HomeMy WebLinkAbout1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CB040665; Permit\0 02-11-2005 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 CB040665 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group Project Title Applicant LUIS DELGADO SUITE E 800 W IVY STREET 619-233-6450 COMM 0 NEW Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD COMMIND Sub Type 1561802100 Lot# S666,175 00 Construction Type Reference # CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Issued Inspect Area Plan Check# Owner " CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C C/O FRANK VIOLI 1241 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR #100 92101 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ISSUED 02/26/2004 SB 02/1 1/2005 02/1 1/2005 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot Water Con Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee 52,21443 Meter Size ' $0 00 Add'l Reel Water Con Fee 31,43938 Meter Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee SO 00 CFD Payoff Fee $13990 PFF '. _ SO 00 PFF (CFD Fund)x ' $0 00 License Tax SO 00 License Tax (CFD Fund) j SO 00 Traffic Impact Fee 1. SO 00 Traffic Impact (CFD Fund) ' ' SO 00 PLUMBING TOTAL SO 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL SO 00 . MECHANICAL TOTAL' SO 00 Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee SO 00 .Redev Parktng Fee SO OO1 : Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES SO 00 SO 00 SO 00 SO 00 S12,12439 $11,191 74 $000 $000 $3,348 80 $3,091 20 $18200 . $41000 $8200 $2,972 98 $3,466 98 $000 $000 S40,663 80 Total Fees $40,66380 Total Payments To Date $1,240 89 Balance Due $39,422 91 BUILDING PLANS IN STORAGE ATTACHED 1740 02/11/05 0002 01 02 CGF" 39422-91 Inspector FINALAPRROVA Date '** •* "*Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition' of fees dedications, reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions" You have 90 days irom the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required miormation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection lees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have_areviouslv beenqiyen a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations,has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 FOR OFFICE USE ONL PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL Plan Ck Deposit Validated Date 8? — Address (include Bldg/Suite ft)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No Subdivision Name/Number Unit No Phase No Total # of units ^jaCK/M OOQ2 01 02Assessor's Parcel # City ,, State/Zip Telephone tt Fax* -™-««Hf-w«r}fi«ij-™ l-f"y';;|'/*v|f»^"im(ifi""nt~i[-i™- sii!!"!Sif'nT>->e'"''f'aT"T']j£lJ!lJ^^ Name fcr " Address City State/Zip Telephone Name Address City State/Zip Telephone ft (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [S5001I State License # Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License it I. Telephone # vexLUy £c| Designer Name State License # Address City State/Zip Telephone Workers' Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations n I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued Q I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker's compensationjnsurance earner and pojicy number are / / *~i D It'' T~^Insurance Company p0|tcV No Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) [~1 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers fompens thousand dollars ($100,000), in additimi to the SIGNATURE _ >^ 7 r '^[OWNER-BUILDER coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred Qf corripensati/t damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor cofie, imerest and attorney s fees DATE ^ l L&. S££iyt LaM! M, (DM liSiK' BPVllll I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason Q I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) 0 '• as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) Q I am exempt under Section _ Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement [~1 YES O^O 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) _ 5 I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE 1F.OR «(MMESH>f/VnurBUlLpiNG;PERM1TS ONLY._Jij^Z!2Zl^^ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES "5J NO v^ J Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Q YES Q[ NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES H^_ NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(i) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by-ifne buipng OfficialluVider the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is noLcomrireaced vathjf IBudayElrom t/e date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by suc^permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work \s_ cotrmjgjM^d for a period pf 18//Jays feection 106 4 4 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE /H1TE File YELLOW Applicant —PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Mannmg CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check# Permit # Project Name Address CB040665 CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot Comments Date 01/06/2006 Permit Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM 0 Contact Person Sewer Dist CA Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Inspected Bv Phone Water Dist CA Date - Inspected Date Inspected Date Inspected Approved Approved Approved Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved £>D City of Carlsbad rinal Building inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire RECEIVED JAN - 9 2006 Plan Check# Permit # Project Name Address Contact Person Sew^r Dist CB040665 CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF SHELL 2540SF UNDR 8LDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot Phone CA Water Dist CA Date Permit Type Sub Type 0 01/06/2006 COMMIND COMM Inspected By Inspected 'By Inspected By Date Inspected Date Inspected Date Inspected /& - *£ Approved Approved Approved Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved Comments City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 01/30/2006 Permit* CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COW1M Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By CHUCK Entered By KAREN Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CV030074 'CLOSED PCR05067 ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED PCR05077 PCR05092 PCR05199 Date 01/27/2006 01/18/2006 01/18/2006 01/18/2006 01/18/2006 01/11/2006 12/16/2005 11/30/2005 11/23/2005 D- UNSECURED, BURNED HOUSE, CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY 4 BEAMS 1ST FLR/ ADD 3 FLR DRAINS IS \i CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV, MECH/HVAC REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS, ISSUED CBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV FROM 2, SUITES TO 3, STES 200,210 & 220 Inspection History Description Act Insp Comments 89 Final Combo CO TP SEE JOB CARD 19 Final Structural CO RB SEE NOTICE 29 Final Plumbing CO RB 39 Final Electrical CO RB AP RB ON ROOF EQUIP CO RB ROOF EQUIPEMENT SEE NOTICE PA PY HOUSE METER AND 120A AND 100B AP RB 7 LIGHT POLE FTGS OK PA RB OKFORSEO 49 Final Mechanical 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 39 Final Electrical 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 39 Final Electrical Inspection List Permit* CB040665 Type COMMIND COMM Date Inspection Item 01/30/2006 89 01/30/2006 89 01/27/2006 89 01/27/2006 89 01/18/2006 19 01/18/2006 29 01/18/2006 39 01/18/2006 49 01/18/2006 89 01/11/2006 44 12/16/2005 39 11/30/2005 11 11/23/2005 39 11/22/2005 39 11/21/2005 39 11/17/2005 11 11/17/2005 11 11/17/2005 31 11/04/2005 31 11/03/2005 31 09/21/2005 11 09/19/2005 61 08/23/2005 17 08/11/2005 14 08/11/2005 16 08/11/2005 18 08/11/2005 24 08/10/2005 18 08/08/2005 14 07/28/2005 13 07/26/2005 24 07/25/2005 13 07/19/2005 13 07/19/2005 14 07/19/2005 34 07/14/2005 13 07/14/2005 15 07/14/2005 34 07/12/2005 13 07/12/2005 18 07/05/2005 15 Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Combo Final Structural Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final Mechanical Final Combo Rough/Ducts/Dampers Final Electrical Ftg/Foundation/Piers Final Electrical Final Electrical Final Electrical Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Wirm Underground/Conduit-Winn Underground/Conduit-Wirm Ftg/Foundation/Piers Footing Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Insulation Exterior Lath/Drywall Rough/Topout Exterior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Shear Panels/HD's Rough/Topout Shear Panels/HD's Shear Panels/HD's , Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Roof/Re roof Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Exterior Lath/Drywall Roof/Reroof Inspector Act RB - - TP RB RB RB RB - RB PY RB RB RB RB RB RB RB PY RB RB RB PY PY PY PY PY PY PY RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB AP Rl Rl CO CO CO CO AP Rl CO PA AP PA CA CA CO CO •~" CO PA NR AP AP AP AP AP AP AP CA PA AP PA CO CO we PA CO we CO NR we AP CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2 Comments SEE JOB CARD SEE NOTICE SEE NOTICE SEE NOTICE ON ROOF EQUIP ROOF EQUIPEMENT SEE NOTICE HOUSE METER AND 120AAND 100B 7 LIGHT POLE FTGS OK OKFORSEO ONSEO ON LIGHT POLES - SEE NOTICE MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED WITHOUT PERMIT MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED W/O PERMIT CONDUIT @ PARKING LOT LIGHT CAME BACK 2 TIMES FTGS @ NE CORNER FOR STAIRWAY ON TRASH ENCLOSURE - ' OK TO INSULATE EXTERIOR WALLS OK TO ROCK ELEVATOR SHAFT on deck drains 3RD TIME - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED 2ND TIME - STOP - SEE NOTICE OK@ EXT SOFFITS FOR PARTIAL SHR INSP PARTIAL SOFFIT INSP SEE NOTICE Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Page 1 of 2 06/30/2005 15 Roof/Reroof RB PA 06/28/2005 14 06/28/2005 14 06/28/2005 15 06/24/2005 14 06/24/2005 15 06/06/2005 14 06/06/2005 62 06/06/2005 66 06/03/2005 14 06/03/2005 61 05/23/2005 11 05/13/2005 11 05/13/2005 11 05/09/2005 11 05/09/2005 11 05/09/2005 24 04/27/2005 21 04/20/2005 31 04/14/2005 11 04/14/2005 31 04/13/2005 11 04/12/2005 11 04/01/2005 13 04/01/2005 62 03/28/2005 11 03/28/2005 11 03/25/2005 11 03/25/2005 12 03/21/2005 22 03/21/2005 31 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Roof/Reroof Vrame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Steel/Bond Beam Grout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin Footing Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Rough/Topout Underground/Under Floor Underground/Conduit-Winn Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Winn Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Shear Panels/HD's Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Sewer/Water Service Underground/Conduit-Wirm TP TP TP RB RB BN BN BN RB RB BN RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP RB RB RB RB RB RB PS PS RB RB TP TP TP RB RB BN BN BN RB RB BN RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP RB RB RB RB RB RB PA AP PA we CO we we AP NS we AP AP NR AP AP AP PA AP AP CO PA NR we AP AP PA 03/21/2005 81 Underground Combo RB PA WC PA PA AP OK @ MANSARD ROOF - OK TO SHEATH MANSERT FRM D S , E & W WALLS BALCONY ROOFS FRM MAIN ROOF (PMTR NAIL COVERED & OK PER PS VIA PHONE) ON MANSARD INSP - SEE NOTICE ret-wall@SE and So Corner ROLL TO MONDAY SEE PLANS SHEET S5R 2ND STOP OK ON 1ST FLR SLAB on Bldg ftgs & slab Dry packs ok MISSING 2 CLEAN OUTS FOR SUB PANELS ON 2 CAISSONS UNDRG TO SUB PANELS NOT PER PLAN @ CAISSONS - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED MISSING SPECIAL INSP REPORTS ON CMU WALL BRACING FOR SLAB & FTG @ LINE 3 OKTOPOURW/SPECIALINSP @ RETAINING WALL SLAB NEEDS ENG LETTER TO REMOVE VISQUENE SEWER ONLY OK UNDER SLAB AREAS @ PARKING FLR ON 3-3-05 ALL FTGS & GROUND LEVEL COLUMNS Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - Page 2 of 2 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 01/18/2006 PermiW CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN WALL Inspector Assignment RB Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE Act Comment '// Comments/Notices/Hold Date 01/11/2006 12/16/2005 11/30/2005 11/23/2005 11/22/2005 11/21/2005 11/17/2005 11/17/2005 11/17/2005 Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED, BURNED HOUSE, PCR05067 r ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY, 4 BEAMS 1STFLR/ADD3 FLR DRAINS IS I i PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OhFlCE-REV, MECH/HVAC PCR05092 ISSUED REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS, PCR05199 ISSUED CBAD VILLAGE OFF1CE-RFV FROM 2, SUITES TO 3, STES 200,210 & 220 Inspection History Description Act Insp 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers CO RB 39 Final Electrical PA PY 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP RB 39 Final Electrical PA RB 39 Final Electrical CA RB 39 Final Electrical CA RB ON SEO 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers CO RB ON LIGHT POLES - SEE NOTICE CO RB MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED WITHOUT PERMIT CO RB MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED W/O PERMIT Comments ROOF EQUIPEMENT SEE NOTICE HOUSE METER AND 120A AND 100B 7 LIGHT POLE FTGS OK OK FOR SEO 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 31 Underground/Conduit-Winng CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE DATE /"" X>TIME LOCATION PERMIT NO -2 *1 ?*$;** /i0*0/ra,f •y^nr/^xjr 5- x <- FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES PHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 01/11/2006 Permit# CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks mechanical rooftop inspection Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time CD Description 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE Act Comment * <*> rZ/ Comments/Notices/Hold CV030074 PCR05067 PCR05077 PCR05092 PCR05199 Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# CLOSED D- UNSECURED, BURNED HOUSE, ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY, 4 BEAMS 1ST FLR/ ADD 3 FLR DRAINS 1ST { ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV, MECH/HVAC ISSUED REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS, ISSUED CBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV FROM 2, SUIlbS IO3, STES 200,210 & 220 Inspection History Comments HOUSE METER AND 120A AND 100B 7 LIGHT POLE FTGS OK OK FOR SEO ONSEO ON LIGHT POLES - SEE NOTICE MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED WITHOUT PERMIT MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED W/O PERMIT CONDUIT @ PARKING LOT LIGHT CAME BACK 2 TIMES FTGS @ NE CORNER FOR STAIRWAY ON TRASH ENCLOSURE Date 12/16/2005 11/30/2005 1 1/23/2005 11/22/2005 11/21/2005 11/17/2005 11/17/2005 11/17/2005 11/04/2005 11/03/2005 09/21/2005 09/19/2005 08/23/2005 08/11/2005 08/11/2005 Description 39 Final Electrical 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 39 Final Electrical 39 Final Electncal 39 Final Electrical 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 31 Underground/Conduil-Winng 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 61 Footing 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 16 Insulation Act PA AP PA CA CA CO CO CO PA NR AP AP AP AP AP Insp PY RB RB RB RB RB RB RB PY RB RB RB PY PY PY CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE DATE / ^ / / LOCATION PERMIT NO (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE TIME FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? I I YES FOR FURTHER INF6RM4DON, CONTACT __^_ PHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 11/30/2005 Permit* CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks LIGHT STANDARDS Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time CD Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE Act Comment ftp 7 Mr Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED PCR05067 ISSUED PCR05077 ISSUED PCR05092 ISSUED PCR05199 ISSUED Inspection History Date Description 11/23/2005 39 Final Electrical 11/22/2005 39 Final Electrical 11/21/2005 39 Final Electrical 11/17/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11/17/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11/17/2005 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 11/04/2005 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 11/03/2005 31 Underground/Conduit-Winng 09/21/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 09/19/2005 61 Footing 08/23/2005 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 08/11/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolt ing A/Veld ing 08/11/2005 16 Insulation 08/11/2005 18 Exterior Lalh/Drywall 08/11/2005 24 Rougn/Topout D- UNSECURED, BURNED IlOUSb CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY, 4 BEAMS ISTH R/ADD 3 H,R DRAINS 1ST; CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV, MECH/HVAC REMAX- El FC1 RICAL REVISIONS, CBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV FROM 2, SU1TFS TO 3, S I bS 200,210 & 220 Act PA CA CA CO CO CO PA NR AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Insp Comments RB OK FOR SEO RB ON SEO ON LIGHT POLES - SEE NOTICE MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED WITHOUT PERMIT MONUMENT SIGN INSTALLED W/O PERMIT CONDUIT @ PARKING LOT LIGHT CAME BACK 2 TIMES FTGS @ NE CORNER FOR STAIRWAY ON TRASH ENCLOSURE RB RB RB RB PY RB RB RB PY PY PY PY PV City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 11/17/2005 PernniW CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Inspector Assignment RB Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCH Entered By JANEAN CD Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers JL Act Comment ^^f jr So, * 1*o Cornments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED PCR05067 ISSUED PCR05077 ISSUED PCR05092 ISSUED PCR05199 PENDING Inspection History Date Description Act 11/04/2005 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring PA 11/03/2005 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring NR 09/21/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP 09/19/2005 61 Footing AP 08/23/2005 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP 08/11/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg AP 08/11/2005 16 Insulation AP 08/11/2005 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP 08/11/2005 24 Rough/Topout AP 08/10/2005 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall CA 08/08/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg PA 07/28/2005 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP 07/26/2005 24 Rough/Topout PA 07/25/2005 13 Shear Panels/HD's CO D- UNSECURED, UURNED HOUSE CARLSBAD VILLAGE OEEICE-MODIFY 4 BEAMS 1M FLR/ADD 3 I LR DRAINS IS I i CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV, MECH/HVAC REMAX- ELEC TRICAL REVISIONS CBAD VILLAGi: OI HCE-REV I ROM 2, SUITES TO 3, SI ES 200 210 & 220 Insp Comments PY CONDUIT @ PARKING LOT LIGHT RB CAME BACK 2 TIMES RB FTGS @ NE CORNER FOR STAIRWAY RB ON TRASH ENCLOSURE PY PY PY PY PY PY PY RB RB RB OK TO INSULATE EXTERIOR WALLS OK TO ROCK ELEVATOR SHAFT on deck drains 3RD TIME - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE NOTICE LOCATION PERMIT NO (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE TIME / !r fi FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES PHONE BILDING N CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE DATE LOCATION PERMIT NO / (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE TIME ^fots 7 lifr g X" FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES PHONE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 07/28/2005 Permit# CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Inspector Assignment RB Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description 13 Shear Panels/HD's Act Comment ftp Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D UNSECURED BURNED HOUSE PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY 4 BEAMS 1STTLR/ADDT FLR DRAINS LSI i PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV MEUl/HVAC PCR05092 ISSUED RCMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS Inspection History Date 07/26/2005 07/25/2005 07/19/2005 07/1 9/2005 07/1 9/2005 07/14/2005 07/14/2005 07/14/2005 07/1 2/2005 07/12/2005 07/05/2005 06/30/2005 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/24/2005 06/24/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 Description 24 13 13 14 34 13 15 34 13 18 15 15 14 14 15 14 15 14 62 Rough/Topout Shear Panels/HD's Shear Panels/HD's Fram e/Steel/Boitmg/Weld ing Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Root/Reroof Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Exterior Lath/Dry wall Roof/ Re roof Rool/Reroof Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/W elding Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Welding Roof/Reroof Fram e/Steel/Bolting/Weld ing Steel/Bond Beam Act PA CO CO we PA CO we CO NR we AP PA PA AP PA we CO we we Insp RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP TP RB RB BN BN Comments on deck drams 3RD TIME - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED 2ND TIME - STOP - SEE NOTICE OK @ EXT SOFFITS FOR PARTIAL SHR INSP PARTIAL SOFFIT INSP SEE NOTICE OK @ MANSARD ROOF - OK TO SHEATH MANSERTFRM DS E &W WALLS BALCONY ROOFS FRM MAIN ROOF (PMTR NAIL COVERED & OK PER P S VIA PHONE) ON MANSARD INSP - SEE NOTICE City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 07/25/2005 Permit# CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description 13 Shear Panels/HD's Act Comment Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED BURNED HOUSE PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE 01TICE-MODIFY, 4 BEAMS 1ST FLK/ ADD 3 FLR DRAINS 1ST; PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFT1CE-KEV MECH/HVAC PCR05092 ISSUED REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS Inspection History Date 07/19/2005 07/19/2005 07/1 9/2005 07/14/2005 07/14/2005 07/14/2005 07/12/2005 07/12/2005 07/05/2005 06/30/2005 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/24/2005 06/24/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/03/2005 Description 13 14 34 33 15 34 13 18 15 15 14 14 15 14 15 14 62 66 14 Shear Panels/HD's Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Roof/Reroof Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Exterior Lath/Drywall Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rool/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Steel/Bond Beam Grout Frame/Steel/Bol ting/Weld ing Act CO we PA CO we CO NR we AP PA PA AP PA we CO we we AP NS Insp RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP TP RB RB BN BN BN RB Comments 2ND TIME - STOP - SEE NOTICE OK @ EXT SOFFITS FOR PARTIAL SHR INSP PARTIAL SOFFIT INSP SEE NOTICE OK @ MANSARD ROOF - OK TO SHEATH MANSERT FRM D S , E & W WALLS BALCONY ROOFS FRM MAIN ROOF (PMTR NAIL COVERED & OK PER P S VIA PHONE} • ON MANSARD INSP - SEE NOTICE ret - wall @ S E and So Corner ROLL TO MONDAY CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE NOTICE (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE LOCATION PERMIT NO FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES BUILDING PHONE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 07/19/2005 Permits CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Sub Type COMM 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 34 Rough Electric Act Comment C-& Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED UUHNED HOUSE PCR05067 ISSUED CAKLSBAD VILLAGE OFFfCC- MODIFY 4 BEAMS l^TTLRfAUO3 FIR DRAINS I STV PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV MECH/HVAC PCR05092 ISSUED REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS Inspection History Date 07/14/2005 07/14/2005 07/14/2005 07/12/2005 07/12/2005 07/05/2005 06/30/2005 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/24/2005 06/24/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/03/2005 06/03/2005 Description 13 15 34 13 18 15 15 14 14 15 14 15 14 62 66 14 61 Shear Panels/HD's Roof/Reroof Rough Electric Shear Panels/HD's Exterior Lath/Drywall Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Steel/Bond Beam Grout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Footing Act CO we CO NR we AP PA PA AP PA we CO we we AP NS we Insp RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP TP RB RB BN BN BN RB RB Comments FOR PARTIAL SHR INSP PARTIAL SOFFIT INSP SEE NOTICE OK @ MANSARD ROOF - OK TO SHEATH MANSERT FRM D S . E & W WALLS BALCONY ROOFS FRM MAIN ROOF (PMTR NAIL COVERED & OK PER P S VIA PHONE) ON MANSARD INSP - SEE NOTICE ret - wall @ S E and So Corner ROLL TO MONDAY CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE NOTICE LOCATION PERMIT NO (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE TIME <p FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 07/14/2005 Permit* CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Sub Type COMM 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks PARTIAL SHEET INSPECTION Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comment 15 Roof/Reroof 34 Rough Electric Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED BURNED HOUSE PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY 4 BEAMS 1ST FLR/ADD 3 FLR DRAINS IS I PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV MECH/HVAC PCR05092 ISSUED REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS, Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments 07/12/2005 13 Shear Panels/HD's NR RB 07/12/2005 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall WC RB 15 Roof/Reroof AP RB07/05/2005 06/30/2005 15 Roof/Reroof 06/28/2005 1 4 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/28/2005 1 4 Frame/Steel/Bolt ing/Weld ing 06/28/2005 15 Roof/Reroof 06/24/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldmg 06/24/2005 15 Roof/Reroof 06/06/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg 06/06/2005 62 Steel/Bond Beam 06/06/2005 66 Grout 06/03/2005 1 4 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/03/2005 61 Footing 05/23/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 05/13/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 05/13/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act NR WC AP PA PA AP PA WC CO WC WC AP NS WC AP NR AP RB TP TP TP RB RB BN BN BN RB RB BN RB RB OK © MANSARD ROOF - OK TO SHEATH MANSERTFRM DS,E &W WALLS BALCONY ROOFS FRM MAIN ROOF (PMTR NAIL COVERED & OK PER P S VIA PHONE) ON MANSARD INSP - SEE NOTICE ret - wall @ S E and So Corner ROLL TO MONDAY SEE PLANS SHEET S5R 2ND STOP OK ON 1ST FLR SLAB NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD (760) 602-2700 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE DATE / f *-/- ^ J> TIME LOCATION / PERMIT NO A ,* TIG- £• / _ FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT A YES BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER © City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 06/30/2005 Permit* CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Sub Type COMM 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks partial frame Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description 14 _ _ Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg Act Comment Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D-UNSECURED BURNED HOUSE PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY 4 BEAMS 1ST FLR/ ADD t FLR DRAINS 1ST; PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV MECH/HVAC PCR05Q92 ISSUED REMAX- ELbCTRICAL REVISIONS Inspection History Comments MANSERT FRM D S , E & W WALLS BALCONY ROOFS FRM MAIN ROOF (PMTR NAIL COVERED & OK PER P S VIA PHONE) ON MANSARD INSP - SEE NOTICE ret - wall @ S E and So Corner ROLL TO MONDAY SEE PLANS SHEET S5R 2ND STOP OK ON 1ST FLR SLAB on Bldg ftgs & slab Dry packs ok MISSING 2 CLEAN OUTS FOR SUB PAN ELS ON 2 CAISSONS Date 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/28/2005 06/24/2005 06/24/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/03/2005 06/03/2005 05/23/2005 05/13/2005 05/13/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 04/27/2005 04/20/2005 04/14/2005 Description 14 14 15 14 15 14 62 66 14 61 11 11 11 11 11 24 21 31 11 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg Frarne/Steel/Bol ting/Welding Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Roof/Reroof Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg Steel/Bond Beam Grout Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg Footing Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Rough/Topout Underground/Under Floor Underground/Conduit-Wiring Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act PA AP PA we CO we we AP NS we AP NR AP AP AP AP PA AP AP Insr, TP TP TP RB RB BN BN BN RB RB BN RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 06/24/2005 Permits CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583953584 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By JANEAN CD Description 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Act Comment t/ty? Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED BURNED HOUSE PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY 4 BEAMS 1ST YUM ADD 3 FLR DRAINS 1ST; PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV MECll/HVAC PCR05092 ISSUED RCMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS Inspection History Description Act Insp Comments 14 Frame/Steei/Bolting/Welding 62 Steel/Bond Beam ret - wall @ S E and So Corner ROLL TO MONDAY Date 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/06/2005 06/03/2005 06/03/2005 05/23/2005 05/13/2005 05/13/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 04/27/2005 04/20/2005 04/14/2005 04/14/2005 04/13/2005 04/12/2005 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 66 Grout 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldmg 61 Footing 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundatron/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 24 Rough/Topout 21 Underground/Under Floor 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 31 Underground/Conduit-Winng 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 13 Shear Panels/HD's 62 Steel/Bond Beam Act WC WC AP NS WC AP NR AP AP AP AP PA AP AP CO PA NR WC AP Insp BN BN BN RB RB BN RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP RB RB RB RB SEE PLANS SHEET S5R 2ND STOP OK ON 1ST FLR SLAB on Bldg ftgs & slab Dry packs ok MISSING 2 CLEAN OUTS FOR SUB PANELS ON 2 CAISSONS UNDRG TO SUB PANELS NOT PER PLAN © CAISSONS - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED MISSING SPECIAL INSP REPORTS ON CMU WALL BRACING CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE NOTICE (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE TIME LOCATION / PERMIT NO // 3 / / ^^X^y- r f~C*l\±t FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? I I YES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT BUILfNG PHONE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ® City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 06/06/2005 Permit* CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN WALL Sub Type COW1M 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks ROLLED OVER FROM FRIDAY Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time fob Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comment 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding (JL>lC- 62 Steel/Bond Beam Comments ROLL TO MONDAY SEE PLANS SHEET S5R Associated PCRs/CVs * CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED, BURNED HOUSE, PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY, 4 BEAMS ISI TLR/ ADD 3 I LR DRAINS 1ST I PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV, MECH/HVAC PCR05092 ISSUED REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS, Inspection History Act Insp NS RB WC RB AP BN NR RB 2ND STOP OK ON 1ST FLR SLAB on Bldg ftgs & slab Dry packs ok MISSING 2 CLEAN OUTS FOR SUB PANELS ON 2 CAISSONS UNDRG TO SUB PANELS NOT PER PLAN @ CAISSONS - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED MISSING SPECIAL INSP REPORTS Date 06/03/2005 06/03/2005 05/23/2005 05/13/2005 05/13/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 04/27/2005 04/20/2005 04/14/2005 04/14/2005 04/13/2005 04/12/2005 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 03/28/2005 escnption 14 Frame/Steel/Bolt ing/Welding 61 Footing 1 1 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers 24 Rough/Topout 21 Underground/Under Floor 31 Underground/Condurt-Wiring 11 Rg/Foun da don/Piers 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 13 Shear Panels/HD's 62 Sleet/Bond Beam 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act NS we AP NR AP AP AP AP PA AP AP CO PA NR we AP PA Insp RB RB BN RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP RB RB RB RB RB ON CMU WALL BRACING OK TO POUR W/SPECIAL INSP RETAINING WALL City of Carlsbad BJdg Inspection Request For 05/23/2005 Permil# CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act Comment Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED, BURNED HOUSE, PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OI KCL-MODII Y, 4 BEAMS 1ST FLR/ ADD 3 FLR DRAINS 1ST ; PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV, MEC1 1/HVAC PCR05092 PENDING REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS, Inspection History Date 05/13/2005 05/13/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 04/27/2005 04/20/2005 04/14/2005 04/14/2005 04/13/2005 04/12/2005 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 03/28/2005 03/28/2005 03/25/2005 03/25/2005 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 Description 11 11 11 11 24 21 31 11 31 11 11 13 62 11 11 11 12 22 31 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Rough/Topout Underground/Under Floor Underground/Conduit-Wirmg Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Wirmg Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Shear Panels/HD's Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Found ati on/ Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Sewer/Water Service Underground/Conduit-Wirmg Act NR AP AP AP AP PA AP AP CO PA NR we AP PA AP PA we PA PA Insp RB RB RB RB RB RB RB TP TP RB RB RB RB RB RB PS PS RB RB Comments 2ND STOP OK ON 1ST FLR SLAB on Bldg ftgs & slab Dry packs ok MISSING 2 CLEAN OUTS FOR SUB PANELS ON 2 CAISSONS UNDRG TO SUB PANELS NOT PER PLAN @ CAISSONS - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED MISSING SPECIAL INSP REPORTS ON CMU WALL BRACING OK TO POUR W/SPECIAL INSP @ RETAINING WALL FOR SLAB & FTG @ LINE 3 SLAB NEEDS ENG LETTER TO REMOVE VISQUENE SEWER ONLY OK UNDER SLAB AREAS @ PARKING FLR City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 05/13/2005 Permits CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK CV030074 CLOSED D UNSECURED BURNED HOUSE PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY, 4 BEAMS I ST FLR/ ADD 3 FLR DRAINS I ST < PCR05077 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-REV MECH/HVAC PCR05092 PENDING REMAX- ELECTRICAL REVISIONS Date 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 04/27/2005 04/20/2005 04/14/2005 04/14/2005 04/13/2005 04/12/2005 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 03/28/2005 03/28/2005 03/25/2005 03/25/2005 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 Inspection History Description 11 11 24 21 31 11 31 11 11 13 62 11 11 11 12 22 31 81 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Rough/Topout Underground/Under Floor Underground/Conduit-Wiring Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit- Wiring Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Shear Panels/HD's Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Sewer/Water Service Underground/Conduit-Wiring Underground Combo Act AP AP AP PA AP AP CO PA NR we AP PA AP PA we PA PA AP Insp RB RB RB RB RB TP TP RB RB RB RB RB RB PS PS RB RB RB Comments on Bldg ftgs & slab Dry packs ok MISSING 2 CLEAN OUTS FOR SUB PAN ELS ON 2 CAISSONS UNDRG TO SUB PANELS NOT PER PLAN @ CAISSONS - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED MISSING SPECIAL INSP REPORTS ON CMU WALL BRACING OKTOPOURW/SPECIALINSP @ FOR SLAB &FTG @ LINES ' RETAINING WALL SLAB NEEDS ENG LETTER TO REMOVE VISQUENE SEWER ONLY OK UNDER SLAB AREAS @ PARKING FLR ON 3-3-05 ALL FTGS & GROUND LEVEL COLUMNS City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 05/09/2005 Permit* CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN WALL Sub Type COMM 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHUCK Entered By JANEAN CD Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers -H Act Comment Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED, HURNbD HOUSE, PCR05067 ISSUED CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODI! Y, 4 BTAMS IST FLR/ ADD 3 FLR DRAINS 1ST I PCR05077 ISSUED CAR1 SBAD VILLAGE 01 FICE-RCV, MCCH/HVAC Inspection History Comments MISSING 2 CLEAN OUTS FOR SUB PANELS ON 2 CAISSONS UNDRG TO SUB PANELS NOT PER PLAN © CAISSONS - SEE NOTICE ATTACHED MISSING SPECIAL 1NSP REPORTS ON CMU WALL BRACING OK TO POUR W/SPECIAL INSP @ RETAINING WALL FOR SLAB & FTG @ LINE 3 SLAB NEEDS ENG LETTER TO REMOVE VISQUENE SEWER ONLY OK UNDER SLAB AREAS @ PARKING FLR ON 3-3-05 ALL FTGS & GROUND LEVEL COLUMNS Date 04/27/2005 04/20/2005 04/14/2005 04/14/2005 04/13/2005 04/12/2005 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 03/28/2005 03/28/2005 03/25/2005 03/25/2005 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 Description 21 31 11 31 11 11 13 62 11 11 11 12 22 31 81 Underground/Under Floor Underground/Conduit-Wiring Fig/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Wiring Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Shear Panels/HD's Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Sewer/Water Service Underground/Conduit-Wiring Underground Combo Act PA AP AP CO PA NR we AP PA AP PA we PA PA AP Insp RB RB TP TP RB RB RB RB RB RB PS PS RB RB RB City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/14/2005 Permit* CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Inspector Assignment RB Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN WALL Sub Type COMM 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type COMMIND Job Address Suite Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time Requested By CHARLES Entered By CHRISTINE CD 11 3/ Description Act Comment A O <->Ftg/Fnnnriatinn/PiPr«; H 1 <r* ^L^ ' Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED UURNED HOUSE PCR05067 PENDING CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY / __f f tn $ut~- **W*lt x*>j«rs f 4 BEAMS 1 ST FLR/ ADD 3 FLR DRAINS 1 ST i /** Inspection History Date 04/12/2005 04/Q 1/2005 04/01/2005 03/28/2005 03/28/2005 03/25/2005 03/25/2005 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 13 Shear Panels/HD's 62 Steel/Bond Beam 1 1 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers 12 Steel/Bond Beam 22 Sewer/Water Service 31 Underground/Conduit-Winng 81 Underground Combo Act NR WC AP PA AP PA WC PA PA AP Insp RB RB RB RB RB PS PS RB RB RB Comments MISSING SPECIAL INSP REPORTS ON CMU WALL BRACING OK TO POUR W/SPECIAL INSP @ RETAINING WALL FOP SLAB & FTG @ LINE 3 SLAB NEEDS ENG LETTER TO REMOVE VISQUENE SEWER ONLY OK UNDER SLAB AREAS @ PARKING FLR ON 3-3-05 ALL FTGS & GROUND LEVEL COLUMNS City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/13/2005 Permittf CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR.2202SF RETAIN WALL Inspector Assignment RB Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT LUISDELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks^AM>LEASE-—~' Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time CD Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Requested By CHARLES Entered By CHRISTINE Act Comment Associated PCRs/CVs CVQ30074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED BURNED HOUSE PCR05067 PENDING CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE-MODIFY 4 BEAMS 1ST FLR/ADD "? FLR DRAINS Inspection History InspDate Description Act 04/12/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers NR RB 04/01/2005 13 Shear Panels/HD's WC RB 04/01/2005 62 Steel/Bond Beam AP RB 03/28/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA RB 03/28/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP RB 03/25/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA PS 03/25/2005 12 Steel/Bond Beam WC PS 03/21/2005 22 Sewer/Water Service PA RB 03/21/2005 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring PA RB 03/21/2005 81 Underground Combo AP RB Comments MISSING SPECIAL INSP REPORTS ON CMU WALL BRACING OK TO POUR W/SPECIAL INSP @ RETAINING WALL FOR SLAB &FTG @ LINES SLAB NEEDS ENG LETTER TO REMOVE VISOUENE SEWER ONLY OK UNDER SLAB AREAS @ PARKING FLR ON 3-3-05 ALL FTGS & GROUND LEVEL COLUMNS CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE DATE f'TIME LOCATION PERMITNO , /$~7 *s^- •g" _S>£^f^SOL^7 ^/Sl^S^s/*^£/<<?>e J3£L /s $^s AT X / ,- c +7 ^ ****£./~ •" /*^ si \ s* f s X / x?^^ g7/ BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? L^ YES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER © City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 03/25/2005 Permittf CB040665 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE 8530SF Description SHELL 2540SF UNDR BLDG PARK GAR,2202SF RETAIN WALL Type COMMIND Sub Type COMM Job Address 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT- LUIS DELGADO Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks Inspector Assignment RB Phone 8583421851 Inspector Total Time CD Description 11 Ft g/Foundat i on/Piers 12 Steel/Bond Beam Requested By CHUCK Entered By CHRISTINE Act Comment Associated PCRs/CVs CV030074 CLOSED D- UNSECURED, BURNED HOUSE, Inspection History Date Description 03/21/2005 22 Sewer/Water Service 03/21/2005 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 03/21/2005 81 Underground Combo Act Insp Comments PA RB SEWER ONLY PA RB OK UNDER SLAB AREAS @ PARKING FLR AP RB ON 3-3-05 ALL FTGS & GROUND LEVEL COLUMNS Corporate 2992 E La Raima ,. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313CarrJ!,Road, Suite G Tel Fax 858 537 3999 858 537 3990 'liWWJ,, Inland 14320 Els^rffiTStreet, St3 C101 Moreno Valley* CA 92553' Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^-INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) fOR WEEK ENDING m™""° ENGINEER REPORT NO PG CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERU . SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME A**"U£~r i, c INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT SZ 6? > Rl 1'ORI IM, Rl QUIRI' MFN1 S ICHO RELD INSI'f C I1ON MAMJAUMTGL SOIL MANUAL - RhVIHVV PKLVIOUS REPORTS AND 1 IS I S 11 IHERLIS NON CONI ORMING WORK Al IHbLNDOl TUL WORK DAY OR MISSING M 1 RS AND RUS ETC FILI OUT AND AT IACH A DhHCIENCV REPORT WHh.N A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPF-CFOR S IS CORRECTl D SO NO! h ON I HE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY Kt-POK I AND SUBMIT A COPY WIIH YOUR WhLK S KLPORIS MATERIALS USED 6 Y CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) A * I rv CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED M "\-, /i -. .- *J i P^iJ G. y CrtrIL • /L/H: fdMs; 4! (P. !?, ; STRUCTURAL NOTES' DETAIL OR RFIS USED t } W/Q ^-4u.t ^-4-n REMARKS INCLUDING «ffn*5S .,A A j /i£.ttf JLLJ&A6 ~&LX 4-fA 'to t REWORK AS PERCENT OF AIJL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE ^w ^ (I/ f" SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START-- LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME 7 * •? ( / VERIFIED BYr < \ X I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND /.ORl-THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT fat Signature \Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, SuiteG San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK . — ^V- e- ,D INSPECTOR <=" "- * ^ c. D TECHNICIAN "ST AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (/) (N) APPROVED PLANS,(Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT^"FOR WEEKENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO n PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME OF INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT RFPORTINd REQUlKt-MLNlS ICBO FIELD INSPfcCTlON MANUMVM ITj! SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS Ih THhRh IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END Of THE WORK DAY OR MISSING M IRS, AND RFIS, ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICILNCY RhPOKT WIIfcN A Dt-hlClI-NCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THh ORIGINAL DhFiCIFNC Y REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR Whh K S RFPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVEDSITE ta. STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED TO r^-rs Sse ^ -REMARKS IHaUDIHB MEETINGS rocz- 2e-J»e\AJt-O * e t N F "\o IK <g 1 REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER C^ UO TEMPERATURE —, -, SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY, I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAf THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOI*MNVEST1GATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS,LSPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ^-A , ' \ j^~ , >. i—~ i—. ( Signature Data of Report ICBO Certification Number so ^ir Pnnt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate ^SSSSf' San Diego/lmpertal County 2992 E La PalmaTOe^Stf?A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 """ Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 921 21 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 InlandjEmpil 143*20 Elwyqrth'Rtreet, !5te C101 Moreno Valley?CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK C>r-e: S INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y| (N) APPROVED PLANS (*)•(!*} SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (V) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING - 2 «-/ PROJECT NO ENGINEER RfPORIMO PG CONTRACTOR PERMIT NO C 00*4,0 SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT RLFORI1NG RLQL'IREMCNTS ICBO Flhl D INSPbCTION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END Oh THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING M IKS, AND RFIS, ETC FILL OUT AND'ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY \OURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO, NOT b ON I Hh ORIGINAL Dt-FICIENCY REPORT AND **« SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED A 17 urn REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS A SZ, C^c Lil. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION WEATHER CM? <"C ^ TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED\(t SU RITF TIMF START <U ^?*^ MINHH PFRinn eilTFTIMFFINIRH 1^1.=^ TRAUFI TIMF I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOT ED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report 1CBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave^Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland EmpT 14320 ElswqfHTStreet, &e C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 , FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK D INSPECTOR i FoffeV.c\ Q TECHNICIAN f AVAIUBLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT TOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT Itl PORTING kl'QUIRKMl'NTS ICBO 1 IhLD INSI't-CTION MANUAL/M IGi SOU MANUAL - Kl VlhW PR1 VIOUS RLI'ORTS AND 1 ISTS II IHERCIS NON COM OKMINCi WORK Al IHIi I.ND OFT ML WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RHS ],IC , FILL OU T AND AITACH A DLRC1LNCY RtiPORT WHI:NADU ICICNCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPJ-CTOR s is GORKI CTED so NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DhHCifcNCYREPORi AND SUBMIT A COPY WITi I YOUR W1TK S RhPOR 1 S MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE Rf SEARCH flf PORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED 1 ttVW Ur\ t-mrtiA^u n AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED U' \C\«JLm» tUftU 1 \tf\,CUMlw/A IJJTllU ITYM -fl^tflsAU\rvJ (f fftAP , STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RHS USED U) (dl\fe 2)fiU-tatU. k r,,,,l \ REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS All l Gj L€(, I "\XXTw- U if xEA U/tT>C 0-u;/\ tu REWORK AS PERCENT OF All WORK TODAY PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER AtV/ntttA '*>Ljf*\ ' TEMPERATURE "1 C^O Ip SAMPLES TAKEN ^ | A TESTS REQUIRED Y\J I A SITE TIMP START ' "*• -ivfcnvy, I IINrHPFRITi ''*• SITF TIMF FINISH ** AWCvyvx TRAVFI TIMF * (• ™* ' ^ LUCU/^iV JH l {£f VFRIFIFH BY ' 1- \f &^*~"\r^JxC 1 f K ^ ) 1 I 00 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT // OS Signature Date of Report 1CBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empire. 2992 E La Raima Ave 7 Ste" A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 14320 ElswortfrStfeet, Ste C101 Moreno Valley,'CA 92553 Tel 951 6534999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK Bf INSPECTOR DTECHMICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (V) (N) APPROVED PLANS W (N) SPECS jyf(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) jN) ARCHITECT Z i eb&/-fU -A sSoc < a\-H* FOR WEEK ENDING /H (oS"PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AMD LISTS IF fHbRhlS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT CHE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING M I RS, ANO RHS bTC MLL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTt ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) co # 4 i CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED "3 S.le/ AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED £If .X y g/g>-^ /<>^ / ^ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL ORRFISUSED REMARKS IHCLUDHiB MEETINGS per * 'i cr>i c REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE 6, "5 SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED filTF TIMF «ITflfiT HJNPH PFRIOP ^ /^VV-» N|A SITE TIME FINISH TRAVFI TIUF ^Am f *) -l*"id''i^i' «< ~~ /O I A i t.fl'WriV VFRIRFP PY C— ^r^(T^ ^^> DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date o( Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/lmpenal County 7313 Carrol! Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empire 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 909 653 4999 Fax 909 653 4666 FIELD REPORT it^< - 1 TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR Q TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) /^?. <V7/f//'/X * APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT - / , £ ENGINEER , (. y CONTRACTOR '> flsA/'/'fi Wf ~-£ wZ>*s*/-S' ST# S&&S-* SUB' CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS / far&. \ fizs/fd^frr vs/forf'S s?Y FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG OF PLAN FILE m PERMIT \0 f ' £.&- tf*s/l6^>^i PROJECT NAME ADDRESS OF PROJECT ,/ Sjftf/r&fsi7 ' *** ^tf/*^ RFPORTING RbQUIRKMLNTS 1CHO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTG: SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS RLPOR TS AFN 15 LIS 1 S II IHEREISNON-CONfORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RRS F- TC , I ILL OUT AND ATTACH A DbFICILNCY RhPORT WHEN A IJL1 ICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPI CTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON 1 HE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY Rl PORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WI I H YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) s i. , CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED --, AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED / / P-&S •> .' *^* ,/»/i /Cf* *S*/^/^/ i STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USECr j X r/^jS i/>*ss £ ^t^^d^^ &s&;f~, ^ X / , „ ,' jS ; - /• / X X " ' " REMARKS IHUUDINQ «ffT7»OS ',' REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. WEATHER ^ . >£/AMS)/ TEMPERATURE o £• <Z>£\J -r& PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN V//i TESTS REQUIRED ' SITF TIMF START / jAs*! SITF TIM^ FINISH .-? s9s+~ i x*^ ^s 1 \wr.u PFninn •— - TRAVFI ^ 'k^T" V>. -/ ^|T ^— -^ - "• 1 DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED-PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /?sy /$ ^ S ^7 x ^/^/^/ ,sV rf^^"-^^ ^*wra«* ^ / , T / £?J* t /&?£/&&? /xx?r> t S^ /Swnature'^/?X_ ,/ , r /y y' xX t/x X^/^iX < ), 0A-J/S , " Print Name / Date of Report , ' - 1CBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number *" > .X ^ Rev 7/97 . Corporate '-'^P'''' San Diego/Imperial County Inland 2992 E La Palma Ave; Ste A 7313 Carrol! Road, Suite G 14320 Els worth Street, Ste C101 Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 714 632 2999 Fax 714 632 2974 San Diego^CA 921 21 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858-637 399Q Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE QF.WORK - ^NSPECTOH D TECHNICIAN AVAlLA \C£/'l/\'\}T} f A f)&\ APPRO ARCH1JECT f -I / FOR WE <£• (/* vo/zisi ~jfa ~ /nf%<v o/7 ENGINEER. . " REPOR CONTRACTOR j - ' PLAN F SUB CONTRACTOR ,„ PRffJEC INSPECTION ADDRESS ADORE i ^->*- ^K\-\ 2 i/j JLE SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y) (N) /ED PLANS (Y) |N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) EK ENDING PROJECT NO r NO PG OF LE NO PEHMI7 NO . ^fcO^Ottyty S ^Tkh^A \lt(\&&{ d-f-fi^c jS OF PROJECT ' i . REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL -REVIEW PREVIOUS Rb PORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT I HE FND OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING Ml RS AND RFIS, ETC FILL OUT AND AT 1 ACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPhCIOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON Tllh ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WECK S RhPOR PS ,f MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) sr^y 1 /I/' ji^l ((0 / \ £•/ — " n t/?#l/L0 &y$& £-cl/ ije? f) ' / CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED S* AREAGRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED , . /"} , l^ L- /' I -/ /? stsMff/t fsf/i s*s —tfffi ^d (v. * V - I ' | / T:_ STRUCTURAL tJOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED . \ 'r^> I^PI^- /\^.\<£^, f i ^% i "~ "°^i i' » .i. ..REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS . , , , r~~) rs ij C/ 'i ^ I^T / A"T7\*T^ r 1 /\Ci "l~ts Wit-, i TX/yJ '\3\&.V\ "=v *- ^-~>$2~4. 1 \ ' 1'"" •T^V?- O1 !TV\ s t^ "1 /\V\J/> "-nV\ ^ /^TVi i A'S/CV ( ^ ^ CJ,J>« AGL^OJL. (XSUJL^. ^T"? r * P ~l ...jff V j ~t*x- 1^. -._ •-, i^ r "- ^tSh - -^*t ^v x" i<*-H 1 L*' * C__-^t]J *V (_ -^ t-^- V." ^h'rvi ' REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER £ 1<T£LA ."S^t *\ K M SAMPLES TAKEN TEMPERATURE "~7 fa® J- TESTS REQUIRED — ~" RITF TIMF START /*r£{) ~ RITF TIMF FINISH / &&£) I1JNPH PFRinn TRAUFI TIMF >=tr^> ^*^^ \ VFR1F,Fn RV J^£^«=^"^^'^ I 00 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOltlNVESTIGATIQN RECOMMENDATIONS ANDV OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE 8UILDIN.G CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE N01 ED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave, Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego,,CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858-537 3990 Inland Empirer 14320 Elswoiih Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 9516534999 Fax 9516534666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WOflKOflK" t \ uo-i a INSPECTOR ,,AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT [V) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V) (N) SPECS (V)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING -.4,1 -0 PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR it/He t IW PLAN FILE NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PRCJKT '< KEPORIIN*. Kl QUIRLMI NIS ICBO I ILLD INSPLCTION MANUAL/MTC.i SOIL MANUAL - RLVIEW PR}-V1OUS REPOR1 S AND LISTS IFTHER^ IS NON-CONhORMING WORK A! THL END Oh 1 Hi: WORK DAY OR MISSING M I US AND RHS I 1C FILL OUT AND ATTACH A 1)1-HCIhNCY Rl I'ORT WHFNA Dt-HCLt-NCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS IN'SPhCIOR S ISCORRhCIH) SONOTLON IHb'ORIGINAL DI-FICIhNCY Kl PORT AND SUBMIT A COP1) WITH t OUR WLEK S REPORTS f MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR [INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OH MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) COMRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED <"v AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED ci STRUCTURAL NOTEI id , , REMARKS INCLUDING MEET1HGS tHu rd , m«Lt£r /! REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL! WDRKTODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ )0 % ^ ^ i l SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME I I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK L-ISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE 50IL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS,£PECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORTv Signature Print Name Date of Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Raima Ave , Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 714 632 2999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 nInland Empire 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WQJJfc, , A l~ f\ 1 ARCHITECT rt— • f J& A ENGINEER . ' CONTRACTOR . '/ SUB CONTRACTOR , INSPECTION ADDRESS / / & INSPECTOR a TECHNICIAN AVA1 . f /IfIL' t, {,()• (V-t^ *ppF /" 7/ / .Wrv C ^ t € A^'j^T^V ,A'^, Af^s^; / / PLAI^--ir^t>Tr, ^ rf-^i ^ A <^ / , ^ — ' PRO / --" /" / I f) / /I /^ ADD P U L*fw l*d <&f-£s-Z\ (/ , tf^yjt- *X/ JBLE SOIL REPORT [Y) (N) SPECS ^f) (N) OVED PLANS [/I (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ^ i 7 ^tfy /T6/ RTNO PG OF ' FILE NO PERMIT. N9. f~\fj /•. / / f^—~- /( C- (5 Cx i U $(_- £> 1 / /I // / _ „ '''£^:{ O [•-(• ^ c<- *y(-<^f-^y ^ESS OF PROJECT / REPOR 11.NG RKQLIRFiMfc^TS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGu SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AFTHE END OFTHE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RHS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEHCIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFTCIbNCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSI'EC 1 OR'S, IS CORREC I ED, SO NOTb ON THh ORIGINAL DEHCILNCY RhI'ORT AND SUB MIT A COPY WIT H YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USfiO BY C4&QNTRACTOR lUNCLUOEJESEARCH HEBORT NO, OR MATERIAL TEST REPORIS) '&&?({% / 5> . /T/c ^/«fC 'M- /cxfi.' / CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED I j) / f 1 II / // {/'• f £*^-t rr »w ^-^Lffl AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED /"/>/{ C? ' L' *7 /* / ^/£- ) /\ --6 ? k- ^/^' T I/1 *€• <^ /-2_ ? ^Z -^ ^35 c^r 1 . L^- i < in & \J ~~ fez- t-(-L/ f)j>L^?-£-\$ rfcy crj f^) ~t<*- ^t- I j S STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED ,/ / S (O / / , // 5-T v> <9 " t^<-t?^-Tr$ Rf£ & I] i ^ ^/L/ REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS / 3 ^f?t.t? fe&e< i?£\ , / /*&ts-*--A £ c~hr& S.?te \.w / / *-/ T- */(<?/ 3 r t / 'T **>-> ^n/i 11 hb(f} (J*</ W 5> 1,'v-f: REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIREDr SITF TIMF START Jf * > (-' 1 IINHH PFRinn ; / . ^\ -7"^ y S1TF TIMF FINISH / j L/ L f — ^ ' *>• I TRAWFl TIMF VPRIFIFn R'C^p*^^'"51^ I DO CERTIFY TH/tf I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR JH^APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 'x^lL <:- ' *^ '**11 , 0 Date of Report ICBQ Certification Number f) g 7g Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 c Corporate 2992 E LaPalmaAve Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empire 14320 Elsworth Street Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^-INSPECTOR DTECHMICIAN AVAILABLE SpJffiEPORT(Y)(N)SPECS (YS(N) APPROVED ShO° DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING (K 'V $$ PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO CONTRACTOR PUN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT LfORl ING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THbRb IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END Of- THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEHCILNCY RhPORT WHEN A DEHCIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR s, is CORRECTED so NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WFEK S REPORTS MArEHIALS USED BV CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) **= I— -T - &S co CONTRACTORS EOUJ PME NT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTUFIAL NOTES DETAIL OR 1FIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLE" WEATHER TEMPERATURE. Co <$ SAMPLES TAKEN \ *>^,r~ -of- TESTS REQUIRED LUNCH PERIOD TRAVEL TIME vppiFtPn BY I 00 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVEQ^PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number 5 i) - Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County-?1** Suite A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 909 653 4999 Fax 9096534666 TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR DTECHMICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (V) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y] (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING JY) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING f PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLANflLENO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS /r ADDRESS OF PROJECT KbPOKIING RfQUIRFMLMS 1CBO FIFLD INSPECTION MANUA1 /MTGi SOIL MANUAL- RFVIEW PREVIOUS RhPOR I S A> D LISTS IF 1 HERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT I HF FND OFTHE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS ANDRFIS ETC TILL Obi ANO ATTACH A DEF1CIFNCY REPORT WHhN A DFFOENC\ YOUKS OR A PREVIOUS INSPFCTOR S IS CORRLC IH), SO NOTE ON TFIE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY RhPOK I AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WFFK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED /-/ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MFET7MS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START _ LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH - /tfrnfo , TRAVEL TIME *H VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND/APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature"'jB s .5" //f Date of Report 1CBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certrficalion Number X" Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Avef Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Te! 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empire-*• '%*?" * 14320 Elswortfi Street, Sle C101" Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 6534666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ,£ INSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (NJ ARCHITECT ,A >;'V . - •/«.FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT ENGINEER i / 7 i,rl,f ,- f \ REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECTNAME ,///I/, ll<, ^/ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT KCPOR1LNG Rl QUIKI'MLMS 1CBO 1 ILU5 INSPLCIION MANUAL/M IGi SOIL MANUAL- REVIbW PR! VIOUS RLPORTS AM) LISTS IF TULKFi IS NON-CON! ORMINC. WORK AT Til!, END dl THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS ANDRHS ETC 1 ILLOUI AND Al'IACHA DhFlCll NCY RI FOR] WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS 1NSPECIOR S ISCORRLCIED SO NOI EON THE ORIGINAL OLE ICIENCY REPORI AND SUBMIT \COP\ WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR, [INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) ,»• J CONTRACTOHS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED / /? J AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED i ., ^, j -- "~>L f\ t 1- £ 61 II STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL ORRFISUSEO f , i >//~ Sn -, -i- ~ 1)2 6 5/D REMARKS IHO-UDIMG M£fTJ*fi5 ' / •/<-> "<-,' REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED RITF TIMF FINISH / ' (. TFUVFI TIMF VERIFIED BY ~1- g,;^- I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / ORJHE^PPROVEO PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Dale of Report ICBO Certrfication Number Punt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate v 2992 E LaPalmaAve.Ste A Anaheim, CA 92306 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/lmpenal County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empire 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley CA 92553 Tel 9516534999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN -ARCHITECT ENGINEER CONTRACTOR , SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS"&HN) APPROVED PLANS (Y^St APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N> FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG OF PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO PPCjJECTNAME . ADDRESS OF PROJECT >) f\ \ \ i t ^ \ \ _j n\ it1* "^ vJr '-(pv'Sv <^vCV VJ L Y\c^->V€^- Ci-i^-j REPORTING REQUIRIiMEN I S ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AN D LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILLOLT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFIClbNCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) 'MENT/ MANPOWER USED *-CONTRACTORS EQUIP r-.A .V' AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED C ^^" STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OH RFIS USEDUSECK ^ff j^V-P.i^v^ ~$ <aVI r•S p-^-g., S. ^REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS A Vt e.oV" . V LOZJ^A \V^vJ-^ REWORK AS PERCENT OF Al I WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED O- v /^-.SITFTIMF FINISH B^£.' £J £s ^-~^ TRAVFI TIMF \ *• H VFRIFIFD RY / ^ — -^L--^-"/^ I DQ G&RTW?Y THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / QR(IHE APPROVED PLANSPECJ^I CAT IONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 10'/. SignajdFe Date of Report ICBO Certification Number ^nnt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E LaPalmaAveTste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empn ,* f '14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK "^INSPECTOR f^J Q TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE C _rM(iw»A Vvvcpj \VL /^X-r'-jO t v~T" APPROVEDP ARCHITECT "->>"" \ \ I FOR WEEK B ENGINEER REPORT NO CONTRACTOR 1 , \ 5 \ \ PLAN FILE NC H / . v /" /^\ W* <r VW/'* ir f\ SUBCONTRACTOR-™. ~, > " PROJECT NAf INSPECTION ADDRESS J ADDRESS OF SOIL REPORT (V)(N) SPECS (Yf(N) -ANS^fN) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) DING PROJECT NO ^ PG OF r-, V PERMIT NO 4* ^~ \j vZ? ***T>t.^'(c3 > •flE, \ t f~. PROJECT , vl RhPORIING REQUIREMENTS ICBO HhLD INSPFCTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THh HND OF THF WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC HLL OUT AND Al IACH A DFFICIFNCY REPORT WHFN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPtCTOR S IS CORRhCTFD, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMI 1 A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED 6V CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)I "~ \ * 4 CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED -- . i 1/1 AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSfRWD . ^ \ ~" -fj Ct") \ t { \ A -U M ^ A 1 \ a^^ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED , ,t \ V ***\ J— , 1 t 1 \\ ft. A l i * ' \ \ - ^ iAf L- I V/\ Af ( \r,t <" *\M r^ "^ vYV'^^^3 ^i^ V* i"^ « ^ \ C V AS /~, n,- 1 ^'OP c ^ ;r rxAvnnS. REMARKS INCLUDING MEETIH6S , i V\i \ '"^ \ I "A. -Vn i^A^^rV A^OA oWpmc-.A-V- ^T " Ai\ "* *• v. W / ^ r- rv^ \ W s ") "^i " \ Ar, AP. \^n rn.-v\ o \1cc nr ^_i ~" \ ^ ' \ \ } ~ ~ i RFWnRK AS PFRHFNT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER SAMPLES TAKEN ^ ^ V D 1 '^ TEMPERATURE TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START ""] ^^ ^' -T^ SITF T|MF FINISH 1 ^ CV^ ,-, f>-^ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLYfJBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR'THE APPROVED PLANSfSPECLFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT// fcr"r> S Dale o1 Report ICBO Certification Number Prtnl Name Cily / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR Q TECHNICAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Yf (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (V) (N) ARCHITECT ». O T'irre FOR WEEKENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NOc SUB-CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME i- R\ INSPECTION ADDRESSi_2_u^_ri \/»ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMLN TS ICBO HtLD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC , MIX OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DhHCIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND ' SUBMIT A COPY WH H YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED P r\\ \ C AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED "1* \t P — ru.i STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS MCLUDINQ JHEfTWHS r- U P-Ps \ t !C V f^ r T™?1*—i REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START "7 A LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY, I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE'SOIL-lNVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date of Report —}ff IT !v \/^< ICBO Certification Number u 9 Pnnt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate '^B^ San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E LaPalmaAve'.Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 714 632 2999 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 7146322974 Fax 8585373990 Inland . -*,14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 9516534999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TVPt OFWDRK -w ^INSPECTOR OTECHN1C1AN ARCHITECT —3 . } . \ t£~«~ \ f~L^ lie*""* *~*n ^?\ l\*i:™,*;-yT" \ *"" **\fCT ^~» ENGINEER CONTRACTOR f A \ ( , \ \ \ f{ if f t~> T 1 15s* ^"" V"\?c;VD''i <T\ SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPEC9JY) (N) APPROVED PLANS (f] (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (V) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO14-A1 oni REPORT NO PG OF PLANFtLENO PERMIT NO , PROJECT NAME . 1 f~- ?• C fl V" \ *""> \}f~t /> \ } \ \ \ Tc C f CrL' £s\ \ \ C, S.^ ADDRESS OF PROJECT , . , J . REPORIING REQUIREMENTS ICBQ FIELD tNSPhCTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS RhPOR] S A!sD I JSTS ir THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK Al FHb hND Oh THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS ANDRHS, HC, Ml 1 OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PRFVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON 1 Hh ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WI 1 H YOUR WbbK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CON TRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) , -, f I 1 \ t™\ ^^ * * 1 T \ vi i j \ -ff * \ -A3*-. * v^* W.— ' \»-X V \TT » li i*.^vC \ i* \ ~^^J \ C- W— "* 1 C^*-^- i H^-** . n A _— A J * i j^ 1 \ I /^? *% i ^"^ t'T' ^^i ^j l • \ ^\«*" I'^v f*^ ^*"~ i j! ^1 \ *i ^s fc ^**^ CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED , t £i i -v j \ K' ^ I" Grc^u u«*^ ^ rv/V Onr\4 < rsriiA S /^^ I W Z. fi .> ft. A Aol-c J x-/ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED , O V , » ^, r( i\ H ^ 0 £ C ^ "V H?W, UV*. (^eArc.^\^ ^ ' REMARKS INCLUDING MEETfHeS i > 1 1 •V. y j^f ^™"s ^^S l'*\ *^^ f ~\i* ^** ^ T1 *~~\ \J*\ *"*" rf1*^ v \ fX1"*^ i A"^ f1^^ C ^ TT*3" ^ * --\ * '.^ <1 1\*- T, loxn, ^ .A nUA i A e *v\ « , l-\ V\ V >^- \ i \ \ REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. WEATHER TEMPERATURE "~j Xi'S'i f ^ i/^A(oi"v4' ^~* *s ~\ \^ ^ \ f % r,, nv^vn./o^ Ot/f ^/~. o Ar^ ^Q^C 5, \ \ N " v PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED «ITC TIMF CTiRT ! \ '. f^O <1ITF TIMF FINISH \ "? - CJ 1 MNCH PFRIOn -»»--~™^^'W~m~~~'^^ TRAWFI TIMF "*rf^< 0 / — 1 VFRIFIFH RY C JlEiP**^ ^^^-^ DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSON ALLYJDBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THC SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE"APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ^'T/fe,^ ^^^r. Date ol Report ICBQ Certification Numbet Print Name \ -*v City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave, Ste A 'Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 • 1 . 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WQRIC—"ir ARCHITECT V D INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y}(N] APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEKENDING PHOJE ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF \n CONTRACTOR PUN FILE NO SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS C&! ADDRESS OF PROJECT, 'A *(1 f • RLPOR1ING RliQUlRLMtNIS ICBO HLLD INSPbCMON MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS x-' IP 1 HhRE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END 01 THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MT RS, AND RFIS ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY RbPORT WHhN A DhhlClfNCY,>OURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTbON THh ORIGINAL DfHCIFNCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR Wt-hK S RFPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT MO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED ri— ETAIL OR RFIS USEC- ' o-rol 9 REMARKS IHCWOINa MEETINGS f \ / 'QOC\ & m btd ifiA^ v REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT CQMPLETl' WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START __ LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BYC.-14p I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH TH( SOIL-INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT , *? , Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 ,i«femmSPInland Empi 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 925f)3 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK Q INSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAIUBLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING PR ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF PLANFtLENO PERMIT NO) SUB CONTRACTOR PftOJECTNAMEAMETUJuU*(1I/ , INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIRLMFNTS ItBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AMD LISTS ^ IF 1 HhRE IS NON-CONhORMING WORK Al THE END OF THh WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND KHS ETC FILL OUT AN D ATTACH A DFHClhNCY REPORT WHhN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THh ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT ^ND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WhhK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED AREA GR1OUNES PIECES OBSERVED ClfM4 H/i STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RF1S USETJT~ - _Ju y^ *., a REMARKS IHCLUDIHa MEEJJHGS 1o \rQ C U REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION, WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ \J V ' ~"' VERIFIED BY _? I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THe SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THf APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date of Report 1CBO Certification Number Pnnl Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E LaPalmaAveMBtlpA Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR DTECHNICIAM AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y> (N) APPROVED PLANS (V) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING o ENGINEER x"/REPORT MO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME c INSPECTION ADDRESS / \J ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING RLQUIRLMLN1S ICBO HELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL-REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS Ih THbRh IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING Ml RS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND Al IACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DhHCIhNCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON I HP ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY Wl PH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CO N TRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS O flf*~f*i/ swrfLj he//. a **S 6 /^.i J REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, YV'THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La PalmaAve Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Suite A Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centre, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 """'*A*c«,B*r»OP? PLAN FILE NO REPORT NO PG OF M - K—\-Z ^ . <^L^X *vU^— \ \^ ~ ~~ Signature o( Report Prtn! Name Corporate 2992 E La Raima Aw^Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego,£A 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Emp Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 ElswortLfStreet, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 , Fax 951 653 4666 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK Jarcs a INSPECTOR ^TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF, CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1CBO FIELD INSPFC 1 ION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS RFPORTS AND LISTS IF I HhRb IS NON-CONFORMING \VORK AT THF hND OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, bTC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DbUCIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PRF V1OUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THb ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY RFPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WbhK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) * *&n r/ /X6 CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED 7*£.or.* cD 4f53:rS Jiff STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS IHCLUDMQ MEETINGS r. ftt/***£VAF'J) TU^T KO f£cm-~c* A REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION.to WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTSREQU1RED SITE TIME START SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ,^C.Il»*'ll|].Hi Signature*Date of Report 1CBO Certification Number Pnnt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate s 2992 E LaPa)maAve, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Ste A San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Emp, 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 6534999 Fax 951 653 4666 Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010 San Fernando Rd, Unit 1 SylmarTCA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK JR Afewwe- INSPECTOR AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (V) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V)(N) SPECS (Y) (fJ] APPROVED SHOP DRAWING ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT, NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE MO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJCT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS tCBO FIbLD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREyiOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND - *•*"*- SLBMJT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S "REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH HEPOHT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EOUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START _ LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME —_VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APflhoVE&fLANS SPECIFJttPIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT9S<j?csr<// 3f 2-f Date ol Report ICBO Certification Number U/~ Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E LaPalmaAve,Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 Inland EmpL 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste Ct01 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010San Fernando R Sylmar, CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT [Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS_£W<N]APPROVED SHOP DRAWI\ FOR WEEK EMD1NG PROJECT NO REPORT MO PG *f PLAN f JU NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACT PROJECT NAME. INSPECTION ADDBESS ADDRESS OF PflOJECT C/ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO HELD INSPECTION MANUALVMTGL SOIL MANUAL - RE\ IEW PREVIOt/S REPORTS AfJD LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THB WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY RBPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY RI PORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS]" CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED ;2 AftEA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DfTAIL OR.RFIS USED REMARKS IHCLUDIHG MEETINGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETiON. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED filTF T1MF START 0 JfrrW \ IIMHH PFRinn fa- kw. SITFTIMF FINISH g( S &B/,#'*7 $ / S TRAVFI TIMF ~— VFRIFIFD ftY //<- -^7 -^ /Xt-X /Lv/ - ... ^ DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OFTHE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WfTH Th£ SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NO TED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT C ~^ .Signature Date a! Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Cei^ticatioa lumbers Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego CA92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Emph _ Los Angeles/Veniura County 14320 Elsworth Street Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Ro , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 951 653 4999 Tel 818 833 81 GO Fax 951 653 4666 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK Q TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y5 (N) APPROVED PUNSHN)APPROVED SHOP ORAWINC\fY)S[N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING3 -/?PROJECT NO REPORT NO PG j OF / CONTRACTOR PLAM FILE MQ PERMIT NO SJt CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS JDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL -REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, El C FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHE^ A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED U STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED *- REMARKS IHCLUDING MEETINGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION^ WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN ' TESTS REQUIRED [/ SITE TIME START. LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I 00 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND /OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE 8UILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report 1C80 Certiteation Numbet Pnnt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empi, 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Los Angeles/Ventura County Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Ml \ k/JL Tel 7146322"9 Tel 8585373999 jffiliJllnm Fax 7146322974 Fax 8585373990 Te! 951 653 4999 Tel 818 833 8100 Fax 951 6534666 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK trfTfiSPECTOfl a TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE .0 KU=> jrt £Li*i { <Q r j.5 V APPROVED P ARCHITECT ,£ / § FOR WEEK E ENGINEER / , - •> REPORT NO /C/T A5*y^Js( i~) j/yL& Jw'w CONTRACTOR ^ PLAN FILE N SUB-CQNTHACTCR PROJECTJA INSPECTION ADDRESS ! ADDRESS Of f$&0i rJ>^H^7>4<_A ^ fc-d? , ' , /^.&> SOIL REPORT (V) (N) SPECS/fV^N) LAN^jVj'fN) APPROVED SHOP DRAWIN(SjYMN) JOING PROJECT NO . x PG , OF / PERMIT NO /E / / /" PROJECT L " REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) SJi£'/S?1 - y4-J^> ~Jn£^>£> . # 13 h? ^/eeJ~7tsy£-^ J / ' • £*&?. ftorz. f CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED / — AREA £R1D LINES, PIECES OBSERVED / n ' ' •*r~j V f J >/\ -/~CTy4-. -V/L-^^vyWji.. /^ •?'<'ci*,f^-f (4 (\ f f.\ ft "^ /V rz.^f' e* 1 s*> ' /A?/** ^ p^j^-G^1-^^^,^) . STRUCTURAL ftOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED . /*fj)ffa\ .*-&!/} &L/L&YI f)/L#k^y t ,oK1S<-3, <*6"fliS.cS •f- spfAsL1 es / {/ i/ /*** 'iff? -""* \ ^J^"~' /" C ,* lx "^ /. /^^ • r " s P •.<• REMARKS INCLUDING MEFflMlS L&3U. }^ f/L^^^ J? REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. — PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. - WEATHER (^J/je-^V-VL- , - SAMPLES TAKEN ' * TEMPERATURE ^7^''° TESTS REQUIRED f/'^t^/)/ oO'V >^V /• *1 • 5 y? />**&_ <ITF TIMF START / '/ -5 "^ /<*** R1TF TIMF FINISH O ' 5-^- "fi**^ I iiNnn ppRinn " ' THAUFI TIUF "I VFBIpplRV {^^4^- l.&^k~^-3L^<V^ \ 00 CERTIFY THAT ! HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THMPPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE 8UILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /^ t^f/JLj^EZ 3 //Sig nature Dale of Report ICBO Certification Number Pnnt Name City / County Certification flev 7/97 a\ Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empii ^?!T\ 2992 E La Raima Ave , Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste /*!!&£. :\ Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 921 21 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 fSr ^^^^^^^^^J| ^^^^ k lbl ' ^ b^ ^yyy ldl yi^ w/ jyyy lel yj) I tod ^yyy _^SJhJm"J^ Fax 7146322974 Fax 8585373990 Fax 9516534666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK B-WgPECTOH GTECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (V) {N) ^J? <*• <£L li&vl /f Is? fd), '«L/"t- APPROVED PLANSJ-rt (N) ARCHITECT 9 ^ & FOR WEEK EN DTO ^_ _1 / '^/^WxV1^ <32 /^S^^- ^}" / f -&Jy ENGINr=Ejp . REPORT NO P6 CONT^ACTOR^ , PLAN FILE NO Los Angeles/Ventura County C101 13010 San Fernando Rd, Unit 1 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8138338100 Fax 8188330085 APPROVED SHOP DRAWING© (N) PROJECT NO / °v PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR ^ , PROJECT NAWE / y2^£ 'f ^-7^5 7^ _5Z?^s'-O L^&tf~/£s^&$ U/^/S^TS-^. -^^^e ^^ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT •" ]*jt&3^ Jtfytf-rt ^ In A fi^-iP < ^ZLd*^ O&X-/5 /£>&•# l/'ilrt-*^ fl/L REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MAMJAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND „ SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) /^/y'fffi? " & /^"^ A ^?£* , rf J"*^ *>^- f& ' S " / ^*" CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED / AREA GRJDJJNES PIECES OBSERVED/-?}$£-? crfr7^jL2 &^2 ~fcS , tf^j'i-ttf^s /yi^-^-f^ &* /$ > W /$-- tyc* ~*r~/ 'f ^ ^ *^z^t Stf &*3i & /? r^1 t {~* f3f f* £22? '//fe.-«~ G <f^ s^fesff**^. ^S> &j$ /^fi &v~~ \~~l£j&#Fij2— ^? jft f& ^ ^ *^*t> £•&*- /**-<_J V" o rf- {& fifif-^-sn.A. \ , fjteL^le. IStl.'ff' //#*&£ Sf^/1 y^^<S #<6&$i-£ X2z-i2- rf?/#.<3 - JT^^-f^ ^-Se?j^»-e/ STrfUCTUflAL NOTT^QETAIL OR RFIS USED P V (/ ' & / v r ^_7&, -pv- ^ &< ^^fa %*#& f &.***<*. REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS fjL^K^^ ?~S~^ /ft-S&Z^t1*^- -^^5 - REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. — PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER ^/=^-K- SAMPLES TAKEN TEMPERATURE 'O'?/^' TESTS REQUIRED M j'^tjQ.ftyrt' ^h,-^-5 SITF TIMF START ?> &W7 • SITFTIMF FINISH £,t"3& J*^ ' j IIINrwPFRinn fQ-l^- TRAUFI TIMF ' - UFRIFIFH RY fl&La-rk ' —** i I.LU^ \i ii • I 00 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ig nature Dateot Report ICBO Certification Number Pnnt Name City / County Certification Numoer Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/lmpenal County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empi 1432QElsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Te! 9516534999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010San Fernando Rd,Umt1 Sylmar, CA91342 Tel 818 833 81 GO Fax 8188330085 TYPE QF WORK ^SPECTOH AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANSJ?) fN) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWINl ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGIEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR ft-PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PRQJECTNAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAUMTGi, SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED 6V CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) COMPACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED ^ AREA GRID LINES EJeCES OBSERVED k.mAifLKJ^l 7 ¥- 77 Zk^J£_ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED w-7 REMARKS INCLUDiHG MEETINGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE TESTS REQUIRED L4 ^ -<UfJ*ffah»J} SITE TIME START.SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY 1 00 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL QF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SCIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 714 632 2974 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empi Us Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 951 6534999 Tel 8188338100 Fax 951 653 4666 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE APPROVED PLAN SOIL REPOR"^ (M](N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING |Y) [N} ARCHITECT TOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER // /7 REPORT NO OF CONTRACTOR PUN PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTRACJCR , S^ty A- REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MA\UAL/WTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS A ND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY P EPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR.MATERlAL TEST REPORTS)•&sl& ' AREA GRID LINESI PIECES OBSERVED REWORK AS^ERCENT OF ALL WORK TOD . PERtTB^T PROJECT^I^IP WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START _ LUNCH PERIOD __ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME —VERIFIED I DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certilication Number City / County Certification Number 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empn Los Angeles/Ventura County 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Te( 714 632 2999 Te! 858 537 3999 Fax 714 632 2974 Fax 858 537 3990 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 925153 Syimar, CA91342 Tel 951 653 4999 Tel 818 833 3100 Fax 951 6534666 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK £yWSPECTQf)D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL fl£PQffr(Y} (N| APPROVED PUNS JW) SPECS $tf(ti) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING^S&N} ARCHITECT FOR WEEKENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER / A. f /* REPORT NO PG /OF / CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOI Of Ace ft/J*. INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT el I/,Ui- . REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAUMTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RHS, ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCjiUDEJESEARCH REPOPJ NO OP, MATERIAL TEST fJEPORTS CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED 3> AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED 13 Ait A 11 A -i . STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED r. I, A ',F, REMARKS REWORK AS P£RCEMT OF ALL WORK TODAY,PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER «__—- r —rr-J TEMPERATURE. "IZ/7^ SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OFTHE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THATTHIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED FLAWS, SHCI FIG AT IONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT SignaturePW All Print Name Date of Report ICSO Certiffcation Number City ( County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Em pi 2992 E La Palma Ave , Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 7146322999 Tel 8585373999 Fax 7146322974 Fax 8585373990 Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd, Umt1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA91342 Tel 951 6534999 Tel 8188338100 Fax 951 6534666 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK SPECTOR/ID TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE APPROVED PLAN SOIL HEPORV(v(N) ^fJ) SPECS^(Yj(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWItJG (¥) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER CONTRACTOR 9 • REPORT NO WTRAjiJi PLArt£fi£flO PERMIT NO SUB COflTRA£rOH PROJECT NAME JDDBESS J PROJECT , OJ^/<'Ao/f f REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY B EPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)xy^g^VgJeV^ SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME _VFRiPrn DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PUNS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report CBO Certification Number PrmtName City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave,Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 714 632 2974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Em pi, 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 9516534666 FIELD REPORT Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010San Fernando Rd.UmM Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 TYPE OF WORK Q INSPECTOR Q TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS$?(N)APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGj^yiTO ARCHITECT FOB WEEK ENDING ENGINEER REPORT TO PG /OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PEHMtrNO SUB-CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS 1303- ADDRESS OF PROJECT ., £/>/*«, Virile^" '—fi /__'JE= REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANIiAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY C ^ (INCL EARCH HEPORftNO OR IWATEfllAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED /? 77 *£S>- AREA PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR HF1S USED AIL REMARKS IHCLUOINO MEfTIHGS -I¥A UT REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT CQMPLETOL WEATHEH TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE T!ME START LUNCH PERIOD _ LLL SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME . ' ™ VERIFIED BY _/K~Jj~fr~A^-\ I 00 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OfVfHE APPROVED PLANS .SPEC I PjCATlQNS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ID Date of Report ICBO Certrfication Number Print Name C ty / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave , Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 71 4 632 2974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 858 537 3990 inland Emp Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Els worth Strat, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd, Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 9516534999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 818 833 8100 Fax 81 8 833 0085 TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR Q TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPQRiTO (N) APPROVED PLAN/™) (N) SPECS /Y/{N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FGR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS JF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A!COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUpE RES^RCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) == ^-—CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED AREA'GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED Jtb OBSERVED t/r^f/ / . / -iva-^ V^ ^r ^x5^ ,x?/^ — ' -~~r ~^^ =3..-^ T. ,f _ STRUCTURAL NOttS DETAIL Ofl RfJS USEU PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETIONREWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TQDA' SITE TIME START. LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME ^ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Suite A Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centra, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 PROJECT NAME PRJNO PLAN FILtN ADDRESS OF PROJECT PERMIT MO A . ~7~> J "', ' S S REPORT NO PG fey g^1 ttf'stfecy „ m^sp-f^- ^t-*g=^jf^F Signature / ->• ^ - Dale o( Repofi •mi Mamp Corporate _ San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Raima Ave Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empiu_ Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd, Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 925,53 Sylrnar, CA 91342 Tei 951 6534999 Tei 8138338100 Fax 951 653 4666 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK Q INSPECTOR AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PUNS^J)!fJ) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWIN^JT(N) FOR WEEK ENDING ENGINEER REPORT HO PG /°F CONTRACTOR PLAN RLE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTORTRACTOR . W&T INSPECTION ADDRESS 93 CU ADDRESS OF PROJECT l/JI+tl REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/i^TGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RTIS, ETC , FILL OUT 4.HD ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR \ PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED 5O NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH HEgORTNO DB MATEHIAL TEST REPORTS) Aff3 6>r50} A?0e> &*$> s -^/ CONTRACTORS EQOJPMeWT/MANPOWEfl USED AREA GRIDLiNES PIECES OBSERVED £01: ^~AJ 9 Crll ?~A^ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OH RflS USED UIA &*)* P/4*LAILREMARKS maome M&TIMGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED \f .1 Jte PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY /. I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / ORTHE APPROVED PLANS^PECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT // Date o* Report OO Certificaton Number Print Name City / County Certrfication Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/imperial County Inland Empit Los Angeles/Ventura County 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 7146322999 Tel 8585373999 Fax 714 632 2974 Fax 858 537 3990 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Umt1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 951 653 4999 Js! 818 833 8100 Fax 951 653 4666 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PUNS (VI (\) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (V) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEKENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER £VW* //REPORT NO PG /OF / CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS A / , ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO HELD INSPECTION MANUAUMTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RHS ETC FILL OUT Aj-TD ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT 1 COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT KO OR MAT, A IfJ 6r 50^ / I CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED ^ - VT0K; ~ II A , - JA . /STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MffTWCS n 13-A REWORK AS P£RC£NT QF ALL WORK TQOAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHEFI SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS HEOU1BED SITE TIME START 0 $ ?* LUNCH PERiOD SITE TIME FINISH i J7* TRAVEL TIME VERiFiED 6Y I DO CERTIFY THAT \ HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS^SPEC^TIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certitication Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Palma Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 921 21 Tel 8585373999 Fax 8585373990 Inland Empi Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Eisworth Street Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA91342 Tel 951 6534999 Te! 8188338100 Fax 951 653 4666 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT(¥V|(N) APPROVED PLAN&$) (N) SPECS/N (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER INSPECTION ADDRESS PROJECT j fa /*/:«?AGszr./• fS?? O REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS A ND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFiS. ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY F EPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RE^EARC^I REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) /" ONTRACTORS'EauiPMENT 7 MANPOWERJJSEO ' REWORK A9TPERCENT OF ALL WORK TODA^/ WEATHER T£MF>ERATUHE SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY __ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Nairn City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Palma Ave , Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 714 632 2999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 Inland Empi> „ Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 ElsWQrth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd, Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Te! 818 833 8100 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE QFWRK V^^NSWCTOR AVAILABLE APPROVED PUNS SOIL REPORT (Y) [N)SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK 6VQ1NS / _~ 12-0 PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG °' CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUBCONTRACTOR fe£INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO HELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOtL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RF1S, ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR \ PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AKD SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE REPO OR MATERIAL TEST REPflRTS)LTESTREPJJF£^ii CONTRACTOfiS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED M**LL AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED 't-.f7> STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED AllAll REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE /" /? *"_(00 SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START __/_7 ' @O LUNCH PERIOD ' SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME _J VERIFIED BY -„ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPEStflCATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 3 Date of Report ICSQ Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Empi Los Angeles/Ventura County 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carrol! Road, Suite G 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Anaheim CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 8585373999 Fax 353 537 3990 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 6534999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 818 833 0085 TYPE OF WORK jJTlNSPECTQR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPOfl^^N) APPROVED PUH^JJHKj SPECS'^ (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING [Yj (NJ ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR <7 PUN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTO ADDRESS OF PROJECT v <? Ss~7s*s-.s?^f<Z J REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO HELD INSPECTION MANUAIAVfTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK' S REPORTS MATERIALS USG? 8V CONDUCTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPQRTNC OR MATERIAL fEST REPORTS} AREA GRID LifJES PIECES OBSERVED k STRUCTURAL NOTTS DETAIL OR RFIS 1JSED REWORK AS PgrTGENT OF ALL 'WORK T'OfiAY. ,""7 PERCENT PfiMCT COMPLr^lM WITHER TEMPERATURE .'A/*«s>)SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED RITF TIMF STflHT 72=2^7^7 -^ SITF TIMF FINISH -- ^ i| — ' TRM/FI TIMP " VFRIPFH BV*—- vT"- ^ t T-^1 I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OFTHE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH 1 HE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Dale of Report ICBO Certification Number nnt Nsipff City / County Certification Number 5 fi- Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Suite A Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centre, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 gjjjsiajg Corporate j San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Inland Emp Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste Cl 01 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 M I I L ; JL Tel 714 632 2999 Tel 858 537 3999 jJJllill Lflflk Fax 7146322974 Fax 8585373990 Tel 951 653 4999 Tel 818 833 8100 Fax 951 6534666 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK i . ^ifJSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE \* /^^/yf ~~ C.fsSl/'rSf/,?-, APPROVED? ARCHITECT — / . , i ' FOR WEEK E^-f'd'&fryT k "^~ /\ $£*?<d ENGINEER ft / / A/i , REPORT TO CONTRACTOR , ,/ j PLAN FILE N SUBCONTRACTOR j, / fl t ^ PROJECT NA \fv £~r~T L^P&*J > J— r^^ Ls-/-h INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y) (N) LA-JS^JJ) APPROVED SHOP ORAWINGjffTiN) *JDING PROJECT NO s*~) f^ tf ••1 J ^*~t i PG OF &*f&&&^ *?I-)P~&$ "yC2. %<£*/ {/'#&" 0-f A& Bdt/^ PROJECT "" j .^ S' REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RF1S ETC . FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A CQPYWTTHYOUR WEEK'S REPORTS MATERIALSUSED BY CONTRACTOR {INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) 1 F- 1 ~T / f rt ZT^)/ P T& I C? L st//*/" j^&fs.s ^llZfoft? / A500 6* ft / E~ ^/^ CONTRACTORS EQUIPMEMT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID UNES PIECES OBSERVED f^^. ^Q ^ ^ tf ^ f Q .- VT0!t t^f>LI-^1 /3^4f^/^/v-^//J> ' l^>f^ /-?>&*> , l&Cf/^A 1 STRUCTURAL NOTtS DETAIL OHRFISUSEfJ A // / / /i// ^-orlL k.A*, Dej' y)/ft<i/> / /' REMARKS IHCLUDIHGMfEnHGS /?) / // /, /U^9/ '£- i (• <h/9riM/- l/frl/ft/ t W/or/'t /^ //^ /) ) W?^*? . , // '$//$? f \ I e / f\ / / f t - t/*} * A T~ f/f ,t f it J—t/*/! J^\ .* f / / f r REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. ^ WEATHER n^-lsj/' SAMPLES TAKEN — •""*" TEMPERATURE /flfi & TESTS REQUIRED 1 / i(/(/ ^i^f-/^! SITF TIMF START f)~T</& pITf yiUF F|WlpH i 1 ^O \mr.H PFRinn TnavFi TIUF I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OH THE APPROVED PUNS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date of Report ICBQ Certitication Number City / County Certrtotion Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Los Angeles/Ventura County 2992E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 SanFernando Rd , Umt1 Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 71^6322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 SyImar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK "^INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT(Y) (N) APPROVED PLAN$lS$'J) SPECS (V) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWIN^fT) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING .— / —" b "05 ENGINEER REPORT MO PG OF CONTRACTOR , C?OiUt><, JZ^d.. PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECTe>**kt»j / REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RHS, ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFlCffiNC Y REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATE^IALS-USED 8Y CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) / £~~ — 7 T / f s\ ^ / A y^i-b^o \ A$*TM A 5~&o 6r& / £~rOI ~L? 6/Z^/A ~3&5' ~ ^W/ * L" T'Otfa ~ 7~^^A ^cJ CQNTRACTOHSEQUIPMENT/MANPOWEHUSED // , / AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED -y-^ / ~> X? / -) \ I/TV;// 1 / 7 t / *O ^ /^ t / \ i > T^* ft 1 t t /*^ jj ,/ i — i XJ f If j \ f J // if . / / -f1 f>^ - STRUCTURAL NOTES OETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDIHG MEETINGS _ /. / /, f> 1 1 £//V C, f (~ £, 1 A/ 'l.jD y~J "rf^ \//Pf*/fc-/' T&y~ \/l *?ts/ff /W^r /?**-(? T f&As- \ivtYtpwM fc^f >*„* A- •fUVtY/C, ^ T$ iff t^^ sJ-nwjd fo&yh* f~- »&<».&<*! Cvttt^ d* If i^+ 1 ***<£<* v-tlcli^ s'f cJ^$ fytrt^ , At['\*<,ldtf>-f> d&t* \/ F£Afo ' / REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. ( PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER 71 fj A.y SAMPLES TAKEN TEMPERATURE. —frf 0 TESTS REQUIRED c** ,J— SITE TIME START Jj- LUNCH PERIOD VERIFIED BY -=»'-2^s \ DC CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH TH£ SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORTi APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATJ(PM/M^3 Signature W /Mlt>'*» Dale of Report ICBO Certification Number rmt Name City / County Certification Number Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suitt A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Tax (7)4)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858)537-3999 Tax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909) 653-4999 Fax (909) 653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-GROUT ASTM CI019 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client- CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No 5-14994 File No Permit No Project No. Project Name- 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 10/6/2005 10/27/2005 1 0/27/2005 Nominal Size 3X3X6 3X3X6 3X3X6 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 946 900 900 Load (Ibs) 28,960 Strength (psi) 3,060 Type of Fracture N/A Specified Strength 2,000 PSI Sampled By RAMZIJAMMA Date Sampled- 9/29/2005 Location HIGH AND LOW L(FT GROUT FOR SITE WALLS AT FRONT ENTRY STAIRWAY Concrete Supplier Mis No 866G Ticket No • 4523 Water added at Site Cement Type II/V SUPERIOR READY MIX gal By Mix Time 90 mm Concrete Temp 80 Ambient Temp- 80 Slump 9 00 in Tested at San Diego Date Received 10/3/2005 "F "F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS Z1EBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduarclo Dizon, R C E Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714) 632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858) 537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch 14120 Elsworth Street, Suite Cl01, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909)653-4999 Fax (909) 6W-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)853-0085 Report of. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client.^CARLSBAD^yiLLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No 5-14891 File No. Permit No Project No Project Name 24S7A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 28 H Date Tested 9/27/2005 10/18/2005 10/18/2005 ! 0/1 8/2005 Nominal Sl7C 6X 12 6X 12 6X 12 6X12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 2827 Load Obs) 130,510 Strength (psi) 4,620 Type of Fracture Cone & Split Specified Strength 3,000 PSI Sampled By MIKI SANDERS Location RETAINING WALL FOOTINGS Concrete Supplier. SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No 8275P Ticket No 848512 Water added at Site 10 00 gal By PUMP Cement Type II/V _ Mix Time mm Date Sampled: 9/20/2005 Date Received 9/21/2005 Concrete Temp 77 Ambient Temp: 69 Slump" 5 50 in. Tested at S.in Diego °F °F Remarks. Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Di/on, R C.E Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, C A 92553 Tel (909)653^999 Fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 lei (818)8338100 hax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-GROUT ASTM C1019 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client C\RLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No 5-13589 File No Permit No Project No . Project Name 2487AOI CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 28 28 28 Date Tested 6/6/2005 6/6/2005 6/6/2005 Nominal Size 2X2X2 2X2X2 2X2X2 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 402 400 400 Load Obs) 1 9,070 20,730 22,830 Strength (psi) 4,740 5,180 5,710 Type of Fracture N/A N/A N/A Specified Strength 4,000 PSI Sampled By GREG EVERSON Location. COLUMN BASE PL'S WITHIN GUIDE LINES A TO M AND 11 TO 3 Concrete Supplier SIKA Mix No SIKA GROUT 212 Ticket No Water added at Site: gal By Cement Type Mix Time: mm Date Sampled 5/9/2005 Date Received 5/12/2005, Concrete Temp Ambient Temp Slump in Tested at S,m Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Dizon, R C E 5210PSI 28-day compression test complies with the sp< cificd strength Corporate 2992 H La Raima Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 lei (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth StrtU Suite CIO 1, Moreno Valley, C A 92553 Tel (909) 653-4999 Fax (909) 653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Tax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No. 5-13685 File No Permit No Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 6 7 28 28 Date Tested 5/20/2005 5/21/2005 6/11/2005 6/11/2005 Nominal Si?e 6X 12 6X12 6X 12 6X12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 2827 Load (Ibs) 1 00,020 106,780 145,260 146,570 Strength (psi) 3,540 3,780 5,140 5,180 Type of Fracture Cone Cone Cone Cone Specified Strength. 3,500 PSI Sampled By JAMES HAMILTON Location FIRST LEVEL SLAB A 5 / 2 5 Date Sampled 5/14/2005 Date Received 5/20/2005 Concrete Supplier Mix No L-T Ticket No 132511 Water added at Site Cement Type II/V SUPERIOR READY MIX gal By Mix Time 75 Concrete Temp 70 Ambient Temp 67 Slump 5 75 in Tested at San Diego "F "F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Dizon, R C E 5160 PSI . 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anahum, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858)537-3999 Pax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Td (909)653-4999 Fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 , lei (818)833-8100 Fax (818)^,33-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No- 5-13585 File No Permit No Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 28 H Date Tested 5/17/2005 6/7/2005 6/7/2005 6/7/2005 Nominal Si/e 6X12 6X 12 6X12 6X12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 2827 Load (Ibs) 110,780 150,070 147,270 Strength (psi) 3,920 5,510 5,210 Type of Fracture Shear Cone Cone & Split Specified Strength 4,000 PSI Sampled By GREG EVERSON Location CONTINOUS FOOTINGS AT LINES 1 TO 2 AND A TO K Concrete Supplier SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No .8369P Ticket No 813407 Water added at Site 10 00 gal By CONTRACTOR Cement Type II/V Mix Time 27 mm Date Sampled 5/10/2005 Date Received 5/11/2005 Concrete Temp 64 Ambient Temp 70 Slump 425 m Tested at San Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Di/on, R C E 5260 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 I el (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Ttl (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909)653-4999 fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 S<m Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESS1VE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client- CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No 5-13234 File No : Permit No Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265^CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE^ CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 28 Date Tested 4/5/2005 4/26/2005 4/26/2005 4/26/2005 Nominal Size 6X 12 6X 12 6X 12 6X12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 2827 Load (Ibs) 100,930 161,340 157,760 Strength (psi) 3,570 5,710 5,580 Type of Fracture Columnar Shear Shear Specified Strength 3,000 PSI Sampled By DON SMITH Location S O G & TYPE 3 FOOTING <a> LINE 3 A TO B Date Sampled 3/29/2005 Date Received 3/31/2005 -Concrete Supplier Mix No 8365P Ticket No 277922 Water added at Site Cement Type Il/V ESCONDIDO READY MIX gal By Mix Time 39 , mm Concrete Temp 81 Ambient Temp 65 Slump 400 in Tested at San Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS Z1EBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Di7on, R C E 5640 PSI 28-ddy compression test complies with the specified strength Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 lei (714)632-2999 Fax (714)652-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858)537-3999 Fax (858)557-3990 Brant-h 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moruio Valley, CA 92553 lei (909)653-4999 Fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 hax (818)853-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-MASONRY PRISM ASTM C1314 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC A Set No. 4-13150 File No.: Permit No Project No : Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 3/21/2005 4/11/2005 4/11/2005 Nominal Si?e 8X8X 16 8X8X16 8X8X 16 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 6400 6400 6400 Load (Ibs) 101,280 211,830 226,690 Strength (psii) 1,580 3,310 3,540 Type of Fracture N/A N/A N/A Specified Strength 1,500 PSJ Sampled By LARRY EVANS Location: LINE J FROM (LINE 2 TO 2 2), (FOOTING TO 9'-8" AFF) Date Sampled 3/14/2005 Date Received: 3/16/2005 Concrete Supplier Mix No. 866G Ticket No 277373 Water added at Site Cement Type II SUPERIOR READY MIX IS 00 gal By MASONRY CONTRACTOR Mix Time 50 mm Concrete Temp 65 Ambient Temp: 59 Slump 8 50 in Tested at San Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRWE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Dizon, R C E 3420 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the spec ificd strength mm.af. ** ••- »ff f. ^t 1*<L Corporate 2992 E La Raima Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Icl (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 hlsworth Street, Suite CJ01, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909} 653^999 Fax (909) 653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC SetNo. 4-13135 File No Permit No : Project No.: Project Name f7A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE CARLSBAD, CA DRJ3 Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 3/1 8/2005 4/8/2005 4/8/2005 Nominal Size 2X4 2X4 2X4 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 3 14 3 14 3 14 Load dbs) 5,620 Strength (psi) 1,790 Type of Fracture N/A Specified Strength 1,800 PSI Sampled By LARRY EVANS Location: LINE 1 (LINE M TO K), (8'-8'\TO 9'-0" AGG) Concrete Supplier SPEC MIX Mix No TYPE S ! Ticket No Water added at Site. gal. By Cement Type II Mix Time 3 mm Date Sampled: 3/11/2005 Date Received 3/15/2005 Concrete Temp Ambient Temp 57 Slump in Tested at San Diego "F °F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS Z1EBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc EduardoDizon, RC.E Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858) 537-3999 Tax (858) 537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suilc C101, Moreno Valley, C\ 92553 Td (909)653-4999 Pax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-MASONRY PRISM ASTM C1314 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No 4-13150 File No.: Permit No Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 3/21/2005 4/11/2005 4/11/2005 Nominal Size 8X8X16 8X8X16 8X8X 16 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 6400 6400 6400 Load (Ibs) 101,280 Strength (psi) 1,580 Type of Fracture N/A Specified Strength 1,500 PSI Sampled By LARRY EVANS Location LINEJ FROM (LINE 2 TO 2 2), (FOOTING TO 9'-8" AFF) Concrete Supplier SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No 866G Ticket No 277373 Water added at Site- 15 00 gal By MASONRY CONTRACTOR Cement Type II Mix Time 50 mm Date Sampled: 3/14/2005 Date Received 3/16/2005 Concrete Temp 65 Ambient Temp 59 Slump 850 in Tested at Sdn Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Dizon, R C E Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Td (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Braneh 14320 blsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 I el (909)653^999 Fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSJVE STRENGTH-MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No. 4-13135 File No.: Permit No : Project No. Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 3/18/2005 4/8/2005 4/8/2005 Nominal Size 2X4 2X4 2X4 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 3 14 3 14 3 14 Load (Ibs) 5,620 8,050 8,100 Strength (psi) 1,790 2,560 2,580 Type of Fracture N/A N/A N/A Specified Strength 1,800 PSI Sampled By LARRY EVANS Location- LINE 1 (LINE M TO K), (8-8" TO 9'-0" AGO) Concrete Supplier SPEC MIX Mix No. TYPES Ticket No Water added at Site gal By Cement Type II Mix Time: 3 mir Date Sampled: 3/11/2005 Date Received 3/15/2005 Concrete Temp Ambient Temp 57 Slump in Tested at San Diego "F °F Remarks Distribution- CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Di7on, R C E 2570 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the spa.ified strength Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Icl (714)632-2999 Tax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 lei (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch ' 14320 Ehworth Street, Suite ClOl, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909) 653^999 Fax (909) 653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No. 4-13134 File No: Permit No Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 3/17/2005 4/7/2005 4/7/2005 Nominal Size 2X4 2X4 2X4 Actual Area (Sq. Inch) 3 14 3 14 3 14 Load (Ibs.) 9,200 S,620 6,720 Strength (psi) 2,930 2,740 2,140 Type of Fracture N/A N/A N/A Specified Strength 1,800 PSI Sampled By LARRY EVANS Location: LINE J (LINE 1 TO 2), (7-4" TO 8'-0" AFF) Concrete Supplier: SPEC MIX Mix No TYPE S Ticket No. Water added at Site gal By Cement Type II Mix Time* 6 mir Date Sampled 3/10/2005 Date Received- 3/15/2005 Concrete Temp Ambient Temp 63 Slump in. Tested at S,in Diego °F "F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LABCOPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc EduardoDizon, R.C E 2440 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the sptufied strength Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 TU (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858) 537-3999 Fax (858) 537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909) 653^999 Fax (909) 653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No 4-13134 File No . Permit No. Project No Project Name. 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING ]265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA , A8e (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 3/17/2005 4/7/2005 4/7/2005 Nominal Size 2X4 2X4 2X4 Actual 4rea (Sq Inch) 3 14 3 14 3 14 Load (Ibs) 9,200 Strength (psi) 2,930 Type of Fracture N/A Specified Strength: 1,800 PSI Sampled By LARRY EVANS Location LINE J (LINE 1 TO 2), (7-4" TO 8'-0" AFF) Concrete Supplier SPEC MIX Mix No. TYPES Ticket No . , Water added at Site: gal By Cement Type II Mix Time 6 mm Date Sampled 3/10/2005 Date Received 3/15/2005 Concrete Temp Ambient Temp 63 Slump in. Tested at. San Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Dizon, R C E Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909)653-1999 Fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Te! (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client- CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No: 4-13133 File No Permit No.' Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRJVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 3/16/2005 4/6/2005 4/6/2005 Nominal Sl7C 2X4 2X4 2X4 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 3 14 3 14 3 14 Load (Ibs.) 7,700 9,240 11,580 Strength (psi) 2,450 2,940 3,690 Type of Fracture N/A N/A N/A Specified Strength 1,800 PSI Sampled By LARRY EVANS Location: LINE 2 (LINE H TO J) (4'-0" TO 8'-8" AFF) Concrete Supplier SPEC MIX Mix No TYPE S Ticket No Water added at Site. gal By Cement Type II Mix Time: 8 mm Date Sampled 3/9/2005 Date Received 3/15/2005 Concrete Temp Ambient Temp: 61 Slump m Tested at San Dtego °F °F Remarks Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LABCOPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Dizon, R C E 3320 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength Corporate 2992 E La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)6.12-2974 Branch 73)3 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858) 537-3999 Fax (858) 5 57-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 I el (909)653^1999 Fax (909) 6'>3-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818) 8 53-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CON CRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC A Set No 4-13079 File No : Permit No Project No . Project Name 24S7A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 28 Date Tested 3/10/2005 3/31/2005 3/31/2005 3/31/2005 Nominal Size 6X12 6X 12 6X12 6X12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 2827 Load (Ibs) 108,050 163,100 170,630 1 1 8,760 Strength (psi) 3,820 5,770 6,030 4,200 Type of Fracture Cone Cone Cone & Shear Cone Specified Strength 4,000 PS1 Sampled By DAN CASCINO Location: P LASTER 1 ST LIFT @ 2 + 1 0 Date Sampled 5/3/2005 Date Received 3/4/2005 Concrete Supplier: Mix No 8275P Ticket No 276866 Water added at Site Cement Type II/V SUPERIOR READY MIX gal By Mix Time 56 mm. Concrete Temp 71 Ambient Temp. 67 Slump 400 in Tested at San Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Diron, R C E 5330 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength Corporate 2992 F La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)632-2999 Fax (714)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (858)537-3999 Pax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909) 653^999 Fax (909) 653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC "Set No. 4^3053^ " ' ~ File No : Permit No. Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 Date Tested 2/24/2005 3/17/2005 3/17/2005 Nominal Size 6X 12 6X12 6X12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 Load <lbs.) ] 1 0,490 142,920 144,050 Strength (psn) 3,910 5,050 5,090 Type of Fracture Cone Cone & Shear Shear Specified Strength 3,000 PSI Sampled By GREG EVERSON Location FOUNDATION FOOTINGS LINES A TO J AND 1 TO 3 Concrete Supplier SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No- 8369P Ticket No 807275 Water added at Site: ' gal By Cement Type Il/V Mix Time 36 mm. Date Sampled 2/17/2005 Date Received 2/18/2005 Concrete Temp 67 Ambient Temp- 64 Slump 4 75 in Tested at San Diego °F °F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS - ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LABCOPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduai do Duron, RCE 5070 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength -e - by SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE L P.7SO 740 9557,12/30/04 9 08AMJfi£Eag_#10a,Page 2 Superior Ready Mix 1503 Ui. Mission RcJ Escondldo, CA 92029 (76O)745-05S6 X ID : LT-3500 [ ] CONCRETE MIX DESIGN 3500 RSI 12/29/O4 CONTRACTOR ; PROJECT : SOURCE OF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION TYPE PLACEMENT : ROCK ENTERPRISES CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE BUILDING SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE U.P. STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE 4" BOOH .PUMP WEIGHTS PER CUBIC YARD (SATURATED, SURFACE-DRY) ASTM-C150 TYPE II/V CEMENT, LB ASTM-C618 CLASS "F" FLYASH, LB ASTM-C33 FINE AGGREGATE (SUPERIOR), LB 1/2" HYDROLITE, L8' UlATER, LB (GAL-US) TOTAL AIR, % MASTER BUILDERS POZZ 322N, OZ-US MASTER BUILDERS MICRO AIR, OZ-US WATER/CEMENT RATIO, LBS/LB SLUMP> IN CONCRETE UNIT WEIGHT, PCF SS9 99 1383 84O 332 ( 4.Q + YIELD> CU FT2.as O.78 fct-46 8 ft "\ ci TOTAL 27.^7 3.0 6.OO 19. 0 52 ,32 1 .08 27.00 JPROX DRY UNIT WEIGHT - 11O-115 PCF. HIS DESIGN IS BEING SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL CTH SPECIFICATIONS SHOULD BE REVIEWED. READY MIX CONCRETE U.P. DESIGN CONFORMANCE MARCOTTE + HEARNE BUILDERS REVIEWED JAN 1 £ 2005 Reviewed for gtiwal itonformance with eonfracf documentsSubcontractor d feapenefflle tof qy^mity, rffmensfonsfinishes afig eftffl^fifi«e^vii{i i^e eofltmct documents' Reviewed hy? Corporate ~~ San Diego/lmpenal Countv 2992 E La Raima Ave, Ste A 7313 Carroli Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 oInland Empire 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WOflK^- n 0 INSPECTOR Q TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE / ) V^tX L(J ""(.jfi fi~^f/ APPROVED PLA ARCHITECT '— ?— I S> -j / 1 I FOR WEEK END ENGINEER ly1 , t REPORT NO CONTRACTOR *. r u PLAN FILE NO SUBCONTRACTOR - ^ -p PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ^ , *-— / / } $ \ ) / / A ADDRESS OF PF/Z£.) c-'^o^^vg-f (A, n^v><2 0"' SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS jrf) (N] JS^N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING^ (N) NG PROJECT NO * t7$?? Aol PG "OF PeRMITJJO , — ^l^L^I £//,'<ie ^/"X OJECT^ / REPOKIINC REQUlKhMENIS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUALA1TGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IFTHERElSNON-CONTORMIfsGWORKATTHEENDOFTHEWORKDAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS L\SPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLJJDE RESEARCH REPORT NO tfR MATERIAL TESTJ1EPQRTS) --.., A-^rfr^k B /<9. /fJ/pAr/^, L?£(a f<* , CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED / /)/ / / /I / ff / yi*i C-ts—fr'r -^-r L^^^^^t &y^ AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED / / "") i Q STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED . » / C (^ REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS P%5£i\ V & I)'- 4w?c« ( &f 1-^Ue.i <^^4 ^ Lstkai- J**^,,^ "te-F ^5- " ^/r&rt/i - ^5 ^°/ ^^/v-'/ / / / ? ^ ^^y / Kitt1 l^JL^r 1-vLe 'ii\.*^e $&Ul<s?> ^^>^ 'Q //•'&&* < REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER SAMPLES TAKEN TEMPERATURE TESTS REQUIRED ),-*7=\. ~7f -* 1 •) "•> \ R1TF TIMF START ( ' (/ ( ^ S!TF TIMF FINISH / -^ ^ 1 IINHH PFRinn TRAVFI TIMF * / ^^ ^^^w^^^^ */^<r^^'^ VFRIFtFH RVr J-'C^" ^ ~~^\ DO CERTIfPi) THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / QPTWE ABWttlVEQ P>ATJS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number __ 47? Print Name City / County Certification Number REPORT OF ULTRASONIC INSPECTION TESTED FOR PROJECT OUR REPORT NO Client Order Mo Lab No Lengin Ultrasonic Unit Serial No Test Memod Standard /J*U5 .£/, /C/j, O>Thickness Location Acceptance Standard £>/,{ . 77l£££_C?. 2_ Weio identificai.on Decibels"Orsccntrnuity Distance From X X.I X /hue &*4 r* "7A -f-Zl 2-" I Ui fa TO 7A (j on ]) l-J L\ XX X V X i I 1 I f ! |. 1 X ! i I i 1 111 X f I i 1 fill WELD LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION SKETCH /&?fet T» &W **»"*^ (inrjicate X-Y Markings) "ecnnioan fa)fLLjAr*l J~VQsS\ Lev'eUM- Interpreter iV, ^.yc^iA LaveLjU. Tecnniaan Level 1 i i ! ! i _. CaugTam OOt/OT^f ci£- Calibration Slccxs J^Frequency 2. ^> >^*/2_ Surfaca Conditicns s2$ W&~2>&\ X-Y MARKERS -Use Leg i t! or 111 "Gam m dQ "ArtenuaDOf in d3 a-b-c-d G-a-c-d FMAflKS ^ ftesffectfufiy FROM fHMULUIIJb IPBBHC BUILDERS INC F*K NO. =3BB5 Plxl MTDfe. Fram: tilBARNE BUILDERS, INC. **=*GEm*u. SOI*— E6A-SSS TOO®ONIH33UI3M3 IHSHH tO SO TV-I fit fT 3PECREF* 0610Q DVVGREF. MARCOTTE + HEARNE BUILDERS, INC. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PROJECT: Carlsbad Office 14+HB JOB #04-013 ORIGINATOR: Marietta + Heame BuBders DATE 07/20/05 INFORMATION REQUESTED: (ATTACH SHEETS IF NEEDED) 1) Per our telephone conversation 7/19/05 cKfettng framing per sfwar wall schedule 3*B framing on 2nd floor framing and 2X6 atmtevrith axe at ply panel Joints on noof framing plan ialnacxjOf dance with stmcfanttl cafcufcottons. WRITTEN BY:PAGES INFO NEEDED BY: FROM- Mareoffie-* Heame TO: Ztobarm Associates ATTN: Luis TRAMSMITT6D BY: (FAX * MAIL * HAJMD -) NO. PAGES: Contractor's reoommemted solution: Options DATE INFO REQUIRED BY:SCHEDULE COST MPACT AFPECTg>: YES/NO REPLY ANSWERED BY:RRM:DATE: TRANSMrTTED TO ORIGINATOR BY. (FAX - MAIL - HAND " ) DATE: CC RFI BOOK, SUPT. PAGES: 700 @ JQS=ID SO OZ tnr SZ.'BT MESRI ENGINEERING INC. STRUCTURAL CONSULTING 2180 GAR7VET AVt, SUITE 2E SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92109 |PJ K8 173 9701, [FJ 858 Xt» 6758 TO: RE. Date: a- TOO®amaaawisNa lasan YVJ 92:91 TU ASSOCIATKS MarcoI to Hearnu @001X004 ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES TkANSMITTAL Wayne Powderty, ChucK Mclaughlin finm Luis Delgado Pro (858) 793-4102, (760) 692-1935 PHOIWI (856)793^101x107 Jfertw July 25, 2005 RFI #33, #34, Window Opening Csristod Office Cc:22342 DUrv«n« XForftovtow a Ptoaa* Cammont P«r lUolplwito R*qwut Wayne/Chuck, Please find elevator, shear wall and wall opening responses from Michael Mesri. Luis. ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING 2BOQ FOUFITTI AVENUE, Sure 2O4 • SAN DIEQO, CA 92103 • PHONE e 19 E33.O45O u FAX 610 233 O44Q esa- ON 3Ndd3H <£••»« U41P ilED/UtlH Mnrcotte Hnarns ©002/004 MESRI ENGINEERING INC. STRUCTURAL CONSULTING 21W CARNET AVK, SUITE IE SAN PIKCO, CALIFORNIA 9110*|rj KI in »7oi, w IM 273 trft TO. RE; 2V, C&\UG.TMi)C» f*L**C Tlf To SBTfr IHSOT 8S8: 'ON XbJ 3Ndd3H U0.au 1'AA Oi» Z33 <J*44f]ASSOCIATES Marr.nte Hearns @003/004 SPECREF* DW5REF. MARCOTTE + NEARME BUILDERS, IWC REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PROJECT; CarMwd Offie* PuMJng DATEOT/2W05 (ATTACH SHTS IF NEEDED) 1) Par our taU^hone canvBroatic Hoor framing «nd ZXfl sUxte wkh axft at p^ panel joints on it»rfmmm0 piw* In accordance with WWTTENBV:PWfiES IMFO NEEDED OY- FROM: TX);2l ATTN: Lute TRANSMITTED BVt (TAX * MAIL * HAND •) NO, PAGES: Options: PATE INFO HBQUIReP BY:aCHgDULE COST IMPACT AFFECTED: YES/NO REPLY ANSWERED BY.FIRM:DATE: TO ORIGINATOR BY: (FAX * MAIL ' HAND ~ ) DATE: PAGES: CC. W1 BOOK 6UPT. JOB-to so 02 Cd Wb0I:60 £6-1 8S8: 'ON Xdd 044})/IKHAKTH ASSOCIATES MarcoI to Beams 0004/004 M*HBRFI*Jg MARCOTTE + HEARNE BUILDERS, INC. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PROJECT C«rtM>M Offtt BuJWing ORIGINATOR: Maiwtt** Mnm« BuMoro (ATTACH SHEET* IF NCCD&D)INFORMATION P^OUaTBO: 1|Par our tetepH»nt feting 2X0 WB«»tian«|«tutf«tagMhww(lh16dO12HO.C,«id «4B« ruN phMeoQ par ihar sehMluto. WRITTEN BY; PAGES INFO NEEDED BY; TO: ATTN: Lute TRANSMITTED BY: [FAX • MAIL * NO. I»AOES: OpaanK SCHEDULE COST IMPACT AFFECTED- REPLY FIRM.DATE'. (FAX -MAIL* HAND') CC: RH BOOK. SOPT. <*BZ:ET so ta 981BtiZ»9fi TVd Outfit WbBT'60 8S8' ON XbJ Jan 24 06 02 56p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 P1 PORTLAND SEATTLE - SAN DIEuQ - KOJ1A • T«MP». HLAJMSEIM ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS Al LJMINLIM PRODUCTS Fax Transmittal Cover Page Date: 1/24/06 To Company: Ron Burke - City of Carlsbad Inspections Fax Number: 760.602.8560 ATTN- Ron Burke RE: Carlsbad Office (Remax) 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Fnom: Tim Sams Pages including Cover Comments Ron, Please find the attached engineering for our glass guard rail system. This engineering addresses UBC code 2404.1. This system/application has been approved by a registered design professional/engineer. It meets or exceeds all test data, ensuring safe performance. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Tim Sams 760.433.4511 hansenrailing@hotmail.coni CC: Q Original has been sent via mail. D Please confirm receipt of this fax via phone Jan 24 06 02 56p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 E&L Cmil Engineering 010ct2003 Haraen Architectural System Arm; Brian BlachJy 5500 SE Alexander ST Hillsboro, OR 97123 SUBJ: HANBEN ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS 300x SERIES GLASS RAILING I have reviewed the design details and components for the 300x glass raiting system based on 42" guardrail height with post spacing of 6 feet on center and have performed calculations of stresses on the railing from the following loading conditions 200 pound point load on top rail 20 plf load on top rail,, vertical or horizontal 25 psf uniform load on glass panel Wind load for 70 mph exp C For the connection of the guardrail to the deck using the surface mount baseplates die anchors (expansion bolts, adhesive set bolts or cast-in bolts) shall have a minimum allowable tension strength of 960 Ibs each when spaced at 3.75 inches on center. K the railing is used for exit facilities with an occupant toad ex< conform top rail load is increased to 50 plf and the post spacing shalf be reduced to 4 feet on center. For these conditions the railing was found to meet or exceed all requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code,, 2000 International Building Code and 2000 Aluminum Design Manual. If you have any questions please call rue at 253-858-0855. Edward Robison, P.E. Attachment - Calculations 3 pages 4508 Park IjmeNW Gi% Harbor, WA 9*335 253-858-0855 Jan 24 06 02 56p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 p3 r 3 O<3X '/V <« / o Jf in3 =^ 13,0 po//?/ rW/ = * *O f^ for fbsf-' T0 rv>Gig Harbor. WA9B335 253-858-0893 Jan 24 06 02 56p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 P4 UO C h e c fc "fbp no. t' ' — Z.O V.-from 12. *, Top nxj'/ 5-f ry AcT$ O ^ © f - •C heck. V.- Jan 24 06 02 57p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 p5 rwat wq -f si /0<StA .)o*A. - 338 /J»- a. /%r - OK; -fo 4508 Park LffTW Gig Harbor, WA 253-958^855" Jan 26 06 0325p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 JEJUl'LE - EAN Diet WQ WLD-C HAIMSEIM ARCHITECTURAL. SYSTEMS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Fax Transmittal Cover Page Date' 1/26/O6 To Company Ron Burke - City of Carlsbad Inspections Fax Number: 760.602.8560 ATTN: Ron Burke RE- Carlsbad Office. Permit #CBO40665 From1 Tim Sams 9 Pages including Cover Comments: Ron, Please find the attached engineering for our glass guard rail sytstem. This should resolve the remaining questions addressed in the UBC code 2404.1. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks again. Tim Sams 760.433.4511 hansenrailing@hotmail.com CC: 611 Q Original has been sent via mail d] Please confirm receipt of this fax via phone. Jan 26 06 0325p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 p2 C- 81/26/2005 16:01 253BbbHb3b tL E&L Crorf Engineering 26Jsin2006 Hansen Architectural System 4860 NW Shute Road Hillsboro, OR 97123 SUBJ SERIES 300/300X GLASS PANEL, PICKET RAIL The Hansen Architectural Systems standard guardrail installation uses a base plate screwed to the posts. This installation method meets the following loading conditions: 200 pound point load on top rail • 50 plf load on top rail, vertical or horizontal - commercial applications 25 psf uniform load on infill panel Wind load for 85 rnph exp C <§> 35' above grade Installation components are is specified in the Hansen Architectural Systems railing details. For 42" high rails the maximum post spacing is 5 feet on center average per rail section. The screws used to attach the base plates are ATSI4037 alloy steel fabricated jn accordance with SAE J429 Grade 8 and coated with Magni 550 for corrosion protection. The post base plates shall be anchored to the wood deck using 3 / 8" x 3-'L / 2" lag screws with 3" embedment. The glass shall be 1 / 4" thick fully tempered glass glazed on at the top and bottom rails only (panel ends are unsupported). . For these conditions the railing meets or exceeds all requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code, California Building Code, 2000 and 2003 International Building Codes and 2000 and 2005 Aluminum Design Manuals. If you have any questions please call me at 253-858-0855. Edward Robison, P.E ^^^ Attachment-Calculations 7 pages .g^S-^^'i 4508 Park Lane NW 253-858-0855 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Jan 26 06 0325p Hansen San Diego ^ 01/2&/280& 16-01 2538589856 7604334505 p3 EL CIVIL fcNblNhtKiNti Kttlat or T ~-^-xx 5 : ^ > ^ c i- -^' -~-— = -Z./ far Ci&if 4508 Paris LnT«W , WA 26 06 03 26p Hansen San Diego 01/26/2*066 lb:BJ 2538580856 7604334505 nnp'^T Civif 4508 Park LnNW Gig Harbor, WA 08335 Jarv26 06 0.3 26p Hansen San Diego ib:«i 7604334505 bl_ U1V1L P5 /"-*•>' (> 3'*' A J f 5' 5" 5' /J f t / j I Jan 26 06 0326p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 tl_ LiVIL P6 BS/Hd ~ o.z&e - 0. ZSZ rx =* A C^nfi*! /ir lyy ~ 0. pos boHon o .' ^ Jan 26 06 03 26p Hansen San Diego 7604334505 ib ai o Horn r"«. >'j - 6 /A&? fa * QJ7I1 ry L _~ p 7 5 = 05 4508ParkIjaGag Harbor, WA 98335 253-83^-0855 Jan 26 06 0326p •^ 01/26^5066 Hansen San Diego 16:01 2538580856 7604334505 P8 tL L1V1L 3.9 3.8 or ' COon^c^'on For -for j on<i t/p h'^^- -for r7)o»sf e&re&s up V- *E&L CiviC Gig Harbor, WA 96335 233-868-0855 Jan 26 06 0^27p Hansen San Diego "01/2&/2006 16 01 2538580856 7604334505 tl_ LiViL P9 Ktttit Ob/ Ub > i~o X SC PL - for i,f /</&C - 5 -P r 36* -fir CvmT Gig Haitor, WA 98335 253-856-0855 ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX IN POST PER ANUFACTURER COLOR TO MATCH NEW PROPOSED BLDG FACADE, SEE COLOR SCHED "1 STUB OUT CONDUIT RISER 6" ABOVE FOOTIN; /-^^s^^^ 3/4" DIA HOOK ANCHOR BOLTS PER MANUFACTUER REQUIREMENTS •A-—•\—-v_x*vw^'\ BASE OF POLE W/ NUT COVER 3/4"Xl8"D!A BASE PLATE, GROUT UNDER PLATE " CHAMFER 3/8" WEEP HOLE EA BASE, TYP 4-#3 TIES TOP 3" 0 C , TYP AT APPROVED _ _ --W— 00b BY. City of CARLSBAD RIGID PIPE, ELBO|6iftN_g|NG DEPT EX DRWGSRISER - SEE ELE FOR MORE INFO TIES © 10" OC , TYP EVERYWHERE 4-#5 4-#6 VERT BARS, 3" CLR TO SOIL, W/ 1S"L HOOKS AT TOP — CAST-IN-PLACE CONG FOOTING 3JOQO P S^v-—\^ UFFER GROUND COPPER WIRE4 PLACE IN GROUND AT BASE OF POLE, T WIN EMBEDMENT DETAIL NAME XDET36-16J mEslJirpWnjj DONALD W SMITH iu'uvSn . Structural Masonry Special Inspector 1997 Uniform Guticitnq Codp I he naividml named nereor.'sCESTtFiFi; in triecntegor/sliovvii, n()v»nr nepn "^ certff!>jrinur5irntToS(.iccessti)icomp!e:ionortriP ipiesti ibeii writtenExoua'ion time November 1, 2006 KO 1037223-84 -wor valid unless ciyneb by certificate holder Donald Smith CERTIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTOR UBC «"''1Nrit- Reinf 01 cect concrete inspector- 1997 uniform Building code i 1= HifK if j«H mmei he. eon i^CEKTIFiED in th? Mcegory shov -,i having ueen so cwtif ico piuai'^nt to sun es^fui nmpleiiono nroscribecivrit.en c^m.n.mon Fx-jiradr n cwte June 21, 200G fJO 1057233 53 ________ 0,^ ^ '^-r . - -Not "aiid urie^s signed bv n?rtiffCflre '-OUHT i'-t nnilrr imjn tm'stf frcoflio'-l ,)i ,! ..'n-Jf c f>' i i frf v ^i,<i -^.nda^ - JR,,'" i' x'ti-iit.' riuu '-*(>! ujrrTpi'fJi't't'r-J'mtM'", lrt.ru ^/} Donald smsth CERTIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTOR Reinforced Concrete Inspector 2000 hiternntiona! BuSUimg Code The indivic'ij,'! nrn-.cci 'ler^ori is CERTIFIED in the cctegorv hriVtig tipsn so cfur ied ot-r siunt to successful completion of the pr? cutjsnj wrni~ii ^afinnatiun ,1 dor. .1,110 June 21, 2006 >. / tt NO 1037^23 88 DONALD W SMITH Structuial Masoriny Spoctsf Inspeclor 2000 Internalional Builtitng Code h«el!TdiVldlJal lldined hPreon ls CtRTiFtEO In the catpqorv sliovm e S'^Sn"'^'^wescnoed wfdren reouiremen"5 E/ptratton date November 1 2005 _ No m. unless sl Carlsnbad 040665 6/18/04 CI APPLICANT CI PLAN REVIEWERa FILE EsGil Corporation In <Partnersfiip vntH government for Quitting Safety DATE 6/18/04 JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 040665 SET III PROJECT ADDRESS 1265 Carlsbad Village Or PROJECT NAME Carlsbad Village Office Shell Building The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's budding codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck ~^] The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person LJ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to ™ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed CD Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Date contacted Mail Telephone f (by ) lr> Person Telephone # Fax # REMARKS AT Mike Peterson to verify that the sand and oil separator for the parking garage has been waived by the city B. The item clouded in red on sheet S1 of the plans form EsGil must be made to the city set of plans <f. City to approve the special inspection program Seethe enclosed form with the plans By Chuck Mendenhall Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ Enclosures' 6/10/04 trnsmtl dot [004 12.24 FAX 619 233 6449 ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES ©006 s_ S» IMll^QBQrV^P4^(SMrfr••MMNDM fWM MflMi IMVM "MBKjC i * , j' ^ ,j , B. _ . c - - , - 1 z *858 OK K nssn nt tz.i mu; EsGil Corporation In Partnership vntfi government for 'Buitdmg Safety DATE 5/18/04 JURISDICTION Carlsnbad PLAN CHECK NO. 040665 SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1265 Carlsbad Village Dr PROJECT NAME. Carlsbad Village Office Shell Building D APPLICANT C» RLE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to- Ziebarth Assoc , Att'n Luis Delgado 800 W Ivy St, Suite '£', San Diego, CA 92101 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Luis Delgado Date contacted S-rt-*? (by &* ) Mail iX Telephone Fax"' In Person REMARKS By Chuck Mendenhall Esgil Corporation • GA • MB D EJ LI PC Telephone #. (619) 233-6450 Fax # (619) 233-6449 Enclosures 5/11/04 trnsmtl dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 • (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsnbad 040665 5/18/04 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, [Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE- Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list These remaining items have not been adequately addressed The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold are current 4. When special inspection is required, as listed on sheet S1, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please review Section 106 3 5 Please complete the attached form The partial form submitted was not complete. The top part of the lorm must be signed by the owner and the engineer or architect of record for the project. See the attached form. Also, the types of inspections must include spray applied fire protections as shown in detail 6/AD.2 5 The exterior walls less than 20 feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be one fire-rated construction Section 503. detail on the plans the one hour construction of the North elevation wall and architectural projections less than 20ft to the P/L Detail 4/SD.1 referenced at section D/A6.1 and 7/AD.3 and 4/AD.3 referenced at section B/A6.1 do not qualify as one hour construction. Show in details 7/AD.3 and 4/AD.3 a min. of 5/8" type 'X' gyp board at the inside surface of the projection on top of the plywood sheathing. The composition shingles on the surface of the parapet shown in 10/AD.3 and 4/AD.1 do not qualify as a one hour assembly. Carlsnbad 04O665 5/18/04 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION 6 A full one hour occupancy separation is required between 1 he covered parking area (S3 occupancy) and the office area above (B occupancy). Detail on the plans the one hour floor/ceiling occupancy separation. The only referenced detail is 6/AD.2 at section D/A6.1. This detail shows spray applied fire protection on the exterior beam. What is intended for the columns, interior beams and the steel floor system? Specify on detail 6/AD.2 the manufacturer and UL listing for the spray applied material shown at the beam. Also, specify the thickness of the spray applied fire protection. 7 Detail on the plans the required one hour fire protection of the beams and posts supporting the floor above the parking area See #6 above1. There is no fire protection detail for the floor system, supporting columns or the interior beams. * ELEVATORS 9 Detail on the plans the one hour shaft wall construction for the elevator Section 711. Reference detail 9/AD.2 (1 Hour shaft wall protection) to the elevator walls shown in section B/A6.1. • FOUNDATION I,13 Investigate the potential for seismically induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in seismic zones 3 and 4. Section 1804 5 No response and nothing from the soil engineer addressing the potential for liquefaction. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgi! Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Chuck Mendenhall at Esgil Corporation Thank you. ELECTRICAL All OK PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek i 1. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued Business and Professions Code The final set of drawing to be reviewed just before the permits are to be issued. 2 In the S-3 garage floors shall dram to an approved oil separator or trap discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing code UBC Section Carlsnbad 040665 5/18/04 311231 Sheet P2.0 does not address the garage floor drainage system. At the parking areas under the building. Please correct. PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 3 As per the notes on sheet P2.0 please provide the Site Plumbing Drawings by Civil showing the Private Building Sewer Line Slope and material of the building drain line, under the building by Civil. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the size water meter, and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer and site water lines. h 4. Please correct the backwater valve shown on sheets P1.0 and P2.1. Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve. Only plumbing fixtures with flood rim levels lower than 4 inches above the 1st floor finished lloor level are to flow through the backwater valve. (The Mop Sink and any plumbing fixtures at the Garage Level (required garage floor drains).> Please correct. As per UPC, Section 710 1, provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations. Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve 7 Detail the backflow protection of water connection to fire protection systems as per UPC, Section 603 4 18 Please provide the Civil Drawings showing the fire sprinkler system connection to the public water system, as per the response. MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 8 Show required make-up air for elevator equipment room exhaust system 9 The response and drawings show smoke and fire dampers at supply and return air ducts, not "smoke detectors" in the supply for shut-off control of the air-moving equipment. Please correct. Provide smoke detection in the supply air duct of an "air-moving systerrf' for required shut-off of equipment for smoke control UMC Section 609 2 An "air-moving system" is a system designed to provide heating, cooling, or ventilation in which one or more air-handling units are used to supply air to a common space or to draw air from a common plenum or space UMC Section 203 0 Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing and Mechanical plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. Carlsnbad 040665 5/18/04 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 106.3.5. < Signed ^_^_______ I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 foi the construction project located at the site listed above. Engineer's/Architect i S«al i & Signature Signed 1 List of work requiring special inspection Q Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection G Field Welding D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI Q High Strength Bolting D Prestressed Concrete Q Expansion/Epoxy Anchors D Structural Masonry Q Sprayec-On Fireproofmg O Designer Specified [] Other 2 Name(s) of mdividual(s) orfirm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above B C 3 Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above A B C ____^_ EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with government Jor (Bui&Cmg Safety DATE 3/9/04 Q APPLICANT er JURIS JURISDICTION Carlsnbad o PLAN REVIEWER Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO 040665 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1265 Carlsbad Village Dr PROJECT NAME Carlsbad Village Office Shell Building The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person i The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Ziebarth Assoc , Att'n Luis Delgado 800 W Ivy St, Suite (E', San Diego, CA 92101 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgi! Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Luis Delgado ^- Telephone # (619) 2'33-6450 Date contacted ^IcM (by ^ ) Fax #• (619)233-6449 Mail v^ Telephone */ Fax-/ In Person REMARKS By Chuck Mendenhall Enclosures Esgil Corporation • GA • MB D EJ D PC 3/2/04 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsnbad O40665 3/9/04 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO 040665 JURISDICTION Carlsnbad OCCUPANCY B, S3 USE Office 7 Garage TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VN ACTUAL AREA 8965 ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA 32,000 STORIES 3 HEIGHT 28ft approx per UBC SPRINKLERS'? yes OCCUPANT LOAD 90 . REMARKS i DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION ESGIL CORPORATION. 3/2/04 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER Chuck Mendenhall COMPLETED 3/9/04 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Code sections cited are based on the 1997 UBC The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsnbad O40665 3/9/04 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION Carlsnbad PLAN CHECK NO 04O665 PREPARED BY Chuck Mendenhall DATE 3/9/04 BUILDING ADDRESS 1265 Carlsbad Village Dr BUILDING OCCUPANCY B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION YN BUILDING PORTION office garage Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) 8965 2980 8965 11945 cb Valuation Multiplier 6000 2500 360 1 80 By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) , , 537,900 74,500 32,274 21,501 666,175 $2,214.43 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review f~~l Repetitive Fee Repeats Complete Review D Other D Hourly Structural Only Hour Esgll Plan Review Fee Comments $1,439.38 $1,240.08 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc Carlsnbad 040665 3/9/04 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete i 1 All sheets of the plans are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed Business and Professions Code 2 Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC, 2000 UMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC 3 On sheet S1 expand the required special inspections to include A325 HS bolts See detail 16/S8 4 When special inspection is required, as listed on sheet S1, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please review Section 106 3 5 Please complete the attached form 5 The exterior walls less than 20 feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be one fire-rated construction Section 503 detail on the plans the one hour construction of the North elevation wall and architectural projections less than 20ft to the P/L OCCUPANCY SEPARATION 6 A full one hour occupancy separation is required between the covered parking area (S3 occupancy) and the office area above (B occupancy ) Detail on the plans the one hour floor/ceiling occupancy separation Carlsnbad O4O665 3/9/04 7 Detail on the plans the required one hour fire protection of the beams and posts supporting the floor above the parking area N STAIRWAYS 8 Detail on the plans the stairway riser must be 4 inches minimum and 7 inches maximum and minimum run shall be 11 inches Section 1003 333 See the exception for private stairways serving less than 10 occupants ELEVATORS 9 Detail on the plans the one hour shaft wall construction for the elevator Section 711 10 Provide notes, details or specifications to show the elevatoi will comply with UBC Sections 3002-3007 and Title 24 FOUNDATION ( i 11 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (when required by the soil report) 12 Detail on the foundation plan the method you intend to use to drag the shear loads from the garage level masonry shear walls into the upper level foundation See sheet S6 of the plans 13 Investigate the potential for seismtcally induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in seismic zones 3 and 4 Section 1804 5 14 Clearly show by cross hatching or other designation the extent of the lower level masonry walls It is not entirely clear on sheet STRUCTURAL * 15 Include as part of the design the drag connections to the steel moment frames as shown in detail 12/S10 The 1/4* plate welded to the frame and the bolts connecting the wood beam to the plate must be capable of resisting the seismic drag load X Q per UBC 1633 2 6 16 Why is grid line 3 shown on sheet S6 not listed as grid line 4 as shown on sheet S7? these grid lines appear to line up Please clarify 17 Clarify where the FB-2 thru FB-6 designed on pages C7 thru C18 of the design calc's applies on the plans There was no floor framing schematic in the calc's and the beam numbers listed on the framing plans are not consistent with the numbering in the calc's Carlsnbad 04O665 3/9/O4 18 Steel deck note 1 on sheet S6 indicates "deck shall be installed in mm 3 span" As shown there are only two spans for the deck Revise the note to be consistent with the plans 19 Why does sheet S7 list two roof diaphragm'? I presume one of the diaphragms listed should be for the floor'? Please clarify 20 Include m the design of beams BM-3 & BM-4 on pages D3 'thru D9 the ability of the beam to support vertical DL and Q X the hold down forces per UBC 1630821 21. Clearly show on sheet S5 the location of the basement level shear wall #5 as listed on page 127 of the calc's Also, see page L31 of the calc's showing this wall How do3es this wall tie to the diaphragm'? 22. Show on the plans the special reinforcing of the lower level masonry walls at the support of the steel beams (#6 @ 8" OC for 48") and ( 2-#7 jambs) See page L33 of the calc's END OF STRUCTURAL REVIEW PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS 4 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad DATE: 3/8/04 «• PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 04-665 SET: I PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 1 Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, before the permits are issued Business and Professions Code 2 In the S-3 garage floors shall drain to an approved oil separator or trap discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing code UBC Section 311 2.3.1. PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 3 Provide the site plumbing plans showing the size water meter, and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer and site water lines 4. Please show the upstream sewer manhole rim elevation. As per UPC, Section 710 1, provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the upstream manhole rim elevations Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve. Carlsnbad O40665 3/9/04 5 All water closet seats, except those within dwelling units, shall be of the open front type as per UPC, Section 409.2.2 6 Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces Provide two straps One strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 of the tank UPC, Section 510 5 7. Detail the backflow protection of water connection to fire protection systems as per UPC, Section 603 4 18 MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE)< 8 Provide the required independent ventilation for the elevator equipment room to prevent the overheating of the electrical equipment UBC Section 3005 1 9 Provide smoke detection in the supply air duct of an "air-moving system" for required shut-off of equipment for smoke control UMC Section 609 2 An "air- moving system" is a system designed to provide heating, cooling, or ventilation in which one or more air-handling units are used to supply air to a common space or to draw air from a common plenum or space UMC Section 203 0 Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Morteza Beheshti 10 The licensed designer must sign the approved set of the plans ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1 Show the ampere interrupting capacity (AIC) ratings of the service and sub- service equipment NEC 110-9 2 Show or note on the plans the method used to limit fault currents to 10,000 amps on branch circuits NEC 230-208 3 Provide GFI protection for receptacle outlets in the elevator machine rooms NEC 620-85 4. If utilizing a series-rated system, note on plans- "Overcurrent device enclosures will be identified as series-rated and labeled in accordance with NEC 110-22*' Carlsnbad 04O665 3/9/O4 and " The overcurrent devices shall be A1C rated per manufacturers labeling of the electrical equipment" ENERGY CONSERVATION 1. The corrected, completed and signed ENV-1, LTG-1, and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans 2 The completed and signed ENV-1 and MECH-1 forms musl be imprinted on the plans 3 The Documentation Author and the Principal Envelope Designer must sign the ENV-1 form 4 The Documentation Author and the Principal Lighting Designer must sign the LTG-1 form 5 The Documentation Author and the Principal Mechanical Designer must sign the MECH-1 form Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical or Energy plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special mspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701 1 for the construction project located at the site listed above UBC Section 106 3 5 Signed I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106 3 5 for the construction project located at the site listed above EngineerVArchilea s Seal4 Signaluro Hefe Signed Carlsnbad 04O665 3/9/04 1 List of work requiring special inspection CD Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection d Field Welding D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI D High Strength Bolting n Prestressed Concrete d Expansion/Epoxy Anchors d Structural Masonry d Sprayed-On Fireproofing CD Designer Specified d Other 2 Name(s) of individual(s) or ftrm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above A , B C , i 3 Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above A B Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for appro I * r City of Carlsbad Public Works BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ngineering DATE BUILDING ADDRESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build [A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements DENIAL By Please spe the attached report of deficiencies marked wilh DI/Make necessary corrections to plans or specifieatjons/~,for compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit coriected plans and/or specifications/o ttys office for review Date Date FOR OFFICIAL USE AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT Date ATTACHMENTS D Dedication Application U Dedication Checklist Li Improvement Application D Improvement Checklist D Future Improvement Agreement Q Grading Permit Application D Grading Submittal Checklist D Right-of-Way Permit Application [j Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet D Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON Name KATHLEEN M FARMER City of Carlsbad Address 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad. CA 92008 Phone (760)602-2741 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No Lots Recordation Carlsbad Tract CA 92OO8|-7314 • (76O) 6O2-272O • FAX (76O) BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1ST D D Provide a fully dimensio orth Arrow istmg & Proposed Structures istmg Street Improvements operty Lines Easements 2 Show on site plan Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets eway widths xistmg or proposed sewer lateral Existing or proposed water service Existing or proposed irrigation service A Drainage Patterns 1 Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course 2 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building " B Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C. Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception D Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards 3 Include on title sheet A Site address B Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc) previously approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION H \WORD\DOCSKXKUST\BuftHng PtencMck CWst Ftxm (Generic) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No CCT^tljJUucr^o Ct3 J D D 4b All conditions are in compliance Date D D DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5 Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $15.000. pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 Dedication required as follows Dedication required Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 1/2M x 11" plat map and submit with a title report All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person Applications will not be accept by mail or fax Dedication completed by Date- IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS D 6a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the budding site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $75.000. pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840040 Public improvements required as follows' Attached please find an application form and submiltal checklist for the public improvement requirements A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process The completed application form and the requirements on the H \WORD\DOCS*CHKLST\BuikJing Plancheck Cklsl Fnrni (RIDDLE HARVEY 7 12 00) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ST D D D checklist must be submitted in person Applications by mail or fax are not accepted Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit Improvement Plans signed by Date 6b Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $310 so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit n Future public improvements required as follows 6c Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department Please return Future Improvement Agreement completed by Date GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal Code 7a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export) 7b Grading Permit required A separate'grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached NOTE The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit iradmg Inspector sign off by Date 7c Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) H \WORO\DOCS\CHKLST\Buildina Plancheck Cklst Forr" (GENERIC 7 14 00) Ooc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST Q oND D n 3R,D D D D D D 7d No Grading Permit required 7e If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm dram, sewer and water utilities Right-of-Way permit required for __ _ ODD D D D a a a INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Cammo Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance Industrial Waste permit accepted by Date 10 NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. Required fees are attached - crv\)Ji\^\ Kut- 10 No fees required WATER METER REVIEW 12a Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service. H \WORD\DOCS\CHKLS-nBuflding paneheck CMsl Fomi (Gwwnc) doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST [ST iND iRD D D D • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm) A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street) 12b Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines 1 If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W" The irrigation service should look like STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 2. 5 meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach) Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference In general the calculations will include • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds pei square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless, the project is only SFD with no HOA). As long as the project is located within the City recycled water H \WORDMX)CS\CHKLST\Buadlng Planet** Octet Forni (Generic) doc 1ST >ND }RD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future 12c Irrigation Use {where recycled water is available) 1 Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this tine to irrigate slopes within the development For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this 13^ Additional Comments H \WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\BuWing Ptanctwt* Ckhl Foon (Generic) «* Q D ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal Address Permit No Prepared by / / /IS^ Date W 2/7 Checked by EDU CALCULATIONS nlist types and square footaqes for all uses^ Types of Use Types of Use J /j ^__ j, I %\jJL&~ Sq Ft /Units $ >%0 01 Sq Ft /Units ADT CALCULATIONS List types and square footaqes for all uses^V Types of Use Types of Use x*" **~^ / 1 A ^[JUt*^ Sq Ft /Units K^D^O Sq Ft /Units Date /PEDU's V 1 \u EDU's 1^ n \U ADT's v l f\\^ (Oj^-ADT's ^^ , FEES REQUIRED WITHIN CFD D YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D NO D 1 PARK-IN-LIEU FEE FEE/UNIT D 2 TRAFFIC PARK AREA & # FEE ITS X NO UNITS X FEE/ADT = $ D 3 BRIl3O&-A^JD THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST #1 DIST #2 ADT's/UNITS X FEE/ADT D 4 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE UNIT/SO FT X FEE/SO FT /UNIT D 5 SEWER FEE ^. EDU's _2r ' ' X FEE/EDU BENEFIT AREA EDU's _ D 6 SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) D 7 DRAINAGE FEES PLDA_ ACRES I l-LJf 4k X FEE/EDU HIGH = $ /LOW X FEE/AC D 8 POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE -7 SDCWA FEE IRRIGATION 1 of 2 Word\Docs\Misforms\Fee Calculation Worksheet Rev 7/14/00 Engineerin 2 General 3 20. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site 4 within this project, Developer shall apply for and obtain approval from, the City Engineer for the proposed haul route. 21. Prior to issuance of any building permit, Developer shall comply with the requirements of the City's anti-graffiti program for wall treatments if and when such a program is 7 formally established by the City 8 22. Prior to occupancy, Developer shall install ram gutters to convey roof drainage to an n approved drainage course or street to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 10 Fees/Agreements 23. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the City Engineer for recordation the City's standard form Drainage Hold Harmless Agreement regarding drainage across the adjacent property. 13 24 Developer shall cause property owner to execute, record and submit a recorded copy to 14 the City Engineer, a deed restriction on the property which relates to the proposed cross lot drainage as shown on the site plan. The deed restriction document shall be in a form acceptable to the City Engineer and shall* 16 Clearly delineate the limits of the drainage course; 17 b. State that the drainage course is to be maintained in perpetuity by the underlying property owner, and 19 State that all future use of the property along the drainage course will not restrict, 2Q impede, divert or otherwise alter drainage flows in a manner that will result in damage to the underlying and adjacent properties 01 the creation of a public 21 nuisance 22 25 Prior to approval of any grading or building permits for this project, Developer shall cause Owner to give written consent to the City Engineer to the annexation of the area shown within the boundaries of the subdivision into the existing City of Carlsbad Street 24 Lighting and Landscaping District No 1 and/or to the formation or annexation into an additional Street Lighting and Landscaping District. Said, written consent shall be 25 on a form provided by the City Engineer. 26 _ ..Grading 27 26 Based upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the site 28 plan, a grading permit for this project is required Developer shall apply for and obtain a PCRESONO. 5506 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 grading permit from the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit for the project Dedications/Improvements 27 Developer shall cause Owner to make an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City and/or other appropriate entities for all public streets and other easements shown on the site plan, the offer shall be made by a separate recorded document All land so offered shall be offered free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost, Streets that are already public are not required to be rededicated. 28. Pnor to the issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, Developer shall submit for City approval a "Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)." The SWMP shall demonstrate compliance with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Runoff Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order 2001-01 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. The SWMP shall address measures to avoid contact or filter said pollutants from storm water, to the maximum extent practicable, for the post-construction stage of the project. At a minimum, the SWMP shall a identity existing and post-development on-site pollutants-of-concern; b. identify the hydrologic unit this project contributes to and impaired water bodies that could be impacted by this project; c recommend source controls and treatment controls that will be implemented with this project to avoid contact or filter said pollutants; from storm water to the maximum extent practicable before discharging to City nght-of-way; d establish specific procedures for handling spills and routine clean up Special considerations and effort shall be applied to resident education on the proper procedures for handling clean up and disposal of pollutants, e. ensure long-term maintenance of all post construction BMPs in perpetuity, and f identify how post-development runoff rates and velocities from the site will not exceed the pre-development runoff rates and velocities to the maximum extent practicable. 29 Pnor to building permit or grading permit issuance, whichever occurs first Developer shall have design, apply for and obtain approval of the City Engineer, for the structural section for the access aisles with a traffic index of 5.0 in accordance with City Standards due to truck access through the parking area and/or aisles with an ADT greater than 500, The structural pavement design of the aisle ways shall be submitted together with required R-value soil test information and approved by the C'lty Engineer as part of the building or grading plan review whichever occurs first Special Conditions 30, The Average Daily Trips (ADT) and floor area contained in the staff report and shown on the site plan are for planning purposes only. Developer shall pay traffic impact and sewer impact fees based on Section 18 42 and Section 13.10 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, respectively. PCRESONO 5506 -7- 1 Water 2 31 Pnor to issuance of building permits, Developer shall pay all fees, deposits, and charges 3 for connection to public facilities. Developer shall pay the San Diego County Water Authority capacity charge(s) prior to issuance of Building Permits4 32. The Developer shall install potable water services and meters at a location approved by the District Engineer. The locations of said services shall be reflected on public 5 improvement plans 7 33 The Developer shall install sewer laterals and clean-outs at a location approved by the District Engineer The locations of sewer laterals shall be reflected on public improvement plans 9 34 The Developer shall design and construct public water and siswer facilities substantially 10 as shown on the site plan to the satisfaction of the District Engineer Proposed public facilities shall be reflected on public improvement plans. . „ 35. This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for the development of the subject property, unless the Distnct Engineer has 13 determined that adequate water and sewer facilities are available at the time of occupancy 14 36 Pnor to issuance of building permits, the entire potable water and sewer system shall be evaluated in detail to ensure that adequate capacity, pressure, and flow demands can be met to the satisfaction of the Distnct Engineer. 17 Code Reminders 18 37. Developer shall pay a landscape plan check and inspection fee as required by Section 20 08 050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 19 38. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the 0 Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein 22 39. The project shall comply with the latest non-residential disabled access requirements pursuant to Title 24 of the State Building Code. 23 40 Premise identification (addresses) shall be provided consistent with Carlsbad Municipal 24 Code Section 18 04 320 41 Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval of the Planning Director prior to installation of such signs 27 28 PCRESONO.5506 -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3rd day of December 2003, by the following vote, to wit: AYES. NOES Chairperson Baker, Commissioners Doimnguez, Hememan, Montgomery, Segall, White, and Whitton None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None IR, Chairperson IAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HOL2MILLI Planning Director PCRESONO 5506 -9- 02/08/2005 11:22 FAX 17604384178 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SFTF RELEASE PROJECT lNSPECTOR:./2feiU_/2*£££ PROJECT HVtn/g 03~)2 DATE: PERMIT NO LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: N/A = NOT APPLICABLE V = COMPLETE Q - incomplete or unacceptable 1,265 1st fr-*- V6- •/-^- ^*- i^" ix— r- ^ 2nd. P- «_* — •"* 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8, 9 Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped Site erosion control measures adequate. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. Letter from Owner/Dev requesting partial release of specific lots, pads orbldg &/i x 1V site plan (attachment) showing requested lots submitted. Compaction report from soils engineer submitted. (H soils report has been submrtted with a previous partial release, a letter from solb engineer referencing the soils report and identifying specific lots for release shall accompany subsequent partial releases). EOW certification of work done with finish pad devitions of specific lots to be released. Letter must state lot (s) is graded to within a tenth (.1) of the approved grading plan. Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist Fully functional fire hydrants within 500 feet of building combustibles and an all weather roads access to site is required. —>-"Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for this purpose of building penult Issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal Ctty requirements required pursuant to the building permit process. Partial release of the site is denied for the following reasons: Construction Manager Date Date 10/6 (i31Vadfl ' 'N/A BuisnoH pnjjsuoQ 'saaj 6uisno|_| 'sueejog 'jsqiocn '#go JBJUG 'aoueuaiuiEiAj AJIAIPV 'SQ/d/v) ON S3A 6PQl9|dwo ( £661 ' L3 ABIAJ - aouEUipJO Buisnon AjBUOisnpui jo e^ep pojinbej aaj BuisnoH Ajeuoisnpui (suey LunaiiuiLU IB) ^ ON S3A SB Bo~| ;iausd Rseoo,, jo ,, SB sueid 6uip|in£] (Z U n a ON # 6o~] uoiieuiaija;ea ii MOU UJJOJ UOI1BUILUJ9J8Q lILUJGd |e;SBOQ 91£t]dlJJOO 'QN \\ S3A 6P9l9lduJOO ApE8J|e LUJOJ uoiiBuiiujeiea jiuued IBISBOQ '£01 '9AUQ uEii]odoJi9|Aj 9Z9Z - ON ON jo pejinbey ;iou9d IBISBOQ) 9Z(6t9)'SOfl7-80tE6 VO 06910 UBS AiuoLj;nv UOISSILUOJOQ | S3A 6^uoqinv UOISSILULUOO S3A 6QUOZ IBJSBOQ ui paiBo6| 33Uei|dUIOO/)U3LUSS3SSV c'DD UOlpe 9Jinb9J L|OIL|M SUOIJIpUOO (BAOJddV JO SUOIllpUOQ 6|BAOJddB JO SUOUIpUOO LJJ1M 90UBI|dUJOQ S3SVO CI3IV13H b3HiO ONlOBPOHd 31VQ 3dAl ON S3A ON OSaidnVAOdddV :pajmbay uoipv UOIJOB ejinbej suouipuoo suoiiipuoo ';ou \\ 6|EAOJdde p suouipuoo IUIM aouBi|dujoQ 3dAl ON S3A uoipe JnoA spea^ - eiajduiooui NOI131d^JOO dO 31VQ a;9|duuoo D D Aq liouad pasn puB| jo adAi juauidoiGAGp |Bi;uapisaj-uou joj) ov/na sajoE Aap IQU BuiuiEWGy ~ auoz iu9Uja6EUB|Aj pafoJd I 8UQ 8PJIQ p a^EQ # (jno/ui) auao ^^/y6 asp ^ ioafojd jo NdV -ZQQ (092.) ssajppv 90 ON >|09MO 1SH>103HO M3IA3U >I03HO NVld lN3IAlJ.UVd3Q ONlNNVld D D D 1 D D D D D D D D D nnn D D D nnn nnn nnn nnn Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes) 2 Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number ii Policy 44- Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines ,, 1 Applicability YES. NO ,! 2 Project complies YES Zoning: 1 Setbacks Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Top of slope 2 Accessory structure setb Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Structure separation 3 Lot Coverage 4 Height NO Required Required Required Required Reauired lacks Required Required Required Required Required Required Reauired l! Shown Shown Shown Shown • Shown i Shown Shown ' Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 5 Parking Spaces Required Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments AND ENTERED APBROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE 3 o H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 Carlsbad Fire Department 040665 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Requirements Category: Date of Report Q3/16/2004 Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Building Plan Reviewed by C Name Address City, State Ziebarth Associates 800 W IvySt Suite E San Diego CA 92101 Plan Checker Job Name Carlsbad Village Off Job Address 1265 Carlsbad Village Dr Job # 040665 Bldg # CB040665 Ste or Bldg No Approved The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements ' C3 Approved Subject to The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this reporl can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards Incomplete The item you have submitted for review is incomplete At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and / or standards Please review carefully all comments attached Please resubmit the necessary plans and / or specifications to this office for review and approval Review FD Job# 1st PnH 3rd 040665 FD File # Other Anenny ID MESRI ENGINEERING INC. STRUCTURAL CONSULTING 2180 GARNET AVE , SUITE 2E SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92109 {P| 858 273 8701, (F( 858 273 6758 email mike roes nfoSaol com CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING SITE RETAINING WALLS MAY 20, 2004 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date JobS 1038AM 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100 Use KV\ 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001iC) 933 2001 ENfcRCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING Criteria | Soil Data | Footing Strengths & Dimensions | Retained Height - 1050ft Allow Soil Bearing = 2,400 0 psf fc = "2^°°psi Fy = SOOOOpsi Wall height above soil = 050ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Mm As % = OOOH Heel Active Pressure = 38 0 .,. ,A/I^)K _ -, „- uSlope Behind Wai) = 0 00 1 Top Ar(lve, PrPco(,rp -no Toe Wldth 3 25 ft i oe Active pressure - uu Heel Width = 200 Height of Soil over Toe = 6 00 in Passive Pressure = 1830 Total Footing Width = 525 Soil Density = nnnrirvf Water height over heel = 00ftaon uensny i luuupcr a Footing Thickness = 18 00 in FootmgllSoil Friction = 0 350 Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf Soil height to ,gnore *ey ™clt£ = \l °° in for passive pressure = 6 00 in ^ PePlh , s 40 °° in Key Dis ance from Toe = 3 25 ft Cover ©Top = 300m @ Btm = 300m Design Summary I ) Total Bearing Load = 5,084 Ibs resultant ecc = 11 17 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 2,000 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 2,400 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 2, 278 psf ACl Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Booting Shear @ Toe = 21 6 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 180 psi OK Allowable = 93 1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 1 79 OK Sliding = 1 59 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 2, 7360 Ibs less 100% Passive Force= - a'579 8 Ibs less 100% Friction Force= - 1,779 3 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results | Factored Pressure = 2,278 0 psf Mu' Upward = 10,750 0 ft-# Mu Downward = 2,401 2,717 ft-# Mu Design = 8,349 2,717 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 2162 18 04 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93 1 1 93 11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Stem Construction | Top_Stem Design height ft= 400 Wall Material Above "Hi" = Masonry Thickness = 8 00 Rebar Size = #5 Rebar Spacing = 16 00 Rebar Placed at = Edge fb/FB + fa/Fa = o 822 Total Force @ Section Ibs = 802 8 Moment Actual ft-#= 1,7393 Moment Allowable ft-# = 2,1159 Shear Actual psi = 143 Shear Allowable ps; = 38 7 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = 3000 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht m = 30 00 Wall Weight psf= 84 0 Rebar Depth 'd' m = 5 25 rm psi= 1,500 Fs pst = 24,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Special Inspection = Yes Modular Ratio 'n' - 2578 Short Term Factor = 1 000 Equiv Solid Thick m = 7 60 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight fc psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sizes & Spaclngs Toe #4@1000in, #5@ 15 50 in, #6@ 21 Heel Notreq'd, Mu < S * Fr Key #4@ 1600m, #5@ 24 75 in, #6@ 35 2nd Stern OK 000 Masonry 1200 # 7 300 F.dge 0915 2,094 8 7,331 6 8,014 1 229 387 4200 722 1330 l900 1 500 24 ,000 Yes 'Yes 1 000 •)1 62 75 in, #7@ 29 75 in, #8@ 39 00 in #9© * To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS *iain menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information ^v S50100 -Jssr KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25Sep2001 Cant if^VFTPff^01983 300] ENERCALC Engineering Software VrtHUICVBl tfU Title Dsgnr Description , Scope Retaining Waff Design Date Job# 10:.8AM 19 MAY 04 Page 2 1 Descrtption CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces &Moments OVERTURNINGForce Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 2,736 0 4 00 10,944 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 2,7360 OTM = 10,944 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 79 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 5 083 7 Ibs vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure 0 Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 0 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = Force Ibs | RESISTING, Distance Moment ft ft~# 1,1550 . 475 54863 .I 000 1788 ' 1 63 290 5 I 1,1200 ' 366 4 1020 238 3 f 4 08 973 2 1,181 2 263 3 1008 5000 375 1 8750 7104 i; 525 3 729 5 5,083 7 Ibs RM = 19557 i m Mas w/ #5@ 16 in o/c Solid Grout Spc Insp @Hee| Designer select all honz reinl 11 0 12 in Mas w/ #7 @ 8 in o/c Solid Grout. Spc Insp 2000 4psl To specify your title block on these five tines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 213PM 19 MAY 04 Rev 550)00Use' KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25Sep2001 (c)1983 2001 EN£RCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page Description Criteria Retained Height ^ 800ft Wall height above soil P 050ft Slope Behind Wall s 0 00 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 12 00 in Soil Density = 11000pcf Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf D e s f gn Summary Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable 3 545 Ibs 502 in 1,227 psf OK 348 psf OK 2 400 pSf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored ACl Factored Toe Heel 1 430 psf 406 psf 19 1 psi OK 20 8 psi OK 93 1 psi coolmg Shear @ Toe =• Footing Shear @ Heel =: Allowable =s Wall Stability Ratios Overturning =: Sliding =5 Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) 241 1 66 OK OK Lateral Sliding Force = less 100% Passive Forces less 100% Friction Forces Added Force Req'd = for 1 5 1 Stability * 1 539 0 Ibs 1,321 7 Ibs 1,240 7 Ibs 0 0 Ibs OK 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results Factored Pressure Mu1 Upward fvlu Downward Mu Design Actual 1 Way Shear Allow 1 Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing _T_pe 1,430 4,617 1,376 3,241 19 15 93 11 None Spec'd None Spec'd None Spec'd I Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2,400 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 38 0 Toe Active Pressure = 00 Passive Pressure = 183 0 Water height over heel = 0 0 ft FootmglJSoil Friction = 0350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 6 00 in J | Footing Strengths & Dimensions I • | Stem Construction | Top Stem fc = l^** psi Fy = Mm As % = Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth = Key Distance from Toe = Cover @ Top = 3 00 in 2nd 60 000 DSI 00014 250ft 200 4-50 12 00 in 12 00 in 22 00 in 2 50ft Btm = 3 00 ir, Heel 406 psf Oft-# 1,806 ft-tf 1,806 ft-# 20 80 psi 93 11 psi Design height Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at n , M — r\«.i«uesiyn Udid fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Bar Develop ABOVE Ht Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv Solid Thick ft = = = = = = = lbs = ft-# = ft-# = pst = psi = in = in = psf = in = psi = psi = = = = = in = Stem OK 267 Masonry 800 # 5 1600 Edge 0906 5398 9590 1 0580 96 194 3000 3000 840 525 1,500 24000 Yes No 2578 1 000 760 000 Masonry 1200 # 5 1600 Edge 0855 1,2160 32427 3.791 3 124 387 3000 820 1330 900 1 500 24 000 Yes Yes 2578 1 000 11 62 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Data fc psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sues & Spacmgs Toe fW@ 17 00 in, #5@ 26 25 in, #6@ 37 00 in #7( Heel Not req'd. Mu < S * Fr Key #4@ 1600in,#5@2475m,#6@35 4825m #8@4825m *9 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job tt 213PM 19 MAY 3ev 550100 User KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25Sep20Ql (O1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 Description Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments ' OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1,539 0 3 00 4,617 0 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 1,5390 OTM = 4,6170 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 241 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 3,544 8 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure 1 RESISTING Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = Force Ibs 8800 2750 8^4 8 1954 6/50 2750 3996 3.544 8 Distance ft 400 000 1 25 290 333 225 300 4 50 Ibs R M = Moment ft-a 3520 0 3438 2^529 651 4 1 5187 8250 ', 798 ', ii 109 9 i in Masw/ #5 @ 16 in o/c Solid Grout, @Toe @Heel Designer select all honz reinf 12m Masw/ #5 @ 16ino/c Solid Grout Spc Insp 7 348 35psf 1227 Ipsf To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information 9ev 5 50 TOO ~~ ' User ><W 060483d Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001iO 983 2001 E^ERCALC Engineering Software Title Osgnr Description Scope Date Job* 233PM, 19 MAY Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description Criteria Retained Height Wall height above soil = Slope Behind Wall = Heighl of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = 667ft 050ft 000 1 1200m HOOOpcf H So'lData. Wind on Stem OOpsf Allow Soil Bearing = 2,400 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 38 0 Toe Active pressure = Q 0 Passive Pressure = 1830 Water height over heel = 00ft Footmg||Soil Friction = 0 350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 6 00 in I | Footing Strengths & Dimensions I fc = Mm As % Toe Wfdfb Heel Width '' Total Footing Width Footing Thickness Key Width ' Key Depth Key Distance from Toe • Cover @ Top = 3 QQ in Fy = Stem Construction Top Stem 2nd Total Bearing Load = 2,742 IDS resultant ecc = 5 14 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1 232 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 230 psf OK Allowable = 2.400 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1 ,543 psf ACl Factored @ Heel = 288 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 152 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel ^ 21 0 psi OK Allowable = 93 1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2 39 OK Sliding = 1 66 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force s 1,1177lbs less 100% Passive Force= - 894 7 Ibs less 100% Friction Force = - 959 8 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results | Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,543 288 psf Mu' Upward = 2,441 0 ft-# MM rWi/nuj-arH — fi£Q ~> fl^H ft-tfMU UUWi JWdrQ ~ QQy t,UDU I L-fr Mu Design = 1.772 2,050 tt-S Actual 1 Way Shear = 15 20 21 01 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 9311 93 1 1 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Design height ft= 200 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Thickness = 8 00 Rebar Size = #5 Rebar Spacing = 1600 Rebar Placed at = Edge r\odfin r^Atfi - .L/tfaiyii udtj fb/FB + fa/Fa = oeio Total Force @ Section Ibs = 4144 Moment Actual ft-#= 6450 Moment Allowable ft-#= 1,0580 Shear Actual psi = 74 Shear Allowable psi = 194 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = 30 00 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = 30 00 Wall Weight psf= 840 Rebar Depth 'd' in = 5 25 Masonry uaia fm psi= 1,500 Fs psi= 24,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Special Inspection = No Modular Ratio 'n1 = 25 78 Short Term Factor = 1 000 Equiv Solid Thick in = 7 60 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concret0 Data fc psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sues & Spacings Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key #4© 28 75 in. #5® 44 50 in. #6® 48 Stem OK ' 000 Masonry 800 , # 5 ' 1600 Edge < 0888 8453 1 879 4 , 2,1159 ' 15 1 ' 387 3000 836 840 525 1 500 24,000 i Yes Yes , 2578 , 1 000 760 i i i To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information User KW0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25Sep2001 Cantl IPX/PTPfl(0-9832001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Wdl IUIC VCI CU Description Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & OVERTURNINGForce Distance Momen1 Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 11177 2 56 2,857 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 1 117 7 OTM = 2,857 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 239 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,742 4 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Title Dsgnr Description Scope Retaining Wall Design Moments t 7 Soil Over Heel Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel - Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 7 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = Job# Date 233PM 19 MAY (X Page 2 1 1 RESISTING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-s <)783 308 30,53 000 1925 088 1684 fa02 3 2 08 1 254 8 ')62 5 1 88 ', 054 7 1167 208 243 i ;>902 375 1 0883 2,/424 fbs RM= 5625 5 Sin Masw/#5@ 16mo/c Solid Grout, @Toe #0@0in @Heel 8 in Mas w/ #5@ 16mo/c Solid Groul Spc Insp Designer select all honz reinf I T I1177# 1232 3ps' To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Jobtf 242PM 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100 User KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 (c 983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page Description 4* Criteria Relamed Height = Wall height above soil = Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = 533ft 050ft 000 1 1200m 11000 pcf 1 Soil Data Wind on Stem 00 psf Allow Soil Bearing Equivalent Fluid Pressure Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel FootmglJSotl Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 2,400 0 psf Method 380 00 = 1830 00 ft = 0350 6 00 in I Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc = Mm As % | = Toe Width ' Heel Width Total Footing'Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth = Key Distance from Toe = Cover @ Top = 3 00 in Fy =60 000 psi 00014 Design Summary | | S Total Bearing Load = 2,096 Ibs resultant ecc = 4 93 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,273 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 124 psf OK Allowable = 2,400 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable AC! Factored @ Toe = 1 ,614 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 158 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 9 9 psi OK Footing Shear© Heel = 16 8 psi OK Allowable = 93 1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2 42 OK Sliding = 1 79 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 761 3 Ibs less 100% Passive Force= - 627 8 Ibs less 100% Friction Force= - 733 5 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results | Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1 614 158 psf Mu Upward = 970 0 ft-# Mu Downward = 248 1,608 ft-# Mu Design = 722 1 608 ft-# Actual 1 Way Shear = 987 16 77 psi Allow 1 Way Shear = 93 1 1 93 1 1 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd item Construction I Top stem Design height ft = Wall Material Above "Ht" = Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section lbs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable = Shear Actual psi = Shear Allowable psi = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' in = f m psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = Equiv Solid Thick in = 000 Masonry i 800 # 5 1600 Edge 0906 5398 9590 1,0580 96 | 194 '» 3000 600 840 525 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 ! 1 000 760 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight f c psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sizes & Spaclngs Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr i 1 0 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information "ev 550100 _ , . User KW0604S3a Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 CantllPVPrf^fl(c))983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software WHIIIHG rt-iou Title Dsgnr Description Scope Retaining Wall Design job n Date 242PM 19 MAY 04 Page 2 1 Description Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces &Moments OVERTURNING Fores Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 761 3 211 1,606 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 761 3 OTM = 1,606 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2 42 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2 095 8 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure 4 Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weignt(s) = 4 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Fooling Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Tola) = 1 RESISTINGForce Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-s i781 7 233 1 82* 0 000 1100 050 550 489 7 1 33 553 0 4500 1 50 6750 66 7 1 33 88 9 1977 300 5930 2 095 8 Ibs R M = 3 888 9 8 in Mas w/#5@ 16ino/c Solid Grout, #0@0m @Toe Designer select all honz reinf @Heel PO' 3'0' 1245psf 761 3I# To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Re~v 550100' ~~ ~ ~" Use KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25Sep2001 (01983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date JobS 407PM, 19 MAY CM Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Description Criteria Retained Height Wall height above soil = Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = 4 00ft 050ft 000 1 1200m 11000pcf Wind on Stern 0 0 psf Design Summary Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable 1,518 Ibs 401 in 1,095 psi OK 120 psf OK 2,000 pSf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1 408 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 154 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 4 5 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 129 psi OK Allowable = 85 0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = Sliding = Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) 276 1 84 OK OK Lateral Sliding Force = less 100% Passive Force= less 100% Friction Force = Added Force Reqd = for 1 5 1 Stability = 4750 Ibs 343 1 Ibs 531 3 Ibs 0 0 Ibs OK 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2,000 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 38 0 Toe Active Pressure = 00 Passive Pressure = 183 0 Water height over heel = 0 0 ft FoolingflSofl Fnction = 0 350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 6 00 in I [Footing Strengths & Dimensions I Tc = 2,500 psi Fy = Mm As% = Toe Width = Heel Width = Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width = Key Depth = Key Distance from Toe = Cover® Top = 3 00 in @ 60 000 psi 00014 0 50 ft 200 " 2~50 1 2 00 in J | Stem Construction | TOP Factored Pressure Mu Upward Mu Downward Mu Design Actual 1 Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Toe 1,408 288 81 207 450 8500 = None Spec'd = None Spec'd = None Spec'd Heel 154 psf 0 ft-# Oft-# 689 ft-# 1285 psi 85 00 psi Design height Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment Actual ! Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Bar Develop ABOVE Ht Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equtv Solid Thick • = s = = r = lbs = ft-# = = psi = psi = in = in = = in = psi = psi = = = = = ln = Masonry Block Type = Normalr"t*.r\f*mtn n^*^LsUIIUlCLt* LJQla fc Fy psi = psi = Stem OK 000 Masonry 800 # 5 ,3200 Edge 0493 3040 4053 8227 53 194 3000 600 840 525 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1 000 760 Weight Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe Notreq'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope 1 Jobtf Date 407PM 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100 Use- KW 060183d Ver 5 5 0 25Sep2001 (c]1983 2001ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 Description Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces &Moments OVERTURNINGForce Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 4750 167 791 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe * Adjacent Footing Load s Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil - SeismicLoad = Total = 4750 OTM = 791 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2 76 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,518 0 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure 7 Soil Over Heef = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 7 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = For:e Ibj, 5867 i i 3780 3750 1233 1 5180 RESISTING Distance ft 1 83 000 025 083 1 25 250 Ibs R M = | Moment ft-* 1 0755 138 3150 468 ? 3083 2 181 4 8inMasw/#5@32ino/c Solid Grout, #0(5>0 in @!oe #0@0m @Heel Designer select allhon: remf H973psf 475 # 1094 7psf STUB OUT CONDUIT RISER 6" ABOVE FOOTING ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX IN POST PER ANUFACTURER 3/4" DIA HOOK PER MANUFACTUER REQUIREMENTSCOLOR TO MATCH NEW PROPOSED BLDG FACADE, SEE COLOR SCHED 4-#3 TIES TOP RISER - SEE EL FOR MORE INFO CAST-IN-PLACE OPS ~l --^-^^ A ANCHOR BOLTS VS\ •R P^- -v^O^X^-^ BASE OF POLE W/ NUT COVER 3/4"X18"DIA BASE PLATE, GROUT UNDER PCATE 1" CHAMFER 3/8" WEEP HOLE EA BASE, TYP 3" 0 C , TYP AT AppROVEf\ 22 200^ City of CARLSBAD RIGID PIPE. ELBOWtAN^iNG DFP E,C DRWGS #3 TIES @ 10" OC , TYP EVERYWHERE 4-#6 VERT BAR5, 3" CLR TO SOIL, W/ 18"L HOOKS AT TOP ONC FOOTING UFFER GROUND CODPER PLACE IN GROUND AT BASE POLE, T MIN EMBEDMENT L DETAIL NAME XDET36-16J T-SQUARED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, INC T-SQUARED Professional Engineers, Inc. CONSULTING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS li 1165 Linda Vista Drive * Suite 111 San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel (760) 744-6718 i! Fax (760) 7446718 www tsqeng com TRANSMITTAL Per: Lynne Branchflower f To:Luis Delgado Date: April 23, 2004 Company: Ziebarth Associates Address: 800 W. Ivy Street Suite E San Diego, CA 92101 Phone:619-233-6450 Project: Violi Office Building No: 03119 X For Approval As Requested It For Your Use Review & Respond TransmittiDQ "" 1 full set MPE drawings, signed and stamped Title 24 calculations, signed Comments: Pick Up Delivered KMS Courier Velocity Express Fedex * UPS ! California Overnight US Post Office T-SQUARED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, INC T-SQUARED Professional Engineers, Inc. CONSULTING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 1165 Linda Vista Drive • Suite 111 San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel (760) 744-6718 1 Fax (760) 744-6738 |i www tsqeng com Memorandum Date To From Subject' Description: Project No CC Distribution: March 31, 2004 Luis Delgado Lynne Branchflower Carlsbad Village Office Plan Check Comments & Responses #03119 None Email Distribution None Plan check reviewer Glenn Adamek Plan check no #04-0123 Mechanical Item No. 8. Comment & Response 9. Comment. Provide the required independent ventilation ; Response See drawings Ml.l and M2 0. Items affected are bubbled il Comment: Provide smoke detection in the supply '| Response: See drawing M2.1 for indication of Fire Smoke Dampers in ductwork. Affected areas are bubbled. i Energy Conservation 1. Comment The corrected, completed and signed ,; Response: Envelope design changed and now Title 24 is by Performance Method 2. Comment The completed and signed ENV-1 and MECH-1 ' Response: Envelope design changed and now Title 24 is by Performance Method PERF-1 signed on drawing and T-24 package. h 3. Comment The Documentation Author and the Principal ', Response1 Envelope design changed and now Title 24 is by Performance Method PERF-1 signed on drawing and T-24 package n lofl Comment The Documentation Author and the Principal , Response Envelope design changed and now Title 24 is by Performance Method PERF-1 signed on drawing and T-24 package. ...END OF MEMO T \ 20Q3\03119 VIOLJ OFFICE BUILDING\Admln\Correspondence\Out\040331_MECH_PLAN_RESPONSE_REV doc 2 of 2 T-SQUARED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, INC T-SQUARED Professional Engineers, Inc. CONSULTING MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS i, 1165 Linda Vista Drive • Suite 111 San Marcos, CA 92069i |l Tel (760) 744-6718 , Fax (760) 744-6738 I) www tsqeng com Memorandum Date To: From Subject. Description Project No CC Distribution; Email Distribution: March 31 2004 Luis Delgado Eddie Fornasdoro Carlsbad Village Office Plan Check Comments & Responses #03119 None None Plan check reviewer Chuck Mendenhall Plumbing Item No.Comment & Response 2 Comment In the S-3 garage floors shall . Response See note on p2 0 3 Comment: Provide the site plumbing plans Response: See sheet 2 0 4. Comment: Please show the upstream sewer manhole .. Response: See sheet p2.0. See sheet p2.1 enlarged restroom plan Provide backwater valve. See isometric drawing on sheet pi 0 waste & vent diagram. 5. Comment AM water closet seats . Response See sheet pi 0 plumbing schedules. 6. Comment Show the water heater Response: See detail 2/p3 1 7 Comment: Detail the backflow protection of water Response* See civil drawings .END OF MEMO lofl ,3/10/2004 1310 FAX 619 233 6449 ZIEBARTB ASSOCIATES -» TSQU4RCD tgj 008/0 10 Carlanbad O4O665 3/9/04- 5. All water closet seats, except those within dwelling units, shall! be of the open front type as per UPC, Section 409.2.2. 6. Show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps. One strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 of the tank. UPC, Section 510.5 i 7. Detail the backflow protection of water connection to fire protection systems as per UPC. Section 603 A18 MECHANICAL (2000 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 8. Provide the required independent ventilation for the elevator equipment room to prevent the overheating of the electrical equipment. U9C Section 3005.1 9. Provide smoke detection in the supply air duct of an 'nr-moving system? for required shut-off of equipment for smoke control. UMC Section 609.2 An "air- moving system" is a system designed to provide heating, cooling, or ventilation in which one or more air-handling units are used to supply air to a common space or to draw air from a common plenum or space, UMC Section 203 0 Note: tf you have any questions regarding this Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (85S) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this IM (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Mortara Beheehff 10. The licensed designer must sign the approved set of the plans.. ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1 Show the ampere interrupting capacity (AlC) ratings of the service and sub service equfpment. NEC 110-9 AlC 2. SnwTorVi^&on Wepians $-iS mSthod used to limit fault currents to 10,000 amps on branch drcuits. NEC 230-208 M&tJ SBtzvjce-^uSS t-eT TW-M 3. Provide GF1 protection for receptacle outlets in the elevator machine rooms, NEC 620-85 If uUbdng a series-rated system, note on plans: "Overcurrent device enclosures will be identified as series-rated and labeled in accordance with NEC 110-22" \s 80 OT trtX£ 01 J^w 9Z5T09SSS8T:=<ej da]3 1I9S3 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page (?ev 506001 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 1052AM 6 APR 04 i i' Rigid Diaphragm Torsronal Analysis i Page i 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE li General Information Y-YAxisShear 18300k MmXAxisEcc X-X Axis Shear 7420k MmYAxisEcc Shears are applied on each axis separately Wall Data Label Thickness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Calculated Label in 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 Length ft 98000 20000 20000 20000 11 000 6000 18000 10000 Height Wall Xcg ft 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ft 000 14500 000 63 500 000 17500 000 -36 500 000 -63 000 000 -40 000 000 -54 000 000 -44 000 500 500 I % X Axis Center of Mass 0 00 ft % Y Axis Center of Mass 0 00 ft Max X Dimension 1 27 00 ft Max Y Dimension 20 00ft H Wall Ycg Wall Angle ft 10 16 16 16 21 17 26 21 deg CCW 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 'bo 900 900 900 900 DO 00 900 Wail End Fixity Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix | E 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Wall Forces ' | Govern Ecc for Max Torsion Direct Shear Torsional Shear Fma Wall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ft -11 472 6738 6738 -5962 -5962 -11 472 -11 472 -5962 k 61 000 45440 45440 45440 20836 1 827 10071 18039 k 1 9 2 4 3 -0 -1 2 5^0 186 572 5S5 653 072 183 203 62 54 48 50 24 1 10 20 Max Shear k 540 626 012 035 489 827 071 242 Summary ' | X Distance to Center of Y Distance to Center of X Accidenta Y Accidental Rigidity -0 Rigidity 12 Eccentricity 6 EccentnciUf 1 388ft 472ft 350ft 000ft Controlling Eccentricities & Xcm + 05'Max-X Xcm - 05*Max-X -X-cr -X-cr Controlling Eccentricities & Ycm + 05*Max-Y -Y-cr Forces =: 6 = -5 Forces = -11 from ^38 tt 962 ft from Applied Y-Y Shear Torsion = 1,232 Torsion = -1,091 Applied X-X Shear 472ft Torsion = -851 9/ 13 22 k-ft k-ft k-ft (c) 1983 98ENERCALC CR (0381247) CM (OOOOOOj u 4V Sfc 1 ^< 'ilDIX. 3 4 \°3 n c. (P M " to1 , 6' , .*v/M 52 • ' r fo/11 4 *?(, . . f c x. - s .LJ_4 06/08'2004 12 25 FAX 619 233 6449 ' -* ENT BY. GEOSOILS, INC , ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES 7609310915;PAGE 2 r oils, 57/11 PalmerW^y Gcotechmcal • Geologic • Environmental Carlobad, California 9200S * (760) 438-3155 • TAX (7GO) 931-0915 May 21, 2Q04 WO.39Q1-A1-SC Mr. Frank VloH 1241 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Response to EsGil Corporation Comments No. 04^'S, 1265 Carlsbad Village Dnve, City of Carlsbad. San Diego County, Californiai ,, Dear Mr. Violi: ' 1. t I GeoSoils, Inc. (GS1) has prepared this response to the EsGil Cplporation Plan Review Comments, Plan Check No. 040665, for 1265 Carlsbad Villag© Drive, in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. For ease of review, the re^ewers comments are repeated below, followed by GSPs response to the comments. '• '; f__ <*-The recommendations contained in tha referenced reports (see th4 Afipondix) should be properly incorporated into design and construction of the subject site, except as specifically superceded by the site and construction specific recommendations presented in the following paragraphs. The recommendations provided herein should not be considered complete unless the referenced reports (see the Appendix) are reviewed in conjunction with this response report. REVIEW RESPONSE For convenience, The review comment is presented in bold type and our response follows the comment. Comment Number 13: . Investigate the potential lor seisrnically Induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, Section 18O4.S. No response and nothing from the soil engineer addressing the potential for liquefaction. 1 - 06/08/2004 12 25 FAX 619 233 6449 ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES j, @]008 H. ENT BY GEGSOILS, INC , 7609310915, MAY-24-04 1:12PM, PAGE 3/5 Response to Comment Number 13 Seismically-mduced liquefaction is a phenomenon in which cyclic Stresses, produced by earthquake-induced ground motion, create excess pore pressures|n soils The soils may thereby acquire a high degree of mobility, and lead to lateral md^ement, sliding, sand boils, consolidation, and settlement of loose sediments, and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table; but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non-saturated soils a£ excess pore water dissipates. Typically, liquefaction has a relatively low potential 4 depths greater than 45 feet, and is virtualfy unknown below a depth of 60 feet ! i •'Liquefaction susceptibility is related to numerous factors and th4 following conditions should be present for liquefaction to occur: 1) sediments must be relatively young in age and not have developed a large amount of cementation; 2) sediments generally consist of medium to fine grained relatively cohesionless sands; 3) the sediments must have low relative density; 4) free groundwater must be present in the sedimeflt; and, 5) the site must experience a seismic event of a sufficient duration and magnitude^to induce straining of soil particles. ' I 'Inasmuch as at least one or two of these five concurrently necessjary conditions do not currently have the potential to affect the site (upon completion of grading), and the entire site is underlain by dense terrace deposits, our evaluation indicated that the potential for liquefaction and associated adverse effects within the site is very low> However, based on field mapping in the vicinity of the site, the presence of numerous paleoliquefaction features ("sand blows," liquefaction craters, sand filled fissures ant| injection dikes, sand vents, etc.), may exist within the site. Potential liquefaction of such arfeEis in the future that may impact surface improvements is considered very loWjj provided that the recommendations presented in this report and the referenced repots jseethe Appendix) are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. MfUgationtor structures may be provided by the,use of post-tensioned slabs. Mitigation if^ olher areas may be accomplished by overexcavation and/or geotextiles, as evaluated in the field during grading, based on proposed development and use. - \\ CLOSURE > I. !<The conclusions and recommendations presented herein are professorial opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subjec| to change with time. GS1 assumes no responsibility for work, testing* or recommendations performed or provided by others. " ' Mr. Frank VJoli \ ' W O 3901-A1 -SC 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive j ' May 21.2004 B T^S& txQ Page 2* «* « » t^Ct^C-x>OeoSoils, Inc. I , ; 06/08/^2004 12 26 FAX 619 233 6449 ENT BY GEOSOILS, INC ; ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES 7609310915, MAY-24-04- 1'i2PM; 0009 PAGE 4/5 The opportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated. If you havepiny questions, please do not hesitate lo call our office Respectfully submitted, GeaSalls, Inc. BrySn E. Voss Project Geologist R* P. FranWin lineering Geologist, BEV/JPRBBS/jfc Attachment: Appendix - References Distribution: (2) Addressee (2) Ziebarth Associates. Attention: Mr. Luis Delgado Ben Shahrviftf r Gee-technical Engineer, Mr. Frank Vloll 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive File e.\wpfl\3900\390U1 rta Inc. W.O, 3901-A1-SC May 21,2004 Page3 06/08/2004 12 26 FAX 619 233 6449 ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES @010 ENT BYr^EOSOILS, INC , 7609310915, MAY-24-04 1-13PM, PAGE 5/5 APPENDIX ; REFERENCES | r I EsGil Corporation, 2004, Plan check comments, Carlsbad Village^Office Shell Building. 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive. Oceanside, Job no 040665, dated May 18 \GeoSoils, Inc., 2004, Foundation plan review, 1265 Carlsbad ViHage Drive, proposed two-story multi-tenant office building, City of Carlsbad,1 San Diego County, California, W O, 3901-A-SC, dated May 11. : * i , 2003, Preliminary geotechnical evaJuatlon, 1265 Carlsbad village Dnve, proposed two-story multi-tenant office building. City of Carlsbad, I; San Diego County, California, W.O. 3901^-SC, dated Apni 29. • f £ International Conference of Building Officials, 1997. Uniform building code. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I PROJECT:CARLSBAD ROOF LOADS ROOFING PLYWOOD TRUSSES CLG/INSUL SPRINKLER M1SC 30 I 8 30 35 20 I 7 .'<(iiMESRI ENGINEERING \\STRUCTURAL CONSULTING ^L OFFICE BUILDING ?wtfl£: /U UQ.*^Km 1 DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD TOTAL LO \D 150 PSF 200 PSF 35 0 !'Sf THE DEAD LOAD AT TILE MANSORDS ISAN ADDITIONAL 18 0 PSF ^ FLOOR LOADS DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD TOTAL LOAD FLOORING 14 0 (JUST CARPETING OVER PLYWOOD PER ARCHITECT) PLYWOOD - 2 2 TRUSSES 30 CLG •*• INSULATION 2 5 SPRINKLER 1 0 MISC 1 3 24 0 PSF (HOUSE) 80 0 PSF (LIVE LOAD) 20 0 PSF PARTITION FOR LOADING OF THE BASEMENT CONCRETE FLOOR SEE CALCULATIONS 1240 psr WALL(CXT) 160PSF m WALL(INT) 100 PSF UON BEAMS #1 POSTS tt\ JOIST & BLOCKINGS OR S TUDS & I'l ATES ALL CONCRETE TO BE A MIN OF 3000 PS1 AT 28 DAYS STRENGTH (SEE PLANS FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION R! QUIREMtN PS) SEISMICZONE 4 Na=l 0, Sd, Ca= 4$£ Na WIND UBC 97 CXP B, 70 MPH SOIL PRESSURE 2200 PSF @ 18" & 24" BELOW GRADE , BY GSI ALL MASONRY TO BE, f m= 1500 psi U 0 N (SEE PLANS FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIREMFN FS PRISM I D> IS ARE REQUIRED WHEN SPECIAL INSPECTION IS SPECIFIED) ALL GLUE-LAMINATED BEAMS ARE 2400F-V4 (SIMPLE SPAN), AND 2400F-V8 (CAN FILEVER SPAN) BALCONY LIVE LOAD 100 PSF (SIMPLY SUPPORTED) EXIT/CORRIDOR LIVE LOAD 100 PSF THESE CALCULATIONS ARE NOT VALID OR USABLE WITHOUT THE WET SIGN ATURF OF ONE OF THE PRINC1PAI S Ol THE MESRI ENGINEERING THESE CALCULATIONS ARE ONLY FOR THE ITEMS INCLUDED HERF1N. SPEC IF1EP BY 1 HF. CLIENT AlVD DO ISOT IMPLY APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER PART OF THE STRUCTURE BY THIS OFFICE JOB NO 0366 DATE 01-05-2004 DESIGNED BY KM CHECKED BY P4.GI I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MESRI ENGINEER Structural Consu'ng 2180 Garnet Ava Ste 2E San Diego, CA 92109 Ho LU 1\ fo . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i SSI SIZER COMPANY Standard Structures Inc 340 Standard Avenue Windsor CA 96492 Jan 22.200410-2337 PROJECT Carls Dad Office Building Carts bad, CA CartsbadOfflceSA Design Check Calculation Sheet SSI Sizer 2001 b LOADS: <lbt,psl,orplf) Loac Loadl Load2 LoadS Type Dead Constr Dead Distribution Full Area Full Area Point Magnitude Start End IS 00 (2fl 0)* 20.00 124 0)- 294 Location [ft] Start End 5.00 Pattern Load"5 No No No Tributary Width""Tin) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (In): Dead Live Total Bearing CapacityLength StifEener S20 400 920 2iee 1-3/4 NO 373 400 H3 2iee 1-3/4 K'o 11-7/8" SSI 32MX Spaced at 24" e/e. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1W7: (Ibs, ttw*.or Criterion Shear Bending (•*) Dead Defl'n Live Defl'n Total Defl'n Analysis Value V - 920 M - 4274 0.30 • L/623 0 33 - L/119 0 12 - L/334 Design Value Vc - 2644Mr - 7210 0 67 = L/360 1.00 = L/240 Analysis/ Design {%) V/Vr = 3fl-82 M/Mr « 59.27 50 02 71 84 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS F CD Fb'*-- n/a 1 25 Fv' = n/a 1.25 E' = n/a Bendingl+1 LC* 2 - Shear , LC# 2 - DeflectLon LC* 2 - Total Deflection • L=live CM 1.00 1 00 1.00 ct 1 00 1 00 1.00 CL 1 000 CF 1.00 CV 1.000 Cfu 1 00 Cr 1 07 LCS 2 2 2 • D*C, M = 4274 Itas-ft - D+C, V - 920 Iba ' * D+C EI» 460 00e06 Ib-ln2 C- 9 39e06 in-lb/In 1 OOiDead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection S*=snow W-wind I-ln^act C-const ruction CLd^concent rated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please venfy that the default d*fleeticin limits are appropriate for your application 2 This analysis is for SSI Joist products furnished by Standard Structures, Inc onry Product substitutions void this analysis 3 All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2-6" unless noted otherwise Prop«r attachment and positioning of bracing is required to achieve member stability 4 Not all products may be readily available Check with a Standard Structures, Inc. representative for product availability 5 Moment has been increased for repetitive member usage 6 The specific product application loads, spans, spacings have been provided by others and have not been i eviewed by Standard Structures Inc f ex adequacy 7 The supporting member shall be designed to support the total reaction noted above I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A u -e. 0-- BfeO "*V>~ 2. "ZOO* O ?V fs-< Hi.sir \.\ ><JO v -N6-S" Pt- = C A = \\\- _ \ . GO .r\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title: Dsgnr, Description Scope JobS Date 1 35PM, 8 JAN O' i 10100 KW-OWMU W 3 13 12 Jui 19W iffll WENbRLAU.Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description General Information Center Span 22 00 ft Moment of Inertia 2,526 820 in4 vri Left Cantilever ft Elastic Modulus 1,700 ksi Right Cantilever ft Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Uniform Loads On Center Span On Left Cantilever . On Right Cantilever #1 0614 k/ft #1 k/ft #1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude 1 200 k k k k k zszil T3SJ_ Location 1 1 000 ft ft ft ft ft Query Values Center Location 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft ' Right Cant 0 000 ft P^Sum 3*i»SJ»S4S*Sft^i Momer Max H Max- @L @R Maxim i Moment 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft Shear 7 35 k 0 00 k 0 00 k Deflection 0 00000 in 0 00000 in 0 00000 tn mary ts . Shears... Reactions i- @ Center 43 73 k-ft at 1 1 02 ft @ Left 7 35 k ' ©Left 7 35 k ©Center 000 k-ft at 2200ft @ Rl9ht 7 35 k © R|9ht 7 35 k Maximum 7 35 ksft Cant 0 00 k-ft ght Cant 0 00 k-ft Deflections @ Center -0 660 in at 1 1 02 ft um = 43'73 k'ft @ Left Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft @ Right Cant 0 000 in ' at 0 00 ft •>sa' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description ' Scope . Jobtf Dale- 1 36PM, 8 JAN 04 R« iiPino User KWJMUW82 \a ) 1 11 Jim 19<>9 Wlan Single Span Beam Analysis Page ' k Description General Information 1 Center Span 22 00 ft Moment of Inertia 2,526 620 in4 Left Cantilever ft Elastic Modulus 1 ,700 ksi Rtght Cantilever ft Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Uniform Loads On Center Span . On Left Cantilever #1 0 326 Wft #1 Query Values Center Location 0 000 ft Left Cant Moment 0 00 k-ft Shear 3 59 k Defection 0 00000 in WW»mWH41MWiU4WiWUi^^ 1 Summary 1 Moments Shears.. Max + @ Center 1 9 72 k-ft at 1 1 02 ft @ Left Max - @ Center 0 00 k-ft at 22 00 ft @ R|9ht Maximum@ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant 0 00 k-ft Deflections. . @ Center Max.rmi.Ti* 19.72 k-ft @ Left Cant @ Right Cant i P Cn Right Cantilever km #1 Wft 0000 ft , Right Cant 0000 ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k 0 00 k 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Reactions 3 59 k @ Left 3 59 k 3 59 k @ Right 3 59 k 359k -0 400 in al 1 1 02 ft 0 000 in al 0 00 ft 0 000 in al 0 00 ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page R*% iioarxiU«r KW-WQWIi VerJ 1 3 23-luii 19W VAl32 if} I'W W EHiHCALC. Description Title Job # Dsgnr; Date 356PM, 9 JAN 04 Description Scope : Single Span Beam Analysis Page ] ! General Information Center Span 20 00 ft Moment of Inertia 2,526 820 In4 Left Cantilever ft Elastic Modulus 1 ,700 ksi Right Cantilever ft Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Uniform Loads On Center Span . #1 0614 k/ft On Left Cantilever . On Right Cantilever #1 k/ft #1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude 1 200 k Location 1 0 000 ft Query Values ta«K«i«is?KSiR»aHMMiiim^ 1 530 k k k k 15000 ft ft ft ft u&un&uuauuwuuuiuui^^ »:«. s^w; Center Location 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft i Right Cant 0 000 ft Moment 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft Shear 712 k 000 k ^ 000 k Deflection 0 00000 in 0 00000 in 0 00000 in ^S^Si!^iS»as!3«K«!a«KJSJSSSKB(«K I Summary j|j£W»»»»uttHS!ftHtti&^^ Moments, Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 1 1 40 52 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 40.52 k-ft Shears. 1002ft @Left 20 00 n @ Ri9ht Maximum Deflections @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant 712k 789 k 789k -0 666 In 0 000 In 0 000 in Reactions @ Left @ Right at • 1010ft at 000ft at 0 00 ft 712 k 789 k I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page, Title Dsgnr. Description Scope Job# Date 3 58PM 9 JAN 04 i 10100 KW-OWJ4B1 Vc I 3 ZZ-liti 1999 WlnJI Single Span Beam Analysis Description Page 1 HHHEESS General Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 2000ft ft ft Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixity 2,526 820 in4 1 ,700 ksi Pin-Pin Uniform Loads On Center span #1 0326 km On Left Cantilever., #1 k/ft On Right Cantilever #1 Center Location Moment Shear Deflection Moments Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 0000ft 000 k-ft 364k 0 00000 in Lett Cant 0000ft 0 00 k-ft 000k 0 00000 in Right Cant 20 35 k-ft 0 00 k-ft o oo k-ft 0 oo k-rt at at 11 18ft 2000ft 20.35 k-ft Shears. ©Left @ Right Maximum Deflections... @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant 364k 441 k 441 k Reactions, @ Left @ Right -0344 in at 1022ft 0 000 in at . 0 00 ft 0 000 in at 0 00 ft k/ft Point Loads Magnitude k Location 10000ft Query Values^™^™K™*»»^^ 1 530 k 15000 ft ™™™~™™SB!SHS5ra k k k ft ft ft 0000 ft 000 k-ft 000 k 0 00000 in 364k 441 k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "S - Ho s,55- 15" 0=0 otc \? TV c.*. V S7 . 7:7-5- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title- Dsgnr Description. Scope Jobtf Date 220PM, 8 JAN 04 .Single Span Beam Analysis Page MffHSKHSS-ffiBfHfiT! S^^fe Description General Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Uniform Loads 1 9 00 ft Moment of Inertia 1 ,91 8 51 2 m4 ft Elastic Modulus 1,700 ksi ft Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin On Center Span. On Left Cantilever . On Right Cantilever #1 0,398 k/ft #1 km #1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude Location Query Values Center Location Moment Shear Deflection SS&fi §§*»& !Jtt8*3iS3&&&88Si»iKW83gSa»^ Summary Moments... Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 0500k k k k k 9 soon ft ft ft ft 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft Right Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 4 03 k 0 00 k 0 00 k 0 00000 in 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Shears Reactions. . 20 33 k-ft at 9 48 ft @ Left 4 03 k @ Left 4 03 k 0 00 k-ft at 1 9 00 ft @ R|9ht 4 °3 k ' @ Rl9ht 4 °3 k Maximum 4 03 k0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft Deflections @ Center -0 396 in at 9 48 ft 9ft H k-ft*v ** K n @ Left Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft @ Right Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft T"^S .CIlJ rasS kSSK I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title Dsgnr. Description Scope JobS Date 221PM, 8 JAN 0 1 Rcx 310100 Usn KWXM034H VcrS 1 J B-Juii 19» WlnJl Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description General Information Center Span 19 00 ft Moment of Inertia 1 ,918 512 m4 Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Uniform Loads On Center Span ft Elastic Modulus ft Beam End Fixity On Left Cantilever... #1 0238 k/ft #1 1 ,700 ksi Pin-Pin k/ft Query Values Center Location Moment Shear Deflection Summary Moments. . Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum ~ 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 00 k-ft 226 k 0 00000 in Shears 10 74 k-ft at 952ft ©Left 000 k-ft at 1900ft ©Right Maximum000 k-ft 0 00 k-ft Deflections @ Center 10'74k-ft ©Left Cant @ Right Cant 0000ft o oo k-ft oook 0 00000 in 226 k 226k 226k -021 4 in 0 000 m 0 000 in i i ' , f On Right Cantilever # 1 k/ft | Right Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft ooo k 000000 in ' Reactions i © Left 2 26 k @ Right 2 26 k 1 i at 9 52 ft i at 0 00 ft at 0 00 ft I To specify your title block on Title : Job # these five lines, use the SETTINGS °sgnr: Date 230PM, 8 JAN 04, . .. , . Description •selection on the main menu and _ enter your title block information Scooe • | will be printed on each page. • ft rv 310300 ia- KW-WOWn Vtr 3 1 3 12-Jun 1999 • Description i " I _ eneral Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever [ Uniform Loads |,_p i CI 1 r• r i i i On Center Span... #1 oint Loads Magnitude Location luery Values Center Location Moment Shear Deflection wmmmmmmmsRsm *«» Single Span Beam Analysis Pa9e 1 [ __J 1 5 50 ft Moment or Inertia 1 ,441 406 in4 ft Elastic Modulus 1 ,700 ksl ft Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin On Left Cantilever... On Right Cantilever 0398 k/ft #1 k/ft #1 k/ft 0400k k k k k 7750ft ft n ft ft 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft ' Right Cant 0 000 ft o oo k-ft o oo k-ft o oo k-ft 328k 000k 000k 0 00000 In j 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Summary*»>»»aw»»^s»R»sfl}tttftftStt^ ' Moments.. Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum * Shears. . Reactions... 13 50 k-ft at 7 73 ft @ Left 3 28 k @ Left 3 28 k 0 00 k-ft at 15 50 ft @ RlflM 3 28 k ' @ Right 3 28 k ooo k-ft Ma)dmum 328k 0 00 k-ft Deflections... @ Center -0 233 in at 7 73 ft 13*6° k"ft @ Left Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft © Right Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 R i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title Dsgnr. Description Scope: Date' 231PM, 8 JAN 04 Ttf. S10300 t'str KW-WUWI2 Vn 1 I 3 U-Ju Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description General Information Center Span 1 S 50 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Uniform Loads Moment of Inertia 1 ,441 406 in4 Elastic Modulus 1,700 ksi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin : • 1 _ t On Center Span... #1 0238 kffl On Left Cantilever... #1 kffi On Right Cantilever.. I #1 k/ft Query Values Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 0000ft OOOk-ft 1 84k 0 00000 in Lett Cant 0000ft 0 00 k-ft oook 000000 In Right Cant 0 000 0 00 000 000000 ft k-ft k in r^Summary Moments. Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 7 15 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 7 15 k-ft Shears. . 777 ft @Left 1550ft @ Right Deflections... @ Center @ ten Cant @ Right Cant 1 84k 1 84k 1 84k -0126m 0 000 in 0 000 in Reactions @ Left @ Right at 7 73 ft at 0 00 ft .at 0 00 ft 184k 1 84k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c J_!£_ -ovc Ih. *' T: ^ . zin oic l\ — I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title: Dsgnr. Description Scope: Job# Date 306PM, 3 JAN 01 tucr KWOWJt! Vai 1 3 JI lu, 1999it 191)3 B9CHEB.CAU.Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description General Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 1600ft ft ft Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixity 1 ,441 406 in4 1,700 ksi Pin-Pin Uniform Loads On Center Span . #1 0518 k/ft On Left Cantilever . #1 k/ft On Right Cantilever #1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude 0 500 k k Location 8 000 ft ft k ft k k ft ft Query Values Center Location 0 000 ft Left Cant Moment 0 00 k-ft Shear 4 39 k Deflection 0 00000 In 1 Summary Moments Shears Max + @ Center 1 8 57 k-ft at 8 02 ft @ Left Max - @ Center 0 00 k-ft at 0 00 ft @ R|9ht ^ „ Maximum@ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant 0 00 k-ft Deflections .. @ Center Maximum = 18.57 k-ft ©Left Cant @ Right Cant 0000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000k 0 00000 in 439k 439k 439k -0 342 in 0 000 in 0000 in Right Cant i Reactions @ Left @ Right at 7 98 ft at 0 00 ft at 0 00 ft 0000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000 k 000000 in , i 439k 439 k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block Information will be printed on each page. Title Dsgnr Description Scope: Job# Date 309PM, 8 JAN 04 Rn 310300 Lw KW-4JW3JR Vtr J 1 3 13 lu Description Single Span Beam Analysis Page I General Information Center Span 1 6 00 ft Moment of Inertja Left Cantilever Right Cantilever ft Elastic Modulus ft Beam End Fixity 1 1 ,441 406 Jn4 1 ,700 ksi Pin-Pin Uniform Loads | On Center Span..On Left Cantilever... #1 0313 k/ft #1 Query Values Center Location Moment Shear 0000ft OOOk-ft 250k Left Cant Deflection 0 00000 in C Summary Moments Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = ,., Shears... 10 02 k-ft at 802 ft OOOk-ft at 1600ft OOOk-ft ©Left © Right Maximum On Right Cantilever k/ft # 1 k/ft E 0000ft Right Cant 0000 ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k 0 00 k 0 00000 in , 0 00000 in Reactions 2 50 k , @ Left 2 50 k 2 50 k @ Right 2 50 k 25Dk 0 00 k-ft Deflections . 10.02 k-ft @ Center @ Left Cant -0188 in al 798ft 0 000 in al 0 00 ft @ Right Cant 0 000 in a 0 00 ft /§/- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title: Dsgnr Description: Scope Jobfl Date 327PM, 8 JAN 04 510300 a KW-040WM Vo 3 I 3 22-Jui 1999 Win32 19S3 WEMURCALC Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description [General Information« (U ^ Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 800ft ft ft !4MUIMUMUtWJMUWUlMMMMfM!UiMUWN^^ Moment of Inertia 392 963 In4 Elastic Modulus 1 ,700 ksi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin , >iMW!fe !MiJ««MMaa!iH.'.a!HiMiM«t 'ii 'J4.U1 , Uniform Loads On Center Span.. #f 0518 k/ft On Left Cantilever... #t k/ft On Right Cantilever #1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude Location 0300k 4000ft k ft k k ft ft k ft Query Values" Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 0000ft OOOk-ft 222k 0 00000 in Left Cant 0000ft 0 00 k-ft 000k 0 00000 in Right Cant 0000 ft 0 00 k-ft ooo k 000000 in ^^^^M»MdM^MMMM«UtU^^»^1 Summary Moments . Max •*• @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 4 74 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 4.74 k-ft Shears . 4 01 ft @ Left 0 00 ft @ Right Maximum Deflections... @ Center @ Lett Cant @ Right Cant 222 k 222k 222k -0 080 in at 0 000 in at 0 000 In at Reactions.. ©Left @ Right 399ft 000ft 000ft 222 k 222k I I I I I I 1 I I I I I i I i I I i f A-- V - 07 = IZ-I — --i--\--\~- oic i I I a i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i MESRL ENGINEERING Structural Consuming 2ieOGarnetAve Ste 2E San Diego, CA 92109 V c I I I a i i i i i i i t i i I 1 I 1 SSI SIZER 340 Standard Av» Wmdttf C* 35402 Jan 9 2004 11 34 4? PROJECT CA CartsbaoOffico 1f2C) Design Check Calculation Sh**t 5St5e*r2001bB«a2 LOADS: I"* p*f.o»P»l Load Loadl P*rtn Occuy Typo Do ad DtMtl LiVft Live B»td tlv» Paad TJietribution aiti*! AIM artial ATM artial Ar>4 Conc*ntratad artial XJM •itial Ar»t Magnitude J4 oo t16 01* 20 00 (16 0)* 80 00 (16.0)' 1 116.0)'iO 00 U* 01* 104.00 (16.0)' Location tit) It*It _ End 0 00 0 00 0 OD Moving 20 W 20 00 2.6,M 20 00 2D DO 20 00 Moving I* » 2« SO Mb Yea Mo MAXIMUM REACTIONS (tbs) and BEARING LENGTHS fm): Total 3* M i-t-flt Capacity 1067 1189 171S 1-3/i 978 1071 30SZ JBOS 3-1/2 20- S51 «MX SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE HO3-1M7 { UM, Q*A or in} Criterion ih«*c Bvndioqf*) Bondinql-1 Interior Owd Llvo Tot*i Omtil O*«d 1.1V* total Jinilyaia Vali» V 1BJ.8 N ?U9 H 42i!> 0 09 <L/»»»o a: <u9M 0.31 L/773 0 05 <L/99>0 20 L/J9S 0 2< L/320 Oaslan Valu*Vr - 31« Hr - 15039 Ki - liOJl 0 10 - L/*001 00 - L/210 0 26 - L/100 0 «} - L/120 Analvsis/Doian til V/Vr - i8 71 K/Hr • SO 81 K/Mr - 28 30 » 18 31 03 IS 29 37.19 ADDITIONAL DATA: IXCTOA3. f CO CK CV Ct Fb'*» n/« 1.00 1 00 1.00 l.ODQ Fb'— c/a 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 000 EV' - n/» 1 00 1 00 1.00 B- « n/« i 00 1 00 Cf CV 1.00 1 000 1.00 1 000 1 00 1 OD Cl LC* 1.07 3 1.07 6 LCI 1 " D*t tp«tl*fn. I. V. tt - 7 B.ndirujl-1- LCI C - DtCLIJt, M - 42S1 !M-(t Ibwur LCI 2 - D+L, V - 18SB lb* Doflacc.len LCI 3 - D<1, (potttfU. L_) BJ-2040,OOt06 It>-in2 f> IS 77*06 in-lb/in To^Jil Deflect loo - 1 DO (Dead LcMd Daflkction] + Liva Lo«d D»tl«ction. (D-dj-jd L-liv* S-anon U-wind I«tnp»i;t O^oiutruction Cld~conc«itr*t*<J) (Ul LC'» *xe lUtod in «n Wial^aU output) P*tt*tn: a*S/I, 1"L*J or L+C, _"«> p*tt«ro iMd la this span) DESIGN NOTES: Z Concentrated DM toM (*qufram«ntt tot KatMlMd fatufaOttOai toon haw* D*MI canuMnd 3. Th» »•!¥»» »1wSSlio« products tantatodtvSWioudSbuctunfetae <***4 All oxnpiMiIon «dgM {Cop and fcottom) mutt b« bt*C*<> « 7-0" untos* noted ottwviw* Piopw attachflMnt and pottontng of biaejnfl i* '*qui»<J 10 *Sh>*v» member 5 NotallpfQ<tkKttmarteiBadriy*vHafal*.Ch*C|[wM*StamlMd3tnictw^l^ 6 D»ft«eBCTi b bttaO on tt» B olthi compooaoi oaly. 7 Ccnc«f«9Ml^k^r»quii«maRttlo(tnAdardnoiM««M«n>alleionk«Mbaancon«idarad A Ucrnwit hn IMWI inetM**d lo> NfMtnh* mernb«t UMO« 4 TV* *p«c*« piwkicl »pf*c*Sfcn towte **•" tpadr«* haw* bMtvpraAM toy attar* «nd ft** n«b»«v«»^«w^b^ S««ndaKl S«usW««s <nc b<to Th* uippomng mtmber »h*ll b« ooilnnad to tuppott DM totaJ msokui notad abova. -/n/B/CITT I I I I I 1 I I I I I I i I i i i *vi f SSI SIZEft COMPAMV standard Suuoaue* Inc. 340 siandai d Ava Wlndwr, CB 95492 Jan 9.20041135-55 PROJECT CarlKbad Office Building Carlsbad, CA D«sign Check Calculation Sheet SS1Sl£*r2Q01bBM»2 LOADS. Load Loadl Occuy Coned Type Dead DeadLive Distribution Full Area Full Area Full Area Magnitudestart End 24,00 (06.0)* 20 00 (16 0)- 80 00 (16 0>* 1 (16 Q)' Hidth (In) Movlnq Moving Pattern Load? No No Ye* HO MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Its) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): DaaO Live Total Boa ring Capacity Length Stiffener 469 653 1323 1750 1-1/4No iuS 953 1323 IT>0 1-3/1 NO 20" SSI 32MX SECTION vs DESIGN CODE NDS-190T: (ibs. lb*-n, or m) Criterion Shear Beodinfl(*J Doid Ewfl'n Liv« Deil'o Total DB/l'n Analysis Value V 1121 H 6?91 0 07 <L/993 0.13 <l/999 0,30 I./J1: Msiqn valueVE - i4ii Hr 10€12 0 32 - L/600 0.60 - LX240 Analyaia/Dcaiqn (») V/Vt •- <S 01 H/Hc - 49 85 39 64 24 70 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS F CD CK Ct Fb'*«- n/a 1,00 1 00 1 00 rv- - n/» 1 00 1 BO 1 00 E' - n/a 1 00 1 00 CL 1.000 cr 1 00 cv 1 000 1 00 Cl 1.07 LCI 2 B*ndlnq(+) LCI 2 - &*L, H - 529J Iba-ft Sho-ir LCI 2 - Dt-L, V - 1323 IbJ Deflection LC» 2 - IHL 11=1416.00e06 lb-ir»2 C- 15.35^« in-Jb/ln Total Deflection - 1.00(Mad Load Oeflootlon) + Live lx>*d Deflection [IXdead L-live S-BDOW W-wind I-l«p*ct C-constructIon CLd-concantrated) (All LC'g are Hated In the Analysis output) (Load Pattern 5=5/2, X-L*S or t*C, _-no pattern load ID this ap»n) DESIGN NOTES: 1 P1«as«venfytMl!McMauKdafl«ctkm!tailsw»iWFQ^ 2 ConoenU««d Iwe load r*quir«(p«(rtt (or ttandanl norvfwcldantial floon have bean conud««d 3 Tht&anafyslttotorSSI JoMproducUfuml«tiedbySta»d«dStntetutM.lna.ontr Product Bubslttutkm wold this anat)iit 4 All comprawion edfle* (top and bottom) row) U brae»d al 2'-6* untoM aotod oihanMM Proper anaohrrwnt and poeiHonrng of bracine Is raqulied lo achieve membw Ktabfllty 5 Nol all producta may be rewBv available Owck wth a Standard SlniotuFK. Inc repreacnlatN« for product avwtetxlrty 6. OefloAon a bated on lh» B ol the cunpoftant onty 7 ConoentroiAd IK* load raeuuerrwnta (or ttaiuian) no»r»«ldenlta) Doors haw be*n concUeied 8 Uomanl ha* been Increased fen rapetibve member wage 9 The specific product application load*, span*, (pacing* hava been provided by «ftera and have not bean reviewed by Standard Structures, !nc lor adequacy 10 The BuopDrfing mamlW shall b» dedgned to support ifta total reaobon noted abova -/n/t-r% on nor- I I i i i i i i t i i i i t i i i i i TL 2.4 X -oC—'-3 4^.). r I I i i i i I i i i i t i i i i i t 1 To specify your title block on Title Job # these five lines, use the SETTINGS Descn tioh ^ 519PM' 8JAN°4 selection on the main menu and escnp enter your title block information Scope will be printed on each page. Rev 506001 Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE , General Information | Center Span 22 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Moment of Inertia 1,170000 in4 Elastic Modulus 29,000 ksi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Uniform Loads | On Center Span... #1 2070 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude 8 700 k Location 6 000 ft On Left Cantilever . On Right Cantilever #1 k/ft #1 k/ft I k k k k ft ft ft ft Query Values | Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 0 1 Summary 1 Moments... Max + @ Center 1 52 69 k-ft Max - @ Center 0 00 k-ft @ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant 0 00 k-ft Maximum = 152.69 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft Right Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 2910k 000k 000k 00000 in 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Shears Reactions . at 988ft ©Left 2910k @ Left 2910k at 22 00 ft @ R'Qht 25 14 k @ Right 25 14 k Maximum 29 10 k Deflections. . ©Center -0394m at 1076ft k"ft @ Left Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft @ Right Cant 0000m at 000ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506. 15-Jul-1998, Wm3I I I I i i i f i i i i i i t i i i i i \V ;. | i (pt .i /!_i.TYZ. —i XV 'x >' I I -_ —1_ /J r m _ . - • \-- I I I I i I I I I t I I I I i i M- 55T ,-f.t ,sr - >--Ofc. t i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i I i i 4-,31 -=^ /o <r/ in ie: /T5--5-0 JT "10 7.0 V VI.5" Uy , = 0 < o I I a i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i c.1 I I I I I I i i i i i i i i i i i I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page.i j Rev 506001 Title Job # Dsgnr Date 1116AM, 9 JAN 04 Description Scope * Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information Center Span 1700ft Lett Cantilever ft Right Cantilever 6 00 ft I Uniform Loads On Center Span . #1 0,372 K/ft Point Loads Magnitude 0.440 k Location 23 000 ft Query Values i Moment of Inertia 612000 m4 ' Elastic Modulus 29,000 ksi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin I On Left Cantilever . On Right Cantilever #1 k/ft #1 1 430 k/ft I k k k k ft ft 'ft ft I Center Location 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft Right Cant 0000ft Moment 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft , 0 00 k-ft Shear 1 49 k 0 00 k 0 00 k Deflection 0 00000 in 0.00000 in ' 0 00000 in (Summary | Moments Shears . , Reactions . i Max + @ Center 2.99 k-ft at 4.02ft @ Left 1 49 k @ Left 1 49 k Max - © Center -28 38 k-ft at 1 7 00 ft @ R'9nt 8-95 k I @ R'9ht 1385k ^ , ^ ~ „ n nn . ~ Maximum 8,95 k@ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant -28 38 k-ft Deflections ©Center 0016m at 1247ft Maximum * 28.38 k-ft @ L0ft Cgnt Q QQO |n gt Q Qn ft @ Right Cant -0 075 rn at 23 00 ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC ' KW-0603462. Ver 506, 15-Jul-1993, Win32 I I I I i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i To specify your title block on Title • job # these five lines, use the SETTINGS £sgnr , Date 3 1GPM< SJAN°4, , „ , . Descriptionselection on the main menu and . enter your title block information Scope • will be printed on each page. , R«v 5050011 Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 1 Description carlsbad office General Information | Center Span 20.00 ft Lett Cantilever ft Right Cantilever 6 00 ft [Uniform Loads On Center Span. . #1 1 120 kffi Point Loads Magnitude 13900k Location 26 000 ft Query Values Moment of Inertia 612000 tn4 Elastic Modulus 29,000 ksi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin i On Left Cantilever. . On Right Cantilever... #1 Wft #1 0124 Wfl I k k k k ft ft ' ft ft I Center Location 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft , Right Cant 0 000 ft Moment 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft Shear 6 92 k 0 00 k 0 00 k Deflection 0 00000 in 0 00000 in ,, 0 00000 in (Summary f Moments . Max + @ Center 21 37 k-ft Max - @ Center -85 63 k-ft @ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant -85 63 k-ft Maximum - 85.63 1 Shears .. Reactions. at 616ft ©Left 692k @ Left 692k at 2000ft @ Right 1548k , ©Right 3013k Maximurn 1548 k Deflections. . @ Center -0 033 in at 6 16 ft k"ft @ Left Cant 0 000 m at 0 00 ft ©Right Cant -0213 in at 2600ft i (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC KV/-G6Q3482, Ver 506, 15-JuM998, Win32 I I I I i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i I I I I i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i r J L I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i i i i To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information wilt be printed on each page. Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 3 35PM, 9 JAN 04 Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description carlsbad office General Information Center Span 20 00 Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 600 Uniform Loads ft ft ft Moment of inertia Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixity . 612 000 in4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin I I On Center Span... #1 1 120 k/ft On Left Cantilever.. #1 k/ft On Right Cantilever... #1 0 024 k/ft Query Values Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 0000ft 0 00 k-ft 11 18k 0 00000 in Left Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000k 0 00000 in ' f Right Cant 0 000 ft i 0 00 k-ft 000 k ' 0 00000 in I | Summary Moments . Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 1 55 78 k-ft at -0.43 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft -0 43 k-ft 55.78 k-ft Shears... 997ft ©Left 20.00ft ©Right Maximum Deflections... @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant 11 18 k 11 22 k 11 22k -0 226 in 0 000 in 0217m i i ' Reactions @Left @ Right al 9 97 ft al 0 00 ft al 26 00 ft 11 18k 11 37k (C) 1983-98 ENERCALC ~KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-1993, Win3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I r\ - _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block Information will be printed on each page. Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job** Date 2 17PM, 9 JAN 04 (tev 50600]Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information Center Span 22 00 Left Cantilever 6 00 Right Cantilever ft ft ft Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixity 612000 m4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin I Uniform Loads | On Center Span. #1 0410 k/ft On Left Cantilever... #1 1 120 k/ft On Rfght Cantilever #1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude 1 120 k Location -6 000 ft k ft k ft I k k ft ft Query Values | Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 0000ft -26.88 k-ft 573k 0 00000 tn Left Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000 k 0 00000 in Right Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000 k 0 00000 in 1 Summary Moments . Max + @ Center Max-@ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 1 13 19 k-ft at -26 88 k-ft at -26 88 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 26 88 k-ft Shears 1399ft ©Left 0.00ft ©Right Maximum Deflections @ Center @ Left Cant. @ Right Cant 778k 329k 778k -0 045 in -0 035 in 0 000 in i Reactions,. @Left @ Right i at 1299ft at -6 00 ft at 000ft 13 57 k 329k (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482. Ver 506. 15-JuM998, Win32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on Title- ^ Job# these five lines, use the SETTINGS ?S9nr Date 224PM' 9jAN04 , x *i_ i .. Descriptionselection on the main menu and enter your title block information Scope will be printed on each page. Rev 506001 Single Span Beam Analysis Page - I Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information Center Span 20 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever 6.00 ft Uniform Loads On Center Span... #1 1.630 k/tt | Point Loads Magnitude 13600k Location 26 000 ft I Moment of Inertia 612 000 m4 Elastic Modulus 29,000 ksi Beam End Fixity Pm-Pm I On Left Cantilever... On Right Cantilever #1 k/ft • #1 0164Wft I k k k k ft ft ' ft ft Query Values | Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 0 1 Summary 1 Moments... Max + @ Center 4471 k-ft Max - @ Center -84 55 k-ft @ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant -84 55 k-ft Maximum = 84.55 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft i. Right Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft . 0.00 k-ft 12.07 k 000 k ' 000 k .00000 in 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Shears. Reactions . at 742ft @Left 1207k ' @ Left 1207k at 20 00 ft @ R'9ht 20 53 k @ Right 3511k Maximum 20 53 k Deflections. ©Center -0 131 in at 830ft k"ft @ Left Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft | @ Right Cant -0 1 08 in at 26 00 ft (C)1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-1998 Win32 (24^ zy^ -^ *• I5t*C°^ 4^-t>X T 1" o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title . ENERCALC Example Problems Job ft 97-000001 Dsgnr MDB Date 251PM, 9 JAN 04 Description . Collection of example problems Scope All programs in the Structural Engineering Library | Rev 506001 •••••III Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 I Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information ) Center Span 20 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever 6 00 ft Uniform Loads On Center Span .#1 1 530 km Query Values Canter Location Moment Shear Moment of Inertia 800 000 Elastic Modulus 29,000 in4 ksi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin 0000 000 1524 Deflection 0 00000 (Summary I Moments . Max + @ Center 75 92 k-ft Max -©Center -1 15 k-ft @ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant -1 15 k-ft Maximum = 75.92 at at k-ft On Left Cantilever. . #1 km I On Right Cantilever , # 1 0 064 K/ft I ft Left Cant 0 000 ft ' Right Cant 0 000 ft k-ft 0 k 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 00 k ' 0 00 k in 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Shears.. 997ft @Left 20 00 ft @ R'9ht Maximum Deflections... @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Reactions. . 15.24k ' @Left 1524k 1536k , @ Right 1574k 1536k ' -0235m at 997ft 0000 in at 000ft 0224m at 2600ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC Retaining Walls 'KW-0603482, Ver 50 6J.15-Jul-1998 Win32 c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page | Re* 506001 1 Title i Job* Dsgnr, ' Date 302PM, 9 JAN 04 Description . Scope Single Span Beam Analysis page 1 I Description Carlsbad office General Information Center Span 20 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever 6 00 ft | Uniform Loads On Center Span, #1 1.530 k/ft Moment of Inertia 612 000 Elastic Modulus 29,000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin On Left Cantilever . #1 k/ft I in4 ksi i I On Right Cantilever , #1 0,164 k/ft | Point Loads i | Magnitude 3 290 k Location 26 000 ft k k ft ft k k 11 ft Query Values | Center Location 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft " Right Cant 0 000 ft Moment 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft Shear 14.17k 000k 000k Deflection 0 00000 in 0 00000 in 0 00000 in 1 Summary | Moments.. Max + @ Center 65 57 k-ft Max - @ Center -22.69 k-ft @ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant -22 69 k-ft Maximum = 65.57 k-ft Shears .. at 924ft ©Left at 20 00 ft @ R|9M Maximum Deflections. @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant i Reactions 1417k | ©Left 1417k 1643 k ! ©Right 2071 k 16 43 k -0 255 in at 9 71 ft 0 000 tn at 0 00 ft 0184 in at; 2600ft (C)1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482. Ver 506, 15-Jul-1998 Win32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \5 0(1 -1JU_t D?? »svi- "vaws^ *^r; rs-^^r' > * t*- r - -' S& V*- &?K&4 Vi** - -' '^- * I To specify your title block on - ( , Title : Job # these five lines, use the SETTINGS '„ , ' g»«ni; „ ' Dale- 10 30AM- 13 JAN °4 ... ,. . -" . „ Description :selection on the main menu and • • • . .. _ enter your title block Information , - , scope: | will be printed on each page. ;< . "'\i', \, - - » "V R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 506001 l , N1,'*,./ , Description t ' CARLSBAD i* ' - General Information .. Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 j OFFICE \r ' , ; . , ,-. | Center Span - ; - ,fft 27.00 ft , , -u' 'Moment of Inertia *> 2,750 000 in4 Left Cantilever'; v %'V ; ft '-* i Elastic Modulus { 29,000 ksi Right Cantilever •'; A , ft Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Uniform Loads On Center Span... Y^> ^ #1 5 ( 0.760 ^k/ft Point Loads " ' ^w Magnitude '; fr 22.400k Location 't, ' 1 ;;10.500ft Trapezoidal Loads7^^ ^ Magnitude @ Left i,\^ J Magnitude @ Right *> Dist To Left Sid8"^|-i ; . Dist. To Right Slde^i?' \ Query Values ^r Center Location {5^5 Moment Shear ! t V ^ • Deflection , '" ;T Summary 4 * 1 H^ I ^H***"^ On Left Cantilever... , On Right Cantilever... ^fi;I -'4;^'?^ #r'-$-v|P V M.' k/ft , #1 k/ft >: ^ • - - » | Bv|j'";V;22.400 k J ..<•''. k k k ,-^.^^_. -^>j^ ,>f,^ , | ' 2.980 k/ft 'km k/ft k/ft 2 980 k/ft ' km k/ft k/ft -' 10.500ft li ' \ .I , ft Ft ft *, 19,500"ft ' . ' < % ^ 'tt ft ft< •*•. - ' • - • | ' . - ' 0.000 ft 'Left Cant 0 000 ft Right Cant 0 000 ft / 0.00 k-ft ' 0.00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft ' 42.0? k , • 0.00 k 0 00 k ' 0.00000 in * 0.00000 in 0 00000 inr i * : < /" •••--', Moments... » ', 5' V^'ff ) " ' ' ,' Shears... Reactions. Max + @ Center 'f* 418.40 k-ft /at 13.64ft1 ©Left' 4209k , ©Left 4209k Max - @ Center > ^ f 0.00 k-ft at 0 00 ft — C @ R'Qht 50.05 k @ Right 50 05 k /at <*^ . .* ^ti-i'nnrtk. • ,, ? Maximum 50.05k©Left Cant ;s <• &*, 0.00 k-ft -: -<r - %- I,,, @ Right Cant1 l.C|^ 0.00 k-ft ' , -„--' , . Deflections... " " *'^ - " ©Center -0.671 in al 1369ft Maximum « • v 418.40 k-ft ~ @ Left Cgnt< Q OQO jn a, 0 00 ft @ Right Cant 0 000 in al 0 00 ft ', /', <\ % •. V ^ 5 ^> * v •' J i " i - '-1- v t, -* '' ' v^''^'''"-!' ' '• ,^"^,/„ " AVvV- (C) 1983-98 ENERCALC i "•. j ~ . ' *•?*< : KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-1998, Win32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. 1 R« 506M1 Single Span Title job n Dsgnr. Date- 10 31AM, 13 JAN 04 Description Scope Beam Analysis Page -, I Description CARLSBAD OFFICE £?V^rt\(O LOJ^(^> * General Information Center Span 27 00 ft Moment of Inertia Left Cantilever ft Elastic Modulus Right Cantilever ft Beam End Fixity Uniform Loads I 2,750 000 m4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin ' I On Center Span On Left Cantilever . On Right Cantilever #1 0 260 k/ft #1 k/ft » # 1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude 13800k 13800k Location 10500ft 19500 ft | Trapezoidal Loads Magnitude @ Left 0 960 k/ft Magnitude @ Right 0 960 k/ft Dist To Left Side 10500ft Dist To Right Side 19.500 ft Query Values I k k k ft ft ft I k/ft k/ft k/ft km k/ft k/ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I Center Location 0 000 ft Lett Cant 0 000 ft Right Cant 0 000 ft Moment 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft , 0 00 k-ft Shear 1962k 000k 000k Deflection 0.00000 in 0 00000 In 0 00000 in (Summary 1 Moments .. Shears. Reactions. Max + @ Center 1 95 55 k-ft at 1 3 04 ft ©Left 1 9 62 k @ Left 1962k Max - @ Center 0 00 k-ft at 0.00 ft @ R|9ht 23 64 k @ *«*' 23 64 k ^ . X. Maximum 23 64 k@ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant 0 00 k-ft Deflections... @ Center -0 31 7 in at 1 3 69 ft Maximum = 195 55 k-ft ^ Left Cant Q OOQ |n at| Q OQ ft @ Right Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft (c)1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-1998, Win32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I fc>x^- 4-. ^v ^^ op xr /N OL X" > I / J --' D^ To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title, ?sQnr, ,Description Scope . job# Date 11 02AM' 13 JAN °4 Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 I Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Uniform Loads 2700ft ft ft Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixity 2,750 000 m4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin ' I I On Center Span #1 0 760 k/ft On Left Cantilever... #1 k/ft On Right Cantilever. . #1 k/ft Point Loads Magnitude 5 900 k Location 15000ft Trapezoidal Loads Magnitude @ Left Magnitude @ Right Dist To Left Side Dist To Right Side Query Values Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 43100 k k 24000 ft ft 1150 k/ft k/ft 1 150 k/ft k/tt 15.000ft ft 24 000 ft ^ ft 0 000 ft Left Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 20 55 k 0.00 k 0 00000 in 0.00000 in 'k k ft ft k/ft k/ft k/ft k/ft ft ft ft ft Right Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000 k 0 00000 in I I I 1 Summary Moments Max + @ Center Max - @ Center>^, — @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = I • 225 45 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 225.45 k-ft Shears... 1672ft @Left 0.00ft ©Right Maximum Deflections... @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant 2055k 5932k 5932k -0 359 in 0 000 in 0 000 in Reactions .. i @ Left @ Right I. al 1445ft al 0 00 ft al 0 00 ft 2055k 5932 k (c)i 983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 5 Q 6"," IS-Jul-1998 Win32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 590k 4315k 1 ' H5k/ft If! 1 15k,fl T ! f T T T T T T T T T T T T T i ' ; ! f" T i i ' ' " I ~ " , i i °76Wfl T I M M I 1 f T 1 T f ? T f ! * T f M f t ? I T M T ! M T M f M Y T T f f ! T T "^ '• ^— n 2700ft V ^' Mmax = 22S 44 k-ft an 6 7 1 ft from left Dmax = -0 3590 in at 1 4 44 ft from left Rl = 20546k Rr= 59323k Vmax@lefl = 20 546 k Vmax@ rt = 59 323 t • • 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the mam menu and enter your title block Information will be printed on each page Title Job # Dsgnr. I' Date 1105AM 13 JAN 04 Description Scope R« school Single Span Beam Analysis page i I Description CARLSBAD OFFICE | General Information I Center Span 2700ft Moment of Inertia 2,750 000 m4 , Left Cantilever ft Elastic Modulus 29,000 ksi Right Cantilever ft Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Uniform Loads On Center Span On Left #1 0.260 k/ft #1 I Cantilever . On Right Cantilever k/ft , #1 k/ft | Point Loads | Magnitude 1 700 k 17500 k Location 15 000 ft 24 000 ft Trapezoidal Loads Magnitude @ Left 0 600 k/ft Magnitude ©Right 0600 k/ft Dist To Left Side 15000ft Dist To Right Side 24 000 ft Query Values Center Location 0.000 ft Moment 0 00 k-ft Shear 7 71 k Deflection 0 00000 in Moments- Max + @ Center 88 99 k-ft at 1 7 48 ft Max -©Center 0 00 k-ft at 000ft @ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft © Right Cant 0 00 k-ft Maximum = 88.99 k-ft k k k ft 11 ft I k/ft kfft k/ft k/tt k'ft k/ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I Left Cant 0 000 ft Right Cant 0 000 ft 0 00 k-ft ' 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k 0 00 k 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Shears .. i, Reactions © Left 7 71 k © Left 7 71 k © Right 23 91 k © Right 23 91 k Maximum 23 91 k 'i, Deflections. . @ Center -0 140 in at ' 14 56 ft © Left Cant 0 000 in at " 0 00 ft ©Right Cant 0 000 in at |' 000ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482 Ver 5 0 6, 15-Jul-1998 Win32 I I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i *, 12-1 r L. y •b* £ I I I 1 I I II I I I I I I i i i I i To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page Title Dsgnr Description Scope Jobff Date 1045AM, 22 JAN 04 Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information | Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 2000ft ft ft Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixity 1,170000 in4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin Uniform Loads | On Center Span , #1 0 100 k/ft On Left Cantilever #1 k/ft On Right Cantilever # 1 K/ft I Point Loads Magnitude 39400k k Location 10000ft ft Query Values Center Location 0 000 ft Moment 0 00 k-ft Shear 20 70 k Deflection 0 00000 in Summary 1 Moments. Max + @ Center 201 61 k-ft at 998ft Max - @ Center 0 00 k-ft at 20 00 ft @ Left Cant 0 00 k-ft @ Right Cant 0 00 k-ft Maximum - 201 61 k-ft k ft Left Cant 0 Shears. . @Left @ Right Maximum Deflections. . @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant 0000ft 0 00 k-ft 000k 00000 in 2070k 2070 k 2070 k -0 345 in 0 000 in 0 000 in i ' k ft i Right Cant i' • Reactions @ Left @ Right i .at 1002ft .at 0 00 ft ,at 0 00 ft I k ft i 0000 ft 0 00 k-ft 000 k 0 00000 in 2070 k 20 70 k (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC "KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-l993. W n32 f To specify your title block on Title . Job # these five lines, use the SETTINGS 9senr; „ Date' 1 1 23AM' 22 JAN °4 , ' Description :selection on the main menu andi i enter your title will be printed R<v 506001 Description block Information Scope . on each page. Single Span Beam Analysis CARLSBSD OFFICE Page i 1 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I i 1 General Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 2700ft ft ft Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixity l 2,750 000 in4 29,000 ksi j Pm-Pm Uniform Loads | On Center Span #1 0300 km On Left Cantilever. #1 k/ft On Right Cantilever ,n k/ft Point Loads Magnitude Location Query Values Center Location Moment Shear Deflection | Summary Moments... Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 19.300 k 10000ft 0 ] 364 85 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 364.85 54600 k 20000 ft 0000ft 0.00 k-ft 3090k 00000 in at 1997ft at 000ft k-ft I 14.700 k k k 26 000 ft ft ' ft I Left Cant 0.000 ft Right Cant 0 000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k 0 00 k k 0 00000 in 0 00000 in Shears. . Reactions . @ Left 30 90 k @ Left 30 90 k @ Right 65 80 k @ Right 65 80 k Maximum 65 80 k Deflections.. @ Center -0 560 in at 14 23 ft @ Left Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft @ Right Cant 0 000 in at 0 00 ft (C) 1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-1993, Win32 m*i~l* 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I _J _ $*K HT - jfU&ld: * 1 toAv — ^ _ I I H -l< 54 ^ 1no; « 1 -* P - /r i• ) <* ^{S s=**<^\T^ i I 1 I I I i i i i i i f i I 1 f I I i i i i i i i i i i i T <[ s * I1 iiIi > \ \ \ \ i A: I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Rev 506001 SqiiaFG Title Dsgnr, Description Scope Footing Design Job# Date 359PM, 22 JAN 04 Page 1 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information Dead Load 25 000 k Live Load 102000k Short Term Load 0 000 k Seismic Zone 4 Overburden Weight 0 000 psf Concrete Weight 50 00 pcf LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor 1.000 Column Dimension 0 00 in General Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 20 313 in 200/Fy 0 0033 As Req'd by Analysis 0 0012 m2 Mm Remf % to Req'd 0 001 6 % Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Beannt] As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Mm Allow % Remf i 1 8000ft 24 00 in 8 7 3250 3,000 0 psi 60,000 0 psi 2,200 00 psf 1 0 401 m2 3209m2 00014 1 Summary | 8 00ft square x 24 Om thick with Max Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max Short Term Soif Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu Actual Mn * Phi Capacity 8- #7 bars 2,084 37 psf 2,200 00 psf 2,084.37 psf 2,200 00 psf 27 17 k-ft 53 25 k-ft Vu Actual One-Way Vn*Phi Ailow One-Way Vu Actual Two-Way Vn*Phi Allow Two-W, ay Alternate Rebar Selections 17 #4's 11 #5's 6 #7's 5 #8's Footing 32 15 psi 93 1 1 psi OK 12581 psi 18623 psi 8 #6's 4 #9's 3 #10's (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506. 15-Jul-1998, Win32 I I i i a i i i i i i t i i i i i i i To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. ^ 506001 Square Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information Dead Load 17.000k Live Load 66 000 k Short Term Load 0 000 k Seismic Zone 4 Overburden Weight 0 000 psf Concrete Weight 50 00 pcf LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor 1 000 Column Dimension 0 00 in Title- Dsgnr Description . Scope : Footing Design Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars ' Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Beaitng Job# Date 4 06PM, 22 JAN 04 Page 1 1 1 7000ft 1800 in 7 7 3250 3,000 0 psi 60,000 0 psi 2,200 00 psf General | Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 14 313 in 200/Fy 0 0033 As Req'd by Analysis 0 0016 in2 Mm Retnf % to Req'd 0.0022% As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Mm Allow % Remf 0 371 m2 2600m2 00014 (Summary 1 7 00ft square x 1 S.Oin thick with Max Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu , Actual Mn * Phi Capacity 7- #7 bars ^ 1,768 88 psf 2,200 00 psf 1,768 88 psf 2,200 00 psf 1764k-ft 37.05 k-ft Vu Actual One-Way Vn*Phi Allow One-Way Vu , Actual Two-Way Vn'Phi - Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selections 14 #4's 9 #5's 5 #7's 4 #8's Footing OK 38 70 psi 93 1 1 psi 167 26 psi 186 23 psi 6 #6's 3 #9's 3 #10's lc)1993-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482. Ver 5 0 6, 15-Jul-1998, Win32 ii i i i f i i i i • i r i i I I 1 I i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i •V -: ... I- wT -t f*f I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i AS v£i JKT-of T —r 0 _ j 4 1. ,. L I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i L_i__L rl. _ IT \Q ~r~ j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ __ _ ^ __ _j_ /2_ ?c*t<L -» — —f_i .^i , ; 1__^ _ _ _J ^_ _ A "2--^l /: oj^- -- | 2-2- / ^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f .1.*• L_ _l_~rri I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Is i i ™ PROGRAM : General Frame ECOM ASSOCIATES, Inc.I JOB . CARLSBAD RUN 1 V^/Sfc-l Analysis vl.16 PAGE NO 2 TIME Tue Jan 20 13:18 06 2004 I5K4C, TbTV**- ^>wr~- 1 NODAL INFORMATION NODE NODAL COORDINATES SUPPORT CONDITIONS NO X I Units ; Ft 1 0.00012 0.000 3 0.000 4 15.000 1 5 15.000 6 15.000 I EL " ELEM NE PE NO NODE NODE| ,«„««„.„„„„.„ I 1 i2 2 3 5 _ 4 6 1• 6 2 1 - P R PROP SECTION I NO NAME te • 1 TS16X8X1/2 Y CODE PX STIFF PY STIFF M STIFF Ft K /In K /In K -In /Deg 0.000 F 12.000 25.000 25.000 12.000 0.000 H EMENT INFORMATION ELEM BETA PROP NE PE LENGTH ANGLE TYPE HINGE HINGE Units : Ft Deg 2 12.000 90.00 1 3 13.000' 90.00 1 4 13.000 90.00 1 5 12.000 90.00 1 4 15.000 0.00 1 5 15.000 0.00 1 OPERTY INFORMATION •' MODULUS AREA ' I D I S T Units : K /In 2 In2 In4 Ft 29000.00 90.200 ; 722 000 1 NODAL LOAD INFORMATION LOAD LOAD PX PY M i, CASE TYPE •Units • Description : SEISMIC Node List : 2 1 FORCEI I l DX DY BETA : K K Ft-K Ft Ft Deg 10.30 0.00 0.00 rtU <-l4 * PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis vl.16 ' PAGE NO 2 ECOM ASSOCIATES, Inc. TIMS : Tue Jan 20 13.18-06 2004 • JOB : CARLSBAD RUN : 1 NODAL LOAD INFORMATION LOAD LOAD PX PY M CASE TYPE DX DY BETA Description : SEISMIC Node List : 3 1 FORCE 12.90 0.00 0.00 I I i Description : GRAVITY I Node List : 4 1 FORCE 0.00 -52.50 0.00 I I I I I I i I I i I i %ROGRAM : General Frame JICOM ASSOCIATES, Inc. •JOB : CARLSBAD•RUN - i I N 0 LOAD NODE COMB NO | Units — LOAD COMBINATIONS:1•COMB i • i.oo x CASEi > 2l i5 — 6 I ELEM LOAD NODE NO COMB NO 1 Units LOAD COMBINATIONS: • COMB 1 ; 1.00 X CASE 1 1 1 1 2 .212 1 315l 416l 513 4Im 6 1 2 5l l l Analysis DAL D DX : In 1 0.0000 0.3839 0.6920 0.6914 0.3842 0.0000 E L E M AXIAL : K 1 20.2862 20.2862 6.8311 6.8311 -59.3311 -59.3311 -72.7862 -72.7862 -7.7262 -7.7262 3.8250 3.8250 VI. 16 PAGE NO 3 TIME : Tue Jan 20 13-18.07 2004 ISPLACEMENTS; DY ROTATION In Deg , o.oooo o'.oooo 0.0011 -0.1230 0.0015 -0.0458 -0.0075 -0.0609 -0.0040 -0 0791 0.0000 -0.1898 ENT REPORTS SIGN CONVENTION : BEAM DESIGNERS SHEAR MOMENT MAX MOM/DEFL DIST K K -Ft K -Ft /In Ft 1 • 19.2988 -141.8066 19.2988 89.7788 0.0517 3 63 5.1738 -18.5670- 5.1738 48.6925 -0.0292 8 34 7.7262 -46.6658 7.7262 53.7747' -0.0156 9 82 3.9012 -0.0000, 3.9012 46.8146 -0.0357 6 93 -6.8311 48.6925 -6.8311 -53.7747' 0.0193 11 47 ' -13.4551 108.3458 -13.4551 -93.4804 -0,0422 3 69 i o^ • K. • PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis vl.16 , PAGE NO ^ ECOM ASSOCIATES, Inc. TIME : Tue Jan 20 13 18 07 2004 • JOB - CARLSBAD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RUN : 1 REACTIONS NODE LOAD i NO COMB PX PY MOMENT Units : K K K -Ft 1 1 19.2988 20.2862 -341.8066 6 1 3.9012 -72.7862 -0.0000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis vl.16 PAG3 NO : ECOM ASSOCIATES, Inc. TIME : Tue Jan 20 13 57 13 2004 JOB - CARLSBAD RUN .1 w/ SttV^C ~Ve VHfc. LfcA'T te O^ o^^-fi* Q fHoiifr- A •____=_===^ = __^4________________________==_____=_ = _==____:=.___====: = =;_= = = _____;__ = = NODAL INFORMATION I NODE NODAL COORDINATES SUPPORT CONDITIONS NO X Y CODE PX STIFF PY STIFF M STIFF Units : Ft Ft K /In K /In K -In /Deg 1 0.000 0.000 F 2 0.000 12.000 3 0.000 25.000 4 15.000 25.000 5 15.000 12.000 6 15.000 0.000 H ELEMENT INFORMATION ELEM NE PE ELEM BETA PROP NE PE NO NODE NODE LENGTH ANGLE TYPE HINGE HINGE Units : Ft Deg 112 12.000 90.00 1 223 13.000' 90.00 1 354 13.000 90.00 1 465 12.000 90.00 1 534 15.000 0 00 1 625 15.000 0.00 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION PROP SECTION NO NAME MODULUS AREA I DIST Units : K /In 2 In2 ' In4 Ft 1 TS16X8X1/2 29000.00 90.200 722.000 NODAL LOAD INFORMATION LOAD LOAD PX PY M CASE TYPE DX DY BETA Units : K K Ft-K Ft Ft Deg Description : SEISMIC Node List : 2 1 FORCE -10.30 0.00 0.00 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis vl.16 ECOM ASSOCIATES, Inc. JOB : CARLSBAD RUN : 1 PAGE NO 2 TIME : fue Jan 20 13 57,13 2004 NODAL LOAD INFORMATION LOAD LOAD PX PY M CASE TYPE DX DY BETA Description : SEISMIC Node List : 3 1 FORCE -12.90 Description : GRAVITY Node List : 4 1 FORCE 0.00 0.00 -14.70 0.00 0.00 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 • — —PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis ECOM ASSOCIATES, Inc. JOB : CARLSBAD RUN • 1 NODAL I LOAD NODE COMB NO DX Units : In LOAD COMBINATIONS: COMB 1 : 1.00 X CASE 1 1 1 0.0000 2 -0.3821 3 -0.6855 4 -0.6849 5 -0.3824 6 0.0000 E L E M ELEM LOAD NODE NO COMB NO AXIAL Units : K LOAD COMBINATIONS: COMB 1 • 1.00 X CASE 1 111 -20.3123 2 -20.3123 212 -6.8587 3 -6.8587 315 -7.8413 4 -7.8413 416 5.6123 5 5.6123 513 7.7227 4 7.7227 612 -3.8002 5 -3.8002 - vl.16 PAGE NO 3 TIME : Tue Jan 20 13.57:13 2004 ' DISPLACEMENTS DY ROTATION In Deg 0.0000 ,0.0000 -0.0011 0.1218 -0.0015 ,0.0436 -0.0002 0.0586 0 0003 0.0779 0.0000 '0.1892 ENT REPORTS SIGN CONVENTION : BEAM DESIGNERS "SHEAR MOMENT MAX MOM/DEFL DIST K K -Ft K -Ft /In Ft11 1 -19.2775 141.4152 -19.2775 -89.9153 -0 0514 3 62 -5.1773 18.3989 -5.1773 -48.9064 0.0296 8 32 -7.7227 46.4202 -7.7227 -53.9746 0.0159 9 80 -3.9225 0.0000 -3.9225 -47.0695 0.0359 6 93 6.8587 -48.9064 6.8587 53.9746 -0.0194 11 48 13.4536 -108.3142 13.4536 93.4897 0.0422 3 69 obU, ^ PROGRAM : General Frame Analysis vl.16 PAGE NO 4 ECOM ASSOCIATES, Inc. TIME : Tue Jan 20 13.57 13 2004 • JOB : CARLSBAD • I I I i i t i i i i i i i i i i RUN : 1 REACTIONS NODE LOAD NO COMB PX PY MOMENT Units : K K 'K -Ft 1 1 -19.2775 -20.3123 141.4152 6 1 -3.9225 5.6123 ' 0.0000 Ul I I I i i i i i i i i f i i _Li I I I I 1 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Rev 506001 Pole Title Osgnr Description . Scope . Embedment in Soil Job# Date 223PM, 20 JAN 04 Page 1 1 Description Circular pole with Point & Uniform Loads , General Information | Allow Passive Max Passive 2, Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter Restrained @ Surface 1 Summary | Moments @ Surface... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint . Required Depth Press® 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 275.00 pcf 000 00 PSf 1.330 40 000 in 144750 00 ft-# 000 0.000 ft 000 psf 000 psf Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distnbuted Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral With Surface Restraint Req'd Depth Pressure @ Base Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force 19,300 00 Ibs 7 500 ft o oo #m 0000ft 0000ft 144,750 00 ft-# 19,300 00 Ibs 8330ft 2,660 00 psf 2,660 00 psf 40,370 59 Ibs (C) 1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-1998, Win32 ^ I I I I I I I I i i i i i i i i i i To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information wilt be printed on each page. «„ 506001 Steel Description CARLSBAD OFFICE | General Information Loads Axial Load 73 00 k X-X Axis Moment 6 10 k-ft Plate Dimensions Plate Length 24 000 in Plate Width 16000m Plate Thickness 1 .000 in Support Pier Size Pier Length 32 000 in Pier Width 32 000 in | Summary | Concrete Bearing Stress Thickness OK Actual Bearing Stress 237 8 psi Allow per AC1 1 0 1 5 2,524.4 psi Allow per AISC J9 1 ,484 9 psi Title : Job # Dsgnr < Date 2 37PM, 22 JAN 04 Description j Scope : I Column Base Plate Page 1 ' 1 Steel Section , Section Length , 16000 in Section Width " 8 000 in Flange Thickness 0 500 in Web Thickness ' 0 500 in Allowable Stresses Concrete fc , 3,000 0 ps/ Base Plate Fy , 36 00 ksi Load Duration Factor 1 000 i Anchor Bolt Data Dist from Plate Edge 2 000 in Bolt Count per Side 2 Tension Capacity 5 500 k Bolt Area 0442 in2 Baseplate OK Full Bearing No Bolt Tension • ' Plate Bending Stress Bearing Stress OK Actual fb 12,0450 psi Max Allow Plate Fb 27,000 0 psi Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Actual Tension 0 000 k Allowable 5 500 k lp ' (c)1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506. 15-Jul-l998, Win32 /-. l i / . I 1 f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m a wr \r ~T — + — 7 n-.a VA---- XEii i -to .c ' i „ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ?,I &£as-\F I I I I I I V & It 1 l \ 1 r~n i i i l^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS selection on the main menu and enter your title block information will be printed on each page. Title Osgnr: Description Scope: JobW Date 356PM. 23 JAN 04 Rigid Diaphragm Torsiona) Analysis Pace 1 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE General Information Y-Y Axis Shear X-X Axis Shear 18300k 7420k Mm. X Axis Ecc Mm Y Axis Ecc Shears are applied on each axis separately 5.00 % X Axis Center of Mass 0 00 ft 5 00 % Y Axis Center of Mass 0 00ft MaxX Dimension 127 00ft MaxY Dimension 2050ft Wall Data Label 1 2 3 4 5 Thickness in 12000 8000 8000 8.000 12000 Length ft 101 000 19.000 19000 19000 8000 Height ft 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Wall Xcg ft 12.000 63000 18000 -36 000 -63 000 WallYcg Walt /ingle ft degCCW 10000 0000 0000 0000 7000 00 ,900 900 900 900 Wall End Fixity Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix Fix-Fix E 1 0 10 10 1 0 1 0 Calculated Wall Forces Label 1 2 3 4 5 Govern Ecc for Max Torsion ft -8925 0865 0865 -11 835 -11.835 Direct Shear k 73726 49932 49932 49932 21889 Torsional Shear Final Max ] Wall Shear , k k -0 040 73 726 1 255 51 187 &273 50205 12383 62315 8 962 30 851 Summary | X Distance to Center of Rigidity 5 485 ft Y Distance to Center of Rigidity 9.950 ft X Accidental Eccentricity 6 350 ft Y Accidental Eccentncity 1 025ft Controlling Eccentricities & Xcm •*- ,05*Max-X - X-cr Xcm- 05*Max-X - X-cr Controlling Eccentricities & Ycm+ 05*Max-Y - Y-cr Ycm - .05*Max-Y - Y-cr Forces from Applied Y-Y Shear = 0 865 fl Torsion = 158 37 k-ft = -11835f1 Torsion= -2,165 73 k-ft Forces from Applied X-X Shear = -8925f Torsion = -662 26 k-ft = -10975f Torsion = -814 37 k-ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC KW-0603482, Ver 506, 15-Jul-1998. Win32 CR. (548,995) | C M (0 00,0 00) o A» «k T Will 5* (-63.00 7.00) 1=8.00 TslJQO Hl=«IOOO 6231k 7420k j»i(iaoooco) T=8QO Ht'1000 ll"00 T=BOO o i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i fljj ,*> •*- 1( - -M Qfl c: itf > X t- . 6 ^'^ ' « ^i A ^ 4 1 --If"-!1 <n !*x i>r )•«.^tA i i ii•» , i •~31'C. , ^ ft^ i gffi^H- I I ri i i i i i i i i i i i i IPERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 of 3 PERF-1 PROJECT NAME ; Vioh Office Building PROJECT ADDRESSCarlsbad PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - ENVELOPE Ziebarth Associates DOCUMENTATION AUTHORT-Squared Professional Engineers, Inc. TELEPHONE (619)233-6450 TELEPHONE(760)744-6718 DATE 04/22/2004 Building Permits Checked by/Date Enforcement Agency Use GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PLANS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 01-12-03 BUILDING TYPE [7 PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION g ^l NONRESIDENTIAL [] NEW CONSTRUCTION 8,765 Sq Ft CLIMATE ZONE 7 ^] HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL [~] HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM ^] ADDITION [^] ALTERATION | | EXISTING + ADDITION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the State Building Code This certificate applies only to a Building using tjwj performance compliance approach DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Farzad Tadayon. PE SIGNATURE DATE The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building desjf&fi^e'presented in the construction documents and modelled or this permit application are consistent with all other forms and woplrerteets, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application The proposed building as designed meets the/£nergy efficiency requirements of ihe State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6 ENV LTG MECH j EH CH Kf 1 ' hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation, and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect D 2 I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code Section 5537 2 or 6737 3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation, and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for work that I have contracted to perform r~| r~j r~| 3 I affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pusuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538, and 6737 1 (These sections of the Business and Professions Code ae printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual) ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Required Forms ENV-1 PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER - NAME Ziebarth Associates SIGNATURE LIC NO DATE LIGHTING COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Required Forms Lighting Compliance Not In The Scope Of This Submittal PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE LIC NO DATE MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measur ML 2- MECH-1. MECH-2. MECH-3 PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER - NAME T-Squared Professional Engineers SIGNATUF LIC NO DATE EnergyPro 31 By EnergySoft Run Initiation Time' User Number 04/22/04 I* 5511 j/ $4 4$Run Code. Job Number 03119 1082672685 Page 1 of 12 City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts! and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit The City will not issue any building permit without a completed ^school fee form Project Name Building Permit Plan Check Number Project Address APN Project Applicant (Owner Name) Project Description Building Type Residential Number of New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Residential Additions Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial Square Feet Floor Area City Certification of Applicant Information SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CajJsbatTUnified School District 5225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (33 San Marcos Unified School District 215MataWay ,, San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Contact Nancy Dolce (By Arjpt Only) Encimtas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encimtas, CA 92024 (944-4300 ext 166) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encimtas Blvd Encmitrs, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that this Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described projects), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on-befcajtolthe Owner Signature \ i Date T635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92OO8-7314 • (760) (3O2-27OO SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school distnct(s)) It************** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED . SCHOOL DISTRICT j The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District The City may issue building permits for this project SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER r\ n f\ JW^ Uiirv^uA C>Lr—r ^ % GAVLEN FRESMANI DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 ELCAMINO REAL : CARLSBAD, CA 92009 — '. _ February 11, 2005 MARCOTTE+ HEARNE BUILDERS, INC City of Carlsbad Building Department Carlsbad, CA 92002 RE Authorization to Pull Permits To Whom It May Concern, i This notice is being written to you to confirm that Marcotte + Hearne Builders has authorized Chuck McLaughlin ' Wayne Powderly to pull permits for our company ] Contractors License No B783510 Federal ID # 33-0916775 Insurance Provider Robert F Driver Company, Inc i General Liability Policy # MGL0131695' State Compensation Fund Policy # 4612145 Contractors Bond # 88684 Attachments included with this document > State of California's Contractors License information including, Bonding ability & Workers Compensation information on file > Certificate of Insurance Sincerely, f William M Marcotte cc File- Fite - City of Carlsbad Building Department 11696 Sorrento Valley Rd , Ste 200, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858-793-4101 Fax 858-793-4102 -Al DRIVER ALLIANT INS SVCS ©001 ACORD^ PRODUCER DRIVER ALLIANT INSURANCE 1620 FIFTH AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 LICENSE #OC36861 619-298-1823 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUI-D AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A MT HAWLEY INSURANCE CO INSURED Marcotte 4- Hearne Builders Inc 11691 Sorrento Valley Rd,#20G San Diego CA 92121 COMPANY B ALLSTATE INSUFIANCE CO. COMPANYc HUDSON Insurance COMPANY D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM Ofl CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY B£ ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE fNSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEHMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS COLTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUWBEH POUCY EFFECTIVE DATE IMM/OD/YY) POUCY BCPIflATlON DAT! (MM/DD/YY)UMIT5 OOTEflAL UABILJTY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY j CLAIMS MADE j_X j OCCUfl OWNER'S i CONTRACTOR'S PROT x,c,u MGL0140987 PER PROJECT AGGREGATE PER LOCATION 8/11/04 8/n/os G5NERAU AGGREGATE PRODUCTS PERSONAL & ADV INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIW MHl EXP (Any pn9 pargonl aoqoooo 1000000 lOQonoo 1DQOODO 50000 5000 048619034 8/11/04 8/11/05 fl«Y AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AIJTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS 1000000 BOOILY INJURY IPet porecn) BODILY INJURY (Par PROPERTY DAMAGE GARAGE UABIUTY 1 ANY AUTO AUTtJ ONLY - EA ACCIDENT OTHJB THAW AlJTO ONLY AGGREGATE EXCESS UABILTTY ^ UMBRELLA FORM "™1OTHEFI THAN UMSnELLA FORM MXL036044B 8/11/04 8/11/05 EACH OCCURRENCE 1000000 AQGFECATE WORKERS COMPENSATE AND EMPtOYEflS' pft/C STATUI TORY LIMITS OTH- a. EA:H ACCIDENT PARTNER5/EXECUT1VEOFFICERS ARE- INCL DCCL EL DISEASE PQLJCY LIMIT EL PIS EASE EA EMPLOYEE OTHEH BUILDERS RISK 599395 1/15/05 7/1 6/0 LIMl" 91,580-000 NEW STRUCTURE DURING COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OP OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICUS/fiPCClAL ITEMS HE- 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92006 CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURES PER THE ATTACHED ENDORSEMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SHOULD ANY OP THE ABOVE DESCRJBJU POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFOAg THE EXFtWFlON PATE THEREOF, THE I3SU1HC COMPANY WILL ENPEAVOn TO MAIL rij30 OAYS WHTTTiN NOTICE TO THE CaJnoCATE HDLDSI MAMgO TO THE LEFT BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY ITS AGSNTS OR REPRESENTATIVES AUTHDFU