HomeMy WebLinkAbout1555 SUNRISE CIR; ; CB970811; Permitt . L n. #: o,_ 2"7 00 FINAL APPROVAL INSP. ~rtATE tf,,t·rJ CL EARANCE ______ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 FROM AJFOSTER INC FAX 461 5443 PHONE NO. Apr . 07 1997 03 :11PM P4 PERMIT APPLICATION , FOR OFFICE USE ONL v/) vl t PLAN CHECK NO. q _J Q(J____ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit -f;-"'"Jq....-\+-n1)-1--- Valldated By ____ +-,,..--+-~,J-+-O ___ _ Date. _______________ _ t\~.&\Pmlltl'tJlfFQlif,\4.ii.Qij~~ii~J.~'.£~~~ 1555 sunri se Ci r: Address !Include Bldo/Suilt II .u..e .. o,•, ,.,cet I au,lnfls N■m■ (■t thl■ .-!drn•> Lot No. Subdlvl■lon Naml/Nl.lf!lb« SFR Unit No. PhllHNe. T ottot I of unhs bitting Ute Proooaed Use Oncrip1ton of Work $0. PT, lof StOfiet , I of Bed<ooms I of B11hr11om3 ~i1m~~T.~~~, ~~~i-~.i.1r;~~~~~J~$·~~~~~'1J;~~b~ ;, -~ Tucker Kenneth 555 Sunrise· Cir-·· -~-.. -~Bl\U-· • . Ntme Add<H.• Clly S111e/Zlc, ::,~Y~Jlllct,fj:t·,.::10~onsra1#6rJf.G)~!rii~o.W1ii!°m8.Lt2:il\lijjiUJl~a:~t~~-· · SBELJ,Y J OHNSON/KRISTY FOSTER 13706-B HWY 8 BUS. EL Namt Addttlt City ~tlAD'lO.~Ell'.~~Aa~~lli:'LiiftiiN ?fPFW\!'-1 rl' 7 • ', , , ., 1 ~' , i~ • ., • i. , , • •• CA. 92008 'Dlckec, Keo.netb J 555 Sunrise Cir. CARLSBAD Ntme Add,n• City S.tete/Zip Tel91Jhonel l!ll~CONTMa.fOil~~P.M~ 1l'' ;~ . -• ""' " VI., ' , ,. ' , ,'- 0 • '' j "1 •• ,1 •; • _ • ' l ''" : ' • , ' '~ 0 ".:. •, "~ l •~ (Sac. 7031.& 81.1111lttt tnd Profenton, Code: Afr( City 11r County which rll(IUlres, pe,ffllt to eonffltlClt, alter, lmprov,, ....-noum OI' rtDIIW any ,tn,,;tun,, prior to Its lssutnce, 11111 reQUire, thl tPO~cant for 9Uch pe11nlt to fffe • •l9""d sttton-.1 that he Is lcensld pursuant to tM orovlsiono, ol ~ Carrtn<:to,'1 Ucense l■w ·· ICh•pte• 9, cornn1trlding with Section 7000 of Dlvlllh,n 3 el the BusinMs ■nd f'rol,u lont Codel Of thel ht hr •xempt thertflllfft, Nld tit• b1al1 for 1ht 1he119d exemption. Any vlolation of Section 7031.6 by ,ny epplcent l11r • pefmlt 1ubj,let1 the 1ppllc11>t to• clvH per,olty of not m111e 1tltn five hundtN cl04J•till5001), ~ &. J FOSTER PWMBING 13706-B HWY 8 BOS. · EL CA.JOO CA. 92021 3~0-41.77 ■me Addtttss City Statt/Zl'l_2 35Jflophont # Stttt Llctnu, 630120 Uc1ri11 Cl•n C-36 City ~lnett LlcenH I ___ O_Q"----- AddJess City Sttte/Ztll Ttleohone St•t• Uc-• I _ _.N.,.._/._A.._ ____ _ [4i.;';;;)1(011UJtst.coMPENSA'1'1dN.tWM.:'<'ii'l'?..'.ni ~~~iiH.,e;.w.~~m~ . Wolkera' Com_,Htlon O..elo,1tl11n: I hereby affirm ""'"1 p1nahy al perju,y -of tht foltowlno decteratlont: 0 I hev• end wllt malnuin 9 certificate 111 consent ta Hlf4nour• f11r worker■' compenHtlon •• prvvlded by Section 3700 of the labor Clldt, fo, the pertormenet of lhe work for which thie pttmlt I~ lnued. X D I "-"e and w11t melntthl wofl<e<a' 110mt>tnntlon, u NN1ulred by Section 3700 of tht l.ebor Code, fOf 1he pttrlorm"""" of ti-~orlt fa, which ttn p111mlt I, lsNtd. My worktr'I C0"1P""59tl"" lnsUflMCfl caui.. ind l)Ollcy numbe, lrt! lnev1111e1 CoMptnv FARMER INS~ Pollc:y Ne. N2007-56-51 El<pretlon p,~-1-97 --------(THIS SECTION NUO NOT SE COMP\.eTEO IF THE PlRMIT IS FOIi ONI! HUNDlla> DOl.lAIIIS 1$1001 OR I.HS) 0 ~RTlflCATl Of Vl.™'TION: I cflttlfy 1hot In the pttform,ne" of lhe wot1< far which 1h19 permit 11 lesued, I 9htft not employ tny person In ony manner ao as· to btcomt 1ubitct to the Worlms' Compensntion l.1w1 of C1lifornla, WARNING: Fellunt ta aecu,e•-lt.,.' COfflt>ffllltlon COY....,.,~ unlawful, and ,h .. tull)ICt ... ......,.,., to almtnal ..... alt~. end ""'II ,.,, .. up to Ofl■ hlmd<td thcMand doltlft ($100,000), In addition to the cott of comptnnllon. clem'9fl H provlcltd for In Sectloo 3701 of Ule lalMJ OOCM, Int-It end 1ttomty"1 lttt. SIGNATURE________________________________ DATE 7. ' 'oWNER-IVlll>EII DECUUIATION~*~-" ~i~;J'~~~~a;f1't1-;;°~~'•.~;~~ _ ~~,"';:~ I herehv ,11;,m th•t t 1m •~omot from the C1mt1•e1or's Ucens• Lew fo, the following rHson: 0 I. •• <)wntr of the pr11perw or mv employeo1 With w•gea as 1hoir sole comp4ns111on, will do t,,. wo,k and \ht atructure Is not Intended .,, 011 ... ,d fOI nlo (Soc. 7044. Buslnen •nd P1ofeu10ns Code: The Conlfactor'a License L•w doe, not 1pp(y to an owner of prc,perty who blllldlt or lm111ovn n-aon, tnd who doH ouch WOik himself 0< th,ough hi• own tmpl11ytu, ptOvklecl that euo,, lrnorovemtn11 tr• not Intended Of 11ff.,.d for nit. If, howev,r, the bulldlno or lml)fovement ts so(d wltllii, one ye■r 11f cc,n,pletlon, the owner-buMdlr win htvt tht burden 111 provlno thlt ht did not build .,, '"""°"' ,.,, tht pu,poH of ,ale). 0 I, as owne, of th• orooerty. ,m 't xcluaiv"4y oonlractlr,g with llet"ttd conlfeetMa 10 OONltnlCI' 1he project ISec. 70«. lhnlntfl tnd P10fu11.,,,. Code: The Contttcto,'1 Ucen'" l.ew doe■ nat -Iv ,o en 11wn.,. of property who bulldt or lmproYWt lhllton, llf1d _.trttCU f« aU<>h pn:rj,lct■ with oon111ct11r(a) fle-•d our1111nt to lht Con1t,c1a1'a license law). ' · 0 I am t •empl unde1 Seedon ______ Butlneu ■nd ,r11fesslon1 Cod, for 1h11 r11111on: t , I Pllf1on1lly pltn to provide 1he m•lot lat,o, and m1ttrl1l1 for conotruotlon of the Of.,,,.,.td p,op■rty lmpro.,..,,ent. 0 Vl!S ONO 4. I Chtvt / ht Vt nou Signed ... aDPllcatlon for e building """"" ,.,, tht prOPoHd w11rk: 3. I have contrac1t1, Wllh the following person (f,rmJ 111 provide tht P,OIIOtod constructlo!! (lnelude nem• / llddrna / phone numbtr f contttctora lleente numberl: 4. I plen 10 provide IIOftlOl'IS of the wark, but • have hl,td tht foflowlng person to coo1dln1te, $Upervlse end provide me rM)ot work (Include ll■ma / •ddrtn / phono numbe1 / cl)flltac1on HcanH numbo,11 ___________________________________________ _ G. I wlR provld• ,.,.,., of the work, but I hove contt1cttd lhirtdl lhe faNowing penmns t11 proll'dt the work Indicated (Include n11n1 / ,dd,.n / phone number / typa ol wot1<1: _____________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNl!A SIGNATUl'IE ----·------------------- LCO.Mlttf.1 .. 1~-T.l()f,{J;OII N~Jw.;.•!ll(&AAQ~~;yj PATE _________ _ la the 1pi,llc.nt or Mure bulldin\l occupant •eQIJi11d to aubllllt • busl""" pl1i,, ecutllly huerdou1 m,teriall r'911t11tlon forr11 ot risk m1n1gtmtnt end llfl!Venti"" p1og,1m under Sle\lonc 25505, 25633 or 25534 of the F'r■eley-Ttnntt H111rdovt Subuence Acc:c,1111t Actf D YES O NO Is the appllce"t or futUl't buHdlno occuo•nt rtqulrld to obtain • permit from the tit polrutlon i:onuol district « •If QUltitJ m1negem1n1 dlst•lct1 D YES O NO b tho. fedlty lo bo c-1rue1ed within I ,000 '"t of -outer bounderv of • teh<>ol lite? 0 YES O NO l'F ANY OF THf5, ANSWERS Al'IE VH, A l'lNAL CEl'ITIFICAU OJ' OCCUPANCY MAY NOY IIE ISSU!O UNI.ESS T"I! Al'l'UCANT "AS MU OR IS MEE'TING THE IIEOOIRfMENT5 OF THE OFflCE OF f.MEJIGl:NCY Sl!RVleU ANO THE AIR f'OLLUTION CONTTIOl DISTRICT. II, '.;CONs.TIIUCT10N.L£NDING;ACENC~'~;· 0:•il,~~~~~~fflM;'_i~~~~~~,R;~~K'.£':]<.:f,'->(._< ·:,' 1 lw,bv elfl.m thtt ,here Is • construclion lendlr,g 1aency for the t,••formenca 111 the work ,.,, whleh thle ,,.,,..,ft I• la•ued tllec. 3097111 Clvll Code). LEN06A'S NAME _____________ _ l!NOl;ll'S AOORESS _______________________ _ 9·,.' AfflJCAtn: C!ATIFIC~'n6N,:·, · ,'-t,..;n '. ~-,~~'i~~~~:'::'~l"."1i~/~,;:f~1~;,",::'-,\:i~~'ll&"_a-;m~;,~w,~~~)t~~(' ·;::':t.; ~· ,,. . , I cenlfv 1h11 I h■ve read tht 1ppMcalion end sllle that \tit 1bo111 lnform11lor, 11 co,tect end that the lnformttl"11 on the plans le ICC\Kete. I agr1111 10 comoly wi1h ,tt Citv 01dlnanoo1 end 6tett lows ttt■tinv to bu~dfnv conl\n.lctton. I htrlby ■uthorlll repteSenteUvn 111 th• City of Callsb•d to ■nttr uocn the eb11Ve r11en1lonell proi,"4'\v fo, inaoecdon pu'l"'•es. I ALSO AGREE TO $AVE, INDEMNIFY ANO' 1(£1!1' KARMLEH TliE Cll't' 01' CARLSBAO I\QAINS'T ALL l1A8tllTleS, JUDGMENTS, COST$ ANO l!Xl'ENSES WMICH MAY 1M ANY WAY ACCRUI! AOMNIIT SAID CITY IN CONUQUENCI! OF Tlt1! MANTINO OF nus PiRMIT. OSHA! An OSHA pe,mlt Is ,,quired far tXCIV11tlana over 5'0" deep Ind i!1molltl011 Of ronet,vetlon of lltruetu,es over a etotlH w, height. EXP1AA TION: Evl!IY pe,mlt !$sued by the Bulld111g Olrtdwl und., tht p,ovlslont of thl■ C11de shall axpl•e by llmllatlon Ind become null and vol!! It tht t,olld;ng or work evttiorlzed by sucn permit ia i,ot commenced within 386 d■vs from lhe d1te of auch ptrmlt "' If lht buKdll\O or wllflt •utho,iad by eueh pa,mh ts aus,,.,nOed or 1b1ndoned tit 111y tlm1 after the warl< b commenc.d for• petlod ol 180 cltYt IS9Cli11n 10ft, •. 4 Ut,ltorm 8ulldlng Cod.I. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE PATE ___________ _ WHITE: F'Re YELLOW: Appllcont l'INK: Fln1nc1 CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB970811 FOR 04/18/97 DESCRIPTION: WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT TYPE: PLUM INSPECTOR AREA PLANCK# CB970811 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW JOB ADDRESS: 1555 SUNRISE CR APPLICANT: TUCKER, KEN CONTRACTOR: STE: LOT: OWNER: REMARKS: RS/ SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: CD 25 LVL DESCRIPTION PL Water Heater/Vents ------------------ ------------------ PHONE: 619 729-3691 PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR--'------------- ACT COMMENTS i1!f1N)V ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS