of the site and surface drainage is away from building. Final grades are to be 1 • below adjacent paved areas, sidewalks, valve boxes, headers, clean-outs, drains, manholes, etc., or as shown on drawings or required by Owner. Eliminate erosion scars prior to commencing maintenance period. 3.03 PLANTING INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Perform actual planting only during those periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable and in accordance with locally accepted practice, as approved. 2. Distribute in planting areas only as many plants as can be planted and watered that same day. 3. Ensure that containers which are opened and plants removed are handled with care such that ball of earth surrounding roots is not broken and that plants are planted and watered immediately. Do not open containers prior to placing plants in planting areas. 4. The irrigation system shall be operational and approved prior to planting. B. Pr&-Plant Weed Control: 1. Use a non-selective systemic contact herbicide as recommended and applied by an approved licensed landscape pest control advisor and applicator. Leave sprayed plants intact for at least 15 days. 2. Clear and remove these existing weeds by mowing or grubbing off all plant parts at least 1/4" below surface of soil over entire areas to be planted. 3. After irrigation system is operational, apply water for 5 to 10 days as needed to achieve weed germination. Apply contact herbicides and wait as needed before planting. Repeat as required. UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUil T" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. /1\ DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DATE WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL P.E. EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I 5 17T I CITY OF CARLSBAD I 51~9Ts I PLANNING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS ~PFrTFT1 Af TnN~ DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: C.U.P. 97-04 .362-.3l CMWD 88 C.266 -.s, w ~ ,., • (.,I ,- o-...., ...l 4. Maintain weed free srte until acceptance by Owner. C. Layout: Mark locations for plants and outlines of areas to be planted before any plant pits are dug. Gain Owner approval. If underground construction or utility lines are encountered in the excavation of plarrting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by Owner. Accomplish layout with flagged grade stakes indicating plant names and specified container size on each stake. Confirm location and depth of underground utilities and obstructions. D. Planting of Trees and Shrubs: 1. Strip and stack approved excavation for planting which is encountered within areas for trenches, tree holes, plant prts and plarrting beds. 2. Remove from site excess soil generated from planting holes and not used for backfiUing. 3. Protect areas from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other materials to plarrting areas. 4. Provide excavated holes with vertical sides with roughened surfaces and of a size twice the diameter and 1-1 /2 limes the depth of the root ball for all trees and shrubs. 5. Cut cans on two sides with acceptable can cutter only. Do not injure root ball. Superficially loosen edge roots on three sides after removing from can. 6. Remove bottom of plant boxes before planting. Remove sides without damage to root ball after positioning plant and partially backfilling. 7. Center plant in pit or trench. 8. Face plants with fullest growth into prevailing wind. 9. Set plant plumb and hold rigidly in position until soil has been firmed around ball or roots. 10. Backfill container plants with: f''k'.i</"ILL f't:-~ 6:-1 L.'::, T~-:i1. 6 parts by volume on-site soil 4 parts by volume organic amendment 1 pound 6-20-20 fertilizer mix/cu. yd. of mix 2 pounds iron sulfate per cu. yd. of mix Note: The above is for bid purposes only. Specific backfill recommendations are made as a result of the soils testing described on the planting plan. 11. Raise all plants which settle deeper than the surrounding grade. After plant has been placed, add sufficient backfill to hole to cover approximately 1/2 of root ball. Add water to the top and thoroughly saturate root ball and adjacent soil. 12. After water has completely drained, place planting tablets: 1 tablet per 1-gallon container 2 tablets per 5--gallon container 3 tablets per 15--gallon container 4 tablets per 24" box 5 tablets per 30" box 6 tablets per 36" box 7 tablets per 42" box 8 tablets per 48" and larger boxes 1-';, bfl-AM W·J..0::1' Pe.I<.. EA Fl.AT "".:JI~ GR L.l~!:.-12 Pi-Ai--lT, Set planting tablets with each plant on top of root ball while plarrts are still in their corrtainers so the required number of tablets can be verified. 13. Backfill remainder of hole and tamp firm. Construct an earthen basin around each plant after backfilling. Provide basin of depth sufficient to hold at least 2' of water. Construct basins with amended backfill. Remove basin in all turf areas after inltial watering. 14. Limit pruning to minimum necessary. Remove Injured twigs and branches. Pruning may not be done prior to delivery of plants. Paint cuts over 3/4" in diameter with tree paint. 15. Stake trees immediately after planting. Install stakes plumb. 16. Do not bring iron sulfate into corrtact with concrete surfaces due to potential staining. Contractor is responsible for cleaning or replacing stained surfaces. E. Planting Groundcover: 1. Ensure that groundcover remains in the flats urrtil transplanting. Flats' soil must contain sufficient moisture so it will not fall apart when lifting plants. 2. Plant groundcovers in straight rows evenly spaced unless shown otherwise, and at intervals required by drawings. Use triangular spacing unless otherwise noted on drawings. 3. Plant each rooted plant with its proportionate amount of flat soil. Immediately sprinkle after planting urrtil entire area is soaked to full depth of each hole. Protect plants from damage and trampling. F. Hydro-Seeding: 1. Install large trees and shrubs (5 gallon containers and larger) if they occur in hydro-seeded area. 2. Install trees and shrubs (1 gallon) and groundcover from Hats if they occur within hydro-seeded areas. 3. Provide mixes specified on drawings. 4. Apply hydro-seed by approved hydro-mulch company. 5. Apply in a form of a slurry consisting of cellulose fiber, seed, chemical additives, commercial fertilizer and water. When hydraulically sprayed on soil, ensure that hydro-mulch forms a blotter-like groundcover impregnated uniformly with seed and fertilizer and allows the absorption of moisture and rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. 6. Prepare the slurry at the project site by first adding water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When water level has reached height of agitator shaft, provide full circulation, then add seed, followed by fertilizer, then mulch. Only add the mulch to the mixture after the seed and the tank is at least 1 /3 filled with water. By the time the tank is 2/3 to 314 full, all mulch should be in. Commence spraying immediately when the tank is full. 7. Spray with a uniform visible coat by using the green color of the mulch as a guide. Apply the slurry in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers to build on each other until a good coat is achieved and the material is spread at required rates. 8. Remove slurry not used within two hours from the site. 9. Fill out daily worksheets by the nozzleman, with the following information: Seed type and amount, fertilizer analysis and amount, mulch type and amount, seedling additive type and amount, number of loads and amount of water, area covered, and equipment used, capacity and license number. 10. Do not allow any slurry to be sprayed into any reservoir basin or drainage ditches and channels which may impede free flow of .rain or irrigation water. Clean up spilled slurry. C; \OWG12\CLSB-IP.DWG 12/12/94 11. After application of hydro-mulch, wash excess material from previously planted materials and architectural features. Avoid washing or eroding mulch materials. 12. Ensure that application equipmerrt has built-in agitation system and operating capacity sufficient lo agttate, suspend and mix a slurry contains not less than 40 pounds of fiber mulch plus a combined total of 7 pounds fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons of water. 13. Slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide a continuous non-fluctuating discharge. Capacity requirement is 1,500 gals, mounted on a travellling unit, either self propelled or drawing by a separate unit which will place slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to areas to be seeded. 14. Hydraulic equipment used for pesticide applications shall consist of a clean 150 gal capacity fiberglass tank with complete mechanical agitation. Pump volume shall be 10 gals per minute while operating at pressure of 100 lbs per sq in. Distribution lines shall be large enough to carry the volume of water necessary for even chemical distribution. Spray nozzle must cover a 15 ft swath, with a minimum output of 5 gals per minute at 80 lbs per sq in. G. Container Pot Planting: 1. If no specified, submit annual color choices to Owner for approval. 2. Place plants and liners as required. 3. Backfill pol to within 1 • of rim with a thoroughly mixed blend of: 4 cy washed plaster sand, 3 cy peat moss, 3 cy fiNe nitrolized fir bark, 4 lbs Calcium Carbonate lime, 4 lbs Dolomite lime, 20 lbs 6-20-20 fertilizer, 1 lb Iron sulfate. (Amounts are for 10 cy). H. Mulch Cover: Dress all groundcover, perennial and annual beds with 1 • layer of mulch, except 2: 1 slopes and turf areas. 3.04 CLEAN-UP A. After all planting operations are complete, remove all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers, and rubbish from the property. Repair scars, ruts and other marks in the ground and leave ground in a neat and orderly condition. 3.05 OBSERVATIION SCHEDULE ,t1.,11Y IW'Yi,,::. -rc12- A. Notify Owner~ in advance for the following inspections, according to the lime specified: 1. Pre-Job conference -7 days. 2. Final grade review -48 hours. 3. Plant material review -48 hours. 4. Plant layout review -48 hours. 5. Soil preparation and planting operations; one tree with each type of specified staking -48 hours. 6. Pre-maintenance -7 days. 7. Final inspection -7 days. B. If Owner authorizes a party other than the Landscape Architect to make scheduled inspections, present Landscape Archttect with evidence of such inspections. C. No site visits shall commence without all Items noted in previous observation reports either completed or remedied unless such compliance has been waived by the Owner. Failure to accomplish punchlist tasks or prepare adequately for desired inspections shall make the Contract responsible for reimbursing the Owner at Consulta,nts current billing rate per hour (plus transportation costs). No further inspections shall be scheduled until this charge has been paid and received by the Owner. END OF SECTION 02950 SECTION 02955 -PALM TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Palm trees. B. Pruning. C. Replanting. D. Maintenance. 1.02 RELATEDWORK 1.03 1.04 A. Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation. B. Section 02514 -Portland Cement Concrete Paving. C. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality Control: 1. Submit documentation to Landscape Architect at least 60 days prior to planting that all plant materials are available. Contractor is responsible for all palm tree materials listed on plant 11st. Substitutions due to unavailability must be requested in writing prior to confirmation of ordering. All materials are subject to inspection by Landscape Architect at any time after confirmation of ordering. 2. Plants are subject to observation and approval of Landscape Architect at place of growth. GUARANTEE A. Newly ~lanted palm t~s shall be guaranteed against any and all poor, inadequate, or 1nfenor plant matenals, and workmanship for two years following planting and acceptance by Owner. B. During the guarantee period, any material found dead or not in a satsfactory growth cond1t1on shall be removed from the site. C. These trees and disturbed improvements shall be replaced at no added expense to the Owner, with the same variety and size as originally designated. Palms and all disturbed areas shall be guaranteed for two years from time of planting and re- planting to the satisfaction of the Owner. 1.05 1.06 1.07 OBSERVATIONS AND PERMITS A. Observation 1. Notify Owner's representative minimum of 72 hours in advance of observations to schedule required inspections. 2. All palms are to be inspected by a palm expert for disease prior to their preparation for removal from gorwing site. Contact, schedule and pay for this inspection at no extra cost to the Owner. The Inspection will take place from ground level with field glasses. If disease is suspected, provid e man lift for closer inspection at no extra cost to the owner. 3. The palm expert shall be Dr. Howard Ohr (714/781-6775) unless otherwise approved in advance by Owner's authorized represerrtative. 4. All palms will be observed by the Landscape Architect for height, girth, and overall form in meeting design intent. Said observation and approval does not constitute a review of the palm's health, vigor, and required health-free state, for which the Contractor is solely repsonsible. 5. The Landscape Architect may opt to either visit the tree nursery or review photographs submitted by the Contractor. In either case, visit the nursery and select trees conforming to specification prior to review by the Landscape Architect. Should tree not meet specification at the time of review in person by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's billing rate. 6. Observations are as follows: Contact: Observation Palm True Expert Owner's Representative Observation of trees at source Observation of deferonding, skinning and tying prfor to removing trees Observation of planting locations on site prior to digging pits Observation of palm on site prior to planting for verification of conformance to plans and specifications Observation of equipment and typical planting operations (1st planted palm) Pre-maintenance observation Observation at end of maintenance period B. Permits X X 1. Provide all necessary permits at no additional costs to Owner. PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS X X X X X X A. Exercise extreme care in excavating, planting or working near existing utilities or irrigation systems. B. Be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by work operations or neglect. C. Check utility drawings and as-built plans for utility and irrigation locations. D. Replace all plant materials disturbed by excavation or planting. Plant:pit area where palm tree will be replaced will not require replanting. After tree 1s m place, blend planting of groundcover or turf with existing. JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Do not plant palm between October 31 and April 1, unless the_ approved palm expe_rt provides written recommendation to do so, and unless this recommendation 1s approved in advance by the owner. 1.08 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any reasonable time. B. Provide samples upon request by Landscape Architect. c. Rejected materials shall be Immediately removed from the site at Contractor's expense. D. Cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications shall be paid by Contractor. 1.09 PALM TAGS A. Palm tags shall be as approved by Landscape Architect. Affix tag to each palm. B. Contractor shall tag and record the following data for each palm. 1. Palm number. 2. Source (street address if necessary). 3. Photograph (Polaroid acceptable). 4. Brown trunk height (Base of tree at existing finish grade to base of pineapple or sheath). 5. Trunk diameter at 12" above existing grade. 6. Trunk diameter at proposed final grade. 7. Trunk diameter at 48" above proposed final grade. 8. Palm Expert's Wlitten and signed inspection as to palm tree's health and disease- free condition. 9. Lineal inches of trunk intended to be burled at project installation. C. Prior to transportation, submit to Landscape Architect documentation and required permits regarding palm procurement, removal, and transport. Contractor 1s responsible for any associated cost including costs of permits and replacement or repair of materials damaged tram palm tree removal. D. Schedule delivery dates with owner and Landscape Architect. B. Trunk condition shall be free of any scarring or blemishes. Contractor to clean trunk and form pineapple per specifications. C. Brown trunk height shall be per Drawings. D. Trunk diameter per heights stipulated in the drawings shall not vary more than 25%. 2.02 PALM BACKFILL SOIL A. Backfill mix shall consist of either fine sand or loam sand-textured soil, and silt plus clay content of this soil shall not exceed 20% by weight with a minimum 95% passing the 2.0 millimieter sieve. The sodium absorption ration (SAR) shall not exceed 6 and the electrical conductivity (EGE) of the saturation extract of this soil shall not exceed 3.0 millimohs per centimeter at 25° C. The boron content of this soil shall be no greater than 1 pm as measured on the saturation extract. In order to insure conformance, submit samples of the import soil to the soils laboratory for analysis prior to backfilling and submit report to Owner's representative. 2.03 FERTILIZER A. Root Growth Stimulant: Stimulant shall be Vrtamin B-1 as manufactured by Cal- Liquid, Cooke, Chican, Ortho, or other approved. B. Fertilizer will not be used at time of planting. After four months, use a light application of 20:10:5 approximately 1/2 lb nitrogen per tree lightly cultivated in the soil. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PALM TREE SOURCE AND PREPARATION FOR PLANTING A Obtain source of palms for inspection and approval by Palm Tree Expert and Landscape Architect. B. Submit documentation and permits (if required) that the source of palm tree is approved. Obtain palms from an approved source and replace or repair damage from palm tree removal. C. Palms collected for planting shall be grown under climatic conditions similar to those in locality of project. D. Palms shall be inspected by the Palm Tree Expert to include health, defronding, tying and palm removal. Any palms rendered unsuitable for planting because of this inspection shall not be used. Reinspection of sultable palms will be at the Contractor's expense. E. All palms must be tagged, inspected and approved by the Palm Tree Expert and by Landscape Architect for planting prior to shipment and installation. F. Defronding and Tying: 1. In preparing palm trees for relocation, all dead fronds shall be removed and the entire trunk skinned clean to the height of green fronds. Care shall be taken to prevent injury to the trunk of the tree. Green fronds below a horizontal position shall be neatly cut off leaving a 4" stub. 2. All remaining fronds above horizontal shall be lifted up and tied together around the crown in an upright position. Due caution shall be taken not to bind or injure the crown. A lightweight rope or cord not less than 1/4" in diameter shall be used in tying up the fronds; wire will not be permitted. After tying, the lips of the fronds shall be hedged off above the crown approximately 113 to 1/2 of the frond length. Defronding and tying work shall be complelted prio to digging the rootball. Submtt documentation that palms have been revised by a licensed horticulturist and that they are disease free. G. Digging the Rootball: 1. When digging out the rootball, no excavation shall be done closer than 24" to the trunk at ground level and the excavation shall extend below the major root system to a minimum depth of 6 ft. The bottom of the rootball shall be cut off square and perpendicular to the trunk below the major root system. Under no conditions shall the contractor cut dow the size of the rootball in width or depth. 2. The Contractor shall not freefall, drag, roll, or abuse the tree or put a strain on the crown at any time. A protective device shall be used around the trunk of the tree while lifting and relocating so as not to scar or skin the trunk in any way. This device shall consist of either a rubber or leather sling made out of timbers sufficiently sized to withstand cable/choker pressure. At no time will trees be balled out and laid on the ground with rootball left exposed to direct sunlight and air. The rootball shall be kept moist and shaded at all times. 3. Palm shall not be stockpiled for replanting. 3.02 PLANTING OF PALMS A. Excavation for planting shall include the stripping and stocking of all acceptable topsoil encourrtered within the areas to be excavated for the tree holes. B. Excess soil generated firom the planting holes and not used as backfill or in establishing the final grades shall be removed from the site. C. Protect all areas from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other material to the planting site. D. Center palm in pit or trench; align with existing palms. E. Set palm plumb and hold rigidly in position until soil has been firmed around ball or roots. IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La11una Beach, California 92651 ph\714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 F. All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of a size that Is twice the diameter and 24" minimum to 4 fl maximum deeper in the ground than the palms originally stood. G. Root-growth stimulant shall be applied when the backfilling is between 1/2 to 2/3 up the rootball. Application rate shall be one quart for trees less than 30 ft in height, two quarts for trees 30 ft and larger in height. Stimulant shall be poured fuH strength equally distributed around the rootball, and watered in thoroughly. 3.03 IRROMETER INSTALLATION A. Locate two specified irrometers per palm in locations approved by Landscape Architect B. Schedule 48 hours in advance with the Landscape Architect and the irrometer company, an installation meeting to review and to assist in the irrometer installation of each zone to be installed. C. lrrometer instruments shall be installed as approved by the manufacturer's representative. 1. Remove turf by using the enclosure as a pattern. Examine root system of the removed sod to determine most desirable depths. 2. Prepare holes for irrometers by driving a 718" outside diameter rod (112" galvanized pipe) into the ground so that the tip, when inserted, will be located at the desired depth. Do not drive installing tool beyond the length of the irrometer to be installed. D. Record lrrometer readings on lrrometer Co. charts. Information is to include date, irrometer number, location, and plot reading irrometer. E. After the maintenance period, all records shall be bound in a three ring notebook with manufacturer's equipment and maintenance catalogues enclosed. The notebook shall be turned over to the Landscape Architect. 3.04 CLEANUP A. Following planting work, aH remaining excavation shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with the requirements of the Landscape Architect. Burying of debris in holes will not be permitted. All excess soil and debris from the relocation work shall be disposed of off the s~e by the Contractor. This site shall be left neat and clean to the satisfaction of the Owner. 3.05 MAINTENANCE A. Be responsible for maintenance and guarantee of all installed new palms and existing palms to the satisfaction of the Owner. 1. Maintenance will include spraying to control or prevent disease and weekly water management to include soil probing and observation of soil moisture sensing devices and palm tree pruning. 2. Pruning shall be done with reciprocal saws (chain saws will not be allowed). 3. Saw blades will be sterilized between each tree with 50% household bleach and 50% water for five minutes. 4. Pruning will be done to maintain a neat appearance as approved by the Landscape Architect. 5. Proposed pruning schedule is to be submitted to the Landscape Architect for approval. B. The spring after planting, loosen but do not fully remove rope around fronds. Fully remove rope at end of summer, one year after planting or leave rope to naturally disintegrate. Obtain and submit to Owner, written documentation from Palm Tree Expert as to which approach to take. END OF SECTION 02955 SECTION 02970 -LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. 90-day maintenance. B. Weeding. C. Fertilization. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED IN OTHER SECTIONS A. Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation. B. Section 02955 -Palm Tree Planting and Mairrtenance. C. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting. D. Section 02514 -Portland Cement Concrete Paving. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide services by an experienced landscaping maintenance company. UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUil T" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WlLLIAM E. PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE P.E. ____ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE l------,f----+------------1-: ---+---l-----l--~ I s1HaEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I s1HE9ETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~==='-'=============:::::'...::::::::::::::::::::: IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE LA COSTA 1 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS --<":-~ "p Fr T -=-Tr AT T n N ~ C :_,;,~-t-,---t---t-------------t-----+----t-----t---1 i=;~~=:cc=~='-:-c~s==~:1::::':::::~::,1:1=:~=====i PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 PALM TREE DESIGN STANDARDS · B' (1"'ffl APPROVED ,,,::(~{) b-f--ft: t-----j---t--;,,------------------+--+---1----1----I -~5TALlt l)1B,lt,\IN61 LJE::t:G--1:--":R.. DATE A. All palm trees are to be of uniform quality and appearance, matching representative sample approved by Landscape Architect. DATE INlllAL ENGINEER OF WORK /1\ DATE INlllAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~~ ~~;---C.U.P. 97-04 362-3l DATE INlllAL CITY APPROVAL CMWD 88-C.266 co ~ '-'° N N 0 c-m 1.04 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. Continuously maintain all site areas involved in this contract during the progress of work and during the maintenance period until final acceptance of the work by Owner. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of the project at the termination of the scheduled maintenance period may cause postponement of the final completion date of the Contract at no additional cost to Owner. Continue maintenance until acceptable to the Owner. B. Provide sufficient numbers of workers and adequate equipment to perform work during maintenance period. C. Maintenance period does not start until al'I elements of construction, planting, and irrigation for the complete project are in accordance with the contract documents for this project. D. Request an inspection to begin maintenance period after all planting and related work has been completed in accordance with contract documents. Maintenance period commences as described in written notification by the Owner. E. Prior to commencement of maintenance period, ensure that all ground covers and lawn areas have been planted and that all lawn areas show an even, healthy stand of grass seedlings or sod, grass having been mown twice. F. Any day or days that there is failure to property maintain plantings, replace suitable plants, perform weed control or maintain hardscape areas will not be credited as part of the 90 days maintenance. The project will not be segmented into maintenance phases. G. Keep paved areas free of silt dirt, leaves and other planting area debris. Maintain these areas at least broom clean through the duration of the maintenance period, cleaning no less often than once per week. 1.05 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT A. Guarantee: Guarantee plant material against any and all poor, inadequate or inferior materials and workmanship for one year. Replace plants found to be dead or in poor condition due to faulty materials or workmanship, at no extra cost to Owner. B. Replacement: Replace materials found to be dead, missing or in poor condition during the maintenance period immediately. The Owner is the sole judge of the acceptability of condition. Make replacements of materials within 15 days after condition develops or written notification from Owner has been sent. Owner has the right to make emergency repairs without releasing Contractor's guarantee and warranty to Owner. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. Request normal progress inspection at least 72 hours in advance of an anticipated inspection. Inspections are as follows: 1. Immediately prior to commencement of this maintenance work. 2. Completion of first 90 day maintenance period. 3. Final acceptance. 1.07 PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to date of final inspection, acquire approved reproducible prints and finally record from the job record set, all changes made during construction and deliver them to Owner. B. Deliver guarantees to Owner. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ensure that all materials conform to other sections of these specifications for planting and irrigation, and as acceptable to Owner. B. Provide monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disease control chemicals used on site. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANCE A. Weed and cultivate all areas at intervals of not more than 1 O days. B. Perform watering, mowing, rolling, edging, trimming, fertilization, spraying, pest control, and cleaning as may be required. C. street gutters and curbs are to be included. D. Maintain adequate protection for people and property, and be financially responsible for damages and injuries. Notify Owner immediately should damage occur as a result of maintenance operations and provide repair or remuneration as required by Owner. E. Between the 15th and 20th calendar day of the maintenance period, reseed or resod all spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth is not evident. 3.02 TREE AND SHRUB CARE A. Watering: Maintain a large enough water basin around plants so that enough water can be applied to establish moisture through the major root zone. When hand watering, use a water wand to break force of water. B. Pruning: 1. Prior to any pruning, obtain written approval from the Owner to proceed. 2. Trees: a. Propose tree pruning to the Owner should there be health or structural reasons for doing so, including the need to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, eliminate structurally unsound growth, reduce potential for wind toppling or wind damage, or maintain growth within limited space. b. If requested by the Owner, provide pruning for aesthetic enhancement according to "pruning• by Sunset Books. c. Major pruning of deciduous trees shall be during their dormant season. 3. Shrubs: a. The objectives of shrub pruning are the same as for trees. Do not clip shrubs into balled or boxed forms unless such is required by the design. b. Make pruning cuts to lateral branches or buds or flush with trunk. Stubbing will not be permitted. C. Staking and guying: Ensure that stakes and guys remain in place through acceptance and monitor to prevent girdling of trunks or branches and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. All nursery stakes shall be removed. C: \0WG12\CLSB~IP.DWG 12/12/94 D. Weed control: Keep all areas free of weeds. Use recommended legally approved herbicides. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots. Use mulchers per specifications to help prevent weed seed germination. E. Insect and disease control: Maintain a reasonable control with approved materials. F. Fertilize as specified by the agronomic soils testing recommendations and as follows for bid purposes: 1. Commencement of maintenance period -6 lbs per 1,000 sq ft with top dress fertilizer. 2. Al end of first 30 days of maintenance period -6 lbs per 1,000 sq ft with top dress fertilizer. 3. At end of maintenance period and at 30 day intervals should maintenance period be extended for any reason -6 lbs per 1,000 sq ft with fertilizer mix. 4. Avoid applying fertilizer to the root ball and base of main stem; rather, spread evenly under plant to drip line. Rates will vary from about a cup of nitrate fertilizer (depending upon nitrogen percentage) around a newly installed small plant to about 1/2 lb of actual nitrogen per inch of truck diameter measured 4 ft from the ground for mature trees. G. Replacement of plants: Replace dead, dying and missing plants with plants of a size, conditi,on and variety acceptable to Owner at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.03 GROUND COVER CARE A. Weed control: Control weeds, preferably with pre-emergent herbicides, but also by hand or with selective systemic herbicides. Hoe weeds as little as possible since this may result in plant damage. B. Watering: Water enough that moisture penetrates throughout root zone and only as frequently as is necessary to maintain healthy growth. C. Trash: Remove as it accumulates, but no less often than weekly. D. Edging and trimming: Edge ground cover to keep in bounds. E. Replace dead and missing plants at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.04 LAWN AND TURF CARE A. Turf must be well-established prior to final acceptance. B. Watering: Water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions required to replenish soil moisture below root zone. C. Weed control: If needed, control broad leaf weeds with selective herbicides. D. Mowing: 1. Perform mowing at such limes of the day or week as may be requested by the Owner so as not to impede the Owner's operations. Mowing times may be at times other than normal working hours or days. Perform work at Owner's co,nvenience at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Clean up grass clippings during and after mowing, and remove legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment in lieu of sweeping or vacuuming is not acceptable. E. Renovating: 1. If required, remove thatch by verticutting, preferably in the fall of the year, but otherwise in the spring. At this time. fertilize with nitrate and over-seed if needed. Over-seeding must precede pre-emergent herbicides by· at least 4 to 6 weeks. Normally, this means that lawns which have been invaded by crabgrass would be renovated and over-seeded in the fall and treated for crabgrass control in the following late winter. 2. Clean up grass clippings during and after mowing, and removal legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment in lieu of sweeping or vacuuming is not acceptable. IVY-LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS-INC. 775 B Laguna Canyon Rd. La11una Beach, California 92651 ph(714)376-3683 fx(714)376-3693 UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVAL(S) APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILUAM E. PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 DATE "AS BUILT" P.E. __ _ EXP. ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1---l----t------------i-----t--t----t-----J I S1HE9ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I S1HE9ETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT ;::::::::===:'....::::========:::::::....:::===; IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: SUNRISE LA COSTA STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS ,;::: p Fr T FT r AT I 17 N,;::: APPROVED~ ft II~ ~-f,-7£· ((" 0~ 1---t---t-,.----------------i---i---;----t-----i .£°"::'".61"AN'T' Tl,Al<l~/IJ';:i -~_,,:£t;.;l' p:-;_ DATE , __ . II, :f/.f4,:;, . , ll' DWN BY: '0 PRDJEC, NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INlllAL DATE INITIAL DATE INlllAL CRHVWKDD BBYY:, ---C. u. p. 9 7-04 36 2-3l ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL co m '--.::::_ m N N 0 r--cr,