HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 430-4L; CT 99-03; LA COSTA GREENS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; 01-21LANDSCAPE ARCH TEC TUR.AL FLANS FOR: V LLAGES OF LA COSTA THE G~EENS GENEAAL CONDITIONS SHORT FORM PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY I. ContrClGtor !lhClll proteGt ell GonstruGtlon Clnd IClndsGClplng from dClmCl9e Clnd, 1-1hen required, provide 9uClrds or Goverlng. An!J dClmClge shClll be repclred or replciGed Clt the ContrClGtor's expense. ContrClGtors on the Job shcill Gcrr!J the follo'"'lng lnsurClnGe, (Q) J;llorker's CompensCltlon, (b) Public Comprehen!llve GenerCll L!Clblllt!:j, cind (c) Propert!:I DClmClge. In Cln emergenc!:I threCltenlng the sClfet!:j of life, 1-1ork or Cldjolnlng propert!:j, the ContrClGtor I!! hereby Instructed to ClGt Clt his dl!!Gretlon to prevent such lo!!!I or Injury Clnd shClll mclntcln the follo1-11ng minimum l!Clblllt!:j lnsurClnce coverClge during the GontrciGt period. COVERAGE Bodily Injury, $250,000 per lndlvlduCll, per OGGurrenGe Property DClmClge, tlOOPOO per OGGurrence, ciggregcite 2. The ContrClGtor !!hClll GQUSe to be nClmed QS QddltlonCll Insured In !IUGh ContrciGtor's Public L!Clblllt!:j, ContrClGtor's Protective L!Clblllt!:j Clnd Automobile L!Clblllty ln!lurcnGe policies the follo'"'lng, (ci) Lenncr Communities (b) Gillespie De!llgn Group lnG., "1404 Genesee Avenue, Suite 140, LCl .JollCl, CA "12051-155"1. 5. ContrcGtor shell not Gcuse thl!I pol!Gy to be ccinceled or permit It to lcpse, Clnd the lnsurcnce pollcy shell Include Cl Glause to the eFfeGt that the pollC!J shall not, cit cin!J time during the Gonstructlon period, be ccmceled or reduced, restricted or limited until F!Fteen (15) days cfter all cddltloncl Insureds have received 1-1rltten notice as evidenced b!J returned receipts of registered or certified letters. 4. The ContraGtor cgrees to hold the 01-1ner end LandsGcpe Architect harmless from any Glalms arising out of hl!I operctlons of cny of his sub contractor!I, mcterlcil supplies, or cigents. 5. All loGcil, municipal and state la1-1s, rules and regulations governing or relcitlng to cny portion of this '"'ork are hereb!:j lnGorporcted Into Clnd made a pert of these speG!flcatlon!I end their provl!llons shell be carried out b!J the contraGtor. b. The contractor !lhcll verify the locctlons of all exl!ltlng utllltle!I, !ltructures, end service!! before commenG!ng '"'ork. The loGatlons of utllltles, structures Clnd services sho1-1n In the!le plans Qre Clpproxlmate only. Any discrepancies bet1-1een these plans and cGtucl Field Gondltlon!I shell be reported to the oi.-4ner or landsGClpe Clrchltect. 1. The GontraGtor shall proteGt ell exl!ltlng utilities end Pectures to remain on, and CldjClGent to, the proJeGt !lite during con!ltructlon. ContraGtor shell repair, ct his 01-,1n expense, all dcimage resulting from hl!I operctlons or negl19ence. 8. The contractor 5hall obtain the pertinent engineering end/or archltecturcil plan!I before beginning 1-,1ork. "I. Permlt!I for any Gonstructlon depicted In these plans shell be obtained b!J the contractor. 10. ContrcGtor shall have c valid contractors license required for the particular ..iork being done. ContraGtor shall not allo1-1 the llcense(s) to lapse during the contract period. R7lE~7,L~ /1-18,~ ENGl~EERING PLAN CHECKER DATE DEVELOPER"S NAME: i ' □ I AND KEY I"= IS0''-0" ·, P"1..ANTIN6 l"!--ANS .) ·t ~ SH!!!!T I ND!!X SHEET: TITLE SHeeT 1,-a.,-a.JCS.ATION TITLE!: SHl!::ET J,-a.RJCS.ATION F'LANS ll'lll'lll.SATION DE!!TAILS, AND NOTE!:S ll'lll'lllCS.ATION LECS-1:!:ND ll'lll'lllCS.ATION CALCULATIONS J,-a.RJCS.ATION SF'E:CIFICATIONS !"'LANTINCS. !"'LANS !"'LANTINCS. DE!:TAILS AND LE!:CS.END F'LANTINCS. NOTES !""LANTIN.S SF'ECIFICATIONS l'llEC'T"CLED l"IATEJllt MAI"' DRAWN APPROVED 1ST SUB. 2ND SUB. SHEE!:T NO.: L-1 (I) L-:2 (:2) L-S THRU L-5 (9-$) L-6 THl'llU L-"i (6-"i) L-e TH!'llU L-C! (e-ci) L-10 THl'llU L-11 (I0-11) L-1:2 THl'llU L-16 (1:2-16) L-14 THl'llU L-16 (14-16) L-l"i (Ii) L-1e (le) L-IC! THl'llU L-:20 (ICf-:20) L-:21 (:21) PROJECT SITE '--~ f~-~~; ~ ' "~ , ' tlL1 .. -,, ... ,, --"----~ "" ,--,;,'.'.c-.',., .. ,._: .. ' /'"'"'··--1,-- ii·---=li,~- HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION CL '\USE CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR .JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDIN5 SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD THE OY'lNER, THE CITY/COUNTY OF LOCAL .JURISDICTION, AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION ~ITH THE PERFORMANCE OF ~ORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE O~NER, THE CITY/COUNTY OF LOCAL .JURISDICTION, OR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC.T. ' ; \ \ ·;-,,-,,,F::,?" DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARISE I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LANDSGAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK FOR THIS PRO.JEC.T, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARISE OYER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6"100 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN 15 CONSl5TENT ~ITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PRO.JECT DRAWINGS AND SPEC.IFICATlONS BY THE C.ITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH 15 C.ONFINED TO A REVIEv-1 ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC.T OF WORK, OF MY RE5PONSIBILITIE5 FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE SEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE ~ITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE C.ONC.EPT PLAN, ~ATER C.ONSERVATION PLAN, STORM ~ATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROV ~ REL~JT"EPA"C.<: L~NDSCAPING. BY, ~#;'.~'¥'f e DATE ID-7L>-C6 DENNIS ~-GILLESPIE FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS, 6ILLE5PIE DESIGN $ROUP. INC.. 9404 GENESEE AVE., STE. 140 LA .JOLLA. CA "12051-1339 PHONE NO.: {e,5e,) sse-eq71 REGISTRATION NO., C,A 136:2 FAX, (85e,) 55e,-"11e,e EXPIRATION DATE, 04-05 016 JlttLl!lllli' GALIFORNIA 5TAT1' I.A,I SAYS YOlJ M/5T GALL l!ll!!l'Oltl!e YOlJ 1>16. ~ c:,ac,E; SE(;.TIOM 4.216-4:ZlbCf STAlES THAT "E.1'1:,,A\/ATION'', <SRAC>INe. ~INe. r>leelHe, DITGl-!1116. C>RILLIHe AUeUl<INe. T\.MEI..INe, 5GRAPIN5, GABLE Oft PIPE PLOWIN&, CRJVIN6, P'Ot.JN0ATION Ol&SINS, ~APE DIOSGINe PLUMBINe, FENC-E f'05T Oil ANY OTHER YIAY. ,,._. PERMIT f"OR Dl661M5 JAIIU.. NOT BE Y.,t,,J..11? JAIITHOUT A Dl6 ALERT TlGKET NJMl!eR AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE 'MAAtC'.Ollr HAS SEEN c.oMPLE"fE). 11-El<E 15 AL50 A 14-DA"r' 1'11>1:><m (!!EGTION 4:216.('!;)) IN H!IGI-! "r'OlJ M/5T CQMPI.ETl; TI-f£; PROP09EC' r;:tl561Ne. IF YOU J'itlU.. Na=O PDOITIONAL Tlr-E l!EY"ONC) nE 14 CIAY&. IT 15 Y'°'-"' 1'E:5PONSIBILITY' TO "1:GALL CJl5 AL.eFlT. 015 ALl!!RT TOLL~ 1'UoBER 15 1-600-:277-:U.OO. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD LJ_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---------------------,----,-----.-----------------,-----,---,---..----1 " AS-BUIL I TITU: SHEET FOR, ~ JP MM 04-12-05 07-13-05 DA"TE VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA THE 6REENS -I.I, /.2, /~ L.-1 MORROW DE.\'ELOPMENT 1903 WRIGHT Pl.ACE, #180 ALL TREES ~ITHIN 10' OF APPROVED FOR PLANTING SEi,i',IER SHALL RECEIVE AND IRRIGATION ONLY, LINEAR ROOT BARRIER INCLUDING PRECISE _MY_LA_R_S_U_B_. __ 0_9-_2_1_-_05 ~TI~TLE=:=====::::;;~~7r~~=======-r===r===r===============r===i===i===i==:::i RECEIVED BY: TEL 760..!929-270,"' DATE PLAN PREPARED: 2-21-03 BY: GDG AGAINST SEi,i',IER LINE LOC,ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I ANIJS('APF ARC! IITF.CTURE JOB NO. Ofl-037 DATE 04-12-05 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DA"TE DA"TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA "TE INITIAL DA"TE INITIAL OlliER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---1 CHKD BY: ___ , RVWD B'f; PROJECT NO. GT '1'1-0=3 I DRAWING NO. _ 430-4L RECYCLED V'IATER NOTES I. ALL Y<ORK SHALL BE DONE IN ~AN(;!:: HIT!-+ THE: C:.1-11-0 HATER DISTl'llC:.T'S "C:.Al'll..!:BAD !'ll::c:.I.AIMATION 1'ULl=S ANO ~TIONS FOl'l C:.ONS~TION OF !'ll::c:.YC:.LEP HATER MAINS" DATl::D OC:.TOBER 1"1"15. 2 . DRINKINB HATER FOJNTAINS SHALL BE PROTEC:.Tl::c:> FROM -.,...,.-OF REC:.YCU:D HATER. BEST M~ PRAc:.TIC:.1::5 SHALL BE USEc:> TO MINIMIZE: !'ll::c:.YC:.LEP !'ll::c:.YC:.LEP HATER ENc:.ROAc:.HMl::NT ON f'Uel.lC:. FAc:.ILITll::S SUGH AS PIC:.NIC:. TABLl::S, eeGl'S, PI.AYl5fltO.JNc:>S, SANO TOT-LOTS, !::TC.. 5 . BEST MANA6EMENT PRAC.TIC:.1::5 SHALL BE USEc:> TO l=I.IMINATE OR C:.ON"TROL TO THI: BEST E:XTf:NT POSSleL.E POND I NB, fWN-oFF, OVl:R-5f'RAY ANO MISTIN6. -4. HOSE: BIBS ARE STl'llC:.TL Y l"ROI-IIBITl::c:>. 5. C:.ROSS c:.oNNl;G.TIONS BETl-'El=N REc:.YCU:D HATER ANO POTAeu: HATE!{ LINES ARE STl'llC:.TL Y l"ROI-IIBITl::D. R E C Y C L E D ~ A T E R 5 Y 5 T E M (PR VA TE) LANDSCAPE A~CH TECTU~AL FLANS FO~: 6. NO 51.JBSTITVTIONS OF PIPE: MATERIALS l'IILL BE ALLOJ,Ec:> HITHOUT f'!ltlOR ~AL OF THE: C:.1-11-0 HATER DISTl'llC:. T. i . ALL MAINLINE PIPl::S SHALL HAVI: HARNINB TAPE: Ff:R OTAY HATER DISTRIC:.T'S l'l1JLl=S ANO RE'5UI.ATIONS. &. HOURS IF IMl15ATION HIT!-+ !'ll::c:.YC:.LEP HATE!{ ARE FROM "i,00 p.m. AND 6 ,00 a.m. THE: HOURS FOR IMl15ATION HIT!-+ V LLAGES OF LA COSTA DISINFl:C:.Tl::c:> TERTIARY REc:.YC:.LEP HATER MAY BE MODIFll::D BY THE: Loe.AL AUTHORITY. IMl'5ATION ~INS f'Uel.lC:. USE: Ff:RIODS HIT!-+ DISINFl:C,TE:c:> TERTIARY HATER 5HALL BE UNDER THE: SUPERVISION OF THE: Dl::SIISNATl::c:> USE:R !U"l:RVISOR. IMl15ATION WIT!-+ HATER OF A L.E5SCR GUALITY THAN DISINFl:C:.Tl::c:> TERTIARY HATER SHALL BE BETl"El:N TI-IL HOURS OF 10, 00 p.m. AND 6 ,00 a.m. <I . PROVIDE: A MINIMJM OF AT U:AST I!> INC.Hf:5 OF COVl:R ova,. ALL WIRINB ANO PIPIN6 10. NON-Dl::SIISNATl::c:> USE: ARl::AS 5HALL BE f'ROTEC:.Tl::c:> FROM c.oNTAc:.T l'IIT!-+ REC:.YC:.LEP HA~ ~ BY HINDel..OJ.+I Sf'RAY OR BY DIREC:.T APPL.IC:.ATION ~ IMl15ATION OR OT1 ER USE:. LAc:.K OF f'ROTEC:.TION, HHl=1l£R BY Dl::SIISN, c:.ONS~TION PRAc:.TIC:.I:: OR SYSTl::M Of'f:RATION, IS STRIC:.TL Y l"ROI-IIBITl::c:>. THE G~EENS II. IM l15ATION Hl:AD5 5HALL BE RELoc.ATl::c:> OR Ac:>JJSTl::c:> TO MINIMIZE: ~YIN6 ON SIDl:HAI..KS, STREE:TS AND NON-Dl::5115NATl::D USE: AREAS. 12. Rl::C:.YC:.LEP HATER GUlc:.K c.o.A"LINB VALVl::S SHALL BE OF A T'l"PI:: Dl::SIISNATl::c:> FOR THE: USE: ON !'ll::c:.YC:.LEP HATER D ISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (SPIKl::S NOT INTERc:.HAN61::Aeu: l'IIT!-+ POTAeu: HATER GUlc:.K c.o.A"Ll::R SPIKl::S). 15. Ml::TcRS SHALL BE SIZE:D BY THE: C:.t+V HATE!{ DISTRIC:.T. 1-4. ALL IMl15ATION PIPl::S SHALL BE STENc:.ILEP HIT!-+ THE: HARNIN6, "NON-POTAeu: OR REC:.YCU:D HA~" c:.oLOR--c:.oDf:D ~ANDI.AID HIT!-+ HARNINB TAPE: AND STENc:.ILIN6 ORll::NTl::c:> TOHARD THE: TOP OF THE: TRENG-H Ff:R THE: C:.MWD HATEl'l DISTRIC:.T'S '"'1-Ll=5 AND Rl::1$1.JLATIONS. 15. ALL POTAeu: HATER AN1.> REc:.YCU:D HATER PIPINB 5HALL BE INSTALL.Et, HIT!-+ THE: STENc:.ILINB ORll::NTl::c:> TOHARD THE: TOP OF THE: TRENc:.H. 16 . WHEN POTAeu: HATER LINE ANO !'ll::c:.Yc:.L.EP HATER LINE C:.ROSS, THE: REC:.YC:.LEP HATER LINE SHALL BE INSTALLEP WIT!-+IN A f'!ltOTl::c:.TIVI: SLB:V!:. THE: Sl.ffVI: SHALL !:XT!:ND 10 Fl::l::T FROM l::AC-H SIDI=, FROM THE: C:.l::NTER LINE OF THE: POTAeu: HATER LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 Fl::l::T. Ii. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL OCI l::AArtON BET1"E1:N POTAeu: HATER ANO REc:.YC:.LEP HATER MAINS M.!ST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMl::S. THE: POTAeu: LIHES M.!ST BE INSTALLEP ABOVI: THE: REc:.YC:.LEP LIHE. I!>. A MINIH.JM OF 12 INc:.Hl:5 OF Vl::RTIC:.AL OCF !::AA rloN BETl-'El=N UTILITll::S M.!ST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMl::S. 1"1. THE: Rl::GUIRl::D C:.R055-GONNl::c:.TION SH.ITPOJ.+I Tl::ST SHALL BE DONE BY THE: C:.ARLSBAO MJNIC:.IPAL HATER DISTRIC:.T AND THE: SAN Dll::'50 Dl::PARTMl::NT OF l::NVIROHEMNTAL l£AL. Tl-+. 20. GUlc:.K c.o.A"LINB VALVl::S USEc:> IN REc:.YC:.LEP HATER SYSTEMS SHALL c.oNFORM TO THE: FOLLOHINB, A. REC:.YC:.LEP HATER -GIJlc:.K c.o.A"LINB VALVl::S UNSED IN !'ll::c:.YC:.LEP HATER SYSTEMS 5HALL HAVI: Ac:.TIVI: T'l"PI:: T1-+Rl::AD5 AND ~ c:.oLORl::D Loe.KINE, COV1:R5 PE:RMINATa Y ATTAc:.Hl:D TO THE: VALVE:. GIJIC:.K c.o.A"LINB VALVl::S SHALL BE HELSON NO. i64'5, IWTER NO. HVIOOA--RL-NP OR APPROVl::D l::GIJAL. SPIKl::S SHALL NOT BE INTE:Rc:.HAN6!:ABI.E: HIT!-+ POTAeu: HATER GIJlc:.K c.o.A"Ll::R SPIKl::S. 21. i1-IE Rl::GUIRl::D C:.ROSS--c:.ONNEc:TION INSPl::c:.TION 5HALL BE DONE BY EITHER THE: c:.MHD HATER DISTRC:.T AND/OR THE: SAN Dll::'50 c.OJHT'f Dl::PARTMl::NT OF l::NVIRONMENTAL Hl::ALT!-+. c:.OPll::S OF INSPl:c:.TION F!a'ORTS WILL BE FORHARDl::D TO THE: NON- INSPl:c:.TINB PARTY. 22. Dl=VEL.OPER SHALL SHOH THE: LOC:.ATION OF R .C:.. 'DO NOT DRINK' SleNs ON i1-IEOC PLANS. 25. AN ON SITE USE:R / SUPERVISOR SHALL BE Dl::SIISNATl::c:> IN HRITINB, T!-+IS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR HIT!-+ PL.UMBINe SYSTEMS HIT!-+IN THE: f'!ltOFf:RTY, HIT!-+ THE: BASIC. C:.ONc:.l::PTS OF BAc:.KFLOH / C:.ROSS c:.ONHEc:.TION PIROTE:c:.TION, ANO THE: SPl:C:.IFIC:. REGIJIREMl::NTS OF A REc:.Yc:.Lf:D HATER SYSTl::M. c:.OPll::S OF THE: Dl::SIISNATION, HIT!-+ c.oNTAc:.T PHOHE KJMfll::RS, SHALL BE PROVIDl::D TO THE: SAN Dll::'50 c:.OJNTY DEPARTMl::NT OF l::NVIRONMENTAL Hf:AI. Tl-+ AND C:.Ml<l HATl::R DISTRIC:.T. IN C:.AOC OF ~y c.oNTAc:.T OR AFTER ~ c.oNT Ac. T TIM O'eRADY AT ™ TIM O'eRADY AT NAM!; 160."12"1.2i01 PHONE Rn i!e:t 160."i2"1.2i01 PI-IOHE"'-JMBER 2-4. SHOW ALL f'Uel.lC:. ANO f'!ltlVATE POTAeu: WATER MAINS ON IMPRO'IIEMHET PLANS. • ITEMS t,, I<!, AND 25 SHALL BE Rl::GIJIRl::D JJST f'!ltlOR TO THE: Ac:.T\JAL USE: OF Rl::C:.YC:.LEP HATER. • ITl::M 22 THE: SIISNA6e SHALL BE A PART OF T!-+IS I.F'. BUT THE: Ac:.T\JAL SleNS AND TAeS HILL Bl:: INSTALLEP JJST f'!ltlOR TO Ac:.T\JAL USE: OF REc:.YC:.LEP HATER. 25. ON REc:.YC:.LEP HATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPVRTNANc:.1::5 (Sf'!ltlNl<LER HEADS, VALVI: BOXl:5, E:TC:.J 5HALL BE: c.oLOR--c:.oDf:D ~ Ff:R AHHA '5UIDELIHES AND Sl::c:.TION 116&15 OF THE: C:.ALIFORNIA l£AL. Tl-+ AND SAFl::TY c.oDE:. 26. T1-+l::RI:: SHALL BE A F'HYSIC:.AL OCPARATION BETWE:l:N Ac:>.JAC,!::NT ARl::AS IAAl15ATl::c:> HIT!-+ REc:.YC:.LEP HATER AND POTAeu: HA~. SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY C:.ONc:.Rl::TI:: MOH STRIPS, c:.HAIN LINK FENc:.1::5, OR OrHER Ml::ANS AS APPROVl::D BY THE: HATER DISTRIC:.T AND D.l::.H. • T1-+l::RI:: ARE NO OUTDOOR 1::ATINe AREAS OR DRINKIN6 FOJNTAINS IN T!-+IS 51::T OF Pl.ANS E:Xc:.l::PT WIT!-+IN DOMl::STIC:. IM1'5ATION AREAS. TYPICAL SIGNS ~ 18" 1~ ~ 11.T.S. In Order to Conserve Water ... • ~ ., " " $ I 11!:!~T I Nr:)l!!!X SHl!l!T, RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT NO TOME DRINK EL AGUA WASH HANDS A1"l'ER CONTACTING LAVESE SUS Ill.ANOS DESPUES DE USAR 18" X 18" SIZE 0,032 ALlllill!IUll, 0.080 ABS PLAS'nC OR STICK-OIi VI11YL SIGIIS. l!ll!llllSATION TITL..e SHel!!!T l!ll!llllSATION l"'L..ANS l!ll!llllSATION DeTAIL..S, AND NOTI!S ll'll!llllSATION L..elSl!!!ND l!ll!llllSATION CAL..CUL..ATIONS l!ll!llllSATION Sl"'eCll""ICATIONS ---~ -----\ C I k 1 AND ~----BLACK LOGO ~--PURPLE BACKGROUND 39• 11.T.S. 1" BLACK LETTERS I ----"1, WARNING RECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK WATER ffllH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING SE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR (SIZl!l) 12" X SCI" --1" BLACK LETTERS ~-2" BLACK LETTERS 0.032 ALUlllllU}(, 0.080 ABS PIAllTIC OR STICX-011 VIIIYL SIGIIS L..-::2 (:::Z) L..-6 TH!llU L..-5 (6-5) L..-6 TH!llU L..-""1 (6-""1) L..-e> TH!llU L..-"'I (e,-cl) L..-10 TH!llU L..-11 (10-11) L..-1::2 TH!llU L..-16 (1::2-16) ~ECYCLED ~ATE~ -= A~EA IJSE MAP l"=ISO'-O" ----!ll!:C'r"'CL..E:D Jol',IATl!:;!ll MAINL..INe Sl<SNA<SE NOTES TH!! !"OLLOl"IIN6 iSU1c,ei..1~ '"°"' TH!! use Of" ~C:.YC:.Lel:> l'IAff!lll ~ TO Bl!! ~N!!NTL.Y i-os= INSIC>e TH!! C)C)C)tll. Of" &!-"CH CON~~~ Tie'!" AIQ! l!!AelL-Y Vl511!1L-1!!. l"'L-Ac:.I!! ON &-l~"XII" 51%1!!1:> 516N. C::01..()flt, ~ i,,A,c;.1(6~ l"IITI-I Bi AGK L-l!!TTl!!!'llN6. I. 5UIDEL.I~ I"~ R!;C'T"CL.ep ll'IATI;l'il. USE I. IMISAff! et!!:VUN TH!!~ Of" 10,00 !".M. AND 6,00 A .M. ONLY. 1'1Aff!III.IN6 OUT51DI!! T!-115 TIMI! ""'-'Ml! MueT !!II!! DON!! MANIJALL-Y l"IIT11 CIUALl!"I~ ~l~Y '""'50NNl!!L-ON-Slff!. NO 5Y5ff!M 5HALL AT ANY TIMe !!II!! L-l!!!"T UNATTl!!ND!!D """"IN6 use OUT51t)I!! TH!! ~AL sc:.+e:,UL-1!!. :Z. lllll.1111.16Aff! IN A MANNl!!IIII. THAT l"IILL MINIMl.%1!! 1111.UN--o!"I", ~L-IN6, AND l"ONDIN6. TH!! Al"l"L-ICATION 1111.Aff! !SHALL NOT l!!XC,l!!l!!t) TH!! INl"IL '1'1111.ATION !Ill.AT&! Of" TH!! SOIL. TIMl!!llll.5 Ml..sT Bl!! AD.JJ5= SO A5 TO 1!11!! c.oMl"ATll!IL-I!! l"IIT!-+ TH!! L-Oi"ll!!loT SOIL-INl"IL-'1'1111.ATION 1111.Aff! 1"1111.1!!5eNT. T!-+15 1"'1111.0c.l!!PUIIII.!! MAY 1!11!! !"Ac:.ILITA= i,y TH!! l!!!"l"ICll!!'NT SGI ll!!C1!LIN6 OI" TH!! AUTOMATIC:. C::O~L-C:.L.oc:.K5, (I.!!., l!!Ml"L-OYIN6 TH!! lel"l!!AT l"UNc:.TION TO 1!!1111.l!!AK UI" TH!! TOTAL-IMl6ATION TIMI! INTO c;.Yc:.L-1!!5 T!-+AT l"IIL-L-1"1111.0MOff! MAXIMUM SOIL-~101\V. e. AD.JJ5T -...,.,.-Hl!!AP5 TO l!!L-IMINAff! ~ 51"1111.AY ONTO Al'll!!AS NOT UNDl!!fll TH!! C::ON~L-OI" TH!! c:.u5"Tvr'll;f4.. !"OIIII. l!!XAMl"L-I!!, l"OOL l:)l!!G.l(5, 1"1111.IVATI!! l"ATI05 AND L-OTS, AND S~ AND 51Dl!!l"IAL.K5. 4. MONITOflt AND MAINTAIN TH!! SY5ff!M TO MINIMl.%1!! l!GIUll"Ml!!NT AND MAff!III.IAL-!"AILJJl'tl!!. ellll.Ot<l!!N 51"1111.INKl..l;f( t-eA05, I ••!<5, UNllll.l!!I.IAeL-1!! VALV!S, &!TC.. SHOULD 1!11!! IQ!l"AIIQ!O A5 SOON M Tie'!" l!ll!!c:.OMI!! Al"l"Allll.l!!NT. !5. l!!l:>Uc:.Aff! ALL MAINff!NANc:.I!! ~ ON A c.oNTINIJOIJ5 i,A515 Of" TH!! P"llll.!!5l!!NI!! OI" IQ!C:.Yc:..L-l!!O l'IAff!lll. '""'50NNl!!L-MJ5T E,I!! INl"OIIII.Ml!!l: T11AT 1111,_c;._ l'IAff!IIII. 15 Ml!!ANT !"O!II. IMISATION l"Vllll.l"05e 0NL Y , AND IS NOT Al"l"IIII.OYl!!D '"°"' DIIII.INl<.IN6 ~. HAND, TOOL, l'IA5HIN6, &!TC.. 61Yl!!N TH!! Hlc5H T1JIIII.NOV9l llll.Aff! OI" ~ IN TH!! L-ANC>Sc:.Al"IN6 INl:IIJ5TIIII.Y. IT 15 IMl"OIIII.TANT T!-+IS IN!"O!II.MATION ee DleseMINAff!C) ON AN ALM05T DAIL-Y eASIS. IT 15 Y'OU, TH!! l-ANC)5c:.Al"I! C::ONTllll.,',c;.TO!II., 1'11-10 15 llll.t!5!"0N511!1L-1!! !"O!II. l!!l:>Uc:.ATIN6 l!!Ac:.H AND l:Vl;f(Y ON!! OI" YOUIIII. ~- 6 . c,i,TAIN 1"1111.101111. Al"l"IIII.OVAL-OI" ALL l"IIII.Ol"05! c:.HAN61!!5 AND Mot)lf"ICATIONS TO ANY 1"1111.IVAff! ON Slff! !"Ac:.IL-ITll!!e. euc:.H c:.HAN61!!5 MU5T 151!! s..eMITTl!!C) TO ANY~ i,y THI!! C)ISTIIII.ICT l!!'N61Nl!!l!!IIII.IN6 Ol"l"ICI!! AND t)l!!Sl6N!!l:) IN ~ANc:.I!! l"IIT11 C)l5TIIII.ICT STAND,..__ i . ALL 1111.l!!G,Yc;.Lm;> l'IAff!lll 51"1111.INKl.l;f( C::O~L-VALV1!!5 5HALL !!II!! TAl!uC l"IIT11 ICleNTl!"IC:.ATION TM5. A. T-"'65 5HALL !!II!! ..eA~ l"'L-A5TIC:., S"X4', ~ IN C:.OL-O!II. l"IIT11 TH!! l"IOllll.1:)5, "l'IAIIII.NIN6 lllt.!!!G-YC:.Lel:> l'IAff!lll-DO NOT DIIII.INK" IMl"IIII.INff!C) ON ON!! SIC>e, AND 'NO TOMI!! l!!L. A6UA" ON TH!! OTH!!IIII. 51Cle. IMl"IIII.INTIN6 !SHALL-ee !"l;f(MAN!!NT AND Bl,.Ac;.t< IN C::OI..OIIII., use TA65 AS MANIJl",',c;.~ eY T. c:.Hllll.15TY' l!!'N~lse5 O!II. Al"l"IIII.OVI! l!GIUAL. i,_ ON!! TA6 5HALL !!II!! ATTAc:.Hl!tl TO l!!Ac:.H VALYI!! AS !"OL-L-Ol'IS, I. ATTACH TO VAi.Yi!! Sff!M C)llllt.!!!G-TL-Y O!II. l"IIT11 l"LASTIC:. Tll!!-MAI", O!II. :Z. ATTACH TO SOL-l!!NOIC) l"IIIQ! C)lllll.l!!G,TL-Y O!II. l"IIT11 l"L-A5TIC:. Tl&!-~, O!II. S . ATTACH TO VAi.Yi!! c;.OVl;f4. l"IITl-l l!Xl5TIN6 VALYI!! c;.OVl;f4. BOL-T. &. ALL-51"1111.INKl.l;f( Hl!!Al:)S 5HALL Bl!! IDl!!NTl!"ll!!C) A5 llll.l!!c:.Yc;.Lm;> l'IAff!lll 51"1111.INKL-l;f( Hl!!AP5. II. l!!Ac:.H AUTOMATIC:. c:;o~~ AND ITS A550C:.1Aff!C) l!!<IIUll"Ml!!NT !SHALL ee ICleNTl!"I~ l"IIT11 A 516N l!ll!!AAIN6 THI!! l"IOllll.1:)5, ''llll.l!!C.YC:.Lel:> l'IAff!IIII. ueec:> !"O!II. lllll.lll.16ATION" IN l!!N6Ll5H A),IC) 51"AN15H, l"IIT11 i,L.Ac:.K LZT'T'l!!llll.5 I" Hlc5H ON A !"Ullll.l"L-1!! i,Ac:.!(61111.C)l_ TH!! 516N 5HALL Bl!! l"L-Ac:.~ SO T11AT IT CAN ee IQ!ADIL-Y 5el!!N i,y ANY Ol"l!!IIII.ATION5 ~ UTIL-IZIN6 THI!! l!GIUll"Ml!!NT. INSFeC T I0N F~CE:DU~S I. GIT'T" GONS~GTION IN~GTION SHAL.L. INGL.UDe, A. L-Oc:.ATION OI" 1"11"1! L-IN!!S e. ~ t>Ei I H c;._ 1111.l!!aiul~ sel"AIIII.ATION c'HOIIII.IZONTALLY AND Vl!!III.Tlc;.ALLY) C), 1"11"1! ICleNTll"IC:.ATION. I!!. (l".O.C..'5) l"OINT5 OI" C:.ONN!!C:.TION5 !". L-OC:.ATION AND IDl!!NTl!"IC:.ATION Of" 51"1111.INKl.l;f( Hl!!Al:)S 6 . l'IAIIII.NIN6 516N5 AT TH!! 51ff! AND ON TH!! ~ HAUL-IN6 IQ!C:.YC:.L-l!!D l'IAff!lll (If" llll.l!!c:.YC:.Lel:> l'IAff!lll 15 usei::, '"°"' C::ON5TIIWc:.TIOI\V. :2. DISTl'IGT l"INAL. INSl"!!GTION SHA!..L. INGL.lJI:)e, A . C:.OV1!!1111.A61!! T!!5T, Al"ff!IIII. c.oMl"L.l!!TION OI" TH!! 51"1111.INKl..l;f( 5'1"$ff!M, TO Cleff!IIII.MIN!! T11AT ADl!!GILIAc:.Y Of" c.oVl!!IIII..A6 ON THI!! ~ use Allll.l!!A AND l"'!!IOff!c:.TION Of" Alli~.. ~ '"°"' llll.l!!c:.l!!IVIN6 lllt.!!!G-YC:.Lel:> l'IAff!lll. i,J l'IAIIII.NIN6 516N5 ,!i,,"11:,c..,5 C:./ CIUIGK COUl"L.IN6 V""'-'"~"" C)j ALL A51"!!c;.T'S _:,, 1· IMl6ATION C::ONDITION5 1Nc;.UJC)IN6 l"IINJ:ieL-Ol"IN 51"1111.AY, ~--o!"I", AND l"O I!!_, IQ!GIUIIQ!O Of" ALL-1111.1!!511:)l!!'NTIAL-AIQ!AS. !"\ IQ!GIUIIQ!O Of" Jllll!LI..5, 5Tllll.l!!AMS, 1111.1!!5e1111.VOlllll.5, &!TC.. • i I ! MAIN C!llOSSINIS-Sl!I! NOT!!: 16 THIS SH!!!:!!!:T (T"T"'I"') ,S, c:. ! S. ;ANNUA!.. INSl"!!C DECLARATION OF RE5PON5113LE CHARGE I HEl'il.EBY DECLAl'il.E THAT I AM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF l'-IORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHAR.51: OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS i,,..,-,-,,. DEFINED IN SECTION bi0:5 Of' THE 6U5INE55 AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN 15 CONSISTENT HITH CUl'il.RENT STANDAl'il.DS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK Of' PROJECT DRAHINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH 15 CONFINED TO A REVIEH ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF l'-IOl'il.K, OF t-1"1"' RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJEC.T DE5h5N. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL C.ONFORMANC.E HITH THE APPROVED LANDSC.APE CONc.EPT PLAN, HATER C.ONSERVATION PLAN, STORM HATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVA~Fl.f,.LA~?: LANDsc.APING. 1 BY, ---1"~~..4,.,._,,_,,LJ.,JL.J,-~~~=--,-,--------DATE Q'-/1,5/of. D NIS H. GILLESPIE FIR.M NAME AND ADDRESS: !51LLE5PIE DE51!5N GROUP, INC., "l404 5ENE5EE AVE., STE. 140 LA JOLLA, C.A "l:20:51-l;l;l"l PHONE NO,, $5.!'>J 55.!'>-.!'>"lII RE!515TRATIQN NO,, CA 1®2 EXPIRATION DATE, 04-0B 'l-24-<?B ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF SEWER SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SEWER LINE. ALL TREES WITHIN S' OF SDG4E EASMENT SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST EASMENT ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE DEVELOPER'S NAME: MORROW OMlDPMENT 1103 WRIQHT PLACE. f1110 m.. 790~1129-2701 DATE PLAN PREPARED: 2-21-03 BY: GDG APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I i i !lle:C'r"'CL..l=D Jol',IATI!!ll SIISN L..OCATION ■ CONNl!CT TO ,-.oc 'XX' -llll!C'r"'CL..E:D DRAWN JP APPROVED .... 1ST SUB. 04-12-0S HAS-BUILT" OB 24 08 MM 2ND SUB. 07-13-0S MYLAR SUB. 09-21-015 ~DELTA 'A' 02-27-0? DA1E l't-tlc:.H 5HOIJLD c.ovl!!lt l"AIIII.T 'A' AND l"AIIII.T '5' AND IC.T'S !"INAL IN51"1!!C:.TION. • CARLSBAD MUN~ WATER DISTRICT BY,~ /... ·12,ti= -:;. ft_8.L~e -rDA-fE SAN DIEGO COUN"TY DEPARTMENT OF ~~AL HEALTH 7_z...,,,r APPROI/ED BY: Cl~•• ~~/,_<, DATE RE\IISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN F1ELD. VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA TIE 6REENS -I.I, /.2, /.3 L-2 ·:~:::-~::07'A'3r~=~::~:;~Tl:_::Tt.E=: =====~R~E;;;C~E~1vTcE;:;;D~B~Y~:========-i===+==~================+==::r==r:==Jc=J I APP~Af i:r, ~ .,,,v;-.-'b I 'A' 0th sue. 00-01-oe l----l----+----------------1-----+---1----l-----+ ;:;· P~L:;;:A;::NN;;:l;;N:::G==:::::::;:-;::::=======:::::;-;::::::D::::A:::TE:::===:· -6M!Sl!I! A'll!N.!!, SUIT? 1-40 _JO_B_N_o. _____ oo_-_o_37 DA1E INITIAL OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAl'l1NG NO. LA --"Ll.A, C:.ALll'OIINIA ~=1·199'1DATE a .. -1 2-00 REVISION DESCRIPTION OA1E INITIAL DA"TE INITIAL CHKD BY: ---C, T c:Jc:J-0:3 4:30-4L ~•=.-:~let> -SC_ALE _____ A_S_S_H_O_WN_ INSPECTOR DA1E ENGINEER Of" WORK OTHER APPROVAL CTY APPROVAL RVWD BY: I I I 111208 0 ..., N - / / / ~/ / / / / / / ,..,~ cv· MATC,HJ,...tNE -SEE RI / / / / / / / T ' I I I I I I I I I I \ ' I I I I I I I I I ' ' ■ /? ,,/✓/ /Ij ) -:Y ,.' ( ,,r:fJ ~1/. _,,,, \ ./ ,,.--.... ....._ / V NOTE: A, ,_ /' ~-CONTROLLER ~~ 'BJ', REFER TO __ .,..~ I fHl---°'I<-i I I I I I -(JJ (JJ .,,/; POC "#50" TO BE A I½" RECYCLED WATER METI:R WITH A 2" SERVICE ', ~ LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, WITH OWNER'S \ •y AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 1 :_:;;--_ STATIC WATI:R PRESSURE 105 PSI : ·!;---,,----DESIGN WATI:R PRESSURE e,4 PSI 1 ■ /1/ ,,,. MAXIMUM DEMAND 40 6PM 1 '7 ,,_,./ ---------SET POC PSI REGULATOR o e>"I PSI / ,.,. \/ ___ E5TIMATI:D AREA SERVED 51,45"1 5G. FT. / ,,/ /' \ ,,-E5TIMATI:D YEARLY WATI:R USE 2.15 ACRE FT. PER YEAR , ,,. / \__,,./ MAWA 5.e>6 ACRE FT. PER YEAR t ' ,/ ,.,. ,> ROAD STATION # 10+21.5:5 / rf;1/;,,.' ,~;:'·1 ____ PER DWG 451-6 / 1/ '// ')"' ,~~--,>' NOTE: B, \ 1 / / , , ,. ' ,' ' ,' CONTROLLER "BJ" SHALL BE A HUNTI:R/IJ6T CONTROLLER A55EMBL Y / /,,.,.' , ,~---· ,/ MOD. #CA2-HUl-20/HF5-I50/R5E/EMPle> IN A 5TAINLE55 5TI:EL , /,.,.,. ,-',,':'! ENCLOSURE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER, ELECTRICAL POC, AND / ,, ,.,.,, / ,',,' APPURTI:NANCE5 SHALL BE CONFIRMED WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED , ":.-,, / , ,-REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCIN6 WORK. 1 / / ,.,,,,,..,, /1--., \ \ ' ,,,-- / ,,._,, /NOTE: C, ~-,,,, __ , 1 POC "#41" TO BE A I" RECYCLED WATI:R METI:R WITH A 2" SERVICE / I ,,::.:·;~~ _,,' / LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, WITH OWNER'S ,, ::,<l ,,' 1 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. -:.:._~~;,.~,.~-~,,L-7'~':[,-,:;:__--c;oNTRACTOR TO LEAVE / STATIC WATI:R PRESSURE 105 PSI NOTE_ "B" ~ ---~ .. - •u----,' (I) STUB OUT FOR DE5I6N WATI:R PRESSURE e>I PSI r----.._/,' -:s:.~ CONTINUATION OF 2 1/2" MAXIMUM DEMAND 50 6PM ::,'o ,.,1, \ , t;-, MAINLINE FOR VALVES SET POC PSI REGULATOR o e>6 PSI ,,' '<i,.%i BJ5 4 BJ4. SEE DWG# E5TIMATI:D AREA SERVED 1,e>45 5G. FT. ~ ,.-~ ~t '!:_51-"IL E5TIMATI:D YEARLY WATI:R USE 0 .2"1 ACRE FT. PER YEAR 1:i" ";'-"~ / MAWA 0.5:5 ACRE FT. PER YEAR \_..\.--.\--t.'--..,~ IRRl6ATION REMOVED /,✓ ROAD STATION# 10+50.00 ' c.. , <c, TO DWG# 45I-"IL / PER DW6 451-6 I _1 I -<:. I /----I D--I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ".I:.0~ / /' ' C> / 'c 6J2 / / ---/ / CONTRACTOR TO LEAVE (I) STUB OUT FOR VALVES BJI 4 BJ2. SEE DWG# 45I-"IL 5TRE:ET LIGHT ' I NOTE: D , CONTROLLER "BF" SHALL BE A HUNTI:R/1.JGT CONTROLLER A55EMBL Y MOD. #CA2-HUl-I2/HF5-IOO/R5E/EMPle> IN A 5TAINLE55 5TI:EL ENCLOSURE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER, ELECTRICAL POC, AND APPURTI:NANCE5 SHALL BE CONFIRMED WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCIN6 WORK. CONTROLLER 'BF', REFER TO NOTE: "D" ------""' -------------Poe '#50', REFER TO NOTE: "A'~'-----. \ \ \ \ \ ~~25 12' 21 I® I' 10 llF3 I' • I I ► I \ ► I I ► I I I PARKING LOT LIGHT n -:=-~1 ~-\1<:;'; ~--_-MAIN LINES SHALL BE - -_-..---;;,.LOCATI:D OUTSIDE -::.:------~ 5TRE:ET RIGHT OF WAY (TYP) -------, ,, I ,,,. I \, ,. I ----···-----·--MATC,HLINE -SEE LEFT --- ~ ~ \ - I I I I I -~-POC '#4e>', REFER TO =-:+~~~ _,,.....-NOTE: "C" ON SHEET L-4.-~ -~ --I _ --MAIN LINES SHALL BE _ --_..----::::· LOCATI:D OUTSIDE Nil)....=---~_-:... --_=:_ 5TRE:ET RIGHT OF WAY -=± ) ---•-+---;::_ ______ =- ____ .---_ -__...::;--~-=--=-_:_:-_oa.±-(TYP) ----~ =~-=-----------="------o]:.BBZ---- ~:-::-~;:_ ::=.a -:~=----------,,•-----------· -=--------______,.. -40 20 c:, IRRl6ATION MAINLINE AND APPURTI:NANCE5 LOCATION 15 DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL IRRIGATION EGUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORK, le>" OFF ANY HARDSCAPE AND WITHIN PLANTING AREAS OUTSIDE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND 5D64E EASEMENT. (TYP) ALL 5DG4E EA5MENT CROSSING SHALL BE PERPEDICULAR TO THE EA5MENT -4<:>c._ ___ eo 1:20 KEY MAP _nRA_WN _____ ,P sc.A1-e, 1,, = 40, ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED MM ~ PLANNI!'-«; DEPARTMENT ULJ ■ N.T.S. ALL TREES WITHIN 10 1 OF SEV'i:R SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER ASAINST SEV'i:R LINE. ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF 5DS4E EASMENT SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER ASAINST EASMENT APPROVED FOR PLANTINS AND IRRISATION ONLY, INCLUDINS PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTINS AREAS. jllSCA "'oody i> ... (.) .._ CP I'll -· ~(') .., :I .... -1-ST-SU-B-.----0 .. ---1-2--0-5 ,--------::-. A~S:=:---;:B~U~IL-:T;:;,.:----------r:06:-::2-:,.-:::08::r-:M::-M:--r,:r-:IR:::R:::IG:::A::TION::::-::AN::D:--:P:::-LA::N::ll::-N::G-:-M::OD:::IFl=c=-=A::ll:::ON-:::S:----,--,--,---:,:==; MASTER DEVELOPER IRRlcSATION PLAN FOR, L.-8 07-13-06 12-11-DB MM IRR. AND PLANTING MODIFIED O SDG&E EASMENT 00-21-0<> o<qlf'Y Vlt t ~ ::,P LA COSTA --,,--D-E-LT_A ___ A_' --02---2-7--0-7 T1E 6REENS -I.I, 1.2, I~ DELTA 'B' 11-06-08 RECEIVED BY: AS-BUILT Mylar 01-13-08 ~,404 6eE!SEE ,\VEN.e, SUITE 140 _,o_e_N_o. _____ o_<>_-0_3_7 LA .tUA, C,,\l./FOl'NIA ~:l061-lilil'lnATE o•-12-05 e!it,.!5!1&.~ ---------'- !'AX 0!5e , ,ese , 'li!lbe SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION PLANNING DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ 0lHER APPR0Vi\l. CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C.T G!G!-0:3 1-z:z-•j DATE I DRAWING NO. 4:30-4L 031609 C.ONTROLLER 'BG', REFER TO NOTE "D" POC. '1148', REFER-----------11 TO NOTE "C." ~ ) KEY MAP ■ N.T.S. ---MAIN LINES SHALL BE VJ/~ ONf LOC.ATED OUTSIDE --J sTR.EET RIGHT OF WAY --=-::-=--=·(TYP) --- IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND APPURTENANC.ES LOC.ATION 15 DIAGRAMMATIC.. ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORK, 18" OFF ANY HAR.DSC.APE AND WITHIN PLANTING AREAS OUTSIDE OF PUBLIC. RIGHT-OF-WAY AND SDG4E EASEMENT. (TYP) ALL SDG4E EASMENT C.ROSSING SHALL BE PERPEDIC.ULAR TO THE EASMENT ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ~34 ~ ~ I I I-(~ I / I ~ I I NOTE, IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOWN OUTSIDE OF MAINTENANC.E RESPONSIBILITY AREAS FOR C.LARITY ONLY. ALL MAINTAINED AREA EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK LINES. VERIFY ALL LAYOUT IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENT ATIYE. NOTE, MAINLINE, C.OMMUNIC.ATION C.ABLE, AND APPURTENANC.ES SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR C.LARITY ONLY. AC.TUAL MAINLINE LOC.ATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF 18" OFF ADJAC.ENT HAR.DSC.APE AND OTHER OBSTAC.LES TYP. NOTE: ALL Re.V'S AND QC.V'S SHALL BE INSTALLED OFFSET FROM MAINLINE AND ISOLATED WITH A BALL VALVE. ALL Re.V'S SHOWN WITHIN 50 FEET OF EAC.H OTHER SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A C.OMMON MANIFOLD. NOTE, ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVER.SPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENC.ES AND HAR.DSC.APE. ALL ADJUSTMENTS SHALL ASSURE GOOD SYSTEM C.OVERAGE AND DISTRIBUTION EFFIC.IENC.Y WHILE KEEPING WATER WITHIN THE LANDSC.APED PLANTED AREAS. NOTE , C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO AC.C.OMMODATE ANY YER.TIC.AL OBSTRUC.TIONS THAT MAY OC.C.UR, INC.LUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, FENC.ES, ETC.. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC.ING WORK. NOTE: C.ONTRAC. TOR SHALL PROVIDE SLEEVING FOR ALL FUTURE PAVED AREAS INC.LUDING FUTURE DRIVEWAYS, ROADWAYS, AS WELL AS ALL C.URRENT PAVED AREAS, PATHS, ETC.. VERIFY ALL SLEEVE LOC.ATIONS IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. NOTE C., POC. "1148" TO BE A I" REC.YC.LED WATER METER WITH A 2" SERVIC.E LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOC.ATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC.ING WORK. STATIC. WATER PRESSURE 102 PSI DESIGN WATER PRESSURE "10 PSI MAXIMUM DEMAND 50 GPM SET POC. PSI REGULATOR GI "15 PSI ESTIMATED AREA SERVED 11,551 SG. FT. ESTIMATED YEARLY WATER USE 2 .10 AC.RE FT. PER YEAR MAWA 4.81 AC.RE FT. PER YEAR ROAD STATION II 21+64.15 (END OF C.UL-DE-SAC.) PER DWG 442-6 NOTED, C.ONTROLLER "BG" SHALL BE A HUNTER/1.JGT C.ONTROLLER ASSEMBLY MOD. IIC.A2-HUl-40/HFS-150/RSE/EMP18 IN A STAINLESS STEEL ENC.LOSURE. FINAL LOC.ATION OF C.ONTROLLER, ELEC.TRIC.AL POC., AND APPURTENANC.ES SHALL BE C.ONFIRMED WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC.ING WORK. _nRA_WN _____ ,P 40 ::zo O scA1..e, 1,, = 40, ,::zoJ"JIII ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~I APPROVED ><M ~ l...±_J PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ --------.---------,,,-,---,--.,..,,..--------,---.-----,-,,.--------------..-------,---..------,-----1 """'===============:...:==::=: 1ST sue. o•-12-011 "AS-BUILT" 06 24 08 MM IRRIGATION AND PLANTING MODIFICATIONS ~ DELTA 'A' DELTA 'B' AS-BUILT Mylar 12-11-08 MM IRR. AND PLANTING MODIFIED O SDG&E EASMENT o7-t3-o5 AA OQ-2 1-011 "1;l.,r,,G MASTER DEYEI..Of'ER IRRlcSATION PLAN FOR, VI{ 1 .i\OES t:J1= LA COSTA TIE 6ALLJ1S -I.I, 1.2, l.!J L.-4 02-27-07 ~iuc,"P»cL 01-13-08 TITLE:~-~~-~-~-~~-----------l---+---+---------------+---+----+-----i----1 :=====================~ I APPROVED ~1-J'-( l:r-E:l\..,rft-11-06-08 i-------~R;,;;E=-;C,:;,E,;-:IV-;;,E~D:--;,;-B~Y:~-------;1-----l------+----------------l---+----+---I---~ t-u-i 01-13-06 PLANNING DATE ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF SEWER SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SEWER LINE. ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF SDG4E EASMENT SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST EASMENT APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ~-eesfE AVMe, SUIT? 1'40 _,o_B_N_o_. ____ 011_-_oa_? DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OWN BY: PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL LA .JClLLA, ,,.._IFOIQIIA "20!51-1:l:l'IDATE o•-12-011 e,e,se;o.o,m -------- ~AX e,e, !lee , ~16t, SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR ENGlNEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: C.T 'l'l-OB OlliER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: 4B0-4L ' ' ' 03\609 I ,, • . ,,,:."-· ' .. /\____ -~. --·· .,_, -_, c•-' \~ ~-----\~-J:_::c,.;c---~ - . ~~"71, r ~ ~ ... ,: I C.ROr'iN OF SLOP nu /,,.., ___________ _ /' J.n:; / / / / / / / / / / --✓'l / / ✓---- 1i' .,,-.,,,. ,,... ,,... _.-eC.£' 'b\ ,.,.... __. ,,..------..- ,..r, / / / ✓---­\,', / ~ SLOPE 71iJ,, ,,_:::_:' ,,✓ --~ ~-~--- POC '#4"l ', REFER 00..c\ , , , TO NOTE "A" . , ·o,.~,J -, • ~--~ x-CONTROLLER ' ~ REFER ~IQPr-c~~7c-:.__ KEY MAP = N.T.S. -✓✓ ALL TREES V'llTHIN 10' OF 5EV'IER SHALL REC.EIYE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AeAINST S~V'IER LINE. ALL TREES V'IITHIN 51 Or 5De4 E EASMENT SHALL REC.EIYE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AeAIN5T EA5MENT APPROVED FOR PLANTINe AND IRRl0ATION ONLY, INC.LUDINe PREC.15E LOC.ATION OF PLANTINe AREAS. "' &) " ..... <> .. CS) "' -· t,:IC") 106'TO P6 BHl5 <( u"> 0 -::. (----jf-------~~ I)_ Ir N / .· I~ 6Hl2 I' ' > /~ e'll ,,p / -~I ~_,_,,, ~ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / .. ___,,.__ -'>. ~ ~,, ,- / / , / •'],'~ :ii I'\ • / '-' --------/ .,,.,. ,,.,,,. ..,, MATCHLINE -SEE LEFT NOTE, 106'TO BY (---" ~ ,::0 /4-, ;:> Q IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHOHN OUTSIDE OF MAINTENANC.E RESPONSIBILITY AREAS FOR C.LARITY ONLY. ALL MAINTAINED AREA EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED HITHIN THE LIMITS OF HORK LINES. VERIFY ALL LAYOUT IN FIELD HITH OV'INER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. -~· .~ . •, "T•-:' --~------ DRAWN JP APPROVED MM 1ST SUB. 04-12-05 D7-19-05 09-21-05 DELTA 'A' 02-27-07 DELTA 'B' 01-13-08 11-06-08 BUILT Mylar 01-18-08 05-037 q404 ~-AV!:NIA:, SIJIT? 140 _JO_B_NO_. _____ _ LA JOLLA, 'AllFOIINIA ~20S~·IS6'1 DAT!! 04--12-05 ese .~. e,qi, --------- FAX i>Se • ~, 11&& SCALI! AS SHOWN C.ROr'IN OF SLOPE ~ '· Tlll.E: e,r,Jt..1e.1 V )\.I "AS-BUILT" RECEIVED BY: j1.,_t,,( ~;E~R\_J\-- t;I /2_!f'2'J. • DA l·t1.·.., DAiE I)_ C.ROr'IN OF SLOPE ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' 2-4 ', El;>GE OF STOR 'PIV-IN OIJTLET 5 40 :20 NOTE, MAINLINE, C.OMMUNIC.ATION C.Al3LE, AND APPURTENANC.ES SHOHN HITHIN PAVING FOR C.LARITY ONLY. AC.TUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1e," OFF ADJAC.ENT HAR.DSC.APE AND OTHER OBSTACLES TYP. NOTE, ALL RCV'S AND QCV'S SHALL BE INSTALLED OFFSET FROM MAINLINE AND ISOLATED HITH A BALL VALVE. ALL RC.V'S SHOHN HITHIN 50 FEET OF EACH OTHER SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A C.OMMON MANIFOLD. NOTE, ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVER.SPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, HALLS, FENC.ES AND HARDSc.APE. ALL ADJUSTMENTS SHALL ASSURE GOOD SYSTEM C.OVERAGE AND DISTRIBUTION EFFIC.IENC.Y HHILE KEEPING HATER HITHIN THE LANDSCAPED PLANTED AREAS. NOTE, C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO AC.C.OMMODATE ANY VER.TIC.AL OBSTRUC.TIONS THAT MAY OC.CUR, INC.LUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, FENCES, ETC. VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT HITH OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC.ING WORK. NOTE, C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL PROVIDE SLEEVING FOR ALL FUTURE PAVED AREAS INCLUDING FUTURE DRIVEHAYS, ROADHAYS, AS HELL AS ALL C.URRENT PAVED AREAS, PATHS, ETC.. VERIFY ALL SLEEVE LOCATIONS IN FIELD WITH OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. ~ -~ 1 NOTE A, POC "#40l" TO BE A I½" RECYCLED HATER METER HITH A 2" SERVIC.E LINE. VERIFY SIZE, LOC.ATION, AND PRESSURE, IN FIELD, HITH OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC.ING HORK. STATIC HATER PRESSURE DESIGN HATER PRESSURE MAXIMUM DEMAND SET POC, PSI REGULATOR@ ESTIMATED AREA SERVED ESTIMATED YEARLY HATER USE MAHA IOOPSI "ll PSI 3e, GPM "16 PSI 8>5,e.I6 50. FT. .o~ ROAD STATION # B.34 AC.RE FT. PER YEAR 5.11 ACRE FT. PER YEAR 1"'!+10.50 '1JJ,~.::..:,_+-_PER DHG. 442-6 NOTE 13, C.ONTROLLER "BH" SHALL BE A HUNTER/UGT C.ONTROLLER (----l--1-0 -ASSEMBLY MOO. #C,A2-HUl-:32/HFS-15O/RSE/EMPle, IN A STAINLESS 0 STEEL ENC.LOSURE. FINAL LOC.ATION OF C.ONTROLLER, 2 ELEC.TRIC.AL POC., AND APPURTENANC.ES SHALL BE C.ONFIRMED '(:WITH OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENCING WORK. 40 e,o ~s 1:20= I SHSET I Llli CITY OF CARLSBAD SCALe, 111 = 40' PLANNING DEPARTMENT I 06 24 08 MM IRRIGATION AND PLANTING MODIFICATIONS MASTER DEVELOPER. IRRIGATION PLAN FOR., 12-11-0B MM IRR. AND PLANTING MODIFIED O SDG&E EASMENT 1..-S V/1 t A6E5 OF LA G:OSTA 11-IE GREENS -I.I, 1.2, 1.5 11.-Ji Lr-~lL ... 11-I APPROVED 1-t..v•j :PLANNING DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: GT CfCf-OB 4B0-4L REVISION DESCRIPTION ENGINEER OF WORK 01HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: NOT!!, 9f'RIN1(1.191t5, V,'J..Ye, AND ANG.11.LM"r' mlJll"M!NT HITH ~OR ~ ON Re(;'l'(':-1 e, 1Mh9ATION 5'1'::, I l!l"'5 ~ TO 11:lENTIFIED HITH l"IJRIDI.I:: TAee, CAPS, OR LIDS. METER/CONTROLLER7 .------VAL YE NUMBER ~----VALVE SIZE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION Of PLANTING AREAS. S'T'MBOL l5J IYl ..... E0 • IE) E2 ~ RI'!--- NO SYMOOL NO SYMBOL NOT SHOHN NOT SHOHN NOT SHOWN NOT SHOWN IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND (REGYGLED ~ATER) MANUFACT. MODEL NO. I DESC.RIPTION P.O.C. REC'f'CU:D IRRlcSATION HA~ ME:TE:R (SEE NOTE:5 FOF< DE516NATION AND SIZES). VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION, SIZE, AND HATE:R PRE55UF<.E IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCINe r,.ioRK AND PUF<CHA51N6 EQUIPMENT. HAYHARD :2" MOPE!. 1:2 STAIN!.~ $T'!EL BASKET STRAIN!cR. YIIITH t,0 MESH 55 SCF<.EEN, SIZE PER PLAN. INSTALLED IN 'JUMBO' eox WITH ALL R.E:QUl!lal:D !:G.Ull"MENT AS SHOHN IN DETAIL DF<.A)allNSS. :2" 'IO'l(S) 51:RIE:S, ~C,UC.e:> Pllal:$SUR.E: BACKFLOl'I PREVENTION ASSEMBLY IN A STRON.SSOX STAINLESS STE:!:L SBeC-455S (51:E NOTES F~ SIZE). AS APl!'ROYED LOCATION OF RECYCL!:D HA'f'EF<. "DO NOT DRINK" SlcSN PER HATE:R DISTRICT STANDARDS. HATTS :2" e>l5-4SA-B(SDP-NC-MO-T-:2b3SS BLACK cSUARD MASTER CONTF<.OL VALVE. MASTEF<. VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A 'JUMBO' SIZEC? VALVE eox l'IITH LOCKING PIJR.PLE COY!:!'<. AND 'MCV' HEAT BAANDED ON COVER. (CALL R.C. EINFELDT AT (ll!51)5:31:>-:311-e>401 FOR AVAILABIL TY OF PF<ODUC.T.) DATA IND/ UGT NIBCO NELSON HUNTEF<. HUNTER' UGT HUNTER NIA AS APPF<OYED AS APPROVED AS APPROVED AS APPROVED HFS-150 PVC FL.01'1 SENSOR, HIRE TO CONTROLLER. USINe EV-CAB-COM CABLE IN CONDUIT, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. (SEE PLAN FOR. SIZES) T'Sl:>O TO BE LINE SIZE, BAA55 BALL VALVE. INSTALL. IN 10" F<OUND VAL.YE BOX HITH LOCKING PURPLE COYER. 1b45 RECYCLED HATER G.UICK COUPLER. VALVE, INSTALLED IN 10" F<OUND VALVE BOX HITH LOCKING PURPLE COYER AND 'GCV' HEAT BRANDEP ON COVEii<.. INSTALL G.CV ON A 11/:2" STUB-OUT OFF MAINLINE. EACH GCV SHALL BE ISOLATED FF<OM THE MAINLINE BY A 11/:2" BALL VALVE AND INSTALLED AT 150' O.C. PER CITY REQUIREMENTS. USE 1645 G.CV'S HITH ACME THFc.EAl?S AND LOCKIN5 PUF<.PLE RUBBER COYER. ICV-FS-AS SERIES PLASTIC PRESSURE REGULATING CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS SHOHN, INSTALL ONE VALVE PER STD. RECT. VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING PURPLE COYER AND 'R.CV' HEAT BAANDED ON COYER. VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN MANIFOLDS ISOLATED FROM THE MAINLINE BY A BALL VALVE. SIZE BALL VALVE PER THE LARGEST R.CV IN THE MANIFOLD. IRRlcSATION CONTROLLER IN STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE, SEE PLANS FOR. MODEL NO. AND LOCATION. 55-MC AAIN SENSOR, UcST WILL MOUNT TO ENC.J.OSURE AND WIRE TO CONTROLLER. 1:20 VOLT ELECTRICAL F'OHER, PF<.OVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD PULL BOXES FOF<. HIRE: SPLICES SHALL BE LOCATED A~XIMATEL Y 500' O.C. AND AT THE ENDS OF ALL SLEEVES UNDER PAVIN6. PULL BOXES SHALL BE 10" F<OUND HITH LOCKING LID PVC PIPE 3/4" -:3" SCH. 40 AS LATERAL LINES 1:2" BELOH GRADE. ON ALL RECYCLED HATER SYSTEMS USE COLOR CODED PURPLE RECYCLED HATER PIPE. PVC PIPE CL. 315 MAINLINES, :2"-:2 Xz" SHALL BE SOLVENT HELD, S" AND LARGER SHALL BE GASKET JOINT l'IITH DUCTILE IF<ON FITil~, :24" BELOW GRADE. ON ALL RECYCLED HATER SYSTEMS USE COLOR CODED PURPLE RECYCLED HATER PIPE. PURPLE RECYCLED HATE:R PVC PIPE AS SLEEVINe, Tl'IICE THE DIAMETER. OF PIPE OR. HIRE BUNDLE CARRIED PLACE BELOl'I ALL PAVIN6, HARDSCAPE, ETC.., AND AS DIRECTED BY Ol'INER'S AUTHORIZED F<.Ef'RE5ENTATIVE. SCH. 40 UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING, SCH. 1:>0 UNDER. VEHICLE PAVING. SLEEVES UNDER BROW DITCHES SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE A MINIMUM OF 6" THICK ON ALL SIDES OF PIPE. AS APPROVED IRR.lc!',ATION CONTROL l'IIRE SHALL BE 1114UF .A.He DIRECT BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED), COL.OR CODE l'IIRE PER CONTROLLER, A MINIMUM OF THO SEF'a<ATE SPARE PILOT HIRES TO THE END OF EACH MAINLINE. ROUTE SPARE HIRES INTO EACH VALVE MANIFOLD LOCATION, BUNDLE AND TAPE ALL Y'IIRE AND INSTALL ADJACENT TO MAINLINE, LEAVE SPARE Y'IIRE ENDS IN THE LAST VALVE MANIFOLD eox ON THE MAINLINE. IRRIGATION COMMON HIRE SHALL BE 1112UF AY'IG DIRECT BURIAL (U.L.. APPROVED). VALCON KBI HILKINS DS-400 PRE-FILLEC, HIRE CONNECTORS, USE ON ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS 5000 SERIES ADV, USED ON ALL SF'RINKLERS HITH LOH HEAD DRAINASE UNCONTROLLABLE BY FACTORY INTERGAL SPRINKLER. HEAD CHECK VALVE. 5F'RIN5 TYPE CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE BY LATEAAL LINE, INSTALL DOHNSTREAM OF EACH R.CV HHEN R.CV 15 HIGHER THAN THE SPRINKLER. HEADS. Sl'IING NPE CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE BY J.ATERAL LINE, INSTAJ.J. DOl'INSTREAM OF EACH R.CY HHEN R.C.V IS LOHER THAN THE SPRINKLER HEADS. BR-4 PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL LATERAL LINES WHERE SF'RINKLER. HEADS ARE LOCATED AT AN ELEVATION MORE THAN 50' LOHER THAN THE RCV. SET PRESSURE TO CONTF<.OL PRESSURE DUE TO THIS ELl:VATION CHANeE, SIZE PER LATERAL LINE SER.YING SYSTE:M. INSTALL IN A 10" ROUND VALVE BOX BELOH GR.ADE. CONTRACTOF<. TO LOCATE ALL SUCH PF<.V'5 IN THE FIELD AND SHOH LOCATIONS ON RECORD DRAHINGS. DETAIL NIA NIA AA D z E F H 1,J,K L L NIA NIA M Mp N F' p NIA NIA NIA ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT L;LJ I \lDSCA <,1\la <->f -IS • ... -~~~••1 LA 'JOS( "A Pf. ARCHYTECTCRE DRAWN JP APPROVED MM l~T SUB. 04-12-05 2ND SUB. 07-13-05 JOB NO. 05-037 DATE 04-12-05 SC.A.LE AS SHOWN ..---------,,---...,..---------,-----,---,----------------,----,----,----.-----1 " AS-BUILT" IRRlcSATION LEcSEND FOR, INSPECTOR DATE VILLAGE$ OF LA COSTA THE 6REENS -I.I, 1.2, 1.:, PROJECT NO. C,T 'l'l-03 l--c=-=c-+~-1----------~------+--,--+---+--,--+--:--,----t DWN BY: __ _ DATE INITIAL f--D_ATE_.,_I_NI_TIA_L-+-_DA_TE_~IN_ITI_A_L--1 CHKD BY: __ ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: l..-f:l DRAWING NO. 430-4L ~ \.>-l C, I ~ ..,..._ SYMBOL Q T H F MANUFACT. i'.ll 6 RAIN BIRD Cc = .a.. RAIN BIRD " e • RAIN BIRD ~ 0 e 0 RAIN BIRD ~ ~ e 0 RAIN BIRD <', (9 e 0 RAIN BIRD I[) ~ RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD SYMBOL G H F MANUFAC.T. ~ -©4r HUNTER @ '®'~ HUNTER @ -©~ HUNTER ~ 'W~ HUNTER • •• HUNTER HUNTER IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND (RECYCLED) MODEL NO. / DESC.RIPTION le>Ob-SAM-PRS-15EST/SST POP-UP TURF HEAD le>l2-SAM-PRS-5 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>l2-SAM-PRS-Ue> POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>l2-SAM-PRS-UIO POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>l2-SAM-PRS-Ul2 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>l2-SAM-PRS-Ul5 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>l2-SAM-PRS-15EST/SST POP-UP SHRUB HEAD le>l2-SAM--PRS-le>VAN POP-UP SHRUB HEAD SC.H.e>o NIPPLE WITH 140::2 PRESSURE C.OMPENSATINe TRIC.KLE PATTERN BUSSLER, EAC.H SYMOOL REPRESENTS THO SUSSLERS PER TREE ePM .bl, 1.21 .10, .19, .20 .2b, .95, .52, 1.05 .9"1, .52, .1"1, 1.51 .b5, .e-1, 1.9, 2.b ."19, 1.29, l.e>5, 9.10 .bl, 1.::21 1.55, ::2.bb, 5."l"I, 5.52 o.so(l.oo) PREC.IF 1."11 l.e>:3 1.e>9 l.e>9 2.01 I .e>5 l."11 1.e,:3 1.54 PSI RADIUS 90 4xl5 FT 4x90 FT 90 5 FT 90 e, FT 90 10 FT 90 1::2 FT 90 15 FT 90 4xl5 FT 4x90 FT 50 le> FT 90 5 FT ALL SHRUB SPRAY HEADS INSTALLED FARTHER THAN TEN (10) FEET FROM PAVINe, C.URSS, SIDEY"IALKS, STEPS, TURF BOUNDARIES OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY SE INSTALLED AS A RAIN BIRD PA-e>S SHRUB ADAPTER WITH THE NOZZLE AS SHOHN V'IHEN RADIUS OF SPRINKLER HEADS, REQUIRED FOR PROPER C.OVERAGE, 15 LESS THAN RADIUS SHOV'IN ON LEGEND, THE C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL EQUIP HEAD V'IITH A RAIN BIRD "PC.S" PRESSURE C.OMPENSATING SC.REEN FOR FLOY'! AND RADIUS C.ONTROL. SELEC.T SC.REEN ON PC.S NOZZLE SC.REEN SELEC.TION CHART, PROVIDED BY MANUFAC.TURER, FOR APPROPRIATE RADIUS. V'IHEN INSTALLING SPRINKLER HEADS USING NOZZLES THAT REQUIRE AR.c. PATTERNS OTHER THAN THE STANDARD ARC. PATTERNS (560°, 180°, 120°, Cf0°, ETC.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE VARIABLE AR.c. OR ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES. RADIUS OF ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES SELECTED TO MATC.H SITE C.ONDITIONS. NOTE, ALL SPRAY HEADS INSTALLED ON REC.YC.LED HATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE A FAC.TORY INSTALLED PURPLE REC.LAIMED Y"IATER C.OVER. MODEL NO. / DESC.RIPTION l-::20-HP-ADV/56V-.5/I.0/2.0 SR 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD l-::20-HP-ADV/56V-.15/l.5/5.0 SR 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD l-::20-HP-ADV/5bV-l.0/2.0/4.0 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD l-20-HP-ADV/56V-1.5/5.0/b.O 1::2" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD l-20-HP-ADV/5bV-2.0/4.0/e>.o 12" SHRUB ROTOR HEAD ePM .45, ."10, 1.1 .be>, 1.5, ::2.1 1.0, l.e>, 5.1 1.4, 2.4, 4."I l.e>, 5.1, b.O PREC.IP PSI .b"I 40 .50 40 .55 40 .41 40 .54 40 RADIUS 20 FT 25 FT :30 FT :35 FT 40 FT ALL SHRUB ROTOR HEADS INSTALLED FARTHER THAN TEN (IO) FEET FROM PAVING, C.URSS, SIDEWALKS, STEPS, TURF BOUNDARIES OR OTHER PEDESTRIAN AREAS MAY ElE INSTALLED AS A HUNTER 1-10 SHRUB ROTOR WITH THE NOZZLE AS SHOl'-IN NOTE, ALL ROTOR HEADS INSTALLED ON REC.YC.LED Y"IATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE A FAC.TORY INSTALLED PURPLE REC.LAIMED Y"IATER C.OVER. NOTE, PREC.IPITATION RATES ARE IN INC.HES PER HOUR (IN/H) BASED ON TRIANeULAR SPAC.INe, 50% DIAMETER OF THROW, C,OLLEC.TED IN ZERO WIND C.ONDITIONS. DETAIL A A A A A A A A C, s DETAIL A A A A A e IRRIGATION NOTES I. ALL LOC.AL MUNIC,IPAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS eoVERNING OR RELATINe TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HERESY INC.ORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPEC.IFIC.ATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL SE C.ARRIED OUT SY THE C.ONTRAC.TOR. 2. THE CONTRAC.TOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTINe UTILITIES, STRUC.TURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENC.INe WORK. THE LOC.ATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN TI-lESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISC.REFANC.IES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND AC.TUAL FIELD C.ONDITIONS SHALL SE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT EN01NEERING OR ARC.HITEC.TURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4. THE CONTRAC.TOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NEC.ESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDIC.ATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5. THIS MAINLINE AND SLEEVINe 15 DIAeRAMMATIC,, ALL PIPING, VALVES, ETC. 15 FOR DESIGN CLARIFIC.ATION ONLY AND SHALL ElE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS HHERE POSSIBLE. AVOID ANY CONFLIC.TS BETWEEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANTING AND AR.c.HITEC.TURAL FEATURES. b. IRRIGATION EGUIFMENT AS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. INSTALL ALL THE IRRIGATION REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, GUIC.K C.OUFLERS, MASTER VALVES, FLOW SENSORS, SACKFLOWS, AIR/VAC.UUM DEVIC.ES, AND 5ATE VALVES, IN SHRUB PLANTING AREAS OR AS APPROVED SY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND THE LANDSC.APE IRRIGATION DESIGNER. 1. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE FLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN C.ONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL SE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY HORK OR THE IRRl0ATION C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NEC.ESSARY SY THE OWNER. e>. INSTALL ALL EGUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND 5PEC.IFIC.ATION5. C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL SE RESPONSIBLE TO C.OMPLY WITH LOC.AL C.ITY, C.OUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. "I. AC.TUAI... LOC.ATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE BACKFLOH PREVENTER AND THE AUTOMATIC C.ONTROLLER 15 TO SE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD SY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 10. C.ONTRACTOR 15 TO PROVIDE TWO ADDITIONAL PILOT WIRES AND ONE C.OMMON WIRE TO THE END OF THE MAINLINE RUN IN THO DIREC.TIONS FROM THE C,ONTROLLER. II. ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO SE INSTALLED IN A SC.H. e>o SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE C.ARRIED. ALL HIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SC.H. e>O SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL HIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO SE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON TI-lE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" FAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. 1::2. ALL QUICK C.OUPLER VALVES TO BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUND C.OVER AREAS HHERE POSSIBLE. ALL GUIC.K COUPLER VALVES TO SE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE INSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL QUIC,K C.OUPLER VALVES WITHIN le>" OF HARDSC.APE. 1:3. ALL HEADS ARE TO SE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SC.REEN AND ARC.5 SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO ElE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVER.SPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENCES AND HAR.DSC.APE. THIS INC.LUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SC.REW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE C.OMPENSATINe SC.REENS, REPLAC.EMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLAC.EMENT OF NOZZLES HITH ADJUSTABLE ARC. UNITS. Wl-lEN VERTICAL 065TRUCTION5 (PROF&, STREET LIC::1-ffS, TREE&, ETC.) INTERFERE WITH THE SPRAY PATTERN OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD& PREVENTINC:: PROPER COVERAC::E, THE IRRIC::ATION CONTRACTOR &HALL FIELD ADJUST THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SY INSTALLING A QUARTER CIRCLE OR HALF CIRCLE SPRINKLER HEAP ON EACH SIDE OF THE 065TRUCTION 50 A& TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAC::E ALL APJJ&TMENT& &HALL SE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE Ol.lJNER. (TYFICAW 14. THE IRRIC::ATION CONTRACTOR &1 IALL ADJ.J&T THE PRESSURE REC::ULATOR ON EACH ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE &o THAT THE SPRINKLER HEAP FARTHEST AND HIC::HEST IN ELEVATION FROM IT& RESPECTIVE CONTROL VALVE OPERATES WITHIN THE OFERATINC:: FRE&&URE SHOWN ON THE IRRIC::ATION LEC::END. NOT TO EXCEED FIVE(&) F&I ASOVE THE C::IVEN OFERATINC:: PRESSURE FROM THE SPECIFIED PRESSURE LOCATED ON THE IRRIC::ATION LEC::ENP. 15. THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PESIC::N 15 SA&ED ON THE MINIMUM OFERATINC:: PRESSURE AND THE MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND &HOUJN ON THE IRRIC::ATION DRAWINC::& AT EACH POINT OF CONNECTION. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WATER PRESSURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REPORT ANY DIFFERENCE SETWEEN THE WATER FRE&SURE INDICATED ON THE PRAWINC::5 AND THE ACTUAL PRESSURE READINC:: AT THE IRRIC::ATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE Ol.lJNER'& AUTl-lORIZEP REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT PRESSURE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT REPORTED PRIOR TO &TART OF CONSTRUCTION, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR &HALL A&&UME RJLL RE&FON&ISILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS, AND COST& ASSOCIATED WITH &AID REVISION&. 16. C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL C.OORDINATE PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND CERTIFIC.ATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT RELATED TO THE RAIN MASTER C.ENTRAL C.ONTROL SYSTEM WITH HYDRO-SC.APE, SAN DIEGO, CA (e,5e,) 5b0-1600. 11. INSTALL POFUPS Y'IITHI 10' OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USE AREAS le>. INSTALL C.HEC.K VALVES AS NEEDED TO PREVENT LOH HEAD DRAINAGE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ DRAWN JP L...2...J PLANNING DEPARTMENT L..m r--------,,.,-,-A...,.S~B,,-U,,-IL""'T'::-, --------,,-----,----,-----------------,--"T""--,---T'"""--t APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC-LUDING PREC-ISE LOC-ATION Of PLANTING AREAS. LA 'I DSC A Pf. ,\RCHTTEC I UR~ APPROVED MM 1ST SUB. 04-12-05 2ND SUB. 07-13-05 JOB NO, 05-037 DATE 04-12-05 SCALE AS SHOWN DATE DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IRRl'5ATION LE'51:ND FOR, L-1 VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA THE 6REENS -I.I, /.2, I~ DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CT C!Cf-05 I DRAWING NO. _ 450-4L NOTE: FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "MV" ONTO LID. MASTER CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. '.----'---+----.."' -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 24" WIRE LOOP VALVE ID TAGS PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER, 2 REQUIRED ~-PVC MAINLINE TO FLOW SENSOR, PIPE PER SPECS. ~~~~ C!129---{4) BRICK SUPPORTS c_ _____ BRASS UNION >-------BRASS NIPPLE TYP. '--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC c_ _______ 3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. ~X8K~ttli~1~tRPlf~Et~.0M USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF THE MASTER VALVE ASSEMBLY. @ MASTER CONTROL VALVE "=f.----BALL 1YPE ISOLATION Vil.VE 1-1-----SCH 80 ~ UNION ~·w \olg""Tio• BEIWEEN '----REMOTE CONl'ROL VAL.YE SCH 80 PVC UNION 1-----IRIIGi\TlON SIJB-WJt.lUNE .,,,,,--LATERAL LINE TO SAINKLERS 1---1 J-------=~~Nliiw~ 18• OFF OF HNl>SCAPE EDGE "=f.----BALL TYPE ISOL'illON VALV! 1-1-----SCH 80 PYC utlON (lH----~8~,I\, 'v'.'I.W'!o~ALYE IN A QU~K COUPL£R .... FOLO TO BE SEPARATE FROM RCV MANIFOLD Q) VALVE MANIFOLD 45 DEGREE ELL ,,---CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK, TYPICAL ,,.--MAINLINE PIPE ---- UNDISTURBED SOIL 111~111=1111=1111-111=1111=111=1111,;; -)IT= ' .. 90 DEGREE ELL THRUST BLOCKS TO BE · · • · • · .. ----CONCRETE THRUST 1 CUBIC FT OF CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS TO BE USED FOR 3" AND ---l..~_1--- BLOCK, TYPICAL -MAINLINE PIPE LARGER PLASTIC PIPE WRAP PLASTIC FITTINGS USING BLACK PIPE TAPE , ,~lli_' --UNDISTURBED SOIL ALL CONCRETE TO BE PORTLAND CEMENT 420-C-2000 TEE @ THRUST BLOCKING ;-----LOW VOLTAGE WIRES, 3 MAXIMUM OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR STRIP AND TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNECTION CRIMP COPPER SLEEVE INSTALLED WITH RECOMMENDED TOOL CONNECTOR INSERT NOTE: FILL OUTER CASE WITH SEALER PRIOR TO FINAL ASSEMBLY. @ WIRE CONNECTIONS FINISH GRADE R6P DEVICE SEE LEGEND F R SPECIFICATION BRASS BALL VALVE TYP. BRASS NIPPLES MIN. 4" TYP. BRASS ELL, 4 REQUIRED BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE IF SPECIFIED ~f~~~~Elt~Gp~'c'J~?Ei, orErBEELOW BRASS UNION, 2 REQUIRED • BRASS RISERS LENGTH AS REQ. PVC MAINLINE TO MASTER VALVE SCH 80 PVC FEMALE ADAPTER SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE 6" MIN. CONCRETE SLAB, SEE BELOW PVC MAINLINE NOTE: IF WYE STRAINER OR PRESSURE REGULATOR IS SPECIF1ED, INSTALL ON EITHER THE HORIZONTAL PIPING OR ON THE DOWNSTREAM LEG AS SPACE PERMITS. CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE MINIMUM 4" THICK, 18" WIDE AND EXTEND AT LEAST 8" PAST THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY PIPING. IF BACKFLOW ENCLOSURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE LEGEND, THE CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE THE SIZE REQUIRED BY THE MANUFACTURER. INSTALL PER CMWD STD. DWG. #W-20 .,,-----RUBBER DRAIN CAP MISSION RUBBER CO. NO. 0704-015, 4" ~~~e,!!!e~===,~;,;,;,;eee->------F'INISH GRADE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + i,lli~f-------BUBBLER HEAD, SEE , LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION TOP 1" BELOW FINISH GRADE 1--HH-,,,,..++,------SCH BO NIPPLE, LENGTH §1111:. AS REQUIRED, 2 REQUIRED \D't-+-1~,,,__ ______ VALCON 1/2" ANTI DRAIN VALVE o, §Tm~ I 1-------NATrvE so1L 0 ~•:J...J:::.w.i=.., ◄------PVC LATERAL LINE . 6. 'o ...._ ______ DRILL THROUGH PIPE •• ~°o.~ O 1 /2' PVC ELL (SxT) • ,:,o Oe>p,j,>---------4" DIA. x 36" LONG *o kt PERl'DRATED PVC DRAIN PIPE .e:r'j) F'ILL WITH 3/4" GRAVEL TO ::,,._.i.::,.__::,,,__µ.i...,;,;,,;;,;,;;;,,LJ BOTTOM OF CHECK VALVE L-------------AMMENDED BACKFILL '-----------------ROOT BALL OF TREE ,,. ,J 1 111 m 1 1111 11i'1111i'11 =rlll11m1 1,111 NOTE: ~--------SHRUB ADAPTER SPRAY OR ROTOR HEAD, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION --------SCH BO PVC NIPPLE, TWO REQUIRED LENGTHS AS REQUIRED FINISHED GRADE UNDISTURBED SOIL ~--TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY r-----SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FlmNG LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 12" FROM FENCES WALLS OR BUILDINGS. DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD WITHIN 10 FT OF PAVING, CURBS OR TURF EDGES. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAY TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. -------INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS 1-----POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD, SPRAY OR ROTOR SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION •,nm11cffii!11 ~~J3~~/2~"~r-----INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD 1/2" lllil I iH111 Ill -ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB ,fil ~ II ITTI I l~I I I~ AND GROUND COVERS AREAS 1111 11 IIILIJTI m1ll111wm----UNDISTURBED SOIL l,,IIl~~ m 111==1 ~---TRIPLE SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY NOTE: ----SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE I LATERAL LINE" SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE ANu DEPTH REQUIRED Y7c,::'-;-1..-,,. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" FROM PAVING EDGE IN GROUND COVER AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 4" FROM PAVING EDGE IN TURF AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAYS OR NOZZLE STREAM TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY @ TREE BUBBLER @ HEAD ON RISER @ POP-UP SPRINKLER ---FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLTt NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGH ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "Rev· AND CONTROL STATION # ONTO LID. -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 24" WIRE LOOP ~I'.=~+---VALVE ID TAG ~---PVC THD. ELL SCH 80 PVC ,L--..:P,,,,,~\..---CONTROL VALVE 4-l'fs----SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE TYP. "x'l---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS SCH. 80 UNIION ----' 1---IRRIGATION MAINLINE c__ _____ 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL fWO CUBIC FEET c__ ______ LANDSCAPE FABRIC CD REMOTE CONTROL VALVE CLEAN COMPACTED------------ BACKFILL (2) WARNING TAPES FOR RECYCLED WATER AND ( 1 ) WARNING TAPE FOR POTABLE (12") ABOVE MAIN) PAVING, BY OTHERS ----.....'PS<777777777777777777~777:,;,J777777777777; =m n _Ill UNDISTURBED SOIL-----·_,III-JO VEHICLE =: I 12• PEDESTRIAN :LI I; L . JO" VEHI LE 111 N 1 e• PED STRIAN _ LATERAL LINE IN SLEEVE C, ~ 1 SCH. 40 FOR PEDESTRIAN PAVING : 11 ·1 1-l_l 111 SCH 80 FOR VEHICLE PAVING CONTROL WIRES -~-~-• t!i r, ,mIII MAINLINE & WIRE SLEEVE SCH 40 UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING -111 111 MAINLINE & WIRE SLEEVE SCH BO UNDER VEHICLE PAVING =1 I 1=111= TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE I B" I 1 0 FEET ON CENTER DEPTH AS SHOWN OR ON CONCRETE SLAB FOR ON STRUCTURE INSTALLATION. SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS BY OTHERS. @ SLEEVE AND TRENCH APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRl6ATION ONLY, INCLUDIN6 PRECISE LOCATION Of PLANTIN6 AREAS. -----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ----PLASTIC ROUND VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE ~i'JNU:SS BOLT NUT AND WASHER. HEAT oRAND QCI/" ONTO LID. 0\IICK COUPLER W>J..VE SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. oll..11-----\1...---STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP ,,,--(4) BRICK SUPPORlS 'l---LASCO PRE-ASSEMBLED SWING JOINT fa~. ,~ 1~~£~o~RASS MIPT NIPPLE ~-.C!<!~-.)---MAINLINE, SEE SPECS. a-------f4 , 36" REIIAR STAKES, 2 REQUIRED '--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '----------3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. ~~tE'°EFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED FITTINGS TYPICAL QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE APPROVED FOR RECLAIMED WATER USE. (8) QUICK COUPLER VALVE CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILL (2) WARNING iAf:'ES FINISHED GRADE~ ,.....;::;,.,.--...---'--+-,.-,.--,.,., MAINLINE AND CONTROL WIRES TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 1 0 FEET ON CENTER DEPTHS SHOWN ARE FOR IN GROUND INSTALLATIONS. ON STRUCTURE INSTALL PIPING AT DEPTH SHOWN OR AT CONCRETE SLAB DEPTH. PIPE AND TRENCH ------F'INISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "BV" ONTO LID. ~-BALL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION ~" ITT%~-FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 11i'llug illm1 II r --;--l~l:J._,~...1:::1~-IJM~~"---PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE -DEPTH AS PER SPECS. '----PVC MALE ADAPTER ifboO ==0,:i.0:..::;:~~~~2S..I---(4) BRICK SUPPORTS L------BRASS UNION c_ ______ BRASS NIPPLE c__ ________ LANDSCAPE FABRIC NOTE: c_ _________ 3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. -----FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLTt NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGH ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "FS" ONTO LID. FLOW SENSOR, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION -FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS ;,...__ 24" WIRE LOOP PVC MAINLINE PIPE PER SPECISIFICATION ..i--(4) BRICK SUPPORTS L------LANDSCAPE FABRIC L-------3/4" ROCK, 2 CUBIC FT. ~~ ~~™~EArfif~Ji. MASTER VALVE NOTE: l~~TtkhoQ-OctN¾{t1.~~R:"5 PER THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, WIRE TO BOX TO BE INSTALLED AS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER OPERATION OF BALL VALVE INSTALL AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE, INSTALL VALVE OFF-CENTER IN INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. BOX. 8~ET~~ PfuCWE~E~sHk_To ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH ON THE DOWN-STREAM SIDE @ BALL VALVE CONTRDLLER---~~~~:ffli==--=r.'i\l STAINLESS STEEL, 24" WIDE FRONT ENTRY CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE NEMA 3R RAINPROOF RATED i----RAIN SENSOR INSIDE AN ENCLOSURE POWER SWITCH ---til'__lil AND RECEPTACLE TERMINAL BLOCK FOR --IH--.11 COMMUNICATION CABLE (USE IF REQUIRED) ---TERMINAL STRIP FOR CONTROL WIRES -Hf-----STAINLESS STEEL, U.L LISTED, PREDRILLED, REMOVABLE BACKBOARD PREFORMED ALUMINIUM PAD FINISHED- GRADE ,. STRONGBOX QU ICKPAD · P cf. ENCLOSURE MOUNTING PAD FILL BASE OF = = QUICKPAD WITH 'I PEA GRAVEL TO _-UL___ TOP OF BASE . UNIT ti I • ~ : WITH PREFORMED ALUMINIUM ~ , , PAD, PLASTIC BASE AND ALL COMPACTED __/ 1 I STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE SITE SOIL 1 1 /4" PVC CONDUIT/ SWEtP FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE 1" PVC CONDUIT /SWEEP FOR FLOW SENSOR/►..CV WIRES (IF REQ.) (6) CONTROLLER --1 1/4" PVC CONDUIT/SWEEP FOR COMMUNICATION CABLE -~~ TO OTHER CONTROLLERS (IF REQ.) 3" PVC CONDUIT /SWEEP FOR CONTROL WIRES T6 VALVES 5/8" DIA. x 8' COPPER GROUND ROD W/#1D GROUND WIRE AND CLAM~ ® FLOW SENSOR NOi?:, I. GENTER VAi.YE: eox OYl:!Ct "1:MOT!: GONTIIIOL. VAi.YE: TO FAGIL.ITAT!: SE:!CtVIGIN.s VAL.YE:. 2. 51:T ~v AND VAi.YE: eox ASSl:MBL.Y' IN 6!<0UND-GOYERISH!We Afl£A HHl:"1: F0551eL.E:. !5. 51:T BOXES FAi'<AI..L.E:l.. TO E:AGH orHI:!". AND Pl:!CtFl:NDIGLA..A!Ct TO E:Del!:. -4, AVOID Hl:AVIL.Y GOMPAGTIN.s SOIL. Al'OUND VAi.YE: eoxe:s TO ~NT GOU.APSE: AND DE:FO!CtMATION OF VAL.YE: 60Xl:5. / ' 0 - = N 14"X19" RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX TYP.l QUICK COUPLING VALVE BOX, TYP. 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 -44 -+4 -+4 ~ = l'I @ VALVE BOX LAYOUT ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWN JP ..-------~.~.A_S_B_U_IL .... r.,,., -------,------r----,--------------,---....,...--,----r---1 ll'tl'tl5ATION DETAIL.S FOR., ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT rnJ APPROVED MM 1ST SUB. 04-12-05 DATE 2ND SUB. 07-13-0~ _MYLA __ R_s_u_B_. __ o_•_-2_1_-_05 ~TI:_::TLE::.:: ::::::::::::::::::::=~:;:;~~~~========-1===r==r================1==I==ic==r==i RECEIVED BY: JOB NO. 05-037 DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DATE 04-12-05 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLASES OF LA C-OSTA THE 6REENS -I.I, 1.2, /.5 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: GT 'lc::\-03 DRAWING NO. 430-4L APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC,LUDING PREC,ISE LOC,ATION Of PLANTING AREAS. jDSCA <,\I le c., '< :; ! . LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURc STREET SURFACE 3.5 FEET POTABLE MAINLINE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) I 12" MINIMUM REQUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION SLEEVE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE NOTE: ALL RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION PIPING AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECYCLED WATER MAINS" OCTOBER 1993 @ POT ABLE MAINLINE CROSSING METER BOX W/ METER SIDEWALK CURB POTABLE SERVICE LINE l PROX. 8" 12" MINIMUM RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/ SLEEVE NOTE: VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIUMUM IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24 • FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 1 O' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. @ POT ABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING .------FINISHED GRADE IN 1\JRF AREAS -----PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "PRV" ONTO LID. --PRESSURE REGULATOR, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION !!,,!!I !!1 l!!',!"~11 ~1:,,1r~;-;;;j;::::.:.11~ -FINISHED GRADE 11111;1 I In]' l -=m :/::~B 13:R:.E. 111~;w11 11 111 111 NIPPLE, 3 MIN •• 2 REa. -::'.-'.LcFtJw:e~=i~Jh,~ifj~1 ~II~ ,__....,.____ PVC SCH 40 SLIP ~~Pill:l...~~_l::iJ-_JL--L::--1-L~ COUPLING, 2 REQ. • I ~&r.A1t11srEPl~ ~J~R ~ ~~~ill~~i== BRICK SUPPORTS l2' • 3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. c_ _______ LANDSCAPE FABRIC c_ __________ BRASS NIPPLE TYP. c_ __________ BRASS UNION '----------------PVC MAINLINE FROM P.O.C. NOTE: INSTALL CONTROL VALi/ES A MINIMUM Of ONE FOOT APART IN SHRUB AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. USE 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF THE PRESSURE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY. @ PRESSURE REGULA TOR 1211 I&' WE ARE CONSERVING OUR MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE BY IRRIGATING OUR LANDSCAPE WIT RECYCLED WATER RECYCLED WATER AGUA RECICLADA DO NOT DRINK NO TOIE EL AGUA DO NOT DRINK SIGN ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ________ ,---------.,,.,.--------.,---------,-----,---,-----------------.-----~--~---I L:!_J PLANNING DEPARTMENT "AS-BUILT" ~ I DRAWN ,P APPROVED MM 1ST SUB. 04-12-05 DAT£ 2ND SUB. 07-13-05 MYLAR SUB. 09-21-0l'i TITLE: RECEIVED BY: JOB NO. 05-037 DATE 04-12-05 SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlliER APPROVAL IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE INITIAL CllY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---1 PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ , CT 'i'i-05 RVWD BY: L.-c::i DRAWING NO. 450-4L ~ C) I ~ ~ POC -PRESSURE CAI.CS PROJECT POC #/RCV# POC WATER TYPE RCVDEMAND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE METER ELEVATION PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR@ PSI AVAILABLE SERVICE LINE METER WYE FILTER, CHECK V., TEST ST A. BACKFLOW DEVICE W/ STRAINER FLOW SENSOR MASTER CONTROL VALVE MAINLINE (2"-3" CLASS 315) MAINLINE (2"-3" CLASS 315) ISOLATION VALVES RCVSINGLE STATION Sch. 40 LATERALS (10% OF PSI REQ'D) SUBTOTAL + 10% FOR FITTINGS TOTAL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINKLER ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINKLER SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED SURPLUS SET RCV PRESSURE REGULATOR@ POC -PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT POC #/RCV# POC WATER TYPE RCVDEMAND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE METER ELEVATION PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR@ PSI AVAILABLE SERVICE LINE METER WYE FILTER, CHECK V., TEST STA. BACKFLOW DEVICE W/ STRAINER FLOW SENSOR MASTER CONTROL VALVE MAINLINE (2"-3" CLASS 315) ISOLATION VALVES RCVSINGLE STATION Sch. 40 LATERALS (10% OF PSI REQ'D) SUBTOTAL + 10% FOR FITTINGS TOT AL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINKLER ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINKLER SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED SURPLUS SET RCV PRESSURE REGULATOR@ 05-037 LACOSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 47 BF14 POTABLE/FUTURE RECYCLED WATER 35 GPM 550 FEET 315 FEET 101.755 85 85 # GPM SIZE LENGTH PSI LOSS 35.00 2" 35.00 1.33 0.47 35.00 1 1/2" 2.70 35.00 1 1/2" 2.00 35.00 1 1 /2" 13.00 35.00 1 1/2" 0.50 35.00 1 1/2" 2.00 35.00 2 1/2" 898.00 0.39 3.50 35.00 3" 975.00 0.15 1.46 3 VAR = LINE 0.70 2.10 35.00 1 1/2" 1.60 VAR 4.00 4.00 33.33 3.33 36.66 40 PSI 40.00 15 FEET -6.50 0 FEET 0.00 70.17 21.14% % 14.83 48.93 05-037 LACOSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 48 BG19 POT ABLE/FUTURE RECYCLED WATER 35 GPM 550 FEET 315 FEET 101.755 85 85 # GPM SIZE LENGTH PSI LOSS 35.00 2" 35.00 1.70 0.60 35.00 1 1/2" 2.70 35.00 1 1/2" 2.00 35.00 1 1/2" 13.00 35.00 11/2" 0.50 35.00 1 1/2" 2.00 35.00 2 1/2" 410.00 0.39 1.60 3 VAR = LINE 0.70 2.10 35.00 1 1/2" 1.60 VAR 4.00 4.00 30.09 3.01 33.10 40 PSI 40.00 5 FEET -2.17 0 FEET 0.00 70.94 19.82% % 14.06 48.61 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC,LUDING PREC,ISE LOC,A TION OF PLANTING AREAS. PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI RUN-TIME CALC LA COSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 METER #47/ CONTROLLER BF T= ijO X INTERVAL X PEAK Eto X KC RECYCLED WATER PRXIE TIME= MIN INTERVAL PEAK Eto KC 1.4 WATER 5 DAYS/WEEK 0.177 PR IE 0.800 TURF 0.500 SHRUB 0.300 SLOPE 0.400 TREE 2.000 SPRAY 0.500 ROTOR 0.420 DRIP 6.000 BUBBLER 0.750 SPRAY 0.750 ROTOR 0.900 DRIP 0.900 BUBBLER SHRUB ROTORS T = SHRB RTRS SLOPE T= TURF ROTORS T = TURF SPRAYS DESIGNED T = TURF SPRAYS PROPSED T = SHRUB SPRAYS T = SHRUB DRIP TREE BUBBLER$ T= T= 19.82 MIN/STA 11.8944 MIN/STA 31.7184 MIN/STA 7.93 MIN/STA 7.9296 MIN/STA 4.96 MIN/STA 15. 73333333 MIN/STA 1.10 MIN/STA (WUCOLS HIGH 0.7-0.9) (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3, MOD 0.4-0.6) (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3) X X X X X X X X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 17 STATIONS = 202.20 MINUTES 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 4 STATIONS = 19.82 MINUTES 0 STATIONS 0 STATIONS 21 = 0.00 MINUTES = 0.00 MINUTES TOTAL 222.03 MINUTES 3.70 HOURS 41.12 % OF SH RUN-TIME CALC LA COSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 T= 60 X INTERVAL X PEAK Eto X KC PRXIE TIME= MIN INTERVAL PEAK Eta KC 1.4 WATER 5 DAYS/WEEK 0.177 PR IE 0.800 TURF 0.500 SHRUB 0.300 SLOPE 0.400 TREE 2.000 SPRAY 0.500 ROTOR 0.420 DRIP 6.000 BUBBLER 0.750 SPRAY 0.750 ROTOR 0.900 DRIP 0.900 BUBBLER SHRUB ROTORS T = SHRB RTRS SLOPE T= TURF ROTORS T = TURF SPRAYS DESIGNED T = TURF SPRAYS PROPSED T = SHRUB SPRAYS SHRUB DRIP TREE BUBBLER$ T= T= T= 19.82 MIN/STA 11.8944 MIN/STA 31.7184 MIN/STA 7.93 MIN/STA 7.9296 MIN/STA 4.96 MIN/STA 15. 73333333 MIN/STA 1.10 MIN/STA METER #481 CONTROLLER BG RECYCLED WATER (WUCOLS HIGH 0. 7-0.9) (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3, MOD 0.4-0.6) (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3) X X X X X X X X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 15 STATIONS = 178.42 MINUTES 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES 10 STATIONS = 49.56 MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES HOURS 0 STATIONS 0 STATIONS 25 = 0.00 = 0.00 TOTAL 227.98 3.ao 42.22 % OF 9H LA COSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 RECYCLED WATER METER #47/ CONTROLLER BF ESTIMATED WATER USE EWU (GPO)= ETO X PF X HA X .62 ETo PF HA 0.62 IE METER #1 ZONE TYPE SHRUB ROTORS TURF ROTORS SHRUB SPRAYS TURF SPRAYS SHRUB DRIP TREE BUBBLER TOTAL MAWA=Elox08xAREA x062 LA COSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 RECYCLED WATER IE 0.121 AVG. DAILY Eto (44.2 per year) 0.5 SHRUBS & GROUND COVER 0.8 TURF 0.375 SHRUBS SEE BELOW FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE CONVERSION FACTOR OF UNITS TO GPD 0.8 ROTORS 0.7 SPRAYS 0.9 DRIP AREA (SQ.FT.) 90,079 EWU = 4,223.58 GPD (.122 X 0.5 X HA X .62)/.80 0 EWU = 0.00 GPD (.122 X 0.8 X HA X .62)/.80 3.082 EWU = 165.15 GPD (.122 X 0.5 X HA X .62)/.70 0 EWU = 0 00 GPD (.122 X .08 X HA X .62)/ 70 0 EWU = 0.00 GPD (.122 X 0.375 X HA X .62)/.90 0 EWU = 0.00 GPD (.122X 4XHAX62)/.90 0 EWU = 0 00 GPD -~~(.122 X 5 X HA X.62)_/.7_0------,--c= __ 93,161 EWU = 4,389 GPD 1,141,069.87 3.50 GPY AC. FT/yr DAILY MAWA: 5,591.15 YEARLY MAWA: 2,042,387.24 GPY METER #481 CONTROLLER BG 152,539.36 CU.FT/yr 6.27 AC FT ESTIMATED WATER USE EWU (GPD) = ETO X PF X HA X .62 ETa PF HA 0.62 IE METEIR#1 ZONE TYPE SHRUB ROTORS TURF IROTORS SHRUB SPRAYS TURF SPRAYS SHRUB DRIP TREE BUBBLER TOTAL = = MAWA=Eto x 0.Bx AREA x 0.62 IE 0.121 AVG. DAILY Eta (44.2 per year) 0.5 SHIRUBS & GROUND COVER 0.8 TURF 0.375 SHRUBS SEE BELOW FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE CONVERSION FACTOR OF UNITS TO GPD 0.8 ROTORS 0.7 SPRAYS 0.9 DRIP AREA (SQ.FT.) 87.681 EWU = 4,111.14 GPD (.122 X 0.5 X HA X .62)1.80 0 EWU = 0.00 GPD (.122 X 0.8 X HA X .62)1.80 15.912 EWU = 852.66 GPD (.122 X 0.5 X HA X .62)1.70 0 EWU = 0.00 GPD (.122 X .08 X HA X .62)/. 70 0 EWU = 0.00 GPD (.122 X0.375 XHA X.62)1.90 0 EWU = 0.00 GPD (.122 X .4 X HA X .62)/.90 0 EWU= 0.00 GPD (. 122 X .5 X HA X.62)1.70 -----~--103,593 EWU = 4,964 GP □ 1,290,587.68 3.96 GPY AC. FT/yr DAILY MAWA. 6,217.24 YEARLY MAWA. 2,271,090.06 GPY 172,527.05 CU.FT/yr 6.97 AC FT DRAWN JP .---------,,,,-A-S_B_U-IL-T"=---------.---r---r---------------,---"""T--r---,----t LI\NOS( '1\1-'E <\RCI-TTTECl lJRE APPROVED MM 1ST SUB. 04-12-05 DA"TE 2ND SUB. 0?-13-05 _MY_LAR __ s_u_e_. __ 0_9-_2_1_-_05 ~Tl:_:;Tl.E::;;_:: =====~~~~~;:::=:::::::::::::::::{ __ +--i----------------+--+----1---+----1 RECEIVED BY: JOB NO. DATE 04--12-05 DA"TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA"TE INITIAL DA"TE INITIAL OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DA"TE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT uu IRRIGATION LEGEND FOR, VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA 7rlE 6REENS -I.I, 1.2, l.!J DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: CT G!G!-03 L-10 DRAWING NO. 430-4L POC -PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT 05-031' LACOSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 POC #/RCV# 49 BH1 POC WATER TYPE POTABLE/FUTURE RECYCLED WATER RCVDEMAND 38 HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE 550 METER ELEVATION 315 PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR@ PSI AVAILABLE # GPM SIZE LENGTH SERVICE LINE 38.00 2" 35.00 METER 38.00 1 1/2" WYE FILTER, CHECK V., TEST ST A. 38.00 1 1/2" BACKFLOW DEVICE W/ STRAINER 38.00 1 1/2" FLOW SENSOR 38.00 1 1/2" MASTER CONTROL VALVE 38.00 1 1/2" MAINLINE (2"-3" CLASS 315) 29.00 2 1/2" 1290.00 MAINLINE (2"-3" CLASS 315) 38.00 3" 1335.00 ISOLATION VALVES 4 VAR = LINE RCV SINGLE STATION 38.00 1 1/2" Sch. 40 LATERALS (10% OF PSI REQ'D) VAR 4.00 SUBTOTAL + 10% FOR FITTINGS TOTAL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE 40 PSI ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINKLER 0 FEET ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINKLER 10 FEET SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED SURPLUS 14.62% % SET RCVPRESSURE REGULATOR@ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INC.LUDING PREC.15E LOC.ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. GPM FEET FEET PSI 1.70 0.51 0.19 0.70 101.755 100 100 LOSS 0.60 3.30 2.00 13.00 0.50 2.00 6.58 2.54 2.80 1.70 4.00 39.01 3.90 42.91 40.00 0.00 4.33 87.24 12.76 49.60 "l)SCA GI I lo ~, . PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI RUN-TIME CALC LA COSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 METER #49/ CONTROLLER BH T= 60 X INTERVAL X PEAK Eto X KC RECYCLED WATER PRX IE TIME= MIN INTERVAL 1.4 WATER 5 DAYS/WEEK PEAK Eto 0.177 KC 0.800 TURF (WUCOLS HIGH 0.7-0.9) 0.500 SHRUB (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3, MOD 0.4-0.6) 0.300 SLOPE (WUCOLS LOW 0.1-0.3) 0.400 TREE PR 2.000 SPRAY 0.500 ROTOR 0.420 DRIP 6.000 BUBBLER IE 0.750 SPRAY 0.750 ROTOR 0.900 DRIP 0.900 BUBBLER SHRUB ROTORS T= 19.82 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES MIN/STA SHRB RTRS SLOPE T= 11.8944 X 9 STATIONS = 107.05 MINUTES MIN/STA TURF ROTORS T= 31.7184 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINIUTES MIN/STA TURF SPRAYS DESIGNED T= 7.93 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES MIN/STA TURF SPRAYS PROPSED T= 7.9296 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES MIN/STA SHRUB SPRAYS T= 4.96 X 15 STATIONS = 74.34 MINUTES MIN/STA SHRUB DRIP T= 15. 73333333 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES MIN/STA TREE BUBBLERS T= 1.10 X 0 STATIONS = 0.00 MINUTES MIN/STA 24 TOTAL 181.39 MINUTES 3.02 HOURS 33.59 %0F9H >'!ATER SOURCE, I. >'!ATER FRE55URE INFORMATION >'!AS CA!..CUAlcD BASED ON A HYDRAULIC ~E LINE OF 55OFT. STATIC F'Re5SUF1.E AT EACH POINT OF CONNECTION SHALL. BE AS INDICAlcD ON l"OC NOTES. THIS >'!ATER F'!'<l55URE INFORMATION >'!AS OBTAINED FROM DAVID Bl.AL.OK Y'IITH HlJN5AKEP, ON 11/15/04. ::Z. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL. VERIFY >'IAlcR FRE55URE B'I" DIRECT MEASUREMENT IN THE FIELD. IF EXISTINe F'F1.E5SUF1.E 15 NOT AS STAlcD ON THE PL.ANS THE CONTl'I.ACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE Oi'INERS' REF'F1.E5ENTATIVE BEFORE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT AND BESINNINe INSTAL.l.ATION. F'URc.HASE OF EQUIPMENT AND AN'!" INSTALLATIONS HHEN EXISTINe STATIC F'RE55URE 15 BEL.OH THAT STA TcD A60VE SHALL. BE THE SOLE F1.E5F'ON51BIL.IT'I" OF THE CONTRACTOR. LA COSTA GREENS 1.1-1.3 METER #49/ CONTROLLER BH RECYCLED WATER ESTIMATED WATER USE EWU (GPD) = ETO X PF X HA X .62 ETo PF HA 0 62 IE METER #1 ZONE TYPE SHRUB ROTORS TURF ROTORS SHRUB SPRAYS TURF SPRAYS SHRUB DRIP TREE BUBBLER TCTAL = = = = = MAWA=Etox 0.8 x AREA x 0.62 IE 0.121 AVG. DAILY Eto (44.2 per year) 0.5 SHRUBS & GROUND COVER 0.8 TURF 0.375 SHRUBS SEE BELOW FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE CONVERSION FACTOR OF UNITS TO GPD 0.8 ROTORS 07 SPRAYS 0.9 DRIP AREA (SQ. FT) 58.836 EWU = 2,758.67 GPD (.122 X 0.5 X HA X .62)/.80 0 EWU = 000 GPD (.122 X 0.8 X HA X .62)/.80 21,550 EWU = 1,154.77 GPD (.122 X 0.5 X HA X .62)/.70 0 EWU= 0.00 GPD (.122 X .08 X HA X .62)/.70 0 EWU= 0.00 GPD (.122 X 0.375 X HA X 62)/.90 0 EWU= 000 GPD (.122 X.4 XHA X.62)/.90 0 EWU= 0.00 GPD (.122 X .5 XHA X.62)/70 80,386 EWU= 3,913 GPO 1,017,495.72 3.12 GPY AC. FT/yr 136,019.85 CU.FT/yr DAILY MAWA 4,824.45 YEARLYMAWA 1.762,318 36 5.41 GPY AC FT. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD l....!.!__J PLANNING DEPARTMENT .--------------------...---.------.-------------------~--.----~---1 " AS-BUILT" DRAWN JP APPROVED MM 1sT sue. 04--12-05 2ND SUB. 07-13-05 DATE IRRISATION L.EeEND FOR, VILLAGES OF LA COSTA 6REENS -I.I, 1.2, l.!J L2LJ L.-11 _M_YLA_R_su_B_. __ 00_-_2_1-_0_51..:Tl:..'.TL~E::,;: =====~~~;;,;~;::=======::..t===x==:t================r==r==it===t==J ~;';';';~~R==5F============1 I" RECEIVED BY: APPROVE LANlJS('APE ARCH!l ECTURE JOB NO. DATI: SCALE 05-037 04-12-05 AS SH01'"N DA TE INITlAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER ~ WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE INITIAL DATE INITlAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CT C!C!-03 I DRAWING NO. 430-4L SECTION 0:2bll LANDSCAPE IAAl5ATION PART I -5ENERAL 1.01 SUMMAR'!' A. It Is the Intent oP 11,., sp.,.,IIIGatlons and drc:w.lngs 11,at th" Plnloh<Od oystem Is Gomp1 .. to In .,v,.ry r"5peGt and shall be roady Por op.,ratlon ,atlolaGtory to 11,o Oi,.iner. e. Tho HOrk ohall lnGlvcl" all materials, labor, ""rvlG"5, tranoporl:atlon, c:r,d "<julpm.,nt noG"••ary to porPorm tho "'"rk ae lndlGatod on tho dra .. 1n9s, In th.,,., "f'"GIPIGatlon, c:r,d ae n<>G.,Hary to Gomploto tho GontraGt. 1.02 CONSTRUc.TlON ~IN55 A. DIJ" to 11,., oGal" of llie dra"'ln9&, It Is not pooelbl" to lndlGat" all of'lsi,to, fltt1n91, "'""v"•• .. tG. "'hlGh may be r"qu1r .. d. Th" COntraGtor shall Gar.,lully lnv.,&t19ate 11,., otruGtural and llnlsh"d Gondltlono all.,Gtln9 all oP his "'ork and plc:r, his "'"rl<. aGGordln9ly, Pum1oh1n9 oUGh lltt1n90, "tG. c,o may be r"qulr"d to m<>"t IUGh ""ndltlorie. Dr=ln,a• c,r .. 9"n"""I ly dla9rc,mmatJG and lndlGOtlv .. oP th .. "'"rk to be ln•l:all<>d. Th" "'"rk ehall be lnetall"d In suGh " manMr "" to avoid GanPIIGto bot....,.,n lrrl90tlon oystomo, plantln9, and arGhlt.,Gtural '""tu"'•· e. All "'orl<. Galled Por on th" dra.,.lng• by not.,, or del:alle shall be lurnloh"d and lnotall"d "'""th"r or not 5P"GIIIGally m"ntlon"d In th<> spoGlflGatlone. 1-tl"n an Item Is oho"'" on th& plans but not lho"'n an th" "f'"GlflGatlono or vlG" vi,roa, It shall be di,.,m..d to bo ao oho"'n on both. Th" LandsGape ArGhlt.,Gt ohall hav" final aulliorlty Por GlarlPIGatlon. C. Th" contractor shall not "'IIIPully rnatall th" rrrl9"tlon •y•t"m ao ,ha ... n an th" dr""'lngo Hh"n It I• obvlouo In 11,i, 11 .. rd that obotruGtlono, grade d1P1 .. ronGi,1 or dlsGr.,panGI"• In ar .. a dlm<>nolone oxl•t that might not hav" b<>en Gonsldor"d In "n91ne.,r1n9. SuGh ob!OtruGtlon• or dllfor"ne"• ohould be brou9ht to th" attention ol th" Landoeap" ArGhlt""t ao ooon "" d"t..Gt.,d. In th" ev .. nt llil• notlflGatlori lo not porPormod, the lrrl9"tlon COntraGtor ohall """um" Pull r"opori•lblllty for any re,vlslon neeesec:iry. I.Oil GUALIT'T' ASSURANCE A. Provld" at l"ast OM ongllsh •poal<.lng pi,r,oon ~o •hall bo proo.,nt at all tlm"• dur1n9 """Gutlon of thlo portion ol 11,o Hori<. and ~ •hall b" thorou9hly lamlllar ,..,11, 11,., typ" oP mat..,lalo bolng lnel:all"d and 11,., manuPactur .. r'• r"Gommonded mothodo of lnel:al latlon and "'ha ohall dlr.,Gt all "'"rl<. P"rPorm<Od und"r thlo ""Gtlon. e. Manulactur..,•• dlroGtlone and dol:all"d dra ... ln9& •hall bo 10110 ..... d In c,11 GC,001 "'hor .. tho manulc,etur"r ol artlGloo uo"d In thl• Gontrc,et lurnlsh dlroGtlons Gov.,rlng point• not ohaHn In th" dra ... 1ngo and •P"'-illGatlons. C. All loGal, munlGlpal and stato I""'"• rulo• c:r,d r"9ulatlons 9ov.,rn1n9 or r"lat1n9 to any portion ol thlo "'ork ar" horoby lriGorporatod Into and mad" a part of th""" •p.,GlflGatlono, and tholr provlolone shall bo Garrl"d out by th" ContraGtor. Anyth1n9 Gonl:aln .. d In the ... '"P"GlflGatlone ohall not bo Gonetru .. d to GonfllGt ... rth any oP tho abovo niloo c:r,d r"gulatlono oP tho oamo. Ho"'"v"r, "'""n th""" •p<>GIIIGatlono and dra ... 1n9• Gall Por or d<>0Grlbe matorlalo, Horl<.manehlp, or GonotruGtlon oP a bott .. r quail~ hlgh&r standard, or larg"r •lz<> llian I• r<>qulr"d by th& abov.. rul"• and ri,gulatlone, th" provlolons ol thoo" spoGIIIGatlon• and dra,..1n90 shall tal<,., pri,Ged"r'IG"· D. All matorlale 111ppll"d Por thle proJ"'-t ohall bo n""' and Ir"" lrom any d.,l.,Gts. All dellOGtlv" ma~lalo ohall bo r<>plaG<>d lmm<>dlat<>ly at no additional Goat to Own'°'. E. Th" contraGtor shall ,.,Gu"' 11,., r<>qulred IIG.,nooo cr,d permit• Including paymonl:e ol Gharg"• and ,.,.,,, glv" r<>qulr"d notlGOO to publlG authorltl<>s, v<>rlly permits °"""r"d or arran9,,m<>nt• mad" by 011,,,,. c,P1,,Gtln9 th" "'0rk ol thl• ,,,Gtlon. l.o4 5UBMITTALS A. Matorlals Lista I. Altor a...ard ol GantraGt and belor<> any Irrigation •y•t"m mat"rlale ar .. dellv,.r<>d to th<> Job sit<>, submit to th<> o ... n..r c, Gompl"to llot 0, all lrrl9at1on oyot,,ms, material,, or prOG<>•""• propo,.,d to be luml9h10d and lnetal l<Od as part ol this GontraGt. .2. Sho"' manulaGtur..r'o nam" and Gal:alo9 number lor """h lt..m, lurnlsh Gompl10to Gal:alo9 Guto and toGhnJGal dal:a, lurnloh 11,., manulaGtur.,r'• r"eomm<>ndatlon& "" to 11,., mothod or lnotallatlon. :5. No oubotltutlono "'"' be allo.,..,d "'lthout prior ...rltt<>n aGG~anG" by 11,,. LandoGapo ArGhlt..Gt or O...n10r'& autharlz"d r"pr<>o<>ntatlv<>. 4. ManulaGturlOr'o "'arrant!"• ohall not rell"v" th" Contrc,etor ol hlo llablllty under 11,e guarant""· SuGh "'arrantle& shall only ouppl..m"nt 11,., guarant""· e. St.t>ot1tut1one, IP th" lrr19at1on contraGtor "''•hoo to eubotltut" any <>qulpm<>nt or mat<>rlalo lor tho•<> <>qulpm<>nt or mat<>rlalo llst"d on th<> lrr19at1on dra,..1n9:o and 5P"Gllleatlon• h& may do oo by providing tho lollo"'ln9 Information to th" LandoGc,p" ArehlteGt or o ... .,..r'• authorized repr.,:o<>nl:atlv" and City ln,opoGtor lor approval. I. Provide c, "'rltt"n el:at..m.,nt lndlGatlng 11,., r"c,son lor making th& 1ubot1tut1on. .2. Provld" Gal:alo9 Gut sh,,..to, toGhniGal data, and p..rrormanG<O lnlormatlon lor eaeh oubotltute Item. ,. Provide In ... r1t1n9 the dlller"""" In lnol:alled prlG .. II th& lt..m ,. C,GG"Pt .. d. I.OS EXISTINe CONDITIONS A. Th" ContraGtor shall v<>rlly and be lamlllar "'Ith th" loec,tlono, olz" and dstall "' points ol eomeGtlon provld<Od ao th<> oourc.e "' ... at:..r, <>leGtrlGal eupply, and t<>l.,phone IIM Gom.,Gtlon to the 1rr190t1on eyet.,m. e. lrrl90tlon d"olgn lo bao<>d on t:t,., avallc,bl" otatlG "'"t"' preoeur<> oho"'n on 11,., dr,,...ln90. Cor,traGtor ohall verily otatle "'"t"r on th<> pro Jset prior to th<> otart ol eonetruGtlon. Should a dloer<>poney ""lot, nol:lly th" Le,ndoeap<> ArGhlt<>Gt and o.,.n,,r'• aulliorlzed r<>pr"•"ntatlve prior to beginning GonstruGtlon. C. Prior to Gutt1n9 Into th" :ooll, !lie Contrc,etor ohall loGato all Gabl"'°• Gandult:o, """'"r NptlG tanl<.,o, and oll,"r utllltl"• c,o c,r" c.ommanly enGaunt.,r<Od und,.r,around and h1> ohall ta!<& prop'°' pr.,eautlono not to damc,9" or dloturb ouch lmprov"m"nto. II a GonlllGt "xlsto bet..""" th .. euc.h obotaGloo and th& propooed "'"rk, th" ContraGtor ohe,11 promptly notlly th" LandoGape Arehlt..Gt and Own"r who ... ,11 arran':3" for r<>loGatlons. The ContraGtor ... 111 proG<Oed In th<> oam<> mann<>r If a roGI<. lay"r or any oth<>r 111Gh Gondltlone "'"" <>neountor .. d. D. The CantraGtor ehall prot..Gt all "x10t1n9 utllltlee and leatur"• to r"maln on and adJaG<>nt to th<> proj<>Gt site during GonotruGtlon. ContraGtor shall r<>palr, at hll ""'" eoot, all damag" rooultlng from hie op"ratlono or n<>9ll9""'-"· E. Th" lrr19atlori contraGtor ohall Goordlnato "''th th" .S..n,,ral COntraGtor lor lnotollc,tlon of r"qulr"d 11., .. v1n9 "" oho"'n on th" piano. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. Th" ContraGtor ohall P"rmlt th" LandoGap" Arc.hlt....t, O...ner~ <:wthorlz"d "'Pr"•""tatlve and City lnopeGtor to v101t and ln•p,,Gt at all tlmeo any part "' th" "'"rk and ohall provld" oa, .. C,GGSN Por IUGh Vl9lto. e. 1-tl"r" the op.,.,llleatlono r""'ulre ><orl<. to be t:nted ~ th6 Corltf «.tor, It lhc:111 not IOe c.ov .. r<>d OV<>r until C,GG"Pt<>d by th-, l.c>ndeeap<> Ar-Ghlt:..et, O...ner'• <:wthorlzed r"pr.,o<>ntat1v,,, and/or govemlng agene1ee. The Corrtrac.tor ehall IOe eolel~ rnpc,mit,1e fc,r notllylng th" LandoeaP" ArGh~t, o ... n.,r, and 9overn1n9 09enGlee, a mlnlmUm oP <la houro In e,dvanG,,, "'h"r" and "'h"" th<> ... orl<. 10 ready lor toot1n9. !!liould ar,y "'Ol'I<. t:>e eovsr"d "'lthout t..ot1n9 or C,GGsptanG", It ohall b<>, If oo ord.,red, uneovsr"d at tl'le GontraGtor 19, euc:penM. c. ln1poct1on1 ... 111 be r"qulred Por th" lollo ... rn,a at e m1ri1mum, I. Syet .. m layout .2. Preo111ri, t<>ot of lrrl9"tlon main lln" (rour houro at 125 PSI or l.20!II ol otatlG "'al:dr pr<>s•ur<>, "'hlGh ev<>r lo great<>r) apprOVCII r""'ulred by Cl", lnopeetor. :,, Covera9<> toot of Irrigation :oyet..m (approval r""l"lred by Glty lnepoetor). -4. Final lnopoetlon prior to etart oP malntonane" period 5. Final """"ptane" D. Sito obo.,rvatlono and tooting HIii not "'°'"""'nee .,n:t,c,ut the r"c.ord dra ... 1ngo ao prep~ ~ tho Irrigation COntraetor. Rseord dra ... 1ngo IMlt Gomplete and up to date Por ec,eh elt.. vfelt. E. J,,/ork "'h!Gh falls t<>ot1n9 and le not aeG,,ptod ... 111 IOe ret:..et<Od. Hourly rat:..o and ""I"'"""" ol the Landocap<> Arehrt<>et, o"'""r'• .:wthorlzed r"l"'e&.,nt<:ltlve, and gov<>mlng ag<>ncloo lor r"lnop.,etlon or r,,t..,.tlng "''" be pllld ~ th& Irrigation coner.:ietor at no additional sxpene-~ to 01ri1ner. 1.01 STORA<Se AND HANDLING A. u.., all moano """"°""ry to prot<>Gt Irrigation eyet..m matorlal■ bePore, durln9, and alter lnetollatlon and to proteGt 11,,, lnel:allatlon "'ON: and matorlale or all other trade:o. In th<> <>V<>nt ol damag<>, lmm<>dlat,,ly maks all ropc,lrs and replaG.,monte MG<>eeary to th<> aGe.,ptane" of th" Land,oeap" ArehltoGt a,d 0...n<>r and at no additional Go,ot to the O...nsr. e. E><.,reloe ear" In handlln,a, load1n9, unload1n9, and :otorlng plaotlc. pipe and llttln9& und"r Gover until ready to lnotall. Traneport plaotlG pipe only on a v"hlel" ... 1th a bod lon9 "nough to allo"' 11,,. pip" to lay flat to avoid undu" bondln9 c:r,d Gonc..,ntrated .. xt.,rnal load. I.Ob CLEA~ AND DISPOSAL A. Dlopo•" "' "'""t:.. trash and d"brls In aGGOrdanG" "'Ith a10PIIGabl" 1a .... and ordlnanc ... and ao pr"•Grlbod by auihorrt,,,, hc:,vln9 Jurledletlon. Bury hb oueh "'""t" material and d<>brl,o on !lie olte. Burnln9 of traoh and d"brle .. 111 not bo pormltt.,d. Th" Contraetor shall r..move and dlopo•" ol rubbish and d"brle 9.,n.,rllt:..d by hlo "'orl<. and ... orkm"n at frequent lnt.,rvals or wh<>n ordered to do "" by th" o ... ner's authorlz"d r"pr.,sentatlve. B. At 11,,, tlm" ol eo...,1 .. t1on Iii<> "ntlr<> olt" HIii be el.,ared of toolo, equlpm,,nt, rubbloh and d<>brle "'hlc.h shall t:,o dlspo""d of oPl-olto In a l"gal disposal area. I .O<l 11.JRNOYER ITEMS A. Rseord DraHln90, I. R&eord aGGuratoly on on" •"t oP Gontrac.t dra"'1n91 all Ghangee In 11,e "'"rk Gonotltutlng d<>partur<>• lrom th" orl9lna I GontraGt dra,dngo. .2. The Ghang<>:o and dlm<>nelone ohall be reGord"d In c, l"glbli, and ...arkmailll<.e mann"r to th" oatlolaGtlon of the ""'""'"· Prior to flrial lntpi9Gtl0n ol ><orl<., eubmlt r<>eord drc:w.lng,o to the Land&c.c,I"' ArGhlt..Gt or Owner'• authorlz<Od rt>preesntatlv.,, :5. Dlmen:olono lrom/to p<>rman,,nt polnto of roP<>r<,nG<> ouGh a,o bulldlngs, old.,.,.all<.,o, GUrb!O, "tG. ohall be oho"'"· Data on r"Gord dra ... 1n91 :ohall be r"Gord"d on c, dey to day baols ao th& proJ.,Gt 10 be1n9 ln:ol:all,,d. All 1 .. tter1n9 on dra.,.ln9& ohe,11 b<> minimum 1/f> lnGh In elzs. 4. Sho"' loGatlono and d"pth• oP tl'le lol/o.,.1n9 lt..me, a. Point ol eonneetlon (lnclvcllng "'at"r m .. toro, bac.k.lloH pri,v.,nt .. r,o, maetor eontrol valv<>s, "tGJ b. Routing ol oprlnl<.l<>r pr"oeur<> lln,,,. (dlm.,n,1on1 oho"'n at a maximum of 100 ,.,.,t along routln,a} G. eate valv"• d. AutomatlG remote Gontrol vc,lv"'" and l:oolatlon ball valv"'" "· GIUIGI<. Gouplln9 valv"• and loolatlon ball valv.,, P. Routln9 oP eontrol .,.,r,,o 9. lrr19at1on Gontroll"ro h. R&lat"d "qulpm.,nt (a• may be dlr,,Gtod) 5. Maintain r""ord dra ... ln9" on elt" at all t1mee. Upon c.ompl,,tlon of ""'rk, traiafer all ae-bullt lnPormatlon and dimensions to r<>produelbl" ""P'" prints. e. Controll"r Chart,, I. ~rd dra..,1n90 muot be approved by Landscape ArehlteGt and/or OHn&r'• authorlz<>d r<>pr<>:o<>ntatlve boPor<> Ghato c,r., pr.,pared. 2. Provld" on<> Gontroll"r c.hart Por eaGh automc,tlG eor,troller. C/'rert ehall :oho"' th" ar<>a GaV<>r"d by th" partleular Gontroller. :l. Th" Ghart le to bo c, r"dUG<Od c.opy oP the a.;tual "r<>Gord" dra><ln9. In th& ev..,,t th" Gontroll"r """lu"ne" I• not 1 .. 91bl" Nn&n th" dra ... 1n9 lo reduc.ed, It ohall be enlarged to a r"adable elzi,. 4. »l"n Gampl"tod and approv.,d, the ehart ohall bo hermetlGally &&lied bet....,en two pl<>Gee ol plaetlG, ""Gh P'""" bo1n9 c, minimum 20 mll• In l:nlGkn.,••· C. Operation and Malnt<>nanee Manualo, I. T"'o lridlvldually bound c.opl<>o ol op<>ratlon and malnt<>nane<> manual• ohall be dellv10r<>d to the Landseap" ArGhltec.t or O"'n"r~ authorlz<>d r"pr<>oentc,tlve at least 10 ealendar dayo prior to lineal lnopeetlon. Th" manual,o ohall d"oGrlbe th" mc,t..,lal lnotalled and th" prop"r op.,ratlon ol th" oyot.,m. .2. Ec,eh eompl"t", bound manual ohall lnGlud" th" Pollo,..ln9 lnPormatlori, a. lnd"x oh.,.,t ol:atln9 Contrc,etor'e addr"•• and t..1.,phon" numb<Or, duration of 9uarant<>e P"rlod, llot of "qulpm<>nt lnG lud1n9 name• and c,ddrooo<>• of loGal mc,nulaGtur"r r"pr"•"ntatlvea. b. 0p .. rat1ng and malnt.,nanG" 1notruet1on1 lor al I equipment. G. Spore part• lloto and r<>latod manuPaGtur"' lnlormc,tlon Por all <>qulpment. OSCAp l \lellj)/ • DRAWN .TP APPROVED MM 1ST SUB. 04-12-05 2ND SUB. 07-13-05 D. Equipment, I. Supply a• c, part ol thlo Gontrc,et th<> Pollo,..lng lt.,mo, a. ~o (.2) ... reneh"• Por dloaoeembly and c,djuotm<>nt ol eac:h typo ol eprlnk.l"r h"c>d uoed In the lrrl9atlon '"lj5t..m. b. '!hr"" !IO-lnGh eprink.l&r 1<,.,y,o lor manual op<>ratlon oP Gontroll valv"•· c:. Two ""'Y" Por """h .:wtomatlG eontro11 .. r. d. f'lve qw1ek. coupler ""'Y" .,.1t1, c, bronz" ho•" thread "10 d&~"" ""Iv"/ atl:aGhml!ri and live eoupl"r lid 1<,.,ye. e. Five va Ive box eovu l<ey or "'r<>nGh. P. one 5-fC,C,t toe "'~"""h !or c,p4'ratln,a 90to valv"• :, lnc:h"• or lar9<>r Of W!l!dJ. 9. Sl,c elCtl'a 9""lnk.l"r heCld& oP """h 11ze and l:l,P" P"r 1rr19at1on P.o.c. :.:l. "!he dt:11:Jve '"/Jlpfflffl thal I be tum<Od ov"r to 0><.,..r'o <:wthorlzed rspr"9..ntatlve at th4' fll!c:11 lri!pet-tic,n, 1.10 CCMl"I.ETION A. At the time cl the pre"fl\Olnt .. nanG<O psrlod lri9P"Gtlon, 11,,, LandOGapo ArGhlteGt, o ... n .. r'• CMthorlzed P'llpt .!loentatrv.., and 9ov.,m1n9 c,genGle& ... ,11 lnsP""t th" "'"rk, and II not ac.Geptec, ..,,11 prepar" c, llet of 1t..mo to bo Gompl"t"d by th" contraet:or. At t:t,., tlm" oP tl'le pc,et-malntsnanee P"rlod or llnal lri"f"'Gtlon th" ..or-I<. ,..,11 be r"lnopeGt<Od and final aGc:eptonee .. 111 be In "'rltlng by th" LandoGap" ArGhlt<>Gt, OHn<>r'o autho,rlz10d repre,..,nl:atlve, ar,d g,,ver111n,a ogenc.leo. e. "/'he °""""~ ®tllorrzed r"P'e,..,ntotlv" ehall have llnal authority on all portion• of tho HC>rl<.. C. Alt"r the eyetem hoe creen eompletod, the ContraGtor ohall lretruGt OH""r~ authorized repre5"nl:atlv" lri the operation and maintenance oP the lrr19at10n oyot<>m and ehall Furnish a eon,,lete 9"t 0, c,perot1n9 C>nd mal~nc,n..,, 1n1truGtlone. D. Al":j Nttl~ ol tr,,nehn l'lhlGh may OGeur dur1n9 the """"Y"<I" period Pallo ... 1n9 aGGepl:anee ehol I be r"Pc,lrsd to the o"'ner'o oatlofoGtlon by th& Contrac:tor ,..,thout any Clddltlonol e,q,e,m,e to the ""'ner. Rspc,lrs ehall lnGlud" the eomplets reetoratlon ol all deml!l':3" to plont1n9, pav1n9 or other lmprovem"nto oP any kind c,,o c, r"oult of th" "'orl<.. I.I I SUAAANTI;E A. The .,,,tire ,ipr~,.,,. eyetem, lnGlvcllng all "'"rk done und"r thl• Gontrac:t, ohal I be unGondlt1onerlly g,arantst!ld a901n1t all del.,Gto and !.:wit ol matorlal and workmanohlp, lnc:ludlng ... ttllng OI bClc:I< lleld aroa• bolo"' ~ad&, Por c, p<>rlod of one (I) year Po110 ... 1n9 th" lllln9 oP th" NotlG<> oP Completion. Should any probl"m "''th the lrrlgc,tlon ,oy:otom be dl,oeov.,red ,,,.,11i1n th" guarantst!I p<>rlod, It shall be corr<>Gtod by 11,e CoritraGtor at no addltlonal "XF"""" to ""'""'" Hlthln ton (lo) Gal,,ndar day• of ree<>lpt of "'rltt..n notu lrom o .. ner. »isn th" natur" ol th" r"P"'"° ao dst.,rmlned by 11,,, °"""r Gonotrtute an "m..r9enGy (I.e. brok&n pr"""ur" lln-,) th" °""'"r may proc.e"d to make r"palro at llie contrc,etor'• e><p.,nee. Any and all damage• to exletlng lmprov,,mont reeultlng ,,,th<>r lrom faulty mator1ale or "'orkmanehlp, or from ths n"GeHary r"palro to Gorr"'-t same, ehall be repalr"d to the oatlefaGtlon of th" ""'n"r by the Contractor, all at no additional Goot to the Ololner. e. ISuarCJrltee ehcil I IOe eul:>mltted on contractoro ""'n letterh.,ad ao Pollo"'"' ec.JAAANTe: FOR SF'RINKLER IAAh5ATION S'T'STEM l"le tlere!:1\1 9Ue>rontee that ths ,oprlnl:.l"r 1rr19atlon •y•t"m "'" hav" IUl"l'llshed and 1n1l:alled 1• Ire" lrom dsleGt• 1n ma~1a1e and "'or1<.maneh1p, and the ... or!< h"9 been GOmpl .. tod In aGGordane" ,..,11, t:t,., draHl"9I and epet-llleatlone, ordlnar"!I ... ear and tear and unuouc,I abuo.,, or n<>gl<>Gt .. xeepted. lie~ to r"pc,lr or roplaG" any dsl.,Gtlv" material durlMg 11,., P"rlod OP on" year lrom dc>t" ol fllln9 ol the Notlee ol compl,,tlon and aloo to repair or r"pla:." any damc,g,, re1ultl"'9 Prom the r"pa1r1n9 or r"PlaGln9 of euc.h d"PSGto at no additional Ga5t to th" Ot<n,,r. l"le ohall me,..., •uGh repair& or replae<>menl:e .,.,thin 10 Galen,::jar day• lollo ... 1n9 ><rrtt"n notlfleetlon tllj the ""'""r. In th" event oP ovr Pallur" to maks eueh repo1r1 or r91'1<2Go9mo9nts ... ,thin th" tlm<> •P"Gill<Od after rSG.,lpt ol Nrltt:..n notlGe Prom ~ner, "'e euthorlz" the ~n"' to pro"""d to have ec,ld r"palr,o or r"plc:,""monte made c:,t our "xpen•" and ""' ... ,11 pay th<> eoeto and Ghorgeo 11ier .. 1or" upon d"mand. F'RO..EGT NAM!:, f'ROJEC,T 1..0CATION, CONTRACTOR NAME, ADl:'Rl:SS, TELEPHONE, Sl5NED, DATE, Fart II -MATERIALS .2.01 OOMMAA'T' U9e only neN mc:iterlal• of' th" manuPac.turer, elzs and typ" eho"'n on the dra ... 1n9s and 5P""IPIGatlono. Matsr1alo or .. qulpm,,nt lnetall"d or Purnlsh"d that do not mo .. t Landoeap" ArGhlteet'o, O"'n<>r't, or 9ov..m1n9 "9"""'"" el:andc,rde ... ,11 be r"J<>G!:ed and ehc,11 be rsmoved Prom th<> sit" at no ""P"n•" to th" o ... ,,..r. A. Fre1eure """fly 111'19 Prom point ol «onnSGtlon throu9h bac.l<.Plo"' pr.,v,,n,tlon unit ohall be 'type K "~d' «opper P'P"· e. PrMeure supply lln,,,. :.:l lnGheo In dlam"t"r and up to :, lnGh&• In dlam .. t:..r do..,nstr"am oP bc:rc:i<Plo" prev""tlon unit shall be Clas• !:!IS oolv.,nt "'eld PVC. P1p1n9 ehall Gonlorm to ASTI-1 D2.24I. C. Pre95ure ouppl~ lines I 1/.2 lnGh"9 lri dlamstor c:r,d emall"r 0, 11,., bael<.lllo"' prev,,ntlon unit shc,11 bo SGh .. dul" 40 solv"nt ..... 1d PI/C, GOnlormln9 to ASTI-1 Dli&S. D. N<>n-pr,,Hure lln"9 :5/4 lnGh"• In dlam"t<>r and larg,,r do.,.notream ol th" r"moto Gantrol vc,lv" shall be SGh. 40 PVC. E. Rsc.ycled ~Glalmed) "'"tor P/C, pip<> to be GOlor-GOd<>d purpl .. In eolor mark.c>d on two olds!> "'Ith r"elalmed "'"tor "'"mln9 1tat.,m<>nt• "cautlon-R&eyeled ~Glalm<>d) J,,ic,tor" . Rselclmed .,.c,t,.,r p1p1n9 muot b& """ptod by loGal r<>Glalmea "'"t"" 9ov.,m1n9 a9"nGle1. Rs"ycled Hater pipe, ohcill be uoed only on r<>Gyc:led •~•tom. Non-pre!9Urt> p1p1n9 •hell eonPorm to ASTM Dlib5. 2.0:5 METAL PIPE AND FITTIN<SS A. Braoo pip" shall bo b5 P'°'G"nt red braH, ANSI, IPS standard 1.25 poundo, &h .. dul" 40 ,oer""'"d pipe. e. Brc,,05 Plttln9& shal I b& m"dlUm bra,ol, 5Gr ....... d 1.25-pound GIG115. C. C"PP"r pip" shal I be "hard" 'T'YP" K. D. COpp"r Plttlngo ohall bo 1old'°'<Od typ ... .2.04 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTIN<SS A. Pip" ehall b& mar....d Gantinuouoly "''II, manulaGtur<>r'o nam<>, nominal pip" slzs, oGhi,dul" or elae•, PI/C, type and 9rad<>, National 5"nltatlon Foundation approval, COmm.,rc.lal standard• d"olgne,tlon, and dato oP i,xtruolon. e. All pla,otlG plP" shall bo <>xtruded oP an lmprov"d PVC v1r91n P'P" eompound In aGGordanG ..... ,th ASTM D.2.241 or ASTM Dl1t>4. c. All PVC lltt1n91 shall be ol:andard "'"'9ht SGh<Odul" 40 and ehc,11 bo lnj.,Gtlon molded oP an lmprov"d v1r9ln PI/C, Plttln9 Gompound. Slip PVC llttlngo ohall be th<> "d""P ooek<ot" brc,ei<&tod typo. Thread"d plaotlG Plttlri9" shall be lnj<>etlon mold<>d. Al I to<>• and "I Is shall bo :olde 9at:..d. All flttln91 ohall c.onlonn to ASTM D2-%6. D. All thr.,ad<Od nlppl"o ohall be standard "'"19ht SGh<>dul" bO "'Ith molded llireade and shall GOnPorm to ASTM Dl1e5. E. All oolv<>nt ""m ..nt1n9 oP plaotlG pip" and lltt1n9• shall be a t...o-,ot..p proe<>oe, uoln9 prim'°' and oolv<>nt G"m"nt applied P"r 11,., manufaGtur.,r'o r"Gomm<>ndatlono. e,.,m..nt shall be ol a fluid c.oriolot;,nGy, not 9el-lll<,., or ropy. Solv"nt c:..mentlng ohall b& In Gonlormanee "'Ith ASTM D.256-4 and ASTM D2~55. F. l+,on Gan""'-tlon ,,. plaotlc. to motal, Pemal" adapt..r!O shall be hand tightened, pluo one turn ,.,th a strap .,.r,.nGh. Joint Gompound ohal I bo non-l<>ad bCIO<I T"llon paoto, tap<>, or "qual. .2.0S eACKf't..01'1 PREVE:NTION UNITS A. Ths baGl<.Pl0t< pr,,v&ntlon unit shall bo oP th<> manuPaGtur.,r, olz<>, and typs lndleatod on 11,., draw1n9e. e. Ths baGl<.Plo"' pr<>v<>ntlon unit shal I be lnotal led In aGGarda!Ge "''th !lie r"qulr<>mento ,..t lorlli by loeal God"•· C,, The baekPlo"' prev,,ntlon aoeembly ohall i;onelet ol braH piping, union• and llttlri9&. .2.06 VALVcS A. eat.. Valv<>•• I. eat" valv"o shall be of th" manuPc,etur,,r, elzs, and typ" lndlGatod on tho dr-""'1"9•· .2. eate valvee :ohall be Gon1trueted o, c, bronz1> body, bonnet and dleG, and a malloable Iron hanc:j..,h..., I. eate valv"• shal I hc:,v" thr"ad"d GonneGtlone. :,, All 5ate valves shall have c, minimum Horklng pr<> .. ur" oP nol: loo• than 150 pol and ohall GoriPorm to Al'li'IA sl:andardo. e. Ball Vc,lveo, I. Ball valv<>• shall be ol th<> manuPaGturer, olze, and typ" lndlGated on th" drc:w.lng•. .2. Ball valve:o :ohall be eonotruGt..d oP a bronz" body, ol:alnleH st.."I ball and :ot..m, mc,11.,abl" Iron handl.,. Ball valv"• :ohall hav" 11,r.,c,ded Gonn..etlono. :,, All ball valv"• shall hav" a mlnlmL.m ...ark.Ing pr<>oeur" ol not l<>H than ISO pol and &hall conform to AJ+IA otandardo. c. Gulc.l<. coupl"r Valveo, I. Gulek eoupl"r valv"• shall be ol th" manuPaGtur..,, ,olze, and typ<> lndlGat<Od on the dra"''"9"· .2. Guli;k. eoupl"r vc,lv"'" shall be braoo Hlth a "'all thlc:kne,01 guarants<Od to Hlthotand normal "'orklng pr.,,ou"' ol 150 p•I ... 1thout I~"-Valve• ohall hav" :5/4 ,.,mc,I<> tlir<>ado opening at be,,..,, .,.,11, t...o-pl"'-"' body. Valve• to bo op .. ratod only ... 1th " Goupl"' 1<,.,y, de•l9:"'d Por that purpo•"· coupl&r 1<,.,y le ino<>rt-,d Into valve and a poeltlv", ... atortl,aht eonn.,.,tlon shall be mado bot"""'" 11,., c.oupl'°' k&y and valv... Hl"'3" Gover 1hc,I I bo th" loGklng typo Gonstruetod 0, brao:o "'Ith a rubber-I 11<,., vinyl Gov .. r. ,. Vlnyl qulGI<. GOupl"" GOV"r lor r .. Glalm"d ... at.,,. qulGI<. eoupl .. r valv ... to b& purpl<> In Golor ... 1th th<> "'oi'do •~mlng-l<eGyeled ~Glalm"d) ~t .. r-Do Not Drink P"rmanently mar'l<.e<l on lld lor r<>GyGl<>d oyot..m. D. Automatic. Control Valv""' I. AutomatlG Gontrol valve• ohall bo ol th1> manulaGtur .. r, olzs, and typ<> lndlGat10d on 11,., dra"'1n91. .2. AutomatlG Gontral valv<>• ohall be <>l<>GtrlGally op<>rated. E. Antl-dralri Valv""' I. Anti-drain valv"• shall b<> ol th" manuPaGtur .. r, :olz<>, and typ<> lridlGatod on th<> dra ... 1n95. .2. Anti-drain valv"• ohall hav<> lb-& otalnl<>oe :ot:..el :oprln90 and valv" :ot..m:o .,.,11, Buna-N oeale. :,, Anti-drain valves ... 111 hav.. thr<>aded Gonn.,.,tlon• ths slz" ol th" rll"r or pip" lliey ar<> to be lnel:all<>d onto, or th'" ,,.,xt avallabl" elZIO. No •llp GonneGtlon anti-drain valv<>• ar<> allo"'ed. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,--------~ .. A-s--,B"'"u""1L~T"'"" --------,---,----,-----------------,---,----~---,---, ~ ~ IRRIGATION 5F'ECIFICATION5 FOR, l..-12 DATE VILLASES OF LA COSTA THE eREENS -I.I, /.2, /.~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION Of PLANTING AREAS. ... "' ' ,~ TITLE: _M_Y_LA_R_su_B_. __ 0_9_-_2_1-_0_61-.::..::::::.:======~~~~~~~=========1---~~--l--------------------+----t----l---t---l RECEIVED BY: APPROVED LANDSt"APb ARCHITECl'LRE JOB NO. DATE SCALE 04-12-05 AS SHOWN DAlE INITIAL INSPECTOR DATE ENGINEER OF WORK ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN BY: __ _ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: __ _ OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. C, T Gf'l-03 DATE DRAWING NO. 430-4L 2.01 VALVE BOXl:5 A. Volvs boxss eholl bs PClbrlGoted Prom o d...-abl.,, i-..othsr-rso,lo,tont ploo,tlc mai:,,rlol reo,lo,tont to ounllght ord chemlcol oc:.tlon oP sollo,. B. The volve box e,ov.,r o,holl t,., gr.,.,n In color and 58"...-ed Hlth boll:5. C. Th" c:.over ond box o,holl bs capoble oP ..ustolnlng o lood oP 1)500 pound,. D. Volve box .,xt,,no,lone ohall t,., bo,j th" oam" morufaetur"r ao the volve box. E. F. IS. Automotlc. c.ontrol ond moot"r valv" boxn o,holl t,., 16"xll'xl2" rectongulor olZe. Volve box c:.ov"ro o,holl t,., "heot branded" In 2' high l.,tt.,ro Hlth elth"r 'RCV" Hlth th" volv" ldemtl¥1Gatron numbere, or 11MGV11• Boll volve, got,, valv", and qulc:.k coupler volvs bo,.,., oholl bs clrc:.ular 10" olze. Volve box c:.overo, o,holl t,., "heot branded" In 2" high letters Hlth either "BV'', "ISV", or 'GCV". Volve box UN6r lor r6c.lairn<><:I oyo,t,,mo ohall t,., purple In color ond permanently marked Hlth the Hor<:15 "~rnlng~cycled /Rsclolmed) ~ter-Oo Not Drink" lor rec.ye.led lrrlgotlon oyo,t..m. 2.0f; IAAIISATION CONTROLLER A. Controll"r •hall t,., oP th" manufoc.turer, o,fze ond l:yp" lndlcoted on ths droHlng•. B. Th" .:ontrollsr enclosure shall t,., ol the manulocturer, o,tz" and ty,e lndlcatsd on th" droHlngo. Th" "ncloour" oholl oloo enclose the controller .,,ectrlcol m"t..r. C. Ths c.ontroller shall t,., ol ths monulocturer, size ond typ" rsqulred bo,j the Clf:\j of C.:rslbad 2.0<! l:LECmlCAL A All .,,.,c.trleol equlpm"nt 5holl bs NEMA Type :,, Hat,,rprooled lor ext,,r1or lnotollatlon&. 6. All electrical Hori< sholl conlorm to locol codes and ordinance•. 2.10 LOI'! VOLTAISE CONmol.. l'IIRIN6 A. Rsmot,, c.ontrol Hlr" sholl be dlr.,et-burlal Al'IIS-tJF type, slz" os lndleat"d on the dra .. 1ng,, and In no eose o,moller thon 14 gauge. B. Conn8"tlons shall t,., either epoxy-sealed pocket typ" or Pem-Tit,, c.onno,c.toro. C. &ound Hires sholl bs Hhlt" In c:.olor. Control Hires shall be red (Hhere tHo or more eontroll"ro ors used, the c:.ontrol Hires aholl bs o different eolor for eac:.h c:.ontroller. Theoe c:.oloro o,holl bs not,,d on the "Rec.ord DroHlng•" pion• loeat,,d on controller door). D. Provld" a 24" long expansion laop for oll dlrec:.tlonol c.hong.,., In c.ontrol Hire routing. 2.11 IRRIISATION HEADS A. $prinkler heads sholl t,., ol the manulac:.tur.,r, size, type, Hlth rodlus ol throH, op.,rotlng prsss...-e, and dl&ehorge rate lndlc:.ated on the draHlngo. B. l"op-up heo<:15 and rl9"r heads shall t,., uo"d oo lndlc.ated on the draHfngo,. C. Irrigation hec:,do lor rec.yeled system eholl hove purpl" r"c.yc.led (r8"lolmed) HC1t:er Harn Ing cover. Pc:,rt 111 -EXECUTION :5.01 SITE CONDITIONS A. lnepeGtlon11, I. Prior to oll Hori< of this s8"tlon, earerully lnepeet the lnatolled Hori< oP oll other trod.,., ond verily that oll 11uc.h Hori< lo compf.,t,, to the point Hhere this ino,tal latlon moy properly c.ommenee. 2. Verily that Irrigation oyst:em moy t,., lnotc:,llsd In strict oc.,oordanee with all pertinent c:.odso and regulotlons, the orlglnol design, the r"ler.,n,oed etondard1, and the mar,uf'acturer'e, recorrrnendatlone. 6. Dloc:repc:,nc:.lss, I. In the event oP dlserepancy, Immediately notlly the LO!ndscape Arc:.hltect or Owner'o, authorized repr.,NntotlVe. 2. Do not proe""d Hlth lnetollatlon In creao ol dloerepanc.y until all dleerepanc.feo, hove bsen resolved. C. &adeo, I. &lore starting Hark, carsfully c.h.,ck all grad"" to determine that Hori< mc:,y oc:,Pely proc.,ed, keeping Hlthln the epec.llled material depth!> Hlth r"9pect to Plnleh grc:,de. 2. Final grade• shall bs aGGept:ed bo,j the Engineer bslore Hori< on this section Hill t,., olloHed to bsgln. H. Elec;trfc;al 5ervlc;e, I. Connec;tlons to thlO el8"trfec:,I supply 5holl be at the loc;atlono, sho.,n on th" drawing•. Minor Ghangeo, Gaus"d by site ,oondltlono, o,hal I be mad" at "" addltlanal exp"""" to o...,.,r. 2. Contractor shall make 120 volt Gonn8"tlo, to th" Irrigation Gontrollero. EleGtrlGal po"'er o,ourGe to c;ontroll"r loc;atlono o,hall t,., provld"d by othsro. ll.02 TRENCHINIS A. ExGavatlono, shall bs o,tralght .. 1th v"rtfec:,I sld.,.,, "ven grade, and o,upport pipe ,oontlnuauoly on bottom oP tr.,nGh. TrenGhlng exc;avat10, ohall lollo., layout lndlc;ated or, dra.,1ng• to the depth!> bslo,. finished grode and ae noted. J+ier" lines OGGUr under paved area, the•" dlm.,nslons &hall be c:.o,11der"d bela., •u~ade. 6. Provld" minimum c;over oP 1e, fnc;heo, on pr"Hur" ..upply lines 2 1/2 lneh.,., and small.,r. Provide minimum cover ol 24 lnGheo, o, pr.,e...,,.,o supply 11,eo ll lneh"• and lc:,rger. C. Provide minimum Gover ol 1-' Inch"• lor ,oontrol .. 1r.,,. D. Provide minimum Gover oP 12 fnc;heo lor non-preos...-e llneo,. F. Pipe• lnetolled In o Gommon trenGh ehall hc:,ve a 6 lnGh minimum epaGe l:>et...,en plpee. IS. Provide> sand boGkflll a minimum ol 6 1nGhe1 over md u,d"r all mainline piping. ll.05 6ACKFILLINIS A. Bock.PIii mc:,t:erlal on c:,I1 lln.,., ohall t,., th" same ao adjaGent ooll Pr"" ol d"brls, litter, and roGl<5 over 1/2 fn,oh In dlame>ter. B. BoGk.1111 ohall t,., tamp"d In 4-inGh layero und10r the P'P" and unllormly on both old"9 lor the lull .,ldth ol th" trenGh and the lull length ol the pipe. Boc.k.1111 materials ohall t,., su!PIGl.,ntly damp to permit thorough compac;tfon, Ir"" ol voids. Boc.kPIII o,holl be GompaGtlOd to dry deno,lty e,qual to adJac;e,nt uedlsturbed soil and o,hall Gonl'orm to adJaGent grad"9. C. Flooding In lieu of tomplng lo, not allo><ed. D. Under no GlrGumotanG"9 ohall truGk .,heel• be us"d to c.ompa,ot baGk.1111. E. Provide land boGkflll a minimum of 6 lnGheo °""rand und"r all piping under paved c:iroa&. :l.04 PIPINIS A. ""°l,g und"r ""lo,tlrig pav10m.,nt ma~ tle i,stalled bo,j JOGklng, baring, or hydraulic; driving. No hydraullG driving 11 permitted under aephalt pc:,veme,t. e. Cuttl,g or breaking oP .,x,otlng pt!V"m""t 10 ,ct permitted. C. carefully Jno,p8"t all pipe and lltt1ngo bslore 1netallat1on, removing dirt, oeale, burro r"am1n9. lnotall pipe .. 1th all marking• up for visual lnopec.tlon and verlllGatlcm. D. Remove all dented and damaged pip" HGtlone. E. All 11,.,., shall havlO a minimum elearanc.e ol 6 lnGhu Prom "aeh other and 1:2 Inc.hes lrom llneo oP oth"r tradlOo. F. Pc:,rall"I lines o,hall not t,., lnstoll"d dlr8"tl~ ov"r eaGh other. IS. In aolve,t .,.,ldlng, use onl~ the opec:.IPled primer and solvent Gement and make all Jolnto In strlc.t c:,,oc.ordanGe with the manulac;t...-er'o r8"ommend"d m"thod5 iriGludlng Hlplng all "xu,o,o, o,olvent from eOIGh ""Id. AlioN oolvent ... eldo, at ,.,aet 15 minutes ... tup time belor" moving or handl1ri9 and 24 houri c:.uring time belor" flllln9. H. PVC pipe ohall t,., Installed In a manner Hhleh .,,11 provide for expanolon contractlo, 09 r"Gommended bo,j th" pipe manulac;turer. I. c .. nterlood all plaotlc; P'P'" prior to prlOffUr" t:e1t1ng. J. All l:ITeaded plaetlG•to-plaotlG cameetlone ehall be aeeembled using Teflon top,. or Tellon post... K. For plao,tlG-1:o-rnetol c;onn10etlono,, "'"rk the metal ,oor,neGtlone llrot. Use a non-hardening pipe dope a, all l:ITeaded plaatlG•to-ffl.,tal ,oo,nec:.t10,e, ""c:.ept Hhere notlOd other.,19e. All plao,tlG-to-metol eonneetlono 5holl be made .,1t1, plaotlG female adaptero. L. All Gonn .. ctlons t,.,tH.,.,n PVC lateral llneo shall be mad .. uolng SGh. 40 PVC fittings with compreoo,lon adapters. All GOnn8"tlono, between drlpperllne• to be made using eompr.,oo,lon llttlngo, ol manulaeturer ol the drlpperllne. Use no pipe dope, Teflon tape, prlm"r or solvent Geme,t on ,oompr.,Hlon lltt1,go. 3.05 CONTROLLER A. Th" "xaet loGatlon oP th" c.ontroller &hall be approved bo,j ths Lc:,ndsc.ape Arehlt,,Gt or OHner'o, authorized r10pr.,..,_tat1v" bslor" Installation. Th" el.,GtrlGal eervlee shall t,., Goordlnat"d with thle loGatlon. D. Field Measuremenl:5, I. Mc:,ke all nec:.eosary meaouremento In the Pleld to ensure prec:.IN lit ol Items In a,o,oordan,oe Hith the orlglnol design. Contrac.tor ohall Goordlnote the lnetallotlon ol all Irrigation materials Hlth all other Hori<. 6. The Irrigation Contraetor shall be r101ponelble for the final 10leetrlGal hook up to lrr1gat1o, Gontro Iler. 2. All ocoled dimension• ors approxlmote. Ths Contractor sholl cheGk and v"rlfy oll size dimension• prior to prou,edfng Hlth Hori< under thlo, oec.tlon. :5. Exercloe .. xtreme care In excavating c:,nd Horklng n"ar exlo,ting utllltleo. Controc.tor o,hall t,., responsible for damageo, to utllitl"9 Hhlc.h are c.auHd by hie operatlone n"gleGt. E. Diagrammatic. Intent, The drawlngo, are eo,o,10ntlally dlagrammatlG. The o,lze and loc.atlon oP equipment and Plxtur"s are drawn to ecc:,le .,here poHlbllO. Provide olleel:5 lnJlplng chonge• In equipment locatlane as neu,eeary to eonlarm .,Ith struetur10e an to c:,vold obotructlone or c.onlllc.to, ><Ith other Hori< ot no oddltlonol expeno,e to o .. ner. F. Lc:,yout, I. Prior to lnatallatlon, the Contractor aholl atake out all preHure supply llnn, routing and loc:.atlon al sprinkler heado, vc:,lv101, boc.klla.. prev10nter, and automatic; c;ontrol ler. C. Th" Irrigation o,yot:em ehall be programmed to op.,rate during the periods ol minimal UN ol th" d"9lgn area. D. lnotoll ,oontroll"r ""c.lo..ur" ao, r&amm.,nded by th" manulaeturer. 3.06 CONTROL l'IIRINIS A Lo., voltage Gontrol .,Iring o,holl OGGupy the o,ame treneh and o,hall be lnetolied along th" same rout" ao, th" pr.,Hur" o,upply llneo, Hh"nev"r pooslble. 6. rt>ere more than one .,Ir., Js plaud In a treneh, th" .. ir,ng ohall be tap"d t09ethr In a b...-dle at lni:,,rvc:,lo ol 10 ,.,et. Bundi" o,hall be o,e,o...-.,d to th" mainline with tap" at lnt:ervalo, oP 20 fe.,t. C. All c;onneGtlono shall t,., ol on approved type and shall oGGur In a valv" box. Provld" an Ie, 1,,oh "'"rv!"" loop at ea,oh Gonn.,Gtlon. 2. Lc:,yout Irrigation oyotem and make minor adJustmlOnl:5 r"qulr10d du" to dlllsrenc.l05 t,.,t.,.,.,n site and dra.,lngs. rt>ere piping Is eha.,n on dra.,lng• under pc:,v.,d ar""6, but running pcrallel ond adjacent to planted areao, lrietall the plplrig In the planted creos. D. An expanolon loop ol 12 lnGhee ohc:,11 be provided at IOOGh .,Ir., eonn.,etlon and/or dlreGtlonol Ghonge, and one ol 24 lnc;hes sholl t,., provided at 6oc.h r"mote c.o,trol valv.,. IS. l'lat:er Supply E. A GOntlnuou, run ol .,,r,. o,hall be uo,ed betHeen a Gontraller a,d ec:,eh remote Gontrol valve. Under no c.lrc:.umotanc.e• shall spli,oeo, t,., u,.,d .,,thout prior approve:,!. Cannec.tlono, to, or the lnotallatlon ol, the water oupply o,hc:,I1 be at the loc.atlono, ohown on the drawfngo,. Minor ehangeo, c.aus10d by ac;tual o,11:e c;ondltlone o,hall t,., made at no additional expense to Owner. APPROVED FOR PLANTIN6 AND IRRl6ATION ONLY, INC.LUDING PREC.ISE LOC.ATION OF PLANTING AREAS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DRAWN APPROVED 1ST SUB. 2ND SUB. MYLAR SUB. JOB NO. DATE SCALE JP Ml,{ 04-12-06 07-13-05 09-21-05 05-037 04-12-06 AS SHOWN A. Automatic control valv"9, ball valve,, gate valv"9, and qulGk ,ooupl10r valv.,, shall t,., Installed In th" approximate loGatlons lndlGated on th" dra.,lngo. B. Valv" o,hall be 1nstall10d In o,hrub ar.,a• .,h.,nev"r pooo,lble. C.. lnotall all valve• ao lndlGated In the detoll dra.,lnge. D. Vc:,lveo to be lno,tolled In valve box,.., shall t,., lnetoll"d one valvlO p10r box. E. Remote Gontrol valv"s and q_ulGk eoupler valv"• shall be Isolated from the mainline by a boll valve s!Zed per tne lc:,rgeot R.C.V. In th" manllold or I 1/:2 lnGh lor O..C.V. 'o. 3.0e. VALVE BOXl:S A. Valv" box"9 ohall be lnstolled In ehrub arlOas Hh10n10v"r possible. 6. Each valv" box ehall t,., Installed on a foundation ol :5/4 lnGh grav"I baek.1111, :5 c:.ubfc; l""t minimum. Valve boxeo, shall t,., lnetoll"d with th.,lr topo, 1/2 lnc.h above the o,...-faGIO ol surrounding Plriloh grad" In lc:,Hn c:,reos and 2 lneh"• abov" 11,191, grade In grou,d eover are09_ A Install baGkllOH pr .. venter unit""' lndlGated In thlO d .. tail dra,,iingo,. 6. Install bac:.klloH OSNmblleo at loc;atfone approved In the lleld and at height requlr"d by loec:,I God.,s. C. Install "Y" strainers a,d pr.,o,our" r"gulatoro on th" baGkllow ass.,mbly. D. II baGkllON pr.,v.,,t:er 15 lnstall"d odjc:,u,,t to a building, HOiii, or other obotructlon, lnotall u,lt 10 that the t:eot GoGko are laGlng outHard """Y from the abstruGtlon. E. lnotall bc,c;k.Plo"" ene,lo..ur,. as r8"omm10nd"d by thlO manuPac.turlOr. A. Sprlnk.ler headl ehall tle lnetalled 05 lndleated on ths dra,,ilngo,. B. ~aelng ol ~ ehal I not exc;.,.,d maximum lndiec:,1:ed on the draHlngo. c. Riser n1pple1 shall be oP the same llze ao the rls10r opening In the oprlnkler body. r::>. l"ap""P eprll'lk.ler h&Cld& ohall not be lno,tolled using o,fdlO outl10t opsnlngo. 3.11 Ml~ EGUll"MENT A. lnetali CIII ~II•• !p"Gllled hlOreln OGc.Ordlng to the reap&c:.tlvlO detail dra .. 1nge or 9P"Gll1Gat1on1, using b"9t staedard praGtlG.,e. 6. GMek eoupler VCIIV&I shall be Ht approxlrnately 12 lnehe1 Prom Halko, G...-bs, heacler 1'0Clrdo, or i,aved ar"as where appllc;abls. C. Unl"9& designed 09 an Integral part oP th" Irrigation head, c:,nt1-dra1, valv"9 .,,11 t,., lnetalled undflr eveory hsad. The anti-drain valv" HIii be th" '""'" diameter os th" rl•er and be lntegrc:,I to the rl9er ""'""mbly. r::>. lno,tafl rain 98M9Cr "" lndiec:,1:ed "" the draHlng• and 05 r .. Gomm .. nded by th .. manufacturer. :5.12. FLUSHINIS THE Sl'STEM A. Prior to lnotallatfo, oP •prinkl"r nozzln, the valve 1hall l:>e op"ned and a lull head of Hater ultld to Plush out the lln"• a,d rl9er5. 3.1:5 Ar::>JJ9TINIS THE 5l'STEM A. co,tra,otor ohall adJuot valveo, allg, h.,c:,do, and GheGk ,ooverage ol eac:.h oyat:em prior to coverage t...t. 6. If It 19 determln"d by th" Lc:,ndoc;c:,plO Arc;hlt:..Gt or Owner'o authorized repr.,sentatlve that addltlanal adJwtmento or ,ozzle Ghange1 HIii t,., requlrlOd to provide proper coverage, all nec:.e11ary c:.hangn or odjuotmento ohall bs made prior to any planting. C. Th" "ntlr" 1yotem •hal I be op.,ratlng praperly belor,. any plc:,nting op10ratlano, ,oomm.,nc.s. D. Automc:,tlc:. control valves ere to be odjuoted o,o that the sprinkler headl operate at the pr.,Hure r""omm"nd"d by the manula,oturer. !1.14 TESTIN6 AND OBSERVATION A. Do not alloH or cause any ol the Hori< ol this ,.,c.tlon to be c;overed up or .,n,oloeed until It hoo, blOen ob5.,rv10d, t...ted c:,nd aGGepted bo,j the LO!ndo,c;c:,p" Arc.hlt:..Gt, o .. n.,r, and governing a9"neleo,. 6. Th., Contrac;tar ohall be 1ol10ly respon&lble lor ,otllylrlg the Land5,oap10 Arc.hlteGt, OW,.,r, and 90Vernlng ag.,,c;I"•• a minimum ol 4" houro, In advanu, Hh.,re ond .,h.,, the work I• r1JC1dy lor te1t1ng. C. rt,.,n th" eprinkler •yot10m 11 ,oompleted, the Contrc:,etor shall perform a ,ooverage t...t ol eac.h 1yotem i, Ito e,t1rety to d"t:ermlrle ii the .,at;.,r ,ooverage lor the plant"d areas 11 ,oomplete aed adequate In the prs1enc;e oP the Londo,Gap" Arc;hlt:ec.t. D. Th" cantraetor ohall lumfo,h all material• and p10rlorm oll Hori< requlrlOd to ,oorrec;t any lriad&quaGl"9 of eov.,rage du" to deviation• from the plans, or .,here the ayetem ha• t,.,.,, Hllllull~ lnetalled 09 lndlc:.ated on the drc:,.,lng• Hhen It 19 obviously lnadequc:,te, ... 1thout l:irln91n9 this to th .. att,,ntlon of the Lc:,ndsc;ape ArehlteGt. Thi• t;.,o,t o,holl be OGG.,pt:ed bo,j the Laed1c.ap" Arehlt:..Gt and c:,e,,oompllo,hed bsPor" o,tcrtfng any planting. E. Flnol J,opeetlan .. 111 not Gommenc.e without r.,,oord drawings os prepared by thlO Irrigation Contractor. :5.15 MAINTENANCE Durlrig the malntenan,oe period the Contra,otor o,holl odjust and ma1,ta1n tt,,. Irrigation 1y1tem 1, a lully op"ratfor,al ,oondltlon providing ,oompl"t:e Irrigation cc:,v.,ra9" to all ir,t,,nd,.d plantlngo,. :5.16 COMPLETION CLEANIN6 Clean-up shall t,., made ao "aGh portion oP th" .,ork progreooeo. ReluN and exeeoo dirt oholl be r"mov"d lrom th" site, all walko and pc:,vlng •hall be broomed, and any damage o,uotalned on the work of oth10rs o,hal I be repaired to original condition•. END OF SECTION ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ,----------=-----=---------,----,----,-----------------,----,---,---,---1 "AS-BUil T" DATE TITLE: RECEIVED BY: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL INSPECTOR ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE OlliER APPROVAL Cl1Y APPROVAL PLAN\IING DEPARTMENT IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR, VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA = 6REENS -I.I, /.2, I~ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: GT G!G!-05 L-19 DRAl'liNG NO. 4B0-4L (JJ (JJ F/~ION ZONES MODIFIED -TO ElE I-I/THIN PROPERTY LINES 'CD 'CD ~ -< ,✓-_ I 'C\---1 -- ' ' ' ' ' \ "'o¥Jz11.- \ ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ KEY MAP = N.T.S. / / / ---FIRE F'RO~fJON ZONE A-3 / / / /'. / / Fli'sf'F'ROTECTION ZONE A-2 / / 30'-0" 50GE HleH PRESSVRE eAS LINEEASMENT ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF SEWER SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SEWER LINE. ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF SDG4E EASMENT SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST EASMENT APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. \ I I I \ I \ I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ---7<:[' \ I I I ~OSCAp lf.OOd)< \ I \ I I I I I I I I I I I t,}'/ I I"-/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /f ) ,fJFFi':t; I JI I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \, ' ' --- C,AVT/ON I ! I I CONTRACTOR SHALL C,OOROINATE CONSmJ,JC,T/ON eAS CO/fAI('( FOR. THIN EA5El-1ENT .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / I / I I I I I I I I I I l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' / / / , -_--'--...-----FIRE PRO,TECTION ZONE A-3 \, ' '----=---l'IRE F'ROTECtl~ ZONE A-2 ' ' ~"1<0TECTION ~ A-I ' \, ' ' ' ' \, ' / ' / / / / / ' ' ' ' ' ' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / --..::.. --r'IRE-{"'/OTECTION ZONE A-I , ;q '66 FIRE SvPPRESSpJ>I TO ~THIN \ u__,_.,__ \, ,, I --~, •. --·-·-MATC.HLINE -SEE LEFT \ \ FIRE fflOTECTION ZONE A-2 \ \ FIRE F'ROTECT{ON ZONE A-3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ANO OPE -- -- -+ I ILL TfE RESPONSIBILITY OF TfE et/EST BUILDER \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'i I I I I I an ·~ I t- : 1 :™ -DRA_WN ____ JP ~~l:ZO . U±J CITY OF CARLSBAD SCAL.e, I" • 40' PLA""ING DEPARTMENT ~ _AP_P_R_O_VE_D ______ M><_ r---------;;-".""::-::"."":'.-:-=;:---------,------,---r,;-=:-::=-:-::--=-::--===------,---,--r,----=-r.:::-:---1 ~::::;:;:~~~~;::~~~::::;;::;;;:::;:~::::;;:;::;:~=::..;:~==::::::; 1sT sue. 0 .. -12-06 "AS-BUil T" 06 24 06 MM IRRIGATION AND PLANTING MOOlflCATIONS MASTER DEVELOPER PL.ANTING PL.AN FOR, 12-11-06 MM IRR. AND PLANTING MODlflED O SDG&E EASMENT L-14 07-13-05 09-21-06 Vlt t OF LA COSTA DELTA 'A' 02-27-07 DATE TIE ~ -I.I, 1.2, l.!J DELTA 'B' 01-13-08 TITLE: ____________________ 1----+---+-----------------+---+---+---+---l ~==:::::::::====,===============, :!1 .. -. ,. ... :I RECEIVED BY: APPROVED l'f..,i ~-tl\..it 1·1"'-ri • -....!..I ~rt--PLANNING DAlE ~404 61:tE!l" wee, SUIT? 140 -'-JO--'B'----'-N_o_. _____ 0-'-5'-----'0--'--'-37 LA ..ill.LA, GAl.l~IA ~:205~-l!!S'I DATE 04-12-06 ~.5!6,Mtf ---------- ~AX e!6, 55e, ~/tie SCALE AS SHOWN INSPECTOR DATE DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OWN BY: PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: GT GfGf-03 O1HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: 430-4L 031209 - KEY/vfAP = N.T.S. --FIRE F'R.OTECTION ZONE A-I ~__;c:::--,;.o_ 4. ----~ -- FIRE ~~!'~NES l-10DIFIEO - TO BE HITHl~TY LINES I I I -I ---1 I I I I I I I I I / / I I II-· / I / I V--l.L.-'.,...--.._ ti.- 1,__0 0 !' -<. 0 9ow~ f/Vd ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF APPROVED FOR 5Ev-lER SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR PLANTING AND ROOT BARRIER AGAINST IRRIGATION ONLY y.OSCAp "'oody "' ~ U._ Olftl -· t,,>(') ..... :I 5Ev-lER LINE. ALL TREES WITHIN INCLUDING PRECISE 5' OF SDG4E EASMENT SHALL LOCATION OF ~--,l,V!:N.e,SUITE/40 RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT PLANTING AREAS. ~~.~~IA~209i-l:la'I DRAWN APPROVED 1ST SUB. 2ND SUB. MYLAR SUB. tDELTA 'A' DELTA 'B' JOB NO. DATE SCALE 1,__0 JP MM 04-12-0CS 07-13-05 09-21-05 02-27-07 01-13-08 Tin.E: 05-037 04--12-05 AS SHOWN ------ 1'0'-0" 50eE HIGH PRE55URE GA5 LINEEASMENT ,!!< ~ -~ ..., lv j "AS-BUILT" RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR I I I I - ~ -I _J lu ~ w tM DATE DATE PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANIC.AL NAME TREES: 0 METROSIDfROS EXC.EL51.J5 (LOH BRANCHING) 0 PLATANU5 AC,ERIFOLIA 'BLOODGOOD' ·: GUERCUS ILEX 0 GUERCUS SIJ6ER SIIRUBS: @ AGAVE ATTENUATA ©J ALOE AROORESC,ENS @ ARBUT1J5 UNEDO @ TEUC,RIUM FRIJTIC,ANS @ BOUGAINVILLEA 'LA JOLLA RED' COMMON NAME NEH ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE LONDON PLANE TREE HOLLY OAK 6Rl56ANE 60X CORK OAK FOXTAIL AGAVE TREE ALOE STRAHBERRY TREE 8U5H GERMANDER BOUGAINVILLEA • EE BAC,C,HARIS PILULARIS 'THIN PEAKS' DHARF C,O'l"OTE 6RIJ5H (UNDER.PLANT HITH HYDROSEED MIX "6" -SEE SPEC,'SJ C,EANOTHUS 'C,ONC,HA' EC,HIUM FAST\JOSIJM MYOPORUM PARYIFOLIUM 'PUTAH C,REEK' ® PHORMIUM TENAX BRONZE BABY' (Q) RIBES INDECORUM 0 RHAMNUS C,ALIFORNIC,A e,ARMEL e,REEPER PRIDE OF MADEIRA MYOPORUM NEH ZEALAND FLAX HHITE FLOHER c.uRRENT COFFEEBERRY WMAROSTAPHYLIS DIVERSIFOLIA SUMMER HOLLY 55P. DIVERSIFOLIA ROSMARINUS 0. 'TlJSC,AN BLUE' • ROSEMARY LAYENDULADENTATA • LAVENDER ROSMARINUS 0 . 'PROSTRATUS' DHARF ROSEMARY HYDR05EED MIX "6" SIZE 15GAL. 24" 60X 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 24"60X I GAL. 5GAL. 5GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. FLATS O lb" 0. I GAL. 5 GAL. FLATS 12' 0.C,. 5GAL. I GAL. I GAL. I GAL. I GAL o 4' O.C,. I GAL. o 30" O.C,. FLATS o 1e,• O.C,. TO BE APPLIED ONLY ON OPEN AREAS DUE TO THINNING NATIVE LANDSC,APE IF NEC,ESSARY LEGEND NOTES, GTY II 56 18 41 II 158 151 5b 10 320 281 224 11 34 ALL SLOPES, UNLESS OTHER.HISE NOTED, TO BE UNDER.PLANTED HITH I-IYDROSEED MIX "A" -SEE 5PEC,'5 BETHEEN AIJGU5T 15 AND APRIL 15, STRAH MAT SHALL BE INSTALLED ON SLOPE. BETHEEN APRIL 15 AND AIJGUST 15, HYDROSEED MIX '6" SHALL BE INSTALLED ON SLOPE. -40 eo 1:20 ti CT[] CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ eG-AL.~, I"= -40' 5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I 06/24/08 MM t IRRIGATION AND PLANTING MOD/FICA TIONS , ........ "'-• MASTER DEVELOPER PLANTING PLAN FOR, 12-11-08 MM IRR. AND PLANTING MODIFIED O SDG&E EASMENT . -L.-IS Vlf I AvES OF LA COSTA TIE St?i i NS -I.I, 1.2, /.S I APPROVED M,:.A l (;r-a\...dt- I I· le. .. -! DATE PLANNING DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAl'<1NG NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT '!'!-03 REVISION DESCRIPTION ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: 4:30-4L BARRIER AGAINST EASMENT ~A)(t,5&.55&.~1ee --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·-----. ~ PI..ANTl/16 HAS BEEN-AD--!)S~Jd PER REVISED CIVljy_~.?oo I AND BUILT 512:R:,~t/o/f/SiG / ~.tf.-11.;,d , or J_.,, HYDR05EED MIX '6" I L... - CAUTION I I I I CONTRACTOR SHALL COOR!)INATE CONSTTi/1/C,T/ON HITH 5AS COMPANY FOR HORK HITHIN EASEl'1ENT ,, FIRE Ff<OTEC-TIONr.z'ONE A-:J / ---,, .. , .,,,,. ,,,. F~TEC-TION ZONE A-2 ,, FIRE Ff<OTEC-TION • •'-9 .~ .,' 1,;•-t--,O ~ P/..ANTl/16 RE/'IOVED TO EXISTl/16 R.'(~TE LANDSCAPE PLANS Br INJJ;,!;RA TION OESl5N S7Wl~:-~APE PLANTl/16 AND IRR/6,'\Tlatii/AS BEEN INSTALLED ,'\ND ,'1PPF0VED.Br' THE CIT'( ---" \ TO BE APPLIED ONLY ON OPEN ~AS DUE TO THINNING NATIVE LANDSCAPE IF NECE55AR L.EeEND NOTES, ALL SLOPES, UNL.E55 OT\-fERllil5E NOTED, TO BE UNDER.PLANTED rllTH HYDR05EED MIX 'A" -SEE SPECS BETrlEEN AIJ6U5T IS AND APRIL IS, STRAl'l MAT SHALL 6E INSTALLED ON SLOPE. BETWEEN APRIL IS AND AIJ6U5T IS, HYDR05EED MIX '6' SHALL ElE INSTALLED ON SLOPE. KEY MAP . .. . //i_, ?@"~ . ■ ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF SEWER SHALL REC,EIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SEWER LINE. ALL TREES WITHIN APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, II.Jr I I IMlt.lL::. cx:,t::r 1= OICA "'oody .., " U.._ CPfl'I ~, 1..1-1. ?::~ CAUTION ! I I ! CONmACTOR SHALL COOR!)INATE CONSTTi/1/C,TION /TH 5AS WMP,'\NY FOR IN EASEf'1ENT DRAWN APPROVED ,P MM 1ST SUB. 0,-12-05 2ND SUB. 07-13-05 MYLAR sue. 09-21-0~ AnELTA 'A' 02-27-07 l ---;-:_t.1,,, )110 I I I I i --.. · ·~)(-I --- '0.-- FIRE SI.IF'FRES510N Z0/£5 MODIFIED TO BE HITHIN f'ROPERT'( LINES .. --... ·, -' 7a;---.;.__ ::zo PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANIC.AL NAME TREES, 0 MEiROSIDEROS EXCEL5U5 (LOr-1 6RANC,HING) 0 PLATANU5 ACERIFOLIA 0.. 'BLOODOOOD' GUERC,U5 ILEX TRISTANIA WNFERTA FIRE Ff<OTECTION ZONE A-I FIRE Ff<OTEC-TION ZONE ,'\-::I @ 0 0 ® ® GUERC,U5 5U6ER SHRUBS, ADAVE ATTENIJATA ALOE ARBORESC,ENS AR6L/T1J5UNEDO TBJC,RIUM ~ICAN5 BOUGAINVILLEA 'LA JOLLA RED' C.OMMON NAME NErl ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE LONDON PLANE TREE HOLLY OAK BRISBANE BOX WRKOAK FOXTAIL ADAVE TREE ALOE 5TRAreERRY TREE BU5H5ERMANDER BOUGAINVILLEA FIRE Ff<OTEC-TION ZO/£ ~ BACGHARl5 PILULARIS ™IN PEAKS ' Dr-lARF COYOTE BRIJ5fl ~NT rllTH HYDR05EED MIX '6' -5EE SPECS) ._,.~ FIRE SI.PPRES5ION ZONES MODIFIED TO BE HITHIN PROPERT'f LINES --~-:-·-.,. \., \.,_.,.) -"'-SDG•E ACCEoo--ROAD © © 0 ® CEANOTHJS 'WNc.HA' Ec.HIUM FA5T\J051JM MYOPORUM PARYIFOLIUM MAH CREEK' PHORMIUM TENAX 'BRONZE BABY' RIBES INDEWRUM RHAMliJS CALIFORNICA WMAROSTAPHYLIS DIVERSIFOLIA 55P. DIVERSIFOLIA ROSMARlt-lJ5 0. 'TU5c.AN BLUE' • LAVENDULA DENTATA • R05MARIJ-IJ5 0. 'PR05TRAT1J5 ' PRIDE OF MADEIRA MYOPORUM NErl ZEALAND FLAX r-lHITE FLOrlER C,URRENT WFFEEBERRY SUMMER HOLLY ROSEMARY LAVENDER DrlARF ROSEMARY 0 ""'<> 60-1::ZO)il( ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD &GAL...~1 I" • -40' )lll{ ~ .----------:"'.'"::"-=~:::----------,,---,----,-,----.,('c-------------.::,-::-:--:,-.,,.-,--r:=:-::-=-=r-:'-::-'-1 "AS-BUil T" 06 24 08 MM IRRIGATION AND PLANTING MODIFICATIONS PLAt-.N I NG DEP ARH.E:NT MASil':R DEYELOP!:R PLANTIN6 PLAN FOR, OAit VJLJ.AeES OF LA COSTA THE 6REENS -I.I, 1.2, /~ 'A'2nd3-19-07'A'3rd9-19-07 Tl"Tl.E! ______________________ l----+---+-------------------½---+--+---l---4 ~====:::;:::=================== r--------;R;;;E:;:C:;=E"'IV;;=;ED;;-;:B;-;:;Y::--: --------,~===:===j=========================:====:===-t===:===: I APP!t-VV q--E:l\-ft 'A' .C,th SUB. 12-12-07 111208 A (i) IIIOOT l!W.L @) C.l'IOi-tl-I" ,",eovl! l'IHl9H ~ @FIHl9H~ 0 l"IHl!lH <5"-"DE AT SLOPE ® :2 X ROOT l!W.L DIA. AHO I X oePTH ® SACK l"IU. MIX /!I!!: HO'T?:5/ ->-----, I G) F!:!"TII.IZE!ll /1"1,l !!Oil.~ 11:!!POIU) @ SEE l"AVIH5 C>ETAII.S 0 TOI" Of l"AVIH5 (@) :2" 1-1161-1 l'<Al!:RINl5 S,,0,SIH (II' l'tl5Git>) @ LIHt:>151.,PtsED NATl\l'I!: !!Oil. @ 5-MAT ~ION~-ATTAG+f _, MNIJl"AG~S ~ATIOH. l"l.ANT HITH ~ TO MATG+t ADJAGeHT !!!LOI"!:. lllr---t-....J ----=----® SHRUB/IREE PLANTING DETAIL (i) VIHI: ATT~ TO SAV'AGe i-.lTH ct eHl li!l"OX'I" Vile 111!5 ® ~•-t &T.Altl"I TO !le la!MOll'eD @ exl5TINII !!Ulll"AGe 0 C.l'IOI ti I" ~ l"IHl!lt-1 SIVD!! NT5 6 @ -4' His+! >'IATeillHS 19,0\!,IN (II' lltEa.ll~) @l"LAHTT~ NOTE, G) l'INl!IH 5111.t,D!; @ i,.o,C,iQ"IU. MIX (!!el: 51"!G-5J 0 ::vcROO'T1)AU. DIA. @ IMC>l5"-rlEC' NATIVE SOil. ® ROO'l"a.o.U. ~7;,-;:;-:;-rr-71i2)::z MIN. 6' eEL.O,! l'INl!!H:t> Fl...OOMl!li..DEI. VINES ~ E!il"Al.lER STAKE TO !!IE MOVED AND ATTAGHet> TO SUIU"AGE B'f Cl.EAR EFOX'I" VIIE TIES. D VINE PLANTING DETAIL _---1, f'L,,',N E ROOT BARRIER 0 ~ 51DE ~I< OR HARPSGAl"I:: l~T /16 INDIC.ATED ON !"LAN @D1:E1"ROOTL.B2+-2 @~ 0 l"l..ANT5 ~ l"l..AN @c.oNClltETEGUIQ!I°" H~N'I!: IMPROVEMeNT ;,,.s IHC)IC:.AT!:D ON PL.AN Ji 0 JI .. - TREE STAKING DETAIL PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANIC.AL NAME TREES: 0 METROSIDEROS EXC,aSIJS (Lori BAANC;HINSJ 0 PLATAl'iJS ...C.ERIFOLIA 'BLOODOOOD' (i) :2" DIA. X 10' LOOeEl"OU: l"I HI: I:;\ ST At<.I: (:,. l'IEl:llt>) ~ ~letn' Of' 1-<A'I" @ VIH'T'L 'T1'fE TIE (:2 ll:l!G!'D) 0 !l'-0' MIN. @ ~ ~ l"l.AHTINl5 C>!!TAII. @ 1:2" MIN. 0-~ @ ROOT!5Al.L. 0 6'MIH. (@) --.,All.lH5 >'IIIO AXI!> @ TiltL.NK TO !!IE 5' l!!&!IHC> lll.0.1'1. , ;-----, _ __, --9[iCE£1 !I' MIH. C.OMMON NAME SIZE NE~ ZEALAND CHRISTMAS n;!EE 15 .SAL. LONDON PLANE n;!EE .24" BOX NT'5 C. "I 0 :2" ~ ® ~All:l!C> !!Oil. t~~r...---,..,.....,,,,,_~ :~: = 6 @ EQJAL.(X)-51!!: 1"1.AHT !G~ U: l"Ol'I: OH CeN'T!!llt 51"AGINl5 ® ~ MOi'I 5mll" ~ H~l~T M IIOIC.A= ON l"LAH G)COHc.tltl!i1!;c.ui.,~ AA~Al"l!:I~ A5 IIOIC.A= OH l"LAH @ ~Al. l/2(X) GR.OUNDC.OVER. PLANTING DETAIL GTY IB 56 • • • ... + + + • • • ~ ~ARINJS 0. l"ROSTRAllJS' Dr-lARF ROSEMAK"r' FLATS • le>" O.C. H"r'DROSEB:)MIX"B" TO ElE APPLIED ONL "( ON OF!:N AREAS DUE TO THINNIN6 NATIVE LA1'VSGAF'E IF NEGESSAR"r' LE.sENDNOreS, ALL SLOPES, l.NLES5 OT'r£Rl;ISE NO'IR,>, TO BE IJNDERF'LANTED l,;ITH H'1"DR05EED MIX 'A" -SEE SPEG'S 5PEC.IFIC.ATION5 FOR HYDR05EEDING I. ~IN6 MIX'TVIU:5 AND RATES OF Al"f'LICATION ~MIX 11A 11 Al-YS5UM 'C.~ OF SNOW' ISAZANIA RIISeN5 'Fl!STA lll,B;I' "'1.. '1'S5UM 'RO'I" Al-CA~T' ~ MIX 'B' E5c.H5C-HOL.ZIA C.Al..lf=ORNIC.A UJPlf'I.IS AflleOREIJS MIMUUJ5 l"l.tllc:.ElJS MINll"IJM !Ii l"URIT'I' /SERM. "1&/&o "10/bO "1&/&o MINIMJM !Ii 1"1-"IT'I' /ISeRM. "l&/&o "10/bO "l&/&o l"'OIJNDS/ Ac.RE :, 10 !5 l"OUNDS/ Ac.RE !S & " (Al..!.. SEEC'I AVAILABI..E THl'!OUl5H H'l"DROl"'l.ANT, ATTN, FOB MC6ANN 160-1-44-1~0 II. ~EC,INIS 51..ePENSION OR SUJRR'I" C.OMPOSITION SPEE" ,,,iooc, MUL.C,H l"l;l'I.Tll.lZER (16-16-16) AZ-TAG BINC>ER l"ERRO!/S 51.11..FATE OR IRON CHELATE Ill. APPI-IC.ATION PROC:.l:C>URES AND EGUll"H=NT 2,250.0 L.BJAG. 400.0 LB/AC.. l!SO.O LB/AG. 2.& 15"'1..SJAG. A. EGUll"MENT -H'T"ORAlA..IC:. EGUll"MENT IJ5ED FOR THE ~IC.ATION OF THE FatTILIZER, SEEP ~ SUJRRY OF' I kl.PAl'IED HOOD PULi" SHAU. BE OF' THE "SUP'El'I. ~• T'f!l'E AS ~ 15'1" THE CIT'I" OF' CAl'l..515AD LJ\NC)!l(;AP'I: l ►~T°". THl5 EGILJll"MeNT !>HAU. HAVE A l!!Ull. T-IN MITATION ~~ ~ ~TIN6 GN"AG-IT'I" !IU"!"IC.ll!HT TO MITA'!'!:, !I.lei El-.,,~ ~'I" MIX A ~ CONTAININ6 NOT ~ THAN '40I Of' l'lee!'l MIJLC,H l"LU5 A COi 1191NED TOTA!.. OF ,-l"!:!l'TILI~ ~I~ ,■o,r. l!i'<;H 100 eALL.ON!!o OF l'IAT1:l'I.. THE~ C,ISTiltleli'TION LlteS SHA!..L !!IE !..AME ENOUl5H TO P'REV!aNT STOl"l"AISE AND SHAU. BE EGUll"l"l::C, r"IITH A 5ET OF H'l"Dlt>,IJLIC Si"'RAY NOZZLES l+!IGH r"IIU. l"ROVIDE A c.ONTINJOUS NON-FLIJC,T\JATIN6 Dl!lic.HARISE. THE 51.UfQl'I" TANK SHAU. HAVE: A :-IINIMJM C....,.Ac:.IT'I" OF 1500 ISAU.ONS ~ SHALL !:IE MO.MTED ON A ~VELINIS UNIT, EITHER SEJ..F-Pl'tOf'EU.EC, OR ~ B'I" A 51:l"NIATE UNIT, il'IHIGH HILL 1"'1-AC,E THE SL.lJRR'I" TANK Sl"'RA'I" NOZZLcS j,,jiTH/N 51/FFICll:NT ~XIM'IT'I" TO THE A~ TO !!If: ..£WW. ·: GUERGUS ILEX HOU.."r' OAK ElRIS6ANEBOX 15 .SAL. 15 .SAL. le> 46 17 ElETl'fiN Al.16(,'ST 15 AND APRIL 15, SmA,i,\ MAT SHALL BE INSTALLED ON SLOPE. AND AUGUST 15, 1-troROSEED MIX "B' SHALL ElE INSTALLED ON SL..Of'E. B. l"'REPNIATION -THE Sl...lA".R'I" l"'REPNIATION SHALL TAl<E l"L.AGE AT THE SITE OF i'IOFI.I< AND SHALL BEISIN B'I" AC>DINIS ,...._TER TO THE TANI< l'-IHEN THE EN61NE IS AT H"'1..f=-~. 1-'HEN THE ...,.,Tat l.EVEL H....S ~ THE HEl6HT OF THE AISITATOR SHAFT, i500C) FE-GIRCUL.ATION SHAl..l. !!If: l:STABL.ISHEC'I AND, AT Tl-llS TIME, ElET.1'£1:N APRIL 15 THE SEEP SHALL BE ADL>EL>. l"ERTll.lZcRe SHAl.L THEN BE ADlA:L), FOL.LOfl'Et> B'I" HOOCI l"ULl" M.ll.GH. 0 ~~ CORKOA!<. .24" BOX ® @ ~ © @ 0 ® ro?o?oj ~ J l"l.ANT MAil:!'llAI.. GIUANITIE5 HAVE: =5:...:.~..:..:,RU...::.;e=.=s:...:.: _______________________ f-_----l~ ea:N MODIFIED BA!!ee) ON <5PVDIN6 Rl:Vl510N5 ~ CIVIL DRIVE: ~~~E;,e----..., _,,--.,,----..... MAYE ATTelJATA FOXTAIL AeAVE I .SAL. l5e> ALOE ARBOlij:SGENS AREllJT1.15 IJNEDO TB.IC,RIUM FRIJTICANS ElOUE;AINVIU.EA 'LA JOLLA RED' mE:ALOE S1"RAl'eERR"r' ~ ElJSH 51:RMANDER ElOUE;AIHY'ILLEA BACGHAAIS F'lw.AAIS 'Tl'IIN PEAKS' Dr-lARF GO'fOTc BRUSff MIDERPLANT HITH H'1"DR05EED MIX '6' -SEE SPEC'S) CEANClTHJS 'CONcHA' CARH:L vl<LEF EK Ec.HllM FASTIJOSU',1 PRIDE Of MADEIRA M"r'OP~ PARVIFOLIUM M'\"'OPORlh'I MAH CREEK' PHORMll,M Tf:NAX ~ BAB"r'' IEI-IZEAL.AICFLAX RIBES INDECORUM l"filTEFL.OJ!t:R~ RHAMMJS CALIFORNIGA COFFfl:BERR'( COMAROSTAPH"r'LIS 01\/ERSIFOLIA Sl,MMER HOU."( SSP. Ol~IFOLIA ROSMARINJS 0. 11.ISGAN SJ..UE' • ROSfMAA"( LA\/cNDIJLA DENTATA • LAVENDER 5 .SAL. 151 5 .SAL. 65 5 .SAL. 74 5 .SAL. 1'14 FLATS • 16' .c. L->i FER PLAN !"'LAN FLATS 12" 0 l"ERPLAN 5 .SAL. 2:51 I !SAL. ii I !SAL. '4 I !SAL. qe, I !SAL • 4' Ot:,. 1 C::CION I !SAL. • ;!O' O.G. NOTE, 04' ClEl"1lt DeGOI~ SAAHl'TE- ~~I,\ SQ.D Oil~ AV~P'ROMl(RC ROGK MOl51!N tl.6. , GOMP'AGT TO a W'50 L&. "O! I FR-tl.6. PA'IW 5W,I..J.. l!!E l'I.USH W GIVIL ~ lteJIII! IT OGG'~. 1:a MAX. L01151'11DIIW. eLOl'E. :a MIN. ~!ii.OPE @CGlM'.m'E MOH~ Kl~ TO l'I.Nll"'5 MIV6 If >ra!!""1' r.'\a GOMPAG'I?"' CFF'OE-\::J TIIIEAT TOI' OF !Al!9".M:1E I FIM!!I IP PB. !PFAU W ~11Cu916ENT elWILH. ~ INSTALL !'St WHl'AG'll."8e ~011eoA110NS 0~ ~ l"AV1115 ~ GOlffll..lG.TClll !IIWJ.. lleTAL.L IMl&A.110!>l ,liD..lliG&'T TO 'TIE 'TIE LA GO&T,'. di 6 1-' l'!WATE PRIVE P!:R f"L.NI. TIE ~TOR !!HALL Gc:l!ITAGT M ~ MGHITEC.T 70 GlecK ~'IICIN Wl'l!fAAli/f. l'IIIIClll TO "LANT1M6 ~ IN 'Ill! ~I: EMEi WIT. If TIE c:(MII! •a: 15 NOr !ilfflGIBIT TO !d'1'0R' II£ ~ l"IMI' HA~ 'TIE ~Tait 5IWJ. IH5TALI. A ~ Matola.lle ~TOM LIMITS OF M l'\..AHT1N5 ~ HD IM9TALL 'TIE PB. ,,....._ l!!El,t:el llE MOH CAN NC llE EXl5TIH6 51llEW,IJC, M.LCH SH"'1..L ONL 'I" Be .ADL>EL> fO THE MIXTUl'ff: AFTER THE SEE:> AND 1'+-1:N THE TANI< IS AT !..EAST ONE-THll'ID (I/:,) FILL.ED il'IITH il'!Ail:!'l. THE EN61Ne 1'l«Oi'Tl.f: SHAl.L eE Ol"ENED TO FULi. ""51-l"IEED,;,,r: l'H:N THE T-"'NIC; IS HAI..F-l"lill!!D il'IITH il'IATER. AU. THE l'COO l"Ul.l" MUL.C,H SHAI..L BE AI.JI.JW B'I" THE Tli-E THE TANK. IS THO-THll'IDS (2/:,) TO ii«E:l!:-f=OUl'lTHS /,/4) l"UU.. 5f"IIIA'l"IN6 SHAU. COMMENGI: IMMl:DIATEl.'I" l'H:N THE TANI< IS RJJ..L .. C. Al"f'I..IC.ATION -THE Ol"EAATOR SHAI..L Sl"RA'I" THE Sl..Of'l:S r"IITH A UNIFORM, VISIBLE C.OAT SY lJSINIS THE 6F'Ff"' C.OLOR OF THE HOOD l"ULI" ....SA '51.ilDE. THE su.RF''I" SH"'1..L Bf; ~IED IN A 5HEEl"INIS MOTION, IN AN AFGI--ED S~ 50 AS TO f=ALL. l.ll<E AAIN, AI..L.Oil'IIN6 THE r"IOOD FIBEF'S TO BUIU, ON EACH OT! Ck UNTll. A ,SOOC, C.OAT IS Ac.HIEVEC), AND THE MAil:!'ll"'1.. IS 5F'READ AT THE kEGIUll'IED AATI: ~ Ac.FE. c,, "'1..L BAl'IE SPOTS SHAI..L Be •I 51 I , A'O l"IITHIN NINE'N' ("10) C>A'l"S TO THE SATISFACTION OF' THE C:.IT'I" OF C.ARLSBAD INSPEC.TOl'I.. E. l"RIOR TO THE ~ANGE OF' THE ~ Al'IEAS B'I" THE GIT'l"'5 INSf'ec.TOR, A C.El'.Tll'ICATIO" kl.FORT ""-'5T BE SUBMITTED B'I" A l'l!EelSTEREC, LAND5C-Af'E AFGHITECT, 5TATIN6 THAT THE H'"l'C>ROSEEDINIS il'IAS DON!:' ~IN6 TO THE PRO...EC,T 5F'EGIFIC.ATION AND THAT ITS ~HTH IS ADEGIUATl:l..'1" ESTM3l.lSHED TO PREVENT EF'OSION. F. THE c.ovER Cl'IOP SHAl..l. BE AF'l"LIED AT A RATE AND MANteF' SUF'l"IC.11:NT TO l"ROVIDE "IO!li ~ HITHIN :,0 DA'l"!li. D.5. ~IL DETAIL H....S BEEN ADDED F""-IJ5I:: HITHIN sc;,,s•r: l:;A5Ml:NT H El Z .~AR'!'. 5eE NO'T1!!I ON 91 I • 11 FOR 1..0C,ATION5 PLANTIN<S NOTES: I. ALL TREES HITHIN A SPEC.IE5 SHALL HAVE MATC.HINe FORM. 2. ALL LANDSC-APED AREAS TO REC.EIVE AUTOMATED IRRlc5ATION. 5. REFER TO PLANTINe SPEC.IFIC.ATIONS FOR 501L PREPARATION, FERTILIZATION, MULC.HIN<S, AND OTHER ADDITIONAL PLANTINc5 INFORMATION. 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSC-APE ARC-HITEC.T PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 5. FINAL LOC.ATION OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE 5UBJEc.T TO THE APPROVAL OF THE LAND5c.APE ARC-HITEC.T. 6. C.ONTRAC-TOR SHALL NOTIFY OHNER'5 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO C.OMMENc.EMENT OF HORK TO C.OORDINATE PRO.JEC.T IN5PEC.TION 5c.HEDULES. 1. SEE DETAILS AND 5PEC-IFIC.ATION5 FOR 5TAKINc5 METHOD, PLANT PIT DIMENSIONS AND BAC.KFILL REGUIREMENTS. 8. IF C.ONFLIC.T5 ARISE BETHEEN SIZE OF AREAS AND PLANS, C.ONTRAC-TOR TO C.ONTAC-T LAND5c.APE ARC-HITEC.T FOR RE50LIJTION. FAILURE TO MAKE 5UC.H C.ONFLIC.TS KNOHN TO THE LANDSC-APE ARC-HITEC.T WILL RESULT IN C.ONTRAC-TOR'5 LIABILITY TO RELOC.ATE THE MATERIALS. 'I. C.ONTRAC-TOR SHALL 5UBMIT PHOTOS OF ALL TREES NOT ALREADY TAeeED BY LAND5c.APE ARC-HITEC.T. PHOTOS SHOULD INC.LUPE A PERSON FOR 5c.ALE PURPOSES. ALL BOX TREES SHALL BE OF GUALITY AS DETERMINED BY THE OHNER/LAND5C-APE ARC-HITEC.T. MATERIAL FOUND UNSUITABLE FOR THE DE51<5N OR SPEC.IFIC.ATION INTENT Y'IILL BE REJEC.TED. 10. IT 15 THE C.ONTRAC.TOR'5 RESPONSIBILITY TO FURNISH PLANT MATERIALS FREE OF PESTS OR PLANT DISEASES. PRE-5ELEC.TED OR 'TAec5ED' MATERIAL MUST BE INSPEC.TED BY THE CONTI'itAc.TOR AND CERTIFIED PEST AND DISEASE FREE. IT 15 THE CONTRACTORS O6Llc5ATION TO HARRANTY ALL PLANT MATERIALS PER THE SPEC.IFIC.ATION5. II. C.ONTRAc.TOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKINe HIMSELF FAMILIAR HITH ALL UNDEReROUND UTILITIES, PIPELINES AND STRUC.TURE5. C.ONTRAC-TOR SHALL TAKE 50LE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COST INc.URRED DUE TO DAMAeE OF SAID UTILITIES. 12. C.ONTI'itAc.TOR SHALL NOT HILLFULL Y PROCEED HITH C.ON5TRUC.TION AS DE5Ic5NED WHEN IT 15 OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOHN OBSTRUCTIONS AND/OR eRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN KNOY'IN DURINc5 DE51c5N. SUC.H C.0NDITION5 SHALL 6E IMMEDIATELY BROUeHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LAND5c.APE ARC-HITEC.T. THE C.ONTI'itAc.TOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NEC.ESSARY REVISIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO <51\/E 5UC,H NOTIFIC.ATION. 15. CONTRAc.TOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COORDINATION Y'IITH SUBC,ONTRAC,TORS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH PLANTINe OPERATIONS. 14. C.ONTI'itAc.TOR TO RECEIVE SITE eRADED TO +o.10. C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL OBTAIN LETTER OF c5RADE C.ERTIFIC.ATION FROM OHNER PRIOR TO PROJECT EXEC.IJTION. 15. PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES ARE c5IVEN FOR C.ONVENIENc.E ONLY. PLANT SYMBOLS AND SPECIFIED SPAC.INe SHALL TAKE PREC.EDENc.E. CONTRAC-TOR SHALL VERIFY PLANT MATERIAL GUANTITIE5 PER PLAN. 16. C.ONTI'itAc.TOR TO A5SI..IRE POSITIVE DRAINAeE IN ALL PLANTINe AREAS -2% MINIMUM ALLOHED. Ii. AFTER ROueH c5RADE5 HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED IN PLANTINe AREAS, CONTRAC-TOR SHALL HAVE 501L SAMPLES TAKEN AT THREE DIFFERENT LOC.ATION5 THROUeHOUT THE SITE. THESE SAMPLES SHALL BE TESTED BY SOIL AND PLANT LAB (714)558-855!5 FOR 501L FERTILITY, AeRIC.UL TURAL SUITABILITY TEST AND 50IL PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS. THO SAMPLES SHALL BE TAKEN AT EACH LOC.ATION, (I) eROUND LEVEL TO 10" DEEP, (::Z) 24" TO !56" DEEP. EAC-H SAMPLE SHALL C.ONTAIN APPROXIMATELY I GUART OF SOIL AND BE LABELED PER LOCATION AND DEPTH. CONTI'itAc.TOR SHALL INSTALL 501L PREPARATION AND BACKFILL MIX TO CONFORM TO THESE RECOMMENDATIONS ONLY UPON APPROVAL OF C.ITY INSPEc.TOR AND RECEIPT OF HRITTEN C.HANeE ORDER FROM OHNER. SUBMIT 501L REPORT TO C.ITY INSPEC.TOR AND OHNER/L.A. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO SOIL AMENDINc5 I!'>. eROUND C.OVERS AND SHRUBS SHALL BE TI'itlANeULARL Y SPAC.ED, UNLESS OTHERHl5E INDICATED. l'I. ALL 50IL FOR LANDSC.APE PLANTINe AREAS OR BERMS SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM ON- SITE EXCAVATIONS. SHOULD IMPORT SOIL BE NEC.ESSARY, INDICATE 50URc.E LOCATION, SOIL SHALL BE SANDY LOAM C.ONTAININc5 NO TOXIC. c.HEMIC.ALS OR ELEMENTS HHIC.H MAY INHIBIT OR RETARD NORMAL PLANT eROWTH. SOIL TE5TINc5 RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO SOIL IMPORT. 20. ALL LANDSC-APED AREAS (EXC.LIJDINe TURF AND SLOPES 5,1 AND eREATER) SHALL BE MULCHED Y'IITH A 5" DEEP LAYER OF 'MEDIUM eRIND MULC.H' AT THE CONCLUSION OF PLANTINe OPERATIONS. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO SULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE. 21. AT EDeES OF PLANTINe AREAS, THE C.ENTER LINE OF THE LAST ROI-I OF 5HRU65 AND/OR eROUND C.OVER SHALL BE LOCATED NO FARTHER FROM OR C.LO5ER TO THE EDeE THAN ONE-HALF THE 5PEC.IFIED ON-C.ENTER SPAC-1Nc5. 22. REMOVE ALL NURSERY STAKES AND ESPALIER RAc.K5 IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION, UPON PROVIDINe SUPPORT PER DETAIL. 25. SLOPE REVEc51TATION/ERO5ION CONTRoL POLICIES AND REGUIREMENTS E.5 REQUIREMENTS E.5-1 SLOPE PLANTINe E.:3-1.I SLOPE PLANTINe STANDARDS Slope• requiring ero&lon control m=&ure!> a& epec!PJed herein !>hall be tr=l:ed ""Ith one or more ot the ,0110 ... 1ng pfantlng standard&, a. STANDARD #I -C.OVER CROPS/JUTE MESH Cover crop 5hall be a 5eed mix typical I~ made up of quick germinating and fast c:.ovorlng gr-05509, c:.lovers, and /or ""lid ,to><ors. Submit tho epec;!Plc:. .,...,d mix ,or C.lty approval prior to appllc:.atlon. Tho cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner suPflclent to provide '10% coverage ><!thin thirty (50) days. ~po oP Jut mesh shall be as approved b!j tho C.lty and etal,:,.d to tho elopo ae recommended b!j the manu,ac:.turor. Jute me!lh shall bo roqulrod ""hen planting oc:.c:.ure bet><een August 15 and April 15. During tho remainder oP tho year, the cover crop and/or Juto mesh mo~ be usod. b. STANDARD 112 -eROIJND C.OVER Ono hundred (100%) porc;ont o, tho area shall be planted ><Ith a ground c;ovor kno><n to have exc;ollont 5011 binding c;haracterlstlc (planted ,rom a minimum !>lzo of flatted matorJal and epoc:.od to provide Pull coverage ><!thin ono yoc,rJ. c. STANDARD 115 -LOI-I SHRUBS Lo"' sproc,dlng ""oody 5hrubs (planted Prom a minimum ot 27 Inch liners) shall c:.ovor c, minimum oP seventy (iO%) porc:.ont ot tho &lope '""e (at mature •Jze). d. STANDARD 114 -TREES AND/OR LAReE 5HRU65 Troe5 and/or large shrubs 5hall be (planted from a minimum ot I gallon c:.ontalners) at a minimum rato of ono (I) plant per t><o hundred (:ZOO) equaro foot. E.:,-1.2 AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTINe) E.5-I.2.I 5LOPE5 -6,1 OR STEEPER AND, a. !I foot or lose In vortlc:.al height and "'" adJc,cont to public ><alke or etroete require at minimum Standard 111 (c:.ov"r c:.rop and Jutted). b. 4 Poot to 8 fool In vertical height require standard!> Ill, 112 and 115. "· In exc""" of e feot In vertlc:.al height require 5tandarde Ill, •2, #5 and 114. E.5-1.2-2 SPECIAL C.ONDITION5 E.5-I.2-2.1 Areas graded ,tatter than 6, I require Standard #I (c;ovor c:.rop) "'hon they have one or more of tho follo.,.Jng c:.ondltlons, a. Shoot graded pads not sc:.hedulod Por Improvements ,,..,thin 6 months of c:.ompletlon oP rougo grading. b. A potentlOI erosion problem as determined b!j tho City. c:.. ldontlflod by the C.lt~ "" highly vlslblo areas to tho public:. or have spoc:.lal c:.ondltlons that ><arrant Immediato treatment. E.:3-I.2-2.2 Areas to be hydrosoodod 5hc,II first be dl5""<1 or rototlllod to provide c, ,r1ablo, loose &e"d bed. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ .--------.,,...---.,,...-------...---,---.....----------------,---~---r----,---t "AS-BUILT" DRAWN JP ~ ~ ! j l ~;:~ DEVELOPER FENC.E AND HALL PLAN J..-I [;i i ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF SEWER APPROVED FOR VII.LASES OF LA COSTA ~ SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT PLANTINS AND \I\ N THE 6RELHS -I.I, 1.2, 11' § APPROVED MM 1ST SUB. 04-12-05 DATE BARRIER ASAINST SB-"-IER LINE. IRRl6ATION ONLY, ~ ~ J,J, ! i ~ ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF SDS4E INCLUDINS PRECISE .., ~'.'"" ; ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE I EASMENT SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR LOCATION Of JOB NO. 0"-037 DWN BY: --PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. ~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CH D BY > ROOT BARRIER ASAINST EASMENT PLANTINS AREAS. DATE 04-12-05 ENGINEER or woRK REVISION DESCRIPTION 01ttER APPROVAL cnv APPROVAL RV~D B/--C.T C!Cf-05 450-4L ~ L ____________________ L ___________________ J ____________ j ___ .:::. ___ ~~~~~~!iS~C~OLE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;A;S;;;SH;O;lfN~!::======l~NS~P!EC~T~OR==========D=Att===f=;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;~:;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:=:;;;::;;;:::::::::::;::::~::;::;::;::;:::::::::::;::::::::==============:;;;!..II 2ND SUB. 07-13-05 MYLAR SUB. 09-21-05 TI1LE: RECEIVED BY: \ 19LANTIN6 AND MAINTl:!NANC!: I.Oec::.~ 1.01 Perlc,rm al I plant Ing and malntenanee ...,rk. ae, lndleat.ed ""d epeei,led, eomplete. 1.0::? The Ce>ndltle>ne e>f' the Ce>ntraet and the dleneral epeei,1.c.atle>ne are a part e>f' this et,etlc,n. 1.06 cONmoL, The ••leetle>n e>P hel't>leldee,, applleatle>n r"'tes, ond methe>de "'r" te> be perPc,rmed under the c.e>nt.re>I "'nd gu1danc.e c,P "' &tc:tte "' C"'llPe>rnl"' 11...,need peet c.e>ntre>I advlee>r and "'PPllc.ate>r. 1.04 LABORATORY ANAl-'1"515, !"re>vlde labor.,te>r"\j e,c,lle analye,I& c.e>nPe>rmln9 tC> the ,.,1,., .. 1ng, A. Te&tlng te> be perPe>rmed by the 5e>ll and Plant Labcrate>ry, 41::? 5e>. l..\je>n, 5anta Ana, cA "!:2111, (114) 55e-e999_ e. 5ubrnlt the Pe>lle>"'lng ""'"" e,amplee te> the l"'bor.,te>ry at the ee>mmeneement c,P .. .,rk., I. Native ee>ll, Ten representative eamplee c,P ,,.,1,1ve ee>ll te> be l""d,oeaped at le>c.atle>nuhc,"n c,n plan,o ,.,th thle "!lmbe>I. Per,e>rm t...e> (::?) 5"lle Teete at eac.h le>c.atle>n. (One (1) at grc,und level te> 10" deep, and """ (I) at ::?4" -56" depth) ::?. lmpe>rt """' One (I) repreeent .. tlve ""''"Pl• ,.,r eaeh 100 ""ble yorde and/c,r eourc.e. C. 191aee ..:,eh eample In "' e,turdy c.e>ntalner, properly ldent!Pled, labeled, and dated. 0. !"rc,vlde report c,P reoult,o te> the o .. ner, L""deeape Arc.hit.et, City lnepec.tor and dleneral Ce>ntr.,ete>r. e. All t.eetlng eervleee ehall be paid Por by the L"'ndeeape Cc,ntrac.te>r. ::?.O <51!:N!:p;,AL CONDITION5 ::?.01 All ec.aled d!men,o!c,ne are appre>xlmate. Chee.le. and ver!Py "'ll elte dlmen,olone "'nd rec.elve o .. ner'e repreeentatlve'e approval prior to proc.eedlng ,.,th ..,c:,ri< under thle S..c.tle>n. ::?.O::? Ce>ordlnote lnetallatle>n "' "'" plant materlale, to "'void lnterPer-enee ,.,th other ee>netruc.tlon. ::?.09 l(eep the premleee elean and Pree c,P exeeoe "°'ulpment, materlale, "'nd debr!,o lneldental te> ,..,rk.. ::?.04 !"re>t.ec.t ""rk. and """rk. e>P e>thero .,1, all time• In perfe>rmanee c,P "or-I<. ::?.05 CarePully ne>te all Plnleh gradee bePore eommenelng ""rl<. ,;..,e,t,c,re any Plnleh gradec.hanged during c.our11e c,P thle ,.orl< te> e>rlgl""'I c,r Int.ended gradee. 6.0 ON-elf!: oe5!:,;.VATION 6.01 The Pc,lle>,.lng elte vlelte ehall be made by O..ner'e repreeentatlve. The Ce>ntraete>rohall requeet revle" In .. r1t1n9 In .,dv.,nee e>f' the time elte vl,olt le required. Advan..., ne>tlPleatlon Pe>r-the bele>"" elte vlelte ehall be r-equlred a,o ,.,11., .. ,., A. Pr-e-Je>b ee>nPerenee, 1 day,o, City ln,opec.te>r te> attend alee, e. P"lnal grade revle,., 4e hc,ure C. 191ant material revle,., 4e he>ur• 0. Plant '"'Y"ut rev!•", 4e hc,uro e. 5"11 preparatle>n and plant.Ing c,peratle>ne (c,ne (I) tree .. 1th eaeh type "' •peei,led etal<lng ehal I be appre>ved prle>r te> planting tr ... ;, 4e houro P". Pr-e-malntenanee, 1 days di. P"lne>I aec.eptanee, 1 days 5.0::? IP Ce>ntraete>r-r-equee,te a elte vlelt and the elte le not Pound te> be In an "'"-"-•pt.able c.ondltle>n te> hold the r-evlel'I, the hc,ur'ly Pee,o "' the peree>nnel ealled Per the site vl,olt ehall be paid by the Ce>ntraete>r and ,ohall be deduc.t.ed Prc,m hl,o eontr.,c.t prlee. l:1.06 Ne> •lte vl•ltlO shall c.e>mmenee l'llthout all lteme ne>ted In prevloue e>beervatle>n r-epe>rte either ee>mplet.ed c,r remedied unleee eueh ec,mpllanc.e ha• been "'"'lved by the O..ner. 511.e vlerte that "'r• ec.heduled, but the Contrac.te>r hae Palled te> "'"""""'"P""h punc.hllet taelc.e or prepare ad...,.uat.ely '"' deelred lnepec.tlone, ehall make the Ce>ntr.,ete>r reepc,ne,11::>le Pe>r relmburolng the Landec.ape Arehlteet .,1, hie ""rrent hourly bllllng rate plu& tr.,n&pe>rtatle>n ee>&t&. Ne> Purl.her lnepeetlons ehall be&c.heduleduntl I thle eharge h= been paid and rec.elved by Lande,c.ape Arc.hlt.ec.t. 4.0 MATl:!,;.IALS 4.01 '51!:N!:l'lAL, !"re>vlde materlale e>P beet quality obtainable, ,.hlc.h eomply etrlc.tly l'llth dra,,.lnge and epec.!Plc.atle>n&. 4.0::? STAT!:Ml!!NTS OP" CONP"IRMATION, l!lubrnlt at time c,P delivery lnvolc.e etatemente c.ert!Pylng quantltlee, by bull< and/c,r "eight, Pc,r all c,rgc::r,le amendment.. and Pertlllzere. Submit 1>uppllere,' eerti,1eate• oP c.ompllanc.e "''th the•• epec.i,rc.atle>n&. Jltande>m 1>amplee may be talc.en by o .. ner'e repreeentatlve Por analy•h•. 4.06 ~ANIC AMl!!NDM!:NT, 0erlved Prom """d or bark., gr-anular In nature, etablllzed "''th nltre>gen and pc,rti,1ed l'llth minerals, c::r,d having the Pe>lle>"'ln9 pre>pertl••• A. Organic. Ce>ntent, Minimum "10% by "'"19ht. e. l"'artlele 51ze, Minimum "15% paeeln9 4 meeh eereen Minimum eo'.!I. pae,e1n9 e meoh eereen. C. Nltre>gen Ce>ntent, 0.5% baeed c,n dry "•l9ht Pe>r red,..e>e>d •a"'duet. 0.1% baeed on dry "'•lght Pc,r Plr "°""due,t. 1.0% baeed c,n dry "•19ht Pe>r Plr c,r pine bark. NOT!:, Pine eal'lduat 111 ne>t aeeeptable. 0. Mineralized, 0.1% te>tal lre>n. e. 5allnlty, Maximum eonduetlvlty 9.5 mm/em at ::?5 degrees C. 4.04 19!:p;,TILl%!:l'l AND MIN~S, A. P"errlc. eu!Pate, P"e::? (S04) 9 minimum ::?0% P"e, ae metallic.. e. dlyp&11m, C..lelum SulPate, CA S04 H:20, ::?0516 CA 16516 c.e>mblned ,ou!Pur. C. Soll eulPur, Minimum "15516 elemental out,ur. 0. Commerc.lal P"ertlllzer, Arnme>nlum eulPate :21-0-0 Ammonium nitrate 64-0-0Amme>nlum phoe,phat.e 16-:20-0 6-::?0-::?0 Be,ot Co., or equal, '"' ,oc,11 preparation l::?-1::?-I::? Beet Ce>., c,r equal. Por ee>ll preparatle>n 16-6-1> Be,ot Ce>., c,r equal, Por malntenonee e. A9ri,orm ::?0-10-5 (::?I gram) planting tablete. P". dlro,.--l"'o,..er Plue, 5,S, I, 50% humus, ::?516 eoll penetrant l"t-1 4.5 -4.1. ~. ACT'UAL AMl!!NDMl!!NTS TO ee 0e!Tl:!l'lMINe0 eY SOILS 1'l!!l"'ORT oeTAINe0 Pel'l 5!:CTION 1.04 AeOYe. 4.05 !"LANT MATl:!l'llALS, Gluantlty and size e>f' plc::r,te ae etat.ed on the !"lane and Plc::r,t Llet. No root bound material• all""'ed. l"lant• ehall be Preah and v19orou11, oP normal grc,,.t,h, and Pree oP dlaeaeee, l'leede, harmPvl ln,oec.te, or their lneeet e99e and larvae. A. Plante ehall ec,mply l'llth c..1i,ornla &tc:tte 0epartment oP Agrlc.ulture'e re9ulat1on Por nur&ery ln•pec.tlone, rulee, and rat.Inge. All plante ehall have a ne>rmal habit oP gro .. th and ehal I be eound, healthy, v19oroue, ""d ,ree e>P lneeet 1nPeetatlon11, plant die•=••• aunec.alde, Preoh abraelone c,P the bark, exeeeelve abr=lone, c,r other e>bJec.tle>nable d!e'19uremente. Tree trunl<e &hal I be eturdy and ... 11 hardened. All plante ehall have ne>rmally "'ell-developed braneh eyet.eme and vl9oroue and Plbroua re>e>t eyeteme. l"lhere c.ontalner-9rol'ln plane are Prom eeveral eourc.ee, the roote "' not '"'"'"'' than t...o (:2) plante oP eac.h epeele,o or variety Prom eaeh eouree .. 111 be lnepeeted. In c.aee the ,oample pl""te are Pound to be dePeetlve, the Landec.ape Arehltec.t re,oerve,o the right to reJec.t the entire lot c,r lot& oP plant• repre&ented by dePec.tlve e,amplee. The Landr,eape Arehltec.t la the ee>le Judge a• to aeeeptablllty. Any plante rendered uneult"ble Por planting beeauee "' thle lnepec.tle>n .. 111 be ee>neldered "" eamplee and .. 111 be pre>vlded at the Contraete>r'• expenee. e. The minimum ac.c:.eptable elze Por all ehrube, meaeu,....d bePe>r• pruning .. ,th the branehee In normal pe>eltle>n, ehall ec,nPc,rm to the meaeuremente utlllzed by Hlnee Nuroery. 191ante larger In elze than epec.lP!ed may be uaed ,.,th the appre>val c,P the Lc::r,deeape Arehlteet, but the UN of larger plant& ,.,11 c.auae nc, ehan9• In ee>ntraet prlee. All tree elzee ehall ee>nPe>rm te> the minimum elzee, lndleated per epeelfled ec,ntalner elze ae eontalned In the Valleyc.reot Tr"" Company c.atalo9. C. Plante ""' be e,ubJ=t te> revle"' Por aeeeptanee c,r reJec.tle>n at plac.e oP 9rc,,,.th an/or c,n pro Jeet e,lte at any time bePc,re or during pro9reu c,P .. orl<., Pc,r elze, variety, ee>ndltlon, latent dePeete, and lnJurl••· l'leme>ve reJeeted plaets ,re>m elte Immediately and repl"""' "'th aec.eptable plante. 0. At nc, time ehall tr••• e>r plant mat.erlal,o be pruned, trimmed c,r te>pped prior te> del!very; any alternatle>n "' they ehape be ee>nduc.ted e>nly ,.,th the approval oP and In the pree,enc.e e>P the Landec.ape. e. l"'re>teet al I plante Prc,m dama91n9 eue and ,.,nd. 0amage may be e"u"" Pe>r reJeetle>n even aPt.er lnltlal aeeeptanc.e. P". Subetltutee are ne>t permitted unleee, e,pec;i,lc.al ly apprc,ved In .,,,t.109. 4.06 eee0 MIX!!e, A. 5!:e0, Ae epee!P!ed, del!vered te> the Job site, urmlxed In eeparate eealed eontalnera. &eh c.ontaln•r muet bear the eeed euppller'e labele lndleat1n9 the eontalner "'"19ht, •••d type, •••d purity, and 9ermlnat1on perc.entagee. All ee>ntalner• ehall be labeled aec.e>rdlng te> state and Pederal •••d la"•· Sample• may be talc.en Pe>r tee,tlr,9 te> eneure that the eeed 1>peei,1eatlone have been met. 4.01 TURP" ANr:i <!IRAseee A. Hydraulic. Seeding I. Seed, P"re11h, c.lean, """' c.rop e•ed, p,....mlxed by euppller. "il'lc:rren'e Landeeapere Mix P"eec.ue Blend" -Mix adventure, mur,tard, and arid p.,.,....,.,. "'hlc.h "re 100% pure and have a 9erm1nat1on rate oP "15%. ::?. l'le>C>d .... 11ule>ee Plber, P"lrot quality c.e>mmerelal grade. S. Se>!I etablllzer, !:ee>lo9y C..ntre>I• M-Slnder. Spread at a rat.e c,P eo 11::>e. 19er one (I) ac.re. 4. l'ertlllzer, l"T-IS-5 ur,ea Pe>rmaldehyde Plret quality c.e>mmerelal grade. 5. 0ellver-te> the Arc.hltec.t, 0ealer'e guaranteed e,tat•ment e>f' c.ompoe,ltle>n and pereent "' purity e>P eeed mix by dealer. 4.oe STAKIN<!I AND dll/YIN<!I MATERIALS, A. Tl'l!!! 5TAKe, :2" diameter x 10' lc,n9, I (one) pie..., ee>und treated pine and uni,c,rm elze, pe>lnted at e>ne .,,,d. Stake ae detailed. e. Tl!!S, l'lubber, vtnyl 'Clneh-Tle' a• mc:,nuPaetured by V.I.T. 4.0"1 ROOT BAl'll'll!:l'l, e10-eAl'll'll!:l'l 15 dial. Treee #Ul!l::?4 -t"'" (:2) .,,,th Pe>ur (4) panele required :24" ee>x treee •ue:24 -1,..,., (:2) ,.,th Plve (5) panele required 66" ee>x treee •IJS:24 -1,,.., (:2) ,.,th eeven (1) panel• required 4!," Box tr-eee, c::rtd lc::1rger--per-mc:1nvPc::1c.tur-er1e l"'ec.ommendcltlone 4.10 MIJLCH, A. 0e>uble dlrlnd All Barie. by elue l'llbbon Landeeape Supplies (114) 699-9666, c,r approved equal. e. Muleh depth te> be at leaet 5" unleo• nc,ted e>ther,.lee c,n 0ra .. 1n9e. 5.0 INSTALLATION Pl'l0Ce01Jl'l!!5 5.01 P"IN!: dll'lAr:ilNdl/SOIL Pl'lel"Al'lATION A. <51!:N!:l'lAL, 0e> ne>t "'"rl< aoll "hen the mole,ture eontent le "'" great that exeeulve ee>mpac.tle>n .,,111 oeeur, nc,r "hen It le, ec, d'"!j that dvet ""' ,orm or that c.le>de "'"' not break readily. Apply "at.er 1' neeeeeary te> prc,vlde Ideal moleture c.ontent ,.,, tlllln9 and planting. l"•rPorm Pine grading In •ueh a .. ay ae te> antlelpate the Plnleh grade a,ter the lne,tallatle>n e>f' ee>ll ee>ndltlonere. ,;..,move c,r redletrlbute "'""""'"• ee>ll bePe>re applleatron "' e,c,11 amendmente. Maintain all """' llne,o, drainage ,....,,.,., and pattern& a• ehe>"'n oe the preelee grading plan pr-e>vlded by the proJec.t elvll engln•er. e. Obtain eert!Plc."tlc,n frc,m pre>Jec.t elvll engineer that Pinal grade• te> 1/10 Poe>t have been eetabllehed prlc,r to c.ommeneln9 land,oeapln9 e>peratlone. Provide Por lnc.orpe>ratle>n "' all ameedmente, eettlln9, etc.. e.. reepe>eelble Pe>r ehapln9 all plontln9 areaa a• lndlc.ated c,n 0r .... 1n9e. C. The lrrlg"tlc,n ,oy,otem &hall be Pully e>peratle>nal, revle""ed, and appre>ved by ic::r,d,oeape arehlteet and elty ln,opeete>r prior te> planting. 0. l'llPl"'INdl, !'lip eoll In, nc,n-ale>pe area& Iese than 4,1 le 1,,.., (2) e>ppe>elng d!reetle>ne to a minimum depth c,P 6 lnehee te> relieve eompaetle>M. e. P"INISH, dlrade all planting area• to allc,,. Por ec,11 amendment& and muleh a11 epeei,1ed. l'tiere nc, 9r"d"'• are ehc,.,,n, grade bet .. een ex1et1n9 c,r Pixed c.ontrol11 (,oueh .,. "'all<e, c.urbe, c.atc.h baelne) and elevatlone eho""n te> pre>vlde a e,moe>th and eontlnual plane. Jltalc.e and level .,. neeeeeary te> obtain true and even eurPaeee. Maletaln all ""alee c,n en91neer'e plan and grade te> drain. I'. !lleme>ve and d!epe>ee oP re>elc.e over 9-lneh diameter, c.onatruetlon d•brle, """de, ete. "!thin the llmlte c,P the pre>Jeet prle>r te> applying ee>ll amendment.a. 5.0::? SOIL l"l'll:l"AAATION A. GIUANTITle!S, Un!Pc,rmlly apply to eac.h 1,000 equare ,.,.,.1, c,P planting area, NOT!:, THI:! l'OLLOl'IIN<!I AME!NOMl!!NTS A1'!! P"Ol'l 61c;>r,IN<5 l"Ul'lP05!:S ONLY. ACTUAL GIUANTITll:!S AND MIX!!e SHALL ee 0eTl:!RMINe0 IN ACCOl'l0ANCI:! l'IITH SOILS 1'!!PORT OBTAINl:!0 l"'eR IT!:M 1.04 AeOVI!!. Nltre>gen-etablllzed c,r91anle amendment, 6 CY Ammonium phc,,oph"t.e 6/::?0/::?0, 15 Le Agrlc.ultural gyp•um, 100 Le Se>ll !!Ulfur, ::?O Le dlrc,-Pc,,.er-Plue, 160 LS Iron su1¥ate, 6 Le e. 01ST1'16UTION, 01etrlbute the e>rganle amendment and Pertlllzer c,ver the planting are te> a un!Porm ::? lneh••· S..eure appre>val Prc,m o .. ner'a repreeentatlve prle>r te> "'"rk.ln9 amendment. Approval .. 111 nc,t be given i, thle pre>eedure le nc,t ueed. C. CULTIVATION, l'le>rl< lntc, ec,11 by c.ultlvatlon, epadln9 or re>te>tlllln9 tC> a depth e>f' at leaat 6 lnehea. P"lnlah grade& te> emc,c,th Plnlsh belo,. adJac.ent paving and c.urt>e. l'leme>ve all debris and "••de Pre>m elt.e. 0. BACKP"ILL MIX, Stoel<plle a euPPlc.lent quantity oP apprc,ved ac,11 Pc,und c,n elte, Pree e>f' "'••de and debrla, Pe>r mixing a• bac.1<,11T materlale. supplement on-elte eoll ,.,th apprc,ved lmpc,rt e,c,11, a• required. Mix amount for 10 euble yard• a• Pe>lle>,.e, 6 euble yarde c,n-elt.e ""' I 4 euble yard• organic. amendment ::?O pounds ,errle &ulPat.e ::?O pounde ammc,nlum phe>ephate l!>O pe>unde 'dlre>-l"o,.er l"lu•' U•• c.are ne>t to e,taln ee>nerete .. 1th P•rrle 11u1'at.e. Cleaning e>f' etalned c.oneret• le reeponelblllty "' Ce>ntraete>r. 5.0S 1"11!!:0 ASAT!:Ml!!NT, Upon the ee>mpletle>n c,P the lrrl9atle>n eyetem and aPt.er all exlet.109 """"d" and 9re> .. th have been remc,ved Prc,m the planting area, perlc,rm the Pc,llo .. 1n9 "'""d abatement pre>gram. l'lat.er all areae Pe>ur (4) tlmee dally fc,r t,,.enty-c,ne (::?I) c.e>naec.utlve day• and untll ,.eed eeeda have germinated. Ceaee .. aterle9 ,or three (6) daye. Apply a nc,n-eelec.tlve herblelde {l'lc,und-Up) per manuPac.turer'e reec,mmendotlona te> erad!c.ate the germinated "'"'•d•. Allo"' hel't>lelde te> 1<111 all ""eeda. !'lake e>r he>e o,, all dead """de te> a depth c,P ? lneh belo"' the ,ourPaee e>f' the ec,11. 1' perennial ""'"de c,r 9raeeeo •till exlet, re,.ater fc,ur (4) tlmee dally for Pe>urteen (14) ec,ne,eeutlve daye untll n"" gro"'th appear•. Reapply a hert>lc.lde ,.,th a dye lndleate>r. ,;..,mc,ve l'leede a,ter hert>lelde hae had ou,Plelent time to 1<111. 5.04 l"LANTIN<!I A. l"l'll:PLANT A~VALS, Obtain appre>val c,f plant loeatle>ne, planting he>lee, pre-mixed bac.1<,111, and plante. I. Treee and ehrube &hall not be planted until c.e>netruc.tle>n ,..,,I< In the area hae been ee>mpleted, '1nal 9radee and "'"'"'•" eetabllehed, "'••d abatement prc,vlded, and the planting areae pre>perly graded and prepared. :2. Stake plant le>eatle>ne e>r pla..., appre>ved quantltlee c,P plant& In eontaln.....,. c,n le>eatle>ne,. S..eure appre>val bePe>re exc.avat1n9 plte, making nec.•••ary adJuetmente ae, dlrec.t.ed. 15. 5Hl'lU1'~ 19LANTIN<5, I. !:xeavate plte ,.,th eear1'1ed vertleal •ldeo and bottom, nc, emaller than the '""""'ln9 elzee,Gluantlty, a) I 9alle>n plant.a -e" deep, I::?" In diameter. 0epth e>f' re>e>tball and t,,..c, (::?) tlmee "'ldth. b) 5 9alle>n plonte -I::?" deep, ::?4" In diameter. 0epth "' rc,otball and t,,..c, (::?) tlmee "'ldth. c.) l!il 9alle>n plante -le" deep, 90" In diameter. 0•pth e>P re>otball and t,,..c, (::?) time• "'ldth. d) ee>xed tree,o -0epth e>P re>otbal I and 1,..., (::?) tlmee "'ldth. :2. Ne> treee &hall be planted "!thin ::?' c,P a paved eurPaee (I.e., eonerete paving, eurt>, .. all) unleee epeei,Jc;ally lndleated on pl"n" and only ,.,th the epeei,1ed re>ot barrier. 9. Container plants ehall be baelc.Pllled .. ,th amended ee>ll per eolla report reeommendatle>ne. 4. l"'artlally rePIII hole tc, a height that l'lhen a pl"nt 111 plaeed the erc,,.n le •lightly above the Plnleh grade. U.. friable unamended e,c,11 Por all boxed tr .. e, epeei,led bael<Plll mix ,.,r all other c.e>ntalner plante and tamp te> ee>mpac.t. 5. 0epe>elt dlrc,-l"c,,..,r planting tablee per mc::r,u,ac.turer'• reee>mmendatlone, In plant plt,o, 6. F'c,rrn ehalle>" baeln around edge of re>e>tball by depreee1n9 ee>ll ell9htly belc,,. Pln!ahed grade. P"e>rm baeln rime. l(eep baeln .. ,thin e>uter edge,o c,P re>otball. 1. Individually hand "'ater eac.h plant to eaturate root.ball and adJac.ent ee>ll Immediately aPter planting. e. AdJuet Por Nttlement and grade are= around plante te> Plnleh grade!! and dl•poee c,P exc.eee eoll. · "I. lnetall "Arbor dluarde" on "'I treee In turf areae. 10. "-move nur,oery e,talc.ee and guy c,r etalc.e tr••• deol9nated .. 1th etalc.e c,r etal<ee c,n ,.,nd .. ard •Ide oP tree ae detailed. C. !:el"ALl!:l'l l"'LANTIN<!I, l'lemove eepaller etal<e euppe>rt at time c,P planting ,.,the>ut damage to plant and train e,op"ller te> the adJaeent ""'I or euppe>rt ae detailed. 0. dll'lOUN0COYel'l INSTALLATION, Plant 9roundeovere In all dee19nated areae. I. Plant roe>ted euttln9• and dlvlele>ne Pre>m ""t" lnte> me>let 1te>ll and In neat, etralght re"" at •pec.lP!ed Interval•. ::?. Smooth ee>ll about pl.,nte and leave area• In neat and c.lean eondltloe. l'letaln ,01!9ht depreeeloe are>und eaeh pl"nt. 0c, ne>t bury the c.rc,"'n "' the plant. 9. Hand "at.er 9rc,undc.e>ver plant& at leaat t,.,.,.,. a "'"'""'• earePully and lndlvldually ,.,th "'""' sc,,t e,tream "' .. at.er, to enr,ure that ae>ll le &et.tied "round re>ote, but being earePul nc,t te> "'"sh se>ll "" e>P plant•. Ne>t me>re than e>ne-halt he>ur &hall elapee Prc,m the time any 9rc,undeover le planted until It Is "'atered. P"orm a ha!P eup-lll<e arrc::r,9ement Pe>r all plaete c,n ele>pee. 0e> not allc,,. plante tc, dry c,ut bePore "'hlle being plant•d. 4. Apply preemer9ent herblelde f!Ul'lf"LAN-15 per manuPaeturer'• reeommendatle>n• to grc,undeover are= c,nly, aft.er all planting ha• been ee>mpleted. 19e>lle>"' manuPaeturer'e lnetruc.tle>ne. The ""'le. ehall be under the dlrec.tle>n .,, a reglet.ered pe•t control advleor. e. HY0ROS!!e0!:0 dlROUNr:iCOvel'l I. A,t.er ee>ll preparatle>n, eetabllshment "' Pinal 9radee and "'"'"d c.e>ntre>I, the eurPa..., tl'lo (::?) Inc.he!! .,, eoll shall be le>e>eened by harro"' c,r re>te>tlller and Ploated level c::r,d Irrigated Juet prle>r to planting. ::?. !"reparation, The elurry preparatle>n •hall take plaee at the elt.e c,P ""'"' and ,ohall begin by adding .. ater te> the tank .. hen the engine le at ha!P-thre>ttle. l"lhen the "'at.er level hae reac.hed the height c,P the agitator •haPt, 9c,od reelreulatle>n ahall be eatabll•hed and at th!& time the •••d and ehemlc.al additive ehall be added. l"ertlllzer ahall then be added Pc,llc,"ed by "'oc,d pulp muleh. The "'oe>d pulp muleh ahall c,nly be added to the mixture aPter the tank le at leaet one-third Pilled l'llth .. at.er. The engine throttle shall be opened te> Pull epeed "'hen the tank Ir, halP-Pllled ,.,th "at.er. All the ,..,c,c:1 pulp mulc.h ehall be added by the time the tank le t,,.c,-thlrd,o te> three-,e>urthe Pul I. Spraying ehall c.c,mmenee five (5) minute• al'ter addition "' the c.hemlc.al additive ..nen the tank l,o Pull. Applleatlon rate, P"lber 1,500 11::>e. per aere Seed, hydrc,e,eed mix 'A' 1011::,r,/ac.re. dlrc,--l"'c,.,.,.r l"'lu& 1,100 !be. per ac.re. dlre>-l"'o"'"'r Cc,ntrolled l'leleaee (1:2-e-e) 200 11::>e. per aere *Note, P"or ee>ll-prepped areae, "PP'Y 900 11::>e. dlre>-19e>,.er Hl- Nltrc,gen (14-4-"1) per aere In the 1>lurry only. NOTE: TIE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS ARE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL AMENDMENT QUANTITIES AND MIXES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOLS REPORT OBTAINED PER ITEM 5.02 ABOVE. S. Applleatle>n, The e>perate>r &hall epray the area .,,th a uni,orm vlelble ee>at by u•ln9 the 9re•n ee>lor oP the "'""d pulp .,. a guide. The "'"""'Y ehall be applied In a ""'eepln9 me>tle>n, In an arehed et.ream lie> a• te> Pall like rain, a110 .. 1n9 the "'"od Plbero material tc, epread at the required rate per aere. I'. LAJIIIN/cs-RASS l"LANTIN<!I I. f-1:jdre>Ned La .. n lnetallatle>n a) APter ,ooll preparatle>n, eetabllehment "' Pinal 9radee and "'""'d ee>ntre>I, the eurPace t,,..c, (::?) Inc.he& e>f' ee>ll ehall be lc,oeened by harrc,"' e>r re>te>tlller "nd Ploated lev•I and 1rr19at.ed Ju"t prior te> planting. b) !"reparatle>n, The elurry preparation ahall take plaee at the alt.e c,P "or!< and •hall begin by adding .. at.er te> the tank "'hen the engine ,., at halP-thre>ttle. l"tlen the .. ater level ha,o re"ehed the height c,P the agltate>r ehaPt, 9c,C>d reelreulatle>n ,ohall be eetabllehed and at thle time the eeed and c.hemleal additive ehall be added. P"srtlllzer ehall then be added Pe>llo,.ed by "'""d pulp muleh. The "'""d pulp mulc.h ehall e>nly be added te> the mixture aPter the tank I• at lea11t c,ne-th!rd ,111ed .. 1th .. at.er. The engine throttle ,ohall be e>pened te> full speed "hen the tank I• halP-Pllled .. 1th l'later. All the "'""d pulp mulc.h &hall be added by the time the tank le 1,...,-thlrde te> three.Pc,urthe Pul I. Spraying ehal I ec,mmen..., Plve ~) mlnutee aPt.er addltle>n e>P the c.hemleal additive "hen the task le Pul I. Appllc.atle>n rate, P"lber 1,500 11::>e. per ac.re S..ed 46!!1 11::>e. per aere (I lb. per 100 e.PJ dlre>-l"'e>,.er-l"'lue 1,100 11::>e. per ac.re 6rc,-l"'c,,..,,. Ce>ntrolled ,;..,1.,..,..,. (12-1>-e) :200 11::>e. per aere *Ne>t.e, Fc,r ,ooll-prepped ar...,e, apply SOO 11::>e. c!l,ro- l"'e>"'"' Hl-Nltre>gen (14-4-"1) per ac.re In the elurr"\j only. c) Applleatle>n, The e>perator &hall epray the area "'Ith a un!Pe>rm vlelble """"t by uerng the gr•.,,, eole>r oP the "'"od pulp ae a guide. The "lurry ehall be applied In a """"Ping me>tle>n, In an arehed •I.ream "" aa te> Pall like rain, allc,.,.1n9 the ,..,c,c:1 Plbere materlal te> epread at the required rate per aere. ::?. Pl'lOT!:CTION, Pr-e>teet all turP areae agalnet damage, lneludln9 eroe,lc,n and treapau. l"'rovlde "'hat.ever Paellltle11 and ea,eguarde are neeee.,ary te> aeec,mpll•h th!•. Take epeelal c.are te> prevent erosion. All damage• ehall be the Ce>ntraete>r'e reepe>ne !bl I lty during the 11,e oP the Ce>ntraet. di. 6UARANTI:!!: AN0 l'll!!l"LAC!:Ml!!NT, I. ehrui::>e, and gr-c,undc.c,ver, dluar"nt.ee untll end e>f' malntenc::r,ee perle>d and ac.c.eptanee. l'leplaee any plante that die c,r loe,e '""" and size "" e>rl9lnally epec!Pled •v•n though they have talc.en rc,c,t, and are 9rc,,.1n9 a,ter the dlebac.lc. or '""" oP Porm c,r elze. ::?. Treee,, dluarantee all tr••• In "'rltln9 te> live In " healthy eondltlon Por one (I) year aPter malntenanee perle>d expires and pre>Jeet le, aeeepted by O..ner. Replaee dead or unhealthy tree& lmmedlat.ely. 0eterml,,.,tle>n c,P the need Pc,r replae•ment &hall be per the o .. ner'11 repre,oentatlve. All replaeementa, lneludln9 pl"ntlng, atal<ln9, training, ete., shall be ae e>rlglnally apec.!P!ed, ,.,the>ut c.e>at to the OIJ'lll.ner • H. CL!:ANUI" I. APter all planting e>per"tlon• are eomplet.e, remove all traeh, exeeee eoll, empty plant ee>nt..lnero, and r-ubbleh Prc,m the pre>perty. "-p<>lr ec.are, rute, or other marl<e In the ground eau&ed by thle """rl< and leave the gre>und In a neat and e>rderly ee>ndltle>n. ::?. L""'v"' the elt.e In i::>rc,c,m-c.lean ee>ndltle>n, and "'a•h dc,,.n all area• ,.,thin the pre>Jeet elte. Leave "'all<e In c;leae and ""p"' eondltlon. 6.0 MAINTl:NANC!! A. The Ce>ntraete>r •hall ee>ntlnue>uely maintain landteape and lrrl9atle>n In all areae lnve>lved In thle Ce>ntraet d~rln9 the pro9reee e>P the "'"'"' and during the malntenanc.e perle>d until Pir,al ac.c.eptan..., oP the "'or-I< by the Landec.ape Arehlteet and th• O..ner. Improper maintenance or pc,11,.lble pe>e>r ee>ndltlon "' any planting at the t.ermlnatle>n "' the eeheduled malntenanee perle>d may eauee po•tpe>nement "' the Pinal ee>mpletle>n date c,P the Ce>ntraet. Malnt.enanee ehall be ee>ntlnued by the Contraete>r until all ,..,,I< le ac.c.eptable. In order te> c.arry out the plont mc:,lntenanee "'"rl<, the Ce>ntraete>r shall Purnlsh "uPPlc.lent mes and adequate equipment te> perPorm the "or-I< during the malntenanee p•rlod. Malntenonee perle>d aha I I ne>t et.art until "ll elemente c,P eonetruetle>n, plant1n9, and 1rr19atle>n ,.,, the entire pre>Jeet are In aec.ordonc.e .,,th 0,a,,.ln9e and epee!Pleatle>ne and aec.ept.ed by the o ... ner. The Contraet ehall r-eque"t an lnepec.tle>n tc, begin the malnt.enanee perle>d aPter all planting and related "'orl< hae been eompleted. !"rlc,r tc, the date "' Pinal ln&peetle>n, the Ce>ntrac.tc,r ehal I aequlre frc,m the Londeeape Arehlteet appre>ved repre>duelble prlnte and Pln"llY reee>rd frc,m the Je>b reee>rd eet all ehon9•• made during ee>nstruetlon, label eald print" ",;..,eord 0ra,.lnge," and deliver te> the Landec.ape Arc.hlteet. l"rle>r to the date e>f' '1nal lnapec.tlon, the Ce>ntraetor ehall deliver to the Landeeap• Arehlteet the "Landeeape and lrrl9atlon dluarantee" ae required. e. l"lhen the Ce>ntrac.tor hae eompleted all th• landec.ape and lrrl'.i!atle>n "'"'"'• he ehal I requeet lnepec.tle>n by the o ... ner "nd Arc.hlt.ec.t. A "punc.h llet "'' II be devele>ped Pre>m th!• lnspeetle>n. Malnt.enanc.e perle>d ("10 day•! "'"' not begin untll all punc.h llet Item" are ee>mplete and aeeepted by O..ner and Arehlteet. lrr19at1on malntenanc.e la lneluded In the abe>ve. I. street gut.I.ere and eurbe are te> be lneluded In the debrle/elltatle>n reme>val program. ::?. Maintain adequate pre>tec.tle>n Pc,r people and pre>perty and be Plnanelally reepe>nalbl• Por dama9e11 and l"!.Jurl••· "-pair d"""'9"'" at no addltle>n"I ee>et te> the o .. ner-. C. l"'LANTIN<!I Al'l!:A, I. !llleed ""d c.ultlvate all areae at Interval• c,P ne>t me>re than ten (10) daye. ::?. l"erPe>rm ,..,1,,sr1n9, Pertlllzln9, eprayln9, and peet ee>ntre>I ae deemed nec.e,oeary by epeelfle elte ee>ndltle>ne. 0. LAl'IN A1'!!A, I. Begin malntenonc.e Immediately aPt.er ""'""h pe>rtle>n e>P turP le planted. Ce>ntlnue Pc,r at leaet "10 day. al'ter c.e>mpletlon c,P all tur, "'"rl< and a,o muc.h lc,n9er, prior te> c.e>mpletle>n "' pre>Ject, c::r,d "c.eeptanee by the o .. ner a,o neeeoear"\j to eetabll•h aeeeptable turP. ::?. Maintain la,,.n,o tc, "'"terln9, Pertlllzlng, "'""ding, mo,.Jn9, trimming, and e>ther operatle>n& aueh a" rc,llln9, regrading, and replanting "" required te> eot"blieh a e,mc,c,th, aec.eptable la""n Pree oP ere>d•d or bare area•. Ce>mplete '1ret c.uttln9 .,. dlreeted by Landeeape Archlteet. S. lnepeet ,.,,.n area• bet .. een the 15th and ::?0th daye oP m"lntenanc.e period "nd reapply lal'ln materlal(mateh lnltlal appllc.atlc,n) te> all bare areaa larger than 6" x 6''. I!:. l"l'lUNIN6, I. Under nc, elrc.umetanc.ee "'"' 11trlppln9 oP lol'ler braneh•• c,n yc,un9 treee be permitted. L""'"' branehee shall be retained In a "tlpped-1::>ael<" c,r plnehed eondltlon .. ,th a• muc.h Pc,lla9e a• pe>eelble te> pre>me>te eallper trunk 9rc,,.t,h (tapered trunk) Lo"'"'' braneheo may be eut Plu,oh "Ith the trunk c,nly aPter the tree le able te> etand ereet ,.,thout ,otal<ln9 or e>ther euppe>rt. ::?. evergreen tree• r,hall be thinned and ahaped "hen nec.ee11ary to preveet ,.,nd and etc,rm damage. The primary pruning c,P deeld.le>ue tr""• ehall be done during the dormant eeaae>n. 0amaged treee or thc,e,e that c.on&tltute health c,r ea,ety hazarde "hall be pruned at any time oP the year "" required. P". STAKIN<!I AND <51/'!"!Ndl, stake• and 9uye ehall be ln11peeted te> prevent 91rdllng e>P trunl<e or branehee and te> prevent rubbing that eaueea bark "'"unde. di. 1'11!!!:0 CON~L, l(eep baslna and area11 bet .. een plante Pree e>f' "'"ed11. U&e reeommended "nd le9a I ly "ppre>ved herblc.ldee. Ave>ld Prequ.,,,t e,c,11 c.ultlvatlon that deetrc,yr, &hallo" roe>te. U&e mulehee te> help prevent "'••d eeed germlnatle>n. All herblc.ldes shall e>nly be applied by a lleeneed applieate>r. H. INS!!CT AND 01ee!AS!! cON,-,;.oL, Maintain a rea,oc,nable c.e>ntre>I ,.,th appre>ved mat.erlale and applied by llcene,ed appllc.ate>re. I. f'l:!p;,TILl%ATION, I. P"ertlllze all plc::r,tln9 areae .. 1th the Pe>lle>,.ln9, At 90-day Interval•, apply 6 ll::,r,Jl,000 e.P. 16-6-e c.ommerelal Pertlllzer c,r .,. required by the """• repe>rt. J. REl"LACl:!ME!NT OP" Tl'tE!l:!S/eHl'lUSS, "-plac.e dead, dying, and mleelng treee >'11th like elze, c.e>ndltle>n, c::r,d varl•ty ac.eeptable te> the o .. ner at the Ce>ntraetor'e expenee . K. REl"LAC!:Ml!!NT OP" LAl'IN, "-plaee damaged e>r dead la"'n areae "Ith 110d. L. 1,;.1'1.l<!IATION SYSTl:!M, I. 6yetem lnspeetle>n, Ce>ntraete>r ,ohall c.heel< all eyeteme Pc,r pre>per e>peratlon. Lateral line• ehall be ¥lushed e>ut aPter removing the laet •prlnl<ler head c,r 1,,.., at eaeh end oP the lateral. All head• are te> be adJu,oted ae nee"'"""'Y Pc,r unimpeded c.e>vera9e and to prevent c,verepray e>nte> bulldln9•, ,..,ndc,.,,.,, ""d pavem•nte. :2. Ce>ntre>llere, Set and program autom.,tle eontre>llere, Por eeaeonal "at.er requlremente. <!live O>'lner'e repreeentatlve a key te> ee>ntre>llere and lnetructle>Me on ho"" te> turn oPP eyetem In c.aee "' emer9enc.y. S. "-palrr,, "-pair all damage• te> lrrlgatle>n eyetem at Ce>ntraetor'• expen••· l'lepalr& ehall be made ,.,thin c,ne (I) .. aterlng period. M. SOIL 1"'1'!!PA"""-TION AN0 AMl!!NDM!:NT NOT!:, TH!: P"OLLOl'IIN<!I AMl!!NDMl:NTe A1'!! P"Ol'l 1'1001Ndl l"Ul'll"~5 ONLY. ACTUAL AM!:NDM!:NT GIUANTITle& AND MIX!:& SHALL ee 01!:Tl:!RMINl:!0 IN ACCOl'l0ANC!: l'IITH TH!! SOILS 1'!!POl'lT 06TAIN!:0 l"el'l ITl:!M 5.0:2 AeOVI:!. I. Sael<Pll I ee>ll ehe>uld be 100% natlv" elt" e,c,11 that has 1::,e.,n c.lear"d e>f' all debrle and roe.I< and bre>l<.en up ""d mad" Priabl.,, -n,., Pe>llo .. 1ng add!tlv"• be blenGl"d thc,rc,ughly lnte> bac.l<flll eoll at the, tlm" e>f' planting and all plante 11hould be the>re>ughly ... at"r"d In lmm.,dlat"IY upon c.ompl.,tle>M oP lnel:allatlon <Sre>-l"o"'"' produete ar" euppll"d In 50 pe>und !::>age, not bulk. Th" ln&tallln9 c.ontractor ean be ,.,quired to 9Ubmlt "'"Pty !::>age upc,n c.e>mpl.,tle>n e>P "'"rl< te> c.onflrm applieatlon. -n,., <Sro 1"0"'"' 5-S-I fc,rmulatle>n mat.,rlal eon be ueed ,,.,th c,r ,,.,the>ut th" e,c,11 p.,n.,trant and the <Sre> p.,,,..,,. 12-e-e Pc,rmulatle>M material ehc,uld be ue"d In 4 te> 6 d.,11,r<>d, p l"a""' ee>ntaet ue Por appre>prla1te ,.,c.omm.,ndatlon& Pe>r """ "' sam". Th" gypscm aed lime can be appll"d le th"lr Pln.,ly 9rc,und Porme. 100516 e>f' th" 9rc,und mat.,rlal ehe>uld pa&• thre>ugh a 10-m.,sh ""'""n and at ,.,ast 50% of the material" she>uld P""s thrc,u9h a 100 '"""h eer.,.,n. CONTAINEl'I. 51Zt::: Lleer I gal 5 gal 15 gal .24"bc:>x 3011bc:>x S6"box 42"box ~"box ;J:~: 1211boX If 1::>ac.1<,111 soil ,,. maee bl"nd"d, eam" mat.,rl"I" ec::r, be, "ddod at the> folle>,,.ln9 rat"• P"r eublc. yard c,f ee>ll. Ml:::THOD Mc:,,.,. Blcond Fe>r 9"neral broadc=t c,f materials e>n th" ourPac." oP ee>lls, th" eam" material• ean be appll"d to thco &e>lle at th" Pollo,,.lng rates per lpoo squarco Peet e>P pl"nt"d aroa and thc,rc,u9hly ... atercod In eueh that e,c,1111 ar" ... et te> a mlnlmcm d"pthe oP e>" prie>r te> plant lnstallatle>n. Mt:::THOD Sroadc.""t IP matorlale "-"n be c.r0&& ripped Into te> a soil te> a minimum depth e>P 6", the 5<:>me materials ean be "PP""d at the, Pollc,.,..ln9 ratee per 1,000 squar" '""t of planted ar"a and """ter"d In thoroughly such that olle ar" "'"t tc, a minimum d"pth c,f 1:.1" at ,.,aet """"" prior te> planting. Mt:::THOD c.ro,.• Rip If materials are appll"d through hydrc,s.,.,dlng pre>c.e>&5, the &ame materlale ean be added d!reetly lnte> th" hydroe.,ed elurry and applied at the Pe>lle> .. 1n9 r-atee pcor 1,000 equare '""t to non-pr.,parcod eoll. (Nc,te, If hydroe.,.,d le appll<>d to eolle that have alr<>ady be<>n pr.,par"d ... 1th th" add!tlv"e not .. d under Sre>adc.aet c,r Cross Rip mothe>de, <Sro-l"o,,.er 14-4-"I ean be add<>d te> hydroeoed elurry at th" rate e>P 1 pe>ueds P"'' l,000 equar" ,.,,.1, e>P pr<>parcod se>ll eurf""-" and th" Pe>lle>,.lng hydre>e""'d material applleatlc,ns "'"uld ne>t apply In addltle>n te> thco 14-4-"I) Mt:::THOD Hydroecoed Again, It le lmpe>rtant that al broadc.aet c,r c.roe,e ripped ee>ll "ddltlv"" be thc,rc,ughly "'atercod lnte> !!e>lle after appllc.atle>n and prior to plaetle9. Hydr""'"'"d mc:,terlale ehe>uld b" appll"d to thc,rc,ughly molst""cod """"· leetallatle>n ee>ll m<>lntc,nonc.o 9hc,uld be lmplcomcont"d ae fc,l!c,,.,., le all areae, 45 days aft"r cc,mm.,nc.com""t c,f lnstallatle>M malntenane.,, <Sre>-Po,.er 5-S-I c.an be g<>nor"I broadc.aet ov"r all planting arcoae at the rat" "' 25 lbl0/1,000 equar" ,.,..t. All m"t<>rlals should be thorc,u9hly lrrlgat"d lnte> ee>lle lmm.,dlately a,tcor appllc.atlon. IP lnstallatle>n m"letcoeane<> p<>rle>d Is "10 days In duration, <Sro-Po"4<>r 510 l'!.c;lc,ae" l::?-e-e> In th" 4 to 6 mc,nth ,.,1.,ae" Pe>rmulatlc,n c.ae be broadeaet c,ver all planting a,.,.,. at th" rat" c,f 15 ll::,,o/1,000 equar" '""t gypecm at the rate e>f' :.o lbl0/1,000 squar" Po<>t bet"'""" day e,o and day e>5. Thi• applleatle>n we>uld be In addltle>n te> the day 45 applleatle>M. All mat.,rlals should be Irrigated thc,rc,ughly lnte> ec,lle lmm.,d!atcoly "ft"r appllc.atlon. !:::ND OF SECTION SLOP!: 1'!!ve<!IITATION/el'l0610N CONTI'(OL 190LICl!:S AND !'leGIUl1'!!Ml!!NTe I:! .S l'U!CilUIREME!NTe 1:!.S-1 SLOl"I: l"'LANTIN<!I l:!.6-1.1 SLOP!: l"LANTIN<!I STANDA~ 51e>pe,o requiring ere>elon ee>ntre>I mea,ouree, ae epee!Pled herein ehall be treated ,.,th one e>r me>re e>P the Pe>lle>,.lng planting etandarde, a. STAN0Al'l0 •1 -cove,;. Cp;,of"S/.J.ITI: Ml:SH Cover c.rop ,ohall be a eeed mix l.!jpl<-"lly m"de up e>P qulelc. 9erml,,.,tln9 and Par,t ee>verln9 9raeeee, elc,vere, and /or l'llld ,ic,,.ere. SUbrnlt the epee!Ple eeed mix ,.,, City appre>val prior te> appllc.atle>n. The c.e>ver ere>p ehall be applied at a rate and manner e,u,,lelent te> pre>vlde "10516 ec,vera9• ,,.!thin thirty (90) daye. Type e>P Jut meeh &hall be as appre>ved by the City and etalc.ed to the ele>pe ae reec,mmended by the manuPac.turer. Jut.e meeh ehal:I be required ""he" pl"ntln9 e>c.euro b•t-•n Au9uat 15 c::r,d April 15. 0urlng the remainder c,P the year, the ee>ver c.re>p and/c,r Jute meeh may be ueed. b. STANDAp;,r, #:;? -<!IROUND COVl!:R One hundred (100516) perc.ent oP the area 11hall be planted ,.,th a 9re>und eover l<nol'ln te> have exc.el lent ee>ll binding c.haraeterletle (planted Prc,m a minimum elze "' ,ratted material and •paeed te> prc,vlde full eovera9e .. rthln c,ne y•ar). "· STANDAl'l0 119 -LOI'! 5Hl'lU6S Le>" 11preadln9 """dy "hrube (planted Pre>m a minimum oP ::?? lneh llnere) ,ohall ec,ver a minimum "' ""venty (10516) perc.ent "' the ele>pe Pa..., (at mature elze). d. STANDAl'l0 114 -Tl'tE!!!S AND/OR LAl'ldle eHl'll.Jes Treee and/c,r large shrubs ehall be (planted Pre>m " minimum c,f' I 9allc,n ee>ntalnere,) at a minimum rate c,P one (I) plant per 1,,,.0 hundred (:200) square Peet. !!.9-1.::? A1'!!AS OP" APl"'LICATION (l"LANTIN<!I) 1:!.6-1.::?.I SLOPeS -6, I OR STl:!1:!J"ellt AND, a. 9 Peet or leee In vertlc.al height and are adJac.ent tc, public. "'all<e or et.reel:& require at minimum Standard •1 (eover c.re>p and Jutted). b. 4 Peet te> e Peel In vertleal height require etandarde •r, •::i and 119. c.. In exc.e11a c,P e ,eet In vertlc.al height require &tandarde •r, •::i, •e and •4. e.e-1.::?-::? SPeCIAL CONDITIONS !:.3-1.::?-::?.I Areas graded ,tatter than 6,1 require standard 111 (eover c.re>p) "hen they have c,ne c,r me>re c,f the Pe>lle>,.ln9 ee>ndltlon•, a. Sheet graded pad& nc,t &c.heduled Pe>r lmpre>vemente ,.,thin 6 me>nthe c,P c.e>mpletlc,n e>P rough grading. b. A potential eroe,fc,n pre>blem a11 determined by the City. c.. ldentlP!ed by the City a• highly vlelble areas te> the public. c,r have e,pec.lal c.e>ndltlc,n,o that .. arrant lmmedl"t"' treatment. !:.9-1.::?-::?.::? Areae te> be hydre>,oeeded 11hall Plret be dl,oi<ed or rc,totllled to pre>vlde a ,,,able, loc,e,e •••d bed. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,-----------,,------,,-----------,----,---..--------------------,----,---..----.----1 " AS-BUILT" lliJ ~ ~ DRAWN • 6!!~ Sl"eCll'ICATIONS 1.0 5COl"e 1.01 D!!l'INITIONS A. Ol'<ner, M""-"'°11'1 DeVl!!I.Ol'"M!!NT CA~!SeAD CA 15. Cor,1:raet<>r, An lndlvld""'I <>r eo,mpa": e<>ntraet1n9 l'<ith the O...ner t<> pr<>vld• mat•eial&, p•rPo,rm l'<<>ri<, and ••rvleee P<>r the pr<>J•et. c;,_ 5t.ib-Conl:raet<>r, An indMdual o,r e<>mpany eontraetln9 "Ith the C<>ntraet<>r t<> pr<>vld• mat•rlal& o,r p•rP<>rm "<>rlc., <>r both, Po,r a ap•e!Ple po,rtlon o,P th• pr<>J•et. D. L.andeeape Arehlteet, Th• land1teap• arehlteetural ,i,m <>f' "-JM D••l9n 6r<>up, lne. e. C<>ntraet Do,eum•nl:e, Th• a9r••m•nt, term• eo,ndltl<>ne, l'<rltt•n lnetrvetlono,, dra1'<ln90, and ep•elPJeatlono,, shop dral'<ln9• and ehan9• ord•r• approved by th• Ol'<n•r and ,.,,..,ed by th• l.andeeap• Arehlteet. 1.0:2 SC:,Ol"e 01' Jl'IORK, Th• l'<<>rk. to be don• under the e<>nl:raet eo,nel•t• oP Pvrnfo,hJn9 all materials, all •qulpment and p•rl'ormln9 th• l'<<>rlc. required by th-• sp•el,ieatl<>n• and th• dra.,ln9e nee•&,...ry Par th• prop•r eompl•tl<>n <>f' the l'<orlc.. I.OS !"I.ANS AND Sl"eCll'ICATIONS, Th••• e,peelPleatlone are Intended t<> eover all labor, material, and etandarde oP landeeape arehlteewral and meGhanleal l'<ori<rnanehlp t<> be employed In the l'<orlc. •ho"n <>n the plan& or ealled Par In th••• o,pec1,icatl<>no, or rea&0nably implied by tenne oP eame. The piano, and •p•clPleatlon• are Intended t<> eornplem•nt <>n• another and any part oP th• ""'le. that may b• mentlon•d In one and not pr•••nted In the <>ther, •hall be done th• •ame a• IP It had a minor natvre "hleh may not be ep•elfleally mentl<>ned, but "hleh may be rea1t0>nably a••umed a• n•e•••ary Po,r the eon&truetl<>n or eompletl<>n oP thle ""'le. ehall be perPorm•d by the Contraet<>r the eame ae IP ehol'<n on th• dra.,ln9e or d••erlbed In th• •p•elPleatl0>n11. In 9en•ral, except that the l.andecap• Arehlt•et'• lnterpretatl<>n &hall al.,ay& talc.e preeed•nee ov•r the dra ... 1n90, and lar,ae detail!> ov•r o,mall &cale c:ral'<ln9•. l"lgireo,, l'<h•n 91v,.r,, ehall be Pollo.,.•d In pr•P•renee to •=I• m•a•uremi,nte. 1.04 INTl!RPR!::TATION OI' Pl.ANS AND Sl"eCll'ICATION5, Th• l.ando,cap• Arehlteet ... 111 lnt•rpret the m•anln9 oP any part oP th• plan• and 11peelPleatlon& about "hlch any ml11und•r11tandln911 may aria•, and hill d•eJo,Jon &hall be Pinal. 5h<>uld th•r• appear t<> be any •rror <>r dleer•paney In or bet"•"" th• plan• and epeelPleatlon&, the c;,o,ntraetor 11hall r•P•r th• matt•r to the l.andeeape Archlt•et Por adJu&tm•nt bePor• proeeedlng "Ith the "<>rlc.. Should th• Contraet<>r proe••d ... ,th the "'orlc. "lthout •o r•P•rrln9 th• matter, i,e d<>•• "" <>n hie "'"'" r•ep<>n&lblllty and any ll'lorlc. that r•qulr•e r•moval and/or r•plae•m•nt •hall be provided by th• Contraet<>r at no addltl<>nal eoet. 1.05 1.ANDSC:,Al"e A~HITl!G,T'S !"UNCTION, The l.and11c.c,pe Arehlteet •hall pr<>vld• perl<>dle, limited 0>n-111te obll•rvatlon oP th• ""'le. In pro9r•1>e per the ""ner'e requeet t<> r•vle", In 9en•ral, the •xeeutlon <>P dee19n Intent and Interpret th• landecape doeum.,nl:e. He Jo, Agent oP th• o .. ner t<> the •xt.,nt provided In the epeelPJeatl<>ne and "hen In epeelal lnetane•& h" le authorlz•d by th• O...ner t<> aet a11 lnterpr•ter oP th• eondltl<>n1> oP th• eonl:raet and ar, Judg• oP Ito, p•rPonnanee, h• •hall &Id• n•lther .,,th O...ner nor ll'llth th• Contract<>r but u&e hie authority under the eonl:raet to •nPoree It& PalthPul p•rPormane•. He hae the right to etop .,.,rlc. eho,uld thl• beeom" neeeeeary to enevr• th• pr<>p•r •xeeutl<>n oP th• e<>ntract. 1.06 OJl'INl!R'S R!::51"0N51611.l'N', By •nterln9 Int<> a9re•ment, O"ner giarante•• Co,ntraetor Pund& are avallabl• and &hall malc.e timely pro9r••• payment& t<> the C:,ontraetor during th• eouree <>f' th• ""rlc.. The O"ner &hall Purnleh all &urveye and ••tabllsh all pr<>perty lln•• and r•&trletlons. All oth•r lln•s, grad••, and dlmenelone 11hall be •&tabll1>h"d by the Conl:raet<>r. Uni••• oth•r,.lee •p•elPl•d, th• O"'n•r &hall malc.e available to th• C<>nl:raet<>r all utllltJ•e requlr•d to p•rPorm th• "orlc. at no eo&t to th• Contraetor. 1.01 CONTRAG,T""-'S ~5PON511511.ITl!::5, Th• C<>ntraetor ehall 91v• •P'1c:,Jent •upervl&l<>n to th• "'orl<., ue1n9 hie be11t el<.111 and attention. i"tien abllent Prom th• Job, h• ehall app<>lnt an en9ll1th-epealc.ln9 r,up•rvleo,r eapabl" oP dleeueeln9 matter• .,.,th the l.and11c.c,pe Architect on th• elte and to malc.e d•el,olon• on the Conl:raeto,r'e behalP. He •hall c.c,rePully 11tudy and eo,mpare all dra.,.ln9e, epeelfleatlon&, and other lno,truetlone Por th• .,.o,rl<,_ ,..,.., "'orl<. lndleat•d In a mamer "'hleh "'ould malc.e It c:IIPPleult to produee dra.,.lng• and o,pee!Pleatlon•, <>r bet"'••n epeelPleatlono, and local ordlnancee <>r reo,trletlon1t, ehall be rePerr•d to the l.and•eape Arehlt•et Par lnterpr•tatlon or eorreetl<>n bePore proceeding "''th ....,,.__ I.Oe> !::XAMINATION 01" SIT!! AND Jl'IOl'tK, A. The c;,o,ntraetor •hall examln• the pr<>J•et elte, phy•leal eondltl<>n&, .. nd evrr0>undln9 <>f' the propoeed ""'le. and Jud,ae P<>r hlm••IP th• n .. tvre <>f' the ll'l<>rk. to be don• prior t<> &ubmltt1n9 .. bid. ei. The plan& Por th• ""'rk. eho"' eondltl<>ne .. ,. they .. r• &uppoeed or believed by th• l.and•=pe Ar-ehlteet t<> •><l&t. It le Cont:r .. et<>r'• r•epon&Jbillty to Inform l.andee .. pe Arehlteet oP any variation bet"'e•n pl .. ne and aetval elt• eondltl<>na prior t<> etartlng .. ny l'<<>rl<.. Should c;,ontraetor begin "'"'le. .,.,thout v•rlfyln9 IP pl .. n• mateh elte e<>nd1t1on11, c;,o,nt:r .. etor """umee all reap<>nelblllty Par .. ny lo•••• h• might lneur. 1.0Clf SAl"!!'N' C0Dl!!5 AND ~6UI.ATION5, Th• c;,o,ntraetor &hall Pamlllarlze hlm••IP "'Ith .. nd ... 111 comply .. 1th all Ped•r .. 1, •t .. t•, and loeal 1 .. .,.,., ordlnanee, rul••, and r•9u1 .. t1on11 lneludln9 c .. liPornla-05HA 5"P.,ty Order• pertalnln9 t<> th• p•rPo,rmane• oP th• "'orlc.. 1.10 CONSTl'tUCTION SAl"E'N', The de&lgn, ad•quaey, .. nd ,. .. P•ty <>f' •reetlon, exeav .. tlon, br .. e1n9, 11horln9, temp<>rary eupport&, •te. I• the &Ole r••ponelblllty oP th• c;,o,ntraetor. The G,ontr .. et<>r I• reap<>nelbl• for the at .. blllty <>P the el:ruewree and excavation• .. nd ,ol,all pr<>vlde th• n•.::•••ary braeln9 to provld• etablllty durln9 the entire eon&trvetlon pr<>9re••· Obll•rvatlon vlelt11 t<> the •It• by th• l.an,deeape Ar-ehlteet <>r hi• eon11ultante aha I I not Jnelude ln•peetlon <>f' the abov• Item&. I.I I ~ORMANC!! AND PA'T'Ml!!NT !50ND5, IP requlr•d, the Contr .. etor ehall d•llv•r to o .. ner tl'lo eurety bond& .,.,th 900d .. nd •uPPlelent auretlee. Th• bond• •hall b• m .. 1ntalned by th• c;,o,ntr .. etor In Pull P<>re• .. nd •PPeeted until e<>mpletlon and aee•ptane• oP th• l'lorl<.. A. Mat•r1 .. 1 and labor bond In the &um oP 50% <>P the eontraet prle•. 15. P•rfo,rm .. nce bond In tl,e &um <>P 5096 <>P the eontraet prlee e<>ndltl<>n•d to cover al I 9u .. ranteee of the e<>ntraet. 1.1:2 IN5Ul'tANC!::, Th• contraetor 11hall d•llver to o .. ner certlPleatee o, ln&urane• a• •vldene• <>f' eo,verag• .. ,th O"'n•r and 1. .. nd&eape Arehlteet ll&ted .. ., additional lneured. A. Jl'lorlc.er•' Compen& .. tl<>n ln11uranee and employer'• l.lablllty lneurc::1nc:.e; 1.1!:I 1.ANDSC:,Al"e ARG,HITl!CT'5 I.IAE!Jll.l'N', Th• O"'ner .. nd Contr .. et<>re, r•eo9nlzlng the Inherent rlel<.e eonn•eted "''th e<>netruetl<>n, .. 9,ee t<> llmlt .. ny and all llablllty, el .. lm ,or dama9eo,, eo&t of def•n•e, or expene•• t<> be l•vled .. 9 .. ln1>t th• l.and&eape Archlt•et on aeeount <>P any d•1tl9n d•Peet, •rror, omleel<>n, or pr<>P•••l<>nal n•gli,aenee to a eum n<>t t<> •><e••d th• am<>unt oP the L.andaeape Arehlt•et'e f••· I.Of 1.0:2 5Ul"el'tVl510N, The C<>ntraetor ehal I eupervl11e and direct the ePPlel•nt perf<>rm .. ne• <>P th• '"'"rk. In aceordance .,.,th hie beet 111<.III, attentl<>n, and Jud9m•nt. H• &hall be 11olely r••poneible P<>r the mean•, m•th0>d11, technlqu••, eequ•ne•e, and proeedur•• <>P c:,o,netruetlon and ehall be reaponelble to ••• that the Plnle,hed l'lorlc. compll•• Pully "'th th• Conl:raet D<>eumente. He eh .. 11 hav• a repr•11entat1v• In eharge "'ho ah .. 11 be a e<>mpetent &uperlntendent .. nd dlr•et the progr••• of the "'orl<. and "'ho •h .. 11 be .. uthorlz•d to reeelv• lnetruetlone .. nd to .. ,,t Por the Contr .. etor on ..11 matter• r•l .. tln9 t<> th" "'orlc.. 1.0!:I GUAl.l'N' 01" I.A60R AND Jl'IOl'tl<MANSHII", A. At all tlm• a,t.,r eommene•ment oP th• "'<>rl<., C<>ntr .. etor &hall provld• an adequ .. te "'<>rl<. Po,ree <>P competent, &ultably qualiPled and tr .. ln•d pereonn•I to &urvey and 1 .. y out the l'lorl<. .. nd eonetruct th• proJ•et and eh .. 11 eauee &ueh ""rl<. fore• to •><•cut• tl,e l'<Ork. In conformance .. 1th the beet !:rad• praetle••, fr.., from fault• and dePeete In aeeordanee l'<lth the requlr•mente oP th• C<>nl:raet Doeumente. 15. ,..,.., eubconl:raetor or laborer employ•d upon the ""'rlc. Mo, In th• <>pinion <>f' th• l.and&eap• Arehlt•et and/o,r O"'n•r, le non- eooper .. tlv•, or "'ho •hall pro,ve e .. rele11e or Incompetent, eh .. 11 b• lmm•dlat•ly removed Prom th• ... .,,._ by the Contr .. et<>r, .. hen notlPl•d t<> do 110, and &hall not be r•-•mpl<>yed on thle pr<>Jeet. 1.04 GlUAl.l'N' OP" MATl!l't.lAl.5 AND !::GUll'"M!!NT, All m .. terlal• and •qu1pm•nt lneorp<>rat•d Int<> th• l'lorl<. •hall be ne"' unle11e <>th•r"''•• •p•elPleally provld•d In th• Conl:raet Doeum.,nt&. Mot•r1 .. 1e and equipment n<>t otherl'll&e d•&l9nat•d by detail•d •p•elPJeatlone ehal I be of th• be11t eommerelal qu .. lity and &hall be suitable Por the purpo•• lnt•nd•d. IP r•qulr•d by O"'ner, C<>nl:raetor 11h .. ll Pvrnleh evldene• &atl&Pact<>ry to o ... ner .. ,. t<> th• l<.lnd and quality oP mat•rl .. le and equlpm•nt. All material• .. nd equlpm•nt ehall be Installed p•r th• manuPaetvr•r'• reeommendc::itlorie. 1.05 5U6STITUTIONS, A. Submit evbl>tlwtlor,1> <>f' mat .. rlal11 or m•thoda propoeed t<> l.and...:.ap• Arehlt•et In "'r1t1n9 f<>r approval or denial one "'••le. prior t<> ..ubmlttal <>P bid. 5ublltltutlone .. 111 be appr<>v•d <>nly IP material• or m•thode are demonetrably •uperl<>r In qu .. 11ty. ManuP .. ewrer'e literature alon• mc:l!j not be euPPlel•nt evldene• <>P pr<>oP of eup.,rlorlty. A r•que•t for .. 11ublltlwtlon conetltutee .. repr•••ntatlon th .. t "'<>ric.er& .. nd eonl:ract<>r• .,. .. Ive all elalm• Por additional labor or mat•rl .. l eo11te ""hlch may bec<>me &ubll•qu•ntly .. ppar•nt by the u11e oP eueh eublltltuted material• or produete. It le the C<>nl:raetor'e r••pon&lblllty t<> prov• that th• r•qu•et•d eublltltutlon le In Paet 11•q,uc::1l.11 6. If mor• than o,ne manuP .. eturer 111 •p•elPl•d Jr, th••• 1tpee1P1eat10>ne, It le the c;,o,ntraetor's <>ptl<>n to ••leet the <>n• "'hleh he may de&lre t<> u11e. IP mor• th .. n on• Plnleh or 11tyl• I& .. vallable In the lt•m &p•eJPled, th• Cont:r .. etor le obll9ated t<> allo"' the O...n•r t<> malc.e th• &eleetlon. 1.06 1.15T OP" 51J15G.ONTl'tAG,TOl't5 AND 5Ul51.!!TTIN6 Jl'IOl'tK, A. No p .. rt oP th• eo,nel:ruetl<>n ""'rk. eh .. 11 be don• a• pleee.,.ork. no,r ehall It be l•ft to a eube<>ntr .. eto,r aPter the ex•eutJor, <>f the or191nal eo,ntraet except ..,. .. uthorlzed In "'r1t1n9. In ea•• part <>P the "'"rl<. her II eh<>uld be evblet, the•• 9•neral e<>nd1t1on1t shal I govern •aeh 1:r .. d• ln&oPar ..,. th•y m .. y apply to the "'<>rl<. <>P that l:rade. 15. No 11ube<>ntraet may be a&el9n"d or traneferred """•pt .. ,. authorized In l'lrltlr,9 by th" Contr .. etor. c;,_ The Contractor .,h .. 11, .. t .. 11 tlme11, be r•ep<>n•lble Por the a1Hl9n•d or traneP•rr•d "'orl<. to the 11ame extent ae IP th• aee19ned or traneP•rr•d "'"rk. to th• &ame ext•nt ae IP he "'•'• doing, or had d<>n•, the l'lork.. D. The c;,o,ntraetor &hal I •ubmlt to th• O"'n•r a I let oP th• •ube0>ntraetor11 .,.,th detail• oP the portion• oP the ""rk. t<> be perPorm•d by •aeh. Subeontr .. etore ehall be 11ubJeet t<> th• .. pproval o,P th• o .. ner and 1. .. nd&eape Arehlteet. 1.01 PATl!NT5, In th• •v•nt that .. ny patent•d article, m .. terlal, or proe••• le to be Jn&talled o,r u11•d In th• perP<>rmane• oP tl,e "'orlc. .. ,. 11ho"'n or, the plane or p .. rtleular apeelPleatlone ther•Por, th• c;,o,ntraetor &hall p .. y th• ro,yalty ehargeable and eha,11 ,.....,.,, lc.eep, and bear th• O...n•r and L.and11eape Arehltect h .. rml••• fr<>m .. 11 dam .. 9e, eoete, and exp•n••• by re .. e<>n oP th• Pallur• t<> p .. y th• royalty ehargeabl• f<>r th• u•• ther•oP; and any ,.,,.,. to th• o .. n.,r In the event th .. t th• O""n"r le enjoined Pr<>m ue1n9 eueh patented article or materl .. l• and the lneld•ntal damage c.c,ue•d by the I<>•• oP u&• and d .. mag• to, O...ner'e prop•rty In removing 11ame, the e<>&t oP r•plaelng the artlel• or mater1 .. 111 th• u&e oP "'hleh I• enjoined. l"rovld•d Pvrther, th• bond P<>r P .. lthful p•rl'orm .. nee ehall be deemed t<> •xpreeely apply to thl• provl11lon oP the •p•elPleatl<>n&. I.Oe> !"el'tMIT5, I.ICeNS!::S, AND INSl"eCTION5, A. Th• Contraet<>r &hall obtain and pay Por .. 11 p..-mlt. together .,.,th all Jn•peetl<>ne r•qulred In eonneetl<>n .. 1th the "'"rk. t<> be don• under the eonl:raet, uni••• o,th•r"'I•• 11pee1Pled b•I""". e. Th• Contract<>r .,.111 pr<>vld• and pay Por .. ny •p•elal or e0>ntlr11<>u• lnep•etlon oP th• "'orlc. don• und•r the eontraet, "h•n epeel .. l or eontlnuoue Jn•p•etl<>n 111 noted belo"'. 1.0"1 I.AJ/'15, Ol'tDINANC!::5, 1'1Ul.!::S, AND ~6UI.ATION&, The Contraet<>r ahall 9lve .. 11 notice• r•qulr•d by and •h .. 11 oth..-.,.lee Pully e<>mply "''th .. 11 la"'"' ordlnane••• rul .. , .. nd r•9u1atl<>ne applicable t<> the eommeneem•nt, pr<>aeeutlon&, and completion <>f' th• "'"rl<.. In th• event Contraet<>r obllerv•• o,r dl&eovere th .. t th• C<>ntraet D<>eument• or any p<>rtl<>n th•re<>P are In .. ny "'ay at variance .,.,th any ..ueh la"'•, ordlnane••, rul•e, <>r r"9ulatlon11, Contraetor •hall promptly give 1. .. nc:tee .. pe Architect "'rltten notice th•r•oP. Sh<>uld Contr .. et<>r perform any ,.o,ric. lc.nol'lln9 th .. t It ,,. e<>ntr .. ry t<> .. ,.., &ueh , .. ,. .. , ordinance&, rul•• or re,aulatl<>n&, .. nd .,.,thout eueh n<>tle• to l.and11e .. p• Arehlteet, C<>nl:raet<>r &hall be .. r all e<>&te and expen••• arleln9 th•r•Prom .. nd .. ,...,e, .. t•d there.,.lth and Indemnify and hold h .. rml••a o .. ner and any<>ne dlr•etly or Indirectly employed by o .. ner 1neludln9 the 1. .. nd11e .. p• Architect Prom and a9 .. 1n11t all elalm&, 11 .. bil1ty, doma9e, lo""•" and •"pen•••, 1neludln9, .. ,thout limltatl<>n, atto,meye' P•e• arl&ln9 In eonneetlon ther•"'lth. 15. G,omprehen1tlv• l.iablllty lneurane• .. 1th limit• oP not leee than .S00,000 per any or,e p•r•on and 61,000,000 per .. ny or,e oeeurr•nee a• t<> bodily Injury or d•ath .. nd $:250,000 per oeeurrenc.• ... to property cfama9e. ~----------------------....---------------, \\l>SCA ol I le ALL TREES WITHIN 10' OF SEWER SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR ROOT BARRIER AGAINST SEWER LINE. ALL TREES WITHINS' OF SDG4E APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE EASMENT SHALL RECEIVE LINEAR LOCATION OF ROOT BARRIER AGAINST EASMENT PLANTING AREAS. ::; .,~.--,'I\"' ... 1.10 SA!"!::TY AND l"JlltOTl!CTION, Contr .. et<>r o,hall eomply "Ith .. 11 applieabl• lal'4&, ordlnc::inc.ee, r11le&, r"e9uli::::1tlone1 arid ord•r-6 oP all 9c:,vernmental .. g•nel•• and .. uth<>rltlee h .. v1n9 Jurl&dlctlon Por the eaP•ty oP pere<>n• <>r pr<>p•rty from dama9e, loe&, or Jr,Jury and •h .. 11 be reepor,&Jbl• Por 1n1t1at1n9, ma1ntalnln9 and •upervl•lng all 11aPety pr•eautl<>M• and pro9ram• In eonneetl<>n .,.,th th• "'<>rl<.. Contraet<>r &h .. 11 talc.e all prec .. utlon11 r,•e••• .. ry Por the llOP•ty oP and ehall provide all pr<>tectlon n•e•••ary t<> pr•v•nt dama9e, loee, or Injury to,, A. All ""'rkrn"n and <>th•r per•on• <>n or about the elte .. nd all other p•r.<>n• "'ho may be aPP•et•d by th• "'<>rk.; e. The "'"rlc. It•• IP and al I m .. t•rlale and •qulpm•nt lneorporat•d or t<> be lneorporat•d th•reln, "'h•th•r In et<>r .. ,ae on or <>PP the elte; c. All oth"r prop•rty at, adJ .. eent to and .. bout th• elte, Including, ... ,thout llmltatlon, tr•ee, •hrvbll, la.,.n&, ,. .. ,._., P""•m•nt1t, r<>ad ... aye, etruetur•&, .. nd utilltle11 Mleh .. r• not de•19nat•d Por r•moval, rel<>e .. tl<>n, or replaeement ..,. part oP the "'ork.. I.II 1!:XISTIN6 UTII.ITY I.INl!S, Exe•pt ae lndleated by the dr...,.ln9& or o,peelPJeatlone, the C<>nl:raet<>r .,.,11 not be llabl• Par the re-rout1n9 oP •><Jet1n9 .. etlv• undergr<>und line• "hleh may be dl•eov•red during th• pro9reH oP .,..,rk., Co,ntraetor o,hall v•rlPy loc.c,tl<>n <>f' •><feting utllltl•• "''th .. pproprl .. te utility companleo, prior to o,t .. rtln9 ""rl<.. Contraetor 11hall be li .. ble Por dama9• don• t<> •xlet1n9 utilltl••· Contraet<>r eh .. 11 e<>ntaet 1-e>oo Dl6 Al..!!RT and h .. ve .. 11 ""'•ting utllltlee located prior to c<>mm•nc:.•m.,nt <>P e<>n•truetlon. 1.01 1.0:2 ~PAll'tlN6 INJ~D Jl'IOl't.K A. All portlone oP the """rlc. th .. t m .. y be br<>lc.en or lnJur•d by aeeld•nt or In th• c:,our•e oP or on account oP building op•r .. tlone or by re .. •on oP .. ny other c .. ue• ""hateo•ver dur1n9 the pro9re11e oP the "'orl<., &h .. 11 be c.c,rePully .. nd n•atly repalr•d o,r ree<>n&trveted .. nd th• "hole l•Pt In Plrat e1 .. .,., c.<>ndltl<>n and wrned over to the O"'n•r r• .. dy Par uee. e. 5h<>uld any p .. rt oP th• ""rk. a, thl& eontraet be eut Into or d .. m .. 9ed by other eontraetor1t, the o .. ner and p .. rty eau•Jn9 aueh dama9• •hall malc.e adjwtments bet ... een them••lv•• r•latlve t<> reeonetrvetlon, r•p .. lre and paym•nt. 1.09 MUTUAL. l't!!51"0N511'11.l'N' 01" SUE!JG,ONTRACT""-5, eaeh &ubeontraet<>r •hall p•rl'orm th• ""'rk. <>P the eonl:raet ,.., that It .,.,11 properly eoordln .. te .,.,th and Pit the "'orl<. p•rPormed by oth•r ,..,1:>e,o,ntraet<>r& . .i. &hall 9lv• ., .. eh <>th•r eubeontractor •very r"a•onable opportunity to perfonn their "'orlc., et<>r• material&, and pl .. e• •qulpment th•rePor, and Pit their "'orl<. t<> the "'"'rk. oP otNr &vbe<>nl:raet<>r&. 1.04 c;,oot"!!RA TION Jl'IITH OTH!::RS, A. e .. eh &ubeontraetor •hall eoop•r .. te .,.,th oth•r• In th• ex•eutlon oP .. 1 .,..,rlc. and ehall n<>t lnterfer• .,.,th material, .. ppll .. nee1t, or "'orkrn•n oP other &ube<>ntraet<>r&. e. Al I ..ubeontr .. et<>ra en9 .. 9•d In "'orlc. .. t th• alte 11hall h .. v., lne<>P .. r a• pr .. etJeable, equal ue• oP the pr•ml••• and , .. ellltlee. In e .. •• oP dl1o .. 9reement re9ardln9 &ueh u••• th• matter eh .. 11 b• r•P•rred to the o.,.n.,r, "'h<> d•ehofor, rel .. tlve to e .. 1d u&• &hall 9ov•m. 1.05 OJl'IN!::R'S "-l6HT TO DO Jl'IORK, o ... ner m .. y, .. t It• eole option, perPorm, or e<>ntraet dlreetly .,.,th o,th•r e0>nl:raetor1& Por the perPormane• oP oth•r "'"'rk. r•l .. t•d to the project on eueh term• and eondltlona ae o .. n•r 11hall, ,,,, It& •ol• dl•eretl<>n, ehoo••· 1.06 l"ROVISION5 P"OR !!XTRAS, N<> ne"' "'orlc. of any l<.lnc:I &h .. 11 be eonalder•d an •xtr .. uni••• .. ••parate ••tlmate ,,. 91ven Por ,. .. ,d "'<>rl<. bePore It le e<>mmeneed and until eame ,,. approved by the O...ner •xeept Por e"tra ""rlc. order•d by the o ... ne, aee<>rdln9 t<> unit prle•• Mleh have b••n bid. Any •xtra "'orl<. p•rPormed, not authorized ae provld•d above, eh .. 11 not be p .. 1d Por by th• O"'ner. 1.01 Tl!ST5 AND INSP'eCTIONS, A. The O""n•r &hall hav• th• r19ht t<> te&t, lnepeet, .. nd .. pprove o,r require th• t•at1n9, ln•peetlon, and appr<>v .. 1 <>f' all materlale and equlpm•nt Puml&h•d .. nd all .. ark. perPormed under th• C<>ntraet Doeum•nte. In addition, IP th• Contract Doeum•nt• or the 1 .. .,.,., ordlnane••• rul•e, re9u1 .. t1one, or any oth•r oP the public authority h""Jng Jurl&dletlon require the "'<>rlc. or any p<>rtlor, thereof t<> be •peelfleally lnepected, th• Contractor &hall arran9e, p .. y Por, .. nd d•llv•r eertlPJeatee <>f' lnep•etlon, teet1n9, .. nd .. ppr<>v .. 1 to o .. ,,,.,,_ 15. Th• Contr .. et<>r •hall n<>t eover up any "'orl<. r•qulrln9 ln11peetlon until the ... me h .. ,. b••n appr<>v•d by the appropriate .. uthor1ty. IP "'"rl<. •h<>uld be e<>v•r•d up bePore b•lr,9 ln•p•eted, the Contr .. etor .,.,11 be requlr•d t<> r•mov• &ueh p<>rtlon• oP th• "'"rl<. ae m .. y be n•eeHary t<> dleelo•• th• part In queetlon. I.Oe> SHOP Di'VJl'IIN65, Contraetor r.hall provide eompl•te eh<>p c:ra.,.1n9• Par all It.me apee!Pled Po,r •h<>p dr .. .,.1n9 ,..,1,m1ttal. Shop dra .. 1n9e •hall Indicate all material m .. thod& of .. ttaehm•nt and flnl&h. Shop dr ..... 1n9• I.II Al"l"I.ICATION l'OR l"l't.06~55 l"A'T'M!!NT5, A& oP the end oP e .. eh cal•ndar month dur1n9 eonel:ruetlon, but In no •vent more oPten than onc:.e m<>nthly, Contraetor &hall 11ubmlt t<> Ol'ln•r Par revlel'I .. nd approval .. eompl•tely Pilled out and el9ned Application Par l"ayment eoverlng the "'orl<. eompl•ted "" oP the d .. te oP eueh .. pplle .. tl<>n. !!aeh aueh Applfc.c,tl<>n P<>r Payment &hall b• aee<>mpanl•d by Pul ly-•x•eut•d uneondltl<>n .. 1 r•I•"""" and "'alver• "'hereby all p•r•<>n• and pc:rtle& "ho perPorm•d labor, eubeont:r .. et "'<>rl<. <>r o,ther &•rvleee upon the proJeet, or Mo 11old, le .. &•d, Pumlah•d, or other"''"• 1tupplled to or Po,r th• we oP or to be eoneum•d In th• project •qulpment, mat•rlal&, .. pplianee•, or oth•r 9<>0de, r•l•a&• ar,d "'alve, t<> and lnelud1n9 th• date oP •ueh .. pplleatlon, all meehanle'e lien, atop notle•, equltabl• lien and 1 .. 1oor and mat•rlal bond r19hte on the proJ•ct. I.I::! OJl'INel't.'5 Rl6HT TO 5U51"!::ND Ol't CANCeL. 11'1""-K, A. Th• e<>ntraet •ntered Int<> und•r th••• epeelPle .. tlone may be terminated by th• O"'ner ""lthout llablllty Por dam .. 9••, "'henever th• o .. ner ,., prev•nted by <>p•ratlon <>P la"', .. n Aet <>f' 6<>d, or by the <>PPlelal aetlon o,P the publle, P•deral, •t .. te, or munlelp .. 1 .. uthorltl•• fr<>m e0>mpl•tln9 the "'orl<. contemplated hereund•r . 6. In the •v•nt oP eueh eane•llatl<>n, the Contr .. eto,r •hall be p .. ld Por the "'orlc. actually don• beP<>r• notlee <>f' c .. neellatlon I• 91v•n to the Contraet<>r. IP th• eontraet provld•• for payment• to the Contraet<>r on th• bo&le oP unit prle .... t Porth therein, th• amount due th• Contr .. et<>r upon eane•llatl<>n •h .. 11 be eomput•d on the bael• oP &ueh unit prle••· IP the c:,or,l:raet provide• P<>r th• p .. yment oP a Pixed sum Par th• entlr• "'orl<., or any d•Plnlt• portion ther•of oth•r than a unit oP m•a&ur•ment, the C<>ntr .. et<>r &hall b• paid the o,am• proportion <>f' 11ueh &um up<>n eaneell .. tlon that th" "'""I<. done io.are to the tot .. 1 "'"rlc., or dePlnlte portl<>n ther•oP, to be p•rPonn•d under the e<>ntraet. c;,_ N<>tlee <>P eueh eaneell .. tlon •h .. 11 be 91ven In "'rltln9 and •h .. 11 be depo111ted In the United Sat•& mall In .. eealed env•lop• ,.,th poetage prepaid and directed to the C<>ntraetor at hi• .. ddr••• a• Plied "'Ith the O""n•r. 1.01 !::Xi'e!NSION 01" TIMI!!, In th• event It le deemed neeeeeary by the O..n•r to ext•nd th• tlm• <>P e<>mpletlon oP the .. orlc. to be done und•r the•• 11pee1Pleatl0>n11, """h •xtenelon •hal I, In no "'ay, r•l•a•• any giaranty 9lv•n by the Conl:raetor pur&uar,t to th• provl•lone <>P th••• •p•elPle .. tlonr., or the contraet let her•under, or to r•ll•ve, or r•I• .. •• the &vr•tl•• <>f' th• bond• exeeuted pur&u .. nt to the eald provlelone. 1.0:2 Cl.!::AN-UI'", At all tlm•• during th• eourae oP th• "'"rk., the Contr .. et<>r ehall lc.eep th• site Pr•• Prom aeeu...,1 .. t1or,e oP "'a&te mater1 .. 1e, rubbl&h, and other debrl11 r•11ultln9 the "'"rk. and eh .. 11 talc.e 11ueh action a& I& n•eeH .. ry to, pr•v•nt and eo,ntr<>I dwt. At th• c.ompletlon oP th• .,..,,1c., C<>nl:raet<>r &hall r•mov• all temporary &l:ruewre,., t<>ole, eonatrvetlon equipment, and machln•ry, 11urplue material&, "'a&t• material&, rubbl•h, and d•brle Pr<>m and ab<>ut tl,e eJte and •h .. 11 l• .. v• th• elte el•an .. nd ready Por uee by th• Oll"tner-. I .Ol::I COMPl.!!TION, A. c;,ompl•tlon ,,. d•Pfr,•d a• beln9 "'hen all e<>ndltlone <>f' th• eontraet hav" been .. eeomplished lneludln9 the •p•elPl•d m .. lnt•nane• period. Sp•elPle .. lly "'hen all Item• ar• lnetall.,d, th• ar•"" el• .. n•d .. nd the malntenane• period ... tl&Paetorlly c.<>mpl•t•d, .. nd "'hen .. 11 ep•elal t<><>I• .. nd equipment, ln&truetlo,ne, "'rltten 9varanteee, .. .,_ built pl .. n1t, lien relea&•e and any Item• required by the C:,ontraetor D<>eumente have been properly ex•euted and dellv•r•d to the O"'"•r. e. Th• l.and•eap• Arehlteet •hall have Pull .. uthorlty t<> aee•pt or reJeet th• e<>ntr .. et It.me and .,.,11 promptly notlPy th• o .. ner oP c<>mpletlon. 1.04 6UAl't.ANTe!!, In addition to o,p•c.JPled 9uarant••• provided Por In the 11eparate eeetlone oP th• epeeJPJeatlon&, th• Cantr .. et<>r ah .. 11 9uar .. nte• In ""rltln9 a 11 "'orl<.m .. nehlp .. nd mater1 .. 1s t<> be fr•• Pro,m d•P•et Por a period of on• year Prom the date <>f' .. eeeptance oP th• "'"'rk. by th• o ... ner .,.,thout addltl<>nal e<>&t to the O"n•r. &hall be approv"d prl<>r t<> P .. brleatlon. I.OClf SAMPl.!::S, c;,onl:.raetor ehall provide eampl•e ,or .. 11 m .. terlale •p•elPJ•d to Include eampl••· All eampl•• eh .. 11 be approved by o .. n•r'e l'tepree•ntatlve In "'rltln9 prior t<> deliv•ry to th• pr<>Jeet 111te. 1.10 Tl!MPOl'tAR'T' l'AG,11.ITl!!S A. !::r•et and prop•rly maintain at .. 11 tlm•• a• r•qulred by eondltlon• ..nd progr••• oP th• "'orlc., al I n•ee&11 .. ry and r•qulred prot•etlve b .. rrle .. d••• Including a 6' h•lght ehaln llnl<., t•mporary e<>n&truetlon Penee .,.,th acc••• 9ate, Pene••, .. nd other ,...,.911 .. rd& Por the proteetl<>n oP "'orlc.er& .. nd the pvblle. Y•rlPy llmlte oP ar• .... 1th O""n•r prior to 1net .. 11atlon. Jl'lher• theee barrleade• and P•nee& are vlelble to the public, paint, or oth•r.,.lee Plnl&h th•m In a manner acc•ptabl• t<> th• L.andeeap• Arehlteet. ei. At all time• during e<>n&truetlon or ereetlon oP proJ•et or Jte e<>mp<>n•nt parte, prior t<> e<>mpl•tlon oP the etrvewr .. 1 Pr .. me or plaeem•nt and p•rmon•nt eonneetlon oP e<>mponent m•mber" t<> th• etruewr .. 1 Prame, provld•, ln11tall, and maintain prop•rly dealgn•d and eon11l:rueted tempor .. ry br .. e1n9 oP .. dequ .. te str•ngth to pr•vent dlelocatlon, dlet<>rtlon, erae1<.1ng, Pallln9-<>f'f, o,r any oth•r d .. ma9e to the ""'rk. <>r a": <>P Its eompon•nt p .. rte c:lu• t<> for•••"able normal •xe•••lv• "'lnde and earthqualc.e Pore••, .,.,thout .. ddltlonal eo•t t<> O"'ner. Repair or replaee at no .. dd•d c:,o,&t, d .. ma9• portl<>n• oP "orl<. oP eompon•nt parte. C. Provide 6' ht. eh .. ln llnl<. barrlead• around driplln• of exl&tln9 l:r••• t<> be proteeted. Maintain barrle .. de, and pr•v•nt any material• •t<>ra,ae o,r v•hleul .. r acc..,., "'lthln proteet•d area. l'I~ l"ROTeCTIONPl't061't.AM POI.ICl!::5 AND ~GUl~MeN"re P" .9 Rl!!GlUIR!::M!!NTS D•el9"1, lnetallatl<>n and modlPleatlon oP exl&tln9 ve,aetatl<>n •hall be In eonPormanee .. 1th "'"" <>f' the Pollo.,.1n9 "c.<>ndltlone' or aa requlr•d o,r modlPled by th• City. It 1thall be the r•ep<>nelblllty oP th• applleant to d•velop .. plan "'hi<-h meet. th• Plre prot•etlon requlrem•nt•. !::nvlronm•nt .. 1 eon&l:ralnte or oth..- reel:rlctl<>n placed upon the devel<>pm•nt shall not be eoneld•r•d JU&tlPleatlon Por mod!Pleatlon or aubordln .. tlon of Plre prot•etl<>n &tand .. rde. The 11lt• pl .. nnln9 oP th• d•v•lopment •h .. 11 11atlePy both th• Plre pr<>teetlon 11tand .. rde and environmental e<>netralnt&. l'.!:1-1 CONDITION A -MANUl"AG,~D 51.0l"e i"I~ l"ROTl!CTION (See App•ndlK !".:2) Pertolne to m .. n mad" •lop•• abutting high rl•lc. Plr• ar•a• a• de6"rlbed under Section II C.I 51::CTION A-I -meaeured horizontally :20' out .. ard Pro,m th• outly1n9 edg• <>P etrueture(e). I. l"lant•d "'Ith ,around eover or lo"' 9ro,.ln9 •hrvb •peelee (le•• th .. n 9' In height) lc.no"'n t<> t,....,., Plr• retard .. nt qu .. lltl•&. :2. N<> tr••• or ehrubll allo.,.•d. !:I. lrrl9"ted. !&eCTION A-:2 -m•aeur•d ho,rlzontally :20' out ... ard Pr<>m the outlyln9 edg• <>P Seetlon A-1. I. l"lanted .,.,th lo"' "'at•r u•e natvrallz1n9 plant &p•c.l•e l<rlo.,.,n to hav• ,.,.,. fuel eharaet•rletle&. :2. N<> tr••• all<>"'ed. !:I. lrr19 .. t•d. sec;, TION A-!:I -me..,.ured oub, .. rd Prom th• outlying •dge oP A-:2 to Include the remainder oP the .. r., .. bet.,.een Seetlon A-:2 and hl9h rlel<. Plre are .. ,. .. ,. de&erlbed und•r SeetJor, II c;,_ Horizontal dl&tanee Prom th• el:rueture(e) to untreated hl9h rl&I<. ar•a• 11hol I not be l••e th .. n 60'. I. Planted .,.,th ,.,.,. "'ater uae natural1z1n9 plant •peeler. l<no"'n t<> have lo"' Puel eh .. r .. eterl&tlea. :2. Tree• ar• allo,.•d but &hall not be planted elo••r than :20' .. part . 9. lrr19 .. t•d. l'.!:1-:2 CONDITION 6 -NATIYe 51.0l"eS -J/'111.DI.AND P"I~ 5Uf"l"l't.e5510N (See Appendix P" .:2) p.,rtaln• to .. r•ae M•r• rem<>val oP environmentally ••n•ltlve native ve9etat1on le reetrlet•d "'!thin th• Plre eeetlon•. 51::CTION 61 -m"aeur•d :20' horfzo,ntally Prom th• 0>utly1n9 •dge oP the etrucwre&) t<>"ard th• environmentally r••trlet•d .. r ... a• dePln•d ~ th• City. I. l'temov .. 1 <>P 'high Pu• T and mod•r .. te hazard epeelee" "'" lleted In App•ndlx P" .I. :::!. l'lant1n9 ... 1th ground eov•r or lo"' 9r<>l'<ln9 11hrub •peelee (leo,& than !:I' In height) l<rlo"'n t<> hav• Plr• retardant qvalltl•• <>r ae <>ther .. l•• r•qulred by the City. !:I. No tr••• o,r ehrvbll allo,.ed. 4. lrr19 .. t•d . S!;c;,TION 6:2 -meaevr•d horlzont .. 11y :20' out ... ard Pr<>m the outlyln9 •d<a• <>P 151. I. l'temov .. l <>f' "h19h Pu•I •p•el•e" a• ll&ted In App•ndlx P'.I. :2. l'temoval by 11el•etlv• prunln9 "' up to 60% o, th• vo,lume <>P th• "mod•rate Pue I apee le•" a• ll&ted In Appendix P". I. !:I. l'teplantln9 .,.,th n .. turalizln9 lo"" fu•I •p•el••· 4. Tr••• and lar9• tree Porm ehrubll (•-9. 0 .. 1<.e, !!umae, To,yon) "'hleh are being r•taln•d •hall be prun•d to provlc:le elearane• •qual to three tlmee the h•l9ht oP the e,urroundln9 und•r&tory plant mater1 .. 1 or 6', "'hlehever ,,. higher. D• .. d and """•"•lvely t .. 199y 9ro"'th eh .. 11 al&o be r•moved. 5. lrrl9ated. 5eCTION ee -mea&ured h<>rlz<>ntally :20' out.,. .. rd Prom th• outlyln9 ed9e oP Seetl<>n 6:2. The out•r •d9• oP 6!l •h .. 11 extend horlzontallly to .. point at lea11t 60' ,rom &trueturee. I. Removal oP "hl9h Puel •p•el.,e" ae ll&ted In App•ndlx l'.I. :2. l'temov .. 1 by ••l•etlve prunln9 oP up t<> 40% oP the volume <>f' the "mod..-at• Pu•I apeel••" ..,. lleted In App•ndlx l".I. 5. Tr••• and 1 .. ,9• tr•• P<>rm ehrube !•.9. Oal<.e, 5t.lm .. e, Toyon) Mleh .. re being retained ehall be prun•d to provld• el•aranc:.e equ .. 1 t<> three tJm•• th• h•l9ht oP the evrroundln9 under•t<>ry plant mater, .. 1 or 6', Mlehever I• hl9her. Dead and •><e•eo,lvely t ... 199y 91""""th •hall al110 be removed. 4. Non-lrrlgot•d. I' .9-4 Malnt.,nane• aeee&e eh .. 11 be pr<>vld•d t<> th• Plre pr<>t•c.tlon areoe. I' .!:1-9 D•brle and tr1mm1n9e produe•d by thlmln9 •hall be r•m<>ved Prom th• elte or 11hall be eonv•rtec:f to ""'leh by .. chlppln9 machine .. nd evenly dl•p•r.ed <>v•r th• area t<> a moxlmum d•pth oP 4". 00' of the n .. tlv• undleturbed ar• ... l'.S-1 The P"lr• D"partment m .. y requlr• doeumentary photograph• of •l<>p•• at the tlm• oP tr.,atment. l"hot<>graph• .,.,11 remain In p<>•••••lon oP the City ae a r•Perenee for Putvr• m .. lnt•nane• lnepeetlone by th• City. NATIVl!:S Aden0&toma Pa&eleulatum Chamlee Arteml•la e .. llPomle .. California Sag•brwh er109onum Paeeleulatum 6ue...,.h•at Salvia •p•el•• 5"9• Oth•r epeeJ•• a• •p•elPJ•d by the City Aeaela epeele11 Aeaela C•dru• &peel•• C•d .. r C:,upree11u• ep•elee G,ypr••• Dodon ..... v111eo&a Hopeeed 15v11h !!ue .. lyptue 11peel•• !!uealyptue jJnfperue •peel•• Junlp•r PennJ••tvm l'ountaln 6r'OH l"lnue •peel•• Pine other •peel•• ae •peelPl•d by the City MODel'tATI! HAZAl'tC> Sl"eCl!!S Heter<>m•I•• arbutlP<>lia Toyor, M .. lo&ma lavrln.. 1. .. ur•I sumac aiuereua dumollO Serub Oolc. l'thue lnt•9r1Poll.. l.emonade 15erry Ayloeoeueue bl-e<>lor Mleelon Manzanlt .. other 11peelee .. ,. •peelPled by the City. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ .----------,,,------..,..,....,,::,-------.---,--,--------------.---.---r--r---t "AS-BUILT" ~~~R DEVEI.OPER FENCE AND Jl'IAI.I. Pl.AN L-2 0 I ANDSC"APE ARC'HI I ECTlJRE DRAWN APPROVED 1ST SUB. 2ND SUB. MYLAR SUB, JOB NO. DATE SCALE JP MM 04-12-05 07-13-05 09-21-05 015-037 04-12-05 AS SHOWN DATE TITLE: RECEIVED BY: DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL VILLA6ES OF LA COSTA THE 6,4d±/IS -I.I, 1.2, I~ APPROVED _____ /2.-lt/-OS: ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: GT G!G!-03 430-4L