HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 363-1L; PIP 97-07; La Costa Products International; 01-17I I i I I I I l l RECLAIMED WATER NOTES L ALL ill?R< !ll,\;IU I.le DOE H AecalD.Al-«'.:I: UITH THE c.Alilee.AO 11.NICIPAL WATBII Dl&TfiljGT'& 'C.AM..0,40 l'U.U Al() l'ECd ATICtl& FCR ml&TRJCT!Ol CF fECt.AltE> WATEfil t'IA>l&' DATED OC:.TceEJII, ~- l. ~ F0.>11'.AM &1-141..L e.t Ff<l,.:<.,lcP flltl1 ~Y Cf fiiECI.Alt'ED WA"J1;R, 15E6T ~ Pl'fACTIQ:6 $I.AU~ t¥D iO H1Nt111E N:CUH:O IIIAM ~Aa-H:NT CH f'tl:ll.lC FACILITIE6 . eocH A6 J"IQllC TAl!II E&, r:ea-a, FUY~ e.AIO TOT LOT6. ETC. 3. !laT ~ f'!IUCTICE& ~ M ~ TO 1:LR11HATI; CR CCNr1<0L TO TH: eEOT EXTENT J"CeOlel E JOCM:>J-4 ~-af', Ov'ER !f'AAY Al-<t> Hl&Tt-6. -4. HOel!~AM&T1'tlCTLY~. 6. CH 001! ~--ca+ECTICH6 eE1l1fiEH JqECl..U-a) IIIAM Llol:& ANO FOTAfll.E IIIA'!El't L&e NE 6l'RICTL 'f ~e!TED. •• HO et.e6TmlTICN Cf' 1"11"£ HATEl'i!Al& IIIU. i,& ALLC41.ED Uln.o.JT ~ APPF<OVAI. Cf TH! CA"' 58..tO 11.HlClPAL IU.l,'Jl:1' Dl6Tl<ICT. 1. AU. MAN.N: l"ftil 91-iM.J. ;.i.l.\o£ IJWt.l~ T,ljPi FER CA/,LeeAD rlNICIPAI. IIIATEfil Dl&TIIICT'& JIU.El~ llfGI~ 4TIC'tlil ,t; a. n£ IR'M,\T)Oj 6Y&TB111 $W.1. l5E IUI ~ THE HGUiC5 Cf""'"'° f'l1 AID 6,U> AH. TH!: F<:t.l.~ ~1'6 /llt'OT ~TICN COi D Ell: DCt-E AT A t.>IH-E!,£NI' TM:J llllll CUAl..11'1!:D etl'ERY!e!QI ~ QI &ITI:. . ~ l"RCVIDE A Mllll1J1 Cl' AT l.EAOT 18 IDe a co.ER ~ AU. IURt-t:i Al() FfPtt-6. ; \D.1a,I-DE5~TEO 00c -~M mlU. ElE ~ Ffc01 CGNTACT tUll-1 fiiECLAH:D WATm ~BY~~ 5f'!UY OR Dlf<l:CT At'f'LICATICN ~ ll'IRlC>ATICN OR Dn1ER U'.lE. LACK Cf'~~ l!>Y ~ ca-161'JlilJCT1Qi l"JltAGTICS OR &Y6TEM CffAATICH I& fill'llCt\.Y ~- IL ~TIQI ~& ~ !lE Pll:LOCATEP C!ill AP.-J&TED TO~ O'vER· :lffiAY~ CN &IDl:1UALJ($, &T"l'£ET& A>-o to.-DE!IC:W.TED ~ AR:M. 12. P'1£Cl.At£P WATElt aJIO(, r.o.i"\.i).(l, VAl.vE& e.w..L. ElE Cf A T'ff"I! DE~ FOR Tl.e lJeE CH Fll:CLAM:0 IUA,11:R Di6TJlijflijTJQ,I &Y&TB-1& /:!f't(9 NOT~ 111TH FOTAllLE lllATElt GlllCI< ca.l"LER 5f'!KE&J f'El't CAM..5640 tu-llCll"Al. IIIATEfil Dl&TRICT'& IU.E& AND !i£GilATICN&. ll. tE1l:R lll4AIJ.. Ill: ~ZED l!>Y THE CA/<L!la,IO l'UllClPAL WAll:R Dl&Tl<ICT. 1-4. ,>U ~TICN F'ff6 $\AU Be &TENCILEP llXTW TJ.E il!AfiNl!..:i 'HO-I f'OTABU: Ui4 l1:R' OR ~ WATER', Ga.OR CODED /1'\M'LEJ Al-0 LAID II.ITH iUAl<NJHi::, T AF£ Al-0 &T&ICILt-lCl, Cf!IENTEO T~ n£ TOP Cf' ™E ~ FER CAl<l.fl-'O l"UIICIPAI. IIIATER Dl&TRICT'& ~& Al-0 W•Y 4T•CN&. 5. AU. f'OTA!lll! A10 FECI.At'ED WATER Fft& 5HAI..L Be ~UJ I EO Will-I niE flTENCL~ ~ T~ n£ TOI" CF TICE Tli1EHCl-l. 16. lllal A FOTAel.l! lllATEP! LIH: AND lif:Q.AH;J) WATER LINE CROil&, THE i;eG!..AltEP · LN: illlAl.L ElE N&TAI.U:D UITHIN A f'R:11'EGTIVE 61.EE'wE Tl-£ tlLEEvE 5HAI..L EXTENP Iii, FEET FfilCl1 EAOI &IPE. ~ 11-E calTER Lill: Cf FOT Al:lU: LINE. FOR A TOTAL Cf 2111 F!:ET. · n. A llll fOOT ~ZCNTAI.. ~-PARATION eE1llEEII f'OTl>al: lllAM ~ RECLA~ W4TI:R MAN$ M.l$T 6E MAINTAINEP AT AU. THE~ Tl-lE f'OTAllU: Ltr-a: 11.J&T el: ~TAU..EP AOOv'E TI£ RECLAll"!:P LINE. 18. A HINl"U1 OF 12 ~$ Cf vl:RTIC.AI. tlff'AAATICN l3fTUEEN UTILITIES 11.J&T el: HAl-lTAH:D AT ALL Tit"£&. * l!l. DIM:L~OR eHAI..L ca,pi,JCT A ~ cet-N;CTICN TE&T AHD CO\IERMc TE&T A& DIIECTl:P 6Y CAR.ea.AP t1.NICIFAI.. lllATER DISTFilCT AI-PIOR TH!!~ Dlf:60 CO,)llY DEPARTtalr Cf ENvtf<l'.»1ENTAI. 1-1:ALTH ~ TO ,<lNY ueE Cf li!:Cl.Alt"!:O lll4TER 2111. a.JICK COI.Ft..11-1:i YAI..VI:$ U6ED N RECLA.tED WATER $Y$Tl315 5HAI..L rol'Of;l1 TO .fl.lf "OU.0!.114 JGIEQ.AA-EO WATER, QJICK CGU'LH:. YAI.VE& U6ED IN flECLAH:0 lll4TER $'1'6'!El1ft 51-W.l. l-lA\1: AO"E TYf1: nRAP6 18f>ll<a NOT INTE~ lllTII FOTN.ll..E WATER aJICK c.o.t'U:1'I llf'll(fl&) AND f'\.R'LI: COLO\'iEP LOCKll-i:l, ~ ~'( ATTACl-i:D TO n£ YAL.\-1:. GI.Ila< co..t'L~ YAl..'vt;$ :llWJ. el! t£1.ea-l NO. 16-45. ~ NO. ~·l<l.4-f' OR ~ ECllAI.. 21. AN At-NIA!.~ caff:CTICN !Nef'l:CT!Ctl &HALI. l:IE 00-E &Y EIT\£R CA~I.P i'OIICIPAI. WATER Dl&ffll<;T•OR &AN Dll:60 c:o.!-ITY DEf'A/i(ll"ENT Cf' EIMFOH:MTAI. ~ ,i-1. COM:& Cf ~ICH ~& 11HU. OE f'Ol<IIW<OEO TO TH: ~-JtleR:CTl).(l, FARiY. ;f 22. PE\-1:1.Cffl't SH4U. eHOUI ~ lllATER DO HOT~• &JGI.I Loc.ATlctl& Ctlnl:flief'l.,,IN&. f 23. AN al &/TE ~~ ei.w.L flE Dl:lliGNAicP IN ILFl!Tt-<:i. 1141& t-i)MPIIAL $I-IAl.J.. l:IE FAHILIAA II.ITU~ &Yli~ ~JIii nlE ~. II.In-I TI.£ e.A&IC CONCEPT& Cf Bl>CKR.~ COH:c:nal ~IECTIOI, AHO fl.£ SFECIFIC REC:..lr.a alTS Cl' A Fil:CLAiMED WATER SY&Tat CClf'IES Cf TH!! Dl:$1GtlATICt,l UITH CONTACT l"llQ,£ ~ 5HAI..L l:IE l"RCMDED TO CAR.6e.AD l'UIICIFAI. WATER Dl$1'!!CT AHD &AN Dll:60 COl)lfY DEPAAll1:NT Cf EIM~AI.. ~! Cf EMt~ W.TACT JOHN KELLEY. AT (949) 833-9998 OR AF!l!t;i I-IOU!<$ m-!TACT JOHN !-LEY AT (?49~-9998 24. SIU AU. Rill.IC AND F!<NATE f'OT.oal.J: WATER HAINS~ Tl-£ f'LAl,I&. ~-Ct! M::ClAM:D UIATER SYSTEM!i, ALL~$ lb~ 1£o\D6, VAL\'!: 60XI:&. ET~J &flAl.L flE COLOR CODED RR'IJ: f£R ;!IWl4 GlllDELit-1:8 AND tll:CTICH ~~ Cl' M: C.AI.IFO!i,-114 li:ALTH AND &AfETY CODE. ;jc ITJ:11& HO.& 8, ~ I 13 61-WJ.. el: R!:Q.Jlfi1:D .AlbT PRIOR TO Tl.£ AC1UAL U5E a' f:IECI.Alt1:P W4TER. ITEl1 NO. 22 Tl.£ SIGW,ci,E ~ Ell: A FARI' ~ Tl,I& SIGNAGE .NOTES TlE~<:tll?aJe~l\£~Gf~~~~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT FLAN~ RECLAIMED WATER 5Y5TEM (PRIVATE) LA.COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 INSPECTION PROCEDURES L arr~ ll!f'!:COCI< lll!U. lt'.l.lt1:i Water Service Line Connection from Mainline TO EE ~y R:l!Ta) Nll!)E 11£ OOC1t GF .,IQ,I ~ ~ 'II£( .1/E E.lall" Yi!el.E. J"Lla CN &-1/N' ellB) ~ A !.CCAroi O' !'ff LH'I !I. 1lSi'.Jl DEf'!II C. ~ "-Ef',IRA,U. (w.R!llClllil T Ji(). ',OO"C.U. Tl CCI.ell Rll6'U ~111111 a..:,:~ l ~1'(:111'6:1.A11:1)1141Btlllc L ~lfJ.'Ella:NIM:llaMGF!OaPIIIHlU0,111 <lt.Y, 1!141l:ll,i«l, OOIWE ~ M ffl4'1: 1Ut i£ ME ~ r IIITM Ql.ll.Ra) ~ ~ aj lilt. NO 6r&TB1 mlU. AT ,IHI" 1H: !!£ Ll:l'T l)!..ln&c:;a) Mll:i lllf OJ11lU ll£ ~ /Claltl.E. 1 ~!£ 1H AIWN:R lll4T ill tW1lE Fa)! Clf F«i.04 .00 ~ ll£ IHU:Al!Glt RATE WU 'IIJf,E>«l:l:O 1M: llff.Til1.l.lt>I l'I-ITE GF ll£ ilOL Jl"Blb 11.111 If ~Jal 110 M 10 llE ca<l'ATl:ll 111111 Tl£ LOiEIIT &ol NI.T!iATICII !UTE f'!eBII'. Ml~ M<Y eEl\lelfTATEl) 6Y TIE ~ ~I«; (.f ll£ .IIITO'.IT"G CQj1J1l:I. a.co:a /11. e'l'I.OYk', lli '1a"£1T IOCOOj TO~ II' 11£ TOTAi. IR/llG4!1(:lj 11'£ MO CYC!.E& 1111.T lllJ. ~ H.W"l.lf 5Gt.~ 1 AD.l»T erRIIT f£IDe TO BJ-i!4TE ~y CIITO AR:M HOT lle:a ll£ c:om.:::t Cl' ll£ CWTCl1:R Fat~ ~.f'llfVA!EPAro&»i?!Jm.)li)&llEiS.00 -1. l't:MTC!t AliD IWIITAN ll£ 5YSIB1 TO~ i:Gl!l"i1!NT Ai() t'ATE!l!.,11. FAUt<E ~ ~ ~ LEJj<$, \MlSLIAN F Y~IQ. ETC.~ P.£ le'Alel ,16 °:\00'! A& m l'lfC£tE 4"1'~. D. f'ff tfNl'flCAn::N. IPOC'&! FOH1' Gf ca+EC1"06 E. I.DC.Aro! .l;O IPBll'ACAJl:jj Of' lfflH:I.Bt ~ F. 1AA11:i !«,I ATl\£ &/IE RC Cli 11£ lliW M.li1.Wo ~-- lll'!B! (f ~ WA.ll:ll 16 U!B) FOR ~r,;ar;nau AH )Ff"KNAI. I.EmJ1 i,&.: ~tti 11£ W'B?rol Cf TH: F'!,ll:CT $Vil. BE WT~ ff01114: Cl1Y );() Pl&llilCT. Ml i£ ~ TO n..E ~ DE60 co.kTT OO"ARll1'.MI CJ' ~AL IEAL 1H Ff,IJCR TO RI.IL ll!t'ECllCN Nfl0,1,11. IL ~ mil tlffGTkli lll!U. IQJVI:: A ~ leT, olf'TB! C01'\.l:Tlll Cf 11.f ~ ~\'$1B1, TO k,EliHlH! 'fffi1lC!' a'~Clt1H!~ ~ /,fE.I. RC Ffl:ll"1'lClt CF /flfJJ >l:l1' ~ FOR re:E\'t6 Fif:CUl'fI) 1141!:lt !3.IWitHi-AIOI.JaS.~. C. GlliJ( catlJ,li VAi. ,a D. ,lU. ~ CJ' 1\£ ~~ ~ t'a.IDl-l!l 'IK>!WIII !/'R.IY IUQ!'. MJ FOCHI. !:. ~ ~a ;u_ ~ ~ f. ~~Cf 11.0.U, ~~-~.ETC. Ii CR)',6 COH,;1'1()1. HL ,IOOl,L ~miti ~ Fi.re Sprinkler Line Connection from Mainline LlMJT OF RECLAIMED WATER USFJ LAND USE BUILDING OFFICE . OFFICE ' -" I. lm°AIE AU ~ ~ al A COOW:::W al£i6 Clllll£ f'la:la Cf~ 1141a ~ tUT llE ~ !ll,lf RC. DIA!BI III l"EAllT FCi/1 M Rlilfl?IS OlT, Ali!> Ill 'IQf /fffilHfD i'(ljt ~ l'lllf' -~ tm>, Tea., ~ ErC. ilMII Tl£ h\!iH ~.,IATE Cl' \ffl.Ol'lB A CCl1'I.ETE HIFl:C11Cli mo! /IDll> CIM:R P~), PAR! L'> MJ P.!M G Cf 1hf ~~ mil ~ KEY MAP NTS ·~~ PLAN NORTH. Ill ll£ ~l#'M IIIOOtllRI', IT III ifORT;;ff Jl.16 W'Oil• liATICH Ill: ~11:P OIi ,IH ~ PAII.Y ~ n· ~ KEY MAP LEGEND: --· fJ) TRUE NORTH DRAWING INDEX SHEET# CONTENT L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 .L 11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I -< TITLE SHEET IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN PLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN IRRIGATION DETAILS Pl,.ANTING DETAILS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS .i.... · Assessors Parcel Number -\ PARCEL NO l : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 ~ ' Y(ll ll£ UlllOC.-ft ClWIRACTQRIM016 ~ FOi! i:Dlr.41ll!IEolOIAICIEl'Sll'Ci4:(.fYAA~ '-c:er~ l'RlilRl(ffl?vAL a AU.~ 0/AlW JI() ~Tial TO Mr ~Al£ Clj S11E FN::lJTfl St:JI 0141'altl&T I!£ llB1T1fD TO J,:fJ ~ 5rll£ Pl&l!ilet ~ OflC£ AND ~ I' 40'.l'.W)A;a' lll1ll Pl61liliCr IITAJO~ m AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER 'USE I AREA OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE USE ®iJ-·-1 LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS - l METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION 1 AU. te:Ui1D ~lat~~ VJ.l.\,f;S ~U e£ IA6tli:I) lll1ll t>EWIC41lCH TAlill A TK4 Bl!AU. !?E !!EA~ l'U!,I\C 3\i4' RPi"Lf • 1M C;a.oli llilll l\£ lilllU 'IIAINti ~ 11411:R· DOliO! Dl'll4{' ~ at Cl£ ea_ll,l) •A~ AGl!A li"fltAA-N.,JCl'\IR()j 1lf: 01li:lt!lll£. ~ ~ llE ~ Al«> IUX II ca.Qt lllf =--AS t!IIIIF~ 1'T T. MmY ~ OIi ~ a. Cl£ !)6 euAIJ. eE ATT,iQl!:D TO E.401 VAl.\i V. ~ · lAlTAC!llOVAl.\f&TI:M~l"Oltlllllll'!AlllC . , TfUWOR ' 1 IITTAC!I TO~ 111i'E DfECII.';' C11i lillll l'\.Jl&1l: Tl'!IIW'l\'I 1 1111:4Cll TO YJ.l.lf ~ ilTII EX1!11WG Y.it.\i t:..M:lter.u. l AU.~ IEAP6 a!!i.U. 6E ~ ~ ~ 1114~ ~ 1£« . ' . MONICA MROZ 4310 JULY 6, 2012 DATE 619-286-2203 PHONE -·-PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (MAIN LINE) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4970CRESITA DRIVE SAN DIEGO CA 92115 LICENSE NO. ~ CONTROL VALVE M GATE VALVE f.....,___J uu!luW ,, _t. -FIRE SPRINK~ER . ~ · LINE (DOMESTIC & POpBL:E)': DEC.;LARATION OF l~ESPONSIBLE CHARGE -w-WATER SERVICE 1 f£!<Eal" DECI.Alol: mt.TI AM I.Al>6CAPE ~ITECT a: n-E ~ FOR · LINE (DOMESTIC & POT ABLE) THIS ~CT. lllAT I l-l,\V£ ~ttleD ~itU Cl-l,IR;E OVER Ml DE&IGH a: Ttll& ~ A6 DErilfl) 11<1 eecTICH 6V3 Cf 'M: ~ f'!.a'l:&,la-1$ CODE ,IND 'fl.I: Dl:$1tiN 15 CCN&l&TENT UIITI-I ~ !IT..w:>A'i!PS. 1 ~l&TAHD THAT Tl-lE Cl-ECK CF f'IQO.ECT ~ AND Sl"ECFICATICN& 13Y fl.I: CITY CF CAAl.ileAD Al-0 n-E SM Pll:60 CQl)jT'f DEFARll'l:NT a' El-lVl~AL HEAL TH I& cetl'l'ED TO A FiEYIEUJ ct,11. Y ,11,0 DOl:S NOT "1:LIM t-E, At, L.ANDe.cAl'E ARCUl'lcCT CF lll?f<K, a: H--~~IBILITll:6 FOfi! f'l<OJECT DESl(;M. WCATIONOF PRIMARY METER FOR DOMESTIC/ POTABLE LINE LOCATIO~OF SECONDARY MEfER VICINITY MAP ' NTS HIDDEN VALLEY RD. (EXISTING) CAMINO HILLS DR. PROJECT SITE IE J: .v). ~ I- :..u 0.. DATE: u, JAIJ. b/e, J06 NUMeER: '11~1!,CJ CAO FILE, CHECi<ED 6l", DRAU.N 6'1', 1.1.l t3 § 0 z :c 0 w 1- w LL SHE.ET: L1 OF 17 _J -.., ....J <( z ~ ,n Q oo V,1 ~ <(1-1-Q'I I IP. OUT 'M! AC1UAL SIGN& AND TAG& WIU. eE t¥>TAI I EO .ll&T ffilOR TO I Ac;TU;IL tJeE a' ~ W4TER :L i:.ia1 .lilla'\A"I: CO.lCUER ,ljlp fl& IMOOATfll ~ 5!W.l IE fDEH1ftP 11k11t A 61:lH ~ 11£ POI ~ !IIA'!:R ll&a) i'()fl !A'«,ATICII' 1)1 EtW6II 1W flf'~ 1111\1 ~ l.fllt\lljfiJf:ilai.4Flffl.E~-1\£&:il&l.filf?I: l"\.Al:3 60 WAT ~ CAN ilE i<!:ADL'I' Eli !lY Mir ~ml ~~I\£~- TI.etll; PLANS J.IA\1: e!:El'I f'liiEF'AAt:D IN &JeeTANTIAL ~ llJITI~ THE ~ LAMC>OCAFE CCl<CEPt Pl.Ari. WATER ca-t&ERYATICH f'LAl'l FIRE S(.fftl':6$1ct,i l"LAN, ,11,0 ALL CON.OITICN& Cl' iff"(Cvl>L REJ..ATEP TO ~ FOR DOMESTIC/ POTABLE LINE 0 cS t5g~J:ic) ooo:~..., oow~_g TYP&CAL SIGNS (lllZE) U' x :¾>' ,----I' i:lLACK U:TIEl'l.& ~ RB'.l'.>M:D ~TSR 00~!:fN< RE LAIMED WATER le:> -Ja..l4 M'l..flA 00 T /bU Aas FLA,$TIC ~ &TICK Ol VINYi. ~ AUIO J1:116 ~ ~-ret.ACK~ '---2' i;ll.ACK LEI IEl'd COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Department of Environmental Health Land and Water Quality Division G~ En 0.ranmental Health Specialist .. • Date EMERALD DES,,,IG,,:N,__ ____ _ Fl~ 29-Jun-98 DATE FIRE HYDRANT ~ A":D.Me) w.a.-!8'1 -T OOOOJ'CRNK AWJO -l6JA M'U'I,\ Nllow.R /&IZE/ 18' x 18' J1:>IS, Al.lJ11N!.l1, 11:JU ;le& i"LA&TIC OR. &TICK-OH YINYl. ~ CHARLES S. LAMB 3098 LAND!:,CAF'I: ARQ.IITECT LICEN51: NO. 30S N. HARBOR BLVD.,.SUITE 218 FU,1,LERTON, CA 9283.:e---- . AD~~-'--~-· -- (714) 680-0417 PHONE SIGNAT'Jl<E REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINE?::R, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR. . & DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD AFf'R:M3) DATE SEvaotHS ~1; INbUSTl:ilALbE~ELOPMENTS INTERNAT.!QN L AOOtSS 18101 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 120 . Irvine, CA 92612 TB.El'IO>JE; (949) 833-9998 DSTE f'M PftPARD ~--~--BY: ____ _ E£!,CH MAA< FEIXffi !KM --------------- B.EVAlnl ---· ___ [lA'flM _____ _ 1--l-------'---------+---·I----' , ~ ,~ \ \\ r,11t{1 It ,r, ,L;;:~~ /f!S: -1uSC:A;:,F ~ \ --.; " ,,,, \..!:.l·U~'',. ,,. ..,<:> -··· ,. __ ~-+c-t~ ,t~',,, I h , ?'l<l•r;t'> ~ ,~ •'·· ' ,,. ft~""" tc: :'.t I t(I.'' ~] :::: &-;' \) ~-::. • •"' / • l • ----18 -"'-i:J; i; 'I:' " j ; ~ -0 - ; ii-' ~ 6,f.<1/= q ~ \~ __;\ 1t ;i{'i11,;f : \• . ~q'f6 r*f ~, J · • • ;:-·--p;,.tc···;. • • . ~ JI ,1• ········· .~# -:. ,.p ..... ~{er c~· ~~~ --~~ ':i:, ., ...... I(' ~,.._ ---~-;11, OF CAl \~ ,\,-.. .111111111n\\\\\ . •"' ~-,.._ 't'-ff,·¥"" A ' I• . ·w· " 'G tor~'P.•. ION . . DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION , LAND. ARCH. . •••~~-..,., V•••-••-• •• s• . ·--· -. z :s :,; :5 a:• I-~ ~ £al n z~ .. 00 u..-zu "AS BUILT" APPROVED FOR PLANTING , r,,11.... I I J·7-~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY, - ,J.-=,6\ ~. D TE INCLUDING PRECISE - TITLE I LOCATION OF PLANTING . REVz;~D BYJ& • AREAS. 4-~!3'2 INSPECT~r . DATE '-."21Jf ,,. /Y., ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ' SHEETS ~,'t,Si,l ... t"I- PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' 1 17 LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET FOR:. LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive -r.arlsbad, CA 92008 •• ~0&£[Y ';i.-1.f-z. f -✓ 1 . · ~ ASSIST A PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: . DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: FIELD BK: PIP 97-07· 363-1L CITY APPROVAL OTIJER. APPROVAL C.HlllD • .00 NO. 97-275 NE "i'l Property Line-' _ __, 11/2" Meter w/ 115 PSI to.120 PSI Available; 93.3 PSI Minimum Required to ~rate System It. Locate Main Line out of --- Right-of-Way Water Serv Line..:...--, Right-of-Way ' ' Reclaimed Water Line Sleeve(s)----- shall Extend 10 Feet from each Side, from the Center Line of Potable Line, for a Total of 20 Feet -Potable Water & Reclaimed Water Main Lines must have a 10' Horizontal Separation between them I Location Notes: · This plan is diagrammatic. Piping and valves shown in paved areas are to be installed in planted areas wherever possible. Install valves in shrub areas where possible. · Verify power and water sources with general contractor and m the field. · 120 VAC electrical power source to controller location by others. -Do Nor install the irrigation system as shown when it is obvious that unforseen obstructions, grade differences, or differences in area dimensions would require a change in the system's design. Notify the owner immed- ia1ely upon discovery of such discrepancies. -Coordinate pipe and wire sleeve installation with pavmg contractor. · Adjust irrigation heads to provide optimal coverage and reduce overspray onto walls, paving, and fences. l i ~~ : s i ,,J.,i . I I '• P.0.7. Vi' Point of Connection :Tie into rrrigation dedicated water meter. onnect meter to reclaimed water system .en available. Verify P.O.C. location, · c PSI, mainline, meter sizes in the field. This ystem is designed for 93.3 PSI min. with maximum flow of 41.9 GPM @ s .#B4 Actual Qui.ck Coupler " · , Location .. _. ; J/4 !/>-It- ' (• ·~i &{ > f nd NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: InstaU all work per CMWD irrigation specifications 0 20 40 r' 80 . ' SHEETL2(2) BUILDING OFRCE OFFICE Assessors Parcel Number PARCEL NO 1 : 212-0.50-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 LIMIT OF RECLAIMED .,...... c ain Line u;.:L£.t.:=ca.u,e,""'"''"''"''"'=""' """""~""-""-="'-,-.µr.=="'-"-'-==:=CJ===== n KEY MAP NT$ I KEY MAP LEGEND: -AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER USE ®-D-·~ LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS - METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION ~t ., PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH -·-PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (MAIN LINE) ,•' I \. ~ CONTROL VALVE GATE VALVE MATCHLINE EETSURFACE 7 TABLE MAINLINE r:,. 11-fpf-OV~ Pp.l,Wi/.J &fS) l'> MINIMUM 12" REQ UIHED SEPARATION 3.5 FEET ~ t ,::'>-\ . • ·,J ,. ..... ',_ RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE NOTE: All reclaimed water irrigation pipe and sleeve shall be purple and labeled as specified in: "Standard specifications for private irrigation systems" "Carlsbad reclamation rules and regulations for construction of relaimed water mains" October 1993 SLEEVE POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING NTS PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH DA TE INITIAL LAND. ARCH. ' --SIDEWALK METER BOX WI METER CURB-- 24" 12'' MINIMUM 10' MINIMUM TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN STREET RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE WISLEEVE _ _, NOTE: . Vertical clearance of 12" minimum is mandatory when crossing path of a potable water line. Installation of reclaimed water irrigation mainline 24" from face of sidewalk will provide the necessary 10" horizontal clearance from potable mainline in the street. POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING NTS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Prepmred ll>y: HUNTER LANDSCAPE· 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714)476-4495 Site: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tltle: IRRIGATION PLAN Revlslcn: ata: &, brftc /.I ~ .fl.µ&4f'P-c.,_/,w#S ~/ fU-. 76 £ ,; -l> 1.1. u.i,.,_,c,;;5 -u/ Af~-. J & c-,n' /N,1"d¥!. PlsT: ~ ;J.9 y/),\/ ~ L2 "AS BUil T" PIP 97--07 I I 363-1L I > NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: ., · · Install all work per CMWD irrigation specifications - OTE: Main • maximum dhitance o 150' O.C. between quick Couplers, 1w'-o" Irrigation Legend I SYMBOL IMANlJF. IMODEL# I DESCRIPTION I PSI !GPMj RAD I I® IRRITOL MC36-PLUS 36 STATION AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER 'A' -WALL-MOUNTED ON EXTERIOR BUILDING WALL ® MC30-PLUS lB] 30 STATION AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER 'B' · WALL-MOUNTED ON EXTERIOR BUILDING WALL I 112" IRRIGATION-DEDICATED WATER METER -CONNECT TO NON-f'OTA SYSTEM WHEN AVAILABLE 1%1 FEBC'O 825-Y 1 1/2" REDUCED PRESSURE TYPE BACKFLOW PREVENTER WI WILKINS 'Y' STRAINER & BALL VALVES -LOCATE AS DIRECTED BY CMWD BACKFLOW SPECIALIST@ (760) 438-2722 x7152 WILKJNS l12YSBR-60 WYE STRAINER WI 60 MESH STAINLESS STEEL ALTER - INSTALL@ TIME Of CONNECTION TO NON-POTABLE WATER SYSTEM RAINBIRD PES-B 150 1 1/2" FLOW THRU ELECTRIC SCRUBBER MASTER VALVE LINE-SIZED GATE VALVE NIBCO 113T RAINBIRD PFS-B Seri"'! ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL SCRUBBER VALVE -SIZES NOTED 1" QUICK C'OUPLING VALVE WI NON-POTABLE COVER NELSON 7645 TORO • Toro • • Toro Toro • • • Toro • • • 300-25-ADJ (18Q)-NP QUARTER CIRCLE (90") HI POP.UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR• 300-25-ADJ (18T}-NP TIJl!UlCIRCLE(l35") HI POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR* 300-25-ADJ (18H)-NP HAI.I' CIRCLE (180") HI POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR* 300-25-ADJ (21Q)-NP QUARTER CIRCLE (W') HI POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (21T)-NP THIRD CIRCLE (135") HJ FOP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR• 300-25-ADJ (21H)-NP HAl.l'CIRCLE (180") HI POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (21F)-NP FULL CIRCLE (360") HI FOP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR• 3Q0-25-ADJ (24Q)-NP QUARTER CIRCl..5 (90") HI POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (24T)-NP TIHRD CIRCLE (135") HI POP-UP ADJ STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (24H)-NP HAl.l'CIRCl..5 (180") HI POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (24F)-NP FULLCIRCLE(:160") HI FOP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR• 300-25-ADJ (27Q)-NP QUARTER CIRCl..5 (W') HI POP-UP ADI. STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (27T)-NP THIRD CIRCLE (135") IJl POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (2711)-NP HALF CIRCLE (lllO")HI POP-UP ADI. STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (27F)-NP FULL CIRL'LE (360") HI FOP-UP ADJ STREAM ROTOR' 300-25-ADJ (30Q)-NP QUARTER CIRCIE (90") IJl POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR' 300-2.5-ADJ (30f)-NP TIIl!UlCIRCLE(l35")1Jl POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR* 300-25-ADJ (30H)-NP HALF CIRCUl (180") IIl POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR* SO 1.16 50 1.74 50 2.33 50 1.34 50 2.01 50 2.68 50 5.36 18' 18' 18' 21' 21' 21' 21' 50 1.52 24' 50 2.28 24' SO 3.04 24' 50 608 24' 50 1.70 50 2.55 27' 27' SO 3.40 27' 50 5.09 27' 50 1.88 30' 50 2.82 30' 50 3.75 30' 300-25-ADJ (31JfQ)-NP THREE-QfR CIRCLE("270') III POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR" SO 5.63 30' 300-25-ADJ (30f)-NP FULLCIRCLE(:160") HI POP-UP ADJ. STREAM ROTOR* 50 7.51 30' KEY MAP Actual M · n Line '----\:. uication , ,, -. ~- V )p + L ! _,,_ 0 • Hunter Hunter " Hunter Hunter Rainbird Rainbird • • Rainbird • RainbW • Rainbird • • Rainbird BUllDINO OFFICE SHEETL3(3) Assessors Pan:el N...ulJer PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 LIMIT OF RECLAIMED WATER USE TRUE NORTH ; ' KEY MAP LEGEN1D: -. AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER USE ®-11-·-WCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS - METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION -•-PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (MAIN LINE) a CONTROL VALVE M GATE VALVE ----• MATCHLINE I I Prall,'laralll by: HUNTER LANDSCAPE· 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714)476-4495 !fl IQ d I -lg::==;::;~~::L=.;~:=:1:JiC::l:~~~t;#-~t¥£ra'f~~~~==--~-'.:::r:_~~~=H~:Actual C,i------.-_.,,."-l Locatio 1--~--1,,1---1 11 i--T-.--.----1 e, t-------1 ~1-¥--,-j.4...,, .,i..-.,,,f---=P-~l-l---.2!f__:;;;:;r:~~=-,>-'-t r I Site: I-20-36V -LAS-RW FULL CIRCl.E (360") SHRUB RITTOR"" 1-20-ADV-LA6-RW ADJUSTABLE SHRUB ROTOR** I-20-ADV-LA 7-RW ADJUSTABLE SHRUB ROTOR** l-20-36V -LA 7-RW FULL CIRCLE (360°) SHRUB ROTOR** 1-20-ADV-LAS.RW ADJUSTABLE SHRUB ROTOR** l-20--ADV-LA9-RW ADJUSTABLE SHRUB ROTOR*• 1-20-36V-LA9-RW FULL CIRCLE (360°) SHRUB RITTOR" !806-15Q-NP QUARTER CIRCLE (90") SPRAY HEAD* 1806-lST-NP TIDRD CIRCLE(135°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-15H-NP HALf CIRCLE (180°) SPRAY HEAD' 1806-ISIT-NP TWO-THIRD CIRCLE (240°) SPRAY* 1806-lSf-NP FULL CIRCLE (360°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-12Q-NP QUARTER CIRCLE (90°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-12T-NP THIRD CIRCLE (135°) SPRAY HEAD' 1806-12H-NP HALF CIRCLE (180°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-12TQ-NP THREE-QUARTER CIRCLE (270°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-12F-NP FULL CIRCLE (360°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-12-VAN-NP VARIABLE ARC NOZZLE SPRAY HEAD (45")* 1806-IOQ-LA-NP QUARTER CIRCLE (90°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-lOf-LA-NP THIRD.CTRCLE (135°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806,IOH-LA-NP HALf CIRCLE (180°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-12TQ-PCS-125-NP THREE-QUARTER CIRCLE (270°) SPRAY HEAD• 1806-IOF-LA-NP 1806-SQ-NP 1806-ST-NP 1806-SH-NP FULL CIRCLE (360°) SPRAY HEAD' QUARTER CIRCLE (90°) SPRAY HEAD* THIRD CIRCLE (135°) SPRAY HEAD* HALF CIRCLE ( 180") SPRAY HEAD* 1806-lSfQ-PCS-125-NP TIIREE-QIJARTER CIRQE (270°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-8f-NP FULL CIRCLE (360°) SPRAY HEAD* 1806-SQ-PCS-020-NP QUARTER C!RCL6 (90") SPRAY HEAD*** 1806-ST-PCS-030-NP THIRDCIRCLE(13S') SPRAY HEAD*** !806-SH-PCS-04-0-NP HALF CIRCl.E (180") SPRAY HEADu• 1806-SST-PCS-060-NP SIDE STRIP SPRAY HEAD"** 1806-EST-NP END STRIP SPRAY HEAD••• 1806-SST-PCS-040-NP SIDE STRIP SPRAY HEAD••• Ul04, 16F.SLA-Pes-030-NP FULL CIRCLE (3,;o") LOW ANO LE STREAM SPRA y HE.ADU• 50 2.10 50 2.80 50 3.50 SO 3.50 50 4.40 50 5.60 50 5.60 30 ©.93 30 1.23 30 1.85 30 2.48 30 3.70 30 0.65 30 0.87 30 1.30 30 1.95 30 2.60 30 0.40 30 0.39 30 0.52 30 0.79 30 1.25 30 1.57 30 0.39 30 0.52 30 079 30 1.25 30 1.57 30 0.20 30 0.30 30 0.40 30 0.60 '30 0.61 30 1.21 30 0.30 28' 33' 35' 35' 37' 40' 40' 15' 15' 15' 15' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 10' 10' ,--,' 10' - 10' 10' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 5' 5' 5' 4'x24' 4'xl4' 4'x30' 6" ) 1--1-'--,,' I Note: Contractor m11.y Substitute Rainblrd 1800 Series Pop-up Bodies with Equivalent Hunter Brand Pop-11p Bodies. Note: Use 1804, 4" Pop-up Body for Heads l 0' Radius or Greater tu Turf Areas Instead of 1806, 6" Pop-up Body. Note: Install Pop-ups within 10' or all Pedestrl11.n Uses. -••-• Purple Reclaimed Water Class 315 PVC Pipe Mainline -Sizes Noted ----Purple Reel. Water Class 315 PVC Pipe for 1/2' & Class 200 for 3/4" & Larger Latetal Line - Sizes Noted ----Schedule 40 PVC Pipe Sleeve -Sizes Noted -4--+ Schedule 80 PVC Pipe Sleeve -Sizes Noted • Indicates Use of Shrob Adapter on Riser Instead of Pop-up Body )(. Indicates Use of SAM (Seal-A-Matic) Built-in Check Valve in Pop-up Body C-Ontrol Valve Infonnation talion Number Gallons per Minute Valve Size Minimum Static Pressure Required t.o Operate System = 93.3 PSI @ POC Static Pressure Available= I 15 PSI to 120 PSI per Carlsbad Municipal Water District@ (700) 438-2722 Maximum System Flow = 41.8 GPM @ Sta. lfA12 PLAN NORTH APPROVED FOR PLANTING 0 .20 AND IRRIGATION ONLY, -., INCLUDING PRECISE 40 BO LOCATION OF PLANTING TRUE NORTH AREAS. .a ~-"1·--• . . • bf!!,,, • ...___. 111......-r ,I 11. I~-"' • IA 1J1 ISHE~: I . ' 1 I I l • • .. LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tltle: /RR/GA T/ON PLAN Revlalcn: L3 Off: 17 "AS BUILT" ,~ I . l ~-~ ---.I I 16.TE -TITLE l I REr:~&¥ INSPECTOR 1·1'J.'f) ATE CITY OF CARLSBAD E£J PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7 IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive carlsbad, CA 92008 APPROVED: ~u]) 9-lf:ft ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: FIELD BK: •wt NP Cover LAND. ARCH • CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL PIP 97--07 363-1L **w/ Check Valve & RW Cover - r 11 I I \/ ( I \. ; ' ' , .. ·, i \._ ,' SHEETL4(4) KEY MAP Right-of-Way ·. "•& \ Property Line-,;---r-~--1 *Matchline See Inset to the Right - Refer to Key Map for Better Clarification 0 OFFlCE NTS --. l(j ~ ~ .... J I V'J ... = = j 20 40 BUILDING OFFICE ,,,........,, ,. . Ass rm.s Parcel Number PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 LIMIT OF RECLAIMED WATER USE * *Matchline See Inset to the Left - • ®-D-·- e M ~i a, Refer to Key Map for Better Clarification PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH . ../ & ' Property Line . ~ r NOTE: See sheet LJ (3) for irrigation legend. ' ' ' ... I ' ' ' '•· ' I I ?' < . 1 ... ( ',. ( ( -{ ( \ ~ (_ C, t C, C, {, C, • >( I I ~i >( I~ I } ,. \ \ \ , \ ~ . ·, \ / "\ I < 1/'r \ <' ' l ' ' , ? I ' .. ' / Ir-' )1\ \\) 1\" ' "\' ~ . I \ I I ~14 I ' -----' '1-i I, ~ • t ,- ~ .,_ !;,./ ' I" I . ... ,.... ' KEY MAP LEGEND: AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WA1ER USE ' . LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS - METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (MAIN LINE) CONTROL VALVE GATE VALVE MATCHLINE NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: Iustall all work per CMWD irrigation specifications -!!!, ~ J i Cl:\ ... .51 :a APPROVED FOR PLANTING I AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. . - ' / < ' ' HUNTER LANDSCAPE· 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714) 476-4495 Sita: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tltla: /RR/GA TION PLAN · Drmwn by: u,L- Revision: ate: Sill@@!: L4 (Q)ff: 17 "AS 81 JILT" , c:z, I, l 1-z-~ . • ✓ •. L f-ATE TITLE I !EWr;lY: INSP~cfoi{acf< 4:·te-~ DATE A t..d., ..... ,,.,,.., __ .-, a-.... -I. 11""-.~.".: ·a.• IDI U' !SHE~:. I Eu . ' I 'I L I • I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7 IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 80 ~6 e;.1t-ze. APPROVED: ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE ' ,. PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTI-1 . DWN BY: PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: LAND. ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL FIELD BK: PIP 97-07 363-1L I ) ) --- . •· ... ) 1 ' IA Actual Main Line Location ,' . ,·. I/~ \ · Actual Quick Coupler Location · \ ' l . 11' ) Lt. Ii, . ' . Ji:,) 1/'J, ) ti) 10" ROUND VAi.VE BOil 'Q.C' llllAN:>EJ> OW UD ' ~=~-~QUICK CCIJPUN<l VA~ (ln ... 11 Z" •h••• grad1 j :,- CRUSliEJ> ROCIC i ,!r~~ Z PVC 5'1'AeET EU.S PVC 5Gh. i111 NIPPLE PVClEE PVC MAIN UN& · PVC Sen. 40 EU; UOTII IP4S1'.&U r MOM UI.MSil .&nl..lQ(WT PA\IU AA1.L QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BEOF A TYPE APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WATER USE QUICK COUPLING VALVE Reclaimed Water Notes: ·All valve boxes shall be purple plastic with the words "Recycled Water" cast into the plastic lid. ·All control valves must have a plastic label atrached with a nylon tie wrap with the words "Recycled Water- Do Not Drink" in English and Spanish. ·All above-ground risers shull be labeled with a self-adhesive label with the same warning as the labcl for control valves. ·All flush, pop-up sprinkler heads must be made of purple plastic if available •All below grade piping must be purple "Alert Line" pipe with the words "Recycled Water -Do Not Drink". This applies to both permanent and intermittent pressure pipe. This requiremcot docs not apply to fittings and risers. · No hose bibs are allowed on recycled water systems. Quick couplers are allowed, but must be made for recycled water systems. Quick couplers must also be' pla . in pur le plastic vulve boxes. CONNECT TO LATERAL FOR §.B-?'UT AND CAP EXISTING VALVEA14 C EXISTING LATERAL CONNECT NEW ~(~. ~. HEAD TO ~ EXISTING VALVE A 15 SLEEVE EXISTING MAINLINE 1 ·-· L~ND WIRES IN ~LACE --·---···-"1t·--..-~£ I 1 1 -SLEE"1! ________ tf ii I /",;I Ji L _J'-! i 1 CONNECTTOr" .. 'r'""•i: . LATERAL FOR , •. J I I' 1·1 : [j},-jJ![J/ EXISTING VALVE AB ( ''.'c,J f ~LE£VE ______ !: .:J ,t,,·-LIMIT F O ~---~· 1·-...... ~ . '"'lc /~~.L-,lt<-1--; !f-+c';:,.._+-'-N---,!P--,1~~ li1l"---...--,,,}'f/~ I l" r!> I t _(p ')'.1 £ ,1 ~,t A1e t t I Fire Sprinkler Line l /i, -C CJ 0 tlq W'I'' ,, !" ·--- • I" I • ~ • '-11 ----,-, ~ IRR!GA TION LEGEND (HEADS) S'IM DESCRll'llON MANUFACTURER I MODEL NOZZLE GPM [!] POP-UP SPRAY HE<.D RAINBIRD/1800-SAM-8 SERIES MPR F. H, T & QAS REQO, 1.05, ,52, ,35, 26 C POP·UPSIDESTRIPSPRAYHrm, RAINBIRD/1806-SAM-5 SERIES MPR 1806 ,5 II POP•UP ENO STRIP SPRAY HEAD RAINBJRD/1300 A-F MPR 1806 1.1 0 RM>. 6' 41<26' 4'X14' SffiEET SURFACE--------', 3.5' Rf:CL>,IMED WATER IRRIGATION MAJHUNE 1/f SLEEVE' ___ ,,. TABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING r-~--MEttR 60:< MTH MED /,,. APPRQK. a• POTABLE SERVICE LJNE~.-----1 10' M!Nll~U W '!tR IRRIGATION 1.tAJNLIH£ \½TH SLE£\IE RECL}JMED WATER IRR!OA.llON MAINLil,'E WllH st.W,E~-----' ' "' YER.TICAPOLTCL!:ARBU'. ,~C£.' Of' 12• J.!INII.IUM IS l.!ANOAiOilY MIEN CRO;!iSINO PJilH J.. r,A'J'ER LINE. IN5TALl..,\110N Of RECLAIMEO WATER lRRJGA,TlriN MA!/,/UNE 24" FROM fAC[ OF SlOf:WALI( WIU. PROVlDE lHE flECESSAR'r' 101 .. tiORIZOITTM.. CL~ARAli!Jf FROli' lHE POTABLE MhlNUHE 1N THE STREET, POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING & Reclaimed Water Line Sleeve(s) shall Extend 10 Fe.et from each Side, from the Center Line of Potable Line, for a Total of 20 Feet -Potable Water & Reclaimed Water Main Lines must have a 1 O' Horizontal ~em BUILDING OFFICE SHEETL5(5) KEY MAP LEGEND: AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER USE LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS - METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION KEY MAP --PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (MAIN LINE) 0 CONTROL VALVE NTS Assessors Parcel Number PARCEL NO 1: 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1: 212-050-41 LIMIT OF RECLAIMED WATER USE PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH HUNrER LANDSCAPE 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714) 476-4495 siis: LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 /RR/GA TION PLAN \....14,-,.-----~~'V:A-1,, E ActualQuickCouple~·, ~ActualMainLine · -----MATCHLINE Location.. / Location ·. , ---·-p--P-P01ABl,f-WA1Sil-t,,.!NE. NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: • • ,J" • • 0 D I" ' ---------- Property Li:e, ~ db, 0 7 20 7717JIIPII F Pl 40 }'Ti • ,;rr l IT • J/4 3/4 f', ~ii ,, " ' -1, \ e,.; \' '·~ t I q°¥ I /1,/ --0 ,.,,v 80 PLAN NORTH • • Install all work per CMWD irrigation specifications ) . .• ·--•-> ...... __ .,. • ' . .' ·., .,' ..... /-~·r PIPE SIZING CHART OPM PIPE SIZE 3/1 Oto 1/2" C. • 6to JO 3/4" 10 to 16 I" 16 to26 I 1/4" 26 to36 11/2" 36to50 2" £ 1,,ji, f'i.-M.J u/t,,,.1,,f!.$ v/ Af,., t:r, ...... & c.m-/1.-.17qZ, R>TP/Cr Ct;'NWT!, :;.9 wN' '?% • I C. • L5 Off: 17 ----------lh------------- TRUE NORTH 551 APP RO Vr-.::-:-~~--.· AN RIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE '----t--t-------P--1~0-N __ +----t---t----lf----l lSHEEST: I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS , PLANNING DEPARTMENT 17 t---+---f-------------+--f---+--li----~ ;;;lR;R;IG~AT:;,IO;N;:;PLA~N::;F:;::OR~:=========:::::..=::==:::::::==~ DATE INITIAL LAND. ARCH. REVISION. DESCRIPTION DATE .INITIAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPROVED: ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: CHKD BY: ---FIELD BK: PIP 97-07 363-1L -®-a--- ... 1 - Quick Cou ler ' db. Reclaimed Water Line Sleeve(s)-~ shall Extend 10 Feet from each Side, from the Center Line of Potable Line, for a Total of 20 Feet -Potable Water &, & Reclaimed Water Main Lines must have a 10' Horizontal Separation between them KEY MAP LEGEND: AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER U~E LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS - METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (MAIN LINE) CONTROL VALVE GATE VALVE MATCHLINE ' ,£ Actual Main Line Location __..----".Actual Quick Coupler Location SHEET L6 (6) j t 0 20 \ \ '------'--- APPROVED FOR P'LANTIN1G AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: - Install all work per CMWD irrigation specifications ii:,, Actual Main L" ( Location ----- HUNTER LANDSCAPE - 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714)476-4495 Site: LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Title: IRRIGATION PLAN Drmwn by: u,l--/ c:;~r .. ~, /4;~~--:->,\.E.S S , ,,,,.>'')\ <I" . ' .. .., /I ,, • ii'~ ') C L6 -' ' / I L -----------1 (Qi: /1 BUILDING OFFICE • KEY MAP NTS ,. _ _,.-.,_ LIMIT OF RECLAIMED WATER USE Matchline See Sheet L 7 (7) ' ,. lb, Assessors Parcel Number - PARCEL NO I : 212-05(),.43 -------f~r--------~~~~:.1-----L PARCEL NO I : 212-050-41 OFFICE ~t ., PLAN NORTlt TRUE NORTH ... _,,.,._ ,_ , ' , ' I --,' ··~_,..._! -._ _, , ,-- - - I I I I _L _________ l ·ii I 4-:z,. ::,, I~~ ) I I L ____ _ ISHE~: I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT IRRIGATION PLANJ'OR: DATE LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive . Carlsbad, CA 92008 i--------t---+----------+--+---+--~---l~APP_R_ov_E-,D:c:::::t~~=-"'0.'."""~----,------9-f f'-tJf I i---r--+-----------+--l-----l---l----1 Ass1fif&f~1.ANNING DIRECTOR DATE a-- r:-:=-r:-::=-:--t---;==:-;::::-::::::-:-=-:==-::==-=-:-'.:"--+-+----+--+--~ DWN·BY: __ DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: -- FIELD BK: LAND. ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVA PROJECT NO.: PIP97-07 .... DRAWING NO.: ,5::: 363-1L i--- I r~ I I I • • • Reclaimed Water Line Sleeve(s)----~ shall Extend 10 Feet from each Side, from the Center Line of Potable Line, for a Total of 20 Feet -Potable Water & Reclaimed Water Main Lines must have a 10' Horizontal Separation between them Actual Main Line-+-- Location OFFICE 4 , ;ft'~ ~,, 0 ---, J__ I I I I I L_ ,;v 'b.1 Fire Spri l"i -= ---7 I I I Matcbline See Sheet L6 (6) I, I . . BUILDING OFFlCE KEY MAP LEGEND: L ____________ ,8 AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER USE '/" ~(,_,_ /Y,,.' 1/'Ji, 1>' 1 jv lb er Line it, 3 3 for irrigation legend, /;c I/ ' ?," • h_._--1 __ 1 /'' I' I' !" y.,, LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINTS - METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION I ®-a- I 1-·- I e coNTROL v ALVE l " GATE VALVE t ----MATCHLINE, _ , --------------, I -1--!it" 1 Worst Case Pressure LOOiS 38.1 GPM @ Station #B29 I 1/2" Meter 1 112' Backflow Prev. l 112" Master Valve Gate Valve 1,180' of2" Mainline 1 112" Control Valve 1 70' of Lateral Line 11' of Elev, Increase PSI Required @ Head: TOTAL PSI REQUIRED@ POC: r ifi/ w ¥1 w --_..,.__ I/ 3.0 8-9 3.8 2.9 ____ _.6,0 4.8 43.3 50.0 93.3 l-..... •-"""'1111.C~~---....... OFFlCE KEY MAP / .r / . PARCEL NO 1: 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 ASlleSllors Parcel Number LIMIT OF REClAIMED WATER USE SHEETL7(7) NTS ~~ ., D WY ~ e, e, l \ { I \ .!. ' P~N NORTH TRUE NORTH X • )( HUNTER LANDS CAPE 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 Prap.mrad ior: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714)476.4495 Sita: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 TIRla: /RR/GA TIDN PLAN Ravlalcn: ~-----------+-----11:, ~ ""i. J 11,v,o¼Ape-~"5 ;:. ,-, r5 &, sj'i. cH"-1./41£5 uj Af~-f A &rY / -~R Pr.f,7: CO,<-{M~ ;$9 OVAi '9b ,lo-l=-'----+-1---l-\----'~:--fi;~ ii!,1111--•--•/•S'<Mo•,_•o,-1,Wll-• ---....,---1t----• ~ r' t ~f -¾ \ X ( . Actual Main Line Location. &. ~ ~ ' ' \ ) " -l!o. \ I J/y .-• C '>/q -I" L 'j'/,fif :,/~' -----··---- , /,'If' J/4) flq' 'f!L_ • ,, • • $r • ·% • JI.; • ~,, /' { //11/ !%v ;f./ ;/I,/' /Jr') • • • • L7 ~-x X ~ '~-tJ 0 20 40 80 PLAN NORTH I ' X Of: 17 "AS BUil T" NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: Install all work per CMWD irrigation specifications & AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE l----+--+------=------+----lf-----1--+----J ISHEE7T: I CITY OF CARLSBAD [sHErn77 PLANNING DEPARTMENT l___!!_____J ::====~=====================--======~ l--+---+-------------+----1-'--+----+-----J IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 TRUE NORTH PROJECT NO.: PIP 97--07 363-1L .. NEWTON DRIVE I I I I::, Property Line WATER SERVICE LINE TREES TO BE MINIMUMS' FROM CENTER OF LINE Limit of Grading " . : : . . I I , _,,.-··· .. SHEETL8(8) OFFICE KEY MAP NTS KEY MAP LEGEND: -AREA OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE USE OFFICE Assessors Parcel Number PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 LllWT OF LANDSCAPE USE ~~ ., PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH Pr111paracl by: HUNTER LANDSCAPE 451 0 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim. California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC . 18101 Von Kannan Ave .• Suite 120 Irvine. CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714)476-4495 Sita: LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL N~wton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Concrete Mowslrip · ------MATCHLINE \ I -~ 11 . ~, I \Right-of-Way l I Water Service Line. Actual Location to be ---1 Determined @ Time of Connection I Maintain 5' Distance from Trunk of Plams to Allow for Uplightiilg to be Located in Shrub Area .. ---r·'·· .. ..J ., Fire Sprinkler Line,-·--· -----l-._ --IP' /01 . Concrete Mows~p---,..1 _ Easement for Fire Sprinkler Un,..,,~~ i • • ' . p,' t ,;' ;1,;;, 0 Matcbline See Sheet Lll (11) 0 20 40 OFFICE --'.'-, I /"'4 4' I I '"~, NOTE: See sheet L9 (9) for planting legend. . 80 PLAN NORnt TRUE NORnt Landscape Requirement Tabulation: ·Total Site Area = 701,630 Square Feet ·Landscape Area Designated on Architect's Site Plan= 140,326 S.F. or 20% of Site · Less 5,624 S .F. of On-Site Sidewalks & Patios = · 134,702 S.F. of Landscape or 19.2% of Total Site ·ZONE ONE= 7,012 S.F. ofTnrf or 9.8% of Landscape Area on Less than 2:1 Slope (5.2% of Total Landsc.aping) ·ZONE TWO= 67,725 S.F. of Refined Landscape or 50.3% of Total Landscaping Tltle: PLANTING PLAN ·Approximately 1,550, 5 gallon shrubs & 3,200, 1 gallon shrubs ·Hand planted ground covers @ 12" O.C. to 18" O.C. ·Trees as shown on plan ·ZONE THREE= 63,395 S.F. of Transitional Landscape or 47.0% of Total Landscaping ·Approximately 600, I gallon shrubs · Hydroseeded ground cover ·Trees as shown on plan . DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION LAND. ARCH. !!:::,, <>1;1, /J 4 H4/t,t>scApe ,,/;.,!M$. z1 fU ,S · £. ~,(i, f'Z/.1 ':"f,µ4p..!, • .,; ~,I,. !; & cny I J<l;tfll. ~ t:O}f,l,fB-1,_s 7,'f ~w',e, LS Off: 17 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, DATE INCLUDING PRECISE TITI..E LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ISHE~: I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7 PLANTING PLAN FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 'APPROVED:~£ '.£.If· :f.£. I AANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE . DWN BY: PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKDBY: PIP 97-07 363-.1L FIELD BK: CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL € :s ! rJ'.l i! rJ'.l ,a, ~ ~ ~ _, l . . J. . .. . . I P_lanting Legend ::':':'?~':':':'~::::~r,&,;:::.a~~?::???::?!?'??!:!::t=:=:=:=:=~::::;;:;:;?'.:~~t::::::=:::: Trees: J,,,t.::::..-,....-Koelreuteria bipinnata -Multi • Chinese Harne Tree w/ Multiple Trunks chinus molle caJifomia Pepper Gleditsia tricanthos "Sunburst' Honey Locust Tristania conferta Brisbane Box ~-<..1·nnamomum camphora Camphor Tree Uquidambar sryraciflua American .Sweet Gum /0\__ __ -Washingtonia robusta -Skinned ~ Mexican Fan Palm 9 59 53 20 47 11 9 6 36" Box 15 Gallon 15 Gallon 15 Gallon 24" Box 24" Box 20'BTH 25'BTH SHEETL9(9) ,,-•.. Water Service Lin Actual Location to be OFFICE ,, ! Determined @ Time of Connection Shrubs: /v\...___;_,,cacia redo/ens V ,. NCN 0--Melaleuca nesophifa Pink Melaleuca 0--Pittosporum tobira "Variegata" _ Variegated Tobira @--Phormium tenax 'Alropurpureum• Puiple New Zealand Flax @---Phoenix roebelenii Pigmy Date Palm BUIWING 75 22 522 278 14 Q,----Ugustrumjaponicum "Texanum" 357 Texas Privet ~Agapanthus africanus Planted@ 24" O.C. Lily of the Nile II 11111 ~Lantana ~ntevidensis Planted@ 24" O.C. Twlmg Lantana ---Trachelospermumjasminoides Planted@ 24• O.C. Star Jasmine Annual Flowers in Season Planted @ 12" O.C. Slope PLanting: All 2: 1 Manufactured Slopes to be Planted as Follows: ·Jute Netting if Planted August 15 to April 15 -Slope Hydtoseed if Planted April 16 to August 14 FLOWERING HYDROSEED MIX 5 Gallon 5 Gallon 5 Gallon 5 Gallon 5 Gallon 5 Gallon 1 Gallon 1 Gallon l Gallon 4"Poo Components: Application Rate Gazania splendens Verbena pei-uviana wbularia maritima "Carper a/Snow' Lasthenia glabrata Limonium pectinatum in Pounds per Acre:· 15 6 5 4 6 Wood Cellulose Mulch 2,000 8-8--16 Commercial Fertilizer 300 Ecology Controls M-Binder 80 ·Lonicerajaponica "Halliana" Planted from Hats@ 24" O.C. •Myoporwn pacificum or Acacia redolens Planted from l Gallon@ 10' O.C. •Tristaniaconferta Planted from 5 Gallon@ 15' O.C. See Sheet Lil (11) As:rssors Parcel Number KEY MAP LEGEND: Prap111red by: PARCEL NO l : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 AREA OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE USE ------MATCHLINE HUNTER LANDSCAPE U_MIT OF LANDSCAPE USE ~~ PLAN NORTH --~ TRUE NORTH ----2" Layer Shredded Bark Mulch bewteen I Llgustrum Hedges & Wlndows ' Vines: Y•L---Hardenbergia Comptoniana Lilac Vine 23 5 Gallon ... -··»v~--Partherwcissus tricuspidata --t:r ::i ., : __ -. 1 Boston Ivy 57 -l Gallon ____ f _________ ! ...... ,,.,__,..,,._,_, ,,,,_ .. --Ground Covers: r Lonicerajaponica "Halliana• i.,~.,.;i_ ..;, ________ --! Hall's Honeysuckle From Aats @ 16" O.C. Turf: ·•-•:"'.-.-.•~ ..... -. ~ · . · · ·: · .~ i--Festuca eliator "Rebel Tail' From Hydroseed _.,,, ... ",t,t• ■ ~-. Rebel Tall Hybrid Fescue Components: Application Rate in Pounds per Acre: Festuca eliator "Rebel Tall' 550 Wood Cellulose Mulch 2500 16-16-16 Commercial Fertilizer 400 Ecology Controls M-Binder 80 ·Approximate plant material quantities are given for convenience only. The contractor is responsible for providing sufficient material regardless of approximate quantities shown in the legend. ~ ' . --· ,, NOTES: £ J B~nch -See Civil Engineering Plans r-- 1 I g <'l I ~ ! r ~ ,a, rJ'.l ill = I j I -. I. WATER SERVICE LINE TREES I TO BE MINIMUM 5' FROM CENTER OF LINE . .., I. Slopes over 8' in vertical height have: a.) standard #1 • cover crop/jute mesh (100% coverage) b.) standard lf2 • ground cover, minimum flatted size (100% coverage) c.) standard #3 -low speading shrubs from miaimum 2 3/4" liners (70% coverage) d.) standard #4 • trees and large shrubs from mimimum 1 gallon (1/200 square feet) 2. Slopes between 4' to 8' in vertical height have standard #1, 112, #3 above. 3. Slopes 3' or less in vertical height and adjacent to public walks or streets have standard #i. 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) &33-9998 Fax: (714)476-4495 Sita: LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tma: PLANTING PLAN Aevlalcn: L9 Off: 17 "AS BUil T" 0 20 40 APPROVED FOR PLANTING ~~ ., AND IRRIGATION ONLY, DATE 80 INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE , ISHE~S7 I . ,SHE~: I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANTING PLAN FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPROVED: #5'" ,:f {J 9-lf:. 7y' ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: LAND. ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL FIELD BK: PIP 97-07 363-1L ' I Property Lin1e--------.1 i \ I I I KEY MAP Right-of-Way ,: . ) ' ) \ I / ~ < i ' • ,., *Matchline See Inset to the Right - lb Refer to Key Map for Better Clarification BUILDING OFFICE NTS PLAN NORTH NOTE: See sheet L9 (9) for planting legend. 0 20 40 OFFICE TRUE NORTH it:. Property Line 80 Assessors Parcel Number PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 LIMIT OF LANDSCAPE USE **Matchline See Inset to the Left - KEY MAP LEGEND: -AREA OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE USE l ---MATCI-Il.JNE HUNTER LANDSCAPE· 451 o Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Kannan Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714) 476-4495 Site: Refer to Key Map for Better Clarification . ! ; i t \ ,. . ' \ ~ \ > 1 \ I \ ' ' I ' ' . ' I ' ~ J I ' \ ) & ,-. ...... ...... -... ...... .l ] [/J QI QI rn :!! := APPROVED FOR PLANTING i AND IRRIGATION ONLY, :a INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ISHE~ I LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tltla: PLANTING PLAN S~®St L10 Of: 17 "AS BUILT" DATE TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7 1-------1------+------------f---t--+--~r-----; PLANTING PLAN FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ' APPROVED: -&'_?;{Ji 9-1P-9f I ~==~~===~====================~===:===:::;~==~====~1---~A~<!,S!'<,ileTA,-c;NT='=,PLA---NN--IN""G-=-D,=RE=cr=o=R---'-DATE . 1-----,jl---+------------+--+-~r----f-----l OWNBY: __ PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: CHKD BY: --REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTlt DATE INITIAL LAND. ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL FIELD BK: PIP 97-07 363-1L d Planting...,N....,o-'Jt,l£es~:..__ _____________ _ l\1atchline See Sheet L8 (8) ·Provide weed control per Specifications ·Provide soil test from soil samples taken from different locations on the site to represent an adequate cross section of conditions. Amend topsoil to a depth of 6" as recommended, but no less per 1,000 square feet than as follows: - I 0 Concrete Mowstrip ·--- . -1 I J& Maintain a 5' Distance from Trunk of Palms ~~;-,--;-~--4---E to Allow for Uplighting to be Located in Shrub Area · 1 · ·, •· · I 2" Layer Shredded Bark Mulcli between---t--·t,'--1-\-J+..: 0 0 ;? f;' : . .' 1 .. . 0 Llgustrum Hedges & Windows ~ · 4 cubic y-,uds nitrolized shavings 15 lbs. 6-20-20 commercial fertilizer 150 lbs. agricultural gypsum and incorporate approved recommendations for backfill into the landscape plan as recommended but no less per cubic yard than as follows: 4/5 cubic yard screened site topsoil 115 cubic yard nitrolized shavings 6-20-20 fertilizer per Specification DAj 2 pounds iron sulfate · LO pounds organic gypsum · Install root barriers on all trees within three feel of curbs, sidewalks, walls, footings, paving or any hardscape. ·Double-stake all trees, or guy (multi-trunked trees) per details. · ·Provide 3" minimum layer of shredded bark mulch on ;ill non-turf planting areas less steep that) 3: I. Submit sample to city inspeclor for approval prior lo bulk delivery to jobsite . ·Approximate plant material quantities are given for con"enience only. The contractor is responsible for providing sufficient material regardless of approximate quantities shown in the legend . ·Any compacted soils in planting areas shall be returned to a "friable" condition prior to the installation of plant materials. Friable condition is defined as an easily crumbled or loosely compacted condition whereby the root structure of newly planted material will be allowed to spread unimpeded.. · -Pro,,ide maintenance oflhelanct·scaping and irrigation system for a minimum 60 <;lay period from final approval of the installation . le ol . . --·-·1 '-"' i .:.:.- , .... \. ~~~ f "/ihmiiill J LIMT FW RK NOTE: See sheet L9 (9) for ,,. •. · Easement for Fire Sprinkler Line . IA I Property Line ,,,:·· ·'';-._' ... ~-'~ : ~~, -··--·---· PLANT MATERIALS LEGEND SYM. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE OTY. ... -------SHRUBS " GLEDITSIA TRICANTHOS 'SUNBURST' HONEY LOCUST TREE 24" BOX 2 ('.:'i PODOCARPUS MACROPHYLLUS 'MAIQ' COLUMNAR YEW PINE ~ ,,, PHORMIUM 'SEAJADE' 'SEA JADE' FIAX ◊ STRELITZIA REGINAE BIRO OF PARADISE 15 GAL. 6 5 GAL. 13 5GAL 11 I) KNOPHOFIA 'SHINING SCEPTRE' ORANGE TORCH LILY 1 GAL. 121 ___ L...._ ____________ ---------___ _,____ _ ____ , l~ LONICERA JAPONICA 'HALLIANA' HONEYSUCKLE (MATCH EXIST) FLATS 3 ~ 16" o.c. 0 20 40 mm: 17 7,, u:s pr 80 mrmrsrm:: :n ~~ BUILDING OFHCE KEY MAP NTS KEY MAP LEGEND: mJ AREA OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE USE -----+ MATCHLINE -a~ OFF1CE SHEET L11 (11} Assessors Parcel Number PARCEL NO l : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 LIMIT OF LANDSCAPE USE ~~ ., PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH 9' Height Concrete Tilt-up Screen Wall APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. \ TITLE HUNTER LANDS CAPE 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Kannan Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714) 476-4495 srns: LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 TMs: -----------+-- L11 "AS BUILT" DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH t--t----it----------+--l~-b,---l---l~AP_P_Ro_vE_D~:~~.,::--..,.--~---~/~9f AS ISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE i-~+--'--ir------:-----:-,:------~---+--l--+--1----t ~~D-=W-=N-=B-=Y:-=-====-==;::;~P=RO=J=EC=T=N=o=.:====:;-;:D=RA=W=l=NG=N=o=.:::!: REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: __ _ CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL FIELD BK: DATE INITIAL LAND. ARCH. PIP 97-07 363-1L \ I I ATER SERVICE LINE TREES TO BE MINIMUM 5' FROM CENTER OF LINE BUILDING OFFICE KEY MAP Bench -See Ci vii Engineering Plans Property Lines:---- Water Service Line ___ Actual Location to be Detennined @ Time of Connection IA Fire Sprinkler Line Matchline See Sheet L13 (13) NOTE: See sheet L!) (!)) for planting legend. IA / 0 20 SHEETL12(12) Chain-Link Fencefor Protection of Native Plants 40 80 KEY MAP LEGEND: LIMIT OF LANDSCAPE USE -AREA OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE USE -----MATCHLINE BUILDING OFFICE ~~ PLAN NORTH a, TRUE NORTH Assessors Parcel Numbe.- PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-43 PARCEL NO 1 : 212-050-41 Acacia Planting Area APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Property Line · Matchline See Sheet L13 (13) ISHEIT7 L!.u X 11'"181Jlllfl!IICI illJ: HUNTER LANDSCAPE· 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 97(}-6900 Prepmrsd tor: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714) 476-4495 Site: LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLANTING PLAN Drmwn by: .0L- Revlalcn: -L12 01!: 17 "AS BUil T" TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ..,--;;;;: . -. ,; _._pf l4Jf1, ss, (, DATE DATE lsims7 l____E___j •' PLANTING PLAN FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 OWNBY: __ 1-D_A_T_E 1-1-NIT-IA-L+--R-E-V-IS_I_O_N_D_E_S_C_R_I_PT_I_O_N_-+-D-A-TE-+-IN_IT_IA_L+-DA_T_E +-1-NI-TIA-L-t 1CHKD BY: __ PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: LAND. ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER' APPROVA FIELD BK: · PIP 97-07 363-1L -I --~ --..;i -3! -= t.r.J l dl .5 :a j I Matcbline See Sheet L12 (12) Water Service Lin,.,_- Acrual Location to be Determined @ Time of Connection 2" Layer Shredded Bark Mulch between Ligustrwn Hedges & Windows OFFICE . • : .... ~ c' I -~ I ', .I ) ' . ) t ' ' r-' , :tio' 1. 'l 20 1. j'.O ;o' lo' ~1""----Fire Sprinkler Line Concrete Mowstrip IA ,.... ... NOTE: See sheet L9 (9) for planting legend. _. ···~ ' • \ . \, ____ ____ 0 20 40 80 BUILDING OFflCE KEY MAP NTS ' ' OFACE PARCEL NO 1: 212-050-43 PARCEL NO I : 212-050-41 LIMIT OF RECLAIMED WATER USE SHEET L13 (13) HUNTER LANDSCAPE 4510 Eisenhov-,er Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714) 476--4495 PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH KEY MAP LEGEND: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL ., PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH Property Lin AREA OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE USE MATCHLINE Matchline See Sheet L12 (12) ' --------- X _ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLANTING PLAN Ra11!1.1!10n: "T""---~-,----,---r--~ ~i(i. P::-f ~ ,/4~/ff c,j,;, tc1ES ,,,,I ~ J!' & ,,.1:fB-µ c,/-41-1,;.,s ~ Ape. '!;, -----------+---· L13 Of: 17 "AS BUil T" DATE TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ISHEIT7 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1-----1--t--------'--------+---t----t----t---'----1 L.!!_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ f--+---+-----------+-+---i---t--1 ;:;P;:;LA:;:;N;;Tl~NG~PLA;:;;N;:;F;OR;:: ==============~..'.:::==:===; LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL l--t--+------------t----t----1-----1--1 DWN BY: __ 1--t--+-R---E---v--::1-=s'.'":10=-=-N-:-".D::-:E=s::-:c=:R::-:1=P=T:::IO:-:-N:----t-.P-A_T_E t-1-Nrr-1A-L---t-D-:AT=E---t--::-1N=rr-1A-:L 7 CHKD BY: _, __ DA TE INITIAL FIELD BK: LAND, ARCH. cm APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: PIP 97--07 363-1L 4 4 r-----EXISTlNO BUIU>II\IO<OR· HeADER NQIF• llfSTALL HEADS 12" ABOVli GRACIE IN TH£ llfTERIOA OP Pl.ANTING BEIS. INSJAU. HEAl>S I"" ABOVII! GRADE N£XT TO IUILllllfllS AHi> HEADE~ I z :ii • ri i fr---r',.-.--SHRUB SPRAY NOZZLE i.---PVC' ~h. 10 RISER FINISH GRADE i.---PVC Sch. &a RISER SHRUB SPRAY/BUBBLER· i ! i I . ' ,I I BUILDING OR HEADER ~~-~~--.;~:-~: .:;~-~ ,'·..-:-·-· i,o--SPRINKLER HEAD ON RISER ---+---14 REBAR, anchor 24• deep 14---PVC Sch. 80 RISER SWING JOINT (two ahort nipples and two elbows) FINISH GRADE . ~~'~''''''''~ ADV IN RISER (as required) PVC LATERAL □- 1----PVC Sch. 80 NIPPLE ROTOR ON RISER ------------------~---.. •··--···--·-···"•--··--........ --.,----·-···-····-· ....... . ....... -----~---~-•-•" -----·-----·-----·-------, ' I RNISH GRADE BRASS RISER ...----uNE SIZE 'Y' STRAINER (with 100 mesh min. monel screen BACKFl.OW PREVENTER , .. !:.:~~=~~~~--·: yplcal} N'ciiei"e-· I I ~ LE ADAPfER · .. : .___ MAIN LINE FROM Ml=Tl:fi&. PVC MAIN LINE TO SYSTEM 18. MIN. DEPTH ~& NOTE: Insmll per C.M.W.D. standard drawing #W-20. SLEEVE WHERE OCCURS ~ .----FINISH GRADE . . LATERAL LINE ..-----Main Lines, Wires, & ' Lateral Lines under NOTE; · Vehicle Paving shall have · Sch. 80 Sleeves w/ 30" Cover 1.AII plastic piping to ba ■naked In tnnches. 2.Bunrlla & tape wiring at 10' lnt1rvals, 3.Tle • looM 20· loop In wiring at chang■ ot direction or•■t•r tll■n 3~ Untl• ■II loop• after all connect1on1 ll■ve been m•rle. C.See Irrigation speclflcallana for backfill and compaction requirements. Prepared by: HUNTER LANDSCAPE 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Kannan Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax: (714) 476-4495 LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE 1-=-:::_------------------------ll~"""--------·"""'·-""'--""!!---. ""'"""· .. "'!--=-=--~-~--~·-~-~~---~====="""""~µI'~;__--~= ~~--__ ,;;:_· ---,,..,, +-==--'-----------------------; --·----P-V_C_S-ch-_-80~NI~P~P~LE TRENCHING ...--CURB, WALK, OR . Ne,vton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 FOUNDATION POP-UP SPRAY HEAD----- PVC Sch. 80 RISER--- PVC Sch. 10 NIPPLE---. LATERAL LINE SWING JOINT ___ _, FINISH GRADE PVC Sch. 40 ELL AND STREET ELL· SHRUB' pop..:up ..---CURB, WALK. OR FOUNDATION POP-UP SPRAY HEAD -------i PVC Sch. 80 RISER---,. 2 -PVC Sch. 40 ELLS (T lC T) AND PVC Sch. 80 THREADED NIPPLE PVC Sch. 80 NIPPLE - PVC LATERAL LINE PVC Sch. 4D STREET ELL TURF POP-UP FINISH GRADE z: llE • N - Finish grade Control valve PURPLE PLASTIC VALVE BOX with LOCKING COVER. BRANDED "R.V.C." and STATION NUMBER ON COVER -snap-lite" electrical connector ~ ,,P.V.C. male :-.adaptor (2 required) CONTROL VALVE 10-ROUND VALVE BOX 'Q.C' "BRAHOED OM LID FINISH GRADE PVC Sch. ID NIPPLE: PVClEE-~ PVC MAIN LINE NaH: •st.&LL r ,..011 NEWaT an f u:urr ft.&W.O WA. QUICK' COUPLING VALVE !FINISH GRADE rPURPLE PLASTIC VALVE BOX with I LOCKING LID BRANDED "G.v~. ,.......,..-;., UNION /b_ ,..,__PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID BRANDED •G.V-. lWO CUBIC FOOT OF'----' PEA GRAVEL NOTE: Install valve box 10 that the top of COifer I• 2" above finish grad• In ground covar areas~ GATE VALVE 2• min, ........... __ ------... , ' ' : ADDITIONAL: : CONTROLLER: : UNIT • I I ' ' I I I I CONTROLLER-see mfg. manual for mounting Instructions . • r··:::·~--~~·---_· -"1 POWER WIRE IN L12•-.um rffHr-~-CONDUIT TO .5 CONDUIT.· E II • l FlHISH Fl.CO,, .. , ·usESCHEDULE40PVC-----.........J ELECTRIC CONDUIT SWEEPS · TO UNDERGROUND ' CONTROL VALVE LOCATIONS FINISH GRADE .. WALL-MOUNT CONTROLLER_ --FINISH GRADE .5 e SWING JOINT PVC SCh. 40 ELL AND STJIEET ELL PVC Sch. 80 141PPLE (length as requlr■d IRRIGATION DETAILS ,,---f'f 41, ' ( . , ;,\ o, • PVC STREET ELL *) / Riavlslon: ate: PVC LATERAL '---TEE IN LATERAL -----------;-,;,-'~~J.._tJ-__________ ~ ,l,f'E--'b POP-UP ROTOR NOTE: WATER DISTRICT DETAILS: SEE SHEET L2 (2) APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. .1"f vVII" 't -----------t L14 CM': 17 11AS BUILT" DATE TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ISHEIT:7 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ l---1f---+---------'-----t--t--i----,----L...:!±_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ 1--+---+------------t-~t----t------t~--; ~IR;R;IG:;:AT;:10:;N~D;ET;A~l;:::LS~F~O;R:==============::::::'....'.====:::::; LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ' APPROVED: L?I& 1-tf-9r? t===t====t=======================~===~~===~~===~====~l-----,~~l:!:,A-:':NT=::P::-LA-:-:N7."N:::-ING::::-::D:;::IR:::ECT::·:::::OR::---....L.. DATE 1--+---+------------t----il--+--+---t OWN BY: 1--+---+--R-E-v-1s-1o_N __ D __ E--s=-c=--=R--1=P=T--10=--=N~-1-D-A-TE-t--1-N1-T1A-L-t--o-A-TE"'l_1_111_rr1A-L 7 CHKo BY: ---DA TE INITIAL FIELD BK: LAND. ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: PIP 97-07 363-1L Container Size I Gallon 2 Gallon 5 Gallon 7 Gallon 15 Gallon 18" Box 24" Box 30" Box 36" Box 42" Box 48" Box 54" Box 60" Box 72" Box A 12" 18" 24" 26" 36" 42" 48" 54" 66'_' 78" 90" I 02" I 08" 120" B 7" 8" 12" 16" 18" 18'' 22" 27" 32" 32" 36" 36" 42" 42" C 4 II 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" D 48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 60" 60" 60" 72" 72" A, B, C and D refer to Details "B", "C" and "D" below. / A~~--------------1 ~ -,) PLANTING PIT LEGEND - r-1 I Finishoo Grade ---- B ' ... C A .... -··-··:r,.,..I'!• •• • , : •• t.,. 11 "• Rootball ..i;.,:~--Planting Pit Backfill Area :1 • . . . .. .. . . '• (See Detail 'A" for dimensioo) __ / ___ Rootball shall sit directly --upon undimrrbed soil pedestal TYPICAL PLANTING A i---- --Mounded basin shall be I' above rootball -~own_ ----2" (Minimum) laver of Shredded N1trogemzed Fir Shavings --Rootball crown shall be / 2' above backfill settlement :f1~F--Backfill Mixed with Fertilizer (See Planting S~ifications) ---Rootball shall sit directly :i,,,y:>,.'>'½-YB upon undimrrbed soil pedestal --. ----·--·-~ ..... ·-----·---· --2 Pieces of Filter Fabric --'"------12" diameter gravel sump shall be required for tree planting in heary soils_ (See Detail "A' for dimensions) BEA VY SOIL PLANTING Do not remove side growth along trunk Tree Planting in Lawn Rooball crown shall be l" above turf Turf edges shall be 6' away from side of trunk. 12" min -------~ Prevailing Wind Through Stakes Prune tree head out to reduce weight per dir~on of the landscare Architect Cinch Tie Mount per manufacturer's specifications. Tree ties shall ~---------provide stability for trunk and prevent trunk and lower branches from rubbing oo stakes. (Refer to detail at left.) Stakes shall be straight grajned. lodgepole pine, treafed with · _,,-------copper naphthanate, free of knots, checks, splits, disfigurements and placed a minimum of 4" from rootball in plant pit Plant Pit ~-(See Detail "B'' or "C" for typical ,-ft-tR.-Z<;~:c planting specifications ) 1/. Tree Planting in Pavement Rootball crown shall be I" above finished surface. TREE PLANTING 112" Diameter Vinyl Hose _/ -(See enlarged detail.) _/ ----# 12 Gauge Galvenized Wire with 114" Diameter Whi~_PVC Tubing 5'-0" Long · 2" x 4" x 36" Redwood Deadman ~" · --------Placed at a 45.0° Angle and Buried ' 4" Below Finished Grade · ---See Detail "B" or "C" for typical planting specifications. MULTIPLE TRUNK GUYING 6"min. Turf Area fT Refurto Detail ''B' or "C" forfypical ---planting specifications. Graveldrainagecbannelkeeps · water away from root barrier and promotes doV111ward root growth. '--------------· --------Root Barrier (See below fur size and l)pe.) ....... ..,, ___ RefertoDetail 'B'' or"C'forl)pical planung spec1ficatJons. v,:.,,;,~-__ ____ _ Gravel drainage channel keeps water away from root barrier and promotes downward root groMh. ~~~~ 0'. ---D B . ' " >;:>; ,, ;;-,_, ----------. "oot amer · · (See below for size and type) _ Deep Root Mode 48-2 or Equal Use for 30" box or larger 48" Deep Root Model# 24-2 Oi Equal Use for 20" and 24' box trees on~. Deep Root M!Xlel # 22-29-18-P or Equal Use for 15 gallon trees on~ ROOT BARRIER PLANTING FANPALM /// 4" Schedule 40 PVC well to Bottom of Plant Pit w/ Cap Painted Green for Evacuation of Standing •Water (Applies to All .Soils 1/ Except Sandy, Well-Drained / Soils) 1/ I II /// 0 ----Prepared Backfill Mix / (See Planting S~ificatiOllS.) ,/ -------4' Berm >---Washed River Sand " -"----Plant Pit Per 24" Box Spec. on Det. "A". ---------See Detail 'C" (Applies to All Soils except Sandy, Well-Drained Soils) 4" Schedule 40 PVC well to Bottom of Plant Pit w/ Cap Painted Green for Evacuation of Standing Water (Applies to All Soils 1 --Except Sandy, Well-Drained / Soils) / /--Prepared Backfill Mix / (See Planting Specifications.) // / 4"Benn /----Washed River Sand Spec. on Det. "A". _ ----See Detail "C" ( Applies to All Soils except Sandy, Well-Drained Soils) FEATHER PALM Wood Installation ' Note: Drill 118" pilot hole before mounting eye bolt. Tie location shall stabilize staked vine material. Removal plant from stake refore installation. Vine Attachment /-Lead Anchor / ~ Green Vinyl Plant Tie Masomy Installation #725-012 318" l.D. Zinc Plated Screw Eye .....__ Al'llilabletlrrough Knox Industrial Supplies or Equal lie l~on shall stabilize staked ~ne material. Removal plant from stake before installation. Esp ent -, __ Plant Pit (See Detail "B' oc "C" for typical planting specificatioos.) ESPALIER AND VINE PLANTING Equal ---All ground cover spacing shall be triangular as specified on plans --- All shrubs in masses or groups shall be triangularly spaced as ~ified on Planting Plans, unless noted othetwise, GROUND COVER SPACING 6' . . •••• ·o . Finish Grade (I" below Top of Curb for Turf and 2" below Top of Curb for Planting Area) 6" Concrete --# 4 Rebar Continuous Compacted Sub-grade l'I I Und llr. HUNTER LANDSCAPE 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 PrlPnll lW: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Kannan Ave. Suite 120 Irvine, California 926 I 2 (714) 833-9998 Fax (714) 476-4495 SIDI: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 TIiie: Planting Details lrnnq: CsL 0818: Brick Header :,J.f J a.rt '"If No Scale 1n1s1,ns: 1111: arY 1,¥',tn ;;,1;.T. ?CM>r. W K 6" CONCRETE MOWSTRIP ...-·-~~r~ A-; . \ -., I • SIIEET: L 15 ot 11 11AS BUILT" . r ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING I AND IRRIGATION ONLY, DATE· INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 7 PLANTING DETAILS FOR: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPROVED: _g ,;;-,::; j! . Y-lf-9!< ASSIS~l PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO.: DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION _ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD_ BY: PIP 97-07 363-1L FIELD BK: !.AND. ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS Note: The general and specific conditions of these specifications are an integral part of the landscape construction documents and must be complied with. I. GENERAL A. SCOPE OF WORK Furnish al labor, material, equipment and aelYlcee necessary to provide all landsoape planting, co"'4)1ete In place, as shown and specified. B. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Source Quality Control a Submit documentation that all plan! mate~al has been ordered lo Archttect at least fh111 days prior lo Siar! of work under this Section. Arrange procedure lor Inspection of plant materiel wlth Architect at !me of subniesion. b, Planlll shall be subject to inspection and approval of Architect at place of growth upon delivery for conlormhy lo apecfflcatlons. Such 11pp10Vlll shal not impair the ~t of inspection and rejection during progress of the work. Submit written request for Inspection of plant material at place of growth lo Archttect. Written request shall stale the place of growth and quantity of planle lo be Inspected. The Archltec! ,-ves right to refuse inspection at this time if, in his judgement, 1 sufficient quantity of plants Is not available for Inspection. c. The Landscape Architect and Owner have contractually agreed to notWy Iha l.andscape Contractor that ha will be responsible for financial reimbursement to the Landscape Architect for additional and unanticipated time and materials required to organize, re-design, re-Inspect or lo do whatever is required to guide a sub-standard lnstalatlon or one which is net within substantial conformance to the Plans and Specifications back to an acceptable Installation. Said raimburaamant wiH be in the lorm of a back charge to 1he Contractor lrom Iha Owner. C. SUBMITTAL I Certificate ot ln1pectlon of plant material by Slate or Federal Authority D. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STOl'tAGE AND HANDLING 1. Pallvtry 3. 4. 5. 8. a OelVlt' fartlz• to site In original, unopened containera ~ng manulacturer'I gunntaed chemical 1nalY1i1, nam,, trademark and oonlormance to State Law. b. OellYIII' plan1I with legtble ldenltftcallon IIIIMIII. (1) Label ~. evergreen1, bundle1 of oontaln&111 of Rke shrubs or ground cover pianlll. (2l State COIT8ct plant name and size Indicated on plant 1181. (3) IJ8e durable, waterproof labels with water-reeislant ink which wil remain legible for at lelllll eo days. c. Protect mate~al during delivery to prevent damage to rootball er delliocation ol le•-· d. The Contractor thail nodfy the Landacape lllepector too, days in adv1'lC8 of delM!IIY of all pianl mlllerials and ahal submtt an Itemized 1191 ol 111e plants in each deliYely. Pruning Al no Ume shall thl tree or plant materlalll be pruned, llinmad or toppad prior to delivery, llld alleratlon ol their 1hape shall be conducted only wl1h Iha approval of the Landscape Archltact. ~ of lnlpecllon he Landecape Architect re111 l'N the ,tghl to approve DI reject II any !Ima upon delivery er during the -i< any or aH pllllt mlUrilll reglldng size, variely or condtion, Sol&Tllt 1. After rough gr.ding, soil 11mplt11hrll be taken ln,m enough locations on 111e site to represent an adequale cross section on conditions. b. Soil 11st shall be performed by a soll lHtlng laboratory (prHpproved by the City). The test shall indicate but not be limited following: (1) organic ma111r contain (2) N.P.K. (3) pH (') EC (5) SOIi ttldure (Slit, clay, nnd) (SJ recommendations for amendments, Inching, and maintenance fertilizations. c, The results and recommendations DIiie soil lHtlng laboratory shall be submitted to and approvecl by the City. The approved recommendations for amendmenll and backfill shall become part of 111e approved plans. Products specified by product name by lie soil lab in the recommendations may be substttuted with "or equal" pl'Oclucts approved by the City. Storage e. Store plant material in 1h19 and protect fl'llm welllher. b. HMdltla Maintain and protect plant material not lo be planted within four hours. a Do not «op plant rnate~al. b. Do not pick up container plant material by llleme or trunks, I!. JOI CONOfflONS 1. Planting II. F. G. Per1orm actual planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordancti with locally aooepted practice. 2. SCheduHng Install trees, shrubs and lln1r llock plant material before hydraulic seeded lawn areas se installed. SAMPLES AND TESTS The Landscape Architect re&erves tile right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specilications at arr, time. Contractor shall tumish samples upon request by Landscape Architect. Rejected materials shall be immediately removed from the site and premises at Contractor's expense. Cost of testing of mat911als not meeting specifications shal be paid by Contractor. GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENTS 1. Guarantee 2. All plant matet1al Installed under the Contract shall be guaranleedl againll any and all poor, inadequate or inferior materials and/or workmanship tor a period of one year (trees) or 6 months (shrubs) alter date of acceptance by Owner. Any plant found lo be dead or in poor comltion we to faulty materials or workmanship, as determined by the Landscape Architect, shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense. Replacement Any materials found to be dead, missing or in poor condition during the establishment period shall be replaced Immediately. The Landscape Architect, or his I her consultants, shall be the sole judge as to the conditlon of material. Material to be replaced within the guarantee period shall be replaced by the Contractor wtthln 15 days ol written notification by the Owner. b. •Soluble Potash 1.00% (derived lrom compost and mu1ate al Potash) •Iron 1.00% (de~ed from Iron s~ate) •Zinc 0.05% (derived from zinc sunate) •Manganese 0.05% (derived from manganese suHate) Soil Penetranl: Alkyl Naphthalene •Sodium Sulfonate 2.00% (S) Materials shal be mixed thoroughly and bagged in 50 or 80 lb. bags, Organic Soil Amendments shall be derived from Redwood, Fir or Cedar wood or bark, granular In nature, slabilized with nitrogen and having the following propertle6, (1) (2) Particle Size: minimum 955 passing 4 me&h screen (6.35 MM standard sieve); minimum 80% passing 8 mesh screen (2.33 MM standard sieve) PRODUCTS Nitrogen Content: 0.5% based on dry weight tor redwood sawdust; 0. 7% based or, dry weight for fir sawdust: 1.0% based on dry weight for fir or pine bark A. B. 2. C3ENEftAL The following organic eotl amendments and fertfllzer are to be used (Note: Pine sawdust Is not acceptable,) for bld price basis ,only. Specific amendments and fertilizer specilications will be made alter grading operations are complete and soil samples are, tested by Owner. All materials shall be of standard, approved and first-grade quality and shall be in prime condition when Installed and accepted. Any commercially processed or packaged material shal be delivered to the site In the original, unopened container bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysts. Contractor shall BUpply Landscape Architect c. with a eample of all supplied materials accompanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory source Hlualratlng compliance or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed anely8ls. (3) (4) Minerals (f) (2) Salinity: Saturation extract conductivity shall not exceed 3.5 milimhos / centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade. Organic Content: minimum 90% weight Soll Sulfur (S): as required from soil report FerroU6 Sulfate: as metafflc 20%; as required from soil repor1 SPECIFIC 1. Top Sol TopsoN shall consist of a natural, fertile, friable, sandy loam soil posaeselng the characteristics of representative soils In the vicinity which produce a heavy growth of crops, grasses or other vegetation and shall be obtained lrom natural, well-drained areas. Before removal of the topsoH, the surlace at the source of aupply is to be stripped to a depth ol two lnch96 in order to remove weeds, seeds, rools, 811c. The source of topsoil shall be free from Bermuda grass, crabgrass and all noxioLB weeds or grasses. The topsoil shall be free from subsol, refuse, heavy roots, clay lumps, stones larger than one Inch in size, noxioU6 weeds, sticks, brush, litter and other deleterious substances. In no case shall there be more than five percent by volume ol the following: stones ltu"Q8r than one inch, coarse sand and small clay lumps. The soil shall be free lrom insoluble cartlonal96 and shaN have the following anaifysls, which shall be verttled by a eol analysis made at the Contractor's expense. The 8011 shall be subject lo Inspection at the source ol supply prior to delivery. a. pH: maximum ol 7.0; mfnlmllTI ol 6.0 b. EC01: zero to three maximum (electrlcal conductivity) c. ESP: zero to twelve maximum (exchangeable sodium percentage) Son Conditioners al)d Fen111zera a Soil conditioner with fertilizer Included shall consist of organic materials comprised ol decomposed siimal and vegetable matter and compoated to support bacterial cutturas. Soll condttloner shall be "Gro-Power Plus"or approved equal, and shall conlorm to the following analysis. (1) (2) (3) (4) Paticle Size: !!3 112% through 100 Screen pH: 4.510 4.7 Organic content: Humus--50%; Humic Acids·• 15% (Note: Poultry, animal or human waste ia not acceptable. See tha de,tlnltlon of Humus in Western F91111/zer Handbook, Fifth Edilion.) Chemical Analysis: •Ammonic Nitrogen 1.00% (derived from ammonium phosphate) •Organic 4.00% (~ved from compost, meat meal and urea) •Total 5.00% Nitrogen •Available Phosphoric Acid 3.00% (derived from compost, meat meal and dlamrnonlum phosphate) 3. 4. d. e. f. (3) (4) Agricultural Gypsum (CaSO~H20): as required from sol report Lime (CaO): as required from soil report Redwood Shavings shall-be leeched and nltrogen•fortllled and have aluminum residual nitrogen content of 1 %. Pre-Plant Commercial Fertilizer shall be ' unifonm In composition, free·llowing, sultable lor application with approved equipment and delivered to the project site in unopened, original container or package, eact, bearing the manufacturer's statement of guaranteed analysis and shall contain the minimum available peroentage by weight of plant food as specified in the approved agronomic soils report. Pfanting Tabteta (1) slow-release type, containing the following percentages of nutrients by weight: 20% nitrogen; 10% phosphoric acid; 5% potash (2) 21 gram tablets as manufactured by Agrilonm or approved equal. applled per manufacturer's instructions Subsurface Root Barrier Root barrier Incorporated Into street tree planting for tha purpose of long-term root co1111ot shall be pre-fabricated, manufactured of high-Impact, polystyrene or polyethylene as manufactured by Deep Root Corporation or approved equal. Plant Material a Plants shall be In accordance with the California Stata Department of Agriculture's regulation for nursery Inspections, rules and ratings. AN plants shall have a normal habit of growth and shall be 80Und, healthy, vigorous and free of Insect inlestalions. plant diseases, sunscalds, fresh abrasions of the bark, eMcesslve abrasions or other objectionable disfigurements. Tree trunks shall be sturdy and well. "hardened" off. All plants shall have nonmally well-developed branch systems and vigorous and fibrous root systems which are not root or pot-bound. In the event of disagreement as le condition of root system, the root conditions of the plants furnished by the Contractor In containers wtll be determined by removal of aarth from the roots of not less than two plants, or more than two percent ot the total number of plants of species or variety. Where container-gown plants are from several sources, the roots of not less than two plants of each species or varie1y from eact, source will be Inspected. In case the sample plants Inspected are found to be dafective, the Landscape Architect reserves the right to reject the entire lot or lots of plants 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. represented by the defective samples. The Landscape Architect is the sole judge as to acceptabillty. My plants rendered unsuitable tor planting because of this Inspection will be considered as samples and will be provided at Iha expense of the Con1raclor. b. The size ol the plants wtl correspond with that normally eKpected !or species and variety ol commercially available nursery stock or as specffied in the Special Conditions, drawings or details The minimum acoeptable size of all plants, measured before pruning with the branches in normal position, shall contonm with the measurements, H any, specified on the drawings in lhe lisl of plants to be furnished. Plants larger in size than specified may be used with the approval ol the Landscape Architect. If the use ol larger plants is approved, the ball of earth CJ( spread of rools for each plant will be Increased proportionately c. All plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified shall be considered defective 111d such plants, whether in place or not, shall be marked as rejected and Immediately removed from the site ol work and replaced wHh new plants at the Contractor's expense. The plants shall be of the species, vaiety, size and condition specnied herein or as shown on the drawings, Under no condHlons will there by any substttutlon ol plants or sizes listed on the accompanying plans, except with the expressed consent ol the Landscape Architect and City Landscape Inspector. d. At no time shall trees or plant material be pruned, trimmed or topped prior to delivery, and any alteration of their shape shall be conducled only with the approval and when in the p1'8881lce ol the Landscape Architect 111d as noted on the Planting Specifications. e. Pfant material shall be true to botanical m,d common name and variety as specified in 'A Checklist ol Woody Ornamental Plants In California,' Manual 32, published by the University of CalWomia School ol Agricultllll (1963). Nursert:Grown 111d Collected Stock a grown under climatic conditions similar to those In localily of project b. contalner•i,own stock in vigorous, healthy condition; no root-bound plants or pl111ts with root system hardened off c. Subetltute pfan1 material wil not be permnted unless specifically approved in writing by the Architect. Tree Staking Material a. Slakes tor Tree support (1) full-length, lodge pole. pine stakes, treated with copper naphthanate (2) minimum nominal size: 2• In diameter x 12' long and pointed at one end (adjusted length to flt tres) b. Hose and Wire Ties (1) Galvanized wire with cinch tie; Wire shaH be zinc-roeted iron, 10-gauge mlnmum, and solid oore. (2) All guys are to be flagged. Ninety percent wire length is to be covered. White PVC 1 /4 inch diameter tube covering shall be used. BarkChipjl Bark chips shall be regular, ground, redwood or fir bark, consisting af 1 /'Z' to 3/4" (acorn size) chips. Prior to bulk delivery to site, the Contractor shall submit samples to tile City Landscape Inspector for approval. Eroelon Control Matting Erosion control matting shall be of open waava, furnished In rolled strips as follows: It shall be approximately 225 feet long with a width of 48 inches plus or minus one Inch and an approximate one (1) inch square mesh. Fabric shall average .4 pounds per linear fool. The erosion control matting shall be manufactured from looeely twisled jute yarn not varying in thicknes& by more than one-half its normal diameter, 8(Jlal i1 quality to "Ludlow Soll Saver 148" or approved equal. Staples for erosion control shall be 11 gauge steel wire bent in a U shape six inches minimum length and one inch wide. Wetting Agent to be 95% alkyl Polyethylene Glycol Ether such as 'Commercial Water In' or approved equal. s.!!M All seed used for lawn planlfng or erosion conlrol planting or !or any other reasons specified in the plans shall be labeled and furnished In sealed, standard containers with duplicate signed copies of a statement from the vendor, certifying that each container of seed delivered Is luly-labefed in accordance with the Calffornia State Agricuhural Code. Seed which has become wet, moldy or othelwlse damaged In transtt or storage will not be accepted. amt Sod shall be fully mature, weH-rnalntlllned, of the gr11S1 VB1181y specified, tree of all other grasses or weeds and 11. 12. 13. 14. Ill. 11:, shall be avenly cut with a conventional sod cutting 2. machine to a thicknees ol 1 1 /2 inches. All material shall be from the same growing ground and delivered fresh to the job site. H, attar Installation, any areas of sod die or become brown, these areas are to be replaced with sod immediately. Replacement sod Is to match original. Hydromulching a Wood Cellulose Mulch shall be clean, nalural, wood cellulose fiber. Natural wood cellulose fiber shall be processed In such a manner that it will contain no growth or germination- inhibiting factors and shall be dyed green to facilitate metering of materials, It shall be manufactured in such a manner that after each addition and agitation in slurry tanks with fertilizer, saed, water and other approved additivas, the fibers in the material will become unHormly suspended to fonn a homogeneous slurry and that when hydraulically sprayed on the ground cover impregnated unilonnly with seed: which atter application, will allow the absorption of moisture and will affow rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. b. Fertilizer shall consist of organic materials comprised of decomposed animal and vegetable matter and composted to support bacterial cultures. Fertilizer shalt be "Gro- Power' or approved equal. c. Soil Binder: Terra Tack Ill or approved equal d. Humectant: HL-80 Humectant or approved equal Equipment Hydraulic equipment used tor the application of slurry shall have a built-in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogeneoualy mix above slurry. Distribution Nnee shal be large enough to prevent stoppage and to provide even distribution of the slurry over the ground. In order to facilitale proper coverage, the pump must be capable ol exerting up to 150 psi at the noule. The slurry tanks shall have a minimum capacity of 1,500 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit which will place the slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded eo as to provide uniform distribution without waste. Weed Abatement Program The herbicide "Round-up' or approved equal shall be used for slope/planting areas. See Sections 111-0.2 and 111-0-7 tor guidelines tor proper application procedures. Miscellaneous Materials a sand-washed river sand or equal b. post emergent weed killer: "Round-up" c. lree womd paint-as approved EXECUTION A, B, C. INSPECTION Verify that final grades have been established pdor to begnnlng planting aperatians. Inspect trees, shrubs, 111d material for injury and Insect Infestation, and Inspect trees and shrubs f<r improper pruning. Do not begin planting trees until deficiencies are corrected or plants re •. PREPARATION Stake out locations lor plants and outline of planting beds on ground. Do not begin excavation until ~ant locations and ~ant beds n acceptable to Architect. The iff'igalion system shall have been installed and approved prior to soil preparation. INSTALLATION 1. Excavation 01 Planting a Shape b. (1) (2) vertical smes and flat bollom Plant pfts lo be square !or box material, drwla-for earned matedal. Size: All trees shall have ~anting pits dug twice th& diameter 111d to th& depth ol lh& root bal. Bactdl around the rootball with prepared backfill mix. P.efer to Planting Detalls for specific method. Preparation ol Planting Areas a. After approximate finished gradee have been established, soil shall be conditioned and fertilized In the following manner. Nitrogen- stabilized organic amendment and ammonium phosphate shall, at the following rates, be unllormally spread and cultivated thoroughly by means of mechanical tiller Into the top 6" ol 8011. (1) (2) (3) Nitrogen-Stabilized Organic Amendment 4 cu.yds. / 1,000 sq.ft. Ammonium Phosphate 6-20-20: 15 lbs./1,000 sq.It. 150 lbs. Agricultural Gypsum / 1,000 sq.ft. Above Is for budding purposes; however, soil test shall determine soil amendments, backfill & fertlllzatton. b. All soil areas shall be compacted and settled by application of heavy irrigation to a minimum depth of twelve inches. c. At time of plantlng, the 1op two Inches of ltn areas to be sodded or seeded shall be free of stones, stumps or other deleterious matter 1 • In diameter or larger. In ground cover areas, the top two Inches ehall be free of stones, stumps or other deleterious matter 2 1 /2" In diameter or larger. All planting areas shall be free from all wire, plaster or similar' objacts. HUNTER LANDSCAPE 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 Pnllll'H IW: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18!01 Von Karman Ave. Suite 120 Irvine, California 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax(714)476-4495 SIie: LACOSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 TIiie: Planting Specifications lmnfll: CSL/JU) DIii: ).f J <!rt ''If ..... , .• , SIDT: L 16 of 11 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUil T" ' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, -INCLUDING PRECISE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING TITLE REVIEWED BY: ' AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD m 6 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7 PLANTING SPECIFICATION FOR: LA COSTA INTERNATIONAL Newton Drive Cartsbad. CA 92008 APPROVED: -17::uO <l-tf-9~ ASSl,,,ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE . DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DWNBY PROJECT NO.: DRAWING NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION CHf( BY: -PIP 97-07 383-1L LAND.ARCH CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL FIELn AV·_ ...... _. = = = ). 3. Finalb!N a After the ~ng llf)8cifled deep walertng, j. Container plants shall be backfilled per SOIi test wl minimum modffications 10 grade may be the following components: required to establish the lnal grade. These •8 parts by voltme on-site topsotl areas shall not be worked until Iha moisture •2 parts by volume organic amendment conlent has been reduced lo a point where workilg I will not dealroy 801 slruclln. •6-20-20 lerttllzer mix as per chart below: Soll tllst shall determine backflll b. Flnish graflng ahall lneure proper drainage of IA lhe Bila. 1 gallon 1 handful c. All a1'881 shalt be graded to that the final grades wl be 1' below aqacant paved areas" 5 gallon 2 handfuls sidewalks, valvee boxee, headers, clean-ouls. drains, manholes, etc. in turf areas, and 2' 15 gallon 3 handfuls below In groll1d COY8I' 1!111. d. &rfaoe m-alnage shall be away from Ill bulldlng 18" box 4 handfuls foundations. 24" box 5 handfuls •• Elmlnale all erosion scn I. Plantilg areas receiving sod shall sustain 1 30" box 6 handfuls finish grade al a depth thal installed sod shal ba flush with finish surfaces (walks, paved 36" box areaa, etc.). 7 handfuls g. Al planting are11 shall have I finish grade 42" box 8 handfuls conforming to approved plans and specificalions after full settlement has 48" box 9 handfuls occurred. • Dlspoee crl unacceptable or unused exceat 80" box 1 o handfuls soil off ale and premlee1 PLANTING INSTALLATION 1 handf(j 111JP!Oxlmately equale 4 • 6 ounces) 1. Geng k. Al plants which settle deeper than apeclfted above shell be raised to the correct level. After lhe plant has been placed. additional bacldll shall be added lo the hole lo cover approximately one-half of the height ol the root ball. At this stage, water shall be added to the top of the partly-filled hole to thoroughly sati.rate Iha root ball and adjacent soil. 2. 3. 4. a. Aclual planting shall be performed during those periods when weather and soil oondilions are BUilable and In accordance with locally accepted praclice, as approved by the Landscape Architect b. Only II many plan1I II can be planted and walerad on that same day shall be distributed In a planting area. In extreme heat, planls shall be watered immadlalely after planting. c. Conlalnn shal be opened and plants shalt be removed In suet, a mn,er 1hat lhe b .. of earth m. st.rrounding 1he roots is not broken, and they shall be planted and walered as herein specified immediately alter removal from the n. containers. Con111i11n shall not be opened prior to placing lhe pins In the planting areL WJedControf: After soil prepnllon and aatabllehment crl final grates prior to any planllng, the Contractor shall irrigala thoroughly for a period of Hrna, two to three weeks or o. unti the weed seeds haw gennlnallld. When there is p. sufllclenl weed aaed germination, the Contractor shall apply a post-emergent contact weed Idler according to the clrectlons of Iha maoofaclurer. The Contractor shall then wait an addlllon8I two weeks to allow the weed killer to dissipate, then plant u indicated In the plans M1d specifications. Contraolor shaN remove any residual foliage and/or roots. tayout QI Major Pldrg: ocationa tor plants and outlnte of ._ to be planted shall be marked on lhe ground by Iha Contractor before any plan! pita are dug. All euoh locations shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. II an underground construction or utility Ina ii encount&1ed In the e,ccavatlon of planling area&, other locations may be 881ected by the Landscape Architect. f'lanljng of T,w r:t !llhng a. Excavation for planttng shall Include the stripping and stacking of all aa:aptabla topsoil encountered within the 111888 to be e,ccavaled lor trenches. tree holes, plants pits and b. planting beds. Container Removal (1) Do not injure root ball. (2) Carefully remove plonts wI111out Injury or damage to roOlball. (3) After removing plant, superflclolly cut edge-roots with knife on lllree sides. C. Box flemoVII (1) Remov. bottom of plant bore, belor8 planting. (2) Remove sides of box wllhoul damage to root ball after positioning pllri and parUaly backfilling. q. r. d. Al txcavll«I holes lhall have vt11lc1I aldll wtth roughened lllllfacee and shall be of a 8ize 1h11 18 at least two timell the wtdlh and one and •· to the depth of the original plant contatnar. The hole& shaH be, in al CIISIIS, 1.-ge enough to pennit handHng and planting wtthout injury or breakage to lhe roots or root ball. Rater to Standaro Planttng Detalll. •· Excavated holae for elope plan•nos shal be dug two times original plant container width, providing a pannanent 6 Inch berm around plant pit. I. ProleCI all areas from exceeelve compacflon when trucldng pl.,18 or olher material to tMi planting site. g. Cner pin~ pit or lnlnd1. h. Face planfl wtt1t fullest growth ll1'l prevallng wind. L Set plant plumb M1d hold rigidly In poeltion untl soil hll been tamped limly around bal or rocts. I. EXC88s soil generated from the planling holes mav be distributed on the site and amended n apecilied in general soil preparation. Hand place plants which are In containers i.s thllll one gallon In size. Hand bacldll and hand tamp, leaving a eight depression around ~ of plants. Planltlg tablets shall be set with each plant on the top ol Iha root ball while lhe plants are sttll in 1hair conlalners ao lhe required number of tablets to be used in each hole can be easily verified. Alter the water has completely drained, planling tablets shall be placed as Indicated per conlainer size below: (Add 5 gram tablet for each F.S. plant): t gallon 1 tablet 5 gallon 2 tablel8 15 galon 3 tabletl 20• box 4 tablel8 30" box 5 tablel8 38' box 6 tablets 42' box 7 tablets 48' & larger box 8 tablets The remainder of the hole shall then be backfilled: After backfilling, an earthen basin shall be conslrucled around each plan!. Each basin ehal be of a depth eufflciant lo hold at least two Inches of water. Basins shall be of a size suitable for the inclvidual plant. In no case shall the basin for a fllteen-gaNon plant be 1868 than four feet In diameter, for a five-gallon plant less than three 1881 in dlamel&1 and for a one• gallon J)IM1t leas than two feet in dillllllller. The basins shall be constructed of amended backfiN materials. Pruning shall be llmtted to the mln&num necessary to remove Injured twigs and branches and to compensate for loss ot roote 7. · during transplanting, but never to exceed one-lhirll of the branching slructure. Upon approval of the Landscape Architect, pruning may be done before delivery of plant, but not before plants have been Inspected and approved. Cuts 0¥8t' 3/4" In diameter shall be palnled with tree seal. 5. ' e. t. Stakilg and GUl"IQ (1) Staking of .. t-shall contonn to lhree staking and lree guying delalll. (2) Tree stakes shall be straighl• grained, lodgepole pine. Slakes shall be tree from knols, checks, splits or msfigwemanis. (3) Guy as indicated irrrnedlately all&1 planlilg, using three guys per lree, guy. placed as to five equal support lo tree from any direclian. Install a warning flag on each guy. Protect ba'k of tree by connecting wire wllh 'Cinch-Tie'. Anchor guy wires with 'dsadmen" buried at least 2 feet below finish grads. Tighten guy lines to a firm tension. lnslall addltional guys shoud tree growth be such that three guy wires do not rjve required equal support from all dirsctions. u. Vine Planting V. Vines shall hM wood stake support removed without damage lo plant and the vine !rained upon the adjacent posts Bild wals as direcled by the plan or Landscape Arctilect. Vines shall be held to poslB and overheads by plaslic green ribbon ('heavy duly") and eye bolls, not nails, as direcled by the Landscape Architect or detalls . Where strael lreal occur Mlhln treewells er are lljacent to a Sltislallial amollll of pavement, a sub-surtace panter box ('Deep-Root' or approved equal) shall be used. Box shal be instaled per Details. w. Location for sfreel lree8 ~acent lo any llght standards or utility equ~ment shall be lljlsled to maintain a stilable clearance, as Woved by the City La~ Archilecl Planting of Ground Covers a. lfoood cover ~anls shall be ,own in flats or peat pots er taken 88 wtlnga, 88 Indicated on the pans. Flatgrown plants ( rooted cuttings) shall remain in those flis until transplant!~. The Hat's soil shall confain sufficient moisture (2) lmmed lately be compacted by means d a cullpacker, roller or olhar approved equipment weighing 60 10 90 pounds per linear foot ol roller. Final rolling shall be at rijlt qfe6 lo &lopes to prevent erosion wherever p08$lble.melal staples typical for those used on erosion conlrol matting, ff necessary. Sod: Soll preparation, finish grading and lartlllzallon shall be as specified for seeded lawns, except that the sub-soil finish grade shall be two Inches below final 9"ade to allow for the lhickneSI ot sod. Lay sod down In one direction only, with close fitted joints. The ends of each strip shall be staggered to eliminate conliooous joining. Slaple sod on ateep slopes wtth metal staples typical for lhose used on erosion control malling. ff necessary. Walering: Immediately following planting or top ci'eesing, ff applad, apply a lighl, fine, mist spray 10 anchor the seed and/or dressing to the soil, fanning a protecllve crusl to prevent wind erosion and drying of the seed. The lawn areas shall be kepi moisl until !!Aly germinated F\Jlly-germlnated lawn areas shall be allowed to dry sufficiently to pennlt rolling wilh approximately two hundred lo three hundred pound water-weighted roller to satisfactorily compact the soil around the 9'188 rools and lo provide a firm, smooth mowing sur1aca. IA lnstal 3' thick layar Barie Chips in all non-turf planting areas less-steep lh1113:1 (2nil requl!St.) Hydroeeed Application Prooedurea and Equilment a. Weed Conlrol: Upon the completion of the rrigatian system and after al existing weeds and growth have bean ramoved from the planting area, apply 200 pounds of a commercial tertlliz&r (21-0-0) per acre as per manufaclurer's lnetructlons. Water all areas lour limes dally tor twenty-one consecutive days and unttl weed seeda have germinated. Cease watering for ttYee days. Spray the non- selective h81bicide "Round-up" to eradicate the germinated weeds. Translocation or approved equal period should be 7-1 o days. Allow herbicide to kill all weeds. Rake or hoe al all daad weeds to a depth crl 114 Inch below the sll'lace of the sotl. If perennial weeds or g1'888811 sll exist, re-water kxr times daly for 7. (2) Immediately be compacted by ITl8lr1S of a rutipacker, roller or other approved equipment weighing 80 to 90 pounds per linear fool of roller. Final rolling shall be at rv,t angles to &lopes lo prevent erosion where- possible.metal staples typical for those used on erosion control matting, if 1'8CSS81fY. Sod: Soll preparation, finish grading and fertlfizallon shall be as specified lo." seeded lawns, excepl that the SUb-$011 finish grade shall be two Inches below final grade to allow for the thickness of sod. Lay sod down In one direction only, with close fitted joints. The ends of each s1rip ahall be staggered to eliminate continuous joining. Staple sod on steep slopes with metal staples typical for those used on eroalon control malting, ~ ~ary. e. Watering: lmmedlately following planting or top cnssing, H applied, apply a light, fine, mist spray to anchor the seed and/or dreesing to the soil, forming a protective crust to prevent wind eroeion and drying of the seed. The lawn areas shall be kept moist until fully germinated. Fully-germinated lawn areas shall be allowed to dry aufflclently to permit rolling with approximately two t.Jndred to three hundred pound water-weighted roller to satisfactorily compact the lloil around the grass roots and to provide a firm, smooth mowing aurlace. To Install 3" th let lay11r Bark Chips in all non-turf planting areas less-steep than 3:1 (2nd request.) HyJ,y.eed Application Procedurn and Equipment a. Weed Control: Upon the completion ol the Irrigation system and after an existing weeds and growth have been removed from the planting area, apply 200 pounds of a commercial fer1lllzer (21-0-0) per acre as per manufacturer's Instructions. Water all areas four times daily for twenty,one. consecutive days and until weed seeds have· germinated. Cease watering tor three days. Spray Iha non• selective herbicide "Round-up• to eradicate the germinated weeds. Translocation or approved equal period should be 7-1 0 days. Allow herbicide to kill all weeds. Flake or hoe off all dead weeds to a depth of 114 inch below the surface of the sol. II perennial weeds or grasses still exist, re-water four times daily for fourteen consecutive days, until the new growth appears. Re·apply a non-selective herbicide. Remove weeds after herbicide hn had sufficient tine to kil. b. Equipment: Hydraulc equipment UMd for the application ol the fertilizer, seed and slurry of prepared wood pulp shall be of the "Super Hydro•Seeder• type. This equipment shall have a built-In agilallon system and operating capacity sufficient lo agitate, suspend and homogeneoualy mix a slurry containing not less 1han 40% of fibre mulch plus a combined total of #7 lertllzer solids for each 100 gallons of water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shaU be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which win provide a contlnuoua non- fluctuating dlacharge. The slurry lank shall have a miniln.rm capacity of 1,500 gallons and shall be mounted on a 1ravefing unit, either self-propelled or drawn by a separate unit, which wll place the slurry tank spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. c. Preparation: The slurry preparation shatf take place at the site of work. Begin by adding water fo the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft, good re-circulation shal be estalblished and the seed shall be added. Fertilizer shall then be added, falowed by woad pulp roolch. The wood pulp mulch shall only be added ta the mixture alter the seed and when the tank Is at least one-third filled with water. The engine throttle shall be opened to lull speed when the tank is half• filed wilh water. All the wood pulp mulch shall be added by the time the tank Is two-thirds to three-fourth& full. Spraying shall commence Immediately when the lank is fi,f. d. Appllcatlon: The opera!« shall spray the slopes with a unfform, visible coat by U8lng the green color ot the woad pi,p as a guide. The slurry shal be applied in a sweeping motion in an arched atreirn so as to fal like rain, allowing the wood fibers lo build on each other until a goad coat Is achieved and the material is spread at the requi'ed rate per acre. e. Time linlt: Al slurry mixture which has not been appHed to the slopes within four hours alter mixing wll be rejected and relnaVed from the project at Iha Contractor's elCp8088. 8. 9. I. g. h. j. k Profee11an: Special care should be exercised by the Contractor in preventing any of the skrly to be sprayed Inside any reservoir basin or onto ~ainage ditches and channels which may impede the free flaw of rain or irrigation water. Any slurry spilled Into restricted areas shall be cleaned up at the Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of the Owner or City. Al areas designated for hydroseeding shall be thoroughly watered prior to the hydroseeding. The Contractor shaN note any discrepancy for complete water coverage and correct. The Contractor shaH at this time note wind and weather conditions and submit a watering program to the Landscape Architect for approval prior to hydroseedlng. Reseeding: All bare apots shall be reseeded within 1 0 days to the satisfaction of the Owner and/or the Landscape Architect. Watering (1) A balanced, full-coverage watering program shall be maintained to ensure proper germination until the acceptance ol work. (2) Plants which cannot be watered efficiently with lhe existing water system shall be watered by means of a hose. Fertilization (Turf): Apply recommended fertilization program 45 days after the first mowing. Continue every 90-120 days. Maintenance and Irrigation: Maintenance shall be the responslblllty of the Landscape Contractor for a period of lorty•llve days. It is his responsibility to provide sulflclenl water. Moisture must be maintained on Iha soil once the slurry mulch has been applied and allowed to set for one day. The slopes can then be Irrigated. There are no set Irrigation requirements In gallons per minute, duration of time or ntmber of gallons to be applied to the hydroaeeded slopes. This wfll vary lrom day to day depending on the rate of growth and climatic conditions encountered. The sail surface shall be kept moist at all times, particularly during the seeding germination period. Failure to provide adequate moisture wll result in desiccation of the new seedlings, in tum making ii necessary far an additional application of seed, lertilizer and mulch. Soil Test: Contractor shall take soil samples from three approved locations. Agricultural suitability test shall be made of the soil samples. Test shall Include, but not be Rmlted to, Ph, ECE, SAR, NPK, BORON and hall• satLl'atlon test CopiB& of the results shall be sent to the Landscape Ardlftect for review. Hydraseed mix Is subject ta change upon review of a sol 111alysls. Erosion Control Erosion control Installation will be required In locations specifically delineated on the drawings or .as necessary due to field conditions. a Surface of the slopes shalt be uniformly smooth -,d even, with all debris and rocks raked out. The soil shaft be sufficiently moist to pennit the finn laying ol erasion control malling and to prevent sloughing or topsoil. b. The erosion control matting shall be llid with Ille dlractlon al How ol surface drainage and in accordance with lhe manufacturer"s directions. The matttng shall be cut to provide a visually pleasing slope. c. The m~ng shal be stapled in place and fimly embedded by means of tamping or rolling as approved by lhe Landscape Architect ta insure lhat the matting is in contact with Iha sol and that no erasion can take place under the malling. d. Planting of IUrf, ground covers, shrubs and/or vines may be required in areas protected by erosion control matting as specified in the plans rx as becomes~- Native Plant Areas a. Comply wtth City Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. b. Natural vegetation areas are subject to review and approval by the Landscape Ardlltact, Ara Marshall and City Landscape Architect. Appropriate fuel management programs shall be addressed as a part of the contract documents for execution during site development. Budgeting for an-going fuel management programs should also · be addressed as a part of the maintenance Pl'0!1BfTIS, E. F. CLEAN-UP After all planttng oparatlOIIB have been completed, remove all trash, excess soil, empty plant container& and rubbish from the property. All scars, ruts or other marks in the gro111d caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground left in a neat and ordelfy condilion throughout the s118. Clean-up Contractor shall pick-up all trash reaultlng from this work no lees frequently than each Friday before leaving the site, once a week and/or the last working day of each week. All trath shall be removed completely from the site . The Conlractor shall leave the Bite area broom-clean and shaN wash down all paved areas within lhe Contract area, leavtng the premises in a clean condition. The contractor shall arrange for offslte disposal of surplus soil and shaH, upon request, furnish the City or County's authorized representaive with the disposal site Owner"s written consent. INSPECTIONS Normal progrese Inspections shall be requested by tha Contractor from the Landscape Architect at least 4 days In advance of an anticipated inspection. City Inspector must approve all planting Inspections I requirements as stated below: 1. 2. 3 .. 4. 5. 6. upon the completion ol fine grading upon the completion of sol conditioning prior to application of post-emergent weed killers pre or post-<lelvery of al plan! melerlal upon the comptetton at major plant layout at the tree-staking example prior to sodding HUNTER LANDSCAPE 4510 Eisenhower Circle Anaheim, California 92807 (714) 970-6900 Pl ... fir: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 18101 Von Karman Ave. Suite 120 Irvine, California 92612 (714) 833-9998 Fax (714) 476-4495 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Sb: LA COSTA PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL A. SCOPE OF WORK a. C. D. E. Work Specified In this SactlonFi.rniah al labor, material, equipment and services required to maintain the landscape in an attractive condition as specified herein for a period of sixty (60) days after final acceptance by Owner. QUALITY ASSURANCI! The Contractor's representative shall be experienced In landscaping maintenance and shall hava recefvad an education in ornamental horticulture. MAINTENANCE PERIOD The Contractor shall continuously maintain al areas involved in this Contract during the progress of the work and the maintenance period until final acceplance of the work by the Owner. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of any planllng at the termination of the scheduled maintenance period may cause postponement of the final completion date of the Contract. Maintenance shall be continued by the Contractor until work la acceptable. Maintenance period shall not slart until al elements al construction, planting and irrigation for the entire project are In accordance with Plans and Specifications. The Contractor shaN request an inspection to begin the maintenance period after al planling and related work has been completed In accordance wflh the Contract documents. A prine requirement is that al lawn areas shal show III even, healthy stand al grass aeedKngs or sod, either of which shall have been mown twice. If such criteria la met to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect, a field notification win be Issued to the Contractor to establsh Iha effective beginning date of the maintenance period. Any day when lhe Contractor fails ta adequately maintain plantings, replace unsuilalble plants or do weed control or other work, as determined necessary by the Landscape Archltecl, wl not be credited as a maintenance period working days. The maintenance period win be extended if the provisions required within the plans and specifications are . not filled. EMERGENCY NUMBERS The Conlractor shall provide and maintain a current 11st of emergency telephone numbers for 24-hu emergency response. The Contractor shall initiate remedlal action wilhin two hours from the flme ol notification. PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES AND STRUCTURES The Contractor shall exercise due care In protecting from damage all existing facilties, strucllns and utilities both above and below surface on the City/Owner's property. Any damage to City/Owner's property deemed to be caused by the Conlraclor's neglect shall be corrected or paid for by the Contractor at no C061 to the City.()wnar. It win be the Contraclor's responslblllty to velffy and locate any underground systems (I.e., utlily lines). Ttis does not release the Contractor lrom !ht, ,eepo11Sibilly of taking reasonable pracauti0118 when working In these areas. Any damage or problems shal be reported immediately to the Cily/Ownefs rep-iative. Newton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ntfl: Planting Specifications lntWllill: CSL/ JUJ Dllll: lnlllnl: 1111: L 17 0111 F. PROJECT INSPECTIONS Upon ~est, the Contractor or his representative wll walk the project with the City / Owner's representative for the purpose of determlnlna comoliance with the SD8Ciflcatlons. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR "AS BUil T" ----DATE DATE [SHffil CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1----1---1----------------+--+----+--+---i l_2:_J PLANNING DEPARTMENT L..2:.._j ::=::::::::!.!::::=======-===i PLANTING SPECIFICATION FOR DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INmAL LAND.ARCH. CITY APPROVAL OTHER APPROVAL LA COSTA INTERNATIONAL Newton Dnve Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPRO~!L 4'.!fi . •d ASSII il ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWNBY: __ _ PROJECT NO.: CHKBY: __ _ FIELnRY PIP 97--07 DRAWING NO: 383-1L •