HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 364-8L; CT 97-04; CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE L-1; 01-10KECYCLED WATER NOll'S /\II work shall be pc1fonned in nccon.brncl;;': with tlie Cfl.rlsbild Municipnl W:i.ter l)istrict's (' ·arl.,lwd Nu/es and U('K"lalion, Jnr ( 'ons/1·uc:lio11 ,f Ue<:rc!ed Water A lain\· dated October ! 99J. 2 lJ1111ki11g fi.J1rnl<1i11s shn!I be prntecled from sp1ay of recyded \.Valer. Hest management p1aclices shall be used to minimize I ecydcd wnler cncnrnduncnl on public facilities $:uch as picnic tables. BBC)~. plnyground~. 9nnd lot lots. cl~3 1 Best 11u11rngc111cnt prncliccs ~hall he used to eliminate, or conlrol lo the best cxle111 possililc, ponding. run olt ovc1 sp1 ny ~nd rnis1ing 4 I !use lJibs a,e st1ictly prohibited. 5 011-site eross--co1111cctio11s bct\vce11 1ecycled water l111es am.I potable water line~ are sr,iclly prohibiled. 6 No sub~l1tulion of pipe mntcrinls \.\.'lll be allowed withou1 prlur approval of tile Ca:-Jslrnd Municipal w~,lt:'.t lJistricl 7 All 11i;ii11line pipes shall have \\laming tape pl'I Cai lsbad Mu11i1:qHil Water Dist• ict'g rules n11J 1 egula1 ions. *8 rlw irrigalion sy~te111s shall be tun be1wec11 tlie l1ows of 10,00 p.111. and 6;00 a.111. llit fi.)llowi11g 1norni11g (spot irrigation could be do11c at a diflf21enl linu.~) with qu<.1lilled supcrvisiuri pets.unnel on s;ite 9 P,uvidc a minimum ()feightccn inches ( 18") of cover over all wi1i11g a11d piping. IO Non-dcsignat(,d 11se meas shall be protected liom c\lntacl with recycled water. whether by wimlbl\lwn sp1ay or by dir(:1.:l application llirough inigation or other u~e Lack of prnlection, whether by Jesig11, co11sl1uctio11 p1m,:li(..'.e, or syslc111 opi;111tio11 is strictly µrohibited 11 lrrignlio11 heads shall be lo(..'.aled amt adjusted lo prevent ovcrsp1ay 01110 siJcwalks, st1cet~ and 1w11-desigrrnted use area,<,. 12 llccyclcd w.llcr quick cnupli11g valves shall ht ora type de.signed for U5C 011 recydeJ \'l'ntcr distribution ~ystc111.s (spikes not intel(,;liaugeablc with p,itable waler quick coupler spikes) per Carlsbad Municipf!l Waler District's rules anJ regulations IJ Meter shall he sized by !he Cailsbad Mt1flicip;,I Wate, !Jistiict 14 All irrig,,tion pipes shnll be stenciled with the warning ·'NUN-POTAllLE WATER" or "RECYCLED WATER\ color-cotled (pwplc) and laid with warning t<1pe ~rnJ stenciling oriente<l towards the top or lhc t1e11ch per Cailslrnd Municipal Waler Dlst,ict mies and regulations. 15 All potable and recycled waler pipes shall be i11stallcd with the sle11cili11g 01iented tuwa,ds the top uC the t,cnch. 16 \Vhen a polablc wflter line and recycled waler line c.,;10$S. the recycled line slrnll be l11stalled wirhin fl p1otective sleeve. The sleeve shall e.,te11d ten feet (10') fro111 each side, liu111 the center line ofpot•ble line, llll a tulal or Jwenty foet (20) 17 ;\ ten fout ( 10') horizontal separation bctwccr1 potable Wil.ter and ,ecyclc-d waler 111aiJ1s must be 111nintaineU nt flll times. The potable line mu~t be i11stalk:d above the 1ecyded li11e 18 /\ 111111111111111 of lwelve inches ( 12") or vcrlical scpa1alio11 between utilities must be mai111airieJ al nll times Dcveloper/Co11tractor shall conduct a cross co1111cctiun test aml l;Ovcragc test a!. directed by the Cailshad Municipal Water Disllicl allJlor the San Diego County Depa1l111e11t of Envirn11111e11tal llealth p1 ior lo any use or recycled w~tcr 20 ()uir..:k c:oupli11g vf1!ve$ used in recycled water systems shall co11Hn 111 to !he l{.)l!owi11g 21 *22. •2.1. Recydcd \Vf!.(cr: (2u1ck coupling valves ln1ed in recycled water ~ystems shall have Acme type threads pert1tflll(~11lly attadied to the valve ()lfick u•upli11g valves shall be Nelson No 7(,-45. lluntcr No I IV I OOA-IU ,-NP or <ippnwcd equal. 1\n nn11l1al c.mss co11ncction inspection shall be done by either Carlsbad Municipal Water District or San, l)iegu (:ounty I)epart111e11t or Envirnnmental I lcalth. Copies l)f inspection reports will be forwarded to, the 11on~inspecting pa11y. Developer shall ,ltow "Rl•CYCL,ED WA'll'R -DO NOT DRtNI(" sign locations on these plans. An on-site user/supervisor shall be dcslgnaled in writing This individual shal! be familiar witb plu111bi11g systems within the prnperty, with the basic conccpt.s ofbaekllow cross connection protection 1 and the .speciflc requhemcnts of a recycled water system. Copies of the de~ignation, with contact phone numbers, shall be J.m.lvideJ to Carlsbf1d Municipal Water Dls1ric1 and San Oicgo County. l>epartmcnt or E11vi1011inental I lc;;ilth 111 c.\St: or c111crge11cy conlacl -~.-.J~Ll;_r -· ,...,_(:.1::..:.~--,• at(l.([!:,~-~-E;-J ''.. ,.,, r:_-,o~) N~L'.ncP_honc_. , _ l I 1 • Of c1t1er l1ou,s (,_,Olltai,,,t .Jr ____ ,:_. ___ ,_ I ...... --..~I __ !., .... Nn,l1cl)!Jo11c 24 Show all public am.I private potable water mains on plans 25 On recvcled wa1er syste111s, all appurtenances (sprinkler heads, valve boxes, etc,) shall be color~coded I"" i'lc per A WWA guidelines and Section 404954 of the California I lealth and Safety Code "'Item~ Nos. 8, 19 and 23 shall be rnquircdjust priof' to the actual use of recycled water. Item No 22, the ~1gnagc plan, sh;:ill be a part of this I P but the actual signs and tag!; will be 1nstalleJ just prior lo actual use or recycled watc, SH,NAGI' NOTl;S llie l{Jlluwi11!~ guidelines 11.11 the use oflaR(£.laowatcr ar-e to be pemmr1ently posll~d inside the door of each (.;Ontrullcr \.vhc1r they arc casil_y visible. Place trn 8-l/2'xl' sized sigrt Coloi Purple background with blni;;k lcttc1i11g. Uuidelincs fo, 11.Gc.'f~ Water Use· l11igale helwee11 lhe hours or 10:00 p.111 rn1d (d)O am. unly Watering 011ts1dc this 1itnc!i'a111c 111usl be done n1a11w1lly wilh qualiricU supe1vis01y pc1so1111cl 011 site. No system shall, al a11y tlmc, be lclt l1nattendcd duting use outsiJe the 11or111al schedule 2 l11igatc in a 1rn11111er· that will minimilc run oil~ pol1li11g, nm.I ponding. The applicatio11 rnlc shall 1101 exceed the i11lilt1alion rate uftl1c :;;oil. Time,s mu~l be adjusted so as to be co111patib!c \.i.ith lhe h.,wt::~t ~oil i11fillrnlio11 Htlc JHC<scnt This ptocedu,e w.ay be focilitated by the eflicie11t scheduling o!" the 8.Utu11rntic coIHI ol clocks (i.e., employing the 1cpcal ru11ctio11 to break up the total irrigation time inln ,;.:ydes that will pnrn1q1e maximum soil al.,so1ptiu11) _l 5 Adjust spr,i,y l1Gad.s !D tli1ni11ale oversprny 01110 areas 11ot under the conl1ol of lhc custo111t.:r. Fo, t:xa111ple, pool decks, p1ivatc patios and luls, ,wd st1cc1s ;:u1d sitkwalks Monitor and maintain the sys1c1n lo 111i11i111ize equipment and 111atc1ial !nilure. Broken sprinklu head~, leak:,;, ur11eliable valves. etc. should be p1cpmed as soun as tl1ey Ueo;.:ur11e apparent. l~ducate all 111ni111cm111cc personnel un a continuous lm~is 011 lhe p1esence of recycled waler. Pcr::-onnel 111ust be i11forn1eU ll1at 1ccr~alcr is IUC(ll\t for" inigaliun pu1poscs lrnly, and is not approved J~)I" ~Jii11ki11g fH11pos~s. h.u1d or tool wr1.shing, c1c. Ulven Ille high turnover rnlc of employees in tlic landscaping industry, lt is i111po1tant this i11furn1alio11 be disscll)inatcd on apprnximately a daily basis. It is you. the landscape conlrncto1. who is rcsJHrnsilJlc for educating each and every one or your e111ployce<:, 6 ()htain pnlir ap111ovr1I of:311 p1Dposetl cl1cmges a11d 11u)dificatio11s to any )'lriv::i1c t,n-:::itc fodli1ics S11cl1 dmnges 111ust be sub111ittcd lu anJ t1pp1ovc<l Uy the Dist1ict Engineering olllce and designed in accortiar1u· will1 Dist1 ict slr111dards 7 All ,ec~H1cr sprinkler cuotn,l valves shall be tagged wilh identification l.igs. A l',1,µ,s <sli<'lll li(• we;,l!Je,proof pl;;istic J':x,4'. p11rplc in color, with the words "\Vi\RNINU - Rl:Clc.Ll!:O WATER-DO NOT DRINK" i111p1i11tcd on one side and "AVISO. A(ilJ/\ IMl'UltA - NO TOMAR" 011 tl,e other side Imprinting shall be pcrmanellt anJ bl,.ck in color. Use tags '" 1n1111ul~H;\urfd by T C:111 isty Enterprises or approved equal fl 011e lag shall be attnchcd Iv each valve as follows. I Attach lo valve ~le111 directly or with plas!ic tic wrap, of 2 Allach lo sulcnuiU wi1c di,cctly or \Vith plristic lie wn1p, ur 3 /\1tac:l1 to valvL: covc1 with e:-:i.'ltlng valve cover boll 8 !\II ~priiiklcr heads shall be identified a~ ,ccy~ater sprinkler licaJs. 9 l•:n(:)1 n11tp111,1t!r,; r,;or1l1qllcr a11d its assuciatcJ cquip111e111 shall be ide111if1ed with a sign hewing 1!1c w01ds "REC'(C-Ll:l't)WAltcR USU) FOR IRRIOAI ION" 111 English a11d Spanish. with blnck letlers 011e i11ch ( t") high 011 a pu,ple background. The sign shall be placed so that it can be readily seen by a1Iy (1pcrntio11s personnel using the cquip111ent INSPECTION PROCEDURES I. Cily const,uclion lnspacliori shall includa: A_ Localion of pipe lines B_ Trench deplh C. f1e4ui1ed separalion (horizonlally and vertically) D. F'ipe identilicalion point of connections (P.O.C.s) E. Location and idanlilicr,lion of sprinkler haads I" Wnrning signs at the sile and on the trucks hauling re~ater (if reo,tLBOwate, is used !or conslruction). An approv~l letler iegarding lllEl inspeclion of Jl,a project shall be obtained from the City and Oistricl and be forwarded to !tie San Diego Counly Departrnent of Environmental Health plior lo final inspectio11 app1oval. II. District final inspection shall include: A. Coverage test, afler completion of the sprinkler systern, to determins the adequacy ol coverage on the approved use area and prulection of areRs not approved for receiving re<)'( .:urow a t "r . 8. W,atnit1g signs m,d labels C. Quick coupling valves D. All aspecls of the i11igalion, conditior,s including windblown sprny 1ur10fl, and po11di11g. E. Flequi,ed protoclion of all residenliHI meas. F F-lequi1ed protection ol w"lls, s!leams, reservoirs, elc G. Cross connection Ill. Annual inspeclion shHII incl11de: A. Complete inspeclicm which should cover Part A, Part Band Part G of the District's final insµectiofl_ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ~•14 ,• I t ~tl!S.- W1ll1;ri1T'I E. Plummer .,-1..l'-L1:D Dfl\e P5tricl Engineer, R.C.E. 28176 ,, In Order to Conserve Water ... In Order to Conserve Water ... SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAi.TH RECYCLED WATER j_ ___, /' ' ·~ ._(4-tl/.t. ·--ft ' 2 ( ,. • /\nnrovod by --__ !/-! I-fr Dato LANDSCAPE IMJ)_ROVEMENrr J)LANS IlECYCLED W ATEll SYS1~EM (Pl{IV AcrE) rrI-[E Cl.111:;'FS ACI' CALAVERA 1-IILLS '-/1LLAj1=- l)ROJEC1' LOCATED W/IN ASSESSOR PARCEI_, NUMBER 167-554-01 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I he,eby declare that I am Landscape Architect of work for this project. Jhat I have exercised responsible cha,·ge over the design of lhis project as defined In Section 6703 of the Business Professions Code and 1110 design is consistent with current standards_ I understand that the chsck ol project drawings And specificAJions by the Cily of Carlsbad and the San Diego Counly Departmenl of Environmental Health Is confined tu a review only And does nol relieve ,ne, as Landscape Architecl ol Work, of my responsibililles for project design_ Tf1ese plans have been prepared in substantial conforrnflnce with the approved landscape concept plan, water conservation plan, lire suppression plan, and all condilions of approval related to landscaping_ t=su-d-,+,-~1 _1 '--~---- Landscape Architect ':JZO<>:-?. oL,ve: U,LL Addresi9 \ --b~,, =Y~-"'.!~,£~;,.1/==---- Sig11Ature f2 G9.Ll I r_i,,:rc,--p:, ~/'.P-1- VICINITY CITY or OCEANSIDE 7(! 11tGflWAY lo-1'.b-:16 __ Dale (7!,:Q2_}L":>-fil Phone MAP PROJECT LOCA.rtON ' ~-'7n\.l,.,1'_ , u·...r-' -·..____/\ \,s , -\.__ l__ fl..:J.l,-li'1J >::W ~-7'1;-E:L C \.. , "v1,.,0 PACIFIC OC:C:AN I NOT 10 SCN._E l'FvRl--13 M...Gf f£ N"f'fOrID Eti F\S..C lf..N..lH B-Q..13:R, arv ~..a~&. OOJTCT EN3'.l:Bl f1":cR TD ,,H..O,'t; !N,A,.l(N N F6.Il 'WE r,AN rru.yi\:c''-",;····,.___ ___ BY: [0.0-! MAI-)( I I... ---. SI-IEE~'J' I SI-I l~~L~,r 2&3 Sl-1EE~'1' 4(_~5 SI-I l~ l~,-r ()& 7 SI-ll~Etr 8 S l--I [i Err 9 Sl-ll~Ficl, l () Sl-lEEi'l· lNI)EX COVEll SI-lEEl' LANDSCAl)E l)J_,AN 11<.IZlGATION JJLAN l-IAIZDSCAI1 E I1 J_,AN LFZFZI GArI.ION Sl)ECII~ICA'l'IONS I RIZIGArI'l ON _DE1'All_,S LANDSCAPE LEGEND, Sl)l~CII='ICArl'IONS & Dl~rl,AlLS -------- ---------· . "" --------· -. ------ i\J-)Fb'.OVE:IJ l•'OI? l1 L.J\N'l'!NC; i\N I) ll\ltIC; i\'1'10 N ON LY, "AS BUil T" rt:-i:-0'() Flo.I ....•. ______ _ B...."VAJOI ------,··-·-0"-,1\.M ---------·· l NC~!_, l J DIN c; l.C)C: J\'l'J CJ N CJ 11' 1)1 'J,'C' re• I•' \,_ __J _... ,.) . J RCE EXP. Fl.AN'I'lNC; REvtEV.'ED BY: RECYCLED~ WATER IN US!'! · . WASH HAMDS AFTER CONTACTING NO TO]Mr DO NOT LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR El AGUA~ ~ DRINK ,, rz, oo Not· DRINK IN USIE NO TdME El AGUA B.T.M Design Group 3203 Olive Hill Rd 1-Ieritage 1~101ncbu1Icters 2420 Grand Avc11ue, Suite G2 Vista CA S''""083 INSPECTOR DA 1E .,--,,----.i...;;=--=-:cc..::c..:._ ____ -::.. __ -::_-_-_-_-_-___ c..:._'-'-'Cc::___-1 l-----1f----l---------·-_-_-----:~~----· ------t---+--+---f---~ I SIEET I CJTY OF' ... --······--~-·-·------+--1-- / ' ' "··, _,_,,I ,:E! (11.1/?>01) . oc.;o Ar/;; r_j_.,.f:i-.:, ,:,e,_ "?ft,:J--0~J v11sr~- )'.-l<n . 011I :c.!-t111111u1 WASH HAkOS AFTER CONTACTING lAVfSE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR .,, _________________ _, /;:;,IZ e (I t,"Y I 6 '') ' 0 I (o ;.o.L u '1 t N LJl1 / 0 v:, 0 1---P.n fl-,;n C, q1cJ---01-1 'vtN'fL-011~1'"' Fallbrook ·CA 92028 (760) 723-4117 RLA#-4029 '( ,-----!---+--------------------•-----+----+--- 1-----1---+---------•--•·•c -···-------------_j----1----1---+-----f 1-----1---+-------------------, ··•·-----l---+---~----l----1 1-----1---+---------------------__J----l---+------1---· t-~=--1--·-+----------·-·--····"'~'-·······--··· -,-·~··"·'' -----·----+----->·------i---1 D,', n: IHITIAL [NO!lfUII Of wom,: REVISION DESCRIP110N DA TE: tnt TIAl DA TE: !NI 11 Al. -·-----... ·-·-··----1-'=::_____l_ ..... --- CITY APl'f!OVAI. Olllf.R N'!'f10VAL $ w It ii e I ! ' ,,~\ I\ I 1, r · I ······- CALAVERJ\ IIILLS VJJ,LJ\GE L-1 ,. DRA'MNG NO. ~ (,,<\-i, l- I i I r I I I \ r \ Ji ' G) J44.J J44.7 J45.2 J4S.7 J46,J ' ® (§ I l'l-.,l,44. ........ ~~ ,. ' J44.4 I I . ' I • ' • I ·_ ~' ,..I'..) • -•• '-~-,., . .. ...., @ 346.J ' I ... ...,, CD J47 . .J REFER TO SHEET 10 FOR LANDSCAPE Lf~GEND : I ' I ' -~--/ -:~---I J46.5 ~ ~ J48.J " @ ' -348,J I -_J ~,; \ ....... J47.4 -,· @ "'""" J,48.7 'B.T.M Design Group 3203 Olive Hill Rd Fallbrook CA 92028 (760) 723-4117 RLA# 4029 --, . ' I I ' I ' \ ' J ' . J @ ....... J48,8 !@ 346.B ? \ w J48.1 I ~ ~ N ~ ...... J48.6 ••• ---- APPROVED . FOR· PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA1'ION OF PLANTING AREAS. '· .. ' ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ' ' I \ '~wJ-L..-~iuf ~t-1 \ \ : \ . ' \ 1\ \ \ \ \ ~ \ ,, I ' "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ---DATE --. -------INSPECTOR DATE l---+---t--------------i---r--t---t--1A £ !~,w~:a!!.~, ~. ="~------------------------------------------------------...-• DA N1W.. 0/F WOii! REVISION DESCRIPTION OATt , llll1IAL OAll INl1lot:l. 01MUI i\l I ROVAL aTY M'PIIOYAL ~-.. -.~ = :~~--1 C.T~~~1NO: I DRA'MNG NO. . 5<,➔-&L I • I I ',: It !/-, ---"-,--i ' C • \ • 0 ·: '. ... ··: ..I \ \ \ \ 0 ....... )J:?~_:~r~~~~~[:_:_:ir:~:-~~[==-5r:~~~~~R-1d~V-E-D~.-F-O-R~P-::--L-A~N=TI~N~G7 ----· AND IRRIGATION ONLY, .. _·J=&:J.-Y;£-r--B:3 ff-µ~ . B. T:M Design Group 3203 Olive Hfll Rd FaUbrook CA 92028 (760) 723-4117 . R.LA# 4029 INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ,REFER·t'o· SHEE-T } o·FoR LANDSCAPE LEGEND.;,f \. "AS BUil T" RCE __ EXP. ---OAlt --. -·---INSPECTOR I DRAWING NO. . oto4-8L- -I \ 1/ I \ J44.7 I I I r/ I I . l'l I I , , ' Ii I I 0 J45.2· 346.J V.ALvi3b A-21 )p, 2~ ,A-24 -t A ·3-o A-!Ze oc.,,.-n,,e> I'· o•· enst\-11-10 c.,. 11=-)J ,o,L.\,=... v,,,.L.vie<-o A-:2.~,A<2.-\, A·-Z-S-t A•-z.i., ;>,..Z.is Lo=~ ~,' · O" -e, E: u. 1,-./,0 C.u 12. e, . -= ~Y-=-:; _._ ~==i:t1. . ,)---~1+---.....1.' I I IZJ -~ 1--b~!4-l "" Mn, J46.5 II< ""' 347.4 '-I POC AT 1-1/2" WATER METER ~~~;=.,L~_J;:;-i..,, ___ ,,..,.~-~-~~-f:q VERIFY LOCATION IN FIELD. . -. c::: ;:: '-"-:I"• .. _ 11' I,:;'\ J48.7 ~ -=r-~ --,..,,., ---1/2 I I --~L -- EDGEWARE WAY NOTE: _ _ _ , S SHALL CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS FOR !~:.ep~ENT FOR~~-.PAURREAPLE PIPE ;.ND CAP OR COVER ON HEADS AND VALVE =-r.· .,WATER SYSTE#JIS WITH BOX . REA!l YARDS SYSTEM SHALL BE STANDARD FOR PRIVATE POTABLE WATDEAR ~~R~~:~I~~~~ AND GREEN BOX COVERS. WITH WHITE PVC PIPE, STAN I I I Pi t® I ~ ! ~:)? 348.1 J48.6 j <l -' 'f V ' APPROVED -FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING P·RECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ' I I § I I I I I ' \ \ -- \ \ --- \ ' --\ .M B'=-'$u.-Z.1j si-W-": \_o"""]"';,..., _M~;t-1 L, .,-Je, A-f2.E_ F2or-\ f"'~ c:>F:. C,u= - \ ' \ \ \ ' \ ' \ "A BUil T" RCE -:9c,-z.q EXP. 31 c>I DATE h-8-CO INSPECTOR DATE CI Y OF CARLSBAD . . SEE SHEET __ 1 .. _ FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS -s.T_~M Design Group 3203 Olive Hill Rd 1----4--1--------------t----+--t--+----t SEE SHEET IS FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND F allbrook CA· 92028 SEE SHEET II FOR IRRIGATION SPECIF=ICATIONS (760) 723-4117 RLA# 4029 REFER TO SHEET 5 FORlRRIGA. TION LEGEND f' .·' •·' . I ,.-. !'°' : , , ,. --' I,. ," RE~SION DESCRIPTION 1111W. lNl1W. 01HU. Iii f llUfN.. err. 4 I AWAI. __ _ CAL.A VERA HILLS VILLAGE L-1 APPROVED CVJkJO Bl-5o\ t/.zS--7f: DATE I DRAWING NO. o<iiL\-5L- >' I i I I • I IRRIGATION LEGEND ------.,~ ......... _ SYMliin. e M @] NOT SHOWN DESCRIPftON Point of Connection -Water Meter Electric Meter Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevento, Master Control Valve Remote Control Valve Angle Control Valve Anti-Siphon Control Valve Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker Quick Coupler 1"<>1' ~e,_ Ball Valve Controller Wm!-11!,-""~ ~ ~ee- Controller 1Jml ~~~.-4'1"~~ Check Valve Pressurized Mainline - Reclaimed Water ....,& Pressurized Mainlme -Potable Waler Non-pressurized Lateral - r,, ·-e, ~ Reclaimed Water ,¼ ,_ Non-pressurized Lateral • ~ ~.,4 11, -Pot.able Water Sleeve MANUF Febco Rain Bird Rain Bird Hardie Hardie Champion Nelson KBI Hardie lrritrol KBI PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC MODEL 825Y PEB-PRS-B Series PESB 2600T 700 APR Series 262-000 7645 WLT-0000-T RD-000-INT MC24 Plus-B KC-Series Sch.40 1-1/2" or less Cl. 315 2" or more Sch.40 Class 200 Class 200 Sch.40 SIZE 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" Size Per Plans 3/4" Size per lans. .Line Size 3/4" Line Size See Plan for Number of Stations 24-station Size Per Plans size Per Plans Size Per Plans Size Per Plans NOTES Water meter installed by Water Authority Provided by Developer. Install with Wilkins 1-1/2" SOOYSBR 80 mesh Y- strainer. NOTE: If psi is found to exceed 120 psi, install 25-125 psi regulator downstream. See Detail. See Detail. See Detail. Install in purple valve box. Note: Install PRS-B pressure reg.ut.ator if st.atic source ressu re exceeds 120-si. (Potable system in private rear yards only). See Anti-Si hon Control Valve Detail Similar See Detail. (Potable system in private rear yards onl . See Detail. (Potable system in private rear yards onl . See Detail. Install with purple cover. See Detail Install in 8" round purple valVe box in HOA areas using reclaifned water. In privat'.' ards, install in 8" round reen valve box. Install Rain-Freeze Switch. Installation location selected by Owner. See Detail. Install with WCS RG/RG-VR rain sensor. Install controller in Rain Man RMl-1 BCR steel enclosure. Mount rain sensor on rear of enclosure. Install where required lo-prevent low head dralna e. Install at 18" depth. Pipe shall be purple non- potable type. Install purple warning tape above mainline as required by the CH.L,.l,O. , rules and regulations. See Trenchin Detail. Install at 1B' depth. see Trenching Detail.{ Install at 12" depth. Pipe shall be purple non- potable type. All pipe shall be 3/4" minimum exce t where noted. See Trenchin Detail. Install at 12" depth. All pipe shall be 3/4" minimum except where noted. See Trenchlng Detail. Sleeves under improvements: Sch. 80 under roads at 36" depth ./.p .1' Sch. 40 all others at 18" depth -, ;~ · ~-• 2-1 /2 times line size. Note: wherE! . ·,;line i':.,i 1----+---------~--+-----'--------"--------1-shown sleeved, inl'tall on~.4" w,1e ;;leeve_,,,, _, ,bl..L. l~lf'.IIIJ"j_,:t~;..T ti!:',_~L,.a,~ -. ,;,~ J"';JZ!1l4~ _ ,.._1),:,1-1 f"f-'& Controller Station Maximum GPM Valve Size SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 15, 12, 1018 Shrub Spray/Pop-up .t. A & Nozzle• Full NOT Nozzle • Adjustable SHOWN 6 i;_ L Nozzle -Hatt llf'ff:'IZ Nozzle • One Third /ls'/;:' k Nozzle -Quarter B-Nozzle -End Strip 11 Nozzle • Side Strip ' . . ' ' ""'-'"- ::1 .,4 ~rub-Stream/Bubbler -if' • Full Circle ~-lllalf Circle >' ____ , ' Quarter Circle ! "' , ' -e-Center Strip 0 Bubble< • nee Bubbler \ \ \ \ \ \ \ NOTE: ALL SPRAY HEADS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WTFt'fSUIL T-IN ct'.iE~VES. ALL SPRAY HEADS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH A PRESSURE \ \ COMPENSATING DEVICE. ALL HEADS A!'if'TO BE A~JUSTED TO PRIY/IDE BEST COVERAGE TO THE LANDSCAPED AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY \ \ ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, WA..;.':WA_v~:,_N~P.AVll'ffi. -• . \ _ _ ~ __ ! J -------__\-~---\--~~ , \ \ \ MANUF. MODEL F!ain Bird 1B12-SAM/PA-BS 1806-SAM/PA--8S 15, 12, 10, 8F 15, 12, 10, 8 VAN 15, 12, 10, SH 15, 12, 10,BT 15, 12, 10, BO 15EST 15SST Rain Bird 1806-SAM/PAB0 5F-B PCS-125 SH•B PCS-060 5Q-B PCS-U:91t ,~ ' 1"<-5CST-B PCS-030 1401 1401 ""'~'• ____ __ ----------( \ -<( --:-~~-----·~ --__. --~ -~9-~7"7~="--t:~~'",_·_ -4.erieo- J __--- ' . __ ,,, -- /, A ------ I rr / f ~ 4 f I ~ ...._ I V I I APPROVED -FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECIS'E , LOCATION OF PLANTING ·AREAS. • t~/!i~;>~ I - ----""f --"f ~-,;J;-J.a. "'-';.:._"""f' --"1':, :----_ 1'.----· . ---( ---------~----,......,..-,- -/··t -,,.. J'----------C>· --~~---' ~ ~---__ ,. .-·· ,·i ~ -\ 0 ~ I I J43-9 ~ I I I I I' 344-5 'I 11/4 'I : ' \ l G)-. ii I I 11 ! ! I I I I I I, Ii I ' I 344.J \ \ \ NOTE: ALL EQUIPMENT FOR '4ro,'C,L ,tO AREAS SHALL CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS FOR ~ : WATER SYSTEMS WITH PURPLE PIPE AND CAP OR COVER ON HEADS AND VALVE sox'Es. &c.'-1101,.J-, tz.a.:.,iz.e,..11c.i ,t,.. ~, FOR PRIVATE POTABLE WATER IRRIGATION IN REAR VII.RDS, SYSTEM SHALL BE STANDARD WITH WHITE PVC PIPE, STANDARD HEAD CAPS AND GRt,EN BOX COVERS. PSI 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 '.;LI .•. , 30 30 ,30 . ,.,, .. . ---. RADIUS -llPM NOTES --. . - Body Style 15, 12, 10, 8 3. 7, 2.6, 1.6 1.6 Install PCS screens as required lo reduce 15, 12, 10, 8 ··-radius. Install heads on risers (See Riser 15, 12, 10,8 2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 Detail) except as follows. Install 12" pop-up 15, 12, 10,8 1.2, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5 bodies when heads are w~hinlOleet of 15, 12, 10, 8 1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4 walks and curbs and along edge of lurf 4x 15 0.6 areas. Use bottom Inlet only. See Pop-Up 4x 30 1.2 Detail. Install 1806-SAM bodies where planter depth will not allow 12" installation. All heads are to have purple "Non-Potable" cover W nott>d on olan. -. > Body Sivie 3 1.25 Install PCS screens wher~ required to 2 0.6 reduce radius. Install all shrub/stream ' 3 0.3 :t.,ubblers on 1806-SAM pop-up bodies ~h PA-80 adapter alonjatt 'flaiks and curb$. ' 3 0.3 -. ....... 0.25 All heads arz have purple "Non-Polable" -·---. . oover W note on,"lafi. • • -~ d.25 See Tree Bubbler D_etail. \ ~ 345•?- • ..,- \ \ ____ ~-:::~~;/~.,:_--3;-;;.:-i ~. --m::=--"1.' ',\~? -~ \\...,\,,,r~__l..)-111 • ,t'-----~ ~ -;;; o....,,,.,'..Jk==-10q• -_ --:_ -::i..t I• --·--'I'' . - \ (I:) , __ ,\ _, ,vi' "' \ 344-9 ' \ 0 15, 12, 10/8 Turf Po -U ~IU"" o.f.r1 F!ain Bird 1804-SAM l":,1 e @ -0 Nozzle· Full 15, 12, 10, 8 3.7, 2.6, 1.61.6 See Pop-Up DBlail. Install PCS screenii"as 1-~=--~-~-~---+----+--'------1-----1--------+-------I 15, 12, 10, SF 30 ' NOT _ Nnzle • Adjustable 15, 12, 10, 8 _ · required to raduce rdlus. All heads are 15, 12, 10, 8 VAN 30 ') Q Q Nozzle· Half 15, 12, 10, 8-2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 to have purple 'Non-Potable' oover ~ 15\ 12, 10, 8H 30 t-.------,-:bc-~-=-----=..,....,---+----+--,-j-e-c--~=-j----~j------,~--+----------1 rj' "3-(f Nozzle-One Third 15, 12, 10, 8 1.2, 1.0, 0,5, 0.5 noted on plan. 1 -· 12, 10, 8T 30 0 0"'0'Noule•Quarter 15,12, 10,8 1.0,0.7,0.4,0.4 15 12, 10, SQ 30 () Nozzle • Side Strip : 15SST 30 4x30 1.2 &-No22le • End Strip \ · 15EST 30 4 X 15 0.6 '$lo A.Rotor Hunter Bod S le 0 Nozzle -Half -,. i 30 36 2.0 See~-Detail. ® Nozzle -Quarter , \ 0.~ .., 345-8 ' ® 'I '! ' l'/q-~ 346.8 !!' ' #3 30 -~-----\ \ \ \ ~ \ . \ \ ~ -\ J,--±!---4-j~f.1'~'." >i i 'tf 11/z' ' .. -i l ® I" 2 ,.-c j'I I j = ~ -1•1 ' • 1 f , f ; , -·, ' 0 -,, A, I \ \ \ 32 \ 0.9 Slop~ ll<,,n,,r M BA'='Ll1211euf":> Le-Llfl,---14 Rori F,,.,.,c.~ cf" c.ui=. 1-.)/q.r' s BUil T" SEE St:IEET _IZ_ FOR IRRIGATION l)ETAILS SEE SHEET o FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND • RCE ,L\qz') EXP. 7 ·:,)-DI REVIEWED ~Y: 9-{:; DATE SEE SHEET 11 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS B.T:M Design Group 3203 Olive Hill Rd Fallbrook CA 92028 (760) 723-4117 R.LA# 4029 a,-REVISION DESCRIPTION 1)1\'I[ INl1IM. M1W. OTIL M i RiNlil. a'n' #FkOVAL L-. £? t1 INSPECTOR ·CALA VERA HILLS VILLAGE L-1 DATE Y: CHKD BY; __ _ RVWD BY: PRMCT NO. CT'f1-o1 I DRAWING NO. 3<ct-8L I -----------------------------------------------,~ ' I ;! \ I I l r 344.7 7 J45.2 345.7 I I l \ ,' . :, 1 i' • \ I - ' @DECORATIVE METAL FENCE- \i&Ct~-'f ,~,c i-~-w ~ #'b-1<'1',; t1 .. ..,,. 344.4 L ... , ... : i:·.\.~~: .. ~-=' •" 1;1. ·-;I·<··/ 1·~---,, .. -•~• 1"\ .. :;_:.,t .... fL:.."f ,;.J":"l.1.J(,_-'1-L:t.s: J::,...."v':~J, . ...,,Q,-li'!, ~...,I!!'"· .p;? . .:,;··t i'Lrnt.-t;?----;1 -·• ~> ._-::L~~ ----------- ' z_._ ' \ .. .,..· ~..,, 346.3 I 0 >' lb'Cb•K-~ Cu l;l ~ ' -·~---... ,, . -, / I ) '-.' -·. lit' .... }ffT~-•-:-1-i ~-~, /i-1/-·:: ·' I 7 ) .' . -! J47,J ., .. -;-. . -; ' -,. .-y. ,..,_ C • .-: ' .-. ' . ' ' .. '' I : __ + • i • ....._!...~,_ ! 1 ' ...,J @© MA_SONRY WALL WITH PILASTER ·-·-"-~;:idt\:;:;:;:.,.. . .. --.. . 347.4 ·B.T.M Design Group 3203 Olive Hill Rd Fallbrook CA-92028 (760) 723-4117 RLA# 4029 -~~---------------------- I ' I 1 -+- J47 . 348.1 N 348.6 ?~ ~ 349.0 ] -( I I I I ~ I I ~ I ,J --r I ' ,.., ' \ \ I I ' I I I I ' \ \ \ \ I I ' \ ,.. ' I \ \ I ' I I I ' I .-!._ ¥ -<~ '-... ,, ' "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REV1£WEO BY: -----' .. -........-. INSPECTOR DATE CALA VERA HILLS VILLAGE L-1 1----1----1--------------t--t--t--r----t 1-::-0 --~....i~;...e:..-~i::....-_~.s..=e::..--~-;,#);;;;"=t'll~~e-e=.--",::_::~}.~;~;-//.-;:::::-~:;::S:;:;?;:f:;::;::~I . ---I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. a, WDIII( REVISION DESCRIPTION t-°"-1t_....._ .... N11M.-;..--t-°"-1r_....._N1W. ___ 1 CHR'~ ee"y:_ --CT""7-o4 3<o4.:,aL 01MOI i4 I AOVM. alY Ai I EMAL • nu I_ J . . r ' . < {httlo:; 111L':'J l '°' ~07 73~5 '"" '"'' .,.., ....... ,.,,,, """'~' ,.,... ... ~ .. , ... , ..... , ,.,.,,<, ..... ,~--·~•-M~-"°'"•"' .... , (1110) CHl'J ,O,i "' ,VOi) ...,_,,,, G) • tt .. CAL.AVARA HILLS VILLAGE BTM Daalgn Group LTCT3 KJO \llUM~ n11~1..,iCflJ"5 .. .. --. \ \ - \ . I I \ \ \ I I I \ \ ~~~ <;;!m' c ..... Ptz'I!!: lN! ,t.l;Wl1!!: , ... !'&H:L.:i , __ \ \ \ \ f:(:"l.e, I'' L.' DA'TC: 11.~.0~ rn:;P, C""t Cu.r.i< ~ NORTH - "-"' 1 il....~----------------------TIUl!R: M~ICB ,P ,z / / \ ' ~ ---' -------------------....1_-:::-::::--~--::· -:,_ -' ' i \'h) \....,_,/ p1__,-,N 3 346,6 :S \.-----II \\\:;.-,tr , . I ~ 1.- 1----,, r B.T~M Design Group 3203 Olive Hill Rd Fallbrook CA 92028 (760) 723-4117 RLA# 4029 . I ~12-<Jtz:,,.A,~ ~........J . --tt "·-··-----··-··'-· ··-.... )_ .......... ····-··---········· ··--·-· " ' [ ~ 0,) ~ -· ~ 345.8 ~ (l<i) (,, , ..... _........ .345,3 \ \ ) \ I I I I I .-/4 I I I I I -sj I "-;/ I I i I I \ \ \ \ l \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ . \ \ I \ . \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ I \\ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ ~ -\\ I \~ I \ ' .-I I"' \ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ ,_G r----.~'-P'""""",,,,,,i,,,"""""="""""r---_-~t--~ t--tt----+t~ i I • •• --<" ,.,' ,-f ~,/1 i 1 ,, ·-\... 'I ~---:Cl l • --,..... .... _._ -~~:;---- -............. L_J "' ~-- .. , ... ~lRffit .. __ . __ •C _ _c-;L.Le_., I''= •w'-0'' ---.. --- SHEET ' ... ,, ... "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. __ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CALA VERA HILLS VILLAGE L-1 1-1--=::=t::;;=±==========================+~;;=~;~;+~;;=h;~rl OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO • DA1£ INITIAL DATE: llllllAl. DATE INlllAl. CHKD BY: --C T"ll-04: 3cA--SL ENGINEER CF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlMER APPROVAL CITY Al'PftOVAl. RVWD BY: ¥IQ~ 1'1111;.~.-~ANflC11 STREET SURFACE--~ POTABLE MA/NL/NE (SE: IMPROV!EMENTDR/1,WINGS) 7 ,(3·5 FEET 12· MINIMUM REO(./IREEI. -SEP<\RATION! ----...:i, /:f.60'(0/.A¥_()vATER IARIGAT/r>N MAINUNE~t-'-:_,•_. --SLE:cVE /! 00~ J: AU ~1olefOvATER fRFIIGATION PIPE ANO SLE£VES SHALL 8E PURPLE ANO LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: "STANDARD 5PECIFICATTONS FOR P.<ilVATE IRRIGArtON SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATICN RULES ANO REGULATIONS FCR ' CCNSTRUCTTON CF >IE:0,.41MEQ WATER MAINS ' -• ?OTAf]LE MAINLINE CROSSING r---SJOEWALK --METER BOX WIMETER CURB---, )o· MINIMUM TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN.$.T: fZsc,fr;iAJ.,WAT£fi.JRR!GATTON MA/NUN£: W/SLEEVE--' NOTE: Vf:RTICLE CLEAP.ANCE OF 12" MINIMUM IS MAND.'ATORYjWlj_EN CROSSING PA TN OF A,POTA8LE WATER UNE. WSTALLATION OF~~ATER 1(/RIGAr,::tv MAJM.INE 24" f'ROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY ,a· HOFIIZONTAL CLl:.ARANCE FROM POTABLE MAIM.INE IN THE:STRE£7'. ... _PQTABLESER.VJCE l:!INE CROSSING IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 1 Irrigation pl;in is diagrammatic. All irrigation equipmenl shall be located in planting areas only unloss noted otherwise. All equipment shall be installed as shown in the details and specifications. cr1 l,-ID 0F-IF~Ti~ 1Af-€ pe.ee,~oE)..k.£ fol!'.-i2--Eck,1f71'oD lkTur:.- I/Z-/Z-IOj,-.1l0>J, 2. Contractor shall keep the premises clean and free of excess equipment, materials and rubbish incidental to work covered under this section. 3. PVC Specifications A All risers shall be P.V.C. Schedule 80. B All pipe fillings shall be P.V.C. Schedule 40. C. All mairiline pipe 1-1/2" or less shall be P.V.C. Schedule 40; All mair,Jine pipe 2" and up shall be Class 315. D. All lateral pipe slMII be P.V.C. CIRss 200 (minimum 3/4 inch). E. Sleeves under,sp,,a,, shall be PVC Schedule BO All other sleeves shall be PVC Schedule 40 F. Copper pipe and fillings shall be Type K copper with recessed solder joint type fillings 4 Backllow prevention devices shall be located as indicated on the ir1igation plan. lnstflllation shall conlorrn to local governing codes and regulations and mm1ulacturer specilicatioris. Backllow preventer shall be installed a minimurn of twelve inches (12") above grade. Backllow preventer shall be tested and certified operntional by a Stale of California Certified Back flow Tester 5. Contractor sh;,II inst:,11 pressure regulator al backflow preventer, ii required, lo provide correct operating pressure to heads on each circuit if pressure is found lo exceed 100 psi. Contractor shall provide" bid alternate cost for installation of pressure regulator. Contractor shall adjust all pressure regulators al backllow preventer arid at valves lo provide correct operating pressure to heads on each circuit. 6. Contractor shall install new controllGr Now automatic controller shall be size and typG as nolod and instfllled as ind1caled on irrig,ition plan or where directed by Owner. Controller shall be installed per manufacturer's instructions_ Control wires shall be sleeved in electrical conduit from controller interior to eighteen inches (18") below grnde. Owner shall provide 120 voll soivice to controller. 7_ Final location for the installation of the new backllow preventer and the automatic controller shall be verified in the field by the Cf1t,.Jt.:>1~ -&,,.4--fL.c+j ,;,.~1,<.L.f-c>T. 8. Wire Specifications: A. All wire shall be 14-gauge ANG-UF, direct btnial type. A dilk.enl color shall be provided for each vc1lve station, Cornman wire shall be while. Wire runs are to be continuous from controller to valve with splices al valves only. Splices and connections shc1II be made with pen-tile connector·s or equivalent and shBII be placed in valve box_ B. All wires shall be installed with twelve inches (12") of excess wire (coilod) al the end of each wire run and al ninoly degree (90°) changes in di1ection. C. Control wire shall be laid eighloen inches (18") deep. Control wire shall be bundled and placed beneath mainline where possible, taped to mainline at ten feot (10') on center. D One (1) additional control wire shall be rur1 to eAch valve manifold. Wire shall be btmdled, taped, and placed in control valve box. E. Contractor is to provide aci additional pilot wire to the end ol the mainline run in two 'diroctions from the controller. 9. All automatic valves shall be of si7e and type noted in legend. Valves shall be located within shrub planter beds (wherever possible) and shall be set flush with lhe mow curb, or a minimum of twelve inches (12") away from any other hardscape or structure. One (1) valve shall be installed in each box. Valve manifold shall be connected olf c,f a single tee on the mainline oxcepl al the end of the mainline run. Valves shall be sot " nrinimum of six inches (6") apa1i to allow servicing. Valve shall be tagged with controller letter and valve number permanently marked on plastic lag. 10. All pressure mainlines for reclaimed water shall be twenty-four inches (24") deep. All pressure mainlines for potable water shall be eighteen inches (18") deep_ All PVC laterals shall be twelve inches (12") deep Trench backfill shall be free of any materiRI that may damage irrigatior, pipe or equipment including rocks in excess of one inch (1 ") in diameter. In !he event of backfill settlement, Contractor shall perform required repairs al his own cost. 11. All rnainlino and lateral lines shall be sleeved with PVC Schedule 40 two and one half (2-1/::>) limos the diameter of the sleeved line where ii passes under paved areas (Schedule 80 under-:,-pa.eiftj. Contrflctor shall locate existing sleeves under existing concrete. Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with Concrete and A.C. Paving Contractor to ensure all sleeving is set prior to concrete pours and asphalt placement Contractor is to locate And utilize existing sleeves under driveway, ii available. Contractor shall cut asphalt and inst,ill new sleeves 36" deep under asphallic concrete (a c ) paving, if r-equired Under r,o circumstances shall r,ow late>ral lines be installed under asphalt or concrote without sleeving. Trench shall be backfilled with road base cornpacted lo 90'3/o density and patched with asphallic concrete. C1T1· 1c,J,::,pc~P"-'o,\t,,-LL IH-c,pc.c.-T sf Pf'f<'.P'v°"' ,b-U-,c,(..£,:.y~.c-,, [-'ri:.1°12- TD f'-""1 µ1 I ,i ,.~, bU.-A-"TI ot---l • 12 All spray heads are to be located a minimum of eight inches (8") away from any buildinn wall or slruct1.11"e and four inches (4") away from walks and drives All rotors are to be i1 'lc,d 12" from walks, walls or drives. All heads are to be installed with the nozzles. sere' ,nd arcs shown on the plans unless radius or arc is inappropriate for size and space i, led. Co11li-aclor shall provide correct nozzles and arcs !or actual areas irrigated. 13. Check valves shall be used where indicated and wherever necessary to prevent wal llow from lower elevation heads when system is tu med off. 14. Prior to backfilling irrigation trenches, the following procedures shAII be implemented· A. All mainlines in the system shall be capped and pressure tested Rt 125 ps, lor ~ period of four (4\ hours. Ariy leaks found shall be corrected by removing the lec1kinq pipe or fittings 'an_d installing new m<;1ter[al in its place. Grr( 1,1~~011-nu---:,f Offael'.>/E'." ~ lfri?OVCS 11,,--.q-~o"-1o ~ A LL-lf--l"'I • B. All laterals shall be prnssure tested at design prnssure !or one (1) hour. C. Contractor shall not nllow nor-cause ;iny of hi~ work to he covered tintil it h;,s been inspected, tested and approved by the builder/Owner's authorized representative. 15. Irrigation Contractor shall adjust all heads and noules to provide an even covemge to ;ill plantor areas and to keep spray off buildings, walkways, walls and drives. All he~ds are lo be adjusted to prevent oversprny onto buildings, walls, fences and hardscnpe. This includes, but is not limited to, adjustment of diffuser pin or adjustment screw. replacement of pressure compensating screens, replacement of nozzles with more appropri11te rndi11s 1rnils and the replacement of nozzles with adjustable arc units 16. When the sprinkler system is completed and prior to plAnling, the Co1·,tmclor. in the presence of the Builder/Owner's authorized r·epresenta,tive, shall perform a covernqe test of water affordod the planting areas to ensure it is complete and adeq,rnte. Contrnctor shall fumisl1 all materials and perform all work required ((1 correct ,my inadeq1rncips of covernge al his own cost. 17. Contractor shnll furnish to Owner a complete "As Built" drnwir,g of new anrl existing equipn1ent installed showing exact size, type. and dimensioned 1ocations of the followin9 items; A. Point of Connection B Backflow Prevenlers C Master Valve D. Bc1II Valves E. Quick Couplers F. Conlrol Valves G. Cont1ollers H. Mainline I. Controller Wire The 'As Built" drawing shall be prepared on sepia. mylm 01 vell1rm And Co11trAr;to, shAII provide two prints, along witl1 original. to Owner. Contractor shall also provide a reduced "As E3u1II" drawing (maximum 11x17 si7'a). color- coded, showing areas irrigated by eflch station. This plan shall be encased in plastic uporo Owner's approval of drawing. Contractor shall also provide irrigr11ion progrr1mming chart These are to be delivered on or belore final inspection. 18. Irrigation Contractor shall maintain the system for a period of sixty (60) days nncl shc,11 water as required to establish new plant material 19. Irrigation Contractor shall guarantee in writing the entire newly installed inig;;li011 system tn be free of defects in workrrnrnship and mate,ials for H period of one (1) Y"'" frr .. ir11 fir1RI acceptance by Owner. IRRIGATION OPERATION 1. This section is provided as a requirement for nrninten;,nce during the eslahlishment pe,riorl and as a recommendation for future continued rnaint0nance. 2. Irrigation is to be maintained and operated in such a manner as to p1·e,vent watAr frorn collectir,g on or running across concrete or asphalt or from ovmspraying onto b11ildings, fences, walls or other· hardscape features. 3. Where landscape irrigalio1, is required adjacent lo buildings, the s11bgr;;rle; snils shall b0 maintained i11 a rnoist bu! not saturated state. 4_ Maintenance Contractor shall be required to have available and use A soil tube or probe lo frequently check soil moisture before and after operation o: the i1-rigation syston1 to ov~l•.1ale the necessity for irrigation scheduling c1djustments. Contractor shall adj11st system timing and coverage patferns on an ongoing basis to compensate for reduced water requimments as plants mature and pattern deflection as plants grow 5. Maintenance Conti-actor shall be required to frequently test the irrigation systeni lo ensure that all heads operate correctly and that no breaks or leaks exist. Tt,e MRinterwnce Contractor shall not permit n,e irrigation system to operate with broker1 equrpmenl Repairs to the systom shall be made with originally specified maleriRls in Rccordance with lhP Landscape Architect's plans to ensure proper coverage and pressure withir, lhe irriq,,tion system. Failure to match originally specified materia1s may res11lt in Rn rnopernblc system with significant Wfltor waste. SECTION _(~• __ A_,-_, __ 1 _________ A-~2~---e---~A-3 \ V 2()' :>()' NATIVE ----.... -··-·· ·---(UND•SlU~[)EDI ' _irrig_atiQn __________________ yf.S_______ _ 'r"(~ _______________ yi;;S __ "•-~•--_______ NO __ _ _ p!an,.!D9 ___ , _____ ·_!:~.~-~)'."l'l(]AN_, --t--------~::::: .. ~~-H---+---· LOW rue_,----+---"-"--- • NG mH S OR SI UlUOS • NA!Uf1..,LIZING · NO H'!GES J "CONDITION A" -MANUFACTURED SLOPES / NA°l'lJf'IJ.! 11!NG -TrlEES HO Cl.05Ef1 TH/'.11 l'Q'/ll'AAT /~◊ J ,.,t l ) 1 . ;,□• CUAR ~ C -. -_,- ..... \ -:\..,c '-. SECTION ( B-2 B-3 NATIVE I Irrigation~--,\ __ YES planting ___ _ 'rim fHSTllll(?~~r ---···· · 1'10 1 r1r1: s. c,n s.1 ,nu11s · nFMOVA,1 Of-HIGH FiJfL ---~·--·---···········-2{1' . ···--jr:;· .. -··· Yr'S, Ti,'Mr>[Jf!Af;IY. __ ......... _ i---M~-- · :SFI.EC:HVE f'llUN!NG Of 60% OP lllf MO!lfr!AlE fU[L s1~r:c1r.s VOlUt-AE · \00'1, llf"-'IOVAL Of lllGll fU[L 51'fC::lf-5 N(lNt; · :'if-I l'CIIVE l'llUN/N{j OF 400, (Jf' TIii; M()nfl1A11' rvi:t ::il'F G:£: S VOi UME • 1'.)()'X. 11~.M()VA!. (.)f ll!(;H ! VH SPl'CES ,,1 ''r'l... ,(1\\'•' \\\/' iL I, J ' ,_1 " "CONDITION B" -NATIVE SLOPES fire sactlons ♦ C\.C.",11Nll~I' ~,; I l[l(ll IT Of Ul·Jl!H,::; :0rw flH/1)1~ ll!f1(11;.I)) , . '(''. ' , . APPl~OVED F'Ol1 F)LA.NrfING AND IRRIG-ArrION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA1"ION OF PJ__,AN1'ING f,I\EAS. "AS BU I LT" ---------- RCE EXP. DAIE REVlEWED BY: SPECIFICATIONS INSPECTOR DATE I• •.• D ATF lt,UITI f\l -··· ···---· ----• INITII\L omrn aPrRov~. CITY IIPPROV,'il I 1 , NOTE: ALL PRESSURE MAIN LINE UNDER-sTii:•t'"S SHAU BE BURIED TO A 36' MINIMUM DEPTH. POTABLE MAINLINE SHALL BE BURIED 18". AU MAINLINE AND LATERAL PIPE FOR RECLAIMED WATER SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND SHALL BE STENCILLED WITH 'NON-POTABLE' OR "RECLAIMED WATER" " (!) , O MIN. MAINLINE DEPTH @ 12' MIN. LATERAL DEPTH @ SATURATE AND COMPACT BACKFILL TO 90% @ 6" MIN. CLEARANCE FROM HARDSCAPE/FINISH SURFACE @ FINISH SURFACE @ NON-PRESSURE 'LATERAL' LINE Q) PRESSURE 'MAIN' LINE WITH PURPLE WARNING TAPE PER CITY REQUIREMENTS.:':,_ i <=du) @ DIRECT BURIAL, LOW VOLTAGE, CONTROL WIRES. BUNDLE AND TAPE BELOW TRENCHING FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW RAIN GUARD IN VANDAL-RESISTANT ENCLOSURE .---------,-CONTROLLER ENCLOSURe ➔,-----::;::=;ti • WITH TILl'-OUT DOOR. INSTALL PER MfG. lNSTAUCllON.S. L __ _.:=::::~-IRRIGATION CONTROLUiR PER PLAN, MOUNTED FACE UP IN ENCLOSURE DOOR EMA-a GFI PLUG/SWITCH ~ox WITH STAINLESS STEEL COVER PLATE -+-+--FLUID-TIGHT CONDUIT---1+•1;1 WIRES TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES --------INSIDE ENCLOSURE ===t-fr-tt=MOTE MOUNTED HRMIN _ BOARD WITH NUMBoRED TERMINALS FOR ALL VALVES ANCHOR BOLTS -----\_ 2" PVC SCHEDULE 40 ..,__/ CONDUIT. FITTINGS AND SWEEP ELL TO POWER SUPPLY 2" PVC SCHEDULI: 40 CONDUIT, FITTINGS AND SWEEP ELL NOTE: ALL CONTROLLERS SHALL HAVE APPROVED IDENTIFYING LABELS FOR RECLAIMED WATER CONTROLLER IN STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE 0 3" BRASS NIPPLES (4) 0 PRESSURE REGULATOR (IF REO'D) 0 Y-STRAINER HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE LINE C _j£ ,-c · TEST COCl(S MINIMUM CLEARANCE SCHEDULE IZE A B C ~ ----------- ''I.'. 3" 12'" 18" hJ 0 R. P. BACKFLOW PREVENTER ® BALL VALVES (2) 0 BRASS ELLS (2) 0 BRASS NIPPLES (4) ® BRASS UNIONS (2) 0 BRASS RISERS (2) C-;\ WATER SUPPLY -SOUD ~ COPPER: LOCATE AS CLOSE TO PROPERTY LINE AS POSSIBLE @ S x T COPPER ADAPTER - @ FINISHED GRADE .___.---1-,--JL--'..., @ CONCRETE FOOTINGS 2 CU. FT. EACH @ 12" MIN. CLEARANCE @ 18" MIN. DEPTH r.;-., S ,c T SCH. 40 ~ PVC ADAPTER 13 NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITIJTE TYPE KOR L COPPER PIPE FOR BRASS. 2. THIS INSTALLATION IS TYPICAL; CLEARANCES SHALL APPLY TO ALL OTHER TYPES OF BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES. 3. APPLY TWO (2) COATS ENAMEL PAINT (PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER WARNING COLOR) TO ABOVE-GRADE BACKFLOW PREVENTER -1. ~-M~?NE~~-· -, .. I' • ·, • '. .. ,:-,----~-------~-,-,. ....... ~ ... ,~~--~~-~~-' R. P. BACKFLOW PREVENTER ---····· ··---- G) CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILl ® PAVING CD------·~---, 0 UNDISTURBED SOIL ® MAINLINE AND CONTROL WIRES IN SCH. -:,.; Lj>-W_)[ ( f?'I 12" MINIMUM ~ LATERAL DEPTH 0 24" UNDER WALKS AND DRIVES; 36" UNDER -. ,-. C _, ®6" NOTE: 1. SLEEVE SIZE TO BE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED. 2. IN ROCKY SOILS, THE BACKFILL MATERIAL IS TO BE COMPACTED CLEAN SAND. SLEEVE INSTALLATION ----------........ __ , __ , .... . G) 10" PLASTIC VALVE BOX (!) 1" CLEAR ABOVE GRADE @ FINISHED GRADE @ 18" MIN. MAINLINE DEPTH ® :S" CLEARANCE TO VALVE HANDLE @ BALLVALVE (i) PVC MALE ADAPTER (2) @ PVC ELL (45°) (4) (!) PVC NIPPLE (4)"> I; :;r @ 1/2 CU F.T. PEA GRAVEL --<D ....,..__,,11~1111=--=c:-:-:-:1111.,.,...11 --~i;:::;:_==---=---~:::JJl,..,:j!;"""""""'~,___ 111111 mm•-- mm_ mm 111111~ ............. _____________ ,, __ , __ ,_, ___________ _ BALL VALVE 0 FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH 1" BELOW BOX 0 QUICK-COUPLING VALVE 0 PURPLE VALVE BOX: 10-INCH SIZE 0 PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) 0 3-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL 0 PVC SCH. 40 STREET ELL 0 PVC SCH. 40 TEE OR ELL 0 PVC MAINLINE PIPE 0 PVC SCH. 40 Tx TELL @ 1' DIA. GALVANIZED PIPE, 24" LONG, WITH STAINLESS STEEL GEAR CLAMPS OR EQUIVALENT SUPPORT SYSTEM --------···• .. · .. ····---- QUICK-COUPLING VALVE --------------------------·-·-------- _r------<D G) STREAM ROTOR SHRUB HEAD, REFER TO LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS @ _ •(=C ~•, '::,,O J:Ve, COUPLING OR CHECK VALVE AS REO"D @ STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS (2 REO'D) WITH #4 REBAR STABILIZER, 30" MIN. LENGTH @ MARLEX STREET ELLS, TYPICAL @ 1/2" PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE, 6" MIN. LENGTH @ PVC SCH. 40 SXSxT TEE OR ELL (!) PVC LATERAL LINE, SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN -----··--·-·-··------····--·"········ -- STREAM ROTOR ------------------ ~-----------------11 ---------·® ~----,© ROOT BALL FINISH GRADE -------<4 4"'x18" PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE TOP 1/2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE ~ PLACE AT OUTSIDE EDGE OF PLANT PIT ---'---....~--+1----- ? .. . . . . . ' . - 1--,,,:_ _ __.,,,_ .,,-------@ PLANT WELL BUBBLER ON SCH. 80 NIPPLE, SEE LEGEND PVC 90 ELL (TxT) . . . . . . .. . . ... . -. -. ' :~ KING BROS. FLEX NIPPLE (6"") -.·.•.·.·.· \!,) .. ' . . ' . • • • • r .. -. . . . . . . . - • ' • • • ➔ -:-:-:-:-:-;-fn\9 ....,...,__,..,.,,..,..7'7i.·.·-·.•.·. ··r---·") •:•:•:•:•:• ~ .. ~u••--••-m•,.....O NOTE: ......... ·-~· -------@o t + • • • ----.-, . . . . . . -. . -. PVC 90 ELL (SxT) PVC LATERAL LINE DEPTH AS SPECIFIED ',o' 3/4" GRAVEL IN PIPE AND ~ IN COLUMN TO BOTTOM OF PLANT PIT @ 2" BELOW GRADE ALL TREES TO HAVE 2 BUBBLERS INSTALLED PER TREE. .. ______ ,, ................ _______ , ___ ........... -.. , ..... , .... ,,, .. . TREE BUBBLER .-·-, (D 4" FROM WALKS ==-~=~~~-'Jttl~~"!!! ~1111111~11111111~111111:li~ ~:;J\lllllilll1' sl 8" FROM STRUCTURES ~) FINISHED GRADE 1111111111~]1111111;]11111111;:;;il,llllll!II 1111111111[~111 lll;IIIII (31 POP-UP SPRAY HEAD WITH _:, PURPLE "NON-POTABLE" COVER (USE BOTTOM INLET ONLY) (~) SCH. 80 NIPPLE (~) MARLEX ST. ELL (2) (~) PVC TEE OR ELL Ci) PVC LATERAL PIPE (~) 12'" LATERAL DEPTH (s ·~ (~) (i\ j ~'.~11111111 111111111;;;.; -------,~· ............ ________ _ POP-UP SPRAY HEAD ···-··--·-·------·-·"'"'""'''••------····· .. ··--,. 0 FINISHED GRADE 1" BELOW VALVE BOX TOP IN TURF AREAS 2" BELOW VALVE BOX TOP IN SHRUB AREAS (;;'\ VAlVE BOX· PURPLE PLASTIC ~ WITH LOCKING LID 0 'PEN-TITE" WIRE CONNECTOR (.', 18'" EXTRA WIRE WRAPPED '-..:v AROUND 1/2" DIA. PIPE TO FORM COIL G) PVC MALE ADAPTER 0 PVC LATERAL LINE 0 PLASTIC VALVE TAG WITH VALVE NUMBER ,;; (i)_ --iii_i ~ -- r.;\ 1/2 C.F. PEA GRAVEL \.V IN BASE OF BOX G) __ 0 SCH. 80 UNION @ 3" SCH. 80 NIPPLES (2) 0::V PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE @ PVC SCH. 40 TEE OR ELL @ CONTROL WIRES TO VALVES @ PVC PRESSURE MAINLINE @ PVC SCH. 40 TxT ELL 2 MASTER/REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 1111 -1111 1111--1111 1111_ -1111 I Ill I----+-----...... ~ ..... , .. DA TE INl11AL 1----~-------·-· ENGINEER Of WDRK ;._ ___________________________________________________ _ riQE~ M.IP'ROGftlflHICS \ --© ' ® _ __,,--® ---t'----1 · ,---@ --;---~ 1 -· f------·-J..._.. G) ® 0 © ® ~) 0 0 0 @) @ @ @ IDTAG WATERPROOF CONNECTION (1 OF 2) 30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILED ANTI-SIPHON CONTROL VALVE INSTALL MIN. 12 INCHES ABOVE HIGHEST POINT OF LATERAL OR HEAD UV RADIATION RESISTANT PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER (1 OF 2) UV RADIATION RESISTANT PVC SCH 40 PIPE (1 OF 2) FINISH GRADEITOP OF MULCH PVC SCH 40 ELL (1 OF 2) PVC MAINLINE PVC LATERAL PIPE 18"" MIN. MAINLINE DEPTH 12"" MIN. LATERAL DEPTH ANTI-SIPHON CONTROL VALVE (,-) ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER (~) PVC SCH co MALE ADAPTER ( 1 OF 2) (3) MIN. OF 12 INCHES ABOVE HIGHEST , POINT Of LATERAL OR HEAD PVC 9o0 ELL -<i) G) PVC UNION ,I ·- Q -·-1-G) Cf) PVC SCH_ 80 RISER (TYPICAL) ,',) "-!_ - '8) \._lj_ (!) FINISH GRADE IRRIGATION LATERAL PIPE PIPE FROM REMOTE CONTROL VALVE (i§) 12" MIN. LATERAL DEPTH ATMOSPHERIC VACUU'M BREAKER IRRIGATION DETAILS ---------------+-----I ·--------· -------t----1 ' ... , DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DES CR IP TION OTHER APPROVAi_ CITY APPROVAL APPROVED -FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA'I'ION OF PLA.NTING AREAS, "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP.~~~-DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DAT£ CALA VERA HILLS VILLAGE L-1 ., r--_.,..I : i > .. .__ ,.-. .... •• , , I '•,_____.; I ,... ' __ ,.J' ,.-_. I ---~ •• /'\ ' ~. ,.,.__ __ . ' GENERAL NOTES 1. All local, municipal and stale laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by Contractor. 2. Contractor shall verify the location of all existing utilities, structures, and services before commencing work. The locations of utilities, structures and services shown in these plans are apptoximate only. Any discrepancies between these plans and actual field conditions shall be reported to the Owner or landscape architect. 3. Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and features to remain on, and adjacent to, the project site during construction. Contractor shall repair, at his own expense, all damage resulting from his operations or negligence. 4. Contractor shall obtain the pertinent engineering and/or architectural plans before beginning work .. 5. Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits required to perform the work indicated herein before beginning work. 6. Contractor shall arrange for payment of any permit fees and related expenses with the Owner's authorized representative. 7. Contractor shall obtain Recommendations of specifications. soils report pnor to beginning work. soils report shall take precedence over these 8. Contractor must check all dimensions, framing conditions and site conditions before starting work. Any discrepancies or possible deficiencies between the plans and specifications with field conditions shall be brought to the immediate attention of the landscape architect. 9. Contractor shall not willfully install any equipment as shown on the plans when it is obvious in the field that unknown conditions exist that were not evident at the time these plans were prepared. Any such conditions shall be brought to the attention of the Owner's representatives prior to any work or Contractor shall assume all responsibility for any field changes deemed necessary by Owner. 10. All property lines shall be verified prior to commencing work, no construction item, including footings, shall extend past the property line. 11. Contractor shall be responsible for any coordination with subcontractors as required to accomplish all construction operations. All piping, conduit, sleeves, etc., shall be set in place prior to installation of construction items. 12. Contractor shall be responsible to replace any existing materials that are damaged during construction. 13. The drawings and specifications represent the finished structure. All bracing, temporary supports, shoring, etc. Is the sole responsibility of Contractor. Observation visits to the job site by the landscape architect do not include inspection of construction methods and safety conditions at the worksite. These visits shall not be construed as continuous and detailed inspections 14. All forms and alignment of paving shall be reviewed and approved by the landscape architect or Owner prior to pouring (a minimum of 48 hours notice is required). 15, All construction and workmanship shall conform to the latest uniform building code and to local jurisdiction. 16. All proposed surfaces shall meet existing surfaces with smooth and continuous transition and flush along entire edge. 17. All dimensions are from outside face of paving, wall, curb, pool shell, etc. unless otherwise noted on plan. All angles are 90 or 45 degrees unless otherwise noted. PLANTING NOTES 1. a. The planting plan is diagrammatic, All plant locations are approximate. b. Quantities shown on the planting plan are approximate and are for the convenience of Contractor only. Plant symbols take precedence over plant quantities specified. c. Contractor shall notify the landscape architect of discrepancies between quantities and symbols shown. 2. Contractor shall maintain a qualified supervisor on site at all times during installation. 3. All local, municipal, county and state laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by Contractor. 4. Landscape contractor shall apply a contact herbicide (herbicide applicator shall be licensed by the State of California) where weeds are present, per manufacturer's specifications, a minimum of ten (10) days prior to commencement of any planting or irrigation work. Weeds shall be allowed to completely die back, including the roots, and shall then be removed before proceeding with work. 5. Contractor shall receive site grades at ± one-tenth (.1 0") inch of finished grade. Contractor will be responsible for verifying grades prior to beginning work and shall be responsible for all grades once work has commenced. 6. Landscape contractor shall submit a soil analysis report from an authorized testing agency to the Owner/landscape architect for review prior to beginning work. Actual soil amendment and plant backfill shall conform to soil report requirements. For bidding purposes, assume that all areas to be planted shall be rota-tilled to a depth of eight inches (8") and the following amendments spread evenly and thoroughly blended in per 1000 square feet; a. 3 cubic yards nitrogen fortified redwood shavings b. 100 pounds agricultural gypsum c. 15 pounds soil sulfur d. 25 pounds 16-6-8 slow release fertilizer Soil shall ba suitable for plant growth and free of harmful substances or deleterious materials prior to planting. 7. Contractor shall remove all rock in excess of 1" diameter exposed at the soil surface. 8. Prior to planting, irrigation system shall be fully operational and all planting areas shall be thoroughly soaked. 9 Each plant shall receive "agriform" (or equal) plant tablet as follows: r1 ,,,,,r >~17_,,,.-(IJ 1:e~"1«"-r1 1 gallon container (1) 21 g'ram · 5 gallon container (3) 21 gram 15 gallon container (5) 21 gram per three inches (3") of boxed tree size (1) 21 gram 10. Plant material shall not be root bound. Five gallon plants and larger shall have been grown in containers for a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years. Plants shall exhibit healthy growth and be free of diseases and pests. 11. Plant pit shall be twice the wirlth of the designated nursery container but shall be no deeper than the container. R(,ot ball she.II protrude above the plant pit 1 inch (1") at the completion of planting. 12, The following shall apply to the inse ·:ion and removal of stakes: a. stake all plants per detail. b. remove nursery stakes and ties from all container stock. Maintain side growth on all trees. Tie all vines to wall, trellis, or fence with clear nursery ties. 13, Plants shall not be placed within twelve inches (12") of sprinkler heads or within eighteen (18") inches of buildings. 16. Backfill shall be per soil test. For bidding purposes, assume plant backfill shall be 75% site soil, and 25% nitrogen fortified redwood shavings by volume. C \Cl 1iCL TPP_OS.MISC\BTM\GENrL I.DOC 17. Landscape contractor shall maintain a minimum 2% draina,ge. c;Nay from all buildings, structures, and walls. Finished gr,i,des shall be smc:othed to o1iminate puddling or standing water. I 3 flll tJ o cl Tue.p-A~e~ L-""" "5Deee~TU..W 3.:; shall be mulched to a dept,-, oi Tt-l ic 6e ILlcil"'""' / . . ($') at the conclusio~. ?f olanting. 0Wi', n I' 0.o-:1f''.2° To C n"f l~f"~"-f=l',ri. ,A,pprz"v"-L- pf!. t<:>11.. To ~ LJ,;.1'.-:E.~•vs:.i'.-I 117 "'" 1TE. · 19. The landscape contractor shall leave site in a clean condition, removing all unused material, trash, and tools. , 20. Landscape contractor shall maintain all plantings for a period of thirty (~o) days or until plants are deemed established and irrigation is operating properly to the satisfaction of Owner and landscape architect -whichever period is longer. At completion of all work outlined in these plans, the landscape contractor shall contact Owner and arrange for a walkthrough to determine that all aspects of work are completed. Work must be fully completed according to all plans and specifications and must be completed in a good workmanship manner and must be accepted by the Owner in writhg prior to the beginning of the establishment period. The establishment period shall include the following scope of work: a. daily watering of all plant material. b. adjustment of sprinkler head height and watering pattern. c. weeding and removal of all weeds from ground cover areas, on a weekly basis, d. replacement of any dead, dying, or damaged trees, shrubs, or ground covers. e. filling and recompaction of eroded areas. f. filling and replanting of any low areas which may cause standing water. g. weekly removal of all trash, litter, clippings, and all foreign debris. h. at 30 days after planting, ammonium sulfate ;hall be applied to areas at the rate of five (5) pounds per 1,000 square feet. i. at 60 days after planting, and prior to the end of the establishment period, Bast Fertilizer Company 16-6-8 (or equal) shall be applied at the rate of six (6) pounds per 1,000 square feet to planting areas. Additional fertilizations shall be per soil test. 22. Prior to end of establishmant period, landscape contractor shall contact Owner and arrange for a final walk through. Owner must accept all maintained areas in writing prior to end of establishment period. a. All groundcover and shrubs shall be guaranteed by Contractor in writing as lo growth and health for a period of sixty (60) days after completion of establishment period and final acceptance. All traes shall be guaranteed by Contractor in writing to live and grow in an acceptable upright position for a period of one (1) year after completion of the specified establishment period and final acceptance. b. Contractor, within fifteen (15) days of written notification by Owner, shall remove and replace all guaranteed plant materials which, for any reason, fail to meet the requirements of the guarantee. Replacement shall be made with plant materials as indicated or specified on the original plans, and all such replacement materials shall be guaranteed as specified for the original material guarantee. 23. Landscape contractor, under the direction of the landscape architect, shall remove all unwanted groundcover, trees and shrubs. ' ~ ~ « "' f--0 0 "' w u -:,, f-- , .. :,: f--"-w 0 .. ....... I I , I ..J...__ TWICE ROOTBALL , .. DIAMETER . -- ,.:::....,,"1~1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ® 0 @ 0 ® 0 0 © @J:ID 0 Cw0 ~ <Zfa QilrDlD ~ ....,,__.,.......,. ....... ,,.. .•. - ~v-::1 ~-----....... ~ ~ I ~wa , i ® I ! ~1-Z.E 1,~ 2-"1-'l?,,y .. I ,t1 21"~. IL\ l64&L "'1B l~kl ""1: z+II ~Y· ' ' 17 04.d..-, Ht> 'i'll II"'? 171 162-vy--l.,,, 2-'I'?', :; ,q,.,L,, 147 04"'-~--(, _.,/ ,-·. f:f14,l., 4c-; ltpl-, Zoo 1,r,L, !11 I 'f L. 3',-1'.7 ~ I "".7 rw,,p-::, L:') flb~ rf faf";;;, t'1✓-,r0 ~'..,y-_' ., L "'5l._., :=-,1,..P'--r:::' 24"~ C,,!,.~11 .:.i.!oZ-112=: CI u1--1AM ot-j i..J~ CAr1 ~.u.-"'"~i ·I----'. ' ~' w ooO 0u p A)--1 I "';l"t" ", ~Pl O = ~ f".::>e'.l<'~f.J E f;;,o'>< }lc.N. J.cc,..,.iu, > 1c= !'1=-F-0(1,.,1 ICJE \J,,c, l!.r"f'TtG f!l4"i µ V..o- I I Ii 'l...:.u '2-u 6fl LIU -:c> p 1--¥--t-F M~ < k:.. cf°-"-' :,l ,,.- ~Tl IL T Lil---'f c,p,\JE: 1J1Le ft1 ep-c:-tu I L , ,4 L,..,.. ~""' 0l6 I:'.-·· ~jµ,s ~I L1Lk:7I '?.:,sia-tr""t.'of clu ~, fi"'cl "fello ... l rz-1;,,.. ~o~u rj 1'M'µlt C~5f,~ P.-cH ~ ::t? :l~tt--m-.f·:.l.---,,::"'.:•-f. ·, ,. ~-r.-,, l_1tJl•f,.-'~-i \....A,lt__. A~h¢-P 00'(0Tl',. f,,l.l-'e.1-1 ~ur r--b~ ~-P,-f-1 j,;.. Ca-I~!<! TA ~~fcL~'~e<'f""6 ~~ J,6,C,6,-tz4.1t:7_,,. ~11 ~106A FoL.:IA ~f'Vf'.J.j~-fjat.>11:'..0> \/4.Jl,1;.-m,,v ffio""f11--l ~ ~ej pt.lo 1ir4 1ur-rTe-~ ·1._!,,.,cJ:. ~r-.uzr" ""><""'t1.--0',,f"1LJ.,.. :'.:,o,..e:i¢jl!Ll',...-i ,.1 , , I . ''C.t>'1P"-'-"'",:.. t~1L.L(iA-'Nc,d-i1·" A-! "'Lt,. pr<, It-JOICb 1C: lo.,.,.,, V1 ~tf .. Jlit11lf..JLl"'J ' ftrT,,""'?"'<LI '1Jbf'>I ,Zr.,. I 1,_j ~leR."> pi_..,-.~ ~! , f-tet1trLa.LLt0 ~T~ e,.;v::i • A]Af6-lrr+lu,,:" ,A~,f\.)L.::,::, 1/1--rf;a,,,.. fA 1"10 ... m,.;1 oel-,';,-is "f ~dkLc,.-,f ~e•1u:1 kii,io 1 =o . ~t1AF'-1' fl'..#l-1'fce.lB 11::?-c .. ~!.'.·> c:'o.c-. ff...,p0Tf<2:: lb"Oc... rz...,rr 1-z''o.t- fl-, rf e,. ~ I ('."X, , ft,., ,rre-I 2 110.t-. A'"'fW ll W I ..J....w.,. fl-<' ,rr 1-z. ,, o ~ ~- SHRUB ROOTBALL, CROWN SHALL BE FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE. 2x DIA. OF .. ROOT BALL . Tree Planting Detail Shrub Planting Detail APPROVED FOR PLANTINC; AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOC.t\TION OF' PLANTING AREAS. t------+----+-•--•••••-•~•---------••••••• •-••••-••• '"--•••••-•--••••• •••--M ,--.~-••----1---t---+----l' 1-----+----+---------------------------------------+----t---t---+----1 t------+----+--------··-----.. ·--·-··----+ ----+---+----+----1 t-·r.=-t-==-t-----------·-··-----·----+--.,....·-t---+---=-t-c-c----t DA"ft INITIAL D,O,TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL £11-,.,. OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHCII APPROVAL cnY iV'PROVAl "AS BUil T" RCE ___ EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CALA VERA HILLS VILLAGE L·) DRAWING NO, ., , '~P.L,