HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 437-9L; PIP 05-03; PALOMAR FORUM LOT 6 & 7; 01-15! I \ , LANDSCAPE PLANS PREPARED FOR: RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM -FUTURE (PRIVATE) PALOMAR FORUM LOTS 6 AND 7 CARLSBAD, CALIPORNIA ftl!GI'<lbl:12 WA]'1!lll NQ i =~· I. ALL l,jO~ !>HALL !!II!! DON!! IN ACGC!tt)ANC! i,,.nTH TH! C::.Alltl.!!eAI:) MUNICll"AL HAT!flt DISmlCT'S "CARLeeAP l'te!CLAMATION l'l.JLe!S • lll!el.JLATIONS l"Ol'lt CON5Tl'WCTION 01" "-ECYCL~ HATl!!l'lt MAINS" DA~ OCT06E:l'lt l"l<e. :l. ""INKINe l"OUNTAIN!o ~ALL 91!! ~Tl!!CTl!!D l""-OM 51""-A'T' Of" "-!C::.'T'CL!D HA1'1:!111.. ee:sT MANM!M!NT l"!V.CTIC!!!, !>HALL ee l.e!!D TO MINIMIZ! 11'!:CYCLED HAT!!!"-ENCROACHMeNT ON l"UeLIC l"ACILITl!!!I !:IUCH M l"ICNIC TAeLE:5, 9ea'!!, l"LAYe~. SAND TOT LOTS, !!TC. ' 9. l!l!!!!,T MANM~T ~TIC!S SH-'LL l!I!! l/!e:> TO l!LIMINAT?! 01' CCNTll!OL TO TH! !!1!!!,T l!!XT?!NT !"OSSl1'1.!! l"ONDINi!t, IWN-01"1", ~Y, AND Ml!!>TINi!t. . .... HOee 1!11!!& A1'! !!>"MlllGTL Y ~ll!IT?!CI. 5. ON !!,ITI! G~TION!!> 1!1!!~ tltl!!GYCl.l!D l'IATl!!II. LINl!S AND ,-OTAl!L!! l'IATl!!II. LIN!!!, APl:e !!,Tit.IC.TL Y l"l'WHll!ITl!D. •· NO eul!!!,TIMION Of" l"ll"INe MAT1!111.IAL6 HILL !51!! ALLOl'l!!C, WITHOUT f"llllOl'lt Al"l"!ltOVAL SY TH!! CAl'ltLseAO Ml.lNICll"AL l'!An,ll C,l!!,Tl'ltlCT. i. AI.L ON!!,ITI! 1"11"9 9HAU. HAY!! ~l""9 TAI"!! l"l!!l'lt CA1'L.!!,i!AC, MJNIC,1,-AL l'IATl!l'lt C,1!!,Tl'ltlCT'& 1'UU!$ ...,_., l'ltl!<SULATIONS, !IE&. THe ll'ltllll9ATION !!,Y!!,Tl!M5 !l+!ALL 191!! ~ l!lll!T1'l!!l!N THI! HOUlll!!, Cf' 10,00 1"M AND 6,00 AM THI!! l"OLLOHINe MOlllNINe. Sl"OT ll'ltllllcSATION COULD ee DON!! AT A C,ll"l"!!l'ltl!N'l" TIMI!! WITH GIUALll"l!!D !!,Ul"!!l'ltVl!!>ION !"!!l'lt!>ONNl!!L ON !!,IT?!. "· !"lllOVID!! A MINIMJM OI" AT L!A!IT 1• INCH!!!> OI" COY1!!l'lt ~ ALL Hll'ltlNe AND l"ll"IN6. AND 1'eel.lLATION5. 10. NON-DeleNATl!D U!le Al'lteA& SHALL IN! 1'""11!...Tl!O l"lltOM CCNTACT HITH 11:ee'T'CL.!C, l'IAT!lt, ~l'lt l!Y HINDBLOi-lN Sl"lllAY Olll l!Y C,ll'ltl!!CT Al"l"'LICATION Tl«O\JcSH ll'ltl'ltlcSATION Olll OTH!!l'lt IJ!!,I!!, LACK "'° l"l'WT?!CTION, HH!!TH!!l'lt SY C,!!!!,l9N, GONSTl'WCTION f"lllACTIC!!, Ol'lt 5Y5Tl!!M Of"elltATION 15 STRICTLY l"l'WHll!ITl!D. II. IMl9ATION He~ 9HALL Be l'ltl!LOCAT?!c, Olll AO.JJST?!C, TO l"l'ltl!V!NT OVl!1't!!,1"illYINe $11'&1ALK5, 5Tl'!EeT5 AND NON-De51<SNATl!D use Al'lte!A&. l:l. l'lte!CYCLl!!C, 1,-(An,ll G1UICK COUl"LIN6 VALV1!!9 !HALL l!I!! OI" A TYi"!! De16Nl!!D l"Olll THI! uee ON lltl¾YCL!C, HATER Dl5Tlt.lSUTION !!,Y!!,T?!M!!, (51"1Kl!!5 NOT INT!lllc.HAN<SEA1'1.!! HITH l"OTASU! 1'4AT?!lll GIUICK COUl"Lel'lt Sl"IK!!!!,) '"!!"-CAl'ltL5eAD i"IJNIC,ll"AL l'IATl!l't Dl&Tlt.lCT'5 l'ULee AND l'!e<SULATIONS. 19. Ml!T?!lll!!, 9HAU. l!I!! SIZl!!C) 1!1'T' THI! CAl'tUIIIAC> MJNICl,-AL l'!AT!!ill DISTRIG.T. I ... ALL ll'ltllll9ATION 1"11"9 9HALL l!I!! ST?!NCILl!D HITH TH!! l'IAl'l:NINe 'NON-l"OTAl!IL!' Olll "i'lteG,YG,L!!C, 1'4ATl!l't.", GOLOl'lt-GOO!C, (l"Ullll"L.!) AND LAID HITH l'IAl't.NINe TAI"!! AND 5T?!NCILIN6 Ol'tl!!NTl!D TOl'IA"D THI!! TOI" O'° TH!! Tl'!l:!NCH l"!!l'lt C~AD MJNICll"AL 1'4AT?!l't Dl5Tlt.lCT'e l'UL!5 AND l'lte!cSULA TIONS. 19. ALL l"OTAl!II..! l"IATl!!II. AHi:> IU!C'l"CL!D Kil.,,,_ l"ll"IN6 eHALL I!! IN!!,TALLl!D HITH THI! 5T!NCILINcS Ol'ltl!!NTl!D TOl'IA"D TH! TOI" OI" TH! Tl'lt!!Nc::.H. I&. ~ A l"OTAl!IL! l"IAT!!lt LIN!! AND l't.!CYG.L.!0 l'IAT!!lt LIN!! G.""95, TH! lll!!GYG.L!O HAT!!lt LIN! SHALL ee INSTALLeD WITHIN A l"l'WTl!CTIV! 51.!!eYl!!. THI!! 5L!!ev!! !IHAI.L exreND 10 PeeT F'l't.OM !!ACH SIDI!, 1"111.0M TH! C!NT!l't LIN!! 01" l"OTAl!ILI! l'IATl!l't. LIN!, l"Ol't A TOTAL o"' 20 l"eeT. Ii. A 10 l"OOT HOllllZONTAL ll!l"AlllATION l!!!'TW!!N l"OTAl!L!! 1'4AT?!l't. AND l'lte!C'T'CLl!!D l'IATl!l'lt MAIN!, MUST ee MAINTAIN!D AT ALL TIM!!!,, TH!! l"OTAl!L!! LIN! MU!!,T I!! IN5TALL!!D Al!IOV! TH! l'ltl!C'T'G.U!O l'IAT?!l't. LIN!. I&. A MINIMUM OI' 12 INCHl!!!I Cf" V!lllTICAL l!ll!l"AlllATION !ll!'rYel!!N UTILITl!e MJ!IT l!I!! MArNTAINl!D AT ALL TIM9. !IE l"I. TH! "2G\Jtl'ltl!C) (;.IIII09e-<:Of U ee,,-10H SHm:IOl"IN T!5T SHALL 91! DONI!! IIY TM! CAl'ltL!eAO MUNICll"AL HAT?!l'lt Dl!Tlt.lCT AND TH! !MN c:>lecSO COUNT'!" Del"Al'tTMeNT 01" !NVll't.ONMeNTAI. H!!ALTH. :20.QUIC:.K CO!JIDLINe VAL\/'!& ueeD IN l'lt!CYCLl!D HAT!!lll &Y!Tl!Me !l+!ALL CONl"OlllM TO THI!! '°OLLOHINl!!I, 9H-'LL HAY'! ACM! THl'lt!AC:1$ (ei"ltc:e NOT INTl!lllCHAN<9!Al!U! WITH l"OT"9Le l'IATl!"1. QUICK COUl"L!lll 51"1Ke5) AND l"Ul'ltP'L!-GOLOl'lt!D LOCKINi!t COV!l'lt5 l"!l'ltMAN!NTL Y ATTACHED TO TH!! VALV!!. GIUICK COUl"LINcS VALV!S SHALL el: NEL&oN #764', HJNT!!lt ~VIOOA-1'1.1.-N,-, Olll A1"1""1.0Vl!P EGIUAL. :ll. TH! 111.!®ll'lt!D Cl't.09&-eoNN!CTIOH IN91"1!!CT'ION SHALL !I! DON! 1!Y l!ITH!lll TH! CAl't.L5eAC) MUNICll"AL HATl!!II. Dl&Tlt.lCT AND/Olll COUNT'!" OI" &AN Dl!90, D!l"T. OI" l"UeL.IC HeAL TH. COl"l!S 01" TH! IN51"1!!CTION ~T!I HILL II! l"Ol'tl'IAl't.O!D TO TH!! NON-IN&P!!CTINcS l"AAT'I". !11.:22. Dl!V!I.Ol"!l'I &HALL 9HOl<'I TH! LOCATION CII" lll!!CYC:.L!D l'IATl!l'lt 1516N5 "C,O NOT DllllNI(' ON TH!!!!,! l"LANS. *-2,, AN ON SIT!! U5!llll'!Ui"!IV1901' SHALL Ill! Dl!!lle!IH,t,'11!c, IN l«ITINe, THI!, 1'1elll!ION !l+!AU. l!I!! l"AMILIAl'lt WITH l"LUMl!IINe &Y!T!Ml!I WITHIN TH!! l""1.c:)llll!T'I" WITH THe eAelC CONCei"T5 OI" l!IACK'°LOY'I/Cl't.0!15-CONNl!!CTION Pl'ltOTl!CTION, ANC> THE ~ll"IC l'ltl:GUll'lt!!M!!NT5 01" A l'lte!CYCLl!D HATel'lt 5Y!Tl!M. COl"I!!!!, OI" TH!! De&lcSNATION, ,ilTH CONTACT l"HONe NUMl!le"-!o, SHALL Be Pl't.OVIO!C) TO THI! CAl'ltL!eAD MJNICl,-AL 1'4AT?!lll Dl&TllllCT ...,_., TH! COUNT'!" 01" SAN Dl!:60, DEPT. 01" !NVll't.ONM!NTAL HeAL TH. IN C::.A!ll!! Of" ~NCY CONTACT, 51'1 l"l'lt01"1="1.Tll!5, LLC -LAl'tl'lt'T' NELSON "4"1-i52-2066 01' Al"Tl!!l't. HOU"1.S CONT AG T, 91-1 l"l'l!Ol"El'ltTII!&, LLC -LAl'ltl'lt'T' N!L!ON "14"1-i!J2-2066 2•. ALL l"U!!k.lC:. AMC) l"l't.lVATI! l"OTAl!IL.! l'IAT!!lll MAIN& SHALL 91! !!,HO,,f,I ON TH! IMl"lllOVl!!Ml!f !"LAie. * IT!M MJMl!!l!!l'lt!i I!>, 1<11, AND 25 SHALL l!I!! l'lt!GIUll'lt!C) ..IJ!!,T l"l't.lOl'lt TO TH! ACTUAL iJee OI' 111.!CYCL!D l'IAT!l't. IT?!M NUMe!lll 22, TH! !ll<SNAi91! l"LAN, SHALL l!le A l"AlllT 01" THI!!, IAAleATION l"LAN euT TH!! ACTUAL &leNS AND TAl95 HILL ee IN5TALL!D .JJST l"l't.lOlll TO THe uee OI" lll!G,YCL!!D HATl!l't.. :29. ON lt!e'l"CLl!l!O HA,,,_ 9'T'S~, ALL ~T!NANCS !5f"llllNl<Lel'lt H!!AC:1$, VALV! l!I0.><1!5, !TGJ !IHALL. 191!! GOI.O!lt-CODl!D (i"Ul't.l"Li=/ l"l!!l'lt ~ 19UIDl!LIN!!l5 AND !leCTION "'°""".54 OI" TH!! CALl'°Ol't.NIA HeAL TH AND 5Al"!!T'I" coc,e, 2•. A l"I-IY51CAL e!!l"Al't.ATION &HALL IM! f"lllOVlc,ec, l!l!TH!!!N AOJAC!!NT Al'lte!A5 ll't.l't.19ATl!D WITH TH! l"OLLO,ilNcS 19UID!!LIN!5 l"Olll TH! IJ!!,I!! OI' l'lt!C'T'CL!D Kl, T!!lt Alltl!: TO 1!11! l"el'ltMAN!NTL 'T' l"OSTl!D INSIDE THe DOOlll 01" !!ACH CONTl'ltOLLel'lt ~ THeY Al'!.!! !!A!IIL Y VISll!IL.E. l"LACe ON l'>-1/2" x II" 5I2:eD 91<SN. GOLOl't, PURPLE! l!IACK~ND HITH l!ILACK L!TT?!l't.lNcS. I. l!IUIP!LIN!e l"()lll lll!G,YC,Ll!D HAT!!lll U!!,!, I. IMl9AT! l!l!'T'),,l!!l!N THe HOUlt5 OI' 10,00 l"M ANO 6,00 AM ONLY. Kl,T!l'tlHdJ OUT&ID! Of" THIS TIM!! '°"-AM!! MU!IT l!I!! DON! MANUALL 'I" HITH GlUALll"ll!D &Ul"l!!l'ltVl!!oOl".'1" l"!!l'lteONNl!L OH !IT!!. NO !IY!T!M !IHALL AT ANY TIM!! 1!11!! L!l"T UNATT!:ND!D DIJRINcS U5! OUT511'! OI" TH!! NOl'ltMAL 5CHeDUL!!. ::Z. IMleAT! IN A MANN!lll THAT HILL MINIMIZ! ~N Ol"I", l"OOLINe AND l"ONDINcS. THI! Al"l"LICATION l'tAT?! !IHAL.L NOT l!XC.e!D TH! IN'°ILTlllATION l'ltATI! Of" THe &olL. TIMel'lt!!, M.l!IT !!le AD..WTl!D SO A& TO !!le COMl"ATll!ILe HITH TH!! L0"'1!5T SOIL INl"IL Tl'tATION "1.ATI! 1"111.e!l!!NT. THIS l"l'WCl!!DU"I:! MAY Be '°ACILITATl!D SY THE !!l"l"ICl!!NT 5CH!!DULINcS OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTll!OL CL0cK5, I.e. !!Ml"L.OYINcS THI!! l'!el"!!AT "'WNCTION TO l!lflll!:AK UI" TH!! TOTAL ll'ltl'ltl<SATION TIME INTO CYCL!5 THAT HILL l"FWMOTI! MAXIMUM SOIL Al!!!,ORl!ITION. 9. ADJ.15T H!!AC)5 TO l!LIMINAT?! OV!l't-51"1'1tAY ONTO Al'ltl!A!!, NO,-UND!l'lt TH!! GONTl'tOL OI" THE CU5TOM!!Fl 1"0111. E:XAMl"L!!, P"OOL D!!C,KS, l"l't.lVATI! P"ATIO! AND LOTS, AND 5Tl'!!ET5 AND 51DEHALK!I. . 4. MONITOR. AND MAINTAIN TH! 5Y!T!M TO MINIMIZ! !!GIUll"M!NT AND MATEl't.lAL l"AILUl't.!. Sl't.OK!N 51"1'1tlNKLEl't HeA05, LeAK5, UNl'lte!LIAel.l!! VALV!!!,, ere. SHOULD eE Fll!!l"All't.!!D A& 500N A5 THl!'T' l!leCOMe Al"l"Al'ltl:NT. 5. !DUCAT!! ALL MAINTl!NANCE l"E:111.!!,0NN!L OH A CON,-INIJOU!l l!IA&l5 ON TH!! ~! "'° 111.ec.YcLeD HAT!l't.. l"el'ltSONNl!!L MUST !!le INl"Ol'ltM!D THAT l'lteC'l"CL.!D HATl!l'lt 15 MEANT l"Ol't 1111.l'ltleATION l"URl"05e5 ONLY, AND ,e NOT Al"l"ROV!!D l"Ol'lt Dl'ltlNKINe l"URl"05E5, HAND, TOOL l'IASHIN<S ETC. 81V!!N THE HleH TU!l!.NOV!!l't. l'tATE OF eMl"LO'l"Ee5 IN TH! LANDSCAl"E INDU5Tl'lt'I" IT IS IMl"Ol'ltTANT THAT THIS INFOl'ltMATION SE Dl55eMINATED ON AN AL.MO!!,T DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, TH!! LAND5CAl"E CONTl't.ACTOl't., HH0 IS l't.l!Sl"ONSll!ILE f'Ol'lt E:DUCATIN'5 !!ACH ...,_., !vel'ltY ONe 01" YOUFI. !!Ml"LOYEe5 . •. OBTAIN l"l't.lOl'lt Al"l"lllOVAL 01" ALL l"l'Wl"05!!D CHANc5!5 AND MOOll"IG.ATION5 TO ANY l"l'ltlVATI!, ON-!llT! l"ACILITl!5. SUCH CHAN<See MJST el! eueMITTeD TO, AND Al"l"ROVED SY, THI! Dl!Tl'tlCT !!NelNl!!el't.lNe O'°l"IC!! AND DESl6NeD IN ACCO"DANCI!! WITH Dl5Tl't.lCT !!,TANDAl't.D5, 1. ALL l'!l:!G.YG.L!!D HAT!l'lt 51"11l1NKL!l'lt CONTl'ltOL VALV!!S !IHALL el! ,-Ac56ED HITH ID!N,-ll"ICATION SHEET INDEX: TAee. A, TMJe eHALL 1111 9'x4' l'il!ATH!l'lt~ l"LA&TIC, l"Ultl"L.I! IN COLOII., WITH T'HI! l'IORDS 'HAl'tNINe -l'lte!C'l"CL!!D HATl!l'lt -DO NOT Dl'ltlNK" ON ONe SID!! AND "AVl!O - A<SUA l~-NO TOMAlll" ON THe OTH!l't. &ID!. IMi"l'tlNTINi!t 5HALL 1!11!! l"el't.MANeNT AND l!LACK IN GOLOlt. U5! TAes A!!, MAt-lU"'ACTUl'ltl:!D l!IY 'I". CHl't.15T'I" ENTEl't.l"l't.I5!!15 Ol'l Al"l"lllOVED !!GIUAL. e. ON! TAcS &H-'L.L !le ATTACHl!D TO !!ACH VALV!! A!!, l"OLLoi,-e, I, ATTACH TO VALV!! 5Tl!!M Dll'lteG,TLY, Ol't HITH Tl!"""'°'"'· Ol'lt ... :2. ATTACH TO 50L!!NOID l'Ul'ltE Dllll!G,TLY Ol't HITH l"LA!!TIC Tl!!!"""'°''"· 01' ... 15. ATTACH TO VALV!! COV!lll ,ilTH !Xl5TIN6 VALV!! G.OV!!l'lt SOLT. &. ALL Sl"l'ltlNKL!l'lt ~ SHALL l!le ID!:NTIFll!C) A5 l'ltl!CYCL!D HATI,ll 51"1'1.INKL!l'lt H!!ADS. II. l!ACH AUTOMATIG. CONTll!OLLel'lt AND 11?1 A590GIATl!D !GIUll"M!NT &HALL !!IE IDl!!NTll"ll!:D WITH A SlcSN l!l!!AAIN<S TH!! j,(Olllc,!!!o 'l't!!CYCL!!D l'IAT!l'l U5e F'Olll ll'tl't.lcSATION" IN eNcSLl&H AND Sl"ANl!IH HITH BLACK LE'l1"el'l5 I lnc.h HleH ON A l"URl"LE eACKel'tOUND. THe !!,l&N SHALL ee l"LACED !!,O THAT IT CAN Ill! l'lteADIL Y 51:!!N l!Y AN'!" Ol"l:l'ltATIONS l"El'leoNNeL U51NcS THE EGIUIP"MENT. lNS,i; Ew:JQN. f'BOGl!PIJRl:f>, IN51"ECTION 01" THE l"FWJECT SHALL el!! f"e1'1tl"Ol'ltM!D l!IY TH!! LAND5CAI"!! Al't.CHIT?!CT 01" THe HOl'ltK, Ol'l HI!!, DESlcSNATl!D ""5ENT. l'!ef"El't. TO THE SCHE:DUL!! 01" "1.EGIUll't.ED INSl"ECTIONS AND l'!l:!GIUll'ltl!D 5Ul!IMITTAL5. l"OLLOHINe G.OMl"L!,-ION OI" TH! ~. TH!! LAND5CAl"I!! ~HITl!CT OI" THe HOl'ltK ,iiLL Cel't.Tll"Y THAT TH! IN5TALLATION HAS l!l!eN COMl"L!TeD l!IY 5UeMITTINe TH! "FINAL LAND5CAI"!! Cel't.Tll"ICATION l"l'tOM" A 111.EGlU!!ST 1"0111. FINAL LANDSCAI"!! INSP"ECTION l!IY TH!! CIT'!" MU!lT BE MAC)E BY G.ALLINcS TH!! IN5f'ECTION l'ltl:GlUl!!ST LINe. "'°INAL LAND5CAI"!! C!:"1.Tll"ICATION l"Ol'M" l"AX TO, 160-"144-1'>"14!!1 LANDecAI"!! IN51"!!CTION l'lt!!GIU!5T l"HONe LIN!, 160-602-460:2 I. LANC>5CAl"I!! A~HIT!GT'S CON!!,Tlt.UCTION INSl"l!CTION !IHALL INCLUD!, A. LOCATION l"ll"e L1Ne5. l!I. Tlt.eNCH Dt!l"TH C. l't.eGIUl"1.ED 5!P"Al't.ATION (HOlllZONTAL AND vel'ltTICAL) D. l"ll"E ID!N,-ll"ICATION E. l"OINTS-01"-GONNl!!G.TION (i"OC•) '°· LOcATION AND IO!NTll"ICATION O'° 51"111.INKL!lll He~. e. HAl'tNINcS 51eNS AT TH! 51'!?: AND ON THe Tlt.UCK5 HAULINe l'lte!CYCL.!D l'IATl!l't. (II" l'(EC.YCL!!D HA'T?:R I& US!!D l"Ol'lt GONS'l'lt.UCTION). TITLE SHEET RECYCLED WATER USE MAP IRRIGATION PLAN AND NOTES IRRIGATION PLAN, SCHEDULE AND PRESSURE CALCULATIONS IRRIGATION PLAN AND LEGEND IRRIGATION DETAILS IRRIGATION DETAILS IRRIGATION DETAILS PLANTING PLAN AND NOTES PLANTING PLAN AND TREE, GROUNDCOVER AND HYDROSEEED LEGEND PLANTING PLAN AND SHRUB LEGEND PLANTING DETAILS IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS AN Al"l"ROV!D L.! I I !It lll!6Al't.DIN6 THE INSl"!!G.TION OI" TH!! l"lllOJl!!CT SHALL !le Ol!ITAINl!!D '""'°"" THe CIT'!" AND Dl&Tlt.lCT, AND l!I!! l"OlllHAl't.Der:> TO THe 5AN Dl!!cSO COUNTY D!!l"T. Ol" ENVll't.ONMl!NTAL H!!AL TH l"l'ltlOlll TO l"INAL INSl"ECTION Al"l"ROVAL. II. Dl5Tlt.lCT l"INAL IN5i"!CTIOH SHALL IHCLUC>I!!, A. GOY!!lllA6! Tl!5T5, Al"T?!l't. GOMl"L!!TION Of" TH!! 51"11l1NKU!lll &Y!Tl!M TO C>!Tl!RM!Ne THI! ADl!aUAC 'T' Ol" COVE"-"6e ON TH!! Al"l"l't.OVED use Al'U;A AND l"FWTl!C TION 01' Al'ltl!A& NOT Al"t"l't.OVED l"Ol'lt l'!l:!C!IVIN<S "l:!CYCL!!D 1'4ATEl't. II. HAl'tNINcS SleN5 AND LAl!!L5 C. GlUICK COUl"LIN<S VALve! D. ALL A51"!!CT5 01" THI!! ll't"1.leATION CONDITION!!,, iNCLUDINe HINC>l!lLOl'N ~Y, l't.UNOl'I" AND l"ONDINe. e. "1:!Gll.Jll't.l!C> l"FWT!GTION Of" ALL. l't.!!!!,IC>l!!NTIAL Al't.!AS. I". l'!l:!GIUll'lt!!D l"l't.OT!GTION OP' I-ELLS, STRl!At-115, l'lte!SER.VOl!ll5, !TG., c9. Cl'ltOSS-CONNeC TION. Ill. ANNUAL IN51"1!!G.TIOH !IH-'LL ING.LUI'!, A COMl"Ll!TI! INSl"l!!CTION l<+!ICH SHALL COVl!ill l"AAT A, l"AAT 1!1, AND l"Al'lt,-c9 OI" TH! Dl!-Tl'I.ICT'S l"INAL IN51"eG.TION. 111.!VISIONS MUST l!I!! Al"l"'l'ltOVI l!IY l"U9LIC::. H!!AL TH !!NcSINe!l't., CITY l"LANNINe Dll't.!!CTOl't., AND C,15Tl'ltlCT !!Ni!tlNe!!l't. l"l't.lOlll TO IMl"LEMENTATION IN l"l!!LD. OWNl:fl DAVIS l"Al'ltTNelll!o, INC. 1420 l!lr'l•tol Street, !!,lute 100 Newport l!eoeh, CA "1:2660 1"1,one, ("14"1) i,2-2066 Pl'l'<U,PY,DQN C2S ltJ!!Of'IQN!!l1fflf I" r,HAsll!Sf! I H!l't!l!'T' c,ee,LAl't! THAT I AM TH!! LANDSGAl"e A~HITl!!CT Of" TH! i'IOl't.K l"Ol't. THIS l"ltOJE:CT, THAT I HAVE !!XERC,I51:0 RESP"ON516LE CHARGE OVEl'lt THE DESI.SN OF THIS l"ROJ!!CT AS c:>!'°INl:D IN SECTION f>iO!!I OF THE el.JSIN!!SS ,-l'lt0Fe510N5 CODI!: AND THI!! DESI.SN IS GON51STeNT WITH CUl'ltl'lt!!NT STANDAl'tc:>5. II UNDl!:l'ltSTAND THAT TH!! CHECK OF f'l'ltO.Jl!:CT D~IN'55 AND 51"eGIFICATION5 l!IY TH! C:.ITY OF CARl.5eAD AND THE !AN DIE:50 COUNTY Dl!!P"AATMENT 01' ENVll'ltONMl!NTAL Hl:AL TH 15 CONl"INl:D TO A l'ltEVIEi-1 ONLY AND c,oes NO,. "'1::Lll!!VI: Me, AS LAND5GAPE Al'ltCHITl!!CT 01" i-l0"1.K, O'° MY "1.ESi"ON511!11LITl!!5 l"Ol'lt l"l'ltOJE:CT DESl<SN. TH!!Se l"LANS HAVE fleEN l"l'ltel"Al'ltec:> IN 5Ul!l5,-ANTIAL CON'°OR.MANC!! WITH THe Al"l"l'ltOveD LANDSGAl"E C:.ONC!!l'"T P"LAN, HATE:R CONS!!l'ltVATION l"LAN, 1"1"'1:: 5UP"P"l'lte5510N ,.LAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS 01" Al"l"1'0\/AL "1.l!!LATeD TO LAND5GAl"IN6. !leNAii.ii@ Ol" LANDSGAJoi! AieHlf!ti' LICENSE Nb. 6~0/0i c:>A 'T?: TOTAL SITE IS 1117,145 8.1'. (INCLUDING ENHANCED AREAS AT THE ENTRIES TO THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN THE 35' LANDSCAPE SETBACK AREA AND SOME SLOPES. EXCLUDING BUILDINGS.) TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA IS 491193 8.P'. J!.% OF THE TOTAL SITE IS LANDSCAPING :tONI! ONI! LANDSCAPE AREA 510tl3 8.F . .!_% OF SITE. ZONE lWO LANDSCAPE AREA 441830 8.P'. 27 % OF SITE. ALL EXISTING TREES AND STREET TREES ARE PER CITY APPROVED DRAWING NUMBER 399-4L. TURF REPRESENTS J!. % OF TOTAL LANDSCAPE. EMPLOYEE EATING AREA THE EMPLOYEE EATING AREAS PROVIDE 4,112 8.1', OF HARDSCAPE-LANDSCAPE AREA FOR EMPLOYEE BREAKS. THE AREA INCLUDES OUTDOOR DINING, BENCHES, SET IN A BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED SPACE. (MEETS THE 300 S.F. /PER 50008.F. BUILDING PATIO.) MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BUILDING OWNERSHIP. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL 'v/ATER DISTRICT 111.!CYCL!D K',T!l't AND l"OTAl!IL!! HAT!lll. 9!!1"AlllATION SHALL 191!! l"lltOVID!!D SY CONCl'lte!TI! MOH !ITl'ltl1"5, .J~;TtQ" ... Jb-1,3-t>C CHAIN LINK !'!!Nee! Olll OTH!!l'lt Ml!THOD5 Al"l"'l'tOVl!D B'T' TH!! l'IAT!lll DISTl'ltlCT .H. * T.ESHIMA DESIGN GROUP l.AND9CAPB ARCHlTBCIURE • LAND Pl.ANNING 9909 BUSINIIJIIPAIK AVB. SUDB C • MN DIBOO, CA 9'U ------ ·t"··'".........s •.. -."'"--- ' I I ' -'LL ll't.l'ltlc!!IATION l!IAeKl"LOH l"l'ltl!V!NT!!ill!!, SHALL l!I!! Tl!!!Tl!D SY A C!lllTll"ll!D T?!!!,T!l't. AND l'lte!5UL T5 MJ5T l!IE c91V!N TO TH! CIT'!" ANO TH! CAltL.5eAD MUNICl,-AL Kl,T!!l't. C,ISTl'ltlG,T, 1"11"1!! l!leTH!!:eN TH! MET!l'lt AND SACKFLOH l"l't.!!V!!NT!l't. SHALL l!le "SCHeDUL! K HAl'ltD GOl"F'!!lll'. Al"l"l't.OVED CONTl'ltACT l!IACK'°LOH T!5TEl't5 CAN BE l"OUNC, ON TH! CIT'!" l'E6 SITE AT ,,.,...,,,:l.~orl!lbod.eo . ..-lpc:IPdoe.html?pld•!!l40 Olll G.ALL 160-4!51'>-2i:2::Z . "-·-· -~ .. ,,~• -r-- I I I I I, ' -o};n:, SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~ -~ lo-1t,,r1' APPROVED BY, DATE• I I !'I I I ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SEE SHEET 2 FOR RECYCLED WATER USE MAP KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE PREPARED POR: DAVIS PARTNERS, INC. 1420 Bristol Street, Siute 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: (949) 752-2066 PREPARED BY: TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP COURT CffT Gr ENCINITAS VICINITY HAP NOSC>I.E GlfGAL DESCRIPTION DEVELOPER ....,,.,.. /'IJII/M -lr.li LI! 1-11() IRSTDI.. Sl. Sl,llE ff» NOIPONT .!EAQI( Gt l,lfJ#{) l'IIONt·{Wl)?V-!IIJfll I ■ :::c: ■ w ■ C 9903 Businesspark Avenue, Suite C San Diego, CA 92131 AM' I ~ 1 Of ~ 'l'IMCf M2 .... Ill 'INC QTY tF ~ COIINTY IF SAN~ .STAlE'or~~TrJMAP »ffEOF' NO. fNJJT. fl.lIJ IN lH£ OfFlC'£ Of ,,C CfXJNTY A£CIYiOEH fY' SAN {)l£C(J COIJNTY, aM' .111-. ..APB ClVIL ENGINEER/l,4N.D SURVEYOR 858.693.8824 -J1..-----1e·------J1Llf N.T.S, 1 IN ORDER TO CONSERVE WATER ... RECYCLED WATER ~~ DO NOT DRINK IN USE NO TOME ELAGUA WASH HANDS AFTcR CONTACTING LAVESE SUS MANOS OESPUES DE USAA ' .060 ASS PLASTIC, STICK-ON YIN'l"L OR .OS:.2" ALUMINUM 1<EVIEWED• ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE /,\ DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORI< REVISION DESCRIPTION 111-015-0J • lll-rJt$-lN ADDRESS MOAIJMf3:9' AHCtA&U..!r 'Ill$ R NDNKIIIC$$A~AT1HS!IIIE O!MY CONSU.TAN,S. .ftC l1f0 l.t'JKfl AlfM.£ lllST, #'IE ,_ CW..AMa ~ IJ«II (1fO)IJT-7700 07{NE.R MtfJI/MfOIIJII/A.rtn4.IQ LI'. '"" 8fllS7lX. s,: !Ulf 1{lfJ NlFOllf EAa,: Qif -,, FWIH:(IHI),.,__ fE(;YQ eD WATER IPi Nil£ MIF --1!1!.,1,,(;KL.o.,o ~ IMC~ND I' 1'1.Ac::I( Llm!!N ---36''-+----------.J/L. N,T,$, WAl!NING CYCLED WATER 00 NOT DRINK WASH HANDS AFTER CONTA ING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES E USAA 2' !IL.AG!<: Llm1!IU 51.?e, 1::2' X ~6" .060 Al55 PLASTIC., 5TIC.K-ON VINYL OR .o~::i'' ALUMINUM APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING l:REQISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT P.E. EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR u DATE DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' -PALOMAR FORUM LOTS8AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AP~ET lf· ~I il •1•0'-I PLANNING DATE OWN lilY: DAT[ INITIAf. OAT[ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHEI! APPROVAf. CITY APPROVAf. RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L I ~--.-... ..... LEGEND B BACKFLOW PREVENTER BAU.VALVE 1-1/2 "WATER METER {FUTURE RECYCLEO) PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER ---IRRIGATION MAINLINE _.,. __ EXISTING RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE POTABLE WATER MAIN IN STREET RECYCLED WATER MAIN IN STREET "DO NOT DA!NK" SIGNS AREAS OF RECYCLED WATER use REMOTE CONTROL VALVE MASTER CONTROL VALVE ... FIRE HVDPIANT • QUICK COUPI.EA IIUILDINQ 'A' P"OT AeLI:! l'-IA TER M!:TEFI. AND BACKFLOIIII *C'B E BUILDING 'B' r--P"ROF'OSl:!D Fl.l:!CYCLeD l'-IAT!:FI. IRRl6ATION MAIN BUILDING 'I!' ,---P'ROF'OSEC, FU;j!N'CLED l'-IATE!lt IRRl6ATION AIN POTABLE: WATEl=t METE!lt ,)v,,:-,..,.,r;:;:-"-AND BACKFLOIIII BUILDING,.. BUILDING 'G' I' North ~ 11111 -11111 0 51 !501 601 @] CONTROLLER USE MAP e POTABLEWATERMETERANDBACKFLOW RECYCLED WATER _:___ _ ___::___ _ __::_ ________________________________ _ SCALE, 1"=~0'-0" * 1ESHIMA DESIGN GROUP 1AND1i1CAFB ARCHl1'ECIURB • lAND PlANNlNG ,_ BUlllNl!9AIIK AVE. sutrB C • MN I!IBAO, CA !1.2131 ------ . I i IUILDIN'Gl'C' w .,,--,... !!MOTi!! CON~L VAL V!!! BUILDING 'D' POT AeLE F!:ED TO BUILDINe I) FIFI.I! HYDRANT l"'OT AND IUlt.DING 'H' LI!! l'-IA TEFI. M!:TEFI. _[_ LAND¾ --- CKFLOIIII BUILDING1' Pl!! eeTeACK ff-""'::;;-~s;:::-,.;.;,;,;;~~~~i~~~; ___ _ .. · . ~-: ........ · ,·' ' ;, . ' . .. II:, DONOT DIUNK NO'l0MII ELAGUA CV~ . .• ' . :,,: :,,: i!J1. ,.;:; ,'; <\~~ ,'«'" '-; ,. /. l•l• · b.'> ·' OONO l'00TING .A,'> · • .1 ··~ v . ~ · APPROVED '' NOTE: PROVIDE CROSSOVER SLEEVE PER NOTE 16 ON SHEET 1, WHERE PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAIN CROSSES POTABLE WATER MAIN. NOTE: THERE ARE NO FOUNTAINS, DRINKING FOUNTAINS, POOLS OR WELLS OR PLAYGROUNDS ON SITE. NOTE: THERE ARE NO GROUND LEVEL OR SIDE OF BUILDING AIR INTAKES. NOTE: THERE ARE NO EXIS'IING WELLS ON SITE. NOTE: ALL SCREENED FACILITIES ARE PER CIVIL DRAWINGS. TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP CANNOT VERIFY LOCA llONS, CONTRACTOR MUST FIELD VERIFY ACTUAL LOCA llONS. NOTE: THERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT PIPE TO PIPE DRAINAGE FROM RECYCLED WATER TO STORM DRAIN. FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT " "·~f;<_<:--V///,,. 1/ -AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING E:~ECISE P.E. EXP. DATE R!:C.L.AIMED Y'IATER 51GN LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: N.T.9. AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE w CIT'( OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 00 5 PALOMAR FORUM LOTS8AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA lAPPROn (4r-~,, n-.., . ell, 1 PLANNING DATE Lu. uWN o,: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INmAL O,,,TE INITIM. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: f' " . . -~.., .,,,., ,,.. __ ,,,..>Ii, , ",U, '· ' ' ' I • '',' I; - IRRIGATION NOTES 1. ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL ANO STAT! LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING 0A RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2. THE CONTAACTOA SHALL VIERIFY THI! LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTUAL PLANS AND AS-BUILT DRAWINGS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. -4. CONTRACTOA SHALL COOROINAT!: ALL IRRIGATION LINES AND CONTROIJ.ER WIRES WITH PROPOSED LOCATIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL AND ROOT BARRIERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES SHALL BE COORDINATED AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PAVING, WALL FOOTINGS/ FOUNDATIONS, CURBS AND ETC. 5. STATIC PRESSURE IS: 103 P.8.1 DATE PRESSURE GIVEN: 5-6-06 VERIFIED BY: DAVID -CMWD S. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS AS NECESSARY, T. 00 NOT WILLl'ULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT N3 SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. 8. INSTALL ALL l!QUtl'MENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS ANO SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. 9. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL COMMON WIRE TO THE END OF THE MAINLINE RUN IN TWO DIRECTIONS FROM THE CONTROLLER. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE (2) ADDITIONAL CONTROL WIRES TO EVERY VALVE MANIFOLD. ALL ADDITIONAL WIRE SHALL BE BUNDLED, TAPED, AND PLACED IN CONTROL VALVE BOX, 10. ALL LATERALS, MAINLINE ANO WIRE UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. ALL LATERALS, MAINLINE AND WIRE UNDER VEHICLE PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 80 SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED.ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. ALL SLEEVES TO BE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 11, ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDING, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS. 12. ALL HEADS tNOICATED ON THE PlANS AT A SPACING LESS THAN 75% OF FULL OPEN THROW, AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, ARE TO RECEIVE A PCS SCREEN OF APPROPRIATE SIZE TO REDUCE THE RADIUS TO MORE CLOSELY MATCH THE SPACING. REFER TO THE MANUFACTURER'S CHARTS PROVIDED WITH PCS SCREENS FOR SIZING OF SCREENS. 13. PROVIDE CLEAN SANO BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE (3 IN. BELOW AND e IN. ABOVE PIPE MINIMUM). 14. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS & IN ACCORDANCE W/THE CRITERIA AND STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE STANDARDS MANUAL & OTHER APPLICABLE STOS. AS OF THE APPROVED DATE OF THESE PLANS. 15. USE VAPIIAl!ILE APIC NOZZLES AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE COMPLETE COVERAGE WITH MINIMAL OVERSPRAY 18. SYSTEMS ARE DESIGNED FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 pal FOR SPRINKLER HEADS. 17. ALL LATERAL ENO RUNS SHALL !IE 3/4' SCH 40, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 18. ALL REMOTE CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN VALVE BOXES, ONE VALVE PER BOX. LOCATE ALL REMOTE CONTROL ANO QUICK COUPLING VALVES ADJACENT TO WAI.KS OR CURBS. ti. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ""°POSED LOCATION FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER ANO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. C.M.W.D. BACKFLOW SPECIALIST TO APPROVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER LOCATION. 20. INSTALL (1) WCS "RAINGUARD" RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICE, OR EQUAL, PER CONTROLLER, PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 21. CROSSOVER SLEEVE TO l!IE PROVIDED WHERE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE CROSSES POTABLE DOMESTIC WATER MAINS. SLEEVE TO BE INSTALLED ON RECYCLED MAIN AND EXTEND TEN (10) FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE POTABLE MAIN. 22. CHECK VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT ALL LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. NOT!: lnstallatlon of Irrigation at shown on the approved plans shall commence within 10 dayl of the time when each slope Is brought to grade aa shown on the approved grading plane. NOTE: Sleeves on Alcyeted water Mainline must extend Min. 10 feet each side of Potable Main per Note #18 on Sheet!• (Typical for all Crossings) • TESHIMA OF.SIGN GROUP lANDSCAPB ARCHD'l!CI'URE • I.AND PUNNING 9'CD Bl1SINBlllPARK AV& SUIIB C • MN Dll!GO, CA 9'.1131 ------TOG JOB NO. 04-MI I I I I ~--···---- I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I ' ' I ' I ! I I ' I ' I I I I ' I I ~ ' ! I EX/ST. j-L _./:;.+;.,;,::..:.,+:=.+I / __ ~ SJ:, __ _ E. I I I \ I I 1' ,_) 1¼" \ \ ¾" \ 4 \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,..-- \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' "" =,, \ 4~ \ A,..;..6~ ··~~ SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND SEE SHEET 4 FOR IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SEE SHEET 6, 7 AND 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEET 13 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS \ \ \ \ '\ \ , BUILDING 'A' ~~ 0 5' :20' 40' North SCALE, I "=:2O'-O" DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK I I , I 1"--"5.J__~---J:hl-A-1 ® s, IRRIGATION CONTROLLER 'B' CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL (1) 44-STATION HUNTER CONTROLLER ICC-4400SS (WALL MOUNT) WITH STRONG BOX se-,essw STAINLESS STEELENCLOSURE.ANALLOCATION OF CONTROLLER SHALL BE APPROVED BY AUTHORIZED OWNER REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOA SHALL PROVIDE 120 VOLT ELECTI'IICAL SERVICE TO CONTROLLER PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. KEY MAP ~ NOTTO SCALE APPROVED i FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT " DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL P.E. EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR PALOMAR FORUM LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA WN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. P.I.P. 05-03 DATE DATE DRAWING NO. 4.37-9L IRRIGATION SCHl!DULI Dlloonnact and cap exllltlng mainline Hrvtng landacepa n1backs and slopes from Histing malnllne Hrvlng the rlght,of-way and MSOclatlon maintained areu. Both [II malnllnas were Installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Disconnect and cap at this approximate location. Verify In field prior to commencement of work. Connect existing mainline serving landscape setbacks and slopes to new mainline• Indicated below In Item number 10. [fil Locate mainline In planter area 18' !rom the back of parking lot curb or sidewalk (typ.) II] Wires,._ (typ). [i] Locate an lllleral9 In pfllnter ..... II] All spray headl and rotors locai.d within 24" car overhang shall be 8'' Pop-up bodies. Add new spray heada u lhown to accommodate new lawn header layout. Connect new spray heads to Ixllllng turf valve lnetalled per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Relocated or adjust existing turf spray heads to @] achieve 100%, head to head coverage •. If alter adding new spray heads to the axlsttng valves the total flow exceeds 39 GPM ocntractor shall Install new 1-1 /'Z' remote controi 'll!lve for all new turf spay heads. Valve shall be Rain Bird PESB-A Serie■. Connect new valve■ to new mainline. An spray heads located In 5 feet wide planters lhall be Installed with B' radius Rain (I] Bird Nozzles and equipped with PCS screens ae follows: Quarter pattern nozzles 7 shall be equipped with PCS-1 0 and half pattern nozzles shall be equipped with PCS-020. Existing turf Irrigation Installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing 3911-4L. @] Protect In Place. Adjust head layout and add new spray heads at the slgnage monument and driveway • notes above In Item number B. Adjust head layout or add new spray heads effected by new ocnstruollon. Existing 2" recycled mainline serving slopes and landscape setbacks Installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 3911-4L. Mainline to remain. Protect in [fil Place. Location shown Is approximate. Contractor to verify In field. Contractor shall test existing mainline for leaks and repair If necessary. Contractor shall repair or relocate mainline affected by new construction. "Ci' Connect existing mainline serving landscape s!Jlbacks and slopes to new ~ malnllne at this approximate location. Existing elope and 50' Land~• Setback Irrigation per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Existing Irrigation to remain. Contractor shall relocate, add or adjust all sprayheade and rotors effected by new construction. All spray heads and rotors shall provide 100%, head to head coverage to all planterB and slopes. '111 Contractor shall adjust spray heads and rotors to keep spray off buildings, walls, l.!.!J walks and any hardecape. This lnctudes, but Is not llmlted to, adjustment of diffuser pin or adjustment screw, replacement of presaure ocmpensating screen, replacement of nozzles with more appropriate radius units and the replacement of nozzles wl1h adjustable arc units. Contractor shall also relocate and add spray heads or rotors to meet requirements listed above. If necessary contractor shall Install new remote control valves to acocmmodate new spray heads and/or rotol'8. Contractor shall adjust exlstlng rotors to apray the 24" car over hang. Existing right-of-way irrigation lnetalled per City of Carlsbad approved drawing 1§1 number 399-4M to remain. Protect In Place. Adjust or repair any Irrigation equipment effected by new ocnatructlon. Cut and cap exl811ng lateral Hna at this approximate loce.tlon. Verify In field. Connect § three existing rotors to new lateral line as shown. Change existing nozzles to match nozzles ueed with new rotors. Existing remote control valve lnetalled par City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 3119-4L. Valve to remain. Protect In Place. Location shown Is approximate. 1H] Contractor to verify location In flald prior to ocmmencement of work. Contractor shall test existing valve and repair or replace If necessary. Contractor shall connect existing valve to new controlt.r. Existing remote control valve lnatalled per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 3119-4L. Valve to be reu■ed. Location shown Is approximate. Contractor to verify loce.tton In field prior to commencement of work. Contractor shall teat existing ~ valve and repair or replace If necessary. All valves with flow of less then 25 GPM shall ba 1' in size and all valves wl1h flow of more then 25 GPM shall be 1-1/2' in size. Contractor shall up-size or down size valve accordingly to me!JI the requirements listed above. Contractor shall connect existing valve to new controller. Cut and cap existing mainline 1ervlng slope■ at thla approximate location. Verify In ~ field. Exlatlng mainline Wl!ll!l Installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Connect existing mainline serving slopes to new mainline as indicated above In Item number 1 o. Existing remote control valve !or r1ght-of-way and association maintained areas ffz] Installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Location shown Is approximate. Contractor to verify location In field prior to commencement of work. Valve to remain. Protect In Place Valves shall remain connected to existing controller. Exlsttng 2' recycled mainline eervlng 1he right-of-way and association maintained areas Installed per City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Mainline lo ~ remain. Protect In Place. Location shown Is approximate. Contractor to verify In field. Contractor shall teat existing mainline for leaks and repair If necessary. Contractor shall re air or relocate mainline effected new oonatruollon. Existing row ol spray heads Installed at the back of existing lawn header and top or i:;-;;i bottom ~ elope par City of Carlsbad approved drawing number 399-4L. Spray l!.!I heads to remain. Protect In Plaoe. Adjuat or relocate spray heads effected by new construction. Existing spray headl shall be equipped with appropriate nozzle and epaced to achieve 100%, head to head coverage compatible with new spray head layout u shown. Existing rotors. Location shown le approximate. Contractor to verify In field. Connect ~ three existing rotors to new rotors. New rotors shall be Installed with appropriate nozzle and spacing to achieve 100%, head to head coverage. Also, see Item number 1 1 above. Ifill Connect new valve to exlsttng manifold. Existing rotors at the bottom of the slope. Location ahown la approximate. r,;::; Contractor to verify In field. Contractor shall verify that rotors are installed with ~ appropriate nozzle and spacing to achieve 100%, head to head coverage. Also, see note 11 above. Existing rotors at the top of the slope. Location shown Is approx mate. Contractor to verify in field. Contractor shall verify that rotors are Installed with appropriate nozzle ~ and spacing to achieve 100%, head to head coverage. Relocate rotors down slope so that new row of shrubs will not block the rotors spray down slope. Also, see note 11 above. * TFSHIMA D~IGN GROUP LANDIICAPI! ARalll1!CTURB • LAND P1ANNINO '9M IIUSINJ!llllPAl AV& llllD1! C • MN :oo!OO, CA !'2131 ------TOO JOI NO. ~ I ' ' PRESSURE CALCULATIONS POR POINT OP CONNECTION 'A' PROJECT: Palomar Forum Lot& 6 and 7 LOCATION: Cllv of Clrltbld CA PRESS ZONE I SOURCE ELEV.: 6EIO DATE OF PRESSURE CHECK: 516/06 BY: Dll'lld at CMWD JOB NO.: 04-50 CLIENT N0.:949.752.2066 WATER AUTHORITY: Cllll8bad ~lapel Walo' Oislrlct CALC. DATE: 1 BY~ · VALVE NO. C>l:CKEO: A31 ; P!IESS. AT POC: 103 PSI , HGL: 6flO HIIIHEST HEAD: 433 . POC ELEVATIOII 421 PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE ACCUM. LOSS SECTION TYPe SI!!: LENGTH GPM IN PSI 1 Cl.200 3/4" 30 4.0 .23 2 CL200 3/4" 30' 8.0 .aa 3 CL200 3/4' 20 10.0 .86 4 CL200 1. 2a 12.6 .37 5 CL200 1' II() 14.6 1.94 6 CL200 1·1/4" 10 25.0 ,21 A. TOTAL LATERAL SYSTEM LOSSES 4.46 MAINLINE/SERVICE LINE SYSTEM: PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE ACCUM. LOSS SECTION TYPE SIZE LENGTH GPM INPSI MAINLINE CL. 315 2" 440' 25 2.4 MAINLINE CL. 315 2-112" 10' 25 .05 B. TOTAL MAINLINl,/SERV!CE LINE SYSTEM LOSSES 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS l08SEI: SIZE: WATERMITTR 1-1/2" 1.3 BACKFLOW l'REVENTER 2" 12 CONTROL VAL VE 1-1/2" 3.08 MASTER CONTROL VALVE 1-1/2" 3.08 C. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES 19.4 0. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSSES ( A+B+C) 26.4 E. ATTING LOSSES ( 15% OF TOTAL LOSSES) 3.9 F. HEAO LOSS/ GAIN IN SYSTEM (433-421) 6,1 G. MINIMUM REQUIRED PRESSURE AT LAST HEAD 30 H. DESIGN PRESSURE ( D+E+F+G) 84.8 I. AVAILABLE PSI 103 J. RESIDUAL PSI ( 1-11) 18.2 K. PUMP BOOST L. ADJUSTED RESIDUAL PSI I J+Kl 18.2 PRESSURE CALCULATIONS POR POINT OP CONNECTION '■' PROJECT: Palo .. , Forum Lois 8 and 7 L ""ATIDN: c•• of Clrlobad " PRESS ZONE I SOURCE E1 "".: 680 DATE OF PRESSURE CHEC~ 5/6/0$ BY:OIYldotCM,\'I) JOB NO.: 04·50 CUENT N0.:949.752,21186 WATER AUTHOflll'I: Carlobld Munlc~ Walllr Dlsb1ct I CALC. CATE~ BY~ VALVE NO. CHECKED: 69 PRESS.ATPOC: 97 PSI HGL: 860 POC ELEVATION: 435 HIIHST HEAD: 417 PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE ACCUM LOSS SECTION TYPE SIZE LENGTH GPM IN PSI 1 CL.200 3W 20' 2.7 .04 2 CL.200 1114" 30' 4.7 .50 3 CL.200 1114" 20' 8.8 .56 4 CL.200 1114" 133' 8.B .'17 5 CL.200 1" 20' 13.2 .37 6 Cl.200 1" 30' 15.6 .73 7 CL.200 1-1/4' 1a 17.6 .10 8 CL200 1-1/4' 2(1 23.7 .38 9 CL.200 1-112-30' 21.3 .49 10 CL.200 1-1/2" 20' 35.9 .44 11 CL200 2" 10' 37.5 .09 12 CL200 2" 70 39.1 .!6 13 CL200 2" 30' 42.3 .28 14 CL200 2" !' 50.0 Jj/ A. TOTAL LAT™L SYSTEM LOSSES 8.39 MAINLINE/8!RVICE LINE SYSTBI: PIPE PIPE PIPE ~PE ACCUM. LOSS SECTION TYPe SIZE LENGTH GPM IN PSI MAINLINE CL 315 2-112~ 611' 50 4.8 8. TOTAL MAINLINE/SERVICE LINE SYSTEM LOSSES 4.8 MIICfLLANEOUS LOSll!S: SIZE: WATER METEfl 1-1/2" 4.9 BACKFLOW PREVENTER 2" 12 CONTROL VALVE 1-1/2" 2.06 MASTER CONTIIOL VALl'E 1-1~' 2.06 C. TOTAL MISCELLANEOIIS LOSSES 21.02 D. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSSES ( A+6+C) 34.39 E. ATTING LOSSES ( 15% OF TOTAL LOSSES) 5.1 F. HEAD LOSS/ GAIN IN SYSTEM (417-435) -7.1 G. MlNIMUM REQUIRED PRESSURE AT LAST HEAD 30 H. DESIGN PRESSURE ( O+E+F+G) 61.B I, AVAILABLE PSI 97 J, RESIDUAL PSI ( l•H) 35.2 K. PUMP BOOST L. ADJUSTED IIESIOUAL PSI ( J+K) 35.2 I I I I I • II • • Ill ;e, I 2" 15 ~ II \ I \ \ I \1· \ ~------- KEY MAP --- .J, ~ ;1 , • " ' .... ~ ......... ......... ~ 4" ' ½· ¾" .... ~ ~tl- I ~ I ' .tl". •! --" ' ---. . II .. ' ' 28 I \ I I \ \ , I I I OOUAT NOTTO SCALE I ' PROPERTY LINE - . . I I h BUILDING 'C' +-- ' ,'~ 1,.::i) 16 ('!J) ,0 BUILDING 'H' -- • ""' ---... ----••• s..-. - 40 -" -½• l 2½" I l1 1 I I I ,,,. ..... 11<1 1l I I I BUILDING 'I' ---- II ~~ ~------~~ • " 4 17 I BUILDING 'D' i0-4+---·· l,w~--~-----&~J&K7--- \ ,/ ___ L1. ----- \ ¼' I ¾" 111.TF--2_"_,:k-,=1 -- • _ c2"..RECYCLED.EXISllNG MAl!llllN.E.. - 7 EXIST. ·---,W/1 ----·--------RW .. A39 EX. A40 EX. EXIST. EX. ,.... ....... EX. SIGHT DISTANCE ~---i._;;;:;..:: -'-.J--EXIST. PROPERTY LINE ' ' r--- 1 yID' l I I + I . I \v I I I ,I I t I ' ' ' I l : 1 t -1 < I I 1\--t' I ----4° I \ I I \ -1 I \ I . I \ \ I \[___J ~\ \ I \ ..J I \ Mal' li.w.tlon --PNkPlow / 417 ., "' ... ..,., Huiler Controllw --~,U.41-' I GREYHAWK 5-- COURT ,..T'/IN ~ Antl1ble .. I NOTE: I I I ,1/ - Installation of Irrigation as shown on the apprOV11d plans shall commence within 1 O days of the time when each slope Is brought to grade as shown on the approved grading plans. NOTE: Sleeves on Recycled Water Mainline must extend Min. 1 O feet each side of Potable Main per Note #16 on Sheet 1-(Typical for all North 1-J I 0 ,, .20' 40' SC.ALI:: I ":11.:?0'-0" -W- APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. _.,... .. --2" l'ttlee eeY lnttlilltd 90 nwhY...._ner "AS-BUILT " P.E. EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE Crossings) t---+-r--------~1----1--~--+---I ._I S=H4E=ET:'..:I =C=IT=Y===O=F=C=A=R=L=S=B=AD~'=~~I ,..... PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ' ' i ! I I I i ' PALOMAR FORUM LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I APPRO~--l g-~}...jf= PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 ll-1-01,, DATE DRAWING NO. 437-9L ~ -.J ' .,, 0 ,..- -o,. UI ta- IRRIGATION LEGEND SVMl!IOL DESCRIPTION MANUF MODEL PSI RADIUS GPM NOTES 15, 12, 10/8 Shrub Spl'ly/Pop-up Rain Bird 1812-SAM-NP Body Style & A &. Nozzle -Full 15, 12, 10,8 30 15, 12, 10,8 3.7, 2.6, 1.6, 1.6 Install PCS screens as required to NOT SHOWN Nozzle -Adjustable 15, 12, 10, 8VAN 30 15, 12, 10,8 reduce radius. Install on riser (See t::,. t... J.... Nozzle -Half 15, 12, 10,8H 30 15, 12, 10, 8 2.0, 1 .3, 0.8, 0.8 Rlaer Detail L) except as follows: Install 12" pop-up bodies when /5.( ~ lt!5 Nozzle -One Third 15, 12, 10,8T 30 15, 12, 10, 8 1.2, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5 heads are within 10 feet of walks, k' i;:: it:. Nozzle -Quarter 15, 12, 10,8Q 30 15, 12, 10, 6 1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4 curbs and along turf areas and 13-Nozzle -End Strip 15EST 30 4x 15 0.6 when located within the City right-of-way, or any other area .. Nozzle -Side Strip 15CST 30 4x30 1.2 wllere pedestrian traffic might occur. Use bottom inlet only. See Pop-up Detail C. Shrub 8treem/Bubbl91 Rain Bird 1808 SAM-NP/PAIO Body Style • Flood Bubbler 1401 30 . 0.25 lnS1all PCS screens where ~ Half Circle 5H-B PCS-060 30 2? 0.6 required to reduce radius. -e Center Strip 5CST-B PCS-030 30 3' 0.3 Install all shrub/stream bubbiers on 1806-SAM pop-up bodies with PA-80 adapter. See Pop-up Detail C. 15, 12, 10/8 Turf Pop-up Rain Bird 1808-SAM-NP Body Style •®0 Nozzle• Full 15, 12, 10, 8 30 15, 12, 10,8 3.7, 2.6, 1.6, 1.6 S,ee Pop-up Detail C. Install NOTSHOWN Nozzle -Adjustable 15, 12, 10, 8VAN 30 15, 12, 10,8 PCS screens as required to neo Nozzle -Half 15, 12, 10, BH 30 15, 12, 10,8 2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 reduce radius. nf (Iii' ('f Nozzle -One Third 15, 12, 10, BT 30 15, 12, 10, 8 1.2, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5 ~ l'J cef Nozzle -Quarter 111, 12, 10, ea 30 15, 12, 10, 8 1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4 &-Nozzle -End Strip 15EST 30 4X 15 0.6 Rotor Hunter Body Style I Nozzle -Quarter PGP/PGH/PG!I-ARV-1.0 30 25' 0.5 All heads shall be on risers (See Nozzle -Half PGPIPGH/PHS-ARV-3.0 30 25' 0.9 Rotor on Riser Detail 0) except as Nozzle -Quarter PGJ-00/12-V-R-1.5 40 22' 0.6 follows: Install 12• pop-up bodies when heads are wtthln 1 o feet of Existing Rotor walks, curbs and along turf areas and when located within the City right-of-way, or any other area where pedestrian traffic might occur. SH Poo-un Rotor Detsll N. EQUIPMENT LEGEND SVMIIOL DESCRIPTION MANUF MODEL [M] Recycled Water Meter Point of Connection [I] Reduced Preesure Feboo 825Y Backflow Preventer s Remote Control Valve Rain Bird PESB-R Serles ~ Existing Remote Control Valv. To Be Reused EB Existing Remote Control Valv. @) Master Control Valve Rain Bird PESB-R Serles ® Pr-ure Reducing Valve Wllklne !500 Serlee eJ Controller Hunter ICC-3800SS eJ Controller Hunter ICC-4400SS • Quick Coupler N•llon 71!4!5 ... Ban Valve Ket WLT-0000-T ~ Rain Sel'IIOr wcs Rain Guard [I] Electrtoal Conneot1on NOT Cheek Valve KEIi KC-Serlee SHOWN I Sch.401-1/2" i PreMurl:Z:ed Purple Malnffne PVC or less Cl. 315 2"or more * TF.SHIMA OF.SIGN GROUP lAND9CAPB ARCHrl'BC1'URB • !AND Pl.ANNINO 11m BllSINJlSIIPAK AV& IMl1! C • MN ~ CA 9'D -------mo JOB NO. 04--6'> 'I I SIZE NOTES 1-1/2?' Approx. where shown, fleld verify. 2' See Detail W-20. Size Per Plan Install In valve box with purple lld per detail B. See Irrigation Schedule See Irrigation Schedule 1-1/2" Install in valve box with purple lid per de!all B. Install at point of connection as shown on plan. 2-1/2'1 install In (8'' round valve box with purple lid and (3") washed gravel at bottom. See Ball Valve Detail A (Similar). Exterior wall mount controller. Install with Strong Box S1alnless steel enclosure, SB-18SSW. Install 36-Staflone with WCS Rain Guard Sensor. Final location of controller shall be selected by Owner. Install per manufacturer's specifications. See Detail I. Exterior wall mount controller. lnstell with Strong Box stainless steel enclosure, SB-18SSW. Install 44-Statlone with WCS Rain Guard Sensor. Final lo cation of controller shall be selected by owner. lnS1all per manufacturer's specifications. See Detail I. 1" Install In 10" Round Valve Box with purple lid per detail J. Brand lid with letters "QC". Line Size install In 10" round valve box with purple 110 per detail A. Mount In the areas that will be exposed to unobstracted rainfall, but not In the path of sprinkler spray. Mount per manufactuer's specifications in location selected by Owner. See Detail M. Plug or hard wire controller onto ui-1 120 Volt electrical outlet. Location to be determined by owner. Install where required to prevent low head drainage. Size Per Plan Install with 18' cover. See Trenching Detail F. Malnline shall be located outside of 1he street right-of-way. I ! I I I ' I I • • MATCHLINE -SE'E SHEET 3 : --············· .. ................................... ~ ......... .,... .......... ,. KEY MAP NOTI!!: Installation of Irrigation as shown on the approved plans shall commence within 1 O days of the time when each slope Is brought to grade as shown on the approved grading plans. NOT!: Sleeves on Recycled Water Malnllne must extend Min. 1 o feet each side of Potable Main per Note #16 on Sheet!• (Typical for all Crossings) 111,--....,, ,Non-pressurized Purple Lateral PVC Sleeve• Purple Color for Sch.40 Gray Color for Sch. 80 Controller Station MaxlmumGPM Valve Size PVC " Class200 Size Per Plan Install with 12• cover. See Trenching Detail F. See Notes Size Per Plan eeve un er mprovemen : Under Vehicle Paving Install mainline, wiring and laterals in separate PVC Sch. 80 sleeves with 36" cover. Under Pedestrian Paving Install malnllne, wiring and laterals in separate PVC Sch. 40 sleeves with 18" cover. All sleeves shall be 2 times line size. See Sleeve Detail G. NOTE: ALL SPRAY HEADS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH BUILT-IN CHECK VALVES. ALL SPRAY HEADS TO BE EQUIPPED WITH A PRESSURE COMPENSATING DEVICE. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PROVIDE BEST COVERAGE TO THE LANDSCAPED AREA WITHOUT OVER SPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, WALKWAYS AND PAVING. ALL SPRINKLERS, VALVES AND VALVE BOXES WITH EXTERIOR EXPOSURE ARE TO BE PURPLE. INSTALL POP-UPS WITHIN 10 FEET OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USE AREAS. I I I I I ' I I ' I i! I I ' I ' TJV!h=~-~~=i=======:;;:====_==J_;~:;1-=:~:~~~====~======1-: __ ~Jf~~2 ""l .. =,=:~~·:$~~i~1r1 ·l· ==~Lm;~-;------------,--= BUILDING 'E' ---------1¼• ~C1A1 [[] IRRIIGATION CONTROLLE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTA j 38-STATION HUNTER CON_ LLER ICC-seooss (WALL MO WITH STRONG BOX SB-1 W STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOS . FINAL LOCATION OF CONTRO R SHALL l!E APPROVE Y AUTHORIZED OWNER REPR NTATIVE PRIOR TO INS LLATION. CONTRACTOFI SHALL r OVIDE 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO CONTROLLER PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. BUILDING 'P' 25 / BUILDING 'G' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 0 ,, ::10' "40' 5c.A1.E, I "•20'-0" "AS-BUILT " P.E. EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ,.........._-----------'----t--+----+----+----1~5E CITY OF CARLSBA ~5 !=~===-====P::LA::::::NN::l::NG:::::::D::E::PA=R=T::M:::EN::T==:=.=~==::::: PALOMAR FORUM LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ------------------+-----I-AP-PR .... ~'-'-~ .... I _,c,_-~=-"-'4t~----n.,.c,,, 1-----1--+-.----------------+----+----1---+---4 ::;P;;;LA;;:N;=N;;IN:;:G::::::==:;-;:::=::::;;::::::::;:;:;::::::::==~;:::::::::D:::A::,;TE:=~ N Y: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~g :~;--P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L DATE INmAL ENGINEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INrTIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I I I' ,, ! I I ' I I !1 I I ' I I I' l'_ ® @ Q) F1Nt9HED GRADE ® PLASTIC VALVE !OX WITH PURPLE BOLT DOWN COVER. USE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT NUT AND WASHER HEAT BRAND '@I' ONTO LID. ©MAINLINI BALL VALVE (v BRICK SUPPORTS @112 C.F. 3/4" CRUSHED <31'1AVEL @BALL VALVE (D LANDSCAPE FABRIC ~L.I! Ml!Tl!llt !!OX L.IC) AATl!llt Ml!Tl!1lt 10 l'T. MIN. TO l"O'r'Ael.l! MAINL.INI! IN ~ IIQ!!C'!'c.Ll!C) AATl!llt IMl&ATION MAIi-ii.iN! l>'l/!!IL.1!1!\/1! NOT!!, Vl!i'TIC.,'J,. C-l.l!~Nel! O!"' l:Z IN. MIN, IS MANC)ATOft'T' l'N!N C.fltOMINe l"A'T'H O!"' A l"OTA8L.e Y<IAT1!!1t L.IN!. IN!oT,'J,.L.ATION OF' ~YC.L.f!t) Y<IAT!!!t IAAl&ATION MAIi-iL.it-i! :Z-4 IN. f"IIIOM P'Ael: O!"' 51C)l!Y<IAI.K t-llL.L. f'll'OYIC)I! THI: Nl!ee5Al'll'!' 10 l'T. HO!tlZONT,'J,. c:.L.!!AAANGI: ~ l"OTAeL.e MAINL.INI! IN THI: 5~eT. POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING * TESHIMA DFSION GROUP lANDSCAPE ARCHm1Cl'URE • LAND PlANNINO 9903 IIUSlNl!8SPAlt1 AVB. IKllill C • MN DIBOO, CA 92131 ---. ---TOO JOB NO 04-M> DA.'l'E: 06-26-06 -----·--__ , I I 11 I 1, I ' NOTTOSOALE @) NOTTO SCALE ® I FINISHED GRADE 1" BELOW VALVE! BOX TOP IN TURF AREAS. 2" BELOW VALVE BOX IN SHRUB BEDS PURPLE PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE. CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC WATER PROOF WIRE CONNECTOR -"SNAP-TITE" OR EQ, 18' WIRE LOOP ( WRAP 15 TIMES AROUND 1/'l' DIA. PIPE TO FORM COIL -REMOVE PIPE.) RECYCLED WATER TAG· CHRISTY'S 0A EQUAL l"VC SCH 40 SL!PxFIPT ADAPTER, (2 Ri!:OUIREO) NOTES: 1. ALL WIRE TO l!!E INSTALLED AS PER LOCAL CODES. 2. COMPACT SOIL AROUND VALVE BOX TO SAME DENSITY AS UNDISTURBED ADJACENT SOIL. @ l"VC LAtERAL LINE• PIPE PER SPECS. , ANGLE TO SPECIFIED DEPTH WITH 45 ELL$ @ SCH. 80 UNION @) BRICK SUPPORTS • (1) ONE AT EACH COANER (U) 3" SCH. SO NIPPLE TYP. (3 TOTAL) @ LANDSCAPE FABRIC @ 1 C.F.• PEA GRAVEL 18) l"VC MAINLINE PIPE FROM BACKFLOW PER SPECS. @ l"VC SCH .40 ELLS (2) (D INSTALL SPRINKLEFI ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ FINISH GRAD! OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @PAVING OR STRUCTURE @ SPRAY HEADS: 4" FROM WALKS AND CURBS 8' FROM STRUCTURES @ POP-UP SPRINKLER WITH PUl'IPLE CAP AND BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE @ 1/2'' MARLEX S"tREET ELL (M1PTX FIP'l)(2) (v 1/2" SCH, 80 PVC THREADED 9" NIPPLE @ 1 /2" MARLEX S"tREET EU. (MlPT x FIPT) @ PVC LATEl'IAL LINE @ SCH. «> PVC S X S X FIPT TEE OFI ELL 12"MIN. c::::::::::::::=::;9 NOTE: 1 , Contractor shall Install e.ddttlonal anti-drain v.._, a requl...:t, to prevent low head drainage 2. Uaa bottom Inlet only 3, LJaa pop-upa on all head• ~thin 10' ofwall<a, iaWf1, or ourba. MASTER/REMOTE CONTROL VALVE NOTTO SCALE. © POP-UP SPRAY HEAD NOTTO SCALE l"OT.Ael.1!! MAINL.IN!! (S!!!I! IMl"!ltOVl!Ml!!NT 0111>,l>"II~) lltl!!C.'r'CL.l!D WAfl!!llll IAAll~AtlON MAINI.INI! NOT!!:, Al.L lltl!!C'r'CLl!!r:> WA'1'1!11t IFtllt.l~ATION 1"11"1! AND tLl!!!!V!!S SHALL. ~ l"UFtl"L.I: AND LABELE:D, (!>El: NOTE 10, SHl:E!T L-b) POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING I I I , I I I I I NOTTOSCAL OATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK ' ' li!AINLIMI IP'll!CIFICATIOll8: CL. 315 FOR 2" OR MORE SCH. 40 FOR 1-1/2" OR LESS, t4~ :~[=~ESSVRE MAINLINE UNDER DRIVES ~r-"!~-. :umi,=,;1"Jl'7"""";(-'Tx'~-Z-"x"-.:;r-v,t-~';!-,.,'l'Jl=J;r-~-;:-~·-..;··::,;· :·· ;;.-' ~<!\. SHALL BE BURIED TO A 38" MINIMUM DEPTH. NOTES: 1. Pipe ll'lall be snaked aide 10 aide In trench to allow expanalon. (D FINISH Gl'IADE © CLEAN BACKFIU. • ~ OOMl'ACTION REQUIRED • SEE! SPECS 18' @ PURPLE NON-Pl'IESSURE LATERAL LINE PER LEGEND @ PURPLE COLOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE PER LEGEND 1 e @ PROVl'DE 2' OF CLEAN SAND BELOW l'RESSUFIE MAINLINE IF ROCK LARGER THAN 2' IS PRESENT (V 6" MIN, CLEARANCE FROM HARDSCAPE ( MAINLINE ONLY) @ DIRECT BURIAL, LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRES • INSTALL BELOW PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. BUNDLE AND TAPE WIRES AT 12' O.C. LOOP @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAPE ABOVE MAINLINE. CONTROL WIRES AT ALL 90 DEGREE CHANGES IN DIRECTION, SPLICING ONE 12' ABOVE AND ONE RESTING ON THE MAINLINII OF WIRE RUNS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE OWNER ® TRENCHING APPROVED FOR PLANTING .,AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING efsECISE P.E. EXP. LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR NOTTO SCALE ., DATE DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT • PALOMAR FORUM LOTS8AND7 CAFILSBAD, CALIP'OFINIA APPR0'&-~1--l or-f:ILmi:: 1,-.... ~ PLANNING DATE /1\ LJWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: II' ! I I I :1 I I I I I ! I I I ! (D HAROSCAPE (TYPICAL) @ CLEAN BACKFILL • lilO% COMPACTION REQUIRED • SEE SPECS @ SANO (TYPICAL) @ NON-PRESSUFIE LA Tl!RAL LIN!! IN SLEl!V! 18" MINIMUM DEPTH @ CONTROL WIRE SLEEV£ ADJACENT TO MAINLINE SL!!!VE @ PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE IN SLEEVE 24" MINIMUM DEPTH ' NOTES: 1. All sl-to be Sch.40 PVC ( Sch.ISO undW 1/e!llffll paving). .. 2. All sleeve, a hall be 2x th• alze of the pipe being earned. Min. -ve site llhall be 2". 3. Extend sleevff 12'' beyond edge of hardscape on both enda. -4. During Installation tape closed ends ol pipe• until ell laterals and wll'fl have been run. 1 3 e 3' NOTE: ALL PRESSURE MAINLINE UNDER DRIVES SHALL BE BURIED TO A 36" MINIMUM DEPTH. @ SLEEVING NOTE: . - -f rr ~11.1 n J I I I I -111 .. ., ' '! I '" ·.· ..... ~' . ' . QUICK COUlll.l!!A SHALL B!! TYPE Al'PflOll!!D l'Ol'l USE WITH RECYCLED WATER WITH ACME THFIEAOS r----<1 18" . '.'1: . ~- 1,,.-r,,w!'.l.T"/'l'l:,a:r,-d . . "' . NOT TO SCAL!! G) 9" DIA. PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH PUFIPLE LOCKING COVER INSTALL 2" ABOVE GRADE IN GROUNDCOVER ® @ © ® © (j) © ® @) FINISH GRACE PAVING OR STRUCTURE QUICK COUPLER WITH RUBBER CAP 5' DEPTH PEA GRAVl!!L INSTALL BOX LEVEL WITH 2 STANOAFID BRICKS RED BRASS COUPLING RED BRASS RISER 1/2 CU. FT. MIIN. CONC. THRUST BLOCK PVC ELL OR TEE (CONNECTION TO MAINLINE) @ (2) FIEO BFIASB STREET ELLS @ REO BFIASS Nll'>PLES (2) @) RED BRASS ELL {3) PAINT "0' ON COVER ® Q) QUICK COUPLER NOTTO SCALE ® * TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP 1ANil!ICAPB ARCHn1!CnJRB • IAND PlANNlNO "113 BUIINE!8SPA1QC. AVB. Sll1lB C • MN Dll!OO, CA !WI ------mo JOB NO. 04-MI DATE: ~26-06 I I I I I ! r -r -- I I 1 ' I I G) LOW VOLTAGE WIRE, 3 MAX. © OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR (!) INNER CASE OF CONNECTOR @ STRIP & TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNETION @ COPPER SLEEVI!: CRIMP INSTALLED W/ RECOMMENDED TOOL NOTE: FIii inner cue with w.ier prool Haler prlOr to ftnal 1919fflbly. All wire routed between oontroller and remote oontrol valve shall be e. continuous run with no wire spllce1. Wire splices shall only ocour at the remote control valve and controller pigtail ( W required ) WIRE CONNECTOR 0 PRIMARY MAIN LINE. SEE -0 BALL VALVE. SEE DETAIL. PLAN FOR SIZE. @ SUB-MAIN (PURPLE COLOR)· @ CONTROL VALVE. SEE DETAIL. SIZE VARIES. a"\ SEE SCHEDULE BELOW ~ QUICK COUPLER. SEE! DETAIL. MAINLIN'E SCHEDULE: 1-10 GF'M 1" SCH. 40 11-18 GPM 1·1/4"SCH. -40 19-25 GPM 1·1/2" SCH. -40 26-39 GPM 2'' CL. 315 40-58 GPM 2-1/2" CL. 315 (!) TEE OR ELL WITH REDUCER BUSHING (2) LATERAL LIN1E_ (CL. 200). PURPLE COLOR. SEE PLAN FOR SIZE. NOTTO SCALE VALVE MANIFOLD INSTALLATION (TYPICAL) NOTTO SCALE CATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK . I I I I I I ' ' , I I I • Q) /,\ 11 0 2 G) CONTl'IOLLER, EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT FASTEN TO WALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. SEE LEGENO FOR SPECIFICATIONS © 120 VOLT POWER SUPPLY IN J-BOX, BY OTHERS @) ELECTRICAL CONOU1T (1') 0 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE IN GREY PVC CONDUIT (2' DIA.) WIRE TO BE SLEEVED IN CONDUIT TO 18' BELOW GAAOE 10~:::::= @swEEPELL r- '° .. 12" MIN. REVISION DESCRIPTION I I 3 @ LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES (i) P'INISHE[) GRADE (~) RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG ,(!) BRACKE1'S FOR FASTENING TO WALL •@) THREADED CONNECTION NOTES: ON INTERIOR INSTALLATION All WALL PENl!TAATIONI SHALL BE CLEAN AND SHALL BE RESEALED WATER TIGHT. WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER :N.T.S. NOTE: 5 0 SHRUB OR BUMLl!R HEAD @ 1 fl' SCH ISO PVC Rl8!1'1 @ FINISH GRACE 0 9' FROM STRUCTUFll!S © EDGE OF WALL, FENCE OR OTH!!R CONSTRUCTION @ 1/2" X 1/2" Fll'T X Fll'T SCH 40 PVC l!LL (i) 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIP'I') @ 1/2" SCH. eo PVC THREADED 19' RISER ® 1/2' MAFILEX STREET ELL(MIPT X FIPT) @ PVC LATERAL UNI! @ SCH. 40 PVCSXSXFIPTTEE OPI l!LL @ 12" FOR SHRUB SPRAYS 8" FOR SHRUB BUBBLERS @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE-BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER 1. Contractor shell lnatall additional 111111-draln veMta, u ~. to prevent low head drainage, 2. Use pop-ups on all hesds within 10' of wall,I, lawn, or eurbl. 3. Stake with galvanlzed steel plPB or rebal'. SPRAY HEAD ON RISER NOTTO SCALE "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING E8ECISE f'.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE w CITY OF CAJ:<LSHAD 00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 PALOMAR FORUM LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I APP~~ I 6t. ~lo± I I\ _...c,., DATE PLANNING DWN BY: CATE INITl~L CATE INITIAL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: 437....;gl OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 1'1 I I I I 'I I ' I, \ SECTION/ ELEVATION <e:= <e:= )=,iif--43 ,-Ill! •111o..ii----,,-~~ .11:b:111::EG:::1!,.:;N*D ______ _ (D 6UPi?P'AC! Q} MOUNTING efltACl<ET @ lltAIN SEN601'! Wlfltl!D NO!l!I 1ALL Y CL06ED @ MOUNTING &Cfltl!W (I OF 2) @ WIFtE TO l~IGATION CONTtltOLLE" @ Wlfltl! TO fltl!MOTE! CONTlltOL VAL Y1= NOTE, • MOUNT IN AN Allt!:A TI-IAT WILL ee EXF06ED TO UNoeeilltUCiED lltAINl"ALL, euT NOT IN ii-IE FATI-I OF ff>RINKLEl't eFlltA Y. RAIN SENSOR MOUNTING DETAIL 11 II I I // , 4 12" MIN. 36" MAX. i..--12 // c====-,;,,. PUBLIC P~IVATE I M TRI T HARD C OW SOL REV. APPROVED DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT _,bL,_ ~ 6-04 2 INCH AND UNDER .,::Cl:.:.,:TY.,.:::EN:.,:::GNIR""""---~'-11 BACKFLOW INSTALLATION STo\NOARO OWG. NO. * TESHIMA omIGN GROUP lANDSCAPE AJCHffllCI'URB • LAND l'UNNIN'G 19M IIUlllNB!IIPAK AVB. SUll1! C • MN Illl!OO, CA 92131 ------TDG .JOI No. 04-M> ----~---... -I ! :' I i I I 1 ' I ' W20 I NOTTO SCALE 12' MIN. (i) INSTALL ROTOR AT ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES (i) FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS (ID PAVING OR STRUCTURE @ ROTORS: 12" FROM WALKS AND CURBS, AND STRUCTI.JAES @ POP-UP SPRINKLl!:A WITH PUl'IPLE CAP AND BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL* (MIPTX FIPT)(2) (i) 1/2" SCH. 80 PVC THREADED 6" NIPPLE* @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT x FIP1)* @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ SCH. 40 PVC S XS X FIPT TEE OR ELL ® POP-UP ROTOR @ i I ' I I I ! 4 NOTTO SCALE G) GEAR DRIVEN SHRUB ROTOFI: NOZZLE SHOULD BE 12'' ABOVE GRAD!!: AT COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION @ 1/2''0 GALVANIZED STl!:EL PIPE OF! #4 REBAR 30" LONG @ FINISHED GRADE @ CHECK VALVE (INSTALL ONLY IF HEAD ASSEMBLY DOES NOT INCLUDE CHECK VALVE) @ 18'1'\/CSCH. 80 RISER @ (2) CLAMPS WITH PLASTIC "ZIP TIES" 0A STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS (V SUPPLY LINE TEE OR ELL @ SWING JOINT (2 MAFILEX S x TELLS) @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE•BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER NOTE: , . A SWING PIPE ASSEMBLY MAY ee USED WITH FLOWS LESS THAN 4 GPM. ROTOR ON RISER NOTTO SCALE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER or WORK I I I, I II I I. I I "AS-BUILT H APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD CTr] PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 PALOMAR FORUM LOTSfSAND7 CAFILS8AD, CALIFOFINIA . IAPPM~ 4:. t,\l,t,1[ ,, . .,_..,., I : PLANNING-DATE R,. DWN BY: DATE INITIAL PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION OlliER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD SY: P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L 11 I; . I I I I I I i I ' ; ' --\-- \ . I ·, I L_r·' ' I I NOii: Contractor shift contact the landscape arehlttlot prior to beginning landscape work so that the landscape architect can review the project utility locations and revise plans accordingly to fully screen all utilities from view. * TESHIMA OF.SIGN GROUP 1.AND8CAPE AltCHl'IECIURB • LAND PLANNING 9'm BUSlNllSSPAltlC AW. svrIE C • MN OOWl, CA 92131 "'-----TOO JOB NO. OHm I ' --~· BUILDING 'A' l!!Mf"I.Ut'l!!t CONC~TI!! LUNCH Al'lll:A. CONC!lteT!a &HAI.!. eE SAN Dll:'50 SUl"I" J/ilTH H~· Tl'tOv.J:LLJ:c:> i!:ll'OOYJ:& A \r:115; O.C. AND Mel:>. E!IROOM l"IN • ~ P'l!l'<li"IE,EA IN!l!t l'IITH IICOT i,~All!A l!Mf"L.0'!1!1! GONC~ !..UNCH Al'lll:A. CONC~ 5HAI.L Be !5AN c:>IEeO SUFI" V.ITH HAND Tl'tOJ-eLL.ED i!:IMOV!!& AT !5' O.C. AND MED. e!WOM FINISH. BUILDING 1B1 MAINTAIN ALL et«Ue& ALc:>N6 TH!! i,Am OI" THI! l!IUIW,IN6 Ae A 96" Hl19,H He!C)61!. t-ll!t.61! e!-IALL NOT Oi,&TlltlJG.T ANY Vl&e ~M Tl-le l!IUIW,IN6 ll'IIN2'01'1e (iYl"ICAW. IN&TALL 2" TO !5" lt.lY'!!lt ~Cl< (SALT AND 1"1:1"1"~ COLOlt Al5 AVAILABU! AT I<~ 111.0G-tc:.) J/ilTH l"Elt~i,LI! l't!l!c:> i,A ll!lt (iYl"). ~A.fl"-·' J: , .. :,';:' ":···, :···, ~:, '1----l++l'~:'.:':~~:}.'.:/.~~t /~-.Ir'-,/-¥.,. I I <,. /'.,,,,'i.":,I ,11.i.,1,-"'1,~ . ' .... ,• :·: .. _..:·,, i SEE SHEET 11 FOR SHRUB LEGEND SEE SHEET 10 FOR TREE, GROUNDCOVER AND HVDROSEED LE~END SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET 14 AND 15 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 15 FOR HVDROSEED SPECIFICATIONS TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted In conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. . I ' ' I I I I I I North ~ O !' :20' 40' /,\ SC.ALE:, I "•.20'-0" DATE INITIAL ENGINEER or WORK • • REVISION DESCRIPTION PLANTING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL 1-'tAVE A 1'HOROUGH STANDARD SOIL TEST PEAFOFIM!D IN THREE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS ON THE SITE AND COMPLETED BY A LICENSED AGRONOMIC LABORATORY PRE-APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO ANO AFTER LEACHING OF SALTS ANO PRIOR TO TO ANY PLANTING OF PLANT MATERIAL. THE SOILS TEST SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, THE TESTING OF SOIL SALT LEVELS, NUTRIENT LEVELS, AND SOIL PERCOLATION. SOIL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO AMENDING THE SOIL. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIFIED l"ERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM ANO FULLY COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL. 4. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. 5. THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO PERMANENTLY AND FULLY MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 8. ALL INSTALLED TREES WITHIN '5' OF HARDSCAPE SHALL HAVE ROOT BARFIIEFI INSTALLED ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE, NOT ENCIRCLING ROOTBALL. 7. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 3" OF SHREDDED BARK MULCH IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS THAT ARE LESS THAN 2:1 SLOPE. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE. 8. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVEC AT THE PROJECT SITE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING. ALL PLANT MATERIAL REJECTED BY THE OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT SITE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST AND REPLACED. 9. SUBMIT PHOTOGRAPHS OF TYPICAL TREE FOR EACH VARIETY AND SIZE, TO SE PROVIDED UNDER THIS CONTRACT FOR APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO THE PROJECT SITE. 10. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLANTING. THIS MAY BE DONE EITHER AT THE SITE OR AT THE NURSERY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S TIME ANO MILEAGE FOR ALL NURSERY VISITS. 11. ALL PLANT SIZES ARE MINIMUMS. SIZES ARE TYPICAL FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL PLANTS ARE TO BE FREE OF DISEASE AND SCARS, AND TO HAVE GOOD COLOR, FULL HEADS AND GOOD CALIPER (15 GALLON • 3/4" MINIMUM, 24" BOX· 1 1/4" MINIMUM, 36" BOX • 2" MINIMUM. 12. PRIOR TO PLANTING, l'RRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FULLY WATERED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING . 13. PRIOR TO PLANTING, ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FREE OF WEEDS, ROCKS ANO DEBRIS. RAKE AND FINE GRADE ALL PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 14. UPON COMPLETION OF PLANTING OPERATIONS AND BEFORE ANY SITE OBSERVATIONS, REMOVE ALL EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL AND DEBRIS, AND BROOM AND WASH THE AREA CLEAN. Hi. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. 18. ANY EXISTING LANDSCAPE THAT IS DAMAGED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL. ~ North KEV MAP NOTTO SCALE "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING EBECISE P.E. EXP. DATE'. LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SHgET I CITY OF CARLSBAD CTrJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 PALOMAR FORUM LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPRO'l¥J.,1 I (~. r.11 itt-II-.._-<,,, PLANNING DATE DWN SY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD SY: 437-9L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RYWD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 ----' I • I ! II II II • II • • II 0): tu: w ■ ::z:: • (1)11 • W ■ W ■ (/). I ■ w• z: -■ ...... ::z:: • o. ~= ==· Ill • • .- I . -··••1~ • • ! NOTE: ~-\\\ \ \ Contractor shall contact the land1cape architect prior to beginning landscape work so that the landscape architect can review the project utility locations and revise plans accordingly to fully screen all utlllties from view. • TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP lANilSCAPE Aitam'BCTURE • lAND PLANNING '90.1 BOSINl!S\IPARK. AVB. SUll'B C • MN JllBOO. CA 92131 ------TOO 10I NO. 04--M> I \ I ' 0 l!!M,l'LO'l'e!! C,ON<:,~ LlJNG,t,I Al'ltl:A. C.ONC-l'ltl:TI!! ~ALL 15! 9AN C:,I~ l!lUl"I" l'IITH HANc:, TROl'll:!LLl!!C:, 61'00\le$ AT !!I' O.C. AW Mee,. eROOM l"INleH. BUILDING 'C' MAINTAIN ALJ-•1 INJl!le ~ THI! 9A91! Cf' TH! l!!!UILC>IN6 AS A 96" Hlc5H HI!~. H!!J:lcte !!IHALJ-NOT 0159,-,,.iJc:;.T AN'I" Vll!!N P'MM THI! ISUIU,1Nc5 l'IINC)()N (T'\"l"IC,AL}, 1tJc_ L .:2' ®" l'llV!!l'l ROCK (SALT ANc:, t"l!t"t"el'l C.OLOl'l AS AVAILA!!ILI!! AT l<l'lC ROCK) l'IITH l"!!RMl!!Al!ILI! li'll!!l!D eAl'lRll!!l'l (T'\"l"). BUILDING 'H' BUILDING 'I' :,,,.1N ALI-tl«LJM ALCNol THI! Of" THI! l!!!UILOINol A& A et,• Hl!l'oll!!. Hl!l:)•I! SHALL NOT 0!51pUGT AN'!" Vll!l'le ~M THI! 1Nc5 1'11 Nt,ON (T'\"l"ICAL). +----W-- TREE PLANTINO NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted in conflict with publlc utilities. Ail trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. Cl' ..--l'l!!lltlM!Tl!"-T!lt!II eMl"LO'T'l!I!! ~'T!! LUNCH Al'ltl:A, C,ONC,l'Q!!TI!! !IHALL 15! &AN C:,1!!'90 l!lUl"I" WITH HANc:, TROl'll:!LU!C) 9ROOVl:S AT !I' O.C-. ANc:, Ml!:J:). eROOM !"INleH. BUILDING '0' MAINTAIN ALJ-el-fflWe5 ALONc5 THI! 15Ael! ()If' THI!! l!!!UIU,INe> A& A 96' Hl•H Hl!l:)cfe. Hl!!l:)•I! &HALL NOT °"9Tl'UCT ANY' Vll!N l"1'tOM THI!! l!!!UILOINol il'IINOOl/lle AL), C~-....J) INSTALL :2' TO '" l'llVEl'l ROCK (9AL T ANc:, I"!!~ C.OLOfll AS AVAILAel.E AT l<l'lC l'lOCK) l'IITH l"ERME!AeL!! 1'11:!l!!c> l!IAl'lRll!l'l c'i'Yl"), I I \ I I I\-~~ I I I I -- \ I ·L--1 I ~ ~J \ 1, I \ I 't I I I I i I I I J I ( l!Xl5TINe LAl'IN Hl!Ac>l!fllt t"l!!l'l ~W -'{+--0·/ ~c> t::)l'lAl'IIN5. NUMel!l'l COURT I\\ __ -~----ff -----0-►I \:,\ \ . ' I ~ North eou" ~ North /,\ DATE INITIAL KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE ENGINEER OF WORK I' I I PLANT LIST TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME "'I . SIZE NOTES .N Lagerstroemia indlca 'Natchez' Crape Myrtle 20 24" Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail R. 0 Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius' Purple Plum 29 36"Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail R. 0 Koelreuterla blplnnata Chinese Flame Tree 20 36" Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail R. G) Trlstanla conferta Brisbane Box 20 24' Box Standard. Double stake per detail p. See Detail R . 0 Plnus eldarlca Afghan Pine 8 24"Box Standard. Double stake per detail P. See Detail R • ® Lagerstroemla lndica 'Tuscarora' Crape Myrtle 4 48"Box Multi-Trunk. See Detail R. 0 Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree 11 15 Gallon Standard. Double stake per detail P. See Detail R. 0 Cupanlopsls anacardloldes Carrot Wood Tree 40 36" Box Standard. Double stake per detail P. Sea Detail R. 0 Llquidambar styraciflua 'Burgundy' American Sweet Gum 15 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail p. See Detail R . ® Eucalyptus slderoxylon 'Flosea' Southern Live Oak 5 24' Box Standard. Double stake per detail P. See Detail R. EXISTING STREET TREE CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ... , SIZE NOTES /:--" Existing Street Tree Existing to remain. Protect In \ / Place. See notes on olan. -- EXISTING SLOPE TREE CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME .. , ' SIZE NOTES ,.-... , Existing Slope Tree Existing to remain. Protect in I • I ' I Place. See notes on olan. , ........ GROUND COVER CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME .. , ' SIZE NOTES ~ Peiargonium peitatum 'Balkan' Ivy Geranium ••~!.or 12• o.c. See Detail a. ~ Gazanla 'Ml1suwa Serles Yellow" Gazanla r-iats or 12' O.C. See Detail a. l;,Wd~::t@~,t-M--yopo-ru_m_p_a_rv_lfo_llu_m_'_P_ln-k'----+P-l-nk_M_y_o_po_ru-m---+--+-..lr-,.P9atnst. or ~ Lantana montevldensis Trailing Purple Lantana 1 Gallon 12• o.c. See Detail a . 12" O.C. See Detail Q. Annual Color Flats or Pots Contractor to check avallablllty and verify with Owner. 12" 0.C. See Detail Q. Begonia sampervlrons Hedera helix 'Needlepoint' vvvv • • • • • Bougainvillea 'Rosenka' VVV9 ~~cl=! Lonicera Japonlca 'Halllana' CCIDOCICI gggggg Trachelospermum Jasminoldes TURF CODE BOTANICAL NAME :~!:Lf :1·':'1;,; ~,; Fescue Blend ... ~...;~1:-:t,;~1 ':.,;' , ... Bedding Begonia English Ivy Bougainvillea Japanese Honeysuckle Star Jasmine COMMON NAME Dwarf Marathon II ... , r-Iats or Pntc r-,ats or 12" O.C. See Detail Q. 12" o.c. see Detail a. 1 Gallon 18" O.C. See Detail a. r-Iats or 0 ""' 12" O.C. See Detail Q. 1 Gallon 12" o.c. See Detail a. SIZE NOTES Sod NOTE: ALL TREES LOCATED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY HARDSCAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ROOT BARRIER. ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE BIO-BARRIER. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET 22. HVDFIOSl!ED MIX FOR WATER QUAUTVVEOETATED SWALES BOTANICAL NAME Festuca rubra Festuca ionglfolla Festuca Ovlna COMMON NAME Chewlngs Fescue Hard Fescue Sheep Festuoa ... , I SIZE Hydroseed 50% Hydroseed 25% Hydroseed 25% Hydroseed Mix available at Agrono-Tec Seed Co. Phone (909) 674-0638. Slope Saver-2. Hydroaffd Mix AppHcatlon: Beed Rate: 500 lbs per acre. Mulch: Eco fibre wood mulch, 200 lbs per acre. Binder: M-Blnder 150 lbs per acre. NOTES APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT ~ I I AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PEsECISE P.E. EXP. LOCATION OF PLANTING () ,, 20' -40' SCALE:, 1 "•20'-0" AREAS. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR " DATE DATE [1[] 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD Lill 5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PALOMAR FORUM LOTS8AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I APPROVit:l/ (;r, £:;l\,.;,:fr PLANNING ll-'1-0(, I DATE I DATE INITIAL INITIAL OWN BY: PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE CHKD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CrTY Al'PROVAL RVWD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L ~ North KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE * TFSHIMA DESIGN GROUP l.AND9CAPB ARCHIIECIURB • LAND PlANNINO fl1m JIUSINl!lll!IPA AVB. lllJll1! C • MN Dll!OO, CA 92131 ------TOO JOB NO. 04--M) D,\1'£1 06-26--06 1. SEE SHEET 10 FOR TREE, GROUNDCOVER AND HYDROSEED LEGEND SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET 14 AND 15 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 9 FOR PLANTING NOTES SEE SHEET 15 FOR HVDROSEED SPECIFICATIONS TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted In conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. I I I I I I I I r I\ s . 1' I-+---- ~ . ·1 1-+---- d ' ' ~ 0 5' :20' 40' SC.ALE, I "=:2O'-O" I I PLANT LIST CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME -·. SIZE NOTES © Buxus microphylla japonlca 'Green Beauty' Japanese Boxwood ® Lavendula dentata French Lavender @ Escallonla 'Compakta' Compact Escallonla © Llgustrum Japonlcum 'Texanum' Texas Privet © Rhaphlolepis lndlca 'Clara' India Hawthorn © Poddcarpus henke111 Weeping Yew Pine 0 Prunus carollna 'Bright n' Tight' Carolina Laurel Cherry 0 PhoHnla fraseri Fraser's Red Tip Photlnla © Xylosma congestum Xylosma @) Leptospermum scoparlum 'Ruby Glow' New Zealand Tea Tree ® Phormlum 'Dusky Chief' New Zealand Flax @ Phormlum tenax 'Atropurpureum' New Zealand Flax 0 Agapanthus 'Queen Anne' LIiy-of-the-Niie 133 Hemerocallls hybrids Day LIiy €) Nandlna domestlca 'Gulfstream' Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo e Li rope muscarl 'M ajestlc' Big Blue LIiy Turf • Phormium 'Maori Chief' New Zealand Flax 0 Rhaphlolepls lndlca 'Ballerina' India Hawthorn 0 Pltt0$porum toblra 'Variegata' Variegated Plttosporum ?I:Jjf Phormlum 'Jack Spratt' New Zealand Flax l!XISTINQ SHRUB CODE ® 0 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Existing Shrub APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 16 5 Gallon r-Iant u.1.,, Maintain as W- high hedge' See Detail R. 53 5 Gallon See Detail R. 126 15 Gallon See Detail Ft Maintain as 48" high hedge 77 15GaHon along building walls. See Detail R. 548 15 GaHon Plant 36" o.c. Maintain as hedge 48" High hedge. See Detail R. Plant 48" O.C. Maintain • hedge 11 15 Gallon 60" H lgh hedge. See Detail R. Double Stake per Detail P. Plant 48" u.v. Maintain as 71 15 Gallon hedge 48' High hedge. See Detail R. 164 15 Gallon Plant 48' O.C. Maintain as 48' High hedge. See Detail R. Plant 42" O.C. Maintain as 38" 162 15 Gallon High hedge along building walls See Detail R. 99 5 Gallon See Detail R. 20 15 Gallon See Detail R. 46 5 Gallon See Detail Fl. 131 1 Gallon See Oetall R. 397 1 Gallon 20% Orange, 80% YeNow. See Detail R. 171 5 Gallon See Detail R. 59 1 Gallon See Oetall R. 28 5 Gallon See Detail Fl. 123 5 Gallon Plant at 24" O.v. Maintain at 24" high. See Detail R. Plant 36' O.C. Maintain as 438 15 Gallon hedge 48" High hedge, See Detail R. 1 Gallon Plant at 12" O.C. See Detail R. wl I • SIZE NOTES Existing to remain. Protect In Place. See notes on olan. NOTE: Contractor shall contact the land1cape architect prior to beginning landscape work so that the landscape architect can review the project utlllty locations and revise plans accordingly to fully 1creen all utilities from view. "AS-BUILT " P.E. EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ t----+--+----------------l----+----+----t---1 L.!!J PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1_2§.J :=:==:.:::::::===============::::.:::==~ PALOMAR FORUM DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK :':EVISibN DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INrTIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I I ' 11 LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. P.I.P. 05-03 I \.c:t. c,t, I DATE . DRAWING NO. 437-9L .., ,- Q ..., ] I -o r- --·-u,-..._ NO'T'I!, TIiie!& IN n#IIP' ,4,11111!.4.6 TO l'lleCl!l\11! TM! TIIIIJI« l"'!IIOT!CTOl'll AT l!SA&I!. &MAU. l!I!: •,r,.~• 9'T' Dl!EI"' ~- 1 • <V 2 IN. DI" X lei FT'. LONG LOOG!!l"OLI t-lNI!! 6T Al<!!&, 6!!T l"'!flltl"l!NOICULA!lt TO l'"llll!V AIL ING WINP6. 2 • V.I.T. 'CINCf.l TIE&', 01'll E<:a.lAL. IN&TALL l"l!llt MANUP'ACTU!ltl!'& 61"'!!Cl!'ICATION6. ll • e!!T C~ 2 IN. AeoY! !'INl&M <lllltAPI!. 4 • CUT TOI"' e!!CTION °"' CIF &T Al<!! 6' &!!LOW Tllt!!E CANO!D'r. & • l"INl&M a.lltAOE. • • 9AO<l'ILL<HI! &l"'!!CJ ~OOLI! ANO e!!TTLI!. &l!T Tl'll!!E 2 IN. A&OVII! !'IN. Qflt. 1 • 2 X IIOOTeALL DIAMET!!lll • • J IN. WA TElltlNG l!IA&IN, E><CEl"T IN LAIIN ~A&. NMOVI!! AFTl!llt MAINT. ieEl'tlOO. 1!1 • l"'LANT T A9LET6. IN6T ALL t-Ellt M~AC'Tl.ll'll!!llt'e &l"'!!Cll'ICA TION&. 1i8' • l"'LACI! &TAKI!& OUT&IOE CIF llt001'eAU.. I& 11 • l"IN. a.lltADI! AT !><16TING &LOI"!! < A6 flt!!Q'D >. 12 • 4' l"'!fll"OIIIIAT!D 1911"'! UJJ9LACIK lltOUND GlltAT! CAI"' • 4' MIN. AND •• MAX LENG.Tl-I WlltAF I ED .IITI-I !'IL Te!llt l'A&l'IIC 1) • ¼' QolltAvtll. Ol'tAINAGI! 6UMI"' WITI-I l"IL T!!llt l'Ae!ltlC ED<i! (I) l"'l!llt 16 c:a.ALLON Tilll!E (2) l"'Ef'II 24 •eox Tl'll!!l! AND LAMl!!PI 14 • ••·•• MAXlt1UM 1& • ,.,,, .c,• MAXIMUM 16 • TIit!!!! l"'IT-l"ILL AND !!!TTLI WITI-I w.t.T!!PI A MIN. OF 24 MOU-l"'f'IIIOPI TO l"'LANTINCi. TREE DOUBLE STAKING AND DRAINAGE ® NOTTO SCALE 1-Tlll1!ll!T1IIIJNI( 2 • 910·9"""'11!!1t ~-++---,---+' I IN. AT 'l'Ufllll" · 2 IN. AT 61-!l'U!I ;-:;.:"'!nu ... NOT!, &UeMIT &AMl"LI!! TO CIT'!" IN&l"eCTOfllt l'Ofllt ~AL 1"'1'11101'11 TO INeT ALLATION. 24' TOTAL Ll!Nc2oTM • 12' l!!ITl-ll!!!lt C:,l!lll!!CT10N ROOT BARRIER ® NOTTO SCALE • TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP L\N1l9CAPB ARCHrl'IICI'URE • I.AND PlANN1NO '903 BUSINl!8IIPAn AV& SUll1! C • MN OOR\ CA 9'J3I ------'IOO.Jall'«>. ~ DA.'fE: 06-26-06 I ,.,. .. -; ' I I . 1111 . I ' I I I I ' I ' ' I I ' I G)2 INCHES @ PREPARED SOIL @ FINISH GRADE OR WALK ,. . • • · © EQUAL (X) -SEE PLANT LIST @ PLANT TABLET @ CONCRETE CURB OR HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT. AS INDICATED ON PLAN. (!) EQUAL 1/2 (X) PLAN GROUNDCOVER PLANTING 3 4 1 G) # 3 BAR CONTINUOUS, CENTER IN SLAB (LAP 12'' AT SPLICES). @ TURFSIDE. @ PLANTER BED. @ 1/2' RADIUS (TYP). @ 95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE. @ FINISH GRADE. NOTE: PAOVIDE! EXPANSION JOINTS AT 30' O.C. ANO WHERE HEADER ABUTS CONCRETE PATIO OR WALK. 611 CONCRETE HEADER I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I NOTTO SCALE CD ROOTBAUL. @ CROWN -1 /2'' ABOVE FINISH GRADE. @ FINISH GRADE. @ FINISHED GRADE AT SLOPE. @ 2X ROOTBALL DIAMETER. @ BACKFILL MIX (SEE SPECS.). (f) PLANT TABLETS (SEE SPECS). @ 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN (IF REQ'D). @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. ® TREE / SH'RUB PLANTING 2 -,1t-,--r10J---+- G) WALL, FENCE OR TRELLIS SURFACE. @ VINE ATTACHED TO SURFACE WITH CLEAR PLASTIC TIES. @ NURSERY STAKE/ ESPALLIER (TO BE REMOVED) @ SET ROOT SALL TIGHT TO FOOTING. REMOVE ANY EXCESS CONCRETE IF NECCESARY. @ 4' HIGH WATERING BASIN. @ FINISH GRADE. CV PLANTING TABLET. SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS. @ BACK FILL MIX -SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS. @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. @ PIT !DIAMETER· 2 X DIAMETER OF ROOT SALL. @ CROWN -1/2" Ae0VE FINISH GRADE. @ MIN. 4" BELOW FINISH FLOOR OF BUILDING. N01'TOSCM.I SCALIE1"•3'·0" ® VINE PLANTING HOT TO SCALI! ,,AS-BUILT ,. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. . INSPECTOR DATE lliJ CITY OF CARLSBAD urJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 PALOMAR FORUM LOTS8AND7 CARLSl!IAD, CALIFORNIA I APPRO,r l--I '1:-~Jt I 11-"\-c>t.., PLANNING DATE /1\ DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD SY: P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L . I' ,, I 11 I I I Ir I! SECTION 024!0 IRRIGATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS: A. '11,e Genaral Condition•, Special Cond!tlon1, and Division 1 ore an added port of this section and contract for thl1 wonc and apply to thl1 section 01 fully as If repeated herein. 1.02 SCOPE: A. TI,e work mcl'Ude1 all urllicn, ldlbor, materlal1, transportation and equipment necessary to perform the work Indicated on the Drawings and 01 specified. The General Conditions and DMslon 1 apply to thl1 nctlon o■ fully as If repeated herein. 1. P!tloted Wor'k: (a) Lcindecoplnt Section (02900) 1.03 SUl!MITTALS: A. Submit a !let of all lrrlgotlOft •~lpment to be used, manufacturer'• brochures, maintenance monuol1, guarantees and operating Instructions. 1.04 GUARANTEE: A. Fumhlh gua,rantee In accordance with genaral eondltlon1, for a period of on, (1) year from date of flnal acceptance -at conclusion of the Maintenance Period -on complete waier Irrigation system, Including nonaettllng of ba.ckflll in trench•• which, If occure, shall be corrected, Including repairs and/or replacement of any material damaged thereby or therefrom. 1.~ 089EP!VATION: A. In all co■es where observation of sprlnklar system work I• required and/or whare portions of wonc are specified to be performed undar direction and/or observation of City Inspector and Architect or hie repre1entatlve, Contractor shall notify City Inspector ond Architect at least three (3) working days In advance of time l'Uch Inspection and/or direction 11 required. B. Ob■ervotlon wlll be re~lred for the followm9 parts of the work: 1. Upon tnatallatlon ond teet1n9 of main llnee and lateral lines; when ptpee ore told and are to be l'Ubmltted to preaaure tests. Do not cover any line■ until they hove been observed and approved. 2. Upon ln1ta11atlon ond te■tln; of valvea, quick couplers, baekflow preventer de'ilee, automatic eontrallera, and control valves and wlree. 3. When sprlnkler aystem 11 completed, Contractor, In the pre11nce of Architect, shall parform a coverage test to determine If coverage of water afforded the lawn ond planting areas l1 complete and adequate. Contractor aholl furnish all moterlols and perform all work required to correct any lnodequocle• to cover. 4. l"tnal aburvatlon and performance teat shall be at the some time as flnol observation of the landscape work. 1.ot TESTING: All PVC: main and lateral llnee llhaff be aubjected to a pre11ure t"t of 125 PSI for a period of four hour■. All hating shall be In the pre■ence of the City Inspector and Architect. Approval 1hall lbe received before backfilllng any trench. Do not cover any lines untll they have been observed and approved. 1-QZ RECQRQ PIV,fflNOS '6,S-BUJLT Ql!A"1NO$.); A. Before fJnot aso1etonc1 of work, Contcoeloc ahoH orovfdt A ctcord 11t of dcowtno1 atiowlno 10rlnkl1r 1yat1m work 1. Any changes tn location of Items or t~• of Installations from that ehown on drawings shall be 10 Indicated on the record drawlnge. 2. Valve, shalt be numbored and corresponding numbers 1holl be lhown on record drawings. 3. All remote control valvea, lhut-off valvea, quick coupler valve,, meters, controllers, mainlines eholl be locot1d by meaeured dlmen1lon1. Dlm1nsion1 shall be given to pe,rmanent objects end shall be to nearest one-half foot. All mainline change, In direction shall be located by measured dimensions. 4. On the Inside 1urfoc1 of the cover of each Automatic Controller, prepare and mount a chart 1howlng valves and 1prlnkler h1od1 serviced by that particular controller. All valves shall be numbered to match operation 1chedule and drawing■. Only those areas controlled by controller shall be 1hown. Thi• chart shall be a plot plan, entire or partial, showing building, walks, roads ond walls. A photostatic print of this plan, reduced 01 necessary and legible In all detolla, shall be made to a size that wlll flt Into the controller cover. This print shall be approved by the Architect and 1holl be hermetically Haled by plastic. This sholl then be aecured to Inside of co-. 5. lmmedlat.iy upon 1"1tallatlon af any burled pipe or equipment, Contractor 1holl Indicate Oft the drawings locotlons of said equipment. Dimension• shall be given from permanent objects such 01 bulldlng1, sidewalks, curbs and driveways. 1 .oe GENE1'AL REQU11'EMENTS: lo.. Coda Requirement, lhall 'be tho11 of State and Municipal Codes and regulotlon1 locally governing thl• work, providing that any requirements of the Drawing• and Specifications, not conflicting therewith but excHdlng tho Code Requirement■ sholl govern, unless written permlsolon to the contrary la granted by the City lnapector. 8. Extreme care lhall be exarclnd In excavating and working In the area di.le to existing utllltles. Contractor shall be responelble for damage, caused by his operotlon1. C. Connection• ehall be mode at cipproxlmate locations 1hown on drawings. Contractor aha11 be respon1lbl1 for minor change• cauaed by actual site conditions. D. Lond1cape heodll!'■ and mowlr,g 1trlp1 shall be In place before ln1tol'lotlan of sprlnkler system. It Scaled dimension, ore approximate. Before proceeding with any work, Contractor shall corefully check and verify all dimensions. I". Pion location■ of l'Ub l'Urfaee !lr,,ea, vatvee, controller and pipe lines ore dlogrommotle and Indicate the spacing ond relative locations of all lnstollotlon,. G. All linH lholl hove minimum clearance of six (6) lnche1 from eoeh other, and from lines of other trodes. Parallel line, ahall not be Installed directly over one another. H. Dltlectrle bushf,ig■ sholl be used In any connection■ with piping of dlss'lmllor metal moterlala. I. Point of connection shall be opproxlmotely 01 ehown on drawings Connect new underground plplhg and valves and pro'ilde all flanges, adapters or othar necessary fitting■ for connection. J. Permtealon to shut off any 11d1tlng tn-uat water line• must be obtained 4! hour■ In advance, In writing from Owner. Contractor aholl receive Instruction ■ from Owner, o• to the ••act length of time of each shut-off. I(. Contractor shall acquaint himself with all site condition ■• PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS: Pipe slzea shown ore nominal Inside diameter uni••• otherwise noted. • TESHIMA DFSIGN GROUP IANDSCAl'B Aitam1!C1URE . LAND_PI.ANNINO-_, BUSINl!ll8PAltK AVB. SVlTI! C • MN Ill!ClO, CA 11D ------TOO .JOB NO. o+-<m DA.TB: 06-'6-<16 I I I I I ! . I ! I I I I I 1. PVC Pressure Mainline Pipe Fitting■: All burled private piping In the reclaimed water eyatem shall be lnetolled w'lth warring tape Identifying It as reclolmod water with the excoptlon of Intermittent pressure lines. Intermittent pressure lines (line on the downstream side of o controller volve that will not be 1ub)ect to constant pressure) may be excepted as long as It le apparent, due to line size and location os determined solely be the District Engineer of City Inspector, that the lines are port of a reclaimed water sprinkler Irrigation oyatem. Stenciled pipe, as specified below, will be accepted In con)inctlon with womlng tape. (a) PreHure molnllne piping for 1lzea 2" and larger •hall be PVC Clos■ 315, and shall be purple. (b) Pipe shall be made from on NSF approved T~• 1, Grode 1, PVC compound conforming to ASTM Resin Specifications "D1784". All pipe must meet requirements as set forth In Federal Specifications PS-22-70, with on Appropriate Standard Dimension (S.D.R.) - (Solvent Weld Pipe). (c) Pressure mainline piping for slzH 1-1 /2" ond smaller ■hall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded Joint,, and shall be purple. (d) Pipe shall be made from NSF' approved T~• 1, Grade 1, PVC compound conforming to the ASTM Resin Specifications "01785". All pipe must meet requirements as set forth In Federal Specifications PS-21-70. (e) PVC eolvent-weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM Te1t Procedure 02466. (f) Solvent cement and prlmar for PVC eolvent weld pipe and fittings •holl be of t]IPe and Installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. Mainline pressure pipe shall be solvent welded utlllzlng o two step prooe1s with primer and gray glue. (g) All PVC pipe muet bear the following mor1clngs. 1. Manufacturer'• Nome 2. Nominal Pipe Size 3. Schedule or Closs 4. Pressure Roting In P.S.I. 5. NSF' (Nollonol Sanitation Foundation) Approval 6. Date of E.truslon (h) All fitting, shall bear the manufacturer'• name of trademark, material designation, 1lze, applicable I.P.S. Schedule and NSF' Seal of Approval. A.C.P., 4" and above, 1holl hove the words "RECLAIMED WATER" stenclled In 2-fneh gretn lettere on both aide■ of the pipe In at least three place■ In a 13-foot section of pipe (totol of sl• places per section of pipe). All pipe shall hove stencntng appearing on both sides of the pipe with the marking "RECLAIMED WATER" In 5/B" letters repeated every 12 Inches. 2. PVC Non-pressure Lateral Line Piping (a) Non-preseure burled lateral line piping shall be PVC Sch 40 with 10lvent-w1ld jbmt■, and 1holl be purple. (b) Pipe ohall be mode from NSF' opproved, T~• 1, Grode 11 PVC compound conforming to ASTM Specification ■ "01784". All pipe must meet requirements set forth In Federal Specification PS-22-70 with on appropriate Standard Dlmenalon Ratio. (c) E•cept 01 noted In Parogrophe (a) and (b) of Section 2.01.A.1(0) and (b), all requirements for non-presl'Ure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the some as for solvent-weld pressure mainline pipe and fittings as set forth In Section 2.01.A.1 of these speclflcatlon1, (Primer not required). All unalzed end run later lines lhall be 3/4" PIPE. 3. Polyvinyl Chlorld1 Pipe Fittings and Connectlone: TJIP• II, Grode 1, Schedule 40, high Impact molded fittings, manufactured from virgin compound, as specified for piping, tapered socket or molder thread type, suitable for either solvent weld or screwed connections. Machine threaded fittings and plastic saddle and flange fittings ore not acceptable. Furnish fittings permanently marked with followlng Information: Nominal pipe size, type and schedule of material, and Notlonol Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal of approval. PVC fitting shall conform to ASTM 02464 and D2466. C. Automatic Control Wire: 1. Electric wiring running from Controller to Automatic control valves shall be No. 14, 1011d, tingle conductor, copper wire, 4/64 Inch Insulation, -4-/64 Inch neoprene jacket, style BR (Direct Burial) or equal, color code wires to each valve, common wire eholl be white. D. Aut:omotlc Controller: 1. Controller shall be furnished and Installed complete with all water, electrical ond drainage services, ready for operation. Unit shall be electric, self-contained outdoor t~e. wall-mounted, or approved equal. See detail for controller enclosure. 2. Unit lholl have a minimum 1tatlona as shown on Irrigation Legend. J. Controller shall be the latest model of the particular manufocturer sup~lled. 4. Unit shall be 120-volt, 60-eycle controllar, be completely automatic and aholl function optionally with or without the clock. 5. Any otatlon may be repeated Independently In any 24 houre. 6. Stations shall be adjustable from 1 to 59 mlnut ... 7. Control panel shall be removable plug-In t~e. !!. Meohonlsm lhall be housed In sturdy, vandal-proof case, manufactured of 14-;auge etelt, or case aluminum; furnished for maximum exterior protection. 9. TI,e clock and all working porti of the control1er shall be contained within one proteet11'1g cover. E. Control Valves: 1. Remote Control Valves ehall be of all Pl01tlc body. Valve 1hall be provided wit~ on adjuetable flow control stem and shall be operable manually without electricity. F. VOl'Ve Box: 1. F'or remote control valves 9-1/2" x 16" x 11• rectangular box manufactured by Carson Industries #14129-128 with purple bolt down cover or approved equal. 2. For ball valve: 10" x 10'1/4" round, Carson Industries !11910-128 with purple bolt co-or approved equal. Extension sleeve to be PVC-5" minimum size. G. Sprinkler Heads ■hall be 01 required on the drawing• or approved equal. I. Ball Valves: \ L. Contractor shall pro'ilde to th• Own•r: 1. Two (2) Control Valve keys. 2. Two (2) wrenehes for removing each different type of ■prlnkler head. 3. One (1) 48" tee wrench for operating gate valves. 4. Six (IS) quick coupler keys and alx (6) hose bib aseemblles. 5. F'lve (5) keya for opening and locking each automatic controtler. M. Preesure regulator shall be bronze with screw fitting. See detolla and drawing. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Locotlona on drowmgs ore diagrammatic and approximate only, and "'10!1 be changed an•d adjusted as neceasory as directed to meet existing conditions and obtain complete water coverage. Locate and stoke oil work and obtain approval of Architect before Installations. 8. Install and extond system 01 shown on drawings, and 01 n,eceosory to terry out the Intent of Drawings and Specifications. C. Locate lines, valve■ and other underground utllltl" and renlve approval of Architect befor• digging trenche1. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM: A. Excavation ond Backfllllng of Trenches: 1. Excavate trench••• prepare aubgrode, and boekfffl to l1n1 and trade with sufficient room for pipe fittings, testing and Inspecting operatlono. Do not backfill until pipe 1yatem hoe been subjected to hydrostatic test 01 specified. 2. Depth of cover In the Troneh: Polyvinyl Chloride Preasure Line 1!" minimum Polyvinyl Chloride Non-Preaeure Lin• 12" minimum Polyvinyl Chloride Non-Pressure Lines for drip syatem lateral nnea aholl be ln1toll1d at 12• depth. Installation of Polyethylene Distribution tubing: Dl1trlbutlon tulblng eholl be cut Into length• that will allow tubing to lay In a rela•ed manner from emitter point (at shrub stem). Allow two (2) distribution tubes per plant. Tubes shall be pressed firmly onto emitter barb so tha tube end eom11 Into contact with emitter body at base of barb. 3. Trenching through area, where topeoll has been spread: (a) Depoalt topsoil on one ■Ide of trench and subaoll on oppo1Il• aide. 4. Subsoil shall be free of oil rocks over one (1) Inch In dlometar, debris, ond litter, prior to use 01 backfill where so Indicated on detail. 5. Repair any leaks and roploee all defective pipe llttlngs untll lines meet tell requlremenb. Do not cover any llnee until they hove been Inspected and approved for tightness, quality of workmanship and materials. e. Boekflll trenches, after approval of piping, with suitable ond approved moterlol, tamping aol1 around pipe and thoroughly compacting all trench fills until 90,i; compaction has been achieved. 7. E!ockflll material aholl be approved soil, free from rocks and clods. B. Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe: 1. Because of the nature of plostlc pipe and fitting,, ••erclH caution In handling, loading and storing, to ovoid damage. 2. The pipe and fittings shall be etored under cover until using, and •hall be transported it, o vehicle with a bed long enough to allow length of pipe to lay flat so as not to be subjected to undue bending or concentrated external load ot ony point. 3. Any pipe that has been dented or damaged sha1'1 be discorded until such dented or damaged section is cut and rejoined with a coupling. 4. Trench depth shall be as specified above from ths flnlah grade to the top of the pipe, The bottom of trench shall be free of rocks, clods, and other sharp-edged objects. 5. Pipe ends and fittings shall be wiped with P66 !'rimer, or equal, before welding solvent la opplledl Welded joints shall be given o minimum of 15 minutes to oet before moving or handling. All field cuts shall be beveled to remove burrs and excess before fitting and gluing together. I. Pipe aholl be snaked from aide-to-side of trench bottom to allow for e•ponslon ond contraction! 7. Center load pipe with ■moll amount of bockflll to prevent arching and allpplng under pre•aure. Leave Joints ••posed for Inspection during testing. 8. No water shall be permitted In the pipe untll ln1pectlon1 have been completed and a period oit >It least 24 hours hos elopeed for solvent weld setting and curing. II. Plastic to metal joint■: Solvent-weld, using eolvent recommended by pipe manufacturer only. 10. Plastic to Plastic Joints: Solvent-weld; using solvent recommended by pipe manufacturer only. : 11. Solvent-wtld Joints: Assemble per manufacturer'• recommendation. 12. Thrust block shall be Installed as per detail. C. Remote Control Wiring: 1. Direct Burial Control wire sites: Aa shown and specified herein before. 2. Provide one control wire and one common ground wire to service eoch valve In 1ystem. Provide 4-foot minimum expansion loop ot each valve to permit removal and maintenance of valves. 3. Install control wires and Irrigation piping In common trenches wherever poa1lble. 4. Control Wire Spllce1: Allow only on run• of more than 300 feet, 1pllc11 01 follows: (1) Strip off minimum of 2-1 /2 Inches of lnsulotton from each wire. (2) Twist on Seotehlock electrical spring connector, minimum four complete t~rna. (3) Seal conneetor In epoxy realn. (4) Tope completed splice with Scotch 3:3 electrlca1 tape. 5. Numbering and Tagging: Identify direct burial control wire• from automatic 1/0lvea to terminal strips of controller at terminal strip by togging wire with number of connected \/dive. D. Automatic Controller: 1. Automatic Controller lhall bt lnetalled 01 shown and directed. Controller lhoft be t .. ted with complete electrical connections. Contractor shall be responalble for temporary power to controller for operation and testing purposes. 2. Connections to control wiring shall be made within the pedestal of the controlter. All wire shall follow the pressure main Insofar as possible. 3. Electrical wiring 1hall be In o rigid PVC plastic conduit from controller ta eleetrlcol outlet. The Electrical Contractor shall be responelble for Installing all wiring to the l'Ub-ponele, elocke, or elsewhere as required, In order to complete this lnstollatlon. A disconnect switch shall be Included. 4. Controller shall have o master awttoh. It sholil be poHlble to operate each valve manually, Independent of clock of any other valve. F. Valve Box: 1. Install valve boxes as shown on detail. Install no more tfllon one 110tve per box. Stencft valve number and controller letter on underside of valve box lid. G. Sprinkler Heads: 1. All sprinkler head• shall be Installed ae per details shown. 2. Nozzle size of oll heads shctll be <l!djusted to suit any particular conditions of the area. This shall be done ofter the system hos been thoroughly tested, Immediately ofter written notification by the Architect to do so. H. Quick cou,pler Aesembly: 1. Install 011 quick couplers 01 lncilcoted on drawings and 01 directed. Set all valve• plumb ond true to finish grade and a maximum of 12 Inches from paving, walks, headers or curbs, and 01 ahown on plans and as directed. I. Ban Valves: 1. lnttoll where 1hown 01 detailed. J. Bockflow Preventer: 1. Bockflow preventer oHembly aholl be lnatdlled In accord with manufacturer's IIJ)tclflcotlona, located and 01 directed on drawlnge, and sh,oll conform to all applicable code and ordinance requirement•. City Backflow Specialist shall approve location and lnstollotlon (760) 431-7152. 2. E~act loeotlon and positioning shall be verified on the site by lo.rchtt,et. K. Pr .. sure Regulator If needed sholl be Installed as per drawing• and detail. Verify final location with Architect. L Installation of Anti-Drain Volvee: Anti-drain valves shdll be ln1talled In the riser aaHmbllee of all sprinkler heads that do not hove manufacturer Installed anti-drain dellice1. M. ln1toll quick couplers and remote control ll'(li'Ves odjoceot to wolk• and curbs It, shrub planting area,. Install quick coupler valves no further thon 150 ft. apart. N. Sleeving: 1. Cro11lng of vehlculor path with Irrigation ?IP• or wiring shall be avoided wharever ~oallble. If a crossing must be mode, Schedule 80 PVC 1leeves shall be Installed at a minimum depth of 30" below finish grade. 2. Irrigation line• under pedestrian paving Sholl be 1t,1totled In Schedule 40 PVC 1leeves at a minimum depth of 1!!" below flnlahed grade. 3. Sleeve 1lza1 for Irrigation llnee shall be o minimum of two (2) times the size of the tine It serves. 4. Controller wires located under etreeto or other permanent Improvement• shal'I be m1tolled In separate PVC sleeves and corresponding to t~e and depth as specified on L-1. and L-2. 3.0:3 CLEAN-UP: A. A• pro Ject progres•es. Contractor shall maintain all areas In o neat manner and remove unsightly debris as nece1&ory. After com~letlon of the project, Contractor ■hall remove all debris and containers used In accomplishing work. He shall sweep and clean all aldewolks, asphalt, and concrete oreoe adjacent to plontlng1. ••• APPROVED FOR PLANTING IRRIGATION ONLY. AND INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION AREAS. OF PLANTING "AS-BUILT " P.E. EXP, ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE 1. Boll valve 1 Inch size to 2 Inch size shall meet ASTM standards with seals which ore self adjusting to compensate wear. Ball valve• ■hall hove molded micro-finish ball with low torque requirement■ to operate unit monually. Ball valve shall have a patented feature -"Preloaded" stem aeal and Impact resistant handles. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ t---+--+---------------1----+--,f-----+---I ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ :===.:======::::::::::::::==::':::=::=====!..'::::::~ PALOMAR FORUM 2. Product: 1• -2• size (King Bros. Lo-torque boll valve mod.is Lt. 1000-t thru Lt.200D-t) 2• -4" size (King Broa. Block true union ball valve models Volenclo, Collfornlo 91384 Phone: (800)541-2672 or (805)257-3262. J. Concrete footings shall be 2,000 psi concrete at 2!! doya. K. Boekflll shall be clean fill 1011 . , I I I! I ' DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORt< 7/1. ,. REVISION DESCRIPTION II ' --' I '1 I I I I DATE INITIAL CATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL Cl'TY APPROVAL I LOTS8AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PLANNING DWN BY: --- CHKD BY:~-- RVWO BY: I I PROJECT NO. P.I.P. 05-03 ,,_.,_.,., DATE DRAWING NO. 437-9L SECTION 02900 LANDSCAPING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 ClENERAL CONDITIONS A. Orowlngs ond G•n..-ol Pro"1elm• ,of Contract, lncludlng General and Supplementary condition• and Olvl1lan 1 Specification 1ectlon1 apply to work of this section, and mu ■t be fully considered In connection therewith. 1.02 SCOPE A. Th• wor1< Includes oll aervlen, loibor, materlola, tronaportotlon and equipment necessary to perform the work Indicated on the drawing• and 01 specified herein and oa required to complete property the contract. B. Related Work: 1. Irrigation (Section 024!!0) 1. 03 SUl!MITTALS A. See requirements In General Condltlona, and Section 01340. B. Contractor lhdll aubmlt a typawrltten !lat with apeclf1cotlone of all feoolble materials, Including 10II amendments, fertttlzers, plant materials, etc., with quantltle■ of each. 1. 0'4-OD'!NITIONS <lF' TERMS A. •p1ontlng Area• lholl mear, oil C11'410a to be aeeded, 1odded, planted With treee, ahrllba, andi'or groundcovero. A. Plant Matertcl1: Pienta (HI-gallon sin ond larger) shall be guorontetd to live and grow in haolthy condition during the agreed upon 90 day maintenance period or until final acceptance (3.20 Port B). Plant material will continue lo be guaranteed for one (1) year. l!I. Plant materla! ""'oiler than 15-;cllon alle: Shall be guoronteed lo live and grow In \/lgorous healthy upright condltlon for a minimum of one growing ■eoson alter flnol acceptance of work (excluding seo1onol color). C. Replacement: All plants not healthy and In vigorous growing condition os determined by the Lond•cope Architect eholl be replaced Immediately. Plant■ uaed for replacement shall be the same kind and size co specified In the plant list. They shall be fumlehed, planted and fertlllzed as orlglnolly specified at no coste to Owner. 1.0fl VEl'IFICA 110"1 or EXISTING CONDITIONS A. All ■coled dlmenalon1 on the drawings ore opproxlmot•. Before proe .. dlng with any work, the Contractor ■hall carefully check ond verify all dimensions, quantities, and grade elevations, and aholl Immediately Inform the Land1cape Architect of any discrepancies. I!. Prior to the excavation for plc:inting or ploclng of plant materials, the Contractor ahall verify the location of oil underground utility lines and other lmprovementa, and toke proper precautions to ovoid damage to such Improvements. In the event of conflict between such Improvements and plant locations, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect, and arrangements will be made for relocation as necessary. Failure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responslbillty for making any and all repairs for damage resulting from work as herein specified at his own expense. 1 .07 PF!OTECTION or EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS During the eonttruetlon and maintenance period, the Contractor aholl toke every precaution to protect and ovoid damage lo ■pri'nkler heads, Irrigation lines, drainage lines, and oil other underground focllltle• and oil paving, structures, fixtures, and ••lstlng plantings. Tho Contractor shall be held responslbl• for any and all damage to such improvement. and shall completely repair or replace the some at no coat lo the Owner. 1.08 INSTRUCTIONS ANO OBSERVATION A, At! ehonge■ ond deviation• to the plona and epecif1cotlona ■hall be confirmed In writing vlo the Londacape Architect. II. The Contractor eholl be ovaftllble on col1 to make a Joint obstrvotlon with the City ln1pector ond/or Landscape Architect. The Contractor oholl hove sufficient work personnel ovofloble during normol working houre to correct deflclencle■ Immediately upon requeat of the Landscape Architect. Such repair or re-work -•Ices ore to be performed without Interference to regular project schedule. C. Plants eholl be aubject to approval by th• Owner'• Rapresentatlve al th• place or growth andfor i,pon dellvery to the site for quality; size and vorlety. Such approval ahall not Impair the right of observation and rejection at the site during progreeo of work for size, condition of root ball, latent defecta, or lnjurlea. F!ejected plant■ shall be removed Immediately from the site, unless otherwise approved by th• Landscape Architect. D. Sitt obHrvotlont h-ln epeeffled eholl be mode by the Londacope Architect. Th• Contractor aholl notify the Londacope Architect of. a site observation ot least 4!! hours In advance of on observation. An observation will be mode by the Landscape Architect during office working hour• on each of the steps or conditions Hated below. The Contractor or his authorized representative shall be on site at the lime of each observation. The Contractor will not be permitted to Initiate the succeeding step of work until he hos received approwl to proceed by th• Landscape Architect. 1. Pre-Construction Meetln9: Immediately prior to the commencement of work of this section, Contractor shall receive approval of materlola and equipment to be uaed, and methods of lnslollotlon. 2. Incorporation of aoll conditioning and fert1nzln9 Into the •oil: Soll tHtl performed by a pre-approved son testing the loborotory aholl be aubmltted and paid for by the Contractor for agrlcultural sultobRlty and approved by the Landscape Architect and City Inspector once rough grading hoe been completed, and prior to lnstalllng any plant material, 3. Uflon the completion of flnleh grading and mow curba layout In the field, but prior to mow curb Installation. 4. Appro\1<11 of aH plant molertol quollly. 5. Layout of plant material. * TESHIMA omIGN GROUP ~ ARCHn1!ClURI! • 1AM) PLANN1NO 9l109 IIUSINBIISPA1ll AV& Sllffl! C • MN Illl!OO, CA !ID Jilt --llllD -- TOO JdB NO. 04-o.'!0 n,..m 06-26-0ti I I I I I' !,' ' ' 5. Pre-maintenance obaervatlon: When planting and all other Indicated or 1peclfled work, e~cepl the Maintenance Period, ho• been completed. Acceptance ond written approval shall nlobllsh beginning of the Maintenance Period. thl1 le not a flnal observation or acceptance, and It do• not relieve the Contractor from any of the responsibilities in the contract documents for this project. 7. Flnol site ob1ervotlon at the completion of the apeclfled maintenance period. Thia observation shall establish the beginning dole for the guarantee period. E. Acceptance: Upon completion of the Final Ob1ervotlon and the work of this section, the Contractor will be notified In writing (1) whether the work Is acceptable and (2) of any requirements nece■aary for completion and acceptance. 1.09 SUSPENSION OF' WORK A, The Land1cape Architect shall recommend to the Owner any necessity to 1u1pend the worlc wholly, or In port, for such period or periods 01 he may deem necessary due to unsuitable weather, or such other condltlon1 as ore considered unfavorable for the reasonable performance of the work, or for such time 01 Is necessary due to the failure on the part of the Contractor to carry out orders given or to perform any or all provlalons of the contract. B. If It should become neceHary to stop work for on Indefinite period, the Contractor lholl store all materials in 1uch o manner that they will-not become on obstruction nor become damaged In any way, and he shall toke every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed. The Contractor shall cover all open excavations and ahall provide suitable drainage by opening dltchH, planting pita, etc., and erect temporary structures where necessory. C. Grading, 10II preporotlon, and planting w0!1( eholl be performed only during periods when beneficial and optimum results may be obtained. If th• moisture content of the soil should reach a level that working It would destroy the soil structure, 1pre0dlng, grading and tllllng operotlon1 shall be suspended unlll the mol1ture content reaches acceptable levels and the desired results ore attainable. 1.10 CERTIFICATIONS ANO NOTICE or DELIVERY OF MATERIAL A. The Landscape Landscape Architect shall be fuml■hed with duplicate signed, legible copies of certlflcatee and/or Invoices atotlng the brand, grade, amount and quantity of each Item for all soil, fertilizers, soil condltlonera, plans and other materials. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY STOP WORK PROGRESS UNTIL CERTIFICATES ARE RECEIVED ANO REVIEWED BY THE OWNER. B. The Contractor ehall notify the Landscape Architect In advance when oil materials ore to be delivered and the manner of shipment, and shall furnish therewith an Itemized list, In dupllcate, of the actual quantity of moterlol In each delivery, In order to ensure satisfactory coordination of delivery, and to expedite the required lnapectlon at the point of delivery. The Itemized list, In dupllcote, for each delivery of plant material shall Include invoices certifying that subject materlol has been inspected as required by the State Agricultural Code prior to acceptance or planting. Particular core, using approved equipment, shall be e,erclsed to ensure safe loading, unloading, shipping and handllng for all plantings from source to In-place locations Indicated on the drawings. 1.11 PLANT MATERIALS A. Quantities for plant moterlal1 ore shown per pion for convenience only and not guaranteed. Contractor shall check and verify oount and supply aufflclent number to fulfill Intent of drawings, 1.12 INVOICE: OF MATERIALS A. Upon delivery of materials ond/or completlon of oil 1011 conditioning and grading, but prior to Initiating planting operations, the Landscape Architect with the heretofore specified signed copies of required certlf1cotes, trip slips and Invoices for soil preparation materials, shall Invoice such material, comparing the total quantities of each material furnished against the total area to each operation. If the minimum rotes of application hove not been met, the Landscape Architect will r.«,ulre the distribution of oddltlonol quantltlee of these materials to fulfill the minimum requirements specified. B. Alter lnstollatlon cf plant molerlais, but prior to the pre-maintenance site observation, the Landscape Architect, with the heretofore specified signed copies of the required certlflcote1 end related Items, shall invoice such material, comparing the total area and/or the amounts specified. If the minimum amounts hove not been furnlehed, the Landscape Architect will require the Installation of additional materials to fulflll the minimum requirements specified. C. A ,ample of the soil amendments shaft be dellvered to the Lond1core Architect within 15 day■ ofter recording of the contract for submittal to o testing laboratory, along with 1peclflcatlon1 of each product. After eoil amendments hove been thoroughly mixed Into the site, random samples of the ml•ed soil will be token by the engineer and 1ubmitted to the toll laboratory for comparison to a control mix. Cost of the above testing by the soils laboratory shall be bome by the Contractor. 1. 13 PROTECTION or EXISTING TREES, SHRUBS AND VlNES A. It 11 the Intent of the project that c..-taln areas of the existing plant materials ahaff be retained. Prior to the removal of any treea, the Contractor 1hall confer with the Lond1cC!lpe Architect to determine those plants thot ore to remain. B. All .. !sting trees which are to remain In the project ehall be tagged ond ldentif1ed by the Contractor prior to start of work. C. Contractor ehall be reeponslblt far oll trees that are to remain In the pro jeet. Damage to a plant which resulh in death or permonent dloflgurotlon shall reoull In the complete removal of the plant, Including roots, from the site by the Contractor. The Contractor at his own e•penae 1haH replace the plant with one of equal value as estobllshed by the Landscape Architect or reimburse the Owner the cost of sold replacement If a replacement cannot be obtained. The Landscape Architect shall be the sole Judge of the condition of the plant. 0. All existing trees that are to remain ahall be protected al oil times from damage by mel'I and equipment. All damage by the Contractor to existing plants shall be repaired at his expense by personnel approved by the-Landscape Architect. It. The Contractor eholl lneure that no foreign material Cll'ld/or llquld, such 01 point, concrete, cement, oil, turpentine, acid or the like, be deposited or allowed to be deposited on any soil within the drlpline (the outside edge of foliage overhand) of any tree or shrub or within 5' of the trunk of o vine. Should any such poisoning of the soil occur, the Contractor shall remove sold 1011 01 directed by the Landscape Architect and replace It with acceptable soil at no expense to the Owner. F. Excavation adjacent to exlating trees and 1hrub ■: Where It Is necessary to excavate ih close pro•lmlty to existing trees and shrubs, all possible caution shall be exercised to ovoid Injury to roots ond trunk. E•covatlon close to trees shall be by hond, tunneling under root■ 2" and larger In diameter. Cutting of roota 2• and larger shall be only on the approval of the Land1c0pe Architect. Point cut roots within 24 houra of lnltiol damage with approved pruning point. l'lt>en this is not possible, keep the side of e•covotlon adjacent to tree shaded with moist burlap or canvas. I i I ' I ! 11 P~RT 2 -PROOUCTS 2.01 QUALITY A. All material• shall be of otondard, approved, ond fire! grad• quality and aholl be In prime condition when Installed and accepted. All commercially processed and/or packaged moterlole sholl be delivered to the site In the original unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. 2,02 $OIL AMENDMENT ANO FERTILIZER SHALL BE FOR BIDDING PU~Pose:s ONLY Specific soil test shall. be conducted ofter grading operation has token place. Amendment s al upon ano ys s contain al least 1. nitrogen on 0 dry weight boala) with on ash content not lo e,ceed 15%. A commercial grade product aholl b• used. Contractor shall supply Landscape Architect or his appointed represontollve with a sample of the proposed amendment accompanied by a laboratory analysis from an approved laborotory illustratlng degree of compliance. Guarantee • wt/cu/yd. • '4-60# -7201- Ammonlac nitrogen • 1.0%. pH (1111 than 6.8). Sollnlty (total soluble salts • 3.0 MMHO). Oenolty • 20# cu.ft. Properties -(gradation sieve size) -No. 6 -95% minimum passing; No. 8-80% minimum passing: No. 35 -30% minimum po11lng. Wetablllty -to be In compliance with standards 01 per American Society of Agronomy B, Agricultural Grade Gypaum -Shall be o (Ca S04 -H20) calcium sulfate product -94.3%. 90X shall paas a 50 mesh screen. Chemical reaction will remove Sodium attached to soil partlclea. Gypsum also loosens heavy cloy soils through electro-chemical action. Control of dust during application Is mandatory. Shall be U.S. Gypsum, OolmQr, SofN'Soll, or l!landlnl, If not available, 1holl be equal to. C. Sulfur (Soll) -Shall be elemental aulfur (99.5%) oommerclolly prepared so that 45.9% posees 0 50 mesh screen. Shall be WII-Gro, Union Chemicols or Saker lndustrlea, If not ovahtble, 1holl be equol to. D. Iron Sulfate -Iron shall b<I expresHd os metallic -derived from aulfate -deep green (F'e S04 H20). A minimum analysis of 20.0% end 98.3% retained on a 10 me•h screen. Sholl be Wll11on & Geo. Meyw, Wll-Gro, or Bond'lnl, If not ovallable, lholl M 9quol to. E. Pre-plant or atorter fertilizer shall be c eornmerelal 9rod1 flowobl• ferlll1zer wllh-1% nitrogen, 10% phaephorou1 pentloxlde and 10% potassium sulfate. No Potassium Chlorloe la to be u1ed. Organic nitrogen shall be from Cottonseed Meal and Urea. Phoephote avollobl• from auperphoaphole and Cottonseed Meal. Potash from sulfate of Potash and Cottonaeed Meol. Screen analysis: % retained an stocked screen-appro•lmately !!-meeh 24.2%; 20-meah 75.2%; 48 -mesh 0.2%. Available percentage weight cf plont food: Nitrogen 1.0% min, Phosphoric acid 10.0% min, Potash 1 o.o,: m In, Shel'! be WII-Gro, Bandin! or Kellogg. If not ovolloblt, shall be equol lo. F. Post Plant F'ertnlzer (Maintenance): Fertilizer (commercial) shall be a combination of natural organic and Inorganic granular fertilizers, free-flowing, sultable for application with approved equipment and shall contain the following minimum avolloble percentogea by weight of plant food: Nitrogen Ammoniac Sulfate F!emolnder of Nitrogen 1.25% Water Insoluble Phosphoric acid Potash Iron Zinc MangoneH Calcium 14,0X min. 4.0l'I min. 8. 75,: Water Soluble 7.0% min. 3.0i! min. 2.0X 0.1 s,: 0.15l'I 2,0,i Organic Nitrogen Is derived from Urea ond Cottonteed Meo'i. Phoephote from Superpho■phate and Cottonseed Meal. Potash from Sulfate of Potooh and Cottonseed Meal. No Potassium Chloride Is to be used. Sulfur from Sulfate of Ammonia. Calcium from Superphosphate, Iron from Ferrous Sulfate and mixed Sulfides. Zinc and Manganese are ••pressed as metallic ond In their elemental form. Screen analysis: ('1: retained) -appro,lmotely: 4 mesh • 1.3llt; 8 meeh • 24.2'1:; 20 meeh • 74.0%; c:md 48 mesh 0.05%. Shall be WII-Gro Fairway, Bondin!, or Kellogg. If not available, eholl be equal to, ' G. Planting tablets shall be tightly compressed chip type commercial grade planting loblets, of varying sizes with the following avoiloble percentages by weight of plant food: Nitrogen F>hosphorlc acid Potash Sholl be Agrlform or Gro-l'ower. If not avallabl•, that! be equal to. 20.0ll min. 10.0% min. 5.0% min. WEED AIATE'MENT PROGRAM lngl'edl9ntl 1. 50% Scythe 2. 50% GlyphOlatl ('loundup) !"!Pllrlltlon: . Fill the spray tank wltl1 the requl1r1d amount of water, ltlen add above m1ll!UNI. Agitate thoroughly at mixing and re-agitate occasionally during use. Rates: Above mbdure may be used at rates from 3% to 10% volume to volume 'in water. Use the lower rates for tank mixing with glyphosate and medium rates when applying alone to weeds less than 6 Inches In height. Apply above mixture at the higher rates for weeds greater than 6 inches in height. Appllc1t1on: Use a backpack or handheld sprayer or a conventional spray rig. Be sure to thoroughly cover all of the target plants' foliage. Timing: For fastest klll, apply on a warm, sunny, day, Do not apply during windy conditions that could carry spray to desirable vegetation In nearby locations. I,\ DATE INITIAL 2.03 l'LAN1'1NG !IACl<FlLL FOF! fflEES ANO SHRUBS A. Rate of oppllcotlon le for bldd1ng purpous only. Soll test moy reduce or Increase total aoll yardage amendment and chemical additives. Planting bockfll11 shall be a thoroughly blended mixture of topsoil and soil amendments ol the following mixtures: Soll Amendment1/2 c,y. Stock Plied elte soil 1 /2 c.y. Gypsum5 Iba. per /cu/yd. of mix Sulfur (1011)1 lbs. per/cu/yd. of mix Iron Sulfote1 lbs. per/cu/yd. of mix Pre-Plant (1-10-10) 3 lbs. per/eu/yd. of mix (also 1ee 3.04 Exterior Planter Backfill). 2.04 PLA~T MATERIALS A. Nomenctature: Scientific and common nomee of plants herein apeellted shall conform with the approved names given In •a checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California," published by the University of California, College of Agriculture, Manual 32 (1963). See list of plant material on drawings. l!I. Labeling: Each group of plant materials delivered on site eholl be clearly labeled 01 to species and variety. However, final determination of plant 1pecie1 and variety will be mode by the Landscape Architect and whose decision wlll be final. All patented plonts (cultlvar) required by the plant ll■l aholl be dellvered with a proper plant potent attached. C. Quality and Size: All rlants shall be vigorous, of normal growth, free from diseases, lneecta, Insect egga, and/or exceed the measurement■ apeclfled. D. Container Stock: Sholl hove grown In contolnere for at lea1t elx m<>nths, but not over two )'9ars. No container plonts that have cracked or broken bolls of eorth when token from the container shall be planted, excapt upon special approval. No treee with damaged roots or broken boll• 1hall be planted. [. Prunlno: Al no time ■hall the plant molerlol■ be pruned, trimmed or topped prior to d•ll-y, delivery and ony alteration on the site of their shape 1h0II be oonducted only with the approval Gnd In the presenc■ of the LC!nd■cope Architect. F. ln•pectl<lrt of Plant Materlols: Required by City, County or State autltorltlet, shall be o respon1lbillty of the Contractor, and when necea1ary he shell hove secured permits or certlficotee prior to delivery of plant• at site. G. On-Site lnapection of Plant Materlole: Pion ts shall be subject to ln ■pectlon and approval or rejection ot the project site <1t any time before or during progress of work for size, variety, condition, latent defect■ and Injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from the project site Immediately. H. Rejection and S~b■tltutlon: All plants not conformln9 to the requirements herein specified shell be considered defective, and such plants, whether In place or not, shall be marked oa rejected and be Immediately removed from the alte of the work and replaced with occeploble plant materials. The plant materlols shall meet oil appllcoble Inspections required by low. All plants shall be the species, variety, size, age, flower color and condition as specified herein and/or as Indicated on the drawings. Under no condition will there be any 1ubstltutlon of plant species, wrlety, or reduced size for tho .. listed on the accompanying drawings, except with express written consent of the Landscape Architect. I. Right to Changes: The Londecope Architect reserve• the right to change the apeclee, variety and/or alzes of plant material to be furnlahed, provided that the cost of such plant change• does not exceed the co1t of plants In the original bid. The Contractor ehall be notified and confirmed In writing prior to sixty (60) doy■ before the planting operation hos commenced. Chonges In the size and/or variety cf any plant to be furnished which Involves a reduction or addition In co1t shall be adjusted In the contract cost. J. Root Condition: The Landscape Architect reserve■ the right to inspect root condition of any 1pecla1, particularly thoae grown from aeed, and If found defective, lo reject the plants represented by the defective aomple. K. Protection: All planta at all times ehall be handled and 1tcrilld eo that they ore adequately protected from drying out, from wind burn, and from all other ln)Jry. All plants determined by the Owner's representative to be wilted, bumed, or dried out, may be rejected, and removed from the site. The Contractor's on-site plant storage area shall be approved by the Owner's repreHntatlve prior to the dellvery of any plant materials. L. Shrub and Tree Samples: Typical 1omple1, three each of oil varieties and 1lz11 (ahruba 5 gallon and under, tree■ 15 gdllon and under) of all plant materials aholl be submitted for Inspection approval at the olle a minimum of fifteen day■ prior to planting operotlons. Approved samples shall remoln on the site and shall be molntained by the Contractor 01 standards of comporlson for plant moterlols to be fumlshed. $ample• will be Incorporated Into the work. APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING EBECISE P.E. EXP. LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR " DATE DATE CTTI 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD 00 5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PALOMAR FORUM LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALll'ORNIA APPRO~l (;{, u-f lk~·"i« PLANNING DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DAT!: INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: P.I.P. 05-03 437-9L EN~INEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CnY APPROVAL RVWD BY: I ' I ' I I Ii I ' I I ii i I . I' I I I I I •• M. Speel'rnen Tr•• Selection: 1. One eample ecch of each tr•• variety and 1lze, aa called out on drawing,, 24" box and larger lhall be delivered to the project 1lte for appro110I prior to installation. 2. The Contractor shall Immediately remove any trees not approved. 3. The Contractor at ht, option and at hi• expenae, can retain the Ml'Vicee of the Landaeape Architect to review trees 241" box ■lze or larger tagged at the nursery and/or at Its place of growth. 2.oe Gfl!OUNOCOVEFI A. Groundcover plants shall be healthy, vigorous rooted cuttings grown In flata. 2.01 PLANTEFI t.tUlCH A. Planttr mulch shat! b1 Sierra Wolk-On Bark Mulch 01 rnanuf. by Sierra F'orest product,, phone (209) 535-1502, or approvad equal. Contractor shall provlde samples to owner and City Inspector for approval prior to bulk dellvary to Job site. ' 2.07 STAKING MATERIAL A. Tree guy wlr" llhall be of pNable, zinc-coated steel minimum gouge No. 12 and anchor to appropriate dead man. Wire loopo at branche■ shall be covered by 2-ply reinforced rubber 1/41" In diameter. Guy wire, shall be flagged with 1/8-lnch diameter x 4"-0" length surgical tubing. 2.!! FIOOT l!ARRltR A. Root barrier shall be a multi-year root control syatem con1lstlng of herbleldol tlme-rtleased nodules permanently attached to a permeable geotextlle fabric which will Inhibit plant root 1ncroachment. Active Ingredient: Trlfluratln (a,a,o -Trlfluro-2,15-Dlnltro -N,N -Dlprop)I -P -Toluldlne)17.1'C Inert lngredlent,e2.9,; !!hall be Bio-Barrier -No l<nawi, Equal. 2.9 F>RE-£MERGENT HERBICIDE A. Pre-Emerger,t herbicide shall be 01 determined by the Contractor. 2.10 WEED CONTACT HEFIBICIOE A. Weed contact i'lerblclde shall be 01 determined by the Contractor. 2.11 LAWN A. All lawn area, 1h0II be 1odded with Marathon Ill Dwarf rescue blend. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine propoHd planting e1reo1 ond condition• of ln1tallatlon. Do n·ot 1t0rt planting work until un10tlsf0ctory condition, are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General: The c,reae to recelw trffe, shrut,1 and groundcover plontlnga and their reepectlva requirement, for Imported top■oil, fertilizing , 1011 conditioning, and other treatment shall be as defined on the drawing,. Equipment necessary for preparation of the ground surface and for hondllng and placing all required material shall be on hand in good working condition. Work •hall be performed only during periods when beneficial results can be obtained. B. Clearing and Grubbing: Prior to ripping ond tillage operations, all vagetatlon In the area to be planted 1hall be grubbed, raked, and cleared from the site. The ground aurfoce shall be cleared of oil material which hoe occumutoted during construction and all material which might hinder proper grading, tillage, planting and 91.ibaequent maintenance operation. All grubbed materlol1 and debris ahall be lawfully disposed of off the site by the Contractor at his cost. C. Obstruction Below Ground: All aubeurlace rocks over 2• In diameter and other underground ob1tructlons ■hall be removed to the depth necessary to permit proper fine grading, tilling, or planting according to plane and speclflcatlona. All abandoned utlllty lines uncovered or severed shall be cut below grade and capped or plugged with concrete. Exploslvea shall not be used for remo110l. When the location of utility line■ Is ehown on the piano or hos been made known t.o the Contractor, oil damage to theae lines lholl be repaired by the Contractor In a manner approved by the Londaeape Arehltect and affected utility. D. Deep Ripping: All areas (lneludlng slope■) to receive groundeover, ehruba, and hydroaeedlng shaft be deep ripped and looeened to a depth of twelve (12) Inches In oil directions. 3.03 SOIL AMENDMENTS, FEFITILIZING AND ~OTOTILLING A. Rate of appllcotlan 11 for bldd1ng purpoaff only. Soll t .. t may reduce or Increase total ■oil amendment }'!lrdoge. Adjustment• (plus or minus) may be necessary. Contractor shall obtain at least two soil tests of rough grade at site and submit results to the Landscape Architect for Interpretation and recommendation. B. After the c,raaa hava been deep ripped, the followln9 rates of son amendment mater1ols •hall be evenly spread over all planting areas and ahall be thoroughly scarified to an overage depth of six Inch•• by rototllllng a minimum of two oltematlng passee. Amendment muot be Intimately blended with eoll. Soll amendment: e cubic yard■ per 1,000 sq. ft. to a depth of e•. G)1)1Um: 120 lbs. ptr 1,000 sq. ft. Soll Sulfur: 10 lbs. p.r 1,000 sq. ft. Iron Sulfate: 10 Iba. per 1,000 sq. ft. F'ertntzer (commercial) 1-1'0-10 shat! be applied at the rate of 30 pounds per thoueond square feet and ■carlfled Into the top two Inches of finish grade. F'ertlllzer shall be applied after leaching operation. C. The thoroughnen and completeness of the rototlllln9 and Incorporation of the eoll amendments shall be occsptoble to the Londecope Architect. Slope• 2: 1 and steeper or 01 per the drawings omit soil conditioner application and tilling. D. Deep Water Lsochlng and !loll Teetln9: Oeep water leoetllng lhall be competed Cl■ recommended by o certified agronlmlc laboratory. The following procesa for dnp water leaching Is for bidding purpooes only. Item number ~hree (3.) oholl be performed a• stated below. 1. After the tltllng operotlOl'I, the area eholl be deep water lsoehed three (3) times over a five (5) day period. Apply 1/2" water at each application. Wait one (1) day between applications. 2. One day after 1'1nol application of wattr, the soil aholl be teated for content of aaluble salts (electrical conductivity E.C.). Landscape Architect and Contractor shall toke several soil eampl•• and dellvar th• samples to a laboratory for testing of soluble salts. E.C. test reading ehall not be above 2.0, the eoil amending, tilling and deep watering procedure shall be repeated until t .. t reading• are not abova 2.0 3. If 1011 teat reading fc,r a particular area teated l1 above 2.0, the 10II amending, tntlng mnd deep watering procedure lhafl be repeated until test readings are not above 2.0 e:. Care ehal'I be taken that the rote of application of water does not cause erosion or sloughing of 110l!a. F'. All depreesfon!I, voldl, eroelon ■eon, and nttled trenches generated by the deep watering shall be filled with amended soil and brought to finish grade. * TESHIMA omIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCIDTBCI'URB • I.AND PLANNING 9'03 IIUSINJl&'IPARK AVB. SUD'B C • MN DIEIOO, CA VD ------TDG JOB NO. 04-M> OATE: 06-2H6 I I G. Ap~ly Naiad Wetting Agent, Sarvan or equal 41 oz. per 1,000 1.f. ot the first eproy of toll amendments. 3.04 EXTERIOR PLANTER BACKF'ILL A. Backflll for exterior planters: Shall be ao apeclfled In Section 2.041. F'rlor to backfilling Planter, Contractor shall Install "Monollnk Irrigation System" per manufacturer's speclflcotlona. 3.05 FINISH GFIAOING A. Flnloh grades shall be oe Indicated on civil plan. I!. F'lnlsh grades lhall be meaaured after the ground hos been watered-In and mechonleally compacted and settled. The final grade shall be within plus or minus 0.1 foot of the spot elevations and grade lines Indicated on the Civil drawing. C. Ease top and toe of all existing slopes. 0. All undulations and lrrtgu1arltln In the planting surfaces reaultlng from tllloge, rototllllng and all other operations shall be leveled and floated out before planting operations are Initiated. E. The Contractor eholll take every precaution to protect and avoid damage to sprinkler heods Irrigation llnee, and other underground utllltiea during hla grading and conditioning operation•. ' F'. F'lnol finish grades 1hall Insure positive drainage of the site with oil surface drainage away from buildlng1, walls, over mow ourbe, and toward roadways, drain• and catch basin■. G. Final grades shall be acceptable to the Landecape Architect before planting operations wtll be allowed to begin. H. Planting surfaces sh'afl be graded with no Iese than 2 percent eurfoce alope for poeltlve drainage. I. All rock and debrll ahall be removed from planting areas and then from the ette In accordance with the following criteria, 1• dla. In lawn areas, 2• die. In shrub area, 2• dfa. In hydroseed area,. J. Flnlllh grade shall be 2" below finish paving 1urfoee In ahrub oreo1. 3.015 F'LANTING INSTALLATION A. Timing: Actual ptontlng shall be performed during those period• when weather cmd eoll condition• are suitable and In accordance with locally acceptable practice. I!. Layout of Tree■: All trees(24" bax size and lorger)lholl be placed In the londacape per the direction of the Landscape Architect prior to ln■tallotlon of Irrigation system. The tree, shall then be moved 10 that planting holes can be exca110ted ond amended. The trees oholl then be Installed In their reopectlve hoes and positioned In the holes per direction of the Landscape Architect. C. Layout Planting: Loeotlone aholl be approved by the Landscape Architect. All container plants shall be set by the Contractor In their final locotlon In their re1pectlve container■ prior to digging holes and/or planting. All plant locations shall be checked for possible Interference with existing underground utility llnee. O. Backflll for Tree• ond Shrubs: Sholl be a• specified In 1aet1on 2.03. If artlflolol dral;noge 11 requested, then drains shall be Installed flrst, then backfilled with soil. E. Olsposol of E'.xeeaa Soll and Debris: All exceaa excavated 1ubsoll, rocks and debris 1hall be legally disposed of off the site by the Contractor at his cost or utlllzed on the site as directed by and at the option of the Landscape Architect. 3.07 F'LANTING TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES A. Soll moisture level prior to planting shall be no le•• thon hortlculturolly oceeptoble. The Contractor shall request approval of moisture, and If found to be Insufficient for planting, the planting pits shall be lllled with water and allowed to drain before starting any planting operation,. B. All excavated holes ■hall hove vertical aides with roughened surfaces and shall be of the minimum sizes Indicated on drawings. Holes shall be In all cases large enough to permit handling and planting without ln)Jry or breakage of root bolls or roots. C. Excavation shall Include the stripping and stacking of all acceptable aoll encountered within the areas to be excavated for plant pits and planting beds. Protect oil areas that ore to be trucked over and upon which soil is to be temporarily stacked pending Its re-use for the filling of holes, pits and beds. O. Plants shall be removed from containers In such a manner that the boll of earth eurroundlnt the root. le not broken, and they shall be planted and watered Immediately ofter the removal from the container■. E. The plants shall be planted at approved locatlon1 with the heretofore specified omendmer,tl and soil planting backfill. F'. Backfill shall be placed at the bottom of each hole and thoroughly watered arid compacted to a depth so that when a plant 11 placed In the hole, Ito root crown Is allghtly above the established final grade, and unless otherwlae noted shall be roleed or replaced as directed by the Landscape Architect. G. Planting tablet■ shall be placed In each planting hole at the following rates and per the m0nufocturer1s recommendatlon1.; 1 -5 gram tablet per lndlvldual liner and flat sire plont. 1 -21 gram tablet per gallon container. 3 -21 gram tablets per 5 gallon container. 4 -21 gram tablet per 15 gallon container. 1 -21 gram tablet per each 41 Inch box size. Flondom testing to verify planting tablet lnatallatlon shall be conducted by the Landlcape Architect. H. No plant will be accepted If the rootball la broken ar cracked, either before, during, or after the procesa of Installation. I. All plants shall be thoroughly watered to the full depth of each planting hole lmmed1otely after planting. J. Guying: All tree■ and other plants Indicated on the plans 1hall be guyed 0·1 detofled. I<. The Contractor ehall be reaponslble for all surface and 1ubeurfaoe drainage required whleh may affect his guarantee of the trees, shrubs and vines. L. Pruning ofter planting ■hall be required on oil trees, ehrube, and vines when neeeeeary to provide the specified or approved standard shape■, form and/or olzes characteristic to each plant. Pruning may Include thinning, topping, and/or cutting and shall be under the direction of the Landscape Architect. Cut■ over 3/4-lnch in diameter shall be pointed with an approved tree sealant. M. All trees 24" box ond larger shall be ■potted. 3.08 PLANTING OROUNOCOVER A. Groundcover■ shall be planted In the areas Indicated on the plans and shall be free of surface rock over 2" In diameter and debrf1. B. If the top four (4) Inches of soil In the area to be planted In groundco-la not eufflclently moist (hortlculturolly acceptable standards), the area shall be thoroughly Irrigated and no ieH than twelve hours shall pass before planting. C. Groundcover plant■ shall be grown In flats. \lorlety Indicated on the plant lll1t. F'lot grown plants (rooted cuttings) shall remain In those flats until transplanting. The flats soil shall contain sufficient moisture so that it will not foll apart when lifting the plants. Plants shCIII be protected at oil times to prevent drying of the root ball. O. Groundeover1 lhall be planted In 1toggered, random row• and IIVlnly spaced unleH otherwl■e noted and at lnter110ls coiled out In the drawings. E. The size of planting excavation for groundeover shall be at teo1t twice the depth of the root ball. . · F'. Eoch plant shall be planted In o manner t,hot will eneure minimum dleturbanea of the root syatem, but In no case shall this dspth be less than two nodes. Each groundcover plant shat! be planted with one 5 gram planting tablet Incorporated Into the •root zone. Planting area lhall be hand-smoothed after planting to provide on even and smooth final flniahed grade. To avoid drying out groundcover, plants must be irrigated ofter planting. This may be done manually or by using the Installed Irrigation system. Repeated application■ may be required, eopeclally on a sloping site. This Initial Irrigation shall continue until a zone ot least twice the depth of each hole i1 thoroughly moistened. 3.09 POST FERTILIZATION A. Trees -Post fertlllzotlon shall occur at 100 doy Intervals ofter planting. Bore hole■ around drlpllne (various depths) end apply fertlllzer at the rate of 1 lb. per 1" caliper In holeo. F'ertlllzer shall be WII-Gro14-7-3, Fairway, Bandin!, or Kellogg. If not available, shall be equal to. B. Shrubs -Post fortlllzotlon shall occur 60 days after planting and apply fertilizer at the rate of 1 teaspoon per each 1 gallon plant and 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon plant. F'ertlllzer ■hall be (14-7-3) Wil-Gro, Fairway, Bondin!, or Kellogg. If not available, sholl be equal to. C. Groundcover and lawn oreoa -Post fertlllzatl<)M shall occur 80 doye after plontlng and apply fertlllzer at the rote of 7 lb./1,000 s.f. Fertilizer aholl be (141-7-3) WII-Gro, F'olrwoy, Bandin!, or Kellogg. If not available, ■hall be equal to. O. All planted areas 1hall recelva Sorvon, Naiad Wetting Agent or approved equal, 41 oz. per 1,DOD s.f. 45 doys ofter the start of the maintenance period. 3.10 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD A. General: Malnteno,nce operation• shall begin lmmedl·ately ofter eoeh plont le planted and lholl be kept In a healthy, growing condition by watering, fertilizing, pruning, spraying, weeding and all other necessary operations of maintenance. All areas shall be kept free of wHds and noxious grasses and clean and free of rocks, clods, end debris. All paving and walks shall be kept clear, clean and washed down. I!. Establlshmer,t Period: Trees, Shrub1, Vines and Ground Co-• -Th• ntabllahment period ahall begin on the date that the Landscape Architect Inspect■ and gives written provisional acceptance of the work and shall be ninety {90) calendar daya. The establlohment period may be e,tended or shortened at the discretion of the Landscape Architect. C. Maintenance Operations: Plant• shall be kept In a healthy, growing eond1tlon by waterlnig pruning, mowing, reseeding, rolling, resoddlng, trimming, edging, fertlllzlng, restaklng, pest ' control, spraying, weeding and all other neceHory operations of maintenance. Planting bed• ehotl be kept free of weeds, graH and other undesired vegetative growth, and lawn areas 1holl be kept free from oil weeds. During the specified maintenance period, oil plants that ore dead or severely distressed shall be replaced Immediately. All seasonal color, annuals or perennials ahall be molntalned In o vigorous, healthy condition through the maintenance period. D. Extended Maintenance: When, In the opinion of the Landlcope Architect, there 11 Improper maintenance, poor or unhealthy condition of plant material,, the Contractor shall be responsible for additional maintenance of the work at no additional cost to the contract untll all the work Is acceptable. E. Protection: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate protection of oil planting areas against traffic or other use by erecting fencing or other acceptable means Immediately after the planting 11 completed. Warning signs and barricades ■hall be placed In various high- traffic areos. Damaged areas shall be repaired Immediately by the Contractor. F. Weeding and Cultivating: All tree, 1hrub, groundcover and hydroeeeded area■ shall be kept free of debris and weeds. Groundcover and shrub areas shall be cultivated at lnterwls of not more than fourteen (14) days minimum. G. Replacemer,t: During the maintenance period, plants which die or which ore In on unhealthy or badly Impaired condition shall be replaced by the Contractor within fourteen (141) daya ofter unsatisfactory condition Is evident. No replacement of plantings 1ho11 be mode in any season definitely unfavorable for planting. At the conclusion of the maintenance period, the Landscap1 Architect will make an Inspection of the work to determine the condition of all plant,. All unhealthy plants shall be removed from the site and replaced with plant■ of the same kinda and sizes as originally specified. Such replacement shall be mode in the acme manner as specified for the original planting and at no extra cost to the Owner. H. Acceptance: At the conclusion of the maintenance period, on lnepeetlon shall be made by the Landscape Architect, upon written notice requesting Inspection before acceptance. Maintenance period 1hall continue until all deficiencies are corrected. • •• HYDROSl!ID NOTES 1. Hydroend preparation end appllcatlan shall conform to aH county of San Diego guidelines and restrictions regarding erosion control BMP. b. Appllcatkm rate• shall be 3500 pounds per acre minimum for 2:1 or shallower elopes and 4000 pounds per sere for slopes steeper than 2:1. o. Fiber mulch 1hall be applied at a minimum rate c,f 2,000 pounds per acre except when used In conjunction with straw mulch, when It 2. a. Hydr!l.ullc equipment Ul8d for the apptlolllon of'the fe111112er, seed and slurry of prepared banded fiber matrix {BFM) shall be of the "Super Hydro-Seedef' type as approved by !he San Diego County Engineer. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system and operating capacity sufllclenl to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry cantalnlng not less then 3500 pounds fiber matrix per acre and 300 pounds 15-15-15 mix per acre, b. The slurry dlstrlbutlan lines shall be large enough ta prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nazzles which will provide a continuous non-fluctuating discharge. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1500 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit -etther sett-propelled or drawn 3. by a separate unit, which will place the slurry tank spray nozzles within sufficient proximity ta the aress to be seeded. ,...,...111111, 5. shall be applied at a minimum rate af 400 pounds per acre. d. l!FM shall be applied l!d lellll 24 hours blllfare ar ll1ler ralnfal1. e. Contraotor ehell protect lllte wl!h brew dltchee endfor dlv!lrslon berms at the top of slopes ta divert flow from the face of the stape. f. BFM must be IM!alled In col'ljunetltin with seeded el'Ollon eonm:it vegetation. Pllllowup lllill 81111111.dlllll: a. All bare ■pats shall be re-seeded within ninety (90) daye to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. CITY OP CARLS'B~D SLOPE IIIVl!GETATION/1!11O91O11 CONTROL POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS E.3-1 SLOPE PLANTING E.3·1.1 SLOPE Pl.ANTIN() STAND.AIIIDS Slopee requiring erasion control measum ee specified herein shell be lrellled with one or more of the following planting standards: a. Standard #1 • AEINFORCED STRAW MAT W/ APPROPRlATI! Gf'IOUNO COVER FROM FLATS AT 12" O.C. Type of reinforced straw mat wt apprap~ate ground CO\lllr from flats at 12" o.c. lhall be H approved by the City and staked to the slope as recommended by the menulaelurer. Reinforced straw mat w/ approprlllta ground cover from flats at 12" a.c ■hall be requlnld when planting occurs between august 15 and aprll 15. During the remainder of the year, the co-crap and/or reinforced l1r8W mlll w/ approprlal9 ground CO\lllr from flats at 12" o.c may be ueed. b. llllndard #2 -GROUND COVEA One hundr9d percent (1 OCffl) of the area Shatt be planted with a ground OCM1r known to have exoellent soil binding oharaoteristlos (planted from a minimum size of flatted materilll and spaoed to provide full coverage within one year). c. llllnclard #3 -LOW SHAUBS Low 1preadlng woody shrubs (planted from a mlmlnum of 2¾ Inch llnel'II) lhall COll9I' • minimum of seventy peroent (70%) of the slope face (at mature size). d. lbnd■rd #4 -TREES AND/QA LAA<lE SHRUBS Treee and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from e minimum of one {1) gallon oont■ll 181'11) at a minimum rate of one{1) plant per two hundred (200) square fell. AREAS OF APPLICATION (li'LANTINO) E.3-1.2 SLOPES •• 6:1 or steeper and: E.3-1.2.1 a. 3 fNt or laea In verll011t height and are adjacent to public walks or llnlets require Ill minimum Standard #1 (relnlarced straw mat w/ appropriate ground CO\lllr tram flats at 1 'Z' o.e). E.3-1.2-2 b. 4 feel to 8 fNt In Y11rllcat height requtre Standards #1, #2 and ft. c. In txaUI l>l I fNt tn Vllrllaal Might require Standards #1, #2, fl and #4. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Ar918 graded flatter than e:1 require Standard #1 {reinforced sl1'aw 1'11111 w/ appropriate E.3-1.2-2.1 ground cover from 11818 at 1'Z' a.oJ when they have one or more af the fallowing condlllont: a. Shell graded pads not aeheduled far lmprovemente within e months af complll!lan of raugh grading. b. A potential erasion problem 1111 determined by the City. o. Identified by the City ae hlgl!ly vl•lble areas to the public or have special condlltone INII warrant Immediate treatment. Areas to be hydroaeeded sh&II first be disked or ratatllled ta provide a friable, IOOff Ned E.3-1.2-2.2 bed. b. Prior to the acceptanoe of the hydroseeded areas by the Landscape Architect, the Hydroseed Contractor/Applicator mu■t submit a letter to the County Inspector for approval certifying thallJ the BFM has been Installed In accordance with the approved application rates and coverage requlremente and that the hydroseed growth Is adequately established to prevent eroelon. a. Permanently Irrigated slapee llhell be maintained for a period no less than 90 days. d. Nonpermanently in1gllled· ar918 shell be maintained for • period not less than 25 months. e. All revegatated areas shall be maintained by the Permll1ee unttl final approval by the City Manag«. The maintenance perlad beglne on the first day following acceptance and may be extended at the determination of the City Manager. I. Prior 10 flnal approval, the City Managltl' may require oorractlve action Including but nat limited to replanting, the provlalon or modification of irrigation systems, and the repair of any soil erolllan or slope slippage. a. The slurry preparation shall take plaae at the site of wor,,; and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine Is at half-throttle. When the water level has reaohad the height of the agitator shaft, goad re-circulation shall be established and, at this time, Iha seed shall be added. FerUtlzers shall then be added, followed by banded fiber matrix. b. Fiber matrix shall only be added to the mtxture alter the seed and when the tank is at least one-third (1/3) filled with water. o. The engine throttle shal'I be apened to full speed when the lank la haff.fllled with water. All the banded fiber matrix shall be added by APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT P.E. EXP. ___ _ ~EVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 4. the time the tank is two-thirds (2/3) to three-fourths (3/4) full. Spraying shell commence Immediately whan the tank Is full. ~ CITY Q F CARLSBAD d. A wetting agent eanelstlng of 95 percent alkyl polyethylene glycol i---r-+--'--------------+---+--+---l---1 L..!.§_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ether shall be applied as per manufacture(s reeommendatlOns. :===:::.!===============~==~ PALOMAR FORUM LOTS6AND7 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Aptlllo■tlllll: a. Equipment used tar the application of slurry shall have a built-In agitation system ta suspend and homogeneously mix the slurry. The slurry mix shall be dyed green. The equipment must have a pump capable of applying slurry uniformly. The operator shall spray the slopes with a uniform, visible coat by using the green color of the fiber matrix as a guide. The slurry shall be applied In a sweeping motion, In an arohed stream so as to fall like rain, and must be applied from all directions. allowing the fiber matrix to build DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL IAPPROYcll !;t-~it I\--,.~ I DATE PLANNING DWN tiY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: on eaoh ether until 100% coverage le eehiaved and the material ls 1-EN-G-IN-EE_R.10_F_W_O_RK-1 REVISION DESCRIPTION spread at the required rate per acre. i.:...:.:,.::_:....:,:.._:,..:.:,J_ _________________ .J.~:::_::::::.J __ :'.,::'.::'.:::.J...=:::::::=::::::=:==.::::==::::=:::::::::::=~===:::::::~ P .I.P. 05-03 437-9L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: