HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 365-1M; CT 97-06; Carlsbad Seapointe Resort-Slope Repair; 01-08VIC-I I--!. IT'( MAP "-OTE• SURFS! DE LANE----""'' f'oNTO Dl?.I\/E ------lrt:r" 11/4' CONTl2ACTOQ SHALL ADJUST AND CAP OFF l'=XISTl"-'G ~ATION SYSTEM IN ~ AREA AS i<EOl..l<E'D. SYSTEM 51-lALL PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE AS APPROVED BY OWl'El<S AUTI-KlRIZED i<EPRe5cNT A T1VE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TI-E COMPLETE ADJUSTMENT/MODIFICATION OF EXISTNG IRRIGATION SYSTEM WITl-lN ~ AND OT~ AREAS APFECTED BY TI-E PROPOSED M"ROVE:MENTS. ALL LAYOUT 514ALL BE CONFIRM:D WITl-l OWNEIZ'S AUTI-O<IZED QEPQESE'NT A TIVE Pl<K)l2 TO COMMENCNG WORK. 1-eAD LAYOUT IN 1HS AREA IS DIAGRAMATIC AND 51-<ALL BE ADJ.JSTED AS REQUIRED N FIELD TO PQOVIOE PROPER COVEQAGE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPQ/"ISB...E FOR COMPLETE NSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ~A TION EQUPMENT AND .?ELA TIED EOUPMENT, NCLLDNG BUT "-OT LMTED TO R.C.V. CONTROL Wl<ES, ELECTI<ICAL WPES, CONDUT, REMOTE CQNTl20L VALVES. ETC. ALL LAYOUT AND LOCATIONS Sl4ALL BE CON9RED WITl-l OWl'El<S AUT~lORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Pl<IOQ TO COMMENCING WORK. ANY EXISTNG RRIGATlO\I CONTQOL VALVES COl\l'ECTED TO EXISTNG CONTROLLER 51-lALL BE RE-CON\EC1ED TO EXISTING CONTRQI..LER. COl',Fl;?M Pl2ClPER CONTRCll...L.6! OPERATION AND NST AJ...LA TION WI™ OWI\ER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCNG WORK AND LPON COMPLETION OF WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSBLE FOR REPAIR/MODIFICATION OF ALL ADJACENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM EOUIPll.'ENT Tl-lA T IS AFFECTED BY PROPOSED ~ATION IMPl<OVE:MENTS. CONTIRACTOQ SHALL REPAR SAID SYSTEMS TO A LIKE r-€.W MANNER, PROVIDNG COMPLETE IOO£ 1-lEAD TO 1-lEAD COVERAGE N ALL AREAS W1Te4 SYSTEM LAYOUT AS APPROVED BY OWl'>EQ"S AUTl-lOOZED QEPQESENT A TIVE CONTRACTOR Sl-4ALL CONFIRM ALL AREAS REQL.12NG MODFICA TION WITH OWl'El<S AU'D-ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: PRIOR TO BIDDNG WORK AND PRIOQ TO COMM=NCNG WORK. CONTRACTOR S1-lALL BE RESPONSB..E FOR LOCATING EXISTING BACKFLOW DEVICE AND TESTNG FOR Pl2ClPER OPERATION. Sl-lOU...D BACKF\..OW DEVICE BE NOPERABLE OR NOT N PLACE CONTRACTOR ~ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAR OR REPLACEMENT OF SAID BACKFLOW DEVICE CONFIRM ANY Diso;>EPANCES WI™ OWl'El<S ALJTI.-ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO BODNG WORK AMJ PRIOR TO COMMENCNG WORK. 1' CONTRACTOQ SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOQ TI-E COillF'LETE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ALL EXISTING IRRIGATION EOUPMENT AFFECTED BY T~ PROPOSED IRRIGATION IMPl2OVEMl3\ITS. CONTRACTOQ ~ALL VERFY ALL EOLFMENT TO BE REMOVE:D Ar-.D DISPOSED OF IN FELD PRIOR TO BIDDNG W00:: AND PQIOR TO COMMENCNG WORK. CONTRACTOR ~ALL VERFY Tl-lA T Tee CONTQOL.LER 1-lAS A RAN SH.JT-OA" DEVICE Ar-.D Tl-lA T IT IS CORRE:CTL Y INSTALLED AND OPERA TONAL. 6 9 2B ll/t I 5HE£.T INDfX '.51-lEET Ti TLE: I1'-PJC:ATION Pl.J,.N l~GATI0N DETAIL~. LEGeND + NOTES PL.ANTI t-lG PLAN PLANT/NG DETA/L6 sr,:; Cl f I cA Tl ON:.> / / / / 5HE.E.T NUl"!E>E!<-··· I l. 3 + 5-f; ~ !Xh'JVC !Jf!cF !() f/{ HfMCVf!J /ND Rlf\.AC!:'f; J./ ()FS!.O!f f!!JN!S COUR !" NC. TD. I ' I ' " < 11/4" * -~8~1~~·;: ~ .. ( .\'., ..-.---c··· ~:-;;;\L .... .<fts--?-· ---"<· l'>i' I'-(;" -~' 11/4" 1· ; '\ ........ ··X···· I /!A .'J({ !f!/J! CO!J/? ! 22 ·/···· SAN DIEGO NORTHERN RAILWAY > 3/+' t X. ~;; I ,·;\ .. ,;,<"'. .. , ~,: ; •'~(,''' j ~WITCH /c,'--r,," HITTER . . ..... , !" .................................... ; ,.. ................................................ , ................................................ l E.'XISTNG RECYCLl=D RRIGATIQN,MAN..11\E 2-112' V5!1FY $1ZE'ANDL0CATION IN' FELD. NST ALL T MAS ... VALVE• P.0-C. 1 EXISTNG R.C.V. TYP., VERFY SIZE. CONDmoN, AND LOCATION IN FEl...D, . f'J 64 f) EXISTNG QUICK COL..Pl..51 VAJ...VE TYP .. V5!1FY LOCATION N Fl::IJL, ... fi£& -- NOTE• l A PI-IYSICAL SEPARATION SHALL BE PQOVIDED BETWEBIJ ADJACENT AREAS OF IRRIGATED RECYa..ED WATER AND POTABLE WATER. SEPARATION ~ALL BE PROVIDED BY DISTANCE, CONCRETE MOW STl<F'S OR OTl-6? APPROVED METl-lODS. 2. ,-OUR$ OF r.?RIGA TION WITl-l RECYCL.8) WA TEI< ARE FROM 1000 PM TO 600 A.M T~ K>LJ;!S FOR il<RIGA TION WI™ DISIN"ECTED TERTIARY RECYCLE"D WA TE':R MAY BE MODFIED BY ™E LOCAL AU™ORITY. il<RIGA TION DLRl'IIG PUEIUC USE PS!IODS WI™ DISN"ECTED TB2TIARY RECYCLE"D WA TE':R Sl-lALL BE L.NJER ™E Sl.JPERVISION OF ™E DESIGNA TIED USER SLPERVISOR. il<RIGA TION WITl-l WA TEQ OF UESSER QUALITY DISNFECTED TERTIARY RECYa..ED WA TE':R 514ALL BE ,, ....... ., .... BeTWEEN TI-E KlURS OF IO•OO P.M. AND 6'00 AM DRI\KNG AND WATER FOLNT ANS Ar-0 DESIGNATED OUTDOOR EA TING t>REAS 51-lALL BE PQOTECTED. NO OUTDOOQ DRN(NG FOUNT ANS ARE USED T1-E PROJECT. 3. EILRIAL OF ALL Wl<NG AND PPNG 51-lALL MEET CARLSBAD M_NCIPAL WA TE':R DISTRICTS RU.ES AMJ REGLI...A TIONS. 4. IF A CONST ANT PRESSURE Rl=CYCLED WATER LNE I\N..J$T BE INSTALLED ABOVE A POT ABLE LNE OR LESS Tl-lAN TWB. VE INCl-lES BELOW A POT ABLE WA TEI< LNE:, TI,cN TI-E RECYCLED WA TE':R Lf\E SHALL BE NST AU.a) WITH'J AN APPROVED PROTECTIVE SLEEVE AS PE:12 CARLSBAD MLNCPAL WATER DISTRICTS lal.ES AMJ REGU...A TIONS. I .!E.~ee,Y Dl;.C-Lf,,!.E TAAT I .AM lfe-lDSc.APE NZ-CHITEC.T Of WO~ FOi<! ru,s PtzOJECi, THAT I E)(ER.CISED R!:SPOI-LSll.'>1.-E CHAi<-GE: OVE',/Z. T~E. Dt'-SIGN. OF TJ,1/';, PFOJE:C..i AS DEFINED IN ofCTIDJ.-\ ~703 OF THE BUSils\E:S':;i <'ND pg,ofESSIDt-lS CODE MD 71-lAT THE. DE':>IGN I':> L-oN!>l':>TENT wrrn Wt.?-il lff ST AJ.J DAR D6 . I VNDEIZSTktD Ti-11\T T'-IE CHE.ct:, of Pf<-C_JECT D~ll<!,GS t-NO SPEC.1F1C.AT10N-S 8Y 1HE C.ITY' Of U/4-Sf,AD MD 11-!fo 5,4.I DIE.GO COUfJlY PEPA.f<.Tl"1t'-NT Of EN\i\ROliMEMTAL HEAL TI-I IS lOi-lflNW TO A ~v'IE.W ONLY />ND D0E5 ~OT f?.ELl!::v'E M~, AS OF WO~, OF M'( l<E':>PONSIL">ILlflE-S FOf?- PWJEC.-T PESIE>N. Fll'-M i'-l~E. AND AVP/tl½:,·. 'TEL.EPHDNE. NO: R.cGISTfl.ATIOI\I N,01 EXPIPATIO N DAT!:.: D£v'l<I..O PE-R. NA.ME. Af,,11) WJ)RE,,;{i: TE.LEPHONE ~: J II'! F.JPt'<f- fl.lD6E ~DSC#E mtllTEC,fS 3,407l v'IOl.-!cT LANTE~i-1, !>TE. c, DANA POINT. CA 'ltb:2."I (44'1) 248·'l ti 1 / (1-'!"!) 218-12/5 (FAX) CA 280i MA'( 31, ZD01 Gi<AND PACIFIC-~E:SO~T:S. Ji-IC,. 5'1 oo PA{:.TE,U~ WU ~T, SfE ioo l'Af4..Sl"lAO, CA 'J 2006 (71,,0) 4;; / --'/51',0 ,.,,.,,.., .. ::. NOTE A• l<S..& ,.:O .. TITLE !..&, FOR LOCATION OF EXiSTNG f-112" WATER IVEIER P.S:l 81 CONNECT PROPOSED VALVES 1-5 TO TI--IE EXISTING RECYCLED IRRIGATION MAIN....INE AS SI--IOWN. CONTRACTOR SI--IALL VERIFY ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION, SIZE, AND CONDITION IN FIELD. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING ST A TIC WATER PRESSURE, POC SIZE, AND MAXIMUM DEMAND IN FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE NOTED THE CONTRACTOR SI--IALL CONT ACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCI--IITECT POR DIRECTION ON I--IOW TO PROCEED. VALVES I THROUGH 6 SHALL UTILIZE THE SWITCI--I I--IITTER DIRECT BURIAL TMER TI--IA T CONVERTS ONE VAL VE CIRCUIT INTO INDEPENDENTLY TIMED ZONES. USE ONE 4 ST A TION SWITCI--I-I--IITTER CMOD. u RC0860006) POR VALVES 1-2 AND ONE 4 ST A TION SWITCI--I I--IITTER POR VALVES 3-5. CONTRACTOR SI--IALL VERIPY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD. CONTRACTOR Sl-lALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONNECTIONS AND WORK AS REQUIRED POR COMPLETE AUTOMATIC OPERATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONTROL WIRES, MAINLINE CONNECTION, CONTROLLER CONNECTION, ETC. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL LAYOUT IN PIELD Win-I OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENONG WORK. 0 10 20 NOTE• 0/T MASTER VAL VE FOR TI-E EXISTNG il<RIGA TION SYSTEM IS LOCATED ON SlRFSIDE LANE. IT IS APPROXMA TEL Y 250 FEET SOUTH FROM TI-E ENJ OF TI-E a..L-DE--SAC CONTRACTOR SHAw.. RS ER TO CARLSBAD SEAPOM RESORT Pl-4ASE ONE (DRAWNG N...l'v'iEll5! 341-21...l IRRIGATION PlANS PREPARED BY SWEEl'EY I; ASSOCIATES, NC. FOQ EXISTNG COMMON AREA IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT. CONTRACTOR SHALL V5!1FY ACTUAL E:XISTING COMMON AREA f2RIGA TION SYSTEM MANU1E LOCATION N AaD WI™ AUTHOQIZE'[, l<E.PkESc::rJT A TIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 40 NOTE• CONTl2ACTOR SHALL ADJ.JST ALL ..EADS AS REQLl;?ED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL OBSTI21...JCTIONS Tl-IA T MAY OCCI.R. NCLUDNG EUT NOT LMTED TO LIGHT POLES, FRE e4YDRANTS, ETC, VERFY ALL 1-lEAD LAYOUT WITl-l OWI\ER'S AUTl-lORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. ,------VAL VE ~N'_fl",',BE!<I Sweeney & Associctes, Inc. lrrle11•tlon D•••en &, c~n•...,ltlt'llllill ~ 35 ----GP.M. ~ L • '1ft 28441 Rancho Calf-omit! Rd. Sta. K ft.,~•~"'""..,-: T,mteula, CA 82590 ::, Q flh. ilOll~lilri--2387 fp__ ,o,.ns-2.q,7.. _,.. -------v.ALVE SIZE E-l'M•: 1 ..... -,,10Hrlhlklll:.,...t " t, r, , , o ._ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND 60 IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BU IL T'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC I-IEAL Tl-I ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENT A TIOI\ IN Flfa.O. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ J. Ridge <'2 Q RI D G l:: LA \I DSCAPE ARCHITECTS TEL 949 2-48-9211 rAX 949 2-48 9715 REVIEW[D BY: LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN SEAPOINTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR R_C.E. ______ f---+--11-----------------1------1 ~~~~;:===~,=::===:;==:::::=========~ APPROVED %1/,4,k/f U (}_ _ . ,., ~ f-D_A_TE~B_Y~------□-ES_C_R_IPT_IO_N ______ ~~"~p_p•~o___, REVISIONS ASSISTANT ~NIIQG DIR~ DWN BY--==---- CHKD ev_RS~-- rlELD BY PROJECT NO_ CT 97-06 C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX :}.,-/ f:.oP DATE DRAWING NO. DWG 365 -I rv1 @ LI.I ' "-= i ,_---:.,:-----------SHRUB ADAPTER SPRAY HEAD, SEE LEGEND IIII~ FOR SPECIFICATION -1 ---------- 12" MIN. ~ ~--- ' . ~ ~,---~------ ' ) ' I : ! I/ I ' I ' : 1_1_1 lJ I --i : ! .. , ., j I : : -: i i I, : ! J I Ii: I I' •• ' ·.,.. ' I: , . ~ ' II -. ' 11, ~(:::J=Y II ' r-,,,, SHRUB RISER ASSEMBLY, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECI Fl CATION SECURE RISER TO STAKE WITH STAINLESS STEEL "PUNCH-LOK" CLAMP, TWO REQUIRED SPRING TYPE ANTI-DRAIN VALVE SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE, LENGTH AS REQUIRED FINISHED GRADE UNDISTURBED SOIL SCH 40 PVC THREADED COUPLING PRE-ASSEMBLED TRIPLE SWING JOINT, PVC TYPE, WITH 0-RINGED JOINTS, MIPT INL~T AND MIPT OUTLET LAY LENGTH TO BE 6 MINIMUM SIZE AS PER SPRINKLER OUTLET. SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE ; ;T ·~ r--LATERAL LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS ♦ FOR TYPE AND DEPTH REQUIRED ;:: / ~ <'f--_____;::,.....___-----._, '0 ~ NOTE: ~i-----------il__=-_t---~ J/',::;:::-"-7----'--"" INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 12" FROM FENCES WALLS OR BUILDINGS. DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD WITHIN 36" OF PAVING, CURBS OR TURF EDGES. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAY TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. ® ST A TIONARY RISER-BOTTOM OF SLOPE ,--------LOW VOLTAGE Wl<ES. 3 MAXM..-M ~---0UTEl2 CASE OF COMECTOR --~,--- ..,,.,,,..--,L __ _ STRP AN) TWIST W12ES FOQ PQCJPS! CO\I\ECTION CRM> COPP51 Sl.ff\lE N.5T Ali.ED WITH l<ECOrv'MEN)B) TOOL +-- 1 l CONIECTOR 11\\SERT ------------~ ~~· . Al.. OUTS2 CASE WITH SEAl..EQ ~ TO Fl'IIAL ASSB,H. Y. @ WIRE CONNECTION IRRIGATION NOTES CLEAN COMPACTED------------, BACKFLL -<2l WARNNG TAPES FNIS~D GQA~ -..... --~--~--+------.---m l-III·III-II !..!..! = :~iff-[i] 111 LNDISTLRBED SOL-~--I ___ !!! r 111 Ulr, -7 ~ .., - LA T!=RAL u1•N:_s-·: -------,:rnll l±±!l l(''""Jr!c±lll-t-~ ~ 111 :111-111 --~ '---;-";"~_.11·····1 MAN..f\lE AND CONTOOLWJ2ES ~I I !-:1 I *1,J I-I I l~-- III 111=111=111=111=1 1J I Ill =II =11-11-.111=111-· 111=111= TAPE CONTROL ~ TO MAINLI\E 10 FEET ON CE'NTE:k! I 6. I DEPTl--6 Se-OWN ARE FOR IN GQOLND NST ALI.A TIONS. ON STia.JCTLRE INST ALL PIPING AT DEP™ S..OWN O.! AT CONCQETE SLAB DEPT~ © PIPE INSTALLATION SYM30L I ALL LOCAL M..NICPAL Al-0 STATE LAWS. i:a.LES AND l<EGU.ATIONS GOV~ O.! RE:L.ATNG TO ANY PORflON OF THS WORK ARE f6.!E±!T INCORPOl<ATED MO AND MADE A PAITT OF Tl-ESE SPECIFICATIONS AND Tl-cR PROVISIONS S~LL BE CARRE:D OUT BY T>-E CONT.!ACTO.!. 0 T H F 2 ~ CONT.!ACTOO S-w.L VERFY' ~ LOCATIONS ~ ALL l=XISTING UTLIT'ES, STRUCTU<eS AND SS<VICES EEFOQE COMM=NCNG WORK. ~ LOCATIONS OF UTIUTES, STl<UCT\.RES AND SE.!VICES SI-OWN N T~SE Pl-ANS ARE APPROXMA TE ONLY. ANY DISci:2E:PANCES BETWEEl'II Tl-l:SE PLANS AND ACTUAL FB..D CONDITIONS SI-IAU. BE 12EPOOTED TO ~ OWNER'S ~ A TIVE. G) @@ 3 T>-E CONT.!ACTOQ S-w.L 09T AN Tl-IE: PE:l<TII\ENT E:NGli',EERNG O.! ~TECTLRAL PLANS BEFORE E!EGN',N; WO.!K. 4 Tele CONT.!ACTO.! 51--lALL OBT AN ALL I\ECESSA.!Y PB2MTS 12EOL12ED TO PE:RFORM ™E WO.!K INDICATED >-EREN BEFORE: BEGlr-.NNG WO.!K. 5 ™IS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMAT'C. ALL EOUFMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOO DESIGN CLARITY 0NL Y AND IS TO BE NSTALLED WI~ PLANTNG AREAS. 6 00 NOT WLLFLILL Y NST ALL ANY EQLPMENT AS SHOWN ON ~ PLANS wi-eN IT IS OBVIOUS IN ~ FELD Tl--lAT Ll\KNOWN CO\JDITIONS EXIST Tl--lAT WERE NOT ~IDENT AT~ TL'IIE Tl-ESE PLANS WERE PRE:PARED. ANY SUCH COJ\OrTIONS S1-1AU. BE B.!OLJGI..IT TO~ ATTENTION OF~ OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PQIO.! TO ANY WORK O.! ~ IRRIGA TIOO CONT.!ACTOO $1-lALL ASSUME ALL l.!ESPONSBI.JTY FOi.' ANY FELD CHANGES DEEMED r-ECESSA.!Y BY ™E OWI\ER. @ (L) ®l @ @ @ @ @ 0 © ® @ NO SYMBOL ,-------FNSl-l GRADE N TUi2F A.!EAS ~ PLASTIC ~ I.NGL.LAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER. USE S-t"AN.ESS 80L T, N.JT, ANJ WASI-EQ. BOX TO EE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO ~DSCAPE EDGE. eEA T BRAN: 73' • CONTro.. ST A TION n ONTO LID. J~ 3· m~i; ;wi I =~1 _LIi -~ 'i'<~ 11}~i-i~ Pr-----~,1_~·~.~~,.~,"~ =11 = I /', 'I, 1=1,-,: ff ·1 i" I 24" WJ2E LOOP -r~y~•ffirff~~7c:::~__.[ _-_-_-_---= VALVE IJ TAG LATEl2AL--l::;r\ • >--11 ll\.,:_JIJ 1 '_, PVC ™D. ELL SCI-I 80 PVC ' FEMALE ADAP.-,...-xwi L_ _ _,,..,"'F---\li----CONT.!OL VALVE SCI-I. 80 PVC / ~jV,.llC' ~~ , SCI-I 80 PVC I\FPl£ TYP. L."'"' • r JI ey !?~{;!'f? ~ ~ BRICK Slf'PORTS SCI-I. 80 LNON ---~ 1..-0 ),-...--!<RIGA T10N MANLI\E '---------3/4" oo.sa:J GRAVEL TWO o..ec FEET ~-------LANDSCAPE FABl<'IC SECJ)ClN YEW -t-!T.S. @ REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE .;;;;;. ------------POP-LP SP.!N<l.ER ~AD ' -I , """ SEE LEGEND FO.! SPECIFICATION ~------FII\IS~ GRADE I TOP R.~ WI F.G. IN Tl.RF AREAS i TOP I/T ABOVE F.G. IN SI-QIJ3 A.!E'AS r--SD-< 80 NIPPLE, LENGT~ AS RE:GURED ~-1 MA.!LEX STREET ELL AND I PVC T.-QEADED ELL <90) .,,---SC~. 80 NPPLE <6' MNIMLM> ~-MARL.EX STREET a.L OUT OF LATERAL U\EFITTNG / _,..--LA T!=RAL UJ\E. DEPT~ AS SPECFED IN l.EGEI\O -Y-=,::::.......~ ~AD TO BE NST ALLED• -......... 'S1 ~ = T F.!OM ALL ClRBNG 4' Fl20M ALL WALKWAYS 12· PROM ALL BUILDINGS AND WALLS @ POP-UP SPRINKLER-TOP OF SLOPE IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND MAN..FACT. MODB.. NO. I DESCRF'TION GPM PSI .!ADlJS I-LNTB2 PGS-A--R-V-.75/L0/20 $1-Rl..BROTORI-EAD .75, 1.0, 2.0 40 20 FT 1--l.NTER PGS-ARV /3RV--OV04/06 SI--QL8 OOTOR ~AD .60, 1.4, 2.4 40 25 FT 1-LNTER PGS-ARV /'!il<V-03/05/08 SI--QLB ROTOR >-EAD 1.0. LB. 3.7 40 30FT 1--l.NTER PGS-A.!V /3RV-04/06/09 S1---12LB OOTOO 1-EAD 1.4, 2.4. 4.9 40 35 FT 1-LNTB! PGS-ARV /?RV--05/07 IK) $1-QLEl OOTOR 1--EAD 1.8. 3.0. 6.0 40 40FT 1-LNTER ALL Sl---l2LB ROTOQ e-EADS INSTALLED AT TOP OF SLOPE: MUST BE INSTALLED AS POP-LP I-EADS <PER DETAL AJ. ALL SI-Rl.B ROTOR ~S INST AU.ED AT BOTTOM OF SLOPE MAY BE INST ALlED AS I-LNTB2 PGS Sl--laB OOTORS WITH iJ.--E NOZZLE AS SHOWN <PER DET AL El. VAL.CON ADV-XS "510! (3/4") ANTIDRAN VALVE WITH EXCESS R.OW SHJT-OFF. INSTALL ON EVERY SPRIN<l.ER 1-EAD DETAL A, E' A.E A.E A,E A. E: B 7 INSTALL ALL EQUPMENT AS S-OWN N T~ DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RE:SPONSBLE TO COMf'I.. Y WITH LOCAL CITY, COLNTY AND ST A TE REQLJ;!EMENTS FOQ BOTl-l E'Ol.FlvENT AND NST ALLA TION. • RAIN 812D PE:SB SERES PLASTIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE', SIZE AS SHOWN 8 ACTUAL LOCATION FORT~ INSTALLATION OF TI-E BACKFLOW ~AND~ AUTOMATIC CONTROI..LB2 IS TO BE DETERMII\ED N TI-E FIELD BY TI-E OWll,ER'S Al.JTI-OQIZED l<EPRE:St:NT A TIVE. 9 CONT.!ACTOQ IS TO PQOVIDE= AN ADDmoNAL PLOT WRE' TO TI-E E=ND OF Tl-£' MAN...l\E RLN N TWO DQECTIONS PROM T~ Cor,.JT.!Ol.LER. 10 ALL PPE l.N)6! PAVED AREAS TO BE NSTAI I EDNA SO-I. 40 SLEEVE TWICE TI-E DIAMETER~ TI-E PPE CARRIED. ALL Wl<E LNDER PAVED A.!EAS TO BE INSTALLED N A SO-l. 40 SLIEEVE ™E SIZE RE:Qu;?ED TO EASLY PLll WRE' TI--ROL.JGI-I ALL SUEEVES TO BE INST AU.ED WIT~ A MNM..JM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON TI-E st..a':VING DE'TALS. SLffVES TO E=XTE=ND AT UEAST 12" PAST T1-E E=DGE OF n-E PA\ING, ALL 3..EEVE=S TO BE AS S..OWN ON TI-E PLANS. 0 ALL OUCK COi.PL.ER VALVES TO 8E' NSTAI I ED N SH2LB OR GROL.N) COVER AREAS Wl--lB!E POSSBL.E. ALL QUICK COLA..ER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED AS S..OWN ON ~ NST ALLA TION DET ALS. INST ALL ALL OUCK COL.Pl.ER VALVES WITI-I\I 18" OF 1,W;?DSC.APE. 12 ALL I-EADS ARE: TO 8E NST ALLED WITI--1 ~ NOZZLE, SCREeJ AND ARCS SHOWN ON ~ PLANS. ALL I-EADS ARE TO BE' ADJUSTED TO PREVeJT OVERSPQA Y ONTO El.JLDNGS, WALLS, FENCES AND 1,W;?DSC.APE. 11--1IS INCWDES. BUT II.OT LMrTED TO, ADJUSTIVENT OF DFF'USB! PIN OR ADJLISTfv'B-JT SCREW. REPLACEMBIIT OF PRESSL.RE COlv'PENSA TNG SCREENS, REPLACEIVENT OF NClZZI ES WITI--I MOl<'E APPROPRIATE RACILIS LNTS AND 11--IE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZI ES WITI-l AD.J..JST AB..E ARC l.NITS. IS INST ALL Cl-ECK VALVES AS i'-EEDED TO PREVENT LOW ~AD DRANAGE. USE= 01\E F()lJ;! STATION SWIT~ITTB! <MOD." RC0860006l FOO VALVES 1-2 AND LISE: 01\E FOLR ST A TION SWIT~ITTER <MOD. = RC0860006) FOR VALVE'S 3--5 CONT ACT swrr~ HITTER AT (510) 484-0382 AS APPROVED PVC PPE 3/4" -3" CL 200 AS LATERAL l.N:'S IT BEL.OW GRADE I\O SYMBOL AS APPROVED RRIGA TlON CONTROL WJ2E 1114LF AWG DIRECT El.RIAL QJ.l. APF'l20VED> C CD D NIA NO SYMBOL {'~.··. i eJ RI D G-E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Ttl 9"9 241-1211 F~ t"9 248 9215 RAIN 812D • s e GRISWALD '' AS ST-03 GREY 'SNAP-TITE" Wl<E CON',ECTQ.!S AND PT-S5 SE'AI ER mcrns et 18 r.:2''0 170 JI ' ,r :nrImI2:cIII··I:rn°• r * ; I 2000 E MASTER VAL VE 2· BU IL T'' DATE 1.-----'V'. A!..\11:: N..M:3ER ~---GPM t~ ____ ...,, ''.'ALl/e. SIZE' Sweeney & Associates, Inc. lr-r-llil•tlun D••'•"" & Con•ultln& t. • I If ····~•, .. 284W1 lllnf:ho Cllffomll Rd. sta. K : -:, T.,,..._ CA 92510 ~ _: I'll. 101-1115-23117 Fox. IIOl-8115-2487-· E-m11lt: 1-,10urthlt11lu•t " t, 0 1 1 Qo ,._ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVISIONS MUST 8E APPROVED SY PUBLIC ~EALT~ ENGINEER. I SH2EET II CITY OF CARLSBAD IISHE8ETS I ASST. PLANNING Dl.!E'CTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEEI<' PQIOR TO :====::::'..::· ==P=LA=N::N::IN=G=D::E::P::A::R::T::M::E::N::T==:'...'· ===; IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DETAILS SEAPOINTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR R.C.E. ____ _ R.C.E. ______ f---+---lf---------~---------1----1 :====,:---================::::; REVIEWED BY, INSPECTOR DATE .6.PPRDVED : / /'J -/??UY ;2.-/<j"-4:J i---t--+----------------+------1 ~ ... -=ss=,=sT=-c,6.c:-N=T-:P=--:LA---:-f;~-b,';N~G-:D:::l~RE=-:C:-:Tc=-0=-R----D.6.TE DAT[ BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS OWN ev_..,;; ·~·- CHKD BY __ RS __ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. CT 97-06 C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX DRAWING NO. DWG 365 -IM L2.I ________ ..,.. --,.. --- 5l PLANT LEGEND: 0 BOT ANCAL NAl\,E / COMMON NAl\,E 11,ELALBJCA OLJNQL.8\ERVIA / CAJEPUT TREE EXIST'NG TREES• fvELALEUCA QU\JOLe>ERVIA / CAJEPUT TREE SLOPE PLANTNG• 0 0 ACACIA i;/EOOLENS I CREEPING ACACIA DELOSPERMA ALBA / W~TE TRAIL.NG ICEPLANT RH.JS NTEGRFOLIA / LEMONADE Ee?QY i.ETE'ROMELES ARBUTIFOLIA I TOYON PINE / N 22Yl2'17• W 1.111 I /;JA/11Y!l. /32!13 SIZE 24" BOX I 15 GAL. <PER PLAN) EXISTING IGAL. FLATS I GAL. I GAL. N. C. T.D. R. a W. LIN£ COMVENTS MN. SIZE• ~ X 4W MN. SIZE• 8'1-1 X 3'W PLANT PER DETAIL C, Sl-1EET L4.I PLANT • 8' O.C PER DETAIL A, S~ L4.I PLANT • 18' 0.C. PB2 DET AL A. SI-EET L4.I PLANT • 18" O.C. P6? DET AL B, Sl-1EET L4.I PLANT • 18' O.C. PER DE:T AL B, Sl-1EE:T L.4,1 I 1 1 ; : :,; f OLJANmY 9 18 472 20 25 5711(){}' ,. .... ..... '"•,/"" N. C. T.D . f.';,\', t :"•":;I' EROSION CONTROL NOTES ALL DISTLQBED SL.OPE Ak'EAS Sl-1ALL BE TREATED WITl-1 TI-E FOLLOWNG (2) ST Al',DAl2D& A. ST ANDAQD ill -JUTE rvESl-1 TYPE OF .JJTE MESH SHALL BE APPl<OVED BY TI-E CITY AND STAKED TO TI-E SL.OPE AS RECOMM:NDED BY TI-E MAN..FACTIRER. JUTE ME:SH Sl-1ALL BE ~IQBJ WH:N PLANTING oca..RS BETWEEN AUGUST 15Tl-1 AND APQL 15TI--l Dl.RNG Tee REMAINDER OF TI--E YEAR, TI--E COVER CROP AI\D/012 JUTE~ MAY BE USED. B. ST ANDAQD "2 -GRCJLNDCOVER IOOt OF AQEA TO BE PLANTED WITl-1 A GROL.ND COVER KI\OWN TO HAVE EXCELL.ENT SOIL Bl'DING CHARACTERISTICS CPLANTED FROM A MNMUM SIZE: OF FLATTED MATEl<IAL AND SPACED TO PQOVIDE Rll COVB2AGE WITI-4N 0) YE:AR>. ALL SLOPES 3•1 OR $, W ~ AND 4' OR GQEA TE'R IN ~Gl-1T REOl..il<E STANDARDS I AI\D 2, ABOVE, PER CtTY OF CAQLSSAD B<!OS10N CONTTZOL REa.REMENTS. '' AS BUILT'' DATE SAN DIEGO NORTHERN RAILWA.Y --------- 6 + 15 · .. ·· ___ ~,t I X I ~~ ~~ X J ~~ ..... -!t. l ti~ -.1 N 22712'17• W 77.82' )~ , . t ~~ ~.rs~' ~ ~-4:~1 ~~ ~ I l.l/1 l JIJAfl J'l.!J. 1$927 V 0 10 20 40 60 REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, ASST PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGIN::ER PRIOR TO IMPLEMEN-A TION IN FIELD. / ~~ ~~ I ~~ ~~1 " ;5 SQ/ -t I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. fsHrnl ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN SEAPO/NTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR R.C.E. ____ _ R.C.E. ______ t-----t---1----------------+-------, ~=====::::::::===~============::::::::; APPROVED bf°B RI D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHI I E:C l S TEL 949 248~9211 FAX 949 248 9215 REVIEWED BY, INSPECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY-~=----- CHKD BY_,;RS-=--~ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. CT 97-06 C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX 2-ly-oV DATE DRAWING NO. DWG 365 -IM L3.I PLANTING NOTES A. 12EFER TO PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR SOIL PREPARATION. FERTLIZA TION, Ml.LC~ AND OT~ PLANTNG I\FORMA TION. B. NOTIFY Tf-1: OWI\EJ;/'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 48 ~S PRIOR TO COMM::NCEMENT OF WORK TO COOROINA TE PROJECT INSPECTION SCI-EDLLES. C. VERFY ALL EXISTNG CONDITIIONS, DIMENSIONS AND BEV A TIONS l3EFORE PROCEEDNG WI™ ™E Wr:::0(. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARO-HECT IMII/EDIATEL Y s-lOLLD FB.D CONDITIONS V />RY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN. D. REPORT DISCREPAr-cES IN T>-E DRAWNGS OR BETWEEN Tl-€ DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FELD CONDITIONS TO T>-E LANDSCAPE AACI-ITECT. CORRECTED DRAWINGS OR INSTRUCTION s-lALL BE ISSLED PRIOR TO TI-E CONTIN.JATIION OF THS WORK. ASSL.M:: RJLL RESPONSBIUTY FOR ALL t>ECESSARY CORRECTIONS DLE TO FAILI-QE TO QEPORT KNOWN DISCREPANCIES. E. LOCATE ALL EXlSTNG UTILITES WI-ell-ER SHOWN ~ OR NOT At-o PROTECT T>-EM FROM DAMAGE. NOTIFY Tl-€ Owt,,ER'S REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY AND ASSUVE FU.L RESPONSBUTY FOR EXPB'JSE OF Rs=>AR OR REPLACEMENT N GONJLNCTION W[l1.j DAMAGED UTUTIES. F. LOCATION OF N.I.C. CONSTRUCTION El.E/lleNTS SUCH AS LIGl-lTS, SIGNS, VENTS. ~DRANTS, TRANSFORM'3.'5, ETC. ARE APPROXIMATE. NOTIFY Tl-€ LAl'OSCAPE ARO-ffl'=CT IMMl=DIA TEL Y 51-0U.D T>-E LOCATION OF Tl-ESE ITEMS MERFERE WI™ Tl-€ PRa:>ER EXECUTION OF WORK. G. OBT AN ALL SOL FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTNG />REAS OR BERMS FROM ON-SITE EXCAVATIONS. 51-0U.D IMPORT SOIL BE IIECESSARY. SLBMT IMPORT SOL TESTING RESLLTS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO IMPORTATION. SOLS~ BE SANDY LOAM CONT AINNG NO TOXIC C>-EMICALS OR B..EMENTS wi.cµ MAY N-BT OR RET />RD NORMAL PLANT GROWTI-4. ~ AFTER ROUGl-l GRADES 14AVE BEE:N ESTABLISeD IN PLANTNG ~. 14AVE SOL SAMF'Lf=S TAKEN AT Tl-€ LOCATIONS NDICA TED BY DESIGNATION i:::. 14A VE SAMPLES TESTED SY SOL AND PLANT LAB. <714> 558-8333, FOR SOL FERTLITY, AGRICLL TILRAL SUITABLJTY TEST AND SOIL PREPAAATION RECOM/\l1EIIDATIONS. TAKE TWO SAMPLES AT EACl-4 LOCATION (D GROLND UEVEL TO ICY DEEP. (2l 24' TO 36' DS:P. EACl-4 SAMPLE 514ALL CONTAIN APPROXMA Ta Y I QUART OF SOL TO BE LABELED P5! LOCATION At-o DEPT~ INSTALL SOL PREPAAATION AND BACK FLL MIX TO COl'FORM TO T>-ESE RECOM'v1ENDA TIONS 01\L Y Lf'OO RECEPT OF WRITTEN C~ ORDER FROM Tl-€ OW!',ER. SUBMIT SOIL REPORT TO LAWSCAPE ARCl41TECT PRIOR TO A.ANTING. I. KILL AND "-'EMOVE ALL EXISTNG WEEDS FROM SITE AREAS P5! SPECFICA TIONS. J. ASSlRE POSITIVE DRANAGE IN ALL PLANTING AREAS. 2S MNMUM. K. LOCATE AND TAG ALL PLANT MATERIAL MATERIAL s-lALL BE N CCJN=<JRMANCE W[l1.j PLANTNG PLAN DESCRPTIONS ANO SPECFICA TIONS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS SLBJECT TO REVEW AW APPROVAL PRIOQ TO INSTALLATION. PROVIDE ~OTOS OF REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPUES OF EACl-4 TAGGED BLOCK TO L.AJ\DSCAPE AACl41TECT IVNM..M 21 DAYS BEFORE ANTICPATED DEL.IVERY. ~OTOS S14ALL INCLLOE A PERSON FOR SCALE P\.RPOSES, LANDSCAPE ARCHTECT MAY OPT TO QEVEW MATERIAL AT GROWNG N.RSERY. MATERIAL DELJVERED TO Tl-€ SITE MAY BE !<?EJECTED BASED ON lN-EAL TI-ftJL APPEARANCE OR NON-COJ\FORMANCE W[l1.j SPECFICA TIONS EVEN IF PREVIOUSLY l<?EVEWEO 9Y 71-e LANDSCAPE AACl4TECT OR T>-E OWT\ER. L ALL TREES WITl-4\J A SPECIES S14ALL 14AVE MATCl41t\G FOll<?M. M. RNAL LOCATION OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS $-lALL 8E SL.8.JECT TO TI-E APPROVAL OF ™E OWNER'S AU™ORIZED REF'k'ESENT A TIVE. N. PLANTNG QUANTITIES ARE GIVEN FOR CONVENIENCE O\L Y. PLANT SYM:IOLS At-D SPECFED SPACI-JG S14ALL TAKE PQECEDENCE. 0. AT EDGES OF PLANTING AREAS, Tl-€ CENTER Ut>E OF Tl-€ LAST ROW OF SI-QI.J3S At-DIOR GROI.N) COVER s-lALL BE LOCATED NO FARTl-cl? FROM TI-€ EDGE Tl4AN Oi'E-HALF Tee SPECFIED ON CENTER SPACNG. P. NST ALL GROLND COVER AND/OR Sl-laB MASSES W1Tl4 TRIANGl..l..AA SPACNG LN..ESS OTJ..6.'WISE NDICA TED. a. ALL CLRVE TO aR\IE AND CLRVE TO TANGENT Ll'ES s~ BE t,,EA T. TRIM. SMOOTl-4 AND LNIFORM. R. REMOVE ALL N.RSERY STAKES AND E:SPALER RACKS IMMEDIATELY AFTER NST ALLA TION L.PON PROVIDNG SI..F'PORT PER PLAN. S. Dl.l<I\IG Tl-€ LENG™ OF TI-E GUAAANTEE PERIOD. BE 12ESPONS19LE FOR PROPE:R ST AKNG ANO/OR GUYNG OF T1RB=S TO ENSlRE STABLITY. T. MlLCl-l ALL LAWSCAPE Al<EAS (E)(a.LJOING TlRF> 14AVNG LESS Tl4AN A 2•1 SLOPE W1Tl4 A T DEEP LA YER OF "ME:OLIM GRND M..LCl4" SLFPLED BY BLUE RIBBON I\LRSERY, C714J 633-3666 AT TI-E CONCLUSION OF PLANTING OF'ERATlONS. U. AI\N.JAL COLOR TO BE SELECTSJ BY LANDSCAPE ARCI-ITECT AT TIME OF NSTALLA TION. REOLEST QECOMMENDA TION A MNIMUM OF 48 1-0.RS "1 ADVAN::JE OF 1'EED FOIi<? DELJVERY. '' AS BU IL T'' (11, DATE NOTES A. ALL SI-QlBS / GROLND COVS!S s-lALL BE PLANTeD AT EQUAL SPACNG CTRIANGI..LARl UI\LESS O™ERWISE NOICATED ON PLANS. SEE LEGEND FOR SPACING QEOUIREM:'NTS. S~RUB / GROUND COVER SP ACING LEGEND L ONE TI-ROL..'Gl4 FFTEEN GALLON SIZE CONT ANER PLANT 2. PERMA/\B,JT WATERNG BASN -MN. 6' DEPTl-4 3. EXISTING SLOPE 4. AM:NDEO 9ACK19..L MIX -SEE SPECFICA TIONS. TAMP OR WATER SETTLE SO Til4AT PLANT DQeS NOT SN< AFTER PLANTNG. 5. FERTLIZNG TABLETS PER SPECFICATIO'I.IS 6. ROOTBALL OF PLANT -M.J$T NOT BE ROOTBOI..ND. LOOSEN ANY TIG1T-PACKED QOOTS. 7. EXISTING SOL 8. "CROWN" OF PLANT -MJST NOT BE BLRIE0 ea.ow LEVEL OF Sl.J<ROLNOING SOIL ~B) S~RUB PLANTING ON SLOPE L-SEE~ ,. ~ 2X ~ ,. 7 ' OF IKJOTBALL-, F'REVAlNG Wl,O > ~ PLAN VIEW LEGEND I. 24" CORDED TIE. SEE SPECFICA TIONS. A TT ACl-4 WITl-4 ROOFNG NALS (4 TYP.J 2 T DIA. X 10' LODGE POLE Plt>E ST AKE (2 TYPJ KEEP CLEAA OF ROOTBALL AND CROWN OF TReE. SEE SPECFICATIONS. S. WATER 9ASN S" MN DEPTl-4 AFTER WATEQING 8Y HOSE. i<EMOVE BASIN N LAWN Al<?EAS ANO AS DQECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCl41TECT. 4. EXISTNG SLOPE 5. AM:=N)SJ BACKFILL. SEE SPECIRCA TIIONS FOR MIX AND PIT SIZE. 6. PLANT TABLET PER SPECFICA TIONS. 7. EXISTNG SOL 8. SCARIFY SIDES At--0 BOTTOM OF PLANT"1G PIT. 9. SET TOP OF QOOTBALL 3· ABOVE SLRROL1'DNG GRADE AND SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE. ~C) TREE PLANTING ON SLOPE REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC 14EAL.. Tl-4 ENGINEER, ASST. 0 LANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLErvENT A TION IN FIELD. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE PLANTING DETAILS & NOTES SEAPOINTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR ~ \ ~~ R.C.E. ____ _ R.C.E. ______ r--+--t------------------11------1 ;::A==:P==:P~RO~V==:E==D=~==;::'l== /')===========~ RI D G E LANDSCA"E A~Ci--" TECTS Ttl 9◄9 2"8--9211 f,ll( 9"9 2'8 9215 Rt:VIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'□ REVISIONS {.(,>' .:<-1&-:ao ~As=s=1s=T~A-NT-P""LA"'N~l'-,-NG--"'D:...IR_E_C_TO_R ____ DATE DWN BY--,'=-,.,. __ CHKD BY ~RS~-- FIELD BY_ PROJECT NO. CT 97-06 DRAWING NO. DWG 365 -IM I C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX L4.I SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S IRRIGATION SPECIFICATlONS AND IN CASES OF CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE SPECIFICATIONS ANO CMWO'S SPECIFICATIONS, CMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. PART I -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. It is the intent of the specifications and drawings that the finished system is complete in every respect and shall be ready far aperatian satisfactory to the Owner. B. The work shall include all materials, labor, services, transportation, and equipment necessary to perform the work as indicated on the drawings, in these specification, and as necessary to complete the contract. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS A. Due to the scale of the drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc. which moy be required. The Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural ond finished conditicns affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work ta be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to ovoid conflicts between irrigation systems, plcmting, and architectural features. B. All work called for on the drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the specifications. When an item is shown on the plans but not shown on the specifications or vice verso, it shall be deemed to be os shown on bath. The Landscape Architect shall have final authority for clarification. C. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown an the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not hove been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect os soon as detected. In the event this notification is not performed, the Irrigation Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. 1.0.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide at least one english speaking person who shall be present at oll times during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being installed and the manufacturer's recommended methods of installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. 8. Monulocturer's directions and detailed drawings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturer of articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. C. All local, municipal and state lows, rules ond regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work ore hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of \he above rules and regulations of the same. However, when these specifications and drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specifications ond drawings shall toke precedence. D. All materials supplied for this project shall be new and free from ony defects. All defective materials shall be replaced immediately at no additional cost to Owner. E. The Contractor shall secure the required licenses and permits including payments of charges and fees. give required notices to public authorities, verify perm its secured or arrangements mode by others affecting the work of this section. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Materials List: 1. After award of contract and before any irrigation system materials are delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner a complete list of all irrigation systems, materials, or processes proposed to be furnished and installed os part of this contract. 2. Show manufacturer's name and catalog number for each item, furnish complete catalog cuts and technical data, furnish the manufacturer's recommendations as to the method of installation. 3. No substitutions will be allowed without review and approval by the City and prior written acceptance by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 4. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. B. Substitutions: If the Irrigation Contractor wishes to substitute any equipment or materials for those equipment or materials listed on the irrigation drawings and specifications he may do so by providing the following information to the City and the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative for approval. 1. Provide a written statement indicating the reason for making the substitution. 2. Provide catalog cut sheets, technical data, and performance information for each substitute item. 3. Provide in writing the difference in installed price if the item is accepted. 1.05 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall verify and be familiar with the locations, size and detail of points of connection provided as the source of water, electrical supply, and telephone line connection to the irrigation system. 8. Irrigation design is based on the available static water pressure shown on the drawings. Contractor shall verify static water on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. C. Prior to cutting into the soil, the Contractor shall locate all cables. conduits. sewer septic tanks, and other utilities as are commonly encountered underground and he shall toke proper precautions not to damage or disturb such improvements. If a confiict exists between the such obstacles and the proposed work, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Landscape Architect and Owner who will arrange for relocations. The Contractor will proceed in the some manner if a rock layer or any other such conditions are encountered- D. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and features to remain on and adjacent to the project site during construction. Contractor shall repair. at his own cost, all damage resulting from his operations or negligence. E. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor for installation of required sleeving as shown on the plans. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor shall permit the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative to visit and inspect at all times any part of the work and shall provide sole access for such visits. In addition, the City Inspector will ask for o preconstruction meeting end periodic inspections. 8. Where the specifications require work ta be tested by the Contractor, it shall not be covered over until accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and/or governing agencies. The Contractor shall be solely responslble for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work is ready for testing. Should any work be covered without testing or acceptance. it shall be, if so ordered, uncovered at the Contractor"s expense. C. Inspections will be required for the following at a minimum: 1. Sleeving 2. System layout 3. Pressure test of irrigation main line (Four hours ot 125 PSI or 120,i: of static water pressure, which ever is greater). 4. Coverage test of irrigation system. 5. Final inspection prior to start of maintenance period 6. Final acceptance D. Site observations and testing will not commence without the record drawings as prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. Record drawings must complete and up to dote for each site visit. E. Work which fails testing and Is not accepted will be retested. Hourly rates ond expenses of the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies 1.07 A. B. 1.08 A. B. 1.09 A. B- c_ for reinspection or retesting will be paid by the Irrigation Contractor ot no additional expense to Owner. STORAGE ANO HANDLING Use all means necessary to protect irrigation system materials before, during, and after installation and to protect the installation work ond materials of all other trodes_ In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the acceptance of the Landscape Architect and Owner and at no additional cost ta the Owner. Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing plastic pipe and fittings under cover until ready to install. Transport plastic pipe only on o vehicle with a bed long enough to allow the pipe to lay flot to avoid undue bending and concentrated external load. CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL Dispose of waste, trash, and debris in accordance with applicable lows and ordinances and as prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction. Bury no such waste material and debris on the site. Burning of trash and debris will not be permitted. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of rubbish and debris generated by his work ond worl<men at frequent intervals or when ordered to do so by the Owner's authorized representative. At the time of completion the entire site will be cleared of tools, equipment, rubbish and debris which shall be disposed of off-site in o legal disposal area. TURNOVER ITEMS Record Drawings: 1. Record accurately on one set of contract drawings all changes in the work constituting departures from the original contract drawings. 2. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded in a legible and workmanlike monner to th~ sotisfoction of the owner. Prior to final inspection of worl<, submit record drawings to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 3. Dimensions from/to permanent points of reference such as buildings, sidewalks, curbs, etc. shall be shown. Dato on record drawings shall be recorded on o day to day basis as the project is being installed. All lettering on drawings shall be minimum 1/8 inch in size. 4. Show locations and depths of the following items: a. Point of connection (including water meters, backflow preven\ers, master control valves, etc.) b. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimensions shown ot a maximum of 5. 100 feet along routing), including sleeves for pipe and wire. c. Boll valves d. Automatic remote control valves e. Quick coupling valves f. Routing of control wires g. Irrigation controllers h. Related equipment (as may be directed) Maintain record drawings on site at all times. Upon completion of work, oll as-built information and dimensions to reproducible sepia prints. Controller Charts: transfer 1. Record drawings must be approved by Landscape Architect ond/or Owner's authorized representative before charts are prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller. Chart shall show the area covered by the particular controller. 3. The chart is to be a reduced copy of the actual "record" drawing. In the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a readable size. 4. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils in thickness. Operation ond Maintenance Manuals: 1. Two individually bound copies of operntion and maintenance manuals shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative at least 10 calendar days prior to final inspection. The manuals shall describe the material installed and the proper operation of the system_ 2. Each complete. bound manual shall include the following information: a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, duration of guarantee period. list of equipment including names and addresses of locol manufacturer representatives. b. Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment. c. Spore parts lists and related manufacturer information for all equipment. 0. 1.10 A. B. C. D. 1.11 Equipment: 1. Supply as a part of this contract the following Items: a. Two (2) wrenches for disassembly and adjustment of each type of sprinkler head used In the Irrigation system. b. Three .30-lnch sprinkler keys for manual operation of control valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Two quick coupler keys with a 3/4" bronze hose bib, bent nose type with hand wheel and two coupler lid keys. e. One valve box cover key or wrench_ f. One 5-foot tee wrench for operating gate valves 3 inches or larger (if used). g. Six extra sprinkler heads of each size and type. 2_ The above equipment shall be turned over to Owner's authorized representative at the final inspection. COMPLETION At the time of the pre-maintenance period inspection, the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies will inspect the work, and if not accepted, will prepare a 11st of items to be completed by the Contractor. At the time the post-maintenance period or final inspection the work will be reinspected and final acceptance will be in writing by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies_ The Owner's authorized representative shall have final authority on all portions of the work. of After the system has been completed, the Contractor shall instruct Owner's authorized representative In the operation and maintenance of the irrigation system and shall furnish a complete set of operating and maintenance instructions. Any settling of trenches which may occur during the one-year period following acceptance shall be repaired to the owner's satisfaction by the Contractor without any additional expense to the owner_ Repairs shall include the complete restoration of all damage to planting, paving or other improvements of any kind as o result of the work. GUARANTEE A. The entire sprinkler system, including all work done under this contract, shall be uncondltronolly guaranteed against all defects and fault of material and workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade, for a period of one (1) year following the filing of the Notice of Completion. Should any problem with the irrigation system be discovered within the guarantee period, it shall be corrected by the Contractor ot no additional espense to owner within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of written notice from Owner. When the nature of the repairs as determined by the Owner constitute on emergency (i.e. broken pressure line) the Owner may proceed to make repairs at the Contractor's expense. Any and all damages ta existing improvement resulting either from faulty materials or workmanship, or from the necessary repairs to correct some, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the owner by the Contractor, oll at no additional cost to the Owner. B_ Guarantee shall be submitted on Contractors own letterhead as follows: Part 2.01 GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATlDN SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings ond specifications, ordinary wear and teoc ond unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defective material during the period of one year from date of filing of the Notice of Completion and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects ot no additional cost to the owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within 10 calendar days following written notification by the owner. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within the time specified after receipt of written notice from owner, we authorize the owner to proceed to hove said repairs or replacements mode at our expense and we will pay the costs ond charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNED: DATE: II -MATERIALS SUMMARY Use only new materials of the manufacturer, size and type shown on the drawings and specifications. Materials or equipment Installed or furnished that do not meet Landscape Architect's, Owner's, or governing agencies standards will be rejected and shall be removed from the site at no expense to the Owner. 2.02 PIPE A. Pressure supply line from point of connection through backfiow prevention unit shall be Type K "hard" copper pipe. B. Pressure supply line installed over structure shall be Type K "hard" copper pipe. Copper pressure supply line installed over structure shall be secured to the concrete slob using Architect approved fasteners. C. Pressure supply lines 2 inches in diameter and up to .3 inches in diameter downstream of backflow prevention unit shall be Closs 315 solvent weld PVC. Piping shall conform to ASTM D2241. D. Pressure supply lines 1 1 /2 inches in diameter and smaller of the back flow prevention unit shall be Schedule 40 solvent weld PVC conforming to ASTM D1785. E. Non-pressure lines 3/4 inches in diameter and larger downstream of the remote control valve shall be Class 200 PVC. Non-pressure lines 1 /2 inch in diameter shall be Class .315 PVC. Non-pressure piping shall conform to ASTM 02241. F. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be color coded "purple" in color and marked on two sides with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUllON -RECLAIMED WATER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirements on sheet 1 (L-□-□) for further information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. Reclaimed water PVC pipe shall use standard Sch. 40 PVC fittings. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be Brown line • Alertline" or equal. .. G. 2.0.3 A. B. C. o_ 2.04 A. B. c_ D. E. F. 2.05 A_ B. C. D. 2.06 A. B. C. D. Reclaimed water copper pipe to be installed with color coded warning tape in color and marked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTlON -RECLAIMED WATlER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. METAL PIPE AND FITTlNGS Bross pipe shall be 85 percent red brass, ANSI, IPS Standard 125 pounds, Schedule 40 screwed pipe. Brass fittings shall be medium brass, screwed 125-pound class. Copper pipe shall be "hard" Type K. Copper fittings shall be soldered type. PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTlNGS Pipe shall be marked continuously with manufacturer's name, nomlnal pipe size, schedule or class, PVC type and grade, National Sanitation Foundation approval, Commercial Standards designation, and date of extrusion. All plastic pipe shall be extruded of on improved PVC virgin pipe compound in accordance with ASTM 02241 or ASTM D1784. All PVC fittings shall be standard weight Schedule 40 and shall be injection molded of an improved virgin PVC fitting compound. Slip PVC fittings shall be the "deep socket" bracketed twe. Threaded plastic fittings shall be injection molded. All tees and ells shall be side gated. All fittings shall conform to ASTM D2466. All threaded nipples shall be standard weight Schedule BO with molded threads and shall con form to ASTM D1785. All solvent cementing of plastic pipe and fittings shall be a two-step process, using primer and solvent cement applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. Cement shall be of a fluid consistency, not gel-like or ropy. Solvent cementing shall be in conformance with ASTM D2564 and ASTM D2855. When connection is plastic to metal, female adapters shall be hand tightened, plus one turn with o strap wrench. Joint compound shall be non-lead base Teflon paste, tape, or equal. BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS The b□ckflow prevention uni\ shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings_ The backflow prevention unit shall be installed in accordance with the requirements set forth by local codes. The backflow prevention assembly shall consist of brass piping, unions and fittings_ Sockflow preventer enclosure shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. Enclosure shall be constructed of .3/16" stainless steel angle stock with 1-1 /2" No. 9 expanded metal panels and a 3/8" U-bolt lock to be secured to the concrete mounting pod. VALVES Boll Valves: 1. Ball valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Ball valves shall be double union design, Sch. 80 PVC blocked, with Teflon ball seats. End connector carrier and stem ore to have either EPDM or Viton 0-rings_ Boll valves ore to have threaded connections. .3. All ball valves shall hove o minimum working pressure of not less than 125 psi and shall conform to AWWA standards. Quick Coupler Valves: 1. Quick coupler valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Quick coupler valves shall be brass with a wall thickness guaranteed to withstand normal working pressure of 150 psi without leakage. Valves shall hove 3/4 female threads opening at base, with two-piece body. Valves to be operated only with o coupler key, designed for that purpose_ Coupler key is inserted Into valve and a positive, watertight connection shall be made between the coupler key and valve. Hinge cover shall be the locking type constructed of brass with a rubber-like vinyl cover_ Automatic Control Valves: 1. Automatic control valves shall be of \he manufacturer, size, ond type indicated on the drawings. 2. Automatic control valves shall be electrically operated. Anti-drain Valves: 1. Anti-drain valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drowings. 2. Anti-drain valves shall have 18-B stainless steel springs and valve stems with Buno-N seals. 3. Anti-drain valves will have threaded connections the are to be installed onto, or the next available size. valves are allowed. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING SHEET size of the riser or pipe they No slip connection anti-drain APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION ONLY, LOCATION OF PLANTING AND INCLUDING PRECISE PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BUILT'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC eEAL T'" ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR ANO DISTRICT ENGlr-.EER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT RI D G E LANDSCAPE ARC.HI TFC.TS TEL 949 2>18-9211 FAX 949 2>18 9215 R.C.E. ______ _ R[Vl[W[O BYc INSPECTOR R.C.(. _______ _ DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS APP'O LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS SEAPOINTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR APPROVED ~/) AS-SI-S-TA_N_T~r1f"'-~.,.N-IN-~-DI-R-EC_T_Q_R----~{t-4V OWN BY __ -';'! ,r:c__ __ CHKD 9y_R_S __ _ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. CT 97-06 C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX DRAWING NO_ DWG 365 -IM L5.I SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION (cont'd) Part II -MATERIALS (cont'd) 2.07 VALVE BOXES A. Volve boxes shall be fabricated from a durable, Weather-resistant plastic material resistant to sunlight and chemical action of soils. B The valve box cover shall be purple in color, secured with bolts and marked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further information. Reclaimed water valve boxes must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing agencies. C. The cover and box shall be capable of sustoining o load of 1,500 pounds. D. Valve box extensions shall be by the same manufacturer os the valve box. E. Automatic control valve boxes shall be 16"x11 "xl 2· rectangular size. Valve box covers shall be "heat branded" in 2" high letters "RCV" with the valve identification number. F. Boll valve, flush valve, master valve and quick coupler valve boxes shall be 10" circular size. Valve box covers shall be "heat branded" in 2" high letters with either "BV", "FV", 11 MV" or "Qcv•_ 2.08 AU TOMA llC CONTROLLER Automatic controller shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2.09 ELECTRICAL A. All electrical equipment sholl be NEMA Type 3, waterproofed for exterior installations. B. All electrical work shall conform to local codes and ordinances. 2.10 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING A. Remote control wire shall be direct-burial AWG-UF type, size as indicated on the drawings, ond in no cose smaller than 14 gouge. B. Connections shall be either epoxy-sealed pocket type or Penn-TTte connectors. C. Ground wires shall be white in color. Control wires shall be red ( where two or mare controllers are used, the control wires shall be a differentcolor for each controller. These colors shall be noted on the "Record Drawings plans located on controller door). D. Provide a 24" long expansion loop for all directional changes in control wire routing. 2.11 IRRIGATION HEADS A. Sprinkler heads and drip emitters shall be of the manufacturer, si,e, type, with rcdius of throw, operating pressure, and discharge rate indicated on the drawings. B. Pop-up heads and riser heads shall be used as indicated on the drawings. Part Ill -EXECUllON 3.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. SITE CONDITIONS In spec\ ions: 1. Prior to all work of this section, carefully inspect the installed worl( of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. 2. Verify that irrigation system may be installed in strict accordance with all pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, the referenced standards, and the manufacturer's recommendations. Discrepancies: 1. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 2. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all discrepancies have been resolved. Grades: 1. Before starting work, corefully check all grodes to determine thot work may safely proceed, keeping within the specified material depths with respect to finish grade. 2. Final grades shall be accepted by the Engineer before wark an this section will be allowed to begin. Field Measurements: 1. Make all necessary measurements in the field to ensure precise fit of items in accordance with the original design. Contractor shall coordinate the installation of oll irrigation materials with all other work. 2. All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check and verify all size dimensions prior to proceeding with work under this section. 3. Exercise extreme core in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations neglect. Diogrommotic Intent: The drawings are essentially diagrammatic. The size and location of equipment and fixtures are drawn to scale where possihle. Provide offsets in piping changes in equipment locations as necessary to conform with structures and to ovoid obstructions or conflicts with other work at no additional expense to Owner. Layout: 1. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stoke out all pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads, valves, backflow preventer, and automatic controller. 2. Layout irrigation system and make minor adjustments required due to differences between site and drawings. Where piping is shown on drawings under paved areas, but running parallel and adjacent ta planted areas, install the piping in the planted areas. Water Supply Connections to, or the installation of, the water supply shall be at the locations shown on the drawings. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions sholl be mode at no additional expense to Owner. H. Electrical Service: 1. Connections to the electrical supply shall be at the locations shown on the drawings. Minor changes caused by site conditions shall be made ot no additional expense to Owner. 2. Contractor sholl make 120 volt connection to the irrigation controllers. Electrical power source to controller locations shall be provided by others. 3.02 TRENCHING A. Excavations shall be straight with vertical sides, even grade, and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated an drowings to the depths below finished grade and as noted. Where lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrade, B. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches on pressure supply lines 2 inches and smaller, or os ovailable when instolled over structure. C. ProYide minimum cover of 18 inches for control wires, or as available when instolled over structure. D. Provide minimum cover of 12 inches for non-pressure lines, or os available when installed over structure. F. 3.03 A. Pipes installed in a common trench shall have o 6 inch minimum space between pipes. BACKFILLING Bock/ill material on all lines shall be the some as adjacent sail free of debris, litter, and rocks over 1 /2 inch in diameter. B. Backfill shall be tamped in 4-inch layers under the pipe and uniformly on both sides for the full width of the trench and the full length of the pipe. Backfill materials shall be sufficiently damp to permit thorough compaction, free of voids. Backfill shall be compacted to dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil and shall conform to adjacent grades. C. Flooding in lieu of tamping is not allowed. D. Under no circumstances shall truck wheels be used to compact backfill. E. Provide sond backfill a minimum of 6 inches over and under all piping under paved areas. 3.04 PIPING A. Piping under existing pavement may be installed by jocking, boring, or hydraulic driving. No hydraulic driving Is permitted under ospholt pavement. B. Cutting or breaking of existing pavement is nat permitted. C. Carefully inspect all pipe and fittings before installotion, removing dirt, scole, burrs reaming. Install pipe with all markings up for visual inspection and verification. D. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. E. All lines shall hove o minimum clearance of 6 inches from each other and 12 inches from lines of other trades. F. Parallel lines shall nat be installed directly over each other. G. In solvent welding, use only the specified primer ond solvent cement and make all joints in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommended methods including wiping all excess solvent from each weld. Allow solvent welds at least 15 minutes setup time before moving or handling and 24 hours curing time before filling. H. PVC pipe shall be installed in a manner which will provide for expansion contraction as recommended by the pipe manufocturer, I. Centerload all plastic pipe prior to pressure testing. J. All threaded plastic-to-plastic connections shall be assembled using Teflon tape or Teflon poste. K. For plostic-to-metal connections. work the metol connections first. Use a non-hardening pipe dope on all threaded plastic-to-metal connections, e~cept where noted otherwise. All plastic-ta-metal connections shall be made with plastic female adapters. L. All connections between PVC lateral lines shall be made using Sch. 40 PVC fittings with compression adapters. All connections between dripperlines to be mode using compression fittings of manufacturer of the drlpperllne. Use no pipe dope, Teflon tape, primer or solvent cement on compression fittings. .3.05 CONTROLLER A. The exact location of the controller shall be approved by the Landscape Architect or Owner's outhori,ed representative before installation. The electrical service shall be coordinated with this location. B. The Irrigation Controctor shall be responsible for the final electricol hook up to irrigation controller. C. The irrigation system shall be pro1,rammed to operate during the periods of minimal use of the design area. 3.06 CONTROL WIRING A. Low voltage control wiring shall occupy the some trench and shall be installed along the same route as the pressure supply lines whenever possible. B. C. D. E. Where more than one wire is placed in o trench, the wiring shall be toped together in o bundle at intervals of 10 feet. Bundle shall be secured to the mainline with tape at intervals of 20 feet. All connections shall be of on approved type and shall occur in a valve box. Provide an 18 inch service loop at each connection. An expansion loop of 12 inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directional change, and one of 24 inches shall be provided at each remote control valve. A continuous run of wire shall be used between a controller and each remote control valve. Under no circumstances shall splices be used without prior approval. 3.07 VALVES A. Automatic control valves, manual valves, gate valves, and ball valves are to be installed in the approximate locations indicated on the drawings. B. Valve shall be installed in shrub areas whenever possible. C. Install all valves os indicated in the detail drawings. D. Valves ta be installed in valve boxes shall be Installed one valve per box. 3.08 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shall be installed in shrub areas whenever possible. B. Each valve box shall be installed on o foundation of 3/4 inch grovel backfill, 3 cubic feet minimum. Valve boxes shall· be installed with their tops 1 /2 inch above the surface of surrounding finish grade in lawn areas and 2 inches above finish grode in ground cover oreos. 3.09 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS A. B. c. Install bockflow preventer unit as indicated in the detail drawings. Install backflow assemblies at locations approved in the field and at height required by local codes. Install wye strainers and pressure regulators on the bockflow assembly. D. If backfiow preventer is installed adjacent to a building, wall, or other obstruction, install unit so that the test cocks ore facing outward away from the obstruction. E. Install bockflow enclosure as recommended by the manufacturer. .3.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler heads sholl be Installed as indicated on the drawings. B. Spacing of heads sholl not exceed maximum indicated on the drawings. C. Riser nipples shall be of the same size as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. D. Pop-up sprinkler heads shall not be installed using side outlet openings. 3.11 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A. Install all ossemblies specified herein according to the respective detail drowings or specifications, using best standard practices. B. Quick coupler valves shall be set approximotely 12 inches from walks, curbs, heoder boards, or paved areas where opplicoble. C. Unless designed as on integral port of the irrigation head, anti-drain valves will be installed under every head. The anti-drain valve will be the same diameter os the riser and be integral to the riser assembly, D. Install rain sensor os indicated on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.12 FLUSHING THE SYSTEM A. Prior to instollation of sprinkler nozzles, the valves shall be opened and o full heod of water used to flush out the lines and risers. B. Sprinkler nozzles shall be installed after flushing the system has been completed. 3.13 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM A. Contractor sholl ad}JS'I: valves, align heads, ond check coverage of each system prior to coverage test. B. If it is determined by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative that additional odjustments or no22le changes will be required to provide proper coverage, all necessary changes or adjustments shall be made prior to any planting. C. The entire system shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence. D. Automatic control volves ore to be odj.Jsted so that the sprinkler heads operate at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. .3.14 TESTING AND OBSERVA llON A. Do not allow or cause any of the work of this section to be covered up or enclosed until it has been observed, tested and accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. B. The Contractor sholl be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, o minimum of 48 hours In advance, where and when the work is ready for testing. C. When the sprinkler system is completed, the Contractor shall perform a coverage test af each system in its entirety to determine if the water coverage for the planted areas is complete and adequate in the presence of the Landscape Architect. D. The Contractor shall furnish oil materials and perfomn all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations tram the plans, or where the system hos been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Landscape Architect. This test shall be accepted by the Landscape Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. E. Final inspection will nat commence without record drawings os prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. .3.15 MAINTENANCE During the maintenance period the Contractor shall adj.Jst and maintain the irrigation system in o fully operatianol condition providing complete irrigation coverage ta oll intended plantings. 3.16 COMPLETION CLEANING Cleon-up shall be made as each portion of the work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be broomed, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. END OF SECTION '' AS BU IL T'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC f-EAL T~ ENGINEER, ASST PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRIC~ ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. -RI D G E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS TEL 9-49 248-9211 FAX M9 248 9215 R.C.E. ______ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE R.C.E. _______ _ DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'□ 0,6,TE REVISIONS APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PL.ANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT II SHE:Ts I LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS SEAPOINTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR ~ -<-ltf-® APPROVED ~?/.,r,,tJ -AS_S_I-ST_A_N_T__,~N----'N"-IN-G--D-IR_E_C-TO_R _____ DATE DWN BY _ _,'--==-- CHKD 8Y __ R"'S'--- fl[LD BY l"ROJ[CT NO. CT 97-06 C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX ORAWING NO. DWG 365 -IM L5.2 SECTION 02950 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Soil Preporation. B. Planting. C. Staking. D. Sodding. E. Clean up. F. Container Pot Planting. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 02611 -Londscope Irrigation System. 8. Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality. 1. Submit documentation at least 60 days prior to planting that all plant materials are available. Materials are subject to inspection after confirmation of ordering. 2. Materials are subject to inspection at place of growth and upon delivery, for conformity to specifications. Inspection, approval and rejection can also take place at other times during progress of work. 3. Request, in writing, inspection of plant materials ot place af growth. Identify place of growth, and quantity of plants to be inspected. Inspection moy be waived at the Owner's option. 4. As described in the planting notes for tree tagging , the Landscape Architect may apt ta either visit the tree nursery or review photographs submitted by the Contractor. In either case visit the nursery and select trees conforming lo specifications prior to review by the Landscape Architect. Should trees not meet specifications at the time of review in person by the Londscape Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current billing rate. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to installation submit for review and approval specifications and product informo\ion on items being used on project. Submit bound with list of items as cover sheet. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE ANO HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer to site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guor,onteed chemical analysis, name, trade mark, and conformance to State law. 8. Provide copies of receipts for all amendments specified in these specifications or in the Soils Report. C. Deliver plants with legible identification labels. Label trees, evergreens, bundles of containers of like shrubs ond groundcover plants. State correct plant name and size indicated on plant list. Use durable waterproof labels with water-resistant ink which will remain legible for at least 60 days. D. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damage ta root ball or desiccation of leaves. E. Notify Owner 7 days in advance of delivery of plant materiols and submit itemization of plants in each delivery. F. Store plants in shade and protect from weather. G. Maintain and protect plant material in a healthy. vigorous condition. H. Exercise care in handling. loading. unloading and storing of plont materials. Replace damaged materials. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions ore suitable in accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Coordinate this work of this section with installation of underground irrigation system, utilities, piping and watering heads. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Owner reserves the right to toke and analyze samples of materials for conformity ta specifications. Provide samples for testing upon request. Remove rejected materials from site immediately upon rejection at no additional cost. Testing costs will be paid for by Owner if materials prove to be in compliance with specificotions. B. Prior to amending sails, contractor shall have sail tested for agricultural suitability os described in planting notes. City inspector must approve soil test recommendations prior to delivery of sail amendments on site. C. Provide 1 cubic foot sample of medium grind topping mulch to Owner review and approval. 1.08 GUARANTEE and City In specter for A. Guarantee materials against poor, inadequate, diseased ond inferior materials and workmanship for one year after 90 day mointenonce ogreement expirotion. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2. 01 MATERIALS A. The following organic, soil amendments and fertilizer are to be used for bid purposes only. Specific amendments ond fertilizer will be selected and specified after rough grading operations are complete and Contractor hos hod soil samples tested. B. Provide standard, approved and first-grade quality materiols, in prime condition when installed and accepted. Deliver commercially processed and packaged material in manufacturer's unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Supply a sample of all supplied materials accompanied by analytical data from an approved lobaratary source illustrating compliance, or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. C. Orgonic Amendment: 1. Nitrogen Stabilized: 0.56 to 0.84 percent N based on dry weight for woad residual or rice hulls. 2. Particle Size: 95 to 100 percent possing 6.35 mm standard sieve; 80 ta 100 percent passing 2 33 mm standard sieve. 3. Salinity: Ensure that saturation extract conductivity does not exceed 3.5 millimohs per centimeter at 25 degrees C. as determined by soturotion extroct method. 4. Iron Content: Minimum 0.08 percent dilute acid soluble Fe on dry weight basls. 5. Ash: 0 to 6 percent dry weight. D. Soil Amendment: 1. Soil Sulfur: Agricultural grade sulfur containing minimum of 99 percent sulfur expressed as elemental. 2. Iron Sulfate: 20 percent iron expressed as metallic iron, derived from ferric and ferrous sulphate, 10 percent sulfur expressed as elemental. 3. Calcium Carbonate: 95 percent lime as derived from oyster shells. · 4. Gypsum: Agricultural grode product containing 98 percent minimum calcium sulphate. E. Fertilizer: 1. Planting Fertilizer: pelleted or granular form consisting of the following percents by weight and mixed by commercial fertilizer supplier: 6-nitrogen, 20-phospharic acid, 20-potosh. 2. Planting Tablets: Provide slow-release type with potentiol acidity of not more than 5 percent by weight contoining the fallowing percents by weight of nutrients listed: 20-nitrogen, 1 □-phosphoric acid, 5-potosh, 2.6-combined calcium, 1.6-combined sulphur, 0.35-iron elemental from ferrous sulfate. Provide in 21 gram tablets manufactured by Agriform, or other approved. 3. Hydroseeding Fertilizer: provide ommonium phosphate which consists of the following percent by weight and mixed by o commercial fertilizer supplier: 16-nitrogen, 20-phosphoric acid, 0-potash. 4. Pre-Sod fertilizer: Provide type consisting of the following percents by weight and mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier: 16-hydrogen, 20-phosphorlc acid, 8-patash. 5. Sulpho\e of patosh: 0-0-50. 6. Single super-phosphate: Commercial product containing 18 to 20 percent available Phosphoric Pentoxide, or other approved. 7. Urea formaldehyde: 38-0-0. F. Import or Amended Top Soil: Ensure silt plus clay content of top soil does not exceed 20 percent by weight, with a minimum 95 percent passing the 2.0 mm sieve. Do not allow the sodium absorption ratio SAR to exceed 6. The electrical conductivity (ECE) of the saturation extract cannot exceed 3.0 millimohs per centimeter ot 25 degrees C. Ensure baron content Is less than 1 part per million as measured on the saturation extract. To ensure compliance with these requirements, submit samples of soil for analysis prior ta, and follawtng backfilling. G. Plant Materials: 1. Provide plant materials in accordance with State Department of Agriculture's regulation for nursery inspections, rules and ratings. Provide plants with a normal habit of growth, sound, healthy, vigorous ond free from insect infestations, plant diseases, sunscalds, and other disfigurements. Ensure tree trunks are sturdy and have well hardened systems and vigorous ond fibrous root systems which are not root or pot-bound. In the event of disogreement as to condition of root system, the root conditions of the furnished plants in contoiners will be determined by removal of earth from the roots of not less then two plonts, or more than 2 percent of the total number of plants of each species or variety. Where container grown plants ore from several sources, root.s of not lt!!ss than two plants of each species or variety from each source will be inspected. In the event that the sample plants inspected are found to be defective, the entire lot or lats of plants represented by the defective samples may be rejected. Plants rendered unsuitable for planting due to this inspection will be considered samples ond will be provided at no cost to the Owner. 2. Size of plants will correspond with that normally expected for species and variety of commercially ovailable nursery stack or as specified an drawings. The minimum acceptable size of plants measured before pruning with the branches in normal position, must conform with the measurements specified in plant list. If approved by The Owner, larger sized plants may be used, but without additional cost. If larger plants are approved for use, the ball of earth or spreed of roots for each plant will be increased proportionately, 3. Plonts not meeting requirements of these specifications ore considered to be defective whether in place or not. They must be Immediately removed and replaced with new acceptable ond approved plants of the required size, species and variety at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Pruning: Do not prune, trim, top or alter the shape of trees or plants except as approved. 5. Provide plant material true to botanical and common name and variety as specified in Annotated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants In California, Oregon and Washington, published by University of California Schaal of Agriculture (latest edition). 6. Nursery Grown and Collected Stack: Grow under climatic conditions similar to those in locality of project; contoiner-grown stock in vigorous, healthy condition, not root-bound or with root system hardened off. Use only liner stack plant material which is well established in removable containers or formed homogeneous soil sections. 7. Sod: Provide Marathon, 8. Select trees which are aesthetically desirable and ore good examples of the species. Trees with gashes, mishappen trunks or branches, topped leaders, structural defects, badly crossed branches, or other visual defects will not be accepted. H. Guying and Stoking Materials: 1. Wood Tree Stokes: lodge pole pine, full treated iwth Coppernaphthanote Wood Preservative in strict accordance with FS TT-W-572 Type I. Composition 8,2 inch minimal normal size diameter by 10 feet long, no split stakes, 2. TTes: Provide 36 inch carded rubber tie as manufactured by Gro-Strait Products, wire and hose tie by Nunes Turfgross, or other approved. Provide rigid tie stock No. LP, 24 inches as manufactured by VIT company or other approved. 3. Steel Guy Anchor: provide 3/4 inch diameter by 36 inch steel vane os manufactured by Maxwell Steel Company, or other approved. 4. Guying Hardware: Wire-pliable 9 gauge galvanized; hose 1/2 inch new rubber; turnbuckles -galvanized or dip painted, size as required; safety sleeve -1/2 inch white pvc full length of wire. I. Tree Point: Provide Morrison Tree Seal, Cabot Tree Paint, or other approved. J, Water: Provide cleon, potable woter. K. Mulch: Provide medium grind bark such as supplied by Michael Rawls Company (714)633-3666, planting note "W", Sheet 5. ~ansisting of fibrous, woody bark mixture of varied particle size such that 90 to 100 percent passes 1 inch sieve, 80 to 100 percent posses 1/2 inch sieve. and 20 to 60 percent posses 1 /4 inch sieve, or approved equal. L. Wood Heoderboords: 1. Provide 2 inch by 4 inch pressure treated Douglas fir or redwood construction grade headerboords. Make splices with 1 inch by 4 inch pieces no less that 12 inches long. Place 1 inch by 3 inch by 16 inc stokes ot intervals of not more thon 5 feet. Cut stakes level and set below top headerboards. 2. On sharp turns and curves, four 1 /2 inch by 4 inch laminated boards, or two 1 inch by 4 inch laminated boards may be permitted. 3. Nail stokes and splices with golvonized common nails. Nail as required for solid installation. 4. Provide headerboards as shown on drawings, laid true to line and grade. protect in-place adjacent improvements, shrubbery and other properties. Place stakes on ground cover sod of heoderboards_ M. Sand: Provide washed silico sand. N. Roat Barrier: UB24-2 by Deep Roat Corp., (714)896-0563. Install with gravel backfill option per mcnufocturers specifications. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Obtain certification that final grades to 1/10 foot have been established prior to commencing landscaping operations. Provide for inclusion of all amendments, settling, etc. Be responsible for shaping all planting areas as indicated on drawings or as required. 8. Inspect trees, shrubs and liner stock plont moterial for injury, insect infestation and trees and shrubs for improper pruning. C. Do not begin planting of trees until deficiencies are corrected or plants replaced. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Soil Preparation: 1. After proper finished grades have been verified or established, condition and fertilize soil in accordance with recommendations of sail testing laboratory and as approved by Owner and City Inspector. The following is for bid purposes only. Uniformly spread and cultivate amendments thoroughly by means of mechanical tiller into top [6] inches of soil. Application rotes per 1,000 square feet: Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment - 16-6-8 Commercial Fertili2er - Agriculturol gypsum - Soil sulphur - 6 cubic yards 15 Pounds 200 pounds 15 pounds 2. At time of planting, ensure that tap 2 Inches of all areas ta be planted or seeded are free of ,atones, stumps, and other deleterious matter 1 inch in diameter or larger, and free from wire, plaster, concrete, wood, and similar materials which would cause hindronce to plontlng or maintenance. B. Final Grades: Make minor modifications to grade as may be necessary ta establish required final grode. Ensure that finish grade provides proper drainage of the site and surface drainage is away from building. Final grades ore to be 1 inch below adjacent paved areas, sidewolks, valve boxes, headers, clean-outs. drains, manholes. etc., or as shown on drawings or required by Architect. Eliminate erasion scars prior to commencing maintenance period. 3.03 JUTE MATTING A. Apply ond incorporate fertilizer ond amendments into the soil as specified prior to jute matting installation. B. Roll matting in the direction of the flow of water and smooth and secure in piece In all areas indicated on plans or os required by local jurisdictions. The material shall be applied without stretching and lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. In coses where one roll of matting ends and a second roll storts, the up-slope or up-channel piece shall be brought over the burled end of the second roll so thot there is a 12 inch overlap. Where two or more widths of matting are applied, side by side, the overlap shall be not less than 3 inches. C. Maintain jute matting until all work an the Project has been completed and accepted. Maintenance sholl consist of the repair of eroded areas and the repair or replacement and restapling of loose or undermined matting, including reseeding and bedding. D. Make check slots before the matting is rolled out: For drainage channel installation, dig a narrow trench, min. 6" wide X 8" deep, perpendicular to the direction of the flow. Fold jute, the same width os the trench, press into trench and bury with sail. Location of check slats shall be a maximum of 50 feet apart. For slope installation. dig a narrow trench, min. 8" wide X B" deep, along the top and toe of the slope. Fold jute, the same width as the trench, press into trench and bury with soil. E. Overlap which runs parallel to the direction of the flow In channel bottoms shall be stapled at 2-inch intervals. Outside edges, centers and overlaps on bonks shall be stapled across the channel ot 6-inch intervals. F. Spread loose topsails aver outside edges to allow for smooth entry of water. G. Tap dress jute oreo with a thin layer of topsoil. After the tap dressing, the yarns shall still be vlslble. H. Install plant material through matting. I. Any clods, which hold the jute off the ground shall be stamped into the soil. Force jute motting down into ony depressions and hold there with o staple. J. The matting shall completely covered all areas os shown. Overlaps must be ample and well stapled, Lay matting smoothly, loosely, and in continuous contact with the soil surface ot all points. 3.04 PLANTING INSTALLATION 4. Provide excavated holes with vertical sides with roughened surfaces and of a size twice the diameter and 1-1/2 times the depth of the root boll for oil trees and shrubs. 5. Remove bottom of plant boxes before planting. Remove sides without damage to root ball ofter positioning plant and partially backfilling. 6. Center plant in pit or trench. 7. Face plants with fullest growth into prevailing wind. 8. Set pion\ plumb and hold rigidly in position until soil hos been firmed around ball or roots. 9. Backfill for container plants to be: 6 parts by volume on-site soil 4 parts by volume organic amendment 1 pound 6-20-20 fertilizer mix/cu. yd. of mix 2 pounds iron sulfate per cubic yard of mix Note: The above is for bid purposes only. Specific backfill recommendations are mode as o result of the soils testing described on the planting plan. 10. Raise all plants which settle deeper than the surrounding grade. After plant hos been placed, add sufficient backfill to hole to cover approximately 1 /2 of root ball. Add water to the top ond thoroughly saturate root boll and adjacent soil. 11. After water has completely drained, place planting tablets (21 gram unless otherwise noted): 1 5 gram tablet per plug of flatted groundcover 1 tablet per 1-gallon container 2 tablets per 5-gallon container 3 tablets per 15-gallan container 4 tablets per 24 inch box 5 toblets per JO inch box 6 tablets per 36 inch box 7 tablets per 42 inch box B tablets per 48 inch and larger boxes Set planting tablets with each plant on top of root ball while plants are still in their containers so the required number of tablets can be verified. 12. Backfill remainder of hole and tamp firm. Construct an earthen basin around eoch pion\ ofter backfilling. Provide basin of depth sufficient to hold at least 2 inches of water. Construct basins with amended backfill. Remove basin in all turf areas after initial watering. 13. Limit pruning ta minimum necessary. Remove injured twigs and branches. Pruning may not be done prior ta delivery of plants. Paint cuts over 3/4 inch in diameter with tree point. 14. Stake trees immediately after planting. Install stokes plumb. 15. Do not bring iron sulfate into contact with concrete surfoces due to potential staining. Contractor is responsible for cleaning or replacing stained surfoces. E. Planting Groundcaver: 1. Ensure that graundcover remains in the flats until transplanting. Flats' soil must contain sufficient moisture so it will not foll apart when lifting plants. 2. Plant groundcavers in straight rows evenly spaced unless shown otherwise, ond at intervals required by drawings. Use triangular spacing unless otherwise noted on drawings. 3. Plant each rooted plant with its proportionate amount of flat soil. Immediately sprinkle ofter plonting until entire area is soaked to full depth of each hole. Protect plants from damage and trampling. F. Sod Planting: 1. Remove racks, weeds, debris from areas ta be sodded. Work up soil to a depth of 6 inches, and break up all clods. 2. Carefully smooth all surfaces to be sodded. Roll area to expose soil depressions or surface irregularities. Regrade os required. 3. Spread turf fertilizer 16-20-0 onto soil evenly at rote of one pound per 100 square feet of lawn area. Rake in lightly. Be sure soil is level and smooth before laying sod. Avoid laying sod on bone dry soil. 4. Lay first strip of sod slabs along a straight line use a string in irregular areas. Butt joints tightly, do not overlap edges. On second strip, stagger joints much as in laying masonry. Use o sharp knife to cut sod ta fit curves, edges, sprinkler heads. 5. Do not lay whole lawn before watering. When o conveniently large area has been sodded, water lightly preventing drying. Continue to lay sod, and to water until installotion is complete. 6. After laying sod, roll lightly to eliminate irregularities and to form good contact between sod and soil. Avoid heavy roller or excessive initial watering which may cause roller morks. 7. Water thoroughly the completed lawn surface. Soil should be moistened at least 8 inches deep. Repeat sprinkling or regular intervals to keep sod moist at all times until rooted. After sod is estoblished, decrease frequency and increase amount of water per application as necessary. 8. Replace all dead or dying sod with equal material. G. Container Pat Planting: 1. If not specified, submit annual color choices to Owner for approval. 2. Place plants and liners as required. 3. Backfill pot to within 1 inch of rim with a thoroughly mixed blend of: 4 cy washed plaster sand, 3 cy peat moss, 3 cy fiNe nitrolized fir bark, 4 lbs Calcium Carbonate lime, 4 lbs Dolomite lime, 20 lbs 6-20-20 fertilizer, 1 lb Iron sulfate. Amounts are for 10 cy. H. Mulch Cover: Dress all groundcaver, perennial and annual beds with J" layer of mulch, except 3: 1 slopes and turf oreos. 3.05 CLEAN-UP A. General: 1. Perform actual planting only during those periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable and in accordance with locolly accepted practice, as approved. 2. Distribute in planting oreas only as many plants as can be planted and watered that some day. 3. Ensure that containers which are opened and plants removed are handled with care such that boll of earth surrounding roots is not broken and \hot plants are planted and wotered immediately. Do not open containers prior to placing plants in planting areas. 4. The irrigation system shall be operotionol and approved prior to planting. B. Pre-Plant Weed Control -NOT APPLICABLE 1. Use a non-selective systemic contact herbicide as recommended and applied by an approved licensed landscape pest control advisor and opplicotar. Leove sprayed plants intact for at least 15 days. 2. Clear and remove these existing weeds by mowing or grubbing off al: plant ports ot leost 1/4 inch below surfoce of soil over entire areos to be planted. 3. After irrigation system is operational, apply water for 5 to 10 days as needed to achieve weed germinotion. Apply contact herbicides and wait as needed before planting. Repeat os required. 4. Maintain weed free site until acceptance by Owner. C. Loy-Out: Mark locollons for plants and outlines of areas to be planted before any plant pits ore dug. Gain Owner approval. If underground construction or utility lines ore encountered in the excavation of planting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by Owner. Accomplish layout with flogged grade stakes indicating plant names and specified container size on each stake. Confirm location and depth of underground utilities and obstructions. D. Planting of Trees and Shrubs: 1. Strip ond stack approved excavation for planting which is encountered within areas for trenches, tree holes, plont pits and planting beds. 2. Remove from site excess soil generated from planting holes ond not used for backfilling. 3. Protect areas from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other materials to planting oreo!:i. A, After all planting operations ore and rubbish from the property. in a neat and orderly condition. complete, remove all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers, Repair scars, ruts and other marks in the ground and leave ground 8. Leave the site In a broom-clean condition, and wash down all paved areas within the project site. Leave walks in a clean and safe condition. 3.06 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. Notify Owner in odvance for the following inspections. according to the time specified: 1. Pre-Job conference -7 days. 2. Final grade review -48 hours. 3. Plant materiel review -48 hours. 4. Plant layout review -48 hours. 5. Soil preporotion and planting operations; one tree with each type of specified staking -48 hours. 6. Pre-maintenance -7 days. 7. Final inspection -7 days. B. If Owner authorizes a party other than the Landscape Architect to make scheduled inspections, present Landscape Architect with evidence of such inspections. C. No site visits shall commence without all items noted in previous observation reports either completed or remedied unless such compliance hos been waived by the Owner. Failure to accomplish punchlist tasks or prepare adequately for desired inspections shall make the Contractor responsible for reimbursing the Owner at Consultants current billing rote per hour plus transportation costs. No further inspections shall be scheduled until this charge hos been paid and received by the Owner. END OF SECTION APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION ONLY, LOCATION OF PLANTING AND INCLUDING PRECISE PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BUILT'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNlr-..G DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR -o IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT I I ~ RI D G E LANDSCAPE: ARCHI TE'CTS TEL 949 248-9211 FAX 949 248 921 ~ R.C.E. ______ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE R.C.E. _______ _ DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS APP'D LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SEAPOINTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR A~4t! ASSISTANT PLANNING DIR=EC~T_O_R ____ _ DATE OWN BY __ ,;;',;;:.•c __ CHKO 8Y __ R_S __ _ FIELD 8Y PROJECT NO. CT 97-06 C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX DRAWING NO. DWG 365 -. M L5.3 SECTION 02970 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. (90] day maintenance. B. Weeding. C. Fertilization. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED IN 01HER SECTIONS A. (Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation.] B. (Section 02955 -Palm Tree Planting and Maintenance.] C. [Section 02950 -Landscape Planting.] D. [Section 02514 -Portland Cement Concrete Poving.] 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE, A. Provide services by an e~perienced landscaping maintenance company. 1.04 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. B. C. D. E. Continuously maintain oil site oreos involved in this contract during the progress of work and during the maintenance period until final acceptance of the work by Owner. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of the project at the termination of the scheduled maintenonce period may cause postponement of the finol completion dote of the Contract ot no odditionol cost to Owner. Continue maintenance until acceptable ta the Owner. Provide sufficient numbers of workers and adequate equipment to perform work during maintenance period, Maintenance period does not start until all elements of construction, planting, and irrigation for the complete project are in accordance with the contract documents this project. Request on inspection to begin maintenance period after all planting and related work hos been completed In occardance with contract documents. Maintenance period commences as described in written notification by the Owner. Prior to commencement of maintenance period, ensure that all ground covers and lawn areas hove been planted and that all lawn areas show an even, healthy stand of grass seedlings or sod, gross having been mown twice. for F. Any day or days that there is failure to properly maintain plantings, replace suitable plants, perform weed control or maintain hardscope areas will not be credited as part of the [90] days maintenance. The project will not be segmented into mointenance phoses. G. Keep paved areas free of silt, dirt, leaves and other planting area debris. Maintain these areas at least broom clean through the duration of the maintenance period, cleaning no less often than once per week. 1.05 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT A. B. Guarantee: Guarantee plant material against any and oil poor, inadequate or inferior materials and workmanship for one year. Replace plants found to be dead or in poor condition due to faulty materials or workmanship, ot no estro cost to Owner. Replacement: Replace materials found to be dead, missing or in poor condition during the maintenance period immediotely. The Owner is the sole judge of the acceptability of condition. Make replacements of materials within 15 days after condition develops or written notification from Owner hos been sent. Owner hos the right to make emergency repairs without releasing Contractor's guarantee and warranty to Owner. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. Requ.,st normal progress insp.,ction gt least 72 hours in advance of on anticipated inspection. Inspections ore as follows: 1. Immediately prior to commencement of this maintenance work. 2. Completion of first [90] day maintenance period. 3. Final acceptance. 1.07 PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to date of final inspection, acquire approved reproducible prints and finally record from the job record set, oil changes made during cgnstruc\ion and deliver them to Owner. B. Deliver guarantees to Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ensure that oil materials confonm to other sections of these specifications for planting and irrigation, and as acceptable to Owner. B. Provide monthly record of all herbicides, insecticides and disease control chemicals used on site. PART J EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANCE A. Weed and cultivate all areas ot intervals of not more thon [1 O] days. B. Perform watering, mowing, rolling, edging, trimming, fertilization, spraying, pest control, and cleaning as may be required. C. Street gutters and curbs are to be included. D. Maintain adequate protection for people and property, and be flnanclally responsible for damages and injuries. Notify Owner immediately should damage occur as a result of maintenance operations and provide repair or remuneration as required by Owner. E. Between the 15th and 20th calendar day of the maintenance period, reseed or resod all spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth is not evident. 3.02 TREE AND SHRUB CARE A. Watering: Maintain a large enough water basin around plants so that enough water con be applied to establish moisture through the major root zone. When hand watering. use o water wand to break force of water. B. Pruning: 1. Prior to any pruning obtain written approval from the Owner to proceed. 2. Trees: a. Propose tree pruning to the Owner should there be health or structural reasons for doing so, including the need to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, eliminate structurally unsound growth, reduce potential for wind toppling or wind damage,or maintain growth within limited space. b. If requested by the Owner provide pruning for aesthetic enhancement according to "Pruning" by Sunset Books. c. Major pruning of deciduous trees shall be during their dormant season. 3. Shrubs: a. The objectives of shrub pruning are the same as for trees. Do not clip shrubs into balled or boxed forms unless such is required by the design. b. Make pruning cuts to lateral branches or buds or flush with trunk, Stubbing will not be permitted. C. Stoking and guying: Ensure that stokes ond guys remain in place through acceptance ond monitor to prevent girdling of trunks or branches and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. All nursery stakes shall be removed. D. Weed control: Keep all areas free of weeds. Use recommended legally approved herbicides. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots. Use mulches per specifications ta help prevent weed seed germination. E. Insect and disease control: Maintain a reasonable control with approved materials. F. Fertilize as specified by the agronomic soils testing recommendations and as follows for 1. 2. 3. 4. bid purposes: Commencement of maintenance period -[6] pounds per 1,000 square feet with top dress fertilizer. At end of first [30) days of maintenance period -[6] pounds per 1,000 square feet with top dress fertilizer. At end of maintenance period and at [JO] day intervals should maintenance eeriod be e•tended for any reason -[6] pounds per 1,000 square feet with L fertilizer J mix. Avoid applying fertilizer to the root boll and base of main stem; rather, spread evenly under plant ta drip line. Rates will vary from about a cup of nitrate fertilizer (depending upon nitrogen percentage) around a newly installed small plant to about 1/2 pound of actual nitrogen per inch of truck diameter measured four feet from the ground for mature trees. G. Replacement of plants: Replace dead, dying and missing plants with plants of a size, condition and variety acceptable to Owner at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.03 GROUND COVER CARE A. B. C. D. E. Weed control: Control weeds, preferably with pre-emergent herbicides, but also by hand or with selective systemic herbicides. Hoe weeds as little as possible since this moy result in plant damage. Watering; Water enough that moisture penetrates throughout root zone and only as frequently as is necessary to maintain healthy growth. Trash: Remove os it accumulates, but no less often than weekly. Edging and trimming: Edge ground cover to l<eep in bounds. Replace dead and missing plants at no odditionol cost to the Owner. 3.04 LAWN AND TURF CARE A. Turf must be well-established prior to final acceptance. B. Watering: Water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions required to replenish soil moisture below root zone. C. Weed control: If needed, control brood leaf weeds with selective herbicides. D. Mowing: 1. Perform mowing at such times of the day or week as may be requested by the Owner so as not to impede the Owner's operations. Mowing times may be at times other thon normol working hours or days. Perform work at Owner's convenience ot no additional cast to the Owner. 2. Cleon up gross clippings during and ofter mowing, and remove legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment in lieu of sweeping or vacuuming is not acceptable. E. Renovating: 1. If required, remove thatch by verticutting,preferably in the Foll of the year, but otherwise in the Spring. At this time, fertilize with nitrate and aver-seed if needed. Over-seeding must precede pre-emergent herbicides by at least 4 to 6 weeks. Normally, this means that lawns which hove been invaded by crabgrass would be renovated ond over-seeded in the Fall and treated for crabgrass control i the following late Winter. 2. Clean up grass clippings during and after mowing, and remove legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment in lieu of sweeping or vacuuming is not acceptable. 3.05 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. Inspection: Check all systems for proper operation. Lateral lines must be flushed out after removing the last sprinkler head or two at each end of the lateral. Adjust heads as necessary for unimpeded coverage and no averspray. 8. Controllers: Set and program automatic controllers for seasonal water requirements. Give Owner a key to controllers and instruction on how to tum off system in case of emergency as specified in other sections of these specificotions. C. Repair all damages to irrigation system at no odditionol cost to the Owner. Make all repairs within one watering period. END OF SECTION APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BU IL T'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING :JIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMP'_EMENT A TION IN FIELD CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT RID G~E LANDSCAPE ARCH! TECTS TII. S.9 2411-9211 FAX 949 2411 !21~ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE R.C.E. _______ _ DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS SEAPOINTE RESORT -SLOPE REPAIR ASSISTANT PLANNlm. DIRECTOIY DWN BY--:'.,:..,.,, __ ,_ CHKD 9y __ 1;?=S __ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. CT 97-06 C.M.W.D. #XX-XXX DRAWING NO. DWG 365 -IM L5.4