HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 442-4N; CT 04-11; POINSETTIA COMMONS - DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL; 01-32VICINITY MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY ?a PACIFIC OCEAN SITE PLAN 0 ~TO :a, CITY OF VISTA ., ~~--" ,,,.,_,_______, CITY OF ENCINITAS LOCATION MAP CITY PERMIT SUBMITTAL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA PROJECT SITE DEHESA CHARTER ecHoOL 9191 EMBA~;)AtERO LANE CAALSBAl::11 -CA ~2011 DRAWING INDEX: SHFFT TITL[ TITLE SI ICC I HAROSCAPC PLAN HAROSCAPC LAYOUT PLAN ELEVATIONS CLCVA TIONS ------ HAROSCAPI-LFGENO --- I IAROSCAPE DETAILS ---- HAROSCAPF DETAILS HAROSCAPF OFTA/LS HAROSCAPF OFT AILS ----- HAROSCAPr or /AILS 1/AROSCAPE DETAILS HAROSCAPE OE/AILS ------ /RR/GA TION PLAN /RR/CATION LEGFND ---------- /RR/GA TION DETAILS /RR/GA TION DETAILS -------- /RR/GA TION DETAILS - /RR/GA TION SPFC/FICA TIONS /RR/GA TION SPFC/F/CA TIONS PLANTING PLAN PLANTING LEGEND ---- PLANTING NOTES PLANTING NOTES PLANTING OFTAILS -- PLAN/JNG OF l/1/LS ---- PLANTING DC I AILS SPECIF/CATIONS SPCC/F/CA TIONS SPFC/F/CA TIONS ------------- SP[C/FICA TIONS SPCCIFICA TIONS 2.364 W.iJRUEH STflEH i ,;:,N ll!rno_ GJ\ :}2-JQY e1s•.110S.B547 ! '\¾'W:N,RDtE.TEIJl~)Pi.J\t.E.COM -- ! ! DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE 1HAT I AM 1HE LJCENSED DESIGNER OF lroRK FOR 1HIS PROJECT, 1HA T I HA~ EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE 0\/ER 1HE DESIGN OF 1HIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF 1HE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND 1HAT 1HE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT 'M1H CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND 1HAT 1HE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY 1HE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL1H IS CONFINED ro A REVIEW OHL Y AND DOES NOT RELIE~ ME, AS 1HE LJCENSED DESIGNER OF lroRK, OF MY RESPONSIBILJTIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HA~ BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PR TECTION PLAN, AND ALL SHEET llJUMBFR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED ro LANDSCAPING. _ . ~ -• BY: /USA GOLDMAN .. ---------- 1 - 2 3 4 - 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 11 12 ------- 13 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 - 25 26 27 28 29 -- 30 31 32 - - - PHONE NO: ( 619 ) "'66.,.5-::c854...a7<------- REGIS1RA TION NO: 5293 EXP/RA 110N DA TE: __ 1=0/..,,29=/20<-==15'----- WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: I AM FAM/UAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CMLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL & WA7£R EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGUL.A110NS. I HA~ PREPARED THIS PL.AN IN COMPUANCE ltlTH THOSE REGULA 110/tlS AND 1HE LANDSCAPE MANUAL.~. -__ 1_ CER11FY THAT 1HE PLAN /IIPIDIENTS THOSE REGUL.A110NS ro PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WA7£R. Yl . BY: /USA GOWMAN / ,}LA . ______ _ PHONE NO: ( 619 ) ,.66 .. 5-,::,.854=7 _____ _ REGISTRATION NO: 529J EXPIRATION DA TE: _......1.l1t;Ql29!:.u./2QUM~t5L-__ _ BACKFLOW PREVENTER TESTING: ------- ALL IRRIGA110N BACKFLOW PRE't'EN7£RS SHALL BE lfSIED BY A CER11FIED 11:.SIER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN ro THE CITY AND 1HE CMLS8AD MUNICIPAL WA7£R DISTRICT. PIPE BETWEEN THE IIE1ER AND BACKFLOW PREVEN7£R SHALL BE "scHEDULE K HARD COPPER". -- ---- ------- --- -- - - ------- - APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW lfSIERS CAN BE FOUND ON 1HE CITY IIEB S/7f AT: HTTP:/ jWWw.CARLSBADCA.GOV /SERVICES/l)EPAR1MENTS/WA 7£R/DOCUMENTS/RECYCUDWA 1ERBACKFLOW1fS1ERUST.PDF FOR RECYCl.£0 OR HT7P:/ jWWw.CARL.SBADCA.GOV/SERll1CES/l)EPAR1MENTS,IWA 7£R/DOCUMENTS/WA 1ERBACKFLOW1fS1ERUST.PDF" FOR POTABLE OR CALL (760) <fJB-2722. INSPECTION PROCEDURES: INSPEC110N PROCEDURES: INSPEC110N OF THE PRO.ECT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY 1HE LANDSCAPE ARCHl7E:CT OF lltWK, OR HIS DES/GNA TED AGENT. REFER ro THE SPECIF/CA 710/tlS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSPEC110NS AND REQUIRED SIJBMITTALs. FOi.LOWiNG cot.lPLE110N OF THE lltWK, 1HE LANDSCAPE ARCHl7E:CT OF THE lltWK ltlLL CER11FY THAT 1HE INSTALL.A 110/tl HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY SUBMITTING 1HE "CER71FICA 110N OF COMPl£110N" FORM. A REQUEST FOR A FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPEC110N BY THE CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY ~ 1HE INSPEC110N REQUEST LINE. "CER11f1CA11QN Of Ci/MPL£T/ON" fQRll fAX ro: (760) 9fHHUiJ. LANDSCAPE tN/ffC11QN REQI/W PHONE UN£; (7601 6QZ-46Q2. PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE DESIGNER OF lttWK PRIOR ro BEGINNING LANDSCAPE lttWK AND 1HE DESIGNER OF lttWK SHALL REVIEW 1HE PROECT U11UTY LOCA 110NS AND RE'lfSE PL.ANS ACCORDING/.. Y ro FUI.J. Y SCffEEN ALL U11U11ES FROM VIEW AND PR07E:CT ALL U11U11ES (ABO\£ & BELOW GRADE) FROM INVAS/1£ PL.ANT GROWTH AND ROOTS. N07E: : A SEPERA 7E: CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL IS REQUIRED FOR ANY POR710NS OF THESE PL.ANS REQUIRING A BUILDING PERMIT. CITY APPROVAL OF THESE PL.ANS IS FOR LANDSCAPE PL.AN11NG AND IRRIGA 110/tl OHL Y. DI RT DIAL TOLL FREE 1 -800 -422 -4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA L 1.0 APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP ___ _ DATE REVIE'w'ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE First Cit Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 I SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS PLANNING DIVISI □N 32 Fourth Ci Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Cit Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION 1---1-----+-----------+-----+---1----+---l I APPROVED: ;-t~ ( 4 Bl~ c..--r ·I~ I PLANNING DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: IG I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N RVWD BY: IG c:, ______ .... ___ ..,... ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _. FUTURE INSTALLATION OF PLAY STRUCTURE, SAFETY SURFACING AND PLANTING AREA BY OWNER .. ACCESSIBLE CONCRETE RAMP FROM TRICYCLE TRACK INTO SAND PLAY HARDSCAPE PLAN SCALE : 1"=10'-0" 1 o' 5' o· EXISTING STREETSCAPE AND BLUEWATER DEVELOPMENT AREA NOT PART OF THIS PROJECT. 10' . . . -, . ' \:~);~\::}\:·::~\:::::~ . , ' -' -,,,.·_· _,'. > ~~!Llb;; I : : . J. ·_/!· .. .-:_-:•i: 10 ~'~~;c°--;.;. '-0> ~;;· 1• 7':;-ef;:":-:' ~-~ < -·. _ _ ·. · <ti1;;r.-_ .. _··.:;~?;;~i-:_\~~-,,-:. "'--:-:· .. :,.. . . {{~.:~.:;'.;/:J'.Z' . . . ··: ?/~~/ :./•.....__, '. . .. " . . -' " . - '.-:.' .... ·. -'' ···•···<~10 c:<~~- ~.J LOOSE PARTS STORAGE :,:-: : •%~A HARDSCAPELEGEND HARDSCAPE LEGEND HARDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL ITEM DESCRIPTION SYMBOL ITEM DESCRIPTION SYMBOL ITEM DESCRIPTION HARDSCAPE AND SURFACES CHILDREN'S PLAY SETTINGS NOT USED @ MIili FOOT BRIDGE /l.T SA~m ~----134 STANDARD GRAY, WITH MEDIUM BROOM FINISH. AGG SOURCE: CARROLL CANYON, MAXSIZEf" \ f'tA¥-' 38 LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE ACCESS GATE TO PLAY YARD _-,-FUTURE INSTALLATION OF SHADE SAIL, PLAY STRUCTURE+ RUBBER PLAY SURFACE BY OWNER \'t-o------EXISTING SITE WALL TO REMAIN .,-----fi" H STAGE DECK ,,.---ACCESSIBLE CONCRETE RAMP FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK AND STAGE DECK I 0 P.I.P CONCRETE PAVING /"';\ P.I.P. CONCRETE PAVING \::.J ENHANCED-EXPOSED AGGREGATE 0 DECOMPOSED GRANITE OIJIIJilli 0 COMPOSITE DECKING f·.·.--,· _-. ~~--~~-~~ 0 PLAY SAND L___;_J 1:_:·:<:·:·~:~-~LJ@ PLAY SURFACE~ WALLS, FENCES, TRELLISES AND HEADERS ~-~ 0 C.LP. CONCRETE SEATWALL ® EDGINGATD.G.AREA @ 3' HIGH WOOD FENCE ® 4' HIGH WOOD FENCE STANDARD GRAY, i" EXPOSED AGGREGATE WITH CARROLL CANYON AGGREGATE. 4" DEEP STABILIZED DECOMPOSED GRANITE WITH COMPACTED SUBGRADE EDGE PER PLAN, COLOR: CA GOLD. TREX ENHANCED DECKING, 1X6 GROOVED EDGE BOARDS. FASTENERS AND HARDWARE PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. FRAMING, FOOTINGS, & DRAINAGE PER CONTRACTORS RECOMMENDATIONS. COLOR:TBD BY CLIENT. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES. 3" DEEP PACIFIC BARK MULCH DELTA BLUEGRASS, TIFWAY 419 + TIFWAY IL INSTALLATION AND DRAINAGE PER MANUFACTURER 18" DEEP, NATURAL, WASHED TAN, SUB SURFACE DRAINAGE PER CONTRACTOR 8" DEEP SURFACE MAX, SHREDDED RUBBER PLAY SURFACE, DRAINAGE PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION . 16" H X 18"W. STANDARD GRAY, BOARD FORM FINISH, 2X6 GRADE STAMPED DOUGLAS-FIR LARCH, TOP SAND FINISH, i" CARROLL CANYON. i" RADIUS ON ALL EXPOSED EDGES, TYP . TREX ENHANCED DECKING, 2X4. COLOR: TB□, LOCATION PER PLAN. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL Q ® VINE TEE-PEE* @ SANDANDWATERPLAY* ® WATER WALL W/ FRAME • ® SAND KITCHEN* @ ELEVATED SAND TABLE, WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE* r.;;-,. ELEVATED WATER TABLE, ADA \::;:J WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE* ~ BIRD BLIND/WILDLIFE VIEWING '..::::/ SCREEN t;;:;\ TETHER BALL COURT AND \:::) POLE ® MUSIC WALL W/ FRAME* ® WATER PUMP @) TRICYCLE STORAGE BAMBOO POLES WITH JUTE TWINE DRAINAGE PER CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE PREFAB TIERED WATER TABLE: TRIPLE WATER TROUGH FROM PLAYMART, OR CUSTOM W/ SENSORY MOSAIC BOTTOM CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE PAD. COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS MUSIC WALL PER CLIENT'S DIRECTION: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CHILDREN'S CAST IRON HAND PUMP PLAYMART, GARAGE_TRIKE_6-BAY, PRODUCT ID: PE-NNAK-GAR-XXA, OR CUSTOM . ®. ART DISPLAY WALL WI FRAME* OUTDOOR CHALKBOARD PAINT AND PIN UP AREA r.:;;.._ ELECTRIC CHARGING v:::J STATION* t:;';-.. LOOSE PARTS, NATURE PLAY v:::.J AREA* ~ ART MURAL ON WALL W/ Q FRAME* @ WEATHER VANE" r:::--i RAIN GUTTER WALL IN v:::J GARDEN~ @ CUSTOM PLAY DECK* PLAYMART. PRODUCT ID: PE-NNPK-EV4-XXAL, OR CUSTOM. DECOMPOSED GRANITE BASE WITH SMALL STORAGE FOR LOOSE PARTS. PER CLIENT'S DIRECTION CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. SEE L1.1 \ e SHADE SAIL WITH WOOD ---.\ POSTSk PA • @ WATER AND ELECTRICITY HOOKUP EUCALYPTUS SUMPS URBANITE STEPPING STONES ,:;;.. TRELLIS TO MATCH EXISTING - ~ PER ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS EXISTING SDGE METERS PLANTING AREA TREE CENTER POINTS PROPERTY LINE 'INDICATES FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS NOTES: COMMERCIAL GRADE SHADE SAIL. 90% UV BLOCK OR GREATER. FIRE RESISTANT, COLOR TBD. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. HOSE BIB AND COVERED OUTLET INSTALLED ON SUBGRADE CURB. DIAMETER VARIES SIZE VARIES APPROXIMATE LOCATION, TO REMAIN IN PLACE REFER TO SHEET 3.1 1. TREE TYPE AND LOCATION PER PLANTING PLAN L3.1 2. SEEL 1.4 FOR FULL HARDSCAPE LEGEND, SEE L2.1 FOR IRRIGATION PLANS 3. SITE GRADING PER CIVIL GRADING PLAN 4. PROVIDE THICKENED EDGE CONCRETE AT ALL PLANTING AREAS ADJACENT TO CONCRETE. SEE DETAIL 2/L 1.5 5. EXPANSION JOINT LOCATED PER PLAN, MAX 20' O.C. 6. ALL PLAYGROUND PLANTING, IRRIGATION AND SITE FEATURES TO BE MAINTAINED BY MY ELEMENT/ THE DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL. 7. SITE MAINTENANCE: THE PLAYGROUND AND LANDSCAPE WILL BE (7 @ SWING WOOD GATE TO MATCH CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FENCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL ® PAINTED TIRE STEPS CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. MAINTAINED USING ORGANIC FERTILIZERS AND COMPOST TO IMPROVE SOIL TEXTURES. REPLACE MULCH AS IT DECOMPOSES. OCCASIONAL PRUNING OF TREES AND SHRUBS TO REMOVE DEAD STEMS PROMOTES BLOOMING AND CONTROLS HEIGHT AND SPREAD. REGULARLY INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND ADJUST IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. I 0--1 I I I I I N O R TH ® 7' TALL WOOD SCREEN~ @ WOOD TRELLIS TUNNEL• ,,_ ___ _.,. ___ ~@ PLANT PROTECTION FENCE* Q 8' TALL WELDED WIRE MESH -------\!V FENCE WITH GATE EXISTING SITE WALL TO REMAIN @ VEHICULAR ACCESS GATE @ PEDESTRIAN ACCESS GATE @ CONCRETE HEADER• ROCKS AND BOULDERS l'j) SDGEACCESS ON SIDE OF BUILDING BOULDER TYPE 3: 3' -3.5' DIA BOULDER TYPE 2: 2' -2.5' DIA BOULDER TYPE 1· 1'-1.5' DIA 2JM WOfi.Ohf,J,Krm:ET I St-1N DICHO, CA 1:HtlD1 B19.6Mi.t1547 I VJWl!.J.AOOTFr.HNPU,Cf J'.'.GM TREX 1X6 HORIZONTAL BOARDS. FASTENERS AND HARDWARE PER MANUFACTURER. COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL MAX 7' H. WOOD. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL MAX 6.5' HEIGHT, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL CEDAR POSTS WITH ROPE,16" HIGH, AND POST COLLAR AMETCO GUARDIAN FENCE WITH FRAME ON TOP AND BOTTOM EDGES, BLACK 6' TALL. AMERISTAR-ECHLON PLUS. MAJESTIC STYLE, SMOOTH TOP ND FLUSH BOTTOM RAIL. BLACK, 12' DOUBLE SWING GATE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION 6' TALL. AMERISTAR-ECHLON PLUS. MAJESTIC STYLE, SMOOTH TOP ND FLUSH BOTTOM RAIL. BLACK, 6' W SINGLE SWING GATE WITH PANIC HARDWARE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION 4" WIDE CONCRETE HEADER. 1/4" RADIUS TOOLED EDGE. DESERT SELECT, KRC ROCK. NATURAL, ROUND, NO SHARP EDGES DESERT SELECT, KRC ROCK. NATURAL, ROUND, NO SHARP EDGES DESERT SELECT, KRC ROCK. NATURAL, ROUND, NO SHARP EDGES 12/31/llp @ 2-5 PLAY STRUCTURE* @ 5-12 PLAY STRUCTURE* --@ NATURAL TURF MOUND SITE FURNISHINGS ~ @ STORAGE SHED-TYPE 1 • ~ 0) STORAGESHED-TYPE2 @ STORAGE SHED -TYPE 3 * SINK WITH COUNTER -TYPE 1 SINK WITH COUNTER-TYPE 2 @ RAISED GARDEN BEDS• LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, PLAY BOOSTER, #12331. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS PLAYCORE, BIG TOYS. #2504-1, VISTA, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS DEL TA BUJEGRASS, TIFWAY 419 -1-TIFWAY II. INSTALLATION AND DRAINAGE PER MANUFACTURER 2' X 3' STORAGE SHED. LEAN-TO STYLE COLOR:T.B.D 6' X 6' STORAGE SHED. LEAN-TO STYLE WITH RAIN GUTTER. COLOR: T.B.D. SHED WITH GREEN ROOF AND RAIN GUTTERS, CUSTOM BUILT BY CONTRACTOR TO FIT SPACE. LEAN-TO STYLE. COLOR: T.B.D. COUNTER: 2' H X 18" D, HOSE BIB CONNECTION NEXT TO SfNK COUNTER 30" H X 24" D, HOSE BIB CONNECTION NEXT TO S\NK MAX 18" HIGH AND 18" WIDE. MADE OF UNTREATED WOOD OR COMPOSITE LUMBER t::;,,, WALLY FIVE, WOOLLY POCKET VERTICAL ~ VERTICAL GARDEN W/ FRAME* PLANTERS, BLACK IN WOOD FRAME PER DETAIL. ~ @RAINHARVESTINGTANK* 305 GALLON, BLUE EARTH-BUSHMAN, SLIMINESS TANK. BROWN. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. Final Plan Submittal 9/28/2015 Field Chan es -CA 10/2015 8. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES AND HARDSCAPE ONTO PLANTING AREAS 9. ALL FINISH COLORS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COLOR SAMPLES AS NEEDED. 10. THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED USING BASE INFORMATION PREPARED BY PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE ACCURACY OF THIS BASE COMPARED TO ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND/OR BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFYING THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF THE BASE INFORMATION AND/OR FAILS TO IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND/OR BEGINNING WORK, THEN THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL ADDITIONAL LABOR AND MATERIALS AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO RESOLVE SUCH DISCREPANCIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 11. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND/OR ORDERING MATERIALS, AND CLEARLY MARKING OUT SUCH UTILITIES WITH APPROPRIATE MARKING PAINT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPLACING ANY AND ALL MATERIALS AND/OR EQUIPMENT OUTSIDE OF THE LIMIT OF WORK WHICH ARE DAMAGED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS WITH MATERIALS IN•KIND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 13. FINAL PLACEMENT OF BOULDERS SHALL BE AT THE DIRECTION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ON SITE. APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING Of✓L Y, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE ___ EXP ___ _ DATE REVIE',/ED BY, L 1.1 INSPECTOR DATE [ SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS PLANNING DIV JSI□N 32 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION Renewal Date 10/29115 1---+---+--------------+----+---1---+------' I A-P-PR_o_vE_o_, _F'k----=c~c___c_.__LY-_._-=~_._,l=--a½",,,,-.___ . PLANNING DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DESIGNER or-· WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL OWN BY: I DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ~IG~_ CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG PROJECT NO. CT 04-11 DRAWING NO. 442-4N / / / / /' / / 0 ,/' / /' EXISTING STREETSCAPE AND BLUEWATER DEVELOPMENT AREA NOT PART OF THIS PROJECT. 0 ~ 0 0 \ I I I I I I I I I @ll~@l) ' lll'+--15•-10"--r-----=2c.c5_•-_1c:o'---"------'+--tsJ"'4~,2-¥6~'.ii.,f'--r'+_:-_,~""''==-•;;-;Ac-'2"-1'--i4':o:: .. ~"'-"'--=-=_~---::,f . '" ·1 I 11 I : : : : . ' :::il::,l ·-- . ' ., ! 11 r• -7 JI I I f! !I ,' ' 4-f r I ---, __ --l-- , ' i' i FE HARDSCAPELAYOUTPLAN SCALE: 1"=10'-0" 10' 5' o' 10' \ PA EJ 5'-8" 2' 24" MIN CLEARANCE g' □ --"□ \ ' \ ' \ ' ' \ ' ' □----..----­'i'1 ~~ L _____ J _,,...--DECK 6" ABOVE FINISH GRADE ~--EXACT MURAL LOCATION TBD □ ________ .. __ _ N O R TH 2:;04 WORD.EN snu:Er j DlEGi.l, Cit i:i2it(i' -~·1:'.LMS.8547 I Wb\tW.R001El)H1f!LAnt.Grn•/l Renewal Date 10/29/15 Date F CALI LAYOUT LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ALIGN/ FLUSH • TREE CENTER POINT PA PLANTING AREA CENTER LINE NOTES: 1. TREE TYPE AND LOCATION PER PLANTING PLAN L3.1 2. SITE GRADING PER CIVIL GRADING PLAN 3. ALL PLAYGROUND PLANTING, IRRIGATION AND SITE FEATURES TO BE MAINTAINED BY MY ELEMENT /THE DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL. 4. SITE MAINTENANCE: THE PLAYGROUND AND LANDSCAPE WILL BE MAINTAINED USING ORGANIC FERTILIZERS AND COMPOST TO IMPROVE SOIL TEXTURES. REPLACE MULCH AS IT DECOMPOSES. OCCASIONAL PRUNING OF TREES AND SHRUBS TO REMOVE DEAD STEMS PROMOTES BLOOMING AND CONTROLS HEIGHT AND SPREAD. REGULARLY INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND ADJUST IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES & HARDSCAPES TO PLANTING AREAS. 6. ALL FINISHES & PAINT COLORS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COLOR SAMPLES AS NEEDED. 7. THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED USING BASE INFORMATION PREPARED BY PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE ACCURACY OF THIS BASE COMPARED TO ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND/OR BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFYING THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF THE BASE INFORMATION AND/OR FAILS TO IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND/OR BEGINNING WORK, THEN THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL ADDITIONAL LABOR AND MATERIALS AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO RESOLVE SUCH DISCREPANCIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 8. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND/OR ORDERING MATERIALS AND CLEARLY MARKING OUT SUCH UTILITIES WITH APPROPRIATE MARKING PAINT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPLACING ANY AND ALL MATERIALS AND/OR EQUIPMENT OUTSIDE OF THE LIMIT OF WORK WHICH ARE DAMAGED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS WITH MATERIALS IN-KIND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 10. FINAL PLACEMENT OF BOULDERS SHALL BE AT THE DIRECTION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ON SITE. L 1.2 APPROVED F'OR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION or PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE ____ EXP, ____ _ DATE REV!EwED BY, INSPECTOR DATE ~====:===:F:i:rs:t:C_'"ci!y=Pe,_r~m=it=S=u~bm=ilt=a=l 1=/1~6=/2=0=15"-"-"-'..__-+----+---+--+---I I sH3EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~ Second Cit Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 2 Third Ci Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 PLANNING DIVISI □N Fourth Cit Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 ~L=A=ND=s=c="A...':P=E=IM=P=R=o=VE=M=EN=T=P=L=A=N=s =r=, o=R=: ====='--'==~ DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Fifth Cit Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 I APPROVED: /~.,,~ PLANNING DWN BY: IG REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION c.:r-t\t...,:;t\: "'' •. 1-...., I PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CT 04-11 442-4N I / / / / /' /. / / 0 4 /. _/ / ./· / ,A/t--... ,.Q, I 1 / I , . , I I , . ,I 2 I I , , I . KEY PLAN NOTTO SCALE /. / /. 3 NOTE: DIAGRAMMATIC ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO CONVEY RELATIONSHIPS. SEEL 1.1 AND L3.1 FOR LOCATIONS AND CALLOUTS. HARDSCAPE ELEVATIONS \ \ \ 1 WALL _W_/__GAT PA CONCRETE WOOD WALKWAY DECK ELEMENTARY PLAY YARD BIRD BLIND WILDLIFE AREA W/ STEPPING STONE PATH TRIKE WOOD TRACK PA DECK (CONC) LOOSE PARTS PLAY (DG W/ TREX HEADER) DIAGRAMMATIC ELEVATION TOWARDS BUILDING (SOUTHWEST) SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" WATER WALL MUD KITCHEN SAND & WATER PLAY W/ STUMP EDGING MUSIC WA=L=L-~ SEAT WAI I (CO=NC,,,___~ TRIKE TRACK (CONC) QATEWAYIO GARDEN NATURAL TURF PRESCHOOL PLAY YARD GATEWAY _I_O GARDEN SIDRAG WATER TANK ~-£ENC£_\ TRIKE TRACK (CONC) PLANTING AREA W/ PROTECTED BORDER LOW PROTECTION FENCE FOR PLANTING AREA NATURAL TURF PRESCHOOL PLAY YARD NATURAL TURF ELEMENTARY PLAY YARD TRIKE WATER & SAND PLAY, BEYOND TRACK CONCRETE ACCESS ORI VE (CONC) CONCRETE TETHER BALL COURT PLANTING AREA ------'---- ACCESSIBLE WATER TABLE, BEYOND 2 DIAGRAMMATIC ELEVATION TOWARDS GARDENS (NORTH) SCALE: 1 " = i" 2'.:H54 WORDEN ;rnu:1T j S1\N DJEHQ \· .CA 92HH' 019.fiB7.iX}4~/ I W1MW.RDOTEOINPLACLCiJM L 1.3 APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ DATE REVIE\./ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 11' -l---+-----£F~ir~st"!C'-'.1i~tvp";,!e~r'-'m~it'c"S~u'--'ab'-"m~itc½ta~I ~1/~16;'1/~20~1~5~'---------1---+------l---+-----I I sH4EET I ~~ I_T_Y_::_~_7G' __ 1 -~----_-_R_L_~~ :~~ ~S-H-EE-TS~ Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 PLANNING DIVISl□N 32 Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION omER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 APPROVED: rn,;;J PLANNING DWN BY: ,u -I CHKD BY: IG RVWD BY: IG DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION 6:( f;ii...,, -ti-la·•-~ PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CT 04-11 442-4N / , / / /' / / / /' ./ CJ / 4 1 ,,/ I , / /' ' / , , / 2 I / I ,/ KEY PLAN NOTTO SCALE /. /. / . /· / / / . NOTE: DIAGRAMMATIC ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO CONVEY RELATIONSHIPS, SEE L1.1 AND L3.1 FOR LOCATIONS AND CALLOUTS. HARDSCAPE ELEVATIONS ~-FUTURE IMPROVEMENT: ELEMENTARY PLAY STRUCTURE VERTICAL GARDEN MURAL ~ PLANTING AREA NATURAL TURF WOOD DECK STAGE (TURF BEYOND) CONCRETE WALKWAY 3 DIAGRAMMATIC ELEVATION OF ELEMENTARY AREA (SOUTHEAST) SCALE: 1" = i" CONC TRIKE TRACK (CONG) NATURAL TURF PRESCHOOL PLA y YARD ' I . TRIKE TRACK (CONC) NATIVE GRASS STORAGE SHED W/ CONC. SLAB WOOD DECK STAGE NATURAL TUF ELEMENTARY PLAY YARD ,,--VERTICAL GARDEN (BEYOND) 1 MURAL ON WALL I 4 DIAGRAMMATIC ELEV~TION AWAY FRQM BUILDINGS (NORTHEAST) SCALE: 1" = i" ;,;: J1:~q (::w. '';;;: W llJ i; 1)/l! ;~'t it.... .. 1 l ;,~'. '\. ·'·. ,,. •·· ·, :·:;:;· ,,., ,. .',',, ',' ''"' ;<;· ' •. "" ; .. : ,. ""''> _; ,:,;, . -·-·' t>\:~C 2;s54_WJJTIDEN f/rnEf.T] _S1H1 UrHW, Cfo.S::r107 n19.61i5,5o4'/ ! WWI\I.Rll(lTEOINPL~J!E.GOM L 1.38 APPROVED FOR /RR/GA T/ON AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLAN TING AREA. "AS BUil T" RC[ __ _ EXP,----DATE REV:Ev/ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE ~--+-----r.F~ir~-•,.."-'i•~ .. Pat"e~rm=i•'cc'~~---~•--=c·.~c'c'~·'-c'•'=11•~6'="/2':.'c0""1"~~--i---i----r----+--, I sH5EET I CITY OF CARl,SBAD ~ , Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 , Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 ~=='-"====PL=A=N=N=IN=G=-=D=I=V=IS=I;:□=;N===::'__":==2=== DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESACHARTERSCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 I APPROVED: ,~:d,. PLANNING REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN BY: I'-> I DATE INITIAL DA:E INITIAL CHKD BY: IG OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION 6r: ti\...,& l:, . •-\. '-e I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CT 04-11 442-4N HARDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL ITEM HARDSCAPE AND SURFACES 0 P.I.P CONCRETE PAVING I?\ P.I.P. CONCRETE PAVING \;;,,/ ENHANCED-EXPOSED AGGREGATE [_ ·.:._.·_:·:_-·I 0 DECOMPOSED GRANITE UD 0 COMPOSITE DECKING 0 WOOD BARK MULCH [[,: \J 0 NATURAL TURF [' .. ··. -.. •· ·•··· .. 10 PLAY SAND ' -·._ ... '. -~.:..·· ·-· WALLS, FENCES, TRELLISES AND HEADERS 0 C.I.P. CONCRETE SEATWALL ® EDGING AT D.G. AREA □"···-·-•·=, @ 3' HIGH WOOD FENCE ® 4' HIGH WOOD FENCE DESCRIPTION STANDARD GRAY, WITH MEDIUM BROOM FINISH. AGG SOURCE: CARROLL CANYON, MAXSIZEt' STANDARD GRAY, f' EXPOSED AGGREGATE WITH CARROLL CANYON AGGREGATE. 4" DEEP STAB!LIZED DECOMPOSED GRANITE WITH COMPACTED SUBGRADE EDGE PER PLAN, COLOR: CA GOLD. TREX ENHANCED DECKING, 1X6 GROOVED EDGE BOARDS. FASTENERS AND HARDWARE PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. FRAMING, FOOTINGS, & DRAINAGE PER CONTRACTORS RECOMMENDATIONS. COLOR:TBD BY CLIENT. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES. 3" DEEP PACIFIC BARK MULCH DEL TA BLUEGRASS, TIFWAY 419 + TIFWAY II. INSTALLATION AND DRAINAGE PER MANUFACTURER 18" DEEP, NATURAL, WASHED TAN, SUB SURFACE DRAINAGE PER CONTRACTOR 8" DEEP SURFACE MAX, SHREDDED RUBBER PLAY SURFACE, DRAINAGE PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION. 16" H X 18" W. STANDARD GRAY, BOARD FORM FINISH, 2X6 GRADE STAMPED DOUGLAS-FIR LARCH, TOP SAND FINISH, i" CARROLL CANYON. f' RADIUS ON ALL EXPOSED EDGES, TYP. TREX ENHANCED DECKING, 2X4. COLOR: TBD, LOCATION PER PLAN. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DES!GN AND INSTALL /1?\ SWING WOOD GATE TO MATCH CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE v::) FENCE FOR DESJGN AND INSTALL ® 7' TALL WOOD SCREEN* ® WOOD TRELLIS TUNNEL* ~-----"----_,,®PLANT PROTECTION FENCE• t:;;\ 8' TALL WELDED WIRE MESH --0------------~ FENCE WITH GATE ® VEHICULAR ACCESS GATE ® PEDESTRIAN ACCESS GATE @ CONCRETE HEADER• ROCKS AND BOULDERS ~ ~ BOULDER TYPE 3: 3' -3.5' DIA BOULDER TYPE 2: 2' -2.5' DIA BOULDER TYPE 1: 1'-1.5' DIA CHILDREN'S PLAY SETTINGS -® VINE TEE-PEE* @ SANDANDWATERPLAY* @ WATER WALL W/ FRAME* @ SAND KITCHEN• TREX 1X6 HORIZONTAL BOARDS. FASTENERS AND HARDWARE PER MANUFACTURER. COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL MAX 7' H. WOOD. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL MAX 6.5' HEIGHT, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALL CEDAR POSTS WITH ROPE, 16" HIGH, AND POST COLLAR AMETCO GUARDIAN FENCE WITH FRAME ON TOP AND BOTTOM EDGES, BLACK 6' TALL. AMERISTAR-ECHLON PLUS. MAJESTIC SlYLE, SMOOTH TOP ND FLUSH BOTTOM RAIL. BLACK, 12' DOUBLE SWING GATE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION 6' TALL. AMERISTAR -ECHLON PLUS. MAJESTIC STYLE, SMOOTH TOP ND FLUSH BOTTOM RA!L. BLACK, 6' W SINGLE SWING GATE WITH PANIC HARDWARE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. 4" WIDE CONCRETE HEADER. 1/4" RADIUS TOOLED EDGE DESERT SELECT, KRC ROCK. NATURAL, ROUND, NO SHARP EDGES DESERT SELECT KRC ROCK NATURAL ROUND, NO SHARP EDGES DESERT SELECT, KRC ROCK. NATURAL, ROUND, NO SHARP EDGES BAMBOO POLES WITH JUTE TWINE DRAINAGE PER CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE HARDSCAPE LEGEND DETAIL @ (5\ ~ @ MANUFACTURER KRCROCK, 760-744-1036 TREX, 1-800-289-8739 DELTA BLUEGRASS, 1-800-637-8873 PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES 1-800-727-1907 TREX, 1-800-289-8739 TREX, 1-800-289-8739 (WWW.POSTCOLLAR.COM) AMETCO, 1-800-321-7042 AMERISTAR, 1.888.333.3422 AMERISTAR, 1.888.333.3422 KRCROCK, 760-744-1036 KRCROCK 760-744-1036 KRCROCK, 760-744-1036 HARDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL ITEM DESCRIPTION DETAIL Q, {;;:;,.. ELEVATED SAND TABLE, o,::,/ WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE~ ~ ELEVATED WATER TABLE, ADA -...::::,,/ WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE* r:;;;,.. BIRD BLIND/WILDLIFE VIEWING \::,J SCREEN hn\ TETHER BALL COURT AND Q POLE ® MUSIC WALL W/ FRAME* ® WATER PUMP @) TRICYCLE STORAGE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE PREFAB TIERED WATER TABLE: TRIPLE WATER TROUGH FROM PLAYMART, OR CUSTOM W/ SENSORY MOSAIC BOTTOM CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE PAD. COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS MUSIC WALL PER CLIENT'S DlRECTION: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CHILDREN'S CAST IRON HAND PUMP PLAYMART, GARAGE_TRIKE_6-BAY, PRODUCT ID: PE-NNAK-GAR-XXA, OR CUSTOM. ® ART DISPLAY WALL WI FRAME• ~~~OOR CHALKBOARD PAINT AND PIN UP ~ ELECTRIC CHARGING PLAYMART. PRODUCT ID: '.::.:;; STATION* PE-NNPK-EV4-XXAL, OR CUSTOM ~ LOOSE PARTS, NATURE PLAY DECOMPOSED GRANITE BASE WITH SMALL \::'..'.::,/ AREA• STORAGE FOR LOOSE PARTS. A-i'\. ART MURAL ON WALL W/ 'v FRAME• @ WEATHER VANE~ t:::.\ RAIN GUTTER WALL IN 1.::::J GARDEN' @) CUSTOM PLAY DECK* ® PAINTED TIRE STEPS ® 2-5 PLAY STRUCTURE* @ 5-12 PLAY STRUCTURE* -------@ NATURAL TURF MOUND SITE FURNISHINGS IZI @ STORAGE SHED-TYPE 1 • ~ ® STORAGE SHED -TYPE 2 @ STORAGE SHED-TYPE 3 • SINK WITH COUNTER -TYPE 1 SINK WITH COUNTER -TYPE 2 @ RAISED GARDEN BEDS• ® VERTICAL GARDEN W/ FRAME• ~ @) RAIN HARVESTING TANK* @ MINI FOOT BRIDGE AT SAND \ PLAY' \ e SHADE SAIL WITH WOOD ---.\ POSTS* OTHER ~ ® WATER AND ELECTRICllY HOOKUP @ EUCALYPTUS SUMPS (0) URBANITE STEPPING STONES C,;'\ TRELLIS TO MATCH EXISTING - ~ PER ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS PER CLIENTS DIRECTION CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. SEEL1.1 CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, PLAY BOOSTER, #12331. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS PLAYCORE, BlG TOYS. #2504-1, VISTA, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS DELTA BLUEGRASS, TIFWAY 419 +TIFWAY II. INSTALLATION AND DRAINAGE PER MANUFACTURER 2' X 3' STORAGE SHED. LEAN-TO STYLE. COLOR: T.B.D. 6' X 6' STORAGE SHED. LEAN-TO STYLE WITH RAIN GUTTER. COLOR: T.B.D. SHED WITH GREEN ROOF AND RAIN GUTTERS, CUSTOM BUILT BY CONTRACTOR TO FIT SPACE. LEAN-TO STYLE. COLOR: T.B.D. COUNTER: 2' H X 18" D, HOSE BIB CONNECTiON NEXT TO SINK COUNTER: 30" H X 24" D, HOSE BIB CONNECTION NEXT TO SINK MAX 18" HIGH AND 18" WIDE. MADE OF UNTREATED WOOD OR COMPOSITE LUMBER WALLY FIVE, WOOLLY POCKET VERTICAL PLANTERS, BLACK IN WOOD FRAME PER DETAIL. 305 GALLON, BLUE EARTH-BUSHMAN, SLIMINESS TANK. BROWN. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE COMMERCIAL GRADE SHADE SA!L. 90% UV BLOCK OR GREATER. FIRE RESISTANl, COLOR TB□. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. HOSE BlB AND COVERED OUTLET INSTALLED ON SU BG RADE CURB. DlAMETER VARIES SIZE VARIES @ @ @ 8 L1.7B 9 L1.8B @ @ (9\ e MANUFACTURER PLAYMART. WWW.PLAYMART.CO M PLAYMART. WWW.PLAYMART.CO M PLAYMART. WWW.PLAYMART.CO M LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, 888--438-6574 PLAYCORE, 877.762.7563 DEL TA BLUEGRASS, 1-800-637-8873 TOUGHSHED TOUGHSHED WOOLLY POCKET: 877-796-6559 WWW.WOOLLYPOCK ET.COM BLUE EARTH SUSTAINABLE. 928-239-9888 CUSTOM SHADE SALES, LLC., (314) 576-9740 20114 WVH!JEN STHl:ET j S_f\,M DH";!JfJ, CA i~~~-j07 tl'19Jl65,~547 j W\NW, 1;on1ElHNPU\CE.GOM HARDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL ITEM III EXISTING SDGE METERS PA PLANTING AREA • TREE CENTER POINTS PROPERTY LINE NOTE: DESCRIPTION APPROXIMATE LOCATION, TO REMAIN IN PLACE REFER TO SHEET 3.1 DETAIL MANUFACTURER 1. ALL CUSTOM BUILD ITEMS REQUIRE SHOP DRAWINGS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND CLIENT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 2. REFER TO PAGES L 1.5B • L1.8B FOR PRECEDENT PHOTOS AND SKETCHES OF PLAY SETTINGS. L 1.4 APPROVED roR /RR/GA T/ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T/OrJ or PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE ___ _ EXP, ____ _ DATE REVIE\./ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE Fir~•"ityPermitSubmittaL1116120"'I1~"--+----+----+--+--------il sH6EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ f---+---f"S=e=c=o=n=-d~C~"'ity Permit Submit.t~a=I~4=/3=0=/2~0~1~5~--+----+---i--------, Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/1612015 ~===='--'==========PL==A=N==N==I==NG===D=I==V==IS=I==□==N~==::'...'.:==~ DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/1412015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9109/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 APPROVED: ~/ PLANNING REVISION DESCRIPTION OWN BY: IG I DATE I Ni Tl AL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION Gar--~"'""'* (.,-. ;:, ) 'e PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CT 04-11 442-4N 1. 4. CD 0 0 / i ! • .,. FIRST POUR EXPANSION JOINT -SECTION 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT W/ 0 CAULK SEALANT (TYP) DUSTED WITH DOUBLE-WASHED 0 CONCRETE SAND -WHILE WIET 1/8" SAWCUT JOINT ® CONCRETE PAVING TYPE AND FINISH PER L1.1 AND L4.1 0 SECOND POUR d < ' 4. " " " ' ' 4 " 4 " ' ,, 4 ' COMPACTED BASE PER CIVIL, VARIES PER PAVING TYPE 1/4"R TOOLED EDGE TYP. 1/4" DIAMOND DOWEL SYSTEM AT 18" O.C. MAX. COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT [Il <( _J (/) LL 0 F'c a. i 3 w 0 .. '-~ '" < 4 ' < '4 < ' 4 ' ' " ' < " ' ' ' 4 '/ SAW-CUT SCORELINE -SECTION NOTES: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS WHERE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS (MAXIMUM 20' O.C.), AND WHERE PAVING ABUTS WALLS, CURBS, STEPS, RAMPS AND OTHER VERTICAL APPURTENANCES. OMIT DOWELS WHERE ABUTTING WALLS, BUILDINGS, & CURBS. ALL TOOLED EDGES SHALL BE 1/4" RADIUS MAX. COLD JOINTS ONLY AT EXPANSION JOINTS. EXPANSION JOINT & SAW JOINT SCALE: 3" =1 '-0" ' z ... ::,a ' "' SECTION 1" ' 3 4 5 ,.;\ STABILIZED DECOMPOSED GRANITE \.V OR ARTIFICIAL TURF, PER PLAN (';;\ RECYCLED PLASTIC LUMBER ~ HEADER 0 FINISH GRADE IN PLANTING AREA 0 COMPACTED SUBGRADE @ MULCH, REFER TO PLAN NOTE: INSTALL COMPOSITE HEADERS BETWEEN ARTIFICIAL TURF AND TREE MULCH CIRCLES EDGING AT DG & TREE IN TURF SCALE: 3" =1 'mO" HARDSCAPE DETAILS 0 0 G) 0 ® ® 0 ® 0 2. 5. CONCRETE PAVING TYPE AND FINISH, PER PLAN THICKENED EDGE 1/4" RADIUS, TYP. FINISH GRADE AT PLANTING MULCH PER PLAN 1/4 REBAR @ 24" O.C. 1/3 REBAR CONTINUOUS COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER GEOTECH REPORT OR CU STRUCTURAL SOIL AT TREE GRATES DEPTH OF CONCRETE VARIES PER USE. INSTALL PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION NOTES: 1. THICKENED EDGE AT CONCRETE PAVING ADJACENT TO AREAS OF AT-GRADE PLANTING, TURF, SAND, GRAVEL, AND SAFETY SURFACING. 2. CONDITION SHOWIN IS ADJACENT TO AT-GRADE PLANTING AREA, SAFETY SURF ACE, AND GRAVEL. ' z co "' "' __J 0 ;,, 5 SECTION 4 3 2 ------------------------------------- ' , ' , ---I , I' · 'i . l....: l ll ,,·d I . ' I " ----"-+-~e--~;~·:~1 ~-+' __ ,_,.' 4 ' ' ' -r. I I ... -" I" - 1 ' -I I EQ. EQ. 6" 3" 12" 5, .. ~_-_, --. ~- ',._ ' 'I ! I '-~·-· .. · ! . ! -I' . -! ' ,"'_, ··-··;···, __ ,_ fi··:: --; I 6 7 9 " " ii 8 X <( ::,a io I "' ~ 0 <( ft: z 0 0 "' w a. 2 , 0---- 6 27. ' ' J ." - r ! ' '· I . I L::..___'._ . ' SECTION I' 1'-6" 1% ' ' " " ' "<l ' " " " ' ' ' " 4 " " ' ' " " ' 4,, " " ' ' <" <l " ' ' " " ' " Ii ' ". ' ' ' ,. ' " 4 ' , ' ' ' 4 " ' ' ! TW PER CONTRACTOR 0 I CD P.1.P. CONCRETE SEAT WALL, REFER TO HARDSCAPE LEGEND FOR FINISH 0 1 / 4" RADIUS, @ ALL EXPOSED EDGES 0 FINISH SURFACE AND GRADE VARY, REFER TO PLAN 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE, REBAR SIZE, SPACING, AND FOOTING PER CONTRACTOR RECOMMENDATIONS @ EXPANSION JOINT, REFER TO DETAIL W \2:V ® SLOPE SOIL AWAY FROM WALL 0 COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER SOIL REPORT NOTES, 1. FOOTING SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT PER CONTRACTOR THICKENED EDGE SCALE: 3" =1 '-0" 3. C.I.P. CONCRETE SEATWALL SCALE: 1" =1 '-0" DIA. VARIES CD EUCALYPTUS STUMP. DIAMETER VARIES. 6-12" HEIGHT 0 TAR OR FLASHING WRAP TO SEAL -X BOTTOM OF STUMP -X z <( CD z <( "' ::,a 2" 0 4" CONC CURB, 2" LARGER THAN ::, ::,a • • • "' ~ 8 DIAMETER OF STUMP ~~ 2 0 COMPACTED SUBGRADE 0 1.5" WET CEMENT SLURRY ® REBAR PER CONTRACTOR • • co co 0 18" DEEP MIN PLAY SAND (PER PLAN) ~ . ' ' ® 3" DEEP MULCH (PER PLAN) 4 ® CONCRETE PAVEMENT WITH THICKENED EDGE, SEE 2/L1.5 (PER PLAN) -EDGE CONDITION VARIES PER PLAN, SEE L1.1. EUCALYPTUS STUMP BORDER f·,)•}!i 'NUfWLN ;STfl):f:1 1 :rnN Dlttm, GA !:l21UY iti'}.tt¾J5-.$547 ! lNW·W,.FW.0-YFlJJNPLACl.·CDM DIA. VARIES 2" I CD ~ni··•··, co ·,':·<<::-: ","', ---. ,, . ->-. .-';:· 0f ~->, --_·-: I ' ' .; I ., - SCALE: 1" =1'-0" L 1.5 APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLAN TING AREA. "AS BUILT" RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIE\./ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE '-----+---t-:;;F;-cirs:-t-;-C:;c;it:;---;Pcc-er_m_it;:-S-,cu-;b:-m-;it:::-ta-;l --;;1/;-;-;16ccc/2-;c;Oc;c-1,c-;5c--t-----t------t---i-----1 I sH7EET I CIT'Y OF CARLSBAD SHEETS , Second City Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 32 Third Ci Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 ~=;;:;;:'..;:;==;;:;;P==L::::A==N::::N==IN:;G~D=I=V;I=SI:;□;N:;' ===="-'===~ 1-----+-----,f---'F~o=u=rt~h~C~it,,_.P~e~r~m=i~t ~S~u-b~m~it=t=a~I 8=/~1~4/=2=0~1~5---+----+----+-----+----1 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR f------+-----t~F~ift=h~C~it=P~e~r~m~i~t~S~u~b~m~i~tt~a~I ~9/~0~9~/2~0~1~5---+---+---+----+------t DEHESACHARTERSCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE 1-----+-----t-----------------+---+-----+f------+---i CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL I APPROVED: :;,__r\ I f----+------,-------------+-----+-----+----+--------i /~ 0=-81--G':tt <a· •• v-e f------+---+----------------t----,----+--+-------1 ;::P:=LA::::N:::N':=IN::::G=:;;;,:=:::;-;========::;;::===~· OWN BY1 IG PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY, IG CT 04-11 442-4N RVWD BY: IG DATE INITIAL DESI CNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 0 CONCRETE HEADER WITH LIGHT BROOM FINISH 0 (2) I/ 3 REBAR, MIN. 2" CLEAR, CONTINUOUS. 0 1/4" RADIUS TOOLED EDGE. 0 FINISH GRADE AT TURF. ® ADJACENT RUBBER PLAY SURFACE, PER@ ® COMPACTED SUBGRADE. 1. CONCRETE HEADER 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. APPROX. 5'L X 5'W X 5'H. 3. USE MATERIALS RA TED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 4 -_, i SECTION 3. 5' X 51 CUSTOM DECK WITH COVER* HARDSCAPE DETAILS 4" 3 5 . -' ' ' -_, I SCALE: 1-1/2" =1 '-0" NTS 2 3 5 6 ' ' .. ' --' ' ' I - ' SECTION 2. SHREDDED RUBBER PLAY SURFACING 0 0 0 0 ® ® CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION. RUBBER TIRE STEP. MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS 26"DIAMETER X ?"DEPTH. STABILIZED DECOMPOSED GRANITE, FILL AND COMPACTED TO DEPTH AND CIRCUMFERENCE OF 1lRE. FINISH GRADE AT TURF COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER SOILS REPORT REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHORING PER CON1lRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION 4. PAINTED TIRE STEPS * W-OFU,1EM ·; SAN .DH,J;\i}, GA S:!Hll 6,i!f .fifl5'.65<17 I \j>J\N\1.!, fiUllTE'tJJNPL5,Gf'.. GDM ---I : w 0 <( "' (9 ~ z (9 :::, 0 SECTION \-~\-lDSCA ~~~ fi. ~ -1 51gnoture o 12/31/i• --< * Renewal Dale * 10129/15 Date (" "O,:c--c-A--:-L;-1, ~ PLAN VIEW MIN.1'1ftEAO 0 0 0 ADJACENT TURF CONCRETE HEADER, REFER To@ POURED-IN-PLACE SHREDDED SBR CUSHION LAYER (DEPTH VARIES ON FALL HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS. 0 POURED-IN-PLACE WEAR COURSE, .5"MIN THICKNESS (27. SLOPE IN ADA ACCESSIBLE AREAS). DRAIN AT SUB BASE PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER DRAIN GRATE . ® ® 0 4" MIN. SUB-BASE (957. COMPACTED AGGREGATE INSTALLED IN 2" LIFTS) ® COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTE : CONFIRM DEPTH OF SAFETY SURFACING PER PLAYGROUND MANUFACTURER. SCALE: 1 ~1/2" =1 '-0" MAX. 26" DIA. i. SCALE: 111 =1 '-0" 1----{5 ! i * INDICATES FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED F"OR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANT/t\JG ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON or PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE ___ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEIJED BY, L 1.5B INSPECTOR D/\TE ..fjrJ;;J...Ci.lyPermitSubmittal 1/16/2015~---+---+----+----+------1 1 sc81EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD-[SHEETS I l---+------4-S~e~c~o~n~d~Ci_t},_Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 PLANNING DIVISION 32 Third Cit Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 Fourth Cit Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Cit Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION 1-----+----1--------------+-----+---+--+----1 1-AP_P_R_ov_E_D_, _,_/iiJ~-~-,._.__~44--Bl......,.""'..a""fr~_ PLANNING DATE INITIAi .. DESIGNER OF WORK DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: IG - I I PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N RVWD BY: IG 1. 4. ~ I \ ;-... 0<~-- O.C. SPACING PER CONTRACTOR =======f ©<======! 0<--~--1 @<==-~==~ 0<--~---1 ©<= 0-- ' I - _ __] I 7' BACKDROP WALL * VINE TEEPEE* 4' o.c. ---------- ' <D 5 JD 3 ,. -~ ... \\ ... CD HIGH QUALITY 6X6 HEART WOOD CEDAR POST. NO JAGGED OR SPLINTER ED EDGES. 0 2X4 REDWOOD SLATS WITH 2" SPACING BETWEEN 0 2X6 CEDAR RAIL WITH 2" SPACING BETWEEN 0 BACKFILL HOLE WITH ALT LAYERS OF TAMPED SOIL AND GRAVEL. 0 2X6 REDWOOD CAP NOTE: MOUNT W/ STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS NOTE: SEAL WITH OUTDOOR RATED WOOD SEALANT. VERIFY FINISH WITH CLIENT & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SCALE: ~II =1 '-0 11 INSTALLATION NOTES: Q}AMBOO POLES: A. A 8' TALL WITH LEAF SHOOTS TEEPEE REQUIRES 1 O' BAMBOO POLES; C. TO PREVENT WATER FROM ENTERING AND CAUSING DETERIORATION, A "CHAMBER JOINT" SHOULD REMAIN AT THE TOP OF THE NARROW END OF EACH POLE TO SEAL THE END @HOLES FOR POLES APPROX 1' DEEP & 6" DIAMETER EACH @cREATE A QUADPOD: SELECT THE 4 LARGEST BAMBOO POLES AND LAY THEM ON THE GROUND SO THEIR WIDE ENDS (BOTTOMS) ARE ALIGNED. APPROXIMATELY 1' FROM THE NARROW END (TOP), BIND THE POLES TOGETHER USING A PLASTIC ZIPTIE. Q)uslNG A PLASTIC ZIPTIE, SECURE THE ADDITIONAL POLES TO THE QUADPOD @BIND ALL POLES TOGETHER USING THICK JUTE TWINE. SECURELY TIE. ©COMPLETELY FlLL HOLES AND COMPACT THE SOIL. G)ADD TWINE TO VINE SUPPORT. WEAVE JUTE TWINE IN A ZIG-ZAG PATTERN BETWEEN CHAMBER JOINTS OF ADJACENT POLES. REPEAT FOR EACH PAIR OF POLES EXCEPT AT THE ENTRANCE. CD HIGH QUALITY HEART WOOD CEDAR POST, ROUND. NO JAGGED OR SPLINTERED EDGES. 0 DURABLE ROPE. MARINE GRADE, NONFRAY. 1/2-3/4" DIAMETER. 0 1" MAX DIAMETER HOLE DRILLED THROUGH POST 0 BACKFILL HOLE WITH ALT LAYERS OF TAMPED SOIL AND GRAVEL. INSTALL APPROX 8" FROM EDGE OF PLANTER AREA. TO BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTS ARE INSTALLED. 0 POST COLLAR, INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S \ RECOMMENDATION (WWW.POSTCOLLAR.COM) 0 DEPTH OF FOOTING PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION 6. PROTECTIVE FENCE FOR PLANT AREA * HARDSCAPE DETAILS 2. ~ z :5 a.. w w (/) ~ 6' o.c. SITE FENCE (3' OR 4') SCALE: 1" =1'-0" -• I r CD HIGH QUALITY 4X4 HEART WOOD CEDAR POST. NO JAGGED OR SPLINTERED EDGES. 0 2X4 CEDAR RAIL 0 2X6 REDWOOD CAP 0 BACKFILL HOLE WITH ALT LAYERS OF TAMPED SOIL AND GRAVEL. 0 1X4 REDWOOD SLATS WITH 2 ¼'° SPACING BETWEEN NOTE: MOUNT W/ STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS NOTE: SEAL WITH OUTDOOR RATED WOOD SEALANT. VERIFY FINISH WITH CLIENT & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SCALE: ~II =1 '-011 SCALE: ~II =1 '-0" 0 CDREDWOOD 2X4 OUTER FRAME, 45 DEGREE CORNER AND ATTACH TO BACKING PLYWOOD WITH HIDDEN FASTENERS PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS. VERIFY FINISH WITH CLIENT & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. @REDWOOD 2X2 INNER FRAME, ATTACH TO PLYWOOD BACKING AND OUTER FRAME WITH HIDDEN FASTENERS PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS @BACKING OF FRAME, EITHER TREATED PLYWOOD OR OUTDOOR RA TED PEG BOARD, PER PLAN NOTE: MOUNT W/ STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS 3. FRAMES ON WALL ELEMENTS SCALE: 1" =1'-011 0 BOULDER LOCATION AND SIZE PER PLAN 0 FINISH GRADE '2_ SECTION 5. BOULDER IN MULCH 0 0 0 FINISH SURFACE OF PLANTING AREA PER HARDSCAPE PLAN L1.1, FINSH GRADE PER CIVIL 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE AT BOULDER. 85% COMPACTION IN ADJACENT PLANTING AREAS, TYPICAL. SET BOULDER AT 30% ± BELOW FINISH SURFACE NOTE: J_ I 1. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO OBSERVE AND APPROVE LOCATIONS OF BOULDERS SCALE: 1" =1 '-0 11 * INDICATES FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED FOR !RR/GA T!ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. USE ROUND POSTS 2354 W{iHUE'f,J C::TRHT i v,c,cn.,, t;-J.\ 6-19.665-354? j Vv'\/iW"Ht~fffED!t'iPLACE.GDf',1 "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVE\./ED BY, L 1.6 JNSPECT □R DATE ,_--+---+-F-irs-tC_i_t_P~e-rm_i_ts_u_b_m __ it-ta_11_,_1s_,2_0_15 __ --+--+-----+----+---t I SH9EET I CITY or;i CARLSBAD m Second City Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 .C 2 Third Cit Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 :::===-=--'====P=L=A=N=N=IN=G=D=IV===IS=I;:DN======.':::::===- i----+---1-F~o~u~rt~h~City_Permit Submittal 8/14=1-20~1~5~--t-----+---+---+----I LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Cit Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE DA rE INI-IAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FO ELEMENT EDUCATIO ---+----+--+---+-----I I-AP-PR_ov_E_□: ~~~-~\ _g-~~~,-.,,~~fr: __ . Pl.ANNING DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: __ l=G~ CHKD BY: -~IG~ RVWD BY: IG PROJECT NO. CT 04-11 DRAWING NO. 442-4N 1. WATER WALL* 4. BIRD BLINDS HARDSCAPE DETAILS 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. APPROX 42" TALL, REDWOOD. 3. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR"$ RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. APPROX. 24" WIDE X 42" TALL. 3. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FDR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 5. FRAME ON ALL WALL ELEMENTS PER (3\ ~ NTS NTS 2. MUSIC WALL* 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. APPROX 72" WIDE X 42" TALL 3. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 5. FRAME ON ALL WALL (3\ ELEMENTS PER ~ NTS NOTE: PLAY SETTINGS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. * INDICATES FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS 3. SAND & WATER KITCHEN* L 1.7 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. REDWOOD COUNTERS WITH SHELVING AND CIRCLE INLETS FOR WATER TOYS AND BUCKETS.18-24" TABLE HEIGHT X 42" WIDE. 3, USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. NTS APPROVED roR /RR/GA TION ANO PLA!\JTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REV!EwED BY, INSPECTOR DATE 1----+-----+-S_e_co_n_d_C_it~y_P_er_m_it_S_u_bm_i_tt_al_4_JJ_0/~2_01_5_--+---t---+---+----1 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 First Cit Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 ~ ~ Third Cit Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 :::===='-'=====P=L=A=N=N=IN=G=D=IV=I=S=!l=JN===="-==~ WOHDEN ~~T!iEET ! n-AN D!HW, CA 92-Wi ! 1.J'J\N;!f RG(fff:Dliilf.1Li\tE. GOM , J',' 10/29/15 -1 Date ,,.<" or Fourth Cit Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Ci Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION I APPROVED: -;,.,; ~/, ( J; ..U... 1-----+-----+---------------+---+--+----+-----J ~ 6j::: 6\-a II PLANNING -------------------+------11-----t---1--~, DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK DATE INITIAL DATE INITI/\L REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: IG I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N RVWD 13Y: IG 6. ELEVATED WATER TABLE* 9. MINI FOOT BRIDGE * HARDSCAPE DETAILS 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR"S RECOMMENDATIONS. VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. PREFABRICATED TWO-TIERED WATER TROUGH OR CUSTOM TWO-TIERED WATER TROUGH WITH CUSTOM SENSORY MOSAIC. 3. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 5. HEIGHT 27"", WIDTH 24", CLEARANCE BENEATH TABLE 24" MIN. 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. PREFABRICATED TWO-TIERED WATER TROUGH OR CUSTOM TWO-TIERED WATER TROUGH WITH CUSTOM SENSORY MOSAIC. 3. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 5. TREX OR COMPOSITE WOOD EDGES. FLUSH WI ADJACENT GRADE 6. SURFACE OF BRIDGE LESS THAN 18" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. NTS NTS 7. ELEVATED SAND TABLE* 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. PREFABRICATED OR CUSTOM 3. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 5. HEIGHT 27", WIDTH 24", CLEARANCE BENEATH TABLE 24" MIN. NTS NOTE: PLAY SETTINGS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. * INDICATES FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Zc\.ltl WiJiiOEN :;;rn~ET ! SAN DIEGO. CA 92167 e-1~_.ij5_g547 ! www.AaOTtDINPLACEJ;(JM 8. WEATHER VANE* L 1.7B 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. NTS APPROVED FOR !RR/GA T!ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIE\./ED BY, INSPECT DR DATE 1------+---+.S=e-c-c--con-=d=C_it=--P_er"C"Cm-=it---,s,--u--,b"C"Cm....,itt-=a=I 4=/3=0c-c/2-=-01_5_---t---t------i----+-----i 1 CI Y OF A · 2 First Ci Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 ~ T C RLSBAD Lir] Third Cit Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 PLANNING DIVISION Fourth Ci Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 :=L=A=N==D=s=cA"--cP"=E=I=M=P=R=O=VE=M=EN=T;:=P=L=A=N=S::::;F=o==R,======='. Fifth Cit Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD. CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION , ---+---f------------------+---+---+-----+-------1 1-A_P_P_R_o_vE_D_=_~,,,,,_~-~ /.,_,( I r 1~. 6\:-8-L,.o-tt c.., . ,:,. u.. PLANNING . f---==-+-==+---------------------t--c-=--t-c:-=--t-=-=--J-:-=co PrDf\W~NT1Br,YT::==~==1r====~P~R~OiJJ~EfcfT~---cN~Oi.====-mD~R~A~W~l~N~G~N~O~. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ~l=G__ CT 04-11 442-4N DESIGNER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG 1. CUSTOM SHED W/ GREEN ROOF * PLAYMART 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR"$ RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. APPROXIMATELY 6X6 FOOTPRINT. 3. USE'MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. NTS 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. CUSTOM 4. ELECTRIC CHARGE STATION* (PLAYMART OR CUSTOM) HARDSCAPE DETAILS 2. 5. SAND & WATER PLAY* GARDEN GATES -CHARACTER IMAGES 23f/4 WCHUEN s·men j SAN DiEfi;), CA '.12101 ~H.665.3~41 j WWWJlOOIED!tJPL/\tE.tDM 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 4. PLAY ELEMENTS INCLUDE LOG TABLE & SAND BALANCE SCALE NTS 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 4. IMAGES ARE TO PROVIDE A SENSE OF THE GATE'S CHARACTER. GATE SHALL COORDINATE WITH FENCE STYLE 5. 5' WIDTH MINIMUM, HEIGHT 5' MIN, 6'MAX. NTS 3. 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR"$ RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. CUSTOM OR PREFABRICATED 3. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. WATER PUMP NTS NOTE: PLAY SETTINGS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. * INDICATES FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS L 1.8 APP RO VEO FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RC[ __ _ EXP ___ _ DATE REVIE\./ED BY, INSPECTOR DATE 1------+----+-S_e_co_n_d_C_ity~P_er_m_it_S_u_b_m_itt_a_l 4_/3_0_/2_01_5_--+--+---+----+-----1 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 First Ci Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 DTI m Third Ci Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 ~==:'.'.::===P=L=A=N=N=IN=G=D=I=V=I=SI:;□=N=====:::'_-'====~ ~IIDSC~ 1:;0LDMA,V :;, ,-~. "~ gnature e> --< 12/31/11-* Renewal Date * J'," 10/29/15 -1 Date )'(' Or Fourth Cit Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Cit Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION 1-----+---+------------------+----+---+---+-----t 1-A-P_P_R_o_v_E□_, _ _,_·----'/_= --/J(>--"=+"'-~=--===--/'Y ,\ ¼:-f:i\ _,j\-- PLANNING "' .• ·ke I DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: IG I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N RVWD BY: IG 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RA TED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 4.16-18" HIGH SEAT ON TOP WITH STORAGE BENEATH. 6. LOOSE PARTS STORAGE SPACE* 9. RAIN GUTTER WALL IN GARDEN * HARDSCAPE DETAILS NTS 7. SINK COUNTER 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 4. WALL MOUNTED PREFAB GUTTERS. FASTENING AND HARDWARE PER CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS. DRILL}" DRAINAGE HOLES 6" O.C. ON TOP LEVEL GUTTER AND MULTIPLE¾" HOLES AT THE LOWEST POINT IN SUBSEQUENT LOWER GUTTERS FOR COMPLETE DRAINAGE CONNECTION. FILL GUTTERS WITH LANDSCAPE FABRIC AND APPROVED SOIL, TYP. NTS 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 4. TABLE HEIGHT 24" ~!'\DSC~ i;,OlDMAN I Renewal Dote 10129/15 Date 23&4 wnrrnEN STREET l ft.~N O!EGfL CA 1321.01 BH.665.!547 I WW\iHOOfEOIMPlAt:LCOl'll .• c.r .A "' (") --< NTS "'' PLA YMART CUSTOM 1. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. USE MATERIALS RATED OR PREPARED FOR OUTDOOR USE. 3.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. 8. TRIKE STORAGE (PLAYMART OR CUSTOM) NTS NOTE: PLAY SETTINGS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED. INSTALL PER ARTIST OR CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS, VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CLIENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. * INDICATES FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS L 1.8B APPROVED FOR /RR/GA T/ON ANO PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEIIED ]Y, INSPECTOR DATE 1-----+-----1-"S=e=co=n=d'-"C=i ~P=er ... m=it.__,,Sc-:u~bm=itl=al'-'4"-"/3=0/=2-=--01=-=5'----1---+---+--~-+----l 3 C IT Y OF C ARLS BAD 2 First Ci Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 ~ ~ Third Ci Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 ;::===l_.'====PL::A:':N=:N=:IN=:G:::::::'D=:I=:V:=IS=I:=□=:N====--===='. Fourth Cit Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 I APPROVED: ci1 PLANNING OWN BY: IG CHKD BY: IG RVWD BY: IG DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION ~ E:.11....;--tt 0-"1.l<.,p I PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CT 04-11 442-4N 20' 1 o' o' ,, l t;..1 t-_ _;, :-::,.". l. J~t:~::;~~ :: ] ;~l. i --i :,;: !d 3/4" COPPER MAINLINE FROM METER ------ TO IRRIGATION P.O.C STUB-OUT APPROXIMATE EXISTING 2" DOMESTIC WATER METER LOCATION. CONFIRM LOCATION IN THE FIELD. METER STATION# UNKNOWN. REFER TO PLUMBING WATER PLAN P1.1 FOR MORE INFORMATION. - i•~ 1 -r -t ' , ) ' ,; -, l , ' l_ I -~~- r/ • , 314" \ \ \ 20' METER LOCATION MODIFY THE DRIP LAYOUT IN TURF AREAS FOR THE PHASE 2 PLAY AREA --,-.___ IMPROVEMENTS. I HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE CRITERIA OF THE IRRIGATION GUIDELINES AND APPLIED THEM ACCORDINGLY FOR THE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER IN THE IRRIGATION DESIGN PLAN 1. . l~~Jil '. - EXISTING ST~E;ETS(;APE AND~--' BLUEWATER.•i>E:VELOPt,IENT AR!<A NOT ,PART qrtJ:1/!I PR.O~E-CT. ,. ,/ ·····~~.-,,----, \I PROVIDE DRIP LATERAL LINE . STUB-OUT FOR PHASE 2 SHRUB AREA. IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION #1: REFER TO NOTE "A" -~ sweeriey + associates IRRIGATION DESIGN AND CONSUL71NG ~h,rrien, Co 925E3 ~, ;,-,fo@)S\Hec·~v•ssocc;-sm1t: (IJsr:, 461-6330 v, w·,iw.:w~sncvos,:1c,c-,m!f: {~51_, +Gl-~1>5Q ,, /' ,' /~ 11 I I, .,.__ 1112" ......----J_,_ . -1'~-f~-- ~ :-· - ) ,1 314" '!--IRRIGATION CONTROLLER "A"': REFER TO NOTE "B" 314" I \ ' llll.-ll/JI ·111 11/1 -_IIJL u111":i" u.·i "l_;n_·1.11·1 -1111 l "llltl."Jlll -111r..i"JJ!Ld'Jl:!':J ire (J)ll) IJ(I_ LIit "(' JUI ... ,UI.. m ... -...,i. -~ I :-:_:_'.:; [ , "> : ·; 1· \ \ ;,,--IRRIGATION SUPPLY STUB-OUT FOR HANGING WOOLY POCKET PLANTERS. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL DRIP TUBING IN EACH PLANTER AND CONNECT THEM TO THE IRRIGATION SUPPLY STUB-OUT 1" 0,3 30 60' HZ1 OT 0.53 58 TUBING 2 1" N/A 30 880' l---+---+-----1----1 HZ1 OT 0.53 N/A TUBING 3 1' 5 30 HZ3 B 3.00 N/A 4 111 5.9 30 880' HZ1 OT 0.53 1,064 TUBING 5 1' 8 30 HZ4 OW 3.00 N/A 6 1" 7 30 HZ3 B 3.00 N/A 7 1" 5.1 30 HZ1 OT 0.53 910 8 1" 5 30 HZ3 B 3.00 N/A 760' UBING 9 1" 6,5 30 980' i----1---1----;-----1 HZ2 OT 0.71 887 USING 10 1" 5.5 30 830' i----t---t---i-----1 HZ2 OT 0. 71 753 UBING 11 1" 6.4 30 960' , .~;:,;· ·"~r. :=HZ=2=:=0=T =:=0-=71=:=8=68-:-1-T_UB_IN--IG -., 12 1" 4 30 600' l---+---+-----1----1 HZ2 OT 0.71 544 TUBING 13 1" 5.3 30 790' HZ2 OT 0.71 14 1" 0.1 HZ1 OT 0.53 714 TUBING 30 7 20' TUBING NOTEA: POINT OF CONNECTION (POC) #1 SHALL BE A 314" COPPER STUB-OUT DOWNSTREAM OF THE EXISTING 2" DOMESTIC WATER METER WITH A 2" SERVICE LINE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ACTUAL LOCATION, WATER TYPE, METER SIZE AND WATER PRESSURE IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. MEASUREMENT OF THE STATIC (NO WATER MOVING) WATER PRESSURE IS ACCEPTABLE FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS WHERE NO PUMP HAS BEEN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS. IF ANY OF THE POC INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE DRAWING IS FOUND TO BE DIFFERENT THAN THE ACTUAL POC INFORMATION GATHERED IN THE FIELD, IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND IRRIGATION CONSUL TANT SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR FAIL TO VERIFY THE POC INFORMATION AS SHOWN HEREIN, ANY CHANGES REQUIRED BY LOW PRESSURE OR VOLUME SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. WATER PRESSURE AT POC: DESIGN WATER PRESSURE: MAXIMUM SYSTEM DEMAND: PRESSURE BOOST REQUIRED: RESIDUAL WATER PRESSURE: NOTE 8: 45 72 8 47 20 PSI (STATIC) PSI GPM PSI PSI CONTROLLER "A" SHALL BE A WALL MOUNTED EGP16i-S EAGLE PLUS 16 STATION CONTROLLER WITH INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS CARD (i CENTRAL),. THE CONTROLLER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE REQUIRED ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER AND ELECTRICAL POINT OF CONNECTION SHALL BE CONFIRMED WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. NOTE C: THESE PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC, THE MAINLINE AND RELATED IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT IS SHOWN WITHIN THE PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY. THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF MAINLINE AND RELATED IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE WITHIN PLANTER AND A MINIMUM OF 18" OFF ADJACENT HARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTACLES, TYPICAL. NOTED: CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL HEADS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANY VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS THAT MAY OCCUR IN THE LANDSCAPE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, TREES, ETC. WHEN A SLIGHT RELOCATION OF THE HEAD IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO CLEAR THE OBSTACLE, OR IF IT NEGATIVELY AFFECTS THE COVERAGE, AN ADDITIONAL HEAD SHALL BE INSTALLED TO PLACE ONE HEAD ON EITHER SIDE OF THE OBSTACLE. THE NOZZLES OF THESE TWO HEADS SHALL HAVE ARC PATTERNS THAT ADD UP TO THE ORIGINAL ARC PATTERN OF THE HEAD INDICATED ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL HEAD LAYOUT WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. NOTE E: THESE PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC, TREE BUBBLERS AND LATERAL LINES ARE SHOWN WITHIN THE PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, THE ACTUAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE WITHIN THE PLANTER. THE TREE BUBBLERS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH TREES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLANS, AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL LAYOUT IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. NOTE F: CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FINAL IRRIGATION AS-BUILT PLANS TO BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED AND SIGNED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. ALL /RR/GA TION BACKFLOI/V PRCVFNTERS SHALL BE. TE.STFD BY A CE.R TIFIFD /ESTER AND I . _______ ... ______ ... __ _ i i -· RFSULTS MUST BE G/VFN TO THF CITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. PIPE BCTI/VEE.N /HF METER AND BACKFLDI/V PRE.VENTER SI/ALL BC "SCHEDULE. K HARD CDPPFR". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLDI/V TE.S /FRS CAN BF FOUND ON THF CITY WCB SITE. AT h lip://www.cor/sbodco.gov/services/deparlmen ls/waler /Do cu men Is/ recyc/edwoLerbackflowtesterlisl.pd{ for recycled or http:/ /www.corlsbadca.gov/services/ deporLmen ts/waler /Docurnents/woterback(fowtesterlist.pd( for potable or coll 458 -2722. .. PH.1 IRRIGATION PLAN "AS BUil T" Z..~(!4 WORDEN STB.EH i SA,1 .DIE(lO, CA Q2WY ll1S.66t\.llo47 I www.aiwt~P!Nf'l;i\1:E.GOM -. -- ---i JAT RC~----lXr ____ _ 10' I 5' o· 10' BY: N OR TH L2.1 _ FirstCityPermitSLJ!,mittal01/16/2015 __ ----+-------·---+1---1 S-"FTl CI"Y OF CJ\K_LSBJ\.Dl 1.,7_c!!' I _. Second CittPermi~Su_b_m_itt_a_l 0_4_/3_0_1_2_015 _ -----+----t-1__ 7 . __ --~!, __ _, L 1_4 p /\", _ N' D 1 \' 1 \'_,_-\I 32 Third City Permit Submittal 07/16/2015 I ~ 1, u , _:, I Fourth City PermitSubmit-,a-10-8-114/20_1_5_ ------·---.. -r---=+ -_ -LANJSCA~C IM~~OVf:v!C:N'_' -~l"_L-,,N=s==-o=;; =-- 1 Fifth City Permit Sub,.,;;ttal 0_9109/2015-= ·---_ _ r 1 . _-_ ·1 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE I- -1--- -------------=--=--=+---,-. -_-1-_--+--~I =~CA_R_L_S=BA-~D=,=C=A=92=0-11--=---- -----------I ·-1---·--t---i_ -I /\"P~Ovc □: /,',_I, ( ---·-- RLV'SIOIN D[SCR'c' I ,ON ·--+----+-----I -I~ 6:f-f:-\\~tr _ ___ ___ _ _l'U\\lh_l_N_G_ _ _ I ---1--~ __ '_--., ~N'\ -Bv: ~-CB -1 ---~0_n_ ~All ··oA: 1 NI; AL :~i Kl: BY: __ oz _ ~V'vVD RY: DZ __ _ DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION SYMBOL Q T H F ---IN-SHRUB AREAS ------------------- INTURf' AREAS NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL - @ • lf;lJ IEl [el [El [:] IR] [El [El] -8 NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND MANUFACTURER MODEL NO./ DESCRIPTION FLOW RA TE (GPM) PSI RADIUS P.R. (TRI.) RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD AS APPROVED RAIN BIRD 1402 BUBBLER NOZZLE INSTALLED ON RISER WITHIN DEEP WELL ASSEMBLY, EACH SYMBOL REPRESENTS TWO BUBBLERS, PLACE BUBBLERS AT EDGE OF TREE ROOTBALL ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF TREE TYPICAL. RD-06-S-P30-F 6" POP-UP BUBBLER HEAD WITH A RAIN BIRD 5Q-B STREAM BUBBLER NOZZLE, EACH SYMBOL REPRESENTS TWO (2) BUBBLERS PER TREE OR PALM, PLACE BUBBLERS AT EDGE OF ROOT BALL ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF TREE OR PALM, TYPICAL. ADJUST BUBBLER STREAMS TO WET THE ROOT BALL AND AMENDED SOIL WITHOUT HITTING THE TRUNK OF THE TREE OR PALM. .50 (1.0 TOTAL) .50 (1.0 TOTAL) 30 NIA NIA 30 5 FT NIA XFS-04-12 SUBSURFACE DRIP TUBING (COPPER EXTERIOR COLOR) WITH 0.40 GPH, PRESSURE COMPENSATING EMITTERS INTERNALLY INSTALLED IN THE DRIP TUBING AT 12" O.C. SPACING. DRIP TUBING SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH COPPER CHIP TECHNOLOGY TO PREVENT ROOT INTRUSION INTO THE DRIP EMITTER. DRIP TUBING SHALL BE INSTALLED 4" (6" IN TURF AREAS) BELOW FINISHED SOIL GRADE (NOT COUNTING MULCH) AND IN PARALLEL ROWS A MAXIMUM OF 16" (12" IN TURF AREAS) ON CENTER. THE PERIMETER ROW OF DRIP TUBING SHALL BE INSTALLED A MAXIMUM OF 4" FROM THE EDGE OF ANY HARDSCAPE OR TURF EDGE. ALL SUBSEQUENT INTERIOR ROWS SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PROVIDE AN EVEN SPACING ACROSS THE PLANTER WITHOUT EXCEEDING 16" MAXIMUM SPACING. INSTALL 9" PVC COATED GALVANIZED TUBING STAKES A MAXIMUM OF FIVE (5) FEET ON CENTER ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE TUBING. TUBING STAKES SHALL BE MODEL #GDTS140900 AS MANUFACTURED BY GPH IRRIGATION PRODUCTS (866) 582-9684. THE HATCH PATTERN SYMBOLS ON THE PLANS REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE DIRECTION AND SPACING OF THE DRIP TUBING ROWS, SEE ACTUAL SPACING REQUIREMENTS ABOVE AND IN DETAILS. CONNECTION BETWEEN XFS DRIP TUBING AND PVC SUPPLY AND DISCHARGE HEADERS SHALL BE MADE USING XF DRIP LINE BARBED FITTINGS, SCH. 40 PVC THREADED FITTINGS, SCH. 80 NIPPLES AND FLEXIBLE NIPPLES. WHEN THE CONNECTION IS AT THE END RUN OF THE TUBING USE A 112" SCH. 40 PVC THREADED 90" ELBOW, A 1/2" X LENGTH AS REQUIRED SCH. 80 PVC THREADED NIPPLE, A 1/2" X 6" MIPT X FIPT FLEXIBLE NIPPLE, AND A XFF-MA-050 17mm BARB X 1/2" MIPT ADAPTER FITTING. WHEN THE CONNECTION IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TUBING RUN USE A 1/2" SCH. 40 PVC THREADED TEE FITTING, A 1/2" X LENGTH AS REQUIRED SCH. 80 PVC THREADED NIPPLE, A 1/2" X 6" MIPT X FIPT FLEXIBLE NIPPLE, AND TWO (2) XFF-MA-050 17mm BARB X 1/2" MIPT ADAPTERS. ALL END RUNS OF TUBING SHALL BE CONNECTED WITH A PVC DISCHARGE HEADER. FLEXIBLE NIPPLES SHALL BE MODEL #GFN050600 AS MANUFACTURED BY GPH IRRIGATION PRODUCTS (866) 582-9684. XF SERIES 17mm BARBED FITTINGS FOR ALL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN DRIP TUBING (TUBING-TO-TUBING ONLY). ALL BARBED DRIP TUBING FITTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING A FITINS-TOOL FOR PROPER INSERTION OF THE FITTING INTO THE TUBING. NO HEATING OF TUBING SHALL BE ALLOWED. PVC SUPPLY AND DISCHARGE HEADERS SHALL BE PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE (AS SHOWN BELOW), 1" MINIMUM SIZE WITH SCH. 40 PVC FITTINGS WHERE VINES ARE PLANTED ON WALLS, FENCES OR COLUMNS WITHIN THE DRIP TUBING ZONES, ADDITIONAL DRIP EMITTERS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR THESE VINE PLANTINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TWO (2) XB-10PC 1 GPH DRIP EMITTERS PER VINE PLANTING. THESE ADDITIONAL EMITTERS SHALL BE PUNCHED DIRECTLY INTO THE DRIP TUBING. EMITTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING A XM-TOOL EMITTER INSTALLATION TOOL. EACH DRIP EMITTER SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH AN 18" LENGTH OF XQ-1/4" DISTRIBUTION TUBING, A TS-025 TUBING STAKE AND A DBC-025 DIFFUSER BUG CAP. LOCATE EMITTER OUTLETS DIRECTLY OVER THE ROOT BALL OF THE VINE PLANTING. GPH IRRIGATION/ GDFN DRIP FLUSH/ INDICATOR NOZZLE, ORANGE IN COLOR, INSTALLED ONTO A RAIN BIRD 1812 12" POP-UP SPRINKLER BODY. THE FLUSH NOZZLE RAIN BIRD SHALL BE ORIENTED TO SEND FLUSH WATER INTO THE PLANTER AREA AND CLOSED FOR NORMAL OPERATION OF THE DRIP SYSTEM. RAIN BIRD LASCO RAIN BIRD HUNTER HUNTER METER P.O.C. WILKINS B.E.P. HUNTER RAINMASTER RAINMASTER RAIN MASTER N/A NIA AS APPROVED AS APPROVED AS APPROVED ARV050 AIRNACUUM RELIEF VALVE INSTALLED WITH A XFD-TFA-075 BARB X BARB X 3/4" FIPT TEE FITTING AND A AND A 3/4" X 112" SCH. 40 PVC THREADED REDUCER BUSHING. INSTALL AIR RELIEF ASSEMBLY AT THE HIGH POINT OF EACH PLANTER. SEE PLANS FOR APPROXIMATE LOCATION AND QUANTITY OF ARV'S PER DRIP ZONE. USING AN AIR RELIEF LATERAL CONSTRUCTED OF XFD "BLANK" XF TUBING, CONNECT AIR RELIEF VALVE TO ALL DRIP LINE LATERALS WITHIN THE ELEVATED AREA. MULTIPLE ARV'S MAY BE REQUIRED PER DRIP TUBING ZONE, SEE PLANS. INSTALL INSIDE A 7" ROUND VALVE BOX. V17101 N-SC 1112" SLO-CLOSE SCH. 80 PVC, TRUE-UNION BALL VALVE WITH SOLVENT WELD SOCKET CONNECTIONS, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE. INSTALL INSIDE A 10" ROUND VALVE BOX. 44LRC 1" QUICK COUPLER VALVE WITH LOCKING VINYL COVER AND A LASCO G13S-218 SWING JOINT. INSTALL INSIDE A 10" ROUND VALVE BOX. ICV-101G-FS-AS-ADJ PRESSURE REGULATING, PLASTIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE (RCV), SIZE AS SHOWN (1"), SET AS-ADJ PRESSURE REGULATOR TO PROVIDE THE OPERATING PRESSURE OF THE SPRINKLER/ BUBBLER HEAD TO THE HIGHEST OR FARTHEST HEAD ON THE CONTROL VALVE ZONE. INSTALL THE RCV INSIDE A STANDARD RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. ICV-101G-FS PLASTIC DRIP REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS SHOWN (1" ). INSTALL A DISC FILTER AND AN INLINE PRESSURE REGULATOR ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF EACH DRIP REMOTE CONTROL VALVE (DRCV). FOR 1" DRCV'S INSTALL A RAIN BIRD LCRBY-1000 DISC FILTER AND A SENNINGER 1" PMR-30-MF PRESSURE REGULATOR. INSTALL THE DR.CV ASSEMBLY INSIDE A JUMBO RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. 2" POTABLE (DOMESTIC) WATER METER WITH 2" SERVICE LINE. VERIFY METER SIZE, LOCATION AND WATER PRESSURE IN FIELD. POINT OF CONNECTION SHALL BE A 3/4" STUB OUT DOWNSTREAM OF EXISTING 2" METER, VERIFY SIZE,PRESSURE AND LOCATION IN THE FIELD 975XLS, 1" RIP BACK FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE WITH WYE STRAINER, INSTALL WITH BRASS NIPPLES, UNIONS AND FITTINGS, SIZED PER DEVICE BARRETT IRRIGATION BOOSTER PUMP, IBHSMS-1-2-1.25/QP, SEE DETAIL. INSTALL PUMP ASSEMBLY PER THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. CONTACT DARYL GREEN @GPS (949) 584-7311. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING DYNAMIC (WATER FLOWING AT DESIGN FLOW) WATER PRESSURE, STATIC (NO WATER MOVEMENT) WATER PRESSURE AND THE ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY PRIOR TO ORDERING THE PUMP. ICV-101G-FS-AS-ADJ 1" NORMALLY CLOSED, PRESSURE REGULATING, PLASTIC MASTER CONTROL VALVE. WIRE MCV TO THE CONTROLLER USING A SEPARATE PILOT AND GROUND WIRE, ROUTE INSIDE CONDUIT WITH FLOW SENSOR WIRE. INSTALL INSIDE A STANDARD RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. FS-B100 1" BRASS FLOW SENSOR INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND INSIDE A STANDARD IN RECTAGULAR VALVE BOX. WALL MOUNTED EGP16i-S EAGLE PLUS 16 STATION CONTROLLER WITH INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS CARD (i CENTRAL), CONTROLLER IS COMPLETE WITH TWO (2) YEARS OF iCENTRAL INTERNET BASED CENTRAL CONTROL. CONTRACTOR TO REGISTER iCENTRAL SOFTWARE AND FULLY PROGRAM THE CONTROLLER FOR AUTOMATIC PROGRAM ADJUSTMENT WITH RAINMASTER WEATHER DATA DOWNLOAD. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROOF OF REGISTRATION AND PROGRAMMING TO THE OWNER. IF NECESSARY, PROVIDE AN ANTENNA FOR PROPER COMMUNICATION. RS-500 WIRED RAIN SENSOR, MOUNT IN RGVRSS ENCLOSURE ON THE SIDE OF THE CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE, WIRE TO THE CONTROLLER. 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER FOR CONTROLLER, PROVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD 230 VOLT (SINGLE/THREE) PHASE ELECTRICAL POWER FOR BOOSTER PUMP SYSTEM, PROVIDED BY ELECTRICIAN, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD PVC PIPE 3/4" -1" CL. 200, SOLVENT WELD WITH SCH. 40 PVC FITTINGS, AS LATERAL LINES INSTALLED 12" BELOW FINISHED GRADE PVC PIPE 1112" SCH. 40, SOLVENT WELD WITH SCH. 80 PVC FITTINGS, AS MAINLINES INSTALLED 18" BELOW FINISHED GRADE PVC PIPE SCH. 40 AS SLEEVING, 2 TIMES THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED (2" MINIMUM SIZE) INSTALL ALL PIPE AND WIRE UNDER PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC. (OR AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) INSIDE SLEEVES. SLEEVES UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED 24" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. SLEEVES UNDER VEHICULAR PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED 36" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. LASCO ALL FITTINGS USED WITH SOLVENT WELD MAINLINE PIPE SHALL BE SCH. 80 PVC FITTINGS, GRAY IN COLOR, AND SIZED TO MATCH THE THR MAINLINE PIPE. ALL FITTINGS USED WITH SOLVENT WELD LATERAL LINE PIPE SHALL BE SCH. 40 PVC, WHITE IN COLOR, AND SIZED TO MATCH THE LATERAL LINE PIPE. ALL THREADED PVC NIPPLES SHALL BE SCH. 80 PVC PIPE, DARK GRAY IN COLOR, WITH MOLDED THREADS. CHRISTY'S ALL SOLVENT WELD CONNECTIONS FOR BOTH MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE SHALL BE MADE USING THE TWO-STEP PROCESS OF PRIMER AND SOLVENT CEMENT. PRIMER SHALL BE LOW voe "PURPLE PRIMER". MAINLINE SOLVENT CEMENT SHALL BE LOWVOC, "GRAY-HEAVY BODY" CEMENT. LATERAL LINE SOLVENT CEMENT SHALL BE LOW voe, "RED HOT BLUE GLUE" CEMENT. USE DAUBERS SIZED AT LEAST ONE-HALF THE SIZE OF THE LARGEST PIPE BEING JOINED. ALL SOLVENT CEMENTED JOINTS SHALL BE MADE PER THE PIPE AND FITTING MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. PAIGE ELECTRIC P7079D POLYETHYLENE INSULATED, SOLID COPPER CONDUCTOR IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14UF AWG DIRECT BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED). PILOT WIRES SHALL BE RED IN COLOR, COMMON GROUND WIRE SHALL BE WHITE IN COLOR, SPARE WIRES SHALL BE YELLOW IN COLOR. WHERE MULTIPLE CONTROLLERS ARE USED ON THE PROJECT, EACH CONTROLLER SHALL HAVE A DIFFERENT COLOR FOR PILOT WIRES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUTE TWO (2) SPARE CONTROL WIRES (YELLOW) FROM THE CONTROLLER ALONG THE MAINLINE IN ALL DIRECTIONS AWAY FROM THE CONTROLLER. LOOP SPARE WIRES UP AND INTO EACH VALVE BOX ALONG THE MAINLINE, PROVIDING A 3 FOOT MINIMUM LOOP. 3M DBR/Y-6 DIRECT BURIAL (I.L. APPROVED) WATER-PROOF WIRE CONNECTORS FOR USE ON ALL WIRE SPLICES AND CONNECTIONS NOS (K.B.I.) KSC-XXX-S SWING CHECK VALVE, LATERAL LINE SIZE, INSTALL ONE (1) ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF EACH RCV WHEN THE RCV IS LOWER THAN THE SPRINKLERS, BUBBLERS OR DRIP EMITTERS. INSTALL WITHIN SPRINKLER/ BUBBLER/ DRIP ZONES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. NOS (K.B.I.) KC-XXX-S SPRING CHECK VALVE, LATERAL LINE SIZE, INSTALL ONE (1) ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF EACH RCV WHEN THE RCV IS HIGHER THAN THE SPRINKLERS, BUBBLERS OR DRIP EMITTERS. INSTALL WITHIN SPRINKLER/ BUBBLER I DRIP ZONES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. RAINBIRD ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE VB SERIES, PLASTIC TYPE WITH OVERLAPPING LIDS. COVERS FOR BOXES IN TURF AREAS SHALL BE GREEN AND COVERS FOR VALVE BOXES IN SHRUB AREAS SHALL BE BLACK. ALL BOXES SHALL BE SECURED WITH A RAIN BIRD VB-LOCK-P PENTA HEAD BOLT, WASHER AND CLIP. BOXES SHALL BE AS SHOWN BELOW: DESCRIPTION 7" ROUND BOXES 1 O" ROUND BOXES STANDARD RECTANGULAR BOXES JUMBO RECTANGULAR BOXES MODEL VB-7RND VB-10RND VB-STD VB-JMB DETAIL T A,B C,D C,D C,D C,D C,D,E E,F E,G H J K NIA NIA L u M N O,P 0 N/A NIA Q Q R N/A NIA Q,R,S s N/A N/A N/A IRRIGATION NOTES 1. ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY IN CORPORA TED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRI ED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. ACTUAL LOCATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER IS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL PILOT WIRE FROM CONTROLLER ALONG ENTIRETY OF MAIN LINE TO THE LAST RCV ON EACH AND EVERY LEG OF MAIN LINE. LABEL SPARE WIRES AT BOTH ENDS. ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN SLEEVING TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. SEE LEGEND FOR TYPE. ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. ALL QUICK COUPLER AND REMOTE CONTROL VALVES TO BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUND COVER AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. ALL QUICK COUPLER AND REMOTE CONTROL VALVES TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE INSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL QUICK COUPLER AND REMOTE CONTROL VALVES WITHIN 18" OF HARDSCAPE. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS TOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL CHECK VALVES TO HEADS AND LATERALS AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT 13. CONTRAC LOW HEAD DRAINAGE .. TOR SHALL PROVIDE FINAL IRRIGATION AS-BUILT PLANS TO BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED AND 14. CONTRAC SIGNED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. VALVE CALLOUT LEGEND CONTROLLER LETTER I STATION NUMBER i I VALVE SIZE IN INCHES I VALVE FLOW RATE IN G.P.M. FOR DRIP TUBING ZONES />J.O 1 1.5' 35 30 -OPERATING PRESSURE (PSI) 1,750' s 1.75 1,500 -ZONE AREA (SFT) TUBING L L L ZONE PRECIPITATION RATE (IN./HR.) IRRIGATION METHOD SEE CHART HYDROZONE NUMBER SEE CHART HYDROZONE DESCRIPTION CHART NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE HYDROZONE HZ 1 SHRUBS WITH DRIP TUBING HZ2 TURF WITH DRIP TUBING HZ3 TREE BUBBLERS HZ4 TREES WITH DEEP WELL BUBBLERS IRRIGATION METHOD DESCRIPTION CHART NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE IRRIGATION METHOD B BUBBLERS ow DEEP WELL BUBBLERS OT DRIP TUBING -LENGTH OF DRIP TUBING IRRIGATION CONTROLLER RUN TIMES POC or Controller JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL A ETo I Month (Inches): 2.20 2.70 3.40 3.70 4.90 4.60 4.60 ETo I Day (Inches): 0.07 0.10 0.11 0 12 0.16 0.15 0.15 Irrigation Days I Week: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Plant/ lrrig. Type AKc I Pr Rate I IE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Turf 0.80 I 0.96 I 0.90 4.6 6.3 7.1 8.0 10.2 9.9 9.6 Drip Tubing Number of Zones: I 5 23.0 31.3 35:5 40.0 51.2 49.7 48.1 Shrubs 0.40 I 0.72 I 0.90 3.1 4.2 4.7 5.3 6.8 6.6 6.4 Drip Tubing Number of Zones: I 5 15.3 20.8 23.7 26.6 34.1 33.1 32.1 Trees o.80 I 3.00 I 0.90 1.5 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 Deep Well Bubblerl Number of Zones: I 1 1.5 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 Trees o.80 I 3.00 I 0.90 1.5 I 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 Bubble rs Number of Zones: I 2 2.9 I 4.0 4.5 5, 1 6.6 6.4 6.2 Total Number of Zones: I 13 43 58 66 74 95 92 89 Total Controller Run Time in Hours: 0.71 0.97 1.10 1.24 1.59 1.54 1.49 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION WATER ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL PROJECT ADDRESS: 6797 Embarcadero Lane Carlsbad, CA 92011 POINT OF CONNECTION NUMBER: 1 CONTROLLER NUMBER OR LETTER: A REFERENCE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION RATE (Ela): 43.0 I NC HES/ YEAR TOTAL OF HYDROZONE AREAS (HA): 2,039 SQUARE FEET TOTAL OF SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREAS (SLA): 3,767 SQUARE FEET TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREAS (LA): 5,806 SQUARE FEET MAXIMUM APPLIED WATER ALLOWANCE: TOTALMAWA = (Elo)x(0.62)x[(0.7xLA)+(0.3xSLA)] = 138,480 GALLONS/ YEAR ESTIMATED APPLIED WATER USED: TOTALEAWU = (Ela) x (0.62) x [((PF x HA)/IE) + SLA] = 124,588 THIS PROJECT USES LESS WATER GALLONS/ YEAR THAN THE MAXIMUM APPLIED WATER ALLOWANCE HYDROZONE AREA (HA) CALCULATIONS FOR HYDROZONES: AREA PLANT HYDROZONE IRRIGATION HYDROZONE DESCRIPTION (SFT) FACTOR (PF) AREA(HA) EFFICIENCY (IE) HYDROZONE#l: SHRUB AREA WITH INLINE DRIP TUBING 2,039 0.40 816 0.900 TOTAL OF ALL HYDROZONE AREAS (HA) ON THE PROJECT: 2,039 816 CALCULATED AVERAGE IRRIGATION EFFICIENCY OF ALL HYDROZONE AREAS: 0.900 AREA PLANT HYDROZONE IRRIGATION SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREA DESCRIPTION (SFT) FACTOR (PF) AREA (HA) EFFICIENCY (IE) SLA#l: ACTIVE PLAY TURF AREA WITH DRIP TUBING 3,767 N/A N/A N/A TOTAL SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREAS (SLA) ON PROJECT: 3,767 WATER PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATIONS WATER METER NUMBER 1 WATER METER SIZE (Inches) 2.00 HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE (FT) WATER METER ELEVATION (FT) ELEVATION DIFFERENCE (r 1) MINIMUM STATIC PRESSURE {PSI) 45.0 REMOTc CONTROL VALVE# 5 REMOTE CCNTROL VAL\/E SIZE (ln.J l 00 R.C.V. DEMAND (GPM) 8 TOTAL DEMAND (GPM) 8 HIGHEST HEAD SERVED [FT) STATIC PRESSURE AT HIGHFST HEAD PRESSURE LOSS CALCUU\ TION IS PRO'/IDED FOR IBIS PROJECT H .,., .. ,;,,','~-!:_:\ . :; BY SWEENEY & ASSOCIATES, .INC UNAUTI-IORIZED U$E BY ANY OTHER PERSON. COMPANY OR PROJECT IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT 1 ° r·,: • >>,n;·-, "" -··, -., WRITfEN PERMISSION, SIZE (Inches) DESCRIPTION FLOW # LOSS 200 SERVICE LINE (50 FT OF TYPE K COPPER) 8 1 0.09 PSI 2:00 WATER METER (DISC TYPE) . 8 2 0.70 PSI 1.00 ElACKFLOWPR~VENTER (RIP TYPE) 8 3 12.00 PSI 1,00 FILTAA TION 0/VYE FILTER) B 4 1.00 PSI 1.00 BFD ASSEMBLY PIPING (BAASS WI 4 EI_LS) 8 6 1.4D PSI -1.00 MASTER CONTROL VAl VE 8 7 3.00 PSl 1,00 FLOW SENSOR 8 8 1.00 PSI 1.50 ISOLATION VALVES (BALL TYPF) 8 g 1,()0 PSI 1,50 75 FEET OF MAJNI INE; CL. 315 PVC 8 1 () 0.15 PS! 0.75 1]0 F.EET OF: TYPE K GOP PER ' 8 ·12 12.58 PSI 1.50 4 -90 DEGREE ELBOWS 8 13 0.11 PSI 100 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ASScMBLY 8 14 3.00 PSI 10% LATEAAL LINE LOSSES; 8 15 3,00 PSI 20% r.lTTING LOSS (IN ADDITION TO ELBOWS SHOWN) NIA 16 255 PSI 0:00 ELEVATION CHANGE (P.O,C. TO HIGHEST HEAD) NIA 17 0 00 PSI TOTAL SYSTEM PRESSURE LOSS [SUM OF #'I THRU #17') ' 18 41,6 PSI PRESSURE REQUIRED AT HEAD (OPEAATING PRESSURE) : 19 30.0 PSI TOTAL PRESSl)RE REQUIRED (SUM OF #'18 AND #19) 20 71.6 PSI MINIMUM STATIC WATER PRESSURE (FROM ABOVE) 21 45 0 PSI RESIDUAL PRESSURE (SUBTRACT #20 FROM #21) 22 -26.6 PSI SET PRV OR MCV AT (#20 . .PLUS 10 PSI) : 23 NIA PSI PRESSURE BOOST, IF REQUIRED (SET TO ACHIEVE 20 PSI RESIDUAL) 24 46.6 PSI AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Total I Avg. 5.10 4.10 3.30 2.40 2.00 43.00 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.12 6 6 6 6 6 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 10.7 8.9 6.9 5.2 4.2 Min./Day/Zone 53.3 44.3 34.5 25.9 20.9 Total Min./Day /', :J ,7 /7 /! '·, /I /1 ~ ,-, R ' , ' 7.1 5.9 4.6 3.5 2.8 Min./Day/Zone r---1,.,,-/,'\J '1LU ,i' IJ,, 35.5 29.5 23.0 17.3 13.9 Total Min./Day ICJ,')/G ;,I -r,1r1r.,r ,"\ii] f1I 1, 1\ /-.II\ i(' /"11' -J-', / ,' 'J ,' \) / I, i ,' L. f-// ~i, ,'\,' i ,'/1.i, 7 ,' \ I I I 1 I c_ " ' ' ' ' ' '--./ 3.4 2.8 2.2 1.7 1.3 I Min./Day/Zone _,0,f\// '/ ,:e\rf',' / /l"'lf\ic· ,r, rJ i.--C i C' ,r-//):._,i_lj'U'//)) I-'/\ r / , 1-3.4 2.8 2.2 1.7 1.3 !Total Min./Day 1....// ) / _ I ' I , ', , I '-) ,' / (1f'/ ,' l f'1 ,'\ ,' C)C-,-1, l't\///1\//' / llJ/\J ' I ,' ,1 l ;-\/') ,' ,,i'\'10 3.4 2.8 2.2 I 1.7 1.3 IMin./Day/Zone ,) \./ ', } ' 6.8 5.7 4.4 3.3 2.7 Total Min./Day A ,c, r-/',, ,,'\Li I, 99 82 64 48 39 Total Min./Day "AS BUil T" 1.65 1.37 1.07 0.80 0.65 Total Hrs./Day AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Note: These schedules are intended only for compliance with local municipal codes and the water efficient landscape ordinance. These calculations represent the MAXIMUM REASONABLE run times and are used to ensure that all irrigation may be completed during the specific watering window 1,ll -=-x---: TIA-" allowed. These schedules do not include rainfall, site soil types, specicic exposures (shade versus sun), actual irrigation days, or specific slope position. It Is solely the responsibility of the irrigation contractor to program the controller as required to apply the correct amount of irrigation RFV-0 \FJ BY water for the landscape. All smart controllers shall be programmed using the specified ET or weather sensing equipment, satellite provided ET data, soil moisture sensors, and rain shut off devices as required. Contractor shall provide a controller schedule inside the controller cabinet prior L2.2 to final turnover of the project to the owner. -1\S=cc I LJR J,6i i - --·-------·---First Cj~:f Permit Submittal 01/16/2015 sr-:::-~--CITY OF rt,RIC::B 111 I s1 =:c-s Second City Permit Submittal 04/30/2015 ..__ ....... n \, _Jk_,. J_ 1 __,, ! . --·--15 P _(\N\JINC: U_V_'.\ll_N 32 IRRIGATION LEGEN Third City Permit Submittal 07/16/2015 ---: ___ --D \.~NDSC~p< -·· ----·-------------------------------·-Fourth City Permil Submittal 0811412015 ~ANJSCAPO: MPROV;cM.,:i','' ? _JA1\S FOR: " GOlDMAN ,1 ~ l ,'A Fifth City Permit Submittal 09/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL "' ,"" 1L "',, C>~ -- '4J '-i "' .,.,, r,.\Nt.& ... t.11 i;il~Tl'lla:' ql,l~f'!I----~ ~ 111/tlilhn'I, I HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE CRITERIA OF THE IRRIGATION GUIDELINES AND APPLIED THEM ACCORDINGLY FOR THE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER IN THE IRRIGATION DESIGN PLAN sweeney + associates IRRIGATION DESJGN AND CONSULTIJ\JG 1!!l!Jllllll!l![:l•1111111111, ,,,1111111111 )87.:'0 Sk'/ Canyo/\ Dri~~. 5,iit~ f,L,riet··~-Ca ~256 ~: ;nfo@sw~~ncy;nsoc com'r: (~51:, 4(,1-&E'l w: WW\"/ iw~~na,.,iu,:.UHII f (951) ,-\61-t,E5 ; ,:, . ''<' ~i;f " ;i: "·' ~364 W!!R!Jl;tl STflflcf i SAN. 0 6W.0-05.8547 I WWW,~OilTE ,-- •>:: "'" lEOO, GA 92107 DINPLACE;COM u..... i ~ V',..-\ ---/ \; rn ...J S:1gnature O 12/31/1• -1 * Renewal Date * J'_, 10129115 :-., -1 Gate ~'-,,.< 'I- Op C~ Ll'i() DAT[ \JI 1/-.I_ -- r,-s GNIF\ Cf-1NCR< 6797 EMBARCADERO U\NE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR I ELEMENT EDUCI\TION I -- ~4 A 0 PRCJ\/0 J: i:'.:-1 I .,_;-f\-""·•-1..,, I ~I Al~N I\C - LJ·N~ BY: CB l"'CJ 1-r · "':___J J~1\',,,V NC \JO. -------,\ '-~ I '-'· l);\ -c:: :N I I/I.I UJ\-[ I f',J 11 i\l _ C-· KC BV: DZ -CT 04-11 442-4N R_ VISICI~ J~SCR 1·1 TIO\ :~VV,/J sv: DZ 0 1-H-J~ A=>PRO\/i\L CITY 1",PP~D\IAL .---------------POL YGREEN FOAM PAD, REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SPECIFICATION AND DETAILING .-----------INSTALL POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD FLUSH WITH FINISHED SURFACE IN SYNTHETIC TURF AREAS .,;.------POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD, SPRAY OR ROTOR, SEE LEGEND FOR BRAND, MODEL, POP-UP HEIGHT AND NOZZLE REQUIRED ------COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE II I~ ' I 1-1 I I-REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN -'--ff-ffi -FOR SPECIFICATION AND DETIALING 11 11 rn _,I,--, 1,-1-------UNDISTURBED SOIL Q1+rr:-I +IJ:+=I ++~-------DO NOT INSTALL USING SIDE INLET ~----PRE-ASSEMBLED TRIPLE SWING JOINT, HUNTER SJ SERIES (OR APPROVED EQUAL) LAY LENGTH TO BE 6" MINIMUM SIZE AS PER SPRINKLER INLET ~---SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE r---LATERAL LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 7-;;;:-',--__J~ FOR TYPE AND DEPTH REQUIRED NOTE: INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS WITHIN ADJACENT SHRUB AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE PER DETAIL 'A' ON SHEET L2.6 INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" FROM PAVING EDGE IN SYNTHETIC TURF AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAYS OR NOZZLE STREAM TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. @ SYNT. TURF TREE SPRAY HEAD ' =I != 1° c: I 1=-I I , ~' --1/2"MIPTX17mmBARBMALE----~ 1 - 1 ~ I I I II -I- ADAPTER FITTING. TWO 121 REQUIRED , , _ 1 1 , ,,_c:r"F-':'c __ -II -_•. ,--=-FOR TEE FITTING, ONE (1) FOR 90" ELL 1 -=I I 1---= I -I -:-I I . SCH. 40 PVC THREADED TEE OR 90" ELL FITTING, 1/2" SIZE ~E~x8~~~~~~~~~6~1~riLE. --c: ' 1=-cl 11 =I I - 11 -1-I -I i 11 '- _,, -1-11 II 11- ---: 1= I _ I 1=1 I I_ GPH IRRIGATION PRODUCTS FLEXIBLE NIPPLE,----I-I,,-~I-I -I ----1' #GFN050600, 112" MIPT X 112" FIPT X 06'~' L~EN:G~T:H __ -=!II~I ~iii,;~ SCH. 40 PVC SLIP X SLIP X 1/2" FIPT ----~, ~-tt TEE FITTING, HEADER SIZE BY 1/2" ~ ,---- DRIP TUBING SUPPLY OR DISCHARGE------1-,'-- HEADER, PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE, 1" MINIMUM SIZE, OTHERWISE SIZE PER THE DRAWINGS GPH IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 9" PVC--~ COATED WIRE STAKE, #GDTS140900, INSTALLED FIVE (5) FEET ON CENTER NOTE: 12" MINIMUM □RIP-1UBING CONNECTION REQUIRED FOR ALL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN DRIP TUBING AND PVC HEADERS. FOR., CONNECTIONS AT END RUNS OF TUBING, USE A go• ELL FITTING AND ONE ADAPTER FITTING FOR CONNECTION FOR CONNECTIONS IN THE MIDDLE OF RUNS OF TUBING, USE A TEE FITTING AND TWO ADAPTER FITTINGS FOR THE CONNECTION. @ DRIP TUBING LAYOUT SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. NOTE: ,-----------INSTALL POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS i-------POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD, SPRAY OR ROTOR, SEE LEGEND FOR BRAND, MODEL, POP-UP HEIGHT AND NOZZLE REQUIRED ~~~;------INSTALL POP-UP SPRINKLER HEAD 112" "' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB 7 i=i I i=i AND GROUND COVERS AREAS 11 !llLIIILI------UNDISTURBED SOIL O•~!-' __ -_ 1++! !-,-11+-' -~-------00 NOT INSTALL USING SIDE INLET r------PRE-ASSEMBLED TRIPLE SWING JOINT, HUNTER SJ SERIES (OR APPROVED EQUAL) LAY LENGTH TO BE 6" MINIMUM SIZE AS PER SPRINKLER INLET ~---SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE r---LATERAL LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS ~---__c, -----,_;;;:"7-_l-., FOR TYPE AND DEPTH REQUIRED INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" FROM PAVING EDGE IN SHRUB AND GROUND COVER AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 12" FROM THE FACE OF BUILDING WALLS OR WINDOWS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 4" FROM PAVING EDGE IN TURF AREAS. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. ADJUST SPRAYS OR NOZZLE STREAM TO COVER LANDSCAPE AREA WITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVING, FENCES, WALLS OR BUILDINGS. @ POP UP SPRINKLER NOTE: 1. INSTALL DRIP TUBING IN PLANTERS AS INDICATED ON DRIP TUBING DETAILS. 2. FOR EACH VINE, INSTALL TWO (2) ADDITIONAL 1 GPH DRIP EMITTERS TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL WATER TO THE VINE. 3. PUNCH EMITTERS INTO THE DRIP TUBING, MINIMUM 3" FROM INTERNAL EMITTERS. PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. 4. USE 1/4" DRIP TUBING, 24" MAXIMUM PER EMITTER, TO DIRECT WATER FROM EMITTER ONTO THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL OF THE VINE PLANT. 5. INSTALL A PLASTIC TUBING STAKE AND A BUG CAP ONTO THE END OF EACH LENGTH OF 1/4"TUBING FROM THE EMITTER. STAKE 1/4"TUBING DOWN TO THE SOIL GRADE USING WIRE TUBING STAKES, INSTALL STAKES 12" ON CENTER ~--DRIP TUBING IN PLANTER AREA BUILDING, WALL OR FENCE ROOT BALL OF VINE--J ~---VINE PLANTING, SEE PLANTING PLANS PLANTING OR GROUND COVER, SEE PLANTING PLANS 1 GPH EMITTER, PUNCH INTO DRIP TUBING '---1/4" TUBING, STAKE AND BUG CAP, 1 PER EMITTER '...~ .A..~___,.A._...../'. ~'... .A...../'-.._,,,....___~~p._~A._~___,.A._.....A.. ~'-_,..,___/'..~ A ./'. A .. ./ ' .. • . .. . . ·,' .... ' '. . . ' . . . . . \ ", ·. : EDGEOFTURF,WALKWAY,DRIVEWAYORPAVING .: ·. : . ., . . . : ' . ·, ' ·-. . .. ' .: . . '· . . . . .. . ,. PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. ©coP)1'g,t 1013 s ... 'lt) t Associot .. , l,o @ EMITTERS AT VINE PLANTINGS I DRIPLINE TUBING EXTENDS TO LIMITS SHOWN ON PLANS ,I'- ,I'-·-·-·-· ,I'--·- ,I'- ,I'- ·-·-·-+ CONNECTION BETWEEN_/ j DRIPLINE AND PVC HEADER LINES FOR ARV BLANK TUBING TO I CONNECT DRIP TUBING ·-·-·-· .. , 21 1---PVC SUPPLY HEADER, SEE PLANS, 1" MINIMUM SIZE ,---AIR RELIEF VALVE, INSTALL AT HIGH POINT OF THE DRIP TUBING SYSTEM /2 •------PVC HEADERS EXTEND ACROSS PLANTED AREAS FOR DRIPLINE TUBING GRID (TYPICAL) <J ,'l DRIP INDICATOR HEAD " <l (, I :: '· • ~, ,. FLUSH VALVE/ DRIP INDICAT~OR~ +i HEAD. INSTALL ON DIScl'lARGE fjfADEfl, <l Li i-'-------+-PVC DJ,SCHARGE HEADER, SEE ./ PLANS, 1" MINIMUill SIZE a DRIPLINE TUBING~ EXTENDS TO LIMITS SHOWN ON PLANS f f f f ,---PVC SUPPLY HEADER, SEE PLANS, 1" MINIMUM SIZE '1 /2 '------PVC LATERAL LINE TO ADJACENT GRID OF DRIPLINE TUBING, SEE DRIP CONTROL VALVE__J SEE PLANS AND DETAILS FOR INSTALLATION ---PVC LATERAL LINE TO ADJACENT GRID OF DRIPLINE TUBING, SEE PLANS FOR SIZE, 1" MINIMUM DRIPLINE TUBING ROWS, SPACING APPROXIMATELY AS INDICATED ON THE LEGEND, ADJUST TO EVEN SPACING NOT TO EXCEED SPACING ON THE LEGEND. ROWS ADJACENT TO THE PLANTER EDGE (PAVING) SHALL BE SPACED 4" FROM THE PAVING EDGE. ALL ROWS SHALL BE PARALLEL AND AT THE SAME DEPTH. -----PAVING SURROUNDING AND ADJACENT TO PLANTER AREA ~---------VALVES AND PIPE SHOWN IN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ALL TO BE INSTALLED IN PLANTER NOTE: SEE LEGEND AND PLANS FOR THE NUMBER OF AIR RELEASE VALVES AND FLUSH VALVES REQUIRED FOR EACH DRIPLINE CONTROL ZONE. PLANS FOR SIZE, 1" MINIMUM PLAN VIEW -N.T.S @ DRIP TUBING CONNECTION NOTE: INSTALL POP-UP INDICATOR HEAD 10" OFF OF PAVEMENT OR THE EDGE OF PLANTED AREA SERVED BY DRIP TUBING 1 " 0 POP-UP INDICATOR HEAD, WITH A GPH IRRIGATION DRIP FLUSH NOZZLE, MODEL #GDFN, ORANGE COLORED NOZZLE TO REMAIN IN THE CLOSED POSITION DURING SYSTEM OPERATION AND OPENED FOR SYSTEM FLUSHING. DIRECT FLUSH STREAM INTO PLANTER. 11 ~-INSTALL POP-UP INDICATOR HEAD _,11 __ 1/2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IN 7 __ 1 SHRUB AND GROUND COVER AREAS ___ I1--UNDISTURBED SOIL , I =I ,----SUBSURFACE DRIP TUBING, DEPTH AS SHOWN ON LEGEND AND DETAIL I----DRIP CONNECTION ASSEMBLY, SEE DRIP TUBING CONNECTION DETAIL 1 ----DISCHARGE HEADER SHALL BE INSTALLED 12" BELOW FINISHED SOIL GRADE, TYPICAL 1 ----SCH 40 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING, LATERAL X LATERAL X 1/2" SIZE WITH FIPT THREADS i----RAIN BIRD 1812, 12" POP-UP HEAD 1 ----PRE-ASSEMBLED POLY, TRIPLE SWING JOINT, 1/2" MIPT INLET AND OUTLET WITH A 12" LAY LENGTH, GPH IRRIGATION MODEL#GSJ0512 ---,----DRIP SYSTEM DISCHARGE HEADER, PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE, TYPE AND SIZE AS SHOWN ON LEGEND, OR 1 1/4" MINIMUM SIZE PER THE DRIP INSTALLATION DETAILS .------------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~----RAIN BIRD ARV050 AIR/ VACUUM RELIEF VALVE WI RAIN BIRD XFF-TFA-075 TEE COMBINATION TEE AND 3/4" X 1/2" REDUCER BUSHING ~--PLASTIC ROUND VALVE BOX, 6" SIZE 2" IN. HEAT BRAND "ARV" ONTO LID. ~• 7= ~ FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 1=·1 1=111 I I 111 -1=111 1==111== "--;;---~Q<::io;t:~~~~~~:~~j:,._ __ SUBSURFACE DRIP TUBING BRICK SUPPORTS --------LANDSCAPE FABRIC ~--------3/4" ROCK, 1 CUBIC FT. SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. INSTALL INDICATOR HEAD 10" FROM THE EDGE OF PAVING OR THE PLANTER EDGE. INSTALL ORANGE COLORED INDICATOR NOZZLE ON POP-UP HEAD AND ADJUST TO FULLY CLOSED. SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. ® FLUSH VALVE/INDICATOR HEAD @ AIR RELIEF VAL VE 1~-~Q/7 ', '--";-''-' ', I ' /1,/ i\ 'v LU LnrJ ,' V'i \ ,1r-,,p,r·/1 I ,K 1 \ / 1....__7 1',, ·11 ('. ti ,I 1 ,' lJ/ \i / ''Jr, \,I\ LJ ,') i /1 /\ ,I Tl 1\ / l' .'._ '--f-',, / \,' I / / \/ 1., ... .7 r,f\ li I/ //\,I/'/ 11 li"'i/1\/(' r=;, C:) i r,i'r~,-v' ,, \) L I ' ,' ,' ) ',_/ L () /_ _ _) / / \1' 1.,...,7 } i \ ,' L/ .. ':),r ' / nr'/' ~JI'-_,.,' \ r,1 ,r, ,1\ / ,',1,J,,1;' nL ' " '--/ .' 0 ,' /\ f\ i Ti(,/ f' ,' LI',, i \1 l ,' ,' \,, 1,_) 11 ,-,,-} / 1, ' /-'1 ' ','--(, .. "AS BUil T" RC:::_ =X" DAI_ Rt.Vr=-.\t/-D BY L2.3 T\S=>LC::I ~F? LA If First Citv Permit Submittal 01/16/2015 -1---OF (' '1 II-?,L C:B 11 G SHF-TS Second City Permit Submittal 04/30/2015 ! '---' P1..l '----' f-\ ---' 16 32 r /\ ~Nlll[ JlV_SL\I I IRRIGATION DETAILS S-lu ClTY Third City Permit Submittal 07/16/2015 ----- Eourth City Permit Submittal 08/14/2015 LANDSCA"I: l'il"c<O Vf:M:CC r,;cc PLANS :co,: Fifth City Permit S~_bmittal 09/09/201? DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL ~- sweeney + associates iRHICJAl!ON DESIGN A.ND CONSULTING 38730 SK'/ Can"/OI\ D,ive, Su;te C i:<lu(c;),,w~erevilsS<JC CO'l'!I' (~~ti '1.bl b3".0 w: W~/W ,we~"")'MS~OC [j,J~',r: (~Slj ,1(;,l ',8':.0 2354 WQ~D!Jl STREET i Si\N !llEllO,CA 92'W7 619.o&frJlli41_ j WWW.ll(!OfEPINPLACf.COM D.A If-_ D-S Gf'lr.~~ ------ ------ --- IC /,I OF wnc<K RE\/ S O'J --- -- ---- ----- --------------- --- DA I -II\ TIJ\_ C1~. I - I NITl1'L DESCRIF'TICN 0-hF"? ,'\P=iRO\//\_ Cl 1·v Al'rR0\/1\L 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION I /\=ip~()V[U: ~ ~i~--1\- ! I Cf-'9--r. r~ lf' _,\M•m,G - 0 V·,/1\ BV: cs-- I "ROJ[~-\0 DR A.\A11 \ c; No.: - C I-< r, 3Y: DZ R\/1/'-/D GY: DZ CT 04-11 442-4N J,----------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~----PLASTIC 10" ROUND VALVE BOX WITH T-COVER ¢_ AND CAPTIVE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND LOG-KIT. -~ HEAT BRAND "BV'' ONTO LID. j~2~"~~'-----I" FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS .'...!..._I_I _T ----m-1-, l-+-~FI 1-1+_ ,----LAS CO "SLO-CLOSE" SCH. 80 PVC, _11 , 1 I I TRU-UNION BALL VALVE, SOLVENT -1 I I-WELD CONNECTIONS. SIZE BALL VALVE PER THE MAINLINE SIZE 6" i;f•~ {f) 0 6" PVC CL. 160 PIPE, LENGTH If,~~ AS REQUIRED. 12" MINIMUM f:i~Jc'U ~•· ~0ti:s~J------BRICK SUPPORTS, '°v.e"2°"·• THREE REQUIRED k.;im'!•~ ONE CUBIC FOOT OF 1.0. '' oClt 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL ~ oi;:..,.,o •• v 0 ~-v~ 'if -'3i00 ,"00 PROVIDE ONE 30" STEEL VALVE KEY FOR EA. 3 VALVES INSTALLED 1----PVC IRRIGATION MAINLINE, ,.-----~ SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION '--------SOLVENT WELD CONNECTIONS SECTION VIEW -NTS. i[lcopyriy'il 21]01 Snrny i l.saoc"ot.,, Inc PLAN VIEW -NTS. @ BALL VALVE ,-------------------FINISH GRADE ,---------------BRASS THD. 90 DEG. ELL, TYPICAL .. ~----------RIP PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW DEVICE WITH BRONZE WYE STRAINER AND 2 BRASS BALL VALVES, SEE LEGEND FOR BRAND, MODEL AND SIZE ,._ ____ "SMOOTH TOUCH" STAINLESS STEEL BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY ENCLOSURE AND "POLAR BEARIER", IF SPECIFIED 1---t+----BRASS NIPPLES;LENGTH AS REQ. 11!.',:,;c-J+-----BRONZE PRESSURE REGULATOR W/ GAGE AND UNION, SEE LEGEND ----1--1-----t,'----BRASS UNION. ONE REQUIRED , • ASSEMBLY SHALL BE SIZED EQUAL TO '._I ,~-_I ~-_I=, I=_, 11, 1'kd n~n~nc:hn!m='llil_ I l=I =I l=I '=I I -I THE BACKFLOW DEVICE SIZE, TYPICAL I I I l=I 1=11=1'=1'1=1·1:::111:::11 Iffi=-llll;:-_lc-_, , __ ll;-___ ll~_~L-I '-scH80PVCFEMALEADAPTER -"=~l"'rl=n-I =I I,, : I 1= I 1= II= 11-I 1= ' c 4,~:::::I "'fa'E'~V _'=cl '=L='I =ll='I ,lc;cUkl,-1;' Jlj:=:c-b::=:::::if----PVC MAINLINE TO MASTER VALVE CONCRETE SLAB ~------SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE 6" MIN. LENGTH '----------------COPPERFEMALEADAPTER '------------------TYPE K COPPER PIPE FROM METER SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. NOTE: CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE MINIMUM 4" THICK, 18" WIDE AND EXTEND AT LEAST 8" PAST THE BACKFLDW ASSEMBLY PIPING. IF BACKFLDW ENCLOSURE IS SPECIFIED, THE CDNCRETE SLAB SHALL BE THE SIZE REQUIRED BY THE MANUFACTURER CD BACKFLOW DEVICE r.i.\.no.&llllffl SIIN\.TITIS' ~Aal-lDmllr.!: ~ llltll/Mtlt~ 1~----------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS -----PLASTIC 10" ROUND VALVE BOX WITH T-COVER ¢_ AND CAPTIVE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND LOG-KIT. HEAT BRAND "QCV" ONTO LID. -- PVC MAINLINc-----, SEE LEGEND AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE AND DEPTH REQUIRED 3" 2" FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS ~---41-+--_I-_,. -+---~QUICK COUPLING VALVE, SEE ,[' [TT . LEGEND FOR BRAND AND MODEL i 11' ---;t=r-"F"~----3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL, 4" MINIMUM DEPTH ,,_~-----LANDSCAPE FABRIC TO > "0 '!,ff~~ COVER BOTTOM AND ALL -:'-¥! . SIDES OF VALVE BOX ~ . \ ~-~-~--~ifr!)~,------BRICK SUPPORTS, 3 REQUIRED c----------~LASCO SNAP-LOK PVC SWING JOINT W/ MALE BRASS STABILIZER ELBOW AND SNAP-LOK COLLAR FOR 1" QCV USE MODEL G13S-212 ,---PVC IRRIGATION MAINLINE '--------r--ir---t-~:___J~:::j+----SCH 80 PVC SxSxT TEE FITTING, -MAINLINE x QCV INLET SIZE -----------REBAR STAKES, 1/2" DIAMETER x 24" LONG, TWO REQUIRED NOTE: USE AN APPROVED, NON-HARDENING, TEFLON ASSEMBLY PASTE ON ALL THREADED FITTINGS. PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. CD QUICK COUPLER VAL VE ,------FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~-PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH T-COVER AND CAPTIVE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND LOG-KIT. INSTALL BOX AT RIGHT ANGLE TO ADJACENT HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "MCV" ONTO LID. PVC MAINLINE FROM BACKFLOW DEVICE OR BASKET STRAINER, USE SCH 80 PVC 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH AS REQUIRED LASCO #896 PVC UNION SLIP X MIPT, SIZE PER RCV, 2 REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY NOTE: FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS ---~--24" WIRE LOOPS AND 3M DBY-6 WATERPROOF WIRE CONNECTORS ~-"-----it--PVC MAINLINE TO FLOW SENSOR, PIPE PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ~-BRICK SUPPORTS, 4 REQUIRED CONTROL WIRES TO CONTROLLER, IN CONDUIT IF INDICATED IN LEGEND ------3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL, 4" MINIMUM DEPTH ------LANDSCAPE FABRIC TO COVER BOTTOM AND ALL SIDES OF VALVE BOX "'-----ELECTRIC MASTER CONTROL SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR TYPE USE STANDARD OPENINGS PROVIDED IN VALVE BOX FOR PIPE, DO NOT CUT BOX. @ MASTER CONTROL VALVE ~-----FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS --PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH T-COVER AND CAPTIVE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND LOC-KIT. INSTALL BOX AT RIGHT ANGLE TO ADJACENT HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND ''RCV" AND CONTROL STATION# ONTO LID. .. 11 I ·~ 1' 111 I I -111=111 11-1.1= PVC PIPE, ==11 --i 1 SIZE PER PLANS, TYPEPE_f<_R__Jr--"~ LEGEND USE STANDARD BOX OPENINGS FOR PIPE, DO FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS ~~~--24" WIRE LOOPS AND 3M DBY-6 WATERPROOF WIRE CONNECTORS ~-'"----i-'---SCH. 80 PVC SLIP 90 DEGREE ELL ,-,:___ SCH. 40 PVC PIPE OR SCH. 80 T.O.E. NIPPLE WITH D.I. SERVICE TEE NOTCUTBOX IL::,,,Jl.:.:.r.=-i,.::==~=4E~~~::::,,. -!--TAPE WIRES TO PIPE 'I-+--3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL, 4" MINIMUM DEPTH BRICK SUPPORTS, 4REQUIRED LASCO #896 PVC UNION SLIP X MIPT, SIZE PER RCV, 2 REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR TYPE SPARE CONTROL WIRE. LOOP--~ 48" LENGTH INTO EACH RCV BOX PJ SCH. 80 PVC SLIP TEE OR LEEMCO DUCTILE IRON BBT SERVICE TEE FOR USE ON BELL AND GASKET MAINLINE PIPE '------LANDSCAPE FABRIC TO COVER BOTTOM AND ALL SIDES OF VALVE BOX PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. 0 REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE ------FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS ~--PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH T-COVERAND CAPTIVE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND LOG-KIT. INSTALL BOX AT RIGHT ANGLE TO ADJACENT HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND "FS" ONTO LID. 10 PIPE DIA PVC MAINLINE FROM MASTER CONTROL VALVE, NO FITTINGS WITHIN 10 PIPE DIA UP STREAM AND 5 PIPE DIA. DOWN STREAM OF SENSOR LASCO #896 PVC UNION --'- SLIP X MIPT, SIZE PER RCV, 2 REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL,----'- 4" MINIMUM DEPTH SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. (lC'l')'>ight 2007 ;,..,,ey t lisoociolo~ inc. NOTE: 2" ;,:; FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS PVC MAINLINE TO RCVS PIPE PER PLANS AND SPECS. '-----BRICK SUPPORTS, 4 REQUIRED ~----CONTROL WIRES TO CONTROLLER, IN CONDUIT IF INDICATED IN LEGEND "'-----FLOW SENSOR, SEE LEGEND FOR BRAND, MODEL AND SIZE '------LANDSCAPE FABRIC TO COVER BOTTOM AND ALL SIDES OF VALVE BOX USE STANDARD OPENINGS PROVIDED IN VALVE BOX FOR PIPE, DO NOT CUT BOX. USE SCH 80 PVC 45 DEGREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH AS REQUIRED. @ FLOW SENSOR ~--------FINISH GRADE IN TURF AREAS ----PRESSURE REGULATOR ;1_,_111~ =11=11 1 11=,11_ PVC PIPE, = I I " SIZE PER PLANS, TYPE PER .-----''1' LEGEND USE STANDARD BOX OPENINGS FDR PIPE, DO NOT CUT BOX BRICK SUPPORTS, 4REQUIRED LASCO #896 PVC UNION SLIP X MIPT, SIZE PER RCV, 2 REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR TYPE SPARE CONTROL WIRE, LOOP 48" LENGTH INTO EACH RCV BOX ----WYE FILTER PLASTIC RECTANGULAR 'JUMBO' VALVE BOX WITH T-COVER AND CAPTIVE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND LOG-KIT. INSTALL BOX AT RIGHT ANGLE TO ADJACENT HARDSCAPE EDGE. HEAT BRAND ''RCV' AND CONTROL STATION# ONTO LID. FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS -h'=a..+-,=--24" WIRE LOOPS AND 3M DBY-6 WATERPROOF WIRE CONNECTORS _.._-,--.._SCH. 80 PVC SLIP 90 DEGREE ELL 'r7'-a-SCH. 40 PVC PIPE OR SCH. 80 TO.E. NIPPLE WITH D.I. SERVICE TEE ~~TAPE WIRES TO PIPE SCH. 80 PVC SLIP TEE OR LEEMCO DUCTILE IRON BBT SERVICE TEE FOR USE ON BELL AND GASKET MAINLINE PIPE ------3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL, 4" MINIMUM DEPTH -----LANDSCAPE FABRIC TO COVER BOTTOM AND ALL SIDES OF VALVE BOX PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. ©coPl'1g'li: 101.l s ... n., t kasocictc,, ,,.,_ @ DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLY CONTROLLER---------rr.=.====ci.al STAINLESS STEEL, U.L. LISTED, PREDRILLED, REMOVABLE BACKBOARD STAINLESS STEEL,----.--t 18" WIDE, WALL MOUNTED CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE TERMINAL STRIP FOR---._ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WIRE CONNECTIONS BUILDING WALL BY OTHERS " I I! 3/4" STEEL-~-i 11 CONDUIT TO RAIN SENSOR " WEATHER----117:;!:= PROOF STEEL 48" G ~--GFI POWER SWITCH AND RECEPTACLE NOTE: ALL INTERIOR CONDUITS AND J-BOXES SHALL BE STEEL 1" CONDUIT AND SWEEP TO POWER SUPPLY II--H--tt--tt------1" CONDUIT FOR RAIN SENSOR 1--tt--Hf------3" CONDUIT FOR RCV WIRES IMH-------1" CONDUIT FOR MCV / FS WIRES +-----1 1/4" CONDUIT FOR GROUND WIRE '----CONDUIT SUPPORTS, 12" O.C. '----JUNCTION BOX, SIZE PER CONDUIT JUNCTION BOX ' 'I 12" ,,---FLOOR OF BUILDING, BY OTHERS PVC CONDUIT AND SWEEP SIZE TO MATCH INTERIOR . . . . : . . . . 1,-~EXTEND CONDUIT A MIN. OF 12" FROM THE EDGE OF BUILDING SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. NOTE: DETAIL SHOWS FRONT VIEW OF CONTROLLER AND A SIDE VIEW EXAMPLE OF A WALL PENETRATION. EACH CONDUIT REQUIRES A J-BOX ON THE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING. @CONTROLLER WALL MOUNTED /' r., ·,1· n ;, : , ,-._, 11. i '''1',,'--f-',, ,,, ' ,1 I\,' V / /'J',,\I ' I I ' ' p. !\ ' I \ I I I ' ' ' ; L/ "AS BUil T" ~xp ____ _ ~t Ci~rmit_Submittal_Q!/16/2015_ _ ____ _ IRRIGATION DETAILS Second City Permit Submittal 04/30/2015 ~ - --~~dCity-PermitSubmitta-10-7/16/2015---i ---,----.--·::_::_::_-=- Fourth City Permit Submittal 08/14/2015 _I ==--=---· . ·-__ rifth ~-~-b_n,___it~9/09_12_0_1_5_~~--~=-=== __ ----=~~=:===---·· I-I_--- I s-11:.7,il C T"\l O"i7 CARLSBAJ Is~~' I _I PL AN\IIN~ i:-\, _s_mi rND3CAP_E_l=M=P-R_O_\--='E_i_lC_\I __ :-,= =P=~=A:_N_S~7--::-o,-,.---_ - DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE sweeney + associates IRRIGATION DESIGN Af'JD CONSULTING 33730 <;k'/ C,nyon l}r;,,,:,, S;oitc C ~, 1nto@:w~en~1a.,50,::JomlU (9SI) 4Gl-l>3c!l1 w: v,ww ,.,,,,~ne;1•ss:>c.cc,n;lf: (~Sl:, .l.61-Gt~O 2,,r.w W!illO/'lISTllEET I S/\r,\ mrnr., CA,,21,0, 619.5fl5,al541 I WWW,!lOOTEDINPLACE.COM Renewal Dote 10/29/15 Dol, ~- ~~-+---+--- --- --- ----~ DA __ I ~JI 1/,_ Df"":S1G'JI~-(";'-'NCR<I I --- I I -1 - I " --- ' -------- - I lJ fl ~ DA I - - CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION, ----------- I 0\/'-iN 3Y: _ 1 -~I-A ___ C-IK8 DY: RV'vVl) BY: CB DZ --1 I oz ----I ------IJRUJ=--2-NO. -;R/,_VVIN0 NC. CT 04-11 J 442-4N I I r----------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS r--------BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE (#6) CONNECT TO ROD WI BRASS CLAMP OR "CAD WELD" IN PLACE r----PLASTIC 10" ROUND VAL VE BOX WITH T-COVER AND CAPTIVE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND LOG-KIT. HEAT BRAND "GRD" ONTO LID. 2" FINISHED GRADE IN SHRUB AREAS _ 5/8" X 96" COPPER CLAD GROUND ! I 1,ffi= ROD INSTALLED INTO COMPACTED ::_111 ~I! ' SITE SOIL PRIOR TO SETTING BOX 1-1•1- NATIVE OR UNDISTURBED SITE SOIL r-------_; -----------BARE#6COPPERGROUNDWIRE I _/ ··. 8' MINIMUM FROM CONTROLLER __.__.f SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. ®''"'fight 'JffJ/ SwO!n')' i As.«iole,, Inc sweeney + associates IRRlG/\lfON OES!Gf'J /\ND CONSULTING 11!!!!:'il11111 11 11!1lllllllll111 11111 111111111 MtHt •l';i, (a 92503 e i,,forjlsweereya»oc.c:cm!t I Cl) ,l61-6B3C w: ,~·,,~,·.swe,::neyJ,;;~,.,:,;)1/l;t, I 51) 4•jl-G8~~ ® GROUNDING ROD ,,------RUBBER DRAIN CAP MISSION RUBBER CO. NO. 0704-015, 4" ~~ """~""'r""""'s"'"lf::F::::,;!::::P: ::F:::F::::P:::~""'"""'..-,.,________ FINISH GRADE :::::::::::::::::::::: ~~-----RAIN BIRD 1402 BUBBLER HEAD, SEE ,-,_._ _ 1-LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION 1-1 TOP 1" BELOW FINISH GRADE + -_,,_ i-'t-+f---1--------SCH 80 NIPPLE, LENGTH 1 __ 1 AS REQUIRED, 2 REQUIRED \I':r;i..-+-1"'-t-'---------KBI 1/2" ANTI-DRAIN VALVE + - + - -1 + - + - + --■1--------NATIVE SOIL + - -------PVC LATERAL LINE (~)00o~· c:3t", rnF:::::_. c • / e ---. _______ DRILL THROUGH PIPE ; 0~ -· • _JS:S'• ()to U u 112" PVC ELL (SxT) ~,: o.: 0 0o~~~ 0•1~1-----------4" DIA. x 36" LONG j0 '(-. o,Jat., PERFORATED PVC DRAIN PIPE + \!. e:ry FILL WITH 3/4" GRAVEL TO +.-.:~--""-+""'-'...,.,.,=""--J BOTTOM OF CHECK VALVE ~---------------AMMENDED BACKFILL ~------------------ROOTBALLOFTREE SECTION VIEW -N.T.S. (D DEEP WELL BUBBLER t'!o\l'IDloWNr. SUrc\.'11'111' CMn"TCt\.1'!._IDl\tll!I: _,,.«sn. 11./t.llhnt• 'l,lllffl,f\lil\\llWW/ll\Wl!lqa'/!/llll'IIIJ4l!hllf.\11Wl\)illll!I\Ulllfll\i/lil/ I • FINISH GRADE DIMENSION A B 1/2" TO 2-112" IN SIZE 18" 12" 3" TO 6" IN SIZE 24" X C 4" 4" CLEAN COMPACTED BACKFILL LATERAL LINES, SEE SPECS. CONTROL WIRES, SEE SPECS. UNDISTURBED SOIL PRESSURE MAINLINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. I HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE CRITERIA OF THE IRRIGATION GUIDELINES AND APPLIED THEM ACCORDINGLY FOR THE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER IN THE IRRIGATION DESIGN PLAN @ PIPE INSTALLATION ~-------ROOT BALL OF TREE .,----BUBBLER HEADS PER LEGEND AND AS SHOWN ABOVE PROVIDE BUBBLER QUANTITIES AS INDICATED BELOW: 2 BUBBLER$ MIN. PER TREE 4 BUBBLERS PER 24" & 36" BOX TREE 8 BUBBLERS PER 48" BOX AND LARGER TREE -_ _,,,--PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE -"-..;...J.,._;;,z;:a._..,,....:,.-"-~~;:,-;,.:.,J.....:,...:,,-'-.. / SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE AND DEPTH REQUIREMENTS PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. NOTE: SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. 11 DIMENSION A B 112" TO 6" IN SIZE 36" 24" --I --,,---SAND BACKFILL COMPACTED B -.:.=j TO THE DENSITY OF EXISTING SOIL LATERAL LINES IN SCH 40 SLEEVE l =1 -I 1 --~ I I CONTROL WIRES I 1 -I I IN SCH 40 SLEEVE I [:::: 1=---UNDISTURBED SOIL ,_, ' ' PRESSURE MAINLINE C D 24" 4" IN SCH 40 SLEEVE PVC SLEEVES TO BE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED. DETAIL ALSO FOR PIPE INSTALLED IN ROCK SOIL_ NOTE: 1--------LOWVOLTAGEWIRES, 3 MAXIMUM ~------WIRES PASS THROUGH GROOVES IN TUBE LID TO ALLOW LID TO CLOSE ~=lfa+~=--------CLOSE TUBE LID AFTER WIRE IS INSERTED INTO TUBE 111-1-------POLY TUBE PRE-FILLED WITH WATERPROOF GEL ,,---LOCK TABS PREVENT WIRE REMOVAL ONCE CONNECTOR IS INSERTED SCOTCHLOK ELECTRICAL SPRING CONNECTOR. WIRES SHALL BE PRE-STRIPPED OF 1/2" OF THE ,==O,aLa, INSULATION PRIOR TO INSERTION INTO THE CONNECTIOR. TWIST CONNECTOR ONTO WIRES TO SEAT FIRMLY. SCOTCHLOK CONNECTOR AND WIRES INSERTED INTO TUBE UNTIL THE CONNECTOR PASSES LOCK TABS WIRE CONNECTOR SHALL BE A 3M DBR/Y-6 DIRECT BURY SPLICE KIT (U.L. APPROVED). KIT SHALL INCLUDE A SCOTCHLOK Y SPRING CONNECTOR, A POLYPROPYLENE TUBE AND A WATERPROOF SEALING GEL. TUBE SHALL BE SUPPLIED PREFILLED WITH GEL. PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. PLAN VIEW -N.T.S. @ SLEEVE INSTALLATION @WIRE CONNECTION r-------------j·F n 1-I I 11 I IJ □ --~ !, CLOSE -COUPLED CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, 5, STAINLESS UNl□N A ER, STAINLESS STEEL FITTED, 6, PRESSURE GAUG !QUID DAMPENED, 2, NEMA 4X SIMPLEX CONTROL PANEL FDR 7, □MIT AUTOMATIC OPERATION, 8, MARINE J;iRIIDE ALUMINUM ENCLOSURE, 3, STAINLESS 1/4 TURN BALL VALVE MEASUR,<% 20'D X 30'L X 32'H 4, 1,5 INCH ,:y~ 304 STAINLESS STEEL, 9, S,l'fWCTURAL ALUMINUM BASEPLATE, rD_E_L_E_T~E_D ___ M_O_T~NECESSARY /QUICK PAD SUPPORT PAD // -~ 1-1! I I I I I I , I I I' I Ii -----11 " .... . . . . .. •. · ~ '1 • . . . .. .. \( : •: ·.; · .. : -. . 0 0 8 BOOSTER PUMP ASSEMBLY / ,..,,✓ BARRETT ENGINEERED PUMPS First Citv Permit Submittal 01/16/2015 Second City Permit Submittal 04/30/2015 SIZE DWG NO. SCALE REV SHEET L2.5 S7 =-=-I 18 /' rJ 1-_J _Dr: \ /~ i'"' ·\ i / ,' \ 1J / L u L 1) [;J ' I ' • I \ I \ l~~i(\_I\ I '(' /•, I /, '\ ,' ,.---..., ,,~· / l\ /\/ T,il\i,r ' ,' 1,\' f" '' I ,I ,i ',' 'i '-..,/' /-,, ,' I' I,' I ---1' '' / !._ ;--,, ,' ·! I Ii \i' u , ,v,' '' ·! 1 .. / ,... } 1\ ,' ' y ,' ,'\ ,' ( .. '. ,' ,' / "1 ,I'\,' f \ c~ q r_--r ,r c=: c-I , , , I IV/ \' L__ I //\lt,/L_(_,1l..JI/ J:.__J ,1 / \ l ',/ I ,__; ,' / (;f'/,, l i /> ,'\ l I',-rJ / 1_: ,'\ / / I ,'\ ,' 1,..--., / ___ \_/ ~/ r', ,' I '·,Ji \l ~),:-I ,' -;-\ / \,' //\/ ·v /-'i ,r; C-Jj ,;\,1 ',. "AS BUil T" R~l-EXI) Dt,-, ~F\/ -=--\N1~ D 3Y _NSP_[_n~ -:Ar=-- ---nI"V ()-' (--., /1 Rl"7 J 1 J S-=--F-S v:__ '., . _J~) ' i 'i \_1 --\,./ _t-"1 32 1):_1"11\Nl\lG T) \/""S--N IRRIGATION DETAILS Third City Permit Submittal 07/16/2015 -- Fourth City Permit Submittal 08/14/2015 I L,NDSCAPl: TM?ROVEMC:KT l'LAJ\S FOR: Fifth Ci_ty Permit Submittal 09/09/2015 -------DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL sweeney + associates IRRIGATION DESJGN AND CONSUl-1/\JG ]37JO Sk, Canyon Dr1v~, S:1irn C ~hrrict·a, Ca 92563 ~· info,£>s·,v~cnv1,1_:.,oc,,;:o,r, ,, (95li j_61-6330 w: ,,,.,._,,·; sw~fne·101.1Jr:.corn:t· (951) .:.,;1 61;'.$0 2364 WQ!¾D~N STP.Efl ! Z/\li mrna, Ci.\ ~2W7 ~19.6~5.S541 j WWW.f!!ltl[EDltsl'LI\Cf.C()i\1 DAL ------ D[SIGf\=R -· i NI" ll, ' ' ,,VISION LllSCR 0-V'iORK! --------- --- ---, I I - lJA--~ INI ML F 101,1 OT-IFR Al-'F·ROV/\L 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE -- CARLSBAD, CA92011 DEVELOPED FOR --· I ELEMENT EDUCATION I -- ----/\·-:r)kJV:_J: /~Gr-~Loft ___ l\a I (o .1,_ l)l ,t1,\J\l11\C ------F~~~~~1~:_J ----I JWc. HY: CB DRi\\l'./ NG flO DI, i 111 I t1L CJ-KC BY DZ 442-4N DZ Cl I Y APPROV/'.\_ ~\/NJ [3V; SECTION 32 84 00 -LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. lt is the intent of the specifications and drawings that the finished system is complete in every respect and shall be ready for operation satisfactory to the Owner. B. The work shall include all materials, labor, services, transportation, and equipment necessary to perform the work as indicat,ad on the drawings, in these specifications, and as necessary to complete the contract. 1.2 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS A. Due to the scale of the drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc. which may be required. The Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan hls work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and architectural features, B. All work called for on the drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the specifications. When an item is shown on the plans but not shown on the specifications or vice versa, it shall be deemed to be as shown on both. The Landscape Architect shall have final authority for clarification. C. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when lt is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect as soon as detected. In the event this notification is not performed, the Irrigation Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide at least one English speaking person who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being installed and the manufacturer's recommended methods of installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. B. Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shaJJ be foJJowed in all cases where the manufacturer of articles used in this contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. C. All local, municipal, and state laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations of the same. However, when these specifications and drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. D. All materials supplied for this project shall be new and free from any defects. All defective materials shall be replaced immediately at no additional cost to Owner. E. The Contractor shall secure the required licenses and permits including payments of charges and fees, give required notices to public authorities, verify permits secured or arrangements made by others affecting the work of this section. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Water Pressure Test 1. After award of contract and before any frrigatfon system materials are ordered from suppliers or delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner a written verification of the existing water pressure on the project at each of the points of connection shown. 2. The water pressure test shall be performed to measure the dynamic water pressure at the point of connection at the maximum flow rate of the proposed irrigation system as shown on the point of connection note. Dynamic water pressure is when water is flowing through the point of connection. Static water pressure readings, water is not f!ow'ing, are not acceptable. 3. Written dynamic water pressure test confirmation shall be made on the contractor's letterhead and include the flow rate during the test, the recorded water pressure, the date of the test and the time of the test. B. Material List: 1. After award of contract and before any irrigation system materials are ordered from suppliers or delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner a complete list of all irrigation system materials, or processes proposed to be furnished and installed as part of this contract. 2. The submittals materials list shall include the following information: a. A title sheet with the job name, the contractor's name, contractor's address and telephone number, submittal date and submittal number. b. An index sheet showing the item number (i.e. 1,2,3, etc.); an item description (i.e. sprinkler head); the manufacturer's name (i.e. Hunter Industries); the item model number (i.e. l-40-ADV/36V); and the page(s) in the submittal set that contain the catalog cuts. c. The catalog cuts shall be one or two pages copied from the most recent manufacturer's catalog that indicate the product submitted. Do not submit parts lists, exploded diagrams, price lists or other extra information. d. The catalog cuts shall clearly indicate the manufacturer's name and the item model number. The item model number, all specified options and specified sizes shall be circled on the catalog cuts. e. Submittals for equipment indicated on the legend without manufacturer names, or "as approved", shall contain the manufacturer, Class or Schedule, ASTM numbers and/or other certifications as indicated in these specifications. 3. Submittal materials list format requirements: a. Submittals shall be provided as one complete package for the project. Multiple partial submittals will not be reviewed. b. Submittal package shall be stapled or bound in such a way as to allow for disassembly for review processing. Submittals shall not have tabs, tab sheets, spiral binding, or any other type of binding that will intetfere with automated copying of submittals, c, Submittal package shall have all pages numbered in the lower right hand corner. Page numbers shall correspond with submittal index. d. Re-submitted packages must be revised to include only the equipment being re- submitted. Equipment previously reviewed and accepted shall not be re-submitted in the materials list/index sheet or in the catalog cut sheet package. C. Substitutions: If the Irrigation Contractor wishes to substitute any equipment or materials for those equipment or materials listed on the irrigation drawings and specifications, he may do so by providing the following information to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative for approval. 1. Provide a written statement indicating the reason for making the substitution. 2. Provide catalog cut sheets, technical data, and performance information for each substitute item. 3. Provide in writing the difference in installed price if the item is accepted. D. The Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative wfll allow no substitutions without prior written acceptance E. No substitutions of pump manufacturers, distributors or assemblies will be accepted. 1!-\nD.6111111'2 Plln.\Tl'IIJ:' Cl,ln"ft\r.i~mw.!I DJ:'UI_,.,. tlh.llMftt-, 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 F. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. G. The Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative will not review the submittal package unless provided in the format described above. EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall verify and be familiar with the locations, size and detail of points of connection provided as the source of water, and electrical supply connection to the irrigation system. B. Irrigation design ls based on the available static water pressure shown on the drawings. Contractor shall verify static water on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. C, Prior to cutting into the soil, the Contractor shall locate all cables, conduits, sewer septic tanks, and other utilities as are commonly encountered underground and he shall take proper precautions not to damage or disturb such improvements. If a conflict exists between such obstacles and the proposed work, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Landscape Architect and Owner who will arrange for relocations. The Contractor will proceed in the same manner if a rock layer or any other such conditions are encountered. D. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and features to remain on and adjacent to the project site during construction. Contractor shall repair, at his own cost; all damage resulting from his operations or negligence, E. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor for installation of required sleeving as shown on the plans prior to paving operations. F. The Contractor shall verify and be familiar with the existing irrigation systems in areas adjacent to and within the Project area of work. G. The Contractor shall protect all existing irrigation systems, in areas adjacent to and within the project area of work, from damage due to his operations. H. Contractor shall notify Owner's Representative if any existing system is temporarily shut off, capped or modified. Provide 48-hour notice, prior to turning off or modifying any existing irrigation system. I. The Contractor shall repair or replace all existing irrigation systems, in areas adjacent to and within the project area of work, damaged by the construction of this project. Adjacent irrigation systems shall be made completely operational and provide complete coverage of the existing landscaped areas. All repairs shall be complete to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative. J. The contractor shall provide bore holes under any existing pavement or paving encountered for the required lateral, mainline and low voltage control wire sleeving. Bore holes under 2 inches in diameter and smaller shall be made with a BulletMole® underground boring tool as manufactured by Dimension Tools, LLC (Contact telephone number (888)-650-5554 or at www.bulletmole.com). Bore holes larger than 2 inches in diameter shall be made with an approved mechanical boring tool. No air jacking or hydraulic boring of any kind shall be allowed. INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor sha!I permit the Landscape Architect and Owner's authorized representative to visit and inspect at all times any part of the work and shall provide safe access for such visits. B. Where the specifications require work to be tested by the Contractor, it shall not be covered over until accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and/or governing agencies. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work is ready for testing. Should any work be covered without testing or acceptance, it shall be, if so ordered. uncovered at the Contractor's expense. C. Inspections will be required for the following at a minimum: 1. Pre-construction meeting. 2. System layout. 3. Pressure test of irrigation mainline (Four hours at 125 PSI or 120% of static water pressure, whichever is greater.) Mainline pressure loss during test shall not exceed 2 PSI. 4. Coverage test of irrigation system. Test shall be performed prior to any planting. 5. Final inspection prior to start of maintenance period. 6. Final acceptance prior to turnover. D. Site observations and testing wilt not commence without the field record drawings as prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. Record drawings must be complete and up to date for each site visit. E. Work that fails testing and is not accepted will be retested. Hourly rates and expenses of the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and goveming agencies for re- inspection or retesting will be paid by the Irrigation Contractor at no additional expense to Owner. STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect irrigation system materials before, during, and after installation and to protect the insta!!ation work and materials of all other trades. ln the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the acceptance of the Landscape Architect and Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner. B, Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing plastic pipe and fittings under cover until ready to install. Transport plastic pipe only on a vehicle with a bed long enough to allow the pipe to lay flat to avoid undue bending and concentrated external load. CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL A. Dispose of waste, trash, and debris in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances and as prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction. Bury no such waste material and debris on the site. Burning of trash and debris will not be permitted. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of rubbist1 and debris generated by his work and workmen at frequent intervals or when ordered to do so by the Owner's authorized representative. 8. At the time of completion the entire site will be cleared of tools, equipment, rubbish and debris which shall be disposed of off-site in a legal disposal area. TURNOVER ITEMS A. Record Drawings: 1. Record accurately on one set of drawings all changes in the work constituting departures from the original contract drawings and the actual final installed locations of all required components as shown below. 2. The record drawings shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Owner. Prior to final inspection of work, submit record drawings to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 3. All record drawings shall be prepared using AutoCAD 2016 drafting software and the original irrigation drawings as a base, No manual drafted record drawings shall be acceptable. The Contractor may obtain digital base files from the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representatfve. 4. lf the Contractor is unable to provide the AutoCAD drafting necessary for the record drawings the irrigation designer does provide record drawing drafting as a separate service. 5. Prior to final inspection of work, submit record drawings plotted onto vellum sheets for review by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. After acceptance by the Landscape Architect, City Inspector or Owner's authorized representative re-plot the record drawings onto reproducible Mylar sheets. The Contractor shall also provide record drawing information on a digital AutoCAD Release 2016 drawing file. All digital files shall be provided on a compact disc (CD) clearly marked with the project name, file descriptions and date. a. Record drawing information and dimensions shall be collected on a day-to-day basis during the installation of the pressure mainline to fully indicate all routing locations and pipe depths. Locations for all other irrigation equipment shall be collected prior to the final inspection of the work. b. Two dimensions from two permanent points of reference such as buildings, sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, hydrants, etc< shall be shown for each piece of irrigation equipment shown below. Where multiple components are installed with no reasonable reference point between the components, dimensioning may be made to the irrigation equipment. All irrigation symbols shall be clearly shown matching the irrigation legend for the drawings. All lettering on the record drawings shall be minimum 1/8 inch in size. 6. Show locations and depths of the foftowing items: a. Point of connection (including water POC, backflow devices, master control valves, flow sensors, etc.) b. Routing of sprinkler pressure main hnes (dimensions shown at a maximum of 100 feet along routing) c. Isolation valves d. Automatic remote control valves (indicate station number and size) e. Quick coupling valves f. Drip air relief and flush valves g. Routing of control wires where separate from irrigation mainline h. Irrigation controllers (indicate controller number and station count) i. Related equipment (as may be directed) B. Controller Charts: 1. Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller. Chart shall show the area covered by the particular controller. The areas covered by the Individual control valves shall be indicated using colored highlighter pens. A minimum of six individual colors shall be used for the controller chart unless less than six control valves are indicated. 2. Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative must approve record drawings before controller charts are prepared. 3. The chart is to be a reduced copy of the actual "record" drawing. In the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a readable size. 4. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils fn thickness. C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Two individually bound copies of operation and maintenance manuals shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative at least 1 O calendar days prior to final inspection. The manuals shall describe the material installed and the proper operation of the system. 2. Each complete, bound manual shall include the following information: 3. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, duration of guarantee period, list of equipment including names and addresses of local manufacturer representatives. a, Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment. b. Spare parts lists and related manufacturer information for a'I equipment. D. Equipment: 1. Supply as a part of this contract the following items: a. Two (2) wrenches for disassembly and adjustment of each type of sprinkler head used in the irrigation system. b. Three 30-inch sprinkler keys for manual operation of control valves. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Two quick coupler keys with a 1" bronze hose bib, bent nose type with hand wheel and two coupler lid keys. e. One valve box cover key or wrench. f. Six extra sprinkler heads of each size and type. g, For specified ball valves if required: One (1) 5-foot long valve handle, to fit the specified ball valves. 2. The above equipment shall be turned over to Owner's authorized representative at the final inspection. 1.10 COMPLETION A. At the time of the pre-maintenance period inspection, the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies will inspect the work, and if not accepted, will prepare a list of items to be completed by the Contractor. Punch list to be checked off by contractor and submitted to Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative prior to any follow-up meeting. This checked off list to indicate that aJJ punch list items have been completed. At the time of the post-maintenance period or final inspection the work will be re- inspected and final acceptance will be in writing by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies. B. The Owner's authorized representative shall have final authority on all portions of the work. C. After the system has been completed, the Contractor shall instruct Owner's authorized representative in the operation and maintenance of the irrigation system and shall furnish a complete set of operating and maintenance instructions. D. Any settling of trenches which may occur during the one-year period following acceptance shall be repaired to the Owner's satisfaction by the Contractor without any additional expense to the Owner. Repairs shall include the complete restoration of a!! damage to planting, paving or other improvements of any kind as a result of the work. 1.11 GUARANTEE A. The entire sprinkler system, including all work done under this contract, shall be unconditionally guaranteed against all defects and fault of material and workmanship, including settling of backfilled areas below grade, for a period of one (1) year following the filing of the Notice of Completion. B. Should any problem with the irrigation system be discovered within the guarantee period, it shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional expense to Owner within ten (1 O) calendar days of rece1'pt of written notice from Owner. When the nature of the repairs as determined by the Owner constitute an emergency (i.e. broken pressure line) the Owner may proceed to make repairs at the Contractor's expense. Any and all damages to existing improvement resulting either from faulty materials or workmanship, or from the necessary repairs to correct same, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Owner by the Contractor, all at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Guarantee shall be submitted on Contractors own letterhead as follows: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we have furnished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defective material during the period of one year from date of filing of the Notice of Completion and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the Owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within 10 calendar days following written notification by the Owner. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within the time specified after receipt of written notice from Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS sweeney + associates IRR!GATIQf,; lJESIGN AND CONSULTl;\JG Murrl~t:i Ca 92S53 e: i~lci~aSW'-'tr,e.,-usscc c~,np· (~51) "-61-h1:C,U w: wv,w ,we~,iey•~soc.c.omjf: ll)Sl.) 461-,:,tl>G ~3M WOR!JEN.STHEET l SAN illfalll, CA Ult11li $1~.!\05.6547 I 1\/WW.ROOif.DIIIP!.ACf .. GOM PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR NAME: ADDRESS TELEPHONE: SIGNED: DATE: PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.1 SUMMARY Use only new materials of the manufacturer, size and type shown on the drawings and specifications. Materials or equipment Installed or furnished that do not meet Landscape Architect's, Owner's, or governing agencies standards will be rejected and shall be removed from the site at no expense to the Owner. 2.2 PIPE A. Pressure supply line between the water meter and the backflow prevention device shall be type K copper, one size larger than backflow device. B. Backf!ow prevention assemblies, and all other above grade assemblies, shall be constructed of threaded brass pipe and threaded brass fittings the same size as the backflow device, unless otherwise directed. C. Pressure supply lines 1 1/2 inches in diameter and smaller downstream of the backflow prevention unit shall be Schedule 40 solvent weld PVC conforming to ASTM D1785. D. Non-pressure lines 3/4 inch in diameter and larger downstream of the remote control valve shall be SCH 40 solvent weld PVC conforming to ASTM D1785. 2.3 METAL PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Brass pipe shall be 85 percent red brass, ANS!. IPS Standard 125 pounds, Schedule 40 screwed pipe. 8. Fittings shaU be medium brass, screwed 125-pound class, C. Copper pipe and fittings shall be Type "K" sweat soldered, or brazed as indicated on the drawings, 2.4 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Pipe shall be marked continuously with manufacturer's name, nominal pipe size, schedule or class, PVC type and grade, National Sanitation Foundation approval, Commercial Standards designation, and date of extrusion. B. All plastic pipe shall be extruded of an improved PVC virgin pipe compound in accordance with ASTM D2672, ASTM D2241 or ASTM D1785. C. All solvent weld PVC fittings shall be standard weight Schedule 40 (and Schedule 80 where specified on the irrigation detail sheet, a\! mainline fittings shall be Schedule 80 PVC) and shall be injection molded of an improved virgin PVC fitting compound. Slip PVC fittings shall be the "deep socket" bracketed type. Threaded plastic fittings shall be injection molded. All tees and ells shall be side gated. All fittings shall conform to ASTM D2464 and ASHA D2466. D. All threaded nipples shall be standard weight Schedule 80 with molded threads and shall conform to ASTM 01785. E. All solvent cementing of plastic pipe and fittings shall be a two-step process, using primer and solvent cement applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. Cement shall be of a fluid consistency, not gel-like or ropy. Solvent cementing shall be in conformance with ASTM D2564 and ASTM D2855. F. When connection is plastic to meta!, female adapters shall be hand tightened, plus one turn with a strap wrench. Joint compound shall be non-lead base Teflon paste, tape. or equal. G. All pressure mainlines installed with solvent weld PVC fittings shall be installed with concrete thrust blocking at all directional changes in the mainline routing. Concrete thrust blocking shall not be required when ductile iron fittings and mechanical restraints are specified. 2.5 BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS A. The backflow prevention unit shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. B. The backflow prevention unit shall be installed in accordance with the requirements set forth by local codes. 2.6 IRRIGATION BOOSTER PUMPS A. Booster pump shall be factory pre-piped and pre-wired and mounted on a steel base hot dipped galvanized after fabrication, with a capacity (GPM) and pressure boost (TOH) as indicated on the draw!ngs. Field assembled pump systems are not acceptable_ Booster pump assembly shall be as manufactured by Barrett Engineered Pumps of San Diego, CA. Tel. (619) 232-7867. B. Booster pump shall be as indicated in the notes and details indicated on the drawings. C. The contractor shall contact the pump manufacturer I distributor indicated on the drawings and obtain a written price quote for the pump station prior to submitting his bid. The price quote shall contain the model number and a list of all components to be included on the pump assembly. The contractor shall submit a copy of the pump manufacturer I distributor's quote with his irrigation installation cost estimate as proof of contact and inclusion of the specified pump station in his cost estimate. No substitutions of pump manufacturers, distributors or assembHes will be accepted. 2 7 VALVES A. Ball Valves: 1. Ball valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. All ball valves shall have a minimum working pressure of not less than 150 PSI and shall conform to AWWA standards. B. Quick Coupler Valves: 1. Quick coupler valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Quick coupler valves shall be brass with a wall thickness guaranteed to withstand normal working pressure of 150 psi without leakage. Valves shall have 1" female threads opening at base. with two-piece body. Valves to be operated only with a coupler key, designed for that purpose. Coupler key is inserted into valve and a positive, watertight connection shall be made between the coupler key and valve. 3. Vinyl quick coupler cover to be purple in color with the words ··warning-Recycled Water- Do Not Drink" permanently marked on lid. C. Automatic Control Valves: 1. Automatic control valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. . __ F_irst City Permit Submittal 01/16"12~0~1~5~---_ __ ---· __ 1 1 I Second City Permit Submittal 04/30/2015 --~ --t----t-lT0h-cir-c-d City Permit Submittal 07/16/2015 --------1----------r ~------r---F;~rth C-ity-_Pe~rm-it Su_b_m-ittal 08-11-4/2015---_-_ i=---1 -__ -~ _ --+-__ - --+---+I_Fifth City Permit Submittal 09/09/2015 I -------- 1 ----1-·-- ---------------I_ +-------- ' ---------------+-------I I ~ D/\ ll. ----------------+----+-----t---------i DA,l=. , i\' 1AL UA-=-I l'llT;P,_ t): 'v,' i ) I /'\ I\ ,' i L_ \ i \j i I,\ i /' I / / \_/ \_J /• D ,-A I \,1 \ t=-,, "AS BUil T" '?C_-___ _ lXP ____ _ L2.6 DI' F ~===-----:,ANDSC,\::':C: n1PROVCME1'T PLANS "O'<: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR I ELEMENT EDUCATION ----- -------- IDVVN RY:·-: Cl> I ------ F~~)._J:CI NO. Cl KC '3Y: DZ CT 04-11 R\/1/-/C GY: DZ ' NC. 2, Automatic control valves shall be electrically operated. 3. Provide Christy's valve ID tags for each remote control valve with va!ve number. 2.8 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shall be fabricated from a durable, weather-resistant plastic material resistant to sunlight and chemical action of soils. B. The valve box cover shall be green in color and secured with a hidden latch mechanism or bolts. C. The cover and box shall be capable of sustaining a load of 1,500 pounds. D. Valve box extensions shall be by the same manufacturer as the valve box. E. The plastic irrigation valve box cover shall be an overlapping type. F. Automatic control valve, master valve, and flow sensor boxes shaU be 17"x11"x12" 'nominal' rectangular size. Valve box covers shall be marked "RCV" with the valve identification number, or "MV", ~FS" "heat branded" onto the cover in 1-1/4 inch high letters/ numbers. G. Drip air reflef valve boxes shall be 6" circular size. Valve box covers shall be marked with "ARV" "heat branded" onto the cover in 1H1/4 inch high letters. H. Quick coupler, ball, and drip flush valve boxes shall be 10" circular size. Valve box covers shall be marked with "QCV", "BV", or "FV" "heat branded" onto the cover in 1-1/4 inch high letters. 2.9 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A. Automatic controller shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 8. Contro!ter enclosure shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. C. Controller shall be grounded according to local codes using equipment of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings: or as required by local codes and ordinances. 2.10 ELECTRICAL A. AU electrical equipment shall be NEMA Type 3, waterproofed for exterior installations. B. All electrical work shall conform to local codes and ordinances. 2.11 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING A Remote control wire shall be direct-burial AWG-UF type, size as indicated on the drawings, and in no case smaller than 14 gauge. B. Remote control wire shall be 14 AWG solld core twisted pair, type as indicated on the irrigation drawings. C. Connections shall of the manufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. D. Common wires shall be white in color. Control wires shall be red (where two or more controllers are used, the control wires shall be a different color for each controller. These colors shall be noted on the "Record Drawings" plans located on controller door). E. Ground wires shall be green in color or bare copper and in no case smaller than 6 gauge. 2.12 IRRIGATION HEADS AND DRIP EMITTERS ANO INLINE DRIP TUBING A. Irrigation heads, drip emitters and inline drip tubing shall be of the manufacturer, size, type, with radius of throw, operating pressure, and discharge rate indicated on the drawings. B. Irrigation heads, drip emitters and inline drip tubing shall be used as indicated on the drawings. 2.13 DRIP IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Drip tubing equipment such as flush valves, air relief valves, wye strainers and pressure regulators shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type indlcated on the drawings. 2.14 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A Landscape Fabric; 1 < Landscape fabric for valve box assemblies shall be 5.0-oz. weight woven polypropylene weed barrier. Landscape fab.ric shall have a burst strength of 225 PSI, a puncture strength of 60 lbs. and capable of water flow of 12 gallons per minute per square foot. 2. Type: DeWitt Pro 5 Weed Barrier or approved equal. B. Equipment such as flow senso_r•S, rain sensors, flush valves, air relief valves, wye strainers, and master valves shall be of the manufacturer, size and type indicated on the drawings. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 SITE CONDITIONS A. Inspections: 1. Prior to au work of this section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and V-'::rify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. 2. Verify that irrigation system may be installed in strict accordance with all pertinent codes and regulatfons, the original design, the referenced standards, and the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Discrepancies: 1. ln the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 2. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all discrepancies have been resolved. C. Grades: 1. Before starting work, carefully check all grades to determine that work may safely proceed, keeping within the specified material depths wlth respect to finis~\ grade. 2. Final grades shall be accepted by the Engineer before work on this section will be allowed to begin. D. Field Measurements: 1. Make all necessary measurements in the field to ensure precise fit of items in accordance with the original design. Contractor shall coordinate the installation of all irrigation materials with all other work. 2. All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check and verify all size dimensions prior to proceeding with work under this section. 3. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities, which are caused by his operations or neglect E. Diagrammatic Intent: The drawings are essentially diagrammatic. The size and location of equipment and fixtures are drawn to scale where possible. Provide offsets in piping and changes in equipment locations as necessary to conform with structures and to avoid obstructions or conflicts with other work at no additional expense to Owner. 1!.o\1'111.&•Mt.1: ain\111111:' cun"ft\1'1-Dft-.r. ~ 11/1111,(M, F. Layout: 1, Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stake out all pressure supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads, valves, backflow preventer, and automatic controller. 2. Layout irrigation system and make minor adjustments required due to differences between site and drawings. Where piping is shown on drawings under paved areas, but running parallel and adjacent to planted areas, Install the piping in the planted areas. G. Water Supply: H. Connections to, or the installation of, the water supply shall be at the locations shown on the drawings. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made at no additional expense to Owner. Electrical Service: 1. Connections to the electrical supply shall be at the locations shown on the drawings. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made at no additional expense to Owner. 2. Contractor shall make electrical connections to the irrigation controller. Electrical power source to controller locations shall be provided by others. 3. Contractor shall make electrical connections to the irrigation controller. 230-volt single- phase electrical power source to pump assembly location shall be provided by others per NEC codes. 3.2 TRENCHING A. Excavations shall be straight with vertical sides, even grade, and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings to the depths below finished grade and as noted. Where lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrade. 8. Provide minimum cover of i 8 inches on pressure supply lines 2 ½ inches and smaller. C. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches for control wires within planters. D. Provide minimum cover of 24 inches for control wires within sleeves below paving. E. Provide minimum cover of 36 inches on pressure supply lines under vehicular travel ways. F. Provide minimum cover of 12 inches for non-pressure lines. G. Pipes installed in a common trench shall have a 4-inch minimum space between pipes. 3.3 THRUST BLOCKS A. Thrust blocks must be constructed of Class "B" concrete. B. Thrust blocks shall be poured against undisturbed site soil. C. PVC fitting joints shall be kept free of concrete. Do not encase fitting in concrete. D. Thrust blocking shall be sized to provide the minimum bearing areas as shown below. Bearing areas indicated have been calculated for Class 200 PVC pipe at a test pressure of 150 PSI in soil with 2.000 PSI bearing capacity. Increase thrust block sizing as necessary for varying soil conditions. 1. Provide a minimum thrust block bearing area of 2.0 square feet on all bends (all degrees) and tees installed on pressure supply lines 4 inches and smaller. 3.4 BACKFILLING A. Backfill material on all lines shall be the same as adjacent soil free of debris, litter, and rocks over 1/2 inches in diameter. B. Backfill shall be tamped in 4-inch layers under the pipe and uniformly on both sides for the full width of the trench and the full length of the pipe. Backfill materials shall be sufficiently damp to permit thorough compaction, free of voids. Backfill shall be compacted to dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil and shall conform to adjacent grades. C. Flooding in lieu of tamping is not allowed. D. Under no circumstances shall truck wheels be used to compact backfill. E. Provide sand backfill a minimum of 4 inches over and under all piping under paved areas. 3.5 PIPING A. Piping under existing pavement may be installed by jacking, boring, or hydraulic driving. No hydraulic driving is permitted under asphalt pavement. B. Cutting or breaking of existing pavement is not permitted. C. Carefully inspect all pipe and fittings before installation, removing dirt, scale, burrs, and reaming. Install pipe with all markings up for visual inspection and verification. D. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. E. Al! lines shall have a minimum clearance of 4 inches from each other and 12 inches from lines of other trades. F. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over each other. G. In solvent welding, use only the specified primer and solvent cement and make all joints in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommended methods including wiping a!I excess solvent from each weld. Allow solvent welds at least 15 minutes setup time before moving or handling and 24 hours curing time before filling. H. PVC pipe shall be installed in a manner, which will provide for expansion and contraction as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. I. Center load all plastic pipe prior to pressure testing. J. AH threaded plastic-to~plastic connections shall be assembled using Teflon tape or Teflon paste. K. For plastic-to-metal connections, work the metal connections first. Use a non-hardening pipe dope an all threaded plastic-to-metal connections, except where noted otherwise. All plastic- to-metal connections shall be made with plastic male adapters, 3.6 CONTROLLER A. The exact location of the controller shall be approved by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative before installation. The electrical service shall be coordinated with this location. B. The Irrigation Contractor shall be responsible for the final electrical hook up to the irrigation controller. C. The irrigation system shall be programmed to operate during the periods of minimal use of the design area. 3.7 CONTROL WIRING A. Low voltage control wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as the pressure supply lines whenever possible. B. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together in a bundle at intervals of 1 0 feet. Bundle shall be secured to the mainline with tape at intervals of 20 feet. C. All connections shall be of an approved type and shall occur in a valve box. Provide an 18- inch service loop at each connection. D. An expansion loop of 12 inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directional change, and one of 24 inches shall be provided at each remote control valve. E. A continuous run of wire shall be used between a controller and each remote control valve. Under no circumstances shall splices be used without prior approval. 3.8 VALVES A. Automatic control valves, quick coupler, and ball valves are to be installed in the approximate locations indicated on the drawings. B. Valve shat! be installed in shrub areas whenever possible. C. Install all valves as indicated in the detail drawings. D. Valves to be installed in valve boxes shall be installed one valve per box. E. Provide valve ID tags for each remote control valve with valve number. 3.9 VALVE BOXES A Valve boxes shall be installed in shrub areas whenever possible. B. Each valve box shall be instaf!ed on a foundation of 3/4 inch gravel backfill, 3 cubic feet minimum. Valve boxes shall be installed with their tops 1/2 inch above the surface of surrounding finish grade In lawn areas and 2 inches above finish grade in ground cover areas. 3.10 IRRIGATION HEADS DRIP EMITTERS AND INLINE DRIP TUBING A. Irrigation heads, drip emitters and inline drip tubing shall be installed as indicated on the drawings. 8. Spacing of heads and inline drip tubing shall not exceed maximum indicated on the drawings. C. Riser nipples shall be of the same size as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 3.11 BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS A Backflow Prevention Units shall be Installed as indicated on the drawings, The backftow prevention unit shall be installed in accordance with the requirements set forth by local codes. B. The exact location of the backflow device shall be approved by the Landscape Architect or owner's authorized representative before installation. C. The contractor shall be responsible for the testing and certification of the backflow device for proper operation. Testing and certification shall be performed by a state qualified backflow tester. 3.12 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A. Install all assemblies specified herein according to the respective detail drawings or specifications, using best standard practices. B. Quick coupler valves shall be set approximately i8 inches from walks, curbs, header boards, or paved areas where applicable. C. Install devices such as rain sensors, flush valves, and air relief valves, master valves. and flow sensors as indicated on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.13 FLUSHING THE SYSTEM A. Prior to installation of irrigation heads, the valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the lines and risers. B. Irrigation heads shall be installed after flushing the system has been completed. 3.14 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM A Contractor shall adjust valves, align heads, and check the coverage of each system prior to coverage test. B. !f it is determined by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative that additional adjustments or nozzle changes will be required to provide proper coverage, all necessary changes or adjustments shall be made prior to any planting. C. The entire system shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence. D. Automatic control valves are to be adjusted so that the irrigation heads, drip emitters and inline drip tubing operate at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. 3.15 TESTING AND OBSERVATION A Do not aJJow or cause any of the work of this section to be covered up or enclosed until it has been observed, tested and accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. B. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work is ready for testing. C. When the sprinkler system is completed, the Contractor shall perform a coverage test of each system in its entirety to determine if the water coverage for the planted areas is complete and adequate in the presence of the Landscape Architect. D. The Contractor shall furnish al! materials and perform aJJ work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from the plans, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Landscape Architect. This test shall be accepted by the Landscape Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. E. Areas to be maintained for the formal maintenance period shall start maintenance at the same time, as directed by the Landscape Architect, Owner. and governing agencies. Partial areas will not be released Into maintenance prior to completion of items listed in the pre-maintenance review. The maintenance period may not be phased. F. !f, after the maintenance review, the irrigation systems are not accepted by the Landscape Architect, the contractor shall reimburse the Architect for additional site visits, or additional time required to review work. All additional time will be billed at the Architect's hourly rate and will be paid for by the contractor at no additional cost to the owner. G. Final inspection will not commence without record drawings as prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. 3.16 MAINTENANCE During the maintenance period the Contractor shall adjust and maintain the irrigation system in a fully operational condition providing complete irrigation coverage to all intended plantings. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS sweeney + associates IRRIGATION DESIGN AND CONSULTII\IG :rnr10 >k''/ Canvor Drive, J•Jitc, r✓.u, ,-;~t.1, Ca -J256 ~, 1nr,~;C)swee,1~y,1soo<: com],· ('!Sl/ 461-&83 w, ·:1ww ,w,;,;n,,1a,ss,ic.cc,,r.if (~51) 461·61:l'.l 236'1\VGNQ~i'I STHEET I Si\N !)!fl:H), CA~2107 ii19_6t5.l!541 I WWW ROOTEOl!lPlACf _COJll -·-· - -- -- --- --- C. Install devices such as rain sensors, flush valves, and air relief valves, master valves, and flow sensors as indicated on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.13 FLUSHING THE SYSTEM A. Prior to installation of irrigation heads, the valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the lines and risers. B. Irrigation heads shall be installed after flushing the system has been completed. 3.14 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM A. B. C. Contractor shall adjust valves, align heads, and check the coverage of each system prior to coverage test. If it is determined by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative that additional adjustments or nozzle changes will be required to provide proper coverage, all necessary changes or adjustments shall be made prior to any planting. The entire system shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence. D. Automatic control valves are to be adjusted so that the irrigation heads, drip emitters and inline drip tubing operate at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. 3.15 TESTING AND OBSERVATION A. Do not allow or cause any of the work of this section to be covered up or enclosed until it has been observed, tested and accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. B. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work ls ready for testing. C. When the sprinkler system is completed, the Contractor shall perform a coverage test of each system in its entirety to determine if the water coverage for the planted areas is complete and adequate in the presence of the Landscape Architect. D. Tl1e Contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from the plans, or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Landscape Architect. This test shall be accepted by the Landscape Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. E. Areas to be maintained for the formal maintenance period shall start maintenance at the same time, as directed by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. Partial areas will not be released into maintenance prior to completion of items listed in the pre-maintenance review. The maintenance period may not be phased. F. If, after the maintenance review, the irrigation systems are not accepted by the Landscape Architect, the contractor shall reimburse the Architect for additional site visits, or additional time required to review work. All additional time will be billed at the Architect's hourly rate and will be paid for by the contractor at no additional cost to the owner. G. Final inspection will not commence without record drawings as prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. 3.16 MAINTENANCE During the maintenance period the Contractor shall adjust and maintain the irrigation system in a fully operational condition providing complete irrigation coverage to all intended plantings. 3.17 COMPLETION CLEANING Clean up shall be made as each portion of the work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, a!I walks and paving sha!! be swept, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. END OF SECTION First City ~ermit Submit!?_l 01/16/2015_ ·------ Second City Permit Submittal 04/30/2015 ------- Third City Permit Submittal 07/16/2015 ----------· Fourth C~_~ermit _§Ub!17ittal 08/14/2015 ·----' ' Fifth City Pern_:iit Submittal 09/09/2015 -·---- i --· --- -~ --·------$=I ' I ·-------~ -t--t-= ··---- ------. --e----- I ----·---0/l,-[=-\J Tl t\ ' -) /\ TF lf\l TIAl_ JJ1 -:-F I'~ TIAL --H=--V S!CJN DlSCRl 0 Ol'l -- U=-SICWR QC WORK OTIIIR 1\?PR0\/1\L CITY ~\PP~O\/AI_ Li ;J r-J L..) f' ', Ii-,' ~1 I:,,:· ,:L ,I\ l) VCLJ l-·c·1~J ,' J1 ', :' C ,i';J / ,r~· I',, T' ''/\ I /1 1\ :' r··1 I . /' ·~·'\ •r j i ', I\ i i i i , t , -· ,l,i \ .' \,' ,Jr-1 t l; ,, r, ,' \1 /__) / !..._ --'i I \' / / / \I \__) ' I \' c· y /\'('' i i,~',/1. '(' .-J,..,,-r,r'' ) :' \ / i ,I / ) \..J L U' L; / / \i I~ 7 i hjl-L'' '··, :' ' ' -I 'I,!__ 1,_.)1 ! C1r'A -,--' ,··, ' / or-i) / /', 1\:' :-: ,\ : ('. I ,I ( I I\ , ' :' l ).,' \I l L_; I, i' l / i/\i(__j , .. . ~ . . ' I, ,7 ,r-/', /-\:'\L/'1., "AS BUil T" -<C =--xc> n~-c RcVll\✓cD DY L2.7 :c1~~c_c·co~ DU-= ,~FF:I I l CITY 1: ---, n 1'Rl '7 BA ' SI I[_ TS ,) ~I l, ,' '\ I <>~ ,~ i JL _JI,___, . J 32 20 ' Fl tclcll'iG D_ V _SIJN I I --- · :,AN DSCAP l: !MPIWVE~lce.KT :JLi\N3 roR DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ' ELEMENT EDUCATION -.. /\~'f)R'.)1./i-.~: /~~~\-,i;)t\--(;,. 1. (<.., _ - =:>L;\\J\J \~G ---- -.:a ----L: Vv'\J FY: "ROr~ -w, D:?1~1\l•,/I\JG \ 0. -·--L CHKJ ov: DZ L DZ CT 04-11 Ii 442-4N I R \/\,\/~ 8Y: HM HM ' • 'ii'j j,J ~ \ • ' • • • 40 N O R TH PLANTING PLAN SCALE : 1 "-10'-0" 10' 5' o· 10· I ;~{t:; {' ., :,,,_ ,, , : , j ,, /:,c ,:,,c, jj : ,,, . t}l ~J , >:,,: ,,,. ~·:: .,_, ~·'' ,·_, ,·.-,,<<,:·,,·, i{ \·'-'""-' ,; PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME SPECIMAN TREE -36" BOX q \\II/// \ \ I/ COMMON NAME PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER -50% 5 GALLON, 50% 1 GALLON 0 AQUILEGIA FORMOSA WESTERN COLUMBINE "" / / ,, / @ NARROW LEAF MILK ASGLEPIAS FASCICULARIS WEED .-ARBUTUS 'MARINA' STRAWBERRY TREE 0 BAHIOPSIS LACINIATA (VIGUIERA SAN DIEGO LACJNJATA) MARGUERITE / -"_., "' 8 CA WILD LILAC / / "-..... / I \ '\ II I I I I I\\\ LARGE SHADE TREE -36" BOX PLATANUS RACEMOSA WESTERN SYCAMORE • MEDIUM SHADE TREES -24" BOX PRUNUS L YONII CATALINA CHERRY CEANOTHUS 'YANKEE POINT' 8 HEUCHERA MAXIMA 8 PENSTEMON SPECTABILIS 8 SALVIA MUNZII 'EMERALD CASCADE' GRASSES. 50% 5 GALLON, 50% 1 GALLON * • © CD 8 VINES· 5 GALLON ARISTIDA PURPURA VAR. PURPUREA CAREXPANSA CAREX PRAEGRACILLIS CAREX PRAEGRACILLIS FESTUCA CALIFORNICA ARISTOLOCHIA CALIFORNICA CALYSTEGIA PURPURATA GIANT ALUMROOT SHOWY PENSTEMON SD SAGE PURPLE THREE AWN DUNE SEDGE CLUSTERED FIELD SEDGE CLUSTERED FIELD SEDGE CA FESCUE CA PIPEVINE PURPLISH MORNING GLORY VITIS CALIFORNICA 'ROGER'S RED' CA GRAPE UNDERSTORV TREES -15 GALLON co 0 CEANOTHUS 'RAY HARTMAN' FRAXINUS DIPETALA ACCENT TREE -24" BOX .. . CERCIS OCCIDENTALIS RAY HARTMAN WILD LILAC CA FLOWERING ASH WESTERN RED BUD GROUND COVER-FL.ATS FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS WILD FLOWER SEED MIX TO BE SPREAD IN PLANT AREAS THROUGHOUT YARD ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA LUPINUS BICOLOR OENOTHERA ELATA TURF-SOD AGROSTIS PALLENS MISCELLANEOUS ROOT BARRIER )( SOIL AND PERCOLATION TEST <I NATURAL TURF SAND STRAWBERRY CA POPPY MINIATURE LUPINE YELLOW EVENING PRIMROSE SD BENT GRASS SEEL1.1 BORDER/ SCREEN -15 GALLON PLANTS FOR VERTICAL PLANTERS TO BE CHOSEN BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE. SUCH AS: CERCOCARPUS BETULOIDES MT.MAHOGANY NOTES: 1. WOODY SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED OVER HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER TO COVER 60% OF THE GROUNDCOVER AREA AT MATURITY. 2. REFER TO CIVIL GRADING PLAN FOR DETAILED GRADING INFORMATION. 3. ALL PLANTING AREAS TO RECEIVE A 3" LAYER OF PACIFIC MULCH, APPEARANCE GRADE OR APPROVED EQUAL. 4. ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE THE TREE TRUNK 15 WITHIN 5' OF HARDSCAPE OR CLOSER, SPANNING 5" IN EACH DIRECTION FROM THE CENTER OF THE TREE FOR A TOTAL LENGTH OF 1 O'. 5. REFER TO PLANTING DETAILS FOR INSTRUCTIONS . First Citv Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 1.-~\'IDSCAp<' Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 'v.<;;, r,OlDMAN f ~'::e,'c ,~ '~.,:<>~ Fifth City Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 Final Plan Submittal 9/28/2015 <.)... . . c.,I .A -' .-· " .. Field Chanoes -CA 12/16/2015 J , "' ji'.l'\ !,Li ~ , :·:,, ,,,," Signature n ~ ,, . :'"• 12/31/1~ -< * Renewal Date--* ,, , ,,,, t'.',_ r· ,, J'--" 10129115 '<, -1 Dcte ~'- APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP, DATE REVIE\JED BY L3.1 INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1 PLANNING DIVISI□N 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION ,w, §:. E::J\..;dr '3!l4 WUflOEN STFIEET J SAN DIEG!l, CA ij2107 I'_,-1- OF CA Llr() I APPROVED: PLANNING 0-"t-~..., I !>'19.665.3547 I WWW.R001EDltlPLACE.CDl1l DWN BY: ,G I I ~ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE QUANTITY FORM DECIDOUS ( WATER (HXW) EVERGREEN NEEDS SUN/SHADE NOTES SPECIMAN TREE -36" BOX \\\\11/1;; ' I I ,, I ,, /,.- ' // ARBUTUS 'MARINA' STRAWBERRY TREE 40' X 30' 1 STANDARD E L BIRD AND ® BUTTERFLY / ' , ,' / '1 ,, / I \ "- II I I I I\ I\\ LARGE SHADE TREE -36" BOX ) PLATANUS RACEMOSA WESTERN SYCAMORE 70' X40' 5 SINGLE TRUNK, D M NATURAL FORM • MEDIUM SHADE TREES -24" BOX SUN/ PART WHITE A PRUNUS LYONII CATALINA CHERRY 20' X 15' 5 MULTI-TRUNK E L SHADE FLOWER/BLACK FRUIT UNDERSTORY TREES -15 GALLON 0 ATTRACTS RAY HARTMAN WILD CEANOTHUS 'RAY HARTMAN' LILAC 15' X 10' 2 SINGLE TRUNK E L FULL SUN BIRDS+ BUTTERFLIES FRAXINUS DIPETALA CA FLOWERING ASH 20' X 12' 3 MULTI-TRUNK D L SUN/ PART SAMARA SHADE 00 0 ACCENT TREE -24" BOX CERCIS OCCIDENTALIS WESTERN RED BUD 18' X 15' 6 MULTI-TRUNK D L SUN/PART PINK FLOWERS SHADE :• BORDER/ SCREEN -15 GALLON 0 SUCH AS: CERCOCARPUS BETULOIDES MT. MAHOGANY 15'X6' 3 WILDLIFE E VL FULL SUN PLANTING LEGEND PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MATURE SIZE QUANTITY (HXW} SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER -50% 5 GALLON, 50% 1 GALLON 0 AQUILEGIA FORMOSA WESTERN COLUMBINE 1.5' X 2.5' 2, 1G @ ASCLEPIAS FASCICULARIS NARROW LEAF MILK 2'X2' 18, 1G WEED 0 BAHIOPSIS LACINIATA (VIGUIERA SAN DIEGO 3'X3' 9, 1G LACINIATA) MARGUERITE 8 CEANOTHUS 'YANKEE POINT' CA WILD LILAC 1' X 7' 1, SG 8 HEUCHERA MAXIMA GIANT ALUMROOT 1.5' X3' 13, 5G 8 PENSTEMON SPECTABILIS SHOWY PENSTEMON 3'X3' 3, 5G 8 SALVIA MUNZII 'EMERALD CASCADE' SD SAGE 2.5'X3' 10, 5G GRASSES -50% 5 GALLON, 50% 1 GALLON * ARISTIDA PURPURA VAR. PURPLE THREE AWN 2.5'HX1.5'W 6,SG PURPUREA • CAREX PANSA DUNE SEDGE 8-12" X 18" 6,SG © CAREX PRAEGRACILLIS CLUSTERED FIELD 8-12"X18" 46, 1G SEDGE CS> GAREX PRAEGRACILLIS CLUSTERED FIELD 8-12" X 18" 8, 5G SEDGE 8 FESTUCA CALIFORNICA CA FESCUE 2'X2' 26, 5G VINES -5 GALLON ~ ARISTOLOCHIA CALIF ORN IGA CA PIPEVINE 15-40'H 11 ~ PURPLISH MORNING CALYSTEGIA PURPURATA GLORY 7 ~ VITIS CALIFORNICA 'ROGER'S RED' CA GRAPE 4 GROUND COVER-FLATS FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS SAND STRAWBERRY ,5' H X 4' W 33!1.0 SQ. FT. WILD FLOWER SEED MIX 2 LBS/ 2500 SF TO BE SPREAD IN PLANT AREAS THROUGHOUT YARD ESCHSCHOL2IA CALIFORNICA CA POPPY 1 LB/ 2500 SF LUPINUS BICOLOR MINIATURE LUPINE .5 LBS /2500 SF YELLOW EVENING OENOTHERA ELATA PRIMROSE .5 LBS / 2500 SF TURF -SOD I 'd AGROSTIS PALLENS SD BENT GRASS 267 SF + + ~ ---+ + -+ + -C -"-" __ ,. ' MISCELLANEOUS ------------ROOT BARRIER X SOIL AND PERCOLATION TEST r::-,,:-,I " . , . NATURAL TURF SEEL1.1 3785 SF .. Le· . PLANTS FOR VERTICAL PLANTERS TO BE CHOSEN BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALLOWANCE, FORM DECIDOUS/ WATER SUN I SHADE EVERGREEN NEEDS L SHADY VL SUN SUN I PART E L SHADE L SUN L PART SHADE L SUN/ PART SHADE SUN/ PART L SHADE SUN L SUN/PART SHADE L SUN/PART SHADE L SUN/PART SHADE L SUN/PART SHADE D L SUN/PART SHADE D L SUN/PART SHADE L SUN/PART SHADE NOTES YELLOW FLOWER YEAR ROUND PLANTED 8" 0.C L3.2 APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLAN TING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE ___ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEVED BY• INSPECTOR DATE FirstCitv Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 IT:] CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1---+------J~S:.;e:.;c--=o.,__,n:.;dccC"-'i~tv,_P--=e-"rm=it'---'S"-'u"--'b"'m=itt-'=a°"lc-'4/c-:3ccO'c'/2'c-Oc--1~5,___+---+---1---1---1 2 Third City Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 PLANNING DIVISION 2 DATE INITIAL DESIGN!="R OF WORK Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 ~L=A=ND=s=c=A--'P=:E=IM=P=R=o==v=E=M=E=NT;:=P=:L=A==N=s=F==o==R=, ===---===~ Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL Final Plan Submittal 9/28/2015 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION I APPROVED: {'1£-..a~. S:· E::(l...;;i\-• t:,.-r:.1 .... 1 PLANNING REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN BY: IG I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG CT 04-11 RVWD BY: IG 442-4N OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PLANTING NOTES GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. PLANTING PLAN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. PLANT SYMBOLS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT QUANTITIES SPECIFIED. 2. ALL SCALED DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY INFORM THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS AND ACTUAL CONDITIONS. 3. PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. VERIFY COUNT AND PROVIDE NUMBER TO FULFILL INTENT OF DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ORDERING FROM NURSERIES. 4. IF THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE SOIL SHOULD REACH SUCH A LEVEL THAT WORKING IT WOULD DESTROY SOIL STRUCTURE, SPREADING AND GRADING OPERATIONS SHALL BE SUSPENDED UNTIL, IN THE OPINION OF THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE, THE MOISTURE CONTENT IS INCREASED OR REDUCED TO ACCEPTABLE LEVELS AND THE DESIRED RESULTS ARE LIKELY TO BE OBTAINED. 5. ACTUAL PLANTING SHALL BE PERFORMED DURING THOSE PERIODS WHEN WEATHER AND SOIL CONDITIONS ARE SUITABLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCALLY ACCEPTED HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE AS APPROVED BY THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL ONLY INSTALL AS MANY PLANTS PER CAN BE PLANTED AND WATERED ON THAT SAME DAY. 6. PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVER: 6.1. THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE SHALL IDENTIFY EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS OF WHICH ARE TO BE PRESERVED WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS. PRIOR TO THE START WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH PLANT MATERIAL TO BE PRESERVED, RELOCATED, AND REMOVED. 6.2. ALL PLANTING TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES FROM DAMAGE BY STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. WHERE IT IS NECESSARY TO EXCAVATE ADJACENT TO EXISTING TREES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ALL POSSIBLE CARE TO AVOID INJURY TO TREES AND ROOTS. EXCAVATION IN AREAS WHERE TWO (2) INCH AND LARGER ROOTS OCCUR SHALL BE DONE BY HAND. TUNNELING UNDER ROOTS 2 INCH AND LARGER SHALL BE DONE AND ONLY DONE AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT CUT ROOTS WITHIN 24 HOURS; WHERE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, KEEP THE SIDE OF EXCAVATION ADJACENT TO TREE SHADED WITH MOIST BURLAP OR CANVAS. ALL MINOR DAMAGE BY CONTRACTOR TO EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE REPAIRED AT HIS EXPENSE BY A LICENSED TREE SURGEON OR OTHER APPROVED PERSONNEL. 6.3. DAMAGE TO A TREE OR SHRUB, WHICH RESULTS IN DEATH OR PERMANENT DISFIGURATION, SHALL RESULT IN THE CONTRACTORS COMPLETE REMOVAL OF SAID TREE OR SHRUB, INCLUDING ROOTS, FROM THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE THE TREE OR SHRUB AS ESTABLISHED BY THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE WITH ONE OF EQUAL VALUE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE, OR SHALL REIMBURSE TO THE OWNER THE COST OF SAID REPLACEMENT. THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE THE SOLE JUDGE OF THE CONDITION OF ANY TREE OR SHRUB. 6.4. ALL PLANTS TO REMAIN ON-SITE WILL BE IRRIGATED AS NECESSARY DURING THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. DEEP WATER LEACHING 1. FILL IN ALL DEPRESSIONS, VOIDS, EROSION SCARS, OR SETTLED TRENCHES FINISH GENERATED BY THE DEEP LEACHING WITH CONDITIONED SOIL, LEAVING A FINAL GRADE SMOOTH AND EVEN. FINAL GRADES 1. MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO GRADE MAY BE REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH THE FINAL GRADES. 2. GRUB/ CLEAN AND ROTOTILL ALL PLANTING AREAS TO A DEPTH OF SIX (6) INCHES, REMOVING ALL WEEDS, DEBRIS, ROCKS, OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATTER 1 INCH DIAMETER OR LARGER FROM THE SITE (UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE). 3. ALL UNDULATIONS AND IRREGULARITIES IN THE PLANTING SURFACES RESULTING FROM TILLAGE, ROTOTILLING, AND ALL OTHER OPERATIONS SHALL BE LEVELED AND FLOATED OUT BEFORE PLANTING. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE EVERY PRECAUTION TO PROTECT AND AVOID DAMAGE TO SPRINKLER HEADS, IRRIGATION LINES, AND OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILITIES DURING GRADING AND CONDITIONING OPERATIONS 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL DRAINAGE WORK WITH ALL OTHER TRADES. ESTABLISHED SITE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY CONTRACTOR DURING ALL PHASES OF LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION. 6. FINAL FINISH GRADES SHALL INSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF THE SITE WITH MINIMUM 2% DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, WALLS 7. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE ONE (1") INCH MINIMUM BELOW THE TOP OF CURBS, SILLS,AND WALKWAYS IN ALL AREAS. WHERE SOD IS LAID NEXT TO THESE IMPROVEMENTS: FINISH GRADE BEFORE LAYING SOD SHALL BE 1-1/2" BELOW THE TOP. 8. FINAL GRADES SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE PLANTING OPERATIONS WILL BE ALLOWED TO BEGIN. PERCOLATION TESTING AND DRAINAGE 1. SOILS PERCOLATION TESTS SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE SPECIFICATIONS, BY FILLING PLANTING PITS WITH 6" OF WATER, WAITING 12 HOURS AND THEN COMPLETELY REFILLING. IF ALL THE WATER IS NOT ABSORBED WITHIN 6 HOURS OF THE SECOND FILLING IT HAS FAILED THE TEST. UPON FAILURE, CONTACT OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE FOR REMEDIAL MEASURES. 2. BID PRICE SHALL BE BASED ON TREE PLANTING DETAILS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PLANTING NOTES WEED CONTROL 1. PRIOR TO PLANTING, ERADICATE WEEDS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: 1.1. IRRIGATE TWICE EACH DAY FOR APPROXIMATELY 5 TO 10 MINUTES EACH WATERING TIME (AS APPROPRIATE TO SITE CONDITIONS) FOR A PERIOD OF 30 CALENDAR DAYS. 1.2. PRIOR TO USING HERBICIDES, REVIEW PROCEDURES WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL. HERBICIDE APPLICATIONS MAY REQUIRE GOVERNMENT OR AGENCY APPROVAL. 1.3. APPLY ORGANIC OR ALL-NATURAL POST EMERGENT HERBICIDE PER CALIFORNIA LICENSED PEST CONTROL ADVISOR AND ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. TAKE CARE TO PROTECT EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL WHICH IS TO REMAIN AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 1.4. WAIT THE REQUIRED PERIOD FOR THE HERBICIDE TO TAKE EFFECT (APPROXIMATELY 7-14 DAYS). 1.5. PHYSICALLY REMOVE WEEDS DEAD OR ALIVE WITHIN THE LIMITS. 2. EXISTING NATIVE VEGETATION SHALL NOT BE IRRIGATED AND IRRIGATION RUN-OFF SHALL NOT SPREAD TO AREAS WITH EXISTING NATIVE PLANTS. 3. WEEDS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO COMPLETELY DIE BACK, INCLUDING THE ROOTS, BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. WHEN WEEDS ARE WEEDED MANUALLY, MAKE SURE ALL ROOTS ARE REMOVED. SOIL CONDITIONING AND FERTILIZING 1. GRUB/ CLEAN AND ROTOTILL ALL PLANTING AREAS TO A DEPTH OF SIX (6) INCHES, REMOVING ALL WEEDS, DEBRIS, ROCKS, OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATTER 1 INCH DIAMETER OR LARGER FROM THE SITE (UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE). 2. ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED, WHICH HAVE A SLOPE OF LESS THAN 10%, SHALL BE CROSS-RIPPED TO A DEPTH OF SIX (6") -EIGHT (8) INCHES AND THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS SPREAD EVENLY AND THOROUGHLY BLENDED IN (QUANITIES SPECIFIED PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET) 2.1. Nitrogen Treated Redwood Sawdust 6 cubic yards 2.2. Soil sulfur (90% SJ 75.0 lbs 2.3. Ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) 10.0 lbs 2.4. Potassium sulfate (0-0-50) 20.0 lbs 2.5. Ferrous sulfate (31% Fe) 10.0 lbs 3. IT WILL BE VERY IMPORTANT THAT THESE AREAS ARE LEACHED VERY WELL WITH AN IRRIGATION BEFORE OR JUST AFTER PLANTING THAT PROVIDES THE EQUIVALENT OF 3-4" DEPTH OF WATER. 4. EACH PLANT SHALL RECEIVE ORGANIC FERTILIZER AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EACH PLANT TYPE AND SIZES. 5. NATIVE PLANTS TYPICALLY DO BEST IN NATIVE SITE SOIL. REFER TO SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PLANT TYPE FOR BACKFILL AND AMENDMENTS RATIO. GENERAL PLANTING 1. PRUNING SHALL NOT BE DONE EXCEPT BY APPROVAL OF OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 2. PLANT LOCATIONS SHALL BE CHECKED FOR POSSIBLE INTERFERENCE WITH EXISTING UNDERGROUND PIPING, PRIOR TO EXCAVATION OF HOLES. IF UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION OR UTILITY LINES ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE EXCAVATION OF PLANTING AREAS, NOTIFY THE OWNER. EXPENSES FOR REPAIR OF DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. MINIMUM TREE SEPARATION DISTANCES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 2.1. TRAFFIC SIGNALS (STOP SIGNS) -20 FEET 2.2. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES -5 FEET 2.3. ABOVE GROUND UTILITY STRUCTURES -10 FEET 2.4. DRIVEWAY (ENTRIES) -10 FEET 2.5. INTERSECTIONS (INTERSECTING CURB LINES OF TWO STREETS) -25 FEET 3. ALL EXCAVATED HOLES SHALL HAVE VERTICAL SIDES WITH ROUGHENED SURFACES AND SHALL BE OF THE MINIMUM SIZES INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 4. PLANT PITS SHALL BE TWICE THE WIDTH OF THE DESIGNATED NURSERY CONTAINER 5. PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND PLANTING AREA SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SOAKED. 6. PLANTS SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN TWELVE (12") INCHES OF SPRINKLER HEADS. 7. SHRUBS SHOWN IN PLANT AREAS SHALL BE UNDER-PLANTED WITH GROUNDCOVER SHOWN BY ADJACENT SYMBOL, TO WITHIN 12" OF MAIN PLANT STEM PLANT AVAILABILITY 1. THE ACT OF PROVIDING A BID FOR THIS PROJECT ESTABLISHES THE CONTRACTORS UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PLANTS SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY BE UNUSUAL AND MORE DIFFICULT TO LOCATE THAN THE INDUSTRY STANDARD AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING: 1.1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEARCH FOR EACH PLANT SPECIFIED. LISTED IN THE PLANTING NOTES ARE PLANT NURSERY SOURCES TO BE CONTACTED DURING CONTRACTORS SEARCH. IF ANY OF THE LISTED NURSERIES, OR ANY NURSERIES IN CALIFORNIA OR ARIZONA HAVE THE SPECIFIED PLANTS IN THE CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE OBLIGATED TO PURCHASE AND OBTAIN DELIVERY OF SAID PLANTS. 1.2. WITHIN TWENTY-ONE (21) DAYS AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A PLANT LIST WITH NURSERY SOURCES, PLANT QUANTITIES AND PLANT SIZES; PLANT LIST SHALL INDICATE ALL UNAVAILABLE PLANTS AND WHICH NURSERIES WERE CONTACTED DURING CONTRACTORS SEARCH. (LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL SUGGEST PLANT SUBSTITUTION BASED UPON INFORMATION IN CONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL.) CONTRACTOR MUST INCLUDE A PERSON, OR MEASURING ROD, OR SOMETHING RECOGNIZABLE, FOR SCALE IN ALL PHOTOGRAPHS. 1.3. UPON ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACTOR PLANT SUBMITTAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE PLANTS WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS AND ARRANGE FOR DELIVERY FROM NURSERIES. TREES, SHRUBS, AND VINES 1. EACH TREE AND SHRUB SHALL BE PLACED IN THE CENTER OF THE HOLE AND SHASLL BE SET PLUMB AND HELD RIGIDLY IN POSITION UNTIL THE PLANTING BACKFILL HA BEEN TAMPED DOWN AROUND EACH ROOTBALL. STAKE ALL TREES PER STANDARD DETAIL. 2. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE SET AT SUCH A LEVEL THAT AFTER SETTLING THEY BEAR THE SAME RELATIONSHIP TO THE SURROUNDING FINISH GRADE AS THEY BORE TO THE SOIL LINE GRADE IN THE CONTAINER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY WATERED INTO THE FULL DEPTH OF EACH PLANTING HOLE IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING. 4. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE ROOT BOUND. FIVE GALLON PLANTS AND LARGER SHALL HAVE BEEN GROWN IN CONTAINERS FOR A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS AND A MAXIMUM OF TWO YEARS. 5. PLANTS SHALL EXHIBIT HEAL THY GROWTH AND BE FREE OF DISEASE AND PESTSTH 6. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES ON ALL VINES AND ATTACH TO ADJACENT FENCES WI GALVANIZED NAILS AND GREEN NURSERY TAPE OR AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. 7. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES AND TIES FROM ALL CONTAINER STOCK. MAINTAIN SIDE GROWTH ON ALL TREES. 8. ROOT BARRIERS: ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE TREE S TRUNK IS WITHIN FIVE FEET OF HARDSCAPE (OR CLOSER). INSTALL ROOT BARRIER ADJACENT, AND PARALLEL TO, EDGE OF HARDSCAPE (LINEAR APPLICATION) AND NOT ENCIRCLING ROOTBALL. BARRIERS SHALL BE 10-FT. MIN. LENGTH; CENTER STRIP OF ROOT BARRIER ON THE TREE TRUCK. PLANTING NATURAL TURF 1. REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. MAINTENANCE PERIOD 1. AT THE COMPLETION OF ALL WORK OUTLINED IN THE PLAN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OWNER AND ARRANGE FOR A WALK THROUGH TO DETERMINE THAT ALL ASPECTS OF WORK ARE COMPLETED. WORK MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED ACCORDING TO ALL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND MUST BE COMPLETED IN A GOOD WORKMANSHIP MANNER AND MUST BE ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 2. LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF WEEDS, NOXIOUS GRASS, AND ALL OTHER UNDESIRED VEGETATIVE GROWTH AND DEBRIS. 3. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE KEPT IN A HEALTHY, OPTIMUM GROWING CONDITION AND IN A VISUALLY PLEASING APPEARANCE BY: 3.1. WATERING OF PLANT MATERIAL AS NEEDED. 3.2. MOWING OF TURF AREAS IF NEEDED. 3.3. WEEDING AND REMOVAL OF ALL WEEDS FROM GROUND COVER AREAS. 3.4. REPLACEMENT OF ANY DEAD, DYING, OR DAMAGED TREES, SHRUBS, OR GROUND COVERS, 3.5. FILLING AND REPLANTING OF ANY LOW AREAS WHICH MAY CAUSE STANDING WATER. 3.6. ADJUSTING SPRINKLER HEAD HEIGHT AND WATERING SYSTEM. 3.7. FILLING AND RECOMPACTION OF ERODED AREAS. 3.8. WEEKLY REMOVAL OF TRASH, LITTER, CLIPPINGS, AND ALL FOREIGN DEBRIS. 4. PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT OWNER AND ARRANGE FOR A FINAL WALK THROUGH. OWNER MUST ACCEPT ALL MAINTAINED AREAS IN WRITING PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 5. SEE SOILS REPORT FOR APPLICATION OF THE POST PLANTING FERTILIZER AT THE RATE SPECIFIED. 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FOR ALL PLANTED AND/OR IRRIGATED AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR A 90-DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE THE HEALTH AND PROPER GROWTH OF PLANTS AS FOLLOWS: 7.1. TREES: 1 YEAR AFTER MAINTENANCE PERIOD ENDS 7.2. SHRUBS: 6 MONTHS AFTER MAINTENANCE PERIOD ENDS 7.3. GROUND COVERS: 6 MONTHS AFTER MAINTENANCE PERIOD ENDS 7.4. THE CONTRACTOR, WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS OF WRITTEN NOTICE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, SHALL REMOVE AND REPLACE ALL GUARANTEED PLANT MATERIALS, WHICH FOR ANY REASON FAIL TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GUARANTEE. REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE WITH PLANT MATERIALS AS INDICATED OR SPECIFIED IN THE ORIGINAL PLANS, AND SUCH REPLACEMENT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED AS SPECIFIED FOR THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL GUARANTEE. First Citv Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 L3.3 APPROVED F"OR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION or PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ DATE REVIEWED BY, INSPECT DR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DTVISI □N ~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION i-----1-----t--------------t---j---j--i-------i 1-AP_P_Ro_v_rco_: __,_/~=---,-="--'6r:c+--~e:(,~\--e5!r=·~~ G· ~-~"" I .PLANNING . DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N RVWD BY: IG NATIVE PLANT NURSERY SOURCES BUSINESS STREET CITY CITY FARMERS NURSERY 4832 HOME AVE. SAN DIEGO EL NATIVO GROWERS 200 SO PECKHAM RD. AZUSA LAS PILITAS 8331 NELSON WAY ESCONDIDO MOOSA CREEK NURSERY 28435 WILKES ROAD VALLEY CENTER NATIVE SONS WHOLESALE NURSERY 379 WEST EL CAMPO ROAD ARROYO GRANDE RECON NATIVE PLANT NURSERY 1755 SATURN BLVD SAN DIEGO SAN MARCOS GROWERS 125 S. SAN MARCOS RD. STA BARBARA TREE OF LIFE NURSERY 33201 ORTEGA HWY. S. J. CAPISTRANO PLANT NURSERY SOURCES BUSINESS ABC NURSERY ALTMAN SPECIAL TY PLANTS ARBOR NURSERY AUSTRALIAN NATIVE PLANTS B & B NURSERYTOWN BARON BROTHERS NURSERY, INC. BERYLWOOD TREE FARM BIG TREES NURSERY, INC. BOETHING TREELAND FARMS BOTANICAL PARTNERS BRIGGS TREE NURSERY BUENA CREEK GARDENS CACTUS KING CALIFORNIA CACTUS CENTER CAL-TOKYO NURSERY CEDROS GARDENS CHIA NURSERY CHOCOLATE MOOSE GROWERS CHOICE NURSERY CLAUSON NURSERY COASTAL ZONE NURSERY COLOR CONNECTION COLOR FARM CYCADS N PALMS DESIGNED II DURLING NURSERY E&K GROUNDCOVER ELLIS FARMS ENCINITAS GARDENS ENDANGERED SPECIES ETERA-NORTHWEST HORTICULTURE FOUR SEASONS WHOLESALE FOXTAIL FARMS OF CALIFORNIA GANTERS GOOD EARTH NURSERY GREELEE NURSERY GREEN MEADOW GROWERS GRIGSBY CACTUS GROWEST HEMET WHOLESALE NURSERY HERBAN GARDENS HINES FALLBROOK HORAKH NURSERY HORTUS HUNTER'S NURSERY JUNGLE MUSIC KINGS RIVER NURSERY MAGIC GROWERS MITSUWA NURSERY MOCKINGBIRD NURSERY MONROVIA NURSERY MOUNTAIN HERB CO. NIKERSON'S NURSERY NORMANS NURSERY ORANGE COUNTY NURSERY OTTO & SONS NURSERY PACIFIC WEST TREE CO. PARDEE TREE NURSERY PARKWAY NURSERY (PALMS) PERENNIAL ADVENTURE PERFORMANCE NURSERY PIERGROSSI LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES STREET 424 EAST GARDENA BLVD. 2372 TAMARA LN. P.O. BOX 1138 9040 N. VENTURA AVENUE 10866 LARCH AVENUE 7568 SANT A ROSA RD 1048 LA LOMA AVENUE 12450 HIGHLAND VALLEY RD. 23475 LONG VALLEY RD. 1111 POINTSETTIA AVE. 418 BUENA CREEK RD. 1534 CREST DRIVE 216 SO ROSEMEAD BLVD PO BOX580 330 SO. CEDROS 6380 VIA REAL 1525 FORT STOCKTON DRIVE 2123 N SANTA FE AVE 3132 BLACKWELL DRIVE 31427 PACIFIC COAST HWY 26637 SOBODO 1219 BLUEBIRD CNYN TRAIL 18837 BROOKHURST ST, #208 40401 DE LUZ RD. 1317WASHINGTON ST PO BOX961 1452 SANTA FE DR. 23280 STEPHANIE 14113 RIVER BEND ROAD 18860 NORDHOFF STREET 3016 FRUITLAND DRIVE 1855 SOUTH AL TU RAS 241 EAST FRANKLIN AVE 31957 AQUEDUCT ROAD 2354 BELLA VISTA DRIVE 2601 VALENCIA AVE P.O. BOX 1650 136 RANGER ROAD 2500 RAINBOW VALLEY BLVD. 30661 VALLEY CENTER RD. 284 E. ORANGE GROVE BLVD. 3110 SWEETWATER 3233 BRANT STREET 458 NORTH RIO VISTA 2800 EATON CNY. DR. P.O. BOX487 1670 JACKSON AVE 1168 ALPINE HTS. RD. 8635 E DUARTE RD POBOXO 1835 EAST GUIBERSON ROAD 1020 E. LASALLE AVE. 30970 VIA PUERTA DEL SOL 5050EL CAMINO REAL 10548 ANAHEIM DR. 12777 TIERRA REJADA RD CITY GARDENA SAN MARCOS DUARTE VENTURA BLOOMINGTON CAMARILLO SOMIS RANCHO BERNARDO WOODLAND HILLS VISTA VISTA SAN MARCOS ENCINITAS PASADENA BELLFLOWER SOL. BEACH CARPINTERIA SAN DIEGO VISTA VISTA MALIBU HEMET VISTA N. CO. SD FOUNTAIN VALLEY FALLBROOK RAMONA BORREGO SPRINGS ENCINITAS PERRIS MT. VERNON NORTHRIDGE JAMUL, VENTURA . VISTA FALLBROOK POMONA BONSALL VISTA BREA HEMET FALLBROOK FALLBROOK VALLEY CENTER PASADENA LEMON GROVE SAN DIEGO SANGER PASADENA MOORPARK RIVERSIDE AZUSA ALPINE FALLBROOK SAN GABRIEL NORWALK FILMORE VISALIA BONSALL CARLSBAD LAMESA ARROYO GRANDE VISTA ST CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ST CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA WA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA PHONE (619) 284-6358 (626) 969-8449 760.749.5930 760-749-3216 (805) 481-5996 619.423.2284 (805) 683-1561 (949) 728-0685 PHONE (800) 654-8062 (760)7448191 (626) 357-4823 (805) 649-3362 (951) 926-1134 (805) 484-0085 (805) 485-7601 (760) 480-6889 (818) 883-1222 (760) 758-6181 (760) 727-2727 (760) 744-2810 (760) 753-6939 (626) 795-2788 (562) 208-9534 (858) 792-8640 (805) 684-3382 (619) 390-7159 (858) 481-4151 (760) 724-3143 (310) 457-3343 (951) 927-1331 (619) 727-8222 (760) 728-4874 (714) 378-5360 (760) 728-9572 (760) 789-0924 (760) 767-5234 (760) 753-2852 (909) 943-0990 80075ETERA (818) 700-0092 (619) 669-7242 (760) 758-8375 (760) 728-5177 (909) 629-9045 (760) 751-0793 (760) 727-1323 (714) 528-0761 (909) 652-2464 (760) 723-2967 (800) 258-6472 (760) 749-2108 (626) 792-8255 (619) 463-9341 (619) 291-4605 (559) 787-3073 (800) 640-6244 (800) 824-0564 (909) 780-3571 (760) 489-9203 (619) 445-8352 (626) 285-9795 (800) 569-0169 (805) 524-2123 (559) 805-5859 (760) 630-5400 (760) 438-2988 (619) 660-9631 (805) 529-5446 (760) 598-4882 BUSINESS STREET CITY ST PHONE PRICE'S NURSERY & GARDEN 80-420 AVENUE 2 LA QUINTA CA (760) 777 -7325 RANCHO SOLEDAD NURSERY 18539 ALISO CNYN RD. RSFE CA (858) 756-3717 ROADRUNNER TREE FARM PO BOX 1900 BORREGO SPRINGS CA (760) 767-3310 ROSELAND NURSERY 2193 GREEN BRIAR DR. FALLBROOK CA (760) 728-8863 SAKIOKA WHOLESALE NURSERY 8292 WORTHY DRIVE MIDWAY CITY CA (714) 898-0345 SANTA CATALINA NURSERY ESCONDIDO/PALA CA (760) 751-4035 SEATREE MIRAMAR 20200 BAKE PARKWAY VALLEY FOREST CA (949) 951-7999 SERRA GARDENS 3314 SERRA ROAD MALIBU CA (310) 456-1572 SHERMAN NURSERY 751 CASSOU RD. SAN MARCOS CA (760) 471-9988 SILHOUETTES OF THE DESERT 1022 LA RUEDA VISTA CA (760) 727-2935 SOLANA SUCCULENTS 355 N. HWY 101 SOL BEACH CA (858) 259-4568 SOUTH COAST PALMS 960 EL CAMINITO FALLBROOK CA (760) 723-1354 SUILIN AND WHITNEY ROBINSON CA (760) 758-3913 SUNCREST NURSERIES 400 CASSERLY RD. WATSONVILLE CA (800) 949-5064 SUNNY SLOPE 4025 E. LA PALMA AVE, 203 ANAHEIM CA (714) 632-5550 SWAN HILL NURSERY, LLC PO BOX420 WADDELL AZ (623) 935-0545 THEODORE PAYNE FOUNDATION 10459 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY CA (818) 768-1802 TIMBERLINE TREES PO BOX 661960 ARCADIA CA (626) 447-5690 TOMLINSON SELECT NURSERIES P.O. BX 2167 VISTA CA (760) 727-2203 TREE SOURCE, THE 30230 RANCHO VIEJO RD. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA (800) 594-9231 UPPER CHASE NURSERY 17010 WASHINGTON STREET RIVERSIDE CA (951) 776-2868 VALLEY CREST TREE COMPANY 13745 SAYRE STREET SYLMAR CA (805) 524-3939 VENTURA COUNTY NURSERY, INC. 4595 BALCOM CANYON ROAD VENTURA CA (805) 644-7677 VILLAGE NURSERY 5400 GOVERNOR DRIVE MIRAMAR CA (858) 552 0592 W D YOUNG & SONS 81910 ARUS STREET INDIO CA (760) 347-7906 WALKER-VICE NURSERY 11050 MYSTERY MTN VALLEY CENTER CA (619) 749-1615 WALTER ANDERSON'S 3642 ENTERPRISE STREET SAN DIEGO CA (619) 224-8271 WALTER ANDERSON'S POWAY CA (858) 513-4900 WEIDNER'S GARDENS 695 NORMANDY RD. ENCINITAS CA (760) 436-2194 WEST CIAST NURSERIES 236 ANDREW AVENUE LEUCADIA CA (760) 436-1252 WESTERN CACTUS 1860 MONTE VISTA DR. VISTA CA (760) 726-1710 YASUDA TREE NURSERY 3129 GERONIMO AVE SAN DIEGO CA (619) 262-0555 APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEv/ED BY• L3.3B INSPECTOR DATE First Citv Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD m Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 PLANNTNG DIVISI □N 2 Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 4 \.~I\DSCA,o<" Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: <;,) c,OLDMAi\l -:"I Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 "'<,; ... d , 1'(' OEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL ~ ,"' ~ "$,-6797 EMBARCADERO LANE "'~ !J ., -CJ--.. ,,-,. vl..-'. CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR --.A ~ .J • "' ~/2;' l ,, ® : [,J; 0)!i'1 ~f:t ' : f ! I I~ i:ll . f,'jt it .. ! \''~ ti ::;; ~~: S nature ("') ELEMENT EDUCATION 12/31/lb _, ~ Renewol Dol=a ~ I APPROVED: /~e:.-~1-¼ "' ---i -~-I is,_ .·.• 1 •-"'' • ,{ .· '! t,: ;,\, .,· ,'.,fe'•-~~;, '.f ,,, •~ c ., .•:: :,, '' J'_., 10/2911~ ~ .{ l';( 2364 WORDEN STREET I SAl'l Pl.EGO. CA 92101 A/ Date ~-...:. )'<." ~ PLANNING OF Cf\\.\~Cl DWN BY: le; I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. ..... 619.6Mi8S47 I WW\11.l'IOOTEOINPL~.CE.CDM DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG RFVISION DESCRIPTION RVWD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N DESIGNER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAi Q·•::\} ~.··1'.i·•·:···;··' -• --• I ' ' --® ~++'-----/ 7 I,+-@ , 2 X ROOTBALL .f-------(ALL FOUR SIDES) -----A' SECTION 0 u_Z o;;: Oz Z(!)~ F::J u-wJ Q:;w Oc,: [L 1. TREE LEVEL 5% PLANTING DETAILS PLAN 0 0 0 TREE AND ROOTBALL TREE STAKES (2) TREE TIES PER SPECIFICAllONS 4" PERFORATED PIPE Vv1TH 90' ELL FITTING AT BOTTOM AND FLAT GRATE SECURED AT TOP. WRAP PIPE IN FILTER FABRIC SOCK ("HANCOR' -NO KNOWN EQUAL) LEAVE PIPE HOLLOW. ® FINISHED GRADE ® PLANT TABLETS PER SPECIFICA llONS 6" BELOW GRADE. 0 1 CU. FT. CRUSHED AGGREGAllE ® SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ® SET ROOTBALL @ 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE @ MULCH PER SPECIFICATIONS @ AMENDED BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICA llONS SCALE: 1/2" =1 '-0" 2. 0 u_Z O',i: 2 X ROOTBALL (ALL FOUR SIDES) 5% 2 MUL Tl-TREE STAKING 0 TREE AND ROOTBALL 0 TREE STAKES (3) 0 TREE TIES PER SPECIFICA llONS © GUY INllERNAL SllEMS WITH TREE TIES PER SPECS ® 4" PERFORAllED PIPE WITH 90" ELL FITTING AT BOTTOM AND FLAT GRAllE SECURED AT TOP. WRAP PIPE IN FILTER FABRIC SOCK ("HANCOR' -NO KNOWN EQUAL) LEAVE PIPE HOLLOW. ® FINISHED GRADE 0 PLANT TABLETS PER SPECIFICA llONS 6" BELOW GRADE. ® 1 CU. FT. CRUSHED AGGREGATE ® SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT @ SET ROOTBALL @ 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE @ MULCH PER SPECIFICATIONS @ AMENDED BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICATIONS SECTION - PLAN SCALE: 1/2" =1 '-0" 3. LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY ,,, ;) tt:ii th\ ,a-•,·-·~""' ~,, t '<';.:-~:),>'·."?>-.'.Jco':,~J,,_~ -l~~ . :? 23M WORDEN SIREET J SAN .□IEUO. GA 92Hll 61S.6S5.i\c547 : 1J\/\WJ.R01JTED.INPI..ACf.Cl;if~ L3.4 APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEVED BY• INSPECTOR DATE First Citv Permit Submittal 1/16/2015~---t--+---+---·l----t ~ CITY Q F CARLSBAD ~ Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 t----f----t=T~h~ir~d~C~i~tv~P~e~r~m~i~t S~u~bm~it~ta~ICC7"'--/1~6.-e/2~0~1~5~-------,----+---,----t-----1 5 PL ANNING DIVIS I□N 2 Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 ~L=A=N=o=s=c='--AP'=E=I=M=P=R=o=v=E=M=E=N=T=P=L=A=N==s==F=o=R=, ===:'..-'===~ Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION 1-----+---+--------------+----+---+-----,-------1 I A-P-PR_o_vE_□_, ~/~~' _.,_,\~g~~--~~\~~--~~~ . PLANNING DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: ~IG~_ RVWD BY: IG I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CT 04-11 442-4N ~-------~ ::I < rn f- 8 "' X N SECTION 0 ® 0 0 0 ® WALL, COLUMN, FENCE OR POST VINE PER PLAN VINE TIE PER SPECIFICATIONS SET ROOTCROWN 1" ABOVE FINISH MULCH PER SPECIFICATIONS 6" HIGH EARTH BERM ~ '1, &, ~ ~ cJ) a 4. STANDARD VINE PLANTING DETAILS GRADE 0 FINISH GRADE 0 PLANT TABLETS PER SPECIFICATIONS 0 BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICATIONS @ SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT @ PLANTING PIT --------0 a,. 2 a ...J -~ ...J ' < g, \ 0 0 I 0:: I 4 X 11 / N 3 PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" =1 '-0" l_.__,2 ® 5. ROOT BARRIER ~l l\! :I~ ·;~t{:, : •.• ,'/ < 0 ® 0 0 0 SECTION ® PLAN 36" HIGH ROOT BARRIER WHERE ABUTTING PAVING OR MOW EDGE CONCRETE PAVING/CURB FINISH GRADE PLANTING AREA AMENDED SOIL PER SPECS. SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICAL NOTES: 1. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROOT BARRIER PRODUCT AND SIZE. 2. REFER TO PLANS FOR SPECIFIC HARDSCAPE/BARRIER RELATIONSHIPS; DETAIL IS DIAGRAMMATIC. 3. TRIM TOP OF BARRIER TO BE ½" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. 4. SEE PLANTING PLANS FOR LOCATIONS 0 PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" =1 '-0" 6. GROUND COVER First Ci•" 0 ermit Submittal 1/16/2015 Second Cih• Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 l-~t\DSCA,o0 Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 ~ oolDMA,y c1 c.,<.; j, ' 1'. Fifth Cih• Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 ~ "" ·. ~-., ('o/ l.,_j.:: :/ ~'9.- (.)..._ ',,' .. v'...-\ -"' !lit!! ~;:: ./ i~' : tt~~[1: ....1 Signature _ o -; I ;::, .? 12/31/1~ * Renewal Dote * . . ' c-,.~, ., .,,,_,','• . ', ,· ·,·, u'-" 1D/29/15 ,.•:H '"" ,: ••• "•• ~ ····· -"/ Date 23.rJ4 WO!Ul!'N STREET ! SAN OIEl.iO, CA 92107 r<' ~~ Op C~\.1~0 619,665.3547 I WWW.HOOTtDINPLACE.CClf;l DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OFFSET FROM EDGE OF PAVING 0 ® 0 0 GROUNDCOVER PLANT TRIANGULAR SPACING (TYP.) SPACING INDICATED PER PLAN SET ROOTCROWN ABOVE FINISH GRADE ,,_ ___ ___,, SEE PLANT LEGEND 0 ® 0 0 MULCH PER SPECIFICATIONS ROOTBALL 0 @ FINISH GRADE PLANT TABLETS PER SPECIFICATIONS EDGE OF PAVING AMENDED SOIL PER SPECIFICATIONS OFFSET FROM EDGE OF PAVING SEE PLANT LEGEND 9 ... . : --:::,:: 'j SECTION AT FLAT AREAS SCALE: 1" =1'-0" APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP DATE REVIEWED BY, L3.4B INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS 32 6 PLANNING DIV JSI □N LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION I APPROVED: 1wl 9?~k;-tt Co-~-k.,,I PLANNING I I OWN BY: IG PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG RVWO BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 0 ® 0 0 © 0 0 :::J <( re 0 0 °" X "' SHRUB SET ROOTBALL CROWN 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE PLANT TABLETS PER SPECS., 6" BELOW GRADE BACKFILL MIX PER SPECS. COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BARK MULCH I! I 2 X ROOTBALL j,' SECTION A· BARK MULCH 1. SHRUB PLANTING DETAILS NOTE: 1. MULCH LOCATION -REFER TO HARDSCAPE PLAN, SHEET L1.1 2. MULCH TYPE -REFER TO HARDSCAPE LEGEND, SHEET L1.4 3. FINISH GRADE: 3" BELOW PAVING AT MULCH AREA 1" BELOW PAVING AT TURF 5 ENLARGEMENT A· BARK MULCH SCALE: 1" =1 '-0" 2. 0 SOD, REFER TO PLANTING LEGEND AND SPECIFICATIONS ® PLANTING SOIL RIPPED TO 18" DEPTH AND COMPACTED TO 857., PER SPECIFICATIONS 0 COORDINATE DEPTH OF SOD WITH FINISH GRADE TO ACHIEVE DESIRED 1" REVEAL AT EDGE OF PAVING. NOTE 1" DIMENSION IS SHOWN TO TOP OF SOD SOIL 0 FINISH GRADE ©suBGRADE 0 THICKENED EDGE, SEE DETAIL@ ' <O I SECTION I I I 6 " • • " I . NOTE : PLANTING ON GRASS MOUND PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION. TURF ON GRADE • <l <1 Ll 4 " d • " • " i' - ' SCALE: 3" =1'-0" First Ci"· Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 Fourth Ci"• Permit Submittal 8114/2015 Fifth Ci+u Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 L3.5 ~ APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP DATE REV!EwED BY, INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISl□N LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION H 1, IT, ':I r;§i ~l ~'. 11~1, '"" :r, ''.:, ;:: :;,;:··r,;:t:⇒·:c··u:, .i'if , , .• , , rr:;;•;; 23611 WOFWEN STflEH J SJ\1l DIEGO., CA ~21Ui' 619,565.8547 I WWW.F\OUTED!NPLACE.G!lM 1-----+--+-----------------1---+-----t---+------1 1-AP_P_R_o_vE_o_, __ (~~-~-bt-·~'8\~\,,4~-~--"-· v-"'"" I . PLANNING . DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY, 1.. I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO, CHKD BY: -!Gs-_ CT 04-11 442-4N RVWD BY, IG =='.__C'-'-'--======l L---------L ____ _ SPECIFICATIONS 1. PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY 1.1. Contractor shall protect all construction and landscaping from damage and, when required, provide guards or covering. Any damage shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. Contractors on the job shall carry the following Insurance: (a) Worker's Compensation, (b) Public Comprehensive General Liability, and (c) Property Damage. In an emergency threatening the safety of life, work or adjoining property, the Contractor is hereby instructed to act at his discretion to prevent such loss or injury and shall maintain the following minimum liability insurance coverage during the contract period. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1. 11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. 1.15. 1.16. 1.17. 1.18. 1.19. 1.20. 1.21. 1.22. COVERAGE Bodily Injury Property Damage $250,000 per Individual, per Occurrence $100,000 per Occurrence, aggregate The Contractor shall cause to be named as additional insured in such Contractor's Public Liability, Contractor's Protective Liability and Automobile Liability Insurance policies the following: (a) Owner Names (b} Rooted in Place Landscape Architect and consulting, 2364 Worden Street, San Diego, CA 92107. Contractor shall not cause this policy to be canceled or permit it to lapse, and the insurance policy shall include a clause to the effect that the policy shall not, at any time during the construction period, be canceled or reduced, restricted or limited, until fifteen (15) days after all additional insureds have received written notice as evidenced by returned receipts of registered or certified letters. The Contractor agrees to hold the Owner and Landscape Architect harmless from any claims arising out of his operations of any of his sub contractors, material supplies, or agents. All local, municipal and state laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the contractor. The Contractor shall verify the locations of all existing utilities, structures, and services before commencing work. The locations of utilities, structures and services shown in these plans are approximate only. Any discrepancies between these plans and actual field conditions shall be reported to the owner or Landscape Architect. Contractor shall lake field measurements as required. Report major discrepancies between the Contract Drawings and field dimensions to the Landscape Architect prior to commencing Work. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and features to remain on, and adjacent to, the project site during construction. Contractor shall repair, at his own expense, all damage resulting from his operations or negligence. The contractor shall obtain the pertinent engineering and/or architectural plans before beginning work. Permits for any construction depicted in these plans shall be obtained by the Contractor. Contractor shall have a valid contractor's license required for the particular work being done. Contractors shall not allow the license(s) to lapse during the contract period. Install all playground equipment and play surfacing per manufacturer's recommendations and per the approved plans and specifications. Install the full depth of approved ADA accessible play surfacing material per plan, details and specifications with perimeter barrier (curb), or deepened edge sidewalk, as specified per plan. Submit a sample to the Landscape Architect for approval prior to ordering. Contractor shall ensure that all playground Fall Zones (a.k.a. Use Zones) are free and clear of one another as well as the perimeter barrier (tot curb). Contractor shall ensure/chat there is proper slope and drainage below the play surface to avoid the potential of 5landing water. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Contractor shall immediately notify the Landscape Architect and Client of any discrepancies found in the field not shown on the plans prior to installation. All playground equipment and play surfaces must meet all ADA accessibility guidelines and meet all local, state and national code requirements. All playground equipment must be inspected and certified by a licensed NPSI (National Playground Safety Institute) CPSI (Certified Playground Safety Inspector), or approved equal certified inspector, prior to final acceptance of the project. Engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports. Arrange for independent certified playground safety inspector to inspect playground and playground equipment and components at final completion and to certify compliance with the following ASTM F 1487 and CPSC No. 325. To find a CPSI near you send an email to certification@nrpa.org or call 703-858-0784. Provide a copy of the certification letter to the owner, the HOA (if applicable} and the Landscape Architect prior to the final acceptance of the project. 2. NOTUSED 3. GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES 3.1. All surface drainage to be away from all footings, foundations and building walls at minimum of2%. 3.2. Cross slope walks and paving 2% minimum unless otherwise noted. 3.3. Surface slopes shall be a minimum of 2% to drains in all planted areas. 3.4. Specimen trees shall be in place prior to installation of drain line. Drain line placement shall be adjusted around trees. 3.5. Lay drain lines with 2% minimum fall using rigid, non perforated drain pipe. No corrugated types are to be used. 3.6. Round toes and edges of all slopes. Contour slopes between walks and buildings. Drain swales are to be installed between base of slopes and walks, paving, and buildings. 3.7. Refer to Civil Engineer drawings for additional grades and information. Verify on-site and report discrepancies to Landscape Architect before start of any work on this contract. 3.8. When perforated drain pipe is specified, perforations in pipe shall face downward in trench. 3.9. Verify all invert elevations at proposed tie-ins prior to installation. Make any adjustments as necessary to allow 2% minimum fall for required drainage of lines. 3.10. AU top-of-grate and invert elevations indicated are approximate. Verify in field to insure 2% min. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 3.11. Consult owner for FS of entry stoop in relation to FF of building. Entry stoop to be a minimum of 1" below stucco screeds. All ADA requirements to be met for threshold adjacency. 3.12. Contractor shall ensure that earth mounding does not interfere with swales depicted on civil engineer's grading plan. Coordinate with Landscape Architect. 4. CARPENTRY 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. All lumber shall be Redwood or Douglas fir, No. 2 grade or better, unless otherwise indicated All lumber shall be milled, resawn, unless otherwise indicated. All connectors, anchors, and accessories, including nails, shall be fabricated structural steel and shall be hot dipped galvanized. All exposed steel to be Architecture Exposed Stainless Steel (AESS). All gates shall be self-closing with steel stops All site gates to have panic hardware and meet current ADA standards. 5. DECORATIVE CONCRETE PAVING 5.1. General 5.1.1. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength in 28 days of 2,500 PSI. Cement 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.1.4. 5.1.5. 5.1.6. 5.1.7. 5.1.8. 5.1.9. 5.1.10. 5.1.11. 5.1.12. 5.1.13. shall be type 1. Reinforcing shall comply with ASTM A615, grade 40 or to notes on details. No pipes or ducts shall be placed in concrete columns, walls, or slabs unless specifically detailed. Reinforcing detailing shall conform the the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute "Manual of Standard Practice," latest edition. Reinforcing, anchor bolts and all other embedded items shall be securely held in position prior to placing concrete. Walls and columns shall be doweled from supports with bars of the same size and spacing. Splice continuous reinforcing with 4 inch minimum overlap. All expansion joints shall receive 1/2-inch pre-molded felt material and installed where indicated, and at all buildings, walls, and fixed improvements. All expansion joints shall receive 1/2-inch thick sealing compound. Color to match adjacent surface color. All concrete walks and concrete across drives shall receive a medium broom finish, unless otherwise indicated. Control joints shall be tooled 1/4-inch wide by 1/4-inch deep as indicated. Weakened plane joints shall be 1/4-inch wide by 1/2 slab thickness deep. Samples: Submit 8" x 8" x 24" cured sample panel of each wall type and 48" long cured sample of mow curb, for color and texture approval. Sample panels shall be constructed using materials and methods to be used in the work. Sample panels shall be cured a minimum of 10 days prior to review by Owner's Representative. Construct the sample panels where directed at the job site. The approved sample panels shall serve as a standard of color, texture and workmanship for the project's architectural concrete. Do not remove or cover the approved sample panels until the project's architectural concrete has been installed and the Owner's Representative has approved it. The project's architectural concrete shall match the approved sample panels in all respects. 5.2. Submittals 5.2.1. Paving mix designs : Provide documentation for each paving type specified in Drawings. Laboratory and Cement Test Reports: Submit six (6) copies of laboratory test reports for concrete materials and a certificate with each concrete mixer truck, stating mix design, PSI, rating, slump, water and cement quantity, cement/water ration, fine and coarse aggregate and color additives. Cement. Manufacturer and plant location. Cement type, i.e. Type I, II, Ill, orV. Admixtures: Manufacturer and plant location. Sand: Source and Type. Aggregates: Source and Type. Sign certification from a licensed structural engineer. 5.2.2. Certification that Owner's Authorized Representative's mock-up has been reviewed and that materials and processes provide, will achieve intended effects indicated on Owner's Authorized Representative's mock-up. 5.2.3. 5.2.4. Submit specification data "Cut Sheets" for integral color, color hardener, release agent, speed dowel sleeves, curing agents, and clear sealer, fiber reinforcement, finish retarder and expansion joint material. Quality Assurance: Pre-Bid Conference: Prior to submitting bid, attend pre-bid conference with Owner's Authorized Representative to review Owner's Authorized Representative's mock-up and to review requirements and artistic effect desired. Mock-Ups: Mock-up: Prepare at the job site, a sample panel not less than 4 feet by 4 feet of each color and finish indicated. If multiple colors and finishes are specified, all samples shall be prepared for review at the same time. Include joints and joint materials, caulking, and scoring treatments specified on the plans. The Mock-ups shall be reviewed and approved by the Owner's Representative before proceeding with the work. Mock-ups that do not demonstrate all specified joints and joint materials, caulking, and scoring treatments will be rejected. Remove and reconstruct the mock-ups until approved. The Contractor shall be back charged for the costs of the Owner's Representative to review more than two (2) mock-up attempts. Approved mock-ups shall serve as standard of acceptance for paving work and remain available for the duration of the project. Demolish and remove mock-ups at the completion of the project. Concrete Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer of ready-mixed concrete products complying with ASTM C 94 requirements for production facilities and equipment. 5.2.5. Coordination ' .-~ li r: i,,,, ill:: ;~ t < ., . ~~ ·1 iii{ \{i ) Ensure that irrigation sleeves, electrical conduit, food cart outlets, and other utility elements are accommodated and as-built located prior to pouring concrete. 5.2.6. Inspection of Site 5.3. Products Verify conditions at site affect Work of this Section, and take field measurements as requires. Report major discrepancies between Drawings and field dimensions to Owner's Authorized Representative prior to commencing work. 5.3.1. Forms Either steel or wood, of size and strength to resist movement during concrete placement and to retain horizontal and vertical alignment until removal. Use forms that are free of distortion and defects. Flexible spring steel forms, laminated boards, or bender boards to form radius bends as required. Form Release Agent: A non-staining form release compound that will not discolor or deface the surface of the concrete. 5.3.2. Ready Mixed Concrete Batched, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C 94 -"Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete". 5.3.3. Portland Cement Refer to Drawings for specific paving finishes requiring different cement types, to include Type 1, II, Ill, or IIN cements conforming to ASTM C 150. Use same brand of cement from single source throughout entire project for each paving type. Refer to Statement of Mix Design for cement type used. 5.3.4. Fine Aggregate Sand (washed concrete sand} Clean, hard, and durable washed concrete sand, conforming to ASTM C 33. Use same fine aggregate from single source throughout the entire project. Refer to Statement of Mix Design for fine aggregate type used. 5.3.5. Coarse Aggregate (pea Gravel} Clean, hard, and durable coarse aggregate, conforming to ASTM C 33. Use same coarse aggregate from single source throughout entire project. Refer to Statement of Mix Design for coarse aggregate type used. 5.3.6. Water Free from deleterious materials such as oils, acids, and organic matter. 5.3.7. Reinforcing 5.3. Reinforcing Steel: Conforming to ASTM A 615, clean and free of rust, dirt, grease or oils. Tie Wire: 16-gauge plain cold-drawn steel conforming to ASTM A 82, clean and free of rust, dirt, grease, or oils. Supports for Reinforcement: Provide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing supporting and fastening reinforcing bars in place. Polypropylene Fiber Reinforcement: 100% virgin multifilament polypropylene fibers, engineered and designed for secondary reinforcement of concrete slabs, complying with ASTM C 1116-Type 111. Acceptable Manufacturers: Fibermix®; Stealth® Fibers -¼" long (423)892-8080 or www.fibermesh.com. Forta Fiber; Microfiber (800) 245-0306. Grace Construction Products; Microfiber™ (800) 433-0020 or www.grace.com. Application Rate: ½ lb.Icy of mix 5.3.8. Concrete Materials Portland Cement: ASTM C-150 -Type 11. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618-Type F. The combined weight of fly ash conforming to ASTM C 618 shall not exceed 25% of the total weight of cementitious materials. Concrete Aggregate : ASTM C 33 -Class 4, and as follows. Provide aggregates from a single source : Maximum aggregate size : 1-inch. Water: Clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, akalis, salts, organic materials, or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or reinforcement. 5.3.9. Admixtures Provide concrete admixtures that contain not more that 1 percent chloride ions and no calcium chloride. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM 4 94, Type A. High-Range Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type For Type G. Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type D or E. Acceptable Manufacturers: Water-Reducing Admixtures: ChemMasters Corp; Chemtard. Cormix Construction Chemicals: Type A Series. Euclid Chemical Company; Eucon WR-75. High-Range Water-reducing Admixtures: Anti-Hydro Co. Inc.: super P Cormix Construction Chemicals: Cormix 2000, PSI Super. Euclid Chemical Company; Eucon 37. Water-Reducing and Acceleration Admixtures: Conspec Marketing & Manufacturing Company; Q-Set. Cormix Construction Chemicals; Gilco Accelerator or Lub NCR. Euclid Chemical Company; Lithochrome Surface Retarder. 5.3.10. CURING MATERIALS Absorptive Cover: Burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9 oz. per square yard, complying with AASHTO M 182, Class 2. Moisture-Retaining Cover: One of the following complying with ASTM C 171. Waterproofing paper. Polyethylene film. White burlap-polyethylene sheeting. Clear, Waterborne Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds: Provide curing materials that have a maximum volatile organic compound (VOC) rating of 350 g/1. Evaporation Control: Monomolecular film-forming compound applied to exposed concrete slab surfaces for temporary protection from rapid moisture loss. Clear, Waterborne Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds Acceptable Manufacturers: Anti-Hydro Company; Clear Cure Water Base. The Burke Company; Spartan Cote WB. Cormix Construction Chemicals; Sealco VOC. Acceptable Evaporation Control Manufacturers: Conspec Marketing and MFG. Company; Aquafilm. Euclid Chemical Company; Eucobar. L&M Construction Chemicals; E-Con. 5.3.11. Related Materials Integral Color: Integrally color concrete in colors, blending mixtures and application rates necessary to create colors, gradations, and variations to match Owner's Authorized Representative's mock-up. Miscellaneous Materials: Miscellaneous specialty materials, acids, or other materials required to achieve the specialized effects indicated by Owner's Authorized Representative's mock-up or as required by Owner's Authorized Representative's. Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated in Work include, but are not limited to, the following: Surface Retarder Topcast/top face, By Grace Products Rugasol Integral Color (dry pigment): L.M.Scofield Company; Chromix® Integral Color (liquid pigment): Soloman Colors at www.sgs@solomoncolors.com. Davis TM Colors at www.daviscolors.com. Releasing Agents: L.M.Scofield Company; Antiquing Release. Colorful!; Antiquing Hardener. Superstone; Antiquing Hardener. Clear Penetrating Sealer (water based): L.M.Scofield Company; Cementone Clear Sealer. Superstone; Clear Sealer. Lambert; Clear Sealer. Pentane Weather Worker J-26WB 5.3.12. CONCRETE Prepare design mixes for each type and strength or normal-weight concrete by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods as specified under ACI 301. A field quality control testing agency will be provided by Owner's Authorized Representative. Proportion Mixes according to ACI 211.1 and ACI 301 to provide normal-weight concrete with the following properties: Compressive Strength at 28 days; 2,500 psi. Maximum Water-Cement Ration at Point of Placement: 0.61. Slump Limit at Point of Placement: 5-inches. Air Entrainment Content: 2 percent. Synthetic Fiver reinforcement; ½ lb. per cubic yard of mix added at batch plant. Adjustment to Concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be required by Contractor when characteristics of material, project conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant. 5.3.13. CONCRETE MIXING Ready-Mixed Concrete: Comply with requirement of ASTM C 94. Reduce mixing and delivery time when air temperature is between 85 degrees F and 90 degrees F and reduce mixing and delivery time from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes. APPROVED FOR !RR/GA T/ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP DATE REVIE\,/ED BY, L4.1 INSPECTOR DATE First Ci+., Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ Second City Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 8 PLANNING DIVISI □N 2 \.~~DSC~,o~ Fo·-~h l'j+u Permit Submi++~• .,,.,/201"i '<,<;, ooCDMAN cf LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR ~ ,"''" 1~ '",,4'c--$-Fi h Ci+., Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL tJ...., "' ,,,,. 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE --.. -· l.r ,..-\ :; ,., ..... f"'\ CARLSBAD, CA 92011 :,;]: ('.~ J. . .. Signature o DEVELOPED FOR . . \:) ..•. , "' 12/31/11> -< ELEMENT EDUCATION .,. '/{$') en ti;._ci fy E::ll--d\::: ' .J'.,_ 10/29/15 '°' ~~aowol Dote ~ I APPROVED: Cc,--c -~ I -f)' Dale ~' . /1. ' 2"364 WQflV£N STREE! i SAN Dlf(llJ. CA 92107 <' '1-OF CJ>,Ll~O PLANNING ~19.Sli5.8547 ! 'IJW1N AOilTEDmPLME.COM I DWN BY: , .. PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO.I DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAi_ DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION Dll,ER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N l 5.3.13. CONCRETE MIXING Ready-Mixed Concrete: Comply with requirement of ASTM C 94. Reduce mixing and delivery time when air temperature is between 85 degrees F and 90 degrees F and reduce mixing and delivery time from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes. 5.4. Execution 5.4.1. Surface preparation Verify that paving subgrade consists of a minimum of 4-inches of compacted washed concrete sand, passes less than 7% through a #200 sieve, and is compacted to at least 95% of the materials ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density for 5.4.1 .4. 5.4.2. it's full depth. Verify that paving subgrade extends 1-foot beyond the outside edge of paving or curbing and has positive outfall for trapped water. Proof-roll prepared subbase surface to check for unstable areas and verify need for additional compaction. Do not begin paving work until such conditions have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. Remove loose material from compacted subbase immediately before placing concrete. Provide necessary chairs or supports, and maintain position of reinforcing bars. Wet surface of sand subgrade prior to placing concrete. Edge Forms and Screed Construction Set, brace, and secure edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed guides for paving to required lines, grades and elevations. Install forms to allow continuous progress of Work and so that forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after placing concrete. Check completed formwork and screeds for grade and alignment to following tolerances: Top of Forms: Not more that 1/8-inch in 10-feet. Vertical Face on Longitudinal Axis: Not more that ¼-inch in 10-feet. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent to ensure separation from concrete 5.4.3. Placing Reinforcement Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel lnstitute's recommended practice for "Placing Reinforcing Bars" for placing and supporting reinforcement. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice and other bond reducing materials. Arrange, space and securely tie bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placement. Maintain minimum cover over reinforcement. 5.5. Concrete placement 5.5.1. 5.5.2. 5.5.3. 5.5.4. 5.5.5. 5.5.6. 5.5.7. 5.5.8. Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or cast in. Notify other trades to facilitate installation of their work. Moisten subbase to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes and other utility structures until they are at the required finish elevation and alignment. Comply with requirements and with ACI 304R for measuring, transporting, and placing concrete. Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between construction joints. Consolidate concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand-spading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment and procedures to consolidate concrete complying with ACI 309 R. Consolidate concrete along face of forms with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assembles, reinforcement, or side forms. Use only square-faced shovels for hand-spreading and consolidation. Prevent dislocating reinforcing and dowels. Screed paved surfaces with a straightedge and strike off. Use bull floats or darbies to form a smooth surface plane before excess moisture or bleed water appears on surface. Do not further disturb concrete surfaces prior to beginning finishing operations. Hot Weather Placement : Place concrete complying with ACI 305R when hot weather conditions exist. Cold Weather Placement : Adhere to ACI 306R -cold Weather Concreting for installing paving during cold weather. 5.6. Concrete Finishing 5.6.1. Finish paving to match approved mark ups. 5.6.2. Broom finish: Broom finish paving to match approved mock up. After surface water disappears and floated surface is sufficiently hardened, produce a transverse scored texture perpendicular to direction of traffic by drawing a broom across its surface. 5.7. Jointing 5. 7.1. Expanision Joints: Provide expansion joints as indicated on Drawings (or to not exceed 10-feet in either direction), to minimize random surface cracking and as indicated on Drawings. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one fourth of 5.7.2. concrete thickness. Do not exceed 1/4 inch in joint width. Isolation Joints: Provide isolation joints to permit horizontal and vertical movement between slab and fixed vertical edges such as building walls, steps, columns, and other vertical restraints. 5.8. Concrete protection and curing 5.8.1. 5.8.2. 5.8.3. Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with the recommendations of AC! 305R for hot weather and ACI 306R for cold weather protection during curing. Evaporation Control : In hot, dry, and windy weather. protect from rapid moisture loss before and during finishing operations with an evaporation-control material. Apply according to manufacturer's instructions after screeding and bull floating, but before floating. Begin curing after finishing concrete but not before free water has disappeared from concrete surface. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 5.8.4. Cure concrete by moisture curing, moisture retaining cover, curing compound, or combination of following: Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not less than 7 days with following materials: (1) Water, (2) Continuous water fog spray, (3) Absorptive cover, water saturated, kept continuously wet. Cover concrete surfaces and edges with a 12-inch lap over adjacent absorptive covers. Curing Compound: Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or roller according to manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall within three hours of initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. 5.9. Field Quality Control Testing 5.9.1. Owner's Authorized Representative will employ a qualified testing and inspection agency to sample materials, perform tests, and submit test reports during concrete placement. Sampling and testing for quality control may include the following: 5.9.1. 1. Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C94. When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five strength tests for a given class of concrete, conduct testing from al least five (5) randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five (5) are used. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing concrete. 5.9.1 .4. Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if averages of sets of three (3) consecutive strength test results equal or exceed specified compressive strength and no individual strength test result falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. 5.9.2. Test results will be reports in writing to Owner's Authorized Representative, concrete manufacturer, and Contractor within 24 hours of testing. Reports of compressive strength tests will contain project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing agency, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in paving, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break for both 7 day and 28 day tests. 5.9.3. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted but not be used as the sole basis for acceptance or rejection. 5.9.4. Additional Tests: The testing agency will make additional tests of concrete when test results indicate slump, air entrainment, concrete strengths, or other requirements have not been met. Testing agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42. 5.10. Repairs and protection 5.10.1. 5.10.2. 5.10.3. 5.10.4. Remove and replace concrete paving that is broken, damaged, defective, or does not meet the requirements of this Section. Protect concrete from damage until acceptance of project. Exclude traffic from paving for at least 28 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain paving as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. Maintain concrete paving free of stains, discoloration, dirt and other foreign material until Final Payment. All concrete shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of Owner's Representative prior to final turn over of project. 5.11. Cleanup 5.11. 1. At completion of Work, remove concrete stains from adjacent work, including but not limited to dissimilar paving types, walls, columns, railing posts, light fixtures, plant materials, to satisfaction of Owner's Authorized Representative. 5.12. Paving Finish Schedule 5.12.1. Provide paving finishes, as indicated on Hardscape Schedule on Drawings. 6. DECOMPOSED GRANITE PAVING 6.1. Submittals 6.1.1. 6.1.2. 6.1.3. Decomposed Granite: Provide (2) two packaged samples equal to one half (1/2) pound, include source of material with telephone number and address. Aggregate Binder: Provide (2) two packaged samples equal to one half (1/2) pound, including manufacturer's instructions for mixing and application. Samples of Decomposed Granite and Binder Compound: Provide two (2) packaged sample, pre-blended in proportions recommended by the manufacturer, and equal to one (1) pound. 6.2. Field mock-up 6.2.1. Prepare two (2) 8 feet by width of path, paving mock-ups, complete with base coarse, two (2) different edging conditions in each mock-up, and compacted as specified. 6.2.2. Include adjustments, approved by the Owner's.Representative from reviews of the mock-up process. Coordinate work with conditions and material placement of other work and adjacent conditions. The Mock-up shall be reviewed and approved by the Owner's Representative prior to proceeding with the work. When necessary, remove and reconstruct the field sample until approved. Approved mock-up shall serve as the standard of acceptance for the paving work. The approved mock-up may be incorporated into the final work. Demolish and remove non-approved mock-ups. 6.3. Delivery, storage, and handling 6.3.1. 6.3.2. Do not expose materials to moisture or other conditions that would adversely affect their serviceability. Store materials out of the weather and off the ground 6.4. Products 6.4.1. Materials Decomposed Granite (DG): Paving material shall be crushed stone, maximum 3/8" 6.4.2. minus with fines from granite source rock. Type and source per the Drawings. Binder Component: Shall be Stabilizer™ available from KRC Rock, San Marcos, CA. (760) 744-1036, no know equal. Water, clean potable. Base Material: Crushed aggregate base consisting entirely of crushed rock and rock dust, uniformly graded and conforming to the requirements of Standard Specifications Section 200-2.2. Header and Edging Materials Refer to plans for header type and adjacencies. 6.5. Execution 6.5.1. Surface conditions Areas receiving paving materials shall be examined for correct and complete base preparation, compaction, grade, pitch, and drainage installation. Prepared subgrade shall be proof rolled to check for unstable conditions and areas requiring additional compaction. The subgrade shall be compacted to a minimum 95% dry density. A compaction test shall be taken at questionable areas identified by the Owner's Representative. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the Owner's Representative. Do not begin paving work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and area is ready to receive paving. Proceeding with the installation constitutes acceptance of existing conditions and responsibility for satisfactory performance. Herbicide Treatment: Pre-emergence herbicide shall be recommended and applied by a licensed pest control service. Apply herbicide in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommended instructions, and local and state regulations. Apply to compacted, dry, subgrade prior to application of aggregate base course. Do not use weed control chemicals that may stain decomposed granite or surrounding surfaces. 6.6. Preparation 6.6.1. The base for the paving shall be a layer of crushed aggregate base material, with a 1" layer of sifted stone dust fines. The fines shall be thoroughly watered into the base rock and roll to compaction. The finished depth of the base course shall be as indicated on 6.6.2. 6.6.3. the Drawings. The binding agent shall be mixed at the rate of 13 pounds per tone (2000 pounds) of decomposed granite. Whether pre-mixed or mixed on site, the decomposed granite and binding agent shall be thoroughly blended and tumbled in a cement mixer or plug mill at the rate specified. 6.7. Installation 6. 7.1. Apply quantity to achieve depth indicated on the Drawings. Areas shall be raked and 6.7.2. 6.7.3. 6.7.4. graded to achieve a smooth finished surface after rolling. Areas shall be thoroughly watered to the full depth of the paving material. Rolling of the mixture shall commence once thorough moisture penetration is completed. The paving areas shall be compacted with a small riding roller or power walk-behind roller. Pneumatic compactors are not permitted. Corners and areas not accessible to the roller shall be hand tamped to match the compaction of the adjacent area. The finished surface shall be smooth and consistent across the entire area, free of ruts, dips, humps, and roller marks. At the end of each day, the installation shall terminate at a paving edge or other transition. No material shall be deposited on paving which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams, planes, weakness within the section, or visible lines in the finished surface. 6. 7.5. Protect the entire area from foot or vehicular traffic until fully dried. Protect the area from contamination or damage by other work in progress. 6.8. Maintenance: Patch and or replace areas damaged during the construction period. Remove weeds by hand, rake smooth, moisten and re-compact to a smooth finished surface. Do not use weed control chemicals that may stain the decomposed granite or other surface materials. 7. ARCHITECTURAL SITE CONCRETE 7.1. General: Architectural site concrete includes all exterior concrete structures, (walls, columns) on landscape plans except walkways. 7.1.1. Except as modified by the requirements specified herin and/or the details on the drawings, concrete work shall conform to the "California Building Code (CBC), (Chapter 19, "Concrete.") 7.2. Products: 7.2.1. Forming Materials : All forms shall be new; no reused or reconditioned forms will be permitted. Forms for architectural concrete shall be built so that they are completely rigid, strong enough to withstand without deflection, movement or leakage, the high hydraulic pressures which result from rapid filling and heavy frequency vibration. All materials shall be new at start of work. 7.2.2. Form accessories as required : Board Form Walls: Board form shall be constructed with two-inch by six-inch (2" x 6") Douglas fir or larch boards to match architectural walls. Boards shall be spaced equally and staggered on center with adjacent boards. Top shall be sand finish. Fasteners for formwork and installation of rustication strips, bands, reglets and reveals shall be formed galvanized steel or other approved non-corrosive steel materials. Form Ties: 1/4" snap ties, equipped with 1" diameter cone or cones which provide 1" or a 1-1/2" break-back. Whichever break-back size is selected, use throughout this work. Do not use different break-back sizes. Form ties for extra support areas: 3/8" diameter she bolts complete with 1" diameter cones. Rustication bands and strips: Non-absorbent material such as extruded polyvinyl chloride, plastic or may be milled from good quality lumber and well-sealed to prevent moisture absorption. Stripping Gaskets: Resilient rectangular material non-absorbent and non-staining at junctions of formwork and at junctions for forms with columns and beams as required to permit removal and reuse of formwork without damage., 7.3. Execution Form Gaskets: 1/8" x 1/2" adhesive backed foam tape, by Burke Company, Norton Sealants, Arion Co. or equal. Form Release Agent (compatible with sealer) Chemical non-staining release agent which will not affect the architectural concrete surface. Release agent shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Final acceptance of form release agent depends on proven performance on sample panels. Form sealer shall be one of the following products: W.R Grace Company "Formfilm" Nox-Crete Chemicals, Inc. "Pre-Form" Hunt Process Co. "Seal Form-L" or equal Chairs and Spacers: Solid plastic of color matched to architectural concrete. Reglets: "Type I Springlock Flashing Reglels" for casting into concrete, constructed from 3/16-inch thick stainless steel for exposed locations. Reglets shall be one of following products: Fry Reglet Co. Westex Manufacturing Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. or equal 7.3.1. Tolerances of formed architectural concrete Variation from plumb for lines and surface of columns, walls, beams and arises: In any 10' length: 1/8". Maximum for entire length: 1/2". Variation from the level or from the indicated elevations of tops of slabs, beams, and arises: Across Top: 1/8". In any 10' length: 3/16". In any bay or in any 20' length: 1/4". Maximum for entire length: 1/2". Deviation from Round: Out of round, 1/4". 7.3.2. Forms Formwork shall be constructed and finished so that concrete surfaces will conform to the tolerance limits listed above. Tolerances shall not be cumulative. Failure to comply with these limits will result in the Contractor, at his expense, filling and/or grinding the sub-standard surfaces, or if this is deemed impossible by the Owner's Representative, then the concrete section shall be removed and reconstructed at no expense to the owner. Expansion and Control Joints: Locate expansion joints at sixteen feet maximum on center and control joints at eight feet maximum on center, or where specifically indicated on the plans or as approved by the Owner's Representative. Design, engineering and construction of forms shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Construct forms to shape, lines and dimensions of architectural concrete members. Spacing of studs, ties and other supporting members shall be such to support maximum pressures imposed by the wet concrete (mix). Final concrete surfaces shall conform to tolerances as specified. Seal joints between form units with non-absorptive foam tape or other approved means. Locate rustications where shown on drawings. Use stripping gaskets at junctions of forms and forms to beams and columns to facilitate stripping and reuse of forms without damage. Forms shall be tight to prevent concrete loss. Corner chamfer strips are not allowed, making mandatory especially tight well designed corners of the forms Continuous girts and blocking shall be provided behind all plywood butt joints not backed. Formwork shall be cambered to compensate for construction deflections plus deadload deflections as required. Expansion and Control Joints: Locate expansion joints at sixteen feet maximum on center and control joints at eight feet maximum on center, or where specifically indicated on the plans or as approved by the Owner's Representative. All forms shall be cleaned of extraneous loose material with compressed air, and thoroughly inspected before use. Forms with clips, dents, damaged corners or edges, scratches, gouges or other defects that will transfer to the concrete surface will be discarded. Forms shall be thoroughly wetted just before concrete placement. Have sufficient equipment available to allow for these procedures. L4.1B APPRO VEO FOR /RR/GA T!ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY, INSPECTOR DATE 1-----+------l-'S~e.,,_co..,,n~d'--'C""iht,i__,_P.,,,er'-'--'m-"'it'-'S"'u,_..,bm'-'-'-'-"itt.,.al,__,4.,_,/3-,,0,.,,/2~011-"5'------+---l-------1--___j___-.........1 9 CI TY O F CARLS BAD First Citv Permit Sllbmittal 1/16/2015 ~ rn Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 ~===='-====P=LA:::N:::N=:I'::::NG==:::D:::I:::::V:::IS:::I:=□:::N====--'====: Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESACHARTERSCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION l----+----+----------____j------1--___,___ _ _j_-----l (~ 9' Bl__;± (;,. -.. h.p 2:164 WOflDE!'I STREET i SAN D!EGtl, CA ~2'10'/ ~!S.665,Zli47 I Wlh!W.fiO!lTtllltlPL/i.CE.Ct!M I APPROVED: .-::. < I ( I )---t---+----------------\------1---1------l-----1 ~P~LA~N=:Nc;:;IN:;=G==;;;;=~========:::;-;::====::;· OWN BY: IG I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CH K D 8 Y: ____,IG..,__ RVWD BY: IG _ CT 04-11 442-4N DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 7.3.3. Curing All concrete shall be cured for a period of not less than 10 days. During this curing period no part of the concrete shall be permitted to become dry even for a short while. The curing medium shall be applied so as to prevent checking and cracking of the surface of the concrete immediately after placing and it shall be maintained so as to prevent loss of water from the concrete for the duration of the entire curing period. Fresh concrete shall be protected from heavy rains, flowing water, and mechanical injury. All concrete shall be protected from injurious action of the sun. All concrete shall be cured for a period of not less than 10 days. During this curing period no part of the concrete shall be permitted to become dry even for a short while. The curing medium shall be applied so as to prevent checking and cracking of the surface of the concrete immediately after placing and it shall be maintained so as to prevent loss of water from the concrete for the duration of the entire curing period. Fresh concrete shall be protected from heavy rains, flowing water, and mechanical injury. All concrete shall be protected from injurious action of the sun. 7.3.4. Finishing TROWEL/BRUSH FINISHING: Apply a finish on architectural concrete surfaces as indicated on drawings or notes. Walls may be a different texture than curbs, based upon samples provided by Contractor. Otherwise, texture of concrete surfaces shall be as selected by the Owner's Representative from samples prepared in a range as follows: Trowel: Smooth surface finish using concrete trowel without reveal of aggregate. Board Form Finish: Finish shall match approved sample panel. Finish shall match approved sample panel. END AND CORNER CHAMFERS: Provide a 1/4" chamfer at ends and corners, or other exposed edges, of walls. 8. NOTUSED 9. LANDSCAPE PLANTING 9.1. General Requirements 9.1.1. The term "Planting Area" shall mean areas to be planted with trees, shrubs, 9.1.2. 9.1.3. 9.1.4. groundcovers, lawn, or seed, or areas to be covered with various gravel or stone mulches not intended for pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The term "Contract Close-out" shall mean the date at the close of the Maintenance Period when the work has been completed, checked, accepted, and written approval of the work has been given by the Owner's Representative. The term "Date of Acceptance" shall mean the date at the end of the warranty periods as specified herein, and written acceptance has been given by the Owner's Representative. Protect and maintain at all times the existing plant material identified on the Drawings as "to remain". 9.2. Submittals 9.2.1. Product Data and Samples: Soil amendments and fertilizers: Submit manufacturer's product data on amendments and fertilizers as noted. Include brand names, estimated quantities, and supplier. Plant materials and sod lawn: Submit a list of all plant materials with quantities, sizes, and source. Trees and shrubs larger than 15 gallon: For each species, submit three (3) colored photographs with botanical name, container size, height, spread, and nursery source on the back of each photo. Bark Mulches and Decomposed Granite: Submit three (3) 1/4 lb. bagged samples of each specified material. Label bag with name, source, size, and color range. Decomposed Granite and Gravel to 2" diameter: Submit three (3) 1 lb. pre-mixed bagged samples of each specified material. Label bag with name, source, size, and color range. 9.2.2. Submittals for above items shall be made in one package. If submittals are judged incomplete or non-responsive to the directions of the Owner's Representative after three (3) submissions the Contractor shall be back charged for the Owner's Representatives costs to process additional Submittals. Additional Submittal Procedures are specified in Section 01300. 9.3. Warranty and replacements: 9.3.1. Submit written warranties on the Contractor's or subcontractor's letterhead, addressed to the Owner. Submit all warranties in duplicate and in the form shown in the General Conditions, or modified as approved to suit the conditions pertaining to the warranty. 9.3.2. Trees shall be warranted to remain healthy and in a vigorous growing condition for a period of one year from Contract Close-out. 933 ... Shrubs vines and groundcovers shall be arranted to rema·n health , w I y an 1n a vigor OLIS growing condition for a period of six months from Contract Close-out. 9.3.4. Plants found dead or not in a vigorous growing condition during the Warranty Period shall be removed and replaced within 14 days of written notification by the Owner's Representative. Replacement plants shall be of the same size, species and variety as specified. Replacement includes restoration of surrounding area to match the existing conditions. All work shall be provided at no additional expense to the Owner. 9.4. Rejection and substitution: 9.4.1. Products or materials, whether installed or not, not conforming to the requirements herein specified shall be considered defective, and be marked as rejected. Materials shall be removed and replaced with approved materials at no additional cost to the Owner. 9.4.2. Submit written request for each proposed substitution. Provide data substantiating request as well as a "Certificate of Suitability" certifying that the proposed substitution is equal or better in all respects to that specified and that it will, in all respects perform the function for which it is intended. Include with request all required samples. Submit 3 copies of all written requests and data for proposed substitution. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 9.5. Site visits: 9.5.1. Schedule and coordinate site observation visits for the following construction activities. Reviews shall be performed by the Owner's Representative and notification shall be given in advance as noted: Item Advance Notice Protection of existing plant materials 48 hours Rough grade and soil tests 48 hours Plant material 48 hours Soil preparation and finish grade 48 hours Percolation tests 48 hours Plant layout and installation 48 hours Substantial Completion Punch List 7 days Punch List Completion 7 days (Authorize start of Maintenance Period) Maintenance Completion 7 days 9.6. Maintenance 9.6.1. The Maintenance Period begins on the first day after all work has been reviewed and accepted in writing by the Owner's Representative. The Owne~s Representative shall determine the start date, and the Period shall continue thereafter for 90 continuous 9.6.2. 9.6.3. 9.6.4. calendar days. Within one week of receipt of the written notice, submit a Maintenance Schedule the Owner's Representative listing the days when maintenance crews will be on site, include in the schedule, a contact person and emergency phone number. Maintenance includes weeding, watering, fertilizing, pruning, trimming, mowing, pest and disease control, water monitoring, re-staking/ guying, mulching, clean-up and other operations required to establish a healthy growing condition. The Maintenance Period shall be extended, when in the opinion of the Owner's Representative, dead or dying plant materials, poor or unhealthy growing conditions, or improper maintenance practices are evident at the close of the Period. The extended period shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner, and shall be extended until the work is complete and acceptable to the Owner's Representative. 9. 7. Plant Products 9. 7 .1. Plant Material 9. 7.1.1. Label each plant group with full botanical name, species, and varieties on weatherproof tags attached securely to the plant before delivery to the site. Provide a minimum of one labeled plant for each five (5) plants in a group. Plants shall have a normal growth habit, be sound, healthy, vigorous and free from insect pests, insect eggs, plant diseases, sun scalds, fresh bark abrasions, excessive disfigurements, and meet or exceed the measurements specified. Trunks shall be sturdy and well "hardened-off''. Plants shall have normal well-developed, vigorous and fibrous root systems which are neither root, nor container-bound, are free of kinked or girdling roots. Plants shall have grown in their containers for at least six months, but not over two years. Plants that have cracked or broken rootballs shall be replaced with the same species, size, and character as specified. 9. 7.1.3. Groundcover plants shall be healthy vigorous rooted cuttings grown in flats for at least three months, but not over six months. Turf sod: See Drawings for sod type. Succulents: Shall be acquired from a licensed nursery. Provide the nursery suppliers to the Owner's Representative. Succulents shall be free of insects, mottled leaves, broken or split branches or trunks, scarring or any other uncharacteristic growth patterns. Obtain inspections, and secure permits or certificates required by the City, County, or State authorities prior to delivery to the site. 9.7.2. Soil Amendment and Fertilizer Soil Amendment: a blend of organic fractions with several degrees of breakdown rate, a long-lasting form of iron, trace elements, pH of 5.5 to 7.5, maximum salinity of 2.50 ECe, organic matter (dry weight basis) more than 90%, non-ionic wetting agent and total nitrogen content of 0.4 -0.8% ("Numex Lif' by John Deere Landscapes (800) 233-6933, or "A-1 Nutri-Gro" by Hanson Aggregates/A-1 Soils or approved equal). Gypsum: a commercially processed and packaged gypsum (CaSo4, H2O) Calcium Sulfate Product -94.3%. Ninety percent shall pass a 50 mesh screen. Iron Sulfate: a commercially processed and packaged product (FeSO4 H2O) Ferrous Sulphate Monohydrate -95.7%. Ninety percent passing a 50 mesh screen. Sulfur: a commercially processed and packaged product in elemental form (S) Sulfur -95.0%, capable of oxidizing over time and providing nutrient sulfur. Pelletized. Pre-plant Fertilizer for plants and lawns <and hydroseed slurries>: (5-3-1) with Soil Penetrant Added. Fertilizer and soil conditioner derived from organic materials consisting of higher plant form life, composted beyond the fibrous stage. Shall not contain any of the following: poultry, animal or human waste, pathogenic viruses, fly larvae, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides or poisonous chemicals that would inhibit plant growth. Physical properties: A uniform "Beaded" homogenous mixture - 100.00% passing through a #4 mesh screen -a water soluble bio-degradable binder is used to insure fast breakdown. Such as "Gro-Power Plus 5-3-1" as manufactured by Gro-Power®, Inc. (800) 473-1307, or approved equal. Nitrogen 5% minimum Phosphoric Acid 3% minimum Water Soluble Potash 1% minimum Humus 70% minimum HumicAcids 15% minimum Soluble Metallic Iron 1% minimum 9.7.3. 9.7.4. 9.7.5. 9.7.6. Soil Penetrant: (Alkyl Naphthalene Sodium Sulfonate.) 1% minimum Bacterial "stimulator":(Common soil and airborne organisms -aerobic, anaerobic, yeast and mold) 60,000 per 100 gram minimum Lawn Post-plant Fertilizer: (18-3-7): with 40% of the nitrogen a slow release SCU. 20% humus, 4% humic Acids, 4% sulfur, 1 % iron, 0.50% soil penetrant, and soil enhancers. Nitrogen source: 5.94% Ammoniacal Nitrogen, 4.86% Nitrate Nitrogen, 5.40% Sulphur Coated Slow-Release Nitrogen, 1.08% Urea Nitrogen. Gm-Power bacterial "stimulator" included -bacteria (common soil and airborne organisms - aerobic, anaerobic,) yeast and mold, minimum 60,000 per 100 gram. Such as "Gro-Power Premium Hi-Nitrogen 18-3-7" as manufactured by Gro-Power®, Inc. (800) 473-1307, no known equal. Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Soluble Potash IMPORT TOPSOIL 18% minimum 3% minimum 7% minimum Silt plus clay content of the import soil shall not exceed 20% by weight with a minimum 95% passing the 2.0 millimeter sieve. The sodium absorption rate (SAR) shall not exceed 6 and the electrical conductivity (ECe) of the saturation extract of this soil shall not exceed 3.0 millimhos per centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade. The boron content shall be no greater than 1 part per million as measured on the saturation extract. Submit results of agricultural soils analysis for review and approval by the Owner's Representative. STAKING AND GUYING MATERIALS Wood stakes shall be lodgepole pine, treated with copper napthenate. Stakes shall be straight shafts, shaved and cut clean and bare of branches and stubs, of uniform thickness with a minimum diameter of 2 inches, free of loose knots, splits or bends. Stakes for 24" box trees and smaller shall be no less than ten (10) feet in length. Stakes for 36" box trees and larger shall be no less than twelve (12) feet in length and 3" in diameter. Tree ties shall be flexible non-deteriorating self fastening, black rubber ties of sizes required to adequately support trees, Gro-Straight ties, Cinch-Tyes, or approved equal. MULCH Bark Mulch: Per the Drawings. "Pacific Mulch" -1"-3" Appearance grade, composed organic forest products, free of trash and other deleterious materials, with pathogens and weeds removed by temperature treatment available through John Deere Landscapes (800) 233-6933, or equal. Decomposed Granite Mulch: Per the Drawings. Double washed and graded to "3/4 minus" crushed stone "New California Gold" as supplied by KRC (760) 744-1035, Gail Materials (909)279.1095 or Southwest Boulder (800) 540-1147. Aeration Tubes Tubes: 4" dia. Schedule 40 PVC perforated pipe cut to length as shown on the Drawings. Grates: 4" National Diversified Sales (NDS) #76 plastic atrium drain grates. Tan in decomposed granite mulch. Black in bark mulch Green in turf. Filter Fabric or "sock": Trevira Spunbond, Typar 3341, Geoscape Landscape Fabric -2.5 oz., Commercial Grade", or approved equal. 9.7.7. 9.7,7.1. 9.7.8. 9.7.9. Soil Penetrating Agent "Sarvon" (no known equal), as supplied by John Deere Landscapes (800) 233-6933. Header Materials Headers: Corten Ten; Size per plan. Attachments: 3/8-inch SS lag screws, per details. Root Barrier Root barrier shall be "Typar Biobarrier" root control root fabric with Treflan, manufactured by Dow Elane□., as supplied by John Deere Landscapes (800) 233-6933 9.8. Examination 9.8.1. Examine areas to be planted before start of work, locate utilities, improvements, and easements, verify dimensions and areas shown on the Drawings with actual conditions, identify and tag existing plant material to remain. Document conditions which are in direct conflict with the Drawings and notify the Owner's Representative. Do not start work until conditions that would adversely affect performance, installation, or quality of the work have been corrected. Start of work of this Section constitutes acceptance of the conditions. Fir~• Ci'" Pe•~it -. 9.8.2. Weed Control Prior to commencement of the planting operations, remove all weeds including the roots, remove existing plant material including stumps designated not to remain, dispose of cleared and grubbed material at a legal refuse site. Prior to using herbicides, review procedures with the Owners Representative, and obtain written approval. Herbicide applications requiring government or agency approvals shall be performed by an operator licensed by the County. Protect existing plant material on site and on adjacent properties from exposure to herbicides and equipment. 9.8.3. Soil Preparation and Finish Grades Spread amendments over all planting areas indicated on the Drawings, and mechanically till and blend to a depth of six (6) -eight (8) inches. Prepare areas within the dripline of existing trees by hand, do not use mechanical tillers. Remove foreign material, construction debris, and rocks larger than 2" in diameter. Rake smooth and compact to the finish grades shown on the Drawings. Per the soils report, it is very important that planted areas are leached well with an irrigation before or just after planting that provides the equivalent of a 3-4" depth of water. Per soil report recommendations, spread evenly and thoroughly. Blend in the following ammendments. Amendments 1. Nitrogen Treated Redwood Sawdust 2. Soil Sulfur (90% S) 3. Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0) 4. Potassium Sulfate (0-0-50) 5. Ferrous Sulfate (31% Fe) Rate or Quantity/1,000 s.f. 6 cubic yards 75 lbs. 10 lbs. 20 lbs. 10 lbs. Float smooth and compact all soil preparation areas to 85% relative dry density, maintain positive drainage, flow lines, and swells to area drains, fine grade to within plus or minus 0.10 foot of the grades shown on the Drawings. 9.8.4. Percolation Tests Locate and prepare 1 O percolation test pits where indicated on the Drawings, and as describe herein. Excavate the pits as describe under the plant installation section, remove all loose material, and fill the pits with six inches (6") of water. After 12 hours refill with the same amount of water. Six hours after the second filling, inspect the pits with the Owner's Representative and document locations where water remains in the pit. If percolation problems occur, provide means and methods for correcting said problems. Planting operations at the locations identified shall be suspended as necessary or as directed by the Owner's Representative. Payment for corrective work shall be in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions. Proceeding with the work without written approval, does not entitle the Contractor to additional compensation for corrective work. 9.9. Plant Installation 9.9.1. Tree Layout: Flag or stake the tree locations as shown on the Drawings, and review with the Owner's Representative, the locations which conflict with new or existing utilities, foundations, paving, drainage flow lines and structures. Do not install trees in areas of conflict without review and approval from the Owner's Representative. 9.9.2. Shrub and Vine Layout: Place container plants at the locations shown on the Drawings. Proceed with the installation after review and approval by the Owner's Representative. 9.9.3. Plant Pits: Excavate planting pits to the minimum size and depth indicated on the Drawings. The pits shall have vertical sides and level or sloping bottoms with roughened surfaces. Pits may be larger to avoid damage or injury during installation, or due to other constraints. Notify the Owner's Representative of conditions where hardpan, adobe clay, or inadequate subgrade compaction are encountered. Planting operations at the locations identified shall be suspended pending corrective action provided by the Owner's Representative. 9.9.4. Placement: Center each tree, shrub or vine, set plumb, and hold rigidly in position until the planting backfill work is complete. Prior to backfilling, check for girdling or kinked roots, and correct the conditions according to accepted nursery practice. Set plants at a level that after settling results in the root crown to finish grade relationship shown on the Drawings. Specimen plants in 36" box size or larger shall be placed, positioned, and set with a crane. 9.9.5. Backfill and Compaction: Place backfill in maximum 6 inch layers. Puddle and tamp to 85% relative dry density prior to placement of each succeeding layer. Place plant tablets as indicated on the Drawings and in the quantities noted below, do not place plant tablets in direct contact with the rootball. At completion of the planting operation, thoroughly water-in each plant to the full depth of the plant pit. APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP DATE REVIEv/ED BY, L4.1C INSPECTOR DATE i"~I 1 '"'"201" SHEETS Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 ~ 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 32 Third Ci+u Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 PLANNING DIVISI□N \.~!lDSCA,o;-C----Lt.. ri+u .. . G:M .-•--1~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: ~ r,ot.DM~,v ~ "'<; /A,,. ' 1'! Fifth Citv Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL ~c.,'t-./ ,j'(") (,J~ ~d)t 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE :::! ..... / \ .. ,----.. ,.,,. ~ CARLSBAD. CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR -' : ( l~ I ;! ?i'' tz;; {ii [';ll I~ ; ~il;; if~' Signature o ELEMENT EDUCATION .; 12/31/11,_ I APPROVED: &-,-\..., I ,; • . j ;:tg; •ce.? * Renewal Dale * {ci\ Ly I::( I ..,;:ft:: . ·• ,.,. . -~~ . '.' ' · ..•. J',,_ 10/29/15 o;;·rn-,-_.,,,.--,.-,,: '! ''•"'-''' cC!!", ,f Date ~ / Wfi4 WllRDEi, .STREET i SAN DIE.GO, CA £2101 I';-'I-+ PLANNING ' OF CALI<() 61S.6lio.B547 i WWW.ROOTEDINPUtE.tOM DWN BY: 1~ I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: IG CT 04-11 442-4N DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG Backfill mixture shall be thoroughly blended, consisting of the following: Soil Conditioner 1 part Existing Soil 1 part Iron Sulfate 2 lb/cy of mix Soil Sulfur 1 lb/cy of mix Gypsum 25 lb/cy of mix Pre-plant Fertilizer (6-20-20) 4 lb/cy of mix Place planting tablets in the planting pits at the following rates: Plant Size Quantity Tablet Size liner and flat size plant 1 5gram 1 gallon container 1 21 gram 5 gallon container 2 21 gram 15 gallon container 3 21 gram box specimen 2 21 gram for each 12" of box size 9.10. Groundcover Installation 9.10.1. 9.10.2. Prior to planting, check soil moisture for acceptable levels and lightly irrigate area as necessary, do not install plants in dry soil. Install plants in staggered rows and evenly spaced at the intervals indicated on the Drawings. Excavate plant pits slightly larger than the rootball and place a 5 gram plant tablet in each pit, set plants to cover all roots, backfill, tamp, and rake area smooth. As each planting area is completed, thoroughly water-in the area to the full depth of the planting pits. 9 .11 . Sod Installation 9.11.1. 9.11.2. 9.11.3. Soil Preparation: Prepare areas as noted under Soil Preparation and Finish Grades, remove rocks, clods, and debris larger than 1" in its greatest dimension. Rake smooth and roll the area to compact and expose soil depressions or surface irregularities. Re-grade as necessary to achieve the finish grades indicated on the Drawings less the depth of the sod. Irrigate the area to thoroughly moisten soil and evenly broadcast the turf fertilizer (16-20-0) at the rate of one pound per 100 square feet, rake in lightly to a depth of 1". Installation: Place the first row of sod along a straight line. Butt joints tightly, do not overlap edges, and stagger the joints of succeeding rows. Use a sharp knife to cut the sod to fit curves, edges, around sprinkler heads, and other appurtenances. Water-in large areas to prevent drying, and continue to lay sod until installation is complete. After laying all sod, roll lightly to eliminate irregularities, and to form good contact between the sod and soil. Replacement: Replace dead or dying sod with equal material until completion of the maintenance period, or as directed by Owner's Representative. 9.12. Aeration Tubes 9.12.1. Wrap tubes with the fabric and set plumb in opposite corners of the planting pit. Place gravel and backfill mix as shown on the Drawings. Cut tubes to 2" above finish grade and cap with a drain grate. 9.13. Tree and Vine Staking, Pruning 9.13.1. Tree Staking: Remove nursery stakes and ties. Single or Double stake trees as noted 9.13.2. 9.13.3. and shown on the Drawings. Set stakes on the windward or uphill side of the tree, set vertical, and outside of the rootball. Remove stakes at the end of the Warranty Period. Vine Staking: Remove nursery stakes or trellis from vines, and spread or "fan out" the branches in a symmetrical form against the adjacent walls, columns, fences, or structures. Attach the branches as necessary with vine ties. Use clear silicone to attach ties to masonry, concrete, or stucco, and 4d galvanized nails to wood fences. Tree/Shrub Planting: At stair locations, prune all tree and shrub material per field direction from Owner's Representative to avoid conflict with stair towers. 9.14. Mulch Application 9.14.1. Fir Bark Mulch: At the completion of the planting work, rake smooth the areas indicated on the Drawings, and spread a 3" layer of mulch over the areas. 9.14.2. Decomposed Granite Mulch: At the completion of the planting work, rake smooth the areas indicated on the Drawings, and spread a 3" layer of mulch over the areas 9.15. Root Barrier 9.15.1. Root barrier shall be installed against hardscape features, not encircling tree pit or rootball. Install per manufacturer recommendations. 9.16. Clean Up 9.16.1. As the work progresses, maintain areas in a neat, clean, orderly manner, and remove unsightly debris as necessary. Al the completion of the work, sweep and clean all walks, parking, and other paved areas adjacent to plantings. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 10. LANDSCAPE BOULDERS 10.1. General 10.1.1. Protect rock during storage and construction from mixing with earth or other materials. 10.1.2. Identify adequate location for sorting and storage of each rock type on site. 10.2. Submittals 10.2.1. Product Data: For the following: Natural Landscape Boulders 10.2.2. Samples for Initial Selection: Photographs of each rock type, as indicated on Drawings, label with name, quarry source, color and size range. Provide photographs of a selection (50% more than number required) of boulders and slab rocks to choose from. 10.2.3. 10.2.4. Submit all rock types in one submittal. Natural Landscape Boulders: Submit three (3) photographs of each stone taken from different angles with name, size (height, width and length), color range and source. Tag each boulder and include boulder number in each photograph for identification purposes. Provide certification from rock quarry that all natural boulders are purchased from a SINGLE SOURCE SUPPLIER. Shop Drawings showing spot elevations and locations of all boulders including depth to be buried as appropriate 10.3. Products 10.3.1. Stone shall be boulders found naturally in the size and shapes specified. Quarries shall carefully excavate all natural boulders and protect them from unnecessary scaring and breakage. 10.3.2. Stone shall be sound, durable, hard, resistant to abrasion and free from laminations, weak cleavage planes, and the undesirable effects of weathering. It shall be of such character that it will not disintegrate from the action of air, water, or the conditions to be met in handling and placing. All material shall be clean and free from deleterious impurities, including alkali, earth, clay, refuse, and adherent coatings. 10.3.3. Stone to be supplied by KRC Rock, (760) 744-1036, Decorative Stone Solutions Contact Randy Jurgensen at (909) 202-9279 or National Quarries (760) 726-6246 or approved equal. 10.3.4. All boulders and slab rocks shall be free of graffiti. Graffiti is defined as paint or indelible markers which mar the appearance of the boulders. If graffiti removal is required, contractor shall prepare a schedule of materials and methods for graffiti removal and proposed methods of protecting the site from chemical contamination. The schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to proceeding with any graffiti removal. The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete removal of all graffiti during the contract and maintenance period under this item. 10.4. Execution 10.4.1. Prior to the placement of the landscape natural boulders or landscape slab stones, the subgrade surfaces shall be cut, filled, compacted, and graded to the lines and grades as shown on the project drawings. All subgrade surfaces shall be prepared so as to be reasonably smooth, and free of mounds, dips or windows. All paving shall also be installed and complete, pouring concrete around the landscape boulders will not be permitted. 10.4.2. 10.4.3. 10.4.4. 10.4.5. 10.4.6. 10.4.7. 10.4.8. The placement of fill to meet design grades and elevations shall be of an approved material and placement shall include adequate compaction of the materials. The Contractor shall provide for an adequate foundation under the natural boulders per the Drawings. No setting of boulders shall take place unless the Landscape Architect is present on the site. The locations of stones are designated in the Drawings; however the exact position of each stone shall be as directed by the Landscape Architect. The stone shall be placed by equipment on the surfaces and to the depths specified. The Stone shall be as to avoid displacement of the underlying subgrade or bedding aggregate. All rock shall have a maximum contact between the individual rock, without bridging or otherwise creating a void under the stone. The rock shall be firmly bedded, and may be placed by hand or by machinery. Contractor to take appropriate measures to avoid damage to stone and pavement. 11. COMPOSITE, SYNTHETIC AND OTHER DECKING 11.1. Submittals shall include product data for each type of process and factory-fabricated product. Indicate component materials and dimensions and include construction and application details. 11.1. 1. Include data for structural plastic wood including MSDS and Consumer Service Bulletins. 11.1.2. Samples: 12" long by 4 inch wide pieces of integral colored plastic lumber showing full range of available colors, five colors minimum. 11.1.3. Include data for Adhesive Anchoring System including manufacturer's specifications and curing time data. 11.2. Product delivery, storage, and handling 11.2.1. 11.2.2. 11.2.3. Stack decking flat with spacers spaced 2'-0" on center. Supports shall start at each end and line up vertically. Decking must be supported on a level plane, adjust support block accordingly. Do not stack decking higher than 6 units or 12'-0" in height. 11.2.4. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings. 11.3. Execution 11.3.1. 11.3.2. All fasteners shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations. Use composite deck screws that do not cause the "mushroom effect." Lumber can also be predrilled to reduce the "mushroom effect". Select fasteners of size that will not fully penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood; predrill as required. Install anchoring system per manufacturer's installation steps as listed in their product literature. 12. PLAY STRUCTURES 12.1. Submittals 12.1.1. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 12.1.2. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details for playground equipment and structures. 12.1.3. Coordination Drawings: Plans, drawn to scale, on which the following items are shown and coordinated with each other, based on input from installers of the items involved: Extent of surface systems and use zones for equipment. Critical heights for playground surface, or fall heights for equipment. 12.1.4. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of playground equipment and structure indicated. Manufacturer's color charts. Include similar Samples of playground equipment and accessories involving color selection. 12.1.5. Samples for Verification: For each type of exposed finish required, prepared on Samples of size indicated below. Posts and Rails: Not less than 6 inches long. Platforms: Not less than 6 inches square. Molded Plastic: Not less than 3 inches square. 12.1.6. Product Certificates: For each type of playground equipment, signed by product manufacturer. 12.1. 7. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturers certifying that installers comply with requirements. 12.1.8. Qualification Data: For Installer. 12.1.9. Material Certificates: For the following items, signed by manufacturers: Shop finishes. Recycled plastic. 12.1.10. Field quality-control test reports. 12.1.11. Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, for playground equipment 12.1.12. Maintenance Data: For playground equipment and finishes to include in maintenance manuals. 12.1.13. Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Section. 12.2. Execution 12.2.1. Install all playground equipment and play surfacing per manufacturer's recommendations and per the approved plans and specifications. Comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions, unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Anchor playground equipment securely, positioned at locations and elevations indicated. Coordinate installed heights of equipment and components with finished elevations of protective surfacing. Set equipment so fall heights and elevation requirements for age group use and accessibility are within required limits. Verify that playground equipment elevations comply with requirements for each type and component of equipment. 12.2.2. Install the full depth of approved ADA accessible play surfacing material per plan, details and specifications with perimeter barrier (mow curb), or deepened edge sidewalk, as specified per plan. Submit a sample to the landscape architect for approval prior to ordering. 12.2.3. Contractor shall ensure that all playground Fall Zones (a.k.a. Use Zones) are free and clear of one another as well as the perimeter barrier (mow curb). 12.2.4. 12.2.5. 12.2.6. 12.2.7. 12.2.8. 12.2.9. Contractor shall ensure that there is proper slope and drainage below the play surface to avoid the potential of standing water. Contractor shall immediately notify the landscape architect and client of any discrepancies found in the field not shown on the plans pnor to installation. All playground equipment and play surfaces must meet all ADA accessibility guidelines and meet all local, state and national code requirements. All playground equipment must be inspected and certified by a licensed NPSI (National Playground Safety Institute) CPSI (Certified Playground Safety Inspector), for approved equal certified inspector, prior to final acceptance of the project. To find a CPSI near you send an e-mail to certification@nrpa.org or call 703-858-0784. Provide a copy of the certification letter to the owner, the HOA (if applicable) and the landscape architect prior to final acceptance of the project. 13. PLAYGROUND PROTECTIVE SURFACING 13.1. General 13.1.1. Obtain playground surface system materials, including primers and binders, through one source from a single manufacturer. Provide secondary materials [including adhesives, primers, geosynthetics, and repair materials of type and from source recommended by manufacturer of playground surface system materials. 13.1.2. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit playground surface system installation to be performed according to manufacturers' written instructions and warranty requirements. 13.1.3. Coordinate installation of playground surface systems with installation of playground equipment specified in "Play Field Equipment and Structures." 13.1.4. Warranty Special Warranty : Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of playground surface system that fall in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 13.2. Submittal Failures include, but are not limited to, the following : Reduction in impact attenuation Deterioration of surface and other materials beyond normal weathering. Warranty Period : Five years from date of Substantial Completion. 13.2.1. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 13.2.2. Shop Drawings Show the following: Installation details for curbs, ramps, and accessories. Colors and pattern of surfaces. Location of wear mats in organic loose-fill surfaces. Location of drainage accessories. 13.2.3. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of playground surface system indicated. Include similar Samples of playground surface system and accessories involving color selection. 13.2.4. Samples for Verification: For each type of playground surface system indicated. Minimum 12-by-12-by-2-inch-(300-by-300-by-50-mm-) thickness with tapered edges square Sample of unitary synthetic seamless Minimum 12-by-12-inch (300-by-300-mm) Sample of geosynthetic fabric. 13.2.5. Qualification Data: For Installer and testing agency. 13.2.6. Material Test Reports: For the following, from a qualified testing agency, indicating compliance with requirements: Unitary synthetic seamless surface. 13.2. 7. Material Certificates: For each playground surface system product, signed by manufacturers. 13.2.8. Field quality-control test reports. 13.2.9. Maintenance Data: For playground surface system to include in maintenance manuals. 13.2.10. Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Section. 13.3. Products 13.3.1. Drainage/Separation Geotextile: Per manufacturer recommendation. 13.3.2. MANUFACTURERS In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to product selection: Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products specified. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the products specified. Basis-of-Design Product: The design for each product is based on the product named. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the named product or a comparable product by one of the other manufacturers specified. APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REV!E\-IED BY, L4.1D INSPECTOR DATE First Citv Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 ~ LS BAD m 1--~-t--~---+:Sc~e=cond Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 CITY OF CAR 1---+----i.aT-"h-'cir~d.-cC~icctyc..c.;::P:--e~rm~it~S""u"°"b~m=ccit'c"ta'"Cl"c7cc/1;--a6'"'/2':.:0~1 .. 5c--'--+---+-----,f----i--, 1 PLANNING DIV!SI □N 2 Fourth Cifu Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 :=L=A=N==D=s=cAP:'..':=E=r=M==P==R=o=VE;:M===EN=T:==P==L=AN===s===F==oR==.=. ====== 2364 WOHOEN ~TREH I SAN DIEilO, CA 92107 51!i.61l5:a547 1 www.ROOTEO!NPI.AtE.COM Fifth City Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION f------+--+-------------+---+--t--+------. (¾.&.J(_ eq--~..;k: 0· -i;_ 1-\.a I APPROVED: ,0 , • ,. (/ I 1---+----i-----------------+---+---1---~1---, PLANNING . Fros'\w~NT1BGYc', ==~==1r1==~P~R~O~JEfic~T~N~o~. =71 Fco~R~A~W~IN~G~N~o. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY IG >---~--,...--~----, : -,.,s---CT 04-11 442-4N OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL L'R'..'V'..'W."cD-:__,c8._.Y.:...: ==IG====.J DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 13 _ 4. Execution 13.4.1. Prepare substrates to receive surfacing products according to playground surface system manufacturer's written instructions. Verify that substrates are sound and without high spots, ridges, holes, and depressions. 13.4.2. 13.4.3. Install geosynthetics according to playground surface system manufacturer's and geosynthetic manufacturer's written instructions. Completely cover area indicated, overlapping sides and edges a per manufactures recommendation. Adhere edges on all sides to top of perimeter curb or footing. General: Comply with playground surface system manufacturer's written installation instructions. Install playground surface system over area and in thickness indicated. 13.5. Field Quality Control 13.5.1. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports. 13.5.2. 13.5.3. 13.5.4. 13.5.5. Testing Services: Testing and inspecting of completed applications of playground surface system shall take place according to ASTM F 1292. Remove and replace applications of playground surface system where test results indicate that it does not comply with requirements. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with requirements. Prevent traffic over system per manufacturer's recommendation. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS .fli1 ~· J: 11; ' ?ll1 ,. : ii . ;}'j: l "' ._ .. (~' ~ .. ,:, ----. . \·l I•"'•<- .· : -·---,; ----}~ >, ., . ,.... _, ::</ -,-, ,-.: i ,-c,;·;-i t 7 ; ,.r-:-:-\{, 2'364 WOHOEN STREET J SJ\N OH:qu, CA 02107 61S.o65.8547 I WWW.ROOTEDl!lP!.hCE.,,OM First Ci'" Permit Submittal 1/16/2015 Second Citv Permit Submittal 4/30/2015 Third Citv Permit Submittal 7/16/2015 \,~!lDSCA,o.,-Fourth Citv Permit Submittal 8/14/2015 <.,~ oo1DM~N , cf'-P. Fifth Ci+v Permit Submittal 9/09/2015 ~ o,>-.~ ., C' ~.... ~-:s:-(._) ~ . ·-· lr-:::.. ~ -. ~ ; gna~ure C) --< 12L31/lti *~nowol Dote * J',,_ 10/29115 ~ -'f Date ~' ,,..,. ~ OF CAI.I~() DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL APPROVED FOR /RR/GA T!ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP, DATE REVIE\./ED BY• L4.1E INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISl□N 2 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: DEHESA CHARTER SCHOOL 6797 EMBARCADERO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92011 DEVELOPED FOR ELEMENT EDUCATION I APPROVED: 1i:.cl: 6f ~-6'+ I (,.. •j, ~ PLANNING OWN BY: I I DRAWING NO. IG PROJECT NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY, IG CT 04-11 442-4N CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: IG