HomeMy WebLinkAbout1442 SWEETBRIAR CIR | 1444 SWEETBRIAR CIR; ; 81-388-5; Permit~ ti 13 ,., /I -;_ J ..,,_. DI her~ ,.., that l"•m llcene.ed under ~ prOYlslons of l;napter 9 (commencing with 1-[ Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business ~ and Professions Code, and my license Is In c full force and effect. ~ Lie No _______ Class ____ _ 0 u C "' 0 ... 5 ~ "' z ~ 0 I hereby atfrrm that I ..,, exempt from the Con- ~~~-8~!~,:'; ~-~~t~'::1~~~~~ county which requires a penn11 to cons1ruc1 altet', improve, demohsh, or repair any struc1ure, p<1or to lls issuance also requires the applicant f()( such penn1t to hie a signed statement that he iS tecensed pursuant to the provIst0ns ol the Con· tractor"s License Uw (Chapter 9 commencing with Sechon 7000 of 01v1st0n 3 of the Business and Pro-tus,ons Code) or that ,s exempt therefrom and lhe basis for the alleged ex:emptt<>n Any vt0lahon of Sechon 7031 5 by an apphcant tor a permit subtects tne apphcant to a c1v11 penalty of not more than t,ve hundred dollars (S500). O I, as owner of the p,opeftY, or my employees •1th wages as their sole compensat,on, w,11 do the WOl't(, and the structure Is not intended Of offered for sale (Sec 70'4, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's Lteense Law does not apply to an owner of p,operty who builds or improves the<eon and who dOeS such work himself or through h1s own employees, provided lhat such Improveme.its are not Intende1 or offered tor sale If, however, the bu1ld1ng or improvement 1s sold wtthm one year of comple11on. the owner-t>u1lder will nave the burden UV .. .,,, .... , u,,., I .... vy_r• -1 n .. VV ,...,,.,._ . . ,..., ...... -·-···· •• -• ·--......... -····· .. •• ·-·· ............ -· ···------------··,r ----······----· CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT I L \1 APPLICATION & PERMIT \: ... JI 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 JOB ADORE~~ ., LI ( , LI Q~~-~~ A~;_T.I ~f ;~~;;;IONI BUSINESS LICENSE It 7lAZA?g PERMIT NUMBER 1 ,,, 1 s.;., r , ~ --T----l -l.1'2 --P?, ///fl~ OWNER'S NAME I OWNER'S PHONE PRIME CONT~ , / CONTRACTORS PHONE • ~/-~ Zl-~$3-~ I:::: .I\,.. ., -;-: .-,_ ., _,.,,.,, ~<.C.1/ n .A/ •f-A 3~/,,. ~D .. ~~/Cie. J%ss1~ ~.9-3.:160 r,~~x-. 0 OW"IER'S MAILING '\D0RESS CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO. Pcz;l.0.# t BLOG USE CODE ~ o.BJ(. )·Ml! {}4,e ~AA-1:> q~o.R /.__,.,,. t-.J1:,_,1~A~ -/,L>'Y,..,_ ~ (-~'is LOT I BLOCK I SUB~IVISION t.:,,_:20.:0 ::>~~ Lf 7 va DESIGNER STATE LICENSE It STAN~tf,P~?~ f .,9, fl?b ;-~A~E_ ~VI.£ ,/l&N'J57,.. r,.;,:PTION OF WORK n..1v5. ... ,, /J ~ 12.-.. d ,r.:., u,1c:;. ~ -· ,. ,<:... ""7P ✓ ~-r-r"9ESIGNER'S ADDRESS '//'7-,5~ ;(}. .;;,3/R'S PHONE 7J.aa 2,)!f'~ I c~e> :5"? .Fr .l:S./J. e.v~ ~ -5 r-.... -~~ .. ,wcco ~ F/P FLR ELEV. NO OCC GP EDU STORIES vO NO -- CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO USE I PARKING SPACE I RES UNITS I GRADING ~ERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE OCC LOAD FI RESPR AREA CONST YO ND vO NO vO NO Not Valid Unkss Machine urtifi«I Q~ ~ PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 'J-An QTY. v MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE_. .,=3 -00 SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER ' Ill z 0 .:: ot proving that ne did not build o, improve tor the purpose of sale). / □ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively I co,uracttn; with licensed contractors to construct the protect (Sec 70U, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's license Law does not apply ~~/) EACH FIXTURE TRAP' ~r--~ y INSTALL FURN. DUCTS i.JP TO 100,000 BT~ ,. -..J:J::'.r BUILDING PE.AMIT ~~LI-- C C C ... u w 0 to an owner or property who builds or improves ~~~i~~ =nc=~~!~~ ~fh~,~~~;::.: License law) D I am exempt under Sec ___ ,B&PC for this reason _ """hereby athrm that I na·.-e a cen,hcate of consen1 I ~s.elf-,nsure. or a cert1f1cale of Workers· Compensahon Insurance. or a cen1f1ed cop.,. thereof (Sec 3800. Lal>Or Code) ./ _ t z POLIC~;,£~-~7~-~ l 0 ~--· ~ ,,,,, ' .:; ~M -~~~ ) .._., i Copy IS hied Wtlh lhe c,ty ~ t f O rt1f1ed copy 1s hereby furnished s CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM l 111 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE a: (This section need not be completed 1f the permit \U Is for one hundred dollars (S100l or less) " C 0 ~ il O I cerufy that 1n lhe pertormance ol the wont tor whlCh 1h1s permit Is issued. I shall nol employ any person m any manner so as to become sub1ect to the Workers· Compensation Laws of CaMornta NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. alter makin1 this Cert1 ftcate of Exempt,oo, you should t>ecome sub1ec:t l'J the WOfk.ers· Compensation p1ov1s1ons of the Labor Code. you must fOf'lhw,th comply w11h sucn provisions or this perm11 shall be deemed ,eve>ke<I 0 l hereby affirm th.at 1here is a conslfuchon 1 1endmg agency lor the performance of the wor1t tor I which 1h,s pe1m11 1s issued tSec 3097 C1v1I Codel Lenders Name ___________ _ Lenders A.ooress ___________ · I EACH BUILDING SEWER 1-a\r) OVER 100,000 BTU-r SIGN PERMIT - 1----,.,.;.-, f .... (,,. r) ,-.EACH WATER HEATER ANO/OR VENT .. r ._-BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK ~~ ~ACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS -r.--BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3·15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE -METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL EACH INSTA~ .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST -HOOD/DUCTS MOBILE HOME WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) SOLAR -TOTI.L MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION _\ --1-fA ·-'-~ -TOTAL PLUMBING FIRE SPRINKLERS ~.oo PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE BRIDGE FEE -,,,,,...-y NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT 'BK R I /fJD '-,,,, r COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT ~ .. , 1 PH 3 PH ~ .. fr)./ STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad EX IST BLOG EA AMP/SWT/BKR -ROCK STORAGE Encinitas 1 PH 3 PH PUMP San D1eguito REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE San Marcos TEMP POLE 200 AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYS) TOTAL ELECTRICAL I TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I b4'~t/b I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERMIT AND DO HEREBY E,cp,rat1on. Every pemut ,ssued by the 8u1ld1ng Ofhc1al under the provIsIons of this * AN OSHA PEFMIT 1$ REQUIRED FOfl EXCAVATIONS bvER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by hm,tahon and become null and void If the building or work 5' O" DEEP ANO DEMOUTION OR CONSTmlCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authorized by such permit,, not commenced within 180 days from the date of such STRUCT\JR£S OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTV AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON :~~n~ 1 ~t t:~v t~~•J.~~t!~~r:~!h:~:i.~xe~~~7 r~~~16t'r:rd!.~ or STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND Acx1.TS S'3N~:~~ ~ACTOR;t\ APPi\'ED BY• __ • > 1"1/~ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE IA l 1 .J J a. GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT 7 ~ ~ ... -., ~ ';...:.;;r::-; ~ J PHONE 0 -r ~ u::: >, ol 0 a. E Q) I- I -0 0 (!) C co -~ a. a. <I'. I -"' C ii: 0 If) If) Q) If) If) <I'. I 3: .Q ai >- ,,; If) Q) 0 0 a: co <O a §: Q) 0 C co C u::: C Q) Q) C, 0 0 Q) a. If) C ~ .s::. ~ -...,-,,,,_-:,,, i . INSPECTOR ·-' . INSPECTION TYPE DATE -8'1-~~ -·::: . ~-I BUILDING t FIELD INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATION 'j f . REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES REINFORCED STEEL ' INSPECTOR'S INSPECTION REQ IF DATE MASONRY , CHECKED APPROVAL . GUNITE OR GROUT I SOILS COMPLIANCE FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME ; PRIOR TO I FOUNDATION INSP SHEATHING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FRAME I OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION CONCRETE __.t INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL~,.,~~ POST TENSIONED , 1 CONCRETE r-, PLUMBING 5-~~j'jl FIELD WELDING SEWER AND BL/CO i HIGH STRENGTH I BOLTS . . PLUMBING UNDERGROUND I PLUMBING TOP OUT SPECIAL MASONRY ,-., ,.\ . . TUB AND $HOWER PAN I I GAS TEST I PILES CAISSONS ELECTRICAL I TEMPORARY POWER , ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND .. -- ROUGH ELECTRIC C .. ""-· . . ELECTRIC SERVICE ,. ,---'~ ·--. ~ A I ·-BONDING '-' . G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR . MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTH1S . -- \· -. '""' ,--.:.·· VENTILATING SYSTEMS ,.. -~- CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WIEN ALL APPROPRIATE . , ,.. . -· r, .-~ ~ ~ ITEMS ABOVE HAVE SEEN APPROVED. \b)j-,.. ~ . . ' ' . ).. '(\'~ ~~ ' ~ -' ' ,: JOB SITE FINAL -' IV,' ._ "_W'\ ,. ' PLUMBING '' \•7' . ' ELECTRICAL . ,. -. ~ . MECHANICAL -.. GAS -•.. . > -. ---. -BUILDING -... , SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,~ fl-_ -CE~OF OCCUP "-Y ISSUED -("~ .... _) r--I .,, z 0 ~ a: C .. 0 w 0 ti ~[ C C ... z 8 C Ill Q .. 5 I Ill z ~ z 0 ;:: ~ z w ... :IE 0 0 .,, ic w "" a: i ![ 0 I hereby •fflrmihat I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Dl•lolon 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license Is In lull force and effect . Lie No _______ Class _____ _ I hefoby •fflrm that I .,, exempt from the Con· ~~~-~~;~:= ~ ~~f~~:~~~~I~ county which requires a permit to conslNCt alter, 1mproi,e, demohsh, or repair any structure. poor to its tssuance also requires the appheanl f04' such pemut to flle a signed statement thlt he •s hcensed pursuant to the prov1s1ons of the Con- tractOf's License Uw (Chapter 9 commencing with SecttOn JOCK) of 01v1s1or1 3 or the Business and Pro-fessions Code) or that •s exempt therefrom and the basis for the illleged exemptt00 Any vt<>tahon of Section 7031.5 by an applicant for a. permit subjeCIS tne apphCMt to a c,v.1 penalty of not more than t,ve hundred doHars ($500) 0 I, as owner ot the property, Of my employees .. ,1h wages as theu sole compensation, wilt do the wo,tt, and the structure 1s not intended or offered fOf sale (Sec 7044, Business and Protess,ol'\S Code The Contractor's License L1w does not apply to an owner of property who bt.J1lds or improves !hereon and who does such work himself or through tus own empl0yees. provided that such improvements are not mtende1 or offered for sale 11, however, the building or improvement 1s sold within one yea, of comp~hon, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose ot sale) . C I. as owner of the property, am e11;clus1vely contraclmi with licensed contractOfs to construct the pro}8Ct (Sec 7044, Business an<l Pr"ofess1ons Code. The Contractor's license L1w does not apply to an owner of property who bo1lds or improves thereon. and who contracts tor each proJects with a contractOf(s) license pursuant to the ContractOl''s License Law~ 0 lomexemplunderSec ____ ,B &P.C tor ttus reason _ □ I hereby aff,rm 11'\al I haile a cen1hca1e of consen1 10 self-insure. or a cert1f1cate al Workers· Compensation Insurance. or a cen1f1ed copy thereof (Sec 3800. ubor Code) POLICY NO _______ _ COMPANY D Copy ,s hied with the city □ Cert1fted copy 1s hereby furnished CERTIFICA Tl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be compteted 11 the perm,t 1s tor one hundred dollars ($100) or less)_ O I certify that In the performance ot lhe work fOf which th,s permit 1s issued. I Shall not employ any person 1n any manner so as 10 become subIec1 10 the Workers· Compensation Laws of ca111orn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. after makin~ tn1s Cert, hcate of Exemption. you should beCome subIect I':> lhe Workers' Compensation provisions of the LabOr Code. you mus! forthwith comply with such prov1s1oos o, lh1s permo shall be deemed reVOked 0 I hereby athrm !hat there 1s a cons1ructIon Iend1ng aoency t0r the performance of the worK tor wn,ch this perm,t 1s issued {Sec 3097. C1v1I Code) Lenders Name ___________ _ Lendef'S AOdress __________ _ .......... _ ....... 0 ........ I .... c ,•..,. • n•Y¥ ,or-.n-. . . ~-c_y ---. -.. .. -- CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (71 4) 438-5525 JOB ADDRESS G/4Cl...1-5:- AV, ST. OATE OF APPLICATION' BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER 1;f #c2. -1 t/-1/,c./ &~a.rr&/e1A. ~ RD. OWNER'S NAME /~ <c4.JCA] ~~p~E;;o;,~ PRIME CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE # ZONE &1/-.sff.€' ~JAi>'¥ / 1 1£ 'I l'o ~ .;z,In_ o,,R·s MAl~ADORESS r::~z;:;;__ ~a LICENSE NO. PLAN I.D. # BLOG use COOE .If). ·~ /~,R ~ LOT BLOCi< I SUBDIV15"0N l ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. OESIGNER STATE LICENSE # STANOARO PLAN# BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE OESCRIPTION Of WORi< DESIGNER'S AODRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE ~,-C,!4"----~ --·-F/P FLA ELEV. NO OCC GP EDU If/ I 2 /8 I28I1 ' STORIES i. 7' ')[ vO NO -- CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO USE I PARl(ING SPACE I RES UNITS I GRAOING f'.ERMIT ISSUED I REOEVELOPMENT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPA AREA CONST vo N 0 vO NO vO NO Not Valid Unltss M.chine Certifitd QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE 7,,tt:;'() QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE c.~-n11 SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100,000 BTU .1, SIGN PERMIT EACH WATER HEATER ANO/OR VENT BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP ,. .'}J' , . , lf'LAN CHECK r _\ EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP \' \V ,1,. I. TOTALPLUMBING v ., ,1 ,:{ f'J/y9/,,yJ (-.~) EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 0 R MORE METAL FIREPLACE ,.v DIP/ . .I' ELECTRICAL , , r -~ (/"(/'- EACH INSTA~ .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT r w v' MECHANICAL EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST -HOOD/DUCTS ~~ .I ~'! MOBILEHOME WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FU RNACEIHEA TE R 1 ... VI, "·-\I. MOBILEHOME PARK INSP EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) I t<. r SOLAR T0Tt.L MECHANICAL 1.~ V , Iv-STRONG MOTION TOT AL PLUMBING --·r -I I I · FIRE SPRINKLERS :::J . ()1) SOLAR · ISSUE / (~ .\.-~ A n PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT · ISSUE QTY. ~ BRIDGE FEE / NEW CONST EA AMPISWT/BKR /c>-15_!--,("?'}~ COLLECTORS ~ I w• al V '" SCHOOL FEE • Dll!TRICT . 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS r l) (fl . Carl EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT /BKR ROCK STORAGE J I /IJ/ ,.,II' ~ 1 as 1 PH 3 PH PUMP "Hr ,.,, IJ r. ,J./ an Dieguilo REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE p 't h San Marcos TEMP POLE 200 AMPS I~ I \.I I ~)VY OVER 200 AMPS V / JI JI,, (" t' '; .... -~- -,. TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI .1/ <,.Jj:. ·-~ : =-:-r \ ---;.;. r .,..1C -· -1M. TOTAL ELECTRICAL 1 -~/.~ -' TOTAL SOLAR ;f \ TOTAL FEES PAYABLE ,,-4'7~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERMIT'· AND DO HEREBY Expiration E.ery perm,t issued by the Bu1ld1ng Official under the prov,s,ons of th,s * .t.H OSH.t. PERMIT tS REQUlflED FOA EXCAV.t.TIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall exp<re by hm,tat,on and become null and void II the building or work S' O" DEEP .t.HO DEMOLITION QA CONSTRUCTION ~ DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such STRUCTURES OVER 3 STOfllES IN HEIGHT permit. or ,t the buIld1~ or work authorized by sue~~'!'~• su~nded or ISSUED. TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-abandoned at anv trme • er the work 1s commenced for a r of 1 davA STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE • ow~ CONTRACTOR D APPROVED BY {ll/"' KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND . # EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE BY PHONE 0 GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT . ~ u: >-ro 0 0. E Q) ~ I "'O 0 c., c "' -~ 0. .a. -< I .:£ C a: 0 "' "' Q) "' "' <{ I 3: .Q <ii >- vi "' Q) 0 0 a: "' 'lii Cl ~ Q) 0 C tU C IL ~ C Q) ~ c., 0 0 Q) 0. "' C ~ .s:: ~ INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR .. ·---_, BUILDING FOUNDATION ' REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT ' FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I SHEATHING FRAME -iC 1..r \\r St---~- EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION lfL ·===~.,4-~ ---I.,~ - INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING I . SEWER AND BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND I PLUMBING TOP OUT I '. TUB AND !?HOWER PAN GAS TEST I ELECTRICAL I I TEMPORARY POWER l I ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ; ~ I ELECTRIC SERVICE ' BONDING A I G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR. MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. JOB SITE FINAL ... . PLUMBIN.G ELECTRICAL ' MECHANICAL GAS ..-- BUILDING ~E.CIAL CONDITIONS ~PANr,v ISSUED ' 0 ' ,.,1,_. 'Ql;~w-6 FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTOR'S DATE ~~--use-~~~ ~ Ct , .... \.,. ::["\ -~DtJJ "tO CHECKED APPROVAL l.)~ ~ ~, -~--· aBI ~ nJ~ufi SOILS COMPLIANCE ~ PRIOR TO ' FOUNDATION INSP ~T\I\~~ ~ ~~6'. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI --PRESTRESSED -. ,,:,, CONCRETE . POST TENSIONED "':~ ., CONCRETE ' ' FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH ' BOLTS r - SPECIAL MASONRY I PILES CAISSONS . ~ -I . - •. ·-·· - , . I - ,c; -C ,. "~ . ~ .• -~ -' ~ ' . -- ... ' ... "' z 0 ~ a: C _, 0 ... 0 .: -~[ ~ ~ z 0 0 a: "' 0 _, :i I "' z 3 0 z 0 ~ "' z ... IL :I 0 0 "' a: ... "' a: 0 3 ![ .. ~ D I hereby afiiu " that I am licensed under provisions 01 Ch•'Oter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Ditv1slon 3 of the Business and Professions e, and my llcensa Is In full fo,ca and effect. lie No _____ _,r Class ______ _ I ~reby affirm that I ~:IT1 exempt from the Con tract0< s License Law fOf t~. following reason (Sec 7031 t; Business and ProtesS.tOns Code: Any c,ty or county wh.ch requires a PM-.m,t to construct alter. improve, ~1sh. or ':aoaar any struc1u,e, prtOf" to ,ts 1s~e also n,qu,rt;.;,s ~ appttcanl tor such penrut to hie a s,oned statime,,W. that he 1s ltcensed pursuant to the Pf0Y1s1ons of l,. ':wt Con- tractor's Ucense Law (Chapter 9 commenc,,-.-~ with Section 7tXX> of 01v1s1on 3 ot the Business ar•· .. Pro fessK>t1S Code) or that ,s exempt lhetefrom I"' . , b,as,s tor the allf)Qed exempttOn Any v~&hOf'l b~ 56ctton 7031 5 by an apphcant tor a permit sut>tects tne appltCAnt to a c1v,1 penalty of not more than l1ve hundred doUars ($500) 0 I. as owner ol the property, or my emplo,f- .. uh wages as their sole compenSilltion, will ck> the WOl'k. and the structure 1s not intended Of offered for sate (Sec 70,4,,l, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who doeS such w()O( himself or througt-his own emptoyees. prOY1ded that such ,mpro..-eme;its .,.. not intende1 °' offered for saJe If. however the bu1ld1ng Of 1mpr0Yemenl 1s sold within one year of completion, the owner•bu1lder w,11 have the bun:ktf'I of proving that he did not bu•ld or ,mprove tOf the purposa ol sale). □ t, as owner of the propeny, am e•clus,vely cootract1nSl with licensed contractors to construct the p,oiect (Sec 704,t, Business and Pfofes.s.ons Code The Contractor's License Law does not "PPIY to an owner of property who builds Of imprOll'fl ~r:~i~~ t~ncsc:1;~!~!~ ~~f ~,~~~;::-: License Law) 0 I am exempt undef Sec ______ B & PC torth,s reason ________ _ O I hereby affirm that I have a cert1f1cate of consent to self-insure, or a cer11f1cate of Woric;ers· Compensation Insurance. or a cert1f1ed copy thereol (Sec 3800. Lat>or Code) POLICYNO _ COM~Y -- l;r""Copy IS hied with the city □ Cert1t1ed CoPY IS hereby furnished CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS" COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This sectton need not be completed 11 the perm11 ,s tOf one hundred dollaJS ($1001 01' less) O I certify that 1n. the perlormance ol 1he woo lo, which th,s permit 1s issued. I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as 10 become subJeCI to the Workers· Compensation Laws of California NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. after mak1n1 tt11s Cert• hcate ot Exemption. you should become sub1ec1 I? the Wor1(ers' Compensation prov1s,ons of the LabOf Code. you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permn shall be deemed revoiiled O I hereby affirm lhal ltlere ,s a cons1rnc1ton 1en<21ng agency tor the performance ot !he work fo• which this permn 1s ,ssued ISec "JIJ97 C1v1I Code) LenoersName ___________ _ Lenders Address __________ _ • U;)lt D"L.L r-u1n1 r-Ln Y ~• QI In ... ..,..,"'"'"---, ,-.,. . -. ·--. -. -. ------- ) CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT u . APPLICATION & PERMIT -1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 ;OB ADORES$ a A~-i _T.li¼ ii7TIONI BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER l/t/1/ol.-1'4/~~5;37~~ "2~ OWNER'S NA~ n... w~OWNER'S PHONE PRIME coNTrAc-r,cR brJl(.,,l]}; CONTRACTORS PHONE • ZONE t(--3 ff-.5't: , &i.o,tJ,,A,, _.L,,;[,--/ e> ~ /,LS.C..10M' -~ l v l<JJ~;..t~4k J.s.J,o~ ~l;-: 1'N::DDR;~/? R {£,1-e~.:s, AJ().O CONTRACTOR'S AODRESS LICENSE NO. PLAN I.Q. # BLOG USE CODE ,T BLOCK I su001_yl's10N I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. DESIGNER ST A TE LICENSE # STANOARO PLAN# BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF WORK DESIGNER'S ADDRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE -'ii_p~ B /Ma__ -----~ -------F/P FLA ELEV. NO OCCGP EDU 11/05/612:31!, l.i9 .::i , STORIES vO NO CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO USE I PARKING SPACE I RES UNITS I GRAOING ~ERMIT ISSUED I REOEVELOPMENT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPA AREA CONST YO N 0 vO NO YO NO Not Vil/id Un~r Machine ~rtifi«J QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE r S'!.-QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER /o EACH FIXTURE TRAP .,...,~ INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TD 100,000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT / EACH BUILDING SEWER (i_ .So OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT v EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT e--:rv BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK -:v EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS r.vv BOILER/COMPRESSOR 315 HP TOTAL PLUMBING ,dq~ EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 0 R MORE METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL EACH INSTA~ .• ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST -HOOD/DUCTS MOBILEHOME WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP -. EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) SOLAR --fir~ TOTAL MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION -~ ~, TOTAL PLUMBING FIRE SPRINKLERS PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT /BKR COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR ROCK STORAGE Encinilas 1 PH 3 PH PUMP . San Diegu1to REMODEL/Al TEA PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE San Marcos -- TEMP POLE 200 AMPS - OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 OAYS) --- TOTAL ELECTRICAL I-TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I L/9~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY Expiration Every permit issued by the Buildtng Official under the provIsIon1 of this * AN OSHA PERMIT IS RE0UIAED FOfl EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by ltm.itatlon and become null and void If the bulld1ng or work 5' o--DEEP ANO 0EMOUTION OR CONSTIWCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS autho,1zed by such perm,t 1s not commenced w1th1n 180 days from the date of such STRUCT\JRtS OYER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY. ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· :~~n~ '!t ~~V ~,;:•~x:~~~:r:~!h:~:1.:i.:~~~ r~~~i~t'~~~ or STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT_ l ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE • OWNER□ CONTRACTOR 0 APPROVED BY ~ fr ID71/~; KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND . EXPENSES WHICl'l MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE BY PHONE 0 GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT , 2 u::: >, cij 0 a. E Cl) I- I -.::, 0 (!) c <ll -~ 0. a. ~ I ..l< C 0:: 0 (/) (/) Cl) (/) (/) ~ I ~ _Q Q) >- (/) (/) Q) 0 0 C: <ll <ii 0 ~ Cl) 0 C <ll C u::: !:,. C Cl) Q) c'5 0 0 Q) a. (/) C ~ ~ ::l: ': INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING ! FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL - MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT ! FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME i SHEATHING FRAME Ir EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION i I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I PLUMBING I I SEWER AND BL/CO I I ' PLUMBING UNDERGROUND j PLUMBING TOP OUT TUB AND $HOWER PAN GAS TEST ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE BONDING A G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR . - MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTE~~S VENTILATING SYSTEMS -j CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT/Of." WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE wAVE BEEN APPROVED. JOB SITE fl!'NML PLUMBING ELECTRICAL • MECHANICAL i GAS i BUILDING I SPECIAL CONDITlnJNS CER.T-OF OfCUPAr-,,. v ISSUED -k ; ·() . ,. -P> b)---'3W FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REO. IF INSPECTOR 'S DATE CHECKED APPROVAL -·~ -----· SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP .. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED ,. CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH ' BOLTS --SPECIAL MASONRY ' ' PILES CAISSONS .. :.,_-;: ~ - ' i I . l t. ~ ..... .. ,. -a - ~ I '\ , •