HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 434-4L; PIP 05-04; PALOMAR FORUM LOT 4; 01-14LANDSCAPE PLANS PREPARED FOR: PALOM4R FORUM, LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT THE PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REQJ".C,LR? HATER NOTES, I. AI..L WORK SHALL !3E DONE: IN ACCOF<OANCE WITH THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL HATER DISTRICT'S "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES 4 REc5ULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RJ:C.YCLE:D HATl::R MAINS" DATE:D OCT06E:R 1"'"'!5. :2.DRINKIN(!; f'OUNTAINS SHALL ee PROTl::CTEP f'ROM SPRAY OF RECYCLE:P HATl!R. BE:ST MANAel:ME:NT PRACTICE:S SHALL ee USE!D TO MINIM!ZE RECYCLED HATER ENCMACHMENT ON PU6LIC FACIL.ITIE:S SlJCH AS PICNIC TA6LES, BBG'S PLAYeMUNDS, SAND TOT LOTS, E:TC. !5. el:ST MANMl:Ml:NT l"l'.ACTICl:S SHALL BE U!>l:P TO !!LIMINATI: OR CONTROL TO THE 61=5T 1!:XT!:NT POSSIBLE PONDINe, RUN-OFF, OVER.SPRAY, AND MISTINe. 4. HOSI= Blee ARI! STRICTL. Y PROHIBITl:D. !5. ON sire CR055-CONNl!CTIONS Bl:TIMl!:1!:N R!!CYCLl:D HATeR L.INl!:5 AND l"OTABL.I!: HATl!R LIN~ ARE 5TRICTL. Y PROHIBITED. 6. NO SUBSTITUTION O"' Pll"INS MAT!:RIAL.S HILL ee ALLOi'l!:P WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL eY THI: CARL56AD MUNICll"AL. HATER DISTRICT. 1. ALL. ONSITE PIF'l!:S SHALL HAVE: HARNINe TAF'I!: ~ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL. HATER OISTRICT'S RUL.es ANO Rl:eUL.ATIONS. *~-THI: IRR!elATION SYSTl!MS SHALL Be RUN Bl!:TIMl:l:N THI: HOUR!, OP" 10,00 l"M ANO 6,00 AM THI!: P"OL.L.OHINe MORNINe. 51"0T IRRIBATION COULD BE DONE AT A DIFFeRl:NT TIME! l'IITH GUALIP'll!:D 51.JF'ERVISION l"El'!SONNl!:L. ON SIT!:. 'I. F'ROVIDE A MINIMUM OP" AT LE!AST I~ INCHE!S OF COVE:R OVE!R ALL. HIRINe AND l"IPINe. ANO "1.EeLJL.ATIONS. 10. NON-DE:Sl<SNATl:P l.lee ARl:AS SHALL !3E PROTE!CTl!:D f'ROM CONTACT l'IITH 11.E!CYCLl:D HATE!R, l'IHETHER BY I-IINDeLOHN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPLICATION THROUeH IRRlelATION OR OTHER use. LACK OF FROT!:CTION, I-IHETHER BY DE!51<9N, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE!, OR SYSTEM Ol"ERATION IS STRICTLY PROHl61TED. II. IRRlelATION HE!ADS $1-!AL.L BE! REL.OCATEO OR AOJJSTl:D TO PREVE!NT OVER51"RAYINe SIDEI-IAL.KS, STREETS AND NON-DE!Slc9NA TED use AREAS. 1:2. R!!CYCLl:D HAT!!R GUICK COUl"L.INe VAL.V?!S SHALL ee OP" A TYl"e Dl!:SleNeD '"""-THe use ON RECYCLED HATER OISTRlel.lTION SYSTEMS (SPIKES NOT INTeRCHANeEABLE I-IITH POTABLE Y'IATE!R GUICK COL-"LER SPIKES) PER CARL.56AD MUNICIPAL I-IATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REeuLATIONS. 1!5. MeTI!~ SHALL Be SIZl:D BY THE CARL.5eAD MUNICll"AL. HATl!:R DISTRICT. 14. AL.L IRRI6ATION l"IF'l!:S SHALL BE STENCILeD l'IITH THI! HARNINe "NON-F'OTABLE:' OR "RE:CYCLl:P l"IATER", COLOR-CODED (l"URPLE) AND LAID WITH l"IARNINe TAI"!!: AND 5TENCILINe 011.11:NTEO TOY'IARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER CARLSBAD MUNICll"AL. l"IATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND RE<9UL.ATION5. 1!5. AL.I.. FO,ABLI!: HAT!!R AND RE:CYCL.E:D l"IATel'l l"IPINe !>HALL 151!: INS,AL.L.l!:D 1'111"H 1"HE: STeNCILINe ORIE:NTED TOY'IA~ THE: TOP OF THE: TRE:NCH. 16. l'IHl!:N A F'OTABLI!: 1-'!AreR LIN!!: ANO Rl!:CYCLl!:P HATl!R LIN!!: C~, THE! Rl:CYCLl!:D l"IATl:R LIN!!: SHALL Be INS,ALLED 1-'111"HIN A PR01"EC,IVI: st..eeve. THE: st..eeve SHALL E:XTEND 10 FEE:T FROM l:ACH SIDI:, FROM ,HE CeNTER LINE: OF POTABLE l'IATER LINE, FOR A ,OTAL. OF 20 FE:E,. 11. A 10 FOO, HOtlllZONTAL se!"ARATION Bl:THE:E:N FOTABI..I: Y'IAT!!R AND RE:CYCLl:D l'IA1"1:R MAINS MUST 151:: MAIN,AINl:D AT ALL 1"1MES. ,He FOTAeLe LINE MUST Bl= INSTALLl:D AeOVE: 1"HE "-1:CYCLE:D l'IA Tl!:!'{ L.INI!:. I~. A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHE:5 OF VE:R,ICAL 51:PARATION BE:Tl'll:!:N UT1Ll1"11=S MUS, eE MAIN,AINED A; ALL 1"1ME5. *l'I. THE: R!!GUIRED Cl'.05e-CONNl:C,ION SHUIDOl'IN T!:9T SHALL !91! DONE: BY TH!! CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL. Y'IA1"ER DISTRICT A!'!P. THE SAN DIE60 COUN,-Y DEPAR1"MEN1" OF ENVIRONMEN1"AL HeALTH. .:20.GUICK COL-"LINe VALV?!S USl:D IN "2!CYCLED I-IATl!R SYSi-e~ SHALL CONFORM ,o ,He l"OLLOl'IINe, SHALL HAVE: ACMe i-HREADS (SPIKE:5 NOT INTERCHANelEAl5LE l'IITH POTABLE Y'IAi-E:R 'GUICK COUPLE:R SPIKl:5) ANO PURPLe-COLORED LOCKIN6 COVE:RS PE:RMANeNTLY ATTACHED TO TH!! VALVE!. GUICK COUl"LINe VAL.VE!S SHAL.L. BE NELSON 111645, HUNTER ~IOOA-RL-NP, OR APPMVE:D eauAL. .:21. THE: ReGUIRl:D CR055-coNNE:CTION INSl"E:CTION SHALL ee DONE: eY E:ITHel'l 1"HE: CARI.SBAD MUNICIPAL HATE:R DISTRICT AND/OR COUNTY OF SAN Die.SO, DEPT. OF PUl!lLIC HEALTH. COPIES OF ,HE INSPEC,ION REPORTS HIL.L. BE FORl'IARDED TO THE NON-INSPE:CTINe PARTY. ~:2.Devi!:LOF!!I'{ SHALL SHOl'I THE LOCATION OI" "1!:CYCLeD l'IA1"1:R Sier-IS "DO NOT DRINK" ON i-HeSI: PLANS. ~,. AN ON !\!Te USE:R/SUPE:RVISOR SHALL ee DeSl<!!INATeO IN l'll'llTINe. 1"Hlt\ l"ER!DN SHALL ee l"AMILIAR 1'111"H PLI.IMBINe SYSTEMS 1-'!ITHIN ,HE PROP!aRTY, 1'111"H THE: BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOWCROSS-CONNE:CTION PROTECTION, AND THE: SPE:CIFIC RE:QUIREMENTS OF A RE:CYCLED Y'IATER SYSTEM. COPies OF THE! DESIGNATION, l'IITH CONTAC, PHONE NUMBERS, SHALL eE PROVIDE:D TO THE CARL515AD MUNICIPAL l'IATER OISTRICT ANO THE COUNTY OF SAN Die.SO, DePT. OF E:NVIRONMENT AL HeAL TH. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT, 51-1 PMPERTIE:S, LLC -LARRY HOODHAF<O f'>!5f'>-:211-i050 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT, Sl"l PMPERTIES, LL.C -LARRY l"IOODHAF<O ~5f'>-211-1050 :24. ALL l"UBLIC AND l"l'llVA,E: l"O,AeLe Y'IA1"E:fll MAINS SHALL BE SHOHN ON ,He IMl"ROVeMENT FLANS. * ITl!M NJMBeRS t,, l"I, ANO 2!' SHALL ee R!!ai.JIRl:D JUS, FRIOR TO 1"HE: AC1"UAL use 01" R!!CYCLl:D HA1"E:R. ITEM NUMBE:R 22, THE Slc9NAelE: l"LAN, SHALL 151:: A FAR, OP' THIS 1"1.Rl<SA1"10N PLAN BUT THE ACTUAL SleNS AND ,AeS HILL Be INSTALLE:D JJST PRIOR TO THE U5e OF RECYCLED l"IA"T"ER. :2!5. ON RE:CYCL.E:D l'IATl!R SYSTl!MS, ALL Al"l"URTl!NANCes (SFRINKL.eR HeAD5, VAL\/e eoxes, eTC) SHALL BE COLOl'l-CODE:D (l"URPLE) l"eR Al'll'IA OOIDELINES AND 5EC1"10N 404<1.54 OF THE: CALll"ORNIA HE:AL 1"H ANO SAFE:,-Y CODI=. • TF.SHIMA DESIGN GROUP ~ .ARCHlTECI'ORE • LAND PLANNING !lllOl BUSINESSP.AtUC. AVB. SUll'E C • SAN DIP.GO, CA 9'2131 "" ----ID-1111 100 JOB NO. 05-0ll DATB= 09-.»-0S RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM -FUTURE (PRIVATE) 0 co M N TH!! P'OLL.01-llNe elJIDE:LINE:5 f'OR THE: use OF RECYCLED Y'IATl!:11. ARI: TO ee PERMANE:NTLY 1"051"1!:D INSIDE TH!: DOOR 01" E:ACH CONi-ROLLE:R HHE:RE: ,HEY ARE: eASILY VISIBLE:. PLACE ON t,-1/2" x II" SIZE:D 5IeN. COLOR, PURPLE 6ACK<SROUNO HITH el.ACK LETTERING. SEE SHEET 2 FOR RECYCLED WATER USE MAP I. el!IDl;LINl:S FOR RECYCLED l'IATER USE, I. IRRleATE BETWeEN THE: HOURS OP' 10,00 l"M AND 6,00 AM ONLY. HATl:RIN6 OUT5IDE: OP" 1"Hl5 TIME FRA!ve MUST Be DONE MANUAL.LY Hli-H QUALIFIED SUl"l=RVISORY PERSONNEL ON SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL A, ANY ,IME Be LE:F, UNATTENDeD DURING USE OUTSIDE OF THE NORMAL 5CHEDULe. :2. IRRleATE IN A MANN!l'l 1"HA, l'IILL MINIMIZE: RUN Ol"P", l"OOL!Ne AND l"ONl?INe. i-He Al"l"LICATION AATI! SHALL NOT E:XCEEP THE: INP"IL TRATION AA1"1!: OF THI: SOIL. TIME:RS MUS, 15E ADJUSi-E:D SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE: l'IITH THE: LOl'IEST SOIL INFIL TAATION RA,E PRE5EN,. THIS PROCE:DURE: MAY Be FACIL.ITATEO BY 1"HE EFFICIENT SCHEDULINe OF THE AU1"0MATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, I-<>. !:MPLOYIN.S THE REl"EA, FUNC,ION ,O l!!l'<EAK UP THE! TOTAL IRRI.SATION TIME IN,O CYCLES THA, HILL F'ROM01"E MAXIMUM SOIL AB50Rf'l1"10N. ,. ADJUS, HE:ADS TO ELIMINATE OVER-5PRAY ONTO ARE:AS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOME:R. FOR EXAMFL.E:, POOL D!:CK5, F'RIVA,E PA,IOS AND LOTS, AND 51""1.EETS AND SIDE:l'IALKS. 4. MONITOR ANO MAINTAIN THI: SYSTl!M TO MINIMIZE E:QUl!"MeN, AND MATE:RIAL i"AILURE. 15"1.0KEN SPRINKLER HeADS, LEAKS, UNRE:LIABLE: VALVl:5, ETC. SHOULD 6E REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME Al"PARENT. 5. !!DUCAT!! ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS eASIS ON THE: PRl:SENCe OF RECYCLED Y'IATER. PERSoNNEL MUST BE INFORMED ,HAT RE:CYCL.ED l'IATeR 15 ME:ANT FOR IRRl6A1"I0N PURPOSE:S ONLY, AND 15 NOT APPROVE:D FOR ORINKIN6 PURPOSE:5, HAND, ,OOL HA5HIN6 !:TC. 61VE:N 1"HE: Hl6H TUII.NOVE:11. II.ATE: OF l:MPLOYE:ES IN THE LANDSCAPE INDUSTRY IT 15 IMPOR,AN, 1"HAT THIS INFORMATION 6E DISSEMINATED ON AN AL.MOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE: LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR, HHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR E:DUCATINe eACH AND !!:VERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. 6. OB,AIN PRIOR Al"PROVAL 01' ALL FROl"051!:P CHANeeS AND MODIP"ICATION5 TO ANY Fl'llVATe, ON-SITE FAC.ILITIE5. SUCH CHANeES MUST BE 5Ul:!MITTED TO, AND AFFROVE:D 6Y, ,HE: Dl51"RICT EN<!IINEERINe OFFICE: AND DESleNE:D IN ACCORDANCE HITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. 1. ALL "-!!CYCLED Y'IATl:R SPl'I.INKLEI'!. CONTROL VALVE:5 SHALL 151: TAOOl:D WITH IDl:NTIFICATION TMS. 0 ~ -- COURT ,,-------- PROPOSED l!IUILOING / -o•os•o. I' "ING / .-n u...., _______ ..,, ' ' W~ \ J)l I ' ' ~ Al, L I \~~\ \ I I ' \\\\'®~\\ ~\\\I I \J\11• ~ ) .... .,,., ,., A. ,AeS SHALL ee !5"><4" l'lf:A,Hel'll"ROOP" l"LAS1"1C, l"URl"LE: IN COLOR, 1-'!ITH THE: l'IORDS "HARNIN6 -ReCYCLED l'IATER -DO NO, DRINK" ON ONE SIDE ANO "AVISO - AGUA IMPUAA-NO TOMAR' ON THE! OTHE:R SIDE:. IMPRIN1"1Ne SHALL. BE PERMANENT AND eLACK IN COLOR. use T-"65 AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENi-ERPRISl:5 OR APPROVl:D EGIJAL. I ' % I \ I \ \.._\_ ...:::\-__ ;;; - B. ONE ,A6 SHALL Be ATTACHED ,o EACH VAL.VI: AS FOLL.OHS, I. ATTACH TO VALVE: STEM DIRECTLY, OR l'IITH TIE HR ... P. OR ... :2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID l'IIRE DIRE:CTL.Y OR l'IITH PLA51"1C 1"1E 1'111.AF'. OR ... ~. ATTACH TO VALVE: COVE:!'!. WITH E:XISTINe VALVE: COVER BOLT. "· ALL SPRINKL!aR HeAPS SHALL Be IDeNTIFll:D AS RE:CYCL.l:D HATER SPRINKLER HeADS. SHEET INDEX: II. EACH AUTOMA1"1C CONTROLLER ANO ITS ASSOCIATED EGUIPMEN, SHALL BE IOENTIFIED 1'111"H A 5I.sN eEARINe THE: l'IORDS "RECYCLl:D l'IATER U5e FOR IRRl<SATION" IN 1:NeLISH AND SPANISH 1'111"H BLACK LE11 ERS I l~h Hl6H ON A PURPLE BACK6ROUND. THE 516N SHALL BE PLACE:D SO THAT IT CAN BE ReADILY 51:E:N BY ANY Ol"ERATIONS PeRSONNEL USINe THE EGUIPMeNT. TITLE SHEET RECYCLED WATER USE MAP IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN INSPEGTIQN f'BQCR?IJBES, I. Cl,-Y CON51"RUCTION INSPeCTION SHALL. INCL.UDE, A. L.OCA,ION PIPE: LINES. e. i-RE:NCH DE:PTH C. REGUIRE:D 51!:P A RATION (HORZON; AL AND V?!RTICAL! t:>. PIPE IDENTIFICA1"10N e. 1"01 NTS-01"-CONNEC. TION (POC '•! F. LOCA1"10N AND IDENTIFICATION 01" 51"1'llNKLeR Hl:ADS. cS. l'IARNINe SI/SNS AT THI: SITE AND ON THE: TRUCKS HAULINe RECYCLED l'IA1"ER (IF RECYCLl:O HATER 15 USl:D FOi'!. CONSTRUC.1"ION). IRRIGATION LEGEND, EQUIPMENT LEGEND SCHEDULE IRRIGATION DETAILS IRRIGATION DETAILS IRRIGATION DETAILS AND NOTES PLANTING PLAN PLANTING PLAN AN APl"R0\/1:D LeTTER ReeARDIN6 THE: INSPECTION OF THE: PROJl:CT SHALL BE OBTAINE:D FROM THE: CITY AND DISTRICT, AND BE FORl'IARDED ;o THE: SAN DIEeo COUN,-Y DEPT. OF E:NVIRONME:NTAL HeAL1"H PRIOR ,O FINAL. INSPECTION APPROVAL. PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS II. DISTRIC, FINAL. INSPeC1"10N SHALL INCLUDE, A. COVE:RAee TESTS, AF,ER COMPLE:1"10N OF THE: SPl'llNKLER SYSTEM TO DE1"ERMINE THE ADEGUACY 01" COVERME ON THU APPROVE:D USE AREA AND PROTECTION OF AREAS NO, APPROVE:D FOR RECEIVINe RECYCLED l'IATeR. e. 1-lARNINe 51elN5 AND LABELS C. QUICK COUPLINe VALVES D. ALL ASPECTS OF THE IRRl0ATION CONDITIONS, INCL.UDIN6 HINDBLOHN SPRAY, RUNOFF AND PONDIN6. E. REQUIRED PROTE:CTION OF' ALL Rl:SIDE:NTIAL AREAS. P". REQUIR!:D PROTE:CTION OF t,,11:LLS, STREAMS, RE:SERVOIRS, ei-c. G. CROSS-CONNECTION. Ill. ANNUAL INSPE:CTION SHAL.L INCLUDE:, A COMPLE:TI: IN51"E:CTION WHICH SHAL.L COVE:R FART A, PART B, AND l"ART e 01' THE: t:>ISi-RIC,'5 FINAL INSPeCTION. Revl510NS MUST ee Al"l"ROVE:D ey PU!lLIC HeAL TH E:NelNeER, Cl,-Y PLANNIN<S DIReCTOR, AND Dl51"RICT E:NelNEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMEN,ATION IN FleLD. QHNEB 51'1 PROPERTIES, LLC '1&20 l'lll low Creek. Rd., Slute 400 5an D1<>90, CA '12121 Phone, (f'>5f'>) :211-10!50 Pl;GLARATIQN OR Bel"ON516LC GHAMe I HEREBY Dl!!CLARE THAT I _..M THE: LANDSCAl"I: ARCHITECT OF THI: 1-lORK FOR THIS Ff'tOJECT, THAT I HAVE: E:XERG-15ED R.!:SPONSIBLE CHAR61!! OVER THI!! DE:SleN 01" THI!> PROJeCT AS DeFINE:D IN SE:CTION 610!5 OF THE: BUSINESS PMFE:SSIONS CODI: AND TH!: D!:5I<9N 15 CONSISTENT l'IITH CIJRFit!:NT STANDA"-DS. I UNDl!!RSTAND THAT ,HE CHECK 01" PROJl:CT DRN'-IINeS AND 51"1:Cll"ICATIONS 6Y THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEeo COUNTY DEPAF<.TMl:NT OF eNVIMNMeNTAL Hl!!AL TH 15 CONFINE:D TO A REVIEl'I ONLY AND Does NOT ReLIEVE ME, AS LAND5CAl"I: ARCHITECT OF I-IORK, OF MY RESPON5I61L.ITIES FOR PROJl:CT DE5I6N. THESE: PL.AN5 HAVE: 61:E:N PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONl"ORMANCI: HITH THE Af'F'ROVED LANDSCAPE: CONCE:PT PLAN, l"IATl:R CONSERVATION FLAN, FIRE SUPPRE:SSION PLAN, AND ALL. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "1.EL.ATl:D TO L.ANDSC-APIN6. TOTAL SITE IS 157,737 S.F. (INCLUDING ENHANCED AREAS AT THE ENTRIES TO THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN THE 35' LANDSCAPE SETBACK AREA AND FLAT LANDSCAPE AREA ADJACENT TO THE SLOPE IN THE REAR OF THE SITE. EXCLUDING BUILDINGS.) TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA IS 58,182 S.F. 36 % OF THE TOTAL SITE IS LANDSCAPING TOTAL TURF AREA IS 4,895 S.F. TURF REPRESENTS 8 % OF TOTAL LANDSCAPE. ALL EXISTING TREES AND STREET TREES ARE PER CITY APPROVED DRAWING NUMBER 399-4L. EMPLOYEE EATING AREA THE EMPLOYEE EATING AREAS PROVIDE 2,305 S.F. OF HARDSCAPE-LANDSCAPE AREA FOR EMPLOYEE BREAKS. THE AREA INCLUDES OUTDOOR DINING, BENCHES, SET IN A BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED SPACE. TO MEET THE 300 S.F. /PER 5000S.F. BUILDING RATIO REQUIREMENT THE REMAINDER SQUARE FOOTAGE WILL BE OFFSET BY INDOOR EATING AREAS CONTAINED IN FUTURE T ENANT IMPROVEMENT. 1456 6~0/06 M AINTENANCE -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE PREPARED FOR: SW PROPERTIES, LLC 9820 Willow Creek Rd., Siute 400 San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: (858) 271-7050 PREPARED BY: TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP 9903 Businesspark Avenue, Suite C San Diego, CA 92131 858.693.8824 ..,;If.__ ____ 18'------,/L 1 N.T.S. IN ORDER TO CONSERVE WATER ... RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT DRINK NO TOME ELAGUA WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAA SIZE lb" X lb" ' .060 ASS PLASTIC, STICK-ON VINYL OR .0~2" ALUMINUM APPROVED PACIFIC OCtAN FOR AND IRRIGATION OCtANSIDE I ■ BUSINESS PARK DR, :c ■ w ■ CITY OF tNCINITAS VICINITY .MAP C NO SCALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 4 OF CARLSBAD TRACT Na. 99-(M, PALOMAR FORIJJI, IN THE CITY OF CARLSIJAO, CWNTY OF SAIi 0/EGl) STA TE: OF CALIF0/111/A, ACCORO!NG TO TH£ MAP THEREOF No. 141!3!, FILED !II TH£ omcr: OF 1/1[ COLIIITY /l[COIIN/I OF SAIi 0/EGO CWNTY, J/JNE 29, 2004 AS FILE Na 20/J.f-0608935 OF OFFICIAL ll[COROS. PROJECT LOCATION THIS PROJCCT IS LOCATED HITHI/I ASS£SSOIIS PAIICfJ. NO. 221-015-01 TH£ CAUFORNIA COORO/lvA TE: fNl)£X OF THIS PffOPERTY IS 111992 £6258 OWN£R/SUBDIV/D£R: SW PflOPERTIES, LIC 9820 111'/ow er../< llrJ., SM, 4{Jf) SM 01,qo, CA 9212! Phon,• (83B) 211-7050 CIVIL ENGINEER/LAND SURVEYOR OVA Y COi/Sill TA/ITS, !/IQ 11110 LOl(£R AVE:IIIJ£ ~ST CA/ILSIJA!J, CA 92008 (760) 9.Jf-7700 PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 "AS-BUILT " PLANTING ONLY. Sl<SNATURE OF LANDSCAPE AR.CHITE:CT LICENSE: NO. DATE: L 0 ANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY INCLUDING PRECISE F BUILDING OWNERSHIP. P.E. EXP. DATE RECYCI en WATER SIGN .---6LACK t..oeo PURPLE: BACKcSROUND 111 SLACK LC: I I EN.5 If ---36'--+-----------....Jtl'.. 1 N,T,S, -----t-----+----'-"-'-""--+------------i SIZE, 1.::2" X :36" WARNING CYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK WASH HANDS AFTEfl CONTA ING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES E USAR 2" BLACK LE:TTE:R5 .060 ASS PLASTIC, STICK-ON VINYL OR .0:32" ALUMINUM CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL ~ATER #.d/4,..0~ SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~ -e. APPROVED BY, REVIE'wED, d. ~ ~x __ zbl~ t_-'J,O~ ENNEERING PLANCHECKER DATE DISTRICT /'2,-2-/-00 DATE, 1-'3,.~ 11\ DATE INITIAL DATE, ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS . REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I SH1ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS 14 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVE°v) . / t),1, /_-12-06 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-04 434-4L '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ~ .l NOTE: PROVIDE CROSSOVER SLEEVE PER NOTE 16 ON SHEET 1, WHERE PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAIN CROSSES POTABLE WATER MAIN. NOTE: THERE ARE NO FOUNTAINS, DRINKING FOUNTAINS, POOLS OR WELLS OR PLAYGROUNDS ON SITE. NOTE: THERE ARE NO GROUND LE'il:L OR SIDE OF BUILDING AIR INTAKES. NOTE: THERE ARE NO EXISTING WELLS ON SITE. NOTE: ALL SCREENED FACILITIES ARE PER CIVIL DRA~NGS. TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP CANNOT VERIFY LOCATIONS; CONTRACTOR MUST FlELD VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATIONS. NOTE: THERE SHAUL BE NO DIRECT PIPE TO PIPE DRAINAGE FROM RECYCLED WATER TO STORM DRAIN. • TESIIlMA DESIGN GROUP lANDSCAPB ARCHl1'ECI'URE • LAND PLANNING 9903 BUSINPSSPARK AVB. SUITI! C • SAN DJBG0. CA 92131. ... _ PAll'ill!llaHlll TOO JOB NO. OS-Oil DATE: ~30--0:S POTABLE 1-'!ATER MAIN IN THE STREET RECYCLED WATER USE MAP CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL I/ATER DISTRICT w'ILLIAM E. PLUMMER R.C.E.# 28176 DATE, DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER EXP, 3/31/02 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVED BY, DATE, itJ o 10· 20' 40' ~o• SC.ALE: 1"=40'-0" North 7,\ DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION APPROVED FOR AND IRRIGATION LEcSEND B BACKFLOW PREVENTER ~ BALL VALVE 0 CD M N I ■ J: ■ w ■ C [0 1-1/2 "WATER METER (FUTURE RECYCLED) PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER -----IRRIGATION MAINLINE EXISTING RECYCLED WATER -···--IRRIGATION MAINLINE -V-POTABLE WATER MAIN IN STREET -RY-RECYCLED WATER MAIN IN STREET * "DO NOT DRINK" SIGNS ~ AREAS OF RECYCLED WATER USE ~ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 8 MASTER CONTROL VALVE .... FIRE HYDRANT • QUICK COUPLER @J CONTROLLER PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 "AS-BUILT " PLANTING ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I SH2ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ~ APPROVE[ .I /I /-/2-0G ().,, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P .I.P. 05-04 434-4L 9o/ POINT OF CONNECTION INFORMATION 1-1/2" Recycled Water Point of Connection Irrigation Meter located at Grayhawk Court -STREET STA. 12+35 HGL 660 ________ _____j Meter Elevation 433 ----- Static Pressure 98 psi Peak Flow ' : 50 gprn Controller Type Hunter Genesis Field Controller GWC-60-S f-----------1-- Stations Available 60 ---+---------- Stations Used 53 Backflow Device 2" Febco 825Y installed 80 mesh Y-strainer NOTE: Steeves on Recycled Water Mainline must extend Min. 10 feet each side of Potable Main per Note #1,!! on Sheet 1-(Typical for all Crossings) r-,~t _1 TESHIMA DESIGN GROlJP ,., -.. :·-} IANDSCAPE ARCHITECfURE • I.AND Pl.ANNING 0 / ~ ·,, 9903 BUSINESSPARK A VE. SUITE C • SAN DIEOO, CA 92131 \:,~/' ,,,._,cl PH: (as© 693-8824 FAX: ~ 69)-1182 TDG JOB NO. 05-011 DATE: 09-30--05 SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SEE SHEET 6 and 7 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEET 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS AND NOTES SEE SHEET 12 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 0 !ii' 20' LEGEND • 8 ® [Q] P.o.c Point of Connection (Water Meter) Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer Remote Control Valve Existing Remote Control Valve Quick Coupler Valve Master Control Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Controller Recycled Main Line ------------ --·------- ------ -- ·-----------· ------ ---- I .. f,\ 40' DATE INITIAL -- ------ SC.AL.£:, l"=.:20'-0 ·-· II REVISION DESCRIPTION FNCIN£CR or WORI< KEY MAP .. NOTTO SCALE PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 ' -REVISED PER DEH CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11 29-05 APPROVED 'IAS--BUILT " FOR PLANTING ~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY. ~-1/2/cry _ INCLUDING PRECISE 1°.E. EXP. ________ . DAT!: LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. RCVIEWEr BY: Pt✓L 6r-~ I-~-e, -· .. INSPECTOf, . DATl I SH3[T I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS ----------·-~------14 PLANNING OEP/IRTMENT ------. -. ----- ------·------PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM --------------CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA . APPROVED 1 7 ~2:k« ' 7' 1-0-0 ············-:22 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE OWN BY: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: . -P.1.P. 05-04 OTHER APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL RVWD BY: 434-4L ---.----- ' I \ \ \ ' \ l?'tl·) -73 ~H/!1A~~~~Wa I/ ~ 9903 BUSINES.SPARK AVE. SUITE C • SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 \(. ")f I'll' 008) .,,._ FAX• (Sl8) <l1Hl82 TOO JOB NO. 05-011 DATE: 09-30-05 SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SEE SHEET 6 and 7 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEET 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS AND NOTES SEE SHEET 12 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS ------------------------- NOTE: SEE SHEET 3 FOR ABRAV. LEGEND NOTE: SI eeveson A ecyce er amine mus I dWat M . r t extend Min. 1 o feet each side of Potable Main per Note #i 6 on Sheet l· (Typical for all Crossings) --~ -------. . . . --·------.----- ·-· •-"---- /1\ OATE INITIAi. CNG!NEFR OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ..,; KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 .,4tBUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. ~, --~z/-QJ_ INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: ft-l[ ~--~it--[ • 'l;, •Oi INSPECTOR DATF I SH4ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS "'" ------PLANNING DEPARTMENT 14 ----···· . ·--·--·-- PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM ----. --------... CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVtD /I ,I 17,;,I Ho-o7 -~-------~--- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE --------------~------ OWN BY: . ·-PROJECT No; DRAWING NO. DATE INITW. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ------,-------P.I.P. 05-04 434-4L OTHER APPROVAi. CllY APPROVAi. RVWD BY: -····· . IRRIGATION NOTES Disconnect and cap existing mainline serving landscape setbacks and slopes from existing mainline serving the right-of-way and association maintained areas. Both II] mainlines were installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Disconnect and cap at this approximate location. Verify In field prior to commencement of work. Connect existing mainline serving landscape setbacks and slopes to new mainline as indicated below in item number 10. I]] Locate mainline In planter areas 18" from the back of parking lot curb (typ.) I]] Wire Sleeve (typ). G] Locate all laterals in planter areas. @] All spray heads and rotors located within 24" car overhang shall be 6" Pop-up bodies. Add new spray heads as shown to accommodate new lawn header layout. Connect new spray heads to existing turf valve Installed per City of Carlsbad @] approved drawing number 399-4L. Relocated or adjust existing turf spray heads to achieve 100%, head to head coverage All spray heads located in 5 feet wide planters shall be Installed with 8' radius Rain ryi Bird Nozzles and equipped with PCS screens as follows: Quarter pattern nozzles l'.J shall be equipped with PCS-1 O and half pattern nozzles shall be equipped with PCS-020. Existing turf irrigation installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing 399-4L. @] Protect in Place. Adjust head layout and add new spray heads at driveways as notes above in item number 6. li]J Existing 2" mainline serving slopes and landscape setbacks installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Mainline to remain. Protect in Place. Location shown is approximate. Contractor to verify in field. Contractor shall test existing mainline for leaks and repair if necessary. Contractor shall repair or relocate mainline affected by new construction. Connect existing mainline serving landscape setbacks and slopes to new mainline et this approximate location. Existing slope and 50' Landscape Setback Irrigation per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Existing irrigation to remain. Contractor shall relocate, add or adjust all sprayheads and rotors effected by new construction. All spray heads and rotors shall provide 100%, head to head coverage to all planters and slopes. Contractor shall adjust spray heads and rotors to keep spray off buildings, walls, IITI walks and any hardscape. This includes, but is not limited to, adjustment of diffuser pin or adjustment screw, replacement of pressure compensating screen, replacement of nozzles with more appropriate radius units and the replacement of nozzles with adjustable arc units. Contractor shall also relocate and add spray heads or rotors to meet requirements listed above. Existing right-of-way irrigation install,ed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing [21 number 399-4L to remain. Protect in Place. Adjust or repair any irrigation equipment effected by new construction. Existing slope and 35' Landscape Setback irrigation per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Existing irrigation to.remain. Contractor shall relocate, add or adjust all sprayheads and rotors effected by new construction. All spray heads and rotors shall provide 100%, head to head coverage to all planters and slopes. [j] Contractor shall adjust spray heads and rotors to keep spray off buildings, walls, walks and any hardscape. This includes, but is not limited to, adjustment of diffuser pin or adjustment screw, replacement of pressure compensating screen, replacement of nozzles with more appropriate radius units and the replacement of nozzles with adjustable arc units. Contractor shall also relocate and add spray heads or rotors to meet requirements listed above. Existing remote control valve installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Valve to remain. Protect in Place. Location shown is approximate. 1141 Contractor to verify location in field prior to commencement of work. Contractor shall test existing valve and repair or replace if necessary. Contractor shall connect existing valve to new controller. Existing remote control valve installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Valve to be reused. Location shown is approximate. Contractor to 1151 verify location in field prior to commencement of work. Contractor shall test existing valve and repair or replace if necessary. Contractor shall up-size or down size valve as shown on the plan. Contractor shall connect existing valve to new controller. [§ [t] Existing row of spray heads Installed at the back of right-of-way line per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Spray heads to remain. Protect In Place. Adjust or relocate spray heads effected by new construction. Existing spray heads shall be equipped with appropriate nozzle and spaced to achieve 100%, head to head coverage compatible with new spray head layout as shown. Existing remote control valve for right-of-way and association maintained areas installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Valve to be reused. Location shown is approximate. Contractor to verify location In field prior to commencement of work. Valve to remain. Protect in Place. Existing 2" recycled mainline serving, the right-of-way and association maintained areas Installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Mainline to ~ remain. Protect in Place. Location shown is approximate. Contractor to verify in field. Contractor shall test existing mainline for leaks and repair if necessary. Contractor shall repair or relocate mainline effected bv new construction. Existing row of spray heads installed at the back of existing lawn header per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Spray heads to remain. Protect in B]] Place. Adjust or relocate spray heads effected by new construction. Existing spray heads shall be equipped with appropriate nozzle and spaced to achieve 100%, head to head coverage compatible with new spray head layout as shown. Existing rotors. Location shown is approximate. Contractor to verify in field. Connect new rotors to existing rotors. New rotors shall be installed with appropriate nozzle and spacing to achieve 100%, head to head coverage. • TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHrll!CTllRE • lAND PI.ANNINO ll!IC>3 BOSINESSP.ABK AVE. SUD'B C • MN 00!00, CA 92131 Pit --PAlll -- 'IDO JOB NO. 0.S-00 DATB 09-»-05 SYMBOL [M] s EB ~ (§ ® [ill • ... NOT SHOWN [g) NOT SHOWN I ' I . DESCRIPTION Recycled Water Meter Point of Connection Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer Remote Control Valve Existing Remote Control Valv; To Be Reused Existing Remote Control Valve Master Control Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Controller -Genesis Field Controller Quick Coupler Ball Valve Rain Sensor Electrical Connection Check Valve Pressurized Purple Mainline Non-pressurized Purple Lateral Sleeve- Purple Color for Sch.40 Gray Color for Sch. 80 ~ -Controller Station ..._, Maximum GPM -~, Valve Size EQUIPMENT LEGEND MANUF Febco Rain Bird Rain Bird Wilkins Hunter Nelson KBI wcs KBI PVC PVC PVC MODEL SIZE 1-1/2" 825Y 2" PESB-R Series Size Per Plan PESB-R Series 1-1 /2" 500 Series 2-1 /2" GWC-60-S 60-Statlons 7645 1" WLT-0000-T Line Size Rain Guard 120 Volt KC-Series Sch.40 1-1/2" or less Cl. 315 Size Per Plan 2" or more Class200 Size Per Plan NOTES Approx. where shown, field verily. See Detail W-20. Install in valve box with purple lid per detail B. See Irrigation Schedule See Irrigation Schedule Install in valve box with purple lid per detail B. Install at point of connection as shown on plan. Install in (8") round valve box with purple lid and (3") washed gravel at bottom. See Ball Valve Detail A (Similar). Exterior wall mount controller. Install with stainless steel enclosure. Install with WCS Rain Guard Sensor. Final location of controller shall be selected by Owner. Install per manufacturer's specifications. See Detail I. Avalible at Ewing Irrigation & Industrial Plastics. Contact Omar Alcantara at 858.576.9530 Install in 1 O" Round Valve Box with purple lid per detail I. Brand lid with letters "QC". Install in 1 O" round valve box with purple lid per detail A. Mount in the areas that will be exposed to unobstracted rainfall, but not in the path of sprinkler spray. Mount per manufactuer's specifications in location selected by Owner. See Detail M. Plug or hard wire controller onto GFI electrical outlet. Location to be determined by Owner. Install where required to prevent !ow head drainage. Install with 18" cover. See Trenching Detail F. Install with 12" cover. See Trenching Detail F. Sleeve under improvements: Under Vehicle Paving install mainline, wiring and laterals in separate PVC Sch. 80 sleeves with 30" cover. See Notes Size Per Plan Under Pedestrian Paving install mainline, wiring and laterals in separate PVC Sch. 40 sleeves with 18" cover. All sleeves shall be 2-1/2" times line size. See Sleeve Detail G. NOTE: ALL SPRAY HEADS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH BUILT-IN CHECK VALVES. ALL SPRAY HEADS TO BE EQUIPPED WITH A PRESSURE COMPENSATING DEVICE. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PROVIDE BEST COVERAGE TO THE LANDSCAPED AREA WITHOUT OVER SPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, WALKWAYS AND PAVING. ALL SPRINKLERS, VALVES AND VALVE BOXES WITH EXTERIOR EXPOSURE ARE TO BE PURPLE. INSTALL POP-UPS WITHIN 10 FEET OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USE AREAS. SYMBOL 15, 12, 10/8 • & & NOT SHOWN D, .!(.. I,._ td<i,;51.:5-« ~ i,c_ 13-- ■ -e flt B- • 15, 12, 10/8 •®0 NOT SHOWN neo rt~ r,f "'>' C3 0 1 ® @ 5 6 .. ill IRRIGATION LEGEND PRESSURE CALCULATIONS DESCRIPTION MANUF MODEL PSI RADIUS GPM NOTES PROJECT: Palomar Forum Lot 4 Shrub Spray/Pop-up Rain Bird 1812-SAM-NP Body Style LOCATION; MCAS City of Carlsbad, CA Nozzle -Full 15, 12, 10, 8 30 15,12,10,8 3.7, 2.6, 1.6, 1.6 Install PCS screens as Nozzle -Adjustable 15, 12, 10, BYAN 30 15,12,10,8 required to reduce radius. PRESS ZONE/ SOURCE ELEV.: 660 DATE OF PRESSURE CHECK: 5/6/0f, BY: David at CWID Nozzle -Half ! 5, 12, 1 0, 8H 30 15, 12, 10, 8 2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 Install on riser (See Riser Nozzle -One Third 15, 12, 10,ar 30 15,12,10,8 1.2, 1 .0, 0.5, 0.5 Detail L) except as follows: Install 12" pop-up bodies Nozzle -Quarter 15,12,10,BQ 30 15,12,10,8 1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4 when heads are within 1 0 feet JOB NO.: 05-11 CLIENT NO.: 949. 752.2066 WATER AUTHORllY: Cansbad Municipal Water Distnct Nozzle -End Strip 15EST 30 4 X 15 0.6 of walks and curbs and along CALC. DATE: 9/28/05 BY; MS Nozzle -Side Strip 15CST 30 4x30 1.2 turf areas. Use bottom inlet VAL VE NO. CHECKED; 1 only. See Pop-up Detail C. PRESS. AT POC; 9B PSI Shrub Stream/Bubbler Rain Bird 1806-SAM-NP/PAS0 Body Style HGL: 660 POC ELEVATION: 433 HIGHEST HEAD; 444 Flood Bubbler Half Circle Full Circle Center Strip Tree Bubbler Turf Pop-up Nozzle -Full Nozzle -Adjustable Nozzle -Half Nozzle -One Third Nozzle -Quarter Rotor Nozzle -Quarter Nozzle -Half Nozzle -Half Nozzle -Quarter Nozzle -Half Nozzle -Half Existing Rotor 1401 30 5H-B PCS-060 30 2' 5F-B PCS-090 30 3' 5CST-B PCS-030 30 3' 1401 30 . Rain Bird 1806-SAM-NP 15, 12, 10, 8 30 15, 12, 10, 8 15, 12, 10, 8VAN 30 15, 12, 10, 8 15, 12, 10, 8H 30 15, 12, 10, 8 15, 12, 10,8T 30 15, 12, 10, 8 15, 12, 10, 8Q 30 15, 12, 10, 8 Hunter PGJ/00/06/12-R-V-1.0 40 19' PGJ/00/06/12-R-V-2.0 40 25' PGS/PGH-ARV-3 .0 50 31' PGJ/00/06/12-R•V-.75 40 16' PGJ/00/06/12-R-V-1.0 40 19' PGJ/00/06/12-R-V-.75 40 16' 0.25 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.25 3. 7, 2.6, 1.6, 1.6 2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 1 .2, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5 1 .0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4 1.0 2.0 1.2 0.75 1.0 0.75 Install PCS screens where required to reduce radius. Install all shrub/stream bubblers on 1806-SAM pop-up bodies with PA-80 adapter. See Pop-up Detail C. Install (2) Bubbler per tree. See Tree Bubbler Detail P. Body Style See Pop-up Detail C. Install PCS screens as required to reduce radius. Body Style All heads shall be on risers (See Rotor on Riser Detail 0) except as follows: Install 12" pop-up bodies when heads are within ten feet (10') of walks and curbs, along edge of turf areas. See Pop-up Rotor Detail N. PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE SECTION lYPE SIZE LENGTli CL.200 3/4'' 201 2 CL.200 3/4" 30' 3 CL.200 3/4" 20' 4 CL.200 1" 20' 5 CL.200 1· 20' 6 CL.200 1• 20' 7 CL.200 2'' 10' A. TOTAL LATERAL SYSTEM LOSSES MAINLINE/SERVICE LINE SYSTEM: PIPE SECTION MAINLINE MAINLINE PIPE lYPE CL. 315 CL. 315 PIPE SIZE 2" 2-1/2' PIPE LENGTli 835' 40' 8. TOTAL MAINLINE/SERVICE LINE SYSTEM LOSSES MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES: SIZE: WATER METER 1-1/2'' BACKFLOW PREVENTER 2" CONTROL VAL VE 1-1/2'' MASTER CONTROL VAL\/f. 1-1/2" C. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES 0. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSSES (A+B+C) E. RTTING LOSSES ( 15% OF TOTAL LOSSES) F. HEAD LOSS/ GAIN IN SYSTEM (433-444) G. MINIMUM REQUIRED PRESSURE AT LAST HEAD H. DESIGN PRESSURE ( D+E+F+G) I. AVAILABLE PSI J. RESIDUAL PSI (I-H) K. PUMP BOOST L. ADJUSTED RESIDUAL PSI ( J+K) PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 ACCUM. LOSS GPM IN PSI 3.2 .16 5,6 .50 9.6 .86 11.2 .37 13.6 .48 15.7 .62 38.0 ACCUM. GPM 38 38 .17 3.16 LOSS IN PSI 8.5 .21 8.7 3.3 12 2.7 2.7 20.7 32.56 4.8 4.7 30 72.14 98 25.8 26.8 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION AREAS. OF PLANTING "AS-BUILT P.E. EXP,, ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR " DATE DATE l---+-----1----------1---+--+---t----t I SHSEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 ;:====~==::P::LA:::::NN::l::N:::G::D:::E:;:P::A::RT::M;:E:;:N::T===~~===: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEl::'R OF' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APF'ROVAL PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVED ✓ ,_ ~=-------/-I Z-of, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. P.I.P. 05-04 DRAWING NO. 4.34-4L ® @ 1 0 FINISHED GRADE ® PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE BOLT DOWN COVER. USE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT NUT AND WASHER HEAT BRAND 'G\f ONTO LID. G')MAINUNE BALL VALVE 2 0 BRICK SUPPORTS @1/2 C.F. 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL @)BALL VALVE 0 LANDSCAPE FABRIC fl'I.JRPLe MeTeR eox LIP I-IA TeR MereR NOT!!!, :24 IN. r:r7"7".t7,;2~i~zzzi-r~'"=-=-=-~'1~m d) ! !"OT Ae!LE !!l!!lltVICE LINE '""'"" "'"'"" 10 ,-T. 0 MIN. TO l"OTAe!LE MAINLINI!! IN !!TI'tl:e:i:1 VERTICAL c.L.l!!ARANCE 01" 1:2 IN. MIN. 15 MANDATORY i-'IHEN CRO!!SINEI PATH OF A POTAeLE l'IATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF 1'ECY<:;LEC> )'IATE!R IRRIGATION MAINLINE :2-4 IN. FROM FACE OI" !!IDE!)'IALK )'JILL PROVIDE THE NE<:;ESSARY 10 FT. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING * TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP IAND5CAPE ARCHlIECTURB • LAND PLANNING 9!Nl3 BUSNJm>.ARK. AVB. surrB C • MN DJB(l(), CA !12131 Pill --PA» lllD.,_118Z TOO JOB NO. 05-0l1 DA'IE 09-30-05 NOT TO SCALE @) NOTTO SCALE ® G) ® ® 0 ® © 0 FINISHED GRADE 1" BELOW VALVE BOX TOP IN TURF AREAS. 2" BELOW VALVE BOX IN SHRUB BEDS PURPLE PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC WATER PROOF WIRE CONNECTOR -'SNAP-TITE" OR EQ. 18" WIRE LOOP ( WRAP 15 TIMES AROUND 1/2" DIA. PIPE TO FOAM COIL -REMOVE PIPE.) RECYCLED WATER TAG· CHRISTYS OR EQUAL PVC SCH 40 SLIPxFIPT ADAPTER, (2 REQUIRED) NOTES: 1. ALL WIRE TO BE INSTALLED AS PER LOCAL CODES. 2. COMPACT SOIL AROUND VALVE BOX TO SAME DENSITY AS UNDISTURBED ADJACENT SOIL. @ PVC LATERAL LINE -PIPE PER SPECS. ANGLE TO SPECIFIED DEPTH WITH 45 ELLS @ SCH. 80 UNION (@) BRICK SUPPORTS -(1) ONE AT EACH CORNER @ 3" SCH. 80 NIPPLE TYP. (3 TOTAL) @ LANDSCAPE FABRIC @ 1 C.F.-PEA GRAVEL @ PVC MAINLINE PIPE FROM BACKFLOW PER SPECS. @ PVC SCH.40 ELLS (2) G) INSTALL SPRINKLER ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @PAVING OR STRUCTURE @ SPRAY HEADS: 4" FROM WALKS AND CURBS 8" FROM STRUCTURES @ POP-UP SPRINKLER WITH PURPLE CAP AND BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE ® 1 /2" MARL EX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIPT)(2) (v 1/2" SCH. 80 PVCTHREADED6" NIPPLE @ 1/2" MAR LEX STREET ELL (MIPTx FIFI) @ PVC LATERAL LINE @SCH. 40 PVC S XS X FIPTTEE OR ELL 12" MIN'. NOTE: 1. Contractor shall Install addltlonal anti-drain valves, u required, to prevent low head drainage 2. Use bottom inlet only 3. Use pop-ups on all heads within 10' of walks, lawn, orourbs. MASTER/REMOTE CONTROL VALVE NOTTO SCALE © POP-UP SPRAY HEAD NOTTO SCALE STREeT SURFAC-e POTAeLe MAINLINE • (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAV'IINeS) S.5 FEET 12 IN MIN REGUIRED VERTICAJ... SEPARATION ,..__,.. '-.. RECYCLED HATER HARNINS ' • ~TAPE ABOVE MAINLINE. RECYCLED HATER IRRl<5A'!'ION MAINLINE NOTE, SEE TRENCHING DETAIL. LEEVE ALL RECYCLED HATER IRRl<5ATION PIPE AND SLEEVES SHALL EIE PURPLE AND LABELED. (SEE NOTE 10, SHEET L-6) POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING NOTTO SCALE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK MAINLINE SPECIFICATIONS: CL. 315 FOR 2' OR MORE SCH. 40 FOR 1-1/2" OR LESS. NOTE: ALL PRESSURE MAINLINE UNDER DRIVES SHALL BE BURIED TO A 30' MINIMUM DEPTH. NOTES: 1. Pipe shall be snaked side to side in trench to allow e,cpanslon. CD FINISH GRADE ® CLEAN BACKFILL -90% COMPACTION REQUIRED · SEE SPECS 12" 18" A~H+;,,i-----(e - 11 ... I @ PURPLE NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PER LEGEND ® PROVIDE 2" OF CLEAN SAND BELOW PRESSURE MAINLINE 0 PURPLE COLOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE PER LEGEND IF ROCK LARGER THAN 2" IS PRESENT ® DIRECT BURIAL, LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRES -INSTALL BELOW (V 6" MIN. CLEARANCE FROM HARDSCAPE ( MAINLINE ONLY) PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. BUNDLE AND TAPE WIRES AT 12' O.C. LOOP @:) RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAPE ABOVE MAINLINE. CONTROL WIRES AT ALL 90 DEGREE CHANGES IN DIRECTION. SPLICING ONE 12" ABOVE AND ONE RESTING ON THE MAINLINE OF WIRE RUNS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE OWNER ® TRENCHING NOTTO SCALE PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH6ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM ,.. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA . APPROVE[ Yi -~ ---n,, /-12-<X ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE /1\ DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: 434-4L REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-04 CD HARDSCAPE (TYPICAL) @ CLEAN BACKFILL -90% COMPACTION REQUIRED -SEE SPECS ® SAND (TYPICAL) NOTES: 1. All sleeves to be Sch.40 PVC ( Sch.BO under vehicle paving). ,, .. , ;4 2. All sleeves shall be 2x the size of the pipe being carried. Min. sleeve size shall be 2". 3. Extend sleeves 12• beyond edge of hardsoape on both ends. 4. During Installation tape closed ends of pipes until all laterals and wires have been run. 1 2 NOTE: ALL PRESSURE MAINLINE UNDER DRIVES SHALL BE BURIED TO A 30" MINIMUM DEPTH. @ SLEEVING -··-. . ' ·~~: ' ,:: : ;·, '. ' , . , NOTE: QUICK COUPLER SHALL BE TYPE APPROVED FOR USE WITH RECYCLED WATER WITH ACME THREADS ,,-----(1 CD ® @ © ® ® 0 @ ® @) @ @ ® <Bl Q) QUICK COUPLER • ~JDMA~~~~ 9903 BUSINPSSPARlt AVB. SlllI'1! C • SAN 00!00, CA 921.11 19 .,_ JU.,...,_. 100 JOB NO. OS-OU. DA'.l'Pi 09-30-05 NOTTO SCALE 9" DIA. PLASTIC VN._VE BOX WITH PURPLE LOCKING COVER INSTALL 2" ABOVE GRADE IN GROUNDCOVER FINISH GRADE PAVING OR STRUCTURE QUICK COUPLER WITH RUBBER CAP 5" DEPTH PEA GRAVEL INSTALL BOX LEVEL WITH 2 STANDARD BRICKS RED BRASS COUPLING RED BRASS RISER 1/2 CU. FT. MIN. CONG. THRUST BLOCK PVC ELL OR TEE (CONNECTION TO MAINLINE) (2) RED BRASS STREET ELLS RED BRASS NIPPLES (2) RED BRASS ELL PAINT "0' ON COVER NOTTO SCALE ® G) LOW VOLTAGE WIRE, 3 MAX. 0 OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR G) INNER CASE OF CONNECTOR 3 G) STRIP & TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNETION G) COPPER SLEEVE CRIMP INSTALLED W/ RECOMMENDED TOOL NOTE: Fill inner case with water proof sealer prior to final assembly. All wire routed between controller and remote control valve shall be a continuous run with no wire splices. Wire splices shall only occur at the remote control valve and controller pigtail ( ii required) WIRE CONNECTOR 5 0 PRIMARY MAIN LINE. SEE 0 BALL VALVE. SEE DETAIL. PLAN FOR SIZE. ® SUB-MAIN (PURPLE COLOR)-@ CONTROL VALVE. SEE DETAIL. SIZE VARIES. IA\ SEE SCHEDULE BELOW ~ QUICK COUPLER. SEE DETAIL. MAINLINE SCHEDULE: 1-10 GPM 1" SCH. 40 11-18GPM 1-1/4" SCH. 40 19-25 GPM 1-1/2" SCH. 40 26-39 GPM 2" CL. 315 40-58 GPM 2-1/2" CL. 315 G) TEE OR ELL WITH REDUCER BUSHING 0 LATERAL LINE (CL. 200) . PURPLE COLOR. SEE PLAN FOR SIZE. VALVE MANIFOLD INSTALLATION (TYPICAL) NOTTO SCALE NOTTO SCALE OATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK ' ~ co ~ CD 12"MIN. /1\ REVISION DESCRIPTION 8 ~ 0 2 3 4 0 CONTROLLER, EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT FASTEN TO WALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS ® 120 VOLT POWER SUPPLY IN J-BOX, BY OTHERS @ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT (1") 0 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE IN GREY PVC CONDUIT (2" DIA.) WIRE TO BE SLEEVED IN CONDUIT TO 18" BELOW GRADE @SWEEP ELL @_) LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES (z) FINISHED GRADE @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG @ BRACKETS FOR FASTENING TO WALL @ THREADED CONNECTION NOTES: ON INTERIOR INSTALLATION ALL WALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE CLEAN AND SHALL BE RESEALED WATER TIGHT. WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER 1 NOTE: 5 0 SHRUB OR BUBBLER HEAD © 1 /2" SCH 80 PVC RISER 0 FINISH GRADE 0 8" FROM STRUCTURES 0 EDGE OF WALL, FENCE OR OTHER SCALE: N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION 0 1/2" X 1/2" FIPT X FIPT:SCH40PVCELL 0 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIPT) 0 1/2" SCH. 80 PVC THREADED 8" RISER 0 1/2" MARLEX STREETELL(MIPT X FIPT) @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ SCH. 40 PVCS XSX FIPTTEE OR ELL @ 12" FOR SHAUB SPRAYS 6" FOR SHRUB BUBBLERS @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE-BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER 1. Contractor shall Install additional anti-drain valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage. 2. Use pop-upa on all heads within 1 O' of walks, lawn1 or curbs. 3. Steks with galvanizsd stsel pipe or reber. SPRAY HEAD ON RISER NOTTO SCALE PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH1ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD CTr] PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA r APPROVED ✓ :n1, l-12-oc, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-04 434-4L • ~~~k--<3 r:2~~---...,...,.~~ .:L:.:E.::G=EN~D ______ _ SECTION/ ELEVATION CD SUli<FACE @ MOUNTING 15RACKET @ RAIN SENSOR WIRED NORMALLY CLOSED MOUNTING SCREW (I OF 2) WIRE TO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER @ WIRE TO REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE NOTE, • MOUNT IN AN AREA THAT WILL 6E EXPOSED TO UNO6STRUCTED RAINFALL, 15UT NOT IN THE FATH OF SPRINKLER SPRAY. RAIN SENSOR MOUNTING DETAIL ,. NOTES: .',,: t-.-·•J \ l. 6~Ei?JNt1fc1no~~ ~2~%E ~oui- AND BACKFlOW ASSEMBLY. 2. im~1U:/ io~G~~J,gw 4: 1 ~ JR~~ -SL~PE. ~ )No 3 (± ~i-'4. ,,3 !HAL~ BE T OWNHlbh tlP 0 Lr • tin "' H I N AL ~ A ANC •~ w,m A -AC W ~ VEN . 2' " II .71 " ' ~ 3· ~8s~£Jr 1~§T ~tbd~1Ni~EA MAX . 5 12" MIN. 2 36" MAX. 2 1 -"'" !All, -••~ ··~ I ;i-:: --, ::i:; I I M Tl R 11 :_. ' I-~ . . . ' I I ,.,,,., ~ I . , ·i, ~ -.. •• ~ ,~-ti -I II -, ,. .. .. "\· " -., . ' -~· •· Li ~-~--1.J - l J -3 7 3 II l J // /I PUBLIC PRIVATE CONSUMERS RESPONSIBILITY C ---:;:: / ----ri ~E INSTALLSD PURi~A~T TO ¥c1r1w~ <nl~E 8 0 14.08.01 -~~ C. -& Tl -1 CALIFORNIA A0MINI -A IV CODE. llrM Ot SCHIPTION -sp~,: 1nwf. 1 METER i.Nn .1A1 VE r BY DISTRICT - 2 TYPE K HAR OR TYPE L HA• D L, Pr-ER O" Bh'.ASS RISER .. 9 3 COPPER OR BRASS go• ELBOW SOLDER JOINTS OR THREADED FITTINGS ). 4 OPPER OR BRASS NIPPU' 5 RASS UNION. . 6 p .. u , r-~• • j1u '"" A.<:SEMBL Y. 7 c, N TLi"U' T BLOCK - 8 METER BOX I SY DISTRICT 'l. REV. APPROVED DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 2 INCH AND UNDER BACKFLOW INSTALLATION • TESlllMA DFSIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE .ARCHrrECI'URE • LAND PLANNING 9!ICB BUSINPBSPARK AVE. surm C • SAN DIEOO, CA 92131 Pll'ill)IIIIHl'l4 --- TOO JOB NO. OS-Oil DATE!= 09-»-05 .,,!fL 61.. .. ; 6-04 CITY ENGINEER OA1E S!ANDARD DWG. ~O. W20 NOTTO SCALE NOTE: -----------Contractor shall install additional anti-drain · valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage l Use bottom inlet only Use pop-ups on all heads within 1 O' of walks, lawn, or curbs 12" MIN. 5 r------17 -'t-r----ir-2?'\\...~~------1a G) INSTALL ROTOR AT ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @ PAVING OR STRUCTURE @ ROTORS: 12" FROM WALKS AND CURBS, AND STRUCTURES @ POP-UP SPRINKLER Wl1H PURPLE CAP AND BUILT-IN CHECKVALVE @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL• (MIPT X FIPn(2) (j) 1/2" SCH. 80 PVC THREADED 6" NIPPLE* @ 1/2' MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT x FIPn• @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ SCH. 40 PVC S XS X FIPT TEE OR ELL POP-UP ROTOR ® NOTTO SCALE @ G) ROOT BALL ® 2" MULCH LAYER 4 2 3 G) GEAR DRIVEN SHRUB ROTOR: NOZZLE SHOULD BE 12" ABOVE GRADE AT COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION ® 1/2"0 GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE OR #4 REBAR 30" LONG @ FINISHED GRADE @ CHECK VALVE (INSTALL ONLY IF HEAD ASSEMBLY DOES NOT INCLUDE CHECK VALVE) @ 18" PVC SCH. 80 RISER @ (2) CLAMPS Wl1H PLASTIC "ZIP TIES" OR STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS Q) SUPPLY LINE TEE OR ELL @ SWING JOINT (2 MARLEX S x TELLS) @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE-BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER NOTE: 1. A SWING PIPEASSEMBLYMAYBEUSED WITH FLOWS LESS THAN 4 GPM, ROTOR ON RISER NOTTO SCALE @ 4" DRAIN GRATE, NDS 11 (PURPLE, HAND TIGHT Fin © BUBBLER HEAD ASSEMBLY. SEE NOTE BELOW. @ 4" SOIL BERM 4 I @ FINISH GRADE 0 VALCON ADV CHECK VALVE @ 4"-PERFORATED PIPE WI FILTER FABRIC WRAP @ SCH. 80 RISER @) PV.C, LATERAL @ P.V,C, LATERAL OR SXT 90 ELL (S} PEAGRAVEL @ PLANTING BACKFILL ,,, /211 ------------!,;'.;;; //// -----------!-//// / / / / -----------f//// '/ / // 1------------r, ;;: ;:;: ;: ;:;: 1------------1-: DEPTH; 1----.....:..:.RO.=.O.=.T:..::BccA=LL'---------t ;'. ;'.; 9f ,; ;'. / ;'.ROOT;, 1-1-===================~---r,; _B_,t\L_L;;; '//// /// //// /// 1-------------,, /// /// '//// /// l------------1:· //// / / <:, //// // <:> /,/" • --------t; //// // / / '--" ,._, --"' / / / / / / / ,,>v-.::,, ...... IRRIGATION NOTES 1. All LOCAL MUNICIPAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTUAL PLANS AND AS-BUILT DRAWINGS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL IRRIGATION LINES AND CONTROLLER WIRES WITH PROPOSED LOCATIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL AND ROOT BARRIERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES SHALL BE COORDINATED AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PAVING, WALL FOOTINGS I FOUNDATIONS, CURBS ANO ETC. 5. STATIC PRESSURE IS: 98 P.S.I DATE PRESSURE GIVEN: 5-6-05 VERIFIED BY: DAVID· CMWD 6. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED ARIEAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS AS NECESSARY. 7. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. 8. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. 9. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL COMMON WIRE TO THE END OF THE MAINLINE RUN IN TWO DIRECTIONS FROM THE CONTROLLER. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE (2) ADDITIONAL CONTROL WIRES TO EVERY VALVE MANIFOLD. ALL ADDITIONAL WIRE SHALL BE BUNDLED, TAPED, AND PLACED IN CONTROL VALVE BOX. 10. ALL LATERALS, MAINLINE AND WIRE UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. ALL LATERALS, MAINLINE ANO WIRE UNDER VEHICLE PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 80 SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED.ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. ALL SLEEVES TO BE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 11. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDING, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS. 12. ALL HEADS INDICATED ON THE PLANS AT A SPACING LESS THAN 75% OF FULL OPEN THROW, AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, ARE TO RECEIVE A PCS SCREEN OF APPROPRIATE SIZE TO REDUCE THE RADIUS TO MORE CLOSELY MATCH THE SPACING. REFER TO THE MANUFACTURER'S CHARTS PROVIDED WITH PCS SCREENS FOR SIZING OF SCREENS, 13. PROVIDE CLEAN SAND BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE (3 IN. BELOW AND 6 IN. ABOVE PIPE MINIMUM). 14. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS & IN ACCORDANCE wrrHE CRITERIA AND STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO LANDSCAPE STANDARDS MANUAL & OTHER APPLICABLE STDS. AS OF THE APPROVED DATE OF THESE PLANS . 15. USE VARIABLE ARC NOZZLES AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE COMPLETE COVERAGE WITH MINIMAL OVERSPRAY 16. SYSTEMS ARE DESIGNED FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 psi FOR SPRINKLER HEADS. 17, ALL LATERAL END RUNS SHALL BE 3/4" SCH 40, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 18. ALL REMOTE CONmOL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN VALVE BOXES, ONE VALVE PER BOX. LOCATE ALL REMOTE CONTROL AND QUICK COUPLING VALVES ADJACENT TO WALKS OR CURBS. 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PROPOSED LOCATION FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND IRRIGATION CONTROLLER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. C.M.W.0, BACKFLOW SPECIALIST TO APPROVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER LOCATION. 20. INSTALL (1) WCS 'RAINGUARD" RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICE, OR EQUAL, PER CONTROLLER, PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 21. CROSSOVER SLEEVE TO BE PROVIDED WHERE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE CROSSES POTABLE DOMESTIC WATER MAINS. SLEEVE TO BE INSTALLED ON RECYCLED MAIN AND EXTEND TEN (10) FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE POTABLE MAIN. PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER □EH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT " P.E EXP, ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE " ////. / ' ,/.';:-(/( % % % % %~ %'½' 1/7;'.,;~~~~ :0:' ~~~%~~%%~%%~t~~~ 0%~~~~~~~~~~~~'¾~ 13 l---+---+----------+---t----t---i-----1 I sH8Err I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 ~======P:::LA=N:::N:::IN:::G:::::::DE:::P:::A:::RT:::M:::::E:::N:::T===-'=~=== "'(,, ~,-:::<,, ,'< ' "'0.<~if:>:;§~, '" NOTE: INSTALL TWO (2) BUBBLER HEAD ASSEMBLIES PER TREE TRUNK. INSTALL ONE IN 4" PREF. PIPE AS NOTED ABOVE AND ONE WITH 6" POP-UP BODY (SEE POP-UP SPRAY HEAD DETAIL). PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA _AP_P_Ro_v_E,>Ll]Cl!'.L~--=~------/--12..(y;;, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE l®------------------------------------------t==:=jt::=j::,;]:~============================t=.::=l==-~=~=~:~~~~:=~ ~D;;W;;;N;:::;B;:;:Y,::: _::: _= _::: _=_ =:~=~P=-R:;O=.JE:::::c=-T=N=.o==.==;-;==o=-R=Aw::1::NG~N:::O=:. TREE BUBBLER INSTALLATION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY p -ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY:---P.I.P. 05-04 434-4L (AT BOXED TREE LOCATIONS) NOTTO SCALE ~ North KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 5' from paving. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted in conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. PLANT LIST GROUND COVER CODE BOTANICAL NAME Pelargonium peltatum 'Balkan' Gazania 'Mitsuwa Series Yellow" Myoporum parvlfolium 'Pink' Lantana montevidensis Annual Color COMMON NAME Ivy Geranium Gazania Pink Myoporum Trailing Purple Lantana • TFSHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHD'ECTURB • LAND PLANNJNO 9903 BUSINE&'IP.ARK AVB. SUlTB C • MN Dll!OO, CA 92131 I'll) --FAX>_,_ TOO JOB NO. os-on DATE 09-30-05 SEE SHEET 11 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES SEE SHEET 13 AND 14 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 14 FOR HYDROSEED NOTES COURT -EXISTING LIGUSTRUM AND PH~IUM SHRUBS ---5 ------- PER CITY APPROVED DRAWING NUMBER 399--4L. EXISTING PLANTING BclWEEN CITY SIZE NOTES r-1ats or 12"O.C .. See Detail R. Pots Flats or 12" o.c. See Detail R. Pots t'iais or 12"O.C. See Detai I R. Pots " --·~. 1 Gallon 12" o.c. See Detail R. Flats or Contractor to check availability Pots and verify with Owner. 12" O.C. See Detail R. MAINTAIN ALL RHAPHIOLEPIS PLANTED AT THE BASE OF BUILDING AS 24" HIGH HEDGE iiv« .. ·. . .· . ·;. .. ~\·<:: .. ·,:, MAINTAIN ALL LIGUSTRUM AS 48" HIGH HEDGE MAINTAIN BUXUS AS 18" HIGH HEDGE PROPOSED BUILDING SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME 0 Buxus microphylla japonica 'Green Beauty' Japanese Boxwood TV SIZE 177 5 Gallon NOTES Plant 24" O.C. Maintain as 18" high hedge . See Detail S. Plant at 24" O.C. Maintain at 24" ® Rhaphiolepis indica 'Ballerina' India Hawthorn 291 5 Gallon 1--------J---------------t-----------i---+--------1_!:_igh. See Detail S. 0 0 ® © 0 © 0 @) 0 (t) @ Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Variegated Pittosporum 359 5 Gallon Plant 36" O.C. Maintain as hedge 48" High hedge. See Detail S. ---t-----------1--·-----·----lf-c-c~,---.,..--cc=,--,--,-~---.----1 Maintain as 48" high hedge Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Texas Privet 115 5 Gallon along building walls. See Detail S. Plant 36" O.C. Maintain as Rhaphiolepis indica 'Clara' India Hawthorn 268 5 Gallon hedge 48" High hedge. See Detail S. ···---------" -·---"'. Plant 48" O.C. Maintain as hedge Podocarpus henkelli Weeping Yew Pine 30 5 Gallon 60" High hedge. See Detail S. Double Stake per Detail Q. -----···--------~--Plant 48" O.C. Maintain as Prunus carolina 'Bright n' Tight' Carolina Laurel Cherry 24 5 Gallon hedge 48" High hedge. See Detail S. Photinia fraseri Fraser's Red Tio Photini,1 252· '~-Ga.Pon i::i11nt 48" O.C. Maintain as 4P" High hedge. See Detail s. Phormium 'Dusky Chief New Zealand Flax 116 5 Gallon See Detail s. Abelia x grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' Abelia 64 5 Gallon See Detail S. . _,, ________ Agapanthus 'Queen Anne' Lily-of-the-Nile 427 1 Gallon See Detail S. Hemerocallis hybrids Day Lily 521 1 Gallon 20% Orange, 80% Yellow. See Detail S. Nandina domestica 'Gulfstream' Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo 390 5 Gallon See Detail S. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST SHRUBS TO RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND TOE ACCOMMODATE NEW LAWN HEADER LAYOUT AT OF EXISTING SLOPE PER CITY THE DRIVEWAY. APPROVED DRAWING 399-4L. -W---------~ ----W--- MAINTAIN ALL RHAPHIOLEPIS -PLANTED AT THE BASE OF BUILDING AS 24' HIGH HEDGE 1 TREES CODE 0 0 0 0 0 MAINTAIN ALL LIGUSTRUM AS 48' HIGH HEDGE Pheonix roebelenii BOTANICAL NAME Pyrus caileryana 'Bradford' Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius' Koelreuteria bipinnata Liquidambar styraciflua 'Burgundy' Cupaniopsis anacardioides Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Lagesrtroemla indica 'Tuscarora' Eucalyptus slderoxylon 'Rosea' Arbutus unedo MAINTAIN BUXUS AS 18" HIGH HEDGE Pigmy Date Palm COMMON NAME Ornamental Pear Purple Plum Chinese Flame Tree American Sweet Gum Carrot Wood Tree Rhaphiolepis (Standard) Crape Myrtie Red Iron Bark Strawberry Tree \ 11 24" Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail V. TV SIZE NOTES 13 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail Q. See Detail S. 4 24" Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail S. 18 24" Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail S. 9 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail Q. See Detail S. 41 24' Box Standard. Double stake per detail Q. See Detail S. 2 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail Q. See Detail S. 4 48" Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail S. 5 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail Q. See Detail S. 6 15 Gallon Standard. Double stake per detail Q. See Detail S. PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. * w I I INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DAlE LOCATION OF PLANTING I 0 ,, :20' 40' AREAS. REVIEWED BY: North SCALE: I "=:20'-0" ··--····--·- INSPECTOR DATE I SH9ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD lliJ I°1..ANNING DEPARTMENT 4 PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - ----APPROVE! ~ 1-12--a; ,/ ,.u ---------- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE /7\ DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ,_,, ___ DACE NITIAl.. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTI-IER APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-04 434-4L HYDROSEED MIX FOR WATER QUALITY VEGETATED SWALES CODE BOTANICAL NAME Festuca rubra Festuca longifolia Festuca Ovina COMMON NAME Chewings Fescue Hard Fescue Sheep Festuca Q SIZE Hydroseed 50% Hydroseed 25% Hydroseed 25% Hydroseed Mix available at Agrono-Tec Seed Co. Phone (909) 674-0638. Slope Saver-2. Hydroseed Mix Appllcatlon: \ Seed Rate: 500 lbs per acre. Mulch: Eco fibre wood mulch, 200 lbs per acre. Binder: M-Binder 150 lbs per acre. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ' TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 5' from paving. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted in conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. \ \ \ -\ MAINTAIN BUXUS AS 18" HIGH HEDGE SEE SHEET 11 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES SEE SHEET 13 AND 14 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 14 FOR HVDROSEED NOTES • TESIDMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHl1ECI'URE • lAND PLANNING 9903 BUSINFSSPAIUC AVE. SUlTB C • SAN Dll!ClO, CA 92131 1'lli IIIIO e.Hlll4 FJOO IIIIO 111:rllll 'IDG JOB NO. 05-011 DATE= 09-30--05 NOTES EMPLOYEE CONCRETE LUNCH AREA. SEE CONCRETE FINISH SCHEDULE. 5' WI DE BENCH [TYP). OWNER SELECT. t>~\..ot.J\~P.. MAINTAIN ALL LIGUSTRUM AS 48" HIGH HEDGE MAINTAIN BUXUS AS 18" HIGH HEDGE MAINTAIN ALL RHAPHIOLEPIS \ PLANTED AT THE BASE OF \ BU1LDING AS 24" HIGH HEDGE ' PLANT LIST EXISTING STREET TREE CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ,--' ' Existing Street Tree '1 X J , .... _,. EXISTING SLOPE TREE CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ,,---, Existing Slope Tree ( . \ ' , __ .. TURF CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ?;}~~·.;·~:::~~ ~-Fescue Blend Dwarf Marathon II ; ·.~· ;.;,'+;,.--·~.1.,~ ", ·:,..-,.,:,.·: DTY nrv DTY MAINTAIN ALL RHAPHIOLEPIS PLANTED AT THE BASE OF BUILDING AS 24" HIGH HSDGE TABLE WITH CHAIRS (TYP). OWNER SELECT. MAINTAIN ALL LIGUSTRUM AS 48" HIGH HEDGE ~ w 0 !I' I I ::ZO' 40' Nol"'th SC.ALE!: l"=:20'-0" SIZE NOTES Existing to remain. Protect in Place. See notes on olan. SIZE NOTES Existing to remain. Protect in . --···· ---··· ----------- Place. See notes on nlan. SIZE NOTES Sod /,\ lJArE Ir\ TIAL NOTE: ALL TREES LOCATED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY HARDSCAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ROOT BARRIER. ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE BIO-BARRIER. SEE DETAIL TON SHEET 11. ENGINEER or 'NORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 5 FEET TALL SCREENING HEDGE CONCRETE FINISH SCHEDULE <D Stamped Concrete in a Spanish Red Tone with Concrete Circular Band. ® First 3 feet from building entry concrete finish shall be Exposed Aggregate. The remainder shall be Natural Concrete with Light Broom Finish. ® Exposed Aggregate with Natural Concrete Band. © Natural Concrete with Light Broom Finish. @ Exposed Aggregate. NOTE: Contractor shall verify final finish and color of all concrete with Nadel Architects prior to construction. ,, APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: ·--·-------- INSPFCT0R DATE 1 5 1OT I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E4S I PLANNING DEPARTMENT PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM ~ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVED --/~,( I /--IZ.-OG, --·-·----- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRFCTOR DATE DWN BY: I i F'ROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DA-:-E INITIAL DA.TE INITIAL CHl<D BY: OTHER APPlOVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-04 434-4L NOT!!, TIit!!!!!& I& GALLON &IZI! OR &MALLl!R -~IDI! &INGLI! &Tol!KE. m!:E& 24' !!!OX SIZE OR LA~R -f"l"OVIDE DOUl!!LE &TAKE. CUT &TAKE 6' BELOW TFltEE CANOPY. NOTE, ~E& IN TUl'IJ'I AREA& ro RECl!IV!! Tie!! T!IILINK l"l'tOTECTOR AT eA&E. &I-IALL l!SE 'Al'eORGA~• l!IY DEEi" ROOT. I -(2) 2 IN. DIA. X 1.z> Fr. LONG LODGEl"OLE l"INE &TAKI!&, &ET FEFltFENDICULAFlt TO l"FlteVAILING WIND&. 2 • V.I.T. 'CINCl-1 TIE&', OFlt EQUAL. IN&T ALL l"EFlt MANUFACTUFltE'& &l"ECIFICATION&. 3 • &ET CROU.N 2 IN. ABOVE FINI61-1 a.FltADE. 4 -CUT TOI" &ECTION Oi=i= OF &TAKE 6' BELOW TREE CANOPY. & -FINl&l-1 G!1'tADI=. 6 • l!IACKFILL(&EE &FEC.> l"UDDLE AND &ETTLE. &ET TF<!EE 2 IN. Al!!OVE F!N. GiFlt. 1 -2 X FltOOTeALL DI AMETEFlt. & • l! IN. WATEFltlNG l!IA&IN, EXCl:F'T IN LAU.N AREAS. REMOvE AFTER MAINT. PERIOD. '!I • FL ANT TABLET&. INST ALL l"ER MANUFACTUFltEFlt'& &l"ECIFICATION&. 1,Z, -FLACI: &TAKE& OUTSIDE OF l'itOOTeALL. 11 • FIN. G!Pl!ADE AT EXl&TING &LOPE (A& Fltl:Q'D). 12 -4' l"El'IJ'IOFltATED l"'IFE 111/l!ILACK l'OLIND GFltATE CAI" -4' MIN. AND 6' MAX. LENG!Tl-1 WFltAl"l"ED WITl-1 FIL TEFlt FAeRIC 1' ->4' GFltAvEL DFltAINAGE &UMP WITl-1 FILTER FAl!IFltlC EDGIE (IJ FEFlt I!> a.ALLON TFltEE (2) FEFlt 24 BOX TREE AND LARGER 14 -6'-.z>' MAXIMUM I& • l!Zl'·IZ'' MAXIMUM 16 • TFltEE FIT-FILL AND &ETTLE WITl-1 WATER A MIN. OF 24 I-IOUl'lt& l"l'itlOFlt TO l"LANTIMG. (D21NCHES @ PREPARED SOIL @ FINISH GRADE OR WALK 0 EQUAL (X) • SEE PLANT LIST (§) PLANT TABLET @ CONCRETE CURB OR HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT. AS INDICATED ON PLAN. (!) EQUAL 1/2 (X) 1 ... ·. •,' . W7 I I 5 @ TREE DOUBLE STAKING AND DRAINAGE ® GROUNDCOVER PLANTING r---------1-lAFltD&CAl"'E ~-++---e----1 IN. AT TUFltl' l'fOOT l!lAl'ltl'tlEJ';i -+- (1!1I0-eAFltFltlEFlti NOTE, ~or l!lAl'ltl'tlE"'6 &I-IALL eE IN&T ALLED UM-IEN Tl'<EE I& UJITl-1-IN & FT. OF ANY 1-l~&CAl"E, AND tMALL eE INSTALLED ADJACENT 2 IN. AT &1-li'i:l.le &OIL 1!1I0-l!lAJlltlltlEJ';i AVALIAl!lLE AT el.lTLER'& MILL &AN DIEa.O, CA. (61'!1) 263-61&1 NOTE, NOTTO SCALE 6 1 TO Tl-IE 1-lAFltD&cAFE ONLY l"EFlt THE MANI.IF. &FECIFICATION&. &UeMIT &AMl"LE TO CITY IN&l"ECTOR FO!'it Al"l"l'itOVAL l"FltlOl'I? TO INSTALLATION. (D # 3 BAR CONTINUOUS, CENTER IN SLAB (LAP 12" AT SPLICES), ® TURF SIDE. @ PLANTER BED. 2 I -ml:! TRUNI< 2 -elo-eA!ltRl!R 24' TOT AL LENGTl-1 -12' EITI-IER DIFltECTION 3 -1:00! Oi= 11-l~&cAl"E (CUl'l?e, l"AYING, FAD. ETC.) ROOT BARRIER PLANTING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A THOROUGH STANDARD SOIL TEST PERFORMED IN THREE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS ON THE SITE AND COMPLETED BY A LICENSED AGRONOMIC LABORATORY PRE-APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO AND AFTER LEACHING OF SALTS AND PRIOR TO TO ANY PLANTING OF PLANT MATERIAL. THE SOILS TEST SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, THE TESTING OF SOIL SALT LEVELS, NUTRIENT LEVE'LS, AND SOIL PERCOLATION. SOIL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO AMENDING THE SOIL. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM AND FULLY COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL 4. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. 5. THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO PERMANENTLY AND FULLY MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 6. ALL INSTALLED TREES WITHIN 5' OF HARDSCAPE SHALL HAVE ROOT BARRIER INSTALLED ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE, NOT ENCIRCLING ROOTBALL. 7. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 3" OF SHREDDED BARK MULCH IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS THAT ARE LESS THAN 2:1 SLOPE. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE. • TFSHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHrI'ECTURE • LAND PLANNING 9903 BUSINElSPARIC. AVP. sum! C • SAN DIEOO, CA 9'2131. PB11119---- mo JOB NO. os-on DATE 09-30-05 NOTTO SCALE {3) 1/2" RADIUS (TYP). @ 95% COMPACTED SUBGRN)E @) FINISH GRADE. NOTE: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS AT 30' O.C. AND WHERE HEADER ABUTS CONCRETE PATIO OR WALK. 611 CONCRETE HEADER 8. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED AT THE PROJECT SITE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING. ALL PLANT MATERIAL REJECTED BY THE OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT SITE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST AND REPLACED. 9. SUBMIT PHOTOGRAPHS OF TYPICAL TREE FOR EACH VARIETY AND SIZE, TO BE PROVIDED UNDER THIS CONTRACT FOR APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO THE PROJECT SITE. 10. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLANTING. THIS MAY BE DONE EITHER AT THE SITE OR AT THE NURSERY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S TIME AND MILEAGE FOR ALL NURSERY VISITS. 11. ALL PLANT SIZES ARE MINIMUMS. SIZES ARE TYPICAL FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL PLANTS ARE TO BE FREE OF DISEASE AND SCARS, AND TO HAVE GOOD COLOR, FULL HEADS AND GOOD CALIPER (15 GALLON -3/4" MINIMUM. 24" BOX-1 1/4" lnll\JIMUM, 36" BOX -2" MINIMUM. 12. PRIOR TO PLANI ING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FULLY WATERED IMMEDIATELY AFTFR PLANTING. 13. PRIOR TO PLANTING, ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FREE OF WEEDS, ROCKS AND DEBRIS. RAKE AND FINE GRADE ALL PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 14. UPON COMPLETION OF PLANTING OPERATIONS AND BEFORE ANY SITE OBSERVATIO~S REMOVE ALL EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL AND DEBRIS, AND BROOM AND WASH THE AREA CLEAN. 15. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. 3 NOTTO SCALE G) ROOTBALL. @ CROWN-1/2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. @ FINISH GRADE. @ FINISHED GRADE AT SLOPE. @ 2X ROOTBALL DIAMETER. @ BACKFILL MIX (SEE SPECS.). (i) PLANT TABLETS (SEE SPECS). @ 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN (IF REQ'D). @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. ® TREE/ SHRUB PLANTING 1 -PALM TRUNK "SKIN' A5 REQ'D WITl-l APPROVED METl-lOD 2 -PLANT TABLETS. SEE SPECS 3 -FINISl-l GRADE 4 -ROOTBALL 5 -BACKFILL 100% WASl-lED PLASTER SAND ~ -2 X ROOT 6ALL DIAMETER 1 -2 X ROOT 6ALL DIAMETER 8 -BROUN TRUNK 1-lEIGl-lT ~ -WATERING BASIN IIZ) • 4' PERFORATED PIPE W/6LACK ROUND GRATE CAP -fb' MAX. LENGTI-I WRAPPED WITI-I FILTER FABRIC NOTTO SCALE 11 -3/4' C:;RAVEL DRAINAGE SUMP WITl-l FILTER FABRIC EDGE 12 -FRONDS -TIE WI SINGLE STRAND OF ORGANIC MATERIAL UNITE AT END OF HAINT. PERIOD NOTE, ALL BACKFILL TO BE WATER JETTED DURINu PLANTING FOR MAXIMUM ST A61LITY. SCALE 1 "=3'-0" ® PALM PLANTING NOTTO SCALE PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE CTTI CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS 14 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA " APPROVED ,/ .Y61.1 /-IL-CC, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE 11\ DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.1.P. 05-04 434-4L SECTION 02480 IRRIGATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS: A. The General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Division 1 ore an added port of this section and contract for this work and apply lo this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.02 SCOPE: A. The work Includes all aervlcea, labor, materials, transportation and equipment necessary to perform the work Indicated on the Drawings and as specified. The General Conditions and Division 1 apply to this section as fully as If repeated herein. 1. Related Work: (a) Landscaping Section (02900) 1.03 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit a list of all Irrigation equipment to be used, manufacturer's brochures, maintenance manuals, guarantees and operating Instructions. 1.04 GUARANTEE: A. Furnish guarantee In accordance with general conditions, far a period of one (1) year from dote of final acceptance -at conclusion of the Maintenance Period -on complete wafer irrigation system, Including nonsettllng of backfill In trenches which, If occurs, shall be corrected, Including repairs and/or replacement of any material damaged thereby or therefrom. 1.05 OBSERVATION: A. In oil cases where observation of sprinkler system work Is required and/or where portions of work ore specified to be performed under direction and/or observation of City Inspector and Architect or his representative, Contractor shall notify City Inspector and Architect at least three (3) working days In advance of time such Inspection and/or direction Is required. B. Observation will be required for the fol/owing parts of the work: 1. Upon lnstollollon and testing of main lines and lateral lines; when pipes ore laid and ore to be submitted to presaun, tests. Do not cover any lines until they have been observed and approved. 2. Upon Installation and testing of valves, quick couplers, backflow preventer device, automatic controllers, and control valves and wires. 3. When sprinkler si,,,tem Is completed, Contractor, In the presence of Architect, shall perform a coverage test to determine If coverage of water afforded the lawn and planting areas is complete and adequate. Contractor shall fumlsh oil materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies to cover. 4. Final observation and performance test shall be ot the same time as final observation of the landscape work. 1.06 TESTING: All PVC main and lateral lines shall be subjected to a pressure test of 125 PSI for a period of four hours. All testing shall be In the presence of the City Inspector and Architect. Approval shall be received before bockfllllng any trench. Do not cover any lines until they hove been observed and approved. 1,07 RECORD DRAWINGS /As BUILT DRAWINGS}: A, Before flnal occnptgnce of work. Contrnctoc shall provide a record set of drowlogs showing sorinkler system work, 1. Any changes In location of Items or type of lnstallollons from that shown on drawings shall be so Indicated on the record drawings. 2. Valves shall be numbered and corresponding numbers shall be shown on record drawings. 3. All remote control valves, shut-off val\lfls, quick coupler valves, meters, controllers, mainllnes shall be located by measured dimensions. Dimensions shall be given to permanent objects and shall be to nearest one-half foot. All mainline changes In direction shall be located by measured dimensions. 4. On the Inside surface of the cover of each Automatic Controller, prepare and mount a chart showing valves ond sprinkler hoods serviced by that portlculor controller. All valves shall be numbered to match operation schedule and drawings. Only those areas controlled by controller shall be shown. This chart shall be a plot pion, entire or partlol, showing building, walks, roods ond walls, A photostatic print of this plan, reduced os necessary ond legible In all details, shall be mode to a size that will flt Into the controller cover, This print shall be approved by the Archltecl and shall be hermetically sealed by plastic. This shall then be secured to Inside of cover. 5. Immediately upon Installation of any burled pipe or equipment, Controclor shall Indicate on the drawings locations of said equipment. Dimensions shall be given from permanent ob jecls such as buildings, sidewalks, curbs and driveways. 1.06 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A, Code Requirements shall be those of Stale and Municipal Codes and regulations locally govemlng this work, providing that any requirement. of the Drawings and Specifications, not confllctlng therewith but exceeding the Code Requirements shall govern, unless written permission to the contrary Is granted by the City Inspector. 8. Extreme core shall be exercised In excavating and working In the area due to existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages caused by his operations. C. Connections •hall be mode at approximate locations shown on drawings. Contractor shall be responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. D. Landscape headers and mowing strips shall be In place before Installation of sprinkler system. E. Scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions. F. Pion locations of oub surface lines, valves, controller and pipe lines ore diagrammatic and Indicate the spacing and relative locations of all Installations. G. All lines shall have minimum clearonce of six (6) Inches from each other, and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be Installed directly over one another. H. Dielectric bushings sholl be used in any connections with piping of dissimilar metal materials. I. Point of connection shall be approximately as shown on drawings Connect new underground piping and valves and provide all flanges, adapters or other necessary fittings for connection. J. Permission to shut off any existing In-use water lines must be obtained 48 hours In advance, In writing from Owner. Contractor shall receive Instructions from Owner, as to the exact length of lime of each shut-off. K. Contractor shall acquaint himself with all site conditions. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS: Pipe sizes shown are nominal Inside diameter unless otherwise noted. •~~~~~ 9ll03 BUSINJ!SSPARlt AVB.. SlllrB C • SAN DIOOO, CA !12131 19 a -FAJD a e-DB2 TOO JOB NO. 05-0ll DAT£: 09-J>-05 1. PVC Presoure Mainline Pipe Fittings: All burled private piping In the reclaimed woter si,,,tem shall be Installed with warning tape identifying II as reclolmed water with the exception of intermittent pressure lines. Intermittent pressure lines (line on the downstream side of a controller valve that will not be subject to constant pressure) may be excepted as long cs It ls apparent, due to line size and location as determined solely be the District Engineer of City Inspector, tho! the lines are port of o reclaimed water sprinkler Irrigation system. Stenciled pipe, as specified below, wlll be accepted In conjunction with warning tape. (o) Pressure mainline piping for sizes 2" and larger shall be PVC Class 315, and shall be purple. (b) Pipe shell be mode from an NSF approved Type 1, Grade 1, PVC compound conforming to ASTM Resin Specifications "D1784". All pipe must meet requirements as set forth In Federal Specificotions PS-22-70, with on Appropriate Standard Dimension (S.D.R.) - (Solvent Weld Pipe). (c) Pressure mainline piping for sizes 1-1/2" and smaller shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded Joints, and sholl be purple. (d) Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type 1, Grade 1, PVC compound conforming to the ASTM Resin Specifications "D1785". All pipe must meet requirements as set forth In Federal Specifications PS-21-70. (e) PVC solvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF opproved conforming to ASTM Test Procedure D2466. (f) Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and Installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. Mainline pressure pipe shall be solvent welded utilizing o two step process with primer and gray glue. (g) All PVC pipe must bear the following markings. 1. Manufacturer's Name 2. Nominal Pipe Size 3. Schedule or Class 4. Pressure Rating In P.S.I. 5. NSF (National Sonllollon Foundation) Approval 6. Dale of Extrusion (h) All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name of trodemork, material designation, size, opplicoble I.P.S. Schedule and NSF Seal of Approval. A.C.P., 4" and above, shall hove the words "RECLAIMED WATER" stenciled In 2-lnch green letters on both sides of the pipe In at leost three ploces In a 13-foot section of pipe (total of six places per section of pipe). All pipe shall have stenciling oppearing on both sides of the pipe with the marking "RECLAIMED WATER" In 5/8" letters repeated every 12 Inches. 2. PVC Non-pressure Lateral Line Piping (o) Non-pressure burled lateral line piping shall be PVC Sch 40 with solvent-weld joints, ond shall be purple. (b) Pipe shall be mode from NSF approved, Type 1, Grade 11 PVC compound conforming to ASTM Specifications "D1784". All pipe must meet requirements set forth In Federal Specification PS-22-70 with on oppropriate Standard Dimension Rollo. (c) Except os noted In Paragraphs (o) and (b) of Section 2.01.A.1(a) and (b), all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings sholl be the same as for solvent-weld pressure mainline pipe ond fittings as set forth in Section 2.01 .A.1 of these specifications, (Primer not required). All unsized end run later lines sholl be 3/4" PIPE. 3. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Fltllngs and Connections: Type II, Grade I, Schedule 40, high impact molded fittings, manufactured from virgin compounds as specified for piping, tapered socket or molder threod type, suitoble for either solvent weld or screwed connections. Mochlne threaded fittings and plastic saddle and flange fittings are not acceptable. Furnish fittings permanently marked with following information: Nominal pipe size, type and schedule af moterlol, and Notional Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal of approval. PVC fitting shall conform to ASTM D2464 and D2466. C. Automatic Control Wire: 1. Electric wiring running from Controller to Automatic control valves shall be No. 14, solid, single conductor, copper wire, 4/64 inch insulation, 4/64 Inch neoprene Jackel, st)Ae BR (Direct Burial) or equal, color code wires to each valve, common wire shall be white. D. Automatic Controller: 1. Controller shall be furnished and Installed complete with all water, electrical and drainage services, ready for operation. Unit shall be electric, self-contained outdoor type, wall-mounted, or approved equal. See deloll for controller enclosure. 2. Unit shall have a minimum stations as shown on Irrigation Legend. 3. Controller shall be the latest model of the porlicular manufacturer supplied. 4. Unit shall be 120-volt, 60-cycle controller, be completely automotlc and shall function optionally with or without the clock. 5. Any station may be repealed independently In any 24 hours. 6. Stations shall be adjustable from 1 to 59 minutes. 7. Control panel shall be removable plug-In type. B. Mechanism shall be housed In sturdy, vandal-proof case, manufactured of 14-gauge steel, or case aluminum; furnished for maximum exterior protection. 9. The clock and all working parts of the controller shall be contained within one protecting cover. E. Control Valves: 1. Remote Control Valves shall be of all Plastic body. Valve shall be provided with an adjustable flow control stem and shall be operable manually without electricity. F. Valve Box: 1, For remote control volves 9-1/2" x 16" x 11" rectangular box manufactured by Carson Industries #14129-128 with purple boll down cover or approved equal. 2. For boll valve: 10• x 10'1/4" round, Corson Industries #910-128 with purple bolt cover or opproved equal. Extensfon sleeve to be PVC-6" minimum size. G. Sprinkler Heads shall be as required on the drawings or approved equal. I. Ball Valves: 1. Ball valve 1 Inch size lo 2 Inch size shall meet ASTM standards with seals which are self adjusting lo compensate wear. Ball valves shall have molded micro-finish ball with low torque requirements to operate unit monuolly. Ball volve shall hove o patented feature -"Preloaded" stem seal and Impact resistant handles. 2. Product: 1" -2" size (King Bros. Lo-torque ball valve models Lt. size (King Bros. Block true union ball valve models Valencia, California (800)541-2672 or (805)257-3262, J. Concrete footings shall be 2,000 psi concrete at 26 days. K. Backfill shall be clean fill soil. 1000-t thru Ll.2000-1) 2" -4" 91384 Phone: L. Contractor shall provide to the Owner: 1. Two (2) Control Valve keys. 2. Two (2) wrenches for removing each different type of sprinkler head. 3. One (1) 48" lee wrench for operating gate valves. 4. Six (6) quick coupler keys and six (6) hose bib assemblies. 5. Five (5) keys for opening and locking each automatic controller. M. Pressure regulator shall be bronze with screw fitting. See details and drawing. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 Gf.NE'RAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Locations on drawings are diagrammatic ond approximate only, and sholl be changed and adjusted os necessary as directed to meet existing conditions and obtain complete water coverage. Locate and stake oil work and obtain approval of Architect before Installations. 8. Install and extend system as shown on drawings, and os necessary to carry out the Intent of Drawings and Specifications. C. Locate lines, valves and other underground utllllies and receive approval of Architect before digging trenches. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM: A. Excovotlon and Bockfllling of Trenches: 1. Excavate trenches, prepare subgrode, ond backfill to line and grade with sufficient room for pipe fittings, testing and inspecting operations. Do not backfill until pipe system has been subjected to hydrostatic test as specified. 2. Depth of cover In the Trench: Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Line 18" minimum Polyvinyl Chloride Non-Pressure Line 12" minimum Polyvinyl Chloride Non-Pressure Lines for drip system lateral lines shall be Installed at 12• depth. Installation of Polysthylene Distribution tubing: Distribution tubing shall be cut into lengths that will allow tubing to lay in o relaxed manner from emitter point (at shrub stem). Allow two (2) distribution tubes per plant. Tubes shall be pressed firmly onto emitter barb so the tube end comes Into contact with emitter body at base of barb. 3. Trench Ing through areas where topsoil has been spread: (a) Deposit topsoil on one side of trench ond subsoil on opposite side. 4. Subsoil shall be free of all rocks over one (1) Inch in diameter, debris, and litter, prior to use 01 backfill where so indicated on detail. 5. Repair ony leaks and replace all defective pipe fittings until lines meet test requirements. Do not cover any lines until they have been Inspected ond approved for tightness, quality of workmanship ond materials. 6. Backfill trenches, after approval of piping, with suitable and approved materlol, tamping aoll around pipe and thoroughly compacting all trench fills until 90% compaction hos been achieved. 7. Backfill material shall be approved soil, free from rocks and clods. B. lnslallolion of Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe: 1. Because of the nature of plastic pipe and fittings, exercise caution In handling, loading and storing, to avoid damage. 2. The pipe and fittings shall be stored under cover until using, and shall be transported In a vehicle with a bed long enough to allow length of pipe to lay flat so as not to be subjected to undue bending or concentrated external load at any point. 3. Any pipe tho\ has been dented or damaged shall be discorded until such dented or damaged section is cul and rejoined with o coupling. 4. Trench depth shall be as specified above from the finish grade to the top of the pipe. The bottom of trench shall be free of rocks, clods, and other sharp-edged objects. 5. Pipe ends and fittings shall be wiped with P66 Primer, or equal, before welding solvent Is applied. Welded Joints sholl be given a minimum of 15 minutes to set before moving or handling. All field cuts sholl be beveled to remove burrs and excess before filling and gluing together. 6. Pipe shall be snaked from side-to-side of trench bottom to allow for expansion and contraction. 7. Center load pipe with smoll amount of backfill to prevent arching and slipping under pressure. Leave joints exposed for Inspection during testing. 8. No waler shall be permitted In the pipe until Inspections have been completed and a period of at least 24 hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing. 9. Plastic to metal joints: Solvent-weld, using solvent recommended by pipe manufacturer only. 10. Plastic to Plastic Joints: Solvent-weld, using solvent recommended by pipe manufacturer only. 11. Solvent-weld Joints: Assemble per manufacturer's recommendation. 12. Thrust block shall be Installed as per detail. C. Remote Control Wiring: 1. Direct Burial Control wire sizes: As shown and specified herein before. 2. Provide one control wire end one common ground wire to service each vclve in system. Provide 4-foot minimum expansion loop at each valve lo permit removal and maintenance of valves. 3. lnsloll control wires and Irrigation piping In common trenches wherever possible. an 300 feet, splices as 4. Control Wire Splices: Allow only on runs of more th (1) Strip off minimum of 2-1/2 inches of insulatlo (2) Twist on Scolchlock electrical spring connector, n from each wire. minimum four complete ( 3) Seal connector in epoxy resin. (4) Tape completed splice with Scotch 33 electrical tape. follows: turns. oi wires from automatic valves to 5. Numbering and Tagging: Identify direct burial conlr terminal strips of controller al terminal strip by taggin g wire with number of connected valve. /1\ DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION D. Automatic Controller: 1. Automatic Controller sholl be Installed as shown and directed. Controller shall be tested with complete electrical connections. Contractor shall be responsible for temporary power to controller for operation and testing purposes. 2. Connections to control wiring shall be mode within the pedestal of the controller. All wire shall follow the pressure moln Insofar as possible. 3. Electrical wiring shall be In a rigid PVC plastic conduit from controller to electrical outlet. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for Installing oil wiring to the sub-panels, clocks, or elsewhere as required, in order to complete this lnstallotlon. A disconnect switch shall be Included. 4. Controller shall have a master switch. It shall be possible to operate each valve manually, independent of clock of ony other valve. F. Valve Box: 1, Install valve boxes as shown on detail. lnstoll no more than one valve per box. Stencil valve number and controller letter on underside of valve box lid. G. Sprinkler Heads: 1. All sprinkler heads shall be lnstolled as per details shown. 2. Nozzle size of all heods shall be adjusted to suit any portlculor conditions of the area. This shall be done after the system has been thoroughly tested, Immediately after written notification by the Architect lo do so. H. Quick Coupler Aosembly: 1. Install oil quick couplers as Indicated on drawings and as directed. Set all valves plumb and true to finish grade and a maximum of 12 inches from paving, walks, headers or curbs, and as shown on plans and as directed. I. Boll Valves: 1, lnsloll where shown as detailed. J, Backflow Preventer: 1. Bockflow preventer assembly shall be Installed In accord with manufacturer's specifications, localed and as directed on drawings, and shall conform to all opplicable code and ordinance requirements. City Backflow Specialist shall approve locallon and lnstollotion (760) 431-7152. 2. Exact location and positioning shall be verified on the site by Architect. K. Pressure Regulator If needed shall be Installed as per drawings and detail. Verify final locotlon with Architect. L Installation of Anti-Drain Valves: Anti-drain valves shall be Installed in the riser assemblies of all sprinkler heads that do not hove manufacturer Installed antl-droln devices. M. Install quick couplers and remote control valves adjacent to walks and curbs In shrub plontlng areas. Install quick coupler valves no further than 150 ft. apart. N. Sleeving: 1. Crossing of vehicular path with Irrigation pipe or wiring shall be ovolded wherever possible. If a crossing must be made, Schedule 80 PVC sleeves shall be Installed ot o minimum depth of 30" below finish grade. 2. Irrigation lines under pedestrian paving shall be Installed In Schedule 40 PVC sleeves at a minimum depth of 18" below finished grade. 3. Sleeve sizes for Irrigation lines shall be o minimum of two (2) limes the size of the line It serves. 4. Controller wire• localed under streets or other permanent improvements shall be Installed In separate PVC sleeves end corresponding lo type and depth as specified on L-1. and L-2. 3.03 CLEAN-UP: A. As project progresses, Contractor shall maintain all areas In a neat manner and remove unsightly debris as necessary. After complellon of the project, Contractor shall remove all debris and containers used In accomplishing work. He shall sweep and clean all sidewalks, asphalt, and concrete areas ad Jocent lo plantings. ••• PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE lliJ lliJ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVE[ ,/6-t.1 /-lz-a; v ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: 434-4L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-04 -N SECTION 02900 LANDSCAPING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, Including General and Supplementary conditions and Division 1 Specification sections apply to work of this section, and must be fully considered In connection therewith. 1.02 SCOPE A. The work Includes all services, labor, materials, transportation and equipment necessary to perform the work indicated on the drawings and as specified herein and as required to complete properly the contract. B. Related Work: 1. Irrigation (Section 02480) 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See requirements In General Conditions, and Section 01340. B. Contractor shall submit o typewritten 11st with specifications of all feasible mcterlols, Including soil amendments, fertlllzers, plant moterlols, etc., with quantities of each. 1.04 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS A. "Planting Area" shall mean all areas to be seeded, sodded, planted with trees, shrubs, and/or groundcovers. 1.05 GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS A. Plant Materials: Plants (15-gallon size and larger) •hall be guaranteed to live and grow In healthy condition during the agreed upon 90 day maintenance period or until final acceptance (3.20 Part BJ. Plant material will continue to be guaranteed for one (1) year. B. Plant material smaller than 15-gallon •lze: Shall be guaranteed to live and grow In vigorous healthy upright condition for a minimum of one growing season after final acceptance of work (excluding seasonal color). C. Replacement: All plants not healthy and In vigorous growing condition as determined by the Landscape Architect shall be replaced Immediately. Plants used for replacement shall be the same kind and size as epeclfled In the plant list. They shall be furnished, planted and fertilized as originally specified at no costs to Owner. 1.06 VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS A. All scaled dimensions on the drawings are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions, quantities, and grade elevations, and shall Immediately lnfomn the Landscape Architect of any discrepancies. B. Prior to the excavation for planting or placing of plant materials, the Contractor shall verify the location of oil underground utility lines and other Improvements, and take proper precautions to avoid damage to such Improvements. In the event of conflict between such Improvements and plant locations, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect, and arrangements wlll be made for relocation as necessary. Failure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility for making any and all repairs for damage resulting from work as herein specified at his own expense. 1.07 PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS During the construction and maintenance period, the Contractor shall take every precaution to protect and avoid damage to sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, drainage lines, and all other underground facilities and all paving, structure1S1 fixtures, and existing plantings. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all damage to such Improvements and shall completely repair or replace the same at no cost to the Owner. 1.08 INSTRUCTIONS AND OBSERVATION A. All changee and deviations to the plans and specifications shall be confirmed In writing via the Landscape Architect. B. The Contractor shall be avonable on call to make a joint observation with the City Inspector and/or Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall have sufficient work personnel available during normal working hours to correct deficiencies Immediately upon request af the Landscape Architect. Such repair or re-work services are to be perfomned without Interference to regular project schedule. C. Plants shall be subject to approval by the Owner's Representative at the place of growth and/or upon delivery to the site for quality, size and variety. Such approval shall not Impair the right of observation and rejection at the site during progress af work for size, condition of root boll, latent defects, or Injuries. Rejected plants ■hall be removed Immediately from the site, unless otherwise approved by the Landscape Architect. D. Site observations herein specified shall be made by the Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect of a site observation at least 48 hours In advance of an observation. An observation will be made by the Landscape Architect during office working hours on each of the steps or conditions listed below. The Contractor or his authorized representative shall be on site at the time of each observation. The Contractor will not be permitted to Initiate the succeeding step of work until he has received approval to proceed by the Landscape Architect. 1. Pre-Construction Meeting: Immediately prior to the commencement of work of this section, Contractor shall receive approval of materials and equipment to be used, and methods of installation. 2. Incorporation of soil conditioning and fertilizing Into the soil: Soll tests performed by a pro-approved soil testing the laboratory shall be submitted and paid for by the Contractor for agricultural suitability and approved by the Landscape Architect and City Inspector once rough grading has been completed, and prior to Installing any plant material. 3. Upon the completion of finish grading and mow curbs layout In the field, but prior to mow curb installation. 4. Approval of all plant material quallty. 5. Layout of plant material. • TESIIlMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPB ARCHl1ECI'URE • LAND PlANNINO 9903 BUSINBSSPAIUC AVB. SUll1! C • MN DIBClO, CA 921:ll l'ID 11110 -PAlO i1110 a,-1112 100 JOB NO. os-on DA'IE 09-J>-OS 6. Pre-maintenance observation: When planting and all other Indicated or specified work, except the Maintenance Period, has been completed. Acceptance and written opprovol shall establish beginning of the Maintenance Period. this Is not a final observotlon or acceptance, and II does not relieve the Contractor from any of the responsibilities in the contract documents for this project. 7. Final site observation at the completion of the specified maintenance period. This observation shall establish the beginning date for the guarantee period. E. Acceptance: Upon completion of the Final Observation and the work of this section, the Contractor wlll be notified in writing (1) whether the work Is acceptable and (2) of any requirements necessary for completion and acceptance, 1.09 SUSPENSION OF WORK A. The Landscape Architect shall recommend to the Owner any necessity to suspend the work wholly, or In part, for such period or periods as he may deem necessary due to unsuitable weather, or such other conditions as are considered unfavorable for the reasonable performance of the work, or for such time as Is necessary due to the failure on the port of the Contractor to carry out orders given or to perfomn any or all provisions of the contract. B. If It should become necessary to stop work for an Indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in such a manner that they wlll not become on obstruction nor become damaged In any way, and he shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed. The Contractor shall cover oil open excavations and shall provide suitable drainage by opening ditches, planting pits, etc., and erect temporary structures where necessory. C. Grading, soil preparation, and plonllng work shall be performed only during periods when beneficial and optimum results may be obtained. If the moisture content of the soil should reach a level that working ii would destroy the soil structure, spreading, grading and tilling operations shall be suspended until the moisture content reaches acceptable levels and the desired results are attainable. 1.10 CERTIFICATIONS AND NOTICE OF DELIVERY OF MATERIAL A. The Landscape Landscape Architect shall be furnished with duplicate signed, legible copies of certificates and/or invoices stating the brand, grade, amount and quantity of each Item for all soil, fertilizers, soil conditioners, plans and other materials. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY STOP WORK PROGRESS UNTIL CERTIFICATES ARE RECEIVED AND REVIEWED BY THE OWNER. B. The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect In advance when all materials are to be delivered and the manner of shipment, and shall furnish therewith an itemized list, in duplicate, of the actual quantity of material in each delivery, in order to ensure satisfactory coordination of delivery, and to expedite the required Inspection at the point of delivery. The itemized 11st, in duplicate, for each delivery of plant material shall Include Invoices certifying that subject material has been Inspected as required by the State Agricultural Code prior to acceptance or planting. Partlculor care, using approved equipment, shall be exercised to ensure safe loodlng, unloading, shipping and handling for all plantings from source to in-place locations indicated on the drawings. 1.11 PLANT MATERIALS A. Quantities for plant materials are shown per pion for convenience only and not guaranteed. Contractor shall check and verify count and supply sufficient number to fulfill intent of drawings. 1.12 INVOICE OF MATERIALS A. Upon delivery of materials and/or completion of all soil conditioning and grading, but prior to Initiating planting operations, the Landscape Architect with the heretofore specified signed copies of required certificates, trip slips and fnvofces for sol! preparation materials, shall invoice such material, comparing the total quantities of each material furnished against the total area to each operation. If the minimum rates of application have not been met, the Landscape Architect will require the distribution of additional quantities of these materials to fulfill the minimum requirements specified. B. After Installation of plant materials, but prior to the pre-maintenance site observation, the Landscape Architect, with the heretofore specified signed copies of the required certificates and related items, shall Invoice such material, comparing the total area and/or the amounts specified. If the minimum amounts hove not been furnished, the Landscape Architect will require the lnstallotlon of additional materials to fulfill the minimum requirements specified, C. A sample of the soil amendments shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect within 15 days after recording of the contract for submittal to a testing laboratory, along with specifications of each product. After soil amendments have been thoroughly mixed Into the site, random samples of the mixed soil will be taken by the engineer and submitted to the soil laboratory for comparison to a control mix. Cost of the above testing by the soils laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.13 PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES A. It Is the intent of the project that certain areas of the existing plant materials shall be retained. Prior to the removal of any trees, tho Contractor shall confer with the Landscape Architect to determine those plants that are to remain. 8. All existing trees which are to remain In the project shall be tagged and identified by the Contractor prior to start al work. C. Contractor shall be responsible for all trees that are to remain In the project. Damage to a plant which results in death or permanent disflguratlon shall result In the complete removal of the plant, Including roots, from the site by the Contractor. The Contractor at his own expense shall replace the plant with one of equal value as established by the Landscape Architect or reimburse the Owner the cost of said replacement if a replacement cannot be obtained. The Landscape Architect shall be the sole judge of the condition of the plant. D. All existing trees that are to remain shall be protected at all times from damage by men and equipment. All damage by the Contractor to existing plants shall be repaired at his expense by personnel approved by the Landscape Architect. E. The Contractor shall insure that no foreign material and/or liquid, such as point, concrete, cement, oil, turpentine, acid or the like, be deposited or allowed to be deposited on any soil within the dripllne (the outside edge of foliage overhand) of any tree or shrub or within 6' of the trunk of a vine. Should any such poisoning of the soil occur, the Contractor shall remove said soil as directed by the Landscape Architect and replace It with acceptable soil at no expense to the Owner. F. Excavation adjacent to existing trees and shrubs: Where It Is necessary to excavate In close proximity to existing trees and shrubs, all possible caution shall be exercised to avoid injury to roots and trunk. Excavation close to trees shall be by hand, tunneling under roots 2" and lorger in diameter. Cutting of roots 2" and larger shall be only on the approval of the Landscape Architect. Paint cut roots within 24 hours of Initial damage with approved pruning paint. When this Is not possible, keep the side of excavation adjacent to tree shaded with moist burlap or canvos. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 QUALITY A. All materials shall be of standard, approved, and first grade quality and shall be In prime condition when Installed and accepted. All commercially processed and/or packaged materials shall be delivered to the site In the original unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENT AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY Specific soil test shall be conducted after grading operation hos taken place. A ~hl"III 1-,..,. n ,.,...,.,..,-,1 ---'--'11r,I · -r: .. ,.......,, nf nH,.nfl ... .-1 whH ... fir 1,nrl /,..., .... ~ fir. Amendment shall upon analysis contain at least 1.0% nitrogen \On a dry weight basis) with an osh content not to exceed 15%. A commercial grade product shall be used. Contractor shall supply Landscape Architect or his appointed representative with a sample of the proposed amendment accompanied by a laboratory analysis from on approved laboratory illustrating degree of compliance. Guarantee = wt/cu/yd. = 460# -720#. Ammoniac nitrogen = 1 .0%. pH (less than 6.8). Salinity (total soluble soils • 3.0 MMHO). Density = 20# cu.ft. Properties = (gradation sieve size) -No. 6 -95% minimum passing; No. 8-80% minimum passing; No. 35 -30% minimum passing. Wetabillty -to be In compliance with standards as per American Society of Agronomy B. Agricultural Grode Gypsum -Sholl be a (Co S04 -H20) calcium sulfate product -94.3%. 90% shall pass a 50 mesh screen. Chemical reaction will remove Sodium attached to soil particles. Gypsum also loosens heavy clay soils through electro-chemical action. Control of dust during application is mandatory. Shall be U.S. Gypsum, Dolmar, Sof'N'Soil, or Bandin!, if not available, shall be equal to. C. Sulfur (Soll) -Shall be elemental sulfur (99.5%) commercially prepared so that 46.9% passes a 50 mesh screen. Sholl be Wil-Gro, Union Chemicals or Boker Industries, if not available, shall be equal to. D. Iron Sulfate -Iron shall be expressed as metallic -derived from sulfate -deep green (Fe S04 H20). A minimum analysis of 20.0% and 98.3% retained on a 10 mesh screen. Shall be Wilson & Geo. Meyer, Wil-Gro, or Bandin!. If not available, shall be equal to. E. Pre-plant or starter fertlllzer shall be a commercial grade flowable fertilizer wlth-1 % nitrogen, 10% phosphorous pentloxlde and 10% potassium sulfate. No Potassium Chloride I• to be used. Organic nitrogen shall be from Cottonseed Meal and Urea. Phosphate available from superphosphate and Cottonseed Meal. Potash from sulfate of Potash ond Cottonseed Meal. Screen analysis: % retained on stocked screen-approximately 8-mesh 24.2%; 20-mesh 75.2%; 48 -mesh 0.2%. Available percentage weight of plant food: Nitrogen 1.0% min. Phosphoric acid 10.0% min. Potash 10.0% min. Shall be WII-Gro, Bandin! or Kellogg. If not avollable, shall be equal to. F. Post Plant Fertilizer (Maintenance): Fertilizer (commercial) shall be a combination of noturol organic and lnorganic granular fertilizers, free-flowing, suitable for applicotlon with approved equipment and shall contain the following minimum available percentages by weight of plant food: Nitrogen Ammoniac Sulfate Remainder of Nitrogen 1.25% Water Insoluble Phosphoric acid Potash Iron Zinc Manganese Calcium 14.0% min. 4.0% min. 8. 75% Water Soluble 7.0% min. 3.0% min. 2.0% 0.15% 0.15% 2.0% Organic Nitrogen is derived from Urea and Cottonseed Meal. Phosphate from Superphosphate and Cottonseed Meal. Potash from Sulfate of Potash and Cottonseed Meal. No Potassium Chloride Is to be used. Sulfur from Sulfate of Ammonia. Calcium from Superphosphate, Iron from Ferrous Sulfate and mixed Sulfides. Zinc and Manganese are expressed as metallic and In their elemental form. Screen analysis: (% retained) -approximately: 4 mesh = 1.3%; 8 mesh = 24.2%; 20 mesh = 74.0%; and 48 mesh 0.05%. Shall be WII-Gro Fairway, Bandin!, or Kellogg. If not avoilable, shall be equal to. G. Planting tablets shall be tightly compressed chip type commercial grade planting tablets, of varying sizes with the following available percentages by weight of plant food: Nitrogen Phosphoric acid Potash Shall be Agriform or Gro-Power. If not available, shall be equal to. 20.0% min. 10.0% min. 5.0% min. WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM Ingredients 1. 50% Scythe 2. 50% Glyphosate (Roundup) Preparation: Fill the spray tank with the required amount of water, than add above mixture. Agitate thoroughly at mixing and re-agitate occasionally during use. Rates: Above mixture may be used at rates from 3% to 10% volume to volume in water. Use the lower rates for tank mixing with glyphosata and medium rates when applying alone to weeds lass than 6 inches in height. Apply above mixture at the higher rates for weeds greater than 6 inches in height. Application: Use a backpack or handheld sprayer or a conventional spray rig. Be sure to thoroughly cover all of the target plants' foliage. Timing: For fastest kill, apply on a warm, sunny, day, Do not apply during windy conditions that could carry spray to desirable vegetation in nearby locations. 2.03 PLANTING BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS A. Rate of application lo for bidding purposes only. Soll test may reduce or Increase total soil yardage amendment and chemical additives. Planting backfill shall be a thoroughly blended mixture of topsoil and soil amendments at the following mixtures: Soll Amendment1/2 c.y. Stock Piled site soil 1 /2 c.y. Gypsum5 lbs. per /cu/yd. of mix Sulfur (so11}1 lbs. per /cu/yd. of mix Iron Sulfote1 lbs. per /cu/yd. of mix Pre-Plant (1-10-10) 3 lbs. per/cu/yd. of mix ( also see 3.04 Exterior Planter Backfill). 2.04 PLANT MATERIALS A. Nomenclature: Scientific and common names of plants herein specified shall conform with the approved names given In "a checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California," published by the University of California, College of Agriculture, Manual 32 (1963). See list of plant material on drawings. B. Labeling: Each group of plant materials delivered on site shall be clearly labeled as to species and variety. However, final determination of plant species and variety will be made by the Landscape Architect and whose decision will be final. All patented plants (cultivar) required by the plant 11st shall be delivered with o proper plant patent attached. C. Quality and Size: All plants shall be vigorous, of normal growth, free from diseases, insects, insect eggs, and/or exceed the measurements specified. D. Container Stock: Shall have grown In containers for at least six months, but not over two years. No container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth when token from the container shall be planted, except upon special approval. No trees with damaged roots or broken balls shall be planted. E. Pruning: At no time shall the plant materials be pruned, trimmed or topped prior lo delivery, delivery and any alteration on the site of their shape shall be conducted only with the approval and In the presence of the Landscape Architect. F. Inspection of Plant Materials: Required by City, County or State authorities, shall be a responslblllty of the Contractor, and when necessary he shall have secured permits or certificates prior to delivery of plants at site. G. On-Site Inspection of Plant Materials: Plants shall be subject to Inspection and approval or rejection at the project site at any lime before or during progress of work for size, variety, condition, latent defects and Injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from the project site immediately. H. Rejection and Substitution: All plan,\s not confomnlng to the requirements herein specified shall be considered defective, ond such plants, whether In place or not. shall be marked as rejected and be Immediately removed from the site of the work and replaced with acceptable plant materials. The plant materials shall meet all applicable Inspections required by law. All plants sholl be the species, variety, size, age, flower color and condition as specified herein and/or as Indicated on the drawings. Under no condition wlll there be any eubstitution of plant species, variety, or reduced size for those listed on the accompanying drawings, except with express written consent of the Landscape Architect. I, Right to Changes: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to change the species, variety and/or sizes of plant material to be furnished, provided that the cost of such plant changes does not exceed the cost of plants In the original bid. The Contractor shall be notified and confirmed In wrltlng prior to sixty (60) days before the planting operation has commenced. Changes In the size and/or vorlety of any plant to be furnished which involves a reduction or addition In cost shall be adjusted In the contract cost, J. Root Condition: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to Inspect root condition of any species. particularly those grown from seed, and if found defective, to reject the plants represented by the defective sample. K. Protection: All plants at oil times shall be handled and stored so that they ore adequately protected from drying out, from wind burn, and from all other injury. All plants determined by the Owner's representative to be wilted, burned, or dried out, may be rejected, and removed from the site. The Contractor's on-site plant storage area sholl be approved by the Owner's representative prior to the delivery of any plant materials. L. Shrub and Tree Samples: Typical samples, three each of all varieties and sizes (shrubs 5 gallon and under, trees 15 gallon and under) of all plant materials shall be submitted for Inspection approval at the site a minimum af fifteen days prior to planting operations. Approved samples shall remain on the site and shall be maintained by the Contractor as standards of comparison for plant materials to be furnished. Samples will be incorporated Into the work. PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 APPROVED FOR PLANTING IRRIGATION ONLY. AND INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION AREAS. OF PLANTING "AS-BUILT ,, P.E. EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1---t---t----------------t----t--+---t----J ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ :=:===.:=========='..::::=~ PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA /1\ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL APPROVED1 ~ ,I<:',-/ IP.M ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. CHKD BY:___ p I p 05 04 RVWD BY: ' ' · - /-IZ-<X DATE DRAWING NO. 434-4L M. Specimen Tree Selection: 1. One sample each of each tree variety and olze, as called out on drawings, 24" box and larger shall be delivered to the project site for approval prior to installation. 2. The Contractor shall Immediately remove any trees not approved. 3. The Contractor at his option and at his expense, can retain the services of the Landscape Architect to review trees 24" box size or larger togged at the nursery and/or at Its place of growth. 2.05 GROUNDCOVER A. Groundcover plants shall be healthy, vigorous rooted cuttings grown In flats. 2.06 PLANTER MULCH A. Planter mu[ch shall be Sierra Walk-On Bark Mulch as manuf. by Sierra Forest products, phone (209) 535-1502, or approved equal. Contractor shall provlde samples to owner and City Inspector for approval prior to bulk dellvery to Job site. 2.07 STAKING MATERIAL A. Tree guy wires shall be of pllable, zinc-coated steel minimum gauge No. 12 and anchor to appropriate dead man. Wire loops at branches shall be covered by 2-ply reinforced rubber 1/4" In diameter. Guy wires shall be flagged with 1/8-lnch diameter x 4"-0" length surgical tubing. 2.8 ROOT BARRIER A. Root barrier shall be a multi-year root control system consisting of herbicidal time-released nodules permanently attached to a permeable geotextlle fabric which will Inhibit plant root encroochm ent. Active lngredlent:Trlfluralln (a,a,a -Trlfluro-2,6-Dlnltro -N,N -Dlpropyl -P -Toluldlne)17.1% Inert lngredlents82.9% Sholl be Bio-Barrier -No Known Equal. 2.9 PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE A. Pre-Emergent herbicide shall be as determined by the Contractor. 2.10 WEED CONTACT HERBICIDE A. Weed contact herbicide shall be cs determined by the Contractor, 2.11 LAWN A. All lawn areas shall be sodded with Marathon Ill Dwarf Fescue blend. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine proposed plontlng areas and conditions of lnstollotlon. Do not start plantlng work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General: The areas to receive trees, shrubs and groundcover plantings and their respective requirements for Imported topsoll, fertlllzing , soil conditioning, and other treatment shall be as defined on the drawings. Equipment necessary for preparation of the ground surface and for handllng and piecing all required material shall be on hand In good working condition. Work shall be performed only during periods when beneliclal results can be obtained. B. Cleorlng and Grubbing: Prior to ripping and tllloge operations, all vegetation In the area to be planted shall be grubbed, raked, and cleared from the site. The ground surface shall be cleared of all material which has accumulated during construction and all malerlol which might hinder proper grading, tillage, planting and subsequent maintenance operation. All grubbed materials and debris shall be lawfully disposed of off the site by the Contractor at his cost. C. Obstruction Below Ground: All subsurface rock• over 2" In diameter and other underground obstructions shall be removed to the depth necessary to permit proper fine grading, tilling, or plantlng according to plans and specifications. All abandoned uttllty llnes uncovered or severed shall be cut below grade and capped or plugged with concrete. Exploslves shall not be used for removal. 'Mien the location of utllity lines Is shown on the plans or has been mode known to the Contractor, all damage to these lines shall be repaired by the Contractor In a manner approved by the Landscape Architect and affected utility. D. Deep Ripping: All areas (lncludlng slopes) lo receive groundcover, shrubs, and hydroseeding shall be deep ripped and loosened to a depth of twelve (12) Inches In all directions. 3.03 SOIL AMENDMENTS, FERTILIZING AND ROTOTILLING A. Rote of appllcatlon Is for bldd'ln9 purposes only. Soll lest may reduce or Increase total soll amendment yardage. Adjustments (plus or minus) may be necessary. Contractor shall obtain at least two soil tests of rough grade ot site and submit results to the Landscape Architect for Interpretation and recommendation. B. After the areas hove been deep ripped, the followlng rotes of ooll amendment molerlols shall be evenly spread over all planting areas and shall be thoroughly scarified to an average depth of six Inches ~y rotolllllng a minimum of two alternating passes. Amendment must be Intimately blended with soil. Soll amendment: 6 cubic yards per 1,000 sq. ft. to o depth of 8". Gypsum: 120 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Soll Sulfur: 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Iron Sulfate: 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Fertlllzer (commercial) 1-10-10 shall be applled at the rate of 30 pounds per thousand square feet and scarified Into the lop two Inches of finish grade. Ferllllzer shall be applled after leaching operation. C. The thoroughness and completeness of the rototllllng and Incorporation of the soil amendments shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Slopes 2: 1 and sleeper or as per the drawings omit soil conditioner appllcallon and tllllng. D. Deep Water Leaching and Soll Testing: Deep water leaching shall be competed as recommended by a certified agronlmlc laboratory. The followlng process for deep waler leachlng Is for bidding purposes only. Item number three (3.) shall be performed as stated below. 1. After the tllllng operation, the area shall be deep water leached three (3) times over a five (5) day period. Apply 1/2" water at each appllcatlon. Walt one (1) day between applications. 2. One day after final appllcatlon of water, the soll shall be tested for content of soluble salts (electrical conductivity E.C.). Landscape Architect and Contractor shall take several soil mamples and dellver the samples to a laboratory for testing of soluble soils. E.C. test reading shall not be above 2.0, the soil amending, tilling and deep watering procedure shall be repealed until test readings are not above 2.0 3. If sotl test reading for o parllcular area tested Is above 2.0, the soil amending, tllllng andl deep watering procedure shall be repeated until test readings are not above 2.0 E. Core shall be token that the rate of oppllcotlon of water does not cause erosion or sloughing of soils. F. All depressions, voids, erosion scars and settled trenches generated by the deep watering shall be filled with amended soil and brought to finish grade. • TESHJMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHm!CTURE • LAND PLANNJNO 9903 BtlSINlll!IIPAB. AVI!. SUITB C • SAN DJBGO, CA !12131 m•--•- TOO JOB NO. QS-Ol1 DATE l»-.»-05 G. Apply Naiad Wetting Agent, Sorvon or equal 4 oz. per 1,000 s. f. at the first spray of soil amendments. 3.04 EXTERIOR PLANTER BACKFILL A. Backfill for exterior planters: Shall be as specified In Section 2.04. Prior to bockfllllng Planter, Contractor shall Install "Monollnk Irrigation System" per manufacturer's specifications. 3.05 FINISH GRADING A. Finish grades shall be as Indicated on clvll plan. B. Finish grades shall be measured ofter the ground has been watered-In and mechanlcolly compacted and settled. The final grade shall be within plus or minus 0.1 foot of the spot elevotlons and grade lines indicated on the Civll drawing. C. Ease top and toe of all existing slopes. D. All undulattons and Irregularities In the planting surfaces resulting from tillage, rototilllng and all other operations shall be leveled and floated out before plantlng operations are initiated. E. The Contractor shall take every precaution to protect and ovoid damage lo sprinkler heads, Irrigation llnes, and other underground utllitles during his grading and conditioning operations. F. Final finish grades shall Insure positive drainage of the site with oil surface drainage away from bulldlngs, walls, over mow curbs, and toward roadways, drains and catch basins. G. Final grades shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect before planting operations will be allowed to begin. H. Planting surfaces shall be graded with no less \hon 2 percent surface slope for positive drainage. I. All rock and debris shall be removed from planting areas and then from the site In accordance with the followlng criteria, 1• dla. In lawn areas, 2" dla. In shrub area, 2• dla. In hydroseed areas. J. Finish grade shall be 2" below finish paving surface In shrub areas. 3.06 PLANTING INSTALLATION A. Timing: Actual planting shall be performed during those periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable and In accordance with locally acceptable practice. B. Layout of Trees: All trees(24" box size and larger)shall be placed In the landscape per the direction of the Landscape Architect prior to Installation of irrigation system. The trees shall then be moved so that planting holes can be excavated and amended. The trees shall then be installed In their respective hoes and positioned in the holes per direction of the Landscape Architect. C. Layout Plantlng: Locations shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. All container plants shall be set by the Contractor In their final location In their respective containers prior to digging holes and/or planting. All plant locatlons shall be checked for possible Interference with existing underground utlllty lines. D. Backfill for Trees and Shrubs: Sholl be as specified in section 2.03. If artificial drainage Is requested, then drains shall be Installed first, then backfilled with soil. E. Disposal of Excess Soll and Debris: All excess excavated subsoil, rocks and debris shall be legally disposed of off the site by the Contractor at his cost or utllized on the site as directed by and at the option of the Landscape Architect. 3.07 PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES A. Soll moisture level prior to planting shall be no less than horticulturally acceptable. The Contractor shall request approval of moisture, and if found to be Insufficient for planting, the planting pits shall be filled with water and allowed to drain before starting any planting operations. B. All excavated holes shall hove vertlcol sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of the minimum sizes Indicated on drawings. Holes shall be In all cases large enough to permit handling and planting without Injury or breakage of root bolls or roots. C. Excavation shall Include the stripping and stacking of all acceptable soil encountered within the areas to be excavated for plant pits and planting beds. Protect all areas thot are to be trucked over and upon which soil is to be temporarily stocked pending its re-use for the fllllng of holes, pits and beds. D. Plants shall be removed from containers In such a manner that the ball of earth surrounding the roots Is not broken, and they shall be planted and watered immediately ofter the removal from the containers. E. The plants shall be planted at approved locations with the heretofore specified amendments and soil planting backfill. F. Backflll shall be placed at the bottom of each hole and thoroughly watered and compacted lo a depth so that when a plant Is placed In the hole, its root crown Is slightly above the estobllshed final grade, and unless otherwise noted shall be raised or replaced as directed by the Landscape Architect. G. Planting tablets shall be placed In each plantlng hole at the following rates and per the manufacturer's recommendations.; 1 -5 gram tablet per lndlvlduol liner and flat size plant. 1 -21 gram tablet per gallon container. 3 -21 gram tablets per 5 gallon container. 4 -21 gram tablet per 15 gallon container. 1 -21 gram tablet per each 4 inch box size. Random testing to verify planting tablet Installation shall be conducted by the Landscape Architect. H. No plant will be accepted If the rootboll Is broken or crocked, either before, during, or after the process of lnslollotion. I. All plants shall be thoroughly watered to the full depth of each planting hole Immediately after planting. J. Guying: All trees and other plants Indicated on the plans shall be guyed as detailed. K. The Contractor shall be responsible for all surface and subsurface drainage required which may affect his guarantee of the trees, shrubs and vines. L. Pruning after plontlng shall be required on all trees, shrubs, and vines when necessary to provide the specified or approved standard shapes, form and/or sizes characteristic to each plant. Pruning may include thinning, topping, and/or cutting and shall be under the direction of the Landscape Architect. Cuts over 3/4-inch In diameter shall be painted with an approved tree sealant. M. All trees 24" box and larger shall be spotted. 3.08 PLANTING GROUNDCOVER A. Groundcovers shall be planted In the areas Indicated on the plans and shall be free of surface rock over 2• In diameter and debris. B. If the top four (4) Inches of soil In the area to be planted In groundcover Is not sufflclenlly moist (hortlculturolly acceptable standards), the area shall be thoroughly Irrigated and no less than twelve hours shall pass before planting. C. Groundcover plants shall be grown In flats. Variety Indicated on the plant 11st. Flat grown plants (rooted cuttings) shall remain In those flats untll transplanting. The flats soil shall contain sufficient moisture so that it will not foll apart when llftlng the plants. Plants shall be protected at all times lo prevent drying of the root ball. 0. Groundcovers shall be planted in staggered, random rows and evenly spaced unless otherwise noted and al Intervals called out in the drawings. E. The size of plontlng excavation for groundcover shall be at least twice the depth of the root boll. F. Each plant shall be planted In a manner that will ensure minimum disturbance of the root system. but In no case shall this depth be less than two nodes. Each groundcover plant shall , be planted with one 5 gram plontlng tablet incorporated into the root zone. Plontlng area shall be hand-smoothed after planting to provide an even and smooth final finished grade. To avoid drying out groundcover, plants must be Irrigated after planting. This may be done manually or by using the Installed irrigation system. Repeated applicatlons may be required. especially on a sloplng site. This lnltlal Irrigation shall continue until o zone at least twice the depth of each hole Is thoroughly moistened. 3.09 POST FERTILIZATION A. Trees -Post fertlllzatlon shall occur at 100 day intervals after planting. Bors holes around drlpline (various depths) and apply fertillzer at the rate of 1 lb. per 1" callper In holes, Fertlllzer shall be WII-Gro14-7-3, Fairway, Bandlni, or Kellogg. If not available, shall be equal to. B. Shrubs -Post fertllizallon shall occur 60 days ofter planting and apply fertlllzer at the rote of 1 teaspoon per each 1 gallon plant and 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon plant. Fertlllzer shall be (14-7-3) WII-Gro, Fairway, Bandin I, or Kellogg, If not avallable, shall be equal to. C. Groundcover and lawn oreas -Post fertllizatlon shall occur 60 days ofter plonllng and apply fertilizer at the rate of 7 lb./1,000 s.f. Fertilizer shall be (14-7-3) Wil-Gro, Fairway, Bondini, or Kellogg. If not available, shall be equal to. D. All planted areas shall receive Sarvon, Naiad Wetting Agent or approved equal, 4 oz. per 1,000 s. f. 45 days ofter the start of the maintenance period. 3.10 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD A. General: Maintenance operations shall begin lmmedlately after each plant is planted and shall be kept In a healthy, growing condition by watering, fertilizing, pruning, spraying, weeding and all other necessary operations of maintenance. All areas shall be kept free of weeds and noxious grosses and clean and free of rocks, clods, and debris. All paving and walks shall be kept clear, clean and washed down. B. Establishment Period: Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Ground Covers -The establishment period shall begin on the date that the Landscape Architect Inspects and gives written provisional acceptance of the work and shall be ninety (90) calendar days. The estobllshment period may be extended or shortened at the discretion of the Landscape Architect. C. Maintenance Operations: Plants shall be kept In a healthy, growing condition by watering, pruning, mowing, reseeding, rolling, resoddlng, trimming, edging, fertilizing, restoklng, pest control, spraying, weeding and all other necessary operations of maintenance. Planting beds shall be kept free of weeds, grass and other undesired vegetative growth, and lawn areas shall be kept free from all weeds. During the specified maintenance period, all plants that are dead or severely distressed shalt be replaced lmmedlately. All seasonal color, annuals or perennials shall be maintained In o vigorous, healthy condition through the maintenance period. D. Extended Maintenance: When. In the opinion of the Landscape Architect, there Is Improper maintenance, poor or unhealthy condition of plant materials, the Contractor shall be responsible for additional maintenance of the work at no additional cost to the contract until all the work Is acceptable. E. Protection: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate protection of all plantlng areas against traffic or other use by erecting fencing or other acceptable means Immediately after the planting is completed. Warning signs and barricades shall be placed in various high- traffic areas. Damaged areas shall be repaired immediately by the Contractor. F. Weeding and Cultivating: All tree, shrub, groundcover and hydroseeded areas shell be kept free of debris and weeds. Groundcover and shrub areas shall be cultlvated at Intervals of not more than fourteen (14) days minimum. G. Replacement: During the maintenance period, plants which die or which are In an unhealthy or badly impaired condition shall be replaced by the Contractor within fourteen (14) days ofter unsatisfactory condition is evident. No replacement of plantings shall be mode in any season definitely unfavorable for planting. Al the conclusion of the maintenance period, the Landscape Architect will make on inspection of the work to determine the condition c,f all plants. All unhealthy plants shall be removed from the site and replaced with plants of the same kinds and sizes as originally specified. Such replacement shall be made In the same manner as specified for the originol planting and al no extra cost to the Owner. H. Acceptance: At the conclusion of the maintenance period, an Inspection shall be mode by the Landscape Architect, upon written notice requesting Inspection before acceptance. Maintenance period shall continue until all deficiencies are corrected. • •• HYDROSEED NOTES 1. Hydroseed preparation and application shall conform to all County of San Diego guidelines and restrictions regarding erosion control BMP. b. Application rates shall be 3500 pounds per acre minimum for 2:1 or shallower slopes and 4000 pounds per acre for slopes steeper than 2:1. c. Fiber mulch shall be applied at a minimum rate of 2,000 pounds per acre except when used in conjunction with straw mulch, when it 2. E~utpment a. Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed and slurry of prepared bonded fiber matrix (BFM) shall be of the "Super Hydro.Seeder' type es approved by the San Diego County Engineer. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 3500 pounds fiber matrix per acre and 300 pounds 15· 15-15 mix per acre. b. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set al hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide a continuous non-fluctuating discharge. The slurry lank shall have a minimum capacity of 1500 gallons and shall be mounted on a !raveling unit • either self-propelled or drawn 3. by a separate unit, which will place the slurry tank spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. Pre,aratlon: 5. shall be applied at a minimum rate of 400 pounds per acre. d. BFM shall be applied at least 24 hours before or after rainfall. e. Contractor shall protect site with brow ditches and/or diversion berms at the top of slopes to divert flow from the face of the slope. f. BFM must be installed in conjunction with seeded erosion control vegetation. Follow■p and CartllloatiOI: a. All bare spots shell be re-seeded within ninety (90) days to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. E.3-1 E.3-1.1 CITY OF CARLSBAD SLOPE REVEGETATION/EROSION CONTROL POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS SLOPE PLANTING SLOPE PLANTING STANDARDS Slopes requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: a. Standard #1 -COVER CROP/JUTE MESH Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically made up of quick germinating and fest covering grasses, clovers, and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to appllcatlon. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner sufliclent to provide 90 % coverage within thirty (30) days. Type of jute mesh shall be as approved by the City and staked to the slope es recommended by the manufacturer. Jute mesh shall be required when planting occurs between august 15 and april 15. During the remainder of the year, the cover crop and/or jute mesh may be used. b. Standard #2 · GROUND COVER One hundred percent (100 %) of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristics (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). c. Standard #3 -LOW SHRUBS Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a miminum of 2 ¾ Inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy percent (70 %) of the slope face (at mature size). d. Standard #4 . TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of one (1) gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one(1) plant per two hundred (200) square feet. E.3-1.2 AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTING) E.3-1.2.1 SLOPES•· 6:1 ar steeper and: a. 3 feet or leaa In vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require at minimum Standard #1 (caver crop and jute). b. 4 feet to 8 feet In vertical height require Standards #1, #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8 feet In vertical height require Standards #1, #2, #3 and #4. E.3·1.2·2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS E.3-1.2-2.1 Areas graded flatter than 6:1 require Standard #1 (cover crop) when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months al completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. Identified by the City es highly visible areas to !he public or have special conditions 1hat warrant Immediate treatment. E.3-1.2·2.2 Areas ta be hydroseeded shall first be disked or rototilled to provide & friable, loose seed bed. b. Prior to the acceptance of the hydroseeded areas by the Landscape Architect, the Hydroseed Contractor/Applicator must submit a letter to the County Inspector for approval certifying that the BFM has been Installed in accordance with the approved application rates and coverage requirements and that the hydroseed growth is adequately established to prevent erosion. c. Permanentty irrigated slopes shall be maintained fore period no less than 90 days. d. Nonpermanently Irrigated areas shall be maintained for a period not less 1han 25 months. e. All revegetated areas shall be maintained by the Permittee until final approval by the City Manager. The maintenance period begins on the first day following acceptance and may be extended at the determination of the City Manager. f. Prior to final approval, the City Manager may require corrective action Including but not limited to replanting, the provision or modification of irrigation systems, and the repair of any soil erosion or slope sllppage. PLANS PREPARED ON 9-30-05 REVISED PER DEH, CMWD AND CITY COMMENTS ON 11-29-05 " a. The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of work and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at half•throtlle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft, good re-<:irculation shall be established and, at this time, the seed shall be added. Fertilizers shall then be added, followed by bonded fiber matrix. APPROVED FOR PLANTING IRRIGATION ONLY. "AS-BUILT b. Fiber matrix shall only be added to the mixture after the seed and when the tank is at least one-third (1/3) filled with water. c. The engine throttle shall be opened to full speed when the tank is half.filled with water. All the bonded fiber matrix shall be added by 4. the time 1he tank is two-thirds (2/3) to three-fourths (3/4) full. Spraying shall commence immediately when the tank is full. d. A wetting agent consisting of 95 percent alkyl polyethylene glycol ether shall be applied as per manufacturer's recommendations. A~pllcallnn: a. Equipment used for the application of slurry shall have a built•in agitation system to suspend and homogeneously mix the slurry. The slurry mix shall be dyed green. The equipment must have a pump capable of applying slurry uniformly. The operator shall spray the slopes with a uniform, visible coat by using the green color of the fiber matrix as a guide. The slurry shall be applied In a sweeping motion, in an arched stream so as to fall like rain, and must be applied from all directions, allowtng the fiber matrix to build on each other until 100 % coverage is achieved and the material is spread at the required rate per acre. AND INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION AREAS. OF PLANTING P.E. EXP. ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1------,f---t------'-----------t---+--+---f---l L_2.i_J PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ :==:..:=========:::::..:::===; PALOMAR FORUM , LOT 4 CONCOURSE ONE AT PALOMAR FORUM DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL r CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVED v , / e.u l-12-GL: A--ss~1=sr~A~N=T~P}'LA~N_!.Nl:_N_G~D~l1!_R_EC~T~O-R_____ DATE DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. P.I.P. 05-04 DRAWING NO. 434-4L