HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 362-5M; SDP 97-14; OCEAN TERRACE CORP CTR CARLSBAD RANCH LOT 10 CRTYD; 01-14-----------------------------------·----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------., (FUTURE) 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.' 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19."' 20. 21. 24. 25. 26. 27. GENEF1AL NOTES FlECYr~1 F=r"'l WATFR NOTES ALL WORK SHAI I_ R1 '!ONE IN .-.CCORDANCE WITH THE (;Ai<LSlolAD MUNICIPAL WATEP Dl":O.RlCi•S "CA !LSI AD RECLAIMATION RULES & REGULATll'NS FOR CONS IRUCTIOt-OF RECYCLED WA. 'ER IAINS" DATED 0CT00f" .• J!l:l. DRINKING WAT :RF IUNTAINS AND DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EATING AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED AflAIN-T CONTACT 'MTH RECYCLED WATER SPRAY, MIST, OR RUNOFF. BEST MANAGE·~EN' PRACTICES SHALL BF USED TO ELIMINATE OR CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSl8LE I ONDING, RUN-OFF, OVERSPRAY AND MISTING. HOSE BIBS AR•~ sn :cTL y -'ROHIBITEO. ON-SITE CROfiS-CC INECTIONS BETWEEN RECY'Cl'.ED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES ARE ST {ICTI ' PROHIBITEO. NO SUBSTfTU noN · JF PIPE MATERIALS W~.l BE "'~.OWED WIT'40UT PRIOR APPROVAL 0" TH" CARLSBAD M1 IN/Clf \!. WATER DISTRICT. ALL ON SITE I 1IPES: ,HALL HAVE WARNING TAPE Pf!R CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISffilCT RULES ANO FEGUL' TIONS. THE IRRIGATON SY.lTEM SHALL RUN BETWEEN THE '!OURS OF 1(,:00 PM AND 8:00AM THE FOLLOWING IAORNIIJG (SPOT IRRIGATION COULD HE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIME WITH QUALIFIED S JPERVSION PERSONNEL ON SITE). PROVIDE A~IINIMUlt OF AT LEAST 18 INCHES OF COVEROI/ER ALL WIRING ANO PIPING. NON-DES/GtiATED I f'E AREAS SHALL BE PROTEC fED FROM CONTil.CT WITH RECYCLE;) WATER, WH1;:THER 'lY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR 13'' DIRECT APPL/CAT/oN THROUGH IRRIGATION OR OTHER l•SE. LI ;K OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE' DR SYSTEM OP cRATIOtl, IS STRICTLY PRC 1IBITED. IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE RELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVER-SPRAY1NG ON SIDlWA•J<S, ST/ iEETS AND NON-DESIGNI\Tf') USE AREAS. RECYCLED WI\TER-?UICK COUPLING VALVES SH;,LL BE OF A TYPE DESIGNED FOR THE USE: ON RE•ci'CV'fl WATt;:" nl<;1RJBlJ7 ION SYSTEMS (SPIKES NOT INTERCHANGEABLE WITH POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKES PER CAkLSfiAD MUNICIPAL W~.TEP. DISTRICTS RULES •,NO REGULATIONS. METERS SHALL BE l'IZED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL IRRIGATION PIPES SH/ILL BE STENCILED WITH THE WARNING, "NON-POTABLE OR RECYCLED WATER·, COLOR-CODED (PURPLE) AND LAID WITI4 WARNING TAPE AND STENCILIN 3 ORIEfln cD TOWARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ALL POTAE'._E WATER AND RECYCLF'D WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE STENCILING ORlENTt:D TOWARD THE TOP OF THE lRENCH. WHEN POTABLE WATER LINE AND RECYCLED WATER LINE CROSS, THE RECYCLED LINE SHALL BE 11\STALLED WITHIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET FROM EACH SIDE, Fl?OM THE CENTERLINE OF POTABLE LINE, FORA TOTAL OF 20 FEET. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPERATION BETWEEN POTABLE WATER AND RECYCLED WATEH MAINS MUST BE Wt/NTAINED AT ALL TIMES. THE POTABLE LINES MUST BE INSTALLED ABOVE iliE RECYCLED LINE. A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPERATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT /\LL TIMES. THE REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION SHUTOO\'/N TEST SHALL BE DONE BY THE C~RLSBAD MUNICIPAL. WATER DISTRICT AND THE SAN DfEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH. QUICK COUPLING VI\L VES USED IN RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING. A RECYCLED WATER -QUICK COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE ACME TYPE THREADS AND PURPLE COLORED LOCKING COVERS PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE VALVE. QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE NELSON NO. 7645, HUNTffl NO. HV100A-RL-NP OR APPROVED EQUAL. (SPIKES SHALL NOT BE INTERCHANGEABLE WITH POTABLE WATER · QUICK COUPLER SPIKES) THE REQUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE !!Y EITI-1ER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISffilCT AND/OR THE SAN DfEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRCNMENTAL HEALTH. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY. DEVELOPER SHALL SHOW THE LOCATION OF R.C. SIGNS '00 NOT DRINK" ON Tf4ESE PLANS. AN ON-SITE USER/ SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN WRITING, THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITHIN THE PROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW I CROSS CONNECTION PROTECTION, AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE DESIGNATION, WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT: MAINTENANCE SUPERVISIOR HOLLY CLOUD AT (1158) &42-0904 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT HOi.+YCLOUD AT (858) 1142--0904 SHOW ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. • ITEMS 8, 19 ~ 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF RECYCLED WAlER. • ITEM 22 THE SIGNAGE SHALL BE A PART OF THIS 1.P. BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS AND TAGS WILL BE INSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO ACTUAL USE OF RECYCLED W,t,TER. ON RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPURTENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE 130XES, ETC.) SHALL BE COLOR-COOi'D PURPLE PER AWWA GUIDELINES AND SECTION 1161115 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEAL TH AND SAFETY CODE. THERE SHALL BE A PHYSICAl SEPARATION BETWEEN ADJACENT AREAS IRRIGATED WITH RECYCLED WATER AND POTABLE WATER. SEPARATION SHAL.L BE PROVIDED BY CONCRETE SffilPS, CHAIN LINK FENCES, OR 0Tf4ER MEANS AS APPROVED BY THE WATER DISTRICT AND D.E.H. CALL OUT ON THE PLANS IF THERE ARE OR ARE NOT DRINKING FOUTAINS AND/OR DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EATING AREAS ON THIS SITE. ··-~ -~. ----. . . . --.. . . -·· ·-~--, RECLAIMEL) WATER s·vsTEM. (PRIVATE) SHEET INDEX OCEAN. TERRACE -CORPORATE CENTER CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 -COURTYARD SHEET TITI.E REGLAIMF."J WATER I TITI.!: SHEET DEMOl..!TION PLAN ----~-----... CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION DETAILS & NOTES ---·-· ----- SHEET NUMBER ·-· 1 ---·-~--··· ·--- 2 3 4 --· . -- Carlsbad, California IRRIGAT10N PLAN 5 IRRIGATION DETAILS & LEGEND 6 SI 1NAGE NOTES I. THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECYCLED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE Tf4E DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLcR WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLACi' ON~ 112" X 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR: PURPLE BACKGROUND WIT·' BLACK LETTERING. GUIDELINES FOR RECYCLED WATER USE 1. IRRIGATE BElWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 PM AND e:oo AM ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THE TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED DURING USE OUTSIQE THE NORMAL SCHEDIJLE. 2. IRRIGATE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RU,--OFF, POOLING, AND PONDING. THE APPLICATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED Tr4E INFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RATE PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (I.E. EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION. 3. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS ANO STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 4. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAi.. FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC. SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPI\RENT. 5. EDIJCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS OF THE PRESENCE OF RECYCLED WATER. PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED THAT RECYCLED WATER IS MEANT FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES ONLY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING PURPOSES. HAND WASHING, CLEANING OF TOOLS, ETC. GIVEN TI-IE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EMPLOYEES IN THE LANDSCAPE INDUSTRY, IT IS IMPORTANT THIS INFORMATION BE DISSEMINATED ON AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUCATING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. e. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAi.. OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES /IND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. 7. ALL RECYCLED WATER SPIRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, 3" X 4", PURPLE IN COLOR, WITH THE WORDS "WARNING -RECYCLED WATER . DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "NO TOME EL AGUA" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAG Afl MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECT!. Y OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP, OR 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP. OR 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. e. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. II. EACH AUTOMATIC CONffiOLLER AND ITS ASSOC/A TED EOUPMEITT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIG'l BEARING THE WORDS "RECYCLED WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN ENGLl~H AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTERS, 1" HIGH, ON A PURPLE BACKGROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILIZING THE EQUIPMENT. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I EXCERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 8703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEi'fr Al HEAL TH IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONl Y AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE AAGHITECT OF WORK, OF MY RESPON/BILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. J~~APEARCHITECT RL.A. 2809 FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBERS: REGISTRATION NUMBER; EXPIRATION DATE: DEVELOPER NAME AND ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: _ 1ifr/4~i-__ RIDGE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 27184 ORTEGA HIGHWAY, SUITE 206 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 2~8-9211 / (949) 248-9215 FAX 2809 MAY 31, 2003 KOLL DEVELOPMENT 4275 EXECUTIVE SQUARE, SUITE 112~0 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 DATE CARLSBAD ~ WATER DISTRICT ~I&,· C~,-"' r:/2r-n-4 WIUllt.4' GLUMMER, DISTRICT ENGINEER DATE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH n-10. o,., DATE INSPFCTION PROCEnURES 1. CITY CONSffiUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. LOCATION OF PIPE LINES. B. TRENCH DEPT!4S C. REQUIRED SEPARATION (HOR/ZONT,t,LL Y AND VEfltlCALL Y) D. PIPE IDENTIFICATION E. POINTS-OF-CONNECTION (POC'S) F. LOCATION ANO IOENTIFICATION OF SPRINKLER HEAD$ G. WARNING SIGNS AT THE SITE AND ON THE ffiUCKS HAULING RECYCLED WATER(IF RECYCLED WATER IS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION). AN APPROVED LETTER REGI\RDING THE INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE OBTI\INED FROM THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. 2. DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. COVERAGE TESTS, AFTER COMPLETION OFT~;;:; SPRINKLER SYSTEM, TO DETERMINE THE ADEQUACY OF COVERAGE ON THE APPROVED USE AREA AND PROTECTION OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR RECEIVING RECYCLED WATER. B. WARNING SIGNS AND LABELS. C .. QUICK COUPLING VALVES. D. ALL ASPECTS OF THE IRRIGATION CONDITIONS INCLUDING WINDBLOWN SPRAY, RUNOFF AND PONDING. E. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF All_ RESIDENTIAL AREAS. F. REQUIRED PIROTECTION OF WELLS, STREAMS, m,SERVOIR!S, !:TC. G. CROSS-CONNECTION. 3. ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A COMPLETE INSPECTION WHICH SHOULD COVER PARTS "A", "B" AND "G" OF THE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ,._ ----PW-----PROPOSED POTABLE WATER SYSTEM ---r;;t,.N---EXISTING RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM -·---.. --·-~-·-PROPOSED IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAINLINE ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS AREA OF RECYCLED WATER USE •$ LOCATION DF CONNECTION POINT(S) • METER. AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION ... "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN LOCATIONS TYPICAL SIGNS BLACK LOGO I, 'l / PURPLE BACKGROUND / 1" BLACK LETTiRS (N.T.S.} >f WARNING RECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINI\ RECYCLED WATER S AFTER CONTACTING DS DESPUF.S DE USAR ~------------.--"r---------'1- 12" X 36" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS , '---1" Bl-'CK 1£! TERS '-2" BLACK LETTERS In Order to Conserve Water ... RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT ®NO TOME DRINK EL AGUA WMl-i IW\DS mER CONTACTIN0 LAYeiF. SUS MN+OS DE.9Pl.ES tE USM 18" X 18" SIZE ();J2 ALUMINUM, .CW ABS PLASTIC ,.-9. STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS PLANTING Pl.AN 7 PLANTING □ETA/LS & NOTES 8 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS E-13 (ADDED NEW SHEET lANDSCAP.E REDEVELOPMENT y. y-. .. 14 • . . -~ .. .. .... ... --" PROJECT MAP NOTTO SCALE f9 PROJECT ADDRESS: 5760 & 5770 FLEET STREET, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TRACT NO. 94-09 UNITS NO. 2 & 3, MAP NO. 13408 EL 'I LACOSTA VICINITY MAP NOTTO SCALE eID APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND L \... 1. .. ,.J IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILr REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLE ENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT IIHEETS 14 DATE R.C.[. R.C.E. R I iJ G Rlo\1/EWED BY, LANDSCAP.' ARCHITECT:; Ta ~9 248 9211 FAA 949 248 9215 INSPEClDR DATE 1 AD_D_E_D_N_Ew-sH_E_ET_LA_N_Ds_Cl\P_E_R_E-DEV-EL-D-PM-E..,.N=T--,',-:::-.1..,--:i RECLAIMED WATER / TITLE SHEET -~z+~N~EW'.'...:S:"."HE=ET~N~U~M~BE:::.R ---------'~c:p· =..:.=nOCEAN TERRACE CORPORA TE CENTER -------~---1 CAf:LSBAD RANCH, LOT 1 O COURTYARD ~--lf-----·-----------+----i I ~?k 1---+--+------------------cr----i ..cAS'='s,e,1'=sr='A~N'=r..,.P='LA"""N07N=INc=G-=cDlc=R=ECT=oc=R---- DATE BY DESCR/PTlc ~ REVISIONS APP'D DWN BY_~'-- CHKD ey_J~R~- FIELD BY · l'IIOJl!GTNO. $DP !F-14 II I-G-o3 DATE DIIA-NO. 362-5M f:J .._ C ~ C) ~::: <-=.:i r'] , 7: I;, ', _. ,, , -- \ \, \ ! ' :.~.':",,,. :::::::.·::."":-= ·:::::. ·::::::::::::::: ... ...... ..... ........... , ......... ..... . . .. . . . ...................... . . .. . . ... ...... ... .. .... .... "' ............................... .. . . . . . . . .. . " ........... ' ... . .......... , ................. .. . . . ' . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 0, I f--+----------lf---111 ·;;; :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . ::::::: ........................ -..... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... -. ... ................................ ................ . ..... . . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. "..... ... . ..... . . . . . . . . . ........... ·,:::::::: ·:::::::::::::::: ·::· .. ...._______'- \\ ,, \ \ -------·---1---- ,>---. ·,. DEMOLITION NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . A. REMOVE ITEMS NOT REQUIRED FOR FILL OR RE-USE FROM THE PROJECT SITE, AND DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES. DO NOT BURN RUBBISH OR DEBRIS ON SITE. B. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL OR HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS THAT ARE TO REMAIN (I.E. CURBS, WALKS, WALLS, ADJACENT PROPERTY, ETC.) SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL LIST ALL EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN THAT HAVE HAD WORK PERFORMED WITHIN 6' OF TRUNK ON PLANT MATERIAL GUARANTEE. PROTECT TREES IN PLACE: DO NOT COMPACT SOIL UNDER DRIP LINE, DO NOT PARK VEHICLES WITHIN DRIP LINE, DO NOT STORE MATERIALS WITHIN DRIP LINE, OR OTHERWISE HARM TREES WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. D. VERIFY LOCATIONS OF All UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES, PIPES, VAULTS, OR BOXES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. NOTIFY OWNER IMMEDIATELY AND REPAIR ANY SUCH ITEMS IF DAMAGED. REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. F. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF FIELD CONDITIONS SHOULD VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN. G, LOCATIONS OF EXISTING SITE ELEMENTS (I.E. SIGNS, LIGHTS, VENTS. HYDRANTS, TRANSFORMERS, ETC.) ARE APPROXIMATE. NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF THE LOCATION OF THESE ITEMS INTERFERES WITH THE PROPER EXECUTION OF WORK. H. VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. 0 5 10 @?!?!@ EXISTING 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING NOTES: CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE LAYOUT OF PROPOSED St,WCUT LINES FOR CURVILINEAR PATfNIAY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF PAVING DEMOLITION. DEMOLITION OF CONCRETE PAVING AT LOCATIONS OF FUTURE BOULDERS IS TO BE BASED ON ACTUAL BOULDER SHAPE, TO BE DETERMINED AFTER BOULDERS ARE PLACED ON SITE. · .. :· ·~·15·· .. ·· ' . . . -. . . ' . :• ... • '· : .-0). : . . . . .. . . . . . . .. : · . ·-· -• c;........:.__• . , . .. . . . • I •,. ;., '-6 6'-6" ~r®@ EXISTING 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING 20 30 R I D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SCALE AND NORTH Ta 949 24ll 9211 F,x 949 248 9215 LEGEND DEMOLITION ITEMe 22•-5• ·- REMOVE CONCRETE TO FIRST CONTROL JOINT f :::::::::::::::::::::::1 fT.v DEMOLISH AND REMOVE FROM SITE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING. t·::. ·. · · ·:::. i..'.:..'..I PROVIDE SAWCUT LINE AT EDGE OF DEMOLITION AREA PER PLAN. !·························I j1.21 DEMOLISH AND REMOVE FROM SITE EXISTING A.C. PAVING. PROVIDE . ·················.·······. SAV't'CUT LINE AT EDGE OF DEMOLITION AREA PER PLAN. 11.31 DEMOLISH AND REMOVE FROM SITE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB. 11 Al DEMOLISH ANO REMOVE FROM SITE EXISTING CONCRETE RETAINING WALL. . 11.sl oE.MoL1sH ANo REMOVE FROM s1TE ExisnNG coNcRETE scREEN W/•.i-L E] DEMOLISH ANO REMOVE FROM SITE EXISTING METAL GUARDRAIL CUT POSTS Of"' FLUSH WITH TOP OF WALL. 11 .71 REMOVE EXISTING t.OAOING HARDWARE AND STOCKPILE FOR; RELOCATION BY OWl'ff~. I r ' I i I / ,/: I > I \ I • I I r, I 15' . <o I I I .•~,----tltl· 1.2 1.1 i 2-fi'-6" PROTECT-IN-PLACE ITEMS [TI PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING BUILDING WALL t : I 12.21 PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING. ---12.31 PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING A.C. PAVING . 12.4! PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING CONCRETE CURS. 12.51 PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING CONCRETE RETAINING WALL/ LOADING DOCK. ~ PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING CONCRETE PICNIC TABLE, TYP. (4 TOTAL) 12. 71 PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING BIKE: RACK. (2 TOTAL) @] PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING CATCH BASIN. □ i ' I \ \ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND 0- IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE R.C.E. ____ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLE NTATION IN FIELD. &; NEW SHEET NUMBER LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNINtil Dl!f'ARTMENT EET9 14 LANDSCAPE DEMOLITION PLAN 1----+--+-----------+-__, OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER r--+--+-----------+-__, CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 COURTYARD R.C.E. ______ 1----+---+ 04TE BY DESCRIPTION · APP'D OATt REVISIONS ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BYr_..=: __ CHKD BY_J;-.-R.-___ FIELD BY l'I\A\I\Jn -H07 _ '>70 ii •~NO. SOP 97-14 I-G-03 __ DATE •411· -•.. fa-_@ - -----------~--fl] \\ \ IH-------\\ \\ >----., i \,.,,•· ·--~ COL.OR AND FINISH SCHEDULE --... ----- 1 I k 1 I I ~A, .,, -' -i PA SYMBOL KEY DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER COLOR/FINISH COMMENTS PAV/Nr.;c'• ~-~-'----"=-'=''-'-'"'-'-------=='-'-'-'"-'-''-'-"''-'-----""""""-"L!Ll""-'------"""="""-'"'--- ~ < :;. '.·.,·'.::" I EE CONCRETE PAVING EE [:·C : :::::1 EE SITE FURNISHINGS EE STAMPED CONCRETE PAVING· FLAGSTONE PATTERN CONCRETI! MOW STRIP CONCRETE BAND CONCRETE TABLE L.M. SCOf1ELD {BOOJ 800-9900 TO MATCH EXISTING NATURAL GRAY, MEDIUM BROOM FINISH 'VENETIAN PINK', A-5$-P COLOR HARDENER WI 'SLATE GRAY', A--50-P AND 'DEEP CHARCOAL', A--21 RELEASE/ 'PAVECRAFTER' CANYON STONE PATTERN NATURAL GRAY, LIGHT BROOM FINISH NATURAL GRAY, LIGHT SANDBLAST FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING l!IROOM STROKES PERPENDICULAR TO EDGE OF PAVING PROVIDE SAMPLE PER SPECIFICATIONS - RELEASE AGENTS TO BE APPUEO IN A RATIO OF 3:1 GRAY I CHARCOAL l!IROOM :STROKES PERPENDICULAR TO EDGE OF MOWSTRIP 21'-J" " i ~ "' • <o • I i PA PA • <I> ?-l ~ p 2 ©?it!@ EXISTING 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ·:. -:: ·:,:::-:-:-: -~~'(\) ::::~·:: ..• ·: ·:::::::::::. ·.\1':1-~~" .. _.... .......... ., ,14;,V!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. \ .... . . . . . . . .... -. . . . ......... . ..... . ......... ············ . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . .......... , . .... ........... . . ............. . .... ·························•···•· . . . . . . .............................. . ' -:-:-:-:-:-:-. .-: ... : .-:-: -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:. :-...................... , ....................... . ........................ ' .... ' ..... ' ... ' . ' ... . SEE SHEET 14 FOR REVISIONS TO THIS AREA EXISTING 2•STORY OFFICE BUILDING • ,.., • I ~ ~ 5'-6" 1J'-9" • <o ·' l t • '<> I 0, --• J' 22'-6" ' "' 1 17 I •I· \1"-~s1-\) . - CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PRELIMINARY LAYOUT OF CURVILINEAR PATHWAY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ~ ~ \ .. . ; ... ' . · .. _.... . .. , I ! P.A. p 1 p 3 p 1 lo I I I I ~: ~ 1- 1 I I ·-.,,, ·::e- :,,.,,,. ,------ □ J~ □ I I ·=:? \ --\ I ' . I ;> \ -. .-' . - ' - --··t ---- -- ·:';> l i ' Q-----'.! :I .- r \ I 0 -l ~-=,__J~~1 - : I -'5.-s:.=--r .. ---~ I ! I I I I CONSTRUCTION LEGEND G) CONSTRUCT CONCRETE PAVING PER DETAIL B, SHEET L3.1. @ CONSTRUCT CONNECTION AT EXISTING CATCH BASIN PER DETAIL E. SHEET L3.1. @ INSTALL TURF AREA DRAIN PER DETAIL F, SHEET L3.1. GRADING & DRAINAGE LEGEND FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES AND DETAILS, SEE SHEET L3.1. ® CONSTRUCT TOOLED SCORE LINE PER DETAIL A. SHEET L3.1. ® CONSTRUCT EXPANSION JOINT PER DETAIL A, SHEET l.3.1. © OMIT ® CONSTRUCT 'BOMANITE' CONCRETE PAVING. ® CONSTRUCT CONCRETE MON STRIP PER DETAIL 0, SHEET L3.1. 0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BAND PER DETAIL C, SHEET L3.1. ® INSTALL PLANTER DRAIN PER DETAIL F, SHEET L3.1.CONSTRUCT ® CONSTRUCT CONCRETE CURB PER DETAIL G, SHEET L3.1. ® OMIT @ PROVIDE AND INSTALL TABLE_ @ OMIT @ OMIT @ CONNECT EXISTING ROOF DRAIN OUTLET TO SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM. @ CONNECT EXISTING CURB CORE OlJTLETS (2 TOTAL) TO SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM. @ PATCH AND REPAIR EXISTING A.C. PAVING TO MATCH EXISTING. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY @ EXISTING CONCRETE CURB. TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. ® EXISTING A.C. PAVING, TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. © EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING, TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. @ EXISTING BUILDING WALL, TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. ® EXISTING CONCRETE PICNIC TABLE, TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. ® EXISTING BIKE RACK, TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. @ EXISTING CONCRETE RETAINING WALL, TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. SYMBOL EB • EX.FS FG FS ~s ~ ~ . ( 1% ----177---- DESCRIPTION PLANTER DRAIN -6" NOS #IJO GREEN ATRIUM GRATE WITH SPEE-0 BASIN TURF AREA CRAIN -Ir NDS #50 GREEN SQUARE GRATE WITH SPEE-D BASIN 3" DIA. PVC DRAINLINE -CONNECT TO STORM DRAIN 1% MIN. SLOPE EXISTING FINISH SURFACE INV INVERT ELEVATION FINISH GRADE TC TOP OF CURB FINISH SURFACE TD TOP OF DRAIN PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION (VERIFY) DIRECTION OF FLOW AND GRAOIEIIIT PROPOSED CONTOURS (LANDSCAPE BERMS) APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. @ INSTALL SUB-DRAINAGE PANEL, WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE AND PERFORATED DRAINLINEPERDETAILE,SHEETL3.1. ,------------------,-----------------r-----------------------1'1"'!"'"""'"""""~"""""""""""""""""""!"'!!!'"""""""!1!"""!1!"""!1!"""!""""!1!"""!1!~!!!!!"!!!!1!!~ I 111 3 er I "AS BUILT" REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO 6 DATE ~.c.r. R.C.E. R I D G E REVIEWED BY: LANDSCAPE 0 5 10 20 30 ARCHITECTS Ta 949 248 9211 SCALE AND NORTH FM 949 248 321S INSPECTOR DATE IMPLE TATIDN IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT IIHEETII 14 NEWSHEETNµMBER Ht LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PLAN F~H_;.&=-.::s::::EE.:.::S:.::HE:::.Efc..;:lc:._4 :..::FO.:..:..R :..::REVI=SIO:::.N:::.S T.:.::O:_T:.::Hl::..:S AR.:=;EA:..__0 :_• ·~::.=~ 0 C EAN TERRACE co RPO RA TE CE NT ER t----<-+-----------+-----1 CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 COURTYARD ~VE~ /-(,-OJ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DAT! BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS OWN BY RS PROmc-rNO. II DIIA-NO. APP'O CHKD BY JR FIEW llY SOP 97-14 362-5M r.M\Nn -J:I.Q7-?7R 1?1 i i' ,-------------------------------------------------------------··----------...------------------------ LEGEND: 1, (;ONCRETE CURBING WIT'-i LIGHT BROOM FINISH ON ALL El(POSED SURFACES AND 11:2" RADIUS ON EXP, ,SED EDGES ' 2. lcXPANSION JOINT PER DETAIL A, THIS SHEET 3. #3 SLIP DOWEL, 12' LONG, AT 30" O.C., PAPER WRAP ONE ENO 4. l'INISH SURFACE OF ADJ/DENT CONCRETE PAVING 5. FINISH GRADE OF EXISTING A.G. PAVING 6. (2) #3 REBAR@ 6" O.C., CONTINUOUS 7. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE -VERIFY W/ SOIL ENGINEER'S REPORT G CONCRETE CURB CONSTRUCTION NOTES A. VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BIDS. B. SUBMIT A UNIT COST FOR IMPORT SOIL IN-PLACE AND BE COMPLETELY AWAAE OF THE AMOUNT OF SOIL NECESSARY TO REACH THE SATISFACTORY GROUND LEVEL C. VERIFY ALL PROPERTY LINES OR OTHER LII\IIT OF WORK LINES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. D. REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES, CURBS, WALKS, PLANTING, WALLS, ETC. AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. . E. VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITI-1 THE WORK. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD FIELD CONDITIONS VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN. F. REPORT DISCREPANCIES IN THE DRAWINGS OR BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CORRECTED DRAWINGS OR INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE ISSUED PRIOR TO THE CONTINUATION OF THIS WORK. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NECESSARY CORRECTIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO REPORT KNOWN DISCREPANCIES. G. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN HEREON OR NOT AND PROTECT THEM FROM DAMAGE. NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF DAMAGE OCCURS AND ASSUME FUL'_ RESPONSIBILITY FOR EXPENSE OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT. H. COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS OF THE LATEST BUILDING CODE, AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1991, AND WITH OTHER CURRENT RULES. REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THE Pl.ACE OF 11-lE WORK. BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE DRAWINGS AND IT SHALL BE TI-IE RESPONSIBILITY OF ANYONE SUPPL YING LABOR OR MATERIALS OR 8011-l TO BRING TO TI-IE ATTENTION OF 11-lE ARCHITECT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODE ANO THE DRAWINGS. I. LOCATIONS OF N.1.C. CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS SUCH AS LIGHTS, SIGNS, VEWS, HYDRANTS, TRANSFORMERS, ETC., ARE APPROXIMATE. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD THE LOCATION OF THESE ITEMS INTERFERE WITH THE PROPER EXECUTION OF WORK. J. VERIFY ALL PAVING AND HARDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS WITI-1 SOIL ENGINEER'S REPORT WITH REGARD TO BASE PREPARATION AND FOOTING REQUIREMENTS. NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS DIFFER FROM DRAWINGS. THE (\OILS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS, IF MORE STRINGENT THAN THE DRAWINGS, SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE. K. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION !IElWEEN SUBCONTRACTORS FOR PROPER ANO TIMELY PLACEMENT OF SLEEVING, PIPING AND I OR CONDUIT INSTALLATION UNDER OR THROUGH LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS. L. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. M. PROVIDE A4'X4' SAMPLE OF EACH PAVING TYPE IN LOCATION SPECIFIED BY THE CITY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS. N. WHERE PAVING AND FINISH GRADE MEET, DEPRESS FINISH GRADE 1" IN TURF AREAS AND 1-112" IN GROUND COVER/ SHRUB AREAS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 0. FOR PROJECT WALKS DO NOT EXCEED A SLOPE OF 20:1 (5% GRADIENT) UNLESS 011-lERWISE INDICATED. . P. DO NOT EXCEED 2:1 SLOPE IN PLANTED AAEAS. Q. HANDICAP RAMPS ARE NOT TO EXCEED EXCEED 12:1 OR 8.33%, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. R. HOID FINISH GRADE A MINIMUM OR6" BELOW FINISH FLOOR. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. S. CONSTRUCT ALL CURVE TO CURVE AND TANGENT LINES TO BE NEAT, TRIM, SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. T. CONSTRUCT ALL CONCRETE WITH A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2,500 PSI @ 28 [;,\YS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. U. PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH ALL WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, AND INSTRUCTION MANUALS FOR EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCES, FIXTURES, ETC. AS DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. " NOTTO SCALE F ,r-0 •. .• ' •. .. LEGEND: = I •11 m1 111 I ' --I SECTION 1. FINISH SURFACE OF EXISTING CONCRETE DOCK . II i'II .1 ~ - ··: "ill (1111 @) .. -·-· - i.',.'1 2. SUB-DRAINAGE PANEL, J-ORAIN 302, ON ALL EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACES, CUT TO FIT AND SECURED TO CONCRETE PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 3. WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, JIFFY DRAIN 140/80, ON ALL EXISTING VERTICAL CONCRETE SURFACES, CONTINUOUS, CUT TO FIT AND SECURE TO CONCRETE PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ◄. 3" 0 PERFORATED PVC DRAINLINE, SET IN 12" SQ. CHANNEL OF 314" GRAVEL, WRAPPED WITH SOIL SEPARATOR FABRIC, CONTINUOUS ALONG BASE OF EXISTING RETAINING WALLS. SLOPE DRAINLINE AT .5% MINIMUM AND TIE INTO EXISTING STORM DRAIN. e. FINISH ClRADE OF EXISTING SOIL, AIFTER DEMOLITION OF CONCRETE PAVING -REFER TO DEMOLITION PLAN, SHEET L1.1. e. PROVIDE CAULKING AT CONNECTION TO CATCH l!IASIN, OVERLAP ,1• I\IIN. BEYOND CONNECTION 7. 3" 0 PVC DRAINLINE, TO CONNECT DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN !. 11◄" THICK STEEL PLATE WITH CENTRAL OPENING AND VERTICAL CONNECTOR TUBE TO ACCE.PT 3" 0 PVC DRAINLINE, WELDED TO 3"0 HOLE IN PLATE AS SHOWN. PLATE SHALL EXTEND MIN. 4" BEYOND GRATE OPENING ON ALL SIDES. PROVIDE (5) 1/4" 0 HOLES AT BASE OF CONNECTOR TUBE (TO ACCEPT WATER FROM SUBDRAINAGE PANELS. REFER TO DIAGRAM BELOW. 9. EXISTING CATCH BASIN 10. TURF DRAIN, PER PLAN 11. FINISH GRADE 12. 3" 0 PVC DRAINUNE. PER PLAN 13. COMPACTED SUBGF!ADE 14. EXISTING STORM DRAIN 15. BACKFILL SOIL PER SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDE AMMENDED TOPSOIL, PER SPECIFICATIONS, FOR TOP 18" MINIMUM. NOTE: , CONNECTOR PLATE N.T.S. WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE AND SUB-DRAINAGE PANEL AND ARE AVAILABLE FROM SUNSHINE SUPPLY CO., (e19) 276-7◄42, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. DRAINAGE CONNECTION 2%MIN. ;ffi11i'1111 ____ _j.J I I I I ----14 2%MIN. _ffill~II -1- MIN.SLOPE PER PLAN . I / ti i ;f1l:I s mm = ~ . " Ill 111 I 111-11 1=111= .. LEGEND: 1. e'ATRIUM GRATE, MOOEL NO. IIO. INALLSHRUB AREAS 2. e• DRAIN GRATE, MODEL NO. NDS 50, IN ALL TURF AREAS 3. e• SPEE-D BASIN 4. DRAIN RISER PIPE 5. FINISH GRADE 6. SOLID PVC DRAINLINE, ,(" DIii. OR AS SHOWN NOTE: PRODUCTS LISTED ABOVE ARE I\IANUFACTURED BY NATIONAL DRAIN SUPPLIES, INC., (213) 896-0591, OR APPROVED EQUAL LANDSCAPE DRAIN SCALE AS SHOWN NOTTO SCALE , I D PERPlAN LEGEND 1. ADJACENT CONCRETE, PER PLAN 2. EXPANSION JOINT PER DETAIL A, THIS SHEET 3. CONCRETE BAND, COLOR AND FINISH PER PLAN 4. 1/,(" TOOLED RADIUS --0) r<f> ' or;· ~ ~-FINISH GRADE OF ADJACENT PLANTER (WHERE OCCURS) 8. (2) #3 REBAR, CONTINUOUS 7. #4 REBAR, 12" LONG il!l 38' 0.C. -PAPER WRAP ONE END ,. _· ·4 A. CONTROL JOINT {SCORELINE) B. EXPANSION JOINT ...... "· -. A LEGEND: 1. 1/B" RADIUS EDGE 2. PA\11NG FINISH SURFACE PER PLAN 3. JOINT FILLER PER SPECIFICATIONS 4. BACl<l'R ROD ~R SPECIFICATIONS 5. TWG-PART POLYURETHANE SEALANT PER SPECIFICATIONS 6. 112" DIA. X 12" LONG STEEL DOWEL @ 24" O.C,, PAPER WRAf' ONE END NOTES: A LOCATE JOINTS PER SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON PLAN B. SEALANT COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT PAVING 8. 90 00"/4 COMPACTED SUBGRADE -VERIFY W/ SOILS ENGINEER'S REPORT • 31◄" IF PAVING LESS TI-IAN 4" 11-llCK 1" IF PAVING 4" THICK OR GREATER CONCRETE BAND 2"INGROUND COVER AREAS -· . .; •• ~ mll_ -millm=l!.l LEGEND: '----'5 1. CONCRETE MOWSTRIP WITH LIGHT BROOM FINISH ON ALL EXPOSEO SURFACES 2. #3 REBAR. CENTERED, CONTINUOUS 3. 1/2" TOOLED RADIUS ◄. FINISH GRADE 1" IN TURF AREAS 1,i ~ 11--0" C. COLO JOINT A CONCRETE JOINTS -----11 ---12 • • ••• • • _, -. A ... -, -1 I ' , .: ;--ti<i---,TT""-rr-1 '-n,o-,-,.;--r,-,.; .. •. lTT/l--i+.:....1-,~ I o• I ~ LEGEND: - '----14 1. CONCRETE PAVING -REFER TO CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR COLOR AND FINISH 2. #3 REBAR AT 18" 0.C. EACH WAY, CENTERED IN SLAB 3. FINISH GRADE NOTTO SCALE ----'5 ----13 4. 90o/o COMPACTED SUBGRADE • VERIFY W/ SOIL ENGINEER'S REPORT e. 90'/4 COMPACTED SUBGRADE -VERIFY W/ SOIL ENGINEER'S REPORT 5. 1/4" TOOLED RADIUS NOTES: NOTES: A. INSTALL CONTROL JOINT AT 10'-0" O.C. MAX. SPACING B. INSTALL 3/8" BITUMINOUS FELT EXPANSION JOINTS @ 20'-0" 0.C. MAX, W/MASTIC SEALANT, C. PROll1DE 45" MITERED CONTROL JOINT AT 90' CORNERS. CONCRETE MOWSTRIP NOTTO SCALE B ---~ A. PAVING THICKNESS, BASE PREPARATION AND REINFORCING ARE SHOWN FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS OF THE SOILS REPORT ANO COMP!. Y. !I. PROVIDE FINISH SAMPLE PER SPECIPICATIONS, CONCRETE PAVING --------- NOTTO SCALE -----:------------~DASHED LINE REPRESENTS EXISTING R I D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS TEL 9-49 248 9211 FM 949 248 9215 CONCRETE/ AC. PAVING TO BE REMOVED SECTION 'A' 118" = 1'--0" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILr REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, 1..,:2, I CITY OF CARLSBAD ■HEFl'a ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO • PLANNING DEPARnllElff 14 R.C.E. ---~- REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR IMPLE ENTATION IN FIELD. ~==='-======~=======~:se.::;.:;;;;/ F~t;L+-'&=· '-'-'NEW:.:.:..:S:.:.H:=EET=.:...:.N:=U::.:MB::E::.:R ______ ......,1-"-l~e,_·:,:i• ,_,._ .... c_st.~ LANDSCAPE CON ST RU CTI ON D ET Al LS -DA-TE -OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER r---+--r-----~------1-----1 CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 COURTYARD R.C.E, ______ l---+---t-------------------1----1 ~---+-t--------------+----IAFj'WOV~ • , ~ / liz ~ I-G:-Q3 l---+---t---------------------1 A-"s""'s""1s"'r"-A-'-N'-T_JP""fi:~'--HN_I_N_G_D_I_RE_C_T_O_R ____ DATE l---t--t------------------1----1 OWN BY RS DATE av DESCRIPTION APP'D --,,-,=---;---~~~-------'-'-'--------"'-'-"-'-"-! CHKO BY __,Jc:_;Rc___ DATE REVISIONS FIELD BY f'P.A\J\tn -Ha7 _ ')7~ PftO.IPCT NO. SOP 97-14 11 IIIIA~NII NO. 362-SM l':t1 l l ~,,1 i I ==,-'Jj l l l I I r-----t--\----t-------1 \\ l ' , ,,,J. 1/4~)\ " ~ I I'"' \ ' \ "''i"-'-.. \ ·. ''7./ X / ',. ') I \ \ ' l, __ _ WATER PRESSURE CALCUIATIONS WATER MITER NUMBER 1 WATER METER SIZE HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE -WATER MffiR ELEVATION ELEVATION DIFFERENCE -STATIC WATER PRESSURE (PSI) REMOTE CONTROL VALVE I 1 REMOTE CONTROL VAf..VE SIZE R.C.V. DEMAND {GPM) 34 TOTAL DEMAND (GPMJ R.C.V. ELEVATION -STATIC PRESSURE AT R.C.V. [PSI SIZE DESCRIPTION PSI LOSS 2· SERVICE LINE 1 O.B 2· WATER METER 2 4.9 r BACKFLOW PREVENTER 3 12.□ 2 11r GATE / BALL VALV£S ' 0.5 2· MASTER CONTROL Vi'J..VE : J.2 2 11r 588 FEIT MAINLINE: TYP CL 315 6 4.B 1 112-REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 7 2.5 10::C IATERAL LINE LOSS 8 3.6 10::C FITTING LOSS 9 3.6 10 FT. ELEV. CIWJGE {P.O.C. TO HIGHEST HEAD) 1( 4.3 TOTAL SYSTEM PRESSURE LOSS (SUM OF 11 THRU #101 11 40.2 PRESSURE REQUIRED AT HEAD 12 30.0 TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED (SUt.l OF ,11 AND I 121 1 70.2 STATIC WATER PRESSURE REQUIRED (fROM ABOVE) 1' 101.0 RESIDUAL PRESSURE (SUBTRACT II 13 FROM # 14) 1' 30.B SIT PRY OR MCV AT ( I 13 PLUS 10 PSI\ 1' 80.2 PRESSURL BOOST IF REQUIRED '~13 ·i14 + 20 PSI] 1 I ' NOTE: 'IHESE (2) PLAZA SPACES SERVE AS DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EATING AREAS AND SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST cot:TACT WITH RECYCLED WATER OVERSPRAY, MIST OR F{UNOFF. THERE ARE NO OUTDOOR DRINKING FOUNTAINS ON THIS SITE. PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI 2· - 101 _r-- / 2· EXISTING IRRIGATION IN THIS AREA TO BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITH NO OVERSPAY ONTO ADJACENT PAVING, WALLS OR STRUCTURES. POINT OF CONNECTION -CONNECT TO EXISTING 2 1/2"' MAIN LINE IN THIS APPROXIMATE LOCATION ~----t · CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AND AVAILABLE PRESSURE, REFER TO CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWING #362-5L, SHEETS 4 & 5, FOR EXISTING/ AS-BUILT IRRIGATION INFORMATION. 1 112- 34 95 0 5 10 20 SCALE AND NORTH 30 @?l?l(Q) EXISTING 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING 1 1/2" I 1/2" EXISTING IRRIGATION IN THIS AREA TO BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITH NO OVERSPAY ONTO ADJACENT PAVING, WALLS OR STRUCTURES. I I, / : ii l'I ; I, I I, I I I I i i ' ~J __ I , I , \ , \ I I I I I I I I I I ---,.----,.. I I @?!®@ EXISTING 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING R I D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Ta 949 248 9211 FM 949 248 9215 34 2" R.C.E. NOTE: 33 EXISTING IRRIGATION IN THIS AREA TO BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITH NO OVERSPAY ONTO ADJACENT PAVING, WALLS OR STRUCTURES. I NOTE: . ' I l CONTRAQ j)R TO RUN NEW CONTROL llVlREjS FROM EX' JING CONTROLLER,*'OCATEP IN I TRASH E~RLOSURE TO NEW V VES. \/J,:RlffY EXACT Lii· TION OF CONTROL ER ANO I NUMBE~ . iSTATIONS AVAILABLE PRlo'r T '. START OF;1 RK I I 1. L.=----~~ I I I' -·-·---· --··---~--··"··-·· [E] I I I THERE SHALL BE NO PIPE-TO-PIPE CONNECTIONS FROM RECYCLED WATER PLANTERS TO STORM DRAINS. \ I rl DATE R.C.E. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND OISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPL TA ION IN flELO. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NEW SHEET NUMBER IL =IIHJl!IIT=~I ==C=ITY==O=F=C=A=R=LS=BAD====~~l::;ETI!l4~fl /:,..,2 r PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ~""'c--~~~--------i-,-..,-_-H•...,-~---i LANDSCAPE: IRRIGATION PLAN '-+-'~===-----"-"""'-'lf-'-'=--l OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER 1-----+--------------+-----, CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 COURTYARD REVIEWED BY: 1-6-03 DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'O INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN Ill' RS CHKD IJY_J_R __ nELD BY ra A\lltn -H07 .. 'l71l l'F er.er NO. SOP 97-14 DATE ~------N;TAU. ~ feAD Fl.lS-1 WITl-! Ii PN51-a:> GRACE N Tl.llF AAEAS ---PCP-LP SPl1lll::I.B! ~. l:f'l'IAT OR llOTTQ see LEt3EN) fa; S EUCATO.I f,-N-o GROlN) COVBlf; 'IIIE.A5 "----"'""'" ~---NSTAU.. ~ I~ V2' "■ N31:1-/ef'N61ED<;RADENSHll.8 !W_i_ uaBr.Ja!tl SOL -• ~---F'Re-~ TIFI..E -.IOM', ~~~~- LAT lJ!NG'TI-l TO Ee b' 1.1\M..M = A6 ~ ~ oun.er ~--SCH 40 PVC 5 5 T Ta:' RTTNQ LA "T'E12AL. S'?'M 3? IN.ET SZE ~-L .. \,~lJ'iE.9:J!SPE.';FICA~ F'-"1 T'r1'E Al'L :'6"'lJ.I REOJ«.) mre ~~-----~~e----' NSTAU. 5PRNa.B! H".AOS 6" ~ PA'JtjQ !"DG!!! N QRO..N) C0\5! AQeAS. NST..U. S"'Qtlc:J ER '-i'JADS 4" FllOM PAVING= N TI.RI" J>ReAS. NSTJ>I.L Sf'RfKI !!R 1-f'.ADS R.1.M!. .ooJ.ST ~.v:; OR ~ sn.EAM TO co,ER LAN>5CAPE! ""1EA 'Mn-P.IT OVS!SPRAT ONTO PA-.1'G. FENCES. Wt-Lil; OR EI..LON65. --F====-P'NSI-I QRAOI!: N ll.l<I" AReAS l'tAS1I: ll!!CTANGLI..-R VAL'II! !!OX W!!l-l 1'CLT OCJYW; C0'/5, U6E 51,>N.e;;; BOLT, tLr, Al>O WAf'l,ER "IT< TQ BE "I.Ac= .~T S:1Gl-4T ,61,Ql! TO~~ EDr.E. 1-,'-",T E12AN> "1lCV" Al>O CONlll()L STATION• ONTO I.D. , ...... ~ 11('1 L.N<JN---_j j J,-.-,.; .\l~!iii--2'" WIii!! LOOP VIJJ..~DTAQ PVC 11-0, a.I. SCH l!O PVC CONTIIOL Vl>J..Vf! -blk---SCH 1!0 PVC 1'FF1.1!: TYP, 1115<3-o-B1.rX 5LFPOl'1TS '-------314" CRl&eD ~AV!!. TWOQ.BCP"!!l:"I" '--------I.M08CAPl!!!~A!S>IC SECJIGX VJEI' NT~ .. @ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ~---f'N51-a) GRADEN Tl.RF AAEAS ~--R.ASTIC ~ V~I/E. BOX 'i'lt!! I !101..T OOVf,I COVE:l. l,S,:, $TAN..el5 !IOL T i'lJT N-0 WASH52. !EAT BllAI-L 'OCV" OTO LD, · II --~ GRADE Na-RU! /JSJ!!A5 0.ICK COJ'll!R V/>L VI! f!IEELB,S,l)l"(RSPB). 4iiill---+---~AN.E55 6'Tl!I!!. Cl,tM' 511::K SLPPORl5 -9!...--OLRA PRE-~SSl"'PII !'O S\Ml,Q .JOM' Will-I OIIE PECE ERASS MPT f>E'Pl.e M00.1t!--AOO '-r---LO V--.J--MAN,N:. S!E 5F'eC6. ,.__ _____ ""' '36" IIEIWl SlA>:eS, 2~ '------~-~~Alll<IC ~-------'!,/,4"ROCK, IQ.l!IC ~. 5£GIJON YJEW...,_-NI :S IIIO'T1!! GllJCX co.Pll!R FITTNGS A.llE NOT TO l!lle ~ wm.l POTAB.e WATS? Rr.NG5. QUCK COJ'l.!!R VAi.Ye TO Be~ TO Ee= wrtl-1 ~ WA'!a', L6E TEA.ON TAPE ON />J..1. 1\-Rl:AOEO Frl"TNGS TTPIC>J... @ QUICK COLPLER VALVE ----------------------------+---------------------------+------_:;: __________________ ---4 @ POP-LP SPR1N<LER 1-EAD ,------PNH:O GRIIDl!a N l\.J:ll' AA1=A5 . ---R.ASTC IECTl>JIQ.L.AR VALl/f': l!IOX Wffl.l i,cLT CJC'"/jN COVl!R. L5E STAN.ES.: OOL T. NJT, N>ll W-. BOX TO Ell!: l'I.ACED AT llGIT MG£ TO f.WIDSCAP!! =, l-l!AT~A/'DTNONTOLD. 1-BAU. VAi.~. SE!;' l.E<leN) Fa, Q ~.OIi ~~-N8-A..!IAAeAS B';J ·--l!IRICX S-E+'O<IS '------flRAfiS LNON ~-----l!RA5S N"FI.E ------L.Aflll5C.!!ff! ~ASIC J\OT!!• -~-.,,..-_ ---NJ-.----31,4· r.K)Q(. 2 0.l!C r-T. BOX TO !II!! I\IS'TALl.a) AS TO J>I.L<:111 FOR l'ROPeR CR!RATION ~ !!ALL Vl>J..Vf! NSTALL AT RIQ.IT i\N'3l.1': TO f.W1DSCN'E EDGE. NSTALL Vl>LVE ~ N BOX. NSTALL VALVE BOX ~XTENSICN, A611E'ClL11EO TO~ PRCffR VAL'II! N5TALLATION AT MAI'! Lr,E DEPTl-1. ·@ BALL VALVE C' .EAN CQt-,iPACTI::0 -------~ ciACKfl.L TA~ CONTro.. wi:11':5 TO MAN.ff" 10 FEET ON CENTER (2) w ARNI\IG TAPES IJe'TI-6 SHOWN ARE FOR N GRCLN) NST AU.A TIONS. ON Sm..JCTlRE INST ALL PIPNG AT DEPTH SHOWN OR AT CONCRETE SLAB DEPTH. @ PIPE INSTALLATION &,REE, SlRFAC!i----~, POTAB..!:MANJ-e-------, ($a: 11\.f"ROVEM:'NT CQAWNGSJ 12" MVIIM..M l2EOl.RED VER I CAL SEPAJO'A T10N ~O WATER LQRIGATION MA.NJ~-( NOTe, 3.~ FEET AU.. Rl=CI..AIM3J WA~ RRIGATION PPNG AND SLEEVES SHALL EE PU1PLE #0 LABELED AS SPECFEO N "ST/>JIOARD SPECFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE A<IGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGU.A TlONS FOO CONSTk!L.CTION OF REO..AM3J WA~ MAINS" OCTC>eeR-1993 @ POT .AB F MAIN.Jf\E a;?OSSING ' ' CLEAN COMPACTED --------BACKFLL (2) WARN!f\G TAPES PAVING. BY OTH::RS----..__-.,.,,777777:'77?"777777:n!,,,;,nd777:.-="777rn TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAN..N= 10 FEET ON CENT51 111 111 DEPTH AS SHOWN OR ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR ON STRLICTIRE NSTAU.ATION. SLEEVES Tf.ROUGH WALLS BY 071-ERS. ® SLEEVE INSTALLATION ~--~ c.t.ee OP' CC!>N!CTOR 8Tllf' ~ TWl3T ._ P'C,.c PRO & COf,N;CTIQN CRt.fl W I at 51..!eV!: N>TAU.!D ~ ~O TOQ CON>ECTOR 1'&"2'F-------------' NOTe PU OUT!5! CA!!!' 1'«11-1 S!'Ol l!'l! PRIOR TO l'!NAL ASSl!'M!I.. T. @ WIRE CON\ECTION I R I SYMBOL Q T H F MANUf.\CT. ._ ------RAIN BIRD ~ I?, e • RAIN BIRD I,_ .. ..<I,,_ ♦ RAIN BIRD V w ..,. '¥ RAIN BIRD [9 [9 El EB RAIN BIRD ~ ~ l"I ■ RAIN BIRD V RAIN BIRD NOT SHOWN RAIN BIRD -NIBCO @ NELSON • RAIN BIRD [EJ N/A -0- AS APPROVED AS APPROVED tRRIGATIO~~ MATERIAL LEGEND MODEL NO / DESCRIPTION 1B12-SAM-NP-10-LA-F:'.;S-020/030/04/J POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1812-SAM-NP-10-LA-PCS-040/060/090/175 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-1 O-LA-PCS-020/030/040 POP-UP TURF HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-10-LA-PCS-040/060/090/175 POP-UP TURF HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-12-PCS-060/090/125/260 POP-UP TURF HEAD 1806-SAM-NP-15-PCS-~90/125/175/370 PUP-UP TURF HEAD 1806-SAM-5F-B-PCS-090 STREAM BUBBLER W/NP CAP EACH s,·;A BOL REPRESEh TS TWO BUBBL.ThS PER PHOENIX PALM TYPICAL, PLACE BUBBLERS AT EDGE OF ROOTBALL ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF TREE TYPICAL GPM .20,.30,.40 .39,.52,.79, 1 .57 .20,.30,.40,.80 .39,.52,. 79, 1 .57 .65,.87, 1.3,2.6 .93, 1.23,1.85,3.7 0.90 (1.8) PSI RADIUS 30 5 FT 30 10 FT 30 5 FT 30 10 FT 30 12 FT 30 15 FT 30 2 FT ALL SPRAY HEADS INSTALLED 10 FEEl' OR MORE FROM PAVING SHALL BE PA-BS HEADS WITH THE NOZZLES AS SHOWN T-580-70 BRONZE BALL VALVE. LINE SIZE , 2• MAX 7645 QUICK COUPLER VALVE, INSTALL INSIDE A 1 O" ROUND VALVE BOX QUICK COUPLERS INSTALL.ED MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 100 FT ON CENTER FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTI-1 OF THE MAIN LINES PES-B-PRS SERIES PLASTIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS SHOWN 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER, PROVIDED BY OTHERS, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD POINT Of CONNECTION -CONNECT TO EXISTING 2-1 /2" MAIN LINE RECLAJMED WATER PVC PIPE 3/4" -3" CL. 200 AS LATERAL LINES 12" BELOW GRADE PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODE'D PURPLE AND MARKED AS REQUIRED. RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE 21/2" CL. 315 AS MAINLINES 24" BELOW GRADE, ALL PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS REQUIRED. DETAIL A A A A A A A N/A D C B N/A E E ~ ""' '!101 <,,r,._,_,. EXISTING MAIN LINE TO REMAIN -PROTECT IN PLACE D ---AS APPROVED RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE SCH. 40 AS SLEEVING, ,WICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE F ---CARRIED -PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER"S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 1 NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS REQUIRED. AS APPROVEO IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14UF AWG DIRECT BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED) RAIN BIRD ST-03 GREY "SNAP-TITE" WIRE CONNECTORS AND PT-S5 SEALER AS APPROVED ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE COLOR CODED AND MARKED AS REQUIRED AS APPROVED ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE RECLAIMED WATER ID TAGS INSTALLED AS REQUIRED IRRIGATION NOTES ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILmEs, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. Afrr DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDrTIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5 THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS. 6 DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDmONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE AITTNTIOl'i OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME f,,,i.J.. R<::SPONSIBILl1Y FOR At« FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. 7 INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFlCATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. B LOCATION OF THE EXISTING BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER IS TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR. REFER TO CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWING #362-5L FOR EXISTING / AS-BUILT IRRIGATION INFORMA110N. 9 CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL PILOT WIRE TO THE END OF THE MAINLINE RUN IN TWO DIRECTIONS FROM THE CONTROLLER. 1 O ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALL.£□ IN A SCH. 4D SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A l,,IINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT l.£ASf 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. 11 ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUND COVER AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES TO SE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE INSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL QUICK COUPLER VALVES WITHlt-4 18" OF HARDSCAPE. 12 ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. All. HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ASST. Pl.ANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMP NTATIO IN FIELD. F, N/A N/A APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD Pl.ANNINO DEPARTMENT DATE R.C.E. R.C.E. 09/11/1 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DETAILS 1----4~1-------------1----1 OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER ....----+---+----------+---<CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 COURTYARD G E LANDSCAPE REVIEWED BY: xv~ I-GO3 ARCHITECTS ASSISTANT Pl.ANNING DIRECTOR DATE Ta 949 248 9211 FAX 949 248 9215 DATE BY OESCRIPTIO!'I INSPECTOR D"-TE REVISIONS OWN BY R ii tPOTNO.. 11 DRA-NQ. APP'□ JR CHKD BY SDP 97-14 362-5M FIELD 11'1' I ,· CMWD #97-278 L5.1 i 'I, Ii I ! I I I I ii I 0 PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL TREES: • BOTANICAL NAME I COMMON NAME PRUNUS C. 1<RAUTER VESUVIUS' I PURPLE-LEAF PLUM SYAGRUS ROMANZOFF/ANUM I QUEEN PALM JACARANDA MIMOSIFOUA / JACARANDA EXISTING TREES: SHRUBS: 0 @ ED 0 PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA 'MEDJOOL' I MEDJOOL DATE PALM PINUS CANARIENSIS / CANARY ISLAND PINE PRUNUS C. 1<RAUTER VESUVIUS'/ PURPLE LEAF PLUM . AGAPANTHUS AFRICANUS I UL Y-OF-THE-NIL.E BOUGAINVILLEA 'RASPBERRY ICE'/ BOUClAINVIU.EA DIETES BICOLOR / BUTTERFLY IRIS HEMEROCALLIS HYBRID/ DAYULY LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS / PURPLE LANTANA MIN. SIZE 24' BOX STANDARD 2-4' BOX 24' BOX STANDARD 5GAL. 5GAL. 5GAL. 1 GAL. 1 GAL. @7171@ EXISTING 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING ~ 5EE 51-iEET 14 FOR REVl51ON5 TO T!-115 AREA @1®@ _COMMENTS DETAIL QTY. 8'H X 3'W X 1-1/T CAL. B 2 5 10,, X 4W X 2" CAL. B 3 PLANT 2' O.C. C 12 PLANT 3' O.C. C 33 PLANT 3' 0.C. C 10 PLANT 18" 0.C. C 23 PLANT 3' Q.C. C 59 EXISTING 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING SYMBOL l!IOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME SHRUBS (cooli/11.NJd): 0 LAVANDULA DENTATE I FRENCH LAVENDER PHORMIUM TENAX 'MAORI MAIDEN'/ smlPED DWARF FLAX PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA 'VARIEGATA' / VARIEGATED TOBIRA GROIJNDCOVERS: 0 5 GERANIUM INCANUM / CARPET GERANIUM FESCUE 'MARA THON II' I TURF GRASS HEDERA HELIX 'BIRDSFOOT' / BIRDSFOOT E:NGLISH IVY 10 20 SCA! E AND NORTH 30 MIN. SIZE COMMENTS I GAL. PLANT 30" O.C. 5GAL. PLANT 30" 0.C. 5GAL. PLANT 42" O.C. 1 GAL. PLANT 18" O.C. SOD FLATS PLANT 1 O" O.C. DETAIL QTY. C 22 C 20 C C 50 PER PLAN D PER PLAN l'lC.L R I D G E REVIEWED BY: LA HDSC A PE ,4,RCHIT ECTS Ta. 949 248 9211 FM 949 248 9215 INSPECTOR I I \ ' ' vi ! l[l ,, .l --u-+•-HH'H --••-'-fu••• ""fff' ! ·, ' ill I 1 ' : I I l, I ., . ! ! I Ii i ., ! 1 ' l I ( \ l I I I ' I I I I i ='=-.-·-!°'"'4 l \ SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME/ COMMON NAME EXISTING SHRUBS: FOR PLANTING NOTES & DETAILS, SEE SHEET 7 (L6.1) I' ., ~i) r) \.~ Ef) (:Q (i) (i) • R.C.E. AGAPANTHUS AFRICANUS / LILY-OF-THE-NILE CARISSA GRANDIFLORA 'TUTTLE!'/ NATAi.PLUM LANTANA 1.AVENDER SWIRL' I PURPLE LANTANA LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM 'lEXANUM' I TEXAS PRIVET PHORMIUM TENAX 'MAORI MAIDEN' I STRIPED DWARF FLAX PfTTOSPORUM T. 'VAR/EGATA' / VARIEGATED TOBIRA RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'Cl.ARA'/ INDIA HAWTHORN PARTHENOCISSUS TRICUSPIDATA / BOSTON IVY FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, SEE SHEETS 10 & 11 (L7.3 & L7.4) APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO DATE DATE IMPL T TION IN FIELD. 09/111 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN ~~~-'&~s~E~E s~H~EET:..!..2:'.!l4!.!:_FO!;!!R~R~EVI'.!,:s~1o~Ns~T~o:2.TH~1s:!.!AR~EAC..:'"'I~-,'i!,~H:::....!:-.....,,~ OCEAN TERRACE CO RPO RA TE CE NT ER 1----Pc.+-1-----------1----1 CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 COURTYARJ) NEW SHEET NUMBER :!CE¼ 1-,-03 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS OWN BY RS FPC,11'CT NQ. II DRAWi-NO. APP'D CHKD BY JR FIELD BY SDP 97-14 362-5M .. . CMWD #97-278 L6.1 ' .1 I PLANTING NOTES A. REFER TO PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR SOIL PREPARATION, FERTILIZATION, MULCHING AND OTHER PLANTING INFORMATION. l.l NOTIFY OWNEr..'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 4<1 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK TO COORDINATE PROJECT INSPECTION SCHEDULES. C. VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS BEFORE PROCEEDlr•lG WITH THE WORK. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD FIELD· -ONDITIONS VAAY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON PIJ\N. D. REPORT DISCREPANCIES IN THE DRAWINGS OR BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL AELD CONDrTIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CORRECTED DRAWINGS OR INSTRUCTION SHALL BE ISSUED PRIOR TO THE CONTINUATION OF THIS WORK. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NECESSARY CORRECTIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO REPOR",-KNO'NN DISCREPANCIES. E. LOCATE All EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER "J~O'NN HEREON OP NOT AND PROTECT Tl-'":M FRr'II DAMAGE. . NOTIFY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY AND A~SUME FULL· !ESPONSIBILIT'r fOR b',PENSE OF · · REPAIR OR REPLA( EMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH DAMAGED UTILITIES. F'. 1.0CATION OF N.1.C. CONSTRLICTION ELEMENTS SUCH AS LIGHTS, SIGNS, VENTS, HYDRANTS, TRANSFORMERS, ETC. ARE APPROXIMATE. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD THE LOCATION OF THESE ITEMS INTE'l.FERE WITH THE PROPEi< EXECUTION OF WORK. G. OBTAIN ALL SOIL FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTING AREAS OR BERMS FROM ON-SITE EXCAVATIONS. SHOULD . IMPORT SOIL BE NECESSARY, SUBMIT IMPORT SOIL TESTING RESULTS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO IMPORTATION. SOIL SHALL BE SANDY LOAM CONTAINING NO TOXIC CHEMICALS OR ELEMENTS WHICH MAY INHIBIT OR RETARD NORMAL PLANT GROWTH. H. AFTER ROUGH GRADES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED IN PLANTING AREAS. HAVE SOIL SAMPLES iAKEN AT THE LOCATIONS INDICATED BY DESIGNATION ~ . HAVE SAMPLES TESTED BY SOIL AND PLANT LAB, (714) 558-8333, FOR SOIL FERTILITY, AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY TEST AND SOIL PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS. TAKE J. . TWO SAMPLES AT EACH LOCATION: (1)GROUND LEVEL TO 10" DEEP, (2) 24" TO 36" DEEP. EACH SAMPLE SHALL CONTAIN APPROXIMATELY 1 QUART OF SOIL, TO BE LABELED PER LOCATION AND DEPTH. INSTALL SOIL PREPARATION AND BACK FILL MIX TO CONFORM TO THESE RECOMMENDATIONS ONLY UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN CHANGE ORDER FROM OWNER SUBMIT SOIL REPORT TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO AMENDING SOIL AND PLANTING. KILL AND REMOVE ALL EXISTING WEEDS FROM SITE MEAS PER SPECIFICATIONS. ASSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL PLANTING AREAS, 2% MINIMUM. LOCATE AND TAG ALL PLANT MATERIAL MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE W1l1-I PLANTING PLAN K. DESCRIPTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL 18 SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PROVIDE PHOTOS OF REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLES OF EACH TAGGED BLOCK TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MINIMUM 21 DAYS BEFORE ANTICIPATED DELIVERY. PHOTOS SHALL INCLUDE A PERSON FOR SCALE PURPOSES. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY OPT TO REVIEW MATERIAL AT GROWING NURSERY. MATERIAL DELIVERED TO THE SITE MAY BE REJECTED BASED ON UNHEALTHFUL APPEARANCE OR NON CONFORMANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS, EVEN IF PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER. ALL TREES WITHIN A SPECIES SHALL HAVE MATCHING FORM. L ANAL LOCATION OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER'S M. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. PLI\NTING QUANTITIES ARE GIVEN FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. PLANT SYMBOLS AND SPECIFIED SPACING SHALL N. TAKE PRECEDENCE. AT EDGES OF PLANTING AREAS, THE CENTER LIN£ OF THE LAST ROW OF SHRUBS AND/ OR GROUND COVER O. SHALL BE LOCATED NO FARTHER FROM THE EDGE THAN ONE-HALF THE SPECIFIED ON-CENTER SPACING. INSTALL GROUND COVER AND I OR SHRUB MASSES l'VITH TRIANGULAR SPACING UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. P. ALL PAVING WITHIN G' Of TREES (NOT INCLUDING PALMS) TO RECEIVE TREE ROOT BARRIER, l!Y DEEP ROOT CORPORATION (714) 898-0563. Q. ALL CURVE TO CURVE AND CURVE TO TANGENT LINES SHALL BE Nl=AT, TRIM, SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. REMOVE ALL NURSERY STAl<ES AND ESPALIER RACKS IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTAUATION UPON PROVIDING R. SUPPORT PER PLAN. LIST ON THE PLANT MATERIAL GUARANTEE ALL EXISTING TREES THAT HAVE HAD WORK PERFORMED WITHIN ft' s. , Of .iP,Ui·II~~ DURING THE LENGTH OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER STAKING AND/ OR GUYING T. OF TREES TO ENSURE STABILITY. ANNUAL COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. REQUEST U. RECOMMENDATION A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF NEED FOR DELIVERY. MULCH ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS (EXCLUDING TURF) HAVING LESS THAN A 2:1 SLOPE WITH A 3" DEEP LAYER OF V. 'MEDIUM GRIND MULCH' SUPPLIED BY MICHAEL RAWLS COMPANY (71◄) 633-3666 AT THE CONCLUSION OF PLANTING OPERATIONS. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPHOVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO W. SITE. C -0) I=-= 2XDIA' +-=o-=F:-ROO==TBA=-:-LL-,-.,r--'----(f) LEGEND 1. ONE THROUGH FIFTEEN GALLON SIZE CONTAINER Pt.ANT 2. PERMANENT WATERING BASIN -MIN. 4" DEPTH, REMOVE BASIN AFTER MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 3. FINISH GRADE. 4. AMENDED BACKFILL MIX -SEE SPECIFICATIONS. TAMP OR WATER SETTLE SO THAT PLANT DOES NOT SINK AFTER . PLANTING . 5. FERTILIZING TABLETS PER SPECIFICATIONS ti. ROOTBALL OF PLANT -MUST NOT BE ROOTBOUND. LOOSEN ANY TIGHT-PACKED ROOTS. 7. EXISTING SOIL 8. SET TOP OF ROOTBALL 1" ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE AND SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE. SHRUB PLANTING \ \I \/ \/ \! I $ -•--•--• -• --•--•- LEQIMLL Ji )I NOTES A. ALL SHRUBS I GROUND covERS SHALL BE PLANTED AT EQUAL SPACING (TRIANGULAR) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON Pl.ANS. SEE LEGEND FOR SPACING REQUIREMENTS. SHRUB & GROUNDCOVER SPACING "AS BUILT" DATE :-"-;:..,. 'i--: . ' {.1~ .. _:: • ~ _.,,""_i""'r;!~,,,...,_,-,;.,-;::·<~-?. •; CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM . . . . . . _. ~ PALM PLANTING • C, .I ..., OF ROOTBALL LEGEND 1. FRONDS TO BE TIED AND PROTECTED DURING SHIPMENT. UNTIE FRCNDS AFTER 30 DAYS. OR AS DIRECTED BY PALM TREE EXPERT OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2. TRUNK HEIGHT: MEASURED FROM ORIGINAL GRADE LEVEL AT BASE OF TRUNK TO TERMINAL BUD AT BASE OF FRONDS. TRUNK TO BE CLEAN', STRAIGHT AND FREE OF SCARS OR ROT. SET TRUNK PLUMB. 3, PLANT BASE OF TRl=E AT OR 31.IGHTL Y ABOVE FINISH GRADE. DO NOT BURY ANY PART OF TRUNK 4. FINISH GRADE 5. ROOTBAI.L: TO BE PROTECTED DURING SHIPMENT MINIMUM 3'-6'X 3'-6'X 4' DEEP. 8. WASHED COARSE CONCRETE SANO BACKFILL. DO NOT USE EARTH OR OTHER TYPES OF SAND. 7. T' MULCH LAYER PER SPECIFICATIONS 8. 4" DIA BLACK PVC SLIP CAP, TOP 3" MAX. 9. 4" DIA. X 6' PERFORATED PVC PIPE· CENTER IN HOLE, WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC 'PHOENIX PALM TRUNKS TO BE DIAMOND-CUT. WASHINGTON IA PALIM TRUNKS TO BE SKINNED. NOTE: SEE PALM TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS -~ PLAN VIEW LEGEND 1. 24" CORDED TIE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. ATTACH WITH ROOFING NAILS (4 TYP.) 2. T' DIA X 10' LODGE POLE PINE STAKE (2 iYP.). KEEP CLEAR OF ROOTBALL AND CROWN OF TREE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 3. WATER BASIN, 3" MIN. DEPTH AFTER WATERING BY HOSE. REMOVE BASIN IN LAWN AREAS AND AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. -4. FINISHED GRADE 5. AMENDED BACKFILL. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MIX AND PIT SIZE. 8. PLANT TABLET PER SPECIFICATIONS. 7. EXISTING SOIL 8. SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF PLANTING PIT. 9. ARBOR-GARD TRUNK PROTECTOR FOR USE IN TURF AREAS. 10. SET TOP OF ROOTBALL 3" ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE AND SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE. 11. INSTALL i1UB2<4-2 ROOT VARRIER, AS MANUFAC- TURED BY DEEP ROOT, (800) 451!-7666, AT ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF HARDSCAPE, OR AS SHOWN ON PLANTING PLAN. NOTE: MAINTAIN TURF 3" CLEAR FROM TREE TRUNK. B TREE PLANTING/STAKING -15 G./24" B. REVISIONS t.lUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMP~ T -IN FIELD. & NEW SHEET NUMBER APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING Dl!:PARTMENT 8HEETII 14 6 R.C.E. _____ _ LANDSCAPE PLANTING DETAILS &: NOTES 1----"'=-+--+----------'-"I =•""=· f-'--==-, OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER 1-----+--1------------+---, CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 COURTYARD ft.C.E. ______ ,__.....,_--+-----------------+----, ~~:===:;:;:================== A~Dn« R I D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Ta 949 248 9211 FAX 949 248 9215 REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR I. DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS APP'D ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWH ey __ R~-- CHKD lfl_=JR~_ FIELD DY r.l\A\Nn ifQ7 -?7R , p ,....,.,. NO. SDP 97-14 11 Dftlt.-NO. 362-5M I 7 1 \ SECTION 02811 LA~DSCAPE IRRIGATION ~ECLAIMED WATER NOTE: CONTRACT uR SHALL BE FAM ILL <R \I TH THE WATER lJl~TRICT'S HC:RIGA TION SPECIFICA TiONS AND IN l:ASES OF CONFLICT BETWEL:N nJESE SPECIFICATIONS .AND THE WATER DISTRICTS SPECIFICATIONS, THE WATER DISTRICTS SPECIFICATIONS Will TAKE PRECEDENCE. Part 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. It ·i• tNt> Intent of the opoci/ication• and drawing• that tho flnlohed •}"'tem is complete In every respect and shall be ready for operC'tlon satisfactory to the Owne•:, B, The work shal' Include all materials, labor, service•. transportation, and equipment necessary to perform the work as Indicated on the drawings, in these apecificotions, nn.d-""'-ne :;'es~ary to complete the contract. ,.·. . 1.02 COl{STRUCTION DRA\\INGS ~ A. Due to the ocale of the drawings, it is not possible to Indicate all offsets, fitting•. sloeveo, etc. which may be required. The Contractor shall carefully inv,stigato the structural and ~niahed conditio,1s affecting all of his ,¥Ork and plan his work UGcardingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such coridilk,.,s. Drawings are generally die 1rammotic and indicative of the work t<l be inslclled. The wari,; sho!! be i0t.tall6d In such a r'..,anner as to avoid conflicts bntween irrigation systems, planting. and architecttJral features. B. All work called for on the drawing• by notes or detoHs shall be furnished and inslc:oled Wh<!lher or not specifically mentioned in \ho speclflco\ions. When an Item Is shown an the plans but not shown on the specifications or vice .,,ersa~ it shell be deemed to be as shown on both. The ,1rchitect shall ha,e final authority far clarification, . When a confiict occurs between an item shown on the plan and as shown on tho specifications, the Architect shall ho\'e final authority for clarification. C. The Contractor shall not willfully install the Irrigation •}'Blem as shown on the drawing• w_hen i~ is ob~ious in th~ field that c,bstructlono, grode differences or dl•creponcies in area d1mens1ons exist that might not ,,ave been considered in engineuring. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Architect as soon as detected. In the event this notification Is not performed, the Irrigation Contractor •hall aooume full responslblllty for any revision nec•,ssary. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Prnv!de at least one English speaking person who shall be preoent at all tlmee during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with tho type of materials being installed and the manufacturer'• recommended methods of Installation and who shall direct oil work perform.!d under this section. B. Manufacturer's direction• and detailed drawing•. oholl be followed in all cases where the manufactur"r of articles used In this contract furnish directions covering point• not shown In the dr~wings and opeclflcatlono. C. 1\11 local, municipal and state lows, rules and regulations governing or relating to any porUon of thl• work ore hereby Incorporated Into and made a part of theoe opeclficatlons and their provisions sholl be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in the•• • specifications shall no\ be cans\ruad to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations of the same. However, when these specifications and drawings call far or deacrlbe materials,workmonshlp, or cons+n,ctlon of a better quality, higher standard, or larger olze than Is r~qulred by the above rules and regulations, the provision• of theoe opocificationo and drawings shall take precedence. D. /i: material8 supplied for thi15 project ehall be new and free from any defect.. All defective moterlols shall be replaced Immediately at no addilional coot to Owner. E. The Contractor •hall oecur• the required licenoe• and permits Including pa)fflents of charges and fees, give required notlceo ta public authorities, verify P"rrnits secured or arrangements made by others affecting \ho work of this oec\lon, 1.04 SUBMITTALS A, Material• List 1. After award of contract and before any Irrigation oyotem material• ore delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner a complete li•t of all irrigation systems, materials, or process•• proposed la be furnished and Installed as part of this contract. 2. Show manufacturer'• nome and catalog number for each Item, furnish complete catalog cuts end technical data, furnish the manufacturer's recommendations as to the method of installation. J. No substitutions will be allowed without prior written acceptance by the Architect or Owner's authorized representative. ~. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only Sl.lpplement the guorantee. B. Subotilution:,: If the Irrigation Contractor wl•h•• ta oubotltute any equipment or materials for tho•e equipment or moterlols listed on the irrigation drawings and specifications, he may do so by providing the following information to the Architect or Owner's authorized representative far approval. 1. Provide a written otatement Indicating the reason far making the eubstltutlon, 2. Preside catalog cut ,heets, technical data, and performance Information for each substitute item. 3. Provide in writing the difference In inotalled price if the Item i• accepted. 1.05 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The Contractor ohall verify arid be familiar with the location•, size and detail of polnte of connection provided a• the eource of water, electrical supply, and telephone line connection to the irrigation system. B. Irrigation deolgn Is based an tho available otatlc water pressure shown on the drawing•. Contractor shall verify static water on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the Architect and Owner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. C. Prior to cutting Into the soil, the Contractor shall locate all cablee, conduits, eewer eeptlc tanks, and other utilities as ore commonly encountered undergr01.1nd and he shall take proper precautions not to damage or disturb ouch improvements. If o conflict exists between such obstacles and the proposed work, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect and Owner who will arrange for relocations, The Irrigation Contractor wm proceed In the same manner If c rock layer or any other such conditions ore encountered. D. The Contractor shall protect all eais\ing utllltleo and feature• to remain on and adjacent to the project site during construction. Contractor ohall repair, at his own cost, all damage resulting from his operations or negligence. E. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor for installation of required sleeving 015 !ihown on the plans, 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor •hall permit the Architect and Owner's authorized repreoentotlve to visit and inspect at all times any part of the work and shall provide safe access far such visits. B. Where the opeclflcollons require work to be tested by the Contractor, i1 oholl na\ be covered over until accepted by tho Architect, Owner'• authorized representative, and/er governing agencies. The Irrigation Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying \he Architect, Own-er, and governing agenciea, a minimum of 48 hours in odvonce, where and when the work is ready far testing. Shouid any work be covered without testing ar acceptance, It shall be, if so ordered, uncovered at the Irrigation Contractor's expense, . ' C, Inspections will be required for the following at o minimum: • 2. Preosuro test of Irrigation main lino {Four hours at 125 PSI or 120,i; of. static water pt·eseure, which ever ls greater.) 3, Covera~e test of irriga lion system 4. Fl~al Inspection orlor to etart of malntetnonce period 5, Final acceptance D. Site observations and. tooting will not commence wit~out the record drawing• as prepared by the lrrigatlno Contractor. Record dra<!lngs must be complete and up to dote for each site \-isit. E. Work which fall• testing and I• nat accepted will be rete•ted. Hourly rotes and expenses of the Arehltoct, Owner'• authorized repreeentotlve, and governlng agencle• for relnspectlon or retesting will be paid by the Irrigation Contractor at no additional expense to Owner. 1.07 S''1RAGE AND HANDLING A. Use all re ~an• n·uce,oory k protect Irrigation ay,,tem materials before, during, and after lnst~llatlon and ta protect the Installation work and materials of all other trade•. In tho event of damage, lmm,.dlately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the acceptance of 'he !..andscape Architect and Owner and ot no additional cost to the Owner. B. E,.orcloe core In handling, coser until ready ta inatall. to allow the pipe to lay flat 1.08 CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL loading, unloading, and storing plaotlc pipe and fittings under Transport plaotic pipe only on a vehicle with a bed long enough to ovoid undue bending and concentrated external load. A. Diopoee of waste, traeh, Md debrl• In accordance with applicable law• and ordinances and ao prescribed by outhoriti"" having priodictlon. Bury no such waste material and debris an the site. Burning of trash and debris will not be permitted. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of rubbish and dobri• generated by hie work and workmen at frequent Intervals or whoo ordered to do so by the Owner's authorized representative. B. At the time of completion the Mtire site will be cleared of tools, equipment, rubbieh and debris wh !ch shall be disposed of off-site In a legal disposal area. 1.09 TURNOVER ITEMS A. Record Drawings: 1. Record accurately an o'ne oet of contract drawings all changes ln the work constituting departures from the original contract drawings. 2. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded in a legible and workmanlike manner to the •atlsfaction of the owner. Prior to final inspection of work, submit record drawings to the Architect or Owner's authorized representative. J. Dlmenelon• from/to permanent points of reference ouch as bundlngs, sidewalk•. curbs, etc. llliall be shown. Data on record drawing• shall be recorded on a day to day basis as the project Is being Installed. All lettering on drawings ohall be minimum 1/8 Inch In size. 4. Show location• and dopthe of the following Items: a. Point of connection (including water metera, backflow preventore, mo!lter control valve1, etc.) b. Routing of sprinkler preHure llne1 (dimensions shown at a maximum of 100 feet along rooting) c. Gate valve• d. Automatrc remote control valve! e. Quick coupling valves f. Routing of control wire• g. Irrigation controllers h. Related equipment (a• moy be directed) 5. Maintain record drawing• on site ct all times. Upon completion of work, transfer all as-built Information and dimensions to reproducible sepia prints. B. Con trailer Charts: 1, Record drawing• must be approved by Architect and/or Owner'• authorized repro~ntatlve before charts are prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller. Chart shall show the area covered by the particular controller. J. The chart Is to be a reduced copy of the actual "record" drawing. In the event the controller sequence Is not leglble when the drawing Is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a readable size. 4. 'Mien completed and approved, the chart •hall be hermetically oealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils In thickness. C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Two Individually bound copies of operation and maintenance manual• shall be delivered to the Architect or Owner'!! authorized representative at least 10 calendar day., prior to final lnapoctlon. The manual• oholl describe the material Installed and the proper operation of the system, 2. Each complete, bound manual shall Include the following infarmollan: a. Index sheet stating Contractor'• address and telephone number, duration of guarantee period, list of equipment including names and addresses of local manufacturer representative•. b. Operating and maintenance lnotructlon• for all equipment. c. Spare parts lists and related manufacturer Information for all equipment. D, Equipment: 1. Supply as a port of this controc\ the following Items: 1.10 COMPLETION A. !\t the time of the pre-maintenance period inspection, the Lcrld8cape ,t.,.-chittict, Owner'9 authorized repre~entotive, and griverning agencies .-,,m insp,.,ot the work, and If not accepted, will prepare a li•t of items to b• completed by tha Contractor. At the tin,., of the. post-maintenance period or fir-al In spec~ ·:m the work will be reir:.:,pecled and final ccceptari,;e will be In writing by the Architect, Ow~er' ·, autl·,.:irized representative, and governlr,;i agencies. 8. The Owner'• outhorlzed repreeentotlve •hall have final authority on all portion•, of the work. C. Aftor the •}'Blem ha• been completed, lhe Contractor ehal! Instruct Owner'• authorized representative In tho operation msd maintenance of the Irrigation system ond ohcil furnish a <::omplete aet of operating and m alntenance i~structlone. D. Any Httllng of trenches which may occur during the one-year porlcd fallowing cc:lep\ance shall be repaired to \he owner's satisfaction· by the Contractor with01.1t any additional eapense to the owner. Repairs shall Include the complete restoration of all damage ta planting, paving or other Improvements of ony kind as a result of the work. 1.11 GUARANTEE A. Tho entire eprlnkler •}'Blem, including all work done under this contract, ohall b• uncondltlonolly guo,·anteed against ull defects and fault of materlol O!ld workmanship, Including settling af backfilled areas below grade, far a period oi one (1) year ·follav.:ng tile filing of thd Notice of Completion. · Should any problem with the irrigation system be discovered within the guarantee period, it shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional expenoo to owner within ten {10) calendar days of receipt of written notice from Owner, When the nature of the repairs as determined by th• Owner constitute on emergency (I.e. broken pressure line) the Owner may proceed to make repair• at the Contractor's eapenso. Any and all damage• to existing improvement resulting either from foulty materials or workmonshfp, or from the necessary repairs to correct oame, shall be repaired to the sotlsfactlon af the owner by the Contractor, all at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. Guarantee shall be submitted on Contractors own letterhead as follows: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation e:)'!ltem Wll!I hove furnished and inntalled is free tram defects In materials and worl<manshlp, and the work hos been completed In accordance with the drawings and specfflcatrons. ordinary wear and tear and unusual abu~e. or negle~t excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defective material during the period of one year from date of filing of the Notice of Completion and also to repair or replace any damage reaultlng from the. repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional coot ta the owner. We shall mcke such repairs or replacements within 10 calendar days following written notification by the owner. In the event af our failure to make such repairs or replacements within the time specified after receipt of written notice from owner, we authorize the owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNED: DATE: Part II MATERIALS 2.01 SUMMARY U•e only new material• of the manufacturer, size and type ahown on the drawing• and specifications. Materials or equipment Installed or furnished that da not meet Architect'•• Owner's, or governing agencies standarda wfll be rejected and eholl be removed from the l'llle at no e)(pen:Se to the Owner. 2.02 PIPE A. Pressure supply line from point of connection through ba•ke\ ,trainer unit w,oll be Type "K" copper or brass pipe. B. PreB~ure supply lines 2 inches in diameter and up to 3 inche~ in diameter downstream of boaket strainer unit shall be Closs J15 solvent weld PVC. Piping shall conform to ASTM 02241. C. Non-preooure line• 3/4 Inches In diameter and larger down,tream of the remote control valve shall be Clas• 200 PVC. Non-pre,,,.uro lines 1" and larger to conform to ASTM 02241. D. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be color coded "purple" In color and marked on two sides with reclaimed waler warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER". Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. Reclaimed water PVC pipe shall use standard Sch. 40 PVC fittings. Reclaimed Water PVC pipe to be Brownline "Alertllne" or equal. 2.03 METAL PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Bra•• pipe •hall be 85 percent red brass, ANSI, IPS Standard 125 poundo, Schedule 40 screwed pipe. B. Fittings •hall be medium bro••· screwed 125-pound ciaos. C. Copper pipe and fitting• •holl be Type "K" sweat •oldered. 2.04 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Pipe shall be marked continuously with manufacturer's name, nominal pipe olze, schedule or ciaos, PVC type and grade, Notional Sanitation Foundation approval, Commercial Standards designation, and dote of extrusion. B. All pl aetlc pipe shall bo e•truded of an Improved PVC virgin pipe compound In accordance with ASTM 02241 or ASTM 01784. C. All PVC fillings sholl be standard weight Schedule {() and shall be injection molded of an improved virgin PVC filling compound, Slip PVC fittings shall be the "deep ,acket" bracketed type. Threaded plastic fittings shall be injection molded. All tees and ells shall be side gated. All fittings •hall conform to ASTM 02466. D. All lhreaded ni~ples shall be standard weigh! Schedule BO with mo1ded threads and shall con farm tu ASTIA Dl 185, E. A,1 eolvont cementing of plastic pipe and fitting• ohall be a two-step process, uolng primer and solvent cement applied r"' the manufucturer's recommendations. Cement shall t>e of a fluid caneh.:tency, not gel-like or ropy. Solvent cementing i::ihall be in conformance with ASTM D2564 and ASTM D2855 F, When cOl'\nectlon 1• plootlc le metal, female adaptere shall be hond tightened, plus one turn with a •trap 'Nrench, Joint compound shall be nan-lead base Teflon paste, tape, ar equal. 2.05 BASKET STRAINER A, The baoket strainer ·mlt shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the 1rawir1g3. B. The basket strainer unit shall be ln•talled In accordance with tho requirements sot forth by local codoo. 2.06 VA~VES A. Gate Valves: 1. Gat~ ,alveo shall be .'!f the manufacturer, •lzo, and two indicated on the drawings. 2. Gate valve shall have threaded ASTM B-62 bronze body, bonnet and wedge, silicon bronze stem, and malleable iron hand,.heel. J. All Goto valve• shall have a minimum working pressure of not loss than 150 pol ond shall conform to AWWA o\andards. 8. Quick Coupler Valves: 1. Quick coupler valves :otiall be of the manufacturor, size, and t}'l>e Indicated on the draw Ing•. 2. Quick coupler valves shall be brass with a wall thickness guaranteed to withstand normal working pressure of 150 psi without leakage. Valves shall have J/4 female threads opening at base, with two-piece body. Valves to be operated only with a coupler key, de<ilgned for that purpose. Coupler key Is Inserted into valve and a positive, watertight connection shall be made between the ·coupler key and \Kllve. Hinge cover shall be the locking t}'l>e constructed of brass with a rubber--like vin)'I cover. Vin)'! quick coupler cover to be purpl• in color with the words "WARNING -RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK" permanently marked on the lid. C. Automatic Control Valves: 1. Automatic control valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated an the drawings. 2. Automatic control valves shall be electrically operated. D. Antl-draln Valves: 1. Anti-drain valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and twe Indicated on the drawings, 2. Anti-drain valve• shall hove 1 B-B stainless steel oprings and \Kllve otem• with Buna-N seals. 3. Anti-drain valve• will hove threaded connections the •lze of the ri,er or pipe they are to be Installed onto, or the next avanable size. No slip connection anti-drain valves ore allowed, 2.07 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shall be fabricated from a durable, Weather-resistant plastic material re•l•tont to sunlight and chemical action af soils. B. The valve box cover shall be purple In color and "WARNING -RECLAIMED WATER -DO NOT DRINK". hidden latch mechanism or bolts. permanently marked with the wards Valve bo• caver shall be secured with a C. The cover and box shall be capable of oustainlng a load of 1,500 pounds. D. Volve boa extenolons •hall be by the same manufacturer as the valve box. E, Automatic control valve boxes eh all be 16"x11 "xl 2" rectangular elze. Valve box cover• •hall be marked "RCV" with the valve ldentlficatlan number "heat branded" onto the co""r In 2 inch high letters/numbero, F. Gate valve and quick coupler valve boaes b• marked with either "Gv" ar "QCv" "heat lettera/numbers. 2.08 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER shall be 10" circular eize. Valve box covers shall branded" onto tho cover In 2 Inch high A. Automatic controller shall be of the manufacturer, size, ond type indicated on the drawing,. 8. Automatic controller encloeuree shall be of the manufacturer, •lzo, and t)Pe Indicated on the drawings. Enclosure shall be vondal-resistont, ventilated and waterproof. 2.09 ELECTRICAL A. All electrical equipment shall be NEMA Type J, waterproofed for eaterlor Installation•. B. All electrical work shall conform to local codeo 01d ordinance•. 2.10 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING A. Remote control wire aholl be direct-burial AWG-UF type, eize as Indicated on the drawings, and in no caoe smaller than 14 gouge. 8. Connections shall be either opoay-oealed packet typo or Penn-Tite connectors. C. Ground wires shall be white In color. Control wires •hall be red (where twa ar more controllers are used, the control wires shall be a different color far each controller. These colors shell be noted on the "Record Drawings" plans located on controller door). D. Provide a 2+" expansion loop for all directional changes In control wire routing. CONTINUED ON NEXT SHEET APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. a. Two (2) wrencheo for dl!IOllsembly and adjustment of eoeh t}'l>e of oprlnkler head used in the irrigation system. b. Three 30-lnch sprinkler keys for manual operation of control valves. r----------------~---.-A-·s--e-·u-1·1-r----~-R-Ev·1s·1·0·Ns-M·u·s·T·B·E-A-P-PR-O-V-E-D-B-Y-P·U-BL-IC_H_E_A_U_H_E_N_Gl·N·E-ER-.~~1~~~9~EET-~1~-~PLANC-ITY-N~,~~~F-DC~EA~p~~~~L~B~MB~E~ADNT---~~-l-4,a ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND OISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO ""' ~• - ~ It.IPL~"" ~l:A!J9!", IN FIELD. c. Two keys for eoch automatic controller. d. Two quick c01.1pler keys with a 3/<4" bronze ho•• bib, bent nose type with hand wheel and two coupler lid keys. e. One valve box cover key or wrench. f. One 5-foot tee wrench for operating butterfly valves (If used). g. Six extra sprinkler heads of each 9lze and type, 2. The above equipment shall be turned over to Owner's authorized reprooentatlve at the final lnepectlon. R.C.E. R I D G E REVIEWED LANDSCAPE BY: ARCHITECTS ;/!?'/ ~ 00/11/f< b & NEW SHEET NUMBER q,,..,._H ~ IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS /!i/Jam•• J. Rid~ OAT£ i---.e.o,4'-~1---11--------------+--~ OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER 'iii .~'~Q R.C.E. ____ 1------,---1-------------+----ICARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 -COURTYARD ~ t.l(,!).10 2, I rE~ /-(;-03 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE Ta. 949 248 9211 FAX 949 248 9215 INSPECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS I 11 OWN BY RS ' I te:::rr NO. PAA-NO. APP'□ CHkD BY JR FIELD IIY SDP 97-14 362-5M I f"II.A\1\/1"\ #07 _ '>7Q I Q 1 • I 2.11 IRRIGATION HEADS A. Spdnkler head• •hall be of the manufacturer, size, t)'Pe, with radius of throw, op~roting pressure, an<' discharge rate indlcotott on the drawlnge. B. Pop-up hood• and riser heads shall be used as indicated on the drawings. C. Pop-up heads and gear driven rotors used on reclaimed water oy,,tems shall hove a color c;oded purplf'!I cap with reclaimed water warnings embossed on the tap !'lurface. Riser heads shall hc;·,e Ci self odhesise reclaimed water sticker pluced on the riser directly below the sprinkler body. All reclaimed water warnings !!hall be in English and Spanish and hove the internatkmal ,ymbol for "Do Not ['rink'. All reclaimed water warnings shall be as required by the local watar utility. 2.12 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Rain sensor shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type lndir.oted on the ·drawing•. Port Ill EXECUTION 3.01 SITE CONDln<JNS A. lnspectian J: 1. Prior to all work of this section, carefully Inspect the installed work of all other tradee and verify that oil such work Is complete ·to the point where this installation may properly commenc{~. 2. Verity that Irrigation system may be Installed In strict accordance with oil pertinent codes and reguh:ition!!i. the orlginal design, the referenced standards, and the monufocture:r's recommendations. 8. Discrepancies: 1. In \he event of discrepancy, lmmediately notify the Architect or Owner'• authorized represent1Jtive. 2. Do nof. proceed with lnotallatl~~ In areoe of discrepancy until all diocrepancie, hove been resolved. C. Grades: 1. Before starting work, carefully check oil grade• to determine that work may safely proceed, keeping within the opecified material depths with respect to finioh grade. 2. Final grades shall be accepted by the Engineer before work on !hie section will be allowed to begin. D. Field Measurements: 1. Make all necessary meoouremento In the field to eneure preclee flt of Item• In accordance with the orlglnol deolgn. Contractor shall coordinate the inotollolion of all irrigation materials with all other work. 2. All ,coled dimensions ore approximate. The Contractor Shall check and verify all eite dlmenelons prior to proceeding with work under this section. 3. Exercloe extreme core in excavating · and working near existing utllltles. Contractor ohall be responsible for domogee lo utilities which are caused by his operation• or neglect. E. Diagrammatic Intent: The drawings are essentially diagrammatic. Th• size and location of equipment and fixtures ore drawn to ocole where paoslble. Provide offsets In piping ond changes In equipment locations os necessary to conform with structuree and to ovoid obstructions or conflicts with other work at no additional e•pense to Owner. F. Layout: 1. Prior ta Installation, the Contractor ohall otake out all pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads, valve•. bockflow preventer, and automatic controller. 2. Loybut Irrigation oy,,tem and make minor adjustment• required due to differences between !lite and drawings. Where piping il'I ehown on drawfnge under paved areos, but running parallel and adjacent to planted areas, Install the piping In the planted areas. G. Water Supply Connections to, or the Installation of, the water eupply oholl be at the locations shown on the drawings. Minor chang•• caused by actual site conditions shall be made at no additional expense to Owner. H. ~lectrlcol Servico: 1. Connections to the electrical supply ,hall be at the locations shown on the drawing•. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions eholl be made ot no oddlllonol expenoe to Owner. 2. Contractor shall make 120 volt connection ta the Irrigation controllers. Electrical power eource to controller locations shall be pro\/lde<l by others. 3.02 TRENCHING A. Excavation• ehall be straight with vertlcal sides, even grade, and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenching excavation •hall follow layout Indicated on drawings to the depths below finished grade· and as noted. 'Miere lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrode. B. Provide minimum cover of 24 Inches on pressure supply lines 2 I /2 inches and smaller. C. Provide mioimum caver of 18 inche:s for control wires. D. Provide minimum cover of 12 incheo for non-pressure lines. E. Pipes Installed In a common trench shall have a 6 inch minimum space between pipes. 3.03 BACKFILLING A. Backfill material on all llnee. shall be the •ome a, adjacent soil free af debris, litter, and rocks ove, I /2 Inch In diameter. 8. Bcickfill shall be tamped In 4--inch layer• under the pipe and uniformly on both sides for the full width of the trench and the full length of the pipe. Backfill materials shall be sufficiently damp to permit thorough compoctfon, free of voids. Backfill shall be compacted ta dry density equal lo adjacent undisturbed soil and shall conform to adjacent grades. C. Flooding in lieu of tamping I• not allowed. D. Under no circumstances shall truck wheels be used ta compact backflll. E. Provide sand backfill o minimum of 6 incheo over and under all piping under paved areas. PIPING A. Piping under existing pavement may be Installed by jocking, boring, or hydraulic driving. No hydraulic driving Is permitted under asphalt pavement. B. Cutting or breaking of eKlsting pavement is not permitted. C. Carefully Inspect all pip" and fittings befor" Installation, removing dirt, scale, burrs and reaming. Install pipe with all markings up for viouol inspection and verification. D. Remove all dented ond damaged pipe sections. E. All lines ohall hove a minimum clearance of 6 inches from each other and 12 Inch•• from lin-!-s of other trades. F .. Parallel line• eh all not be Installed directly over each other. G. In solvent welding, use o'1ly the specified primer and solvent cement and make oil joints ln strict .accordance with the manufacturer', recommended method• Including wiping all excess solvent from each weld. Allow solvent welds at least 15 minutes setup time before moving or handling and 2-4 hours curing time before filling. H. PVC pipe shall be Installed in a manner which will provide for expansion and contraction as recommended by the pipe· manufacturer. I. Centertood all plo,tlc pipe prior to pressure testing. J. All threaded plastlc-to-plostlc connections shall be assembled uoing Teflon tape. K. For plastic-to-metal connection■, work tho metal connections first. Use a non-hardening pipe dope an oil threaded plootlc-to-metal connections, except where noted otherwise. All plostlc-to-metal connections shall be made with plastic female adapters. L All solvont weld mainline piping I• to be secured with minimum one cubic foot thruot block3 o' all dfrectlonol changes. Bell and go•~•t pipe to hove a Leemco joint restraint sy,,tem Ir ,tolled on all fit•;~g• in llou of th, ust '>locks. 3.05 CONTROLLER A. The exact location of the controller shall be approved by the Landscape Architect or Owm·.--'s authorized representative before installation. The electrrcal service sholl be coordinated with this location. B. The Irrigation Contractor shall be responsible ·1or the final electrical hook up to the Irrigation controller. C. The Irrigation oystom ehall be programmed to operate during tho perlode of minimal use of the design area or in accordance with the irrigation ,chedule provided. 3.05 CONTROL WIRING A. Low voltage control wiring shall occupy the oome trench and sholf be Installed along the some route as the pressure supply lines whenever possible. B. Where more than one wire Is placed In a trench, the wiring shall be toped together In a bundle at Intervals of 10 feet. Bundle shall be secured to the mainline with tape at Intervals of 20 feet. C. All connections shall be of on approved type and ehall occur In a valve box. Provld• an 18 Inch service loop at each connection. 0. An expansion loop at 12 Inches shall be provided ot each wire connection end/or dlrectronal change, and one of 2-4 Inches •hall be provided at each remote control valve. E. A continuous run of wire shall be used between a controller and each remote control valve. Under no circumstances shall splices be used without prior approval. F. Pull boxes for the low voltage control wires shall be provided at a spacing of 480 feet on center along the wire route. An expansion loop of 2~ Inches shall be provided at each control wire pull box. 3.07 VALVES A. Automatic control valves, manual valves, gate valves, and ball valves are to be Installed in the approximate locations indicated on the drawings. 8. Valve shall be Installed In shrub areas whenever po,,.lble. C. Install oil valves as Indicated in the detail drawings. 0. Valves to be Installed In valve boxes shall be instolled one valve per box. 3.0!! VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes aholl be Installed In shrub areas whenever possible. 8. Each valve box shall be Installed on a foundation of 3/4 inch gravel backfill, 3 cubic feet minimum. Valve boxes shall be Installed with their tops 1 /2 Inch above the surface of l!!!lurrounding finish grade in lawn areas and 2 inches above finish grade in ground cover areoe. 3.09 BASKET STRAINER A. Install basket strainer unit as Indicated In the detail drawings. a. Install basket strainer at location approved In the field and at height requfred by local codes. 3.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler hftade shall be Installed as Indicated on the drawings. B. Spacing of head• shall not e•ceed · maximum indicated on the drawings. C. Riser nlpples shall be of the some size as the riser opening In the oprlnkler body. D. Pop-up sprinkler heads •hall not be installed using side outlet openings. 3.11 IAISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A. Install all assemblies specified herein according to the respective detail drawings or epeclficotions, using best standard practices. B. Quick coupler valves shall be set opproKlmately 12 inches from walks, curbs, header boards, or paved oreao whor• opplicoblo. C. Unless designed os on Integral port of the Irrigation head, anti-drain valves will be installed under every head. The anti-drain valve will be the same diameter as the riser and be Integral ta the riser assembly. D. lnotall rain •ensor• as Indicated on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.12 FLUSHING THE SYSTEM A. Prior to Installation of sprinkler nozzles, the valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to fiush out the llneo and risers. B. Sprinkler nozzlos shall be Installed ofter ftu,hlng the system hos been completed. 3.13 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM A. Contractor shall adjust valves, align heads, and check coverage of each system prior to coverage test. B. If It Is determined by the Architect or Owner's authorized representative that additional adjustments or nozzle changes will be required to provide proper coverage, all necessary changes or adjJstments shall be made prior to any planting. C. The entire !i}l!!ltflm shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence. D. Automatic control volses are to be adjJsted so that the oprinkler heads operate ol the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. 3.14 TESTING AND OBSERVATION A. Do not allow or cause any of the work of this section to be covered up or enclosed ' ' until It ha• been oboerved, toded end occe~ted by the Architect. ()',;ner, and governing agf'nciea. B. The Contractor shall be eolely rasponslble for notifying the Architect, Owner, anr! governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in odvance, whr:re and when the work is ready for testing. C. When the sprinkler sy,,tem I• completed, the Contractor shall perform a coverage test of each system in Its entirety to determine If the water coverage for lhe planted anrns is complete and adequate in the presence of the Architect. D. The Contractor shall furnish all matorlals and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from the plcns, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when It Is obviously Inadequate, without bringing thi• to the attention of the Architect. This test oholl be ·accepted by the Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. E. Final Inspection will not commence without record drawing• a• prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. :5.15 MAINTENANCE During the molntenance period the Contractor shall adjust and malntnln the Irrigation· ~i,,,tem In a fully operational condition providing complete lmgatkm coverogo to oll intended plantings. J.16 COMPLETION CLEANING Part 1 1.01 1.□2 1.03 Clean-up •hall be made as each portion of the work progresoes. be removed from the site, oil walk• and paving shall be broomed, on the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. Rafuse and excess dirt shall and any damqge sustained END OF SECTION GENERAL SECTION 02950 LANDSCAPE PLANTING WORK INCLUDED A. Son Prepcrotlon. B. Planting. c. Staking. D. Sodding. E. Cloan up. RELATED WORK A. Land~cape Irrigation Sy,,tem. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality: 1. Submit documentation at least 60 day,, prior to planting that all plant materlolo are ovolloble. Materials ore oubject to Inspection ofter confirmation of ordering. 2. Materials are subject to ln•pectlon at place of growth and upon delivery, for conformity to specifications. Inspection. aj)pravol and rejection can also take placl!! at other times during progress of work. 3. Request, in writing, Inspection of plant moterlol• at place of growth. Identify place of growth, and quantity of plants to be inspected. -4. A• deocrlbed In the planting notes for tree tagging ,the Architect may opt ta either visit the tree nursery or review photographs submitted by th• Contractor. In either cose visit the nursery and select trees conforming to epeclflcotlons prior to review by the Architect. 1.D-4 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to lnstollotlon submit for review and approval speclflcotlons and product Information on items being used on project. Submit bound with list of items as cover sheet. Conform to Section 01300. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer to site in original unopened contolners bf!orlng manufocturer1s guaranteed chemical analy,,is, name, trade mark, and conformance ta State low. B. Provlde cople5 of receipts for all amendments specified in these specifications or in the Soils Report. C. Dellvor plant. with legible identification labels. containers of like shrubs and groundcover plants. on plant list. Use durable waterproof labels with for a\ least 60 days. Label trees, evergreens, bundles of State correct plant name and size indicated water-reelstont Ink which will remain legible D. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves. E. Notify Architect 7 day,, In advance of delivery of plant materials and oubmlt Itemization of plant• In each delivery. F. Store plants in shade ond protect from weather. G. Maintain and protect plant mohriol in a healthy, vigorous condition. H. E•erci•e core in handling, loading. unloading ond ,itoring of plant material•. Replace damaged materials. 1.06 JOB CONDlllONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditlone ore suitable In accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Coordinate this work of this section with lnstallotlon of underground Irrigation •y,,tem, utilities, piping and watering heads. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Architect reserves the right to take and analyze oomplos of materials for conformity to specifications. Provide eompleo for testing upon request. Remove rejected materials from site immediately upon rejection at no additionol coet. Testing coets will be paid for by Owner If motorlols prove to be in compliance with specifications. B. Prior to amending sC'lls, contractor ohall hove soil tested for agricultural ,uitobility oo described in planting notes. C. Provide 1 cubic foot· sample of medium grind topping mulch to Architect for review or1 approval. 1.01! GUARANTEE A. Guarantee matoriols against poor, Inadequate, diseased and Inferior moterlols and workmanship for one year after 90 day maintenance agreement expiration. Part 2 PRODUCTS ~.01 MATERIALS A. The following organic, ooll amendments and fertillter are to be u•ed for bid purpooes only. Specific amendments and fer-ilizer will be selected and specified ofter rough grading operations ore complete and Contractor hos hod soil samples tested. 8. Provide standard, approved and flrot-grode quality materials, In prime condition when installed and accepted. Deliver commercially processed and packaged moterlol in manutocturer's unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed onoly,,io. Supply o sample of oil supplied material• accompanied by onalytlcol data from on approved laboratory source illustrating compliance, or bearing the manufacturer'• guaranteed analysis. C. Organic Amendment; 1. Nitrogen Stabilized: 0.56 to 0,8-4 percent N bosed on dry weight for wood residual ar rice hulls. 2. Particle Size: 95 to 100 percent. passing 6.35 mm standard sleve; 80 to 1 DO percent pooslng 2.33 mm •tondord eleve. 3. Sarrnlly. Ensure that saturation extract conductivity does not exceed 3.~ mllllmohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C. as determined by saturation ••tract method. ',, Iron Content: Minimum 0.08 percent dilute acid soluble Fe an dry weight basl•. 5. Ash: 0 to 6 percent dry weight. D. son Amendment: 1. Soll Sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing minimum Of 99 percent sulfur oxpre•••d CB elemental. 2. Iron Sulfate: 20 percent Iron eKpressed as metallic Iron, derived from ferric and ferrous sulphate, 1 O percent sulfur e•preosed as ftlementol. 3. Calcium Carbonate: 95 percent lime as derived from o}'9\er shells. -4. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing 98 percent minimum calcium •ulphote. E. F ertlllzer. 1. Planting fertlllz..-: pelleted or granular form consisting of the following percents by weight and mixed by commercial fertilizer suppller. 6-nitrogen, 20-phosphorlc acid, 20-potosh. 2. Planting Tablets: Provide slow-relea~ type with potential acidity of not more than 5 percent by weight containing the following percents by weight of nutrients listod: 20-nitrogen, 10-phaaphoric acid, 5-patash, 2.6-combined calcium, 1.6-combined sulphur, 0.35-lron elemental from ferrous sulfate. Provide In 21 gram tablets manufactured by Agrlform, or other approved. 3. Hydroseedlng Fortlllzer: provide ammonium phosphate which consists af the following percent by weight and mixed by a commorclol fertilizer supplier: 16-nltrogen, 20-phosphorlc acid, 0-potosh. -4. Pre-Sod fertilizer: Provide two consisting of the following percents by weight and ml•ed by o commercial fertilizer supplier: 16-hydrogen, 20-phosphoric acid, 8-potosh. 5. Sulphate of potaoh: 0-0-50. 6. Single super-phosphate: Commercial product containing 18 to 20 percent available Phosphoric Pentoxlde, or other approved. 7. Urea formaldehyde: 36-0-0. F. Import or Amended Top Soll: Ensure silt plus cloy content af top soil doe, not exceed 20 percent by weight, with a minimum 95 percent passing the 2.0 mm sieve. Do not allow the sodium absorption ratio SAR to exceed 6. The electrical conductivity (ECE) of the saturation extract cannot exceed 3.0 mllllmohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C. Ensure boron content is less than 1 port per million as measured on the eaturotion ••tract. To en,ure compliance with the•• requirement•, submit samples af soil for analysis prior to, and following backfilling. G. Plant Materials: 1. Provide plant materfate In accordance with State Department of Agriculture', regulation for nursery Inspections, rules and ratings. Provide plants with a normal habit of growth, •ound, healthy, vigorous and free from Insect infestations, plant diseases, sunscolds, and other disfigurements. Ensure tree trunks are sturdy and have well hardened sy,,tems and vigorous and fibrouo root systems which ore not root or pot-bound. In the event of disagreement as to condition of root system, the root conditions of the furnished plants In containers will be determined by removal al earth from the roots of not less than two plants, or more than 2 percent of the total number of plants of each species or variety. Where container grown plants are from several sources, roots of not le"" than two plante of each species or variety from each source will be inspected. In the event \hot the 80mple plants Inspected are found to be defective, the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defective samples may be rejected. Plants rendered unsuitable for planting due to thl• inopectlon wnl be considered samples and will be provided at no coot to the Owner. CONTINUED ON NEXT SHEET APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. •As BUILT' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL.TH ENGINEER, m CITY OF CARLSBAD .....,ER & ASST, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO O PLAN.....,,, DEP .. .....,..ENT 14 "" 2 ~IM~P~L!-~-~A~Ill~O~N:-:-l~N~Fl~E~LD~.-::-::,----------::----.----~ :=:::::::=='-'=====,..='....,===,.....='='"'=:::::::==:.:"""'==fl R I D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Ta 949 248 9211 Fil 949 248 9215 R.C.E. _____ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE R.C,E. ______ _ DATE 00,1111, '.P' &, NEW SHEET NUMBER. 't·•""~.\-r>E:. IRRIGATION &: PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS l------'-v--+--1----~--------+-------i OCEAN TERRA CE CORPORATE CENTER 1----1--1-------------+-------i CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 -COURTYARD ltVE~ l-6-0s ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS RS I 11 DWN BY F ~ C ll!CT NO. DFIA-NO. APP'D JR CHKO BY SDP 97-1-4 362-5M FIELO BY I CMWD #Q7-?7R LR.2 i l I ,. [! 2. Slzu of plan ts wfll corr.,,,pond with that normally expected for speciee and variety of cornmercially available nursery stock or as specified on drawings. The minimum acceptable size of plants measured before pruning with the branches In normal posj\jan, must confum with th, measurements specifle0 in plant lls\ If approved b:, TI,o Owner, larger sized plants may be used, but without additional cost. II larger plants are approved for use, the ball of earth or spread of roots for each plant will be lrrcreased propurtionately. 3. Plants not meeting requirements of these srieclflcatlons are considered to be defectl~• wheth<>r In pl,ice or not. They must be immecJiotely ,~moved and rer,laced with new occeptoble _and approved plants of the required size, species and variety ot no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Pruning: Do not prune. \rim, top or alter the shape of trees or plant• e•copt as approved. 5. Provide plant moteriol true to botonfCal and commori name and variety as specified In Anno.toted Coeckllst of Woody Urnamental Plant,. In California, Orego,1 and Washington, published by Uni11ersity o;' California School of Agriculture (lale•t edition). 6. Nursery Growo and Collected Stock: Grow under cllmatlc conditlone similar ta those in locality of project; contain•r-grc,wn stock in vigorous, healthy condition, not root-bound or with root sy.,terr hardened off. Use only liner stock plc,nt material which Is well established in removobl.~ containers or formed homogenaou$ eo:l sections. 7. Sod: Provide Marathon II. 8. Sc.lect treee which· are aesthetically desirable and are good eliCample:s of the apecies. Trees with gashes. mlshappen truriks or branches, topped leaders, structural dl'fects, badly crossed branche~, or other vlsual defects will not be occepted. 9. Seed: Lobel seed and provide in sealed contain~ with signed copies from vendor certlfjling that each container is fully labeled In compliance with State Agricultural Code and Is In compliance with minimum requirements of these specifications. Wet, moldy or damaged seed will not be p"'mltted. Provide seed mi• per plan. H. Hydraseedlng Fiber Mulch: Provide Hydro-mulch oe manufactured by Conwed, or other approved equal, composed of wood cellulose fiber and containing na germination or growth Inhibiting factors. Ensure a consl•tont texture which disperse• evenly and remain• suspended in agitated wot.,,.. Provide with a temporary green dye and the following percen\dge property analysis: moisture content 9 plus or minus 0.8; 3 o.d. basis; organic matter 99.2 plus or minus 0.8; ash content 0.8 plu• or mlnuo 0.2; pH 4.8 piu,s or mlnu• 0.5; water holding copocity ( grams of H20 per 100gramo of tlbor) 1150 minimum. I. Hydroseedlng Adrlftlve (Binder): Provide Ecology Conlrol-M-Blnder organic seeding additlw. J. Guying end Staking Materials: 1. Wood Tree Slake.: Lodge pole pine, full treated with Coppornophthonate Woad Preservotiv,, In strict accordance with FS TT-W-572 Type I, Composition 8,2 Inch minimal normal sl2, diameter by 10 feet long, no split stakes. 2. nes: Provide· 36 Inch corded rubber tie ao. manufactured by Gro-Stralt Product•, wire and ho•e tie by Nunes Turfgra••• or other approved. Provide rigid tie etock No. LP, size correspand!ng to tree box size CJS manufactured by V!T company or-other approved. 3. Steel Guy Anchor: Provide 3/4 inch diameter by 36 Inch .,teel vane as manufactured by Mo•well Steel Company, or other approved. 4. Guying Hardware: Wlre-plloblo 9 gouge golvanlzed; hose 1/2 Inch new rubber; turnbuckles -galvanized or dip painted,. size a• required; safety sleeve -1/2 inch white pvc full length of wire. K. Tree Point: Provide Morrieon Tree Seal. Cabot Troe Paint, or other approved. L. Water: Provide clean, potable water. M. Mulch: Provide medlum grind bark, conelsting of organic, fibrous, woody bark mldure of varied particle •lze ouch that 90 ta 100 percent pa••es 1 Inch sle•e. 80 to 100 percent passes 1/2 inch sieve, and 20 lo 60 percent passes 1/4 Inch ,r .. e, or approYed equal. Mulch shall be free of contaminants and weed seed and shall hove a pleasant musty or moldy soil-like odor. Putrid, ammonia and sour-smelling materials will be deemed unacceptable. Recycled construction material• will not be permitted. N .. Wood Headorboords: 1. P,o.vide 2 inch by 4 Inch preHure treoted Douglas fir or redwood construction grade headerboards. Make splices with 1 Inch by 4 Inch pieces no less than 12 Inches long. Place 1 Inch by 3 Inch by 16 Inch stak"" at intervals at not more than 5 feet. Cut stokes le~ and set below top of headerboords. 2. On sharp turns and curves, lour 1 /2 Inch by 4 Inch laminated boards, or two 1 Inch by 4 Inch laminated boards may be permitted. 3. Nail stake• and •pllce• with galvanized common nail•. Nall ao required for solid ln•tallatlon. 4. Provide header a• shown on drawing•, lafd true ·to line and grade, protect In-place adjacent improvemente, e:hrubbery and other properties. Place stakes on ground cover i,ide of header. 0. Sand: Provide washed slllca sand. P. Root Barrier. UB24-2 by Deep Roat Corp .. (800) 458-766!!. Install at all tree• within 5' of concrete paving, curbs or mowotrips, or as •hown on plans. Install barrier with vertical ribs facing toward the tree and with the top edge 1/2 inch above finish grade. Port 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Obtain certification that final grades to 1/10 foot hove been ""tabllohed prior to commencing landscaping operations. Provide for inclusion of all cmendmenta1 settling, etc. Be responsible for •hoping all planting oreas as indicated on drawings or as required. B. Inspect trees, ohrubs and liner otock plant moterlal tor ln)Jry, Insect infeotolion and tree• and shrub• for improper pruning. , C. Do not begin planting of trees until deflclencle• are corrected or plants replaced. 3.·12 PREPARATION A. Soll Preparation: 1, After proper finiahad grodee hove been ••rifled or establl•hed, cross-rip all planting areas to o depth of 12"". condition and fertlllzo soil In accordance with recommendations of soil testing laboratory and as appro~d by Owner. The following is for bid purposes only. Uniformly opreod and cultivate amendments thoroughly by means of mechanical tnlor into top 6 Inches of soil. Application rates per 1,000 square feet: Nitrogen otablllzod organic amendment -6 cubic yards 16-6-8 Commercial Fertilizer = 15 lbs. Agricultural gwsum = 200 lbs. Soll sulphur ~ 1 S lbs. 2. At trme of planting. ensure that tap 2 Inches of all areas to bo planted or seeded are free of stones, stumps. and other deleterious matter 1 Inch In diameter or larger, and free from wire, plaster, concrete, wood, and similar materlols which would cau:se hindrance to planting or maintenance. I 8. Flnol Grades: Make minor modifications to grade as may be necessary to establish required final grarle. £nsure that finish 1rarle provid~ proper drainage of the site ond fUrfOJce drainage is awoy from building. Final grades are to be 1 inch below adjacent paved areas, sldowalks. valve boxes, headers, clean-outs, drains, manholes, etc., or as shown on drawings or required by Architect. Elimina,te: erosion scar~ prior to commencing maintenance period. 3.0..l JUlE MATTING A. Apply and Incorporate. fertlllzer and amendments into the ,oil as spoclfled prior to )Jte matting installation. 8. ;~oll matting In '.he direction of the flow of water and emooth and secure in place in all areas indicated an plans or a• required by local )Jrlsdictions. The material shall be applied without stretching and lie smoothly but loooely on the soil surface. In coses where one roll of matting ends cnct a second roll bffgins, the up-slope or up-channel piece shall be brought over the buried end of the second roll so \hot there is a 12 Inch overlap. Where two or more width• of matting ore. applied, side by side, the overlap shall be not leoo than 3 inches. C. Maintain jute molting until all work on the Project has been completed and accepted. Maintenance shall conoist of the repair of eroded area• and the repair or replacement and re-•topllng of loose or undermined matting, including re-seedln g and bedding. D. Make check slots before the matting is rolled out: 1. For drainage channel lnstollotlon, dig a narrow minimum, perpendicular to the direction of flow. pre•• Into trench and bury with soil. Location o feet apart. trench, 8 inchee wide by B Inches deep, Fold j.Jto, tho some width as the trench, check slots shall be a maximum of 50 2. For slope ln•tollotion, dig a narrow trench, B Inches wide by I! Inches deep, minimum, along the top and toe of the slope. Fold )Jte, the some width as the trench, press into trench and bury with eoll. E. Overlap which runs parallel ta the direction of flow in channel bottoms shall be •topled al 2 Inch intervals. Outside edges, cent"'s and overlaps on banks shall be stapled across the channel at 6 inch Intervals. F. Spread loose topsoil oYer out.Ide edges to allow tor smooth entry of water. G. Top dr""s jute area with a thin layer of topsoil, After \he top dressing. the )'tlrns shall stnt bo visible. H. Install plant material through matting. I. Any clod•, which hold. the µle off tho ground shall be stamped into tho soil. Force jute matting down into any depressk:,n3 and secure with !ltople:e:. J. The matting shall completely cover all slope areas as Indicated on plans. Overlaps must be ample and well stapled. Loy matting smoothly, loosely and in continuous contact with the soil surface at all polnts. J.04 PLANTING INSTALLATION A General: 1. Perform actual plaritlng only during tho,e periods when weather and sell conditions are suitable and in accordance with locally accepted practice, as approved. 2. Distribute In planting area• only as many plants o• can be planted and watered that l'!lame day. 3. En•ure that containers which are opened and plants remoYed are handled with care such that ball of earth surrounding roots le not broken and that plants are planted and watered immedlately. Do not open containers prior lo placing plants in planting areas. 4. Tho Irrigation aystem shall be operational and approved prior to planting. 8. Pre-plant Weed Control: 1. Use a non-selective systemic con\ocl herbicide oo recommended and applied by on approved licensed landscape pest control advisor and applicator. Leave ~prayed plants Intact for at least 15 days. 2. Clear and remove the•• existing weeds by mowing or grubbing off all plant parts at least 2 Inches below surface of soil over entire areas to be planted. 3. After lrrlgotlon system Is operational, apply water for 10 days as needed to achieve weed germination. Apply contact herbicides and wait as needed before planting. Repeat a• required. 4. Maintain weed free site until acceptance by Owner. C. Lay-Out: Mork locations for plants and outlines of areas to be planted before any plant pits ore dug. Gain Clty approval. II underground construction or utility lines are encountered In tho excavation of planting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by Owner. Accomplish lo;,oot with flogged grade stakes Indicating plant names and specified container size on each stake. Confirm location and depth of underground utilities and obstructions. 0. Planting of Trees and Shrubs: 1. Strip and stock oppro~d excavation for planting which Is encountered within areas for trenche•. tree holes. plant pits and plontlng bed•. 2. Remove from site ••cl!ffl'I ooll generated from planting holes and not used for bockfnllng. 3. Protect area• from exco•oive compaction when trucking plants or other materiole to planting area!!, 4. Provide •~coveted hole• with vertical sides with roughened surfaces and of a olze twice tho diameter and 1-1/2 times the depth of the root boll for all trees and shrubs. 5. Cut cons on two side• with acceptable can cutter only. Do not injure root ball. Superficially loosen edge roots on three sides alter removing from can. 6. RemoYe bottom of plant boxes before planting. Remove sides without damage to root ball ofter positioning plant and partially backfilling. 7. Center plant In pit or trench. 8. Face plants with fullest growth into prevailing wind. 9. Set plant plumb and hold rigidly In position until soil has been firmed around boll or roots, 10. Backfill contain or plants with: 6 parts by volume on-site sell 4 ports by volume organic amendment 1 pound 6-20-20 fertilizer mi•/cu. yd. of mix 2 pounds iron sulfate per cubic yard of ml• Note: The above ls for bid purposes only. Specific backfill recommendations ore made a• o result of the soils testing described on the planting pion. 11. Roi•e all plants which •ettle deeper than the surrounding grade. After plant has been placed, add sufficient backfill to hole to cover approximately 1 /2 of root ball. Add water to the top and thoroughly •aturate root boll and adjacent soil. 12. After water ho• completely drained, place planting tobleto: 1 table\ per 1-gollon container 2 tablet• per 5-gallon container 3 tablets per 15-gallon container 4 tablets per 24 inch box • I I 5 tablets per 30 Inch box 6 tablets per 36 lnch box 7 tablet, per 42 Inch box 8 tablets per 48 inch end large:-box~• Set plontlng tablet. with each plant ,n top of root boll V>hile plant• are still In ·their c:ontoiners so the required n~mber of tablets con be verified. 13. Backfill remalnder of hole and tamp firm. Construct on earthen basin around each plant after backfilling. Provide bast~ of depth sufficient to hold at least 2 inches of water. Conatruct bosins with c,.mended b.ackfill. Remo11e basin in_ all turi areas ofter initial watering. 14. Limit pruning to minimum necessary. not be done prior to delivery of plants. point. Remov,, injured twig• and branch••· Pruning may Point cuts ayer 3/~ Inch In diameter with tree 15. Stake trees immediately after planting. Install stokes plumb. 16. Do not bring Iron sulfate Into contact with concrete ,urfaces due to potential •toining. Contractor is responsible for cleaning or replacing stafned 8Urfaces. E. Planting Groundcover: 1. Ensure that groundcover remains In the flats until tron•plantlng. Flat•' eoll muet contain •ufflcient moisture so it will not fall apart when lifting plant.. 2. Plant groundcovers In •tralght rows evenly spaced unle•s shown otherwise, and at interval~ required by drawing!!!. U3e triangular spacing unless oth~rwise noted on draw[ngs. 3. Plant each rooted plant with ite proportionate amount of fiat soil. Immediately sprinkle after planting until entire area is •ookcd to full depth of each hole. Protect plants from damage and trampling. F. Hydroseedlng: 1. Install large trees and shrubs (5 i,allon and larger) If they occur In h)ldrrnieeded areas. 2. Install tree• and shrubs (1 gallon) and groundcovers from fiats if they occur in hydroseeded areas. 3. Provide !leed mhcee os shown on plan. 4. Apply hydro-seed by an approved hydro-mulch company. 5. Apply In a form of slurry consisting of cellulo8e fiber. seed, chemical addltrves, commercial fertilizer and water. When hydraulically sprayed on soil, ensure that hydro-mulch forms a blotter like groundco11<1r Impregnated uniformly with seed and fertilizer and allows the absorption of moisture and rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. 6. Prepare tho slurry at the ~ite by firot adding water to the tank when the engine le ot half throttle. 'Mien water level hos reached height of agitator shaft, provide full circulation, then odd oeed, followed by fertilizer, then mulch. Only odd the mulch to tho mi•ture after the mulch shall be in. Commence ,praying Immediately when tank ls full. 7. Spray with uniform vloible coat by using the green color as a guide. Apply the slurry In o sweeping motion, In on arched stream so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers to build on each other until a good coat is achieved and the moterlal Is spread at the required rates. 8. Remove slurry not used within two hours from the site. 9. Fili' out the dolly work,heet• by the nozzteman, with the following Information: Seed type ond amount. mulch t}1)e and amount, number of loads and omounl of woter, seedlng additive t}'Pe and· amount, area covered and equipment used, capacity ond license number. 10. Do not allow Qny olurry to be sprayed Into any reservoir basin or drainage ditch•• and channel• which mqy impede the flow of rain or Irrigation water. Clean up any spilled slurry. 11. After appllcotlon of hydro-mulch, wash exce•• material from previously planted materials and architectural features. Avoid washing or eroding mulch materials. 12. Ensure that application equipment hos a built-In agitation system aMd operating capacity sufficent to agitate, suspend and mix a slurry containing not less than 40 pounds of fiber mulch plus o combined total of 7 pounds fertilizer solid• for each 100 gallons of water. 13. Slurry distribution line• shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shot! be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide o continuous non-ffuctuating discharge. Capacity requirement Is 1,500 gallons, mounted on o tra~ling unit. either self-propelled or drawing by a ••paroto unit which will place olurry lank and nozzles within sufflcent proximity of areas to be seeded. 14. Hydraulic equipment u•ed for pe•tlclde appllcatlons oholl consist of a clean 150 gallon capacity fiberglass tank complete with mechanical agitation. Pump volume shall be 10 gallons per minute while operating ot a pressure of 100 pounds per equore Inch. Distribution lines shall be large enough to cqrry the volume of waler necesoary for "von chemical distribution. Spray nozzle must cover a 15 foot swath, with a minlmum output of 5 gallons per minute at BO pounds per square inch. G. Sod Planting: 1. Remove rocks, weeds, debris from areas to be sodded. Work up eoll to a depth of 6 · inches, and break up all clods. 2. Carefully smooth all surface• to be sodded. Roll area to expose •oil dopre•slon• or surface irregularities. Regrade as required. 3. Spread turf fertilizer 16-20-0 onto ooil evenly at rate of one pound per 100 square feet of lawn oroo. Rake in lightly. Be sure soil ls level and smooth before laying sod. Avoid laying sod arr bone dry soil. 4. Lay first strip of sod slobs along a straight line use a string In Irregular areas. Butt joints tightly. do not overlap edges. On second strip, stagger joints much as In loylng masonry. Uoe a sharp knife ta cut sod to flt cu=s, edge•, •prinkler heads. 5. Do not lay whole lawn before watering. When a conveniently large area ho• been sodded, water lightly preventing drying. Continue ta lay sod, and to water until installation le complete. 6. After laying •ad, roll lightly to eliminate lrregularltlee and to form good contact between sod and soil. AYoid heavy roller or e•cesslve lnltlol watering which moy cause roll•r marks, 7. Water thoroughly the completed lawn ourface. Soll should be moistened at leoot B inches deep. Repeat sprinkling ar regular Interval• to keep sod moist at all time• until rooted. After sod Is established, decreaee frequency and increase amount of water per application as neceesary. a. Replace all dead or dying sod with equal material. H. Mulch Cov,,r: Drose all groundcover, per~,,nial and annual beds with 2• layer of mulch, e•cept slopes 3: 1 or sleeper and turf areas. 3.05 CLEAN-UP A. After all planting operations are complete, remove all trash, exces!I soil, empty plant containers, and rubbish from the property. Repair scars, ruts ·and other marks in the ground and leave ground in o neat and orderly condition. B. Leave the site In a broom-clean condition, and wash down all paved area• within the project aite. Leave wofk9 in a clean and safe condition. 3.08 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. Notify Owner In advance for the followfng inspections, according to the time specified: 1. Pre-Job conference -7 days. 2. Final grade review -4B hours. :i. Plant material review ·-W houre. 4. Plant layout review -48 hours. 5. Soil preparation and planting operations '4-B hours. 6. Pre-maintenance -7 do}'!!!. 7. Final lnsp.,ctlon -7 days. 8. If Owner outhorlz•• a party other than the Landscape Archlt1tet to make ocheduled inepectione, present Landscape Architect with evidence of such in.e:pectione;. C. No site visit• shall commence without all items noted In previau• observation reports either completed or remedied unless such compliance hos been waived by the Owner. Failure to accomplish punchllot to•k• or prepare adequately for desired ln"Pections shall make the Contractor responsible for reimbursing the Owner at Consultants current billing rate per hour pluo transportation costs. No further inspection• shall be scheduled until this charge has been paid and received by the Owner. Part 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. 90 day maintenance. 8. Weeding. C. Fertlllzatlon. END OF SECTION SECTION 02970 LANDSCAPE MAINlENANCE 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFlED IN OTHER SECTIONS A. Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation. B. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting. C. Section 02520 -Portland Cement Concrete Paving. 1.03 QUAUTY ASSURANCE A. Provide s-ervlce! by an e,cpl.'!lrienced land~coplng maintenance company. 1.04 MAINlENANCE PERIOD A. Contlnuously maintain all olte areas lnvolYed In this contract during the progress of work and during the maintenance period until final acceptance of the work by City. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of the project at the termination of the scheduled maintenance period may cause postponement of the final completion date ol the Contract at no additional cost to Owner. Continue maintenance until acceptable to the Owner. B. Pro•ide sufficient numbers of worker• and adequate equipment to perform work during maintenance period. C. Maintenance period does not start until all elements of construction, planting, and Irrigation for the complete project ore in accordance with the contract documents for this project. D. Request cm Inspection to begin maintenance period after all planting and related work ha• b""n completed in accordance with contract documents. Maintenance period commence• as described In written notification by the Owner. E. Prior lo commencement of maintenance period, ensure that all ground cover• and lawn areas have been planted and that all lawn areas show on even, healthy stand of grass seedlings or sod, gross having been mown twice. F. Any day or days that there lo failure to properly maintain plantings, replace suitable plants, perform weed control or maintain hardscope areoo will not be credited as port of the 90 days maintenance. The project will not be segmented into maintenance phase•. G. Keep pawd areas free of •ill, dirt, leav,is and other planting area debris. areas at least broom clean through the duration of the maintenance period. often than once P"' week. 1.05 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT Maintain these cleaning no less A. Guarantee: Guarantee plant material against any and all poor, inadequate or inferior materials and workman•hip for one year. Replace plants found to be dead or in poor condition due to faulty materials or workmanship, at no edra cost to Owner. 8. Replacement: Replace materials found lo be dead, missing or in poor condition during the maintenance period Immediately. The Architect I• the oole )Jdge of the acceptablilty of condition. Make replacements of materials within 15 days after condition de\/f!lops or written notification from Architect hos been s"nt. Architect has tho right to make emergency repairs without releasing Contractor's guarantee and warranty to Architect. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. Request normal progress inspection at least 72 hours In advance of an anticipated inspection. Inspections are as follows: CONTINUEO ON NEXT SHEET APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, I IIHl!l!T I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS' /':,_ ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO '-:=:::1::::1=:'..'::::=~P:::LAN==::::N::::l:::N:::Q:::::D=E:::P::::ARTM::==~=T==::'2':::,;,,,;;;14=""';;flL0, IMP' ·•--:: •~~JJBN IN FIELD. r "AS BUILr R I D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS TEL 949 248 9211 F,x 949 248 9215 DATE R.C.E. _____ _ R.C.E. ______ _ 1-09/-1-1/171• '-a:,M-"'&C.,.· -NE_W_S_H-EET_N_U-MB_E_R _____ <t_ .• -..... -_ -H--r---'"""--I p LANTING /MA I NTE NANCE s p EC I Fl CA Tl ON s 1---f:A--+----------+---, OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER f------·+--<---------+----< CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 -COURTYARD r----+-+---·------------------+---, = f---------------··--+---+-f-----------------+-----,-' AA-5,1_;:;,~ ;·~~02:V'.!E_D!_-y]'._!~,L ________ _ REVIEWED BY: < _ ~ DATE BY DESCRIP110N APP'D INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY RS CHKO IY __ JR __ _ FIELD !IY r.11,1wn -Jt.Q7-?7P. ~ NO. SDP 97-14 11 DATE DMWINQ NO. 362-5M = 1. Immediately prior to commencement of this maintenance work. 2. Completion of first 90 day maintenance poriod. 3. Final acceptance. 1.07 PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to ccite of final inspection, acquire approved reproducible prints end finally rocord fmm the Job record set, all changes mode during construction and deliver them to Architect. B. D~llver guarantees to Architect. Port 2 PRODUCTS 2. 01 MATERIALS A. Ensure \hot all motedols conform to other sections of these specifications for planting and Irrigation, and as acceptable to Architect. 0. Provide monthly record of all herbicide,., insecticides and dioeose control chemicals used on site. Port 3 EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANC~ A. Weed and cultivate all areas at interval• of not more than 10 da)IS. 0. Perform watering, mowing, rolling, edging, trimming, fertlllzatlon, ■preying, pest control, and cleaning as may be required. C. Street gutters and curbs ore to be Included. D. Maintain adequate protection for people and property, and be f!nonclally reoponslble for damages and inj.Jries. Notify the Architect immedlotoly should damage occur oo o result of maintenance operations and provide repair or remunerctlon. E. Betwe"n the 15th and 20th calender day of the molntenonce period, res.,ed or re,,od all spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth is not evident. 3.02 TREE AND ~HRUB CARE A. Watering:_ Maintain a large enough water baoln around pion!• •o that enough water can be applied to establish moisture through the major root zone. When hand watering, use a water wand to brnak force of water. 8. Pruning: 1. Prior to any pruning, obtain written approval from the Architect to proceed. 2. Trees: a. Propose tree pruning to the Architect ohould thore be health or structural roceons for doing so, Including the need to ellmlnote diseased or damaged growth, eliminate structurally unsound growth, reduce potential for wind toppling or wind damage, or malntaln growth within limited space. b. If requested by the City provide pruning for aesthetic enhancement according to "pruning" by Sunset Bookff. · c. Major pruning of deciduous trees shall be during \heir dormant seaoon. 3. Shrubs: a. The objectives of shrub pruning or" the same ao for treeo. Do not cllp shrubs Into balled or boxed forms unleoo such Is required by \he design. b. Make pruning cute to lateral branches or buds or fluoh with trunk. Stubbing will not be permitted. C. Stoking and guying: Enoure that otokeo and guyo remain In piece through accoptonce and monitor to prevent glrdllng of trunks or branches and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. All nursery stokes shall be removed. D. Weed control: Keep all area• free of weod9. Use recommended legally approved herbicides. Avoid frequent •oil cultivation \hot destroys shollow rooto. Use mulches per specification• to help prevent weed seed germination. E. Insect and diseaoe control: Maintain a reaoonoblo control with approved moterlols. F. Fertilize oo opoclfled by the agronomic soils testing recommendation• and os fallows for bid purposes: 1. Commencement of maintenance period -6 p,,und• per 1,000 square fe..t with top dre:n for\lllzer. 2. A\ end of first 30 dayo of maintenance period -Ii pound• per 1,000 square feet with tap dress fertilizer. 3. At end of molntenonce period and at 30 day Intervals should maintenance period bo flxtended for any reason -6 pounds per 1,000 square feet with fertilizer mhc. -1-. Avoid applying fertilizer to the root ball and bo"" of main stem; rather, spread evenly under pion\ to drip line. Rotes will vary from about a cup of nitrate fertllizer (depending upon nitrogen percentage) around o newly Installed omoll plant to about 1/2 pound of actual nitrogen per inch of truck diameter measured four feet from the ground for mature trees. G. Replacement of plants: Replace dead, dying and missing plants with plants of a •lze, condition and variety acceptable to the Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.03 GROUNDCOVE8 CARE A. Wood control: Control weed■, prttferobly with pre-emergent horblcldH, but aloo by hand or with selective systemic herbicide•. Hae weeds as little o, pa .. lble since this may result In plant damage. B. Watering: Water enough that moisture penetrates throughout root zone end only oo frequenUy as Is necessary to maintain healthy growth. C. Trash: Remove as it accumulat.,,,, but no '""" often then weekly. D. Edging and trimming: Edge ground cover to ke•p In bounds. E. Replace dead and missing plant• at no oddltlonol coot to the Owner. 3.0-1-LAWN AND TURF CARE A. Turf must be well-established prior to final acceptance. B. Watering: Water lawns at 15UCh frequency as weather conditions required to roplonloh ooll moisture below root ione. C. Weed control: If needed, control brood leof weeds with selective herbicides. D. Mawing: 1. Perform mowing at auch times of the day or week a• may b" requ.,,,ted by the Owner so as not to Impede the Owner's operations. Mowing times may be at times other than normal worklng hours or doya. Perform work at Owner•s convenience at no oddltiona\ c08t to the Owner. 2. Clean up gro•• clipping• during and ofter mowing, and remove legally from oite. Uae of blowing-t)1lo equipment in lieu of sweeping or vacuuming is no\ acceptable. E. Renovating: 1. If required, remove thatch by vertlcuttlng,preferobly In the Foll of the year, but otherwise In the Spring. At \hi• time, fertlllze with nitrate and over-seed if needed. Over-se<eding must precede pre-emergent herblcldee by at least 4 to 6 weeks. Normally, this means that lawns which have been Invaded by crabgrass would be ronovcled and over-seeded in \he Foll and treated for crabgrass control in the following late Winter. 2. Cleon up graos clipping• during and after mowing, and remove legally from silo. Use of blowing-twe equipment in lieu of sweeping or vacuuming is not acceptable. 3.05 IRRIGATION SYSTEM F'art 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 A. lnopec\lon; Check all syotems for proper operation. Lateral llnea muot bo fiuohed out after removing the lost sprinkler head or two at each end of the lateral. Adj.Ifft heed• as necessary fOf unimpeded co\lerage and no overspray. 0. Controllers: Set and program cutomatlc controllers for seasonal water requirements. Glve Owner a key to controllers and instruction on haw to turn off syotom in case of emergency as specified In other sections of these speclflcatlans. C. Repair oil damage• to Irrigation •)"Stem at na additional cost ta the Owner. Make all repairs within one watering period. END OF SECTION SECTION 02955 PALM TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE GENERAL WORK INCLUDED A. Palm trees. 8. Pruning. C. Removal•, bockf!II. D. Maintenance, RELATED WORK A. Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation B. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting C. Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quollty Control: 1. Submit documentation to landscape architect at least 60 doyo prior to planting that all plant materials ore ovolloble. Contractor Is responsible for all palm tree materials listed on plant 11st. Substitution• due to unovailablllty must be requested In writing prior to confirmation of ordering. All materials ore subject ta inopection by Landscape Architect at any time after confirmation of ordering. 2. Plants are oubJoct to observation and approval of Landscape Architect at place of growth. 1.0-1-GUARANTEE A. Newly plantod palm tree• ohall be guarantoed against any and all poor, lnadequato, or inferior plant material• and workmon•hlp for two ,,.,.,rs following planting and acceptance by Owner. Contractor is to review tho on-going maintenance during thl• two-year period Including watering and de-watorlng and Is to notify owner and landscape architect in writing of any problem•. B. During the guarantee period, any material found dead or not in a sotiofoctory growth condition shall be removed from the site. C. The•• trees and disturbed Improvements shall be replaced ot no added expense to the Owner, with the same variety and size a• originally deaignated. Po/ms and alt disturbed oreol!I' shall be guaranteed for two years from time of planting end re-planting to the satisfaction of the Owner. = D. Contractor I■ to notify lcndscope architect and owner In wrltJng when th• two-yMir guarantee period lo completed. 1.0/5 OBSERVATIONS AND PERMITS A. Oboervo\lon 1. Notify Owner's representative minimum of 72 hours In odvonce of observations ta achedule required Inspections. 2. All palms ore to be Inspected by a palm export for disease prior to their preparation far removal from growtng site. Contact, schedule and poy for thfs inspection at no extra coat to the Owner. The Inspection will toke place from ground level with field glosaes. If dloeose lo •uapected provido a man lift for closer inspection at no extra cost to the Owner. 3. Tho palm expert eholl be approved in advcnce by Owner's authorized repreoentotlve. -1-. All palms will be obeorlli!d by the Land•cope Architect for height, girth, and overall form In meeting design Intent. Sold observation and approval does not constitute a review of the palm'• health, vigor, and required hoalth-freo otote, for which the Contractor Is solely re!ponslble. 5. The Landscape Architect may apt to either visit the tree nursery or review photograph• submitted by the Contractor. In either case visit the nursery and select trees conforming ta apeciflcation prior ta revlew by the Lcnd!lcape Architect. Should tree not meet specification at the time of review In person by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current billing rote. I!. Observations are a• follows: ObservctJoo Palm TreIL~W Owner's RepreeentaUve Observation of tree• at source Observation of planting locations on site prior to digging pit• Oboervatlons of polm on site prior to planting for verlflca\lon of conformance ta plans and •peclficotlons Observation of condition of equipment and typical planting operations {1st planted palm) Pre~maintenance absl!'lr\latlon observation at end of maintenance period B. Permits 1. Provide all necessary permits at no oddltlonol costs to Owner. I I X X X X 1.06 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPR0"1:MENTS A. Exercloe extreme care in excavating planting or working near existing utllltle• or Irrigation systems. B. Be responsible for damages to utllltie• which are cauoed by work operation• or neglect. C. Check utlllty drawing• and as-built pion• for utlllty and Irrigation loca\lans. D. Replace all plant materials disturbed by excavation or planting. Plant-pll area where palm tree will be replaced will not require replanting. After tree Is In place, blend planting of groundcover or turf with existing. 1.07 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather end •oil conditions aro suitable In accordance with locally accepted practice. 8. Oo not plant palm between October 31 and April 1, uni••• the approved palm expert provides written recommendation ta do so, and unless this recommendation Is approved In advance by the Owner. 1.08 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Landscape Architect reoerve• the right to toke and analyze samples of material• for conformity to specification• ot any reooonoble time. B. Provide samples upon request by Londocape Architect. C. Rejected materials •hall be Immediately removed from the site at Contractor's expense. D. Cost of tooting of materials not meeting opeciflcotlons oho/I be paid by Contractor. Port 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PALM TREE DESIGN STANDAROS A. All palm trees ore to be of uniform quality and appearance, matching representative ,ample approved by Landocope Architect. B. Trunk condition shall be free of any scarring or blemishes. Contractor to clean trunk and form pineapple per specifications. C. Brawn trunk height oholl be per drawings. D. Trunk diameter por heights stipulated In the drawing• ohall not vary more than 25 percent. 2.02 PALM BACKFILL SOIL A. Backfill mix shall conol•t of washed· concrete sand, and ollt pluo cloy contM I of thl• son ehall not exceed 20% b_y weight with a minimum_ 95% passing the 2.0 millimeter oieve. The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shall not exceed 6 and \he electrlcol conductivity (ECE} of the eaturation extract of this soil shall not exceed J.D mllllmhas per centimeter at 25 centigrade. The Boron content of this oond shall be no greater than 1 pm as measured on the saturation extract. In order to lnoure conformance, submit samples of the Import sand ta th• solls laboratory far analysis prior ta backfilling and submit report to Owner's representative. 2.03 FERTILIZER A. After 1-1-days. then monthly, spray the frond {foliar drench) with the following mixture. No compound ahould exceed its recommended rote. The following rates oro for o 100 gallon tank mix: 1. Koclde• 101 w.p. (.3/4 lb.) or Monzote•• -1 qt. / 100 gallon•. 2. W.R. Groce'• Minor -Gro (1/2 cup) 3. Hydrated urea (5 cups or 2-1/2 Ibo.) -1-. Spreodor Sticker -B oz. "Basic H" 5. 1 lb. Benlate / 100 gallons of water 6. Option: Add a general insecticide \o prevent inoect larva infestation. (We have dropped the insecticide in our mix due to the increased environmental and health risks.) All rote• are recommendations only. Do not exceed label directions. Be sure ta follow all label lnotructlons. 0. Fertilizer will not be used at time of planting. After four weeks, use a light oppllcotlan of "Wood Ace Palm Special" available from W.D. Young, (619) 3-1-7-7906, approxlmotely 6 lb. Nitrogen per tree llghtly cultivated Into the son. Part J EXECUTION 3.01 PALM TREE SOURCE AND PREPARATION FOR PLANTING A. Ob\oin source of palms for inspection and approval by Palm Tree Expert and Landscape Architect. B. Submit documentation and permit• (lf required) that the oource of palm tree• Is approved. Obtain palms from on approved source and reploc• or repair damage from palm tree removal. C. Palms collected for plontlng eholl be grown under cllmotlc conditions similar to those In locality of project. D. Palmo shall be Inspected by the Palm Tree Expert to Include health, de/randing, tying and palm removal. Any palm• rend•red unauitable for planting because of thi• Inspection shall not be uoed. Relnopectlon of eultable palm• will be at the Contractor'• expense. E. All palm• must be tagged, inspected, and approved by the Palm Tree Expert and by the Landscape Architect for planting prior to shipment and lnatollotlon. F. De/randing and Tying: 1. In preparing palm trees for relocation, oil dead fronds ehall be removed and the entire trunk diamond cut clean to the height of green fronds. Core ohall be taken to prevent injury to the trunk of the tree. Green fronds below a horizontal position shall be neatly cut off leaving a 4 inch stub. 2. All remaining fronds above horizontal shell be lifted up and tied together around the crown In an upright position. Due caution shall bo taken not to bind or lnj.Jre the crown. A llghtwelght rope or card no! less. than 1/-1-Inch in diameter shall be uood in lying up the fronds; wire will not be p_ermltted. After tying, the tips of the fronds shall be hedged off above tho crown oppraxlmotely 1 /3 to 1 /2 of the frond length. Defronding and tying work shall be completed prior to digging the raotball. Submit documentation tho\ palms hove been reviewed by the Palm Tree Expert and that they ore diseooe free. G. Digging tho Rootboll: 1. When digging out the rootball, no excavation shall be done clooer than 2'1 incheo to the trunk at ground level and the excavation shell extend below the major root system to a minimum depth of 6 feet. The bottom of the rootball· shall b~ ~ul 0ff •~-,arc ~nd perpendicular to the trunk below tho major root system. Under no conditions shall the Contractor cut down the size of the roatball in width or depth. 2. The Contractor shall not freefoll, dreg, roll, or abuse the tree or put a strain on the crown at any time. A protective device shall be used around the trunk of the tree while lifting and relocating so as not to scar or •kin tho trunk in any way. This device •hall consist of either a rubber or leather sling made out of timbers sufficiently sized to wlth•tand cable/choker preaoure. Al no time will trees be balled out and laid an the ground with raotboll left exposed to direct sunlight and air. The rootboll shall be kept moist and shaded at oil times. .3. Palm• shall not be ,itockplled for replanting. 3.02 PLANTING OF PALMS A. Excavation for planting shall Include the stripping and stocking of oil acceptable topsoil encountered within the areas to be excavated for the tree hale•. 8. Excess son generated from the planting holes and not used as backfill or ln estobllshlng tho final grades shall be removed from the site. C. Protect oil areas from excessive compacting when trucking plant, or other material to the planting site. D. Center palm In plt or trench; align wllh other palms. E. Set palm plumb end hold rigidly In position until sand hos been watered ln around roots. The :sand needs to be washed Into voids around roots to achieve a good interfoce. F. All excavated holes shall hove lli!r\icol old"" with roughened surfaces and shall be of a size that Is twice the diameter and 2-1-inch minimum to -1-foot maximum deeper In the ground than the palms originally stood. H. Root-growth stimulant ehall be applied when the backfilling i• between 1/2 to 2/3 up the rootboll. Appllcotlon rote shell be one ounce of "Basic H" and 2 tablespoons of "Stem" In a 5 gallon bucket of wotor. Stimulant shall be poured full otrength equally diotributed around the roatball, and watered in thoroughly. 3.03 QEANUP A. Following planting work, all remaining excavation shall be backfilled and compacted In accordance with the requirements of the Landscape Architect. Burying of debris in hale• will not bo permitted. All excess aall and debris from the relocation work shall be disposed of off the site by the Contractor. This site shall be left neat and clean to the satisfaction of the Owner. 3.0-1-MAINTENANCE A. Be reoponsible far maintenance and guarantee of all ln,italled new palm• and existing palm• to the sotlsfoctlon of the Owner. 1. Maintenance will Include, spraying ·to control or prevent disease and weekly water management to include soil probing end maintenance of oump clean-out pipe and palm tree pruning. 2. Pruning shall be done with reciprocal saws (chain saws will not be allowed). 3. Sow blodf!S will be sterilized between each tree with 50% household bleach and 50% water for five minute,. -1-. Pruning will be done to maintain a neat appearance as approved by the Landocape Architect. :S. Proposed pruning schedule 1• to be submitted to the Landscape Architect for approval. B. The oprlng after planting, loosen but do not fully remove rope around fronds. Fully remove rope at end of summer, 60 days after planting. END OF SECTION APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVISIOl'IS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER, 1;:::■=H~EE~=•::::!_111==~2~1~TY u=·•~~O~::~:::~C•=ARL"'=~•-~S~B,~AD~~=:::'.1~•:s:1H;a;EE~4;;•~8"~•& ASST~. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT Ei'IGINEER PRIOR TO . r......n ,.. ..,-..,. , .., _ - IMPL ENTATION IN FIELD. ei'~--,r~'======::-:------------,----J --------------DATE ~.C.E. R.C.E. ______ _ R I D G E R£VIEWED BY: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Ta 949 248 9211 Flol 9{9 248 9215 INSPECTOR DATE ii ' 09/11/~ ~1-A NEW SHEET NUMBER ~-•-L-1> ro.l'::_ MAINT./PALM TREE SPECltlCATIONS f---..lL_fJ+-4---------+-----l OCEAN TERRACE CORPORATE CENTER r-----+-4---------+-----lCARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 -COURTYARD Al1RO~E~ /-(;,-03.. ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS DWN IIY ~~ I I fi e-per NO. II DRA-NO. APP'D CHKD BY JR FIELD BY SDP 97-14 362-SM I CMWD #97-278 L8.4 SECTION 02514 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PA YING Part 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUOED A. Concrete paving, mowstrlps, steps and walls. 8. Reinforcement. C. Surface finish. D. Special curing. 1.02 WORK INSTALLED BUT FURNISHED UNDER DTI-IER SECTIONS A. Section 0.1251 -Expansion and contraction jolnta. 1.03 RELA TEO WORK A. Section 02811 -Irrigation S}'!!tem B. Section 02950 -Landscape Plontlng 1.04 REFERENCES A. ACI 301 -Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buidlnga. 8. ANSI/ASTM A 185 -Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. C, ANSI/ASTh\ A 497 -Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. D. ASTM A 615 -Deformed and Plain BIiiet-Steei for Concrete Reinforcement. E. ASTM C 33 -Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. F. ASTM C 39 -Standard Test Method for Compresolve Strength of C),llndrlcal Concrete Spll"!cimens. G. ASTM C 94 -Standard Specification for Ready Mix Concrete. H. ASTM C 150 -Standard Specification for Portland Cement. I. ASTM C 26D -Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admb,tureo for Concrete. J. ASTM C 309 -Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compound• for Curing Concrete. K. ASTM C 494 -Standard Specification for Chemical Admixture• for Concrete. L. L. 1,4. Scofield Tech-Dato Bulletin D-203 -Application of Surface Retarder (for retardant finished concrete). M. FS TT-C-800 -Curing Compound, Concrete for New and Exleting Surfaceo. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work In accordance with ACI 301, 8. Obtain materials from some source throughout. 1.06 TESTS A. Teotrng and onolysl• will be performed under provlolon• of the UBC, current ed1tlon. B. Make available propooed mix design of each class of concrete ta appointed trim for review prior to commencement of work. C. Testing firm will toke cylinders and perform olump and oir eritroinment test. in accordance with ACI 301. D. Tests of cemer,t and aggregates wRI be performed to enoure conformance with opeclfied requirements. E. Three concrete teot c),linder• will be token for every 75 or le•• cu. yds. of each claH of concrete placed each day. F. One additional teot cylinder will be taken and be cured on site under some condition• oa concrete it represents. G. One slump test w!II be token for each •et of test c),llnders taken. 1.07 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data. 8. Include data on integral color, admixture• and curing compounds. C. Submit manufacturer's lnstructlono. 1.08 SAMPLES A Provide 4 foot x 4 foot job site· •ample of each paving finish shown or required, for review and approval prior to installation. Provide additional sample• until finish is conoidered acceptable by the Owner's authorized repreontotlve, at no additional coot to the Owner. Part 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cement: ASTM C150 Portland type, gray color. B. Fine and Coarse Aggregates: ASTM C33, from a •Ingle source throughout project. C, Water: Clean, potable, and not otherwloe detrimental to concrete. 2.02 FORM MATERIALS A. Conform to ACI 301. B. Wood or Steel form motorial, profiled to suit condltiono. ' " 2.03 REINFORCING MA TERI AL A. S)'fllhetic Fiber Reinforcement: 100,C pure •}'llthetlc polyprop~ene flbera, •nglneered ond de•lgned for aecondary reinforcement of concrete olabs, complying with ASTM C 1116 -Type Ill. Maximum length of fiber• to be 3/4-lnch. B. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A 615; 40 k•I yield grade; plain deformed billet ateel bars, uncoated finish. C. Welded Steel Wlr• Fabric: Plain type, ANSi/ASTM A11!5; uncoated flnl~. □. Tie Wire: Annealed steel, minimum 16-gauge olze. E. Dowele: ASTM A615: 40 k•I yield grade, plaln steel, uncoated finish. 2.04 ACCESSORIES A. Curing Compound: FS TT-C-800, Type 1, 30 percent aolids; ASTM C309, A•hford Formula. B. Liquid Surface Sealer: ProSoCa Kure/Seal. C. Patch Bond: Weld-Crete. 2.05 ADMIXTURES A. Air Entrainment: ASTM C260. B. Chemical Admlxutre: ASTM C494. 2.06 CONCRETE MIX A. Mix concrete In accordance with ASTM C94. a. Provide concrete with the following choracterlotlce: Concrete Paving -Compreoolve atrength at 21! days: 2500 poi Concrete Wells -Compressive otrength at 28 days: 3250 pol C. Uoe accelerating admixtures In cold weather only when approved by Owner. Uoe of admixture. wm not relax cold weather placement requirements .. D. Uoe aet-retardlng adrnlxutres during hot weather only when approved ·by Owner.': E. Add air entraining agent to concrete mix far concrete wori< os necesoory. Part J EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Verify compacted subgrade and/or base Is ready to support paving ond lmpooed loads. B. Verify gradiento and elevations of booe are correct. C. Beginning of Installation means occeptance of existing condition•. 3.02 PREPARATION A, Moleten base lo minimize aboorptlon of water from Ire~ concrete. B. Notify Landocape Architect and Owner a minimum at 24 houn, prior to commencement of concrete operatlono. 3.03 FORI.IING A. Place and secure form• to correct location, dlmen•lon, and profile. Obtain la}Out approval prior to pour. B. Aesemble formwork to permit easy stripping ond disrnontlino without damaging concrete. Uoe of permanent concrete •creed le permissible. C. Place joint lillero vertical In position, In straight linet1. Secure to formwork during concrete plm;emenl 3.0-1-REINFORCEMENT A. Place reinforcement. B. Interrupt reinforcement at expansion joints. C. Place reinforcement to achieve •lab and curb alignment as detoned. D. Provide dowelled Jolnto at interruption• of concrete with one end of dowel oet In capped sleeve to allow longitudinal movement. 3.0B FORMED JOINTS A. Place expanelon joint• at 20 foot Interval• uni••• atherwl•e ohown to correct elevation and profile. Align curb, gutter and oidewalk joints. 8. Place expansion Joint between paving componerits and building or other appurtenances. C. Provide con1rol joints at maximum 5 foot intervals of paving unleos otherwioe •hewn. 3.06 PLACING CONCRETE A, Place concrete In accordance with AC! 301. B. Hot weather placement: ACI 301. C. Cold weather placement: AO 301. D. Enaure reinforcement, Inserts, embedded parts and formed Jolnto are not dletrubed during concrete placement. E. Place concrete continuously between predetermined conotructlon joints. Do not break or interrupt •uccesoive pours such that cold joints occur. F. Place concrete to pattern Indicated. G. Coordinate pours of Integral color concrete to enoure conolotency of color ·throughout. Color lnconslotency will not be accepted, H. For concrete oteps, walls ex other coot-in-place elements. oettle concrete by vibration to eliminate honeycombs. Concrete with vlslble honeycombs will not be accepted. I. Tolerance• In horizontal ollgnment of hdrdocape element• such a• paving edge•, joints, wollo and steps shall not exceed 1/4" In 10 feet, or 1/2' in 50 feet. , 3.07 FINISHING A. See pion far flnlsheo and flnl•h locatlone. 8. Curba, Swales and Gutters: Light broom, unlM• otherwise Indicated. C. Place curing compound on expoi,ed concrete surfaces immediately after finlohlng. Apply In accordance with manufacturer1a instructions. D. Flnfohee: 1. General - Compact and tamp concrete as specified herein (uni••• retardant ffnlsh Is epecifled), to bring 3/B Inch of mortar to the surface, ffoat with wood screed• and ftoats only, and apply following flnlshee ofter surface by floating. Do not use eteel or any plastic Screeds, floats or "Fresno• for Initial floating and screedlng operation•. 2. All concrete frni•hee shall· be as listed on the Drowingo. Finl•h•• are as followa: a. SIM Trowel Flnleh - After ourface water disappears and floated surface I• •ufflclently harder,ed, steel trowel end re-lrowef to :!mooth, den!e, herd finish, After concrete has set enough, re-trowel to a smooth, uniform finish free of trowel marks or other blemishes. Avoid excessive trowellng that produces burned oreas. b. Sandblo•t Finioh - 1. All work shall conform to applicable OSHA and EPA stondordo. II. Contractor •hall achedule this work to be executed with a• little conflict with other trade• ao posoible. If neceosary, Contractor shall be reoponslble for the protection or masking of adjacent surfaces. ill. Teot areas for eomple of blasting will be estobllohed where ourloce will not be left exposed. Landscape Architect shall be present at time of •ample blasting and approve the desired finish. Iv. Core shall be taken to protect all adjacent •urface• 1rom damage which are not receiving oandblooting. v. Sandblaotlng shall be accomplished using qualified workmen familiar with the proper technique. vi. Sandblasting work shall be by the dry-sand method, utlllzlng appropriate equipment and adequate air pressure. Abrasives shall be washed slllco sand free from salt, day or other foreign materials. Noxzle position during the operation :!hell be as determined In the making of the approved samples. vii. All concrete area• requiring patching ohall be patched, with all rough apoto ond unevenness In the concrete surface ground smooth before the sandblasting operation la begun. viii. Wash down concrete sandblasted surface• promptly to remove oand and dust. Upon completion, remove from site all surplus and waote materials, c. Broom Flnloh - Steel trowel to o smooth, dense, hard flnlsh, then apply a broom flnleh with a otiff broom In direction perpendicular to walk edge. d. Retardant Flnloh - I. Concrete l.llx Design: An e.tremely coarse mix, containing the greatest possible percentage of 3/ll inch maximum olze aggregate and o minimum amount of mixing water shall be used. Aggregate / aond ratio to be 70!1 aggregate to JOll'. •and. II. Preparatory Work: The concrete should be placed and conllOlldated oo ae to completely fill all opoceo in the forms. Tamping Is not permitted in order to maintain the aggregate near the surface for later exposure. Apply o wood flaot finish which will permit 3/16 inch of aggregate exposure. m. Application of Retarder: As ooon a• the preceding ha• been completed, apply the retarder and 'Llthotex' by L.M. Scofield, (213) 725-7112, per Manufacturer•• application instructions. Once the retarder hos been applied, cover the entire ourface with plastic oheetlng or curing paper to achieve deeper aggregate reveal. Iv. Aggregate Exposure: The retarder should be removed between eight and twenty hours after placement by sanclblasting or with a coarse fibered and ruot resiatant wire scrub brush and jet of water. A clear oealer •hall be applied and the surface shall be covered after aggregate exposure with new, non-staining paper. E. Concrete Surface Sealer: Surface Sealer: All concrete that has either ·been eandbloated or retardant finished shall be sealed with a clear, penetrating concrete sealer. If efflorescence or alkali-staining Is evident after the concrete has cured, lightly wash the aggregate surface withe mild muriatic acid solution (usually o 10: 1 dilution) that has been thoroughly rlnoed with water and cleaned with diluted Lithochrome "Floor aeaner" by L.M. Scofield or equal. Rinoe again and 'ctry thoroughly. After concrete mix ha• cured for at least one month, the concrete surface eholl be thoroughly washed with freoh, clean water, After surface ia thoroughly dried, apply one coat of Aqua-Mix Penetrating Sealer, at the rote of 200 SF per gallon, Allow 24 hours before applying water ta verify If water beads. If not, apply a light second coot. Refer to Aqua-Mix Specifications for complete instructions. 3.0B FIELD QUALITY CONlROL A. Field fn!lpectlon and !eeting wlll be performed under provision of the UBC, current edition. 8. Maintain records of placed concrete Items. Recor date, location of pour, quantity, temperature and teot samples token. 3.D9 PROTECTION A. Immediately after placement, protect concrete from premature drying, exc .. eive hot or cold . temperatures and mechanical injury. ENO OF SECTION I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER,,~ =191=1~P=•::::!.1l'====C::ITY'=:::=O::=F=:C::AR::::::::::L::::8~B=AD===~•~ .. ►z,1;;:■~:ll /\..2 ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO :I PLANNING OEPARTMl!NT 14 ~ ~IM'.'_'.P:_i:''~"4•~~,~~;!JOT~IN;" l~N~Fl~EL~D~-==-----------~--l l9111/141/f_,,:;,.. ~ NEW SHEET NUMBER -, • ,~_,_.. ,...,_ CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS /§,~JamH J. ftldg• !Ii f2110¥ ~ .. R I D G DATE ~-C,E, R.C,E. ______ _ E f---",/;'+-l--------------+---1 OCEAN TERRACE CORPORA TE CENTER f--+--1----~----+---i CARLSBAD RANCH, LOT 10 -COURTYARD I 1:E~ - LANDSCAPE REVIEWED BY: ARCHITECTS Dl~ECTOR I-G-0.,1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DATE Ta 949 248 921 I . F,x 949 248 9215 INSPECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS u~ I 11 I APP•□ DWN BY PIIO.a!CTNO. DAAWINQNO. CHKD BY JR FIELD In-SDP97-14 362-5M CMWD #97-278 L8.5 . -··---· ·-.. 11 . I' 5 r-----._ TYP DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: 31'-0" r,:---=i--i=-~ Li__L_L I I r -:-:;r==-~r="" L_IL_J I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HA VE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS ANO PROFESSIONS CODE ANO THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIF/CATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANO SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY ANO DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, ANO ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. THE -, ~ LIGHTFOOT = ---PlANNIN6 ==== GROUP 5900 PASfEUR COUAf SUIIE 110 CARLSBAD,CA 92008 (76 92-1924 www.IighHootpg.com E kiN 1..ANOSCAPEARCH!TECIUflf REGISTRATION NO: -~2=96~1~-- ADDITIONAL NOTES I. MAINTAIN EXISTING LJ.NDOCAPE AS INDICATED. ANY PAMAC.EP LANDSCAPING TO BE REPLACED IN LIKE KIND. SEE SHEET 1-13 FOR PLANTING LEGENDS NOTES 4 DETAILS. 2. MAINTAIN EXISTING IRRIGATION AS INDICATED. ANY DAMAC.ED IRRIGATION TO BE REPLACED IN LIKE KIND. SEE SHEET !:>-6, ':l-I3 FOR IRRIGATION LEGENDS NOTES 4 DETAILS. 3. ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE TO REMAIN PROTECTED IN PLACE EXCEPT AS NOTED IN DEMOLITION NOTE H. 4. NO CHANGES ARE REQUIRED TO EXISTING MAINLINE OR MAINLINE EQUIA1ENT AS A RESULT OF ANY SITE UJOI-K !:>. A SEPARATE CITY REVIEUJ AND APPROVAL 15 REQUIRED FOR ANY PORTIONS OF THESE PLANS REQUIRING A ElUILDING PEFiMIT. CITY APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS 15 FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. ±64'-10" gJ gJ [TI N I }-- -H 24'-2" ~D=O \ \\ .:i--===--=<= ="'f"---""~icl--+ TYP SITE PLAN OCALE, 1/8' , 1'-0' 0'1' 4' 8' u lhlert,IUld s.-a Alert ; lb' AREA OF UJORK "AS BUILT" I , • :J: '\."·:2:x:6/! r I \ ·-. ••.. . . [";~~\:·~-~'.~ . \lc;\-fl.. :,::}:·;: ::., •.\; : .. -\:-/.(lc·=cs,"~ce~•~s ·--'f~'.::;;'f ;!,{~:~{~/~.:·~ ==·-=-·=~----~-------=---=-~=:~.--·::----=_~--= .. -~-·--·!-~, . ,·-~-vc,,<;ro-, 'f-'?-{§f' .,.•·~··! ·;:·.~---_, j TYP C --------------- \::'· ~ •; I --::~· .. :· : . Y·;' ~ • • . -·-1 . •. . . -.. ~ .. -.. . . ~-·· ·: ..... , .' . ., .. , :-; .'~ . . ~ . . . ·•-· --~-~-::. &B~M1F-~.~-t w '. . . :. _. ·-·-. '--N I " -H Ct--, lw ~ TYP .• ·}-~ ~~~~, -✓O ?--:p<;,.-, :.f'::::-. ,,, . -~ , ... . • Jr = \.c,',:'<-,'')' .. :):'; ':··.,. /."11',·J;.-·;N,·, t::\::::.<'.;\\:;.\•:: === SITE DEMOLITION PLAN j -----"--· ···•· -----, -OCALE, l/8' = l'-0' 0'1' 4' 8' lb' SITE PLAN KEYED NOTES DEMOLITION KEYED NOTES I. EXISTING BUILDING A EXISTING ElUILDING 2. EXISTING LANDSCAPING, TO REMAIN. 3. EXISTING HARD-SCAPE, TO REMAIN. 4. FILL/PATCH EXISTING HARD-SCAPE UIHERE BIKE RACKS AND CONCRETE 8. EXISTING LANDSCAPING, TO REMAIN. C. EXISTING l-lARD-5CAPE, TO REMAIN P. REMOVE ':l PRLINUS CERASIFERA BENCHES REMOVED. MATCH EXISTING HARD-OCAPE. E. TREES AT SOUTl-1 END, BEYOND Tl-IE MAJORITY OF 1-lARD-OCAFING TO REMAIN. !:>. FURNITURE 1$ 51-!Oll.N FOR REFERENCE. SEE ARCl-llTECTS FLAN F. REMOVE BIKE RACK, SAVE FOR RELOCATION PREF FOR FILLING IN I-JARD-SCAFE. b. INSTALL NATURAL GRAY CONCRETE. BROOM FINISl-1 TO MATCH EXISTING. 1. 8. NEUJ 51-lADE STRUCTURE -SEE ARCl-1 PLAN 'VISOR' BY TENSILE 51-lADE STRUCTURES, LLC. PHONE, !:>20.':l03.04I4 tenslleshadeproducts.com CANOPY COLOR, MIDNIGl-lT GREEN METAL PAINT, MATCl-1 'beige PH58-l00!:>':l' OF 'USA 51-lAPE 4 FABRIC 5TRLICTUR$ INC', TO MATCl-1 51-lADE STRUCTURES INSTALLED ON NORTl-1 SIDE OF Tl-IE CAMPUS ':l. NEUJ BIKE RACK · SEE ARCH PLAN THE -, ;r U6HIIOOI = --PIANNING ==== GROUP PLANNf.lG 5900 PASTEUR COURT SUITE 110 CARLSBAD,CA 92008 ("/60) 692-1924 www.lightfootpu.com SITE DESIGN LANDSCAfE ARCHRECTURE G. REMOVE CONCRETE TABLES AND BENCHES. 1-1. REMOVE PORTION OF 1-lEDGE, TREE AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM. TRIM 1-lEDGE TO NATURAL BREAK CLOSE TO DIMENSION Sl-!OU.N. ERR ON CLOSER TO EASTERN BUILDING (WITl-llN 18' OF DIMENSION INDICATED!. APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA L/:, ADDED NEW SHEET LANDSCAPE REDEVELOPMENT • , 1.,. H r, ~ CITY OF' CAllLSBAD SHEETS 14 1-----C,f----+-----------------t---t---t---t---i ~ PLANNING DIVISION :==='-'===========-====: LANDSCAPE R£0£V£LOPM£NT PLANS FOR: DESIGNED BY: J. TAYLOfl DAJE: 09/11/2014 OCEAN TERRACE PLAZA REDEVELOPMENT 5760-5770 FLEET STR££T DRAWN BY: ~Ac_•-~-SCALE: AS INDICATED f---+---+-----------------t-----"t----t---t-----1 PROJECT MGR.· J. TAYLOf, JOB NO.: 1465.01.21 rITLE _______ ~ DATE Call: TOLL FREE LANDSCAPE Af!CHITEcr OE '/Of!K: 1--------------------- APPf'OVED/({..j 1-800 REV !EVE U 8Y• 227-2600 INSPECTOR 1WO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG DATE OATE:9 I~ I n---oA-,E----,-1N1-,1A-L-+-----------------t-oA-rE=-t--"--" ,-1AL--t--,-oA-rE-t-1N-=-1 riA-L7 -c-c=--+--v'ci±sr-/i'-//-------ccc--'--cccc;c;'--+ R.LA: 2961 E E f NGIN rn or wo,x F,E\/ISIO~I DESCF,IPTIO~I orHER APPr<OVAL crrr APPROVAL OWN BY: ~A=C __ CHKD BY: ~J~f __ RVWD OY: PROJECf MO. SDP 97-14 DIVWIING NO. 362-5M