HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 363-9L; PD 485; CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER; 01-06,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---·•-·-·••-•-----------------------------, GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHAI I_ B[ DONE IN ACCORDANU: WITH THE CARLSBAD MUfllCIPf,L WA.TER DISTRICTS "CARI SBAD RECLAIMED RULES & RFGUL.A-IOI-.JS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMl:.D WATFR MAII\S" DATED OCTC81:.R 1993 2. DRII\KINC FOi" ~TAINS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SPRAY OF RECL.AIMC:D WATER. BEST MANAGFMUH PRACTICES SHALL Bt. USH) TO MINIMIZE RECLAIM HJ WATER ENCHROACHMFNT ON PUBLIC FACIIJI IFS SUCH AS PICN C TABLES, BBQ·S, Pl AYGROUf-lDS, SAND LCTS, FTC. 3. BEST M.i\NAGcMENT PRACT CES SHALL BE USEJ TO ELIMINATE OR CONTROL TO THE BEST EXTE~IT f)OSSIFll F, PCNDlt,G, RUN-OFf. OVE'I SPRAY AND MISTING. ·1 HOSE tllfJS ARE STRICTLY PROH BITED. 5 OIJ-Sl-E CROSS-CONti[CTIONS BETWEEN ~ECLAIMED WATER LINES AN[; POTABLE WATER LINC:S IS SI RIC-IY PRCll ll[JITED. 6 NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIF'E MAI t '?IAL.S WILL BE A'_LOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL 0.0 T-IE CITY Or C.~RLSBAD MUN CIPAL WATFR DISTRICT. 7. /lLL MAll,LINE PIPES SHAI HAVE WARNING T.AF'E PfR CARLSBAD MUNICIPAi WATER )ISTRICT RULES A'1D Rl:GUI ATIONS 8., Tf-C: IRRIGATION SYSTfM SHALL RUN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 ~M AND 6:00 AM THE FOL_OW NC MORNING (SPOT IRRIGATION COULD tlE: DONE AT A DIFFERENI TIME WITH OUALIFll:_l) SUPFRVISION P[RSCNNEL or, Sill). 9 PRCVIDC: A MINIMUM OF AT LlAS-18 INC.-IES OF COVER OVER ALL WIRING Al\D PIPING I 0. NOl\-·D[SIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE DROTECTED FROM COl'1ACT WI-II RECLAIMED WA ER WH[THC:R BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR DIR[CT APPLIC/l.TION THROUGH IRRIGATION OR OT-ff R USE. LACK OF t'ROECllON. WHFTHER BY DESIG'J, CONSTRUCflON PRACTICC: OR sr,IEM OP[R,\TION 15 STRIC7 LY FROHIBITFD 1 I. IRRIGATID~ HEADS SHALL BE 'lELOCATED OR ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVlR SPRAYING ON SIDEWALKS, STREC:TS ANO NON-OcSIG~ATED USE ARFAS 1?. fllCL/\IMED WATER QUICK COUPLll,G VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DFSIGNATED "OR USE ON Rl:.CL/\IMFD WATER DISTR13UTION S"fSTEMS (SPIKFS NOT NTERCH.i\NCABLI:. WITH POTI\BLE WA-ER CLICK COUPLE'l SPIKFS) Pf R CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER Dl';TRICT'S RULES A'W RECLJIACOIJS 1 J MFffRS SHALL BE SIZED BY T '-IE CITY Jr CARLS6c\D MUN CIPAL WAlf.R DIST'slCT. 14. Al I IRRIGATIOI, PIPES SHALL BE SilNCILEC WITI; THE WAR~lltJC "NCN-"GTABLE WATER" OR "RECLAIMED WATER", COLO:C.: CODED (=>URPI.E:) /\ND Li\lD WITH WARNING TAPE AND STENCILING O'llENTED TOWARD THE TOP Or TclF TRENCH PER CARLSBAD V,JNICIPAL Wi\TE'l DSTRICl'S RULES AND REGU_ATIO'JS. 15. ALL POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMFrl WAl LR "IPING SHALL BE NST/\LLED WIT'-! THC: STENCILING ORIENTC::D TOWARD -Hf. IOP OF HI[ TREl,CH. 16. WHEN POTA3LE WI\TC::R Llf\E ANO RlC_AIMED WATER LINE CROSS, !HE RC:c:IAIMED LlrlE SH/\1_,_ BE NST/\LLC:) WIT '-!IN A PROTECIVE SI .. .EEVC::. THE SLEEVE SHALi EXTC:ND · 0 °EET ,Rm/ EACH SICE, FROM THF CENltR LIN[ Or POTABLC: LINF, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FFFT. 17. A 10 FOOT r0Rl70NTAL SEPlRATION BETWEEI\ t'OTABLF WAT Ell AND RC:CL/\IMED Wi\Tc:, MAINS MUST BE MAINTAII-.JED f,T ALL TIMES. l HE POTABLE LIIES lvlUST 3E INSTALLE) ABOVE TIIF RECLAIMED LINE. 18 A 1,JINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL. SFPER/\TION BETWEC::N UTUTIES MUST 8[ Mt,INTAINED AT ALL Tlv1ES. 19., DEVELOPER / CONTRACTOR SHA_L CONDUCT A CROSS-CONI\ECTON I LST At!D COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED BY Tc!E CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ENGltlEER O', Ti--'C: JC. SAN DIEGO COUNlY 8lPARllVENT 0° FNVIROl,MENTAL "IEAUH c'RIOR -□ ANv USE OF RECLA MED WATER. QUICK ::OUPLING VALVES USED IN '-:E:CLAIMl:D WATER SYSTEMS SH/\L_ CO\JFORM TO THE FOLLOWING. RC:CLAIME:l WAl"R [)UICK COUP~ING VALVES USED IN RrCI_AIM[O WATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE /\CME TYPE THREADS (SPIKES NOT INH RCHANG[ABcE WITH t'OTABL, WATE:R QUICK COUPLER SPIKES) AND PURPl.r COLORED LOCKING COVERS F'~RM.i\NEN 11 Y ATTACHFD TO -1 IE \/.1\LVC:. QUICK coun NG VALVES SHAil RF NFI_SJN cJO 7645, HUNTER NO. H\/lOOA-Rl .. -1-JP OR APPROVED EQUAi. 71. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNC:CTIOI\ INSF'ECTION SHAl..l.. BE DONE BY EITHER CARLSFlAD MUNICIP/\L WATEC:: □•STRICT OR SAN IJlcGO COUcJTY DEPAR-MENT OF E.I\VIRONMENTAc HE/>.L-H. COPIES OF 11,srECTION REPORTS WIL_ BE FORWARDED TO THE NCNINSPECTING PARTY. 22.• 23.• 24. 25. DEVELOPER SfcALL SHOW THE LOCAT'ON OF R.C. SIGNS "DC NOT DRll,K" CN THLSC PLANS. AN ON-S,TE IJSl:.R / SLPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIG',jATFD IN WRITING. THIS INDIVIDUAi SHALL Bl 'AMILIAR WITH "LUMBl~G SYSTEMS WI-HIN THF =>ROPERTY, WITH THE BASIC CON Ct PTS OF 3ACk 0 _ow / CROSS CONNECTIOfl PROTECTION, AND THE SPECIFIC RcQLJIREMENTS OF A RFCLAIMED WI\TER SYSTE~1. COPIES OF THE DE.SIGNATION Win• COrffACT PHCNE t!UMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TC THE SAN D lGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMUJTAL HEALTH NJD CARLSBAD MU'JICIPAL WArFR DISTRICT. IN Ci\SE OF EMFRG1· NCY CCHT/\CT VA NTENAr,cE SIJPERVISIOR D, CUNI\INGHAM @ (760) @.) 1 -0780 OR Ar 11:.R HOURS CONTACT VA NlENANCE SIJPERVISIOR lJ CUNr,INGHAM@ (760) @31-0780 Sl-'OW ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVAT[ POTABLE WATER MAlr,s ON IMPROVEMENT p ANS. • ITFMS 8, 19 & 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TO TIIF ACTUAL USE OF RECLAIMEC WATcR • ITEM 22 THE SIGNAGE SHALL BE A PART OF !HIS IP. BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS ANI) IAGS WILL BE INSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO ACTUAi USC: OF RECLAIMED W/\.TER. ON RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPURTFNANCES (SPRINKLERS, VALVE BOXf.S, FTC.) SI-ALI 'lF COI_CR CODED PU'sPLE PER AWWA GUIDELlr,Es AND SFCT!ON 404954 OF THE Ct\LIFCRNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE. FUTURE (PRIVATE) RECLAIMED WA TEA SYSTEM FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT LOT 101, CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER SIGNAGE NOTES THE 0 0LLOWING GUIDELINl:.S rJR IHE. USE OF RFCIAIM[D WATER ARE TO BE PC:RMAtJENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE DOOR Or l:.ACH CONTROi i FR WH[RC:: THEY ARE EASI_Y VISIBLE. PLAGl ON 81/2'' X 11" SIZE) SIG'L COLOR: "URPI F FlACKGROIJND WITH BLACK LETT~RINC. I. GUIDELINES FOR RECLAIMED W.ATER USF 1 . 2. IRRICATE BEIWEr.N THf. HOURS CF 10:00 PM /lND 6 00 AM ONLY. WATERl'JG OUTSIDE IHr TIMF FRAM[ MUST 8[ DO,IE MANUALLY WITH OUALIFIEJ SUPERVISORY PFR:-;oNNrL ON-SIT~ NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LE=-r UNATTENJfl) )lJRlfJG llSt OUTSIDE THE fWRMAL SCH~JULE. IRRIGATE IN A MAN~lfR I HAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFT, POOLII-.JG, AND PONDING. THE APt'LICA-ION RAI f SHAI I WJT FXCEED THE IN° LTRATION RATE OF THE SOI_ TIMERS MUST BF An,1uSTED SC AS TO Bl COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RATF PRFSFNT. Tl IIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE ffr 1::1E:f\ I SCHEDULING OF Tf-lE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (IL FMPI_OYlr,G TH[ REPC::AT FUNTION -o 3REAK UP HE IOIAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL rROM(Jff MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTm, .l. AD.JU'.';-SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMI\JATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOl UNDER THF CONTROL OF THE Cl"STOMER. FOR EXAMPLE. POOL DECKS. PRIVAff PA-IOS l>.NO LOTS. Ar,) STREETS ANO SICEWALKS. 4. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMI/F l'OUIPMENT ANO MATERIAL ,,\ILURE BRCKEN SPRll,KLER HEADS, LEAKS, U'JRELIAtlU: VALVFS, FTC SHOUL.0 BE RcPAIRED AS SOON /l.S THEY BECOME At'PARENT INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. CITY CONSTRUCTION tr,S"ECTION SHALL INCLUDE· LOCATION OF PIPE Llt!ES. B. TRENCH DEPTHS C. RFOUIREJ SEPARATIOI, (HORIZONTALLY A'JD VERIC1\LLY) D PIPc IDENTIFICATIO~ E. F. POINTS-CF-CONNECTION (POC'S) LOCATION AND IIJFNTIFICATION OF SPRINKLER H[,'.DS G. WA°'NING SIGNS Al 1 ·ll SITE MJD ON THE TRUCKS HAULING RECLAIMED WAIUl (1= RFCI_AIMEO WATER IS USED FDR CO\JSTRU:::TIOI\) AN APPROVAi I FTT[R REGARD ,1-:; THE l~SPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHA_L BE 06TAINEJ FROM fHE CITY ANO TH[ DISTRICT, A,ID BE FORWARDED TD THE COUNTY' HEALTH DEP/l.RTMENT PRIO'l 10 rlNAL INSPE.CTION APPROV"I DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: 2 A COVERAGE T~STS, AFTER COMPLETIO'J OF THE SPRINKLER SYS!lM, IC ' SHEE-INDEX SHl:J:_ I I I ILi:. RECLAIMED _,, ___ ,,_, __ ,.,, .... 11,11 GI\ l ON l'l AN TINC IRR C./\1 ON IRRCATON PLANTII,:] WATER I TITLE PL.AN Pl_A ~ ANC Pl ANTINC St'EC. FICA TIONS 5=>ECIFICfa.TIONS / I / ), ····-·--··"·-·-·--"- SHEET ""' . DUAII S -··--·-"·"""'""' , .. ,., ,. SH,,T 1 2 --·· .3 4 5 6 _,_,,,_ # .. ···- "" ,,. SCALE C\I "' LC) 0 5. EDUCATE .AL_ MAINTF'JANCf_ PcRSO\JNEL ON I\ CONTINOUS BASIS OF THE PRESENCE OF RECLAIMED WA!rR. PcRSO~M". MUST BE INFORMED THAT 9ECLA.IMED WA7 ER DETERMINE Te.JE ADECUACv OF COVERAGC: ON THE .APPROVED USE ARcA ANC F'ROTEC! ION OF ARFAS fWT A~PROVED FOR R[Ccl'✓ING RECLAIMED WATER. o· 5o' 100- IS Mt.AN I HJR IRR GATOI, ~LJRPCSES OfJLY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FCR CRINKING f'.JRF'()SFS. f·AND WASI 1111G. CL[AN"IG OF TOOLS, ETC. GIVEN THE HICH -uRNCVc.R Rf,TE OF C:MPLO''EES IN Tr'E LANDSCAPE INDUSTRY, IT IS IMPORT/l.NT T-IIS INFORMATl::m BE DISSEMINATED ON AN AL.IWST DAIi Y FlASIS. IT IS YOU. THE LAN)SCAl'c crnHRACTOR WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR E)UCATING EACH AND cVERY ONr OF YOLJR EV~LOY[[S. 6 OflTAIN PRIOR APPROVAi_ DF PRIVATC: ON SITE FACILITIES. AP=>ROVC:D BY, THE DIS-RICT WITH DISTRICT STAr,D.ARLJS. ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODWICATIONS TC ANY SUCH Cf-lANGES MUST BE SUBMITTcD TO. Ar,LJ ENGINEERINC O'FCE AND OESIGNc J IN ACCORQA',j([ 7 Al L Rf c:1 AIVFJ WAER S"RINKLER CONTROL VALVES Sr ALL 3E TAGGED WITH IC[NTlc C./\T ON TAGS. A ACS SHALL BE WF ATHE . .RPRODF PI_ASTC 3" X 4" PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE G WORlS "WARr,ING Rl:Cl AIMFD WATER DO NOT DRINK" llvPRINTED ON ONE SIDC:, Al\0 "AVISC -AGUA IMf'URA -NO 'CMAR" ON THE OTHFR SID[. IMPRINTINC S--IALL BE F'ERMANEN-AND BLACK IN COI . .OR, use: TAG AS MANU"ACTURtl RY T. CHRISTY ENTE'<PR SES OR APPROVED EQUAL O'-JE TAG Sf-aALL BE ATTACHEJ TO EACH VALVE AS FOi.i CWS 1. Al IACH 10 VALVl STlM DIRECTLY OR WITH Pl ASTIC TIE--WRAP OR '.' AIIACH TO SOI FNO LJ WIRF DIRFCTlv OR WITH PLASTIC -IE-WRAP OR 3. ATTACH TO VAi Ve COVER WIIH F-XISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. fl. AU_ SPRINKLCR HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECLAIMED WATER S,'RltJKLER H[AD5 I. Ei\CH AU IOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHA'-L BE IDENTIFIED WITH A '.:IG\J rlfARING THF WOR!cS "RECLAIMED WA-:-ER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN ENCLISH i\tm SPA.,IISH, WITr BLACK LETTERS 1" HIGH Ocl A. PURPLE BACKGROUND THE S1Gr, SHALL RF "IAc:t.D 50 THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEi, BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILIZING T IE EOUIPME,IT DECLA.RATION OF RESt'ONSIBLE CHARCE: I HEARBY DECLARE THAI I A.M LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WGR< FO~ THIS PROJEC-:-THAT I F:XCERCISED R[S=>ONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN JF TH'S PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECT1m, 6703 OF THE BUSINC::SS AND PR0°ESSIC~IS CODE ANlJ I HA: THL DcSIGc.j l'.i CONSISTENT WITH ~;l,RRFNT STANnARn". I UNOERSTA~IJ IHAI !'-Ir CHtCK OF PROJrC:f IJRAWl'JGS AND SPECIFICATIOr,s BY THE CTY OF ::ARLSB.i\D AND THC:: SAN DIEGO COUfJTY DEP.i\R-M~N-OF EI\VIROl,MENTAL HEAL-H IS CONFINED ro A REVlrW UNI Y AND DOFS NOT Rf_LltVE Mf-, AS 1.Ar!DSCAP[ ARCHITECT ()1 -1-1[ WORK. CF MY RFSPClNSl31LITIES Cr PRO,,[CT DESIC;N. ff'?V NAME AND ADDRESS: I H.E'"HONE ~UMB['IS· RlGISTRA1 ION NUMBFRS: f XPIRAflO'J l)Alf S: DEVELQ=>ER '-JAME AND ADDRESS. Pl.ANNING SYSTFMS 2111 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. SU TE 1 DO CARLStlAC, CA 92009 (760) 931 0780 / '.760) 931-5744 (FAX) LA frnoc 12/31 /98 THOC ENTERPRISES APPROVED 3. WARNING SIG'<S AND LABELS. C. QUICK CCUt'LING VALVE.S. J. ALL ASPECTS 0° THE IRRIGATION COND TIONS INCLUDING WINIJBI OWN SPRAY, RUNOFF AND PONDi~IG. -REQUIRED PROffCTION OF ALL RES DENTIAL AR=AS. ~ REQUIRED PRO-ECTION Of Wc_LS, ST RlAMS. RFSF RVOIRS, f-C. G. CROSS-CON~IECTION. A~INU.i\L ltJSPEGTION SHALL lfKLUDE: 3 A COM,'LETE l'<SPECTIDri WHICI-SrOULD COVER PARTS "A', "[J" Ml[) "::;" CF I Ht CISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. TYPICAL SIGNS BL.AC< UJGO -----PURPLE BACKGROUND 36" (N.T s.:· ~--1'' BLACK LETTERS WAR'11'1G RECLAIMED WAffR DO NOT DR N< RECLAIMED WATER A\/ISO -AGU,i\ IMPURA NO TOlv1AR (SIZf) 17'' x 55" 1" 3LACK LE7ERS 060 ArlS PLASTIC OR STICK · ON v NYL SIGNS ALSO .. 016 ALUMINUM ~---2" BLACK LETTERS KEY MAP KEY MAP LEGEND WARNING RrCI.AIM[[) WAT[R DO NO I DRINK AVIS:) -AGUA IMl'JRA NO Tml AR 18" X 18" SIZE SYM[JC)L + t .. -,. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -,. + + + -,. + -,. -,. -,. -,. -+-,, .. + ..:.....:.. ALL OTHER LANOSCAc'c AREAS NOT HATCHED .016 Al UMINUM .. 060 AEJS PLASTIC OR S IICK-CJN VINYi_ SIGtlS. "ROPCSUJ RFCI_Al~ED WATER IRRIGA~ION SYSTEM M/\INLINE A'IEA OF POTABLE WI\TER USE (Mt,STFR ASSCCIATION R OW. IRRIGATION) ARFA OF POTABI_.E WAT[R USE (MASTER ASSCUATION s_orE RRIGATION) ARl:.A Of RECLAMED WAHT USF LCC.i\llON Of COl\~[CTION POINT(S) - McTER AND BACKFLOW PREVFNTICJN "DO r,OT DRINK" SIGN LOCATIONS VICINITY MAP 7-LA .-', "' ·7v V_j, ~ ---\ '" "' NO '.:,~CALE 1 Of 6 SHE:.TS CRAWN G.E. Cl l[CKc"l TH/DC PROJFCT NO . PS-101 SCALI:. NONE DATE 3/30/98 " 0 ill ~ ~:l 0, -, 0 Z1;,::1 ifJ 0 j"' :. "' 8~~ 0, o..E-----..... lf.l UYl;,. < ~~&Jro u ~auQ ' ., wu~µ:i "., ~ ~a.Cl " ['-8"' :;; "' ,0 .....__~t::l I Zl I ., o.~"' .,.- VJ<: i:: " :;; ~8:.---<8 (,) ~ ACl~§i -0, o_ :j~~o Oen ...:1~0..U -v ., " E-< " 5 C. I {/) cio "' '° 0 c-- I'll "'0 ! ' E-< -"' el 0 0, -o._ "' 0, ~2 (j '[) "' z· < ~;a: ;,: z 'l 0 ea Z.£ < "">-'" 0:'fl ---N '" -·--------· 0:::: w I-z w u J[ I-u Ot:::: w w <l( I w {/) (/) w 0:::: or::: w > 0 0 <i u m V.l z (/) <I 0:::: _J w _J CL f---I-Ot:::: z <( <l( w 3 2 u w :> ~: 0 0 ... Ct:'. "' z 0::: CL w ..---0 2 Le. -2 0 _J <1: w -(_) CL <( ..--- <{ _J CJ (_) 4 (J) u 1--'.lJ 0 :./) --, w 0 _J L._ '.I:'. 0 0:::: _J <( ·-' '.:...) 2111 PAI OMAR AIRPORT RO SUITE 100 CARLSBAD, CA 92C09 l;)7c_; E~-,,G,......1'5""L.A--,-,-h---ccCccH-=E-=cccK-=E-=R APPROVED 5/6/<!8 DATE IRRIGATION PRECISE FOR PLANTING & 4 I!; 1\'7 ONLY, INCLUDING LOCATION OF 6f; & t'.ll'llNJ...INc:-rmz:no~ rr~r::-Ttti As-e,JJ1L--r 1-?-J/'i?: J1j I SH~ET I I sH~rh I CITY OF CARLSBAD ···--' ' ··-···· . l· --~ PLAI-JNlt,G DEP.ARTMENT ''"" TELE;:,HONE 'JUMBE"S: (760) 931-0780 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER CiSTR er . /£/~ .e~ ~ WILLIAM E PLUVMER, DISTRICT ENG'JEER -I'--re -98 DATE R.C.E. 28176 EXP. 3-31- SAN DIEGO F EVIRONl~ErHAL HlAUH ', -l. '\-~~ APPROVED OAT~ PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" c.{.-,/4,, 6. £,.....,_ RH'-1,,A_1l-0'10C EXP. It hi ·'Ii;, REVl[\J[D BY, L.;§kc# ./ )NSPlCT □R . .... ..... ---- -·-·-·-· - '1 I~ '1'0 -···--·-· DATt - ···-· ... ,___ ' .... " f;?!Jf3 .. -DATE IN TIAL REVISION DESCR F'TION ENGINUR OF WO~K DATE _, __ ,, __ ..... LA~JDSC.ilJ'E IMF'ROV~_MFNT ci1 Af,S FOR. -···· ..... ,. LOT 101 153J FARADAY A\/EN_l:c CARI -AD P..E:;;EARCH CH, Ir R ... , ... ___ ............ APPROVED~-_/~ / !JJ¾j;,, V I .. . -----c;-[tj_-i/ t ' .. z---//• C ;_,--; • - ASSIST A ,; Pl_~t,iNG DF):'.CT □R DATE OWN flY: """""'>'" ,. I FPRo;c;; I ---' D::.:AWING NO DATE_ INI l'IAL DATf INITIAL C--IKD BY:-·-363-9L r----""'"'" ... , .. , __ JI HlP APP'?□VAL C TY APPROVAC RV\JD BY, CMWD 98-209 REMOTE COWROL VALVE # 3 . ,T, r VE SIZE r R.C.V. DEMAND 1c0Mi 1 KC,V,_E-EVATION 55 °TATI.C .PRESSURE AT R.C V 98 -DESCRIPTION PSI LOSS SFRVIC IN -------------4-·· 008~_____,r-PS~I ___ ____, e--c__-----l-1'ru-cn MCT.k'lL._ ____________ ----4-------'1.,,. ----+~P ~I ----1 1-1 4" e-----1'---" __ eeBA"'C"'-KF'-hL"-'OW!....!:.lPR>hE'-'-"VE'-'-NTccERc...._ ___________ ~3'1----'--"'----+ S.I_ ---------1 '----'-'-' ~1 A~....µ,,M=A =T ~R roNTRCL WiY,.---------------t -~-------1r-Ps-1 ___ ------, __ .!" ... BAS.,ET STR/IJNER < PSI I"" GATE VAIV c _ 6 ·+'--->PS_I ___ _ '--------'--4 ·~·-······.l.Oil..HCT OF MAINLINE TYPE SCH 40 7 ·-~~-+'P~I ___ _ t, 1.A FEET OF MAINLiNf. TYPE 8 .e.=s1 ___ _ 1" REMOTE CONTROL VALI/E 9 2.0 PSI 10% LATF,AI IN. 0 10 --+~PS_I ___ _ .... _1 O_;_( FITTING LOSS PSI 7 P I TOTAL SYSTfM PR R _LQSS (SV.M.Qf 1 '----+~PS_I ---------+ IBESS.URE .. REOUIRED AT HEAD . 14 PSI TOTAL PPESSURf R IR (SIIM DF #LlANQ_, 14' 15 -----+'P~S~I -------+ SihllC. 'IIA-cR.P.8.Ll.S_"'UR'-"-E..J.(w:F,""O!!LM .nAB""OwVE.;.) __________ ~J6,+-~~------+'p~· ~I ___ _ RESIDUAL PRESSLRE (SU81RACT # le f'lOM # 15.} -------~174-_4~8 __ P_S"'-1-------t SET PRV Q_'l MCY...l!J (# 15 >LUS 10 PSI) 18+-------"5~· ."---0 _ _µP-"'SI'-----------, PRESSUR' BOOST IF ,[QUIRED (#15 #16 + 2C Ps1'1 19 N 'A P I L D T I [) ll () / I ' I ! i I ! ! · I I i ! ! I I I I I ! I I I ! I ! \ I I \ ' / / ' ' I I \ V ' \ '·' I I I I _;.:.. I / ''.:;1,-y?,'V/ MAf✓HCl.[ POINT OF COflNECT!ON SHALL. BF TO THE NEW ·" RECLAIMED WATER METER W/ 1-1/4" SERVICE LINE AT THIS APPROXIMAT[ LOCATiON. VERIFY lHl LOCATION, SIZE, ANO STATIC WATER PR::.SSURE AT -HE f/ETER PRIOR TO STARTltJG W'.)RK. · LANDSCAPE CONTRACOR SHAU INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN DOWNSTRFAM OF THE WATER METER AS SHOWN, SEE IRRIGATION . 1G1~0 FOR MCOELS ANO SIZES. RECLAINED WATER SUPPLY H.G.L. P.C.C ELEVATIO~ STATIC WA~ER PRESSURE PRESSURE SETTING ON PRV 384 FT '54 FT 99 PSI 61 PSI CONfROLLER POWER SHAL .. B, 1?0 VOJ, PROVIDED BY OWNER. VERIFY ACTUAL CONTROLLEq ANO POW~R SUPPLY LOCATION WITH TH[ OW'IER'S AUT -jQRIZED REPRESENIAflVc PRIOR ·o SlA,TING WORK. Ex:sr INC, IRRIGATIJN ADJACE~IT TD THE FAC/All/lY AVE, SIDE'wAL.K \HALL REHA[N UNDISTURBED IN PLACc, EXCC:PT ',_/--IERE DRIVE'v/AY CUTS REQUIRE S EEVEING AND LATcRAL LINI MllLIFICATI □N, 2DNTRACTDP SHA_L DEL.IVl:R FUL.LY FUNCTI □,\JING AND 11 SIi D SYSTFM TD D\JNER. . MAH-11_,,lNtc-Iii" f./2.0 M '7l-tl"f· -------...... -----.. ...... __ -......... _____ -------........ .....______ -~ I I I I I I ---1 .._____________ ------------------------- \ \ I . ~-EXIS'tJNG IRRIC:Ai.lJN AN LANH>JG TN THIS IRRIGT ATION LEGEND IRRIGATION l-!EAD5 OTI-IER EQUIPMENT S'r"M MAKE MODEL NOZZLE PSI GPM R ARC DESCRIPTION SYMBOL MAKE MODEL SIZE DESCRIPTION II + - * • * V y • ---------- --..________, 1-!L,NTER f-ll,NTER f-llNTER RAINB'D RAINB'D RAINBD RAINB'D RAINB'D RAINB'D RAINB'D RAINBD RAINB'D RAINB'D PGl-l-ADJ-D-Ob PGl-l-ADJ-D-05 PGl-l-ADJ-D-03 1808-Van 1810-Van 1812-va~ 1815-Van l80S-&F-B 1805-51-1-5 180S-SQ-B 1800-ISCST 1800-ISEST 1800-ISEST "0b "03 "03 08 10 12 IS ::.F !:,1-! SQ 35 3S 3S 30 30 30 30 2S 25 30 30 30 2.2 1.7 I.I 25'-3(,' 22'-31' 20 -30' 0-1.1 8' 0-l.'3b '0' 0-2.0 '2' 0-3,7 :,' ISO 1.0 OS 1.21 061 061 :, ' 5' S' 4X30 4XIS 4XIS ADJ ADJ ADJ 0-330 0-360 0-360 0-3b0 300 180 '30 RAINB'D 1404-PA-80 30 1.0 UM8RELJ.A P □.C. -AS DIRECTED BY CM\-/I, LOCATE RECLAIMED \-/ATER METER ADJACENT TD D □NEST:C ~ETER AS SHD\-/~. (MIN, 10' FROM EXISTING DOMESTIC HETC:R), 4" POP-UP GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR B SER b" aooF-UF 10 BER&" POP-UP 12 5ER &" POP-UP IS SER &" POP-JP 4' BUBB R FOP-UP 4' BUBB'R POP-UP 4' eJUBB R POP-UP STRIP SPRAY STRIP SPRAY STRIP SPRAY FUL. CIRcBUBB'R FUL. CIRc BUBB'R [BJ P.O.C. ~ FEBCO I' RECLAl'1ED HATER HETER H/ 1-1/4" SERVICE LINE 825Y -I" REDUCE:> PRESSURE BACKFLOH ASSEHBL 'r" H/ BRONZE: H'r"E STRAINER [c] HILKINS RAINBiR:) RANBIRD NELSON 500 SERIES P~SSURE REGULATOR NSlA_L ON BACKFLOH ASSEMBL 'r" ES""-10-MC 10 STA. PES-B "704!:, PER KE'r" I" HALL MOl-NT CONTROLLER HI RAI\J 51-!UT -OFF DEVICE CONTROL VAL VE M NIBCC T -113 LINE SIZE PER PLAN QUICK COUPLER VA_VE BRONZE GA TE v AL VE P'✓C R:::CLAIMED HATER PRESSJRE MAIN_INE -APPROVED SCI-! 40 - APPROVED CL. 200 STATION NUMBER --VALVE SIZE ~··-GP!" APP-<OVEG ~.LEEVING !\.OTES, PER PLAN PVC R:=CLAIMED HATER LATERAL VALVE KEY 2X LINE ,:,VC RECLAIME:> HAT:=R SLEEVE I! SLEEVES FOR MANS, LATERALS, HIRING UNDER VEf--llC'-E PAVING Sf--lALL BE PVC SCI-!. 80 Hl30' COVER (POTABLE 'vlATER SERVICE = 2) SLEEVES FOR MANS 4 HIRING UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING Sf--lALL BE 8' 'v/ATER LATERAL, AND PVC SCf-l. 40 H/18" COVER lsJE\-/ l-l/2 ' DDMESTI::: SERVICE 3! SLEEVES FOR LATERALS UNDER VEl-!ICLE PAVING S~ALL BE ;,EJ-F1JI-t."filti,G), _ PVC SCI-I. 40 N/12" COYE~ -,...___~ ~--4; EXTEND ALL SLEEVES 12" BE'r"ON:> EDGE o= PAVING ------Y---~ __/--. , , -~-·-/4 G& / ND"fE'> ·~--~·---~----~--~----,~--·-----._ __ ----. . ..._____-··-·----------.__ 1'N '-'--LG / )'11>,lNv!t~t--i--ocf,1~114 ± fr-oM ~~ OF c.owc l.}N\,,-e;ss OT-l-\f'.-12.W/Sf.. f..Jo,EJ? --...___ 7 ' Ali Ok:rr-1 g=:. I -~ '1L.. "R.iµ Of". souTl-f w. ---,,✓ .. _. --~ ~ C-Ukvt5 "-;our1-1 tV, l4L{ 4,;, -. -' -1.> ----~ '& PR.a N :LL 4£,o . ·~'·'1,~h~1,;, ~ ~ 5" Ar --.___ -·------.__---.___ l,v ,4 Lf< ---....._ __ _ ------------ --=--~'-=::::c:.....:..:.._~ .. ----...!::,::~.:....:..=-:.....:...:.-==.....:....,; -- -....,__:....:...=.:._.:_.:.._-:::::_.,:_;_....:.-:::.:...:...:----=>=__:.,_ ___ ---~ ------ -------~--- OF 6 S~EETS DRAWN GE CHECKED DC\TH PROJr .. CT NO. PS-101 SCALE 1" = 20' DATE 4/27/98 .. v, 7 <f _J I O__ z ~ -<( w _J 2 1.,1 Q_ > 0 CL Z ~ 0 " " " -<T, l'- □ Lf:, 2] .', "' ('] 0: "' v- .0 a"° a" 0::: w 1---z w u I u et:: <t w U1 w 0::: 0 <t co U1 _J 0::: <( u <r. ~ z ~ Ct:. 0 I ···---.__ --~---- -----........____ -----------------------------------___ ____.- AREA TD REMAIN UNDISTURB ~~tAC&c:--s~,<;,:'.°"'"'----._,_,,., CONTRACTOR SHAJ, RECONt\ECT LINES AND AIR LL f- 0 ".; <1'. :NA If-,'-, VAi \/f ; I ----... ~~-- L O T --------------- flEGDFJr.J DP ------.., -- I I / NORTH 1 0 1 EIUFJYEY 20' ALL CDNSTRUC,l□N DAMAGE AS NECESSARY TO RETURN AREA ,□ PRE-C□NSTRUCTI □N COND:TI□N. ------~-----.... ----- JI a 3 B O' 20' 80' SRA?H,C SCALE· 1"=20' APPROVED FOR PLANTING & IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BU IL T" a~ b-f::,__..-'1 IG,•q"e, DATE REVIEf!D, BY~ ~ _ ./:f4i}_!?f-== __ _ iYtfo INSPECTOR DATE 1;: <r: C (J v-: C ?_ <f 0::: 0::: LANDSCA:,E I~1PROVEME~JI PLANS LOT #101 1530 FARAjAY AVENUE CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER ~ (_) l-o _J 0 <J'. OJ V"! _J Cl:'. <J'. u =d ·-==== ---l--------l----------------_-_-_-_---+---t----+---t------1 ~~ DIRECTOR 5"-rt:~~ I DATE IN :TIAL E~GINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE: lt.JITIAL CATE INITIAL □HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY· __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RV'v/D BY, CMWD #98-209 PROJECT NO. PD 485 DRAWIN:; NO. 363-9L MANHOl_f l D T I O a l D f I a D ----cc-~------- VIA. ,' f ;,; \IA/ ',.if- S 7C'kM MANHi..n.t --------- GE\IERAL PLANTING INFILL NOTE, INF L. PLA\ITING 5..!ALL OCCUR ON 51DE AND RE.AR SLOPES, ADD . GAL ACACIA REPOLENS AT 15' O.C. H..!ERE BA«E, APP FLATS OF DELOSPERMA ALBA AT 12' o.c. H..!ERE BARE, CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTIMATE SLOPE INFiLL NEEDS AS A PART OF SUBMITT::D BID. HEED ABATEMENT NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO '<:EMOVE ALL PAMPAS GRASS OCCURRNG ON LCT 101 --------....... ........ _ & b?c,--------------.._ .,,---._ ----............___ __ + / I \ PLANT LIST SYM60L BOTANICAL NAME TREES e • Iii JACA-<ANDA Ml...,OSIFOLIA CASSIA LEPTOPHYLLA L YONOT..!AMNUS FLORIBUNDJS 'AS<"'LENIFOLIUS' COMMON NAME JACARANDA GO_D MEDALLION TREE CAT ALII\A I RONHOOP • HASHINGTCI\IA ROBUSTA MEXICAN FAN °ALM <TRANSPLANTED. TO B:: PROVIDED BY CHNER! PLATYNUS ACERIFOLiA 'BLOODGOOD' SYCAMORE PLA-YNUS ACERIFOLIA GROUND COYER I ti DELOSPERMA 'ALBA [':;:s:J F:-<;AGARIA CHILOENS S SYCAMORE HHITE TRAILING ICE PLANT HILD STRAHBERRY VERBENA T APIE1' 'F'OHD:cR BLUE' T APIEN VERBENA HOCLL, Y ARRON SIZE IS GAL IS GAL :, GAL 24" BOX IS GAL EXISTING =LATS FLATS FLATS F_ATS QUANTITY s II s 12 1:1" o.c. B" O.C. 14" O.C_ 2" oc. PLANTING INFILL NOTE ~ REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE SONSTRUCT'ON -~AGE TO EXISTING SOD ' FF PAD 15 7_0 156.3 BENCH -------, ta;==;,t;,;-=:_:------------.,__ . ___,,_ "' F. F . VII----. -----"~-·~----....__ %?~~ •/.~~~~ _____ ,..-·-· --~ _____ ....,.....___,...------------~ L O T 1 0 1 ----::------------------- --------------~ ----------~ ------------~------------ ' I ----------------------- -........---......_.......__ \ I I \ \ SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SHRUBS 0 0 ASACIA REDOLENS PROSTRATE ACACIA AGAVE ATTENUATA "CXTAIL AGAVE ANIGOZANTHOS RJ=us CAT'S FAh ART::M::SIA C. 'CAN,ON GREY' CAN,ON GREY ARTEMES!A ARTEMESIA P,CNOC::P..!ALA SANP'-IILL SAGE --,------ CUP HE A HYSSOFIFOLIA FALSE HEATHER EPILOBIUM CALIFORNICA CALIFO'<:NIA FUCHSIA ERIOGONUM GRANDE SSF. RUBESCENS REP BUCKHHEAT D IPLACUS HYB"<IDS MONKEY FL Or/ER ( ASSORT co_ORS! HEMEROCALLIS 'PEACH"T K::EN PEAC..! DA"T'LIL, HEMEROCALLIS 'HOT LIPS' RED DA,LIL "T DA,LIL -Y'S AVAILABLE FROM DESIGN 2, !114! '360-llr. SIZE I GAL S GA_ I GAL I GAL I GAL I GAL I GAL I GAL . GAL . GAL GAL QUANTITY AS NEEDED b s '3 3 4:, 8 1 10 31 --,-"~~-------------------- C--r-J LANTANA M. 'LAVENPAR SHIRL' PURPLEM'-ll'E T'-;AILING LAl\TANA I GAL 28 © LAVENDULA PENTATA FRENCh LAVENDAR I GAL 11 0 PHORMIUM TENAX NEN ZEALAND FLAX S GAL 14 ® PHORMIUM TENAX 'SUNDONNER' SUN;:::,oNNER FLAX S GAL :,':l 6) PHOENIX ROEBELENII PYGMY DATE PALM S GAL 4 ------------- ( u ROMNE, A COJ_ TERI MATILIJA POPPY I GAL 1 A RHA~HIOL::PIS INDICA 'C_ARA' INDIAN HANTHORNE S GAL 3b Rc!MO!-RA ADIANTIFORMl5 LEAT..!ER_EAI= FERN · GAL 2 TRICHOSTEMA LAl\ATUM NO_L Y BLUE CURLS I GAL 3 ® (T) -----------~-~--- -------------- -......... ....... ____ --..._ ~-=-=....:.=:: ___ ~ ~..:...:.-=::::::._._._:---, ·-;;;--,....:.~~ .. --~c..--- ~ ------~.:...:... -----..:_: ------:.....:...~..::::::: . ---== ExEnNi sYuWrfN-(_TREEs TD BE PEM.,1VEr --~---- -----.......... 3 Or 6 SHEETS DRAWN GE CHEC~ED DC\TH PROJFCT NO PS 101 SCAI F 1'' -20' DATE: 1/) z <1'. _J '.)_ ~ ,_ w 2 w > 0 0::: CL 2 w CL <( u I/! C z <( _J 4/27/98 -< CJ . ., "' st "f. 1·~ IJJ l!,1 3l '" co <( (); (.,) --. o O'il 0 ,,_ -~ 00 U' w::-: f-<< 5 r,, i/) cio -e '" 0" 0: 0 I f-<~ O::~ 0 z <( _J Q__ (') z I-z <( _J Q__ cc - '" 0 ';:;; ;2 "" <( :! 3 <t, Ila 0::: w I-z w u :::r::: u 0::: <! w U) w 0::: 0 <t (I] tn _J 0::: <t u ~ ..---- 0 ..---- I- 0 _J <( 7 ,y 0 , _J <f u -0 <f m IJ) _J Ct'. <f u ,_'i I 0_,q'-'+---i"""6'f-"---~,_,I'll_._ \J~ AS -B,U-1 \, 1 £R [SH .. EET 11 CITY. 0 F c. AR. LS BAD l. S'-l[[TS] , . ·-t----+--------t---1------1 3 PLAl\~ll'lG DEPAR-MENT 6 +-----+-----------------. ---+----I ----,, __ '-;EPAIR EROSION DAMAGE ON "TRA L" OCCL.RRNG nalS AREA FILL AND COMPACT ERODED 'PITCH" AND INSTALL ONE HIDTl-l OF 4' HIDE JUTE. INST ALL PELOSPERMA ALBA APPROVED FOR PLANTING & IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. " AS BU IL T" ?A4k 6. e,. t----i----+---------------------,..-----II----+----+---< --- LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAl~'.i 153~qyRA£) ~V1NLJE AT B" CC. THIS LOCATOl\. NORTH 20' O' 20-40' 80' GRAP'-IIC SCAcE 7'' ~20' DATE 1----t--------+-------------+------+---------t-·-------+------' r =«l,Q -5-!fl/] t-;::-;:::-:-:;;::-:--;;::-;:---;::::-------------1-------1f----l----lAssrsTANT PLA~ r1RECT □R u~ REV!Ew'ED BY, ..... __ /, ,,,f,,-d./J_l/12---l---=-0Ac::T-c-E-+-~1N=l'A-L-+---···· -------------+-OA-T[-· -+-IN-ITI-AL-+-D-AT-E--+-IN-IT-l~---1.L I OWN BY;-···-~ROJ[C~NO. JRAWING .. NO. · :If~ L k:.~ ENGINEER OF woRK REVISIOI\ Df-SCRIPTION f-□-T-HE_R_A--'-PP-R-JV-A-,_ +--c,-TY=---A"1-F ___ Ro---vA'"'L'-l -f~0°D BB\,-.-·-PD 485 363-9L INSPCTDR J:A E ·····-- CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER CMWD #98-209 NOTE f II 11',1 If I) (,fJAf)f Ii\ rum· AR FAS 1'I/\',llf, 1,r,1m11 VALVl' BOX Wl'H BOLT DOWN ',')VI I'. 1;,1 ·,1fml I '1', BOLT ~UT AND WASHER. ·HAI !WM~! "rJ(v· 0Nf0 LI] SE.GJIQN VlE_W_ --,_1'1.1..S. QLICK CClaPLCR VAi Vt \I I. I I GF ND FOR SPEC '-;TAINLESS '.::.TE:"I Cl.AMP RRICK SUPPORTS l)IJRA F'RE-ASS[MBLlD SWING JOINT WI I H CJNF rlECE BRASS M!PI NIPP _E MOD # 1-Al912 MAINI INF, SEE SPECS #,4 , 36" REBAR STAKES, •1 Rf QUIRED l.ANDSCAPI IARRIC: i/1' ROCK. I CLBIC If USE TEtlON I /Wf ( IN Al I 1111~1 /\I JI l · 111 IN(;'-:. JYPICA'...., E QUICK c~ •1:; ··:-::.•:.;~::: ::-:·=-,: l, -.. ::..~ \.'~}·' ccr~NE:-=To:::;, l'J~E::,--,- N(:TE COUPLER OW VOL !AGE Wl'1cS, 3 MAXIMUM OUTER CASc ,)f CO~N':CTOR T I I ! I I I fl_l_ our:.R CA",E WITH ocAi_cP F'RIC,R T0 Fi~AL ASSEMBLY. j WIRE CONNECTION J ·---------FINISHED GRADE IN TJRF AREAS PLASTIC RCUNO vAL'vE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN 'i_ ~ COVER, L:;l SlAINI FS" ROLT ~UT AND WASHER I ,r HFAT BRANJ "cV' o, rn uo ii~1r===+;;;,,~-=-~1, 1 J~~~::::~.,=----FINISHED GRADE I~ SrRU8 AREAS ./,,-JP BAL_ VALVE WITH IJ~IDNS (SxS) i \~ J;t~- 6 "' .. ----t-f~\ -------6" PVC C_, 160 PIPE /, -~t '»• •0C'.Zl----BRICK SUPPORTS • o';:io o<:::\•S\ iJo_o. o• i''2i9.--. •0 ;1:Q~ 0•0&O't'----ONF CUBIC =-ooT •~00 ~~•O:~• 3114" CRUSHED GRAVEL o~ .,• • '-.:I o~. •! :l 0 • ~o /--SCH 40 PVC CO.JPL NC ~ooa:,0.a O &O O / ,--- 0 ,,ol_---djf7[]h,--_j'!__:[, •;;,·· 111~ IRRIGAllON ,1AIN_INE -----D----J----------'Ol l _LJ ___ ., SECTION YIEW NT$ D BALL VALVE ,,,.._ rmlill111ill11 /_/i_> --___ >1 __ · "'¥,J ··_-'1:t ->]r 111=1 --wD, ,,D,~;D1 ,~1j:-l111-111~ , I I • I · · · · l I ·· ... · I , ·· •· ·• , 1111=111=111=111'' 111 =111--111 Ill ,11~ DESCRIPTION A B C D ALL UNDER VEHICLE PAVING 36" 36" 36' 4' UNDER PEDESTRIAN GREATER THAN 3" PAVING DIAMETtR 24" 24" 12' 4" UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, LESS THAN 3" DIAMETER 1 8" 18" 12' 4" SLEEVE NOTES: SCH 80 PVC 1.O.E. NIPPLc, 5" LONG PAVING SAND BACKFILL COMPACTED TO THE DENSITY OF EXISTING SOIL LATERAL LINES IN PVC SLEEVE, SEE LEGEND CONTROL WIRES IN PVC <:;t fFVF -=:;rr I rr.p,Jr" PRESSURE MAINLINE I IN PVC SLffVF. SFF ! FGFND :L>l'...> JU 8£. IWICl lHl DIAMETER OF THE PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED. DETAIL ALSO FOR PIPE INSTALLED IN ROCK SOIL_ 1) FOR MAINS, LATERALS, & WIRING UNDER VEHICLE PAVING = PVC sch, 80 W/ 30" COVER 2) FOR MA!NS & WIRING UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING = PVC sch_ 40 W / 18" COVER 3) FOR LATERALS UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING = PVC sch, 40 W/ 12" COVER SLEEVE INSTALLATION ·--------------FIN'SH GRADE ---------R/P DEVICE SEF Lt~ENO FOR SPECIFICATION -------BRASS B.ALL VALVE TYP. ,---,--1==1-----BRASS ,IPPLES MIN. 4" TYP, FLOW~ --· BRASS EL_, 4 RcOUIRED ----BA~KFLOW ENCLOSURE F SPECIFIED l-------PRESSURE REGU_AT8R OR WYE STRAINER IF SPECIFIED, SEE BELOW _J..----BRASS Uf-lON, 2 REQUIRED BF,ASS RISEF6 L[~GTH AS REO ::n:qi::J.---PVC MAINLl~E TO MASTER VALVE ~---SCH 80 PVC FEMALE ADAPTER ~----SCH 80 PVC N PP_[ c" Ml~. ~---------coric~u,. SI.AB, S,E BU ow -----COPPER MAINLINE FRCM WATER METER NOTE: IF WYE STRAl~ER OR PRC:SSURE REGULATOR IS SPECl"IED, INSTALL ON EITHER Ti1E HORIZONTAL PIPING OR ON THE DOWNS'REAM LEG AS SPACE PERMITS. CONCRETE S_AB SHALL BE "INIMJM 4" THICK, 18" WIDE AND EXTEND Al c£AST g" PAST THE BACKf LOW ASSl'MBI. Y PIPlfJG_ IF BACK FLOW ENCLOSURE IS SPECIF ED IN THE LEGE~) THE CCNCRETE SLAB SHALL BE THE SIZE REQUIRED BY lHl MANUFACT URlR. INSTALL .AS PER C.M.W.C. STNWARD DETAIL DRAWING #W-20_ C BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY ?F?FFTT 17 □Fl 7 777 : " FINISH GRADE ~1n''' ,r --l-,ll -U,!'I '! w,I --CLEAN COMPACTEO BACKFILL 8 . 111 ~ =111=111 --r Jtt§----111-, ,- •-· I ~- .,, Jll-II 111 :c-11CJ11! __ _--_ .--~ -_---~ I~~rF i Ci tC(t -:f½t _f I I_I • ',-------, i l-11I---=I I l=l lf:',I l~J 11=:I I I= 11 =-111-111-111-111-111-111-111-111-1 ............ ~ DIMENSION A B C 1/2" TO 2-1/2" IN SIZE 18" 12' 4" ......... --·"· 3" TD 6" IN SIZE 24' X 4" SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. LATERAL LINES, SEE SPECS, I LONlROL WIRES, Sll SPECS. UNDISTURBED SOIL PRESSURE MAINLINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS H PIPE INSTALLATION ------FINISHEC GRADE IN TLRF AREAS I PLASTIC 'lcCTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE BOLT DOWN COVE,, JSc STA,NLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHcR. BOX _ro Bf PLACFO AT Rl0H_ T ANGI.F TO HAROSCAPE EDGE 7EA-BRAND "FS" CNTO L D ' I FLOW SENSOR, SEE LEGE~□ FOR SPECIFICATION Ill j 11 v" .-~;ill,;; ;:wm11 T_li·f4" ,,~ --c ___ --~l~:s~~~E GL~JAi: IN SHRUB AR,AS lfl / MIN ....,._7/C ITT8 ITT_ -------UNION W/ MALc ADAPTER ill ill :// ~ 11" «r«. =!cl= INSTALLED 24" fROM FLOW ----'ffi----'lTU I_ \ffiill111lli SENSO,, IYF, BOTH SIDES .-------PVC \1AINLINE PIP 0 PER SPECISIFICA-ION ' ---BRICK SUPPORTS, 4 REQJIREO ~-------_ANOSCAPE 0ABRIC ~--------3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. ~---------------PVC MAlfJLiNE PIPE TO MASTER VALVE PER SPECS_ A~D 0 LAN_ SECTION VIEW -N I S NOTE: INSTALL F _cw SENSOR AS PER THc MANUFA.CTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, WIRE TO IRRIGATIC, CONTROLLER, US' 45 DEGRff cLLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE JcPTH ON THE DOWN-STREAM SIDE Of f'Hf F CW SENSOR INSTA,I_ TW;) UNIONS w/ 2 MALE ADAPTERS EACH c~ FLOW SENSOR ASSEMBLY. O~E SET UPSTREAM AND ONE DOW~STREAM, OUT OF "CLcAN PIPE" JISTANCc REQUIREMENTS OF THE MANl,FACTURER, M PA:),,__-+---!'-OS NOTE ANGLE RISER HALFNAY BETNEEN VE~TICAL 4 F:°RFENDICULAR TO SLO"'E ,L B EQrE 1---IRRIGATION HEAD PER LEGEND ~-(2! VIT SPRINKLER TIES 4 "3 REBAR I ,/ / ,~314" SCH 8/t PVC RISE~ CLEI\GTI- // AS REQUIRED! r (2) 3/4" ':l0d $ 80 "'VC 6TR'T ELUHIPTxFIPT) , ~ SC-! 40 PVC TEE ($xSx~IPT ! ~PVC LATERAL LINE _ _..------- SPRINKLER ON RISER NOTE-ALL HIRING $HALL BE PER LOCAL CODE l UBC ELE:::: CONNECTIONS HIHATERPROO" CONNECTORS G D ~>-----+----COI\TROLLER PER L==GEI\D HOUNT TO NALL "°ER HANUF. SPEC_ -------i-----120V POHER A'-1D GROUND ,,-------t----JLNCTION BOXES 3/4" DIA_ PVC. CONDJIT TO I20V "°ONER SUPPL)' 3" DiA_ CONTROL HIRE CONDUIT ,,-----+----SLEEVE THROUGf-. HALL !FO'-< INTERIOR MOUNT APPLIC.ATION! 7c=:'::==--FINISI-GRADE ~----FLOOR LINE ~~\!s=:i--- I \ Dl-sEC.T BURAL HIRE TO VALVES --,JOa SCH BO PVC SHEEP ELL CONTROLLER METER BOX W/ METER SIJE CUR WALK 3 POTA BLE I _ __J SERVICE LINE I i'.PPROX 8" --24" · ·--, u c_r-I ){_--~-, -) __ J -, ___ / 1 2" MlfllMUM RECLAIMED WA-ER IRRIGATION MAINL;NE NOTF: VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" Ml"IIUMUM IS M/,NDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABL[ WAT[°' Ll~E. INSTA~LATION OF RECLA MED WATER IR"IGATION MAI\JLltlE 24" I l·iCJM I ACI O SIIJI WAI K WU. "ROVIJE THE NECESSARv 10' HOR ZONTA_ CLEARANCE FROM PCTABLE MAINLINE 1N TH:: STREET. L POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING FLOW SENSOR APPROVED FOR PLANTING & IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BU IL T" RC, _____ FXP. ___ _ DATE I----+---, ______ , REVIEWED BY DATE INITIAL ' IESSFL, c.~111-111. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD FLJSH WITH rlNISHEJ GRA□f-IN ruRF A~EAS t--------PO"-IJP SPRINKLER HEAD, SPRAY CR RCTOR SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC FICATION ! 4 OF 6 SHcElS DRAWN G_E. CHECK~D INSTALL SPRINKI.ER HEAU 1 /2" ABOVE "INIScffD G~AOE IN SHRUB AND GROUND COVERS AREAS TH/DC I \------/_ I ijr~, ___ I NCff: IJNDISTURfif ll SOIL PR[ -ASSEMBLED TRIPL.E SWING "OINT, PVC TYPEt WITH 0-RINGED JO'NTS . M1PT INL~ AND Ml"T OL TLET LAY LENGTH TO BE 6" MINIMUM Silt AS PER SPRINKLER OUTLET SCH 80 P\/C SxSx T TEE FITTING LATERA_ , SPRINKcER INLET SIZE LATFRA,. LINE, SEE SPECIFICATI0'-1S FOR TYPE ANC JEPTH REQUIRED INSTALL S'°RINKLER HEADS 6" FROI/ PAVl'1G FDGE IN GROUND GOVER AREAS. Iw;TAU S"RINKLER HEAD'; 4" fROI/ PAVl'1G EDGE Ir! TURF AREAS INST.AcL s~RINKLER HE/IDS PLJMB. AD.JUST S"RAYS OR NOZ71 F STREAfJ TO COVER 1.fa.N:JSCAF'F AREA WITHOUI OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS 0'< BU LOINGS A LATERAL~ FEMALE ADAP. ___}. SCII 80 PVC POP-UP SPRINKLER --FINISH C,ADE IN TURF ARcAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE PLRPLE BOX WITH BO_-DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. ROX 10 Bl PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAP[ EDGE HEAT BRAND "RC'/' ANO CONTRGI STATION # DNTO LID 4" MN. -FINISHED GRAJE IN SHRUB AREAS i_ Wl«rmmrm«rtmry--§~;lli--2L" Wl'lE LOOP .--c:FtJrlf~"'iR;=;':tt::::-t----VALVE ID TAG --\o\1----PVC THO. ELL SCH 8C PVC CONTROi VAi.VE oCH BD PVC NIPPI F TYP BRICK SUPPORTS, 4 REQLIREC SCH. 80 UNIOM---~ F \(~),---IRRIGATION MAINLINE J/4" C?USHED GRAVEL TWO CUBIC FEET _ANOSCAPE FABRIC SECTION VIEW -N I S CONTROL VALVE STREET SURFACE-----~ -----------·······-············"• POTABLc MAINLlflE ------~ ('.',EE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) I 17" MINIMUM REOUIREC VERTICAL SEPARt,TION RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION NOTE: 3.5 FEET ,/ SLEEVE Al I. RE:CLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION PIPING AND SLEEVES SHALL G[ PJRPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED 1'1: "SIANIJARD SP[CIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE iRRIGATIO\J SYSTEMS" "CARI SfJAD RECLAI/ATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS" OCIOB''R 199.3 K POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING PROJECT NO PS 101 SCALc NONE DATE 4/27/98 0 0 ~ ~ .. ~j 0/ z1 m 0 "' ::! 0 ::i [5 ""' N 0, ,..:le--, ZE-< ~u~g:; .. ~~f2u: (,) i'=:5:t·\:: . " lfl{.)Cr,: "" "!:l"'" " ['-0 o.~ "' <: "lf u c, I ~ZCC: ,: -f:ilO..,q.1 ~~ z:i~ ~ ;..Jc,,J;,-.,·• (,) [I] -~ Q~Uo.. -"' ::i" :i::. 0 -~j~g 0 "' -~ -- "'"' E---< 5~ I r/l do .. "' 0 ['--,: 0 I e--,-"' " om ,~ C,.~ "' "' <~ ~ Cw "' .. i!:::ae ::; ;cw s ;c f-, .. "~ P. -rn -i:. :: N O:::'. w I-z w u ::r::: u er::: <( w U1 w 0::::: 0 <( (_/) m Vi U1 z _J <[ __J _J - Q_ <( 0::::: f---I-<( z w w u = 0 w > <[ 0 z ~ -- '.l'. L [C :)_ 0 ...--0 2 0 L,_ --_J I-<[ w <( ...--(_) :)_ <l'. l') c.::i u I-<f_ Vi -m 0 0::: 0 lf) _J z 0::: [C <l'. _J <( _J -u ----+---+---+---+-__,lsH4EETl.c_1_rY OF CARLSBAD lsH6EETs _ PLANr,I1,G DEPAR I Mf_NT -------+---+-----+---+------11 ===========:'._'.::::== LANJSCAPE IMP":OVEl,l'::NT Pi_ANS rOR: LOT 101 ASSISTANT INITIAL NITIAL PRO.ECT NO_ l)RI\WINc; NC. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION JESCRIPTIO~J OTHER APPROVAL GIIY APPROVAL OWN BY ----1 CHKD BY· __ _ RVWD BY: PD 485 363-9L INS"ECTOR DATE --------~ CMWD 98-209 SECTION 02221 LAt\DSCAFE TRENC-IING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTING /C'1,HD SFECIFICAlONS TAKE PRECEDENCE! FART I-GENERAL I.I DESCRIPTION A Hork included: Trench, backfill and compact a& specified ,ierein and a, needed for in&tallation of underground utilities, includi~g bu\ no\ necessaril~ lini\ed \o irrigation and dro'nage s~stems, associated with ths work B. Related work, L Documents affecting work of this Section include, bul are not necessarl~ limited to, General Conditions and other Section, or thsse Spec:rica\iorn, 2. Section 02421: Lancl&cape drainage systgm Sec\i on 02441, lrri gal' on s~stem. Secl'on 024~0, Planting trees, ITTubs and grounclcover 12 Q~ALITY ASSURANCE A U&e adequate ~umbers o' skilled worl:Jllen who are thorough!~ trained and experienced in nece5sa-~ cra'ls and who are complete!~ ra~ liar with spec'fied reouiremer\s and methods neecleo for prope-per'ormance of work of lri& ' Section. B. Use eqJipment adequate is size, capacit~ arcl numbers \o accomplish wo-k. in a timel~ Mnne-. , , C. In addition to compl:ing with reqJiremenls of governmental agencies having juri&cliction, compl~ with direction& o' ,oil engireer, 13 SAFETY 0-:fJERS Maintain ~arning signs, borrie-s ano shoring a, required b~ local orclinarce or otrer governmen:a agenc~. PART 2-PRODUCTS A Back.fill, Backfill trenches and excavations with local 5ile ,oil, clean, free of rubbish and of rocks over 2" cl'ameler. B. Sand, PART 3-EXECU~ION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS Examine areas and conditions Jnder whicr work of this 5ec\'on will be performed Correct conditions detrimental to timel~ and proper completion of Hark Do rot proceed uri\11 urisatisfaclor~ conditions are corrected. 12 FROCEDUFfS A Utilitie&, I Unless shown to be removed, protect active uli Ii t~ Ii nes shown 0' Drawings or otremise made krown to Contractor prior to trenching If daraged, repair or replace al no additional co1,\ :o Owner. . 2 Ir active uti il~ lines are encourlered, and are nol shown on Drawings or otherwise made <11own to Contractor, promptl~ take necessa-~ steps lo asscre that service s not interrupted J If oervice is interrupted as a result of work urder this Section, immeclialel~ restore service b~ repair 1ng the damaged u:ilit~ al no cos\ lo Owner. 4. If existing ulililies are round \o interfere wit~ the pernanent 'acilities being constrocted urcler this Section, immediate I~ noli f~ Lanoscape Archi lee\ and secJre his ins\roc\ions. , Do nol proceeo with permanent relocation of utilities 1.111\il w•itten irn\ruc\i0!1& are received from Landscape Architect 5, Protec\' on of persons and proper+ I. Barricade and opera:e warning lights frorr dusk lo dawn al oper roles, tre11ches and clepreesions occurring as part o' hork on propert~ adJacen·. to or within puolic acce&S ... 2. Protect structures, utilities, sidewall<, pavement, and o\rer fac: l1t1es from damage caused b~ selllement, la:eral movenienl, washout, ancl otrer hazards created b:J wor~ under :his Sec\i on. 3. Do not trench under drip ire of existing trees 33 EXCAVATING AND TRENCI-IING A Perform all excavations as required for installation of Wonk include,:J under this section, including shoring of earth banks to prevent cave-'ns. Restore all surraces, existing uooergrouncl installations, etc., damaged of cut as a result of excavations \o origiral coooi:ion ancl i~ manner approved b:J Landscape Archtect. 5. Trenches shall be made wide enough \o al.Ow a mini~um of 4" be:ween parallel pipe lines and shall be of sufficien\ dep\re to provioe the minimum CO'✓er from fnish grade as follows, • 18' minimurr cover over main lines to reinole control valves, 2. 12" minimum cover over lalera li~es to reads, 3, 24" minimom cover under paved drives, parking area, or roads. C. Excavate for landscape s~Mems ~ trenching, with sides as ,earl~ vertical as poss1ole. Accura\el~ grade ·,he bottom lo provide uniform bea·ing for the line. D, Shor: sections of a trench may be \unnelecl if, in Landscape Arch tect's op·nion, l1~e5 can be in,\allecl safel~ and backfill can be compacted properl~ into .uch tunnel, E Remove boulder& and other interfering objects, backfill voids remaining after renoval of ob:ects, 3.4 BEDDING Provide 2" &and oeclding ror irrigatiO' lines when nclicatecl on tre Drawings, 35 BACKFILL AND COMPACTION A Do not complelel~ backfi II lre11ches un\i I •equirecl presscre and lea<.age tests have been performed, arcl 1J1lil ssstems as installed conform \o requirements specified in per\nent Sections of Specifications, B Prior to backfilling. remove all sheeting O' 5roring . , , c. Do no\ perrri: sreeting to remain n the trenches except when, Ir tee op1n1on of Landscape Architect. field conditions or cons\ruc\ion me\hod& make reiroval impracticable. In such cases, _andscape Architect mas permit portions of &heeti ng to be cul off and remain n trench, D Backfill ror all trercres ancl excavations shall be compacted lo ~i:,, densilJ . , E. Backfill to level of adjacent elevations, allowing for settling and comp a ct ion. 3h FIELD QUALITY CONTRO~ Landscape Arc~itect mai i%pect and approve open cuts and trenches before ins:al.ation of s~stens, and make following tests, I, Assure that trercres are nol backfilled urtil all te&ts have been comoleted and appro'✓ed, 2. Check backf'II for proper material and compaction, 3. Assure that defecl've work is removed and properly replaced, END OF SECTION SECTION 02L41 'RRIGATION $'!'STEM PART I -GENER.AL .I D:SCRIFTION A l,!ork incluoecl, Provide irrigation ,~stem where shown or Drawings, ano as specified herein, complete i' place, tes:ed and aoprovecl, including but not nece,saril~ limited lo I. F.C.C., comection of s~s\em to exisu,g water suppl~, 2 Review af utili:~ plans showing olrer cnda-grouid facilites, 3. Trenching and bac,fi II, L Lown ano shrub sprinker s~stem, $, NA 6. AutOMalic controller and remo\e contra valves. l Any incicler\al work not shown or wecified w~ich car reasonably be inferred as part of work and necessari t::> provide a complete and operabe systen. B, Related work: L Document, a'fecting work of this Sectior i~clcde, but are rot neceesaril~ iimilecl to Genera I Conditions and other Secli ans of these Spec fi cali ons, 2. Section 02221, Landscape tra'lching, bad:Jilling and compaction, Section Z2490, Flan\ing l.1 PERMITS, FEES, CODES Al\D SAF:T'f ORDERS A. Ob\ain al1 per~ils aoo pa~ re9uired fees to anj governmental agenc~ having Jursdiction over ~ork. Arrange for inspection, requ1·ed by local ordnances during tre cou•se of construction as required. On comolelion of work, sa:i s'actory evi clence sha :I be furnished to Landscape .Arc~1 \eel to show trat work is in accorda,ce witr ordinance ano code requiremerls, B. Corform ~ilh apolicable codes. standards ancl other applicable laws O' . regulations. Nothing ir Drawing or Specifications shall be co,struecl to permit work not confo•ming to codes. Should Co~struct1on Documents or 1ns:ructIons var~ from aforementioned rules and regulations, notif~ Landscape Architect, await instruction, before p0oceecling with work affected 1.3 QUAL 1·y ASSURANCE A Use adegua\e ,umber of r1 lied worl:Jllen who are thorough!~ lrainecl.a~d experienced in neces,ary crafts and are comole\elJ fari Iar with spec1f1c re9uiremen-.e and methods needed for proper performance of lork of this Section. B Al. mater al, tiTcughout s~slem 5hall be new ano perfect condition. Decision of Landscape Architect shall be final i~ dete-minalion o' quality of ma\er:als. equipment workmanship 14 EXISTING SITE CONDITIOt\5 A, Co~tractor shall acquaint himself with all site condi\iono, Should utilities no: shown on plans be found during execva\i ons, Contractor shall prompt I~ not: f~ Lardscape Architect for I~structions 'or further act.on. Failure lo do so will make Cortractor liable for an~ ano all damage thereto aris ng from his operations, ,ubsequent \c discovery or such Jlilities not srown or p,ans, B. Conlrac\o• srall Mke minor adjustme~ts to sprinkler s~stem layout as ma~ oe required, and may be required to work around ex1st1ng constrJc\10~ at no increase in cost to Owner, 15 DELIVERY, STORAG~ AND I-IANDLIN'.:i frotect work and materi a Is uider \his Sec ti on from darr aee d0ri ne corn :ruc\i on ard storage Poly vinf chloride (FVCJ pipe and fittings shall be especial!~ protected fr011 direct surligrt 1.6 SUBSTITUTIONS No clevialione rrom soecified equipment or installation procedures shall be allowed wilhoJt written approval of Landscape Archilec: and Cit~ Inspector. I. 1 SUBMITT ALS A As-E\J1I: Dralings, Prepare on blueline print showi~g deviations from bi.d oocumen\s made ou•ing con,truclio~ affec:ing mair line pipe, con\rclle' locat1on5, valves and sprinkler reads. A,-builts shall be delivered \o Landscape Arch1:ect before fina · acceptance of work. 18 GUARANTEE A Guarantee all work for ore ~ear from acceptance elate against defects in material, eqcipmert, and ~ormansn1p, Guarantee ;hall cover damage repair to a~ part of premises re,ulting from leaks or defects i, raterial, equ1pme,t, workmansh p to sa\i&faclion of LMdscape Architect. . B Repairs shall be clone promotl~ opon nolif,ca,,1on b~ _anclscape Arch1:ecl at no cost lo o~ner, FART 2 -FRCDLCTS 2.1 PPE A.Plasticpipe , . , L Use pol~ vin~I chloride (FVCJ t~tJe 1120-1220 pipe unl~s otherwise 1nd1c;ited on olans, All mainlines shall be sch. 40 r=vc ror lines 1-1/2 or smaller, lateral 1nes shall oe cla,s 200 PVC, and sleeving shall be schedcle 40 PVC 2. Fi:lings Uoe schedule 40 PVC fittings 3. Solvent Cement eha II be as recomme~ded b~ pipe manufacturer and of oroper consi stenc~. 2.2 R!SER5 A Lawn heads, Use schedule 00 PVC risers witr s\reel e,l &wing joints per detai Is. 5, Shrub heads, Lse gre~ schsdule 00 PVC risers with swing joints below, grade pe· de\a i Is, Risers heigh\ Is measured from finish grade to lop of r1 ser. Risers shal be Ill' diameter 1.111less otherwise noted on plans. c Slope heads Stake risers of impac\ and gear driven rotor heads on slopes with number 6 steel reinforcing bar, secure with adjustable stainless steel geared clamp to ensure stabi Ii t~, 2.3 SPRINKlER I-IEAD5 Provioe sprinkler reads sf-own on lrriga:ion Legend. 2.4VALvE$ A. Ball valve,, Provide 12$ psi rated valve /line sizeJ where shown on Drawings. . 13, Quick coupler valves, Provide per Drawings and oel1,1er to Owner wren applicable, a. Two keys for lock.eel top• b Two CoJp lers ! c. Two rose swivels, C Autonalic and manual control valves Provide per legend and details on Drawings, 15 NOT USED 16 13ACKFLOH PREVENTER Provide backflow preventers shown on legerd ancl i ~stall per oeta i Is on Drawings. 2.1 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A Provi cle controller shown on legend on Drawl ~g&. B Control wires, 24 vol: solid wire UL approved for direct our1al in g·ouno, Black ~4 UF direct lead ard white ~2 UF common ground, urless otherwise no:ed or plans. 2-8 OTI-IER MATERIALS A p aslic valve boxes Provide pJrple plastic valve boxes with cast iron ninged locking lid for ball valves (round) and automatic control valves (2 per oox maximum) Place 6" depth of pea gravel al base of boxes. 5, Check valves Frovide spring ii-line check valves (line size! per ::,Ian and as required to prevent low read drainage . . C. Provide othff materials no\ specifically described bu\ requ: red for a complete ancl prope-inslallati on as se.ected b~ contractor &ubjecl \o aoprcval of Landscape Architect. PART 3 -EXECUTION 31 SURFACE CCNDITIONS A Verify finish grades and surface drainage with Land&cape Architect prior :o work. B. Examine areas and condilions under wh'ch work will be performed. Ccrrec\ conditions delrimen:a' lo lime~, proper corrplelion of work. Do nol proceed uiti I un&ali of actor, concli ti ons are correctoo. a 3.2 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. '1ake necessar~ measurements in fi eid, ensure precise f1 ·. of itel'ls in accordance with oesi gn 3.3 LAro.n A. La~out work as accurate!~ as poss'ble \o Jrawings. Drawi.ng.s, thou~h carefullJ drawn, are genera II~ diagrammatic lo extent that swing Joints, of,,e\s and all fil\inge are not sh'.xun. Site condilicne will not alwa~s permit locating piping, vaves and 'leads w'lere shoJJn. Thie situation shall be brOJght w. . , iimeadia\e atten:ion of Landscape Archtect a~cl reloca:1on determined 1n Joint conference Contractor li .I be helo responsible for relocating ans terns without first obtainine Landscape Architect's approval and shall remove,and relocate such ilemi; at his own expense 'f so di•ecled b~ Landscape Architect. . B, Whffe piping is shoua1 on Drawings to be urder paved areas .but 'unnIng parallel and adjacent to planting areas, the intention is \c nslall piping in planted area. . . C. Minor changes in equip!'lenl location frOM location shown on Drawings shall be Mde as directed by Landscape .Architect at oo additional cost to Owner providing such change is ordered before comencement of work, or work directly connected, and no additional materials are recu:red 3.4 TRENCHING AND BACKFILL A. Trench, backf II and compact in accordance with pe-tinert p•ovisions o' Secti or 02221 3,:\ IN$TAL.ATION OF FIFIN'.:i A Piping depth Install piping ilh al least following depth, PVC rrainlire-IB' PVC lateral-12" B "'iping under pavement: . D Plastic /PVC! pipe, L Exercise care in handling, loading, urlcaoing and storing plastic pipe and 'illi'gs, . a. Store under cover rrom direct &uilig'I\ urtil read~ to 1n1,tall, b. Transport onl~ on a vehicle with a bed long enough to allow tre pipe to a~ 'lat to avoid undue bending and concerlrated external load, 2. ~air dented and darraeed oipe b~ cutting out end d'scarding de~tecl or damaged sect ons, rejoining with a coupling.. . . . 3 In joining, use orl~ speci'iec solver,\, make J01nts 1n accordance w1lh manufacturer'i; recommendati ans, Pipe and fi \lings sha 11 be thorough I~ deaned of dirt, dust, moisture before appl~ing solven:. Clean off excess solvent. Allow solvent welds at least 15 minutes set-up time before movirg or hanoling and 24 hours curing lime before fillirg with JJater . 4. Snake lines from side to side in trench lo allow for expan,;on and conlr action. 5. Fo• plastic to metal connections: a. Hor~ steel connections first, b. Use a non-rarclening pipe elope on llreaded plastic lo stee connections, c. Use onl~ a Ii ght wrench pressu•e. E. Flu9 or cap all openin9s upor line installation to orevent the. entrance of materia,s that wou!d obstruct pipe Leave in place ur:il removal 15 necessar~ for completion of installation, . F. Thorough!~ r:ush all lines, perrorm h:!drostat c testing in accordance with paragrapn beio~. 36 INSTALLA.ION Of EQUIPMENT A Lawn spra~ heads I lnstal where indicated on Drawings and in accordance with details and rranufacturer's recom~enclalion as approved b~ Landscape Architect, 2. For heads ad" a cent lo pavement place heads 2" from pavement, flush to paveme11t eleva:ion, 3 Locale reads 4" rinimum f0om buildings, walls 4. Upon tesung comp er on, comole\e assembl~, adjust sprinkler heads for prope- di slribuli on. B Shruo sprinkler heads, I Install 'n panting areas where indicated on Drawin~s . . . 2. Locate slrub heaos 0" from pedestrian paving, 12 from aJtomob1le traffic without curbs, 6" from automobile traffic wi\h curbs and 12' from all building and wall footings urless ~o\ed o\re•wise, Set slrub heads eighteen !B'! inche, above finish grade unless noted otherwise. /See details) Fop-uo heads shall be 1,sed within 10' of ani pedestrian use. 3. Use Joint compourcl on galvanized iron filling, . L. Upor completion o' testing, con\ractor shali comp ele assembl~ and adjust sprinkler heads for proper distribution. . c. valves, 1,stall ba.l valves and quick coupler valve, per drawings D, Control valves Install whffe shown or Drawings, localing in clJste-s 1n panting areas where practical Place no closer than 12' and parallel to walk edges, buildings and walls, I-louse in valve boxes with toos sel flush lo grade E. Not Ll,ed F, 5ackflow preventer Install where indicated on Drawings and in tccorclance with all pertinent codes, regula:ions, ancl ~anufacturer's recommendations as app•oveo b~ Landscape Architect. G. Automali c controller: L Install controller as shown on Drawings, unless otherwise directed b~ Landscape Arcni tee\. . 2, Com-eel remote control valves \o controller ·n sequence corresponding to seauence indicated on Drawings Hre•e two or more valves have same number, wire trem together at controller. Do not group lawn and siTub reads on &ame statior. 3, Electrical suppl~ lo point of connection shall be bS others. Contractor shall p•ovi de "hard wire" splice into exi sling jurcli on box near conl 0oller local: en. 1-1. A·Jlomat1 c control wiring, L lrstall control wiree, irr:galion mains and lalera s in commor trenches wherever possible 2 Install control wires at least IB" below f nish grade and lai lo side o' mai,line where possible, Wire& shall be a minirnrn of ': from an~ pipe or fitline e:cept at terminal points Provide looped slack at va ves and s~ak.e wires 1n lren~r .lo allow for contraction of wire, Tie wire in bundles a\ 10 intervals w:tr pla&t:c elec\r ca I tape. . . 3. hire splices will be allowed onl~ on runs more than 500 feet Crimp Wl'es together with aporoved wire connector and seal connection. . 4. Provide seoarate sleeving from irrigation lines for control wires beneath pavemert, etc. , " ~. Hires shall be placoo ir gre~ schedule 00 PVC eleclr:cal sleeve from 18 below grade to controller at contro,ler location. /d;i~JC2.~}f'"' , ;9 ~9 G 11;\V'°'~ (II!✓ -ii\ 1,!1~~.!. C~,~f)) \\ . ./L .... ?.L.:_fil_/_ I/ \ :hq-.lDr,t. /1 \\ '7 ,g.7 '/'8 I '\,~ ••• ~/I ~ ;.,...._ ~/2 ;,:;1 '---..:_z-~JQ~~?:-1/ -....__ ------ 3.1 TESTING AND INSPECTION A. Do no\ allow or cause an~ of work cf lhi s Sect' on lo be covered up or. enclosed urtil :t has been inspected, tested± approved by Landscape Architect Reque,l pre,ence of Landscape kchi:ect a\ lea,l lwenl~-four (24! hour, 1n advance of les ting B. Fushing of pipe, Befo•e backfill'ng mainline, with cont-ol ,vMves placeo but oefore 'ateral lines are connec:ecl, completel~ fush and lest ma1,l1ne. I Rep a Ir leaks 2 Flush oul each sec\i on of later a pipe be'ore &orinkler reads are allachecl C, Testing . Make necessar~ provis ons to thorougrl~ bleed line of air and deb'is. 2. After valves have been installed, when welded plastic JOin\s have c1,red for at .eas: 24 hours, test main [a\er li~es for leaks at pressure of ISO psi for period o' four hours, with couplings exposed and pipe eecti,o,s cent_eroaclecl with scf'icien: amount of backfill to p·event arcr1ng or ,l1pp1ng Jnde pressure. Lateral lines snail be \ested, witr risers capped, 'or l~o hours 1.111cler normal stali c pre,,ure. 3. '"'rovide recuired te,ting e9uipment and personnel. . 4 Repair leaks, retest until acceptance o~ Landscape Architect and C: l~ lnspec:or, D Final inspection, Clean, tdjus:, btlance all s~stems. Verify, a I-leads are proper~ ad,1,sleo 'or rad J5 and arc of coverage± o. Installed &ystem is workable, clean, e'ficienl. 3.8 INS TRUCTIOt--5 A Attach t~peMit\en legeno 'nside each con\r::>ller door, slating areas covered b:J each va Ive. . B After s~stem has beer completeo, inspected, and approved 1ns\ruc\ Owner or n1s maintenarce personnel in operation and main:erance of s~s:en J~ MAINTENANCE Mairtain i;~slem for pe•iod indicated in Irrigation Notes, or lengtn of planu,g nain\enarce period, whichever is greater END OF SEC"ION SECTION 02481 SOIL 0 RE0 ARATION AND FINIS!-1 GRADIN6 FART I -GENERAL L ::;ESCRIPTION A Work included, This work shall consist of preparing \~e surface s:'ata of soil fo• planting includ ng but not neces&ari ~ limited lo: L Topso: I placemen,, 2, Sci Is testing, 3, Placement ancl incorporati or of ,oi I amenclients, 4, Fini sh grading, , Ar~ inci den\a I ~ork not shown or spec fi ed which can reasonably be inferred as part of the ~ork. B. Related work, Sect on 024':lO -Planting 1.2 SUBMITTAL$ Tes·. resul:s Delivery otatements 13 QUALITY ASSLRANCE A Work shall be performed in accordance with best standards of practice relating to various trodes under continuous suoervision of competent Foreman, capable of interore\ing Drawings and Specifications; . 3.1-lerbiciae applicator shal be licersed b~ State of Cal:·orn:a. 14 DELVERY, STORAGE AND I-IAN:JLING Canta i ners, I. Co~ta 1ers 1,hall oe uropened at deliver~ ancl respective labels shlll show con\erts, 2 Store containers off the gro,no and protect fr01r the weather. 15 PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS ,A. Nhen existing (stoc~:ledJ so I is ava:liible \re Contractor shail check with General Contracto· \o determine ·.he ouanti\~, location and ~hen so:, can be moved 1rto the planti~g area, Stockpiled soil is lo mee\ conditions described In section on mater' al standards. B No soil shall be [oved into areas wron either the soil or existing grade is too we\ or cir~, or wren deleterious material, are present. 5 OF 6 SHEETS DRAWN G.E. !----=-----·-CHECKED TH/DC PROwECT NO, PS-~01 SCAL[ NONE DATE 4/27/98 I - (/) z 0 - 1-- <( u - LL -u w Q_ (/) C) z -1-- Vi z z <( <( _J _J [l_ r-Q_ z w '-----2 w > C) z er: [l_ 0 '"" ~ --1--w <( [l_ <l' (_') C.) Vi - 0 0::::: z 0::: <t _J - ()) 0 0 N ()) 0::: w I-z w u ::r:: u 0::: <( w (./) w 0::: 0 <'.( m (./) _J 0::: <( u ~ '<""'"'"" 0 '<""'"'"" I- 0 _J <r: -= Cl:: () LL ~ <( u Q <( '.Il CJ) _J '.l:'. <c u L Sleeve piping urcler paved areas as indicated on Draw:n_gs. . 2 Piping ma~ be installed ~cler existing pavement b~ JackJng, boring or h~draulic drivine except \ha\ no ~draulic driving will be per~ l\ed under asphalt concrete pavement. APPROVED FOR PLANTING & t----i---,---. ··_··-.. -,_-=_-:=_-:=_-=_-:=_-:=_-:=_t_-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.t., -=--=--=-~-=--=--=-~---· -+---t I S~EET I CIT1LA8:E~ £t~~~BAD I SH~ETS I IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING 1---+----t--~=:::'...'.:::===~===:=~::_=:==-:==;::~~~===i PRECISE LOCATION OF 1---+--t----· --------l------1---,--r-· •--+-__, LAI\CSC/\PE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: 1----___!P-=L~A!..!.NT!..!.I N!...:..:Ga::........:..A.:.:..:R=EAc..:..:S":':.:--------i---+---+----_ . -~---~+~~~~~~~~~~-'_;~~-r~~ .. .,.-+-----f L QT 1 Q 1 3. Hhere cutting or break.Jge of exIstIne pavement is necessar~, secM perrri&Sion from Landscape Archi:ecl before cutting or breaking pavenerl, then make necessary repairs and replacements to approval of Landscape Architect and a\ no additional cos\ lo Owner,. C. lnspec\ior of materials Careful!~ inspect pipe a,d f1ll1ng before installation, 'emoving all clir:, scale and b11rs, rearing as recuirecl Install pipe wilh iarkings up for visual inspection. RCE __ _ REVIEWEC BY: INSPECTOR "AS 8 LJ IL T'' 1---+--+------·----··" 1--------f---t---,----, 15.30 F.A.RADAY A\/EN,JE --------+--J--7·· ... -CA~LS~ R~S~E~A~R==C==H====C=E==NT==E=R===== APPROVED 7 /J;{/U ',... S"-19-2 f I ASSISTANT"PI . .ANNING DIRECTOR___ DATE EXP, ___ _ ___ .,.,,_, __ , I---+--+--------, DATE DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REV!SION DESCRIPTION OWN BY, I PROJFCT ~O. )AE INlllAL DAT( IN:TIAL CHKD BY: PD 485 ,-------- RVWD 3v, OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I DRAW. ING cJO 363-9L --------'-· .. ,,,,, __ _ CMWD 98 209 ' j ~--------------------------,----------------------------,--------------------------,--------------------·-·-----~----------------------------, SOIL P-2.EPARATION AND FINISH GRADIN'.:i (COt\TINUED FRU1 SHEET SJ PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 TOPSOIL A Source, Off-site borrow taken from source acceptable to tre Landscape Architect. 6. Acid-alkaline range pH bJi) to 10. C Free of pests, pest larvae and matter toxic to plan:s. D. Percent of organic nanner. 'lo minimum. E. Maximum 1:1,, oy volume slag, cinders, stones or otrer extraneous ma:erial exceeding 112 inch aiameler. F. Free of noxious weed seed, pathogenic •/ruses, herbicides or chenicals that inhibit plant growth. G. Tests ana sampling of topsoil, L Sampling by C011lraclor, B~ cec\1fied agr011omic soil testing laborator~ al tfree local ans per Landscape Arch tect 2. Tests, Organic matter, nutrient anal~ois, textu'ai analyois and salinit~ test Provide amendment recomnenda\ion, b~ testing lab. 2.2 SOIL CONDITIONERS A Peat, Caradian Peat Moss 6. Herbicides, As re9uired upon Landscape Architect's approval C =erti lizer, L Prep anting fertilizer shall be long lasting, controlled release, uni form in composItior, free flowing, su table for application with approved e9,ioment and sr,ill contain the following ~in'mL.r available percentages b~ weight of plant food For lawn areas, N-P-K ratio as re9uired :'ror soil report. For s1rub areas, N-P-K ratio as re9uired from soil ·eport. 2. Post-planting fertilizer shall be organic base, org lasting, norburning, slow release, free flowing, sui:able for application with approved ecui~ert and sr,ill contain the following iin m"r available percentages of we ght of plant food with trace minerals of .3/o iron and 5% sulfur, For lawn and shrub areas N-P-K ralio ofl4-1-3. 3. Planting tablets shall be tight!~ compressed chip l~pe commercial grade plant tablets w lh the rollcwin9 available percentages of weight of plan\ food: For 21 gram tablets N-P-K ratio of 20-I0-S For 5-1 gram tablets N-P-K ratio of 12-8-8. D Organic soil amendments, derived from Redwood or =i' bark, supplying several gradient degrees of breakdollWI. with non-ioric wetting agent stabil'zed with nitrogen (0.\li! and having the followirg properties: I. sa,iri:y Saluratior ext,acl c011duclivity lee! shall not exceec 115 al 25 degrees centigrade. 2. Crganic content, minimum 'Jr& b~ weight. 3. pH 55 lo 00 E. Minerals: I Soil Sulfur (Sj shall be elemental sulfur (951%) minimui 2 FerroJs Sulfate shall be in pellets or 9ranular form conlJinin9 no: less than IB~, metallic iron Material s~all confo'111 to the Agricultural Code of the Stale of Califo'n a 3. Agricultural Gypwm (Ca504-2H2o; shall be commercially proces,ed and packaged gypsun with minimum BC¼ grade contCning I-fs minimJrr comoined sJlfur. 4. Lime (CaC03) shall be calcium carbonates I me. F. Sci I pe~e\rart, "Sarvon" brand. G. Hater: I. Source irrigation system P.O.C 2. Quality, potabie PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 lnspecti on A. Examine areas to receive soil preparation lo assure ~erk-of other trades has been completed B. Verify grades w th Landscape kchitec: prior lo beginning soil preparation C No soil preparation shall be performed until all structures and ~al.sand construclI011 I\ems (including irrigation mains and drainage lines) have oeen %tailed D. The site shall be free of weeds, trash and deleterious materials P'icr to soi I preparation E verfy tral olants lo 'emain have beeii undisturbed. F. Doro: proceed with so 1I preparation until unsatisfac\o'~ conoI\ions are co'rected. 32 SOILS TEST RESULTS A A'ter rough g·ading, so I samples shall be taken fr~ erough locations on tre ,i:e to represent an ade9Ja\e crooS section of conditions B Soil te,t shall be oerfomed b~ a soil testing laboratory ipre-app•oved by \he Cit~! The \es\ shall indicate but not be limited to tre following orgari c matter, N,PK, pH, EC, soi. texture( sit, cla~, sand) recommeiidali ons for amendment,, leaching, and maintenance fe'\ilizalions C T~e reo.ll, and recorendations of the csil testing iaborator~ shall be subrr i tted to and approved b~ the City. Tre approved recommendations for ame~dien\5 and back.fill shall be incoroorated into the la~dscape plans pror to the star\ cf con5truction and 5hall become partof the approved plans Products ,pecified b~ product name b~ the soil lab in the recommenda:iorn may be ,ubstituteo w \h "or e9Jal" oroducts approved b~ the Cit~ 3J PERFORMANCE A 5ub,oil. I. Scari'~ subsoil in all areas \o be planted to dep:h of 6 inche& prior to placement of topsoil The soil s~all be made loose and friable. 2. Remove rocks and otrer objects over 2 inches diame:er. 6. Topsoil: cj~jjjtereas scheduled for seeding or sooding of lawn replace topsoi I frcn stockpile to mirimum depth of 4 incre& over al areao. 2. In areas scheduled for ornamental eroundcovers, place top,oil to 2 inch 3. Do not place lapse I on slopes exceeding 3: I gradient C. lncorporal1on of Soil Amenoments· I. Place additives un fornl~ in accordance with ,pecifica\ions and Landscape Architect's d1rec\'on per soil lest results and recommendations and incorporate lo depth of I inch b~ rabng or other approved method. 2. Rake, d'aq, roll and smooth the surface un:il ''ee of ho lows and ridges and it confo~ws lo eslablisred grade pLs or minus · inch n 10 -'eel J Apply pre-eirergenl herbicide control in acco-oance with the manufacLrer's recommendoti ons and any applicable governmenla agencs D Finish grade, I. Upon ccnpleticn or rototilling and topsoil piaceirent, all areas ,hal be watered :c settle soi 1. 2. Hren \1e soil hls aried sufficient!~ to be readily worked, all lawn and planune areas sha II be g,aoed to prevI cusl~ es\ab I shed grades 3. Grades no: otherwise 1nd1cated shall be un1fcrml~ leve. or sloping between ooi~ls w~ere elevations are given :iaish grade shall be smooth. even, uni f orn plane wi thou\ abrupt chanee of eleva\i on 4. Soil areas adjacent to b1,,ildin9s shall slope awa~ from tre bJildine to allow for a natural run-off of water, and &urface ~ater &hall be directed as inoicated on tre orawings b~ r~odeling surfaces to facilitate \roe natural run-off of wale'. 5 Low spots and poc<ets srall be graded to ora·~ proper!~, mainta ~ t mini mum slope. 0. Finish grade of all planting areas shall be brought flush ~ith curbs ano pav ng lo assure po,itive dra'nage over \1e surfoce. l Minor adiuslmenls of finish grades shall be made al the direction of the Landscape Archil:oct, if re9u red 3.4 CLEANUP A. Immediate!~ clean up spills, soil, conditioners on paved and finished 51,,r'ace areas. B. R~ove debris ard excess materials from p'oject site. Et\D OF SECTION SECTION 02491 PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS AND GRCUNDCOVER PART I -GENERAL LI DESCRIPTION A Hark included, Provide all labor, naterial5, ano e9ui~ent recuired to complete work indicated on Dra~ings, complete n place and oporovea, including bcl not necessarily limited to I. P Jrchase of plants 2. All planting, including g·ound cover 3. lnspeclicn and cerlif catio% 4. Guarantees ,. Clean up 6. Staking 6. Rel a led work L Documents affecting work of lnis Section include, bu: are ~ol neces,arilS lim'ted to. General Cond,tions and other Sectiors of trese Specificaliors. 2. 5ec:ion 02.::.:1. r'igatior sys:em, Sec\'on 02481. Soil preoara\ion and finis/-grad ng. 1.2 QUALIT'Y ASSURANCE Hark shall be performed in accordance with best standards of oractice rela:ing to '✓arious trades urder con\'nuous supervision of competent foreman, ecpaole of inlerpre·Jng Dra~ings and Soecirical'cns J EXIST·,IG SITE CONDITIO'-lS A. P•ior to excavat1011 for planting or placing of stakes, iocate a I electric cables, c011du ls, sprin<:.ler valves, all Jl1l1l: Ines so that proper p0ecautions ma~ be taker nol to damage such ·,provemerls. In eveii: o' conflict between such .ires and planl locali011s, prompty nolif~ Landscape Architect [ho ohall arrange 'or relocation fo' one or other. Fai:ure to folio[ :h s orocedure places upon Contractor responsibiiit~ for /a: his expeiise! making any and all repairs for damage ·esul\ ng from work hereunder. e. '✓eri·'icalion of oiiersions: All scaled diwensicns are approximate. Before proceeding w·th any work Contractor shall careful!~ crieck and verif~ a!I diwens Olis and 9uar\i\igs and shall 1mmediatel~ nform Lanoscape Architect or an~ discrepancy between DraJings, Spec1fiCilt1ons and actual conditi011s. Ne work-shall be dore in any area where \rere is sJcr a disaepanc~, until approval for same has been gIveii b~ Landscape Architect. 14 SCHEDULING/SEQUENCING A After soil has been prepared as called for in Section on &o'I preparation, irrigation s~s:em has been installed, \eoted, and conoilion, are Favorable to plant, Contractor shall re9uesl approval to start planting from _andocape Archi :eel 3. r•igation and landscape ~erk na~ be done corcurrentl~, however, planting work may not s·.art in ary 5ection prior to in&pection and aporoval of i rr i ga\' on work-. 15 SU65TITUilONS A. No subs\ilutiors From specified plant m6\erials will be permitted, unle% subs ti \c\e ma\eri a Is are approved In advance by City Inspector and LA, ancl substi\c\ions are made at no additiona charge to Owner. If accepted substi\c\e materials are of less value than those inoicated or specified, contract price will be aojusled in accordarce w th provisiors of contract. 1.6 SUBM I-T ALS A. Source of materials srall be furnished if re9ues\ed by Owner O' Landscape Ar chi tecl B In addition lo an~ other certificates specified, Contractor shall furnisr a certifica·.e with each de ivery of bulk-material staling source, 9uantity, type of material, and tr.s: material conforms to Specification. These certificates 5hall be subtitled lo Landscape Architect prior lo start of maintenance oer1od if re91,,ired b~ Owner 17 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEM:NT A All plantings sha.l be guaranteed for time period specifed in Planting \Jotes. An~ material ~o: growing properly during this period shsll be 'eplaced by Ccntracto' within seve~ (1) da~s of receipt o: writteii notice by Landscape Architect. Cont-actor's guarantee may be extended in cases Jhere plants are slo~ to establish. If Contrac:or fails to make replac~ents Ji\hin the lime limit, OJiner may rep.ace th~ at Contractor's expense after dul~ notif~ing him. C. Al' specimeii, occurring In sodded or ground cover areas shall be planted before final preoaration of those areas. D. Sta<.e ard euy all trees indicated on the plans ardlcr ,s recuired :o promote optirrum stability 3.3 PLANTING SHRUBS AND VINES A All vines Mall be reiroved from stakes, untied, and ,ecu'ely fastened in an approved Manner to wall, fence, or other surface next to which they are planted. 6. Set plants in center of pit, in verticJI position, so :hat after allowing for watering and settling the crown of root ball s~all be I" above surroonding finisr grade to prevent water accumulation at \he crown .. 3.4 INSTALLATION o= GROUND COVER A Plant ground cover · n areas designated on plans. B Ground cover stored on the site shall be kept moist and free of insects and ~eeds. C. Ground cover shall not be plan:ed unti in&pected b~ Landscaoe Architect D. GroL,11d cover planted from flat& shall be planted wi\h Flat soil intact PART 2 -PRODUCTS with roots. 2 I PLANT QUANTITIES AND TYPES 3.5 FERTLZER A Plant malerial5 shall be fucnished In 9uanlilies and/or spacing as shown, A. ln,tall chip t~pe Ferti izer Tableto per the planting notes er noteo fer each local1on, and shall be of species, <.inds, sizes, etc., as 3h HATER BASNS Sijtllbolized and/or described in Plant L~end on Drawings A. Prepare raised water basin as wide as plant bells at each plant. Hater 2 2 PLANT MATERIAL STANDARDS thoroughly, backJiliing any voids with additional prepared planting mix. Do Plant material indicated O'I Srawirgs and rerein soecified shall conform lo not oasin flat ,ized plants R~ove a I bas'ns prior to plantin~ of lawn and followirg: ground co'✓er. A. Nomenclature, Plan: names I steo in Plant Legend confo,m to "Standard 3.l NATERNG: Plant Nanes" established by American Joint Committee on Horticultural A lrrmediatel~ after plant ng. water shall be applied to each tr:::e, sfrub Nomenclature, except for names not covered herein, with which c1,,s\om of and vine, by means of a ho,e. The ~ater shlll be applied in a moderate nur,ery i5 followed. stream in \re plarting holes and until the material about tre roots is moist B Condition Plart, ,hal be symmelrica, typical fo' variety and species, from the bottom of tre holE :o :he top or \re ground. ,ound, healthy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests or egg., shall El. Followirg \he planting of eround :::over olan:,, Furnished in fiats, each 'klve realthj, normal root ,ystem,t ~ell 'illing their containers, but not to plant srall be immediately and thorough!~ watered ooint of being root bound. Plants sha I no\ be pruned prior to delivery, C. Plants not efficieiitly ~atered Jith existing waler S\Sl~. shall be exceot as awthorized by Land,cape Architect. In no case s~all :"ee5 be watered wilf-hose. topped before deliverf D Apply waler in sufficient 9uanti\ies, ard as of:en as seasonal conditio% C Dimensions Height and spread of plant material shall be measured with reguire to keep the grol,/ld moist at all times lo the death of the ·col oranches ir normal oosilicn and shail be as indicated on Drawings. Caliper s~st~ of grass and plants of trees shall oe measured 2'-0" above surface cf ground Hhere caliper or 35 =iRc-ECTION other dimensions of any plant rralerials are omilled from ''P:ant Legend'', il Contractor shall careful!~ and continuous!~ protect areas ircluded in shall be average stock for t~pe liS\ed contract! including plan\ materials, fences, wopcrts, e\c., ur\il final D Inspection: All plant materials shall be 5UOJec\ to inspec:ion and acceptance by Landscape Architect approval b~ Land,cape Architect before piantin9 All plant& ,uopl1ed to 3.~ CLEAN UP projec: (wrether plan:ed or not! are 5ubjecl to rejec\icn by Landscape Jpon completion of Nork in tnie Sectior, r~ove rubbish, trash, and debris ~:~. d r resulting from cperatio~. Remove disuseo e9ui~ent an impiements o E Plant liSl: A5 indicated on Planting Plan. serv·ce and leave entire area ,~volveo in a neat acceptable c011di\ion wcl- F. Sizes of plants, Shall be as sla•.ed in Plant Legeiid. Container stock-!I, as \o wee·. approval of Lanoscape .Architect. 5 and I, gal ion) shlll have been grown in con\airers for oeriod of lime 3,10 MANTENANCE sufficient to develop root growth sufficient to hold soil oall together to A Ma,ntain all planting area& in a vigorous, tfriving condition oy watering, sid:o and bottom of container in which il was aelivereci. cultivating, spra~,ng, washing off wa ks. and an~ o·.ner necessary operati ans G. Plarts not approved: Remove from site immediately ano replaced wilh during the eiitire period of installation ano .nti final acceptance by suitab.e plan·,s Landscape Architect na~ reject er.ire lot of plants Landscape Arch \eel represented by de'ecti ve samples. 6. Calendar Ma inlenance period sha II be ca iculated from fina I 2J SOIL CONDITIONS -see Sections on grading, drainage, ana soil acceptance by Landscape Arcnilect preparation S\andard s. c liproper maintenance which may cause tre poor conoiliO!I of planted PART 3 -EXECUTION material at termination of the sc~eduled contract period will caJse 31 PLANTING -GENERAL postponement of final acceptance of work-. '1ain\enance of all areas shall A Relative ocsitIon o' all trees and plants is sub,ect to approval by continue at no additional cos: lo OJner Jnlil all work i, occeo\ed. Landscaoe Architect and thes shall. f necessar~, be relocated as directed D. All areas shlll be kept free of debris and all areas sha I be weeded as part or cO'l\ract and cultivateo at intervals of not more than ten ( 0) days after any area has been completed is rulhIiR1f~~1JriI/1Fr0~i2~]YW wai19-J~Itf(ni~~r. ~&\,~tllor IiiraWfi~tion E. Tf-e Landscape Contractor shlll be responsible for maIrta ning caution rot to ave' ~ater piants. adeouate orotection of all areas. Damaged areas sha.l be repaired C Plants sriall be set so that, when settled, they bear sa'lle relation to immediate!~ al tre Land&cape Contractcr's expense re9uired grade a, the~ bore to ~atural grade before oeine transplanted. F. Po,t fertilize all area& after thirt~ (30) and ninety ('30! days of Each plant shall be olanted in :::en\e' or pit, backfilled with prepared soil± maintenance witr twen\\ !20! c,ounds oer 1,000 ,9uare 'eet of oost-planting unless otherwise specif:ed No soil in mudd~ condition shall be used on ferlilizer. G. After thirt~ (30) da~s, all weeds shall be r~oved by hand after fr~~~~I1/g@t5 ~ga\i~~~~~g~~Pc1;f~rr,d a'ound trunks or S\~s. All brok.en or wa\ecing to assure root removal. Applicalior of D~mid and Treflan or eqoal D Plants shal! no: be allowed lo dr~ ou\ before or while being planted. pre-emergence weed control shall be applied when n opinion of Land,cape Architec: project is infested with weed seed and f.r:her weeding wi I ~1PmitPc?urFn~ rpl~~( 2p~~R2il,1°2fo ~~fi\pt~1uta ~Fra~lc°e°p( ~h·?t&Jin~ become an unnecessar~ bcrden to Owner. placed in ground Hilted plants, whether In place or no\ will not be ~-Contractor shall call for an inspection after each :h·rty /30) days of accepted and 5hall be replaced at Contractor's expense wain\enance. E. Landscape Architect shall mare perioaic inspections dJring panting I. Maintenance shall continue for period specified on Planting Notes. An~ olan\s not proper!~ handled, spotted or plan:ed 5hall be subject to 3.11 MULCH renova and rep acement. A Contractor to ins.all 3" thick layer of shreaded nitrolized redwood bark F. In event ·.hat undercround cons\rucli on work or obstruction& are mulch in a .I non-turf areas less steep than 3: I. Subm1 t mulch samp e to Ci l~ ~ fe><( NOTE-ALL IB GAL 4 24" BOX TREES SHALL BE ST AK:cP ( l ~ PREVAILING HIND ?'L ~ f' 0 \,., ~~Y;)-· re,---· 2" DIA PINE LODGE POLE STAKE _ \30 oo/ CINCH-TIE ?-1/ GALV NAL /BY VITi± ~-+----nft-· . n / USE 4 PER TREE ~ " 1/ ,----SHREDDED NITROLIZED BRK '1ULCf-l, 3' / DEEP MIN. COVER, MOISTEN AFTER I PLACEMENT .... ,s / I 4' NATERING BASIN __ .,--··'""', c,c::1 , I\ . ~. V:_>---,f FINISH GRAD:' ,___ , ' -FERTILIZER -AB_ET PER NOTES, PLACE f(. IN SOIL AT l/3 Cf PIT DEPTH ' Z-+---' ,.,:o...,..i p,,.,,,, cc;;::"-",;;'.!.~~ ..___ AMENDED SCIL BACKFILL PER NOTES I:: : f-c"-------"'LANT PIT -2x HIDTI-!, I.SX DEPTH Cf ' ::>EP-H Cf ORIGINAL ROOT BAL_ ' ('-A'') DOUBLE STAKED TREE ___ N_TS \ / ..... ___ ---- ' ·------------ 3" HATE"'ING BASIN EARTH MOUND / VERIFY HI LAN::>SCAPE ARCHITECT I ~ SHREDDED NITROLIZED BARK '1ULCH. / 3" DEE0 MIN. COVER, MOIS TEI\ AFTER I I PLACEME"JT I r,;;:Cf] ~ I r--FERTILIZE"c TABLET PER NOTES, PLACE ~ / / IN SOIL AT l/3 OF PIT DEPT ..J / ~,;..., ~ 0/ / 1---UNDISTURBED suB-soIL = 1 ° 'f 00/ I I I.,, FNISH GRADE n--+-· -··--," . ... , I \[, . · .j .;_ .,.,.----· AMENDED SOIL BACKFILL PER NOT:cS •~~-PLANTING PIT PER NOTES \,___':::===::::__,_, NOTE PRIOR TO PLANTING, FILL HOLE FULL ,.-jlTH f,,,ATE"c 4 ALLON -o PERCOLATE COt"PLETEL Y IN-o SUB-SOIL. DO No-ASSIST OR DISTURB PERCOLATION RATE. (13'') CONTAINER PLA~_T_IN_G ___ N_TS "'---/ f------·- GROUNDCOV::R TO BE PLANTED FROM FLATS, j CUTTINGS, LINERS OR ONE GALLON CCNT AINERS 1 FER PLAN. NI f PREPARED SOIL-SEE PLANTING NOTES 1r~-I 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 ~!-~ ~ ~ +si SQLARE SPACING REFER TO ""LANTING NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL S0 ECFICATONS SQFT PLANTS NIL_ CCVER C,/·,, 0 K o o ·-....._o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lu TRIANGULAR SPACNG 4" b" 8" ' IC" 12" IS" 18" 24" 64 PLANTS 7 lb 28 4S 64 100 14"- 256 SQ FT 100 PLANTS II 2S 44 70 100 [:,b 225 400 SQ FT f/C:::~\ GROUND COVER PLANTING NTS -+ ···-· I -·------------ \ J ....... __ --· t---.... -----------· '·--------- 6 OF 6 SHEETS DRJIWN GE. CHECKED DC/TH ~ROJ:'C-NO PS-101 SCALE NONE DATE 4/27/98 0 0 > " ~ "':i "' :5 I 0 "'"' lfJ 0 :;:p;:c~ N j~;z:~ "' :i....E---< ...... w urr.:,... .. --l~~lf.l u ~iUo ... mu@~ 0 .. <'Jee cl "' l'-g . ~ "' "' ... ~i::::1 :'.JI ~~z~ ~;;; W-"(-<Cfil ⇒~;:-j u "' ~ ClCl~O.. -"' z?. . ....:i~ Ori -:i:....:oo 0 <D ....:i....iQ..u ~~ " >< E-<"' 5 r. I "' "0 "' '" Ol'- , ... "' 0 I I E-< ~ "' " o"' -'"-"' ,,, ~ ;z ~ I: (5 U) "' < 3 ::a: ;:, zr.:i 3 zb " <C (I) "-~>---, rl Q. 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PLANTING AREAS. --LA\:.:SCAPE IMPROVEMENT P~ANS FOR: within 30 days of the award of ccnlract er 48 hours before "AS BU IL T" deliver~, whichever comes firs:. Any specimer tree& delivered lo the job-site are damaged or chaneed from the written aoproval are subject lo rejection. B No trees I, gallons and over shall be planted in a hole that will not naturally drain overnight after having bee~ half-filled with water. Tests shal' be conducted lo make :~Is determina·ofon and LandsCilpe Architect notified of this condition prior to planting ' .. -----+------t--·-t---t------t 1------1---+--------------····" --------+---+--+----+---1 1------1---+----------··-'" . ,,_,,, .... , .. ·-+----+-----------' ·-----+------t--+-----+----, -· RCE EXP. DATE LOT 101 1~30 FARAJAY AVr\UE CARLSBAJ RESEARCH CENTER I----+----+----------_·_-.. =====::::===::::==:-." --+--------1 APPRO'✓F:~ .-4'°ptJ.. -.,__ S~IY-1··'····· .... J 1--:---::::--::---------------; __ ---+----l---------· .... -------+----t. ·--+---+---1, AS~TA~)1 Pl.A'-IN NG/[JIRECTOR DATE j RcVIEWED av: DWN ~ ~c~ECT NO. II o3RSA_W,31NGgNLO, L!!:~~~---------...£:~ _ _J:.:.:.__:::____::____:=L---R-F_v_1s_10_1_~ _o_E_s_"_"R_J_P_T1_o_N ____ Lo:::..T:.:,:HE:::__R..:.A::_:PP..:.R:.ov:::__AL:..J......:c':::__TY_A.::_P:::__PR..::o:::__vA:.L__L=~==~w==K=g =~=~=~; ====='-'=~==P=D==4=8=5======~'..'.:· ====:'..J DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER CF WORK DU[ DATE INITIAL CMWD 98-209