HomeMy WebLinkAbout1426 SWEETBRIAR CIR | 1428 SWEETBRIAR CIR; ; CB880570; Permit"' z 0 .: C a: C .., u w 0 ~[ = ... ~ u at w 0 .., :i I w z 3 0 z 0 .: C "' z w Q. 2 0 u !I) a: w " a: 0 3 tl O I ti.,eby affirm !hat I am licensed under provlalona of Chapter 9 (commencing wllh Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and ProfaHlona Code. and my license Is in full force and effect. I hereby athrm that I am exempt from 1he coouac- lor's License Law tor lhe l00ow1ng reason (Set 7031 5 &smess and Professions Code Any city or county whicr. re· quires a perm11 to construct. alter. improve, demolish, or repau any srructure pnor lo 11s ,ssuance also requues !heap- pl~nt lor suet, permit to hie a Sl!lned statement Iha! he 1s hcensecl pursuant 10 the prov1s1ons of the t:ontrac1or s License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Se<:t1on 7000 of Cbv1st0n 3 of the Business and Protess,ons CocleJ or !hat 1s ex~ empl 1herelrom and lhe bas.s lor lhe allegea exemphon Any vt0ta11on of SecllOn 703t.5 by an applteanl tor a perm,! sub 1ec1s lhe apphc.anl to a c1v1t penalty of nor more than hve hun~ Ored Collars ($500) I, as owner Of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensatlOfl, will do lhe work and lhe struc- lure Is not inten<ltC Of offered to, sale (Sec 7044. Busmess and Prolession~ Code The Contraclof's License Law does no! apply lo an owner ol property who builds or improves !hereon and who dOes such work tumself or through his own emo~ees. provided that such improvemen1s are not intend· ed or ollered 10< sale If. however, the bu11dm9 or Improve- men1 ,s sold wIttun one year o1 comple11on. the owner-builder will have the burden of prOV1ng that he did 001 build or im- prove lor the purpose o1 saleJ t I. as owner of 1ne property. am e•clusively contracting with t,censect contractors to construct lhe protect (Sec 7044, Business and Prnlessions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply 10 an owner of property who bullds or im- proves !hereon. and who con1tacts tor each proiects with a contrac1or(s) litense pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) I l As a homeowner I am rmprOYmg my nome. and the toltow mg cond111ons exist 1 The work Is being performed pnor to sale 2 I have hved m my home lor twelve months pnor to completion ot this wock I have not claimed lhi:s exempllon dunng lhe lasl three years D I am exempl under Sec ______ . B & P C for ltus reason ____________ _ D I he1eby alflrm that I have a cer11flcate of consent to self•1nsure. or a certificate or Workers· Compensation In- surance. or a cert1hed copy thereof ISec 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO COMf~ IY<"":t.SO S':1 q :;} c~ 1;'f11f d"':ri'h the city 0 Cerhlied copy Is hereby lurn,shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS" COMPENSATION INSURANCE tlh1s section need not be completed if !he permit 1s tor one hundred dollars tS 100) or less) D I cert,ly that in the performance of lhe work for which this permit ,s issued. I shall not employ any person many manner so as to become sub1ect 10 the Workers' Compen- sation Laws ol Cahlorma. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after making this Cerllflcate of Exemption. you should become subJe<:I to lhe Workers· Compensation provisions of the Labor Code. you must f0t'thw1lh comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. 0 I hereby affirm that there is a cons1fuc11on lending agency for the performance ol lhe work for which this P8f· mit 1s issued (Sec. 3097. Cw1I Code) Lender's Name ____________ _ Lender's Address; ___________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 APPLICATION & PERMIT DATE OF APPLICATION BUSINESS LICENSE• VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER LE /.5:1 CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE• ZONE fftJ,,,:,-/CJ WNU. CONT RACTOR"S A DD RESS STATE LICENSE NO. BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE 2-2-$""0 DESIGNER OESIGNER"S PHONE -}l~U,µ,"'--¥~-..!!!!=~==:..._!~L._--.t--,lil,,,!:.~ ....... .,L....L.CZU.~:..:.-1."..lt!..L./-:i....lL-1 DESl~NE R"S •ooR ESS STATE LICENSE NO. CENSUS TRACT "?}?CIUNITS 1 7 QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT · ISSUE /2'f EACH FIXTURE TRAP :ZI EACH BUILDING SEWER 2,I EACH WATER HE ATER ANO OR VENT :.Z.I EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 0 UTLETS EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE EACH INST AL . All ER. REPAIR WAT EA PIPE ""°? I EACH VACUUM BREAKER 'QTY. A WATER SOFTNER EACH ROOF DRAIN I INSIDE 1 , TOlALPLUMBING I ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE NEW CONST EA AMP SWl SKA l PH 3 PH EXIST BLOG EA AMP1SWT BKR 1 PH REMODEL ALTtR 3 PH PER CIRCUIT TEMP POLE ?00 AMPS OVER ;,oo AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY f30 DAYSI TOTAL ELE(;IRICAL /dt) l 7~ ~ y ~1 - ff~--;:;;; F;P FLA ELEV vO NO GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT AREA v □ ND ,o NO QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ~hi INSTALL FURN DUCTS uP TO 100.000 BTU OVER 100.000 BTU BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP METAL FIREPLACE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT 2. MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER ~I DRYER VENT TOTAL ME CHANICAL QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP CAR PORT AWNING GARAGE TOTAl l HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERMIT AND 00 HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT I'> NO STORIES TVPE CONST /6:£t-- -'11 11~ $~ .df?\' ~ . ~\jtCU• OCC GP EDU OCC LOAD FrRESPR 1215 06/11/88 0001 :,1. vO NO P.lr!P, + Not Valid Unl~ss /it,r:Mne -Ctrtditd SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT 001·810-00·00-8220 -~ SIGN PERMIT 001-810·00·00·8221 PLAN CHECK 001-810-00-00-8891 .:JY~ TOTAL PLUM BING 001-810·00-00-8222 Jr0 ELECTRICAL 001 ·810-00-00-8223 ...6!:i MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 ~ M.Olli!'!HTM'\ 001-810-00·00-8225 b..s~l:J" 001 ·810·00·00-8226 r:. STRONG MOTION 880-519-92·33 77 FIRE~f'lltQ/~ERS 001-810-00·00-8227 ' 'i>UBLlt..,FACILITIE~ W: 320-810·00·00-87 40 IIBlll~~hc 360-810-00-00-8740 ~R ~' ~\~1-b• I ~d A~ 312·810-00-00-8835 9bG? LA COSTA TIF 311-810-00-00·8835 FMF ,,.,-__ • /7 LICENSE TAX ~r:"rf 001-810·00·00·8162 -,,,: -,·;:rr!J·!JCJi -., ~.,, '"' ... 285.,_ CREDIT DEPOSIT ~5~ > TOTAL FEES PAYABLE Arf I~ L.• • .!:. 7 ~ * AN OSHA PERM:T IS REOUIAED FOfl EXCAVATIONS OVER ~-o•· DEEP ANO OElilOltTION OR CONSTRUCTION Of STRUCT\JAf.S 0\/ER 3 STOfllES IN HEIGHT Expiration Every permit issued by the Butld,ng OU.c11I under the prov,s,ons or this Code shall expire by llm1tahon and become null and void It ttle building or work authorized by such perm,1 Is not commenced w1thtn t80 days from the date of such permit. or 1f the bulfdmg or worli. autho11zed by such perm11 Is suspended o, ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNl Y AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON l_!l~b~•n~do~n~ed~•~l...!a!!:n!.l...!1!.!,m!!e!..!1!.!ftt~erf,.t!!.h!!!e...!w!!:o~rc!k...!'.!.•..!:c~o!.!m!!.m~e~n!.!c:!ed~t.!!o!...r !.•~;.?".!!O<l~o!!.l...!1.!!80!!...!ld!llL---r'!'!!'~~~~~---~-------""'""""'_,,,...,,.. __ ., STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND1;~1C rs SI NATUR JJ OWNE CONTRACTOR Q APPROVED BY ~ D~ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND ~ T!t ~ ExPENsEs wH1cH MAY 1N ANY wAY AccRuE AGAINST sAm c1TY 1N coNsEouENcE oF THE BY PHONE n I '~ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT ' 0 (J ~ u:: >-.; 0 a. E Q) f- l "O 0 c., C "' -~ a. a. <{ I -"' C a: 0 If) If) Q) If) If) <{ I ~ .2 Qi >- Q) <.l C "' C u:: :::. C Q) ~ t'.) 0 u Q) a. If) C ~ .c ~ .1. TYPE DATE INSPEC]OR BUILDING / FOUNDATION l-. REINFORCED STEEL .:~ MASONRY \\ GUNITE OR GROUT SUB FRAME D FLS)OR D CEILING SHEATHING 0"ROOF CYSHEAR ro ·'l.C? • .._" ~ FRAME l l-16-~ t-t,SY EXTERIOR LA TH INSULATION qv ~ INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL 1\-1.: I ..,.- -C -PLUMBING --Ol'SEWER AND BUCO CT PUCO \,C::, 7-",.. ~ UNDERGROUND D WASTE D WATER ~('2,,"7 ~ TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER ll-1c,-rv ~ TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER ELECTRICAL D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC u-1.r·1y ~ D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY D BONDING D POOL MECHANICAL D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS l (-, 'i'°'vv' ~ VENTILATING SYSTEMS \ - CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS '• c..f>'6~S-"JO '· FIELD INSPECTION RECORD R~OUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES . INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTOR'S DATE CHECKED APPROVAL -' "T SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP .. : ,· -. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI ·'· PRESTRESSED , I~ ' ,. CONCRETE ' POST TENSIONED ~ CONCRETE .·, ' '. FIELD WELDING .. 'l -_,,. ' .. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS "'-~ SPECIAL MASONRY - ' -PILES CAISSONS -----. ' -. •, . ; . \; . ~ -- -. . • . ' . .,, ... , . . • -·- ' ) . . . . . . .~ '· ' ! • -. ' , . \ ',-,. ( ,~ ' Includes foam sealant b tl1le 24, air lnfiltralicn. This is to certify that insulation has been installed in confonnance with the current energy regulation, California Administrative Code, Title 25, State of California, in the building ~ocated at: Sweetbriar Circle CEILINGS Owens/Corning Certain Teed Type Fiberglass Manufacturer Manville Batts: Blown: Type Manufacturer EXTERIOR WALLS Owens/Corning Certain Teed Type Fiberglass Manufacturer Manville FLOORS Type Manufacturer General Contractor Sudan Interior Missions Thickness T"nickness Thickness License II 19 R-Value ..-----3½" 3¼" 4 II R-Value 11 -- R-Value ---- -------- By ____________ Title _________ Date _______ _ Schmid Insulation Contractors, Inc. License II 221517 C-2 ____ _;;___:__;;__ Vice President Date _..;,.;N"'"OV.:.;._2_3 _;1~98.;;_:8:__ __ FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-0570 DATE: May 26, 1989 SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION PROJECT NAME:------------------------------- ADDRESS: 1426 nd 11128 SWEETBRIAR CIRCLE PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: _______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: DUPLEX ____________ NUMBER OF UNITS: MR. EM.~EL CONTACT PERSON: ______________________________ _ 438-11686 CONTACT TELEPHONE: _____________________________ _ ALL vl:PARTI\ ENTS INSPECTED BY: _________ _ INSPECTED BY: _________ _ INSPECTED BY: _________ _ DATE INSPECTED: /--t--Yr APPROVED ✓ DATE INSPECTED: ____ _ APPROVED __ _ DATE INSPECTED: ____ _ APPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ DISAPPROVED __ _ COMMENTS:--------------------------------- Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Englneerln CANARY: Utilities NK: Planning GOLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-0570 DATE: SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION PROJECT NAME:-------------------------------- 1 26 nd 142 S EETBRIAR C IRCLE ADDRESS: --------------------------------- PROJECT NO.: ------::==::::==~:---UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: _______ _ TYPE OF UNIT:~"'"~' __ ._ 11~~~=-=~....,)'--------NUMBER OF UNITS: • ,MEL CONTACT PERSON:. ______________________________ _ 38--63 CONTACT TELEPHONE:. _____________________________ _ ,. L. RTMENT!> INSPECTED {4> ~NASTiECTED: ~ f APPROVED )I/ .th, BY: DISAPPROVED . INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS:--------------------------------- Rev. 1186 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: a Ing GOLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-0570 DATE: May 26, 1989 SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION PROJECT NAME:------------------------------- 1426 nd 1428 SWEETBRIAR CIRCLE ADDRESS: --------------------------------- PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: _______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: ..lUPLEX ------------NUMBER OF UNITS: MR. Ew1 . .AEL CONTACT PERSON:. ______________________________ _ 438-11686 CONTACT TELEPHONE:. _____________________________ _ ~, . T~ .. .. . INSPECTED ~ DATE ~ BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: --------------------------------- Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utllitl FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-0570 DATE: May 26, 1989 SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION PROJECT NAME:------------------------------ 1426 and 1428 SWEETBRIAR CIRCLE ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.: _______ UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: ______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: DUPLEX ____________ NUMBER OF UNITS: MR. EMMEL CONTACT PERSON: _____________________________ _ 438-4686 CONTACT TELEPHONE: ____________________________ _ ALL uEPAt{TMENTS INSPECTED ~ DATE MAY / DISAPPROVED BY: INSPECTED: 3 Q 1989 APPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED Carlabad lt1unlclpal Water Dlatrlct COMMENTS: -----!1,,E..uo~gi.u.lO.u;9;u;8(;u:.lUJn._g,_,o ... e""'lp...,a .... rt...,m ....... ecun_._t ----------------- $~19) 438-3367 Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspen BLUE: Water District REEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 88-0570 DATE: May 26, 1989 SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION PROJECT NAME: -------------------------------- 1426 and 1428 SWEETBRIAR CIRCLE ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.: ________ UNIT NUMBER: _______ PHASE NO.: ______ _ TYPE OF UNIT: DUPLEX ____________ NUMBER OF UNITS: MR. EMMEL CONTACT PERSON: ______________________________ _ 438-4686 CONTACT TELEPHONE: _____________________________ _ ALL uEPARTMa:NTS INSPECTE DATE s/~9(81 _L BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS:--------------------------------- Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water Distrl SEWER PERMIT APPLICATION Development Processing Services Division 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 APPLICANT TO FILL IN SHADED AREA '- OWNER: f I I j I t CONTRACTOR: l MAILING ADDRESS:-----------'-------- , ::;. I • LEGAL DESCRIPTION:_____,_'-________ .:...._ ___ _ I COMMENTS: CASHIER'S VALIDATION ,- SEWER PERMIT NUMBER: _S_E __ ----'-----'------- BUILDING PLAN CHECK NUMBER: _P_C __ £2..,..._$3.___0..._S_7-=c) __ BUILDING TYPE: ______ \ _________ _ NUMBER OF EDU'S: __ ..:...____:____:_...:...... ________ _ CALCULATIONS: \ CONNECTION FEE COST PER UNIT ____ x ____ UNITS----- LATERAL CHARGE: ______________ _ TOTAL CHARGES: ..fl _J 5 0 D eQ.. PREPARED BY: _______________ _ (PRINTED NAME) WHITE: DPS GREEN: Finance CANARY: Water PINK: Building GOLD: Applicant ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-14-68 DATE: /tll<!ttl,SL ,; /7J'? JURISDICTION: (!,,/TY tl,f &/l?L$A8£) PLAN CHECK NO: SET:-TC FILE □UPS QDESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: /'/,20 -I 1/o?~ .S(.Ufier-.i&.i!e <!.{teC,lC PROJECT NAME: _ _,.j}=t<_.A=-~U::~X~----------- D ■ □ 0 D □ • □ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified-,-------------------are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has bee n sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ____________ _ Date contacted: ---------Telephone# --------- REMARKS: ilRVF:'0PPUCIU.U: CLE:IIR(,'( S//Qt,,.)QpJ Put\v Vl/tT W;H~ -1-.SQlA/e. • $1t>M6!£ TAUJ<.S P/.BTFO(l(J( E&itll11Xr IS oar $1.J,PP/J&Tl;D d Y TCll,~lfS we,re-&,.. llE:8TEC FllR/lJ11-Kr s«RfteTEO ~ '{ IJVeR.R/.SnlDr lJll(,L :t 'Im f;E8m, .S7Ql1/t1:c: te1/,{Su/faqt:..£) 6~ .STWJ'{/J.,JUEl,1&,omweu. v-1..,UIEU/w /&,, WfH.L. Slflf" R~D enJ<t<.. mf½lrS S l(T.~. By:~ ~ Enclosures: tJIJ/..Jt=; ESG~~ CORPORATION __ ..u.u;..u..... ______ _ 1/n/2? ;, - DATE: ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., S SAN DIEGO, (619) 5 J UR ISDICTION: ll17 t PE (18£LSfu9tJ AN U ILE QUPS Q DESIGNER P LAN CHECK NO: g(·057{) SET:;;{ZT PROJECT ADDRESS : lt/r;(ll,n-/1/,9,'g· ,s(&)E,E, M 1,de,. f?¢'('(.t; PROJECT NAME: __ ----'"/}.=u..,gc.c.t....:~~<~,t,__ __________ _ D □ □ • D The plans trans~itted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _____________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information . The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. ■ The applicant's copy of t/&R&&T .JC>I.Je.S the check lis~ has been /','OD ELlfQJG 'UIW W sent to: ■ Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. O Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ____________ _ Date contacted: ________ _ Telephone# _______ _ REMARKS: --------------------------- By: ~k✓ Mlk✓ ESGIL CORPORATION ?-/? Enclosures: __ /)Lle.Jo~=/)~€-______ _ .. URISOICT ION: CARLS 880 Date 2 usliR I I RO.JECT ACOR( ss :/Utz-..?K Sfd.JEIT&fJFte (IJ(<!L¢ o: Hfit./1t;leT ►IOLJg;S /'I@ E?ttfll£ T!ftTe'. ill. lan! Cleek No. B.J?-~5:ZQ 71t - F"OREWORO: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Unirorm Building Code, Uniform Pl'-'llbing Code, Unirorm Mechanical Code, NationalL _____ J,...£&,..L.J~:.:Z. ...... '-f::....,j;.;.L~~c:,...J..:.L-.::U.'--i~;;;,,l;,,"""~'-'::;;.l;i~~---t Electrical Code and state laws regulating ener9r conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check ia based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enrorced by the PlaMing Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. L----J.l.lJ.J'JJj~-~~"'-:.L...J:.:..L.I.......J.:.b:::,._..f.-J~::&..l-LI...1------; Per Sec. ,OJ (c), of the lkliform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation or any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets or prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: 6'5'1:IL t1.N2P ~Yo <'&Pue¥ fJR. #llt>R To facilitate rechecking, please Jdentiry, next to eoch circled item, the sheet or the plans upon which each correction on this sheet h~s been m~de and return this chec:~ sheet with tho revised plans. The following items have not been resolved from previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. ✓ -··-_ ... ----ESGIL CORPORATION- 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 56(}1+68 DATE: >{U,J)f: e'C:· !9f? ICTION JURISDICTION: (hrr "I O;:; f1 Pt?-L$f;./W , PLAN CHECKER FILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO: Rf CJ$7D SET: Tz:.-BUPS DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: l'1,Rb-ll/,2( sw~,::r81:.Jf& C!..!UL~ PROJECT NAME: __ -0"'--""lL~f~LE=-'1'-------------- D D □ • □ • The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the .jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _____________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information • The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: l{EU,EILT IOOt::S /</(JD EUUtZF T&Ee L fl. O Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed • • Esgil staff did been completed. Date contacted: advise applicant that the plan check has Person ~tacted: 1/-elU'<t?-r ...i01.Je,s -~ 0/2-1 ;/ Telephone I '{.58'-'th!'.'k I I REMARKS: ___________________________ _ By:· ~v)a}_fw<«. ESGIL CORPQSATION 6 -/(/-J'(j" Enclosures: __ ~,<J""'-=aAJ,)6=-~------ • :.JRlSOH,TlON: "'f& csofro Date C:, ;)() r f? Ro.Jeer AOoRcss =L1t't<t, -1y :re sw.-: ;7 Ee, ,e& ,~ PLAN CORRECTION S~£ET .: an! Check No . __ ?......_f_, __ 0_5_7_.0..._.,.n;...,_.__ ___ _ rOREWORD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Unirorm Building Code, Unirorm Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws re9Ulating energy 1------4~~J.::,.....i:::~~:::u.~ .... "7~ ............ -'-""..._=-__...._.._._. _ _...-=---t conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is baaed on re9Ulatlons enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and re9Ulations. l------J..1..!;~~~.Q...L.Q;C.......i,:~c;...:J,i..t::::..~/,&J.~~~.,__--=--1-=..-:...'-=-..a..:.-; Per Sec.'°' (c), or the lkiiform Building Code, the approval or the plans does not permit the violation or any state, county or city law. A. PLANS 0 ~e 111ake all cor:ectlons on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the Jurisdiction, to: FSG,u. Clr£R, 9 3crl D (!JItc$/jfffXE LJR. tt,B.Ol ;-\ ..SA 1J Pltr(z~. :,A 9::u rl: 'I J To fac:ilitate rechcc:klng, please: identify, next to each c:irc:led item, the sheet or the plans upon whlc:h each correction on this sheet h:,s been ,n:,~e arid return t.hls chec::C sheet •1th the revised plans. The foll owing items have not been resolved from previous plan reviews. The original correction nunber has been given for your reference. Please contact me if you have any question■ regarding these items. Oate plan~ received bt plan dl.dcer(,,µt1/ii·-. Date~ plan check coapleted 1,,,/;;.o/ti't? 81. 0 1 FcflJ W1'U<1;--g ~ ' . -' _, .. DATE : ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPE.-\KE OR .• SL'ITE 208 S.-\;', DIEGO, C.-\ 92123 (6 H)) 560· 1-'-68 /~, 19?? > □APPLICANT .cf»TIJRISDICTIDN::::::,. JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD D PLAN CHECKER PLAN CHECK NO: 8 j (),5?0 SET: I 8 FILE CO?Y UPS D DESIGNER PROJECT NA.'1E: D D □ • D ■ D • The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdi ction's building codes when minor deficien-cies identified _______________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp.· until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: H£R8ET?-Y .JD1Je;s L'foo fLeme: TR'=€ 1,0, Esgil staff did not aa~,is-e the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did been completed. Date c ontacted: advise applicant that the plan check ha}:-vl~A .-I , Person contacted: Hif&eec 1 ..JOIJE...5 --~ 5/2 <a/R ?] Telephone f l/.1R-✓/~ ~~,;.. ~ I (~ REMARKS:-------------------~~----_---- ENCL : DEU. .SEE,.\). SHet:r PI.AK ama 1'0:. __ &: .... F ..... -...,,o=5:a..--'7i .... t).._ ____ _ JUUSDIC:C:CII: CITY OF CARLSBAD ro: _ _.fl.......,./fl2.6..o..;;;o-lD~~=----r~..1 ...... o~t~l£-~------- 1t100 r?lfl?JC Y Et£ Ml, !JICLOSORIS:, _______________ _ PRO.JEC:r AIX>RESS: ...... l .... ½-""'l'2 .... la'--'""~,r;,,. ...... i2 ____ _ ,SWEG'.TU!At e.,,R,cif; Sl'ORIES: _______ .._ _________ _ BKIGl?I: _________________ _ Rl!MARKS: ----------------- Pl.AR <XD!CIICII !f?IM CITY OP CARLSBAD Snq.K FAMILY ARD OOPL1!X DWELLIJK;s Date plans received by jurisdiction: S-'!-?? Date plans received by Esgil Corporation: ,5:,5-f~ Date initial plan check completed: s-13#fi' By: EJtffl) WftLKt-g_ Applicant contact person: J.I. Jm)e,5 Telephone: 'BR-~& Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped . The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. Present Galifornia law mandates that residential construction comply with Title 24 and the following model codes: 1985 UBC {eff. 7/31/87) 1985 UPC (eff. 3/30/87) 1987 NEC (eff. 10/28/87) 1985 UMC (eff. 8/28/87) The above regulations construction, regardless adopted by ordinance. apply to residential of the code editions The circled items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303(c), 1985 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process. note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed i .e., plan sheet. specification. etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. JUD: PAGE IUIBERS ARI JE'I Ill SilQODCi AS PAGES BAVI]I; JI) I'l'J!NS JIDDIIIG <uacl!ll:XJ<as wm m,rrm. List No. 63, Carlsbad Single Family Dwelling and Duplex With All Supplements. (1985 UBC) / l I· t l Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets tha.t may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite t208, San Diego, CAlifornia 92123, (619) 560-1408. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: The jurisdiction's building department. Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, the name of the legal ewer and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Section 302(a)7. All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (C&lifornia Business and Professions Code). Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed by the C&lifornia state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction. Specify expiration date of license. (california Business and Professions Code). Specify on the title Sheet of the plans the gross floor area of each element of this project including dwelling, garage, carport, patio, deck and balcony. Section 302(c). Provide a statement on the title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with title 21+ and 1985 UBC, UMC and UPC and 1987 NEC. Sul:mit fully dimensioned plot plan drawn to scale showing location, size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show location of all cut or fill slopes. Show finish floor elevations and show elevations of adjacent finish grade. Show drainage patterns with minimum slopes. Section 302(c). Indicate distance proposed building. from property Section 302(c). lines to 12/16/87 0 /. i· js. Show on the title sheet all structures, pools, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included ,dth the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as 11not included.11 Clearly show if the lower level is a basement or a story, based on the definitions in Sections 403 and 420. Plot the finish grade (as defined) on the elevations and dimension the distance to the floor above, for story determination. FD!E PROI..ECIIuH feet to property lines construction, have no 30 inch parapets when exceeds 1,000 square Walls closer than 3 shall be one-hour rated openings, and shall have the building floor area feet on any floor. (table 5-A, Section 1709 (a)). Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line. Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from the side and rear property lines. Section 1710 and Section SOI+ (a) and (b). Plastic skylights shall not be installed within 81 of an exterior wall located Were openings in such exterior wall are prohibited or required to be protected. Section 5207 (a) 7. Projections, including eaves, shall be one- hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of noncombustible material if they project into the 3' setback area from the property line. Section 1710. Show location of permanently wired smoke detector, centrally located in corridor or area giving access to sleeping rooms or above stair if sleeping rooms are on upper level. Section 1210. A smoke detector shall be installed in the basement of dwelling units having a stairway which opens from the basement into the dwelling. Such detector shall be coMected to a sounding device or other detector to provide an alarm which will be audible in tha sleeping area. Section 1210. When the valuation of a room addition exceeds $1,000, or when sleeping rooms are created, smoke detectors shall be provided at existing bedrooms per item 16 above. 2 r· f. ~ 'if. +· fa . The maximum slope f or a fire retardant built- up roof, '"·ith rock or gravel surfacing, is 3 inches i n 12 inches. Section 3203 (e) 2. The minimum slope for a fire retardant built- up roof, wi th cap sheet surfacing, is 1/2 inch in 12 inches. Section 3203 (e) 3. Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot roof slope for drainage or design to support accU111Ulated water. Section 3207 (a), Section 2305 (f) and Section 2511 (d) 6. Show roof drains and overflo,..•s . Section 3207. fADll1ot f)£TFtlt-AefcR.CIJt.EO 'TD Pl.Ill/• Provide skylight details to show compliance with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide I .C.B.O. approval number. Plastic skylights must be separated from each other by at least 4 feet . Section 5207 (a) 6. Show attic ventilation. Mini.mum vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave vents or cornice vents. Show required area and area provided. Section 3205 (c). KASOHRY Provide fireplace construction details or note construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing. Chapter 37 . Show anchored veneer support and coMections attached to wood in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, comply with Section 3006 (d)l and Section 2515 (a). Show ties and #9 wire in horizontal joints. Show height and construction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24. Note that cleanout openings shall be provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled in accordance with Table 24-G. Cleanouts shall be sealed before grouting, after inspection. Show floor and roof coMections to masonry walls. CoMection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Cross grain tension or bending in wood ledgers is not permitted. Section 2310 & 2312 (j)3A. Provide details for foundation walls, below usable space exists on the walls. Section 1707 (d). damp proofing the finish grade, where interior side of the 12/16/87 t· Show a m1nurrum 2" air space and flashing between planter and building walls. Section 2516 (c) 7. GARAGE ARD CARPORTS r::\ Garage requires one-hour f i re protection on V the garage side of walls and ceiling common to the dwelling. Table 5-B, Section 503 (d). f-LDDL -ro KDOP-.Sll5Mlfll.Y-t 7f• All elements supporting floor above garage, including walls supporting floor joists, must have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side. Section 503 (b) 71· f· I· fs. t· 0 0 Show l 3/8" solid core self-closing door for openings between garage and dwelling. Section 503 (d). Garages are not permitted to open into a room used for sleeping purposes. Section 1104. An occupancy separation is not required between carport and residence, provided the carport is open on two or more sides and has no enclosed uses above. Section 503 (a) Exception 3. Show garage framing sections, size of header over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line, method bracing garage front and holddowns if required. Chapter 23. NOTE: Maximum shear panel ratio is 3 1/2 to l for height-to-width. Table 25-I. Doors may open into the garage only if the floor or landing in the garage is not more than one inch lower than the door threshold. Section 3304 (h). Provide an 1811 raised platform for any FAU, water heater, or other device in the garage which may generate a flame or spark. UHC Section 508, UPC Section 1310 (a). FOOMDATIOH IWJQ:otnmrrS Per soils report, note on the plan the soils classification, whether or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearini value. Section 2905 (c). {tll:,D Pl<.b1111J£ 1.:./0~/79 .S1J1L!:> f..e PtJ/l.'Tj .so1Lt. EJJf!r. n,uor€ J.Jco.Jslf Eil. ~MFd'1 .sm,,,t. The foundation plan does not comply with the soils report recommendations for this project. Please review the report and modify design, notes and details AS required to show compliance: It 3 68:R..S ~ J.'I' o,e, nt:c.H: WA 't'. W ,St..Af,,S, 5 ~- r· sf. ~ Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recommendation for fotmdations, slab and building pad preparation. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recorranendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when required by the soil report). The soils report recommendations excavations be reviewed by soils engineer. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in ~Titing that: /. /. 0 The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, The utility trenches have been properly backfilled Md compacted, and The foundation excavations, formings and reinforcements comply with the soils report and approved plan.11 Show height of all foundation walls. 23. Chapter Show height of retained earth on all foundation walls. Chapter 23. If cut or fill slopes exist, show distance of foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show steepness and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29. Note on plans that wood shall be 6" minimum above finish grade. Section 2907 (a). Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern and key elevations. On graded sites., the top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet to a drainage device a minimum of 12" plus 2 percent. Section 2905 (f), 2907 (d) 5. Dimension foundation per U.B.C. Table 29A: Floors Footing Suim;oi:ted* Stemwall Width ~ Thickness l 6" 1211 1211 6" 2 8" 1511 18" 7" 3 10" 1811 2411 8" ,.,Fowtdations may support a roof in addition to the floors. Where only a roof is supported, use foundation for one floor. 12 16 87 f· j· Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Section 2516 (c) 3. Show foW1dation bolt size and spacing. Section 2907 (f). Specify size, I.C.B.O. number and manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distances and spacing. Section 302 (c). If required by structural calculations, show size, imbedment Md location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2312 (f), 302 (c). If hold downs are required by calculations, note on plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Section 305 (e) l. Show adequate footings under all bearing walls and shear walls. Section 2907 (b). Show on the plans stepped footlllis for slopes steeper than 1:10. Section 2907 {c). Show minimum 1811 clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12.11 clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2516 (c) 2. Show pier size, spacing and depth into tmdisturbed soil. Table 29-A. Show minimum underfloor access of 1811 x 24". Section 2516 (c). Show minimum underfloor ventilation equal to l sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of underfloor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2516 (c) 6. Specify that posts embedded in concrete shall be pressure treated per UBC Std. No. 25·12. Section 2516 (c) 1. 1IWIDIG a Show wall bracing. Every exterior wood stud Q wall and main cross partition shall be braced at each end at least every 25 feet of length with l x 4 diagonal let-in braces or equivalent. Section 2517 (g) 3. Note cross bridging or blocking. Floor joists and rafters 12" or more in depth shall be supported laterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet, Wlless both edges are held inline. Sec. 2506 (h), 2517 (a) 6. 6 Show blocking at ends and at supports of floor joists, rafters and trusses at exterior walls. Section 2517 (d) 3, 2517 {h) 6. Show double joists. Floor joists shall be doubled under bearing partitions running parallel with the joists. Section 2517 (d) 5. Bearing partitjons, perpendicular to joists, shall not be offset from supporting girders, beams, walls or partitions, more than the depth of the joist. Section 2517 (d) 5. Rafter ties shall be spaced feet on center and be just joists, where rafters and not parallel. Section 2517 Show rafter ties. not more than 4 above the ceiling ceiling joists are (h) 4. 1~. Show rafter purlin braces to be not less than 45 degrees to the hori,ontal . Section 2517 (h) 5. 1{s. Show 1/2" mini.mum clearance between top plate of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed). ~ Show double top plate with mini.mum 4811 lap splice. Section 2517 (g) 2. l'lb. Show nAiling will be in compliance with Table r 25-Q. a Show or note fire stops at the following V locations per Section 2516 (f): 12/16/87 In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels and at 10 foot intervals along the length of the wall; at all intercoMections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings; In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run and between studs· along and inline with the run of stairs if the walls under the stairs are unfinished; and in openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels, with noncombustible materials. Show stud si,e and spacing. Maxi.mum allowable stud heights: Bearing wall : 2 x4 and 2 x 6 max. 10'; Non-bearing: 2 x 4 max. 14', 2 x 6 max. 20'. Table 25-R-3. Studs supporting ceiling rmJSt be 3 Table 25-R-3. two floors, a roof and x 4 or 2 x 6 at 16" o.c. 1!4. Note on A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for / glued laminated wood members shall be given to the building inspector prior to installation. Section 306 (f). 0 Detail all post-to-beam and post-to-footing coMections and reference the detail to the plan. Section 2516 (m). C\ Detail shear transfer connections, including ~ roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls. Section 2513. ~ Specify nail size V walls, floor and required blocking. dimension ratios. Section 4713 (d)]. and spacing for all shear roof diaphragms. Indicate Maintain maxi.mum diaphrap (Tables 25 I, J, Kand n'3. Show 311 x 411 or 211 x 611 studs in first story of three story building. Table 25-R-3. ~ Provide truss details and truss calculations V for this project. Specify truss identification M~s on the ~s. -r~ UH,C.S. /:tJIL "'ft.Us.!.£~ LD~ Y 7/it~I. Etlwf. ,"f;RJIS6 .fl.JI,, 1l)IJ4TE ,4 WIS.Ue£ • , 115iJ l)lfn; -~ . 1-,0. Provide roo rami.ng plan an oor framing plan. Section 302 (c). ltl-Provide framing sections through Section 302 (c). t::::\ Specify all header sizes for opening over 41 ~ wide. Section 2517 (g) 5. 143. Provide calculations for main vertical and horizontal framing members and post footings. Section 302 (b). Provide calculations for lateral loads, shear panels, shear transfer and related. Section 302 {b). 7 1~.-Show ~n t.he plans developed in t.he Section 302 (c). end.) al l structural requirements st:-uctural calculations. (See col!lllents below or at 1)6. Columns and posts l ocat ed on concrete or f ' masonry floors or decks exposed tot.he weat.her or to water splash or in basements and which support permanent structures shall be supported by concrete piers or cet.Al pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated ~ood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. Q Individual concrete or masonry piers shall lV project at least 8 inches above exposed ground unless t.he columns or posts which t.hey support are of approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. 1*. Show location of attic access wit.h minimum size 7¥ 2211 x 30". Section 3205 . Show draft separation for attic areas between units in a duplex. Section 2516 (f). 81:1"w10:JJ uv1r!i 1wrrs.+ ~roa.A6( .... uu,-r~ -1 bt.tfrC-r&. Specily plywood grade and panel identification index. Table 25-N. 1/1. When roof pitch is less than 3:12, design ridge as a beam. Section 2517 (h), 1/_32, If foundation cripple wall studs are less than 1411 high, framing shall be solid blocking. Section 2517 (g) 4. ~3 . Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories, Section 2517 (g) 4. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, is exterior grade, Section 2516 (i). ifs, Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior stud walls to be stuccoed. Section 4706 (e). r,::\ Detail truss layout for 'j{.', x ~~ attic access, 'CJ j,f req4ir~d for equipment in the attic. f\L.~D Url.l!:,. J/Jl,,,rtF'I IIJt. rH£ 5.ffl(JI)~. . 13',. Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at least -one size larger than supported rafters. Section 2517 (h) 3. 1}a. In open beam construction, provide strap ties across the beams at the ridge support. Section 2501 (b). 12/16/87 KECBAMlCAL (UNIFORM KF.CWfICAL OODE) All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply 1.-i t.h t.he Uniform Mechani cal Code . 1/;. i/o- Show t.he size, location and type of heating and cooling appliances or systems. all Show source of combustion air to Chapter 6, UHC. furnace, per Every dwelling unit shall be provided wit.h heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F. at 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis f or compliance. UBC, Sec. 1211. 1/2, Show mini.mum 3011 deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace. Section 505, UHC. C'":\ Note on plans, "clearances to be per V manufacturer's listing." Section 504, UHC. f· ifs. Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom or in a closet or confined space with access only through such room unless specified as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance. Section 704 UHC . Show I.C.B.O. fireplace. approval number for prefab Show access to the attic or underfloor furnace to be mini.mum 30 inches by 30 inches. Section 708 & 709 UHC. Note that passageway to the attic furnace shall be unobstructed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Section 708 UHC, Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. Section 708 UHC. 11/9. Show details to comply with Section 709 for furnace under the floor, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. Note on plan: Gas vents and non-combustible piping, in walls, passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC, Section 1706 (a) 6. Provide dryer vent to 1903. outside. UMC, Section 8 All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Code. Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical ser\~ice, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. Show location of all electrical receptacles. Electrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not adequate in ____________ _ <::\ Show at least one convenience outlet other than V outlets for laundry, etc., outdoors, in garages and basements. NEC, Art. 210-52. a Note convenience outlets in bathrooms, kitchen V counter to s ,;.,•ithin 6 feet of the kit en sink, out oors, and in garages and basements (other than for law,dry and similar equipment) shall be GFI protected. NEC, Art. 210-8. Note electrical system ground to be provided per NEC, Art. 250-81. PIDIBIJIG (U)!DORM rUMBIJIG <XlllE) Show water heater size, type and location on plans. UPC, Section 1301. Show source for providing combustion air to fuel burning water heater. If wall openings in an enclosure are used, at least one-half of the required opening area shall extend into the upper twelve inches of the enclosure and one- half within the lower twelve inches. UPC, Section 1307. Fuel combustion water installed in bath or opening into bath or 1309. heater shall not be bedroom or in a closet bedroom. UPC, Section 1l1. Provide adequate barrier to protect water heater from vehicle damage. UPC, Section 1310. Show 'land P valve on water heater route of discharge line to exterior. UPC, Section 1007 (e). and show Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn sprinkler system shall have approved backflow prevention devices. UPC, Section 1003(h) & (i). 12 16 87 f· Show shower stall can acconmodate a 30'1 circle and has a minimum floor area of 1,024 sq. in. UPC 909 (d). JIJISE IIISIILA:rlOII (rol'LEX!S) 1J. Show details of duplex COIIIIIOn (party) walls 7-· and floor/ceiling assemblies to achieve a Sound Transmission Class (SIC) rating in walls of 50 decibels and an Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating on floor/ceiling of SO decibels. Title 25. nShow how penetrations of assemblies for ~ piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or heating ventilating, or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, or insulated to 11&intain required SOWld transmission rating. Title 25. Q Provide insulation in walls and ceiling to V achieve SIC of SO bet"8en garage and living area if garage use is not controlled by resident. Title 25. State regulations (california Admin. Code) require that the design satisfy one of the attached alternative energy packages or submit calculations. lhe law also requires that many mandatory conservation items be satisfied. t:::'\ On the title sheet of the plans, provide a CJ sumnary of the design features for this project (i.e., R-values, glazing, shading devices, thermal mass, HVAC efficiencies, etc.). , /9. Show on the plans the ''R11 value for the walls, 7· floors, ceiling and related areas. Q Show double glazing as per Energy Design, on Q Glazing Schedule. '/1. Show on the plan how shading requirements are 7 · satisfied. Q Show on the plans the thermal mass areas as Vindicated in the energy documentation. 9 . ~ The plans are not in compliance with the energy V conservation compl iance pack.age selected or design calculatior.s provided. Show on plans conformance as follows: 11f. PLBVs ,Stfpw ett:<-UJ<, WM:ffl t!t;flTtfL CAL cs· <, A,$, Pl.JU)> .s Hf¥,.J 1125 ", (,/ILCS, /;l';/ <D I The glazing area on the plans exceeds that shown in the documentation or allowed in the pack.age selected. Glazing area includes rough openings of windo-..·s and the full size of french doors. Specify on the building plans all of the mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, "Mandatory Energy Conservation Requirements". Show the make, model and space heating (or cooling) heat loss calculations if 45,000 BTU/Hr. efficiency of the system and provide the output exceeds 1/1. For room additions, show that the glazing area of the addition does not exceed 16% of the newly-conditioned floor area, plus glazing removed or relocated due to the addition. CARLSBAD S .F .D. & OOPLEX S1JPPLEMENT 1-,/s. Energy conservation design should be for Zone 7 See attached energy pack.ages. 1r, Floor drains must have auto-prime (city policy). ~ Note exhaust fans cannot be ductless type (city Vpolicy). , . New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating. Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No. 8093). Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance No. 8093). All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (city policy). 12/17/87 ,i4. Incorporate the waterproofing details, on the r attached Policy 80-8, where interior H,•ing space occurs below grade at the masonry -..·all(s). ~ Show on the Title Sheet on the plans, the V information required by the attached Developmental Services Sheet 112383. All new residential additions, require a submit two copies. buildings, including soils report. Please Heavy timber framing, minimum 611 x 10" beams and minimum 8" x 8" post, for the structural beam and column supporting the fire separation between the garage and 1i ving area above, is acceptable if shown on the plans. ( city policy). 1/8. UBC Adopting Ordinance 8792 requires Fire t' Retardant roof on all structures (Sec. 18.04.230). Show compliance with UBC Section 3203(e). t:::\City Ordinance '9792 requires ) two parking Vspaces/unit with c ear area of 20'x20' i.e. no washing machines, etc. Show compliance. Please see additional corrections, or remarks, on the following page. The City of Carlsbad has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan check for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan check items, please contact. _______ _ at Esgil Corporation. If you have any questions regarding City Building permit procedures, please contact Carter Darnell at the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, telephone 619/438-1161. Thank you. Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. 10 DEVELOPMENT AL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~itp of ~arl~&ab 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92001-1999 (119)'31-~ THE INFORMATION LISTED BELOW MUST BE SHOWN ON THE TITLE SHEET OF THE PLANS FOR YOUR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Site Address /legal Description v'Assessor's Parcel Number v'Quantity of Grading in cubic yards Contact Person -Name and daytime Phone Number /circle any Planning Conmfssion or City Council Action on this Property: Variance, Co~itional_ Use Permit, Tract or Parcel Map, Zone Change, Planned Development, Redevelopment Permit, Development Plan Specific Plan, · stte PLAN CHECK NUMBER 8? ()5 70 cd 112383 Date 15/Blfi I CITY OF CARLSBAD Prepared bys □ Bldg, Dep't, £.4JBUW?-VALUAT!ON AND PLAN CHECK FEE □ Esgil PLAN cH::;cx No. BR ,05:zo BUILDING ADDRESS L(¢1, -lt/,;.f .S WGUB&/fif, C.tf;Cllf APPL!CANT/CONTACT wuar .JQIJE.5 PHONE NO. '13J'-i(i,~{e BUILDINC OCCUPANC'! /?-,3 Utrl DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VA/ CONTRACTOR PHO_N_E ____ _ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER h/JPLE 'i 0FtJ /I ,..,. .,, I< 11 tH 11_A,r//J1) /..<"'J Q.:JC}~ -p tJ R t' ___;./ ....... t'~aRJ,6~ I I Air Conditionin~ Commercial @ Residential ta Res. or Comm. Fire Sorinklers -@ Total Value J...t,~ C:,~9-, Building per II it r ee s ___________ ....:.... ______ s..__ .... B""'.3'""""",5'-'--'. S=-a,D~- p lan check r ee__;:S:,__ __________________ ~s_S=--''-/'-"'-3""''-=o"-'K~-- ... _,. .... ,. CO H Ht N TS.._ ___________________________ _ Plans received by Esgil after July 31, 1987 shall have permit a plan check fees calculated per 1985 use. SHEET / OF I -----' i a:J "O Q) ;: Q) > Q) ~ ~ a:J "O Q) ;: Q) > Q) ~ □ □ □ □ ~□ Ef □ B □ 00 ~□ 0 □ do ~□ 00 ~□ Q) +"' l'O O· a:J "O Q) ;: Q) > Q) ~ □ D □ □ □ □ D D □ □ □ □ □ □ ENGINEERING CHECKLIST Date: 5 /;7 /!Jy l 7 LEGEND 7 @ I tern Complete Plan Check No. 880570 Project Address: /fl~ -/fl,8 c5u~G~4-l {Je. Project Name: D.JeLu -Suoo,.., kt::&{M M;~ON I tern Incomplete -Needs Your Action Field Check Date: 1,2,3 Number in circle indicates plancheck ----------- By : number that deficiency was identified LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. 2. 3. 4. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway and percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. Provide legal description of property. Provide assessor's parcel number. PERMITS REQUIRED Grading 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Grading permit required. (Separate submittal to Engineering Department required for Grading Permit). Grading plans in plan check PE ----- Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance : A. Grading plans signed. B. Grading permit issued. C. Grading completed. D. Certification letter and compaction reports submitted. E. Grading inspected and permit signed off by City Inspector. Right-of-Way Permit required for work in public (e.g., driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to etc). right-of-way water main, Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out completely and returned to Development Processing. l ~□ @ □ @ □ tJ~ 0 Gr □ ~~ □ D □ □ □ □ □ FEES REQUIRED 10. Park-in-Lieu fees required. Quadrant: _ _:::::::::: __ , Fee Per Unit: , Total Fee: -------- 11 ·. Traffic impact.Jee required. rJI. C,)~ Fee Per Unit : "7f 48::) , Total Fee: 1T f/(pO -. 12. Bridge and Th_groughfare fee required_w 00 Fee Per Unit: ff--/Z9 , Total Fee: rB'/B -. 13. Public facilities fee required. 14. Facilities management fee required. Fee : 11.(;~ ,; .o 15. Additional EDU's requjred: Sewer connection fee:'? ZCXX>Q:E.. Sewer permit no. 32.38 16. Sewer lateral required: REMARKS: ------------------------------- O.K. to issuec::::=22k----.-----Date: If you have any questions about any of the above items identified on this plan check, please call the Development Processing Department at 438-1161. - QJ QJ QJ .... .... .... ca ca ca Q Q Q PLANNING CHECKLIST cc cc cc "O "O "O Plan Check No. 69?670 Address Jf2G -/?LB Otu~r8,49e 6.ectci Cl) Cl) QJ 3:: 3:: 3:: DVA.£x. -cSu1&Jh?/:.eur2. M~~N Cl) Cl) Cl) Type of Project and Use > > > Cl) Cl) Cl) RD-M c::: c::: c::: Zone Use Allowed? YES NO ,... N M Setback: Front ..QK_ Side _.QK_ Rear 01<. * * * u u u Facilities Management Zone 20 0.. 0.. 0.. School District: San Dieguito __ Enci nitas Carlsbad A San Marcos ~ □ Discretionary Action Required YES ~ NO Type .C.Ue..J 10 --CT80-'-t<f □ Environmental Required YES A NO ~ -- □ Landscape Plan Required YES _L NO -- Comments ✓□ □ Coastal Permit Required YES NO -- □ □ □ Additional Comments OK TO IS~~.L-~~::z;.::::::::====¥aa~-DATE _5/~7~-~~¥-~ ___ _ .,, ' -~· February 8, 1988 Sudan Interior Mission 1400 Flame Tree Ln. Carlsbad, CA 92008 JOHN VERNON & ASSOCIATES 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 TEL. (619) 743-8808 PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION To whom it may concern : This is to verify that I have checked foundation soil conditions for lots as shown on attached sketch to update the preliminary soils report dated 12/03/79 by Southern California Testing Labs. An erosion cavity exists around the drop-inlet and downdrain at the NW corner of the proposed site. The cavity s hould be backfi lled properly with native material before footings are cast. No other changes have occured and all other aspects of the proposed construction should be completed in accordance with the prior soils report. We are recommending two #4 bars top and two bottom in all footings and #3 bars @ 24" on center each way in all slabs, as minimum rei~fbrcement. We will be ~~ailable for prejob conference and certification testing at notification when the grading work is scheduled, and a t the time footing excavations are made. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS. INC. ENGINEERING • SOILS TESTING • SURVEYING ------- ----:---''---4-·; -__ -. ·--~\ / ,/ ~ -------------.:··---I l ·-,. RELATIVE COM PACTION TEST#"/ FG -/ OG +/ T~~r, RE?8l,.n- CONTRACTOR = ;{/41"" JOON VERt-JON 8 AS SOC PROPERTY D£VELOPMEHT DtalHEERS DATE: :Z-/a-'i?7 ~ S. ESCOHOIOO BLVO..ESCOHOIOO, CA 92025 74'3-8808 TESTED BY LOCATION= Exp. 9/30/89 lr.s. tq tt-I ~.e,-if kc/~ .. --._.-~ ~7 .SAND VOLUME DATA= ··-=.~ __ ·., ___ -_<>~1/;tllv1/!J -· •• s;t~_-:: .. INfTIAL WEIGHT OF SAND WEIGHT OF RESIDUE WEIGHT OF SAND USED SAND DENSfTY VOL. OF HOLE 8 CONE .VOL. OF CONE VOL OF HOLE EXCAVATED SAMPLE= WET WEIGHT DRY WEIGHT WEIGHT OF WATER % MOlSTURE IN PLACE WET DENSITY J-.J PLACE DRY DENSITY IMPACT TEST DATA= OPTIMUM WET DENSITY OPTIMUM ~RE % OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY IN PLACE ~ GR ~ ~ ~~ GR ~ RELATIVE COMPACTION= REMARKS= A~ ~ k- k all ~ ~ ~/4~.s /4,£(9 LS ~..?J9 LB /45~ LB £?.S LB/cF ,/27 CF ,~?' CF , .c:J?z' CF OPT. MOtSTlRE /~ t::17 LB ' 5.a:::, GR .. ¢64 GR 410 GR 9 LB/cf '"'4-----/(_s' LB/Cf I 9 s-% I l • • - PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MISSION EXPANSION OFF LAUREL TREE ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION PosT OFFICE Box 1398 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC, 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ) ) • , SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANO TESTING, INC . 162B0 R t'VEFIDALE ST. SAN DIEOC, CALIF". 92120 • Tt::LE 280·4321 P.O. 80)( 20627 SAN OIEOO0 CALIF". 92120 74-831 VELIC WAY PALM DESERT, CALI,-, &78 ENTERPRISE BT. ESCONDIDO, CALIF'. 9202 5 • TELE ?◄&-4-S"'4,t December 3, 1979 Sudan Interior Mission Post Office Box 1398 CarJsbad, California 92008 SCS&T 13530 Report tfo. 1 SUBJECT: Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for the Proposed , Mi ssi on Expansion off of Laurel Tree Road, Carlsbad, California. • • Gentl emen : In accordance with yo ur request we have completed a preliminary geotechnical investi gation for the proposed project. We are presenting herein our findings and recommendations. The findings of thi s study indicate that the site i s suitable for the proposed dev elopment provided the reconmendations presented in the attached report a re comp lied with. We did, however, find the upper 2 to 3 feet of na t ive topsoil to be expansive in nature, and make recommendati ons regarding thi s con di tion in the body of thi s report. The site can be considered relatively free of geologi c hazards. If your have any que stions after reviewing the findings and recrnrnnendations conta ined in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this offi ce. SOUTHERN CAL I FO RNIA SOIL ANO TESTING, I N C . • • •• • .. • • SCS&T 13530 December 3, 1979 Page Two This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted , SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOI L & TESTING, INC . ~ Anthony.B~Project Engineer Char l es H. Christian; R.C .E. # 22330 AFB:CHC:mw cc: (2) Submitted (4) Mil ler Engineering (l} SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHER N CAL I FORNIA SOI L AND TEST I NG, I NC, • TABLE OF CONTENTS • PAGE NO. Introduction and Project Description ........•......................... 1 • Project Scope ............................................•............ l Findings .............................................................. 2 Site Description ...............................••........... , ...•. 2 Geology and Subsurface Conditions ............•................... 3 So il Conditions ............................................. 3 Geo logic Setting ............................................ 4 Tectonic Setting ..........................•................. 4 Geologic Hazard·s ................................................ 4 Groundwa_ter ................................................. 5 • ·Recommendations ....................................................... 6 Site Preparation ................................................. 6 General ..................................................... 6 Expans ive Characteristics ................................... 6 Earthwork ................................................... 6 • Found ations ...................................................... 7 General ..................................................... 7 Lateral Resistance .......................................... ? Settlement Characteristi cs .................................. 7 Slope Stabi li ty .................................................. 8 Li ,nitations ........................................................... 8 Field Explorations ...................... ~ ............................. 9 Laboratory Testing .................................................... 9 , ATTACHMENTS PLATE NO . Site Vicinity Map ..................................................... l Trench Locations Ma p .................................................. 2 Soi 1 Types ............................................................ 3 Trench Logs ........................................................... 4-8 Direct Shear Test Results ............................................. 9 Recommended Grading Specifi cations & Special Provisions ............... Appendices .. Unified Soil Classification Chart ..................................... Appendices • . . I • • , • PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL STUDY PROPOSED SUDAN INTERIOR MISS IO N EXPANSION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I NT RODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Thi s report presents the results of our preliminary geo technical investi- gation for the propo~ed Sudan Interior Mis sion expansion to be located off of Laurel Tree Road in Carl sbad, California. A brief lega l description of the site i s Lot ·G, Rancho Agua Hedionda, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, Sate of California. It is our understanding that twelve, one story , duplex units with slab-on-grade construction are planned for the s i te. It is further understood that a considerabl e amount of grading consisting of both cuts and fills on the order of 20 feet will be necessary to develop the s ite. A vicinity map s howing the site location is provided on Plate No. l, and the site conf i guration and exploration locations are shown on Plate No . 2. PROJECT SCOPE This investigation cons isted of: s urface reconn ai ssance; subsurf ace explorati ons; obta ining representative di sturb ed and undisturbed sampl es; laboratory testing; ana lysis of the field and laboratory data; resear ch of avai l ab le geological literature pertaining to the site; and preparation of this report. The ana lysis of our findings was intended to : a) Det.enn ine the nature and pertinent physical properties of the on-site so il s, including their bearing capacities , expans ive pot ential and settl ement cha racteristics . SOUTHERN CAL I FORNIA SO IL ANO TESTING. IN C . • • • .. • • .. • SCS&T 13 530 Oece111be r 3, 1979 b) De fine the general geology of the site including c) d) e) possible geologic hazards that may affect si te develo~nent . Deve lop guidelines for site grading and provide des ign information regarding the stabi"l"ity of cut and fill slopes . Pro vide recormnendations for foundation design . Determine potential construction di fficulties and provide recommendations concerning these difficulti es . FIND I N·G S Site Description Page Two The subject site i s an irregul ar shaped parcel of land, approximately 13 acres in area , l ocated on .the south fa ce of the valley of Canyo n de las Encinas near Ca rl sbad , California. Drainage of the site is to the north and is acco111ri l ished by sheetwash and by a gulley in the western half of the s ite . Elevations range fro111 approximately 220 feet (M.S.l.) to approx"in1ately 120 feet (M.S.L.). The highe st elevation i s at the so uthwest portion of the proµerty where a l evel area is cut into the hillside . Below thi s cut area , the ~l"illside slopes and an approximate 10% to 20% grade . Bordering t he western property line is a near verti ca l cliff, dropping approx imately 30 feet. An occupied residence exists on the cut area and i s s urroun ded by a paved parking area. Access i s provi ded by a driveway entering from Laurel Tree Road. The foot of the cut area bel ow the pavement appears to co ntain a sma ll amount of fill material cons isting of l ocal soi l s and some co ncrete chunk s . Vege tation on the site cons ists primarily of grasses on the slopes surrounding this cut, and a few landscaping trees and shrubs near the residence. The cut area west of the paved parking area contains no veg etation . SO UTH E~N C ALI FOR NIA SO IL ANO TESTING, INC . • • • • • .., • • - - SCS&T 13530 Decenber 3, 1979 Page ThrP e Geology and Subsurface Conditions Soil Conditions: The soils of the project were found to consist of two to three feet of brown, l oose to dense, clayey sand, underlain by fonnational sedimentary soils that consist of yellow brown, very dense, poorly sorted sand. A review of the Soil Survey of the San Diego Area, California, U.S. Department of Agriculture, December, 1973, indicates the top~oils within the project area to be of the following types: Soil Phase Dial.Jlo cl ay, 1530% Gaviota fine loan, 9-30% slopes La Flores loamy fine sand, 9-15% slopes Crop Suitability (Part II, Table 2 (U.S.D.A .} Avocado, Citrus, Truck crops, and Flowers: not suitable. Tomatoes: fair non arable Avocado, Citrus, Truck crops, and Tomatoes: not suitable Flowers: fair Uses (Part I, pp. 43, 50, 60 U.S. D. A. } Range, Tomatoes, Housing, Pasture Range, Watershed, Small Housing Development fl owe rs, Range, Housing Development The approximate boundaries of the above topsoil types that are found in the proposed development area, as delineated on the so il maps of the Soil Survey of San Diego Area, California, and the conditions as found in our field work are shown on Plate No. 3 of this report. The southwest portion of tile site that is in cut was found to be void of any topsoil. In view of the above uses outlined by the ·u.s. Department of Agriculture survey, the so il s of the site appear to be well suited for the proposed development . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TEST ING , INC . • • • • • .. • • • SCS& f 13530 December 3, 1979 Page Four Slopes in the sul>j ect area that lacked vegetation cover were observed to be highly suscepti ble to erosion, especially when steep cuts existed into formational soils. No severe erosion probl ems were observed on moderate slopes that were covered w~th grasses. Erosion of the slopes that are proposed for the subject development should be adequately controlled if a deep-rooted, drought resistant vegetation is maintained on th~ slopes. Geo logic Setti ng: lhe sul>ject site is located in the Coastal Plains Physiographic rrovinc;e of San Diego County and in underlain by Eocene Sedi111entt1ry deposits of the Santiago Formation. J\t the subject site the Sa11tiago Fon11dtion was fou11d to consist of yellow-brown, very dense, poorly cemented, poorly graded, medium-grained sandstone . Tectoni c Setting: A review of available geologic mups indi cates the subject s ite to be located app roximately 4.5 miles east of the Rose Canyon Fault Zo ne. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone i s a series of northwest trending faults of Quaternary age that i s currently classified as potentially active, rallier than active. This cl assification i s based on the l ack of conclusive evidence to verify Holocene movement along this fault zone. No fault traces have been mapped through, or i11011edi ately adjacent to, the subject site, and examinat i on of our exp l oration trenches and a surface reconna issance yielded 110 evidence of faulting at the site. It should be recoynized thut much of Southern California is characterized by majo r, active fault zones that cou ld possibly affect the subject site. The nea res t of t hese i s the Elsinore Fault Zone, l ocated approximately 25 miles to t he northeast, and the San Jacinto Fault Zone, located approximately 47 miles to tile northeast . Geo lo~ Hazards_ The sul>ject site i s located in an area which is relatively free of potential geologic hazards. The most likely geologic haza rd lo affect tile site i s ground s haking as a result of movement along the major, SOUTHER N CAL I FOR NI A SO I L AND TEST I NG. IN C. • I • • • • - • • • SCS&T 13530 Dece111ber 3, 1979 Page Five aclive fault zones mentioned above. llased on a 111aximu111 probable earthquake of 7.3 magnitude along the Elsinore Fault Zone, or a maximum probable earthquake of 7.8 along the San Jacinto Fault Zone, the maximum ground acceleration at the site could be as high as 0.21 g. There is al so a remote possibility that movement could occur along the Rose Canyon Fault Zone during the life of the proposed structures. Based on a maxi111u111 probable earthquake of 6.0 magnitude along the Rose Canyon Fault, maximum grounc.J acceleration at the site could be on the order of 0.41 g. However, in vi ew current classification of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone, we are of the op-inion that is should nC't be used as the "design earthquake II fault for structures such as those proposed for the subject develo~nent. Construction in accordance with the mini111u1n standards of the most r ecent edition of the Uniforn1 l3uilding Code shoul d minimize potential damage due to seismic activity. Other potential geologic hazards such as tsu namis, seiches, liquefaction, or landsliding should be considered negligible or nonexistant. Groundwater: No groundwater was encountered during our subsurface exploration and we do not anticipate any major groundwater related problems, eilher during or after construction. However, it should be recognized t hat 111inor groundwater seepage proble111s may occur after development of a site even where none were present before development. These are us ually minor phenomena and are often the result of an alteration of the permeability character-is tics of the soil, an alteration in drainage patterns and an increase in irrigation water. Based on the permeability characteri stics of the soil and the anticipated useage of the development, it i s our opinion that any seepage problems whi·ch may occur will be 111inor in extent. It i s further our opinion that these problems can be most effectively corrected on an individual basis if and when they develop . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, I NC. • ·' • ., - • • • • • SCS&T 13530 Oecc111bc1 · 3, 1979 Page Six RECOMMENDATIONS Site Preparation General: Portions of the site were found to contain one to two feet of loose topsoils. r-or all areas to receive fill, beneath all areas to be paved, and the area within 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed structures, loose topsoils should be removed to fin11 natural ground and be replaced as an engineered fill. Firm natural ground is defined as soil that has an in-p.lace density of at l east 85% of its maximum dry density. E~pansive Characteri stics: Approximately two to three feet of expansive topsoil was found to exist on portions of the site. In order to allow the use of co nventi ona l foundation systems, all expansive soils that will occur within 2.5 feet of finished grade should be removed and be replaced with nonexpans i ve soil during the grading operations. Wherever expansive soils are used in fill, they should be placed a 111inimum of 2.5 feet below proposed finished pad grade. Tile minimum horizont al extent of this recomme ndation s hould include the area within a perimeter of 5 feet outside each proposed structure. If the expansive soils are not removed as reconnnended above, a specially de s i gned foundation system will be necessary. Such a foundation sys tem should be deter111ined after the grading of each l ot has been completed and the extent of e xpansive soils can be determined. Earthwork: Al l earthwork and grading contempl ated for s ite prepa1·ation should be accomplished in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications and Special Provisions. /\11 special site preparation reco111111endati ons presented in the sections above will supersede those in the standard Recornmended Grad"ing Speci fications . All embankments, s tructural fi 11 and fil 1 should be compacted to a mi ni111um of 90%. Utility trench backfill within 5 feet of the proposed structures and SO UTHERN CALIFORNIA SO IL AND TESTING, INC . • ' I ' • . .. • • .. • SCS&T 13530 Dece111ber 3, 1979 Page Seven beneath asphalt pavements should be co111pactcd to a 111inirnum of 90X of its 111axi111um dry density. The 111axi111um dry density of each soil type should be determined in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method 1557-?0T, Method A or C. Foundations General: Conventional spread footings founded in nonexpansive soil, are reconunended for the support of the proposed s true ture. Conventional spread footings should be founded a minirnu111 of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finish grade for one story structures and should have a minimum width of 12 inches . Spread footings may be designed for an allowable soi l bearing pressure of 2000 pounds per square foot. Adjacent footings founded at different bearing levels should be so located that the slope from bearing level to bearing level is flatter than one horizontal to one vertical. It is reco111111ended that footings not be founded neurer than five feet measured horizontally inward from the fuce of the existing slope . Lateral Resistance: Resistance to lateral l oads may be provided by friction at the base of the footing and by passive pressure against the adjacent soil. For conc rete footings on compacted soil, a coe fficient of friction of 0.40 111ay be used . For calculating passive pressure, and equivalent fluid unit weight of 238 pounds per cubic foot may be used. Passive pressure should not exceed 2400 pound s per square foot. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the latter should be reduced by one-third . Settlement Cha ract eris tics: The anticipated total and/or differential settlements for the proposed structure may be considered to be within tolerable limits provided the reco1rnnendations presented in this report a re fo 11 owed . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA S OIL AND TE S TING , INC, , ' ' ' " • • ., - SCS&T 13530 December 3, 1979 Slope Stability The cut and fill slopes constructed from the native on-site materials will be stable with relation to deep-seated failures if constructed at or flatter than the following recommended slope ratios expressed in horizontal to vertical units for the indi cated heights: Cut Slopes to 35 Feet in Height: 2:1 Fill Slopes to 35 Feet in Height: 2:1 Page Eight The above rnaxi111u111 heights were deternlined by using a factor of safety of 1.5. It is a·lso recommended that footings not be founded nearer than five feet measured horizontally inward from the face of the slopes. Slopes should be planted with erosion resisting plants and natural drainage should be directed away from the top of all slopes. Ice plants should not be used on fill slopes. LIMITATIONS The recommendations and opinions expressed in this report reflect our best esti mate of the project requirements based on an evaluation of the subsurface soil conditi ons encountered at the subsurface exploration locations and t he assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It should be recognized that the performance of the foundation and/or cut and fill slopes may be influenced by undisclosed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that may occur in the intermediate and unexplored areas. Any unusual conditions not covered in this report that may be encountered during site development should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may 111ake modifications if necessary. In addition, this office should be advised of any major changes in the project scope or proposed site SOUTHERN CAL I FORN I A SOIL AND TEST IN G, IN C. • .. • • • • • • .. - SCS&T 13530 Dece111bcr 3, 1979 Page Nine grading so that it may be deten11ined if additional inve$tigatio11 would be necessary. It should be recogn'ized that the work perfonned for this study was performed in accordance with the State-of-the-Art at the ti111e of the study . FIELD EXPLORATIONS Five sub surface explorat ions were made at the locations indicated on the attached Plate Number 1 on November 16, 1979. These explorations consisted of trenches-dug by means of~ backhoe. The field work was conducted under the observation of our engineering geology personnel . Th_e explorations were carefully logged when made. These logs are presented on the following Plate Number 4 through 8. The soils are described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System as illustrated on the attached simplified chart. In addition, a verbal textural desc ription, the wet color, the apparent moisture and the density or consistency are given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense. The consistency of sil ts or cl ays are given as e ither very soft, soft, mediu111 sti ff , stiff, very stiff, or hard . Uisturbed and undisturbed samples of typical and representative soils were obtained a11d returned to the laboratory for testing . LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with the generally accepted ~nerican Society for Testing and Materials (A .S.T.M.) test methods or suggested procedures. A brief description of the tests performed i s presented below: a) Mo ·isture-Density: Fie l d moisture content and dry density were deternlined for representative undisturbed samp l e obtained. Th is informati on was an aid to classification and pen11itted SO U THERN CAL I FOR NIA SO IL AND T ESTING, I NC . , ' ... I • • • > • SCS&?~ 13530 De cembe r 3, 1979 Page Ten recognition of variations in material consistency with depth. The dry unit weight is determined in pounds per cubic foot, and the field moisture content is deten11ined as a percentage of the soil's dry weight. The results are su111111ari zed in the trench logs. b) Classification: Field class ifications were verified in .the l aboratory by visual examination. The final soil class ifica tions are in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Sys tem. c) Direct Shear Tes ts: Direct shear tests were perfonned t o determine the failure envelope based on yield shear strength. The shear box was designed to accomodate a sample having diameters of 2.375 inches or 2.50 inches and a hei ght of 1.0 i nch. Samples were t es ted at different vertical loads and at saturated mo i sture content. The shear stress was app li ed at a constant rate of strain of approximate ly 0.05 inches per minute. The results of these tests are presented on attached Plate No. 9 . d) Expu nsion Tests: The expansive potential of c layey soils was determined i n accordance with one of the followi ng test procedur es and t he results of these tests appea r on Plate No. 9 . Allow the trimmed, undi sturbed or remolded samp le to air dry to a constant moisture con t ent, at a t emperature of 100 degrees F. Place the d)'.'ied sample in the co nsolidometer and al low to compress un der a load of 150 psf. Allow moisture to contact the sample and measure i ts expansion from an air dried to saturated co ndition • SO U THERN CA LI FORN IA SOIL AND TEST ING , IN C . • • , • • • • • ----------------------···---- R.. 4 IV I I ', . \ \ \ ' , I \ . i i ', ' ,,.~ ~ ~ ......_,, ~·. \\ ' \ I I ·, \ 0 . ' \ \ ,\ ·' I ', '. \ ,., .. , \ ·, .., I \ , ! \ ,'· I I \ \ ·, ... . \_ \ ,e:, 4 /(/ l/lC/A.//TY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING , INC. tlliZOO RIVERDALE l!!JTREET BAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA IIR'lll!O .1\ / 33 . . i.;. r-r 1 '!.. ·. ,Ii. ,.11 l BA' JQU I'fOS / .. --~:,,,.~-- ··/" ... (' . ..-. _,,.......__ .·\ <X.,/..Q:l,(_/ /107.e.e,;~ /?( /SS/O/V LAU.CCL r,e;ec LAA./C... c:.::1.EI 56-21.D ,1 C-dL/ r . • • • • • - • • • ·• {'/ I I I I '---j SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING-, INC. IUl'BO RIVIERCALIE BTRIEl!T !SAN Cll!OO, CALIFORNIA IIR'IRO TRENCII LOC/\TIONS I ' ~ll-~---1 I BY Sudan Interior Mission Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, Ca li forn i a JC DATE ■ 11 -20-?CJ JOB NO. 13530 Pla t e No. 2 i • I I ) • I ) • , • .. • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING , INC. •••o AIV■RDAL■ •TAll■T •AN 01■00, CALl,-OANIA .e,eo SO IL TYPES BY Sudan Interior Mission Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, California DATE 11-30-79 JOB NO. 13530 Pl ate No . 3 • • • • • .. • • - ,---------------------···---------------·---·-- 0 CL/\SS . . 1 . . , , Stl . THENCH NUMl3ER ONE DESCRIPTION ~rown, Humid to Moist, Loose to Dense, Slightly Clayey, Silty Sand 2-t-.,,_,.....r....+--J----------------- . ... 3· ... 4 ·. · ... 5 .. 6 7 ... SP Yellow Brown, Humid to Moist, Very Dense, Poorly Graded Sand (Santiago Formation) Excav a tion Diffi cult a.__ __ __,_ _____________ _ BOTTOM y M 11 3.3 6.9 116. 3 7. [3 FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING., INC. l!IRl'IO RIVEROALE BTRF.ET BAN 011!00, CALIFORNIA 811111!0 Sudan Interior Mission Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, California BY ArB JOB NO. 135 30 DATE 11 -16-79 Pl ate No . 4 • I ! • - • • • • • • .. - TRENCH NUMBER TWO Brown , llu111 id to Moi st , Lo ose Clayey Sand 1 2 ,14.:.,...c;..,+---t------- Ye l l ow Brown, Moist , Very Den se, Si lty Sand (Santiago Fonnation) 3 4 5 ..,&.;..J...i,.;.4--_.._ _____________ _ 6 7 8 9 SP Gr ay , Moi st, Very De nse , Poorly Graded $and Excavation Difficult 10.,__-"--__.. _____________ _ BOTTOM y M 111 . 4 9.5 roR LEGE ND SEE PLATE NO . 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING ; INC. aaao RIVEROALE 8TREET BAN 011!00, CALIFORNIA IIR'1RO BY Sudan Interior Mi ssion La urel Tree Lane Car l sbad , California Arn DATE 11-16-79 JOB NO. 13530 Plate No. 5 • , • • • • .. • • 0 CL/\SS 1 • . . . SP -.. 2· ... TRENCH NUMBER THREE DES CR I rTJON Loose Fill or Hi ghly Disturbed Soi l Gray , Moi st , Very Dense, Poor l y Grade d Sand (Santiago Formation) 3..__ __________________ _ BOTTOM roR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO. 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING·, INC. 91180 RIVERCALE BTREET BAN Cll!OC, CALIFORNIA ■R1RQ BY Sudan Interior Mission Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, California AFB DATE 11 -1 6-79 JOB NO. 13530 Plate No. 6 ' .. , • • • .. • 1 2 4 5 TRENCH NUMBER FOUR y SC Brown, Humid to Moist, Loose to Medium Dense, Clayey Sand 112.5 SP Gray, Moi st , Very Dense, Poorly Graded Sand (Santiago Formation) M 14.8 F.scavatinn Difficult 6----------------------BOTTOM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING-, INC. ease RIVERDALE STREET BAN 011!00, CALIFORNIA 1111180 FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO . 8 Sudan Interior Mission Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, California BY AFB DATE 11-16-79 JOB NO. 13530 Plate No. 7 • • • • • - • .. • TRENCH NUMBER FIVE y M SC Brown, Hulllid t o Mois t , Loose t o Med ium Dense, 1 Clayey Sand 11 2.7 6.8 2 Dense 11 4. 7 6. 1 3 SP Lave nder to Tan, Mois t , Very Dense, Poorly 4 Graded Sand 5 (Santi ago Fonnation) LEGEND: ~ Sa111rle Location y Natura 1 Dry Density (pcf) M Natural Mo i sture Content(% of Y) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING·• INC. llllB0 RIVERDALE STR EET S AN 0 11!:0 0, C ALIIOOANIA llll1R0 BY Sudan In ter ior Mission Laurel Tr ee Lane Carlsbad, Ca l iforni a AFB DATE JOB NO. 11-16-79 13530 Plate No. 8 • DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULT S ·,. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ·Angle of Cohesion internal interce pt lrict ion ( 0 ) (psf) T2 @2Q Undi sturbed 31 150 , T 4 @ l 5 Undisturbed 30 700 - .. EX PANS JON TEST RESULTS • SAMPLE T 2 @ l O T 4 @ 0 ~ CONDITION Undi sturbed Und l StU rbed Air-Dried /\i r-Dried INITIAL M.C.(°lo) 1.8 2. l I • ·- INIT IAL DENSITY0>CF "11 l .4 11 2. 5 FINAL M.C. (~/a) 22 .6 25 .7 -- NORMAL STRESS (PSF 150 150 EXPANS lON (0 /.) 9.6 15.0 • • .. ' ~ l SOUTHERN CALlf:ORNIA Sudan Interior Mission SOIL & TESTING LAB, INC. Laurel Tree La ne "RB O RIVE RCALE STR EET Carlsbad , California BAN CIEOO, CALIFORNIA llli!11i!O -.. BY AFl3 DATE 12-3-79 I JOB NO. 11c;1n PlatP Nn. 9 • • • • • • • • - • Appendix A~ Page One December 3, 1979 SCS&T 13 530 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -GENERAL PROVISIONS GENERAL INTENT The intent of these specifications is to establish procedures for clearing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled and placing and compacting fill soils to the lines and grades show~ on the accepted plans. The recommendations contained in the preliminary soil investigation report and/or the attached Special Provisions are a part of the Recommended Grading Specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. INSPECTION AND TESTING A qualified soil engineer shall be employed to inspect and test the earthwork in accordance with these specifications. It will be necessary that the soil engineer or his representa- tive provide adequate inspection so that he may certify that the work was or was not accomplished as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to keep him appraised of work schedules, changes and new information and data so that he may make these certifications. If, in the opinion of the soil engineer, substandard condi- tions are encountered, such as questionable soil, poor moisture content, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., he will be empowered to either stop construction until the conditions are remedied or corrected or recommend rejection of the work. Soil tests used to determine the degree of compaction will be performed in accordance with the following American • • • • • .. • • - • Appendix A, Page Two Dec~nber 3, 1979 SCS&T 13530 Society for Testing and Materials test methods: Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content -A.S.T.M . D -1557 -70. Density of Soil In-Place -A.S.T.M. D -1556 -64. PREPARATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL All vegatation, brush and debris shall be removed, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of. After clearing, the natural ground shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture content, compacted and tested for the 'minimum density specified in the Special Provisions or the recommendation contained in the preliminary soil investigation report . When the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% (5 horizontal units to 1 vertical unit), the original ground shall be stepped or benched. Benches shall be cut to a firm competent soil condition. The lower bench shall be at least 10 feet wide and all other benches at least 6 feet wide. The liorizontal portion of each bench shall be compacted prior to receiving fill as specified herein before for compacted natural ground. Ground slopes flatter than 20% shall be benched when considered necessary by the soil engineer . FILL MATERIAL Materials placed in the fili shall be approved by the soil engineer and shall be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. Granular soil shall contain sufficient fine material to fil£ the voids. The definition and disposition of oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrimental soils are covered in the Special Provisions. Expansive soils, soils of poor gradation or strength characteristics may be thoroughly ) ) Appendix A, Page Three December 3, 1979 SCS&T 13530 mixed with other soils to provide satisfactory fill material, but only with the explicit consent of the soil engineer. PLACING AND COMPACTION OF FILL Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to . . receive fill in layers not to exceed 6 inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compaction effort to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly compacted to a minimum specified density with adequately sized equipment, either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability. The minimum degree of compaction to be achieved is specified in either the Special Provisions or the recommendations contained in the prelimirnary soil investigation report. Field tests and inspections to check the degree of compaction of the fill will be taken by the soil engineer or his representative. The location and frequency of the tests shall be at the soil engineer's discretion. In general, the density tests will be made at an interval not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 500 cubic yards of embankment. SEASON LIMITS Fill shall not be placed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until the proper moisture content and density of the fill has been achieved. Damage resulting from weather shall be repaired before acceptance of work. • .. , - • I , • .. Appendix A, Page Four Decernber 3, 1979 SCS&T 13530 UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS In the event that conditions are encountered during the site preparations and construction that were not encountered during the preliminary soil investigation, Southern Cijlifornia Soil & Testing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for conditions encountered whicl1 differ from those conditions found and describeJ in the preliminary soil investigation. RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS The minimum degree of compaction to be obtained in compacting natural ground, in the compacted fill, and in the compacted ba ck[ il 1 shall be 9 0 percent. De trime ntally e xpansive soil is defined as soil which will swell more t h an 3 percent against a pressure of 150 pounds pe r square foot from a condition of 90 percent of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content to saturation. OversiZE.!<l fill material is defined as rocks or lumps over 6 inc h e s in diameter. l\t least 40 percent of the fill soils shall pass through a No. 4 U.S. Standard Sieve. Transition Lots: Where transitions between cut and fill occur within the propose d building pad , the cut portion should L,e umlercut u minimum of one foot below the base of the proposet.l footings and recompacted as structural backfill . ' • .. • • - ,,.) \, , I I I J UNIFIED SOIL Cl.J\SSIFICJ\TION CHART SOIL DESCIU PTION GROUP SYMBOL 1. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve'size. GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS GW More than half of coarse fraction is large r than No. 4 GP sieve size but smaller than 3". GRAVELS WITH FINES GM (Appreciable amount of fines) GC SANDS CLEAN SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size. SANDS ~·JITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fin e s) 11. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No . 200 s i e ve size . SILTS AND CLAYS Liqu id Limit l ess than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liqu i d Limit g r eut e r th.:in ~O IIIGIILY ORGANIC SOILS SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH Cll OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded 9ravels, grave l - sand mixtures, little or n o fines. Poorly graded gravels, grav• sand mixtures, little or n o fine s. :· Silty gravels, poorly grade1 gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures . Well graded sand,gravP-l ly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded sands,gravell, sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silt mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly g raded sand and clay mixtures . Inorganic silts an<l very fine sands, rock flour, sar, silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plasl· icity Inorganic cla ys of low to medium plasticity,qravelly clays, sandy clays ,silty clays, lea n clays . Organic silts and org~nic silty clays of law plastici Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomace ous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 'I'ESTING Ll\.DORATORY